ITTC - Recommended Procedures and Guidelines: Seakeeping Tests

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Table of Contents

4.1 Uncertainty Analysis ....................... 12

1. PURPOSE OF PROCEDURE.............. 2
4.2 Benchmark Tests ............................. 12
PROCEDURES...................................... 2 5. REFERENCES .................................... 12
2.1 General ............................................... 2
2.2 Seakeeping Tests ................................ 2
2.2.1 Seakeeping Investigations ............... 2
2.2.2 Model Selection and Construction .. 3 Special Topics Related to Air
Cushion Supported Vehicles ........... 3
2.2.3 Ride Control Systems ...................... 4
2.2.4 Towing the Model ........................... 5 Special Topics Related to Planing
Mono-hulls ...................................... 5
2.2.5 Course Control................................. 6
2.2.6 Typical Model Tests ........................ 6
2.2.7 Quantities Measured During Tests .. 7
2.2.8 Instrumentation Used in Wave Tests
2.2.9 Test Wave Environment ................ 10 Tests in Regular Waves ........... 10 Tests in Irregular Seas ............. 10
2.2.10 Data Sampling Rate................. 11
2.2.11 Data Collection........................ 11

3. PARAMETERS ................................... 11
3.1 Parameters to be Taken into Account
3.2 Recommendations of ITTC for
Parameters ....................................... 12

4. VALIDATION ..................................... 12
Updated / Edited by Approved

Seakeeping Committee of the 27th ITTC 27th ITTC 2014

Date: 02/2014 Date: 09/2014

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Seakeeping Tests

1. PURPOSE OF PROCEDURE  Propulsion (Procedure 7.5-02-05-02)

 Seakeeping (Procedure 7.5-02-05-04)
Seakeeping tests are conducted on HSMV  Manoeuvring (Procedure 7.5-02-05-05)
models to estimate the motions, accelerations  Structural Loads (Procedure 7.5-02-05-06)
and loads that full-scale craft will experience. At  Dynamic Instability (Procedure 7.5-05-
high speeds, many of these vehicles are 02-07)
supported by dynamic lift and many are exposed
to extremely dynamic forces. These issues Issues of importance for different types of
present new challenges for making seakeeping high speed craft are covered in separate sections
measurements in the towing tank and new test in each procedure when needed.
procedures are constantly being developed to
address them; especially for HSMV like hybrids. 2.2 Seakeeping Tests
The weights of these hybrid ships are
sustained by the combination of the lift force by 2.2.1 Seakeeping Investigations
displacement, hydrofoil and air-cushion. The
interaction of these sustain forces should be Seakeeping aspects of HSMVs are of
considered and predicted more precisely. In this particular interest since the accelerations are in
sense, similarity between model and real ship of general high. High accelerations limit the
air-cushion, flexible skirts, hydrofoils and operability from the point of view of passengers
appendages will be the important part in case of and/or the crew and often also for the cargo.
hybrid type HSMV. High accelerations and impact events, such as
slamming, can have a large effect on the loads
The main aim of these guidelines is to clarify and the fatigue life of the construction.
the similarity relationship between model and
real ship including hybrid types, and provide One of the main differences between the
useful information at primary design stage. seakeeping behaviour of HSMVs and
conventional ships is the non-linear relationship
between the local wave elevation and the
2. TEST TECHNIQUES AND motions and accelerations of the craft. Also,
PROCEDURES time histories of motions and accelerations
usually have complex characteristics such as
2.1 General sharp peaks or flat troughs that make them
unsuitable for linear analysis methods. The
The ITTC recommended procedures degree of non linearity increases with the speed
peculiar to high-speed craft are given as separate of the craft. Since semi-planing mono-hulls
procedures for each test type. The procedures operate at lower speeds, they typically have less
are: complex responses.

