Subgrade Soil
Subgrade soil is an integral part of the road pavement structure which directly receives
the traffic load from the pavement layers. The subgrade soil and its properties are important in
the design of pavement structure. The main function of the subgrade is to give adequate support
to the pavement and for this the subgrade should possess sufficient stability under adverse
climate and loading conditions.
The formation of waves, corrugations, rutting and shoving in black top pavements and
the phenomena of pumping, blowing and consequent cracking of cement concrete pavements
are generally attributed due to the poor subgrade conditions.
Desirable Properties
The desirable properties of soil as a highway material are
a) Stability
b) Incompressibility
c) Permanency of strength
d) Minimum changes in volume and stability under adverse conditions of weather and
ground water
e) Good drainage
f) Ease of compaction
The soil should possess adequate stability or resistance to permanent deformation under
loads, and should possess resistance to weathering, thus retaining the desired subgrade support.
Minimum variation in volume will ensure minimum variation in differential strength values of
the subgrade. Good drainage is essential to avoid excessive moisture retention and to reduce
the potential frost action. Ease of compaction ensures higher dry density and strength under
particular type and amount of compaction.
Soil Classification Based on Grain Size
There are several soil classification systems based on grain size of soil, according to
which soils have been classified as
a) Gravel
b) Sand
c) Silt and Clay
The most widely accepted grain size classification system is MIT soil classification system.
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has also adopted the same limits as MIT system for the
Indian Standard Classification System for soil grains. The limits of grain size are as follows.
A-1 soils are well graded mixture of stone fragments, gravel coarse sand, fine sand and
non-plastic or slightly plastic soil binder. The soils of this group are subdivided into
two subgroups, A- 1-a, consisting predominantly of stone fragments or gravel and A-I-
b consisting predominantly of coarse sand.
A-2 group of soils include a wide range of granular soils ranging from A- 1 to A-3
groups, consisting of granular soils and up to 35% fines of A-4, A-5, A-6 or A-7 groups.
Based on the fines content, the soils of A-2 groups are subdivided into subgroups A-2-
4, A-2- 5, A-2-6 and A-2-7.
A-3 soils consist mainly, uniformly graded medium or fine sand similar to beach sand
or desert blown sand. Stream-deposited mixtures of poorly graded fine sand with some
coarse sand and gravel are also included in this group.
A-4 soils are generally silty soils, non-plastic or moderately plastic in nature with liquid
limit and plasticity index values less than 40 and 10 respectively
A-5 soils are also silty soils with plasticity index less than 10%, but with liquid limit
values exceeding 40%. These include highly elastic or compressible, soils, usually of
diatomaceous of micaceous character.
A-6 group of soils are plastic clays, having high values of plasticity index exceeding
10% and low values of liquid limit below 40%; they have high volume change
properties with variation in moisture content.
A-7 soils are also clayey soils as A-6 soils, but with high values of both liquid limit and
plasticity index, (LL greater than 40% and P1 greater than 10%). These soils have low
permeability and high volume change properties with changes in moisture content.
Compaction rammer
Type of compaction No of layers Wt of hammer (kg) Fall (cm) No of blows
Light compaction 3 2.6 31 56
Heavy compaction 5 4.89 45 56
& the sample is allowed to drain in a perpendicular position for 15 min surcharge wt,
perforated plate with stem, filter paper is removed.
The mould with the soil subgrade is removed from the base plate & is weighed again to
determine the wt of water absorbed.
Then the specimen is clamped over base plate surcharge wt.’s is placed on specimens
centrally such that the penetration test could be conducted. The mould with base plate
is placed under the penetration plunger of loading machine.
The penetration plunger is seated +at the center of the specimen & is brought in contact
with the top surface of the soil sample by applying a seating load of 4kgs.
The dial gauge for measuring the penetration values of the plunger is fitted in position
The dial gauge of proving ring & the penetration dial gauge are set to 0.
The load is applied though the penetration plunger at a uniform rate of 1.5mm/min
The load reading are recorded at penetration reading 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 7.5,
10 & 12.5mm.
In case the load reading starts decreasing before 12.5mm penetration, the max load &
the corresponding penetration values are recorded.
After the final reading the load is released & the mould from loading machine.
The proving ring calibration factor is noted so that load dial gauge value can be
converted into the load in kg.
Swelling or expansion ratio is calculated from the formula.
