CAD01 Reviewer: at Once. Forces A Regeneration. Possible

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Polar Tracking

CAD01 With Polar Snaps on, AutoCAD shows the distances and
General Shortcut in AutoCAD angles being displayed as the cursor moves.
Ctrl + S - save file Ctrl + Y - redo  Modify Toolbar
Ctrl + Z - undo Ctrl + C - copy Erase - erase object
Ctrl + V - paste Ctrl + P - open plot Copy - used to copy one or more objects
 AutoCAD Interface Mirror - mirror an exact duplicate of an object
AutoCAD Version Number Extend - extend one line to another
- shows what autoCAD version you running Array - make rectangular or polar array of an object
Current Open Drawing Name Move - used to move objects
- shows the name of the drawing you currently have open. Rotate - used to rotate objects
Standard Toolbar - toolbar for standard commands Scale - used to make object larger or smaller
Pulldown Menus - easy acces to commands Trim - used to trim an object
Layers Toolbar - layer commands Chamfer - used to put chamfer between two lines
Edit Toolbar - access in editing commands Fillet - used to make fillet between two lines
Style Toolbar - access styles toolbar  Using Dimension
Properties Toolbar - access to property toolbar Linear - specify by picking two points on an object
Cursor - used to point to objects Alligned - specify by picking two points on an angle line
Draw Toolbar - access to draw commands Radius - specify by picking a radius on an object
Tool Palettes - access to tool palettes Diameter - specify by picking a circle
Scroll Bars - Used to scroll around drawing area Angular - specify ny picking two lines
Status Bar -Used to turn on and off settings Leader - specify by picking object
Command Line -Used to type commands from keyboard Center mask - specify by picking on circle or radius
Coordinate Readout -Used to keep track of cursor  Save to lower version of autocCAD to be able to ope in
location in drawing area other software
Sheet Set Manager - access sheet set manager  ‘acad.dwt’ - default format
 Select / deselect  Function Keys
Left to right - selects everything that the window crosses F1- Help Window
Right to left - selects everything that the window contains F2 - Text Window ON/OFF
ESC - deselect F3 - Osnap ON/OFF
 ZOOM F4 - 3D Osnap ON/OFF
- Increases or decreases the apparent size of objects in the F5 - Isoplane Top/Right/Left
current viewport F6 - Dynamic UCS ON/OFF
All -Places entire drawing (all visible layers) on display F7 - Grid Display ON/OFF
at once. Forces a regeneration. F8 - Ortho ON/OFF
Extents - Displays current drawing content as large as F9 - Grid Snap ON/OFF
F10 - Polar tracking ON/OFF
F11 - Object Snap Tracking ON/OFF
Previous - Restores previous view. F12 - Dynamic Input ON/OFF
Window - Designates rectangular area to be drawn as UCS - (User Coordinate System) is a moveable Cartesian
large as possible. coordinate system that establishes the XY work plane,
Number - Magnification relative to ZOOM All display horizontal and vertical directions, axes of rotation, and other
Number X - Magnification relative to current display useful geometric references
(1X) Osnap - are drawing aids which are used in conjunction
Center - Specifies center point and new display height. with other commands to help you draw accurately
Dynamic - Permits you to pan a box representing the 3D Osnap - is used to specify a precise location
viewing screen around the entire generated on 3D objects
portion of the drawing and enlarge or shrink it. Isoplane - allows you to easily draw at a 30 degree angle as
RELATIVE COORDINATE ENTRY needed for an isometric drawing.
- does not count from 0,0. Instead, the reference point is the Ortho - used to restrict cursor movement to specific
previous point in the drawing. directions. It allows the cursor movement only in the vertical
POLAR COORDINATE SYSTEM and horizontal direction.
- Polar coordinates are named for their “pole”; the reference Snap Grid. The grid that aligns (snaps) objects during
point to start counting from, which is similar in concept to drawing and editing, when Snap to Grid is active.
the origin. Polar coordinates employ one radial distance and Polar tracking restricts cursor movement to specified
one angle (by convention, the angle is measured angles. PolarSnap restricts cursor movement to specified
counterclockwise from the x-axis). increments along a polar angle
Dynamic Input Object Snap Tracking - shows the snapping reference
- Dynamic Input provides a command interface near the lines. It displays the snapping lines on the position of the
cursor to help you keep your focus in the drafting area. cursor. Object Snap Tracking is used when we want to
Orthogonal Lines align the lines or the parts of any object.
