Maxbox Functions
Maxbox Functions
Maxbox Functions
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1: *******************************************************************************
2: Constructor Func and Proc List of maXbox V codeX signed
3: *******************************************************************************
5: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6: ref Help Extract Functions of maXbox4.exe BigBitBox API HEX in BOX476
7: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8: File EXE:31.5 MB (33,034,056) V4.7.6.10 Jan.2022 EKON25/BASTA/JAX/IBZ/SWS/PASCON
9: *****************Now the Funclist**********************************************
10: Funclist Func : 20932_; Source Compiled: 3'955'969 lines
11: *****************Now the Proclist**********************************************
12: Proclist Proc Size is: 12464_
13: *****************Now Constructors**********************************************
14: Constructlist Constructor Size is: 1971_
15: def head: max: maXbox10: 14/01/2022 18:04:42
16: file E:\maxbox\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist476_.txt
17: doc file: maxbox_extract_funclist476.txt(sort function)maxbox_functions_sortlist.txt
18: all unit file:
19: all unit file2:
20: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
21: Funclist total Size all is: 35380! Constructor, Func and Procedure
22: AExtraxt of EXE Functions of maXbox4.exe, locs of file = 37315
23: ASize of EXE: 33,034,056 bytes CRC32: CEB35531:
24: SHA1: of maXbox4.exe ( E51C63B7B47D83D441F9EB13F515920ACEB26101
25: SHA-256 a3e4077c1a6f8ffbf59ed44c150d90b6460714fc6d547ed05b278702e628ce1d
30: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
32: Func Metric of Script: 256_findfunctions4_of_EXE_80_1.txt
33: Func *************Now the Funclist*****************
34: Func GetResStringChecked(Ident:Str; const Args: array of const):str
35: Func ( Index : Longint) : Integer
36: Func (Command: Word; Data: Longint; var CallHelp:Bool):Bool
37: Func _CheckAutoResult( ResultCode : HResult) : HResult
38: Func _T(Name: tbtString): Variant;
39: Func ABNFToText(const AText :Str) :Str
40: Func Abs(e : Extended) : Extended;
41: Func AbsInt(e : Extended) : Integer;
42: Func AbsInt( const B : integer) : integer;
43: Func AbsFloat( const B : double) : extended;
44: Func Ackermann( const A, B : Integer) : Integer
45: Func AcquireLayoutLock :Bool
46: Func ActionByName( const AName :Str) : TWebActionItem
48: Func Add:TAggregate
49: Func Add:TCollectionItem
50: Func Add:TColumn
51: Func Add:TComboExItem
52: Func Add:TCookie
53: Func Add:TCoolBand
54: Func Add:TFavoriteLinkItem
55: Func Add:TFileTypeItem
56: Func Add:THeaderSection
57: Func Add:THTMLTableColumn
58: Func Add:TIdEMailAddressItem
59: Func Add:TIdMessagePart
60: Func Add:TIdUserAccount
61: Func Add:TListColumn
62: Func Add:TListItem
63: Func Add:TStatusPanel
64: Func Add:TTaskDialogBaseButtonItem
65: Func Add:TWebActionItem
66: Func Add:TWorkArea
67: Func Add(AClass : TClass) : Integer
68: Func Add(AComponent : TComponent) : Integer
69: Func Add(AItem,AData : Integer) : Integer
70: Func Add(AItem,AData : Pointer) : Pointer
71: Func Add(AItem,AData : TObject) : TObject
72: Func Add(AObject : TObject) : Integer
73: Func Add(const Access, Count :Card; const Offset : Int64) : Integer
74: Func Add(const S : WideString) : Int
75: Func Add(Image, Mask : TBitmap) : Int
76: Func Add(Index : LongInt; const Text :Str) : LongInt
77: Func Add(Sibling : TTreeNode; const S :Str) : TTreeNode
78: Func Add(const S:Str): Int
79: Func Add(S:Str): Int;
80: Func AddAt(const Access,Count:Card;const Offset:Int64;const Address:Pointer):Int
82: Func AddChild( Index : LongInt; const Text :Str) : LongInt
83: Func AddChild( Parent : TTreeNode; const S :Str) : TTreeNode
84: Func AddChildFirst( Parent : TTreeNode; const S :Str) : TTreeNode
85: Func AddChildObject(Index:LongInt;const Text:str;const Data:Pointer:LongInt
86: Func AddChildObject( Parent:TTreeNode;const S:str;Ptr:Pointer) : TTreeNode
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611: Func DecLimitClamp3(var B:Word;const Limit: Word; const Decr : Word) : Word;
612: Func DecLimitClamp4( var B : Int; const Limit : Int; const Decr : Int) : Int;
613: Func DecLimitClamp5(var B:Card;const Limit:Card; const Decr:Card) Cardinal;
614: Func DecLimitClamp6(var B: Int64; const Limit:Int64; const Decr:Int64): Int64;
615: Func DecodeDateFully(DateTime: TDateTime; var Year,Month,Day,DOW:Word):Bool
616: Func DecodeSoundexInt( AValue : Int) :Str
617: Func DecodeSoundexWord( AValue : Word) :Str
618: Func DefaultAlignment : TAlignment
619: Func DefaultCaption :Str
620: Func DefaultColor : TColor
621: Func DefaultFont : TFont
622: Func DefaultImeMode : TImeMode
623: Func DefaultImeName : TImeName
624: Func DefaultReadOnly :Bool
625: Func DefaultWidth : Int
626: Func DegMinSecToFloat( const Degs, Mins, Secs : Float) : Float
627: Func DegToCycle(const Degrees : Extended) : Extended
628: Func DegToGrad(const Degrees : Extended) : Extended
629: Func DegToGrad(const Value : Extended) : Extended;
630: Func DegToGrad1(const Value : Double) : Double;
631: Func DegToGrad2(const Value : Single) : Single;
632: Func DegToRad(const Degrees : Extended) : Extended
633: Func DegToRad(const Value : Extended) : Extended;
634: Func DegToRad1(const Value : Double) : Double;
635: Func DegToRad2(const Value : Single) : Single;
636: Func DelChar(const pStr :Str; const pChar : Char) :Str
637: Func DelEnvironmentVar( const Name :Str) :Bool
638: Func Delete( const MsgNum : Int) :Bool
639: Func DeleteDirectory(const DirectoryName:str;MoveToRecycleBin:Boolean):Bool
640: Func DeleteFile(const FileName:Str):Bool)
641: Func DeleteFileEx( FileName :Str; Flags : FILEOP_FLAGS) :Bool
642: Func DelimiterPosn( const sString :Str; const sDelimiters:Str): Int;
643: Func DelimiterPosn1(const sString:str;const sDelimiters:str;out cDelimiter:char):Int;
644: Func DelSpace( const pStr :Str) :Str
645: Func DelString( const pStr, pDelStr :Str) :Str
646: Func DelTree( const Path :Str) :Bool
647: Func Depth: Int
648: Func Description :Str
649: Func DescriptionsAvailable :Bool
650: Func DescriptionToConvFamily(const ADescription:str;out AFamily:TConvFamily):Boolean
651: Func DescriptionToConvType(const ADescription:str;out AType:TConvType):Bool;
652: Func DescriptionToConvType1(const AFamil:TConvFamily;const ADescr:str;out AType:TConvType):Bool;
653: Func DetectUTF8Encoding( const s : UTF8String) : TEncodeType
654: Func DialogsToPixelsX( const Dialogs : Word) : Word
655: Func DialogsToPixelsY( const Dialogs : Word) : Word
656: Func Digits( const X :Card) : Int
657: Func DirectoryExists( const Name :Str) :Bool
658: Func DirectoryExists( Directory :Str) :Bool
659: Func DiskFree( Drive : Byte) : Int64
660: Func DiskFree(Drive: Byte): Int64)
661: Func DiskInDrive( Drive : Char) :Bool
662: Func DiskSize( Drive : Byte) : Int64
663: Func DiskSize(Drive: Byte): Int64)
665: Func DispatchEnabled :Bool
666: Func DispatchMask : TMask
667: Func DispatchMethodType : TMethodType
669: Func DispatchRequest(Sender:TObject;Request:TWebRequest;Response:TWebResponse):Boolean
670: Func DisplayCase( const S :Str) :Str
671: Func DisplayRect( Code : TDisplayCode) : TRect
672: Func DisplayRect( TextOnly :Bool) : TRect
673: Func DisplayStream( Stream : TStream) :Str
674: TBufferCoord', 'record Char : Int; Line : Int; end
675: TDisplayCoord', 'record Column : Int; Row : Int; end
676: Func DisplayCoord( AColumn, ARow : Int) : TDisplayCoord
677: Func BufferCoord( AChar, ALine : Int) : TBufferCoord
678: Func DomainName( const AHost :Str) :Str
679: Func DownloadFile(SourceFile, DestFile:Str):Bool; //fast!
680: Func DownloadFileOpen(SourceFile, DestFile:Str):Bool; //open process
681: Func DosPathToUnixPath( const Path :Str) :Str
682: Func DottedLineTo( const Canvas : TCanvas; const X, Y : Int) :Bool;
683: Func DoubleDecliningBalance(const Cost,Salvage:Extended;Life,Period:Int):Extended
684: Func DoubleToBcd( const AValue : Double) : TBcd;
685: Func DoubleToHex( const D : Double) :Str
686: Func DoUpdates :Bool
687: Func Dragging:Bool;
688: Func DrawCaption( p1 : HWND; p2 : HDC; const p3 : TRect; p4 : UINT) : BOOL
689: Func DrawAnimatedRects(hwnd: HWND;idAni Int;const lprcFrom,lprcTo: TRect): BOOL
690: Func DrawEdge( hdc : HDC; var qrc : TRect; edge : UINT; grfFlags : UINT) : BOOL
691: Func DrawFrameControl(DC:HDC; const Rect:TRect; uType, uState: UINT) : BOOL
692: {Works like InputQuery but displays 2edits.If PasswordChar<>#0,second edits PasswordChar is set}
693: Func DualInputQuery(const ACapt,Prpt1,Prpt2:str;var AVal1,AVal2:str;PasswrdChar:Char=#0):Bool;
694: Func DupeString( const AText :Str; ACount : Int) :Str
695: Func Edit :Bool
696: Func EditCaption :Bool
697: Func EditText :Bool
698: Func EditFolderList( Folders : TStrings) :Bool
699: Func EditQueryParams(DataSet:TDataSet;List: TParams; AHelpContext:THelpContext): Bool
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2719: Func StrToXmlTime( const TimeStr :Str; const Format :Str) :Str
2720: Func StrUpper( Str : PChar) : PChar
2721: Func StuffString(const AText:str;AStart, ALength:Card;const ASubText:str):str
2722: Func Sum( const Data : array of Double) : Extended
2723: Func SumFloatArray( const B : TDynFloatArray) : Float
2724: Func SumInt( const Data : array of Int) : Int
2725: Func SumOfSquares( const Data : array of Double) : Extended
2726: Func SumPairProductFloatArray( const X, Y : TDynFloatArray) : Float
2727: Func SumSquareDiffFloatArray( const B : TDynFloatArray; Diff : Float) : Float
2728: Func SumSquareFloatArray( const B : TDynFloatArray) : Float
2729: Func Supports( CursorOptions : TCursorOptions) :Bool
2730: Func SupportsClipboardFormat( AFormat : Word) :Bool
2731: Func SwapWord(w : word): word)
2732: Func SwapInt(i : Int): Int)
2733: Func SwapLong(L : longint): longint)
2734: Func Swap(i : Int): Int)
2735: Func SYDDepreciation(const Cost,Salvage:Extended;Life,Period:Int): Extended
2736: Func SyncTime :Bool
2737: Func SysErrorMessage( ErrorCode : Int) :Str
2738: Func SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode: Int):Str)
2739: Func SystemTimeToDateTime( SystemTime : TSystemTime) : TDateTime
2740: Func SystemTimeToDateTime(const SystemTime: TSystemTime): TDateTime;
2741: Func SysStringLen(const S: WideString): Int; stdcall;
2742: Func TabRect( Index : Int) : TRect
2743: Func Tan( const X : Extended) : Extended
2744: Func TaskMessageDlg(const Title,Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint):Int;
2745: Func TaskMessageDlg1(const Title,Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:TMsgDlgButtons;
2746: Func TaskMessageDlgPos(const Title,Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Bts:TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint;X,
2747: Func TaskMessageDlgPos1(const Title,Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint;X,
2748: Func TaskMessageDlgPosHelp(const Title,Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:
TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint;X,Y:Int;const HelpFileName:str): Int;
2749: Func TaskMessageDlgPosHelp1(const Title, Msg:str;DlgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons :
TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint;X,Y:Int;const HelpFileName:str;DefaultButton:TMsgDlgBtn):Int;
2750: Func TenToY( const Y : Float) : Float
2751: Func TerminateApp( ProcessID : DWORD; Timeout : Int) : TJclTerminateAppResult
2752: Func TerminateTask( Wnd : HWND; Timeout : Int) : TJclTerminateAppResult
2753: Func TestBit( const Value:Byte; const Bit : TBitRange) : Bool;
2754: Func TestBit2(const Value:Shortint; const Bit : TBitRange): Bool;
2755: Func TestBit3(const Value:Smallint; const Bit : TBitRange): Bool;
2756: Func TestBit4(const Value:Word; const Bit : TBitRange):Bool;
2757: Func TestBit5(const Value:Card; const Bit : TBitRange): Bool;
2758: Func TestBit6(const Value:Int; const Bit : TBitRange): Bool;
2759: Func TestBit7(const Value:Int64; const Bit : TBitRange): Bool;
2760: Func TestBits(const Value, Mask:Byte) :Bool;
2761: Func TestBits1(const Value,Mask:Shortint) :Bool;
2762: Func TestBits2(const Value,Mask:Smallint) :Bool;
2763: Func TestBits3(const Value,Mask:Word) :Bool;
2764: Func TestBits4(const Value,Mask:Card) :Bool;
2765: Func TestBits5(const Value,Mask:Int) :Bool;
2766: Func TestBits6(const Value,Mask:Int64) :Bool;
2767: Func TestFDIVInstruction :Bool
2768: Func TestStreamFormat(Stream: TStream): TStreamOriginalFormat
2769: Func TextExtent( const Text :Str) : TSize
2770: Func TextHeight(Text:Str): Int;
2771: Func TextIsSame( const A1 :Str; const A2 :Str) :Bool
2772: Func TextStartsWith( const S, SubS :Str) :Bool
2773: Func TextToFloat(Buffer: PChar; var Value: Extended; ValueType: TFloatValue):Boolean)
2774: Func ConvInt(i : Int):str;
2775: Func IntToText(i : Int):str;
2777: Func TextWidth(Text:Str): Int;
2778: Func ThreadCount : Int
2779: Func ThousandSeparator: char;
2780: Func Ticks :Card
2781: Func Time : TDateTime
2782: Func Time: TDateTime;
2783: Func TimeGetTime: int64;
2784: Func TimeOf( const AValue:TDateTime):TDateTime
2785: Func TimeSeparator: char;
2786: Func TimeStampToDateTime(const TimeStamp: TTimeStamp): TDateTime
2787: Func TimeStampToMSecs( TimeStamp : TTimeStamp) : Comp
2788: Func TimeStampToMSecs(const TimeStamp: TTimeStamp): Comp)
2789: Func TimeToStr( DateTime : TDateTime) :Str;
2790: Func TimeToStr(const DateTime: TDateTime):Str;
2791: Func TimeZoneBias : TDateTime
2792: Func ToCommon( const AValue : Double) : Double
2793: Func ToCommon(const AValue: Double): Double;
2794: Func Today : TDateTime
2795: Func ToggleBit( const Value:Byte; const Bit : TBitRange) : Byte;
2796: Func ToggleBit1(const Value:Shortint; const Bit : TBitRange): Shortint;
2797: Func ToggleBit2(const Value:Smallint; const Bit : TBitRange): Smallint;
2798: Func ToggleBit3(const Value:Word; const Bit : TBitRange) : Word;
2799: Func ToggleBit4(const Value:Card; const Bit : TBitRange):Card;
2800: Func ToggleBit5(const Value:Int; const Bit : TBitRange) : Int;
2801: Func ToggleBit6(const Value:Int64; const Bit : TBitRange) : Int64;
2802: Func TokenComponentIdent:str
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4821: { TextHeight calculate text height for writing using standard desktop font }
4822: Func TextHeight(const AStr:Str): Int;
4823: Proc SetChildPropOrd(Owner: TComponent; const PropName:Str; Value: Longint);
4824: Proc Error(const Msg:Str);
4825: Proc ItemHtDrawEx(Canvas:TCanvas;Rect:TRect;const State:TOwnerDrawState;const Text:str;
4826: const HideSelColor:Bool; var PlainItem:Str; var Width: Int; CalcWidth:Bool);
4827: {ex.Text parameter:'Item 1<b>bold</b><i>italic ITALIC <c:Red>red<c:Green>green<c:blue>blue</i>'}
4828: Func ItemHtDraw(Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
4829: const State: TOwnerDrawState; const Text:Str; const HideSelColor:Bool):Str;
4830: Func ItemHtWidth(Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
4831: const State: TOwnerDrawState; const Text:Str; const HideSelColor:Bool): Int;
4832: Func ItemHtPlain(const Text:Str):Str;
4833: { ClearList - clears list of TObject }
4834: Proc ClearList(List: TList);
4835: Proc MemStreamToClipBoard(MemStream: TMemoryStream; const Format: Word);
4836: Proc ClipBoardToMemStream(MemStream: TMemoryStream; const Format: Word);
4837: { RTTI support }
4838: Func GetPropType(Obj: TObject; const PropName:Str): TTypeKind;
4839: Func GetPropStr(Obj: TObject; const PropName:Str):Str;
4840: Func GetPropOrd(Obj: TObject; const PropName:Str): Int;
4841: Func GetPropMethod(Obj: TObject; const PropName:Str): TMethod;
4842: Proc PrepareIniSection(Ss: TStrings);
4843: {following functions are not documented because they are don't work properly,so don't use them}
4844: // (rom) from JvBandWindows to make it obsolete
4845: Func PointL(const X, Y: Longint): TPointL; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4846: // (rom) from JvBandUtils to make it obsolete
4847: Func iif(const Test:Bool; const ATrue, AFalse: Variant): Variant;
4848: Proc CopyIconToClipboard(Icon: TIcon; BackColor: TColor);
4849: Func CreateIconFromClipboard: TIcon;
4850: { begin JvIconClipboardUtils } { Icon clipboard routines }
4851: Func CF_ICON: Word;
4852: Proc AssignClipboardIcon(Icon: TIcon);
4853: { Real-size icons support routines (32-bit only) }
4854: Proc GetIconSize(Icon: HICON; var W, H: Int);
4855: Func CreateRealSizeIcon(Icon: TIcon): HICON;
4856: Proc DrawRealSizeIcon(Canvas: TCanvas; Icon: TIcon; X, Y: Int);
4857: {end JvIconClipboardUtils }
4858: Func CreateScreenCompatibleDC: HDC;
4859: Func InvalidateRect(hWnd: HWND; const lpRect:TRect; bErase:BOOL):BOOL; overload;{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
inline; {$ENDIF}
4860: Func InvalidateRect(hWnd: HWND; lpRect: PRect; bErase: BOOL): BOOL; overload;
4861: { begin JvRLE } // (rom) changed API for inclusion in JCL
4862: Proc RleCompressTo(InStream, OutStream: TStream);
4863: Proc RleDecompressTo(InStream, OutStream: TStream);
4864: Proc RleCompress(Stream: TStream);
4865: Proc RleDecompress(Stream: TStream);
4866: { end JvRLE } { begin JvDateUtil }
4867: Func CurrentYear: Word; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4868: Func IsLeapYear(AYear: Int):Bool;
4869: Func DaysInAMonth(const AYear, AMonth: Word): Word;
4870: Func DaysPerMonth(AYear, AMonth: Int): Int;
4871: Func FirstDayOfPrevMonth: TDateTime;
4872: Func LastDayOfPrevMonth: TDateTime;
4873: Func FirstDayOfNextMonth: TDateTime;
4874: Func ExtractDay(ADate: TDateTime): Word;
4875: Func ExtractMonth(ADate: TDateTime): Word;
4876: Func ExtractYear(ADate: TDateTime): Word;
4877: Func IncDate(ADate: TDateTime; Days, Months, Years: Int): TDateTime;
4878: Func IncDay(ADate: TDateTime;Delta:Int):TDateTime; inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4879: Func IncMonth(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
4880: Func IncYear(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
4881: Func ValidDate(ADate: TDateTime):Bool;
4882: Proc DateDiff(Date1, Date2: TDateTime; var Days, Months, Years: Word);
4883: Func MonthsBetween(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Double;
4884: Func DaysInPeriod(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Longint;
4885: { Count days between Date1 and Date2 + 1, so if Date1 = Date2 result = 1 }
4886: Func DaysBetween(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Longint;
4887: { The same as previous but if Date2 < Date1 result = 0 }
4888: Func IncTime(ATime: TDateTime; Hours, Minutes, Seconds, MSecs: Int): TDateTime;
4889: Func IncHour(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
4890: Func IncMinute(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
4891: Func IncSecond(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
4892: Func IncMSec(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
4893: Func CutTime(ADate: TDateTime): TDateTime; { Set time to 00:00:00:00 }
4894: { String to date conversions }
4895: Func GetDateOrder(const DateFormat:Str): TDateOrder;
4896: Func MonthFromName(const S:Str; MaxLen: Byte): Byte;
4897: Func StrToDateDef(const S:Str; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
4898: Func StrToDateFmt(const DateFormat, S:Str): TDateTime;
4899: Func StrToDateFmtDef(const DateFormat, S:Str; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
4900: //Func DefDateFormat(AFourDigitYear:Bool):Str;
4901: //Func DefDateMask(BlanksChar: Char; AFourDigitYear:Bool):Str;
4902: Func FormatLongDate(Value: TDateTime):Str;
4903: Func FormatLongDateTime(Value: TDateTime):Str;
4904: { end JvDateUtil }
4905: Func BufToBinStr(Buf: Pointer; BufSize: Int):Str;
4906: Func BinStrToBuf(Value:Str; Buf: Pointer; BufSize: Int): Int;
4907: { begin JvStrUtils } { ** Common string handling routines ** }
4908: {$IFDEF UNIX}
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6656: Proc RIRegister_CPort_Routines(S: TPSExec);
6657: Proc EnumComPorts( Ports : TStrings)
6658: Proc ListComPorts( Ports : TStrings)
6659: Proc ComPorts( Ports : TStrings) //Alias to Arduino
6660: Func GetComPorts: TStringlist;
6661: Func StrToBaudRate( Str :Str) : TBaudRate
6662: Func StrToStopBits( Str :Str) : TStopBits
6663: Func StrToDataBits( Str :Str) : TDataBits
6664: Func StrToParity( Str :Str) : TParityBits
6665: Func StrToFlowControl( Str :Str) : TFlowControl
6666: Func BaudRateToStr( BaudRate : TBaudRate) :Str
6667: Func StopBitsToStr( StopBits : TStopBits) :Str
6668: Func DataBitsToStr( DataBits : TDataBits) :Str
6669: Func ParityToStr( Parity : TParityBits) :Str
6670: Func FlowControlToStr( FlowControl : TFlowControl) :Str
6671: Func ComErrorsToStr( Errors : TComErrors) :Str
6672: Func GetMessage( var lpMsg : TMsg; hWnd : HWND; wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax : UINT) : BOOL
6673: Func DispatchMessage( const lpMsg : TMsg) : Longint
6674: Func TranslateMessage( const lpMsg : TMsg) : BOOL
6675: Func SetMessageQueue( cMessagesMax : Int) : BOOL
6676: Func PeekMessage(var lpMsg:TMsg; hWnd:HWND;wMsgFilterMin,wMsgFilterMax,wRemoveMsg:UINT):BOOL
6677: Func GetMessagePos : DWORD
6678: Func GetMessageTime : Longint
6679: Func GetMessageExtraInfo : Longint
6680: Func GetSpecialFolderPath( const FolderName :Str; CanCreate :Bool) :Str
6681: Proc JAddToRecentDocs( const Filename :Str)
6682: Proc ClearRecentDocs
6683: Func ExtractIconFromFile( FileName :Str; Index : Int) : HICON
6684: Func CreateShellLink( const AppName, Desc :Str; Dest :Str) :Str
6685: Proc GetShellLinkInfo( const LinkFile : WideString; var SLI : TShellLinkInfo)
6686: Proc SetShellLinkInfo( const LinkFile : WideString; const SLI : TShellLinkInfo)
6687: Func RecycleFile( FileToRecycle :Str) :Bool
6688: Func JCopyFile( FromFile, ToDir :Str) :Bool
6689: Func ShellObjectTypeEnumToConst( ShellObjectType : TShellObjectType) : UINT
6690: Func ShellObjectTypeConstToEnum( ShellObjectType : UINT) : TShellObjectType
6691: Func QueryServiceConfig2A( hService : SC_HANDLE; dwInfoLevel: DWORD; lpBuffer : LPBYTE; cbBufSize :
DWORD; var pcbBytesNeeded : DWORD) : BOOL
6692: Func QueryServiceConfig2W( hService : SC_HANDLE; dwInfoLevel: DWORD; lpBuffer : LPBYTE; cbBufSize :
DWORD; var pcbBytesNeeded : DWORD) : BOOL
6693: Func QueryServiceConfig2( hService : SC_HANDLE; dwInfoLevel:DWORD; lpBuffer : LPBYTE; cbBufSize : DWORD;
var pcbBytesNeeded : DWORD) : BOOL
6694: Func EnumServicesStatusExA(hSCManager:SC_HANDLE;InfoLevel: SC_ENUM_TYPE; dwServiceType: DWORD;
dwServiceState: DWORD;lpServices:LPBYTE;cbBufSize:DWORD;var pcbBytesNeeded,lpServicesReturned,
lpResumeHandle:DWORD;pszGroupName: LP
6695: Func EnumServicesStatusExW( hSCManager : SC_HANDLE; InfoLevel : SC_ENUM_TYPE; dwServiceType : DWORD;
dwServiceState : DWORD; lpServices:LPBYTE;cbBufSize:DWORD;var pcbBytesNeeded,lpServicesReturned,
lpResumeHandle:DWORD; pszGroupNam
6696: Func EnumServicesStatusEx( hSCManager : SC_HANDLE; InfoLevel : SC_ENUM_TYPE; dwServiceType : DWORD;
dwServiceState:DWORD;lpServices:LPBYTE;cbBufSize:DWORD;var pcbBytesNeeded,lpServicesReturned,
lpResumeHandle:DWORD; pszGroupName
6697: Func ConvertSidToStringSid( sid : PSID; var stringSid : LPWSTR) : BOOL
6699: ******************************************* unit uPSI_JclPeImage;
6700: Func IsValidPeFile( const FileName : TFileName) :Bool
6701: // Func PeGetNtHeaders( const FileName : TFileName; var NtHeaders : TImageNtHeaders): Bool
6702: Func PeCreateNameHintTable( const FileName : TFileName) :Bool
6703: Func PeRebaseImage(const ImageName:TFileName; NewBase:DWORD; TimeStamp : DWORD; MaxNewSize:DWORD):
6704: Func PeVerifyCheckSum( const FileName : TFileName) :Bool
6705: Func PeClearCheckSum( const FileName : TFileName) :Bool
6706: Func PeUpdateCheckSum( const FileName : TFileName) :Bool
6707: Func PeDoesExportFunction(const FileName:TFileName;const FuncName:str;Options:TJclSmartCompOptions):Bool;
6708: Func PeIsExportFunctionForwardedEx( const FileName : TFileName; const FunctionName:str; var
6709: Func PeIsExportFunctionForwarded(const FileName:TFileName;const
6710: Func PeDoesImportFunction(const FileName:TFileName;const FunctionName:str;const LibraryName:str;Options:
6711: Func PeDoesImportLibrary(const FileName:TFileName;const LibraryName:str;Recursive:Boolean):Boolean);
6712: Func PeImportedLibraries( const FileName : TFileName; const LibrariesList : TStrings; Recursive :Bool;
FullPathName :Bool) :Bool
6713: Func PeImportedFunctions(const FileName:TFileName;const FunctionsList:TStrings;const LibraryName:str;
IncludeLibNames :Bool):Bool
6714: Func PeExportedFunctions(const FileName:TFileName;const FunctionsList:TStrings):Boolean
6715: Func PeExportedNames(const FileName:TFileName;const FunctionsList:TStrings):Bool
6716: Func PeExportedVariables(const FileName:TFileName;const FunctionsList:TStrings):Boolean
6717: Func PeResourceKindNames(const FileN:TFileName;ResourceType:TJclPeResourceKind;const
6718: Func PeBorFormNames(const FileName:TFileName;const NamesList:TStrings :Boolean
6719: Func PeBorDependedPackages(const FileName:TFileName;PackagesList:TStrings;FullPathName,
6720: Func PeFindMissingImports(const FileName:TFileName;MissingImportsList:TStrings):Bool;
6721: Func PeFindMissingImports1(RequiredImportsList,MissingImportsList:TStrings):Bool;
6722: Func PeCreateRequiredImportList(const FileName:TFileName;RequiredImportsList:TStrings): Bool;
6723: //Func PeMapImgNtHeaders( const BaseAddress : Pointer) : PImageNtHeaders
6724: //Func PeMapImgLibraryName( const BaseAddress : Pointer) :Str
6725: //Func PeMapImgSections( const NtHeaders : PImageNtHeaders) : PImageSectionHeader
6726: //Func PeMapImgFindSection( const NtHeaders : PImageNtHeaders; const SectionName :Str) :
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7055: SIRegister_THTTPContentReader(CL);
7056: THTTPContentWriterMechanism','(hctmEvent, hctmString, hctmStream, hctmFile )
7057: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'THTTPContentWriter
7058: THTTPContentWriterLogEvent,Procedure(const Sender:THTTPContentWriter;const LogMsg:Ansistr);
7059: SIRegister_THTTPContentWriter(CL);
7060: Proc SelfTestcHTTPUtils
7061: end;
7063: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
7064: Proc SIRegister_cTLSUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7065: begin
7066: 'TLSLibraryVersion','String '1.00
7067: 'TLSError_None','LongInt'( 0);
7068: 'TLSError_InvalidBuffer','LongInt'( 1);
7069: 'TLSError_InvalidParameter','LongInt'( 2);
7070: 'TLSError_InvalidCertificate','LongInt'( 3);
7071: 'TLSError_InvalidState','LongInt'( 4);
7072: 'TLSError_DecodeError','LongInt'( 5);
7073: 'TLSError_BadProtocol','LongInt'( 6);
7074: Func TLSErrorMessage( const TLSError : Int) :Str
7075: SIRegister_ETLSError(CL);
7076: TTLSProtocolVersion', 'record major : Byte; minor : Byte; end
7077: PTLSProtocolVersion', '^TTLSProtocolVersion // will not work
7078: Proc InitSSLProtocolVersion30( var A : TTLSProtocolVersion)
7079: Proc InitTLSProtocolVersion10( var A : TTLSProtocolVersion)
7080: Proc InitTLSProtocolVersion11( var A : TTLSProtocolVersion)
7081: Proc InitTLSProtocolVersion12( var A : TTLSProtocolVersion)
7082: Func IsTLSProtocolVersion( const A, B : TTLSProtocolVersion):Bool
7083: Func IsSSL2( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Boolean
7084: Func IsSSL3( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Boolean
7085: Func IsTLS10( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion):Boolean
7086: Func IsTLS11( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion):Boolean
7087: Func IsTLS12( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion):Boolean
7088: Func IsTLS10OrLater( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Bool
7089: Func IsTLS11OrLater( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Bool
7090: Func IsTLS12OrLater( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Bool
7091: Func IsFutureTLSVersion( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Bool
7092: Func IsKnownTLSVersion( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Bool
7093: Func TLSProtocolVersionToStr( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion):Str
7094: Func TLSProtocolVersionName( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Str
7095: PTLSRandom', '^TTLSRandom // will not work
7096: Proc InitTLSRandom( var Random : TTLSRandom)
7097: Func TLSRandomToStr( const Random : TTLSRandom) : Ansistr
7098: 'TLSSessionIDMaxLen','LongInt'( 32);
7099: Proc InitTLSSessionID( var SessionID : TTLSSessionID; const A : Ansistr)
7100: Func EncodeTLSSessionID(var Buff:str;const Size:Int;const SessionID:TTLSSessionID):Int;
7101: Func DecodeTLSSessionID(const Buff:str;const Size:Int;var SessionID:TTLSSessionID):Int;
7102: TTLSSignatureAndHashAlgorithm', 'record Hash : TTLSHashAlgorithm'
7103: +'; Signature : TTLSSignatureAlgorithm; end
7104: // PTLSSignatureAndHashAlgorithm', '^TTLSSignatureAndHashAlgorithm +'// will not work
7105: TTLSSignatureAndHashAlgorithmArray', 'array of TTLSSignatureAndHashAlgorithm
7106: TTLSKeyExchangeAlgorithm', '( tlskeaNone, tlskeaNULL, tlskeaDHE_'
7107: +DSS, tlskeaDHE_RSA, tlskeaDH_Anon, tlskeaRSA, tlskeaDH_DSS, tlskeaDH_RSA )
7108: TTLSMACAlgorithm', '( tlsmaNone, tlsmaNULL, tlsmaHMAC_MD5, tlsma'
7109: +HMAC_SHA1, tlsmaHMAC_SHA256, tlsmaHMAC_SHA384, tlsmaHMAC_SHA512 )
7110: TTLSMacAlgorithmInfo', 'record Name:Ansistr;DigestSize:Integer; Supported:Bool; end
7111: PTLSMacAlgorithmInfo', '^TTLSMacAlgorithmInfo // will not work
7112: 'TLS_MAC_MAXDIGESTSIZE','LongInt'( 64);
7113: TTLSPRFAlgorithm', '( tlspaSHA256 )
7114: Func tlsP_MD5( const Secret, Seed : Ansistr; const Size : Int) : Ansistr
7115: Func tlsP_SHA1( const Secret, Seed : Ansistr; const Size : Int) : Ansistr
7116: Func tlsP_SHA256( const Secret, Seed : Ansistr; const Size : Int) : Ansistr
7117: Func tlsP_SHA512( const Secret, Seed : Ansistr; const Size : Int) : Ansistr
7118: Func tls10PRF( const Secret, ALabel, Seed : Ansistr; const Size : Int) : Ansistr
7119: Func tls12PRF_SHA256(const Secret,ALabel,Seed:Ansistr; const Size : Int): Ansistr
7120: Func tls12PRF_SHA512(const Secret,ALabel,Seed :Ansistr; const Size: Int): Ansistr
7121: Func TLSPRF(const ProtoVersion:TTLSProtocolVersion;const Secret,ALabel,Seed:AString;const
7122: Func tls10KeyBlock(const MasterSecret,ServerRandom,ClientRandom:Ansistr;const Size:Int):AnsiStr
7123: Func tls12SHA256KeyBlock(const MasterSecret,ServerRandom,ClientRandom: Ansistr;const Size:Int):Ansistr;
7124: Func tls12SHA512KeyBlock(const MasterSecret,ServerRandom,ClientRandom: Ansistr;const Size:Int):Ansistr;
7125: Func TLSKeyBlock(const ProtocolVersion:TTLSProtocolVersion;const MasterSecret,ServerRandom,ClientRandom:
Ansistr;const Size:Int):Ansistr
7126: Func tls10MasterSecret(const PreMasterSecret,ClientRandom, ServerRandom:Ansistr) :Ansistr;
7127: Func tls12SHA256MasterSecret(const PreMasterSecret,ClientRandom,ServerRandom:AnsiStr):AnsiStr;
7128: Func tls12SHA512MasterSecret(const PreMasterSecret,ClientRandom,ServerRandom:AnsiStr): AnsiStr;
7129: Func TLSMasterSecret(const ProtocolVersion:TTLSProtocolVersion;const PreMasterSecret,ClientRandom,
7130: TTLSKeys', 'record KeyBlock : Ansistr; ClientMACKey : AnsiStr'
7131: +'ing; ServerMACKey : Ansistr; ClientEncKey : Ansistr; ServerEncKey : '
7132: +'Ansistr; ClientIV : Ansistr; ServerIV : Ansistr; end
7133: Proc GenerateTLSKeys(const ProtocolVersion:TTLSProtocolVersion;const MACKeyBits,CipherKeyBits,
IVBits:Int;const MasterSecret,ServerRandom,ClientRandom:Ansistr;var TLSKeys: TTLSKeys)
7134: Proc GenerateFinalTLSKeys(const ProtocolVersion:TTLSProtocolVersion;const IsExportable:Bool;const
ExpandedKeyBits:Int;const ServerRandom,ClientRandom:Ansistr;var TLSKeys:TTLSKeys)
7135: 'TLS_PLAINTEXT_FRAGMENT_MAXSIZE','LongInt'( 16384 - 1);
7136: 'TLS_COMPRESSED_FRAGMENT_MAXSIZE','LongInt'( 16384 + 1024);
7137: Proc SelfTestcTLSUtils
7138: end;
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7140: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
7141: Proc SIRegister_Reversi(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7142: begin
7143: sPosData','record
corner:boolean;square2x2:boolean;edge:bool;stable:Int;internal:Int;disks:Int;mx:Int;my:Int; end
7144: // pBoard', '^tBoard // will not work
7145: Func rCalculateData( cc : byte; cx, cy : Int) : sPosData
7146: Func rCheckMove( color : byte; cx, cy : Int) : Int
7147: //Func rDoStep( data : pBoard) : word
7148: Func winExecAndWait( const sAppPath :Str; wVisible : word) :Bool
7149: end;
7151: Proc SIRegister_IWDBCommon(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7152: begin
7153: Func InEditMode( ADataset : TDataset) :Bool
7154: Func CheckDataSource( ADataSource : TDataSource) :Bool;
7155: Func CheckDataSource1(ADataSource:TDataSource;const AFieldName:str;var VField:TField):bool;
7156: Func GetFieldText( AField:TField) :Str
7157: end;
7159: Proc SIRegister_SortGrid(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7160: begin
7161: TPrintMode', '( pmPrint, pmPreview, pmPageCount )
7162: TMyPrintRange', '( prAll, prSelected )
7163: TSortStyle', '(ssAutomatic,ssNormal,ssNumeric,ssNumericExtended,ssDateTime,ssTime,ssCustom )
7164: TSortDirection', '( sdAscending, sdDescending )
7165: TSetChecked', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ACol, ARow : Int; State :Bool)
7166: TGetCombobox', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ACol, ARow : integ'
7167: +er; var Strs : TStringList; var Width, Height : Int; var Sorted :Bool)
7168: TSetCombobox', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ACol, ARow : Int; Str :Str)
7169: TSetEllipsis', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ACol, ARow : Int)
7170: SIRegister_TSortOptions(CL);
7171: SIRegister_TPrintOptions(CL);
7172: TSortedListEntry', 'record Str :Str; RowNum : Int; SortOption : TSortOptions; end
7173: SIRegister_TSortedList(CL);
7174: TCellBevelStyle', '( cbNone, cbRaised, cbLowered )
7175: TCellBevel', 'record Style: TCellBevelStyle;UpperLeftColor:TColor;LowerRightColor:TColor;end
7176: TVertAlignment', '( taTopJustify, taBottomJustify, taMiddle )
7177: TFormatOptions', 'record Brush : TBrush; Font : TFont; Alignment'
7178: +Horz : TAlignment;AlignmentVert:TVertAlignment;Bevel:TCellBevel;HideText:Boolean; end
7179: SIRegister_TFontSetting(CL);
7180: SIRegister_TFontList(CL);
7181: AddTypeS(TFormatDrawCellEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Col, Row :'
7182: +Int;State:TGridDrawState;var FormatOptions:TFormatOptions;var CheckBox,Combobox,Ellipsis:Bool);
7183: TSetFilterEvent', 'Proc ( ARows : TStrings; var Accept :Bool)
7184: TSearchEvent', 'Proc ( ARows : TStrings; var Accept :Bool)
7185: TUpdateGridEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ARow : Int)
7186: TSizeChangedEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; OldColCount, OldRowCount : Int)
7187: TBeginSortEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; var Col : Int)
7188: TEndSortEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Col : Int)
7189: TGetSortStyleEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Col : integer; var SortStyle : TSortStyle)
7190: TCellValidateEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ACol, ARow :'
7191: + Int; const OldValue :Str; var NewValue :Str; var Valid :Bool)
7192: SIRegister_TSortGrid(CL);
7193: Func ExtendedCompare( const Str1, Str2 :Str) : Int
7194: Func NormalCompare( const Str1, Str2 :Str) : Int
7195: Func DateTimeCompare( const Str1, Str2 :Str) : Int
7196: Func NumericCompare( const Str1, Str2 :Str) : Int
7197: Func TimeCompare( const Str1, Str2 :Str) : Int
7198: //Func Compare( Item1, Item2 : Pointer) : Int
7199: end;
7201: ************************************ Proc Register_IB(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7202: Proc IBAlloc( var P, OldSize, NewSize : Int)
7203: Proc IBError( ErrMess : TIBClientError; const Args : array of const)
7204: Proc IBDataBaseError
7205: Func StatusVector : PISC_STATUS
7206: Func StatusVectorArray : PStatusVector
7207: Func CheckStatusVector( ErrorCodes : array of ISC_STATUS) :Bool
7208: Func StatusVectorAsText :Str
7209: Proc SetIBDataBaseErrorMessages( Value : TIBDataBaseErrorMessages)
7210: Func GetIBDataBaseErrorMessages : TIBDataBaseErrorMessages
7212: //***********************unit uPSI_BoldUtils;***********************************
7213: Func CharCount( c : char; const s :Str) : Int
7214: Func BoldNamesEqual( const name1, name2 :Str) :Bool
7215: Proc BoldAppendToStrings(strings:TStrings; const aString:str;const ForceNewLine:Bool)
7216: Func BoldSeparateStringList(strings:TStringList;const Separatr,PreString,PostString:Str)Str
7217: Func BoldSeparatedAppend( const S1, S2 :Str; const Separator :Str) :Str
7218: Func BoldTrim( const S :Str) :Str
7219: Func BoldIsPrefix( const S, Prefix :Str) :Bool
7220: Func BoldStrEqual( P1, P2 : PChar; Len : Int) :Bool
7221: Func BoldStrAnsiEqual( P1, P2 : PChar; Len : Int) :Bool
7222: Func BoldAnsiEqual( const S1, S2 :Str) :Bool
7223: Func BoldStrStringEqual( const S1 :Str; P2 : PChar; Len : Int) :Bool
7224: Func BoldCaseIndependentPos( const Substr, S :Str) : Int
7225: //Proc EnumToStrings( aTypeInfo : pTypeInfo; Strings : TStrings)
7226: Func CapitalisedToSpaced( Capitalised :Str) :Str
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7754: begin
7755: Proc SaveSimplex( FileName :Str)
7756: Proc Simplex(Func:TFuncNVar;X:TVector;Lb,Ub:Int; MaxIter:Int;Tol:Float;var F_min:Float);
7757: end;
7758: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
7759: Proc SIRegister_uregtest(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7760: begin
7761: Proc RegTest(Y,Ycalc:TVector;LbY,UbY:Int;V:TMatrix;LbV,UbV:Int;var Test:TRegTest)
7762: Proc WRegTest(Y,Ycalc,S:TVector;LbY,UbY:Int;V:TMatrix;LbV,UbV:Int;var Test:TRegTest);
7763: end;
7765: Proc SIRegister_ustrings(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7766: begin
7767: Func LTrim( S:Str) :Str
7768: Func RTrim( S:Str) :Str
7769: Func uTrim( S:Str) :Str
7770: Func StrChar(N : Byte; C : Char) :Str
7771: Func RFill( S:Str; L : Byte) :Str
7772: Func LFill( S:Str; L : Byte) :Str
7773: Func CFill( S:Str; L : Byte) :Str
7774: Func Replace(S :Str; C1, C2 : Char) :Str
7775: Func Extract(S :Str; var Index : Byte; Delim : Char) :Str
7776: Proc Parse( S :Str; Delim : Char; Field : TStrVector; var N : Byte)
7777: Proc SetFormat( NumLength, MaxDec : Int; FloatPoint, NSZero :Bool)
7778: Func FloatStr( X : Float) :Str
7779: Func IntStr( N : LongInt) :Str
7780: Func uCompStr( Z : Complex) :Str
7781: end;
7783: Proc SIRegister_uhyper(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7784: begin
7785: Func uSinh( X : Float) : Float
7786: Func uCosh( X : Float) : Float
7787: Func uTanh( X : Float) : Float
7788: Func uArcSinh( X : Float) : Float
7789: Func uArcCosh( X : Float) : Float
7790: Func ArcTanh( X : Float) : Float
7791: Proc SinhCosh( X : Float; var SinhX, CoshX : Float)
7792: end;
7794: Proc SIRegister_urandom(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7795: begin
7796: type RNG_Type =
7797: (RNG_MWC, { Multiply-With-Carry }
7798: RNG_MT, { Mersenne Twister }
7799: RNG_UVAG); { Universal Virtual Array Generator }
7800: Proc SetRNG( RNG : RNG_Type)
7801: Proc InitGen( Seed : RNG_IntType)
7802: Proc SRand( Seed : RNG_IntType)
7803: Func IRanGen : RNG_IntType
7804: Func IRanGen31 : RNG_IntType
7805: Func RanGen1 : Float
7806: Func RanGen2 : Float
7807: Func RanGen3 : Float
7808: Func RanGen53 : Float
7809: end;
7811: // Optimization by Simulated Annealing
7812: Proc SIRegister_usimann(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7813: begin
7814: Proc InitSAParams( NT, NS, NCycles : Int; RT : Float)
7815: Proc SA_CreateLogFile( FileName :Str)
7816: Proc SimAnn(Func: TFuncNVar; X,Xmin,Xmax: TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; var F_min : Float);
7817: end;
7819: Proc SIRegister_uranuvag(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7820: begin
7821: Proc InitUVAGbyString( KeyPhrase :Str)
7822: Proc InitUVAG( Seed : RNG_IntType)
7823: Func IRanUVAG : RNG_IntType
7824: end;
7826: Proc SIRegister_ugenalg(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7827: begin
7828: Proc InitGAParams( NP, NG : Int; SR, MR, HR : Float)
7829: Proc GA_CreateLogFile( LogFileName :Str)
7830: Proc GenAlg(Func: TFuncNVar; X,Xmin,Xmax : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; var F_min : Float);
7831: end;
7833: TVector', 'array of Float
7834: Proc SIRegister_uqsort(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7835: begin
7836: Proc QSort( X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int)
7837: Proc DQSort( X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int)
7838: end;
7840: Proc SIRegister_uinterv(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7841: begin
7842: Proc Interval( X1, X2 : Float; MinDiv, MaxDiv : Int; var Min, Max, Step : Float)
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7843: Proc AutoScale(X: TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; Scale : TScale; var XMin, XMax, XStep:Float)
7844: end;
7846: Proc SIRegister_D2XXUnit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7847: begin
7848: FT_Result', 'Int
7849: //TDWordptr', '^DWord // will not work
7850: TFT_Program_Data', 'record Signature1 : DWord; Signature2 : DWor'
7851: d; Version : DWord; VendorID : Word; ProductID : Word; Manufacturer : PCha'
7852: r; ManufacturerID : PChar; Description : PChar; SerialNumber : PChar; MaxP'
7853: ower : Word; PnP : Word; SelfPowered : Word; RemoteWakeup : Word; Rev4 : B'
7854: yte; IsoIn : Byte; IsoOut : Byte; PullDownEnable : Byte; SerNumEnable : By'
7855: te; USBVersionEnable : Byte; USBVersion : Word; Rev5 : Byte; IsoInA : Byte'
7856: ; IsoInB : Byte; IsoOutA : Byte; IsoOutB : Byte; PullDownEnable5 : Byte; S'
7857: erNumEnable5 : Byte; USBVersionEnable5 : Byte; USBVersion5 : Word; AIsHigh'
7858: Current : Byte; BIsHighCurrent : Byte; IFAIsFifo : Byte; IFAIsFifoTar : By'
7859: te; IFAIsFastSer : Byte; AIsVCP : Byte; IFBIsFifo : Byte; IFBIsFifoTar : B'
7860: yte; IFBIsFastSer : Byte; BIsVCP : Byte; UseExtOsc : Byte; HighDriveIOs : '
7861: Byte; EndpointSize : Byte; PullDownEnableR : Byte; SerNumEnableR : Byte; I'
7862: nvertTXD : Byte; InvertRXD : Byte; InvertRTS : Byte; InvertCTS : Byte; Inv'
7863: ertDTR : Byte; InvertDSR : Byte; InvertDCD : Byte; InvertRI : Byte; Cbus0 '
7864: : Byte; Cbus1 : Byte; Cbus2 : Byte; Cbus3 : Byte; Cbus4 : Byte; RIsVCP : B'
7865: yte; end
7866: end;
7868: //*************************************** PaintFX****************************
7869: Proc SIRegister_TJvPaintFX(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7870: begin
7871: //with RegClassS(CL,'TComponent', 'TJvPaintFX') do
7872: with AddClassN(FindClass('TComponent'),'TJvPaintFX') do begin
7873: Proc Solarize( const Src : TBitmap; var Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7874: Proc Posterize( const Src : TBitmap; var Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7875: Proc Blend( const Src1, Src2 : TBitmap; var Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Single)
7876: Proc Blend2( const Src1, Src2 : TBitmap; var Dst : TBitmap; Amount: Single)
7877: Proc ExtractColor( const Dst : TBitmap; AColor : TColor)
7878: Proc ExcludeColor( const Dst : TBitmap; AColor : TColor)
7879: Proc Turn( Src, Dst : TBitmap)
7880: Proc TurnRight( Src, Dst : TBitmap)
