Low Profile Ultra Wideband HF
Low Profile Ultra Wideband HF
Low Profile Ultra Wideband HF
Department of Antenna, East China Research Institute of Electronic Engineering, Hefei, 230088, China,
e-mail: [email protected], tel.: +86 551 65391189, fax: +86 551 65391000.
School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430079, China, e-mail: [email protected].
978-1-5090-0470-6/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
3.1 Numerical modeling The lowest working frequency of the skeletal wire
duoconical monopole antenna is determined by its
Since the skeletal wire duoconical monopole antenna total height and volume, while its radiation
is composed of thin wires, MoM can be a good characteristics can be optimized by adjusting the ratio
alternative for numerical analysis, in which only of H1 to H2 and the parameters of the grounded poles.
segments along the wires are used. However, the time The optimization method GA can be applied to
domain method CCMOT [6], which uses the same produce an optimum geometry, since it is a highly
discretization rules as MoM and can give results at all non-linear problem to design the antenna. For a given
frequencies through a single fast computation, would number of the wires and a given feed height, an
be more efficient, especially for this wideband objective function for considering both performance
antenna. Infinite perfect electric conductor (PEC) is of impedance and radiation is defined as in (1)
defined as the ground to simplify the modeling and
optimization. By image theory, a dipole model in free f ( x ) = α1 ¦
( i 0 i )
N U VSWR ( f ) , VSWR ( f )
(VSWR0 ( fi ) )
space is analyzed instead in CCMOT. The input n =1
4 RESULTS AND DISSCUSION analyze the optimized antenna on the real ground
through a metal grid screen. The VSWR, gain,
A skeletal wire duoconical monopole antenna is elevation angle and elevation pattern are shown in
designed at HF band between 7.5 to 25MHz, according Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8, which indicate that
to the above method. Assuming d=0.1m and fixing the the VSWR is below 2.3 in the whole operation
number of the wires N as 3 to 6, the optimization is frequency band, the gain above 0.2dBi. Furthermore,
conducted 4 times, the optimized geometries are the optimized antenna radiated mainly towards the
shown in Table 1 and the VSWR and gain are shown horizontal line and no evident sidelobe is found in
in Figure 4 and Figure 5. It can be seen that at the high elevation.
end of the frequency band, the gain decreases as the
number of the wires N increases, while the VSWR
decreases. The skeletal wire duoconical monopole
antenna with 5 wires would be of good performance
considering both impedance and radiation
characteristics. It is 7.5 meters high, which is less than
one-fifth maximum wavelength in the operation
frequency band.
N H1 (m) H2 (m) R (m) R (m) h (m) Figure 6: The VSWR of the optimized antenna on the
real ground through a metal grid screen
3 0.22 7.18 2.39 0.88 2.23
4 2.45 4.95 2.63 0.79 2.55
5 3.26 4.14 2.99 0.82 2.57
6 3.88 3.52 2.93 0.81 2.07
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