Final Lesson Set

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Running Head: FINAL LESSON SET Martinez 1

Leonard Martinez

December 8, 2019

Arizona State University

SED 494

Dr. Harris
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Your name: Leonard Martinez

Lesson Set Title: Early Civilization

Course: World History

Grade Level: 9th Grade

Abstract: Students will study the importance of the Fertile Crescent and the River Valleys with
its importance to early civilization, agriculture, cultivation, and migration. We will dive into the
geographical and historical significance of the river valleys and how such connections relate to
major civilizations in the surroundings areas. Students will use evidence to argue if the
contribution of the river valleys helped contribute to major civilizations that sprouted and
impacted our modern civilization today. Such correlation will give the lesson major importance
of how our civilization today still have ties to some of the first civilizations established. Ancient
Mesopotamia will stem from such lesson therefore studies of the Babylonians, the Sumerians,
and various other city states will eb examined for their contributions of growth and
advancements in accordance to their geography and inventions. Students will analyze the first
traits of religions as well as crucial technological and literature inventions that contributed to
societies today. Such examples analyzed will be the wheel, irrigation, and Cuneiform. This set
will take place in the beginning of the year, right after the lesson set of explaining why studying
and understanding history is important along with leading to ancient Mesopotamia and them
stemming from there to migration and ancient empires.

Compelling Question: How did Ancient Mesopotamia Geography contribute to its growth?
What advantages are there? Are there disadvantages?

Supporting Questions:
1. How did geography become a major contributor to the survival and rapid growth of
2. How did migration contribute to the growth of the river valley civilizationss?
3. What environments are necessary for agricultural civilizations to start?

AZ SS Standards:
 H1: The development of civilizations, societies, cultures, and innovations have
influenced history and continue to impact the modern world.
 H4: Patterns of social and political interactions have shaped people, places, and events
throughout history and continue to shape the modern world
 HS.G1.1 Use geographic data to explain and analyze relationships between locations of
place and regions.
o Key tools and representations such as maps, remotely sensed and other images,
tables, and graphs
 HS.G2.3 Evaluate the impact of human settlement on the environment and culture of
specific places and regions.
 HS.G3.1 Analyze the reciprocal nature of how historical events and the diffusion of
ideas, technologies, and cultural practices have
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 influenced migration patterns and the distribution of human population.

Lesson Objectives:

Students will be able to:

 Map and locate the Fertile Crescent.
 Identify the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
 List the first domesticated animals.
 Analyze and describe the first ways and practices of cultivating crops.
 Identify the first inventions made for preserving seeds and planting.
 Analyze how geographical features made life in the Fertile Crescent possible and
 Describe the common elements of what it takes to make a civilization.
 Compare and contrasts the Fertile Crescent and The River Valleys.
 Identify and explain the advantages of Geography for the success of the Fertile crescent.
 Explain the reasons for migration and its impacts.

Reference Books and Websites:

 Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent (Looking Back) by John Malam
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Title of lesson: Intro to Civilizations; Fertile Crescent

Type of lesson: Discussion/Independent group research
Your Name: Leonard Martinez
Length of lesson: 50 minutes

Summary: Intro to the definition of the fertile crescent and civilizations will be presented.
Discussions will take place on the research learned on the independent packet. 15-minute
lecture will end class as a wrap up.


Students will be able to:

 Define Fertile Crescent
 Identify and map fertile crescent
 Map and identify crucial rivers
 Learn indigenous first plantation practices
 Identify the importance of the geography of the fertile crescent
 List domesticated animals
 Define Civilization(s)

AZ Social Studies Standards:

 HS.G1.1 Use geographic data to explain and analyze relationships between locations to
place and regions.
o Key tools and representations such as maps, remotely sensed and other images,
tables, and graphs
 HS.G1.2 Use geospatial tools and related technologies to construct relevant geographic
data to explain spatial patterns and relationships.
o Key tools and representations such as Google Earth, story mapping, wayfaring
apps, and other geospatial technologies
 HS.G2.3 Evaluate the impact of human settlement on the environment and culture of
specific places and regions
 HS.G2.4 Evaluate the use and sustainability of natural resources.