7881: Proc HeightMap( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7882: Proc TexturizeTile( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7883: Proc TexturizeOverlap( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7884: Proc RippleRandom( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7885: Proc RippleTooth( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7886: Proc RippleTriangle( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7887: Proc Triangles( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7888: Proc DrawMandelJulia(const Dst:TBitmap;x0,y0,x1,y1:Single;Niter:Int;Mandel:Bool)
7889: Proc FilterXBlue( const Dst : TBitmap; Min, Max : Int)
7890: Proc FilterXGreen( const Dst : TBitmap; Min, Max : Int)
7891: Proc FilterXRed( const Dst : TBitmap; Min, Max : Int)
7892: Proc FilterBlue( const Dst : TBitmap; Min, Max : Int)
7893: Proc FilterGreen( const Dst : TBitmap; Min, Max : Int)
7894: Proc FilterRed( const Dst : TBitmap; Min, Max : Int)
7895: Proc Emboss( var Bmp : TBitmap)
7896: Proc Plasma( Src1, Src2, Dst : TBitmap; Scale, Turbulence : Single)
7897: Proc Shake( Src, Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Single)
7898: Proc ShakeDown( Src, Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Single)
7899: Proc KeepBlue( const Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Single)
7900: Proc KeepGreen( const Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Single)
7901: Proc KeepRed( const Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Single)
7902: Proc Mandelbrot( const Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Int)
7903: Proc MaskMandelbrot( const Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Int)
7904: Proc FoldRight( Src1, Src2, Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Single)
7905: Proc QuartoOpaque( Src, Dst : TBitmap)
7906: Proc SemiOpaque( Src, Dst : TBitmap)
7907: Proc ShadowDownLeft( const Dst : TBitmap)
7908: Proc ShadowDownRight( const Dst : TBitmap)
7909: Proc ShadowUpLeft( const Dst : TBitmap)
7910: Proc ShadowUpRight( const Dst : TBitmap)
7911: Proc Darkness( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7912: Proc Trace( const Dst : TBitmap; Intensity : Int)
7913: Proc FlipRight( const Dst : TBitmap)
7914: Proc FlipDown( const Dst : TBitmap)
7915: Proc SpotLight( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int; Spot : TRect)
7916: Proc SplitLight( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7917: Proc MakeSeamlessClip( var Dst : TBitmap; Seam : Int)
7918: Proc Wave( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount, Inference, Style : Int)
7919: Proc Mosaic( const Bm : TBitmap; Size : Int)
7920: Proc SmoothRotate( var Src, Dst : TBitmap; CX, CY : Int; Angle : Single)
7921: Proc SmoothResize( var Src, Dst : TBitmap)
7922: Proc Twist( var Bmp, Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7923: Proc SplitBlur( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7924: Proc GaussianBlur( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7925: Proc Smooth( const Dst : TBitmap; Weight : Int)
7926: Proc GrayScale( const Dst : TBitmap)
7927: Proc AddColorNoise( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7928: Proc AddMonoNoise( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7929: Proc Contrast( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7930: Proc Lightness( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7931: Proc Saturation( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
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8021: SIRegister_TChartLeftWall(CL);
8022: SIRegister_TChartWalls(CL);
8023: TChartAllowScrollEvent,Procedure(Sender:TChartAxis;var AMin,AMax:Double;var AllowScroll:Bool);
8024: SIRegister_TCustomChart(CL);
8025: SIRegister_TChart(CL);
8026: SIRegister_TTeeSeriesTypes(CL);
8027: SIRegister_TTeeToolTypes(CL);
8028: SIRegister_TTeeDragObject(CL);
8029: SIRegister_TColorPalettes(CL);
8030: Proc RegisterTeeSeries(ASeriesClass:TChartSeriesClass;ADescription,
8031: Proc RegisterTeeSeries1( ASeriesClass : TChartSeriesClass; ADescription : PString);
8032: Proc RegisterTeeFunction(AFunctClass:TTeeFunctionClass;ADescription,
AGalleryPage:PString;ANumGallerySeries: Int;
8033: Proc RegisterTeeBasicFunction(AFunctionClass: TTeeFunctionClass; ADescription : PString)
8034: Proc RegisterTeeSeriesFunction(ASeriesClass: TChartSeriesClass;AFunctionClass:TTeeFunctionClass;
ADescription,AGalleryPage:PString;ANumGallerySeries:Int;ASubIndex : Int)
8035: Proc UnRegisterTeeSeries( const ASeriesList : array of TChartSeriesClass)
8036: Proc UnRegisterTeeFunctions( const AFunctionList : array of TTeeFunctionClass)
8037: Proc AssignSeries( var OldSeries, NewSeries : TChartSeries)
8038: Func CreateNewTeeFunction(ASeries:TChartSeries;AClass:TTeeFunctionClass): TTeeFunction
8039: Func CreateNewSeries( AOwner: TComponent; AChar :TCustomAxisPanel;AClass : TChartSeriesClass;
AFunctionClass : TTeeFunctionClass) : TChartSeries
8040: Func CloneChartSeries( ASeries : TChartSeries) : TChartSeries;
8041: Func CloneChartSeries1(ASeries: TChartSeries; AChart: TCustomAxisPanel): TChartSeries;
8042: Func CloneChartSeries2(ASeries:TChartSeries;AOwner:TComponent;AChart:TCustomAxisPanel):TChartSeries;;
8043: Func CloneChartTool( ATool : TTeeCustomTool; AOwner : TComponent) : TTeeCustomTool
8044: Func ChangeSeriesType(var ASeries:TChartSeries;NewType:TChartSeriesClass) : TChartSeries
8045: Proc ChangeAllSeriesType( AChart : TCustomChart; AClass : TChartSeriesClass)
8046: Func GetNewSeriesName( AOwner : TComponent) : TComponentName
8047: Proc RegisterTeeTools( const ATools : array of TTeeCustomToolClass)
8048: Proc UnRegisterTeeTools( const ATools : array of TTeeCustomToolClass)
8049: Func GetGallerySeriesName( ASeries : TChartSeries) :Str
8050: Proc PaintSeriesLegend(ASeries:TChartSeries;ACanvas:TCanvas;const R:TRect;ReferenceChart:TCustomChart);
8051: SIRegister_TChartTheme(CL); //TChartThemeClass', 'class of TChartTheme
8052: //TCanvasClass', 'class of TCanvas3D
8053: Func SeriesNameOrIndex( ASeries : TCustomChartSeries) :Str
8054: Func SeriesTitleOrName( ASeries : TCustomChartSeries) :Str
8055: Proc FillSeriesItems( AItems : TStrings; AList : TCustomSeriesList; UseTitles :Bool)
8056: Proc ShowMessageUser( const S :Str)
8057: Func HasNoMandatoryValues( ASeries : TChartSeries) :Bool
8058: Func HasLabels( ASeries : TChartSeries):Bool
8059: Func HasColors( ASeries : TChartSeries):Bool
8060: Func SeriesGuessContents( ASeries : TChartSeries) : TeeFormatFlag
8061: Proc TeeDrawBitmapEditor(Canvas: TCanvas;Element: TCustomChartElement;Left,Top:Int)
8062: end;
8064: Proc SIRegister_TeeProcs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8065: begin
8066: //'TeeFormBorderStyle',' bsNone);
8067: SIRegister_TMetafile(CL);
8068: 'TeeDefVerticalMargin','LongInt'( 4);
8069: 'TeeDefHorizMargin','LongInt'( 3);
8070: 'crTeeHand','LongInt'( TCursor ( 2020 ));
8071: 'TeeMsg_TeeHand','String 'crTeeHand
8072: 'TeeNormalPrintDetail','LongInt'( 0);
8073: 'TeeHighPrintDetail','LongInt'( - 100);
8074: 'TeeDefault_PrintMargin','LongInt'( 15);
8075: 'MaxDefaultColors','LongInt'( 19);
8076: 'TeeTabDelimiter',Char #9);
8077: TDateTimeStep', '( dtOneMicroSecond, dtOneMillisecond, dtOneSeco'
8078: +'nd, dtFiveSeconds, dtTenSeconds, dtFifteenSeconds, dtThirtySeconds, dtOneM'
8079: +'inute, dtFiveMinutes, dtTenMinutes, dtFifteenMinutes, dtThirtyMinutes, dtO'
8080: +'neHour, dtTwoHours, dtSixHours, dtTwelveHours, dtOneDay, dtTwoDays, dtThre'
8081: +'eDays, dtOneWeek, dtHalfMonth, dtOneMonth, dtTwoMonths, dtThreeMonths, dtF'
8082: +'ourMonths, dtSixMonths, dtOneYear, dtNone )
8083: SIRegister_TCustomPanelNoCaption(CL);
8084: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCustomTeePanel
8085: SIRegister_TZoomPanning(CL);
8086: SIRegister_TTeeEvent(CL);
8087: //SIRegister_TTeeEventListeners(CL);
8088: TTeeMouseEventKind', '( meDown, meUp, meMove )
8089: SIRegister_TTeeMouseEvent(CL);
8090: SIRegister_TCustomTeePanel(CL);
8091: //TChartGradient', 'TTeeGradient
8092: //TChartGradientClass', 'class of TChartGradient
8093: TPanningMode', '( pmNone, pmHorizontal, pmVertical, pmBoth )
8094: SIRegister_TTeeZoomPen(CL);
8095: SIRegister_TTeeZoomBrush(CL);
8096: TTeeZoomDirection', '( tzdHorizontal, tzdVertical, tzdBoth )
8097: SIRegister_TTeeZoom(CL);
8098: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCustomTeePanelExtended
8099: TTeeBackImageMode', '( pbmStretch, pbmTile, pbmCenter, pbmCustom )
8100: SIRegister_TBackImage(CL);
8101: SIRegister_TCustomTeePanelExtended(CL);
8102: //TChartBrushClass', 'class of TChartBrush
8103: SIRegister_TTeeCustomShapeBrushPen(CL);
8104: TChartObjectShapeStyle', '( fosRectangle, fosRoundRectangle, fosEllipse )
8105: TTextFormat', '( ttfNormal, ttfHtml )
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8106: SIRegister_TTeeCustomShape(CL);
8107: SIRegister_TTeeShape(CL);
8108: SIRegister_TTeeExportData(CL);
8109: Func TeeStr( const Num : Int) :Str
8110: Func DateTimeDefaultFormat( const AStep : Double) :Str
8111: Func TEEDaysInMonth( Year, Month : Word) : Word
8112: Func FindDateTimeStep( const StepValue : Double) : TDateTimeStep
8113: Func NextDateTimeStep( const AStep : Double) : Double
8114: Func PointInLine( const P : TPoint; const px, py, qx, qy : Int):Bool;
8115: Func PointInLine1( const P, FromPoint, ToPoint : TPoint) :Bool;
8116: Func PointInLine2(const P,FromPoint,ToPoint:TPoint;const TolerancePixels:Int):Boo;
8117: Func PointInLine3( const P : TPoint; const px, py, qx, qy, TolerancePixels:Int):Bool;
8118: Func PointInLineTolerance(const P:TPoint;const px,py,qx,qy,TolerancePixels:Int):Bool;
8119: Func PointInPolygon( const P : TPoint; const Poly : array of TPoint) :Bool
8120: Func PointInTriangle( const P, P0, P1, P2 : TPoint) :Bool;
8121: Func PointInTriangle1( const P : TPoint; X0, X1, Y0, Y1 : Int) :Bool;
8122: Func PointInHorizTriangle( const P : TPoint; Y0, Y1, X0, X1 : Int) :Bool
8123: Func PointInEllipse( const P : TPoint; const Rect : TRect) :Bool;
8124: Func PointInEllipse1( const P: TPoint;Left,Top,Right, Bottom : Int) :Bool;
8125: Func DelphiToLocalFormat( const Format :Str) :Str
8126: Func LocalToDelphiFormat( const Format :Str) :Str
8127: Proc TEEEnableControls(Enable:Bool; const ControlArray : array of TControl)
8128: Func TeeRoundDate(const ADate : TDateTime; AStep : TDateTimeStep) : TDateTime
8129: Proc TeeDateTimeIncrement(IsDateTime:Boolean;Increment:Boolean;var Value:Double;const AnIncrement:Double;
8130: TTeeSortCompare', 'Func ( a, b : Int) : Int
8131: TTeeSortSwap', 'Proc ( a, b : Int)
8132: Proc TeeSort(StartIndex,EndIndex:Int;CompareFunc:TTeeSortCompare;SwapFunc:TTeeSortSwap);
8133: Func TeeGetUniqueName( AOwner : TComponent; const AStartName :Str) :Str
8134: Func TeeExtractField( St :Str; Index : Int) :Str;
8135: Func TeeExtractField1( St :Str; Index : Int; const Separator :Str) :Str;
8136: Func TeeNumFields( St :Str) : Int;
8137: Func TeeNumFields1( const St, Separator :Str) : Int;
8138: Proc TeeGetBitmapEditor( AObject : TObject; var Bitmap : TBitmap)
8139: Proc TeeLoadBitmap( Bitmap : TBitmap; const Name1, Name2 :Str)
8140: // TColorArray', 'array of TColor
8141: Func GetDefaultColor( const Index : Int) : TColor
8142: Proc SetDefaultColorPalette;
8143: Proc SetDefaultColorPalette1( const Palette : array of TColor);
8144: 'TeeCheckBoxSize','LongInt'( 11);
8145: Proc TeeDrawCheckBox(x,y:Int;Canvas:TCanvas;Checked:Bool;ABackColor:TColor;CheckBox:Bool);
8146: Func TEEStrToFloatDef( const S :Str; const Default : Extended) : Extended
8147: Func TryStrToFloat( const S :Str; var Value : Double) :Bool
8148: Func CrossingLines(const X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4: Double; out x, y : Double) :Bool
8149: Proc TeeTranslateControl( AControl : TControl);
8150: Proc TeeTranslateControl1(AControl: TControl;const ExcludeChilds: array of TControl);
8151: Func ReplaceChar(const AString:str;const Search: Char; const Replace : Char) :Str
8152: //Proc RectToFourPoints( const ARect : TRect; const Angle : Double; var P : TFourPoints)
8153: Func TeeAntiAlias( Panel : TCustomTeePanel; ChartRect :Bool) : TBitmap
8154: //Proc DrawBevel(Canvas:TTeeCanvas;Bevel:TPanelBevel;var R:TRect;Width:Int;Round:Int);
8155: //Func ScreenRatio( ACanvas : TCanvas3D) : Double
8156: Func TeeReadBoolOption( const AKey :Str; DefaultValue :Bool) :Bool
8157: Proc TeeSaveBoolOption( const AKey :Str; Value :Bool)
8158: Func TeeReadIntOption( const AKey :Str; DefaultValue : Int) : Int
8159: Proc TeeSaveIntOption( const AKey :Str; Value : Int)
8160: Func TeeReadStringOption( const AKey, DefaultValue :Str) :Str
8161: Proc TeeSaveStringOption( const AKey, Value :Str)
8162: Func TeeDefaultXMLEncoding :Str
8163: Proc ConvertTextToXML(Stream: TStream; XMLHeader :Bool)
8164: TeeWindowHandle', 'Int
8165: Proc TeeGotoURL( Handle : TeeWindowHandle; const URL :Str)
8166: Proc HtmlTextOut( ACanvas : TCanvas; x, y : Int; Text :Str)
8167: Func HtmlTextExtent( ACanvas : TCanvas; const Text :Str) : TSize
8168: end;
8170: using mXBDEUtils
8171: *******************************************************************************
8172: Proc SetAlias( aAlias, aDirectory :str)
8173: Proc CheckRegistryEntry(Reg:TRegistry;const Path,Value:Str;const Default,Desired:Variant;Size:Byte);
8174: Func GetFileVersionNumber( const FileName :Str) : TVersionNo
8175: Proc SetBDE( aPath, aNode, aValue :Str)
8176: Func RestartDialog(Wnd: HWnd; Reason: PChar; Flags: Int): Int; stdcall;
8177: Func GetSystemDirectory( lpBuffer :Str; uSize : UINT) : UINT
8178: Func GetSystemDirectoryW( lpBuffer : pchar; uSize : UINT) : UINT
8179: Func GetTempPath( nBufferLength : DWORD; lpBuffer :Str) : DWORD
8180: Func GetWindowsDirectoryW( nBufferLength : DWORD; lpBuffer :Str) : DWORD
8181: Func GetTempFileName(lpPathName,lpPrefixString:str;uUnique:UINT;lpTempFileName:str):UINT;
8183: Proc SIRegister_cDateTime(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8184: begin
8185: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EDateTime
8186: Func DatePart( const D : TDateTime) : Int
8187: Func TimePart( const D : TDateTime) : Double
8188: Func Century( const D : TDateTime) : Word
8189: Func Year( const D : TDateTime) : Word
8190: Func Month( const D : TDateTime) : Word
8191: Func Day( const D : TDateTime) : Word
8192: Func Hour( const D : TDateTime) : Word
8193: Func Minute( const D : TDateTime) : Word
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8900: begin
8901: AddTypeS('TLogicalOperator', '( loXOR, loAND, loOR )
8902: Proc CopyComponents(Dst,Src:TCustomBitmap32;Components:TColor32Components);
8903: Proc CopyComponents1(Dst:TCustBmap32;DstX,
8904: Proc AlphaToGrayscale( Dst, Src : TCustomBitmap32)
8905: Proc ColorToGrayscale( Dst, Src : TCustomBitmap32; PreserveAlpha :Bool)
8906: Proc IntensityToAlpha( Dst, Src : TCustomBitmap32)
8907: Proc Invert( Dst, Src : TCustomBitmap32; Components : TColor32Components)
8908: Proc InvertRGB( Dst, Src : TCustomBitmap32)
8909: Proc ApplyLUT(Dst,Src:TCustomBitmap32;const LUT:TLUT8;PreserveAlpha:Boolean)
8910: Proc ChromaKey( ABitmap : TCustomBitmap32; TrColor : TColor32)
8911: Func CreateBitmask( Components : TColor32Components) : TColor32
8912: Proc ApplyBitmask(Dst:TCustomBitmap32;DstX,DstY:Int;Src:TCustomBitmap32;SrcRect:TRect;
8913: Proc ApplyBitmask1(ABitmap:TCustomBitmap32;ARect:TRect;Bitmask:TColor32;LogicalOperator:TLogicalOperator);
8914: Proc CheckParams( Dst, Src : TCustomBitmap32; ResizeDst :Bool)
8915: end;
8917: Proc SIRegister_JclNTFS(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8918: begin
8919: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclNtfsError
8920: AddTypeS('TFileCompressionState','(fcNoCompression,fcDefaultCompression,fcLZNT1Compression )
8921: Func NtfsGetCompression const FileName:str; var State : Short):Bool;
8922: Func NtfsGetCompression1( const FileName :Str) : TFileCompressionState;
8923: Func NtfsSetCompression const FileName:str; const State:Short) :Bool
8924: Proc NtfsSetFileCompression(const FileName:Str; const State: TFileCompressionState)
8925: Proc NtfsSetDirectoryTreeCompression(const Directory:Str; const State : TFileCompressionState)
8926: Proc NtfsSetDefaultFileCompression(const Directory:Str; const State:TFileCompressionState)
8927: Proc NtfsSetPathCompression(const Path:str;const State:TFileCompressionState;Recursive:Bool;
8928: //AddTypeS('TNtfsAllocRanges', 'record Entries : Int; Data : PFileAlloca'
8929: //+'tedRangeBuffer; MoreData :Bool; end
8930: Func NtfsSetSparse( const FileName :Str) :Bool
8931: Func NtfsZeroDataByHandle(const Handle:THandle;const First,Last:Int64): Bool
8932: Func NtfsZeroDataByName(const FileName:str;const First,Last:Int64): Bool
8933: //Func NtfsQueryAllocRanges(const FileName:str;Offset,Count:Int64;var Ranges:TNtfsAllocRanges):Boolean;
8934: //Func NtfsGetAllocRangeEntry( const Ranges : TNtfsAllocRanges; Index:Int):TFileAllocatedRangeBuffer
8935: Func NtfsSparseStreamsSupported( const Volume :Str) :Bool
8936: Func NtfsGetSparse( const FileName :Str) :Bool
8937: Func NtfsDeleteReparsePoint(const FileName:str; ReparseTag:DWORD):Boolean
8938: Func NtfsSetReparsePoint(const FileName:str;var ReparseData,Size:Longword): Bool
8939: //Func NtfsGetReparsePoint(const FileName:str;var ReparseData:TReparseGuidDataBuffer):Bool
8940: Func NtfsGetReparseTag( const Path :Str; var Tag : DWORD) :Bool
8941: Func NtfsReparsePointsSupported( const Volume :Str) :Bool
8942: Func NtfsFileHasReparsePoint( const Path :Str) :Bool
8943: Func NtfsIsFolderMountPoint( const Path :Str) :Bool
8944: Func NtfsMountDeviceAsDrive( const Device :Str; Drive : Char):Boolean
8945: Func NtfsMountVolume(const Volume:Char; const MountPoint:str):Bool
8946: AddTypeS('TOpLock', '( olExclusive, olReadOnly, olBatch, olFilter )
8947: Func NtfsOpLockAckClosePending(Handle:THandle;Overlapped:TOverlapped):boolean
8948: Func NtfsOpLockBreakAckNo2(Handle:THandle;Overlapped:TOverlapped):Bool
8949: Func NtfsOpLockBreakAcknowledge(Handl:THandle;Overlapped:TOverlapped):Boolean
8950: Func NtfsOpLockBreakNotify(Handle:THandle;Overlapped:TOverlapped) :Bool
8951: Func NtfsRequestOpLock(Handle:THandle;Kind:TOpLock;Overlapped:TOverlapped): Bool
8952: Func NtfsCreateJunctionPoint( const Source, Destination :Str) :Bool
8953: Func NtfsDeleteJunctionPoint( const Source :Str) :Bool
8954: Func NtfsGetJunctionPointDestination(const Source:Str;var Destination:str):Bool
8955: AddTypeS('TStreamId','( siInvalid, siStandard, siExtendedAttribute, siSec'
8956: +'urity, siAlternate,siHardLink,siProperty,siObjectIdentifier,siReparsePoints,siSparseFile )
8957: AddTypeS('TStreamIds', 'set of TStreamId
8958: AddTypeS('TInternalFindStreamData', 'record FileHandle : THandle; Context '
8959: +': ___Pointer; StreamIds : TStreamIds; end
8960: AddTypeS('TFindStreamData', 'record internal : TInternalFindStreamData; At'
8961: +'tributes : DWORD; StreamID : TStreamId; Name : WideString; Size : Int64; end
8962: Func NtfsFindFirstStream(const FileName:str;StreamIds:TStreamIds;var Data:TFindStreamData):Boolean;
8963: Func NtfsFindNextStream( var Data : TFindStreamData) :Bool
8964: Func NtfsFindStreamClose( var Data : TFindStreamData) :Bool
8965: Func NtfsCreateHardLink(const LinkFileName,ExistingFileName:str):Boolean
8966: AddTypeS('TNtfsHardLinkInfo','record LinkCount:Card;FileIndex:Int64; end
8967: Func NtfsGetHardLinkInfo( const FileName :Str; var Info : TNtfsHardLinkInfo) :Bool
8968: Func NtfsFindHardLinks(const Path:str;const FileIndexHigh,FileIndexLow:Card;const List:TStrings):Bool;
8969: Func NtfsDeleteHardLinks( const FileName :Str) :Bool
8970: Func JclAppInstances : TJclAppInstances;
8971: Func JclAppInstances1( const UniqueAppIdGuidStr :Str) : TJclAppInstances;
8972: Func ReadMessageCheck( var Message:TMessage;const IgnoredOriginatorWnd:HWND): TJclAppInstDataKind
8973: Proc ReadMessageData(const Message:TMessage;var Data:___Pointer;var Size:Int)
8974: Proc ReadMessageString( const Message : TMessage; var S :Str)
8975: Proc ReadMessageStrings( const Message : TMessage; const Strings : TStrings)
8977: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
8978: Proc SIRegister_JclGraphics(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8979: begin
8980: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclGraphicsError
8981: TDynDynIntArrayArray', 'array of TDynIntArray
8982: TDynPointArray', 'array of TPoint
8983: TDynDynPointArrayArray', 'array of TDynPointArray
8984: TPointF', 'record X : Single; Y : Single; end
8985: TDynPointArrayF', 'array of TPointF
8986: TDrawMode2', '( dmOpaque, dmBlend )
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9071: SIRegister_TJclOptex(CL);
9072: TMrewPreferred', '( mpReaders, mpWriters, mpEqual )
9073: TMrewThreadInfo','record ThreadId:Longword;RecursionCount:Int;Reader:Bool; end
9074: TMrewThreadInfoArray', 'array of TMrewThreadInfo
9075: SIRegister_TJclMultiReadExclusiveWrite(CL);
9076: PMetSectSharedInfo', '^TMetSectSharedInfo // will not work
9077: TMetSectSharedInfo', 'record Initialized : LongBool; SpinLock : '
9078: +'Longint; ThreadsWaiting : Longint; AvailableCount : Longint; MaximumCount : Longint; end
9079: PMeteredSection', '^TMeteredSection // will not work
9080: TMeteredSection', 'record Event:THandle; FileMap:THandle; SharedInfo:PMetSectSharedInfo; end
9081: SIRegister_TJclMeteredSection(CL);
9082: TEventInfo', 'record EventType : Longint; Signaled : LongBool; end
9083: TMutexInfo', 'record SignalState:Longint; Owned:Boolean; Abandoned:Bool; end
9084: TSemaphoreCounts', 'record CurrentCount: Longint; MaximumCount: Longint; end
9085: TTimerInfo', 'record Remaining : TLargeInt; Signaled : LongBool; end
9086: Func QueryCriticalSection(CS TJclCriticalSection;var Info:TRTLCriticalSection):Boolean
9087: Func QueryEvent( Handle : THandle; var Info : TEventInfo) :Bool
9088: Func QueryMutex( Handle : THandle; var Info : TMutexInfo) :Bool
9089: Func QuerySemaphore( Handle : THandle; var Info : TSemaphoreCounts) :Bool
9090: Func QueryTimer( Handle : THandle; var Info : TTimerInfo) :Bool
9091: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclWin32HandleObjectError
9092: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclDispatcherObjectError
9093: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclCriticalSectionError
9094: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclEventError
9095: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclWaitableTimerError
9096: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclSemaphoreError
9097: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclMutexError
9098: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclMeteredSectionError
9099: end;
9101: //***************************unit uPSI_mORMotReport;
9102: Proc SetCurrentPrinterAsDefault
9103: Func CurrentPrinterName :Str
9104: Func mCurrentPrinterPaperSize :Str
9105: Proc UseDefaultPrinter
9107: Proc SIRegisterTSTREAM(Cl: TPSPascalCompiler);
9108: begin
9109: with FindClass('TOBJECT'), 'TStream') do begin
9110: IsAbstract := True;
9111: //RegisterMethod('Func Read( var Buffer, Count : Longint) : Longint
9112: // RegisterMethod('Func Write( const Buffer, Count : Longint) : Longint
9113: Func Read(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt):LongInt
9114: Func Write(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt):LongInt
9115: Func ReadString(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt):LongInt //FileStream
9116: Func WriteString(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt):LongInt
9117: Func ReadInt(Buffer:Int;Count:LongInt):LongInt
9118: Func WriteInt(Buffer:Int;Count:LongInt):LongInt
9119: Func ReadByteArray(Buffer:TByteArray;Count:LongInt):LongInt;
9120: Func WriteByteArray(Buffer:TByteArray;Count:LongInt):LongInt;
9122: Proc ReadAB(Buffer: TByteArray;Count:LongInt)
9123: Proc WriteAB(Buffer: TByteArray;Count:LongInt)
9124: Proc ReadABD(Buffer: TByteDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9125: Proc WriteABD(Buffer: TByteDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9126: Proc ReadAC(Buffer: TCharArray;Count:LongInt)
9127: Proc WriteAC(Buffer: TCharArray;Count:LongInt)
9128: Proc ReadACD(Buffer: TCharDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9129: Proc WriteACD(Buffer: TCharDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9131: Func Seek(Offset:LongInt;Origin:Word):LongInt
9132: Proc ReadBuffer(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt)
9133: Proc WriteBuffer(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt)
9134: Proc ReadBufferInt(Buffer:Int;Count:LongInt);
9135: Proc WriteBufferInt(Buffer:Int;Count:LongInt);
9136: Proc ReadBufferFloat(Buffer:Double;Count:LongInt);
9137: Proc WriteBufferFloat(Buffer:Double;Count:LongInt);
9139: Proc ReadBufferAB(Buffer: TByteArray;Count:LongInt)
9140: Proc WriteBufferAB(Buffer: TByteArray;Count:LongInt)
9141: Proc ReadBufferABD(Buffer: TByteDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9142: Proc WriteBufferABD(Buffer: TByteDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9143: Proc ReadBufferAW(Buffer: TWordArray;Count:LongInt)
9144: Proc WriteBufferAW(Buffer: TWordArray;Count:LongInt)
9145: Proc ReadBufferAWD(Buffer: TWordDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9146: Proc WriteBufferAWD(Buffer: TWordDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9147: Proc ReadBufferAW(Buffer: TWordArray;Count:LongInt)
9148: Proc WriteBufferAW(Buffer: TWordArray;Count:LongInt)
9149: Proc ReadBufferAC(Buffer: TCharArray;Count:LongInt)
9150: Proc WriteBufferAC(Buffer: TCharArray;Count:LongInt)
9151: Proc ReadBufferACD(Buffer: TCharDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9152: Proc WriteBufferACD(Buffer: TCharDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9154: Proc ReadBufferP(Buffer: PChar;Count:LongInt)
9155: Proc WriteBufferP(Buffer: PChar;Count:LongInt)
9156: Proc ReadBufferO(Buffer: TObject;Count:LongInt);
9157: Proc WriteBufferO(Buffer: TObject;Count:LongInt);
9159: Func InstanceSize: Longint
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9516: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9517: Optimization
9518: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9519: Proc MinBrack(Func : TFunc;
9520: var A, B, C, Fa, Fb, Fc : Float); external 'dmath';
9521: { Brackets a minimum of a Func }
9522: Proc GoldSearch(Func : TFunc;
9523: A, B : Float;
9524: MaxIter : Int;
9525: Tol : Float;
9526: var Xmin, Ymin : Float); external 'dmath';
9527: { Minimization of a Func of one variable (golden search) }
9528: Proc LinMin(Func : TFuncNVar;
9529: X, DeltaX : TVector;
9530: Lb, Ub : Int;
9531: var R : Float;
9532: MaxIter : Int;
9533: Tol : Float;
9534: var F_min : Float); external 'dmath';
9535: { Minimization of a Func of several variables along a line }
9536: Proc Newton(Func : TFuncNVar;
9537: HessGrad : THessGrad;
9538: X : TVector;
9539: Lb, Ub : Int;
9540: MaxIter : Int;
9541: Tol : Float;
9542: var F_min : Float;
9543: G : TVector;
9544: H_inv : TMatrix;
9545: var Det : Float); external 'dmath';
9546: { Minimization of a Func of several variables (Newton's method) }
9547: Proc SaveNewton(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
9548: { Save Newton iterations in a file }
9549: Proc Marquardt(Func : TFuncNVar;
9550: HessGrad : THessGrad;
9551: X : TVector;
9552: Lb, Ub : Int;
9553: MaxIter : Int;
9554: Tol : Float;
9555: var F_min : Float;
9556: G : TVector;
9557: H_inv : TMatrix;
9558: var Det : Float); external 'dmath';
9559: { Minimization of a Func of several variables (Marquardt's method) }
9560: Proc SaveMarquardt(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
9561: { Save Marquardt iterations in a file }
9562: Proc BFGS(Func : TFuncNVar;
9563: Gradient : TGradient;
9564: X : TVector;
9565: Lb, Ub : Int;
9566: MaxIter : Int;
9567: Tol : Float;
9568: var F_min : Float;
9569: G : TVector;
9570: H_inv : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9571: { Minimization of a Func of several variables (BFGS method) }
9572: Proc SaveBFGS(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
9573: { Save BFGS iterations in a file }
9574: Proc Simplex(Func : TFuncNVar;
9575: X : TVector;
9576: Lb, Ub : Int;
9577: MaxIter : Int;
9578: Tol : Float;
9579: var F_min : Float); external 'dmath';
9580: { Minimization of a Func of several variables (Simplex) }
9581: Proc SaveSimplex(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
9582: { Save Simplex iterations in a file }
9583: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9584: Nonlinear equations
9585: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9586: Proc RootBrack(Func : TFunc;
9587: var X, Y, FX, FY : Float); external 'dmath';
9588: { Brackets a root of Func Func between X and Y }
9589: Proc Bisect(Func : TFunc;
9590: var X, Y : Float;
9591: MaxIter : Int;
9592: Tol : Float;
9593: var F : Float); external 'dmath';
9594: { Bisection method }
9595: Proc Secant(Func : TFunc;
9596: var X, Y : Float;
9597: MaxIter : Int;
9598: Tol : Float;
9599: var F : Float); external 'dmath';
9600: { Secant method }
9601: Proc NewtEq(Func, Deriv : TFunc;
9602: var X : Float;
9603: MaxIter : Int;
9604: Tol : Float;
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9694: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9695: Random numbers
9696: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9697: Proc SetRNG(RNG : RNG_Type); external 'dmath';
9698: { Select generator }
9699: Proc InitGen(Seed : RNG_IntType); external 'dmath';
9700: { Initialize generator }
9701: Func IRanGen : RNG_IntType; external 'dmath';
9702: { 32-bit random Int in [-2^31 .. 2^31 - 1] }
9703: Func IRanGen31 : RNG_IntType; external 'dmath';
9704: { 31-bit random Int in [0 .. 2^31 - 1] }
9705: Func RanGen1 : Float; external 'dmath';
9706: { 32-bit random real in [0,1] }
9707: Func RanGen2 : Float; external 'dmath';
9708: { 32-bit random real in [0,1) }
9709: Func RanGen3 : Float; external 'dmath';
9710: { 32-bit random real in (0,1) }
9711: Func RanGen53 : Float; external 'dmath';
9712: { 53-bit random real in [0,1) }
9713: Proc InitMWC(Seed : RNG_IntType); external 'dmath';
9714: { Initializes the 'Multiply with carry' random number generator }
9715: Func IRanMWC : RNG_IntType; external 'dmath';
9716: { Returns a 32 bit random number in [-2^31 ; 2^31-1] }
9717: Proc InitMT(Seed : RNG_IntType); external 'dmath';
9718: { Initializes Mersenne Twister generator with a seed }
9719: Proc InitMTbyArray(InitKey : array of RNG_LongType;
9720: KeyLength : Word); external 'dmath';
9721: { Initialize MT generator with an array InitKey[0..(KeyLength - 1)] }
9722: Func IRanMT : RNG_IntType; external 'dmath';
9723: { Random Int from MT generator }
9724: Proc InitUVAGbyString(KeyPhrase :Str); external 'dmath';
9725: { Initializes the UVAG generator with a string }
9726: Proc InitUVAG(Seed : RNG_IntType); external 'dmath';
9727: { Initializes the UVAG generator with an Int }
9728: Func IRanUVAG : RNG_IntType; external 'dmath';
9729: { Random Int from UVAG generator }
9730: Func RanGaussStd : Float; external 'dmath';
9731: { Random number from standard normal distribution }
9732: Func RanGauss(Mu, Sigma : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9733: { Random number from normal distrib. with mean Mu and S. D. Sigma }
9734: Proc RanMult(M : TVector; L : TMatrix;
9735: Lb, Ub : Int;
9736: X : TVector); external 'dmath';
9737: { Random vector from multinormal distribution (correlated) }
9738: Proc RanMultIndep(M, S : TVector;
9739: Lb, Ub : Int;
9740: X : TVector); external 'dmath';
9741: { Random vector from multinormal distribution (uncorrelated) }
9742: Proc InitMHParams(NCycles, MaxSim, SavedSim : Int); external 'dmath';
9743: { Initializes Metropolis-Hastings parameters }
9744: Proc GetMHParams(var NCycles, MaxSim,SavedSim:Int); external 'dmath';
9745: { Returns Metropolis-Hastings parameters }
9746: Proc Hastings(Func : TFuncNVar;
9747: T : Float;
9748: X : TVector;
9749: V : TMatrix;
9750: Lb, Ub : Int;
9751: Xmat : TMatrix;
9752: X_min : TVector;
9753: var F_min : Float); external 'dmath';
9754: { Simulation of a probability density Func by Metropolis-Hastings }
9755: Proc InitSAParams(NT, NS, NCycles : Int; RT : Float); external 'dmath';
9756: { Initializes Simulated Annealing parameters }
9757: Proc SA_CreateLogFile(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
9758: { Initializes log file }
9759: Proc SimAnn(Func : TFuncNVar;
9760: X, Xmin, Xmax : TVector;
9761: Lb, Ub : Int;
9762: var F_min : Float); external 'dmath';
9763: { Minimization of a Func of several var. by simulated annealing }
9764: Proc InitGAParams(NP, NG : Int; SR, MR, HR : Float); external 'dmath';
9765: { Initializes Genetic Algorithm parameters }
9766: Proc GA_CreateLogFile(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
9767: { Initializes log file }
9768: Proc GenAlg(Func : TFuncNVar;
9769: X, Xmin, Xmax : TVector;
9770: Lb, Ub : Int;
9771: var F_min : Float); external 'dmath';
9772: { Minimization of a Func of several var. by genetic algorithm }
9773: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9774: Statistics
9775: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9776: Func Mean(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9777: { Mean of sample X }
9778: Func Min(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9779: { Minimum of sample X }
9780: Func Max(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9781: { Maximum of sample X }
9782: Func Median(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; Sorted :Bool) : Float; external 'dmath';
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10495: end;
10497: Proc SIRegister_Spring_Cryptography_Utils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10498: begin
10499: Func Endian( x : LongWord) : LongWord
10500: Func Endian64( x : Int64) : Int64
10501: Func spRol( x : LongWord; y : Byte) : LongWord
10502: Func spRor( x : LongWord; y : Byte) : LongWord
10503: Func Ror64( x : Int64; y : Byte) : Int64
10504: end;
10506: Proc SIRegister_MapReader(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10507: begin
10508: Proc ClearModules
10509: Proc ReadMapFile( Fname :Str)
10510: Func AddressInfo( Address : dword) :Str
10511: end;
10513: Proc SIRegister_LibTar(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10514: begin
10515: TTarPermission','(tpReadByOwner,tpWriteByOwner,tpExecuteByOwner,tpReadByGroup,tpWriteByGroup,
tpExecuteByGroup,tpReadByOther,tpWriteByOther, tpExecuteByOther)
10516: TTarPermissions', 'set of TTarPermission
10517: TFileType', '( ftNormal, ftLink, ftSymbolicLink, ftCharacter, ft'
10518: +'Block,ftDirectory,ftFifo,ftContiguous,ftDumpDir,ftMultiVolume,ftVolumeHeader;
10519: TTarMode', '( tmSetUid, tmSetGid, tmSaveText )
10520: TTarModes', 'set of TTarMode
10521: TTarDirRec', 'record Name :Str; Size : INT64; DateTime : TDa'
10522: +teTime; Permissions : TTarPermissions; FileType : TFileType; LinkName : ST'
10523: +RING; UID : Int; GID : Int; UserName :Str; GroupName :Str;'
10524: + ChecksumOK :Bool; Mode : TTarModes; Magic :Str; MajorDevNo : INTE'
10525: +GER; MinorDevNo : Int; FilePos : INT64; end
10526: SIRegister_TTarArchive(CL);
10527: SIRegister_TTarWriter(CL);
10528: Func PermissionString( Permissions : TTarPermissions) :Str
10529: Func ConvertFilename( Filename :Str) :Str
10530: Func FileTimeGMT( FileName :Str) : TDateTime;
10531: Func FileTimeGMT1( SearchRec : TSearchRec) : TDateTime;
10532: Proc ClearDirRec( var DirRec : TTarDirRec)
10533: end;
10535: //***************************************************unit uPSI_TlHelp32;
10536: Proc SIRegister_TlHelp32(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10537: begin
10538: Const('MAX_MODULE_NAME32','LongInt'( 255);
10539: Func CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( dwFlags, th32ProcessID : DWORD) : THandle
10540: Const('TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST',LongWord( $00000001);
10541: Const('TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
10542: Const('TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000004);
10543: Const('TH32CS_SNAPMODULE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000008);
10544: Const('TH32CS_INHERIT','LongWord').SetUInt( $80000000);
10545: tagHEAPLIST32','record dwSize:DWORD;th32ProcessID:DWORD;th32HeapID:DWORD;dwFlags:DWORD;end';
10546: AddTypeS('HEAPLIST32', 'tagHEAPLIST32
10547: AddTypeS('THeapList32', 'tagHEAPLIST32
10548: Const('HF32_DEFAULT','LongInt'( 1);
10549: Const('HF32_SHARED','LongInt'( 2);
10550: Func Heap32ListFirst( hSnapshot : THandle; var lphl : THeapList32) : BOOL
10551: Func Heap32ListNext( hSnapshot : THandle; var lphl : THeapList32) : BOOL
10552: AddTypeS(tagHEAPENTRY32', 'record dwSize : DWORD; hHandle : THandle; dwAd'
10553: +'dress : DWORD; dwBlockSize : DWORD; dwFlags : DWORD; dwLockCount : DWORD; '
10554: +dwResvd : DWORD; th32ProcessID : DWORD; th32HeapID : DWORD; end
10555: AddTypeS('HEAPENTRY32', 'tagHEAPENTRY32
10556: AddTypeS('THeapEntry32', 'tagHEAPENTRY32
10557: Const('LF32_FIXED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
10558: Const('LF32_FREE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
10559: Const('LF32_MOVEABLE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000004);
10560: Func Heap32First(var lphe:THeapEntry32;th32ProcessID,th32HeapID:DWORD):BOOL
10561: Func Heap32Next( var lphe : THeapEntry32) : BOOL
10562: DWORD; var lpNumberOfBytesRead : DWORD) : BOOL
10563: AddTypeS('tagTHREADENTRY32', 'record dwSize : DWORD; cntUsage : DWORD; th3'
10564: +'2ThreadID : DWORD; th32OwnerProcessID : DWORD; tpBasePri : Longint; tpDelt'
10565: +'aPri : Longint; dwFlags : DWORD; end
10566: AddTypeS('THREADENTRY32', 'tagTHREADENTRY32
10567: AddTypeS('TThreadEntry32', 'tagTHREADENTRY32
10568: Func Thread32First( hSnapshot : THandle; var lpte : TThreadEntry32) : BOOL
10569: Func Thread32Next( hSnapshot: THandle; var lpte : TThreadENtry32):BOOL end;
10570: Const('EW_RESTARTWINDOWS','LongWord').SetUInt( $0042);
10571: Const('EW_REBOOTSYSTEM','LongWord( $0043);
10572: Const('EW_EXITANDEXECAPP','LongWord( $0044);
10573: Const('ENDSESSION_LOGOFF','LongWord').SetUInt( DWORD ( $80000000 ));
10574: Const('EWX_LOGOFF','LongInt'( 0);
10575: Const('EWX_SHUTDOWN','LongInt'( 1);
10576: Const('EWX_REBOOT','LongInt'( 2);
10577: Const('EWX_FORCE','LongInt'( 4);
10578: Const('EWX_POWEROFF','LongInt'( 8);
10579: Const('EWX_FORCEIFHUNG','LongWord').SetUInt( $10);
10580: Func GET_APPCOMMAND_LPARAM( const lParam : LongInt) : Shortint
10581: Func GET_DEVICE_LPARAM( const lParam : LongInt) : Word
10582: Func GET_MOUSEORKEY_LPARAM( const lParam : LongInt) : Word
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10936: end;
10938: Ex: js:= TlkJSON.create;
10939: jsonObject:= js.ParseText(jsonstring) as TlkJSONobject;
10940: try
10941: writeln('get message: '+jsonObject.Field['amessage'].value);
10942: writeln(vartostr(jsonobject.Field['book'].Child[3].field['ISBN'].value));
10944: Proc SIRegister_ZSysUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10945: begin
10946: TZListSortCompare', 'Func (Item1, Item2 : TObject): Int
10947: SIRegister_TZSortedList(CL);
10948: Func zFirstDelimiter( const Delimiters, Str :Str) : Int
10949: Func zLastDelimiter( const Delimiters, Str :Str) : Int
10950: //Func MemLCompUnicode( P1, P2 : PWideChar; Len : Int) :Bool
10951: //Func MemLCompAnsi( P1, P2 : PAnsiChar; Len : Int) :Bool
10952: Func zStartsWith( const Str, SubStr : WideString) :Bool;
10953: Func StartsWith1( const Str, SubStr : RawByteString) :Bool;
10954: Func EndsWith( const Str, SubStr : WideString) :Bool;
10955: Func EndsWith1( const Str, SubStr : RawByteString) :Bool;
10956: Func SQLStrToFloatDef( Str : RawByteString; Def : Extended) : Extended;
10957: Func SQLStrToFloatDef1( Str :Str; Def : Extended) : Extended;
10958: Func SQLStrToFloat( const Str : Ansistr) : Extended
10959: //Func BufferToStr( Buffer : PWideChar; Length : LongInt) :Str;
10960: //Func BufferToStr1( Buffer : PAnsiChar; Length : LongInt) :Str;
10961: Func BufferToBytes( Buffer : TObject; Length : LongInt) : TByteDynArray
10962: Func StrToBoolEx( Str :Str) :Bool
10963: Func BoolToStrEx( Bool :Bool) :Str
10964: Func IsIpAddr( const Str :Str) :Bool //IsIP()
10965: Func zSplitString( const Str, Delimiters :Str) : TStrings
10966: Proc PutSplitString( List : TStrings; const Str, Delimiters :Str)
10967: Proc AppendSplitString( List : TStrings; const Str, Delimiters :Str)
10968: Func ComposeString( List : TStrings; const Delimiter :Str) :Str
10969: Func FloatToSQLStr( Value : Extended) :Str
10970: Proc PutSplitStringEx( List : TStrings; const Str, Delimiter :Str)
10971: Func SplitStringEx( const Str, Delimiter :Str) : TStrings
10972: Proc AppendSplitStringEx( List : TStrings; const Str, Delimiter:Str)
10973: Func zBytesToStr( const Value : TByteDynArray) : Ansistr
10974: Func zStrToBytes( const Value : Ansistr) : TByteDynArray;
10975: Func StrToBytes1( const Value : UTF8String) : TByteDynArray;
10976: Func StrToBytes2( const Value : RawByteString) : TByteDynArray;
10977: Func StrToBytes3( const Value : WideString) : TByteDynArray;
10978: Func StrToBytes4( const Value : UnicodeString) : TByteDynArray;
10979: Func BytesToVar( const Value : TByteDynArray) : Variant
10980: Func VarToBytes( const Value : Variant) : TByteDynArray
10981: Func AnsiSQLDateToDateTime( const Value :Str) : TDateTime
10982: Func TimestampStrToDateTime( const Value :Str) : TDateTime
10983: Func DateTimeToAnsiSQLDate( Value : TDateTime; WithMMSec:Bool):Str
10984: Func EncodeCString( const Value :Str) :Str
10985: Func DecodeCString( const Value :Str) :Str
10986: Func zReplaceChar( const Source, Target : Char; const Str:Str):Str
10987: Func MemPas( Buffer : PChar; Length : LongInt) :Str
10988: Proc DecodeSQLVersioning(const FullVersion:Int;out MajorVersion:Int;out MinorVersion:Int;out
10989: Func EncodeSQLVersioning(const MajorVersion:Int;const MinorVersion:Int;const SubVersion:Int):Int;
10990: Func FormatSQLVersion( const SQLVersion : Int) :Str
10991: Func ZStrToFloat( Value : AnsiChar) : Extended;
10992: Func ZStrToFloat1( Value : Ansistr) : Extended;
10993: Proc ZSetString( const Src : AnsiChar; var Dest : Ansistr);
10994: Proc ZSetString1(const Src:AnsiChar;const Len:Card;var Dest:Ansistr);
10995: Proc ZSetString2(const Src : AnsiChar; var Dest : UTF8String);
10996: Proc ZSetString3(const Src:AnsiChar;const Len:Card;var Dest:UTF8String);
10997: Proc ZSetString4(const Src:AnsiChar;const Len:Card;var Dest:WideString);
10998: Proc ZSetString5(const Src : AnsiChar; var Dest : RawByteString);
10999: Proc ZSetString6(const Src:AnsiChar;const Len:Card;var Dest:RawByteString);
11000: end;
11002: unit uPSI_ZEncoding;
11003: Func StringToAnsiEx( const s :Str; const FromCP, ToCP : Word) : RawByteString
11004: Func AnsiToStringEx(const s:RawByteString;const FromCP, ToCP : Word :Str
11005: Func ZRawToUnicode( const S : RawByteString; const CP : Word) : WideString
11006: Func ZUnicodeToRaw( const US : WideString; CP : Word) : RawByteString
11007: Func ZConvertAnsiToRaw( const Src : Ansistr; const RawCP : Word) : RawByteString
11008: Func ZConvertRawToAnsi(const Src:RawByteString;const RawCP:Word):Ansistr
11009: Func ZConvertAnsiToUTF8( const Src : Ansistr) : UTF8String
11010: Func ZConvertUTF8ToAnsi( const Src : UTF8String) : Ansistr
11011: Func ZConvertRawToUTF8( const Src : RawByteString; const CP : Word) : UTF8String
11012: Func ZConvertUTF8ToRaw( const Src : UTF8String; const CP : Word) : RawByteString
11013: Func ZConvertRawToString(const Src:RawByteString;const RawCP,StringCP:Word):str
11014: Func ZConvertStringToRaw( const Src :Str; const StringCP, RawCP : Word) : RawByteString
11015: Func ZConvertStringToRawWithAutoEncode(const Src:str;const StringCP,RawCP:Word):RawByteString;
