Research Study Part 2
Research Study Part 2
Research Study Part 2
As the internet has spread into our society on a broad scale, it has been used to trade
various kinds of contents. One of the most popular online contents is the game (Choi and
Kim,2004). Game is a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the
participants in direct opposition to each other. These games can be a video game, strategy,
adventure, action puzzles, online games and other types of games (Vince, 2018).
Online gaming is one of the activities that is used by people especially teenager and
children. Some says that they are just doing this just for fun and to have other activities
especially when bored. Playing online games have been linked to many negative life
outcomes and another problems of the society. Online games have also some positive
outcomes such as it may improve our hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills and
especially or mind but too much or aggressive playing may lead to overweight, affection to
On the research conducted in United Kingdom, online games appeal to adults and
teenagers with a wide range of background and they spent more than half a working weeks
spending these environments and it lead to social isolation like your friends don’t like you
anymore, poor academic performance and sleep deprivation. It is important to realize that
gaming has shown elements of being a compulsive behavior, with players feeling addicted
and etc. (Cole and Griffiths, 2007). Internet use had interfered professional performance and
social lives. Others are ignoring their responsibilities and show up late.
Excessive gaming or “video game addiction” have a relation on the core components
of addiction such as mood modification and increasing game playing activities. This activity
increases aggressive behavior, hostile emotion as well as aggressive thinking (Grusser and
Thalenmann,2007). Other researches states that being addictive or aggressive in playing
online games will affect the emotional aspects especially depression and loneliness.
Being addicted to online games may lead to these negative outcomes studied by other
researches. There’s a way to qualify an individual as an addict. An individual must meet five
of eight criteria for Internet Addiction. These include (a) preoccupation with internet, (b)
need for longer time on line, (c) repeated attempts to reduce Internet use, (d) withdrawal
when reducing Internet use, (e) time management issues, (f) environmental distress, (g)
deception around time spent online and (h) mood modification through Internet use (Leung,
In order to solve these negative outcomes, at the end of this research, the research
must identify which effects of online gaming affects most the students and can identify some
solutions to help especially the society about the problems on online gaming.
This research aims to determine the relationship of online gaming to the students of
GLVNHS. Specifically, it answers the following questions. What are the demographic
profiles of the students of GLVNHS who are playing online games? Does online gaming
causes obesity the students? Does online gaming cause depression? Does online gaming
a) Sex
b) Age
c) Weight
2. To determine the level of depression to the students of Gaudencio L. Vega National High
3. To determine the level of loneliness to the students of Gaudencio L. Vega National High
4. To determine the relationship between and among the profile variables, depression and
Students. This study may help the students to understand the negative effects of
online gaming and how online gaming contribute depression and loneliness. This study will
help the students on how to control their time on playing online games.
Parents. It will serve as basis to help share with other parents the information about
the effects of the playing online games. It may help them how to control their children on
Guidance Counselor. This study may help them to guide the students about the
negative effects of online gaming. This study can also give them information about
Future Researches. The study can be a good reference for the future researchers who
are interested in studying online gaming. Hence, the output of the study serves as a basis for
The study was limited on the following factors: demographic profile of the students,
depression and loneliness. The respondents of the study were limited to the students of
GLVNHS who are playing online games using mobile phones. Data of the study was
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 shows that the demographic profile of the students, depression and loneliness
are the effects of playing online games. The variables considered in demographic profile of
-Weight Online
Definition of Terms
Game Addiction- it is where the students abuse and give a lot of time playing online games
on their devices.
Online Game- is any game that is played online, based online, or has majority of its
content/gameplay online.
Depression. is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel,
Demographic Profile- is a statistical data of the students such as sex, age and weight.
Age- it refers to the stage of student – respondents who are enrolled in the College of Arts
and Sciences.
Chapter II
Traditionally, video games have belonged in the male domain (Lucas and Sherry 2004).
Studies indicate that more men play online games that women (Becerra et al, 2008) and also
men develop interest in computer games earlier in their life than girls and on average, more
Men and women also differ on time they spend in playing and frequency of play. There
are many studies that men play more often than women (Chou and Tsai 2007). However,
there is no consistency in existing findings regarding game duration because some studies
states that women spend more time in playing games (Williams et al.2008). Therefore, we
can’t conclude that men spend more in playing but earlier researches suggest that men play
for longer periods. 72% of all boys’ activities last longer than one hour compared to only
43% of girl’s activities (Lever 1976). This indicates that boys have a tendency to play for
longer periods of time, collaborating the finding of longer online gam duration for men.
