Information Security and ISO 27001: An Introduction
Information Security and ISO 27001: An Introduction
Information Security and ISO 27001: An Introduction
Information Security
and ISO 27001
An introduction
More standards in the ISO 27000 family Organisations that have already implemented another ISO management system will
Although ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 are the key standards, there are many others that have a head start if they want to implement ISO 27001 – not just because they have
enable you to extend your ISMS in various ways, including: gained valuable experience when it comes to implementing, maintaining, continually
improving and auditing a management system, but because all those standards follow
• ISO 27005 the same high-level structure and core text, and have established common terms and
ISO 27005 provides guidance for information security risk management in line definitions. The standardised structure allows organisations to develop an ‘integrated
with ISO 27001, helping organisations take a risk-based approach to management system’ that incorporates the requirements of each standard,
information security. streamlining day-to-day operation.
Without previous experience, developing all the documentation required yourself can
be a daunting task. The templates contained in our ISO 27001 documentation toolkit
will give you a head start and help avoid trial-and-error dead ends.
Continual improvement
An ISMS project can be complex, and implementation may well take many months or,
in some cases, years. ISO 27001 does not mandate specific project stages, but you
need to establish a continual improvement process, as the Standard requires evidence
of continual improvement. We recommend doing this early in the project to embed
the process and generate evidence that your ISMS is working effectively.
ISO 27001 certification is valuable and visible proof of your organisation’s willingness If ISO 27001 is your organisation’s first management system, choose a certification
to meet internationally accepted data and information security standards. Achieving body listed on the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) website – all of them
this certification is not simply marketing: as well as complying with data protection will provide a widely accepted certification/registration service.3 Do not use an
and cyber security laws in the UK and globally, the ability to prove that your unaccredited certification body, as any certificate it awards is unlikely to be
organisation complies with the Standard is likely to open worldwide business recognised by other parties.
opportunities, as it is an increasingly common contractual requirement.
It should be noted that many markets have already shown a desire for ISO 27001
certification, with more than 36,000 organisations worldwide having achieved
certification as of December 2019.2
In short, an organisation can adopt ISO 27002’s guidance, but cannot get an outside Speak to an expert
body to verify that it is doing this correctly.
However, organisations can and should use ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 together to
design an ISMS that is in line with the specification (ISO 27001) while following the
guidance of the code of practice (ISO 27002) before seeking external, independent
ISO 27001 certification.
Certified ISO 27001 ISMS Foundation Training Course Certified ISO 27001 ISMS Lead Implementer Training
Learn about ISO 27001 best practice and find out how to
achieve compliance with the Standard with this popular Gain the skills to support your organisation in effectively
Foundation course. Learn in person, or choose from Live planning, implementing, managing, monitoring and
Online or self-paced online formats. maintaining an ISMS in this three-day course.
ISO 27001 FastTrack™ 20 ISO 27001 Certification – Get a Lot of Help Package
Put your ISO 27001 project into the hands of an experienced A specially formulated combination of bestselling tools and
consultant. Specially formulated for small businesses with 20 trusted resources in this DIY package helps you manage your
employees or fewer, this service will help you achieve ISO ISO 27001 implementation project from start to finish.
27001 certification in just three months for a one-off fee.
Implementing an ISMS – The nine-step approach Risk Assessment and ISO 27001
IT Governance solutions
IT Governance is your one-stop shop for cyber security and IT governance, risk Training
management and compliance (GRC) information, books, tools, training and
We offer training courses from staff awareness and foundation courses, through to
advanced programmes for IT practitioners and certified lead implementers and
Our products and services are designed to work harmoniously together so you can
benefit from them individually or use different elements to build something bigger Our training team organises and runs in-house and classroom training courses all year
and better. round, as well as Live Online and self-paced online training courses, covering a
growing number of IT GRC topics.
Books Visit for more information.
We sell sought-after publications covering all areas of corporate and IT governance.
Our publishing team also manages a growing collection of titles that provide practical Consultancy
advice for staff taking part in IT governance projects, suitable for all levels of
We are an acknowledged world leader in our field. Our experienced consultants, with
knowledge, responsibility and experience.
multi-sector and multi-standard knowledge and experience, can help you accelerate
your IT GRC projects.
Visit to view our full catalogue.
Visit for more information.
Our unique documentation toolkits are designed to help organisations adapt quickly
and adopt best practice using customisable template policies, procedures, forms and Our industry-leading software tools, developed with your needs and requirements in
records. mind, make information security risk and compliance management straightforward
and affordable for all, enabling organisations worldwide to be ISO 27001-compliant.
Visit to view and trial our toolkits.
Visit for more information.
IT Governance is the one-stop shop for cyber security, cyber risk
and privacy management solutions. Contact us if you require
consultancy, books, toolkits, training or software.
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Verizon, “2020 Data Breach Investigations Report”, May 2020,
ISO, “The ISO Survey – ISO Survey 2019”, December 2019,
UKAS, “Who’s Accredited?”, accessed April 2021,