11016: Func ZConvertUTF8ToString(const Src:UTF8String;const StringCP: Word):Str
11017: Func ZConvertStringToUTF8(const Src:Str;const StringCP:Word):UTF8String
11018: Func ZConvertStringToUTF8WithAutoEncode(const Src:str;const StringCP:Word): UTF8String
11019: Func ZConvertStringToAnsi( const Src :Str; const StringCP : Word) : Ansistr
11020: Func ZConvertStringToAnsiWithAutoEncode(const Src:str;const StringCP:Word): Ansistr
11021: Func ZConvertAnsiToString(const Src:Ansistr;const StringCP:Word):str
11022: Func ZConvertUnicodeToString(const Src:WideString;const StringCP:Word):str
11023: Func ZConvertUnicodeToString_CPUTF8(const Src:WideString; const StringCP : Word):Str
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11024: Func ZConvertStringToUnicode( const Src :Str; const StringCP : Word) : WideString
11025: Func ZConvertString_CPUTF8ToUnicode(const Src:str;const StringCP:Word): WideString
11026: Func ZConvertStringToUnicodeWithAutoEncode(const Src:str;const StringCP:Word):WideString
11027: Func ZMoveAnsiToRaw( const Src : Ansistr; const RawCP : Word) : RawByteString
11028: Func ZMoveRawToAnsi( const Src : RawByteString; const RawCP : Word) : Ansistr
11029: Func ZMoveAnsiToUTF8( const Src : Ansistr) : UTF8String
11030: Func ZMoveUTF8ToAnsi( const Src : UTF8String) : Ansistr
11031: Func ZMoveRawToUTF8( const Src : RawByteString; const CP : Word) : UTF8String
11032: Func ZMoveUTF8ToRaw( const Src : UTF8String; const CP : Word) : RawByteString
11033: Func ZMoveStringToAnsi( const Src :Str; const StringCP : Word) : Ansistr
11034: Func ZMoveAnsiToString( const Src : Ansistr; const StringCP : Word) :Str
11035: Func ZMoveRawToString(const Src:RawByteString;const RawCP,StringCP:Word):Str
11036: Func ZMoveStringToRaw( const Src :Str; const StringCP, RawCP : Word) : RawByteString
11037: Func ZMoveUTF8ToString( const Src : UTF8String; StringCP : Word) :Str
11038: Func ZMoveStringToUTF8( const Src :Str; const StringCP : Word) : UTF8String
11039: Func ZUnknownRawToUnicode( const S : RawByteString; const CP : Word) : WideString
11040: Func ZUnknownRawToUnicodeWithAutoEncode(const S:RawByteString;const CP:Word): WideString
11041: Func ZUnicodeToUnknownRaw( const US : WideString; CP : Word) : RawByteString
11042: Func ZDefaultSystemCodePage : Word
11043: Func ZCompatibleCodePages( const CP1, CP2 : Word) :Bool
11044: Func MPing(const AHost:Str;const ATimes:Int; out AvgMS:Double):Boolean;
11046: Proc SIRegister_BoldComUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11047: begin
11048: 'RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT','LongInt'( 0);
11049: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE','LongInt'( 1);
11050: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT','LongInt'( 2);
11051: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CALL','LongInt'( 3);
11052: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT','LongInt'( 4);
11053: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY','LongInt'( 5);
11054: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY','LongInt'( 6);
11055: {('alDefault','1 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT);
11056: ('alNone','2 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE);
11057: ('alConnect','3 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT);
11058: ('alCall','4 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CALL);
11059: ('alPacket','5 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT);
11060: ('alPacketIntegrity','6 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY);
11061: ('alPacketPrivacy','7 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY);}
11062: ('RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DEFAULT','LongInt'( 0);
11063: ('RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_ANONYMOUS','LongInt'( 1);
11064: ('RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY','LongInt'( 2);
11065: ('RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE','LongInt'( 3);
11066: ('RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DELEGATE','LongInt'( 4);
11067: {('ilDefault','0 RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DEFAULT);
11068: ('ilAnonymous','1 RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_ANONYMOUS);
11069: ('ilIdentiry','2 RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY);
11070: ('ilImpersonate','3 RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE);
11071: ('ilDelegate','4 RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DELEGATE);}
11072: ('EOAC_NONE','LongWord').SetUInt( $0);
11073: ('EOAC_DEFAULT','LongWord').SetUInt( $800);
11074: ('EOAC_MUTUAL_AUTH','LongWord').SetUInt( $1);
11075: ('EOAC_STATIC_CLOACKING','LongWord').SetUInt( $20);
11076: ('EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING','LongWord').SetUInt( $40);
11077: ('EOAC_ANY_AUTHORITY','LongWord').SetUInt( $80);
11078: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT','LongInt'( 10);
11079: ('RPC_C_AUTHNZ_NONE','LongInt'( 0);
11080: ('RPC_C_AUTHNZ_NAME','LongInt'( 1);
11081: ('RPC_C_AUTHNZ_DCE','LongInt'( 2);
11082: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EBoldCom
11083: Func BoldVariantIsType( V : OleVariant; TypeCode : Int) :Bool
11084: Func BoldMemoryToVariant( const Buffer, BufSize : Int) : OleVariant
11085: Func BoldStreamToVariant( Stream : TStream) : OleVariant
11086: Func BoldStringsToVariant( Strings : TStrings) : OleVariant
11087: Func BoldVariantToMemory( V : OleVariant; var Buffer, BufSize : Int) : Int
11088: Func BoldVariantToStream( V : OleVariant; Stream : TStream) : Int
11089: Func BoldVariantArrayOfArraysOfStringToStrings(V:OleVariant;Strings: TStrings) : Int
11090: Func BoldVariantIsNamedValues( V : OleVariant) :Bool
11091: Func BoldCreateNamedValues(const Names:array of string;const Values:array of OleVariant):OleVariant;
11092: Func BoldGetNamedValue( Data : OleVariant; const Name :Str) : OleVariant
11093: Proc BoldSetNamedValue( Data : OleVariant; const Name :Str; Value : OleVariant)
11094: Func BoldCreateGUID : TGUID
11095: Func BoldCreateComObject( const ClsId,IId:TGUID; out Obj:variant;out Res:HResult):Bool
11096: Func BoldCreateRemoteComObject(const HostName:str;const ClsId,IId:TGUID;out Obj:variant;out
11097: Proc BoldInitializeComSecurity( AuthenticationLevel, ImpersonationLevel : longint)
11098: Proc BoldSetSecurityForInterface(AuthenticationLevel,ImpersonationLevel:longint;Unk:IUnknown);
11099: end;
11101: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
11102: Proc SIRegister_BoldIsoDateTime(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11103: begin
11104: Func ParseISODate( s :Str) : TDateTime
11105: Func ParseISODateTime( s :Str) : TDateTime
11106: Func ParseISOTime( str :Str) : TDateTime
11107: end;
11109: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
11110: Proc SIRegister_BoldGUIDUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11111: begin
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11371: begin
11372: Const('CelsiusFreezingPoint','Extended').setExtended( 0.0);
11373: FahrenheitFreezingPoint','Extended).setExtended( 32.0);
11374: KelvinFreezingPoint','Extended).setExtended( 273.15);
11375: CelsiusAbsoluteZero','Extended).setExtended( - 273.15);
11376: FahrenheitAbsoluteZero','Extended).setExtended( - 459.67);
11377: KelvinAbsoluteZero','Extended).setExtended( 0.0);
11378: DegPerCycle','Extended).setExtended( 360.0);
11379: DegPerGrad','Extended).setExtended( 0.9);
11380: DegPerRad','Extended).setExtended( 57.295779513082320876798154814105);
11381: GradPerCycle','Extended).setExtended( 400.0);
11382: GradPerDeg','Extended).setExtended( 1.1111111111111111111111111111111);
11383: GradPerRad','Extended).setExtended( 63.661977236758134307553505349006);
11384: RadPerCycle','Extended).setExtended( 6.283185307179586476925286766559);
11385: RadPerDeg','Extended).setExtended( 0.017453292519943295769236907684886);
11386: RadPerGrad','Extended).setExtended( 0.015707963267948966192313216916398);
11387: CyclePerDeg','Extended).setExtended( 0.0027777777777777777777777777777778);
11388: CyclePerGrad','Extended).setExtended( 0.0025);
11389: CyclePerRad','Extended).setExtended( 0.15915494309189533576888376337251);
11390: ArcMinutesPerDeg','Extended).setExtended( 60.0);
11391: ArcSecondsPerArcMinute',Extended').setExtended( 60.0);
11392: Func HowAOneLinerCanBiteYou( const Step, Max : Longint) : Longint
11393: Func MakePercentage( const Step, Max : Longint) : Longint
11394: Func CelsiusToKelvin( const T : double) : double
11395: Func CelsiusToFahrenheit( const T : double) : double
11396: Func KelvinToCelsius( const T : double) : double
11397: Func KelvinToFahrenheit( const T : double) : double
11398: Func FahrenheitToCelsius( const T : double) : double
11399: Func FahrenheitToKelvin( const T : double) : double
11400: Func CycleToDeg( const Cycles : double) : double
11401: Func CycleToGrad( const Cycles : double) : double
11402: Func CycleToRad( const Cycles : double) : double
11403: Func DegToCycle( const Degrees : double) : double
11404: Func DegToGrad( const Degrees : double) : double
11405: Func DegToRad( const Degrees : double) : double
11406: Func GradToCycle( const Grads : double) : double
11407: Func GradToDeg( const Grads : double) : double
11408: Func GradToRad( const Grads : double) : double
11409: Func RadToCycle( const Radians : double) : double
11410: Func RadToDeg( const Radians : double) : double
11411: Func RadToGrad( const Radians : double) : double
11412: Func DmsToDeg( const D, M : Int; const S : double) : double
11413: Func DmsToRad( const D, M : Int; const S : double) : double
11414: Proc DegToDms( const Degrees : double; out D, M : Int; out S : double)
11415: Func DegToDmsStr( const Degrees : double; const SecondPrecision :Card):Str
11416: Proc CartesianToPolar( const X, Y : double; out R, Phi : double)
11417: Proc PolarToCartesian( const R, Phi : double; out X, Y : double)
11418: Proc CartesianToCylinder( const X, Y, Z : double; out R, Phi, Zeta : double)
11419: Proc CartesianToSpheric( const X, Y, Z : double; out Rho, Phi, Theta : double)
11420: Proc CylinderToCartesian( const R, Phi, Zeta : double; out X, Y, Z : double)
11421: Proc SphericToCartesian( const Rho, Theta, Phi : double; out X, Y, Z : double)
11422: Func CmToInch( const Cm : double) : double
11423: Func InchToCm( const Inch : double) : double
11424: Func FeetToMetre(const Feet : double) : double
11425: Func MetreToFeet(const Metre : double) : double
11426: Func YardToMetre(const Yard : double) : double
11427: Func MetreToYard(const Metre : double) : double
11428: Func NmToKm(const Nm : double) : double
11429: Func KmToNm(const Km : double) : double
11430: Func KmToSm(const Km : double) : double
11431: Func SmToKm(const Sm : double) : double
11432: Func LitreToGalUs( const Litre : double) : double
11433: Func GalUsToLitre( const GalUs : double) : double
11434: Func GalUsToGalCan( const GalUs : double) : double
11435: Func GalCanToGalUs( const GalCan : double) : double
11436: Func GalUsToGalUk( const GalUs : double) : double
11437: Func GalUkToGalUs( const GalUk : double) : double
11438: Func LitreToGalCan( const Litre : double) : double
11439: Func GalCanToLitre( const GalCan : double) : double
11440: Func LitreToGalUk( const Litre : double) : double
11441: Func GalUkToLitre( const GalUk : double) : double
11442: Func KgToLb( const Kg : double) : double
11443: Func LbToKg( const Lb : double) : double
11444: Func KgToOz( const Kg : double) : double
11445: Func OzToKg( const Oz : double) : double
11446: Func CwtUsToKg(const Cwt : double) : double
11447: Func CwtUkToKg(const Cwt : double) : double
11448: Func KaratToKg(const Karat : double) : double
11449: Func KgToCwtUs(const Kg : double) : double
11450: Func KgToCwtUk(const Kg : double) : double
11451: Func KgToKarat(const Kg : double) : double
11452: Func KgToSton(const Kg : double) : double
11453: Func KgToLton(const Kg : double) : double
11454: Func StonToKg(const STon : double) : double
11455: Func LtonToKg(const Lton : double) : double
11456: Func QrUsToKg(const Qr : double) : double
11457: Func QrUkToKg(const Qr : double) : double
11458: Func KgToQrUs(const Kg : double) : double
11459: Func KgToQrUk(const Kg : double) : double
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11547: end;
11549: Proc SIRegister_WDosSocketUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11550: begin
11551: ('IpAny','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000000);
11552: IpLoopBack','LongWord').SetUInt( $7F000001);
11553: IpBroadcast','LongWord').SetUInt( $FFFFFFFF);
11554: IpNone','LongWord').SetUInt( $FFFFFFFF);
11555: PortAny','LongWord( $0000);
11556: SocketMaxConnections','LongInt'( 5);
11557: TIpAddr', 'LongWord
11558: TIpRec', 'record IpB1 : byte; IpB2 : byte; IpB3 : byte; IpB4:Byte; end
11559: Func HostToNetLong( HostLong : LongWord) : LongWord
11560: Func HostToNetShort( HostShort : Word) : Word
11561: Func NetToHostLong( NetLong : LongWord) : LongWord
11562: Func NetToHostShort( NetShort : Word) : Word
11563: Func StrToIp( Ip :Str) : TIpAddr
11564: Func IpToStr( Ip : TIpAddr) :Str
11565: end;
11567: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
11568: Proc SIRegister_ALSMTPClient(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11569: begin
11570: TAlSmtpClientAuthType', '( AlsmtpClientAuthNone, alsmtpClientAut'
11571: +'hPlain, AlsmtpClientAuthLogin, AlsmtpClientAuthCramMD5, AlsmtpClientAuthCr'
11572: +'amSha1, AlsmtpClientAuthAutoSelect )
11573: TAlSmtpClientAuthTypeSet', 'set of TAlSmtpClientAuthType
11574: SIRegister_TAlSmtpClient(CL);
11575: end;
11577: Proc SIRegister_WDosPlcUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11578: begin
11579: TBitNo', 'IntTStByteNo', 'IntTStationNo','IntTInOutNo','IntTIo','(EE,AA,NE,NA )
11580: TBitSet', 'set of TBitNo
11581: TAddrKind', 'set of ( akBit0, akBit1, akBit2, akOut, akNot, akBus )
11582: TBitAddrRec', 'record Kind : TAddrKind; InOutNo : TInOutNo; ByteNo : Byte; end
11583: TBitAddr', 'LongInt
11584: TByteAddrRec', 'record Kind : TAddrKind; ByteNo: Byte; end
11585: TByteAddr', 'SmallInt
11586: TInOutState', '( iosInit, iosHalt, iosRun, iosError )
11587: Func BitAddr(aIo: TIo; aInOutNo : TInOutNo; aByteNo : Byte; aBitNo : TBitNo) : TBitAddr
11588: Func BusBitAddr(aIo:TIo;aInOutNo:TInOutNo;aStat:TStatNo;aStByteNo:TStByteNo;aBitNo:TBitNo):TBitAddr;
11589: Proc BitAddrToValues(aBitAdr:TBitAdr;var aIo:TIo;var aInOutNo:TInOutNo;var aByteNo:Byte;var
11590: Func BitAddrToStr( Value : TBitAddr) :Str
11591: Func StrToBitAddr( const Value :Str) : TBitAddr
11592: Func ByteAddr( aIo : TIo; aInOutNo : TInOutNo; aByteNo : Byte) : TByteAddr
11593: Func BusByteAddr(aIo:TIo;aInOutNo:TInOutNo;aStation:TStationNo;aStByteNo: TStByteNo):TByteAddr
11594: Proc ByteAddrToValues(aByteAddr:TByteAddr;var aIo:TIo;var aInOutNo:TInOutNo;var aByteNo:Byte)
11595: Func ByteAddrToStr( Value : TByteAddr) :Str
11596: Func StrToByteAddr( const Value :Str) : TByteAddr
11597: Proc IncByteAddr( var ByteAddr : TByteAddr; Increment : Int)
11598: Proc DecByteAddr( var ByteAddr : TByteAddr; Decrement : Int)
11599: Func InOutStateToStr( State : TInOutState) :Str
11600: Func MasterErrorToStr( ErrorCode : TErrorCode) :Str
11601: Func SlaveErrorToStr( ErrorCode : TErrorCode) :Str
11602: end;
11604: Proc SIRegister_WDosTimers(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11605: begin
11606: TIntFreq', '( ifNone, if32768, if16384, if8192, if4096, if2048, '
11607: +'if1024, if512, if256, if128, if64, if32, if16, if8, if4,if2 )
11608: DpmiPmVector', 'Int64
11609: 'DInterval','LongInt'( 1000);
11610: //'DEnabled','Boolean')BoolToStr( True);
11611: 'DIntFreq','string' if64
11612: //'DMessages','Boolean if64);
11613: SIRegister_TwdxCustomTimer(CL);
11614: SIRegister_TwdxTimer(CL);
11615: SIRegister_TwdxRtcTimer(CL);
11616: SIRegister_TCustomIntTimer(CL);
11617: SIRegister_TIntTimer(CL);
11618: SIRegister_TRtcIntTimer(CL);
11619: Func RealNow : TDateTime
11620: Func MsToDateTime( MilliSecond : LongInt) : TDateTime
11621: Func DateTimeToMs( Time : TDateTime) : LongInt
11622: end;
11624: Proc SIRegister_IdSysLogMessage(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11625: begin
11626: TIdSyslogPRI', 'Int
11627: TIdSyslogFacility', '( sfKernel, sfUserLevel, sfMailSystem, sfSy'
11628: +'stemDaemon, sfSecurityOne, sfSysLogInternal, sfLPR, sfNNTP, sfUUCP, sfCloc'
11629: +'kDaemonOne, sfSecurityTwo, sfFTPDaemon, sfNTP, sfLogAudit, sfLogAlert, sfC'
11630: +'lockDaemonTwo, sfLocalUseZero, sfLocalUseOne, sfLocalUseTwo, sfLocalUseThr'
11631: +'ee, sfLocalUseFour, sfLocalUseFive, sfLocalUseSix, sfLocalUseSeven )
11632: TIdSyslogSeverity','(slEmergency,slAlert,slCritical,slError,slWarning,slNotice,slInformational,slDebug)
11633: SIRegister_TIdSysLogMsgPart(CL);
11634: SIRegister_TIdSysLogMessage(CL);
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11723: Func ShellLinkResolve( const FileName :Str; var Link : TShellLink) : HRESULT
11724: Func ShellLinkCreate( const Link : TShellLink; const FileName :Str) : HRESULT
11725: Func ShellLinkCreateSystem(const Link:TShellLink;const Folder:Int;const FileName:str):HRESULT;
11726: Func ShellLinkGetIcon( const Link : TShellLink; const Icon : TIcon) :Bool
11727: Func SHDllGetVersion( const FileName :Str; var Version : TDllVersionInfo) :Bool
11728: Func GetSystemIcon( IconIndex : Int; Flags :Card) : HICON
11729: Func OverlayIcon( var Icon : HICON; Overlay : HICON; Large :Bool) :Bool
11730: Func OverlayIconShortCut( var Large, Small : HICON) :Bool
11731: Func OverlayIconShared( var Large, Small : HICON) :Bool
11732: Func SHGetItemInfoTip( const Folder : IShellFolder; Item : PItemIdList) :Str
11733: Func ShellExecEx(const FileName:str;const Paramtrs:str;const Verb:str;CmdShow:Int):Bool;
11734: Func ShellExec(Wnd:Int;const Operati,FileNam,Paramtrs,Directy:str;ShowCommand:Int):Bool;
11735: Func ShellExecAndWait(const FileName:str;const Paramets:str;const Verb:str;CmdShow:Int):Bool;
11736: Func ShellOpenAs( const FileName :Str) :Bool
11737: Func ShellRasDial( const EntryName :Str) :Bool
11738: Func ShellRunControlPanel( const NameOrFileName:str; AppletNumber:Int):Boolean
11739: Func GetFileNameIcon( const FileName :Str; Flags :Card) : HICON
11740: TJclFileExeType', '( etError, etMsDos, etWin16, etWin32Gui, etWin32Con )
11741: Func GetFileExeType( const FileName : TFileName) : TJclFileExeType
11742: Func ShellFindExecutable( const FileName, DefaultDir :Str) :Str
11743: Proc keybd_event( bVk : Byte; bScan : Byte; dwFlags, dwExtraInfo : DWORD)
11744: Func OemKeyScan( wOemChar : Word) : DWORD
11745: Proc mouse_event( dwFlags, dx, dy, dwData, dwExtraInfo : DWORD)
11746: end;
11748: Proc SIRegister_cXMLFunctions(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11749: begin
11750: xmlVersion','String '1.0 FindClass('TOBJECT'),'Exml
11751: //Func xmlValidChar( const Ch : AnsiChar) :Bool;
11752: Func xmlValidChar1( const Ch : UCS4Char) :Bool;
11753: Func xmlValidChar2( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool;
11754: Func xmlIsSpaceChar( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
11755: Func xmlIsLetter( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
11756: Func xmlIsDigit( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
11757: Func xmlIsNameStartChar( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
11758: Func xmlIsNameChar( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
11759: Func xmlIsPubidChar( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
11760: Func xmlValidName( const Text : UnicodeString) :Bool
11761: //xmlSpace','Char #$20 or #$9 or #$D or #$A);
11762: //Func xmlSkipSpace( var P : PWideChar) :Bool
11763: //Func xmlSkipEq( var P : PWideChar) :Bool
11764: //Func xmlExtractQuotedText( var P : PWideChar; var S : UnicodeString) :Bool
11765: //Func xmlGetEntityEncoding(const Buf:Pointer;const BufSize:Int;out HeaderSize:Int):TUnicodeCodecClass
11766: Func xmlResolveEntityReference( const RefName : UnicodeString) : WideChar
11767: Func xmlTag( const Tag : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString
11768: Func xmlEndTag( const Tag : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString
11769: Func xmlAttrTag( const Tag : UnicodeString; const Attr : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString
11770: Func xmlEmptyTag( const Tag, Attr : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString
11771: Proc xmlSafeTextInPlace( var Txt : UnicodeString)
11772: Func xmlSafeText( const Txt : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString
11773: Func xmlSpaceIndent( const IndentLength : Int; const IndentLevel : Int):UnicodeString
11774: Func xmlTabIndent( const IndentLevel : Int) : UnicodeString
11775: Func xmlComment( const Comment : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString
11776: Proc SelfTestcXMLFunctions
11777: end;
11779: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
11780: Proc SIRegister_DepWalkUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11781: begin
11782: Func AWaitCursor : IUnknown
11783: Func ChangeCursor( NewCursor : TCursor) : IUnknown
11784: Proc SuspendRedraw( AControl : TWinControl; Suspend :Bool)
11785: Func YesNo( const ACaption, AMsg :Str) :Bool
11786: Proc strTokenize( const S :Str; Delims : TSysCharSet; Results : TStrings)
11787: Func GetBorlandLibPath( Version : Int; ForDelphi :Bool) :Str
11788: Func GetExpandedLibRoot( Version : Int; ForDelphi :Bool) :Str
11789: Proc GetPathList( Version : Int; ForDelphi :Bool; Strings : TStrings)
11790: Proc GetSystemPaths( Strings : TStrings)
11791: Proc MakeEditNumeric( EditHandle : Int)
11792: end;
11794: Proc SIRegister_yuvconverts(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11795: begin
11796: AddTypeS('TVideoCodec','(vcUnknown,vcRGB,vcYUY2,vcUYVY,vcBTYUV,vcYV,U9,vcYUV12,vcY8,vcY211)
11797: 'BI_YUY2','LongWord( $32595559);
11798: 'BI_UYVY','LongWord').SetUInt( $59565955);
11799: 'BI_BTYUV','LongWord').SetUInt( $50313459);
11800: 'BI_YVU9','LongWord').SetUInt( $39555659);
11801: 'BI_YUV12','LongWord( $30323449);
11802: 'BI_Y8','LongWord').SetUInt( $20203859);
11803: 'BI_Y211','LongWord').SetUInt( $31313259);
11804: Func BICompressionToVideoCodec( Value : DWord) : TVideoCodec
11805: Func ConvertCodecToRGB(Codec:TVideoCodec;Src,Dst:Pointer;AWidth,AHeight:Int):Bool;
11806: end;
11808: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
11809: Proc SIRegister_AviCap(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11810: begin
11811: 'WM_USER','LongWord').SetUInt( $0400);
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11812: 'WM_CAP_START','LongWord').SetUint($0400);
11813: 'WM_CAP_END','longword').SetUint($0400+85);
11814: //WM_CAP_START+ 85
11816: Func capSetCallbackOnError( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11817: Func capSetCallbackOnStatus( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11818: Func capSetCallbackOnYield( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11819: Func capSetCallbackOnFrame( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11820: Func capSetCallbackOnVideoStream( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11821: Func capSetCallbackOnWaveStream( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11822: Func capSetCallbackOnCapControl( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11823: Func capSetUserData( hwnd : THandle; lUser : LongInt) : LongInt
11824: Func capGetUserData( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11825: Func capDriverConnect( hwnd : THandle; I : Word) : LongInt
11826: Func capDriverDisconnect( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11827: Func capDriverGetName( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11828: Func capDriverGetVersion( hwnd : THandle; szVer : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11829: Func capDriverGetCaps( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11830: Func capFileSetCaptureFile( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt) : LongInt
11831: Func capFileGetCaptureFile( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt; wSize : Word):LongInt
11832: Func capFileAlloc( hwnd : THandle; dwSize : LongInt) : LongInt
11833: Func capFileSaveAs( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt) : LongInt
11834: Func capFileSetInfoChunk( hwnd : THandle; lpInfoChunk : LongInt) : LongInt
11835: Func capFileSaveDIB( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt) : LongInt
11836: Func capEditCopy( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11837: Func capSetAudioFormat( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11838: Func capGetAudioFormat( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11839: Func capGetAudioFormatSize( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11840: Func capDlgVideoFormat( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11841: Func capDlgVideoSource( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11842: Func capDlgVideoDisplay( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11843: Func capDlgVideoCompression( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11844: Func capGetVideoFormat( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11845: Func capGetVideoFormatSize( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11846: Func capSetVideoFormat( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11847: Func capPreview( hwnd : THandle; f : Word) : LongInt
11848: Func capPreviewRate( hwnd : THandle; wMS : Word) : LongInt
11849: Func capOverlay( hwnd : THandle; f : Word) : LongInt
11850: Func capPreviewScale( hwnd : THandle; f : Word) : LongInt
11851: Func capGetStatus( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11852: Func capSetScrollPos( hwnd : THandle; lpP : LongInt) : LongInt
11853: Func capGrabFrame( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11854: Func capGrabFrameNoStop( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11855: Func capCaptureSequence( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11856: Func capCaptureSequenceNoFile( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11857: Func capCaptureStop( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11858: Func capCaptureAbort( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11859: Func capCaptureSingleFrameOpen( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11860: Func capCaptureSingleFrameClose( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11861: Func capCaptureSingleFrame( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11862: Func capCaptureGetSetup( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11863: Func capCaptureSetSetup( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11864: Func capSetMCIDeviceName( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt) : LongInt
11865: Func capGetMCIDeviceName( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11866: Func capPaletteOpen( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt) : LongInt
11867: Func capPaletteSave( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt) : LongInt
11868: Func capPalettePaste( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11869: Func capPaletteAuto( hwnd : THandle; iFrames : Word; iColors : LongInt) : LongInt
11870: Func capPaletteManual( hwnd : THandle; fGrab : Word; iColors : LongInt) : LongInt
11871: //PCapDriverCaps', '^TCapDriverCaps // will not work
11872: TCapDriverCaps', 'record wDeviceIndex : WORD; fHasOverlay : BOOL'
11873: +'; fHasDlgVideoSource : BOOL; fHasDlgVideoFormat : BOOL; fHasDlgVideoDispla'
11874: +'y : BOOL; fCaptureInitialized : BOOL; fDriverSuppliesPalettes : BOOL; hVid'
11875: +'eoIn : THANDLE; hVideoOut : THANDLE; hVideoExtIn:THANDLE; hVideoExtOut:THANDLE; end
11876: //PCapStatus', '^TCapStatus // will not work
11877: TCapStatus', 'record uiImageWidth : UINT; uiImageHeight : UINT; '
11878: +'fLiveWindow : BOOL; fOverlayWindow : BOOL; fScale : BOOL; ptScroll : TPOIN'
11879: +'T; fUsingDefaultPalette : BOOL; fAudioHardware : BOOL; fCapFileExists : BO'
11880: +'OL; dwCurrentVideoFrame : DWORD; dwCurrentVideoFramesDropped : DWORD; dwCu'
11881: +'rrentWaveSamples : DWORD; dwCurrentTimeElapsedMS : DWORD; hPalCurrent : HP'
11882: +'ALETTE; fCapturingNow : BOOL; dwReturn : DWORD; wNumVideoAllocated : WORD;'
11883: +' wNumAudioAllocated : WORD; end
11884: //PCaptureParms', '^TCaptureParms // will not work
11885: TCaptureParms', 'record dwRequestMicroSecPerFrame : DWORD; fMake'
11886: +'UserHitOKToCapture : BOOL; wPercentDropForError : WORD; fYield : BOOL; dwI'
11887: +'ndexSize : DWORD; wChunkGranularity : WORD; fUsingDOSMemory : BOOL; wNumVi'
11888: +'deoRequested : WORD; fCaptureAudio : BOOL; wNumAudioRequested : WORD; vKey'
11889: +'Abort : WORD; fAbortLeftMouse : BOOL; fAbortRightMouse : BOOL; fLimitEnabl'
11890: +'ed : BOOL; wTimeLimit : WORD; fMCIControl : BOOL; fStepMCIDevice : BOOL; d'
11891: +'wMCIStartTime : DWORD; dwMCIStopTime : DWORD; fStepCaptureAt2x : BOOL; wSt'
11892: +'epCaptureAverageFrames : WORD; dwAudioBufferSize : DWORD; fDisableWriteCac'
11893: +he : BOOL; AVStreamMaster : WORD; end
11894: // PCapInfoChunk', '^TCapInfoChunk // will not work
11895: //TCapInfoChunk', 'record fccInfoID : FOURCC; lpData : LongInt; cbData : LongInt; end
11898: Func capCreateCaptureWindow( lpszWindowName: PChar; dwStyle : DWord; x, y : Int; nWidth, nHeight : Int;
hwndParent : THandle; nID : Int) : THandle
11899: Func capGetDriverDescription(wDriverIndex:DWord;lpszName:PChar;cbName:Int;lpszVer:PChar;cbVer:Int):Bool;
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12650: SIRegister_TCanvas3D(CL);
12651: SIRegister_TTeeCanvas3D(CL);
12652: TTrianglePoints', 'Array[0..2] of TPoint;
12653: TFourPoints', 'Array[0..3] of TPoint;
12654: Func ApplyDark( Color : TColor; HowMuch : Byte) : TColor
12655: Func ApplyBright( Color : TColor; HowMuch : Byte) : TColor
12656: Func Point3D( const x, y, z : Int) : TPoint3D
12657: Proc SwapDouble( var a, b : Double)
12658: Proc SwapInt( var a, b : Int)
12659: Proc RectSize( const R : TRect; var RectWidth, RectHeight : Int)
12660: Proc teeRectCenter( const R : TRect; var X, Y : Int)
12661: Func RectFromPolygon( const Points : array of TPoint; NumPoints : Int): TRect
12662: Func RectFromTriangle( const Points : TTrianglePoints) : TRect
12663: Func RectangleInRectangle( const Small, Big : TRect) :Bool
12664: Proc ClipCanvas( ACanvas : TCanvas; const Rect : TRect)
12665: Proc UnClipCanvas( ACanvas : TCanvas)
12666: Proc ClipEllipse( ACanvas : TTeeCanvas; const Rect : TRect)
12667: Proc ClipRoundRectangle(ACanvas:TTeeCanvas;const Rect : TRect; RoundSize : Int)
12668: Proc ClipPolygon(ACanvas:TTeeCanvas;const Points:array of TPoint;NumPoints:Int)
12669: 'TeeCharForHeight','String 'W
12670: 'DarkerColorQuantity','Byte').SetUInt( 128);
12671: 'DarkColorQuantity','Byte').SetUInt( 64);
12672: TButtonGetColorProc', 'Func : TColor
12673: SIRegister_TTeeButton(CL);
12674: SIRegister_TButtonColor(CL);
12675: SIRegister_TComboFlat(CL);
12676: Proc TeeSetTeePen(FPen:TPen; APen : TChartPen; AColor : TColor; Handle:TTeeCanvasHandle)
12677: Func TeePoint( const aX, aY : Int) : TPoint
12678: Func TEEPointInRect( const Rect : TRect; const P : TPoint) :Bool;
12679: Func PointInRect1( const Rect : TRect; x, y : Int) :Bool;
12680: Func TeeRect( Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Int) : TRect
12681: Func OrientRectangle( const R : TRect) : TRect
12682: Proc TeeSetBitmapSize( Bitmap : TBitmap; Width, Height : Int)
12683: Func PolygonBounds( const P : array of TPoint) : TRect
12684: Func PolygonInPolygon( const A, B : array of TPoint) :Bool
12685: Func RGBValue( const Color : TColor) : TRGB
12686: Func EditColor( AOwner : TComponent; AColor : TColor) : TColor
12687: Func EditColorDialog( AOwner : TComponent; var AColor : TColor) :Bool
12688: Func PointAtDistance( AFrom, ATo : TPoint; ADist : Int) : TPoint
12689: Func TeeCull( const P : TFourPoints) :Bool;
12690: Func TeeCull1( const P0, P1, P2 : TPoint) :Bool;
12691: TSmoothStretchOption', '( ssBestQuality, ssBestPerformance )
12692: Proc SmoothStretch( Src, Dst : TBitmap);
12693: Proc SmoothStretch1( Src, Dst : TBitmap; Option : TSmoothStretchOption);
12694: Func TeeDistance( const x, y : Double) : Double
12695: Func TeeLoadLibrary( const FileName :Str) : HInst
12696: Proc TeeFreeLibrary( hLibModule : HMODULE)
12697: Proc TeeBlendBitmaps(const Percent:Double; ABitmap, BBitmap : TBitmap; BOrigin : TPoint)
12698: //Proc TeeCalcLines( var Lines : TRGBArray; Bitmap : TBitmap)
12699: Proc TeeShadowSmooth(Bitmap,Back:TBitmap;Left,Top,Width,Height,horz,
12700: SIRegister_ICanvasHyperlinks(CL);
12701: SIRegister_ICanvasToolTips(CL);
12702: Func Supports( const Instance : IInterface; const IID : TGUID) :Bool
12703: end;
12705: Proc SIRegister_ovcmisc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12706: begin
12707: TOvcHdc', 'Int
12708: TOvcHWND', 'Cardinal
12709: TOvcHdc', 'HDC
12710: TOvcHWND', 'HWND
12711: Func LoadBaseBitmap( lpBitmapName : PChar) : HBITMAP
12712: Func LoadBaseCursor( lpCursorName : PChar) : HCURSOR
12713: Func ovCompStruct( const S1, S2, Size :Card) : Int
12714: Func DefaultEpoch : Int
12715: Func DrawButtonFrame(Canvas:TCanvas;const Client:TRect;IsDown,IsFlat:Bool;Style:TButtonStyle):TRect;
12716: Proc FixRealPrim( P : PChar; DC : Char)
12717: Func GetDisplayString(Canvas: TCanvas; const S:Str; MinChars, MaxWidth : Int) :Str
12718: Func GetLeftButton : Byte
12719: Func GetNextDlgItem( Ctrl : TOvcHWnd) : hWnd
12720: Proc GetRGB( Clr : TColor; var IR, IG, IB : Byte)
12721: Func GetShiftFlags : Byte
12722: Func ovCreateRotatedFont( F : TFont; Angle : Int) : hFont
12723: Func GetTopTextMargin(Font:TFont;BorderStyle:TBorderStyle; Height:Int;Ctl3D:Boolean): Int
12724: Func ovExtractWord( N : Int; const S :Str; WordDelims : TCharSet) :Str
12725: Func ovIsForegroundTask :Bool
12726: Func ovTrimLeft( const S :Str) :Str
12727: Func ovTrimRight( const S :Str) :Str
12728: Func ovQuotedStr( const S :Str) :Str
12729: Func ovWordCount( const S :Str; const WordDelims : TCharSet) : Int
12730: Func ovWordPosition(const N:Int;const S:Str;const WordDelims : TCharSet) : Int
12731: Func PtrDiff( const P1, P2 : PChar) : Word
12732: Proc PtrInc( var P, Delta : Word)
12733: Proc PtrDec( var P, Delta : Word)
12734: Proc FixTextBuffer( InBuf, OutBuf : PChar; OutSize : Int)
12735: Proc TransStretchBlt(DstDC:TOvcHdc;DstX,DstY,DstW,DstH:Int;SrcDC:TOvcHdc;SrcX,SrcY,SrcW,
12736: Func ovMinI( X, Y : Int) : Int
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13289: //Func
13290: Func wDispatchMessage(const lpMsg : TMsg) : Longint
13291: Func wDlgDirList(hDlg:HWND;lpPathSpec:PKOLChar;nIDListBox,nIDStaticPath:Int;uFileType:UINT):Int;
13292: Func wDlgDirListComboBox(hDlg:HWND;lpPathSpec:PKOLChar;nIDComboBox,nIDStaticPath:Int;uFiletype:UINT):Int;
13293: Func wDlgDirSelectComboBoxEx(hDlg:HWND;lpString:PKOLChar;nCount,nIDComboBox:Int): BOOL
13294: Func wDlgDirSelectEx(hDlg:HWND;lpString:PKOLChar;nCount,nIDListBox:Int):BOOL
13295: //FuncwDrawState(DC:HDC;Brush:HBRUSH;CBFunc:TFNDrawStateProc;lData:LPARA;wDat:WPARA;x,y,cx,
13296: Func wDrawText(hDC:HDC;lpString:PKOLChar;nCount:Int;var lpRect:TRect;uFormat:UINT):Int;
13297: Func wFindWindow( lpClassName, lpWindowName : PKOLChar) : HWND
13298: Func wFindWindowEx(Parent,Child:HWND;ClassName,WindowName:PKOLChar): HWND
13299: //Func wGetAltTabInfo(hwnd:HWND;iItem:Int;var
13300: // Func wGetClassInfo(hInstance:HINST;lpClassName:PKOLChar;var lpWndClass:TWndClass):BOOL
13301: //Func wGetClassInfoEx(Instance:HINST;Classname:PKOLChar;var WndClass:TWndClassEx):BOOL
13302: Func wGetClassLong( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int) : DWORD
13303: Func wGetClassName(hWnd:HWND; lpClassName:PKOLChar;nMaxCount:Int) : Int
13304: Func wGetClipboardFormatName(format:UINT;lpszFormatName:PKOLChar;cchMaxCount:Int):Int;
13305: Func wGetDlgItemText(hDlg:HWND;nIDDlgItem:Int;lpString:PKOLChar;nMaxCount:Int):UINT
13306: Func wGetKeyNameText(lParam:Longint;lpString:PKOLChar;nSize:Int):Int
13307: Func wGetKeyboardLayoutName( pwszKLID : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13308: //Func wGetMenuItemInfo( p1 : HMENU; p2 : UINT; p3 : BOOL; var p4 : TMenuItemInfo) : BOOL
13309: Func wGetMenuString(hMenu:HMENU;uIDItem:UINT;lpString:PKOLChar;nMaxCount:Int;uFlag:UINT):Int;
13310: Func wGetMessage(var lpMsg:TMsg;hWnd:HWND;wMsgFilterMin wMsgFilterMax:UINT):BOOL
13311: Func wGetProp( hWnd : HWND; lpString : PKOLChar) : THandle
13312: //Func wGetTabbedTextExtent(hDC:HDC;lpString:PKOLChar;nCount,nTabPositions:Int;var
13313: //Func wGetUserObjectInform(hObj:THandle;nIndex:Int;pvInfo:Ptr;nLength:DWORD;var lpnLengthNeed:DWORD)BOOL;
13314: Func wGetWindowLong( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int) : Longint
13315: Func wGetWindowModuleFileName(hwnd:HWND;pszFileName:PKOLChar;cchFileNameMax:UINT): UINT
13316: Func wGetWindowText( hWnd : HWND; lpString : PKOLChar; nMaxCount : Int) : Int
13317: Func wGetWindowTextLength( hWnd : HWND) : Int
13318: //Func wGrayString(hDC:HDC;hBrush:HBRUSH;lpOutFunc:TFNGrayStrProc;lpDat:LPARA;nCnt,X,Y,nWidt,
13319: Func wInsertMenu(hMenu:HMENU;uPosition,uFlags,uIDNewItem:UINT; lpNewItem: PKOLChar): BOOL
13320: //Func wInsertMenuItem(p1 : HMENU; p2 : UINT; p3 : BOOL; const p4 : TMenuItemInfo) : BOOL
13321: Func wIsCharAlpha( ch : KOLChar) : BOOL
13322: Func wIsCharAlphaNumeric( ch : KOLChar) : BOOL
13323: Func wIsCharLower( ch : KOLChar) : BOOL
13324: Func wIsCharUpper( ch : KOLChar) : BOOL
13325: Func wIsDialogMessage( hDlg : HWND; var lpMsg : TMsg) : BOOL
13326: Func wLoadAccelerators( hInstance : HINST; lpTableName : PKOLChar) : HACCEL
13327: Func wLoadBitmap( hInstance : HINST; lpBitmapName : PKOLChar) : HBITMAP
13328: Func wLoadCursor( hInstance : HINST; lpCursorName : PKOLChar) : HCURSOR
13329: Func wLoadCursorFromFile( lpFileName : PKOLChar) : HCURSOR
13330: Func wLoadIcon( hInstance : HINST; lpIconName : PKOLChar) : HICON
13331: Func wLoadImage(hInst:HINST;ImageName:PKOLChar;ImageType:UINT;X,Y:Int;Flags:UINT): THandle
13332: Func wLoadKeyboardLayout( pwszKLID : PKOLChar; Flags : UINT) : HKL
13333: Func wLoadMenu( hInstance : HINST; lpMenuName : PKOLChar) : HMENU
13334: //Func wLoadMenuIndirect( lpMenuTemplate : Pointer) : HMENU
13335: Func wLoadString(hInstance:HINST;uID:UINT;lpBuffer:PKOLChar;nBufferMax:Int):Int
13336: Func wMapVirtualKey( uCode, uMapType : UINT) : UINT
13337: Func wMapVirtualKeyEx( uCode, uMapType : UINT; dwhkl : HKL) : UINT
13338: Func wMessageBox( hWnd : HWND; lpText, lpCaption : PKOLChar; uType : UINT) : Int
13339: Func wMessageBoxEx(hWnd:HWND;lpText,lpCaption:PKOLChar;uType:UINT;wLanguageId:Word)Int
13340: //Func wMessageBoxIndirect( const MsgBoxParams : TMsgBoxParams) : BOOL
13341: Func wModifyMenu(hMnu: HMENU; uPosition,uFlags,uIDNewItem:UINT; lpNewItem:PKOLChar): BOOL
13342: //Func wOemToAnsi( const lpszSrc : LPCSTR; lpszDst : LPSTR) : BOOL
13343: //7Func wOemToAnsiBuff( lpszSrc : LPCSTR; lpszDst : LPSTR; cchDstLength : DWORD) : BOOL
13344: //Func wOemToChar( lpszSrc : PKOLChar; lpszDst : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13345: Func wOemToCharBuff( lpszSrc : PKOLChar; lpszDst : PKOLChar; cchDstLength : DWORD) : BOOL
13346: Func wOpenDesktop(lpszDesktop:PKOLChar;dwFlags:DWORD;fInherit:BOOL;dwDesiredAccess:DWORD): HDESK
13347: Func wOpenWindowStation(lpszWinSta:PKOLChar;fInherit:BOOL;dwDesiredAccess:DWORD):HWINSTA
13348: Func wPeekMessage(var lpMsg:TMsg;hWnd:HWND;wMsgFilterMin,wMsgFilterMax,wRemoveMsg:UINT):BOOL
13349: Func wPostMessage(hWnd:HWND;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):BOOL
13350: Func wPostThreadMessage(idThread:DWORD;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM): BOOL
13351: Func wRealGetWindowClass(hwnd:HWND;pszType PKOLChar;cchType:UINT):UINT
13352: // Func wRegisterClass( const lpWndClass : TWndClass) : ATOM
13353: // Func wRegisterClassEx( const WndClass : TWndClassEx): ATOM
13354: Func wRegisterClipboardFormat( lpszFormat : PKOLChar) : UINT
13355: //Func wRegisterDeviceNotification(hRecipient:THandle;NotificFilter:Pointer;Flags:DWORD):HDEVNOTIFY
13356: Func wRegisterWindowMessage( lpString : PKOLChar) : UINT
13357: Func wRemoveProp( hWnd : HWND; lpString : PKOLChar) : THandle
13358: Func wSendDlgItemMessage(hDlg:HWND;nIDDlgItem:Int;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):Longint;
13359: Func wSendMessage(hWnd:HWND;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM): LRESULT
13360: //Func wSendMessageCallback(hWnd: HWND; Msg:UINT;wParam:
WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM;lpResultCallBack:TFNSendAsyncProc;dwData DWORD):BOOL
13361: Func wSendMessageTimeout(hWnd:HWND;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM;fuFlags,uTimeout:UINT;var
13362: Func wSendNotifyMessage(hWnd:HWND;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):BOOL
13363: Func wSetClassLong( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int; dwNewLong : Longint) : DWORD
13364: Func wSetDlgItemText(hDlg: HWND;nIDDlgItem:Int;lpString : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13365: //Func wSetMenuItemInfo(p1:HMENU;p2:UINT;p3:BOOL;const p4:TMenuItemInfo):BOOL
13366: Func wSetProp( hWnd : HWND; lpString : PKOLChar; hData : THandle) : BOOL
13367: // Func wSetUserObjectInformation(hObj:THandle;nIndex:Int;pvInfo:Pointer;nLength:DWORD):BOOL
13368: Func wSetWindowLong( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int; dwNewLong : Longint) : Longint
13369: Func wSetWindowText( hWnd : HWND; lpString : PKOLChar) : BOOL
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13898: Proc
13899: end;
13901: Proc SIRegister_JclSysUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13902: begin
13903: Proc GetAndFillMem( var P : TObject; const Size : Int; const Value : Byte)
13904: Proc FreeMemAndNil( var P : TObject)
13905: Func PCharOrNil( const S :Str) : PChar
13906: SIRegister_TJclReferenceMemoryStream(CL);
13907: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclVMTError
13908: {Func GetVirtualMethodCount( AClass : TClass) : Int
13909: Func GetVirtualMethod( AClass : TClass; const Index : Int) : Pointer
13910: Proc SetVirtualMethod( AClass : TClass; const Index : Int; const Method:Pointer)
13911: PDynamicIndexList', '^TDynamicIndexList // will not work
13912: PDynamicAddressList', '^TDynamicAddressList // will not work
13913: Func GetDynamicMethodCount( AClass : TClass) : Int
13914: Func GetDynamicIndexList( AClass : TClass) : PDynamicIndexList
13915: Func GetDynamicAddressList( AClass : TClass) : PDynamicAddressList
13916: Func HasDynamicMethod( AClass : TClass; Index : Int) :Bool
13917: Func GetDynamicMethod( AClass : TClass; Index : Int) : Pointer
13918: Func GetInitTable( AClass : TClass) : PTypeInfo
13919: PFieldEntry', '^TFieldEntry // will not work}
13920: TFieldEntry', 'record OffSet : Int; IDX : Word; Name : ShortString; end
13921: Func JIsClass( Address : Pointer) :Bool
13922: Func JIsObject( Address : Pointer) :Bool
13923: Func GetImplementorOfInterface( const I : IInterface) : TObject
13924: TDigitCount', 'Int
13925: SIRegister_TJclNumericFormat(CL);
13926: Func JIntToStrZeroPad( Value, Count : Int) : Ansistr
13927: TTextHandler', 'Proc ( const Text :Str)
13928: // 'ABORT_EXIT_CODE','LongInt'( ERROR_CANCELLED 1223);
13929: Func JExecute(const CommandLine:str;OutputLineCallback:TTextHandler;RawOutpt:Bool;AbortPtr:PBool):Card;
13930: Func JExecute1(const CommandLine:str;var Output:str;RawOutput:Bool;AbortPtr:PBool):Card;
13931: Func ReadKey : Char //to and from the DOS console !
