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Harrow 2021 Uso de Antipsicoticos Menor A 2 Años

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Psychological Medicine Twenty-year effects of antipsychotics in

schizophrenia and affective psychotic disorders
Martin Harrow1, Thomas H Jobe1 and Liping Tong2
Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA and 2Advocoate Aurora Health,
Original Article Downers Grove, IL, USA
Cite this article: Harrow M, Jobe TH, Tong L
(2021). Twenty-year effects of antipsychotics in Abstract
schizophrenia and affective psychotic
disorders. Psychological Medicine 1–11. https:// Background. Studies that examine course and outcome in psychosis have reported consider-
doi.org/10.1017/S0033291720004778 able heterogeneity in terms of recovery, remission, employment, symptom presentation, social
outcomes, and antipsychotic medication effects. Even with demonstrated heterogeneity in
Received: 23 May 2020 course and outcome, prophylactic antipsychotic maintenance therapy remains the prominent
Revised: 21 October 2020
Accepted: 18 November 2020 practice, particularly in participants with schizophrenia. Lack of efficacy in maintenance anti-
psychotic treatment and concerns over health detriments gives cause to re-examine guidelines.
Key words: Methods. This study was conducted as part of the Chicago follow-up study designed as a nat-
Schizophreni; affective psychosis; uralistic prospective longitudinal research study to investigate the course, outcome, symptom-
antipsychotic medication; dopamine
supersensitivity psychosis; longitudinal study
atology, and effects of antipsychotic medication on recovery and rehospitalization in
participants with serious mental illness disorders. A total of 139 participants with 734 obser-
Author for correspondence: vations were included in the analysis. GEE logistic models were applied to adjust for con-
Martin Harrow, E-mail: [email protected] founding factors measured at index hospitalization and follow-ups.
Results. Our data show that the majority of participants with schizophrenia or affective psych-
osis experience future episodes of psychosis at some point during the 20-year follow-up. There
was a significant diagnostic difference between groups showing an increase in the number of
future episodes of psychosis in participants with schizophrenia. Participants with schizophre-
nia not on antipsychotics after the first 2 years have better outcomes than participants pre-
scribed antipsychotics. The adjusted odds ratio of not on antipsychotic medication was
5.989 (95% CI 3.588–9.993) for recovery and 0.134 (95% CI 0.070–0.259) for rehospitaliza-
tion. That is, regardless of diagnosis, after the second year, the absence of antipsychotics pre-
dicted a higher probability of recovery and lower probability of rehospitalization at subsequent
follow-ups after adjusting for confounders.
Conclusion. This study reports multiple findings that bring into question the use of continu-
ous antipsychotic medications, regardless of diagnosis. Even when the confound by indication
for prescribing antipsychotic medication is controlled for, participants with schizophrenia and
affective psychosis do better than their medicated cohorts, strongly confirming the importance
of exposing the role of aiDSP and antipsychotic drug resistance.

The prevailing standard of care and first line of treatment in the mental health field for people
with psychosis, regardless of diagnosis, is treatment with antipsychotic medications (Glick,
Davis, Zamora, Ballon, & Nuthi, 2017; Glick, Zamora, Kamis, & Davis, 2019; Keck et al.,
2004; Leff & Wing, 1971). Antipsychotic medications have proven relatively successful in
randomized controlled trials up to a reach of 2 years in duration, but that success does not
hold up beyond that time period as shown in a large series of prospective and retrospective
naturalistic studies. The effectiveness of continuous antipsychotic medication treatment after
the first 2 years of antipsychotic medications in persons with schizophrenia is strongly in ques-
tion. It has been estimated that approximately 33% of persons prescribed antipsychotics do not
respond to this treatment modality and that up to 74% discontinue their antipsychotic media-
tions at some point in the course (Lieberman et al., 2005; Lindenmayer, 2000). Recent studies
in the field by our group, the Chicago Follow-up study that consisted of a sample of 139 par-
ticipants with present state psychosis and four to six follow-ups over 20 years, and other inves-
tigators have begun to find negative evidence on this thesis after the first 2 years of illness, and
to find it consistently. The origin of the assumptions about the long-term efficacy of anti-
psychotic medications in schizophrenia derives from findings from prospective, randomized
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by controlled trials of 6 weeks, 6 months,18 months, and a few studies of 2 years duration
Cambridge University Press (Leucht et al., 2012a, b; Leucht et al., 2013). In studies conducted examining participants
with schizophrenia after the first 2 years that involved the comparison of medication-free par-
ticipants to those prescribed antipsychotic medications showed varying degrees of efficacy in
symptom abatement and prevention in relapse (Harrow, Jobe, & Faull, 2012; Wunderink,
Nieboer, Wiersma, Sytema, & Nienhuis, 2013). Many of these studies have also examined

