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Maxbox Functions

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maXbox4 4.7.6.

10 14/01/2022 17:56:22

1: *******************************************************************************
2: Constructor Func and Proc List of maXbox V codeX signed
3: *******************************************************************************
5: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6: ref Help Extract Functions of maXbox4.exe BigBitBox API HEX in BOX476
7: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8: File EXE:31.5 MB (33,034,056) V4.7.6.10 Jan.2022 EKON25/BASTA/JAX/IBZ/SWS/PASCON
9: *****************Now the Funclist**********************************************
10: Funclist Func : 20932_; Source Compiled: 3'955'969 lines
11: *****************Now the Proclist**********************************************
12: Proclist Proc Size is: 12464_
13: *****************Now Constructors**********************************************
14: Constructlist Constructor Size is: 1971_
15: def head: max: maXbox10: 14/01/2022 18:04:42
16: file E:\maxbox\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist476_.txt
17: doc file: maxbox_extract_funclist476.txt(sort function)maxbox_functions_sortlist.txt
18: all unit file: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/packages.txt
19: all unit file2:http://www.softwareschule.ch/unitlist.htm
20: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
21: Funclist total Size all is: 35380! Constructor, Func and Procedure
22: AExtraxt of EXE Functions of maXbox4.exe, locs of file = 37315
23: ASize of EXE: 33,034,056 bytes CRC32: CEB35531:
24: SHA1: of maXbox4.exe ( E51C63B7B47D83D441F9EB13F515920ACEB26101
25: SHA-256 a3e4077c1a6f8ffbf59ed44c150d90b6460714fc6d547ed05b278702e628ce1d
27: https://www.virustotal.
28: https://www.virustotal.
29: https://www.virustotal.
30: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
32: Func Metric of Script: 256_findfunctions4_of_EXE_80_1.txt
33: Func *************Now the Funclist*****************
34: Func GetResStringChecked(Ident:Str; const Args: array of const):str
35: Func ( Index : Longint) : Integer
36: Func (Command: Word; Data: Longint; var CallHelp:Bool):Bool
37: Func _CheckAutoResult( ResultCode : HResult) : HResult
38: Func _T(Name: tbtString): Variant;
39: Func ABNFToText(const AText :Str) :Str
40: Func Abs(e : Extended) : Extended;
41: Func AbsInt(e : Extended) : Integer;
42: Func AbsInt( const B : integer) : integer;
43: Func AbsFloat( const B : double) : extended;
44: Func Ackermann( const A, B : Integer) : Integer
45: Func AcquireLayoutLock :Bool
46: Func ActionByName( const AName :Str) : TWebActionItem
48: Func Add:TAggregate
49: Func Add:TCollectionItem
50: Func Add:TColumn
51: Func Add:TComboExItem
52: Func Add:TCookie
53: Func Add:TCoolBand
54: Func Add:TFavoriteLinkItem
55: Func Add:TFileTypeItem
56: Func Add:THeaderSection
57: Func Add:THTMLTableColumn
58: Func Add:TIdEMailAddressItem
59: Func Add:TIdMessagePart
60: Func Add:TIdUserAccount
61: Func Add:TListColumn
62: Func Add:TListItem
63: Func Add:TStatusPanel
64: Func Add:TTaskDialogBaseButtonItem
65: Func Add:TWebActionItem
66: Func Add:TWorkArea
67: Func Add(AClass : TClass) : Integer
68: Func Add(AComponent : TComponent) : Integer
69: Func Add(AItem,AData : Integer) : Integer
70: Func Add(AItem,AData : Pointer) : Pointer
71: Func Add(AItem,AData : TObject) : TObject
72: Func Add(AObject : TObject) : Integer
73: Func Add(const Access, Count :Card; const Offset : Int64) : Integer
74: Func Add(const S : WideString) : Int
75: Func Add(Image, Mask : TBitmap) : Int
76: Func Add(Index : LongInt; const Text :Str) : LongInt
77: Func Add(Sibling : TTreeNode; const S :Str) : TTreeNode
78: Func Add(const S:Str): Int
79: Func Add(S:Str): Int;
80: Func AddAt(const Access,Count:Card;const Offset:Int64;const Address:Pointer):Int
82: Func AddChild( Index : LongInt; const Text :Str) : LongInt
83: Func AddChild( Parent : TTreeNode; const S :Str) : TTreeNode
84: Func AddChildFirst( Parent : TTreeNode; const S :Str) : TTreeNode
85: Func AddChildObject(Index:LongInt;const Text:str;const Data:Pointer:LongInt
86: Func AddChildObject( Parent:TTreeNode;const S:str;Ptr:Pointer) : TTreeNode

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87: Func AddChildObjectFirst(Parent:TTreeNode;const S:str;Ptr:Pointer):TTreeNode

89: Func AddFileExtIfNecessary( AFileName, AExt :Str) :Str
90: Func AddFirst( Sibling : TTreeNode; const S :Str) : TTreeNode
91: Func AddIcon( Image : TIcon) : Int
92: Func AddImage( Value : TCustomImageList; Index : Int) : Int
94: Func AddItem(const Caption:str;const ImageIdx,SelectImageIdx,OverlayImagIdx,
95: Func AddItem( Item : THeaderSection; Index : Int) : THeaderSection
96: Func AddItem( Item : TListItem; Index : Int) : TListItem
97: Func AddItem( Item : TStatusPanel; Index : Int) : TStatusPanel
98: Func AddMapping( const FieldName :Str) :Bool
99: Func AddMasked( Image : TBitmap; MaskColor : TColor) : Int
100: Func AddModuleClass( AClass : TComponentClass) : TComponent
101: Func AddModuleName( const AClass :Str) : TComponent
102: Func AddNode(Node,Relative:TTreeNode;const S:str;Ptr:Pointer;Method:TNodeAttachMode):TTreeNode
103: Func AddObject( const S : WideString; AObject : TObject) : Int
104: Func AddObject(Index:LongInt;const Text:str; const Data:Pointer): LongInt
105: Func AddObject( Sibling : TTreeNode; const S :Str;Ptr: Pointer): TTreeNode
106: Func AddObject(S:str;AObject:TObject):Int
107: Func AddObjectFirst(Sibling:TTreeNode;const S string;Ptr:Pointer):TTreeNode
108: Func AddParameter : TParameter
109: Func AddParamSQLForDetail(Params:TParams;SQL:WideStr;Native:Bool;QuoteChar:WideString):WideString
110: Func Addr64ToAddr32(const Value: TJclAddr64): TJclAddr32;
111: Func Addr32ToAddr64(const Value: TJclAddr32): TJclAddr64;
112: Func AdjustLineBreaksS(const S:Str):Str)
113: TTextLineBreakStyle', '(tlbsLF, tlbsCRLF)
114: Func AdjustLineBreaks(const S:Str; Style: TTextLineBreakStyle):Str;
115: Func AllData :Str
116: Func AllocMemCount: Int;
117: Func AllocMemSize: Int;
118: Func AllocPatternBitmap( BkColor, FgColor : TColor) : TBitmap
119: Func AllowRegKeyForEveryone( Key : HKEY; Path :Str) :Bool
120: Func AlphaComponent( const Color32 : TColor32) : Int
121: Func AlphaSort :Bool
122: Func AlphaSort( ARecurse :Bool) :Bool
123: Func AnsiCat( const x, y : Ansistr) : Ansistr
124: Func AnsiCompareFileName( S1, S2 :Str) : Int
125: Func AnsiCompareFileName(const S1:Str; const S2:Str): Int)
126: Func AnsiCompareStr( S1, S2 :Str) : Int
127: Func AnsiCompareStr(const S1:Str; const S2:Str): Int;)
128: Func AnsiCompareText( S1, S2 :Str) : Int
129: Func AnsiCompareText(const S1:Str; const S2:Str): Int;)
130: Func AnsiContainsStr( const AText, ASubText :Str) :Bool
131: Func AnsiContainsText( const AText, ASubText :Str) :Bool
132: Func AnsiCopy( const src : Ansistr; index, count : Int) : Ansistr
133: Func AnsiDequotedStr( S :Str; AQuote : Char) :Str
134: Func AnsiEndsStr( const ASubText, AText :Str) :Bool
135: Func AnsiEndsText( const ASubText, AText :Str) :Bool
136: Func AnsiExtractQuotedStr( var Src : PChar; Quote : Char) :Str
137: Func AnsiExtractQuotedStr(var Src: PChar; Quote: Char):Str)
138: Func AnsiIndexStr( const AText :Str; const AValues : array of string) : Int
139: Func AnsiIndexText(const AText:str; const AValues:array of string):Int
140: Func AnsiLastChar( S :Str) : PChar
141: Func AnsiLastChar(const S:Str): PChar)
142: Func AnsiLeftStr( const AText : Ansistr; const ACount : Int) : Ansistr
143: Func AnsiLowerCase( S :Str) :Str
144: Func AnsiLowercase(s :Str) :Str;
145: Func AnsiLowerCaseFileName( S :Str) :Str
146: Func AnsiMatchStr( const AText:str; const AValues:array of string):Bool
147: Func AnsiMatchText(const AText:str; const AValues: array of string):Bool
148: Func AnsiMidStr(const AText: Ansistr; const AStart, ACount: Int): Ansistr
149: Func AnsiPos( const src, sub : Ansistr) : Int
150: Func AnsiPos( Substr, S :Str) : Int
151: Func AnsiPos(const Substr:Str; const S:Str): Int;)
152: Func AnsiQuotedStr( S :Str; Quote : Char) :Str
153: Func AnsiReplaceStr( const AText, AFromText, AToText :Str) :Str
154: Func AnsiReplaceText( const AText, AFromText, AToText :Str) :Str
155: Func AnsiResemblesText( const AText, AOther :Str) :Bool
156: Func AnsiReverseString( const AText : Ansistr) : Ansistr
157: Func AnsiRightStr( const AText : Ansistr; const ACount : Int) : Ansistr
158: Func AnsiSameCaption(const Text1:Str; const Text2:Str):Bool)
159: Func AnsiSameStr( S1, S2 :Str) :Bool
160: Func AnsiSameStr(const S1:Str; const S2:Str):Bool)
161: Func AnsiSameText( const S1, S2 :Str) :Bool
162: Func AnsiSameText( S1, S2 :Str) :Bool
163: Func AnsiSameText(const S1:Str; const S2:Str):Bool)
164: Func AnsiStartsStr( const ASubText, AText :Str) :Bool
165: Func AnsiStartsText( const ASubText, AText :Str) :Bool
166: Func AnsiStrComp( S1, S2 : PChar) : Int
167: Func AnsiStrComp(S1: PChar; S2: PChar): Int)
168: Func AnsiStrIComp( S1, S2 : PChar) : Int
169: Func AnsiStrIComp(S1: PChar; S2: PChar): Int)
170: Func AnsiStrLastChar( P : PChar) : PChar
171: Func AnsiStrLastChar(P: PChar): PChar)
172: Func AnsiStrLComp( S1, S2 : PChar; MaxLen :Card) : Int
173: Func AnsiStrLIComp( S1, S2 : PChar; MaxLen :Card) : Int
174: Func AnsiStrLower( Str : PChar) : PChar

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175: Func AnsiStrPos( Str, SubStr : PChar) : PChar

176: Func AnsiStrPos(Str: PChar; SubStr: PChar): PChar)
177: Func AnsiStrScan(Str: PChar; Chr: Char): PChar)
178: Func AnsiStrUpper( Str : PChar) : PChar
179: Func AnsiToUtf8( const S :Str) : UTF8String
180: Func AnsiToUtf8Ex( const S :Str; const cp : Int) : UTF8String
181: Func AnsiUpperCase( S :Str) :Str
182: Func AnsiUppercase(s :Str) :Str;
183: Func AnsiUpperCaseFileName( S :Str) :Str
184: Func ApplyUpdates(const Delta:OleVariant;MaxErrors:Int;out ErrorCount:Int): OleVariant
185: Func ApplyUpdates(const Delta:OleVariant;MaxErrors: Int;out ErrorCount:Int): OleVariant;
186: Func ApplyUpdates( MaxErrors : Int) : Int
187: Func ApplyUpdates1(const Delta:OleVar;MaxErrs:Int;out ErrCount:Int;var OwnerData:OleVar):OleVariant;
188: Func ArcCos(const X : Extended) : Extended
189: Func ArcCosh(const X : Extended) : Extended
190: Func ArcCot(const X : Extended) : Extended
191: Func ArcCotH(const X : Extended) : Extended
192: Func ArcCsc(const X : Extended) : Extended
193: Func ArcCscH(const X : Extended) : Extended
194: Func ArcSec(const X : Extended) : Extended
195: Func ArcSecH(const X : Extended) : Extended
196: Func ArcSin(const X : Extended) : Extended
197: Func ArcSinh(const X : Extended) : Extended
198: Func ArcTan(const X : Extended) : Extended
199: Func ArcTan2(const Y, X : Extended) : Extended
200: Func ArithmeticMean(const X : TDynDoubleArray) : Float
201: Func ArrayLength: Int;
202: Func AsHex( const AValue : T4x4LongWordRecord):Str
203: Func AsHex( const AValue : T5x4LongWordRecord):Str
204: Func ASNDecLen( var Start : Int; const Buffer :Str) : Int
205: Func ASNDecOIDItem( var Start : Int; const Buffer :Str) : Int
206: Func ASNEncInt( Value : Int) :Str
207: Func ASNEncLen( Len : Int) :Str
208: Func ASNEncOIDItem( Value : Int) :Str
209: Func ASNEncUInt( Value : Int) :Str
210: Func ASNItem(var Start: Int; const Buffer:str; var ValueType:Int):str
211: Func ASNObject( const Data :Str; ASNType : Int) :Str
212: Func Assigned(I: Longint):Bool;
213: Func AspectRatio(aWidth, aHeight: Int):Str;
214: Func AsWideString( Field : TField) : WideString
215: Func AtLeast( ACount : Int) :Bool
216: Func AttemptToUseSharedMemoryManager :Bool
217: Func Authenticate :Bool
218: Func AuthenticateUser( const AUsername, APassword :Str) :Bool
219: Func Authentication :Str
220: Func BatchMove( ASource : TBDEDataSet; AMode : TBatchMode) : Longint
221: Func BcdCompare( const bcd1, bcd2 : TBcd) : Int
222: Func BcdFromBytes( const AValue : TBytes) : TBcd
223: Func BcdPrecision( const Bcd : TBcd) : Word
224: Func BcdScale( const Bcd : TBcd) : Word
225: Func BcdToBytes( const Value : TBcd) : TBytes
226: Func BCDToCurr( const BCD : TBcd; var Curr : Currency) :Bool
227: Func BcdToDouble( const Bcd : TBcd) : Double
228: Func BcdToInt( const Bcd : TBcd; Truncate :Bool) : Int
229: Func BcdToStr( const Bcd : TBcd) :Str;
230: Func BcdToStrF(const Bcd:TBcd;Format:TFloatFormat;const Precision,Digits:Int):str
231: Func beep2(dwFreq, dwDuration: Int):Bool;
232: Func BeginPeriod( const Period :Card) :Bool
233: Func BeginTrans : Int
234: Func BeginTransaction : TDBXTransaction;
235: Func BeginTransaction1( Isolation : TDBXIsolation) : TDBXTransaction;
236: Func BigMulu(aone, atwo:Str):Str;
237: Func BigNumber(aone, atwo:Str):Str;
238: Func BigExp(aone,atwo:Str):Str;
239: Func BigMul(aone,atwo:Str):Str;
240: Func BigAdd(aone,atwo:Str):Str;
241: Func BigSub(aone,atwo:Str):Str;
242: Func BigFactorial(aone:Str):Str;
243: Func BinaryToDouble( ABinary :Str; DefValue : Double): Double
244: Func BinomialCoeff( N, R :Card) : Float
245: Func BinominalCoefficient(n, k: Int):Str;
246: Func BinStrToInt( const ABinary :Str) : Int
247: Func BinToByte(Binary:Str): Byte;
248: Func BinToHex2(Binary:Str):Str;
249: Func BinToInt(Binary:Str): Int;
250: Func BinToChar(St:Str): Char;
251: Func BinToStr(ans:Str):Str;
252: Func BitBlt(hdcDest:HDC;nXDest,nYDest,nWidth,nHeigh:Int;hdcSrc:HDC;nXSrc,nYSrc:Int;dwRop:DWORD):Bool;
253: Func BitmapsAreIdentical( ABitmap1, ABitmap2 : TBitmap) :Bool
254: Func BitsHighest( X: Byte) : Int;
255: Func BitsHighest1(X: ShortInt) : Int;
256: Func BitsHighest2(X: SmallInt) : Int;
257: Func BitsHighest3(X: Word) : Int;
258: Func BitsHighest4(X: Int) : Int;
259: Func BitsHighest5(X:Card) : Int;
260: Func BitsHighest6(X: Int64) : Int;
261: Func BitsLowest( X: Byte) : Int;
262: Func BitsLowest1(X: Shortint) : Int;
263: Func BitsLowest2(X: Smallint) : Int;

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264: Func BitsLowest3(X: Word) : Int;

265: Func BitsLowest4(X:Card) : Int;
266: Func BitsLowest5(X: Int) : Int;
267: Func BitsLowest6(X: Int64) : Int;
268: Func BitsNeeded( const X : Byte) : Int;
269: Func BitsNeeded1(const X : Word) : Int;
270: Func BitsNeeded2(const X : Int) : Int;
271: Func BitsNeeded3(const X : Int64) : Int;
272: Func BlueComponent(const Color32 : TColor32) : Int
273: Func BooleanToInt( const Pb :Bool) : Int
274: Func BoolToStr(B:Bool; UseBoolStrs:Bool):Str)
275: Func BoolToStr1(value :Bool) :Str;
276: Func booltoint( aBool :Bool) : LongInt
277: Func inttobool( aInt : LongInt) :Bool
278: Func Bounds( ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight : Int) : TRect
279: Func Bounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Int): TRect)
280: Func BreakApart(BaseString,BreakString:str;StringList: TStrings): TStrings
281: Func BrightColor( const Color : TColor; const Pct : Single) : TColor
282: Func BrightColorChannel( const Channel : Byte; const Pct : Single) : Byte
283: Func BufferRequest( Length : Int) : TStream
284: Func BuildFileList(const Path:Str;const Attr:Int;const List:TStrings):Bool
285: Func Buttons: PTaskDialogButton
286: Func BytesPerScanline(PixelsPerScanline,BitsPerPixel,Alignment:Longint):Longint
287: Func BytesToCardinal( const AValue : TIdBytes; const AIndex : Int) :Card
288: Func BytesToChar( const AValue : TIdBytes; const AIndex : Int) : Char
289: Func BytesToInt64( const AValue : TIdBytes; const AIndex : Int) : Int64
290: Func BytesToInt( const AValue : TIdBytes; const AIndex : Int) : Int
291: Func BytesToIPv6( const AValue : TIdBytes; const AIndex : Int) : TIdIPv6Address
292: Func BytesToShort( const AValue : TIdBytes; const AIndex : Int) : Short
293: Func BytesToString(ABytes:TIdBytes; AStartIndex:Int; AMaxCount:Int):Str;
294: Func BytesToStr(const Value: TBytes):Str;
295: Func BytesToWord( const AValue : TIdBytes; const AIndex : Int) : Word
296: Func ByteToBin(Int: Byte):Str;
297: Func ByteToCharIndex( S :Str; Index : Int) : Int
298: Func ByteToCharIndex(const S:Str; Index: Int): Int)
299: Func ByteToCharLen( S :Str; MaxLen : Int) : Int
300: Func ByteToCharLen(const S:Str; MaxLen: Int): Int)
301: Func ByteToHex( const AByte : Byte) :Str
302: Func ByteToOctal( const AByte : Byte) :Str
303: Func ByteType( S :Str; Index : Int) : TMbcsByteType
304: Func ByteType(const S:Str; Index: Int): TMbcsByteType)
305: Func CalcTitleRect( Col : TColumn; ARow : Int; var MasterCol:TColumn):TRect
306: Func CalculateDFAFingerprint( oStates : TList) : Int
307: Func CallTerminateProcs:Bool)
309: Func CanLoad( const Ext :Str) :Bool
310: Func CanParse( AWebRequest : TWebRequest) :Bool
311: Func CanSave( const Ext :Str) :Bool
312: Func CanStart( cChar : char) :Bool
313: Func CaptureScreen : TBitmap;
314: Func CaptureScreen1( Rec : TRect) : TBitmap;
315: Func CardinalToFourChar( ACardinal : LongWord) :Str
316: Func CastSoapToNative(Info:PTypeInfo;const SoapData:WideString;NatData:Pointer;IsNull:Bool):Bool
317: Func CastSoapToVariant1(SoapInfo:PTypeInfo;const SoapData:WideString):Variant;
318: Func Ceil( const X : Extended) : Int
319: Func Ceil16( X : Int) : Int
320: Func Ceil4( X : Int) : Int
321: Func Ceil8( X : Int) : Int
322: Func Ceiling( const X : Extended) : Int
323: Func CellRect( ACol, ARow : Longint) : TRect
324: Func CelsiusToFahrenheit( const AValue : Double) : Double
325: Func CenterPoint( const Rect : TRect) : TPoint
326: Func CenterPoint(const Rect: TRect): TPoint)
327: Func ChangeFileExt( FileName, Extension :Str) :Str
328: Func ChangeFileExt(const FileName:Str; const Extension:Str):Str)
329: Func CharInSet2( const Ch : Char; const SetOfChar : TSetOfChar) :Bool
330: Func CharInSet( const Ch : Char; const testSet: TSysCharSet):Bool
331: Func CharIsInEOF( const AString :Str; ACharPos : Int) :Bool
332: Func CharIsInSet(const AString:str;const ACharPos:Int;const ASet:str):Bool
333: Func CharLength( S :Str; Index : Int) : Int
334: Func CharRange( const AMin, AMax : Char) :Str
335: Func CharsetToIdent(Charset: Longint; var Ident:Str):Bool)
336: Func CharToBin(vChr: Char):Str;
337: Func CharNext(lpsz: PChar): PChar; stdcall;
338: Func CharToByteIndex( S :Str; Index : Int) : Int
339: Func CharToByteIndex(const S:Str; Index: Int): Int)
340: Func CharToByteLen( S :Str; MaxLen : Int) : Int
341: Func CharToByteLen(const S:Str; MaxLen: Int): Int)
342: Func CharToHex(const APrefix :Str; const cc : Char) : shortstring;
343: Func CharToHexStr(Value: char):Str);
344: Func CharToOem(ins, outs: PChar):boolean;
345: Func CharToUniCode(Value: Char):Str;
346: Func CheckMenuDropdown :Bool
347: Func CheckMessages : longint
348: Func CheckBox:Str;
349: Func CheckOpen( Status : DBIResult) :Bool
350: Func CheckPassword( const APassword :Str) :Bool
351: Func CheckResponse(const AResponse:SmallInt;const AAllowedResponses:array of SmallInt):SmallInt
352: Func CheckCrc32( var X : array of Byte; N : Int; Crc :Card) : Int;

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353: Func CheckSynchronize(Timeout: Int):Bool

354: Func CheckWin32Version( AMajor : Int; AMinor : Int) :Bool
355: Func CheckCom(AComNumber: Int): Int;;
356: Func CheckLPT1:Str;;
357: Func ChrA(const a: byte): char;
358: Func ClassIDToProgID(const ClassID: TGUID):Str;
359: Func ClassNameIs(const Name:Str):Bool
360: Func ClearBit( const Value : Byte; const Bit : TBitRange) : Byte;
361: Func ClearBit1(const Value : Shortint; const Bit : TBitRange) : Shortint;
362: Func ClearBit2(const Value : Smallint; const Bit : TBitRange) : Smallint;
363: Func ClearBit3(const Value : Word; const Bit : TBitRange) : Word;
364: Func ClearBit4(const Value : Int; const Bit : TBitRange) : Int;
365: Func ClearBit5(const Value :Card; const Bit : TBitRange) :Card;
366: Func ClearBit6(const Value : Int64; const Bit : TBitRange) : Int64;
368: Func Clipboard : TClipboard
369: Func ClipCodes( const X, Y, MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY : Float) : TClipCodes;
370: Func ClipCodes1( const X, Y : Float; const ClipRect : TRect) : TClipCodes;
371: Func ClipLine( var X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Int; const ClipRect : TRect) :Bool;
372: Func ClipLineToRect(var P1,P2:TFloatPoint;const Rect:TFloatRect) :Bool
373: Func Clone( out stm : IStream) : HResult
374: Func CloneConnection : TSQLConnection
375: Func CloneMemoryStream( Original : TMemoryStream) : TMemoryStream
377: Func CloseVolume( var Volume : THandle) :Bool
378: Func CloseHandle(Handle: Int): Int; stdcall;
379: Func CPlApplet(hwndCPl:THandle;uMsg:DWORD;lParam1,lParam2:Longint):Longint
380: Func CmdLine: PChar;
381: Func CmdShow: Int;
382: // type TPos = (tLat, tLon);TShowFmt = (sfNautical, sfStatute, sfMetric);
383: Func CoordinateStr(Idx: Int; PosInSec: Double; PosLn: TPos):Str;
384: Func Color32(const R, G, B : Byte; const A : Byte) : TColor32;
385: Func Color32(WinColor : TColor) : TColor32;
386: Func Color321(const Index : Byte; const Palette : TPalette32) : TColor32;
387: Func ColorAdjustLuma( clrRGB : TColor; n : Int; fScale :BOOLean) : TColor
388: Func ColorHLSToRGB( Hue, Luminance, Saturation : Word) : TColorRef
389: Func ColorToHTML( const Color : TColor) :Str
390: Func ColorToIdent(Color: Longint; var Ident:Str):Bool)
391: Func ColorToRGB(color: TColor): Longint
392: Func ColorToString(Color: TColor):Str)
393: Func ColorToWebColorName( Color : TColor) :Str
394: Func ColorToWebColorStr( Color : TColor) :Str
395: Func ColumnAtDepth( Col : TColumn; ADepth : Int) : TColumn
396: Func Combination(npr, ncr: Int): extended;
397: Func CombinationInt(npr, ncr: Int): Int64;
398: Func CombineInfo( Bitmap : TCustomBitmap32) : TCombineInfo
399: Func CommaAdd( const AStr1, AStr2 :Str) :Str
400: Func CommercialRound( const X : Extended) : Int64
401: Func Commit( grfCommitFlags : Longint) : HResult
402: Func Compare( const NameExt :Str) :Bool
403: Func CompareDate(const A, B: TDateTime): TValueRelationship;
404: Func CompareDateTime( const ADateTime1, ADateTime2 : TDateTime) : Int
405: Func CompareFiles(const FN1,FN2:str;Breathe:TNotifyEvent;BreathingSender:TObject):bool
406: Func CompareMemoryStreams( S1, S2 : TMemoryStream) :Bool
407: Func CompareStr( S1, S2 :Str) : Int
408: Func CompareStr(const S1:Str; const S2:Str): Int)
409: Func CompareString(const S1:Str; const S2:Str): Int)
410: Func CompareText( S1, S2 :Str) : Int
411: Func CompareText(const S1:Str; const S2:Str): Int)
412: Func CompareTextLike(cWildStr,cStr:str;const cWildChar:char;lCaseSensitive:bool):bool
413: Func CompareTime(const A, B: TDateTime): TValueRelationship;
414: Func CompareValueE(const A,B:Extended;Epsilon:Extended= 0):TValueRelationship; overload;
415: Func CompareValueD(const A, B:Double; Epsilon:Double = 0):TValueRelationship; overload;
416: Func CompareValueS(const A, B: Single; Epsilon: Single = 0): TValueRelationship; overload;
417: Func CompareValueI(const A, B: Int): TValueRelationship; overload;
418: Func CompareValueI64(const A, B: Int64): TValueRelationship; overload;
419: Func CompatibleConversionType(const AType:TConvType; const AFamily : TConvFamily):Boolean
420: Func CompatibleConversionTypes( const AFrom, ATo : TConvType) :Bool
421: Func ComponentTypeToString( const ComponentType : DWORD) :Str
422: Func ComposeDateTime(Date,Time : TDateTime) : TDateTime;;
423: Func ComponentToStringProc(Component: TComponent):Str;
424: Func StringToComponentProc(Value:Str): TComponent;
425: Func CompToCurrency( Value : Comp) : Currency
426: Func CompToDouble( Value : Comp) : Double
427: Func ComputeFileCRC32(const FileName :Str) : Int;
428: Func ComputeSHA256(astr:Str; amode: char):Str) //mode F:File, S:str
429: Func ComputeSHA512(astr:Str; amode: char):Str) //mode F:File, S:str
430: Func ComPortSelect: Int; // Search for the first available port
431: Func Concat(s:Str):Str
432: Func ConnectAndGetAll :Str
433: Func Connected :Bool
434: Func constrain(x, a, b: Int): Int;
435: Func ConstraintCallBack(Req:DsInfoReq;var ADataSources:DataSources): DBIResult
436: Func ConstraintsDisabled :Bool
438: Func ContainsState( oState : TniRegularExpressionState) :Bool
439: Func ContainsStr( const AText, ASubText :Str) :Bool
440: Func ContainsText( const AText, ASubText :Str) :Bool
441: Func ContainsTransition(oTransition:TniRegularExpressionTransition):boolean

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442: Func Content:Str

443: Func ContentFromStream( Stream : TStream) :Str
444: Func ContentFromString( const S :Str) :Str
446: Func Convert( const AValue : Double; const AFrom, ATo : TConvType) : Double;
447: Func Convert1(const AValue:Double;const AFrom1,AFrom2,ATo1,ATo2:TConvType):Double;
448: Func ConvertFrom( const AFrom : TConvType; const AValue : Double) : Double
449: Func ConvertReadStream( Stream : TStream; Buffer : PChar; BufSize : Int) : Int
450: Func ConvertTo( const AValue : Double; const ATo : TConvType) : Double
451: Func ConvertWriteStream( Stream : TStream; Buffer : PChar; BufSize : Int) : Int
452: Func ConvFamilyToDescription( const AFamily : TConvFamily) :Str
453: Func ConvTypeToDescription( const AType : TConvType) :Str
454: Func ConvTypeToFamily( const AFrom, ATo : TConvType) : TConvFamily;
455: Func ConvTypeToFamily( const AType : TConvType) : TConvFamily;
456: Func ConvAdd(const AVal:Dbl;const AType1:TConvType;const AVal2:Dbl;const AType2,
457: Func ConvCompareValue(const AValue1:Double;const AType1:TConvType;const AValue2:Double;const
458: Func ConvDec( const AValue:Double;const AType,AAmountType:TConvType):Double;
459: Func ConvDec1(const AValue:Dbl;const AType:TConvType;const AAmount:Dble;const
460: Func ConvDiff(const AVal1:Dbl;const AType1:TConvType;const AVal2:Dble;const AType2,
461: Func ConvInc( const AValue:Double; const AType,AAmountType:TConvType):Double;
462: Func ConvInc1(const AValue:Dbl;const AType:TConvType;const AAmount:Double;const
463: Func ConvSameValue(const AValue1:Dbl;const AType1:TConvType;const AValue2:Dbl;const AType2:TConvType):Bool
464: Func ConvToStr( const AValue : Double; const AType : TConvType) :Str
465: Func ConvWithinNext( const AValue, ATest : Double; const AType : TConvType; const AAmount : Double; const
AAmountType : TConvType) :Bool
466: Func ConvWithinPrevious(const AValue,ATest:Double;const AType:TConvType;const AAmount:Double;const
AAmountType: TConvType) :Bool
467: Func Copy(s: AnyString; iFrom, iCount: Longint): AnyString;
468: Func CopyFile( Source, Dest :Str; CanOverwrite :Bool) : Bool
469: Func CopyFileEx( Source, Dest :Str; Flags : FILEOP_FLAGS) : Bool
470: Func CopyFileTo( const Source, Destination :Str) :Bool
471: Func CopyFrom(Source:TStream;Count:Int64):LongInt
472: Func CopyPalette( Palette : HPALETTE) : HPALETTE
473: Func CopyTo( Length : Int) :Str
474: Func CopyTo(stm:IStream;cb:Largeint;out cbRead:Largeint;out cbWritten:Largeint):HResult
475: Func CopyToEOF :Str
476: Func CopyToEOL :Str
477: Func Cos(e : Extended) : Extended;
478: Func Cosecant( const X : Extended) : Extended
479: Func Cot( const X : Extended) : Extended
480: Func Cotan( const X : Extended) : Extended
481: Func CotH( const X : Extended) : Extended
482: Func Count : Int
483: Func CountBitsCleared( X:Byte) : Int;
484: Func CountBitsCleared1(X:Shortint) : Int;
485: Func CountBitsCleared2(X:Smallint) : Int;
486: Func CountBitsCleared3(X:Word) : Int;
487: Func CountBitsCleared4(X:Int) : Int;
488: Func CountBitsCleared5(X:Card) : Int;
489: Func CountBitsCleared6(X:Int64) : Int;
490: Func CountBitsSet( X:Byte) : Int;
491: Func CountBitsSet1(X:Word) : Int;
492: Func CountBitsSet2(X:Smallint) : Int;
493: Func CountBitsSet3(X:ShortInt) : Int;
494: Func CountBitsSet4(X:Int) : Int;
495: Func CountBitsSet5(X:Card) : Int;
496: Func CountBitsSet6(X:Int64) : Int;
497: Func countDirfiles(const apath:Str): Int;
498: Func CountGenerations(Ancestor,Descendent: TClass): Int
499: Func Coversine( X : Float) : Float
500: Func CRC32(const fileName:Str): LongWord;
502: Func CreateColumns : TDBGridColumns
503: Func CreateDataLink : TGridDataLink
504: Func CreateDir( Dir :Str) :Bool
505: Func CreateDir(const Dir:Str):Bool)
506: Func CreateDOSProcessRedirected(const CommandLine,InputFile,OutputFile:str): Bool
507: Func CreateEnvironmentBlock(const Options:TEnvironmentOptions;const AdditionalVars:TStrings):PChar
509: Func CreateGlobber( sFilespec :Str) : TniRegularExpression
510: Func CreateGrayMappedBmp( Handle : HBITMAP) : HBITMAP
511: Func CreateGrayMappedRes( Instance : THandle; ResName : PChar) : HBITMAP
512: Func CreateGUID(out Guid: TGUID): HResult)
513: Func CreateInstance( const unkOuter: IUnknown;const iid:TGUID; out obj):HResult
514: Func CreateMappedBmp(Handle : HBITMAP; const OldColors,NewColors:array of TColor):HBITMAP
515: Func CreateMappedRes(Instance:THandle;ResName:PChar;const OldColors,NewColors:array of TColor):HBITMAP
516: Func CreateMessageDialog(const Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:TMsgDlgButtons):TForm;
517: Func CreateMessageDialog1(const Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Btns:TMsgDlgBtns;DefaultBtn:TMsgDlgBtn):TForm;
518: Func CreateOleObject(const ClassName:Str): IDispatch;
520: Func CreateParameter(const
Name:WideString;DataType:TDataType;Direction:TParameterDirection;Size:Int;Value: OleVariant):TParameter
521: Func CreateLocate( DataSet : TDataSet) : TJvLocateObject
522: Func CreateMappedBmp(Handle: HBITMAP;const OldColors,NewColors:array of TColor) :HBITMAP

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523: Func CreateMappedRes(Instance:THandle;ResName:PChar;const OldColors,NewColors:array of TColor):HBITMAP

524: Func CreateMutex2(lpMutexAttributes:TObject;bInitialOwner:BOOL;lpName:PChar): THandle;
525: Func CreateSemaphore2(lpSemaphoreAttributes:TObject;lInitialCount,
526: //Ex.: vMutex := CreateMutex2(Nil, True, MutexName);
527: Func IPAddrToName // ShowMessage(IPAddrToName(LocalIp));
528: Func CreateRecordBuffer( Length : Int) : TRecordBuffer
529: Func CreateValueBuffer( Length : Int) : TValueBuffer
530: Func CreatePopupCalculator(AOwner:TComponent;ABiDiMode:TBiDiMode):TWinControl
531: Func CreateRecordBuffer( Length : Int) : TRecordBuffer
532: Func CreateRotatedFont( Font : TFont; Angle : Int) : HFONT
533: Func CreateTwoColorsBrushPattern( Color1, Color2 : TColor) : TBitmap
534: Func CreateValueBuffer( Length : Int) : TValueBuffer
535: Func CreateHexDump( AOwner : TWinControl) : THexDump
536: Func Csc( const X : Extended) : Extended
537: Func CscH( const X : Extended) : Extended
538: Func currencyDecimals: Byte
539: Func currencyFormat: Byte
540: Func currencyString:Str
541: Func CurrentProcessId : TIdPID
542: Func CurrentReadBuffer :Str
543: Func CurrentThreadId : TIdPID
544: Func CurrentYear : Word
545: Func CurrToBCD(const Curr:Currency;var BCD:TBcd;Precision:Int;Decimals:Int):Bool
546: Func CurrToStr( Value : Currency) :Str;
547: Func CurrToStrF(Value:Currency;FormatSettings:TFormatSettings;Digits:Int):str;
548: Func CurrToStrFS(Value:Currency;Format:TFloatFormat;Digits:Int;const FormatSettings:TFormatSettings):str;
549: Func CursorToIdent(cursor: Longint; var Ident:Str):Bool;
550: Func CursorToString(cursor: TCursor):Str;
551: Func CustomSort( SortProc : TLVCompare; lParam : Longint) :Bool
552: Func CustomSort(SortProc:TTVCompare;Data:Longint;ARecurse :Bool):Boolean
553: Func CycleToDeg( const Cycles : Extended) : Extended
554: Func CycleToGrad( const Cycles : Extended) : Extended
555: Func CycleToRad( const Cycles : Extended) : Extended
556: Func D2H( N : Longint; A : Byte) :Str
557: Func DarkColor( const Color : TColor; const Pct : Single) : TColor
558: Func DarkColorChannel( const Channel: Byte; const Pct : Single) : Byte
559: Func DataLinkDir :Str
560: Func DataRequest( Data : OleVariant) : OleVariant
561: Func DataRequest( Input : OleVariant) : OleVariant
562: Func DataToRawColumn( ACol : Int) : Int
563: Func Date : TDateTime
564: Func Date: TDateTime;
565: Func DateIsNull( const pdtValue : TDateTime; const pdtKind : TdtKind):Boolean
566: Func DateOf( const AValue : TDateTime) : TDateTime
567: Func DateSeparator: char;
568: Func DateTimeGMTToHttpStr( const GMTValue : TDateTime) :Str
569: Func DateTimeToFileDate( DateTime : TDateTime) : Int
570: Func DateTimeToFileDate(DateTime: TDateTime): Int;
571: Func DateTimeToGmtOffSetStr( ADateTime : TDateTime; SubGMT :Bool):Str
572: Func DateTimeToInternetStr(const Value:TDateTime;const AIsGMT:Boolean) String
573: Func DateTimeToJulianDate( const AValue : TDateTime) : Double
574: Func DateTimeToModifiedJulianDate( const AValue : TDateTime) : Double
575: Func DateTimeToStr( DateTime : TDateTime) :Str;
576: Func DateTimeToStr2(DateTime: TDateTime;FormatSettings:TFormatSettings):str;
577: Func DateTimeToTimeStamp(DateTime: TDateTime): TTimeStamp
578: Func DateTimeToUnix( const AValue : TDateTime) : Int64
579: Func DateTimeToUnix(D: TDateTime): Int64;
580: Func DateToStr( DateTime : TDateTime) :Str;
581: Func DateToStr(const DateTime: TDateTime):Str;
582: Func DateToStr(D: TDateTime):Str;
583: Func DateToStr2(DateTime:TDateTime;FormatSettings:TFormatSettings):str;
584: Func DayOf( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
585: Func DayOfTheMonth( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
586: Func DayOfTheMonth(const AValue: TDateTime): Word;
587: Func DayOfTheWeek( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
588: Func DayOfTheYear( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
589: Func DayOfTheYear(const AValue: TDateTime): Word;
590: Func DayOfWeek( DateTime : TDateTime) : Word
591: Func DayOfWeek(const DateTime: TDateTime): Word;
592: Func DayOfWeekStr( DateTime : TDateTime) :Str
593: Func DaysBetween( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Int
594: Func DaysInAMonth( const AYear, AMonth : Word) : Word
595: Func DaysInAYear( const AYear : Word) : Word
596: Func DaysInMonth( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
597: Func DaysInYear( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
598: Func DaySpan( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Double
599: Func DBUseRightToLeftAlignment( AControl : TControl; AField : TField) :Bool
600: Func DecimalSeparator: char;
601: Func DecLimit( var B : Byte; const Limit : Byte; const Decr : Byte) : Byte;
602: Func DecLimit1(var B:Shortint;const Limit:Shortint const Decr:Shortint):Shortint;
603: Func DecLimit2(var B:Smallint;const Limit:Smallint;const Decr:Smallint):Smallint;
604: Func DecLimit3( var B : Word; const Limit : Word; const Decr : Word) : Word;
605: Func DecLimit4( var B : Int; const Limit : Int; const Decr : Int) : Int;
606: Func DecLimit5(var B Cardinal;const Limit Cardinal;const Decr:Card):Card;
607: Func DecLimit6(var B:Int64;const Limit : Int64; const Decr : Int64) : Int64;
608: Func DecLimitClamp(var B:Byte; const Limit : Byte; const Decr : Byte) : Byte;
609: Func DecLimitClamp1(var B:Shortint;const Limit:Shortint;const Decr:Shortint): Shortint;
610: Func DecLimitClamp2(var B:Smallint;const Limit: Smallint;const Decr: Smallint): Smallint;

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611: Func DecLimitClamp3(var B:Word;const Limit: Word; const Decr : Word) : Word;
612: Func DecLimitClamp4( var B : Int; const Limit : Int; const Decr : Int) : Int;
613: Func DecLimitClamp5(var B:Card;const Limit:Card; const Decr:Card) Cardinal;
614: Func DecLimitClamp6(var B: Int64; const Limit:Int64; const Decr:Int64): Int64;
615: Func DecodeDateFully(DateTime: TDateTime; var Year,Month,Day,DOW:Word):Bool
616: Func DecodeSoundexInt( AValue : Int) :Str
617: Func DecodeSoundexWord( AValue : Word) :Str
618: Func DefaultAlignment : TAlignment
619: Func DefaultCaption :Str
620: Func DefaultColor : TColor
621: Func DefaultFont : TFont
622: Func DefaultImeMode : TImeMode
623: Func DefaultImeName : TImeName
624: Func DefaultReadOnly :Bool
625: Func DefaultWidth : Int
626: Func DegMinSecToFloat( const Degs, Mins, Secs : Float) : Float
627: Func DegToCycle(const Degrees : Extended) : Extended
628: Func DegToGrad(const Degrees : Extended) : Extended
629: Func DegToGrad(const Value : Extended) : Extended;
630: Func DegToGrad1(const Value : Double) : Double;
631: Func DegToGrad2(const Value : Single) : Single;
632: Func DegToRad(const Degrees : Extended) : Extended
633: Func DegToRad(const Value : Extended) : Extended;
634: Func DegToRad1(const Value : Double) : Double;
635: Func DegToRad2(const Value : Single) : Single;
636: Func DelChar(const pStr :Str; const pChar : Char) :Str
637: Func DelEnvironmentVar( const Name :Str) :Bool
638: Func Delete( const MsgNum : Int) :Bool
639: Func DeleteDirectory(const DirectoryName:str;MoveToRecycleBin:Boolean):Bool
640: Func DeleteFile(const FileName:Str):Bool)
641: Func DeleteFileEx( FileName :Str; Flags : FILEOP_FLAGS) :Bool
642: Func DelimiterPosn( const sString :Str; const sDelimiters:Str): Int;
643: Func DelimiterPosn1(const sString:str;const sDelimiters:str;out cDelimiter:char):Int;
644: Func DelSpace( const pStr :Str) :Str
645: Func DelString( const pStr, pDelStr :Str) :Str
646: Func DelTree( const Path :Str) :Bool
647: Func Depth: Int
648: Func Description :Str
649: Func DescriptionsAvailable :Bool
650: Func DescriptionToConvFamily(const ADescription:str;out AFamily:TConvFamily):Boolean
651: Func DescriptionToConvType(const ADescription:str;out AType:TConvType):Bool;
652: Func DescriptionToConvType1(const AFamil:TConvFamily;const ADescr:str;out AType:TConvType):Bool;
653: Func DetectUTF8Encoding( const s : UTF8String) : TEncodeType
654: Func DialogsToPixelsX( const Dialogs : Word) : Word
655: Func DialogsToPixelsY( const Dialogs : Word) : Word
656: Func Digits( const X :Card) : Int
657: Func DirectoryExists( const Name :Str) :Bool
658: Func DirectoryExists( Directory :Str) :Bool
659: Func DiskFree( Drive : Byte) : Int64
660: Func DiskFree(Drive: Byte): Int64)
661: Func DiskInDrive( Drive : Char) :Bool
662: Func DiskSize( Drive : Byte) : Int64
663: Func DiskSize(Drive: Byte): Int64)
665: Func DispatchEnabled :Bool
666: Func DispatchMask : TMask
667: Func DispatchMethodType : TMethodType
669: Func DispatchRequest(Sender:TObject;Request:TWebRequest;Response:TWebResponse):Boolean
670: Func DisplayCase( const S :Str) :Str
671: Func DisplayRect( Code : TDisplayCode) : TRect
672: Func DisplayRect( TextOnly :Bool) : TRect
673: Func DisplayStream( Stream : TStream) :Str
674: TBufferCoord', 'record Char : Int; Line : Int; end
675: TDisplayCoord', 'record Column : Int; Row : Int; end
676: Func DisplayCoord( AColumn, ARow : Int) : TDisplayCoord
677: Func BufferCoord( AChar, ALine : Int) : TBufferCoord
678: Func DomainName( const AHost :Str) :Str
679: Func DownloadFile(SourceFile, DestFile:Str):Bool; //fast!
680: Func DownloadFileOpen(SourceFile, DestFile:Str):Bool; //open process
681: Func DosPathToUnixPath( const Path :Str) :Str
682: Func DottedLineTo( const Canvas : TCanvas; const X, Y : Int) :Bool;
683: Func DoubleDecliningBalance(const Cost,Salvage:Extended;Life,Period:Int):Extended
684: Func DoubleToBcd( const AValue : Double) : TBcd;
685: Func DoubleToHex( const D : Double) :Str
686: Func DoUpdates :Bool
687: Func Dragging:Bool;
688: Func DrawCaption( p1 : HWND; p2 : HDC; const p3 : TRect; p4 : UINT) : BOOL
689: Func DrawAnimatedRects(hwnd: HWND;idAni Int;const lprcFrom,lprcTo: TRect): BOOL
690: Func DrawEdge( hdc : HDC; var qrc : TRect; edge : UINT; grfFlags : UINT) : BOOL
691: Func DrawFrameControl(DC:HDC; const Rect:TRect; uType, uState: UINT) : BOOL
692: {Works like InputQuery but displays 2edits.If PasswordChar<>#0,second edits PasswordChar is set}
693: Func DualInputQuery(const ACapt,Prpt1,Prpt2:str;var AVal1,AVal2:str;PasswrdChar:Char=#0):Bool;
694: Func DupeString( const AText :Str; ACount : Int) :Str
695: Func Edit :Bool
696: Func EditCaption :Bool
697: Func EditText :Bool
698: Func EditFolderList( Folders : TStrings) :Bool
699: Func EditQueryParams(DataSet:TDataSet;List: TParams; AHelpContext:THelpContext): Bool

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700: Func Elapsed( const Update :Bool) :Card

701: Func EnableProcessPrivilege(const Enable:Boolean; const Privilege:str):Bool
702: Func EnableThreadPrivilege(const Enable Boolean;const Privilege:str): Bool
703: Func EncodeDate( Year, Month, Day : Word) : TDateTime
704: Func EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day: Word): TDateTime;
705: Func EncodeDateDay( const AYear, ADayOfYear : Word) : TDateTime
706: Func EncodeDateMonthWeek(const AYear,AMonth,AWeekOfMonth ADayOfWeek:Word): TDateTime
707: Func EncodeDateTime(const AYear,AMonth,ADay,AHour,AMinute,ASecond,AMilliSec:Word):TDateTime
708: Func EncodeDateWeek(const AYear,AWeekOfYear:Word;const ADayOfWeek:Word):TDateTime
709: Func EncodeDayOfWeekInMonth(const AYear,AMonth,ANthDayOfWeek,ADayOfWeek Word): TDateTime
710: Func EncodeString( s :Str) :Str
711: Func DecodeString( s :Str) :Str
712: Func EncodeTime( Hour, Min, Sec, MSec : Word) : TDateTime
713: Func EncodeTime(Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word): TDateTime;
714: Func EndIP :Str
715: Func EndOfADay( const AYear, AMonth, ADay : Word) : TDateTime;
716: Func EndOfADay1( const AYear, ADayOfYear : Word) : TDateTime;
717: Func EndOfAMonth( const AYear, AMonth : Word) : TDateTime
718: Func EndOfAWeek(const AYear,AWeekOfYear:Word; const ADayOfWeek:Word):TDateTime
719: Func EndOfAYear( const AYear : Word) : TDateTime
720: Func EndOfTheDay( const AValue : TDateTime) : TDateTime
721: Func EndOfTheMonth( const AValue : TDateTime) : TDateTime
722: Func EndOfTheWeek( const AValue : TDateTime) : TDateTime
723: Func EndOfTheYear( const AValue : TDateTime) : TDateTime
724: Func EndPeriod( const Period :Card) :Bool
725: Func EndsStr( const ASubText, AText :Str) :Bool
726: Func EndsText( const ASubText, AText :Str) :Bool
727: Func EnsureMsgIDBrackets( const AMsgID :Str) :Str
728: Func EnsureRange( const AValue, AMin, AMax : Int) : Int;
729: Func EnsureRange1( const AValue, AMin, AMax : Int64) : Int64;
730: Func EnsureRange2( const AValue, AMin, AMax : Double) : Double;
731: Func EOF:Bool
732: Func EOln:Bool
733: Func EqualRect( const R1, R2 : TRect) :Bool
734: Func EqualRect(const R1, R2: TRect):Bool)
735: Func Equals( Strings : TWideStrings) :Bool
736: Func Equals(Strings: TStrings):Bool;
737: Func EqualState(oState: TniRegularExpressionState) :Bool
738: Func ErrOutput: Text)
739: Func ExceptionParam:Str;
740: Func ExceptionPos:Card;
741: Func ExceptionProc:Card;
742: Func ExceptionToString(er: TIFException; Param:Str):Str;
743: Func ExceptionType: TIFException;
744: Func ExcludeTrailingBackslash( S :Str) :Str
745: Func ExcludeTrailingBackslash(const S:Str):Str)
746: Func ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter( const APath :Str) :Str
747: Func ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter( S :Str) :Str
748: Func ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const S:Str):Str)
749: Func ExecConsoleApp(const AppName,Parameters:str;AppOutput:TStrings):bool;
750: Func ExecProc : Int
751: Func ExecSQL : Int
752: Func ExecSQL( ExecDirect :Bool) : Int
753: Func Execute: _Recordset;
754: Func Execute:Bool
755: Func Execute:Bool;
756: Func Execute(const SQL:str;Params:TParams;Cache:Boolean;cursor:phDBICur):Int
757: Func Execute(const SQL: WideString;Params:TParams;ResultSet: TPSResult):Int
758: Func Execute( ParentWnd : HWND) :Bool
759: Func Execute1(constCommText:WideString;const CType:TCommType;const ExecuteOpts:TExecuteOpts):_Recordset;
760: Func Execute1( const Parameters : OleVariant) : _Recordset;
761: Func Execute1( ParentWnd : HWND) :Bool;
762: Func Execute2( var RecordsAffected:Int;const Parameters:OleVariant):_Recordset;
763: Func ExecuteAction( Action : TBasicAction) :Bool
764: Func ExecuteDirect( const SQL : WideString) : Int
765: Func ExecuteFile(const FileName:str;const Params:str;const DefDir:str;ShowCmd:Int):THandle
766: Proc ExecuteThread2(afunc:TThreadFunction2;thrOK:bool);AddTypeS('TThreadFunction2','procedure
767: Func CreateThread2(ThreadFunc: TThreadFunction2) : THandle
768: Func ExeFileIsRunning(ExeFile:Str):Bool;
769: Func ExePath:Str;
770: Func ScriptPath:Str;
771: Func ScriptName:Str;
772: Func ExePathName:Str;
773: Func Exists( AItem : Pointer) :Bool
774: Func ExitWindows( ExitCode :Card) :Bool
775: Func Exp(x: Extended): Extended;
776: Func ExpandEnvironmentVar( var Value :Str) :Bool
777: Func ExpandFileName( FileName :Str) :Str
778: Func ExpandFileName(const FileName:Str):Str)
779: Func ExpandUNCFileName( FileName :Str) :Str
780: Func ExpandUNCFileName(const FileName:Str):Str)
781: Func ExpJ( const X : Float) : Float;
782: Func Exsecans( X : Float) : Float
783: Func Extract( const AByteCount : Int) :Str
784: Func Extract( Item : TClass) : TClass
785: Func Extract( Item : TComponent) : TComponent
786: Func Extract( Item : TObject) : TObject
787: Func ExtractFileDir( FileName :Str) :Str
788: Func ExtractFileDir(const FileName:Str):Str)

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789: Func ExtractFileDrive( FileName :Str) :Str

790: Func ExtractFileDrive(const FileName:Str):Str)
791: Func ExtractFileExt( FileName :Str) :Str
792: Func ExtractFileExt(const FileName:Str):Str)
793: Func ExtractFileExtNoDot( const FileName :Str) :Str
794: Func ExtractFileExtNoDotUpper( const FileName :Str) :Str
795: Func ExtractFileName( FileName :Str) :Str
796: Func ExtractFileName(const filename:Str):str;
797: Func ExtractFilePath( FileName :Str) :Str
798: Func ExtractFilePath(const filename:Str):str;
799: Func ExtractRelativePath( BaseName, DestName :Str) :Str
800: Func ExtractRelativePath(const BaseName:Str; const DestName:Str):Str)
801: Func ExtractShortPathName( FileName :Str) :Str
802: Func ExtractShortPathName(const FileName:Str):Str)
803: Func ExtractStrings(Separators,WhiteSpace:TSysCharSet;Content:PChar;Strings:TStrings):Int
804: Func ExtractStrings(Separators:TSysCharSet;WhiteSpace:TSysCharSet;Content:PChar;Str:TStrings):Int)
805: Func Fact(numb: Int): Extended;
806: Func FactInt(numb: Int): int64;
807: Func Factorial( const N : Int) : Extended
808: Func FahrenheitToCelsius( const AValue : Double) : Double
809: Func FalseBoolStrs: array of string
810: Func Fetch(var AInput:str;const ADelim:str;const ADelete:Bool;const ACaseSensitive:Bool):str
811: Func FetchCaseInsensitive(var AInput:str;const ADelim:str;const ADelete:Bool):str
812: Func Fibo(numb: Int): Extended;
813: Func FiboInt(numb: Int): Int64;
814: Func Fibonacci( const N : Int) : Int
817: Func FIELDBYNAME(const NAME :Str) : TFIELD
820: Func FileAge( FileName :Str) : Int
821: Func FileAge(const FileName:Str): Int)
822: Func FileCompareText( const A, B :Str) : Int
823: Func FileContains(const FileName:str;Text:str;CaseSensitive:Bool;ExceptionOnError:Bool):Bool
824: Func FileCreate(FileName:Str): Int;
825: //FileCreate2(FileName:str;Rights:Int):Int;
826: Func FileCreate(const FileName:Str): Int)
827: Func FileCreateTemp( var Prefix :Str) : THandle
828: Func FileDateToDateTime( FileDate : Int) : TDateTime
829: Func FileDateToDateTime(FileDate: Int): TDateTime;
830: Func FileExists( const FileName :Str) :Bool
831: Func FileExists( FileName :Str) :Bool
832: Func fileExists(const FileName:Str):Bool;
833: Func FileGetAttr( FileName :Str) : Int
834: Func FileGetAttr(const FileName:Str): Int)
835: Func FileGetDate( Handle : Int) : Int
836: Func FileGetDate(handle: Int): Int
837: Func FileGetDisplayName( const FileName :Str) :Str
838: Func FileGetSize( const FileName :Str) : Int
839: Func FileGetTempName( const Prefix :Str) :Str
840: Func FileGetTypeName( const FileName :Str) :Str
841: Func FileIsReadOnly( FileName :Str) :Bool
842: Func FileLoad( ResType:TResType;const Name:str;MaskColor:TColor):Boolean
843: Func FileOpen( FileName :Str; Mode : LongWord) : Int
844: Func FileOpen(const FileName:Str; mode:Int): Int)
845: Func FileRead(handle: Int; Buffer: PChar; count: LongWord): Int
846: Func FileSearch( Name, DirList :Str) :Str
847: Func FileSearch(const Name, dirList:Str):Str)
848: Func FileSeek( Handle : Int; Offset : Int64; Origin : Int) : Int64;
849: Func FileSeek( Handle, Offset, Origin : Int) : Int;
850: Func FileSeek(handle, offset, origin: Int): Int
851: Func FileSetAttr( FileName :Str; Attr : Int) : Int
852: Func FileSetAttr(const FileName:Str; Attr: Int): Int)
853: Func FileSetDate(FileName :Str; Age : Int) : Int;
854: Func FileSetDate(handle: Int; age: Int): Int
855: Func FileSetDate2(FileHandle : Int; Age : Int) : Int;
856: Func FileSetDateH( Handle : Int; Age : Int) : Int;
857: Func FileSetReadOnly( FileName :Str; ReadOnly :Bool) :Bool
858: Func FileSize( const FileName :Str) : int64
859: Func FileSizeByName( const AFilename :Str) : Longint
860: Func FileWrite(Handle: Int; const Buffer: pChar; Count: LongWord): Int)
861: Func FilterSpecArray : TComdlgFilterSpecArray
863: Func Find(AItem : Pointer; out AData : Pointer) :Bool
864: Func FIND(const ANAME :Str) : TNAMEDITEM
865: Func Find(const DisplayName :Str) : TAggregate
866: Func Find(const Item : TBookmarkStr; var Index : Int) :Bool
867: Func FIND(const NAME :Str) : TFIELD
868: Func FIND(const NAME :Str) : TFIELDDEF
869: Func FIND(const NAME :Str) : TINDEXDEF
870: Func Find(const S : WideString; var Index : Int) :Bool
871: Func Find(S:str;var Index:Int):Boolean
872: Func FindAuthClass( AuthName :Str) : TIdAuthenticationClass
873: Func FindBand( AControl : TControl) : TCoolBand
874: Func FindBoundary( AContentType :Str) :Str
875: Func FindButton( AModalResult : TModalResult) : TTaskDialogBaseButtonItem
876: Func FindCaption(StartIndex:Int;Value:str;Partial,Inclusive,Wrap:Boolean):TListItem
877: Func FindCdLineSwitch( Switch :Str; IgnoreCase :Bool) :Bool;

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878: Func FindCloseW(FindFile: Int): LongBool; stdcall;

879: Func FindCmdLineSwitch(Switch:str;Chars:TSysCharSet;IgnoreCase:Boolean):Bool;
880: Func FindCmmdLineSwitch( Switch :Str) :Bool;
881: Func FindComponent(AName:Str): TComponent;
882: Func FindComponent(vlabel:Str): TComponent;
883: Func FindComponent2(vlabel:Str): TComponent;
884: Func FindControl(Handle: HWnd): TWinControl;
885: Func FindData( StartIndex : Int; Value : Pointer; Inclusive, Wrap :Bool):TListItem
886: Func FindDatabase( const DatabaseName :Str) : TDatabase
887: Func FindDragTarget(const Pos: TPoint; AllowDisabled:Bool): TControl;
889: Func FINDFIELD( const FIELDNAME : WideString) : TFIELD
890: Func FindFirst2(const Path:Str; Attr: Int; var F: TSearchRec):Int)
891: Func FindNext2(var F: TSearchRec): Int)
892: Proc FindClose2(var F: TSearchRec)
893: Func FINDFIRST :Bool
894: TJvSpecialFolder = (sfRecycleBin, sfControlPanel, sfDesktop, sfDesktopDirectory,
895: sfMyComputer, sfFonts, sfNetHood, sfNetwork, sfPersonal, sfPrinters, sfPrograms,sfRecent,sfSendTo,
sfStartMenu, stStartUp, sfTemplates);
896: FFolder: array [TJvSpecialFolder] of Int =
901: Func FindFilesDlg(StartIn:str;SpecialFolder:TJvSpecialFolder;UseFolder:Bool):Bool);
902: Func Findfirst(const filepath:Str; attr: Int): Int;
903: Func FindFirst2(const Path:Str; Attr: Int; var F: TSearchRec): Int)
904: Func FindFirstNotOf( AFind, AText :Str) : Int
905: Func FindFirstOf( AFind, AText :Str) : Int
906: Func FindImmediateTransitionOn( cChar : char) : TniRegularExpressionState
908: Func FindInstanceOf( AClass : TClass; AExact :Bool; AStartAt : Int) : Int
910: Func FindItemId( Id : Int) : TCollectionItem
911: Func FindKey( const KeyValues : array of const) :Bool
913: Func FindLineControl( ComponentType, ControlType : DWORD) : TJclMixerLineControl
914: Func FindModuleClass( AClass : TComponentClass) : TComponent
915: Func FindModuleName( const AClass :Str) : TComponent
916: Func FINDNEXT :Bool
917: Func FindNext: Int;
918: Func FindNext2(var F: TSearchRec): Int)
919: Func FindNextPage( CurPage : TTabSheet; GoForward, CheckTabVisible :Bool):TTabSheet
920: Func FindNextToSelect : TTreeNode
921: Func FINDPARAM( const VALUE :Str) : TPARAM
922: Func FindParam( const Value : WideString) : TParameter
923: Func FINDPRIOR :Bool
924: Func FindResource(ModuleHandle:HMODULE;ResourceName,ResourceType:PChar):TResourceHandle
925: Func FindSession( const SessionName :Str) : TSession
926: Func FindStringResource(Ident: Int):Str)
927: Func FindText(const SearchStr:str;StartPos,Length:Int;Options:TSearchTypes):Int
928: Func FindUnusedFileName( const FileName, FileExt, Suffix : Ansistr) : Ansistr
929: Func FindVCLWindow(const Pos: TPoint): TWinControl;
930: Func FindWindow(C1, C2: PChar): Longint;
931: Func FindInPaths(const fileName,paths:Str):Str;
932: Func Finger :Str
933: Func First: TClass
934: Func First: TComponent
935: Func First: TObject
936: Func FirstDelimiter( const delimiters :Str; const Str :Str) : Int;
937: Func FirstDelimiter1(const delimiters:WideString; const Str : WideString) : Int;
938: Func FirstInstance( const ATitle :Str) :Bool
939: Func FloatPoint( const X, Y : Float) : TFloatPoint;
940: Func FloatPoint1( const P : TPoint) : TFloatPoint;
941: Func FloatPtInRect( const Rect : TFloatRect; const P : TFloatPoint) :Bool
942: Func FloatRect( const ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom : Double) : TFloatRect;
943: Func FloatRect1( const Rect : TRect) : TFloatRect;
944: Func FloatsEqual( const X, Y : Float) :Bool
945: Func FloatToBin(const D: Double):Str; //doubletohex -> hextobin! in buffer
946: Func FloatToCurr( Value : Extended) : Currency
947: Func FloatToDateTime( Value : Extended) : TDateTime
948: Func FloatToStr( Value : Extended) :Str;
949: Func FloatToStr(e : Extended) :Str;
950: Func FloatToStrF(Value:Extended;Format:TFloatFormat;Precision,Digits:Int):str;
951: Func FloatToStrF(Value:Extended;Format:TFloatFormat;Precision:Int;Digits:Int):Str)
952: Func FloatToStr2( Value : Extended; Format : TFloatFormat; Precision, Digits : Int; FormatSettings :
TFormatSettings) :Str;
953: Func FloatToStrFS(Value:Extended;Format:TFloatFormat;Precision,
954: Func FloatToText(BufferArg:PChar;const Value:Extended;ValueType:TFloatValue;Format:TFloatFormat;Precision,
Digits: Int):Int)
955: Func Floor( const X : Extended) : Int
956: Func FloorInt( Value : Int; StepSize : Int) : Int
957: Func FloorJ( const X : Extended) : Int
958: Func Flush( const Count :Card) :Bool
959: Func Flush(var t: Text): Int
960: Func FmtLoadStr(Ident: Int; const Args: array of const):Str)
962: Func ForceBackslash( const PathName :Str) :Str

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963: Func ForceDirectories( const Dir :Str) :Bool

964: Func ForceDirectories( Dir :Str) :Bool
965: Func ForceDirectories( Name :Str) :Bool
966: Func ForceInBox( const Point : TPoint; const Box : TRect) : TPoint
967: Func ForceInRange( A, Min, Max : Int) : Int
968: Func ForceInRangeR( const A, Min, Max : Double) : Double
969: Func ForEach( AProc : TBucketProc; AInfo : Pointer) :Bool;
970: Func ForEach1( AEvent : TBucketEvent) :Bool;
971: Func ForegroundTask:Bool
972: Func Format(const Format:Str; const Args: array of const):Str;
973: Func FormatBcd( const Format :Str; Bcd : TBcd) :Str
974: Func FormatBigInt(s:Str):Str;
975: Func FormatByteSize(const bytes: int64):Str;
976: Func FormatBuf(var Buffer:PChar;BufLen:Card;const Format:str;FmtLen:Card;const Args:array of const):Card
977: Func FormatCount(iCount:Int;const sSingular:str;const sPlural:str):str
978: Func FormatCurr( Format :Str; Value : Currency) :Str;
979: Func FormatCurr(const Format:Str; Value: Currency):Str)
980: Func FormatDateTime( Format :Str; DateTime : TDateTime) :Str;
981: Func FormatDateTime(const fmt:Str; D: TDateTime):Str;
982: Func FormatDateTime2(const Formatting:str;DateTime:TDateTime;const FormatSettings: TFormatSettings):str;
983: Func FormatFloat( Format :Str; Value : Extended) :Str;
984: Func FormatFloat(const Format:Str; Value: Extended):Str)
985: Func FormatFloat( Format :Str; Value : Extended) :Str;
986: Func FormatFloat2(Format:str;Value:Extended;FormatSettings:TFormatSettings):str;
987: Func FormatF('%.2f - %.12f ',[notes[it],(ln(notes[it+1]/notes[it])*1200)/ln(2)]); //with println - writeln
988: Func FormatCurr( Format :Str; Value : Currency) :Str;
989: Func FormatCurr2(Format:str;Value:Currency;FormatSettings:TFormatSettings):str;
990: Func Format2(const Frmat:str;const Args:array of const;const FSettings:TFormatSettings):str
991: Func FormatInt(i: Int):Str;
992: Func FormatInt64(i: int64):Str;
993: Func FormatMaskText( const EditMask :Str; const Value :Str) :Str
994: Func FormatValue( AValue :Card) :Str
995: Func FormatVersionString( const HiV, LoV : Word) :Str;
996: Func FormatVersionString1( const Major, Minor, Build, Revision : Word) :Str;
997: Func Frac(X: Extended): Extended);
998: Func FreeResource( ResData : HGLOBAL) : LongBool
999: Func FromCommon( const AValue : Double) : Double
1000: Func FromCommon(const AValue: Double): Double;
1001: Func FTPGMTDateTimeToMLS( const ATimeStamp:TDateTime; const AIncludeMSecs:Boolean):str
1002: Func FTPLocalDateTimeToMLS(const ATimeStamp:TDateTime;const AIncludeMSecs:Boolean):str
1003: Func FTPMLSToGMTDateTime( const ATimeStamp :Str) : TDateTime
1004: Func FTPMLSToLocalDateTime( const ATimeStamp :Str) : TDateTime
1005: Func FuncIn(AValue: Variant; ASet: Variant):Bool;
1006: //Func Funclist Size is: 6444 of mX3.9.8.9
1007: Func FutureValue(const Rate:Extended;NPeriods:Int;const Payment,
1008: Func FullTimeToStr(SUMTime: TDateTime):Str;;
1009: Func Gauss( const x, Spread : Double) : Double
1010: Func Gauss(const x,Spread: Double): Double;
1011: Func GCD(x, y : LongInt) : LongInt;
1012: Func GCDJ( X, Y :Card) :Card
1013: Func GDAL: LongWord
1014: Func GdiFlush : BOOL
1015: Func GdiSetBatchLimit( Limit : DWORD) : DWORD
1016: Func GdiGetBatchLimit : DWORD
1017: Func GenerateHeader : TIdHeaderList
1018: Func GeometricMean( const X : TDynFloatArray) : Float
1019: Func Get( AURL :Str) :Str;
1020: Func Get2( AURL :Str) :Str;
1021: Func Get8087CW : Word
1022: Func GetActiveOleObject(const ClassName:Str): IDispatch;
1023: Func GetAliasDriverName( const AliasName :Str) :Str
1024: Func GetAPMBatteryFlag : TAPMBatteryFlag
1025: Func GetAPMBatteryFullLifeTime : DWORD
1026: Func GetAPMBatteryLifePercent : Int
1027: Func GetAPMBatteryLifeTime : DWORD
1028: Func GetAPMLineStatus : TAPMLineStatus
1029: Func GetAppdataFolder :Str
1030: Func GetAppDispatcher : TComponent
1031: Func GetArrayLength: Int;
1032: Func GetASCII:Str;
1033: Func GetASCIILine:Str;
1034: Func GetAsHandle( Format : Word) : THandle
1035: Func GetAssociatedProgram(const Extension:str;var Filename,Description:str):bool;
1036: Func GetBackupFileName( const FileName :Str) :Str
1037: Func GetBaseAddress(PID:DWORD):DWORD; //Process API
1038: Func GetBBitmap( Value : TBitmap) : TBitmap
1039: Func GetBIOSCopyright :Str
1040: Func GetBIOSDate : TDateTime
1041: Func GetBIOSExtendedInfo :Str
1042: Func GetBIOSName :Str
1043: Func getBitmap(apath:Str): TBitmap;
1044: Func GetBitmap( Index : Int; Image : TBitmap) :Bool //object
1045: Func getBitMapObject(const bitmappath:Str): TBitmap;
1046: Func GetButtonState( Button : TPageScrollerButton) : TPageScrollerButtonState
1047: Func GetCapsLockKeyState :Bool
1048: Func GetCaptureControl: TControl;
1049: Func GetCDAudioTrackList(var TrackList:TJclCdTrackInfoArray;Drive:Char):TJclCdTrackInfo;
1050: Func GetCDAudioTrackList1(TrackList:TStrings;IncludeTrackType:Boolean;Drive:Char):str;

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1051: Func GetCdInfo( InfoType : TJclCdMediaInfo; Drive : Char) :Str

1052: Func GetChangedText( const Text:str; SelStart, SelLength : Int; Key : Char):str
1053: Func GetClientThread( ClientSocket : TServerClientWinSocket) : TServerClientThread
1054: Func GetClockValue : Int64
1055: Func getCmdLine: PChar;
1056: Func getCmdShow: Int;
1057: Func GetCPUSpeed: Double;
1058: Func GetColField( DataCol : Int) : TField
1059: Func GetColorBlue( const Color : TColor) : Byte
1060: Func GetColorFlag( const Color : TColor) : Byte
1061: Func GetColorGreen( const Color : TColor) : Byte
1062: Func GetColorRed( const Color : TColor) : Byte
1063: Func GetComCtlVersion : Int
1064: Func GetComPorts: TStringlist;
1065: Func GetCommonAppdataFolder :Str
1066: Func GetCommonDesktopdirectoryFolder:Str
1067: Func GetCommonFavoritesFolder :Str
1068: Func GetCommonFilesFolder :Str
1069: Func GetCommonProgramsFolder :Str
1070: Func GetCommonStartmenuFolder :Str
1071: Func GetCommonStartupFolder :Str
1072: Func GetComponent( Owner, Parent : TComponent) : TComponent
1073: Func GetConnectionRegistryFile( DesignMode :Bool):Str
1074: Func GetCookiesFolder :Str
1075: Func GetCPUSpeed( var CpuSpeed : TFreqInfo) :Bool
1076: Func GetCurrent:TFavoriteLinkItem
1077: Func GetCurrent:TListItem
1078: Func GetCurrent:TTaskDialogBaseButtonItem
1079: Func GetCurrent:TToolButton
1080: Func GetCurrent:TTreeNode
1081: Func GetCurrent:WideString
1082: Func GetCurrentDir :Str
1083: Func GetCurrentDir:Str)
1084: Func GetCurrentFolder :Str
1086: Func GetCurrentProcessId : TIdPID
1087: Func GetCurrentThreadHandle : THandle
1088: Func GetCurrentThreadID: LongWord; stdcall;
1089: Func GetCustomHeader( const Name :Str) :Str
1090: Func GetDataItem( Value : Pointer) : Longint
1091: Func GetDataLinkFiles(FileNames:TWideStrings; Directory string): Int;
1092: Func GetDataLinkFiles1( FileNames : TStrings; Directory:Str):Int;
1093: Func GETDATASIZE : Int
1094: Func GetDC(hdwnd: HWND): HDC;
1095: Func GetDefaultFileExt( const MIMEType :Str) :Str
1096: Func GetDefaults :Bool
1097: Func GetDefaultSchemaName : WideString
1098: Func GetDefaultStreamLoader : IStreamLoader
1099: Func GetDesktopDirectoryFolder :Str
1100: Func GetDesktopFolder :Str
1101: Func GetDFAState( oStates : TList) : TniRegularExpressionState
1102: Func GetDirectorySize( const Path :Str) : Int64
1103: Func GetDisplayWidth : Int
1104: Func GetDLLVersion(const DLLName:str;var pdwMajor, pdwMinor:Int):Boolean
1105: Func GetDomainName :Str
1106: Func GetDriverRegistryFile( DesignMode :Bool) :Str
1107: Func GetDriveType(rootpath: pchar):Card;
1108: Func GetDriveTypeStr( const Drive : Char) :Str
1109: Func GetEnumerator : TFavoriteLinkItemsEnumerator
1110: Func GetEnumerator : TListItemsEnumerator
1111: Func GetEnumerator : TTaskDialogButtonsEnumerator
1112: Func GetEnumerator : TToolBarEnumerator
1113: Func GetEnumerator : TTreeNodesEnumerator
1114: Func GetEnumerator : TWideStringsEnumerator
1115: Func GetEnvVar( const VarName :Str) :Str
1116: Func GetEnvironmentVar( const AVariableName :Str) :Str
1117: Func GetEnvironmentVariable( const VarName :Str) :Str
1118: Func GetEnvironmentVar(const Name string; var Value:str;Expand:Boolean):Bool
1119: Func GetEnvironmentVars( const Vars : TStrings; Expand :Bool):Boolean
1120: Func getEnvironmentString:Str;
1121: Func GetExceptionHandler : TObject
1122: Func GetFavoritesFolder :Str
1123: Func GetFieldByName( const Name :Str) :Str
1124: Func GetFieldInfo(const Origin: Widestring;var FieldInfo TFieldInfo):Boolean
1125: Func GetFieldValue( ACol : Int) :Str
1126: Func GetFileAgeCoherence( const FileName :Str) :Bool
1127: Func GetFileCreation( const FileName :Str) : TFileTime
1128: Func GetFileCreationTime( const Filename :Str) : TDateTime
1129: Func GetFileInformation( const FileName :Str) : TSearchRec
1130: Func GetFileLastAccess( const FileName :Str) : TFileTime
1131: Func GetFileLastWrite( const FileName :Str) : TFileTime
1132: Func GetFileList(FileList: TStringlist; apath:Str): TStringlist;
1133: Func GetFileList1(apath:Str): TStringlist;
1134: Func GetFileMIMEType( const AFileName :Str) :Str
1135: Func GetFileSize( const FileName :Str) : Int64
1136: Func GetFileVersion( AFileName :Str) :Card
1137: Func GetFileVersion( const AFilename :Str) :Card
1138: Func GetFileSize2(Handle: Int; x: Int): Int; stdcall;
1139: Func GetFileDate(aFile:str; aWithTime:Boolean):str;

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1140: Func GetFileCount(adirmask:Str): Int; //files count in directory!

1141: Func GetFilterData( Root : PExprNode) : TExprData
1142: Func getFirstChild : LongInt
1143: Func getFirstChild : TTreeNode
1144: Func GetFirstDelimitedToken( const cDelim:char;const cStr:Str):str
1145: Func GetFirstNode : TTreeNode
1146: Func GetFontsFolder :Str
1147: Func GetFormulaValue( const Formula :Str) : Extended
1148: Func GetFreePageFileMemory : Int
1149: Func GetFreePhysicalMemory : Int
1150: Func GetFreeSystemResources( const ResourceType : TFreeSysResKind): Int;
1151: Func GetFreeSystemResources1 : TFreeSystemResources;
1152: Func GetFreeVirtualMemory : Int
1153: Func GetFromClipboard :Bool
1154: Func GetFullURI( const AOptionalFileds : TIdURIOptionalFieldsSet):Str
1155: Func GetGBitmap( Value : TBitmap) : TBitmap
1156: Func GetGMTDateByName( const AFileName : TIdFileName) : TDateTime
1157: Func GetGroupState( Level : Int) : TGroupPosInds
1158: Func GetHandle : HWND
1160: Func GetHexArray(ahexdig: THexArray): THexArray;
1161: Func GetHighLightColor( const Color : TColor; Luminance : Int):TColor
1162: Func GetHINSTANCE: longword;
1163: Func GetHistoryFolder :Str
1164: Func GetHitTestInfoAt( X, Y : Int) : THitTests
1165: Func getHMODULE: longword;
1166: Func GetHostByName(const AComputerName:Str):str;
1167: Func GetHostName :Str
1168: Func getHostIP:Str;
1169: Func GetHotSpot : TPoint
1170: Func GetHueBitmap( Value : TBitmap) : TBitmap
1171: Func GetImageBitmap : HBITMAP
1173: Func GetIncome( const aNetto : Currency): Currency
1174: Func GetIncome( const aNetto : Extended): Extended
1175: Func GetIncome( const aNetto : Extended): Extended
1176: Func GetIncome(const aNetto : Extended) : Extended
1177: Func GetIncome(const aNetto: Currency): Currency
1178: Func GetIncome2( const aNetto : Currency) : Currency
1179: Func GetIncome2( const aNetto : Currency): Currency
1180: Func getIndex_Attrs( tag :Str; var idx : Int; var Attrs :Str) :Str
1182: Func GetIndexForOrderBy( const SQL : WideString; DataSet : TDataSet) : TIndexDef
1183: Func GetInstRes(Instance:THandle;ResType:TResType;const
1184: Func
1185: Func GetIntelCacheDescription( const D : Byte):Str
1186: Func GetInteractiveUserName :Str
1187: Func GetInternetCacheFolder :Str
1188: Func GetInternetFormattedFileTimeStamp( const AFilename :Str) :Str
1189: Func GetIPAddress( const HostName :Str) :Str
1190: Func GetIP( const HostName :Str) :Str
1191: Func GetIPHostByName(const AComputerName:Str):Str;
1192: Func GetIsAdmin:Bool;
1193: Func GetItem( X, Y : Int) : LongInt
1194: Func GetItemAt( X, Y : Int) : TListItem
1195: Func GetItemHeight(Font: TFont): Int;
1196: Func GetItemPath( Index : Int) :Str
1197: Func GetKeyFieldNames( List : TStrings) : Int;
1198: Func GetKeyFieldNames1( List : TWideStrings) : Int;
1199: Func GetKeyState( const VirtualKey :Card) :Bool
1200: Func GetLastChild : LongInt
1201: Func GetLastChild : TTreeNode
1202: Func GetLastDelimitedToken(const cDelim:char;const cStr:str):Str
1203: Func GetLastError: Int
1204: Func GetLAT_CONV_FACTOR: double; //for WGS84 power(1 - 1 / 298.257223563, 2);
1205: Func GetLinesCount(sFileName :Str): Int;
1206: Func GetLoader( Ext :Str) : TBitmapLoader
1207: Func GetLoadFilter :Str
1208: Func GetLocalComputerName :Str
1209: Func GetLocaleChar( Locale, LocaleType : Int; Default : Char) : Char
1210: Func GetLocaleStr( Locale, LocaleType : Int; Default :Str) :Str
1211: Func GetLocalUserName :Str
1212: Func GetLoginUsername : WideString
1213: Func getLongDayNames:Str)
1214: Func GetLongHint(const hint:Str):Str
1215: Func getLongMonthNames:Str)
1216: Func GetMacAddresses( const Machine :Str; const Addresses : TStrings) : Int
1217: Func GetMainAppWndFromPid( PID : DWORD) : HWND
1218: Func GetMapX(C_form,apath:Str; const Data:Str):Bool; //c_form: [html/json/xml]
1219: //if GetMAPX('html',ExePath+'cologne2mapX.html','cathedral cologne then
1220: Proc GetGEOMap(C_form,apath:Str; const Data:Str);
1221: Func GetMapXGeoReverse(C_form:Str; const lat,long:Str):Str;
1222: //if GetMapXGeoReverse('XML',topPath,'47.0397826','7.62914761277888 then
1223: Func GetGeoCode(C_form,apath:Str; const data:Str; sfile:bool):Str;
1224: Func GetMaskBitmap : HBITMAP
1225: Func GetMaxAppAddress : Int
1226: Func GetMciErrorMessage( const MciErrNo : MCIERROR) :Str

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1227: Func GetMemoryLoad : Byte

1228: Func GetMIMEDefaultFileExt( const MIMEType :Str) : TIdFileName
1229: Func GetMIMETypeFromFile( const AFile :Str) :Str
1230: Func GetMIMETypeFromFile( const AFile : TIdFileName) :Str
1231: Func GetMinAppAddress : Int
1232: Func GetModule : TComponent
1233: Func GetModuleHandle( ModuleName : PChar) : HMODULE
1234: Func GetModuleName( Module : HMODULE) :Str
1235: Func GetModulePath( const Module : HMODULE) :Str
1236: Func GetModuleFileName(Module: Int; Filename: PChar;Size: Int): Int; stdcall;
1237: Func GetMorseID(InChar : Char): Word;;
1238: Func GetMorseString2(InChar : Char):Str;;
1239: Func GetMorseLine(dots:Bool):Str;; //whole table! {1 or dots}
1240: Func GetMorseTable(dots:Bool):Str;; //whole table!
1241: Func GetMorseSign(InChar : Char):Str;;
1242: Func GetCommandLine: PChar; stdcall;
1243: Func GetMonochromeBitmap( Value : TBitmap) : TBitmap
1244: Func GetMultiN(aval: Int):Str;
1245: Func GetName :Str
1246: Func GetNearestItem( Point : TPoint; Direction : TSearchDirection) : TListItem
1247: Func GetNethoodFolder :Str
1248: Func GetNext : TTreeNode
1249: Func GetNextChild( Value : LongInt) : LongInt
1250: Func GetNextChild( Value : TTreeNode) : TTreeNode
1251: Func GetNextDelimitedToken( const cDelim : char; var cStr :Str) :Str
1252: Func GetNextItem(StartItem:TListItem;Direction:TSearchDirection;States:TItemStates):TListItem
1253: Func GetNextPacket : Int
1254: Func getNextSibling : TTreeNode
1255: Func GetNextVisible : TTreeNode
1256: Func GetNode( ItemId : HTreeItem) : TTreeNode
1257: Func GetNodeAt( X, Y : Int) : TTreeNode
1258: Func GetNodeDisplayWidth( Node : TOutlineNode) : Int
1259: Func GetNumberOfProcessors: longint;
1260: Func GetNumLockKeyState :Bool
1261: Func GetObjectProperty( Instance : TPersistent; const PropName :Str) : TObject
1262: Func GetOnlyTransitionOn( cChar : char) : TniRegularExpressionState
1263: Func GetOptionalParam( const ParamName :Str) : OleVariant
1264: Func GetOSName:Str;
1265: Func GetOSVersion:Str;
1266: Func GetOSNumber:Str;
1267: Func GetOsVersionInfo: TOSVersionInfo; //thx to wischnewski
1268: Func GetPackageModuleHandle( PackageName : PChar) : HMODULE
1269: Func GetPageSize:Card;
1270: Func GetParameterFileName :Str
1271: Func GetParams( var OwnerData : OleVariant) : OleVariant
1273: Func GetParentForm(control: TControl): TForm
1275: Func GetPassword:Bool
1276: Func GetPassword:Str
1277: Func GetPersonalFolder :Str
1278: Func GetPidFromProcessName( const ProcessName :Str) : DWORD
1279: Func getPI: extended; //of const PI math
1280: Func GetPixel(dc:HDC; PixelCoords.X: TPoint, PixelCoords.Y: TPoint);
1281: Func GetPosition : TPoint
1282: Func GetPrev : TTreeNode
1283: Func GetPrevChild( Value : LongInt) : LongInt
1284: Func GetPrevChild( Value : TTreeNode) : TTreeNode
1285: Func getPrevSibling : TTreeNode
1286: Func GetPrevVisible : TTreeNode
1287: Func GetPrinthoodFolder :Str
1288: Func GetPrivilegeDisplayName( const PrivilegeName:Str):Str
1289: Func getProcessList: TStrings;
1290: Func GetProcessId : TIdPID
1291: Func GetProcessNameFromPid( PID : DWORD) :Str
1292: Func GetProcessNameFromWnd( Wnd : HWND) :Str
1293: Func GetProcessMemoryInfo(Process:THandle;ppsmemCounters:TProcessMemoryCounters;cb:DWORD):BOOL
1294: Func getProcessAllMemory(ProcessID : DWORD): TProcessMemoryCounters;
1295: Func getProcessMemoryInfo2(ProcessID : DWORD): TProcessMemoryCounters;
1296: Func GetProgramFilesFolder :Str
1297: Func GetProgramsFolder :Str
1298: Func GetProxy :Str
1299: Func GetQuoteChar : WideString
1300: Func GetQrCode4(Width,Height:Word; Correct_Level:str;const Data:str;aformat:str):TLinearBitmap;
1301: Func GetQrCodetoFile(Width,Height:Word;Correct_Level:str;const Data:str;aformat:str):TLinearBitmap;
1302: Func GetRate : Double
1303: Func getPerfTime:Str;
1304: Func getRuntime:Str;
1305: Func GetRBitmap( Value : TBitmap) : TBitmap
1306: Func GetReadableName( const AName :Str) :Str
1307: Func GetRecentDocs : TStringList
1308: Func GetRecentFolder :Str
1309: Func GetRecords( Count : Int; out RecsOut : Int; Options : Int) : OleVariant;
1310: Func GetRecords1(Count:Int;out RecsOut:Int;Options:Int;const CommandText:WideString;var Params,
1311: Func GetRecordset(const CommandText: WideString;ConnectionString:WideString):_Recordset
1312: Func GetRegisteredCompany :Str
1313: Func GetRegisteredOwner :Str
1314: Func GetResource(ResType:TResType;const Name:str;Width:Int;LoadFlags:TLoadResources;MaskColor:TColor:Bool

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1315: Func GetResourceName( ObjStream : TStream; var AName :Str) :Bool

1316: Func GetResponse( const AAllowedResponses : array of SmallInt) : SmallInt;
1317: Func GetResponse1( const AAllowedResponse : SmallInt) : SmallInt;
1318: Func GetRValue(rgb: DWORD): Byte
1319: Func GetGValue(rgb: DWORD): Byte
1320: Func GetBValue(rgb: DWORD): Byte
1321: Func GetCValue(cmyk: COLORREF): Byte
1322: Func GetMValue(cmyk: COLORREF): Byte
1323: Func GetYValue(cmyk: COLORREF): Byte
1324: Func GetKValue(cmyk: COLORREF): Byte
1325: Func CMYK( c, m, y, k : Byte) : COLORREF
1326: Proc GetScreenShot(var ABitmap : TBitmap);
1327: Func GetOSName:Str;
1328: Func GetProcAddress( hModule : HMODULE; lpProcName : LPCSTR):FARPROC
1329: Func GetProcAddress(Module : HMODULE; Proc : PChar): Dword
1330: Func GetSafeCallExceptionMsg :Str
1331: Func GetSaturationBitmap( Value : TBitmap) : TBitmap
1332: Func GetSaveFilter :Str
1333: Func GetSaver( Ext :Str) : TBitmapLoader
1334: Func GetScrollLockKeyState :Bool
1335: Func GetSearchString :Str
1336: Func GetSelections( AList : TList) : TTreeNode
1338: Func GetSendToFolder :Str
1339: Func GetServer : IAppServer
1340: Func GetServerList : OleVariant
1341: Func GetShadowColor( const Color : TColor; Luminance:Int): TColor
1342: Func GetShellProcessHandle : THandle
1343: Func GetShellProcessName :Str
1344: Func GetShellVersion :Card
1345: Func getShortDayNames:Str)
1346: Func GetShortHint(const hint:Str):Str
1347: Func getShortMonthNames:Str)
1348: Func GetSizeOfFile( const FileName :Str) : Int64;
1349: Func GetSizeOfFile1( Handle : THandle) : Int64;
1350: Func GetStdHandle(nStdHandle: Int): Int; stdcall;
1351: Func GetStartmenuFolder :Str
1352: Func GetStartupFolder :Str
1353: Func GetStringProperty( Instance: TPersistent; const PropName:str):WideString
1354: Func GetSuccessor( cChar : char): TniRegularExpressionState
1355: Func GetSwapFileSize : Int
1356: Func GetSwapFileUsage : Int
1357: Func GetSystemLocale : TIdCharSet
1358: Func GetSystemMetrics( nIndex : Int) : Int
1359: Func GetSystemPathSH(Folder: Int): TFilename ;
1360: Func GetTableNameFromQuery( const SQL : Widestring) : Widestring
1361: Func GetTableNameFromSQL( const SQL : WideString) : WideString
1362: Func GetTableNameFromSQLEx(const SQL:WideString; IdOption:IDENTIFIEROption):WideString
1363: Func GetTasksList( const List : TStrings) :Bool
1364: Func getTeamViewerID:Str;
1365: Func GetTemplatesFolder :Str
1366: Func GetText : PwideChar
1367: Func GetText:PChar
1368: Func GetTextBuf( Buffer : PChar; BufSize : Int) : Int
1370: Func GetTextItem( const Value :Str) : Longint
1371: Func GETTEXTLEN:Int
1372: Func GetThreadLocale: Longint; stdcall
1373: Func GetCurrentThreadID: LongWord; stdcall;
1374: Func GetTickCount :Card
1375: Func GetTickDiff( const AOldTickCount, ANewTickCount :Card) :Card
1376: Func GetTicketNr : longint
1377: Func GetTime :Card
1378: Func GetTime : TDateTime
1379: Func GetTimeout : Int
1380: Func GetTimeStr:Str
1381: Func GetTimeString:Str
1382: Func GetTimeZoneInformation(var lpTimeZoneInformation: TTimeZoneInformation):DWORD
1383: Ex: if GetTimeZoneInformation(tzi) >0 then writeln(itoa(tzi.bias));
1384: Func GetTodayFiles(startdir, amask:Str): TStringlist;
1385: Func getTokenCounts : Int
1386: Func GetTotalPageFileMemory : Int
1387: Func GetTotalPhysicalMemory : Int
1388: Func GetTotalVirtualMemory : Int
1389: Func GetUniqueFileName( const APath, APrefix, AExt :Str) :Str
1390: Func GetUseNowForDate :Bool
1391: Func GetUserDomainName( const CurUser :Str) :Str
1392: Func GetUserName :Str
1393: Func GetUserName:Str;
1394: Func GetUserNameAPI( lpBuffer : PChar; var nSize : DWORD):BOOL;
1395: Func GetUserObjectName( hUserObject : THandle) :Str
1396: Func GetValueBitmap( Value : TBitmap) : TBitmap
1397: Func GetValueMSec :Card
1398: Func GetValueStr :Str
1399: Func GetVersion: int;
1400: Func GetVersionString(FileName:Str):Str;
1401: Func getVideoDrivers:Str;
1402: Func GetVisibleNode( Index : LongInt) : TOutlineNode
1403: Func GetVolumeFileSystem( const Drive :Str) :Str

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1404: Func GetVolumeName( const Drive :Str) :Str

1405: Func GetVolumeSerialNumber( const Drive :Str) :Str
1406: Func GetWebAppServices : IWebAppServices
1407: Func GetWebRequestHandler : IWebRequestHandler
1408: Func GetWindowCaption( Wnd : HWND) :Str
1409: Func GetWindowDC(hdwnd: HWND): HDC;
1410: Func GetWindowIcon( Wnd : HWND; LargeIcon :Bool) : HICON
1411: Func GetWindowRect(hwnd: HWND; arect: TRect):Bool
1412: Func GetWindowsComputerID :Str
1413: Func GetWindowsDirectory(lpBuffer: PChar; uSize: longword):longword;
1414: Func GetWindowsFolder :Str
1415: Func GetWindowsServicePackVersion : Int
1416: Func GetWindowsServicePackVersionString :Str
1417: Func GetWindowsSystemFolder :Str
1418: Func GetWindowsTempFolder :Str
1419: Func GetWindowsUserID :Str
1420: Func GetWindowsVersion : TWindowsVersion
1421: Func GetWindowsVersionString :Str
1422: Func GmtOffsetStrToDateTime( S :Str) : TDateTime
1423: Func GMTToLocalDateTime( S :Str) : TDateTime
1424: Func GotoKey :Bool
1425: Func GradToCycle( const Grads : Extended) : Extended
1426: Func GradToDeg( const Grads : Extended) : Extended
1427: Func GradToDeg( const Value : Extended) : Extended;
1428: Func GradToDeg1( const Value : Double) : Double;
1429: Func GradToDeg2( const Value : Single) : Single;
1430: Func GradToRad( const Grads : Extended) : Extended
1431: Func GradToRad( const Value : Extended) : Extended;
1432: Func GradToRad1( const Value : Double) : Double;
1433: Func GradToRad2( const Value : Single) : Single;
1434: Func Gray32( const Intensity : Byte; const Alpha : Byte) : TColor32
1435: Func GreenComponent( const Color32 : TColor32) : Int
1436: Func GUIDToString(const GUID: TGUID):Str)
1437: Func HandleAllocated :Bool
1438: Func HandleAllocated:Bool;
1439: Func HandleRequest :Bool
1440: Func HandleRequest( Request : TWebRequest; Response : TWebResponse:Boolean
1441: Func HarmonicMean( const X : TDynFloatArray) : Float
1442: Func HasAsParent( Value : TTreeNode) :Bool
1443: Func HASCHILDDEFS :Bool
1444: Func HasCurValues :Bool
1445: Func HasExtendCharacter( const s : UTF8String) :Bool
1446: Func HasFormat( Format : Word) :Bool
1447: Func HashValue( AStream : TStream) : T5x4LongWordRecord;
1448: Func HashValue(AStream : TStream) : T4x4LongWordRecord
1449: Func HashValue(AStream: TStream): LongWord
1450: Func HashValue(AStream: TStream): Word
1451: Func HashValue1(AStream TStream; const ABeginPos,AEndPos:Int64):T5x4LongWordRecord;
1452: Func HashValue1(AStream : TStream): T4x4LongWordRecord
1453: Func HashValue128(const ASrc:Str): T4x4LongWordRecord;
1454: Func HashValue128Stream(AStream: TStream): T4x4LongWordRecord;
1455: Func HashValue16( const ASrc :Str) : Word;
1456: Func HashValue16stream( AStream : TStream) : Word;
1457: Func HashValue32( const ASrc :Str) : LongWord;
1458: Func HashValue32Stream( AStream : TStream) : LongWord;
1459: Func HasMergeConflicts :Bool
1460: Func hasMoreTokens :Bool
1461: Func HASPARENT :Bool
1462: Func HasParent:Bool
1463: Func HasTransaction( Transaction : TDBXTransaction) :Bool
1464: Func HasUTF8BOM( S : TStream) :Bool;
1465: Func HasUTF8BOM1( S : Ansistr) :Bool;
1466: Func Haversine( X : Float) : Float
1467: Func Head( s :Str; const subs :Str; var tail :Str):str
1471: Func HeronianMean( const a, b : Float) : Float
1472: Func HexStrToStr(Value:Str):Str;
1473: Func HexToBin(Text,Buffer:PChar; BufSize:Int):Int;
1474: Func HexToBin2(HexNum:Str):Str;
1475: Func HexToDouble( const Hex :Str) : Double
1476: Func HexToInt(hexnum:Str): LongInt;
1477: Func HexToStr(Value:Str):Str;
1478: Func HexifyBlock( var Buffer, BufferSize : Int) :Str
1479: Func Hi(vdat: word): byte;
1480: Func HiByte(W: Word): Byte)
1481: Func High: Int64;
1482: Func HighlightCell(DataCol,DataRow:Int;const Value:str;AState:TGridDrawState):Bool
1483: Func HINSTANCE: longword;
1484: Func HiWord(l: DWORD): Word)
1485: Func HMODULE: longword;
1486: Func HourOf( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1487: Func HourOfTheDay( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1488: Func HourOfTheMonth( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1489: Func HourOfTheWeek( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1490: Func HourOfTheYear( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1491: Func HoursBetween( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Int64
1492: Func HourSpan( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Double

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1493: Func HSLToRGB1( const H, S, L : Single) : TColor32;

1494: Func HTMLDecode( const AStr :Str) :Str
1495: Func HTMLEncode( const AStr :Str) :Str
1496: Func HTMLEscape( const Str :Str) :Str
1497: Func HtmlTable(DataSet:TDataSet;DataSetHandler:TDSTableProducer;MaxRows:Int):str
1498: Func HTTPDecode( const AStr :Str) :Str
1499: Func HTTPEncode( const AStr :Str) :Str
1500: Func Hypot( const X, Y : Extended) : Extended
1501: Func IBMax( n1, n2 : Int) : Int
1502: Func IBMin( n1, n2 : Int) : Int
1503: Func IBRandomString( iLength : Int) :Str
1504: Func IBRandomInt( iLow, iHigh : Int) : Int
1505: Func IBStripString( st :Str; CharsToStrip :Str) :Str
1506: Func IBFormatIdentifier( Dialect : Int; Value :Str) :Str
1507: Func IBFormatIdentifierValue( Dialect : Int; Value :Str) :Str
1508: Func IBExtractIdentifier( Dialect : Int; Value :Str) :Str
1509: Func IBQuoteIdentifier( Dialect : Int; Value :Str) :Str
1510: Func IBAddIBParamSQLForDetail(Params:TParams;SQL:str;Native:Boolean;Dialect:Int):str
1511: Proc IBDecomposeDatabaseName(DatabaseName:Str;var ServerName,Protocol,DatabasePath:str)
1512: Func RandomString( iLength : Int) :Str;
1513: Func RandomInt( iLow, iHigh : Int) : Int;
1514: Func StripString( st :Str; CharsToStrip :Str) :Str;
1515: Func Strip(const SubString:Str; MainString:Str):Str;
1516: Func StripTags(const S:Str):Str; //<''> of HTML
1517: Func SizeToString(size : Int64; const unitStr :Str) :Str;
1518: Func NumbertoString(No: Word):Str;
1519: Func FormatIdentifier( Dialect : Int; Value :Str) :Str;
1520: Func FormatIdentifierValue( Dialect : Int; Value :Str) :Str;
1521: Func ExtractIdentifier( Dialect : Int; Value :Str) :Str;
1522: Func QuoteIdentifier( Dialect : Int; Value :Str) :Str;
1523: Func AddIBParamSQLForDetail(Params:TParams;SQL:str;Native:Boolean;Dialect:Int):str;
1524: Proc DecomposeDatabaseName(DatabaseName:str;var ServerName,Protocol,DatabasePath:str;
1525: Func NextSQLToken(var p: PChar; var Token:Str; CurSection: TSQLToken): TSQLToken;
1526: Func IconToBitmap( Ico : HICON) : TBitmap
1527: Func IconToBitmap2( Ico : HICON; Size : Int; TransparentColor : TColor) : TBitmap
1528: Func IconToBitmap3( Ico : HICON; Size : Int; TransparentColor : TColor) : TBitmap
1529: Func IdentToCharset(const Ident:Str; var Charset: Longint):Bool)
1530: Func IdentToColor(const Ident:Str; var Color: Longint):Bool)
1531: Func IdentToCursor(const Ident:Str; var cursor: Longint):Bool;
1532: Func IdGetDefaultCharSet : TIdCharSet
1533: Func IDispatchInvoke(Self:IDispatch;ProperSet:Bool;const Name:Str;Par:array of variant):variant
1534: Func IdPorts2 : TStringList
1535: Func IdToMib( const Id :Str) :Str
1536: Func IdSHA1Hash(apath:Str):Str;
1537: Func IdHashSHA1(apath:Str):Str;
1538: Func IfStr(const bCondition:boolean;const sTrue:str;const sFalse:str):Str
1539: Func IfThen( AValue :Bool; const ATrue :Str; AFalse :Str) :Str;
1540: Func IfThenInt( AValue :Bool; const ATrue : Int; AFalse : Int): Int;;
1541: Func IfThenDouble( AValue :Bool; const ATrue : double; AFalse : double): double;;
1542: Func IfThenBool( AValue :Bool; const ATrue :Bool; AFalse :Bool):Bool;;
1543: Func iif1( ATest :Bool; const ATrue : Int; const AFalse : Int) : Int;
1544: Func iif2( ATest :Bool; const ATrue :Str; const AFalse :Str) :Str;
1545: Func iif3( ATest:Boolean; const ATrue:Bool;const AFalse:Bool):Bool;
1546: Func ImportTest(S1:Str;s2:longint; s3:Byte; s4:word; var s5:str):Str;
1547: Func IncDay( const AValue : TDateTime; const ANumberOfDays : Int) : TDateTime
1548: Func IncHour( const AValue : TDateTime; const ANumberOfHours : Int64) : TDateTime
1549: Func IncLimit( var B : Byte; const Limit : Byte; const Incr : Byte) : Byte;
1550: Func IncLimit1(var B:Shortint;const Limit:Shortint;const Incr:Shortint):Shortint;
1551: Func IncLimit2(var B:Smallint;const Limit:Smallint;const Incr:Smallint):Smallint;
1552: Func IncLimit3( var B : Word; const Limit : Word; const Incr : Word) : Word;
1553: Func IncLimit4( var B : Int; const Limit : Int; const Incr : Int) : Int;
1554: Func IncLimit5(var B:Card;const Limit:Card;const Incr:Card):Card;
1555: Func IncLimit6( var B : Int64; const Limit : Int64; const Incr : Int64) : Int64;
1556: Func IncLimitClamp( var B : Byte; const Limit : Byte; const Incr : Byte) : Byte;
1557: Func IncLimitClamp1(var B: Shortint;const Limit:Shortint;const Incr: Shortint): Shortint;
1558: Func IncLimitClamp2(var B:Smallint;const Limit:Smallint;const Incr: Smallint): Smallint;
1559: Func IncLimitClamp3( var B : Word; const Limit : Word; const Incr : Word) : Word;
1560: Func IncLimitClamp4( var B : Int; const Limit : Int; const Incr : Int) : Int;
1561: Func IncLimitClamp5(var B:Card;const Limit:Card; const Incr:Card):Card;
1562: Func IncLimitClamp6(var B: Int64;const Limit:Int64; const Incr:Int64):Int64;
1563: Func IncludeTrailingBackslash( S :Str) :Str
1564: Func IncludeTrailingBackslash(const S:Str):Str)
1565: Func IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( const APath :Str) :Str
1566: Func IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( S :Str) :Str
1567: Func IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const S:Str):Str)
1568: Func IncludeTrailingSlash( const APath :Str) :Str
1569: Func IncMilliSecond(const AValue:TDateTime;const ANumberOfMilliSeconds:Int64):TDateTime
1570: Func IncMinute(const AValue:TDateTime;const ANumberOfMinutes:Int64):TDateTime
1571: Func IncMonth( DateTime : TDateTime; NumberOfMonths : Int) : TDateTime
1572: Func IncMonth(const DateTime: TDateTime; NumberOfMonths: Int): TDateTime)
1573: Func IncSecond(const AValue:TDateTime;const ANumberOfSeconds: nt64) : TDateTime
1574: Func IncWeek(const AValue : TDateTime; const ANumberOfWeeks : Int) : TDateTime
1575: Func IncYear(const AValue : TDateTime; const ANumberOfYears : Int) : TDateTime
1576: Func IndexOf(AClass : TClass) : Int
1577: Func IndexOf(AComponent : TComponent) : Int
1578: Func IndexOf(AObject : TObject) : Int
1579: Func INDEXOF(const ANAME :Str) : Int
1580: Func IndexOf(const DisplayName :Str) : Int
1581: Func IndexOf(const Item : TBookmarkStr) : Int

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1582: Func IndexOf(const S : WideString) : Int

1583: Func IndexOf(const View : TJclFileMappingView) : Int
1584: Func INDEXOF(FIELD : TFIELD) : Int
1585: Func IndexOf(ID : LCID) : Int
1587: Func IndexOf(Value : TListItem) : Int
1588: Func IndexOf(Value : TTreeNode) : Int
1589: Func IndexOf(const S:Str): Int;
1590: Func IndexOfName( const Name : WideString) : Int
1591: Func IndexOfName(Name:Str): Int;
1592: Func IndexOfObject( AObject : TObject) : Int
1593: Func IndexofObject(AObject:tObject):Int
1594: Func IndexOfTabAt( X, Y : Int) : Int
1595: Func IndexStr( const AText :Str; const AValues : array of string) : Int
1596: Func IndexText( const AText :Str; const AValues : array of string): Int
1597: Func IndexOfInt( AList : TStringList; Value : Variant) : Int
1598: Func IndexOfFloat( AList : TStringList; Value : Variant) : Int
1599: Func IndexOfDate( AList : TStringList; Value : Variant) : Int
1600: Func IndexOfString( AList : TStringList; Value : Variant) : Int
1601: Func IndyCompareStr( const A1 :Str; const A2 :Str) : Int
1602: Func IndyGetHostName :Str
1603: Func IndyInterlockedDecrement( var I : Int) : Int
1604: Func IndyInterlockedExchange( var A : Int; B : Int) : Int
1605: Func IndyInterlockedExchangeAdd( var A : Int; B : Int) : Int
1606: Func IndyInterlockedIncrement( var I : Int) : Int
1607: Func IndyLowerCase( const A1 :Str) :Str
1608: Func IndyStrToBool( const AString :Str) :Bool
1609: Func IndyUpperCase( const A1 :Str) :Str
1610: Func InitCommonControl( CC : Int) :Bool
1611: Func InitTempPath :Str
1612: Func InMainThread :Bool
1613: Func inOpArray(W : WideChar; sets:array of WideChar):Bool
1614: Func Input: Text)
1615: Func InputBox( const ACaption, APrompt, ADefault :Str) :Str
1616: Func InputBox(const ACaption:str;const APrompt:str;const ADefault:str):str)
1617: Func InputLn(const AMask:str;AEcho:Boolean;ATabWidth:Int;AMaxLineLength:Int):str
1618: Func InputQuery( const ACaption, APrompt :Str; var Value :Str) :Bool
1619: Func InputQuery(const ACaption:str; const APrompt:str; var Value:Str):Bool)
1620: Func InquireSignal( RtlSigNum : Int) : TSignalState
1621: Func InRangeR( const A, Min, Max : Double) :Bool
1622: Func Insert(Index:Int):TCollectionItem
1623: Func Insert(Index:Int):TComboExItem
1624: Func Insert(Index:Int):THeaderSection
1625: Func Insert(Index:Int):TListItem
1626: Func Insert(Index:Int):TStatusPanel
1627: Func Insert(Index:Int):TWorkArea
1628: Func Insert(Index:LongInt; const Text :Str) : LongInt
1629: Func Insert(Sibling : TTreeNode; const S :Str) : TTreeNode
1632: Func InsertNode( Node, Sibling : TTreeNode; const S :Str; Ptr : Pointer) : TTreeNode
1633: Func InsertObject( Index : LongInt; const Text :Str; const Data : Pointer) : LongInt
1634: Func InsertObject( Sibling : TTreeNode; const S :Str; Ptr : Pointer) : TTreeNode
1635: Func Instance : Longint
1636: Func InstanceSize: Longint
1637: Func Int(e : Extended) : Extended;
1638: Func Int64ToStr(i: Int64):Str;
1639: Func IntToBcd( const AValue : Int) : TBcd
1640: Func Intensity( const Color32 : TColor32) : Int;
1641: Func Intensity( const R, G, B : Single) : Single;
1642: Func InterestPayment(const Rate:Extended;Period,NPeriods:Int;const PresentValue,
FutureValue:Extended;PaymentTime :TPaymentTime):Extended
1643: Func InterestRate(NPeriods:Int;const Payment,PresVal,FutureVal:Extended;PaymentTime:TPaymentTime):Extended
1644: Func InternalDecodeDate(DateTime:TDateTime;var Year,Month,Day,DOW:Word):Boolean
1645: Func InternalRateOfReturn(const Guess:Extended;const CashFlows:array of Double):Extended
1646: Func InternalUpdateRecord( Tree : TUpdateTree) :Bool
1647: Func IntersectRect( out Rect : TRect; const R1, R2 : TRect) :Bool
1648: Func IntersectRect(out Rect: TRect; const R1, R2: TRect):Bool)
1649: Func IntMibToStr( const Value :Str) :Str
1650: Func IntPower( const Base : Extended; const Exponent : Int) : Extended
1651: Func IntToBin( Value :Card) :Str
1652: Func IntToHex( Value : Int; Digits : Int) :Str;
1653: Func IntToHex(a: Int; b: Int):Str;
1654: Func IntToHex64( Value : Int64; Digits : Int) :Str;
1655: Func IntToHex64(Value: Int64; Digits: Int):Str)
1656: Func IntTo3Str( Value : Longint; separator:Str) :Str
1657: Func inttobool( aInt : LongInt) :Bool
1658: Func IntToStr(i: Int64):Str;
1659: Func IntToStr64(Value: Int64):Str)
1660: Func IOResult: Int
1661: Func IPv6AddressToStr(const AValue: TIdIPv6Address):Str
1662: Func IPAddrToHostName(const IP:Str):Str;
1663: Func IsAccel(VK: Word; const Str:Str):Bool
1664: Func IsAddressInNetwork( Address :Str) :Bool
1665: Func IsAdministrator :Bool
1666: Func IsAlias( const Name :Str) :Bool
1667: Func IsApplicationRunning( const AClassName, ApplName:str):Bool
1668: Func IsASCII( const AByte : Byte) :Bool;
1669: Func IsASCIILDH( const AByte : Byte) :Bool;

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1670: Func IsAssembly(const FileName:Str):Bool;

1671: Func IsBcdNegative( const Bcd : TBcd) :Bool
1672: Func IsBinary(const AChar : Char) :Bool
1673: Func IsConsole:Bool)
1674: Func IsDelimiter( Delimiters, S :Str; Index : Int) :Bool
1675: Func IsDelimiter(const Delimiters:Str;const S:Str;Index: Int):Boolean)
1676: Func IsDelphiDesignMode :Bool
1677: Func IsDelphiRunning :Bool
1678: Func IsDFAState :Bool
1679: Func IsDirectory( const FileName :Str) :Bool
1680: Func IsDomain( const S :Str) :Bool
1681: Func IsDragObject(Sender: TObject):Bool;
1682: Func IsEditing :Bool
1683: Func ISEMPTY :Bool
1684: Func IsEqual( Value : TParameters) :Bool
1685: Func ISEQUAL( VALUE : TPARAMS) :Bool
1686: Func IsEqualGUID(const guid1, guid2: TGUID):Bool)
1687: Func IsFirstNode :Bool
1688: Func IsFloatZero( const X : Float) :Bool
1689: Func IsFormatRegistered( Extension, AppID :Str) :Bool
1690: Func IsFormOpen(const FormName:Str):Bool;
1691: Func IsFQDN( const S :Str) :Bool
1692: Func IsGrayScale :Bool
1693: Func IsHex( AChar : Char) :Bool;
1694: Func IsHexString(const AString:Str):Bool;
1695: Func IsHostname( const S :Str) :Bool
1696: Func IsInfinite( const AValue : Double) :Bool
1697: Func IsInLeapYear( const AValue : TDateTime) :Bool
1698: Func IsInternet:Bool;
1699: Func IsLeadChar( ACh : Char) :Bool
1700: Func IsLeapYear( Year : Word) :Bool
1701: Func IsLeapYear(Year: Word):Bool)
1702: Func IsLibrary:Bool)
1703: Func ISLINE :Bool
1704: Func IsLinkedTo( DataSet : TDataSet) :Bool
1706: Func IsLiteralChar( const EditMask :Str; Offset : Int) :Bool
1707: Func IsMatch( const Pattern, Text :Str) :Bool //Grep like RegEx
1708: Func IsMainAppWindow( Wnd : HWND) :Bool
1709: Func IsMediaPresentInDrive( Drive : Char) :Bool
1710: Func IsMemoryManagerSet:Bool)
1711: Func IsMultiTableQuery( const SQL : WideString) :Bool
1712: Func IsMultiThread:Bool)
1713: Func IsNumeric( AChar : Char) :Bool;
1714: Func IsNumeric2( const AString :Str) :Bool;
1715: Func IsNTFS:Bool;
1716: Func IsOctal( AChar : Char) :Bool;
1717: Func IsOctalString(const AString:Str) :Bool;
1718: Func IsPathDelimiter( S :Str; Index : Int) :Bool
1719: Func IsPathDelimiter(const S:Str; Index: Int):Bool)
1720: Func IsPM( const AValue : TDateTime) :Bool
1721: Func IsPositiveFloatArray( const X : TDynFloatArray) :Bool
1722: Func IsPortAvailable( ComNum :Card) :Bool;
1723: Func IsCOMPortReal( ComNum :Card) :Bool;
1724: Func IsCOM( ComNum :Card) :Bool;
1725: Func IsCOMPort:Bool;
1726: Func IsPrimeFactor( const F, N :Card) :Bool
1727: Func IsPrimeRM( N :Card) :Bool //rabin miller
1728: Func IsPrimeTD( N :Card) :Bool //trial division
1729: Func IsPrivilegeEnabled( const Privilege :Str) :Bool
1730: Func ISqrt( const I : Smallint) : Smallint
1731: Func IsReadOnly(const Filename:Str):Bool;
1732: Func IsRectEmpty( const Rect : TRect) :Bool
1733: Func IsRectEmpty(const Rect: TRect):Bool)
1734: Func IsRelativePrime( const X, Y :Card) :Bool
1735: Func ISRIGHTTOLEFT :Bool
1736: Func IsRightToLeft:Bool
1737: Func IsSameDay( const AValue, ABasis : TDateTime) :Bool
1738: Func ISSEQUENCED :Bool
1739: Func IsSystemModule( const Module : HMODULE) :Bool
1740: Func IsSystemResourcesMeterPresent :Bool
1741: Func IsTCPPortOpen(dwPort : Word; ipAddressStr:Str):Bool;
1742: Func IsToday( const AValue : TDateTime) :Bool
1743: Func IsToday(const AValue: TDateTime):Bool;
1744: Func IsTopDomain( const AStr :Str) :Bool
1745: Func IsUTF8LeadByte( Lead : Char) :Bool
1746: Func IsUTF8String( const s : UTF8String) :Bool
1747: Func IsUTF8TrailByte( Lead : Char) :Bool
1749: Func IsValidDate( const AYear, AMonth, ADay : Word) :Bool
1750: Func IsValidDateDay( const AYear, ADayOfYear : Word) :Bool
1751: Func IsValidDateMonthWeek(const AYear,AMonth,AWeekOfMonth,ADayOfWeek:Word): Bool
1752: Func IsValidDateTime(const AYear,AMonth,ADay,AHour,AMinute,ASecond,AMilliSecond:Word): Bool
1753: Func IsValidDateWeek( const AYear, AWeekOfYear, ADayOfWeek : Word) :Bool
1754: Func IsValidIdent( Ident :Str) :Bool
1755: Func IsValidIdent1(const Ident:Str; AllowDots:Bool):Bool)
1756: Func IsValidIP( const S :Str) :Bool
1757: Func IsValidTime( const AHour, AMinute, ASecond, AMilliSecond : Word) :Bool
1758: Func IsValidPNG(stream: TStream):Bool;

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1759: Func IsValidJPEG(stream: TStream):Bool;

1760: Func IsValidISBN( const ISBN : Ansistr) :Bool
1761: Func IsVariantManagerSet:Bool; //deprecated;
1762: Func IsVirtualPcGuest :Bool;
1763: Func IsVmWareGuest :Bool;
1764: Func IsVCLControl(Handle: HWnd):Bool;
1765: Func IsWhiteString( const AStr :Str) :Bool
1766: Func IsWindowResponding( Wnd : HWND; Timeout : Int) :Bool
1767: Func IsWoW64:Bool;
1768: Func IsWin64:Bool;
1769: Func IsWow64String(var s:Str):Bool;
1770: Func IsWin64String(var s:Str):Bool;
1771: Func IsWindowsVista:Bool;
1772: Func isPowerof2(num: int64):Bool;
1773: Func powerOf2(exponent: Int): int64;
1774: Func IsZero(const A: Extended; Epsilon: Extended):Bool //overload;
1775: Func IsZero1(const A: Double; Epsilon: Double):Bool //overload;
1776: Func IsZero2(const A: Single; Epsilon: Single):Bool //overload;
1777: Func ItemAtPos( Pos : TPoint; IgnoreTabHeight :Bool) : Int
1779: Func ItemRect( Index : Int) : TRect
1781: Func ItemWidth( Index : Int) : Int
1782: Func JavahashCode(val:Str): Int;
1783: Func JosephusG(n,k: Int; var graphout:Str): Int;
1784: Func JulianDateToDateTime( const AValue : Double) : TDateTime
1785: Func JustName(PathName :Str) :Str; //in path and ext
1786: Func JvMessageBox( const Text, Caption :Str; Flags : DWORD) : Int;
1787: Func JvMessageBox1( const Text :Str; Flags : DWORD) : Int;
1788: Func KeepAlive :Bool
1789: Func KeysToShiftState(Keys: Word): TShiftState;
1790: Func KeyDataToShiftState(KeyData: Longint): TShiftState;
1791: Func KeyboardStateToShiftState2(const KeyboardState: TKeyboardState):TShiftState;
1792: Func KeyboardStateToShiftState: TShiftState; overload;
1793: Func Languages : TLanguages
1794: Func Last: TClass
1795: Func Last: TComponent
1796: Func Last: TObject
1797: Func LastDelimiter( Delimiters, S :Str) : Int
1798: Func LastDelimiter(const Delimiters:Str; const S:Str): Int)
1799: Func LastPos( const ASubstr :Str; const AStr :Str) : Int
1800: Func Latitude2WGS84(lat: double): double;
1801: Func LCM(m,n:longint):longint;
1802: Func LCMJ( const X, Y :Card) :Card
1803: Func Ldexp( const X : Extended; const P : Int) : Extended
1804: Func LeftStr( const AText : Ansistr; const ACount : Int) : Ansistr;
1805: Func LeftStr( const AText : WideString; const ACount : Int) : WideString;
1806: Func Length: Int;
1807: Proc LetFileList(FileList: TStringlist; apath:Str);
1808: Func lengthmp3(mp3path:Str):Int;
1809: Func LineInRect( const P1, P2 : TPoint; const Rect : TRect) :Bool;
1810: Func LineInRect1( const P1, P2 : TFloatPoint; const Rect : TFloatRect) :Bool;
1811: Func LinesCount(sfilename:str):extended;
1812: Func TextFileLineCount(const FileName:Str): Int;
1813: Func LineSegmentIntersection(const L1P1:TFloatPoint;L1P2:TFloatPoint;const L2P1:TFloatPoint;
L2P2:TFloatPoint;var P:TFloatPoint):Boolean
1814: Func LineStart(Buffer, BufPos: PChar): PChar
1815: Func LineStart(Buffer, BufPos: PChar): PChar)
1816: Func ListSeparator: char;
1817: Func Ln(x: Extended): Extended;
1818: Func LnXP1( const X : Extended) : Extended
1819: Func Lo(vdat: word): byte;
1820: Func LoadCursor(hInstance: HINST; lpCursorName: PChar): HCURSOR
1821: Func LoadedModulesList(const List:TStrings;ProcessID:DWORD;HandlesOnly:Boolean):Bool
1822: Func LoadFileAsString( const FileName :Str) :Str
1823: Func LoadFromFile( const FileName :Str) : TBitmapLoader
1824: Func LoadFile(const FileName: TFileName):Str;
1825: Func LoadLibraryEx(LibName: PChar; hFile: Longint; Flags: Longint): Longint; stdcall;
1826: Func LoadPackage(const Name:Str): HMODULE
1827: Func LoadResource( ModuleHandle : HMODULE; ResHandle: TResourceHandle):HGLOBAL
1828: Func LoadStr( Ident : Int) :Str
1829: Func LoadString(Instance: Longint; IDent: Int; Buffer: PChar; Size: Int):Int;stdcall;
1830: Func LoadWideStr( Ident : Int) : WideString
1832: Func LockRegion(libOffset:Longint;cb:Largeint;dwLockType:Longint): HResult
1833: Func LockServer( fLock : LongBool) : HResult
1834: Func LockVolume( const Volume :Str; var Handle : THandle) :Bool
1835: Func Log( const X : Extended) : Extended
1836: Func Log10( const X : Extended) : Extended
1837: Func Log2( const X : Extended) : Extended
1838: Func LogBase10(X: Float): Float;
1839: Func LogBase2(X: Float): Float;
1840: Func LogBaseN(Base, X: Float): Float;
1841: Func LogN( const Base, X : Extended) : Extended
1842: Func LogOffOS :Bool
1843: Func LoginDialog( const ADatabaseName :Str; var AUserName, APassword :Str):Bool
1844: Func LoginDialogEx(const ADbName:str;var AUserName,APassword:str;NameReadOnly:Bool):Bool;
1845: Func LongDateFormat:Str;
1846: Func LongTimeFormat:Str;

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1847: Func LongWordToFourChar( ACardinal : LongWord) :Str

1849: Func LookupName( const name :Str) : TInAddr
1850: Func LookupService( const service :Str) : Int
1851: Func Low: Int64;
1852: Func LowerCase( S :Str) :Str
1853: Func Lowercase(s : AnyString) : AnyString;
1854: Func LRot( const Value : Byte; const Count : TBitRange) : Byte;
1855: Func LRot1( const Value : Word; const Count : TBitRange) : Word;
1856: Func LRot2( const Value : Int; const Count : TBitRange) : Int;
1857: Func MainInstance: longword
1858: Func MainThreadID: longword
1859: Func Map(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max: Int): Int; //arduino
1860: Func mapMax(ax, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max: Int): Int;
1861: Func MakeCanonicalIPv4Address( const AAddr :Str) :Str
1862: Func MakeCanonicalIPv6Address( const AAddr :Str) :Str
1863: Func MakeDIB( out Bitmap : PBitmapInfo) : Int
1864: Func MakeDWordIntoIPv4Address( const ADWord :Card) :Str
1865: Func MakeFile(const FileName:Str): Int);
1866: Func MakeLong(A, B: Word): Longint)
1867: Func MakeTempFilename( const APath :Str) :Str
1868: Func MakeValidFileName( const Str :Str) :Str
1869: Func MakeValueMap( Enumeration :Str; ToCds :Bool) :Str
1870: Func MakeWord(A, B: Byte): Word)
1871: Func MakeYear4Digit( Year, Pivot : Int) : Int
1872: Func MapDateTime(const DateFormatType:str;DateFormat:str;Value:str;ToCds:Bool):str
1873: Func MapValues( Mapping :Str; Value :Str) :Str
1874: Func MaskDoFormatText(const EditMask:str;const Value:str;Blank:Char):str
1875: Func MaskGetCharType( const EditMask :Str; MaskOffset : Int) : TMaskCharType
1876: Func MaskGetCurrentDirectives( const EditMask :Str; MaskOffset:Int):TMaskDirectives
1877: Func MaskGetFldSeparator( const EditMask :Str) : Int
1878: Func MaskGetMaskBlank( const EditMask :Str) : Char
1879: Func MaskGetMaskSave( const EditMask :Str) :Bool
1880: Func MaskIntlLiteralToChar( IChar : Char) : Char
1881: Func MaskOffsetToOffset( const EditMask :Str; MaskOffset : Int) : Int
1882: Func MaskOffsetToWideOffset( const EditMask :Str; MaskOffset : Int) : Int
1883: Func MaskString( Mask, Value :Str) :Str
1884: Func Match( const sString :Str) : TniRegularExpressionMatchResul
1885: Func Match1( const sString:Str;iStart:Int):TniRegularExpressionMatchResult
1886: Func Matches( const Filename :Str) :Bool
1887: Func MatchesMask( const Filename, Mask :Str) :Bool
1888: Func MatchStr( const AText :Str; const AValues : array of string):Bool
1889: Func MatchText( const AText :Str; const AValues : array of string):Bool
1890: Func Max( AValueOne, AValueTwo : Int) : Int
1891: Func Max(const x,y: Int): Int;
1892: Func Max1(const B1, B2 : Shortint) : Shortint;
1893: Func Max2(const B1, B2 : Smallint) : Smallint;
1894: Func Max3(const B1, B2 : Word) : Word;
1895: Func Max3(const x,y,z: Int): Int;
1896: Func Max4(const B1, B2 : Int) : Int;
1897: Func Max5(const B1, B2 :Card) :Card;
1898: Func Max6(const B1, B2 : Int64) : Int64;
1899: Func Max64(const AValueOne, AValueTwo : Int64) : Int64
1900: Func MaxFloat(const X, Y : Float) : Float
1901: Func MaxFloatArray(const B : TDynFloatArray) : Float
1902: Func MaxFloatArrayIndex( const B : TDynFloatArray) : Int
1903: Func MaxIntValue(const Data: array of Int):Int)
1904: Func MaxJ( const B1, B2 : Byte) : Byte;
1905: Func MaxPath:Str;
1906: Func MaxValue(const Data: array of Double): Double)
1907: Func MaxCalc( const Formula :Str) : Extended //math expression parser
1908: Proc MaxCalcF( const Formula :Str); //out to console memo2
1909: Func MaxCalcS( const Formula :Str):Str;
1910: Func MD5(const fileName:Str):Str;
1911: Func Mean( const Data : array of Double) : Extended
1912: Func Median( const X : TDynFloatArray) : Float
1913: Func Memory : Pointer
1914: Func MemoryPos( const ASubStr :Str; MemBuff : PChar; MemorySize: Int): Int
1915: Func MessageBox(hndl:Card; text, caption:Str; utype:Card): Int;
1917: Func MessageDlg(const Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint):Int;
1918: Func MessageDlg1(const
1919: Func MessageDlgPos(const Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint;X,Y:Int):Int;
1920: Func MessageDlgPos1(const Msg:str; DlgType:TMsgDlgType; Buttons:TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint;X,Y:
1921: Func MessageDlgPosHelp(const Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint;X,Y:
Int;const HelpFileName:str):Int;
1922: Func MessageDlgPosHelp1(const Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint;X,Y :
Int;const HelpFileName:str; DefaultButton:TMsgDlgBtn):Int;
1923: Func MibToId( Mib :Str) :Str
1924: Func MidStr( const AText : Ansistr; const AStart, ACount : Int) : Ansistr;
1925: Func MidStr( const AText : WideString; const AStart, ACount : Int) : WideString;
1926: Func microsecondsToCentimeters(mseconds:longint):longint;//340m/s speed of sound
1927: Func Micros(const Timer:THPTimer;const TimerRunning:Boolean):Int64//TypeS('THPTimer', 'Int64
1928: Func MIDIOut( DeviceID :Card) : IJclMIDIOut
1929: Proc GetMidiOutputs( const List : TStrings)
1930: // GetGEOMAPX('html',ExePath+'cologne2mapX.html','cathedral cologne
1931: Proc GetGEOMap(C_form,apath:str; const Data:Str);//c_form:[html/json/xml]

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1932: Func MIDISingleNoteTuningData( Key : TMIDINote; Frequency : Single) : TSingleNoteTuningData

1933: Func MIDINoteToStr( Note : TMIDINote) :Str
1934: Func WinMidiOut( DeviceID :Card) : IJclWinMidiOut
1935: Proc GetMidiOutputs( const List : TStrings)
1936: Proc MidiOutCheck( Code : MMResult)
1937: Proc MidiInCheck( Code : MMResult)
1938: Func MilliSecondOf( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1939: Func MilliSecondOfTheDay( const AValue : TDateTime): LongWord
1940: Func MilliSecondOfTheHour( const AValue : TDateTime): LongWord
1941: Func MilliSecondOfTheMinute( const AValue : TDateTime): LongWord
1942: Func MilliSecondOfTheMonth( const AValue : TDateTime): LongWord
1943: Func MilliSecondOfTheSecond( const AValue : TDateTime): Word
1944: Func MilliSecondOfTheWeek( const AValue : TDateTime): LongWord
1945: Func MilliSecondOfTheYear( const AValue : TDateTime): Int64
1946: Func MilliSecondsBetween( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime): Int64
1947: Func MilliSecondSpan( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime): Double
1948: Func milliToDateTime( MilliSecond : LongInt) : TDateTime;
1949: Func Micros( const Timer : THPTimer; const TimerRunning:Boolean):Int64
1950: Func millis: int64;
1951: Func Min( AValueOne, AValueTwo : Int) : Int
1952: Func Min1(const B1,B2: Shortint) : Shortint;
1953: Func Min2(const B1,B2: Smallint) : Smallint;
1954: Func Min3(const B1,B2: Word) : Word;
1955: Func Min4(const B1,B2: Int) : Int;
1956: Func Min5(const B1,B2:Card) :Card;
1957: Func Min6(const B1,B2: Int64) : Int64;
1958: Func Min64( const AValueOne, AValueTwo : Int64) : Int64
1959: Func MinClientRect : TRect;
1960: Func MinClientRect1( IncludeScroller :Bool) : TRect;
1961: Func MinClientRect2( TabCount : Int; IncludeScroller :Bool) : TRect;
1962: Func MinFloat( const X, Y : Float) : Float
1963: Func MinFloatArray( const B : TDynFloatArray) : Float
1964: Func MinFloatArrayIndex( const B : TDynFloatArray) : Int
1965: Func MinimizeName(const Filename:str;Canvas : TCanvas; MaxLen:Int):Str
1966: Func MinimizeName(const Filename:TFileName;Canvas:TCanvas; MaxLen:Int):FileName
1967: Func MinimizeName(const Filename:Str; Canvas: TCanvas;MaxLen: Int):TFileName
1968: Func MinIntValue( const Data : array of Int) : Int
1969: Func MinIntValue(const Data: array of Int):Int)
1970: Func MinJ( const B1, B2 : Byte) : Byte;
1971: Func MinuteOf( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1972: Func MinuteOfTheDay( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1973: Func MinuteOfTheHour( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1974: Func MinuteOfTheMonth( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1975: Func MinuteOfTheWeek( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1976: Func MinuteOfTheYear( const AValue : TDateTime) : LongWord
1977: Func MinutesBetween( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Int64
1978: Func MinuteSpan( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Double
1979: Func MinValue( const Data : array of Double) : Double
1980: Func MinValue(const Data: array of Double): Double)
1981: Func MixerLeftRightToArray( Left, Right :Card) : TDynCardinalArray
1982: Func MMCheck( const MciError : MCIERROR; const Msg :Str) : MCIERROR
1983: Func ModFloat( const X, Y : Float) : Float
1984: Func ModifiedJulianDateToDateTime( const AValue : Double) : TDateTime
1985: Func Modify( const Key :Str; Value : Int) :Bool
1986: Func ModuleCacheID :Card
1987: Func ModuleFromAddr( const Addr : Pointer) : HMODULE
1988: Func MonitorFromPoint(const Point:TPoint;MonitorDefault:TMonitorDefaultTo): TMonitor
1989: Func MonitorFromRect(const Rect:TRect;MonitorDefault:TMonitorDefaultTo):TMonitor
1990: Func MonitorFromWindow(const Handle:THandle; MonitorDefault:TMonitorDefaultTo): TMonitor
1991: Func MonthOf( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1992: Func MonthOfTheYear( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
1993: Func MonthsBetween( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Int
1994: Func MonthSpan( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Double
1995: Func MonthStr( DateTime : TDateTime) :Str
1996: Func MouseCoord( X, Y : Int) : TGridCoord
1997: Func MOVEBY( DISTANCE : Int) : Int
1998: Func MoveFile( Source, Dest :Str; Flags : FILEOP_FLAGS) :Bool
1999: Func MoveNext :Bool
2000: Func MSecsToTimeStamp( MSecs : Comp) : TTimeStamp
2001: Func MSecsToTimeStamp(MSecs: Comp): TTimeStamp)
2002: Func Name :Str
2003: Func NetPresentValue(const Rate:Extended;const CashFlows:array of Double;PaymentTime:TPaymentTime):Extended
2004: Func NetworkVolume(DriveChar: Char):Str
2005: Func NEWBOTTOMLINE : Int
2006: Func NewCompareNode(Field: TField;Operator:TCANOperator; const Value:Variant) : PExprNode
2009: Func NEWMENU( OWNER : TCOMPONENT;const ANAME:str;ITEMS: array of TMenuItem): TMAINMENU
2010: Func NewNode(Kind: TExprNodeKind;Operator:TCANOperator;const Data:Variant;Left,Right:PExprNode):PExprNode
2012: Func NewState( eType : TniRegularExpressionStateType) : TniRegularExpressionState
2013: Func NEWSUBMENU(const ACAPT:str;HCTX:WORD;const ANAME:str;ITEMS:array of TMenuItem;AENABLED:BOOL):
2014: Func NEWTOPLINE : Int
2015: Func Next : TIdAuthWhatsNext
2016: Func NextCharIndex( S :Str; Index : Int) : Int
2017: Func NextRecordSet : TCustomSQLDataSet

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2018: Func NextRecordset( var RecordsAffected : Int) : _Recordset