13932: TModuleHandle', 'HINST
13933: //TModuleHandle', 'Pointer
13934: 'INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE','LongInt'( TModuleHandle ( 0 ));
13935: Func LoadModule( var Module : TModuleHandle; FileName :Str) :Bool
13936: Func LoadModuleEx(var Module: TModuleHandle; FileName:str;Flags:Card):Bool
13937: Proc UnloadModule( var Module : TModuleHandle)
13938: Func GetModuleSymbol( Module : TModuleHandle; SymbolName :Str) : Pointer
13939: Func GetModuleSymbolEx(Module:TModuleHandle;SymbolName:str;var Accu:Boolean):Pointer
13940: Func ReadModuleData(Module:TModuleHandle;SymbolName:str;var Buffer,Size:Card):Bool;
13941: Func WriteModuleData(Module:TModuleHandle;SymbolName:str;var Buffer,Size:Card):Bool;
13942: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclConversionError
13943: Func JStrToBoolean( const S :Str) :Bool
13944: Func JBooleanToStr( B :Bool) :Str
13945: Func JIntToBool( I : Int) :Bool
13946: Func JBoolToInt( B :Bool) : Int
13947: 'ListSeparator','String '; 'ListSeparator1','String ':
13948: Proc ListAddItems( var List :Str; const Separator, Items:Str)
13949: Proc ListIncludeItems( var List :Str; const Separator, Items :Str)
13950: Proc ListRemoveItems( var List :Str; const Separator, Items :Str)
13951: Proc ListDelItem( var List :Str; const Separator :Str; const Index : Int)
13952: Func ListItemCount( const List, Separator :Str) : Int
13953: Func ListGetItem( const List, Separator :Str; const Index : Int) :Str
13954: Proc ListSetItem(var List:str;const Separator:str;const Index:Int;const Value:str)
13955: Func ListItemIndex( const List, Separator, Item :Str) : Int
13956: Func SystemTObjectInstance : LongWord
13957: Func IsCompiledWithPackages :Bool
13958: Func JJclGUIDToString( const GUID : TGUID) :Str
13959: Func JJclStringToGUID( const S :Str) : TGUID
13960: SIRegister_TJclIntfCriticalSection(CL);
13961: SIRegister_TJclSimpleLog(CL);
13962: Proc InitSimpleLog( const ALogFileName :Str)
13963: end;
13965: Proc SIRegister_JclBorlandTools(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13966: begin
13967: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclBorRADException
13968: TJclBorRADToolKind', '( brDelphi, brCppBuilder, brBorlandDevStudio )
13969: TJclBorRADToolEdition', '( deOPEN, dePRO, deSVR )
13970: TJclBorRADToolEdition', '( deSTD, dePRO, deCSS, deARC )
13971: TJclBorRADToolPath', 'string
13972: 'SupportedDelphiVersions','LongInt'( 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11);
13973: 'SupportedBCBVersions','LongInt'( 5 or 6 or 10 or 11);
13974: 'SupportedBDSVersions','LongInt'( 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5);
13975: BorRADToolRepositoryPagesSection','String 'Repository Pages
13976: BorRADToolRepositoryDialogsPage','String 'Dialogs
13977: BorRADToolRepositoryFormsPage','String 'Forms
13978: BorRADToolRepositoryProjectsPage','String 'Projects
13979: BorRADToolRepositoryDataModulesPage','String 'Data Modules
13980: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectType','String 'Type
13981: BorRADToolRepositoryFormTemplate','String 'FormTemplate
13982: BorRADToolRepositoryProjectTemplate','String 'ProjectTemplate
13983: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectName','String 'Name
13984: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectPage','String 'Page
13985: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectIcon','String 'Icon
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14075: SIRegister_TJclBDSInstallation(CL);
14076: TTraverseMethod', 'Func ( Installation : TJclBorRADToolInstallation) :Bool
14077: SIRegister_TJclBorRADToolInstallations(CL);
14078: Func BPLFileName( const BPLPath, PackageFileName :Str) :Str
14079: Func BinaryFileName( const OutputPath, ProjectFileName :Str) :Str
14080: Func IsDelphiPackage( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14081: Func IsDelphiProject( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14082: Func IsBCBPackage( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14083: Func IsBCBProject( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14084: Proc GetDPRFileInfo(const DPRFileName:str;out BinaryExtensio:str;const LibSuffx:PString);
14085: Proc GetBPRFileInfo(const BPRFileName:str;out BinaryFileName:str;const Descript:PString);
14086: Proc GetDPKFileInfo(const DPKFileName:str;out RunOnly:Bool;const LibSuffix:PString;const Descript:PString;
14087: Proc GetBPKFileInfo(const BPKFileName:str;out RunOnly:Bool;const BinaryFName:PString;const
14088: Func SamePath(const Path1, Path2:Str):Bool;
14089: end;
14091: Proc SIRegister_JclFileUtils_max(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
14092: begin
14093: 'ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES','LongInt'( 18);
14094: //Func stat64( FileName: PChar;var StatBuffer : TStatBuf64) : Int
14095: //Func fstat64( FileDes: Int;var StatBuffer : TStatBuf64) : Int
14096: //Func lstat64( FileName: PChar;var StatBuffer : TStatBuf64) : Int
14097: 'LPathSeparator','String '/
14098: 'LDirDelimiter','String '/
14099: 'LDirSeparator','String ':
14100: 'JXPathDevicePrefix','String '\\.\
14101: 'JXPathSeparator','String '\
14102: 'JXDirDelimiter','String '\
14103: 'JXDirSeparator','String ';
14104: 'JXPathUncPrefix','String '\\
14105: 'faNormalFile','LongWord')( $00000080);
14106: //'faUnixSpecific',' faSymLink);
14107: JXTCompactPath', '( cpCenter, cpEnd )
14108: _WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA', 'record dwFileAttributes : DWORD; f'
14109: +'tCreationTime : TFileTime; ftLastAccessTime : TFileTime; ftLastWriteTime :'
14110: +' TFileTime; nFileSizeHigh : DWORD; nFileSizeLow : DWORD; end
14111: TWin32FileAttributeData', '_WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA
14113: Func jxPathAddSeparator( const Path :Str) :Str
14114: Func jxPathAddExtension( const Path, Extension :Str) :Str
14115: Func jxPathAppend( const Path, Append :Str) :Str
14116: Func jxPathBuildRoot( const Drive : Byte) :Str
14117: Func jxPathCanonicalize( const Path :Str) :Str
14118: Func jxPathCommonPrefix( const Path1, Path2 :Str) : Int
14119: Func jxPathCompactPath(const DC:HDC;const Path:str;const Width:Int;CmpFmt:TCompactPath):str
14120: Proc jxPathExtractElements(const Source:str;var Drive,Path,FileName,Ext:str)
14121: Func jxPathExtractFileDirFixed( const S :Str) :Str
14122: Func jxPathExtractFileNameNoExt( const Path :Str) :Str
14123: Func jxPathExtractPathDepth( const Path :Str; Depth : Int) :Str
14124: Func jxPathGetDepth( const Path :Str) : Int
14125: Func jxPathGetLongName( const Path :Str) :Str
14126: Func jxPathGetShortName( const Path :Str) :Str
14127: Func jxPathGetLongName( const Path :Str) :Str
14128: Func jxPathGetShortName( const Path :Str) :Str
14129: Func jxPathGetRelativePath( Origin, Destination :Str) :Str
14130: Func jxPathGetTempPath :Str
14131: Func jxPathIsAbsolute( const Path :Str) :Bool
14132: Func jxPathIsChild( const Path, Base :Str) :Bool
14133: Func jxPathIsDiskDevice( const Path :Str) :Bool
14134: Func jxPathIsUNC( const Path :Str) :Bool
14135: Func jxPathRemoveSeparator( const Path :Str) :Str
14136: Func jxPathRemoveExtension( const Path :Str) :Str
14137: Func jxPathGetPhysicalPath( const LocalizedPath :Str) :Str
14138: Func jxPathGetLocalizedPath( const PhysicalPath :Str) :Str
14139: JxTFileListOption', '( flFullNames, flRecursive, flMaskedSubfolders)
14140: JxTFileListOptions', 'set of TFileListOption
14141: JxTJclAttributeMatch', '( amAny, amExact, amSubSetOf, amSuperSetOf, amCustom )
14142: TFileHandler', 'Proc ( const FileName :Str)
14143: TFileHandlerEx', 'Proc ( const Directory :Str; const FileInfo : TSearchRec)
14144: Func BuildFileList( const Path :Str; const Attr : Int; const List : TStrings) :Bool
14145: //Func AdvBuildFileList( const Path :Str; const Attr : Int; const Files : TStrings; const
AttributeMatch:TJclAttributeMatch;const Optis:TFileListOptions;const SubfoldersMask:str;const
14146: Func jxVerifyFileAttributeMask( var RejectedAttributes, RequiredAttributes : Int): Bool
14147: Func jxIsFileAttributeMatch(FileAttributes,RejectedAttributes,RequiredAttributes:Int):Bool;
14148: Func jxFileAttributesStr( const FileInfo : TSearchRec) :Str
14149: Func jxIsFileNameMatch(FileName:str;const Mask:str;const CaseSensitive:Bool):Bool;
14150: Proc jxEnumFiles(const
14151: Proc jxEnumDirectories(const Root:str;const HandleDirectory:TFileHandler;const
IncludeHiddenDirects:Boolean;const SubDirectoriesMask:str;Abort:TObject;ResolveSymLinks:Bool)
14152: Proc jxCreateEmptyFile( const FileName :Str)
14153: Func jxCloseVolume( var Volume : THandle) :Bool
14154: Func jxDeleteDirectory(const DirectoryName:str; MoveToRecycleBin:Boolean:Boolean
14155: Func jxCopyDirectory( ExistingDirectoryName, NewDirectoryName :Str) :Bool
14156: Func jxMoveDirectory( ExistingDirectoryName, NewDirectoryName :Str) :Bool
14157: Func jxDelTree( const Path :Str) :Bool
14158: //Func DelTreeEx(const Path:str;AbortOnFailure:Bool; Progress:TDelTreeProgress):Bool
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14247: SIRegister_TJclTempFileStream(CL);
14248: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TJclCustomFileMapping
14249: SIRegister_TJclFileMappingView(CL);
14250: TJclFileMappingRoundOffset', '( rvDown, rvUp )
14251: SIRegister_TJclCustomFileMapping(CL);
14252: SIRegister_TJclFileMapping(CL);
14253: SIRegister_TJclSwapFileMapping(CL);
14254: SIRegister_TJclFileMappingStream(CL);
14255: TJclMappedTextReaderIndex', '( tiNoIndex, tiFull )
14256: //PPCharArray', '^TPCharArray // will not work
14257: SIRegister_TJclMappedTextReader(CL);
14258: SIRegister_TJclFileMaskComparator(CL);
14259: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclPathError
14260: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclFileUtilsError
14261: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclTempFileStreamError
14262: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclTempFileStreamError
14263: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclFileMappingError
14264: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclFileMappingViewError
14265: Func jxPathGetLongName2( const Path :Str) :Str
14266: Func jxWin32DeleteFile( const FileName :Str; MoveToRecycleBin :Bool) :Bool
14267: Func jxWin32MoveFileReplaceExisting( const SrcFileName, DstFileName :Str) :Bool
14268: Func jxWin32BackupFile( const FileName :Str; Move :Bool) :Bool
14269: Func jxWin32RestoreFile( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14270: Func jxSamePath( const Path1, Path2 :Str) :Bool
14271: Proc jxPathListAddItems( var List :Str; const Items :Str)
14272: Proc jxPathListIncludeItems( var List :Str; const Items :Str)
14273: Proc jxPathListDelItems( var List :Str; const Items :Str)
14274: Proc jxPathListDelItem( var List :Str; const Index : Int)
14275: Func jxPathListItemCount( const List :Str) : Int
14276: Func jxPathListGetItem( const List :Str; const Index : Int) :Str
14277: Proc jxPathListSetItem( var List :Str; const Index : Int; const Value :Str)
14278: Func jxPathListItemIndex( const List, Item :Str) : Int
14279: Func jxParamName(Idx:Int;const Separator:str;const AllowedPrefixChars:str;TrimName:Bool):str;
14280: Func jxParamValue(Index:Int; const Separator :Str; TrimValue :Bool) :Str;
14281: Func jxParamValue1(const SearchName:str; const Separator :Str; CaseSensitive :Bool; const
AllowedPrefixCharacters :Str; TrimValue :Bool) :Str;
14282: Func jxParamPos(const SearchName:Str;const Separator:str;CaseSensitive:Boolean;const
AllowedPrefixCharacters string): Int
14283: end;
14285: Proc SIRegister_FileUtil(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
14286: begin
14287: 'UTF8FileHeader','String #$ef#$bb#$bf);
14288: Func lCompareFilenames( const Filename1, Filename2 :Str) : Int
14289: Func lCompareFilenamesIgnoreCase( const Filename1, Filename2 :Str) : Int
14290: Func lCompareFilenames(const Filename1,Filename2 :Str; ResolveLinks :Bool): Int
14291: Func lCompareFilenames(Filename1:PChar;Len1:int;Filename2:PChar;Len2:int;ResolveLiks:bool):int;
14292: Func lFilenameIsAbsolute( const TheFilename :Str) :Bool
14293: Func lFilenameIsWinAbsolute( const TheFilename :Str) :Bool
14294: Func lFilenameIsUnixAbsolute( const TheFilename :Str) :Bool
14295: Proc lCheckIfFileIsExecutable( const AFilename :Str)
14296: Proc lCheckIfFileIsSymlink( const AFilename :Str)
14297: Func lFileIsReadable( const AFilename :Str) :Bool
14298: Func lFileIsWritable( const AFilename :Str) :Bool
14299: Func lFileIsText( const AFilename :Str) :Bool
14300: Func lFileIsText( const AFilename :Str; out FileReadable :Bool) :Bool
14301: Func lFileIsExecutable( const AFilename :Str) :Bool
14302: Func lFileIsSymlink( const AFilename :Str) :Bool
14303: Func lFileIsHardLink( const AFilename :Str) :Bool
14304: Func lFileSize( const Filename :Str) : int64;
14305: Func lGetFileDescription( const AFilename :Str) :Str
14306: Func lReadAllLinks( const Filename :Str; ExceptionOnError :Bool) :Str
14307: Func lTryReadAllLinks( const Filename :Str) :Str
14308: Func lDirPathExists( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14309: Func lForceDirectory( DirectoryName :Str) :Bool
14310: Func lDeleteDirectory(const DirectoryName:Str; OnlyChildren:Bool) :Bool
14311: Func lProgramDirectory :Str
14312: Func lDirectoryIsWritable( const DirectoryName :Str) :Bool
14313: Func lExtractFileNameOnly( const AFilename :Str) :Str
14314: Func lExtractFileNameWithoutExt( const AFilename :Str) :Str
14315: Func lCompareFileExt( const Filename, Ext :Str; CaseSensitive :Bool) : Int;
14316: Func lCompareFileExt( const Filename, Ext :Str) : Int;
14317: Func lFilenameIsPascalUnit( const Filename :Str) :Bool
14318: Func lAppendPathDelim( const Path :Str) :Str
14319: Func lChompPathDelim( const Path :Str) :Str
14320: Func lTrimFilename( const AFilename :Str) :Str
14321: Func lCleanAndExpandFilename( const Filename :Str) :Str
14322: Func lCleanAndExpandDirectory( const Filename :Str) :Str
14323: Func lCreateAbsoluteSearchPath( const SearchPath, BaseDirectory :Str) :Str
14324: Func lCreateRelativePath(const Filename,BaseDirectory
14325: Func lCreateAbsolutePath( const Filename, BaseDirectory :Str) :Str
14326: Func lFileIsInPath( const Filename, Path :Str) :Bool
14327: Func lFileIsInDirectory( const Filename, Directory :Str) :Bool
14328: TSearchFileInPathFlag', '( sffDontSearchInBasePath, sffSearchLoUpCase )
14329: TSearchFileInPathFlags', 'set of TSearchFileInPathFlag AllDirectoryEntriesMask','String '*
14330: Func lGetAllFilesMask :Str
14331: Func lGetExeExt :Str
14332: Func lSearchFileInPath(const Filename,BasePath,SearchPath,Delimiter:Str;Flags:TSearchFileInPathFlags):str
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15475: Func SendToEx(const MailFrom, MailTo, Subject, SMTPHost:str; const MailData:TStrings; const Username,
Password :Str):Boolean;
15476: end;
15478: Proc SIRegister_snmpsend(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15479: begin
15480: Const('cSnmpProtocol','String '161;
15481: Const('cSnmpTrapProtocol','String '162;
15482: Const('SNMP_V1','LongInt'( 0);
15483: Const('SNMP_V2C','LongInt'( 1);
15484: Const('SNMP_V3','LongInt'( 3);
15485: Const('PDUGetRequest','LongWord')( $A0);
15486: Const('PDUGetNextRequest','LongWord')( $A1);
15487: Const('PDUGetResponse','LongWord')( $A2);
15488: Const('PDUSetRequest','LongWord')( $A3);
15489: Const('PDUTrap','LongWord')( $A4);
15490: Const('PDUGetBulkRequest','LongWord')( $A5);
15491: Const('PDUInformRequest','LongWord')( $A6);
15492: Const('PDUTrapV2','LongWord')( $A7);
15493: Const('PDUReport','LongWord')( $A8);
15494: Const('ENoError',LongInt 0;
15495: Const('ETooBig','LongInt')( 1);
15496: Const('ENoSuchName','LongInt'( 2);
15497: Const('EBadValue','LongInt'( 3);
15498: Const('EReadOnly','LongInt'( 4);
15499: Const('EGenErr','LongInt'( 5);
15500: Const('ENoAccess','LongInt'( 6);
15501: Const('EWrongType','LongInt'( 7);
15502: Const('EWrongLength','LongInt'( 8);
15503: Const('EWrongEncoding','LongInt'( 9);
15504: Const('EWrongValue','LongInt'( 10);
15505: Const('ENoCreation','LongInt'( 11);
15506: Const('EInconsistentValue','LongInt'( 12);
15507: Const('EResourceUnavailable','LongInt'( 13);
15508: Const('ECommitFailed','LongInt'( 14);
15509: Const('EUndoFailed','LongInt'( 15);
15510: Const('EAuthorizationError','LongInt'( 16);
15511: Const('ENotWritable','LongInt'( 17);
15512: Const('EInconsistentName','LongInt'( 18);
15513: AddTypeS('TV3Flags', '( NoAuthNoPriv, AuthNoPriv, AuthPriv );
15514: AddTypeS('TV3Auth', '( AuthMD5, AuthSHA1 );
15515: AddTypeS('TV3Priv', '( PrivDES, Priv3DES, PrivAES );
15516: SIRegister_TSNMPMib(CL);
15517: AddTypeS(TV3Sync', 'record EngineID : Ansistr; EngineBoots : Int; EngineTime : Int; EngineStamp :Card;
15518: SIRegister_TSNMPRec(CL);
15519: SIRegister_TSNMPSend(CL);
15520: Func SNMPGet(const OID,Community,SNMPHost:Ansistr; var Value: Ansistr) :Bool;
15521: Func SNMPSet(const OID,Community,SNMPHost,Value:Ansistr;ValueType:Int):Bool;
15522: Func SNMPGetNext(var OID:Ansistr;const Community,SNMPHost:Ansistr;var Value:Ansistr):Bool;
15523: Func SNMPGetTable(const BaseOID,Community,SNMPHost:Ansistr;const Value:TStrings):Bool;
15524: Func SNMPGetTableElement(const BaseOID,RowID,ColID,Community,SNMPHost:AnsiStr;var Value:AnsiStr):Bool;
15525: Func SendTrap(const Dest,Source, Enterprise, Community : Ansistr; Generic, Specific, Seconds : Int; const
MIBName, MIBValue : Ansistr; MIBtype : Int) : Int;
15526: Func RecvTrap(var Dest,Source,Enterprise,Community:Ansistr;var Generic,Specific,Seconds Int; const
MIBName,MIBValue : TStringList): Int;
15527: end;
15529: Proc SIRegister_NetWork(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15530: begin
15531: Func GetDomainName2: Ansistr;
15532: Func GetDomainController( Domain : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15533: Func GetDomainUsers( Controller : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15534: Func GetDomainGroups( Controller : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15535: Func GetDateTime( Controller : Ansistr) : TDateTime;
15536: Func GetFullName2( Controller, UserID : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15537: end;
15539: Proc SIRegister_wwSystem(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15540: begin
15541: AddTypeS('TwwDateOrder', '( doMDY, doDMY, doYMD );
15542: TwwDateTimeSelection','(wwdsDay,wwdsMonth,wwdsYear,wwdsHour,wwdsMinute,wwdsSecond,wwdsAMPM);
15543: Func wwStrToDate( const S :Str) :Bool;
15544: Func wwStrToTime( const S :Str) :Bool;
15545: Func wwStrToDateTime( const S :Str) :Bool;
15546: Func wwStrToTimeVal( const S :Str) : TDateTime;
15547: Func wwStrToDateVal( const S :Str) : TDateTime;
15548: Func wwStrToDateTimeVal( const S :Str) : TDateTime;
15549: Func wwStrToInt( const S :Str) :Bool;
15550: Func wwStrToFloat( const S :Str) :Bool;
15551: Func wwGetDateOrder( const DateFormat :Str) : TwwDateOrder;
15552: Func wwNextDay( Year, Month, Day : Word) : Int;
15553: Func wwPriorDay( Year, Month, Day : Word) : Int;
15554: Func wwDoEncodeDate( Year, Month, Day : Word; var Date : TDateTime) :Bool;
15555: Func wwDoEncodeTime( Hour, Min, Sec, MSec : Word; var Time : TDateTime) :Bool;
15556: Func wwGetDateTimeCursorPosition(SelStart:int;Text:str;TimeOnly:Bool):TwwDateTimeSelection;
15557: Func wwGetTimeCursorPosition( SelStart : Int; Text :Str) : TwwDateTimeSelection;
15558: Func wwScanDate( const S :Str; var Date : TDateTime) :Bool;
15559: Func wwScanDateEpoch(const S:Str; var Date : TDateTime; Epoch : Int):Bool;
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16051: Proc
aStyle:TBgStyle;const aPosition:TBgPosition;const IndentX:Int; const IndentY:Int;const IntervalX:Int;const
IntervalY:Int;const RepeatX:Int;const RepeatY:Int;
16052: Proc DrawGraphic1(Destination:TCanvas; DestRect:TRect;aGraphic : TGraphic; Transparent :Bool; const
aStyle : TBgStyle; const aPosition:TBgPosition;const IndentX:Int;const IndentY:Int;const
IntervalX:Int;const IntervalY:Int;const RepeatX:Int;const RepeatY:Int);
16053: Proc DrawMosaicPortion( Destination : TCanvas; Portion : TRect; Pattern : TBitmap);
16054: Func ValidGraphic( aGraphic : TGraphic) :Bool;
16055: Func ColorSetPercentBrightness( Color : TColor; PercentLight : Int) : TColor;
16056: Func ColorModify( Color : TColor; incR, incG, incB : Int) : TColor;
16057: Func ColorSetPercentContrast( Color : TColor; IncPercent : Int) : TColor;
16058: Func ColorSetPercentPale( Color : TColor; IncPercent : Int) : TColor;
16059: Func MediumColor( Color1, Color2 : TColor) : TColor;
16060: Func ClientToScreenRect( aControl : TControl; aControlRect : TRect) : TRect;
16061: Func ScreenToClientRect( aControl : TControl; aScreenRect : TRect) : TRect;
16062: Func CombineRectKeepingCenterPosition( RectPos, AddRect : TRect) : TRect;
16063: Proc InflateRectPercent( var aRect : TRect; withPercent : Double);
16064: Func GetIntermediateRect( Rect1, Rect2 : TRect; Percent : Double) : TRect;
16065: Func GetProportionalRect( fromRect, InsideRect : TRect) : TRect;
16066: Func PointInRect( const aPt : TPoint; const aRect : TRect) :Bool;
16067: Func PointInEllispe( const aPt : TPoint; const aRect : TRect) :Bool;
16068: Func CanvasAcceleratorTextWidth( aCanvas : TCanvas; aText :Str) : Int;
16069: end;
16071: Proc SIRegister_cyTypes(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16072: begin
16073: Type(TGlyphAlignment', '( gaLeft, gaCenter, gaRight );
16074: Type(TGlyphLayout', '( glTop, glCenter, glBottom );
16075: Type(TDisabledGlyphOptions', '( dgDoNotDraw, dgDrawNormal, dgDrawMonochrome );
16076: Type(TCaptionRender', '( crNormal, crPathEllipsis, crEndEllipsis, crWordEllipsis );
16077: Type(TCaptionOrientation', '( coHorizontal, coHorizontalReversed, coVertical, coVerticalReversed );
16078: Type(TBgPosition', '( bgCentered, bgTopLeft, bgTopCenter, bgTopRight,'
16079: +' bgCenterRight, bgBottomRight, bgBottomCenter, bgBottomLeft, bgCenterLeft);
16080: Type(TBgStyle', '( bgNone, bgNormal, bgMosaic, bgStretch, bgStretchProportional );
16081: Type(TcyBevelCut', '( bcLowered, bcRaised, bcNone, bcTransparent, bcGradientToNext );
16082: Type(TDgradOrientation','( dgdVertical,dgdHorizontal,dgdAngle,dgdRadial,dgdRectangle );
16083: Type(TDgradOrientationShape', '( osRadial, osRectangle );
16084: Type(TDgradBalanceMode(bmNormal,bmMirror,bmReverse,bmReverseFromColor,bmInvertReverse,
16085: Type(TRunTimeDesignJob','(rjNothing,rjMove,rjResizeTop,rjResizeBottom,rjResizeLeft,rjResizeTopLeft,
rjResizeBottomLeft,rjResizeRight,rjResizeTopRight,rjResizeBottomRight );
16086: Type(TLineCoord', 'record BottomCoord : TPoint; TopCoord : TPoint; end;
16087: cCaptionOrientationWarning,String)(Note text orientation doesnt work with all fonts!;
16088: end;
16090: Proc SIRegister_WinSvc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16091: begin
16092: Const SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASEA','String 'ServicesActive;
16093: SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASEW','String') 'ServicesActive;
16095: Const SERVICES_FAILED_DATABASEA','String' 'ServicesFailed;
16096: Const SERVICES_FAILED_DATABASEW','String' 'ServicesFailed;
16098: Const SC_GROUP_IDENTIFIERA','String'). '+;
16099: Const SC_GROUP_IDENTIFIERW','String') '+;
16101: Const SERVICE_NO_CHANGE','LongWord $FFFFFFFF);
16102: Const SERVICE_ACTIVE','LongWord')( $00000001);
16103: Const SERVICE_INACTIVE','LongWord $00000002);
16104: Const SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP','LongWord $00000001);
16105: Const SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE','LongWord $00000002);
16106: Const SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE','LongWord $00000003);
16107: Const SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE','LongWord $00000004);
16108: Const SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN','LongWord $00000005);
16109: Const SERVICE_STOPPED','LongWord $00000001);
16110: Const SERVICE_START_PENDING','LongWord $00000002);
16111: Const SERVICE_STOP_PENDING','LongWord $00000003);
16112: Const SERVICE_RUNNING','LongWord $00000004);
16113: Const SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING','LongWord $00000005);
16114: Const SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING','LongWord $00000006);
16115: Const SERVICE_PAUSED','LongWord $00000007);
16116: Const SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP','LongWord $00000001);
16117: Const SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE','LongWord $00000002);
16118: Const SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN','LongWord $00000004);
16119: Const SC_MANAGER_CONNECT','LongWord $0001);
16120: Const SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE','LongWord $0002;
16121: Const SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE','LongWord $0004);
16122: Const SC_MANAGER_LOCK','LongWord $0008);
16123: Const SC_MANAGER_QUERY_LOCK_STATUS','LongWord $0010);
16124: Const SC_MANAGER_MODIFY_BOOT_CONFIG','LongWord $0020);
16125: Const SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG','LongWord $0001);
16126: Const SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG','LongWord $0002);
16127: Const SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS','LongWord $0004);
16128: Const SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS','LongWord $0008);
16129: Const SERVICE_START','LongWord $0010);
16130: Const SERVICE_STOP','LongWord $0020);
16131: Const SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE','LongWord $0040);
16132: Const SERVICE_INTERROGATE','LongWord $0080);
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17082: begin
17083: TypeS('TwbPageSetup', record font :Str; footer :Str; header : '
17084: +String; margin_bottom :Str; margin_left :Str; margin_right : Strin'
17085: +g; margin_top :Str; Print_Background :Str; Shrink_To_Fit:str; end;
17086: Func cyURLEncode( const S :Str) :Str;
17087: Func MakeResourceURL(const ModulName:str;const ResName:PChar;const ResType:PChar):str;
17088: Func MakeResourceURL1(const Modul:HMODULE;const ResName:PChar;const ResType:PChar):str;
17089: Func cyColorToHtml( aColor : TColor) :Str;
17090: Func HtmlToColor( aHtmlColor :Str) : TColor;
17091: //Func GetStreamEncoding( aStream : TStream) : TEncoding;
17092: // Func IsStreamEncodedWith( aStream : TStream; Encoding : TEncoding) :Bool;
17093: Func AddHtmlUnicodePrefix( aHtml :Str) :Str;
17094: Func RemoveHtmlUnicodePrefix( aHtml :Str) :Str;
17095: Proc GetPageSetupFromRegistry( var awbPageSetup : TwbPageSetup);
17096: Proc SetPageSetupToRegistry( awbPageSetup : TwbPageSetup);
17097: ConstantN('IEBodyBorderless','String').SetString( 'none;
17098: IEBodySingleBorder','String').SetString( ';
17099: IEDesignModeOn','String').SetString( 'On;
17100: IEDesignModeOff','String').SetString( 'Off;
17101: cHtmlUnicodePrefixChar','Char').SetString( #$FEFF);
17102: cHtmlUnicodePrefixChar','Char').SetString( #$FE);
17103: end;
17106: Proc SIRegister_UcomboV2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17107: begin
17108: ConstantN('UMaxEntries','LongInt').SetInt( 600);
17109: TypeS('TCombotype', '( Combinations, Permutations, CombinationsDown, Pe'
17110: +'rmutationsDown, CombinationsCoLex, CombinationsCoLexDown, PermutationsRepe'
17111: +'at, PermutationsWithRep, PermutationsRepeatDown, CombinationsWithrep, Comb'
17112: +'inationsRepeat, CombinationsRepeatDown );
17113: TypeS('TByteArray64', 'array[0..600 + 1] of int64;;
17114: SIRegister_TComboSet(CL);
17115: end;
17117: Proc SIRegister_cyBaseComm(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17118: begin
17119: TcyCommandType', '( ctDevelopperDefined, ctUserDefined );
17120: TStreamContentType', '( scDevelopperDefined, scUserDefined, scString );
17121: TProcOnReceiveCommand', 'Proc (Sender: TObject; aCommand: Word; userParam : Int);
17122: TProcOnReceiveString', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; fromBaseCo'
17123: +'mmHandle : THandle; aString :Str; userParam : Int);
17124: TProcOnReceiveMemoryStream', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; from'
17125: +BaseCommHandle : THandle; aStream : TMemoryStream; userParam: Int);
17126: SIRegister_TcyBaseComm(CL);
17127: ConstantN('MsgCommand','LongInt').SetInt( WM_USER + 1);
17128: ConstantN('MsgResultOk','LongInt').SetInt( 99);
17129: Func ValidateFileMappingName( aName :Str) :Str;
17130: Proc makeCaption(leftSide, Rightside:str; form:TForm);
17131: end;
17133: Proc SIRegister_cyDERUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17134: begin
17135: TypeS('DERString', 'String;
17136: TypeS('DERChar', 'Char;
17137: TypeS('TElementsType', ( etText, etExpressionKeyWord, etNumbers, etInt'
17138: +eger,etFloat,etPercentage,etwebSite,etWebMail,etMoney,etDate,etTextLine,etParagraph);
17139: TypeS('TElementsTypes', 'set of TElementsType;
17140: TypeS('DERNString', 'String;
17141: const DERDecimalSeparator','String').SetString( '.;
17142: const DERDefaultChars,String)(+º@/%-_.:0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ;
17143: const DERNDefaultChars','String').SetString( '/%-.0123456789abcdefghjkmnopqrstuvwxyz;
17144: Func isValidWebSiteChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17145: Func isValidWebMailChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17146: Func isValidwebSite( aStr :Str) :Bool;
17147: Func isValidWebMail( aStr :Str) :Bool;
17148: Func ValidateDate( aDERStr : DERString; var RsltFormat :Str) :Bool;
17149: Func DERStrToDate( aDERStr, aFormat :Str) : TDate;
17150: Func IsDERChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17151: Func IsDERDefaultChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17152: Func IsDERMoneyChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17153: Func IsDERExceptionCar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17154: Func IsDERSymbols( aDERString :Str) :Bool;
17155: Func StringToDERCharSet( aStr :Str) : DERString;
17156: Func IsDERNDefaultChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17157: Func IsDERNChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17158: Func DERToDERNCharset( aDERStr : DERString) : DERNString;
17159: Func DERExtractwebSite( aDERStr : DERString; SmartRecognition :Bool) :Str;
17160: Func DERExtractWebMail( aDERStr : DERString) :Str;
17161: Func DERExtractPhoneNr( aDERStr : DERString) :Str;
17162: Func DERExecute(aDERStr:DERString;SmartNumbersRecognition,SmartWebsiteRecognition:Bool):TElementsType;
17163: Func DERExecute1(aDERStr : DERString; var RsltNumbers, RsltInt, RsltFloat, RsltPercentage, RsltwebSite,
17164: Func RetrieveElementValue(aStr:str;SmartNumbersRecognition,
17165: Proc RetrieveElementValue1(aStr:Str; SmartNumbersRecognition, SmartWebsiteRecognition : Bool; var
RsltDERStr : DERString; var RsltElementType : TElementsType);;
17166: end;
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17676: Proc SIRegister_InstFunc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17677: begin
17678: //TypeS('PSimpleStringListArray', '^TSimpleStringListArray // will not work;
17679: SIRegister_TSimpleStringList(CL);
17680: TypeS('TExecWait', '( ewNoWait, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ewWaitUntilIdle);
17681: TypeS('TDetermineDefaultLanguageResult','(ddNoMatch,ddMatch,ddMatchLangParameter );
17682: TypeS('TMD5Digest', 'array[0..15] of Byte;;
17683: TypeS('TSHA1Digest', 'array[0..19] of Byte;;
17684: // TMD5Digest = array[0..15] of Byte; TSHA1Digest = array[0..19] of Byte;
17685: Func CheckForMutexes( Mutexes :Str) :Bool;
17686: Func CreateTempDir :Str;
17687: Func DecrementSharedCount(const RegView:TRegView;const Filename:str):Bool;
17688: Proc DelayDeleteFile( const DisableFsRedir :Bool; const Filename :Str; const MaxTries, FirstRetryDelayMS,
SubsequentRetryDelayMS : Int);
17689: //Func DelTree( const DisableFsRedir :Bool; const Path :Str; const IsDir, DeleteFiles, DeleteSubdirsAlso,
BreakOnError :Bool; const DeleteDirProc : TDeleteDirProc; const DeleteFileProc : TDeleteFileProc; const
Param : Pointer) :Bool;
17690: //Func DetermineDefaultLanguage( const GetLanguageEntryProc : TGetLanguageEntryProc; const Method :
TSetupLanguageDetectionMethod;const LangParameter:str;var ResultIndex:Int):
17691: //Proc EnumFileReplaceOperationsFilenames(const EnumFunc:TEnumFROFilenamesProc;Param:Pointer);
17692: Func GenerateNonRandomUniqueFilename(Path:Str; var Filename:Str):Bool;
17693: Func GenerateUniqueName(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;Path:Str;const Extension:str):str;
17694: Func GetComputerNameString :Str;
17695: Func GetFileDateTime(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const Filename:Str;var DateTime:TFileTime):Bool;
17696: Func GetMD5OfFile(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean; const Filename :Str): TMD5Digest;
17697: Func GetMD5OfAnsistr( const S : Ansistr) : TMD5Digest;
17698: // Func GetMD5OfUnicodeString( const S : UnicodeString) : TMD5Digest;
17699: Func GetSHA1OfFile(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean;const Filename:str):TSHA1Digest;
17700: Func GetSHA1OfAnsistr( const S : Ansistr) : TSHA1Digest;
17701: // Func GetSHA1OfUnicodeString( const S : UnicodeString) : TSHA1Digest;
17702: Func GetRegRootKeyName( const RootKey : HKEY) :Str;
17703: Func GetSpaceOnDisk(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const DriveRoot:str;var FreeBytes,TotBytes:Int64):Bool;
17704: Func GetSpaceOnNearestMountPoint(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const StartDir:str;var FreeBytes,
17705: Func GetUserNameString :Str;
17706: Proc IncrementSharedCount(const RegView:TRegView;const Filename:str;const AlreadyExisted:Bool;
17707: //Func InstExec( const DisableFsRedir :Bool; const Filename, Params :Str; WorkingDir :Str; const
Wait:TExecWait;const ShowCmd:Int;const ProcessMessagesProc:TProcedure;var ResultCode:Int) :Bool;
17708: // Func InstShellExec( const Verb, Filename, Params :Str; WorkingDir :Str; const Wait:TExecWait;const
ShowCmd:Int;const ProcessMessagesProc:TProcedure;var ResultCode:Int):Bool;
17709: Proc InternalError( const Id :Str);
17710: Proc InternalErrorFmt( const S :Str; const Args : array of const);
17711: Func IsDirEmpty( const DisableFsRedir :Bool; const Dir :Str) :Bool;
17712: Func IsProtectedSystemFile(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean;const Filename:str):Bool;
17713: Func MakePendingFileRenameOperationsChecksum : TMD5Digest;
17714: Func ModifyPifFile( const Filename :Str; const CloseOnExit :Bool) :Bool;
17715: Proc RaiseFunctionFailedError( const FunctionName :Str);
17716: Proc RaiseOleError( const FunctionName :Str; const ResultCode : HRESULT);
17717: Proc RefreshEnvironment;
17718: Func ReplaceSystemDirWithSysWow64( const Path :Str) :Str;
17719: Func ReplaceSystemDirWithSysNative( Path :Str; const IsWin64 :Bool) :Str;
17720: Proc UnregisterFont( const FontName, FontFilename :Str);
17721: Func RestartComputer :Bool;
17722: Proc RestartReplace( const DisableFsRedir :Bool; TempFile, DestFile :Str);
17723: Proc SplitNewParamStr( const Index : Int; var AName, AValue :Str);
17724: Proc Win32ErrorMsg( const FunctionName :Str);
17725: Proc Win32ErrorMsgEx( const FunctionName :Str; const ErrorCode : DWORD);
17726: Func inForceDirectories(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean;Dir:str):Bool;
17727: //from Func2
17728: //Func inCreateShellLink(const Filename,Description,ShortcutTo,Parameters, WorkingDir:Str;
IconFilename:Str; const IconIndex, ShowCmd : Int; const HotKey : Word; FolderShortcut :Bool; '
17729: //+'const AppUserModelID:Str;const ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall,PreventPinning:Bool):Str;
17730: Proc RegisterTypeLibrary( const Filename :Str);
17731: //Proc UnregisterTypeLibrary( const Filename :Str);
17732: //Func UnpinShellLink( const Filename :Str) :Bool;}
17733: Func getVersionInfoEx3: TOSVersionInfoEx;;
17734: Func GetVersionEx3(out verinfo: TOSVersionInfoEx):Bool;;
17735: Proc InitOle;;
17736: Func ExpandConst( const S :Str) :Str;
17737: Func ExpandConstEx( const S :Str; const CustomConsts : array of String) :Str;
17738: Func ExpandConstEx2(const S:Str;const CustConsts:array of Str;const DoExpandIndivdConst:Bool):Str;
17739: Func ExpandConstIfPrefixed( const S :Str) :Str;
17740: Proc LogWindowsVersion;
17741: Func EvalCheck( const Expression :Str) :Bool;
17742: end;
17744: Proc SIRegister_unitResourceDetails(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17745: begin
17746: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TResourceDetails;
17747: //TypeS('TResourceDetailsClass', 'class of TResourceDetails;
17748: SIRegister_TResourceModule(CL);
17749: SIRegister_TResourceDetails(CL);
17750: SIRegister_TAnsiResourceDetails(CL);
17751: SIRegister_TUnicodeResourceDetails(CL);
17752: Proc RegisterResourceDetails( resourceClass : TResourceDetailsClass);
17753: Proc UnRegisterResourceDetails( resourceClass : TResourceDetailsClass);
17754: Func ResourceWideCharToStr( var wstr : PWideChar; codePage : Int) :Str;
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17844: SIRegister_TTestFailure(CL);
17845: SIRegister_ITestListener(CL);
17846: SIRegister_TTestCase(CL);
17847: //TypeS('TTestCaseClass', 'class of TTestCase;
17848: SIRegister_TTestSuite(CL);
17849: SIRegister_TTestResult(CL);
17850: Func ComparisonMsg( const aExpected:Str; const aActual :Str) :Str;
17851: end;
17853: Proc SIRegister_cTCPBuffer(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17854: begin
17855: TOBJECT'),'ETCPBuffer;
17856: TTCPBuffer', 'record Ptr : TObject; Size : Int; Max : Intege'
17857: +r; Head : Int; Used : Int; end;
17858: 'ETHERNET_MTU_100MBIT','LongInt').SetInt( 1500);
17859: 'ETHERNET_MTU_1GBIT','LongInt').SetInt( 9000);
17862: Proc TCPBufferInitialise(var TCPBuf:TTCPBuffer;const TCPBufMaxSiz:Int;const TCPBufSize:Int;
17863: Proc TCPBufferFinalise( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer);
17864: Proc TCPBufferPack( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer);
17865: Proc TCPBufferResize( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer; const TCPBufSize : Int);
17866: Proc TCPBufferExpand( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer; const Size : Int);
17867: Proc TCPBufferShrink( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer);
17868: Func TCPBufferAddPtr( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer; const Size : Int) : Pointer;
17869: Proc TCPBufferAddBuf(var TCPBuf: TTCPBuffer; const Buf:str; const Size : Int);
17870: Func TCPBufferPeekPtr( const TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer; var BufPtr : Pointer) : Int;
17871: Func TCPBufferPeek(var TCPBuf:TTCPBuffer;var Buf:Str; const Size:Int): Int;
17872: Func TCPBufferRemove(var TCPBuf:TTCPBuffer;var Buf:str;const Size:Int): Int;
17873: Proc TCPBufferClear( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer);
17874: Func TCPBufferDiscard( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer; const Size : Int) : Int;
17875: Func TCPBufferUsed( const TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer) : Int;
17876: Func TCPBufferEmpty( const TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer) :Bool;
17877: Func TCPBufferAvailable( const TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer) : Int;
17878: Func TCPBufferPtr( const TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer) : Pointer;
17879: Proc TCPBufferSetMaxSize( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer; const MaxSize : Int);
17880: end;
17882: Proc SIRegister_Glut(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17883: begin
17884: //TypeS('PInt', '^Int // will not work;
17885: //TypeS('PPChar', '^PChar // will not work;
17886: ConstantN('GLUT_API_VERSION','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
17887: ConstantN('GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION','LongInt').SetInt( 12);
17888: ConstantN('GLUT_RGB','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
17889: ConstantN('GLUT_GAME_MODE_REFRESH_RATE','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
17890: ConstantN('GLUT_GAME_MODE_DISPLAY_CHANGED','LongInt').SetInt( 6);
17891: Proc LoadGlut( const dll :Str);
17892: Proc FreeGlut;
17893: end;
17895: Proc SIRegister_LEDBitmaps(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17896: begin
17897: TypeS('TLEDColor',( ledcGreen, ledcRed, ledcGray );
17898: Func GetLEDBitmapHandle( Color : TLEDColor; State:Boolean): THandle;
17899: end;
17901: Proc SIRegister_SwitchLed(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17902: begin
17903: TLedColor, ( Aqua, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Orange, Black );
17904: TTLedState, ( LedOn, LedOff, LedDisabled );
17905: SIRegister_TSwitchLed(CL);
17906: //Proc Register;
17907: end;
17909: Proc SIRegister_FileClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17910: begin
17911: TypeS(TFileCreateDisposition', '( fdCreateAlways, fdCreateNew, fdOpenE'
17912: +'xisting, fdOpenAlways, fdTruncateExisting );
17913: TypeS('TIFileAccess', '( faRead, faWrite, faReadWrite );
17914: TypeS('TIFileSharing', '( fsNone, fsRead, fsWrite, fsReadWrite );
17915: SIRegister_TCustomFile(CL);
17916: SIRegister_TIFile(CL);
17917: SIRegister_TMemoryFile(CL);
17918: SIRegister_TTextFileReader(CL);
17919: SIRegister_TTextFileWriter(CL);
17920: SIRegister_TFileMapping(CL);
17921: SIRegister_EFileError(CL);
17922: end;
17924: Proc SIRegister_FileUtilsClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17925: begin
17926: TypeS(TFileAttributes', '( ffaReadOnly, ffaHidden, ffaSysFile, ffaVolumeID'
17927: +, ffaDirectory, ffaArchive, ffaAnyFile );
17928: TypeS('TAttributeSet', 'set of TFileAttributes;
17929: SIRegister_TFileSearch(CL);
17930: end;
17932: Proc SIRegister_uColorFunctions(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
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17933: begin
17934: TRGBType', 'record RedHex :Str; GreenHex :Str; BlueHex :'
17935: + string; Red : Int; Green : Int; Blue : Int; end;
17936: Func FadeColor( aColor : Longint; aFade : Int) : Tcolor;
17937: Func CountColor( aColor : Tcolor; CompareColor : Tcolor; AdjustVale:Int):Tcolor;
17938: end;
17940: Proc SIRegister_uSettings(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17941: begin
17942: Proc SaveOscSettings;
17943: Proc GetOscSettings;
17944: end;
17946: Proc SIRegister_cyDebug(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17947: begin
17948: TProcProcessEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Index : Int);
17949: RecProcess', 'record Name : ShortString; DurationMs :Card; '
17950: FirstDurationMs :Card; LastDurationMs :Card; MinDurationMs : Int'
17951: 64; MaxDurationMs :Card; MarksCount : Int; ArrayMarks : array of '
17952: Cardinal; EnterCount : Int; ExitCount : Int; end;
17953: SIRegister_TcyDebug(CL);
17954: end;
17956: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
17957: Proc SIRegister_cyCopyFiles(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17958: begin
17959: TCopyFileResult,(cfCreate, cfOverwrite,cfNoNeed, cfForceDirectoryError, cfCopyError );
17960: TCopyFileExists', '( feDoNothing, feCopy, feCopyIfModified, feCopyIfMoreRecent );
17961: TCopyFileNotExists', '( fnDoNothing, fnCopy, fnCopyForceDir );
17962: SIRegister_TDestinationOptions(CL);
17963: TProcCustomCopyFileEvent,Procedure(Sender:TObject;var CopyFileResult:TCopyFileResult);
17964: TProcOnCopyFileProgressEvent,Procedure(Sender:TObject;FileBytes,TransferedBytes:int64;PercentDone:Int64);
17965: TProcOnCustomSetFileDestination','Proc (Sender:TObject;var FileName:str);
17966: SIRegister_TcyCopyFiles(CL);
17967: Func cyCopyFile(FromFile,ToFile:Str; FileExists:TCopyFileExists;FileNotExists:TCopyFileNotExists;
ResetAttr:boolean): TCopyFileResult;
17968: Func cyCopyFileEx(FromFile,ToFile:str;FileExists:TCopyFileExists;FileNotExists
17969: Func cyCopyFilesEx(SourcePath, DestinationPath, IncludeFilters, ExcludeFilters :Str; ArchiveFiles,
ReadOnlyFiles, HiddenFiles,
17970: end;
17972: Proc SIRegister_cySearchFiles(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17973: begin
17974: TypeS('TcyFileAttributeMode', '( faYes, faNo, faBoth );
17975: SIRegister_TcyFileAttributes(CL);
17976: SIRegister_TSearchRecInstance(CL);
17977: TOption', '( soOnlyDirs, soIgnoreAttributes, soIgnoreMaskInclude, soIgnoreMaskExclude );
17978: TOptions', 'set of TOption;
17979: TSearchState', '( ssIdle, ssPaused, ssSearch, ssPausing, ssResuming, ssAborting );
17980: TProcOnValidateFileEvent Procedure(Sender:TObject;ValidMaskIncl,ValidMaskExcl,ValidAttribs:bool;var
17981: TProcOnValidateDirectoryEvent,Procedure(Sender:TObject;Directry:str;var Accept:bool);
17982: SIRegister_TcyCustomSearchFiles(CL);
17983: SIRegister_TcySearchFiles(CL);
17984: Func FileNameRespondToMask( aFileName :Str; aMask :Str) :Bool;
17985: Func IscyFolder( aSRec : TSearchrec) :Bool;
17986: end;
17988: Proc SIRegister_jcontrolutils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17989: begin
17990: Func jCountChar( const s :Str; ch : char) : Int;
17991: Proc jSplit( const Delimiter : char; Input :Str; Strings : TStrings);
17992: Func jNormalizeDate(const Value:str;theValue: TDateTime;const theFormat:str):str;
17993: Func jNormalizeTime(const Value:str;theValue:TTime;const theFormat:str) :Str;
17994: Func jNormalizeDateTime(const Val:str;theValue:TDateTime;const theFormat:str):str;
17995: Func jNormalizeDateSeparator( const s :Str) :Str;
17996: Func jIsValidDateString( const Value :Str) :Bool;
17997: Func jIsValidTimeString( const Value :Str) :Bool;
17998: Func jIsValidDateTimeString( const Value :Str) :Bool;
17999: end;
18001: Proc SIRegister_kcMapViewer(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18002: begin
18003: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TMapViewer;
18004: TypeS('TMapSource', ( msNone, msGoogleNormal, msGoogleSatellite, msGoo'
18005: +gleHybrid, msGooglePhysical, msGooglePhysicalHybrid, msOpenStreetMapMapnik'
18006: +, msOpenStreetMapOsmarender, msOpenCycleMap, msVirtualEarthBing, msVirtual'
18007: +EarthRoad, msVirtualEarthAerial, msVirtualEarthHybrid, msYahooNormal, msYa'
18008: +hooSatellite, msYahooHybrid,msOviNormal,msOviSatellite, msOviHybrid, msOviPhysical );
18009: TArea', 'record top : Int64; left : Int64; bottom : Int64; right: Int64; end;
18010: TRealArea', 'record top: Extended; left:Extended; bottom: Extended; right: Extended; end;
18011: TIntPoint', 'record X : Int64; Y : Int64; end;
18012: TkcRealPoint', 'record X : Extended; Y : Extended; end;
18013: TOnBeforeDownloadEvent','Procedure(Url:Str; str:TStream; var CanHandle:Bool);
18014: TOnAfterDownloadEvent', 'Procedure( Url :Str; str : TStream);
18015: SIRegister_TCustomDownloadEngine(CL);
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18016: SIRegister_TCustomGeolocationEngine(CL);
18017: SIRegister_TMapViewer(CL);
18018: end;
18020: Proc SIRegister_cparserutils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18021: begin
18022: (*Func isFunc( name : TNamePart) :Bool;*)
18023: Func isUnnamedFunc( name : TNamepart) :Bool;
18024: Func isPtrToFunc( name : TNamePart) :Bool;
18025: Func isFuncRetFuncPtr( name : TNamePart) :Bool;
18026: Func isPtrToFuncRetFuncPtr( name : TNamePart) :Bool;
18027: Func GetFuncParam( name : TNamePart) : TNamePart;
18028: Func isArray( name : TNamePart) :Bool;
18029: Func GetArrayPart( name : TNamePart) : TNamePart;
18030: Func GetIdFromPart( name : TNamePart) : Ansistr;
18031: Func GetIdPart( name : TNamePart) : TNamePart;
18032: Func isNamePartPtrToFunc( part : TNamePart) :Bool;
18033: Func isAnyBlock( part : TNamePart) :Bool;*)
18034: TypeS('TLineInfo', record linestart : Int; lineend : Int; end;
18035: SIRegister_TLineBreaker(CL);
18036: TypeS('TNameKind', 'Int;
18037: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNamePart;
18038: //TypeS('TFuncParam', 'record prmtype : TEntity; name : TNamePart; end;
18039: Func SphericalMod( X : Extended) : Extended;
18040: Func cSign( Value : Extended) : Extended;
18041: Func LimitFloat( const eValue, eMin, eMax : Extended) : Extended;
18042: Func AngleToRadians( iAngle : Extended) : Extended;
18043: Func RadiansToAngle( eRad : Extended) : Extended;
18044: Func Cross180( iLong : Double) :Bool;
18045: Func Mod180( Value : Int) : Int;
18046: Func Mod180Float( Value : Extended) : Extended;
18047: Func MulDivFloat( a, b, d : Extended) : Extended;
18048: Func LongDiff( iLong1, iLong2 : Double) : Double;
18049: Proc Bmp_AssignFromPersistent( Source : TPersistent; Bmp : TbitMap);
18050: Func Bmp_CreateFromPersistent( Source : TPersistent) : TbitMap;
18051: Func FixFilePath( const Inpath, CheckPath :Str) :Str;
18052: Func UnFixFilePath( const Inpath, CheckPath :Str) :Str;
18053: Proc FillStringList( sl : TStringList; const aText :Str);
18054: end;
18056: Proc SIRegister_LedNumber(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18057: begin
18058: TLedSegmentSize', 'Int;
18059: TLedNumberBorderStyle', '( lnbNone, lnbSingle, lnbSunken, lnbRaised );
18060: SIRegister_TCustomLEDNumber(CL);
18061: SIRegister_TLEDNumber(CL);
18062: end;
18064: Proc SIRegister_StStrL(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18065: begin
18066: TypeS('LStrRec',record AllocSize:Longint;RefCount : Longint; Length : Longint; end;
18067: TypeS(AnsiChar', 'Char;
18068: TypeS('BTable', array[0..255] of Byte; //!!!