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2 Martin Harrow et al.

the long-term effect of antipsychotic treatment in affective psych- following the initial hospitalization. Third, do prognostic factors,
osis and report similar outcomes. Studies examining polytherapy premorbid adjustment, potential confounds such as education,
(i.e. antipsychotic medication in combination with other anti- drug use, rehospitalization or medication status predict prolonged
psychotic medications) in psychosis did not show an association periods of recovery after the 2-year period regardless of diagnosis?
with positive outcomes (Centorrino et al., 2008). The effectiveness Our 20-year longitudinal Chicago Multi-Follow-up research stud-
of continuous antipsychotic medication treatment after the first 2 ied these questions.
years of antipsychotic medications in persons with schizophrenia
is strongly in question. Whitaker, in an important series of com-
ments, has questioned this assumption. His comments have Methods
helped open up the field to a new outlook (Whitaker, 2002, 2010).
Study design
Multiple studies indicate that after 2/3-years of antipsychotic
treatment, persons with schizophrenia and affective psychosis The current research was conducted as part of the Chicago
not prescribed anti-psychotic medication start performing better Follow-up study which was designed as a naturalistic prospective
than patients with those prescribed antipsychotic medications. longitudinal, multifollow-up research study to investigate the
Critique of these studies is that they are uncontrolled naturalistic course, outcome, symptomatology, effects of medication, and
studies that are confounded by indication in that more severe recovery in participants with serious mental illness disorders
patients are selectively put on medications because it is clinically (Harrow et al., 2012; Harrow & Jobe, 2007; Harrow & Jobe,
indicated for their treatment. However, to control for confound by 2013; Harrow, Goldberg, Grossman, & Meltzer, 1990; Harrow,
indication, we measured prognostic indicators at the index hospi- Grossman, Jobe, & Herbener, 2005; Harrow, Jobe, & Faull,
talization. This brings to question if patients not prescribed con- 2014; Harrow, Jobe, Faull, & Yang, 2017). Our contact with the
tinuous antipsychotics have better prognostic potential, or more majority of sample that consisted of participants with schizophre-
likely to have a favorable outcome than patients prescribed anti- nia and affective psychosis was for 20 years after the initial contact
psychotics. It becomes important when comparing patients with at hospital admission. The first follow-up was 2 years post-
schizophrenia and affective psychosis not prescribed antipsychotic hospital discharge. Subsequent follow-ups were conducted at
medication to patients prescribed antipsychotics to equate these 4.5, 7.5, 10, 15, and 20 years post-hospital discharge.
two groups on the prognostic potential to verify whether this At index hospitalization, two major indices examining the
prognostic potential is an influence on outcome. The Chicago prognostic potential of participants were examined using the
follow-up study was designed to include a prognostic variable Valliant (Vaillant, 1962, 1978) and Stephen’s symptomatic
that could be used to determine which participants with schizo- Prognostic Index (Stephens, Richard, & McHugh, 1997;
phrenia and affective psychosis have less favorable outcomes Westermeyer & Harrow, 1984) to predict the effects poor prog-
and which participants were more likely to have favorable out- nostic potential v. moderate prognostic potential. We also admi-
comes. This current research compares participants with schizo- nistered Zigler’s Prognostic Index (Zigler & Glick, 2001) based
phrenia and affective psychosis prescribed antipsychotics for a on developmental characteristics (e.g. graduated from high school).
prolonged period to participants not prescribed antipsychotics These symptomatic and developmental indices allowed an estima-
while controlling for prognostic potentials. tion of the participant’s theoretical prognosis in that both prognos-
There are few long-term studies that extend beyond the first 5 tic schemes were collected at initial hospitalization and applied as
years of onset that examine the clinical and outcome trajectory of prognostic variables to study later outcome results. In addition to
schizophrenia and affective psychosis (Hegelstad et al., 2012; the diagnostic indicator for schizophrenia or affective psychosis,
Morgan et al., 2014). The studies that have been conducted on the Valliant and Stephen’s symptomatic Prognostic Index and
the longitudinal course and outcome in psychosis have reported Zigler’s Prognostic Index, potential confounding factors such as
considerable heterogeneity in terms of recovery, remission, sex, race, and number of prior hospitalizations at index hospitaliza-
employment status, variation in positive and negative symptom tion were also considered in this study. The effect of antipsychotic
presentation, relationship status, overall social outcomes, service medication on recovery and other outcome variables is of major
utilization, and prescription of antipsychotic medications interest. To further reduce the effect of confounding, variables
(Harrison et al., 2001; Hegelstad et al., 2012; Kirkbride et al., such as marijuana, alcohol, marital status, years of education, and
2006; Morgan et al., 2014). However, even with demonstrated het- age at follow-up were also adjusted for in the analysis.
erogeneity in the longitudinal course and outcome in psychosis, The primary measure used to evaluate clinical symptoms
prophylactic antipsychotic maintenance therapy remains the status (i.e. potential delusions and hallucinations) were
prominent practice pattern particularly in persons diagnosed obtained utilizing the SADS (Schedule for Affective Disorders
with schizophrenia. Additionally, with the lack of efficacy and Schizophrenia) (Endicott & Spitzer, 1978) and the
reported in maintenance antipsychotic treatment overtime and Schizophrenia State Inventory (Grinker, Roy Richard, &
concerns over side-effects and serious health detriments with pro- Harrow, 1987) that was administered at each follow-up. We also
longed antipsychotic exposure, the field of psychiatry has reason utilized the Global Assessment Functioning Scale (GAF) at
to pause and re-examine the first-line of treatment guideline index hospitalization and at each subsequent follow-up to evalu-
regarding prescribed maintenance or continuous antipsychotic ate the overall functioning of a participant for one year prior to
medication (Harrow & Jobe, 2018; Murray et al., 2016). follow-up. The GAF score was rated on a continuum from 0
Thus, this paper sought to address the following questions: (‘needs constant supervision to prevent hurting self or others or
First, what is the clinical trajectory of participants with schizo- makes no attempt to maintain personal hygiene’) to 100 (‘no
phrenia as compared to participants with affective psychosis symptoms, superior functioning in a wide range of activities,
over 20 years? Second, does antipsychotic use differ in partici- lives problems never seem to get out of hand and is sought out
pants with schizophrenia compared to participants with affective by others because of his warmth and integrity’) (Endicott,
psychosis throughout the treatment trajectory of 20 years Spitzer, Fleiss, & Cohen, 1976; Moos, McCoy, & Moos, 2000).

