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13rd Annual Scientific Meeting

Denpasar,Bali, 5-6 November 2009

Reliability of the Method for Determination of Coefficient of

Consolidation (cv)
Agus Setyo Muntohar
Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta

ABSTRACT: Many curve-fitting procedures based on the Terzaghi uncoupled consolidation theory have been
proposed for determination of the laboratory coefficient of primary consolidation (cv). Six available methods
are used in this study to evaluate the coefficient of consolidation for an expansive clay soil in Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. This paper presents cv values obtaining from Casagrande's logarithm of time, Taylor's root of time,
the early stage of log-t, the inflection point, the t60 and the t45 root of time method. A correlation between
the value of cv and pressure shows that the larger variability of cv was found if the applied pressure was lower
than 5 kPa. Beyond this pressure, the variability of cv was quite small and very close together. In general, the
early stage of log-t method gives higher values than other methods and lower, whereas, the inflection point
method have a lowest cv values among others. At higher applied pressure, four methods; Taylor’s t90
method, Feng and Lee t60 , Robinson and Allam's t45 , and Mesri et. al inflection point method; give quite
consistent cv value that close to the best fit line. Regardless of this fact, the data and conclusions presented
address important findings for uses of the cv method for practical range of interest.

Keywords : primary consolidation, coefficient of consolidation, expansive clay.

estimate for the soil; at least in the laboratory testing

1 INTRODUCTION conditions, though not the field behavior.
In practice, an engineer uses laboratory test data
In the analyses of the settlement behavior over time to estimate the rate of settlement of a soil and has to
of a structure founded on a consolidating soil layer decide which of the methods needed to be used. So
commonly adopts the Terzaghi uncoupled the main objective is to study the variation of the
consolidation theory. The primary parameter that coefficient of consolidation values using different
controls the settlement rate is the coefficient of methods in order to draw a conclusion on which of
consolidation (cv). This parameter, which is evaluated those methods is more realistic and reasonable to
on the basis of in situ measurements or laboratory predict the time rate of consolidation settlement. In
test data, must be determined correctly to predict the this study six available methods are studied for
true time rate of the settlement. Many methods have determining the coefficient of consolidation that are
been developed to obtain cv value such as log-time Casagrande's logarithm of time method, Taylor's root
and its variant, square root of time and its variant, of time method, the early stage of log-t method, the
inflection point, hyperbolic, and least square methods inflection point method, the t60 and the t45 root
(Casagrande and Fadum, 1940; Taylor, 1948; Mesri of time method. The values of the coefficient of
et al., 1999; Sridharan and Prakash, 1985; Chan, consolidation using these methods are determined
2003). Most of the methods of obtaining cv from the and compared.
laboratory time-settlement data are determined
graphically and are based on Terzaghi’s consolidation 2 THEORY
theory. The very existence of so many procedures
itself is an indication that all methods may not be According to the Terzaghi theory of one-dimensional
applicable under all circumstances. As the values of consolidation, the relationship between average
cv obtained by different methods vary widely, it is degree of consolidation, U, and time factor, T, in an
difficult to decide which value of cv is a reasonable incremental loading consolidation test is

13rd Annual Scientific Meeting
Denpasar,Bali, 5-6 November 2009

Robinson and Allam (1996) involves using both the

 

U  1  2
exp  M 2T (1) early segment and the inflection point of the log t
m 0 M
plot to find the time of 22.14% consolidation. The
coefficient of consolidation is determined using eq.
cv t (2) with T22.14 = 0.038 and the consolidation time
where, T  (2)
H2 t22.14 corresponding to 22.14% consolidation (Fig. 2).
The initial compression may affect the early segment
cv = coefficient of consolidation; H = maximum
of the consolidation curve and lead to an inaccurate
drainage distance; t = time elapsed from application
estimation of 0% consolidation (Mesri et al. 1999).
of pressure increment; and M = (2m + 1)/2. When
The inflection-point method by Mesri et al. (1999)
values of t, T, and H are known, the coefficient of
involves using only the inflection point of the log t
consolidation can be determined from eq. (2).
plot to find the time of 70% consolidation. Then the
coefficient of consolidation is determined using eq.
(2) with T70 = 0.403 and consolidation time t 70
corresponding to 70% consolidation. It should be
noted that this method only uses information from
70% consolidation that may only be little affected by
the secondary compression. The above three methods
all require an inflection point appearing on the
consolidation curve.

Fig.1 Logarithmic of time method for determining coefficient

of consolidation (Casagrande and Fadum, 1940).

Fig. 3 Square root of time method for determining coefficient

of consolidation (Taylor, 1948).