18069: Func HexBL( B : Byte) : Ansistr;
18070: Func HexWL( W : Word) : Ansistr;
18071: Func HexLL( L : LongInt) : Ansistr;
18072: Func HexPtrL( P : ___Pointer) : Ansistr;
18073: Func BinaryBL( B : Byte) : Ansistr;
18074: Func BinaryWL( W : Word) : Ansistr;
18075: Func BinaryLL( L : LongInt) : Ansistr;
18076: Func OctalBL( B : Byte) : Ansistr;
18077: Func OctalWL( W : Word) : Ansistr;
18078: Func OctalLL( L : LongInt) : Ansistr;
18079: Func Str2Int16L( const S : Ansistr; var I : SmallInt) :Bool;
18080: Func Str2WordL( const S : Ansistr; var I : Word) :Bool;
18081: Func Str2LongL( const S : Ansistr; var I : LongInt) :Bool;
18082: Func Str2RealL( const S : Ansistr; var R : Double) :Bool;
18083: Func Str2RealL( const S : Ansistr; var R : Real) :Bool;
18084: Func Str2ExtL( const S : Ansistr; var R : Extended) :Bool;
18085: Func Long2StrL( L : LongInt) : Ansistr;
18086: Func Real2StrL( R : Double; Width : Byte; Places : ShortInt) : Ansistr;
18087: Func Ext2StrL( R : Extended; Width : Byte; Places : ShortInt) : Ansistr;
18088: Func ValPrepL( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18089: Func CharStrL( C : Char; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18090: Func PadChL( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18091: Func PadLL( const S : Ansistr; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18092: Func LeftPadChL( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18093: Func LeftPadL( const S : Ansistr; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18094: Func TrimLeadL( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18095: Func TrimTrailL( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18096: Func TrimL( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18097: Func TrimSpacesL( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18098: Func CenterChL( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18099: Func CenterL( const S : Ansistr; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18100: Func EntabL( const S : Ansistr; TabSize : Byte) : Ansistr;
18101: Func DetabL( const S : Ansistr; TabSize : Byte) : Ansistr;
18102: Func ScrambleL( const S, Key : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18103: Func SubstituteL( const S, FromStr, ToStr : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18104: Func FilterL( const S, Filters : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
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18370: begin
18371: SIRegister_TProjectVersionInfo(CL);
18372: Func MSLanguageToHex( const s :Str) :Str;
18373: Func MSHexToLanguage( const s :Str) :Str;
18374: Func MSCharacterSetToHex( const s :Str) :Str;
18375: Func MSHexToCharacterSet( const s :Str) :Str;
18376: Func MSLanguages : TStringList;
18377: Func MSHexLanguages : TStringList;
18378: Func MSCharacterSets : TStringList;
18379: Func MSHexCharacterSets : TStringList;
18380: end;
18382: Proc SIRegister_IpUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18383: begin
18384: TIpHandle', 'Cardinal;
18385: TIpMD5StateArray', 'array[0..3] of DWORD;;
18386: TypeS('TIpMD5CountArray', 'array[0..1] of DWORD;;
18387: TIpMD5ByteBuf', 'array[0..63] of Byte;;
18388: TIpMD5LongBuf', 'array[0..15] of DWORD;;
18389: TIpMD5Digest', 'array[0..15] of Byte;;
18390: TIpLineTerminator', '( ltNone, ltCR, ltLF, ltCRLF, ltOther );
18391: TIpMD5Context', 'record State : TIpMD5StateArray; Count : TIpMD5'
18392: +'CountArray; ByteBuf : TIpMD5ByteBuf; end;
18393: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EIpBaseException;
18394: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EIpAccessException;
18395: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EIpHtmlException;
18396: SIRegister_TIpBaseAccess(CL);
18397: SIRegister_TIpBasePersistent(CL);
18398: //TIpComponentClass', 'class of TIpBaseComponent;
18399: SIRegister_TIpBaseComponent(CL);
18400: SIRegister_TIpBaseWinControl(CL);
18401: Func InClassA( Addr : LongInt) :Bool;
18402: Func InClassB( Addr : LongInt) :Bool;
18403: Func InClassC( Addr : LongInt) :Bool;
18404: Func InClassD( Addr : LongInt) :Bool;
18405: Func InMulticast( Addr : LongInt) :Bool;
18406: Func IpCharCount( const Buffer, BufSize : DWORD; C : AnsiChar) : DWORD;
18407: Func IpCompStruct( const S1, S2, Size :Card) : Int;
18408: Func IpMaxInt( A, B : Int) : Int;
18409: Func IpMinInt( A, B : Int) : Int;
18410: Proc IpSafeFree( var Obj: TObject);
18411: Func IpShortVersion :Str;
18412: Func IpInternetSumPrim( var Data, DataSize, CurCrc : DWORD) : DWORD;
18413: Func IpInternetSumOfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc : DWORD) : DWORD;
18414: Func IpInternetSumOfFile( const FileName :Str) : DWORD;
18415: Func MD5SumOfFile( const FileName :Str) :Str;
18416: Func MD5SumOfStream( Stream : TStream) :Str;
18417: Func MD5SumOfStreamDigest( Stream : TStream) : TIpMD5Digest;
18418: Func MD5SumOfString( const S :Str) :Str;
18419: Func MD5SumOfStringDigest( const S :Str) : TIpMD5Digest;
18420: Func SafeYield : LongInt;
18421: Func AllTrimSpaces( Strng :Str) :Str;
18422: Func IpCharPos( C : AnsiChar; const S :Str) : Int;
18423: Func CharPosIdx( C : AnsiChar; const S :Str; Idx : Int) : Int;
18424: Func NthCharPos( C : AnsiChar; const S :Str; Nth : Int) : Int;
18425: Func RCharPos( C : AnsiChar; const S :Str) : Int;
18426: Func RCharPosIdx( C : AnsiChar; const S :Str; Idx : Int) : Int;
18427: Func RNthCharPos( C : AnsiChar; const S :Str; Nth : Int) : Int;
18428: Func IpRPos( const Substr :Str; const S :Str) : Int;
18429: Func IpPosIdx( const SubStr, S :Str; Idx : Int) : Int;
18430: ACharSet', 'set of AnsiChar;
18431: TIpAddrRec', 'record Scheme:str; UserName :Str; Password string; Authority :Str;
18432: Port:str;Path:str; Fragment:Str; Query :Str; QueryDelim : AnsiChar; end;
18433: Proc Initialize( var AddrRec : TIpAddrRec);
18434: Proc Finalize( var AddrRec : TIpAddrRec);
18435: Func ExtractEntityName( const NamePath :Str) :Str;
18436: Func ExtractEntityPath( const NamePath :Str) :Str;
18437: Func IpParseURL( const URL :Str; var Rslt : TIpAddrRec) :Bool;
18438: Func BuildURL( const OldURL, NewURL :Str) :Str;
18439: Func PutEscapes( const S :Str; EscapeSet : ACharSet) :Str;
18440: Func RemoveEscapes( const S :Str; EscapeSet : ACharSet) :Str;
18441: Proc SplitParams( const Parms :Str; Dest : TStrings);
18442: Func NetToDOSPath( const PathStr :Str) :Str;
18443: Func DOSToNetPath( const PathStr :Str) :Str;
18444: Proc SplitHttpResponse( const S :Str; var V, MsgID, Msg :Str);
18445: Proc FieldFix( Fields : TStrings);
18446: Func AppendSlash( APath :Str) :Str;
18447: Func RemoveSlash( APath :Str) :Str;
18448: Func GetParentPath( const Path :Str) :Str;
18449: Func GetLocalContent( const TheFileName :Str) :Str;
18450: Func IPDirExists( Dir :Str) :Bool;
18451: Func GetTemporaryFile( const Path :Str) :Str;
18452: Func GetTemporaryPath :Str;
18453: Func AppendBackSlash( APath :Str) :Str;
18454: Func IpRemoveBackSlash( APath :Str) :Str;
18455: Func INetDateStrToDateTime( const DateStr :Str) : TDateTime;
18456: Func DateTimeToINetDateTimeStr( DateTime : TDateTime) :Str;
18457: Func IpTimeZoneBias : Int;
18458: Proc SplitCookieFields( const Data :Str; Fields : TStrings);
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18459: end;
18461: Proc SIRegister_LrtPoTools(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18462: begin
18463: TypeS('TPOStyle', '( postStandard, postPropName, postFull );
18464: Proc Lrt2Po( const LRTFile :Str; POStyle : TPOStyle);
18465: Proc CombinePoFiles( SL : TStrings; const FName :Str);
18466: end;
18468: Proc SIRegister_GPS(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18469: begin
18470: ConstantN('MAX_SATS','LongInt').SetInt( 12);
18471: GPSMSG_START','String').SetString( '$;
18472: GPSMSG_STOP','String').SetString( '*;
18473: SEC_BETWEEN_SEG','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
18474: TypeS('TSatellite', 'record Identification : Shortint; Elevation : Shor'
18475: +'tint; Azimut : Smallint; SignLevel : Smallint; end;
18476: TypeS('TSatellites', 'array[1..12] of TSatellite;
18477: //TSatellites = array[1..MAX_SATS] of TSatellite;
18478: TGPSSatEvent,Procedure(Sender: TObject; NbSat, NbSatUse: Shortint; Sats: TSatellites);
18479: TGPSDatas', 'record Latitude : Double; Longitude : Double; Heigh'
18480: tAboveSea : Double; Speed : Double; UTCTime : TDateTime; Valid :Bool; '
18481: NbrSats : Shortint; NbrSatsUsed : Shortint; Course : Double; end;
18482: TypeS('TGPSDatasEvent', Proc ( Sender : TObject; GPSDatas : TGPSDatas);
18483: TypeS('TMsgGP',( msgGP,msgGPGGA,msgGPGLL,msgGPGSV, msgGPRMA, msgGPRMC, msgGPZDA );
18484: TypeS('TSpeedUnit',( suKilometre, suMile, suNauticalMile );
18485: SIRegister_TGPSLink(CL);
18486: SIRegister_TCustomGPS(CL);
18487: SIRegister_TGPS(CL);
18488: SIRegister_TGPStoGPX(CL);
18489: SIRegister_TGPSSpeed(CL);
18490: SIRegister_TGPSSatellitesPosition(CL);
18491: SIRegister_TGPSSatellitesReception(CL);
18492: SIRegister_TGPSCompass(CL);
18493: //Proc Register( );
18494: Func IndexMsgGP( StrMsgGP :Str) : TMsgGP;
18495: Func StrCoordToAngle( Point : Char; Angle :Str) : Double;
18496: Func StrTimeToTime( const Time :Str) : TDateTime;
18497: Func StrToInt( const Str :Str) : Int;
18498: Func StrToReal( const Str :Str) : Extended;
18499: Func GPSRotatePoint( Angle : Double; Ct, Pt : TPoint) : TPoint;
18500: Proc LoadRessource( RessourceName :Str; ImageList : TImageList);
18501: end;
18503: Proc SIRegister_NMEA(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18504: begin
18505: NMEADataArray', 'array of string;
18506: Proc TrimNMEA( var S :Str);
18507: Proc ExpandNMEA( var S :Str);
18508: Func ParseNMEA( S :Str) : NMEADataArray;
18509: Func ChkValidNMEA( S :Str) :Bool;
18510: Func IdNMEA( S :Str) :Str;
18511: Func ChkSumNMEA( const S :Str) :Str;
18512: Func PosInDeg( const PosStr :Str) : Double;
18513: Func DateTimeNMEA( const StrD, StrT :Str) : TDateTime;
18514: Func SysClockSet( const StrD, StrT :Str) :Bool;
18515: Func Ticks2Secs(Ticks : LongInt) : LongInt;;
18516: Func Secs2Ticks(Secs : LongInt) : LongInt;;
18517: Func MSecs2Ticks(MSecs : LongInt) : LongInt;;
18518: end;
18520: Proc SIRegister_SortUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18521: begin
18522: TypeS('SortType1', 'Byte;
18523: TypeS('SortType2', 'Double;
18524: TypeS('SortType3', 'DWord;
18525: //TypeS('PDWordArray', '^DWordArray // will not work;
18526: TypeS('TDataRecord4', 'record Value : Int; Data : Int; end;
18527: Function('Proc QuickSort( var List : array of SortType1; Min, Max : Int);
18528: Proc QuickSortDWord( var List : array of SortType3; Min, Max : Int);
18529: Proc QuickSortDataRecord4( var List : array of TDataRecord4; Count : Int);
18530: Proc HeapSort( var List : array of SortType1; Count : DWord; FirstNeeded : DWord);
18531: Func QuickSelect(var List: array of SortType1; Min, Max, Wanted : Int) : SortType1;
18532: Func QuickSelectDouble( var List : array of SortType2; Min, Max, Wanted : Int) : SortType2;
18533: Func QuickSelectDWord( var List : array of SortType3; Min,Max,Wanted: Int):SortType3;
18534: end;
18536: Proc SIRegister_BitmapConversion(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18537: begin
18538: // TMatrix3x3 = array[1..3,1..3] of Double;
18539: // TMatrix4x4 = array[1..4,1..4] of Double;
18540: TypeS('TMatrix3x31', 'array[1..3] of Double;
18541: TypeS('TMatrix3x3', 'array[1..3] of TMatrix3x31;
18542: TypeS('TMatrix4x41', 'array[1..4] of Double;
18543: TypeS('TMatrix4x4', 'array[1..4] of TMatrix4x41;
18544: Proc ColorTransform( A, B, C : Byte; out X, Y, Z : Byte; const T : TMatrix4x4);
18545: Proc ColorTransform1( A, B, C : Byte; out X, Y, Z : Float; const T : TMatrix4x4);
18546: Proc ColorTransform2(const A,B,C:Float; out X, Y, Z : Byte; const T: TMatrix4x4);
18547: Proc ColorTransformHSI2RGB( H, S, I : Byte; out R, G, B : Byte);
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18634: Proc SIRegister_StExpr(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18635: begin
18636: //TypeS('PStFloat', '^TStFloat // will not work;
18637: TStMethod0Param', 'Func : TStFloat;
18638: TStMethod1Param', 'Func ( Value1 : TStFloat) : TStFloat;
18639: TStMethod2Param', 'Func ( Value1, Value2 : TStFloat) : TStFloat;
18640: TStMethod3Param', 'Func ( Value1, Value2, Value3 : TStFloat) : TStFloat;
18641: TStGetIdentValueEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; const Ide'
18642: +ntifier : Ansistr; var Value : TStFloat);
18643: TStToken', '( ssStart, ssInIdent, ssInNum, ssInSign, ssInExp, ss'
18644: +Eol,ssNum,ssIdent,ssLPar,ssRPar,ssComma,ssPlus,ssMinus,ssTimes,ssDiv,ssEqual,ssPower);
18645: SIRegister_TStExpression(CL);
18646: TStExprErrorEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ErrorNumber :'
18647: + LongInt; const ErrorStr : Ansistr);
18648: SIRegister_TStExpressionEdit(CL);
18649: Func AnalyzeExpr( const Expr : Ansistr) : Double;
18650: Proc TpVal( const S : Ansistr; var V : Extended; var Code : Int);
18651: end;
18653: Proc SIRegister_GR32_Containers(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18654: begin
18655: ConstantN('BUCKET_MASK','LongWord').SetUInt( $FF);
18656: ConstantN('BUCKET_COUNT','LongInt').SetInt( BUCKET_MASK + 1);
18657: Proc SmartAssign( Src, Dst : TPersistent; TypeKinds : TTypeKinds);
18658: Proc Advance( var Node : TLinkedNode; Steps : Int);
18659: end;
18661: Proc SIRegister_StSaturn(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18662: begin
18663: TStJupSatPos', 'record X: double; Y: Double; end;
18664: TStJupSats record Io:TStJupSatPos;Europa:TStJupSatPos;Ganymede:TStJupSatPos;Callisto:TStJupSatPos;end;
18665: Func ComputeSaturn( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18666: Func ComputePluto( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18667: Func ComputeVenus( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18668: Func ComputeMars( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18669: Func ComputeMercury( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18670: Func ComputeJupiter( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18671: Func ComputeUranus( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18672: Func ComputeNeptune( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18673: Func GetJupSats(JD : TDateTime; HighPrecision, Shadows :Bool) : TStJupSats;;
18674: end;
18676: Proc SIRegister_JclParseUses(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18677: begin
18678: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EUsesListError;
18679: Func CreateGoal( Text : PChar) : TCustomGoal;
18680: end;
18682: Proc SIRegister_JvFinalize(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18683: begin
18684: //type
18685: //TFinalizeProc = procedure;
18686: TypeS('TFinalizeProc', 'procedure;
18687: Proc AddFinalizeProc( const UnitName :Str; FinalizeProc : TFinalizeProc);
18688: Func AddFinalizeObject( const UnitName :Str; Instance : TObject) : TObject;
18689: Func AddFinalizeObjectNil(const UnitName:str; var Reference: TObject):TObject;
18690: Func AddFinalizeFreeAndNil(const UnitName:str; var Reference: TObject) : TObject;
18691: Func AddFinalizeMemory( const UnitName :Str; Ptr : ___Pointer) : ___Pointer;
18692: Func AddFinalizeMemoryNil(const UnitName:Str;var Ptr: ___Pointer) : ___Pointer;
18693: Proc FinalizeUnit( const UnitName :Str);
18694: end;
18696: Proc SIRegister_BigIni(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18697: begin
18698: ConstantN('IniTextBufferSize','LongWord').SetUInt( $7000);
18699: cIniCount','String').SetString( 'Count;
18700: TEraseSectionCallback', 'Func ( const sectionName :Str; '
18701: const sl1, sl2 : TStringList) :Bool;
18702: SIRegister_TCommaSeparatedInfo(CL);
18703: SIRegister_TSectionList(CL);
18704: SIRegister_TBigIniFile(CL);
18705: SIRegister_TBiggerIniFile(CL);
18706: SIRegister_TAppIniFile(CL);
18707: SIRegister_TLibIniFile(CL);
18708: Func ModuleName( getLibraryName :Bool) :Str;
18709: end;
18711: Proc SIRegister_ShellCtrls(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18712: begin
18713: TypeS(TRoot', 'string;
18714: TypeS(TRootFolder', '( rfDesktop, rfMyComputer, rfNetwork, rfRecycleBi'
18715: +n, rfAppData, rfCommonDesktopDirectory, rfCommonPrograms, rfCommonStartMen'
18716: +u, rfCommonStartup, rfControlPanel, rfDesktopDirectory, rfFavorites, rfFon'
18717: +ts, rfInternet, rfPersonal, rfPrinters, rfPrintHood, rfPrograms, rfRecent,'
18718: + rfSendTo, rfStartMenu, rfStartup, rfTemplates );
18719: TShellFolderCapability', '( fcCanCopy, fcCanDelete, fcCanLink, f'
18720: +'cCanMove, fcCanRename, fcDropTarget, fcHasPropSheet );
18721: TShellFolderCapabilities', 'set of TShellFolderCapability;
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19573: X509v3 = 2,
19574: X509vUndefined = $FF // implementation defined value );
19575: TX509Version', '(X509v1, X509v2,X509v3, X509vUndefined);
19577: type
19578: TX509GeneralNameType = (
19579: gnOtherName = 0,
19580: gnRFC822Name = 1,
19581: gnDNSName = 2,
19582: gnX400Address = 3,
19583: gnDirectoryName = 4,
19584: gnEDIPartyName = 5,
19585: gnUniformResourceIdentifier = 6,
19586: gnIPAddress = 7,
19587: gnRegisteredID = 8);
19588: TypeS(TX509GeneralNameType',(gnOtherName,gnRFC822Name,gnDNSName,gnX400Address,gnDirectoryName,
19590: Proc InitX509Version( var A : TX509Version);
19591: Func EncodeX509Version( const A : TX509Version) : Ansistr;
19592: Func DecodeX509Version(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A: TX509Version):Int;
19593: TypeS(TX509Time', TDateTime;
19594: Func EncodeX509Time( const A : TX509Time) : Ansistr;
19595: Func DecodeX509Time(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509Time):Int;
19596: TX509Validity','record NotBefore:TX509Time; NotAfter:TX509Time; _Decoded:Bool; end;
19597: // TypeS('PX509Validity', '^TX509Validity // will not work;
19598: Func EncodeX509Validity( const A : TX509Validity) : Ansistr;
19599: Func DecodeX509Validity(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:Str; const Size:Int; var A: TX509Validity): Int;
19600: TypeS('TX509DHValidationParms','record Seed: Ansistr; PgenCounter : Int; end;
19601: //TypeS('PX509DHValidationParms', '^TX509DHValidationParms // will not work;
19602: TypeS('TX509DHDomainParameters', record P : Ansistr; G : Ansistr'
19603: +; Q : Ansistr; J : Ansistr; ValidationParms : TX509DHValidationParms; end;
19604: // TypeS('PX509DHDomainParameters', '^TX509DHDomainParameters // will not work;
19605: Func EncodeX509DHValidationParms( const A : TX509DHValidationParms) : Ansistr;
19606: Func DecodeX509DHValidationParms(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var
A:TX509DHValidationParms): Int;
19607: Func EncodeX509DHDomainParameters( const A: TX509DHDomainParameters) : Ansistr;
19608: Func DecodeX509DHDomainParameters(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var
19609: TypeS('TX509DSSParms', 'record P : Ansistr; Q : Ansistr; G : Ansistr; end;
19610: //TypeS('PX509DSSParms', '^TX509DSSParms // will not work;
19611: Func EncodeX509DSSParms( const A : TX509DSSParms) : Ansistr;
19612: Func DecodeX509DSSParms(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509DSSParms):Int;
19613: TypeS('TX509DSSSigValue', 'record R : Ansistr; S : Ansistr; end;
19614: //TypeS('PX509DSSSigValue', '^TX509DSSSigValue // will not work;
19615: Func EncodeX509DSSSigValue( const A : TX509DSSSigValue) : Ansistr;
19616: Func DecodeX509DSSSigValue(const TypeID:Byte; const Buf:Str; const Size:Int; var A:TX509DSSSigValue):Int;
19617: TypeS(TX509AlgorithmIdentifier','record Algorithm : TASN1ObjectIdenti'
19618: +fier; Parameters : Ansistr; _Decoded :Bool; end;
19619: //TypeS('PX509AlgorithmIdentifier', '^TX509AlgorithmIdentifier // will not work;
19620: Proc InitX509AlgorithmIdentifier(var A:TX509AlgorithmIdentifier; const Algorithm : array of Int; const
Parameters : Ansistr);
19621: Proc InitX509AlgorithmIdentifierDSA_SHA1(var A:TX509AlgorithmIdentifier;const Params:AnsiStr;
19622: Func EncodeX509AlgorithmIdentifier( const A : TX509AlgorithmIdentifier) : Ansistr;
19623: Func DecodeX509AlgorithmIdentifier(const TypeID:Byte; const Buf:str; const Size:Int; var
A:TX509AlgorithmIdentifier): Int;
19624: TypeS(TX509RSAPublicKey','record Modulus:Ansistr;PublicExponent:Ansistr; end;
19625: //TypeS('PX509RSAPublicKey', '^TX509RSAPublicKey // will not work;
19626: Func EncodeX509RSAPublicKey( const A : TX509RSAPublicKey) : Ansistr;
19627: Func DecodeX509RSAPublicKey(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509RSAPublicKey): Int;
19628: Func ParseX509RSAPublicKey(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509RSAPublicKey):Int);
19629: TypeS('TX509DHPublicKey', 'Ansistr;
19630: Func EncodeX509DHPublicKey( const A : TX509DHPublicKey) : Ansistr;
19631: TypeS(TX509DSAPublicKey', 'Ansistr;
19632: Func EncodeX509DSAPublicKey( const A : TX509DSAPublicKey) : Ansistr;
19633: TypeS(TX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo', 'record Algorithm : TX509AlgorithmId'
19634: +entifier; SubjectPublicKey : Ansistr; _Decoded :Bool; end;
19635: //TypeS('PX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo', '^TX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo // will not work;
19636: Proc InitX509SubjectPublicKeyInfoDSA(var A:TX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo;const B:TX509DSSParms;const
PublicKey: Ansistr);
19637: Func EncodeX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo( const A: TX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo) : Ansistr;
19638: Func DecodeX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A
TX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo): Int;
19639: Func ParseX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo):Int;
19640: Func EncodeX509GeneralName(const A:TX509GeneralNameType;const EncodedName:Ansistr):Ansistr;
19641: Func DecodeX509GeneralName(const TypeID:Byte; const Buf:str; const Size:Int;var
A:TX509GeneralNameType;var B Ansistr): Int;
19642: TX509GeneralNames','array of record NameType:TX509GeneralNameType; Name : Ansistr; end;
19643: //TypeS('PX509GeneralNames', '^TX509GeneralNames // will not work;
19644: Func EncodeX509GeneralNames( const A : TX509GeneralNames) : Ansistr;
19645: Func DecodeX509GeneralNames(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str; const Size:Int; var A:TX509GeneralNames):Int;
19646: TX509BasicConstraints,record CA:Bool;PathLenConstraint:Ansistr;_DecodedCA:Boolean;end
19647: //TypeS('PX509BasicConstraints', '^TX509BasicConstraints // will not work;
19648: Func EncodeX509BasicConstraints( const A : TX509BasicConstraints) : Ansistr;
19649: Func DecodeX509BasicConstraints(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var
A:TX509BasicConstraints): Int;
19650: TypeS(TX509AuthorityKeyIdentifier', 'record KeyIdentifier : Ansistr'
19651: +; AuthorityCertIssuer : TX509GeneralNames; AuthorityCertSerialNumber : Int64; end;
19652: //TypeS('PX509AuthorityKeyIdentifier','^TX509AuthorityKeyIdentifier //will not work;
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21309: Func GetISOTimeString( Hour, Minute, Second : Word; UTC :Bool) : shortstring;
21310: Func GetISOTimeStringBasic(Hour,Minute,Second: Word; UTC :Bool) : shortstring;
21311: Func GetISODateTimeString(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second:Word;UTC:Bool):shortstring;
21312: Proc UNIXToDateTime2(epoch:big_Int_t; var year,month,day,hour,minute,second: Word);
21313: Func GetCharEncoding( alias :Str; var _name :Str) : Int;
21314: Func MicrosoftCodePageToMIMECharset( cp : word) :Str;
21315: Func MicrosoftLangageCodeToISOCode( langcode : Int) :Str;
21316: CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
21317: ConstantN(CHAR_ENCODING_UNKNOWN',LongInt').SetInt( - 1);
21318: 'CHAR_ENCODING_UTF32BE','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
21319: 'CHAR_ENCODING_UTF32LE','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
21320: 'CHAR_ENCODING_UTF16LE','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
21321: 'CHAR_ENCODING_UTF16BE','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
21322: 'CHAR_ENCODING_BYTE','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
21323: 'CHAR_ENCODING_UTF16','LongInt').SetInt( 6);
21324: 'CHAR_ENCODING_UTF32','LongInt').SetInt( 7);
21325: end;
21327: Proc SIRegister_Strings(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21328: begin
21329: DelphiFunction('Func StrLenPchar( Str : PChar) : longint;
21330: Func StrEndPchar( Str : PChar) : PChar;
21331: Func StrMovePchar( Dest, Source : Pchar; l : Longint) : pchar;
21332: Func StrCopyPchar( Dest, Source : PChar) : PChar;
21333: Func StrECopyPchar( Dest, Source : PChar) : PChar;
21334: Func StrLCopyPchar( Dest, Source : PChar; MaxLen : Longint) : PChar;
21335: Func StrPCopyPchar( Dest : PChar; Source :Str) : PChar;
21336: Func StrCatPchar( Dest, Source : PChar) : PChar;
21337: Func strlcatPchar( dest, source : pchar; l : Longint) : pchar;
21338: Func StrCompPchar( Str1, Str2 : PChar) : Int;
21339: Func StrICompPchar( Str1, Str2 : PChar) : Int;
21340: Func StrLCompPchar( Str1, Str2 : PChar; MaxLen : Longint) : Int;
21341: Func StrLICompPchar( Str1, Str2 : PChar; MaxLen : Longint) : Int;
21342: Func StrScanPchar( Str : PChar; Ch : Char) : PChar;
21343: Func StrRScanPchar( Str : PChar; Ch : Char) : PChar;
21344: Func StrPosPchar( Str1, Str2 : PChar) : PChar;
21345: Func StrUpperPchar( Str : PChar) : PChar;
21346: Func StrLowerPchar( Str : PChar) : PChar;
21347: Func StrPasPchar( Str : PChar) :Str;
21348: Func StrNewPchar( P : PChar) : PChar;
21349: Proc StrDisposePchar( P : PChar);
21350: end;
21352: Proc SIRegister_crc_checks(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21353: begin
21354: Func UpdateCrc32_2( InitCrc : longword; b : byte) : longword;
21355: Func UpdateCrc16_2( InitCrc : word; b : byte) : word;
21356: Func UpdateAdler32( InitAdler : longword; b : byte) : longword;
21357: Func UpdateFletcher8( InitFletcher : word; b : byte) : word;
21358: Func UpdateCRC( InitCrc : word; b : byte) : word;
21359: end;
21361: Proc SIRegister_extdos(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21362: begin
21363: TypeS('utf8char', 'char;
21364: TypeS('putf8char', 'pchar;
21365: TypeS('utf16char', 'word;
21366: TypeS('ucs4char', 'longword;
21367: //TypeS('pucs4char', '^ucs4char // will not work;
21368: TypeS('ucs2char', 'word;
21369: TypeS('pucs2char', 'ucs2char; // will not work;
21370: //TypeS('pucs2char', '^ucs2char // will not work;
21371: TypeS('utf8string', 'string;
21372: // TypeS('putf8shortstring', '^shortstring // will not work;
21373: TypeS('_USER_INFO_2', record usri2_name : pucs2char; usri2_password : '
21374: +pucs2char; usri2_password_age : DWORD; usri2_priv : DWORD; usri2_home_dir '
21375: +: pucs2char; usri2_comment : pucs2char; usri2_flags : DWORD; usri2_script_'
21376: +path : pucs2char; usri2_auth_flags : DWORD; usri2_full_name : pucs2char; u'
21377: +sri2_usr_comment : pucs2char; usri2_parms : pucs2char; usri2_workstations '
21378: +: pucs2char; usri2_last_logon : DWORD; usri2_last_logoff : DWORD; usri2_ac'
21379: +ct_expires : DWORD; usri2_max_storage : DWORD; usri2_units_per_week : DWOR'
21380: +D; usri2_logon_hours : pchar; usri2_bad_pw_count : DWORD; usri2_num_logons'
21381: +:DWORD; usri2_logon_server:pucs2char;usri2_country_code:DWORD;usri2_code_page:DWORD; end;
21382: //TypeS('P_USER_INFO_2', '^_USER_INFO_2 // will not work;
21386: +'WMIGUID_OBJECT );
21387: //TypeS('PPSID', '^PSID // will not work;
21388: TypeS('ASSOCF', 'DWORD;
21392: TypeS('TCHAR', 'ucs2char;
21393: {TypeS('TFileTime', 'FILETIME;
21394: TypeS('TWin32FindDataW', '_WIN32_FIND_DATAW;
21395: TypeS('TCHAR', 'ucs2char;
21396: TypeS('TFileTime', 'FILETIME;
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21485: SIRegister_TAdvCpObject(CL);
21486: //TAdvClass', 'class of TAdvObject;
21487: //TCollClass', 'class of TColl;
21488: SIRegister_TColl(CL);
21489: SIRegister_TSortedColl(CL);
21490: SIRegister_TStringColl(CL);
21491: Func AddRightSpaces( const S :Str; NumSpaces : Integer) :Str;
21492: Proc AddStr( var S :Str; C : char);
21493: Proc Add_Str( var S : ShortString; C : char);
21494: Func CompareStrX( const S1, S2 :Str) : Integer;
21495: Func CopyLeft( const S :Str; I : Integer) :Str;
21496: Proc DelDoubles( const St :Str; var Source :Str);
21497: Proc DelFC( var s :Str);
21498: Proc DelLC( var s :Str);
21499: Func DelLeft( const S :Str) :Str;
21500: Func DelRight( const S :Str) :Str;
21501: Func DelSpaces( const s :Str) :Str;
21502: Proc DeleteLeft( var S :Str; I : Integer);
21503: Func DigitsOnly( const AStr :Str) :Bool;
21504: Proc DisposeStr( P :Str);
21505: Func ExpandFileNameX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21506: Func ExtractFilePathX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21507: Func ExtractDir( const S :Str) :Str;
21508: Func ExtractFileRootX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21509: Func ExtractFileExtX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21510: Func ExtractFileNameX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21511: Func ExtractFileDriveX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21512: Func ExtractFileDirX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21513: Proc FSplit( const FName :Str; var Path, Name, Ext :Str);
21514: Proc FillCharSetX( const AStr :Str; var CharSet : TCharSet);
21515: Func GetWrdStrictUC( var s, w :Str) :Bool;
21516: Func GetWrdStrict( var s, w :Str) :Bool;
21517: Func GetWrdD( var s, w :Str) :Bool;
21518: Func GetWrdA( var s, w :Str) :Bool;
21519: Func GetWrd( var s, w :Str; c : char) :Bool;
21520: Func Hex2X( a : Byte) :Str;
21521: Func Hex4X( a : Word) :Str;
21522: Func Hex8X( a : DWORD) :Str;
21523: Func Int2Hex( a : Integer) :Str;
21524: Func Int2StrX( L : Integer) :Str;
21525: Func ItoS( I : Integer) :Str;
21526: Func ItoSz( I, Width : Integer) :Str;
21527: Func LastDelimiterX( const Delimiters, S :Str) : Integer;
21528: Func LowerCaseX( const S :Str) :Str;
21529: Func MakeFullDir( const D, S :Str) :Str;
21530: Func MakeNormName( const Path, Name :Str) :Str;
21531: Func MonthE( m : Integer) :Str;
21532: Func NewStr( const S :Str) :Str;
21533: Func ReplaceX( const Pattern, ReplaceString:Str; var S:Str):Bool;
21534: Func StoI( const S :Str) : Integer;
21535: Func StrEnds( const S1, S2 :Str) :Bool;
21536: Func StrRightX( const S :Str; Num : Integer) :Str;
21537: Func UpperCaseX( const S :Str) :Str;
21538: Func WipeChars( const AStr, AWipeChars :Str) :Str;
21539: Func _Val( const S :Str; var V : Integer) :Bool;
21540: Func ProcessQuotes( var s :Str) :Bool;
21541: Func UnpackPchars( var s :Str) :Bool;
21542: Func UnpackUchars( var s :Str) :Bool;
21543: Func __alpha( c : char) :Bool;
21544: Func __ctl( c : char) :Bool;
21545: Func __digit( c : char) :Bool;
21546: Func __extra( c : char) :Bool;
21547: Func __national( c : char) :Bool;
21548: Func __pchar( c : char) :Bool;
21549: Func __reserved( c : char) :Bool;
21550: Func __safe( c : char) :Bool;
21551: Func __uchar( c : char) :Bool;
21552: Func __unsafe( c : char) :Bool;
21553: Func Buf2Str( const Buffer:Str) :Str;
21554: //Proc Clear( var Buf, Count : Integer);
21555: Func CompareMem( P1, P2 : _Pointer; Length : Integer) :Bool;
21556: Proc FreeObjectX( var O: TObject);
21557: Proc LowerPrec( var A, B : Integer; Bits : Byte);
21558: Func MemEqu( const A, B, Sz : Integer) :Bool;
21559: Func MaxIX( A, B : Integer) : Integer;
21560: Func MinIX( A, B : Integer) : Integer;
21561: Func MaxDX( A, B : DWORD) : DWORD;
21562: Func MinDX( A, B : DWORD) : DWORD;
21563: Func NulSearch( const Buffer:Str) : Integer;
21564: Func NumBits( I : Integer) : Integer;
21565: //Proc XAdd( var Critical, Normal);
21566: //Proc XChg( var Critical, Normal);
21567: Func CreateEvtA : DWORD;
21568: Func CreateEvt( Initial :Bool) : DWORD;
21569: Func SignaledEvt( id : DWORD) :Bool;
21570: Func WaitEvt( const id : TWOHandleArray; Timeout : DWORD) : DWORD;
21571: //Func WaitEvtA(nCount: Integer;lpHandles: PWOHandleArray; Timeout:DWORD): DWORD;
21572: Func ClearHandle( var Handle : THandle) :Bool;
21573: Proc CloseHandles( const Handles : array of DWORD);
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21821: begin
21822: CL.AddTypeS('TJSONValue', 'TJSONData');
21823: SIRegister_TPCJSONData(CL);
21824: //CL.AddTypeS('TPCJSONDataClass', 'class of TPCJSONData');
21825: SIRegister_TPCJSONVariantValue(CL);
21826: SIRegister_TPCJSONNameValue(CL);
21827: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TPCJSONArray');
21828: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TPCJSONObject');
21829: SIRegister_TPCJSONList(CL);
21830: SIRegister_TPCJSONArray(CL);
21831: SIRegister_TPCJSONObject(CL);
21832: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass(TOBJECT),EPCParametresError');
21833: end;
21835: Proc SIRegister_uTPLb_Hash(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21836: begin
21837: CL.AddTypeS(TOnHashProgress,Function(sender:TObject;CountBytesProcessed:int64):bool;
21838: SIRegister_IHash(CL);
21839: SIRegister_IHash_TestAccess(CL);
21840: SIRegister_TSimpleHash(CL);
21841: SIRegister_THash(CL);
21842: end;
21844: Proc SIRegister_UTime(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21845: begin
21846: //Func TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime( lpTimeZoneInformation:PTimeZoneInformation; var lpLocalTime,
lpUniversalTime : TSystemTime) : BOOL');
21847: //Func SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime( lpTimeZoneInformation:PTimeZoneInformation;var lpUniversalTime,
lpLocalTime : TSystemTime) : BOOL');
21848: Func DateTime2UnivDateTime(d : TDateTime) : TDateTime');
21849: Func UnivDateTime2LocalDateTime(d: TDateTime): TDateTime');
21850: Func UnivDateTimeToUnix(dtDate: TDateTime : Longint');
21851: Func UnixToUnivDateTime(USec: Longint): TDateTime');
21852: Func UnixTimeToLocalElapsedTime( USec : Longint): Ansistr');
21853: Func DateTimeElapsedTime(dtDate: TDateTime): Ansistr');
21854: end;
21856: Proc SIRegister_uTPLb_BlockCipher(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21857: begin
21858: SIRegister_IBlockCodec(CL);
21859: SIRegister_IBlockCipher(CL);
21860: SIRegister_TBlockChainLink(CL);
21861: CL.AddTypeS(TChainingFeature', '( cfNoNounce, cfKeyStream, cfAutoXOR, cf8bit)');
21862: CL.AddTypeS(TChainingFeatureSet', 'set of TChainingFeature');
21863: SIRegister_IBlockChainingModel(CL);
21864: SIRegister_IBlockCipherSelector(CL);
21865: end;
21867: Proc SIRegister_XMLDoc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21868: begin
21869: FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),IXMLNode, 'IXMLNode');
21870: TOBJECT'),'TXMLNode');
21871: TOBJECT'),'TXMLNodeList');
21872: TOBJECT'),'TXMLNodeCollection');
21873: TOBJECT'),'TXMLDocument');
21874: CL.AddTypeS(TNodeListOperation','( nlInsert, nlRemove, nlCreateNode )');
21875: CL.AddTypeS(TNodeListNotification', 'Proc ( Operation : TNodeListOperat'
21876: +ion; var Node :IXMLNode; const IndexOrName: OleVariant; BeforeOperation :Bool)');
21877: SIRegister_TXMLNodeList(CL);
21878: CL.AddTypeS(TAsyncEventHandler,procedure(Sender:TObject;AsyncLoadState:Integer) of Object);
21879: //CL.AddTypeS('TXMLNodeClass', 'class of TXMLNode');
21880: TXMLNodeArray', 'array of TXMLNode');
21881: TNodeClassInfo','record NodeName:DOMString;NamespaceURI:DOMString;NodeClass:TXMLNode; end');
21882: CL.AddTypeS(TNodeClassArray', 'array of TNodeClassInfo');
21883: //CL.AddTypeS('TXMLNodeCollectionClass', 'class of TXMLNodeCollection');
21884: CL.AddTypeS(TNodeChange', '( ncUpdateValue, ncInsertChild, ncRemoveChild, nc'
21885: +AddAttribute, ncRemoveAttribute )');
21886: SIRegister_IXMLNodeAccess(CL);
21887: SIRegister_TXMLNode(CL);
21888: SIRegister_TXMLNodeCollection(CL);
21889: TNodeChangeEvent','Proc ( const Node : IXMLNode; ChangeType : TNodeChange);
21890: TXMLPrologItem','( xmlpVersion, xmlpEncoding, xmlpStandalone )');
21891: TXMLDocumentSource','( xdsNone, xdsXMLProperty, xdsXMLData, xdsFile, xdsStream);
21892: SIRegister_IXMLDocumentAccess(CL);
21893: SIRegister_TXMLDocument(CL);
21894: Func CreateDOMNode(Doc:IDOMDocument;const NameOrData:DOMString;NodeType:TNodeType;const
21895: Func DetectCharEncoding( S : TStream) : TXmlEncodingType');
21896: Proc CheckEncoding(var XMLData: DOMString; const ValidEncodings: array of string);
21897: Func XMLStringToWideString( const XMLString :Str) : WideString;
21898: Func FormatXMLData( const XMLData : DOMString) : DOMString;
21899: Func LoadXMLDocument3( const FileName : DOMString) : IXMLDocument');
21900: Func LoadXMLData( const XMLData : DOMString) : IXMLDocument;');
21901: Func LoadXMLData2( const XMLData :Str) : IXMLDocument;');
21902: Func NewXMLDocument( Version : DOMString) : IXMLDocument');
21903: Proc XMLDocError( const Msg :Str);');
21904: Proc XMLDocError2( const Msg :Str; const Args : array of const);
21905: Func CreateXMLDocument()
21906: end;
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21908: Proc SIRegister_uTPLb_Codec(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21909: begin
21910: SIRegister_TSimpleCodec(CL);
21911: SIRegister_ICodec_TestAccess(CL);
21912: SIRegister_TCodec(CL);
21913: end;
21915: Proc SIRegister_uTPLb_StreamCipher(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21916: begin
21917: CL.AddTypeS(TAlgorithmicFeature', '( afStar, afCryptographicallyWeak, afNotI'
21918: +mplementedYet, afForTestOnly, afForRunTimeOnly, afEncumberedByPatent, afEn'
21919: +cumberedByCopyRight, afOpenSourceSoftware, afCommercial, afCompressor, afC'
21920: +onverter, afBlockAdapter, afDisplayNameOnKeySize, afDoesNotNeedSalt, afAsymetric )');
21921: CL.AddTypeS(TAlgorithmicFeatureSet', 'set of TAlgorithmicFeature');
21922: SIRegister_ICryptoGraphicAlgorithm(CL);
21923: SIRegister_TSymetricKey(CL);
21924: SIRegister_IStreamEncryptor(CL);
21925: SIRegister_IStreamDecryptor(CL);
21926: SIRegister_IStreamCipher(CL);
21927: SIRegister_IisBase64Converter(CL);
21928: end;
21930: Proc SIRegister_MidasCon(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21931: begin
21932: SIRegister_TRemoteServer(CL);
21933: CL.AddTypeS(TConnectType', '( ctDCOM, ctSockets, ctOLEnterprise )');
21934: SIRegister_TMidasConnection(CL);
21935: end;
21937: Proc SIRegister_IXmlDocument2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21938: begin
21939: //with RegInterfaceS(CL,'IXmlNode', 'IXmlDocument') do
21940: with CL.AddInterface(CL.FindInterface('IXmlBase'),IXmlNode2,'IXmlDocument2') do begin
21941: Func Get_DocumentElement : IXmlElement', cdRegister);
21942: Func Get_BinaryXML : RawByteString', r);
21943: Func Get_PreserveWhiteSpace :Bool', );
21944: Proc Set_PreserveWhiteSpace( aValue :Bool)', );
21945: Func Get_OnTagEnd : THookTag', cdRegister);
21946: Proc Set_OnTagEnd( aValue : THookTag)', cdRegister);
21947: Func Get_OnTagBegin : THookTag', cdRegister);
21948: Proc Set_OnTagBegin( aValue : THookTag)', cdRegister);
21949: Func NewDocument(const aVersion,anEncoding:TXmlString;aRootElementNameID:NativeInt): IXmlElement;
21950: Func NewDocument1(const aVersion,anEncoding,aRootElementName:TXmlString): IXmlElement;
21951: Func CreateElement( aNameID : NativeInt) : IXmlElement;',);
21952: Func CreateElement1(const aName : TXmlString) : IXmlElement;',);
21953: Func CreateText(const aData : TXmlString) : IXmlText',);
21954: Func CreateCDATASection( const aData : TXmlString) : IXmlCDATASection',);
21955: Func CreateComment( const aData : TXmlString) : IXmlComment',);
21956: Func CreateProcessingInstruction(const aTarget,aData: TXmlString) : IXmlProcessingInstruction;',);
21957: Func CreateProcessingInstruction1(aTargetID:NativeInt;const aData:TXmlString):IXmlProcessingInstruction);
21958: Proc LoadXML( const aXML : RawByteString)',);
21959: Proc LoadBinaryXML( const aXML : RawByteString)',);
21960: Proc Load( aStream : TStream);',);
21961: Proc Load1( const aFileName :Str);',);
21962: Proc LoadResource( aType, aName : PChar)',);
21963: Proc Save( aStream : TStream);',);
21964: Proc Save1( const aFileName :Str);',);
21965: Proc SaveBinary( aStream : TStream; anOptions : LongWord);',);
21966: Proc SaveBinary1( const aFileName :Str; anOptions : LongWord);',);
21967: end;
21968: end;
21970: Proc SIRegister_OmniXMLUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21971: begin
21972: // XmlString = WideString;
21973: CL.AddTypeS('XmlString', 'WideString');
21974: Func XMLStrToReal38( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : real) :Bool;');
21975: Func XMLStrToReal39( nodeValue : XmlString) : real;');
21976: Func XMLStrToRealDef( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : real) : real');
21977: Func XMLStrToExtended40( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : extended):Bool;');
21978: Func XMLStrToExtended41( nodeValue : XmlString) : extended;');
21979: Func XMLStrToExtendedDef( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : extended): extended;
21980: Func XMLStrToCurrency42( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : Currency):Bool;');
21981: Func XMLStrToCurrency43( nodeValue : XmlString) : Currency;');
21982: Func XMLStrToCurrencyDef( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : Currency): Currency;
21983: Func XMLStrToInt44( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : integer) :Bool;');
21984: Func XMLStrToInt45( nodeValue : XmlString) : integer;');
21985: Func XMLStrToIntDef( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : integer) : integer');
21986: Func XMLStrToInt6446( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : int64) :Bool;');
21987: Func XMLStrToInt6447( nodeValue : XmlString) : int64;');
21988: Func XMLStrToInt64Def( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : int64) : int64');
21989: Func XMLStrToBool48( nodeValue : XmlString; var value :Bool) :Bool;');
21990: Func XMLStrToBool49( nodeValue : XmlString) :Bool;');
21991: Func XMLStrToBoolDef( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue :Bool):Bool;
21992: Func XMLStrToDateTime50( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : TDateTime):Bool;
21993: Func XMLStrToDateTime51( nodeValue : XmlString) : TDateTime;');
21994: Func XMLStrToDateTimeDef(nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : TDateTime): TDateTime;
21995: Func XMLStrToDate52( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : TDateTime):Bool;');
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22085: Func IsValidDate2( const Value :Str; out ADate : TDatetime) :Bool;
22086: Func IsValidTime2( const Value :Str; out ATime : TDateTime) :Bool;
22087: Func IsValidDateTime2( const Value :Str; out ADateTime : TDateTime) :Bool;
22088: Proc ChangeSystemTime( const Value : TDateTime)');
22089: Func TryChangeSystemTime( const Value : TDateTime) :Bool');
22090: end;
22092: // new functions on V III /IV - V IV
22093: Func IsUTF8File(const FileName:Str):Bool;');
22094: Func IsUTF16File(const FileName:Str):Bool;');
22095: Proc RichEditToCanvas(RichEdit: TRichEdit; Canvas: TCanvas; PixelsPerInch:Integer);
22096: --> RichEditToCanvas(RichEdit1, Image1.Canvas, Self.PixelsPerInch);
22097: Func {$I ActiveDEP:Card; }
22098: Func {$I ActivateDEP:Card;');}
22099: Proc WriteXMLFile(doc: TXMLDocument; const AFileName:Str);
22100: Proc WriteXML(Element: TDOMNode; const AFileName:Str);
22101: Func ReadXMLFile(const AFilename:Str) : TXMLDocument;
22102: Proc WriteXMLFile(doc: TXMLDocumentDOM; const AFileName:Str);');
22103: Proc WriteXML(Element: TDOMNode; const AFileName:Str);');
22104: Proc WriteXMLFileStream(ADoc : TXMLDocument; AStream : TStream);
22106: Func CountColors(const Bitmap: Graphics.TBitmap): Integer;
22107: var Flags: array[Byte, Byte] of Classes.TBits;
22108: I, J, K: Integer;
22109: RowIn: PRGBTripleArray;
22110: begin
22111: // Be sure bitmap is 24-bits/pixel
22112: Assert(Bitmap.PixelFormat = Graphics.pf24Bit);
22114: Func SndPlaySound(const AFilename: pchar; flags:Card):Bool;
22115: Proc PlaySound1(const AFilename:Str);
22116: Func mciSendCommand(mciID, umessage, dwparam1, dwparam2:Card):Card;
22117: Func ProxyActive:Bool;
22118: Func GetProxyServer:Str;
22119: Func GetProxyOverride:Str;
22120: Func GetProxyServerIP:Str;
22121: Func GetProxyServerPort: Integer;
22122: Func GetHtml( const Url :Str) :Str;');
22123: Func GetHtm12( const Url, UserAgent :Str) :Str;');
22124: Proc FormatXMLFile(const XmlFile:str);
22125: Func FormatXMLFile2String(const XmlFile:str):Str;
22126: Func selectXMLNode(xnRoot: IXmlNode; const nodePath: WideString): IXmlNode;
22127: Func HTMLEncode3(const Data:Str):Str; //vfast
22128: Func IsSpecialFolderSupported(CSIDL: Integer):Bool;
22129: Func SpecialFolderPath(CSIDL: Integer):Str;
22130: Func DataSetToXML(const ADataSet: TDataSet):Str;
22131: Func PackageParams( Params : TParams; Types : TParamTypes) : OleVariant');
22132: Proc UnpackParams( const Source : OleVariant; Dest : TParams)');
22133: Proc ActivateDEP2;');
22134: Func JavaToDelphiDateTime(const dt: int64): TDateTime;');
22135: Func DelphiToJavaDateTime(const dt: TDateTime): int64;');
22136: Func GetTimeBias: integer;
22137: Proc WrapLines(VAR a, b:Str; len: Integer);
22138: Func DelphiDateTimeToISO8601Date(dt: TDateTime):Str;
22139: Proc BackgroundWorkerWaitFor(isworking:Bool; fWindow: HWND);
22141: uPSI_CromisStreams,
22142: uPSI_Streams,
22143: uPSI_BitStream,
22144: uPSI_UJSONFunctions.pas
22145: uPSI_uTPLb_BinaryUtils.pas
22146: uPSI_USha256.pas
22147: uPSI_uTPLb_HashDsc.pas
22148: uPSI_uTPLb_Hash.pas
22149: SIRegister_Series(X); //
22150: uPSI_Series,
22151: unit uPSI_mimeinln;
22152: unit uPSI_UTime; //unit UTime;
22153: RIRegister_TStreamStorage(X);
22154: RIRegister_TNamesEnumerator(X);
22155: 1283 uPSI_uTPLb_StreamCipher.pas
22156: 1284 uPSI_uTPLb_BlockCipher.pas
22157: 1285 uPSI_uTPLb_Asymetric.pas
22158: 1286 uPSI_uTPLb_CodecIntf.pas
22159: 1287 uPSI_uTPLb_Codec.pas
22160: 1288 uPSI_ADOInt.pas
22161: 1289 uPSI_MidasCon.pas
22162: 1290 uPSI_XMLDoc.pas
22163: 1291 uPSI_XMLIntf.pas
22164: 1292 uPSI_ProxyUtils.pas
22165: 1293 unit uPSI_maxXMLUtils2;
22166: 1294 unit_StDict_Routines(S: TPSExec);
22167: 1295 unit uPSI_Hashes2
22168: 1296 unit uPSI_IdCoderHeader;
22170: Func TRestRequest_createStringStreamFromStringList(strings:TStringList):TStringStream;
22171: {A simple Oscilloscope using TWaveIn class.