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Psychological Medicine 3

The primary measure selected to evaluate the recovery out- all the other correlation coefficients were <0.35, which indicated
come was based on the Levenstein-Klein-Pollack (LKP) scale that co-linearity was not a concern in this analysis.
(Carone, Harrow, & Westermeyer, 1991; Levenstein, Klein, & In this paper, we first explored the diagnostic comparison of
Pollack, 1966). The LKP has been used successfully by our the longitudinal trajectory of psychotic episodes and comparison
research team and others as a measure of recovery (Carone of prescribed antipsychotic medications. Then, by fitting logistic
et al., 1991; Grinker et al., 1987; Harrow, Grossman, Herbener, regressions with a generalized estimating equation (GEE), we
& Davies, 2000). The LKP is an eight-point scale that measures explored the effect of antipsychotic medication to recovery and
work and social functioning, life adjustment, level of self-support, rehospitalization, respectively, after adjusting for potential con-
major symptoms, relapses, and rehospitalization. Ratings for glo- founders at both index and follow-up visits. Backward variable
bal assessment in the year before follow-up on the eight-point selection strategy with a significance level of 0.1 was applied to
LKP scale range from ‘1’ (adequate functioning and recovery dur- include only significant variables in the model. We used the
ing the follow-up year) to ‘8’ (very poor psychosocial functioning, area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve,
considerable symptoms, and lengthy rehospitalization). As denoted by AUC, to measure the discrimination of the fitted
reported in Harrow et al. (2005) ‘recovery’ was defined by out- model.
come status during the follow-up year. Meeting the operational
criteria for recovery requires, first, the absence of major symptoms
throughout the follow-up year (absence of psychotic activity and Results
absence of negative symptoms). It also requires, second, adequate
Diagnostic comparison of the longitudinal trajectory of
psychosocial functioning, including instrumental (or paid) work
psychotic episodes
half-time or more during the follow-up year [a score of ‘2’ or
greater on the five-point (0–4) S-C, S for work adjustment], We first examined diagnostic differences between schizophrenia
and the absence of a very poor social activity level (a score of and affective psychosis of the longitudinal trajectory of psychotic
‘2’ or greater on the five-point S-C Social Activity Scale); and episodes. Our data showed a significant group difference in the
third, no psychiatric rehospitalizations during the follow-up overall percentage of present state psychosis and future episodes
year. The criteria are met by a score of ‘1’ or ‘2’ on the modified by comparing chronic and persistent psychosis, absence of subse-
eight-point LKP scale. That is, recovery was a binary variable with quent episodes of psychosis, and intermittent episodes of
1 indicating recovered and 2 being not recovered. We also exam- psychosis during the 20-year follow-up period (χ2 = 11.19, 2 df,
ined rehospitalization variable independently in the past year: 0 = p ⩽ 0.004; Fig. 1). Participants with schizophrenia were sig-
none and 1 = at least one rehospitalization as the secondary meas- nificantly more likely to experience a persistent and chronic lon-
ure of outcome variable. gitudinal trajectory of psychotic symptoms compared to
The data presented here include participants with four or more participants with affective psychosis. A higher percentage of par-
of the six follow-up evaluations with 91% of the participants stud- ticipants with schizophrenia experienced additional psychotic epi-
ied at five or six follow-ups. There was no significant difference in sodes following the index hospitalization when compared to
the number of follow-up evaluations [t(137) = 1.2, p = 0.232] participants with affective psychosis. Within the affective psych-
between the schizophrenia (M = 5.2 ± 1.026, n = 70) and affective osis sample, there was no significant difference in subsequent
psychosis (M = 5.4 ± 0.842, n = 69) groups. The majority of the episodes of psychosis between participants with bipolar psychosis
follow-ups involved in-person interviews lasting 3–4 h consisting compared to participants with unipolar depressed psychosis (χ2 =