There are also similarities and differences in the types of interactions men and women
seek. Various studies report that female gamers are more sociable and are more likely to meet
people while playing. (Guadagno Women are also more likely to recruit new players
both online and offline (Williams et al.2006). Men are different in terms of interaction and
relationship (Yee 2006). According to Hong and Hwang (2012), boys are less willing to seek
In terms of skills and performance in playing, male players perform better in online
games than females. Male performance is superior while females demonstrate more
difficulties, take longer to travel from start to end (Tippett et al.2009). Females are motivated
by ease of use in their use of technology (Venkatesh and Morris 2000) and prefer to play
games where the skills can be acquired much faster (Lever 1976), they may not develop the
same gaming skills that men do. In game preferences and play patterns of men and
women, men play more action and simulation games while women play logic and skills
training games or do not play at all (Quaiser-Pohl et al.2005). Female gamers usually play
gender specific games or family oriented simulations. In general, women prefer to play
games where they can correct mistakes and undo functions (Wang 2013).
Dr. David Greenfield states that “The Internet appears to be capable of altering the mood,
users. For some individuals, patterns of use can transform to abuse, taking on a compulsive
quality. Many of the daily spheres of behavior, including work, appear to be affected by this
powerful technology”.In the study of Kraut and colleagues, they recruited 93 families who
don’t have internet access in their home at the beginning of their study. They supplied each
family with a personal computer, internet access and email accounts. They tracked the online
activity of the participants for 2 years. The participants were asked at the beginning of the
study and asked again after 1-2 years and they found out that Internet have a negative impact
to the participants. Depression, loneliness and daily stress were positively linked to greater
internet usage ( Shaw L. and Gant L, 2004). According to Davis (2001), cognitive-behavioral
model of PIU (Pathological internet use) suggests that psychosocial problems (e.g.,depression
and loneliness) are the distal and necessary cause of PIU. Also, Caplan (2003) further
explains that people who are suffering from psychosocial problems tended to have a stronger
preference for online social interaction, which in turn led to compulsive Internet use. In his
study, he found out that both depression and loneliness were significant predictors of
preferences for online social interaction. Ceyhan A. and Ceyhan E. investigated whether
depression and loneliness were significant predictors of the problematic internet use. They
carried out their study in Turkish University with 559 students. The research data was
analyze using Multiple Regression Analysis and the findings indicated that depression and
loneliness were significant predictors of problematic use. Loneliness was found as the most
internet use is more common in adolescent males than females and very often linked to
playing online games wherein players spend an average of 5.96 hours each week playing
games. 20.1% percent play for an hour or less each week. 36.2% percent play between 1 – 4
hours each week and 26.8% percent play seven or more hours. Wei H, Chen M and Bai Y.
(2012) said that people who spent longer hours in playing online games have a higher
Chapter III
Research Design
demographic profile, depression and loneliness to the students of NVSU who play online
The study was conducted on second semester (Jan – June) of the S.Y 2019-2020
There were 120 students responded to the questionnaires coming from different levels
in GLVNHS. The said students were identified by asking the identified players who are
The instruments that were used in the study are a researcher made questionnaires and
it involved the following parts. Part 1 designed to gather information pertaining to their
demographic profile such as gender, sex and weight. Part 2 designed to gather information if
this student suffers depression because of Online Gaming. Part 3 designed to gather
Data was obtained using questionnaires. Students who took the questionnaires was
identified first by asking random students from the College of Arts and Sciences if they were
playing online games. After identifying who are the students that will participate the study,
the questionnaires were given to them and they will answer it in 2 days to give them more
time to answer it. After two days, the questionnaires were collected in order to summarize it.
A request letter signed by the researcher and approved by the adviser was given to students
Descriptive statistics was used in the study, particularly mean; frequency and
percentage distribution were used to describe the demographic profile of the respondent.
Multiple linear regressions were used to determine the effects of playing online
The current study takes place in GLVNHS that is located at Nalook, Kalibo Aklan.
