Criminal Procedure: Remedial Law, Definition
Criminal Procedure: Remedial Law, Definition
Criminal Procedure: Remedial Law, Definition
Willard B. Riano, Criminal Procedure, 2019 edition Ibid.
G.R. Nos. L-2068, October 20, 1948 Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th Ed., 1979.
36 C. J., 27; 52 C. J. S., 1026. Criminal Procedure, the bar lecture series by Willard B
Riano, p. 22
As applied to criminal law, procedural law before the court which hears them impartially and
provides or regulates the steps by which one renders judgment only after trial.
who has committed a crime is to be punished. 9
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Territorial
Each side tries to convince the court that its position is over the over the Person Jurisdiction
the correct version of the truth. Subject matter of the accused
Requisites before a court can validly exercise its power to hear
2. In this system, the accusation starts with a and try a case:
It must have It must have It must have
formal indictment called as a complaint or an
jurisdiction over jurisdiction over jurisdiction over
information, the allegation in which must be the subject matter. the person of the the territory where
proven by the government beyond reasonable accused. the offense was
doubt. committed.
How to acquire jurisdiction
a. The government and the accused Is conferred by law Acquired upon: To acquire:
present their evidence before the court – the law not the
which shall decide either on acquittal ROC which a) his arrest or The offense should
designates the apprehension, with have been
or conviction of the accused. court which has or without a committed or any
b. In its decision -making process, the jurisdiction over a warrant, or one of its essential
court shall consider no evidence which particular offense. b) his voluntary ingredients should
appearance or have taken place
has not been formally offered. Statute in force at submission to the within the
c. The court, in this system, therefore, has commencement of jurisdiction of the territorial
a passive role and relies largely on the actions determines court. jurisdiction of the
the jurisdiction court.
evidence presented by both sides to the
How jurisdiction is determined
action in order to reach a verdict. Determined by Determined by Determined by
allegations in the allegations in the allegations in the
complaint or complaint or complaint or
information information information
In this system, the court plays a very active role JURISDICTION OVER THE SUBJECT MATTER
and is not limited to the evidence presented
before it. Refers to the authority of the court to hear and
The court may utilize evidence gathered outside determine a particular criminal case. It is, in
the court and a judge or a group of judges simple terms, jurisdiction over the offense
under this system actively participates in the charged.
gathering of facts and evidence instead of
passively receiving information or evidence
from the parties. Nature of the offense;
The judge steers the course of the proceedings Authority of the court to impose the penalty
by directing and supervising the gathering of imposable given the allegation in the
the evidence and the questioning of the information;
witnesses to the case. Territorial jurisdiction of the court imposing the
Thus, the counsels in the inquisitorial system penalty.
have less active roles than they have in the
adversarial system.
Queto v. Catolico, 31 SCRA 52, 58
1. Jurisdiction is conferred by law, and lack of it c. It is not conferred or acquired by the
affects the very authority of the court to take unilateral assumption thereof by any
cognizance of and to render judgement on the tribunal.17
action.11 d. It is not conferred by mere
a. A void judgment for want of jurisdiction administrative policy of any trial court. 18
is no judgment at all, and cannot be the e. It cannot likewise be conferred by an
source of any right nor the creator of erroneous belief of the court that it had
any obligation.12 jurisdiction.19
b. While jurisdiction is conferred by law,
the rule is that the allegations in the
complaint determine both the nature of How jurisdiction over the subject matter is determined:
the action and the jurisdiction of the
court. The cause of action in a While jurisdiction of courts is conferred by law,
complaint is not what the designation jurisdiction over a criminal case is determined
of the complaint states, but what the by the allegations in the complaint or
allegations in the body of the complaint information.
define and describe. The designation or The court, must look into the allegations of the
caption is not controlling, for the written accusation for it to know whether or
caption is not even an indispensable not, it has jurisdiction over the offense charged
part of the complaint.13 therein.
2. Jurisdiction over the subject matter in a criminal If the facts set out in the complaint or
case cannot be conferred upon the court by the information are sufficient to show that the
accused, express waiver or otherwise, since court has jurisdiction, then that court indeed
such jurisdiction is conferred by the sovereign has jurisdiction. Otherwise, it has no
authority which organized the court, and is jurisdiction.
given only by law in the manner and form To illustrate: In one criminal case, the
prescribed by law.14 information states that the accused, “conspiring
a. It cannot be presumed or implied but together and mutually helping with one
must appear clearly from the law or it another, taking advantage of their superior
will not be held to exist. It cannot be strength, as elements of the Philippine Army,
conferred by the agreement of the armed with their government-issued firearms
parties; or by the court’s acquiescence; with intent to kill, by means of treachery and
or by the erroneous belief of the court evident premeditation, did then and there
that it had jurisdiction; or by the waiver willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack,
of objections; or by the silence of the assault and shoot the victims, hitting them on
parties.15 different parts of their bodies, thereby inflicting
b. It cannot be acquired through a waiver them multiple gunshot wounds which caused
or enlarged by the omission of the their deaths.” The allegations clearly indicate
parties or conferred by the the alleged commission of the crime of murder.
acquiescence of the court. 16 Murder is a crime punishable under ART 248 of
the RPC and is within the jurisdiction of the
Regional Trial Court. Hence, irrespective of
whether the killing was actually justified or not,
jurisdiction to try the crime charged against the
Balibago Faith Baptist Church Inc v. Faith in Christ Jesus respondent is vested upon the RTC by law. 20
Baptist, G.R. No. 191527
12 17
Cabrera v. Clarin, G.R. No. 215640 Tolentino v. Social Security Commission, 138 SCRA 173,
G.R. No 191527 180-181
14 18
Fukuzume v. People, G.R 474 SCRA 570, 583 Cudia v. CA, 284 SCRA 173, 180-181
15 19
Salvador v. Patricia, Inc., G.R. No. 195834 Azarcon v. Sandiganbayan, 268 SCRA 747, 763
16 20
Atienza v. People, G.R. No. 188694 Rapsing v. Ables, 684 SCRA 195,200-201
It has been ruled that the jurisdiction of the How acquired:
court is not determined by the evidence
1. Upon his arrest or apprehension, with or
presented by the parties at trial.21
without warrant; or
In sum, only the allegations in the complaint or
2. His voluntary appearance or submission to the
information constitute the guideposts in
jurisdiction of the court.
determining the jurisdiction of the court,
disregarding the defenses of the accused or
whatever evidence is presented during the trial.
Voluntary submission, means:
Thus, it cannot take In the criminal cases, the venue of the crime goes
jurisdiction over a person into the territorial jurisdiction of the court hence
charged with an offense where the criminal action is instituted not in the
allegedly committed place specified by the Rules and declared by the
outside of that limited substantive law as within the territorial jurisdiction of
territory. the trial court, the motion to quash should be
grounded on lack of jurisdiction, and not improper
Exclusive Original Jurisdiction Special Jurisdiction
Rule on Summary Procedure