of an evaluation of medication status, a variety of symptoms and 0.78, 2 df, p = 0.68). However, the presence of index psychosis
other outcome. However, approximately 25% of the interviews does contribute to increased vulnerability of future episodes of
(people who moved out of state) were conducted by phone. The psychosis regardless of diagnosis. Our data show that the majority
study sample consisted of a total of 139 participants with present of participants with schizophrenia or affective psychosis did
state psychosis with four or more follow-ups of which 70 partici- experience future episodes of psychosis at some point in the
pants met DSM-III diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia and 69 20-year follow-up. There was also a significant diagnostic differ-
participants met criteria for affective psychosis (34 bipolar ence in the mean number of future episodes of psychosis
manic; 35 psychotic depression). Participants were assessed at [t(137) = 3.81, p < 0.001] showing an increase in the number of
index hospitalization and subsequently studied four to six future episodes of psychosis in participants with schizophrenia
times over the next 15–20 years to determine the course and (M = 2.7 ± 2.09, n = 70) compared to participants with affective
outcome. There was no significant difference between diagnos- psychosis (M = 1.5 ± 1.50, n = 69).
tic groups in age at index hospitalization (mean age = 23 years), We next examined the presence of psychosis at each follow-up;
age at first episode of psychosis, number of hospitalizations, our data show that the schizophrenia and affective psychosis
race, and socioeconomic status. However, there was a significant groups initially demonstrated a similar symptom profile; however,
difference between groups in sex showing a larger percentage of at the 4.5-year follow-up the presentation and course differentiate
male participants with schizophrenia and a significant differ- by diagnostic group. As shown in Fig. 2, there was no diagnostic
ence in years of educations showing a higher level of education difference in the presence of psychosis at the 2-year follow-up
in the affective psychosis group (see online Supplementary (χ2 = 2.1, 1 df, p = 0.15); however, there was a significant diagnos-
Table S1). tic difference between groups, at the 4.5-year (χ2 = 9.94, 1 df,
All variables, including explanatory and outcome, at index p = 0.002), 7.5-year (χ2 = 8.85, 1 df, p = 0.003), 10-year
hospitalization and at follow-up visits, were summarized in (χ2 = 15.00, 1 df, p ⩽ 0.001), 15-year (χ2 = 13.99, 1 df, p ⩽ 0.001),
Table 1. Pairwise correlations between explanatory variables and 20-year (χ2 = 4.97, 1 df, p < 0.02) follow-up, showing that the
were checked. The correlation between Zigler’s Prognostic Index number of participants with schizophrenia were significantly
and Education was −0.45, which was not a surprise due to the more psychotic at multiple follow-ups. Additionally, regardless
definition of Zigler’s Prognostic Index. The absolute values of of diagnostic group, the percentage of participants with psychotic

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4 Martin Harrow et al.

Table 1. Summary statistics for variables at baseline and subsequent follow-ups

Variable at baseline n Frequency (mean/S.D.) Percentage (min/max) Description

Diagnosis 139 70/69 50.36/49.64 1 = Schizophrenia/2 = Affective psychosis

VS* 115 58/57 50.43/49.57 1 = Good/2 = Poor
Zigler 134 46/88 34.33/65.67 1 = High/2 = Low social Comp.
Sex 139 71/68 51.08/48.92 1 = Male/2 = Female
Race 139 96/43 49.06/30.94 1 = White/2 = Black
NHOSP** 139 1.62/2.19 0/12 Number of prior hospitalizations
Variable at follow-up
Medication 612 355/257 58.01/41.99 1 = On antipsychotics/2 = No meds
Marijuana 690 566/124 82.03/17.97 1 = None or insignificant/2 = Some to addition
Alcohol 693 631/62 91.05/8.95 1 = None or insignificant/2 = Some to addition
Marital 729 147/582 20.16/79.84 1 = Married/2 = Single
Education 721 14.02/2.70 8/24 Years of education at follow-up
Age 731 32.99/7.45 19/62 Age at follow-up
Outcome variable
Recovery 734 189/545 25.75/74.25 1 = Recovered/2 = Not recovered
Rehospitalization 729 502/227 68.86/31.14 0 = No rehospitalization last year/1 = At least
one rehospitalization last year
*VS, Valliant and Stephen Prognostic Index;**NHOSP, number of previous hospitalizations