2019: Func NextSQLToken1(var p: WideChar;out Token:WideString;CurSection:TSQLToken):TSQLToken;
2020: Func NextToken : Char
2021: Func nextToken : WideString
2022: Func NextToken:Char
2023: Func Norm( const Data : array of Double) : Extended
2024: Func NormalizeAngle( const Angle : Extended) : Extended
2025: Func NormalizeBcd(const InBcd TBcd;var OutBcd:TBcd;const Prec,Scale Word):Bool
2026: Func NormalizeRect( const Rect : TRect) : TRect
2027: Func NormalizeRect(const Rect: TRect): TRect;
2028: Func Now :TDateTime
2029: Func Now2:tDateTime
2030: Func NumProcessThreads:Int
2031: Func NumThreadCount : Int
2032: Func NthDayOfWeek( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
2033: Func NtProductType : TNtProductType
2034: Func NtProductTypeString :Str
2035: Func Null: Variant;
2036: Func NullPoint : TPoint
2037: Func NullRect : TRect
2038: Func Null2Blank(aString:str):str;
2039: Func NumberOfPeriods(const Rate:Extended;Payment:Extended;const PresentValue,
2040: Func NumIP:Int
2041: Func Odd(x: Longint):Bool;
2042: Func OffsetFromUTC : TDateTime
2043: Func OffsetPoint( const P, Offset : TPoint) : TPoint
2044: Func OffsetRect( var Rect : TRect; DX : Int; DY : Int) :Bool
2045: Func OffsetRect(var Rect: TRect; DX:Int; DY:Int):Bool)
2046: Func OffsetToMaskOffset( const EditMask :Str; Offset : Int) : Int
2047: Func OkToChangeFieldAlignment( AField : TField; Alignment : TAlignment):Bool
2048: Func OldBCDToCurr( const BCD : TBcd; var Curr : Currency) :Bool
2049: Func OldCurrToBCD(const Curr:Currency;var BCD:TBcd;Precision:Int;Decimals:Int):Bool
2050: Func OpenBit:Int
2051: Func OpenDatabase : TDatabase
2052: Func OpenDatabase( const DatabaseName:str):TDatabase
2053: Proc OpenDir(adir:Str);
2054: Func OpenGLColorToWinColor( const Red, Green, Blue:Float):TColor
2055: Func OpenMap(const Data:Str):Bool;
2056: Func OpenMapX(const Data:Str):Bool;
2057: Func OpenObject( Value : PChar) :Bool;
2058: Func OpenObject1( Value :Str) :Bool;
2059: Proc Openweb('http://snippets.delphidabbler.com/#')
2060: Proc OpenURL( const AText : TKkString);
2061: Proc OpenWeb( const AText : TKkString);
2062: Proc OpenBrowser( const AText : TKkString);
2063: Func OpenSession( const SessionName :Str) : TSession
2064: Func OpenVolume( const Drive : Char) : THandle
2065: Func OrdFourByteToCardinal(AByte1, AByte2, AByte3, AByte4 : Byte):Card
2066: Func OrdFourByteToLongWord( AByte1, AByte2, AByte3, AByte4 : Byte): LongWord
2067: Func OrdToBinary( const Value: Byte) :Str;
2068: Func OrdToBinary1(const Value: Shortint) :Str;
2069: Func OrdToBinary2(const Value: Smallint) :Str;
2070: Func OrdToBinary3(const Value: Word) :Str;
2071: Func OrdToBinary4(const Value: Int) :Str;
2072: Func OrdToBinary5(const Value:Card) :Str;
2073: Func OrdToBinary6(const Value: Int64) :Str;
2074: Func OSCheck( RetVal :Bool) :Bool
2075: Func OSFileTypeToString( const OSFileType:DWORD;const OSFileSubType:DWORD):str
2076: Func OSIdentToString( const OSIdent : DWORD) :Str
2077: Func Output: Text)
2078: Func Overlay( ImageIndex : Int; Overlay : TOverlay):Boolean
2079: Func Owner : TCustomListView
2080: Func Owner : TPersistent
2081: Func PadInputLiterals(const EditMask:str;const Value:str;Blank:Char):str
2082: Func PadL( pStr :Str; pLth : Int) :Str
2083: Func Padl(s : AnyString;I : longInt) : AnyString;
2084: Func PadLCh( pStr :Str; pLth : Int; pChr : char) :Str
2085: Func PadR( pStr :Str; pLth : Int) :Str
2086: Func Padr(s : AnyString;I : longInt) : AnyString;
2087: Func PadRCh( pStr :Str; pLth : Int; pChr : char) :Str
2088: Func PadString(const AString:Str;const ALen:Int; const AChar:Char):str
2089: Func Padz(s : AnyString;I : longInt) : AnyString;
2090: Func PaethPredictor( a, b, c : Byte) : Byte
2091: Func PARAMBYNAME( const VALUE :Str) : TPARAM
2092: Func ParamByName( const Value : WideString): TParameter
2093: Func ParamCount: Int
2094: Func ParamsEncode( const ASrc :Str):Str
2095: Func ParamStr(Index: Int):Str)
2096: Func ParseDate( const DateStr :Str): TDateTime
2097: Func PARSESQL( SQL :Str; DOCREATE :Bool) :Str
2098: Func ParseSQL( SQL : WideString; DoCreate :Bool): WideString
2099: Func PathAddExtension( const Path, Extension :Str):str
2100: Func PathAddSeparator( const Path :Str) :Str
2101: Func PathAppend( const Path, Append :Str) :Str
2102: Func PathBuildRoot( const Drive : Byte) :Str
2103: Func PathCanonicalize( const Path :Str) :Str
2104: Func PathCommonPrefix( const Path1, Path2 :Str) : Int
2105: Func PathCompactPath(const DC:HDC;const Path:str;const Width:Int;CmpFmt:TCompactPath):str;

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2106: Func PathCompactPath1(const Canv:TCanvas;const Path:str;const Width:Int;CmpFmt:TCompactPath):str;

2107: Func PathEncode( const ASrc :Str) :Str
2108: Func PathExtractFileDirFixed( const S : Ansistr): Ansistr
2109: Func PathExtractFileNameNoExt( const Path :Str):Str
2110: Func PathExtractPathDepth( const Path :Str; Depth: Int):str
2111: Func PathGetDepth( const Path :Str): Int
2112: Func PathGetLongName( const Path :Str):Str
2113: Func PathGetLongName2( Path :Str):Str
2114: Func PathGetShortName( const Path :Str):Str
2115: Func PathIsAbsolute( const Path :Str): Bool
2116: Func PathIsChild( const Path, Base : Ansistr): Bool
2117: Func PathIsDiskDevice( const Path :Str): Bool
2118: Func PathIsUNC( const Path :Str) : Bool
2119: Func PathRemoveExtension( const Path:Str):Str
2120: Func PathRemoveSeparator( const Path:Str):Str
2121: Func Payment(Rate:Extended;NPeriods:Int;const PresentVal,
2122: Func Peek: Pointer
2123: Func Peek: TObject
2125: Func PeriodPayment(const Rate:Extended;Period,NPeriods:Int; const PresentValue,FutureValue:
2126: Func Permutation(npr, k: Int): extended;
2127: Func PermutationInt(npr, k: Int): Int64;
2128: Func PermutationJ( N, R :Card) : Float
2129: Func Pi : Extended;
2130: Func PiE : Extended;
2131: Func PixelsToDialogsX( const Pixels : Word) : Word
2132: Func PixelsToDialogsY( const Pixels : Word) : Word
2133: Func PlaySound(s: pchar; flag,syncflag: Int):Bool;
2134: Func Point( X, Y : Int) : TPoint
2135: Func Point(X, Y: Int): TPoint)
2136: Func PointAssign( const X, Y : Int) : TPoint
2137: Func PointDist( const P1, P2 : TPoint) : Double;
2138: Func PointDist(const P1,P2: TFloatPoint): Double;
2139: Func PointDist1( const P1, P2 : TFloatPoint) : Double;
2140: Func PointDist2(const P1,P2: TPoint): Double;
2141: Func PointEqual( const P1, P2 : TPoint) :Bool
2142: Func PointIsNull( const P : TPoint) :Bool
2143: Func PointToLineSegmentDist( const Point, LineP1, LineP2 : TFloatPoint): Double
2144: Func Poly( const X : Extended; const Coefficients : array of Double): Extended
2145: Func PortTCPIsOpen(dwPort : Word; ipAddressStr:Str):bool;
2146: Func IsTCPPortOpen(dwPort : Word; ipAddressStr:Str):bool;
2147: Func Pop : Pointer
2148: Func Pop : TObject
2149: Func PopnStdDev( const Data : array of Double) : Extended
2150: Func PopnVariance( const Data : array of Double) : Extended
2151: Func PopulationVariance( const X : TDynFloatArray) : Float
2152: Func Pos(SubStr, S: AnyString): Longint;
2153: Func PosEqual( const Rect : TRect) :Bool
2154: Func PosEx( const SubStr, S :Str; Offset : Int) : Int
2155: Func PosInSmallIntArray(const ASearchInt:SmallInt;AArray:array of SmallInt):Int
2156: Func PosInStrArray(const SearchStr:str;Contents:array of str;const CaseSensitive:Bool):Int
2157: Func Post1( AURL:str; const ASource : TStrings) :Str;
2158: Func Post2( AURL:str; const ASource : TStream) :Str;
2159: Func Post3( AURL:str; const ASource : TIdMultiPartFormDataStream) :Str;
2160: Func PostData( const UserData : WideString; const CheckSum : DWORD) :Bool
2161: Func PostData( const UserData : WideString; const CheckSum : Int):Bool
2162: Func PostMessage(hWnd:HWND;Msg:longword;wParam: ongint;lParam:longint):Bool;
2163: Func Power( const Base, Exponent : Extended) : Extended
2164: Func PowerBig(aval, n:Int):Str;
2165: Func PowerIntJ( const X : Float; N : Int) : Float;
2166: Func PowerJ( const Base, Exponent : Float) : Float;
2167: Func PowerOffOS :Bool
2168: Func PreformatDateString( Ps :Str) :Str
2169: Func PresentValue(const Rate:Extend;NPeriods:Int;const Payment,
2170: Func PrimeFactors( N :Card) : TDynCardinalArray
2171: Func Printer : TPrinter
2172: Func ProcessPath2(const ABasePath:str;const APath:str;const APathDelim:str):str
2173: Func ProcessResponse : TIdHTTPWhatsNext
2174: Func ProduceContent :Str
2175: Func ProduceContentFromStream( Stream : TStream) :Str
2176: Func ProduceContentFromString( const S :Str) :Str
2177: Func ProgIDToClassID(const ProgID:Str): TGUID;
2178: Func PromptDataLinkFile(ParentHandle:THandle;InitialFile:WideString):WideString
2179: Func PromptDataSource(ParentHandle:THandle;InitialString:WideString):WideString
2180: Func PromptForFileName(var AFileName:str;const AFilter:str;const ADefaultExt:str;const ATitle:str;const
2181: Func PromptForFileName(var AFileName:str;const AFilter:str;const ADefaultExt:str;const ATitle:str;const
2182: Func PSScriptNeedFile(Sender:TObject;const OrginFileName:Str;var FileName,Output:Str):Bool
2183: Func PtInRect( const Rect : TRect; const P : TPoint) :Bool
2184: Func PtInRect(const Rect: TRect; const P: TPoint):Bool)
2185: Func Push( AItem : Pointer) : Pointer
2186: Func Push( AObject : TObject) : TObject
2187: Func Put1( AURL :Str; const ASource : TStream) :Str;
2188: Func Pythagoras( const X, Y : Extended) : Extended
2189: Func queryDLLInterface( var queryList : TStringList) : TStringList

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2190: Func queryDLLInterfaceTwo( var queryList : TStringList) : TStringList

2191: Func QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult, CdStdCall
2192: Func queryPerformanceCounter2(mse: int64): int64;
2193: //Func QueryPerformanceCounter(var lpPerformanceCount: Int64): LongBool; stdcall;
2194: //Func QueryPerformanceFrequency(mse: int64):Bool;
2195: Func QueryPerformanceCounter(var lcount: Int64):Bool; stdcall;
2196: Func QueryPerformanceFrequency(var lfreq: int64):Bool; stdcall;
2197: Proc QueryPerformanceCounter1(var aC: Int64);
2198: Func QueryPerformanceFrequency1(var freq: int64):Bool;
2199: Func Quote( const ACommand :Str) : SmallInt
2200: Func QuotedStr( S :Str) :Str
2201: Func RadToCycle( const Radians : Extended) : Extended
2202: Func RadToDeg( const Radians : Extended) : Extended
2203: Func RadToDeg( const Value : Extended) : Extended;
2204: Func RadToDeg1(const Value : Double) : Double;
2205: Func RadToDeg2(const Value : Single) : Single;
2206: Func RadToGrad(const Radians : Extended) : Extended
2207: Func RadToGrad(const Value : Extended) : Extended;
2208: Func RadToGrad1( const Value : Double) : Double;
2209: Func RadToGrad2( const Value : Single) : Single;
2210: Func RandG( Mean, StdDev : Extended) : Extended
2211: Func Random(const ARange: Int): Int;
2212: Func random2(a: Int): double
2213: Func RandomE: Extended;
2214: Func RandomF: Extended;
2215: Func RandomFrom( const AValues : array of string):Str;
2216: Func RandomRange( const AFrom, ATo : Int) : Int
2217: Func randSeed: longint
2218: Proc setRandseed; //no params!
2219: Func RawToDataColumn( ACol : Int) : Int
2220: Func Read : Char
2221: Func Read( pv : Pointer; cb : Longint; pcbRead : PLongint) : HResult
2222: Func Read(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt):LongInt
2223: Func ReadBinaryStream( const Section, Name :Str; Value : TStream) : Int
2224: Func ReadBool( const Section, Ident :Str; Default :Bool) :Bool
2225: Func ReadCardinal( const AConvert :Bool) :Card
2226: Func ReadChar : Char
2227: Func ReadClient( var Buffer, Count : Int) : Int
2228: Func ReadDate( const Section, Name :Str; Default : TDateTime) : TDateTime
2229: Func ReadDateTime( const Section, Name :Str; Default : TDateTime) : TDateTime
2230: Func ReadFloat( const Section, Name :Str; Default : Double) : Double
2231: Func ReadFromStack(const ARaiseExceptfDiscon:Bool;ATimeout:Int;const ARaiseExceptTimeout:Bool):Int
2232: Func ReadInt( const AConvert :Bool) : Int
2233: Func ReadInt( const Section, Ident :Str; Default : Longint) : Longint
2234: Func ReadLn :Str
2235: Func ReadLn(ATerminator:Str;const ATimeout:Int;AMaxLineLength:Int):str
2236: Func Readln(question:Str):Str;
2237: Func readm:Str; //read last line in memo2 - console!
2238: Func ReadLnWait( AFailCount : Int) :Str
2239: Func ReadReg(Base: HKEY; KeyName, ValueName:Str):Str;
2240: Func ReadRegistry(Base: HKEY; KeyName, ValueName:Str):Str;
2241: Func ReadSmallInt( const AConvert :Bool) : SmallInt
2242: Func ReadString( const ABytes : Int) :Str
2243: Func ReadString( const Section, Ident, Default :Str) :Str
2244: Func ReadString( Count : Int) :Str
2245: Func ReadTime( const Section, Name :Str; Default : TDateTime) : TDateTime
2246: Func ReadTimeStampCounter : Int64
2247: Func RebootOS :Bool
2248: Func Receive( ATimeOut : Int) : TReplyStatus
2249: Func ReceiveBuf( var Buf, Count : Int) : Int
2250: Func ReceiveLength : Int
2251: Func ReceiveText :Str
2252: Func ReceiveSerialData(var Data: TByteArray; DataSize:Card):Card
2253: Func ReceiveSerialText:Str
2254: Func RecodeDate(const AValue:TDateTime;const AYear,AMonth,ADay:Word):TDateTime
2255: Func RecodeDateTime(const AValue:TDateTime;const AYear,AMonth,ADay,AHr,AMin,ASec,AMilliSec:Word):TDateTime
2256: Func RecodeDay( const AValue : TDateTime; const ADay : Word) : TDateTime
2257: Func RecodeHour( const AValue : TDateTime; const AHour : Word) : TDateTime
2258: Func RecodeMilliSecond(const AValue:TDateTime;const AMilliSecond:Word):TDateTime
2259: Func RecodeMinute( const AValue : TDateTime; const AMinute : Word) : TDateTime
2260: Func RecodeMonth( const AValue : TDateTime; const AMonth : Word) : TDateTime
2261: Func RecodeSecond( const AValue : TDateTime; const ASecond : Word) : TDateTime
2262: Func RecodeTime(const AValue:TDateTime;const AHour,AMinute,ASecd,AMilliSec:Word):TDateTime
2263: Func RecodeYear( const AValue : TDateTime; const AYear : Word) : TDateTime
2264: Func Reconcile( const Results : OleVariant) :Bool
2265: Func Rect( Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Int) : TRect
2266: Func Rect(ALeft: Int; ATop: Int; ARight: Int; ABottom: Int): TRect)
2267: Func Rect2( const ATopLeft, ABottomRight : TPoint) : TRect;
2268: Func RectAssign( const Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Int) : TRect
2269: Func RectAssignPoints( const TopLeft, BottomRight : TPoint) : TRect
2270: Func RectBounds( const Left, Top, Width, Height : Int) : TRect
2271: Func RectCenter( const R : TRect) : TPoint
2272: Func RectEqual( const R1, R2 : TRect) :Bool
2273: Func RectHeight( const R : TRect) : Int
2274: Func RectIncludesPoint( const R : TRect; const Pt : TPoint) :Bool
2275: Func RectIncludesRect( const R1, R2 : TRect) :Bool
2276: Func RectIntersection( const R1, R2 : TRect) : TRect
2277: Func RectIntersectRect( const R1, R2 : TRect) :Bool
2278: Func RectIsEmpty( const R : TRect) :Bool

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2279: Func RectIsNull( const R : TRect) :Bool

2280: Func RectIsSquare( const R : TRect) :Bool
2281: Func RectIsValid( const R : TRect) :Bool
2282: Func RectsAreValid( R : array of TRect) :Bool
2283: Func RectUnion( const R1, R2 : TRect) : TRect
2284: Func RectWidth( const R : TRect) : Int
2285: Func RedComponent( const Color32 : TColor32) : Int
2286: Func Refresh :Bool
2287: Func RefStringListCopy(aRefArray:TStringlist):TStringList;
2288: Func RegisterConversionFamily( const ADescription :Str) : TConvFamily
2289: Func RegisterConversionType(AConvTypeInfo: TConvTypeInfo; out AType : TConvType) :Bool;
2290: Func RegisterConversionType(const AFam:TConvFamil;const ADescr:str;const AFact:Double):TConvType
2291: Func RegistryRead(keyHandle: Longint; keyPath, myField:Str):Str;
2292: Func ReleaseDC(hdwnd: HWND; hdc: HDC): Int;
2293: Func ReleaseHandle : HBITMAP
2294: Func ReleaseHandle : HENHMETAFILE
2295: Func ReleaseHandle : HICON
2296: Func ReleasePalette : HPALETTE
2297: Func RemainderFloat( const X, Y : Float) : Float
2298: Func Remove(AClass : TClass) : Int
2299: Func Remove(AComponent : TComponent) : Int
2300: Func Remove(AItem : Int) : Int
2301: Func Remove(AItem : Pointer) : Pointer
2302: Func Remove(AItem : TObject) : TObject
2303: Func Remove(AObject : TObject) : Int
2304: Func RemoveBackslash( const PathName :Str) :Str
2305: Func RemoveDF( aString :Str) :Str //removes thousand separator
2306: Func RemoveDir( Dir :Str) :Bool
2307: Func RemoveDir(const Dir:Str):Bool)
2308: Func RemoveDirectory(PathName: PChar): WordBool; stdcall;
2309: Func RemoveFileExt( const FileName :Str) :Str
2310: Func RemoveHeaderEntry( AHeader, AEntry :Str) :Str
2311: Func RenameFile( OldName, NewName :Str) :Bool
2312: Func RenameFile(const OldName:Str; const NewName:Str):Bool)
2313: Func ReplaceStr( const AText, AFromText, AToText :Str) :Str
2314: Func ReplaceText( const AText, AFromText, AToText :Str):Str
2315: Func Replicate(c : char;I : longInt) :Str;
2316: Func Request : TWebRequest
2317: Func ResemblesText( const AText, AOther :Str):Bool
2318: Func Reset :Bool
2319: Func Reset2(mypath:Str): TStringlist //string;
2320: Func ResInstLoad(Instance:THandle;ResType:TResType;const Name:str;MaskColor:TColor):Bool
2321: Func ResourceLoad(ResType:TResType;const Name string;MaskColor:TColor):oolean
2322: Func Response : TWebResponse
2323: Func ResumeSupported :Bool
2325: Func RETHINKLINES :Bool
2326: Func Retrieve( const MsgNum : Int; AMsg : TIdMessage) :Bool
2327: Func RetrieveCurrentDir :Str
2328: Func RetrieveDeltas( const cdsArray : array of TClientDataset): Variant
2329: Func RetrieveHeader( const MsgNum : Int; AMsg : TIdMessage):Bool
2330: Func RetrieveMailBoxSize : Int
2331: Func RetrieveMsgSize( const MsgNum : Int) : Int
2332: Func RetrieveProviders( const cdsArray : array of TClientDataset): Variant
2333: Func RetrieveRaw( const MsgNum : Int; const Dest: TStrings):bool
2334: Func ReturnMIMEType( var MediaType, EncType :Str):Bool
2335: Func ReverseBits( Value:Byte) : Byte;
2336: Func ReverseBits1(Value:Shortint) : Shortint;
2337: Func ReverseBits2(Value:Smallint) : Smallint;
2338: Func ReverseBits3(Value:Word) : Word;
2339: Func ReverseBits4(Value:Card) :Card;
2340: Func ReverseBits4(Value:Int) : Int;
2341: Func ReverseBits5(Value:Int64) : Int64;
2342: Func ReverseBytes(Value:Word) : Word;
2343: Func ReverseBytes1(Value:Smallint):Smallint;
2344: Func ReverseBytes2(Value:Int): Int;
2345: Func ReverseBytes3(Value:Card):Card;
2346: Func ReverseBytes4(Value:Int64): Int64;
2347: Func ReverseString(const AText :Str) :Str
2348: Func ReverseDNSLookup(const IPAddrs:Str;DNSServer:Str;Timeout,Retries:Int;var HName:Str):Bool;
2349: Func Revert : HResult
2350: Func RGB(R,G,B: Byte): TColor;
2351: Func RGB2BGR( const Color : TColor) : TColor
2352: Func RGB2TColor( R, G, B : Byte) : TColor
2353: Func RGBToWebColorName( RGB : Int) :Str
2354: Func RGBToWebColorStr( RGB : Int) :Str
2355: Func RgbToHtml( Value : TColor) :Str
2356: Func HtmlToRgb(const Value:Str): TColor;
2357: Func RightStr(const AStr :Str; Len : Int) :Str
2358: Func RightStr(const AText : Ansistr; const ACount : Int): Ansistr;
2359: Func RightStr(const AText : WideString; const ACount : Int): WideString;
2360: Func ROL( AVal: LongWord; AShift : Byte): LongWord
2361: Func ROR( AVal: LongWord; AShift : Byte): LongWord
2362: Func RotatePoint(Point:TFloatPoint;const Center:TFloatPoint;const Angle:Float):TFloatPoint
2363: Func RotatePoint(Point:TFloatPoint;const Center:TFloatPoint;const Angle:Double):TFloatPoint;
2364: Func Round(e : Extended) : Longint;
2365: Func Round64(e: extended): Int64;
2366: Func RoundAt( const Value :Str; Position : SmallInt) :Str
2367: type TRoundToRange = -37..37; TRoundToEXRangeExtended = -20..20;

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2368: Func RoundTo(const AValue:Extende;const ADigit:TRoundToEXRangeExtended):Extended;;

2369: Func SimpleRoundTo(const AValue:Extended;const ADigit: TRoundToRange): Extended;;
2370: Func RoundFrequency( const Frequency : Int) : Int
2371: Func RoundInt( Value : Int; StepSize : Int) : Int
2372: Func RoundPoint( const X, Y : Double) : TPoint
2373: Func RoundRect( const ALeft, ATop, ARight,ABottom :Double):TRect
2374: Func RowCount : Int
2375: Func RowRequest(const Row:OleVariant;RequestType:Int;var OwnerData:OleVariant):OleVariant
2376: Func RowRequest( Row : OleVariant; Options : TFetchOptions) : OleVariant
2377: Func RPos( const ASub, AIn :Str; AStart : Int) : Int
2378: Func RRot( const Value : Byte; const Count : TBitRange) : Byte;
2379: Func RRot1( const Value : Word; const Count : TBitRange) : Word;
2380: Func RRot2( const Value : Int; const Count : TBitRange) : Int;
2381: Func RunDLL32(const ModuleNa,FuncName,CmdLine:str;WaitForCompletion:Bool;CmdShow:Int):Bool
2382: Func RunningProcessesList( const List : TStrings; FullPath :Bool) :Bool
2383: Func RunByteCode(Bytecode: Ansistr; out RuntimeErrors: Ansistr):Bool;;
2384: Func RunCompiledScript2(Bytecode: Ansistr;out RuntimeErrors:Ansistr): Bool;
2385: Func S_AddBackSlash( const ADirName :Str) :Str
2386: Func S_AllTrim( const cStr :Str) :Str
2387: Func S_AtRepl( const cAT, cStr, cRepl :Str) :Str
2388: Func S_Cut( const cStr :Str; const iLen : Int) :Str
2389: Func S_DecryptCRC32( const crc :Str; StartKey, MultKey, AddKey : Int): Int
2390: Func S_DirExists( const ADir :Str) :Bool
2391: Func S_Empty( const cStr :Str) :Bool
2392: Func S_EncryptCRC32(const crc:LongWORD;StartKey,MultKey,AddKey:Int):str
2393: Func S_LargeFontsActive :Bool
2394: Func S_LimitDigits( AValue : Extended; ANumDigits : Int) : Extended
2395: Func S_LTrim( const cStr :Str) :Str
2396: Func S_ReadNextTextLineFromStream( stream : TStream) :Str
2397: Func S_RepeatChar( const iLen : Int; const AChar : Char) :Str
2398: Func S_ReplFirst( const cAT, cStr, cRepl :Str) :Str
2399: Func S_RoundDecimal( AValue : Extended; APlaces : Int) : Extended
2400: Func S_RTrim( const cStr :Str) :Str
2401: Func S_RTrimCopy( const cStr :Str; iPos, iLen : Int) :Str
2402: //Type TS_ShellExecuteCmd = (seCmdOpen,seCmdPrint,seCmdExplore);
2403: Func S_ShellExecute(aFilename:str;aParameters:str;aCommand:TS_ShellExecuteCmd):str
2404: Func S_Space( const iLen : Int) :Str
2405: Func S_StrBlanks( const cStr :Str; const iLen : Int) :Str
2406: Func S_StrBlanksCuttooLong( const cStr :Str; const iLen : Int) :Str
2407: Func S_StrCRC32( const Text :Str) : LongWORD
2408: Func S_StrDecrypt96(const InString:Str;StartKey,MultKey,AddKey:Int):str
2409: Func S_StrEncrypt96(const InString:Str;StartKey,MultKey,AddKey:int):Str
2410: Func S_StringtoUTF_8( const AString :Str) :Str
2411: Func S_StrLBlanks( const cStr :Str; const iLen : Int) :Str
2412: Func S_StrToReal(const cStr:Str; var R: Double):Bool
2413: Func S_TokenEnd( cBuffer : PChar; lEmptyToken :Bool) :Bool
2414: Func S_TokenNext( cBuffer : PChar; lEmptyToken :Bool):Str
2415: Func S_UTF_8ToString( const AString :Str) :Str
2416: Func S_WBox( const AText :Str) : Int
2417: Func SameDate( const A, B : TDateTime) :Bool
2418: Func SameDate(const A, B: TDateTime):Bool;
2419: Func SameDateTime( const A, B : TDateTime) :Bool
2420: Func SameDateTime(const A, B: TDateTime):Bool;
2421: Func SameFileName( S1, S2 :Str) :Bool
2422: Func SameText( S1, S2 :Str) :Bool
2423: Func SameText(const S1:Str; const S2:Str):Bool)
2424: Func SameTime( const A, B : TDateTime) :Bool
2425: Func SameTime(const A, B: TDateTime):Bool;
2426: Func SameValue(const A, B: Extended; Epsilon: Extended):Bool //overload;
2427: Func SameValue1(const A, B: Double; Epsilon: Double):Bool //overload;
2428: Func SameValue2(const A, B: Single; Epsilon: Single):Bool //overload;
2429: Func SampleVariance( const X : TDynFloatArray) : Float
2430: Func Sar( const Value : Shortint; const Count : TBitRange) : Shortint;
2431: Func Sar1( const Value : Smallint; const Count : TBitRange) : Smallint;
2432: Func Sar2( const Value : Int; const Count : TBitRange) : Int;
2433: Func SaveToFile( const AFileName : TFileName) :Bool
2434: Func SaveAsExcelFile(AGrid:TStringGrid;ASheetName,AFileName:str;open:bool):Bool;
2435: Func SaveAsExcel(aGrid:TStringGrid;aSheetName,aFileName:str;openexcel:boolean):Bool;
2436: Func ScanF(const aformat:Str; const args: array of const):Str;
2438: Func SearchBuf(Buf:PChar;BufLen:Int;SelStart,
2439: Func SearchBuf2(Buf:str;SelStart,SelLength:Int;SearchString:str;Options:TStringSearchOptions):Int;
2440: Func SearchRecattr: Int;
2441: Func SearchRecExcludeAttr: Int;
2442: Func SearchRecFileSize64( const SearchRec: TSearchRec):Int64
2443: Func SearchRecname:Str;
2444: Func SearchRecsize: Int;
2445: Func SearchRecTime: Int;
2446: Func Sec( const X : Extended) : Extended
2447: Func Secant( const X : Extended) : Extended
2448: Func SecH( const X : Extended) : Extended
2449: Func SecondOf( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
2450: Func SecondOfTheDay( const AValue : TDateTime) : LongWord
2451: Func SecondOfTheHour( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
2452: Func SecondOfTheMinute( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
2453: Func SecondOfTheMonth( const AValue : TDateTime) : LongWord
2454: Func SecondOfTheWeek( const AValue : TDateTime) : LongWord
2455: Func SecondOfTheYear( const AValue : TDateTime) : LongWord

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2456: Func SecondsBetween( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Int64

2457: Func SecondSpan( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Double
2458: Func SectionExists( const Section :Str) :Bool
2459: Func Seek( const KeyValues : Variant; SeekOption : TSeekOption) :Bool
2460: Func Seek(dlibMove: Longint; dwOrigin: Longint; out libNewPosition : Largeint):HResult
2461: Func Seek(Offset:LongInt;Origin:Word):LongInt
2462: Func SelectDirectory(var Directory:str; Options:TSelectDirOpts;HelpCtx:Longint):Bool;
2463: Func SelectDirectory1(const Caption:str;const Root:WideString;var Directory:str;
2464: Func SelectImage(var AFileName:str;const Extensions,Filter:str):Boolean
2465: Func SendAppMessage(Msg:Card; WParam, LParam: Longint): Longint
2466: Func SendBuf( var Buf, Count : Int) : Int
2467: Func SendCmd( const AOut :Str; const AResponse : SmallInt) : SmallInt;
2468: Func SendCmd1( const AOut :Str; const AResponse : array of SmallInt) : SmallInt;
2469: Func SendKey( AppName :Str; Key : Char) :Bool
2470: Func SendMessage(hWnd: HWND; Msg: longword; wParam: longint; lParam: longint):Bool;
2471: Func SendStream( AStream : TStream) :Bool
2472: Func SendStreamThenDrop( AStream : TStream) :Bool
2473: Func SendText( const S :Str) : Int
2474: Func SendSerialData(Data: TByteArray; DataSize:Card):Card
2475: Func SendSerialText(Data:Str):Card
2476: Func Sent :Bool
2477: Func ServicesFilePath:Str
2478: Func SetAlpha( const Color32 : TColor32; NewAlpha : Int) : TColor32
2479: Func SetBit( const Value:Byte; const Bit : TBitRange) : Byte;
2480: Func SetBit1(const Value:Shortint; const Bit : TBitRange) : Shortint;
2481: Func SetBit2(const Value:Smallint; const Bit : TBitRange) : Smallint;
2482: Func SetBit3(const Value:Word; const Bit : TBitRange) : Word;
2483: Func SetBit4(const Value:Card; const Bit : TBitRange) Cardinal;
2484: Func SetBit4(const Value:Int; const Bit : TBitRange) : Int;
2485: Func SetBit5(const Value:Int64; const Bit : TBitRange) : Int64;
2486: Func SetClipboard( NewClipboard : TClipboard) : TClipboard
2487: Func SetColorBlue( const Color : TColor; const Blue : Byte) : TColor
2488: Func SetColorFlag( const Color : TColor; const Flag : Byte) : TColor
2489: Func SetColorGreen( const Color : TColor; const Green : Byte) : TColor
2490: Func SetColorRed( const Color : TColor; const Red : Byte) : TColor
2491: Func SetCurrentDir( Dir :Str) :Bool
2492: Func SetCurrentDir(const Dir:Str):Bool)
2493: Func SetCurrentDirectory(PathName: PChar): WordBool; stdcall;
2494: Func SetDirCreation( const DirName :Str; const DateTime : TDateTime):Bool
2495: Func SetDirLastAccess(const DirName:str;const DateTime: TDateTime) : Bool
2496: Func SetDirLastWrite(const DirName:str; const DateTime : TDateTime): Bool
2497: Func SetDisplayResolution( const XRes, YRes : DWORD) : Longint
2498: Func SetEndOfFile(Handle: Int): LongBool; stdcall;
2499: Func SetEnvironmentVar( const Name, Value :Str) :Bool
2500: Func SetErrorProc( ErrorProc : TSocketErrorProc) : TSocketErrorProc
2501: Func SetFileCreation(const FileName:str; const DateTime : TDateTime): Bool
2502: Func SetFileLastAccess( const FileName:str; const DateTime:TDateTime): Bool
2503: Func SetFileLastWrite(const FileName:str;const DateTime:TDateTime):BoolFunc SetFileTimeStamp(const
2505: Func SetLocalTime( Value : TDateTime) :Bool
2506: Func SetPrecisionTolerance( NewTolerance : Float) : Float
2507: Func SetPrinter( NewPrinter : TPrinter) : TPrinter
2508: Func SetPrivilege(privilegeName:Str; enable:Bool):Bool;
2509: Func SetRGBValue( const Red, Green, Blue : Byte) : TColor
2510: Func SetSequence( S, Localizar, Substituir : shortstring): shortstring
2511: Func SetSize( libNewSize : Longint) : HResult
2512: Func SetUserObjectFullAccess( hUserObject : THandle) :Bool
2513: Func Sgn( const X : Extended) : Int
2514: Func SHA1(const fileName:Str):Str;
2515: Func SHA256(astr:Str; amode: char):Str)
2516: Func SHA512(astr:Str; amode: char):Str)
2517: Func ShareMemoryManager :Bool
2518: Func ShellExecute(hWnd:HWND;Operation,FileN,Parameters,Dir:str;ShowCmd:Int):Int;stdcall;
2519: Func Shellexecute2(hwnd: HWND; const FileName:Str):Int; stdcall;
2520: Func ShellExecute3(aFilename:str;aParameters:str;aCommand:TS_ShellExecuteCmd):str;
2523: Func ShortDateFormat:str;
2524: Func ShortenString(const DC:HDC;const S:WideString;const Width:Int;const
2525: Func ShortTimeFormat:Str;
2526: Func SHOWMODAL:Int
2527: Func
2528: Func ShowModalPanel(aPnl:TCustomPanel;Titl:str;ShowCloseIcn:Bool;BefShowModal:TNotifyEvent):TModalResult;
2529: Func ShowWindow(C1: HWND; C2: Int):Bool;
2530: Proc ShowMemory //in Dialog
2531: Func ShowMemory2:Str;
2532: Func ShutDownOS :Bool
2533: Func Signe( const X, Y : Extended) : Extended
2534: Func Sign( const X : Extended) : Int
2535: Func Sin(e : Extended) : Extended;
2536: //Assuming trigonometric arguments in degrees //| Use instead
2537: PrintF('in deg: %.18f',[sin(degtorad(60.0))]); //0.866025403784438647
2538: Func sinc( const x : Double) : Double
2539: Func SinJ( X : Float) : Float
2540: Func Size( const AFileName :Str) : Int

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2541: Func SizeOf: Longint;

2542: Func SizeofResource( ModuleHandle : HMODULE; ResHandle: TResourceHandle): Int
2543: Func SlashSep(const Path, S:Str):Str
2544: Func SLNDepreciation( const Cost, Salvage : Extended; Life : Int) : Extended
2545: Func SleepEx( dwMilliseconds : DWORD; bAlertable : BOOL) : DWORD
2546: Func SmallPoint(X, Y: Int): TSmallPoint)
2547: Func Soundex( const AText :Str; ALength : TSoundexLength) :Str
2548: Func SoundexCompare( const AText, AOther :Str; ALength : TSoundexLength) : Int
2549: Func SoundexInt( const AText :Str; ALength : TSoundexIntLength) : Int
2550: Func SoundexProc( const AText, AOther :Str) :Bool
2551: Func SoundexSimilar(const AText,AOther:str;ALength:TSoundexLength):Boolean
2552: Func SoundexWord( const AText :Str) : Word
2553: Func SourcePos : Longint
2554: Func SourcePos:LongInt
2555: Func Split0( Str :Str; const substr :Str) : TStringList
2556: Proc SplitNameValue( const Line :Str; var Name, Value :Str)
2557: Func SQLRequiresParams( const SQL : WideString) :Bool
2558: Func Sqr(e : Extended) : Extended;
2559: Func Sqrt(e : Extended) : Extended;
2560: Func StartIP :Str
2561: Func StartPan( WndHandle : THandle; AControl : TControl) :Bool
2562: Func StartOfADay( const AYear, AMonth, ADay : Word) : TDateTime;
2563: Func StartOfADay1( const AYear, ADayOfYear : Word) : TDateTime;
2564: Func StartOfAMonth( const AYear, AMonth : Word) : TDateTime
2565: Func StartOfAWeek( const AYear, AWeekOfYear : Word; const ADayOfWeek:Word):TDateTime
2566: Func StartOfAYear( const AYear : Word) : TDateTime
2567: Func StartOfTheDay( const AValue : TDateTime) : TDateTime
2568: Func StartOfTheMonth( const AValue : TDateTime) : TDateTime
2569: Func StartOfTheWeek( const AValue : TDateTime) : TDateTime
2570: Func StartOfTheYear( const AValue : TDateTime) : TDateTime
2571: Func StartsStr( const ASubText, AText :Str) :Bool
2572: Func StartsText( const ASubText, AText :Str) :Bool
2573: Func StartsWith( const ANSIStr, APattern :Str) :Bool
2574: Func StartsWith( const str :Str; const sub :Str) :Bool
2575: Func StartsWithACE( const ABytes : TIdBytes) :Bool
2576: Func StatusString( StatusCode : Int) :Str
2577: Func StdDev( const Data : array of Double) : Extended
2578: Func Stop : Float
2579: Func StopCount( var Counter : TJclCounter) : Float
2580: Func StoreColumns :Bool
2581: Func StrAfter( const sString :Str; const sDelimiters :Str):Str;
2582: Func StrAfter1(const sString:str; const sDelimiters:str;out cDelimiter:char):str;
2583: Func StrAlloc( Size :Card) : PChar
2584: Func StrAlloc(Size:Card): PChar)
2585: Func StrBefore( const sString :Str; const sDelimiters :Str) :Str;
2586: Func StrBefore1(const sString:str;const sDelimiters:str;out cDelimiter:char):str;
2587: Func StrBufSize( Str : PChar) :Card
2588: Func StrBufSize(const Str: PChar):Card)
2589: Func StrByteType( Str : PChar; Index :Card) : TMbcsByteType
2590: Func StrByteType(Str: PChar; Index:Card): TMbcsByteType)
2591: Func StrCat( Dest : PChar; Source : PChar) : PChar
2592: Func StrCat(Dest: PChar; const Source: PChar): PChar)
2593: Func StrCharLength( Str : PChar) : Int
2594: Func StrComp( Str1, Str2 : PChar) : Int
2595: Func StrComp(const Str1: PChar; const Str2: PChar): Int)
2596: Func StrCopy( Dest : PChar; Source : PChar) : PChar
2597: Func StrCopy(Dest: PChar; const Source: PChar): PChar)
2598: Func Stream_to_Ansistr( Source : TStream) : Ansistr
2599: Func Stream_to_Base64( Source : TStream) : Ansistr
2600: Func Stream_to_decimalbytes( Source : TStream) :Str
2601: Func Stream2WideString( oStream : TStream) : WideString
2602: Func StreamtoAnsistr( Source : TStream) : Ansistr
2603: Func StreamToByte( Source : TStream) :Str
2604: Func StreamToDecimalbytes( Source : TStream) :Str
2605: Func StreamtoOrd( Source : TStream) :Str
2606: Func StreamToString( Source: TStream) :Str
2607: Func StreamToString2(Source: TStream) :Str
2608: Func StreamToString3(Source: TStream) :Str
2609: Func StreamToString4(Source: TStream) :Str
2610: Func StrECopy( Dest : PChar; Source : PChar) : PChar
2611: Func StrEmpty( const sString :Str) :Bool
2612: Func StrEnd( Str : PChar) : PChar
2613: Func StrEnd(const Str: PChar): PChar)
2614: Func StrFilter( const sString :Str; xValidChars : TCharSet) :Str
2615: Func StrFmt(Buffer, Format: PChar; const Args: array of const): PChar)
2616: Func StrGet(var S :Str; I : Int) : Char;
2617: Func StrGet2(S :Str; I : Int) : Char;
2618: Func StrHasPrefix( const sString :Str; const sPrefix :Str) :Bool
2619: Func StrHasSuffix( const sString :Str; const sSuffix :Str) :Bool
2620: Func StrHtmlDecode( const AStr :Str) :Str
2621: Func StrHtmlEncode( const AStr :Str) :Str
2622: Func StrToBytes(const Value:Str): TBytes;
2623: Func StrIComp( Str1, Str2 : PChar) : Int
2624: Func StringOfChar(c : char;I : longInt) :Str;
2625: Func StringOfChar2( ch : WideChar; Count : Int) : WideString;
2626: Func StringPad(InputStr,FillChar:Str; StrLen:Int; StrJustify:Boolean):Str;
2627: Func StringRefCount(const s:Str): Int;
2628: Func StringReplace(S,OldPattern,NewPattern:str;Flags:TReplaceFlags):str
2629: Func JStringReplace(const S,OldPattern, NewPattern:Str; Flags : TReplaceFlags):str

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2630: Func StringReplace(const SourceString,OldPattern,NewPattern:str;Flags:TReplaceFlags):str;

2631: Func StringRemove( const S, Pattern :Str; Flags : TReplaceFlags) :Str
2632: Func StringToBoolean( const Ps :Str) :Bool
2633: Func StringToColor(const S:Str): TColor)
2634: Func StringToCursor(const S:Str): TCursor;
2635: Func StringToGUID(const S:Str): TGUID)
2636: Func StringTokenizer( const str :Str; const delim :Str) : IStringTokenizer
2637: Func StringToStringArray( const str :Str; const delim:Str): TStringDynArray
2638: Func StringWidth( S :Str) : Int
2639: Func StrInternetToDateTime( Value :Str) : TDateTime
2640: Func StrIsDateTime( const Ps :Str) :Bool
2641: Func StrIsFloatMoney( const Ps :Str) :Bool
2642: Func StrIsInt( const S :Str) :Bool
2643: Func StrLCat( Dest : PChar; Source : PChar; MaxLen :Card) : PChar
2644: Func StrLComp( Str1, Str2 : PChar; MaxLen :Card) : Int
2645: Func StrLCopy( Dest : PChar; Source : PChar; MaxLen :Card) : PChar
2646: Func StrLen( Str : PChar) :Card
2647: Func StrLen(const Str: PChar):Card)
2648: Func StrLessPrefix( const sString :Str; const sPrefix:Str):Str
2649: Func StrLessSuffix( const sString :Str; const sSuffix:Str):Str
2650: Func StrLIComp( Str1, Str2 : PChar; MaxLen :Card) : Int
2651: Func StrLower( Str : PChar) : PChar
2652: Func StrMove( Dest : PChar; Source : PChar; Count :Card) : PChar
2653: Func StrMove(Dest: PChar; const Source: PChar; Count:Card): PChar)
2654: Func StrNew( Str : PChar) : PChar
2655: Func StrNew(const Str: PChar): PChar)
2656: Func StrNextChar( Str : PChar) : PChar
2657: Func StrPad( const sString:str;const sPad:str;const iLength:Int):Str
2658: Func StrParse( var sString :Str; const sDelimiters :Str) :Str;
2659: Func StrParse1(var sString:str;const sDelimiters:str;out cDelimiter:char) string;
2660: Func StrPas( Str : PChar) :Str
2661: Func StrPas(const Str: PChar):Str)
2662: Func StrPCopy( Dest : PChar; Source :Str) : PChar
2663: Func StrPCopy(Dest: PChar; const Source:Str): PChar)
2664: Func StrPLCopy( Dest : PChar; Source :Str; MaxLen :Card) : PChar
2665: Func StrPos( Str1, Str2 : PChar) : PChar
2666: Func StrScan(const Str: PChar; Chr: Char): PChar)
2667: Func StrRScan(const Str: PChar; Chr: Char): PChar)
2668: Func StrToBcd( const AValue :Str) : TBcd
2669: Func StrToBool( S :Str) :Bool
2670: Func StrToBoolDef( S :Str; Default :Bool) :Bool
2671: Func StrToCard( const AStr :Str) :Card
2672: Func StrToConv( AText :Str; out AType : TConvType) : Double
2673: Func StrToCurr( S :Str) : Currency;
2674: Func StrToCurr(const S:Str): Currency)
2675: Func StrToCurrDef( S :Str; Default : Currency) : Currency;
2676: Func StrToDate( S :Str) : TDateTime;
2677: Func StrToDate(const s:Str): TDateTime;
2678: Func StrToDateDef( S :Str; Default : TDateTime) : TDateTime;
2679: Func StrToDateTime( S :Str) : TDateTime;
2680: Func StrToDateTime(const S:Str): TDateTime)
2681: Func StrToDateTimeDef( S :Str; Default : TDateTime) : TDateTime;
2682: Func StrToDay( const ADay :Str) : Byte
2683: Func StrToFloat( S :Str) : Extended;
2684: Func StrToFloat(s:Str): Extended;
2685: Func StrToFloatDef( S :Str; Default : Extended) : Extended;
2686: Func StrToFloatDef(const S:Str; const Default: Extended): Extended)
2687: Func StrToFloat( S :Str) : Extended;
2688: Func StrToFloat2( S :Str; FormatSettings : TFormatSettings) : Extended;
2689: Func StrToFloatDef( S :Str; Default : Extended) : Extended;
2690: Func StrToFloatDef2(S:str;Default:Extended;FormatSettings:TFormatSettings):Extended;
2691: Func StrToCurr( S :Str) : Currency;
2692: Func StrToCurr2( S :Str; FormatSettings : TFormatSettings) : Currency;
2693: Func StrToCurrDef( S :Str; Default : Currency) : Currency;
2694: Func StrToCurrDef2(S:str; Default:Currency; FormatSettings:TFormatSettings):Currency;
2695: Func StrToTime2( S :Str; FormatSettings : TFormatSettings): TDateTime;
2696: Func StrToTimeDef( S :Str; Default : TDateTime) : TDateTime;
2697: Func StrToTimeDef2(S:str; Default:TDateTime;FormatSettings:TFormatSettings):TDateTime;
2698: Func TryStrToTime( S :Str; Value : TDateTime) :Bool;
2699: Func StrToDateTime( S :Str) : TDateTime;
2700: Func StrToDateTime2( S :Str; FormatSettings : TFormatSettings) : TDateTime;
2701: Func StrToDateTimeDef( S :Str; Default : TDateTime) : TDateTime;
2702: Func StrToFloatRegionalIndependent(aValue:str;aDecimalSymbol:Char;aDigitGroupSymbol:Char):Extended
2703: Func StrToInt( S :Str) : Int
2704: Func StrToInt(s:Str): Longint;
2705: Func StrToInt64( S :Str) : Int64
2706: Func StrToInt64(s:Str): int64;
2707: Func StrToInt64Def( S :Str; Default : Int64) : Int64
2708: Func StrToInt64Def(const S:Str; const Default: Int64):Int64)
2709: Func StrToIntDef( S :Str; Default : Int) : Int
2710: Func StrToIntDef(const S:Str; Default: Int): Int)
2711: Func StrToIntDef(s:Str; def: Longint): Longint;
2712: Func StrToMonth( const AMonth :Str) : Byte
2713: Func StrToTime( S :Str) : TDateTime;
2714: Func StrToTime(const S:Str): TDateTime)
2715: Func StrToTimeDef( S :Str; Default : TDateTime) : TDateTime;
2716: Func StrToWord( const Value :Str) : Word
2717: Func StrToXmlDate( const DateStr :Str; const Format :Str) :Str
2718: Func StrToXmlDateTime( const DateStr :Str; const Format :Str) :Str

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2719: Func StrToXmlTime( const TimeStr :Str; const Format :Str) :Str
2720: Func StrUpper( Str : PChar) : PChar
2721: Func StuffString(const AText:str;AStart, ALength:Card;const ASubText:str):str
2722: Func Sum( const Data : array of Double) : Extended
2723: Func SumFloatArray( const B : TDynFloatArray) : Float
2724: Func SumInt( const Data : array of Int) : Int
2725: Func SumOfSquares( const Data : array of Double) : Extended
2726: Func SumPairProductFloatArray( const X, Y : TDynFloatArray) : Float
2727: Func SumSquareDiffFloatArray( const B : TDynFloatArray; Diff : Float) : Float
2728: Func SumSquareFloatArray( const B : TDynFloatArray) : Float
2729: Func Supports( CursorOptions : TCursorOptions) :Bool
2730: Func SupportsClipboardFormat( AFormat : Word) :Bool
2731: Func SwapWord(w : word): word)
2732: Func SwapInt(i : Int): Int)
2733: Func SwapLong(L : longint): longint)
2734: Func Swap(i : Int): Int)
2735: Func SYDDepreciation(const Cost,Salvage:Extended;Life,Period:Int): Extended
2736: Func SyncTime :Bool
2737: Func SysErrorMessage( ErrorCode : Int) :Str
2738: Func SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode: Int):Str)
2739: Func SystemTimeToDateTime( SystemTime : TSystemTime) : TDateTime
2740: Func SystemTimeToDateTime(const SystemTime: TSystemTime): TDateTime;
2741: Func SysStringLen(const S: WideString): Int; stdcall;
2742: Func TabRect( Index : Int) : TRect
2743: Func Tan( const X : Extended) : Extended
2744: Func TaskMessageDlg(const Title,Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint):Int;
2745: Func TaskMessageDlg1(const Title,Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:TMsgDlgButtons;
2746: Func TaskMessageDlgPos(const Title,Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Bts:TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint;X,
2747: Func TaskMessageDlgPos1(const Title,Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint;X,
2748: Func TaskMessageDlgPosHelp(const Title,Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons:
TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint;X,Y:Int;const HelpFileName:str): Int;
2749: Func TaskMessageDlgPosHelp1(const Title, Msg:str;DlgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons :
TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint;X,Y:Int;const HelpFileName:str;DefaultButton:TMsgDlgBtn):Int;
2750: Func TenToY( const Y : Float) : Float
2751: Func TerminateApp( ProcessID : DWORD; Timeout : Int) : TJclTerminateAppResult
2752: Func TerminateTask( Wnd : HWND; Timeout : Int) : TJclTerminateAppResult
2753: Func TestBit( const Value:Byte; const Bit : TBitRange) : Bool;
2754: Func TestBit2(const Value:Shortint; const Bit : TBitRange): Bool;
2755: Func TestBit3(const Value:Smallint; const Bit : TBitRange): Bool;
2756: Func TestBit4(const Value:Word; const Bit : TBitRange):Bool;
2757: Func TestBit5(const Value:Card; const Bit : TBitRange): Bool;
2758: Func TestBit6(const Value:Int; const Bit : TBitRange): Bool;
2759: Func TestBit7(const Value:Int64; const Bit : TBitRange): Bool;
2760: Func TestBits(const Value, Mask:Byte) :Bool;
2761: Func TestBits1(const Value,Mask:Shortint) :Bool;
2762: Func TestBits2(const Value,Mask:Smallint) :Bool;
2763: Func TestBits3(const Value,Mask:Word) :Bool;
2764: Func TestBits4(const Value,Mask:Card) :Bool;
2765: Func TestBits5(const Value,Mask:Int) :Bool;
2766: Func TestBits6(const Value,Mask:Int64) :Bool;
2767: Func TestFDIVInstruction :Bool
2768: Func TestStreamFormat(Stream: TStream): TStreamOriginalFormat
2769: Func TextExtent( const Text :Str) : TSize
2770: Func TextHeight(Text:Str): Int;
2771: Func TextIsSame( const A1 :Str; const A2 :Str) :Bool
2772: Func TextStartsWith( const S, SubS :Str) :Bool
2773: Func TextToFloat(Buffer: PChar; var Value: Extended; ValueType: TFloatValue):Boolean)
2774: Func ConvInt(i : Int):str;
2775: Func IntToText(i : Int):str;
2777: Func TextWidth(Text:Str): Int;
2778: Func ThreadCount : Int
2779: Func ThousandSeparator: char;
2780: Func Ticks :Card
2781: Func Time : TDateTime
2782: Func Time: TDateTime;
2783: Func TimeGetTime: int64;
2784: Func TimeOf( const AValue:TDateTime):TDateTime
2785: Func TimeSeparator: char;
2786: Func TimeStampToDateTime(const TimeStamp: TTimeStamp): TDateTime
2787: Func TimeStampToMSecs( TimeStamp : TTimeStamp) : Comp
2788: Func TimeStampToMSecs(const TimeStamp: TTimeStamp): Comp)
2789: Func TimeToStr( DateTime : TDateTime) :Str;
2790: Func TimeToStr(const DateTime: TDateTime):Str;
2791: Func TimeZoneBias : TDateTime
2792: Func ToCommon( const AValue : Double) : Double
2793: Func ToCommon(const AValue: Double): Double;
2794: Func Today : TDateTime
2795: Func ToggleBit( const Value:Byte; const Bit : TBitRange) : Byte;
2796: Func ToggleBit1(const Value:Shortint; const Bit : TBitRange): Shortint;
2797: Func ToggleBit2(const Value:Smallint; const Bit : TBitRange): Smallint;
2798: Func ToggleBit3(const Value:Word; const Bit : TBitRange) : Word;
2799: Func ToggleBit4(const Value:Card; const Bit : TBitRange):Card;
2800: Func ToggleBit5(const Value:Int; const Bit : TBitRange) : Int;
2801: Func ToggleBit6(const Value:Int64; const Bit : TBitRange) : Int64;
2802: Func TokenComponentIdent:str

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2803: Func TokenFloat : Extended

2804: Func TokenFloat:Extended
2805: Func TokenInt : Longint
2806: Func TokenInt:LongInt
2807: Func TokenString :Str
2808: Func TokenString:str
2809: Func TokenSymbolIs( const S :Str) :Bool
2810: Func TokenSymbolIs(S:str):Boolean
2811: Func Tomorrow : TDateTime
2812: Func ToRightOf( const pc : TControl; piSpace : Int) : Int
2813: Func ToString :Str
2814: Func TotalVariance( const Data : array of Double) : Extended
2815: Func Trace2( AURL :Str) :Str;
2816: Func TrackMenu( Button : TToolButton) :Bool
2817: Func TRANSLATE( SRC, DEST : PCHAR; TOOEM :Bool) : Int
2818: Func TranslateURI( const URI :Str) :Str
2819: Func TranslationMatchesLanguages( Exact :Bool) :Bool
2820: Func TransparentStretchBlt(DstDC:HDC;DstX,DstY,DstW,DstH:Int;SrcDC:HDC;SrcX,SrcY,SrcW,
SrcH:Int;MaskDC:HDC;MaskX, MaskY:Int):Bool
2821: Func Trim( S :Str) :Str;
2822: Func Blank( S :Str) :Str; //alias to Trim
2823: Func Trim( S : WideString) : WideString;
2824: Func Trim(s : AnyString) : AnyString;
2825: Func TrimAllOf( ATrim, AText :Str):str
2826: Func TrimLeft( S :Str) :Str;
2827: Func TrimLeft( S : WideString) : WideString;
2828: Func TrimLeft(const S:Str):Str)
2829: Func TrimRight( S:Str) :Str;
2830: Func TrimRight( S: WideString) : WideString;
2831: Func TrimRight(const S:Str):Str)
2832: Func TrueBoolStrs: array of string
2833: Func Trunc(e : Extended) : Longint;
2834: Func Trunc64(e: extended): Int64;
2835: Func TruncPower( const Base, Exponent : Float) : Float
2836: Func TryConvTypeToFamily(const AFrom,ATo:TConvType; out AFamily:TConvFamily):Bool;
2837: Func TryConvTypeToFamily1(const AType:TConvType;out AFamily:TConvFamily):Bool;
2838: Func TryEncodeDate(Year, Month, Day: Word; var Date: TDateTime):Bool;
2839: Func TryEncodeDateDay(const AYear,ADayOfYear:Word out AValue:TDateTime): Bool
2840: Func TryEncodeDateMonthWeek(const AY,AMonth,AWeekOfMonth,ADayOfWeek:Word;var AValue:TDateTime):Bool
2841: Func TryEncodeDateTime(const AYear,AMonth,ADay,AHour,AMin,ASec,AMilliSecond:Word;out AValue:TDateTime):Bool
2842: Func TryEncodeDateWeek(const AY,AWeekOfYear:Word;out AValue:TDateTime;const ADayOfWeek:Word):Bool
2843: Func TryEncodeDayOfWeekInMonth(const AYear,AMonth,ANthDayOfWeek,ADayOfWeek:Word;out AVal:TDateTime):Bool
2844: Func TryEncodeTime(Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word; var Time: TDateTime):Bool;
2845: Func TryFloatToDateTime( Value : Extended; AResult : TDateTime) :Bool
2846: Func TryJulianDateToDateTime( const AValue : Double; out ADateTime : TDateTime) :Bool
2847: Func TryLock :Bool
2848: Func TryModifiedJulianDateToDateTime(const AValue:Double;out ADateTime:TDateTime):Boolean
2849: Func TryRecodeDateTime(const AValue:TDateTime;const AYear,AMonth,ADay,AHour,AMinute,ASecond,
AMilliSecond:Word; out AResult:TDateTime):Boolean
2850: Func TryStrToBcd( const AValue :Str; var Bcd : TBcd) :Bool
2851: Func TryStrToConv( AText :Str; out AValue : Double; out AType : TConvType) :Bool
2852: Func TryStrToDate( S :Str; Value : TDateTime) :Bool;
2853: Func TryStrToDateTime( S :Str; Value : TDateTime) :Bool;
2854: Func TryStrToTime( S :Str; Value : TDateTime) :Bool;
2855: Func TryStrToInt(const S: Ansistr; var I: Int):Bool;
2856: Func TryStrToInt64(const S: Ansistr; var I: Int64):Bool;
2857: Func TryStrToBool(const S:Str; out Value:Bool):Bool;
2858: Func TwoByteToWord( AByte1, AByte2 : Byte) : Word
2859: Func TwoCharToWord( AChar1, AChar2 : Char) : Word
2860: Func TwoToY( const Y : Float) : Float
2861: Func UCS4StringToWideString( const S : UCS4String) : WideString
2862: Func UIDL( const ADest : TStrings; const AMsgNum : Int) :Bool
2863: Func Unassigned: Variant;
2864: Func UndoLastChange( FollowChange :Bool) :Bool
2865: Func UniCodeToStr(Value:Str):Str;
2866: Func UnionRect( out Rect : TRect; const R1, R2 : TRect) :Bool
2867: Func UnionRect(out Rect: TRect; const R1, R2: TRect):Bool)
2868: Func UnixDateTimeToDelphiDateTime( UnixDateTime :Card) : TDateTime
2869: Func UnixPathToDosPath( const Path :Str) :Str
2870: Func UnixToDateTime( const AValue : Int64) : TDateTime
2871: Func UnixToDateTime(U: Int64): TDateTime;
2872: Func UnlockRegion(libOffset Longint;cb: Largeint;dwLockType:Longint):HResult
2873: Func UnlockResource( ResData : HGLOBAL) : LongBool
2874: Func UnlockVolume( var Handle : THandle) :Bool
2875: Func UnMaskString( Mask, Value :Str) :Str
2876: Func UpCase(ch : Char ) : Char;
2877: Func UpCaseFirst( const AStr :Str) :Str
2878: Func UpCaseFirstWord( const AStr :Str) :Str
2879: Func UpdateAction( Action : TBasicAction) :Bool
2880: Func UpdateKind : TUpdateKind
2882: Func UpperCase( S :Str) :Str
2883: Func Uppercase(s : AnyString) : AnyString;
2884: Func URLDecode( ASrc :Str) :Str
2885: Func URLEncode( const ASrc :Str) :Str
2886: Func UseRightToLeftAlignment :Bool
2887: Func UseRightToLeftAlignmentForField(const AField:TField;Alignment:TAlignment):Bool
2888: Func UseRightToLeftReading :Bool
2889: Func UTF8CharLength( Lead : Char) : Int

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2890: Func UTF8CharSize( Lead : Char) : Int

2891: Func UTF8Decode( const S : UTF8String) : WideString
2892: Func UTF8Encode( const WS : WideString) : UTF8String
2893: Func UTF8LowerCase( const S : UTF8string) : UTF8string
2894: Func Utf8ToAnsi( const S : UTF8String) :Str
2895: Func Utf8ToAnsiEx( const S : UTF8String; const cp : Int) :Str
2896: Func UTF8UpperCase( const S : UTF8string) : UTF8string
2897: Func ValidFieldIndex( FieldIndex : Int) :Bool
2898: Func ValidParentForm(control: TControl): TForm
2899: Func Value : Variant
2900: Func ValueExists( const Section, Ident :Str) :Bool
2901: Func ValueOf( const Key :Str) : Int
2902: Func ValueInSet(AValue: Variant; ASet: Variant):Bool;
2904: Func VarArrayFromStrings( Strings : TStrings) : Variant
2905: Func VarArrayFromWideStrings( Strings : TWideStrings) : Variant
2906: Func VarArrayGet(var S : Variant; I : Int) : Variant;
2907: Func VarFMTBcd : TVarType
2908: Func VarFMTBcdCreate1 : Variant;
2909: Func VarFMTBcdCreate2(const AValue :Str; Precision, Scale : Word) : Variant;
2910: Func VarFMTBcdCreate3(const AValue: Double;Precision: Word; Scale: Word):Variant;
2911: Func VarFMTBcdCreate4(const ABcd : TBcd) : Variant;
2912: Func Variance(const Data : array of Double) : Extended
2913: Func VariantAdd2( const V1 : Variant; const V2 : Variant):Variant
2914: Func VariantAnd2( const V1 : Variant; const V2 : Variant):Variant
2915: Func VariantDiv2( const V1 : Variant; const V2 : Variant):Variant
2916: Func VariantGetElement( const V : Variant; i1 : Int) : Variant;
2917: Func VariantGetElement1( const V : Variant; i1, i2 : Int) : Variant;
2918: Func VariantGetElement2( const V : Variant; i1, i2, i3 : Int) : Variant;
2919: Func VariantGetElement3( const V : Variant; i1, i2, i3, i4 : Int):Variant;
2920: Func VariantGetElement4( const V : Variant; i1, i2, i3, i4, i5: Int):Variant;
2921: Func VariantMod2( const V1 : Variant; const V2 : Variant) : Variant
2922: Func VariantMul2( const V1 : Variant; const V2 : Variant) : Variant
2923: Func VariantNeg(const V1: Variant) : Variant
2924: Func VariantNot(const V1: Variant) : Variant
2925: Func VariantOr2(const V1: Variant; const V2 : Variant) :Variant
2926: Func VariantShl2(const V1: Variant; const V2 : Variant):Variant
2927: Func VariantShr2(const V1: Variant; const V2 : Variant):Variant
2928: Func VariantSub2(const V1: Variant; const V2 : Variant):Variant
2929: Func VariantXor2(const V1: Variant; const V2 : Variant):Variant
2930: Func VarIsEmpty(const V: Variant):Bool;
2931: Func VarIsFMTBcd( const AValue : Variant) :Bool;
2932: Func VarIsNull(const V: Variant):Bool;
2933: Func VarToBcd( const AValue : Variant) : TBcd
2934: Func VarType(const V: Variant): TVarType;
2935: Func VarType( const V : Variant) : TVarType
2936: Func VarAsType( const V : Variant; AVarType : TVarType): Variant
2937: Func VarIsType( const V : Variant; AVarType : TVarType):Bool;
2938: Func VarIsType1(const V: Variant;const AVarTypes: array of TVarType):Bool;
2939: Func VarIsByRef( const V : Variant) : Bool
2940: Func VarIsEmpty( const V : Variant) : Bool
2941: Proc VarCheckEmpty( const V : Variant)
2942: Func VarIsNull( const V : Variant) : Bool
2943: Func VarIsClear( const V : Variant) : Bool
2944: Func VarIsCustom( const V : Variant) : Bool
2945: Func VarIsOrdinal( const V : Variant) : Bool
2946: Func VarIsFloat( const V : Variant) : Bool
2947: Func VarIsNumeric( const V : Variant) : Bool
2948: Func VarIsStr( const V : Variant) :Bool
2949: Func VarToStr( const V : Variant) :Str
2950: Func VarToStrDef( const V : Variant; const ADefault :Str) :Str
2951: Func VarToWideStr( const V : Variant) : WideString
2952: Func VarToWideStrDef( const V : Variant; const ADefault : WideString):WideString
2953: Func VarToDateTime( const V : Variant) : TDateTime
2954: Func VarFromDateTime( const DateTime : TDateTime) : Variant
2955: Func VarInRange( const AValue, AMin, AMax : Variant) :Bool
2956: Func VarEnsureRange( const AValue, AMin, AMax : Variant) : Variant
2957: TVariantRelationship', '( vrEqual, vrLessThan, vrGreaterThan, vrNotEqual)
2958: Func VarSameValue( const A, B : Variant) :Bool
2959: Func VarCompareValue( const A, B : Variant) : TVariantRelationship
2960: Func VarIsEmptyParam( const V : Variant) :Bool
2961: Func VarIsError( const V : Variant; out AResult : HRESULT):Boolean;
2962: Func VarIsError1( const V : Variant) :Bool;
2963: Func VarAsError( AResult : HRESULT) : Variant
2964: Proc VarCopyNoInd( var Dest : Variant; const Source : Variant)
2965: Func VarIsArray( const A : Variant) :Bool;
2966: Func VarIsArray1( const A : Variant; AResolveByRef :Bool) :Bool;
2967: Func VarArrayCreate( const Bounds : array of Int; AVarType : TVarType):Variant
2968: Func VarArrayOf( const Values : array of Variant) : Variant
2969: Func VarArrayRef( const A : Variant) : Variant
2970: Func VarTypeIsValidArrayType( const AVarType : TVarType):Bool
2971: Func VarTypeIsValidElementType( const AVarType : TVarType):Boolean
2972: Func VarArrayDimCount( const A : Variant) : Int
2973: Func VarArrayLowBound( const A : Variant; Dim : Int) : Int
2974: Func VarArrayHighBound( const A : Variant; Dim : Int) : Int
2975: Func VarArrayLock( const A : Variant) : ___Pointer
2976: Proc VarArrayUnlock( const A : Variant)
2977: Func VarArrayGet( const A : Variant; const Indices : array of Int) : Variant
2978: Proc VarArrayPut(var A:Variant;const Value:Variant;const Indices: array of Int)

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2979: Proc DynArrayToVariant(var V: Variant;const DynArray: ___Pointer;TypeInfo: ___Pointer)

2980: Proc DynArrayFromVariant(var DynArray:___Pointer;const V: Variant;TypeInfo:___Pointer)
2981: Func Unassigned : Variant
2982: Func Null : Variant
2983: Func VectorAdd( const V1, V2 : TFloatPoint) : TFloatPoint
2984: Func VectorAdd(const V1,V2: TFloatPoint): TFloatPoint;
2985: Func VectorDot( const V1, V2 : TFloatPoint) : Double
2986: Func VectorDot(const V1,V2: TFloatPoint): Double;
2987: Func VectorLengthSqr( const V : TFloatPoint) : Double
2988: Func VectorLengthSqr(const V: TFloatPoint): Double;
2989: Func VectorMult( const V : TFloatPoint; const s : Double) : TFloatPoint
2990: Func VectorMult(const V: TFloatPoint; const s: Double): TFloatPoint;
2991: Func VectorSubtract( const V1, V2 : TFloatPoint) : TFloatPoint
2992: Func VectorSubtract(const V1,V2: TFloatPoint): TFloatPoint;
2993: Func Verify( AUserName :Str) :Str
2994: Func Versine( X : Float) : Float
2995: Func VersionCheck:Bool;
2996: Func VersionCheckAct:Str;
2997: Func VersionLanguageId( const LangIdRec : TLangIdRec) :Str
2998: Func VersionLanguageName( const LangId : Word) :Str
2999: Func VersionResourceAvailable( const FileName :Str):Boolean
3000: Func Visible :Bool
3001: Func VolumeID(DriveChar: Char):Str
3002: Func WaitFor( const AString :Str) :Str
3003: Func WaitFor( const TimeOut :Card): TJclWaitResult
3004: Func WaitFor1 : TWaitResult;
3005: Func WaitForData( Timeout : Longint) :Bool
3006: Func WebColorNameToColor( WebColorName :Str) : TColor
3007: Func WebColorStrToColor( WebColor :Str) : TColor
3008: Func WebColorToRGB( WebColor : Int) : Int
3009: Func wGet(aURL, afile:Str):Bool;'
3010: Func wGet2(aURL, afile:Str):Bool;' //without file open
3011: Func wGetX(aURL, afile:Str):Bool;
3012: Func wGetX2(aURL, afile:Str):Bool;' //without file open
3013: Func WebGet(aURL, afile:Str):Bool;'
3014: Func WebExists:Bool; //alias to isinternet
3015: Func WeekOf( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
3016: Func WeekOfTheMonth( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word;
3017: Func WeekOfTheMonth1( const AValue : TDateTime; var AYear, AMonth : Word) : Word;
3018: Func WeekOfTheYear( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word;
3019: Func WeekOfTheYear1( const AValue : TDateTime; var AYear : Word) : Word;
3020: Func WeeksBetween( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Int
3021: Func WeeksInAYear( const AYear : Word) : Word
3022: Func WeeksInYear( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
3023: Func WeekSpan( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime): Double
3024: Func WideAdjustLineBreaks( const S : WideString; Style:TTextLineBreakStyle):WideString
3025: Func WideCat( const x, y : WideString) : WideString
3026: Func WideCompareStr( S1, S2 : WideString) : Int
3027: Func WideCompareStr(const S1: WideString; const S2: WideString): Int)
3028: Func WideCompareText( S1, S2 : WideString) : Int
3029: Func WideCompareText(const S1: WideString; const S2: WideString): Int)
3030: Func WideCopy( const src : WideString; index, count : Int) : WideString
3031: Func WideDequotedStr( const S : WideString; AQuote : WideChar) : WideString
3032: Func WideEqual( const x, y : WideString) :Bool
3033: Func WideFormat(const Format: WideString; const Args: array of const):WideString)
3034: Func WideGreater( const x, y : WideString) :Bool
3035: Func WideLength( const src : WideString) : Int
3036: Func WideLess( const x, y : WideString) :Bool
3037: Func WideLowerCase( S : WideString) : WideString
3038: Func WideLowerCase(const S: WideString): WideString)
3039: Func WidePos( const src, sub : WideString) : Int
3040: Func WideQuotedStr( const S : WideString; Quote : WideChar) : WideString
3041: Func WideReplaceStr( const AText, AFromText, AToText : WideString) : WideString
3042: Func WideReplaceText( const AText, AFromText, AToText : WideString) : WideString
3043: Func WideSameStr( S1, S2 : WideString) :Bool
3044: Func WideSameStr(const S1: WideString; const S2: WideString):Bool)
3045: Func WideSameText( S1, S2 : WideString) :Bool
3046: Func WideSameText(const S1: WideString; const S2: WideString):Bool)
3047: Func WideStringReplace(const S,OldPattern,NewPattern:Widestr;Flags:TReplaceFlags):Widestr
3048: Func WideStringToUCS4String( const S : WideString) : UCS4String
3049: Func WideUpperCase( S : WideString) : WideString
3050: Func Win32BackupFile( const FileName :Str; Move :Bool) :Bool
3051: Func Win32Check(RetVal:Bool):Bool)
3052: Func Win32DeleteFile(const FileName:str; MoveToRecycleBin:Boolean):Bool
3053: Func Win32RestoreFile( const FileName :Str) :Bool
3054: Func Win32Type : TIdWin32Type
3055: Func WinColor( const Color32 : TColor32) : TColor
3056: Func winexec(FileName: pchar; showCmd: Int): Int;
3057: Func WinExec32( const Cmd :Str; const CmdShow : Int) :Bool
3058: Func WinExec32AndWait( const Cmd :Str; const CmdShow : Int) :Card
3059: Func WithinPastDays( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime; const ADays : Int) : Bool
3060: Func WithinPastHours(const ANow, AThen:TDateTime; const AHours : Int64): Bool
3061: Func WithinPastMilliSeconds(const ANow,AThen:TDateTime;const AMilliSeconds:Int64):Bool
3062: Func WithinPastMinutes(const ANow,AThen:TDateTime;const AMinutes:Int64):Bool
3063: Func WithinPastMonths(const ANow, AThen:TDateTime; const AMonths:Int): Bool
3064: Func WithinPastSeconds(const ANow,AThen: DateTime;const ASeconds:Int64): Bool
3065: Func WithinPastWeeks( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime; const AWeeks : Int): Bool
3066: Func WithinPastYears( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime; const AYears : Int): Bool
3067: Func WNetAddConnection( lpRemoteName, lpPassword, lpLocalName : PChar): DWORD

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3068: Func WordToStr( const Value : Word) :Str

3069: Func WordGridFormatIdentToInt(const Ident:Str; var Value:Longint): Bool
3070: Func IntToWordGridFormatIdent( Value : Longint; var Ident :Str): Bool
3071: Proc GetWordGridFormatValues( Proc : TGetStrProc)
3072: Func WorkArea : Int
3073: Func WrapText( Line :Str; MaxCol : Int) :Str;
3074: Func WrapText2(Line, BreakStr:str;BreakChars:TSysCharSet;MaxCol:Int):str;
3075: Func Write( pv : Pointer; cb : Longint; pcbWritten : PLongint) : HResult
3076: Func Write(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt):LongInt
3077: Func WriteClient( var Buffer, Count : Int) : Int
3078: Func WriteFile(const AFile:str; const AEnableTransferFile:Boolean):Card
3079: Func WriteHeaders(StatusCode: Int; const ReasonString, Headers:Str):Boolean
3080: Func WriteString( const AString :Str): Bool
3081: Func WStrGet(var S : AnyString; I : Int): WideChar;
3082: Func wvsprintf( Output : PChar; Format : PChar; arglist : va_list) : Int
3083: Func wsprintf( Output : PChar; Format : PChar) : Int
3084: Func XmlDateTimeToStr( const XmlDateTime :Str; const Format:Str):str
3085: Func XmlTimeToStr( const XmlTime :Str; const Format :Str):Str
3086: Func XorDecode( const Key, Source :Str) :Str
3087: Func XorEncode( const Key, Source :Str) :Str
3088: Func XorString( const Key, Src : ShortString): ShortString
3089: Func Yield : Bool
3090: Func YearOf( const AValue : TDateTime) : Word
3091: Func YearsBetween( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Int
3092: Func YearSpan( const ANow, AThen : TDateTime) : Double
3093: Func Yesterday : TDateTime
3094: Func YesNoDialog(const ACaption, AMsg:Str):Bool;
3095: Function(const Name :Str; Proc : TUserFunction)
3096: Func using Special_Scholz from V
3097: Func TimeToFloat(value:Extended):Extended; // Normalstunden --> Industriestunden
3098: Func FloatToTime(value:Extended):Extended; // Industriestunden --> Normalstunden
3099: Func FloatToTime2Dec(value:Extended):Extended;
3100: Func MinToStd(value:Extended):Extended;
3101: Func MinToStdAsString(value:Extended):str;
3102: Func RoundFloatToStr(zahl:Extended; decimals:Int):str;
3103: Func RoundFloat(zahl:Extended; decimals:Int):Extended;
3104: Func Round2Dec (zahl:Extended):Extended;
3105: Func GetAngle(x,y:Extended):Double;
3106: Func AddAngle(a1,a2:Double):Double;
3108: *********************************************************************
3109: unit uPSI_StText;
3110: *********************************************************************
3111: Func TextSeek( var F : TextFile; Target : LongInt) :Bool
3112: Func TextFileSize( var F : TextFile) : LongInt
3113: Func TextPos( var F : TextFile) : LongInt
3114: Func TextFlush( var F : TextFile) :Bool
3116: *********************************************************************
3117: from JvVCLUtils;
3118: *********************************************************************
3119: { Windows resources (bitmaps and icons) VCL-oriented routines }
3120: Proc DrawBitmapTransparent(Dest:TCanvas;DstX,DstY:Int;Bitmap:TBitmap;TransparentColor:TColor);
3121: Proc DrawBitmapRectTransparent(Dest: TCanvas;DstX,
3122: Proc StretchBitmapRectTransparent(Dest: TCanvas; DstX, DstY, DstW,DstH: Int; SrcRect: TRect; Bitmap:
TBitmap; TransparentColor:TColor);
3123: Func MakeBitmap(ResID: PChar): TBitmap;
3124: Func MakeBitmapID(ResID: Word): TBitmap;
3125: Func MakeModuleBitmap(Module: THandle; ResID: PChar): TBitmap;
3126: Func CreateTwoColorsBrushPattern(Color1, Color2: TColor): TBitmap;
3127: Func CreateDisabledBitmap_NewStyle(FOriginal: TBitmap; BackColor: TColor): TBitmap;
3128: Func CreateDisabledBitmapEx(FOriginal: TBitmap; OutlineColor, BackColor,
3129: HighlightColor, ShadowColor: TColor; DrawHighlight:Bool): TBitmap;
3130: Func CreateDisabledBitmap(FOriginal: TBitmap; OutlineColor: TColor): TBitmap;
3131: Func ChangeBitmapColor(Bitmap: TBitmap; Color, NewColor: TColor): TBitmap;
3132: Proc AssignBitmapCell(Source: TGraphic; Dest: TBitmap; Cols, Rows,Index: Int);
3133: {$IFDEF WIN32}
3134: Proc ImageListDrawDisabled(Images: TImageList; Canvas: TCanvas;
3135: X, Y, Index: Int; HighlightColor, GrayColor: TColor; DrawHighlight:Bool);
3136: {$ENDIF}
3137: Func MakeIcon(ResID: PChar): TIcon;
3138: Func MakeIconID(ResID: Word): TIcon;
3139: Func MakeModuleIcon(Module: THandle; ResID: PChar): TIcon;
3140: Func CreateBitmapFromIcon(Icon: TIcon; BackColor: TColor): TBitmap;
3141: {$IFDEF WIN32}
3142: Func CreateIconFromBitmap(Bitmap: TBitmap; TransparentColor: TColor): TIcon;
3143: {$ENDIF}
3144: { Service routines }
3145: Proc NotImplemented;
3146: Proc ResourceNotFound(ResID: PChar);
3147: Func PointInRect(const P: TPoint; const R: TRect):Bool;
3148: Func PointInPolyRgn(const P: TPoint; const Points: array of TPoint):Bool;
3149: Func PaletteColor(Color: TColor): Longint;
3150: Func WidthOf(R: TRect): Int;
3151: Func HeightOf(R: TRect): Int;
3152: Proc PaintInverseRect(const RectOrg, RectEnd: TPoint);
3153: Proc DrawInvertFrame(ScreenRect: TRect; Width: Int);
3154: Proc CopyParentImage(Control: TControl; Dest: TCanvas);

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3155: Proc Delay(MSecs: Longint);

3156: Proc DeleteLine(StrList: TStringList; SearchPattern:Str);
3157: Proc CenterControl(Control: TControl);
3158: Func PaletteEntries( Palette : HPALETTE) : Int
3159: Func WindowClassName( Wnd : HWND) :Str
3160: Func ScreenWorkArea : TRect
3161: Proc MoveWindowOrg( DC : HDC; DX, DY : Int)
3162: Proc SwitchToWindow( Wnd : HWND; Restore :Bool)
3163: Proc ActivateWindow( Wnd : HWND)
3164: Proc ShowWinNoAnimate( Handle : HWND; CmdShow : Int)
3165: Proc CenterWindow( Wnd : HWND)
3166: Proc ShadeRect( DC : HDC; const Rect : TRect)
3167: Proc KillMessage( Wnd : HWND; Msg :Card)
3168: Func DialogsToPixelsX(Dlgs:Word):Word
3169: Func DialogsToPixelsY(Dlgs:Word):Word
3170: Func PixelsToDialogsX(Pixs:Word):Word
3171: Func PixelsToDialogsY(Pixs:Word):Word
3172: {$IFDEF WIN32}
3173: Proc ShowMDIClientEdge(ClientHandle: THandle; ShowEdge:Bool);
3174: Func MakeVariant(const Values: array of Variant): Variant;
3175: {$ENDIF}
3176: Func CreateRotatedFont(Font: TFont; Angle: Int): HFONT;
3177: Func MsgBox(const Caption, Text:Str; Flags: Int): Int;
3178: Func MsgDlg(const Msg:str;AType:TMsgDlgType;AButtons:TMsgDlgButtons;HelpCtx:Longint):Word;
3180: Func FindPrevInstance(const MainFormClass: ShortString; const ATitle:Str): HWND;
3181: Func ActivatePrevInstance(const MainFormClass: ShortString; const ATitle:Str):Boolean;
3182: {$ELSE}
3183: Func FindPrevInstance(const MainFormClass, ATitle:Str): HWND;
3184: Func ActivatePrevInstance(const MainFormClass, ATitle:Str):Bool;
3186: Func IsForegroundTask:Bool;
3187: Proc MergeForm(AControl: TWinControl; AForm: TForm; Align: TAlign; Show:Bool);
3188: Func GetAveCharSize(Canvas: TCanvas): TPoint;
3189: Func MinimizeText(const Text:Str; Canvas: TCanvas; MaxWidth: Int):Str;
3190: Proc FreeUnusedOle;
3191: Proc Beep;
3192: Func GetWindowsVersionJ:Str;
3193: Func LoadDLL(const LibName:Str): THandle;
3194: Func RegisterServer(const ModuleName:Str):Bool;
3195: {$IFNDEF WIN32}
3196: Func IsLibrary:Bool;
3197: {$ENDIF}
3198: { Gradient filling routine }
3199: type TFillDirection = (fdTopToBottom, fdBottomToTop, fdLeftToRight, fdRightToLeft);
3200: Proc GradientFillRect(Canvas:TCanvas; ARect:TRect;StartColor,
EndColor:TColor;Direction:TFillDirection;Colors: Byte);
3201: { String routines }
3202: Func GetEnvVar(const VarName:Str):Str;
3203: Func AnsiUpperFirstChar(const S:Str):Str;
3204: Func StringToPChar(var S:Str): PChar;
3205: Func StrPAlloc(const S:Str): PChar;
3206: Proc SplitCommandLine(const CmdLine:Str; var ExeName,Params:str);
3207: Func DropT(const S:Str):Str;
3208: { Memory routines }
3209: Func AllocMemo(Size: Longint): Pointer;
3210: Func ReallocMemo(fpBlock: Pointer; Size: Longint): Pointer;
3211: Proc FreeMemo(var fpBlock: Pointer);
3212: Func GetMemoSize(fpBlock: Pointer): Longint;
3213: Func CompareMem(fpBlock1, fpBlock2: Pointer; Size:Card):Bool;
3215: Proc FreeAndNil(var Obj);
3216: {$ENDIF}
3217: // from PNGLoader
3218: Func OptimizeForPNG(Image:TLinearBitmap;QuantizationSteps:Int;TransparentColor:TColor):Int
3219: Proc TransformRGB2LOCO( Image : TLinearBitmap)
3220: Proc TransformLOCO2RGB( Image : TLinearBitmap)
3221: Proc SortPalette( const Pal : TPalette; var ColorMap : TColorMap)
3222: Func DrawButtonFace(Canvas:TCanvas;const Client:TRect;BevelWidth:Int;Style:TButtonStyle; IsRounded,IsDown,
IsFocused:Boolean):TRect //TButtons
3223: Func IsAnAllResult( const AModalResult : TModalResult) :Bool
3224: Func InitWndProc( HWindow : HWnd; Message, WParam : Longint; LParam: Longint):Longint
3225: AddConstantN('CTL3D_ALL','LongWord').SetUInt( $FFFF);
3226: //Proc ChangeBiDiModeAlignment( var Alignment : TAlignment)
3227: //Func SendAppMessage( Msg :Card; WParam, LParam : Longint) : Longint
3228: //Proc MoveWindowOrg( DC : HDC; DX, DY : Int)
3229: Proc SetImeMode( hWnd : HWND; Mode : TImeMode)
3230: Proc SetImeName( Name : TImeName)
3231: Func Win32NLSEnableIME( hWnd : HWND; Enable :Bool) :Bool
3232: Func Imm32GetContext( hWnd : HWND) : HIMC
3233: Func Imm32ReleaseContext( hWnd: HWND; hImc : HIMC) :Bool
3234: Func Imm32GetConversionStatus(hImc : HIMC; var Conversion, Sentence : longword):Bool
3235: Func Imm32SetConversionStatus(hImc : HIMC; Conversion, Sentence : longword):Bool
3236: Func Imm32SetOpenStatus( hImc : HIMC; fOpen :Bool) :Bool
3237: // Func Imm32SetCompositionWindow( hImc : HIMC; lpCompForm : PCOMPOSITIONFORM):Bool
3238: //Func Imm32SetCompositionFont( hImc : HIMC; lpLogfont : PLOGFONTA) :Bool
3239: Func Imm32GetCompositionString(hImc:HIMC;dWord1:longword;lpBuf:str;dwBufLen:longint):Longint
3240: Func Imm32IsIME( hKl : longword) :Bool
3241: Func Imm32NotifyIME( hImc : HIMC; dwAction, dwIndex, dwValue:longword):Boolean

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3242: Proc DragDone( Drop :Bool)

3245: //****************************************add from jvjvclutils
3246: Func CanvasMaxTextHeight(Canvas: TCanvas): Int;
3247: Func ReplaceComponentReference(This,NewReference:TComponent;var VarReference:TComponent):Bool;
3248: Proc DrawLine(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y, X2, Y2: Int);
3249: Func IsPositiveResult(Value: TModalResult):Bool;
3250: Func IsNegativeResult(Value: TModalResult):Bool;
3251: Func IsAbortResult(const Value: TModalResult):Bool;
3252: Func StripAllFromResult(const Value: TModalResult): TModalResult;
3253: // returns either BrightColor or DarkColor depending on the luminance of AColor
3254: // This Func gives the same result (AFAIK) as the Func used in Windows to
3255: // calculate the desktop icon text color based on the desktop background color
3256: Func SelectColorByLuminance(AColor, DarkColor, BrightColor: TColor): TColor;
3257: type TJvHTMLCalcType = (htmlShow, htmlCalcWidth, htmlCalcHeight, htmlHyperLink);
3258: Proc HTMLDrawTextEx(Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
3259: const State: TOwnerDrawState; const Text:Str; var Width: Int;
3260: CalcType: TJvHTMLCalcType; MouseX, MouseY: Int; var MouseOnLink:Bool;
3261: var LinkName:Str; Scale: Int = 100); overload;
3262: Proc HTMLDrawTextEx(Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
3263: const State: TOwnerDrawState; const Text:Str; var Width, Height: Int;
3264: CalcType: TJvHTMLCalcType; MouseX, MouseY: Int; var MouseOnLink:Bool;
3265: var LinkName:Str; Scale: Int = 100); overload;
3266: Func HTMLDrawText(Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
3267: const State: TOwnerDrawState; const Text:Str; Scale: Int = 100):Str;
3268: Func HTMLDrawTextHL(Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
3269: const State: TOwnerDrawState; const Text:Str; MouseX, MouseY: Int;
3270: Scale: Int = 100):Str;
3271: Func HTMLPlainText(const Text:Str):Str;
3272: Func HTMLTextExtent(Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
3273: const State: TOwnerDrawState; const Text:Str; Scale: Int = 100): TSize;
3274: Func HTMLTextWidth(Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
3275: const State: TOwnerDrawState; const Text:Str; Scale: Int = 100): Int;
3276: Func HTMLTextHeight(Canvas: TCanvas; const Text:str;Scale:Int = 100):Int;
3277: Func HTMLPrepareText(const Text:Str):Str;
3279: ****************************************** uPSI_JvAppUtils;
3280: Func GetDefaultSection( Component : TComponent) :Str
3281: Proc GetDefaultIniData(Control:TControl;var IniFileName,Section:str;UseRegistry:Bool)
3282: Proc GetDefaultIniData( Control : TControl; var IniFileName, Section :Str)
3283: Func GetDefaultIniName :Str
3284: //'OnGetDefaultIniName','TOnGetDefaultIniName);
3285: Func GetDefaultIniRegKey :Str
3286: Func FindForm( FormClass : TFormClass) : TForm
3287: Func FindShowForm( FormClass : TFormClass; const Caption :Str) : TForm
3288: Func ShowDialog( FormClass : TFormClass) :Bool
3289: //Func InstantiateForm( FormClass : TFormClass; var Reference) : TForm
3290: Proc SaveFormPlacement( Form : TForm; const IniFileName :Str; UseRegistry :Bool)
3291: Proc RestoreFormPlacement(Form : TForm; const IniFileName :Str; UseRegistry :Bool)
3292: Proc SaveMDIChildrenReg( MainForm : TForm; IniFile : TRegIniFile)
3293: Proc SaveFormPlacement( Form : TForm; const IniFileName :Str)
3294: Proc RestoreFormPlacement( Form : TForm; const IniFileName :Str)
3295: Func GetUniqueFileNameInDir( const Path, FileNameMask :Str) :Str
3296: Func StrToIniStr( const Str :Str) :Str
3297: Func IniStrToStr( const Str :Str) :Str
3298: Func IniReadString( IniFile : TObject; const Section, Ident, Default:Str):Str
3299: Proc IniWriteString( IniFile : TObject; const Section, Ident, Value:Str)
3300: Func IniReadInt(IniFile:TObject;const Section, Ident :Str; Default:Longint): Longint
3301: Proc IniWriteInt( IniFile : TObject; const Section, Ident :Str; Value : Longint)
3302: Func IniReadBool(IniFile:TObject; const Section,Ident:str; Default:Boolean):Bool
3303: Proc IniWriteBool( IniFile : TObject; const Section, Ident :Str; Value :Bool)
3304: Proc IniReadSections( IniFile : TObject; Strings : TStrings)
3305: Proc IniEraseSection( IniFile : TObject; const Section :Str)
3306: Proc IniDeleteKey( IniFile : TObject; const Section, Ident :Str)
3307: Proc AppBroadcast( Msg, wParam : Longint; lParam : Longint)
3308: Proc AppBroadcast( Msg, wParam : Word; lParam : Longint)
3309: Proc AppTaskbarIcons( AppOnly :Bool)
3310: Proc InternalSaveGridLayout(Grid : TCustomGrid; IniFile : TObject; const Section:str)
3311: Proc InternalRestoreGridLayout(Grid:TCustomGrid;IniFile : TObject; const Section:str)
3312: Proc InternalSaveMDIChildren( MainForm : TForm; IniFile : TObject)
3313: Proc InternalRestoreMDIChildren( MainForm : TForm; IniFile : TObject)
3314: ******************************************* uPSI_JvDBUtils;
3315: Func CreateLocate( DataSet : TDataSet) : TJvLocateObject
3316: Func IsDataSetEmpty( DataSet : TDataSet) :Bool
3317: Proc RefreshQuery( Query : TDataSet)
3318: Func DataSetSortedSearch(DataSet:TDataSet;const Value,FieldName:str;CaseInsensitive:Bool):Bool
3319: Func DataSetSectionName( DataSet : TDataSet) :Str
3320: Proc InternalSaveFields( DataSet : TDataSet; IniFile : TObject; const Section :Str)
3321: Proc InternalRestoreFields(DataSet:TDataSet;IniFile:TObject;const Section:str;RestoreVisible:Bool)
3322: Func DataSetLocateThrough(DataSet:TDataSet;const KeyFields:str;const
3323: Proc SaveFields( DataSet : TDataSet; IniFile : TIniFile)
3324: Proc RestoreFields( DataSet : TDataSet; IniFile : TIniFile; RestoreVisible :Bool)
3325: Proc AssignRecord( Source, Dest : TDataSet; ByName :Bool)
3326: Func ConfirmDelete :Bool
3327: Proc ConfirmDataSetCancel( DataSet : TDataSet)
3328: Proc CheckRequiredField( Field : TField)
3329: Proc CheckRequiredFields( const Fields : array of TField)

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3330: Func DateToSQL( Value : TDateTime) :Str

3331: Func FormatSQLDateRange( Date1, Date2 : TDateTime; const FieldName :Str) :Str
3332: Func FormatSQLDateRangeEx( Date1, Date2 : TDateTime; const FieldName :Str) :Str
3333: Func FormatSQLNumericRange(const FieldName:str;LowVal,HighVal,LowEmpty,HighEmpty:Double;Inclusive:Bool):str
3334: Func StrMaskSQL( const Value :Str) :Str
3335: Func FormatSQLCondition(const FieldName,Operator,Val:str;FieldType:TFieldType;Exact:Bool):str
3336: Func FormatAnsiSQLCondition(const FieldName,Operator,Val:str;FieldType:TFieldType;Exact:Bool):str
3337: Proc _DBError( const Msg :Str)
3338: Const('TrueExpr','String '0=0
3339: Const('sdfStandard16','String '''"''mm''/''dd''/''yyyy''"''
3340: Const('sdfStandard32','String '''''''dd/mm/yyyy''''''
3341: Const('sdfOracle','String '"TO_DATE(''"dd/mm/yyyy"'', ''DD/MM/YYYY'')"
3342: Const('sdfInterbase','String '"CAST(''"mm"/"dd"/"yyyy"'' AS DATE)"
3343: Const('sdfMSSQL','String '"CONVERT(datetime, ''"mm"/"dd"/"yyyy"'', 103)"
3344: AddTypeS('Largeint', 'Longint
3345: TIFException', '(ErNoError, erCannotImport, erInvalidType, ErInternalError, '+
3346: erInvalidHeader, erInvalidOpcode, erInvalidOpcodeParameter, erNoMainProc, erOutOfGlobalVarsRange, '+
3347: erOutOfProcRange, ErOutOfRange, erOutOfStackRange, ErTypeMismatch, erUnexpectedEof, '+
3348: erVersionError, ErDivideByZero, ErMathError,erCouldNotCallProc, erOutofRecordRange, '+
3349: 'erOutOfMemory,erException,erNullPointerException,erNullVariantErrorerInterfaceNotSupportederError);
3350: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
3351: Proc SIRegister_JclIniFiles(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
3352: begin
3353: Func JIniReadBool( const FileName, Section, Line :Str) :Bool
3354: Func JIniReadInt( const FileName, Section, Line :Str) : Int
3355: Func JIniReadString( const FileName, Section, Line :Str) :Str
3356: Proc JIniWriteBool( const FileName, Section, Line :Str; Value :Bool)
3357: Proc JIniWriteInt( const FileName, Section, Line :Str; Value : Int)
3358: Proc JIniWriteString( const FileName, Section, Line, Value :Str)
3359: Proc JIniReadStrings(IniFile:TCustomIniFile; const Section :Str; Strings TStrings)
3360: Proc JIniWriteStrings(IniFile: TCustomIniFile; const Section:str; Strings:TStrings)
3361: end;
3363: (* === compile-time registration functions === *)
3364: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
3365: Proc SIRegister_JclDateTime(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
3366: begin
3367: 'UnixTimeStart','LongInt'( 25569);
3368: Func JEncodeDate( const Year : Int; Month, Day : Word) : TDateTime
3369: Proc JDecodeDate( Date : TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day : Word);
3370: Proc DecodeDate1( Date : TDateTime; var Year : Int; var Month, Day : Word);
3371: Proc DecodeDate2( Date : TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day : Int);
3372: Func CenturyOfDate( const DateTime : TDateTime) : Int
3373: Func CenturyBaseYear( const DateTime : TDateTime) : Int
3374: Func DayOfDate( const DateTime : TDateTime) : Int
3375: Func MonthOfDate( const DateTime : TDateTime) : Int
3376: Func YearOfDate( const DateTime : TDateTime) : Int
3377: Func JDayOfTheYear( const DateTime : TDateTime; var Year : Int) : Int;
3378: Func DayOfTheYear1( const DateTime : TDateTime) : Int;
3379: Func DayOfTheYearToDateTime( const Year, Day : Int) : TDateTime
3380: Func HourOfTime( const DateTime : TDateTime) : Int
3381: Func MinuteOfTime( const DateTime : TDateTime) : Int
3382: Func SecondOfTime( const DateTime : TDateTime) : Int
3383: Func GetISOYearNumberOfDays( const Year : Word) : Word
3384: Func IsISOLongYear( const Year : Word) :Bool;
3385: Func IsISOLongYear1( const DateTime : TDateTime) :Bool;
3386: Func ISODayOfWeek( const DateTime : TDateTime) : Word
3387: Func JISOWeekNumber(DateTime:TDateTime; var YearOfWeekNumber,WeekDay: Int) : Int;
3388: Func ISOWeekNumber1( DateTime : TDateTime; var YearOfWeekNumber : Int) : Int;
3389: Func ISOWeekNumber2( DateTime : TDateTime) : Int;
3390: Func ISOWeekToDateTime( const Year, Week, Day : Int) : TDateTime
3391: Func JIsLeapYear( const Year : Int) :Bool;
3392: Func IsLeapYear1( const DateTime : TDateTime) :Bool;
3393: Func JDaysInMonth( const DateTime : TDateTime) : Int
3394: Func Make4DigitYear( Year, Pivot : Int) : Int
3395: Func JMakeYear4Digit( Year, WindowsillYear : Int) : Int
3396: Func JEasterSunday( const Year : Int) : TDateTime // TDosDateTime', 'Int
3397: Func JFormatDateTime( Form :Str; DateTime : TDateTime) :Str
3398: Func FATDatesEqual( const FileTime1, FileTime2 : Int64) :Bool;
3399: Func FATDatesEqual1( const FileTime1, FileTime2 : TFileTime) :Bool;
3400: Func HoursToMSecs( Hours : Int) : Int
3401: Func MinutesToMSecs( Minutes : Int) : Int
3402: Func SecondsToMSecs( Seconds : Int) : Int
3403: Func TimeOfDateTimeToSeconds( DateTime : TDateTime) : Int
3404: Func TimeOfDateTimeToMSecs( DateTime : TDateTime) : Int
3405: Func DateTimeToLocalDateTime( DateTime : TDateTime) : TDateTime
3406: Func LocalDateTimeToDateTime( DateTime : TDateTime) : TDateTime
3407: Func DateTimeToDosDateTime( const DateTime : TDateTime) : TDosDateTime
3408: Func JDateTimeToFileTime( DateTime : TDateTime) : TFileTime
3409: Func JDateTimeToSystemTime( DateTime : TDateTime) : TSystemTime;
3410: Proc DateTimeToSystemTime1( DateTime : TDateTime; var SysTime:TSystemTime);
3411: Func LocalDateTimeToFileTime( DateTime : TDateTime) : FileTime
3412: Func DosDateTimeToDateTime( const DosTime : TDosDateTime) : TDateTime
3413: Func JDosDateTimeToFileTime( DosTime : TDosDateTime) : TFileTime;
3414: Proc DosDateTimeToFileTime1( DTH, DTL : Word; FT : TFileTime);
3415: Func DosDateTimeToSystemTime( const DosTime : TDosDateTime) : TSystemTime
3416: Func DosDateTimeToStr( DateTime : Int) :Str
3417: Func JFileTimeToDateTime( const FileTime : TFileTime) : TDateTime
3418: Func FileTimeToLocalDateTime( const FileTime : TFileTime) : TDateTime

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3419: Func JFileTimeToDosDateTime( const FileTime : TFileTime) : TDosDateTime;

3420: Proc FileTimeToDosDateTime1( const FileTime : TFileTime; var Date, Time: Word);
3421: Func JFileTimeToSystemTime( const FileTime : TFileTime) : TSystemTime;
3422: Proc FileTimeToSystemTime1( const FileTime : TFileTime; var ST : TSystemTime);
3423: Func FileTimeToStr( const FileTime : TFileTime) :Str
3424: Func SystemTimeToDosDateTime( const SystemTime : TSystemTime) : TDosDateTime
3425: Func JSystemTimeToFileTime( const SystemTime : TSystemTime) : TFileTime;
3426: Proc SystemTimeToFileTime1( const SystemTime : TSystemTime; FTime : TFileTime);
3427: Func SystemTimeToStr( const SystemTime : TSystemTime) :Str
3428: Func CreationDateTimeOfFile( const Sr : TSearchRec) : TDateTime
3429: Func LastAccessDateTimeOfFile( const Sr : TSearchRec) : TDateTime
3430: Func LastWriteDateTimeOfFile( const Sr : TSearchRec) : TDateTime
3431: TJclUnixTime32', 'Longword
3432: Func JDateTimeToUnixTime( DateTime : TDateTime) : TJclUnixTime32
3433: Func JUnixTimeToDateTime( const UnixTime : TJclUnixTime32) : TDateTime
3434: Func FileTimeToUnixTime( const AValue : TFileTime) : TJclUnixTime32
3435: Func UnixTimeToFileTime( const AValue : TJclUnixTime32) : TFileTime
3436: Func JNullStamp : TTimeStamp
3437: Func JCompareTimeStamps( const Stamp1, Stamp2 : TTimeStamp): Int64
3438: Func JEqualTimeStamps( const Stamp1, Stamp2 : TTimeStamp) :Bool
3439: Func JIsNullTimeStamp( const Stamp : TTimeStamp) :Bool
3440: Func TimeStampDOW( const Stamp : TTimeStamp) : Int
3441: Func FirstWeekDay( const Year, Month : Int; var DOW : Int): Int;
3442: Func FirstWeekDay1( const Year, Month : Int) : Int;
3443: Func LastWeekDay( const Year, Month : Int; var DOW : Int): Int;
3444: Func LastWeekDay1( const Year, Month : Int) : Int;
3445: Func IndexedWeekDay( const Year, Month : Int; Index : Int): Int
3446: Func FirstWeekendDay( const Year, Month : Int; var DOW : Int): Int;
3447: Func FirstWeekendDay1( const Year, Month : Int) : Int;
3448: Func LastWeekendDay( const Year, Month : Int; var DOW : Int): Int;
3449: Func LastWeekendDay1( const Year, Month : Int) : Int;
3450: Func IndexedWeekendDay( const Year, Month : Int; Index : Int): Int
3451: Func FirstDayOfWeek( const Year, Month, DayOfWeek : Int) : Int
3452: Func LastDayOfWeek( const Year, Month, DayOfWeek : Int) : Int
3453: Func IndexedDayOfWeek( const Year, Month, DayOfWeek, Index:Int):Int
3454: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclDateTimeError
3455: end;
3457: Proc SIRegister_JclMiscel2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
3458: begin
3459: Func SetDisplayResolution( const XRes, YRes : DWORD) : Longint
3460: Func CreateDOSProcessRedirected(const CommandLine, InputFile,OutputFile:str):Bool
3461: Func CreateDOSProcessRedirected2(const CommandLine, InputFile,OutputFile:str):Bool
3462: Func CreateDOSProcessRedirected3(const CommandLine, InputFile, OutputFile, ErrMsg:Str):Bool;
3463: Func WinExec32( const Cmd :Str; const CmdShow : Int) :Bool
3464: Func WinExec32AndWait( const Cmd :Str; const CmdShow : Int) :Card
3465: Func WinExec32AndRedirectOutput(const Cmd:str;var Output:str;RawOutput:Bool):Card
3466: TJclKillLevel', '( klNormal, klNoSignal, klTimeOut )
3467: Func ExitWindows( ExitCode :Card) :Bool
3468: Func LogOffOS( KillLevel : TJclKillLevel) :Bool
3469: Func PowerOffOS( KillLevel : TJclKillLevel) :Bool
3470: Func ShutDownOS( KillLevel : TJclKillLevel) :Bool
3471: Func RebootOS( KillLevel : TJclKillLevel) :Bool
3472: Func HibernateOS( Force, DisableWakeEvents :Bool) :Bool
3473: Func SuspendOS( Force, DisableWakeEvents :Bool) :Bool
3474: Func ShutDownDialog(const DialogMessage:str;TimeOut:DWORD;Force,Reboot:Bool):Bool;
3475: Func ShutDownDialog1(const MachineName,DialogMessage:str;TimeOut:DWORD;Force,Reboot:Bool):Bool;
3476: Func AbortShutDown :Bool;
3477: Func AbortShutDown1( const MachineName :Str) :Bool;
3478: TJclAllowedPowerOperation', '( apoHibernate, apoShutdown, apoSuspend )
3479: TJclAllowedPowerOperations', 'set of TJclAllowedPowerOperation
3480: Func GetAllowedPowerOperations : TJclAllowedPowerOperations
3481: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclCreateProcessError
3482: Proc CreateProcAsUser( const UserDomain, UserName, PassWord, CommandLine :Str)
3483: Proc CreateProcAsUserEx(const UserDomain,UserName,Password,CommandLine:str;const Environment:PChar);
3484: // with Add(EJclCreateProcessError) do
3485: end;
3487: Proc SIRegister_JclAnsistrs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
3488: begin
3489: //'AnsiSigns','Set').SetSet(['-', '+']);
3490: 'C1_UPPER','LongWord( $0001);
3491: 'C1_LOWER','LongWord( $0002);
3492: 'C1_DIGIT','LongWord').SetUInt( $0004);
3493: 'C1_SPACE','LongWord').SetUInt( $0008);
3494: 'C1_PUNCT','LongWord').SetUInt( $0010);
3495: 'C1_CNTRL','LongWord').SetUInt( $0020);
3496: 'C1_BLANK','LongWord').SetUInt( $0040);
3497: 'C1_XDIGIT','LongWord').SetUInt( $0080);
3498: 'C1_ALPHA','LongWord').SetUInt( $0100);
3499: AnsiChar', 'Char
3500: Func StrIsAlpha( const S : Ansistr) :Bool
3501: Func StrIsAlphaNum( const S : Ansistr) :Bool
3502: Func StrIsAlphaNumUnderscore( const S : Ansistr) :Bool
3503: Func StrContainsChars(const S:Ansistr;Chars:TSysCharSet; CheckAll:Boolean):Bool
3504: Func StrConsistsOfNumberChars( const S : Ansistr) :Bool
3505: Func StrIsDigit( const S : Ansistr) :Bool
3506: Func StrIsSubset( const S : Ansistr; const ValidChars : TSysCharSet): Bool
3507: Func StrSame( const S1, S2 : Ansistr) :Bool

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3508: //Func StrCenter( const S : Ansistr; L : Int; C : AnsiChar) : Ansistr

3509: Func StrCharPosLower( const S : Ansistr; CharPos : Int) : Ansistr
3510: Func StrCharPosUpper( const S : Ansistr; CharPos : Int) : Ansistr
3511: Func StrDoubleQuote( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3512: Func StrEnsureNoPrefix( const Prefix, Text : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3513: Func StrEnsureNoSuffix( const Suffix, Text : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3514: Func StrEnsurePrefix( const Prefix, Text : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3515: Func StrEnsureSuffix( const Suffix, Text : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3516: Func StrEscapedToString( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3517: Func JStrLower( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3518: Proc StrLowerInPlace( var S : Ansistr)
3519: ///Proc StrLowerBuff( S : PAnsiChar)
3520: Proc JStrMove( var Dest:AnsiStr;const Source:AnsiStr;const ToIndex,FromIndex,Count:Int;
3521: Func StrPadLeft( const S : Ansistr; Len : Int; C : AnsiChar) : Ansistr
3522: Func StrPadRight( const S : Ansistr; Len : Int; C : AnsiChar) : Ansistr
3523: Func StrProper( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3524: //Proc StrProperBuff( S : PAnsiChar)
3525: Func StrQuote( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar) : Ansistr
3526: Func StrRemoveChars( const S : Ansistr; const Chars : TSysCharSet) : Ansistr
3527: Func StrKeepChars( const S : Ansistr; const Chars : TSysCharSet) : Ansistr
3528: Proc JStrReplace(var S:Ansistr;const Search,Replace:Ansistr;Flags: TReplaceFlags)
3529: Func StrReplaceChar( const S : Ansistr; const Source, Replace : AnsiChar) : Ansistr
3530: Func StrReplaceChars(const S:AnsiStr;const Chars:TSysCharSet;Replace:AnsiChar):Ansistr
3531: Func StrReplaceButChars(const S:AnsiStr;const Chars:TSysCharSet;Replace:AnsiChar):AnsiStr;
3532: Func StrRepeat( const S : Ansistr; Count : Int) : Ansistr
3533: Func StrRepeatLength( const S : Ansistr; const L : Int) : Ansistr
3534: Func StrReverse( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3535: Proc StrReverseInPlace( var S : Ansistr)
3536: Func StrSingleQuote( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3537: Func StrSmartCase( const S : Ansistr; Delimiters : TSysCharSet) : Ansistr
3538: Func StrStringToEscaped( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3539: Func StrStripNonNumberChars( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3540: Func StrToHex( const Source : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3541: Func StrTrimCharLeft( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar) : Ansistr
3542: Func StrTrimCharsLeft( const S : Ansistr; const Chars : TSysCharSet) : Ansistr
3543: Func StrTrimCharRight( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar) : Ansistr
3544: Func StrTrimCharsRight( const S : Ansistr; const Chars : TSysCharSet) : Ansistr
3545: Func StrTrimQuotes( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3546: Func JStrUpper( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3547: Proc StrUpperInPlace( var S : Ansistr)
3548: //Proc StrUpperBuff( S : PAnsiChar)
3549: Func StrOemToAnsi( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3550: Func StrAnsiToOem( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3551: Proc StrAddRef( var S : Ansistr)
3552: Func StrAllocSize( const S : Ansistr) : Longint
3553: Proc StrDecRef( var S : Ansistr)
3554: //Func StrLen( S : PAnsiChar) : Int
3555: Func StrLength( const S : Ansistr) : Longint
3556: Func StrRefCount( const S : Ansistr) : Longint
3557: Proc StrResetLength( var S : Ansistr)
3558: Func StrCharCount( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar) : Int
3559: Func StrCharsCount( const S : Ansistr; Chars : TSysCharSet) : Int
3560: Func StrStrCount( const S, SubS : Ansistr) : Int
3561: Func StrCompare( const S1, S2 : Ansistr) : Int
3562: Func StrCompareRange( const S1, S2 : Ansistr; const Index, Count:Int) : Int
3563: //Func StrFillChar( const C : AnsiChar; Count : Int) : Ansistr;
3564: Func StrFillChar1( const C : Char; Count : Int) : Ansistr;
3565: Func StrFillChar(const C: Char; Count: Int):Str);
3566: Func IntFillChar(const I: Int; Count: Int):Str);
3567: Func ByteFillChar(const B: Byte; Count: Int):Str);
3568: Func ArrFillChar(const AC: Char; Count: Int): TCharArray;;
3569: Func ArrByteFillChar(const AB: Char; Count: Int): TByteArray;
3570: Func StrFind( const Substr, S : Ansistr; const Index : Int) : Int
3571: //Func StrHasPrefix( const S : Ansistr; const Prefixes : array of Ansistr) :Bool
3572: Func StrIndex( const S : Ansistr; const List : array of Ansistr) : Int
3573: Func StrILastPos( const SubStr, S : Ansistr) : Int
3574: Func StrIPos( const SubStr, S : Ansistr) : Int
3575: Func StrIsOneOf( const S : Ansistr; const List : array of Ansistr) :Bool
3576: Func StrLastPos( const SubStr, S : Ansistr) : Int
3577: Func StrMatch( const Substr, S : Ansistr; const Index : Int) : Int
3578: Func StrMatches( const Substr, S : Ansistr; const Index : Int) :Bool
3579: Func StrNIPos( const S, SubStr : Ansistr; N : Int) : Int
3580: Func StrNPos( const S, SubStr : Ansistr; N : Int) : Int
3581: Func StrPrefixIndex( const S : Ansistr; const Prefixes : array of Ansistr) : Int
3582: Func StrSearch( const Substr, S : Ansistr; const Index : Int) : Int
3583: //Func StrAfter( const SubStr, S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3584: //Func StrBefore( const SubStr, S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3585: Func StrBetween( const S : Ansistr; const Start, Stop : AnsiChar) : Ansistr
3586: Func StrChopRight( const S : Ansistr; N : Int) : Ansistr
3587: Func StrLeft( const S : Ansistr; Count : Int) : Ansistr
3588: Func StrMid( const S : Ansistr; Start, Count : Int) : Ansistr
3589: Func StrRestOf( const S : Ansistr; N : Int) : Ansistr
3590: Func StrRight( const S : Ansistr; Count : Int) : Ansistr
3591: Func CharEqualNoCase( const C1, C2 : AnsiChar) :Bool
3592: Func CharIsAlpha( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool
3593: Func CharIsAlphaNum( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool
3594: Func CharIsBlank( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool
3595: Func CharIsControl( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool
3596: Func CharIsDelete( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool

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3597: Func CharIsDigit( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool

3598: Func CharIsLower( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool
3599: Func CharIsNumberChar( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool
3600: Func CharIsPrintable( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool
3601: Func CharIsPunctuation( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool
3602: Func CharIsReturn( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool
3603: Func CharIsSpace( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool
3604: Func CharIsUpper( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool
3605: Func CharIsWhiteSpace( const C : AnsiChar) :Bool
3606: Func CharType( const C : AnsiChar) : Word
3607: Func CharHex( const C : AnsiChar) : Byte
3608: Func CharLower( const C : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar
3609: Func CharUpper( const C : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar
3610: Func CharToggleCase( const C : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar
3611: Func CharPos( const S : Ansistr; const C : AnsiChar; const Index : Int) : Int
3612: Func CharLastPos( const S : Ansistr; const C : AnsiChar; const Index : Int) : Int
3613: Func CharIPos( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar; const Index : Int) : Int
3614: Func CharReplace( var S : Ansistr; const Search, Replace : AnsiChar) : Int
3615: Proc StrIToStrings(S,Sep:Ansistr; const List:TStrings;const AllowEmptyString :Bool)
3616: Proc StrToStrings(S,Sep: Ansistr; const List:TStrings;const AllowEmptyString :Bool)
3617: Func StringsToStr(const List:TStrings;const Sep:AnsiStr;const AllowEmptyString:Bool):AnsiStr;
3618: Proc TrimStrings( const List : TStrings; DeleteIfEmpty :Bool)
3619: Proc TrimStringsRight( const List : TStrings; DeleteIfEmpty :Bool)
3620: Proc TrimStringsLeft( const List : TStrings; DeleteIfEmpty :Bool)
3621: Func AddStringToStrings(const S:Ansistr;Strings:TStrings; const Unique:Boolean):Bool
3622: Func BooleanToStr( B :Bool) : Ansistr
3623: Func FileToString( const FileName : Ansistr) : Ansistr
3624: Proc StringToFile( const FileName, Contents: Ansistr; Append:Bool) //binary save!
3625: Proc StringToFile2( const S, FileName :Str);
3626: Func StrToken( var S : Ansistr; Separator : AnsiChar) : Ansistr
3627: Proc StrTokens( const S : Ansistr; const List : TStrings)
3628: Proc StrTokenToStrings( S : Ansistr; Separator : AnsiChar; const List : TStrings)
3629: //Func StrWord( var S : PAnsiChar; out Word : Ansistr) :Bool
3630: Func StrToFloatSafe( const S : Ansistr) : Float
3631: Func StrToIntSafe( const S : Ansistr) : Int
3632: Proc StrNormIndex( const StrLen : Int; var Index : Int; var Count : Int);
3633: Func ArrayOf( List : TStrings) : TDynStringArray;
3634: EJclStringError', 'EJclError
3635: Func IsClass(Address: TObject):Bool;
3636: Func IsObject(Address: TObject):Bool;
3637: // Console Utilities
3638: //Func ReadKey: Char;
3639: Func IntToStrZeroPad(Value, Count: Int): Ansistr;
3640: Func JclGUIDToString(const GUID: TGUID):Str;
3641: Func JclStringToGUID(const S:Str): TGUID;
3642: end;
3644: ********************************************** uPSI_JvDBUtil;
3645: Proc ExecuteSQLScript(Base:TDataBase;const Script:str; const Commit:TCommit;OnProgress:TOnProgress; const
UserData : Int)
3646: Func GetQueryResult( const DatabaseName, SQL :Str) : Variant
3647: Func GetStoredProcResult(const ADatabaseName,AStoredProcName:str; AParams: array of Variant;const
3648: //Func StrFieldDesc( Field : FLDDesc) :Str
3649: Func Var2Type( V : Variant; const VarType : Int) : Variant
3650: Proc CopyRecord( DataSet : TDataSet)
3651: //Proc AddReference( Tbl : TTable; RefName:Str; RefField: Word; MasterTable :Str; MasterField : Word;
ModOp, DelOp : RINTQual)
3652: Proc AddMasterPassword( Table : TTable; pswd :Str)
3653: Proc PackTable( Table : TTable)
3654: Proc PackEncryptedTable( Table : TTable; pswd :Str)
3655: Func EncodeQuotes( const S :Str) :Str
3656: Func Cmp( const S1, S2 :Str) :Bool
3657: Func SubStr( const S :Str; const Index : Int; const Separator :Str) :Str
3658: Func SubStrEnd( const S :Str; const Index : Int; const Separator :Str):Str
3659: Func ReplaceString( S :Str; const OldPattern, NewPattern :Str) :Str
3660: Proc GetXYByPos( const S :Str; const Pos : Int; var X, Y : Int)
3661: **********************************************uPSI_JvJvBDEUtils;***************
3662: //JvBDEUtils
3663: Func CreateDbLocate : TJvLocateObject
3664: //Func CheckOpen( Status : DBIResult) :Bool
3665: Proc FetchAllRecords( DataSet : TBDEDataSet)
3666: Func TransActive( Database : TDatabase) :Bool
3667: Func AsyncQrySupported( Database : TDatabase) :Bool
3668: Func GetQuoteChar( Database : TDatabase) :Str
3669: Proc ExecuteQuery( const DbName, QueryText :Str)
3670: Proc ExecuteQueryEx( const SessName, DbName, QueryText :Str)
3671: Func FieldLogicMap( FldType : TFieldType) : Int
3672: Func FieldSubtypeMap( FldType : TFieldType) : Int Value :Str; Buffer : Pointer)
3673: Func GetAliasPath( const AliasName :Str) :Str
3674: Func IsDirectory( const DatabaseName :Str) :Bool
3675: Func GetBdeDirectory :Str
3676: Func LoginToDatabase( Database : TDatabase; OnLogin : TDatabaseLoginEvent) :Bool
3677: Func DataSetFindValue( ADataSet : TBDEDataSet; const Value, FieldName :Str) :Bool
3678: Func DataSetFindLike( ADataSet : TBDEDataSet; const Value, FieldName :Str) :Bool
3679: Func DataSetRecNo( DataSet : TDataSet) : Longint
3680: Func DataSetRecordCount( DataSet : TDataSet) : Longint
3681: Func DataSetPositionStr( DataSet : TDataSet) :Str
3682: Proc DataSetShowDeleted( DataSet : TBDEDataSet; Show :Bool)

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3683: Func CurrentRecordDeleted( DataSet : TBDEDataSet) :Bool

3684: Func IsFilterApplicable( DataSet : TDataSet) :Bool
3685: Func IsBookmarkStable( DataSet : TBDEDataSet) :Bool
3686: Proc SetIndex( Table : TTable; const IndexFieldNames :Str)
3687: Proc RestoreIndex( Table : TTable)
3688: Proc DeleteRange(Table: TTable; IndexFields:array of const; FieldValues: array of const)
3689: Proc PackTable( Table : TTable)
3690: Proc ReindexTable( Table : TTable)
3691: Proc BdeFlushBuffers
3692: Func GetNativeHandle( Database : TDatabase; Buffer : Pointer; BufSize : Int) : Pointer
3693: Proc ToggleDebugLayer( Active :Bool; const DebugFile :Str)
3694: Proc DbNotSupported
3695: Proc ExportDataSet(Source:TBDEDataSet;DestTable:TTable;TableType:TTableType;const AsciiCharSe
:str;AsciiDelimited Boolean;MaxRecordCount:Longint)
3696: Proc ExportDataSetEx( Source : TBDEDataSet; DestTable : TTable; TableType : TTableType; const
3697: Proc
3698: Proc InitRSRUN(Database:TDatabase;const ConName:str;ConType:Int;const ConServer:str);
3699: **********************************************uPSI_JvDateUtil;
3700: Func CurrentYear: Word;
3701: Func IsLeapYear(AYear: Int):Bool;
3702: Func DaysPerMonth(AYear, AMonth: Int): Int;
3703: Func FirstDayOfPrevMonth: TDateTime;
3704: Func LastDayOfPrevMonth: TDateTime;
3705: Func FirstDayOfNextMonth: TDateTime;
3706: Func ExtractDay(ADate: TDateTime): Word;
3707: Func ExtractMonth(ADate: TDateTime): Word;
3708: Func ExtractYear(ADate: TDateTime): Word;
3709: Func IncDate(ADate: TDateTime; Days, Months, Years: Int): TDateTime;
3710: Func IncDay(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
3711: Func IncMonth(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
3712: Func IncYear(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
3713: Func ValidDate(ADate: TDateTime):Bool;
3714: Proc DateDiff(Date1, Date2: TDateTime; var Days, Months, Years: Word);
3715: Func MonthsBetween(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Double;
3716: Func DaysInPeriod(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Longint;
3717: { Count days between Date1 and Date2 + 1, so if Date1 = Date2 result = 1 }
3718: Func DaysBetween(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Longint;
3719: { The same as previous but if Date2 < Date1 result = 0 }
3720: Func IncTime(ATime: TDateTime; Hours, Minutes, Seconds, MSecs: Int): TDateTime;
3721: Func IncHour(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
3722: Func IncMinute(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
3723: Func IncSecond(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
3724: Func IncMSec(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
3725: Func CutTime(ADate: TDateTime): TDateTime; { Set time to 00:00:00:00 }
3726: { String to date conversions }
3727: Func GetDateOrder(const DateFormat:Str): TDateOrder;
3728: Func MonthFromName(const S:Str; MaxLen: Byte): Byte;
3729: Func StrToDateDef(const S:Str; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
3730: Func StrToDateFmt(const DateFormat, S:Str): TDateTime;
3731: Func StrToDateFmtDef(const DateFormat, S:Str; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
3732: Func DefDateFormat(FourDigitYear:Bool):Str;
3733: Func DefDateMask(BlanksChar: Char; FourDigitYear:Bool):Str;
3734: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3735: ********************************** JvUtils;*******************************
3736: { GetWordOnPos returns Word from string, S, on the cursor position, P}
3737: Func GetWordOnPos(const S:Str; const P: Int):Str;
3738: {GetWordOnPosEx worklike GetWordOnPosfunction,also returns Wordposition in iBeg,iEnd variables}
3739: Func GetWordOnPosEx(const S:Str; const P: Int; var iBeg, iEnd: Int):Str;
3740: { SubStr returns substring from string, S, separated with Separator string}
3741: Func SubStr(const S:Str; const Index: Int; const Separator:Str):Str;
3742: { SubStrEnd same to previous Func but Index numerated from the end of string }
3743: Func SubStrEnd(const S:Str; const Index: Int; const Separator:Str):Str;
3744: { SubWord returns next Word from string, P, and offsets Pointer to the end of Word, P2 }
3745: Func SubWord(P: PChar; var P2: PChar):Str;
3746: { NumberByWord returns the text representation of
3747: the number, N, in normal russian language. Was typed from Monitor magazine }
3748: Func NumberByWord(const N: Longint):Str;
3749: // Func CurrencyByWord(Value : Currency) :Str; GetLineByPos returns Line number, there
3750: //the symbol Pos is pointed. Lines separated with #13 symbol }
3751: Func GetLineByPos(const S:Str; const Pos: Int): Int;
3752: { GetXYByPos is same to previous function, but returns X position in line too}
3753: Proc GetXYByPos(const S:Str; const Pos: Int; var X, Y: Int);
3754: { ReplaceString searches for all substrings,OldPattern,in a string,S, replaces them with NewPattern }
3755: Func ReplaceString(S:Str; const OldPattern, NewPattern:Str):Str;
3756: { ConcatSep concatenate S and S2 strings with Separator. if S = '', separator don't included }
3757: Func ConcatSep(const S, S2, Separator:Str):Str;
3758: { ConcatLeftSep is same to previous function, but strings concatenate right to left }
3759: Func ConcatLeftSep(const S, S2, Separator:Str):Str;
3760: { MinimizeString truncs long string,S,appends '...' symbols,if Length of S is more than MaxLen}
3761: Func MinimizeString(const S:Str; const MaxLen: Int):Str;
3762: { Next 4 Func for russian chars transliterating.
3763: This functions are needed because Oem2Ansi and Ansi2Oem functions sometimes works sucks }
3764: Proc Dos2Win(var S:Str);
3765: Proc Win2Dos(var S:Str);
3766: Func Dos2WinRes(const S:Str):Str;
3767: Func Win2DosRes(const S:Str):Str;
3768: Func Win2Koi(const S:Str):Str;

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3769: { Spaces returns string consists on N space chars }

3770: Func Spaces(const N: Int):Str;
3771: { AddSpaces add spaces to string, S, if it Length is smaller than N }
3772: Func AddSpaces(const S:Str; const N: Int):Str;
3773: { Func LastDate for russian users only } { returns date relative to current date: '' }
3774: Func LastDate(const Dat: TDateTime):Str;
3775: { CurrencyToStr format currency, Cur, using ffCurrency float format}
3776: Func CurrencyToStr(const Cur: currency):Str;
3777: { Cmp compares two strings and returns True if they are equal. Case-insensitive.}
3778: Func Cmp(const S1, S2:Str):Bool;
3779: { StringCat add S2 string to S1 and returns this string }
3780: Func StringCat(var S1:Str; S2:Str):Str;
3781: { HasChar returns True, if Char, Ch, contains in string, S }
3782: Func HasChar(const Ch: Char; const S:Str):Bool;
3783: Func HasAnyChar(const Chars:Str; const S:Str):Bool;
3784: Func CharInSet(const Ch: Char; const SetOfChar: TSetOfChar):Bool;
3785: Func CountOfChar(const Ch: Char; const S:Str): Int;
3786: Func DefStr(const S:Str; Default:Str):Str;
3787: {**** files routines}
3788: { GetWinDir returns Windows folder name }
3789: Func GetWinDir: TFileName;
3790: Func GetSysDir:Str;
3791: { GetTempDir returns Windows temporary folder name }
3792: Func GetTempDir:Str;
3793: { GenTempFileName returns temporary file name on drive, there FileName is placed }
3794: Func GenTempFileName(FileName:Str):Str;
3795: { GenTempFileNameExt sameto previous function,but returning filename has given extension, FileExt }
3796: Func GenTempFileNameExt(FileName:Str; const FileExt:Str):Str;
3797: { ClearDir clears folder Dir }
3798: Func ClearDir(const Dir:Str):Bool;
3799: { DeleteDir clears and than delete folder Dir }
3800: Func DeleteDir(const Dir:Str):Bool;
3801: { FileEquMask returns True if file, FileName, is compatible with given dos file mask, Mask }
3802: Func FileEquMask(FileName, Mask: TFileName):Bool;
3803: { FileEquMasks returns True if file, FileName, is compatible with given Masks.
3804: Masks must be separated with comma (';') }
3805: Func FileEquMasks(FileName, Masks: TFileName):Bool;
3806: Proc DeleteFiles(const Folder: TFileName; const Masks:Str);
3807: { LZFileExpand expand file,FileSource into FileDest.File must be compressed,using MS Compress program }
3808: Func LZFileExpand(const FileSource, FileDest:Str):Bool;
3809: { FileGetInfo fills SearchRec record for specified file attributes}
3810: Func FileGetInfo(FileName: TFileName; var SearchRec: TSearchRec):Bool;
3811: { HasSubFolder returns True, if folder APath contains other folders }
3812: Func HasSubFolder(APath: TFileName):Bool;
3813: { IsEmptyFolder returns True, if there are no files or folders in given folder, APath}
3814: Func IsEmptyFolder(APath: TFileName):Bool;
3815: { AddSlash add slash Char to Dir parameter, if needed }
3816: Proc AddSlash(var Dir: TFileName);
3817: { AddSlash returns string with added slash Char to Dir parameter, if needed }
3818: Func AddSlash2(const Dir: TFileName):Str;
3819: { AddPath returns FileName with Path, if FileName not contain any path }
3820: Func AddPath(const FileName, Path: TFileName): TFileName;
3821: Func AddPaths(const PathList, Path:Str):Str;
3822: Func ParentPath(const Path: TFileName): TFileName;
3823: Func FindInPath(const FileName, PathList:Str): TFileName;
3824: Func FindInPaths(const fileName,paths:Str):Str;
3825: {$IFNDEF BCB1}
3826: { BrowseForFolder displays Browse For Folder dialog }
3827: Func BrowseForFolder(const Handle: HWND; const Title:Str; var Folder:Str):Boolean;
3828: {$ENDIF BCB1}
3829: Func BrowseForFolder(const ATitle:Str; AllowCreate :Bool; var ADirectory :str; AHelpContext :
THelpContext) :Bool
3830: Func BrowseForComputer(const ATitle :Str; AllowCreate :Bool; var ADirectory:str; AHelpContext :
THelpContext): Bool
3831: Func BrowseDirectory(var AFolderName:str;const DlgText:str;AHelpContext:THelpContext):Bool
3832: Func BrowseComputer(var AComputerName:str;const DlgText:str;AHelpContext:THelpContext):Bool
3833: { DeleteReadOnlyFile clears R/O file attribute and delete file }
3834: Func DeleteReadOnlyFile(const FileName: TFileName):Bool;
3835: { HasParam returns True, if program running with specified parameter, Param }
3836: Func HasParam(const Param:Str):Bool;
3837: Func HasSwitch(const Param:Str):Bool;
3838: Func Switch(const Param:Str):Str;
3839: { ExePath returns ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) }
3840: Func ExePath: TFileName;
3841: Func CopyDir(const SourceDir, DestDir: TFileName):Bool;
3842: Func FileTimeToDateTime(const FT: TFileTime): TDateTime;
3843: Func MakeValidFileName(const FileName: TFileName; const ReplaceBadChar: Char): TFileName;
3844: {**** Graphic routines }
3845: { TTFontSelected returns True, if True Type font is selected in specified device context }
3846: Func TTFontSelected(const DC: HDC):Bool;
3847: { TrueInflateRect inflates rect in other method, than InflateRect API Func }
3848: Func TrueInflateRect(const R: TRect; const I: Int): TRect;
3849: {**** Windows routines }
3850: { SetWindowTop put window to top without recreating window }
3851: Proc SetWindowTop(const Handle: HWND; const Top:Bool);
3852: {**** other routines }
3853: { KeyPressed returns True, if Key VK is now pressed }
3854: Func KeyPressed(VK: Int):Bool;
3855: Proc SwapInt(var Int1, Int2: Int);

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3856: Func IntPower(Base, Exponent: Int): Int;

3857: Func ChangeTopException(E: TObject): TObject;
3858: Func StrToBool(const S:Str):Bool;
3860: { AnsiStrLIComp compares S1 to S2, without case-sensitivity, up to a maximum
3861: Length of MaxLen bytes. The compare operation is controlled by the
3862: current Windows locale. The return value is the same as for CompareStr. }
3863: Func AnsiStrLIComp(S1, S2: PChar; MaxLen:Card): Int;
3864: Func AnsiStrIComp(S1, S2: PChar): Int;
3865: {$ENDIF}
3866: Func Var2Type(V: Variant; const VarType: Int): Variant;
3867: Func VarToInt(V: Variant): Int;
3868: Func VarToFloat(V: Variant): Double;
3869: {following functions are not documented because they are don't work properly,so don't use them}
3870: Func ReplaceSokr1(S:Str; const Word, Frase:Str):Str;
3871: { ReplaceSokr1 is full equal to ReplaceString Func - only for compatibility - don't use }
3872: { GetSubStr is full equal to SubStr Func - only for compatibility - don't use }
3873: Func GetSubStr(const S:Str; const Index: Int; const Separator: Char):Str;
3874: Func GetParameter:Str;
3875: Func GetLongFileName(FileName:Str):Str;
3876: {* from FileCtrl}
3877: Func DirectoryExists(const Name:Str):Bool;
3878: Proc ForceDirectories(Dir:Str);
3879: {# from FileCtrl}
3880: Func FileNewExt(const FileName, NewExt: TFileName): TFileName;
3881: Func GetComputerID:Str;
3882: Func GetComputerName:Str;
3883: {**** string routines }
3884: { ReplaceAllSokr searches for all substrings, Words,in a string, S, and replaces them with Frases with the
same Index.Also see RAUtilsW.ReplaceSokr1 Func }
3885: Func ReplaceAllSokr(S:Str; Words, Frases: TStrings):Str;
3886: { ReplaceSokr searches the Word in a string, S, on PosBeg position,
3887: in the list, Words, and if founds, replaces this Word with string from another list, Frases, with same
Index, and then update NewSelStart variable }
3888: Func ReplaceSokr(S:str;PosBeg,Len:Int;Words,Frases:TStrings;var NewSelStart:Int):Str;
3889: { CountOfLines calculates linescount in a string,each line separated from another with CrLf sequence }
3890: Func CountOfLines(const S:Str): Int;
3891: { DeleteEmptyLines deletes all empty lines from strings, Ss. Lines contained only spaces also deletes. }
3892: Proc DeleteEmptyLines(Ss: TStrings);
3893: { SQLAddWhere addes or modifies existing where-statement, where, to the strings, SQL.
3894: Note:If strings SQL allready contains where-statement,it must be started on begining of any line}
3895: Proc SQLAddWhere(SQL: TStrings; const Where:Str);
3896: {**** files routines - }
3897: { ResSaveToFile save resource named as Name with Typ type into file FileName.
3898: Resource can be compressed using MS Compress program}
3899: Func ResSaveToFile(const Typ,Name:str;const Compressed:Bool;const FileName:str):Bool;
3900: Func ResSaveToFileEx(Inst:HINST;Typ,Name:PChar;const Compressed:Bool;const FileName:str): Bool
3901: Func ResSaveToString(Instance: HINST; const Typ, Name:Str; var S:Str):Bool;
3902: { Execute executes other program and waiting for it terminating, then return its Exit Code }
3903: Func ExecuteJ(const CommandLine, WorkingDirectory:Str): Int;
3904: { IniReadSection read section, Section, from ini-file,
3905: IniFileName, into strings, Ss.This Func reads ALL strings from specified section.
3906: Note: TIninFile.ReadSection Func reads only strings with '=' symbol.}
3907: Func IniReadSection(const IniFileName:TFileName;const Section:str;Ss:TStrings):Bool;
3908: { LoadTextFile load text file, FileName, into string }
3909: Func LoadTextFile(const FileName: TFileName):Str;
3910: Proc SaveTextFile(const FileName: TFileName; const Source:Str);
3911: { ReadFolder reads files list from disk folder,Folder,that are equal Mask,into strings,FileList}
3912: Func ReadFolder(const Folder, Mask: TFileName; FileList: TStrings): Int;
3913: Func ReadFolders(const Folder: TFileName; FolderList: TStrings): Int;
3915: { TargetFileName - if FileName is ShortCut returns filename ShortCut linked to }
3916: Func TargetFileName(const FileName: TFileName): TFileName;
3917: { return filename ShortCut linked to }
3918: Func ResolveLink(const hWnd: HWND; const LinkFile: TFileName; var FileName: TFileName): HRESULT;
3920: {**** Graphic routines - }
3921: {LoadIcoToImage loads 2 icons from resource named NameRes,into twoimage lists ALarge and ASmall}
3922: Proc LoadIcoToImage(ALarge, ASmall: TImageList; const NameRes:Str);
3923: { RATextOut same with TCanvas.TextOut procedure,but can clipping drawing with rectangle,RClip.}
3924: Proc RATextOut(Canvas: TCanvas; const R, RClip: TRect; const S:Str);
3925: {RATextOutEx same with RATextOut funct, but can calculate needed height for correct output }
3926: Func RATextOutEx(Canvas:TCanvas;const R,RClip:TRect;const S:str;const CalcHeight:Bool):Int;
3927: {RATextCalcHeight calculate needed height to correct output,using RATextOut or RATextOutEx functions}
3928: Func RATextCalcHeight(Canvas: TCanvas; const R: TRect; const S:Str): Int;
3929: { Cinema draws some visual effect }
3930: Proc Cinema(Canvas: TCanvas; rS {Source}, rD {Dest}: TRect);
3931: { Roughed fills rect with special 3D pattern }
3932: Proc Roughed(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect; const AVert:Bool);
3933: { BitmapFromBitmap creates new small bitmap from part of source bitmap, SrcBitmap, with specified width
and height,AWidth,AHeight and placed on specified Index,Index in source bitmap}
3934: Func BitmapFromBitmap(SrcBitmap: TBitmap; const AWidth, AHeight, Index: Int): TBitmap;
3935: { TextWidth calculate text with for writing using standard desktop font }
3936: Func TextWidth(AStr:Str): Int;
3937: { DefineCursor load cursor from resource, and return available cursor number, assigned to it }
3938: Func DefineCursor(Identifer: PChar): TCursor;
3939: {**** other routines - }
3940: { FindFormByClass returns first form specified class, FormClass,owned by Application global variable }
3941: Func FindFormByClass(FormClass: TFormClass): TForm;