 Resistance (Procedure 7.5-02-05-01)

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When Froude numbers based on length should be light and stiff. Wood is still a good
exceed approximately 1.0, the degree of non material for models, plywood being the
linearity is considered significant and preferred choice for hard chine models, a model
procedures involving linear superposition are no built from strips on frames for round bilge hull
longer considered acceptable for analysis of the forms. Good experience is also obtained with
measurements (see, for example, Fridsma, foam with a layer of fibre (glass or carbon) to
1971). While response amplitude operators bring the structural stiffness up to the required
(RAO’s) obtained from model tests in regular level. This is especially necessary for long
waves may provide interesting information on slender models.
the response of the hull to different exciting
frequencies, regular wave tests are not Hull stiffness is an important characteristic
recommended for predicting the response of a of the model if the intent is to measure ”rigid
planing hull in random waves. Suggested body accelerations”. Tradeoffs must be made
guidelines for conducting tests in random waves between reducing model weight and increasing
and analysing the measured data are presented model stiffness. For solid wood models, a hull
in this procedure. It is recommended that results thickness of approximately 0.008  LPP is
are presented and analysed on a statistical basis, typical. Hull thickness for resin/fibre composite
as may be seen for example, in Fridsma (1971) models varies considerably depending on fibre
and Zarnick & Turner (1981), or more recently characteristics, fibre orientation and internal
Schleicher (2006) and Taunton et al (2011). hull structure. If accelerometers are installed in
the model, the natural frequency of the
2.2.2 Model Selection and Construction hull/accelerometer foundation can be
investigated by tapping the hull in that area and
There is no minimum requirement for the recording the response of the accelerometer.
model size used for seakeeping tests based on The results of these natural frequency checks
Reynolds numbers as there is for resistance tests. should be presented with the test data.
It is generally accepted that viscous effects play
a minor role for seakeeping studies, although Special Topics Related to Air Cushion
such effects do play an important role for roll Supported Vehicles
damping and forces on stabilising fins or
rudders. Fans Systems for Air Cushion Supported
The actual dimensions of the model are
usually governed by the constraints of the Because air cushion supported vehicles are
experimental facility. The maximum speed of in general very light, it can be a problem to
the towing carriage and the wave maker install fans on a model of such a vehicle. Instead
capabilities are driving factors for a small model, fans can be installed on the carriage leading the
the required displacement to carry the pressurised air through hoses to the model. Such
constructional weight, measurement equipment, a set-up has been used at MARIN to measure the
and propulsion unit(s) give a lower limit. wave forces on a captive model of a SES. Using
such a set-up, hysteresis loops were measured in
When small models are built without careful the pressure flow relation just in the hoses in
attention to weight distribution, the inertia of between the fans and the model. These loops
model may be too high to simulate the inertia of showed large differences in the pressure flow
the prototype. Therefore model construction
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relation if compared to static measurements. Results of oscillation tests in the MARIN

The effect is illustrated in Figure 1. depressurised towing tank (Kapsenberg, 1994)
showed the effect of changing the ambient
20 pressure on the heave added mass and damping
18 coefficients of a model of an SES.
Pressure at fan oulet [kPa]