Fig. 1. Overall percentage of psychosis at subsequent

follow-up by diagnosis.

symptoms decreased over time in the overall sample over the 45% (n = 31) of participants with affective psychosis. The percent-
20-year trajectory when compared to index hospitalization. age of participants with intermittent antipsychotic medications
over the 20-year follow-up period were relatively similar between
groups, showing that 34% (n = 24) of the participants with schizo-
Diagnostic comparison of prescribed antipsychotic phrenia were intermittently prescribed antipsychotic medications
medications compared to 42% (n = 29) of participants with affective psychosis.
There was a significant difference between diagnostic groups in
the percentage of follow-ups comparing continuous, intermittent,
Antipsychotic medication status to the recovery and
and no prescribed antipsychotic medications after index hospital-
rehospitalization outcomes
ization (χ2 = 15.07, 2 df, p = 0.0005; Fig. 3). Forty-one percent
(n = 29) of the participants with schizophrenia were continuously The fitted GEE logistic models for recovery and rehospitalization
prescribed antipsychotic medications compared to 13% (n = 9) of were listed in Table 2. We were not able to use all the 734 obser-
participants with affective psychosis. Whereas, 24% (n = 17) of the vations due to missing values. But the sample sizes for both mod-
participants with schizophrenia were never prescribed anti- els were reasonably large for reliable inferences. In fact, the AUC
psychotic medications after index hospitalization compared to for modeling recovery was 0.8523 and for modeling

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Psychological Medicine 5

Fig. 2. Diagnostic comparison of psychosis at six

follow-ups over 20 years. Significance = *≤ 0.05, **≤ 0.01,
***≤ 0.001

Fig. 3. Overall percentage of prescribed antipsychotic

medication by diagnosis.

Table 2. Fitted GEE logistic models for recovery and rehospitalization

Probability of recovery Probability of rehospitalization

Sample size 600 509

AUC 0.8523 0.8288
Variable Coef. Odds ratio p val. Coef. Odds ratio p val.
Intercept −6.816 – <0.0001 3.927 – 0.008
Medication 1.790 5.989 <0.0001 −2.009 0.134 <0.0001
NHOSP* −0.174 0.840 0.049 – – –
Race – – – 0.504 1.655 0.083
Sex 0.523 1.687 0.094 −0.551 0.576 0.059
VS** – – – 0.733 2.081 0.016
Age – – – −0.036 0.965 0.052
Education 0.257 1.293 <0.0001 −0.150 0.861 0.009
Marital −0.793 0.452 0.008 – – –
*NHOSP, number of previous hospitalizations; **VS, Valliant and Stephen Prognostic Index.

rehospitalization was 0.8288, which provided strong evidence for medication were <0.0001 in both models, which showed a very
good fits on non-rare events. strong effect of antipsychotic medication to both recovery and
Variables not listed in Table 2 were diagnosis, Zigler’s rehospitalization. For recovery, the coefficient of medication was
Prognostic Index, marijuana, and alcohol, which were not signifi- 1.79 (OR 5.989, 95% CI 3.588–9.993), which indicated that parti-
cant enough to be included in the final model. The p values for cipants not on antipsychotic medication were about six times

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6 Martin Harrow et al.

Fig. 4. (a) Mean Global Assessment Functioning Score (GAF) and

medication status in schizophrenia. (b) Mean Global Assessment
Functioning Score (GAF) and medication status in affective
psychosis. AP, antipsychotic medication; *⩽0.01; **⩽0.001.