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3942: Func FindFormByClassName(FormClassName:Str): TForm;

3943: { FindByTag returns the control with specified class, ComponentClass, from WinContol.Controls property,
3944: having Tag property value, equaled to Tag parameter }
3945: Func FindByTag(WinControl:TWinControl;ComponentClass:TComponentClass;const Tag:Int):TComponent;
3946: { ControlAtPos2 equal to TWinControl.ControlAtPos function, but works better }
3947: Func ControlAtPos2(Parent: TWinControl; X, Y: Int): TControl;
3948: { RBTag searches WinControl.Controls for checked RadioButton and returns Tag property value }
3949: Func RBTag(Parent: TWinControl): Int;
3950: { AppMinimized returns True, if Application is minimized }
3951: Func AppMinimized:Bool;
3952: { MessageBox is Application.MessageBox with string (not PChar) parameters.
3953: if Caption parameter = '', it replaced with Application.Title }
3954: Func MessageBoxJ(const Msg:Str; Caption:Str;const Flags: Int): Int;
3955: Func MsgDlg2(const Msg, ACaption:Str; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
3956: Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; HelpContext: Int; Control: TWinControl): Int;
3957: Func MsgDlgDef(const Msg, ACaption:Str; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
3958: Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; DefButton:TMsgDlgBtn; HelpContext: Int;Control: TWinControl):Int;
3959: { Delay stop program execution to MSec msec }
3960: Proc Delay(MSec: Longword);
3961: Proc CenterHor(Parent: TControl; MinLeft: Int; Controls: array of TControl);
3962: Proc EnableControls(Control: TWinControl; const Enable:Bool);
3963: Proc EnableMenuItems(MenuItem: TMenuItem; const Tag: Int; const Enable:Bool);
3964: Proc ExpandWidth(Parent: TControl; MinWidth: Int; Controls: array of TControl);
3965: Func PanelBorder(Panel: TCustomPanel): Int;
3966: Func Pixels(Control: TControl; APixels: Int): Int;
3967: Proc SetChildPropOrd(Owner: TComponent; PropName:Str; Value: Longint);
3968: Proc Error(const Msg:Str);
3969: Proc ItemHtDrawEx(Canvas:TCanvas;Rect:TRect;const State:TOwnerDrawState;const Text:str;
3970: const HideSelColor:Bool; var PlainItem:Str; var Width: Int; CalcWidth:Bool);
3971: {ex.Text parameter:'Item1<b>bold</b><i>italic ITALIC<c:Red>red<c:Green>green<c:blue>blue</i>'}
3972: Func ItemHtDraw(Canvas:TCanvas;Rect:TRect;const State:TOwnerDrawState;const Text:str;
3973: const HideSelColor:Bool):Str;
3974: Func ItemHtWidth(Canvas:TCanvas;Rect:TRect;const State:TOwnerDrawState;const Text:str;
3975: const HideSelColor:Bool): Int;
3976: Func ItemHtPlain(const Text:Str):Str;
3977: { ClearList - clears list of TObject }
3978: Proc ClearList(List: TList);
3979: Proc MemStreamToClipBoard(MemStream: TMemoryStream; const Format: Word);
3980: Proc ClipBoardToMemStream(MemStream: TMemoryStream; const Format: Word);
3981: { RTTI support }
3982: Func GetPropType(Obj: TObject; const PropName:Str): TTypeKind;
3983: Func GetPropStr(Obj: TObject; const PropName:Str):Str;
3984: Func GetPropOrd(Obj: TObject; const PropName:Str): Int;
3985: Func GetPropMethod(Obj: TObject; const PropName:Str): TMethod;
3986: Proc PrepareIniSection(SS: TStrings);
3987: {following functions are not documented because they are don't work properly,so don't use them}
3989: Func CompareMem(P1, P2: Pointer; Length: Int):Bool; assembler;
3990: {$ENDIF}
3992: Proc SIRegister_JvBoxProcs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
3993: begin
3994: Proc BoxMoveSelectedItems( SrcList, DstList : TWinControl)
3995: Proc BoxMoveAllItems( SrcList, DstList : TWinControl)
3996: Proc BoxDragOver(List:TWinControl;Source:TObject;X,Y:Int;State:TDragState;var Accept:Bool;Sorted:Bool;
3997: Proc BoxMoveFocusedItem( List : TWinControl; DstIndex : Int)
3998: Proc BoxMoveSelected( List : TWinControl; Items : TStrings)
3999: Proc BoxSetItem( List : TWinControl; Index : Int)
4000: Func BoxGetFirstSelection( List : TWinControl) : Int
4001: Func BoxCanDropItem( List:TWinControl; X,Y:Int; var DragIndex : Int):Boolean
4002: end;
4004: Proc SIRegister_JvCsvParse(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
4005: begin
4006: Const('MaxInitStrNum','LongInt'( 9);
4007: Func JvAnsiStrSplit( const InString : Ansistr; const SplitChar, QuoteChar:AnsiChar; var OutStrings : array
of Ansistr; MaxSplit : Int) : Int
4008: Func JvStrSplit(const InString:str;const SplitChar,QuoteChar:Char;var OutStrings:array of
4009: Func JvAnsiStrSplitStrings(const InStr:Ansistr;const SplitChar,QuoteChar:AnsiChar;OutStrs:TStrings):Int;
4010: Func JvAnsiStrStrip( S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
4011: Func JvStrStrip( S :Str) :Str
4012: Func GetString( var Source : Ansistr; const Separator : Ansistr) : Ansistr
4013: Func PadString( const S : Ansistr; Len : Int; PadChar : AnsiChar) : Ansistr
4014: Func BuildPathName( const PathName, FileName : Ansistr) : Ansistr
4015: Func StrEatWhiteSpace( const S :Str) :Str
4016: Func HexToAscii( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
4017: Func AsciiToHex( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
4018: Func StripQuotes( const S1 : Ansistr) : Ansistr
4019: Func ValidNumericLiteral( S1 : PAnsiChar) :Bool
4020: Func ValidIntLiteral( S1 : PAnsiChar) :Bool
4021: Func ValidHexLiteral( S1 : PAnsiChar) :Bool
4022: Func HexPCharToInt( S1 : PAnsiChar) : Int
4023: Func ValidStringLiteral( S1 : PAnsiChar) :Bool
4024: Func StripPCharQuotes( S1 : PAnsiChar) : Ansistr
4025: Func JvValidIdentifierAnsi( S1 : PAnsiChar) :Bool
4026: Func JvValidIdentifier( S1 :Str) :Bool
4027: Func JvEndChar( X : AnsiChar) :Bool
4028: Proc JvGetToken( S1, S2 : PAnsiChar)

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4029: Func IsExpressionKeyword( S1 : PAnsiChar) :Bool

4030: Func IsKeyword( S1 : PAnsiChar) :Bool
4031: Func JvValidVarReference( S1 : PAnsiChar) :Bool
4032: Func GetParenthesis( S1, S2 : PAnsiChar) :Bool
4033: Proc JvGetVarReference( S1, S2, SIdx : PAnsiChar)
4034: Proc JvEatWhitespaceChars( S1 : PAnsiChar);
4035: Proc JvEatWhitespaceChars1( S1 : PWideChar);
4036: Func GetTokenCount : Int
4037: Proc ResetTokenCount
4038: end;
4040: Proc SIRegister_JvDBQueryParamsForm(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
4041: begin
4042: SIRegister_TJvQueryParamsDialog(CL);
4043: Func EditQueryParams(DataSet:TDataSet;List:TParams;AHelpContext:THelpContext):Bool
4044: end;
4046: ********************************* JvStrUtil / JvStrUtils;*****************************
4047: Func FindNotBlankCharPos(const S:Str): Int;
4048: Func AnsiChangeCase(const S:Str):Str;
4049: Func GetWordOnPos(const S:Str; const P: Int):Str;
4050: Func GetWordOnPosEx(const S:Str; const P: Int; var iBeg, iEnd: Int):Str;
4051: Func Cmp(const S1, S2:Str):Bool;
4052: { Spaces returns string consists on N space chars }
4053: Func Spaces(const N: Int):Str;
4054: { HasChar returns True, if char, Ch, contains in string, S }
4055: Func HasChar(const Ch: Char; const S:Str):Bool;
4056: Func HasAnyChar(const Chars:Str; const S:Str):Bool;
4057: { SubStr returns substring from string, S, separated with Separator string}
4058: Func SubStr(const S:Str; const Index: Int; const Separator:Str):Str;
4059: { SubStrEnd same to previous Func but Index numerated from the end of string }
4060: Func SubStrEnd(const S:Str; const Index: Int; const Separator:Str):Str;
4061: { ReplaceString searches forall substrings,OldPattern,in a string,S,replaces with NewPattern }
4062: Func ReplaceString(S:Str; const OldPattern, NewPattern:Str):Str;
4063: Func CharInSet(const Ch: Char; const SetOfChar: TSetOfChar):Bool;
4064: { GetXYByPos is same to previous function, but returns X position in line too}
4065: Proc GetXYByPos(const S:Str; const Pos: Int; var X, Y: Int);
4066: { AddSlash returns string with added slash char to Dir parameter, if needed }
4067: Func AddSlash2(const Dir: TFileName):Str;
4068: { AddPath returns FileName with Path, if FileName not contain any path }
4069: Func AddPath(const FileName, Path: TFileName): TFileName;
4070: { ExePath returns ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) }
4071: Func ExePath: TFileName;
4072: Func LoadTextFile(const FileName: TFileName):Str;
4073: Proc SaveTextFile(const FileName: TFileName; const Source:Str);
4074: { ConcatSep concatenate S and S2 strings with Separator. if S = '', separator don't included }
4075: Func ConcatSep(const S, S2, Separator:Str):Str;
4076: { FileEquMask returns True if file, FileName, is compatible with given dos file mask, Mask }
4077: Func FileEquMask(FileName, Mask: TFileName):Bool;
4078: { FileEquMasks returns True if file, FileName, is compatible with given Masks.
4079: Masks must be separated with comma (';') }
4080: Func FileEquMasks(FileName, Masks: TFileName):Bool;
4081: Func StringEndsWith(const Str, SubStr:Str):Bool;
4082: Func ExtractFilePath2(const FileName:Str):Str;
4083: Func StrToOem(const AnsiStr:Str):Str;
4084: { StrToOem translates a string from the Windows character set into the OEM character set. }
4085: Func OemToAnsiStr(const OemStr:Str):Str;
4086: { OemToAnsiStr translates a string from the OEM character set into the Windows character set. }
4087: Func IsEmptyStr(const S:Str; const EmptyChars: TCharSet):Bool;
4088: { EmptyStr returns true if the given string contains only character from the EmptyChars. }
4089: Func ReplaceStr(const S, Srch, Replace:Str):Str;
4090: { Returns string with every occurrence of Srch string replaced with Replace string. }
4091: Func DelSpace(const S:Str):Str;
4092: { DelSpace return a string with all white spaces removed. }
4093: Func DelChars(const S:Str; Chr: Char):Str;
4094: { DelChars return a string with all Chr characters removed. }
4095: Func DelBSpace(const S:Str):Str;
4096: { DelBSpace trims leading spaces from the given string. }
4097: Func DelESpace(const S:Str):Str;
4098: { DelESpace trims trailing spaces from the given string. }
4099: Func DelRSpace(const S:Str):Str;
4100: { DelRSpace trims leading and trailing spaces from the given string. }
4101: Func DelSpace1(const S:Str):Str;
4102: { DelSpace1 return a string with all non-single white spaces removed. }
4103: Func Tab2Space(const S:Str; Numb: Byte):Str;
4104: { Tab2Space converts any tabulation chars in given string to the Numb spaces characters. }
4105: Func NPos(const C:Str; S:Str; N: Int): Int;
4106: { NPos searches for a N-th position of substring C in a given string. }
4107: Func MakeStr(C: Char; N: Int):Str;
4108: Func MS(C: Char; N: Int):Str;
4109: { MakeStr return a string of length N filled with character C. }
4110: Func AddChar(C: Char; const S:Str; N: Int):Str;
4111: { AddChar return a string left-padded to length N with characters C. }
4112: Func AddCharR(C: Char; const S:Str; N: Int):Str;
4113: { AddCharR return a string right-padded to length N with characters C. }
4114: Func LeftStr(const S:Str; N: Int):Str;
4115: { LeftStr return a string right-padded to length N with blanks. }
4116: Func RightStr(const S:Str; N: Int):Str;
4117: { RightStr return a string left-padded to length N with blanks. }

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4118: Func CenterStr(const S:Str; Len: Int):Str;

4119: { CenterStr centers the characters in the string based upon the Len specified. }
4120: Func CompStr(const S1, S2:Str): Int;
4121: {CompStr compares S1 to S2,case-sensitivity.return val is -1 if S1<S2,0 if S1=S2,or 1 if S1>S2.}
4122: Func CompText(const S1, S2:Str): Int;
4123: {CompText compares S1 to S2,without case-sensitivity. return value is the same as for CompStr.}
4124: Func Copy2Symb(const S:Str; Symb: Char):Str;
4125: { Copy2Symb returns a substring of a string S from begining to first character Symb. }
4126: Func Copy2SymbDel(var S:Str; Symb: Char):Str;
4127: {Copy2SymbDel returns substr of str S from first character Symb and removes substring from S.}
4128: Func Copy2Space(const S:Str):Str;
4129: { Copy2Symb returns a substring of a string S from begining to first white space. }
4130: Func Copy2SpaceDel(var S:Str):Str;
4131: { Copy2SpaceDel returns a substring of a string S from begining to first
4132: white space and removes this substring from S. }
4133: Func AnsiProperCase(const S:Str; const WordDelims: TCharSet):Str;
4134: { Returns string, with the first letter of each word in uppercase,
4135: all other letters in lowercase. Words are delimited by WordDelims. }
4136: Func WordCount(const S:Str; const WordDelims: TCharSet): Int;
4137: { WordCount given a set of word delimiters, returns number of words in S. }
4138: Func WordPosition(const N: Int; const S:Str; const WordDelims: TCharSet): Int;
4139: { Given a set of word delimiters, returns start position of N'th word in S. }
4140: Func ExtractWord(N: Int; const S:Str; const WordDelims: TCharSet):Str;
4141: Func ExtractWordPos(N:Int; const S:str; const WordDelims:TCharSet;var Pos: Int):str;
4142: Func ExtractDelimited(N: Int; const S:Str; const Delims: TCharSet):Str;
4143: { ExtractWord, ExtractWordPos and ExtractDelimited given a set of word
4144: delimiters, return the N'th word in S. }
4145: Func ExtractSubstr(const S:Str; var Pos: Int; const Delims: TCharSet):Str;
4146: { ExtractSubstr given set of word delimiters,returns the substring from S,that started from position Pos.}
4147: Func IsWordPresent(const W, S:Str; const WordDelims: TCharSet):Bool;
4148: { IsWordPresent given set of word delimiters, returns True if word W is present in string S. }
4149: Func QuotedString(const S:Str; Quote: Char):Str;
4150: { QuotedString returns given string as a quoted string, using the provided Quote character. }
4151: Func ExtractQuotedString(const S:Str; Quote: Char):Str;
4152: { ExtractQuotedString removes the Quote characters from beginning and end of a quoted string,
4153: and reduces pairs of Quote characters within the quoted string to a single character. }
4154: Func FindPart(const HelpWilds, InputStr:Str): Int;
4155: {FindPart compares a string with '?' and another,returns position of HelpWilds in InputStr. }
4156: Func IsWild(InputStr, Wilds:Str; IgnoreCase:Bool):Bool;
4157: { IsWild compares InputString with WildCard string and returns True if corresponds. }
4158: Func XorString(const Key, Src: ShortString): ShortString;
4159: Func XorEncode(const Key, Source:Str):Str;
4160: Func XorDecode(const Key, Source:Str):Str;
4161: { ** Command line routines ** }
4163: Func FindCmdLineSwitch(const Switch:str;SwitchChars TCharSet;IgnoreCase: Bool):Bool;
4164: {$ENDIF}
4165: Func GetCmdLineArg(const Switch:Str; SwitchChars: TCharSet):Str;
4166: { ** Numeric string handling routines ** }
4167: Func Numb2USA(const S:Str):Str;
4168: { Numb2USA converts numeric string S to USA-format. }
4169: Func Dec2Hex(N: Longint; A: Byte):Str;
4170: Func D2H(N: Longint; A: Byte):Str;
4171: { Dec2Hex converts the given value to a hexadecimal string representation
4172: with the minimum number of digits (A) specified. }
4173: Func Hex2Dec(const S:Str): Longint;
4174: Func H2D(const S:Str): Longint;
4175: { Hex2Dec converts the given hexadecimal string to the corresponding Int value. }
4176: Func Dec2Numb(N: Longint; A, B: Byte):Str;
4177: { Dec2Numb converts the given value to a string representation with the
4178: base equal to B and with the minimum number of digits (A) specified. }
4179: Func Numb2Dec(S:Str; B: Byte): Longint;
4180: { Numb2Dec converts given B-based numeric string to the corresponding Int value. }
4181: Func IntToBin(Value: Longint; Digits, Spaces: Int):Str;
4182: {IntToBin converts given value to bin str representation with min number of digits specified.}
4183: Func IntToRoman(Value: Longint):Str;
4184: { IntToRoman converts the given value to a roman numeric string representation. }
4185: Func RomanToInt(const S:Str): Longint;
4186: { RomanToInt converts the given string to an Int value. If the string
4187: doesn't contain a valid roman numeric value, the 0 value is returned. }
4188: Proc I64ToCardinals(I: Int64; var LowPart, HighPart:Card);
4189: Proc CardinalsToI64(var I: Int64; const LowPart, HighPart:Card);
4190: ********************************** JvFileUtil;**********************************
4191: Proc CopyFileJ(const FileName, DestName:Str; ProgressControl: TControl);
4192: Proc CopyFileEx(const FileName,DestName:str;OverwriteReadOnly,ShellDialog:Bool;ProgressControl:TControl);
4193: Proc MoveFile(const FileName, DestName: TFileName);
4194: Proc MoveFileEx(const FileName, DestName: TFileName; ShellDialog:Bool);
4196: Func GetFileSize(const FileName:Str): Int64;
4197: {$ELSE}
4198: Func GetFileSize(const FileName:Str): Longint;
4199: {$ENDIF}
4200: Func FileDateTime(const FileName:Str): TDateTime;
4201: Func HasAttr(const FileName:Str; Attr: Int):Bool;
4202: Func DeleteFiles(const FileMask:Str):Bool;
4203: Func DeleteFilesEx(const FileMasks: array of string):Bool;
4204: Func ClearDir(const Path:Str; Delete:Bool):Bool;
4205: Func NormalDir(const DirName:Str):Str;
4206: Func RemoveBackSlash(const DirName:Str):Str;

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4207: Func ValidFileName(const FileName:Str):Bool;

4208: Func DirExists(Name:Str):Bool;
4209: Proc ForceDirectories(Dir:Str);
4210: Func FileLock(Handle: Int; Offset, LockSize: Longint): Int;
4211: {$IFDEF COMPILER4_UP} overload; {$ENDIF}
4213: Func FileLock(Handle:Int; Offset, LockSize: Int64): Int; overload;
4214: {$ENDIF}
4215: Func FileUnlock(Handle:Int; Offset, LockSize: Longint): Int;
4216: {$IFDEF COMPILER4_UP} overload; {$ENDIF}
4218: Func FileUnlock(Handle:Int; Offset, LockSize: Int64): Int; overload;
4219: {$ENDIF}
4220: Func GetTempDir:Str;
4221: Func GetWindowsDir:Str;
4222: Func GetSystemDir:Str;
4223: Func BrowseDirectory(var AFolderName:str; const DlgText:str; AHelpContext:THelpContext):Boolean;
4224: {$IFDEF WIN32}
4225: Func BrowseComputer(var ComputerName:str;const DlgText:str;AHelpContext:THelpContext):Bool;
4226: Func ShortToLongFileName(const ShortName:Str):Str;
4227: Func ShortToLongPath(const ShortName:Str):Str;
4228: Func LongToShortFileName(const LongName:Str):Str;
4229: Func LongToShortPath(const LongName:Str):Str;
4230: Proc CreateFileLink(const FileName, DisplayName:Str; Folder: Int);
4231: Proc DeleteFileLink(const DisplayName:Str; Folder: Int);
4232: {$ENDIF WIN32}
4234: Func IsPathDelimiter(const S:Str; Index: Int):Bool;
4235: {$ENDIF}
4236: Func CreateCalculatorForm(AOwner:TComponent;AHelpContext:THelpContext):TJvCalculatorForm
4237: Func CreatePopupCalculator( AOwner : TComponent; ABiDiMode : TBiDiMode) : TWinControl
4238: Func CreatePopupCalculator( AOwner : TComponent) : TWinControl
4239: Proc SetupPopupCalculator(PopupCalc:TWinControl;APrecision Byte; ABeepOnError: Bool)
4241: //***************************Proc SIRegister_VarHlpr(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
4242: Proc VariantClear( var V : Variant)
4243: Proc VariantArrayRedim( var V : Variant; High : Int)
4244: Proc VariantCast( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant; vt : Int)
4245: Proc VariantCpy(const src:Variant;var dst:Variant)
4246: Proc VariantAdd(const src:Variant;var dst:Variant)
4247: Proc VariantSub(const src:Variant;var dst:Variant)
4248: Proc VariantMul(const src:Variant;var dst:Variant)
4249: Proc VariantDiv(const src:Variant;var dst:Variant)
4250: Proc VariantMod(const src:Variant;var dst:Variant)
4251: Proc VariantAnd(const src:Variant;var dst:Variant)
4252: Proc VariantOr( const src:Variant;var dst:Variant)
4253: Proc VariantXor(const src:Variant;var dst:Variant)
4254: Proc VariantShl(const src:Variant;var dst:Variant)
4255: Proc VariantShr(const src:Variant;var dst:Variant)
4256: Func VariantAdd2(const V1:Variant; const V2:Variant):Variant
4257: Func VariantSub2(const V1:Variant; const V2:Variant):Variant
4258: Func VariantMul2(const V1:Variant; const V2:Variant):Variant
4259: Func VariantDiv2(const V1:Variant; const V2:Variant):Variant
4260: Func VariantMod2(const V1:Variant; const V2:Variant):Variant
4261: Func VariantAnd2(const V1:Variant; const V2:Variant):Variant
4262: Func VariantOr2( const V1:Variant; const V2:Variant):Variant
4263: Func VariantXor2(const V1: Variant; const V2: Variant): Variant
4264: Func VariantShl2(const V1 Variant; const V2: Variant): Variant
4265: Func VariantShr2(const V1: Variant; const V2: Variant): Variant
4266: Func VariantNot(const V1: Variant) : Variant
4267: Func VariantNeg(const V1: Variant) : Variant
4268: Func VariantGetElement( const V : Variant; i1 : Int) : Variant;
4269: Func VariantGetElement1(const V : Variant; i1, i2 : Int) : Variant;
4270: Func VariantGetElement2(const V : Variant; i1, i2, i3 : Int) : Variant;
4271: Func VariantGetElement3(const V : Variant; i1, i2, i3, i4 : Int) : Variant;
4272: Func VariantGetElement4(const V : Variant; i1, i2, i3, i4, i5 : Int) : Variant;
4273: Proc VariantPutElement(var V : Variant; const data : Variant; i1 : Int);
4274: Proc VariantPutElement1(var V : Variant; const data : Variant; i1, i2 : Int);
4275: Proc VariantPutElement2(var V : Variant; const data : Variant; i1, i2, i3 : Int);
4276: Proc VariantPutElement3(var V: Variant; const data : Variant; i1, i2, i3, i4 : Int);
4277: Proc VariantPutElement4(var V: Variant; const data : Variant; i1, i2, i3, i4, i5 : Int);
4278: end;
4280: ***************************************unit uPSI_JvgUtils;**************************************
4281: Func IsEven(I: Int):Bool;
4282: Func InchesToPixels(DC: HDC; Value: Single; IsHorizontal:Bool): Int;
4283: Func CentimetersToPixels(DC: HDC; Value: Single; IsHorizontal:Bool): Int;
4284: Proc SwapInt(var I1, I2: Int);
4285: Func Spaces(Count: Int):Str;
4286: Func DupStr(const Str:Str; Count: Int):Str;
4287: Func DupChar(C: Char; Count: Int):Str;
4288: Proc Msg(const AMsg:Str);
4289: Func RectW(R: TRect): Int;
4290: Func RectH(R: TRect): Int;
4291: Func IncColor(AColor: Longint; AOffset: Byte): Longint;
4292: Func DecColor(AColor: Longint; AOffset: Byte): Longint;
4293: Func IsItAFilledBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap):Bool;
4294: Proc DrawTextInRectWithAlign(DC: HDC; R: TRect; const Text:Str;
4295: HAlign: TglHorAlign; VAlign: TglVertAlign; Style: TglTextStyle; Fnt: TFont; Flags: UINT);

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4296: Proc DrawTextInRect(DC:HDC;R:TRect;const Text:str;Style:TglTextStyle;Fnt:TFont;Flags:UINT);

4297: Proc ExtTextOutExt(DC: HDC; X, Y: Int; R: TRect; const Text:Str;
4298: Style: TglTextStyle; ADelineated, ASupress3D:Bool; FontColor, DelinColor,HighlightColor,ShadowColor:
TColor; Illumination: TJvgIllumination; Gradient: TJvgGradient; Font: TFont);
4299: Proc DrawBox(DC:HDC;var R:TRect;Style:TglBoxStyle;BackgrColor:Longint;ATransparent: Bool);
4300: Func DrawBoxEx(DC: HDC; ARect: TRect; Borders: TglSides;
4301: BevelInner,BevelOuter:TPanelBevel;Bold:Boolean;BackgrColor:Longint;ATransparent:Bool):TRect;
4302: Proc GradientBox(DC: HDC; R: TRect; Gradient: TJvgGradient;PenStyle, PenWidth: Int);
4303: Proc ChangeBitmapColor(Bitmap: TBitmap; FromColor, ToColor: TColor);
4304: Proc DrawBitmapExt(DC: HDC; { DC - background & result}
4305: SourceBitmap: TBitmap; R: TRect; X, Y: Int; //...X,Y _in_ rect!
4306: BitmapOption: TglWallpaperOption; DrawState: TglDrawState;
4307: ATransparent:Bool; TransparentColor: TColor; DisabledMaskColor: TColor);
4308: Proc CreateBitmapExt(DC: HDC; { DC - background & result}
4309: SourceBitmap: TBitmap; R: TRect; X, Y: Int; //...X,Y _in_ rect!
4310: BitmapOption: TglWallpaperOption; DrawState: TglDrawState;
4311: ATransparent:Bool; TransparentColor: TColor; DisabledMaskColor: TColor);
4312: Proc BringParentWindowToTop(Wnd: TWinControl);
4313: Func GetParentForm(Control: TControl): TForm;
4314: Proc GetWindowImageFrom(Control:TWinContrl;X,Y:Int;ADrawSelf,ADrawChildWindows:Bool;DC:HDC)
4315: Proc GetWindowImage(Control: TWinControl; ADrawSelf, ADrawChildWindows:Bool; DC: HDC);
4316: Proc GetParentImageRect(Control: TControl; Rect: TRect; DC: HDC);
4317: Func CreateRotatedFont(F: TFont; Escapement: Int): HFONT;
4318: Func FindMainWindow(const AWndClass, AWndTitle:Str): THandle;
4319: Proc CalcShadowAndHighlightColors(BaseColor: TColor; Colors: TJvgLabelColors);
4320: Func CalcMathString(AExpression:Str): Single;
4321: Func IIF(AExpression:Bool; IfTrue, IfFalse: Variant): Variant; overload;
4322: Func IIF(AExpression:Bool; const IfTrue, IfFalse:Str):Str; overload;
4323: Func GetTransparentColor(Bitmap: TBitmap; AutoTrColor: TglAutoTransparentColor): TColor;
4324: Proc TypeStringOnKeyboard(const S:Str);
4325: Func NextStringGridCell( Grid: TStringGrid ):Bool;
4326: Proc DrawTextExtAligned(Canvas:TCanvas;const Text:str;R:TRect;Alignment:TglAlignment;WordWrap:Bool;
4327: Proc LoadComponentFromTextFile(Component: TComponent; const FileName:Str);
4328: Proc SaveComponentToTextFile(Component: TComponent; const FileName:Str);
4329: Func ComponentToString(Component: TComponent):Str;
4330: Proc StringToComponent(Component: TComponent; const Value:Str);
4331: Func PlayWaveResource(const ResName:Str):Bool;
4332: Func UserName:Str;
4333: Func ComputerName:Str;
4334: Func CreateIniFileName:Str;
4335: Func ExpandString(const Str:Str; Len: Int):Str;
4336: Func Transliterate(const Str:Str; RusToLat:Bool):Str;
4337: Func IsSmallFonts:Bool;
4338: Func SystemColorDepth: Int;
4339: Func GetFileTypeJ(const FileName:Str): TglFileType;
4340: Func GetFileType( hFile : THandle) : DWORD;
4341: Func FindControlAtPt(Control: TWinControl; Pt: TPoint; MinClass: TClass):TControl;
4342: Func StrPosExt(const Str1, Str2: PChar; Str2Len: DWORD): PChar;
4344: { **************************************Utility routines of unit classes}
4345: Func LineStart(Buffer, BufPos: PChar): PChar
4346: Func ExtractStrings(Separators,WhiteSpace:TSysCharSet;Content:PChar;Strings:TStrings):Int
4347: Func TestStreamFormat( Stream : TStream) : TStreamOriginalFormat
4348: Proc RegisterClass( AClass : TPersistentClass)
4349: Proc RegisterClasses( AClasses : array of TPersistentClass)
4350: Proc RegisterClassAlias( AClass : TPersistentClass; const Alias :Str)
4351: Proc UnRegisterClass( AClass : TPersistentClass)
4352: Proc UnRegisterClasses( AClasses : array of TPersistentClass)
4353: Proc UnRegisterModuleClasses( Module : HMODULE)
4354: Func FindGlobalComponent( const Name :Str) : TComponent
4355: Func IsUniqueGlobalComponentName( const Name :Str) :Bool
4356: Func InitInheritedComponent( Instance : TComponent; RootAncestor : TClass) :Bool
4357: Func InitComponentRes( const ResName :Str; Instance : TComponent) :Bool
4358: Func ReadComponentRes( const ResName :Str; Instance : TComponent) : TComponent
4359: Func ReadComponentResEx( HInstance : THandle; const ResName :Str) : TComponent
4360: Func ReadComponentResFile( const FileName :Str; Instance : TComponent) : TComponent
4361: Proc WriteComponentResFile(const FileName:Str; Instance : TComponent)
4362: Proc GlobalFixupReferences
4363: Proc GetFixupReferenceNames( Root : TComponent; Names : TStrings)
4364: Proc GetFixupInstanceNames(Root:TComponent;const ReferenceRootName string;Names:TStrings)
4365: Proc RedirectFixupReferences( Root : TComponent; const OldRootName, NewRootName :Str)
4366: Proc RemoveFixupReferences( Root : TComponent; const RootName :Str)
4367: Proc RemoveFixups( Instance : TPersistent)
4368: Func FindNestedComponent( Root : TComponent; const NamePath :Str) : TComponent
4369: Proc BeginGlobalLoading
4370: Proc NotifyGlobalLoading
4371: Proc EndGlobalLoading
4372: Func GetUltimateOwner1( ACollection : TCollection) : TPersistent;
4373: Func GetUltimateOwner( APersistent : TPersistent) : TPersistent;
4374: // AddTypeS('TWndMethod', 'Proc (var Message : TMessage)
4375: //Func MakeObjectInstance( Method : TWndMethod) : Pointer
4376: Proc FreeObjectInstance( ObjectInstance : Pointer)
4377: // Func AllocateHWnd( Method : TWndMethod) : HWND
4378: Proc DeallocateHWnd( Wnd : HWND)
4379: Func AncestorIsValid( Ancestor:TPersistent; Root, RootAncestor: TComponent) :Bool
4380: *****************************unit uPSI_SqlTimSt and DB;*************************************
4381: Proc VarSQLTimeStampCreate4( var aDest : Variant; const ASQLTimeStamp : TSQLTimeStamp);
4382: Func VarSQLTimeStampCreate3: Variant;
4383: Func VarSQLTimeStampCreate2( const AValue :Str) : Variant;

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4384: Func VarSQLTimeStampCreate1( const AValue : TDateTime) : Variant;

4385: Func VarSQLTimeStampCreate( const ASQLTimeStamp : TSQLTimeStamp) : Variant;
4386: Func VarSQLTimeStamp : TVarType
4387: Func VarIsSQLTimeStamp( const aValue : Variant) :Bool;
4388: Func LocalToUTC( var TZInfo : TTimeZone; var Value : TSQLTimeStamp): TSQLTimeStamp //beta
4389: Func UTCToLocal( var TZInfo : TTimeZone; var Value : TSQLTimeStamp): TSQLTimeStamp //beta
4390: Func VarToSQLTimeStamp( const aValue : Variant) : TSQLTimeStamp
4391: Func SQLTimeStampToStr( const Format :Str; DateTime : TSQLTimeStamp):Str
4392: Func SQLDayOfWeek( const DateTime : TSQLTimeStamp) : Int
4393: Func DateTimeToSQLTimeStamp( const DateTime : TDateTime) : TSQLTimeStamp
4394: Func SQLTimeStampToDateTime( const DateTime : TSQLTimeStamp) : TDateTime
4395: Func TryStrToSQLTimeStamp( const S :Str; var TimeStamp : TSQLTimeStamp): Bool
4396: Func StrToSQLTimeStamp( const S :Str) : TSQLTimeStamp
4397: Proc CheckSqlTimeStamp( const ASQLTimeStamp : TSQLTimeStamp)
4398: Func ExtractFieldName( const Fields :Str; var Pos : Int) :Str;
4399: Func ExtractFieldName( const Fields : WideString; var Pos : Int) : WideString;
4400: //'Proc RegisterFields( const FieldClasses : array of TFieldClass)
4401: Proc DatabaseError( const Message : WideString; Component : TComponent)
4402: Proc DatabaseErrorFmt(const Message:WIdeString;const Args:array of const;Component:TComponent)
4403: Proc DisposeMem( var Buffer, Size : Int)
4404: Func BuffersEqual( Buf1, Buf2 : Pointer; Size : Int) :Bool
4405: Func GetFieldProperty(DataSet:TDataSet;Control:TComponent;const FieldName:WideStr):TField
4406: Func VarTypeToDataType( VarType : Int) : TFieldType
4407: *******************************unit JvStrings;*****************************************
4408: {template functions}
4409: Func ReplaceFirst(const SourceStr, FindStr, ReplaceStr:Str):Str;
4410: Func ReplaceLast(const SourceStr, FindStr, ReplaceStr:Str):Str;
4411: Func InsertLastBlock(var SourceStr:Str; BlockStr:Str):Bool;
4412: Func RemoveMasterBlocks(const SourceStr:Str):Str;
4413: Func RemoveFields(const SourceStr:Str):Str;
4414: {http functions}
4415: Func URLEncode(const Value:Ansistr):Ansistr;// Converts string To A URLEncoded string
4416: Func URLDecode(const Value:Ansistr):Ansistr;// Converts string From A URLEncoded string
4417: {set functions}
4418: Proc SplitSet(AText:Str; AList: TStringList);
4419: Func JoinSet(AList: TStringList):Str;
4420: Func FirstOfSet(const AText:Str):Str;
4421: Func LastOfSet(const AText:Str):Str;
4422: Func CountOfSet(const AText:Str): Int;
4423: Func SetRotateRight(const AText:Str):Str;
4424: Func SetRotateLeft(const AText:Str):Str;
4425: Func SetPick(const AText:Str; AIndex: Int):Str;
4426: Func SetSort(const AText:Str):Str;
4427: Func SetUnion(const Set1, Set2:Str):Str;
4428: Func SetIntersect(const Set1, Set2:Str):Str;
4429: Func SetExclude(const Set1, Set2:Str):Str;
4430: {replace any <,> etc by &lt; &gt;}
4431: Func XMLSafe(const AText:Str):Str;
4432: {simple hash, Result can be used in Encrypt}
4433: Func Hash(const AText:Str): Int;
4434: { Base64 encode and decode a string }
4435: Func B64Encode(const S: Ansistr): Ansistr;
4436: Func B64Decode(const S: Ansistr): Ansistr;
4437: {Basic encryption from a Borland Example}
4438: Func Encrypt(const InString: Ansistr; StartKey, MultKey, AddKey: Int): Ansistr;
4439: Func Decrypt(const InString: Ansistr; StartKey, MultKey, AddKey: Int): Ansistr;
4440: {Using Encrypt and Decrypt in combination with B64Encode and B64Decode}
4441: Func EncryptB64(const InString:Ansistr; StartKey, MultKey, AddKey: Int): Ansistr;
4442: Func DecryptB64(const InString:Ansistr; StartKey, MultKey, AddKey: Int): Ansistr;
4443: Proc CSVToTags(Src, Dst: TStringList);
4444: // converts a csv list to a tagged string list
4445: Proc TagsToCSV(Src, Dst: TStringList);
4446: // converts a tagged string list to a csv list
4447: // only fieldnames from the first record are scanned ib the other records
4448: Proc ListSelect(Src, Dst: TStringList; const AKey, AValue:Str);
4449: {selects akey=avalue from Src and returns recordset in Dst}
4450: Proc ListFilter(Src: TStringList; const AKey, AValue:Str);
4451: {filters Src for akey=avalue}
4452: Proc ListOrderBy(Src: TStringList; const AKey:Str; Numeric: Bool);
4453: {orders a tagged Src list by akey}
4454: Func PosStr(const FindString, SourceString:Str;
4455: StartPos: Int = 1): Int;
4456: { PosStr searches the first occurrence of a substring FindString in a string
4457: given by SourceString with case sensitivity (upper and lower case characters
4458: are differed). This Func returns the index value of the first character
4459: of a specified substring from which it occurs in a given string starting with
4460: StartPos character index. If a specified substring is not found Q_PosStr
4461: returns zero. author of algorithm is Peter Morris (UK) (Faststrings from www.torry.ru). }
4462: Func PosStrLast(const FindString, SourceString:Str): Int;
4463: {finds the last occurance}
4464: Func LastPosChar(const FindChar: Char; SourceString:Str): Int;
4465: Func PosText(const FindString, SourceString:Str; StartPos: Int = 1): Int;
4466: { PosText searches the first occurrence of a substring FindString in a string
4467: given by SourceString without case sensitivity (upper and lower case characters are not differed). This
Func returns index value of first character of a specified substring from which it occurs in a given
string starting with Start
4468: Func PosTextLast(const FindString, SourceString:Str): Int;
4469: {finds last occurance}
4470: Func NameValuesToXML(const AText:Str):Str;

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4472: Proc LoadResourceFile(AFile:Str; MemStream: TMemoryStream);
4474: Proc DirFiles(const ADir, AMask:Str; AFileList: TStringList);
4475: Proc RecurseDirFiles(const ADir:Str; var AFileList: TStringList);
4476: Proc RecurseDirProgs(const ADir:Str; var AFileList: TStringList);
4477: Proc SaveString(const AFile, AText:Str);
4478: Proc SaveStringasFile( const AFile, AText :Str)
4479: Func LoadStringJ(const AFile:Str):Str;
4480: Func LoadStringofFile( const AFile :Str) :Str
4481: Proc SaveStringtoFile( const AFile, AText :Str)
4482: Func LoadStringfromFile( const AFile :Str) :Str
4483: Func HexToColor(const AText:Str): TColor;
4484: Func UppercaseHTMLTags(const AText:Str):Str;
4485: Func LowercaseHTMLTags(const AText:Str):Str;
4486: Proc GetHTMLAnchors(const AFile:Str; AList: TStringList);
4487: Func RelativePath(const ASrc, ADst:Str):Str;
4488: Func GetToken(var Start: Int; const SourceText:Str):Str;
4489: Func PosNonSpace(Start: Int; const SourceText:Str): Int;
4490: Func PosEscaped(Start: Int; const SourceText, FindText:Str; EscapeChar: Char): Int;
4491: Func DeleteEscaped(const SourceText:Str; EscapeChar: Char):Str;
4492: Func BeginOfAttribute(Start: Int; const SourceText:Str): Int;
4493: // parses the beginning of an attribute: space + alpha character
4494: Func ParseAttribute(var Start:Int;const SourceText:str; var AName,AValue:str):Bool;
4495: //parses a name="value" attrib from Start;returns 0 when not found or else position behind attribute
4496: Proc ParseAttributes(const SourceText:Str; Attributes: TStrings);
4497: // parses all name=value attributes to the attributes TStringList
4498: Func HasStrValue(const AText, AName:Str; var AValue:Str):Bool;
4499: // checks if a name="value" pair exists and returns any value
4500: Func GetStrValue(const AText, AName, ADefault:Str):Str;
4501: // retrieves string value from a line like:
4502: // name="jan verhoeven" email="jan1 dott verhoeven att wxs dott nl"
4503: // returns ADefault when not found
4504: Func GetHTMLColorValue(const AText, AName:Str; ADefault: TColor):TColor;
4505: // same for a color
4506: Func GetIntValue(const AText, AName:Str; ADefault: Int): Int;
4507: // same for an Int
4508: Func GetFloatValue(const AText, AName:Str; ADefault: Extended):Extended;
4509: // same for a float
4510: Func GetBoolValue(const AText, AName:Str):Bool;
4511: // same for Boolean but without default
4512: Func GetValue(const AText, AName:Str):Str;
4513: //retrieves string value from a line like:name="jan verhoeven" email="jan1 verhoeven att wxs dott nl"
4514: Proc SetValue(var AText:Str; const AName, AValue:Str);
4515: // sets a string value in a line
4516: Proc DeleteValue(var AText:Str; const AName:Str);
4517: // deletes a AName="value" pair from AText
4518: Proc GetNames(AText:Str; AList: TStringList);
4519: // get a list of names from a string with name="value" pairs
4520: Func GetHTMLColor(AColor: TColor):Str;
4521: // converts a color value to the HTML hex value
4522: Func BackPosStr(Start: Int; const FindString, SourceString:Str): Int;
4523: // finds a string backward case sensitive
4524: Func BackPosText(Start: Int; const FindString, SourceString:Str): Int;
4525: // finds a string backward case insensitive
4526: Func PosRangeStr(Start: Int; const HeadString, TailString, SourceString:Str;
4527: var RangeBegin: Int; var RangeEnd: Int):Bool;
4528: // finds a text range, e.g. <TD>....</TD> case sensitive
4529: Func PosRangeText(Start: Int; const HeadString, TailString, SourceString:Str;
4530: var RangeBegin: Int; var RangeEnd: Int):Bool;
4531: // finds a text range, e.g. <TD>....</td> case insensitive
4532: Func BackPosRangeStr(Start: Int; const HeadString, TailString, SourceString:Str;
4533: var RangeBegin: Int; var RangeEnd: Int):Bool;
4534: // finds a text range backward, e.g. <TD>....</TD> case sensitive
4535: Func BackPosRangeText(Start: Int; const HeadString, TailString, SourceString:str;
4536: var RangeBegin: Int; var RangeEnd: Int):Bool;
4537: // finds a text range backward, e.g. <TD>....</td> case insensitive
4538: Func PosTag(Start: Int; SourceString:Str; var RangeBegin: Int;
4539: var RangeEnd: Int):Bool;
4540: // finds a HTML or XML tag: <....>
4541: Func InnerTag(Start: Int; const HeadString, TailString, SourceString:Str;
4542: var RangeBegin: Int; var RangeEnd: Int):Bool;
4543: // finds the innertext between opening and closing tags
4544: Func Easter(NYear: Int): TDateTime;
4545: // returns the easter date of a year.
4546: Func GetWeekNumber(Today: TDateTime):Str;
4547: //gets a datecode. Returns year and weeknumber in format: YYWW
4548: Func ParseNumber(const S:Str): Int;
4549: // parse number returns the last position, starting from 1
4550: Func ParseDate(const S:Str): Int;
4551: // parse a SQL style data string from positions 1, // starts and ends with #
4553: **************************unit JvJCLUtils;************************************
4554: PathDelim','String').SetString( '\;
4555: DriveDelim','String').SetString( ':;
4556: PathSep','String').SetString( ';;
4557: AllFilesMask','String').SetString( '*.*;
4558: PathDelim','String').SetString( '/;
4559: AllFilesMask','String').SetString( '*;

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4560: NullHandle','LongInt').SetInt( 0);

4561: USDecimalSeparator','String').SetString( '.;
4562: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJvConvertError;
4563: TypeS('TFileTime', 'Int;
4564: // TypeS('TFormatSettings', 'record DecimalSeparator : Char; end;
4565: Func SendRectMessage(Handle: THandle; Msg : Int; wParam : longint; var R : TRect): Int;
4566: //Func SendStructMessage(Handle:THandle;Msg:Int;wParam:WPARAM;var Data): Int;
4567: Func ReadCharsFromStream(Stream: TStream; var Buf:array of PChar;BufSize:Int):Int;
4568: Func WriteStringToStream(Stream: TStream; const Buf: Ansistr;BufSize:Int): Int;
4569: Func UTF8ToString( const S : UTF8String) :Str;
4570: //ConstantN('DefaultDateOrder','').SetString('doDMY;
4571: ConstantN('CenturyOffset','Byte').SetUInt( 60);
4573: Func VarIsInt(Value: Variant):Bool;
4574: // VarIsInt returns VarIsOrdinal-[varBoolean]
4575: {PosIdx returns index of first appearance of SubStr in Str.search starts at index "Index".}
4576: Func PosIdx(const SubStr, S:Str; Index: Int = 0): Int;
4577: Func PosIdxW(const SubStr, S: WideString; Index: Int = 0): Int;
4578: Func PosLastCharIdx(Ch: Char; const S:Str; Index: Int = 0): Int;
4579: { GetWordOnPos returns Word from string, S, on the cursor position, P}
4580: Func GetWordOnPos(const S:Str; const P: Int):Str;
4581: Func GetWordOnPosW(const S: WideString; const P: Int): WideString;
4582: Func GetWordOnPos2(const S:Str; P: Int; var iBeg, iEnd: Int):Str;
4583: Func GetWordOnPos2W(const S: WideString; P: Int; var iBeg, iEnd: Int): WideString;
4584: { GetWordOnPosEx working like GetWordOnPos function, but
4585: also returns Word position in iBeg, iEnd variables }
4586: Func GetWordOnPosEx(const S:Str; const P: Int; var iBeg, iEnd: Int):Str;
4587: Func GetWordOnPosExW(const S: WideString; const P: Int; var iBeg, iEnd: Int): WideString;
4588: Func GetNextWordPosEx(const Text:Str; StartIndex: Int; var iBeg, iEnd: Int):Str;
4589: Func GetNextWordPosExW(const Text:WideString;StartIndex:Int; var iBeg,iEnd:Int):WideString;
4590: Proc GetEndPosCaret(const Text:Str; CaretX, CaretY: Int; var X, Y: Int);
4591: { GetEndPosCaret returns the caret position of the last char. For the position
4592: after the last char of Text you must add 1 to the returned X value. }
4593: Proc GetEndPosCaretW(const Text: WideString;CaretX,CaretY:Int;var X,Y:Int);
4594: { GetEndPosCaret returns the caret position of the last char. For the position
4595: after the last char of Text you must add 1 to the returned X value. }
4596: { SubStrBySeparator returns substring from string, S, separated with Separator string}
4597: Func SubStrBySeparator(const S:str;const Index:Int;const Separatr:str;StartIndex:Int=1):str;
4598: Func SubStrBySeparatorW(const S:WideString;const Index:Int;const
4599: { SubStrEnd same to previous Func but Index numerated from the end of string }
4600: Func SubStrEnd(const S:Str; const Index: Int; const Separator:Str):Str;
4601: { SubWord returns next Word from string, P, and offsets Pointer to the end of Word, P2 }
4602: Func SubWord(P: PChar; var P2: PChar):Str;
4603: Func CurrencyByWord(Value: Currency):Str;
4604: { GetLineByPos returns Line number,there symbol Pos is pointed.Lines separated with #13 symbol}
4605: Func GetLineByPos(const S:Str; const Pos: Int): Int;
4606: { GetXYByPos is same as GetLineByPos, but returns X position in line as well}
4607: Proc GetXYByPos(const S:Str; const Pos: Int; var X, Y: Int);
4608: Proc GetXYByPosW(const S: WideString; const Pos: Int; var X, Y: Int);
4609: { ReplaceString searches for all substrings, OldPattern,
4610: in a string, S, and replaces them with NewPattern }
4611: Func ReplaceString(S:Str;const OldPattern,NewPattern:str;StartIndex:Int= 1):str;
4612: Func ReplaceStringW(S:WideString;const OldPattern,NewPattern:WideString;StartIndex:Int=1):WideString;
4613: { ConcatSep concatenate S1 and S2 strings with Separator. if S ='' then separator not included}
4614: Func ConcatSep(const S1, S2, Separator:Str):Str; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4615: { ConcatLeftSep is same to previous function, but strings concatenate right to left }
4616: Func ConcatLeftSep(const S1,S2, Separator:str):str;{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4617: { Next 4 Func for russian chars transliterating.
4618: This functions are needed because Oem2Ansi and Ansi2Oem functions sometimes suck }
4619: Proc Dos2Win(var S: Ansistr);
4620: Proc Win2Dos(var S: Ansistr);
4621: Func Dos2WinRes(const S: Ansistr): Ansistr; inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4622: Func Win2DosRes(const S: Ansistr): Ansistr; inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4623: Func Win2Koi(const S: Ansistr): Ansistr;
4624: { FillString fills the string Buffer with Count Chars }
4625: Proc FillString(var Buffer:Str; Count: Int; const Value: Char); overload;
4626: Proc FillString1(var Buffer:Str; StartIndex,Count:Int; const Value: Char);overload;
4627: { MoveString copies Count Chars from Source to Dest }
4628: Proc MoveString(const Source:Str; var Dest:Str; Count: Int); {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF
4629: Proc MoveString1(const Source:Str; SrcStartIdx: Int; var Dest:Str;
4630: DstStartIdx: Int;Count:Int);{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline;{$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}overload;
4631: { FillWideChar fills Buffer with Count WideChars (2 Bytes) }
4632: Proc FillWideChar(var Buffer; Count: Int; const Value: WideChar);
4633: { MoveWideChar copies Count WideChars from Source to Dest }
4634: Proc MoveWideChar(const Source;var Dest;Count:Int);{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4635: { FillNativeChar fills Buffer with Count NativeChars }
4636: Proc FillNativeChar(var Buffer; Count: Int; const Value: Char);// D2009 internal error {$IFDEF
4637: { MoveWideChar copies Count WideChars from Source to Dest }
4638: Proc MoveNativeChar(const Source; var Dest; Count: Int);// D2009 internal error {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4639: { IsSubString() compares the sub string to the string. Indices are 1th based. }
4640: Func IsSubString(const S:Str; StartIndex: Int; const SubStr:Str):Bool;
4641: { Spaces returns string consists on N space chars }
4642: Func Spaces(const N: Int):Str;
4643: { AddSpaces adds spaces to string S, if its Length is smaller than N }
4644: Func AddSpaces(const S:Str; const N: Int):Str;

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4645: Func SpacesW(const N: Int): WideString;

4646: Func AddSpacesW(const S: WideString; const N: Int): WideString;
4647: { Func LastDateRUS for russian users only }
4648: { returns date relative to current date: 'äâà äíÿ íàçàä' }
4649: Func LastDateRUS(const Dat: TDateTime):Str;
4650: { CurrencyToStr format Currency, Cur, using ffCurrency float format}
4651: Func CurrencyToStr(const Cur: Currency):Str;
4652: { HasChar returns True, if Char, Ch, contains in string, S }
4653: Func HasChar(const Ch: Char; const S:Str):Bool;
4654: Func HasCharW(const Ch: WideChar; const S: WideString):Bool; inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4655: Func HasAnyChar(const Chars:Str; const S:Str):Bool;
4657: Func CharInSet(const Ch: AnsiChar;const SetOfChar:TSysCharSet):Boolean;inline;{$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4659: Func CharInSetW(const Ch: WideChar;const SetOfChar: TSysCharSet):Boolean;inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4660: Func CountOfChar(const Ch: Char; const S:Str): Int;
4661: Func DefStr(const S:str; Default:str):str; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline;{$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4662: { StrLICompW2 is a faster replacement for JclUnicode.StrLICompW }
4663: Func StrLICompW2(S1, S2: PWideChar; MaxLen: Int): Int;
4664: Func StrPosW(S, SubStr: PWideChar): PWideChar;
4665: Func StrLenW(S: PWideChar): Int;
4666: Func TrimW(const S: WideString):WideString;{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline;{$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4667: Func TrimLeftW(const S:WideString):WideString;{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline;{$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4668: Func TrimRightW(const S: WideString): WideString; inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4669: TPixelFormat', '( pfDevice, pf1bit, pf4bit, pf8bit, pf24bit )
4670: TMappingMethod', '( mmHistogram, mmQuantize, mmTrunc784, mmTrunc666, mmTripel, mmGrayscale )
4671: Func GetBitmapPixelFormat( Bitmap : TBitmap) : TPixelFormat
4672: Func GetPaletteBitmapFormat( Bitmap : TBitmap) : TPixelFormat
4673: Proc SetBitmapPixelFormat(Bitmap: TBitmap;PixelFormat:TPixelFormat;Method:TMappingMethod)
4674: Func BitmapToMemoryStream(Bitmap:TBitmap;PixelFormat:TPixelFormat;Method:TMappingMethod):TMemoryStream;
4675: Proc GrayscaleBitmap( Bitmap : TBitmap)
4676: Func BitmapToMemory( Bitmap : TBitmap; Colors : Int) : TStream
4677: Proc SaveBitmapToFile( const Filename :Str; Bitmap : TBitmap; Colors : Int)
4678: Func ScreenPixelFormat : TPixelFormat
4679: Func ScreenColorCount : Int
4680: Proc TileImage( Canvas : TCanvas; Rect : TRect; Image : TGraphic)
4681: Func ZoomImage( ImageW, ImageH, MaxW, MaxH : Int; Stretch :Bool) : TPoint
4682: // SIRegister_TJvGradient(CL);
4684: {**************************************** files routines}
4685: Proc SetDelimitedText(List: TStrings; const Text:Str; Delimiter: Char);
4686: const
4688: DefaultCaseSensitivity = False;
4690: {$IFDEF UNIX}
4691: DefaultCaseSensitivity = True;
4692: {$ENDIF UNIX}
4693: { GenTempFileName returns temporary file name on
4694: drive, there FileName is placed }
4695: Func GenTempFileName(FileName:Str):Str;
4696: { GenTempFileNameExt same to previous function, but
4697: returning filename has given extension, FileExt }
4698: Func GenTempFileNameExt(FileName:Str; const FileExt:Str):Str;
4699: { ClearDir clears folder Dir }
4700: Func ClearDir(const Dir:Str):Bool;
4701: { DeleteDir clears and than delete folder Dir }
4702: Func DeleteDir(const Dir:Str):Bool;
4703: { FileEquMask returns True if file, FileName, is compatible with given dos file mask, Mask }
4704: Func FileEquMask(FileName,Mask:TFileName;CaseSensitive:Boolean=DefaultCaseSensitivity):Bool;
4705: { FileEquMasks returns True if file, FileName, is compatible with given Masks.
4706: Masks must be separated with SepPath (MSW: ';' / UNIX: ':') }
4707: Func FileEquMasks(FileName, Masks: TFileName;
4708: CaseSensitive:Bool = DefaultCaseSensitivity):Bool;
4709: Func DeleteFiles(const Folder: TFileName; const Masks:Str):Bool;
4711: { LZFileExpand expand file, FileSource,
4712: into FileDest. Given file must be compressed, using MS Compress program }
4713: Func LZFileExpand(const FileSource, FileDest:Str):Bool;
4715: { FileGetInfo fills SearchRec record for specified file attributes}
4716: Func FileGetInfo(FileName: TFileName; var SearchRec: TSearchRec):Bool;
4717: { HasSubFolder returns True, if folder APath contains other folders }
4718: Func HasSubFolder(APath: TFileName):Bool;
4719: { IsEmptyFolder returns True, if there are no files or
4720: folders in given folder, APath}
4721: Func IsEmptyFolder(APath: TFileName):Bool;
4722: { AddSlash returns string with added slash Char to Dir parameter, if needed }
4723: Func AddSlash(const Dir: TFileName):Str; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4724: { AddPath returns FileName with Path, if FileName not contain any path }
4725: Func AddPath(const FileName, Path: TFileName): TFileName;
4726: Func AddPaths(const PathList, Path:Str):Str;
4727: Func ParentPath(const Path: TFileName): TFileName;
4728: Func FindInPath(const FileName, PathList:Str): TFileName;
4729: { DeleteReadOnlyFile clears R/O file attribute and delete file }
4730: Func DeleteReadOnlyFile(const FileName: TFileName):Bool;
4731: { HasParam returns True, if program running with specified parameter, Param }
4732: Func HasParam(const Param:Str):Bool;
4733: Func HasSwitch(const Param:Str):Bool;

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4734: Func Switch(const Param:Str):Str;

4735: { ExePath returns ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) }
4736: Func ExePath: TFileName; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4737: Func CopyDir(const SourceDir, DestDir: TFileName):Bool;
4738: //Func FileTimeToDateTime(const FT: TFileTime): TDateTime;
4739: Proc FileTimeToDosDateTimeDWord(const FT: TFileTime; out Dft: DWORD);
4740: Func MakeValidFileName(const FileName: TFileName; ReplaceBadChar: Char): TFileName;
4741: {**** Graphic routines }
4742: { IsTTFontSelected returns True, if True Type font is selected in specified device context }
4743: Func IsTTFontSelected(const DC: HDC):Bool;
4744: Func KeyPressed(VK: Int):Bool;
4745: Func isKeypressed:Bool; //true if key on memo2 (shell output) is pressed
4746: { TrueInflateRect inflates rect in other method, than InflateRect API Func }
4747: Func TrueInflateRect(const R: TRect; const I: Int): TRect;
4748: {**** Color routines }
4749: Proc RGBToHSV(R, G, B: Int; var H, S, V: Int);
4750: Func RGBToBGR(Value:Card):Card;
4751: //Func ColorToPrettyName(Value: TColor):Str;
4752: //Func PrettyNameToColor(const Value:Str): TColor;
4753: {**** other routines }
4754: Proc SwapInt(var Int1, Int2:Int);{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline;{$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4755: Func IntPower(Base, Exponent:Int): Int;
4756: Func ChangeTopException(E: TObject):TObject;//Linux version writes error message to ErrOutput
4757: Func StrToBool(const S:Str):Bool;
4758: Func Var2Type(V: Variant; const DestVarType: Int): Variant;
4759: Func VarToInt(V: Variant): Int;
4760: Func VarToFloat(V: Variant): Double;
4761: {following functions are not documented cause not work properly sometimes,so do not use them}
4762: // (rom) ReplaceStrings1, GetSubStr removed
4763: Func GetLongFileName(const FileName:Str):Str;
4764: Func FileNewExt(const FileName, NewExt: TFileName): TFileName;
4765: Func GetParameter:Str;
4766: Func GetComputerID:Str;
4767: Func GetComputerName:Str;
4768: {**** string routines }
4769: { ReplaceAllStrings searches for all substrings, Words,
4770: in a string, S, and replaces them with Frases with the same Index. }
4771: Func ReplaceAllStrings(const S:Str; Words, Frases: TStrings):Str;
4772: { ReplaceStrings searches the Word in a string, S, on PosBeg position,
4773: in the list, Words, and if founds, replaces this Word with string from another list,Frases, with same
Index, and then update NewSelStart variable }
4774: Func ReplaceStrings(const S:str;PosBeg,Len:Int;Words,Frases:TStrings;var NewSelStart:Int):str;
4775: { CountOfLines calculates the lines count in a string, S,
4776: each line must be separated from another with CrLf sequence }
4777: Func CountOfLines(const S:Str): Int;
4778: { DeleteLines deletes all lines from strings which in the words, words.
4779: The word of will be deleted from strings. }
4780: Proc DeleteOfLines(Ss: TStrings; const Words: array of string);
4781: { DeleteEmptyLines deletes all empty lines from strings, Ss.
4782: Lines contained only spaces also deletes. }
4783: Proc DeleteEmptyLines(Ss: TStrings);
4784: { SQLAddWhere addes or modifies existing where-statement, where,
4785: to the strings, SQL. Note: If strings SQL allready contains where-statement,
4786: it must be started on the begining of any line }
4787: Proc SQLAddWhere(SQL: TStrings; const Where:Str);
4788: {**** files routines - }
4790: { ResSaveToFile save resource named as Name with Typ type into file FileName.
4791: Resource can be compressed using MS Compress program}
4792: Func ResSaveToFile(const Typ,Name:str;const Compressed:Bool;const FileName:str):Bool;
4793: Func ResSaveToFileEx(Instance:HINST;Typ,Name:PChar;const Compressed:Boolean;const FileName:str):Bool;
4794: Func ResSaveToString(Instance: HINST;const Typ,Name:str; var S:str):Boolean;
4796: { IniReadSection read section, Section, from ini-file,
4797: IniFileName, into strings, Ss.This Func reads ALL strings from specified section.
4798: Note: TIninFile.ReadSection Func reads only strings with '=' symbol.}
4799: Func IniReadSection(const IniFileName:TFileName;const Section:str; Ss: TStrings): Bool;
4800: { LoadTextFile load text file, FileName, into string }
4801: Func LoadTextFile(const FileName: TFileName):Str;
4802: Proc SaveTextFile(const FileName: TFileName; const Source:Str);
4803: {ReadFolder reads fileslist from diskfolder,Folder,that are equal to mask,Mask,into strings, FileList}
4804: Func ReadFolder(const Folder, Mask: TFileName; FileList: TStrings): Int;
4805: Func ReadFolders(const Folder: TFileName; FolderList: TStrings): Int;
4806: { RATextOut same with TCanvas.TextOut procedure,but can clipping drawing with rectangle,RClip.}
4807: Proc RATextOut(Canvas: TCanvas; const R, RClip: TRect; const S:Str);
4808: { RATextOutEx same with RATextOut function, but can calculate needed height for correct output}
4809: Func RATextOutEx(Canvas:TCanvas;const R,RClip:TRect;const S:str;const CalcHeight:Bool):Int;
4810: { RATextCalcHeight calculate needed height for
4811: correct output, using RATextOut or RATextOutEx functions }
4812: Func RATextCalcHeight(Canvas: TCanvas; const R: TRect; const S:Str): Int;
4813: { Cinema draws some visual effect }
4814: Proc Cinema(Canvas: TCanvas; rS {Source}, rD {Dest}: TRect);
4815: { Roughed fills rect with special 3D pattern }
4816: Proc Roughed(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect; const AVert:Bool);
4817: { BitmapFromBitmap creates new small bitmap from part of source bitmap, SrcBitmap, with specified width
height,AWidth,AHeight and placed on a specified Index,Index in source bitmap }
4818: Func BitmapFromBitmap(SrcBitmap: TBitmap; const AWidth, AHeight, Index: Int): TBitmap;
4819: { TextWidth calculate text with for writing using standard desktop font }
4820: Func TextWidth(const AStr:Str): Int;

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4821: { TextHeight calculate text height for writing using standard desktop font }
4822: Func TextHeight(const AStr:Str): Int;
4823: Proc SetChildPropOrd(Owner: TComponent; const PropName:Str; Value: Longint);
4824: Proc Error(const Msg:Str);
4825: Proc ItemHtDrawEx(Canvas:TCanvas;Rect:TRect;const State:TOwnerDrawState;const Text:str;
4826: const HideSelColor:Bool; var PlainItem:Str; var Width: Int; CalcWidth:Bool);
4827: {ex.Text parameter:'Item 1<b>bold</b><i>italic ITALIC <c:Red>red<c:Green>green<c:blue>blue</i>'}
4828: Func ItemHtDraw(Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
4829: const State: TOwnerDrawState; const Text:Str; const HideSelColor:Bool):Str;
4830: Func ItemHtWidth(Canvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
4831: const State: TOwnerDrawState; const Text:Str; const HideSelColor:Bool): Int;
4832: Func ItemHtPlain(const Text:Str):Str;
4833: { ClearList - clears list of TObject }
4834: Proc ClearList(List: TList);
4835: Proc MemStreamToClipBoard(MemStream: TMemoryStream; const Format: Word);
4836: Proc ClipBoardToMemStream(MemStream: TMemoryStream; const Format: Word);
4837: { RTTI support }
4838: Func GetPropType(Obj: TObject; const PropName:Str): TTypeKind;
4839: Func GetPropStr(Obj: TObject; const PropName:Str):Str;
4840: Func GetPropOrd(Obj: TObject; const PropName:Str): Int;
4841: Func GetPropMethod(Obj: TObject; const PropName:Str): TMethod;
4842: Proc PrepareIniSection(Ss: TStrings);
4843: {following functions are not documented because they are don't work properly,so don't use them}
4844: // (rom) from JvBandWindows to make it obsolete
4845: Func PointL(const X, Y: Longint): TPointL; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4846: // (rom) from JvBandUtils to make it obsolete
4847: Func iif(const Test:Bool; const ATrue, AFalse: Variant): Variant;
4848: Proc CopyIconToClipboard(Icon: TIcon; BackColor: TColor);
4849: Func CreateIconFromClipboard: TIcon;
4850: { begin JvIconClipboardUtils } { Icon clipboard routines }
4851: Func CF_ICON: Word;
4852: Proc AssignClipboardIcon(Icon: TIcon);
4853: { Real-size icons support routines (32-bit only) }
4854: Proc GetIconSize(Icon: HICON; var W, H: Int);
4855: Func CreateRealSizeIcon(Icon: TIcon): HICON;
4856: Proc DrawRealSizeIcon(Canvas: TCanvas; Icon: TIcon; X, Y: Int);
4857: {end JvIconClipboardUtils }
4858: Func CreateScreenCompatibleDC: HDC;
4859: Func InvalidateRect(hWnd: HWND; const lpRect:TRect; bErase:BOOL):BOOL; overload;{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
inline; {$ENDIF}
4860: Func InvalidateRect(hWnd: HWND; lpRect: PRect; bErase: BOOL): BOOL; overload;
4861: { begin JvRLE } // (rom) changed API for inclusion in JCL
4862: Proc RleCompressTo(InStream, OutStream: TStream);
4863: Proc RleDecompressTo(InStream, OutStream: TStream);
4864: Proc RleCompress(Stream: TStream);
4865: Proc RleDecompress(Stream: TStream);
4866: { end JvRLE } { begin JvDateUtil }
4867: Func CurrentYear: Word; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4868: Func IsLeapYear(AYear: Int):Bool;
4869: Func DaysInAMonth(const AYear, AMonth: Word): Word;
4870: Func DaysPerMonth(AYear, AMonth: Int): Int;
4871: Func FirstDayOfPrevMonth: TDateTime;
4872: Func LastDayOfPrevMonth: TDateTime;
4873: Func FirstDayOfNextMonth: TDateTime;
4874: Func ExtractDay(ADate: TDateTime): Word;
4875: Func ExtractMonth(ADate: TDateTime): Word;
4876: Func ExtractYear(ADate: TDateTime): Word;
4877: Func IncDate(ADate: TDateTime; Days, Months, Years: Int): TDateTime;
4878: Func IncDay(ADate: TDateTime;Delta:Int):TDateTime; inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4879: Func IncMonth(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
4880: Func IncYear(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
4881: Func ValidDate(ADate: TDateTime):Bool;
4882: Proc DateDiff(Date1, Date2: TDateTime; var Days, Months, Years: Word);
4883: Func MonthsBetween(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Double;
4884: Func DaysInPeriod(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Longint;
4885: { Count days between Date1 and Date2 + 1, so if Date1 = Date2 result = 1 }
4886: Func DaysBetween(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Longint;
4887: { The same as previous but if Date2 < Date1 result = 0 }
4888: Func IncTime(ATime: TDateTime; Hours, Minutes, Seconds, MSecs: Int): TDateTime;
4889: Func IncHour(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
4890: Func IncMinute(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
4891: Func IncSecond(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
4892: Func IncMSec(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Int): TDateTime;
4893: Func CutTime(ADate: TDateTime): TDateTime; { Set time to 00:00:00:00 }
4894: { String to date conversions }
4895: Func GetDateOrder(const DateFormat:Str): TDateOrder;
4896: Func MonthFromName(const S:Str; MaxLen: Byte): Byte;
4897: Func StrToDateDef(const S:Str; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
4898: Func StrToDateFmt(const DateFormat, S:Str): TDateTime;
4899: Func StrToDateFmtDef(const DateFormat, S:Str; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
4900: //Func DefDateFormat(AFourDigitYear:Bool):Str;
4901: //Func DefDateMask(BlanksChar: Char; AFourDigitYear:Bool):Str;
4902: Func FormatLongDate(Value: TDateTime):Str;
4903: Func FormatLongDateTime(Value: TDateTime):Str;
4904: { end JvDateUtil }
4905: Func BufToBinStr(Buf: Pointer; BufSize: Int):Str;
4906: Func BinStrToBuf(Value:Str; Buf: Pointer; BufSize: Int): Int;
4907: { begin JvStrUtils } { ** Common string handling routines ** }
4908: {$IFDEF UNIX}

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4909: Func iconversion(InP: PAnsiChar; OutP: Pointer; InBytes, OutBytes:Card;

4910: const ToCode, FromCode: Ansistr):Bool;
4911: Func iconvString(const S, ToCode, FromCode: Ansistr):Str;
4912: Func iconvWideString(const S: WideString; const ToCode, FromCode:Ansistr):WideString;
4913: Func OemStrToAnsi(const S: Ansistr): Ansistr;
4914: Func AnsiStrToOem(const S: Ansistr): Ansistr;
4915: {$ENDIF UNIX}
4916: Func StrToOem(const AnsiStr: Ansistr): Ansistr;
4917: { StrToOem translates a string from the Windows character set into the OEM character set. }
4918: Func OemToAnsiStr(const OemStr: Ansistr): Ansistr;
4919: { OemToAnsiStr translates a string from the OEM character set into the Windows character set. }
4920: Func IsEmptyStr(const S:Str; const EmptyChars: TSysCharSet):Bool;
4921: { EmptyStr returns True if the given string contains only character from the EmptyChars. }
4922: Func ReplaceStr(const S, Srch, Replace:Str):Str;
4923: { Returns string with every occurrence of Srch string replaced with Replace string. }
4924: Func DelSpace(const S:Str):Str;
4925: { DelSpace return a string with all white spaces removed. }
4926: Func DelChars(const S:Str; Chr: Char):Str;
4927: { DelChars return a string with all Chr characters removed. }
4928: Func DelBSpace(const S:Str):Str;
4929: { DelBSpace trims leading spaces from given string. }
4930: Func DelESpace(const S:Str):Str;
4931: { DelESpace trims trailing spaces from given string. }
4932: Func DelRSpace(const S:Str):Str;
4933: { DelRSpace trims leading and trailing spaces from the given string. }
4934: Func DelSpace1(const S:Str):Str;
4935: { DelSpace1 return a string with all non-single white spaces removed. }
4936: Func Tab2Space(const S:Str; Numb: Byte):Str;
4937: { Tab2Space converts any tabulation character in given string to the
4938: Numb spaces characters. }
4939: Func NPos(const C:Str; S:Str; N: Int): Int;
4940: { NPos searches for a N-th position of substring C in a given string. }
4941: Func MakeStr(C: Char; N: Int):Str; overload;
4943: Func MakeStr(C: WideChar; N: Int): WideString; overload;
4945: Func MS(C: Char; N: Int):Str; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline;{$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4946: { MakeStr return a string of length N filled with character C. }
4947: Func AddChar(C: Char; const S:Str; N: Int):Str;
4948: { AddChar return a string left-padded to length N with characters C. }
4949: Func AddCharR(C: Char; const S:Str; N: Int):Str;
4950: { AddCharR return a string right-padded to length N with characters C. }
4951: Func LeftStr(const S:Str; N: Int):Str;
4952: { LeftStr return a string right-padded to length N with blanks. }
4953: Func RightStr(const S:Str; N: Int):Str;
4954: { RightStr return a string left-padded to length N with blanks. }
4955: Func CenterStr(const S:Str; Len: Int):Str;
4956: { CenterStr centers the characters in the string based upon the Len specified. }
4957: Func CompStr(const S1, S2:Str): Int; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4958: { CompStr compares S1 to S2, with case-sensitivity. The return value is
4959: -1 if S1 < S2, 0 if S1 = S2, or 1 if S1 > S2. }
4960: Func CompText(const S1, S2:Str):Int; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
4961: { CompText compares S1 to S2,without case-sensitivity. return value is same as for CompStr. }
4962: Func Copy2Symb(const S:Str; Symb: Char):Str;
4963: { Copy2Symb returns a substring of a string S from begining to first character Symb. }
4964: Func Copy2SymbDel(var S:Str; Symb: Char):Str;
4965: { Copy2SymbDel returns a substring of a string S from begining to first
4966: character Symb and removes this substring from S. }
4967: Func Copy2Space(const S:Str):Str;
4968: { Copy2Symb returns a substring of a string S from begining to first white space. }
4969: Func Copy2SpaceDel(var S:Str):Str;
4970: { Copy2SpaceDel returns a substring of a string S from begining to first
4971: white space and removes this substring from S. }
4972: Func AnsiProperCase(const S:Str; const WordDelims: TSysCharSet):Str;
4973: { Returns string, with the first letter of each word in uppercase,
4974: all other letters in lowercase. Words are delimited by WordDelims. }
4975: Func WordCount(const S:Str; const WordDelims: TSysCharSet): Int;
4976: { WordCount given a set of word delimiters, returns number of words in S. }
4977: Func WordPosition(const N: Int; const S:Str; const WordDelims: TSysCharSet):Int;
4978: { Given a set of word delimiters, returns start position of N'th word in S. }
4979: Func ExtractWord(N: Int; const S:Str; const WordDelims: TSysCharSet):Str;
4980: Func ExtractWordPos(N:Int;const S:str;const WordDelims:TSysCharSet;var Pos:Int):str;
4981: Func ExtractDelimited(N: Int; const S:Str;const Delims: TSysCharSet):Str;
4982: { ExtractWord, ExtractWordPos and ExtractDelimited given a set of word
4983: delimiters, return the N'th word in S. }
4984: Func ExtractSubstr(const S:Str; var Pos: Int;const Delims: TSysCharSet):Str;
4985: { ExtractSubstr given a set of word delimiters, returns the substring from S,
4986: that started from position Pos. }
4987: Func IsWordPresent(const W, S:Str; const WordDelims: TSysCharSet):Bool;
4988: {IsWordPresent given a set of word delimiters, returns True if word W is present in string S.}
4989: Func QuotedString(const S:Str; Quote: Char):Str;
4990: {QuotedString returns the given string as a quoted string, using provided Quote character. }
4991: Func ExtractQuotedString(const S:Str; Quote: Char):Str;
4992: { ExtractQuotedString removes the Quote characters from beginning and
4993: end of a quoted string,and reduces pairs of Quotecharacters within quoted string to single character.}
4994: Func FindPart(const HelpWilds, InputStr:Str): Int;
4995: { FindPart compares a string with '?' and another, returns position of HelpWilds in InputStr.}
4996: Func IsWild(InputStr, Wilds:Str; IgnoreCase:Bool):Bool;
4997: { IsWild compares InputString with WildCard string and returns True if corresponds. }

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4998: Func XorString(const Key, Src: ShortString): ShortString;

4999: Func XorEncode(const Key, Source:Str):Str;
5000: Func XorDecode(const Key, Source:Str):Str;
5001: { ** Command line routines ** }
5002: Func GetCmdLineArg(const Switch:Str; ASwitchChars: TSysCharSet):Str;
5003: { ** Numeric string handling routines ** }
5004: Func Numb2USA(const S:Str):Str;
5005: { Numb2USA converts numeric string S to USA-format. }
5006: Func Dec2Hex(N: Longint; A: Byte):Str; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_INLINE}
5007: { Dec2Hex converts the given value to a hexadecimal string representation
5008: with the minimum number of digits (A) specified. }
5009: Func Hex2Dec(const S:Str): Longint;
5010: { Hex2Dec converts the given hexadecimal string to the corresponding Int value. }
5011: Func Dec2Numb(N: Int64; A, B: Byte):Str;
5012: { Dec2Numb converts the given value to a string representation with the
5013: base equal to B and with the minimum number of digits (A) specified. }
5014: Func Numb2Dec(S:Str; B: Byte): Int64;
5015: { Numb2Dec converts the given B-based numeric string to corresponding Int value. }
5016: Func IntToBin(Value: Longint; Digits, Spaces: Int):Str;
5017: { IntToBin converts the given value to a binary string representation
5018: with the minimum number of digits specified. }
5019: Func IntToRoman(Value: Longint):Str;
5020: { IntToRoman converts the given value to a roman numeric string representation. }
5021: Func RomanToInt(const S:Str): Longint;
5022: { RomanToInt converts the given string to an Int value. If the string
5023: doesn't contain a valid roman numeric value, the 0 value is returned. }
5024: Func FindNotBlankCharPos(const S:Str): Int;
5025: Func FindNotBlankCharPosW(const S: WideString): Int;
5026: Func AnsiChangeCase(const S:Str):Str;
5027: Func WideChangeCase(const S:Str):Str;
5028: Func StartsText(const SubStr, S:Str):Bool;
5029: Func EndsText(const SubStr, S:Str):Bool;
5030: Func DequotedStr(const S:Str; QuoteChar: Char = ''''):Str;
5031: Func AnsiDequotedStr(const S:Str; AQuote:Char):str;//follow Delphi 2009's "Ansi" prefix
5032: {end JvStrUtils}
5033: {$IFDEF UNIX}
5034: Func GetTempFileName(const Prefix: Ansistr):Ansistr;
5035: {$ENDIF UNIX}
5036: { begin JvFileUtil }
5037: Func FileDateTime(const FileName:Str): TDateTime;
5038: Func HasAttr(const FileName:Str; Attr: Int):Bool;
5039: Func DeleteFilesEx(const FileMasks: array of string):Bool;
5040: Func NormalDir(const DirName:Str):Str;
5041: Func RemoveBackSlash(const DirName:Str):Str; //only for Windows/DOS Paths
5042: Func ValidFileName(const FileName:Str):Bool;
5044: Func FileLock(Handle: Int; Offset, LockSize: Longint): Int; overload;
5045: Func FileLock(Handle: Int; Offset, LockSize: Int64): Int; overload;
5046: Func FileUnlock(Handle: Int; Offset, LockSize: Longint): Int; overload;
5047: Func FileUnlock(Handle: Int; Offset, LockSize: Int64): Int;overload;
5049: Func GetWindowsDir:Str;
5050: Func GetSystemDir:Str;
5051: Func ShortToLongFileName(const ShortName:Str):Str;
5052: Func LongToShortFileName(const LongName:Str):Str;
5053: Func ShortToLongPath(const ShortName:Str):Str;
5054: Func LongToShortPath(const LongName:Str):Str;
5056: Proc CreateFileLink(const FileName, DisplayName:Str; Folder: Int);
5057: Proc DeleteFileLink(const DisplayName:Str; Folder: Int);
5059: { end JvFileUtil }
5060: // Works like PtInRect but includes all edges in comparision
5061: Func PtInRectInclusive(R: TRect; Pt: TPoint):Bool;
5062: // Works like PtInRect but excludes all edges from comparision
5063: Func PtInRectExclusive(R: TRect; Pt: TPoint):Bool;
5064: Func FourDigitYear:Bool; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED} deprecated; {$ENDIF}
5065: Func IsFourDigitYear:Bool;
5066: { moved from JvJVCLUTils }
5067: //Open an object with the shell (url or something like that)
5068: Func OpenObject(const Value:Str):Bool; overload;
5069: Func OpenObject(Value: PChar):Bool; overload;
5071: //Raise the last Exception
5072: Proc RaiseLastWin32; overload;
5073: Proc RaiseLastWin32(const Text:Str); overload;
5074: //Raise last Exception with a small comment from your part {GetFileVersion returns most significant 32
bits of a file's binary version number. Typically, this includes major/minor version placed together in
one 32-bit Int.
5075: Func GetFileVersion(const AFileName:Str):Card;
5076: {$EXTERNALSYM GetFileVersion}
5077: //Get version of Shell.dll
5078: Func GetShellVersion:Card;
5079: {$EXTERNALSYM GetShellVersion}
5080: // CD functions on HW
5081: Proc OpenCdDrive;
5082: Proc CloseCdDrive;
5083: // returns True if Drive is accessible
5084: Func DiskInDrive(Drive: Char):Bool;

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5086: //Same as linux Func ;)
5087: Proc PError(const Text:Str);
5088: // execute a program without waiting
5089: Proc Exec(const FileName, Parameters, Directory:Str);
5090: // execute a program and wait for it to finish
5091: Func ExecuteAndWait(CmdLine:str;const WorkingDirectory:str;Visibility:Int=SW_SHOW):Int;
5092: // returns True if this is the first instance of the program that is running
5093: Func FirstInstance(const ATitle:Str):Bool;
5094: // restores a window based on it's classname and Caption. Either can be left empty
5095: // to widen the search
5096: Proc RestoreOtherInstance(const MainFormClassName, MainFormCaption:Str);
5097: // manipulate the traybar and start button
5098: Proc HideTraybar;
5099: Proc ShowTraybar;
5100: Proc ShowStartButton(Visible:Bool = True);
5101: //(rom) SC_MONITORPOWER documented as Win 95 only(rom) do some testingset monitor functions
5102: Proc MonitorOn;
5103: Proc MonitorOff;
5104: Proc LowPower;
5105: // send a key to the window named AppName
5106: Func SendKey(const AppName:Str; Key: Char):Bool;
5108: // returns list of all win currently visible, Objects property is filled with window handle
5109: Proc GetVisibleWindows(List: TStrings);
5110: Func GetVisibleWindowsF( List : TStrings):TStrings;
5111: // associates an extension to a specific program
5112: Proc AssociateExtension(const IconPath, ProgramName, Path, Extension:Str);
5113: Proc AddToRecentDocs(const FileName:Str);
5114: Func GetRecentDocs: TStringList;
5116: Func CharIsMoney(const Ch: Char):Bool;
5117: //Func StrToCurrDef(const Str:Str; Def: Currency): Currency;
5118: Func IntToExtended(I: Int): Extended;
5119: { GetChangedText works out new text given the current cursor pos & the key pressed
5120: is not very useful in other contexts,but in thisunit as itis needed in both MemoEx and TypedEdit}
5121: Func GetChangedText(const Text:Str; SelStart, SelLength: Int; Key: Char):Str;
5122: Func MakeYear4Digit(Year, Pivot: Int): Int;
5123: //Func StrIsInt(const S:Str):Bool;
5124: Func StrIsFloatMoney(const Ps:Str):Bool;
5125: Func StrIsDateTime(const Ps:Str):Bool;
5126: Func PreformatDateString(Ps:Str):Str;
5127: Func BooleanToInt(const B:Bool): Int;
5128: Func StringToBoolean(const Ps:Str):Bool;
5129: Func SafeStrToDateTime(const Ps:Str): TDateTime;
5130: Func SafeStrToDate(const Ps:Str): TDateTime;
5131: Func SafeStrToTime(const Ps:Str): TDateTime;
5132: Func StrDelete(const psSub, psMain:Str):Str;
5133: { returns the fractional value of pcValue}
5134: Func TimeOnly(pcValue: TDateTime): TTime;
5135: { returns the integral value of pcValue }
5136: Func DateOnly(pcValue: TDateTime): TDate;
5137: type TdtKind = (dtkDateOnly, dtkTimeOnly, dtkDateTime);
5138: const { TDateTime value used to signify Null value}
5139: NullEquivalentDate: TDateTime = 0.0;
5140: Func DateIsNull(const pdtValue: TDateTime; const pdtKind: TdtKind):Bool;
5141: // Replacement for Win32Check to avoid platform specific warnings in D6
5142: Func OSCheck(RetVal:Bool):Bool;
5143: { Shortens a fully qualified Path name so that it can be drawn with a specified length limit.
5144: Same as FileCtrl.MinimizeName in functionality (but not implementation).Included here to
5145: not be forced to use FileCtrl unnecessarily }
5146: Func MinimizeFileName(const FileName:Str; Canvas: TCanvas; MaxLen: Int):Str;
5147: Func MinimizeText(const Text:Str; Canvas: TCanvas; MaxWidth: Int):Str;
5148: {MinimizeString trunactes longstring,S,and appends'...'symbols,if Length ofS is morethan MaxLen}
5149: Func MinimizeString(const S:Str; const MaxLen: Int):Str;
5150: Proc RunDll32Internal(Wnd:THandle;const DLLName,FuncName,CmdLine:str;CmdShow:Int= SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
5151: { GetDLLVersion loads DLLName, gets a pointer to DLLVersion Func and calls it, returning major and minor
version values from function. Returns False if DLL not loaded or if GetDLLVersion couldn't be found.}
5152: Func GetDLLVersion(const DLLName:Str; var pdwMajor, pdwMinor: Int):Boolean;
5154: Proc ResourceNotFound(ResID: PChar);
5155: Func EmptyRect: TRect;
5156: Func RectWidth(R: TRect): Int;
5157: Func RectHeight(R: TRect): Int;
5158: Func CompareRect(const R1, R2: TRect):Bool;
5159: Proc RectNormalize(var R: TRect);
5160: Func RectIsSquare(const R: TRect):Bool;
5161: Func RectSquare(var ARect: TRect; AMaxSize: Int = -1):Bool;
5162: //If AMaxSize = -1 ,then auto calc Square's max size
5164: Proc FreeUnusedOle;
5165: Func GetWindowsVersion:Str;
5166: Func LoadDLL(const LibName:Str): THandle;
5167: Func RegisterServer(const ModuleName:Str): Bool;
5168: Func UnregisterServer(const ModuleName:Str): Bool;
5170: { String routines }
5171: Func GetEnvVar(const VarName:Str):Str;
5172: Func AnsiUpperFirstChar(const S:str):str;//follow Delphi2009's ex. with "Ansi" prefix

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5173: Func StringToPChar(var S:Str): PChar;

5174: Func StrPAlloc(const S:Str): PChar;
5175: Proc SplitCommandLine(const CmdLine:Str; var ExeName, Params:Str);
5176: Func DropT(const S:Str):Str;
5177: { Memory routines }
5178: Func AllocMemo(Size: Longint): Pointer;
5179: Func ReallocMemo(fpBlock: Pointer; Size: Longint): Pointer;
5180: Proc FreeMemo(var fpBlock: Pointer);
5181: Func GetMemoSize(fpBlock: Pointer): Longint;
5182: Func CompareMem(fpBlock1, fpBlock2: Pointer; Size:Card):Bool;
5183: { Manipulate huge pointers routines }
5184: Proc HugeInc(var HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: Longint);
5185: Proc HugeDec(var HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: Longint);
5186: Func HugeOffset(HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: Longint): Pointer;
5187: Proc HugeMove(Base: Pointer; Dst, Src, Size: Longint);
5188: Proc HMemCpy(DstPtr, SrcPtr: Pointer; Amount: Longint);
5189: Func WindowClassName(Wnd: THandle):Str;
5190: Proc SwitchToWindow(Wnd: THandle; Restore:Bool);
5191: Proc ActivateWindow(Wnd: THandle);
5192: Proc ShowWinNoAnimate(Handle: THandle; CmdShow: Int);
5193: Proc KillMessage(Wnd: THandle; Msg:Card);
5194: { SetWindowTop put window to top without recreating window }
5195: Proc SetWindowTop(const Handle: THandle; const Top:Bool);
5196: Proc CenterWindow(Wnd: THandle);
5197: Func MakeVariant(const Values: array of Variant): Variant;
5198: { Convert dialog units to pixels and backwards }
5200: Func DialogUnitsToPixelsX(DlgUnits:Word):Word;
5201: Func DialogUnitsToPixelsY(DlgUnits:Word):Word;
5202: Func PixelsToDialogUnitsX(PixUnits:Word):Word;
5203: Func PixelsToDialogUnitsY(PixUnits:Word):Word;
5205: Func GetUniqueFileNameInDir(const Path, FileNameMask:Str):Str;
5206: {$IFDEF BCB}
5207: Func FindPrevInstance(const MainFormClass: ShortString;const ATitle:Str): THandle;
5208: Func ActivatePrevInstance(const MainFormClass: ShortString;const ATitle:str):Bool;
5209: {$ELSE}
5210: Func FindPrevInstance(const MainFormClass, ATitle:Str): THandle;
5211: Func ActivatePrevInstance(const MainFormClass, ATitle:Str):Bool;
5212: {$ENDIF BCB}
5214: { BrowseForFolderNative displays Browse For Folder dialog }
5215: Func BrowseForFolderNative(const Handle:THandle;const Title:str;var Folder:str):Bool;
5217: Proc AntiAlias(Clip: TBitmap);
5218: Proc AntiAliasRect(Clip: TBitmap; XOrigin, YOrigin,XFinal, YFinal: Int);
5219: Proc CopyRectDIBits(ACanvas: TCanvas; const DestRect: TRect;
5220: ABitmap: TBitmap; const SourceRect: TRect);
5221: Func IsTrueType(const FontName:Str):Bool;
5222: // Removes all non-numeric characters from AValue and returns the resulting string
5223: Func TextToValText(const AValue:Str):Str;
5224: Func ExecRegExpr( const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString) :Bool
5225: Proc SplitRegExpr( const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings)
5226: Func ReplaceRegExpr(const ARegExpr,AInputStr,
5227: Func QuoteRegExprMetaChars( const AStr : RegExprString) : RegExprString
5228: Func RegExprSubExpressions(const ARegExpr:str;ASubExprs:TStrings;AExtendedSyntax:bool):
5230: ***************************************************unit uPSI_JvTFUtils;
5231: Func JExtractYear( ADate : TDateTime) : Word
5232: Func JExtractMonth( ADate : TDateTime) : Word
5233: Func JExtractDay( ADate : TDateTime) : Word
5234: Func ExtractHours( ATime : TDateTime) : Word
5235: Func ExtractMins( ATime : TDateTime) : Word
5236: Func ExtractSecs( ATime : TDateTime) : Word
5237: Func ExtractMSecs( ATime : TDateTime) : Word
5238: Func FirstOfMonth( ADate : TDateTime) : TDateTime
5239: Func GetDayOfNthDOW( Year, Month, DOW, N : Word) : Word
5240: Func GetWeeksInMonth( Year, Month : Word; StartOfWeek : Int) : Word
5241: Proc IncBorlDOW( var BorlDOW : Int; N : Int)
5242: Proc IncDOW( var DOW : TTFDayOfWeek; N : Int)
5243: Proc IncDays( var ADate : TDateTime; N : Int)
5244: Proc IncWeeks( var ADate : TDateTime; N : Int)
5245: Proc IncMonths( var ADate : TDateTime; N : Int)
5246: Proc IncYears( var ADate : TDateTime; N : Int)
5247: Func EndOfMonth( ADate : TDateTime) : TDateTime
5248: Func IsFirstOfMonth( ADate : TDateTime) :Bool
5249: Func IsEndOfMonth( ADate : TDateTime) :Bool
5250: Proc EnsureMonth( Month : Word)
5251: Proc EnsureDOW( DOW : Word)
5252: Func EqualDates( D1, D2 : TDateTime) :Bool
5253: Func Lesser( N1, N2 : Int) : Int
5254: Func Greater( N1, N2 : Int) : Int
5255: Func GetDivLength( TotalLength, DivCount, DivNum : Int) : Int
5256: Func GetDivNum( TotalLength, DivCount, X : Int) : Int
5257: Func GetDivStart( TotalLength, DivCount, DivNum : Int) : Int
5258: Func DOWToBorl( ADOW : TTFDayOfWeek) : Int
5259: Func BorlToDOW( BorlDOW : Int) : TTFDayOfWeek
5260: Func DateToDOW( ADate : TDateTime) : TTFDayOfWeek

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5261: Proc CalcTextPos(HostRect:TRect;var TextLeft,TextTop:Int;var

5262: Proc DrawAngleText(ACanvas:TCanvas;HostRect:TRect;var TextBounds:TRect;AAngle:Int;HAlign:
5263: Func JRectWidth( ARect : TRect) : Int
5264: Func JRectHeight( ARect : TRect): Int
5265: Func JEmptyRect : TRect
5266: Func IsClassByName( Obj : TObject; ClassName:str):Boolean
5268: Proc SIRegister_MSysUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
5269: begin
5270: Proc HideTaskBarButton( hWindow : HWND)
5271: Func msLoadStr( ID : Int) :Str
5272: Func msFormat( fmt :Str; params : array of const) :Str
5273: Func msFileExists( const FileName :Str) :Bool
5274: Func msIntToStr( Int : Int64) :Str
5275: Func msStrPas( const Str : PChar) :Str
5276: Func msRenameFile( const OldName, NewName :Str) :Bool
5277: Func CutFileName( s :Str) :Str
5278: Func GetVersionInfo( var VersionString :Str) : DWORD
5279: Func FormatTime( t :Card) :Str
5280: Func msCreateDir( const Dir :Str) :Bool
5281: Func SetAutoRun( NeedAutoRun :Bool; AppName :Str) :Bool
5282: Func SetTreeViewStyle( const hTV : HWND; dwNewStyle : dword) : DWORD
5283: Func msStrLen( Str : PChar) : Int
5284: Func msDirectoryExists( const Directory :Str) :Bool
5285: Func GetFolder( hWnd : hWnd; RootDir : Int; Caption :Str) :Str
5286: Func SetBlendWindow( hWnd : HWND; AlphaBlend : Byte) : LongBool
5287: Func EditWindowProc( hWnd : HWND; Msg : UINT; wParam : WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM):LRESULT
5288: Proc SetEditWndProc( hWnd : HWND; ptr : TObject)
5289: Func GetTextFromFile( Filename :Str) :Str
5290: Func IsTopMost(hWnd:HWND):Bool //'LWA_ALPHA','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
5291: Func msStrToIntDef( const s :Str; const i : Int) : Int
5292: Func msStrToInt( s :Str) : Int
5293: Func GetItemText( hDlg : THandle; ID : DWORD):str
5294: end;
5296: Proc SIRegister_ESBMaths2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
5297: begin
5298: //TDynFloatArray', 'array of Extended
5299: TDynLWordArray', 'array of LongWord
5300: TDynLIntArray', 'array of LongInt
5301: TDynFloatMatrix', 'array of TDynFloatArray
5302: TDynLWordMatrix', 'array of TDynLWordArray
5303: TDynLIntMatrix', 'array of TDynLIntArray
5304: Func SquareAll( const X : TDynFloatArray) : TDynFloatArray
5305: Func InverseAll( const X : TDynFloatArray) : TDynFloatArray
5306: Func LnAll( const X : TDynFloatArray) : TDynFloatArray
5307: Func Log10All( const X : TDynFloatArray) : TDynFloatArray
5308: Func LinearTransform( const X : TDynFloatArray; Offset, Scale : Extended) : TDynFloatArray
5309: Func AddVectors( const X, Y : TDynFloatArray) : TDynFloatArray
5310: Func SubVectors( const X, Y : TDynFloatArray) : TDynFloatArray
5311: Func MultVectors( const X, Y : TDynFloatArray) : TDynFloatArray
5312: Func DotProduct( const X, Y : TDynFloatArray) : Extended
5313: Func MNorm( const X : TDynFloatArray) : Extended
5314: Func MatrixIsRectangular( const X : TDynFloatMatrix) :Bool
5315: Proc MatrixDimensions(const X:TDynFloatMatrix;var Rows,Columns:LongWord;var Rectangular:Bool;
5316: Func MatrixIsSquare( const X : TDynFloatMatrix) :Bool
5317: Func MatricesSameDimensions( const X, Y : TDynFloatMatrix) :Bool
5318: Func AddMatrices( const X, Y : TDynFloatMatrix) : TDynFloatMatrix
5319: Proc AddToMatrix( var X : TDynFloatMatrix; const Y : TDynFloatMatrix)
5320: Func SubtractMatrices( const X, Y : TDynFloatMatrix) : TDynFloatMatrix
5321: Proc SubtractFromMatrix( var X : TDynFloatMatrix; const Y : TDynFloatMatrix)
5322: Func MultiplyMatrixByConst( const X: TDynFloatMatrix; const K: Extended):TDynFloatMatrix
5323: Proc MultiplyMatrixByConst2( var X: TDynFloatMatrix; const K: Extended);
5324: Func MultiplyMatrices( const X, Y : TDynFloatMatrix) : TDynFloatMatrix;
5325: Func TransposeMatrix( const X : TDynFloatMatrix) : TDynFloatMatrix;
5326: Func GrandMean( const X : TDynFloatMatrix; var N : LongWord) : Extended
5327: end;
5329: Proc SIRegister_ESBMaths(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
5330: begin
5331: 'ESBMinSingle','Single').setExtended( 1.5e-45);
5332: 'ESBMaxSingle','Single').setExtended( 3.4e+38);
5333: 'ESBMinDouble','Double').setExtended( 5.0e-324);
5334: 'ESBMaxDouble','Double').setExtended( 1.7e+308);
5335: 'ESBMinExtended','Extended').setExtended( 3.6e-4951);
5336: 'ESBMaxExtended','Extended').setExtended( 1.1e+4932);
5337: 'ESBMinCurrency','Currency').SetExtended( - 922337203685477.5807);
5338: 'ESBMaxCurrency','Currency').SetExtended( 922337203685477.5807);
5339: 'ESBSqrt2','Extended').setExtended( 1.4142135623730950488);
5340: 'ESBSqrt3','Extended').setExtended( 1.7320508075688772935);
5341: 'ESBSqrt5','Extended').setExtended( 2.2360679774997896964);
5342: 'ESBSqrt10','Extended').setExtended( 3.1622776601683793320);
5343: 'ESBSqrtPi','Extended').setExtended( 1.77245385090551602729);
5344: 'ESBCbrt2','Extended').setExtended( 1.2599210498948731648);
5345: 'ESBCbrt3','Extended').setExtended( 1.4422495703074083823);
5346: 'ESBCbrt10','Extended').setExtended( 2.1544346900318837219);
5347: 'ESBCbrt100','Extended').setExtended( 4.6415888336127788924);

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5348: 'ESBCbrtPi','Extended').setExtended( 1.4645918875615232630);

5349: 'ESBInvSqrt2','Extended').setExtended( 0.70710678118654752440);
5350: 'ESBInvSqrt3','Extended').setExtended( 0.57735026918962576451);
5351: 'ESBInvSqrt5','Extended').setExtended( 0.44721359549995793928);
5352: 'ESBInvSqrtPi','Extended').setExtended( 0.56418958354775628695);
5353: 'ESBInvCbrtPi','Extended').setExtended( 0.68278406325529568147);
5354: 'ESBe','Extended').setExtended( 2.7182818284590452354);
5355: 'ESBe2','Extended').setExtended( 7.3890560989306502272);
5356: 'ESBePi','Extended').setExtended( 23.140692632779269006);
5357: 'ESBePiOn2','Extended').setExtended( 4.8104773809653516555);
5358: 'ESBePiOn4','Extended').setExtended( 2.1932800507380154566);
5359: 'ESBLn2','Extended').setExtended( 0.69314718055994530942);
5360: 'ESBLn10','Extended').setExtended( 2.30258509299404568402);
5361: 'ESBLnPi','Extended').setExtended( 1.14472988584940017414);
5362: 'ESBLog10Base2','Extended').setExtended( 3.3219280948873623478);
5363: 'ESBLog2Base10','Extended').setExtended( 0.30102999566398119521);
5364: 'ESBLog3Base10','Extended').setExtended( 0.47712125471966243730);
5365: 'ESBLogPiBase10','Extended').setExtended( 0.4971498726941339);
5366: 'ESBLogEBase10','Extended').setExtended( 0.43429448190325182765);
5367: 'ESBPi','Extended').setExtended( 3.1415926535897932385);
5368: 'ESBInvPi','Extended').setExtended( 3.1830988618379067154e-1);
5369: 'ESBTwoPi','Extended').setExtended( 6.2831853071795864769);
5370: 'ESBThreePi','Extended').setExtended( 9.4247779607693797153);
5371: 'ESBPi2','Extended').setExtended( 9.8696044010893586188);
5372: 'ESBPiToE','Extended').setExtended( 22.459157718361045473);
5373: 'ESBPiOn2','Extended').setExtended( 1.5707963267948966192);
5374: 'ESBPiOn3','Extended').setExtended( 1.0471975511965977462);
5375: 'ESBPiOn4','Extended').setExtended( 0.7853981633974483096);
5376: 'ESBThreePiOn2','Extended').setExtended( 4.7123889803846898577);
5377: 'ESBFourPiOn3','Extended').setExtended( 4.1887902047863909846);
5378: 'ESBTwoToPower63','Extended').setExtended( 9223372036854775808.0);
5379: 'ESBOneRadian','Extended').setExtended( 57.295779513082320877);
5380: 'ESBOneDegree','Extended').setExtended( 1.7453292519943295769E-2);
5381: 'ESBOneMinute','Extended').setExtended( 2.9088820866572159615E-4);
5382: 'ESBOneSecond','Extended').setExtended( 4.8481368110953599359E-6);
5383: 'ESBGamma','Extended').setExtended( 0.57721566490153286061);
5384: 'ESBLnRt2Pi','Extended').setExtended( 9.189385332046727E-1);
5385: //LongWord', 'Cardinal
5386: TBitList', 'Word
5387: Func UMul( const Num1, Num2 : LongWord) : LongWord
5388: Func UMulDiv2p32( const Num1, Num2 : LongWord) : LongWord
5389: Func UMulDiv( const Num1, Num2, Divisor : LongWord) : LongWord
5390: Func UMulMod( const Num1, Num2, Modulus : LongWord) : LongWord
5391: Func SameFloat( const X1, X2 : Extended) :Bool
5392: Func FloatIsZero( const X : Extended) :Bool
5393: Func FloatIsPositive( const X : Extended) :Bool
5394: Func FloatIsNegative( const X : Extended) :Bool
5395: Proc IncLim( var B : Byte; const Limit : Byte)
5396: Proc IncLimSI( var B : ShortInt; const Limit : ShortInt)
5397: Proc IncLimW( var B : Word; const Limit : Word)
5398: Proc IncLimI( var B : Int; const Limit : Int)
5399: Proc IncLimL( var B : LongInt; const Limit : LongInt)
5400: Proc DecLim( var B : Byte; const Limit : Byte)
5401: Proc DecLimSI( var B : ShortInt; const Limit : ShortInt)
5402: Proc DecLimW( var B : Word; const Limit : Word)
5403: Proc DecLimI( var B : Int; const Limit : Int)
5404: Proc DecLimL( var B : LongInt; const Limit : LongInt)
5405: Func MaxB( const B1, B2 : Byte) : Byte
5406: Func MinB( const B1, B2 : Byte) : Byte
5407: Func MaxSI(const B1, B2 : ShortInt) : ShortInt
5408: Func MinSI(const B1, B2 : ShortInt) : ShortInt
5409: Func MaxW(const B1, B2 : Word) : Word
5410: Func MinW(const B1, B2 : Word) : Word
5411: Func esbMaxI( const B1, B2 : Int) : Int
5412: Func esbMinI( const B1, B2 : Int) : Int
5413: Func MaxL(const B1, B2 : LongInt) : LongInt
5414: Func MinL(const B1, B2 : LongInt) : LongInt
5415: Proc SwapB( var B1, B2 : Byte)
5416: Proc SwapSI( var B1, B2 : ShortInt)
5417: Proc SwapW( var B1, B2 : Word)
5418: Proc SwapI( var B1, B2 : SmallInt)
5419: Proc SwapL( var B1, B2 : LongInt)
5420: Proc SwapI32( var B1, B2 : Int)
5421: Proc SwapC( var B1, B2 : LongWord)
5422: Proc SwapInt64( var X, Y : Int64)
5423: Func esbSign( const B : LongInt) : ShortInt
5424: Func Max4Word(const X1, X2, X3, X4 : Word) : Word
5425: Func Min4Word(const X1, X2, X3, X4 : Word) : Word
5426: Func Max3Word(const X1, X2, X3 : Word) : Word
5427: Func Min3Word(const X1, X2, X3 : Word) : Word
5428: Func MaxBArray(const B : array of Byte) : Byte
5429: Func MaxWArray(const B : array of Word) : Word
5430: Func MaxSIArray(const B : array of ShortInt) : ShortInt
5431: Func MaxIArray(const B :array of Int) : Int
5432: Func MaxLArray(const B :array of LongInt) : LongInt
5433: Func MinBArray(const B :array of Byte) : Byte
5434: Func MinWArray(const B :array of Word) : Word
5435: Func MinSIArray( const B: array of ShortInt) : ShortInt
5436: Func MinIArray(const B :array of Int) : Int

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5437: Func MinLArray(const B :array of LongInt) : LongInt

5438: Func SumBArray(const B :array of Byte) : Byte
5439: Func SumBArray2( const B :array of Byte) : Word
5440: Func SumSIArray( const B :array of ShortInt) : ShortInt
5441: Func SumSIArray2( const B: array of ShortInt) : Int
5442: Func SumWArray( const B :array of Word) : Word
5443: Func SumWArray2(const B :array of Word) : LongInt
5444: Func SumIArray(const B : array of Int) : Int
5445: Func SumLArray(const B : array of LongInt) : LongInt
5446: Func SumLWArray(const B :array of LongWord) : LongWord
5447: Func ESBDigits( const X :LongWord) : Byte
5448: Func BitsHighest( const X : LongWord) : Int
5449: Func ESBBitsNeeded( const X : LongWord) : Int
5450: Func esbGCD( const X, Y : LongWord) : LongWord
5451: Func esbLCM( const X, Y : LongInt) : Int64
5452: //Func esbLCM( const X, Y : LongInt) : LongInt
5453: Func RelativePrime( const X, Y : LongWord) :Bool
5454: Func Get87ControlWord : TBitList
5455: Proc Set87ControlWord( const CWord : TBitList)
5456: Proc SwapExt( var X, Y : Extended)
5457: Proc SwapDbl( var X, Y : Double)
5458: Proc SwapSing( var X, Y : Single)
5459: Func esbSgn( const X : Extended) : ShortInt
5460: Func Distance( const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Extended) : Extended
5461: Func ExtMod( const X, Y : Extended): Extended
5462: Func ExtRem( const X, Y : Extended): Extended
5463: Func CompMOD( const X, Y : Comp) : Comp
5464: Proc Polar2XY( const Rho, Theta : Extended; var X, Y: Extended)
5465: Proc XY2Polar( const X, Y : Extended; var Rho, Theta: Extended)
5466: Func DMS2Extended( const Degs, Mins, Secs : Extended): Extended
5467: Proc Extended2DMS( const X : Extended; var Degs, Mins, Secs: Extended)
5468: Func MaxExt( const X, Y : Extended) : Extended
5469: Func MinExt( const X, Y : Extended) : Extended
5470: Func MaxEArray( const B : array of Extended) : Extended
5471: Func MinEArray( const B : array of Extended) : Extended
5472: Func MaxSArray( const B : array of Single) : Single
5473: Func MinSArray( const B : array of Single) : Single
5474: Func MaxCArray( const B : array of Comp) : Comp
5475: Func MinCArray( const B : array of Comp) : Comp
5476: Func SumSArray( const B : array of Single) : Single
5477: Func SumEArray( const B : array of Extended) : Extended
5478: Func SumSqEArray( const B : array of Extended) : Extended
5479: Func SumSqDiffEArray( const B : array of Extended; Diff : Extended):Extended
5480: Func SumXYEArray( const X, Y : array of Extended) : Extended
5481: Func SumCArray( const B : array of Comp) : Comp
5482: Func FactorialX( A : LongWord) : Extended
5483: Func PermutationX( N, R : LongWord) : Extended
5484: Func esbBinomialCoeff( N, R : LongWord) : Extended
5485: Func IsPositiveEArray( const X : array of Extended) :Bool
5486: Func esbGeometricMean( const X : array of Extended) : Extended
5487: Func esbHarmonicMean( const X : array of Extended) : Extended
5488: Func ESBMean( const X : array of Extended) : Extended
5489: Func esbSampleVariance( const X : array of Extended) : Extended
5490: Func esbPopulationVariance( const X : array of Extended) : Extended
5491: Proc esbSampleVarianceAndMean(const X: array of Extended; var Variance, Mean :Extended)
5492: Proc esbPopulationVarianceAndMean(const X:array of Extended;var Variance,Mean:Extended)
5493: Func GetMedian( const SortedX : array of Extended) : Extended
5494: Func GetMode( const SortedX : array of Extended; var Mode : Extended) :Bool
5495: Proc GetQuartiles( const SortedX : array of Extended; var Q1, Q3 : Extended)
5496: Func ESBMagnitude( const X : Extended) : Int
5497: Func ESBTan( Angle : Extended) : Extended
5498: Func ESBCot( Angle : Extended) : Extended
5499: Func ESBCosec( const Angle : Extended) : Extended
5500: Func ESBSec( const Angle : Extended) : Extended
5501: Func ESBArcTan( X, Y : Extended) : Extended
5502: Proc ESBSinCos( Angle : Extended; var SinX, CosX : Extended)
5503: Func ESBArcCos( const X : Extended) : Extended
5504: Func ESBArcSin( const X : Extended) : Extended
5505: Func ESBArcSec( const X : Extended) : Extended
5506: Func ESBArcCosec( const X : Extended) : Extended
5507: Func ESBLog10( const X : Extended) : Extended
5508: Func ESBLog2( const X : Extended) : Extended
5509: Func ESBLogBase( const X, Base : Extended) : Extended
5510: Func Pow2( const X : Extended) : Extended
5511: Func IntPow( const Base : Extended; const Exponent : LongWord) : Extended
5512: Func ESBIntPower( const X : Extended; const N : LongInt) : Extended
5513: Func XtoY( const X, Y : Extended) : Extended
5514: Func esbTenToY( const Y : Extended) : Extended
5515: Func esbTwoToY( const Y : Extended) : Extended
5516: Func LogXtoBaseY( const X, Y : Extended) : Extended
5517: Func esbISqrt( const I : LongWord) : Longword
5518: Func ILog2( const I : LongWord) : LongWord
5519: Func IGreatestPowerOf2( const N : LongWord) : LongWord
5520: Func ESBArCosh(X:Extended):Extended
5521: Func ESBArSinh(X:Extended):Extended
5522: Func ESBArTanh(X:Extended):Extended
5523: Func ESBCosh(X:Extended):Extended
5524: Func ESBSinh(X:Extended):Extended
5525: Func ESBTanh(X:Extended):Extended

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5526: Func InverseGamma(const X: Extended) : Extended

5527: Func esbGamma(const X : Extended): Extended
5528: Func esbLnGamma(const X: Extended): Extended
5529: Func esbBeta(const X, Y: Extended): Extended
5530: Func IncompleteBeta(X :Extended; P, Q: Extended): Extended
5531: end;
5533: *****************************Int Huge Cardinal Utils***************************
5534: Func Add_uint64_WithCarry( x, y : uint64; var Carry :Bool) : uint64
5535: Func Add_uint32_WithCarry( x, y : uint32; var Carry :Bool) : uint32
5536: Func Subtract_uint64_WithBorrow( x, y : uint64; var Borrow :Bool) : uint64
5537: Func Subtract_uint32_WithBorrow( x, y : uint32; var Borrow :Bool) : uint32
5538: Func BitCount_8( Value : byte) : Int
5539: Func BitCount_16( Value : uint16) : Int
5540: Func BitCount_32( Value : uint32) : Int
5541: Func BitCount_64( Value : uint64) : Int
5542: Func CountSetBits_64( Value : uint64) : Int TPrimalityTestNoticeProc',
5543: Proc ( CountPrimalityTests : Int)
5544: Func gcdhuge( a, b : THugeCardinal) : THugeCardinal
5545: Func lcmhuge( a, b : THugeCardinal) : THugeCardinal
5546: Func isCoPrime( a, b : THugeCardinal) :Bool
5547: Func isProbablyPrime(p:THugeCardinal;OnProgress:TProgress;var wasAborted:bool):boolean
5548: Func hasSmallFactor( p : THugeCardinal) :Bool
5549: Func GeneratePrime( NumBits : Int; OnProgress : TProgress; OnPrimalityTest: TPrimalityTestNoticeProc;
PassCount:Int;Pool1:TMemoryStreamPool;var Prime:THugeCardinal;var NumbersTested: Int):bool
5550: Func Inverse( Prime, Modulus : THugeCardinal) : THugeCardinal
5551: Const('StandardExponent','LongInt'( 65537);
5552: Proc Compute_RSA_Fundamentals_2Factors(RequiredBitLengthOfN:Int;Fixed_e:uint64;var N,e,d,
5553: Func Validate_RSA_Fundamentals( var N, e, d, Totient : THugeCardinal:Bool')
5554: Func AnsiBytesOf(const S:Str): TBytes;');
5555: Func GetBytes(value:Str): TBytes;');
5556: Func GetBytesInt(value: Smallint): TBytes;');
5557: Func HugeToBase10(const AHuge: THugeCardinal):Str;
5559: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
5560: Proc SIRegister_uTPLb_StreamUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
5561: begin
5562: SIRegister_TDesalinationWriteStream(CL);
5563: // CL.AddTypeS('TByteDynArray', 'array of Byte');
5564: Func CloneMemoryStream( Original : TMemoryStream) : TMemoryStream');
5565: Proc CopyMemoryStream( Source, Destination : TMemoryStream)');
5566: Proc BurnMemoryStream( Destructo : TMemoryStream)');
5567: Proc BurnMemory( var Buff, BuffLen : integer)');
5568: Proc BurnMemoryString( var Buff:Str; BuffLen : integer)');
5569: Proc BurnMemoryInteger( var Buff: Integer; BuffLen : integer)');
5570: Proc BurnMemoryString2( Buff:Str; BuffLen : integer)');
5571: Proc BurnMemoryInteger2( Buff: Integer; BuffLen : integer)');
5572: (Proc BurnMemoryByteArray( var array of Byte; BuffLen : integer)');
5573: Proc BurnMemoryByteArray2( var buff: TByteDynArray; BuffLen : integer)');
5574: Proc BurnMemoryByteArray3( buff: TByteDynArray; BuffLen : integer)');
5575: Proc ZeroFillStream( Stream : TMemoryStream)');
5576: Proc RandomFillStream( Stream : TMemoryStream)');
5577: Proc XOR_Streams2( Dest, Srce : TMemoryStream)');
5578: Proc XOR_Streams3( Dest, SrceA, SrceB : TMemoryStream)');
5579: Func CompareMemoryStreams( S1, S2 : TMemoryStream) :Bool');
5580: Func Stream_to_Base64( Source : TStream) : Ansistr');
5581: Func Stream_to_Base642( Source : TStream) : Ansistr');
5582: Proc Base64_to_stream2( const Base64 : Ansistr; Destin : TStream)');
5583: Func Stream_to_Ansistr( Source : TStream) : Ansistr');
5584: Func StreamtoAnsistr( Source : TStream) : Ansistr');
5585: Func StreamToString( Source : TStream) :Str');
5586: Func StreamToString2( Source : TStream) :Str');
5587: Func StreamToString3( Source : TStream) :Str');
5588: Func StreamToString4( Source : TStream) :Str');
5589: Ansistr_to_stream( const Value : Ansistr; Destin : TStream)');
5590: Func CompareFiles(const FN1,FN2:str;Breathe:TNotifyEvent;BreathingSender:TObject):bool;
5591: Func FileSize( const FileName :Str) : int64');
5592: Func Stream_to_decimalbytes( Source : TStream) :Str');
5593: Func StreamToDecimalbytes( Source : TStream) :Str');
5594: Func StreamtoOrd( Source : TStream) :Str');
5595: Func StreamToByte( Source : TStream) :Str');
5596: Func DisplayStream( Stream : TStream) :Str');
5597: Proc Base64_to_streamBytes( const Base64: TBytes; Destin: TStream);');
5598: Func Stream_to_Base64Bytes(ASource: TStream; const ATransform: TBytes): TBytes;');
5599: Func Stream_To_Hex(ASource: TStream): Ansistr;');
5600: // from unit uPSI_uTPLb_PointerArithmetic;
5601: Proc ClearMemory( Stream : TMemoryStream; Offset, CountBytes : integer)');
5602: Func ReadMem(Source:TStream;Destin:TMemoryStream;DestinOffset,CountBytes:integer):int);
5603: Func WriteMem(Source:TMemoryStream;SourceOffset:int;Destin:TStream;CountBytes:int):int;
5604: end;
5606: Proc SIRegister_EwbCoreTools(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
5607: begin
5608: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Func IsWinXPSP2OrLater( ) :Bool');
5609: Func ColorToHTML2( const Color : TColor) :Str');
5610: //Func WideStringToLPOLESTR( const Source : Widestring) : POleStr');
5611: //Func XPath4Node( node : IHTMLElement) :Str');

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5612: //Func TaskAllocWideString( const S :Str) : PWChar');

5613: Func AnsiIndexStr2( const AText :Str; const AValues : array of string) : Integer');
5614: Func GetPos( const SubSt, Text :Str; StartPos : Integer) : Integer');
5615: Func _CharPos( const C : Char; const S :Str) : Integer');
5616: Func CutString(var Text:str; const Delimiter:str; const Remove:Boolean) :Str');
5617: Proc FormatPath( Path :Str)');
5618: Func GetWinText( WinHandle : THandle) :Str');
5619: Func GetWinClass( Handle : Hwnd) : WideString');
5620: Func GetParentWinByClass( ChildHandle : HWND; const ClassName :Str) : HWND');
5621: Func DirectoryExists2( const Directory :Str) :Bool');
5622: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Func VarSupports(const V:Variant;const IID:TGUID; out Intf): Bool);
5623: Func CharInSet3( C : Char; const CharSet : TSysCharSet) :Bool');
5624: Func AddBackSlash2( const S :Str) :Str');
5625: CL.AddConstantN('WM_SETWBFOCUS','LongWord').SetUInt( $0400 + $44);
5626: end;
5628: Proc SIRegister_EwbUrl(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
5629: begin
5630: 'TEMP_SIZE_EWB','LongInt').SetInt( 1024);
5631: 'MAX_BUFFER_EWB','LongInt').SetInt( 256);
5632: 'WebDelim_EWB','String').SetString( '/');
5633: 'ProtocolDelim_EWB','String').SetString( '://');
5634: 'QueryDelim_EWB','String').SetString( '?');
5635: 'BookmarkDelim_EWB','String').SetString( '#');
5636: 'EqualDelim_EWB','String').SetString( '=');
5637: 'DriveDelim_EWB','String').SetString( ':');
5638: CL.AddTypeS('TQueryOption_EWB', 'ULONG');
5639: TOnError_EWB','Proc (Sender:TObject;ErrorCode:integer;ErrMessage:str)');
5640: SIRegister_TUrl(CL);
5641: end;
5643: Func IS_INTRESOURCE(lpszType: PChar): BOOL; //as of windows.pas
5644: begin
5645: Result:= ULONG_PTR(lpszType) shr 16 = 0;
5646: end;
5648: Func ResourceNameToString(lpszName: PChar):Str;
5649: Func ResourceTypeToString(lpszType: PChar):Str;
5650: Proc storeRCDATAResourcetofile(aresname, afilename:Str);
5651: Func InternalfindNextUrlToDownload(aNode: TPageNotYetDownloadedBinTreeNode; '+
5652: alowDeepLevel: Integer): TPageNotYetDownloadedBinTreeNode;'); //ALWebSpider
5654: Proc SIRegister_xrtl_math_Int(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
5655: begin
5656: AddTypeS('TXRTLInt', 'array of Int
5657: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EXRTLMathException
5658: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EXRTLExtendInvalidArgument
5659: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EXRTLDivisionByZero
5660: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EXRTLExpInvalidArgument
5661: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EXRTLInvalidRadix
5662: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EXRTLInvalidRadixDigit
5663: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EXRTLRootInvalidArgument
5664: 'BitsPerByte','LongInt'( 8);
5665: BitsPerDigit','LongInt'( 32);
5666: SignBitMask','LongWord( $80000000);
5667: Func XRTLAdjustBits( const ABits : Int) : Int
5668: Func XRTLLength( const AInt : TXRTLInt) : Int
5669: Func XRTLDataBits( const AInt : TXRTLInt) : Int
5670: Proc XRTLBitPosition( const BitIndex : Int; var Index, Mask : Int)
5671: Proc XRTLBitSet( var AInt : TXRTLInt; const BitIndex : Int)
5672: Proc XRTLBitReset( var AInt : TXRTLInt; const BitIndex : Int)
5673: Func XRTLBitGet( const AInt : TXRTLInt; const BitIndex : Int) : Int
5674: Func XRTLBitGetBool( const AInt : TXRTLInt; const BitIndex : Int) :Bool
5675: Func XRTLExtend(const AInt:TXRTLInt;ADataBits:Int;Sign:Int;var AResult:TXRTLInt):Int;
5676: Func XRTLZeroExtend(const AInt:TXRTLInt;ADataBits:Int; var AResult:TXRTLInt):Int;
5677: Func XRTLSignExtend(const AInt:TXRTLInt; ADataBits:Int;var AResult:TXRTLInt):Int;
5678: Func XRTLSignStrip(const AInt:TXRTLInt;var AResult:TXRTLInt;const AMinDataBits:Int):Int;
5679: Proc XRTLNot( const AInt : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5680: Proc XRTLOr( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5681: Proc XRTLAnd( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5682: Proc XRTLXor( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5683: Func XRTLSign( const AInt : TXRTLInt) : Int
5684: Proc XRTLZero( var AInt : TXRTLInt)
5685: Proc XRTLOne( var AInt : TXRTLInt)
5686: Proc XRTLMOne( var AInt : TXRTLInt)
5687: Proc XRTLTwo( var AInt : TXRTLInt)
5688: Func XRTLNeg( const AInt : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt) : Int
5689: Func XRTLAbs( const AInt : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt) : Int
5690: Proc XRTLFullSum( const A, B, C : Int; var Sum, Carry : Int)
5691: Func XRTLAdd( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt) : Int;
5692: Func XRTLAdd1(const AInt1:TXRTLInt;const AInt2:Int64;var AResult:TXRTLInt):Int;
5693: Func XRTLSub( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt) : Int;
5694: Func XRTLSub1(const AInt1:TXRTLInt;const AInt2:Int64;var AResult:TXRTLInt):Int;
5695: Func XRTLCompare( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt) : Int;
5696: Func XRTLCompare1( const AInt1 : TXRTLInt; const AInt2 : Int64) : Int;
5697: Func XRTLUMul( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt) : Int
5698: Func XRTLMulAdd(const AInt1,AInt2,AInt3:TXRTLInt; var AResult:TXRTLInt):Int
5699: Func XRTLMul( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt) : Int
5700: Proc XRTLDivMod( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var QResult, RResult : TXRTLInt)

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5701: Proc XRTLSqr( const AInt : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt)

5702: Proc XRTLSqrt( const AInt : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5703: Proc XRTLRoot( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5704: Proc XRTLRootApprox(const AInt1,AInt2:TXRTLInt;var ALowApproxResult,AHighApproxResult:TXRTLInt)
5705: Proc XRTLURootApprox(const AInt1,AInt2:TXRTLInt;var ALowApproxResult,AHighApproxResult:TXRTLInt);
5706: Proc XRTLExp( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5707: Proc XRTLExpMod( const AInt1, AInt2, AInt3 : TXRTLInt;var AResult: TXRTLInt)
5708: Proc XRTLSLBL(const AInt: TXRTLInt; const BitCount:Int; var AResult: TXRTLInt)
5709: Proc XRTLSABL(const AInt: TXRTLInt; const BitCount:Int; var AResult: TXRTLInt)
5710: Proc XRTLRCBL(const AInt: TXRTLInt; const BitCount:Int; var AResult: TXRTLInt)
5711: Proc XRTLSLDL(const AInt:TXRTLInt;const DigitCount:Int; var AResult:TXRTLInt)
5712: Proc XRTLSADL(const AInt: TXRTLInt; const DigitCount:Int;var AResult: TXRTLInt)
5713: Proc XRTLRCDL(const AInt:TXRTLInt; const DigitCount:Int; var AResult: TXRTLInt)
5714: Proc XRTLSLBR(const AInt: TXRTLInt; const BitCount:Int; var AResult: TXRTLInt)
5715: Proc XRTLSABR(const AInt: TXRTLInt; const BitCount:Int; var AResult: TXRTLInt)
5716: Proc XRTLRCBR(const AInt: TXRTLInt; const BitCount:Int; var AResult: TXRTLInt)
5717: Proc XRTLSLDR(const AInt:TXRTLInt; const DigitCount:Int; var AResult: TXRTLInt)
5718: Proc XRTLSADR(const AInt: TXRTLInt; const DigitCount:Int;var AResult: TXRTLInt)
5719: Proc XRTLRCDR(const AInt: TXRTLInt;const DigitCount:Int;var AResult: TXRTLInt)
5720: Func XRTLToHex( const AInt : TXRTLInt; Digits : Int) :Str
5721: Func XRTLToBin( const AInt : TXRTLInt; Digits : Int) :Str
5722: Func XRTLToString(const AInt : TXRTLInt; Radix : Int; Digits : Int) :Str
5723: Proc XRTLFromHex(const Value :Str; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5724: Proc XRTLFromBin(const Value :Str; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5725: Proc XRTLFromString(const Value :Str; var AResult : TXRTLInt; Radix : Int)
5726: Proc XRTLAssign( const AInt : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt);
5727: Proc XRTLAssign1(const Value : Int; var AResult : TXRTLInt);
5728: Proc XRTLAssign2(const Value : Int64; var AResult : TXRTLInt);
5729: Proc XRTLAppend( const ALow, AHigh : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5730: Proc XRTLSplit(const AInt: TXRTLInt; var ALow,AHigh: TXRTLInt;LowDigits: Int)
5731: Func XRTLGetMSBitIndex( const AInt : TXRTLInt) : Int
5732: Proc XRTLMinMax(const AInt1, AInt2:TXRTLInt;var AMinResult,AMaxResult: TXRTLInt)
5733: Proc XRTLMin( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt);
5734: Proc XRTLMin1(const AInt1: TXRTLInt;const AInt2:Int;var AResult : TXRTLInt);
5735: Proc XRTLMax( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt);
5736: Proc XRTLMax1(const AInt1:TXRTLInt; const AInt2:Int; var AResult:TXRTLInt);
5737: Proc XRTLGCD( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5738: Proc XRTLSwap( var AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt)
5739: Proc XRTLFactorial( const AInt : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5740: Proc XRTLFactorialMod( const AInt1, AInt2 : TXRTLInt; var AResult : TXRTLInt)
5741: end;
5743: Proc SIRegister_JvXPCoreUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
5744: begin
5745: Func JvXPMethodsEqual( const Method1, Method2 : TMethod) :Bool
5746: Proc JvXPDrawLine( const ACanvas : TCanvas; const X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Int)
5747: Proc JvXPCreateGradientRect( const AWidth, AHeight : Int; const StartColor, EndColor : TColor;const
Colors:TJvXPGradientColors;const Style:TJvXPGradientStyle;const Dithered:Bool;var Bitmap:TBitmap);
5748: Proc JvXPAdjustBoundRect(const BorderWidth:Byte;const ShowBoundLines:Boolean; const
BoundLines:TJvXPBoundLines; var Rect: TRect)
5749: Proc JvXPDrawBoundLines(const ACan:TCanvas;const BoundLns:TJvXPBoundLins;const AColor:TColor;Rect:TRect;
5750: Proc JvXPConvertToGray2( Bitmap : TBitmap)
5751: Proc JvXPRenderText(const AParent:TControl;const ACanvas:TCanvas;ACaption:TCaption;const
AFont:TFont;const AEnabled,AShowAccelChar:Bool;var ARect:TRect;AFlags:Int)
5752: Proc JvXPFrame3D(const ACanvas:TCanvas;const Rect:TRect; TopColor,BottomColor:TColor;const Swapped:Bool;
5753: Proc JvXPColorizeBitmap( Bitmap : TBitmap; const AColor : TColor)
5754: Proc JvXPSetDrawFlags(const AAlignment:TAlignment;const AWordWrap:Bool;var Flags: Int)
5755: Proc JvXPPlaceText( const AParent: TControl; const ACanvas : TCanvas; const AText : TCaption; const AFont
: TFont; const AEnabled,AShowAccelChar:Boolean;const AAlignment:TAlignment;const AWordWrap:Boolean;var
5756: end;
5758: Proc SIRegister_uwinstr(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
5759: begin
5760: Func StrDec(S :Str) :Str
5761: Func uIsNumeric( var S :Str; var X : Float) :Bool
5762: Func ReadNumFromEdit( Edit : TEdit) : Float
5763: Proc WriteNumToFile( var F : Text; X : Float)
5764: end;
5766: Proc SIRegister_utexplot(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
5767: begin
5768: Func TeX_InitGraphics(FileName:str;PgWidth,PgHeight:Int; Header:Boolean):Boolean
5769: Proc TeX_SetWindow( X1, X2, Y1, Y2 : Int; GraphBorder :Bool)
5770: Proc TeX_LeaveGraphics( Footer :Bool)
5771: Proc TeX_SetOxScale( Scale : TScale; OxMin, OxMax, OxStep : Float)
5772: Proc TeX_SetOyScale( Scale : TScale; OyMin, OyMax, OyStep : Float)
5773: Proc TeX_SetGraphTitle( Title :Str)
5774: Proc TeX_SetOxTitle( Title :Str)
5775: Proc TeX_SetOyTitle( Title :Str)
5776: Proc TeX_PlotOxAxis
5777: Proc TeX_PlotOyAxis
5778: Proc TeX_PlotGrid( Grid : TGrid)
5779: Proc TeX_WriteGraphTitle
5780: Func TeX_SetMaxCurv( NCurv : Byte) :Bool
5781: Proc TeX_SetPointParam( CurvIndex, Symbol, Size : Int)
5782: Proc TeX_SetLineParam( CurvIndex, Style : Int; Width : Float; Smooth :Bool)
5783: Proc TeX_SetCurvLegend( CurvIndex : Int; Legend :Str)
5784: Proc TeX_SetCurvStep( CurvIndex, Step : Int)

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5785: Proc TeX_PlotCurve( X, Y : TVector; Lb, Ub, CurvIndex : Int)

5786: Proc TeX_PlotCurveWithErrorBars( X, Y, S : TVector; Ns, Lb, Ub, CurvIndex : Int)
5787: Proc TeX_PlotFunc( Func : TFunc; X1, X2 : Float; Npt : Int; CurvIndex : Int)
5788: Proc TeX_WriteLegend( NCurv : Int; ShowPoints, ShowLines :Bool)
5789: Proc TeX_ConRec( Nx, Ny, Nc : Int; X, Y, Z : TVector; F : TMatrix)
5790: Func Xcm(X : Float) : Float
5791: Func Ycm(Y : Float) : Float
5792: end;
5794: *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
5795: Proc SIRegister_VarRecUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
5796: begin
5797: TConstArray', 'array of TVarRec
5798: Func CopyVarRec( const Item : TVarRec) : TVarRec
5799: Func CreateConstArray( const Elements : array of const) : TConstArray
5800: Proc FinalizeVarRec( var Item : TVarRec)
5801: Proc FinalizeConstArray( var Arr : TConstArray)
5802: end;
5804: Proc SIRegister_StStrS(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
5805: begin
5806: Func HexBS( B : Byte) : ShortString
5807: Func HexWS( W : Word) : ShortString
5808: Func HexLS( L : LongInt) : ShortString
5809: Func HexPtrS( P : Pointer) : ShortString
5810: Func BinaryBS( B : Byte) : ShortString
5811: Func BinaryWS( W : Word) : ShortString
5812: Func BinaryLS( L : LongInt) : ShortString
5813: Func OctalBS( B : Byte) : ShortString
5814: Func OctalWS( W : Word) : ShortString
5815: Func OctalLS( L : LongInt) : ShortString
5816: Func Str2Int16S( const S : ShortString; var I : SmallInt) :Bool
5817: Func Str2WordS(const S: ShortString; var I : Word) :Bool
5818: Func Str2LongS(const S: ShortString; var I : LongInt) :Bool
5819: Func Str2RealS(const S: ShortString; var R : Double) :Bool
5820: Func Str2RealS(const S: ShortString; var R : Real) :Bool
5821: Func Str2ExtS(const S : ShortString; var R : Extended) :Bool
5822: Func Long2StrS( L : LongInt) : ShortString
5823: Func Real2StrS( R : Double; Width : Byte; Places : ShortInt) : ShortString
5824: Func Ext2StrS( R : Extended; Width : Byte; Places : ShortInt) : ShortString
5825: Func ValPrepS( const S : ShortString) : ShortString
5826: Func CharStrS( C : AnsiChar; Len :Card) : ShortString
5827: Func PadChS( const S : ShortString; C : AnsiChar; Len :Card):ShortString
5828: Func PadS( const S : ShortString; Len :Card) : ShortString
5829: Func LeftPadChS( const S : ShortString; C : AnsiChar; Len :Card):ShortString
5830: Func LeftPadS( const S : ShortString; Len :Card) : ShortString
5831: Func TrimLeadS( const S : ShortString) : ShortString
5832: Func TrimTrailS( const S : ShortString) : ShortString
5833: Func TrimS( const S : ShortString) : ShortString
5834: Func TrimSpacesS( const S : ShortString) : ShortString
5835: Func CenterChS( const S : ShortString; C : AnsiChar; Len :Card): ShortString
5836: Func CenterS( const S : ShortString; Len :Card) : ShortString
5837: Func EntabS( const S : ShortString; TabSize : Byte) : ShortString
5838: Func DetabS( const S : ShortString; TabSize : Byte) : ShortString
5839: Func ScrambleS( const S, Key : ShortString) : ShortString
5840: Func SubstituteS( const S, FromStr, ToStr : ShortString) : ShortString
5841: Func FilterS( const S, Filters : ShortString) : ShortString
5842: Func CharExistsS( const S : ShortString; C : AnsiChar) :Bool
5843: Func CharCountS( const S : ShortString; C : AnsiChar) : Byte
5844: Func WordCountS( const S, WordDelims : ShortString) :Card
5845: Func WordPositionS(N:Card;const S, WordDelims:ShortString;var Pos:Card):Bool
5846: Func ExtractWordS( N :Card; const S, WordDelims : ShortString) : ShortString
5847: Func AsciiCountS( const S, WordDelims : ShortString; Quote : AnsiChar) :Card
5848: Func AsciiPositionS(N:Card;const S,WordDelims:ShortStr;Quote:AnsiChar;var Pos:Card):Bool
5849: Func ExtractAsciiS(N:Card;const S,WordDelims:ShortString;Quote:AnsiChar): ShortString
5850: Proc WordWrapS(const InSt:ShortString;var OutSt,Overlap:ShortString; Margin:Card;PadToMargin:Bool)
5851: Func CompStringS( const S1, S2 : ShortString) : Int
5852: Func CompUCStringS( const S1, S2 : ShortString) : Int
5853: Func SoundexS( const S : ShortString) : ShortString
5854: Func MakeLetterSetS( const S : ShortString) : Longint
5855: Proc BMMakeTableS( const MatchString : ShortString; var BT : BTable)
5856: Func BMSearchS(var Buffer,BufLength:Card;var BT:BTable;const MatchString:ShortString;var Pos:Card):Bool;
5857: Func BMSearchUCS(var Buffer,BufLength:Card;var BT:BTable;const MatchStr:ShortStr;var Pos:Card):Bool;
5858: Func DefaultExtensionS( const Name, Ext : ShortString) : ShortString
5859: Func ForceExtensionS( const Name, Ext : ShortString) : ShortString
5860: Func JustFilenameS( const PathName : ShortString) : ShortString
5861: Func JustNameS( const PathName : ShortString) : ShortString
5862: Func JustExtensionS( const Name : ShortString) : ShortString
5863: Func JustPathnameS( const PathName : ShortString) : ShortString
5864: Func AddBackSlashS( const DirName : ShortString) : ShortString
5865: Func CleanPathNameS( const PathName : ShortString) : ShortString
5866: Func HasExtensionS( const Name : ShortString; var DotPos :Card):Bool
5867: Func CommaizeS( L : LongInt) : ShortString
5868: Func CommaizeChS( L : Longint; Ch : AnsiChar) : ShortString
5869: Func FloatFormS(const Mask:ShortStr;R:TstFloat;const LtCurr,RtCurr:SString;Sep,DecPt:Char):ShortStr;
5870: Func LongIntFormS(const Mask:ShortString;L:LongInt;const LtCurr,
5871: Func StrChPosS( const P : ShortString; C : AnsiChar; var Pos :Card) :Bool
5872: Func StrStPosS( const P, S : ShortString; var Pos :Card) :Bool