- Controls lines from being drawn at various angles to Dynamic input provides a command interface near the
straight lines. pointing device in the drawing area
Horizontal communication is the transmission of
GEC06 information between people, divisions, departments or
 MODULE 1 units within the same level of organizational hierarchy.
“Communication works for those who work at it” Crosswise or Diagonal Communication: When
-John Powell information flows between or among the persons at
Communication - Latin word “communicare” means different level who have no direct reporting relationship
‘to make common’ (Weekley, 1967) or ‘to share’ with each other
(DeVito, 1986) Downward communication flows from the upper to
the lower positions
 THE PROCESS OF COMMUNICATION Intercultural Communication respect for linguistic,
1. SOURCE - The sender of the message. religious, ethnic, social, and professional differences is
2. MESSAGE - This is the information that you foregrounded
wanted to convey; without it, you have no reason for
communicating. Formal - research, project, business
3. ENCODING - This is the process of converting your Informal - friends, family
idea or thoughts of the information into verbal or ARISTOTLE’s Model of Communication
nonverbal symbols that can be understood by the - focused on speaker and speech. 5 primary
receiver. elements: Speaker, Speech, Occasion,
4. CHANNEL- This is the manner in which the
Audience and Effect (e.g. public speech)
message or information is conveyed.
5. DECODING - This is the receiver’s mental BERLO’s Model of Communication
processing of your message into the meaning suggested - takes into consideration the emotional aspect
by the sender. of the message (SMCR)
6. RECEIVER - This is the person who will get your Source: The source is where the message
message. originates
7. FEEDBACK - This is the receiver’s response to the
Message; Content is the body of a message
8. CONTEXT - This refers to the situation in which Channel: It refers to the five senses
the communication takes place. It includes the Receiver: The receiver needs to think all the
environment, relationship between communicators, contents and elements of the source, so as to
respective cultural backgrounds and past experiences communicate/responds to sender effectively
and the topics/subjects of the communication (Hall, SHANNON-WEAVER’s Model of Communication
1997 in Chase & Shamo, 2013) - Noise
Schramm Model of Communication
 COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN - Circular Model / Traditional Model
1. Physical noise. It refers to the distractions in the Helical Model of Communication
environment that make it difficult to hear or pay - communication is dynamic and non-linear process
attention. - example, cars screeching, air conditioners KEY PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION (King,
humming and loud music. 2000) Interpersonal communication is…
2. Psychological noise. It pertains to mechanisms 1. Inescapable. through tone of voice and through
within individuals that restrict a sender’s or receiver’s gesture, posture, facial expression
ability to express and/or understand messages clearly. It 2. Irreversible. You can't really take back
also includes biases and prejudices that lead to something once it has been said
distortions in receiving and processing information. 3. Complicated. 1) who you think you are;
Close mindedness is an example of this noise. 2) who you think the other person is;
3. Semantic noise. “the interference due to the 3) who you think the other person thinks you are;
receiver failing to grasp the meanings intended by the 4) who the other person thinks /she is;
sender.” according to DeVito 5) who the other person thinks you are;
- examples Jargon, technical, or complex terms 6) who the other person thinks you think s/he is.
Intrapersonal-, the Latin prefix meaning within and 4. Contextual. Communication does not happen in
inside, is the core of this concept. It suggests that there isolation Factors:
is only one person in this type of communication. 1. Psychological (who you are: needs, desires, values,
Interpersonal-, the Latin prefix meaning between, beliefs, personality)
among, and together, completes the concept of 2. Relational (reactions based on relationship: boss,
communication between and among interlocutors. colleague, friend)
Upward communication basically allows for 3. Situational (psycho-social “where” you are
subordinates to send a message to their superior communicating)
4. Environmental (physical setting “where” you are IMPACTS OF GLOBALIZATION ON
communicating) COMMUNICATION
5. Cultural ( learned behaviors and rules) 1. Virtual Interactions
Morals are our own set of rules (personal) 2. Cultural Awareness in Speech
Ethics are rules accepted and approved by 3. Cultural Awareness in Body Language
4. Time Differences
society (societal)
 ETHICS IN COMMUNICATION The positive ef ects of globalization
(Johnston, 1994) 1 . Reducing the sense of isolation of poor countries.