more likely to recover than participants on medication, regardless [t(26) = −3.64, p < 0.001], 7.5-year [t(43) = −3.82, p < 0.001],
of diagnosis status, prognostic index, race, sex, age, education, and 10-year [t(41) = −4.39, p < 0.001], 15-year [t(41) = −4.13,
other factors. Likewise, for rehospitalization, the coefficient of p < 0.001], and 20-year [t(33) = −3.42, p = 0.002] follow-up but
medication was −2.009 (OR 0.134, 95% CI 0.070–0.259), which not the 4.5-year follow-up [t(46) = 0.31, p = 0.98].
indicated that the probability of rehospitalization for participants
not on antipsychotic medication was about 13.4% of such a prob-
ability for those on medication, regardless of diagnosis status and
all the other factors listed in Table 1. In this novel study, we examined the longitudinal trajectory of
Lastly, we also independently examined the Global Assessment psychotic episodes in a sample that consisted of participants
Functioning Scale (GAF) and medication status at each follow-up with schizophrenia compared to participants with affective psych-
in participants with schizophrenia (Fig. 4a) and found that there osis over a 20-year follow-up period. Additionally, we examined
was no significant difference in medication status at the 2-year prognostic factors, premorbid adjustment, potential confounds
and follow-up [t(34) = −1.05, p = 0.30]. However, there was a sig- such as education, drug use, rehospitalization, etc., or medication
nificant difference at the 4.5-year [t(48) = −5.84, p < 0.001], status predict prolonged periods of recovery after the 2-year per-
7.5-year [t(50) = −6.06, p < 0.001], 10-year [t(44) = −5.54, p < iod regardless of diagnosis.
0.001], 15-year [t(43) = −4.49, p < 0.001], and 20-year [t(51) =
−4.06, p < 0.001] follow-up evaluations showing that participants
Diagnostic comparison of the longitudinal trajectory of
not prescribed antipsychotic medications scored significantly
psychotic episodes
higher in GAF scores indicating better overall global outcome.
Likewise, when we examined GAF scores and medication status Our data are consistent with other studies that have reported that
at each follow-up evaluation in participants with affective psych- symptom presentation was not significantly different between
osis (Fig. 4b), we found a significant difference at the 2-year diagnostic groups at the initial presentation and relatively early

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Psychological Medicine 7

in the course. However, the course diagnostically differentiates without an increased rate of relapse between the groups (Huhn
starting at the 4.5-year follow-up, showing that participants et al., 2020).
with schizophrenia were significantly more likely to experience A recent publication by Bergström et al., (2020) reported that
a persistent and chronic longitudinal trajectory compared to par- increased cumulative exposure to antipsychotics during the first 5
ticipants with affective psychosis, to our knowledge, this longitu- years following onset were more likely to be continuously pre-
dinal comparison has not been a previously reported study scribed antipsychotic medication and to be receiving ongoing psy-
extending to 20 years following the initial evaluation. In terms chiatric treatment and disability reimbursements. Alarmingly, the
of medication prescribing patterns, participants with schizophre- study also reports a significant association between higher cumu-
nia were more likely to be continuously prescribed antipsychotic lative exposure with higher mortality.
compared to affective psychosis. The Danish OPUS Trial found that many participants on anti-
psychotic medications were doing poorly (Wils et al., 2017). A lar-
ger percentage of participants on antipsychotic medications were
Diagnostic comparison of prescribed antipsychotic
doing poorly compared to participants not on antipsychotics.
Approximately 3/4 of the 120 participants off meds at the
Harrow in a consistent series of publications (Harrow et al., 2012; 10-year follow-up were doing well and were defined to be in
Harrow et al., 2014; Harrow & Jobe, 2007; Harrow & Jobe, 2013; remission.
Harrow & Jobe, 2018) has shown that evidence for antipsychotic
medication used on a long-term basis leads to poorer outcome.
Diagnostic comparison of the recovery outcomes and
This includes decrements in multiple areas including work func-
antipsychotic medication status
tion, symptoms of psychosis, less remissions, and periods of
recovery. Initially, these findings were surprising, but the consist- Studies examining early recovery and employment outcome sug-
ency of these findings showed poorer outcomes for participants gest that FEP participants may benefit from a cautious use of anti-