Expansion ratio = (100 (df – di))/h
df = Final dial gauge after soaking in mm
di = Initial dial gauge before soaking in mm
h = initial ht of the specimen in mm
[𝑳𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝒐𝒓 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒏 ]
𝒂𝒕 𝟐.𝟓 𝒐𝒓 𝟓.𝟎𝒎𝒎 𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
CBR = 𝑳𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝒐𝒓 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎
[ ]
𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍
Standard Load values on crushed stone aggregates for specified penetration values
Penetration, mm Standard Load, kg Unit Standard Load, kg/cm2
2.5 1370 70
5.0 2055 105
Generally, CBR value @ 2.5mm penetration is higher & this value is adopted.
The initial upward concavity of the load penetration is due to the piston surface not
being fully in contact with top of the specimen or when the top layer of soaked soil
being too soft.
Loading equipment:
Reaction frame or dead load applied may be measured either by a proving ring or dial gauge
Settle measurement
It may be made by means of 3 or 4 dial gauge fixed on the periphery of the bearing plate from
an independent datum frame. Datum frame should be supported from the loaded area.
At the test site, about 20cm top soil is removed & the site is levelled & the plate is
properly seated on the prepared surface.
The stiffening plates of decreasing dia are placed & the jack & proving ring assembly
are fitted to provide reaction against the frame.
3 or 4 dial gauges are fixed on the periphery of the palte from the independent datum
frame foe measuring settlement.
A seating load of 0.07 kg/cm2 (320kgs for 75 dia) is applied & released after a few sec.
The settlement dial gauges reading are now noted corresponding to zero load.
A load is applied by means of jack sufficient to cause an average settlement of about
When there is no perception increase in settlement or when the rate of settlement is less
than 0.025mm/min (case of clayey soil or wet soil), the reading of the settlement dial
gauge is noted & the avg settlement is found & the load is noted from the proving ring
dial reading.
The load is then increased till settlement increases to a further amount of about 0.25mm
& the avg settlement & load are found.
The procedure is repeated till the settlement reaches 0.175cm.
A graph is plotted with mean settlement versus mean bearing pressure (load/unit area)
as shown in fig.
Bearing pressure settlement curve.
The pressure p (kg/cm2) corresponding to a settlement delta = 0.125cm (obtained from the
graph shown above)
The modulus of subgrade reaction k is calculated from the relation given in kg/cm3
𝒑 𝒑
𝑲= ∆ =
𝟎. 𝟏𝟐𝟓
𝟏. 𝟏𝟖 (𝒑 𝒙 𝒂)
From plate load test we know that, 𝑲 =
𝟏. 𝟏𝟖 (𝒑 𝒙 𝒂)
𝟏. 𝟏𝟖 𝒂
If the value of E is taken as constant for a soil, then k x a = constant
Ie K a = k1 a1 or k 30 a 30 = k 75 a 75
Hence if the test is carried out with a smaller plate of radius a & the modulus of subgrade
reaction K is found.
Then the corrected value of modulus of subgrade reaction K for std plate of radius a, is given
𝒌𝟑𝟎 𝒙 𝒂𝟑𝟎
𝒌𝟕𝟓 =
𝒌𝑺 = 𝒌𝑼 = 𝒌 (∆ 𝑼 )
𝒑 ∆𝑺
𝒌𝒃 = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟓𝟓𝟔 𝒙 𝑲 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟑 𝒙 𝑲𝟐
Bitumen Tar
It has black to dark brown color It also has black to dark brown in color
It has better weather resisting property It has inferior weather resisting property
It neither binds the aggregate well nor It binds aggregate more easily & retain it
retains the presence of water better in the presence of water.
Requirements of a pavement
x Sufficient thickness to distribute the wheel load stresses to a safe value on the sub- grade soil
x Structurally strong to withstand all types of stresses imposed upon it x Adequate
coefficient of friction to prevent skidding of vehicles
x Smooth surface to provide comfort to road users even at high speed
Types of pavements
The pavements can be classified based on the structural performance into two, flexible
pavements and rigid pavements. In flexible pavements, wheel loads are transferred by grain-
to-grain contact of the aggregate through the granular structure. The flexible pavement, having
less flexural strength, acts like a flexible sheet (e.g. bituminous road). On the contrary, in rigid
pavements, wheel loads are transferred to sub-grade soil by flexural strength of the pavement
and the pavement acts like a rigid plate (e.g. cement concrete roads).
Flexible pavements
Flexible pavements will transmit wheel load stresses to the lower layers by grain-to-
grain transfer through the points of contact in the granular structure (see Figure 19:1). The
wheel load acting on the pavement will be distributed to a wider area, and the stress decreases
with the depth. Taking advantage of this stress distribution characteristic
The lower layers will experience lesser magnitude of stress and less quality material can be
used. Flexible pavements are constructed using bituminous materials. These can be either in
the form of surface treatments (such as bituminous surface treatments generally found on low
volume roads) or, asphalt concrete surface courses (generally used on high volume roads such
as national highways).
pavement layer
The following types of construction have been used in flexible pavement: x Conventional
layered flexible pavement,
x Full - depth asphalt pavement, and
x Contained rock asphalt mat (CRAM).
