The Law Reviews - The Renewable Energy Law Review
The Law Reviews - The Renewable Energy Law Review
The Law Reviews - The Renewable Energy Law Review
10 August 2021
In 2008, the Renewable Energy Act (the RE Act) was passed to spur
development of renewable energy projects and reduce reliance on fossil
fuels. The RE Act exists within an energy law ecosystem that includes the
Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA) of 2001, which provides the
overall restructured regulatory framework for the electric power industry;
the Biofuels Act of 2006, which encourages the use of biofuels; and the
Climate Change Act of 2009, which provides the legal mandate to address
climate change.
Despite the law's mandate, electric power is still dominated by fossil fuels,
especially coal. At present, coal plants account for 39 per cent of the
country's 21,241MW of installed energy capacity. Renewable energy
accounts for around 31 per cent (hydro 15.5 per cent, geothermal 8.1 per
cent, solar 3.7 per cent, wind 1.8 per cent and biomass 1 per cent), with the
balance accounted for by oil-based sources at 18 per cent, and natural gas
at 15 per cent (3,447MW).
Moreover, coal use is forecast to increase to 59.1 per cent of the total power
mix by 2028 to meet the country's surging power demand, driven by strong
macroeconomic fundamentals and demographic growth, coupled with
government goals to achieve a 100 per cent electrification rate by 2022.
Non-hydro renewables generation is also expected to decline slightly to 10.2
per cent of the total power mix by 2028 because of the development of
thermal sources. 1/16
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On the positive side, the country's installed renewable energy (RE) capacity
increased by 16 per cent in 2020, underscoring the growing shift toward
cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.
However, coal maintained its dominance in the power generation mix with
a share of 54.6 per cent, followed by natural gas with 21.1 per cent share; and
renewable energy (geothermal, hydro, biomass, solar and wind) with 20.8
per cent.
Energy officials believe that the country's target of a 35 per cent RE share in
the power generation mix by 2030 is still achievable despite RE's decreasing
share over the years, through the implementation of the Renewable
Portfolio Standards (RPS).
Looking forward, developers will be keenly watching for the DoE's Green
Energy Auction Programme, launched in July 2020, which sets the
framework for independent power producers to acquire supply from
renewable energy projects as the Philippines aims to rebalance the energy
e. reduced corporate tax rate (10 per cent after income tax holiday);
f. accelerated depreciation; 2/16
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The following incentives and privileges are available under Rule 3 Section 17
of the RE Act IRRs:
a. tax rebates for purchases of renewable energy components;
f. Priority Dispatch and Must Dispatch status for intermittent renewable energy resources.
The general eligibility requirements for incentives are: registration with the
DOE; DOE endorsement of the renewable energy developer and its project;
and registration with the Board of Investments.
The regulatory framework
Under the Philippine constitution, all natural resources are owned by the
state. These include all forces of potential energy such as kinetic energy
from water, marine current and wind; thermal energy from solar, ocean,
geothermal and biomass sources. The constitution also provides that the
exploration, development, production, and utilisation of natural resources
shall be under the full control and supervision of the state.
The state may directly undertake activities of this kind or it may enter into
co-production, joint venture or co-production sharing agreements with
Filipino citizens or corporations or associations at least 60 per cent of whose
capital is owned by Filipinos.
The DOE interprets the constitution in such a way that foreign ownership
for renewable power projects is restricted to 40 per cent. In addition, only
Filipino citizens or corporations the capital stock of which is owned by
Filipino citizens are allowed to own land – an important consideration for
renewable energy project development.
Related resource management laws
a. environmental regulations,, including compliance with the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) System,
implemented primarily by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR);
b. the Local Government Code,20 which directs periodic consultation with the local government units with
respect to renewable energy projects within their respective jurisdictions; and
The following are the four major types of business model for on-grid
renewable energy projects.
Feed-in tariff
The net-metering model is in general restricted to special-purpose vehicle
facilities with an installed capacity of not more than 100kWp. Under the RE
Act IRRs, it is mandatory for distribution utilities to enter into net-metering
arrangements (without discriminating between end users' requests).