1. MUTUALITY. Pay attention to the needs of 2. Expanding the Information Society and Enhancing
others, as well as yours. Access To Information.
2. INDIVIDUAL DIGNITY. Do not cause 3. Increasing the speed of commercial, financial and
technological operations.
another person embarrassment or a loss
4. Globalization can be a factor in integrating people
ofdignity. into the world community.
3. ACCURACY. Ensure that others have 5. Efficiency of the entire economic activity at the
accurate information. planetary level.
communication to commence with one another. Negative ef ects of globalization
1. Security deficit, poverty, personal insecurity,
5. ACCOUNTABILITY. Be responsible for
migration turns into a global threat;
the consequences of your relationships 2. 2. There are no national solutions to transnational
andcommunication. issues;
6. AUDIENCE. Both the sender and receiver 3. Demographic Deficit: is narrow national intellectual
have 100% responsibility to ensure that potential and increase export of human resources;
message isunderstood. 4. Ecology deficiency: the natural world of the world
is rapidly deteriorating in line with the growth of the
7. RELATIVE TRUTH. Your point of view
national and global economy;
may not be shared by others. 5. Reducing the number of jobs.
8. ENDS vs. MEANS. Be sure that the end  MODULE 3
goal of your communication and the means of “Culture is the name for what people are
getting to that end are both ethical interested in, their thoughts, their models, the
9. USE OF POWER. In situations where you books they read and the speeches they hear”
have more power than others, you have more -Walter Lippmann
responsibility for the outcome.
Balance your rights against your “It is the learned and shared behavior of a
responsibilities. community of interacting human beings”
 MODULE 2 (Useem & Useem, 1963)
“No generation has had the opportunity, as we now
have, to build a global economy that leaves no-one
behind. It is a wonderful opportunity, but also a “a system of beliefs, assumptions and values
profound responsibility.” shared by a group of people (Fielding, 1996 in
- Former U.S. President Bill Clinton Singh & Rampersad, 2010)
Globalization is the process of bringing people
together and making them and exchange ideas in “shared patterns of behaviors and interaction,
traditional borders (Nowaczyk, 2017).
cognitive constructs and affective
“The world driven largely by advances in technology,
has become inextricably interconnected across understanding that are learned through a
distances and other boundaries (Downing, 2007). process of socialization” (Center for Advanced
Globalization is the increasing economic, political and Research in LanguageAcquisition, n.d.).
cultural integration and interdependence of diverse
cultures (Gamble & Gamble, 2013). “learned set of shared interpretations about
Global village is one world interconnected by an
beliefs, values and norms that affect the
electronic nervous system (media).
behaviors of a relatively large group of people Nature of Common Cultural Differences
(Lustig & Koestner, 2003) (Four Basic Traits)
A. Characteristics of Culture (Chase and Shamo, 1. Leadership – power of influence
2013)\ 2. Work Productivity
1. Learned not innate. We think and act as Filipinos a. Masculine culture b. Feminine culture
because our parents brought us up this way. We 3. Group Allegiance – individual and group orientation
acquired complete knowledge and understanding of our a. Individualistic culture (I) - use personal
cultural norms from our parents, teachers, relatives and characteristics and achievements to define themselves
friends. Our cultural norms satisfy us, we accept them and value individual welfare.