For models of larger sized full scale vessels,
Dynamic curve which are model tested in a seakeeping basin at
Static fan curve
8 normal ambient pressure, it is recommended to
6 use a diaphragm for the dynamic calibration of
the air cushion. This diaphragm reduces the
pressure gradient as a function of the volume
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 variations, p V , to the required value. This
Air flow [m3/s]
technique was independently developed in
France by Ifremer and in the Netherlands by
Fig. 1 – Differences in the pressure flow MARIN.
relation if compared to static measurements
experienced at MARIN on a captive model of a The diaphragm is a rubber membrane
SES. covering a part of the cushion volume. The
membrane is thin so that inertia effects can be
This effect can be explained by considering ignored. The size and the stretching
the air in the hose as a mass – spring system characteristics of the membrane must be
(Masset et al., 1995). The illustrated calibrated depending on the full scale
phenomenon has an effect on the pressure dimensions and the model scale ratio adopted. If
oscillations in the cushion and hence on the lift this technique is applied, good results of tests at
force which is due to the model set-up and not different scale ratios were reported (Kapsenberg
to the dynamics of the scaled prototype. It is & Blume, 1995), so it can be expected that also
recommended to avoid such a set-up whenever good predictions for the full size vessel can be
possible. Instead it is recommended to install the made.
fans directly on the model and to avoid these
dynamic effects. For vessels with less than about 50 m length
it is acceptable to test the model without a
Dynamic Calibration of Air Cushions: diaphragm as long as it is kept in mind that the
passenger comfort at high speed and very low
It is imperative to use Froude scaling for the sea states will be over-estimated by the model
over-pressure in the air cushion of an air cushion tests.
supported vehicle. Due to the fact that normally
the ambient pressure is not scaled, the absolute
value of the pressure in the cushion of the model 2.2.3 Ride Control Systems
is far too high. This means that the dynamics of
Ride Control Systems can be very important
the air cushion are incorrectly modelled with a
for high speed vessels to improve the
far too high resonance frequency of the air
seakeeping characteristics and such systems can
cushion (Moulijn, 1998). Problems associated
therefore be included in the model for tests in
with this phenomenon are only apparent for
waves. If the control system is active, the
higher scale ratio models.
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requirements for the actuators are high, For tests in following seas it is considered
especially for the phase lag at higher frequencies. important to allow large surge motions of the
model. This freedom is usually essential to
If the control system consists of fins, determine correctly if a model is prone to nose
turbulence stimulation should be applied. The diving or shipping green water over the bow or
actual fin angle should always be measured to not. It will be difficult to model this correctly
have a check on the accuracy of the actuator using a spring system; an alternative might be
system, and the lift force on the fin gives an idea using a constant tension winch. A good solution
of the effective angle of incidence which is is to have a self-propelled model for tests in
relevant for cavitation limits imposed on the full following seas. This method also models the
size vessel. varying propulsive force due to the wave orbital
velocity. Because of the low encounter
2.2.4 Towing the Model frequencies, this phenomenon will also
contribute to the surge motion. This set-up can
The location of the towing point should be still be realised while restraining the model in
considered in the design of the model. the lateral direction.

