Grade 9 Chemistry PT 2 Paper 2

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Date: 02/08/2021 Progression Test 1 Duration: 40 minutes


CLASS: 9 DIV: SUBJECT: Chemistry – Paper 2

Teacher feedback:

Understanding of following concepts: Needs to work Good Excellent

6.Chemical Reactions

7.Acids, bases & Salts

1. Zinc oxide is amphoteric. Describe two simple experiments to show that zinc oxide is amphoteric.
Name the reagents you would use and describe the observations you would make.

reagent 1 ...................................................................................................................................

observation ................................................................................................................................

reagent 2 ...................................................................................................................................
observation ................................................................................................................................ [3]

2. Insoluble salts can be made by precipitation reactions. A student mixed solutions of some soluble

The results the student obtained are shown in the table.

All sodium salts are soluble in water.

Use only results from the table to answer the following questions.

(a) Name:
(i) an insoluble cobalt salt ................................................................................................. [1]

(ii) an insoluble yellow lead salt. ........................................................................................ [1]

(b) Write the chemical equation for the reaction in which silver carbonate is
formed. .............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(c) Write the ionic equation for the reaction in which lead(II) iodide is
formed. ..............................................................................................................................................
(d) Aqueous silver nitrate produces a yellow precipitate with both iodide ions and carbonate ions.
When testing an unknown solution for iodide ions, the aqueous silver nitrate is acidified.

Explain why the aqueous silver nitrate is

acidified. ....................................................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

3. Iron has two oxidation states +2 and +3. There are two possible equations for the redox reaction
between iron and bromine.

(i) Indicate, on the first equation, the change which is oxidation. Give a reason for your
choice. .................................................................................................................................... ...................
........................................................................................................... [2]

ii) Which substance in the first equation is the reductant (reducing

agent)? ..............................................................................................................................

4. Complete the following equations for reactions.

(i) CuO + H2SO4…………. +…………….. [2]
(ii) K2CO3+H2SO4…………… +………….. +………. [2]

5.The manufacture of sulfuric acid by the Contact process occurs in four stages.
stage 1 Molten sulfur is burned in air to produce sulfur dioxide gas.
stage 2 Sulfur dioxide is reacted with oxygen to form sulfur trioxide.
stage 3 Sulfur trioxide is converted to form oleum , H 2S2O7.
stage 4 Oleum is converted to sulfuric acid.

(i) Complete the chemical equation for stage 1 by adding the appropriate state symbols. [1]

(ii) Name the catalyst used in stage 2 and state the temperature used. [2]
Catalyst ............................................
temperature ..................................... °C

(iii) Write chemical equations for the reactions in stage 3 and stage 4.
stage 3 ...............................................................................................................................
stage 4 ............................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) Sulfur dioxide is a toxic gas.

(i) State one environmental reason why sulfur dioxide should not be released into the
atmosphere. .......................................................................................................................................

6.The following equation represents the equilibrium in the Contact process.

The forward reaction is exothermic. The reaction is usually carried out at a temperature between
400 and 450 °C.
(i) What is the effect on the position of equilibrium of using a temperature above 450 °C?
Explain your answer.
....................................................................................................................................... [2]

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