Gaudencio L. Vega National High School (Nalook National High School) is one of the
Chapter IV
A. Demographic Profile
Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the demographic profile of
the students of Nueva Vizcaya State University in terms of gender, age and weight.
Table 1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Demographic profile of the Students
As shown in Table 1, there were total of 150 respondents of which were 83 (55.3%)
male respondents and 67 (44.7%) female respondents. Most of the respondents belong to the
age bracket 18-20 with 98 (65.3%) respondents. The 40 (26.7%) respondents belong to the
age bracket 21-23. In the age bracket 24-26 consists of 8 (5.3%) respondents and the
When in terms of their weight, there are 6 brackets. These are 35-44,45-54,55-64,65-
74,75-84 and 85 and above. Most of the respondents belong to the bracket 45-54 which
consists a total of 68 (45.3%) respondents. The bracket 55-64 consist of 47 (31.3%)
respondents.17(11.3%) respondents are in the bracket 65-74. The bracket 35-44 consist of 9
(6.0%) respondents. The 7 (4.7%) respondents are in the bracket 75-84 while the remaining 2
(1.3%) are in the bracket 85 and above.
B. Depression
Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution on depression of the students in
Nueva Vizcaya State University. In this table, we can determine if the student is suffering
depression or not. The 0 – 16 score indicates no to mild Depressive symptomatology, 17-23
indicates moderate depressive symptomatology and 24 and above severe depressive
0 – 16 37 24.7
17 – 23 51 34.0
24 and above 62 41.3
As shown in the Table 2, there are 37 (24.7%) respondents ranges from 0 – 16 in the
bracket which means that these students are not suffering depression. In the range bracket 17
– 23, there are 51 (34.0%) respondents which means that these students are suffering mild or
moderate depression and the remaining 62 (41.3%) respondents are in the range 24 and above
and it means that these students are suffering severe depression.
C. Loneliness
Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution on loneliness of the students of
Nueva Vizcaya State University. In this table, the scores are divided into 3 groups,20-40,41-
60 and 61-80. Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale is used to measure the loneliness of the
students where in the score ranges from 20 to 80. The higher the score, the greater the
degrees of loneliness.
Table 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Range of Loneliness on NVSU
20-40 29 19.3
41-60 120 80.0
61-80 1 0.7
As shown in Table 3, 120 ( 80.0% ) respondents got a score in the range 41-60. 19
(19.3%) got a score in the range 20-40 and the remaining 1 respondent (0.7%) got a score in
Table 4 shows the Frequency and Distribution of the time spent of the students on
Table 4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Time Spent Playing Online Games
0-15 93
16-30 36
31-45 14 9.3
46-60 4 2.7
61-75 1 .7
76-90 1 .7
91-105 1 .7
As shown the table, majority of the respondents are in the range 0-15 playing hours
with 93 (62.0%) respondents followed by the range 16-30 with 36 (24.0%) respondents. The
14 (9.3%) respondents have a playing time in the range 31-45. In the range 46-60 of playing
time, there were 4 (2.7%) respondents and in the range 61-75, 76-90 and 91-105, 1 (0.7%)
E. Correlation Analysis
variables. Correlation coefficients are able to provide numerical overview of the direction and
the strength of the linear relationship between the variables. Spearman’s correlation
coefficients (r) range from -1 to 1for the indication of positive and negative correlation.
Table 5: Correlation between Depression and the Demographic Profile of the Student
1.I feel in tune with the . .005 .947 .124 .129 .066 .423
-.091 .268
people around me
2.I did not feel like
eating; my appetite was .081 .325 -.035 .671 -.183 .025
-.102 .213
3.I felt that I could not
shake off the blues even -.115 .162 .028 .732 -.034 .676
-.022 .789
with help from my family
or friends
4.I felt I was just as good
as other people -.064 .440 .079 .334 -.038 .641
-.034 -.034
5.I had trouble keeping
my mind on what I .016 .845 .000 .997 -.059 .473
-.017 .838
was doing.
6. I felt depressed. -.072 .379 .057 .489 .009 .916
-.038 .645
7. I felt that everything I
did was an effort. -.008 .922 .026 .753 -.088 .285 .