with schizophrenia treated with antipsychotic medications at psychotic medication in an early phase, when needed to treat
each follow-up after the 2-year assessment in multiple areas. symptoms, and that many may terminate treatment early after
These findings have been replicated in multiple areas by an ever- full symptomatic remission without a high risk for a deteriorating
increasing number of other investigators showing similar poor course of a psychotic disorder (Strålin, Skott, & Cullberg, 2019).
outcomes in participants in schizophrenia prescribed anti- In a large, well-documented longitudinal study conducted by
psychotic medications in a variety of outcome domains. Our pre- Kotov et al. (2017) showed that antipsychotic use was associated
vious research also reported that participants with bipolar with lower overall functioning as measured by a decrease in
psychosis not taking antipsychotics were more likely to have a GAF scores, inexpressivity ratings, and apathy-asociality ratings
positive outcome (Goldberg & Harrow, 2011). Building on this overall (Kotov et al., 2017; Velthorst et al., 2017).
previous research, our current study reported here shows that The AESOP-10 study conducted in the UK reported that 71%
regardless on diagnosis (schizophrenia and affective psychosis), (n = 44) who were not prescribed antipsychotic medications were
participants not prescribed antipsychotic medication are more in recovery compared to 34% (n = 57) who were prescribed anti-
likely to experience more episodes of recovery, increased GAF psychotic medications who were in recovery at 2 years prior to
scores, and are less likely to be rehospitalized. Further, partici- follow-up (Morgan et al., 2014).
pants not on antipsychotic medication were approximately six Whereas the 10-year follow-up of the Northern Finland 1966
times more likely to recover than participants on medication, Birth Cohort showed that 63% (n = 15) of those who were not pre-
regardless of diagnosis status, prognostic index, race, sex, age, edu- scribed antipsychotic medication were in remission compared to
cation, and other factors. 20% (n = 9) who were prescribed antipsychotic medications and
Similarly to our findings reported above, other studies have in remission (Moilanen et al., 2013). The NYC longitudinal
shown that at the 7-year follow-up, participants with psychosis study found fewer psychotropic medications and fewer psychiatric
in the dose reduction/discontinuation group were significantly services to be predictive of better outcome although the differ-
better compared to participants in maintained treatment in ences were not statistically significant (Cohen & Iqbal, 2014).
terms of social functioning, vocational functioning, self-care, rela-
tionships with others, and over all community integration
Predictive factors contributing to recovery
domains (Wunderink et al., 2013). Additionally, there was not a
significant difference between the dose reduction/discontinuation Bland and Parker (1978) showed that patients who received exten-
group and maintenance therapy group in term of symptom sive services during the follow-up period had poorer outcomes
exacerbation. Thus, although the antipsychotic medication was (Bland & Parker, 1978). Outcome was better than in most earlier
reduced or discontinued, the symptom profile or pattern was studies of schizophrenia, but similar to other recent studies of first
not different from participants who were maintained on antipsy- admission patients; also, the use of phenothiazines, short-term
chotics. This finding does not support the hypothesis that hospitalization, and community services may play a part. The fail-
long-term continuous antipsychotic medications lead to a positive ure of prognostic indicators to predict more than about 25% of
outcome. Additionally, long-term antipsychotics medications for the outcome variance for this group of ‘poor prognosis’ patients
psychosis are not predictive of positive outcomes and that supports the viewpoint that ‘good’ and ‘poor’ prognosis in schizo-
additional research is needed that focus on risk/benefit and per- phrenia are two different entities.
sonal preference on this potential benefit (Wunderink, 2019). Our previous research has shown that when prognostic indices
Likewise, in a recent randomized control study examining are introduced as a control for outcome status, it can distinguish
gradual antipsychotic dose reduction compared to maintenance between good v. poor outcome. At the time of the initial hospital-
treatment showed that approximately 40% of the participants ization, participants with a poor prognostic potential on several
with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder tolerated a dose reduction indices started to show poorer outcomes regardless of diagnosis.