Fig. 2 Early stage log-t method for determining coefficient of Taylor (1948) developed the square root of time
consolidation (Robinson and Allam, 1996). ( t ) method based on the assumption that the
hydrodynamic process dominates up to 90%
The log t method by Casagrande and Fadum consolidation. This method involves first drawing a
(1940) involves finding 0% consolidation from the straight line from the linear segment of the
early segment of the log t consolidation curve and oedometer t consolidation curve and then using it
100% consolidation from the secondary compression to plot the second straight line that intersects the t
segment and the tangent line passing through the consolidation curve at 90% consolidation (Fig. 3).
inflection point. The coefficient of consolidation is General concern about this method is that the
determined using eq. (2) with T50 = 0.197 and the consolidation curve near 90% consolidation may be
consolidation time t 50 corresponding to 50% significantly affected by secondary compression
consolidation. This method has probably been used (Robinson and Allam 1996). In fact, the shape of
most frequently (Fig. 1). The early log t method by the t consolidation curve could also be affected by
13rd Annual Scientific Meeting
Denpasar,Bali, 5-6 November 2009

the secondary compression. Feng and Lee (2001) increment throughout the tests was 24 hours. For
proposed simplified Taylor t method by drawing a each pressure increment, the readings of the
straight line passing through the linear portion of the deformation and time were recorded. The
measured t consolidation curve. The point at coefficients of consolidation were determined at
which the consolidation curve deviates from this different applied pressures by different methods,
straight line gives the time of 60% consolidation. The namely:
coefficient of consolidation can then be computed by 1 The logarithm of time method (t50),
substituting the time of 60% consolidation into eq. 2 The square root of time method ( t 90 ),
(2) with T60 = 0.286 and consolidation time t 60 3 The early stage log-t method (t22.14)
corresponding to 60% consolidation (Fig. 4). The 4 The linear segment of square root of time method
Feng and Lee method was revised by Robinson and ( t 60 ),
Allam (2002). The linear segment of the oedometer 5 The linear segment of square root of time method
t consolidation curve and then using it to plot the ( t 45 ), and
second straight line that intersects the t 6 The inflection point method (t 70).
consolidation curve at 45% consolidation instead of The soil sample was comprised of 33% clay size,
60% consolidation. The coefficient of consolidation 51% silt size, and 16% sand fraction. The liquid limit
can then be computed by substituting the time of and plasticity index were 59% and 29% respectively.
45% consolidation into eq. (2) with T45 = 0.145. Hence, the soil sample was classified into highly-
plastic clay, and then be symbolized as CH. The clay
mineral of the soil samples was identified as

Fig. 4 Variant of square root of time method for determining

coefficient of consolidation (Feng and Lee, 2001).


In this study, the methodology is based on the

experimental works that have to be clearly identified
to accomplish the objectives. Soil samples were
collected from Kasihan, Yogyakarta. The soils
samples were classified experimentally by carrying
out some fundamental tests such as the grain size
analysis test, hydrometer test, specific gravity test;
Atterberg and limits tests. The consolidation tests
were carried out for five undisturbed soil samples
using the odometer apparatus. The consolidation
Fig. 5. Coefficient of consolidation values determined by
tests were carried out according to ASTM D2435. Taylor t 90 method (a), Casagrande log-t method (b), Early
The sequence of loading was increased incrementally stage log-t method (c), Square-root of time t 60 (d), Square-
from 0.8 kPa to 25 kPa. Duration of each load root of time t 45 (e), and inflection point t70 method.

13rd Annual Scientific Meeting
Denpasar,Bali, 5-6 November 2009

recommended that the method was insufficient for a

soft clay specimen having values of coefficient of
4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS consolidation around 0.6 cm2/minutes or higher.

