8313058122-EN-104 ELTA200 Vol2 Sect 0 (VerB-Jun07)
8313058122-EN-104 ELTA200 Vol2 Sect 0 (VerB-Jun07)
8313058122-EN-104 ELTA200 Vol2 Sect 0 (VerB-Jun07)
ELTA 200
- Parts List, Layouts and Schematic Diagrams -
ELTA 200 - Electronic TACAN Antenna TECHNICAL MANUAL
Vol 2 - Parts List, Layouts and Schem. Diagr. Ref. 83130 58122
ELTA 200
Vol. 2
Parts List, Layouts and Schematic Diagrams
Information and software in the document are unpublished works proprietary to Thales. Disclosure, copying,
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Use of this document is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice.
All rights reserved © 2007 - Thales Italia S.p.A. - Gorgonzola - Milan - Printed in Italy
Versione/Data A – Ed. 1 B C D E
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Written by
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Checked by
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Approved by
Assicurazione Qualità
Quality Assurance
Note: New form for all pages with new heading and footpage. The table shows the detailed changes.
Volume 2 – INDEX
AU - Antenna Unit
Section 1 AU - Antenna Unit 84022 00500
Section 2 A-FWC - 4 way coupler 61631841
A-LA Linear subarray 84022 25000
Section 0 Safety Precaution, First aid for Electrical Shock, Manual
Preliminary Remark Composition, Volume 1 detailed composition and pages summary
Volume 2 - ELTA 200, TECHNICAL MANUAL - Parts List, Layouts and Schematic Diagrams
This volume consists of the following sections:
Changes/Authorization ...........................................................................................................................V
Volume 2 - Total Pages Summary.........................................................................................................VI
Volume 2 – INDEX................................................................................................................................VII
TECHNICAL MANUAL Composition .....................................................................................................IX
INDEX of Preliminary Remarks ............................................................................................................XI
- WARRANTY - .....................................................................................................................................XII
- HOW TO ORDER REPLACEMENT PARTS - ...................................................................................XII
About this MANUAL.............................................................................................................................XIII
SAFETY .............................................................................................................................................. XIV
ELECTRICAL SHOCK........................................................................................................................ XIV
Electrical Safety .................................................................................................................................. XIV
FIRST AID FOR ELECTRIC SHOCK .................................................................................................. XV
TREATMENT OF BURNS .................................................................................................................. XVI
General SAFETY Precaution.............................................................................................................. XIX
List of current ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................. XX
Designations and meanings of the ELTA SIGNALS .......................................................................... XXI
Thales warrants all equipment manufactured by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship,
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Thales neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume for it any other liability in connection with its
Thales reserves the right to make modifications and alterations to its products without obligation to install
such improvements at no charge in equipment theretofore manufactured.
When ordering replacement parts, you should direct your order as indicated below and furnish the following
information insofar as applicable. To enable us to give you better replacement service, please be sure to
give us complete information.
1. Model number, name, and serial number of principal equipment.
2. Unit subassembly number (where applicable).
3. Item or reference symbol number obtained from parts list.
4. Part number and description.
5. Vendor part number, name, and/or manufacturer's code (where applicable).
6. Quantity of each replacement part required.
Thales Italia S.p.A.
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This Technical Manual makes reference only to Electronic TACAN Antenna type ELTA 200
It is arranged to help you, set up and run the beacon as best as possible.
Every effort has been made to make this Manual as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is
Thales assumes no responsibility or liability direct or indirect, for any unforeseeable possible error that may
appear in this manual, including the software described in it.
Subsequent possible changes to “VERSION A” manual (update of all or part of the description) will be
incorporate into date of the VERSION on “page” -Change/Authorization-.
The pages numeration on page-foot has the following meaning:
1st digit = section number;
2nd digit = number of progressive page;
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This documentation all rights reserved by Thales. No part of this manual, including the products and
software described in it may be copied, reproduced or translate in any form without prior express written
permission of Thales.
To get the best out of the equipment you should study the contents of this manual carefully. You should
familiarize yourself with the marks given in this manual, which are highlighted for easy recognition.
• The equipment is designed to be intrinsically safe for the user. No dangerous voltages except mains are
• All modules or places, where a dangerous voltage may be accessible, are firmly protected by covers not
removable without use of tools and clearly marked with warning readouts
• Failure to follow precautions (carefully note the "WARNING" signs on this manual) of random errors by
the persons can cause accidental electrical shock. In this case first aids must be carried out to the
injured person by using the following instructions:
Electrical Safety
It is used to safeguard the staff from damages caused by electrical or mechanical faults.
The equipment operator should know the methods and criteria of first aid.
Three factors determining the seriousness of electrical shocks are:
1. Lay the patient on his back with his arms parallel to the
body; the patient is lying if on an inclined plane, make sure that
his stomach is slightly lower than his chest. Open the patient
mouth and check that there are no foreign bodies in his mouth
(dentures-chewing-gum etc.).
2. Kneel beside the patient, level with his head. Put a hand under
the patient’s head and one under his neck (FIG. 1). LIFT THE
3. Shift the hand from the patient’s neck to his chin: place your
thumb between his mouth, the index finger along his jawbone,
and keep the other fingers closed together (FIG.2). While
performing these operations take in a good supply of oxygen by
taking deep breaths with your mouth open.
4. With your thumb between the patient’s chin and mouth keep his
lips together and blow into his nostrils (FIG. 3).