 Fertile Crescent/Civilization(s) PowerPoint (see appendix)
 Classroom timer
 Computer
 Google Classroom
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 Smartboard
 Fertile Crescent Group Research Worksheet
o Flood, A. (2019). TGA Lesson Plan Geography of the Fertile Crescent. Retrieved
3 October 2019, from
 YouTube: The Fertile Crescent
o YouTube. (2016). The Fertile Crescent [Video]. Retrieved from

Instructional Sequence:

1. Class Bell Ringer: “What do you see”

a. Have students write response on a half sheet of paper (name, date, period)
i. Participation points of 5pts
b. Give students 5 minutes to answer the question about what they see on the board
c. Have students discuss what they see with their neighbor
i. During this time take roll
d. Once time is up, have an open discussion about they wrote about what they saw,
what their neighbor saw, etc.
i. Drive the discussion to look at key features on the map
1. Blue lines = Rivers
2. The shape of the shaded land
3. Surrounding blue shapes on each end = oceans
4. Rugged terrain at the top - mountains
5. Where it is located in the overall map
2. Tell student this is the Fertile Crescent
a. Present the topic
b. Present todays objectives
c. Explain briefly that this is where civilization and life started
d. Tell students to put everything down and pay full attention up to the smart board
3. Play YouTube Video: fertile crescent (give students a visual)
a. Let video play for about 50 seconds, then pause
i. While pausing ask students what they are seeing, what they are hearing
ii. Pausing and having open discussion before playing again allows for
students to reflect what they are hearing and help the video slow down and
help student internalize everything
iii. Open discussion allows those who weren’t paying attention to do so and
hear what their peers have to say
b. Play, pause, discuss, play pause… till video is over
c. Then have students get in teams of 3 according to their rows
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4. Independent Research Sheet of the Fertile Crescent

a. Ask students after the video is done to grab a laptop from our classroom cart
b. Have students log into their google classroom and pull up today’s module for
c. Explain the instruction of the sheet
i. Each team will have 20 minutes to complete the sheet
ii. Working together and efficiently, students will click on the links to search
for search of answers in their sheet
iii. Sheet is in accordance to their links
iv. Explain that links are interactive which means student shave to do work on
the link to find the answers. EXP: interactive maps etc.
v. Put on the timer
vi. Explain that it might help to assign people responsibilities for each link
then teach their peers in their group
vii. Start the timer
1. Teacher will
a. Walk around and help groups
b. Walk around and regulate behavior or discussions as
c. Will walk around to be available
d. Will test out links to make sure they work before class
d. At the end of the timer, call for groups attention and go through each question on
the sheet
e. Discuss openly the answers, ask other groups for observations, additional answers
and information, etc.
f. Max 5 minutes per questions (15 min max)
5. If time is left start the lecture: fertile crescent and civilizations
a. Have students take out their Binder notes for this class
b. Review fertile crescent slides
c. Introduce the definition of civilizations
i. Open discussion on students’ definitions
ii. Discuss todays civilizations
d. Lecture till bell rings to continue next day
e. Stop on Sumerian Civilization topic
i. Next day should start on this subject
6. Exit ticket: student will turn in finished Fertile crescent sheet

Assessment: Bellinger, Worksheet/Exit Ticket, notes

 Fertile Crescent Worksheet Link:
 Citations:
 Flood, A. (2019). TGA Lesson Plan Geography of the Fertile Crescent. Retrieved 3
October 2019, from
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f. Pages 3-4.
 Worksheet interactive Links:
 1.
 2.
 3.
 Youtube. (2016). The Fertile Crescent [Video]. Retrieved from
 Slides

Day 2
Title of lesson: Intro to Civilizations

Type of lesson: Discussion

Your Name: Leonard Martinez

Length of lesson: 50 minutes

Summary: Considering the previous lesson and students already being grouped in their groups of
3-4, students would have short analytical scholarly article to analyze and highlight and return to
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class the next day to take part in group discussions. Students would all have their own article
stop which they oversee to read and bring back to engage in dialogue and teach their peers.
Students in the class will have a large size butcher paper and will be instructed to design the
paper with key points and present to the class. The activity will take place as a gallery walk
where the activity will consists students hanging up their work and will rotate every 10 minutes
to present data. Students going around will have a work sheet where they will answer 3
discussion questions relevant to the subject. 1) what was impactful about this group’s
information? What did you agree with or disagree with in their findings/analyses? Is there
something you would add or change in their information? After the gallery walks I over and all
students have taken turns presenting data to their peers. The class will return to their respective
seats to engage in the last in class discussion as an exit ticket. In this last discussion students will
reach a consensus about which group they want to share their answers from in their sheet and
each group member will share either questions 1, 2, or 3 as their exit ticket for points.
Topics to present:
1. First domesticated animals
2. Geography
3. Crops and agriculture
4. Indigenous people
5. Inventions
a. Tools
b. Homes

Objectives (these will be from the lesson set objectives in your Overview):

Students will be able to:

 Identify and list the main contributions and biggest aspects of the fertile crescent.