062 .451
8. I felt hopeful about
the future. .077 .347 .054 .515 -.083 .310
-.064 .440
9. I thought my life had
been a failure. -.078 .345 .106 .198 -.057 .491
.022 .785
10. I felt fearful .052 .526 .033 .691 -.151 .065
.016 .842
11. My sleep was
restless. .204 .012 -.125 .127 -.277 .001
-.011 .892
12. I was happy . -.028 .733 .047 .564 -.064 .436
-.015 .859
13. I talked less than
usual. -.034 .682 .032 .702 -.097 .236
.076 .356
14. I felt lonely . -.004 .963 -.086 .293 -.020 .810
-.084 .305
15. People were
unfriendly. -.131 .109 .082 .318 -.100 .222 -.044
16. I enjoyed life. .137 .095 -.008 .919 -.022 .792 -.055
17. I had crying spells. .145 .076 -.263 .001 -.168 .
039 .083 .313
18. I felt sad. .071 .385 -.125 .128 -.052 .529 -.019
19. I felt that people
dislike me. -.039 .633 .009 .917 -.007 .935 .016
20. I could not get
“going” .-.036 .660 .079 .338 -.015 .
856 .060 .465
Average -.005 .947 .013 .870 -.168 .
040 .024 .774
and has a correlation coefficient of 0.204 with gender. It explains that male students suffer
more restless sleep tan female students. Restless sleep is the feeling of being only half-asleep
or that you’re not sleeping deeply. Constant stirring because your mind is racing.
In terms of age, the statement “I felt sad” has a significance of 0.001 and has a
correlation coefficient of -0.263. The data simply means that younger students suffers more
sadness than older students. Sadness is a normal reaction to a loss, disappointment, problems
or other difficult situations. Depression lasts for a long time and it is much more than sadness
(Canadian Mental Health). The same result was found in the research “Sadness prediction
The statement “I do not feel like eating: My appetite was poor” has a significance of
0.025 and has a correlation coefficient of -0.183. Poor appetite results from not wanting to eat
and will lead to weight loss. This is the reason why the data that was gathered explains that
heavier students suffer less poor appetite than lighter students. The statement “My sleep was
restless” has a significance of 0.001 and has a correlation coefficient of -0.277. The data
states that lighter students suffers more of this problem than those who are heavier students.
The statement “I had crying spells” has a significance of 0.039 and has a correlation
coefficient of
-.168. People who have depression may find themselves crying frequently for no reason.
Crying spells can be a symptom of post-partum depression. A study about crying shows that
crying will help you lose weight because it is linked to hormones that heighten the cortisol
level, which is induced when you have bottles up emotions (Gabaldon, 2019). This is the
reason why lighter students suffers more crying spells than heavier students. On the average
of all the statements about the depression, it has a significance of 0.040 and has a correlation
coefficient of -0.168.
People with depression may experience weight gain or weight loss due to their
condition or the medications that treat them. But those who have severe depression, they
might lose weight because they have lost their interest in food. The data gathered explains
Table 6: Correlation between Loneliness and the Demographic Profile of the Student
R Significance
15. I can find
companionship when
I want it. -.022 .788 -.067 .416 .079
.338 -.110 .180
16. There are people
who really understand
me. -.067 .415 -.132 .108 -.006
.944 -.081 .326
17. I am unhappy being
so withdrawn. -.037 .657 .060 .464 -.204 .012
.015 .853
18. People are around
me but not with me. -.163 .047 -.007 .930 .018
.829 -.059 .475
19. There are people I
can talk to. -.125 .126 .036 .658 .006
.943 -.002 .977
20. There are people I
can turn to. -.124 .131 .149 .069 .064 .440
.029 .726
Average -.228 .005 -.032 .699 -.022 .790
-.059 .473
In the statement “There are people I feel close to” has a significance of 0.023 and has
a correlation coefficient of -0.186. Developing and maintain close friendships helps foster
feelings of belonging. Caring about others makes life more meaningful. You are taking a
responsibility of offering compassion and emotional support. Good social relations will help
us to feel happy and overcome loneliness. In the data gathered, male students feel more close
to people than female students. Males are more chilled out and find it easier to get along with
both the sexes. It is easier for males to confront about problems, even if it means ending up in
fistfights. This leads them in making more friends within a particular amount of time.