The consolidation properties determined from the

consolidation test are commonly used to estimate the
magnitude and the rate of consolidation settlements
of a structure or an earth fill. Determination of the cv
value is key importance in the design and the
evaluation of settlement performance. The values of
coefficient of consolidation determined by all
methods at all levels of applied pressures are shown
in Fig. 5. The values of the coefficient of
consolidation determined by each method were fitted
by the best curve fitting. This procedure gives the
general behavior trend for each method.
Coefficient of consolidation values tend to
decrease with increasing of applied pressure for all
method (Fig. 5). This characteristic was also
observed by Robinson and Allam (1996) for Brown
soil and Black Cotton soil. For montmorillonite with
water as pore fluid, the compression behavior is
governed by physicochemical factor and cv will
decrease with increase in pressure (Robinson and
Allam, 1998). It was observed in Fig. 5 that larger
Fig. 6 Variability of the coefficient of consolidation with
variability of cv were found for log-t (Fig. 5b) and pressure for various methods.
early stage log-t method (Fig. 5c). The variability
may rise since the length of the measured secondary
compression segment was not sufficient. The results
show that log-t and early stage log-t method in some
cases may not suitable to determines the cv values
when the recorded time-settlement data from
consolidation test was insufficient to distinguish both
primary and secondary compression (Feng, 2001).
It is of interest to compare the values of the
coefficient of consolidation determined from the
evaluated method. The best-fit curve of each method
is plotted together in Fig. 6 to examine variability of
cv values with applied pressure. In general, the log-t
and early stage of log-t method gives higher values
than other methods and, whereas, the inflection point
method have a lowest cv values among others (Fig.
7). The Taylor’s t90 method gives a modest cv
values among the evaluated methods. The
characteristics were different from the study carried
out by other researchers. Most researches concluded
that log-t method yield a lowest cv value (Robinson
and Allam, 1996; Feng, 2001; Cortellazo, 2002). Fig 7. Comparison among the six methods for determination
Sridharan and Prakash (1995) mentioned that log-t of the coefficient of consolidation with various pressures.
method is affected by secondary compression, with
lower values of cv expected. However, in this study, The rate of settlement in the field may be faster
the method was always shown to be affected by than that evaluated experimentally. This is because of
initial compression and yield the increases in the the factors affecting the rate of settlement in the field
value of cv. In general speaking, therefore, the that are not considered experimentally. Therefore, it
determined value of cv depends on the relative weight is better to choose a method that gives the highest
of the effects initial compression and secondary value of cv. Since, this method is usually not affected
compression. For t 60 method, Feng (2001) either by the initial compression part of the

13rd Annual Scientific Meeting
Denpasar,Bali, 5-6 November 2009

consolidation curve or by the secondary compression Chan, A.H.C., 2003. Determination of the Coefficient of
part of the consolidation curve (Cortellazo, 2002). Consolidation Using a Least Squares Method.
Geotechnique, Vol. 53 No. 7, pp. 673-678.
Cortellazo, G., 2002. Comparison Between Laboratory and In
Situ Values of the Coefficient of Primary Consolidation cv.
5 CONCLUSIONS Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 39, pp. 103–110.
Feng, T.W., 2001. Using a t60 Method to Determine the
The experimental works have been carried out Coefficient of Consolidation of Two Clays. Proceedings of
successfully. Six methods for determination of the Eleventh (2001) International Offshore and Polar
Engineering Conference, Stavanger, Norway, June 17-22,
coefficient of consolidation have been also evaluated. 2001, pp. 413-416.
In the values of cv determined from the laboratory Feng, T.W., and Lee, Y.J., 2001. Coefficient of Consolidation
test varies and depends on the methods used. Some from the Linear Segment of the t1/2 Curve. Canadian
noted, them, can be drawn from the results and Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 38, pp. 901–909.
discussions. A correlation between the value of cv Mesri, G., Feng, T.W. and Shahien, M., 1999. Coefficient of
and pressure shows that the large variation of cv was Consolidation by the Inflection Point Method. Journal of
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE,
found if the applied pressure was lower than 5 kPa. 125, No. GT8, pp.716-718.
Beyond this pressure, the variability of cv was quite Robinson, R.G., and Allam, M.M., 1996. Determination of
small and very close together. In general, the log-t Coefficient of Consolidation from Early Stage of Log t
and early stage of log-t method gives higher values Plot. Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 19 No. 3: 316-
than other methods and, whereas, the inflection point 320.
method have a lowest cv values among others. The Robinson, R.G., and Allam, M.M., 1998. Effect of Clay
Mineralogy on Coefficient of Consolidation. Clays and
Taylor’s t90 method gives a modest cv values Clay Minerals, Vol. 46 No. 5, pp. 596-600.
among the evaluated methods. At a pressure higher Robinson, R.G., and Allam, M.M., 2002. Coefficient of
than 20 kPa, four methods; Taylor’s t90 , Feng and Consolidation from the Linear Segment of the t 1/2 Curve:
Lee's t60 , Robinson and Allam's t45 , and Mesri Discussion. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 39, pp.
et. al inflection point method; give quite consistent cv 1000–1001.
Sridharan, A. and Prakash, K. "Improved Rectangular
value that close to the best fit line. Regardless of this Hyperbola Method for Determination of Coefficient of
fact, the data and conclusions presented address Consolidation".Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 8 No. 3,
important findings for uses of the cv method for pp. 37-40.
practical range of interest. Sridharan, A., and Prakash, K. 1995. Critical appraisal of
laboratory determination of cv. In H. Yoshikuni and O.
Kusakabe 9Eds.): "Compression and consolidation of
clayey soils". A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 567–572.
REFERENCES Taylor, D.W. 1948. Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics. John
Wiley and Sons, New York
Casagrande, A., and Fadum, R.E. 1940. Notes on Soil Testing
for Engineering Purposes. Harvard Soil Mechanics, Series
No. 8, Cambridge, Mass.


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