This treatment should be used after the patient has regained consciousness. It can also be employed while
artificial respiration is being applied (in this case, there should be at least two persons present).
a) With electrical shock, if the current passes through the breathing center at the base of the brain,
breathing ceases rapidly.
If the shock was not serious and a moderate quantity of air is supplied to the lungs through
artificial respiration, the breathing center will start to function again and breathing will be
b) The victim is usually very pale and cyanotic, the pulse is very feeble or altogether absent and he
is completely unconscious. Burns are usually also present.
The victim’s body becomes stiff in few minutes.
This is due to electrical shock and must not be taken as rigormortis.
Artificial respiration must be applied continuously, because in many such cases it has been
successful and the victim has regained consciousness.
General and ordinary indications that death has occurred must not be accepted.
You can use the method with the pressure on the front of the victim’s diaphragm, or the direct
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation method. Once started, artificial respiration must be continued
without slowing down the rhythm.
b) Lay the victim in a prone position (stomach down), with one arm stretched directly over the head
and the other arm bent at the elbow, so that the back of the hand supports the weight of the
The face should be turned to the side opposite the bent arm, so that nose and mouth may be
free to breathe.
c) Open the victim’s mouth and remove any items, like gum, dentures or tobacco.
The mouth must remain open with the tongue straight.
d) If while trying to revive him or her an assistant is available, get him to loosen anything tight on
the victim, in order to permit the blood to circulate freely and to remove any impediments to
breathing. The assistant should try to keep the victim warm, with blankets or other coverings.
The assistant should also ensure, by continually checking that the victim does not withdraw the
tongue in the throat.
He should also continually clean the victim’s mouth of any mucus or saliva, which might impede
free breathing.
e) The helper should separate the victim’s legs, or one leg so that :
- the arms and legs of the helper himself, while applying pressure on the victim’s back at kidney
level, remain vertical;
- the helper’s fingers remain in a natural position on the victim’s back with the little finger along
the last rib;
- the palms of both hands lie against both sides of the spine, as much as possible on the sides,
without allowing the hands to slip down from the victim’s body.
g) The forward swing, the repositioning of the hands and the pressure downward must be carried
out in one second and without a break.
The release action and the backward swing require another second.
The addition of the two rest seconds brings to a total of 4 seconds for the complete cycle.
The operator should count aloud and clearly pronouncing each number, preferably in thousand, until he has
acquired a regular rhythm. Example: one thousand, two thousand, etc.
h) Artificial respiration must be continued until the victim regains a normal breathing rhythm, or until
a medical officer has ascertained his death.
Since it may be necessary to continue the treatment for several hours, if possible the helper should be
relieved by other people helping.
Resuscitation procedure
a) If an inhaling stimulant is used, e.g. smelling salt, the person who is giving the stimulant must
find the best way to keep the inhalant near his own nostrils for comfortable breathing, prior to
placing it near the victim’s nostrils.
Ensure that the inhalant is not brought to the victim’s nostrils for more than one or two seconds
per minute
b) Once the victim has regained consciousness, you may give him hot coffee or a glass of water.
Do not give any liquid to an unconscious victim
a) Once the victim has regained consciousness, keep him comfortably lying down.
Any physical injury a person might have received may place him under shock.
The condition of shock is present if the victim is pale and has cold sweat, the pulse is feeble, and
his breathing is short and weary.
b) Keep the victim lying flat on his back, with his head lower than the rest of his body and his legs
and feet raised slightly.
Make sure he has no tight garments that might limit free blood circulation or prevent normal
breathing. Keep him warm and reassured.
c) A victim regaining consciousness should be kept under constant watch lest he should suddenly
stop breathing again.
Never leave a person alone until you ARE SURE that he is fully conscious and that his breathing
is normal.
KBEZ No reference
KCLK Correlation clock (6.048 MHz)
KORENDE End of correlation
MD0-5 Control signals for the multiplexers on the analog board
MONITOR HF Monitor channel input
MUM Modem switching input
MUTAKT Modem switching clock
PCLK Processor clock for C-MC (6.048 MHz)
PKONT Processor check
PRD0-15 Multiplication product
PPRESET Peak-value rectifier reset
PSST Phase-shifter control signal
PTA ARB pretrigger for the internal monitor
PTM MRB pretrigger for the internal monitor
RIMF Time reference for the internal monitor, fine
RIMG Time reference for the internal monitor, coarse
RXDA RS232 receive data, channel A
RXDB RS232 receive data, channel B (REMOTE)
RXDRCP RS422 receive data from remote control
SB-OFF 15-Hz sideband off for test purposes
SCLK Summation clock (6.048 MHz)
SETID Synchronization of the ID tone trigger
SF Soft failure signal
SD Shutdown signal
TAC TACAN ready signal
TACAN HF Transponder RF input
TGCLK Trigger generator clock (1.512 MHz)
TPS TACAN pulse signal (TTL)
TPS1 TACAN pulse signal (TTL buffered)
TPS2 TACAN pulse signal (TTL buffered)
TRIGINFO Trigger information for the trigger generator
TXDA RS232 transmit data A
TXDB RS232 transmit data B (REMOTE)
TXDRCP RS242 transmit data to remote control
UAGCM AGC voltage for the analog attenuator in the monitor channel
UAGCT AGC voltage for the analog attenuator in the transponder channel
VIDEOMON Video signal of the monitor channel
VIDEOTAC Video signal of the transponder channel
ZSYNC Counter synchronization signal