In the statement “People are around me but not with me” has a significance of 0.047
and has a correlation coefficient of -0.163. This is the feeling that you know that they are
people who are always there for you even though they are not with you. You always feel their
support, love and everything that can help you to feel happiness and based on data, Male
On the average of statements for loneliness, it has a significance of 0.005 and has a
correlation coefficient of -0.228. The data explains that male suffers more loneliness than
females. Research on gender differences in loneliness is mixed. Some studies show that
women are lonelier than men; others say that women are lonelier than men. But most
researchers agree that single men tend to be especially lonely and that certain social norms
correlation coefficient of -0.251. The data states that younger students feel more that they are
lack of companionship than older students. Many people who want to be in a relationship
stop trying to find a companion and lull themselves into a life of quiet desperation and
loneliness. The need for companionship is very human, very normal at necessary because it
gives us emotional balance and lets us enjoy life. Connor Ibbetson, research manager said
that many young people are subject to feelings of loneliness and isolation.
has a correlation coefficient of -0.204. This explains that lighter students often feel this
statement than heavier students. Quiet loners are withdrawn – that’s a word for people who
keep to themselves to such an extent that it seems a little unhealthy. A withdrawn person can
be hard to find and even if they’re around, they are hard to talk to.
The statement “I am lack of companionship” has a significance of 0.018 and has
correlation coefficient of -0.194. When in terms of the amount of time playing games, the
students who doesn’t play longer time feels that they are lack of companionship based on the
data gathered. Playing games provides social benefits. Whether children are playing
multiplayer games with friends or using other apps with their family, these type of games can
help nurture relationships through shared moments and improve their social skills. For some
children who may have disabilities, it can be a way for them to social and make friends if
The statement “There is no one I can turn to” has also a significance of 0.047 and has
a correlation coefficient of -0.162. This statement is the feeling that there is no one you would
ask for support or help. Without someone to turn to for advice, making the most appropriate
choice can be difficult. Based on the data gathered, those who are playing games for a longer
time feels that there is no one that they can turn to. Some players use the games to find
The statement “I am no longer close to anyone” has a significance of 0.034 and has a
correlation coefficient of -0.173. Being close to anyone can help you to make happy, reduce
stress and can help you to avoid loneliness. On the data gathered, those who do not play a
longer period of time feels that they are no longer close to anyone. Online games can allow
players to talk to others and make friends at their current ability level and also researches
show that many people who meet while playing online games do end up spending time with
those people.
Chapter V
The study sought to identify the demographic profile of the students in NVSU, to
determine if online gaming causes loneliness and depression and to determine the level of
The questionnaires were distributed to 150 students of NVSU who are enrolled in the
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). The demographic profile consists of gender, age,
weight and the amount of time playing online games. Revised UCLA loneliness scale was
used to calculate the loneliness of the students while Center for Epidemiologic Studies
Depression Scale (CES-D), NIMH was used for the calculating the depression.
Descriptive statistics like frequency and percentage was used to describe the gathered
data. Multiple Linear Regression was used in order to know the interactions of the variables.
Summary of Findings
1. For demographic profile of the students, there are more males than females. When
in terms of age, most of the respondents belong to the bracket 18-20 and in terms
2. For the level of depression of the students, most of the students were suffering
severe depression and some students were suffering mild and moderate
3. For the level of loneliness of the students, most of the students were suffering
4. The relationship between demographic profile of the students and depression were
males suffers more from restless sleep, younger students suffers more sadness and
depression leads to loss of appetite that causes to loss of weight. The relationship
between demographic profile and loneliness were males feel more close to people
than females, males feel also that there are people around them but males suffers
more loneliness than females, younger students were lack of companionship and
lighter students were unhappy for being do withdrawn. The relationship between
Based on the significant findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn.:
1. Majority of the students who are playing online games were males, 18-20 years of
2. Most of the students were suffering a severe depression and middle level of
3. Depression causes restless sleep, sadness and loss of appetite and males suffers
1. The students should know how to control themselves on playing online games
especially males to avoid depression and loneliness. Students should also have
2. Parents should help their children to avoid excessive use of their devices and help
them to control their time, remind them about the effects of online games
3. Guidance Counselor should help the students and remind them that online games
4. Future researchers may conduct similar studies and find other factors that
contribute depression and loneliness and other effects of playing online games.
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Dear Respondents,
Joellyn D. Pandongon
Manilyn R. Turnino
Kimberlyn L. Tejada