Tests in head seas can be carried out with a It is recommended to use a fully self-
towed model and restraining the model propelled model for seakeeping tests in
completely in the lateral motions. The model quartering seas. A set-up with a towed model
can also be restrained in surge or towed with a needs a system to keep the model on course;
spring system. If the latter is the case, care such a system needs to be rather stiff to
should be taken to avoid a resonance frequency compensate for the hydrodynamic mean loads at
which is close to the wave encounter frequency; high speed and will therefore have an
a spring should be selected which results in a unacceptable influence on the ship motions.
resonance frequency at least a factor 2 lower
than the lowest wave encounter frequency. If a Special Topics Related to Planing
spring system is used, the resonance frequency Mono-hulls
should be mentioned in the test report. It is
realistic to have the tow point on the line of the Planing mono-hulls are most often towed at
propeller axis rather than at the centre of gravity. the intersection of the longitudinal centre of
gravity and the propulsor thrust line. The
For catamaran craft, where the model may be propulsive thrust of the prototype is typically
towed from a cross-deck structure, there is the simulated using an inclined towing link or
choice of allowing the model to pitch about an towing wire, or by using a combination of pure
axis on the cross-deck structure, or at a fitting in horizontal force (supplied by a vertical tow post
each demi-hull of the model. In the latter case, riding in low-friction bearings) plus a pure
because of the requirement for a cross-deck vertical force (unloading weight). In hulls where
structure to connect the hulls, the mass of the the thrust line is very low, for instance out drive
craft moving in heave will be different to the powered boats, it is impossible to tow the model
mass of the craft moving in pitch. With a light from a low enough point. In these cases, the tow
cross-deck structure used in the model tests this point is installed as low as possible and ballast
difference is likely to be small and the lower weights are shifted to compensate for the bow-
pitch axis may be preferable if it is closer to the down moment imposed by the high tow point.
full-scale craft centre of gravity. The effects of pitching moments created by
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appendages and propeller forces should be essentially the same motions and added
estimated and accounted for separately. It is resistance as tests with the model free to surge,
standard practice to tow models in waves with a with constant thrust. As noted earlier, it is
non-varying towing thrust angle. standard practice to tow models in waves with a
non-varying towing thrust angle
Planing boat models usually require sealed
decks to keep water out. In many cases, models Usually, at the lower speeds of displacement
are built with simplified superstructures to and semi-planning boats, tests can be conducted
evaluate spray and solid water impacts. Details in a towing tank and measurements are usually
of the superstructure should be included in the transferred to a towing carriage that is driven in
test report to allow corrections between the air close proximity to the model and connected by
drag of the model and of the full scale prototype. a wiring harness. For most higher speed planing
boat models, free running tests must be
2.2.5 Course Control conducted in the open water of ponds or lakes
because of the distance covered at high speed.
Using a completely free running model Measurement signals may be sent to shore via
requires a control system to keep the model on radio telemetry for recording, or stored onboard.
course. At full scale as well as in the towing tank, The accelerations of high speed planing mono-
high speed vessels can experience problems in hulls may make onboard digital storage difficult,
keeping a steady course. This is especially true although recent developments in inertial
for waterjet propelled vessels, since they measurement units (IMUs) and solid-state
normally do not have a skeg. memory devices now make onboard digital
storage more reliable for both model- and full-
The roll motion induced by the rudder or scale testing.
water jet nozzle is a point of concern. This effect
can be considerable and is controlled by the Free running models are also used for
control law of the autopilot. Preferably filtering seakeeping measurements. For instance, free
should be used to avoid rudder/nozzle running models of HSMVs with fully
oscillations in the wave encounter frequency. submerged hydrofoils might be tested. When
doing seakeeping and also manoeuvring tests
A check should always be made on the with a free model, it is considered necessary to
delivered torque by the steering gear in a bollard test the model complete with foil system and
pull condition at maximum RPM to prevent actively controlled flaps (if fitted to the full scale
problems with an insufficient sized actuator. vessel). The scale effect on lift is considered less
However, this is by no means sufficient to critical for seakeeping, since take-off condition
ensure a fully controlled model. is usually not tested in seakeeping. The scale
effect on lift can be compensated by the flaps or
2.2.6 Typical Model Tests by ballast. When testing a towed model, it is not
necessary to correct for scale effect on drag. The
Seakeeping model tests are typically scale effect on drag has importance for the
conducted in head or following seas with the forces from the propulsors. If the model is run
model restrained in surge, sway, roll and yaw self-propelled and no correction is made, the
and free in pitch and heave. Fridsma (1971), in propeller forces will be over-estimated. The best
testing planning hulls, showed that in head seas, solution is to apply a constant tow rope force at
with Fr  1 , constant speed tests produced the correct vertical position (note that using a
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weight will introduce an inertia that is not purposes rather than absolute predictions,
wanted). If it is impossible to apply a correction reduces the effects of analysing non-linear
force at the correct vertical position, it is often responses using conventional statistics. Until