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5873: Func StrStCopyS( const S : ShortString; Pos, Count :Card) : ShortString

5874: Func StrChInsertS(const S : ShortString; C : AnsiChar; Pos :Card):ShortString
5875: Func StrStInsertS(const S1, S2 : ShortString; Pos :Card) : ShortString
5876: Func StrChDeleteS(const S: ShortString; Pos :Card) : ShortString
5877: Func StrStDeleteS(const S: ShortString; Pos, Count :Card) : ShortString
5878: Func ContainsOnlyS(const S, Chars : ShortString; var BadPos :Card) : Bool
5879: Func ContainsOtherThanS( const S, Chars : ShortString; var BadPos :Card): Bool
5880: Func CopyLeftS( const S : ShortString; Len :Card) : ShortString
5881: Func CopyMidS( const S : ShortString; First, Len :Card) : ShortString
5882: Func CopyRightS( const S : ShortString; First :Card) : ShortString
5883: Func CopyRightAbsS( const S : ShortString; NumChars :Card) : ShortString
5884: Func CopyFromNthWordS(const S,WordDelims:str;const AWord:str;N:Card;var SubString:ShortString):Bool;
5885: Func DeleteFromNthWordS(const S,WordDelims:str;AWord:ShortString;N:Card;var SubStr:ShortString):Bool;
5886: Func CopyFromToWordS(const S,WordDelims,Word1,Word2:ShortString;N1,N2:Card;var
5887: Func DeleteFromToWordS(const S,WordDelims,Wrd1,Wrd2:ShortString;N1,N2:Card;var
5888: Func CopyWithinS( const S, Delimiter : ShortString; Strip :Bool) : ShortString
5889: Func DeleteWithinS( const S, Delimiter : ShortString) : ShortString
5890: Func ExtractTokensS(const S,Delims:ShortString;QuoteChar:AnsiChar;AllowNulls:Bool;Tokens:TStrings):Card
5891: Func IsChAlphaS( C : Char) :Bool
5892: Func IsChNumericS( C : Char; const Numbers : ShortString) :Bool
5893: Func IsChAlphaNumericS( C : Char; const Numbers : ShortString) :Bool
5894: Func IsStrAlphaS( const S : Shortstring) :Bool
5895: Func IsStrNumericS( const S, Numbers : ShortString) :Bool
5896: Func IsStrAlphaNumericS( const S, Numbers : ShortString) :Bool
5897: Func LastWordS(const S,WordDelims, AWord:ShortString; var Position :Card) :Bool
5898: Func LastWordAbsS( const S, WordDelims : ShortString; var Position :Card) :Bool
5899: Func LastStringS( const S, AString : ShortString; var Position :Card) :Bool
5900: Func LeftTrimCharsS( const S, Chars : ShortString) : ShortString
5901: Func KeepCharsS( const S, Chars : ShortString) : ShortString
5902: Func RepeatStringS(const RepeatString:ShortStr;var Repetitions:Card;MaxLen:Card):ShortStr;
5903: Func ReplaceStringS(const S,OldStr,NewStr:ShortString;N:Card;var Replacements:Card):ShortString;
5904: Func ReplaceStringAllS(const S,OldString,NewString:ShortString;var Replacements:Card):ShortString;
5905: Func ReplaceWordS(const S,WordDelims,OldWord,NewW:SString;N:Card;var Replacements:Card):ShortString
5906: Func ReplaceWordAllS(const S,WordDelims,OldWord,NewWord:ShortString;var Replacements:Card):ShortString
5907: Func RightTrimCharsS( const S, Chars : ShortString) : ShortString
5908: Func StrWithinS(const S,SearchStr: ShortString;Start:Card;var Position:Card):bool
5909: Func TrimCharsS( const S, Chars : ShortString) : ShortString
5910: Func WordPosS(const S,WordDelims,AWord:ShortString;N:Card;var Position:Card):Bool
5911: end;
5913: ********unit uPSI_StUtils; from Systools4***************************************
5914: Func SignL( L : LongInt) : Int
5915: Func SignF( F : Extended) : Int
5916: Func MinWord(A, B : Word) : Word
5917: Func MidWord(W1, W2, W3 : Word) : Word
5918: Func MaxWord(A, B : Word) : Word
5919: Func MinLong(A, B : LongInt) : LongInt
5920: Func MidLong(L1, L2, L3 : LongInt) : LongInt
5921: Func MaxLong(A, B : LongInt) : LongInt
5922: Func MinFloat(F1, F2 : Extended) : Extended
5923: Func MidFloat(F1, F2, F3 : Extended) : Extended
5924: Func MaxFloat(F1, F2 : Extended) : Extended
5925: Func MakeInt16( H, L : Byte) : SmallInt
5926: Func MakeWordS( H, L : Byte) : Word
5927: Func SwapNibble( B : Byte) : Byte
5928: Func SwapWord( L : LongInt) : LongInt
5929: Proc SetFlag( var Flags : Word; FlagMask : Word)
5930: Proc ClearFlag( var Flags : Word; FlagMask : Word)
5931: Func FlagIsSet( Flags, FlagMask : Word) :Bool
5932: Proc SetByteFlag( var Flags : Byte; FlagMask : Byte)
5933: Proc ClearByteFlag( var Flags : Byte; FlagMask : Byte)
5934: Func ByteFlagIsSet( Flags, FlagMask : Byte) :Bool
5935: Proc SetLongFlag( var Flags : LongInt; FlagMask : LongInt)
5936: Proc ClearLongFlag( var Flags : LongInt; FlagMask : LongInt)
5937: Func LongFlagIsSet( Flags, FlagMask : LongInt) :Bool
5938: Proc ExchangeBytes( var I, J : Byte)
5939: Proc ExchangeWords( var I, J : Word)
5940: Proc ExchangeLongInts( var I, J : LongInt)
5941: Proc ExchangeStructs( var I, J, Size :Card)
5942: Proc FillWord( var Dest, Count :Card; Filler : Word)
5943: Proc FillStruct( var Dest, Count :Card; var Filler, FillerSize :Card)
5944: Func AddWordToPtr( P : ___Pointer; W : Word) : ___Pointer
5945: //******************uPSI_StFIN;************************************************
5946: Func AccruedInterestMaturity(Issue,Maturity:TStDate;Rate,Par:Extended;Basis:TStBasis): Extended
5947: Func AccruedInterestPeriodic(Issue,Settlement,Maturity:TStDate;Rate,Par:Extended;Frequency:TStFrequency;
Basis : TStBasis): Extended
5948: Func BondDuration( Settlement,Maturity:TStDate;Rate,
5949: Func BondPrice(Settlement,Maturity:TStDate;Rate,Yield,
5950: Func CumulativeInterest(Rate:Extended;NPeriods:Int;PV:Extended;StartPeriod,
EndPeriod:Int;Frequency:TStFrequency; Timing:TStPaymentTime):Extended
5951: Func CumulativePrincipal(Rate: Extended;NPeriods:Int;PV:Extended;StartPeriod,
5952: Func DayCount( Day1, Day2 : TStDate; Basis : TStBasis) : LongInt
5953: Func DecliningBalance( Cost, Salvage : Extended; Life, Period, Month : Int) : Extended
5954: Func DiscountRate(Settlement,Maturity:TStDate;Price,Redemption:Extended;Basis:TStBasis): Extended;

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5955: Func DollarToDecimal( FracDollar : Extended; Fraction : Int) : Extended

5956: Func DollarToDecimalText( DecDollar : Extended) :Str
5957: Func DollarToFraction( DecDollar : Extended; Fraction : Int) : Extended
5958: Func DollarToFractionStr( FracDollar : Extended; Fraction : Int) :Str
5959: Func EffectiveInterestRate( NominalRate : Extended; Frequency : TStFrequency) : Extended
5960: Func FutureValueS(Rate:Extended;NPeriods:Int;Pmt,PV:Extended;Freq:TStFreq;Timing:TStPaymentTime):Extended;
5961: Func FutureValueSchedule( Principal : Extended; const Schedule : array of Double) : Extended
5962: Func FutureValueSchedule16( Principal : Extended; const Schedule, NRates : Int) : Extended
5963: Func InterestRateS(NPeriods:Int;Pmt,PV,
5964: Func InternalRateOfReturn( const Values : array of Double; Guess : Extended) : Extended
5965: Func InternalRateOfReturn16( const Values, NValues : Int; Guess : Extended) : Extended
5966: Func IsCardValid( const S :Str) :Bool
5967: Func ModifiedDuration(Settlement,Maturity:TStDate;Rate,
5968: Func ModifiedIRR(const Values:array of Double;FinanceRate,ReinvestRate:Extended): Extended
5969: Func ModifiedIRR16(const Values,NValues:Int; FinanceRate,ReinvestRate: Extended): Extended
5970: Func NetPresentValueS( Rate : Extended; const Values : array of Double) : Extended
5971: Func NetPresentValue16( Rate : Extended; const Values, NValues : Int) : Extended
5972: Func NominalInterestRate( EffectRate : Extended; Frequency : TStFrequency) : Extended
5973: Func NonperiodicIRR(const Values:array of Double;const Dates:array of TStDate;Guess:Extended):Extended;
5974: Func NonperiodicNPV(Rate:Extended;const Values: array of Double;const Dates:array of TStDate):Extended;
5975: Func Payment(Rate:Extended;NPeriods:Int;PV
5976: Func Periods(Rate:Extended;Pmt,PV,FV:Extended;Frequency:TStFrequency;Timing:TStPaymentTime):Int;
5977: Func PresentValueS(Rate:Extended;NPeriods:Int;Pmt,
5978: Func ReceivedAtMaturity(Settlement,Maturity:TStDate;Invest,Discount:Extended;Basis:TStBasis):Extended;
5979: Func RoundToDecimal( Value : Extended; Places : Int; Bankers :Bool) : Extended
5980: Func TBillEquivYield( Settlement, Maturity : TStDate; Discount : Extended) : Extended
5981: Func TBillPrice( Settlement, Maturity : TStDate; Discount : Extended) : Extended
5982: Func TBillYield( Settlement, Maturity : TStDate; Price : Extended) : Extended
5983: Func VariableDecliningBalance(Cost,Salvage:Extended;Life:Int;StartPeriod,EndPeriod,
5984: Func YieldDiscounted(Settlement,Maturity:TStDate;Price,Redemption:Exted;Basis:TStBasis):Extended;
5985: Func YieldPeriodic(Settlement,Maturity:TStDate;Rate,Price,
5986: Func YieldMaturity(Issue,Settlement,Maturity:TStDate;Rate,Price:Extended;Basis:TStBasis):Extended;
5988: //********************************************unit uPSI_StAstroP;
5989: Proc PlanetsPos( JD : Double; var PA : TStPlanetsArray)
5990: //*****unit unit uPSI_StStat; Statistic Package of SysTools********************
5991: Func AveDev( const Data : array of Double) : Double
5992: Func AveDev16( const Data, NData : Int) : Double
5993: Func Confidence( Alpha, StandardDev : Double; Size : LongInt) : Double
5994: Func Correlation( const Data1, Data2 : array of Double) : Double
5995: Func Correlation16( const Data1, Data2, NData : Int) : Double
5996: Func Covariance( const Data1, Data2 : array of Double) : Double
5997: Func Covariance16( const Data1, Data2, NData : Int) : Double
5998: Func DevSq( const Data : array of Double) : Double
5999: Func DevSq16( const Data, NData : Int) : Double
6000: Proc Frequency(const Data:array of Double;const Bins:array of Double;var Counts:array of LongInt);
6001: //Proc Frequency16( const Data, NData : Int; const Bins, NBins : Int; var Counts)
6002: Func GeometricMeanS( const Data : array of Double) : Double
6003: Func GeometricMean16( const Data, NData : Int) : Double
6004: Func HarmonicMeanS( const Data : array of Double) : Double
6005: Func HarmonicMean16( const Data, NData : Int) : Double
6006: Func Largest( const Data : array of Double; K : Int) : Double
6007: Func Largest16( const Data, NData : Int; K : Int) : Double
6008: Func MedianS( const Data : array of Double) : Double
6009: Func Median16( const Data, NData : Int) : Double
6010: Func Mode( const Data : array of Double) : Double
6011: Func Mode16( const Data, NData : Int) : Double
6012: Func Percentile( const Data : array of Double; K : Double) : Double
6013: Func Percentile16( const Data, NData : Int; K : Double) : Double
6014: Func PercentRank( const Data : array of Double; X : Double) : Double
6015: Func PercentRank16( const Data, NData : Int; X : Double) : Double
6016: Func Permutations( Number, NumberChosen : Int) : Extended
6017: Func Combinations( Number, NumberChosen : Int) : Extended
6018: Func FactorialS( N : Int) : Extended
6019: Func Rank( Number : Double; const Data : array of Double; Ascending: Bool) : Int
6020: Func Rank16( Number : Double; const Data, NData : Int; Ascending : Bool) : Int
6021: Func Smallest( const Data : array of Double; K : Int) : Double
6022: Func Smallest16( const Data, NData : Int; K : Int) : Double
6023: Func TrimMean( const Data : array of Double; Percent : Double) : Double
6024: Func TrimMean16( const Data, NData : Int; Percent : Double) : Double
6025: AddTypeS('TStLinEst', 'record B0:Double; B1 : double; seB0 : double; seB'
6026: +1 : Double; R2: Double;sigma :Double;SSr:double;SSe: Double; F0:Double;df:Int;end
6027: Proc LinEst(const KnownY:array of Double;const KnownX:array of Double;var LF:TStLinEst;ErrorStats:Bool;
6028: Proc LogEst(const KnownY:array of Double;const KnownX:array of Double;var LF:TStLinEst;ErrorStats:Bool;
6029: Func Forecast(X: Double;const KnownY: array of Double;const KnownX:array of Double):Double
6030: Func ForecastExponential(X:Double;const KnownY:array of Double;const KnownX:array of Double):Double
6031: Func Intercept( const KnownY : array of Double; const KnownX : array of Double) : Double
6032: Func RSquared( const KnownY : array of Double; const KnownX : array of Double) : Double
6033: Func Slope( const KnownY : array of Double; const KnownX : array of Double) : Double
6034: Func StandardErrorY(const KnownY: array of Double;const KnownX:array of Double):Double
6035: Func BetaDist( X, Alpha, Beta, A, B : Single) : Single
6036: Func BetaInv( Probability, Alpha, Beta, A, B : Single) : Single
6037: Func BinomDist(NumberS,Trials: Int; ProbabilityS : Single;Cumulative:Bool):Single

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6038: Func CritBinom( Trials : Int; ProbabilityS, Alpha : Single) : Int

6039: Func ChiDist( X : Single; DegreesFreedom : Int) : Single
6040: Func ChiInv( Probability : Single; DegreesFreedom : Int) : Single
6041: Func ExponDist( X, Lambda : Single; Cumulative :Bool) : Single
6042: Func FDist( X : Single; DegreesFreedom1, DegreesFreedom2 : Int) : Single
6043: Func FInv( Probability : Single; DegreesFreedom1, DegreesFreedom2 : Int) : Single
6044: Func LogNormDist( X, Mean, StandardDev : Single) : Single
6045: Func LogInv( Probability, Mean, StandardDev : Single) : Single
6046: Func NormDist( X, Mean, StandardDev : Single; Cumulative :Bool) : Single
6047: Func NormInv( Probability, Mean, StandardDev : Single) : Single
6048: Func NormSDist( Z : Single) : Single
6049: Func NormSInv( Probability : Single) : Single
6050: Func Poisson( X : Int; Mean : Single; Cumulative :Bool) : Single
6051: Func TDist( X : Single; DegreesFreedom : Int; TwoTails :Bool) : Single
6052: Func TInv( Probability : Single; DegreesFreedom : Int) : Single
6053: Func Erfc( X : Single) : Single
6054: Func GammaLn( X : Single) : Single
6055: Func LargestSort( const Data : array of Double; K : Int) : Double
6056: Func SmallestSort( const Data: array of double; K : Int) : Double
6058: Proc SIRegister_TStSorter(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
6059: Func OptimumHeapToUse( RecLen :Card; NumRecs : LongInt) : LongInt
6060: Func MinimumHeapToUse( RecLen :Card) : LongInt
6061: Func MergeInfo( MaxHeap : LongInt; RecLen :Card; NumRecs : LongInt) : TMergeInfo
6062: Func DefaultMergeName( MergeNum : Int) :Str
6063: Proc ArraySort( var A, RecLen, NumRecs :Card; Compare:TUntypedCompareFunc)
6064: Proc SIRegister_StAstro(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
6065: Func AmountOfSunlight( LD : TStDate; Longitude, Latitude : Double) : TStTime
6066: Func FixedRiseSet( LD : TStDate; RA, DC, Longitude, Latitude : Double) : TStRiseSetRec
6067: Func SunPos( UT : TStDateTimeRec) : TStPosRec
6068: Func SunPosPrim( UT : TStDateTimeRec) : TStSunXYZRec
6069: Func SunRiseSet( LD : TStDate; Longitude, Latitude : Double) : TStRiseSetRec
6070: Func Twilight(LD:TStDate; Longitude,Latitude:Double;TwiType:TStTwilight):TStRiseSetRec
6071: Func LunarPhase( UT : TStDateTimeRec) : Double
6072: Func MoonPos( UT : TStDateTimeRec) : TStMoonPosRec
6073: Func MoonRiseSet( LD : TStDate; Longitude, Latitude : Double) : TStRiseSetRec
6074: Func FirstQuarter( D : TStDate) : TStLunarRecord
6075: Func FullMoon( D : TStDate) : TStLunarRecord
6076: Func LastQuarter( D : TStDate) : TStLunarRecord
6077: Func NewMoon( D : TStDate) : TStLunarRecord
6078: Func NextFirstQuarter( D : TStDate) : TStDateTimeRec
6079: Func NextFullMoon( D : TStDate) : TStDateTimeRec
6080: Func NextLastQuarter( D : TStDate) : TStDateTimeRec
6081: Func NextNewMoon( D : TStDate) : TStDateTimeRec
6082: Func PrevFirstQuarter( D : TStDate) : TStDateTimeRec
6083: Func PrevFullMoon( D : TStDate) : TStDateTimeRec
6084: Func PrevLastQuarter( D : TStDate) : TStDateTimeRec
6085: Func PrevNewMoon( D : TStDate) : TStDateTimeRec
6086: Func SiderealTime( UT : TStDateTimeRec) : Double
6087: Func Solstice( Y, Epoch : Int; Summer :Bool) : TStDateTimeRec
6088: Func Equinox( Y, Epoch : Int; Vernal :Bool) : TStDateTimeRec
6089: Func SEaster( Y, Epoch : Int) : TStDate
6090: Func DateTimeToAJD( D : TDateTime) : Double
6091: Func HoursMin( RA : Double) : ShortString
6092: Func DegsMin( DC : Double) : ShortString
6093: Func AJDToDateTime( D : Double) : TDateTime
6095: Proc SIRegister_StDate(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
6096: Func CurrentDate : TStDate
6097: Func StValidDate( Day, Month, Year, Epoch : Int) :Bool
6098: Func DMYtoStDate( Day, Month, Year, Epoch : Int) : TStDate
6099: Proc StDateToDMY( Julian : TStDate; var Day, Month, Year : Int)
6100: Func StIncDate( Julian : TStDate; Days, Months, Years : Int) : TStDate
6101: Func IncDateTrunc( Julian : TStDate; Months, Years : Int) : TStDate
6102: Proc StDateDiff( Date1, Date2 : TStDate; var Days, Months, Years : Int)
6103: Func BondDateDiff( Date1, Date2 : TStDate; DayBasis : TStBondDateType) : TStDate
6104: Func WeekOfYear( Julian : TStDate) : Byte
6105: Func AstJulianDate( Julian : TStDate) : Double
6106: Func AstJulianDatetoStDate( AstJulian : Double; Truncate :Bool) : TStDate
6107: Func AstJulianDatePrim( Year, Month, Date : Int; UT : TStTime) : Double
6108: Func StDayOfWeek( Julian : TStDate) : TStDayType
6109: Func DayOfWeekDMY( Day, Month, Year, Epoch : Int) : TStDayType
6110: Func StIsLeapYear( Year : Int) :Bool
6111: Func StDaysInMonth( Month : Int; Year, Epoch : Int) : Int
6112: Func ResolveEpoch( Year, Epoch : Int) : Int
6113: Func ValidTime( Hours, Minutes, Seconds : Int) :Bool
6114: Proc StTimeToHMS( T : TStTime; var Hours, Minutes, Seconds : Byte)
6115: Func HMStoStTime( Hours, Minutes, Seconds : Byte) : TStTime
6116: Func CurrentTime : TStTime
6117: Proc TimeDiff( Time1, Time2 : TStTime; var Hours, Minutes, Seconds : Byte)
6118: Func StIncTime( T : TStTime; Hours, Minutes, Seconds : Byte) : TStTime
6119: Func DecTime( T : TStTime; Hours, Minutes, Seconds : Byte) : TStTime
6120: Func RoundToNearestHour( T : TStTime; Truncate :Bool) : TStTime
6121: Func RoundToNearestMinute( const T : TStTime; Truncate :Bool) : TStTime
6122: Proc DateTimeDiff(const DT1:TStDateTimeRec;var DT2:TStDateTimeRec;var Days:LongInt;var Secs:LongInt
6123: Proc IncDateTime(const DT1:TStDateTimeRec;var DT2:TStDateTimeRec;Days:Int;Secs:LongInt)
6124: Func DateTimeToStDate(DT : TDateTime) : TStDate
6125: Func DateTimeToStTime(DT : TDateTime) : TStTime
6126: Func StDateToDateTime(D : TStDate) : TDateTime

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6127: Func StTimeToDateTime(T : TStTime) : TDateTime

6128: Func Convert2ByteDate(TwoByteDate : Word) : TStDate
6129: Func Convert4ByteDate(FourByteDate : TStDate) : Word
6131: Proc SIRegister_StDateSt(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
6132: Func DateStringHMStoAstJD( const Picture, DS :Str; H, M, S, Epoch : Int) : Double
6133: Func MonthToString( const Month : Int) :Str
6134: Func DateStringToStDate( const Picture, S :Str; Epoch : Int) : TStDate
6135: Func DateStringToDMY(const Picture,S:str; Epoch:Int; var D, M, Y : Int):Boolean
6136: Func StDateToDateString( const Picture:str;const Julian:TStDate;Pack:Bool):str
6137: Func DayOfWeekToString( const WeekDay : TStDayType) :Str
6138: Func DMYtoDateString(const Picture:str;Day,Month,Year,Epoch:Int;Pack:Boolean):str);
6139: Func CurrentDateString( const Picture :Str; Pack :Bool) :Str
6140: Func CurrentTimeString( const Picture :Str; Pack :Bool) :Str
6141: Func TimeStringToHMS( const Picture, St :Str; var H, M, S : Int) :Bool
6142: Func TimeStringToStTime( const Picture, S :Str) : TStTime
6143: Func StTimeToAmPmString(const Picture:str; const T:TStTime; Pack:Bool) :Str
6144: Func StTimeToTimeString(const Picture:Str; const T:TStTime;Pack :Bool) :Str
6145: Func DateStringIsBlank( const Picture, S :Str) :Bool
6146: Func InternationalDate( ForceCentury :Bool) :Str
6147: Func InternationalLongDate( ShortNames :Bool; ExcludeDOW :Bool) :Str
6148: Func InternationalTime( ShowSeconds :Bool) :Str
6149: Proc ResetInternationalInfo
6151: Proc SIRegister_StBase(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
6152: Func DestroyNode( Container : TStContainer; Node : TStNode; OtherData : Pointer) :Bool
6153: Func AnsiUpperCaseShort32( const S :Str) :Str
6154: Func AnsiCompareTextShort32( const S1, S2 :Str) : Int
6155: Func AnsiCompareStrShort32( const S1, S2 :Str) : Int
6156: Func HugeCompressRLE( const InBuffer, InLen : Longint; var OutBuffer) : Longint
6157: Func HugeDecompressRLE(const InBuffer,InLen:Longint;var OutBuffer,OutLen:LongInt):Longint
6158: Proc HugeFillChar( var Dest, Count : Longint; Value : Byte)
6159: Proc HugeFillStruc( var Dest, Count : Longint; const Value, ValSize :Card)
6160: Func Upcase( C : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar
6161: Func LoCase( C : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar
6162: Func CompareLetterSets( Set1, Set2 : LongInt) :Card
6163: Func CompStruct( const S1, S2, Size :Card) : Int
6164: Func Search(const Buffer,BufLength:Card;const Match,MatLength:Card;var Pos:Cardi):Bool;
6165: Func StSearch(const Buff,BufLength:Card;const Match,MatLength:Card;var Pos:Cardi):Bool
6166: Func SearchUC(const Buff,BufLength:Card;const Match,MatLength:Card;var Pos:Cardi):Bool
6167: Func IsOrInheritsFrom( Root, Candidate : TClass) :Bool
6168: Proc RaiseContainerError( Code : longint)
6169: Proc RaiseContainerErrorFmt( Code : Longint; Data : array of const)
6170: Func ProductOverflow( A, B : LongInt) :Bool
6171: Func StNewStr( S :Str) : PShortString
6172: Proc StDisposeStr( PS : PShortString)
6173: Proc ValLongInt( S : ShortString; var LI : Longint; var ErrorCode : Int)
6174: Proc ValSmallint( const S : ShortString; var SI : smallint; var ErrorCode : Int)
6175: Proc ValWord( const S : ShortString; var Wd : word; var ErrorCode : Int)
6176: Proc RaiseStError( ExceptionClass : EStExceptionClass; Code : LongInt)
6177: Proc RaiseStWin32Error( ExceptionClass : EStExceptionClass; Code : LongInt)
6178: Proc RaiseStWin32ErrorEx( ExceptionClass : EStExceptionClass; Code : LongInt; Info :Str)
6180: Proc SIRegister_usvd(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
6181: begin
6182: Proc SV_Decomp( A : TMatrix; Lb, Ub1, Ub2 : Int; S : TVector; V : TMatrix)
6183: Proc SV_SetZero( S : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; Tol : Float)
6184: Proc SV_Solve(U:TMatrix; S:TVector;V:TMatrix;B:TVector;Lb,Ub1,Ub2:Int;X:TVector);
6185: Proc SV_Approx( U : TMatrix; S : TVector; V : TMatrix; Lb, Ub1, Ub2 : Int; A : TMatrix)
6186: Proc RKF45(F:TDiffEqs;Neqn:Int;Y,Yp:TVector;var T:Float;Tout,RelErr,AbsErr:Float;var Flag:Int;
6187: end;
6189: //**********unit unit ; StMath Package of SysTools*****************************
6190: Func IntPowerS( Base : Extended; Exponent : Int) : Extended
6191: Func PowerS( Base, Exponent : Extended) : Extended
6192: Func StInvCos( X : Double) : Double
6193: Func StInvSin( Y : Double) : Double
6194: Func StInvTan2( X, Y : Double) : Double
6195: Func StTan( A : Double) : Double
6196: Proc DumpException; //unit StExpEng;
6197: Func HexifyBlock( var Buffer, BufferSize : Int):Str
6199: //**********unit unit ; StCRC Package of SysTools******************************
6200: Func Adler32Prim( var Data, DataSize :Card; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt
6201: Func Adler32OfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt
6202: Func Adler32OfFile( FileName : Ansistr) : LongInt
6203: Func Crc16Prim( var Data, DataSize, CurCrc :Card) :Card
6204: Func Crc16OfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc :Card) :Card
6205: Func Crc16OfFile( FileName : Ansistr) :Card
6206: Func Crc32Prim( var Data, DataSize :Card; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt
6207: Func Crc32OfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt
6208: Func Crc32OfFile( FileName : Ansistr) : LongInt
6209: Func InternetSumPrim( var Data, DataSize, CurCrc :Card) :Card
6210: Func InternetSumOfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc :Card) :Card
6211: Func InternetSumOfFile( FileName : Ansistr) :Card
6212: Func Kermit16Prim( var Data, DataSize, CurCrc :Card) :Card
6213: Func Kermit16OfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc :Card) :Card
6214: Func Kermit16OfFile( FileName : Ansistr) :Card

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6216: //**********unit unit ; StBCD Package of SysTools******************************************

6217: Func AddBcd( const B1, B2 : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6218: Func SubBcd( const B1, B2 : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6219: Func MulBcd( const B1, B2 : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6220: Func DivBcd( const B1, B2 : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6221: Func ModBcd( const B1, B2 : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6222: Func NegBcd( const B : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6223: Func AbsBcd( const B : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6224: Func FracBcd( const B : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6225: Func IntBcd( const B : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6226: Func RoundDigitsBcd( const B : TbcdS; Digits :Card) : TbcdS
6227: Func RoundPlacesBcd( const B : TbcdS; Places :Card) : TbcdS
6228: Func ValBcd( const S :Str) : TbcdS
6229: Func LongBcd( L : LongInt) : TbcdS
6230: Func ExtBcd( E : Extended) : TbcdS
6231: Func ExpBcd( const B : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6232: Func LnBcd( const B : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6233: Func IntPowBcd( const B : TbcdS; E : LongInt) : TbcdS
6234: Func PowBcd( const B, E : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6235: Func SqrtBcd( const B : TbcdS) : TbcdS
6236: Func CmpBcd( const B1, B2 : TbcdS) : Int
6237: Func EqDigitsBcd( const B1, B2 : TbcdS; Digits :Card) :Bool
6238: Func EqPlacesBcd( const B1, B2 : TbcdS; Digits :Card) :Bool
6239: Func IsIntBcd( const B : TbcdS) :Bool
6240: Func TruncBcd( const B : TbcdS) : LongInt
6241: Func BcdExt( const B : TbcdS) : Extended
6242: Func RoundBcd( const B : TbcdS) : LongInt
6243: Func StrBcd( const B : TbcdS; Width, Places :Card) :Str
6244: Func StrExpBcd( const B : TbcdS; Width :Card) :Str
6245: Func FormatBcd( const Format :Str; const B : TbcdS) :Str
6246: Func StrGeneralBcd( const B : TbcdS) :Str
6247: Func FloatFormBcd(const Mask:str;B:TbcdS;const LtCurr,RtCurr:str;Sep,DecPt:AnsiChar):str
6248: Proc ConvertBcd( const SrcB, SrcSize: Byte; var DestB, DestSize : Byte)
6250: ////*******unit unit ; StTxtDat; TStTextDataRecordSet Package of SysTools***********************
6251: Proc StParseLine( const Data : Ansistr; Schema : TStTextDataSchema; Result : TStrings)
6252: Func StFieldTypeToStr( FieldType : TStSchemaFieldType) : Ansistr
6253: Func StStrToFieldType( const S : Ansistr) : TStSchemaFieldType
6254: Func StDeEscape( const EscStr : Ansistr) : Char
6255: Func StDoEscape( Delim : Char) : Ansistr
6256: Func StTrimTrailingChars( const S : Ansistr; Trailer : Char) : Ansistr
6257: Func AnsiHashText( const S :Str; Size : Int) : Int
6258: Func AnsiHashStr( const S :Str; Size : Int) : Int
6259: Func AnsiELFHashText( const S :Str; Size : Int) : Int
6260: Func AnsiELFHashStr( const S :Str; Size : Int) : Int
6262: //**********unit unit ; StNetCon Package of SysTools******************************************
6263: with AddClassN(FindClass('TStComponent'),'TStNetConnection') do begin
6264: Constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent)
6265: Func Connect : DWord
6266: Func Disconnect : DWord
6267: RegisterProperty('Password', 'String', iptrw);
6268: Property(UserName', 'String', iptrw);
6269: Property(ConnectOptions', 'TStNetConnectOptionsSet', iptrw);
6270: Property(DisconnectOptions', 'TStNetDisconnectOptionsSet', iptrw);
6271: Property(LocalDevice', 'String', iptrw);
6272: Property(ServerName', 'String', iptrw);
6273: Property(ShareName', 'String', iptrw);
6274: Property(OnConnect', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
6275: Property(OnConnectFail', 'TOnConnectFailEvent', iptrw);
6276: Property(OnConnectCancel', 'TOnConnectCancelEvent', iptrw);
6277: Property(OnDisconnect', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
6278: Property(OnDisconnectFail', 'TOnDisconnectFailEvent', iptrw);
6279: Property(OnDisconnectCancel', 'TOnDisconnectCancelEvent', iptrw);
6280: end;
6281: //***********Thread Functions Context of Win API --- more objects in SyncObjs.pas
6282: / /153 unit uPSI_SyncObjs, unit uPSIParallelJobs;
6283: Proc InitializeCriticalSection( var lpCriticalSection : TRTLCriticalSection)
6284: Proc EnterCriticalSection( var lpCriticalSection : TRTLCriticalSection)
6285: Proc LeaveCriticalSection( var lpCriticalSection : TRTLCriticalSection)
6286: Func InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(var
6287: Func SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(var lpCriticalSection:TRTLCriticalSection;dwSpinCount:DWORD):DWORD;
6288: Func TryEnterCriticalSection( var lpCriticalSection : TRTLCriticalSection) : BOOL
6289: Proc DeleteCriticalSection( var lpCriticalSection : TRTLCriticalSection)
6290: Func GetThreadContext( hThread : THandle; var lpContext : TContext) : BOOL
6291: Func SetThreadContext( hThread : THandle; const lpContext : TContext) : BOOL
6292: Func SuspendThread( hThread : THandle) : DWORD
6293: Func ResumeThread( hThread : THandle) : DWORD
6294: Func CreateThread2(ThreadFunc: TThreadFunction2; thrid: DWord) : THandle
6295: Func GetCurrentThread : THandle
6296: Proc ExitThread( dwExitCode : DWORD)
6297: Func TerminateThread( hThread : THandle; dwExitCode : DWORD) : BOOL
6298: Func GetExitCodeThread( hThread : THandle; var lpExitCode : DWORD) : BOOL
6299: Proc EndThread(ExitCode: Int);
6300: Func WaitForSingleObject( hHandle : THandle; dwMilliseconds : DWORD) : DWORD
6301: Func MakeProcInstance( Proc : FARPROC; Instance : THandle) : FARPROC
6302: Proc FreeProcInstance( Proc : FARPROC)
6303: Proc FreeLibraryAndExitThread( hLibModule : HMODULE; dwExitCode : DWORD)

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6304: Func DisableThreadLibraryCalls( hLibModule : HMODULE) : BOOL

6305: Proc ParallelJob(ASelf:TObject;ATarget:Pointer;AParam:Pointer; ASafeSection:Bool);
6306: Proc ParallelJob1( ATarget : Pointer; AParam : Pointer; ASafeSection :Bool);
6307: Proc ParallelJob2(AJobGroup:TJobsGroup;ASelf:TObject;ATarget:Ptr;AParam:Pointer;ASafeSection:bool;
6308: Proc ParallelJob3( AJobGroup:TJobsGroup;ATarget:Pointer;AParam:Pointer;ASafeSection: bool;
6309: Func CreateParallelJob(ASelf:TObject;ATarget:Pointer;AParam:Ptr;ASafeSection:bool:TParallelJob;
6310: Func CreateParallelJob1(ATarget:Pointer; AParam:Pointer; ASafeSection :Bool) : TParallelJob;
6311: Func CurrentParallelJobInfo : TParallelJobInfo
6312: Func ObtainParallelJobInfo : TParallelJobInfo
6313: Proc GetSystemInfo( var lpSystemInfo : TSystemInfo);
6314: Func IsProcessorFeaturePresent( ProcessorFeature : DWORD) : BOOL;
6315: Func SetStdHandle( nStdHandle : DWORD; hHandle : THandle) : BOOL;
6316: Func
TObject; nOutBufferSize: DWORD; var lpBytesReturned: DWORD; lpOverlapped:TOverlapped):BOOL;
6317: Func SetFileTime(hFile:THandle;lpCreationTime,lpLastAccessTime,lpLastWriteTime:TFileTime): BOOL;
6318: Func DuplicateHandle(hSourceProcessHandle,hSourceHandle,hTargetProcessHandle:THandle;
lpTargetHandle:THandle; dwDesiredAccess : DWORD; bInheritHandle:BOOL;dwOptions:DWORD):BOOL;
6319: Func GetHandleInformation( hObject : THandle; var lpdwFlags : DWORD) : BOOL;
6320: Func SetHandleInformation( hObject : THandle; dwMask : DWORD; dwFlags : DWORD) : BOOL;
6322: ****************************************************unit uPSI_JclMime;
6323: Func MimeEncodeString( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
6324: Func MimeDecodeString( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
6325: Proc MimeEncodeStream(const InputStream:TStream; const OutputStream : TStream)
6326: Proc MimeDecodeStream(const InputStream:TStream; const OutputStream : TStream)
6327: Func MimeEncodedSize( const I :Card) :Card
6328: Func MimeDecodedSize( const I :Card) :Card
6329: Proc MimeEncode(var InputBuffer:Str;const InputByteCount:Card;var OutputBuffer)
6330: Func MimeDecode(var InputBuffer:str;const InputBytesCount:Card;var OutputBuffer):Cardi;
6331: Func MimeDecodePartial(var InputBuffer:str;const InputBytesCount:Card;var OutputBuffer:str;var
ByteBuffer:Card;var ByteBufferSpace:Card):Card
6332: Func MimeDecodePartialEnd(var OutputBuf:str;const ByteBuf:Card;const ByteBufferSpace:Card):Cardi;
6334: **************************************************unit uPSI_JclPrint;
6335: Proc DirectPrint( const Printer, Data :Str)
6336: Proc SetPrinterPixelsPerInch
6337: Func GetPrinterResolution : TPoint
6338: Func CharFitsWithinDots( const Text :Str; const Dots : Int) : Int
6339: Proc PrintMemo( const Memo : TMemo; const Rect : TRect)
6341: //*******************************unit uPSI_ShLwApi;***************************************
6342: Func StrChr( lpStart : PChar; wMatch : WORD) : PChar
6343: Func StrChrI( lpStart : PChar; wMatch : WORD) : PChar
6344: Func StrCmpN( lpStr1, lpStr2 : PChar; nChar : Int) : Int
6345: Func StrCmpNI( lpStr1, lpStr2 : PChar; nChar : Int) : Int
6346: Func StrCSpn( lpStr_, lpSet : PChar) : Int
6347: Func StrCSpnI( lpStr1, lpSet : PChar) : Int
6348: Func StrDup( lpSrch : PChar) : PChar
6349: Func StrFormatByteSize( dw : DWORD; szBuf : PChar; uiBufSize : UINT) : PChar
6350: Func StrFormatKBSize( qdw : Dword; szBuf : PChar; uiBufSize : UINT) : PChar
6351: Func StrFromTimeInterval(pszOut:PChar cchMax:UINT;dwTimeMS:DWORD;digits:Int):Int
6352: Func StrIsIntlEqual(fCaseSens: BOOL;lpString1,lpString2:PChar; nChar:Int): BOOL
6353: Func StrNCat( psz1 : PChar; psz2 : PChar; cchMax : Int) : PChar
6354: Func StrPBrk( psz, pszSet : PChar) : PChar
6355: Func StrRChr( lpStart, lpEnd : PChar; wMatch : WORD) : PChar
6356: Func StrRChrI( lpStart, lpEnd : PChar; wMatch : WORD) : PChar
6357: Func StrRStrI( lpSource, lpLast, lpSrch : PChar) : PChar
6358: Func StrSpn( psz, pszSet : PChar) : Int
6359: Func StrStr( lpFirst, lpSrch : PChar) : PChar
6360: Func StrStrI( lpFirst, lpSrch : PChar) : PChar
6361: Func StrToInt( lpSrch : PChar) : Int
6362: Func StrToIntEx( pszString : PChar; dwFlags : DWORD; var piRet : Int) : BOOL
6363: Func StrTrim( psz : PChar; pszTrimChars : PChar) : BOOL
6364: Func ChrCmpI( w1, w2 : WORD) : BOOL
6365: Func ChrCmpIA( w1, w2 : WORD) : BOOL
6366: Func ChrCmpIW( w1, w2 : WORD) : BOOL
6367: Func StrIntlEqN( s1, s2 : PChar; nChar : Int) : BOOL
6368: Func StrIntlEqNI( s1, s2 : PChar; nChar : Int) : BOOL
6369: Func StrCatBuff( pszDest, pszSrc : PChar; cchDestBuffSize : Int) : PChar
6370: Func StrCpyNX( psz1 : PChar; psz2 : PChar; cchMax : Int) : PChar
6371: Func IntlStrEqWorker(fCaseSens:BOOL;lpString1,lpString2:PChar;nChar:Int):BOOL
6372: Func IntlStrEqN( s1, s2 : PChar; nChar : Int) : BOOL
6373: SZ_CONTENTTYPE_HTMLA','String 'text/html
6374: SZ_CONTENTTYPE_HTMLW','String 'text/html
6376: SZ_CONTENTTYPE_CDFA','String 'application/x-cdf
6377: SZ_CONTENTTYPE_CDFW','String 'application/x-cdf
6379: Func PathIsHTMLFile( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6380: STIF_DEFAULT','LongWord( $00000000);
6381: STIF_SUPPORT_HEX','LongWord( $00000001);
6382: Func StrNCmpI( lpStr1, lpStr2 : PChar; nChar : Int) : Int
6383: Func StrNCpy( psz1, psz2 : PChar; cchMax : Int) : PChar
6384: Func StrCatN( psz1 : PChar; psz2 : PChar; cchMax : Int) : PChar
6385: Func PathAddBackslash( pszPath : PChar) : PChar
6386: Func PathAddExtension( pszPath : PChar; pszExt : PChar) : BOOL
6387: Func PathAppend( pszPath : PChar; pMore : PChar) : BOOL
6388: Func PathBuildRoot( szRoot : PChar; iDrive : Int) : PChar

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6389: Func PathCanonicalize( pszBuf : PChar; pszPath : PChar) : BOOL

6390: Func PathCombine( szDest : PChar; lpszDir, lpszFile : PChar) : PChar
6391: Func PathCompactPath( hDC : HDC; pszPath : PChar; dx : UINT) : BOOL
6392: Func PathCompactPathEx(pszOut:PChar;pszSrc:PChar;cchMax:UINT;dwFlags:DWORD):BOOL
6393: Func PathCommonPrefix( pszFile1, pszFile2 : PChar; achPath : PChar) : Int
6394: Func PathFileExists( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6395: Func PathFindExtension( pszPath : PChar) : PChar
6396: Func PathFindFileName( pszPath : PChar) : PChar
6397: Func PathFindNextComponent( pszPath : PChar) : PChar
6398: Func PathFindOnPath( pszPath : PChar; var ppszOtherDirs : PChar) : BOOL
6399: Func PathGetArgs( pszPath : PChar) : PChar
6400: Func PathFindSuffixArray(pszPath:PChar;const apszSuffix:PChar;iArraySize:Int): PChar
6401: Func PathIsLFNFileSpec( lpName : PChar) : BOOL
6402: Func PathGetCharType( ch : Char) : UINT
6403: GCT_INVALID','LongWord( $0000);
6404: GCT_LFNCHAR','LongWord( $0001);
6405: GCT_SHORTCHAR','LongWord( $0002);
6406: GCT_WILD','LongWord( $0004);
6407: GCT_SEPARATOR','LongWord( $0008);
6408: Func PathGetDriveNumber( pszPath : PChar) : Int
6409: Func PathIsDirectory( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6410: Func PathIsDirectoryEmpty( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6411: Func PathIsFileSpec( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6412: Func PathIsPrefix( pszPrefix, pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6413: Func PathIsRelative( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6414: Func PathIsRoot( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6415: Func PathIsSameRoot( pszPath1, pszPath2 : PChar) : BOOL
6416: Func PathIsUNC( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6417: Func PathIsNetworkPath( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6418: Func PathIsUNCServer( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6419: Func PathIsUNCServerShare( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6420: Func PathIsContentType( pszPath, pszContentType : PChar) : BOOL
6421: Func PathIsURL( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6422: Func PathMakePretty( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6423: Func PathMatchSpec( pszFile, pszSpec : PChar) : BOOL
6424: Func PathParseIconLocation( pszIconFile : PChar) : Int
6425: Proc PathQuoteSpaces( lpsz : PChar)
6426: Func PathRelativePathTo(pszPath:PChar;pszFrom:PChar;dwAttrFrom:DWORD;pszTo:PChar;dwAttrTo:DWORD):BOOL;
6427: Proc PathRemoveArgs( pszPath : PChar)
6428: Func PathRemoveBackslash( pszPath : PChar) : PChar
6429: Proc PathRemoveBlanks( pszPath : PChar)
6430: Proc PathRemoveExtension( pszPath : PChar)
6431: Func PathRemoveFileSpec( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6432: Func PathRenameExtension( pszPath : PChar; pszExt : PChar) : BOOL
6433: Func PathSearchAndQualify( pszPath : PChar; pszBuf : PChar; cchBuf : UINT) : BOOL
6434: Proc PathSetDlgItemPath( hDlg : HWND; id : Int; pszPath : PChar)
6435: Func PathSkipRoot( pszPath : PChar) : PChar
6436: Proc PathStripPath( pszPath : PChar)
6437: Func PathStripToRoot( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6438: Proc PathUnquoteSpaces( lpsz : PChar)
6439: Func PathMakeSystemFolder( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6440: Func PathUnmakeSystemFolder( pszPath : PChar) : BOOL
6441: Func PathIsSystemFolder( pszPath : PChar; dwAttrb : DWORD) : BOOL
6442: Proc PathUndecorate( pszPath : PChar)
6443: Func PathUnExpandEnvStrings( pszPath : PChar; pszBuf : PChar; cchBuf : UINT) : BOOL
6444: URL_SCHEME_INVALID','LongInt'( - 1);
6445: URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN','LongInt'( 0);
6446: URL_SCHEME_FTP','LongInt'( 1);
6447: URL_SCHEME_HTTP','LongInt'( 2);
6448: URL_SCHEME_GOPHER','LongInt'( 3);
6449: URL_SCHEME_MAILTO','LongInt'( 4);
6450: URL_SCHEME_NEWS','LongInt'( 5);
6451: URL_SCHEME_NNTP','LongInt'( 6);
6452: URL_SCHEME_TELNET','LongInt'( 7);
6453: URL_SCHEME_WAIS','LongInt'( 8);
6454: URL_SCHEME_FILE','LongInt'( 9);
6455: URL_SCHEME_MK','LongInt'( 10);
6456: URL_SCHEME_HTTPS','LongInt'( 11);
6457: URL_SCHEME_SHELL','LongInt'( 12);
6458: URL_SCHEME_SNEWS','LongInt'( 13);
6459: URL_SCHEME_LOCAL','LongInt'( 14);
6460: URL_SCHEME_JAVASCRIPT','LongInt'( 15);
6461: URL_SCHEME_VBSCRIPT','LongInt'( 16);
6462: URL_SCHEME_ABOUT','LongInt'( 17);
6463: URL_SCHEME_RES','LongInt'( 18);
6464: URL_SCHEME_MAXVALUE','LongInt'( 19);
6465: URL_SCHEME', 'Int
6466: URL_PART_NONE','LongInt'( 0);
6467: URL_PART_SCHEME','LongInt'( 1);
6468: URL_PART_HOSTNAME','LongInt'( 2);
6469: URL_PART_USERNAME','LongInt'( 3);
6470: URL_PART_PASSWORD','LongInt'( 4);
6471: URL_PART_PORT','LongInt'( 5);
6472: URL_PART_QUERY','LongInt'( 6);
6474: URLIS_URL','LongInt'( 0);
6475: URLIS_OPAQUE','LongInt'( 1);
6476: URLIS_NOHISTORY','LongInt'( 2);
6477: URLIS_FILEURL','LongInt'( 3);

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6478: URLIS_APPLIABLE','LongInt'( 4);

6479: URLIS_DIRECTORY','LongInt'( 5);
6480: URLIS_HASQUERY','LongInt'( 6);
6481: TUrlIs', 'DWORD
6482: URL_UNESCAPE','LongWord( $10000000);
6483: URL_ESCAPE_UNSAFE','LongWord( $20000000);
6484: URL_PLUGGABLE_PROTOCOL','LongWord( $40000000);
6485: URL_WININET_COMPATIBILITY','LongWord( DWORD ( $80000000 ));
6486: URL_DONT_ESCAPE_EXTRA_INFO','LongWord( $02000000);
6487: URL_ESCAPE_SPACES_ONLY','LongWord( $04000000);
6488: URL_DONT_SIMPLIFY','LongWord( $08000000);
6489: URL_NO_META','longword( URL_DONT_SIMPLIFY);
6490: URL_UNESCAPE_INPLACE','LongWord( $00100000);
6491: URL_CONVERT_IF_DOSPATH','LongWord( $00200000);
6492: URL_UNESCAPE_HIGH_ANSI_ONLY','LongWord( $00400000);
6493: URL_INTERNAL_PATH','LongWord( $00800000);
6494: URL_FILE_USE_PATHURL','LongWord( $00010000);
6495: URL_ESCAPE_PERCENT','LongWord( $00001000);
6496: URL_ESCAPE_SEGMENT_ONLY','LongWord( $00002000);
6497: URL_PARTFLAG_KEEPSCHEME','LongWord( $00000001);
6498: URL_APPLY_DEFAULT','LongWord( $00000001);
6499: URL_APPLY_GUESSSCHEME','LongWord( $00000002);
6500: URL_APPLY_GUESSFILE','LongWord( $00000004);
6501: URL_APPLY_FORCEAPPLY','LongWord( $00000008);
6502: Func UrlCompare( psz1, psz2 : PChar; fIgnoreSlash : BOOL) : Int
6503: Func UrlCombine(pszBase,pszRelative:PChar;pszCombin:PChar;out pcchCombin:DWORD;dwFlags:DWORD):HRESULT;
6504: Func UrlCanonicalize(pszUrl:PChar;pszCanonicalized:PChar;pcchCanonic:DWORD;dwFlags:DWORD):HRESULT;
6505: Func UrlIsOpaque( pszURL : PChar) : BOOL
6506: Func UrlIsNoHistory( pszURL : PChar) : BOOL
6507: Func UrlIsFileUrl( pszURL : PChar) : BOOL
6508: Func UrlIs( pszUrl : PChar; UrlIs : TUrlIs) : BOOL
6509: Func UrlGetLocation( psz1 : PChar) : PChar
6510: Func UrlUnescape(pszUrl,pszUnescaped:PChar;pcchUnescaped:DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD): HRESULT
6511: Func UrlEscape(pszUrl:PChar; pszEscaped:PChar; pcchEscaped:DWORD;dwFlags:DWORD): HRESULT
6512: Func UrlCreateFromPath(pszPath:PChar;pszUrl:PChar;pcchUrl: DWORD;dwFlags:DWORD): HRESULT
6513: Func PathCreateFromUrl(pszUrl:PChar; pszPath:PChar;pcchPath:DWORD; dwFlags:DWORD):HRESULT
6514: Func UrlHash( pszUrl : PChar; pbHash : BYTE; cbHash : DWORD) : HRESULT
6515: Func UrlGetPart(pszIn:PChar; pszOut:PChar;pcchOut:DWORD; dwPart,dwFlags: DWORD): HRESULT
6516: Func UrlApplyScheme(pszIn:PChar; pszOut:PChar; pcchOut : DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD): HRESULT
6517: Func HashData(pbData:BYTE;cbData:DWORD; pbHash:BYTE; cbHash: DWORD) : HRESULT
6518: Func UrlEscapeSpaces(pszUrl:PChar;pszEscaped:PChar;pcchEscaped: WORD): HRESULT
6519: Func UrlUnescapeInPlace( pszUrl : PChar; dwFlags : DWORD) : HRESULT
6520: Func SHDeleteEmptyKey( hKey : HKEY; pszSubKey : PChar) : DWORD
6521: Func SHDeleteKey( hKey : HKEY; pszSubKey : PChar) : DWORD
6522: Func SHDeleteValue( hKey : HKEY; pszSubKey, pszValue : PChar) : DWORD
6523: Func SHEnumKeyEx(hKey:HKEY; dwIndex : DWORD; pszName:PChar;var pcchName:DWORD) : Longint
6524: Func SHEnumValue(hKey:HKEY;dwIndex:DWORD;pszValueName:PChar;var pcchValueName:DWORD;pdwType:DWORD;pvData:
___Pointer; pcbData:DWORD):Longint
6525: Func SHQueryInfoKey(hKey:HKEY;pcSubKeys,pcchMaxSubKeyLen,pcVal,pcchMaxValueNameLen:DWORD):Longint;
6526: Func SHCopyKey(hkeySrc:HKEY;szSrcSubKey:PChar; hkeyDest:HKEY; fReserved:DWORD) : DWORD
6527: Func SHRegGetPath(hKey:HKEY;pcszSubKey,pcszValue:PChar;pszPath:PChar;dwFlags:DWORD):DWORD
6528: Func SHRegSetPath(hKey:HKEY;pcszSubKey,pcszValue,pcszPath:PChar;dwFlags:DWORD): DWORD
6529: SHREGDEL_DEFAULT','LongWord( $00000000);
6530: SHREGDEL_HKCU','LongWord( $00000001);
6531: SHREGDEL_HKLM','LongWord( $00000010);
6532: SHREGDEL_BOTH','LongWord( $00000011);
6533: SHREGENUM_DEFAULT','LongWord( $00000000);
6534: SHREGENUM_HKCU','LongWord( $00000001);
6535: SHREGENUM_HKLM','LongWord( $00000010);
6536: SHREGENUM_BOTH','LongWord( $00000011);
6537: SHREGSET_HKCU','LongWord( $00000001);
6538: SHREGSET_FORCE_HKCU','LongWord( $00000002);
6539: SHREGSET_HKLM','LongWord( $00000004);
6540: SHREGSET_FORCE_HKLM','LongWord( $00000008);
6541: TSHRegDelFlags', 'DWORD
6542: TSHRegEnumFlags', 'DWORD
6543: HUSKEY', 'THandle
6544: ASSOCF_INIT_NOREMAPCLSID','LongWord( $00000001);
6545: ASSOCF_INIT_BYEXENAME','LongWord( $00000002);
6546: ASSOCF_OPEN_BYEXENAME','LongWord( $00000002);
6547: ASSOCF_INIT_DEFAULTTOSTAR','LongWord( $00000004);
6548: ASSOCF_INIT_DEFAULTTOFOLDER','LongWord( $00000008);
6549: ASSOCF_NOUSERSETTINGS','LongWord( $00000010);
6550: ASSOCF_NOTRUNCATE','LongWord( $00000020);
6551: ASSOCF_VERIFY','LongWord( $00000040);
6552: ASSOCF_REMAPRUNDLL','LongWord( $00000080);
6553: ASSOCF_NOFIXUPS','LongWord( $00000100);
6554: ASSOCF_IGNOREBASECLASS','LongWord( $00000200);
6556: ASSOCSTR_COMMAND','LongInt'( 1);
6557: ASSOCSTR_EXECUTABLE','LongInt'( 2);
6560: ASSOCSTR_NOOPEN','LongInt'( 5);
6562: ASSOCSTR_DDECOMMAND','LongInt'( 7);
6563: ASSOCSTR_DDEIFEXEC','LongInt'( 8);
6565: ASSOCSTR_DDETOPIC','LongInt'( 10);

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6566: ASSOCSTR_INFOTIP','LongInt'( 11);

6567: ASSOCSTR_MAX','LongInt'( 12);
6570: ASSOCKEY_APP','LongInt'( 2);
6571: ASSOCKEY_CLASS','LongInt'( 3);
6572: ASSOCKEY_BASECLASS','LongInt'( 4);
6573: ASSOCKEY_MAX','LongInt'( 5);
6579: ASSOCDATA_MAX','LongInt'( 5);
6581: ASSOCENUM_NONE','LongInt'( 0);
6583: SID_IQueryAssociations','String '{c46ca590-3c3f-11d2-bee6-0000f805ca57}
6584: SHACF_DEFAULT $00000000);
6585: SHACF_FILESYSTEM','LongWord( $00000001);
6586: SHACF_URLHISTORY','LongWord( $00000002);
6587: SHACF_URLMRU','LongWord( $00000004);
6588: SHACF_USETAB','LongWord( $00000008);
6589: SHACF_FILESYS_ONLY','LongWord( $00000010);
6590: SHACF_AUTOSUGGEST_FORCE_ON','LongWord( $10000000);
6591: SHACF_AUTOSUGGEST_FORCE_OFF','LongWord( $20000000);
6592: SHACF_AUTOAPPEND_FORCE_ON','LongWord( $40000000);
6593: SHACF_AUTOAPPEND_FORCE_OFF','LongWord( DWORD ( $80000000 ));
6594: Func SHAutoComplete( hwndEdit : HWND; dwFlags : DWORD) : HRESULT
6595: Proc SHSetThreadRef( punk : IUnknown)
6596: Proc SHGetThreadRef( out ppunk : IUnknown)
6597: CTF_INSIST','LongWord( $00000001);
6598: CTF_THREAD_REF','LongWord( $00000002);
6599: CTF_PROCESS_REF','LongWord( $00000004);
6600: CTF_COINIT','LongWord( $00000008);
6601: Func SHCreateShellPalette( hdc : HDC) : HPALETTE
6602: Proc ColorRGBToHLS( clrRGB : TColorRef; out pwHue, pwLuminance, pwSaturation : WORD)
6603: Func ColorHLSToRGB( wHue, wLuminance, wSaturation : WORD) : TColorRef
6604: Func ColorAdjustLuma( clrRGB : TColorRef; n : Int; fScale :Bool) : TColorRef
6605: Func GetSysColorBrush( nIndex : Int) : HBRUSH
6606: Func DrawFocusRect( hDC : HDC; const lprc : TRect) : BOOL
6607: Func FillRect( hDC : HDC; const lprc : TRect; hbr : HBRUSH) : Int
6608: Func FrameRect( hDC : HDC; const lprc : TRect; hbr : HBRUSH) : Int
6609: Func InvertRect( hDC : HDC; const lprc : TRect) : BOOL
6610: Func SetRect( var lprc : TRect; xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom : Int) : BOOL
6611: Func SetRectEmpty( var lprc : TRect) : BOOL
6612: Func CopyRect( var lprcDst : TRect; const lprcSrc : TRect) : BOOL
6613: Func InflateRect( var lprc : TRect; dx, dy : Int) : BOOL
6614: Func IntersectRect2(var lprcDst: TRect; const lprcSrc1, lprcSrc2 : TRect):BOOL
6615: Func SubtractRect( var lprcDst : TRect; const lprcSrc1, lprcSrc2 : TRect):BOOL
6616: Func InitializeFlatSB( hWnd : HWND) : Bool
6617: Proc UninitializeFlatSB( hWnd : HWND)
6618: Func FlatSB_GetScrollProp( p1 : HWND; propIndex : Int; p3 : PInt) : Bool
6619: Func FlatSB_SetScrollProp(p1: HWND; index: Int; newValue: Int; p4 : Bool):Bool
6620: Func GET_APPCOMMAND_LPARAM( lParam : Int) : Word //of JvWin32
6621: Func GET_DEVICE_LPARAM( lParam : Int) : Word
6622: Func GET_MOUSEORKEY_LPARAM( lParam : Int) : Int
6623: Func GET_FLAGS_LPARAM( lParam : Int) : Word
6624: Func GET_KEYSTATE_LPARAM( lParam : Int) : Word
6626: // ******************************************** 204 unit uPSI_ShellAPI;
6627: Func DragQueryFile(Drop:HDROP;FileIndex:UINT; FileName: PChar; cb UINT): UINT
6628: Func DragQueryPoint( Drop : HDROP; var Point : TPoint): BOOL
6629: Proc DragFinish( Drop : HDROP)
6630: Proc DragAcceptFiles( Wnd : HWND; Accept : BOOL)
6631: Func ShellExecute(hWnd:HWND;Operation,FileName,Parameters,Directory:PChar;ShowCmd:Int):HINST
6632: Func FindExecutable( FileName, Directory : PChar; Result : PChar) : HINST
6633: Func ShellAbout( Wnd : HWND; szApp, szOtherStuff : PChar; Icon : HICON) : Int
6634: Func DuplicateIcon( hInst : HINST; Icon : HICON) : HICON
6635: Func ExtractAssociatedIcon(hInst:HINST;lpIconPath:PChar;var lpiIcon:Word):HICON
6636: Func ExtractIcon(hInst:HINST; lpszExeFileName:PChar; nIconIndex:UINT): HICON
6637: Func SHAppBarMessage( dwMessage : DWORD; var pData : TAppBarData) : UINT
6638: Func DoEnvironmentSubst( szString : PChar; cbString : UINT) : DWORD
6639: Func ExtractIconEx(lpszFile:PChar;nIconIndex:Int;var phiconLarge,phiconSmall:HICON;nIcons:UINT):UINT;
6640: Proc SHFreeNameMappings( hNameMappings : THandle)
6642: DLLVER_PLATFORM_WINDOWS','LongWord( $00000001);
6643: DLLVER_PLATFORM_NT','LongWord( $00000002);
6644: DLLVER_MAJOR_MASK','LongWord( Int64 ( $FFFF000000000000 ));
6645: DLLVER_MINOR_MASK','LongWord( Int64 ( $0000FFFF00000000 ));
6646: DLLVER_BUILD_MASK','LongWord( Int64 ( $00000000FFFF0000 ));
6647: DLLVER_QFE_MASK','LongWord( Int64 ( $000000000000FFFF ));
6648: Func MAKEDLLVERULL( Major, Minor, Build, Qfe : Word) : Int64
6649: Func SimpleXMLEncode( const S :Str) :Str
6650: Proc SimpleXMLDecode( var S :Str; TrimBlanks :Bool)
6651: Func XMLEncode( const S :Str) :Str
6652: Func XMLDecode( const S :Str) :Str
6653: Func EntityEncode( const S :Str) :Str
6654: Func EntityDecode( const S :Str) :Str

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6656: Proc RIRegister_CPort_Routines(S: TPSExec);
6657: Proc EnumComPorts( Ports : TStrings)
6658: Proc ListComPorts( Ports : TStrings)
6659: Proc ComPorts( Ports : TStrings) //Alias to Arduino
6660: Func GetComPorts: TStringlist;
6661: Func StrToBaudRate( Str :Str) : TBaudRate
6662: Func StrToStopBits( Str :Str) : TStopBits
6663: Func StrToDataBits( Str :Str) : TDataBits
6664: Func StrToParity( Str :Str) : TParityBits
6665: Func StrToFlowControl( Str :Str) : TFlowControl
6666: Func BaudRateToStr( BaudRate : TBaudRate) :Str
6667: Func StopBitsToStr( StopBits : TStopBits) :Str
6668: Func DataBitsToStr( DataBits : TDataBits) :Str
6669: Func ParityToStr( Parity : TParityBits) :Str
6670: Func FlowControlToStr( FlowControl : TFlowControl) :Str
6671: Func ComErrorsToStr( Errors : TComErrors) :Str
6672: Func GetMessage( var lpMsg : TMsg; hWnd : HWND; wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax : UINT) : BOOL
6673: Func DispatchMessage( const lpMsg : TMsg) : Longint
6674: Func TranslateMessage( const lpMsg : TMsg) : BOOL
6675: Func SetMessageQueue( cMessagesMax : Int) : BOOL
6676: Func PeekMessage(var lpMsg:TMsg; hWnd:HWND;wMsgFilterMin,wMsgFilterMax,wRemoveMsg:UINT):BOOL
6677: Func GetMessagePos : DWORD
6678: Func GetMessageTime : Longint
6679: Func GetMessageExtraInfo : Longint
6680: Func GetSpecialFolderPath( const FolderName :Str; CanCreate :Bool) :Str
6681: Proc JAddToRecentDocs( const Filename :Str)
6682: Proc ClearRecentDocs
6683: Func ExtractIconFromFile( FileName :Str; Index : Int) : HICON
6684: Func CreateShellLink( const AppName, Desc :Str; Dest :Str) :Str
6685: Proc GetShellLinkInfo( const LinkFile : WideString; var SLI : TShellLinkInfo)
6686: Proc SetShellLinkInfo( const LinkFile : WideString; const SLI : TShellLinkInfo)
6687: Func RecycleFile( FileToRecycle :Str) :Bool
6688: Func JCopyFile( FromFile, ToDir :Str) :Bool
6689: Func ShellObjectTypeEnumToConst( ShellObjectType : TShellObjectType) : UINT
6690: Func ShellObjectTypeConstToEnum( ShellObjectType : UINT) : TShellObjectType
6691: Func QueryServiceConfig2A( hService : SC_HANDLE; dwInfoLevel: DWORD; lpBuffer : LPBYTE; cbBufSize :
DWORD; var pcbBytesNeeded : DWORD) : BOOL
6692: Func QueryServiceConfig2W( hService : SC_HANDLE; dwInfoLevel: DWORD; lpBuffer : LPBYTE; cbBufSize :
DWORD; var pcbBytesNeeded : DWORD) : BOOL
6693: Func QueryServiceConfig2( hService : SC_HANDLE; dwInfoLevel:DWORD; lpBuffer : LPBYTE; cbBufSize : DWORD;
var pcbBytesNeeded : DWORD) : BOOL
6694: Func EnumServicesStatusExA(hSCManager:SC_HANDLE;InfoLevel: SC_ENUM_TYPE; dwServiceType: DWORD;
dwServiceState: DWORD;lpServices:LPBYTE;cbBufSize:DWORD;var pcbBytesNeeded,lpServicesReturned,
lpResumeHandle:DWORD;pszGroupName: LP
6695: Func EnumServicesStatusExW( hSCManager : SC_HANDLE; InfoLevel : SC_ENUM_TYPE; dwServiceType : DWORD;
dwServiceState : DWORD; lpServices:LPBYTE;cbBufSize:DWORD;var pcbBytesNeeded,lpServicesReturned,
lpResumeHandle:DWORD; pszGroupNam
6696: Func EnumServicesStatusEx( hSCManager : SC_HANDLE; InfoLevel : SC_ENUM_TYPE; dwServiceType : DWORD;
dwServiceState:DWORD;lpServices:LPBYTE;cbBufSize:DWORD;var pcbBytesNeeded,lpServicesReturned,
lpResumeHandle:DWORD; pszGroupName
6697: Func ConvertSidToStringSid( sid : PSID; var stringSid : LPWSTR) : BOOL
6699: ******************************************* unit uPSI_JclPeImage;
6700: Func IsValidPeFile( const FileName : TFileName) :Bool
6701: // Func PeGetNtHeaders( const FileName : TFileName; var NtHeaders : TImageNtHeaders): Bool
6702: Func PeCreateNameHintTable( const FileName : TFileName) :Bool
6703: Func PeRebaseImage(const ImageName:TFileName; NewBase:DWORD; TimeStamp : DWORD; MaxNewSize:DWORD):
6704: Func PeVerifyCheckSum( const FileName : TFileName) :Bool
6705: Func PeClearCheckSum( const FileName : TFileName) :Bool
6706: Func PeUpdateCheckSum( const FileName : TFileName) :Bool
6707: Func PeDoesExportFunction(const FileName:TFileName;const FuncName:str;Options:TJclSmartCompOptions):Bool;
6708: Func PeIsExportFunctionForwardedEx( const FileName : TFileName; const FunctionName:str; var
6709: Func PeIsExportFunctionForwarded(const FileName:TFileName;const
6710: Func PeDoesImportFunction(const FileName:TFileName;const FunctionName:str;const LibraryName:str;Options:
6711: Func PeDoesImportLibrary(const FileName:TFileName;const LibraryName:str;Recursive:Boolean):Boolean);
6712: Func PeImportedLibraries( const FileName : TFileName; const LibrariesList : TStrings; Recursive :Bool;
FullPathName :Bool) :Bool
6713: Func PeImportedFunctions(const FileName:TFileName;const FunctionsList:TStrings;const LibraryName:str;
IncludeLibNames :Bool):Bool
6714: Func PeExportedFunctions(const FileName:TFileName;const FunctionsList:TStrings):Boolean
6715: Func PeExportedNames(const FileName:TFileName;const FunctionsList:TStrings):Bool
6716: Func PeExportedVariables(const FileName:TFileName;const FunctionsList:TStrings):Boolean
6717: Func PeResourceKindNames(const FileN:TFileName;ResourceType:TJclPeResourceKind;const
6718: Func PeBorFormNames(const FileName:TFileName;const NamesList:TStrings :Boolean
6719: Func PeBorDependedPackages(const FileName:TFileName;PackagesList:TStrings;FullPathName,
6720: Func PeFindMissingImports(const FileName:TFileName;MissingImportsList:TStrings):Bool;
6721: Func PeFindMissingImports1(RequiredImportsList,MissingImportsList:TStrings):Bool;
6722: Func PeCreateRequiredImportList(const FileName:TFileName;RequiredImportsList:TStrings): Bool;
6723: //Func PeMapImgNtHeaders( const BaseAddress : Pointer) : PImageNtHeaders
6724: //Func PeMapImgLibraryName( const BaseAddress : Pointer) :Str
6725: //Func PeMapImgSections( const NtHeaders : PImageNtHeaders) : PImageSectionHeader
6726: //Func PeMapImgFindSection( const NtHeaders : PImageNtHeaders; const SectionName :Str) :

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6727: //Func PeMapImgExportedVariables(const Module:HMODULE;const VariablesList:TStrings):Bool

6728: //Func PeMapImgResolvePackageThunk( Address : Pointer) : Pointer
6729: Func PeMapFindResource(const Module:HMODULE;const ResourceType:PChar;const ResourceName:str): ___Pointer;
6730: SIRegister_TJclPeSectionStream(CL);
6731: SIRegister_TJclPeMapImgHookItem(CL);
6732: SIRegister_TJclPeMapImgHooks(CL);
6733: //Func PeDbgImgNtHeaders(ProcessHandle:THandle;BaseAddress:Pointer;var NtHeaders:TImageNtHeaders):Boolean
6734: //Func PeDbgImgLibraryName(ProcessHandle:THandle;BaseAddress:Pointer;var Name:str):Bool
6735: Type TJclBorUmSymbolKind','(skData,skFunction,skConstructor,skDestructor,skRTTI,skVTable)
6736: TJclBorUmSymbolModifier', '( smQualified, smLinkProc )
6737: TJclBorUmSymbolModifiers', 'set of TJclBorUmSymbolModifier
6738: TJclBorUmDescription', 'record Kind : TJclBorUmSymbolKind; Modifiers : TJclBorUmSymbolModifiers; end
6739: TJclBorUmResult', '( urOk, urNotMangled, urMicrosoft, urError )
6740: TJclPeUmResult', '( umNotMangled, umBorland, umMicrosoft )
6741: Func PeBorUnmangleName( const Name :Str; var Unmangled :Str; var Description : TJclBorUmDescription; var
BasePos : Int) : TJclBorUmResult;
6742: Func PeBorUnmangleName1(const Name:str;var Unmangled:str;var
6743: Func PeBorUnmangleName2( const Name :Str; var Unmangled :Str) : TJclBorUmResult;
6744: Func PeBorUnmangleName3( const Name :Str) :Str;
6745: Func PeIsNameMangled( const Name :Str) : TJclPeUmResult
6746: Func PeUnmangleName( const Name :Str; var Unmangled :Str) : TJclPeUmResult
6749: //****************** SysTools uPSI_StSystem; ****************************************
6750: Func StCopyFile( const SrcPath, DestPath : Ansistr) :Card
6751: Func CreateTempFile( const aFolder : Ansistr; const aPrefix : Ansistr): Ansistr
6752: Func DeleteVolumeLabel( Drive : Char) :Card
6753: //Proc EnumerateDirectories(const StartDir:AnsiStr;FL:TStrings;SubDirs:Bool;IncludeItem:TIncludeItemFunc);
6754: //Proc EnumerateFiles(const StartDir:Ansistr;FL:TStrings;SubDirs:Bool IncludeItem:TIncludeItemFunc);
6755: Func FileHandlesLeft( MaxHandles :Card) :Card
6756: Func FileMatchesMask( const FileName, FileMask : Ansistr) :Bool
6757: Func FileTimeToStDateTime( FileTime : LongInt) : TStDateTimeRec
6758: Func FindNthSlash( const Path : Ansistr; n : Int) : Int
6759: Func FlushOsBuffers( Handle : Int) :Bool
6760: Func GetCurrentUser : Ansistr
6761: Func GetDiskClass( Drive : Char) : DiskClass
6762: Func GetDiskInfo(Drive:Char;var ClustersAvail,TotalClusters,BytesPerSector,SectorsPerCluster:Card):Bool;
6763: Func GetDiskSpace(Drive:Char;var UserSpaceAvail:Double;var TotalSpaceAvail:Double;var
6764: Func GetDiskSpace(Drive:Char;var UserSpaceAvail:Comp;var TotalSpaceAvail:Comp;var DiskSize:Comp):Bool;
6765: { index 0 - FreeBytesAvailable, 1 - TotalNumberOfBytes, 2 - TotalNumberOfFreeBytes }
6766: Func getDiskSpace2(const path:Str; index: Int): int64;
6767: Func GetFileCreateDate( const FileName : Ansistr) : TDateTime
6768: Func StGetFileLastAccess( const FileName : Ansistr) : TDateTime
6769: Func GetFileLastModify( const FileName : Ansistr) : TDateTime
6770: Func GetHomeFolder( aForceSlash :Bool) : Ansistr
6771: Func GetLongPath( const APath : Ansistr) : Ansistr
6772: Func GetMachineName : Ansistr
6773: Func GetMediaID( Drive : Char; var MediaIDRec : MediaIDType) :Card
6774: Func GetParentFolder( const APath : Ansistr; aForceSlash :Bool) : Ansistr
6775: Func GetShortPath( const APath : Ansistr) : Ansistr
6776: Func GetSystemFolder( aForceSlash :Bool) : Ansistr
6777: Func GetTempFolder( aForceSlash :Bool) : Ansistr
6778: Func StGetWindowsFolder( aForceSlash :Bool) : Ansistr
6779: Func GetWorkingFolder( aForceSlash :Bool) : Ansistr
6780: Func GlobalDateTimeToLocal( const UTC : TStDateTimeRec; MinOffset : Int) : TStDateTimeRec
6781: Func StIsDirectory( const DirName : Ansistr) :Bool
6782: Func IsDirectoryEmpty( const S : Ansistr) : Int
6783: Func IsDriveReady( Drive : Char) :Bool
6784: Func IsFile( const FileName : Ansistr) :Bool
6785: Func IsFileArchive( const S : Ansistr) : Int
6786: Func IsFileHidden( const S : Ansistr) : Int
6787: Func IsFileReadOnly( const S : Ansistr) : Int
6788: Func IsFileSystem( const S : Ansistr) : Int
6789: Func LocalDateTimeToGlobal( const DT1 : TStDateTimeRec; MinOffset : Int) : TStDateTimeRec
6790: Func ReadVolumeLabel( var VolName : Ansistr; Drive : Char) :Card
6791: Func SameFile( const FilePath1, FilePath2 : Ansistr; var ErrorCode : Int) :Bool
6792: Func SetMediaID( Drive : Char; var MediaIDRec : MediaIDType) :Card
6793: Proc SplitPath( const APath : Ansistr; Parts : TStrings)
6794: Func StDateTimeToFileTime( const FileTime : TStDateTimeRec) : LongInt
6795: Func StDateTimeToUnixTime( const DT1 : TStDateTimeRec) : Longint
6796: Func UnixTimeToStDateTime( UnixTime : Longint) : TStDateTimeRec
6797: Func ValidDrive( Drive : Char) :Bool
6798: Func WriteVolumeLabel( const VolName : Ansistr; Drive : Char) :Card
6800: //*****************************unit uPSI_JclLANMan;*******************************************
6801: Func CreateAccount( const Server,Username,Fullname,Password,Description,Homedir,Script :str; const
PasswordNeverExpires : Bool) : Bool
6802: Func CreateLocalAccount( const Username, Fullname, Password, Description, Homedir, Script :Str; const
PasswordNeverExpires :Bool) :Bool
6803: Func DeleteAccount( const Servername, Username :Str) :Bool
6804: Func DeleteLocalAccount( Username :Str) :Bool
6805: Func CreateLocalGroup( const Server, Groupname, Description :Str) :Bool
6806: Func CreateGlobalGroup( const Server, Groupname, Description :Str) :Bool
6807: Func DeleteLocalGroup( const Server, Groupname :Str) :Bool
6808: Func GetLocalGroups( const Server :Str; const Groups : TStrings) :Bool
6809: Func GetGlobalGroups( const Server :Str; const Groups : TStrings) :Bool
6810: Func LocalGroupExists( const Group :Str) :Bool

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6811: Func GlobalGroupExists( const Server, Group :Str) :Bool

6812: Func AddAccountToLocalGroup( const Accountname, Groupname :Str) :Bool
6813: Func LookupGroupName( const Server :Str; const RID : TNetWellKnownRID) :Str
6814: Proc ParseAccountName( const QualifiedName :Str; var Domain, UserName :Str)
6815: Func IsLocalAccount( const AccountName :Str) :Bool
6816: Func TimeStampInterval( StartStamp, EndStamp : TDateTime) : Int
6817: Func GetRandomString( NumChar :Card) :Str
6819: //*****************************unit uPSI_cUtils;*******************************************
6820: TypeS(TUnitType', ( utSrc, utHead, utRes, utPrj, utOther )
6821: Func cIsWinNT :Bool
6822: Proc cFilesFromWildcard(Directory,Mask:Str;var Files:TStringList;Subdirs,ShowDirs,Multitasking:Boolean;
6823: Func cExecuteFile( const FileName, Params, DefaultDir :Str; ShowCmd : Int) : THandle
6824: Func cRunAndGetOutput(Cmd,WorkDir:str; ErrFunc:TErrFunc;LineOutputFunc:TLineOutputFunc;
6825: Func cGetShortName( FileName :Str) :Str
6826: Proc cShowError( Msg :Str)
6827: Func cCommaStrToStr( s :Str; formatstr :Str) :Str
6828: Func cIncludeQuoteIfSpaces( s :Str) :Str
6829: Func cIncludeQuoteIfNeeded( s :Str) :Str
6830: Proc cLoadFilefromResource( const FileName :Str; ms : TMemoryStream)
6831: Func cValidateFile(const FileName:str;const WorkPath:str;const CheckDirs:bool):str;
6832: Func cBuildFilter( var value :Str; const FLTStyle : TFILTERSET) :Bool;
6833: Func cBuildFilter1( var value :Str; const _filters : array of string) :Bool;
6834: Func cCodeInstoStr( s :Str) :Str
6835: Func cStrtoCodeIns( s :Str) :Str
6836: Proc cStrtoAttr( var Attr : TSynHighlighterAttributes; Value :Str)
6837: Func cAttrtoStr( const Attr : TSynHighlighterAttributes) :Str
6838: Proc cStrtoPoint( var pt : TPoint; value :Str)
6839: Func cPointtoStr( const pt : TPoint) :Str
6840: Func cListtoStr( const List : TStrings) :Str
6841: Func ListtoStr( const List : TStrings) :Str
6842: Proc StrtoList( s :Str; const List : TStrings; const delimiter : char)
6843: Proc cStrtoList( s :Str; const List : TStrings; const delimiter : char)
6844: Func cGetFileTyp( const FileName :Str) : TUnitType
6845: Func cGetExTyp( const FileName :Str) : TExUnitType
6846: Proc cSetPath( Add :Str; const UseOriginal :Bool)
6847: Func cExpandFileto( const FileName :Str; const BasePath :Str) :Str
6848: Func cFileSamePath( const FileName :Str; const TestPath :Str) :Bool
6849: Proc cCloneMenu( const FromMenu : TMenuItem; ToMenu : TMenuItem)
6850: Func cGetLastPos( const SubStr :Str; const S :Str) : Int
6851: Func cGenMakePath( FileName :Str) :Str;
6852: Func cGenMakePath2( FileName :Str) :Str
6853: Func cGenMakePath1(FileName:Str; EscapeSpaces,EncloseInQuotes:Bool):str;
6854: Func cGetRealPath( BrokenFileName :Str; Directory :Str) :Str
6855: Func cCalcMod( Count : Int) : Int
6856: Func cGetVersionString( FileName :Str) :Str
6857: Func cCheckChangeDir( var Dir :Str) :Bool
6858: Func cGetAssociatedProgram(const Extension:str;var Filename,Description:str):bool
6859: Func cIsNumeric( s :Str) :Bool
6860: Proc StrtoAttr( var Attr : TSynHighlighterAttributes; Value :Str)
6861: Func AttrtoStr( const Attr : TSynHighlighterAttributes) :Str
6862: Func GetFileTyp( const FileName :Str) : TUnitType
6863: Func Atoi(const aStr:Str): Int
6864: Func Itoa(const aint: Int):Str
6865: Func Atof(const aStr:Str): double;
6866: Func Atol(const aStr:Str): longint;
6868: Proc SIRegister_cHTTPUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
6869: begin
6870: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EHTTP
6871: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EHTTPParser
6872: //AnsiCharSet', 'set of AnsiChar
6873: AnsistrArray', 'array of Ansistr
6874: THTTPProtocolEnum', '( hpNone, hpCustom, hpHTTP, hpHTTPS )
6875: THTTPVersionEnum', '( hvNone, hvCustom, hvHTTP10, hvHTTP11 )
6876: THTTPVersion', 'record Version : THTTPVersionEnum; Protocol : TH'
6877: +'TTPProtocolEnum; CustomProtocol : Ansistr; CustomMajVersion : Int; '
6878: +'CustomMinVersion : Int; end
6879: THTTPHeaderNameEnum','( hntCustom, hntHost, hntContentType, hnt'
6880: +'ContentLength, hntContentTransferEncoding, hntContentLocation, hntContentL'
6881: +'anguage, hntContentEncoding, hntTransferEncoding, hntDate, hntServer, hntU'
6882: +'serAgent, hntLocation, hntConnection, hntExpires, hntCacheControl, hntSetC'
6883: +'ookie, hntCookie, hntAuthorization, hntVia, hntWarning, hntContentRange, h'
6884: +'ntXForwardedFor, hntPragma, hntXPoweredBy, hntWWWAuthenticate, hntLastModi'
6885: +'fied, hntETag, hntProxyAuthorization, hntReferer, hntAge, hntAcceptRanges,'
6886: +' hntAcceptEncoding, hntAcceptLanguage, hntAcceptCharset, hntIfModifiedSinc'
6887: +'e, hntIfUnmodifiedSince, hntRetryAfter, hntUpgrade, hntStatus, hntProxyCon'
6888: +'nection, hntOrigin, hntKeepAlive )
6889: THTTPHeaderName', 'record Value : THTTPHeaderNameEnum; Custom: Ansistr; end
6890: THTTPCustomHeader', 'record FieldName : Ansistr; FieldValue :'
6891: +' Ansistr; end
6892: //PHTTPCustomHeader', '^THTTPCustomHeader // will not work
6893: THTTPContentLengthEnum', '( hcltNone, hcltByteCount )
6894: THTTPContentLength', 'record Value : THTTPContentLengthEnum; ByteCount:Int64; end
6895: //PHTTPContentLength', '^THTTPContentLength // will not work
6896: THTTPContentTypeMajor','( hctmCustom, hctmText, hctmImage )
6897: THTTPContentTypeEnum', '( hctNone, hctCustomParts, hctCustomStri'
6898: +'ng, hctTextHtml, hctTextAscii, hctTextCss, hctTextPlain, hctTextXml, hctTe'

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6899: +'xtCustom, hctImageJpeg, hctImagePng, hctImageGif, hctImageCustom, hctAppli'

6900: +'cationJSON, hctApplicationOctetStream, hctApplicationJavaScript, hctApplic'
6901: +'ationCustom, hctAudioCustom, hctVideoCustom )
6902: THTTPContentType', 'record Value : THTTPContentTypeEnum; CustomM'
6903: +ajor:Ansistr;CustomMinor:Ansistr;Parameters:AnsistrArray;CustomStr:Ansistr;end
6904: THTTPDateFieldEnum', '( hdNone, hdCustom, hdParts, hdDateTime )
6905: THTTPDateField', 'record Value : THTTPDateFieldEnum; DayOfWeek :'
6906: +' Int; Day : Int; Month : Int; Year : Int; Hour : Int; '
6907: +'Min : Int; Sec : Int; TimeZoneGMT :Bool; CustomTimeZone : Ansi'
6908: +'String; DateTime : TDateTime; Custom : Ansistr; end
6909: THTTPTransferEncodingEnum', '( hteNone, hteCustom, hteChunked )
6910: THTTPTransferEncoding', 'record Value : THTTPTransferEncodingEnum;Custom:Ansistr;end
6911: THTTPConnectionFieldEnum', '( hcfNone, hcfCustom, hcfClose, hcfKeepAlive )
6912: THTTPConnectionField', 'record Value : THTTPConnectionFieldEnum;Custom:Ansistr; end
6913: THTTPAgeFieldEnum', '( hafNone, hafCustom, hafAge )
6914: THTTPAgeField', 'record Value: THTTPAgeFieldEnum; Age : Int64;Custom:Ansistr; end
6915: THTTPCacheControlFieldEnum', '( hccfNone, hccfDecoded, hccfCustom )
6916: THTTPCacheControlRequestSubField', '( hccsfNoCache, hccsfNoStore'
6917: +', hccsfMaxAge, hccsfMaxStale, hccsfMinFresh, hccsfNoTransform, hccsfOnlyIfCached )
6918: THTTPCacheControlResponseSubField', '( hccrfPublic, hccrfPrivate'
6919: +', hccrfNoCache, hccrfNoStore, hccrfNoTransform, hccrfMustRevalidate, hccrf'
6920: +'ProxyRevalidate, hccrfMaxAge, hccrfSMaxAge )
6921: THTTPCacheControlField', 'record Value : THTTPCacheControlFieldEnum; end
6922: THTTPContentEncodingEnum', '( hceNone, hceCustom, hceIdentity, h'
6923: +'ceCompress, hceDeflate, hceExi, hceGzip, hcePack200Gzip )
6924: THTTPContentEncoding','record Value:THTTPContentEncodingEnum;Custom:Ansistr;end;
6925: THTTPContentEncodingFieldEnum', '( hcefNone, hcefList )
6926: THTTPContentEncodingField', 'record Value : THTTPContentEncoding'
6927: +'FieldEnum; List : array of THTTPContentEncoding; end
6928: THTTPRetryAfterFieldEnum', '( hrafNone, hrafCustom, harfDate, harfSeconds )
6929: THTTPRetryAfterField', 'record Value : THTTPRetryAfterFieldEnum;'
6930: +' Custom : Ansistr; Date : TDateTime; Seconds : Int64; end
6931: THTTPContentRangeFieldEnum', '( hcrfNone, hcrfCustom, hcrfByteRange )
6932: THTTPContentRangeField', 'record Value : THTTPContentRangeFieldE'
6933: +num; ByteFirst : Int64; ByteLast : Int64; ByteSize : Int64; Custom: Ansistr; end
6934: THTTPSetCookieFieldEnum', '( hscoNone, hscoDecoded, hscoCustom )
6935: THTTPSetCookieCustomField', 'record Name : Ansistr; Value : Ansistr; end
6936: THTTPSetCookieCustomFieldArray', 'array of THTTPSetCookieCustomField
6937: THTTPSetCookieField', 'record Value : THTTPSetCookieFieldEnum; D'
6938: +'omain : Ansistr; Path : Ansistr; Expires : THTTPDateField; MaxAge : '
6939: +'Int64; HttpOnly :Bool; Secure :Bool; CustomFields : THTTPSetCookie'
6940: +'CustomFieldArray; Custom : Ansistr; end
6941: //PHTTPSetCookieField', '^THTTPSetCookieField // will not work
6942: THTTPSetCookieFieldArray', 'array of THTTPSetCookieField
6943: THTTPCookieFieldEnum', '( hcoNone, hcoDecoded, hcoCustom )
6944: THTTPCookieFieldEntry', 'record Name : Ansistr; Value : Ansistr; end
6945: //PHTTPCookieFieldEntry', '^THTTPCookieFieldEntry // will not work
6946: THTTPCookieFieldEntryArray', 'array of THTTPCookieFieldEntry
6947: THTTPCookieField', 'record Value : THTTPCookieFieldEnum; Entries'
6948: +' : THTTPCookieFieldEntryArray; Custom : Ansistr; end
6949: THTTPCommonHeaders', 'record TransferEncoding : THTTPTransferEnc'
6950: +'oding; ContentType : THTTPContentType; ContentLength : THTTPContentLength;'
6951: +' Connection : THTTPConnectionField; ProxyConnection : THTTPConnectionField'
6952: +'; Date : THTTPDateField; ContentEncoding : THTTPContentEncodingField; end
6953: THTTPCustomHeaders', 'array of THTTPCustomHeader
6954: //THTTPFixedHeaders','array[THTTPHeaderNameEnum] of Ansistr
6955: THTTPFixedHeaders','array[0..42] of Ansistr
6956: THTTPMethodEnum', '( hmNone, hmCustom, hmGET, hmPUT, hmPOST, hmC'
6958: THTTPMethod', 'record Value : THTTPMethodEnum; Custom : Ansistr; end
6959: THTTPRequestStartLine','record Method:THTTPMethod;URI:Ansistr;Version:THTTPVersion;end
6960: THTTPRequestHeader', 'record CommonHeaders : THTTPCommonHeaders;'
6961: +' FixedHeaders : THTTPFixedHeaders; CustomHeaders : THTTPCustomHeaders; Coo'
6962: +'kie:THTTPCookieField; IfModifiedSince:THTTPDateField;IfUnmodifiedSince:THTTPDateField;end
6963: //PHTTPRequestHeader', '^THTTPRequestHeader // will not work
6964: THTTPRequest', 'record StartLine : THTTPRequestStartLine; Header'
6965: +' : THTTPRequestHeader; HeaderComplete :Bool; HasContent :Bool; end
6966: THTTPResponseStartLineMessage', '( hslmNone, hslmCustom, hslmOK)
6967: THTTPResponseStartLine', 'record Version : THTTPVersion; Code : '
6968: +'Int; Msg : THTTPResponseStartLineMessage; CustomMsg : Ansistr; end
6969: THTTPResponseHeader', 'record CommonHeaders : THTTPCommonHeaders'
6970: +'; FixedHeaders : THTTPFixedHeaders; CustomHeaders : THTTPCustomHeaders; Co'
6971: +'okies : THTTPSetCookieFieldArray; Expires : THTTPDateField; LastModified :'
6972: +' THTTPDateField; Age : THTTPAgeField; end
6973: //PHTTPResponseHeader', '^THTTPResponseHeader // will not work
6974: THTTPResponse', 'record StartLine : THTTPResponseStartLine; Head'
6975: +er : THTTPResponseHeader; HeaderComplete :Bool; HasContent :Bool; end
6976: Func HTTPMessageHasContent( const H : THTTPCommonHeaders) :Bool
6977: Proc InitHTTPRequest( var A : THTTPRequest)
6978: Proc InitHTTPResponse( var A : THTTPResponse)
6979: Proc ClearHTTPVersion( var A : THTTPVersion)
6980: Proc ClearHTTPContentLength( var A : THTTPContentLength)
6981: Proc ClearHTTPContentType( var A : THTTPContentType)
6982: Proc ClearHTTPDateField( var A : THTTPDateField)
6983: Proc ClearHTTPTransferEncoding( var A : THTTPTransferEncoding)
6984: Proc ClearHTTPConnectionField( var A : THTTPConnectionField)
6985: Proc ClearHTTPAgeField( var A : THTTPAgeField)
6986: Proc ClearHTTPContentEncoding( var A : THTTPContentEncoding)
6987: Proc ClearHTTPContentEncodingField( var A : THTTPContentEncodingField)

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6988: Proc ClearHTTPContentRangeField( var A : THTTPContentRangeField)

6989: Proc ClearHTTPSetCookieField( var A : THTTPSetCookieField)
6990: Proc ClearHTTPCommonHeaders( var A : THTTPCommonHeaders)
6991: //Proc ClearHTTPFixedHeaders( var A : THTTPFixedHeaders)
6992: Proc ClearHTTPCustomHeaders( var A : THTTPCustomHeaders)
6993: Proc ClearHTTPCookieField( var A : THTTPCookieField)
6994: Proc ClearHTTPMethod( var A : THTTPMethod)
6995: Proc ClearHTTPRequestStartLine( var A : THTTPRequestStartLine)
6996: Proc ClearHTTPRequestHeader( var A : THTTPRequestHeader)
6997: Proc ClearHTTPRequest( var A : THTTPRequest)
6998: Proc ClearHTTPResponseStartLine( var A : THTTPResponseStartLine)
6999: Proc ClearHTTPResponseHeader( var A : THTTPResponseHeader)
7000: Proc ClearHTTPResponse( var A : THTTPResponse)
7001: THTTPStringOption', '( hsoNone )
7002: THTTPStringOptions', 'set of THTTPStringOption
7003: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TAnsistrBuilder
7004: Proc BuildStrHTTPVersion(const A:THTTPVersion;const B:TAnsistrBuilder; PTHTTPStringOptions;
7005: Proc BuildStrHTTPContentLengthValue(const A:THTTPContentLength;B:TAnsistrBuilder;P:THTTPStringOptions)
7006: Proc BuildStrHTTPContentLength(const A : THTTPContentLength; B:TAnsistrBuilder;PTHTTPStringOptions)
7007: Proc BuildStrHTTPContentTypeValue(const A:THTTPContentType;B:TAnsistrBuilder;const P:THTTPStringOptions)
7008: Proc BuildStrHTTPContentType(const A:THTTPContType;const B:TAnsistrBuilder; const P:THTTPStringOptions)
7009: Proc BuildStrRFCDateTime(const DOW,Da,Mo,Ye,Ho,Mi,Se:Int;const TZ:Ansistr;const B:TAnsistrBuilder;const
7010: Proc BuildStrHTTPDateFieldValue( const A : THTTPDateField; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const P :
7011: Proc BuildStrHTTPDateField(const A:THTTPDateField;const B:TAnsistrBuilder;const PTHTTPStringOptions);
7012: Proc BuildStrHTTPTransferEncodingValue( const A : THTTPTransferEncoding; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const
P : THTTPStringOptions)
7013: Proc BuildStrHTTPTransferEncoding( const A : THTTPTransferEncoding; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const P :
7014: Proc BuildStrHTTPContentRangeField( const A : THTTPContentRangeField; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const P
: THTTPStringOptions)
7015: Proc BuildStrHTTPConnectionFieldValue( const A : THTTPConnectionField; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const P
: THTTPStringOptions)
7016: Proc BuildStrHTTPConnectionField( const A : THTTPConnectionField; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const P :
7017: Proc BuildStrHTTPAgeField(const A:THTTPAgeField;const B:TAnsistrBuilder;const P:THTTPStringOptions);
7018: Proc BuildStrHTTPContentEncoding( const A : THTTPContentEncoding; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const P :
7019: Proc BuildStrHTTPContentEncodingField(const A:THTTPContentEncodingField;const B:TAnsistrBuilder;const
7020: Proc BuildStrHTTPProxyConnectionField(const A : THTTPConnectionField; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const P
: THTTPStringOptions)
7021: Proc BuildStrHTTPCommonHeaders( const A: THTTPCommonHeaders; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const P :
7022: Proc BuildStrHTTPFixedHeaders(const A:THTTPFixedHeaders;const B:TAnsiStrBuilder;const
7023: Proc BuildStrHTTPCustomHeaders( const A : THTTPCustomHeaders; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const P :
7024: Proc BuildStrHTTPSetCookieFieldValue( const A : THTTPSetCookieField; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const P :
7025: Proc BuildStrHTTPCookieFieldValue( const A : THTTPCookieField; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const P :
7026: Proc BuildStrHTTPCookieField(const A:THTTPCookieField;const B:TAnsiStrBuilder;const P:THTTPStringOptions);
7027: Proc BuildStrHTTPMethod(const A:THTTPMethod;const B:TAnsistrBuilder;const P: THTTPStringOptions)
7028: Proc BuildStrHTTPRequestStartLine( const A : THTTPRequestStartLine; const B : TAnsistrBuilder; const P :
7029: Proc BuildStrHTTPRequestHeader(const A:THTTPRequestHeader;const B:TAnsistrBuilder;const
7030: Proc BuildStrHTTPRequest(const A : THTTPRequest; const B: TAnsistrBuilder; const P : THTTPStringOptions)
7031: Proc BuildStrHTTPResponseCookieFieldArray( const A : THTTPSetCookieFieldArray; const B : TAnsistrBuilder;
const P : THTTPStringOptions)
7032: Proc BuildStrHTTPResponseStartLine(const A:THTTPResponsStartLine;const B:TAnsiStrBldr;const P
7033: Proc BuildStrHTTPResponseHeader(const A:THTTPRespHeader;const B:TAnsiStrBuilder;const
7034: Proc BuildStrHTTPResponse(const A:THTTPResponse; const B:TAnsistrBuilder; const P:THTTPStringOptions);
7035: Func HTTPContentTypeValueToStr( const A : THTTPContentType) : Ansistr
7036: Func HTTPSetCookieFieldValueToStr( const A : THTTPSetCookieField) : Ansistr
7037: Func HTTPCookieFieldValueToStr( const A : THTTPCookieField) : Ansistr
7038: Func HTTPMethodToStr( const A : THTTPMethod) : Ansistr
7039: Func HTTPRequestToStr( const A : THTTPRequest) : Ansistr
7040: Func HTTPResponseToStr( const A : THTTPResponse) : Ansistr
7041: Proc PrepareCookie(var A:THTTPCookieField;const B:THTTPSetCookieFieldArray;const Domain:Ansistr;const
Secure:Bool; THTTPParserHeaderParseFunc','Func (const HeaderName : THTT'
7042: +PHeaderNameEnum; const HeaderPtr : ___Pointer) :Bool
7043: SIRegister_THTTPParser(CL);
7044: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'THTTPContentDecoder
7045: THTTPContentDecoderProc', 'Proc ( const Sender : THTTPContentDecoder)
7046: THTTPContentDecoderContentType', '( crctFixedSize, crctChunked, crctUnsized )
7047: THTTPContentDecoderChunkState', '( crcsChunkHeader, crcsContent,'
7048: +' crcsContentCRLF, crcsTrailer, crcsFinished )
7049: THTTPContentDecoderLogEvent,Procedure(const Sender:THTTPContentDecoder;const LogMsg:str)
7050: SIRegister_THTTPContentDecoder(CL);
7051: THTTPContentReaderMechanism', '( hcrmEvent, hcrmString, hcrmStream, hcrmFile )
7052: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'THTTPContentReader
7053: THTTPContentReaderProc','Proc ( const Sender : THTTPContentReader)
7054: THTTPContentReaderLogEvent','Procedure(const Sender:THTTPContentReader;const LogMsg:str;const

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7055: SIRegister_THTTPContentReader(CL);
7056: THTTPContentWriterMechanism','(hctmEvent, hctmString, hctmStream, hctmFile )
7057: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'THTTPContentWriter
7058: THTTPContentWriterLogEvent,Procedure(const Sender:THTTPContentWriter;const LogMsg:Ansistr);
7059: SIRegister_THTTPContentWriter(CL);
7060: Proc SelfTestcHTTPUtils
7061: end;
7063: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
7064: Proc SIRegister_cTLSUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7065: begin
7066: 'TLSLibraryVersion','String '1.00
7067: 'TLSError_None','LongInt'( 0);
7068: 'TLSError_InvalidBuffer','LongInt'( 1);
7069: 'TLSError_InvalidParameter','LongInt'( 2);
7070: 'TLSError_InvalidCertificate','LongInt'( 3);
7071: 'TLSError_InvalidState','LongInt'( 4);
7072: 'TLSError_DecodeError','LongInt'( 5);
7073: 'TLSError_BadProtocol','LongInt'( 6);
7074: Func TLSErrorMessage( const TLSError : Int) :Str
7075: SIRegister_ETLSError(CL);
7076: TTLSProtocolVersion', 'record major : Byte; minor : Byte; end
7077: PTLSProtocolVersion', '^TTLSProtocolVersion // will not work
7078: Proc InitSSLProtocolVersion30( var A : TTLSProtocolVersion)
7079: Proc InitTLSProtocolVersion10( var A : TTLSProtocolVersion)
7080: Proc InitTLSProtocolVersion11( var A : TTLSProtocolVersion)
7081: Proc InitTLSProtocolVersion12( var A : TTLSProtocolVersion)
7082: Func IsTLSProtocolVersion( const A, B : TTLSProtocolVersion):Bool
7083: Func IsSSL2( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Boolean
7084: Func IsSSL3( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Boolean
7085: Func IsTLS10( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion):Boolean
7086: Func IsTLS11( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion):Boolean
7087: Func IsTLS12( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion):Boolean
7088: Func IsTLS10OrLater( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Bool
7089: Func IsTLS11OrLater( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Bool
7090: Func IsTLS12OrLater( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Bool
7091: Func IsFutureTLSVersion( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Bool
7092: Func IsKnownTLSVersion( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Bool
7093: Func TLSProtocolVersionToStr( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion):Str
7094: Func TLSProtocolVersionName( const A : TTLSProtocolVersion) :Str
7095: PTLSRandom', '^TTLSRandom // will not work
7096: Proc InitTLSRandom( var Random : TTLSRandom)
7097: Func TLSRandomToStr( const Random : TTLSRandom) : Ansistr
7098: 'TLSSessionIDMaxLen','LongInt'( 32);
7099: Proc InitTLSSessionID( var SessionID : TTLSSessionID; const A : Ansistr)
7100: Func EncodeTLSSessionID(var Buff:str;const Size:Int;const SessionID:TTLSSessionID):Int;
7101: Func DecodeTLSSessionID(const Buff:str;const Size:Int;var SessionID:TTLSSessionID):Int;
7102: TTLSSignatureAndHashAlgorithm', 'record Hash : TTLSHashAlgorithm'
7103: +'; Signature : TTLSSignatureAlgorithm; end
7104: // PTLSSignatureAndHashAlgorithm', '^TTLSSignatureAndHashAlgorithm +'// will not work
7105: TTLSSignatureAndHashAlgorithmArray', 'array of TTLSSignatureAndHashAlgorithm
7106: TTLSKeyExchangeAlgorithm', '( tlskeaNone, tlskeaNULL, tlskeaDHE_'
7107: +DSS, tlskeaDHE_RSA, tlskeaDH_Anon, tlskeaRSA, tlskeaDH_DSS, tlskeaDH_RSA )
7108: TTLSMACAlgorithm', '( tlsmaNone, tlsmaNULL, tlsmaHMAC_MD5, tlsma'
7109: +HMAC_SHA1, tlsmaHMAC_SHA256, tlsmaHMAC_SHA384, tlsmaHMAC_SHA512 )
7110: TTLSMacAlgorithmInfo', 'record Name:Ansistr;DigestSize:Integer; Supported:Bool; end
7111: PTLSMacAlgorithmInfo', '^TTLSMacAlgorithmInfo // will not work
7112: 'TLS_MAC_MAXDIGESTSIZE','LongInt'( 64);
7113: TTLSPRFAlgorithm', '( tlspaSHA256 )
7114: Func tlsP_MD5( const Secret, Seed : Ansistr; const Size : Int) : Ansistr
7115: Func tlsP_SHA1( const Secret, Seed : Ansistr; const Size : Int) : Ansistr
7116: Func tlsP_SHA256( const Secret, Seed : Ansistr; const Size : Int) : Ansistr
7117: Func tlsP_SHA512( const Secret, Seed : Ansistr; const Size : Int) : Ansistr
7118: Func tls10PRF( const Secret, ALabel, Seed : Ansistr; const Size : Int) : Ansistr
7119: Func tls12PRF_SHA256(const Secret,ALabel,Seed:Ansistr; const Size : Int): Ansistr
7120: Func tls12PRF_SHA512(const Secret,ALabel,Seed :Ansistr; const Size: Int): Ansistr
7121: Func TLSPRF(const ProtoVersion:TTLSProtocolVersion;const Secret,ALabel,Seed:AString;const
7122: Func tls10KeyBlock(const MasterSecret,ServerRandom,ClientRandom:Ansistr;const Size:Int):AnsiStr
7123: Func tls12SHA256KeyBlock(const MasterSecret,ServerRandom,ClientRandom: Ansistr;const Size:Int):Ansistr;
7124: Func tls12SHA512KeyBlock(const MasterSecret,ServerRandom,ClientRandom: Ansistr;const Size:Int):Ansistr;
7125: Func TLSKeyBlock(const ProtocolVersion:TTLSProtocolVersion;const MasterSecret,ServerRandom,ClientRandom:
Ansistr;const Size:Int):Ansistr
7126: Func tls10MasterSecret(const PreMasterSecret,ClientRandom, ServerRandom:Ansistr) :Ansistr;
7127: Func tls12SHA256MasterSecret(const PreMasterSecret,ClientRandom,ServerRandom:AnsiStr):AnsiStr;
7128: Func tls12SHA512MasterSecret(const PreMasterSecret,ClientRandom,ServerRandom:AnsiStr): AnsiStr;
7129: Func TLSMasterSecret(const ProtocolVersion:TTLSProtocolVersion;const PreMasterSecret,ClientRandom,
7130: TTLSKeys', 'record KeyBlock : Ansistr; ClientMACKey : AnsiStr'
7131: +'ing; ServerMACKey : Ansistr; ClientEncKey : Ansistr; ServerEncKey : '
7132: +'Ansistr; ClientIV : Ansistr; ServerIV : Ansistr; end
7133: Proc GenerateTLSKeys(const ProtocolVersion:TTLSProtocolVersion;const MACKeyBits,CipherKeyBits,
IVBits:Int;const MasterSecret,ServerRandom,ClientRandom:Ansistr;var TLSKeys: TTLSKeys)
7134: Proc GenerateFinalTLSKeys(const ProtocolVersion:TTLSProtocolVersion;const IsExportable:Bool;const
ExpandedKeyBits:Int;const ServerRandom,ClientRandom:Ansistr;var TLSKeys:TTLSKeys)
7135: 'TLS_PLAINTEXT_FRAGMENT_MAXSIZE','LongInt'( 16384 - 1);
7136: 'TLS_COMPRESSED_FRAGMENT_MAXSIZE','LongInt'( 16384 + 1024);
7137: Proc SelfTestcTLSUtils
7138: end;

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7140: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
7141: Proc SIRegister_Reversi(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7142: begin
7143: sPosData','record
corner:boolean;square2x2:boolean;edge:bool;stable:Int;internal:Int;disks:Int;mx:Int;my:Int; end
7144: // pBoard', '^tBoard // will not work
7145: Func rCalculateData( cc : byte; cx, cy : Int) : sPosData
7146: Func rCheckMove( color : byte; cx, cy : Int) : Int
7147: //Func rDoStep( data : pBoard) : word
7148: Func winExecAndWait( const sAppPath :Str; wVisible : word) :Bool
7149: end;
7151: Proc SIRegister_IWDBCommon(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7152: begin
7153: Func InEditMode( ADataset : TDataset) :Bool
7154: Func CheckDataSource( ADataSource : TDataSource) :Bool;
7155: Func CheckDataSource1(ADataSource:TDataSource;const AFieldName:str;var VField:TField):bool;
7156: Func GetFieldText( AField:TField) :Str
7157: end;
7159: Proc SIRegister_SortGrid(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7160: begin
7161: TPrintMode', '( pmPrint, pmPreview, pmPageCount )
7162: TMyPrintRange', '( prAll, prSelected )
7163: TSortStyle', '(ssAutomatic,ssNormal,ssNumeric,ssNumericExtended,ssDateTime,ssTime,ssCustom )
7164: TSortDirection', '( sdAscending, sdDescending )
7165: TSetChecked', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ACol, ARow : Int; State :Bool)
7166: TGetCombobox', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ACol, ARow : integ'
7167: +er; var Strs : TStringList; var Width, Height : Int; var Sorted :Bool)
7168: TSetCombobox', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ACol, ARow : Int; Str :Str)
7169: TSetEllipsis', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ACol, ARow : Int)
7170: SIRegister_TSortOptions(CL);
7171: SIRegister_TPrintOptions(CL);
7172: TSortedListEntry', 'record Str :Str; RowNum : Int; SortOption : TSortOptions; end
7173: SIRegister_TSortedList(CL);
7174: TCellBevelStyle', '( cbNone, cbRaised, cbLowered )
7175: TCellBevel', 'record Style: TCellBevelStyle;UpperLeftColor:TColor;LowerRightColor:TColor;end
7176: TVertAlignment', '( taTopJustify, taBottomJustify, taMiddle )
7177: TFormatOptions', 'record Brush : TBrush; Font : TFont; Alignment'
7178: +Horz : TAlignment;AlignmentVert:TVertAlignment;Bevel:TCellBevel;HideText:Boolean; end
7179: SIRegister_TFontSetting(CL);
7180: SIRegister_TFontList(CL);
7181: AddTypeS(TFormatDrawCellEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Col, Row :'
7182: +Int;State:TGridDrawState;var FormatOptions:TFormatOptions;var CheckBox,Combobox,Ellipsis:Bool);
7183: TSetFilterEvent', 'Proc ( ARows : TStrings; var Accept :Bool)
7184: TSearchEvent', 'Proc ( ARows : TStrings; var Accept :Bool)
7185: TUpdateGridEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ARow : Int)
7186: TSizeChangedEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; OldColCount, OldRowCount : Int)
7187: TBeginSortEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; var Col : Int)
7188: TEndSortEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Col : Int)
7189: TGetSortStyleEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Col : integer; var SortStyle : TSortStyle)
7190: TCellValidateEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ACol, ARow :'
7191: + Int; const OldValue :Str; var NewValue :Str; var Valid :Bool)
7192: SIRegister_TSortGrid(CL);
7193: Func ExtendedCompare( const Str1, Str2 :Str) : Int
7194: Func NormalCompare( const Str1, Str2 :Str) : Int
7195: Func DateTimeCompare( const Str1, Str2 :Str) : Int
7196: Func NumericCompare( const Str1, Str2 :Str) : Int
7197: Func TimeCompare( const Str1, Str2 :Str) : Int
7198: //Func Compare( Item1, Item2 : Pointer) : Int
7199: end;
7201: ************************************ Proc Register_IB(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7202: Proc IBAlloc( var P, OldSize, NewSize : Int)
7203: Proc IBError( ErrMess : TIBClientError; const Args : array of const)
7204: Proc IBDataBaseError
7205: Func StatusVector : PISC_STATUS
7206: Func StatusVectorArray : PStatusVector
7207: Func CheckStatusVector( ErrorCodes : array of ISC_STATUS) :Bool
7208: Func StatusVectorAsText :Str
7209: Proc SetIBDataBaseErrorMessages( Value : TIBDataBaseErrorMessages)
7210: Func GetIBDataBaseErrorMessages : TIBDataBaseErrorMessages
7212: //***********************unit uPSI_BoldUtils;***********************************
7213: Func CharCount( c : char; const s :Str) : Int
7214: Func BoldNamesEqual( const name1, name2 :Str) :Bool
7215: Proc BoldAppendToStrings(strings:TStrings; const aString:str;const ForceNewLine:Bool)
7216: Func BoldSeparateStringList(strings:TStringList;const Separatr,PreString,PostString:Str)Str
7217: Func BoldSeparatedAppend( const S1, S2 :Str; const Separator :Str) :Str
7218: Func BoldTrim( const S :Str) :Str
7219: Func BoldIsPrefix( const S, Prefix :Str) :Bool
7220: Func BoldStrEqual( P1, P2 : PChar; Len : Int) :Bool
7221: Func BoldStrAnsiEqual( P1, P2 : PChar; Len : Int) :Bool
7222: Func BoldAnsiEqual( const S1, S2 :Str) :Bool
7223: Func BoldStrStringEqual( const S1 :Str; P2 : PChar; Len : Int) :Bool
7224: Func BoldCaseIndependentPos( const Substr, S :Str) : Int
7225: //Proc EnumToStrings( aTypeInfo : pTypeInfo; Strings : TStrings)
7226: Func CapitalisedToSpaced( Capitalised :Str) :Str

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7227: Func SpacedToCapitalised( Spaced :Str) :Str

7228: Func BooleanToString( BoolValue :Bool) :Str
7229: Func StringToBoolean( StrValue :Str) :Bool
7230: Func GetUpperLimitForMultiplicity( const Multiplicity :Str) : Int
7231: Func GetLowerLimitForMultiplicity( const Multiplicity :Str) : Int
7232: Func StringListToVarArray( List : TStringList) : variant
7233: Func IsLocalMachine( const Machinename : WideString) :Bool
7234: Func GetComputerNameStr :Str
7235: Func TimeStampComp( const Time1, Time2 : TTimeStamp) : Int
7236: Func BoldStrToDateFmt(const S:str;const DateFormat:str;const DateSeparatorChar:char):TDateTime
7237: Func BoldDateToStrFmt(const aDate:TDateTime;DateFormat:str;const DateSeparatorChar:char):Str;
7238: Func BoldParseFormattedDateList(const value:str;const formats:TStrings;var Date:TDateTime):Boolean;
7239: Func BoldParseFormattedDate(const value:str;const formats:array of string; var Date:TDateTime):Boolean;
7240: Proc EnsureTrailing( var Str :Str; ch : char)
7241: Func BoldDirectoryExists( const Name :Str) :Bool
7242: Func BoldForceDirectories( Dir :Str) :Bool
7243: Func BoldRootRegistryKey :Str
7244: Func GetModuleFileNameAsString( IncludePath :Bool) :Str
7245: Func BoldVariantToStrings( V : OleVariant; Strings : TStrings) : Int
7246: Func LogicalAnd( A, B : Int) :Bool
7247: record TByHandleFileInformation dwFileAttributes: DWORD; '
7248: +ftCreationTime : TFileTime; ftLastAccessTime : TFileTime; ftLastWriteTime '
7249: +: TFileTime; dwVolumeSerialNumber : DWORD; nFileSizeHigh : DWORD; nFileSiz'
7250: +eLow : DWORD; nNumberOfLinks : DWORD; nFileIndexHigh : DWORD; nFileIndexLow:DWORD; end
7251: Func GetFileInformationByHandle(hFile:THandle;var lpFileInformation:TByHandleFileInformation):BOOL;
7252: Func IsFirstInstance :Bool
7253: Proc ActivateFirst( AString : PChar)
7254: Proc ActivateFirstCommandLine
7255: Func MakeAckPkt(const BlockNumber: Word):Str;
7256: Proc SendError(UDPBase:TIdUDPBase;APeerIP:str;const APort:Int;const ErrNumb:Word;ErrStr:str;
7257: Proc SendError(UDPClient:TIdUDPClient;const ErrNumber:Word; ErrorString:str);overload;
7258: Proc SendError(UDPBase:TIdUDPBase;APeerIP:str;const APort:Int; E:Exception);overload;
7259: Proc SendError(UDPClient: TIdUDPClient; E: Exception); overload;
7260: Func IdStrToWord(const Value:Str): Word;
7261: Func IdWordToStr(const Value: Word): WordStr;
7262: Func HasInstructionSet( const InstructionSet : TCPUInstructionSet) :Bool
7263: Func CPUFeatures : TCPUFeatures
7265: Proc SIRegister_xrtl_util_CPUUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7266: begin
7267: AddTypeS('TXRTLBitIndex', 'Int
7268: Func XRTLSwapBits( Data :Card; Bit1Index, Bit2Index : TXRTLBitIndex) :Card
7269: Func XRTLBitTest( Data :Card; BitIndex : TXRTLBitIndex) :Bool
7270: Func XRTLBitSet( Data :Card; BitIndex : TXRTLBitIndex) :Card
7271: Func XRTLBitReset( Data :Card; BitIndex : TXRTLBitIndex) :Card
7272: Func XRTLBitComplement( Data :Card; BitIndex : TXRTLBitIndex) :Card
7273: Func XRTLSwapHiLo16( X : Word) : Word
7274: Func XRTLSwapHiLo32( X :Card) :Card
7275: Func XRTLSwapHiLo64( X : Int64) : Int64
7276: Func XRTLROL32( A, S :Card) :Card
7277: Func XRTLROR32( A, S :Card) :Card
7278: Func XRTLROL16( A : Word; S :Card) : Word
7279: Func XRTLROR16( A : Word; S :Card) : Word
7280: Func XRTLROL8( A : Byte; S :Card) : Byte
7281: Func XRTLROR8( A : Byte; S :Card) : Byte
7282: //Proc XRTLXorBlock( I1, I2, O1 : PByteArray; Len : Int)
7283: //Proc XRTLIncBlock( P : PByteArray; Len : Int)
7284: Proc XRTLUMul64( const A, B : Int; var MulL, MulH : Int)
7285: Func XRTLPopulation( A :Card):Card
7286: end;
7287: Func XRTLURLDecode( const ASrc : WideString) : WideString
7288: Func XRTLURLEncode( const ASrc : WideString) : WideString
7289: Func XRTLURINormalize( const AURI : WideString) : WideString
7290: Proc XRTLURIParse(const AURI:WideString;var VProtocol,VHost,VPath,VDocument,VPort,VBookmark,VUserName,
7291: Func XRTLExtractLongPathName(APath:Str):Str;
7293: Proc SIRegister_cFundamentUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7294: begin
7295: Int8', 'ShortInt
7296: AddTypeS('Int16', 'SmallInt
7297: Int32', 'LongInt
7298: UInt8', 'Byte
7299: UInt16', 'Word
7300: UInt32', 'LongWord
7301: UInt64', 'Int64
7302: Word8', 'UInt8
7303: Word16', 'UInt16
7304: Word32', 'UInt32
7305: Word64', 'UInt64
7306: LargeInt', 'Int64
7307: NativeInt', 'Int
7308: AddTypeS('NativeUInt', 'Cardinal
7309: Const('BitsPerByte','LongInt'( 8);
7310: Const('BitsPerWord','LongInt'( 16);
7311: Const('BitsPerLongWord','LongInt'( 32);
7312: //Const('BitsPerCardinal','LongInt'( BytesPerCardinal * 8);
7313: //Const('BitsPerNativeWord','LongInt'( BytesPerNativeWord * 8);
7314: Func MinI( const A,B Int) : Int

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7315: Func MaxI( const A,B:Int) : Int

7316: Func MinC( const A,B:Card) :Card
7317: Func MaxC( const A,B:Card) :Card
7318: Func SumClipI( const A, I : Int) : Int
7319: Func SumClipC( const A :Card; const I : Int) :Card
7320: Func InByteRange( const A : Int64) :Bool
7321: Func InWordRange( const A : Int64) :Bool
7322: Func InLongWordRange( const A : Int64): Bool
7323: Func InShortIntRange( const A : Int64): Bool
7324: Func InSmallIntRange( const A : Int64 : Bool
7325: Func InLongIntRange( const A : Int64) : Bool
7326: AddTypeS('Bool8', 'ByteBool
7327: AddTypeS('Bool16', 'WordBool
7328: AddTypeS('Bool32', 'LongBool
7329: AddTypeS('TCompareResult', '( crLess, crEqual, crGreater, crUndefined )
7330: AddTypeS('TCompareResultSet', 'set of TCompareResult
7331: Func ReverseCompareResult( const C : TCompareResult) : TCompareResult
7332: Const('MinSingle','Single').setExtended( 1.5E-45);
7333: Const('MaxSingle','Single').setExtended( 3.4E+38);
7334: Const('MinDouble','Double').setExtended( 5.0E-324);
7335: Const('MaxDouble','Double').setExtended( 1.7E+308);
7336: Const('MinExtended','Extended').setExtended(3.4E-4932);
7337: Const('MaxExtended','Extended').setExtended(1.1E+4932);
7338: Const('MinCurrency','Currency').SetExtended( - 922337203685477.5807);
7339: Const('MaxCurrency','Currency').SetExtended( 922337203685477.5807);
7340: Func MinF( const A, B : Float) : Float
7341: Func MaxF( const A, B : Float) : Float
7342: Func ClipF( const Value : Float; const Low, High : Float) : Float
7343: Func InSingleRange( const A : Float) :Bool
7344: Func InDoubleRange( const A : Float) :Bool
7345: Func InCurrencyRange( const A : Float) :Bool;
7346: Func InCurrencyRange1( const A : Int64) :Bool;
7347: Func FloatExponentBase2( const A : Extended; var Exponent : Int) :Bool
7348: Func FloatExponentBase10( const A : Extended; var Exponent : Int):Bool
7349: Func FloatIsInfinity( const A : Extended) :Bool
7350: Func FloatIsNaN( const A : Extended) :Bool
7351: Const('SingleCompareDelta','Extended').setExtended( 1.0E-34);
7352: Const('DoubleCompareDelta','Extended').setExtended( 1.0E-280);
7353: Const('ExtendedCompareDelta','Extended').setExtended( 1.0E-4400);
7354: Const('DefaultCompareDelta','Extended').SetExtended( 1.0E-34);
7355: Func FloatZero( const A : Float; const CompareDelta : Float) :Bool
7356: Func FloatOne( const A : Float; const CompareDelta : Float) :Bool
7357: Func FloatsEqual( const A, B : Float; const CompareDelta : Float) :Bool
7358: Func FloatsCompare( const A, B : Float; const CompareDelta : Float) : TCompareResult
7359: Const('SingleCompareEpsilon','Extended').setExtended( 1.0E-5);
7360: Const('DoubleCompareEpsilon','Extended').setExtended( 1.0E-13);
7361: Const('ExtendedCompareEpsilon','Extended').setExtended( 1.0E-17);
7362: Const('DefaultCompareEpsilon','Extended').setExtended( 1.0E-10);
7363: Func ApproxEqual( const A, B : Extended; const CompareEpsilon : Double) :Bool
7364: Func ApproxCompare( const A, B : Extended; const CompareEpsilon : Double): TCompareResult
7365: Func cClearBit( const Value, BitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord
7366: Func cSetBit( const Value, BitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord
7367: Func cIsBitSet( const Value, BitIndex : LongWord) :Bool
7368: Func cToggleBit( const Value, BitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord
7369: Func cIsHighBitSet( const Value : LongWord) :Bool
7370: Func SetBitScanForward( const Value : LongWord) : Int;
7371: Func SetBitScanForward1( const Value, BitIndex : LongWord) : Int;
7372: Func SetBitScanReverse( const Value : LongWord) : Int;
7373: Func SetBitScanReverse1( const Value, BitIndex : LongWord) : Int;
7374: Func ClearBitScanForward( const Value : LongWord) : Int;
7375: Func ClearBitScanForward1( const Value, BitIndex : LongWord) : Int;
7376: Func ClearBitScanReverse( const Value : LongWord) : Int;
7377: Func ClearBitScanReverse1( const Value, BitIndex : LongWord) : Int;
7378: Func cReverseBits( const Value : LongWord) : LongWord;
7379: Func cReverseBits1( const Value : LongWord; const BitCount : Int) : LongWord;
7380: Func cSwapEndian( const Value : LongWord) : LongWord
7381: Func cTwosComplement( const Value : LongWord) : LongWord
7382: Func RotateLeftBits16( const Value : Word; const Bits : Byte) : Word
7383: Func RotateLeftBits32( const Value : LongWord; const Bits : Byte) : LongWord
7384: Func RotateRightBits16( const Value : Word; const Bits : Byte) : Word
7385: Func RotateRightBits32( const Value : LongWord; const Bits : Byte) : LongWord
7386: Func cBitCount( const Value : LongWord) : LongWord
7387: Func cIsPowerOfTwo( const Value : LongWord) :Bool
7388: Func LowBitMask( const HighBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord
7389: Func HighBitMask( const LowBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord
7390: Func RangeBitMask( const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord
7391: Func SetBitRange(const Value:LongWord;const LowBitIndex,HighBitIndex: LongWord): LongWord
7392: Func ClearBitRange(const Value:LongWord;const LowBitIndex,HighBitIndex:LongWord): LongWord
7393: Func ToggleBitRange(const Value:LongWord;const LowBitIndex,HighBitIndex:LongWord):LongWord
7394: Func IsBitRangeSet(const Value:LongWord;const LowBitIndex,HighBitIndex:LongWord):Bool
7395: Func IsBitRangeClear(const Value:LongWord;const LowBitIndex,HighBitIndex:LongWord):Boolean
7396: // AddTypeS('CharSet', 'set of AnsiChar
7397: AddTypeS('CharSet', 'set of Char //!!!
7398: AddTypeS('AnsiCharSet', 'TCharSet
7399: AddTypeS('ByteSet', 'set of Byte
7400: AddTypeS('AnsiChar', 'Char
7401: // Func AsCharSet( const C : array of AnsiChar) : CharSet
7402: Func AsByteSet( const C : array of Byte) : ByteSet
7403: Proc ComplementChar( var C : CharSet; const Ch : Char)

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7404: Proc ClearCharSet( var C : CharSet)

7405: Proc FillCharSet( var C : CharSet)
7406: Proc FillCharSearchRec; // with 0
7407: Proc ComplementCharSet( var C : CharSet)
7408: Proc AssignCharSet( var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet)
7409: Proc Union( var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet)
7410: Proc Difference( var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet)
7411: Proc Intersection( var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet)
7412: Proc XORCharSet( var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet)
7413: Func IsSubSet( const A, B : CharSet) :Bool
7414: //Func IsEqual( const A, B : CharSet) :Bool
7415: Func IsEqualCharset( const A, B : CharSet) :Bool
7416: Func IsEqual( const D1, D2 : TDateTime) :Bool;
7417: Func IsEmpty( const C : CharSet) :Bool
7418: Func IsEmptyCharset( const C : CharSet) :Bool
7419: Func IsComplete( const C : CharSet) :Bool
7420: Func cCharCount( const C : CharSet) : Int
7421: Proc ConvertCaseInsensitive( var C : CharSet)
7422: Func CaseInsensitiveCharSet( const C : CharSet) : CharSet
7423: Func IntRangeLength( const Low, High : Int) : Int64
7424: Func IntRangeAdjacent( const Low1, High1, Low2, High2 : Int) :Bool
7425: Func IntRangeOverlap( const Low1, High1, Low2, High2 : Int) :Bool
7426: Func IntRangeHasElement( const Low, High, Element : Int) :Bool
7427: Func IntRangeIncludeElement( var Low, High : Int; const Element : Int) :Bool
7428: Func IntRangeIncludeElementRange(var Low,High:Int;const LowElement,HighElement:Int):Boolean
7429: Func CardRangeLength( const Low, High :Card) : Int64
7430: Func CardRangeAdjacent( const Low1, High1, Low2, High2 :Card) :Bool
7431: Func CardRangeOverlap( const Low1, High1, Low2, High2 :Card) :Bool
7432: Func CardRangeHasElement( const Low, High, Element :Card) :Bool
7433: Func CardRangeIncludeElement( var Low, High :Card; const Element :Card) :Bool
7434: Func CardRangeIncludeElementRange(var Low,High:Card;const LowElement,HighElemnt:Card):Bool;
7435: AddTypeS('UnicodeChar', 'WideChar
7436: Func Compare( const I1, I2 :Bool) : TCompareResult;
7437: Func Compare1( const I1, I2 : Int) : TCompareResult;
7438: Func Compare2( const I1, I2 : Int64) : TCompareResult;
7439: Func Compare3( const I1, I2 : Extended) :TCompareResult;
7440: Func CompareA( const I1, I2 : Ansistr): TCompareResult
7441: Func CompareW( const I1, I2 : WideString): TCompareResult
7442: Func cSgn( const A : LongInt) : Int;
7443: Func cSgn1( const A : Int64) : Int;
7444: Func cSgn2( const A : Extended) : Int;
7445: AddTypeS('TConvertResult', '( convertOK, convertFormatError, convertOverflow )
7446: Func AnsiCharToInt( const A : AnsiChar) : Int
7447: Func WideCharToInt( const A : WideChar) : Int
7448: Func CharToInt( const A : Char) : Int
7449: Func IntToAnsiChar( const A : Int) : AnsiChar
7450: Func IntToWideChar( const A : Int) : WideChar
7451: Func IntToChar( const A : Int) : Char
7452: Func IsHexAnsiChar( const Ch : AnsiChar) :Bool
7453: Func IsHexWideChar( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
7454: Func IsHexChar( const Ch : Char) :Bool
7455: Func HexAnsiCharToInt( const A : AnsiChar) : Int
7456: Func HexWideCharToInt( const A : WideChar) : Int
7457: Func HexCharToInt( const A : Char) : Int
7458: Func IntToUpperHexAnsiChar( const A : Int) : AnsiChar
7459: Func IntToUpperHexWideChar( const A : Int) : WideChar
7460: Func IntToUpperHexChar( const A : Int) : Char
7461: Func IntToLowerHexAnsiChar( const A : Int) : AnsiChar
7462: Func IntToLowerHexWideChar( const A : Int) : WideChar
7463: Func IntToLowerHexChar( const A : Int) : Char
7464: Func IntToStringA( const A : Int64) : Ansistr
7465: Func IntToStringW( const A : Int64) : WideString
7466: Func IntToString( const A : Int64) :Str
7467: Func UIntToStringA( const A : NativeUInt) : Ansistr
7468: Func UIntToStringW( const A : NativeUInt) : WideString
7469: Func UIntToString( const A : NativeUInt) :Str
7470: Func LongWordToStrA( const A : LongWord; const Digits : Int) : Ansistr
7471: Func LongWordToStrW( const A : LongWord; const Digits : Int) : WideString
7472: Func LongWordToStrU( const A : LongWord; const Digits : Int) : UnicodeString
7473: Func LongWordToStr( const A : LongWord; const Digits : Int) :Str
7474: Func LongWordToHexA(const A:LongWord;const Digits:Int;const UpperCase:Bool):Ansistr;
7475: Func LongWordToHexW(const A:LongWord;const Digits:Int;const UpperCase:Bool):WideString;
7476: Func LongWordToHex( const A : LongWord; const Digits : Int;const UpperCase:Boolean):str
7477: Func LongWordToOctA( const A : LongWord; const Digits : Int) : Ansistr
7478: Func LongWordToOctW( const A : LongWord; const Digits : Int) : WideString
7479: Func LongWordToOct( const A : LongWord; const Digits : Int) :Str
7480: Func LongWordToBinA( const A : LongWord; const Digits : Int) : Ansistr
7481: Func LongWordToBinW( const A : LongWord; const Digits : Int) : WideString
7482: Func LongWordToBin( const A : LongWord; const Digits : Int) :Str
7483: Func TryStringToInt64A( const S : Ansistr; out A : Int64) :Bool
7484: Func TryStringToInt64W( const S : WideString; out A : Int64) :Bool
7485: Func TryStringToInt64( const S :Str; out A : Int64) :Bool
7486: Func StringToInt64DefA( const S : Ansistr; const Default : Int64): Int64
7487: Func StringToInt64DefW( const S : WideString; const Default : Int64): Int64
7488: Func StringToInt64Def( const S :Str; const Default : Int64) : Int64
7489: Func StringToInt64A( const S : Ansistr) : Int64
7490: Func StringToInt64W( const S : WideString) : Int64
7491: Func StringToInt64( const S :Str) : Int64
7492: Func TryStringToIntA( const S : Ansistr; out A : Int) :Bool

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7493: Func TryStringToIntW( const S : WideString; out A : Int) :Bool

