NJUHSD Updates COVID Guidelines

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January 19, 2022

Good Morning NJUHSD Family,

We are writing to inform you of temporary modifications to state and local health department
guidance as it relates to school testing, isolation and quarantine during the Omicron COVID-19
surge. Until further notice (or until February 28th), the following set of guidelines apply.

First and foremost, do not send your student to school if they are experiencing COVID-19
symptoms. If your student arrives at school with symptoms, they will be sent home.

1. All students participating in in-person instruction have likely been exposed to the new variant.
Moving forward, all students who experience an exposure at school, may continue to attend classes.

2. During this time, students must continue to wear a mask at all times while indoors, and it is
recommended (but not required) to test at least once a week, regardless of vaccination status.

3. Any student who develops COVID-19 symptoms must be excluded from school campuses and
should be tested

● If Positive, report the positive case to your school’s attendance office and follow CDPH
isolation recommendations prior to returning to school.
● If Negative, the student may return to school after 24 hrs without a fever (without Advil or
Tylenol), and with improving symptoms.
● If no test is performed, symptomatic students must be excluded from campus for 10 days.

4. During this time, any students participating in unmasked sports or performing arts are required
to test at least twice weekly, regardless of vaccination status.

5. NJUHSD will accept home testing using an FDA authorized over-the-counter test for COVID-19,
with a signed Home Test Validation Form, or with documentation from online test result

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continually adapt to changing conditions.


Dan Frisella
Assistant Superintendent
[email protected]

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