PSAs with commercial bulk consumers
The DOE is the lead agency mandated to implement the RE Act. In
addition to its functions under existing laws, the DOE shall:
a. promulgate the RPS rules; 4/16
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b. establish the renewable energy market (REM) and direct the Philippine Electricity Market Corporation (PEMC)
to implement changes to incorporate the rules specific to the operation of the REM under the WESM;
d. promulgate the appropriate implementing rules and regulations necessary to achieve the objectives of the
e. determine the minimum percentage of generation that may be sourced from renewable energy resources
available from the National Power Corporation Small Power Utilities Group (NPC-SPUG) or its successors-in-
interest or qualified third parties in off-grid areas;
f. issue certifications to renewable energy developers, local manufacturers, fabricators, and suppliers of locally
produced renewable energy equipment to serve as basis for their entitlement to incentives, as provided for in
the RE Act;
g. together with relevant government agencies, formulate and implement the NREP;
h. administer the Renewable Energy Trust Fund as a special account in any of the government financial
institutions identified under Section 29 of the RE Act;
i. recommend and endorse renewable energy projects applying for financial assistance with government
financial institutions pursuant to Section 29 of the RE Act;
k. determine the mechanisms for the grant of subsidies to electricity consumers of host local government units
(LGUs), together with the DOF, ERC and the National Renewable Energy Board (NREB); and
l. perform such other functions as may be necessary, to attain the objectives of the RE Act.28
The ERC, in consultation with the NREB and the electric power industry
participants, establishes net metering interconnection standards and
pricing methodologies and other commercial arrangements necessary to
ensure the success of net-metering for the renewable energy programme.
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RECs showing the energy sourced, produced, and sold or used are issued
by the RE Registrar to electric power industry participants. The RE Registrar
is mandated to issue, keep, and verify RECs corresponding to energy
generated from eligible renewable energy facilities.
Renewable energy integration with the electricity grid
b. effect connection of renewable energy-based power facilities with the transmission or distribution system
upon receipt of a formal notice of approval by the DOE and the start of commercial operations of the
renewable energy-based power facilities.
The ERC, in consultation with the NREB, TransCo and its concessionaire
,provides the mechanism for the recovery of the cost of connection
LGUs have the power to reclassify lands pursuant to Section 20 of the Local
Government Code. Classification of agricultural lands refers to their legal
use (whether agricultural, residential, commercial or industrial) as
contained in the land use plan and is subject to the requirements of Joint
Memorandum Circular MC-54-1995 issued by the Department of Agrarian
Reform (DAR), the Department of Agriculture, the Department of the
Interior and Local Government, and the Housing and Land Use Regulatory
In addition, any change in the current physical use of agricultural land for
siting purposes must be approved by the DAR through the land use
conversion process. This applies to all agricultural lands, including those
awarded pursuant to RA 6657 or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
The RESC gives the renewable energy developer the exclusive right to
explore, develop or utilise a particular renewable energy contract area. It is
divided into two stages, which are indicative of expected time frames:
a. The pre-development stage involves the preliminary assessment and feasibility up to the financial closing of
the renewable energy project. Validity of the pre-development RESC is in general limited to two years.
b. The development or commercial stage involves the development, production or utilisation of renewable
energy resources, including the construction and installation of relevant facilities, up to completion of the
commissioning of the power plant. Validity of the development RESC is in general limited to five years.
Certain energy projects may benefit from Executive Order 30 issued by the
President on 30 June 2017, requiring concerned government agencies to
act within 30 days on permit applications involving energy projects of
national significance (EPNS). If no decision is made within that time frame,
the application is deemed approved. To be considered an EPNS, power
generation and transmission projects must show:
a. a capital investment of at least 3.5 billion Philippine pesos;
The following are typical ownership structures used in the project financing i
of renewable energy projects:
a. ownership by project developer who initially funded the pre-development of the project (i.e., securing permits
and regulatory approvals);
b. ownership by a private equity fund or an equity sponsor (usually to finance the equity portion of the
construction cost with the intent of selling the completed project to an operator); and
c. ownership interest held by the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor, whereby the
contractor, in taking on equity risk in the project, may be said to be an equity sponsor and no longer simply a
Equity financing may be split between common stock and preferred stock.
The preferred stock may or may not have a dividend coupon but is typically
redeemable. The purpose of the redeemable preferred stock is to allow a 8/16
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cash sweep of funds trapped in the project company when there are no
retained earnings available for dividend payments.
Principal documentation for renewable project finance
c. deed of assignment over the power supply agreement or cash flows or bank accounts; and
d. joint and solidary surety or corporate guarantee from the project sponsor.
While terms are generally similar to those in other project financing, there v
b. Equity refinancing: as banks tend to be conservative when the project does not have a PSA, they may choose
to lend only half of their funding commitment during construction and lend the balance on completion. This
means that the project sponsor will have to finance the majority of the project cost during construction, which
would then be 'refinanced' by the bank after construction.
b. a project developer (who typically gets a free carried interest in the project);
c. a bank lender; 9/16
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On 7 June 2017, the ERC issued the draft 'Licensing Rules for Distributed
Energy Resources and Microgrid Systems' (the DER Licensing Rules), which
serve as an addendum to the 2014 Revised COC Rules.
DERs are smaller power sources that could be aggregated to provide power
necessary to meet regular demand. DERs also include demand- and
supply-side resources that can be deployed throughout the system of an
electric utility to meet the energy and reliability needs of the customers
served by the system, including, but not limited to, renewable energy
facilities, managed loads (including electric vehicle charging), energy
storage and other measures necessary to incorporate renewable
generation resources.