Conventional flexible pavements are layered systems with high quality expensive materials are
placed in the top where stresses are high, and low quality cheap materials are placed in
lower layers.
Full - depth asphalt pavements are constructed by placing bituminous layers directly on the soil
subgrade. This is more suitable when there is high traffic and local materials are not available.
Contained rock asphalt mats are constructed by placing dense/open graded aggregate layers in
between two asphalt layers. Modified dense graded asphalt concrete is placed above the sub-
grade will significantly reduce the vertical compressive strain on soil sub-grade and protect
from surface water
Rigid pavements
Rigid pavements have sufficient flexural strength to transmit the wheel load stresses to
a wider area below. A typical cross section of the rigid pavement is shown in Figure below
Compared to flexible pavement, rigid pavements are placed either directly on the prepared sub-
grade or on a single layer of granular or stabilized material.
Since there is only one layer of material between the concrete and the sub-grade, this
layer can be called as base or sub-base course. In rigid pavement, load is distributed by the slab
action, and the pavement behaves like an elastic plate resting on a viscous medium Rigid
pavements are constructed by Portland cement concrete (PCC) and should be analyzed by plate
theory instead of layer theory,
Rigid pavements can be classified into four types: x Jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP),
x Jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP),
Contact pressure
The tire pressure is an important factor, as it determines the contact area and the contact
pressure between the wheel and the pavement surface. Even though the shape of the contact
area is elliptical, for sake of simplicity in analysis, a circular area is often considered.
Wheel load
The next important factor is the wheel load which determines the depth of the pavement
required to ensure that the subgrade soil is not failed. Wheel configuration affects the stress
distribution and deflection within a pavement. Many commercial vehicles have dual rear
wheels which ensure that the contact pressure is within the limits. The normal practice is to
convert dual wheel into an equivalent single wheel load so that the analysis is made simpler.
Axle configuration
The load carrying capacity of the commercial vehicle is further enhanced by the
introduction of multiple axles.
Moving loads
The damage to the pavement is much higher if the vehicle is moving at creep speed.
Many studies show that when the speed is increased from 2 km/hr to 24 km/hr, the stresses and
deflection reduced by 40 per cent.
Repetition of Loads
The influence of traffic on pavement not only depends on the magnitude of the wheel
load, but also on the frequency of the load applications. Each load application causes some
deformation and the total deformation is the summation of all these
Environmental factors
Environmental factors affect the performance of the pavement materials and cause
various damages. Environmental factors that affect pavement are of two types, temperature and
To carry maximum load within the specified limit and to carry greater load, dual wheel,
or dual tandem assembly is often used. Equivalent single wheel load (ESWL) is the single
wheel load having the same contact pressure, which produces same value of maximum stress,
deflection, tensile stress or contact pressure at the desired depth. The procedure of finding the
ESWL for equal stress criteria is provided below. This is a semi-rational method, known as
Boyd and Foster method, based on the following assumptions:
x equalancy concept is based on equal stress; x contact area is circular; x
influence angle is 45o; and
Where P is the wheel load, S is the center to center distance between the two wheels, d is the
clear distance between two wheels, and z is the desired depth.
Vehicles can have many axles which will distribute the load into different axles, and in
turn to the pavement through the wheels. A standard truck has two axles, front axle with two
wheels and rear axle with four wheels. But to carry large loads multiple axles are provided.
Since the design of flexible pavements is by layered theory, only the wheels on one side needed
to be considered. On the other hand, the design of rigid pavement is by plate theory and hence
the wheel load on both sides of axle need to be considered. Legal axle load:
The deformation of pavement due to a single application of axle load may be small but
due to repeated application of load there would be accumulation of unrecovered or permanent
deformation which results in failure of pavement.
An equivalent axle load factor (EALF) defines the damage per pass to a pavement by
the ith type of axle relative to the damage per pass of a standard axle load. While _finding the
EALF, the failure criterion is important. Two types of failure criteria‟s are commonly adopted:
fatigue cracking and rutting. The fatigue cracking model has the following form:
Where, Nf is the number of load repetition for a certain percentage of cracking, _t is the tensile
strain at the
bottom of the binder course, E is the modulus of elasticity, and f1; f2; f3 are constants.
