Usulan Judul Skripsi
Usulan Judul Skripsi
Usulan Judul Skripsi
Rumusan Masalah : 1.) How do students percerve the use google meet Application during
Online in School at SMA Negeri 11 Palembang.
2.) what is the problem just faced by students in using google meet
application during online learning in School at SMA Negeri 11 Palembang
Rumusan Masalah :. is there significant correlation between English learing anxiety and
reading Achievement of the Eleventh Grade student of SMA Negeri 11
Rumusan Masalah : 1.) Is there any significant correlation between grammar Mastery and
Reading compherension of learning English.?
2.) Is there any significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and
Reading comprehension of learning English.?
Pembantu Dekan I