the best solution to accept the over-estimated studies of interference effects between the hulls
propulsor thrust. are performed, the maximum model size should
be limited to one half the size considered
In a previous survey conducted for the 22nd acceptable for a standard seakeeping test.
ITTC HSMV committee, it was found that, for
irregular wave testing, 38 percent of the An alternative method of evaluating the
facilities use less than 100 wave encounters as a motions of a hull in a seaway is to subject the
standard minimum for basing statistical model to forced oscillations and to conduct free
representations of test data. 62 percent of the decay tests. The hydrodynamic coefficients
facilities use more than 100 encounters. The obtained from these experiments can be used in
survey showed wide variations, with a mean of numerical modelling simulations to predict the
78 encounters. Based on a review of the data, a response of the hull to wave exciting forces. In
minimum of 100 wave encounters is these tests the model is fixed in six degrees of
recommended for testing in head seas. The freedom and up to three moments may be
modal frequency of the encountered wave measured. As for all tests in which the model is
spectrum should be used to estimate the total run restrained in heave, the level of the water surface
time required. Pierce (1992) proposed a method should be monitored when the model is
for relating run length to statistical error. underway to measure any change in water level
Although the method is based on linear analysis caused by the aerodynamic pressure of the
methods, it should provide a rough towing carriage (see Murakami, 1981 and 17th
approximation of the uncertainty of the data set ITTC HSMV Report).
based on the total run time used to obtain 100
wave encounters. 2.2.7 Quantities Measured During Tests
At the high speeds of planning craft, the tank
 Wave height (fixed or encountered).
length of many facilities limits the steady speed
run time to only a few seconds. Therefore many  Speed.
runs may be required to obtain 100 wave  Resistance.
encounters. For obtaining statistics such as  Trim.
mean, standard deviation and probability levels  Heave – Heave is typically measured at
it is standard practice to splice the measurement the longitudinal position of the centre of
time records together and analyse the combined gravity.
set of data.  Accelerations – It is standard procedure to
measure accelerations in the vertical body
Occasionally model testing clients are axis at several locations. In order to make
interested in evaluating the relative seakeeping it possible to compare data from different
behaviour of a new hull with an existing hull facilities, three standard locations are
(Schleicher, 1997). In this case it may be proposed:
advantageous to run comparative tests with the
two models side-by-side. This ensures that both 1. Bow – 10 percent of LPP aft of forward
models experience identical irregular waves, perpendicular;
and if the data are used for comparative
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2. CG – position should be changed for each rad/s, wave amplitude = 23 mm) with
condition tested; increasing speed of the carriage. The
3. Stern – 10 percent of LPP forward of aft measured amplitude by the classical wave
perpendicular. gauge is compared to the value measured
by the wave servo. The figure shows that
 Pressures – Pressures have been measured the differences are less than 3.5% for this
at virtually any location; there is no speed range and that the error does not
guidance on location at this time. uniformly increase with speed.
 Relative bow motions – These Apparently run-up effects and ventilation
measurements are difficult to make on compensate at higher speed.
HSMVs, especially on planing hulls
because of the large change in attitude of It should be borne in mind that with high-
the model at high speeds. speed planing craft, the vessel may 'skip'
between wave crests and the waves actually
 Wetted Surface – Records are typically
encountered by the vessel may not be the same
kept of the bottom surface wetted by solid
as those measured by a wave probe (of any
water. In some cases, the area wetted by
spray is also measured and recorded.
 Speed – Speed measurement is typically
2.2.8 Instrumentation Used in Wave Tests made using the same equipment used for
resistance tests.
 Wave height – Measurements of the  Added resistance/thrust in waves – For
encountered wave are more desirable than added resistance measurements,
measurements of the stationary wave. instrumentation is needed with
However it is considerably more difficult approximately twice the capacity used in
to measure encountered wave elevation at calm water resistance tests. The frequency
high speeds. Surface piercing wave probes response of the system should be
are generally unreliable because of water considered if statistics other than average
run-up on the forward side of the probe added resistance are to be evaluated.
and ventilation of the back side of the Preference is given to using self-propelled
probe. Good success has been reported in models in waves rather than towed models.
measuring encounter wave using electro- This means that added resistance
mechanical servo probes. Acoustic probes measurements are impossible and that the
have also been used successfully when the thrust must be measured instead. For
test data have been post-processed using propellers the thrust can be measured in
computer based methods for fairing the axis on the outside of the aftermost
curves through ”dropout” points in the bearing, for waterjets the thrust can be
time records, although frequency response determined from measuring the pressure
problems have been noted by some in the nozzle. It is recommended to
investigators (Hirayama et al., 1988). measure the torque in the shaft just before
MARIN uses a servo controlled wave the waterjet to detect air ingestion. The
gauge consisting of a needle which torque cannot be used to estimate the
follows the wave surface. The Figure.2 required power.
gives results of a series of experiments in
a regular wave (wave frequency = 4.45
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higher). The measurement area for this
resolution is 1 x 1.2 meters.
amplitude servo/probe