as true and we follow them b. Collectivist culture (We)- define themselves as
2. Shared. We act as members of our own cultural members of groups, which can be clans or
group not as individual. Fitting into the group means communities. In these cultures, people consider
acceptance and fellowship common goals and the group’s welfare most important
3. Multifaceted. We are surrounded by cultural norms 4. Task Commitment
that affect language, religion, basic world view, a. High-context culture -the information is already in
education, technology, organization, politics and law all the person, while very little is in the coded, explicitly
interacting with one another. transmitted part of the message - people are deeply
4. Dynamic. Cultures constantly change as cultural involved with each other. - information is widely
contact increases, new technology emerge, and shared through simple messages with deep meaning
economic conditions vary. (Hall, 1976 in Bai, 2016) - communication style is
5. Overlapping. We belong to multiple, overlapping more implicit and indirect
cultures as we interact with one another. Some of these b. Low-context culture- information is vested in the
cultures work together while others clash. explicit code -highly individualized, and there is
 Adaptation to New Cultures relatively little involvement with others
Melting pot. A place where people of various races or -communication between people is more explicit, direct
cultures live together and gradually create one and non-personal
community. Ways of Adaptation  BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE
 Without sacrificing the characteristics of its own 1. Ethnocentrism- usually defined as a kind of ethnic
culture or cultural group egocentrism, which involves a belief
 A positive kind of adaptation  in the superiority of one’s own group, including its
 Healthy intermingling of two unique cultures values and practices, and often contempt, hatred, and
2. Cultural Assimilation  hostility towards those outside the group
 Often losing the aspects of their traditional culture 2. Stereotypes - “pictures in our heads.”
in the process  - giving of certain attributes, labels, or
 Happens when immigrants voluntarily adopt their stigmas to groups or classes.
new country’s language and cultural practices 3. Prejudice - refers to a primary negative perception
3. Cultural multiculturalism  or irrational judgement -created by individuals on the
 Cultural diversity is encouraged and valued  basis of race, ethnicity, religion, cast or language
 Cultures should be accorded special 4. Assumed Similarities - Sometimes people assume
acknowledgement of their differences within a that two cultures are not different, but are similar in
dominant political culture their nature
 Engagement with and respect toward people from 5. Anxiety - a state of human condition where a person
distinctly different cultures (Gamble & Gamble, has a feeling of unease and nervousness
4. Cultural Accommodation  COMMUNICATION
 Accommodation in the public sphere while 1. Technology provides us with unlimitedinformation.
maintaining the parent culture in the private 2. It creates opportunities for meeting new people.
sphere 3. It helps us keep in touch with family and friends
 Maintaining their cultural identity even while they anywhere in theworld.
strive to establish relationships with the members 4. It brings new diversity to our culture and our lives.
of the dominant culture. 5. It foster better cooperation among different cultural
5. Cultural Separation  groups.
 Refusing to interact or join the dominant culture 6. It isolates us.
 Prefers to interact with the members of their own 7. It can make us create second lives.
culture 
 Often known as outsiders
GEC 11
CHED Memorandum Order No. 20, series of 2013
- na nag-aatas ng pagpapatupad ng bagong
General Education (GEC)
- K TO 12
Abril 2018 , CMO No. 04 series of 2018
- upang ipatupad ang nasabing resolusyon ng
Korte Suprema


Artikulo XIV Konstitusyong 1987
- ang legal na batayan ng konsepto ng
Filipino bilang wikang Pambansa,wika ng
opisyal na komunikasyon, at bilang wikang
panturo sa Pilipinas.
Seksyon 6 - Ang wikang pambansa ng Pilipinas
ay Filipino.
Seksyon 7. layunin ng komunikasyon at
pagtuturo, ang mga wikang opisyal ng
Pilipinas ay Filipino
Konstitusyong 1987
- pangalawang wikang opisyal lamang na
maaaring alisin
- di maaaring tibagin at alisin bilang
wikang opisyal
- ang paggamit ng wikang Filipino bilang
wika ng opisyal na komunikasyon ng gobyerno
Gimenez Maceda - Ang pagggamit ng Filipino
bilang wika ng pananaliksik at akademikong
diskurso ay makapagpapalawak sa kaalaman at
makapag-aalis sa agwat na namamagitan sa mga
intelektwal at sa masa.
Constantino - “ang wikang Filipino ay
wikang mapagpalaya. Ito ang magiging wika ng
tunay na Pilipino,”
Imported na produkto – nananatiling
mahalagang panangga sa daluyong ng kultural
na hemogenisasyon
- promotor ng globalisasyon
Bienvenido Lumbera

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