The proposed DER Licensing Rules cover generation companies that own
or operate any of the following:
a. a DER installed in the premises of, and directly connected to, the load side of an end user with no
interconnection to the transmission or distribution system;
b. a DER installed in the premises of, and directly connected to, the load side of an end user with an existing
interconnection to the transmission or distribution system; and
c. a microgrid system or a localised grouping of distributed energy sources, loads and storage mechanisms that
can operate both as part of the central grid or independently as an 'island'.41
In October 2019, the ERC released a draft of the rules that includes
distributed energy resources and hybrid energy systems among those
needing prior certification from the agency before they can operate
Energy storage systems
The DOE is also putting together a 'smart grid' road map to modernise the
national electric system. Energy storage systems will be one of the 'key
elements'. 10/16
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b. the importation of materials and spare parts shall be restricted to component materials and parts for the
specific machinery or equipment authorised to be imported;
c. the kind of capital machinery and equipment to be imported must be in accordance with the approved work
and financial programme of renewable energy facilities; and
d. the importation shall be covered by shipping documents in the name of the duly registered renewable energy
developer or operator to whom the shipment will be directly delivered by customs authorities.43
Tax credits
A tax credit equivalent to 100 per cent of the value of the VAT and customs
duties that would have been paid on the renewable energy machinery,
equipment, materials and parts had those items been imported shall be
given to all registered renewable energy developers who purchase
machinery, equipment, materials and parts from a domestic manufacturer,
fabricator or supplier subject to the following conditions:
a. the equipment, machinery and spare parts are justifiably needed and shall be used exclusively by the
registered renewable energy developer in its registered activity;
b. the purchase of the equipment, machinery and spare parts is made from an accredited or recognised
domestic source, in which case prior approval by the DOE should be obtained by the local manufacturer,
fabricator or supplier; and
c. the acquisition of the machinery, equipment, material and parts shall be made within the validity of the
renewable energy service or operating contract.44 11/16
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The Philippines is facing tight electricity supplies in the near future, with
demand increasing and an absence of new generation capacity.
Coal is still the most heavily used energy source. The fact that it is an
imported resource contributes to higher electricity costs.
While renewable energy initiatives have been put in place precisely to lower
electricity costs and reduce dependence on imported fuel, the Philippines
currently lags behind its neighbours in terms of renewable energy
penetration. Renewable energy development tends to be challenging
given the numerous and sometimes confusing regulatory hurdles and
consequently project funding can be hard to come by.
Ronald B Dime and Edward Albert E Eviota are partners at Dime & Eviota
Law Firm. The authors wish to thank attorney Mary Salgado and John Balce
of FTI Consulting Inc for their contributions to the research.
Republic Act No. 9513.
Republic Act No. 9136.
Republic Act No. 9367.
Republic Act No. 9729.
DOE, Power Development Plan, 2017–2040.
Fitch Solutions, 'Philippines Power Expansion To Continue Being Driven By
Coal' (20 August 2019);
The 2020 Power Statistics report of the Philippine Department of Energy
(DOE). 12/16
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The 2020 Power Statistics report of the Philippine Department of Energy
Rule 3 Section 18, RE Act IRRs.
Article XII, Section 2 of the Philippine Constitution.
Rule 6 Section 19, RE Act IRRs.
Republic Act No. 7160.
Republic Act No. 8371.
GIZ, Solar PV Guidebook Philippines (2014).
Section 7, RE Act.
Section 6, RE Act.
Section 10, RE Act.
Section 9, RE Act together with Section 31e, EPIRA.
Section 5, RE Act.
Rule 8 Section 22, RE Act IRRs.
Section 27, RE Act.
Section 32, RE Act.
Section 10, RE Act.
Rule 4 Section 12, RE Act IRRs.
Rule 3 Section 10, RE Act IRRs.
Rule 3 Section 11, RE Act IRRs.
Section 20, RE Act.
Rule 5 Section 17, RE Act IRRs. 13/16
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Section 3.29, Department Circular No. DC2019-10-0013 or the Omnibus
Guidelines Governing the Award and Administration of Renewable Energy
Service and Operating Contracts and the Registration of Renewable
Department of Justice Opinion No. 44, series of 1990.
Republic Act No. 11038.
2014 Revised Rules for the Issuance of Certificates of Compliance for
Generation Companies, Qualified End-Users and Entities with Self-
Generation Facilities.
Rule 5 Section 15, RE Act IRRs.
Rule 5 Section 13(B), RE Act IRRs.
Rule 5 Section 13(I), RE Act IRRs.
Ronald Dime
[email protected]
Edward Eviota
[email protected]
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