7494: Func TryStringToInt( const S :Str; out A : Int) :Bool
7495: Func StringToIntDefA( const S : Ansistr; const Default : Int) : Int
7496: Func StringToIntDefW( const S : WideString; const Default : Int) : Int
7497: Func StringToIntDef( const S :Str; const Default : Int) : Int
7498: Func StringToIntA( const S : Ansistr) : Int
7499: Func StringToIntW( const S : WideString) : Int
7500: Func StringToInt( const S :Str) : Int
7501: Func TryStringToLongWordA( const S : Ansistr; out A : LongWord) :Bool
7502: Func TryStringToLongWordW( const S : WideString; out A : LongWord) :Bool
7503: Func TryStringToLongWord( const S :Str; out A : LongWord) :Bool
7504: Func StringToLongWordA( const S : Ansistr) : LongWord
7505: Func StringToLongWordW( const S : WideString) : LongWord
7506: Func StringToLongWord( const S :Str) : LongWord
7507: Func HexToUIntA( const S : Ansistr) : NativeUInt
7508: Func HexToUIntW( const S : WideString) : NativeUInt
7509: Func HexToUInt( const S :Str) : NativeUInt
7510: Func TryHexToLongWordA( const S : Ansistr; out A : LongWord) :Bool
7511: Func TryHexToLongWordW( const S : WideString; out A : LongWord) :Bool
7512: Func TryHexToLongWord( const S :Str; out A : LongWord) :Bool
7513: Func HexToLongWordA( const S : Ansistr) : LongWord
7514: Func HexToLongWordW( const S : WideString) : LongWord
7515: Func HexToLongWord( const S :Str) : LongWord
7516: Func TryOctToLongWordA( const S : Ansistr; out A : LongWord) :Bool
7517: Func TryOctToLongWordW( const S : WideString; out A : LongWord) :Bool
7518: Func TryOctToLongWord( const S :Str; out A : LongWord) :Bool
7519: Func OctToLongWordA( const S : Ansistr) : LongWord
7520: Func OctToLongWordW( const S : WideString) : LongWord
7521: Func OctToLongWord( const S :Str) : LongWord
7522: Func TryBinToLongWordA( const S : Ansistr; out A : LongWord) :Bool
7523: Func TryBinToLongWordW( const S : WideString; out A : LongWord) :Bool
7524: Func TryBinToLongWord( const S :Str; out A : LongWord) :Bool
7525: Func BinToLongWordA( const S : Ansistr) : LongWord
7526: Func BinToLongWordW( const S : WideString) : LongWord
7527: Func BinToLongWord( const S :Str) : LongWord
7528: Func FloatToStringA( const A : Extended) : Ansistr
7529: Func FloatToStringW( const A : Extended) : WideString
7530: Func FloatToString( const A : Extended) :Str
7531: Func FloatToStringA( const A : Extended) :Str
7532: Func TryStringToFloatA( const A : Ansistr; out B : Extended) :Bool
7533: Func TryStringToFloatW( const A : WideString; out B : Extended) :Bool
7534: Func TryStringToFloat( const A :Str; out B : Extended) :Bool
7535: Func StringToFloatA( const A : Ansistr) : Extended
7536: Func StringToFloatW( const A : WideString) : Extended
7537: Func StringToFloat( const A :Str) : Extended
7538: Func StringToFloatDefA( const A : Ansistr; const Default : Extended) : Extended
7539: Func StringToFloatDefW( const A : WideString; const Default : Extended) : Extended
7540: Func StringToFloatDef( const A :Str; const Default : Extended) : Extended
7541: Func EncodeBase64(const S,Alphabet:Ansistr;const Pad:Boolean;const PadMultiple:Int;const
7542: Func DecodeBase64( const S, Alphabet:Ansistr;const PadSet:CharSet):Ansistr
7543: unit uPSI_cFundamentUtils;
7544: Const('b64_MIMEBase64',Str).String('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
7545: Const('b64_UUEncode','String').String('!"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_';
7546: Const('b64_XXEncode','String').String('+-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
7547: Const('CCHARSET','Stringb64_XXEncode);
7548: Const('CHEXSET','String'0123456789ABCDEF
7549: Const('HEXDIGITS','String'0123456789ABCDEF
7550: StHexDigits : array[0..$F] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF';
7551: Const('DIGISET','String'0123456789
7553: Const('DIGISET2','TCharset').SetSet('0123456789'
7555: Const('HEXSET2','TCharset').SetSET('0123456789ABCDEF;
7556: Const('NUMBERSET','TCharset').SetSet('0123456789;
7557: Const('NUMBERS','String'0123456789;
7559: Const('NUMBLETTS','String').SetString('0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ;
7561: Func CharSetToStr( const C : CharSet) : Ansistr
7562: Func StrToCharSet( const S : Ansistr) : CharSet
7563: Func MIMEBase64Decode( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
7564: Func MIMEBase64Encode( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
7565: Func UUDecode( const S: Ansistr) : Ansistr
7566: Func XXDecode( const S Ansistr) : Ansistr
7567: Func BytesToHex( const P : array of Byte; const UpperCase :Bool) : Ansistr
7568: Func InterfaceToStrA( const I : IInterface) : Ansistr
7569: Func InterfaceToStrW( const I : IInterface) : WideString
7570: Func InterfaceToStr( const I : IInterface) :Str
7571: Func ObjectClassName( const O : TObject) :Str
7572: Func ClassClassName( const C : TClass) :Str
7573: Func ObjectToStr( const O : TObject) :Str
7574: Func ObjectToString( const O : TObject) :Str
7575: Func CharSetToStr( const C : CharSet) : Ansistr
7576: Func StrToCharSet( const S : Ansistr) : CharSet
7577: Func HashStrA(const S : Ansistr; const Index : Int; const Count: Int;const AsciiCaseSensitive :Bool;
const Slots : LongWord) : LongWord
7578: Func HashStrW(const S:WideString;const Index:Int;const Count:Int;const AsciiCaseSensitive:Bool;const

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7579: Func HashStr(const S:str;const Index:Int;const Count:Int;const AsciiCaseSensitive:Bool;const Slots:

7580: Func HashInt( const I : Int; const Slots : LongWord) : LongWord
7581: Func HashLongWord( const I : LongWord; const Slots : LongWord) : LongWord
7582: Const('Bytes1KB','LongInt'( 1024);
7583: SIRegister_IInterface(CL);
7584: Proc SelfTestCFundamentUtils
7586: Func CreateSchedule : IJclSchedule
7587: Func NullStamp : TTimeStamp
7588: Func CompareTimeStamps(const Stamp1, Stamp2 : TTimeStamp) : Int64
7589: Func EqualTimeStamps(const Stamp1, Stamp2 : TTimeStamp) :Bool
7590: Func IsNullTimeStamp(const Stamp : TTimeStamp) :Bool
7592: Proc SIRegister_uwinplot(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7593: begin
7594: AddTypeS(TFunc', 'function(X : Float) : Float;
7595: Func InitGraphics( Width, Height : Int) :Bool
7596: Proc SetWindow( Canvas : TCanvas; X1, X2, Y1, Y2 : Int; GraphBorder :Bool)
7597: Proc SetOxScale( Scale : TScale; OxMin, OxMax, OxStep : Float)
7598: Proc SetOyScale( Scale : TScale; OyMin, OyMax, OyStep : Float)
7599: Proc GetOxScale( var Scale : TScale; var OxMin, OxMax, OxStep : Float)
7600: Proc GetOyScale( var Scale : TScale; var OyMin, OyMax, OyStep : Float)
7601: Proc SetGraphTitle( Title :Str)
7602: Proc SetOxTitle( Title :Str)
7603: Proc SetOyTitle( Title :Str)
7604: Func GetGraphTitle :Str
7605: Func GetOxTitle :Str
7606: Func GetOyTitle :Str
7607: Proc PlotOxAxis( Canvas : TCanvas)
7608: Proc PlotOyAxis( Canvas : TCanvas)
7609: Proc PlotGrid( Canvas : TCanvas; Grid : TGrid)
7610: Proc WriteGraphTitle( Canvas : TCanvas)
7611: Func SetMaxCurv( NCurv : Byte) :Bool
7612: Proc SetPointParam( CurvIndex, Symbol, Size : Int; Color : TColor)
7613: Proc SetLineParam(CurvIndex: Int; Style : TPenStyle; Width : Int; Color : TColor)
7614: Proc SetCurvLegend( CurvIndex : Int; Legend :Str)
7615: Proc SetCurvStep( CurvIndex, Step : Int)
7616: Func GetMaxCurv : Byte
7617: Proc GetPointParam( CurvIndex : Int; var Symbol, Size : Int; var Color : TColor)
7618: Proc GetLineParam(CurvIndex:Int;var Style:TPenStyle;var Width:Int;var Color:TColor);
7619: Func GetCurvLegend( CurvIndex : Int) :Str
7620: Func GetCurvStep( CurvIndex : Int) : Int
7621: Proc PlotPoint( Canvas : TCanvas; X, Y : Float; CurvIndex : Int)
7622: Proc PlotCurve( Canvas : TCanvas; X, Y : TVector; Lb, Ub, CurvIndex : Int)
7623: Proc PlotCurveWithErrorBars(Canvas : TCanvas; X,Y,S: TVector; Ns,Lb,Ub,CurvIndex:Int)
7624: Proc PlotFunc(Canvas: TCanvas; Func: TFunc; Xmin,Xmax: Float; Npt,CurvIndex: Int)
7625: Proc WriteLegend( Canvas : TCanvas; NCurv : Int; ShowPoints, ShowLines :Bool)
7626: Proc ConRec( Canvas : TCanvas; Nx, Ny, Nc : Int; X, Y, Z : TVector; F : TMatrix)
7627: Func Xpixel(X:Float) : Int
7628: Func Ypixel(Y:Float) : Int
7629: Func Xuser( X:Int) : Float
7630: Func Yuser( Y:Int) : Float
7631: end;
7633: Proc FFT( NumSamples : Int; InArray, OutArray : TCompVector)
7634: Proc IFFT( NumSamples : Int; InArray, OutArray : TCompVector)
7635: Proc FFT_Int( NumSamples : Int; RealIn, ImagIn : TIntVector; OutArray : TCompVector)
7636: Proc FFT_Int_Cleanup
7637: Proc CalcFrequency(NumSamples,FrequencyIndex: Int;InArray: TCompVector;var FT : Complex)
7638: //unit uPSI_JclStreams;
7639: Func StreamSeek(Stream: TStream; const Offset: Int64; const Origin : TSeekOrigin) : Int64
7640: Func StreamCopy( Source : TStream; Dest : TStream; BufferSize : Int) : Int64
7641: Func CompareStreams( A, B : TStream; BufferSize : Int) :Bool
7642: Func JCompareFiles( const FileA, FileB : TFileName; BufferSize : Int) :Bool
7644: Proc SIRegister_FmxUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7645: begin
7646: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EInvalidDest
7647: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EFCantMove
7648: Proc fmxCopyFile( const FileName, DestName :Str)
7649: Proc fmxMoveFile( const FileName, DestName :Str)
7650: Func fmxGetFileSize( const FileName :Str) : LongInt
7651: Func fmxFileDateTime( const FileName :Str) : TDateTime
7652: Func fmxHasAttr( const FileName :Str; Attr : Word) :Bool
7653: Func fmxExecuteFile( const FileName, Params, DefaultDir:Str; ShowCmd : Int):THandle;
7654: end;
7656: Proc SIRegister_FindFileIter(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7657: begin
7658: SIRegister_IFindFileIterator(CL);
7659: Func CreateFindFile(const Path:str; IncludeAttr:Int;out iffi:IFindFileIterator):Bool;
7660: end;
7662: Proc SIRegister_PCharUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7663: begin
7664: Func SkipWhite( cp : PChar) : PChar
7665: Func ReadStringDoubleQuotedMaybe( cp : PChar; var AStr :Str) : PChar
7666: Func ReadStringSingleQuotedMaybe( cp : PChar; var AStr :Str) : PChar

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7667: Func ReadIdent( cp : PChar; var ident :Str) : PChar

7668: end;
7670: Proc SIRegister_JclStrHashMap(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7671: begin
7672: SIRegister_TStringHashMapTraits(CL);
7673: Func CaseSensitiveTraits : TStringHashMapTraits
7674: Func CaseInsensitiveTraits : TStringHashMapTraits
7675: THashNode','record Str:str;Ptr:Pointer; Left:PHashNode;Right:PHashNode;end
7676: //PHashArray', '^THashArray // will not work
7677: SIRegister_TStringHashMap(CL);
7678: THashValue', 'Cardinal
7679: Func StrHash( const s :Str) : THashValue
7680: Func TextHash( const s :Str) : THashValue
7681: Func DataHash( var AValue, ASize :Card) : THashValue
7682: Func Iterate_FreeObjects(AUserData:Pointer;const AStr:str; var AData:Pointer):Boolean
7683: Func Iterate_Dispose(AUserData: Pointer;const AStr:str; var AData: Pointer):Bool
7684: Func Iterate_FreeMem(AUserData: Pointer;const AStr:str; var AData Pointer):Bool
7685: SIRegister_TCaseSensitiveTraits(CL);
7686: SIRegister_TCaseInsensitiveTraits(CL);
7687: //**********************************************************unit uPSI_umath;
7688: Func uExpo( X : Float) : Float
7689: Func uExp2( X : Float) : Float
7690: Func uExp10( X : Float) : Float
7691: Func uLog( X : Float) : Float
7692: Func uLog2( X : Float) : Float
7693: Func uLog10( X : Float) : Float
7694: Func uLogA( X, A : Float) : Float
7695: Func uIntPower( X : Float; N : Int): Float
7696: Func uPower( X, Y : Float) : Float
7697: Func SgnGamma( X : Float) : Int
7698: Func Stirling( X : Float) : Float
7699: Func StirLog( X : Float) : Float
7700: Func Gamma( X : Float) : Float
7701: Func LnGamma( X : Float) : Float
7702: Func DiGamma( X : Float) : Float
7703: Func TriGamma( X : Float) : Float
7704: Func IGamma( X : Float) : Float
7705: Func JGamma( X : Float) : Float
7706: Func InvGamma( X : Float) : Float
7707: Func Erf( X : Float) : Float
7708: Func Erfc( X : Float) : Float
7709: Func Correl(X, Y : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int) : Float;
7710: { Correlation coefficient between samples X and Y }
7711: Func DBeta(A, B, X : Float) : Float;
7712: { Density of Beta distribution with parameters A and B }
7713: Func LambertW( X : Float; UBranch, Offset :Bool) : Float
7714: Func Beta(X, Y : Float) : Float
7715: Func Binomial( N, K : Int) : Float
7716: Func PBinom( N : Int; P : Float; K : Int) : Float
7717: Proc Cholesky( A, L : TMatrix; Lb, Ub : Int)
7718: Proc LU_Decomp( A : TMatrix; Lb, Ub : Int)
7719: Proc LU_Solve( A : TMatrix; B : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; X : TVector)
7720: Func DNorm( X : Float) : Float
7721: Func DGamma(A, B, X : Float) : Float;
7722: { Density of Gamma distribution with parameters A and B }
7723: Func DKhi2(Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float;
7724: { Density of Khi-2 distribution with Nu d.o.f. }
7725: Func DStudent(Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float;
7726: { Density of Student distribution with Nu d.o.f. }
7727: Func DSnedecor(Nu1, Nu2 : Int; X : Float) : Float;
7728: { Density of Fisher-Snedecor distribution with Nu1 and Nu2 d.o.f. }
7729: Func IBeta(A, B, X : Float) : Float;
7730: { Incomplete Beta function}
7731: Func Correl(X, Y : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int) : Float;
7733: Proc SIRegister_unlfit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7734: begin Proc SetOptAlgo( Algo : TOptAlgo)
7735: Proc SetOptAlgo(Algo : TOptAlgo);
7736: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
7737: Sets the optimization algorithm according to Algo, which must be
7738: NL_MARQ, NL_SIMP, NL_BFGS, NL_SA, NL_GA. Default is NL_MARQ }
7739: Func GetOptAlgo : TOptAlgo
7740: Proc SetMaxParam( N : Byte)
7741: Func GetMaxParam : Byte
7742: Proc SetParamBounds( I : Byte; ParamMin, ParamMax : Float)
7743: Proc GetParamBounds( I : Byte; var ParamMin, ParamMax : Float)
7744: Func NullParam( B : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int) :Bool
7745: Proc NLFit(RegFunc:TRegFunc;DerivProc:TDerivProc;X,Y:TVector;Lb Ub:Int;MaxIter:Int;Tol:
7746: Proc WNLFit(RegFunc:TRegFunc;DerivProc:TDerivProc;X,Y,S:TVector;Lb,Ub:Int;MaxIter:Int;Tol
7747: Proc SetMCFile( FileName :Str)
7748: Proc SimFit(RegFunc:TRegFunc;X,Y:TVector;Lb,Ub:Int;B:TVector;FirstPar,LastPar:Int;V:TMatrix;
7749: Proc WSimFit(RegFunc:TRegFunc;X,Y,S:TVector;Lb,Ub:Int;B:TVector;FirstPar,LastPar:Int;V:TMatrix);
7750: end;
7752: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
7753: Proc SIRegister_usimplex(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

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7754: begin
7755: Proc SaveSimplex( FileName :Str)
7756: Proc Simplex(Func:TFuncNVar;X:TVector;Lb,Ub:Int; MaxIter:Int;Tol:Float;var F_min:Float);
7757: end;
7758: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
7759: Proc SIRegister_uregtest(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7760: begin
7761: Proc RegTest(Y,Ycalc:TVector;LbY,UbY:Int;V:TMatrix;LbV,UbV:Int;var Test:TRegTest)
7762: Proc WRegTest(Y,Ycalc,S:TVector;LbY,UbY:Int;V:TMatrix;LbV,UbV:Int;var Test:TRegTest);
7763: end;
7765: Proc SIRegister_ustrings(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7766: begin
7767: Func LTrim( S:Str) :Str
7768: Func RTrim( S:Str) :Str
7769: Func uTrim( S:Str) :Str
7770: Func StrChar(N : Byte; C : Char) :Str
7771: Func RFill( S:Str; L : Byte) :Str
7772: Func LFill( S:Str; L : Byte) :Str
7773: Func CFill( S:Str; L : Byte) :Str
7774: Func Replace(S :Str; C1, C2 : Char) :Str
7775: Func Extract(S :Str; var Index : Byte; Delim : Char) :Str
7776: Proc Parse( S :Str; Delim : Char; Field : TStrVector; var N : Byte)
7777: Proc SetFormat( NumLength, MaxDec : Int; FloatPoint, NSZero :Bool)
7778: Func FloatStr( X : Float) :Str
7779: Func IntStr( N : LongInt) :Str
7780: Func uCompStr( Z : Complex) :Str
7781: end;
7783: Proc SIRegister_uhyper(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7784: begin
7785: Func uSinh( X : Float) : Float
7786: Func uCosh( X : Float) : Float
7787: Func uTanh( X : Float) : Float
7788: Func uArcSinh( X : Float) : Float
7789: Func uArcCosh( X : Float) : Float
7790: Func ArcTanh( X : Float) : Float
7791: Proc SinhCosh( X : Float; var SinhX, CoshX : Float)
7792: end;
7794: Proc SIRegister_urandom(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7795: begin
7796: type RNG_Type =
7797: (RNG_MWC, { Multiply-With-Carry }
7798: RNG_MT, { Mersenne Twister }
7799: RNG_UVAG); { Universal Virtual Array Generator }
7800: Proc SetRNG( RNG : RNG_Type)
7801: Proc InitGen( Seed : RNG_IntType)
7802: Proc SRand( Seed : RNG_IntType)
7803: Func IRanGen : RNG_IntType
7804: Func IRanGen31 : RNG_IntType
7805: Func RanGen1 : Float
7806: Func RanGen2 : Float
7807: Func RanGen3 : Float
7808: Func RanGen53 : Float
7809: end;
7811: // Optimization by Simulated Annealing
7812: Proc SIRegister_usimann(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7813: begin
7814: Proc InitSAParams( NT, NS, NCycles : Int; RT : Float)
7815: Proc SA_CreateLogFile( FileName :Str)
7816: Proc SimAnn(Func: TFuncNVar; X,Xmin,Xmax: TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; var F_min : Float);
7817: end;
7819: Proc SIRegister_uranuvag(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7820: begin
7821: Proc InitUVAGbyString( KeyPhrase :Str)
7822: Proc InitUVAG( Seed : RNG_IntType)
7823: Func IRanUVAG : RNG_IntType
7824: end;
7826: Proc SIRegister_ugenalg(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7827: begin
7828: Proc InitGAParams( NP, NG : Int; SR, MR, HR : Float)
7829: Proc GA_CreateLogFile( LogFileName :Str)
7830: Proc GenAlg(Func: TFuncNVar; X,Xmin,Xmax : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; var F_min : Float);
7831: end;
7833: TVector', 'array of Float
7834: Proc SIRegister_uqsort(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7835: begin
7836: Proc QSort( X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int)
7837: Proc DQSort( X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int)
7838: end;
7840: Proc SIRegister_uinterv(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7841: begin
7842: Proc Interval( X1, X2 : Float; MinDiv, MaxDiv : Int; var Min, Max, Step : Float)

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7843: Proc AutoScale(X: TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; Scale : TScale; var XMin, XMax, XStep:Float)
7844: end;
7846: Proc SIRegister_D2XXUnit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7847: begin
7848: FT_Result', 'Int
7849: //TDWordptr', '^DWord // will not work
7850: TFT_Program_Data', 'record Signature1 : DWord; Signature2 : DWor'
7851: d; Version : DWord; VendorID : Word; ProductID : Word; Manufacturer : PCha'
7852: r; ManufacturerID : PChar; Description : PChar; SerialNumber : PChar; MaxP'
7853: ower : Word; PnP : Word; SelfPowered : Word; RemoteWakeup : Word; Rev4 : B'
7854: yte; IsoIn : Byte; IsoOut : Byte; PullDownEnable : Byte; SerNumEnable : By'
7855: te; USBVersionEnable : Byte; USBVersion : Word; Rev5 : Byte; IsoInA : Byte'
7856: ; IsoInB : Byte; IsoOutA : Byte; IsoOutB : Byte; PullDownEnable5 : Byte; S'
7857: erNumEnable5 : Byte; USBVersionEnable5 : Byte; USBVersion5 : Word; AIsHigh'
7858: Current : Byte; BIsHighCurrent : Byte; IFAIsFifo : Byte; IFAIsFifoTar : By'
7859: te; IFAIsFastSer : Byte; AIsVCP : Byte; IFBIsFifo : Byte; IFBIsFifoTar : B'
7860: yte; IFBIsFastSer : Byte; BIsVCP : Byte; UseExtOsc : Byte; HighDriveIOs : '
7861: Byte; EndpointSize : Byte; PullDownEnableR : Byte; SerNumEnableR : Byte; I'
7862: nvertTXD : Byte; InvertRXD : Byte; InvertRTS : Byte; InvertCTS : Byte; Inv'
7863: ertDTR : Byte; InvertDSR : Byte; InvertDCD : Byte; InvertRI : Byte; Cbus0 '
7864: : Byte; Cbus1 : Byte; Cbus2 : Byte; Cbus3 : Byte; Cbus4 : Byte; RIsVCP : B'
7865: yte; end
7866: end;
7868: //*************************************** PaintFX****************************
7869: Proc SIRegister_TJvPaintFX(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7870: begin
7871: //with RegClassS(CL,'TComponent', 'TJvPaintFX') do
7872: with AddClassN(FindClass('TComponent'),'TJvPaintFX') do begin
7873: Proc Solarize( const Src : TBitmap; var Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7874: Proc Posterize( const Src : TBitmap; var Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7875: Proc Blend( const Src1, Src2 : TBitmap; var Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Single)
7876: Proc Blend2( const Src1, Src2 : TBitmap; var Dst : TBitmap; Amount: Single)
7877: Proc ExtractColor( const Dst : TBitmap; AColor : TColor)
7878: Proc ExcludeColor( const Dst : TBitmap; AColor : TColor)
7879: Proc Turn( Src, Dst : TBitmap)
7880: Proc TurnRight( Src, Dst : TBitmap)
7881: Proc HeightMap( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7882: Proc TexturizeTile( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7883: Proc TexturizeOverlap( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7884: Proc RippleRandom( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7885: Proc RippleTooth( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7886: Proc RippleTriangle( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7887: Proc Triangles( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7888: Proc DrawMandelJulia(const Dst:TBitmap;x0,y0,x1,y1:Single;Niter:Int;Mandel:Bool)
7889: Proc FilterXBlue( const Dst : TBitmap; Min, Max : Int)
7890: Proc FilterXGreen( const Dst : TBitmap; Min, Max : Int)
7891: Proc FilterXRed( const Dst : TBitmap; Min, Max : Int)
7892: Proc FilterBlue( const Dst : TBitmap; Min, Max : Int)
7893: Proc FilterGreen( const Dst : TBitmap; Min, Max : Int)
7894: Proc FilterRed( const Dst : TBitmap; Min, Max : Int)
7895: Proc Emboss( var Bmp : TBitmap)
7896: Proc Plasma( Src1, Src2, Dst : TBitmap; Scale, Turbulence : Single)
7897: Proc Shake( Src, Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Single)
7898: Proc ShakeDown( Src, Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Single)
7899: Proc KeepBlue( const Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Single)
7900: Proc KeepGreen( const Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Single)
7901: Proc KeepRed( const Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Single)
7902: Proc Mandelbrot( const Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Int)
7903: Proc MaskMandelbrot( const Dst : TBitmap; Factor : Int)
7904: Proc FoldRight( Src1, Src2, Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Single)
7905: Proc QuartoOpaque( Src, Dst : TBitmap)
7906: Proc SemiOpaque( Src, Dst : TBitmap)
7907: Proc ShadowDownLeft( const Dst : TBitmap)
7908: Proc ShadowDownRight( const Dst : TBitmap)
7909: Proc ShadowUpLeft( const Dst : TBitmap)
7910: Proc ShadowUpRight( const Dst : TBitmap)
7911: Proc Darkness( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7912: Proc Trace( const Dst : TBitmap; Intensity : Int)
7913: Proc FlipRight( const Dst : TBitmap)
7914: Proc FlipDown( const Dst : TBitmap)
7915: Proc SpotLight( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int; Spot : TRect)
7916: Proc SplitLight( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7917: Proc MakeSeamlessClip( var Dst : TBitmap; Seam : Int)
7918: Proc Wave( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount, Inference, Style : Int)
7919: Proc Mosaic( const Bm : TBitmap; Size : Int)
7920: Proc SmoothRotate( var Src, Dst : TBitmap; CX, CY : Int; Angle : Single)
7921: Proc SmoothResize( var Src, Dst : TBitmap)
7922: Proc Twist( var Bmp, Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7923: Proc SplitBlur( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7924: Proc GaussianBlur( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7925: Proc Smooth( const Dst : TBitmap; Weight : Int)
7926: Proc GrayScale( const Dst : TBitmap)
7927: Proc AddColorNoise( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7928: Proc AddMonoNoise( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7929: Proc Contrast( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7930: Proc Lightness( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7931: Proc Saturation( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)

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7932: Proc Spray( const Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)

7933: Proc AntiAlias( const Dst : TBitmap)
7934: Proc AntiAliasRect( const Dst : TBitmap; XOrigin, YOrigin, XFinal, YFinal : Int)
7935: Proc SmoothPoint( const Dst : TBitmap; XK, YK : Int)
7936: Proc FishEye( var Bmp, Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Single)
7937: Proc Marble(const Src:TBitmap; var Dst:TBitmap;Scale:Single;Turbulence:Int)
7938: Proc Marble2(const Src:TBitmap;var Dst:TBitmap;Scale:Single;Turbulence:Int)
7939: Proc Marble3(const Src:TBitmap;var Dst:TBitmap;Scale:Single;Turbulence:Int)
7940: Proc Marble4(const Src:TBitmap;var Dst:TBitmap;Scale:Single;Turbulence:Int)
7941: Proc Marble5(const Src:TBitmap;var Dst:TBitmap;Scale:Single;Turbulence:Int)
7942: Proc Marble6(const Src:TBitmap;var Dst:TBitmap;Scale:Single;Turbulence:Int)
7943: Proc Marble7(const Src:TBitmap;var Dst:TBitmap;Scale:Single;Turbulence:Int)
7944: Proc Marble8(const Src:TBitmap;var Dst:TBitmap;Scale:Single;Turbulence:Int)
7945: Proc SqueezeHor( Src, Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int; Style : TLightBrush)
7946: Proc SplitRound( Src, Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int; Style : TLightBrush)
7947: Proc Tile( Src, Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Int)
7948: Proc Stretch( Src, Dst : TBitmap; Filter : TFilterProc; AWidth : Single)
7949: Proc Grow( Src1, Src2, Dst : TBitmap; Amount : Single; X, Y : Int)
7950: Proc Invert( Src : TBitmap)
7951: Proc MirrorRight( Src : TBitmap)
7952: Proc MirrorDown( Src : TBitmap)
7953: end;
7954: end;
7956: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
7957: Proc SIRegister_JvPaintFX(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7958: begin
7959: AddTypeS('TLightBrush','( lbBrightness, lbContrast, lbSaturation, lbFishe'
7960: +'ye, lbrotate, lbtwist, lbrimple, mbHor, mbTop, mbBottom, mbDiamond, mbWast'
7961: +'e, mbRound, mbRound2, mbSplitRound, mbSplitWaste )
7962: SIRegister_TJvPaintFX(CL);
7963: Func SplineFilter( Value : Single) : Single
7964: Func BellFilter( Value : Single) : Single
7965: Func TriangleFilter( Value : Single) : Single
7966: Func BoxFilter( Value : Single) : Single
7967: Func HermiteFilter( Value : Single) : Single
7968: Func Lanczos3Filter( Value : Single) : Single
7969: Func MitchellFilter( Value : Single) : Single
7970: end;
7972: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
7973: Proc SIRegister_Chart(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
7974: begin
7975: 'TeeMsg_DefaultFunctionName','String 'TeeFunction
7976: TeeMsg_DefaultSeriesName','String 'Series
7977: TeeMsg_DefaultToolName','String 'ChartTool
7978: ChartComponentPalette','String 'TeeChart
7979: TeeMaxLegendColumns',LongInt'( 2);
7980: TeeDefaultLegendSymbolWidth','LongInt'( 20);
7981: TeeTitleFootDistance,LongInt( 5);
7982: SIRegister_TCustomChartWall(CL);
7983: SIRegister_TChartWall(CL);
7984: SIRegister_TChartLegendGradient(CL);
7985: TLegendStyle', '( lsAuto, lsSeries, lsValues, lsLastValues, lsSeriesGroups )
7986: TLegendAlignment', '( laLeft, laRight, laTop, laBottom )
7987: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'LegendException
7988: TOnGetLegendText', 'Proc ( Sender : TCustomAxisPanel; Legen'
7989: +'dStyle : TLegendStyle; Index : Int; var LegendText :Str)
7990: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCustomChartLegend
7991: TLegendSymbolSize', '( lcsPercent, lcsPixels )
7992: TLegendSymbolPosition', '( spLeft, spRight )
7993: TSymbolDrawEvent','Procedure(Sender:TObject;Series:TChartSeries;ValueIndex:Int;R:TRect);
7994: TSymbolCalcHeight', 'Func : Int
7995: SIRegister_TLegendSymbol(CL);
7996: SIRegister_TTeeCustomShapePosition(CL);
7997: TCheckBoxesStyle', '( cbsCheck, cbsRadio )
7998: SIRegister_TLegendTitle(CL);
7999: SIRegister_TLegendItem(CL);
8000: SIRegister_TLegendItems(CL);
8001: TLegendCalcSize', 'Proc ( Sender : TCustomChartLegend; var ASize : Int)
8002: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCustomChart
8003: SIRegister_TCustomChartLegend(CL);
8004: SIRegister_TChartLegend(CL);
8005: SIRegister_TChartTitle(CL);
8006: SIRegister_TChartFootTitle(CL);
8007: TChartClick', 'Procedure(ender:TCustomChart;Button:TMouseButton;Shift:TShiftState;X,Y:Int)
8008: TChartClickAxis', 'Proc ( Sender : TCustomChart; Axis : TCh'
8009: +'artAxis; Button : TMouseButton; Shift : TShiftState; X, Y : Int)
8010: TChartClickSeries', 'Proc ( Sender : TCustomChart; Series :'
8011: +TChartSeries; ValueIndex : Int; Button: TMouseButton; Shift:TShiftState;X,Y:Int)
8012: TChartClickTitle', 'Proc ( Sender : TCustomChart; ATitle : '
8013: +'TChartTitle; Button : TMouseButton; Shift : TShiftState; X, Y : Int)
8014: TOnGetLegendPos', 'Proc (Sender: TCustomChart; Index: Int; var X,Y,XColor:Int)
8015: TOnGetLegendRect', 'Proc ( Sender : TCustomChart; var Rect : TRect)
8016: TAxisSavedScales', 'record Auto:Boolean;AutoMin:Bool;AutoMax:Bool;Min:Double;Max:Double;end
8017: TAllAxisSavedScales', 'array of TAxisSavedScales
8018: SIRegister_TChartBackWall(CL);
8019: SIRegister_TChartRightWall(CL);
8020: SIRegister_TChartBottomWall(CL);

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8021: SIRegister_TChartLeftWall(CL);
8022: SIRegister_TChartWalls(CL);
8023: TChartAllowScrollEvent,Procedure(Sender:TChartAxis;var AMin,AMax:Double;var AllowScroll:Bool);
8024: SIRegister_TCustomChart(CL);
8025: SIRegister_TChart(CL);
8026: SIRegister_TTeeSeriesTypes(CL);
8027: SIRegister_TTeeToolTypes(CL);
8028: SIRegister_TTeeDragObject(CL);
8029: SIRegister_TColorPalettes(CL);
8030: Proc RegisterTeeSeries(ASeriesClass:TChartSeriesClass;ADescription,
8031: Proc RegisterTeeSeries1( ASeriesClass : TChartSeriesClass; ADescription : PString);
8032: Proc RegisterTeeFunction(AFunctClass:TTeeFunctionClass;ADescription,
AGalleryPage:PString;ANumGallerySeries: Int;
8033: Proc RegisterTeeBasicFunction(AFunctionClass: TTeeFunctionClass; ADescription : PString)
8034: Proc RegisterTeeSeriesFunction(ASeriesClass: TChartSeriesClass;AFunctionClass:TTeeFunctionClass;
ADescription,AGalleryPage:PString;ANumGallerySeries:Int;ASubIndex : Int)
8035: Proc UnRegisterTeeSeries( const ASeriesList : array of TChartSeriesClass)
8036: Proc UnRegisterTeeFunctions( const AFunctionList : array of TTeeFunctionClass)
8037: Proc AssignSeries( var OldSeries, NewSeries : TChartSeries)
8038: Func CreateNewTeeFunction(ASeries:TChartSeries;AClass:TTeeFunctionClass): TTeeFunction
8039: Func CreateNewSeries( AOwner: TComponent; AChar :TCustomAxisPanel;AClass : TChartSeriesClass;
AFunctionClass : TTeeFunctionClass) : TChartSeries
8040: Func CloneChartSeries( ASeries : TChartSeries) : TChartSeries;
8041: Func CloneChartSeries1(ASeries: TChartSeries; AChart: TCustomAxisPanel): TChartSeries;
8042: Func CloneChartSeries2(ASeries:TChartSeries;AOwner:TComponent;AChart:TCustomAxisPanel):TChartSeries;;
8043: Func CloneChartTool( ATool : TTeeCustomTool; AOwner : TComponent) : TTeeCustomTool
8044: Func ChangeSeriesType(var ASeries:TChartSeries;NewType:TChartSeriesClass) : TChartSeries
8045: Proc ChangeAllSeriesType( AChart : TCustomChart; AClass : TChartSeriesClass)
8046: Func GetNewSeriesName( AOwner : TComponent) : TComponentName
8047: Proc RegisterTeeTools( const ATools : array of TTeeCustomToolClass)
8048: Proc UnRegisterTeeTools( const ATools : array of TTeeCustomToolClass)
8049: Func GetGallerySeriesName( ASeries : TChartSeries) :Str
8050: Proc PaintSeriesLegend(ASeries:TChartSeries;ACanvas:TCanvas;const R:TRect;ReferenceChart:TCustomChart);
8051: SIRegister_TChartTheme(CL); //TChartThemeClass', 'class of TChartTheme
8052: //TCanvasClass', 'class of TCanvas3D
8053: Func SeriesNameOrIndex( ASeries : TCustomChartSeries) :Str
8054: Func SeriesTitleOrName( ASeries : TCustomChartSeries) :Str
8055: Proc FillSeriesItems( AItems : TStrings; AList : TCustomSeriesList; UseTitles :Bool)
8056: Proc ShowMessageUser( const S :Str)
8057: Func HasNoMandatoryValues( ASeries : TChartSeries) :Bool
8058: Func HasLabels( ASeries : TChartSeries):Bool
8059: Func HasColors( ASeries : TChartSeries):Bool
8060: Func SeriesGuessContents( ASeries : TChartSeries) : TeeFormatFlag
8061: Proc TeeDrawBitmapEditor(Canvas: TCanvas;Element: TCustomChartElement;Left,Top:Int)
8062: end;
8064: Proc SIRegister_TeeProcs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8065: begin
8066: //'TeeFormBorderStyle',' bsNone);
8067: SIRegister_TMetafile(CL);
8068: 'TeeDefVerticalMargin','LongInt'( 4);
8069: 'TeeDefHorizMargin','LongInt'( 3);
8070: 'crTeeHand','LongInt'( TCursor ( 2020 ));
8071: 'TeeMsg_TeeHand','String 'crTeeHand
8072: 'TeeNormalPrintDetail','LongInt'( 0);
8073: 'TeeHighPrintDetail','LongInt'( - 100);
8074: 'TeeDefault_PrintMargin','LongInt'( 15);
8075: 'MaxDefaultColors','LongInt'( 19);
8076: 'TeeTabDelimiter',Char #9);
8077: TDateTimeStep', '( dtOneMicroSecond, dtOneMillisecond, dtOneSeco'
8078: +'nd, dtFiveSeconds, dtTenSeconds, dtFifteenSeconds, dtThirtySeconds, dtOneM'
8079: +'inute, dtFiveMinutes, dtTenMinutes, dtFifteenMinutes, dtThirtyMinutes, dtO'
8080: +'neHour, dtTwoHours, dtSixHours, dtTwelveHours, dtOneDay, dtTwoDays, dtThre'
8081: +'eDays, dtOneWeek, dtHalfMonth, dtOneMonth, dtTwoMonths, dtThreeMonths, dtF'
8082: +'ourMonths, dtSixMonths, dtOneYear, dtNone )
8083: SIRegister_TCustomPanelNoCaption(CL);
8084: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCustomTeePanel
8085: SIRegister_TZoomPanning(CL);
8086: SIRegister_TTeeEvent(CL);
8087: //SIRegister_TTeeEventListeners(CL);
8088: TTeeMouseEventKind', '( meDown, meUp, meMove )
8089: SIRegister_TTeeMouseEvent(CL);
8090: SIRegister_TCustomTeePanel(CL);
8091: //TChartGradient', 'TTeeGradient
8092: //TChartGradientClass', 'class of TChartGradient
8093: TPanningMode', '( pmNone, pmHorizontal, pmVertical, pmBoth )
8094: SIRegister_TTeeZoomPen(CL);
8095: SIRegister_TTeeZoomBrush(CL);
8096: TTeeZoomDirection', '( tzdHorizontal, tzdVertical, tzdBoth )
8097: SIRegister_TTeeZoom(CL);
8098: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCustomTeePanelExtended
8099: TTeeBackImageMode', '( pbmStretch, pbmTile, pbmCenter, pbmCustom )
8100: SIRegister_TBackImage(CL);
8101: SIRegister_TCustomTeePanelExtended(CL);
8102: //TChartBrushClass', 'class of TChartBrush
8103: SIRegister_TTeeCustomShapeBrushPen(CL);
8104: TChartObjectShapeStyle', '( fosRectangle, fosRoundRectangle, fosEllipse )
8105: TTextFormat', '( ttfNormal, ttfHtml )

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8106: SIRegister_TTeeCustomShape(CL);
8107: SIRegister_TTeeShape(CL);
8108: SIRegister_TTeeExportData(CL);
8109: Func TeeStr( const Num : Int) :Str
8110: Func DateTimeDefaultFormat( const AStep : Double) :Str
8111: Func TEEDaysInMonth( Year, Month : Word) : Word
8112: Func FindDateTimeStep( const StepValue : Double) : TDateTimeStep
8113: Func NextDateTimeStep( const AStep : Double) : Double
8114: Func PointInLine( const P : TPoint; const px, py, qx, qy : Int):Bool;
8115: Func PointInLine1( const P, FromPoint, ToPoint : TPoint) :Bool;
8116: Func PointInLine2(const P,FromPoint,ToPoint:TPoint;const TolerancePixels:Int):Boo;
8117: Func PointInLine3( const P : TPoint; const px, py, qx, qy, TolerancePixels:Int):Bool;
8118: Func PointInLineTolerance(const P:TPoint;const px,py,qx,qy,TolerancePixels:Int):Bool;
8119: Func PointInPolygon( const P : TPoint; const Poly : array of TPoint) :Bool
8120: Func PointInTriangle( const P, P0, P1, P2 : TPoint) :Bool;
8121: Func PointInTriangle1( const P : TPoint; X0, X1, Y0, Y1 : Int) :Bool;
8122: Func PointInHorizTriangle( const P : TPoint; Y0, Y1, X0, X1 : Int) :Bool
8123: Func PointInEllipse( const P : TPoint; const Rect : TRect) :Bool;
8124: Func PointInEllipse1( const P: TPoint;Left,Top,Right, Bottom : Int) :Bool;
8125: Func DelphiToLocalFormat( const Format :Str) :Str
8126: Func LocalToDelphiFormat( const Format :Str) :Str
8127: Proc TEEEnableControls(Enable:Bool; const ControlArray : array of TControl)
8128: Func TeeRoundDate(const ADate : TDateTime; AStep : TDateTimeStep) : TDateTime
8129: Proc TeeDateTimeIncrement(IsDateTime:Boolean;Increment:Boolean;var Value:Double;const AnIncrement:Double;
8130: TTeeSortCompare', 'Func ( a, b : Int) : Int
8131: TTeeSortSwap', 'Proc ( a, b : Int)
8132: Proc TeeSort(StartIndex,EndIndex:Int;CompareFunc:TTeeSortCompare;SwapFunc:TTeeSortSwap);
8133: Func TeeGetUniqueName( AOwner : TComponent; const AStartName :Str) :Str
8134: Func TeeExtractField( St :Str; Index : Int) :Str;
8135: Func TeeExtractField1( St :Str; Index : Int; const Separator :Str) :Str;
8136: Func TeeNumFields( St :Str) : Int;
8137: Func TeeNumFields1( const St, Separator :Str) : Int;
8138: Proc TeeGetBitmapEditor( AObject : TObject; var Bitmap : TBitmap)
8139: Proc TeeLoadBitmap( Bitmap : TBitmap; const Name1, Name2 :Str)
8140: // TColorArray', 'array of TColor
8141: Func GetDefaultColor( const Index : Int) : TColor
8142: Proc SetDefaultColorPalette;
8143: Proc SetDefaultColorPalette1( const Palette : array of TColor);
8144: 'TeeCheckBoxSize','LongInt'( 11);
8145: Proc TeeDrawCheckBox(x,y:Int;Canvas:TCanvas;Checked:Bool;ABackColor:TColor;CheckBox:Bool);
8146: Func TEEStrToFloatDef( const S :Str; const Default : Extended) : Extended
8147: Func TryStrToFloat( const S :Str; var Value : Double) :Bool
8148: Func CrossingLines(const X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4: Double; out x, y : Double) :Bool
8149: Proc TeeTranslateControl( AControl : TControl);
8150: Proc TeeTranslateControl1(AControl: TControl;const ExcludeChilds: array of TControl);
8151: Func ReplaceChar(const AString:str;const Search: Char; const Replace : Char) :Str
8152: //Proc RectToFourPoints( const ARect : TRect; const Angle : Double; var P : TFourPoints)
8153: Func TeeAntiAlias( Panel : TCustomTeePanel; ChartRect :Bool) : TBitmap
8154: //Proc DrawBevel(Canvas:TTeeCanvas;Bevel:TPanelBevel;var R:TRect;Width:Int;Round:Int);
8155: //Func ScreenRatio( ACanvas : TCanvas3D) : Double
8156: Func TeeReadBoolOption( const AKey :Str; DefaultValue :Bool) :Bool
8157: Proc TeeSaveBoolOption( const AKey :Str; Value :Bool)
8158: Func TeeReadIntOption( const AKey :Str; DefaultValue : Int) : Int
8159: Proc TeeSaveIntOption( const AKey :Str; Value : Int)
8160: Func TeeReadStringOption( const AKey, DefaultValue :Str) :Str
8161: Proc TeeSaveStringOption( const AKey, Value :Str)
8162: Func TeeDefaultXMLEncoding :Str
8163: Proc ConvertTextToXML(Stream: TStream; XMLHeader :Bool)
8164: TeeWindowHandle', 'Int
8165: Proc TeeGotoURL( Handle : TeeWindowHandle; const URL :Str)
8166: Proc HtmlTextOut( ACanvas : TCanvas; x, y : Int; Text :Str)
8167: Func HtmlTextExtent( ACanvas : TCanvas; const Text :Str) : TSize
8168: end;
8170: using mXBDEUtils
8171: *******************************************************************************
8172: Proc SetAlias( aAlias, aDirectory :str)
8173: Proc CheckRegistryEntry(Reg:TRegistry;const Path,Value:Str;const Default,Desired:Variant;Size:Byte);
8174: Func GetFileVersionNumber( const FileName :Str) : TVersionNo
8175: Proc SetBDE( aPath, aNode, aValue :Str)
8176: Func RestartDialog(Wnd: HWnd; Reason: PChar; Flags: Int): Int; stdcall;
8177: Func GetSystemDirectory( lpBuffer :Str; uSize : UINT) : UINT
8178: Func GetSystemDirectoryW( lpBuffer : pchar; uSize : UINT) : UINT
8179: Func GetTempPath( nBufferLength : DWORD; lpBuffer :Str) : DWORD
8180: Func GetWindowsDirectoryW( nBufferLength : DWORD; lpBuffer :Str) : DWORD
8181: Func GetTempFileName(lpPathName,lpPrefixString:str;uUnique:UINT;lpTempFileName:str):UINT;
8183: Proc SIRegister_cDateTime(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8184: begin
8185: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EDateTime
8186: Func DatePart( const D : TDateTime) : Int
8187: Func TimePart( const D : TDateTime) : Double
8188: Func Century( const D : TDateTime) : Word
8189: Func Year( const D : TDateTime) : Word
8190: Func Month( const D : TDateTime) : Word
8191: Func Day( const D : TDateTime) : Word
8192: Func Hour( const D : TDateTime) : Word
8193: Func Minute( const D : TDateTime) : Word

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8194: Func Second( const D : TDateTime) : Word

8195: Func Millisecond( const D : TDateTime) : Word
8196: ('OneDay','Extended').setExtended( 1.0);
8197: ('OneHour','Extended').SetExtended( OneDay / 24);
8198: ('OneMinute','Extended').SetExtended( OneHour / 60);
8199: ('OneSecond','Extended').SetExtended( OneMinute / 60);
8200: ('OneMillisecond','Extended').SetExtended( OneSecond/ 1000);
8201: ('OneWeek','Extended').SetExtended( OneDay * 7);
8202: ('HoursPerDay','Extended').SetExtended( 24);
8203: ('MinutesPerHour','Extended').SetExtended( 60);
8204: ('SecondsPerMinute','Extended').SetExtended( 60);
8205: Proc SetYear( var D : TDateTime; const Year : Word)
8206: Proc SetMonth( var D : TDateTime; const Month : Word)
8207: Proc SetDay( var D : TDateTime; const Day : Word)
8208: Proc SetHour( var D : TDateTime; const Hour : Word)
8209: Proc SetMinute( var D : TDateTime; const Minute : Word)
8210: Proc SetSecond( var D : TDateTime; const Second : Word)
8211: Proc SetMillisecond( var D : TDateTime; const Milliseconds : Word)
8212: Func IsEqual( const D1, D2 : TDateTime) :Bool;
8213: Func IsEqual1( const D1 : TDateTime; const Ye, Mo, Da : Word):Boolean;
8214: Func IsEqual2( const D1 : TDateTime; const Ho, Mi, Se, ms : Word):Boolean;
8215: Func IsAM( const D : TDateTime) :Bool
8216: Func IsPM( const D : TDateTime) :Bool
8217: Func IsMidnight( const D : TDateTime) :Bool
8218: Func IsNoon( const D : TDateTime) :Bool
8219: Func IsSunday( const D : TDateTime) :Bool
8220: Func IsMonday( const D : TDateTime) :Bool
8221: Func IsTuesday( const D : TDateTime) :Bool
8222: Func IsWedneday( const D : TDateTime) :Bool
8223: Func IsThursday( const D : TDateTime) :Bool
8224: Func IsFriday( const D : TDateTime) :Bool
8225: Func IsSaturday( const D : TDateTime) :Bool
8226: Func IsWeekend( const D : TDateTime) :Bool
8227: Func Noon( const D : TDateTime) : TDateTime
8228: Func Midnight( const D : TDateTime) : TDateTime
8229: Func FirstDayOfMonth( const D : TDateTime) : TDateTime
8230: Func LastDayOfMonth( const D : TDateTime) : TDateTime
8231: Func NextWorkday( const D : TDateTime) : TDateTime
8232: Func PreviousWorkday( const D : TDateTime) : TDateTime
8233: Func FirstDayOfYear( const D : TDateTime) : TDateTime
8234: Func LastDayOfYear( const D : TDateTime) : TDateTime
8235: Func EasterSunday( const Year : Word) : TDateTime
8236: Func GoodFriday( const Year : Word) : TDateTime
8237: Func AddMilliseconds( const D : TDateTime; const N : Int64) : TDateTime
8238: Func AddSeconds( const D : TDateTime; const N : Int64) : TDateTime
8239: Func AddMinutes( const D : TDateTime; const N : Int) : TDateTime
8240: Func AddHours( const D : TDateTime; const N : Int) : TDateTime
8241: Func AddDays( const D : TDateTime; const N : Int) : TDateTime
8242: Func AddWeeks( const D : TDateTime; const N : Int) : TDateTime
8243: Func AddMonths( const D : TDateTime; const N : Int) : TDateTime
8244: Func AddYears( const D : TDateTime; const N : Int) : TDateTime
8245: Func DayOfYear( const Ye, Mo, Da : Word) : Int
8246: Func DayOfYear( const D : TDateTime) : Int
8247: Func DaysInMonth( const Ye, Mo : Word) : Int
8248: Func DaysInMonth( const D : TDateTime) : Int
8249: Func DaysInYear( const Ye : Word) : Int
8250: Func DaysInYearDate( const D : TDateTime) : Int
8251: Func WeekNumber( const D : TDateTime) : Int
8252: Func ISOFirstWeekOfYear( const Ye : Word) : TDateTime
8253: Proc ISOWeekNumber( const D : TDateTime; var WeekNumber, WeekYear : Word)
8254: Func DiffMilliseconds( const D1, D2 : TDateTime) : Int64
8255: Func DiffSeconds( const D1, D2 : TDateTime) : Int
8256: Func DiffMinutes( const D1, D2 : TDateTime) : Int
8257: Func DiffHours( const D1, D2 : TDateTime) : Int
8258: Func DiffDays( const D1, D2 : TDateTime) : Int
8259: Func DiffWeeks( const D1, D2 : TDateTime) : Int
8260: Func DiffMonths( const D1, D2 : TDateTime) : Int
8261: Func DiffYears( const D1, D2 : TDateTime) : Int
8262: Func GMTBias : Int
8263: Func GMTTimeToLocalTime( const D : TDateTime) : TDateTime
8264: Func LocalTimeToGMTTime( const D : TDateTime) : TDateTime
8265: Func NowAsGMTTime : TDateTime
8266: Func DateTimeToISO8601String( const D : TDateTime) : Ansistr
8267: Func ISO8601StringToTime( const D : Ansistr) : TDateTime
8268: Func ISO8601StringAsDateTime( const D : Ansistr) : TDateTime
8269: Func DateTimeToANSI( const D : TDateTime) : Int
8270: Func ANSIToDateTime( const Julian : Int) : TDateTime
8271: Func DateTimeToISOInt( const D : TDateTime) : Int
8272: Func DateTimeToISOString( const D : TDateTime) : Ansistr
8273: Func ISOIntToDateTime( const ISOInt : Int) : TDateTime
8274: Func TwoDigitRadix2000YearToYear( const Y : Int) : Int
8275: Func DateTimeAsElapsedTime(const D:TDateTime; const IncludeMilliseconds:Boolean):Ansistr
8276: Func UnixTimeToDateTime( const UnixTime : LongWord) : TDateTime
8277: Func DateTimeToUnixTime( const D : TDateTime) : LongWord
8278: Func EnglishShortDayOfWeekStrA( const DayOfWeek : Int) : Ansistr
8279: Func EnglishShortDayOfWeekStrU( const DayOfWeek : Int) : UnicodeString
8280: Func EnglishLongDayOfWeekStrA( const DayOfWeek : Int) : Ansistr
8281: Func EnglishLongDayOfWeekStrU( const DayOfWeek : Int) : UnicodeString
8282: Func EnglishShortMonthStrA( const Month : Int) : Ansistr

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8283: Func EnglishShortMonthStrU( const Month : Int) : UnicodeString

8284: Func EnglishLongMonthStrA( const Month : Int) : Ansistr
8285: Func EnglishLongMonthStrU( const Month : Int) : UnicodeString
8286: Func EnglishShortDayOfWeekA( const S : Ansistr) : Int
8287: Func EnglishShortDayOfWeekU( const S : UnicodeString) : Int
8288: Func EnglishLongDayOfWeekA( const S : Ansistr) : Int
8289: Func EnglishLongDayOfWeekU( const S : UnicodeString) : Int
8290: Func EnglishShortMonthA( const S : Ansistr) : Int
8291: Func EnglishShortMonthU( const S : UnicodeString) : Int
8292: Func EnglishLongMonthA( const S : Ansistr) : Int
8293: Func EnglishLongMonthU( const S : UnicodeString) : Int
8294: Func RFC850DayOfWeekA( const S : Ansistr) : Int
8295: Func RFC850DayOfWeekU( const S : UnicodeString) : Int
8296: Func RFC1123DayOfWeekA( const S : Ansistr) : Int
8297: Func RFC1123DayOfWeekU( const S : UnicodeString) : Int
8298: Func RFCMonthA( const S : Ansistr) : Word
8299: Func RFCMonthU( const S : UnicodeString) : Word
8300: Func GMTTimeToRFC1123TimeA( const D : TDateTime;const IncludeSeconds:Boolean) : Ansistr
8301: Func GMTTimeToRFC1123TimeU( const D : TDateTime;const IncludeSeconds:Boolean):UnicodeString
8302: Func GMTDateTimeToRFC1123DateTimeA(const D:TDateTime;const IncludeDayOfWeek:Bool):AnsiStr;
8303: Func GMTDateTimeToRFC1123DateTimeU(const D:TDateTime;const IncludeDayOfWeek:Bool):UnicodStr;
8304: Func DateTimeToRFCDateTimeA( const D : TDateTime) : Ansistr
8305: Func DateTimeToRFCDateTimeU( const D : TDateTime) : UnicodeString
8306: Func NowAsRFCDateTimeA : Ansistr
8307: Func NowAsRFCDateTimeU : UnicodeString
8308: Func RFCDateTimeToGMTDateTime( const S : Ansistr) : TDateTime
8309: Func RFCDateTimeToDateTime( const S : Ansistr) : TDateTime
8310: Func RFCTimeZoneToGMTBias( const Zone : Ansistr) : Int
8311: Func TimePeriodStr( const D : TDateTime) : Ansistr
8312: Proc SelfTestCDate
8313: end;
8314: //*******************************************CFileUtils
8315: Func PathHasDriveLetterA( const Path : Ansistr) :Bool
8316: Func PathHasDriveLetter( const Path :Str) :Bool
8317: Func PathIsDriveLetterA( const Path : Ansistr) :Bool
8318: Func PathIsDriveLetter( const Path :Str) :Bool
8319: Func PathIsDriveRootA( const Path : Ansistr) :Bool
8320: Func PathIsDriveRoot( const Path :Str) :Bool
8321: Func PathIsRootA( const Path : Ansistr) :Bool
8322: Func PathIsRoot( const Path :Str) :Bool
8323: Func PathIsUNCPathA( const Path : Ansistr) :Bool
8324: Func PathIsUNCPath( const Path :Str) :Bool
8325: Func PathIsAbsoluteA( const Path : Ansistr) :Bool
8326: Func PathIsAbsolute( const Path :Str) :Bool
8327: Func PathIsDirectoryA( const Path : Ansistr) :Bool
8328: Func PathIsDirectory( const Path :Str) :Bool
8329: Func PathInclSuffixA( const Path : Ansistr; const PathSep : Char) : Ansistr
8330: Func PathInclSuffix( const Path :Str; const PathSep : Char) :Str
8331: Func PathExclSuffixA( const Path : Ansistr; const PathSep : Char) : Ansistr
8332: Func PathExclSuffix( const Path :Str; const PathSep : Char) :Str
8333: Proc PathEnsureSuffixA( var Path : Ansistr; const PathSep : Char)
8334: Proc PathEnsureSuffix( var Path :Str; const PathSep : Char)
8335: Proc PathEnsureNoSuffixA( var Path : Ansistr; const PathSep : Char)
8336: Proc PathEnsureNoSuffix( var Path :Str; const PathSep : Char)
8337: //Func PathCanonicalA( const Path : Ansistr; const PathSep : Char) : Ansistr
8338: Func PathCanonical( const Path :Str; const PathSep : Char) :Str
8339: Func PathExpandA(const Path:Ansistr;const BasePath:AnsiStr;const PathSep:Char):AnsiStr
8340: Func PathExpand(const Path:str; const BasePath :Str; const PathSep : Char) :Str
8341: Func PathLeftElementA( const Path : Ansistr; const PathSep : Char) : Ansistr
8342: Func PathLeftElement( const Path :Str; const PathSep : Char) :Str
8343: Proc PathSplitLeftElementA(const Path:AString;var LeftElement,RightPath:AString;const PathSep:Char);
8344: Proc PathSplitLeftElement(const Path:str; var LeftElement,RightPath:Str;const PathSep:Char);
8345: Proc DecodeFilePathA(const FilePath:AnsiStr;var Path,FileName:AnsiStr;const PathSep:Char;
8346: Proc DecodeFilePath(const FilePath:str; var Path,FileName:str;const PathSep: Char)
8347: Func FileNameValidA( const FileName : Ansistr) : Ansistr
8348: Func FileNameValid( const FileName :Str) :Str
8349: Func FilePathA(const FileName,Path:Ansistr;const BasePath:AnsiStr;const PathSep:Char):Ansistr;
8350: Func FilePath(const FileName,Path:str;const BasePath:Str;const PathSep:Char):Str
8351: Func DirectoryExpandA(const Path:Ansistr;const BasePath:Ansistr;const PathSep:Char):Ansistr
8352: Func DirectoryExpand(const Path:str;const BasePath:str;const PathSep:Char):str
8353: Func UnixPathToWinPath( const Path : Ansistr) : Ansistr
8354: Func WinPathToUnixPath( const Path : Ansistr) : Ansistr
8355: Proc CCopyFile( const FileName, DestName :Str)
8356: Proc CMoveFile( const FileName, DestName :Str)
8357: Func CDeleteFiles( const FileMask :Str) :Bool
8358: Func FileSeekEx(const FHandle:TFileHandle;const FileOffset:Int64;const FilePos:TFileSeekPos):Int64;
8359: Proc FileCloseEx( const FileHandle : TFileHandle)
8360: Func FileExistsA( const FileName : Ansistr) :Bool
8361: Func CFileExists( const FileName :Str) :Bool
8362: Func CFileGetSize( const FileName :Str) : Int64
8363: Func FileGetDateTime( const FileName :Str) : TDateTime
8364: Func FileGetDateTime2( const FileName :Str) : TDateTime
8365: Func FileIsReadOnly( const FileName :Str) :Bool
8366: Proc FileDeleteEx( const FileName :Str)
8367: Proc FileRenameEx( const OldFileName, NewFileName :Str)
8368: Func ReadFileStrA( const FileName:Ansistr; const FileSharing : TFileSharing; const FileCreationMode :
TFileCreationMode; const FileOpenWait : PFileOpenWait) : Ansistr
8369: Func DirectoryEntryExists( const Name :Str) :Bool
8370: Func DirectoryEntrySize( const Name :Str) : Int64

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8371: Func CDirectoryExists( const DirectoryName :Str) :Bool

8372: Func DirectoryGetDateTime( const DirectoryName :Str) : TDateTime
8373: Proc CDirectoryCreate( const DirectoryName :Str)
8374: Func GetFirstFileNameMatching( const FileMask :Str) :Str
8375: Func DirEntryGetAttr( const FileName : Ansistr) : Int
8376: Func DirEntryIsDirectory( const FileName : Ansistr) :Bool
8377: Func FileHasAttr( const FileName :Str; const Attr : Word) :Bool
8378: AddTypeS('TLogicalDriveType', '( DriveRemovable, DriveFixed, DriveRemote, '
8379: +'DriveCDRom, DriveRamDisk, DriveTypeUnknown )
8380: Func DriveIsValid( const Drive : Char) :Bool
8381: Func DriveGetType( const Path : Ansistr) : TLogicalDriveType
8382: Func DriveFreeSpace( const Path : Ansistr) : Int64
8384: Proc SIRegister_cTimers(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8385: begin
8386: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'ETimers
8387: Const('TickFrequency','LongInt'( 1000);Func GetTick : LongWord
8388: Func TickDelta( const D1, D2 : LongWord) : Int
8389: Func TickDeltaW( const D1, D2 : LongWord) : LongWord
8390: AddTypeS('THPTimer', 'Int64
8391: Proc StartTimer( var Timer : THPTimer)
8392: Proc StopTimer( var Timer : THPTimer)
8393: Proc ResumeTimer( var StoppedTimer : THPTimer)
8394: Proc InitStoppedTimer( var Timer : THPTimer)
8395: Proc InitElapsedTimer( var Timer : THPTimer; const Milliseconds : Int)
8396: Func MillisecondsElapsed( const Timer: THPTimer; const TimerRunning :Bool) : Int
8397: Func MicrosecondsElapsed( const Timer: THPTimer; const TimerRunning :Bool) : Int64
8398: Proc WaitMicroseconds( const MicroSeconds : Int)
8399: Func GetHighPrecisionFrequency : Int64
8400: Func GetHighPrecisionTimerOverhead : Int64
8401: Proc AdjustTimerForOverhead(var StoppedTimer:THPTimer; const Overhead:Int64)
8402: Proc SelfTestCTimer
8403: end;
8405: Proc SIRegister_cRandom(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8406: begin
8407: Func RandomSeed : LongWord
8408: Proc AddEntropy( const Value : LongWord)
8409: Func RandomUniform : LongWord;
8410: Func RandomUniform1( const N : Int) : Int;
8411: Func RandomBoolean :Bool
8412: Func RandomByte : Byte
8413: Func RandomByteNonZero : Byte
8414: Func RandomWord : Word
8415: Func RandomInt64 : Int64;
8416: Func RandomInt641( const N : Int64) : Int64;
8417: Func RandomHex( const Digits : Int) :Str
8418: Func RandomFloat : Extended
8419: Func RandomAlphaStr( const Length : Int) : Ansistr
8420: Func RandomPseudoWord( const Length : Int) : Ansistr
8421: Func RandomPassword(const MinL,MaxLength:Int;const CaseSens,UseSymbols,UseNumbers:Bool):AnsiStr;
8422: Func mwcRandomLongWord : LongWord
8423: Func urnRandomLongWord : LongWord
8424: Func moaRandomFloat : Extended
8425: Func mwcRandomFloat : Extended
8426: Func RandomNormalF : Extended
8427: Proc SelfTestCRandom
8428: end;
8430: Proc SIRegister_SynEditMiscProcs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8431: begin
8432: // PIntArray', '^TIntArray // will not work
8433: Addtypes('TConvertTabsProc','function(const Line:Ansistr; TabWidth: Int):Ansistr
8434: TConvertTabsProcEx,function(const Line:Ansistr;TabWidth:Int;var HasTabs:boolean):Ansistr
8435: Func synMax( x, y : Int) : Int
8436: Func synMin( x, y : Int) : Int
8437: Func synMinMax( x, mi, ma : Int) : Int
8438: Proc synSwapInt( var l, r : Int)
8439: Func synMaxPoint( const P1, P2 : TPoint) : TPoint
8440: Func synMinPoint( const P1, P2 : TPoint) : TPoint
8441: //Func synGetIntArray( Count :Card; InitialValue : Int) : PIntArray
8442: Proc synInternalFillRect( dc : HDC; const rcPaint : TRect)
8443: Func synGetBestConvertTabsProc( TabWidth : Int) : TConvertTabsProc
8444: Func synConvertTabs( const Line : Ansistr; TabWidth : Int) : Ansistr
8445: Func synGetBestConvertTabsProcEx( TabWidth : Int) : TConvertTabsProcEx
8446: Func synConvertTabsEx(const Line:Ansistr;TabWidth:Int;var HasTabs:bool):Ansistr;
8447: Func synGetExpandedLength( const aStr :Str; aTabWidth : Int) : Int
8448: Func synCharIndex2CaretPos( Index, TabWidth : Int; const Line :Str) : Int
8449: Func synCaretPos2CharIndex(Positin,TabWidth:int;const Line:str;var InsideTabChar:bool):int;
8450: Func synStrScanForCharInSet(const Line:str;Start:Int;AChars:TSynIdentChars):int;
8451: Func synStrRScanForCharInSet(const Line:str;Start:Int;AChars:TSynIdentChars):Int;
8452: TStringType', '(stNone, stHalfNumAlpha, stHalfSymbol, stHalfKat'
8453: +'akana,stWideNumAlpha,stWideSymbol,stWideKatakana,stHiragana,stIdeograph,stControl,stKashida)
8454: ('C3_NONSPACING','LongInt'( 1);
8455: 'C3_DIACRITIC','LongInt'( 2);
8456: 'C3_VOWELMARK','LongInt'( 4);
8457: ('C3_SYMBOL','LongInt'( 8);
8458: ('C3_KATAKANA',LongWord( $0010);
8459: ('C3_HIRAGANA',LongWord( $0020);

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8460: ('C3_HALFWIDTH',LongWord( $0040);

8461: ('C3_FULLWIDTH',LongWord( $0080);
8462: ('C3_IDEOGRAPH',LongWord( $0100);
8463: ('C3_KASHIDA',LongWord( $0200);
8464: ('C3_LEXICAL',LongWord( $0400);
8465: ('C3_ALPHA',LongWord( $8000);
8466: ('C3_NOTAPPLICABLE','LongInt'( 0);
8467: Func synStrScanForMultiByteChar( const Line :Str; Start : Int) : Int
8468: Func synStrRScanForMultiByteChar( const Line :Str; Start : Int) : Int
8469: Func synIsStringType( Value : Word) : TStringType
8470: Func synGetEOL( Line : PChar) : PChar
8471: Func synEncodeString( s :Str) :Str
8472: Func synDecodeString( s :Str) :Str
8473: Proc synFreeAndNil( var Obj: TObject)
8474: Proc synAssert( Expr :Bool)
8475: Func synLastDelimiter( const Delimiters, S :Str) : Int
8476: TReplaceFlag', '( rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase )
8477: TReplaceFlags', 'set of TReplaceFlag )
8478: Func synStringReplace(const S, OldPattern,NewPattern:str;Flags:TReplaceFlags):str
8479: Func synGetRValue( RGBValue : TColor) : byte
8480: Func synGetGValue( RGBValue : TColor) : byte
8481: Func synGetBValue( RGBValue : TColor) : byte
8482: Func synRGB( r, g, b : Byte) :Card
8483: //THighlighterAttriProc', 'Func ( Highlighter : TSynCustomHigh'
8484: //+'lighter;Attri:TSynHighlighterAttributes;UniqueAttriName:str;Params array of Pointr):Bool;
8485: //Func synEnumHighlighterAttris( Highlighter : TSynCustomHighlighter; SkipDuplicates :Bool;
HighlighterAttriProc : THighlighterAttriProc; Params : array of Pointer) :Bool
8486: Func synCalcFCS( const ABuf, ABufSize :Card) : Word
8487: Proc synSynDrawGradient(const ACanvas:TCanvas;const AStartColor,AEndColor:TColor;ASteps:Int;const ARect :
TRect; const AHorizontal:Bool) end;
8492: Proc SIRegister_synautil(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8493: begin
8494: Func STimeZoneBias : Int
8495: Func TimeZone :Str
8496: Func Rfc822DateTime( t : TDateTime) :Str
8497: Func CDateTime( t : TDateTime) :Str
8498: Func SimpleDateTime( t : TDateTime) :Str
8499: Func AnsiCDateTime( t : TDateTime) :Str
8500: Func GetMonthNumber( Value :Str) : Int
8501: Func GetTimeFromStr( Value :Str) : TDateTime
8502: Func GetDateMDYFromStr( Value :Str) : TDateTime
8503: Func DecodeRfcDateTime( Value :Str) : TDateTime
8504: Func GetUTTime : TDateTime
8505: Func SetUTTime( Newdt : TDateTime) :Bool
8506: Func SGetTick : LongWord
8507: Func STickDelta( TickOld, TickNew : LongWord) : LongWord
8508: Func CodeInt( Value : Word) : Ansistr
8509: Func DecodeInt( const Value : Ansistr; Index : Int) : Word
8510: Func CodeLongInt( Value : LongInt) : Ansistr
8511: Func DecodeLongInt( const Value : Ansistr; Index : Int) : LongInt
8512: Func DumpStr( const Buffer : Ansistr) :Str
8513: Func DumpExStr( const Buffer : Ansistr) :Str
8514: Proc Dump( const Buffer : Ansistr; DumpFile :Str)
8515: Proc DumpEx( const Buffer : Ansistr; DumpFile :Str)
8516: Func TrimSPLeft( const S :Str) :Str
8517: Func TrimSPRight( const S :Str) :Str
8518: Func TrimSP( const S :Str) :Str
8519: Func SeparateLeft( const Value, Delimiter :Str) :Str
8520: Func SeparateRight( const Value, Delimiter :Str) :Str
8521: Func SGetParameter( const Value, Parameter :Str) :Str
8522: Proc ParseParametersEx(Value,Delimiter:str;const Parameters : TStrings)
8523: Proc ParseParameters( Value :Str; const Parameters : TStrings)
8524: Func IndexByBegin( Value :Str; const List : TStrings) : Int
8525: Func GetEmailAddr( const Value :Str) :Str
8526: Func GetEmailDesc( Value :Str) :Str
8527: Func CStrToHex( const Value : Ansistr) :Str
8528: Func CIntToBin( Value : Int; Digits : Byte) :Str
8529: Func CBinToInt( const Value :Str) : Int
8530: Func ParseURL(URL:str;var Prot,User,Pass,Host,Port,Path,Para:str):str
8531: Func CReplaceString( Value, Search, Replace : Ansistr) : Ansistr
8532: Func CRPosEx( const Sub, Value :Str; From : Int) : Int
8533: Func CRPos( const Sub, Value :Str) : Int
8534: Func FetchBin( var Value :Str; const Delimiter :Str) :Str
8535: Func CFetch( var Value :Str; const Delimiter :Str) :Str
8536: Func FetchEx(var Value:Str;const Delimiter,Quotation:str):Str
8537: Func IsBinaryString( const Value : Ansistr) :Bool
8538: Func PosCRLF( const Value : Ansistr; var Terminator : Ansistr) : Int
8539: Proc StringsTrim( const value : TStrings)
8540: Func PosFrom( const SubStr, Value :Str; From : Int) : Int
8541: Func IncPoint( const p : ___pointer; Value : Int) : ___pointer
8542: Func GetBetween( const PairBegin, PairEnd, Value :Str) :Str
8543: Func CCountOfChar( const Value :Str; aChr : char) : Int
8544: Func UnquoteStr( const Value :Str; Quote : Char) :Str
8545: Func QuoteStr( const Value :Str; Quote : Char) :Str
8546: Proc HeadersToList( const Value : TStrings)

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8547: Proc ListToHeaders( const Value : TStrings)

8548: Func SwapBytes( Value : Int) : Int
8549: Func ReadStrFromStream( const Stream : TStream; len : Int) : Ansistr
8550: Proc WriteStrToStream( const Stream : TStream; Value : Ansistr)
8551: Func GetTempFile( const Dir, prefix : Ansistr) : Ansistr
8552: Func CPadString( const Value:Ansistr;len:Int;Pad:AnsiChar): Ansistr
8553: Func CXorString( Indata1, Indata2 : Ansistr) : Ansistr
8554: Func NormalizeHeader( Value : TStrings; var Index : Int) :Str
8555: end;
8557: Proc SIRegister_StCRC(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8558: begin
8559: ('CrcBufSize','LongInt'( 2048);
8560: Func Adler32Prim( var Data, DataSize :Card; CurCrc : LongInt): LongInt
8561: Func Adler32OfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt
8562: Func Adler32OfFile( FileName : Ansistr) : LongInt
8563: Func Crc16Prim( var Data, DataSize, CurCrc :Card) :Card
8564: Func Crc16OfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc :Card) :Card
8565: Func Crc16OfFile( FileName : Ansistr) :Card
8566: Func Crc32Prim( var Data, DataSize :Card; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt
8567: Func Crc32OfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc : LongInt) : LongInt
8568: Func Crc32OfFile( FileName : Ansistr) : LongInt
8569: Func InternetSumPrim( var Data, DataSize, CurCrc :Card) :Card
8570: Func InternetSumOfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc :Card) :Card
8571: Func InternetSumOfFile( FileName : Ansistr) :Card
8572: Func Kermit16Prim( var Data, DataSize, CurCrc :Card) :Card
8573: Func Kermit16OfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc :Card) :Card
8574: Func Kermit16OfFile( FileName : Ansistr) :Card
8575: end;
8577: Proc SIRegister_ComObj(cl: TPSPascalCompiler);
8578: begin
8579: Func CreateOleObject(const ClassName:Str): IDispatch;
8580: Func GetActiveOleObject(const ClassName:Str): IDispatch;
8581: Func ProgIDToClassID(const ProgID:Str): TGUID;
8582: Func ClassIDToProgID(const ClassID: TGUID):Str;
8583: Func CreateClassID:Str;
8584: Func CreateGUIDString:Str;
8585: Func CreateGUIDID:Str;
8586: Proc OleError(ErrorCode: longint)
8587: Proc OleCheck(Result: HResult);
8588: end;
8590: Func xCreateOleObject( const ClassName :Str) : Variant //or IDispatch
8591: Func xGetActiveOleObject( const ClassName :Str) : Variant
8592: //Func DllGetClassObject(const CLSID:TCLSID;const IID TIID;var Obj):HResult
8593: Func DllCanUnloadNow : HResult
8594: Func DllRegisterServer : HResult
8595: Func DllUnregisterServer : HResult
8596: Func VarFromInterface( Unknown : IUnknown) : Variant
8597: Func VarToInterface( const V : Variant) : IDispatch
8598: Func VarToAutoObject( const V : Variant) : TAutoObject
8599: //Proc DispInvoke(Dispatch:IDispatch;CallDesc:PCallDesc;DispIDs:PDispIDList;Params:Pointer;Res:PVariant);
8600: //Proc DispInvokeError( Status : HResult; const ExcepInfo : TExcepInfo)
8601: Proc OleError( ErrorCode : HResult)
8602: Proc OleCheck( Result : HResult)
8603: Func StringToClassID( const S :Str) : TCLSID
8604: Func ClassIDToString( const ClassID : TCLSID) :Str
8605: Func xProgIDToClassID( const ProgID :Str) : TCLSID
8606: Func xClassIDToProgID( const ClassID : TCLSID) :Str
8607: Func xWideCompareStr( const S1, S2 : WideString) : Int
8608: Func xWideSameStr( const S1, S2 : WideString) :Bool
8609: Func xGUIDToString( const ClassID : TGUID) :Str
8610: Func xStringToGUID( const S :Str) : TGUID
8611: Func xGetModuleName( Module : HMODULE) :Str
8612: Func xAcquireExceptionObject : TObject
8613: Func xIfThen(AValue :Bool; const ATrue: Int; const AFalse: Int): Int
8614: Func xUtf8Encode( const WS : WideString) : UTF8String
8615: Func xUtf8Decode( const S : UTF8String) : WideString
8616: Func xExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter( const S :Str) :Str
8617: Func xIncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( const S :Str) :Str
8618: Func XRTLHandleCOMException : HResult
8619: Proc XRTLCheckArgument( Flag :Bool)
8620: //Proc XRTLCheckOutArgument( out Arg)
8621: Proc XRTLInterfaceConnect(const Source:IUnknown;const IID:TIID;const Sink:IUnknown;var
8622: Proc XRTLInterfaceDisconnect(const Source:IUnknown;const IID:TIID;var Connection:Longint)
8623: Func XRTLRegisterActiveObject(const Unk:IUnknown;ClassID:TCLSID;Flags:DWORD;var
8624: Func XRTLUnRegisterActiveObject( var RegisterCookie : Int) : HResult
8625: //Func XRTLGetActiveObject( ClassID : TCLSID; RIID : TIID; out Obj) : HResult
8626: Proc XRTLEnumActiveObjects( Strings : TStrings)
8627: Func XRTLDefaultCategoryManager: IUnknown;
8628: Func XRTLIsCategoryEmpty(CatID:TGUID;const CategoryManager:IUnknown=nil):Bool;
8629: // ICatRegister helper functions
8630: Func XRTLCreateComponentCategory(CatID: TGUID; CatDescription: WideString;
8632: const CategoryManager: IUnknown = nil): HResult;
8633: Func XRTLRemoveComponentCategory(CatID: TGUID; CatDescription: WideString;

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8635: const CategoryManager: IUnknown = nil): HResult;
8636: Func XRTLRegisterCLSIDInCategory(ClassID: TGUID; CatID: TGUID;
8637: const CategoryManager: IUnknown = nil): HResult;
8638: Func XRTLUnRegisterCLSIDInCategory(ClassID: TGUID; CatID: TGUID;
8639: const CategoryManager: IUnknown = nil): HResult;
8640: // ICatInformation helper functions
8641: Func XRTLGetCategoryDescription(CatID: TGUID; var CatDescription: WideString;
8643: const CategoryManager: IUnknown = nil): HResult;
8644: Func XRTLGetCategoryList(Strings: TStrings; LocaleID: TLCID = LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT;
8645: const CategoryManager: IUnknown = nil): HResult;
8646: Func XRTLGetCategoryCLSIDList(CatID: TGUID; Strings: TStrings;
8647: const CategoryManager: IUnknown = nil): HResult;
8648: Func XRTLGetCategoryProgIDList(CatID: TGUID; Strings: TStrings;
8649: const CategoryManager: IUnknown = nil): HResult;
8650: Func XRTLFetch(var AInput: WideString; const ADelim: WideString = ' ';
8651: const ADelete:Bool = True): WideString;
8652: Func XRTLRPos(const ASub, AIn: WideString; AStart: Int = -1): Int;
8653: Func XRTLGetVariantAsString( const Value : Variant) :Str
8654: Func XRTLDateTimeToTimeZoneTime(DT:TDateTime;TimeZone:TXRTLTimeZone):TDateTime
8655: Func XRTLGetTimeZones : TXRTLTimeZones
8656: Func XFileTimeToDateTime( FileTime : TFileTime) : TDateTime
8657: Func DateTimeToFileTime( DateTime : TDateTime) : TFileTime
8658: Func GMTNow : TDateTime
8659: Func GMTToLocalTime( GMT : TDateTime) : TDateTime
8660: Func LocalTimeToGMT( LocalTime : TDateTime) : TDateTime
8661: Proc XRTLNotImplemented
8662: Proc XRTLRaiseError( E : Exception)
8663: Proc XRTLRaise( E : Exception);
8664: Proc XRaise( E : Exception);
8665: Proc XRTLInvalidOperation(ClassName:str;OperationName:str;Description:Str)
8667: Proc SIRegister_xrtl_util_Value(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8668: begin
8669: SIRegister_IXRTLValue(CL);
8670: SIRegister_TXRTLValue(CL);
8671: //AddTypeS('PXRTLValueArray', '^TXRTLValueArray // will not work
8672: AddTypeS('TXRTLValueArray', 'array of IXRTLValue
8673: Func XRTLValue( const AValue :Card) : IXRTLValue;
8674: Func XRTLSetValue(const IValue:IXRTLValue; const AValue:Card) :Card;
8675: Func XRTLGetAsCardinal( const IValue : IXRTLValue) :Card
8676: Func XRTLGetAsCardinalDef(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const DefValue:Card): Card
8677: Func XRTLValue1( const AValue : Int) : IXRTLValue;
8678: Func XRTLSetValue1( const IValue : IXRTLValue; const AValue : Int) : Int;
8679: Func XRTLGetAsInt( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : Int
8680: Func XRTLGetAsIntDef( const IValue : IXRTLValue; const DefValue : Int) : Int
8681: Func XRTLValue2( const AValue : Int64) : IXRTLValue;
8682: Func XRTLSetValue2( const IValue : IXRTLValue; const AValue : Int64) : Int64;
8683: Func XRTLGetAsInt64( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : Int64
8684: Func XRTLGetAsInt64Def(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const DefValue:Int64) : Int64
8685: Func XRTLValue3( const AValue : Single) : IXRTLValue;
8686: Func XRTLSetValue3( const IValue : IXRTLValue; const AValue:Single) : Single;
8687: Func XRTLGetAsSingle( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : Single
8688: Func XRTLGetAsSingleDef(const IValue: RTLValue;const DefValue: Single):Single
8689: Func XRTLValue4( const AValue : Double) : IXRTLValue;
8690: Func XRTLSetValue4( const IValue : IXRTLValue; const AValue : Double) : Double;
8691: Func XRTLGetAsDouble( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : Double
8692: Func XRTLGetAsDoubleDef(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const DefValue:Double):Double
8693: Func XRTLValue5( const AValue : Extended) : IXRTLValue;
8694: Func XRTLSetValue5(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const AValue:Extended): Extended;
8695: Func XRTLGetAsExtended( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : Extended
8696: Func XRTLGetAsExtendedDef(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const DefValue:Extended): Extended
8697: Func XRTLValue6( const AValue : IInterface) : IXRTLValue;
8698: Func XRTLSetValue6(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const AValue:IInterface):IInterface;
8699: Func XRTLGetAsInterface( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : IInterface;
8700: //Func XRTLGetAsInterface1( const IValue : IXRTLValue; out Obj) : IInterface;
8701: Func XRTLGetAsInterfaceDef(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const DefValue:IInterface):IInterface;
8702: Func XRTLValue7( const AValue : WideString) : IXRTLValue;
8703: Func XRTLSetValue7(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const AValue:WideString):WideString;
8704: Func XRTLGetAsWideString( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : WideString
8705: Func XRTLGetAsWideStringDef(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const DefValue:WideString): WideString
8706: Func XRTLValue8(const AValue:TObject; const AOwnValue:Boolean): IXRTLValue;
8707: Func XRTLSetValue8(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const AValue:TObject) : TObject;
8708: Func XRTLGetAsObject(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const ADetachOwnership:Bool): TObject;
8709: Func XRTLGetAsObjectDef(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const DefValue:TObject;const
8710: //Func XRTLValue9( const AValue : __Pointer) : IXRTLValue;
8711: //Func XRTLSetValue9( const IValue : IXRTLValue; const AValue : __Pointer) : __Pointer;
8712: //Func XRTLGetAsPointer( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : __Pointer
8713: //Func XRTLGetAsPointerDef( const IValue : IXRTLValue; const DefValue : __Pointer) : __Pointer
8714: Func XRTLValueV( const AValue : Variant) : IXRTLValue;
8715: Func XRTLSetValueV(const IValue:IXRTLValue; const AValue : Variant): Variant;
8716: Func XRTLGetAsVariant( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : Variant
8717: Func XRTLGetAsVariantDef(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const DefValue:Variant): Variant
8718: Func XRTLValue10( const AValue : Currency) : IXRTLValue;
8719: Func XRTLSetValue10(const IValue:IXRTLValue; const AValue:Currency):Currency;
8720: Func XRTLGetAsCurrency( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : Currency
8721: Func XRTLGetAsCurrencyDef(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const DefValue:Currency): Currency

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8722: Func XRTLValue11( const AValue : Comp) : IXRTLValue;

8723: Func XRTLSetValue11( const IValue : IXRTLValue; const AValue : Comp) : Comp;
8724: Func XRTLGetAsComp( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : Comp
8725: Func XRTLGetAsCompDef( const IValue : IXRTLValue; const DefValue : Comp) : Comp
8726: Func XRTLValue12( const AValue : TClass) : IXRTLValue;
8727: Func XRTLSetValue12( const IValue:IXRTLValue; const AValue : TClass) : TClass;
8728: Func XRTLGetAsClass( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : TClass
8729: Func XRTLGetAsClassDef(const IValue: IXRTLValue;const DefValue:TClass):TClass
8730: Func XRTLValue13( const AValue : TGUID) : IXRTLValue;
8731: Func XRTLSetValue13( const IValue : IXRTLValue; const AValue : TGUID) : TGUID;
8732: Func XRTLGetAsGUID( const IValue : IXRTLValue) : TGUID
8733: Func XRTLGetAsGUIDDef(const IValue:IXRTLValue; const DefValue : TGUID) : TGUID
8734: Func XRTLValue14( const AValue :Bool) : IXRTLValue;
8735: Func XRTLSetValue14( const IValue:IXRTLValue;const AValue:Boolean):Boolean;
8736: Func XRTLGetAsBoolean( const IValue : IXRTLValue) :Bool
8737: Func XRTLGetAsBooleanDef(const IValue:IXRTLValue;const DefValue:Bool):Bool
8738: end;
8740: //*****************************unit uPSI_GR32;********************************
8742: Func Color32( WinColor : TColor) : TColor32;
8743: Func Color321( R, G, B : Byte; A : Byte) : TColor32;
8744: Func Color322( Index : Byte; var Palette : TPalette32) : TColor32;
8745: Func Gray32( Intensity : Byte; Alpha : Byte) : TColor32
8746: Func WinColor( Color32 : TColor32) : TColor
8747: Func ArrayOfColor32( Colors : array of TColor32) : TArrayOfColor32
8748: Proc Color32ToRGB( Color32 : TColor32; var R, G, B : Byte)
8749: Proc Color32ToRGBA( Color32 : TColor32; var R, G, B, A : Byte)
8750: Func Color32Components( R, G, B, A :Bool) : TColor32Components
8751: Func RedComponent( Color32 : TColor32) : Int
8752: Func GreenComponent( Color32 : TColor32) : Int
8753: Func BlueComponent( Color32 : TColor32) : Int
8754: Func AlphaComponent( Color32 : TColor32) : Int
8755: Func Intensity( Color32 : TColor32) : Int
8756: Func SetAlpha( Color32 : TColor32; NewAlpha : Int) : TColor32
8757: Func HSLtoRGB( H, S, L : Single) : TColor32;
8758: Proc RGBtoHSL( RGB : TColor32; out H, S, L : Single);
8759: Func HSLtoRGB1( H, S, L : Int) : TColor32;
8760: Proc RGBtoHSL1( RGB : TColor32; out H, S, L : Byte);
8761: Func WinPalette( const P : TPalette32) : HPALETTE
8762: Func FloatPoint( X, Y : Single) : TFloatPoint;
8763: Func FloatPoint1( const P : TPoint) : TFloatPoint;
8764: Func FloatPoint2( const FXP : TFixedPoint) : TFloatPoint;
8765: Func FixedPoint( X, Y : Int) : TFixedPoint;
8766: Func FixedPoint1( X, Y : Single) : TFixedPoint;
8767: Func FixedPoint2( const P : TPoint) : TFixedPoint;
8768: Func FixedPoint3( const FP : TFloatPoint) : TFixedPoint;
8769: AddTypeS('TRectRounding', '( rrClosest, rrOutside, rrInside )
8770: Func MakeRect( const L, T, R, B : Int) : TRect;
8771: Func MakeRect1( const FR : TFloatRect; Rounding : TRectRounding) : TRect;
8772: Func MakeRect2( const FXR : TRect; Rounding : TRectRounding) : TRect;
8773: Func GFixedRect( const L, T, R, B : TFixed) : TRect;
8774: Func FixedRect1( const ARect : TRect) : TRect;
8775: Func FixedRect2( const FR : TFloatRect) : TRect;
8776: Func GFloatRect( const L, T, R, B : TFloat) : TFloatRect;
8777: Func FloatRect1( const ARect : TRect) : TFloatRect;
8778: Func FloatRect2( const FXR : TRect) : TFloatRect;
8779: Func GIntersectRect( out Dst : TRect; const R1, R2 : TRect) :Bool;
8780: Func IntersectRect1(out Dst:TFloatRect;const FR1,FR2:TFloatRect):Boolean;
8781: Func GUnionRect( out Rect : TRect; const R1, R2 : TRect) :Bool;
8782: Func UnionRect1( out Rect : TFloatRect; const R1, R2 : TFloatRect):Boolean;
8783: Func GEqualRect( const R1, R2 : TRect) :Bool;
8784: Func EqualRect1( const R1, R2 : TFloatRect) :Bool;
8785: Proc GInflateRect( var R : TRect; Dx, Dy : Int);
8786: Proc InflateRect1( var FR : TFloatRect; Dx, Dy : TFloat);
8787: Proc GOffsetRect( var R : TRect; Dx, Dy : Int);
8788: Proc OffsetRect1( var FR : TFloatRect; Dx, Dy : TFloat);
8789: Func IsRectEmpty( const R : TRect) :Bool;
8790: Func IsRectEmpty1( const FR : TFloatRect) :Bool;
8791: Func GPtInRect( const R : TRect; const P : TPoint) :Bool;
8792: Func PtInRect1( const R : TFloatRect; const P : TPoint) :Bool;
8793: Func PtInRect2( const R : TRect; const P : TFloatPoint) :Bool;
8794: Func PtInRect3( const R : TFloatRect; const P : TFloatPoint) :Bool;
8795: Func EqualRectSize( const R1, R2 : TRect) :Bool;
8796: Func EqualRectSize1( const R1, R2 : TFloatRect) :Bool;
8797: Func MessageBeep( uType : UINT) : BOOL
8798: Func ShowCursor( bShow : BOOL) : Int
8799: Func SetCursorPos( X, Y : Int) : BOOL
8800: Func SetCursor( hCursor : HICON) : HCURSOR
8801: Func GetCursorPos( var lpPoint : TPoint) : BOOL
8802: //Func ClipCursor( lpRect : PRect) : BOOL
8803: Func GetClipCursor( var lpRect : TRect) : BOOL
8804: Func GetCursor : HCURSOR
8805: Func CreateCaret(hWnd: HWND;hBitmap:HBITMAP;nWidth, nHeight:Int):BOOL
8806: Func GetCaretBlinkTime : UINT
8807: Func SetCaretBlinkTime( uMSeconds : UINT) : BOOL
8808: Func DestroyCaret : BOOL
8809: Func HideCaret( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL
8810: Func ShowCaret( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL

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8811: Func SetCaretPos( X, Y : Int) : BOOL

8812: Func GetCaretPos( var lpPoint : TPoint) : BOOL
8813: Func ClientToScreen( hWnd : HWND; var lpPoint : TPoint) : BOOL
8814: Func ScreenToClient( hWnd : HWND; var lpPoint : TPoint) : BOOL
8815: Func MapWindowPoints(hWndFrom,hWndTo:HWND; var lpPoints, cPoints: UINT):Int
8816: Func WindowFromPoint( Point : TPoint) : HWND
8817: Func ChildWindowFromPoint( hWndParent : HWND; Point : TPoint) : HWND
8819: Proc SIRegister_GR32_Math(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8820: begin
8821: Func FixedFloor( A : TFixed) : Int
8822: Func FixedCeil( A : TFixed) : Int
8823: Func FixedMul( A, B : TFixed) : TFixed
8824: Func FixedDiv( A, B : TFixed) : TFixed
8825: Func OneOver( Value : TFixed) : TFixed
8826: Func FixedRound( A : TFixed) : Int
8827: Func FixedSqr( Value : TFixed) : TFixed
8828: Func FixedSqrtLP( Value : TFixed) : TFixed
8829: Func FixedSqrtHP( Value : TFixed) : TFixed
8830: Func FixedCombine( W, X, Y : TFixed) : TFixed
8831: Proc GRSinCos( const Theta : TFloat; out Sin, Cos : TFloat);
8832: Proc GRSinCos1( const Theta, Radius : Single; out Sin, Cos : Single);
8833: Func GRHypot( const X, Y : TFloat) : TFloat;
8834: Func Hypot1( const X, Y : Int) : Int;
8835: Func FastSqrt( const Value : TFloat) : TFloat
8836: Func FastSqrtBab1( const Value : TFloat) : TFloat
8837: Func FastSqrtBab2( const Value : TFloat) : TFloat
8838: Func FastInvSqrt( const Value : Single) : Single;
8839: Func MulDiv( Multiplicand, Multiplier, Divisor : Int) : Int
8840: Func GRIsPowerOf2( Value : Int) :Bool
8841: Func PrevPowerOf2( Value : Int) : Int
8842: Func NextPowerOf2( Value : Int) : Int
8843: Func Average( A, B : Int) : Int
8844: Func GRSign( Value : Int) : Int
8845: Func FloatMod( x, y : Double) : Double
8846: end;
8848: Proc SIRegister_GR32_LowLevel(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8849: begin
8850: Func Clamp( const Value : Int) : Int;
8851: Proc GRFillWord( var X, Count :Card; Value : Longword)
8852: Func StackAlloc( Size : Int) : Pointer
8853: Proc StackFree( P : Pointer)
8854: Proc Swap( var A, B : Pointer);
8855: Proc Swap1( var A, B : Int);
8856: Proc Swap2( var A, B : TFixed);
8857: Proc Swap3( var A, B : TColor32);
8858: Proc TestSwap( var A, B : Int);
8859: Proc TestSwap1( var A, B : TFixed);
8860: Func TestClip( var A, B : Int; const Size : Int) :Bool;
8861: Func TestClip1( var A, B : Int; const Start, Stop : Int) :Bool;
8862: Func GRConstrain( const Value, Lo, Hi : Int) : Int;
8863: Func Constrain1( const Value, Lo, Hi : Single) : Single;
8864: Func SwapConstrain( const Value:Int; Constrain1,Constrain2:Int) : Int
8865: Func GRMin( const A, B, C : Int) : Int;
8866: Func GRMax( const A, B, C : Int) : Int;
8867: Func Clamp( Value, Max : Int) : Int;
8868: Func Clamp1( Value, Min, Max : Int) : Int;
8869: Func Wrap( Value, Max : Int) : Int;
8870: Func Wrap1( Value, Min, Max : Int) : Int;
8871: Func Wrap3( Value, Max : Single) : Single;;
8872: Func WrapPow2( Value, Max : Int) : Int;
8873: Func WrapPow21( Value, Min, Max : Int) : Int;
8874: Func Mirror( Value, Max : Int) : Int;
8875: Func Mirror1( Value, Min, Max : Int) : Int;
8876: Func MirrorPow2( Value, Max : Int) : Int;
8877: Func MirrorPow21( Value, Min, Max : Int) : Int;
8878: Func GetOptimalWrap( Max : Int) : TWrapProc;
8879: Func GetOptimalWrap1( Min, Max : Int) : TWrapProcEx;
8880: Func GetOptimalMirror( Max : Int) : TWrapProc;
8881: Func GetOptimalMirror1( Min, Max : Int) : TWrapProcEx;
8882: Func GetWrapProc( WrapMode : TWrapMode) : TWrapProc;
8883: Func GetWrapProc1( WrapMode : TWrapMode; Max : Int) : TWrapProc;
8884: Func GetWrapProcEx( WrapMode : TWrapMode) : TWrapProcEx;
8885: Func GetWrapProcEx1( WrapMode : TWrapMode; Min, Max : Int):TWrapProcEx;
8886: Func Div255( Value :Card) :Card
8887: Func SAR_4( Value : Int) : Int
8888: Func SAR_8( Value : Int) : Int
8889: Func SAR_9( Value : Int) : Int
8890: Func SAR_11( Value : Int) : Int
8891: Func SAR_12( Value : Int) : Int
8892: Func SAR_13( Value : Int) : Int
8893: Func SAR_14( Value : Int) : Int
8894: Func SAR_15( Value : Int) : Int
8895: Func SAR_16( Value : Int) : Int
8896: Func ColorSwap( WinColor : TColor) : TColor32
8897: end;
8899: Proc SIRegister_GR32_Filters(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

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8900: begin
8901: AddTypeS('TLogicalOperator', '( loXOR, loAND, loOR )
8902: Proc CopyComponents(Dst,Src:TCustomBitmap32;Components:TColor32Components);
8903: Proc CopyComponents1(Dst:TCustBmap32;DstX,
8904: Proc AlphaToGrayscale( Dst, Src : TCustomBitmap32)
8905: Proc ColorToGrayscale( Dst, Src : TCustomBitmap32; PreserveAlpha :Bool)
8906: Proc IntensityToAlpha( Dst, Src : TCustomBitmap32)
8907: Proc Invert( Dst, Src : TCustomBitmap32; Components : TColor32Components)
8908: Proc InvertRGB( Dst, Src : TCustomBitmap32)
8909: Proc ApplyLUT(Dst,Src:TCustomBitmap32;const LUT:TLUT8;PreserveAlpha:Boolean)
8910: Proc ChromaKey( ABitmap : TCustomBitmap32; TrColor : TColor32)
8911: Func CreateBitmask( Components : TColor32Components) : TColor32
8912: Proc ApplyBitmask(Dst:TCustomBitmap32;DstX,DstY:Int;Src:TCustomBitmap32;SrcRect:TRect;
8913: Proc ApplyBitmask1(ABitmap:TCustomBitmap32;ARect:TRect;Bitmask:TColor32;LogicalOperator:TLogicalOperator);
8914: Proc CheckParams( Dst, Src : TCustomBitmap32; ResizeDst :Bool)
8915: end;
8917: Proc SIRegister_JclNTFS(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8918: begin
8919: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclNtfsError
8920: AddTypeS('TFileCompressionState','(fcNoCompression,fcDefaultCompression,fcLZNT1Compression )
8921: Func NtfsGetCompression const FileName:str; var State : Short):Bool;
8922: Func NtfsGetCompression1( const FileName :Str) : TFileCompressionState;
8923: Func NtfsSetCompression const FileName:str; const State:Short) :Bool
8924: Proc NtfsSetFileCompression(const FileName:Str; const State: TFileCompressionState)
8925: Proc NtfsSetDirectoryTreeCompression(const Directory:Str; const State : TFileCompressionState)
8926: Proc NtfsSetDefaultFileCompression(const Directory:Str; const State:TFileCompressionState)
8927: Proc NtfsSetPathCompression(const Path:str;const State:TFileCompressionState;Recursive:Bool;
8928: //AddTypeS('TNtfsAllocRanges', 'record Entries : Int; Data : PFileAlloca'
8929: //+'tedRangeBuffer; MoreData :Bool; end
8930: Func NtfsSetSparse( const FileName :Str) :Bool
8931: Func NtfsZeroDataByHandle(const Handle:THandle;const First,Last:Int64): Bool
8932: Func NtfsZeroDataByName(const FileName:str;const First,Last:Int64): Bool
8933: //Func NtfsQueryAllocRanges(const FileName:str;Offset,Count:Int64;var Ranges:TNtfsAllocRanges):Boolean;
8934: //Func NtfsGetAllocRangeEntry( const Ranges : TNtfsAllocRanges; Index:Int):TFileAllocatedRangeBuffer
8935: Func NtfsSparseStreamsSupported( const Volume :Str) :Bool
8936: Func NtfsGetSparse( const FileName :Str) :Bool
8937: Func NtfsDeleteReparsePoint(const FileName:str; ReparseTag:DWORD):Boolean
8938: Func NtfsSetReparsePoint(const FileName:str;var ReparseData,Size:Longword): Bool
8939: //Func NtfsGetReparsePoint(const FileName:str;var ReparseData:TReparseGuidDataBuffer):Bool
8940: Func NtfsGetReparseTag( const Path :Str; var Tag : DWORD) :Bool
8941: Func NtfsReparsePointsSupported( const Volume :Str) :Bool
8942: Func NtfsFileHasReparsePoint( const Path :Str) :Bool
8943: Func NtfsIsFolderMountPoint( const Path :Str) :Bool
8944: Func NtfsMountDeviceAsDrive( const Device :Str; Drive : Char):Boolean
8945: Func NtfsMountVolume(const Volume:Char; const MountPoint:str):Bool
8946: AddTypeS('TOpLock', '( olExclusive, olReadOnly, olBatch, olFilter )
8947: Func NtfsOpLockAckClosePending(Handle:THandle;Overlapped:TOverlapped):boolean
8948: Func NtfsOpLockBreakAckNo2(Handle:THandle;Overlapped:TOverlapped):Bool
8949: Func NtfsOpLockBreakAcknowledge(Handl:THandle;Overlapped:TOverlapped):Boolean
8950: Func NtfsOpLockBreakNotify(Handle:THandle;Overlapped:TOverlapped) :Bool
8951: Func NtfsRequestOpLock(Handle:THandle;Kind:TOpLock;Overlapped:TOverlapped): Bool
8952: Func NtfsCreateJunctionPoint( const Source, Destination :Str) :Bool
8953: Func NtfsDeleteJunctionPoint( const Source :Str) :Bool
8954: Func NtfsGetJunctionPointDestination(const Source:Str;var Destination:str):Bool
8955: AddTypeS('TStreamId','( siInvalid, siStandard, siExtendedAttribute, siSec'
8956: +'urity, siAlternate,siHardLink,siProperty,siObjectIdentifier,siReparsePoints,siSparseFile )
8957: AddTypeS('TStreamIds', 'set of TStreamId
8958: AddTypeS('TInternalFindStreamData', 'record FileHandle : THandle; Context '
8959: +': ___Pointer; StreamIds : TStreamIds; end
8960: AddTypeS('TFindStreamData', 'record internal : TInternalFindStreamData; At'
8961: +'tributes : DWORD; StreamID : TStreamId; Name : WideString; Size : Int64; end
8962: Func NtfsFindFirstStream(const FileName:str;StreamIds:TStreamIds;var Data:TFindStreamData):Boolean;
8963: Func NtfsFindNextStream( var Data : TFindStreamData) :Bool
8964: Func NtfsFindStreamClose( var Data : TFindStreamData) :Bool
8965: Func NtfsCreateHardLink(const LinkFileName,ExistingFileName:str):Boolean
8966: AddTypeS('TNtfsHardLinkInfo','record LinkCount:Card;FileIndex:Int64; end
8967: Func NtfsGetHardLinkInfo( const FileName :Str; var Info : TNtfsHardLinkInfo) :Bool
8968: Func NtfsFindHardLinks(const Path:str;const FileIndexHigh,FileIndexLow:Card;const List:TStrings):Bool;
8969: Func NtfsDeleteHardLinks( const FileName :Str) :Bool
8970: Func JclAppInstances : TJclAppInstances;
8971: Func JclAppInstances1( const UniqueAppIdGuidStr :Str) : TJclAppInstances;
8972: Func ReadMessageCheck( var Message:TMessage;const IgnoredOriginatorWnd:HWND): TJclAppInstDataKind
8973: Proc ReadMessageData(const Message:TMessage;var Data:___Pointer;var Size:Int)
8974: Proc ReadMessageString( const Message : TMessage; var S :Str)
8975: Proc ReadMessageStrings( const Message : TMessage; const Strings : TStrings)
8977: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
8978: Proc SIRegister_JclGraphics(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
8979: begin
8980: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclGraphicsError
8981: TDynDynIntArrayArray', 'array of TDynIntArray
8982: TDynPointArray', 'array of TPoint
8983: TDynDynPointArrayArray', 'array of TDynPointArray
8984: TPointF', 'record X : Single; Y : Single; end
8985: TDynPointArrayF', 'array of TPointF
8986: TDrawMode2', '( dmOpaque, dmBlend )

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8987: TStretchFilter2', '( sfNearest, sfLinear, sfSpline )

8988: TConversionKind', '(ckRed,ckGreen,ckBlue,ckAlpha ckUniformRGB, ckWeightedRGB )
8989: TResamplingFilter','(rfBox,rfTriangle,rfHermite,rfBell,rfSpline,rfLanczos3,rfMitchell )
8990: TMatrix3d', 'record array[0..2,0..2] of extended end
8991: TDynDynPointArrayArrayF', 'array of TDynPointArrayF
8992: TScanLine', 'array of Int
8993: TScanLines', 'array of TScanLine
8994: TColorChannel', '( ccRed, ccGreen, ccBlue, ccAlpha )
8995: TGradientDirection', '( gdVertical, gdHorizontal )
8996: TPolyFillMode', '( fmAlternate, fmWinding )
8997: TJclRegionCombineOperator', '( coAnd, coDiff, coOr, coXor )
8998: TJclRegionBitmapMode', '( rmInclude, rmExclude )
8999: TJclRegionKind', '( rkNull, rkSimple, rkComplex, rkError )
9000: SIRegister_TJclDesktopCanvas(CL);
9001: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TJclRegion
9002: SIRegister_TJclRegionInfo(CL);
9003: SIRegister_TJclRegion(CL);
9004: SIRegister_TJclThreadPersistent(CL);
9005: SIRegister_TJclCustomMap(CL);
9006: SIRegister_TJclBitmap32(CL);
9007: SIRegister_TJclByteMap(CL);
9008: SIRegister_TJclTransformation(CL);
9009: SIRegister_TJclLinearTransformation(CL);
9010: Proc Stretch(NewWidth,
9011: Proc Stretch1(NewWidth,NewHeight:Card;Filter:TResamplingFilter;Radius:Single;Bitmap:TBitmap);
9012: Proc DrawBitmap( DC : HDC; Bitmap : HBitMap; X, Y, Width, Height : Int)
9013: Func GetAntialiasedBitmap( const Bitmap : TBitmap) : TBitmap
9014: Proc BitmapToJPeg( const FileName :Str)
9015: Proc JPegToBitmap( const FileName :Str)
9016: Func ExtractIconCount( const FileName :Str) : Int
9017: Func BitmapToIconJ( Bitmap : HBITMAP; cx, cy : Int) : HICON
9018: Func IconToBitmapJ( Icon : HICON) : HBITMAP
9019: Proc BlockTransfer(Dst:TJclBitmap32;DstX:Int;DstY:Int;Src:TJclBitmap32;SrcRect:TRect;CombineOp:TDrawMode)
9020: Proc
CombineOp : TDrawMode)
9021: Proc Transform( Dst, Src : TJclBitmap32; SrcRect : TRect; Transformation : TJclTransformation)
9022: Proc SetBorderTransparent( ABitmap : TJclBitmap32; ARect : TRect)
9023: Func FillGradient(DC:HDC;ARect:TRect;ColorCount:Int;StartColor,
9024: Func CreateRegionFromBitmap(Bitmap:TBitmap;RegionColor:TColor;RegionBitmapMode:TJclRegionBitmapMode): HRGN
9025: Proc ScreenShot(bm:TBitmap; Left, Top, Width, Height : Int; Window : HWND);
9026: Proc ScreenShot1( bm : TBitmap);
9027: Proc PolyLineTS(Bitmap TJclBitmap32;const Points:TDynPointArray;Color: TColor32)
9028: Proc PolyLineAS( Bitmap : TJclBitmap32; const Points : TDynPointArray; Color : TColor32)
9029: Proc PolyLineFS( Bitmap : TJclBitmap32; const Points : TDynPointArrayF; Color : TColor32)
9030: Proc PolygonTS( Bitmap : TJclBitmap32; const Points : TDynPointArray; Color : TColor32)
9031: Proc PolygonAS( Bitmap : TJclBitmap32; const Points : TDynPointArray; Color : TColor32)
9032: Proc PolygonFS(Bitmap:TJclBitmap32;const Points:TDynPointArrayF;Color: TColor32)
9033: Proc PolyPolygonTS(Bitm:TJclBitmap32;const Points:TDynDynPointArrayArray;Color:TColor32);
9034: Proc PolyPolygonAS(Bitm:TJclBitmap32;const Points:TDynDynPointArrayArray;Color:TColor32);
9035: Proc PolyPolygonFS(Bitmap:TJclBitmap32;const Points:TDynDynPointArrayArrayF;Colr:TColr32);
9036: Proc AlphaToGrayscale( Dst, Src : TJclBitmap32)
9037: Proc IntensityToAlpha( Dst, Src : TJclBitmap32)
9038: Proc Invert( Dst, Src : TJclBitmap32)
9039: Proc InvertRGB( Dst, Src : TJclBitmap32)
9040: Proc ColorToGrayscale( Dst, Src : TJclBitmap32)
9041: Proc ApplyLUT( Dst, Src : TJclBitmap32; const LUT : TLUT8)
9042: Proc SetGamma( Gamma : Single)
9043: end;
9045: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
9046: Proc SIRegister_JclSynch(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
9047: begin
9048: Func LockedAdd( var Target : Int; Value : Int) : Int
9049: Func LockedCompareExchange( var Target : Int; Exch, Comp : Int) : Int;
9050: Func LockedCompareExchange1(var Target: ___Pointer;Exch,Comp:___Pointer): Pointer;
9051: Func LockedDec( var Target : Int) : Int
9052: Func LockedExchange( var Target : Int; Value : Int) : Int
9053: Func LockedExchangeAdd( var Target : Int; Value : Int) : Int
9054: Func LockedExchangeDec( var Target : Int) : Int
9055: Func LockedExchangeInc( var Target : Int) : Int
9056: Func LockedExchangeSub( var Target : Int; Value : Int) : Int
9057: Func LockedInc( var Target : Int) : Int
9058: Func LockedSub( var Target : Int; Value : Int) : Int
9059: TJclWaitResult', '( wrAbandoned, wrError, wrIoCompletion, wrSignaled, wrTimeout )
9060: SIRegister_TJclDispatcherObject(CL);
9061: Func WaitForMultipleObjects(const Objects:array of TJclDispatcherObject;WaitAll:Bool;TimeOut:Cardin):Card;
9062: Func WaitAlertableForMultipleObjects(const Objects:array of
9063: SIRegister_TJclCriticalSection(CL);
9064: SIRegister_TJclCriticalSectionEx(CL);
9065: SIRegister_TJclEvent(CL);
9066: SIRegister_TJclWaitableTimer(CL);
9067: SIRegister_TJclSemaphore(CL);
9068: SIRegister_TJclMutex(CL);
9069: POptexSharedInfo', '^TOptexSharedInfo // will not work
9070: TOptexSharedInfo,record SpinCount:Int;LockCount:Int;ThreadId:Longword;RecursionCount:Int;end

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9071: SIRegister_TJclOptex(CL);
9072: TMrewPreferred', '( mpReaders, mpWriters, mpEqual )
9073: TMrewThreadInfo','record ThreadId:Longword;RecursionCount:Int;Reader:Bool; end
9074: TMrewThreadInfoArray', 'array of TMrewThreadInfo
9075: SIRegister_TJclMultiReadExclusiveWrite(CL);
9076: PMetSectSharedInfo', '^TMetSectSharedInfo // will not work
9077: TMetSectSharedInfo', 'record Initialized : LongBool; SpinLock : '
9078: +'Longint; ThreadsWaiting : Longint; AvailableCount : Longint; MaximumCount : Longint; end
9079: PMeteredSection', '^TMeteredSection // will not work
9080: TMeteredSection', 'record Event:THandle; FileMap:THandle; SharedInfo:PMetSectSharedInfo; end
9081: SIRegister_TJclMeteredSection(CL);
9082: TEventInfo', 'record EventType : Longint; Signaled : LongBool; end
9083: TMutexInfo', 'record SignalState:Longint; Owned:Boolean; Abandoned:Bool; end
9084: TSemaphoreCounts', 'record CurrentCount: Longint; MaximumCount: Longint; end
9085: TTimerInfo', 'record Remaining : TLargeInt; Signaled : LongBool; end
9086: Func QueryCriticalSection(CS TJclCriticalSection;var Info:TRTLCriticalSection):Boolean
9087: Func QueryEvent( Handle : THandle; var Info : TEventInfo) :Bool
9088: Func QueryMutex( Handle : THandle; var Info : TMutexInfo) :Bool
9089: Func QuerySemaphore( Handle : THandle; var Info : TSemaphoreCounts) :Bool
9090: Func QueryTimer( Handle : THandle; var Info : TTimerInfo) :Bool
9091: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclWin32HandleObjectError
9092: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclDispatcherObjectError
9093: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclCriticalSectionError
9094: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclEventError
9095: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclWaitableTimerError
9096: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclSemaphoreError
9097: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclMutexError
9098: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclMeteredSectionError
9099: end;
9101: //***************************unit uPSI_mORMotReport;
9102: Proc SetCurrentPrinterAsDefault
9103: Func CurrentPrinterName :Str
9104: Func mCurrentPrinterPaperSize :Str
9105: Proc UseDefaultPrinter
9107: Proc SIRegisterTSTREAM(Cl: TPSPascalCompiler);
9108: begin
9109: with FindClass('TOBJECT'), 'TStream') do begin
9110: IsAbstract := True;
9111: //RegisterMethod('Func Read( var Buffer, Count : Longint) : Longint
9112: // RegisterMethod('Func Write( const Buffer, Count : Longint) : Longint
9113: Func Read(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt):LongInt
9114: Func Write(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt):LongInt
9115: Func ReadString(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt):LongInt //FileStream
9116: Func WriteString(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt):LongInt
9117: Func ReadInt(Buffer:Int;Count:LongInt):LongInt
9118: Func WriteInt(Buffer:Int;Count:LongInt):LongInt
9119: Func ReadByteArray(Buffer:TByteArray;Count:LongInt):LongInt;
9120: Func WriteByteArray(Buffer:TByteArray;Count:LongInt):LongInt;
9122: Proc ReadAB(Buffer: TByteArray;Count:LongInt)
9123: Proc WriteAB(Buffer: TByteArray;Count:LongInt)
9124: Proc ReadABD(Buffer: TByteDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9125: Proc WriteABD(Buffer: TByteDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9126: Proc ReadAC(Buffer: TCharArray;Count:LongInt)
9127: Proc WriteAC(Buffer: TCharArray;Count:LongInt)
9128: Proc ReadACD(Buffer: TCharDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9129: Proc WriteACD(Buffer: TCharDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9131: Func Seek(Offset:LongInt;Origin:Word):LongInt
9132: Proc ReadBuffer(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt)
9133: Proc WriteBuffer(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt)
9134: Proc ReadBufferInt(Buffer:Int;Count:LongInt);
9135: Proc WriteBufferInt(Buffer:Int;Count:LongInt);
9136: Proc ReadBufferFloat(Buffer:Double;Count:LongInt);
9137: Proc WriteBufferFloat(Buffer:Double;Count:LongInt);
9139: Proc ReadBufferAB(Buffer: TByteArray;Count:LongInt)
9140: Proc WriteBufferAB(Buffer: TByteArray;Count:LongInt)
9141: Proc ReadBufferABD(Buffer: TByteDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9142: Proc WriteBufferABD(Buffer: TByteDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9143: Proc ReadBufferAW(Buffer: TWordArray;Count:LongInt)
9144: Proc WriteBufferAW(Buffer: TWordArray;Count:LongInt)
9145: Proc ReadBufferAWD(Buffer: TWordDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9146: Proc WriteBufferAWD(Buffer: TWordDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9147: Proc ReadBufferAW(Buffer: TWordArray;Count:LongInt)
9148: Proc WriteBufferAW(Buffer: TWordArray;Count:LongInt)
9149: Proc ReadBufferAC(Buffer: TCharArray;Count:LongInt)
9150: Proc WriteBufferAC(Buffer: TCharArray;Count:LongInt)
9151: Proc ReadBufferACD(Buffer: TCharDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9152: Proc WriteBufferACD(Buffer: TCharDynArray;Count:LongInt)
9154: Proc ReadBufferP(Buffer: PChar;Count:LongInt)
9155: Proc WriteBufferP(Buffer: PChar;Count:LongInt)
9156: Proc ReadBufferO(Buffer: TObject;Count:LongInt);
9157: Proc WriteBufferO(Buffer: TObject;Count:LongInt);
9159: Func InstanceSize: Longint

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9160: Proc FixupResourceHeader( FixupInfo : Int)

9161: Proc ReadResHeader
9164: Func CopyFrom(Source:TStream;Count:Int64):LongInt
9165: {$ELSE}
9166: Func CopyFrom(Source:TStream;Count:Int):LongInt
9167: {$ENDIF}
9168: RegisterProperty('Position', 'LongInt', iptrw);
9169: RegisterProperty('Size', 'LongInt', iptrw);
9170: end;
9171: end;
9173: { ******************************************************************
9174: Unit DMATH - Interface for DMATH.DLL
9175: ****************************************************************** }
9176: // see more docs/dmath_manual.pdf
9178: Func InitEval : Int
9179: Proc SetVariable( VarName : Char; Value : Float)
9180: Proc SetFunction( FuncName :Str; Wrapper : TWrapper)
9181: Func Eval( ExpressionString :Str) : Float
9183: unit dmath; //types are in built, others are external in DLL
9184: interface
9186: uses
9187: StdCtrls, Graphics;
9188: {$ENDIF}
9189: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9190: Types and constants
9191: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9192: {$i types.inc}
9193: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9194: Error handling
9195: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9196: Proc SetErrCode(ErrCode : Int); external 'dmath';
9197: { Sets the error code }
9198: Func DefaultVal(ErrCode : Int; DefVal : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9199: { Sets error code and default Func value }
9200: Func MathErr : Int; external 'dmath';
9201: { Returns the error code }
9202: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9203: Dynamic arrays
9204: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9205: Proc SetAutoInit(AutoInit :Bool); external 'dmath';
9206: { Sets the auto-initialization of arrays }
9207: Proc DimVector(var V : TVector; Ub : Int); external 'dmath';
9208: { Creates floating point vector V[0..Ub] }
9209: Proc DimIntVector(var V : TIntVector; Ub : Int); external 'dmath';
9210: { Creates Int vector V[0..Ub] }
9211: Proc DimCompVector(var V : TCompVector; Ub : Int); external 'dmath';
9212: { Creates complex vector V[0..Ub] }
9213: Proc DimBoolVector(var V : TBoolVector; Ub : Int); external 'dmath';
9214: { Creates boolean vector V[0..Ub] }
9215: Proc DimStrVector(var V : TStrVector; Ub : Int); external 'dmath';
9216: { Creates string vector V[0..Ub] }
9217: Proc DimMatrix(var A : TMatrix; Ub1, Ub2 : Int); external 'dmath';
9218: { Creates floating point matrix A[0..Ub1, 0..Ub2] }
9219: Proc DimIntMatrix(var A : TIntMatrix; Ub1, Ub2 : Int); external 'dmath';
9220: { Creates Int matrix A[0..Ub1, 0..Ub2] }
9221: Proc DimCompMatrix(var A : TCompMatrix; Ub1, Ub2 : Int); external 'dmath';
9222: { Creates complex matrix A[0..Ub1, 0..Ub2] }
9223: Proc DimBoolMatrix(var A : TBoolMatrix; Ub1, Ub2 : Int); external 'dmath';
9224: { Creates boolean matrix A[0..Ub1, 0..Ub2] }
9225: Proc DimStrMatrix(var A : TStrMatrix; Ub1, Ub2 : Int); external 'dmath';
9226: { Creates string matrix A[0..Ub1, 0..Ub2] }
9227: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9228: Minimum, maximum, sign and exchange
9229: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9230: Func FMin(X, Y : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9231: { Minimum of 2 reals }
9232: Func FMax(X, Y : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9233: { Maximum of 2 reals }
9234: Func IMin(X, Y : Int) : Int; external 'dmath';
9235: { Minimum of 2 Ints }
9236: Func IMax(X, Y : Int) : Int; external 'dmath';
9237: { Maximum of 2 Ints }
9238: Func Sgn(X : Float) : Int; external 'dmath';
9239: { Sign (returns 1 if X = 0) }
9240: Func Sgn0(X : Float) : Int; external 'dmath';
9241: { Sign (returns 0 if X = 0) }
9242: Func DSgn(A, B : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9243: { Sgn(B) * |A| }
9244: Proc FSwap(var X, Y : Float); external 'dmath';
9245: { Exchange 2 reals }
9246: Proc ISwap(var X, Y : Int); external 'dmath';
9247: { Exchange 2 Ints }
9248: { ------------------------------------------------------------------

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9249: Rounding functions

9250: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9251: Func RoundN(X : Float; N : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9252: { Rounds X to N decimal places }
9253: Func Ceil(X : Float) : Int; external 'dmath';
9254: { Ceiling Func }
9255: Func Floor(X : Float) : Int; external 'dmath';
9256: { Floor Func }
9257: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9258: Logarithms, exponentials and power
9259: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9260: Func Expo(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9261: { Exponential }
9262: Func Exp2(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9263: { 2^X }
9264: Func Exp10(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9265: { 10^X }
9266: Func Log(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9267: { Natural log }
9268: Func Log2(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9269: { Log, base 2 }
9270: Func Log10(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9271: { Decimal log }
9272: Func LogA(X, A : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9273: { Log, base A }
9274: Func IntPower(X : Float; N : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9275: { X^N }
9276: Func Power(X, Y : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9277: { X^Y, X >= 0 }
9278: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9279: Trigonometric functions
9280: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9281: Func Pythag(X, Y : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9282: { Sqrt(X^2 + Y^2) }
9283: Func FixAngle(Theta : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9284: { Set Theta in -Pi..Pi }
9285: Func Tan(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9286: { Tangent }
9287: Func ArcSin(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9288: { Arc sinus }
9289: Func ArcCos(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9290: { Arc cosinus }
9291: Func ArcTan2(Y, X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9292: { Angle (Ox, OM) with M(X,Y) }
9293: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9294: Hyperbolic functions
9295: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9296: Func Sinh(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9297: { Hyperbolic sine }
9298: Func Cosh(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9299: { Hyperbolic cosine }
9300: Func Tanh(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9301: { Hyperbolic tangent }
9302: Func ArcSinh(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9303: { Inverse hyperbolic sine }
9304: Func ArcCosh(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9305: { Inverse hyperbolic cosine }
9306: Func ArcTanh(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9307: { Inverse hyperbolic tangent }
9308: Proc SinhCosh(X : Float; var SinhX, CoshX : Float); external 'dmath';
9309: { Sinh & Cosh }
9310: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9311: Gamma Func and related functions
9312: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9313: Func Fact(N : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9314: { Factorial }
9315: Func SgnGamma(X : Float) : Int; external 'dmath';
9316: { Sign of Gamma Func }
9317: Func Gamma(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9318: { Gamma Func }
9319: Func LnGamma(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9320: { Logarithm of Gamma Func }
9321: Func Stirling(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9322: { Stirling's formula for the Gamma Func }
9323: Func StirLog(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9324: { Approximate Ln(Gamma) by Stirling's formula, for X >= 13 }
9325: Func DiGamma(X : Float ) : Float; external 'dmath';
9326: { Digamma Func }
9327: Func TriGamma(X : Float ) : Float; external 'dmath';
9328: { Trigamma Func }
9329: Func IGamma(A, X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9330: { Incomplete Gamma function}
9331: Func JGamma(A, X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9332: { Complement of incomplete Gamma Func }
9333: Func InvGamma(A, P : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9334: { Inverse of incomplete Gamma Func }
9335: Func Erf(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9336: { Error Func }
9337: Func Erfc(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';

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9338: { Complement of error Func }

9339: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9340: Beta Func and related functions
9341: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9342: Func Beta(X, Y : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9343: { Beta Func }
9344: Func IBeta(A, B, X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9345: { Incomplete Beta Func }
9346: Func InvBeta(A, B, Y : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9347: { Inverse of incomplete Beta Func }
9348: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9349: Lambert's function
9350: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9351: Func LambertW(X : Float; UBranch, Offset :Bool) : Float; external 'dmath';
9352: ------------------------------------------------------------------
9353: Binomial distribution
9354: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9355: Func Binomial(N, K : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9356: { Binomial coefficient C(N,K) }
9357: Func PBinom(N : Int; P : Float; K : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9358: { Probability of binomial distribution }
9359: Func FBinom(N : Int; P : Float; K : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9360: { Cumulative probability for binomial distrib. }
9361: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9362: Poisson distribution
9363: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9364: Func PPoisson(Mu : Float; K : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9365: { Probability of Poisson distribution }
9366: Func FPoisson(Mu : Float; K : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9367: { Cumulative probability for Poisson distrib. }
9368: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9369: Exponential distribution
9370: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9371: Func DExpo(A, X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9372: { Density of exponential distribution with parameter A }
9373: Func FExpo(A, X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9374: { Cumulative probability Func for exponential dist. with parameter A }
9375: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9376: Standard normal distribution
9377: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9378: Func DNorm(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9379: { Density of standard normal distribution }
9380: Func FNorm(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9381: { Cumulative probability for standard normal distrib. }
9382: Func PNorm(X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9383: { Prob(|U| > X) for standard normal distrib. }
9384: Func InvNorm(P : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9385: { Inverse of standard normal distribution }
9386: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9387: Student's distribution
9388: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9389: Func DStudent(Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9390: { Density of Student distribution with Nu d.o.f. }
9391: Func FStudent(Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9392: { Cumulative probability for Student distrib. with Nu d.o.f. }
9393: Func PStudent(Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9394: { Prob(|t| > X) for Student distrib. with Nu d.o.f. }
9395: Func InvStudent(Nu : Int; P : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9396: { Inverse of Student's t-distribution Func }
9397: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9398: Khi-2 distribution
9399: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9400: Func DKhi2(Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9401: { Density of Khi-2 distribution with Nu d.o.f. }
9402: Func FKhi2(Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9403: { Cumulative prob. for Khi-2 distrib. with Nu d.o.f. }
9404: Func PKhi2(Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9405: { Prob(Khi2 > X) for Khi-2 distrib. with Nu d.o.f. }
9406: Func InvKhi2(Nu : Int; P : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9407: { Inverse of Khi-2 distribution Func }
9408: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9409: Fisher-Snedecor distribution
9410: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9411: Func DSnedecor(Nu1, Nu2 : Int; X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9412: { Density of Fisher-Snedecor distribution with Nu1 and Nu2 d.o.f. }
9413: Func FSnedecor(Nu1, Nu2 : Int; X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9414: { Cumulative prob. for Fisher-Snedecor distrib. with Nu1 and Nu2 d.o.f. }
9415: Func PSnedecor(Nu1, Nu2 : Int; X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9416: { Prob(F > X) for Fisher-Snedecor distrib. with Nu1 and Nu2 d.o.f. }
9417: Func InvSnedecor(Nu1, Nu2 : Int; P : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9418: { Inverse of Snedecor's F-distribution Func }
9419: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9420: Beta distribution
9421: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9422: Func DBeta(A, B, X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9423: { Density of Beta distribution with parameters A and B }
9424: Func FBeta(A, B, X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9425: { Cumulative probability for Beta distrib. with param. A and B }
9426: { ------------------------------------------------------------------

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9427: Gamma distribution

9428: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9429: Func DGamma(A, B, X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9430: { Density of Gamma distribution with parameters A and B }
9431: Func FGamma(A, B, X : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9432: { Cumulative probability for Gamma distrib. with param. A and B }
9433: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9434: Expression evaluation
9435: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9436: Func InitEval : Int; external 'dmath';
9437: { Initializes built-in functions and returns their number }
9438: Func Eval(ExpressionString :Str) : Float; external 'dmath';
9439: { Evaluates an expression at run-time }
9440: Proc SetVariable(VarName : Char; Value : Float); external 'dmath';
9441: { Assigns a value to a variable }
9442: Proc SetFunction(FuncName :Str; Wrapper : TWrapper); external 'dmath';
9443: { Adds a Func to the parser }
9444: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9445: Matrices and linear equations
9446: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9447: Proc GaussJordan(A : TMatrix;
9448: Lb, Ub1, Ub2 : Int;
9449: var Det : Float); external 'dmath';
9450: { Transforms a matrix according to the Gauss-Jordan method }
9451: Proc LinEq(A : TMatrix;
9452: B : TVector;
9453: Lb, Ub : Int;
9454: var Det : Float); external 'dmath';
9455: { Solves a linear system according to the Gauss-Jordan method }
9456: Proc Cholesky(A, L : TMatrix; Lb, Ub : Int); external 'dmath';
9457: { Cholesky factorization of a positive definite symmetric matrix }
9458: Proc LU_Decomp(A : TMatrix; Lb, Ub : Int); external 'dmath';
9459: { LU decomposition }
9460: Proc LU_Solve(A : TMatrix;
9461: B : TVector;
9462: Lb, Ub : Int;
9463: X : TVector); external 'dmath';
9464: { Solution of linear system from LU decomposition }
9465: Proc QR_Decomp(A : TMatrix;
9466: Lb, Ub1, Ub2 : Int;
9467: R : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9468: { QR decomposition }
9469: Proc QR_Solve(Q, R : TMatrix;
9470: B : TVector;
9471: Lb, Ub1, Ub2 : Int;
9472: X : TVector); external 'dmath';
9473: { Solution of linear system from QR decomposition }
9474: Proc SV_Decomp(A : TMatrix;
9475: Lb, Ub1, Ub2 : Int;
9476: S : TVector;
9477: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9478: { Singular value decomposition }
9479: Proc SV_SetZero(S : TVector;
9480: Lb, Ub : Int;
9481: Tol : Float); external 'dmath';
9482: { Set lowest singular values to zero }
9483: Proc SV_Solve(U : TMatrix;
9484: S : TVector;
9485: V : TMatrix;
9486: B : TVector;
9487: Lb, Ub1, Ub2 : Int;
9488: X : TVector); external 'dmath';
9489: { Solution of linear system from SVD }
9490: Proc SV_Approx(U : TMatrix;
9491: S : TVector;
9492: V : TMatrix;
9493: Lb, Ub1, Ub2 : Int;
9494: A : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9495: { Matrix approximation from SVD }
9496: Proc EigenVals(A : TMatrix;
9497: Lb, Ub : Int;
9498: Lambda : TCompVector); external 'dmath';
9499: { Eigenvalues of a general square matrix }
9500: Proc EigenVect(A : TMatrix;
9501: Lb, Ub : Int;
9502: Lambda : TCompVector;
9503: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9504: { Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a general square matrix }
9505: Proc EigenSym(A : TMatrix;
9506: Lb, Ub : Int;
9507: Lambda : TVector;
9508: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9509: { Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix (SVD method) }
9510: Proc Jacobi(A : TMatrix;
9511: Lb, Ub, MaxIter : Int;
9512: Tol : Float;
9513: Lambda : TVector;
9514: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9515: { Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix (Jacobi method) }

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9516: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9517: Optimization
9518: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9519: Proc MinBrack(Func : TFunc;
9520: var A, B, C, Fa, Fb, Fc : Float); external 'dmath';
9521: { Brackets a minimum of a Func }
9522: Proc GoldSearch(Func : TFunc;
9523: A, B : Float;
9524: MaxIter : Int;
9525: Tol : Float;
9526: var Xmin, Ymin : Float); external 'dmath';
9527: { Minimization of a Func of one variable (golden search) }
9528: Proc LinMin(Func : TFuncNVar;
9529: X, DeltaX : TVector;
9530: Lb, Ub : Int;
9531: var R : Float;
9532: MaxIter : Int;
9533: Tol : Float;
9534: var F_min : Float); external 'dmath';
9535: { Minimization of a Func of several variables along a line }
9536: Proc Newton(Func : TFuncNVar;
9537: HessGrad : THessGrad;
9538: X : TVector;
9539: Lb, Ub : Int;
9540: MaxIter : Int;
9541: Tol : Float;
9542: var F_min : Float;
9543: G : TVector;
9544: H_inv : TMatrix;
9545: var Det : Float); external 'dmath';
9546: { Minimization of a Func of several variables (Newton's method) }
9547: Proc SaveNewton(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
9548: { Save Newton iterations in a file }
9549: Proc Marquardt(Func : TFuncNVar;
9550: HessGrad : THessGrad;
9551: X : TVector;
9552: Lb, Ub : Int;
9553: MaxIter : Int;
9554: Tol : Float;
9555: var F_min : Float;
9556: G : TVector;
9557: H_inv : TMatrix;
9558: var Det : Float); external 'dmath';
9559: { Minimization of a Func of several variables (Marquardt's method) }
9560: Proc SaveMarquardt(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
9561: { Save Marquardt iterations in a file }
9562: Proc BFGS(Func : TFuncNVar;
9563: Gradient : TGradient;
9564: X : TVector;
9565: Lb, Ub : Int;
9566: MaxIter : Int;
9567: Tol : Float;
9568: var F_min : Float;
9569: G : TVector;
9570: H_inv : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9571: { Minimization of a Func of several variables (BFGS method) }
9572: Proc SaveBFGS(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
9573: { Save BFGS iterations in a file }
9574: Proc Simplex(Func : TFuncNVar;
9575: X : TVector;
9576: Lb, Ub : Int;
9577: MaxIter : Int;
9578: Tol : Float;
9579: var F_min : Float); external 'dmath';
9580: { Minimization of a Func of several variables (Simplex) }
9581: Proc SaveSimplex(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
9582: { Save Simplex iterations in a file }
9583: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9584: Nonlinear equations
9585: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9586: Proc RootBrack(Func : TFunc;
9587: var X, Y, FX, FY : Float); external 'dmath';
9588: { Brackets a root of Func Func between X and Y }
9589: Proc Bisect(Func : TFunc;
9590: var X, Y : Float;
9591: MaxIter : Int;
9592: Tol : Float;
9593: var F : Float); external 'dmath';
9594: { Bisection method }
9595: Proc Secant(Func : TFunc;
9596: var X, Y : Float;
9597: MaxIter : Int;
9598: Tol : Float;
9599: var F : Float); external 'dmath';
9600: { Secant method }
9601: Proc NewtEq(Func, Deriv : TFunc;
9602: var X : Float;
9603: MaxIter : Int;
9604: Tol : Float;

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9605: var F : Float); external 'dmath';

9606: { Newton-Raphson method for a single nonlinear equation }
9607: Proc NewtEqs(Equations : TEquations;
9608: Jacobian : TJacobian;
9609: X, F : TVector;
9610: Lb, Ub : Int;
9611: MaxIter : Int;
9612: Tol : Float); external 'dmath';
9613: { Newton-Raphson method for a system of nonlinear equations }
9614: Proc Broyden(Equations : TEquations;
9615: X, F : TVector;
9616: Lb, Ub : Int;
9617: MaxIter : Int;
9618: Tol : Float); external 'dmath';
9619: { Broyden's method for a system of nonlinear equations }
9620: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9621: Polynomials and rational fractions
9622: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9623: Func Poly(X : Float;
9624: Coef : TVector;
9625: Deg : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9626: { Evaluates a polynomial }
9627: Func RFrac(X : Float;
9628: Coef : TVector;
9629: Deg1, Deg2 : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9630: { Evaluates a rational fraction }
9631: Func RootPol1(A, B : Float;
9632: var X : Float) : Int; external 'dmath';
9633: { Solves the linear equation A + B * X = 0 }
9634: Func RootPol2(Coef : TVector;
9635: Z : TCompVector) : Int; external 'dmath';
9636: { Solves a quadratic equation }
9637: Func RootPol3(Coef : TVector;
9638: Z : TCompVector) : Int; external 'dmath';
9639: { Solves a cubic equation }
9640: Func RootPol4(Coef : TVector;
9641: Z : TCompVector) : Int; external 'dmath';
9642: { Solves a quartic equation }
9643: Func RootPol(Coef : TVector;
9644: Deg : Int;
9645: Z : TCompVector) : Int; external 'dmath';
9646: { Solves a polynomial equation }
9647: Func SetRealRoots(Deg : Int;
9648: Z : TCompVector;
9649: Tol : Float) : Int; external 'dmath';
9650: { Set the imaginary part of a root to zero }
9651: Proc SortRoots(Deg : Int;
9652: Z : TCompVector); external 'dmath';
9653: { Sorts the roots of a polynomial }
9654: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9655: Numerical integration and differential equations
9656: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9657: Func TrapInt(X, Y : TVector; N : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9658: { Integration by trapezoidal rule }
9659: Func GausLeg(Func : TFunc; A, B : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9660: { Integral from A to B }
9661: Func GausLeg0(Func : TFunc; B : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9662: { Integral from 0 to B }
9663: Func Convol(Func1, Func2 : TFunc; T : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9664: { Convolution product at time T }
9665: Proc ConvTrap(Func1,Func2:TFunc; T,Y:TVector; N:Int);external 'dmath';
9666: { Convolution by trapezoidal rule }
9667: Proc RKF45(F : TDiffEqs;
9668: Neqn : Int;
9669: Y, Yp : TVector;
9670: var T : Float;
9671: Tout, RelErr, AbsErr : Float;
9672: var Flag : Int); external 'dmath';
9673: { Integration of a system of differential equations }
9674: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9675: Fast Fourier Transform
9676: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9677: Proc FFT(NumSamples : Int;
9678: InArray, OutArray : TCompVector); external 'dmath';
9679: { Fast Fourier Transform }
9680: Proc IFFT(NumSamples : Int;
9681: InArray, OutArray : TCompVector); external 'dmath';
9682: { Inverse Fast Fourier Transform }
9683: Proc FFT_Int(NumSamples : Int;
9684: RealIn, ImagIn : TIntVector;
9685: OutArray : TCompVector); external 'dmath';
9686: { Fast Fourier Transform for Int data }
9687: Proc FFT_Int_Cleanup; external 'dmath';
9688: { Clear memory after a call to FFT_Int }
9689: Proc CalcFrequency(NumSamples,
9690: FrequencyIndex : Int;
9691: InArray : TCompVector;
9692: var FFT : Complex); external 'dmath';
9693: { Direct computation of Fourier transform }