 Accelerations – Ideally, the purpose of the
1.02 acceleration measurements should be
known in advance. If for structural
response, different parts of the full scale
1.00 will respond at different frequencies (e.g.
0.99 a large heavy panel will not respond to
0 2 4 6 8 very sharp acceleration peak, whilst a
carriage speed [m/s] small stiff panel will); if for human
response regarding injury, a slow response
Fig.2 – Results of a series of experiments time as well (Gollwitzer & Peterson,
carried out at MARIN with a servo controlled 1996); if for human response regarding
wave gauge. motion sickness, use the frequency octave
method. For operability purposes the
 Motions measurements – Measurement of accelerations are more important than the
motions is important and should in general motions. It is recommended to measure
be non-intrusive. Instrumentation used in these directly instead of deriving them by
resistance tests is often unsuitable for double differentiation of the motions.
seakeeping because of the dynamic nature Servo-pendulum accelerometers used for
of measurements (fast turnaround and low speed ship model testing are very
large excursions). For instance, weighted accurate but are limited to frequencies
string pulley systems for measuring rise below 100 Hz; piezoelectric
and fall at bow and stern cannot be used accelerometers are limited to frequencies
because model accelerations often exceed above 10 Hz; piezo-resistive and variable
1g. However, if tests in head or following capacitance are good alternatives that
seas are carried out and the model is perform well over a frequency range of 0
restrained in the lateral motions, a reliable to 1000+ Hz. It is recommended that
measurement is obtained by having a accelerometer specifications, including:
wire-over-potentiometer measurement of range, natural frequency, damping ratio
the vertical motion at the bow and stern. and linearity be included when reporting
Such a system cannot be used for free acceleration data. Acceleration time
running tests. Reliable 6 DoF optical histories for planing hulls are typically
systems are now available which can be triangular with short rise time, sharp peak
used for this situation. At MARIN a and more gradual decay time. Peak
system is being used with the heavy sensor acceleration varies with the frequency
located on the carriage and a very light response of the transducer, sampling rate,
transmitter, consisting of a set of three filter rate, etc (Zseleczky & McKee, 1989).
light sources, located on the model. The  Pressures – Problems with measuring
system has a typical resolution of 0.1 mm pressures are very similar to acceleration
for the translations and 0.1 deg for the measurement problems because of short
rotations (practical resolution, the claimed rise time. Another problem is that given
accuracy for laboratory conditions is the same impulse, large-face pressure
transducers measure lower peak pressures
over a longer time than small-faced
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transducers because the stagnation point is The presence of swell is for most high speed
typically concentrated and fast moving. vessels a very important factor. The encounter
Published data should not only list the frequency of local wind generated waves is
location of transducers, but also the usually sufficiently high so that it does not result
diameter of the sensor face, the range, in any significant motions; the motions due to
frequency response and linearity of the the swell can be much higher and therefore more
transducer. For measuring panel loadings, relevant for both operability and safety aspects.
strain gauges on panels with scaled It is recommended to use local wave
dimensions and flexural properties are information as much as possible for operability
recommended rather than point pressure studies.
 Relative bow motions – These Keeping the model speed is a point of
measurements are difficult to obtain at consideration for free running models. Usually
high speeds and are rarely attempted; no the propeller is driven by an electrical motor and
recommended practice is available at the RPM of this motor is kept constant. The
present. characteristics of the motor of the ship are
usually not modelled, but this is not considered
to be a significant disadvantage for high speed
2.2.9 Test Wave Environment
If the model testing is focussed on
determining the operational limits, and the Tests in Regular Waves
expected operational limits are not extreme
conditions, it is recommended to use the two- Tests in regular waves are often used for
parameter ITTC Standard Spectrum as a research projects. A problem is to keep the