 Student will discuss the main contributions of the fertile crescent.

AZ Social Studies Standards (include text and numbers where applicable)

 HS.SP1.1 Evaluate how events and developments were shaped by unique circumstances
of time and place as well as broader contexts
 HS.SP1.4 Use compelling questions generated about individuals and groups to assess
how the significance of their actions changes over time and is shaped by the historical
 HS.G2.4 Evaluate the use and sustainability of natural resources

 Topics to present: (sources needed)
o First domesticated animals
o Geography
o Crops and agriculture
o Indigenous people
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o Inventions
 Tools
 Homes
 Butcher Paper
 Markers
 Crayons
 Color pencils
 Tape
 Scissors
 Glue
 Rulers
 Analyzer Worksheet
 PowerPoint
 Bell-ringer slide

Instructional Sequence:

1. Bell-ringer:
a. Get in your respective groups of three from the previous group.
b. Get your annotated article out also
c. Grab a piece of butcher paper from the front of the check in desk along with
supplies needed to decorate!
d. Grab the Analyzer worksheet from upfront
ii. DATE
e. As students get set up, take roll
i. Max 3 min for set up
2. Revise instructions for today gallery walk presentations
a. Instructions
i. Groups of 3 will have 15 minutes to transfer data from their annotated
articles to their posters
ii. One member of each group will be given a chance to present in our gallery
walk. As one student stays back to present, the other two student walk to
different gallery walk stations
iii. When the instructor announces its time (every 10 minutes) students will
rotate presenters.
iv. Students will write what is presented to them on their analyzer sheets and
answer the questions
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1. what was impactful about this group’s information?

2. What did you agree with or disagree with in their
3. Is there something you would add or change in their information?
v. After everyone has gone around once, and extra 3 minutes will be given
for students to randomly walk to another station and write missing
information needed for their sheets
vi. Once seated in their groups again, exit ticket will be a check in on
students’ reactions on one group presentation that stood out
vii. Students in their groups will deice collectively which group to speak of
and each member will read one of three questions answers on their sheet
about that groups
viii. So, if group 1 chooses to talk about group 3’s presentation, each member
will specifically go to group 3’s presentations analyzer sheet notes and
each member will answer either the answer to question one or 2 or 3.
1. Each student must read for their ticket.
ix. Move fast and efficiently. Things should move fast since students should
have the areas filled out
1. If a group or students does not have anything filled out for that
group and holds up class a bit, have them fill it out for homework
and send it as an email to you (the instructor) for credit.
x. Once every group goes, cleanup will take place
xi. Announce students to leave their poster in the back
xii. Students must turn in their analyzer sheet in the basket on their way out of
the class
1. Again!

 Poster presentations
 Annotated article
 Analyzer sheet
 Exit ticket: “which groups presentation stood out to your group?

Analyzer Sheet:
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BellRinger Slide:
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Day 3

Title of lesson: Fertile Crescent to Ancient Mesopotamia INTRO

Type of lesson: Lecture

Your Name: Leonard Martinez

Length of lesson: 50 minutes

Summary: Using previous lessons before, we will now dive into the making and birthing of
Ancient Mesopotamia by breaking it down to different empires. As the lesson starts with a
review in or to draw connections to birthing city states, we will highlight different people’s
because of their major contributions. Lecture heavy focusing on the Sumerians and Babylonians,
this lesson will conclude on another day where this lesson will be finished up, other more groups
of people are highlighted, and we will dive into migration.
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Students will be able to:

● Make connections to Fertile Crescent to Ancient Mespotamia .