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9694: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9695: Random numbers
9696: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9697: Proc SetRNG(RNG : RNG_Type); external 'dmath';
9698: { Select generator }
9699: Proc InitGen(Seed : RNG_IntType); external 'dmath';
9700: { Initialize generator }
9701: Func IRanGen : RNG_IntType; external 'dmath';
9702: { 32-bit random Int in [-2^31 .. 2^31 - 1] }
9703: Func IRanGen31 : RNG_IntType; external 'dmath';
9704: { 31-bit random Int in [0 .. 2^31 - 1] }
9705: Func RanGen1 : Float; external 'dmath';
9706: { 32-bit random real in [0,1] }
9707: Func RanGen2 : Float; external 'dmath';
9708: { 32-bit random real in [0,1) }
9709: Func RanGen3 : Float; external 'dmath';
9710: { 32-bit random real in (0,1) }
9711: Func RanGen53 : Float; external 'dmath';
9712: { 53-bit random real in [0,1) }
9713: Proc InitMWC(Seed : RNG_IntType); external 'dmath';
9714: { Initializes the 'Multiply with carry' random number generator }
9715: Func IRanMWC : RNG_IntType; external 'dmath';
9716: { Returns a 32 bit random number in [-2^31 ; 2^31-1] }
9717: Proc InitMT(Seed : RNG_IntType); external 'dmath';
9718: { Initializes Mersenne Twister generator with a seed }
9719: Proc InitMTbyArray(InitKey : array of RNG_LongType;
9720: KeyLength : Word); external 'dmath';
9721: { Initialize MT generator with an array InitKey[0..(KeyLength - 1)] }
9722: Func IRanMT : RNG_IntType; external 'dmath';
9723: { Random Int from MT generator }
9724: Proc InitUVAGbyString(KeyPhrase :Str); external 'dmath';
9725: { Initializes the UVAG generator with a string }
9726: Proc InitUVAG(Seed : RNG_IntType); external 'dmath';
9727: { Initializes the UVAG generator with an Int }
9728: Func IRanUVAG : RNG_IntType; external 'dmath';
9729: { Random Int from UVAG generator }
9730: Func RanGaussStd : Float; external 'dmath';
9731: { Random number from standard normal distribution }
9732: Func RanGauss(Mu, Sigma : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9733: { Random number from normal distrib. with mean Mu and S. D. Sigma }
9734: Proc RanMult(M : TVector; L : TMatrix;
9735: Lb, Ub : Int;
9736: X : TVector); external 'dmath';
9737: { Random vector from multinormal distribution (correlated) }
9738: Proc RanMultIndep(M, S : TVector;
9739: Lb, Ub : Int;
9740: X : TVector); external 'dmath';
9741: { Random vector from multinormal distribution (uncorrelated) }
9742: Proc InitMHParams(NCycles, MaxSim, SavedSim : Int); external 'dmath';
9743: { Initializes Metropolis-Hastings parameters }
9744: Proc GetMHParams(var NCycles, MaxSim,SavedSim:Int); external 'dmath';
9745: { Returns Metropolis-Hastings parameters }
9746: Proc Hastings(Func : TFuncNVar;
9747: T : Float;
9748: X : TVector;
9749: V : TMatrix;
9750: Lb, Ub : Int;
9751: Xmat : TMatrix;
9752: X_min : TVector;
9753: var F_min : Float); external 'dmath';
9754: { Simulation of a probability density Func by Metropolis-Hastings }
9755: Proc InitSAParams(NT, NS, NCycles : Int; RT : Float); external 'dmath';
9756: { Initializes Simulated Annealing parameters }
9757: Proc SA_CreateLogFile(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
9758: { Initializes log file }
9759: Proc SimAnn(Func : TFuncNVar;
9760: X, Xmin, Xmax : TVector;
9761: Lb, Ub : Int;
9762: var F_min : Float); external 'dmath';
9763: { Minimization of a Func of several var. by simulated annealing }
9764: Proc InitGAParams(NP, NG : Int; SR, MR, HR : Float); external 'dmath';
9765: { Initializes Genetic Algorithm parameters }
9766: Proc GA_CreateLogFile(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
9767: { Initializes log file }
9768: Proc GenAlg(Func : TFuncNVar;
9769: X, Xmin, Xmax : TVector;
9770: Lb, Ub : Int;
9771: var F_min : Float); external 'dmath';
9772: { Minimization of a Func of several var. by genetic algorithm }
9773: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9774: Statistics
9775: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9776: Func Mean(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9777: { Mean of sample X }
9778: Func Min(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9779: { Minimum of sample X }
9780: Func Max(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9781: { Maximum of sample X }
9782: Func Median(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; Sorted :Bool) : Float; external 'dmath';

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9783: { Median of sample X }

9784: Func StDev(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; M : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9785: { Standard deviation estimated from sample X }
9786: Func StDevP(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; M : Float) : Float; external 'dmath';
9787: { Standard deviation of population }
9788: Func Correl(X, Y : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int) : Float; external 'dmath';
9789: { Correlation coefficient }
9790: Func Skewness(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; M,Sigma: Float): Float; external 'dmath';
9791: { Skewness of sample X }
9792: Func Kurtosis(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; M,Sigma: Float): Float; external 'dmath';
9793: { Kurtosis of sample X }
9794: Proc QSort(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int); external 'dmath';
9795: { Quick sort (ascending order) }
9796: Proc DQSort(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int); external 'dmath';
9797: { Quick sort (descending order) }
9798: Proc Interval(X1, X2 : Float;
9799: MinDiv, MaxDiv : Int;
9800: var Min, Max, Step : Float); external 'dmath';
9801: { Determines an interval for a set of values }
9802: Proc AutoScale(X : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; Scale : TScale;
9803: var XMin, XMax, XStep : Float); external 'dmath';
9804: { Finds an appropriate scale for plotting the data in X[Lb..Ub] }
9805: Proc StudIndep(N1, N2 : Int;
9806: M1, M2, S1, S2 : Float;
9807: var T : Float;
9808: var DoF : Int); external 'dmath';
9809: { Student t-test for independent samples }
9810: Proc StudPaired(X, Y : TVector;
9811: Lb, Ub : Int;
9812: var T : Float;
9813: var DoF : Int); external 'dmath';
9814: { Student t-test for paired samples }
9815: Proc AnOVa1(Ns : Int;
9816: N : TIntVector;
9817: M, S : TVector;
9818: var V_f, V_r, F : Float;
9819: var DoF_f, DoF_r : Int); external 'dmath';
9820: { One-way analysis of variance }
9821: Proc AnOVa2(NA, NB, Nobs : Int;
9822: M, S : TMatrix;
9823: V, F : TVector;
9824: DoF : TIntVector); external 'dmath';
9825: { Two-way analysis of variance }
9826: Proc Snedecor(N1, N2 : Int;
9827: S1, S2 : Float;
9828: var F : Float;
9829: var DoF1, DoF2 : Int); external 'dmath';
9830: { Snedecor's F-test (comparison of two variances) }
9831: Proc Bartlett(Ns : Int;
9832: N : TIntVector;
9833: S : TVector;
9834: var Khi2 : Float;
9835: var DoF : Int); external 'dmath';
9836: { Bartlett's test (comparison of several variances) }
9837: Proc Mann_Whitney(N1, N2 : Int;
9838: X1, X2 : TVector;
9839: var U, Eps : Float); external 'dmath';
9840: { Mann-Whitney test}
9841: Proc Wilcoxon(X, Y : TVector;
9842: Lb, Ub : Int;
9843: var Ndiff : Int;
9844: var T, Eps : Float); external 'dmath';
9845: { Wilcoxon test }
9846: Proc Kruskal_Wallis(Ns : Int;
9847: N : TIntVector;
9848: X : TMatrix;
9849: var H : Float;
9850: var DoF : Int); external 'dmath';
9851: { Kruskal-Wallis test }
9852: Proc Khi2_Conform(N_cls : Int;
9853: N_estim : Int;
9854: Obs : TIntVector;
9855: Calc : TVector;
9856: var Khi2 : Float;
9857: var DoF : Int); external 'dmath';
9858: { Khi-2 test for conformity }
9859: Proc Khi2_Indep(N_lin : Int;
9860: N_col : Int;
9861: Obs : TIntMatrix;
9862: var Khi2 : Float;
9863: var DoF : Int); external 'dmath';
9864: { Khi-2 test for independence }
9865: Proc Woolf_Conform(N_cls : Int;
9866: N_estim : Int;
9867: Obs : TIntVector;
9868: Calc : TVector;
9869: var G : Float;
9870: var DoF : Int); external 'dmath';
9871: { Woolf's test for conformity }

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9872: Proc Woolf_Indep(N_lin : Int;

9873: N_col : Int;
9874: Obs : TIntMatrix;
9875: var G : Float;
9876: var DoF : Int); external 'dmath';
9877: { Woolf's test for independence }
9878: Proc DimStatClassVector(var C : TStatClassVector;
9879: Ub : Int); external 'dmath';
9880: { Allocates an array of statistical classes: C[0..Ub] }
9881: Proc Distrib(X : TVector;
9882: Lb, Ub : Int;
9883: A, B, H : Float;
9884: C : TStatClassVector); external 'dmath';
9885: { Distributes an array X[Lb..Ub] into statistical classes }
9886: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9887: Linear / polynomial regression
9888: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9889: Proc LinFit(X, Y : TVector;
9890: Lb, Ub : Int;
9891: B : TVector;
9892: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9893: { Linear regression : Y = B(0) + B(1) * X }
9894: Proc WLinFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
9895: Lb, Ub : Int;
9896: B : TVector;
9897: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9898: { Weighted linear regression : Y = B(0) + B(1) * X }
9899: Proc SVDLinFit(X, Y : TVector;
9900: Lb, Ub : Int;
9901: SVDTol : Float;
9902: B : TVector;
9903: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9904: { Unweighted linear regression by singular value decomposition }
9905: Proc WSVDLinFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
9906: Lb, Ub : Int;
9907: SVDTol : Float;
9908: B : TVector;
9909: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9910: { Weighted linear regression by singular value decomposition }
9911: Proc MulFit(X : TMatrix;
9912: Y : TVector;
9913: Lb, Ub, Nvar : Int;
9914: ConsTerm :Bool;
9915: B : TVector;
9916: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9917: { Multiple linear regression by Gauss-Jordan method }
9918: Proc WMulFit(X : TMatrix;
9919: Y, S : TVector;
9920: Lb, Ub, Nvar : Int;
9921: ConsTerm :Bool;
9922: B : TVector;
9923: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9924: { Weighted multiple linear regression by Gauss-Jordan method }
9925: Proc SVDFit(X : TMatrix;
9926: Y : TVector;
9927: Lb, Ub, Nvar : Int;
9928: ConsTerm :Bool;
9929: SVDTol : Float;
9930: B : TVector;
9931: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9932: { Multiple linear regression by singular value decomposition }
9933: Proc WSVDFit(X : TMatrix;
9934: Y, S : TVector;
9935: Lb, Ub, Nvar : Int;
9936: ConsTerm :Bool;
9937: SVDTol : Float;
9938: B : TVector;
9939: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9940: { Weighted multiple linear regression by singular value decomposition }
9941: Proc PolFit(X, Y : TVector;
9942: Lb, Ub, Deg : Int;
9943: B : TVector;
9944: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9945: { Polynomial regression by Gauss-Jordan method }
9946: Proc WPolFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
9947: Lb, Ub, Deg : Int;
9948: B : TVector;
9949: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9950: { Weighted polynomial regression by Gauss-Jordan method }
9951: Proc SVDPolFit(X, Y : TVector;
9952: Lb, Ub, Deg : Int;
9953: SVDTol : Float;
9954: B : TVector;
9955: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
9956: { Unweighted polynomial regression by singular value decomposition }
9957: Proc WSVDPolFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
9958: Lb, Ub, Deg : Int;
9959: SVDTol : Float;
9960: B : TVector;

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9961: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';

9962: { Weighted polynomial regression by singular value decomposition }
9963: Proc RegTest(Y, Ycalc : TVector;
9964: LbY, UbY : Int;
9965: V : TMatrix;
9966: LbV, UbV : Int;
9967: var Test : TRegTest); external 'dmath';
9968: { Test of unweighted regression }
9969: Proc WRegTest(Y, Ycalc, S : TVector;
9970: LbY, UbY : Int;
9971: V : TMatrix;
9972: LbV, UbV : Int;
9973: var Test : TRegTest); external 'dmath';
9974: { Test of weighted regression }
9975: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
9976: Nonlinear regression
9977: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
9978: Proc SetOptAlgo(Algo : TOptAlgo); external 'dmath';
9979: { Sets the optimization algorithm for nonlinear regression }
9980: Func GetOptAlgo : TOptAlgo; external 'dmath';
9981: { Returns the optimization algorithm }
9982: Proc SetMaxParam(N : Byte); external 'dmath';
9983: { Sets the maximum number of regression parameters for nonlinear regression }
9984: Func GetMaxParam : Byte; external 'dmath';
9985: { Returns the maximum number of regression parameters for nonlinear regression }
9986: Proc SetParamBounds(I : Byte; ParamMin, ParamMax : Float); external 'dmath';
9987: { Sets the bounds on the I-th regression parameter }
9988: Proc GetParamBounds(I : Byte; var ParamMin,ParamMax:Float); external 'dmath';
9989: { Returns the bounds on the I-th regression parameter }
9990: Proc NLFit(RegFunc : TRegFunc;
9991: DerivProc : TDerivProc;
9992: X, Y : TVector;
9993: Lb, Ub : Int;
9994: MaxIter : Int;
9995: Tol : Float;
9996: B : TVector;
9997: FirstPar,
9998: LastPar : Int;
9999: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10000: { Unweighted nonlinear regression }
10001: Proc WNLFit(RegFunc : TRegFunc;
10002: DerivProc : TDerivProc;
10003: X, Y, S : TVector;
10004: Lb, Ub : Int;
10005: MaxIter : Int;
10006: Tol : Float;
10007: B : TVector;
10008: FirstPar, LastPar : Int;
10009: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10010: { Weighted nonlinear regression }
10011: Proc SetMCFile(FileName :Str); external 'dmath';
10012: { Set file for saving MCMC simulations }
10013: Proc SimFit(RegFunc : TRegFunc;
10014: X, Y : TVector;
10015: Lb, Ub : Int;
10016: B : TVector;
10017: FirstPar, LastPar : Int;
10018: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10019: { Simulation of unweighted nonlinear regression by MCMC }
10020: Proc WSimFit(RegFunc : TRegFunc;
10021: X, Y, S : TVector;
10022: Lb, Ub : Int;
10023: B : TVector;
10024: FirstPar, LastPar : Int;
10025: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10026: { Simulation of weighted nonlinear regression by MCMC }
10027: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
10028: Nonlinear regression models
10029: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
10030: Proc FracFit(X, Y : TVector;
10031: Lb, Ub : Int;
10032: Deg1, Deg2 : Int;
10033: ConsTerm :Bool;
10034: MaxIter : Int;
10035: Tol : Float;
10036: B : TVector;
10037: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10038: { Unweighted fit of rational fraction }
10039: Proc WFracFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
10040: Lb, Ub : Int;
10041: Deg1, Deg2 : Int;
10042: ConsTerm :Bool;
10043: MaxIter : Int;
10044: Tol : Float;
10045: B : TVector;
10046: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10047: { Weighted fit of rational fraction }
10049: Func FracFit_Func(X : Float; B : TVector) : Float; external 'dmath';

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10050: { Returns the value of the rational fraction at point X }

10051: Proc ExpFit(X, Y : TVector;
10052: Lb, Ub, Nexp : Int;
10053: ConsTerm :Bool;
10054: MaxIter : Int;
10055: Tol : Float;
10056: B : TVector;
10057: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10058: { Unweighted fit of sum of exponentials }
10059: Proc WExpFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
10060: Lb, Ub, Nexp : Int;
10061: ConsTerm :Bool;
10062: MaxIter : Int;
10063: Tol : Float;
10064: B : TVector;
10065: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10066: { Weighted fit of sum of exponentials }
10067: Func ExpFit_Func(X : Float; B : TVector) : Float; external 'dmath';
10068: { Returns the value of the regression Func at point X }
10069: Proc IncExpFit(X, Y : TVector;
10070: Lb, Ub : Int;
10071: ConsTerm :Bool;
10072: MaxIter : Int;
10073: Tol : Float;
10074: B : TVector;
10075: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10076: { Unweighted fit of model of increasing exponential }
10077: Proc WIncExpFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
10078: Lb, Ub : Int;
10079: ConsTerm :Bool;
10080: MaxIter : Int;
10081: Tol : Float;
10082: B : TVector;
10083: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10084: { Weighted fit of increasing exponential }
10085: Func IncExpFit_Func(X : Float; B : TVector) : Float; external 'dmath';
10086: { Returns the value of the regression Func at point X }
10087: Proc ExpLinFit(X, Y : TVector;
10088: Lb, Ub : Int;
10089: MaxIter : Int;
10090: Tol : Float;
10091: B : TVector;
10092: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10093: { Unweighted fit of the "exponential + linear" model }
10094: Proc WExpLinFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
10095: Lb, Ub : Int;
10096: MaxIter : Int;
10097: Tol : Float;
10098: B : TVector;
10099: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10100: { Weighted fit of the "exponential + linear" model }
10101: Func ExpLinFit_Func(X : Float; B : TVector) : Float; external 'dmath';
10102: { Returns the value of the regression Func at point X }
10103: Proc MichFit(X, Y : TVector;
10104: Lb, Ub : Int;
10105: MaxIter : Int;
10106: Tol : Float;
10107: B : TVector;
10108: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10109: { Unweighted fit of Michaelis equation }
10110: Proc WMichFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
10111: Lb, Ub : Int;
10112: MaxIter : Int;
10113: Tol : Float;
10114: B : TVector;
10115: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10116: { Weighted fit of Michaelis equation }
10117: Func MichFit_Func(X : Float; B : TVector) : Float; external 'dmath';
10118: { Returns the value of the Michaelis equation at point X }
10119: Proc MintFit(X, Y : TVector;
10120: Lb, Ub : Int;
10121: MintVar : TMintVar;
10122: Fit_S0 :Bool;
10123: MaxIter : Int;
10124: Tol : Float;
10125: B : TVector;
10126: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10127: { Unweighted fit of the integrated Michaelis equation }
10128: Proc WMintFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
10129: Lb, Ub : Int;
10130: MintVar : TMintVar;
10131: Fit_S0 :Bool;
10132: MaxIter : Int;
10133: Tol : Float;
10134: B : TVector;
10135: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10136: { Weighted fit of the integrated Michaelis equation }
10137: Func MintFit_Func(X : Float; B : TVector) : Float; external 'dmath';
10138: { Returns the value of the integrated Michaelis equation at point X }

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10139: Proc HillFit(X, Y : TVector;

10140: Lb, Ub : Int;
10141: MaxIter : Int;
10142: Tol : Float;
10143: B : TVector;
10144: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10145: { Unweighted fit of Hill equation }
10146: Proc WHillFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
10147: Lb, Ub : Int;
10148: MaxIter : Int;
10149: Tol : Float;
10150: B : TVector;
10151: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10152: { Weighted fit of Hill equation }
10153: Func HillFit_Func(X : Float; B : TVector) : Float; external 'dmath';
10154: { Returns the value of the Hill equation at point X }
10155: Proc LogiFit(X, Y : TVector;
10156: Lb, Ub : Int;
10157: ConsTerm :Bool;
10158: General :Bool;
10159: MaxIter : Int;
10160: Tol : Float;
10161: B : TVector;
10162: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10163: { Unweighted fit of logistic Func }
10164: Proc WLogiFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
10165: Lb, Ub : Int;
10166: ConsTerm :Bool;
10167: General :Bool;
10168: MaxIter : Int;
10169: Tol : Float;
10170: B : TVector;
10171: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10172: { Weighted fit of logistic Func }
10173: Func LogiFit_Func(X : Float; B : TVector) : Float; external 'dmath';
10174: { Returns the value of the logistic Func at point X }
10175: Proc PKFit(X, Y : TVector;
10176: Lb, Ub : Int;
10177: MaxIter : Int;
10178: Tol : Float;
10179: B : TVector;
10180: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10181: { Unweighted fit of the acid-base titration curve }
10182: Proc WPKFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
10183: Lb, Ub : Int; MaxIter : Int;
10184: Tol : Float;
10185: B : TVector;
10186: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10187: { Weighted fit of the acid-base titration curve }
10188: Func PKFit_Func(X : Float; B : TVector) : Float; external 'dmath';
10189: { Returns the value of the acid-base titration Func at point X }
10190: Proc PowFit(X, Y : TVector;
10191: Lb, Ub : Int;
10192: MaxIter : Int;
10193: Tol : Float;
10194: B : TVector;
10195: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10196: { Unweighted fit of power Func }
10197: Proc WPowFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
10198: Lb, Ub : Int;
10199: MaxIter : Int;
10200: Tol : Float;
10201: B : TVector;
10202: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10203: { Weighted fit of power Func }
10205: Func PowFit_Func(X : Float; B : TVector) : Float; external 'dmath';
10206: { Returns the value of the power Func at point X }
10207: Proc GammaFit(X, Y : TVector;
10208: Lb, Ub : Int;
10209: MaxIter : Int;
10210: Tol : Float;
10211: B : TVector;
10212: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10213: { Unweighted fit of gamma distribution Func }
10214: Proc WGammaFit(X, Y, S : TVector;
10215: Lb, Ub : Int;
10216: MaxIter : Int;
10217: Tol : Float;
10218: B : TVector;
10219: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10220: { Weighted fit of gamma distribution Func }
10221: Func GammaFit_Func(X : Float; B : TVector) : Float; external 'dmath';
10222: { Returns the value of the gamma distribution Func at point X }
10223: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
10224: Principal component analysis
10225: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
10226: Proc VecMean(X : TMatrix;
10227: Lb, Ub, Nvar : Int;

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10228: M : TVector); external 'dmath';

10229: { Computes the mean vector M from matrix X }
10230: Proc VecSD(X : TMatrix;
10231: Lb, Ub, Nvar : Int;
10232: M, S : TVector); external 'dmath';
10233: { Computes the vector of standard deviations S from matrix X }
10234: Proc MatVarCov(X : TMatrix;
10235: Lb, Ub, Nvar : Int;
10236: M : TVector;
10237: V : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10238: { Computes the variance-covariance matrix V from matrix X }
10239: Proc MatCorrel(V : TMatrix;
10240: Nvar : Int;
10241: R : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10242: { Computes the correlation matrix R from the var-cov matrix V }
10243: Proc PCA(R : TMatrix;
10244: Nvar : Int;
10245: Lambda : TVector;
10246: C, Rc : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10247: { Performs a principal component analysis of the correlation matrix R }
10248: Proc ScaleVar(X : TMatrix;
10249: Lb, Ub, Nvar : Int;
10250: M, S : TVector;
10251: Z : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10252: { Scales a set of variables by subtracting means and dividing by SD's }
10253: Proc PrinFac(Z : TMatrix;
10254: Lb, Ub, Nvar : Int;
10255: C, F : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10256: { Computes principal factors }
10257: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
10258: Strings
10259: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
10260: Func LTrim(S :Str) :Str; external 'dmath';
10261: { Removes leading blanks }
10262: Func RTrim(S :Str) :Str; external 'dmath';
10263: { Removes trailing blanks }
10264: Func Trim(S :Str) :Str; external 'dmath';
10265: { Removes leading and trailing blanks }
10266: Func StrChar(N : Byte; C : Char) :Str; external 'dmath';
10267: { Returns a string made of character C repeated N times }
10268: Func RFill(S :Str; L : Byte) :Str; external 'dmath';
10269: { Completes string S with trailing blanks for a total length L }
10270: Func LFill(S :Str; L : Byte) :Str; external 'dmath';
10271: { Completes string S with leading blanks for a total length L }
10272: Func CFill(S :Str; L : Byte) :Str; external 'dmath';
10273: { Centers string S on a total length L }
10274: Func Replace(S :Str; C1, C2 : Char) :Str; external 'dmath';
10275: { Replaces in string S all the occurences of C1 by C2 }
10276: Func Extract(S:str; var Index:Byte; Delim:Char):str; external 'dmath';
10277: { Extracts a field from a string }
10278: Proc Parse(S:str;Delim:Char;Field:TStrVector;var N:Byte);external 'dmath';
10279: { Parses a string into its constitutive fields }
10280: Proc SetFormat(NumLength,MaxDec:Int;FloatPoint,NSZero:Bool); external 'dmath';
10281: { Sets the numeric format }
10282: Func FloatStr(X : Float) :Str; external 'dmath';
10283: { Converts a real to a string according to the numeric format }
10284: Func IntStr(N : LongInt) :Str; external 'dmath';
10285: { Converts an Int to a string }
10286: Func CompStr(Z : Complex) :Str; external 'dmath';
10287: { Converts a complex number to a string }
10288: {$IFDEF DELPHI}
10289: Func StrDec(S :Str) :Str; external 'dmath';
10290: { Set decimal separator to the symbol defined in SysUtils }
10291: Func IsNumeric(var S :Str; var X : Float) :Bool; external 'dmath';
10292: { Test if a string represents a number and returns it in X }
10293: Func ReadNumFromEdit(Edit : TEdit) : Float; external 'dmath';
10294: { Reads a floating point number from an Edit control }
10295: Proc WriteNumToFile(var F : Text; X : Float); external 'dmath';
10296: { Writes a floating point number in a text file }
10297: {$ENDIF}
10298: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
10299: BGI / Delphi graphics
10300: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
10301: Func InitGraphics
10302: {$IFDEF DELPHI}
10303: (Width, Height : Int) :Bool;
10304: {$ELSE}
10305: (Pilot, Mode : Int; BGIPath :Str) :Bool; {$ENDIF} external 'dmath';
10306: { Enters graphic mode }
10307: Proc SetWindow({$IFDEF DELPHI}Canvas : TCanvas;{$ENDIF}
10308: X1, X2, Y1,Y2 : Int; GraphBorder:Boolean); external 'dmath';
10309: { Sets the graphic window }
10310: Proc SetOxScale(Scale : TScale;
10311: OxMin, OxMax, OxStep : Float); external 'dmath';
10312: { Sets the scale on the Ox axis }
10313: Proc SetOyScale(Scale : TScale;
10314: OyMin, OyMax, OyStep : Float); external 'dmath';
10315: { Sets the scale on the Oy axis }
10316: Proc GetOxScale(var Scale : TScale;

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10317: var OxMin, OxMax, OxStep : Float); external 'dmath';

10318: { Returns the scale on the Ox axis }
10319: Proc GetOyScale(var Scale : TScale;
10320: var OyMin, OyMax, OyStep : Float); external 'dmath';
10321: { Returns the scale on the Oy axis }
10322: Proc SetGraphTitle(Title:str);external 'dmath';{Sets title for the graph }
10323: Proc SetOxTitle(Title String);external'dmath';{ Sets title for the Ox axis }
10324: Proc SetOyTitle(Title:str);external'dmath';{Sets the title for Oy axis }
10325: Func GetGraphTitle:str;external 'dmath';{ Returns the title for the graph }
10326: Func GetOxTitle:str; external 'dmath'; { Returns the title for the Ox axis }
10327: Func GetOyTitle:str; external 'dmath'; { Returns the title for the Oy axis }
10329: Proc SetTitleFont(FontIndex, Width, Height : Int); external 'dmath';
10330: { Sets the font for the main graph title }
10331: Proc SetOxFont(FontIndex, Width, Height : Int); external 'dmath';
10332: { Sets the font for the Ox axis (title and labels) }
10333: Proc SetOyFont(FontIndex, Width, Height : Int); external 'dmath';
10334: { Sets the font for the Oy axis (title and labels) }
10335: Proc SetLgdFont(FontIndex, Width, Height : Int); external 'dmath';
10336: { Sets the font for the legends }
10337: Proc SetClipping(Clip :Bool); external 'dmath';
10338: { Determines whether drawings are clipped at the current viewport
10339: boundaries, according to the value of the Boolean parameter Clip }
10340: {$ENDIF}
10341: Proc PlotOxAxis{$IFDEF DELPHI}(Canvas : TCanvas){$ENDIF}; external 'dmath';
10342: { Plots the horizontal axis }
10343: Proc PlotOyAxis{$IFDEF DELPHI}(Canvas : TCanvas){$ENDIF}; external 'dmath';
10344: { Plots the vertical axis }
10345: Proc PlotGrid({$IFDEF DELPHI}Canvas:TCanvas;{$ENDIF}Grid:TGrid);external 'dmath';
10346: { Plots a grid on the graph }
10347: Proc WriteGraphTitle{$IFDEF DELPHI}(Canvas:TCanvas){$ENDIF}; external 'dmath';
10348: { Writes the title of the graph }
10349: Proc SetMaxCurv(NCurv : Byte); external 'dmath';
10350: { Sets the maximum number of curves and re-initializes their parameters }
10351: Proc SetPointParam
10352: {$IFDEF DELPHI}
10353: (CurvIndex, Symbol, Size : Int; Color : TColor);
10354: {$ELSE}
10355: (CurvIndex, Symbol, Size, Color : Int); {$ENDIF} external 'dmath';
10356: { Sets the point parameters for curve # CurvIndex }
10357: Proc SetLineParam
10358: {$IFDEF DELPHI}
10359: (CurvIndex : Int; Style : TPenStyle; Width : Int; Color : TColor);
10360: {$ELSE}
10361: (CurvIndex, Style, Width, Color : Int); {$ENDIF} external 'dmath';
10362: { Sets the line parameters for curve # CurvIndex }
10363: Proc SetCurvLegend(CurvIndex : Int; Legend :Str); external 'dmath';
10364: { Sets the legend for curve # CurvIndex }
10365: Proc SetCurvStep(CurvIndex, Step : Int); external 'dmath';
10366: { Sets the step for curve # CurvIndex }
10367: Func GetMaxCurv: Byte;external 'dmath';{ Returns the maximum number of curves }
10368: Proc GetPointParam
10369: {$IFDEF DELPHI}
10370: (CurvIndex : Int; var Symbol, Size : Int; var Color : TColor);
10371: {$ELSE}
10372: (CurvIndex : Int; var Symbol, Size, Color : Int); {$ENDIF} external 'dmath';
10373: { Returns the point parameters for curve # CurvIndex }
10374: Proc GetLineParam
10375: {$IFDEF DELPHI}
10376: (CurvIndex : Int; var Style : TPenStyle; var Width : Int; var Color : TColor);
10377: {$ELSE}
10378: (CurvIndex : Int; var Style, Width, Color : Int); {$ENDIF} external 'dmath';
10379: { Returns the line parameters for curve # CurvIndex }
10380: Func GetCurvLegend(CurvIndex : Int) :Str; external 'dmath';
10381: { Returns the legend for curve # CurvIndex }
10382: Func GetCurvStep(CurvIndex : Int) : Int; external 'dmath';
10383: { Returns the step for curve # CurvIndex }
10384: {$IFDEF DELPHI}
10385: Proc PlotPoint(Canvas : TCanvas;
10386: X, Y : Float; CurvIndex : Int); external 'dmath';
10387: {$ELSE}
10388: Proc PlotPoint(Xp, Yp, CurvIndex : Int); external 'dmath';
10389: {$ENDIF}
10390: { Plots a point on the screen }
10391: Proc PlotCurve({$IFDEF DELPHI}Canvas : TCanvas;{$ENDIF}
10392: X, Y : TVector;
10393: Lb, Ub, CurvIndex : Int); external 'dmath';
10394: { Plots a curve }
10395: Proc PlotCurveWithErrorBars({$IFDEF DELPHI}Canvas : TCanvas;{$ENDIF}
10396: X, Y, S : TVector;
10397: Ns, Lb, Ub, CurvIndex : Int); external 'dmath';
10398: { Plots a curve with error bars }
10399: Proc PlotFunc({$IFDEF DELPHI}Canvas : TCanvas;{$ENDIF}
10400: Func : TFunc;
10401: Xmin, Xmax : Float;
10402: {$IFDEF DELPHI}Npt : Int;{$ENDIF}
10403: CurvIndex : Int); external 'dmath';
10404: { Plots a Func }
10405: Proc WriteLegend({$IFDEF DELPHI}Canvas : TCanvas;{$ENDIF}

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10406: NCurv : Int;

10407: ShowPoints, ShowLines :Bool); external 'dmath';
10408: { Writes the legends for the plotted curves }
10409: Proc ConRec({$IFDEF DELPHI}Canvas : TCanvas;{$ENDIF}
10410: Nx, Ny, Nc : Int;
10411: X, Y, Z : TVector;
10412: F : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10413: { Contour plot }
10414: Func Xpixel(X:Float):Int; external 'dmath';{Converts user abscissa X to screen coordinate }
10415: Func Ypixel(Y:Float):Int; external 'dmath';{Converts user ordinate Y to screen coordinate }
10416: Func Xuser(X:Int):Float; external 'dmath';{Converts screen coordinate X to user abscissa }
10417: Func Yuser(Y:Int):Float; external 'dmath';{Converts screen coordinate Y to user ordinate }
10419: Proc LeaveGraphics; external 'dmath';
10420: { Quits graphic mode }
10421: {$ENDIF}
10422: { ------------------------------------------------------------------
10423: LaTeX graphics
10424: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }
10425: Func TeX_InitGraphics(FileName :Str; PgWidth, PgHeight : Int;
10426: Header :Bool) :Bool; external 'dmath';
10427: { Initializes the LaTeX file }
10428: Proc TeX_SetWindow(X1,X2,Y1 Y2:Int; GraphBorder :Bool); external 'dmath';
10429: { Sets the graphic window }
10430: Proc TeX_LeaveGraphics(Footer:Boolean);external 'dmath';{ Close LaTeX file }
10431: Proc TeX_SetOxScale(Scale:TScale;OxMin,OxMax,OxStep:Float);external 'dmath';
10432: { Sets the scale on the Ox axis }
10433: Proc TeX_SetOyScale(Scale:TScale;OyMin,OyMax,OyStep:Float); external 'dmath';
10434: { Sets the scale on the Oy axis }
10435: Proc TeX_SetGraphTitle(Title:str);external 'dmath';{ Sets title for graph }
10436: Proc TeX_SetOxTitle(Title:str);external 'dmath';{ Sets title for Ox axis }
10437: Proc TeX_SetOyTitle(Title:str);external 'dmath';{ Sets title for Oy axis }
10438: Proc TeX_PlotOxAxis; external 'dmath'; { Plots horizontal axis }
10439: Proc TeX_PlotOyAxis; external 'dmath'; { Plots vertical axis }
10440: Proc TeX_PlotGrid(Grid:TGrid);external 'dmath'; { Plots a grid on the graph }
10441: Proc TeX_WriteGraphTitle; external 'dmath'; Writes the title of the graph }
10442: Proc TeX_SetMaxCurv(NCurv : Byte); external 'dmath';
10443: { Sets the maximum number of curves and re-initializes their parameters }
10444: Proc TeX_SetPointParam(CurvIndex, Symbol, Size : Int); external 'dmath';
10445: { Sets the point parameters for curve # CurvIndex }
10446: Proc TeX_SetLineParam(CurvIndex, Style : Int;
10447: Width : Float; Smooth :Bool); external 'dmath';
10448: { Sets the line parameters for curve # CurvIndex }
10449: Proc TeX_SetCurvLegend(CurvIndex : Int; Legend :Str); external 'dmath';
10450: { Sets the legend for curve # CurvIndex }
10451: Proc TeX_SetCurvStep(CurvIndex, Step : Int); external 'dmath';
10452: { Sets the step for curve # CurvIndex }
10453: Proc TeX_PlotCurve(X, Y : TVector; Lb, Ub, CurvIndex : Int); external 'dmath';
10454: { Plots a curve }
10455: Proc TeX_PlotCurveWithErrorBars(X,Y,S:TVector;Ns,Lb,Ub,CurvIndex Int);external 'dmath';
10456: { Plots a curve with error bars }
10457: Proc TeX_PlotFunc(Func:TFunc;X1 X2:Float;Npt:Int;CurvIndex:Int);external 'dmath';
10458: { Plots a Func }
10459: Proc TeX_WriteLegend(NCurv:Int;ShowPoints,ShowLines:Bool); external 'dmath';
10460: { Writes the legends for the plotted curves }
10461: Proc TeX_ConRec(Nx,Ny Nc:Int; X,Y,Z :TVector; F : TMatrix); external 'dmath';
10462: { Contour plot }
10463: Func Xcm(X:Float):Float; external 'dmath'; { Converts user coordinate X to cm }
10464: Func Ycm(Y:Float):Float; external 'dmath'; { Converts user coordinate Y to cm }
10466: //*****************************************************unit uPSI_SynPdf;
10467: Func RawUTF8ToPDFString( const Value : RawUTF8) : PDFString
10468: Func _DateTimeToPdfDate( ADate : TDateTime) : TPdfDate
10469: Func _PdfDateToDateTime( const AText : TPdfDate) : TDateTime
10470: Func PdfRect( Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Single) : TPdfRect;
10471: Func PdfRect1( const Box : TPdfBox) : TPdfRect;
10472: Func PdfBox( Left, Top, Width, Height : Single) : TPdfBox
10473: //Func _GetCharCount( Text : PAnsiChar) : Int
10474: //Proc L2R( W : PWideChar; L : Int)
10475: Func PdfCoord( MM : single) : Int
10476: Func CurrentPrinterPaperSize : TPDFPaperSize
10477: Func CurrentPrinterRes : TPoint
10478: Proc GDICommentBookmark( MetaHandle : HDC; const aBookmarkName : RawUTF8)
10479: Proc GDICommentOutline(MetaHandle:HDC; const aTitle : RawUTF8; aLevel : Int)
10480: Proc GDICommentLink(MetaHandle:HDC;const aBookmarkName:RawUTF8;const aRect: TRect)
10481: Const('Usp10','String 'usp10.dll
10482: AddTypeS('TScriptState_enum', '( r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, fOverrideDirection, fInhibitSymSwap,
10483: 'fCharShape, fDigitSubstitute,fInhibitLigate,fDisplayZWG, fArabicNumContext, fGcpClusters )
10484: TScriptState_set', 'set of TScriptState_enum
10485: //**********************************************************************
10487: Proc SIRegister_PMrand(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); //ParkMiller
10488: begin
10489: Proc PMrandomize( I : word)
10490: Func PMrandom : longint
10491: Func Rrand : extended
10492: Func Irand( N : word) : word
10493: Func Brand( P : extended) :Bool
10494: Func Nrand : extended

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10495: end;
10497: Proc SIRegister_Spring_Cryptography_Utils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10498: begin
10499: Func Endian( x : LongWord) : LongWord
10500: Func Endian64( x : Int64) : Int64
10501: Func spRol( x : LongWord; y : Byte) : LongWord
10502: Func spRor( x : LongWord; y : Byte) : LongWord
10503: Func Ror64( x : Int64; y : Byte) : Int64
10504: end;
10506: Proc SIRegister_MapReader(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10507: begin
10508: Proc ClearModules
10509: Proc ReadMapFile( Fname :Str)
10510: Func AddressInfo( Address : dword) :Str
10511: end;
10513: Proc SIRegister_LibTar(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10514: begin
10515: TTarPermission','(tpReadByOwner,tpWriteByOwner,tpExecuteByOwner,tpReadByGroup,tpWriteByGroup,
tpExecuteByGroup,tpReadByOther,tpWriteByOther, tpExecuteByOther)
10516: TTarPermissions', 'set of TTarPermission
10517: TFileType', '( ftNormal, ftLink, ftSymbolicLink, ftCharacter, ft'
10518: +'Block,ftDirectory,ftFifo,ftContiguous,ftDumpDir,ftMultiVolume,ftVolumeHeader;
10519: TTarMode', '( tmSetUid, tmSetGid, tmSaveText )
10520: TTarModes', 'set of TTarMode
10521: TTarDirRec', 'record Name :Str; Size : INT64; DateTime : TDa'
10522: +teTime; Permissions : TTarPermissions; FileType : TFileType; LinkName : ST'
10523: +RING; UID : Int; GID : Int; UserName :Str; GroupName :Str;'
10524: + ChecksumOK :Bool; Mode : TTarModes; Magic :Str; MajorDevNo : INTE'
10525: +GER; MinorDevNo : Int; FilePos : INT64; end
10526: SIRegister_TTarArchive(CL);
10527: SIRegister_TTarWriter(CL);
10528: Func PermissionString( Permissions : TTarPermissions) :Str
10529: Func ConvertFilename( Filename :Str) :Str
10530: Func FileTimeGMT( FileName :Str) : TDateTime;
10531: Func FileTimeGMT1( SearchRec : TSearchRec) : TDateTime;
10532: Proc ClearDirRec( var DirRec : TTarDirRec)
10533: end;
10535: //***************************************************unit uPSI_TlHelp32;
10536: Proc SIRegister_TlHelp32(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10537: begin
10538: Const('MAX_MODULE_NAME32','LongInt'( 255);
10539: Func CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( dwFlags, th32ProcessID : DWORD) : THandle
10540: Const('TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST',LongWord( $00000001);
10541: Const('TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
10542: Const('TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000004);
10543: Const('TH32CS_SNAPMODULE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000008);
10544: Const('TH32CS_INHERIT','LongWord').SetUInt( $80000000);
10545: tagHEAPLIST32','record dwSize:DWORD;th32ProcessID:DWORD;th32HeapID:DWORD;dwFlags:DWORD;end';
10546: AddTypeS('HEAPLIST32', 'tagHEAPLIST32
10547: AddTypeS('THeapList32', 'tagHEAPLIST32
10548: Const('HF32_DEFAULT','LongInt'( 1);
10549: Const('HF32_SHARED','LongInt'( 2);
10550: Func Heap32ListFirst( hSnapshot : THandle; var lphl : THeapList32) : BOOL
10551: Func Heap32ListNext( hSnapshot : THandle; var lphl : THeapList32) : BOOL
10552: AddTypeS(tagHEAPENTRY32', 'record dwSize : DWORD; hHandle : THandle; dwAd'
10553: +'dress : DWORD; dwBlockSize : DWORD; dwFlags : DWORD; dwLockCount : DWORD; '
10554: +dwResvd : DWORD; th32ProcessID : DWORD; th32HeapID : DWORD; end
10555: AddTypeS('HEAPENTRY32', 'tagHEAPENTRY32
10556: AddTypeS('THeapEntry32', 'tagHEAPENTRY32
10557: Const('LF32_FIXED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
10558: Const('LF32_FREE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
10559: Const('LF32_MOVEABLE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000004);
10560: Func Heap32First(var lphe:THeapEntry32;th32ProcessID,th32HeapID:DWORD):BOOL
10561: Func Heap32Next( var lphe : THeapEntry32) : BOOL
10562: DWORD; var lpNumberOfBytesRead : DWORD) : BOOL
10563: AddTypeS('tagTHREADENTRY32', 'record dwSize : DWORD; cntUsage : DWORD; th3'
10564: +'2ThreadID : DWORD; th32OwnerProcessID : DWORD; tpBasePri : Longint; tpDelt'
10565: +'aPri : Longint; dwFlags : DWORD; end
10566: AddTypeS('THREADENTRY32', 'tagTHREADENTRY32
10567: AddTypeS('TThreadEntry32', 'tagTHREADENTRY32
10568: Func Thread32First( hSnapshot : THandle; var lpte : TThreadEntry32) : BOOL
10569: Func Thread32Next( hSnapshot: THandle; var lpte : TThreadENtry32):BOOL end;
10570: Const('EW_RESTARTWINDOWS','LongWord').SetUInt( $0042);
10571: Const('EW_REBOOTSYSTEM','LongWord( $0043);
10572: Const('EW_EXITANDEXECAPP','LongWord( $0044);
10573: Const('ENDSESSION_LOGOFF','LongWord').SetUInt( DWORD ( $80000000 ));
10574: Const('EWX_LOGOFF','LongInt'( 0);
10575: Const('EWX_SHUTDOWN','LongInt'( 1);
10576: Const('EWX_REBOOT','LongInt'( 2);
10577: Const('EWX_FORCE','LongInt'( 4);
10578: Const('EWX_POWEROFF','LongInt'( 8);
10579: Const('EWX_FORCEIFHUNG','LongWord').SetUInt( $10);
10580: Func GET_APPCOMMAND_LPARAM( const lParam : LongInt) : Shortint
10581: Func GET_DEVICE_LPARAM( const lParam : LongInt) : Word
10582: Func GET_MOUSEORKEY_LPARAM( const lParam : LongInt) : Word

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10583: Func GET_FLAGS_LPARAM( const lParam : LongInt) : Word

10584: Func GET_KEYSTATE_LPARAM( const lParam : LongInt) : Word
10585: Func GetWindowWord( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int) : Word
10586: Func SetWindowWord( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int; wNewWord : Word) : Word
10587: Func GetWindowLong( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int) : Longint
10588: Func SetWindowLong( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int; dwNewLong:Longint) : Longint
10589: Func GetClassWord( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int) : Word
10590: Func SetClassWord( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int; wNewWord : Word) : Word
10591: Func GetClassLong( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int) : DWORD
10592: Func SetClassLong( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int; dwNewLong : Longint) : DWORD
10593: Func GetDesktopWindow : HWND
10594: Func GetParent( hWnd : HWND) : HWND
10595: Func SetParent( hWndChild, hWndNewParent : HWND) : HWND
10596: Func GetTopWindow( hWnd : HWND) : HWND
10597: Func GetNextWindow( hWnd : HWND; uCmd : UINT) : HWND
10598: Func GetWindow( hWnd : HWND; uCmd : UINT) : HWND
10599: //Delphi DFM
10600: Func LoadDFMFile2Strings(const AFile:str; AStrings:TStrings; var WasText:bool):Int
10601: Func SaveStrings2DFMFile( AStrings : TStrings; const AFile :Str) : Int
10602: Proc GetHighlighters(AOwner:TComponent; AHighlighters:TStringList;AppendToList:Bool);
10603: Func GetHighlightersFilter(AHighlighters: TStringList):Str;
10604: Func GetHighlighterFromFileExt(AHighlighters: TStringList;Extension:Str):TSynCustomHighlighter;
10605: Func ShowOwnedPopups( hWnd : HWND; fShow : BOOL) : BOOL
10606: Func OpenIcon( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL
10607: Func CloseWindow( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL
10608: Func MoveWindow(hWnd:HWND;X Y,nWidth, nHeight : Int; bRepaint : BOOL) : BOOL
10609: Func SetWindowPos(hWnd:HWND;hWndInsertAfter:HWND;X,Y,cx,cy:Int;uFlags:UINT): BOOL
10610: Func IsWindowVisible( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL
10611: Func IsIconic( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL
10612: Func AnyPopup : BOOL
10613: Func BringWindowToTop( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL
10614: Func IsZoomed( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL
10615: Func IsWindow( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL
10616: Func IsMenu( hMenu : HMENU) : BOOL
10617: Func IsChild( hWndParent, hWnd : HWND) : BOOL
10618: Func DestroyWindow( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL
10619: Func ShowWindow( hWnd : HWND; nCmdShow : Int) : BOOL
10620: Func AnimateWindow( hWnd : HWND; dwTime : DWORD; dwFlags : DWORD) : BOOL
10621: Func ShowWindowAsync( hWnd : HWND; nCmdShow : Int) : BOOL
10622: Func FlashWindow( hWnd : HWND; bInvert : BOOL) : BOOL
10623: Func IsWindowUnicode( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL
10624: Func EnableWindow( hWnd : HWND; bEnable : BOOL) : BOOL
10625: Func IsWindowEnabled( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL
10627: Proc SIRegister_IDECmdLine(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10628: begin
10629: const('ShowSetupDialogOptLong','String '--setup
10630: PrimaryConfPathOptLong','String '--primary-config-path=
10631: PrimaryConfPathOptShort','String '--pcp=
10632: SecondaryConfPathOptLong','String '--secondary-config-path=
10633: SecondaryConfPathOptShort','String '--scp=
10634: NoSplashScreenOptLong','String '--no-splash-screen
10635: NoSplashScreenOptShort','String '--nsc
10636: StartedByStartLazarusOpt','String '--started-by-startlazarus
10637: SkipLastProjectOpt','String '--skip-last-project
10638: DebugLogOpt','String '--debug-log=
10639: DebugLogOptEnable','String '--debug-enable=
10640: LanguageOpt','String '--language=
10641: LazarusDirOpt','String '--lazarusdir=
10642: Proc ParseCommandLine(aCmdLineParams:TStrings;out IDEPid:Int;out ShowSplashScreen:bool);
10643: Func GetCommandLineParameters(aCmdLineParams:TStrings;isStartLazarus:Bool):Str
10644: Func ExtractPrimaryConfigPath( aCmdLineParams : TStrings) :Str
10645: Func IsHelpRequested :Bool
10646: Func IsVersionRequested :Bool
10647: Func GetLanguageSpecified :Str
10648: Func ParamIsOption( ParamIndex : Int; const Option :Str) :Bool
10649: Func ParamIsOptionPlusValue(ParamIndex:int;const Option:str;out AValue:str):bool;
10650: Proc ParseNoGuiCmdLineParams
10651: Func ExtractCmdLineFilenames : TStrings
10652: end;
10654: Proc SIRegister_LazFileUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10655: begin
10656: Func CompareFilenames( const Filename1, Filename2 :Str) : Int
10657: Func CompareFilenamesIgnoreCase( const Filename1, Filename2 :Str) : Int
10658: Func CompareFileExt( const Filename, Ext :Str; CaseSensitive :Bool) : Int;
10659: Func CompareFileExt1( const Filename, Ext :Str) : Int;
10660: Func CompareFilenameStarts( const Filename1, Filename2 :Str) : Int
10661: Func CompareFilenames(Filename1:PChar;Len1:Int; Filename2:PChar;Len2:Int):Int
10662: Func CompareFilenamesP(Filename1,Filename2:PChar;IgnoreCase :Bool) : Int
10663: Func DirPathExists( DirectoryName :Str) :Bool
10664: Func DirectoryIsWritable( const DirectoryName :Str) :Bool
10665: Func ExtractFileNameOnly( const AFilename :Str) :Str
10666: Func FilenameIsAbsolute( const TheFilename :Str) :Bool
10667: Func FilenameIsWinAbsolute( const TheFilename :Str) :Bool
10668: Func FilenameIsUnixAbsolute( const TheFilename :Str) :Bool
10669: Func ForceDirectory( DirectoryName :Str) :Bool
10670: Proc CheckIfFileIsExecutable( const AFilename :Str)
10671: Proc CheckIfFileIsSymlink( const AFilename :Str)

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10672: Func FileIsText( const AFilename :Str) :Bool

10673: Func FileIsText2(const AFilename:str; out FileReadable: bool): bool
10674: Func FilenameIsTrimmed( const TheFilename :Str) :Bool
10675: Func FilenameIsTrimmed2( StartPos : PChar; NameLen : Int) :Bool
10676: Func TrimFilename( const AFilename :Str) :Str
10677: Func ResolveDots( const AFilename :Str) :Str
10678: Proc ForcePathDelims( var FileName :Str)
10679: Func GetForcedPathDelims( const FileName :Str) :Str
10680: Func CleanAndExpandFilename( const Filename :Str) :Str
10681: Func CleanAndExpandDirectory( const Filename :Str) :Str
10682: Func TrimAndExpandFilename(const Filename:str;const BaseDir:str):str
10683: Func TrimAndExpandDirectory(const Filename:str;const BaseDir:str):Str
10684: Func TryCreateRelativePath(const Dest,Source:str; UsePointDirectory:bool;
AlwaysRequireSharedBaseFolder:Bool; out RelPath :Str) :Bool
10685: Func CreateRelativePath(const Filename,
BaseDirectory:str;UsePointDirectory:boolean;AlwaysRequireSharedBaseFolder:Bool) :Str
10686: Func FileIsInPath( const Filename, Path :Str) :Bool
10687: Func AppendPathDelim( const Path :Str) :Str
10688: Func ChompPathDelim( const Path :Str) :Str
10689: Func CreateAbsoluteSearchPath(const SearchPath,BaseDirectory:str):str
10690: Func CreateRelativeSearchPath(const SearchPath,BaseDirectory:str):Str
10691: Func MinimizeSearchPath( const SearchPath :Str) :Str
10692: Func FindPathInSearchPath(APath:PChar;APathLen:int;SearchPath:PChar;SearchPathLen:int):PChar;
10693: (*Func FileExistsUTF8( const Filename :Str) :Bool
10694: Func FileAgeUTF8( const FileName :Str) : Longint
10695: Func DirectoryExistsUTF8( const Directory :Str) :Bool
10696: Func ExpandFileNameUTF8( const FileName :Str; BaseDir :Str) :Str
10697: Func FindFirstUTF8(const Path:str;Attr:Longint;out Rslt:TSearchRec): Longint
10698: Func FindNextUTF8( var Rslt : TSearchRec) : Longint
10699: Proc FindCloseUTF8( var F : TSearchrec)
10700: Func FileSetDateUTF8( const FileName :Str; Age : Longint) : Longint
10701: Func FileGetAttrUTF8( const FileName :Str) : Longint
10702: Func FileSetAttrUTF8( const Filename :Str; Attr : longint) : Longint
10703: Func DeleteFileUTF8( const FileName :Str) :Bool
10704: Func RenameFileUTF8( const OldName, NewName :Str) :Bool
10705: Func FileSearchUTF8(const Name,DirList:str;ImplicitCurrentDir:Bool):str
10706: Func FileIsReadOnlyUTF8( const FileName :Str) :Bool
10707: Func GetCurrentDirUTF8 :Str
10708: Func SetCurrentDirUTF8( const NewDir :Str) :Bool
10709: Func CreateDirUTF8( const NewDir :Str) :Bool
10710: Func RemoveDirUTF8( const Dir :Str) :Bool
10711: Func ForceDirectoriesUTF8( const Dir :Str) :Bool
10712: Func FileOpenUTF8( const FileName :Str; Mode : Int) : THandle
10713: Func FileCreateUTF8( const FileName :Str) : THandle;
10714: Func FileCreateUTF81( const FileName :Str; Rights :Card): THandle;
10715: Func FileCreateUtf82(const FileName:str;ShareMode:Int;Rights:Card): THandle;
10716: Func FileSizeUtf8( const Filename :Str) : int64
10717: Func GetFileDescription( const AFilename :Str) :Str
10718: Func GetAppConfigDirUTF8( Global :Bool; Create :Bool) :Str
10719: Func GetAppConfigFileUTF8(Global:Bool;SubDir:bool;CreateDir: bool):Str
10720: Func GetTempFileNameUTF8( const Dir, Prefix :Str) :Str*)
10721: Func IsUNCPath( const Path :Str) :Bool
10722: Func ExtractUNCVolume( const Path :Str) :Str
10723: Func ExtractFileRoot( FileName :Str) :Str
10724: Func GetDarwinSystemFilename( Filename :Str) :Str
10725: Proc SplitCmdLineParams( const Params:str; ParamList:TStrings; ReadBackslash:bool)
10726: Func StrToCmdLineParam( const Param :Str) :Str
10727: Func MergeCmdLineParams( ParamList : TStrings) :Str
10728: Proc InvalidateFileStateCache( const Filename :Str)
10729: Func FindAllFiles(const SearchPath:str;SearchMask:Str;SearchSubDirs:Bool):TStringList);
10730: Func FindAllDirectories(const SearchPath:str;SearchSubDirs:Bool):TStringList
10731: Func FindAllDocs(const Root, extmask:Str): TStringlist;
10732: Func ReadFileToString( const Filename:Str):Str
10733: Proc Inc1(var X: longint; N: Longint);
10734: type TCopyFileFlag = ( cffOverwriteFile,
10735: cffCreateDestDirectory, cffPreserveTime );
10736: TCopyFileFlags = set of TCopyFileFlag;*)
10737: TCopyFileFlag', '(cffOverwriteFile, cffCreateDestDirectory, cffPreserveTime)
10738: TCopyFileFlags', 'set of TCopyFileFlag
10739: Func CopyDirTree(const SourceDir,TargetDir:str;Flags:TCopyFileFlags):Bool
10740: end;
10742: Proc SIRegister_lazMasks(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10743: begin
10744: TMaskCharType','( mcChar, mcCharSet, mcAnyChar, mcAnyText )
10745: SIRegister_TMask(CL);
10746: SIRegister_TParseStringList(CL);
10747: SIRegister_TMaskList(CL);
10748: Func MatchesMask(const FileName,Mask:str;const CaseSensitive:Bool):Bool
10749: Func MatchesWindowsMask(const FileName,Mask:str;const CaseSensitive:Bool): Bool;
10750: Func MatchesMaskList(const FileName,Mask:Str;Separatr:Char;const CaseSensitive:Bool):Bool;
10751: Func MatchesWindowsMaskList(const FileName,Mask:str;Separat:Char;const CaseSensitive:Bool):Bool;
10752: end;
10754: Proc SIRegister_JvShellHook(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10755: begin
10756: //PShellHookInfo', '^TShellHookInfo // will not work
10757: TShellHookInfo', 'record hwnd : THandle; rc : TRect; end
10758: SHELLHOOKINFO', 'TShellHookInfo

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10759: LPSHELLHOOKINFO', 'PShellHookInfo

10760: TJvShellHookEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; var Msg : TMessage)
10761: SIRegister_TJvShellHook(CL);
10762: Func InitJvShellHooks :Bool
10763: Proc UnInitJvShellHooks
10764: end;
10766: Proc SIRegister_JvExControls(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10767: begin
10768: TDlgCode','(dcWantAllKeys,dcWantArrows,dcWantChars,dcButton,dcHasSetSel,dcWantTab,dcNative)
10769: TDlgCodes', 'set of TDlgCodedcWantMessage',' dcWantAllKeys);
10770: SIRegister_IJvExControl(CL);
10771: SIRegister_IJvDenySubClassing(CL);
10772: SIRegister_TStructPtrMessage(CL);
10773: Proc SetDotNetFrameColors( FocusedColor, UnfocusedColor : TColor)
10774: Proc DrawDotNetControl( Control : TWinControl; AColor : TColor; InControl :Bool);
10775: Proc DrawDotNetControl1(DC:HDC; R:TRect;AColor:TColor;UseFocusedColor:Bool);
10776: Proc HandleDotNetHighlighting(Cntrl:TWinControl;const Msg:TMessage;MouseOver:Bool;Color:TColor);
10777: Func CreateWMMessage( Msg : Int; WParam : Int; LParam : Longint) : TMessage;
10778: Func CreateWMMessage1( Msg : Int; WParam : Int; LParam : TControl) : TMessage;
10779: Func SmallPointToLong( const Pt : TSmallPoint) : Longint
10780: Func ShiftStateToKeyData( Shift : TShiftState) : Longint
10781: Func GetFocusedControl( AControl : TControl) : TWinControl
10782: Func DlgcToDlgCodes( Value : Longint) : TDlgCodes
10783: Func DlgCodesToDlgc( Value : TDlgCodes) : Longint
10784: Proc GetHintColor(var HintInfo:THintInfo AControl:TControl;HintColor:TColor)
10785: Func DispatchIsDesignMsg( Control : TControl; var Msg : TMessage) :Bool
10786: SIRegister_TJvExControl(CL);
10787: SIRegister_TJvExWinControl(CL);
10788: SIRegister_TJvExCustomControl(CL);
10789: SIRegister_TJvExGraphicControl(CL);
10790: SIRegister_TJvExHintWindow(CL);
10791: SIRegister_TJvExPubGraphicControl(CL);
10792: end;
10794: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
10795: Proc SIRegister_EncdDecd(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10796: begin
10797: Proc EncodeStream(Input, Output : TStream)
10798: Proc DecodeStream(Input, Output : TStream)
10799: Func EncodeString1(const Input :Str) :Str
10800: Func DecodeString1(const Input :Str) :Str
10801: end;
10803: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
10804: Proc SIRegister_SockAppReg(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10805: begin
10806: SIRegister_TWebAppRegInfo(CL);
10807: SIRegister_TWebAppRegList(CL);
10808: Proc GetRegisteredWebApps( AList : TWebAppRegList)
10809: Proc RegisterWebApp( const AFileName, AProgID :Str)
10810: Proc UnregisterWebApp( const AProgID :Str)
10811: Func FindRegisteredWebApp( const AProgID :Str) :Str
10812: Func CreateRegistry(InitializeNewFile:Bool):TCustomIniFilesUDPPort',String 'UDPPort
10813: end;
10815: Proc SIRegister_PJEnvVars(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10816: begin
10817: // TStringDynArray', 'array of string
10818: Func GetEnvVarValue( const VarName :Str) :Str
10819: Func SetEnvVarValue( const VarName, VarValue :Str) : Int
10820: Func DeleteEnvVar( const VarName :Str) : Int
10821: Func CreateEnvBlock(const NewEnv:TStrings;const IncludeCurrent:Bool;const Buffer:str;const
10822: Func ExpandEnvVars( const Str :Str) :Str
10823: Func GetAllEnvVars( const Vars : TStrings) : Int
10824: Proc GetAllEnvVarNames( const Names : TStrings);
10825: Func GetAllEnvVarNames1 : TStringDynArray;
10826: Func EnvBlockSize : Int
10827: TPJEnvVarsEnum', 'Proc ( const VarName :Str; Data : TObject)
10828: SIRegister_TPJEnvVarsEnumerator(CL);
10829: SIRegister_TPJEnvVars(CL);
10830: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EPJEnvVars
10831: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EPJEnvVars
10832: //Proc Register
10833: end;
10835: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
10836: Proc SIRegister_PJConsoleApp(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10837: begin
10838: 'cOneSecInMS','LongInt'( 1000);
10839: //'cDefTimeSlice','LongInt'( 50);
10840: //'cDefMaxExecTime',' cOneMinInMS);
10841: 'cAppErrorMask','LongInt'( 1 shl 29);
10842: Func IsApplicationError( const ErrCode : LongWord) :Bool
10843: TPJConsoleAppPriority','( cpDefault, cpHigh, cpNormal, cpIdle, cpRealTime )
10844: TPJConsoleColors','record Foreground : TPJConsoleColor; Background:TPJConsoleColor; end;
10845: Func MakeConsoleColors(const AForeground,ABackground:TPJConsoleColor):TPJConsoleColors;
10846: Func MakeConsoleColors1(const AForeground,ABackground:TColor): TPJConsoleColors;

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10847: Func MakeConsoleColors2(const AForeground ABackground:TAlphaColor): TPJConsoleColors;

10848: Func MakeSize( const ACX, ACY : LongInt) : TSize
10849: SIRegister_TPJCustomConsoleApp(CL);
10850: SIRegister_TPJConsoleApp(CL);
10851: end;
10853: Proc SIRegister_ip_misc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10854: begin
10855: INVALID_IP_ADDRESS','LongWord').SetUInt( $ffffffff);
10856: t_encoding', '( uuencode, base64, mime )
10857: Func internet_date( date : TDateTime) :Str
10858: Func lookup_hostname( const hostname :Str) : longint
10859: Func my_hostname :Str
10860: Func my_ip_address : longint
10861: Func ip2string( ip_address : longint) :Str
10862: Func resolve_hostname( ip : longint) :Str
10863: Func address_from( const s :Str; count : Int) :Str
10864: Func encode_base64( data : TStream) : TStringList
10865: Func decode_base64( source : TStringList) : TMemoryStream
10866: Func posn( const s, t :Str; count : Int) : Int
10867: Func poscn( c : char; const s :Str; n : Int) : Int
10868: Func filename_of( const s :Str) :Str
10869: //Func trim( const s :Str) :Str
10870: //Proc setlength( var s :Str; l : byte)
10871: Func TimeZoneBias : longint
10872: Func eight2seven_quoteprint( const s :Str) :Str
10873: Func eight2seven_german( const s :Str) :Str
10874: Func seven2eight_quoteprint( const s :Str) :Str end;
10875: type in_addr', 'record s_bytes : array[1..4] of byte; end;
10876: Func socketerror : cint
10877: Func fpsocket( domain : cint; xtype : cint; protocol : cint) : cint
10878: Func fprecv( s : cint; buf : ___pointer; len : size_t; flags : cint): ssize_t
10879: Func fpsend( s : cint; msg : ___pointer; len : size_t; flags : cint): ssize_t
10880: //Func fpbind( s : cint; addrx : psockaddr; addrlen : tsocklen) : cint
10881: Func fplisten( s : cint; backlog : cint) : cint
10882: //Func fpaccept( s : cint; addrx : psockaddr; addrlen : plongint) : cint
10883: //Func fpconnect( s : cint; name : psockaddr; namelen : tsocklen) : cint
10884: //Func fpgetsockname( s : cint; name : psockaddr; namelen : psocklen) : cint
10885: Func NetAddrToStr( Entry : in_addr) :Str
10886: Func HostAddrToStr( Entry : in_addr) :Str
10887: Func StrToHostAddr( IP :Str) : in_addr
10888: Func StrToNetAddr( IP :Str) : in_addr
10889: SOL_SOCKET','LongWord').SetUInt( $ffff);
10890: cint8', 'shortint
10891: cuint8', 'byte
10892: cchar', 'cint8
10893: cschar', 'cint8
10894: cuchar', 'cuint8
10895: cint16', 'smallint
10896: cuint16', 'word
10897: cshort', 'cint16
10898: csshort', 'cint16
10899: cushort', 'cuint16
10900: cint32', 'longint
10901: cuint32', 'longword
10902: cint', 'cint32
10903: csint', 'cint32
10904: cuint', 'cuint32
10905: csigned', 'cint
10906: cunsigned', 'cuint
10907: cint64', 'int64
10908: clonglong', 'cint64
10909: cslonglong', 'cint64
10910: cbool', 'longbool
10911: cfloat', 'single
10912: cdouble', 'double
10913: clongdouble', 'extended
10915: Proc SIRegister_uLkJSON(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10916: begin
10917: TlkJSONtypes','(jsBase,jsNumber,jsString,jsBoolean,jsNull,jsList,jsObject )
10918: SIRegister_TlkJSONdotnetclass(CL);
10919: SIRegister_TlkJSONbase(CL);
10920: SIRegister_TlkJSONnumber(CL);
10921: SIRegister_TlkJSONstring(CL);
10922: SIRegister_TlkJSONboolean(CL);
10923: SIRegister_TlkJSONnull(CL);
10924: TlkJSONFuncEnum','Procedure(ElName:str;Elem:TlkJSONbase;data:TObject;var Continue:Boolean)
10925: SIRegister_TlkJSONcustomlist(CL);
10926: SIRegister_TlkJSONlist(CL);
10927: SIRegister_TlkJSONobjectmethod(CL);
10928: TlkHashItem', 'record hash :Card; index : Int; end
10929: TlkHashFunction', 'Func ( const ws : WideString) :Card
10930: SIRegister_TlkHashTable(CL);
10931: SIRegister_TlkBalTree(CL);
10932: SIRegister_TlkJSONobject(CL);
10933: SIRegister_TlkJSON(CL);
10934: SIRegister_TlkJSONstreamed(CL);
10935: Func GenerateReadableText( vObj : TlkJSONbase; var vLevel : Int):Str

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10936: end;
10938: Ex: js:= TlkJSON.create;
10939: jsonObject:= js.ParseText(jsonstring) as TlkJSONobject;
10940: try
10941: writeln('get message: '+jsonObject.Field['amessage'].value);
10942: writeln(vartostr(jsonobject.Field['book'].Child[3].field['ISBN'].value));
10944: Proc SIRegister_ZSysUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
10945: begin
10946: TZListSortCompare', 'Func (Item1, Item2 : TObject): Int
10947: SIRegister_TZSortedList(CL);
10948: Func zFirstDelimiter( const Delimiters, Str :Str) : Int
10949: Func zLastDelimiter( const Delimiters, Str :Str) : Int
10950: //Func MemLCompUnicode( P1, P2 : PWideChar; Len : Int) :Bool
10951: //Func MemLCompAnsi( P1, P2 : PAnsiChar; Len : Int) :Bool
10952: Func zStartsWith( const Str, SubStr : WideString) :Bool;
10953: Func StartsWith1( const Str, SubStr : RawByteString) :Bool;
10954: Func EndsWith( const Str, SubStr : WideString) :Bool;
10955: Func EndsWith1( const Str, SubStr : RawByteString) :Bool;
10956: Func SQLStrToFloatDef( Str : RawByteString; Def : Extended) : Extended;
10957: Func SQLStrToFloatDef1( Str :Str; Def : Extended) : Extended;
10958: Func SQLStrToFloat( const Str : Ansistr) : Extended
10959: //Func BufferToStr( Buffer : PWideChar; Length : LongInt) :Str;
10960: //Func BufferToStr1( Buffer : PAnsiChar; Length : LongInt) :Str;
10961: Func BufferToBytes( Buffer : TObject; Length : LongInt) : TByteDynArray
10962: Func StrToBoolEx( Str :Str) :Bool
10963: Func BoolToStrEx( Bool :Bool) :Str
10964: Func IsIpAddr( const Str :Str) :Bool //IsIP()
10965: Func zSplitString( const Str, Delimiters :Str) : TStrings
10966: Proc PutSplitString( List : TStrings; const Str, Delimiters :Str)
10967: Proc AppendSplitString( List : TStrings; const Str, Delimiters :Str)
10968: Func ComposeString( List : TStrings; const Delimiter :Str) :Str
10969: Func FloatToSQLStr( Value : Extended) :Str
10970: Proc PutSplitStringEx( List : TStrings; const Str, Delimiter :Str)
10971: Func SplitStringEx( const Str, Delimiter :Str) : TStrings
10972: Proc AppendSplitStringEx( List : TStrings; const Str, Delimiter:Str)
10973: Func zBytesToStr( const Value : TByteDynArray) : Ansistr
10974: Func zStrToBytes( const Value : Ansistr) : TByteDynArray;
10975: Func StrToBytes1( const Value : UTF8String) : TByteDynArray;
10976: Func StrToBytes2( const Value : RawByteString) : TByteDynArray;
10977: Func StrToBytes3( const Value : WideString) : TByteDynArray;
10978: Func StrToBytes4( const Value : UnicodeString) : TByteDynArray;
10979: Func BytesToVar( const Value : TByteDynArray) : Variant
10980: Func VarToBytes( const Value : Variant) : TByteDynArray
10981: Func AnsiSQLDateToDateTime( const Value :Str) : TDateTime
10982: Func TimestampStrToDateTime( const Value :Str) : TDateTime
10983: Func DateTimeToAnsiSQLDate( Value : TDateTime; WithMMSec:Bool):Str
10984: Func EncodeCString( const Value :Str) :Str
10985: Func DecodeCString( const Value :Str) :Str
10986: Func zReplaceChar( const Source, Target : Char; const Str:Str):Str
10987: Func MemPas( Buffer : PChar; Length : LongInt) :Str
10988: Proc DecodeSQLVersioning(const FullVersion:Int;out MajorVersion:Int;out MinorVersion:Int;out
10989: Func EncodeSQLVersioning(const MajorVersion:Int;const MinorVersion:Int;const SubVersion:Int):Int;
10990: Func FormatSQLVersion( const SQLVersion : Int) :Str
10991: Func ZStrToFloat( Value : AnsiChar) : Extended;
10992: Func ZStrToFloat1( Value : Ansistr) : Extended;
10993: Proc ZSetString( const Src : AnsiChar; var Dest : Ansistr);
10994: Proc ZSetString1(const Src:AnsiChar;const Len:Card;var Dest:Ansistr);
10995: Proc ZSetString2(const Src : AnsiChar; var Dest : UTF8String);
10996: Proc ZSetString3(const Src:AnsiChar;const Len:Card;var Dest:UTF8String);
10997: Proc ZSetString4(const Src:AnsiChar;const Len:Card;var Dest:WideString);
10998: Proc ZSetString5(const Src : AnsiChar; var Dest : RawByteString);
10999: Proc ZSetString6(const Src:AnsiChar;const Len:Card;var Dest:RawByteString);
11000: end;
11002: unit uPSI_ZEncoding;
11003: Func StringToAnsiEx( const s :Str; const FromCP, ToCP : Word) : RawByteString
11004: Func AnsiToStringEx(const s:RawByteString;const FromCP, ToCP : Word :Str
11005: Func ZRawToUnicode( const S : RawByteString; const CP : Word) : WideString
11006: Func ZUnicodeToRaw( const US : WideString; CP : Word) : RawByteString
11007: Func ZConvertAnsiToRaw( const Src : Ansistr; const RawCP : Word) : RawByteString
11008: Func ZConvertRawToAnsi(const Src:RawByteString;const RawCP:Word):Ansistr
11009: Func ZConvertAnsiToUTF8( const Src : Ansistr) : UTF8String
11010: Func ZConvertUTF8ToAnsi( const Src : UTF8String) : Ansistr
11011: Func ZConvertRawToUTF8( const Src : RawByteString; const CP : Word) : UTF8String
11012: Func ZConvertUTF8ToRaw( const Src : UTF8String; const CP : Word) : RawByteString
11013: Func ZConvertRawToString(const Src:RawByteString;const RawCP,StringCP:Word):str
11014: Func ZConvertStringToRaw( const Src :Str; const StringCP, RawCP : Word) : RawByteString
11015: Func ZConvertStringToRawWithAutoEncode(const Src:str;const StringCP,RawCP:Word):RawByteString;
11016: Func ZConvertUTF8ToString(const Src:UTF8String;const StringCP: Word):Str
11017: Func ZConvertStringToUTF8(const Src:Str;const StringCP:Word):UTF8String
11018: Func ZConvertStringToUTF8WithAutoEncode(const Src:str;const StringCP:Word): UTF8String
11019: Func ZConvertStringToAnsi( const Src :Str; const StringCP : Word) : Ansistr
11020: Func ZConvertStringToAnsiWithAutoEncode(const Src:str;const StringCP:Word): Ansistr
11021: Func ZConvertAnsiToString(const Src:Ansistr;const StringCP:Word):str
11022: Func ZConvertUnicodeToString(const Src:WideString;const StringCP:Word):str
11023: Func ZConvertUnicodeToString_CPUTF8(const Src:WideString; const StringCP : Word):Str

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11024: Func ZConvertStringToUnicode( const Src :Str; const StringCP : Word) : WideString
11025: Func ZConvertString_CPUTF8ToUnicode(const Src:str;const StringCP:Word): WideString
11026: Func ZConvertStringToUnicodeWithAutoEncode(const Src:str;const StringCP:Word):WideString
11027: Func ZMoveAnsiToRaw( const Src : Ansistr; const RawCP : Word) : RawByteString
11028: Func ZMoveRawToAnsi( const Src : RawByteString; const RawCP : Word) : Ansistr
11029: Func ZMoveAnsiToUTF8( const Src : Ansistr) : UTF8String
11030: Func ZMoveUTF8ToAnsi( const Src : UTF8String) : Ansistr
11031: Func ZMoveRawToUTF8( const Src : RawByteString; const CP : Word) : UTF8String
11032: Func ZMoveUTF8ToRaw( const Src : UTF8String; const CP : Word) : RawByteString
11033: Func ZMoveStringToAnsi( const Src :Str; const StringCP : Word) : Ansistr
11034: Func ZMoveAnsiToString( const Src : Ansistr; const StringCP : Word) :Str
11035: Func ZMoveRawToString(const Src:RawByteString;const RawCP,StringCP:Word):Str
11036: Func ZMoveStringToRaw( const Src :Str; const StringCP, RawCP : Word) : RawByteString
11037: Func ZMoveUTF8ToString( const Src : UTF8String; StringCP : Word) :Str
11038: Func ZMoveStringToUTF8( const Src :Str; const StringCP : Word) : UTF8String
11039: Func ZUnknownRawToUnicode( const S : RawByteString; const CP : Word) : WideString
11040: Func ZUnknownRawToUnicodeWithAutoEncode(const S:RawByteString;const CP:Word): WideString
11041: Func ZUnicodeToUnknownRaw( const US : WideString; CP : Word) : RawByteString
11042: Func ZDefaultSystemCodePage : Word
11043: Func ZCompatibleCodePages( const CP1, CP2 : Word) :Bool
11044: Func MPing(const AHost:Str;const ATimes:Int; out AvgMS:Double):Boolean;
11046: Proc SIRegister_BoldComUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11047: begin
11048: 'RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT','LongInt'( 0);
11049: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE','LongInt'( 1);
11050: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT','LongInt'( 2);
11051: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CALL','LongInt'( 3);
11052: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT','LongInt'( 4);
11053: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY','LongInt'( 5);
11054: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY','LongInt'( 6);
11055: {('alDefault','1 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT);
11056: ('alNone','2 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE);
11057: ('alConnect','3 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT);
11058: ('alCall','4 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CALL);
11059: ('alPacket','5 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT);
11060: ('alPacketIntegrity','6 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY);
11061: ('alPacketPrivacy','7 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY);}
11062: ('RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DEFAULT','LongInt'( 0);
11063: ('RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_ANONYMOUS','LongInt'( 1);
11064: ('RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY','LongInt'( 2);
11065: ('RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE','LongInt'( 3);
11066: ('RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DELEGATE','LongInt'( 4);
11067: {('ilDefault','0 RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DEFAULT);
11068: ('ilAnonymous','1 RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_ANONYMOUS);
11069: ('ilIdentiry','2 RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY);
11070: ('ilImpersonate','3 RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE);
11071: ('ilDelegate','4 RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DELEGATE);}
11072: ('EOAC_NONE','LongWord').SetUInt( $0);
11073: ('EOAC_DEFAULT','LongWord').SetUInt( $800);
11074: ('EOAC_MUTUAL_AUTH','LongWord').SetUInt( $1);
11075: ('EOAC_STATIC_CLOACKING','LongWord').SetUInt( $20);
11076: ('EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING','LongWord').SetUInt( $40);
11077: ('EOAC_ANY_AUTHORITY','LongWord').SetUInt( $80);
11078: ('RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT','LongInt'( 10);
11079: ('RPC_C_AUTHNZ_NONE','LongInt'( 0);
11080: ('RPC_C_AUTHNZ_NAME','LongInt'( 1);
11081: ('RPC_C_AUTHNZ_DCE','LongInt'( 2);
11082: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EBoldCom
11083: Func BoldVariantIsType( V : OleVariant; TypeCode : Int) :Bool
11084: Func BoldMemoryToVariant( const Buffer, BufSize : Int) : OleVariant
11085: Func BoldStreamToVariant( Stream : TStream) : OleVariant
11086: Func BoldStringsToVariant( Strings : TStrings) : OleVariant
11087: Func BoldVariantToMemory( V : OleVariant; var Buffer, BufSize : Int) : Int
11088: Func BoldVariantToStream( V : OleVariant; Stream : TStream) : Int
11089: Func BoldVariantArrayOfArraysOfStringToStrings(V:OleVariant;Strings: TStrings) : Int
11090: Func BoldVariantIsNamedValues( V : OleVariant) :Bool
11091: Func BoldCreateNamedValues(const Names:array of string;const Values:array of OleVariant):OleVariant;
11092: Func BoldGetNamedValue( Data : OleVariant; const Name :Str) : OleVariant
11093: Proc BoldSetNamedValue( Data : OleVariant; const Name :Str; Value : OleVariant)
11094: Func BoldCreateGUID : TGUID
11095: Func BoldCreateComObject( const ClsId,IId:TGUID; out Obj:variant;out Res:HResult):Bool
11096: Func BoldCreateRemoteComObject(const HostName:str;const ClsId,IId:TGUID;out Obj:variant;out
11097: Proc BoldInitializeComSecurity( AuthenticationLevel, ImpersonationLevel : longint)
11098: Proc BoldSetSecurityForInterface(AuthenticationLevel,ImpersonationLevel:longint;Unk:IUnknown);
11099: end;
11101: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
11102: Proc SIRegister_BoldIsoDateTime(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11103: begin
11104: Func ParseISODate( s :Str) : TDateTime
11105: Func ParseISODateTime( s :Str) : TDateTime
11106: Func ParseISOTime( str :Str) : TDateTime
11107: end;
11109: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
11110: Proc SIRegister_BoldGUIDUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11111: begin

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11112: Func BoldCreateGUIDAsString( StripBrackets :Bool) :Str

11113: Func BoldCreateGUIDWithBracketsAsString :Str
11114: end;
11116: Proc SIRegister_BoldFileHandler(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11117: begin
11118: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TBoldFileHandler
11119: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TBoldDiskFileHandler
11120: //TBoldFileHandlerClass', 'class of TBoldFileHandler
11121: TBoldInitializeFileContents', 'Proc ( StringList : TStringList)
11122: SIRegister_TBoldFileHandler(CL);
11123: SIRegister_TBoldDiskFileHandler(CL);
11124: Proc BoldCloseAllFilehandlers
11125: Proc BoldRemoveUnchangedFilesFromEditor
11126: Func BoldFileHandlerList : TBoldObjectArray
11127: Func BoldFileHandlerForFile(path,
11128: end;
11130: Proc SIRegister_BoldWinINet(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11131: begin
11132: PCharArr', 'array of PChar
11133: Func BoldInternetOpen(Agent:Str;AccessType:Int;Proxy:str;ProxyByPass:Str;Flags:Int):ptr);
11134: Func BoldInternetOpenUrl(iNet:Poin;URL:str;Headers:str;Flags,Context:Card):Point
11135: Func BoldInternetReadFile(hFile:Pointer;Buff:Ptr;NumbOfBytesToRead:Card;var
11136: Func BoldInternetCloseHandle( HINet : Pointer) : LongBool
11137: Func BoldHttpQueryInfo(hRequest:Pointer;InfoLevel:Card;Buffer:Pointer;BufferLength:Card;Reserved:Card) :
11138: Func BoldInternetQueryDataAvailable(hFile:Pointer;var NumberOfBytesAvailable:Card; flags:Card;
Context:Card): LongBool
11139: Func BoldHttpOpenRequest(hConnect:Pointer;Verb,ObjectName,Version,Referrer:str;AcceptTypes:PCharArr;Flags,
11140: Func BoldHttpSendRequest(hRequest:Ptr;Headers:str;Optional:Ptr;OptionalLength:Cardi): LongBool
11141: Func BoldInternetErrorDlg(hWnd:HWND;hRequest:HINTERNET;dwError,dwFlags:DWORD;var lppvData:Ptr):DWORD
11142: Func BoldInternetAttemptConnect( dwReserved : DWORD) : DWORD
11143: Func BoldInternetConnect(hInet: HINTERNET;ServerName:str; nServerPort:INTERNET_PORT; Username:str;
Password :Str; dwService : DWORD; dwFlags : DWORD; dwContext : DWORD):HINTERNET
11144: Func BoldInternetCrackUrl(Url:PChar;UrlLength,dwFlags:DWORD;var lpUrlComponents:TURLComponents):BOOL;
11145: end;
11147: Proc SIRegister_BoldQueryUserDlg(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11148: begin
11149: TBoldQueryResult', '( qrYesAll, qrYes, qrNo, qrNoAll )
11150: SIRegister_TfrmBoldQueryUser(CL);
11151: Func QueryUser( const Title, Query :Str) : TBoldQueryResult
11152: end;
11154: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
11155: Proc SIRegister_BoldQueue(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11156: begin
11157: //('befIsInDisplayList',' BoldElementFlag0);
11158: //('befStronglyDependedOfPrioritized',' BoldElementFlag1);
11159: //('befFollowerSelected',' BoldElementFlag2);
11160: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TBoldQueue
11161: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TBoldQueueable
11162: TBoldQueueDisplayMode', '( dmDisplayOne, dmDisplayAll )
11163: SIRegister_TBoldQueueable(CL);
11164: SIRegister_TBoldQueue(CL);
11165: Func BoldQueueFinalized :Bool
11166: Func BoldInstalledQueue : TBoldQueue
11167: end;
11169: Proc SIRegister_Barcode(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11170: begin
11171: const mmPerInch','Extended).setExtended( 25.4);
11172: TBarcodeType', '( bcCode_2_5_interleaved, bcCode_2_5_industrial,'
11173: + bcCode_2_5_matrix, bcCode39, bcCode39Extended, bcCode128A, bcCode128B, bc'
11174: +Code128C, bcCode93, bcCode93Extended, bcCodeMSI, bcCodePostNet, bcCodeCoda'
11175: +bar, bcCodeEAN8, bcCodeEAN13, bcCodeUPC_A, bcCodeUPC_E0, bcCodeUPC_E1, bcC'
11176: +odeUPC_Supp2, bcCodeUPC_Supp5, bcCodeEAN128A, bcCodeEAN128B, bcCodeEAN128C
11177: TBarLineType', '( white, black, black_half )
11178: TBarcodeOption', '( bcoNone, bcoCode, bcoTyp, bcoBoth )
11179: TShowTextPosition','(stpTopLeft,stpTopRight,stpTopCenter,stpBottomLeft,stpBottomRight, stpBottomCenter )
11180: TCheckSumMethod', '( csmNone, csmModulo10 )
11181: SIRegister_TAsBarcode(CL);
11182: Func CheckSumModulo10( const data :Str) :Str
11183: Func ConvertMmToPixelsX( const Value : Double) : Int
11184: Func ConvertMmToPixelsY( const Value : Double) : Int
11185: Func ConvertInchToPixelsX( const Value : Double) : Int
11186: Func ConvertInchToPixelsY( const Value : Double) : Int
11187: end;
11189: Proc SIRegister_Geometry(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); //OpenGL
11190: begin
11191: TVector3f = array[0..2] of single;
11192: CL.AddTypeS('TAffineVector', 'TVector3f');
11193: CL.AddTypeS('TVertex', 'TAffineVector');

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11194: THomogeneousByteVector', 'array[0..3] of Byte

11195: THomogeneousWordVector', 'array[0..3] of Word
11196: THomogeneousIntVector', 'array[0..3] of Int
11197: THomogeneousFltVector', 'array[0..3] of single
11198: THomogeneousDblVector', 'array[0..3] of double
11199: THomogeneousExtVector', 'array[0..3] of extended
11200: TAffineByteVector', 'array[0..2] of Byte
11201: TAffineWordVector', 'array[0..2] of Word
11202: TAffineIntVector', 'array[0..2] of Int
11203: TAffineFltVector', 'array[0..2] of single
11204: TAffineDblVector', 'array[0..2] of double
11205: TAffineExtVector', 'array[0..2] of extended
11206: THomogeneousByteMatrix', 'array[0..3] of THomogeneousByteVector
11207: THomogeneousWordMatrix', 'array[0..3] of THomogeneousWordVector
11208: THomogeneousIntMatrix', 'array[0..3] of THomogeneousIntVector
11209: THomogeneousFltMatrix', 'array[0..3] of THomogeneousFltVector
11210: THomogeneousDblMatrix', 'array[0..3] of THomogeneousDblVector
11211: THomogeneousExtMatrix', 'array[0..3] of THomogeneousExtVector
11212: TAffineByteMatrix', 'array[0..2] of TAffineByteVector
11213: TAffineWordMatrix', 'array[0..2] of TAffineWordVector
11214: TAffineIntMatrix', 'array[0..2] of TAffineIntVector
11215: TAffineFltMatrix', 'array[0..3] of TAffineFltVector
11216: TAffineDblMatrix', 'array[0..3] of TAffineDblVector
11217: TAffineExtMatrix', 'array[0..3] of TAffineExtVector
11218: TMatrix4b', 'THomogeneousByteMatrix
11219: TMatrix4w', 'THomogeneousWordMatrix
11220: TMatrix4i', 'THomogeneousIntMatrix
11221: TMatrix4f', 'THomogeneousFltMatrix
11222: TMatrix4d', 'THomogeneousDblMatrix
11223: TMatrix4e', 'THomogeneousExtMatrix
11224: TMatrix3b', 'TAffineByteMatrix
11225: TMatrix3w', 'TAffineWordMatrix
11226: TMatrix3i', 'TAffineIntMatrix
11227: TMatrix3f', 'TAffineFltMatrix
11228: TMatrix3d', 'TAffineDblMatrix
11229: TMatrix3e', 'TAffineExtMatrix
11230: //'PMatrix', '^TMatrix // will not work
11231: TMatrixGL', 'THomogeneousFltMatrix
11232: THomogeneousMatrix', 'THomogeneousFltMatrix
11233: TAffineMatrix', 'TAffineFltMatrix
11234: TQuaternion', 'record Vector : TVector4f; end
11235: TRectangle', 'record Left : Int; Top : Int; Width : integer; Height : Int; end
11236: TTransType', '( ttScaleX, ttScaleY, ttScaleZ, ttShearXY, ttShear'
11237: +'XZ, ttShearYZ, ttRotateX, ttRotateY, ttRotateZ, ttTranslateX, ttTranslateY'
11238: +',ttTranslateZ,ttPerspectiveX,ttPerspectiveY,ttPerspectiveZ, ttPerspectiveW )
11239: 'EPSILON','Extended').setExtended( 1E-100);
11240: 'EPSILON2','Extended').setExtended( 1E-50);
11241: Func VectorAddGL( V1, V2 : TVectorGL) : TVectorGL
11242: Func VectorAffineAdd( V1, V2 : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector
11243: Func VectorAffineCombine(V1,V2:TAffineVector; F1, F2 : Single) : TAffineVector
11244: Func VectorAffineDotProduct( V1, V2 : TAffineVector) : Single
11245: Func VectorAffineLerp( V1, V2 : TAffineVector; t : Single) : TAffineVector
11246: Func VectorAffineSubtract( V1, V2 : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector
11247: Func VectorAngle( V1, V2 : TAffineVector) : Single
11248: Func VectorCombine( V1, V2 : TVectorGL; F1, F2 : Single) : TVectorGL
11249: Func VectorCrossProduct( V1, V2 : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector
11250: Func VectorDotProduct( V1, V2 : TVectorGL) : Single
11251: Func VectorLength( V : array of Single) : Single
11252: Func VectorLerp( V1, V2 : TVectorGL; t : Single) : TVectorGL
11253: Proc VectorNegate( V : array of Single)
11254: Func VectorNorm( V : array of Single) : Single
11255: Func VectorNormalize( V : array of Single) : Single
11256: Func VectorPerpendicular( V, N : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector
11257: Func VectorReflect( V, N : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector
11258: Proc VectorRotate( var Vector : TVector4f; Axis : TVector3f; Angle : Single)
11259: Proc VectorScale( V : array of Single; Factor : Single)
11260: Func VectorSubtractGL( V1, V2 : TVectorGL) : TVectorGL
11261: Func CreateRotationMatrixX( Sine, Cosine : Single) : TMatrixGL
11262: Func CreateRotationMatrixY( Sine, Cosine : Single) : TMatrixGL
11263: Func CreateRotationMatrixZ( Sine, Cosine : Single) : TMatrixGL
11264: Func CreateScaleMatrix( V : TAffineVector) : TMatrixGL
11265: Func CreateTranslationMatrix( V : TVectorGL) : TMatrixGL
11266: Proc MatrixAdjoint( var M : TMatrixGL)
11267: Func MatrixAffineDeterminant( M : TAffineMatrix) : Single
11268: Proc MatrixAffineTranspose( var M : TAffineMatrix)
11269: Func MatrixDeterminant( M : TMatrixGL) : Single
11270: Proc MatrixInvert( var M : TMatrixGL)
11271: Func MatrixMultiply( M1, M2 : TMatrixGL) : TMatrixGL
11272: Proc MatrixScale( var M : TMatrixGL; Factor : Single)
11273: Proc MatrixTranspose( var M : TMatrixGL)
11274: Func QuaternionConjugate( Q : TQuaternion) : TQuaternion
11275: Func QuaternionFromPoints( V1, V2 : TAffineVector) : TQuaternion
11276: Func QuaternionMultiply( qL, qR : TQuaternion) : TQuaternion
11277: Func QuaternionSlerp( QStart,QEnd:TQuaternion; Spin:Int; t:Single):TQuaternion
11278: Func QuaternionToMatrix( Q : TQuaternion) : TMatrixGL
11279: Proc QuaternionToPoints( Q : TQuaternion; var ArcFrom, ArcTo : TAffineVector)
11280: Func ConvertRotation( Angles : TAffineVector) : TVectorGL
11281: Func CreateRotationMatrix( Axis : TVector3f; Angle : Single) : TMatrixGL
11282: //Func MatrixDecompose( M : TMatrixGL; var Tran : TTransformations) :Bool

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11283: Func VectorAffineTransform( V : TAffineVector; M : TAffineMatrix) : TAffineVector

11284: Func VectorTransform( V : TVector4f; M : TMatrixGL) : TVector4f;
11285: Func VectorTransform1( V : TVector3f; M : TMatrixGL) : TVector3f;
11286: Func MakeAffineDblVector( V : array of Double) : TAffineDblVector
11287: Func MakeDblVector( V : array of Double) : THomogeneousDblVector
11288: Func MakeAffineVector( V : array of Single) : TAffineVector
11289: Func MakeQuaternion( Imag : array of Single; Real : Single) : TQuaternion
11290: Func MakeVector( V : array of Single) : TVectorGL
11291: Func PointInPolygonGL( xp, yp : array of Single; x, y : Single) :Bool
11292: Func VectorAffineDblToFlt( V : TAffineDblVector) : TAffineVector
11293: Func VectorDblToFlt( V : THomogeneousDblVector) : THomogeneousVector
11294: Func VectorAffineFltToDbl( V : TAffineVector) : TAffineDblVector
11295: Func VectorFltToDbl( V : TVectorGL) : THomogeneousDblVector
11296: Func ArcCosGL( X : Extended) : Extended
11297: Func ArcSinGL( X : Extended) : Extended
11298: Func ArcTan2GL( Y, X : Extended) : Extended
11299: Func CoTanGL( X : Extended) : Extended
11300: Func DegToRadGL( Degrees : Extended) : Extended
11301: Func RadToDegGL( Radians : Extended) : Extended
11302: Proc SinCosGL( Theta : Extended; var Sin, Cos : Extended)
11303: Func TanGL( X : Extended) : Extended
11304: Func Turn( Matrix : TMatrixGL; Angle : Single) : TMatrixGL;
11305: Func Turn1( Matrix : TMatrixGL; MasterUp : TAffineVector; Angle: Single): TMatrixGL;
11306: Func Pitch( Matrix : TMatrixGL; Angle : Single) : TMatrixGL;
11307: Func Pitch1( Matrix : TMatrixGL; MasterRight:TAffineVector;Angle:Single):TMatrixGL;
11308: Func Roll( Matrix : TMatrixGL; Angle : Single) : TMatrixGL;
11309: Func Roll1(Matrix:TMatrixGL; MasterDirection:TAffineVector;Angle:Single):TMatrixGL;
11310: end;
11312: Proc SIRegister_JclRegistry(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11313: begin
11314: Func RegCreateKey( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Value :Str) : Longint
11315: Func RegDeleteEntry( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name :Str) :Bool
11316: Func RegDeleteKeyTree( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key :Str) :Bool
11317: Func RegReadBool( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name :Str) :Bool
11318: Func RegReadBoolDef(const RootKey:HKEY; const Key, Name:Str; Def:Bool) :Bool
11319: Func RegReadInt( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name :Str) : Int
11320: Func RegReadIntDef( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name :Str; Def : Int) : Int
11321: Func RegReadString( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name :Str) :Str
11322: Func RegReadStringDef( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name, Def :Str) :Str
11323: Func RegReadDWORD( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name :Str) : Int64
11324: Func RegReadDWORDDef(const RootKey: HKEY; const Key, Name :Str; Def:int64) : Int64
11325: Proc RegWriteBool( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name :Str; Value :Bool)
11326: Proc RegWriteInt( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name :Str; Value : Int)
11327: Proc RegWriteString( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name, Value :Str)
11328: Proc RegWriteDWORD( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key, Name :Str; Value : Int64)
11329: Func RegGetValueNames(const RootKey:HKEY;const Key:Str; const List : TStrings): Bool
11330: Func RegGetKeyNames( const RootKey: HKEY;const Key:Str; const List:TStrings):Bool
11331: Func RegHasSubKeys( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key :Str) :Bool
11332: Func RegKeyExists( const RootKey : HKEY; const Key :Str) :Bool
11333: AddTypeS('TExecKind',(ekMachineRun,ekMachineRunOnce,ekUserRun,ekUserRunOnce,ekServiceRun,
ekServiceRunOnce )
11334: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclRegistryError
11335: Func UnregisterAutoExec( ExecKind : TExecKind; const Name :Str) :Bool
11336: Func RegisterAutoExec( ExecKind : TExecKind; const Name, Cmdline :Str) :Bool
11337: Func RegSaveList(const RootKey:HKEY;const Key:str;const ListName:str;const Items:TStrings):Bool;
11338: Func RegLoadList(const RootKey:HKEY;const Key:str;const ListName:str;const SaveTo:TStrings):Bool;
11339: Func RegDelList( const RootKey:HKEY;const Key:str;const ListName:str): Bool
11340: end;
11342: Proc SIRegister_JclCOM(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11343: begin
11344: CLSID_StdComponentCategoriesMgr','TGUID '{0002E005-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
11345: CATID_SafeForInitializing','TGUID '{7DD95802-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}
11346: CATID_SafeForScripting','TGUID '{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}
11347: icMAX_CATEGORY_DESC_LEN','LongInt'( 128);
11348: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EInvalidParam
11349: Func IsDCOMInstalled :Bool
11350: Func IsDCOMEnabled :Bool
11351: Func GetDCOMVersion :Str
11352: Func GetMDACVersion :Str
11353: Func GetMDACVersion2:Str
11354: Func MarshalInterThreadInterfaceInVarArray(const iid:TIID;unk:IUnknown;var VarArray:OleVariant):HResult;
11355: Func MarshalInterProcessInterfaceInStream(const iid:TIID;unk:IUnknown;var stm:IStream):HResult;
11356: Func MarshalInterProcessInterfaceInVarArray(const iid:TIID;unk:IUnknown;var VarArray:OleVariant):HResult;
11357: Func MarshalInterMachineInterfaceInStream(const iid:TIID;unk:IUnknown;var stm:IStream):HResult;
11358: Func MarshalInterMachineInterfaceInVarArray(const iid:TIID;unk:IUnknown;var VarArray:OleVariant):HResult;
11359: Func CreateComponentCategory( const CatID:TGUID; const sDescription:str): HResult
11360: Func RegisterCLSIDInCategory( const ClassID : TGUID; const CatID : TGUID): HResult
11361: Func UnRegisterCLSIDInCategory(const ClassID: TGUID; const CatID : TGUID): HResult
11362: Func ResetIStreamToStart( Stream : IStream) :Bool
11363: Func SizeOfIStreamContents( Stream : IStream) : Largeint
11364: Func StreamToVariantArray( Stream : TStream) : OleVariant;
11365: Func StreamToVariantArray1( Stream : IStream) : OleVariant;
11366: Proc VariantArrayToStream( VarArray : OleVariant; var Stream : TStream);
11367: Proc VariantArrayToStream1( VarArray : OleVariant; var Stream : IStream);
11368: end;
11370: Proc SIRegister_JclUnitConv_mX2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

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11371: begin
11372: Const('CelsiusFreezingPoint','Extended').setExtended( 0.0);
11373: FahrenheitFreezingPoint','Extended).setExtended( 32.0);
11374: KelvinFreezingPoint','Extended).setExtended( 273.15);
11375: CelsiusAbsoluteZero','Extended).setExtended( - 273.15);
11376: FahrenheitAbsoluteZero','Extended).setExtended( - 459.67);
11377: KelvinAbsoluteZero','Extended).setExtended( 0.0);
11378: DegPerCycle','Extended).setExtended( 360.0);
11379: DegPerGrad','Extended).setExtended( 0.9);
11380: DegPerRad','Extended).setExtended( 57.295779513082320876798154814105);
11381: GradPerCycle','Extended).setExtended( 400.0);
11382: GradPerDeg','Extended).setExtended( 1.1111111111111111111111111111111);
11383: GradPerRad','Extended).setExtended( 63.661977236758134307553505349006);
11384: RadPerCycle','Extended).setExtended( 6.283185307179586476925286766559);
11385: RadPerDeg','Extended).setExtended( 0.017453292519943295769236907684886);
11386: RadPerGrad','Extended).setExtended( 0.015707963267948966192313216916398);
11387: CyclePerDeg','Extended).setExtended( 0.0027777777777777777777777777777778);
11388: CyclePerGrad','Extended).setExtended( 0.0025);
11389: CyclePerRad','Extended).setExtended( 0.15915494309189533576888376337251);
11390: ArcMinutesPerDeg','Extended).setExtended( 60.0);
11391: ArcSecondsPerArcMinute',Extended').setExtended( 60.0);
11392: Func HowAOneLinerCanBiteYou( const Step, Max : Longint) : Longint
11393: Func MakePercentage( const Step, Max : Longint) : Longint
11394: Func CelsiusToKelvin( const T : double) : double
11395: Func CelsiusToFahrenheit( const T : double) : double
11396: Func KelvinToCelsius( const T : double) : double
11397: Func KelvinToFahrenheit( const T : double) : double
11398: Func FahrenheitToCelsius( const T : double) : double
11399: Func FahrenheitToKelvin( const T : double) : double
11400: Func CycleToDeg( const Cycles : double) : double
11401: Func CycleToGrad( const Cycles : double) : double
11402: Func CycleToRad( const Cycles : double) : double
11403: Func DegToCycle( const Degrees : double) : double
11404: Func DegToGrad( const Degrees : double) : double
11405: Func DegToRad( const Degrees : double) : double
11406: Func GradToCycle( const Grads : double) : double
11407: Func GradToDeg( const Grads : double) : double
11408: Func GradToRad( const Grads : double) : double
11409: Func RadToCycle( const Radians : double) : double
11410: Func RadToDeg( const Radians : double) : double
11411: Func RadToGrad( const Radians : double) : double
11412: Func DmsToDeg( const D, M : Int; const S : double) : double
11413: Func DmsToRad( const D, M : Int; const S : double) : double
11414: Proc DegToDms( const Degrees : double; out D, M : Int; out S : double)
11415: Func DegToDmsStr( const Degrees : double; const SecondPrecision :Card):Str
11416: Proc CartesianToPolar( const X, Y : double; out R, Phi : double)
11417: Proc PolarToCartesian( const R, Phi : double; out X, Y : double)
11418: Proc CartesianToCylinder( const X, Y, Z : double; out R, Phi, Zeta : double)
11419: Proc CartesianToSpheric( const X, Y, Z : double; out Rho, Phi, Theta : double)
11420: Proc CylinderToCartesian( const R, Phi, Zeta : double; out X, Y, Z : double)
11421: Proc SphericToCartesian( const Rho, Theta, Phi : double; out X, Y, Z : double)
11422: Func CmToInch( const Cm : double) : double
11423: Func InchToCm( const Inch : double) : double
11424: Func FeetToMetre(const Feet : double) : double
11425: Func MetreToFeet(const Metre : double) : double
11426: Func YardToMetre(const Yard : double) : double
11427: Func MetreToYard(const Metre : double) : double
11428: Func NmToKm(const Nm : double) : double
11429: Func KmToNm(const Km : double) : double
11430: Func KmToSm(const Km : double) : double
11431: Func SmToKm(const Sm : double) : double
11432: Func LitreToGalUs( const Litre : double) : double
11433: Func GalUsToLitre( const GalUs : double) : double
11434: Func GalUsToGalCan( const GalUs : double) : double
11435: Func GalCanToGalUs( const GalCan : double) : double
11436: Func GalUsToGalUk( const GalUs : double) : double
11437: Func GalUkToGalUs( const GalUk : double) : double
11438: Func LitreToGalCan( const Litre : double) : double
11439: Func GalCanToLitre( const GalCan : double) : double
11440: Func LitreToGalUk( const Litre : double) : double
11441: Func GalUkToLitre( const GalUk : double) : double
11442: Func KgToLb( const Kg : double) : double
11443: Func LbToKg( const Lb : double) : double
11444: Func KgToOz( const Kg : double) : double
11445: Func OzToKg( const Oz : double) : double
11446: Func CwtUsToKg(const Cwt : double) : double
11447: Func CwtUkToKg(const Cwt : double) : double
11448: Func KaratToKg(const Karat : double) : double
11449: Func KgToCwtUs(const Kg : double) : double
11450: Func KgToCwtUk(const Kg : double) : double
11451: Func KgToKarat(const Kg : double) : double
11452: Func KgToSton(const Kg : double) : double
11453: Func KgToLton(const Kg : double) : double
11454: Func StonToKg(const STon : double) : double
11455: Func LtonToKg(const Lton : double) : double
11456: Func QrUsToKg(const Qr : double) : double
11457: Func QrUkToKg(const Qr : double) : double
11458: Func KgToQrUs(const Kg : double) : double
11459: Func KgToQrUk(const Kg : double) : double

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11460: Func PascalToBar( const Pa : double) : double

11461: Func PascalToAt( const Pa : double) : double
11462: Func PascalToTorr( const Pa : double) : double
11463: Func BarToPascal( const Bar : double) : double
11464: Func AtToPascal( const At : double) : double
11465: Func TorrToPascal( const Torr : double) : double
11466: Func KnotToMs( const Knot : double) : double
11467: Func HpElectricToWatt( const HpE : double) : double
11468: Func HpMetricToWatt( const HpM : double) : double
11469: Func MsToKnot( const ms : double) : double
11470: Func WattToHpElectric( const W : double) : double
11471: Func WattToHpMetric( const W : double) : double
11472: Func getBigPI:Str; //PI of 1000 numbers
11474: Proc SIRegister_devcutils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11475: begin
11476: Func CDExecuteFile( const FileName, Params, DefaultDir :Str; ShowCmd : Int) : THandle
11477: Proc CDCopyFile( const FileName, DestName :Str)
11478: Proc CDMoveFile( const FileName, DestName :Str)
11479: Func MakeCommaTextToColor( Text :Str; Index : Int; DefaultColor : TColor) : TColor
11480: Proc CDDeleteFiles( Sender : TObject; s :Str)
11481: Func CDGetTempDir :Str
11482: Func CDGetFileSize( FileName :Str) : longint
11483: Func GetFileTime( FileName :Str) : longint
11484: Func GetShortName( FileName :Str) :Str
11485: Func GetFullName( FileName :Str) :Str
11486: Func WinReboot :Bool
11487: Func WinDir :Str
11488: Func RunFile( FileToRun :Str; Params :Str; Dir :Str; Wait :Bool) :Card
11489: Func RunFile_( Cmd, WorkDir :Str; Wait :Bool) :Bool
11490: Func devExecutor : TdevExecutor
11491: end;
11493: Proc SIRegister_FileAssocs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11494: begin
11495: Proc CheckAssociations // AssociationsCount','LongInt'( 7);
11496: Proc Associate( Index : Int)
11497: Proc UnAssociate( Index : Int)
11498: Func IsAssociated( Index : Int) :Bool
11499: Func CheckFiletype(const extension,filetype,description, verb,serverapp:str):Bool
11500: Proc RegisterFiletype(const extension,filetype,description,verb,serverapp,IcoNum:str)
11501: Proc RegisterDDEServer( const filetype, verb, topic, servername, macro :Str)
11502: Proc RefreshIcons;
11503: Func GetShadeColor(ACanvas: TCanvas; clr: TColor; Value: Int): TColor;
11504: Func MergColor(Colors: Array of TColor): TColor;
11505: Func NewColor(ACanvas: TCanvas; clr: TColor; Value: Int): TColor;
11506: Proc DimBitmap(ABitmap: TBitmap; Value: Int);
11507: Func GrayColor(ACanvas: TCanvas; clr: TColor; Value: Int): TColor;
11508: Func GetInverseColor(AColor: TColor): TColor;
11509: Proc GrayBitmap(ABitmap: TBitmap; Value: Int);
11510: Proc DrawBitmapShadow(B: TBitmap; ACanvas: TCanvas;X,Y: Int;ShadowColor: TColor);
11511: Proc DrawCheckMark(ACanvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Int);
11512: Proc GetSystemMenuFont(Font: TFont);
11513: end;
11515: //***************************unit uPSI_JvHLParser;*******************************
11516: Func IsStringConstant(const St:Str):Bool;
11517: Func IsIntConstant(const St:Str):Bool;
11518: Func IsRealConstant(const St:Str):Bool;
11519: Func IsIdentifier(const ID:Str):Bool;
11520: Func GetStringValue(const St:Str):Str;
11521: Proc ParseString(const S:Str; Ss: TStrings);
11522: Func IsStringConstantW(const St: WideString):Bool;
11523: Func IsIntConstantW(const St: WideString):Bool;
11524: Func IsRealConstantW(const St: WideString):Bool;
11525: Func IsIdentifierW(const ID: WideString):Bool;
11526: Func GetStringValueW(const St: WideString): WideString;
11527: Proc ParseStringW(const S: WideString; Ss: TStrings);
11530: //***************************unit uPSI_JclMapi;*******************************
11531: Func JclSimpleSendMail( const ARecipient,AName,ASubject, ABody :Str; const AAttachment : TFileName;
ShowDialog :Bool; AParentWND : HWND) :Bool
11532: Func JclSimpleSendFax( const ARecipient, AName,ASubject,ABody:str;const AAttachment: TFileName; ShowDialog
:Bool; AParentWND : HWND) :Bool
11533: Func JclSimpleBringUpSendMailDialog(const ASubject,ABody:str;const AAttach:TFileName;AParentWND:HWND):Bool
11534: Func MapiCheck( const Res : DWORD; IgnoreUserAbort :Bool) : DWORD
11535: Func MapiErrorMessage( const ErrorCode : DWORD) :Str
11537: Proc SIRegister_IdNTLM(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11538: begin
11539: //'Pdes_key_schedule', '^des_key_schedule // will not work
11540: Func BuildType1Message( ADomain, AHost :Str) :Str
11541: Func BuildType3Message(ADomain,AHost,AUsername:WideString;APassword,ANonce:str):str
11542: Proc RegisterAuthenticationMethod(MethodName:str; AuthClass:TIdAuthenticationClass)
11543: Func FindAuthClass( AuthName :Str) : TIdAuthenticationClass
11544: GBase64CodeTable','string'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
11545: GXXECodeTable','string'+-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
11546: GUUECodeTable','string'`!"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_

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11547: end;
11549: Proc SIRegister_WDosSocketUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11550: begin
11551: ('IpAny','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000000);
11552: IpLoopBack','LongWord').SetUInt( $7F000001);
11553: IpBroadcast','LongWord').SetUInt( $FFFFFFFF);
11554: IpNone','LongWord').SetUInt( $FFFFFFFF);
11555: PortAny','LongWord( $0000);
11556: SocketMaxConnections','LongInt'( 5);
11557: TIpAddr', 'LongWord
11558: TIpRec', 'record IpB1 : byte; IpB2 : byte; IpB3 : byte; IpB4:Byte; end
11559: Func HostToNetLong( HostLong : LongWord) : LongWord
11560: Func HostToNetShort( HostShort : Word) : Word
11561: Func NetToHostLong( NetLong : LongWord) : LongWord
11562: Func NetToHostShort( NetShort : Word) : Word
11563: Func StrToIp( Ip :Str) : TIpAddr
11564: Func IpToStr( Ip : TIpAddr) :Str
11565: end;
11567: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
11568: Proc SIRegister_ALSMTPClient(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11569: begin
11570: TAlSmtpClientAuthType', '( AlsmtpClientAuthNone, alsmtpClientAut'
11571: +'hPlain, AlsmtpClientAuthLogin, AlsmtpClientAuthCramMD5, AlsmtpClientAuthCr'
11572: +'amSha1, AlsmtpClientAuthAutoSelect )
11573: TAlSmtpClientAuthTypeSet', 'set of TAlSmtpClientAuthType
11574: SIRegister_TAlSmtpClient(CL);
11575: end;
11577: Proc SIRegister_WDosPlcUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11578: begin
11579: TBitNo', 'IntTStByteNo', 'IntTStationNo','IntTInOutNo','IntTIo','(EE,AA,NE,NA )
11580: TBitSet', 'set of TBitNo
11581: TAddrKind', 'set of ( akBit0, akBit1, akBit2, akOut, akNot, akBus )
11582: TBitAddrRec', 'record Kind : TAddrKind; InOutNo : TInOutNo; ByteNo : Byte; end
11583: TBitAddr', 'LongInt
11584: TByteAddrRec', 'record Kind : TAddrKind; ByteNo: Byte; end
11585: TByteAddr', 'SmallInt
11586: TInOutState', '( iosInit, iosHalt, iosRun, iosError )
11587: Func BitAddr(aIo: TIo; aInOutNo : TInOutNo; aByteNo : Byte; aBitNo : TBitNo) : TBitAddr
11588: Func BusBitAddr(aIo:TIo;aInOutNo:TInOutNo;aStat:TStatNo;aStByteNo:TStByteNo;aBitNo:TBitNo):TBitAddr;
11589: Proc BitAddrToValues(aBitAdr:TBitAdr;var aIo:TIo;var aInOutNo:TInOutNo;var aByteNo:Byte;var
11590: Func BitAddrToStr( Value : TBitAddr) :Str
11591: Func StrToBitAddr( const Value :Str) : TBitAddr
11592: Func ByteAddr( aIo : TIo; aInOutNo : TInOutNo; aByteNo : Byte) : TByteAddr
11593: Func BusByteAddr(aIo:TIo;aInOutNo:TInOutNo;aStation:TStationNo;aStByteNo: TStByteNo):TByteAddr
11594: Proc ByteAddrToValues(aByteAddr:TByteAddr;var aIo:TIo;var aInOutNo:TInOutNo;var aByteNo:Byte)
11595: Func ByteAddrToStr( Value : TByteAddr) :Str
11596: Func StrToByteAddr( const Value :Str) : TByteAddr
11597: Proc IncByteAddr( var ByteAddr : TByteAddr; Increment : Int)
11598: Proc DecByteAddr( var ByteAddr : TByteAddr; Decrement : Int)
11599: Func InOutStateToStr( State : TInOutState) :Str
11600: Func MasterErrorToStr( ErrorCode : TErrorCode) :Str
11601: Func SlaveErrorToStr( ErrorCode : TErrorCode) :Str
11602: end;
11604: Proc SIRegister_WDosTimers(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11605: begin
11606: TIntFreq', '( ifNone, if32768, if16384, if8192, if4096, if2048, '
11607: +'if1024, if512, if256, if128, if64, if32, if16, if8, if4,if2 )
11608: DpmiPmVector', 'Int64
11609: 'DInterval','LongInt'( 1000);
11610: //'DEnabled','Boolean')BoolToStr( True);
11611: 'DIntFreq','string' if64
11612: //'DMessages','Boolean if64);
11613: SIRegister_TwdxCustomTimer(CL);
11614: SIRegister_TwdxTimer(CL);
11615: SIRegister_TwdxRtcTimer(CL);
11616: SIRegister_TCustomIntTimer(CL);
11617: SIRegister_TIntTimer(CL);
11618: SIRegister_TRtcIntTimer(CL);
11619: Func RealNow : TDateTime
11620: Func MsToDateTime( MilliSecond : LongInt) : TDateTime
11621: Func DateTimeToMs( Time : TDateTime) : LongInt
11622: end;
11624: Proc SIRegister_IdSysLogMessage(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11625: begin
11626: TIdSyslogPRI', 'Int
11627: TIdSyslogFacility', '( sfKernel, sfUserLevel, sfMailSystem, sfSy'
11628: +'stemDaemon, sfSecurityOne, sfSysLogInternal, sfLPR, sfNNTP, sfUUCP, sfCloc'
11629: +'kDaemonOne, sfSecurityTwo, sfFTPDaemon, sfNTP, sfLogAudit, sfLogAlert, sfC'
11630: +'lockDaemonTwo, sfLocalUseZero, sfLocalUseOne, sfLocalUseTwo, sfLocalUseThr'
11631: +'ee, sfLocalUseFour, sfLocalUseFive, sfLocalUseSix, sfLocalUseSeven )
11632: TIdSyslogSeverity','(slEmergency,slAlert,slCritical,slError,slWarning,slNotice,slInformational,slDebug)
11633: SIRegister_TIdSysLogMsgPart(CL);
11634: SIRegister_TIdSysLogMessage(CL);

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11635: Func FacilityToString( AFac : TIdSyslogFacility) :Str

11636: Func SeverityToString( ASec : TIdsyslogSeverity) :Str
11637: Func NoToSeverity( ASev : Word) : TIdSyslogSeverity
11638: Func logSeverityToNo( ASev : TIdSyslogSeverity) : Word
11639: Func NoToFacility( AFac : Word) : TIdSyslogFacility
11640: Func logFacilityToNo( AFac : TIdSyslogFacility) : Word
11641: end;
11643: Proc SIRegister_TextUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11644: begin
11645: 'UWhitespace','String '(?:\s*)
11646: Func StripSpaces( const AText :Str) :Str
11647: Func CharCount( const AText :Str; Ch : Char) : Int
11648: Func BalancedText(const AText:Str; const Ch1,Ch2: Char; const Count: Int) :Str
11649: Func BalancedTextReg( const AText:str;const Ch1, Ch2 : Char; const Count :Int):str
11650: end;
11652: Proc SIRegister_ExtPascalUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11653: begin
11654: ExtPascalVersion','String '0.9.8
11655: AddTypeS('TBrowser', '( brUnknown, brIE, brFirefox, brChrome, brSafari, br'
11656: +'Opera, brKonqueror, brMobileSafari )
11657: AddTypeS('TCSSUnit',(cssPX,cssPerc,cssEM,cssEX,cssIN,cssCM,cssMM,cssPT, cssPC, cssnone )
11658: AddTypeS('TExtProcedure', 'Procedure
11659: Func DetermineBrowser( const UserAgentStr :Str) : TBrowser
11660: Func ExtExtract(const Delims:array of string;var S:str;var Matches:TStringList;Remove:bool):bool;
11661: Func ExtExplode( Delim : char; const S :Str; Separator : char) : TStringList
11662: Func FirstDelimiter( const Delimiters, S :Str; Offset : Int) : Int
11663: Func RPosEx( const Substr, Str :Str; Offset : Int) : Int
11664: Func CountStr( const Substr, Str :Str; UntilStr :Str) : Int
11665: Func StrToJS( const S :Str; UseBR :Bool) :Str
11666: Func CaseOf( const S :Str; const Cases : array of string) : Int
11667: Func RCaseOf( const S :Str; const Cases : array of string) : Int
11668: Func EnumToJSString( TypeInfo : PTypeInfo; Value : Int) :Str
11669: Func SetPaddings(Top:Int;Right:int;Bottom:intr;Left:int;CSSUnit:TCSSUnit;Header:bool):str;
11670: Func SetMargins(Top:Int;Right:int;Bottom:int;Left:Int;CSSUnit:TCSSUnit;Header:bool):str;
11671: Func ExtBefore( const BeforeS, AfterS, S :Str) :Bool
11672: Func IsUpperCase( S :Str) :Bool
11673: Func BeautifyJS(const AScript:str;const StartingLevel:Int;SplitHTMLNewLine:bool):str;
11674: Func BeautifyCSS( const AStyle :Str) :Str
11675: Func LengthRegExp( Rex :Str; CountAll :Bool) : Int
11676: Func JSDateToDateTime( JSDate :Str) : TDateTime
11677: end;
11679: Proc SIRegister_JclShell(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11680: begin
11681: TSHDeleteOption','( doSilent, doAllowUndo, doFilesOnly )
11682: TSHDeleteOptions','set of TSHDeleteOption
11683: TSHRenameOption','( roSilent, roRenameOnCollision )
11684: TSHRenameOptions','set of TSHRenameOption
11685: Func SHDeleteFiles(Parent:HWND;const Files:str;Options:TSHDeleteOptions):Boolean
11686: Func SHDeleteFolder(Parent:HWND; const Folder:str; Options: TSHDeleteOptions): Bool
11687: Func SHRenameFile( const Src, Dest :Str; Options : TSHRenameOptions) :Bool
11688: TEnumFolderFlag', '( efFolders, efNonFolders, efIncludeHidden )
11689: TEnumFolderFlags', 'set of TEnumFolderFlag
11690: TEnumFolderRec','record DisplayName:str; Attributes:DWORD;IconLarge:HICON;IconSmall:HICON;
11691: Func SHEnumFolderFirst(const Folder:str;Flags:TEnumFolderFlags;var F:TEnumFolderRec):Bool;
11692: Func SHEnumSpecialFolderFirst(SpecFolder:DWORD;Flags:TEnumFolderFlags;var F:TEnumFolderRec):Bool;
11693: Proc SHEnumFolderClose( var F : TEnumFolderRec)
11694: Func SHEnumFolderNext( var F : TEnumFolderRec) :Bool
11695: Func GetSpecialFolderLocation( const Folder : Int) :Str
11696: Func DisplayPropDialog( const Handle : HWND; const FileName :Str) :Bool;
11697: Func DisplayPropDialog1( const Handle : HWND; const Item : PItemIdList) :Bool;
11698: Func DisplayContextMenu(const Handle:HWND; const FileName:Str; Pos:TPoint):Bool
11699: Func OpenFolder( const Path :Str; Parent : HWND) :Bool
11700: Func OpenSpecialFolder( FolderID : Int; Parent : HWND) :Bool
11701: Func SHReallocMem( var P : Pointer; Count : Int) :Bool
11702: Func SHAllocMem( out P : Pointer; Count : Int) :Bool
11703: Func SHGetMem( var P : Pointer; Count : Int) :Bool
11704: Func SHFreeMem( var P : Pointer) :Bool
11705: Func DriveToPidlBind( const DriveName :Str; out Folder : IShellFolder) : PItemIdList
11706: Func PathToPidl( const Path :Str; Folder : IShellFolder) : PItemIdList
11707: Func PathToPidlBind( const FileName :Str; out Folder : IShellFolder) : PItemIdList
11708: Func PidlBindToParent(const IdList:PItemIdList;out Folder:IShellFolder;out Last:PItemIdList):Bool;
11709: Func PidlCompare( const Pidl1, Pidl2 : PItemIdList) :Bool
11710: Func PidlCopy( const Source : PItemIdList; out Dest : PItemIdList) :Bool
11711: Func PidlFree( var IdList : PItemIdList) :Bool
11712: Func PidlGetDepth( const Pidl : PItemIdList) : Int
11713: Func PidlGetLength( const Pidl : PItemIdList) : Int
11714: Func PidlGetNext( const Pidl : PItemIdList) : PItemIdList
11715: Func PidlToPath( IdList : PItemIdList) :Str
11716: Func StrRetFreeMem( StrRet : TStrRet) :Bool
11717: Func StrRetToString( IdList : PItemIdList; StrRet : TStrRet; Free :Bool) :Str
11718: PShellLink', '^TShellLink // will not work
11719: TShellLink', 'record Arguments :Str; ShowCmd : Int; Work'
11720: +ingDirectory :Str; IdList : PItemIDList; Target :Str; Description '
11721: +:Str; IconLocation :Str; IconIndex : Int; HotKey : Word; end
11722: Proc ShellLinkFree( var Link : TShellLink)

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11723: Func ShellLinkResolve( const FileName :Str; var Link : TShellLink) : HRESULT
11724: Func ShellLinkCreate( const Link : TShellLink; const FileName :Str) : HRESULT
11725: Func ShellLinkCreateSystem(const Link:TShellLink;const Folder:Int;const FileName:str):HRESULT;
11726: Func ShellLinkGetIcon( const Link : TShellLink; const Icon : TIcon) :Bool
11727: Func SHDllGetVersion( const FileName :Str; var Version : TDllVersionInfo) :Bool
11728: Func GetSystemIcon( IconIndex : Int; Flags :Card) : HICON
11729: Func OverlayIcon( var Icon : HICON; Overlay : HICON; Large :Bool) :Bool
11730: Func OverlayIconShortCut( var Large, Small : HICON) :Bool
11731: Func OverlayIconShared( var Large, Small : HICON) :Bool
11732: Func SHGetItemInfoTip( const Folder : IShellFolder; Item : PItemIdList) :Str
11733: Func ShellExecEx(const FileName:str;const Paramtrs:str;const Verb:str;CmdShow:Int):Bool;
11734: Func ShellExec(Wnd:Int;const Operati,FileNam,Paramtrs,Directy:str;ShowCommand:Int):Bool;
11735: Func ShellExecAndWait(const FileName:str;const Paramets:str;const Verb:str;CmdShow:Int):Bool;
11736: Func ShellOpenAs( const FileName :Str) :Bool
11737: Func ShellRasDial( const EntryName :Str) :Bool
11738: Func ShellRunControlPanel( const NameOrFileName:str; AppletNumber:Int):Boolean
11739: Func GetFileNameIcon( const FileName :Str; Flags :Card) : HICON
11740: TJclFileExeType', '( etError, etMsDos, etWin16, etWin32Gui, etWin32Con )
11741: Func GetFileExeType( const FileName : TFileName) : TJclFileExeType
11742: Func ShellFindExecutable( const FileName, DefaultDir :Str) :Str
11743: Proc keybd_event( bVk : Byte; bScan : Byte; dwFlags, dwExtraInfo : DWORD)
11744: Func OemKeyScan( wOemChar : Word) : DWORD
11745: Proc mouse_event( dwFlags, dx, dy, dwData, dwExtraInfo : DWORD)
11746: end;
11748: Proc SIRegister_cXMLFunctions(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11749: begin
11750: xmlVersion','String '1.0 FindClass('TOBJECT'),'Exml
11751: //Func xmlValidChar( const Ch : AnsiChar) :Bool;
11752: Func xmlValidChar1( const Ch : UCS4Char) :Bool;
11753: Func xmlValidChar2( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool;
11754: Func xmlIsSpaceChar( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
11755: Func xmlIsLetter( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
11756: Func xmlIsDigit( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
11757: Func xmlIsNameStartChar( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
11758: Func xmlIsNameChar( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
11759: Func xmlIsPubidChar( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool
11760: Func xmlValidName( const Text : UnicodeString) :Bool
11761: //xmlSpace','Char #$20 or #$9 or #$D or #$A);
11762: //Func xmlSkipSpace( var P : PWideChar) :Bool
11763: //Func xmlSkipEq( var P : PWideChar) :Bool
11764: //Func xmlExtractQuotedText( var P : PWideChar; var S : UnicodeString) :Bool
11765: //Func xmlGetEntityEncoding(const Buf:Pointer;const BufSize:Int;out HeaderSize:Int):TUnicodeCodecClass
11766: Func xmlResolveEntityReference( const RefName : UnicodeString) : WideChar
11767: Func xmlTag( const Tag : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString
11768: Func xmlEndTag( const Tag : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString
11769: Func xmlAttrTag( const Tag : UnicodeString; const Attr : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString
11770: Func xmlEmptyTag( const Tag, Attr : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString
11771: Proc xmlSafeTextInPlace( var Txt : UnicodeString)
11772: Func xmlSafeText( const Txt : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString
11773: Func xmlSpaceIndent( const IndentLength : Int; const IndentLevel : Int):UnicodeString
11774: Func xmlTabIndent( const IndentLevel : Int) : UnicodeString
11775: Func xmlComment( const Comment : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString
11776: Proc SelfTestcXMLFunctions
11777: end;
11779: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
11780: Proc SIRegister_DepWalkUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11781: begin
11782: Func AWaitCursor : IUnknown
11783: Func ChangeCursor( NewCursor : TCursor) : IUnknown
11784: Proc SuspendRedraw( AControl : TWinControl; Suspend :Bool)
11785: Func YesNo( const ACaption, AMsg :Str) :Bool
11786: Proc strTokenize( const S :Str; Delims : TSysCharSet; Results : TStrings)
11787: Func GetBorlandLibPath( Version : Int; ForDelphi :Bool) :Str
11788: Func GetExpandedLibRoot( Version : Int; ForDelphi :Bool) :Str
11789: Proc GetPathList( Version : Int; ForDelphi :Bool; Strings : TStrings)
11790: Proc GetSystemPaths( Strings : TStrings)
11791: Proc MakeEditNumeric( EditHandle : Int)
11792: end;
11794: Proc SIRegister_yuvconverts(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11795: begin
11796: AddTypeS('TVideoCodec','(vcUnknown,vcRGB,vcYUY2,vcUYVY,vcBTYUV,vcYV,U9,vcYUV12,vcY8,vcY211)
11797: 'BI_YUY2','LongWord( $32595559);
11798: 'BI_UYVY','LongWord').SetUInt( $59565955);
11799: 'BI_BTYUV','LongWord').SetUInt( $50313459);
11800: 'BI_YVU9','LongWord').SetUInt( $39555659);
11801: 'BI_YUV12','LongWord( $30323449);
11802: 'BI_Y8','LongWord').SetUInt( $20203859);
11803: 'BI_Y211','LongWord').SetUInt( $31313259);
11804: Func BICompressionToVideoCodec( Value : DWord) : TVideoCodec
11805: Func ConvertCodecToRGB(Codec:TVideoCodec;Src,Dst:Pointer;AWidth,AHeight:Int):Bool;
11806: end;
11808: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
11809: Proc SIRegister_AviCap(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11810: begin
11811: 'WM_USER','LongWord').SetUInt( $0400);

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11812: 'WM_CAP_START','LongWord').SetUint($0400);
11813: 'WM_CAP_END','longword').SetUint($0400+85);
11814: //WM_CAP_START+ 85
11816: Func capSetCallbackOnError( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11817: Func capSetCallbackOnStatus( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11818: Func capSetCallbackOnYield( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11819: Func capSetCallbackOnFrame( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11820: Func capSetCallbackOnVideoStream( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11821: Func capSetCallbackOnWaveStream( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11822: Func capSetCallbackOnCapControl( hwnd : THandle; fpProc : LongInt) : LongInt
11823: Func capSetUserData( hwnd : THandle; lUser : LongInt) : LongInt
11824: Func capGetUserData( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11825: Func capDriverConnect( hwnd : THandle; I : Word) : LongInt
11826: Func capDriverDisconnect( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11827: Func capDriverGetName( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11828: Func capDriverGetVersion( hwnd : THandle; szVer : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11829: Func capDriverGetCaps( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11830: Func capFileSetCaptureFile( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt) : LongInt
11831: Func capFileGetCaptureFile( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt; wSize : Word):LongInt
11832: Func capFileAlloc( hwnd : THandle; dwSize : LongInt) : LongInt
11833: Func capFileSaveAs( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt) : LongInt
11834: Func capFileSetInfoChunk( hwnd : THandle; lpInfoChunk : LongInt) : LongInt
11835: Func capFileSaveDIB( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt) : LongInt
11836: Func capEditCopy( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11837: Func capSetAudioFormat( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11838: Func capGetAudioFormat( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11839: Func capGetAudioFormatSize( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11840: Func capDlgVideoFormat( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11841: Func capDlgVideoSource( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11842: Func capDlgVideoDisplay( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11843: Func capDlgVideoCompression( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11844: Func capGetVideoFormat( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11845: Func capGetVideoFormatSize( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11846: Func capSetVideoFormat( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11847: Func capPreview( hwnd : THandle; f : Word) : LongInt
11848: Func capPreviewRate( hwnd : THandle; wMS : Word) : LongInt
11849: Func capOverlay( hwnd : THandle; f : Word) : LongInt
11850: Func capPreviewScale( hwnd : THandle; f : Word) : LongInt
11851: Func capGetStatus( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11852: Func capSetScrollPos( hwnd : THandle; lpP : LongInt) : LongInt
11853: Func capGrabFrame( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11854: Func capGrabFrameNoStop( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11855: Func capCaptureSequence( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11856: Func capCaptureSequenceNoFile( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11857: Func capCaptureStop( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11858: Func capCaptureAbort( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11859: Func capCaptureSingleFrameOpen( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11860: Func capCaptureSingleFrameClose( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11861: Func capCaptureSingleFrame( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11862: Func capCaptureGetSetup( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11863: Func capCaptureSetSetup( hwnd : THandle; s : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11864: Func capSetMCIDeviceName( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt) : LongInt
11865: Func capGetMCIDeviceName( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt; wSize : Word) : LongInt
11866: Func capPaletteOpen( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt) : LongInt
11867: Func capPaletteSave( hwnd : THandle; szName : LongInt) : LongInt
11868: Func capPalettePaste( hwnd : THandle) : LongInt
11869: Func capPaletteAuto( hwnd : THandle; iFrames : Word; iColors : LongInt) : LongInt
11870: Func capPaletteManual( hwnd : THandle; fGrab : Word; iColors : LongInt) : LongInt
11871: //PCapDriverCaps', '^TCapDriverCaps // will not work
11872: TCapDriverCaps', 'record wDeviceIndex : WORD; fHasOverlay : BOOL'
11873: +'; fHasDlgVideoSource : BOOL; fHasDlgVideoFormat : BOOL; fHasDlgVideoDispla'
11874: +'y : BOOL; fCaptureInitialized : BOOL; fDriverSuppliesPalettes : BOOL; hVid'
11875: +'eoIn : THANDLE; hVideoOut : THANDLE; hVideoExtIn:THANDLE; hVideoExtOut:THANDLE; end
11876: //PCapStatus', '^TCapStatus // will not work
11877: TCapStatus', 'record uiImageWidth : UINT; uiImageHeight : UINT; '
11878: +'fLiveWindow : BOOL; fOverlayWindow : BOOL; fScale : BOOL; ptScroll : TPOIN'
11879: +'T; fUsingDefaultPalette : BOOL; fAudioHardware : BOOL; fCapFileExists : BO'
11880: +'OL; dwCurrentVideoFrame : DWORD; dwCurrentVideoFramesDropped : DWORD; dwCu'
11881: +'rrentWaveSamples : DWORD; dwCurrentTimeElapsedMS : DWORD; hPalCurrent : HP'
11882: +'ALETTE; fCapturingNow : BOOL; dwReturn : DWORD; wNumVideoAllocated : WORD;'
11883: +' wNumAudioAllocated : WORD; end
11884: //PCaptureParms', '^TCaptureParms // will not work
11885: TCaptureParms', 'record dwRequestMicroSecPerFrame : DWORD; fMake'
11886: +'UserHitOKToCapture : BOOL; wPercentDropForError : WORD; fYield : BOOL; dwI'
11887: +'ndexSize : DWORD; wChunkGranularity : WORD; fUsingDOSMemory : BOOL; wNumVi'
11888: +'deoRequested : WORD; fCaptureAudio : BOOL; wNumAudioRequested : WORD; vKey'
11889: +'Abort : WORD; fAbortLeftMouse : BOOL; fAbortRightMouse : BOOL; fLimitEnabl'
11890: +'ed : BOOL; wTimeLimit : WORD; fMCIControl : BOOL; fStepMCIDevice : BOOL; d'
11891: +'wMCIStartTime : DWORD; dwMCIStopTime : DWORD; fStepCaptureAt2x : BOOL; wSt'
11892: +'epCaptureAverageFrames : WORD; dwAudioBufferSize : DWORD; fDisableWriteCac'
11893: +he : BOOL; AVStreamMaster : WORD; end
11894: // PCapInfoChunk', '^TCapInfoChunk // will not work
11895: //TCapInfoChunk', 'record fccInfoID : FOURCC; lpData : LongInt; cbData : LongInt; end
11898: Func capCreateCaptureWindow( lpszWindowName: PChar; dwStyle : DWord; x, y : Int; nWidth, nHeight : Int;
hwndParent : THandle; nID : Int) : THandle
11899: Func capGetDriverDescription(wDriverIndex:DWord;lpszName:PChar;cbName:Int;lpszVer:PChar;cbVer:Int):Bool;

