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Authentic Learning Sample of Product/ How a product/ Comment/s (Is the

Assessment/ Outcome Performance Assessed performance was assessed scoring rubric

Non-Traditional/ Assessed constructed according
Alternative to standards?)
1. Product - Make a poster The scoring rubric
Poster using primary constructed for the
and secondary poster-making is
colors. according to
standards. It can
assess the assessment
task since it has well-
written descriptions
that can easily grade
student’s work.

2. Performance - Deliver an The scoring rubric

Speech impromptu constructed for the
speech speech is according to
standards. It can
assess the assessment
task since it includes
various criteria that
can assist the teacher
in grading the
students and help the
students for self-

1. Between analytic and holistic rubric, which one was more used? Why do you think that type of rubric was used more?

The analytic rubric was used more by the resource teacher compared to the holistic rubric. This could be due to it being
more comprehensive and able to better show or explain the grade of the students based on the criteria.

2. Based on your answers in #1, what can you say about the scoring rubrics made and used by the resource teacher?

The scoring rubric provided by the resource teacher were comprehensive and appropriate for the given assessment task
and its intended learning outcome. The scores for each criterion were explained clearly and has distinguished descriptions which
makes it easier for the teacher to grade the student’s product/performance.

3. Will it make a difference in assessment of student work if teacher would rate the product or performance without scoring

It would definitely make a huge difference if the teacher would rate the assessment tasks without scoring. This is because
the teacher’s rating would become subjective rather than objective. He/she would most likely solely rely on his/her feeling or
opinion on what the grade of the student should be; which can be problematic since it can vary or suddenly change due to various

4. If you were to improve on one scoring rubric used, which one and how?

If I were to improve one of the scoring rubrics, I would choose the scoring rubric for the impromptu speech. Although I
was fairly satisfied with both, in my opinion, the descriptions used for the scores of come criteria were to simple and was not
elaborated/explained properly. Therefore, I would improve it by simply elaborating the existing descriptions further to be much

5. Can an essay or other written requirements, even if it is a written paper-and-pencil test be considered an authentic form of
assessment? Explain your answer.

Definitely yes, but it would depend on the situation. For example, an essay or written test can be considered as an
authentic assessment if the learning outcome that needs to be achieved involves demonstration or development of writing skills.
However, it is hard to consider it as authentic if the learning outcome heavily requires a performance task to be implemented such
as dancing, cooking, art, etc.
6. Can rubrics help make students to become self-directed or independent learners? Do rubrics contribute to assessment AS
learning (self-assessment)? What if there were no rubrics in assessment?

Rubrics can assist students to become independent learners as it can serve as a guide on how they can improve on their
product or performance through the various descriptions given in the rubrics. They would have a clear view of what is the optimal
product/performance they would need to produce and thus, be able to assess their own work if they were able to achieve the
standards. If there are no rubrics in assessment, the students would not have a clear understanding on why or how they were given
the grade and would not be able to improve on the part they were lacking. Also, they could lose motivation due to loss of trust on
the teacher since they are not graded objectively but subjectively.

Does the Scoring Rubric in this FS Book 1 help you come up with better output?

Yes, the scoring rubric provided in this book assists me in accomplishing the assessment tasks comprehensively. Since I
know what the standards that is being looked for, I am able to comply to it easily. Also, I can review my answers based on the
descriptions from the rubrics and be able to further improve my answers.

Are authentic assessment tools and tasks new? Reflect on your experience of tests for all the years as a student.

Authentic assessment is the idea of using creative learning experiences to test students’ skills and knowledge in realistic
situations. This has become the new focus of the new K-12 curriculum as it shifts its focal point from textbook knowledge to
authentic learning outcomes. However, I would not say authentic assessment tools are new.

In my school days before the K-12 curriculum was implemented, we were already able to experience authentic
assessment tasks in subjects which heavily require students to produce an actual product or performance. I can still remember
some of those; examples include sewing and cooking dishes in Home Economics, painting and drawing in Art, playing sports in
Physical Education, and many more. Therefore, these tasks are not really new. The thing that is new is its prevalence throughout
the subjects. I can tell that they try to shift from objectives that practice lower-order thinking skills and incorporate assessments
that would sharpen real-world skills and would activate higher-order thinking skills.

Overall, authentic assessment tools are not new. It is just that it has only been focused recently.

Authentic Learning Sample of Product/ How a product/ Comment/s (Is the

Assessment/ Outcome Performance Assessed performance was assessed scoring rubric
Non-Traditional/ Assessed constructed according
Alternative to standards?)
1. Product - Make a poster The scoring rubric
Poster using primary constructed for the
and secondary poster-making is
colors. according to
standards. It can
assess the assessment
task since it has well-
written descriptions
that can easily grade
student’s work.

2. Performance - Deliver an The scoring rubric

Speech impromptu constructed for the
speech speech is according to
standards. It can
assess the assessment
task since it includes
various criteria that
can assist the teacher
in grading the
students and help the
students for self-

Did your Resource Teacher explain the rubric to the students?

Yes, the teacher informed the students about the rubric first before letting them go through the assessment task.

Which type of rubric did the Resource Teacher use – analytic or holistic?

The teacher used analytic rubrics both for the product and performance tasks.

Are authentic assessment tools and tasks new? Reflect on your experience of tests for all the years as a student.

Authentic assessment is the idea of using creative learning experiences to test students’ skills and knowledge in realistic
situations. This has become the new focus of the new K-12 curriculum as it shifts its focal point from textbook knowledge to
authentic learning outcomes. However, I would not say authentic assessment tools are new.

In my school days before the K-12 curriculum was implemented, we were already able to experience authentic
assessment tasks in subjects which heavily require students to produce an actual product or performance. I can still remember
some of those; examples include sewing and cooking dishes in Home Economics, painting and drawing in Art, playing sports in
Physical Education, and many more. Therefore, these tasks are not really new. The thing that is new is its prevalence throughout
the subjects. I can tell that they try to shift from objectives that practice lower-order thinking skills and incorporate assessments
that would sharpen real-world skills and would activate higher-order thinking skills.

Overall, authentic assessment tools are not new. It is just that it has only been focused recently.

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