NNR Becker
NNR Becker
NNR Becker
Mr A J Dorer
Chennels Albertyn
P.O.Box 78
Dear Sirs
1. | confirm your advises in your letter dated 21 October 2021 that you act for Mr Peter
Becker, who was appointed to the Board of the National Nuclear Regulator by me on
10 June 2021.
2. | was informed by the Chairperson of the Board that Mr Becker’s conduct prompted
the Board to procure a legal opinion to establish whether his conduct poses a conflict
with his role and fiduciary duty as a member of the Board. | am in receipt of the
opinion dated 6 October 2021 by K T Diong of MacRobert Attorneys. This opinion
was shared with Mr Becker on or about 8 October 2021.
While Mr Becker indicated that he disputes the contents of the opinion, he has not
made any written representations to me.
In terms of section 9(1) of the National Nuclear Regulator Act No. 47 of 1999
(hereafter referred to as “the Act’), in my capacity as the Minister of Mineral
Resources and Energy, | am empowered to discharge a Director of the Board at any
time, amongst others, for misconduct or repeatedly failure to perform his or her
functions efficiently.
As the allegations levelled against Mr Becker are of a serious nature, and his
continued presence on the Board may prejudice its effective and efficient
functioning, | consider it prudent to suspend Mr Becker. ! hereby suspend Mr
Becker from office as a Director of the Board with immediate effect, pending my
final decision under section 9(1) of the Act.
Yourg sincer¢ly
DATE:/¢/o! /po22
Copy to:
Chairperson of the National Nuclear Regulator