Understanding Culture, Society and Politics: Quarter 2 Learning

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Understanding Culture, Society

and Politics

Quarter 2 Learning
Activity Sheet 10
Suggest ways to address social inequalities; and examine
human responses to emerging challenges in contemporary

Negros Occidental High School

societies (local, national, global)
Grade 12
UCSP: Week 4 - LAS 10-2nd Grading
● Suggest ways to address social inequalities (local, national, global) ●
Examine human responses to emerging challenges in contemporary
societies First Edition, 2021
Published in the Philippines
Negros Occidental High School
Corner Araneta-Hernaez Sts.,
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

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This UCSP Learning Kit is developed by the Negros Occidental High School
and to be utilized by its teachers and students only.

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The UCSP Learning Kit is a product of the collaborative efforts of the Negros
Occidental High School HUMSS Coordinators, writers, illustrators, layout artists, enhancers,
reviewers, editors, and Quality Assurance Team. This/ is developed to guide you dear
learning facilitators in helping our learners meet the standards set by the K to 12

The UCSP Learning Kit aims to guide our learners in accomplishing activities at
their own pace and time. This also aims to assist learners in developing and achieving the
lifelong learning skills while considering their needs and situations.

For the learning facilitator:

The UCSP Learning Kit is developed to address the current needs of the learner to
continue learning in the comforts of their homes or learning centers. As the learning
facilitator, make sure that you give them clear instructions on how to study and accomplish
the given activities in the material. Learner’s progress must be monitored.

For the learner:

The UCSP Learning Kit is developed to help you, dear learner, in your needs to
continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material aims to primarily
provide you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an
active learner, carefully read, understand and follow the instructions given.



I. Most Essential Learning Competency with Code

Suggest ways to address social inequalities (local, national, global)
Examine human responses to emerging challenges in contemporary societies
II. Background Information for Learners
Social inequality is the existence of uneven opportunities and rewards for a diverse
social positions or statuses within a group or society. It happens when resources, in
whatever nature, are distributed unevenly in most societies.
Social inequalities are correlated also to gender inequality (women and LGBT),
ethnic minorities, racial inequality and persons with disabilities, etc.

Gender and sexual orientation have been a subject in inequality. Traditionally,

women were regarded as placed in the lower social status in the society compared to men.
Men were accorded to have more social and political rights. In these modern societies,
though there are already many women representations in the civil society, the culture of
stereotyping is still evident. They are also subjected to abuse and violence.

A similar situation is also experienced by the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual,

transgender) community whose gender preferences are subject to discrimination in the

Ethnic minorities, as we usually call them taga-bukid (from the hinterlands), are
also subject to social discrimination – the cultural marginalization that they experience from
the dominant majority. They are also victims of stereotyping, abuse and violence.

Persons with disabilities (PWD) or differently-abled persons are also victims of

inequality and deprived of the opportunities in the society especially in the employment
sector due to their physical impairments.

Minorities in the social structure. Members of the society that have more power
than others are called dominant members. Dominant members set the standards in the
society. They enjoy more privileges such as better houses, better schools, and higher
income. On the other hand, those who are barred from such privileges and opportunities
are called the minorities. They are usually denied by the equal treatment of the majorities or

Discrimination and prejudice. Discrimination happens when minorities are being

deprived of equal treatment and are kept in a lower status by the dominant members of the
society and the resistance of equality.

Closely linked to discrimination is prejudice. Prejudice can be either positive or

negative but most of the times it connotes negativity. Prejudice is defined as a negative
attitude toward the members of a particular group. It is a prejudgment of others that allows
us to brand or label them in various negative ways. Discrimination is an act while prejudice
is an attitude.

Stereotyping refers to our tendency to picture all members of a particular category

as having the same qualities. Usually, stereotyping is a result of over generalization.

Ethnocentrism is the belief that our nation, race, or group is the best or superior
than others.
Scapegoating. This is a situation when people encounter problems that they do not
know how to solve it. Often, they feel frustrated and eventually it leads to aggression. When
it happens, people usually look someone or something else to be blamed for their own
troubles or problems.