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11900: 'IDS_CAP_BEGIN','LongInt'( 300);

11901: 'IDS_CAP_END','LongInt'( 301);
11902: 'IDS_CAP_INFO','LongInt'( 401);
11903: 'IDS_CAP_OUTOFMEM','LongInt'( 402);
11904: 'IDS_CAP_FILEEXISTS','LongInt'( 403);
11905: 'IDS_CAP_ERRORPALOPEN','LongInt'( 404);
11906: 'IDS_CAP_ERRORPALSAVE','LongInt'( 405);
11907: 'IDS_CAP_ERRORDIBSAVE','LongInt'( 406);
11908: 'IDS_CAP_DEFAVIEXT','LongInt'( 407);
11909: 'IDS_CAP_DEFPALEXT','LongInt'( 408);
11910: 'IDS_CAP_CANTOPEN','LongInt'( 409);
11911: 'IDS_CAP_SEQ_MSGSTART','LongInt'( 410);
11912: 'IDS_CAP_SEQ_MSGSTOP','LongInt'( 411);
11913: 'IDS_CAP_VIDEDITERR','LongInt'( 412);
11914: 'IDS_CAP_READONLYFILE','LongInt'( 413);
11915: 'IDS_CAP_WRITEERROR','LongInt'( 414);
11916: 'IDS_CAP_NODISKSPACE','LongInt'( 415);
11917: 'IDS_CAP_SETFILESIZE','LongInt'( 416);
11918: 'IDS_CAP_SAVEASPERCENT','LongInt'( 417);
11919: 'IDS_CAP_DRIVER_ERROR','LongInt'( 418);
11920: 'IDS_CAP_WAVE_OPEN_ERROR','LongInt'( 419);
11921: 'IDS_CAP_WAVE_ALLOC_ERROR','LongInt'( 420);
11922: 'IDS_CAP_WAVE_PREPARE_ERROR','LongInt'( 421);
11923: 'IDS_CAP_WAVE_ADD_ERROR','LongInt'( 422);
11924: 'IDS_CAP_WAVE_SIZE_ERROR','LongInt'( 423);
11925: 'IDS_CAP_VIDEO_OPEN_ERROR','LongInt'( 424);
11926: 'IDS_CAP_VIDEO_ALLOC_ERROR','LongInt'( 425);
11927: 'IDS_CAP_VIDEO_PREPARE_ERROR','LongInt'( 426);
11928: 'IDS_CAP_VIDEO_ADD_ERROR','LongInt'( 427);
11929: 'IDS_CAP_VIDEO_SIZE_ERROR','LongInt'( 428);
11930: 'IDS_CAP_FILE_OPEN_ERROR','LongInt'( 429);
11931: 'IDS_CAP_FILE_WRITE_ERROR','LongInt'( 430);
11932: 'IDS_CAP_RECORDING_ERROR','LongInt'( 431);
11933: 'IDS_CAP_RECORDING_ERROR2','LongInt'( 432);
11934: 'IDS_CAP_AVI_INIT_ERROR','LongInt'( 433);
11935: 'IDS_CAP_NO_FRAME_CAP_ERROR','LongInt'( 434);
11936: 'IDS_CAP_NO_PALETTE_WARN','LongInt'( 435);
11937: 'IDS_CAP_MCI_CONTROL_ERROR','LongInt'( 436);
11938: 'IDS_CAP_MCI_CANT_STEP_ERROR','LongInt'( 437);
11939: 'IDS_CAP_NO_AUDIO_CAP_ERROR','LongInt'( 438);
11940: 'IDS_CAP_AVI_DRAWDIB_ERROR','LongInt'( 439);
11941: 'IDS_CAP_COMPRESSOR_ERROR','LongInt'( 440);
11942: 'IDS_CAP_AUDIO_DROP_ERROR','LongInt'( 441);
11943: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_LIVE_MODE','LongInt'( 500);
11944: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_OVERLAY_MODE','LongInt'( 501);
11945: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_CAP_INIT','LongInt'( 502);
11946: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_CAP_FINI','LongInt'( 503);
11947: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_PALETTE_BUILD','LongInt'( 504);
11948: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_OPTPAL_BUILD','LongInt'( 505);
11949: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_I_FRAMES','LongInt'( 506);
11950: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_L_FRAMES','LongInt'( 507);
11951: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_CAP_L_FRAMES','LongInt'( 508);
11952: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_CAP_AUDIO','LongInt'( 509);
11953: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_VIDEOCURRENT','LongInt'( 510);
11954: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_VIDEOAUDIO','LongInt'( 511);
11955: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_VIDEOONLY','LongInt'( 512);
11956: 'IDS_CAP_STAT_FRAMESDROPPED','LongInt'( 513);
11957: 'AVICAP32','String 'AVICAP32.dll
11958: end;
11960: Proc SIRegister_ALFcnMisc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11961: begin
11962: Func AlBoolToInt( Value :Bool) : Int
11963: Func ALMediumPos( LTotal, LBorder, LObject : Int) : Int
11964: Func AlIsValidEmail( const Value : Ansistr) :Bool
11965: Func AlLocalDateTimeToGMTDateTime( const aLocalDateTime : TDateTime) : TdateTime
11966: Func ALInc( var x : Int; Count : Int) : Int
11967: Func ALCopyStr(const aSourceString: Ansistr; aStart, aLength: Int): Ansistr
11968: Func ALGetStringFromFile(filename:AnsiStr;const ShareMode:Word= fmShareDenyWrite):AnsiStr;
11969: Proc ALSaveStringtoFile(Str: Ansistr; filename: Ansistr);
11970: Func ALIsInt(const S: Ansistr):Bool;
11971: Func ALIsDecimal(const S: Ansistr):Bool;
11972: Func ALStringToWideString(const S: Ansistr; const aCodePage: Word): WideString;
11973: Func AlWideStringToString(const WS: WideString; const aCodePage: Word): Ansistr;
11974: Func ALQuotedStr(const S: Ansistr; const Quote: AnsiChar = ''''): Ansistr;
11975: Func ALDequotedStr(const S: Ansistr; AQuote: AnsiChar): Ansistr;
11976: Func AlUTF8removeBOM(const S: Ansistr): Ansistr;
11977: Func ALRandomStr1(const aLength: Longint; const aCharset: Array of Char): Ansistr;
11978: Func ALRandomStr(const aLength: Longint): Ansistr;
11979: Func ALRandomStrU1(const aLength: Longint; const aCharset: Array of Char):Str;
11980: Func ALRandomStrU(const aLength: Longint):Str;
11981: end;
11983: Proc SIRegister_ALJSONDoc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
11984: begin
11985: Proc ALJSONToTStrings(const AJsonStr:Ansistr;aLst:TALStrings; const aNullStr:AnsiStr;const
aTrueStr:Ansistr; const aFalseStr: Ansistr)
11986: end;

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11988: Proc SIRegister_ALWindows(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

11989: begin
11990: _ALMEMORYSTATUSEX', 'record dwLength : DWORD; dwMemoryLoad : DWO'
11991: +RD; ullTotalPhys : Int64; ullAvailPhys : Int64; ullTotalPageFile : Int64; '
11992: +ullAvailPageFile : Int64; ullTotalVirtual : Int64; ullAvailVirtual : Int64'
11993: +; ullAvailExtendedVirtual : Int64; end
11994: TALMemoryStatusEx', '_ALMEMORYSTATUSEX
11995: Func ALGlobalMemoryStatusEx( var lpBuffer : TALMEMORYSTATUSEX) : BOOL
11996: Func ALInterlockedExchange64( var Target : LONGlONG; Value : LONGLONG) : LONGLONG
11997: 'INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER','LongInt'( DWORD ( - 1 ));
11998: 'QUOTA_LIMITS_HARDWS_MIN_DISABLE','LongWord').SetUInt( $2);
11999: 'QUOTA_LIMITS_HARDWS_MIN_ENABLE','LongWord').SetUInt( $1);
12000: 'QUOTA_LIMITS_HARDWS_MAX_DISABLE','LongWord').SetUInt( $8);
12001: 'QUOTA_LIMITS_HARDWS_MAX_ENABLE','LongWord').SetUInt( $4);
12002: end;
12004: Proc SIRegister_IPCThrd(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12005: begin
12006: SIRegister_THandledObject(CL);
12007: SIRegister_TEvent(CL);
12008: SIRegister_TMutex(CL);
12009: SIRegister_TSharedMem(CL);
12010: 'TRACE_BUF_SIZE','LongInt'( 200 * 1024);
12013: //PTraceEntry', '^TTraceEntry // will not work
12014: SIRegister_TIPCTracer(CL);
12015: 'MAX_CLIENTS','LongInt'( 6);
12016: 'IPCTIMEOUT','LongInt'( 2000);
12024: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EMonitorActive
12025: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TIPCThread
12026: TEventKind', '( evMonitorAttach, evMonitorDetach, evMonitorSigna'
12027: +'l, evMonitorExit, evClientStart, evClientStop, evClientAttach, evClientDet'
12028: +'ach, evClientSwitch, evClientSignal, evClientExit )
12029: TClientFlag', '( cfError, cfMouseMove, cfMouseDown, cfResize, cfAttach )
12030: TClientFlags', 'set of TClientFlag
12031: //PEventData', '^TEventData // will not work
12032: TEventData', 'record X:SmallInt; Y:SmallInt;Flag: TClientFlag; Flags:TClientFlags; end
12033: TConnectEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TIPCThread; Connecting :Bool)
12034: TDirUpdateEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TIPCThread)
12035: TIPCNotifyEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TIPCThread; Data : TEventData)
12036: //PIPCEventInfo', '^TIPCEventInfo // will not work
12037: TIPCEventInfo','record FID:Int;FKind:TEventKind;FData:TEventData;end
12038: SIRegister_TIPCEvent(CL);
12039: //PClientDirRecords', '^TClientDirRecords // will not work
12040: SIRegister_TClientDirectory(CL);
12041: TIPCState', '( stInActive, stDisconnected, stConnected )
12042: SIRegister_TIPCThread(CL);
12043: SIRegister_TIPCMonitor(CL);
12044: SIRegister_TIPCClient(CL);
12045: Func IsMonitorRunning( var Hndl : THandle) :Bool
12046: end;
12048: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
12049: Proc SIRegister_ALGSMComm(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12050: begin
12051: SIRegister_TAlGSMComm(CL);
12052: Func AlGSMComm_BuildPDUMessage( aSMSCenter,aSMSAddress,aMessage: Ansistr) : Ansistr
12053: Proc AlGSMComm_DecodePDUMessage(aPDUMessage:AnsiStr;var aSMSCenter,aSMSAddress,AMessage:AnsiStr);
12054: Func AlGSMComm_UnicodeToGSM7BitDefaultAlphabet( aMessage : WideString) : Ansistr
12055: Func AlGSMComm_GSM7BitDefaultAlphabetToUnicode(aMess:Ansistr;const UseGreekAlphabet:Bool):Widestring;
12056: Func ALMatchesMask(const Filename, Mask: Ansistr):Bool;
12057: end;
12059: Proc SIRegister_ALHttpCommon(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12060: begin
12061: TALHTTPPropertyChangeEvent','Procedure(sender:Tobject;const PropertyIndex:Int;
12062: TALHTTPProtocolVersion', '( HTTPpv_1_0, HTTPpv_1_1 )
12063: TALHTTPMethod','(HTTPmt_Get,HTTPmt_Post,HTTPmt_Head,HTTPmt_Trace,HTTPmt_Put,HTTPmt_Delete);
12064: TInternetScheme', 'Int
12065: TALIPv6Binary', 'array[1..16] of Char;
12066: // TALIPv6Binary = array[1..16] of ansiChar;
12067: // TInternetScheme = Int;
12068: SIRegister_TALHTTPRequestHeader(CL);
12069: SIRegister_TALHTTPCookie(CL);
12070: SIRegister_TALHTTPCookieCollection(CL);
12071: SIRegister_TALHTTPResponseHeader(CL);
12072: Func ALHTTPDecode( const AStr : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12073: Proc ALHTTPEncodeParamNameValues( ParamValues : TALStrings)
12074: //Proc ALExtractHTTPFields(Separators,WhiteSpace,
12075: //Proc ALExtractHeaderFields(Separators,WhiteSpace,Quotes:TSysCharSet;Content:PAnsiChar;

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12076: //Proc ALExtractHeaderFieldsWithQuoteEscaped(Separators,WhiteSpace,

12077: Func AlRemoveShemeFromUrl( aUrl : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12078: Func AlExtractShemeFromUrl( aUrl : Ansistr) : TInternetScheme
12079: Func AlExtractHostNameFromUrl( aUrl : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12080: Func AlExtractDomainNameFromUrl( aUrl : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12081: Func AlExtractUrlPathFromUrl( aUrl : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12082: Func AlInternetCrackUrl(aUrl:Ansistr;var SchemeName,HostName,UserName,Password,UrlPath,ExtraInfo:
Ansistr; var PortNumber:Int):Bool;
12083: Func AlInternetCrackUrl1(aUrl:Ansistr;var SchemeNam,HostName,UserName,Password,UrlPath,
Anchor:Ansistr;Query:TALStrings;var PortNumber:Int):Bool
12084: Func AlInternetCrackUrl2(var Url:Ansistr;var Anchor:Ansistr;Query:TALStrings):Bool;
12085: Func AlRemoveAnchorFromUrl( aUrl : Ansistr; var aAnchor : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
12086: Func AlRemoveAnchorFromUrl1( aUrl : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
12087: Func AlCombineUrl( RelativeUrl, BaseUrl : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
12088: Func AlCombineUrl1(RelativeUrl,BaseUrl,Anchor:Ansistr; Query:TALStrings): Ansistr;
12089: Func ALGmtDateTimeToRfc822Str( const aValue : TDateTime) : Ansistr
12090: Func ALDateTimeToRfc822Str( const aValue : TDateTime) : Ansistr
12091: Func ALTryRfc822StrToGMTDateTime( const S : Ansistr; out Value : TDateTime) :Bool
12092: Func ALRfc822StrToGMTDateTime( const s : Ansistr) : TDateTime
12093: Func ALTryIPV4StrToNumeric( aIPv4Str : Ansistr; var aIPv4Num :Card) :Bool
12094: Func ALIPV4StrToNumeric( aIPv4 : Ansistr) :Card
12095: Func ALNumericToIPv4Str( aIPv4 :Card) : Ansistr
12096: Func ALZeroIpV6 : TALIPv6Binary
12097: Func ALTryIPV6StrToBinary( aIPv6Str : Ansistr; var aIPv6Bin : TALIPv6Binary) :Bool
12098: Func ALIPV6StrTobinary( aIPv6 : Ansistr) : TALIPv6Binary
12099: Func ALBinaryToIPv6Str( aIPv6 : TALIPv6Binary) : Ansistr
12100: Func ALBinaryStrToIPv6Binary( aIPV6BinaryStr : Ansistr) : TALIPv6Binary
12101: end;
12103: Proc SIRegister_ALFcnHTML(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); //JavaScript
12104: begin
12105: Proc ALUTF8ExtractHTMLText(HtmlCont:AnsiStr;LstExtractedResourceText:TALStrings;const DecodeHTMLText:Bool;
12106: Func ALUTF8ExtractHTMLText1(HtmlContent:Ansistr;const DecodeHTMLText:Bool):Ansistr;
12107: Func ALXMLCDataElementEncode( Src : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12108: Func ALXMLTextElementEncode(Src:Ansistr;const useNumericReference:bool):Ansistr
12109: Func ALUTF8XMLTextElementDecode( const Src : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12110: Func ALUTF8HTMLEncode(const Src:AnsiStr;const EncodeASCIIHtmlEntities:Bool;const useNumRef:bool):Ansistr);
12111: Func ALUTF8HTMLDecode( const Src : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12112: Func ALJavascriptEncode(const Src:Ansistr;const useNumericReference:bool):Ansistr
12113: Func ALUTF8JavascriptDecode( const Src : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12114: Proc ALHideHtmlUnwantedTagForHTMLHandleTagfunct(var HtmlContent:Ansistr;const
DeleteBodyOfUnwantedTag:Bool;const ReplaceUnwantedTagCharBy:AnsiChar)
12115: Proc ALCompactHtmlTagParams( TagParams : TALStrings)
12116: Proc ALUTF8JavascriptDecodeV( var Str : Ansistr)');
12117: //'Func ALUTF8JavascriptDecode( const Src : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
12119: {This Func evaluates the Javascript code given in the
12120: parameter "aCode" and returns result. The Func works
12121: similar to browser's console, so you can send even the code
12122: like this "2+2" => returns "4".}
12124: Example: writeln('runJScript: '+runJS('Math.pow(2, 64)'))
12126: Func ALRunJavascript( const aCode : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
12127: Func RunJavascript( const aCode : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
12128: Func RunJavascript2(const aCode:Ansistr):Ansistr'); //no CoInitialize of COM-Server
12129: Func RunJS( const aCode : Ansistr) : Ansistr'); //no CoInitialize of COM-Server
12130: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Proc ALHideHtmlUnwantedTagForHTMLHandleTagfunct( var HtmlContent : Ansistr; const
DeleteBodyOfUnwantedTag:Boolean;const ReplaceUnwantedTagCharBy:AnsiChar)');
12131: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Proc ALCompactHtmlTagParams( TagParams : TALStrings)');
12132: Func ALJavascriptEncodeU(const Src:str; const useNumericReference:boolean) :Str');
12133: Proc ALJavascriptDecodeVU( var Str :Str)');
12134: Func ALJavascriptDecodeU( const Src :Str):Str');
12135: end;
12137: Proc SIRegister_ALInternetMessageCommon(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12138: begin
12139: SIRegister_TALEMailHeader(CL);
12140: SIRegister_TALNewsArticleHeader(CL);
12141: Func AlParseEmailAddress(FriendlyEmail:AnsiStr;var RealName:AString;const decodeRealName:Bool):Ansistr;
12142: Func AlExtractEmailAddress( FriendlyEmail : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12143: Func ALMakeFriendlyEmailAddress( aRealName, aEmail : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12144: Func ALEncodeRealName4FriendlyEmailAddress( aRealName : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12145: Func AlGenerateInternetMessageID : Ansistr;
12146: Func AlGenerateInternetMessageID1( ahostname : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
12147: Func ALDecodeQuotedPrintableString( src : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12148: Func AlDecodeInternetMessageHeaderInUTF8(aHeaderStr:Ansistr;aDefaultCodePage:Int):Ansistr;
12149: end;
12151: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
12152: Proc SIRegister_ALFcnWinSock(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12153: begin
12154: Func ALHostToIP( HostName : Ansistr; var Ip : Ansistr):Boolean
12155: Func ALIPAddrToName( IPAddr : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12156: Func ALgetLocalIPs : TALStrings
12157: Func ALgetLocalHostName : Ansistr
12158: end;

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12160: Proc SIRegister_ALFcnCGI(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

12161: begin
12162: Proc AlCGIInitDefaultServerVariablesFromWebRequest(WebRequest : TALWebRequest;ServerVariables:TALStrings);
12163: Proc AlCGIInitDefaultServerVariablesFromWebRequest1(WebRequest: TALWebRequest; ServerVariables :
TALStrings; ScriptName, ScriptFileName : Ansistr; Url : Ansistr);
12164: Proc ALCGIInitDefaultServerVariables( ServerVariables : TALStrings);
12165: Proc AlCGIInitDefaultServerVariables1(ServerVars:TALStrings;ScriptName,ScriptFileName:Ansistr;Url:AnsiStr;
12166: Proc
12167: Proc AlCGIExec( InterpreterFilename: Ansistr; ServerVariables: TALStrings; RequestContentStream: Tstream;
ResponseContentStream: Tstream; ResponseHeader: TALHTTPResponseHeader);
12168: Proc AlCGIExec1(ScriptName,ScriptFileName, Url, X_REWRITE_URL, InterpreterFilename:Ansistr; WebRequest :
TALIsapiRequest; overloadedCookies:Ansistr;overloadedQueryString:Ansistr;overloadedReferer: Ansistr;'
12169: +'overloadedRequestContentStream:Tstream;var
12170: Proc AlCGIExec2(ScriptName,ScriptFileName,Url,X_REWRITE_URL,InterpreterFilename:Ansistr;WebRequest:
TALIsapiRequest; var ResponseContentString : Ansistr; ResponseHeader : TALHTTPResponseHeader);
12171: end;
12173: Proc SIRegister_ALFcnExecute(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12174: begin
12175: TStartupInfoA', 'TStartupInfo
12176: 'SE_CREATE_TOKEN_NAME','String'( 'SeCreateTokenPrivilege
12177: SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME','String 'SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege
12178: SE_LOCK_MEMORY_NAME','String)( 'SeLockMemoryPrivilege
12179: SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME','String 'SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege
12180: SE_UNSOLICITED_INPUT_NAME','String 'SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege
12181: SE_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_NAME','String 'SeMachineAccountPrivilege
12182: SE_TCB_NAME','String 'SeTcbPrivilege
12183: SE_SECURITY_NAME','String 'SeSecurityPrivilege
12184: SE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP_NAME','String 'SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege
12185: SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME','String 'SeLoadDriverPrivilege
12186: SE_SYSTEM_PROFILE_NAME','String 'SeSystemProfilePrivilege
12187: SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME','String 'SeSystemtimePrivilege
12188: SE_PROF_SINGLE_PROCESS_NAME','String 'SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege
12189: SE_INC_BASE_PRIORITY_NAME','String 'SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege
12190: SE_CREATE_PAGEFILE_NAME','String 'SeCreatePagefilePrivilege
12191: SE_CREATE_PERMANENT_NAME','String 'SeCreatePermanentPrivilege
12192: SE_BACKUP_NAME','String 'SeBackupPrivilege
12193: SE_RESTORE_NAME','String 'SeRestorePrivilege
12194: SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME','String 'SeShutdownPrivilege
12195: SE_DEBUG_NAME','String 'SeDebugPrivilege
12196: SE_AUDIT_NAME','String 'SeAuditPrivilege
12197: SE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_NAME','String 'SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege
12198: SE_CHANGE_NOTIFY_NAME','String 'SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
12199: SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME','String 'SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege
12200: SE_UNDOCK_NAME','String 'SeUndockPrivilege
12201: SE_SYNC_AGENT_NAME','String 'SeSyncAgentPrivilege
12202: SE_ENABLE_DELEGATION_NAME','String 'SeEnableDelegationPrivilege
12203: SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_NAME','String 'SeManageVolumePrivilege
12204: Func AlGetEnvironmentString : Ansistr
12205: Func ALWinExec32(const FileName,CurrentDir,Environment:Ansistr;InStream:Tstream;OutStream:TStream):Dword;
12206: Func ALWinExec321(const FileName:AnsiStr;InputStream:Tstream;OutputStream:TStream):Dword;
12207: Func ALWinExecAndWait32( FileName : Ansistr; Visibility : Int) : DWORD
12208: Func ALWinExecAndWait32V2( FileName : Ansistr; Visibility : Int) : DWORD
12209: Func ALNTSetPrivilege( sPrivilege : Ansistr; bEnabled :Bool) :Bool
12210: end;
12212: Proc SIRegister_ALFcnFile(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12213: begin
12214: Func AlEmptyDirectory(Directory:Ansistr;SubDirectory:Bool;IgnoreFiles:array of Ansistr; const
RemoveEmptySubDirectory :Bool; const FileNameMask : Ansistr; const MinFileAge : TdateTime):Boolean;
12215: Func AlEmptyDirectory1( Directory : Ansistr; SubDirectory :Bool; const RemoveEmptySubDirectory:Bool;const
FileNameMask:ansiStr;const MinFileAge:TdateTime):Bool;
12216: Func AlCopyDirectory(SrcDirectory,DestDirectory:Ansistr;SubDirectory:Boolean; const FileNameMask:
Ansistr; const FailIfExists:Boolean):Bool
12217: Func ALGetModuleName : Ansistr
12218: Func ALGetModuleFileNameWithoutExtension : Ansistr
12219: Func ALGetModulePath : Ansistr
12220: Func AlGetFileSize( const AFileName : Ansistr) : int64
12221: Func AlGetFileVersion( const AFileName : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12222: Func ALGetFileCreationDateTime( const aFileName : Ansistr) : TDateTime
12223: Func ALGetFileLastWriteDateTime( const aFileName : Ansistr) : TDateTime
12224: Func ALGetFileLastAccessDateTime( const aFileName : Ansistr) : TDateTime
12225: Proc ALSetFileCreationDateTime(const aFileName:Ansistr;const aCreationDateTime:TDateTime)
12226: Func ALIsDirectoryEmpty( const directory : Ansistr) :Bool
12227: Func ALFileExists( const Path : Ansistr) :Bool
12228: Func ALDirectoryExists( const Directory : Ansistr) :Bool
12229: Func ALCreateDir( const Dir : Ansistr) :Bool
12230: Func ALRemoveDir( const Dir : Ansistr) :Bool
12231: Func ALDeleteFile( const FileName : Ansistr) :Bool
12232: Func ALRenameFile( const OldName, NewName : Ansistr) :Bool
12233: end;
12235: Proc SIRegister_ALFcnMime(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12236: begin
12237: NativeInt', 'Int NativeUInt', 'Cardinal
12238: Func ALMimeBase64EncodeString( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr

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12239: Func ALMimeBase64EncodeStringNoCRLF( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr

12240: Func ALMimeBase64DecodeString( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12241: Func ALMimeBase64EncodedSize( const InputSize : NativeInt) : NativeInt
12242: Func ALMimeBase64EncodedSizeNoCRLF( const InputSize : NativeInt) : NativeInt
12243: Func ALMimeBase64DecodedSize( const InputSize : NativeInt): NativeInt
12244: Proc ALMimeBase64Encode(const InputBuffer:TByteDynArray;InputOffset:NativeInt;const
InputByteCount:NativeInt;out OutputBuffer:TByteDynArray;OutputOffset:NativeInt)
12245: Proc ALMimeBase64EncodeNoCRLF(const InputBuffer:TByteDynArray;InputOffset:NativeInt; const
InputByteCount:NativeInt;out OutputBuffer:TByteDynArray;OutputOffset:NativeInt)
12246: Proc ALMimeBase64EncodeFullLines( const InputBuffer: TByteDynArray; InputOffset : NativeInt;const
InputByteCount:NativeInt;out OutputBuffer:TByteDynArray;OutputOffset:NativeInt)
12247: Func ALMimeBase64Decode(const InputBuffer:TByteDynArray;InputOffset:NativeInt;const
InputByteCount:NativeInt;out OutputBuffer:TByteDynArray;OutputOffset:NativeInt): NativeInt;
12248: Func ALMimeBase64DecodePartial(const InputBuffer:TByteDynArray;InputOffset:NativeInt;const
InputByteCount:NativeInt;out OutputBuffer:TByteDynArray;OutputOffset:NativeInt;'
12249: + var ByteBuffer:Card;var ByteBufferSpace:Card):NativeInt;
12250: Func ALMimeBase64DecodePartialEnd(out OutputBuffer:TByteDynArray;OutputOffset:NativeInt;const
ByteBuffer:Card;const ByteBufferSpace:Card):NativeInt;
12251: Proc ALMimeBase64Encode(const InputBuf:TByteDynArray;const InputByteCnt:NatInt;out
12252: Proc ALMimeBase64EncodeNoCRLF(const InputBuffer:TByteDynArray;const InputByteCount:NativeInt;out
12253: Proc ALMimeBase64EncodeFullLines(const InputBuffer:TByteDynArray;const InputByteCount:NativeInt;out
12254: Func ALMimeBase64Decode1(const InputBuffer:TByteDynArray;const InputByteCount:NativeInt;out
12255: Func ALMimeBase64DecodePartial1(const InputBuffer:TByteDynArray;const InputByteCount:NativeInt;out
OutputBuffer:TByteDynArray;var ByteBuffer:Card;var ByteBufferSpace:Card) : NativeInt;
12256: Func ALMimeBase64DecodePartialEnd1(out OutputBuffer:TByteDynArray;const ByteBuffer:Card;const
12257: Proc ALMimeBase64EncodeFile( const InputFileName, OutputFileName : TFileName)
12258: Proc ALMimeBase64EncodeFileNoCRLF( const InputFileName, OutputFileName : TFileName)
12259: Proc ALMimeBase64DecodeFile( const InputFileName, OutputFileName : TFileName)
12260: Proc ALMimeBase64EncodeStream( const InputStream : TStream; const OutputStream : TStream)
12261: Proc ALMimeBase64EncodeStreamNoCRLF(const InputStream:TStream;const OutputStream:TStream)
12262: Proc ALMimeBase64DecodeStream( const InputStream : TStream; const OutputStream : TStream)
12263: 'cALMimeBase64_ENCODED_LINE_BREAK','LongInt'( 76);
12264: 'cALMimeBase64_DECODED_LINE_BREAK','LongInt'(cALMimeBase64_ENCODED_LINE_BREAK div 4 * 3);
12265: 'cALMimeBase64_BUFFER_SIZE','LongInt'( cALMimeBase64_DECODED_LINE_BREAK * 3 * 4 * 4);
12266: Proc ALFillMimeContentTypeByExtList( AMIMEList : TALStrings)
12267: Proc ALFillExtByMimeContentTypeList( AMIMEList : TALStrings)
12268: Func ALGetDefaultFileExtFromMimeContentType( aContentType : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12269: Func ALGetDefaultMIMEContentTypeFromExt( aExt : Ansistr) : Ansistr
12270: end;
12272: Proc SIRegister_ALXmlDoc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12273: begin
12274: 'cALXMLNodeMaxListSize','LongInt'( Maxint div 16);
12275: FindClass('TOBJECT'),TALXMLNode
12276: FindClass('TOBJECT'),TALXMLNodeList
12277: FindClass('TOBJECT'),TALXMLDocument
12278: TAlXMLParseProcessingInstructionEvent','Proc (Sender:TObject;const Target,Data:AnsiStr)
12279: TAlXMLParseTextEvent','Proc (Sender: TObject; const str: Ansistr)
12280: TAlXMLParseStartElementEvent','Procedure(Sender:TObject;const Name:Ansistr;const Attributes:TALStrings)
12281: TAlXMLParseEndElementEvent','Procedure(Sender : TObject;const Name: Ansistr)
12282: TALXmlNodeType','(ntReserved,ntElement,ntAttribute,ntText,ntCData,ntEntityRef,ntEntity,ntProcessingInstr,
12283: TALXMLDocOption', '( doNodeAutoCreate, doNodeAutoIndent )
12284: TALXMLDocOptions', 'set of TALXMLDocOption
12285: TALXMLParseOption', '( poPreserveWhiteSpace, poIgnoreXMLReferences )
12286: TALXMLParseOptions', 'set of TALXMLParseOption
12287: TALXMLPrologItem', '( xpVersion, xpEncoding, xpStandalone )
12288: PALPointerXMLNodeList', '^TALPointerXMLNodeList // will not work
12289: SIRegister_EALXMLDocError(CL);
12290: SIRegister_TALXMLNodeList(CL);
12291: SIRegister_TALXMLNode(CL);
12292: SIRegister_TALXmlElementNode(CL);
12293: SIRegister_TALXmlAttributeNode(CL);
12294: SIRegister_TALXmlTextNode(CL);
12295: SIRegister_TALXmlDocumentNode(CL);
12296: SIRegister_TALXmlCommentNode(CL);
12297: SIRegister_TALXmlProcessingInstrNode(CL);
12298: SIRegister_TALXmlCDataNode(CL);
12299: SIRegister_TALXmlEntityRefNode(CL);
12300: SIRegister_TALXmlEntityNode(CL);
12301: SIRegister_TALXmlDocTypeNode(CL);
12302: SIRegister_TALXmlDocFragmentNode(CL);
12303: SIRegister_TALXmlNotationNode(CL);
12304: SIRegister_TALXMLDocument(CL);
12305: cAlXMLUTF8EncodingStr','String 'UTF-8
12306: cALXmlUTF8HeaderStr','String'<?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"standalone="yes"?>'+#13#10);
12307: CALNSDelim','String ':
12308: CALXML','String 'xml
12309: CALVersion','String 'version
12310: CALEncoding','String 'encoding
12311: CALStandalone','String 'standalone
12312: CALDefaultNodeIndent','String '
12313: CALXmlDocument','String 'DOCUMENT
12314: Func ALCreateEmptyXMLDocument(const Rootname: Ansistr): TalXMLDocument

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12315: Proc ALClearXMLDocument(const rootname:Ansistr;xmldoc:TalXMLDocument;const EncodingStr:AnsiStr);

12316: Func ALFindXmlNodeByChildNodeValue(xmlrec:TalxmlNode;const ChildNodeName,ChildNodeValue:Ansistr;const
12317: Func ALFindXmlNodeByNameAndChildNodeValue( xmlrec : TalxmlNode; const NodeName : Ansistr; const
ChildNodeName, ChildNodeValue : Ansistr; const Recurse :Bool) : TalxmlNode
12318: Func ALFindXmlNodeByAttribute(xmlrec:TalxmlNode;const AttributeName,AttributeValue:Ansistr;const
12319: Func ALFindXmlNodeByNameAndAttribute(xmlrec:TalxmlNode;const NodeName:Ansistr;const AttributeName,
AttributeValue:Ansistr;const Recurse:Bool):TalxmlNode
12320: Func ALExtractAttrValue(const AttrName,AttrLine:Ansistr;const Default:Ansistr): Ansistr
12321: end;
12323: Proc SIRegister_TProcess(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12324: begin
12325: //with RegClassS(CL,'TComponent', 'TProcess') do
12326: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TComponent'),'TProcess') do begin
12327: Constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent)');
12328: Proc Free');
12329: Proc Execute');
12330: Func Resume : Integer');
12331: Func Suspend : Integer');
12332: Func Terminate( AExitCode : Integer) :Bool');
12333: Func WaitOnExit : DWord');
12334: WindowRect', 'Trect', iptrw);
12335: StartupInfo', 'TStartupInfo', iptr);
12336: ProcessAttributes', 'TSecurityAttributes', iptrw);
12337: ProcessInformation', 'TProcessInformation', iptr);
12338: Handle', 'THandle', iptr);
12339: ThreadHandle', 'THandle', iptr);
12340: Input', 'TOutPutPipeStream', iptr);
12341: OutPut', 'TInputPipeStream', iptr);
12342: StdErr', 'TinputPipeStream', iptr);
12343: ExitStatus', 'Integer', iptr);
12344: Active', 'Boolean', iptrw);
12345: ApplicationName', 'String', iptrw);
12346: CommandLine', 'String', iptrw);
12347: ConsoleTitle', 'String', iptrw);
12348: CurrentDirectory', 'String', iptrw);
12349: DeskTop', 'String', iptrw);
12350: Environment', 'TStrings', iptrw);
12351: FillAttribute', 'Cardinal', iptrw);
12352: InheritHandles', 'LongBool', iptrw);
12353: Options', 'TProcessOptions', iptrw);
12354: Priority', 'TProcessPriority', iptrw);
12355: StartUpOptions', 'TStartUpOptions', iptrw);
12356: Running', 'Boolean', iptr);
12357: ShowWindow', 'TShowWindowOptions', iptrw);
12358: ThreadAttributes', 'TSecurityAttributes', iptrw);
12359: WindowColumns', 'Cardinal', iptrw);
12360: WindowHeight', 'Cardinal', iptrw);
12361: WindowLeft', 'Cardinal', iptrw);
12362: WindowRows', 'Cardinal', iptrw);
12363: WindowTop', 'Cardinal', iptrw);
12364: WindowWidth', 'Cardinal', iptrw);
12365: end;
12366: end;
12368: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
12369: Proc SIRegister_TAlWebSpider(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12370: begin
12371: //with RegClassS(CL,'TObject', 'TAlWebSpider') do
12372: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TObject'),'TAlWebSpider') do begin
12373: RegisterMethod('Proc Crawl');
12374: RegisterMethod('Proc UpdateLinkToLocalPath');
12375: OnCrawlBeforeDownload', 'TAlWebSpiderCrawlBeforeDownloadEvent', iptrw);
12376: OnCrawlAfterDownload', 'TAlWebSpiderCrawlAfterDownloadEvent', iptrw);
12377: OnCrawlDownloadSuccess', 'TAlWebSpiderCrawlDownloadSuccessEvent', iptrw);
12378: OnCrawlDownloadRedirect', 'TAlWebSpiderCrawlDownloadRedirectEvent', iptrw);
12379: OnCrawlDownloadError', 'TAlWebSpiderCrawlDownloadErrorEvent', iptrw);
12380: OnCrawlGetNextLink', 'TAlWebSpiderCrawlGetNextLinkEvent', iptrw);
12381: OnCrawlFindLink', 'TAlWebSpiderCrawlFindLinkEvent', iptrw);
12382: OnCrawlEnd', 'TAlWebSpiderCrawlEndEvent', iptrw);
12383: OnUpdateLinkToLocalPathGetNextFile','TAlWebSpiderUpdateLinkToLocalPathGetNextFileEvent'rw);
12384: OnUpdateLinkToLocalPathFindLink', 'TAlWebSpiderUpdateLinkToLocalPathFindLinkEvent', iptrw);
12385: OnUpdateLinkToLocalPathEnd', 'TAlWebSpiderUpdateLinkToLocalPathEndEvent', iptrw);
12386: RegisterProperty('HttpClient', 'TalHttpClient', iptrw);
12387: end;
12388: end;
12390: https://sourceforge.net/p/alcinoe/code/HEAD/tree/source/ALWebSpider.pas#l184
12391: {----------------------------------}
12392: TAlTrivialWebSpider = Class(Tobject)
12393: Private
12394: FWebSpider: TalWebSpider;
12395: fStartUrl: Ansistr;
12396: fLstUrlCrawled: TALStrings;
12397: fLstErrorEncountered: TALStrings;
12398: FPageDownloadedBinTree: TAlStringKeyAVLBinaryTree;
12399: FPageNotYetDownloadedBinTree: TAlStringKeyAVLBinaryTree;

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12400: FCurrentDeepLevel: Integer;

12401: FCurrentLocalFileNameIndex: Integer;
12402: fMaxDeepLevel: Integer;
12403: fOnCrawlBeforeDownload: TAlWebSpiderCrawlBeforeDownloadEvent;
12404: fUpdateLinkToLocalPath:Bool;
12405: fExcludeMask: Ansistr;
12406: fStayInStartDomain:Bool;
12407: fSaveDirectory: Ansistr;
12408: fSplitDirectoryAmount: integer;
12409: FHttpClient: TalHttpClient;
12410: fIncludeMask: Ansistr;
12411: fOnCrawlAfterDownload: TAlWebSpiderCrawlAfterDownloadEvent;
12412: fOnCrawlFindLink: TAlTrivialWebSpiderCrawlFindLinkEvent;
12413: fDownloadImage:Bool;
12414: fOnUpdateLinkToLocalPathProgress: TAlTrivialWebSpiderUpdateLinkToLocalPathProgressEvent;
12415: fOnCrawlProgress: TAlTrivialWebSpiderCrawlProgressEvent;
12416: Proc WebSpiderCrawlDownloadError(Sender:TObject;const URL,ErrorMessage:Ansistr; HTTPResponseHeader:
TALHTTPResponseHeader; var StopCrawling: Bool);
12417: Proc WebSpiderCrawlDownloadRedirect(Sender:TObject;const Url,RedirectedTo:Ansistr;
12418: HTTPResponseHeader: TALHTTPResponseHeader; var StopCrawling:Bool);
12419: Proc WebSpiderCrawlDownloadSuccess(Sender: TObject; const Url: Ansistr; HTTPResponseHeader:
TALHTTPResponseHeader;HttpResponseContentTStream;var StopCrawling:Bool);
12420: Proc WebSpiderCrawlFindLink(Sender:TObject;const HtmlTagString:AnsiStr;HtmlTagParams:
12421: TALStrings; const URL: Ansistr);
12422: Proc WebSpiderCrawlGetNextLink(Sender: TObject; var Url: Ansistr);
12423: Proc WebSpiderUpdateLinkToLocalPathFindLink(Sender:TObject;const HtmlTagString:AnsiStr;
12424: HtmlTagParams: TALStrings;const URL: Ansistr;var LocalPath: Ansistr);
12425: Proc WebSpiderUpdateLinkToLocalPathGetNextFile(Sender:TObject;var FileN,BaseHref:AnsiStr);
12426: Func GetNextLocalFileName(const aContentType: Ansistr): Ansistr;
12427: Protected
12428: Public
12429: Constructor Create;
12430: Destructor Destroy; override;
12431: Proc Crawl(const aUrl: Ansistr); overload; {Launch the Crawling of the page}
12432: Proc Crawl(const aUrl:AnsiStr;LstUrlCrawled:TALStrings;LstErrorEncountered:TALStrings);
12433: Property HttpClient: TalHttpClient Read FHttpClient write FHttpClient;
12434: Property DownloadImage:Bool read fDownloadImage write fDownloadImage default false;
12435: Property StayInStartDomain:Bool read fStayInStartDomain write fStayInStartDomain default true;
12436: Property UpdateLinkToLocalPath:Bool read fUpdateLinkToLocalPath write fUpdateLinkToLocalPath default
12437: Property MaxDeepLevel: Integer read fMaxDeepLevel write fMaxDeepLevel default -1;
12438: Property ExcludeMask: Ansistr read fExcludeMask write fExcludeMask;
12439: Property IncludeMask: Ansistr read fIncludeMask write fIncludeMask;
12440: Property SaveDirectory: Ansistr read fSaveDirectory write fSaveDirectory;
12441: Property SplitDirectoryAmount: integer read fSplitDirectoryAmount write fSplitDirectoryAmount default
12442: Property OnCrawlBeforeDownload: TAlWebSpiderCrawlBeforeDownloadEvent read fOnCrawlBeforeDownload write
fOnCrawlBeforeDownload; {When a page is successfully downloaded}
12443: Property OnCrawlAfterDownload: TAlWebSpiderCrawlAfterDownloadEvent read fOnCrawlAfterDownload write
fOnCrawlAfterDownload; {When a page is successfully downloaded}
12444: Property OnCrawlFindLink: TAlTrivialWebSpiderCrawlFindLinkEvent read fOnCrawlFindLink write
fOnCrawlFindLink; {When a a link is found}
12445: Property OnCrawlProgress: TAlTrivialWebSpiderCrawlProgressEvent read fOnCrawlProgress write
12446: Property OnUpdateLinkToLocalPathProgress: TAlTrivialWebSpiderUpdateLinkToLocalPathProgressEvent read
fOnUpdateLinkToLocalPathProgress write fOnUpdateLinkToLocalPathProgress;
12447: end;
12449: Proc SIRegister_ALOpenOffice(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12450: begin
12451: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EALOpenOfficeException');
12452: Proc ConnectOpenOffice');
12453: Proc DisconnectOpenOffice( aTerminateOpenOffice :Bool)');
12454: Func IsOpenOfficeConnected :Bool');
12455: Func CreateUnoService( const aServiceName : Ansistr) : Variant');
12456: Func CreateUnoStruct(const aStructureName:Ansistr;const aMaxIndex:integer): Variant');
12457: Func HasUnoInterfaces( aObject: Variant;aInterfaceList: array of Ansistr):Bool');
12458: Func CreateOOProperties( aPropertyList : array of Variant) : Variant');
12459: Func MakeOOPropertyValue(aPropertyName: Ansistr;aPropertyValue: Variant): Variant');
12460: Func CreateOOCalcDocument : Variant');
12461: Func CreateOOWordDocument: Variant;
12462: Func CreateOOImpressDocument : Variant');
12463: Func CreateOODrawDocument : Variant');
12464: Proc SaveOODocument(aDocument: Variant; aFileName: Ansistr;aFileType : Ansistr)');
12465: Proc CreateOOSheet( aDocument : Variant; const aSheetName : Ansistr)');
12466: Proc SetColumnWidth(aSheet:Variant;const aColumnIndex:int;const aWidthInCentimetres:int);
12467: Proc SetColumnWidth1(aSheet:Variant;aColumn:Variant;const aWidthInCentimetres:integer);
12468: Proc SetCellBold( aCell : Variant)');
12469: Proc SetCellBorder( aCellRange : Variant; const aBorderColor : Longword)');
12470: Func IsVariantNullOrEmpty( aVariant : Variant) :Bool');
12471: Func VarDummyArray : Variant');
12472: Func ConvertToURL( aWinAddress : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
12473: Func ConvertFromURL( aUrlAddress : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
12474: Func OORGB( aRedByte, aGreenByte, aBlueByte : byte) : Longword');
12475: Func ALCopyStr2(const aSourceString: Ansistr; aStart, aLength: Integer): Ansistr;');
12476: end;
12478: Proc SIRegister_ALExecute2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12479: begin

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12480: //CL.AddTypeS('TStartupInfoA', 'TStartupInfo');

12481: CL.AddConstantN('SE_CREATE_TOKEN_NAME','String').SetString( 'SeCreateTokenPrivilege');
12482: SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME','String').SetString( 'SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege');
12483: SE_LOCK_MEMORY_NAME','String').SetString( 'SeLockMemoryPrivilege');
12484: SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME','String').SetString( 'SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege');
12485: SE_UNSOLICITED_INPUT_NAME','String').SetString( 'SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege');
12486: SE_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_NAME','String').SetString( 'SeMachineAccountPrivilege');
12487: Func AlGetEnvironmentStringX : Ansistr');
12488: Func ALWinExec0X(const aCommandLine : Ansistr; const aCurrentDirectory : Ansistr; const
aEnvironment:Ansistr;const aInputStream:Tstream;const aOutputStream Stream;const aOwnerThread
12489: Func ALWinExec1X(const aCommandLine: Ansistr; const aInputStream: Tstream; const aOutputStream: TStream;
const aOwnerThread: TThread): Dword;');
12490: Proc ALWinExec2X( const aCommandLine:Ansistr; const aCurrentDirectory : Ansistr);');
12491: Proc ALWinExec3X(const aUserName:Ansistr;const aPassword:Ansistr;const aCommandLine:Ansistr;const
aCurrentDirectory:Ansistr;const aLogonFlags:dword);
12492: Func ALWinExecAndWait4X(const aCommandLine: Ansistr;const aCurrentDirectory:Ansistr;const
aEnvironment:Ansistr;const aVisibility:integer): DWORD;');
12493: Func ALWinExecAndWait5X(const aCommandLine:Ansistr; const aVisibility:integer):DWORD;
12494: Func ALWinExecAndWaitV2X(const aCommandLine:Ansistr;const aVisibility integer):DWORD');
12495: Func ALNTSetPrivilegeX( const sPrivilege : Ansistr; bEnabled :Bool) :Bool');
12496: Func ALStartServiceX(const aServiceName:Ansistr;const aComputerName:Ansistr;const aTimeOut:integer):bool;
12497: Func ALStopServiceX(const aServiceName:Ansistr;const aComputerName:Ansistr;const aTimeOut:integer):bool;
12498: Func ALMakeServiceAutorestartingX( const aServiceName : Ansistr; const aComputerName : Ansistr; const
aTimeToRestartInSec:integer; const aTimeToResetInSec: integer):Bool');
12499: end;
12501: Proc SIRegister_ALIsapiHTTP(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12502: begin
12503: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EALIsapiRequestContentSizeTooBig');
12504: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EALIsapiRequestConnectionDropped');
12505: SIRegister_TALWebRequest(CL);
12506: SIRegister_TALISAPIRequest(CL);
12507: SIRegister_TALWebResponse(CL);
12508: SIRegister_TALISAPIResponse(CL);
12509: Func ALIsapiHttpStatusString( StatusCode : Integer) : Ansistr');
12510: CL.AddConstantN('HSE_IO_SYNC','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
12511: 'HSE_IO_ASYNC','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
12512: 'HSE_IO_DISCONNECT_AFTER_SEND','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000004);
12513: 'HSE_IO_SEND_HEADERS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000008);
12514: end;
12516: Proc SIRegister_uUsb(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12517: begin
12518: //CL.AddTypeS('PDevBroadcastHdr', '^DEV_BROADCAST_HDR // will not work');
12519: CL.AddTypeS(DEV_BROADCAST_HDR','record dbch_size:DWORD;dbch_devicetype:DWORD;dbch_reserved:DWORD;end;
12520: CL.AddTypeS('TDevBroadcastHdr', 'DEV_BROADCAST_HDR');
12521: //CL.AddTypeS('PDevBroadcastDeviceInterface','^DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE//will not work');
12522: CL.AddTypeS(DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE', 'record dbcc_size : DWORD; dbcc_'
12523: +devicetype: DWORD;dbcc_reserved:DWORD; dbcc_classguid: TGUID; dbcc_name:Char; end');
12524: CL.AddTypeS('TDevBroadcastDeviceInterface', 'DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE');
12525: //CL.AddConstantN('GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE','TGUID').SetString( '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-
12526: 'DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL','LongWord').SetUInt( $8000);
12527: 'DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE','LongWord').SetUInt( $8004);
12528: 'DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000005);
12529: CL.AddTypeS('TUsbNotifyProc', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; const DeviceName:Str)');
12530: SIRegister_TUsbNotifier(CL);
12531: end;
12533: Proc SIRegister_uWebcam(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12534: begin
12535: CL.AddConstantN('WM_CAP_START','LongWord').SetUInt( $0400);
12536: 'WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT','LongInt').SetInt( $0400 + 10);
12537: 'WM_CAP_DRIVER_DISCONNECT','LongInt').SetInt( $0400 + 11);
12538: 'WM_CAP_SAVEDIB','LongInt').SetInt( $0400 + 25);
12539: 'WM_CAP_GRAB_FRAME','LongInt').SetInt( $0400 + 60);
12540: 'WM_CAP_STOP','LongInt').SetInt( $0400 + 68);
12541: Func Connectwebcam( WebcamID : integer) :Bool');
12542: Proc CaptureWebCam( FilePath :Str)');
12543: Proc CloseWebcam( );
12544: Proc WebcamInit;
12545: Func WebcamList: TStringlist;
12546: end;
12548: Proc WebcamInit;
12549: begin
12550: LibHandle := LoadLibrary('avicap32.dll');
12551: CapGetDriverDescriptionA:= GetProcAddress(LibHandle,'capGetDriverDescriptionA');
12552: CapCreateCaptureWindowA := GetProcAddress(LibHandle,'capCreateCaptureWindowA');
12553: end;
12554: Example: webcaminit;
12555: writeln(webcamlist.text)
12556: if Connectwebcam(0) then CaptureWebCam(Exepath+'foto4.png');
12557: CloseWebcam();
12559: Top5 Functions mX4.7.1.80
12560: Proc LoadResourceFile3HTML(aFile:str; ms:TMemoryStream);
12561: Func VarArrayToStr(const vArray: variant):Str;

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12562: Func VarStrNull(const V:OleVariant):str; //avoid problems with null strings

12563: Func GetWMIObject(const objectName:Str): IDispatch; //create the Wmi instance
12564: Func GetAntiVirusProductInfo: TStringlist;
12565: Func EnDeCrypt(const Value :Str) :Str;
12566: //http://www.delphibasics.info/home/delphibasicssnippets/executingpreparedshellcodeindelphi
12568: Proc SIRegister_TeCanvas(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12569: //based on TEEProc, TeCanvas, TEEngine, TChart
12570: begin
12571: 'TeePiStep','Double').setExtended( Pi / 180.0);
12572: 'TeeDefaultPerspective','LongInt'( 100);
12573: 'TeeMinAngle','LongInt'( 270);
12574: 'teeclMoneyGreen','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $C0DCC0 ));
12575: 'teeclSkyBlue','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $F0CAA6 ));
12576: 'teeclCream','LongWord( TColor ( $F0FBFF ));
12577: 'teeclMedGray','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $A4A0A0 ));
12578: 'teeclMoneyGreen','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $C0DCC0 ));
12579: 'teeclSkyBlue','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $F0CAA6 ));
12580: 'teeclCream','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $F0FBFF ));
12581: 'teeclMedGray','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $A4A0A0 ));
12582: 'TA_LEFT','LongInt'( 0);
12583: 'TA_RIGHT','LongInt'( 2);
12584: 'TA_CENTER','LongInt'( 6);
12585: 'TA_TOP','LongInt'( 0);
12586: 'TA_BOTTOM','LongInt'( 8);
12587: 'teePATCOPY','LongInt'( 0);
12588: 'NumCirclePoints','LongInt'( 64);
12589: 'teeDEFAULT_CHARSET','LongInt'( 1);
12590: 'teeANTIALIASED_QUALITY','LongInt'( 4);
12591: 'TA_LEFT','LongInt'( 0);
12592: 'bs_Solid','LongInt'( 0);
12593: 'teepf24Bit','LongInt'( 0);
12594: 'teepfDevice','LongInt'( 1);
12595: 'CM_MOUSELEAVE','LongInt'( 10000);
12596: 'CM_SYSCOLORCHANGE','LongInt'( 10001);
12597: 'DC_BRUSH','LongInt'( 18);
12598: 'DC_PEN','LongInt'( 19);
12599: teeCOLORREF', 'LongWord
12600: TLogBrush', 'record lbStyle : Int; lbColor : TColor; lbHatch: Int; end
12601: //TNotifyEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject)
12602: SIRegister_TFilterRegion(CL);
12603: SIRegister_IFormCreator(CL);
12604: SIRegister_TTeeFilter(CL);
12605: //TFilterClass', 'class of TTeeFilter
12606: SIRegister_TFilterItems(CL);
12607: SIRegister_TConvolveFilter(CL);
12608: SIRegister_TBlurFilter(CL);
12609: SIRegister_TTeePicture(CL);
12610: TPenEndStyle', '( esRound, esSquare, esFlat )
12611: SIRegister_TChartPen(CL);
12612: SIRegister_TChartHiddenPen(CL);
12613: SIRegister_TDottedGrayPen(CL);
12614: SIRegister_TDarkGrayPen(CL);
12615: SIRegister_TWhitePen(CL);
12616: SIRegister_TChartBrush(CL);
12617: TTeeView3DScrolled', 'Proc ( IsHoriz :Bool)
12618: TTeeView3DChangedZoom', 'Proc ( NewZoom : Int)
12619: SIRegister_TView3DOptions(CL);
12620: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TTeeCanvas
12621: TTeeTransparency', 'Int
12622: SIRegister_TTeeBlend(CL);
12623: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCanvas3D
12624: SIRegister_TTeeShadow(CL);
12625: teeTGradientDirection','(gdTopBottom,gdBottomTop,gdLeftRight,gdRightLeft,gdFromCenter, gdFromTopLeft,
gdFromBottomLeft,gdRadial,gdDiagonalUp,gdDiagonalDown )
12626: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TSubGradient
12627: SIRegister_TCustomTeeGradient(CL);
12628: SIRegister_TSubGradient(CL);
12629: SIRegister_TTeeGradient(CL);
12630: SIRegister_TTeeFontGradient(CL);
12631: SIRegister_TTeeFont(CL);
12632: TCanvasBackMode', '( cbmNone, cbmTransparent, cbmOpaque )
12633: TCanvasTextAlign', 'Int
12634: TTeeCanvasHandle', 'HDC
12635: SIRegister_TTeeCanvas(CL);
12636: TPoint3DFloat', 'record X : Double; Y : Double; Z : Double; end
12637: SIRegister_TFloatXYZ(CL);
12638: TPoint3D', 'record x : Int; y : Int; z : Int; end
12639: TRGB', 'record blue: byte; green: byte; red: byte; end
12640: {TRGB=packed record
12641: Blue : Byte;
12642: Green : Byte;
12643: Red : Byte;
12644: //$IFDEF CLX //Alpha : Byte; // Linux end;}
12646: TTeeCanvasCalcPoints','Function(x,z:Int;var P0,P1:TPoint3D;var Color0,Color1:TColor):Bool
12647: TTeeCanvasSurfaceStyle', '( tcsSolid, tcsWire, tcsDot )
12648: TCanvas3DPlane', '( cpX, cpY, cpZ )
12649: //IInterface', 'IUnknown

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12650: SIRegister_TCanvas3D(CL);
12651: SIRegister_TTeeCanvas3D(CL);
12652: TTrianglePoints', 'Array[0..2] of TPoint;
12653: TFourPoints', 'Array[0..3] of TPoint;
12654: Func ApplyDark( Color : TColor; HowMuch : Byte) : TColor
12655: Func ApplyBright( Color : TColor; HowMuch : Byte) : TColor
12656: Func Point3D( const x, y, z : Int) : TPoint3D
12657: Proc SwapDouble( var a, b : Double)
12658: Proc SwapInt( var a, b : Int)
12659: Proc RectSize( const R : TRect; var RectWidth, RectHeight : Int)
12660: Proc teeRectCenter( const R : TRect; var X, Y : Int)
12661: Func RectFromPolygon( const Points : array of TPoint; NumPoints : Int): TRect
12662: Func RectFromTriangle( const Points : TTrianglePoints) : TRect
12663: Func RectangleInRectangle( const Small, Big : TRect) :Bool
12664: Proc ClipCanvas( ACanvas : TCanvas; const Rect : TRect)
12665: Proc UnClipCanvas( ACanvas : TCanvas)
12666: Proc ClipEllipse( ACanvas : TTeeCanvas; const Rect : TRect)
12667: Proc ClipRoundRectangle(ACanvas:TTeeCanvas;const Rect : TRect; RoundSize : Int)
12668: Proc ClipPolygon(ACanvas:TTeeCanvas;const Points:array of TPoint;NumPoints:Int)
12669: 'TeeCharForHeight','String 'W
12670: 'DarkerColorQuantity','Byte').SetUInt( 128);
12671: 'DarkColorQuantity','Byte').SetUInt( 64);
12672: TButtonGetColorProc', 'Func : TColor
12673: SIRegister_TTeeButton(CL);
12674: SIRegister_TButtonColor(CL);
12675: SIRegister_TComboFlat(CL);
12676: Proc TeeSetTeePen(FPen:TPen; APen : TChartPen; AColor : TColor; Handle:TTeeCanvasHandle)
12677: Func TeePoint( const aX, aY : Int) : TPoint
12678: Func TEEPointInRect( const Rect : TRect; const P : TPoint) :Bool;
12679: Func PointInRect1( const Rect : TRect; x, y : Int) :Bool;
12680: Func TeeRect( Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Int) : TRect
12681: Func OrientRectangle( const R : TRect) : TRect
12682: Proc TeeSetBitmapSize( Bitmap : TBitmap; Width, Height : Int)
12683: Func PolygonBounds( const P : array of TPoint) : TRect
12684: Func PolygonInPolygon( const A, B : array of TPoint) :Bool
12685: Func RGBValue( const Color : TColor) : TRGB
12686: Func EditColor( AOwner : TComponent; AColor : TColor) : TColor
12687: Func EditColorDialog( AOwner : TComponent; var AColor : TColor) :Bool
12688: Func PointAtDistance( AFrom, ATo : TPoint; ADist : Int) : TPoint
12689: Func TeeCull( const P : TFourPoints) :Bool;
12690: Func TeeCull1( const P0, P1, P2 : TPoint) :Bool;
12691: TSmoothStretchOption', '( ssBestQuality, ssBestPerformance )
12692: Proc SmoothStretch( Src, Dst : TBitmap);
12693: Proc SmoothStretch1( Src, Dst : TBitmap; Option : TSmoothStretchOption);
12694: Func TeeDistance( const x, y : Double) : Double
12695: Func TeeLoadLibrary( const FileName :Str) : HInst
12696: Proc TeeFreeLibrary( hLibModule : HMODULE)
12697: Proc TeeBlendBitmaps(const Percent:Double; ABitmap, BBitmap : TBitmap; BOrigin : TPoint)
12698: //Proc TeeCalcLines( var Lines : TRGBArray; Bitmap : TBitmap)
12699: Proc TeeShadowSmooth(Bitmap,Back:TBitmap;Left,Top,Width,Height,horz,
12700: SIRegister_ICanvasHyperlinks(CL);
12701: SIRegister_ICanvasToolTips(CL);
12702: Func Supports( const Instance : IInterface; const IID : TGUID) :Bool
12703: end;
12705: Proc SIRegister_ovcmisc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12706: begin
12707: TOvcHdc', 'Int
12708: TOvcHWND', 'Cardinal
12709: TOvcHdc', 'HDC
12710: TOvcHWND', 'HWND
12711: Func LoadBaseBitmap( lpBitmapName : PChar) : HBITMAP
12712: Func LoadBaseCursor( lpCursorName : PChar) : HCURSOR
12713: Func ovCompStruct( const S1, S2, Size :Card) : Int
12714: Func DefaultEpoch : Int
12715: Func DrawButtonFrame(Canvas:TCanvas;const Client:TRect;IsDown,IsFlat:Bool;Style:TButtonStyle):TRect;
12716: Proc FixRealPrim( P : PChar; DC : Char)
12717: Func GetDisplayString(Canvas: TCanvas; const S:Str; MinChars, MaxWidth : Int) :Str
12718: Func GetLeftButton : Byte
12719: Func GetNextDlgItem( Ctrl : TOvcHWnd) : hWnd
12720: Proc GetRGB( Clr : TColor; var IR, IG, IB : Byte)
12721: Func GetShiftFlags : Byte
12722: Func ovCreateRotatedFont( F : TFont; Angle : Int) : hFont
12723: Func GetTopTextMargin(Font:TFont;BorderStyle:TBorderStyle; Height:Int;Ctl3D:Boolean): Int
12724: Func ovExtractWord( N : Int; const S :Str; WordDelims : TCharSet) :Str
12725: Func ovIsForegroundTask :Bool
12726: Func ovTrimLeft( const S :Str) :Str
12727: Func ovTrimRight( const S :Str) :Str
12728: Func ovQuotedStr( const S :Str) :Str
12729: Func ovWordCount( const S :Str; const WordDelims : TCharSet) : Int
12730: Func ovWordPosition(const N:Int;const S:Str;const WordDelims : TCharSet) : Int
12731: Func PtrDiff( const P1, P2 : PChar) : Word
12732: Proc PtrInc( var P, Delta : Word)
12733: Proc PtrDec( var P, Delta : Word)
12734: Proc FixTextBuffer( InBuf, OutBuf : PChar; OutSize : Int)
12735: Proc TransStretchBlt(DstDC:TOvcHdc;DstX,DstY,DstW,DstH:Int;SrcDC:TOvcHdc;SrcX,SrcY,SrcW,
12736: Func ovMinI( X, Y : Int) : Int

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12737: Func ovMaxI( X, Y : Int) : Int

12738: Func ovMinL( X, Y : LongInt) : LongInt
12739: Func ovMaxL( X, Y : LongInt) : LongInt
12740: Func GenerateComponentName( PF : TWinControl; const Root :Str) :Str
12741: Func PartialCompare( const S1, S2 :Str) :Bool
12742: Func PathEllipsis( const S :Str; MaxWidth : Int) :Str
12743: Func ovCreateDisabledBitmap( FOriginal : TBitmap; OutlineColor : TColor) : TBitmap
12744: Proc ovCopyParentImage( Control : TControl; Dest : TCanvas)
12745: Proc ovDrawTransparentBitmap(Dest:TCanvas;X,Y,W,H:Int;Rect:TRect;Bitmap:TBitmap; TransparentColor:TColor)
12746: Proc DrawTransparentBitmapPrim(DC:TOvcHdc;Bitmap:HBitmap;xStart,yStart,Width,
Height:Int;Rect:TRect;TransparentColor : TColorRef)
12747: Func ovWidthOf( const R : TRect) : Int
12748: Func ovHeightOf( const R : TRect) : Int
12749: Proc ovDebugOutput( const S :Str)
12750: Func GetArrowWidth( Width, Height : Int) : Int
12751: Proc StripCharSeq( CharSeq :Str; var Str :Str)
12752: Proc StripCharFromEnd( aChr : Char; var Str :Str)
12753: Proc StripCharFromFront( aChr : Char; var Str :Str)
12754: Func SystemParametersInfo(uiAction,uiParam: UINT; pvParam : UINT; fWinIni : UINT) : BOOL
12755: Func SystemParametersInfoNCM(uiAction,uiParam:UINT;pvParam:TNonClientMetrics;fWinIni:UINT):BOOL;
12756: Func SystemParametersInfoA(uiAction,uiParam: UINT; pvParam: UINT; fWinIni : UINT) : BOOL
12757: Func CreateEllipticRgn( p1, p2, p3, p4 : Int) : HRGN
12758: Func CreateEllipticRgnIndirect( const p1 : TRect) : HRGN
12759: Func CreateFontIndirect( const p1 : TLogFont) : HFONT
12760: Func CreateMetaFile( p1 : PChar) : HDC
12761: Func DescribePixelFormat(DC: HDC;p2:Int;p3:UINT;var p4:TPixelFormatDescriptor): BOOL
12762: Func DrawText(hDC:HDC;lpString:PChar;nCount:Int;var lpRect: TRect;uFormat:UINT):Int
12763: Func DrawTextS(hDC:HDC;lpString:str;nCount:Int;var lpRect:TRect;uFormat:UINT):Int
12764: Func SetMapperFlags( DC : HDC; Flag : DWORD) : DWORD
12765: Func SetGraphicsMode( hdc : HDC; iMode : Int) : Int
12766: Func SetMapMode( DC : HDC; p2 : Int) : Int
12767: Func SetMetaFileBitsEx( Size : UINT; const Data : PChar) : HMETAFILE
12768: //Func SetPaletteEntries(Palette:HPALETTE;StartIndex,NumEntries:UINT;var PaletteEntries):UINT
12769: Func SetPixel( DC : HDC; X, Y : Int; Color : COLORREF) : COLORREF
12770: Func SetPixelV( DC : HDC; X, Y : Int; Color : COLORREF) : BOOL
12771: //Func SetPixelFormat(DC:HDC;PixelFormat:Int;FormatDef:PPixelFormatDescriptor) : BOOL
12772: Func SetPolyFillMode( DC : HDC; PolyFillMode : Int) : Int
12773: Func StretchBlt(DestDC:HDC;X,Y,Width,Height:Int;SrcDC:HDC;XSrc,YSrc,SrcWidth,SrcHeight:Int;Rop:DWORD):BOOL
12774: Func SetRectRgn( Rgn : HRgn; X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Int) : BOOL
12775: Func StretchDIBits(DC:HDC;DestX,DestY,DestWidth,DestHeight,SrcX,SrcY,SrcWidth,SrcHeight:Int;Bits:int;var
12776: Func SetROP2( DC : HDC; p2 : Int) : Int
12777: Func SetStretchBltMode( DC : HDC; StretchMode : Int) : Int
12778: Func SetSystemPaletteUse( DC : HDC; p2 : UINT) : UINT
12779: Func SetTextCharacterExtra( DC : HDC; CharExtra : Int) : Int
12780: Func SetTextColor( DC : HDC; Color : COLORREF) : COLORREF
12781: Func SetTextAlign( DC : HDC; Flags : UINT) : UINT
12782: Func SetTextJustification( DC : HDC; BreakExtra, BreakCount : Int) : Int
12783: Func UpdateColors( DC : HDC) : BOOL
12784: Func GetViewportExtEx( DC : HDC; var Size : TSize) : BOOL
12785: Func GetViewportOrgEx( DC : HDC; var Point : TPoint) : BOOL
12786: Func GetWindowExtEx( DC : HDC; var Size : TSize) : BOOL
12787: Func GetWindowOrgEx( DC : HDC; var Point : TPoint) : BOOL
12788: Func IntersectClipRect( DC : HDC; X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Int) : Int
12789: Func InvertRgn( DC : HDC; p2 : HRGN) : BOOL
12790: Func MaskBlt(DestDC:HDC;XDest,YDest,Width,Height:Int;SrcDC:HDC;XScr,YScr:Int; Mask:HBITMAP;xMask,
yMask:Int;Rop: DWORD): BOOL
12791: Func PlgBlt(DestDC:HDC;const PtsArray,SrcDC:HDC;XSrc,YSrc,Widt,Heigh:Int;Mask:HBITMAP;xMask,
12792: Func OffsetClipRgn( DC : HDC; XOffset, YOffset : Int) : Int
12793: Func OffsetRgn( RGN : HRGN; XOffset, YOffset : Int) : Int
12794: Func PatBlt( DC : HDC; X, Y, Width, Height : Int; Rop : DWORD) : BOOL
12795: Func Pie( DC : HDC; X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4 : Int) : BOOL
12796: Func PlayMetaFile( DC : HDC; MF : HMETAFILE) : BOOL
12797: Func PaintRgn( DC : HDC; RGN : HRGN) : BOOL
12798: Func PtInRegion( RGN : HRGN; X, Y : Int) : BOOL
12799: Func PtVisible( DC : HDC; X, Y : Int) : BOOL
12800: Func RectInRegion( RGN : HRGN; const Rect : TRect) : BOOL
12801: Func RectVisible( DC : HDC; const Rect : TRect) : BOOL
12802: Func Rectangle( DC : HDC; X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Int) : BOOL
12803: Func RestoreDC( DC : HDC; SavedDC : Int) : BOOL
12804: end;
12806: Proc SIRegister_ovcfiler(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12807: begin
12808: SIRegister_TOvcAbstractStore(CL);
12809: //PExPropInfo', '^TExPropInfo // will not work
12810: // TExPropInfo', 'record PI : TPropInfo; AObject : TObject; end
12811: SIRegister_TOvcPropertyList(CL);
12812: SIRegister_TOvcDataFiler(CL);
12813: Proc UpdateStoredList(AForm: TWinControl; AStoredList : TStrings; FromForm :Bool)
12814: Proc UpdateStoredList1( AForm : TCustomForm; AStoredList: TStrings;FromForm:Bool)
12815: Func CreateStoredItem( const CompName, PropName :Str) :Str
12816: Func ParseStoredItem( const Item :Str; var CompName, PropName :Str) :Bool
12817: //Func GetPropType( PropInfo : PExPropInfo) : PTypeInfo
12818: end;
12820: Proc SIRegister_ovccoco(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12821: begin

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12822: 'ovsetsize','LongInt'( 16);

12823: 'etSyntax','LongInt'( 0);
12824: 'etSymantic','LongInt'( 1);
12825: 'chCR',Char #13);
12826: 'chLF',Char #10);
12827: 'chLineSeparator', chCR);
12828: SIRegister_TCocoError(CL);
12829: SIRegister_TCommentItem(CL);
12830: SIRegister_TCommentList(CL);
12831: SIRegister_TSymbolPosition(CL);
12832: TGenListType', '( glNever, glAlways, glOnError )
12833: TovBitSet', 'set of Int
12834: //PStartTable', '^TStartTable // will not work
12835: TovCharSet', 'set of AnsiChar
12836: TAfterGenListEvent','Proc ( Sender : TObject; var PrintErrorCount :Bool)
12837: TCommentEvent','Proc ( Sender : TObject; CommentList : TCommentList)
12838: TCustomErrorEvent','Function(Sender:TObject;const ErrorCode:longint;const Data:str):str
12839: TovErrorEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Error : TCocoError)
12840: TovErrorProc','Proc (ErrorCode:Int;Symbol:TSymbolPosition;const Data:str;ErrorType:Int)
12841: TFailureEvent','Proc (Sender : TObject; NumErrors : Int)
12842: TGetCH', 'Func (pos : longint) : char
12843: TStatusUpdateProc', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Status:Str; LineNum:Int)
12844: SIRegister_TCocoRScanner(CL);
12845: SIRegister_TCocoRGrammar(CL);
12846: '_EF','Char #0);
12847: '_TAB','Char').SetString( #09);
12848: '_CR','Char').SetString( #13);
12849: '_LF','Char').SetString( #10);
12850: '_EL','').SetString( _CR);
12851: '_EOF','Char').SetString( #26);
12852: 'LineEnds','TCharSet'(ord(_CR) or ord(_LF) or ord(_EF));
12853: 'minErrDist','LongInt'( 2);
12854: Func ovPadL(S:Str; ch : char; L : Int) :Str
12855: end;
12857: TFormatSettings = record
12858: CurrencyFormat: Byte;
12859: NegCurrFormat: Byte;
12860: ThousandSeparator: Char;
12861: DecimalSeparator: Char;
12862: CurrencyDecimals: Byte;
12863: DateSeparator: Char;
12864: TimeSeparator: Char;
12865: ListSeparator: Char;
12866: CurrencyString:Str;
12867: ShortDateFormat:Str;
12868: LongDateFormat:Str;
12869: TimeAMString:Str;
12870: TimePMString:Str;
12871: ShortTimeFormat:Str;
12872: LongTimeFormat:Str;
12873: ShortMonthNames: array[1..12] of string;
12874: LongMonthNames: array[1..12] of string;
12875: ShortDayNames: array[1..7] of string;
12876: LongDayNames: array[1..7] of string;
12877: TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow: Word;
12878: end;
12880: Proc SIRegister_OvcFormatSettings(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12881: begin
12882: Func ovFormatSettings : TFormatSettings
12883: end;
12885: Proc SIRegister_ovcstr(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12886: begin
12887: TOvcCharSet', 'set of Char
12888: ovBTable', 'array[0..255] of Byte
12889: //BTable = array[0..{$IFDEF UNICODE}{$IFDEF
12890: Func BinaryBPChar( Dest : PChar; B : Byte) : PChar
12891: Func BinaryLPChar( Dest : PChar; L : LongInt) : PChar
12892: Func BinaryWPChar( Dest : PChar; W : Word) : PChar
12893: Proc BMMakeTable( MatchString : PChar; var BT : ovBTable)
12894: Func BMSearch(var Buffer,BufLength:Card;var BT:ovBTable;MatchString:PChar;var Pos:Card):Bool;
12895: Func BMSearchUC(var Buffer,BufLength:Card;var BT:ovBTable;MatchString:PChar;var Pos:Card):Bool
12896: Func CharStrPChar( Dest : PChar; C : Char; Len :Card) : PChar
12897: Func DetabPChar( Dest : PChar; Src : PChar; TabSize : Byte) : PChar
12898: Func HexBPChar( Dest : PChar; B : Byte) : PChar
12899: Func HexLPChar( Dest : PChar; L : LongInt) : PChar
12900: Func HexPtrPChar( Dest : PChar; P : TObject) : PChar
12901: Func HexWPChar( Dest : PChar; W : Word) : PChar
12902: Func LoCaseChar( C : Char) : Char
12903: Func OctalLPChar( Dest : PChar; L : LongInt) : PChar
12904: Func StrChDeletePrim( P : PChar; Pos :Card) : PChar
12905: Func StrChInsertPrim( Dest : PChar; C : Char; Pos:Card) : PChar
12906: Func StrChPos( P : PChar; C : Char; var Pos :Card) :Bool
12907: Proc StrInsertChars( Dest : PChar; Ch : Char; Pos, Count : Word)
12908: Func StrStCopy( Dest, S : PChar; Pos, Count :Card) : PChar
12909: Func StrStDeletePrim( P : PChar; Pos, Count :Card) : PChar

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12910: Func StrStInsert( Dest, S1, S2 : PChar; Pos :Card) : PChar

12911: Func StrStInsertPrim( Dest, S : PChar; Pos :Card) : PChar
12912: Func StrStPos( P, S : PChar; var Pos :Card) :Bool
12913: Func StrToLongPChar( S : PChar; var I : LongInt) :Bool
12914: Proc TrimAllSpacesPChar( P : PChar)
12915: Func TrimEmbeddedZeros( const S :Str) :Str
12916: Proc TrimEmbeddedZerosPChar( P : PChar)
12917: Func TrimTrailPrimPChar( S : PChar) : PChar
12918: Func TrimTrailPChar( Dest, S : PChar) : PChar
12919: Func TrimTrailingZeros( const S :Str) :Str
12920: Proc TrimTrailingZerosPChar( P : PChar)
12921: Func UpCaseChar( C : Char) : Char
12922: Func ovcCharInSet( C : Char; const CharSet : TOvcCharSet) :Bool
12923: Func ovc32StringIsCurrentCodePage( const S : WideString) :Bool;
12924: //Func ovc32StringIsCurrentCodePage1( const S:PWideChar; CP :Card) :Bool;
12925: end;
12927: Proc SIRegister_AfUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
12928: begin
12929: //PRaiseFrame', '^TRaiseFrame // will not work
12930: TRaiseFrame', 'record NextRaise : PRaiseFrame; ExceptAddr : ___Poin'
12931: +ter; ExceptObject : TObject; ExceptionRecord : PExceptionRecord; end
12932: Proc SafeCloseHandle( var Handle : THandle)
12933: Proc ExchangeInt( X1, X2 : Int)
12934: Proc FillInt( const Buffer, Size, Value : Int)
12935: Func LongMulDiv( Mult1, Mult2, Div1 : Longint) : Longint
12936: Func afCompareMem( P1, P2 : TObject; Length : Int) :Bool
12939: Func AbortSystemShutdown; external advapi32 name 'AbortSystemShutdownW';
12940: Func AbortSystemShutdown(lpMachineName: PKOLChar): BOOL; stdcall;
12941: Func AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm(SubsystemName: PKOLChar;
12942: HandleId: Pointer; ObjectTypeName, ObjectName: PKOLChar;
12943: SecurityDescriptor: PSecurityDescriptor; DesiredAccess: DWORD;
12944: const GenericMapping: TGenericMapping; ObjectCreation: BOOL;
12945: var GrantedAccess: DWORD; var AccessStatus, pfGenerateOnClose: BOOL): BOOL; stdcall;
12946: Func AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm(SubsystemName: PKOLChar;
12947: HandleId: Pointer; ObjectTypeName, ObjectName: PKOLChar;
12948: SecurityDescriptor: PSecurityDescriptor; PrincipalSelfSid: PSID; DesiredAccess: DWORD;
12949: AuditType: AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE; Flags: DWORD; ObjectTypeList: PObjectTypeList;
12950: ObjectTypeListLength:DWORD;const GenericMapping: TGenericMapping; ObjectCreation: BOOL;
12951: var GrantedAccess: DWORD; var AccessStatus, pfGenerateOnClose: BOOL): BOOL; stdcall;
12952: Func AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm(SubsystemName: PKOLChar;
12953: HandleId: Pointer; ObjectTypeName, ObjectName: PKOLChar;
12954: SecurityDescriptor: PSecurityDescriptor; PrincipalSelfSid: PSID; DesiredAccess: DWORD;
12955: AuditType: AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE; Flags: DWORD; ObjectTypeList: PObjectTypeList;
12956: ObjectTypeListLength: DWORD;const GenericMapping:TGenericMapping; ObjectCreation: BOOL;
12957: var GrantedAccess:DWORD;var AccessStatusList:DWORD;var pfGenerateOnClose:BOOL):BOOL; stdcall;
12958: Func BackupEventLog(hEventLog:THandle; lpBackupFileName: PKOLChar):BOOL; stdcall;
12959: Func ClearEventLog(hEventLog: THandle; lpBackupFileName: PKOLChar): BOOL; stdcall;
12960: Func CreateProcessAsUser(hToken: THandle; lpApplicationName: PKOLChar;
12961: lpCommandLine: PKOLChar; lpProcessAttributes: PSecurityAttributes;
12962: lpThreadAttributes: PSecurityAttributes; bInheritHandles: BOOL;
12963: dwCreationFlags: DWORD; lpEnvironment: Pointer; lpCurrentDirectory: PKOLChar;
12964: const lpStartupInfo:TStartupInfo;var lpProcessInformation: TProcessInformation):BOOL; stdcall;
12965: Func GetCurrentHwProfile(var lpHwProfileInfo: THWProfileInfo): BOOL; stdcall;
12966: Func GetFileSecurity(lpFileName: PKOLChar; RequestedInformation: SECURITY_INFORMATION;
12967: pSecurityDescriptor:PSecurityDescriptor;nLength:DWORD;var lpnLengthNeeded:DWORD):BOOL; stdcall;
12968: Func GetUserName(lpBuffer: PKOLChar; var nSize: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;
12969: Func InitiateSystemShutdown(lpMachineName, lpMessage: PKOLChar;
12970: dwTimeout: DWORD; bForceAppsClosed, bRebootAfterShutdown: BOOL): BOOL; stdcall;
12971: Func LogonUser(lpszUsername, lpszDomain, lpszPassword: PKOLChar;
12972: dwLogonType, dwLogonProvider: DWORD; var phToken: THandle): BOOL; stdcall;
12973: Func LookupAccountName(lpSystemName, lpAccountName: PKOLChar;
12974: Sid: PSID; var cbSid: DWORD; ReferencedDomainName: PKOLChar;
12975: var cbReferencedDomainName: DWORD; var peUse: SID_NAME_USE): BOOL; stdcall;
12976: Func LookupAccountSid(lpSystemName: PKOLChar; Sid: PSID;
12977: Name: PKOLChar; var cbName: DWORD; ReferencedDomainName: PKOLChar;
12978: var cbReferencedDomainName: DWORD; var peUse: SID_NAME_USE): BOOL; stdcall;
12979: Func LookupPrivilegeDisplayName(lpSystemName, lpName: PKOLChar;
12980: lpDisplayName: PKOLChar; var cbDisplayName, lpLanguageId: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;
12981: Func LookupPrivilegeName(lpSystemName: PKOLChar;
12982: var lpLuid: TLargeInt; lpName: PKOLChar; var cbName: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;
12983: Func LookupPrivilegeValue(lpSystemName, lpName: PKOLChar;
12984: var lpLuid: TLargeInt): BOOL; stdcall;
12985: Func ObjectCloseAuditAlarm(SubsystemName: PKOLChar;
12986: HandleId: Pointer; GenerateOnClose: BOOL): BOOL; stdcall;
12987: Func ObjectDeleteAuditAlarm(SubsystemName: PKOLChar;
12988: HandleId: Pointer; GenerateOnClose: BOOL): BOOL; stdcall;
12989: Func ObjectOpenAuditAlarm(SubsystemName: PKOLChar; HandleId: Pointer;
12990: ObjectTypeName:PKOLChar; ObjectName: PKOLChar; pSecurityDescriptor: PSecurityDescriptor;
12991: ClientToken: THandle; DesiredAccess, GrantedAccess: DWORD;
12992: var Privileges: TPrivilegeSet; ObjectCreation, AccessGranted: BOOL;
12993: var GenerateOnClose: BOOL): BOOL; stdcall;
12994: Func ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm(SubsystemName: PKOLChar;
12995: HandleId: Pointer; ClientToken: THandle; DesiredAccess: DWORD;
12996: var Privileges: TPrivilegeSet; AccessGranted: BOOL): BOOL; stdcall;
12997: Func OpenBackupEventLog(lpUNCServerName, lpFileName: PKOLChar): THandle; stdcall;
12998: Func OpenEventLog(lpUNCServerName, lpSourceName: PKOLChar): THandle; stdcall;

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12999: Func PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm(SubsystemName, ServiceName: PKOLChar;

13000: ClientToken: THandle;var Privileges: TPrivilegeSet; AccessGranted: BOOL): BOOL; stdcall;
13001: Func ReadEventLog(hEventLog: THandle; dwReadFlags, dwRecordOffset: DWORD;
13002: lpBuffer: Pointer; nNumberOfBytesToRead: DWORD;
13003: var pnBytesRead, pnMinNumberOfBytesNeeded: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;
13004: Func RegConnectRegistry(lpMachineName: PKOLChar; hKey: HKEY;
13005: var phkResult: HKEY): Longint; stdcall;
13006: Func RegCreateKey(hKey: HKEY; lpSubKey: PKOLChar;
13007: var phkResult: HKEY): Longint; stdcall;
13008: Func RegCreateKeyEx(hKey: HKEY; lpSubKey: PKOLChar;
13009: Reserved: DWORD; lpClass: PKOLChar; dwOptions: DWORD; samDesired: REGSAM;
13010: lpSecurityAttributes: PSecurityAttributes; var phkResult: HKEY;
13011: lpdwDisposition: PDWORD): Longint; stdcall;
13012: Func RegDeleteKey(hKey: HKEY; lpSubKey: PKOLChar): Longint; stdcall;
13013: Func RegDeleteValue(hKey: HKEY; lpValueName: PKOLChar): Longint; stdcall;
13014: Func RegEnumKeyEx(hKey: HKEY; dwIndex: DWORD; lpName: PKOLChar;
13015: var lpcbName: DWORD; lpReserved: Pointer; lpClass: PKOLChar;
13016: lpcbClass: PDWORD; lpftLastWriteTime: PFileTime): Longint; stdcall;
13017: Func RegEnumKey(hKey:HKEY;dwIndex:DWORD;lpName:PKOLChar;cbName:DWORD):Longint;stdcall;
13018: Func RegEnumValue(hKey: HKEY; dwIndex: DWORD; lpValueName: PKOLChar;
13019: var lpcbValueName: DWORD; lpReserved: Pointer; lpType: PDWORD;
13020: lpData: PByte; lpcbData: PDWORD): Longint; stdcall;
13021: Func RegLoadKey(hKey: HKEY; lpSubKey, lpFile: PKOLChar): Longint; stdcall;
13022: Func RegOpenKey(hKey: HKEY; lpSubKey: PKOLChar;var phkResult: HKEY):Longint; stdcall;
13023: Func RegOpenKeyEx(hKey: HKEY; lpSubKey: PKOLChar;
13024: ulOptions: DWORD; samDesired: REGSAM; var phkResult: HKEY): Longint; stdcall;
13025: Func RegQueryInfoKey(hKey: HKEY; lpClass: PKOLChar;
13026: lpcbClass: PDWORD; lpReserved: Pointer;
13027: lpcSubKeys, lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, lpcbMaxClassLen, lpcValues,
13028: lpcbMaxValueNameLen, lpcbMaxValueLen, lpcbSecurityDescriptor: PDWORD;
13029: lpftLastWriteTime: PFileTime): Longint; stdcall;
13030: Func RegQueryMultipleValues(hKey: HKEY; var ValList;
13031: NumVals: DWORD; lpValueBuf: PKOLChar; var ldwTotsize: DWORD): Longint; stdcall;
13032: Func RegQueryValue(hKey: HKEY; lpSubKey: PKOLChar;
13033: lpValue: PKOLChar; var lpcbValue: Longint): Longint; stdcall;
13034: Func RegQueryValueEx(hKey: HKEY; lpValueName: PKOLChar;
13035: lpReserved: Pointer; lpType: PDWORD; lpData: PByte; lpcbData: PDWORD): Longint; stdcall;
13036: Func RegReplaceKey(hKey: HKEY; lpSubKey: PKOLChar;
13037: lpNewFile: PKOLChar; lpOldFile: PKOLChar): Longint; stdcall;
13038: Func RegRestoreKey(hKey: HKEY; lpFile:PKOLChar; dwFlags: DWORD):Longint; stdcall;
13039: Func RegSaveKey(hKey: HKEY; lpFile: PKOLChar;
13040: lpSecurityAttributes: PSecurityAttributes): Longint; stdcall;
13041: Func RegSetValue(hKey: HKEY; lpSubKey: PKOLChar;
13042: dwType: DWORD; lpData: PKOLChar; cbData: DWORD): Longint; stdcall;
13043: Func RegSetValueEx(hKey: HKEY; lpValueName: PKOLChar;
13044: Reserved: DWORD; dwType: DWORD; lpData: Pointer; cbData: DWORD): Longint; stdcall;
13045: Func RegUnLoadKey(hKey: HKEY; lpSubKey: PKOLChar): Longint; stdcall;
13046: Func RegisterEventSource(lpUNCServerName, lpSourceName: PKOLChar): THandle; stdcall;
13047: Func ReportEvent(hEventLog: THandle; wType, wCategory: Word;
13048: dwEventID: DWORD; lpUserSid: Pointer; wNumStrings: Word;
13049: dwDataSize: DWORD; lpStrings, lpRawData: Pointer): BOOL; stdcall;
13050: Func SetFileSecurity(lpFileName: PKOLChar; SecurityInformation: SECURITY_INFORMATION;
13051: pSecurityDescriptor: PSecurityDescriptor): BOOL; stdcall;
13052: Func wAddAtom( lpString : PKOLChar) : ATOM
13053: Func wBeginUpdateResource( pFileName : PKOLChar; bDeleteExistingResources : BOOL): THandle
13054: //Func wCallNamedPipe( lpNamedPipeName : PKOLChar; lpInBuffer : Pointer; nInBufferSize : DWORD;
lpOutBuffer:Pointer;nOutBufferSize:DWORD;var lpBytesRead:DWORD;nTimeOut: DWORD) : BOOL
13055: //Func wCommConfigDialog( lpszName : PKOLChar; hWnd : HWND; var lpCC : TCommConfig): BOOL
13056: Func
13057: Func wCopyFile( lpExistingFileName, lpNewFileName : PKOLChar; bFailIfExists : BOOL):BOOL
13058: //Func wCopyFileEx(lpExistingFileName,
13059: Func wCreateDirectory(lpPathName:PKOLChar;lpSecurityAttributes:PSecurityAttributes):BOOL
13060: Func wCreateDirectoryEx(lpTemplateDirectory,lpNewDirectory:PKOLChar;lpSecAttrib:PSecurityAttribts):BOOL;
13061: Func wCreateEvent(lpEventAttribes:PSecurityAttrib;bManualReset,
13062: Func wCreateFile(lpFileName : PKOLChar; dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode : DWORD; lpSecurityAttributes :
PSecurityAttributes; dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes:DWORD;hTemplateFile:THandle):THandle
13063: Func wCreateFileMapping(hFile:THandle;lpFileMappingAttributes:PSecurityAttributes; flProtect,
13064: Func wCreateHardLink(lpFileName,lpExistingFileName:PKOLChar;lpSecurityAttributes:PSecurityAttributes):BOOL
13065: Func
13066: Func wCreateNamedPipe(lpName:PKOLChar;dwOpenMode,dwPipeMode,nMaxInstances,nOutBufferSize,nInBufferSize,
nDefaultTimeOut:DWORD;lpSecurityAttributes:PSecurityAttributes): THandle
13067: //Func CreateProcess( lpApplicationName : PKOLChar; lpCommandLine : PKOLChar; lpProcessAttributes,
lpThreadAttributes : PSecurityAttributes; bInheritHandles : BOOL; dwCreationFlags : DWORD; lpEnvironment :
Pointer;lpCurrentDirectory:PKOLChar;const lpStartupInfo:TStartupInfo;var
13068: Func wCreateSemaphore(lpSemaphoreAttributes:PSecurityAttributes;lInitialCount,
13069: Func
13070: Func wDefineDosDevice( dwFlags : DWORD; lpDeviceName, lpTargetPath : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13071: Func wDeleteFile( lpFileName : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13072: Func wEndUpdateResource( hUpdate : THandle; fDiscard : BOOL) : BOOL
13073: //Func

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13074: //Func wEnumDateFormats(lpDateFmtEnumProc:TFNDateFmtEnumProc;Locale:LCID;dwFlags:DWORD): BOOL

13075: //Func wEnumResourceNames(hModule:HMODULE;lpType:PKOLChar;lpEnumFunc:ENUMRESNAMEPROC;lParam:Longint):BOOL;
13076: //Func wEnumResourceTypes(hModule:HMODULE;lpEnumFunc:ENUMRESTYPEPROC;lParam:Longint):BOOL;
13077: //Func wEnumSystemCodePages(lpCodePageEnumProc:TFNCodepageEnumProc;dwFlags:DWORD): BOOL
13078: //Func wEnumSystemLocales(lpLocaleEnumProc:TFNLocaleEnumProc;dwFlags:DWORD): BOOL
13079: //Func wEnumTimeFormats(lpTimeFmtEnumProc:TFNTimeFmtEnumProc;Locale:LCID;dwFlags:DWORD):BOOL;
13080: Func wExpandEnvironmentStrings(lpSrc:PKOLChar;lpDst:PKOLChar;nSize:DWORD): DWORD
13081: Proc wFatalAppExit( uAction : UINT; lpMessageText : PKOLChar)
13082: //Func wFillConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsoleOutput:THandle;cCharacter:KOLChar;nLength:DWORD; dwWriteCoord:
TCoord;var lpNumberOfCharsWritten:DWORD):BOOL
13083: Func wFindAtom( lpString : PKOLChar) : ATOM
13084: Func wFindFirstChangeNotification(lpPathName:PKOLChar;bWatchSubtree:BOOL;dwNotifyFilter:DWORD):THandle;
13085: Func wFindFirstFile(lpFileName:PKOLChar;var lpFindFileData:TWIN32FindData): THandle
13086: //Func wFindFirstFileEx( lpFileName : PKOLChar; fInfoLevelId : TFindexInfoLevels; lpFindFileData :
Pointer; fSearchOp : TFindexSearchOps; lpSearchFilter : Pointer; dwAdditionalFlags : DWORD) : BOOL
13087: Func wFindNextFile(hFindFile:THandle;var lpFindFileData:TWIN32FindData):BOOL
13088: Func wFindResource( hModule : HMODULE; lpName, lpType : PKOLChar) : HRSRC
13089: Func wFindResourceEx(hModule:HMODULE;lpType,lpName:PKOLChar;wLanguage:Word): HRSRC
13090: Func wFoldString(dwMapFlags:DWORD;lpSrcStr:PKOLChar;cchSrc:Int;lpDestStr:PKOLChar;cchDest:Int):Int;
13091: //Func wFormatMessage(dwFlags:DWORD;lpSource:Pointer;dwMessageId:DWORD;dwLanguageId:DWORD;
13092: Func wFreeEnvironmentStrings( EnvBlock : PKOLChar): BOOL
13093: Func wGetAtomName( nAtom : ATOM; lpBuffer : PKOLChar; nSize : Int) : UINT
13094: Func wGetBinaryType(lpApplicationName:PKOLChar;var lpBinaryType:DWORD):BOOL
13095: Func wGetCommandLine: PKOLChar
13096: //Func wGetCompressedFileSize(lpFileName:PKOLChar;lpFileSizeHigh:PDWORD): DWORD
13097: Func wGetComputerName( lpBuffer : PKOLChar; var nSize : DWORD) : BOOL
13098: Func wGetConsoleTitle( lpConsoleTitle : PKOLChar; nSize : DWORD) : DWORD
13099: //Func wGetCurrencyFormat(Locale:LCID;dwFlags:DWORD;lpValue:PKOLChar;lpFormat :
13100: Func wGetCurrentDirectory( nBufferLength : DWORD; lpBuffer : PKOLChar) : DWORD
13101: //Func wGetDateFormat(Locale:LCID; dwFlags:DWORD;lpDate:PSystemTime;lpFormat: PKOLChar;
lpDateStr:PKOLChar; cchDate: Int):Int
13102: //Func wGetDefaultCommConfig(lpszName:PKOLChar;var lpCC:TCommConfig;var lpdwSize:DWORD):BOOL
13103: Func wGetDiskFreeSpace(lpRootPathName:PKOLChar;var lpSectorsPerCluster,lpBytesPerSector,
13104: //Func wGetDiskFreeSpaceEx(lpDirectoryName:PKOLChar;var lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller,lpTotalNumberOfBytes,
13105: Func wGetDriveType( lpRootPathName : PKOLChar) : UINT
13106: Func wGetEnvironmentStrings : PKOLChar
13107: Func wGetEnvironmentVariable(lpName:PKOLChar;lpBuffer:PKOLChar;nSize:DWORD): DWORD;
13108: Func wGetFileAttributes( lpFileName : PKOLChar) : DWORD
13109: //Func
13110: Func wGetFullPathName(lpFileName:PKOLChar;nBufferLeng:WORD;lpBuffer:PKOLChar;var
13111: //Func wGetLocaleInfo(Locale:LCID;LCType:LCTYPE;lpLCData:PKOLChar;cchData:Int):Int
13112: Func wGetLogicalDriveStrings(nBufferLength:DWORD;lpBuffer:PKOLChar):DWORD
13113: Func wGetModuleFileName(hModule:HINST;lpFilename:PKOLChar;nSize:DWORD):DWORD
13114: Func wGetModuleHandle( lpModuleName : PKOLChar) : HMODULE
13115: //Func wGetNamedPipeHandleState(hNamedPipe: THandle;lpState,lpCurInstances,lpMaxCollectionCount,
lpCollectDataTimeout:PDWORD;lpUserName:PKOLChar;nMaxUserNameSize:DWORD): BOOL
13116: //Func
13117: Func wGetPrivateProfileInt(lpAppName,lpKeyName:PKOLChar;nDefault:Int;lpFileName:PKOLChar):UINT;
13118: Func
13119: Func wGetPrivateProfileSectionNames(lpszReturnBuffer:PKOLChar;nSize:DWORD;lpFileName:PKOLChar):DWORD;
13120: Func wGetPrivateProfileString(lpAppName,lpKeyName,
13121: Func wGetProfileInt( lpAppName, lpKeyName : PKOLChar; nDefault : Int) : UINT
13122: Func wGetProfileSection(lpAppName:PKOLChar;lpReturnedString:PKOLChar;nSize:DWORD):DWORD
13123: Func wGetProfileString(lpAppName,lpKeyName,lpDefault:PKOLChar;lpReturnedStr:PKOLChar;nSize:DWORD):DWORD;
13124: Func wGetShortPathName(lpszLongPath:PKOLChar;lpszShortPath:PKOLChar;cchBuffer:DWORD):DWORD
13125: //Proc wGetStartupInfo( var lpStartupInfo : TStartupInfo)
13126: //Func wGetStringTypeEx(Locale:LCID;dwInfoType:DWORD;lpSrcStr:PKOLChar;cchSrc:Int;var lpCharType):BOOL
13127: Func wGetSystemDirectory( lpBuffer : PKOLChar; uSize : UINT) : UINT
13128: Func wGetTempFileName(lpPathName,lpPrefixString:PKOLChar;uUnique:UINT;lpTempFileName:PKOLChar):UINT
13129: Func wGetTempPath( nBufferLength : DWORD; lpBuffer : PKOLChar) : DWORD
13130: //Func
13131: //Func wGetVersionEx( var lpVersionInformation : TOSVersionInfo) : BOOL
13132: //Func GetVolumeInformation( lpRootPathName : PKOLChar; lpVolumeNameBuffer : PKOLChar; nVolumeNameSize :
DWORD; lpVolumeSerialNumber : PDWORD; var lpMaximumComponentLength,lpFileSystemFlags:DWORD;
lpFileSystemNameBuffer:PKOLChar;nFileSystemNameSize: DWORD) : BOOL
13133: Func wGetWindowsDirectory( lpBuffer : PKOLChar; uSize : UINT) : UINT
13134: Func wGlobalAddAtom( lpString : PKOLChar) : ATOM
13135: Func wGlobalFindAtom( lpString : PKOLChar) : ATOM
13136: Func wGlobalGetAtomName(nAtom:ATOM;lpBuffer:PKOLChar;nSize:Int):UINT
13137: Func wIsBadStringPtr( lpsz : PKOLChar; ucchMax : UINT) : BOOL
13138: Func
13139: Func wLoadLibrary( lpLibFileName : PKOLChar) : HMODULE
13140: Func wLoadLibraryEx(lpLibFileName:PKOLChar;hFile:THandle;dwFlags:DWORD): HMODULE
13141: Func wMoveFile( lpExistingFileName, lpNewFileName : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13142: Func wMoveFileEx(lpExistingFileName,lpNewFileName:PKOLChar;dwFlags:DWORD): BOOL
13143: //Func wMoveFileWithProgress(lpExistingFileName,lpNewFileName:PKOLChar;lpProgressRoutine:
TFNProgressRoutine;lpData:Pointer;dwFlags:DWORD): BOOL
13144: Func wOpenEvent( dwDesiredAccess : DWORD; bInheritHandle : BOOL;lpName:PKOLChar) : THandle

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13145: Func wOpenFileMapping(dwDesiredAccess:DWORD;bInheritHandle:BOOL;lpName: PKOLChar):THandle

13146: Func wOpenMutex(dwDesiredAccess:DWORD;bInheritHandle:BOOL;lpName:PKOLChar): THandle
13147: Func wOpenSemaphore( dwDesiredAccess:DWORD; bInheritHandle:BOOL;lpName:PKOLChar):THandle
13148: Func wOpenWaitableTimer(dwDesiredAccess:DWORD;bInheritHandle:BOOL;lpTimerName:PKOLChar):THandle
13149: Proc wOutputDebugString( lpOutputString : PKOLChar)
13150: //Func wPeekConsoleInput(hConsoleInput:THandle;varlpBuffer:TInputRecord;nLength:DWORD;var
13151: Func wQueryDosDevice(lpDeviceName:PKOLChar;lpTargetPath:PKOLChar;ucchMax:DWORD):DWORD
13152: //Func wQueryRecoveryAgents(p1:PKOLChar;var p2:Pointer;var p3:TRecoveryAgentInformation):DWORD
13153: //Func wReadConsole(hConsoleInput:THandle;lpBuffer:Pointer;nNumberOfCharsToRead:DWORD; var
lpNumberOfCharsRead:DWORD;lpReserved Pointer):BOOL
13154: //Func wReadConsoleInput(hConsInp:THandle;var lpBuf:TInpRec;nLength:DWORD;var
13155: //Func wReadConsoleOutput(hConsoleOutput:THandle;lpBuffer:Pointer;dwBufferSize,dwBufferCoord:TCoord;var
lpReadRegion:TSmallRect) : BOOL
13156: //Func wReadConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsoleOutput:THandle;lpCharacter:PKOLChar;nLength :
DWORD;dwReadCoord:TCoord;var lpNumberOfCharsRead:DWORD): BOOL
13157: Func wRemoveDirectory( lpPathName : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13158: //Func wScrollConsoleScreenBuffer( hConsoleOutput : THandle; const lpScrollRectangle : TSmallRect;
lpClipRectangle:PSmallRect;dwDestinationOrigin:TCoord;var lpFill:TCharInfo):BOOL
13159: Func wSearchPath(lpPath,lpFileName,lpExtension:PKOLChar;nBufferLength:DWORD;lpBuffer:PKOLChar;var
13160: Func wSetComputerName( lpComputerName: PKOLChar): BOOL
13161: Func wSetConsoleTitle( lpConsoleTitle: PKOLChar): BOOL
13162: Func wSetCurrentDirectory( lpPathName: PKOLChar): BOOL
13163: //Func wSetDefaultCommConfig(lpszName: PKOLChar; lpCC:PCommConfig; dwSize: DWORD) : BOOL
13164: Func wSetEnvironmentVariable( lpName, lpValue : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13165: Func wSetFileAttributes(lpFileName:PKOLChar;dwFileAttributes:DWORD): BOOL
13166: //Func wSetLocaleInfo(Locale:LCID;LCType LCTYPE;lpLCData:PKOLChar): BOOL
13167: Func wSetVolumeLabel(lpRootPathName:PKOLChar;lpVolumeName:PKOLChar): BOOL
13168: //Func wUpdateResource(hUpdate:THandle;lpType,lpName:PKOLChar;wLanguage:Word;lpData:Ptr;cbData:DWORD):BOOL
13169: Func wVerLanguageName(wLang:DWORD;szLang:PKOLChar;nSize:DWORD):DWORD
13170: Func wWaitNamedPipe( lpNamedPipeName : PKOLChar; nTimeOut : DWORD) : BOOL
13171: //Func wWriteConsole(hConsoleOutput:THandle;const lpBuffer:Pointer;nNumberOfCharsToWrite:DWORD;var
13172: //Func wWriteConsoleInput(hConsoleInput:THandle;const lpBuffer:TInputRecord;nLength:DWORD;var
13173: //Func wWriteConsoleOutput(hConsoleOutput:THandle;lpBuffer:Pointer;dwBufferSize,dwBufferCoord:TCoord;var
13174: //Func
13175: Func wWritePrivateProfileSection(lpAppName,lpString,lpFileName:PKOLChar):BOOL
13176: Func wWritePrivateProfileString(lpAppName,lpKeyName,lpString,lpFileName:PKOLChar):BOOL
13177: Func wWriteProfileSection( lpAppName, lpString : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13178: Func wWriteProfileString( lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13179: Func wlstrcat( lpString1, lpString2 : PKOLChar) : PKOLChar
13180: Func wlstrcmp( lpString1, lpString2 : PKOLChar) : Int
13181: Func wlstrcmpi( lpString1, lpString2 : PKOLChar) : Int
13182: Func wlstrcpy( lpString1, lpString2 : PKOLChar) : PKOLChar
13183: Func wlstrcpyn( lpString1, lpString2 : PKOLChar; iMaxLength : Int) : PKOLChar
13184: Func wlstrlen( lpString : PKOLChar) : Int
13185: //Func
13186: //Func wWNetAddConnection2(var lpNetResource:TNetResource;lpPassw,
13187: //Func wWNetAddConnection3(hwndOwner:HWND;var lpNetResource:TNetResource;lpPassword,
13188: Func wWNetAddConnection(lpRemoteName,lpPassword,lpLocalName:PKOLChar):DWORD
13189: Func wWNetCancelConnection2(lpName:PKOLChar;dwFlags:DWORD;fForce:BOOL):DWORD
13190: Func wWNetCancelConnection( lpName : PKOLChar; fForce : BOOL) : DWORD
13191: //Func wWNetConnectionDialog1(var lpConnDlgStruct:TConnectDlgStruct): DWORD
13192: //Func wWNetDisconnectDialog1( var lpConnDlgStruct : TDiscDlgStruct): DWORD
13193: //Func wWNetEnumResource(hEnum:THandle;var lpcCount:DWORD;lpBuffer:Ptr;var lpBufferSize:DWORD):DWORD;
13194: Func wWNetGetConnection(lpLocalName:PKOLChar;lpRemoteName:PKOLChar;var lpnLength:DWORD):DWORD;
13195: Func wWNetGetLastError(var lpError:DWORD;lpErrorBuf:PKOLChar;nErrorBufSize: DWORD;
13196: //Func wWNetGetNetworkInformation(lpProvider:PKOLChar;var lpNetInfoStruct:TNetInfoStruct):DWORD;
13197: Func wWNetGetProviderName(dwNetType:DWORD;lpProviderName:PKOLChar;var lpBufferSize:DWORD):DWORD;
13198: //Func wWNetGetResourceParent(lpNetResource:PNetResource;lpBuffer:Pointer;var cbBuffer:DWORD):DWORD;
13199: //Func wWNetGetUniversalName(lpLocalPath:PKOLChar;dwInfoLevel:DWORD;lpBuffer:Ptr;var
13200: Func wWNetGetUser(lpName:PKOLChar;lpUserName PKOLChar;var lpnLength:DWORD): DWORD
13201: //Func wWNetOpenEnum(dwScope,dwType,dwUsage:DWORD;lpNetResource:PNetRes;var lphEnum:THandle):DWORD;
13202: //Func wWNetSetConnection(lpName:PKOLChar;dwProperties:DWORD; pvValues : Pointer): DWORD
13203: //Func wWNetUseConnection(hwndOwner:HWND;var
lpNetResource:TNetResource;lpUserID:PKOLChar;lpPassword:PKOLChar; dwFlags:DWORD;lpAccessName:PKOLChar;var
lpBufferSize:DWORD;var lpResult:DWORD):DWORD
13204: Func wGetFileVersionInfo(lptstrFilenam:PKOLChar;dwHandle,dwLen:DWORD;lpData:Pointer):BOOL;
13205: Func wGetFileVersionInfoSize( lptstrFilename : PKOLChar; var lpdwHandle : DWORD) : DWORD
13206: Func wVerFindFile(uFlags:DWORD;szFileName,szWinDir,szAppDir,szCurDir:PKOLChar;var
lpuCurDirLen:UINT;szDestDir:PKOLChar;var lpuDestDirLen:UINT):DWORD
13207: Func wVerInstallFile(uFlags:DWORD;szSrcFileName,szDestFileName,szSrcDir,szDestDir,szCurDir,
szTmpFile:PKOLChar;var lpuTmpFileLen:UINT):DWORD
13208: //Func wVerQueryValue(pBlock:Pter;lpSubBlock:PKOLChar;varlplpBuffer:Ptr;varpuLen:UINT):BOOL;
13209: //Func wGetPrivateProfileStruct(lpszSection,
13210: //Func wWritePrivateProfileStruct(lpszSection,

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13211: Func wAddFontResource( FileName : PKOLChar) : Int

13212: //Func wAddFontResourceEx(p1:PKOLChar;p2 DWORD;p3:PDesignVector): Int
13213: Func wCopyEnhMetaFile( p1 : HENHMETAFILE; p2 : PKOLChar) : HENHMETAFILE
13214: Func wCopyMetaFile( p1 : HMETAFILE; p2 : PKOLChar) : HMETAFILE
13215: //Func wCreateColorSpace( var ColorSpace : TLogColorSpace) : HCOLORSPACE
13216: //Func wCreateDC(lpszDriver,lpszDevice,lpszOutput:PKOLChar; lpdvmInit: PDeviceMode) : HDC
13217: //Func wCreateEnhMetaFile(DC:HDC;FileName:PKOLChar;Rect:PRect;Desc: PKOLChar) : HDC
13218: Func wCreateFont( nHeight,nWidth,nEscapement,nOrientaion,fnWeight:Int;fdwItalic, fdwUnderline,
13219: Func wCreateFontIndirect( const p1 : TLogFont) : HFONT
13220: //Func wCreateFontIndirectEx( const p1 : PEnumLogFontExDV) : HFONT
13221: // Func wCreateIC(lpszDriver,lpszDevice, lpszOutput:PKOLChar; lpdvmInit:PDeviceMode): HDC
13222: Func wCreateMetaFile( p1 : PKOLChar) : HDC
13223: Func wCreateScalableFontResource( p1 : DWORD; p2, p3, p4 : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13224: //Func wDeviceCapabilities(pDriverNa,pDeviceNam,
13225: // Func wEnumFontFamilies(DC:HDC; p2: PKOLChar; p3 : TFNFontEnumProc; p4 : LPARAM) : BOOL
13226: //Func wEnumFontFamiliesEx(DC:HDC;var p2:TLogFont;p3:TFNFontEnumProc;p4:LPARAM;p5:DWORD):BOOL);
13227: //Func wEnumFonts(DC:HDC;lpszFace:PKOLChar;fntenmprc:TFNFontEnumProc;lpszData:PKOLChar):Int;
13228: //Func wEnumICMProfiles(DC:HDC; ICMProc:TFNICMEnumProc; p3 LPARAM) : Int
13229: //Func wExtTextOut(DC:HDC;X,Y:Int;Options:Longint;Rect:PRect;Str:PKOLChar;Count:Longint;Dx:PInt:BOOL
13230: //Func wGetCharABCWidths( DC : HDC; FirstChar, LastChar : UINT; const ABCStructs): BOOL
13231: //Func wGetCharABCWidthsFloat(DC:HDC; FirstChar,LastChar: UINT;const ABCFloatSturcts): BOOL
13232: //Func wGetCharWidth32(DC:HDC;FirstChar,LastChar:UINT; const Widths): BOOL
13233: //Func wGetCharWidth(DC:HDC;FirstChar,LastChar:UINT; const Widths): BOOL
13234: // Func wGetCharWidthFloat(DC:HDC;FirstChar,LastChar UINT;const Widths):BOOL
13235: // Func wGetCharacterPlacement(DC:HDC;p2:PKOLChar;p3,p4:BOOL;var p5:TGCPResults;p6:DWORD):DWORD
13236: Func wGetEnhMetaFile( p1 : PKOLChar) : HENHMETAFILE
13237: Func wGetEnhMetaFileDescription(p1 HENHMETAFILE;p2:UINT;p3:PKOLChar):UINT
13238: // Func wGetGlyphIndices(DC:HDC;p2:PKOLChar;p3:Int;p4:PWORD;p5:DWORD): DWORD
13239: //Func wGetGlyphOutline(DC:HDC;uChar,uFormat:UINT;const
lpgm:TGlyphMetrics;cbBuffer:DWORD;lpvBuffer:Pointer;const lpmat2:TMat2): DWORD
13240: Func wGetICMProfile( DC : HDC; var Size : DWORD; Name : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13241: // Func wGetLogColorSpace(p1:HCOLORSPACE;var ColorSpace:TLogColorSpace;Size:DWORD):BOOL
13242: Func wGetMetaFile( p1 : PKOLChar) : HMETAFILE
13243: // Func wGetObject( p1 : HGDIOBJ; p2 : Int; p3 : Pointer) : Int
13244: //Func wGetOutlineTextMetrics(DC:HDC;p2:UINT;OTMetricStructs:Pointer): UINT
13245: //Func wGetTextExtentExPoint(DC:HDC;p2:PKOLChar; p3,p4:Int;p5,p6:PInt;var p7:TSize):BOOL
13246: Func wGetTextExtentPoint32(DC:HDC;Str:PKOLChar;Count:Int;var Size:TSize):BOOL
13247: Func wGetTextExtentPoint(DC:HDC;Str:PKOLChar;Count:Int;var Size:TSize):BOOL
13248: Func wGetTextFace( DC : HDC; Count : Int; Buffer : PKOLChar) : Int
13249: //Func wGetTextMetrics( DC : HDC; var TM : TTextMetric) : BOOL
13250: Func wPolyTextOut( DC : HDC; const PolyTextArray, Strings : Int) : BOOL
13251: Func wRemoveFontResource( FileName : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13252: //Func wRemoveFontResourceEx(p1:PKOLChar;p2 DWORD;p3: PDesignVector): BOOL
13253: //Func wResetDC( DC : HDC; const InitData : TDeviceMode) : HDC
13254: Func wSetICMProfile( DC : HDC; Name : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13255: //Func wStartDoc( DC : HDC; const p2 : TDocInfo) : Int
13256: Func wTextOut( DC : HDC; X, Y : Int; Str : PKOLChar; Count : Int) : BOOL
13257: Func wUpdateICMRegKey( p1 : DWORD; p2, p3 : PKOLChar; p4 : UINT) : BOOL
13258: Func wwglUseFontBitmaps( DC : HDC; p2, p3, p4 : DWORD) : BOOL
13259: //Func wwglUseFontOutlines(p1:HDC;p2,p3,p4:DWORD;p5,p6:Single;p7:Int;p8:PGlyphMetricsFloat):BOOL
13260: Func wAppendMenu(hMenu:HMENU;uFlags,uIDNewItem:UINT;lpNewItem:PKOLChar):BOOL
13261: Func wCallMsgFilter( var lpMsg : TMsg; nCode : Int) : BOOL
13262: //Func wCallWindowProc(lpPrevWndFunc:TFNWndProc;hWnd:HWND;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):LRESULT
13263: //Func wChangeDisplaySettings(var lpDevMode:TDeviceMode; dwFlags : DWORD) : Longint
13264: // Func wChangeDisplaySettingsEx(lpszDeviceName:PKOLChar;var lpDevMode:
13265: Func wChangeMenu(hMenu:HMENU;cmd:UINT;lpszNewItem:PKOLChar;cmdInsert:UINT;flags:UINT):BOOL;
13266: Func wCharLower( lpsz : PKOLChar) : PKOLChar
13267: Func wCharLowerBuff( lpsz : PKOLChar; cchLength : DWORD) : DWORD
13268: Func wCharNext( lpsz : PKOLChar) : PKOLChar
13269: //Func wCharNextEx(CodePage:Word;lpCurrentChar:LPCSTR;dwFlags:DWORD): LPSTR
13270: Func wCharPrev( lpszStart : PKOLChar; lpszCurrent : PKOLChar) : PKOLChar
13271: // Func wCharPrevEx(CodePage:Word;lpStart,lpCurrentChar:LPCSTR; dwFlags:DWORD) : LPSTR
13272: Func wCharToOem(lpszSrc:PKOLChar; lpszDst : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13273: Func wCharToOemBuff(lpszSrc:PKOLChar;lpszDst:PKOLChar;cchDstLength:DWORD): BOOL
13274: Func wCharUpper( lpsz : PKOLChar) : PKOLChar
13275: Func wCharUpperBuff( lpsz : PKOLChar; cchLength : DWORD) : DWORD
13276: Func wCopyAcceleratorTable(hAccelSrc:HACCEL;var lpAccelDst,cAccelEntries:Int) :Int
13277: Func wCreateAcceleratorTable( var Accel, Count : Int) : HACCEL
13278: //Func wCreateDesktop(lpszDesktop,
13279: //Func wCreateDialogIndirectParam(hInstance:HINST;const lpTemplate:TDlgTemplate;hWndParent
13280: //Func
13281: Func wCreateMDIWindow(lpClassName,lpWindowName:PKOLChar;dwStyle:DWORD;X,Y,nWidth,
13282: //Func wCreateWindowEx(dwExStyle:DWORD;lpClassName:PKOLChar;lpWindowName:PKOLChar;dwStyle DWORD;X,Y,nWidth,
nHeight:Int WndParent:HWND;hMenu:HMENU;hInstance:HINST;lpParam:Pointer):HWND
13283: //Func wCreateWindowStation(lpwinsta:PKOLChar;dwReserv,
13284: Func wDefDlgProc(hDlg:HWND;Msg:UINT;wParam WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):LRESULT
13285: Func wDefFrameProc(hWnd,hWndMDIClient:HWND;uMsg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):LRESULT;
13286: Func wDefMDIChildProc(hWnd:HWND;uMsg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):LRESULT;
13287: Func wDefWindowProc(hWnd:HWND;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM): RESULT
13288: //Func wDialogBoxIndirectParam(hInstance:HINST;const

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13289: //Func
13290: Func wDispatchMessage(const lpMsg : TMsg) : Longint
13291: Func wDlgDirList(hDlg:HWND;lpPathSpec:PKOLChar;nIDListBox,nIDStaticPath:Int;uFileType:UINT):Int;
13292: Func wDlgDirListComboBox(hDlg:HWND;lpPathSpec:PKOLChar;nIDComboBox,nIDStaticPath:Int;uFiletype:UINT):Int;
13293: Func wDlgDirSelectComboBoxEx(hDlg:HWND;lpString:PKOLChar;nCount,nIDComboBox:Int): BOOL
13294: Func wDlgDirSelectEx(hDlg:HWND;lpString:PKOLChar;nCount,nIDListBox:Int):BOOL
13295: //FuncwDrawState(DC:HDC;Brush:HBRUSH;CBFunc:TFNDrawStateProc;lData:LPARA;wDat:WPARA;x,y,cx,
13296: Func wDrawText(hDC:HDC;lpString:PKOLChar;nCount:Int;var lpRect:TRect;uFormat:UINT):Int;
13297: Func wFindWindow( lpClassName, lpWindowName : PKOLChar) : HWND
13298: Func wFindWindowEx(Parent,Child:HWND;ClassName,WindowName:PKOLChar): HWND
13299: //Func wGetAltTabInfo(hwnd:HWND;iItem:Int;var
13300: // Func wGetClassInfo(hInstance:HINST;lpClassName:PKOLChar;var lpWndClass:TWndClass):BOOL
13301: //Func wGetClassInfoEx(Instance:HINST;Classname:PKOLChar;var WndClass:TWndClassEx):BOOL
13302: Func wGetClassLong( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int) : DWORD
13303: Func wGetClassName(hWnd:HWND; lpClassName:PKOLChar;nMaxCount:Int) : Int
13304: Func wGetClipboardFormatName(format:UINT;lpszFormatName:PKOLChar;cchMaxCount:Int):Int;
13305: Func wGetDlgItemText(hDlg:HWND;nIDDlgItem:Int;lpString:PKOLChar;nMaxCount:Int):UINT
13306: Func wGetKeyNameText(lParam:Longint;lpString:PKOLChar;nSize:Int):Int
13307: Func wGetKeyboardLayoutName( pwszKLID : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13308: //Func wGetMenuItemInfo( p1 : HMENU; p2 : UINT; p3 : BOOL; var p4 : TMenuItemInfo) : BOOL
13309: Func wGetMenuString(hMenu:HMENU;uIDItem:UINT;lpString:PKOLChar;nMaxCount:Int;uFlag:UINT):Int;
13310: Func wGetMessage(var lpMsg:TMsg;hWnd:HWND;wMsgFilterMin wMsgFilterMax:UINT):BOOL
13311: Func wGetProp( hWnd : HWND; lpString : PKOLChar) : THandle
13312: //Func wGetTabbedTextExtent(hDC:HDC;lpString:PKOLChar;nCount,nTabPositions:Int;var
13313: //Func wGetUserObjectInform(hObj:THandle;nIndex:Int;pvInfo:Ptr;nLength:DWORD;var lpnLengthNeed:DWORD)BOOL;
13314: Func wGetWindowLong( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int) : Longint
13315: Func wGetWindowModuleFileName(hwnd:HWND;pszFileName:PKOLChar;cchFileNameMax:UINT): UINT
13316: Func wGetWindowText( hWnd : HWND; lpString : PKOLChar; nMaxCount : Int) : Int
13317: Func wGetWindowTextLength( hWnd : HWND) : Int
13318: //Func wGrayString(hDC:HDC;hBrush:HBRUSH;lpOutFunc:TFNGrayStrProc;lpDat:LPARA;nCnt,X,Y,nWidt,
13319: Func wInsertMenu(hMenu:HMENU;uPosition,uFlags,uIDNewItem:UINT; lpNewItem: PKOLChar): BOOL
13320: //Func wInsertMenuItem(p1 : HMENU; p2 : UINT; p3 : BOOL; const p4 : TMenuItemInfo) : BOOL
13321: Func wIsCharAlpha( ch : KOLChar) : BOOL
13322: Func wIsCharAlphaNumeric( ch : KOLChar) : BOOL
13323: Func wIsCharLower( ch : KOLChar) : BOOL
13324: Func wIsCharUpper( ch : KOLChar) : BOOL
13325: Func wIsDialogMessage( hDlg : HWND; var lpMsg : TMsg) : BOOL
13326: Func wLoadAccelerators( hInstance : HINST; lpTableName : PKOLChar) : HACCEL
13327: Func wLoadBitmap( hInstance : HINST; lpBitmapName : PKOLChar) : HBITMAP
13328: Func wLoadCursor( hInstance : HINST; lpCursorName : PKOLChar) : HCURSOR
13329: Func wLoadCursorFromFile( lpFileName : PKOLChar) : HCURSOR
13330: Func wLoadIcon( hInstance : HINST; lpIconName : PKOLChar) : HICON
13331: Func wLoadImage(hInst:HINST;ImageName:PKOLChar;ImageType:UINT;X,Y:Int;Flags:UINT): THandle
13332: Func wLoadKeyboardLayout( pwszKLID : PKOLChar; Flags : UINT) : HKL
13333: Func wLoadMenu( hInstance : HINST; lpMenuName : PKOLChar) : HMENU
13334: //Func wLoadMenuIndirect( lpMenuTemplate : Pointer) : HMENU
13335: Func wLoadString(hInstance:HINST;uID:UINT;lpBuffer:PKOLChar;nBufferMax:Int):Int
13336: Func wMapVirtualKey( uCode, uMapType : UINT) : UINT
13337: Func wMapVirtualKeyEx( uCode, uMapType : UINT; dwhkl : HKL) : UINT
13338: Func wMessageBox( hWnd : HWND; lpText, lpCaption : PKOLChar; uType : UINT) : Int
13339: Func wMessageBoxEx(hWnd:HWND;lpText,lpCaption:PKOLChar;uType:UINT;wLanguageId:Word)Int
13340: //Func wMessageBoxIndirect( const MsgBoxParams : TMsgBoxParams) : BOOL
13341: Func wModifyMenu(hMnu: HMENU; uPosition,uFlags,uIDNewItem:UINT; lpNewItem:PKOLChar): BOOL
13342: //Func wOemToAnsi( const lpszSrc : LPCSTR; lpszDst : LPSTR) : BOOL
13343: //7Func wOemToAnsiBuff( lpszSrc : LPCSTR; lpszDst : LPSTR; cchDstLength : DWORD) : BOOL
13344: //Func wOemToChar( lpszSrc : PKOLChar; lpszDst : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13345: Func wOemToCharBuff( lpszSrc : PKOLChar; lpszDst : PKOLChar; cchDstLength : DWORD) : BOOL
13346: Func wOpenDesktop(lpszDesktop:PKOLChar;dwFlags:DWORD;fInherit:BOOL;dwDesiredAccess:DWORD): HDESK
13347: Func wOpenWindowStation(lpszWinSta:PKOLChar;fInherit:BOOL;dwDesiredAccess:DWORD):HWINSTA
13348: Func wPeekMessage(var lpMsg:TMsg;hWnd:HWND;wMsgFilterMin,wMsgFilterMax,wRemoveMsg:UINT):BOOL
13349: Func wPostMessage(hWnd:HWND;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):BOOL
13350: Func wPostThreadMessage(idThread:DWORD;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM): BOOL
13351: Func wRealGetWindowClass(hwnd:HWND;pszType PKOLChar;cchType:UINT):UINT
13352: // Func wRegisterClass( const lpWndClass : TWndClass) : ATOM
13353: // Func wRegisterClassEx( const WndClass : TWndClassEx): ATOM
13354: Func wRegisterClipboardFormat( lpszFormat : PKOLChar) : UINT
13355: //Func wRegisterDeviceNotification(hRecipient:THandle;NotificFilter:Pointer;Flags:DWORD):HDEVNOTIFY
13356: Func wRegisterWindowMessage( lpString : PKOLChar) : UINT
13357: Func wRemoveProp( hWnd : HWND; lpString : PKOLChar) : THandle
13358: Func wSendDlgItemMessage(hDlg:HWND;nIDDlgItem:Int;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):Longint;
13359: Func wSendMessage(hWnd:HWND;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM): LRESULT
13360: //Func wSendMessageCallback(hWnd: HWND; Msg:UINT;wParam:
WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM;lpResultCallBack:TFNSendAsyncProc;dwData DWORD):BOOL
13361: Func wSendMessageTimeout(hWnd:HWND;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM;fuFlags,uTimeout:UINT;var
13362: Func wSendNotifyMessage(hWnd:HWND;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):BOOL
13363: Func wSetClassLong( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int; dwNewLong : Longint) : DWORD
13364: Func wSetDlgItemText(hDlg: HWND;nIDDlgItem:Int;lpString : PKOLChar) : BOOL
13365: //Func wSetMenuItemInfo(p1:HMENU;p2:UINT;p3:BOOL;const p4:TMenuItemInfo):BOOL
13366: Func wSetProp( hWnd : HWND; lpString : PKOLChar; hData : THandle) : BOOL
13367: // Func wSetUserObjectInformation(hObj:THandle;nIndex:Int;pvInfo:Pointer;nLength:DWORD):BOOL
13368: Func wSetWindowLong( hWnd : HWND; nIndex : Int; dwNewLong : Longint) : Longint
13369: Func wSetWindowText( hWnd : HWND; lpString : PKOLChar) : BOOL

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13370: //Func wSetWindowsHook(nFilterType:Int; pfnFilterProc:TFNHookProc): HHOOK

13371: //Func wSetWindowsHookEx(idHook:Int;lpfn:TFNHookProc;hmod:HINST;dwThreadId:DWORD):HHOOK;
13372: // Func wSystemParametersInfo(uiAction,uiParam:UINT; pvParam:Pointer; fWinIni: UINT):BOOL
13373: Func wTabbedTextOut(hDC:HDC;X,Y:Int;lpString:PKOLChar;nCount,nTabPositions:Int;var lpnTabStopPositions,
13374: Func wTranslateAccelerator(hWnd:HWND;hAccTable:HACCEL;var lpMsg:TMsg): Int
13375: Func wUnregisterClass( lpClassName : PKOLChar; hInstance : HINST) : BOOL
13376: Func wVkKeyScan( ch : KOLChar) : SHORT
13377: Func wVkKeyScanEx( ch : KOLChar; dwhkl : HKL) : SHORT
13378: Func wWinHelp(hWndMain:HWND;lpszHelp:PKOLChar;uCommand:UINT;dwData:DWORD):BOOL
13379: Func wwsprintf( Output : PKOLChar; Format : PKOLChar) : Int
13380: Func wwvsprintf( Output : PKOLChar; Format: PKOLChar; arglist:va_list): Int
13382: //TestDrive!
13383: 'SID_REVISION','LongInt'(1);'FILENAME_ADVAPI32','String').SetString('ADVAPI32.DLL
13384: 'PROC_CONVERTSIDTOSTRINGSIDA','String').SetString( 'ConvertSidToStringSidA
13385: Func GetDomainUserSidS(const domainName:Str;const userName:Str;var foundDomain:Str):str;
13386: Func GetLocalUserSidStr( const UserName :Str) :Str
13387: Func getPid4user(const domain:str;const user:str;var pid:dword):boolean
13388: Func Impersonate2User( const domain :Str; const user :Str):Bool
13389: Func GetProcessUserBypid(pid:DWORD;var UserName,Domain:Ansistr):Bool
13390: Func KillProcessbyname( const exename :Str; var found : Int) : Int
13391: Func getWinProcessList : TStringList
13392: Func WaitTilClose(hWnd: Int): Int;
13393: Func DoUserMsgs:Bool;
13394: Func MsgFunc(hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam:Int):Int; stdcall;
13395: Proc ShowMsg(hParent:Int; const Mess, Title:Str); //modal but NOT blockable
13396: Proc DeleteMsgForm(Handle: Int);
13397: Proc DisableForms;
13398: Func FoundTopLevel(hWnd, LParam: Int): BOOL; StdCall;
13399: end;
13401: Proc SIRegister_AfSafeSync(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13402: begin
13403: 'AfMaxSyncSlots','LongInt'( 64);
13404: 'AfSynchronizeTimeout','LongInt'( 2000);
13405: TAfSyncSlotID', 'DWORD
13406: TAfSyncStatistics','record MessagesCount:Int;TimeoutMessages:Int;DisabledMessages:Int;end;
13407: TAfSafeSyncEvent', 'Proc ( ID : TAfSyncSlotID)
13408: TAfSafeDirectSyncEvent', 'Procedure
13409: Func AfNewSyncSlot( const AEvent : TAfSafeSyncEvent) : TAfSyncSlotID
13410: Func AfReleaseSyncSlot( const ID : TAfSyncSlotID) :Bool
13411: Func AfEnableSyncSlot( const ID : TAfSyncSlotID; Enable :Bool) :Bool
13412: Func AfValidateSyncSlot( const ID : TAfSyncSlotID) :Bool
13413: Func AfSyncEvent( const ID : TAfSyncSlotID; Timeout : DWORD) :Bool
13414: Func AfDirectSyncEvent(Event:TAfSafeDirectSyncEvent;Timeout:DWORD):Boolean
13415: Func AfIsSyncMethod :Bool
13416: Func AfSyncWnd : HWnd
13417: Func AfSyncStatistics : TAfSyncStatistics
13418: Proc AfClearSyncStatistics
13419: end;
13421: Proc SIRegister_AfComPortCore(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13422: begin
13423: 'fBinary','LongWord')( $00000001);
13424: 'fParity','LongWord'( $00000002);
13425: 'fOutxCtsFlow','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000004);
13426: 'fOutxDsrFlow','LongWord')( $00000008);
13427: 'fDtrControl','LongWord')( $00000030);
13428: 'fDtrControlDisable','LongWord')( $00000000);
13429: 'fDtrControlEnable','LongWord')( $00000010);
13430: 'fDtrControlHandshake','LongWord')( $00000020);
13431: 'fDsrSensitivity','LongWord')( $00000040);
13432: 'fTXContinueOnXoff','LongWord')( $00000080);
13433: 'fOutX','LongWord')( $00000100);
13434: 'fInX','LongWord')( $00000200);
13435: 'fErrorChar','LongWord')( $00000400);
13436: 'fNull','LongWord')( $00000800);
13437: 'fRtsControl','LongWord')( $00003000);
13438: 'fRtsControlDisable','LongWord')( $00000000);
13439: 'fRtsControlEnable','LongWord')( $00001000);
13440: 'fRtsControlHandshake','LongWord')( $00002000);
13441: 'fRtsControlToggle','LongWord')( $00003000);
13442: 'fAbortOnError','LongWord')( $00004000);
13443: 'fDummy2','LongWord')( $FFFF8000);
13444: TAfCoreEvent', '( ceOutFree, ceLineEvent, ceNeedReadData, ceException )
13445: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EAfComPortCoreError
13446: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TAfComPortCore
13447: TAfComPortCoreEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TAfComPortCore; Even'
13448: +'tKind : TAfCoreEvent; Data : DWORD)
13449: SIRegister_TAfComPortCoreThread(CL);
13450: SIRegister_TAfComPortEventThread(CL);
13451: SIRegister_TAfComPortWriteThread(CL);
13452: SIRegister_TAfComPortCore(CL);
13453: Func FormatDeviceName( PortNumber : Int) :Str
13454: end;
13456: Proc SIRegister_ApplicationFileIO(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13457: begin

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13458: TAFIOFileStreamEvent', 'Func ( const fileName :Str; mode: Word) : TStream