● Identify key characteristics of different peoples and their contributions to civilization
● Identify the importance of CIty states
● Identify positive and negative impacts of City States
● Identify the sumerians as first people to settle
● Learn about and practice Cuneiform
● Will identify the importance of Babylonian laws with Hammurabi's code adn the
importance of laws when kingdoms grow

AZ Social Studies Standards:

● HS.SP1.1: Evaluate how events and developments were shaped by unique circumstances
of time and place as well as broader contexts.
● HS.SP1.2: Analyze change and continuity in historical eras.
● HS.SP1.4: Use compelling questions generated about individuals and groups to assess
how the significance of their actions changes over time and is shaped by the historical
● HS.SP4.1: Analyze multiple and complex causes and effects of events in the past and
● HS.G2.3: Evaluate the impact of human settlement on the environment and culture of
specific places and regions.
● HS.H3.1: Analyze how societies, leaders, institutions, and organizations respond to
societal needs and changes.
● HS.H1.1: Explain the process of state-building, expansion, and dissolution


● Ancient Mesopotamia Slides (See Appendix)

● Computer
● Google Classroom
● Smartboard
● Student folders
○ Notes
○ Highlighters
○ Pencils
○ pens
● Cuneiform Homework sheet:
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● YouTube: Irrigation in Ancient Mesopotamia

Instructional Sequence: Lecture Day

1. Bell ringer Slides: 4 minutes

a. Write two interesting facts of the Fertile Crescent and why they are important.
b. Share with neighbor and take out your in class notes for today
i. As students do so, take roll and start class immediately.
ii. Call on maybe two people to share
2. Ancient Mesopotamia slides: Recap
a. What is mesopotamia? Define & Digest
i. Share the greek meaning on mesopotamia
1. Highlight TWO RIVERS
a. Refer to previous knowledge
2. Why was it important for early civilizations of people in the fertile
crescent to settle near rivers?
3. Tap into previous knowledge asking the groups who did the project
for lesson one
3. Water Slides!: irrigation and trade
a. Tap into previous knowledge
i. Geography of the region
ii. Great rain meant that water was readily available in all aspects of the
1. Reference to soil
2. The needs of the people were supplied but how was it managed?
a. Canals and irrigation
b. Travel and trade
i. Emphasize trade
ii. See lecture notes
iii. What to do with all this water?
4. Irrigation
a. Continued from informal questions
b. Think pair and share
i. Why is irrigation so important to civilizations?
ii. Ask and call on two people
iii. Allow them to share and expand on critical thinking
iv. Click link to watch video and have it be explained in the best concise
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5. City states slides

a. Intro city states by emphasizing its importance
i. See lecture notes
b. Define a city state as cities that acted independently as single countries
i. Kings
ii. Armies
iii. Laws
iv. Etc
c. With such makings we see how more correlation of trade happens
d. Trickling to growth and creating conflicts
i. Fighting over land and its impotence and significance
ii. Why more land?
iii. Such growth was impacting and shifting what?
1. Hunger for power
6. Settlements slides
a. Hook
i. Key question of the slides
1. Who were the first people ever to settle?
a. Have them think, guess, one minute to discuss
b. They should have
7. The sumerians
a. Known as the first people to have known to settle and establish city state
i. They had a big history of violence
ii. Sargon the great took his throne by violence
1. He was an excellent ruler to influence other regions
2. He was known for unify all tribes of the fertile crescent under his
3. Said to have died in 2350 bc
a. Debate about dates and deaths
8. Why are they important?
a. Possible examples of
i. Violence
ii. Unification and big pictures
iii. First empire building
9. Cuneiform
a. Emphasize importance!
i. Use notes sheet
b. Process of first reading and writing using the first ever world alphabet!
i. Using clay tablets, they would scratch in symbols that stood for concepts
rather than words with a stylus made from strong reeds.
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ii. So important to the region and the culture that it stayed alive for 3000
1. Emphasize the meaning of staying alive…
a. Practiced
b. Used
c. Preserved
d. Etc.
e. Show examples slide…..
10. Babylon
a. Preface babylon
i. Ask students to read the slide and answer in their notes, why are laws
important? Better yet in kingdoms!
1. Maybe have students picture this U.S. as a kingdom?
2. What if we had not laws
ii. Have students look at the map, artist depiction of the size and
sophistication of babylon
1. 1 minute to answer
2. Call on two people to share
11. Hammurabi!
a. He was a beast how?
i. He was also strategic in how he gained his power
ii. As another group of people, he seized power of something tremendous
that controlled all the economy in the region
iii. Seized power of the euphrates river….
1. What does this mean?
2. Trade, money, power, troops, etc.
3. Now he owns the biggest aspect of the entire region to control
trade in every aspect
4. Doing so, what does this mean?
a. What if you were controlling the river?
12. The rise in power, Hammurabi's codes
a. With much power, comes the fame, comes the people
b. With such power comes way for you to control things in military power
c. With many people coming to the region, pepe multiplying, the
i. Considering the advancement of writing, Hammurabi gave order to his
ii. How? Laws
1. Hammurabi created the first written laws.
2. There were 282 laws. Originally
a. With today's tech it is 248 now
3. Basically settled all conflict in the land.
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a. Why all the conflict?