22172: More info at }
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22262: SHA256Buf( var Digest : T256BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22263: SHA256FinalBuf(var Digest:T256BitDigest;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Int;const TotalSize:Int64;
22264: CalcSHA2562( const Buf : Ansistr) : T256BitDigest'); --------------------------
22265: SHA256DigestAsString( const Digest : T256BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22266: SHA256DigestToHex( const Digest : T256BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22267: SHA384InitDigest( var Digest : T512BitDigest)');
22268: SHA384Buf( var Digest : T512BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22269: SHA384FinalBuf(var Digest:T512BitDigest;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Int;const TotalSize:Int64;var
22270: CalcSHA384( const Buf : Ansistr) : T384BitDigest');
22271: SHA384DigestAsString( const Digest : T384BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22272: SHA384DigestToHex( const Digest : T384BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22273: SHA512InitDigest( var Digest : T512BitDigest)');
22274: SHA512Buf( var Digest : T512BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22275: SHA512FinalBuf(var Digest:T512BitDigest;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Int;const TotalSize:Int64);
22276: CalcSHA512( const Buf : Ansistr) : T512BitDigest');
22277: SHA512DigestAsString( const Digest : T512BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22278: SHA512DigestToHex( const Digest : T512BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22279: HMAC_MD5Init(const Key:str;const KeySize:Integer;var Digest:T128BitDigest;var K:T512BitBuf);
22280: HMAC_MD5Buf( var Digest : T128BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22281: HMAC_MD5FinalBuf(const K: T512BitBuf;var Digest T128BitDigest;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Integer;const
22282: CalcHMAC_MD5( const Key, Buf : Ansistr) : T128BitDigest');
22283: HMAC_SHA1Init(const Key:str;const KeySize:Int;var Digest:T160BitDigest;var K:T512BitBuf);
22284: HMAC_SHA1Buf( var Digest : T160BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22285: HMAC_SHA1FinalBuf(const K:T512BitBuf;ar Digest:T160BitDigest;const Buf:Str; const BufSize:Int; const
TotalSize Int64);
22286: CalcHMAC_SHA1( const Key, Buf : Ansistr):T160BitDigest;
22287: HMAC_SHA256Init(const Key:str;const KeySize:Int;var Digest:T256BitDigest;var K:T512BitBuf);
22288: HMAC_SHA256Buf( var Digest : T256BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22289: HMAC_SHA256FinalBuf(const K :T512BitBuf;var Digest: T256BitDigest;const Buf:Str; const
BufSize:Integer;const TotalSize:Int64);
22290: CalcHMAC_SHA256( const Key, Buf : Ansistr) : T256BitDigest');
22291: HMAC_SHA512Init(const Key:str;const KeySize:Int;var Digest:T512BitDigest;var K:T1024BitBuf);
22292: HMAC_SHA512Buf( var Digest : T512BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22293: HMAC_SHA512FinalBuf(const K:T1024BitBuf;var Digest:T512BitDigest;const Buf:str;const
BufSize:Integer;const TotalSize:Int64);
22294: CalcHMAC_SHA512( const Key, Buf: Ansistr): T512BitDigest');
22295: AHash(CL);
22296: CL.AddTypeS('THashClass', 'class of AHash');
22297: TChecksum32Hash(CL);
22298: TXOR8Hash(CL);
22299: TXOR16Hash(CL);
22300: TXOR32Hash(CL);
22301: TCRC16Hash(CL);
22302: TCRC32Hash(CL);
22303: TAdler32Hash(CL);
22304: TELFHash(CL);
22305: TMD5Hash(CL);
22306: TSHA1Hash(CL);
22307: TSHA256Hash2(CL); //------------!!
22308: TSHA512Hash(CL);
22309: THMAC_MD5Hash(CL);
22310: THMAC_SHA1Hash(CL);
22311: THMAC_SHA256Hash(CL);
22312: THMAC_SHA512Hash(CL);
22313: THashType','(hashChecksum32,hashXOR8,hashXOR16,hashXOR32,hashCRC16,hashCRC32,hashAdler32, hashELF,
hashMD5,hashSHA1 hashSHA256,hashSHA512,hashHMAC_MD5,hashHMAC_SHA1,hashHMAC_SHA256,hashHMAC_SHA512'+')');
22314: GetHashClassByType( const HashType : THashType) : THashClass');
22315: GetDigestSize( const HashType : THashType) : Integer');
22316: CalculateHash(const HashType:THashType;const Buf:AnsiStr;const Digest:str;const Key:AnsiStr;
22317: HashString(const S: Ansistr; const Slots:LongWord; const CaseSensitive:Boolean):LongWord');
22318: SelfTestHash');
22319: end;
22321: Unit UMatrix
22322: Proc Determinant( Dimen : integer; Data : TNmatrix; var Det : Float; var Error : byte)');
22323: Proc Inverse2( Dimen : integer; Data : TNmatrix; var Inv : TNmatrix; var Error : byte)');
22324: Proc Gaussian_Elimination(Dimen:integer;Coefficients:TNmatrix;Constants:TNvector;var
Solution:TNvector;var Error:byte);
22325: Proc Partial_Pivoting(Dimen:integer;Coefficients:TNmatrix;Constants:TNvector;var Solution:TNvector;var
22326: Proc LU_Decompose(Dimen:integer;Coefficients:TNmatrix;var Decomp:TNmatrix;var Permute:TNmatrix;var
22327: Proc LU_Solve(Dimen: integer;var Decomp TNmatrix;Constants:TNvector;var Permute:TNmatrix;var
Solution:TNvector;var Error:byte);
22328: Proc Gauss_Seidel( Dimen: integer; Coefficients: TNmatrix; Constants: TNvector; Tol: Float; MaxIter:
integer;var Solution:TNvector;var Iter:integer;var Error: byte)');
22329: end;
22331: Proc SIRegister_uTPLb_RSA_Primitives(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22332: begin
22333: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Func I2OSP( x : THugeCardinal; xLen : integer; XStream : TStream; Pool :
TMemoryStreamPool) :Bool');
22334: //'Func OS2IP( XStream : TStream; xLen : integer; var x : THugeCardinal; Pool : TMemoryStreamPool;
MaxBits : integer) :Bool');
22335: Proc MGF1( mgfSeed : TStream; maskLen :Card; mask : TStream)');
22336: CL.AddTypeS('TLongOpResult', '( opPass, opFail, opAbort )');
22337: Func RSAES_OAEP_ENCRYPT( n, e : THugeCardinal; M, C : TMemoryStream) :Bool');
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22503: end;
22505: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
22506: Proc SIRegister_PXLNetComs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22507: begin
22508: CL.AddConstantN('MaximumPacketSize','LongInt').SetInt( 8166);
22509: CL.AddTypeS('TSocket', 'Integer'); //delphisocks as longint
22510: CL.AddTypeS('TInAddr', 'record S_addr :Card; end');
22511: SIRegister_TNetCom(CL);
22512: end;
22514: unit uPSI_cTCPConnection.pas
22515: Proc RIRegister_cTCPConnection_Routines(S: TPSExec);
22516: Func TCPGetTick : LongWord');
22517: Func TCPTickDelta( const D1, D2 : LongWord) : Integer');
22518: Func TCPTickDeltaW( const D1, D2 : LongWord) : LongWord');
22520: Proc SIRegister_cTCPConnection(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22521: begin
22522: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'ETCPConnection');
22523: CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TTCPConnection');
22524: CL.AddTypeS('TTCPLogType', '( tlDebug, tlInfo, tlError )');
22525: TTCPConnectionProxyState,(prsInit,prsNegotiating,prsFiltering,prsFinished,prsError,prsClosed);
22526: SIRegister_TTCPConnectionProxy(CL);
22527: SIRegister_TTCPConnectionProxyList(CL);
22528: TTCPConnectionState','(cnsInit,cnsProxyNegotiation,cnsConnected,cnsClosed )');
22529: TTCPConnectionTransferState,record LastUpdate:LongWord;ByteCount:Int64;TransferRate:LongWord; end;
22530: TAnsiCharSet', 'set of AnsiChar');
22531: TTCPConnectionNotifyEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TTCPConnection)');
22532: TTCPConnectionStateChangeEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TTCPConnection; State: TTCPConnectionState)');
22533: TTCPConnectionLogEvent','Procedure(Sender:TTCPConnection;LogType:TTCPLogType;LogMsg:str; LogLevel:Int;
22534: SIRegister_TTCPConnection(CL);
22535: //CL.AddTypeS('TTCPConnectionClass', 'class of TTCPConnection');
22536: Func TCPGetTick : LongWord');
22537: Func TCPTickDelta( const D1, D2 : LongWord) : Integer');
22538: Func TCPTickDeltaW( const D1, D2 : LongWord) : LongWord');
22539: end;
22541: Proc RIRegister_cTCPConnection_Routines(S: TPSExec);
22542: begin
22543: S.RegisterDelphiFunction(@TCPGetTick, 'TCPGetTick', cdRegister);
22544: S.RegisterDelphiFunction(@TCPTickDelta, 'TCPTickDelta', cdRegister);
22545: S.RegisterDelphiFunction(@TCPTickDeltaW, 'TCPTickDeltaW', cdRegister);
22546: end;
22548: var HTMLWindow2: IHTMLWindow2;
22549: const HTMLStrGoogle 'string').SetString(HTMLStrGoogle); //javascript
22551: Proc GoogleMapsFormCreate(Sender:TObject;aform:TForm;webbrowser1:TWebbrowser;HTMLStr:str);
22552: Proc GoogleMapsGotoLocationClick(Sender: TObject; LatitudeText, LongitudeText:Str );
22553: begin
22554: HTMLWindow2.execScript(Format('GotoLatLng(%s,%s)',[LatitudeText,LongitudeText]),'JavaScript');
22555: end;
22557: Proc GoogleMapsGotoAddressClick(Sender: TObject; vaddress:Str);
22558: var address :Str;
22559: begin
22560: address:= vaddress;
22561: address:=StringReplace(StringReplace(Trim(address),#13,' ',[rfReplaceAll]),#10,' ',[rfReplaceAll]);
22562: HTMLWindow2.execScript(Format('codeAddress(%s)',[QuotedStr(address)]), 'JavaScript');
22563: end;
22564: Func TaskbarHandle: THandle');
22565: Func TrayHandle: THandle');
22566: Proc DOSWipeFile(fn:Str);');
22567: Proc DOSFileWipe(fn:Str);');
22568: Func ExecAndWait(sExe, sCommandLine:Str):Bool;');
22569: Proc GoogleMapsFormCreate(Sender:TObject;aform:TForm; webbrowser1:TWebbrowser;HTMLStr,navdoc:str);');
22570: Proc GoogleMapsGotoLocationClick(Sender:TObject;LatitudeText,LongitudeText:Str );');
22571: Proc GoogleMapsGotoAddressClick(Sender: TObject; vaddress:Str);');
22572: Proc GoogleMapsGotoAddressClick(Sender: TObject; vaddress:Str);
22573: Proc BitmapToMetafile(const Bmp: {Graphics.}TBitmap; const EMF: {Graphics.}TMetafile);
22575: Proc SIRegister_DrBobCGI(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22576: begin
22577: CL.AddTypeS('TBobRequestMethod','(bobUnknown, bobGet, bobPost )');
22578: Func bobValue( const Field : ShortString; Convert :Bool) : ShortString');
22579: Func CookieValue( const Field : ShortString) : ShortString');
22580: Func getCGIEnvValues:Str;');
22581: end;
22583: Func getCGIEnvValues:Str;
22584: begin
22585: result:= inttoStr(ContentLength)+';'+RemoteAddress+';'+HttpUserAgent+';'+
22586: Authorization+';'+ScriptName+'.'
22587: end;
22589: Proc SIRegister_OverbyteIcsCharsetUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22590: begin
22591: CL.AddConstantN('ERR_CP_NOTMAPPED','LongInt').SetInt( MAX_CODEPAGE + 1);
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22999: begin
23000: //with RegClassS(CL,'TComponent', 'TSimpleRSS') do
23001: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TComponent'),'TSimpleRSS') do begin
23002: Constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent)');
23003: Proc Free');
23004: Proc SaveToFile( Filename :Str)');
23005: Func SaveToString :Str');
23006: Proc SaveToStream( Stream : TStream);
23007: Func SaveToStrings : TStrings;
23008: Proc LoadFromHTTP( URL :Str)
23009: Proc LoadFromString( S :Str);
23010: Proc LoadFromFile( Filename :Str);
23011: Proc LoadFromStream( Stream : TStream);
23012: Proc LoadFromStrings( Strings : TStrings);
23013: Proc GenerateXML;');
23014: Proc GenerateXML1( FeedType : TXMLTypeRSS);
23015: Proc GenerateComponent');
23016: Proc ClearXML');
23017: Property('Channel', 'TRSSChannel', iptrw);
23018: Property('Items', 'TRSSItems', iptrw);
23019: Property('Version', 'string', iptrw);
23020: Property('XMLType', 'TXMLTypeRSS', iptrw);
23021: Property('XMLFile', 'TXMLDocument', iptr);
23022: Property('IndyHTTP', 'TIdHTTP', iptrw);
23023: Property('SimpleRSSVersion', 'String', iptr);
23024: Property('OnCreate', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
23025: Property('OnGenerateXML', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
23026: Property('OnParseXML', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
23027: end;
23028: end;
23030: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23031: Proc SIRegister_SimpleRSSTypes(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23032: begin
23033: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'ESimpleRSSException');
23034: CL.AddTypeS('TLanguagesRSS', '( langAF, langSQ, langEU, langBE, langBG, langCA, '
23035: +'langZH_CN, langZH_TW, langHR, langCS, langDA, langNL, langNL_BE, langNL_NL'
23036: +',langEN, langEN_AU, langEN_BZ, langEN_CA, langEN_IE, langEN_JM, langEN_NZ'
23037: +',langEN_PH, langEN_ZA, langEN_TT, langEN_GB, langEN_US, langEN_ZW, langET'
23038: +',langFO, langFI, langFR, langFR_BE, langFR_CA, langFR_FR, langFR_LU, lang'
23039: +'FR_MC, langFR_CH, langGL, langGD, langDE, langDE_AT, langDE_DE, langDE_LI,'
23040: +' langDE_LU, langDE_CH, langEL, langHAW, langHU, langIS, langIN, langGA, la'
23041: +'ngIT, langIT_IT, langIT_CH, langJA, langKO, langMK, langNO, langPL, langPT'
23042: +', langPT_BR, langPT_PT, langRO, langRO_MO, langRO_RP, langRU, langRU_MO, l'
23043: +'angRU_RU, langSR, langSK, langSL, langES, langES_AR, langES_BO, langES_CL,'
23044: +' langES_CO, langES_CR, langES_DO, langES_EC, langES_SV, langES_GT, langES_'
23045: +'HN, langES_MX, langES_NI, langES_PA, langES_PY, langES_PE, langES_PR, lang'
23046: +'ES_ES, langES_UY, langES_VE, langSV, langSV_FI, langSV_SE, langTR, langUK,langX )');
23047: CL.AddTypeS('TXMLTypeRSS', '( xtRDFrss, xtRSSrss, xtAtomrss, xtiTunesrss )');
23048: TContentTypeRSS', '( ctTextrss, ctHTMLrss, ctXHTMLrss )');
23049: TEncodingTypeRSS', '( etBase64rss, etEscapedrss, etXMLrss )');
23050: SIRegister_TRFC822DateTime(CL);
23051: SIRegister_TRSSChannelReq(CL);
23052: SIRegister_TRSSImageReq(CL);
23053: SIRegister_TRSSImageOpt(CL);
23054: SIRegister_TRSSImage(CL);
23055: SIRegister_TRSSCloud(CL);
23056: SIRegister_TRSSTextInput(CL);
23057: SIRegister_TRSSChannelCategory(CL);
23058: SIRegister_TRSSChannelCategories(CL);
23059: SIRegister_TRSSChannelSkipHours(CL);
23060: SIRegister_TRSSChannelSkipDays(CL);
23061: SIRegister_TRSSChannelOpt(CL);
23062: SIRegister_TRSSChannel(CL);
23063: SIRegister_TRSSItemSource(CL);
23064: SIRegister_TRSSItemEnclosure(CL);
23065: SIRegister_TRSSItemCategory(CL);
23066: SIRegister_TRSSItemCategories(CL);
23067: SIRegister_TRSSItemGUID(CL);
23068: SIRegister_TRSSAuthor(CL);
23069: SIRegister_TRSSItem(CL);
23070: SIRegister_TRSSItems(CL);
23071: CL.AddTypeS(TFormatSettingsRSS', 'record ShortDateFormat :Str; LongDateForm'
23072: +at :Str; LongTimeFormat :Str; ShortTimeFormat :Str; end');
23073: end;
23075: RSS Feed Snippet:
23076: const RSS_NewsFeed = '';
23077: with TSimpleRSS.create(self) do begin
23078: XMLType:= xtRDFrss;
23079: IndyHTTP:= TIdHTTP.create(self);
23080: LoadFromHTTP(RSS_NewsFeed);
23081: //LoadFromHTTP(Climatefeed);
23082: writeln('RSSVersion: '+Version)
23083: writeln('SimpleRSSVersion: '+SimpleRSSVersion)
23084: for it:= 0 to items.count-1 do
23085: writeln(itoa(it)+': '+Items[it].title+': '+items[it].pubdate.getdatetime);
23086: end;
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23088: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23089: Proc SIRegister_JTools(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23090: begin
23091: Func ParseCmdLine( ACmdLine : PChar; List : TStrings; QuoteChar : char) :Bool');
23092: Func GetCmdSwitchValue(const Switch:str;SwitchChars:TSysCharSet;var Value:str;IgnoreCase:boolean):bool;
23093: //Proc ShowError( const S :Str; const Args : array of const)');
23094: end;
23096: Proc SIRegister_rfc1213util(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23097: begin
23098: CL.AddConstantN('rfc1213version','String').SetString( '0.1.2');
23099: Func UptimeToDays( const Uptime :Str) :Str');
23100: Func getSNMP( const mib, community, host :Str; var ErrNo : Integer) :Str');
23101: Func sysServicesString( const sysServicesStr :Str) :Str');
23102: Func ipForwardingString( const ipForwarding :Str) :Str');
23103: Func ipRouteTypeString( const ipRouteType :Str) :Str');
23104: Func ipRouteProtoString( const ipRouteProto :Str) :Str');
23105: Func ipNetToMediaTypeString( const ipNetToMediaType :Str) :Str');
23106: Func GetColFromTableRow( const EntryCols : TStringList; index : integer) :Str');
23107: Func ifTypeString( ifTypeStringNo :Str) :Str;
23108: Func ifStatusString( ifStatusStringNo :Str) :Str;
23109: Func tcpRtoAlgorithmString( const tcpRtoAlgorithm :Str) :Str;
23110: Func tcpConnStateString( const tcpConnState :Str) :Str;
23111: Func egpNeighStateString( const egpNeighState :Str) :Str;
23112: Func egpNeighModeString( const egpNeighMode :Str) :Str;
23113: Func egpNeighEventTriggerString( const egpNeighEventTrigger :Str) :Str;
23114: Func snmpEnableAuthenTrapsString( const snmpEnableAuthenTraps :Str) :Str;
23115: Func FormatMac( const Mac :Str) :Str;
23116: Proc JumpToRegistryKey(Key:Str);
23117: end;
23119: Proc SIRegister_neuralab(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23120: begin
23121: SIRegister_TABHash(CL);
23122: Func ABKey( S : array of byte; Divisor : longint) : longint');
23123: Func ABCmp( var X, Y : array of byte) :Bool');
23124: Func ABGetNext1( var AB : array of byte; ST : word) : word');
23125: Func ABCountDif( var X, Y : array of byte) : longint');
23126: Func ABCountDifZero( var X : array of byte) : longint');
23127: Proc ABAnd( var A, B : array of byte)');
23128: Func ABGetEqual( var Equal, X, Y : array of byte) : longint');
23129: Proc ABShiftLogicalLeft( var X : array of byte)');
23130: Proc ABShiftLogicalRight( var X : array of byte)');
23131: Func ABGetDif( var Dif, X, Y : array of byte) : longint');
23132: Func ABToString( var AB : array of byte) :Str');
23133: Func ABToStringR( var AB : array of byte) :Str');
23134: Proc ABClear( var AB : array of byte)');
23135: Proc ABFull( var AB : array of byte)');
23136: Proc ABBitOnPos( var AB : array of byte; POS : longint)');
23137: Proc ABBitOnPosAtPos( var AB : array of byte; X, Start, Len : longint)');
23138: Func ABReadBitOnPosAtPos( var AB : array of single; Start, Len:longint): longint');
23139: Proc ABCopy( var A, B : array of byte)');
23140: Proc ABTriPascal( var A, B : array of byte)');
23141: Proc ABSet( var A : array of byte; B : array of byte)');
23142: end;
23144: Proc SIRegister_neuralbit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23145: begin
23146: //CL.AddTypeS('TArrOf2BytesPtr', '^TArrOf2Bytes // will not work');
23147: //CL.AddTypeS('TArrOf3BytesPtr', '^TArrOf3Bytes // will not work');
23148: //CL.AddTypeS('TArrOf4BytesPtr', '^TArrOf4Bytes // will not work');
23149: //CL.AddTypeS('TArrBytePtr', '^TLongByteArray // will not work');
23150: Func POT( numero, elevado : extended) : extended');
23151: Func LongintBitTest( Data : longint; P : longint) :Bool');
23152: Func LongintBitFlip( Data : longint; P : longint) : longint');
23153: Proc BAClear( var VARS : array of byte)');
23154: Proc BAMake1( var VARS : array of byte)');
23155: Func BARead( var A : array of byte; P : longint) : byte');
23156: Proc BAFlip( var A : array of byte; P : longint)');
23157: Proc BAWrite( var A : array of byte; P : longint; Data : byte)');
23158: Func BATest( var A : array of byte; P : longint) :Bool');
23159: Proc BASum( var x, y : array of byte)');
23160: Proc BASub( var x, y : array of byte)');
23161: Proc BAIncPos( var x : array of byte; POS : longint)');
23162: Proc BADecPos( var x : array of byte; POS : longint)');
23163: Proc BAInc( var x : array of byte)');
23164: Proc BADec( var x : array of byte)');
23165: Func BAToString( VARS : array of byte) :Str');
23166: Func BAToFloat( var VARS : array of byte) : extended');
23167: Proc PFloatToBA( var VARS : array of byte; Valor : extended)');
23168: Proc BANot( var VARS : array of byte);
23169: Proc BAAnd( var r, x, y : array of byte);
23170: Proc BAOr( var r, x, y : array of byte);
23171: Proc BAXOr( var r, x, y : array of byte);
23172: Func BAGrater( var x, y : array of byte) :Bool;
23173: Func BALower( var x, y : array of byte) :Bool;
23174: Func BAEqual( var x, y : array of byte) :Bool;
23175: Proc BAPMul( var r, x, y : array of byte);
23176: Func nnRAnd( A, B : extended) : extended;
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23355: Func Put44( const Name :Str; const Value : TJson) : TJsonValue;');
23356: Func Put45( const Value : TJsonPair) : TJsonValue;');
23357: RegisterProperty('StructType', 'TJsonStructType', iptr);
23358: 'JsonObject', 'TJsonObject2', iptr);
23359: 'JsonArray', 'TJsonArray2', iptr);
23360: 'Count', 'Integer', iptr);
23361: 'Values', 'TJsonValue String', iptr);
23362: SetDefaultPropery('Values');
23363: end;
23364: end;
23366: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23367: Proc SIRegister_TJsonBase(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23368: begin
23369: //with RegClassS(CL,'TObject', 'TJsonBase') do
23370: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TObject'),'TJsonBase') do begin
23371: Constructor Create( AOwner : TJsonBase)');
23372: Proc Free');
23373: Proc Parse( JsonString :Str)');
23374: Func Stringify :Str');
23375: Proc Assign( Source : TJsonBase)');
23376: Func Encode( const S :Str) :Str');
23377: Func Decode( const S :Str) :Str');
23378: Proc Split( const S :Str; const Delimiter: Char; Strings:TStrings);
23379: Func IsJsonObject( const S :Str) :Bool');
23380: Func IsJsonArray( const S :Str) :Bool');
23381: Func IsJsonString( const S :Str) :Bool');
23382: Func IsJsonNumber( const S :Str) :Bool');
23383: Func IsJsonBoolean( const S :Str) :Bool');
23384: Func IsJsonNull( const S :Str) :Bool');
23385: Func AnalyzeJsonValueType( const S :Str) : TJsonValueType');
23386: RegisterProperty('Owner', 'TJsonBase', iptr);
23387: end;
23388: end;
23390: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23391: Proc SIRegister_Jsons(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23392: begin
23393: TJsonValueType','( jvNone, jvNull, jvString, jvNumber, jvBoolean, jvObject,jvArray )');
23394: TJsonStructType','( jsNone, jsArray, jsObject )');
23395: //CL.AddTypeS('TJsonNull', '( null )');
23396: //CL.AddTypeS('TJsonEmpty', '( empty )');
23397: SIRegister_TJsonBase(CL);
23398: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TJsonObject2');
23399: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TJsonArray2');
23400: SIRegister_TJsonValue(CL);
23401: SIRegister_TJsonArray2(CL);
23402: SIRegister_TJsonPair(CL);
23403: SIRegister_TJsonObject2(CL);
23404: SIRegister_TJson(CL);
23405: end;
23406: var jOb:= ajt.JsonObject;
23407: for cnt:= 2 to job.count-2 do begin
23408: Clabel:= job.items[cnt].name;
23409: writeln('iterate '+clabel)
23410: JsArr:= job.values[Clabel].asArray;
23411: for cnt2:= 0 to jsarr.count-1 do
23412: jsobj:= jsarr.items[cnt2].asobject;
23413: for cnt3:= 0 to jsobj.count do
23414: writeln(jsobj['elements'].asarray[0].asobject.items[cnt3].name)
23415: end;
23417: println('elements status:
23419: Proc SIRegister_Bricks(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23420: begin
23421: CL.AddConstantN('kError101','String').SetString( 'Runtime error: Negative parameter(s)');
23422: kError102','String').SetString( 'Runtime error: Parameter(s) out of range');
23423: kError103','String').SetString( 'Runtime error: min > max');
23424: kError104','String').SetString( 'Runtime error: max = 0');
23425: kError105','String').SetString( 'Runtime error: Denominator is zero');
23426: CL.AddTypeS('TVectorE', 'array of extended');
23427: complexreal', 'record re : real; im : real; end');
23428: TFR', 'record M : extended; phi : extended; F : complexreal; end');
23429: //CL.AddTypeS('complexreal', 'record re : real; im : real; end');
23430: SIRegister_TBlock(CL);
23431: SIRegister_TP2(CL);
23432: SIRegister_TPT0(CL);
23433: SIRegister_TPT1(CL);
23434: SIRegister_TPT2(CL);
23435: SIRegister_TInt2(CL);
23436: SIRegister_TIT1(CL);
23437: SIRegister_TDT1(CL);
23438: SIRegister_TIT2(CL);
23439: SIRegister_TPAdd(CL);
23440: SIRegister_TPSub(CL);
23441: SIRegister_TPMul(CL);
23442: SIRegister_TPDiv(CL);
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23443: end;
23445: Proc SIRegister_lifeblocks(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23446: begin
23447: SIRegister_TASIA(CL);
23448: SIRegister_TMiMe(CL);
23449: SIRegister_TNoCoDI(CL);
23450: end;
23453: ****************************************************************
23454: Release Notes maXbox June 2020 mX47
23455: ****************************************************************
23456: 1254 unit uPSI_MaskEdit.pas FCL
23457: 1255 unit uPSI_SimpleRSSTypes; BlueHippo
23458: 1256 unit uPSI_SimpleRSS; BlueHippo
23459: 1257 unit uPSI_psULib.pas Prometheus
23460: 1258 unit uPSI_psUFinancial; Prometheus
23461: 1259 uPSI_PsAPI_2.pas mX4
23462: 1260 uPSI_PersistSettings_2 mX4
23463: 1261 uPSI_rfc1213util2.pas IP
23464: 1262 uPSI_JTools.pas JCL
23465: 1263 unit uPSI_neuralbit.pas CAI
23466: 1264 unit uPSI_neuralab.pas CAI
23467: 1265 unit uPSI_winsvc2.pas TEK
23468: 1266 unit uPSI_wmiserv2.pas TEK
23469: 1267 uPSI_neuralcache.pas CAI
23470: 1268 uPSI_neuralbyteprediction CAI
23471: 1269 unit uPSI_USolarSystem;
23472: 1270 uPSI_USearchAnagrams.pas DFF
23473: 1271 uPSI_JsonsUtilsEx.pas Randolph
23474: 1272 unit uPSI_Jsons.pas Randolph
23475: 1273 unit uPSI_HashUnit; DFF
23476: 1274 uPSI_U_Invertedtext.pas DFF
23477: 1275 unit uPSI_Bricks; Dendron
23478: 1276 unit uPSI_lifeblocks.pas Dendron
23480: Totals of Func Calls: 32633
23481: SHA1: of DA4C716E31E2A4298013DFFBDA7A98D48650B0C7
23482: CRC32: 3EB27A87: 28.2 MB (29,608,248) bytes
23483: Totals of Func Calls: 32614
23485: Functions_max hex in the box maXbox
23486: functionslist.txt
23487: FunctionsList1
23489: Proc SIRegister_JclStringLists(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23490: begin
23491: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclStringListError');
23492: CL.AddInterface(CL.FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),IJclStringList, 'IJclStringList');
23493: CL.AddTypeS('TJclStringListObjectsMode', '( omNone, omObjects, omVariants, omInterfaces )');
23494: SIRegister_IJclStringList(CL);
23495: SIRegister_TJclInterfacedStringList(CL);
23496: SIRegister_TJclStringList(CL);
23497: Func JclStringList : IJclStringList;');
23498: Func JclStringListStrings( AStrings : TStrings) : IJclStringList;');
23499: Func JclStringListStrings1( const A : array of string) : IJclStringList;');
23500: Func JclStringList1( const A : array of const) : IJclStringList;');
23501: Func JclStringList2( const AText :Str) : IJclStringList;');
23502: end;
23504: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23505: Proc SIRegister_cInternetUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23506: begin
23507: ('ctHTML','String').SetString( 'text/html');
23508: ('ctText','String').SetString( 'text/plain');
23509: ('ctXML','String').SetString( 'text/xml');
23510: ('ctJPG','String').SetString( 'image/jpeg');
23511: ('ctGIF','String').SetString( 'image/gif');
23512: ('ctBMP','String').SetString( 'image/bmp');
23513: ('ctPNG','String').SetString( 'image/png');
23514: ('ctTIFF','String').SetString( 'image/tiff');
23515: ('ctMPG','String').SetString( 'video/mpeg');
23516: ('ctAVI','String').SetString( 'video/avi');
23517: ('ctQT','String').SetString( 'video/quicktime');
23518: ('ctBinary','String').SetString( 'application/binary');
23519: ('ctPDF','String').SetString( 'application/pdf');
23520: ('ctPostscript','String').SetString( 'application/postscript');
23521: ('ctBasicAudio','String').SetString( 'audio/basic');
23522: ('ctMP3','String').SetString( 'audio/mpeg');
23523: ('ctRA','String').SetString( 'audio/x-realaudio');
23524: ('ctURLEncoded','String').SetString( 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
23525: ('ctZIP','String').SetString( 'application/zip');
23526: ('ctJavaScript','String').SetString( 'application/javascript');
23527: ('ctPascal','String').SetString( 'text/x-source-pascal');
23528: ('ctCPP','String').SetString( 'text/x-source-cpp');
23529: ('ctINI','String').SetString( 'text/x-windows-ini');
23530: ('ctBAT','String').SetString( 'text/x-windows-bat');
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23879: end;
23881: Proc Include(var aset: Charset; achar: Char)'); ---> cFundamentUtils
23882: Proc Exclude(var aset: Charset; achar: Char)');
23883: Proc SIRegister_StdFuncs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23884: begin
23885: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EParserError');
23886: CL.AddTypeS('TCharSet', 'set of Char');
23887: Proc SIRegister_cFundamentUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23888: CL.AddTypeS('CharSet', 'set of Char'); //!!!
23889: CL.AddTypeS('AnsiCharSet', 'TCharSet');
23890: CL.AddTypeS('ByteSet', 'set of Byte');
23891: CL.AddTypeS('AnsiChar', 'Char');
23893: Proc SIRegister_flcMaths(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23894: begin
23895: flcPi','Extended).setExtended(3.14159265358979323846+0.26433832795028841971e-20+0.69399375105820974944e-
23896: 'flcPi2','Extended').setExtended( 6.283185307179586476925286766559006);
23897: 'flcPi3','Extended').setExtended( 9.424777960769379715387930149838509);
23898: 'flcPi4','Extended').setExtended( 12.56637061435917295385057353311801);
23899: 'flcPiOn2','Extended').setExtended( 1.570796326794896619231321691639751);
23900: 'flcPiOn3','Extended').setExtended( 1.047197551196597746154214461093168);
23901: 'flcPiOn4','Extended').setExtended( 0.785398163397448309615660845819876);
23902: 'flcPiSq','Extended').setExtended( 9.869604401089358618834490999876151);
23903: 'flcPiE','Extended').setExtended( 22.45915771836104547342715220454374);
23904: 'flcLnPi','Extended').setExtended( 1.144729885849400174143427351353059);
23905: 'flcLogPi','Extended').setExtended( 0.497149872694133854351268288290899);
23906: 'flcSqrtPi','Extended').setExtended( 1.772453850905516027298167483341145);
23907: 'flcSqrt2Pi','Extended').setExtended( 2.506628274631000502415765284811045);
23908: 'flcLnSqrt2Pi','Extended').setExtended( 0.918938533204672741780329736405618);
23909: 'flcDegPerRad','Extended').setExtended( 57.29577951308232087679815481410517);
23910: 'flcDegPerGrad','Extended').setExtended( 0.9);
23911: 'flcDegPerCycle','Extended').setExtended( 360.0);
23912: 'flcGradPerCycle','Extended').setExtended( 400.0);
23913: 'flcGradPerDeg','Extended').setExtended( 1.111111111111111111111111111111111);
23914: 'flcGradPerRad','Extended').setExtended( 63.661977236758134307553505349006);
23915: 'flcRadPerDeg','Extended').setExtended( 0.017453292519943295769236907684886);
23916: 'flcRadPerGrad','Extended').setExtended( 0.015707963267948966192313216916398);
23917: 'flcRadPerCycle','Extended').setExtended( 6.283185307179586476925286766559);
23918: 'flcCyclePerDeg','Extended').setExtended( 0.002777777777777777777777777777778);
23919: 'flcCyclePerRad','Extended').setExtended( 0.15915494309189533576888376337251);
23920: 'flcCyclePerGrad','Extended').setExtended( 0.0025);
23921: 'flcE','Extended').setExtended( 2.718281828459045235360287471352663);
23922: 'flcE2','Extended').setExtended( 7.389056098930650227230427460575008);
23923: 'flcExpM2','Extended').setExtended( 0.135335283236612691893999494972484);
23924: 'flcLn2','Extended').setExtended( 0.693147180559945309417232121458177);
23925: 'flcLn10','Extended').setExtended( 2.302585092994045684017991454684364);
23926: 'flcLogE','Extended').setExtended( 0.434294481903251827651128918916605);
23927: 'flcLog2','Extended').setExtended( 0.301029995663981195213738894724493);
23928: 'flcLog3','Extended').setExtended( 0.477121254719662437295027903255115);
23929: 'flcSqrt2','Extended').setExtended( 1.414213562373095048801688724209698);
23930: 'flcSqrt3','Extended').setExtended( 1.732050807568877293527446341505872);
23931: 'flcSqrt5','Extended').setExtended( 2.236067977499789696409173668731276);
23932: 'flcSqrt7','Extended').setExtended( 2.645751311064590590501615753639260);
23933: //CL.AddTypeS('MFloat', 'Double');
23934: //CL.AddTypeS('MFloatArray', 'DoubleArray');
23935: //CL.AddTypeS('MFloat', 'Extended'); / check t<pe
23936: CL.AddTypeS('ExtendedArray', 'array of MFloat');
23937: //ExtendedArray = array of Extended;
23938: CL.AddTypeS('MFloatArray', 'ExtendedArray');
23939: CL.AddTypeS('Int64Array', 'array of Int64');
23940: CL.AddTypeS('flcfx', 'Func (const x: Float): Float;');
23941: CL.AddTypeS('MFloatArray2', 'array of Mfloat');
23942: //Int64Array = array of Int64;
23943: // CL.AddTypeS('PMFloat', '^MFloat // will not work');
23944: Proc SetFPUPrecisionSingle');
23945: Proc SetFPUPrecisionDouble');
23946: Proc SetFPUPrecisionExtended');
23947: Proc SetFPURoundingNearest');
23948: Proc SetFPURoundingDown');
23949: Proc SetFPURoundingUp');
23950: Proc SetFPURoundingTruncate');
23951: Func flcPolyEval(const X:MFloat;const Coef:array of MFloat;const N: Integer): MFloat;
23952: Func flcSign( const R : Integer) : Integer;');
23953: Func flcSign1( const R : Int64) : Integer;');
23954: Func flcSign2( const R : Single) : Integer;');
23955: Func flcSign3( const R : Double) : Integer;');
23956: Func flcSign4( const R : Extended) : Integer;');
23957: Func flcFloatMod( const A, B : MFloat) : MFloat');
23958: Func flcATan360( const X, Y : MFloat) : MFloat');
23959: Func flcInverseTangentDeg( const X, Y : MFloat) : MFloat');
23960: Func flcInverseTangentRad( const X, Y : MFloat) : MFloat');
23961: Func flcInverseSinDeg( const Y, R : MFloat) : MFloat');
23962: Func flcInverseSinRad( const Y, R : MFloat) : MFloat');
23963: Func flcInverseCosDeg( const X, R : MFloat) : MFloat');
23964: Func flcInverseCosRad( const X, R : MFloat) : MFloat');
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24141: begin
24142: //with RegClassS(CL,'TOBJECT', 'TComplexClass') do
24143: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TComplexClass') do begin
24144: Constructor Create( const ARealPart : MFloat; const AImaginaryPart : MFloat)');
24145: RealPart', 'MFloat', iptrw);
24146: ImaginaryPart', 'MFloat', iptrw);
24147: AsString', 'String', iptrw);
24148: AsStringB', 'RawByteString', iptrw);
24149: AsStringU', 'UnicodeString', iptrw);
24150: Proc Assign( const C : TComplex);');
24151: Proc Assign1( const V : MFloat);');
24152: Proc AssignZero');
24153: Proc AssignI');
24154: Proc AssignMinI');
24155: Func Duplicate : TComplexClass');
24156: Func IsEqual2( const C : TComplexClass) :Bool;');
24157: Func IsEqual3( const R, I : MFloat) :Bool;');
24158: Func IsReal :Bool');
24159: Func IsZero :Bool');
24160: Func IsI :Bool');
24161: Proc Add4( const C : TComplex);');
24162: Proc Add5( const V : MFloat);');
24163: Proc Subtract6( const C : TComplexClass);');
24164: Proc Subtract7( const V : MFloat);');
24165: Proc Multiply8( const C : TComplexClass);');
24166: Proc Multiply9( const V : MFloat);');
24167: Proc MultiplyI');
24168: Proc MultiplyMinI');
24169: Proc Divide10( const C : TComplexClass);');
24170: Proc Divide11( const V : MFloat);');
24171: Proc Negate');
24172: Func Modulo : MFloat');
24173: Func Denom : MFloat');
24174: Proc Conjugate');
24175: Proc Inverse');
24176: Proc Sqrt');
24177: Proc Exp');
24178: Proc Ln');
24179: Proc Sin');
24180: Proc Cos');
24181: Proc Tan');
24182: Proc Power( const C : TComplexClass)');
24183: end;
24184: end;
24186: Proc SIRegister_TMatrixClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24187: begin
24188: //with RegClassS(CL,'TOBJECT', 'TMatrixClass') do
24189: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TMatrixClass') do begin
24190: Constructor CreateSize( const RowCount, ColCount : Integer)');
24191: Constructor CreateSquare( const N : Integer; const Identity :Bool)');
24192: //RegisterMethod('Constructor CreateDiagonal( const D : TVector)');
24193: ColCount', 'Integer', iptrw);
24194: RowCount', 'Integer', iptrw);
24195: Proc SetSize( const RowCount, ColCount : Integer)');
24196: Proc Clear');
24197: Item', 'MFloat Integer Integer', iptrw);
24198: SetDefaultPropery('Item');
24199: Proc AssignZero');
24200: Proc AssignIdentity');
24201: Proc Assign( const Value : MFloat);');
24202: Proc Assign1( const M : TMatrix);');
24203: //RegisterMethod('Proc Assign2( const V : TVector);');
24204: Func Duplicate : TMatrixClass;');
24205: Func DuplicateRange( const R1, C1, R2, C2 : Integer) : TMatrixClass;');
24206: //RegisterMethod('Func DuplicateRow( const Row : Integer) : TVector');
24207: //RegisterMethod('Func DuplicateCol( const Col : Integer) : TVector');
24208: //RegisterMethod('Func DuplicateDiagonal : TVector');
24209: Func IsEqual( const M : TMatrixClass) :Bool;');
24210: //RegisterMethod('Func IsEqual6( const V : TVector) :Bool;');
24211: Func IsSquare :Bool');
24212: Func IsZero :Bool');
24213: Func IsIdentity :Bool');
24214: AsString', 'String', iptr);
24215: AsStringB', 'RawByteString', iptr);
24216: AsStringU', 'UnicodeString', iptr);
24217: Func Trace : MFloat');
24218: //RegisterMethod('Proc SetRow7(const Row: Integer; const V : TVector);');
24219: Proc SetRow( const Row : Integer; const Values : array of MFloat);');
24220: //RegisterMethod('Proc SetCol( const Col: Integer; const V : TVector)');
24221: Func Transpose : TMatrixClass');
24222: Proc TransposeInPlace');
24223: Proc Add( const M : TMatrixClass)');
24224: Proc Subtract( const M : TMatrixClass)');
24225: Proc Negate');
24226: Proc MultiplyRow( const Row : Integer; const Value : MFloat)');
24227: Proc Multiply( const Value : MFloat);');
24228: Func Multiply1( const M : TMatrixClass) : TMatrixClass;');
24229: Proc MultiplyInPlace( const M : TMatrixClass)');
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24570: 9 TestStringBuilderClass
24571: 10 TestASCII;
24572: 11 TestASCIIRoutines;
24573: 12 TestPatternmatcher;
24574: 13 TestUnicodeChar;
24575: 14 unit uPSI_AfUtils;
24576: 15 unit uPSI_PsAPI;
24577: 16 TestVectorClass;
24578: 17 TestVectorClassExtended;
24579: 18 TestKMeans;
24580: 19 TestKMeans2;
24581: 20 TestTNNetVolume;
24582: 21 TestConvolutionAPI();
24583: 22 TestDataParallelism(NN: TNNet);
24584: //TestTNNetVolume;
24586: ****************************************************************
24587: Release Notes maXbox Jan 2021 mX47
24588: ****************************************************************
24589: Add 25 Units + 4 Tutorials
24590: 1277 unit uPSI_SystemsDiagram.pas Dendron
24591: 1278 unit uPSI_qsFoundation.pas Dendron
24592: 1279 uPSI_JclStringLists2 JCL
24593: 1280 uPSI_cInternetUtils2 FLC
24594: 1281 uPSI_cWindows.pas FLC
24595: 1282 uPSI_flcSysUtils.pas +TBytes utils
24596: 1283 unit uPSI_RotImg.pas DA
24597: 1284 uPSI_SimpleImageLoader.pas LAZ
24598: 1285 uPSI_HSLUtils.pas LAZ
24599: 1286 uPSI_GraphicsMathLibrary.pas EF
24600: 1287 unit uPSI_umodels.pas DMath
24601: 1288 uPSI_flcStatistics.pas FLC5
24602: 1289 uPSI_flcMaths.pas FLC5
24603: 1290 uPSI_flcCharSet.pas
24604: 1291 uPSI_flcBits32.pas
24605: 1292 uPSI_flcTimers.pas
24606: 1293 uPSI_cBlaiseParserLexer.pas
24607: 1294 uPSI_flcRational.pas
24608: 1295 uPSI_flcComplex.pas
24609: 1296 unit uPSI_flcMatrix (uPSI_flcVectors.pas)
24610: 1297 unit uPSI_flcStringBuilder.pas
24611: 1298 unit PJResFile_Routines;
24612: 1299 uPSI_flcASCII.pas
24613: 1300 uPSI_flcStringPatternMatcher;
24614: 1301 unit uPSI_flcUnicodeChar.pas
24615: Totals of Func Calls: 33282
24616: SHA1: of D82EAD01C58738887661428F94B207DB1D8FAEB5
24617: CRC32: 203C82F0 29.5 MB (31,012,768 bytes
24618: newunits: 01 RotImg.pas + uModel : TModel lib dmath.dll
24619: 02 SimpleImageLoader.pas
24620: 03 systemsdiagram.pas + fpc switch
24621: 04 qsfoundation.pas NO FPC Vector operator
24622: 05 prediction.pas SimulationEngine missing
24623: 06 HSLUtils.pas - color model
24624: 07 cInternetUtils.pas - header information
24625: 08 cWindows.pas - cstrings routines as flcSysUtils
24626: 09 flcSysUtils.pas //2 functions with cwindows possible+ freqObj +TBytes utils
24627: 10 GraphicsMathLibrary.PAS gml-profix
24628: 11 flcBits32.pas //$IFDEF DEBUG} {$IFDEF TEST} Proc Test;
24629: 12 flcFloats.pas No Floats instead: uPSI_cBlaiseParserLexer.pas
24630: 13 flcDecimal.pas + TestClass
24631: 14 flcCharSet.pas //test include wrapper + -
24632: 15 flcComplex.pas -Class
24633: 16 flcMaths.pas //{$IFDEF MATHS_TEST} Proc Test
24634: 17 flcMatrix.pas - less TVectors
24635: 18 flcRational.pas -Class
24636: 19 flcStatistics.pas -Class
24637: 20 flcStringBuilder.pas - less Unicode
24638: 21 flcVectors.pas No Vectors cause compatibility
24639: 22 flcTimers.pas {$DEFINE TIMERS_TEST}
24641: ****************************************************************
24642: Release Notes maXbox October 2021 mX475
24643: ****************************************************************
24645: Add 26 Units + 10 Tutorials
24647: 1403 unit uPSI_SemaphorGrids;
24648: 1404 unit uXmlDates2;
24649: 1405 unit uPSI_JclTimeZones;
24650: 1406 unit uPSI_XmlDocRssParser.pas
24651: 1407 unit uPSI_RssParser.pas
24652: 1408 uPSI_SimpleParserRSS.pas
24653: 1409 unit uPSI_SimpleRSSUtils;
24654: 1410 unit uPSI_RssModel; _BlueHippo
24655: 1411 unit uPSI_StrUtil; _FIBPlus
24656: 1412 unit uPSI_TAChartUtils; _TEE
24657: 1413 unit uPSI_PythonEngine.pas _P4D_Beta
24658: 1414 unit uPSI_VclPythonGUIInputOutput;
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25365: end;
25367: const LB = CR+LF;
25368: const PyModule =
25369: 'def printData(data): '+#13#10+
25370: ' return data+data+"/n"';
25372: const PYCMD = 'print("this is box")'+LB+
25373: 'import sys'+LB+
25374: 'f=open(r"C:\maXbox\maxbox3\maxbox3\maXbox3\examples\pytest2.txt","w")'+LB+
25375: 'f.write("Hello PyWorld_mX4, \n")'+LB+
25376: 'f.write("This data will be written on the file.")'+LB+
25377: 'f.close()';
25379: Proc PYLaz_P4D_Demo;
25380: //
25381: var eng : TPythonEngine;
25382: Out1: TPythonGUIInputOutput;
25383: begin
25384: eng:= TPythonEngine.Create(Nil);
25385: Out1:= TPythonGUIInputOutput.create(nil)
25386: Out1.output:= pyMemo; //debugout.output; //memo2;
25387: Out1.RawOutput:= False;
25388: Out1.UnicodeIO:= False;
25389: Out1.maxlines:= 20;
25390: out1.displaystring('this string')
25391: //eng.IO:= Out1;
25392: Out1.writeline('draw the line');
25393: eng.LoadDll;
25394: eng.IO:= Out1;
25395: if eng.IsHandleValid then begin
25396: writeln('DLLhandle: '+botostr(eng.IsHandleValid))
25397: WriteLn('evens: '+ eng.EvalStringAsStr('[x*2 for x in range(10)]'));
25398: WriteLn('gauss: '+ eng.EvalStr('sum([x for x in range(101)])')); //alias
25399: writeln('syncheck '+
25400: botostr(eng.CheckEvalSyntax('print("powers:",[x**2 for x in range(10)])')));
25401: eng.ExecString('print("powers:",[x**2 for x in range(10)])');
25402: eng.ExecString(PYCMD);
25403: writeln('ExecSynCheck2 '+
25404: botostr(eng.CheckExecSyntax(filetostring(PYSCRIPT))));
25405: eng.ExecString(filetostring(PYSCRIPT));
25406: end
25407: else writeln('invalid library handle! '+Getlasterrortext);
25408: writeln('PythonOK '+botostr(PythonOK));
25410: //pyImport(PyModule);
25412: end;
25414: //python template
25415: with TPythonEngine.Create(Nil) do begin
25416: pythonhome:= 'C:\Users\max\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\';
25417: try
25418: loadDLL;
25419: Println('Decimal: '+
25420: EvalStr('__import__("decimal").Decimal(0.1)'));
25421: except
25422: raiseError;
25423: finally
25424: free;
25425: end;
25427: Proc SIRegister_VarPyth(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25428: begin
25429: CL.AddTypeS('TSequenceType', '( pystTuple, pystList )');
25430: Func VarPythonCreate0( AObject : TPyObject) : Variant;');
25431: Func VarPythonCreate1( const AValue : Variant) : Variant;');
25432: Func VarPythonCreate2( const AValues: array of const; ASequenceType : TSequenceType) : Variant;');
25433: Func VarPythonEval( const APythonExpression : Ansistr) : Variant');
25434: Func VarPython : TVarType');
25435: Func VarIsPython( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25436: Func VarAsPython( const AValue : Variant) : Variant');
25437: Func ExtractPythonObjectFrom( const AValue : Variant) : TPyObject');
25438: Func VarIsSame( const A, B : Variant) :Bool');
25439: Func VarIsSameType( const A, B : Variant) :Bool');
25440: Func VarIsPythonSequence( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25441: Func VarIsPythonMapping( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25442: Func VarIsPythonNumber( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25443: Func VarIsPythonString( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25444: Func VarIsPythonInteger( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25445: Func VarIsPythonFloat( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25446: Func VarIsPythonTuple( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25447: Func VarIsPythonList( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25448: Func VarIsPythonDict( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25449: Func VarIsPythonClass( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25450: Func VarIsPythonMethod( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25451: Func VarIsPythonFunction( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25452: Func VarIsPythonModule( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25453: Func VarIsPythonCallable( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
MAXBOX10 C:\maXbox\works2021\maxbox4\docs\maxbox_functions.txt T: 429
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25632: procedure SIRegister_DoubleList4(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25633: begin
25634: CL.AddConstantN('SDoubleListVoidError','String').SetString( 'Invalid method call (empty list)!');
25635: CL.AddConstantN('SDoubleListSortError','String').SetString( 'Invalid method call (sorted list)!');
25636: //= array[0..MaxDoubleListSize - 1] of Double;
25637: // CL.AddTypeS('TDoublePtrList', 'array[0..2147417850] of Single');
25638: CL.AddTypeS('TDoublePtrList', 'array of Single');
25639: { TDoubleListSortCompare
25640: = function (Item1, Item2: Double): Integer;
25641: TDoubleDescriptor = function (Index:Integer;Item : Double) : string; }
25642: CL.AddTypeS('TDoubleListSortCompare', 'function (Item1,Item2: Double):Integer;');
25643: //TSingleDescriptor //=// function (Index:Integer;Item : Single) : string;
25644: CL.AddTypeS('TDoubleDescriptor', 'function (Index:Integer;Item : Double) : string;');
25645: CL.AddTypeS('TDoubleSortOption', '( DoubleSortNone, DoubleSortUpWithDup, Doub'
25646: +'leSortUpNoDup, DoubleSortDownWithDup, DoubleSortDownNoDup )');
25647: SIRegister_TDoubleList(CL);
25648: CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function DefDescDouble( Index : Integer; Item : Double) : string');
25649: end;
25651: procedure SIRegister_ByteListClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25652: begin
25653: CL.AddConstantN('SByteListVoidError','String').SetString( 'Invalid method call (empty list)!');
25654: CL.AddConstantN('SByteListSortError','String').SetString( 'Invalid method call (sorted list)!');
25655: CL.AddTypeS('TByteSortOption', '( ByteSortNone, ByteSortUpWithDup, ByteSortUp'
25656: +'NoDup, ByteSortDownWithDup, ByteSortDownNoDup )');
25657: CL.AddTypeS('TBytePtrList', 'array of Byte');
25658: TByteListSortCompare', 'function (Item1, Item2: Byte): Integer;');
25659: TByteDescriptor', 'function (Index:Integer;Item : Byte) : string;');
25660: SIRegister_TByteListClass(CL);
25661: CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function DefDescByte( Index : Integer; Item : Byte): string');
25662: end;
25664: procedure SIRegister_neuralplanbuilder(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25665: begin
25666: 'NeuralMaxStates2','LongInt').SetInt( 400);
25667: 'NeuralMaxPlans2','LongInt').SetInt( 100);
25668: CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralState2', 'array of byte');