Racism. It is the belief that one’s own race is superior and has the right to control or
direct others.

There are ways to address this social inequality issues. First, there should be
enough laws to protect these vulnerable groups in the society. If laws are already made
available, execution of these laws should be strengthened.

Another way is to promote programs and projects from the government and non-
government organizations for these groups. Educate the public, in whatever avenue, to
address the culture of social inequality.

III. ACTIVITY PROPER A. General Instruction

In this Learning Activity Sheet, you will need to accomplish activities so that you will
be able to. Summative Test and Performance Task (are recorded), are given at
the bottom part of this Learning Activity Sheet (LAS).
B. Exercises/activities: (formative test) write answers on a scratch or your notebook.
“3-2-1, Action!”

1. It’s research time. Choose a group in the society (Men, Women. LGBT, Ethnic
Groups, PWD, and racism).
2. Identify social and political inequalities they have been experiencing at the
C. Guide Questions
1. Identify a program or initiative undertaken by the government to address the
2. Evaluate whether the program has been effective in resolving the issues or it
needs to be improved. If it needs to be improved, propose ways to resolve the
D. Scoring Rubrics for the Summative test 1 (essay).
Criteria Rating

Content and ideas are organized in a clear, logical manner. 10 8 6 4 2

The paper provides adequate if not complete background information. 5 4 3 2 1

The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1

Total points (15)

How to address social and political inequalities in our society?
Activity 1 answer may vary
Activity 2 answer may vary

1. Contreras, et.al. 2016. Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics, Phoenix

Publishing House Giddens, Anthony.1997. Sociology Third Edition, Blackwell
Publishers Ltd, 108 Cowley Road Oxford OX4 1JF, UK.
Name: MARION DOMINO Gr. & Sec:12 STEM-
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
LAS 4: suggest ways to address social inequalities (local, national,
Summative Test 4
Instruction: write in paragraph form of not less than 100 words about the following:
Choose only (1) one topic.


(write answer here)

This essay will concentrate on and revolve around the inequity suffered by the LGBT
community, while keeping in mind that many other communities are suffering as a result of the
injustice produced by prejudice. There are several forms of communities, but they all have the
same premise: to assist one another inside that group. Individuals in LGBTQ groups are free to
express themselves openly without fear of discrimination. These communities have provided an
escape for its members from the stigmatization of the LGBTQ community by a still mainly
uninformed society. Communities are beneficial as long as there is no hatred among them. Rancor
in an LGBQT community reduces the group's capacity to properly provide for people who identify
as LGBTQ and seek its support.

Since its inception, the LGBTQ community has been one of the most discriminated-against
groups in the world, since they are denied basic rights that other people enjoy. In our culture
today, it is still legal to discriminate against someone based on their sexual orientation or gender
identity. Every day, members of the LGBTQ community experience harassment from strangers or
individuals they know directly. According to statistics, members of this group are twice as likely as
heterosexual or cisgender people to be physically abused (someone who identifies as the sex
assigned since birth). Discrimination is also highly widespread in the households of persons who
identify as part of this group; studies reveal that 42 percent of LGBTQ people live in homes where
they are not welcomed.

Discrimination and harassment of LGBTQ students in schools is a big problem. One poll
found that 85 percent of LGBTQ students had suffered verbal assault. Other forms of bias occur in
schools, such as the lack of restroom facilities for transgender or non-binary kids. When utilizing
the male or female school restrooms, students who identify as one of these are subjected to
verbal and physical harassment. Despite the goal of schools to provide a safe learning
environment, most LGBTQ issues are ignored or dismissed.

Members of the LGBTQ community are sometimes turned down for jobs because of their
sexual orientation. Members of this category are also known to get paid significantly less than their
colleagues. Millions of LGBTQ persons continue to face job discrimination since there are no true
laws protecting them.

Name: Gr. & Sec:

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
LAS 4: examine human responses to emerging challenges in
contemporary societies

Poster making

As a student, you are task to make a poster promoting social and political equality in our

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