Drinking Water Analyses Brochure

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Drinking water suites

Drinking water suite

To see if water is safe and aesthetically acceptable
to drink.
Full Chemical analyses (based on MAV’s and GV’s),
E.coli and total coliform bacteria

Limited drinking water suite

To test if water is safe to drink by testing for
Our Laboratory Drinking Water
selected ions, E.coli and total coliform bacteria.
Note: Water might not be aesthetically acceptable
to drink.
Water Testing Hawke’s Bay is one of New Zealand’s
leading regional bacteriological water-testing and analysis
laboratories. With scientific rigour, reliability and consistency,
Chemical analyses (based on MAV’s), E.coli and we provide certainty and peace-of-mind when it comes to
total coliform bacteria knowing what’s in your water. • Prompt, Accurate,
Micro drinking water suite What set us apart are the four pillars of what we do: our people,
E.coli and total coliforms. Note: Water might not
with their passionate approach and depth of expertise in all Traceable Results
things water; the superior quality of our field and laboratory
be safe or aesthetically acceptable to drink. equipment; our processes that follow best practice and strict
protocols; and our credibility earned through accreditations and
• IANZ Accredited
adherence to international standards within our operation.
MAV (Maximum acceptable values): Although we test most types of water, the majority of our work
These values are covered by the Drinking Water Standards involves testing, analysing and reporting for these types of water:
for New Zealand and have a direct correlation on human • Drinking Water
health when the values exceed the limits.
• Surface & Groundwater
GV (Guideline values): • Effluent & Trade Waste
These values are not covered by the Drinking Water • Swimming Pools & Spa Pools
Standards for New Zealand and do not have a direct
correlation on human health when the values exceed the Want to know what’s in your water?
limits. However, these values do have a direct impact on
Please give us a call so we can help you find out.
the odour, taste and colour of the water and could also
contribute to corrosion of pipes, hot water cylinders etc.

Turn-around time
We aim to have all microbial related reports sent to you
within 2 working days. All other tests have a turn-
around rime of approximately 10 working days as these www.watertestinghb.nz | 06 870 6449
are currently contracted out to a partner laboratory, and 06 870 6449
we endeavour to have these reports ready for you as 1105 Plunket Street, St Leonards, Hastings 4120
soon as possible after we receive the results. PO Box 2552, Stortford Lodge, Hastings 4153
Planning Where to take the sample ? Sampling Procedure
Samples need to be tested for microorganisms (micro Since contamination of water can occur anywhere,
testing) WITHIN 24 HOURS OF SAMPLING: plan to from the water source, to the pipes in your home, it Choose suitable tap.
take your sample as soon as possible before dropping the is recommended to take a water sample for drinking
1 (preferably unpainted metal tap, that is not leaking).
sample off at the lab or at your nearest courier depot. purposes from the tap you intend to use for this purpose.
Remove any connectors from tap.
NOTE: MICRO SAMPLES WILL BE REJECTED IF LAB 2 Plastic/metal connectors may house bacteria that
RECEIVES IT AFTER THE 24 HOUR WINDOW, as the could contaminate the water sample.
results will not be accurate. Arranging for courier pickup Clean tap thoroughly.
Arrange for courier pick up or drop at Courier Depot. 3 Remove anything from the tap that may cause contamination
or splashing. Use a clean cloth or paper towel.
Sample containers Samples need to be received by the lab within 24 hours
of sampling. REMEMBER TO PACK PLENTY OF ICE. Open the tap slowly to maximum flow.
Sample containers can be collected from the Water 4 Allow tap to run for 2-3 minutes. Slowly turn tap off.
Testing HB laboratory or arranged with the laboratory
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water/
to be dropped off to you via courier. Typical contaminants 5 sanitise hands. This is to avoid possible contamination
from your hands.
Sample labelling Storage tank and piping Sterilize tap.
Samples bottles should • Copper from piping or storage tank 6 This can be done by flaming the end of the tap for at
be clearly labelled with Mr. J. Smith, • Zinc Potentially from the bore casing least 10 seconds with a gas burner, or wiping the tap
the location the sample is • Iron Potentially from storage tank with cleaning wipes (provided by the laboratory)
taken as well as the time
Kitchen Cold Tap • Other ions NOTE: Do not touch the tap after it is sterilised, or
the sample was taken e.g 23 January 2018 - 3.00pm from leaves, soil and other debris entering the tank the inside of the lid, or the top of the bottle, and
• Micro-organisms incl. E.coli do not place the lid on the ground where it can be
Faecal matter of birds or other animals contaminated.
Chilly bins and ice packs • Pesticides
Turn tap on medium flow immediately prior to taking
Spray drifts (concentrations likely to be very low) 7 the sample(s) and allow water to flow for a few seconds.
Samples should be kept as Don't change the flow rate while sampling as deposits
cold as possible from the Rain Water may be dislodged.
time sampled until the time
they arrive at the lab to Water Testing Hawke’s Bay • Copper from piping
Open sample container with one hand and hold the
ensure sample integrity. The • Zinc from galvanized roofing material 8
chilly bin should be labelled
1105 Plunket Street, • TDS from sea spray
cap in the other.
clearly with the address of Hastings 4120 • Lead from lead flashing and nail head on house roofs Fill the container by placing the sample container
Water Testing Hawke’s Bay: • Micro-organisms incl. E.coli 9 immediately under the flowing water. Hold the lid open
end downwards or to the side, avoiding any water
Faecal matter of birds, cats deposited on the roof
splashing on the inside of the lid.
Sample submission form • Pesticides
Spray drifts (concentrations likely to be very low) FOR CHEMICAL SAMPLES
A sample submission form should be included with Fill to the top, trying to leave no air space.
all deliveries so that we can check the sampling time Bore Take a sample of at least 100ml but NOT exceeding
and sample details. The details included on the Sample
submission form will be used to prepare your report. • Physical parameters (pH, Conductivity, TDS, Alkalinity) 120ml, leaving an airspace at the top.
• Ions Health Concern (i.e. NO3, Cu, Mn, B) Close the container by screwing the lid tightly back
• Ions Aesthetic influence (i.e. Ca, Mg, Hardness, Na, K, 10 onto the container.
Sampling service Cl, SO4, Fe, Zn)
If you do not want to take the sample yourself Water
• E.coli (not usually detected in ground water but can be 11 Repeat steps 8-10 tor all sample containers you need to fill.
detected in shallow bores) Pack clearly labelled samples in the chilly bin with
Testing HB offers a sampling service, contact us for
more information. • Pesticides 12 ice and drop off at the laboratory or arrange for
courier pickup.

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