25669: CL.AddTypeS('TProcPred2', Function ( var ST : array of byte; Action : byte): boolean');
25670: SIRegister_TActionStateList(CL);
25671: Procedure TVisitedStatesCopy( var A, B : TActionStateList)');
25672: SIRegister_TPlan(CL);
25673: SIRegister_TCompositePlan(CL);
25674: end;
25676: procedure SIRegister_neuralvolume(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25677: begin
25678: 'csMinAvxSize','LongInt').SetInt( 16);
25679: 'csEncodeRGB','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
25680: 'csEncodeHSV','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
25681: 'csEncodeHSL','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
25682: 'csEncodeLAB','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
25683: 'csEncodeGray','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
25684: CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralFloat', 'Single');
25685: //CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralFloatPtr', '^TNeuralFloat // will not work');
25686: //CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralFloatArrPtr', '^TNeuralFloatArr // will not work');
25687: CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralIntegerArray', 'array of integer');
25688: //CL.AddTypeS('T', 'TNeuralFloat');
25689: CL.AddTypeS('PtrInt', 'Integer');
25690: SIRegister_TNNetList(CL);
25691: SIRegister_TVolume(CL);
25692: SIRegister_TNNetVolume(CL);
25693: SIRegister_TNNetVolumePair(CL);
25694: SIRegister_TMObject(CL);
25695: SIRegister_TNNetVolumeList(CL);
25696: SIRegister_TNNetVolumePairList(CL);
25697: SIRegister_TNNetKMeans(CL);
25698: SIRegister_TNNetStringList(CL);
25699: SIRegister_TStringListInt(CL);
25700: SIRegister_TNNetDictionary(CL);
25701: Function CreateTokenizedStringList86( str : string; c : char) : TStringList;');
25702: Function CreateTokenizedStringList87( c : char) : TStringList;');
25703: Function HiperbolicTangent( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25704: Function HiperbolicTangentDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25705: Function RectifiedLinearUnit( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25706: Function RectifiedLinearUnitDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25707: Function RectifiedLinearUnitLeaky( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25708: Function RectifiedLinearUnitLeakyDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25709: Function ReLULeakyBound( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25710: Function ReLULeakyBoundDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25711: Function Sigmoid( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25712: Function SigmoidDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25713: Function Identity( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25714: Function IdentityDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25715: Function SoftmaxDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25716: Function DiffAct( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25717: Function DiffActDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25718: Function NeuronForceMinMax88( x, pMin, pMax : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat;');
25719: Function NeuronForceMinMax89( x, pMin, pMax : integer) : integer;');
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25975: SIRegister_TNNetVeryLeakyReLU(CL);
25976: SIRegister_TNNetSigmoid(CL);
25977: SIRegister_TNNetHyperbolicTangent(CL);
25978: SIRegister_TNNetMulLearning(CL);
25979: SIRegister_TNNetMulByConstant(CL);
25980: SIRegister_TNNetNegate(CL);
25981: SIRegister_TNNetAddAndDiv(CL);
25982: SIRegister_TNNetAddNoiseBase(CL);
25983: SIRegister_TNNetDropout(CL);
25984: SIRegister_TNNetRandomMulAdd(CL);
25985: SIRegister_TNNetChannelRandomMulAdd(CL);
25986: SIRegister_TNNetLayerMaxNormalization(CL);
25987: SIRegister_TNNetLayerStdNormalization(CL);
25988: SIRegister_TNNetMovingStdNormalization(CL);
25989: SIRegister_TNNetChannelTransformBase(CL);
25990: SIRegister_TNNetChannelShiftBase(CL);
25991: SIRegister_TNNetChannelBias(CL);
25992: SIRegister_TNNetChannelMul(CL);
25993: SIRegister_TNNetChannelMulByLayer(CL);
25994: SIRegister_TNNetCellMulByCell(CL);
25995: SIRegister_TNNetCellBias(CL);
25996: SIRegister_TNNetCellMul(CL);
25997: SIRegister_TNNetChannelZeroCenter(CL);
25998: SIRegister_TNNetChannelStdNormalization(CL);
25999: SIRegister_TNNetLocalResponseNorm2D(CL);
26000: SIRegister_TNNetInterleaveChannels(CL);
26001: SIRegister_TNNetLocalResponseNormDepth(CL);
26002: SIRegister_TNNetReshape(CL);
26003: SIRegister_TNNetConcatBase(CL);
26004: SIRegister_TNNetConcat(CL);
26005: SIRegister_TNNetDeepConcat(CL);
26006: SIRegister_TNNetSum(CL);
26007: SIRegister_TNNetSplitChannels(CL);
26008: SIRegister_TNNetSplitChannelEvery(CL);
26009: SIRegister_TNNetFullConnect(CL);
26010: //CL.AddTypeS('TNNetFullConnectClass', 'class of TNNetFullConnect');
26011: SIRegister_TNNetFullConnectLinear(CL);
26012: SIRegister_TNNetFullConnectSigmoid(CL);
26013: SIRegister_TNNetFullConnectReLU(CL);
26014: SIRegister_TNNetFullConnectDiff(CL);
26015: SIRegister_TNNetSoftMax(CL);
26016: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNetLayerFullConnect');
26017: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNetLayerFullConnectReLU');
26018: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNetLayerSoftMax');
26019: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNetDense');
26020: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNetDenseReLU');
26021: SIRegister_TNNetConvolutionAbstract(CL);
26022: SIRegister_TNNetDepthwiseConv(CL);
26023: SIRegister_TNNetDepthwiseConvLinear(CL);
26024: SIRegister_TNNetDepthwiseConvReLU(CL);
26025: SIRegister_TNNetConvolutionBase(CL);
26026: //CL.AddTypeS('TNNetConvolutionClass', 'class of TNNetConvolutionBase');
26027: SIRegister_TNNetGroupedConvolutionLinear(CL);
26028: SIRegister_TNNetGroupedConvolutionReLU(CL);
26029: SIRegister_TNNetGroupedPointwiseConvLinear(CL);
26030: //CL.AddTypeS('TNNetGroupedPointwiseConvClass', 'class of TNNetGroupedPointwiseConvLinear');
26031: SIRegister_TNNetGroupedPointwiseConvReLU(CL);
26032: SIRegister_TNNetConvolution(CL);
26033: SIRegister_TNNetConvolutionSharedWeights(CL);
26034: SIRegister_TNNetConvolutionLinear(CL);
26035: SIRegister_TNNetConvolutionReLU(CL);
26036: SIRegister_TNNetPointwiseConv(CL);
26037: SIRegister_TNNetPointwiseConvLinear(CL);
26038: SIRegister_TNNetPointwiseConvReLU(CL);
26039: SIRegister_TNNetDeconvolution(CL);
26040: SIRegister_TNNetDeconvolutionReLU(CL);
26041: SIRegister_TNNetLocalConnect(CL);
26042: SIRegister_TNNetLocalProduct(CL);
26043: SIRegister_TNNetDeLocalConnect(CL);
26044: SIRegister_TNNetLocalConnectReLU(CL);
26045: SIRegister_TNNetDeLocalConnectReLU(CL);
26046: SIRegister_TNNetPoolBase(CL);
26047: SIRegister_TNNetMaxPool(CL);
26048: SIRegister_TNNetMaxPoolPortable(CL);
26049: SIRegister_TNNetMinPool(CL);
26050: SIRegister_TNNetMaxChannel(CL);
26051: SIRegister_TNNetMinChannel(CL);
26052: SIRegister_TNNetAvgPool(CL);
26053: SIRegister_TNNetAvgChannel(CL);
26054: SIRegister_TNNetDeMaxPool(CL);
26055: SIRegister_TNNetUpsample(CL);
26056: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNetDeAvgPool');
26057: SIRegister_TNNet(CL);
26058: SIRegister_THistoricalNets(CL);
26059: SIRegister_TNNetDataParallelism(CL);
26060: SIRegister_TNNetByteProcessing(CL);
26061: SIRegister_TNNetForByteProcessing(CL);
26062: SIRegister_TBytePredictionViaNNet(CL);
26063: SIRegister_TEasyBytePredictionViaNNet(CL);
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26305: Function IcsGetWideChars( const Buffer, BufferSize : Integer; BufferCodePage : LongWord; Chars :
WideChar; CharCount : Integer) : Integer');
26306: Function icsStreamWriteString16( AStream : TStream; Str : WideChar; cLen : Integer; ACodePage : LongWord;
WriteBOM : Boolean) : Integer;');
26307: Function icsStreamWriteString17(AStream TStream;Str:WideChar;cLen :Integer;ACodePage : LongWord) :
26308: Function icsStreamWriteString18(AStream:TStream;const Str:UnicodeString;ACodePage
26309: Function icsStreamWriteString19(AStream:TStream;const Str:UnicodeString;ACodePage : LongWord) :
26310: Function icsStreamWriteString20( AStream : TStream; const Str : UnicodeString) : Integer;');
26311: Function icsIsUsAscii21( const Str : RawByteString) : Boolean;');
26312: Function icsIsUsAscii22( const Str : UnicodeString) : Boolean;');
26313: Procedure IcsAppendStr( var Dest : RawByteString; const Src : RawByteString)');
26314: Function icsatoi23( const Str : RawByteString) : Integer;');
26315: Function icsatoi24( const Str : UnicodeString) : Integer;');
26316: Function icsatoi6425( const Str : RawByteString) : Int64;');
26317: Function icsatoi6426( const Str : UnicodeString) : Int64;');
26318: Function IcsCalcTickDiff( const StartTick, EndTick : LongWord) : LongWord');
26319: Function icsStringToUtf827( const Str : UnicodeString) : RawByteString;');
26320: Function icsStringToUtf828( const Str : RawByteString; ACodePage : LongWord) : RawByteString;');
26321: Function icsUtf8ToStringW( const Str : RawByteString) : UnicodeString');
26322: Function icsUtf8ToStringA( const Str : RawByteString; ACodePage : LongWord) : AnsiString');
26323: Function icsCheckUnicodeToAnsi( const Str : UnicodeString; ACodePage : LongWord) : Boolean');
26324: Function icsIsUtf8TrailByte( const B : Byte) : Boolean');
26325: Function icsIsUtf8LeadByte( const B : Byte) : Boolean');
26326: Function IcsUtf8Size( const LeadByte : Byte) : Integer');
26327: Function icsIsLeadChar( Ch : WideChar) : Boolean');
26328: Function icsIsUtf8Valid29( const Str : RawByteString) : Boolean;');
26329: //Function IsUtf8Valid30( const Buf : Pointer; Len : Integer) : Boolean;');
26330: //Function CharsetDetect31( const Buf : Pointer; Len : Integer) : TCharsetDetectResult;');
26331: Function icsCharsetDetect32( const Str : RawByteString) : TCharsetDetectResult;');
26332: Function IcsCharNextUtf8( const Str : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar');
26333: Function IcsCharPrevUtf8( const Start, Current : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar');
26334: Function icsConvertCodepage(const
26335: Function icshtoin33( Value : WideChar; Len : Integer) : Integer;');
26336: Function icshtoin34( Value : AnsiChar; Len : Integer) : Integer;');
26337: Function icshtoi235( value : WideChar) : Integer;');
26338: Function icshtoi236( value : AnsiChar) : Integer;');
26339: Function IcsBufferToHex37( const Buf, Size : Integer) : String;');
26340: Function IcsBufferToHex38( const Buf, Size : Integer; Separator : Char) : String;');
26341: Function icsIsXDigit39( Ch : WideChar) : Boolean;');
26342: Function icsIsXDigit40( Ch : AnsiChar) : Boolean;');
26343: Function icsXDigit41( Ch : WideChar) : Integer;');
26344: Function icsXDigit42( Ch : AnsiChar) : Integer;');
26345: Function icsIsCharInSysCharSet43( Ch : WideChar; const ASet : TSysCharSet):Boolean;');
26346: Function icsIsCharInSysCharSet44( Ch : AnsiChar; const ASet : TSysCharSet):Boolean;');
26347: Function icsIsDigit45( Ch : WideChar) : Boolean;');
26348: Function icsIsDigit46( Ch : AnsiChar) : Boolean;');
26349: Function icsIsSpace47( Ch : WideChar) : Boolean;');
26350: Function icsIsSpace48( Ch : AnsiChar) : Boolean;');
26351: Function icsIsCRLF49( Ch : WideChar) : Boolean;');
26352: Function icsIsCRLF50( Ch : AnsiChar) : Boolean;');
26353: Function icsIsSpaceOrCRLF51( Ch : WideChar) : Boolean;');
26354: Function icsIsSpaceOrCRLF52( Ch : AnsiChar) : Boolean;');
26355: Function icsXDigit2( S : PChar) : Integer');
26356: Function icsstpblk53( PValue : WideChar) : WideChar;');
26357: Function icsstpblk54( PValue : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar;');
26358: Function IcsStrNextChar( const Str : AnsiChar; ACodePage : LongWord) : AnsiChar');
26359: Function IcsStrPrevChar( const Start, Current : AnsiChar; ACodePage : LongWord) : AnsiChar');
26360: Function IcsStrCharLength55( const Str : AnsiChar; ACodePage : LongWord) : Integer;');
26361: Function IcsNextCharIndex56( const S : RawByteString; Index : Integer; ACodePage : LongWord) : Integer;');
26362: Function IcsGetBomBytes( ACodePage : LongWord) : TBytes');
26363: Function IcsGetBufferCodepage57( Buf : AnsiChar; ByteCount : Integer) : LongWord;');
26364: Function IcsGetBufferCodepage58( Buf : AnsiChar; ByteCount : Integer; out BOMSize : Integer) :
26365: Function IcsSwap16( Value : Word) : Word');
26366: Procedure IcsSwap16Buf( Src, Dst : Word; WordCount : Integer)');
26367: Function IcsSwap32( Value : LongWord) : LongWord');
26368: Procedure IcsSwap32Buf( Src, Dst : LongWord; LongWordCount : Integer)');
26369: Function IcsSwap64( Value : Int64) : Int64');
26370: Procedure IcsSwap64Buf( Src, Dst : Int64; QuadWordCount : Integer)');
26371: Procedure IcsNameThreadForDebugging( AThreadName : AnsiString; AThreadID : TThreadID)');
26372: Function IcsNormalizeString( const S : UnicodeString; NormForm : TIcsNormForm) : UnicodeString');
26373: Function IcsCryptGenRandom( var Buf, BufSize : Integer) : Boolean');
26374: Function IcsRandomInt( const ARange : Integer) : Integer');
26375: Function IcsFileUtcModified( const FileName : String) : TDateTime');
26376: //Function IcsInterlockedCompareExchange(var Destination:Pointer;Exchange:Pointer;Comperand
26377: Function IcsExtractFilePathW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26378: Function IcsExtractFileDirW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26379: Function IcsExtractFileDriveW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26380: Function IcsExtractFileNameW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26381: Function IcsExtractFileExtW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26382: Function IcsExpandFileNameW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26383: Function IcsExtractNameOnlyW( FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26384: Function IcsChangeFileExtW( const FileName, Extension : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26385: Function IcsStrAllocW( Len : Cardinal) : WideChar');
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26730: function StringFallback(const AStrings: array of string; const ADefault: string): string;');
26731: function StripPrefix(const APrefix, AString: string): string;');
26732: function StripSuffix(const ASuffix, AString: string): string;');
26733: end;
26735: procedure SIRegister_U_CoasterB(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26736: begin
26737: //CL.AddTypeS('float', 'single');
26738: CL.AddTypeS('tcoasterRealPoint', 'record x : single; y : single; end');
26739: TTrackPoint', 'record x : single; y : single; angleright : single; '
26740: +'sinangleright : single; cosangleright : single; quadrantright : integer; len'
26741: +'gthright : single; radiusright : single; end');
26742: TTrackPointArray', 'array of TTrackPoint');
26743: //carts', 'array of TCartLocRec'
26744: TTrackRec', 'record x : single; y : single; index : integer; distT'
26745: +'oend : single; quadrant : integer; radius: single; angle: single; sinangle '
26746: +': single; cosangle : single; end');
26747: TCartLocRec', 'record p1 : tpoint; p2 : tpoint; p3 : tpoint; p4 '
26748: +': tpoint; wr : integer; end');
26749: TCartLocRecArray', 'array of TCartLocRec');
26750: TLoopType', '( Insideloop, Outsideloop, none )');
26751: TTemplateMode', '( normal, makeline1, makeline2, makecircle1, makecircle2, movecircle )');
26752: CL.AddTypeS('ARRsoundstr', 'array [0..5] of string');
26753: //type ARRstr = array [0..5] of string;
26754: SIRegister_TcoasterLine(CL);
26755: SIRegister_TcoasterCircle(CL);
26756: SIRegister_TCoaster(CL);
26757: end;
26759: procedure SIRegister_TSpring(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26760: begin
26761: //with RegClassS(CL,'tPanel', 'TSpring') do
26762: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('tPanel'),'TSpring') do begin
26763: K', 'single', iptrw); M', 'single', iptrw);
26764: G', 'single', iptrw); A', 'single', iptrw);
26765: x', 'single', iptrw); v', 'single', iptrw);
26766: C', 'single', iptrw); X0', 'single', iptrw);
26767: V0', 'single', iptrw); XEnd', 'single', iptrw);
26768: InitiallyConstrained', 'Boolean', iptrw);
26769: Timeinc', 'single', iptrw);
26770: Scale', 'single', iptrw);
26771: Stype', 'integer', iptrw);
26772: delay', 'integer', iptrw);
26773: pts', 'Tspringpointarray', iptrw);
26774: step', 'integer', iptrw);
26775: wraps', 'integer', iptrw);
26776: drawColor', 'TColor', iptrw);
26777: Constructor create( Aowner : TPanel; r : Trect)');
26778: Procedure drawspring( Len : single)');
26779: Procedure erasespring');
26780: Procedure redrawinitial');
26781: Function Setup(newV0,newX0,newC,newK,newM,newG,newTimeInc:single;newconstraint:boolean;Nbrloops,
newStep, newdelay: integer;newcolor:TColor):boolean');
26782: Procedure animate(form1: TForm; memo2: Tmemo)');
26783: Procedure animate2(form1: TForm; memo2: Tmemo; detail: boolean)');
26784: //procedure animate2(form1: TForm; memo2: Tmemo; detail: boolean);
26785: Procedure sizechanged( sender : TObject)');
26786: Function GetMaxAmp : single');
26787: end;
26788: end;
26790: procedure SIRegister_clJsonParser(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26791: begin
26792: SIRegister_EclJSONError(CL);
26793: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TclJSONString');
26794: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TclJSONPair');
26795: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TclJSONObject');
26796: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TclJSONArray');
26797: SIRegister_TclJSONBase(CL);
26798: SIRegister_TclJSONPair(CL);
26799: SIRegister_TclJSONValue(CL);
26800: SIRegister_TclJSONString(CL);
26801: SIRegister_TclJSONBoolean(CL);
26802: SIRegister_TclJSONArray(CL);
26803: SIRegister_TclJSONObject(CL);
26804: CL.AddConstantN('cUnexpectedDataEndCode','LongInt').SetInt( - 100);
26805: CL.AddConstantN('cUnexpectedDataSymbolCode','LongInt').SetInt( - 101);
26806: CL.AddConstantN('cInvalidControlSymbolCode','LongInt').SetInt( - 102);
26807: CL.AddConstantN('cInvalidUnicodeEscSequenceCode','LongInt').SetInt( - 103);
26808: CL.AddConstantN('cUnrecognizedEscSequenceCode','LongInt').SetInt( - 104);
26809: CL.AddConstantN('cUnexpectedDataTypeCode','LongInt').SetInt( - 106);
26810: function GetConnectionKind2(var strKind: string): Boolean;
26811: end;
26813: procedure SIRegister_SynHighlighterPython(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26814: begin
26815: CL.AddTypeS('TtkTokenKindpy', '( tkComment, tkIdentifier, tkKey, tkNull, tkNumb'
26816: +'er, tkSpace, tkString, tkSymbol, tkNonKeyword, tkTrippleQuotedString, tkSy'
26817: +'stemDefined, tkHex, tkOct, tkFloat, tkUnknown )');
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27435: Proc FloatToDegMinSec( const X : Float; var Degs, Mins, Secs : Float)
27436: Proc FloatToDecimal(var Result:TFloatRec;const Val:extend;ValueType:TFloatValue;Precis,Decs:Int);
27437: Proc FloodFill( X, Y : Int; Color : TColor; FillStyle : TFillStyle)
27438: Proc FlushSchemaCache( const TableName :Str)
27439: Proc FmtStr(var Result:Str; const Format:Str; const Args: array of const)
27441: Proc Form1Close( Sender : TObject; var Action : TCloseAction)
27442: Proc FormActivate( Sender : TObject)
27443: Proc FormatLn(const format:Str; const args: array of const); //alias
27444: Proc FormClose( Sender : TObject; var Action : TCloseAction)
27445: Proc FormCreate( Sender : TObject)
27446: Proc FormDestroy( Sender : TObject)
27447: Proc FormKeyPress( Sender : TObject; var Key : Char)
27448: Proc FormOutput1Click(Sender: TObject);
27449: Proc FormToHtml( Form : TForm; Path :Str)
27450: Proc FrameRect(const Rect: TRect);
27451: Proc Frame3D(Canvas:TCanvas;var Rect:TRect;TopColor,BottomColor:TColor; Width : Int)
27452: Proc NotebookHandlesNeeded( Notebook : TNotebook)
27453: Proc Free( Buffer : TRecordBuffer)
27454: Proc Free( Buffer : TValueBuffer)
27455: Proc Free;
27456: Proc FreeAndNil(var Obj:TObject)
27457: Proc FreeImage
27458: Proc FreeMem(P: PChar; Size: Int)
27459: Proc FreeTreeData( Tree : TUpdateTree)
27460: Proc Frexp( const X : Extended; var Mantissa : Extended; var Exponent : Int)
27461: Proc FullCollapse
27462: Proc FullExpand
27463: Proc GenerateDPB(sl: TStrings; var DPB:Str; var DPBLength: Short); //InterBase
27464: Proc GenerateTPB(sl: TStrings; var TPB:Str; var TPBLength: Short);
27466: Proc Get1( AURL :Str; const AResponseContent : TStream);
27467: Proc Get1( const ASourceFile :Str; ADest : TStream; AResume :Bool);
27468: Proc Get2(const ASourceFile,ADestFile:Str;const ACanOverwrite: bool; AResume: Bool);
27469: Proc GetAliasNames( List : TStrings)
27470: Proc GetAliasParams( const AliasName :Str; List : TStrings)
27471: Proc GetApplicationsRunning( Strings : TStrings)
27472: Proc getBox(aURL, extension:Str);
27473: Proc GetCommandTypes( List : TWideStrings)
27474: Proc GetConfigParams( const Path, Section :Str; List : TStrings)
27475: Proc GetConnectionNames( List : TStrings; Driver :Str; DesignMode :Bool)
27476: Proc GetConvFamilies( out AFamilies : TConvFamilyArray)
27477: Proc GetConvTypes( const AFamily : TConvFamily; out ATypes : TConvTypeArray)
27478: Proc GetDatabaseNames( List : TStrings)
27479: Proc GetDataPacket( DataSet : TDataSet; var RecsOut : Int; out Data : OleVariant)
27480: Proc GetDIBSizes(Bitmap: HBITMAP; var InfoHeaderSize:longWORD; var ImageSize : longWORD)
27481: Proc GetDir(d: byte; var s:Str)
27482: Proc GetDirList( const Search :Str; List : TStrings; Recursive :Bool)
27483: Proc GetDriverNames( List : TStrings)
27484: Proc GetDriverNames( List : TStrings; DesignMode :Bool)
27485: Proc GetDriverParams( const DriverName :Str; List : TStrings)
27486: Proc GetEMails1Click( Sender : TObject)
27487: Proc getEnvironmentInfo;
27488: Func getEnvironmentString:Str;
27489: Proc GetFieldNames( const DatabaseName, TableName :Str; List : TStrings)
27490: Proc GetFieldNames( const TableName :Str; List : TStrings)
27491: Proc GetFieldNames( const TableName :Str; List : TStrings);
27492: Proc GetFieldNames( const TableName : WideString; List : TWideStrings);
27494: Proc GetFieldNames1( const TableName :Str; List : TStrings);
27495: Proc GetFieldNames1( const TableName :Str; SchemaName :Str; List : TStrings);
27496: Proc GetFieldNames2( const TableName : WideString;SchemaName : WideString; List : TWideStrings);
27497: Proc GetFieldNames3( const TableName : WideString; List : TWideStrings);
27498: Proc GetFileAttributeList( const Items : TStrings; const Attr : Int)
27499: Proc GetFileAttributeListEx( const Items : TStrings; const Attr : Int)
27500: Proc GetFMTBcd( Buffer : TRecordBuffer; var value : TBcd)
27501: Proc GetFormatSettings
27502: Proc GetFromDIB( var DIB : TBitmapInfo)
27503: Proc GetFromHDIB( HDIB : HBitmap)
27504: // GetGEOMAPX('html',ExePath+'cologne2mapX.html','cathedral cologne')
27505: Proc GetGEOMap(C_form,apath:Str; const Data:Str); //c_form: [html/json/xml]
27506: Proc GetIcon( Index : Int; Image : TIcon);
27507: Proc GetIcon1(Index:Int; Image:TIcon; ADrawingStyle:TDrawingStyle; AImageType:TImageType);
27508: Proc GetIndexInfo( IndexName :Str)
27509: Proc GetIndexNames( const TableName, SchemaName :Str; List : TStrings);
27510: Proc GetIndexNames( List : TStrings)
27511: Proc GetIndexNames1( const TableName : WideString; List : TWideStrings);
27512: Proc GetIndexNames2( const TableName, SchemaName : WideString; List : TWideStrings);
27513: Proc GetIndexNames4( const TableName :Str; List : TStrings);
27514: Proc GetInternalResponse
27516: Proc GetMem(P: PChar; Size: Int)
27518: Proc GetPackageDescription(ModuleName: PChar):Str)
27519: Proc GetPackageNames( List : TStrings);
27520: Proc GetPackageNames1( List : TWideStrings);
27521: Proc GetParamList( List : TList; const ParamNames : WideString)
27522: Proc GetProcedureNames( List : TStrings);
27523: Proc GetProcedureNames( List : TWideStrings);
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28229: Proc VariantPutElement2( var V : Variant; const data : Variant; i1, i2, i3 : Int);
28230: Proc VariantPutElement3(var V: Variant; const data : Variant; i1, i2, i3, i4 : Int);
28231: Proc VariantPutElement4(var V:Variant;const data: Variant; i1,i2,i3, i4, i5 : Int);
28232: Proc VariantShl( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28233: Proc VariantShr( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28234: Proc VariantSub( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28235: Proc VariantXor( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28236: Proc VarCastError;
28237: Proc VarCastError1( const ASourceType, ADestType : TVarType);
28238: Proc VarInvalidOp
28239: Proc VarInvalidNullOp
28240: Proc VarOverflowError( const ASourceType, ADestType : TVarType)
28241: Proc VarRangeCheckError( const ASourceType, ADestType : TVarType)
28242: Proc VarArrayCreateError
28243: Proc VarResultCheck( AResult : HRESULT);
28244: Proc VarResultCheck1( AResult : HRESULT; ASourceType, ADestType : TVarType);
28245: Proc HandleConversionException( const ASourceType, ADestType : TVarType)
28246: Func VarTypeAsText( const AType : TVarType) :Str
28247: Proc Voice(const sText:Str) //async
28248: Proc Voice2(const sText:Str) //sync
28249: Proc WaitMiliSeconds( AMSec : word)
28250: Proc WaitMS( AMSec : word);
28251: Proc WebCamPic(picname:Str); //eg: c:\mypic.png
28252: Proc WideAppend( var dst : WideString; const src : WideString)
28253: Proc WideAssign( var dst : WideString; var src : WideString)
28254: Proc WideDelete( var dst : WideString; index, count : Int)
28255: Proc WideFree( var s : WideString)
28256: Proc WideFromAnsi( var dst : WideString; const src : Ansistr)
28257: Proc WideFromPChar( var dst : WideString; src : PChar)
28258: Proc WideInsert( var dst : WideString; const src : WideString; index : Int)
28259: Proc WideSetLength( var dst : WideString; len : Int)
28260: Proc WideString2Stream( aWideString : WideString; oStream : TStream)
28261: Proc WideStringToBytes( Value : WideString; Bytes : array of byte)
28262: Proc WinColorToOpenGLColor( const Color : TColor; out Red, Green, Blue : Float)
28263: Proc WinInet_HttpGet(const Url:Str; Stream:TStream);
28264: Proc HttpGet(const Url:Str; Stream:TStream);
28265: Proc WordToTwoBytes( AWord : Word; ByteArray : TIdBytes; Index : Int)
28266: Proc WordWrap1Click( Sender : TObject)
28267: Proc Write( const AOut :Str)
28268: Proc Write( Socket : TSocket)
28269: Proc Write(S:Str);
28270: Proc WriteBinaryStream( const Section, Name :Str; Value : TStream)
28271: Proc WriteBool( const Section, Ident :Str; Value :Bool)
28272: Proc WriteBuffer( const ABuffer, AByteCount : Longint; const AWriteNow :Bool)
28273: Proc WriteBuffer(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt)
28274: Proc WriteCardinal( AValue :Card; const AConvert :Bool)
28275: Proc WriteChar( AValue : Char)
28276: Proc WriteDate( const Section, Name :Str; Value : TDateTime)
28277: Proc WriteDateTime( const Section, Name :Str; Value : TDateTime)
28278: Proc WriteFloat( const Section, Name :Str; Value : Double)
28279: Proc WriteHeader( AHeader : TStrings)
28280: Proc WriteInt( AValue : Int; const AConvert :Bool)
28281: Proc WriteInt( const Section, Ident :Str; Value : Longint)
28282: Proc WriteLn( const AOut :Str)
28283: Proc Println( AOut :Str)
28284: Proc Writeln(s:Str);
28285: Proc WriteLog( const FileName, LogLine :Str)
28286: Proc WriteRFCReply( AReply : TIdRFCReply)
28287: Proc WriteRFCStrings( AStrings : TStrings)
28288: Proc WriteSmallInt( AValue : SmallInt; const AConvert :Bool)
28289: Proc WriteStream(AStream:TStream;const AAll:Bool;const AWriteByteCnt:Bool;const ASize:Int)
28290: Proc WriteString( const Section, Ident, Value :Str)
28291: Proc WriteStrings( AValue : TStrings; const AWriteLinesCount :Bool)
28292: Proc WriteTime( const Section, Name :Str; Value : TDateTime)
28293: Proc WriteObjectResourceHeader( ObjStream, Output : TStream)
28294: Proc Write16bitResourceHeader(const AName: TBytes; DataSize : Int; Output:TStream)
28295: Proc Write32bitResourceHeader(const AName: TBytes; DataSize : Int; Output:TStream)
28296: Proc WriteDataSetToCSV(DataSet: TDataSet; FileName:Str);
28297: Proc WStrSet(c : AnyString; I : Int; var s : AnyString);
28298: Proc XMLSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
28299: Proc XOR_Streams2( Dest, Srce : TMemoryStream)
28300: Proc XOR_Streams3( Dest, SrceA, SrceB : TMemoryStream)
28301: Proc ZeroFillStream( Stream : TMemoryStream)
28302: Proc XMLSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
28303: Proc ZeroMemory( Ptr : Pointer; Length : Longint)
28304: procedure(Control: TWinControl; Index: Int; Rect: TRect; State: Byte)
28305: procedure(Control: TWinControl; Index: Int; var Height: Int)
28306: procedure(Sender,Source: TObject; X, Y: Int; State: TDragState; var Accept:Bool)
28307: procedure(Sender,Source: TObject;X, Y: Int)
28308: procedure(Sender,Target: TObject; X, Y: Int)
28309: procedure(Sender:TObject; ASection, AWidth: Int)
28310: procedure(Sender:TObject; ScrollCode: TScrollCode;var ScrollPos: Int)
28311: procedure(Sender:TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Int);
28312: procedure(Sender:TObject; var Action: TCloseAction)
28313: procedure(Sender:TObject; var CanClose:Bool)
28314: procedure(Sender:TObject; var Key: Char);
28315: ProcedureName ProcedureNames ProcedureParametersCursor @
28317: *************Now Constructors constructor *************
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29112: SelfTestCRandom;
29113: SelftestAES;
29114: SelfTestASN1;
29115: SelfTestX509;
29116: TestDes:Bool;
29117: Test3Des:Bool;
29118: TestAes:Bool;
29119: SelfTestcTLSUtils;
29120: SelfTestCFundamentUtils;
29121: SelfTestcHTTPUtils
29122: SelfTestcXMLFunctions
29123: SelfTestHugeWord
29124: SelfTestRSA
29126: Test with e.g.: Assert(PathHasDriveLetter('A:'), 'PathHasDriveLetter
29127: Assert(WinPathToUnixPath('\c\d.f') = '/c/d.f', 'WinPathToUnixPath
29128: //Note: There's no need for installing a client certificate in the
29129: // webbrowser. The server asks the webbrowser to send a certificate but
29130: // if nothing is installed the software will work because the server
29131: // doesn't check to see if a client certificate was supplied. If you want you can install: file:
c_cacert.p12 password: c_cakey
29133: TKObject = class(TObject)
29134: private
29135: FParent: TKObjectList;
29136: Proc SetParent(const Value: TKObjectList);
29137: protected
29138: FUpdateLock: Int;
29139: Proc CallBeforeUpdate; virtual;
29140: Proc CallAfterUpdate; virtual;
29141: Proc ParentChanged; virtual;
29142: public
29143: constructor Create; virtual;
29144: Proc Assign(ASource: TKObject); virtual;
29145: Func EqualProperties(AValue: TKObject):Bool; virtual;
29146: Proc LockUpdate; virtual;
29147: Proc UnLockUpdate; virtual;
29148: Func UpdateUnlocked:Bool; virtual;
29149: property Parent: TKObjectList read FParent write SetParent;
29150: end;
29152: TKObjectClass = class of TKObject;
29153: TKObjectList = class(TObjectList)
29154: protected
29155: FUpdateLock: Int;
29156: Proc CallBeforeUpdate; virtual;
29157: Proc CallAfterUpdate; virtual;
29158: public
29159: constructor Create; virtual;
29160: Func Add(AObject: TObject): Int;
29161: Proc Assign(ASource: TKObjectList); virtual;
29162: Func EqualProperties(AValue: TKObjectList):Bool; virtual;
29163: Proc Insert(Index: Int; AObject: TObject);
29164: Proc LockUpdate; virtual;
29165: Proc UnLockUpdate; virtual;
29166: Func UpdateUnlocked:Bool; virtual;
29167: end;
29169: TGraphicControl = class(TControl)
29170: private
29171: FCanvas: TCanvas;
29172: Proc WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;
29173: protected
29174: Proc Paint; virtual;
29175: property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas;
29176: public
29177: constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
29178: destructor Destroy; override;
29179: end;
29181: TCustomControl = class(TWinControl)
29182: private
29183: FCanvas: TCanvas;
29184: Proc WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;
29185: protected
29186: Proc Paint; virtual;
29187: Proc PaintWindow(DC: HDC); override;
29188: property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas;
29189: public
29190: constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
29191: destructor Destroy; override;
29192: end;
29193: RegisterPublishedProperties;
29194: ('ONCHANGE', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
29195: ('ONCLICK', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
29196: ('ONDBLCLICK', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
29197: ('ONENTER', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
29198: ('ONEXIT', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
29199: ('ONKEYDOWN', 'TKeyEvent', iptrw);
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29290: end;
29291: if (ParamStr(2) = 't') then begin //new4
29292: Application.terminate;
29293: end;
29294: ----------------------------------------------------------
29295: S_ShellExecute(ExePath+'maXbox4.exe',
29296: ExePath+'examples\773_streamfibonacci_first.txt t',secmdopen); -terminate
29297: ADO Connection String:
29298: Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=mx3base;Uid=sa;Pwd=admin
29299: \452_dbtreeview2access.txt \452_dbtrv3accessUML2.txt
29300: program TestDbTreeViewMainForm2_ACCESS;
29301: ConnectionString:='Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='
29302: +Exepath+'\examples\detail.mdb;Persist Security Info=False';
29303: Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security
29305: Func CreateAccessDatabase(FileName:Str):Str;
29306: var cat: OLEVariant;
29307: begin
29308: Result:= '';
29309: try
29310: cat:= CreateOleObject('ADOX.Catalog');
29311: cat.Create('Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=' + FileName + ';');
29312: cat:= NULL;
29313: except
29314: writeln(ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam));
29315: writeln('ADOX.Catalog create failed ');
29316: //on e: Exception do Result := e.message;
29317: end;
29318: end;
29320: ADOCommand1.CommandText:= 'CREATE TABLE TABLE1 ('
29322: +'FirstName varchar(255) NOT NULL,'
29323: +'LastName varchar(255),'
29324: +'Age int )';
29326: OpenSSL Lib: unit ssl_openssl_lib;
29327: {$IFDEF CIL}
29328: const
29329: {$IFDEF LINUX}
29330: DLLSSLName = '';
29331: DLLUtilName = '';
29332: {$ELSE}
29333: DLLSSLName = 'ssleay32.dll';
29334: DLLUtilName = 'libeay32.dll';
29335: {$ENDIF}
29336: {$ELSE}
29337: var
29339: {$IFDEF DARWIN}
29340: DLLSSLName:Str = 'libssl.dylib';
29341: DLLUtilName:Str = 'libcrypto.dylib';
29342: {$ELSE}
29343: DLLSSLName:Str = '';
29344: DLLUtilName:Str = '';
29345: {$ENDIF}
29346: {$ELSE}
29347: DLLSSLName:Str = 'ssleay32.dll';
29348: DLLSSLName2:Str = 'libssl32.dll';
29349: DLLUtilName:Str = 'libeay32.dll';
29350: {$ENDIF}
29351: {$ENDIF}
29353: Proc getHTTP_PNG(vimage: TImage; vURL:Str);
29354: var pngStream: TMemoryStream;
29355: begin
29356: with TLinearBitmap.Create do
29357: try
29358: pngStream:= TMemoryStream.Create;
29359: try
29360: HTTPget(vURL, pngStream)
29361: except
29362: showmessage(E.message)
29363: end
29364: pngStream.Position:= 0;
29365: LoadFromStream2(pngstream,'JPG');
29366: vimage.Picture:= NIL;
29367: AssignTo(vimage.picture);
29368: //SaveToFile(ExePath+'mX4_open.png');
29369: finally
29370: Dispose;
29371: Free;
29372: pngStream.Free;
29373: end;
29374: end;
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30443: - Editor: You can get templates as code completion with <ctrl j> in editor like classp or iinterface or
ttimer (you type classp and then CTRL J),or you type tstringlist and <Ctrl><J>
30445: - Menu: In menu output (console) set output menu in edit mode by unchecking <read only output>
30446: - Editor: After the end. you can write or copy notes or descriptions concerning the app or code
30447: - Code: If you code a loop till key-pressed use function: isKeyPressed;
30448: - Code: Macro set the macros #name,paAdmMaxinistratorth, #file,funclmaxbox_functions.txtist5.pdf
30449: - Code: change Syntax in autoboot macro 'maxbootscript.txt'
30450: - Editor: -<F11> Click on Word in Editor search amount of words with highlighting,Dbl Click on Bookmarks
to delete and Click and mark to drag a bookmark
30451: - Menu: To start handling from CD-ROM (read only mode) uncheck in Menu /Options/Save before Compile
30452: - IDE: A file info with system and script information you find in menu Program/Information
30453: - IDE: After change the config file in help you can update changes in menu Help/Config Update
30454: - IDE: Make a screenshot of the content and environment in menu Output/Save Screenshot
30455: - IDE: Use a boot loader script 'maxbootscript.txt' (as auto start) to change box each time start it.
30456: - IDE: With escape or <Ctrl> Q you can also leave box or stopscript in menu program - stop program
30457: - Editor: Set Bookmarks to check your work in app or code
30458: - Editor: With <Ctrl H> you set {$Active Line Color} and F11 you get Word Count Statistic on Output too
30459: - Editor: With {//TODO: some description} or DONE you set code entries for ToDo List in ../Help/ToDo List
30460: - Editor: With <Ctrl W> you set active URL links in code to test availability in Context Menu
30461: - Editor shortcut Ctrl+Alt+M to jump to output (memo2) console
30462: - IDE with menu /Options/ADO SQL Workbench you can manage your Database
30463: - Context Menu: You can write your docus with RichEdit RTF printout /Editor Form Options/Richedit
30464: - Menu: Set Interface Naviagator also with toogle <Ctrl L> or /View/Intf Navigator
30465: - Toolbar: In menu /View switch Off Toolbar and Coolbar to get more coding space
30466: - Code: Put some resources in your code /Help/Resource Explorer like bitbtn, forms, dialogs;
30467: - Code Editor: Compile with <F9> but also Alt C in case <F9> isnt available;
30468: - Code: if you cant run a Func try the second one, for ex. Voice()-Voice2(),inc() - inc1()
30469: - IDE set bookmarks with <Ctrl Shift> (0..9) and jump with <Ctrl> (0..9)
30470: - IDE menu /Help/Tools/ write with RTF Editor or open a DOS Shell or browse
30471: - IDE menu /Help/Tools/ open the Task Manager
30472: - new Style: menu//Output/Darkcolor
30476: - Add on write your Requirements in RTF Docu with <CTRL ALT R> in context menu
30477: - Add on when no browser is available start /Options/Add ons/Easy Browser
30478: - Add on SOAP Tester with SOP POST File
30479: - Add on IP Protocol Sniffer with List View
30480: - Add on OpenGL mX Robot Demo for android
30481: - Add on Checkers Game, Add on Oscilloscope /View GEO Map View3
30483: - Menu: Help/Tools as a Tool Section with DOS Opener
30484: - Menu Editor: export the code as RTF File
30485: - Menu: Help/Tools/Syn Export your code as available in HTML or RTF
30486: - Menu: Help/Tools/ with <Alt H-S-D> you start the DOS Shell
30487: - Context: Auto Detect of Syntax depending on file extension
30488: - Code: some Windows API Func start with w in the name like wGetAtomName();
30489: - IDE Close - if you cant close the box then reset it <Ctrl F2> in menu /Debug
30490: - IDE File Check with menu ..View/File Changes/...
30491: - Context: Create a Header with Create Header in Navigator List at right window
30492: - Code: use SysErrorMessage to get a real Error Description, Ex.
30493: RemoveDir('c:\NoSuchFold;writeln('System Error Message:'+SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
30494: - IDE getWebScript from a URL with menu ..Help/Get Web Script/...
30495: - Editor: with <Ctrl W> you can click on hyperlinks in Code - CTRL Click on link
30496: - Editor: with <Ctrl+Alt+R> you can write in RTF format with RichEdit link
30497: - Menu: Check Help/Tools! you can use richedit, DOS Shell or Explorer
30498: - Menu: Start View/MyScript of ini file maxboxdef.ini [MYSCRIPT]= path of script
30499: - Indent: close you doc lines with //} for {...}
30500: - Menu: Help/ToDo List add prio and user with {/1.......//}
30501: Name#Prio# example:
30502: {/1 TODO (maxname#7#): do the new task one34 then mX4' //}
30504: - With this code I get an EIdHTTPProtocolException with the message "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden".
30505: Set the IdHTTP1.Request.UserAgent to some browser's user agent and you'll get it to work. Server doesn't
like the Indy's default one and rejects its request.
30507: with TIdHTTP.Create(self) do begin
30508: Request.UserAgent:= 'maXbox4 compatible';
30509: get('')
30510: free
30511: end;
30513: use for TRegistry.create constructor TRegistry.Create1
30514: in maxbox_functions.txt add TRegistry.Create1
30516: //In the ServiceAfterUninstall method add these lines:
30517: // begin
30518: // Delete registry entries for event viewer.
30519: Key:= '\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\' + Self.Name;
30520: Reg:= TRegistry.Create1(KEY_READ or KEY_WRITE);
30521: try
30522: Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
30523: if Reg.KeyExists(Key) then
30524: Reg.DeleteKey(Key);
30525: finally
30526: Reg.Free;
30527: end;
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30639: UrlGoogleQrCode='';
30640: UrlMapQuestAPICode2='
30641: UrlMapQuestAPIReverse:= '
30642: %s&json_callback=renderExampleThreeResults&lat=%s&lon=%s';
30644: SAMPLES Snippets Blocks and Error or Errors or Bugs or Bug List or Trouble Bug Fix Errorlist bugfix codes
30645: ------------------------------------------------- Troubleshooter
30647: Editor: index out of bounds error exception in editor after open or modified
30648: 03/12/2019 20:10:50 V: [Max] MAXBOX10 List index out of bounds (147).
30650: This is due of Editor Indent ../Options/Show Indent
30651: 4 Workarounds:
30652: 1 simply move cursor to right or left and save (Ctrl+S)
30653: 2 Goto to end or line (147) or what it says and return new line or tab
30654: 3 Disable <Options Show Indent> in menu
30655: 4 Set INDENT=N in maxboxdef.ini for runtime systems
30657: can not see the Form , Form not visible ---> add Show;
30658: frm:= TmyForm.create(self)
30659: with frm do begin
30660: Left := 245
30661: Top := 108
30662: BorderStyle := bsDialog
30663: Caption := 'Suggestions'
30664: ClientHeight := 219
30665: ClientWidth := 297
30666: Color := clBtnFace
30667: //TextHeight := 20
30668: Show; ------------------------->
30670: Exception Handling Raise and XRaise
30671: type EPowerException = Exception;
30672: ...end else
30673: Xraise( EPowerException.Create('Infinite Result'));
30674: end;
30675: if (X > 0) then
30676: try
30677: result := exp(N * ln(X));
30678: exit;
30679: except
30680: raise EPowerException.Create('Overflow/Underflow Result');
30681: end;
30683: - Object with an Record inside get first a record instance and second you get the attribute
30685: Proc testprimesPerformance; // Performance Test
30686: var count, beg, j, r: integer;
30687: var f :boolean;
30688: begin
30689: processmessagesOFF
30690: Println(' prime time performance check ?????: ');
30691: count:= 0;
30692: beg:= Random(1000000000)+2;
30693: for it:=beg to beg+5000 do begin
30694: f:= True;
30695: j:= 2;
30696: r:= Round(Sqrt(it));
30697: while f and (j<=r) do
30698: if it mod j = 0 then f:= False
30699: else inc(j);
30700: if f then begin
30701: Print(itoa(it)+' ');
30702: count:= count+ 1;
30703: if count mod 8 = 0 then
30704: Println('');
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30705: end;
30706: end;
30707: processmessagesON;
30708: end;
30710: RSS-FEED Rss Feed
30711: IIndyHTTP:=TIdHTTP.create(self);
30712: with TSimpleRSS.create(self) do begin
30713: XMLType:= xtRDFrss;
30714: IndyHTTP:= iindyhttp;
30715: LoadFromHTTP(RSS_NewsFeed)
30716: for it:= 0 to items.count-1 do begin
30717: //Items[it].description
30718: writeln(itoa(it)+': '+Items[it].title+' :'{+items[it].link});
30719: println(GetSentimentStream7(URLSentimentAPI2,Items[it].title));
30720: end;
30721: free;
30722: IIndyHTTP.Free;
30723: end; //}
30725: Ver: (474). Workdir: C:\maXbox\mX47464\maxbox4
30726: mX4 executed: 05/11/2020 17:57:05 Runtime: 0:0:39.224 Memload: 60% use
30728: Func OpenMap(const Data:Str):Bool;
30729: var encURL:Str;
30730: begin
30731: encURL:= Format(UrlMapQuestAPICode2,['html',HTTPEncode(Data)]);
30732: try //HttpGet(EncodedURL, mapStream); //WinInet
30733: Result:= UrlDownloadToFile(Nil,PChar(encURL),PChar(Exepath+'openmapx.html'),0,Nil)= 0;
30734: //OpenDoc(Exepath+'openmapx.html;
30735: S_ShellExecute(Exepath+'openmapx.html','',seCmdOpen);
30736: finally encURL:= '';
30737: end;
30738: end;
30740: Proc GetGEOMap(C_form,apath:Str; const Data:Str);
30741: var encodedURL:Str; mapStream: TMemoryStream;
30742: begin //encodedURL:= Format(UrlGoogleQrCode,[Width,Height,C_Level, HTTPEncode(Data)]);
30743: encodedURL:= Format(UrlMapQuestAPICode2,[c_form,HTTPEncode(Data)]);
30744: mapStream:= TMemoryStream.create;
30745: try
30746: Wininet_HttpGet(EncodedURL, mapStream); //WinInet
30747: mapStream.Position:= 0;
30748: mapStream.Savetofile(apath); // OpenDoc(apath);
30749: S_ShellExecute(apath,'',seCmdOpen);
30750: finally
30751: mapStream.Free;
30752: end;
30753: end;
30755: Web Request API HTTPSend:
30757: //
30759: Const aURL='';
30761: Begin //@main
30762: srlist:= TStringlist.create;
30763: with THTTPSend.create() do begin
30764: Headers.Add('apikey: 6b337c92c792174a54acd715ab1aae64');
30765: writeln(botostr(HTTPMethod('GET',aURl)));
30766: with TJson.create() do begin
30767: Parse(StreamtoString3(Document));
30768: Split(Stringify,'{',srlist)
30769: end;
30770: writeln(itoa(resultCode)+':'+resultString+CRLF+srlist.text);
30771: clear;free;
30772: end;
30773: srlist.Free;
30776: Proc BtnFactory(a,b,c,d:smallint; title,apic:str;
30777: var abtn:TBitBtn; anEvent:TNotifyEvent; afrm:TForm);
30778: begin
30779: abtn:= TBitBtn.create(afrm);
30780: with abtn do begin
30781: parent:= afrm;
30782: setBounds(a,b,c,d)
30783: font.size:= 12;
30784: glyph.LoadFromResourceName(HINSTANCE, apic);
30785: mXButton(5,5,width, height,12,12,handle);
30786: caption:= title;
30787: onClick:= anEvent As TNotifyEvent;
30788: end;
30789: end;
30791: Func GetSystemDirectory2(var S:Str):Bool;
30792: var Len: Int;
30793: begin
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31326: end;
31328: Func cexp (z : complexreal) : complexreal;
31329: { exponantial : r := exp(z) }
31330: { exp(x + iy) = exp(x).exp(iy) = exp(x).[cos(y) + i sin(y)] }
31331: var expz : real;
31332: begin
31333: expz := exp(;
31334: := expz * cos(;
31335: := expz * sin(;
31336: end;
31337: Func complexmulu(z1 : complexreal; r : real): complexreal;
31338: { multiplication : z := z1 * r }
31339: begin
31340: := * r;
31341: := * r;
31342: end;
31343: FFr.F:= FFr.M * cexp(i * FFr.phi); { M and phi encoded in polar coordinates }
31344: //complextemp:= complexmulu(i,FFr.phi);
31345: FFr.F:= complexmulu(cexp(complexmulu(i,FFr.phi)), FFr.M); { M and phi encoded in polar }
31347: replace move with iteration to move()
31349: // big note to move the move to an iteration
31350: For i:= BListLenght downto 1 do BList[i]:= BList[i-1]; //or
31352: move(Blist[0],Blist[1],BListLenght*SizeOf(Blist[0]));
31354: AssignFile versus TStringlist
31355: ---------------------------------
31356: In addition to the old style file handling routines mentioned above, a new system exists that uses
concept of streams (- of data) at a higher abstraction level. Means data can be read from or written to
any location (disk, memory, hardware ports etc.) by one uniform interface.