4. They were harsh punishments,
a. Cutting of breasts, arms, burning tongues, etc.
5. But he had a big picture for the kingdom, influenced laws for years
to come
13. Exit ticket/homework activity
a. Doing what we learned today, your homework will be working on our new
language we learned today.
i. Remainder of class (if allowed any time) you can work on this with a
ii. Rest is homework


● Notes
○ Answered questions written in notes
● In class discussions
● Cuneiform Homework sheet: 30 points


PowerPoint Slides: Ancient Mesopotamia


Cuneiform Activity Homework Sheet:


Lecture Notes:


10 Facts On The Sumerian Civilization of Ancient Mesopotamia | Learnodo Newtonic.
(2019). Retrieved 9 December 2019, from
Amin, O. (2019). Visiting the ancient city of Babylon – Ancient History et cetera. Retrieved
9 December 2019, from
Ancient Mesopotamia: Sumerians. (2019). Retrieved 9 December 2019, from
Running Head: FINAL LESSON SET Martinez 18

Ancient Mesopotamia: Sumerians. (2019). Retrieved 9 December 2019, from
Code of Hammurabi. (2019). Retrieved 9 December 2019, from
Code of Hammurabi. (2019). Retrieved 9 December 2019, from
Rattini, K. (2019). Meet the world’s first emperor. Retrieved 9 December 2019, from
Rattini, K. (2019). Meet the world’s first emperor. Retrieved 9 December 2019, from
Rattini, K. (2019). Meet the world’s first emperor. Retrieved 9 December 2019, from
Rattini, K. (2019). Meet the world’s first emperor. Retrieved 9 December 2019, from
What is the historical significance of cuneiform?. (2019). Retrieved 9 December 2019, from

Day 4

Title of lesson: Ancient Mesopotamia Film Guide Lesson

Type of lesson: Film Day

Your Name: Leonard Martinez

Length of lesson: 50 minutes

Summary: After a lecture heavy day (Lecture day), students will be given a visual representation
of what has been learned these three past days of information heavy knowledge for visual and
auditory learners. Students will be expected to pair up during the movie and fill out their Film
Guides as part of today's assessment. Classroom management will be enforced, and students will
be given an opportunity to work on extra credit questions for the last 5 minutes of the class.
Focusing on the sumerian and their many advancements, this film day will be utilized to show
the importance of Ancient Mesopotamia as the film shows great visuals and chances to view
today's practices. Extra details will be given to things not discussed in class for extra knowledge.
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● Students will be able to:

○ Examine previous practices learned in class in visual and auditory means
○ Analyze before content and showed today according to film
○ Identify the importance of agricultural advancements in Sumeria in correlation
to the region and similar practices
○ Compare and contrast previously learned content to the visuals on the video
○ Determine influence of religious aspects of ancient mesopotamia to what detail
shuman practices, worship ,sacrifice
○ Analyze current civilizations in accordance to the oens in the past

AZ Social Studies Standards (include text and numbers where applicable)