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8 Martin Harrow et al.

Thus, verifying the accuracy of the prognostic measures in pre- of severity of psychosis, such as GAF scores, within weeks of dis-
dicting long-term outcome. Additionally, after the first 2–3 continuation, which would have better documented the time
years, the participants with schizophrenia and affective psychosis course of rebound characteristic of aiDSP (Tiihonen et al.,
who were prescribed antipsychotic medications continued to 2018). Substantial translational research is already underway to
show poorer outcomes than the participants who were not pre- assess the role of aiDSP in the loss of antipsychotic drug efficacy
scribed antipsychotic medications. It occurred after we controlled and the breakthrough of persistent novel psychotic symptoms (De
for initial prognosis by comparing the participants with schizo- Lafuente & Romo, 2011; Fallon & Dursun, 2011; Kesby, Eyles,
phrenia and affective psychosis who had initially poor prognosis McGrath, & Scott, 2018). These include studies of the similarities
and were prescribed antipsychotics with the participants with and differences in the pathophysiology of different psychotic dis-
poor prognosis who were not prescribed antipsychotics. We also orders and their role in the development of aiDSP and treatment
compared the participants with schizophrenia and affective resistance (Amato, Kruyer, Samaha, & Heinz, 2019; Ashok et al.,
psychosis who had initial moderate prognosis and were prescribed 2017; Jauhar et al., 2017; Jauhar et al., 2019), the genetic markers
antipsychotics with the participants who had initial moderate that indicate level of susceptibility for developing aiDSP (Agnati,
prognosis and were not prescribed antipsychotics. Guidolin, Cervetto, Borroto-Escuela, & Fuxe, 2016; Charron,
There are currently multiple studies that examine the long- El Hage, Servonnet, & Samaha, 2015; Escamilla et al., 2018;
term outcomes of participants prescribed antipsychotic medica- Oda et al., 2015; Oishi et al., 2018), optimal receptor binding to
tions. In most instances, after controlling for initial prognosis, mitigate aiDSP (Iyo et al., 2013; Samaha, Seeman, Stewart,
the participants who were prescribed antipsychotics showed Rajabi, & Kapur, 2007; Seeman, 2011; Tadokoro et al., 2012),
poorer outcomes than the participants who were not prescribed low dose and intermittent dosage regimes over the long term to
antipsychotics. Some of these comparisons were statistically sig- avoid the onset of aiDSP (Bowtell et al., 2018; Huhn et al.,
nificant and other comparisons were not significant, but most 2020; Moncrieff, 2006; Moncrieff, Crellin, Long, Cooper, &
were in the same directions of poorer outcome after the first 2– Stockmann, 2019; Tiihonen et al., 2017) research into the etiology
3 years for participants prescribed antipsychotics (Harrow & of the cognitive disturbances characteristic of aiDSP psychosis
Jobe, 2018). and how to mitigate them (Nakahara, 2014; Turkheimer et al.,
2020), and, finally, the study of new drugs as a prophylaxis against
the development of aiDSP or that are effective in treating aiDSP
Summary hypothesis
(Citrome, 2013; Lally & MacCabe, 2015; Rajkumar, 2014).
Despite skepticism in the field (Catts & O’Toole, 2017; Correll,
Rubio, & Kane, 2018; Goff et al., 2017; Leucht & Davis, 2017),
a major factor, among multiple other possible factors, that may
be contributing to the negative outcomes in patients experiencing This study reports multiple findings that bring into question the
long-term antipsychotic treatment is antipsychotic-induced dopa- use of continuous antipsychotic medications, regardless of diag-
mine super-sensitivity psychosis (aiDSP) (Chouinard et al., 2017; nosis in examining the clinical trajectory and outcomes in parti-
Fallon, Dursun, & Deakin, 2012; Murray & Di Forti, 2018; cipants diagnosed with schizophrenia compared to participants
Nakata, Kanahara, & Iyo, 2017; Yin, Barr, Ramos-Miguel, & diagnosed with affective psychosis. The data indicates that parti-
Procyshyn, 2017). The Chicago Follow-up Study was completed cipants with schizophrenia are more likely to experience psychosis
before clinical scales for assessing aiDSP had been fully developed than participants with affective psychosis at all six follow-ups over
(Demjaha, Murray, McGuire, Kapur, & Howes, 2012; Oda, 20 years and that only 50–70% of participants with affective
Kanahara, & Iyo, 2015; Suzuki et al., 2015; Vita et al., 2019), psychosis have subsequent psychosis at some point over the 20
and then used in large scale follow-up studies of continuous years. We also show that almost all participants with schizophre-
antipsychotic treatment showing that 30% of patients with schizo- nia prescribed antipsychotic medications have one or more subse-
phrenia and 70% of patients with treatment-resistant schizophre- quent psychotic episodes over 20 years. Additionally, participants
nia developed aiDSP (Chouinard & Chouinard, 2008; Takase with schizophrenia not on antipsychotics after the first 2 years
et al., 2015). Nevertheless, our results are consistent with these have better outcomes than participants with schizophrenia on
more recent studies on the clinical development of aiDSP over antipsychotics. In terms of recovery, we demonstrate that after
the long term. Also, our findings that participants with schizo- the second year, regardless of diagnosis, the absence of anti-
phrenia had a worse trajectory than participants with psychotic psychotic medication predicted recovery at each subsequent
affective disorder would be consistent with the fact that our par- follow-up. These and previous data indicate that after 2 years,
ticipants with schizophrenia were more likely to have been con- antipsychotics no longer reduce psychotic symptoms and partici-
tinuously medicated than our participants with psychotic pants not on antipsychotic perform better.
affective disorders and therefore more likely to have developed Even when the confound by indication for prescribing anti-
aiDSP. If aiDSP is indeed the driving force behind the negative psychotic medication is controlled for, participants with schizo-
results of long-term continuous use of antipsychotics, and phrenia not on medication do better than their medicated
because antipsychotics also suppress the symptoms of aiDSP as cohorts over the long term, strongly confirming the importance
they develop, we would expect a direct linear relationship between of the recent wave of research exposing the extensive role of
the length of usage of antipsychotics and the severity of rebound aiDSP and the role of antipsychotic drug resistance generally
of psychotic symptoms after discontinuing antipsychotic treat- (Fernandes et al., 2017). However, with the recent wave of trans-
ment. This is exactly what was found by Tiihonen, Tanskanen, lational research, aiming at the ultimate goal of precision medi-
and Taipale (2018) in a large long-term 20-year study cine in psychopharmacology, there will be a strong stimulus to
(Tiihonen et al. 2018). However, they limited their study by rely- the pharmaceutical industry to develop safer more etiologically
ing solely on rehospitalization and mortality to define relapse, specific medications for psychosis in the near future, which
thus confounding by health risk, and failing to include measures along with more strongly targeted psychosocial interventions,

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Psychological Medicine 9

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Supplementary material. The supplementary material for this article can
phrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 169(11), 1203–1210.
be found at https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291720004778.
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