If we consider fatigue
Where, i indicate Ith vehicle, and std indicate the standard axle. Now if we assume that the
strain is proportional to the wheel load,
where Nd is the permissible design rut depth (say 20mm), s the compressive strain at the top
of the subgrade,
and f4; f5 are constants. Once we have the EALF, then we can get the ESAL as given below.
Equivalent single axle load, ESAL =
Where, m is the number of axle load groups, Fi is the EALF for ith axle load group, and ni is
the number of passes of ith axle load group during the design period.
Example Let number of load repetition expected by 80 KN standard axle is 1000, 160 KN is
100 and 40 KN is 10000. Find the equivalent axle load. Solution:
Design traffic
The method considers traffic in terms of the cumulative number of standard axles (8160
kg) to be carried by the pavement during the design life. This requires the following
1. Initial traffic in terms of CVPD
2. Traffic growth rate during the design life
3. Design life in number of years
4. Vehicle damage factor (VDF)
5. Distribution of commercial traffic over the carriage way.
Initial traffic
Initial traffic is determined in terms of commercial vehicles per day (CVPD). For the
structural design of the pavement only commercial vehicles are considered assuming laden
weight of three tones or more and their axle loading will be considered. Estimate of the initial
daily average traffic flow for any road should normally be based on 7-day 24-hour classified
traffic counts (ADT). In case of new roads, traffic estimates can be made on the basis of
potential land use and traffic on existing routes in the area.
Design life
For the purpose of the pavement design, the design life is defined in terms of the
cumulative number of standard axles that can be carried before strengthening of the pavement
is necessary. It is recommended that pavements for arterial roads like NH, SH should be
designed for a life of 15 years, EH and urban roads for 20 years and
other categories of roads for 10 to 15 years.
The vehicle damage factor (VDF) is a multiplier for converting the number of
commercial vehicles of different axle loads and axle configurations to the number of standard
axle-load repetitions. It is defined as equivalent number of standard axles per commercial
vehicle. The VDF varies with the axle configuration, axle loading, terrain, type of road, and
from region to region. The axle load equivalency factors are used to convert different axle load
repetitions into equivalent standard axle load repetitions. For these equivalency factors refer
IRC: 37 2001. The exact VDF values are arrived after extensive field surveys.
Vehicle distribution
necessary as it directly affects the total equivalent standard axle load application used in the
design. Until reliable data is available, the following distribution may be assumed.
x Single lane roads: Traffic tends to be more channelized on single roads than two lane roads and
to allow for this concentration of wheel load repetitions, the design should be based on total
number of commercial vehicles in both directions.
x Two-lane single carriageway roads: The design should be based on 75 % of the commercial
vehicles in both directions.
x Four-lane single carriageway roads: The design should be based on 40 % of the total number
of commercial vehicles in both directions.
x Dual carriageway roads: For the design of dual two-lane carriageway roads should be based on
75 % of the number of commercial vehicles in each direction. For dual three-lane carriageway
and dual four-lane carriageway the distribution factor will be 60 % and 45 % respectively.
Numerical example
Design the pavement for construction of a new bypass with the following data:
1. Two lane carriage way
2. Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction = 400 CVPD (sum of both
3. Traffic growth rate = 7.5 %
4. Design life = 15 years
5. Vehicle damage factor based on axle load survey = 2.5 standard axle per commercial
6. Design CBR of subgrade soil = 4%.
The cement concrete slab is assumed to be homogeneous and to have uniform elastic properties
with vertical sub-grade reaction being proportional to the deflection. Westergaard developed
relationships for the stress at
interior, edge and corner regions, denoted as _i; _e; _c in kg/cm2 respectively and given by the
where h is the slab thickness in cm, P is the wheel load in kg, a is the radius of the wheel load
distribution in cm, l the radius of the relative stiffness in cm 29.1 and b is the radius of the
resisting section in cm
Temperature stresses
Warping stress
The warping stress at the interior, edge and corner regions, denoted as ά ti; ά te; ά tc in kg/cm2
respectively and given by the equation
Frictional stresses
Where W is the unit weight of concrete in kg/cm2 (2400), f is the coefficient of sub grade
friction (1.5) and L is the length of the slab in meters.
Combination of stresses
The cumulative effect of the different stress give rise to the following thee critical cases
x Summer, mid-day: The critical stress is for edge region given by α critical = α e + α
– αf
x Winter, mid-day: The critical combination of stress is for the edge region given by α critical =
α e+ α te + α f
x Mid-nights: The critical combination of stress is for the corner region given by α critical = α c
+ α tc