description of the wave energy distribution over model speed constant for the runs in different
the frequency range. The main reason for this wave conditions (frequency and amplitude) due
choice is that such a spectrum describes a fully to the changing added resistance. If the duration
developed sea state which is relevant for normal of the run is sufficient, a solution may be found
operational conditions. in a feed-back to the RPM control of the
electrical motor. The power to weight ratio of
For tests in extreme sea states it is high speed models is normally sufficient to have
recommended to use a JONSWAP type of a quick response and to arrive at the required
representation for the wave energy spectrum value in a short time.
with a peaked ness parameter >> 1. Because of
the relatively short duration of the extreme Motion responses of high speed vessels can
weather, it cannot be expected that such a sea be non-linear to a significant degree. This means
state will be fully developed. that the motion RAO derived from experiments
is not unique and cannot be used to determine
These coastal sea states have low significant the performance in irregular seas with
wave heights (1-3 m) compared with confidence (Fridsma, 1971).
conventional ship sea states (2-6+ m) so the
wave maker may be operating outside its design Tests in Irregular Seas
envelope. This should be considered before
selecting the scale ratio. Tests in irregular seas are always required to
study extreme effects like slamming, shipping
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of green water, nose diving and broaching for to the construction of the full size ship. If such a
any ship. Due to the non-linear relation between sensor is used, the requirements on the sample
ship motions (and accelerations) and the wave rate are usually lower, and 5 × the lowest
amplitude for some high speed vessels, tests in resonance peak of the sensor should be
irregular seas are also required to check the sufficient.
normal operational limits. This makes computer
predictions for such conditions quite important 2.2.11 Data Collection
since it is not feasible to carry out tests in many
sea states. A reasonablly accurate prediction of A short run length is not a problem for a test
the operational limits must be made so that in regular waves since harmonic analysis can be
critical conditions can be selected with done if 5-10 complete wave encounters are
confidence. measured. As discussed in Section 4.3.6, a large
number of wave encounters is necessary for
2.2.10 Data Sampling Rate tests in irregular seas, which might make it
necessary to do the test by combining runs in
The sample rate of the data collection system different realisations of the irregular sea. The
should be sufficiently high to measure the number of wave encounters required for the
quantities of interest. If these are only the ship analysis is dependent on the purpose of the test.
motions, a sample rate of 5 × the maximum If only RMS values of motions and
wave encounter frequency is sufficient. If loads accelerations are required, 75 wave encounters
are being measured in a cross section of the will give a sufficient accuracy. If parameters of
model, a much higher (minimum 3 ×) sample extreme phenomena need to be measured like
rate is necessary to measure non-linear effects slamming pressures, the required run length
accurately. should be such that a number of slams are
encountered. If the extreme slam pressure needs
If crew operability, or human response to to be determined a run length sufficient to record
vibration are important, then the sampling rate 100 slams is required.
used at model-scale needs to be sufficient to
perform subsequent analysis for operability of In general it is recommended to define the
the full-scale vessel, i.e. the full-scale run length based on the number of relevant
requirement should be scaled to model-scale. events rather than just a certain measurement
Typically the frequency weightings as found in, time.
say, BS6841 (1987) may be used. See, Allen et
al (2008) and Taunton et al (2011) for examples.
Slamming measurements require a very high
sample rate, the required rate is dependent on the 3.1 Parameters to be Taken into Account
resonance frequency of the slamming sensor.
Piezo-electric pressure gauges have for instance  Towing point and method.
very high resonance frequencies requiring very  Pitch radius of gyration, particularly with
high sample rates; a value of 10 kHz is not reference to the towing arrangement used
uncommon. for catamaran vessels.
 Wave height (fixed or encountered).
Focus is now more on measuring slamming
with a sensor with a resonance frequency related  Speed.
ITTC – Recommended 7.5-02
Procedures and Guidelines Page 12 of 13