31357: In addition, most string handling classes have the ability to load and save content from/to a file. These
methods are usually named SaveToFile and LoadFromFile. in // old style assign file
31359: filelist:= TStringlist.create;
31360: // assignfile(f,opendialog1.filename);
31361: filelist.loadfromfile( filename)
31362: // reset(f);
31363: // while not eof(f) do
31364: for it:= 0 to filelist.count-1 do begin
31365: //readln(f,line);
31366: line:= filelist.strings[it];
31367: writeln(line)
31368: if (length(line)>2) and (copy(line,1,2)='ID') then {skip Id records}
31369: else begin {it's a data record}
31370: if totcount=0 then begin
31371: savedecimalseparator:=decimalseparator;
31372: if pos(',',line)>0 then setdecimalseparator(',')
31373: else setdecimalseparator('.');
31374: end;
31375: errcode:=0;
31376: try
31377: x:=strtofloat(trim(line));
31378: except errcode:=1;
31379: end;
31380: if (errcode=0) and (x>0)and(x<=amaxtime)
31381: then begin
31382: inc(samps[round(maxindex*x)]); {increment the count for the bar for x}
31383: inc(totcount);
31384: end;
31385: end;
31386: end;
31387: // closefile(f);
31388: filelist.Free;
31390: Random Generator:
31393: strand:= TStRandomSystem.create(42); //if 0 then randomseed, else randomstate
31394: sleep(200)
31395: writeln(floattostr(strand.asFloat))
31396: writeln(itoa(strand.asInt(10000)))
31397: writeln(itoa(strand.asInt($E15)))
31398: UniformityTest2(strand, ChiSquare, DegsFreedom)
31399: writeln('ChiSquare: '+floattostr(ChiSquare)+' ,degsfreedom:'+itoa(degsfreedom));
31400: UniformityTest3(strand, ChiSquare, DegsFreedom)
31401: writeln('ChiSquare: '+floattostr(ChiSquare)+' ,degsfreedom:'+itoa(degsfreedom));
31402: strand.Free;
31404: File Size Reference: filegetsize()
31405: Func FileGetSizeX(const FileName:Str): Int64;
31406: {$ifndef fpc}
31407: var
31408: FileInfo: TSearchRec;
31409: {$endif}
31410: begin
31411: {$ifdef fpc}
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31587: try
31588: if filename = '' then
31589: RaiseException(erCustomError, 'Exception: File name cannot be blank;
31590: except
31591: emsg:= ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam);
31592: //do act with the exception message i.e. email it or save to a log etc
31593: writeln(emsg)
31594: end;
31595: end;
31597: XRaise raise an exception without except block:
31598: if (DLLHandle < HINSTANCE_ERROR) then
31599: Xraise(Exception.Create(DLLName + ' library can not be loaded or not found.'+
31600: SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)));
31602: Proc CallTicker(msecs: Int);
31603: begin
31604: with TStopWatch.create do begin
31605: start
31606: | //Delay2StopWatch(msecs)
31607: stop
31608: writeln('Stop Watch CPU Tester: '+getValueStr)
31609: end;
31610: end;
31612: MessageDlg Example:
31613: mr:=messagedlg('Save clock first?',mtconfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo,mbCancel],0);
31614: if mr=mryes then writeln('yes')
31616: Func getFilefrom
31617: if not (Fileexists('1004unixdict.txt') or fileexists('unixdict.txt')) then
31618: if IsInternet then begin
31619: writeln(dictURL)
31620: wGetX2(dictUrl,Exepath+'1004unixdict.txt');
31621: openFile(Exepath+'1004unixdict.txt')
31622: end; //}
31624: Func IsASCIIDigit(const Ch: Char):Bool;
31625: begin //Result := Ord(Ch) in [Ord('0')..Ord('9')];
31626: Result:= (Ord(Ch) >= Ord('0')) And (ord(ch) <= Ord('9'));
31627: end;
31629: Func RemainingBatteryPercent: Int;
31630: var Stat: {Windows.}TSystemPowerStatus;
31631: begin
31632: {Windows.}GetSystemPowerStatus(Stat);
31633: Result:= Stat.BatteryLifePercent;
31634: if (Result < 0) Or (Result > 100) then
31635: Result:= -1;
31636: end;
31637: // ***********************************************************
31638: // TIdBaseComponent is the base class for all Indy components.
31639: // ***********************************************************
31640: type
31641: TIdBaseComponent = class(TComponent)
31642: public
31643: Func GetVersion:Str;
31644: property Version:Str read GetVersion;
31645: published
31646: end;
31648: if IsInternet then
31649: wGetX('','mywgettestpdf.pdf;
31650: RegEx tester sr := '123.456.789-00$p'
31651: writeln(ReplaceRegExpr('\D',sr,'',true))
31652: >>> 12345678900 //\D is a non-digit, and \W is a non-word character, both should work)
31653: ref: lambda: a+b --> a.+(b) in preparations
31654: namedpipe1:= namedpipe as TNamedpipe;
31655: printF('this is %.18f ',[maxCalc('ln(2)^e')]); this is 0.369248502937272178
31656: printF('this is Area of r=1 %.18f ',[maxCalc('PI*(1^2)')]);
31657: printF('this is Area of d=2r %.18f ',[maxCalc('PI/4*(2^2)')]);
31658: println(ReplaceRegExpr('\d\d{4,12}[},]',
31659: GetSentimentStream7(URLSentimentAPI2,Items[it].title),' ',false))
31660: {"probability": {"neg": 0.5180 "neutral": 0.5201 "pos": 0.4819 , "label": "neutral"}
31661: begin
31662: initCRCarray2;
31663: aStringStream := TStringStream.Create(filetoString(exepath+testFile));
31664: try
31665: //aStringStream.loadfromfile
31666: writeln('CRC32_: '+IntToHex(CalculateCRC32X(aStringStream), 8));
31667: finally
31668: aStringStream.Free;
31669: end;
31670: end;
31672: Proc TForm1Findwindow_Remote_Notepad;
31673: var wnd: HWND; i: Int; s:Str;
31674: begin
31675: wnd := FindWindow('notepad', ';
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33628: end;
33630: Proc TMyFormInitialisePanels(aform: Tform; RowCount,ColCount: Integer);
33631: var aLeft,aTop,aWidth,aHeight, row,col: Integer;
33632: Panel: TPanel;
33633: FPanels: array of array of TPanel;
33634: begin
33635: //SetLength(FPanels, RowCount, ColCount);
33636: SetArrayLength2Panels(Fpanels, RowCount, ColCount)
33637: aTop:= 0;
33638: for Row:= 0 to RowCount-1 do begin
33639: aLeft:= 0;
33640: aHeight:= (aform.ClientHeight-aTop) div (RowCount-Row);
33641: for Col:= 0 to ColCount-1 do begin
33642: Panel:= TPanel.Create(Self);
33643: FPanels[Row][Col]:= Panel;
33644: Panel.Parent:= aform; //Self;
33645: //panel.parentcolor:= false;
33646: panel.ParentBackground:= false;
33647: panel.color:= random(clred)
33648: aWidth:= (aform.ClientWidth-aLeft) div (ColCount-Col);
33649: Panel.SetBounds(aLeft, aTop, aWidth, aHeight);
33650: inc2(aLeft, aWidth);
33651: end;
33652: inc2(aTop, aHeight);
33653: end;
33654: end;
33655: aform:= TForm.create(self)
33656: aform.setbounds(10,10,600,500);
33657: TMyFormInitialisePanels(aform, 26, 19);
33660: Proc SIRegister_UP10Build(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
33661: begin Proc ParseFunction(FunctionString:str; Variables:TStringlist; FunctionOne,
FunctionTwo:TStringList;UsePascalNumbers:bool;var FirstOP:{TObject}POperation;var Error:bool);
33662: end;
33664: Proc SIRegister_ComObj2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
33665: begin
33666: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TComObjectFactory;
33667: SIRegister_TComServerObject(CL);
33668: SIRegister_ADOConst(CL);
33669: FieldTypeNames: array[0..41] of string = (
33670: Unknown', 'String', 'SmallInt', 'Int', 'Word', 'Boolean', 'Float',
33671: 'Currency', 'BCD', 'Date', 'Time', 'DateTime', 'Bytes', 'VarBytes',
33672: 'AutoInc', 'Blob', 'Memo', 'Graphic', 'FmtMemo', 'ParadoxOle',
33673: 'dBaseOle', 'TypedBinary', 'Cursor', 'FixedChar', 'WideString',
33674: 'LargeInt', 'ADT', 'Array', 'Reference', 'DataSet', 'HugeBlob', 'HugeClob',
33675: 'Variant', 'Interface', 'Dispatch', 'Guid', 'SQLTimeStamp', 'FMTBcdField',
33676: FixedWideChar', 'WideMemo', 'SQLTimeStamp', 'String;
33677: TFactoryProc', 'Proc (Factory : TComObjectFactory);
33678: TCallingConvention','(ccRegister, ccCdecl, ccPascal, ccStdCall, ccSafeCall);
33679: SIRegister_TComClassManager(CL);
33680: SIRegister_IServerExceptionHandler(CL); SIRegister_TComObject(CL);
33681: //TComClass', 'class of TComObject;
33682: TClassInstancing', '(ciInternal,ciSingleInstance,ciMultiInstance );
33683: TThreadingModel', '(tmSingle, tmApartment, tmFree, tmBoth, tmNeutral );
33684: SIRegister_TComObjectFactory(CL); SIRegister_TTypedComObject(CL);
33685: //TTypedComClass', 'class of TTypedComObject;
33686: SIRegister_TTypedComObjectFactory(CL);
33687: TConnectEvent2','Procedure(const Sink : IUnknown; Connecting :Bool);
33688: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TAutoObjectFactory;
33689: SIRegister_TAutoObject(CL); //TAutoObject2 ?? in OleAuto and ComObj
33690: //TAutoClass', 'class of TAutoObject;
33691: SIRegister_TAutoObjectFactory(CL); SIRegister_TAutoIntfObject(CL);
33692: //ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EOleError;
33693: ClassN(CL.FindClass('Exception'),'EOleError;
33694: SIRegister_EOleSysError(CL); SIRegister_EOleException(CL);
33695: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EOleRegistrationError;
33696: //Proc DispatchInvoke(const
Dispatch:IDispatch;CallDesc:PCallDesc;DispIDs:PDispIDList;Params:Pointer;Result: PVariant);
33697: //Proc DispatchInvokeError( Status : Int; const ExcepInfo : TExcepInfo);
33698: //Func HandleSafeCallException(ExceptObject:TObject;ExceptAddr:Pointer;const ErrorIID TGUID;const ProgID,
33699: Func CreateComObject( const ClassID : TGUID) : IUnknown;
33700: Func CreateRemoteComObject(const MachineName: WideString;const ClassID:TGUID):IUnknown;
33701: //Func CreateOleObject(const ClassName :Str): IDispatch;
33702: //Func GetActiveOleObject(const ClassName:str): IDispatch;
33703: Proc OleError2( ErrorCode : HResult);
33704: Proc OleCheck2( Result : HResult);
33705: Func StringToGUID2( const S :Str) : TGUID;
33706: Func GUIDToString2( const ClassID : TGUID) :Str;
33707: Func ProgIDToClassID2( const ProgID :Str) : TGUID;
33708: Func ClassIDToProgID2( const ClassID : TGUID) :Str;
33709: Proc CreateRegKey(const Key,ValueName,Value:str;RootKey:DWord);
33710: Proc DeleteRegKey(const Key :Str; RootKey : DWord);
33711: Func GetRegStringValue( const Key, ValueName :Str; RootKey : DWord) :Str;
33712: //Func StringToLPOLESTR( const Source :Str) : POleStr;
33713: Proc RegisterComServer( const DLLName :Str);
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34243: Proc diIncMonths(var Year :Int; var Month, Day:Word; const NumberOfMonths:Int);
34244: Proc diIncDay( var Year : Int; var Month, Day : Word);
34245: Proc IncDays( var Year : Int; var Month, Day : Word; const Days : Int);
34246: Func IsDateValid( const Year : Int; const Month, Day : Word) :Bool;
34247: Func IsHolidayInGermany( const Julian : TJulianDate) :Bool;
34248: Func IsHolidayInGermanyYmd( const Year : Int; const Month, Day : Word) :Bool;
34249: Func diIsLeapYear( const Year : Int) :Bool;
34250: Func ISODateToJulianDate( const ISODate : TIsoDate) : TJulianDate;
34251: Proc ISODateToYmd(const ISODate: TIsoDate; out Year : Int; out Month, Day : Word);
34252: Func IsCharLowLineW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34253: Func IsCharQuoteW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34254: Func IsShiftKeyDown :Bool;
34255: Func IsCharWhiteSpaceOrAmpersandW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34256: Func IsCharWhiteSpaceOrNoBreakSpaceW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34257: Func IsCharWhiteSpaceOrColonW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34258: Func CharIsWhiteSpaceGtW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34259: Func CharIsWhiteSpaceLtW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34260: Func CharIsWhiteSpaceHyphenW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34261: Func CharIsWhiteSpaceHyphenGtW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34262: Func IsCharWordSeparatorW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34263: Func diISOWeekNumber( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : Word;
34264: Func ISOWeekNumberYmd( const Year : Int; const Month, Day : Word) : Word;
34265: Func ISOWeekToJulianDate(const Year:Int;const WeekOfYear:Word;const DayOfWeek:Word):TJulianDate);
34266: Func JulianDateIsWeekDay( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) :Bool;
34267: Func JulianDateToIsoDate( const Julian : TJulianDate) : TIsoDate;
34268: Proc JulianDateToYmd(const JulianDate:TJulianDate;out Year: Int;out Month,Day:Word);
34269: Func LastDayOfMonth( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : TJulianDate;
34270: Proc LastDayOfMonthYmd( const Year : Int; const Month : Word; out Day : Word);
34271: Func LastDayOfWeek( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : TJulianDate;
34272: Proc LastDayOfWeekYmd( var Year : Int; var Month, Day : Word);
34273: Func LastSysErrorMessage :Str;
34274: Func LastSysErrorMessageA : Ansistr;
34275: Func LastSysErrorMessageW : UnicodeString;
34276: Func diMax( const a : Int; const b : Int) : Int;;
34277: Func diMax3( const a, b, c : Int) : Int;
34278: Func MaxCard( const a :Card; const b :Card) :Card;;
34279: Func MaxCard3( const a :Card; const b :Card; const c :Card):Card;;
34280: Func diMaxint64( const a : Int64; const b : Int64) : Int64;;
34281: Func dimaxint643( const a : Int64; const b : Int64; const c : Int64) : Int64;;
34282: Func diMin( const a, b : Int) : Int;;
34283: Func diMin3( const a, b, c : Int) : Int;
34284: Func MinCard( const a, b :Card) :Card;;
34285: Func Mincard3( const a, b, c :Card) :Card;;
34286: Func diMinint64( const a, b : Int64) : Int64;;
34287: Func diMinint643( const a, b, c : Int64) : Int64;;
34288: Func diMinint64U( const a, b : UInt64) : UInt64;;
34289: Func diMinint643U( const a, b, c : UInt64) : UInt64;;
34290: Func MonthOfJulianDate( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : Word;
34291: Func YearOfJuilanDate( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : Int;
34292: Func YmdToIsoDate( const Year : Int; const Month, Day : Word) : TIsoDate;
34293: Func YmdToJulianDate( const Year : Int; const Month, Day : Word) : TJulianDate;
34294: end;
34296: Func FiboMaxE2(n: Int): Extended;
34297: begin
34298: result:= (pow((1+SQRT5)/2,n)-pow((1-SQRT5)/2,n))/SQRT5
34299: end;
34300: TDLLVersionInfo=Record
34301: cbSize, // Size of the structure, in bytes.
34302: dwMajorVersion, // Major version of DLL
34303: dwMinorVersion, // Minor version of DLL
34304: dwBuildNumber, // Build number of DLL
34305: dwPlatformID: DWord; //Identifies the platform for which the DLL was built
34306: end;
34309: Proc TIdAntiFreeze_Process;
34310: var Msg: TMsg;
34311: ApplicationHasPriority:Bool;
34312: begin
34313: if ApplicationHasPriority then begin
34314: Application.ProcessMessages;
34315: end else begin
34316: // This guarantees it will not ever call Application.Idle
34317: if PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE) then begin
34318: Application.HandleMessage;
34319: end;
34320: end;
34321: end;
34322: {$ENDIF}
34324: with lockbox you do sha1 with strings and hex:
34325: writeln(SHA1ofStr(loadstringj(exepath+’maxbox4.exe’)))
34326: // ¢‘ÞRL‘mÍÕïݧlÎÓðî
34327: tempstr:= SHA1ofStr(loadstringj(exepath+’maxbox4.exe’))
34328: writeln(‘ ‘)
34329: for i:= 1 to 20 do
34330: Write(charToHexStr(tempstr[i]));
34331: A291DE524C1B916DCDD502EFDDA76C0BCED3F0EE
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34333: Example with WMI:
34334: Func TestWMIOS2:Str;
34335: var wmiService, computerName, objectsList: OLEvariant;
34336: sysID:Str;
34337: isloc: ISWBemLocator; isser: ISWBemServices;
34338: iset: ISWbemObjectSet; ENum: IEnumVariant;
34339: tempObj: OleVariant;
34340: begin
34341: computerName := ‘.’;
34342: isloc:= WMIStart;
34343: isser:= WMIConnect2(isloc, ‘\root\cimv2',’maxbox10',’max’,”); //: ISWBemServices;
34344: //Exception: incorrect credentials. WMI connection failed.
34345: //Set wmiService = GetObject(“WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate, “&_
34346: // “(SystemTime, Shutdown)}!\\” & computerName & “\root\cimv2”)
34347: //Set objectsList = wmiService.InstancesOf(“Win32_OperatingSystem”)
34348: //For Each ObjService in objectsList
34350: iset:= WMIExecQuery(isser,’Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem’)
34351: result:=(botoStr(WMIRowFindFirst(iset, ENum, tempObj)));
34352: repeat
34353: sysid:= (‘OSid: ‘+vartoStr(tempobj.csname)+
34354: ‘ – ‘+vartoStr(
34355: ‘ — ‘+vartoStr(tempobj.caption))
34356: until not WMIRowFindNext(ENum, tempobj); //}
34357: tempObj:= unassigned;
34358: result:= result+’ ‘+sysID;
34359: //Call Log.Message(“SysInfo”, sysID)
34360: End; // Sub
34362: >>> Sysid2: TRUE OSid: MAXBOX10 – Microsoft Windows 10 Home|C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition4 —
Microsoft Windows 10 Home
34363: command1:= 'play "'+songpath+'maxbox.wav"'; command2:= 'play "'+songpath+'moon.wav"';
34364: SendMCICommand('open waveaudio shareable; //parallels
34365: SendMCICommand('play "G:\sonysavefeb2014\maxbox\maxbox3_back\examples\maxbox.wav";
34366: SendMCICommand('play "G:\sonysavefeb2014\maxbox\maxbox3_back\examples\moon.wav";
34367: SendMCICommand('close waveaudio;
34368: //MakeSound(Frequency{Hz},Duration{mSec}:Int;Volume:TVolumeLevel;savefilePath:str);
34369: if Not fileexists(exepath+'\mytest1.wav') then begin
34370: Writeln('Generate 2 sounds with 440 and 443 Hz');
34371: MakeSound(440,5000, 80, Exepath+'\mytest1.wav');
34372: MakeSound(443,5000, 80, Exepath+'\mytest2.wav');
34373: end else begin
34374: Writeln('Play Beat of 2 sounds together with 3 Hz Amp Mod:');
34375: mciSendString('PLAY "'+exepath+'\mytest1.wav'+'"', 'Nil', 0, 0);
34376: mciSendString('PLAY "'+exepath+'\mytest2.wav'+'"', 'Nil', 0, 0);
34377: end;
34379: Strings (and other non ordinals) in Case Statements
34380: This has to be most requested feature by far in history of D imho, sure to make many long time D fans
34381: writeln(floattostr(pow(256,200000)))
34382: //writeln(itoa(length(bigpow(256,200000)))) //481648
34383: sr:= sworld;
34384: case sr of
34385: 'hello' : xi := 1;
34386: 'goodbye' : xi := 2;
34387: sWorld : xi := 3; //sWorld is a string constant
34388: end;
34389: writeln('res of case '+itoa(xi));
34391: initialization XRaise
34393: type
34394: EPointsArrayIsNotAssigned = Exception;
34395: writeln(itoa(length(aptsarr)));
34396: setlength(aptsarr, 2)
34397: writeln(itoa(length(aptsarr)));
34398: if length(aptsarr) = 0 then begin
34399: Xraise(EPointsArrayIsNotAssigned.Create('Points array is not assigned...'));
34400: //Exit;
34401: end;
34403: maXbox SSL fox471 for
34404: The first step the following components, maybe we will add further in the future:
34405: 1. Orpheus (Win32 and Win64)
34406: 2. Abbrevia (Win32, Win64, MacOSX, iOS and Android)
34407: 3. Virtual Tree (Win32 and Win64)
34408: 4. SynEdit (Win32 and Win64)
34409: 5. LockBox (Win32, Win64, MacOSX, iOS and Android)
34410: 6. Async Professional (Win32)
34411: 7. PowerPDF (Win32 and Win64)
34413: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34414: All maXbox Tutorials Table of Content 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021
34415: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34416: Tutorial 00 Function-Coding (Blix the Programmer)
34417: Tutorial 01 Procedural-Coding
34418: Tutorial 02 OO-Programming
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35755: 05 PRAE //Praesection ^x*y
35757: 06 POST //Postpendence y
35759: 07 XOR //Exclusive OR x*^y+^x*y
35761: 08 OR //Disjunction OR = x+y
35763: 09 NOR //Rejection
35765: 10 AEQ //Aequivalence x<-->y, ^x*^y+x*y
35767: 11 NEGY //YNegation ^y
35769: 12 IMPY //YImplication y-->x; x+^y
35771: 13 NEGX //Xnegation ^x
35773: 14 IMPX //XImplication x-->y; ^x+y
35775: 15 NAND //Exclusion
35777: 16 TRUE //TRUE Tautologic
35778: ----------------------------------------------------------
35783: Help Online:
35785: WebScript Examples: Get Web Script
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35935: Delphi Basics Run Time Library listing
35936: ******************************************************************************
35937: A
35938: Compiler Directive $A Determines whether data is aligned or packed
35939: Compiler Directive $Align Determines whether data is aligned or packed
35940: Compiler Directive $AppType Determines the application type : GUI or Console
35941: Proc SysUtils Abort Aborts the current processing with a silent exception
35942: Func System Abs Gives the absolute value of a number (-ve sign is removed)
35943: Directive Abstract Defines a class method only implemented in subclasses
35944: Variable System AbstractErrorProc Defines a proc called when an abstract method is called
35945: Func System Addr Gives the address of a variable, Func or procedure
35946: Keyword And Boolean and or bitwise and of two arguments
35947: Type System AnsiChar A character type guaranteed to be 8 bits in size
35948: Func SysUtils AnsiCompareStr Compare two strings for equality
35949: Func SysUtils AnsiCompareText Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case
35950: Func StrUtils AnsiContainsStr Returns true if a string contains a substring
35951: Func StrUtils AnsiEndsStr Returns true if a string ends with a substring
35952: Func StrUtils AnsiIndexStr Compares a string with a list of strings - returns match index
35953: Func StrUtils AnsiLeftStr Extracts characters from the left of a string
35954: Func SysUtils AnsiLowerCase Change upper case characters in a string to lower case
35955: Func StrUtils AnsiMatchStr Returns true if a string exactly matches one of a list of strings
35956: Func StrUtils AnsiMidStr Returns a substring from the middle characters of a string
35957: Func StrUtils AnsiPos Find the position of one string in another
35958: Func StrUtils AnsiReplaceStr Replaces a part of one string with another
35959: Func StrUtils AnsiReverseString Reverses the sequence of letters in a string
35960: Func StrUtils AnsiRightStr Extracts characters from the right of a string
35961: Func StrUtils AnsiStartsStr Returns true if a string starts with a substring
35962: Type System Ansistr A data type that holds a string of AnsiChars
35963: Func SysUtils AnsiUpperCase Change lower case characters in a string to upper case
35964: Proc System Append Open a text file to allow appending of text to the end
35965: Proc SysUtils AppendStr Concatenate one string onto the end of another
35966: Func Math ArcCos The Arc Cosine of a number, returned in radians
35967: Func Math ArcSin The Arc Sine of a number, returned in radians
35968: Func System ArcTan The Arc Tangent of a number, returned in radians
35969: Keyword Array A data type holding indexable collections of data
35970: Keyword As Used for casting object references
35971: Proc System Assign Assigns a file handle to a binary or text file
35972: Func System Assigned Returns true if a reference is not nil
35973: Proc System AssignFile Assigns a file handle to a binary or text file
35974: Proc Printers AssignPrn Treats the printer as a text file - an easy way of printing text
35976: B
35977: Compiler Directive $B Whether to short cut and and or operations
35978: Compiler Directive $BoolEval Whether to short cut and and or operations
35979: Proc SysUtils Beep Make a beep sound
35980: Keyword Begin Keyword that starts a statement block
35981: Func System BeginThread Begins a separate thread of code execution
35982: Proc System BlockRead Reads a block of data records from an untyped binary file
35983: Proc System BlockWrite Writes a block of data records to an untyped binary file
35984: Type System Boolean Allows just True and False values
35985: Func Classes Bounds Create a TRect value from top left and size values
35986: Proc System Break Forces a jump out of a single loop
35987: Type System Byte An Int type supporting values 0 to 255
35989: C
35990: Type System Cardinal The basic unsigned Int type
35991: Keyword Case A mechanism for acting upon different values of an Ordinal
35992: Func StdConvs CelsiusToFahrenheit Convert a celsius temperature into fahrenheit
35993: Func SysUtils ChangeFileExt Change the extension part of a file name
35994: Type System Char Variable type holding a single character
35995: Proc System ChDir Change the working drive plus path for a specified drive
35996: Func System Chr Convert an Int into a character
35997: Keyword Class Starts the declaration of a type of object class
35998: Proc System Close Closes an open file
35999: Proc System CloseFile Closes an open file
36000: Variable System CmdLine Holds the execution text used to start the current program
36001: Type System Comp A 64 bit signed Int
36002: Func SysUtils CompareStr Compare two strings to see which is greater than the other
36003: Func SysUtils CompareText Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case
36004: Func Math CompareValue Compare numeric values with a tolerance
36005: Func System Concat Concatenates one or more strings into one string
36006: Keyword Const Starts the definition of fixed data values
36007: Keyword Constructor Defines the method used to create an object from a class
36008: Proc System Continue Forces a jump to the next iteration of a loop
36009: Func ConvUtils Convert Convert one measurement value to another
36010: Func System Copy Create a copy of part of a string or an array
36011: Func System Cos The Cosine of a number
36012: Func SysUtils CreateDir Create a directory
36013: Type System Currency A floating point type with 4 decimals used for financial values
36014: Variable SysUtils CurrencyDecimals Defines decimal digit count in the Format function
36015: Variable SysUtils CurrencyFormat Defines currency string placement in curr display functions
36016: Variable SysUtils CurrencyString The currency string used in currency display functions
36017: Func SysUtils CurrToStr Convert a currency value to a string
36018: Func SysUtils CurrToStrF Convert a currency value to a string with formatting
36020: D
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36110: Proc System Flush Flushes buffered text file data to the file
36111: Keyword For Starts a loop that executes a finite number of times
36112: Func SysUtils ForceDirectories Create a new path of directories
36113: Func SysUtils Format Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string
36114: Func SysUtils FormatCurr Rich formatting of a currency value into a string
36115: Func SysUtils FormatDateTime Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string
36116: Func SysUtils FormatFloat Rich formatting of a floating point number into a string
36117: Func System Frac The fractional part of a floating point number
36118: Proc SysUtils FreeAndNil Free memory for an object and set it to nil
36119: Proc System FreeMem Free memory storage used by a variable
36120: Keyword System Func Defines a subroutine that returns a value
36122: G
36123: Func SysUtils GetCurrentDir Get the current directory (drive plus directory)
36124: Proc System GetDir Get the default directory (drive plus path) for a specified drive
36125: Func System GetLastError Gives the error code of the last failing Windows API call
36126: Proc SysUtils GetLocaleFormatSettings Gets locale values for thread-safe functions
36127: Func System GetMem Get a specified number of storage bytes
36128: Keyword Goto Forces a jump to a label, regardless of nesting
36130: H
36131: Compiler Directive $H Treat string types as Ansistr or ShortString
36132: Compiler Directive $Hints Determines whether Delphi shows compilation hints
36133: Proc System Halt Terminates the program with an optional dialog
36134: Func System Hi Returns the hi-order byte of a (2 byte) Int
36135: Func System High Returns the highest value of a type or variable
36137: I
36138: Compiler Directive $I Allows code in an include file to be incorporated into a Unit
36139: Compiler Directive $IfDef Executes code if a conditional symbol has been defined
36140: Compiler Directive $IfNDef Executes code if a conditional symbol has not been defined
36141: Compiler Directive $IfOpt Tests for the state of a Compiler directive
36142: Compiler Directive $Include Allows code in an include file to be incorporated into a Unit
36143: Compiler Directive $IOChecks When on, an IO operation error throws an exception
36144: Keyword If Starts a conditional expression to determine what to do next
36145: Keyword Implementation Starts the implementation (code) section of a Unit
36146: Keyword In Used to test if a value is a member of a set
36147: Proc System Inc Increment an ordinal variable
36148: Func DateUtils IncDay Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of days
36149: Proc System Include Include a value in a set variable
36150: Func DateUtils IncMillisecond Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of milliseconds
36151: Func DateUtils IncMinute Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of minutes
36152: Func SysUtils IncMonth Increments a TDateTime variable by a number of months
36153: Func DateUtils IncSecond Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of seconds
36154: Func DateUtils IncYear Increments a TDateTime variable by a number of years
36155: Directive Index Principally defines indexed class data properties
36156: Constant Math Infinity Floating point value of infinite size
36157: Keyword Inherited Used to call the parent class constructor or destructor method
36158: Variable System Input Defines the standard input text file
36159: Func Dialogs InputBox Display a dialog that asks for user text input, with default
36160: Func Dialogs InputQuery Display a dialog that asks for user text input
36161: Proc System Insert Insert a string into another string
36162: Func System Int The Int part of a floating point number as a float
36163: Type System Int64 A 64 bit sized Int - the largest in Delphi
36164: Type System Int The basic Int type
36165: Keyword System Interface Used for Unit external definitions, and as a Class skeleton
36166: Func SysUtils IntToHex Convert an Int into a hexadecimal string
36167: Func SysUtils IntToStr Convert an Int into a string
36168: Func System IOResult Holds the return code of the last I/O operation
36169: Keyword Is Tests whether an object is a certain class or ascendant
36170: Func Math IsInfinite Checks whether a floating point number is infinite
36171: Func SysUtils IsLeapYear Returns true if a given calendar year is a leap year
36172: Func System IsMultiThread Returns true if the code is running multiple threads
36173: Func Math IsNaN Checks to see if a floating point number holds a real number
36175: L
36176: Compiler Directive $L Determines what application debug information is built
36177: Compiler Directive $LocalSymbols Determines what application debug information is built
36178: Compiler Directive $LongStrings Treat string types as Ansistr or ShortString
36179: Func SysUtils LastDelimiter Find the last position of selected characters in a string
36180: Func System Length Return the number of elements in an array or string
36181: Func System Ln Gives the natural logarithm of a number
36182: Func System Lo Returns the low-order byte of a (2 byte) Int
36183: Func Math Log10 Gives the log to base 10 of a number
36184: Variable SysUtils LongDateFormat Long version of the date to string format
36185: Variable SysUtils LongDayNames An array of days of the week names, starting 1 = Sunday
36186: Type System LongInt An Int whose size is guaranteed to be 32 bits
36187: Variable SysUtils LongMonthNames An array of days of the month names, starting 1 = January
36188: Variable SysUtils LongTimeFormat Long version of the time to string format
36189: Type System LongWord A 32 bit unsigned Int
36190: Func System Low Returns the lowest value of a type or variable
36191: Func SysUtils LowerCase Change upper case characters in a string to lower case
36193: M
36194: Compiler Directive $MinEnumSize Sets the minimum storage used to hold enumerated types
36195: Func Math Max Gives the maximum of two Int values
36196: Constant System MaxInt The maximum value an Int can have
36197: Constant System MaxLongInt The maximum value an LongInt can have
36198: Func Math Mean Gives the average for a set of numbers
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36199: Func Dialogs MessageDlg Displays a message, symbol, and selectable buttons
36200: Func Dialogs MessageDlgPos Displays a message plus buttons at a given screen position
36201: Func Math Min Gives the minimum of two Int values
36202: Constant SysUtils MinsPerDay Gives the number of minutes in a day
36203: Proc System MkDir Make a directory
36204: Keyword Mod Performs Int division, returning the remainder
36205: Constant SysUtils MonthDays Gives the number of days in a month
36206: Func DateUtils MonthOfTheYear Gives the month of the year for a TDateTime value
36207: Proc System Move Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination
36209: N
36210: Constant Math NaN Not a real number
36211: Variable SysUtils NegCurrFormat Defines negative amount formatting in currency displays
36212: Proc System New Create a new pointer type variable
36213: Constant System Nil A pointer value that is defined as undetermined
36214: Keyword Not Boolean Not or bitwise not of one arguments
36215: Func SysUtils Now Gives the current date and time
36216: Variable Variants Null A variable that has no value
36218: O
36219: Compiler Directive $O Determines whether Delphi optimises code when compiling
36220: Compiler Directive $Optimization Determines whether Delphi optimises code when compiling
36221: Compiler Directive $OverFlowChecks Determines whether Delphi checks Int and enum bounds
36222: Keyword System Object Allows a subroutine data type to refer to an object method
36223: Func System Odd Tests whether an Int has an odd value
36224: Keyword Of Linking keyword used in many places
36225: Keyword On Defines exception handling in a Try Except clause
36226: Keyword Or Boolean or or bitwise or of two arguments
36227: Func System Ord Provides the Ordinal value of an Int, character or enum
36228: Directive Out Identifies a routine parameter for output only
36229: Variable System Output Defines the standard output text file
36230: Directive Overload Allows 2 or more routines to have the same name
36231: Directive Override Defines a method that replaces a virtual parent class method
36233: P
36234: Keyword Packed Compacts complex data types into minimal storage
36235: Type System PAnsiChar A pointer to an AnsiChar value
36236: Type System PAnsistr Pointer to an Ansistr value
36237: Func System ParamCount Gives the number of parameters passed to the current program
36238: Func System ParamStr Returns one of the parameters used to run the current program
36239: Type System PChar A pointer to an Char value
36240: Type System PCurrency Pointer to a Currency value
36241: Type System PDateTime Pointer to a TDateTime value
36242: Type System PExtended Pointer to a Extended floating point value
36243: Func System Pi The mathematical constant
36244: Type System PInt64 Pointer to an Int64 value
36245: Func Classes Point Generates a TPoint value from X and Y values
36246: Type System Pointer Defines a general use Pointer to any memory based data
36247: Func Classes PointsEqual Compares two TPoint values for equality
36248: Func System Pos Find the position of one string in another
36249: Func System Pred Decrement an ordinal variable
36250: Func Printers Printer Returns a reference to the global Printer object
36251: Directive Private Starts the section of private data and methods in a class
36252: Keyword System Proc Defines a subroutine that does not return a value
36253: Proc FileCtrl ProcessPath Split a drive/path/filename string into its constituent parts
36254: Keyword System Program Defines the start of an application
36255: Func Dialogs PromptForFileName Shows a dialog allowing the user to select a file
36256: Keyword System Property Defines controlled access to class fields
36257: Directive Protected Starts a section of class private data accesible to sub-classes
36258: Type System PShortString A pointer to an ShortString value
36259: Type System PString Pointer to a String value
36260: Func Types PtInRect Tests to see if a point lies within a rectangle
36261: Directive Public Starts an externally accessible section of a class
36262: Directive Published Starts a published externally accessible section of a class
36263: Type System PVariant Pointer to a Variant value
36264: Type System PWideChar Pointer to a WideChar
36265: Type System PWideString Pointer to a WideString value
36267: Q
36268: Compiler Directive $Q Determines whether Delphi checks Int and enum bounds
36270: R
36271: Compiler Directive $R Determines whether Delphi checks array bounds
36272: Compiler Directive $RangeChecks Determines whether Delphi checks array bounds
36273: Compiler Directive $ReferenceInfo Determines whether symbol reference information is built
36274: Compiler Directive $Resource Defines a resource file to be included in the application linking
36275: Func Math RadToDeg Converts a radian value to degrees
36276: Keyword Raise Raise an exception
36277: Func System Random Generate a random floating point or Int number
36278: Proc System Randomize Reposition the Random number generator next value
36279: Func Math RandomRange Generate a random Int number within a supplied range
36280: Variable System RandSeed Reposition the Random number generator next value
36281: Proc System Read Read data from a binary or text file
36282: Proc System ReadLn Read a complete line of data from a text file
36283: Type System Real A floating point type supporting about 15 digits of precision
36284: Type System Real48 The floating point type with the highest capacity and precision
36285: Proc System ReallocMem Reallocate an existing block of storage
36286: Func DateUtils RecodeDate Change only the date part of a TDateTime variable
36287: Func DateUtils RecodeTime Change only the time part of a TDateTime variable
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36377: Type SysUtils TReplaceFlags Defines options for the StringReplace routine
36378: Func SysUtils Trim Removes leading and trailing blanks from a string
36379: Func SysUtils TrimLeft Removes leading blanks from a string
36380: Func SysUtils TrimRight Removes trailing blanks from a string
36381: Func System Trunc The Int part of a floating point number
36382: Proc System Truncate Truncates a file size - removes all data after the current position
36383: Keyword Try Starts code that has error trapping
36384: Type Dialogs TSaveDialog Displays a dialog for selecting a save file name
36385: Type SysUtils TSearchRec Record used to hold data for FindFirst and FindNext
36386: Type Classes TStringList Holds a variable length list of strings
36387: Type SysUtils TSysCharSet Characters used by supplied string parsing functions
36388: Type System TThreadFunc Defines the Func to be called by BeginThread
36389: Var SysUtils TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow Sets century threshold for 2 digit year string conversions
36390: Keyword Type Defines a new category of variable or process
36392: U
36393: Compiler Directive $UnDef Undefines a compiler directive symbol - as used by IfDef
36394: Keyword Unit Defines the start of a unit file - a Delphi module
36395: Keyword Until Ends a Repeat control loop
36396: Func System UpCase Convert a Char value to upper case
36397: Func SysUtils UpperCase Change lower case characters in a string to upper case
36398: Keyword Uses Declares a list of Units to be imported
36400: V
36401: Proc System Val Converts number strings to Int and floating point values
36402: Keyword Var Starts the definition of a section of data variables
36403: Type System Variant A variable type that can hold changing data types
36404: Func Variants VarType Gives the current type of a Variant variable
36405: Constant Variants VarTypeMask Mask for the meta-type part of a Variant variable
36406: Directive Virtual Allows a class method to be overriden in derived classes
36408: W
36409: Compiler Directive $Warnings Determines whether Delphi shows compilation warnings
36410: Keyword While Repeat statements whilst a continuation condition is met
36411: Type System WideChar Variable type holding a single International character
36412: Func System WideCharToString Copies a null terminated WideChar string to a normal string
36413: Type System WideString A data type that holds a string of WideChars
36414: Keyword With A means of simplifying references to structured variables
36415: Type System Word An Int type supporting values 0 to 65535
36416: Func SysUtils WrapText Add line feeds into a string to simulate word wrap
36417: Proc System Write Write data to a binary or text file
36418: Proc System WriteLn Write a complete line of data to a text file
36420: X
36421: Compiler Directive $X Controls some Pascal extension handling
36422: Keyword Xor Boolean Xor or bitwise Xor of two arguments
36423: Y
36424: Compiler Directive $Y Determines whether application symbol information is built
36425: Func DateUtils Yesterday Gives the date yesterday
36426: Z
36427: Compiler Directive $Z Sets the minimum storage used to hold enumerated types
36430: Proc SIRegister_uPSUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
36431: begin //'TPSBaseType','').SetString( Byte);
36432: PSMainProcName','String').SetString( '!MAIN;
36433: PSMainProcNameOrg','String').SetString( 'Main Proc;
36434: 'PSLowBuildSupport','LongInt').SetInt(12);
36435: 'PSCurrentBuildNo','LongInt').SetInt(23);
36436: 'PSCurrentversion','String').SetString('1.31;
36437: 'PSValidHeader','LongInt').SetInt(1397769801);
36438: 'PSAddrStackStart','LongInt').SetInt(1610612736);
36439: 'PSAddrNegativeStackStart','LongInt').SetInt(1073741824);
36440: 'btReturnAddress','LongInt').SetInt(0);
36441: 'btU8','LongInt').SetInt(1);
36442: 'btS8','LongInt').SetInt(2);
36443: 'btU16','LongInt').SetInt(3);
36444: 'btS16','LongInt').SetInt(4);
36445: 'btU32','LongInt').SetInt(5);
36446: 'btS32','LongInt').SetInt(6);
36447: 'btSingle','LongInt').SetInt(7);
36448: 'btDouble','LongInt').SetInt(8);
36449: 'btExtended','LongInt').SetInt(9);
36450: 'btString','LongInt').SetInt(10);
36451: 'btRecord','LongInt').SetInt(11);
36452: 'btArray','LongInt').SetInt(12);
36453: 'btPointer','LongInt').SetInt(13);
36454: 'btPChar','LongInt').SetInt(14);
36455: 'btResourcePointer','LongInt').SetInt(15);
36456: 'btVariant','LongInt').SetInt(16);
36457: 'btS64','LongInt').SetInt(17);
36458: 'btU64','LongInt').SetInt(30);
36459: 'btChar','LongInt').SetInt(18);
36460: 'btWideString','LongInt').SetInt( 19);
36461: 'btWideChar','LongInt').SetInt( 20);
36462: 'btProcPtr','LongInt').SetInt( 21);
36463: 'btStaticArray','LongInt').SetInt( 22);
36464: 'btSet','LongInt').SetInt( 23);
36465: 'btCurrency','LongInt').SetInt( 24);
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36813: Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB3152599)
36814: Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3200970)
36815: Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3201845)
36816: Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3211320)
36817: Intel Corporation - Display - 11/10/2016 12:00:00 AM -
36818: 2017-10 Cumulative Update for Win 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems (KB4041676)
36819: 2017-12 Cumulative Update for Win 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems (KB4053580)
36820: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1709
36821: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1803 amd64 2019-04
36822: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1903
36823: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1909
36824: November 12, 2019—KB4524570 (OS Builds 18362.476 and 18363.476)
36825: Version: 1903-OS Build 18362.535 and 1909-OS Build 18363.535
36826: Done Adding Additional Store Successfully signed: maXbox4.exe
36827: C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>signtool verify /v /pa maXbox4.exe
36828: Verifying: maXbox4.exe
36829: Successfully verified: maXbox4.exe
36830: Number of files successfully Verified: 1
36831: Number of warnings: 0
36832: Number of errors: 0C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>
36833: C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>
36837: Verifying: maXbox4.exe
36838: Signature Index: 0 (Primary Signature)
36839: Hash of file (sha1): 9D181955E579DCFF6920CEEC32749F0E43F2C157
36840: Signing Certificate Chain:
36841: Issued to: maXboxCertAuth
36842: Issued by: maXboxCertAuth
36843: Expires: Sun Jan 01 00:59:59 2040
36844: SHA1 hash: 6F83207B500DCC0E32A719599CBC6BD7E6B2A04D
36845: Issued to: maXbox4signer
36846: Issued by: maXboxCertAuth
36847: Expires: Sun Jan 01 00:59:59 2040
36848: SHA1 hash: 6A89501B76D47C189A60BF1070BAA2FBFD38D7D7
36849: Issued to: maXbox4exe
36850: Issued by: maXbox4signer
36851: Expires: Sun Jan 01 00:59:59 2040
36852: SHA1 hash: F0EB0CA218C5707FAC78921F81092CECA12AD0E9
36853: The signature is timestamped: Tue Dec 03 10:51:06 2019
36854: Timestamp Verified by:
36855: Issued to: Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
36856: Issued by: Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
36857: Expires: Fri Jan 01 00:59:59 2038
36858: SHA1 hash: B51C067CEE2B0C3DF855AB2D92F4FE39D4E70F0E
36859: Issued to: Starfield Secure Certificate Authority - G2
36860: Issued by: Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
36861: Expires: Sat May 03 08:00:00 2031
36862: SHA1 hash: 7EDC376DCFD45E6DDF082C160DF6AC21835B95D4
36863: Issued to: Starfield Timestamp Authority - G2
36864: Issued by: Starfield Secure Certificate Authority - G2
36865: Expires: Tue Sep 17 08:00:00 2024
36866: SHA1 hash: E8551398FF530A9278FD9818E448CB333F67924D
36868: Successfully verified: maXbox4.exe
36869: Number of files successfully Verified: 1
36870: Number of warnings: 0
36871: Number of errors: 0
36872: C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>
36874: ****************************************************************
36875: Release Notes maXbox April 2020 mX47
36876: ****************************************************************
36877: 1254 unit uPSI_MaskEdit.pas FCL
36878: 1255 unit uPSI_SimpleRSSTypes; BlueHippo
36879: 1256 unit uPSI_SimpleRSS; BlueHippo
36880: 1257 unit uPSI_psULib.pas Prometheus
36881: 1258 unit uPSI_psUFinancial; Prometheus
36882: 1259 uPSI_PsAPI_2.pas mX4
36883: 1260 uPSI_PersistSettings_2 mX4
36884: Totals of Func Calls: 32339
36885: for
36888: CDS Func CreateBlobStream(Field: TField; Mode: TBlobStreamMode): TStream;');
36889: Func BookmarkValid(Bookmark: TBookmark):Bool; ');
36890: Func CompareBookmarks(Bookmark1, Bookmark2: TBookmark): Integer;');
36892: Proc ModifyFontsFor(ctrl: TWinControl);
36893: Proc ModifyFontsFor(ctrl: TWinControl; afontname:Str);
36894: Proc GetAccessTimeOut(var bTimeOut: Bool; var bFeedBack:Boolean;var iTimeOutTime:Int);
36895: Func GetParentProcessName():Str;
36896: writeln('ParentProcessName: '+GetProcessName(GetParentProcessID(getprocessID)));
36897: Func wFillRect(hDC: HDC; const lprc: TRect; hbr: HBRUSH): Integer; stdcall;
36898: Func wFrameRect(hDC: HDC; const lprc: TRect; hbr: HBRUSH):Integer; stdcall;
36899: Proc GetIpAddresses(Results: TStrings); overload;
36900: Proc GetIpAddresses(Results: TStrings; const HostName: Ansistr);
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37279: Async/Await: Bake the parallel library features into the language/compilers, much like C#, Delphi and
other languages have done over recent years (ala async, await). That makes it possible/easier to write
highly scalable servers, over the top of asynchronous I/O. Yes, it's technically possible now, but it's so
damned difficult to get right/prove it
to use the Promise pattern, something along these lines -
Promise to handle async tasks.
37280: Benfits: Write scalable task oriented server code without messing with low level threading, write
responsive non blocking client code. This is something that is possible to do only with the extensive
support of a compiler and there’s absolutely no way to write an async/await clone in Delphi. But… there’s
a simple trick which allows you to write the code in almost the same way. It uses OmniThreadLibrary’s
Async construct and the magic of anonymous methods. Caveats : Microsoft have a patent on Async/Await
37282: Max Kleiner's professional environment is in the areas of OOP, UML and coding - among other things as a
trainer, developer and consultant. The focus is on training, IT security and frameworks that work in a
service-oriented manner. As a lecturer at a university of applied sciences and on a work contract,
microcontrollers and machine learning have also been added. His published book “Patterns in C #” is a
constant companion in the digital jungle.
37283: Association Rules uncover the relationship between two or more attributes. It is mainly in the form of- If
antecedent than consequent.
37284: Picture Exhibition 2021
37290: Data Scientist also requires strong technical skills in:
37291: 1. Math (e.g. linear algebra, calculus and probability).
37292: 2. Statistics (e.g. hypothesis testing and summary statistics).
37293: 3. Machine learning tools and techniques(e.g.k-nearest neighbours,random forests,ensemble methods,svm).
37294: 4. Software engineering skills (e.g.distributed computing,algorithms and data structures).
37295: 5. Data mining.
37296: 6. Data cleaning and merging.
37297: 7. Data visualization (e.g. plottsystem for R ggplot2, py and JavaScript library for manipulating
documents based on data d3.js) and reporting techniques.
37298: 8. Unstructured data techniques.
37299: 9. R and/or SAS languages.
37300: 10. SQL databases and database querying languages.
37301: 11. Python (most common), C/C++ Java, Perl.
37302: 12. Big data platforms like Hadoop, Hive & Pig.
37303: 13. Cloud tools like Amazon S3.
37304: 14. Pascal Python in maXbox4
37306: Data Analyst
37307: 1. Work with IT teams, management and/or data scientists to determine organizational goals.
37308: 2. Mine data from primary and secondary sources.
37309: 3. Clean and prune data to discard irrelevant information.
37310: 4. Analyze and interpret results using standard statistical tools and techniques.
37311: 5. Pinpoint trends, correlations and patterns in complicated data sets.
37312: 6. Identify new opportunities for process improvement.
37313: 7. Provide concise data reports and clear data visualizations for management.
37314: 8. Design, create and maintain relational databases and data systems.
37315: 9. Triage code problems and data-related issues.
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