● HS.SP1.1: Evaluate how events and developments were shaped by unique

circumstances of time and place as well as broader contexts.
● HS.SP1.2: Analyze change and continuity in historical eras.
● HS.SP1.3: Evaluate the significance of past events as they relate to their own lives
and the world
● HS.SP2.2: Analyze the ways in which perspective shapes recorded history
● HS.SP3.1: Develop and frame questions about issues and events in the discipline
and determine the types of sources that will be helpful in answering these
● HS.SP4.1: Analyze multiple and complex causes and effects of events in the past
and present.
● HS.G1.1: Use geographic data to explain and analyze relationships between
locations of place and regions. • Key tools and representations such as maps,
remotely sensed and other images, tables, and graphs
● HS.G3.1: Analyze the reciprocal nature of how historical events and the diffusion
of ideas, technologies, and cultural practices have influenced migration patterns
and the distribution of human population.
● HS.G3.2: Evaluate the impact of economic activities and political decisions on
spatial patterns within and among urban, suburban, and rural regions.
● HS.G3.3: Evaluate the influence of long-term climate variability on human
migration and settlement patterns, resource use, and land uses at local-to-global
● HS.G3.4: Evaluate the consequences of human-made and natural catastrophes on
global trade, politics, and human migration settlement.
● HS.G3.5: Evaluate the impact of social, political, and economic decisions that
have caused conflict or promoted cooperation throughout time.
● HS.G4.2: Analyze patterns of global power and influence in respect to trade,
demographics, politics, and resource availability and use.
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● HS.H1.1: Explain the process of state-building, expansion, and dissolution

● HS.H1.2: Explain and compare how social, cultural, and environmental factors
influenced state-building, expansion, and dissolution.
● HS.H1.5: Explain how religions and belief systems have affected the origins of
● HS.H1.6: Analyze the relationship among
● HS.H2.1: Explain multiple causes of conflict.
● HS.H3.1: Analyze how societies, leaders, institutions, and organizations respond
to societal needs and changes
● HS.H3.2: Analyze how ideologies, religion, and belief systems have influenced
economic, political, and social institutions over time


● Computer
● Projector
● SmartBoard
● Google Classroom
● Google Slides
○ Bellringer:

■ Turn in basket
● Ancient Mesopotamia Film Guide:
○ Worksheet and Key (in red; make copy and delete red to disperse film guide)
● Youtube: History Channel Documentary - Ancient Mesopotamia The Sumerians

Instructional Sequence:

1. Bellringer:
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a. Bellringer will have the directions to have students grab the worksheet available
at eh front of class
b. Todays questions:
i. Hammurabi took over what river to gain his power?
ii. Answering should take no more than 2 minutes
c. Take roll as kids answer
i. Max 2 people called don to answer the question in case first child get sit
2. Film:
a. Introduce what we will do today
i. As we go further, we explain that student shave been learning heavy
content these past days
ii. Now it's time to put visuals on what we have learned
iii. This film will talk about what we have already discussed but in details
iv. We will see this detail along with other things not discussed in class
v. There will be comparisons of the past to today as the commentator even
analyzes where all this “old” stuff is today!
b. Film guide worksheet and expectations
i. As students look at their sheet and read the directions, the teacher will go
over instructions and expectations
1. No talking at all
2. If your working together while watching a film, you are conscious
about others near you therefore you...
a. Whisper or talk silently
3. If there is too much talking, the film will end and alternative
assignment will be given like book work on chapter 4
4. This sheet is expected to be filled out
5. Worth 30 points
a. A big chunk of grade points
6. Extra credit questions are optional but their chances of making 6
extra credit points if needed
7. As sheet is finished, this will serve as their exit ticket for today
a. To be turned in the turn in basket on their way out
b. Will be handed back out graded tomorrow for note keeping
8. Topic of the mice will be analyzed tomorrow as a recap lesson
along with continuation of other regions and people of ancient
3. Film:
a. Make sure to turn off the lights in the class and test sound before playing
b. Allow students 1 minute to shifts desks and move if needed or else start
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c. Play the film:

d. As the film plays, teacher will
i. Analyze the room to make sure students are on task from his desk
ii. Will walk around to make sure students are on task, not on their phones,
earphones in, etc.
iii. On task proof will be these or if students are not filling out their sheets
4. Last 5 minute sof class:
a. As the film finishes, turn the lights back on and allow students to revise their
worksheet answers
b. Emphasize students can ask other groups for help for the answers
i. Why? This will serve as notes and some questions may appear on their
c. Students will be given the last 5 minutes to catch up or answer their extra credit
d. Exit ticket will be the worksheet


● Ancient Mesopotamia Film Guide


Ancient Mesopotamia Film Guide:


BellRinger Slide:
Running Head: FINAL LESSON SET Martinez 23



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