Effective Date Revision

Seakeeping Tests 2014 01

 Resistance. segmented model where the segments are

 Trim. connected through force transducers.
 Heave.
 Accelerations
 Relative bow motions.
 Hull global loads.
 Pressures. 4.1 Uncertainty Analysis
 Wetted surface. Not yet treated.
 Effect of appendages.
 Air flux by fan (SES and ACV).
4.2 Benchmark Tests
 Flexibility or material characteristics
(flexible skirts for SES and ACV). 1) ITTC Database of Seakeeping Experiments
 Reynolds effect for hydrofoil ship (21st 1996 pp.43) High Speed Marine
including cavitation. Vehicle

3.2 Recommendations of ITTC for

Parameters 5. REFERENCES

 Added resistance of appendage drag can

Allen, D.P., Taunton, D.J. and Allen, R., 2008,
represent a significant portion of the total
“A Study of Shock Impacts and Vibration
resistance of HSMVs. It is recommended
Dose Values Onboard High Speed Marine
to test the model with and without
Craft”, International Journal of Maritime
Engineering, 150, pp 20.
 Measurement of the encountered waves
are more desirable than measurements of BS6841, 1987, "BS 6841: Measurement and
the stationary waves. Good success has Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-
been reported using electromechanical body Mechanical Vibration and Repeated
servo probes, acoustic probes, and servo Shock”, British Standards Institute.
controlled wave gauges.
 Measurement of motions should in Fridsma, G., 1971, “A Systematic Study of the
general be non-intrusive. The reliable Rough-Water Performance of Planing Hulls,
measurement is obtained by having a Irregular Waves, Part II,” Davidson
wire-over-potentiometer measurement. Laboratory, Stevens Institute of Technology,
Reliable 6 DoF optical systems are Report 1495.
available for free running tests.
 Tests in irregular seas are required to Gollwitzer, R., and Peterson, R., 1996, “Drop
check the normal operational limits. Tests and Planing Boat Dynamics Modelling
 The resulting trims during self-propulsion for Investigating Repeated Water Entry
tests in a towing tank at atmospheric Shock and Mitigation,” Small Craft Marine
pressure are in most cases not Engineering Resistance and Propulsion
representative for full-scale HSMVs. Symposium, University of Michigan, USA.
 For measurement of global load hull
forces, the most practical way is to use a
ITTC – Recommended 7.5-02
Procedures and Guidelines Page 13 of 13

Effective Date Revision

Seakeeping Tests 2014 01

Hirayama, T., Motohiro, H., and Ryuichi, I., Pierce, R., 1992, “Run Length and Statistical
1988, “On the Accuracy of Seakeeping Tank Error Estimation for Seakeeping Tests and
Tests and on a Project of Comparative Trials”, 23rd ATTC, New Orleans,
Seakeeping Experiment,” Symposium on Louisiana.
Ship Hull Forms and Seakeeping Qualities,
Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Japan. Schleicher, C., 1997, “Investigation of a Hybrid
Wave Piercing Planing Hull Form,”
Kapsenberg, G. K., 1994, “Added Mass and FAST’97, Sydney, Australia.
Damping Coefficients for a Large SES –
Including an Appreciation of Scale Effects,” Schleicher, D.M., 2006, “Regarding Statistical
NAV’94 Conference, Rome, Italy. Relationships for Vertical Accelerations of
Planing Monohulls in Head Seas”, in High
Kapsenberg, G.K., and Blume, P., 1995, “Model speed craft - ACV's, WIG's & Hydrofoils.
Tests for a Large Surface Effect Ship at London: RINA.
Different Scale Ratio’s”, FAST’95, Lübeck-
Travemünde, Germany. Taunton, D.J., Hudson, D.A. and Shenoi, R.A.,
2011, “Characteristics of a Series of High
Masset, J.F., Morel, J.P. and Kapsenberg, G.K., Speed Hard Chine Planing Hulls - Part II:
1995, “Large Surface Effect Ship (SES) Air Performance in Waves”, International
Cushion Dynamics: An Innovative Journal of Small Craft Technology, 153,
Methodology for Theoretical Modelling doi:10.3940/rina.ijsct.2011.b1.97.
Validation”, FAST’95, LübeckTravemünde,
Germany. Zarnick, E.E. and Turner, C.R., 1981, “Rough
Water Performance of High Length to Beam
Moulijn, J.C., 1998, “Scaling of Air Cushion Ratio Planing Boats”, David W. Taylor
Dynamics”, Delft University of Technology, Naval Ship Research and Development
Ship Hydromechanics Laboratory, Report Center, Bethesda, Maryland, Report No.
No. 1151, The Netherlands. DTNSRDC/SPD-0973-01.

Murakami, T., 1981, “Measurement of Wave Zseleczky, J, and McKee, G., 1989, “Analysis
Profile Generated by the Towing Carriage,” Methods for Evaluating Motions and
Vol. II, 16th ITTC, pp. 272, Leningrad, Acelerations of Planing Boats in Waves,”
USSR. 22nd ATTC, St. John’s Newfoundland,

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