13459: TAFIOFileStreamExistsEvent', 'Func ( const fileName :Str) :Bool
13460: SIRegister_TApplicationFileIO(CL);
13461: TDataFileCapability', '( dfcRead, dfcWrite )
13462: TDataFileCapabilities', 'set of TDataFileCapability
13463: SIRegister_TDataFile(CL);
13464: //TDataFileClass', 'class of TDataFile
13465: Func ApplicationFileIODefined :Bool
13466: Func CreateFileStream(const fileName:str;mode:WordfmShareDenyNone):TStream
13467: Func FileStreamExists(const fileName:Str):Bool
13468: //Proc Register
13469: end;
13471: Proc SIRegister_ALFBXLib(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13472: begin
13473: TALFBXFieldType', '( uftUnKnown, uftNumeric, uftChar, uftVarchar'
13474: +', uftCstring, uftSmallint, uftInt, uftQuad, uftFloat, uftDoublePrecisi'
13475: +'on,uftTimestamp,uftBlob,uftBlobId,uftDate,uftTime,uftInt64,uftArray,uftNull)
13476: TALFBXScale', 'Int
13477: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EALFBXConvertError
13478: SIRegister_EALFBXError(CL);
13479: SIRegister_EALFBXException(CL);
13480: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EALFBXGFixError
13481: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EALFBXDSQLError
13482: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EALFBXDynError
13483: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EALFBXGBakError
13484: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EALFBXGSecError
13485: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EALFBXLicenseError
13486: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EALFBXGStatError
13487: //EALFBXExceptionClass', 'class of EALFBXError
13488: TALFBXCharacterSet', '( csNONE, csASCII, csBIG_5, csCYRL, csDOS4'
13489: +'37, csDOS850, csDOS852, csDOS857, csDOS860, csDOS861, csDOS863, csDOS865, '
13490: +'csEUCJ_0208, csGB_2312, csISO8859_1, csISO8859_2, csKSC_5601, csNEXT, csOC'
13491: +'TETS, csSJIS_0208, csUNICODE_FSS, csUTF8, csWIN1250, csWIN1251, csWIN1252,'
13492: +' csWIN1253, csWIN1254, csDOS737, csDOS775, csDOS858, csDOS862, csDOS864, c'
13493: +'sDOS866, csDOS869, csWIN1255, csWIN1256, csWIN1257, csISO8859_3, csISO8859'
13494: +'_4, csISO8859_5, csISO8859_6, csISO8859_7, csISO8859_8, csISO8859_9, csISO'
13495: +'8859_13, csKOI8R, csKOI8U, csWIN1258, csTIS620, csGBK, csCP943C )
13496: TALFBXTransParam', '( tpConsistency, tpConcurrency, tpShared, tp'
13497: +'Protected, tpExclusive, tpWait, tpNowait, tpRead, tpWrite, tpLockRead, tpL'
13498: +'ockWrite, tpVerbTime, tpCommitTime, tpIgnoreLimbo, tpReadCommitted, tpAuto'
13499: +'Commit,tpRecVersion,tpNoRecVersion,tpRestartRequests,tpNoAutoUndo, tpLockTimeout)
13500: TALFBXTransParams', 'set of TALFBXTransParam
13501: Func ALFBXStrToCharacterSet( const CharacterSet : Ansistr) : TALFBXCharacterSet
13502: Func ALFBXCreateDBParams( Params : Ansistr; Delimiter : Char) : Ansistr
13503: Func ALFBXCreateBlobParams( Params : Ansistr; Delimiter : Char) : Ansistr
13504: 'cALFBXMaxParamLength','LongInt'( 125);
13505: TALFBXParamsFlag', '( pfNotInitialized, pfNotNullable )
13506: TALFBXParamsFlags', 'set of TALFBXParamsFlag
13507: //PALFBXSQLVar', '^TALFBXSQLVar // will not work
13508: //PALFBXSQLDaData', '^TALFBXSQLDaData // will not work
13509: TALFBXStatementType', '( stSelect, stInsert, stUpdate, stDelete,'
13510: +' stDDL, stGetSegment, stPutSegment, stExecProcedure, stStartTrans, stCommi'
13511: +'t, stRollback, stSelectForUpdate, stSetGenerator, stSavePoint )
13512: SIRegister_TALFBXSQLDA(CL);
13513: //PALFBXPtrArray', '^TALFBXPtrArray // will not work
13514: SIRegister_TALFBXPoolStream(CL);
13515: //PALFBXBlobData', '^TALFBXBlobData // will not work
13516: TALFBXBlobData', 'record Size : Int; Buffer :Str; end
13517: //PALFBXArrayDesc', '^TALFBXArrayDesc // will not work
13518: //TALFBXArrayDesc', 'TISCArrayDesc
13519: //TALFBXBlobDesc', 'TISCBlobDesc
13520: //PALFBXArrayInfo', '^TALFBXArrayInfo // will not work
13521: //TALFBXArrayInfo', 'record index : Int; size:Int;info: TALFBXArrayDesc; end
13522: SIRegister_TALFBXSQLResult(CL);
13523: //TALFBXSQLResultClass', 'class of TALFBXSQLResult
13524: SIRegister_TALFBXSQLParams(CL);
13525: //TALFBXSQLParamsClass', 'class of TALFBXSQLParams
13526: TALFBXDSQLInfoData', 'record InfoCode : byte; InfoLen : Word; St'
13527: +'atementType : TALFBXStatementType; end
13528: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TALFBXLibrary
13529: //PALFBXStatusVector', '^TALFBXStatusVector // will not work
13530: TALFBXOnConnectionLost', 'Proc ( Lib : TALFBXLibrary)
13531: //TALFBXOnGetDBExceptionClass', 'Proc ( Number : Int; out'
13532: //+' Excep : EALFBXExceptionClass)
13533: SIRegister_TALFBXLibrary(CL);
13534: 'cAlFBXDateOffset','LongInt'( 15018);
13535: 'cALFBXTimeCoeff','LongInt'( 864000000);
13536: //Proc ALFBXDecodeTimeStamp( v : PISCTimeStamp; out DateTime : Double);
13537: //Proc ALFBXDecodeTimeStamp1( v : PISCTimeStamp; out TimeStamp : TTimeStamp);
13538: //Func ALFBXDecodeTimeStamp2( v : PISCTimeStamp) : Double;
13539: Proc ALFBXDecodeSQLDate( v : Int; out Year : SmallInt; out Month, Day : Word)
13540: Proc ALFBXDecodeSQLTime(v:Card;out Hour,Minute,Second:Word;out Fractions: LongWord)
13541: //Proc ALFBXEncodeTimeStamp( const DateTime : TDateTime; v : PISCTimeStamp);
13542: //Proc ALFBXEncodeTimeStamp1( const Date : Int; v : PISCTimeStamp);
13543: //Proc ALFBXEncodeTimeStamp2( const Time :Card; v : PISCTimeStamp);
13544: Func ALFBXEncodeSQLDate(Year : Int; Month, Day : Int) : Int
13545: Func ALFBXEncodeSQLTime(Hour,Minute,Second:Word;var Fractions:LongWord):Card
13546: TALFBXParamType', '( prNone, prByte, prShrt, prCard, prStrg, prIgno )

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13547: TALFBXDPBInfo', 'record Name : Ansistr; ParamType : TALFBXParamType; end

13548: Func ALFBXSQLQuote( const name : Ansistr) : Ansistr
13549: Func ALFBXSQLUnQuote( const name : Ansistr) : Ansistr
13550: end;
13552: Proc SIRegister_ALFBXClient(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13553: begin
13554: TALFBXClientSQLParam', 'record Value : Ansistr; IsNull :Bool; end
13555: TALFBXClientSQLParams', 'array of TALFBXClientSQLParam
13556: TALFBXClientSelectDataSQL', 'record SQL : Ansistr; Params : T'
13557: +ALFBXClientSQLParams; RowTag : Ansistr; ViewTag : Ansistr; Skip : in'
13558: +teger; First : Int; CacheThreshold : Int; end
13559: TALFBXClientSelectDataSQLs', 'array of TALFBXClientSelectDataSQL
13560: TALFBXClientUpdateDataSQL','record SQL : Ansistr; Params: TALFBXClientSQLParams; end
13561: TALFBXClientUpdateDataSQLs', 'array of TALFBXClientUpdateDataSQL
13562: TALFBXClientMonitoringIOStats','record
13563: SIRegister_TALFBXClient(CL);
13564: SIRegister_TALFBXConnectionStatementPoolBinTreeNode(CL);
13565: SIRegister_TALFBXConnectionStatementPoolBinTree(CL);
13566: SIRegister_TALFBXConnectionWithStmtPoolContainer(CL);
13567: SIRegister_TALFBXConnectionWithoutStmtPoolContainer(CL);
13568: SIRegister_TALFBXReadTransactionPoolContainer(CL);
13569: SIRegister_TALFBXReadStatementPoolContainer(CL);
13570: SIRegister_TALFBXStringKeyPoolBinTreeNode(CL);
13571: SIRegister_TALFBXConnectionPoolClient(CL);
13572: SIRegister_TALFBXEventThread(CL);
13573: Func AlMySqlClientSlashedStr( const Str : Ansistr) : Ansistr
13574: end;
13576: Proc SIRegister_ovcBidi(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13577: begin
13578: _OSVERSIONINFOA = record
13579: dwOSVersionInfoSize: DWORD;
13580: dwMajorVersion: DWORD;
13581: dwMinorVersion: DWORD;
13582: dwBuildNumber: DWORD;
13583: dwPlatformId: DWORD;
13584: szCSDVersion: array[0..127] of AnsiChar;{ Maintenance Ansistr for PSS usage}
13585: end;
13586: TOSVersionInfoA', '_OSVERSIONINFOA
13587: TOSVersionInfo', 'TOSVersionInfoA
13588: 'WS_EX_RIGHT','LongWord')( $00001000);
13589: 'WS_EX_LEFT','LongWord')( $00000000);
13590: 'WS_EX_RTLREADING','LongWord')( $00002000);
13591: 'WS_EX_LTRREADING','LongWord')( $00000000);
13592: 'WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR','LongWord')( $00004000);
13593: 'WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR','LongWord')( $00000000);
13594: Func SetProcessDefaultLayout( dwDefaultLayout : DWORD) : BOOL
13595: 'LAYOUT_RTL','LongWord')( $00000001);
13596: 'LAYOUT_BTT','LongWord')( $00000002);
13597: 'LAYOUT_VBH','LongWord')( $00000004);
13599: 'NOMIRRORBITMAP','LongWord')( DWORD ( $80000000 ));
13600: Func SetLayout( dc : HDC; dwLayout : DWORD) : DWORD
13601: Func GetLayout( dc : hdc) : DWORD
13602: Func IsBidi :Bool
13603: Func GetCurrentHwProfile( var lpHwProfileInfo : THWProfileInfo) : BOOL
13604: Func GetVersionEx( var lpVersionInformation : TOSVersionInfo) : BOOL
13605: Func SetPriorityClass( hProcess : THandle; dwPriorityClass: DWORD) : BOOL
13606: Func GetPriorityClass( hProcess : THandle) : DWORD
13607: Func OpenClipboard( hWndNewOwner : HWND) : BOOL
13608: Func CloseClipboard : BOOL
13609: Func GetClipboardSequenceNumber : DWORD
13610: Func GetClipboardOwner : HWND
13611: Func SetClipboardViewer( hWndNewViewer : HWND) : HWND
13612: Func GetClipboardViewer : HWND
13613: Func ChangeClipboardChain( hWndRemove, hWndNewNext : HWND) : BOOL
13614: Func SetClipboardData( uFormat : UINT; hMem : THandle) : THandle
13615: Func GetClipboardData( uFormat : UINT) : THandle
13616: Func RegisterClipboardFormat( lpszFormat : PChar) : UINT
13617: Func CountClipboardFormats : Int
13618: Func EnumClipboardFormats( format : UINT) : UINT
13619: Func GetClipboardFormatName(format:UINT;lpszFormatName:PChar;cchMaxCount:Int):Int
13620: Func EmptyClipboard : BOOL
13621: Func IsClipboardFormatAvailable( format : UINT) : BOOL
13622: Func GetPriorityClipboardFormat(var paFormatPriorityList,cFormats:Int):Int
13623: Func GetOpenClipboardWindow : HWND
13624: Func EndDialog( hDlg : HWND; nResult : Int) : BOOL
13625: Func GetDlgItem( hDlg : HWND; nIDDlgItem : Int) : HWND
13626: Func SetDlgItemInt(hDlg:HWND;nIDDlgItem:Int;uValue:UINT;bSigned:BOOL): BOOL
13627: Func GetDlgItemInt(hDlg:HWND;nIDDlgItem:Int;var lpTranslated:BOOL;bSigned: BOOL):UINT
13628: Func SetDlgItemText( hDlg : HWND; nIDDlgItem : Int; lpString : PChar) : BOOL
13629: Func CheckDlgButton( hDlg : HWND; nIDButton : Int; uCheck : UINT) : BOOL
13630: Func CheckRadioButton(hDlg:HWND;nIDFirstButton,nIDLastButton,nIDCheckButton:Int):BOOL
13631: Func IsDlgButtonChecked( hDlg : HWND; nIDButton : Int) : UINT
13632: Func SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg:HWND;nIDDlgItem:Int;Msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):Longint;
13633: end;

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13635: Proc SIRegister_DXPUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

13636: begin
13637: Func glExecuteAndWait(cmdLine:Str;visibility:Word;timeout:Card;killAppOnTimeOut:Bool):Int;
13638: Func GetTemporaryFilesPath :Str
13639: Func GetTemporaryFileName :Str
13640: Func FindFileInPaths( const fileName, paths :Str) :Str
13641: Func PathsToString( const paths : TStrings) :Str
13642: Proc StringToPaths( const pathsString :Str; paths : TStrings)
13643: //Func MacroExpandPath( const aPath :Str) :Str
13644: end;
13646: Proc SIRegister_ALMultiPartBaseParser(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13647: begin
13648: SIRegister_TALMultiPartBaseContent(CL);
13649: SIRegister_TALMultiPartBaseContents(CL);
13650: SIRegister_TAlMultiPartBaseStream(CL);
13651: SIRegister_TALMultipartBaseEncoder(CL);
13652: SIRegister_TALMultipartBaseDecoder(CL);
13653: Func ALMultipartExtractBoundaryFromContentType(aContentType:Ansistr): Ansistr
13654: Func ALMultipartExtractSubValueFromHeaderLine(aHeaderLine:Ansistr;aName:Ansistr):Ansistr;
13655: Func ALMultipartSetSubValueInHeaderLine(aHeaderLine:Ansistr;aName,AValue:Ansistr):Ansistr;
13656: end;
13658: Proc SIRegister_SmallUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13659: begin
13660: TdriveSize', 'record FreeS : Int64; TotalS : Int64; end
13661: TWinVerRec','record WinPlatform : Int; WinMajorVersion : In'
13662: +teger; WinMinorVersion :Int; WinBuildNumber : Int; WinCSDVersion:Str; end
13663: Func aAllocPadedMem( Size :Card) : TObject
13664: Proc aFreePadedMem( var P : TObject);
13665: Proc aFreePadedMem1( var P : PChar);
13666: Func aCheckPadedMem( P : Pointer) : Byte
13667: Func aGetPadMemSize( P : Pointer) :Card
13668: Func aAllocMem( Size :Card) : Pointer
13669: Func aStrLen( const Str : PChar) :Card
13670: Func aStrLCopy( Dest : PChar; const Source : PChar; MaxLen :Card) : PChar
13671: Func aStrECopy( Dest : PChar; const Source : PChar) : PChar
13672: Func aStrCopy( Dest : PChar; const Source : PChar) : PChar
13673: Func aStrEnd( const Str : PChar) : PChar
13674: Func aStrScan( const Str : PChar; aChr : Char) : PChar
13675: Func aStrMove( Dest : PChar; const Source : PChar; Count :Card) : PChar
13676: Func aPCharLength( const Str : PChar) :Card
13677: Func aPCharUpper( Str : PChar) : PChar
13678: Func aPCharLower( Str : PChar) : PChar
13679: Func aStrCat( Dest : PChar; const Source : PChar) : PChar
13680: Func aLastDelimiter( const Delimiters, S :Str) : Int
13681: Func aCopyTail( const S :Str; Len : Int) :Str
13682: Func aInt2Thos( I : Int64) :Str
13683: Func aUpperCase( const S :Str) :Str
13684: Func aLowerCase( const S :Str) :Str
13685: Func aCompareText( const S1, S2 :Str) : Int
13686: Func aSameText( const S1, S2 :Str) :Bool
13687: Func aInt2Str( Value : Int64) :Str
13688: Func aStr2Int( const Value :Str) : Int64
13689: Func aStr2IntDef( const S :Str; Default : Int64) : Int64
13690: Func aGetFileExt( const FileName :Str) :Str
13691: Func aGetFilePath( const FileName :Str) :Str
13692: Func aGetFileName( const FileName :Str) :Str
13693: Func aChangeExt( const FileName, Extension :Str) :Str
13694: Func aAdjustLineBreaks( const S :Str) :Str
13695: Func aGetWindowStr( WinHandle : HWND) :Str
13696: Func aDiskSpace( Drive :Str) : TdriveSize
13697: Func aFileExists( FileName :Str) :Bool
13698: Func aFileSize( FileName :Str) : Int64
13699: Func aDirectoryExists( const Name :Str) :Bool
13700: Func aSysErrorMessage( ErrorCode : Int) :Str
13701: Func aShortPathName( const LongName :Str) :Str
13702: Func aGetWindowVer : TWinVerRec
13703: Proc InitDriveSpacePtr;
13704: end;
13706: Proc SIRegister_MakeApp(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13707: begin
13708: aZero','LongInt'( 0);
13709: 'makeappDEF','LongInt'( - 1);
13710: 'CS_VREDRAW','LongInt'( DWORD ( 1 ));
13711: 'CS_HREDRAW','LongInt'( DWORD ( 2 ));
13712: 'CS_KEYCVTWINDOW','LongInt'( 4);
13713: 'CS_DBLCLKS','LongInt'( 8);
13714: 'CS_OWNDC','LongWord')( $20);
13715: 'CS_CLASSDC','LongWord')( $40);
13716: 'CS_PARENTDC','LongWord')( $80);
13717: 'CS_NOKEYCVT','LongWord')( $100);
13718: 'CS_NOCLOSE','LongWord')( $200);
13719: 'CS_SAVEBITS','LongWord')( $800);
13720: 'CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT','LongWord')( $1000);
13721: 'CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW','LongWord')( $2000);
13722: 'CS_GLOBALCLASS','LongWord')( $4000);
13723: 'CS_IME','LongWord')( $10000);

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13724: 'CS_DROPSHADOW','LongWord')( $20000);

13725: //PPanelFunc', '^TPanelFunc // will not work
13726: TPanelStyle', '(psEdge, psTabEdge, psBorder, psTabBorder, psTab, psNone )
13727: TFontLook', '( flBold, flItalic, flUnderLine, flStrikeOut )
13728: TFontLooks', 'set of TFontLook
13729: TMessagefunc','function(hWnd,iMsg,wParam,lParam:Int):Int)
13730: Func SetWinClass(const ClassName:str; pMessFunc: Tmessagefunc; wcStyle : Int): Word
13731: Func SetWinClassO( const ClassNam:str; pMessFunc: TObject; wcStyle : Int): Word
13732: Func SetWinClass(const ClassName:str; pMessFunc : TObject; wcStyle : Int) : Word
13733: Func MakeForm(Left,Top,Width,Height:Int;const Caption:str;WinStyle:Int):Int
13734: Proc RunMsgLoop( Show :Bool)
13735: Func MakeFont(Height,Width:Int;const FontName:str; Look:TFontLooks;Roman:Boolean):Int
13736: Func MakeButton(Left,Top,Width,Height:Int;pCaption:PChar;hParent,ID_Number:Cardi;hFont:Int):Int;
13737: Func MakeListBox(Left,Top,Width,Height,Parent:Int;const ListItems:str;WinStyle:Int):Int
13738: Func MakeComboBox(Left,Top,Width,Height,Parent:Int;const ListItems:str;WinStyle:Int):Int
13739: Func MakePanel(Left,Top,Width,Height,hParent:Int;WndFunc:TPanelFunc;ID_Number:Card;Style:TPanelStyle):Int;
13740: Func MakeSubMenu(const ItemList :Str; ID1, ID2 :Card; hMenu : Int) : Int
13741: Func id4menu( a, b : Byte; c : Byte; d : Byte) :Card
13742: Proc DoInitMakeApp //set first to init formclasscontrol!
13743: end;
13745: Proc SIRegister_ScreenSaver(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13746: begin
13747: TScreenSaverOption', '( ssoAutoAdjustFormProperties, ssoAutoHook'
13748: +KeyboardEvents, ssoAutoHookMouseEvents, ssoEnhancedMouseMoveDetection )
13749: TScreenSaverOptions', 'set of TScreenSaverOption
13750: 'cDefaultScreenSaverOptions','LongInt').Value.ts32:=ord(ssoAutoAdjustFormProperties) or
ord(ssoAutoHookKeyboardEvents) or ord(ssoEnhancedMouseMoveDetection);
13751: TScreenSaverPreviewEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; previewHwnd: HWND)
13752: SIRegister_TScreenSaver(CL);
13753: //Proc Register
13754: Proc SetScreenSaverPassword
13755: end;
13757: Proc SIRegister_XCollection(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13758: begin
13759: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TXCollection
13760: SIRegister_EFilerException(CL);
13761: SIRegister_TXCollectionItem(CL);
13762: //TXCollectionItemClass', 'class of TXCollectionItem
13763: SIRegister_TXCollection(CL);
13764: Proc RegisterXCollectionDestroyEvent( notifyEvent : TNotifyEvent)
13765: Proc DeRegisterXCollectionDestroyEvent( notifyEvent : TNotifyEvent)
13766: Proc RegisterXCollectionItemClass( aClass : TXCollectionItemClass)
13767: Proc UnregisterXCollectionItemClass( aClass : TXCollectionItemClass)
13768: Func FindXCollectionItemClass( const className :Str) : TXCollectionItemClass
13769: Func GetXCollectionItemClassesList( baseClass : TXCollectionItemClass) : TList
13770: end;
13772: Proc SIRegister_XOpenGL(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13773: begin
13774: TMapTexCoordMode', '(mtcmUndefined, mtcmNull, mtcmMain, mtcmDual, mtcmSecond,mtcmArbitrary);
13775: Proc xglMapTexCoordToNull
13776: Proc xglMapTexCoordToMain
13777: Proc xglMapTexCoordToSecond
13778: Proc xglMapTexCoordToDual
13779: Proc xglMapTexCoordToArbitrary( const units : array of Cardinal);
13780: Proc xglMapTexCoordToArbitrary1( const bitWiseUnits :Card);
13781: Proc xglMapTexCoordToArbitraryAdd( const bitWiseUnits :Card)
13782: Proc xglBeginUpdate
13783: Proc xglEndUpdate
13784: Proc xglPushState
13785: Proc xglPopState
13786: Proc xglForbidSecondTextureUnit
13787: Proc xglAllowSecondTextureUnit
13788: Func xglGetBitWiseMapping :Card
13789: end;
13791: Proc SIRegister_VectorLists(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13792: begin
13793: TBaseListOption', '( bloExternalMemory, bloSetCountResetsMemory)
13794: TBaseListOptions', 'set of TBaseListOption
13795: SIRegister_TBaseList(CL);
13796: SIRegister_TBaseVectorList(CL);
13797: SIRegister_TAffineVectorList(CL);
13798: SIRegister_TVectorList(CL);
13799: SIRegister_TTexPointList(CL);
13800: SIRegister_TXIntList(CL);
13801: //PSingleArrayList', '^TSingleArrayList // will not work
13802: SIRegister_TSingleList(CL);
13803: SIRegister_TByteList(CL);
13804: SIRegister_TQuaternionList(CL);
13805: Proc QuickSortLists(startIndex,endIndex:Int;refList:TSingleList; objList : TList);
13806: Proc QuickSortLists1(startIndex,endIndex:Int;refList: TSingleList; objList: TBaseList);
13807: Proc FastQuickSortLists(startIndex,endIndex:Int;refList:TSingleList;objList:TPersistentObjectList);
13808: end;
13810: ********** File C:\maXbox\maxbox3\maxbox3\maXbox3\source\REST\uPSI_UIntList.pas
13811: File C:\maXbox\maxbox3\maxbox3\maXbox3\source\JvJCLUtils.pas

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13812: { compile-time registration functions }

13813: 24: Proc SIRegister_TIntList(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13814: Proc SIRegister_UIntList(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13815: { run-time registration functions }
13816: 28: Proc RIRegister_TIntList(CL: TPSRuntimeClassImporter);
13817: Proc RIRegister_UIntList(CL: TPSRuntimeClassImporter);
13818: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
13819: 49: Proc SIRegister_TIntList(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13820: 51: //with RegClassS(CL,'TPersistent', 'TIntList') do
13821: with ClassN(CL.FindClass('TPersistent'),'TIntList') do begin
13822: with ClassN(CL.FindClass('TList'),'TIntList') do begin
13823: //with RegClassS(CL,'TPersistent', 'TIntList') do
13825: TIntList = class(TPersistent)
13826: private
13827: FUpDateCount: Int;
13828: FList: PIntItemList;
13829: FCount: Int;
13830: FCapacity: Int;
13831: FSorted:Bool;
13832: FDuplicates: TDuplicates;
13833: FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
13834: FOnChanging: TNotifyEvent;
13835: Proc ExchangeItems(Index1, Index2: Int);
13836: Proc Grow;
13837: Proc QuickSort(L, R: Int; SCompare: TIntListSortCompare);
13838: Proc InsertItem(Index: Int; const S: int64);
13839: Proc SetSorted(Value:Bool);
13840: protected
13841: Proc Error(const Msg:Str; Data: Int);
13842: Proc Changed; virtual;
13843: Proc Changing; virtual;
13844: Func Get(Index: Int): int64;
13845: Func GetCapacity: Int;
13846: //Func GetCount: Int;
13847: Func GetObject(Index: Int): TObject;
13848: Proc Put(Index: Int; const S: int64);
13849: Proc PutObject(Index: Int; AObject: TObject);
13850: Proc SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Int);
13851: Proc SetUpdateState(Updating:Bool);
13852: public
13853: Func GetCount: Int;
13854: destructor Destroy; override;
13855: Func Add(const S: int64): Int;
13856: Func AddObject(const S: int64; AObject: TObject): Int; virtual;
13857: Proc Clear;
13858: Proc Delete(Index: Int);
13859: Proc Exchange(Index1, Index2: Int);
13860: Func Find(const S: int64; var Index: Int):Bool; virtual;
13861: Func IndexOf(const S: int: Int;
13862: Proc Insert(Index: Int; const S: int64);
13863: Proc Sort; virtual;
13864: Proc CustomSort(Compare: TIntListSortCompare); virtual;
13865: Proc LoadFromFile(const FileName:Str); virtual;
13866: Proc LoadFromStream(Stream:TStream); virtual;
13867: Proc SaveToFile(const FileName:Str); virtual;
13868: Proc SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
13869: property Duplicates: TDuplicates read FDuplicates write FDuplicates;
13870: property Sorted:Bool read FSorted write SetSorted;
13871: property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
13872: property OnChanging: TNotifyEvent read FOnChanging write FOnChanging;
13873: property Ints [Index: Int]: int64 read Get write Put; default;
13874: property Count: Int read GetCount;
13875: property Objects[Index: Int]: TObject read GetObject write PutObject;
13876: end;
13878: Proc SIRegister_MeshUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13879: begin
13880: Proc ConvertStripToList( const strip : TAffineVectorList; list : TAffineVectorList);
13881: Proc ConvertStripToList1( const strip : TIntList; list : TIntList);
13882: Proc ConvertStripToList2(const strip:TAffineVectorList;const indices:TIntList;list:TAffineVectorList);
13883: Proc ConvertIndexedListToList(const data:TAffineVectlist;const indices:TIntList;list:TAffineVectorList);
13884: Func BuildVectorCountOptimizedIndices(const vertices:TAffineVectorList;const
normals:TAffineVectorList;const texCoords:TAffineVectorList):TIntList
13885: Proc RemapReferences( reference : TAffineVectorList; const indices : TIntList);
13886: Proc RemapReferences1( reference : TIntList; const indices : TIntList);
13887: Proc RemapAndCleanupReferences( reference : TAffineVectorList; indices : TIntList)
13888: Func RemapIndicesToIndicesMap( remapIndices : TIntList) : TIntList
13889: Proc RemapTrianglesIndices( indices, indicesMap : TIntList)
13890: Proc RemapIndices( indices, indicesMap : TIntList)
13891: Proc UnifyTrianglesWinding( indices : TIntList)
13892: Proc InvertTrianglesWinding( indices : TIntList)
13893: Func BuildNormals( reference : TAffineVectorList; indices : TIntList) : TAffineVectorList
13894: Func
13895: Proc WeldVertices(vertices:TAffineVectorList;indicesMap:TIntList;weldRadius: Single)
13896: Func StripifyMesh(indices:TIntList;maxVertexIndex:Int;agglomerateLoneTriangles:Boolean):
13897: Proc IncreaseCoherency(indices : TIntList; cacheSize : Int)

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13898: Proc
13899: end;
13901: Proc SIRegister_JclSysUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13902: begin
13903: Proc GetAndFillMem( var P : TObject; const Size : Int; const Value : Byte)
13904: Proc FreeMemAndNil( var P : TObject)
13905: Func PCharOrNil( const S :Str) : PChar
13906: SIRegister_TJclReferenceMemoryStream(CL);
13907: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclVMTError
13908: {Func GetVirtualMethodCount( AClass : TClass) : Int
13909: Func GetVirtualMethod( AClass : TClass; const Index : Int) : Pointer
13910: Proc SetVirtualMethod( AClass : TClass; const Index : Int; const Method:Pointer)
13911: PDynamicIndexList', '^TDynamicIndexList // will not work
13912: PDynamicAddressList', '^TDynamicAddressList // will not work
13913: Func GetDynamicMethodCount( AClass : TClass) : Int
13914: Func GetDynamicIndexList( AClass : TClass) : PDynamicIndexList
13915: Func GetDynamicAddressList( AClass : TClass) : PDynamicAddressList
13916: Func HasDynamicMethod( AClass : TClass; Index : Int) :Bool
13917: Func GetDynamicMethod( AClass : TClass; Index : Int) : Pointer
13918: Func GetInitTable( AClass : TClass) : PTypeInfo
13919: PFieldEntry', '^TFieldEntry // will not work}
13920: TFieldEntry', 'record OffSet : Int; IDX : Word; Name : ShortString; end
13921: Func JIsClass( Address : Pointer) :Bool
13922: Func JIsObject( Address : Pointer) :Bool
13923: Func GetImplementorOfInterface( const I : IInterface) : TObject
13924: TDigitCount', 'Int
13925: SIRegister_TJclNumericFormat(CL);
13926: Func JIntToStrZeroPad( Value, Count : Int) : Ansistr
13927: TTextHandler', 'Proc ( const Text :Str)
13928: // 'ABORT_EXIT_CODE','LongInt'( ERROR_CANCELLED 1223);
13929: Func JExecute(const CommandLine:str;OutputLineCallback:TTextHandler;RawOutpt:Bool;AbortPtr:PBool):Card;
13930: Func JExecute1(const CommandLine:str;var Output:str;RawOutput:Bool;AbortPtr:PBool):Card;
13931: Func ReadKey : Char //to and from the DOS console !
13932: TModuleHandle', 'HINST
13933: //TModuleHandle', 'Pointer
13934: 'INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE','LongInt'( TModuleHandle ( 0 ));
13935: Func LoadModule( var Module : TModuleHandle; FileName :Str) :Bool
13936: Func LoadModuleEx(var Module: TModuleHandle; FileName:str;Flags:Card):Bool
13937: Proc UnloadModule( var Module : TModuleHandle)
13938: Func GetModuleSymbol( Module : TModuleHandle; SymbolName :Str) : Pointer
13939: Func GetModuleSymbolEx(Module:TModuleHandle;SymbolName:str;var Accu:Boolean):Pointer
13940: Func ReadModuleData(Module:TModuleHandle;SymbolName:str;var Buffer,Size:Card):Bool;
13941: Func WriteModuleData(Module:TModuleHandle;SymbolName:str;var Buffer,Size:Card):Bool;
13942: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclConversionError
13943: Func JStrToBoolean( const S :Str) :Bool
13944: Func JBooleanToStr( B :Bool) :Str
13945: Func JIntToBool( I : Int) :Bool
13946: Func JBoolToInt( B :Bool) : Int
13947: 'ListSeparator','String '; 'ListSeparator1','String ':
13948: Proc ListAddItems( var List :Str; const Separator, Items:Str)
13949: Proc ListIncludeItems( var List :Str; const Separator, Items :Str)
13950: Proc ListRemoveItems( var List :Str; const Separator, Items :Str)
13951: Proc ListDelItem( var List :Str; const Separator :Str; const Index : Int)
13952: Func ListItemCount( const List, Separator :Str) : Int
13953: Func ListGetItem( const List, Separator :Str; const Index : Int) :Str
13954: Proc ListSetItem(var List:str;const Separator:str;const Index:Int;const Value:str)
13955: Func ListItemIndex( const List, Separator, Item :Str) : Int
13956: Func SystemTObjectInstance : LongWord
13957: Func IsCompiledWithPackages :Bool
13958: Func JJclGUIDToString( const GUID : TGUID) :Str
13959: Func JJclStringToGUID( const S :Str) : TGUID
13960: SIRegister_TJclIntfCriticalSection(CL);
13961: SIRegister_TJclSimpleLog(CL);
13962: Proc InitSimpleLog( const ALogFileName :Str)
13963: end;
13965: Proc SIRegister_JclBorlandTools(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
13966: begin
13967: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclBorRADException
13968: TJclBorRADToolKind', '( brDelphi, brCppBuilder, brBorlandDevStudio )
13969: TJclBorRADToolEdition', '( deOPEN, dePRO, deSVR )
13970: TJclBorRADToolEdition', '( deSTD, dePRO, deCSS, deARC )
13971: TJclBorRADToolPath', 'string
13972: 'SupportedDelphiVersions','LongInt'( 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11);
13973: 'SupportedBCBVersions','LongInt'( 5 or 6 or 10 or 11);
13974: 'SupportedBDSVersions','LongInt'( 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5);
13975: BorRADToolRepositoryPagesSection','String 'Repository Pages
13976: BorRADToolRepositoryDialogsPage','String 'Dialogs
13977: BorRADToolRepositoryFormsPage','String 'Forms
13978: BorRADToolRepositoryProjectsPage','String 'Projects
13979: BorRADToolRepositoryDataModulesPage','String 'Data Modules
13980: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectType','String 'Type
13981: BorRADToolRepositoryFormTemplate','String 'FormTemplate
13982: BorRADToolRepositoryProjectTemplate','String 'ProjectTemplate
13983: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectName','String 'Name
13984: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectPage','String 'Page
13985: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectIcon','String 'Icon

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13986: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectDescr','String 'Description

13987: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectAuthor','String 'Author
13988: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectAncestor','String 'Ancestor
13989: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectDesigner','String 'Designer
13990: BorRADToolRepositoryDesignerDfm','String 'dfm
13991: BorRADToolRepositoryDesignerXfm','String 'xfm
13992: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectNewForm','String 'DefaultNewForm
13993: BorRADToolRepositoryObjectMainForm','String 'DefaultMainForm
13994: SourceExtensionDelphiPackage','String '.dpk
13995: SourceExtensionBCBPackage','String '.bpk
13996: SourceExtensionDelphiProject','String '.dpr
13997: SourceExtensionBCBProject','String '.bpr
13998: SourceExtensionBDSProject','String '.bdsproj
13999: SourceExtensionDProject','String '.dproj
14000: BinaryExtensionPackage','String '.bpl
14001: BinaryExtensionLibrary','String '.dll
14002: BinaryExtensionExecutable','String '.exe
14003: CompilerExtensionDCP','String '.dcp
14004: CompilerExtensionBPI','String '.bpi
14005: CompilerExtensionLIB','String '.lib
14006: CompilerExtensionTDS','String '.tds
14007: CompilerExtensionMAP','String '.map
14008: CompilerExtensionDRC','String '.drc
14009: CompilerExtensionDEF','String '.def
14010: SourceExtensionCPP','String '.cpp
14011: SourceExtensionH','String '.h
14012: SourceExtensionPAS','String '.pas
14013: SourceExtensionDFM','String '.dfm
14014: SourceExtensionXFM','String '.xfm
14015: SourceDescriptionPAS','String 'Pascal source file
14016: SourceDescriptionCPP','String 'C++ source file
14017: DesignerVCL','String 'VCL
14018: DesignerCLX','String 'CLX
14019: ProjectTypePackage','String 'package
14020: ProjectTypeLibrary','String 'library
14021: ProjectTypeProgram','String 'program
14022: Personality32Bit','String '32 bit
14023: Personality64Bit','String '64 bit
14024: PersonalityDelphi','String 'Delphi
14025: PersonalityDelphiDotNet','String 'Delphi.net
14026: PersonalityBCB','String 'C++Builder
14027: PersonalityCSB','String 'C#Builder
14028: PersonalityVB','String 'Visual Basic
14029: PersonalityDesign','String 'Design
14030: PersonalityUnknown','String 'Unknown personality
14031: PersonalityBDS','String 'Borland Developer Studio
14032: DOFDirectoriesSection','String 'Directories
14033: DOFUnitOutputDirKey','String 'UnitOutputDir
14034: DOFSearchPathName','String 'SearchPath
14035: DOFConditionals','String 'Conditionals
14036: DOFLinkerSection','String 'Linker
14037: DOFPackagesKey','String 'Packages
14038: DOFCompilerSection','String 'Compiler
14039: DOFPackageNoLinkKey','String 'PackageNoLink
14040: DOFAdditionalSection','String 'Additional
14041: DOFOptionsKey','String 'Options
14042: TJclBorPersonality', '( bpDelphi32, bpDelphi64, bpBCBuilder32, b'
14043: +'pBCBuilder64, bpDelphiNet32, bpDelphiNet64, bpCSBuilder32, bpCSBuilder64, '
14044: +'bpVisualBasic32, bpVisualBasic64, bpDesign, bpUnknown )
14045: TJclBorPersonalities', 'set of TJclBorPersonality
14046: TJclBorDesigner', '( bdVCL, bdCLX )
14047: TJclBorDesigners', 'set of TJClBorDesigner
14048: TJclBorPlatform', '( bp32bit, bp64bit )
14049: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TJclBorRADToolInstallation
14050: SIRegister_TJclBorRADToolInstallationObject(CL);
14051: SIRegister_TJclBorlandOpenHelp(CL);
14052: TJclHelp2Object', '( hoRegisterSession, hoRegister, hoPlugin )
14053: TJclHelp2Objects', 'set of TJclHelp2Object
14054: SIRegister_TJclHelp2Manager(CL);
14055: SIRegister_TJclBorRADToolIdeTool(CL);
14056: SIRegister_TJclBorRADToolIdePackages(CL);
14057: SIRegister_IJclCommandLineTool(CL);
14058: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclCommandLineToolError
14059: SIRegister_TJclCommandLineTool(CL);
14060: SIRegister_TJclBorlandCommandLineTool(CL);
14061: SIRegister_TJclBCC32(CL);
14062: SIRegister_TJclDCC32(CL);
14063: TJclDCC', 'TJclDCC32
14064: SIRegister_TJclBpr2Mak(CL);
14065: SIRegister_TJclBorlandMake(CL);
14066: SIRegister_TJclBorRADToolPalette(CL);
14067: SIRegister_TJclBorRADToolRepository(CL);
14068: TCommandLineTool', '( clAsm, clBcc32, clDcc32, clDccIL, clMake,clProj2Mak )
14069: TCommandLineTools', 'set of TCommandLineTool
14070: //TJclBorRADToolInstallationClass', 'class of TJclBorRADToolInstallation
14071: SIRegister_TJclBorRADToolInstallation(CL);
14072: SIRegister_TJclBCBInstallation(CL);
14073: SIRegister_TJclDelphiInstallation(CL);
14074: SIRegister_TJclDCCIL(CL);

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14075: SIRegister_TJclBDSInstallation(CL);
14076: TTraverseMethod', 'Func ( Installation : TJclBorRADToolInstallation) :Bool
14077: SIRegister_TJclBorRADToolInstallations(CL);
14078: Func BPLFileName( const BPLPath, PackageFileName :Str) :Str
14079: Func BinaryFileName( const OutputPath, ProjectFileName :Str) :Str
14080: Func IsDelphiPackage( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14081: Func IsDelphiProject( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14082: Func IsBCBPackage( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14083: Func IsBCBProject( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14084: Proc GetDPRFileInfo(const DPRFileName:str;out BinaryExtensio:str;const LibSuffx:PString);
14085: Proc GetBPRFileInfo(const BPRFileName:str;out BinaryFileName:str;const Descript:PString);
14086: Proc GetDPKFileInfo(const DPKFileName:str;out RunOnly:Bool;const LibSuffix:PString;const Descript:PString;
14087: Proc GetBPKFileInfo(const BPKFileName:str;out RunOnly:Bool;const BinaryFName:PString;const
14088: Func SamePath(const Path1, Path2:Str):Bool;
14089: end;
14091: Proc SIRegister_JclFileUtils_max(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
14092: begin
14093: 'ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES','LongInt'( 18);
14094: //Func stat64( FileName: PChar;var StatBuffer : TStatBuf64) : Int
14095: //Func fstat64( FileDes: Int;var StatBuffer : TStatBuf64) : Int
14096: //Func lstat64( FileName: PChar;var StatBuffer : TStatBuf64) : Int
14097: 'LPathSeparator','String '/
14098: 'LDirDelimiter','String '/
14099: 'LDirSeparator','String ':
14100: 'JXPathDevicePrefix','String '\\.\
14101: 'JXPathSeparator','String '\
14102: 'JXDirDelimiter','String '\
14103: 'JXDirSeparator','String ';
14104: 'JXPathUncPrefix','String '\\
14105: 'faNormalFile','LongWord')( $00000080);
14106: //'faUnixSpecific',' faSymLink);
14107: JXTCompactPath', '( cpCenter, cpEnd )
14108: _WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA', 'record dwFileAttributes : DWORD; f'
14109: +'tCreationTime : TFileTime; ftLastAccessTime : TFileTime; ftLastWriteTime :'
14110: +' TFileTime; nFileSizeHigh : DWORD; nFileSizeLow : DWORD; end
14111: TWin32FileAttributeData', '_WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA
14113: Func jxPathAddSeparator( const Path :Str) :Str
14114: Func jxPathAddExtension( const Path, Extension :Str) :Str
14115: Func jxPathAppend( const Path, Append :Str) :Str
14116: Func jxPathBuildRoot( const Drive : Byte) :Str
14117: Func jxPathCanonicalize( const Path :Str) :Str
14118: Func jxPathCommonPrefix( const Path1, Path2 :Str) : Int
14119: Func jxPathCompactPath(const DC:HDC;const Path:str;const Width:Int;CmpFmt:TCompactPath):str
14120: Proc jxPathExtractElements(const Source:str;var Drive,Path,FileName,Ext:str)
14121: Func jxPathExtractFileDirFixed( const S :Str) :Str
14122: Func jxPathExtractFileNameNoExt( const Path :Str) :Str
14123: Func jxPathExtractPathDepth( const Path :Str; Depth : Int) :Str
14124: Func jxPathGetDepth( const Path :Str) : Int
14125: Func jxPathGetLongName( const Path :Str) :Str
14126: Func jxPathGetShortName( const Path :Str) :Str
14127: Func jxPathGetLongName( const Path :Str) :Str
14128: Func jxPathGetShortName( const Path :Str) :Str
14129: Func jxPathGetRelativePath( Origin, Destination :Str) :Str
14130: Func jxPathGetTempPath :Str
14131: Func jxPathIsAbsolute( const Path :Str) :Bool
14132: Func jxPathIsChild( const Path, Base :Str) :Bool
14133: Func jxPathIsDiskDevice( const Path :Str) :Bool
14134: Func jxPathIsUNC( const Path :Str) :Bool
14135: Func jxPathRemoveSeparator( const Path :Str) :Str
14136: Func jxPathRemoveExtension( const Path :Str) :Str
14137: Func jxPathGetPhysicalPath( const LocalizedPath :Str) :Str
14138: Func jxPathGetLocalizedPath( const PhysicalPath :Str) :Str
14139: JxTFileListOption', '( flFullNames, flRecursive, flMaskedSubfolders)
14140: JxTFileListOptions', 'set of TFileListOption
14141: JxTJclAttributeMatch', '( amAny, amExact, amSubSetOf, amSuperSetOf, amCustom )
14142: TFileHandler', 'Proc ( const FileName :Str)
14143: TFileHandlerEx', 'Proc ( const Directory :Str; const FileInfo : TSearchRec)
14144: Func BuildFileList( const Path :Str; const Attr : Int; const List : TStrings) :Bool
14145: //Func AdvBuildFileList( const Path :Str; const Attr : Int; const Files : TStrings; const
AttributeMatch:TJclAttributeMatch;const Optis:TFileListOptions;const SubfoldersMask:str;const
14146: Func jxVerifyFileAttributeMask( var RejectedAttributes, RequiredAttributes : Int): Bool
14147: Func jxIsFileAttributeMatch(FileAttributes,RejectedAttributes,RequiredAttributes:Int):Bool;
14148: Func jxFileAttributesStr( const FileInfo : TSearchRec) :Str
14149: Func jxIsFileNameMatch(FileName:str;const Mask:str;const CaseSensitive:Bool):Bool;
14150: Proc jxEnumFiles(const
14151: Proc jxEnumDirectories(const Root:str;const HandleDirectory:TFileHandler;const
IncludeHiddenDirects:Boolean;const SubDirectoriesMask:str;Abort:TObject;ResolveSymLinks:Bool)
14152: Proc jxCreateEmptyFile( const FileName :Str)
14153: Func jxCloseVolume( var Volume : THandle) :Bool
14154: Func jxDeleteDirectory(const DirectoryName:str; MoveToRecycleBin:Boolean:Boolean
14155: Func jxCopyDirectory( ExistingDirectoryName, NewDirectoryName :Str) :Bool
14156: Func jxMoveDirectory( ExistingDirectoryName, NewDirectoryName :Str) :Bool
14157: Func jxDelTree( const Path :Str) :Bool
14158: //Func DelTreeEx(const Path:str;AbortOnFailure:Bool; Progress:TDelTreeProgress):Bool

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14159: Func jxDiskInDrive( Drive : Char) :Bool

14160: Func jxDirectoryExists( const Name :Str; ResolveSymLinks :Bool) :Bool
14161: Func jxFileCreateTemp( var Prefix :Str) : THandle
14162: Func jxFileBackup( const FileName :Str; Move :Bool) :Bool
14163: Func jxFileCopy(const ExistingFileName,NewFileName:str; ReplaceExisting:Boolean):Bool
14164: Func jxFileDelete( const FileName :Str; MoveToRecycleBin :Bool) :Bool
14165: Func jxFileExists( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14166: Func jxFileMove(const ExistingFileName,NewFileName:Str;ReplaceExisting:Bool):Boolean
14167: Func jxFileRestore( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14168: Func jxGetBackupFileName( const FileName :Str) :Str
14169: Func jxIsBackupFileName( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14170: Func jxFileGetDisplayName( const FileName :Str) :Str
14171: Func jxFileGetGroupName( const FileName :Str; ResolveSymLinks :Bool) :Str
14172: Func jxFileGetOwnerName( const FileName :Str; ResolveSymLinks :Bool) :Str
14173: Func jxFileGetSize( const FileName :Str) : Int64
14174: Func jxFileGetTempName( const Prefix :Str) :Str
14175: Func jxFileGetTypeName( const FileName :Str) :Str
14176: Func jxFindUnusedFileName(FileName:str;const FileExt:str;NumberPrefix:str):str
14177: Func jxForceDirectories( Name :Str) :Bool
14178: Func jxGetDirectorySize( const Path :Str) : Int64
14179: Func jxGetDriveTypeStr( const Drive : Char) :Str
14180: Func jxGetFileAgeCoherence( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14181: Proc jxGetFileAttributeList( const Items : TStrings; const Attr : Int)
14182: Proc jxGetFileAttributeListEx( const Items : TStrings; const Attr : Int)
14183: Func jxGetFileInformation( const FileName :Str; out FileInfo : TSearchRec) :Bool;
14184: Func jxGetFileInformation1( const FileName :Str) : TSearchRec;
14185: //Func GetFileStatus(const FileName:str;out StatBuf:TStatBuf64;const ResolveSymLinks:Boolean):Int
14186: Func jxGetFileLastWrite( const FName :Str) : TFileTime;
14187: Func jxGetFileLastWrite1( const FName :Str; out LocalTime : TDateTime) :Bool;
14188: Func jxGetFileLastAccess( const FName :Str) : TFileTime;
14189: Func jxGetFileLastAccess1(const FName:str; out LocalTime : TDateTime) :Bool;
14190: Func jxGetFileCreation( const FName :Str) : TFileTime;
14191: Func jxGetFileCreation1( const FName :Str; out LocalTime : TDateTime) :Bool;
14192: Func jxGetFileLastWrite(const FName:str;out TimeStamp:Int;ResolveSymLinks:Bool):Bool;
14193: Func jxGetFileLastWrite1(const FName:str;out LocalTime:TDateTime;ResolveSymLinks:Bool):Bool
14194: Func jxGetFileLastWrite2(const FName :Str; ResolveSymLinks :Bool) : Int;
14195: Func jxGetFileLastAccess(const FName:str;out TimeStamp:Int;ResolveSymLinks: Bool): Bool;
14196: Func jxGetFileLastAccess1(const FName:str;out LocalTime:TDateTime;ResolveSymLinks:Bool)Bool
14197: Func jxGetFileLastAccess2(const FName:str; ResolveSymLinks:Boolean): Int;
14198: Func jxGetFileLastAttrChange(const FName:str;out TimeStamp:Int;ResolveSymLinks:Bool):Bool;
14199: Func jxGetFileLastAttrChange1(const FName:str;out LocalTime:TDateTime;ResolveSymLinks:Bool):Bool;
14200: Func jxGetFileLastAttrChange2( const FName :Str; ResolveSymLinks:Boolean): Int;
14201: Func jxGetModulePath( const Module : HMODULE) :Str
14202: Func jxGetSizeOfFile( const FileName :Str) : Int64;
14203: Func jxGetSizeOfFile1( const FileInfo : TSearchRec) : Int64;
14204: Func jxGetSizeOfFile2( Handle : THandle) : Int64;
14205: Func jxGetStandardFileInfo( const FileName :Str) : TWin32FileAttributeData
14206: Func jxIsDirectory( const FileName :Str; ResolveSymLinks :Bool) :Bool
14207: Func jxIsRootDirectory( const CanonicFileName :Str) :Bool
14208: Func jxLockVolume( const Volume :Str; var Handle : THandle) :Bool
14209: Func jxOpenVolume( const Drive : Char) : THandle
14210: Func jxSetDirLastWrite( const DirName :Str; const DateTime : TDateTime) :Bool
14211: Func jxSetDirLastAccess( const DirName :Str; const DateTime : TDateTime) :Bool
14212: Func jxSetDirCreation( const DirName :Str; const DateTime : TDateTime) :Bool
14213: Func jxSetFileLastWrite( const FileName :Str; const DateTime : TDateTime) :Bool
14214: Func jxSetFileLastAccess( const FileName :Str; const DateTime : TDateTime) :Bool
14215: Func jxSetFileCreation( const FileName :Str; const DateTime : TDateTime) :Bool
14216: Proc jxShredFile( const FileName :Str; Times : Int)
14217: Func jxUnlockVolume( var Handle : THandle) :Bool
14218: Func jxCreateSymbolicLink( const Name, Target :Str) :Bool
14219: Func jxSymbolicLinkTarget( const Name :Str) :Str
14220: TAttributeInterest', '( aiIgnored, aiRejected, aiRequired )
14221: SIRegister_TJclCustomFileAttrMask(CL);
14222: SIRegister_TJclFileAttributeMask(CL);
14223: TFileSearchOption', '( fsIncludeSubDirectories, fsIncludeHiddenS'
14224: +'ubDirectories, fsLastChangeAfter, fsLastChangeBefore, fsMaxSize, fsMinSize)
14225: TFileSearchOptions', 'set of TFileSearchOption
14226: TFileSearchTaskID', 'Int
14227: TFileSearchTerminationEvent','Procedure(const ID:TFileSearchTaskID;const Aborted:Boolean)
14228: TFileEnumeratorSyncMode', '( smPerFile, smPerDirectory )
14229: SIRegister_IJclFileEnumerator(CL);
14230: SIRegister_TJclFileEnumerator(CL);
14231: Func JxFileSearch : IJclFileEnumerator
14232: JxTFileFlag', '(ffDebug,ffInfoInferred,ffPatched,ffPreRelease,ffPrivateBuild,ffSpecialBuild )
14233: JxTFileFlags', 'set of TFileFlag
14234: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclFileVersionInfoError
14235: SIRegister_TJclFileVersionInfo(CL);
14236: Func jxOSIdentToString( const OSIdent : DWORD) :Str
14237: Func jxOSFileTypeToString(const OSFileType: DWORD; const OSFileSubType : DWORD) :Str
14238: Func jxVersionResourceAvailable( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14239: TFileVersionFormat', '( vfMajorMinor, vfFull )
14240: Func jxFormatVersionString( const HiV, LoV : Word) :Str;
14241: Func jxFormatVersionString1( const Major, Minor, Build, Revision : Word) :Str;
14242: //Func FormatVersionString2(const FixedInfo:TVSFixedFileInfo;VersionFrmat:TFileVersionFormat):str;
14243: //Proc VersionExtractFileInfo(const FixedInfo:TVSFixedFileInfo;var Major,Minor,Build,Revision:Word);
14244: //Proc VersionExtractProductInfo(const FixedInfo:TVSFixedFileInfo;var Major,Minor,Build,Revision:Word);
14245: //Func VersionFixedFileInfo(const FileName:str;var FixedInfo:TVSFixedFileInfo):Boolean
14246: Func jxVersionFixedFileInfoString(const FileName:str;VersionFormat:TFileVersionFormat;const
NotAvailableText :str):str

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14247: SIRegister_TJclTempFileStream(CL);
14248: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TJclCustomFileMapping
14249: SIRegister_TJclFileMappingView(CL);
14250: TJclFileMappingRoundOffset', '( rvDown, rvUp )
14251: SIRegister_TJclCustomFileMapping(CL);
14252: SIRegister_TJclFileMapping(CL);
14253: SIRegister_TJclSwapFileMapping(CL);
14254: SIRegister_TJclFileMappingStream(CL);
14255: TJclMappedTextReaderIndex', '( tiNoIndex, tiFull )
14256: //PPCharArray', '^TPCharArray // will not work
14257: SIRegister_TJclMappedTextReader(CL);
14258: SIRegister_TJclFileMaskComparator(CL);
14259: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclPathError
14260: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclFileUtilsError
14261: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclTempFileStreamError
14262: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclTempFileStreamError
14263: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclFileMappingError
14264: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclFileMappingViewError
14265: Func jxPathGetLongName2( const Path :Str) :Str
14266: Func jxWin32DeleteFile( const FileName :Str; MoveToRecycleBin :Bool) :Bool
14267: Func jxWin32MoveFileReplaceExisting( const SrcFileName, DstFileName :Str) :Bool
14268: Func jxWin32BackupFile( const FileName :Str; Move :Bool) :Bool
14269: Func jxWin32RestoreFile( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14270: Func jxSamePath( const Path1, Path2 :Str) :Bool
14271: Proc jxPathListAddItems( var List :Str; const Items :Str)
14272: Proc jxPathListIncludeItems( var List :Str; const Items :Str)
14273: Proc jxPathListDelItems( var List :Str; const Items :Str)
14274: Proc jxPathListDelItem( var List :Str; const Index : Int)
14275: Func jxPathListItemCount( const List :Str) : Int
14276: Func jxPathListGetItem( const List :Str; const Index : Int) :Str
14277: Proc jxPathListSetItem( var List :Str; const Index : Int; const Value :Str)
14278: Func jxPathListItemIndex( const List, Item :Str) : Int
14279: Func jxParamName(Idx:Int;const Separator:str;const AllowedPrefixChars:str;TrimName:Bool):str;
14280: Func jxParamValue(Index:Int; const Separator :Str; TrimValue :Bool) :Str;
14281: Func jxParamValue1(const SearchName:str; const Separator :Str; CaseSensitive :Bool; const
AllowedPrefixCharacters :Str; TrimValue :Bool) :Str;
14282: Func jxParamPos(const SearchName:Str;const Separator:str;CaseSensitive:Boolean;const
AllowedPrefixCharacters string): Int
14283: end;
14285: Proc SIRegister_FileUtil(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
14286: begin
14287: 'UTF8FileHeader','String #$ef#$bb#$bf);
14288: Func lCompareFilenames( const Filename1, Filename2 :Str) : Int
14289: Func lCompareFilenamesIgnoreCase( const Filename1, Filename2 :Str) : Int
14290: Func lCompareFilenames(const Filename1,Filename2 :Str; ResolveLinks :Bool): Int
14291: Func lCompareFilenames(Filename1:PChar;Len1:int;Filename2:PChar;Len2:int;ResolveLiks:bool):int;
14292: Func lFilenameIsAbsolute( const TheFilename :Str) :Bool
14293: Func lFilenameIsWinAbsolute( const TheFilename :Str) :Bool
14294: Func lFilenameIsUnixAbsolute( const TheFilename :Str) :Bool
14295: Proc lCheckIfFileIsExecutable( const AFilename :Str)
14296: Proc lCheckIfFileIsSymlink( const AFilename :Str)
14297: Func lFileIsReadable( const AFilename :Str) :Bool
14298: Func lFileIsWritable( const AFilename :Str) :Bool
14299: Func lFileIsText( const AFilename :Str) :Bool
14300: Func lFileIsText( const AFilename :Str; out FileReadable :Bool) :Bool
14301: Func lFileIsExecutable( const AFilename :Str) :Bool
14302: Func lFileIsSymlink( const AFilename :Str) :Bool
14303: Func lFileIsHardLink( const AFilename :Str) :Bool
14304: Func lFileSize( const Filename :Str) : int64;
14305: Func lGetFileDescription( const AFilename :Str) :Str
14306: Func lReadAllLinks( const Filename :Str; ExceptionOnError :Bool) :Str
14307: Func lTryReadAllLinks( const Filename :Str) :Str
14308: Func lDirPathExists( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14309: Func lForceDirectory( DirectoryName :Str) :Bool
14310: Func lDeleteDirectory(const DirectoryName:Str; OnlyChildren:Bool) :Bool
14311: Func lProgramDirectory :Str
14312: Func lDirectoryIsWritable( const DirectoryName :Str) :Bool
14313: Func lExtractFileNameOnly( const AFilename :Str) :Str
14314: Func lExtractFileNameWithoutExt( const AFilename :Str) :Str
14315: Func lCompareFileExt( const Filename, Ext :Str; CaseSensitive :Bool) : Int;
14316: Func lCompareFileExt( const Filename, Ext :Str) : Int;
14317: Func lFilenameIsPascalUnit( const Filename :Str) :Bool
14318: Func lAppendPathDelim( const Path :Str) :Str
14319: Func lChompPathDelim( const Path :Str) :Str
14320: Func lTrimFilename( const AFilename :Str) :Str
14321: Func lCleanAndExpandFilename( const Filename :Str) :Str
14322: Func lCleanAndExpandDirectory( const Filename :Str) :Str
14323: Func lCreateAbsoluteSearchPath( const SearchPath, BaseDirectory :Str) :Str
14324: Func lCreateRelativePath(const Filename,BaseDirectory
14325: Func lCreateAbsolutePath( const Filename, BaseDirectory :Str) :Str
14326: Func lFileIsInPath( const Filename, Path :Str) :Bool
14327: Func lFileIsInDirectory( const Filename, Directory :Str) :Bool
14328: TSearchFileInPathFlag', '( sffDontSearchInBasePath, sffSearchLoUpCase )
14329: TSearchFileInPathFlags', 'set of TSearchFileInPathFlag AllDirectoryEntriesMask','String '*
14330: Func lGetAllFilesMask :Str
14331: Func lGetExeExt :Str
14332: Func lSearchFileInPath(const Filename,BasePath,SearchPath,Delimiter:Str;Flags:TSearchFileInPathFlags):str

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14333: Func lSearchAllFilesInPath(const Filename,BasePath,SearchPath,Delimiter:str;Flags:

14334: Func lFindDiskFilename( const Filename :Str) :Str
14335: Func lFindDiskFileCaseInsensitive( const Filename :Str) :Str
14336: Func lFindDefaultExecutablePath( const Executable :Str; const BaseDir:Str):str
14337: Func lGetDarwinSystemFilename( Filename :Str) :Str
14338: SIRegister_TFileIterator(CL);
14339: TFileFoundEvent', 'Proc ( FileIterator : TFileIterator)
14340: TDirectoryFoundEvent', 'Proc ( FileIterator : TFileIterator)
14341: TDirectoryEnterEvent', 'Proc ( FileIterator : TFileIterator)
14342: SIRegister_TFileSearcher(CL);
14343: Func lFindAllFiles(const SearchPath:str;SearchMsk:str;SearchSubDirs:Bool):TStringList
14344: Func lFindAllDirectories(const SearchPath:Str; SearchSubDirs:Bool): TStringList
14345: // TCopyFileFlag', '( cffOverwriteFile, cffCreateDestDirectory, cffPreserveTime )
14346: // TCopyFileFlags', 'set of TCopyFileFlag
14347: Func lCopyFile(const SrcFilename,DestFilename:Str; Flags : TCopyFileFlags):Bool
14348: Func lCopyFile(const SrcFilename,DestFilename:Str; PreserveTime :Bool):Bool
14349: Func lCopyDirTree( const SourceDir, TargetDir :Str; Flags : TCopyFileFlags):Bool
14350: Func lReadFileToString( const Filename :Str) :Str
14351: Func lGetTempFilename( const Directory, Prefix :Str) :Str
14352: {Func NeedRTLAnsi :Bool
14353: Proc SetNeedRTLAnsi( NewValue :Bool)
14354: Func UTF8ToSys( const s :Str) :Str
14355: Func SysToUTF8( const s :Str) :Str
14356: Func ConsoleToUTF8( const s :Str) :Str
14357: Func UTF8ToConsole( const s :Str) :Str}
14358: Func FileExistsUTF8( const Filename :Str) :Bool
14359: Func FileAgeUTF8( const FileName :Str) : Longint
14360: Func DirectoryExistsUTF8( const Directory :Str) :Bool
14361: Func ExpandFileNameUTF8( const FileName :Str) :Str
14362: Func ExpandUNCFileNameUTF8( const FileName :Str) :Str
14363: Func ExtractShortPathNameUTF8( const FileName :Str) :Str
14364: Func FindFirstUTF8(const Path:Str; Attr : Longint; out Rslt : TSearchRec) : Longint
14365: Func FindNextUTF8( var Rslt : TSearchRec) : Longint
14366: Proc FindCloseUTF8( var F : TSearchrec)
14367: Func FileSetDateUTF8( const FileName :Str; Age : Longint) : Longint
14368: Func FileGetAttrUTF8( const FileName :Str) : Longint
14369: Func FileSetAttrUTF8( const Filename :Str; Attr : longint) : Longint
14370: Func DeleteFileUTF8( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14371: Func RenameFileUTF8( const OldName, NewName :Str) :Bool
14372: Func FileSearchUTF8(const Name, DirList :Str; ImplicitCurrentDir :Bool) :Str
14373: Func FileIsReadOnlyUTF8( const FileName :Str) :Bool
14374: Func GetCurrentDirUTF8 :Str
14375: Func SetCurrentDirUTF8( const NewDir :Str) :Bool
14376: Func CreateDirUTF8( const NewDir :Str) :Bool
14377: Func RemoveDirUTF8( const Dir :Str) :Bool
14378: Func ForceDirectoriesUTF8( const Dir :Str) :Bool
14379: Func FileOpenUTF8( const FileName :Str; Mode : Int) : THandle
14380: Func FileCreateUTF8( const FileName :Str) : THandle;
14381: Func FileCreateUTF81( const FileName :Str; Rights :Card) : THandle;
14382: Func ParamStrUTF8( Param : Int) :Str
14383: Func GetEnvironmentStringUTF8( Index : Int) :Str
14384: Func GetEnvironmentVariableUTF8( const EnvVar :Str) :Str
14385: Func GetAppConfigDirUTF8( Global :Bool; Create :Bool) :Str
14386: Func GetAppConfigFileUTF8(Global:Boolean; SubDir:boolean; CreateDir :Bool) :Str
14387: Func SysErrorMessageUTF8( ErrorCode : Int) :Str
14388: end;
14390: Proc SIRegister_Keyboard(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
14391: begin
14392: //VK_F23 = 134;
14393: //{$EXTERNALSYM VK_F24}
14394: //VK_F24 = 135;
14395: TVirtualKeyCode', 'Int
14396: 'VK_MOUSEWHEELUP','Int'(134);
14397: 'VK_MOUSEWHEELDOWN','Int'(135);
14398: Func glIsKeyDown( c : Char) :Bool;
14399: Func glIsKeyDown1( vk : TVirtualKeyCode) :Bool;
14400: Func glKeyPressed( minVkCode : TVirtualKeyCode) : TVirtualKeyCode
14401: Func glVirtualKeyCodeToKeyName( vk : TVirtualKeyCode) :Str
14402: Func glKeyNameToVirtualKeyCode( const keyName :Str) : TVirtualKeyCode
14403: Func glCharToVirtualKeyCode( c : Char) : TVirtualKeyCode
14404: Proc glKeyboardNotifyWheelMoved( wheelDelta : Int)
14405: end;
14407: Proc SIRegister_GLCrossPlatform(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
14408: begin
14409: TGLPoint', 'TPoint
14410: //PGLPoint', '^TGLPoint // will not work
14411: TGLRect', 'TRect
14412: //PGLRect', '^TGLRect // will not work
14413: TDelphiColor', 'TColor
14414: TGLPicture', 'TPicture
14415: TGLGraphic', 'TGraphic
14416: TGLBitmap', 'TBitmap
14417: //TGraphicClass', 'class of TGraphic
14418: TGLTextLayout', '( tlTop, tlCenter, tlBottom )
14419: TGLMouseButton', '( mbLeft, mbRight, mbMiddle )
14420: TGLMouseEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Button : TGLMouse'

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14421: +'Button; Shift : TShiftState; X, Y : Int)

14422: TGLMouseMoveEvent', 'TMouseMoveEvent
14423: TGLKeyEvent', 'TKeyEvent
14424: TGLKeyPressEvent', 'TKeyPressEvent
14425: EGLOSError', 'EWin32Error
14426: EGLOSError', 'EWin32Error
14427: EGLOSError', 'EOSError
14428: 'glsAllFilter','string'All // sAllFilter
14429: Func GLPoint( const x, y : Int) : TGLPoint
14430: Func GLRGB( const r, g, b : Byte) : TColor
14431: Func GLColorToRGB( color : TColor) : TColor
14432: Func GLGetRValue( rgb : DWORD) : Byte
14433: Func GLGetGValue( rgb : DWORD) : Byte
14434: Func GLGetBValue( rgb : DWORD) : Byte
14435: Proc GLInitWinColors
14436: Func GLRect( const aLeft, aTop, aRight, aBottom : Int) : TGLRect
14437: Proc GLInflateGLRect( var aRect : TGLRect; dx, dy : Int)
14438: Proc GLIntersectGLRect( var aRect : TGLRect; const rect2 : TGLRect)
14439: Proc GLInformationDlg( const msg :Str)
14440: Func GLQuestionDlg( const msg :Str) :Bool
14441: Func GLInputDlg( const aCaption, aPrompt, aDefault :Str) :Str
14442: Func GLSavePictureDialog( var aFileName :Str; const aTitle :Str) :Bool
14443: Func GLOpenPictureDialog( var aFileName :Str; const aTitle :Str) :Bool
14444: Func GLApplicationTerminated :Bool
14445: Proc GLRaiseLastOSError
14446: Proc GLFreeAndNil( var anObject: TObject)
14447: Func GLGetDeviceLogicalPixelsX( device :Card) : Int
14448: Func GLGetCurrentColorDepth : Int
14449: Func GLPixelFormatToColorBits( aPixelFormat : TPixelFormat) : Int
14450: Func GLBitmapScanLine( aBitmap : TGLBitmap; aRow : Int) : Pointer
14451: Proc GLSleep( length :Card)
14452: Proc GLQueryPerformanceCounter( var val : Int64)
14453: Func GLQueryPerformanceFrequency( var val : Int64) :Bool
14454: Func GLStartPrecisionTimer : Int64
14455: Func GLPrecisionTimerLap( const precisionTimer : Int64) : Double
14456: Func GLStopPrecisionTimer( const precisionTimer : Int64) : Double
14457: Func GLRDTSC : Int64
14458: Proc GLLoadBitmapFromInstance( ABitmap : TBitmap; AName :Str)
14459: Func GLOKMessageBox( const Text, Caption :Str) : Int
14460: Proc GLShowHTMLUrl( Url :Str)
14461: Proc GLShowCursor( AShow :Bool)
14462: Proc GLSetCursorPos( AScreenX, AScreenY : Int)
14463: Proc GLGetCursorPos( var point : TGLPoint)
14464: Func GLGetScreenWidth : Int
14465: Func GLGetScreenHeight : Int
14466: Func GLGetTickCount : int64
14467: Func RemoveSpaces(const str :Str) :Str;
14468: TNormalMapSpace','( nmsObject, nmsTangent )
14469: Proc CalcObjectSpaceLightVectors(Light:TAffineVector;Vertices TAffineVectorList;Colors:TVectorList)
14470: Proc SetupTangentSpace( Vertices, Normals, TexCoords, Tangents, BiNormals : TAffineVectorList)
14471: Proc CalcTangentSpaceLightVectors(Light:TAffineVector;Vertices,Normals,Tangents,
14472: Func CreateObjectSpaceNormalMap(Width,Height:Int;HiNormals,HiTexCoords:TAffineVectorList):TGLBitmap
14473: Func CreateTangentSpaceNormalMap(Width, Height : Int; HiNormals, HiTexCoords, LoNormals, LoTexCoords,
Tangents, BiNormals : TAffineVectorList) : TGLBitmap
14474: end;
14476: Proc SIRegister_GLStarRecord(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
14477: begin
14478: TGLStarRecord', 'record RA: Word; DEC: SmallInt; BVColorIndex: Byte; VMagnitude: Byte; end
14479: // PGLStarRecord', '^TGLStarRecord // will not work
14480: Func StarRecordPositionZUp( const starRecord : TGLStarRecord) : TAffineVector
14481: Func StarRecordPositionYUp( const starRecord : TGLStarRecord) : TAffineVector
14482: Func StarRecordColor( const starRecord : TGLStarRecord; bias : Single) : TVector
14483: end;
14485: Proc SIRegister_GeometryBB(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
14486: begin
14487: TAABB', 'record min : TAffineVector; max : TAffineVector; end
14488: //PAABB', '^TAABB // will not work
14489: TBSphere', 'record Center : TAffineVector; Radius : single; end
14490: TClipRect', 'record Left : Single; Top:Single; Right:Single; Bottom : Single; end
14491: TSpaceContains', '(scNoOverlap, scContainsFully, scContainsPartially )
14492: Func AddBB( var c1 : THmgBoundingBox; const c2 : THmgBoundingBox) : THmgBoundingBox
14493: Proc AddAABB( var aabb : TAABB; const aabb1 : TAABB)
14494: Proc SetBB( var c : THmgBoundingBox; const v : TVector)
14495: Proc SetAABB( var bb : TAABB; const v : TVector)
14496: Proc BBTransform( var c : THmgBoundingBox; const m : TMatrix)
14497: Proc AABBTransform( var bb : TAABB; const m : TMatrix)
14498: Proc AABBScale( var bb : TAABB; const v : TAffineVector)
14499: Func BBMinX( const c : THmgBoundingBox) : Single
14500: Func BBMaxX( const c : THmgBoundingBox) : Single
14501: Func BBMinY( const c : THmgBoundingBox) : Single
14502: Func BBMaxY( const c : THmgBoundingBox) : Single
14503: Func BBMinZ( const c : THmgBoundingBox) : Single
14504: Func BBMaxZ( const c : THmgBoundingBox) : Single
14505: Proc AABBInclude( var bb : TAABB; const p : TAffineVector)
14506: Proc AABBFromSweep(var SweepAABB: TAABB; const Start,Dest:TVector; const Radius:Single)
14507: Func AABBIntersection( const aabb1, aabb2 : TAABB) : TAABB

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14508: Func BBToAABB( const aBB : THmgBoundingBox) : TAABB

14509: Func AABBToBB( const anAABB : TAABB) : THmgBoundingBox;
14510: Func AABBToBB1( const anAABB : TAABB; const m : TMatrix) : THmgBoundingBox;
14511: Proc OffsetAABB( var aabb : TAABB; const delta : TAffineVector);
14512: Proc OffsetAABB1( var aabb : TAABB; const delta : TVector);
14513: Func IntersectAABBs( const aabb1, aabb2 : TAABB; const m1To2, m2To1 : TMatrix) :Bool;
14514: Func IntersectAABBsAbsoluteXY( const aabb1, aabb2 : TAABB) :Bool
14515: Func IntersectAABBsAbsoluteXZ( const aabb1, aabb2 : TAABB) :Bool
14516: Func IntersectAABBsAbsolute( const aabb1, aabb2 : TAABB) :Bool
14517: Func AABBFitsInAABBAbsolute( const aabb1, aabb2 : TAABB) :Bool
14518: Func PointInAABB( const p : TAffineVector; const aabb : TAABB) :Bool;
14519: Func PointInAABB1( const p : TVector; const aabb : TAABB) :Bool;
14520: Func PlaneIntersectAABB( Normal : TAffineVector; d : single; aabb : TAABB) :Bool
14521: Func TriangleIntersectAABB( const aabb : TAABB; v1, v2, v3 : TAffineVector) :Bool
14522: Proc ExtractAABBCorners( const AABB : TAABB; var AABBCorners : TAABBCorners)
14523: Proc AABBToBSphere( const AABB : TAABB; var BSphere : TBSphere)
14524: Proc BSphereToAABB( const BSphere : TBSphere; var AABB : TAABB);
14525: Func BSphereToAABB1( const center : TAffineVector; radius : Single) : TAABB;
14526: Func BSphereToAABB2( const center : TVector; radius : Single) : TAABB;
14527: Func AABBContainsAABB( const mainAABB, testAABB : TAABB) : TSpaceContains
14528: Func BSphereContainsAABB( const mainBSphere : TBSphere; const testAABB : TAABB) : TSpaceContains
14529: Func BSphereContainsBSphere( const mainBSphere, testBSphere : TBSphere) : TSpaceContains
14530: Func AABBContainsBSphere(const mainAABB:TAABB;const testBSphere:TBSphere): TSpaceContains
14531: Func PlaneContainsBSphere(const Location,Normal:TAffineVector;const testBSphere:TBSphere):TSpaceContains
14532: Func FrustumContainsBSphere(const Frustum:TFrustum;const testBSphere:TBSphere): TSpaceContains
14533: Func FrustumContainsAABB( const Frustum:TFrustum;const testAABB:TAABB): TSpaceContains
14534: Func ClipToAABB( const v : TAffineVector; const AABB : TAABB) : TAffineVector
14535: Func BSphereIntersectsBSphere( const mainBSphere, testBSphere : TBSphere) :Bool
14536: Proc IncludeInClipRect( var clipRect : TClipRect; x, y : Single)
14537: Func AABBToClipRect(const aabb:TAABB;modelViewProjection:TMatrix;viewportSizeX,
14538: end;
14540: Proc SIRegister_GeometryCoordinates(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
14541: begin
14542: Proc Cylindrical_Cartesian( const r, theta, z1 : single; var x, y, z : single);
14543: Proc Cylindrical_Cartesian1( const r, theta, z1 : double; var x, y, z : double);
14544: Proc Cylindrical_Cartesian2(const r,theta,z1: single; var x,y,z single; var ierr : Int);
14545: Proc Cylindrical_Cartesian3(const r,theta,z1: double; var x,y,z: double; var ierr : Int);
14546: Proc Cartesian_Cylindrical( const x, y, z1 : single; var r, theta, z : single);
14547: Proc Cartesian_Cylindrical1( const x, y, z1 : double; var r, theta, z : double);
14548: Proc Spherical_Cartesian( const r, theta, phi : single; var x, y, z : single);
14549: Proc Spherical_Cartesian1( const r, theta, phi : double; var x, y, z : double);
14550: Proc Spherical_Cartesian2(const r,theta, phi: single;var x,y,z:single;varierr:Int);
14551: Proc Spherical_Cartesian3(const r,theta, phi:double;var x,y,z:double;var ierr:Int);
14552: Proc Cartesian_Spherical( const x, y, z : single; var r, theta, phi : single);
14553: Proc Cartesian_Spherical1( const v : TAffineVector; var r, theta, phi : Single);
14554: Proc Cartesian_Spherical2( const x, y, z : double; var r, theta, phi : double);
14555: Proc ProlateSpheroidal_Cartesian( const xi, eta, phi, a : single; var x, y, z : single);
14556: Proc ProlateSpheroidal_Cartesian1(const xi,eta,phi,a: double;var x,y, z : double);
14557: Proc ProlateSpheroidal_Cartesian2(const xi,eta,phi,a:singl;var x,y,z:single;var ierr:Int);
14558: Proc ProlateSpheroidal_Cartesian3(const xi,eta,phi,a:doubl;var x,y,z:double;var ierr:Int);
14559: Proc OblateSpheroidal_Cartesian( const xi, eta, phi, a : single; var x, y, z : single);
14560: Proc OblateSpheroidal_Cartesian1(const xi, eta, phi, a : double; var x, y, z : double);
14561: Proc OblateSpheroidal_Cartesian2(const xi,eta,phi,a:single;var x,y,z:single;var ierr:Int);
14562: Proc OblateSpheroidal_Cartesian3(const xi,eta,phi,a:double;var x,y,z:double;var ierr:Int);
14563: Proc BipolarCylindrical_Cartesian(const u, v, z1, a: single; var x, y, z : single);
14564: Proc BipolarCylindrical_Cartesian1(const u, v, z1, a: double; var x, y, z: double);
14565: Proc BipolarCylindrical_Cartesian2(const u,v,z1,a:single;var x,y,z:single;var ierr:Int);
14566: Proc BipolarCylindrical_Cartesian3(const u,v,z1,a: double;var x,y,z:double;var ierr:Int);
14567: end;
14569: Proc SIRegister_VectorGeometry(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
14570: begin
14571: 'EPSILON','Single').setExtended( 1e-40);
14572: 'EPSILON2','Single').setExtended( 1e-30); }
14573: TRenderContextClippingInfo', 'record origin : TVector; clippingD'
14574: +irection : TVector; viewPortRadius:Single;farClippingDistance:Single;frustum:TFrustum;end
14575: THmgPlane', 'TVector
14576: TDoubleHmgPlane', 'THomogeneousDblVector
14577: {TTransType', '( ttScaleX, ttScaleY, ttScaleZ, ttShearXY, ttShear'
14578: +'XZ, ttShearYZ, ttRotateX, ttRotateY, ttRotateZ, ttTranslateX, ttTranslateY'
14579: +', ttTranslateZ, ttPerspectiveX, ttPerspectiveY, ttPerspectiveZ, ttPerspectiveW )}
14580: TSingleArray', 'array of Single
14581: TTransformations','array [0..15] of Single)
14582: TPackedRotationMatrix','array [0..2] of Smallint)
14583: TVertex', 'TAffineVector
14584: //TVectorGL', 'THomogeneousFltVector
14585: //TMatrixGL', 'THomogeneousFltMatrix
14586: // TPackedRotationMatrix = array [0..2] of SmallInt;
14587: Func glTexPointMake( const s, t : Single) : TTexPoint
14588: Func glAffineVectorMake( const x, y, z : Single) : TAffineVector;
14589: Func glAffineVectorMake1( const v : TVectorGL) : TAffineVector;
14590: Proc glSetAffineVector( var v : TAffineVector; const x, y, z : Single);
14591: Proc glSetVector( var v : TAffineVector; const x, y, z : Single);
14592: Proc glSetVector1( var v : TAffineVector; const vSrc : TVectorGL);
14593: Proc glSetVector2( var v : TAffineVector; const vSrc : TAffineVector);
14594: Proc glSetVector3( var v : TAffineDblVector; const vSrc : TAffineVector);
14595: Proc glSetVector4( var v : TAffineDblVector; const vSrc : TVectorGL);

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14596: Func glVectorMake( const v : TAffineVector; w : Single) : TVectorGL;

14597: Func glVectorMake1( const x, y, z : Single; w : Single) : TVectorGL;
14598: Func glPointMake( const x, y, z : Single) : TVectorGL;
14599: Func glPointMake1( const v : TAffineVector) : TVectorGL;
14600: Func glPointMake2( const v : TVectorGL) : TVectorGL;
14601: Proc glSetVector5( var v : TVectorGL; const x, y, z : Single; w : Single);
14602: Proc glSetVector6( var v : TVectorGL; const av : TAffineVector; w : Single);
14603: Proc glglSetVector7( var v : TVectorGL; const vSrc : TVectorGL);
14604: Proc glMakePoint( var v : TVectorGL; const x, y, z : Single);
14605: Proc glMakePoint1( var v : TVectorGL; const av : TAffineVector);
14606: Proc glMakePoint2( var v : TVectorGL; const av : TVectorGL);
14607: Proc glMakeVector( var v : TAffineVector; const x, y, z : Single);
14608: Proc glMakeVector1( var v : TVectorGL; const x, y, z : Single);
14609: Proc glMakeVector2( var v : TVectorGL; const av : TAffineVector);
14610: Proc glMakeVector3( var v : TVectorGL; const av : TVectorGL);
14611: Proc glRstVector( var v : TAffineVector);
14612: Proc glRstVector1( var v : TVectorGL);
14613: Func glVectorAdd( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector;
14614: Proc glVectorAdd1( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector; var vr : TAffineVector);
14615: //Proc VectorAdd2( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector; vr : PAffineVector);
14616: Func glVectorAdd3( const v1, v2 : TVectorGL) : TVectorGL;
14617: Proc glVectorAdd4( const v1, v2 : TVectorGL; var vr : TVectorGL);
14618: Func glVectorAdd5( const v : TAffineVector; const f : Single) : TAffineVector;
14619: Func glVectorAdd6( const v : TVectorGL; const f : Single) : TVectorGL;
14620: Proc glAddVector7( var v1 : TAffineVector; const v2 : TAffineVector);
14621: Proc glAddVector8( var v1 : TAffineVector; const v2 : TVectorGL);
14622: Proc glAddVector9( var v1 : TVectorGL; const v2 : TVectorGL);
14623: Proc glAddVector10( var v : TAffineVector; const f : Single);
14624: Proc glAddVector11( var v : TVectorGL; const f : Single);
14625: //Proc TexPointArrayAdd(const src:PTexPointArray;const delta:TTexPoint;const nb:Int;dest:PTexPointArray);
14626: //Proc TexPointArrayScaleAndAdd(const src:PTexPointArray;const delta:TTexPoint;const nb:Int;const scale:
TTexPoint; dest : PTexPointArray);
14627: //Proc VectorArrayAdd(const src:PAffineVectorArray;const delta:TAffineVector;const nb:Int;dest:
14628: Func glVectorSubtract( const V1, V2 : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector;
14629: Proc glVectorSubtract1( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector; var result : TAffineVector);
14630: Proc glVectorSubtract2( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector; var result : TVectorGL);
14631: Proc glVectorSubtract3(const v1: TVectorGL; v2: TAffineVector; var result : TVectorGL);
14632: Func glVectorSubtract4( const V1, V2 : TVectorGL) : TVectorGL;
14633: Proc glVectorSubtract5( const v1, v2 : TVectorGL; var result : TVectorGL);
14634: Proc glVectorSubtract6( const v1, v2 : TVectorGL; var result : TAffineVector);
14635: Func glVectorSubtract7( const v1 : TAffineVector; delta : Single) : TAffineVector;
14636: Func glVectorSubtract8( const v1 : TVectorGL; delta : Single) : TVectorGL;
14637: Proc glSubtractVector9( var V1 : TAffineVector; const V2 : TAffineVector);
14638: Proc glSubtractVector10( var V1 : TVectorGL; const V2 : TVectorGL);
14639: Proc glCombineVector( var vr : TAffineVector; const v : TAffineVector; var f : Single);
14640: //Proc CombineVector1(var vr: TAffineVector; const v : TAffineVector; pf : PFloat);
14641: Func glTexPointCombine( const t1, t2 : TTexPoint; f1, f2 : Single) : TTexPoint
14642: Func glVectorCombine2(const V1,V2: TAffineVector; const F1, F2 : Single) : TAffineVector;
14643: Func glVectorCombine33( const V1, V2, V3 : TAffineVector; const F1, F2, F3 : Single) : TAffineVector;
14644: Proc glVectorCombine34(const V1,V2,V3:TAffineVector; const F1,F2,F3: Single; var vr : TAffineVector);
14645: Proc glCombineVector5( var vr : TVectorGL; const v : TVectorGL; var f : Single);
14646: Proc glCombineVector6( var vr : TVectorGL; const v : TAffineVector; var f : Single);
14647: Func glVectorCombine7( const V1, V2 : TVectorGL; const F1, F2 : Single) : TVectorGL;
14648: Func glVectorCombine8(const V1:TVectorGL;const V2:TAffineVector;const F1,F2:Single): TVectorGL;
14649: Proc glVectorCombine9(const V1:TVectorGL;const V2:TAffineVector;const F1,F2:Single;var vr:TVectorGL);
14650: Proc glVectorCombine10( const V1, V2 : TVectorGL; const F1, F2 : Single; var vr : TVectorGL);
14651: Proc glVectorCombine11(const V1,V2 : TVectorGL; const F2 : Single; var vr: TVectorGL);
14652: Func glVectorCombine3(const V1,V2,V3: TVectorGL; const F1, F2, F3 : Single): TVectorGL;
14653: Proc glVectorCombine31(const V1, V2, V3:TVectorGL; const F1,F2, F3:Single; var vr : TVectorGL);
14654: Func glVectorDotProduct( const V1, V2 : TAffineVector) : Single;
14655: Func glVectorDotProduct1( const V1, V2 : TVectorGL) : Single;
14656: Func glVectorDotProduct2( const V1 : TVectorGL; const V2 : TAffineVector) : Single;
14657: Func glPointProject( const p, origin, direction : TAffineVector) : Single;
14658: Func glPointProject1( const p, origin, direction : TVectorGL) : Single;
14659: Func glVectorCrossProduct( const V1, V2 : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector;
14660: Func glVectorCrossProduct1( const V1, V2 : TVectorGL) : TVectorGL;
14661: Proc glVectorCrossProduct2( const v1, v2 : TVectorGL; var vr : TVectorGL);
14662: Proc glVectorCrossProduct3( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector; var vr : TVectorGL);
14663: Proc glVectorCrossProduct4( const v1, v2 : TVectorGL; var vr : TAffineVector);
14664: Proc glVectorCrossProduct5( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector; var vr : TAffineVector);
14665: Func glLerp( const start, stop, t : Single) : Single
14666: Func glAngleLerp( start, stop, t : Single) : Single
14667: Func glDistanceBetweenAngles( angle1, angle2 : Single) : Single
14668: Func glTexPointLerp( const t1, t2 : TTexPoint; t : Single) : TTexPoint;
14669: Func glVectorLerp( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector; t : Single) : TAffineVector;
14670: Proc glVectorLerp1(const v1,v2: TAffineVector; t : Single; var vr : TAffineVector);
14671: Func glVectorLerp2( const v1, v2 : TVectorGL; t : Single) : TVectorGL;
14672: Proc glVectorLerp3( const v1, v2 : TVectorGL; t : Single; var vr : TVectorGL);
14673: Func glVectorAngleLerp( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector; t : Single) : TAffineVector;
14674: Func glVectorAngleCombine( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector; f : Single) : TAffineVector;
14675: //Proc VectorArrayLerp(const src1,src2:PVectorArray; t:Single; n:Int; dest:PVectorArray);
14676: //Proc VectorArrayLerp1(const src1,src2:PAffineVectorArray; t:Single;n:Int;dest: PAffineVectorArray);
14677: Func glVectorLength( const x, y : Single) : Single;
14678: Func glVectorLength1( const x, y, z : Single) : Single;
14679: Func glVectorLength2( const v : TAffineVector) : Single;
14680: Func glVectorLength3( const v : TVectorGL) : Single;
14681: Func glVectorLength4( const v : array of Single) : Single;
14682: Func glVectorNorm( const x, y : Single) : Single;

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14683: Func glVectorNorm1( const v : TAffineVector) : Single;

14684: Func glVectorNorm2( const v : TVectorGL) : Single;
14685: Func glVectorNorm3( var V : array of Single) : Single;
14686: Proc glNormalizeVector( var v : TAffineVector);
14687: Proc glNormalizeVector1( var v : TVectorGL);
14688: Func glVectorNormalize( const v : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector;
14689: Func glVectorNormalize1( const v : TVectorGL) : TVectorGL;
14690: // Proc NormalizeVectorArray( list : PAffineVectorArray; n : Int);
14691: Func glVectorAngleCosine( const V1, V2 : TAffineVector) : Single
14692: Func glVectorNegate( const v : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector;
14693: Func glVectorNegate1( const v : TVectorGL) : TVectorGL;
14694: Proc glNegateVector( var V : TAffineVector);
14695: Proc glNegateVector2( var V : TVectorGL);
14696: Proc glNegateVector3( var V : array of Single);
14697: Proc glScaleVector( var v : TAffineVector; factor : Single);
14698: Proc glScaleVector1( var v : TAffineVector; const factor : TAffineVector);
14699: Proc glScaleVector2( var v : TVectorGL; factor : Single);
14700: Proc glScaleVector3( var v : TVectorGL; const factor : TVectorGL);
14701: Func glVectorScale( const v : TAffineVector; factor : Single) : TAffineVector;
14702: Proc glVectorScale1( const v : TAffineVector; factor : Single; var vr : TAffineVector);
14703: Func glVectorScale2( const v : TVectorGL; factor : Single) : TVectorGL;
14704: Proc glVectorScale3( const v : TVectorGL; factor : Single; var vr : TVectorGL);
14705: Proc glVectorScale4( const v : TVectorGL; factor : Single; var vr : TAffineVector);
14706: Proc glDivideVector( var v : TVectorGL; const divider : TVectorGL);
14707: Func glVectorEquals( const V1, V2 : TVectorGL) :Bool;
14708: Func glVectorEquals1( const V1, V2 : TAffineVector) :Bool;
14709: Func glAffineVectorEquals( const V1, V2 : TVectorGL) :Bool;
14710: Func glVectorIsNull( const v : TVectorGL) :Bool;
14711: Func glVectorIsNull1( const v : TAffineVector) :Bool;
14712: Func glVectorSpacing( const v1, v2 : TTexPoint) : Single;
14713: Func glVectorSpacing1( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector) : Single;
14714: Func glVectorSpacing2( const v1, v2 : TVectorGL) : Single;
14715: Func glVectorDistance( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector) : Single;
14716: Func glVectorDistance1( const v1, v2 : TVectorGL) : Single;
14717: Func glVectorDistance2( const v1, v2 : TAffineVector) : Single;
14718: Func glVectorDistance21( const v1, v2 : TVectorGL) : Single;
14719: Func glVectorPerpendicular( const V, N : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector
14720: Func glVectorReflect( const V, N : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector
14721: Proc glRotateVector(var vector:TVectorGL;const axis: TAffineVector; angle : Single);
14722: Proc glRotateVector1( var vector:TVectorGL;const axis : TVectorGL; angle : Single);
14723: Proc glRotateVectorAroundY( var v : TAffineVector; alpha : Single)
14724: Func glVectorRotateAroundX( const v : TAffineVector; alpha : Single) : TAffineVector;
14725: Func glVectorRotateAroundY( const v : TAffineVector; alpha : Single) : TAffineVector;
14726: Proc glVectorRotateAroundY1(const v:TAffineVector;alpha:Single; var vr : TAffineVector);
14727: Func glVectorRotateAroundZ(const v : TAffineVector; alpha : Single) : TAffineVector;
14728: Proc glAbsVector( var v : TVectorGL);
14729: Proc glAbsVector1( var v : TAffineVector);
14730: Func glVectorAbs( const v : TVectorGL) : TVectorGL;
14731: Func glVectorAbs1( const v : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector;
14732: Proc glSetMatrix( var dest : THomogeneousDblMatrix; const src : TMatrixGL);
14733: Proc glSetMatrix1( var dest : TAffineMatrix; const src : TMatrixGL);
14734: Proc glSetMatrix2( var dest : TMatrixGL; const src : TAffineMatrix);
14735: Proc glSetMatrixRow( var dest : TMatrixGL; rowNb : Int; const aRow : TVectorGL);
14736: Func glCreateScaleMatrix( const v : TAffineVector) : TMatrixGL;
14737: Func glCreateScaleMatrix1( const v : TVectorGL) : TMatrixGL;
14738: Func glCreateTranslationMatrix( const V : TAffineVector) : TMatrixGL;
14739: Func glCreateTranslationMatrix1( const V : TVectorGL) : TMatrixGL;
14740: Func glCreateScaleAndTranslationMatrix( const scale, offset : TVectorGL) : TMatrixGL;
14741: Func glCreateRotationMatrixX( const sine, cosine : Single) : TMatrixGL;
14742: Func glCreateRotationMatrixX1( const angle : Single) : TMatrixGL;
14743: Func glCreateRotationMatrixY( const sine, cosine : Single) : TMatrixGL;
14744: Func glCreateRotationMatrixY1( const angle : Single) : TMatrixGL;
14745: Func glCreateRotationMatrixZ( const sine, cosine : Single) : TMatrixGL;
14746: Func glCreateRotationMatrixZ1( const angle : Single) : TMatrixGL;
14747: Func glCreateRotationMatrix(const anAxis:TAffineVector; angle: Single): TMatrixGL;
14748: Func glCreateRotationMatrix1( const anAxis : TVectorGL; angle : Single) : TMatrixGL;
14749: Func glCreateAffineRotationMatrix(const anAxis:TAffineVector;angle:Single):TAffineMatrix
14750: Func glMatrixMultiply( const M1, M2 : TAffineMatrix) : TAffineMatrix;
14751: Func glMatrixMultiply1( const M1, M2 : TMatrixGL) : TMatrixGL;
14752: Proc glMatrixMultiply2( const M1, M2 : TMatrixGL; var MResult : TMatrixGL);
14753: Func glVectorTransform( const V : TVectorGL; const M : TMatrixGL) : TVectorGL;
14754: Func glVectorTransform1( const V : TVectorGL; const M : TAffineMatrix) : TVectorGL;
14755: Func glVectorTransform2( const V : TAffineVector; const M : TMatrixGL) : TAffineVector;
14756: Func glVectorTransform3(const V : TAffineVector; const M : TAffineMatrix):TAffineVector;
14757: Func glMatrixDeterminant( const M : TAffineMatrix) : Single;
14758: Func glMatrixDeterminant1( const M : TMatrixGL) : Single;
14759: Proc glAdjointMatrix( var M : TMatrixGL);
14760: Proc glAdjointMatrix1( var M : TAffineMatrix);
14761: Proc glScaleMatrix( var M : TAffineMatrix; const factor : Single);
14762: Proc glScaleMatrix1( var M : TMatrixGL; const factor : Single);
14763: Proc glTranslateMatrix( var M : TMatrixGL; const v : TAffineVector);
14764: Proc glTranslateMatrix1( var M : TMatrixGL; const v : TVectorGL);
14765: Proc glNormalizeMatrix( var M : TMatrixGL)
14766: Proc glTransposeMatrix( var M : TAffineMatrix);
14767: Proc glTransposeMatrix1( var M : TMatrixGL);
14768: Proc glInvertMatrix( var M : TMatrixGL);
14769: Proc glInvertMatrix1( var M : TAffineMatrix);
14770: Func glAnglePreservingMatrixInvert( const mat : TMatrixGL) : TMatrixGL
14771: Func glMatrixDecompose( const M : TMatrixGL; var Tran : TTransformations) :Bool

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14772: Func glPlaneMake( const p1, p2, p3 : TAffineVector) : THmgPlane;

14773: Func glPlaneMake1( const p1, p2, p3 : TVectorGL) : THmgPlane;
14774: Func glPlaneMake2( const point, normal : TAffineVector) : THmgPlane;
14775: Func glPlaneMake3( const point, normal : TVectorGL) : THmgPlane;
14776: Proc glSetPlane( var dest : TDoubleHmgPlane; const src : THmgPlane)
14777: Proc glNormalizePlane( var plane : THmgPlane)
14778: Func glPlaneEvaluatePoint(const plane:THmgPlane;const point: TAffineVector): Single;
14779: Func glPlaneEvaluatePoint1( const plane : THmgPlane; const point : TVectorGL) : Single;
14780: Func glCalcPlaneNormal( const p1, p2, p3 : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector;
14781: Proc glCalcPlaneNormal1( const p1, p2, p3 : TAffineVector; var vr : TAffineVector);
14782: Proc glCalcPlaneNormal2( const p1, p2, p3 : TVectorGL; var vr : TAffineVector);
14783: Func glPointIsInHalfSpace( const point, planePoint, planeNormal : TVectorGL) :Bool;
14784: Func glPointIsInHalfSpace1(const point,planePoint,planeNormal : TAffineVector) :Bool;
14785: Func glPointPlaneDistance(const point, planePoint, planeNormal: TVectorGL) : Single;
14786: Func glPointPlaneDistance1(const point, planePoint, planeNormal: TAffineVector): Single;
14787: Func glPointSegmentClosestPoint(const point,segmentStart, segmentStop:TAffineVector):TAffineVector
14788: Func glPointSegmentDistance(const point,segmentStart,segmentStop:TAffineVector): single
14789: Func glPointLineClosestPoint(const point, linePoint, lineDirection : TAffineVector) : TAffineVector
14790: Func glPointLineDistance(const point,linePoint,lineDirection:TAffineVector): Single
14791: Proc SglegmentSegmentClosestPoint(const S0Start,S0Stop,S1Start,S1Stop TAffineVector;var Segment0Closest,
Segment1Closest: TAffineVector)
14792: Func glSegmentSegmentDistance(const S0Start,S0Stop,S1Start,S1Stop:TAffineVector):single
14793: TEulerOrder', '( eulXYZ, eulXZY, eulYXZ, eulYZX, eulZXY, eulZYX)
14794: Func glQuaternionMake( const Imag : array of Single; Real : Single) : TQuaternion
14795: Func glQuaternionConjugate( const Q : TQuaternion) : TQuaternion
14796: Func glQuaternionMagnitude( const Q : TQuaternion) : Single
14797: Proc glNormalizeQuaternion( var Q : TQuaternion)
14798: Func glQuaternionFromPoints( const V1, V2 : TAffineVector) : TQuaternion
14799: Proc glQuaternionToPoints(const Q: TQuaternion; var ArcFrom,ArcTo : TAffineVector)
14800: Func glQuaternionFromMatrix( const mat : TMatrixGL) : TQuaternion
14801: Func glQuaternionToMatrix( quat : TQuaternion) : TMatrixGL
14802: Func glQuaternionToAffineMatrix( quat : TQuaternion) : TAffineMatrix
14803: Func glQuaternionFromAngleAxis(const angle:Single;const axis:TAffineVector) : TQuaternion
14804: Func glQuaternionFromRollPitchYaw( const r, p, y : Single) : TQuaternion
14805: Func glQuaternionFromEuler( const x, y, z : Single; eulerOrder : TEulerOrder) : TQuaternion
14806: Func glQuaternionMultiply( const qL, qR : TQuaternion) : TQuaternion
14807: Func glQuaternionSlerp(const QStart,QEnd:TQuaternion;Spin:Int; t: Single): TQuaternion;
14808: Func glQuaternionSlerp1(const source, dest:TQuaternion; const t: Single) : TQuaternion;
14809: Func glLnXP1( X : Extended) : Extended
14810: Func glLog10( X : Extended) : Extended
14811: Func glLog2( X : Extended) : Extended;
14812: Func glLog21( X : Single) : Single;
14813: Func glLogN( Base, X : Extended) : Extended
14814: Func glIntPower( Base : Extended; Exponent : Int) : Extended
14815: Func glPower( const Base, Exponent : Single) : Single;
14816: Func glPower1( Base : Single; Exponent : Int) : Single;
14817: Func glDegToRad( const Degrees : Extended) : Extended;
14818: Func glDegToRad1( const Degrees : Single) : Single;
14819: Func glRadToDeg( const Radians : Extended) : Extended;
14820: Func glRadToDeg1( const Radians : Single) : Single;
14821: Func glNormalizeAngle( angle : Single) : Single
14822: Func glNormalizeDegAngle( angle : Single) : Single
14823: Proc glSinCos( const Theta : Extended; var Sin, Cos : Extended);
14824: Proc glSinCos11( const Theta : Double; var Sin, Cos : Double);
14825: Proc glSinCos0( const Theta : Single; var Sin, Cos : Single);
14826: Proc glSinCos1( const theta, radius : Double; var Sin, Cos : Extended);
14827: Proc glSinCos2( const theta, radius : Double; var Sin, Cos : Double);
14828: Proc glSinCos3( const theta, radius : Single; var Sin, Cos : Single);
14829: Proc glPrepareSinCosCache(var s,c: array of Single; startAngle,stopAngle : Single)
14830: Func glArcCos( const X : Extended) : Extended;
14831: Func glArcCos1( const x : Single) : Single;
14832: Func glArcSin( const X : Extended) : Extended;
14833: Func glArcSin1( const X : Single) : Single;
14834: Func glArcTan21( const Y, X : Extended) : Extended;
14835: Func glArcTan21( const Y, X : Single) : Single;
14836: Func glFastArcTan2( y, x : Single) : Single
14837: Func glTan( const X : Extended) : Extended;
14838: Func glTan1( const X : Single) : Single;
14839: Func glCoTan( const X : Extended) : Extended;
14840: Func glCoTan1( const X : Single) : Single;
14841: Func glSinh( const x : Single) : Single;
14842: Func glSinh1( const x : Double) : Double;
14843: Func glCosh( const x : Single) : Single;
14844: Func glCosh1( const x : Double) : Double;
14845: Func glRSqrt( v : Single) : Single
14846: Func glRLength( x, y : Single) : Single
14847: Func glISqrt( i : Int) : Int
14848: Func glILength( x, y : Int) : Int;
14849: Func glILength1( x, y, z : Int) : Int;
14850: Proc glRegisterBasedExp
14851: Proc glRandomPointOnSphere( var p : TAffineVector)
14852: Func glRoundInt( v : Single) : Single;
14853: Func glRoundInt1( v : Extended) : Extended;
14854: Func glTrunc( v : Single) : Int;
14855: Func glTrunc64( v : Extended) : Int64;
14856: Func glInt( v : Single) : Single;
14857: Func glInt1( v : Extended) : Extended;
14858: Func glFrac( v : Single) : Single;
14859: Func glFrac1( v : Extended) : Extended;

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14860: Func glRound( v : Single) : Int;

14861: Func glRound64( v : Single) : Int64;
14862: Func glRound641( v : Extended) : Int64;
14863: Func glTrunc( X : Extended) : Int64
14864: Func glRound( X : Extended) : Int64
14865: Func glFrac( X : Extended) : Extended
14866: Func glCeil( v : Single) : Int;
14867: Func glCeil64( v : Extended) : Int64;
14868: Func glFloor( v : Single) : Int;
14869: Func glFloor64( v : Extended) : Int64;
14870: Func glScaleAndRound( i : Int; var s : Single) : Int
14871: Func glSign( x : Single) : Int
14872: Func glIsInRange( const x, a, b : Single) :Bool;
14873: Func glIsInRange1( const x, a, b : Double) :Bool;
14874: Func glIsInCube( const p, d : TAffineVector) :Bool;
14875: Func glIsInCube1( const p, d : TVectorGL) :Bool;
14876: //Func MinFloat( values : PSingleArray; nbItems : Int) : Single;
14877: //Func MinFloat1( values : PDoubleArray; nbItems : Int) : Double;
14878: //Func MinFloat2( values : PExtendedArray; nbItems : Int) : Extended;
14879: Func glMinFloat3( const v1, v2 : Single) : Single;
14880: Func glMinFloat4( const v : array of Single) : Single;
14881: Func glMinFloat5( const v1, v2 : Double) : Double;
14882: Func glMinFloat6( const v1, v2 : Extended) : Extended;
14883: Func glMinFloat7( const v1, v2, v3 : Single) : Single;
14884: Func glMinFloat8( const v1, v2, v3 : Double) : Double;
14885: Func glMinFloat9( const v1, v2, v3 : Extended) : Extended;
14886: //Func MaxFloat10( values : PSingleArray; nbItems : Int) : Single;
14887: //Func MaxFloat( values : PDoubleArray; nbItems : Int) : Double;
14888: //Func MaxFloat1( values : PExtendedArray; nbItems : Int) : Extended;
14889: Func glMaxFloat2( const v : array of Single) : Single;
14890: Func glMaxFloat3( const v1, v2 : Single) : Single;
14891: Func glMaxFloat4( const v1, v2 : Double) : Double;
14892: Func glMaxFloat5( const v1, v2 : Extended) : Extended;
14893: Func glMaxFloat6( const v1, v2, v3 : Single) : Single;
14894: Func glMaxFloat7( const v1, v2, v3 : Double) : Double;
14895: Func glMaxFloat8( const v1, v2, v3 : Extended) : Extended;
14896: Func glMinInt9( const v1, v2 : Int) : Int;
14897: Func glMinInt( const v1, v2 :Card) :Card;
14898: Func glMaxInt( const v1, v2 : Int) : Int;
14899: Func glMaxInt1( const v1, v2 :Card) :Card;
14900: Func glTriangleArea( const p1, p2, p3 : TAffineVector) : Single;
14901: //Func PolygonArea( const p : PAffineVectorArray; nSides : Int) : Single;
14902: Func glTriangleSignedArea( const p1, p2, p3 : TAffineVector) : Single;
14903: //Func PolygonSignedArea( const p : PAffineVectorArray; nSides : Int) : Single;
14904: //Proc ScaleFloatArray( values : PSingleArray; nb : Int; var factor : Single);
14905: Proc glScaleFloatArray( var values : TSingleArray; factor : Single);
14906: //Proc OffsetFloatArray( values : PSingleArray; nb : Int; var delta : Single);
14907: Proc glOffsetFloatArray1( var values : array of Single; delta : Single);
14908: //Proc OffsetFloatArray2( valuesDest, valuesDelta : PSingleArray; nb : Int);
14909: Func glMaxXYZComponent( const v : TVectorGL) : Single;
14910: Func glMaxXYZComponent1( const v : TAffineVector) : single;
14911: Func glMinXYZComponent( const v : TVectorGL) : Single;
14912: Func glMinXYZComponent1( const v : TAffineVector) : single;
14913: Func glMaxAbsXYZComponent( v : TVectorGL) : Single
14914: Func glMinAbsXYZComponent( v : TVectorGL) : Single
14915: Proc glMaxVector( var v : TVectorGL; const v1 : TVectorGL);
14916: Proc glMaxVector1( var v : TAffineVector; const v1 : TAffineVector);
14917: Proc glMinVector( var v : TVectorGL; const v1 : TVectorGL);
14918: Proc glMinVector1( var v : TAffineVector; const v1 : TAffineVector);
14919: Proc glSortArrayAscending( var a : array of Extended)
14920: Func glClampValue( const aValue, aMin, aMax : Single) : Single;
14921: Func glClampValue1( const aValue, aMin : Single) : Single;
14922: Func glGeometryOptimizationMode :Str
14923: Proc glBeginFPUOnlySection
14924: Proc glEndFPUOnlySection
14925: Func glConvertRotation( const Angles : TAffineVector) : TVectorGL
14926: Func glMakeAffineDblVector( var v : array of Double) : TAffineDblVector
14927: Func glMakeDblVector( var v : array of Double) : THomogeneousDblVector
14928: Func glVectorAffineDblToFlt( const v : TAffineDblVector) : TAffineVector
14929: Func glVectorDblToFlt( const v : THomogeneousDblVector) : THomogeneousVector
14930: Func glVectorAffineFltToDbl( const v : TAffineVector) : TAffineDblVector
14931: Func glVectorFltToDbl( const v : TVectorGL) : THomogeneousDblVector
14932: Func glPointInPolygon( var xp, yp : array of Single; x, y : Single) :Bool
14933: Proc glDivMod( Dividend : Int; Divisor : Word; var Result, Remainder : Word)
14934: Func glTurn( const Matrix : TMatrixGL; angle : Single) : TMatrixGL;
14935: Func glTurn1(const Matrix:TMatrixGL; const MasterUp:TAffineVector;Angle:Single):TMatrixGL;
14936: Func glPitch( const Matrix : TMatrixGL; Angle : Single) : TMatrixGL;
14937: Func glPitch1(const Matrix:TMatrixGL;const MasterRight:TAffineVector;Angle:Single):TMatrixGL;
14938: Func glRoll( const Matrix: TMatrixGL; Angle : Single) : TMatrixGL;
14939: Func glRoll1(const Matrix:TMatrixGL;const MasterDirection:TAffineVector;Angle:Single): TMatrixGL;
14940: Func glRayCastMinDistToPoint(const rayStart,rayVector:TVectorGL;const point:TVectorGL):Single
14941: Func glRayCastIntersectsSphere(const rayStart,rayVector:TVectorGL;const sphereCenter:TVectorGL;const
14942: Func glRayCastSphereIntersect(const rayStart,rayVector:TVectorGL;const sphereCenter:TVectorGL;const
sphereRadius:Single;var i1,i2:TVectorGL):Int;
14943: Func glSphereVisibleRadius( distance, radius : Single) : Single
14944: Func glExtractFrustumFromModelViewProjection( const modelViewProj : TMatrixGL) : TFrustum
14945: Func glIsVolumeClipped(const objPos:TVectorGL;const objRadius:Single;const

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14946: Func glIsVolumeClipped1(const objPos:TAffineVector;const objRadius:Single;const

14947: Func glIsVolumeClipped2(const min,max:TAffineVector;const rcci:TRenderContextClippingInfo):Bool;
14948: Func glIsVolumeClipped3(const objPos:TAffineVector;const objRadius:Single;const Frustum:TFrustum):Bool;
14949: Func glMakeParallelProjectionMatrix( const plane : THmgPlane; const dir : TVectorGL) : TMatrixGL
14950: Func glMakeShadowMatrix( const planePoint, planeNormal, lightPos : TVectorGL) : TMatrixGL
14951: Func glMakeReflectionMatrix( const planePoint, planeNormal : TAffineVector) : TMatrixGL
14952: Func glPackRotationMatrix( const mat : TMatrixGL) : TPackedRotationMatrix
14953: Func glUnPackRotationMatrix( const packedMatrix : TPackedRotationMatrix) : TMatrixGL
14954: 'cPI','Single').setExtended( 3.141592654);
14955: 'cPIdiv180','Single').setExtended( 0.017453292);
14956: 'c180divPI','Single').setExtended( 57.29577951);
14957: 'c2PI','Single').setExtended( 6.283185307);
14958: 'cPIdiv2','Single').setExtended( 1.570796326);
14959: 'cPIdiv4','Single').setExtended( 0.785398163);
14960: 'c3PIdiv4','Single').setExtended( 2.35619449);
14961: 'cInv2PI','Single').setExtended( 1 / 6.283185307);
14962: 'cInv360','Single').setExtended( 1 / 360);
14963: 'c180','Single').setExtended( 180);
14964: 'c360','Single').setExtended( 360);
14965: 'cOneHalf','Single').setExtended( 0.5);
14966: 'cLn10','Single').setExtended( 2.302585093);
14967: {'MinSingle','Extended').setExtended( 1.5e-45);
14968: 'MaxSingle','Extended').setExtended( 3.4e+38);
14969: 'MinDouble','Extended').setExtended( 5.0e-324);
14970: 'MaxDouble','Extended').setExtended( 1.7e+308);
14971: 'MinExtended','Extended').setExtended( 3.4e-4932);
14972: 'MaxExtended','Extended').setExtended( 1.1e+4932);
14973: 'MinComp','Extended').setExtended( - 9.223372036854775807e+18);
14974: 'MaxComp','Extended').setExtended( 9.223372036854775807e+18);}
14975: end;
14977: Proc SIRegister_GLVectorFileObjects(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
14978: begin
14979: AddClassN(FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TMeshObjectList
14980: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TFaceGroups
14981: TMeshAutoCentering', '( macCenterX, macCenterY, macCenterZ, macUseBarycenter )
14982: TMeshAutoCenterings', 'set of TMeshAutoCentering
14983: TMeshObjectMode', '( momTriangles, momTriangleStrip, momFaceGroups )
14984: SIRegister_TBaseMeshObject(CL);
14985: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TSkeletonFrameList
14986: TSkeletonFrameTransform', '( sftRotation, sftQuaternion )
14987: SIRegister_TSkeletonFrame(CL);
14988: SIRegister_TSkeletonFrameList(CL);
14989: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TSkeleton
14990: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TSkeletonBone
14991: SIRegister_TSkeletonBoneList(CL);
14992: SIRegister_TSkeletonRootBoneList(CL);
14993: SIRegister_TSkeletonBone(CL);
14994: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TSkeletonColliderList
14995: SIRegister_TSkeletonCollider(CL);
14996: SIRegister_TSkeletonColliderList(CL);
14997: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TGLBaseMesh
14998: TBlendedLerpInfo', 'record frameIndex1 : Int; frameIndex2 : '
14999: +'Int; lerpFactor : Single; weight : Single; externalPositions : TAffine'
15000: +'VectorList; externalRotations : TAffineVectorList; externalQuaternions : T'
15001: +'QuaternionList; end
15002: SIRegister_TSkeleton(CL);
15003: TMeshObjectRenderingOption', '( moroGroupByMaterial )
15004: TMeshObjectRenderingOptions', 'set of TMeshObjectRenderingOption
15005: SIRegister_TMeshObject(CL);
15006: SIRegister_TMeshObjectList(CL);
15007: //TMeshObjectListClass', 'class of TMeshObjectList
15008: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TMeshMorphTargetList
15009: SIRegister_TMeshMorphTarget(CL);
15010: SIRegister_TMeshMorphTargetList(CL);
15011: SIRegister_TMorphableMeshObject(CL);
15012: TVertexBoneWeight', 'record BoneID : Int; Weight : Single; end
15013: //PVertexBoneWeightArray', '^TVertexBoneWeightArray // will not wo'rk
15014: //PVerticesBoneWeights', '^TVerticesBoneWeights // will not work
15015: TVertexBoneWeightDynArray', 'array of TVertexBoneWeight
15016: SIRegister_TSkeletonMeshObject(CL);
15017: SIRegister_TFaceGroup(CL);
15018: TFaceGroupMeshMode', '( fgmmTriangles, fgmmTriangleStrip, fgmmFl'
15019: +'atTriangles, fgmmTriangleFan, fgmmQuads )
15020: SIRegister_TFGVertexIndexList(CL);
15021: SIRegister_TFGVertexNormalTexIndexList(CL);
15022: SIRegister_TFGIndexTexCoordList(CL);
15023: SIRegister_TFaceGroups(CL);
15024: TMeshNormalsOrientation', '( mnoDefault, mnoInvert )
15025: SIRegister_TVectorFile(CL);
15026: //TVectorFileClass', 'class of TVectorFile
15027: SIRegister_TGLGLSMVectorFile(CL);
15028: SIRegister_TGLBaseMesh(CL);
15029: SIRegister_TGLFreeForm(CL);
15030: TGLActorOption', '( aoSkeletonNormalizeNormals )
15031: TGLActorOptions', 'set of TGLActorOption
15032: 'cDefaultGLActorOptions','LongInt').Value.ts32:= ord(aoSkeletonNormalizeNormals);
15033: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TGLActor

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15034: TActorAnimationReference', '( aarMorph, aarSkeleton, aarNone )

15035: SIRegister_TActorAnimation(CL);
15036: TActorAnimationName', 'String
15037: SIRegister_TActorAnimations(CL);
15038: SIRegister_TGLBaseAnimationControler(CL);
15039: SIRegister_TGLAnimationControler(CL);
15040: TActorFrameInterpolation', '( afpNone, afpLinear )
15041: TActorAnimationMode', '( aamNone, aamPlayOnce, aamLoop, aamBounc'
15042: +'eForward, aamBounceBackward, aamLoopBackward, aamExternal )
15043: SIRegister_TGLActor(CL);
15044: SIRegister_TVectorFileFormat(CL);
15045: SIRegister_TVectorFileFormatsList(CL);
15046: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EInvalidVectorFile
15047: Func GetVectorFileFormats : TVectorFileFormatsList
15048: Func VectorFileFormatsFilter :Str
15049: Func VectorFileFormatsSaveFilter :Str
15050: Func VectorFileFormatExtensionByIndex( index : Int) :Str
15051: Proc RegisterVectorFileFormat(const aExtension,aDescription:str;aClass: TVectorFileClass)
15052: Proc UnregisterVectorFileClass( aClass : TVectorFileClass)
15053: end;
15055: Proc SIRegister_AxCtrls(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15056: begin
15057: 'Class_DColorPropPage','TGUID '{5CFF5D59-5946-11D0-BDEF-00A024D1875C}
15058: 'Class_DFontPropPage','TGUID '{5CFF5D5B-5946-11D0-BDEF-00A024D1875C}
15059: 'Class_DPicturePropPage','TGUID '{5CFF5D5A-5946-11D0-BDEF-00A024D1875C}
15060: 'Class_DStringPropPage','TGUID '{F42D677E-754B-11D0-BDFB-00A024D1875C}
15061: SIRegister_TOleStream(CL);
15062: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TConnectionPoints
15063: TConnectionKind', '( ckSingle, ckMulti )
15064: SIRegister_TConnectionPoint(CL);
15065: SIRegister_TConnectionPoints(CL);
15066: TDefinePropertyPage', 'Proc ( const GUID : TGUID)
15067: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TActiveXControlFactory
15068: SIRegister_TActiveXControl(CL);
15069: //TActiveXControlClass', 'class of TActiveXControl
15070: SIRegister_TActiveXControlFactory(CL);
15071: SIRegister_TActiveFormControl(CL);
15072: SIRegister_TActiveForm(CL);
15073: //TActiveFormClass', 'class of TActiveForm
15074: SIRegister_TActiveFormFactory(CL);
15075: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TPropertyPageImpl
15076: SIRegister_TPropertyPage(CL);
15077: //TPropertyPageClass', 'class of TPropertyPage
15078: SIRegister_TPropertyPageImpl(CL);
15079: SIRegister_TActiveXPropertyPage(CL);
15080: SIRegister_TActiveXPropertyPageFactory(CL);
15081: SIRegister_TCustomAdapter(CL);
15082: SIRegister_TAdapterNotifier(CL);
15083: SIRegister_IFontAccess(CL);
15084: SIRegister_TFontAdapter(CL);
15085: SIRegister_IPictureAccess(CL);
15086: SIRegister_TPictureAdapter(CL);
15087: SIRegister_TOleGraphic(CL);
15088: SIRegister_TStringsAdapter(CL);
15089: SIRegister_TReflectorWindow(CL);
15090: Proc EnumDispatchProperties(Dispatch:IDispatch;PropType:TGUID;VTCode:Int;PropList:TStrings);
15091: Proc GetOleFont( Font : TFont; var OleFont : IFontDisp)
15092: Proc SetOleFont( Font : TFont; OleFont : IFontDisp)
15093: Proc GetOlePicture( Picture : TPicture; var OlePicture : IPictureDisp)
15094: Proc SetOlePicture( Picture : TPicture; OlePicture : IPictureDisp)
15095: Proc GetOleStrings( Strings : TStrings; var OleStrings : IStrings)
15096: Proc SetOleStrings( Strings : TStrings; OleStrings : IStrings)
15097: Func ParkingWindow : HWND
15098: end;
15100: Proc SIRegister_synaip(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15101: begin
15102: // TIp6Bytes = array [0..15] of Byte;
15103: {:binary form of IPv6 adress (for string conversion routines)}
15104: // TIp6Words = array [0..7] of Word;
15105: AddTypeS('TIp6Bytes', 'array [0..15] of Byte;;
15106: AddTypeS('TIp6Words', 'array [0..7] of Word;;
15107: AddTypeS(TIPAdr', 'record Oct1 : Byte; Oct2 : Byte; Oct3 : Byte; Oct4: Byte; end;
15108: Func synaIsIP( const Value :Str) :Bool;
15109: Func synaIsIP6( const Value :Str) :Bool;
15110: Func synaIPToID( Host :Str) : Ansistr;
15111: Func synaStrToIp6( value :Str) : TIp6Bytes;
15112: Func synaIp6ToStr( value : TIp6Bytes) :Str;
15113: Func synaStrToIp( value :Str) : Int;
15114: Func synaIpToStr( value : Int) :Str;
15115: Func synaReverseIP( Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15116: Func synaReverseIP6( Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15117: Func synaExpandIP6( Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15118: Func xStrToIP( const Value :Str) : TIPAdr;
15119: Func xIPToStr( const Adresse : TIPAdr) :Str;
15120: Func IPToCardinal( const Adresse : TIPAdr) :Card;
15121: Func CardinalToIP( const Value :Card) : TIPAdr;
15122: Func ReverseIP( Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr');

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15123: Func ReverseIP6( Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr');

15124: end;
15126: Proc SIRegister_synacode(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15127: begin
15128: AddTypeS('TSpecials', 'set of Char;
15129: Const('SpecialChar','TSpecials').SetSet( '=()[]<>:;,@/?\"_;
15130: Const('URLFullSpecialChar','TSpecials').SetSet( ';/?:@=&#+;
15131: Const('TableBase64'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=;
15132: Const('TableBase64mod'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+,=;
15133: Const('TableUU'(`!"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_;
15134: Const('TableXX'(+-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz;
15135: Func DecodeTriplet( const Value : Ansistr; Delimiter : Char) : Ansistr;
15136: Func DecodeQuotedPrintable( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15137: Func DecodeURL( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15138: Func EncodeTriplet(const Value:Ansistr;Delimiter:Char;Specials:TSpecials):Ansistr);
15139: Func EncodeQuotedPrintable( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15140: Func EncodeSafeQuotedPrintable( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15141: Func EncodeURLElement( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15142: Func EncodeURL( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15143: Func Decode4to3( const Value, Table : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15144: Func Decode4to3Ex( const Value, Table : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15145: Func Encode3to4( const Value, Table : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15146: Func synDecodeBase64( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15147: Func synEncodeBase64( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15148: Func DecodeBase64mod( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15149: Func EncodeBase64mod( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15150: Func DecodeUU( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15151: Func EncodeUU( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15152: Func DecodeXX( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15153: Func DecodeYEnc( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15154: Func UpdateCrc32( Value : Byte; Crc32 : Int) : Int;
15155: Func synCrc32( const Value : Ansistr) : Int;
15156: Func UpdateCrc16( Value : Byte; Crc16 : Word) : Word;
15157: Func Crc16( const Value : Ansistr) : Word;
15158: Func synMD5( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15159: Func HMAC_MD5( Text, Key : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15160: Func MD5LongHash( const Value : Ansistr; Len : Int) : Ansistr;
15161: Func synSHA1( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15162: Func HMAC_SHA1( Text, Key : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15163: Func SHA1LongHash( const Value : Ansistr; Len : Int) : Ansistr;
15164: Func synMD4( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15165: end;
15167: Proc SIRegister_synachar(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15168: begin
15169: AddTypeS('TMimeChar', '( ISO_8859_1, ISO_8859_2, ISO_8859_3, ISO_8859_4, I'
15170: +'SO_8859_5, ISO_8859_6, ISO_8859_7, ISO_8859_8, ISO_8859_9, ISO_8859_10, IS'
15171: +'O_8859_13, ISO_8859_14, ISO_8859_15, CP1250, CP1251, CP1252, CP1253, CP125'
15172: +'4, CP1255, CP1256, CP1257, CP1258, KOI8_R, CP895, CP852, UCS_2, UCS_4, UTF'
15173: +'_8, UTF_7, UTF_7mod, UCS_2LE, UCS_4LE, UTF_16, UTF_16LE, UTF_32, UTF_32LE,'
15174: +' C99, JAVA, ISO_8859_16, KOI8_U, KOI8_RU, CP862, CP866, MAC, MACCE, MACICE'
15177: +'IS620, CP874, VISCII, TCVN, ISO_IR_14, JIS_X0201, JIS_X0208, JIS_X0212, GB'
15178: +'1988_80, GB2312_80, ISO_IR_165, ISO_IR_149, EUC_JP, SHIFT_JIS, CP932, ISO_'
15179: +'2022_JP, ISO_2022_JP1, ISO_2022_JP2, GB2312, CP936, GB18030, ISO_2022_CN, '
15180: +'ISO_2022_CNE, HZ, EUC_TW, BIG5, CP950, BIG5_HKSCS, EUC_KR, CP949, CP1361, '
15181: +'ISO_2022_KR, CP737, CP775, CP853, CP855, CP857, CP858, CP860, CP861, CP863'
15182: +', CP864, CP865, CP869, CP1125 );
15183: AddTypeS('TMimeSetChar', 'set of TMimeChar;
15184: Func CharsetConversion(const Value:AnsiStr;CharFrom:TMimeChar;CharTo:TMimeChar):AnsiStr;
15185: Func CharsetConversionEx(const Value:Ansistr;CharFrom:TMimeChar;CharTo:TMimeChar;const
TransformTable:array of Word):Ansistr;
15186: Func CharsetConversionTrans(Value:Ansistr;CharFrom:TMimeChar;CharTo:TMimeChar;const TransformTable:array
of Word;Translit:Boolean):Ansistr;
15187: Func GetCurCP : TMimeChar;
15188: Func GetCurOEMCP : TMimeChar;
15189: Func GetCPFromID( Value : Ansistr) : TMimeChar;
15190: Func GetIDFromCP( Value : TMimeChar) : Ansistr;
15191: Func NeedCharsetConversion( const Value : Ansistr) :Bool;
15192: Func IdealCharsetCoding(const Value:AnsiStr;CharFrom:TMimeChar;CharTo:TMimeSetChar):TMimeChar;
15193: Func GetBOM( Value : TMimeChar) : Ansistr;
15194: Func StringToWide( const Value : Ansistr) : WideString;
15195: Func WideToString( const Value : WideString) : Ansistr;
15196: end;
15198: Proc SIRegister_synamisc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15199: begin
15200: AddTypeS('TProxySetting', 'record Host :Str; Port :Str; Bypass :Str; end;
15201: Proc WakeOnLan( MAC, IP :Str);
15202: Func GetDNS :Str;
15203: Func GetIEProxy( protocol :Str) : TProxySetting;
15204: Func GetLocalIPs :Str;
15205: end;
15208: Proc SIRegister_synaser(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15209: begin

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15210: AddConstantN('synCR','Char #$0d);

15211: Const('synLF','Char #$0a);
15212: Const('cSerialChunk','LongInt'( 8192);
15213: Const('LockfileDirectory','String '/var/lock;
15214: Const('PortIsClosed','LongInt'( - 1);
15215: Const('ErrAlreadyOwned','LongInt'( 9991);
15216: Const('ErrAlreadyInUse','LongInt'( 9992);
15217: Const('ErrWrongParameter','LongInt'( 9993);
15218: Const('ErrPortNotOpen','LongInt'( 9994);
15219: Const('ErrNoDeviceAnswer','LongInt'( 9995);
15220: Const('ErrMaxBuffer','LongInt'( 9996);
15221: Const('ErrTimeout','LongInt'( 9997);
15222: Const('ErrNotRead','LongInt'( 9998);
15223: Const('ErrFrame','LongInt'( 9999);
15224: Const('ErrOverrun','LongInt'( 10000);
15225: Const('ErrRxOver','LongInt'( 10001);
15226: Const('ErrRxParity','LongInt'( 10002);
15227: Const('ErrTxFull','LongInt'( 10003);
15228: Const('dcb_Binary','LongWord')( $00000001);
15229: Const('dcb_ParityCheck','LongWord')( $00000002);
15230: Const('dcb_OutxCtsFlow','LongWord')( $00000004);
15231: Const('dcb_OutxDsrFlow','LongWord')( $00000008);
15232: Const('dcb_DtrControlMask','LongWord')( $00000030);
15233: Const('dcb_DtrControlDisable','LongWord')( $00000000);
15234: Const('dcb_DtrControlEnable','LongWord')( $00000010);
15235: Const('dcb_DtrControlHandshake','LongWord')( $00000020);
15236: Const('dcb_DsrSensivity','LongWord')( $00000040);
15237: Const('dcb_TXContinueOnXoff','LongWord')( $00000080);
15238: Const('dcb_OutX','LongWord')( $00000100);
15239: Const('dcb_InX','LongWord')( $00000200);
15240: Const('dcb_ErrorChar','LongWord')( $00000400);
15241: Const('dcb_NullStrip','LongWord')( $00000800);
15242: Const('dcb_RtsControlMask','LongWord')( $00003000);
15243: Const('dcb_RtsControlDisable','LongWord')( $00000000);
15244: Const('dcb_RtsControlEnable','LongWord')( $00001000);
15245: Const('dcb_RtsControlHandshake','LongWord')( $00002000);
15246: Const('dcb_RtsControlToggle','LongWord')( $00003000);
15247: Const('dcb_AbortOnError','LongWord')( $00004000);
15248: Const('dcb_Reserveds','LongWord')( $FFFF8000);
15249: Const('synSB1','LongInt'( 0);
15250: Const('SB1andHalf','LongInt'( 1);
15251: Const('synSB2','LongInt'( 2);
15252: Const('synINVALID_HANDLE_VALUE','LongInt'( THandle ( - 1 ));
15253: Const('CS7fix','LongWord')( $0000020);
15254: AddTypeS('synTDCB', 'record DCBlength : DWORD; BaudRate : DWORD; Flags : Long'
15255: +'int; wReserved : Word; XonLim : Word; XoffLim : Word; ByteSize : Byte; Par'
15256: +'ity : Byte; StopBits : Byte; XonChar : CHAR; XoffChar : CHAR; ErrorChar : '
15257: +'CHAR; EofChar : CHAR; EvtChar : CHAR; wReserved1 : Word; end;
15258: //AddTypeS('PDCB', '^TDCB // will not work;
15259: //Const('MaxRates','LongInt'( 18);
15260: //Const('MaxRates','LongInt'( 30);
15261: //Const('MaxRates','LongInt'( 19);
15262: Const('O_SYNC','LongWord')( $0080);
15263: Const('synOK','LongInt'( 0);
15264: Const('synErr','LongInt'( Int ( - 1 ));
15265: AddTypeS('THookSerialReason','(HR_SerialClose,HR_Connect,HR_CanRead,HR_CanWrite,HR_ReadCount,
15266: Type('THookSerialStatus',Procedure(Sender:TObject;Reason:THookSerialReason;const Value:str);
15267: SIRegister_ESynaSerError(CL);
15268: SIRegister_TBlockSerial(CL);
15269: Func GetSerialPortNames :Str;
15270: end;
15272: Proc SIRegister_synaicnv(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15273: begin
15274: Const('DLLIconvName','String 'libiconv.so;
15275: Const('DLLIconvName','String 'iconv.dll;
15276: AddTypeS('size_t', 'Cardinal;
15277: AddTypeS('iconv_t', 'Int;
15278: //AddTypeS('iconv_t', 'Pointer;
15279: AddTypeS('argptr', 'iconv_t;
15280: Func SynaIconvOpen( const tocode, fromcode : Ansistr) : iconv_t;
15281: Func SynaIconvOpenTranslit( const tocode, fromcode : Ansistr) : iconv_t;
15282: Func SynaIconvOpenIgnore( const tocode, fromcode : Ansistr) : iconv_t;
15283: Func SynaIconv( cd : iconv_t; inbuf : Ansistr; var outbuf : Ansistr) : Int;
15284: Func SynaIconvClose( var cd : iconv_t) : Int;
15285: Func SynaIconvCtl( cd : iconv_t; request : Int; argument : argptr) : Int;
15286: Func IsIconvloaded :Bool;
15287: Func InitIconvInterface :Bool;
15288: Func DestroyIconvInterface :Bool;
15289: Const('ICONV_TRIVIALP','LongInt'( 0);
15290: Const('ICONV_GET_TRANSLITERATE','LongInt'( 1);
15291: Const('ICONV_SET_TRANSLITERATE','LongInt'( 2);
15292: Const('ICONV_GET_DISCARD_ILSEQ','LongInt'( 3);
15293: Const('ICONV_SET_DISCARD_ILSEQ','LongInt'( 4);
15294: end;
15296: Proc SIRegister_pingsend(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15297: begin

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15298: Const 'ICMP_ECHO','LongInt'( 8);

15299: Const('ICMP_ECHOREPLY','LongInt'( 0);
15300: Const('ICMP_UNREACH','LongInt'( 3);
15301: Const('ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED','LongInt'( 11);
15302: Const('ICMP6_ECHO','LongInt'( 128);
15303: Const('ICMP6_ECHOREPLY','LongInt'( 129);
15304: Const('ICMP6_UNREACH','LongInt'( 1);
15305: Const('ICMP6_TIME_EXCEEDED','LongInt'( 3);
15306: AddTypeS('TICMPError', '( IE_NoError, IE_Other, IE_TTLExceed, IE_UnreachOt'
15307: +'her, IE_UnreachRoute, IE_UnreachAdmin, IE_UnreachAddr, IE_UnreachPort );
15308: SIRegister_TPINGSend(CL);
15309: Func PingHost( const Host :Str) : Int;
15310: Func TraceRouteHost( const Host :Str) :Str;
15311: end;
15313: Proc SIRegister_asn1util(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15314: begin
15315: AddConstantN('synASN1_BOOL','LongWord')( $01);
15316: Const('synASN1_INT','LongWord')( $02);
15317: Const('synASN1_OCTSTR','LongWord')( $04);
15318: Const('synASN1_NULL','LongWord')( $05);
15319: Const('synASN1_OBJID','LongWord')( $06);
15320: Const('synASN1_ENUM','LongWord')( $0a);
15321: Const('synASN1_SEQ','LongWord')( $30);
15322: Const('synASN1_SETOF','LongWord')( $31);
15323: Const('synASN1_IPADDR','LongWord')( $40);
15324: Const('synASN1_COUNTER','LongWord')( $41);
15325: Const('synASN1_GAUGE','LongWord')( $42);
15326: Const('synASN1_TIMETICKS','LongWord')( $43);
15327: Const('synASN1_OPAQUE','LongWord')( $44);
15328: Func synASNEncOIDItem( Value : Int) : Ansistr;
15329: Func synASNDecOIDItem( var Start : Int; const Buffer : Ansistr) : Int;
15330: Func synASNEncLen( Len : Int) : Ansistr;
15331: Func synASNDecLen( var Start : Int; const Buffer : Ansistr) : Int;
15332: Func synASNEncInt( Value : Int) : Ansistr;
15333: Func synASNEncUInt( Value : Int) : Ansistr;
15334: Func synASNObject( const Data : Ansistr; ASNType : Int) : Ansistr;
15335: Func synASNItem(var Start:Int;const Buffer:Ansistr;var ValueType:Int):Ansistr;
15336: Func synMibToId( Mib :Str) : Ansistr;
15337: Func synIdToMib( const Id : Ansistr) :Str;
15338: Func synIntMibToStr( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15339: Func ASNdump( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15340: Func GetMailServers(const DNSHost, Domain : Ansistr; const Servers:TStrings):Bool;
15341: Func LDAPResultDump( const Value : TLDAPResultList) : Ansistr;
15342: end;
15344: Proc SIRegister_ldapsend(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15345: begin
15346: Const('cLDAPProtocol','String '389;
15347: Const('LDAP_ASN1_BIND_REQUEST','LongWord')( $60);
15348: Const('LDAP_ASN1_BIND_RESPONSE','LongWord')( $61);
15349: Const('LDAP_ASN1_UNBIND_REQUEST','LongWord')( $42);
15350: Const('LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_REQUEST','LongWord')( $63);
15351: Const('LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_ENTRY','LongWord')( $64);
15352: Const('LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_DONE','LongWord')( $65);
15353: Const('LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_REFERENCE','LongWord')( $73);
15354: Const('LDAP_ASN1_MODIFY_REQUEST','LongWord')( $66);
15355: Const('LDAP_ASN1_MODIFY_RESPONSE','LongWord')( $67);
15356: Const('LDAP_ASN1_ADD_REQUEST','LongWord')( $68);
15357: Const('LDAP_ASN1_ADD_RESPONSE','LongWord')( $69);
15358: Const('LDAP_ASN1_DEL_REQUEST','LongWord')( $4A);
15359: Const('LDAP_ASN1_DEL_RESPONSE','LongWord')( $6B);
15360: Const('LDAP_ASN1_MODIFYDN_REQUEST','LongWord')( $6C);
15361: Const('LDAP_ASN1_MODIFYDN_RESPONSE','LongWord')( $6D);
15362: Const('LDAP_ASN1_COMPARE_REQUEST','LongWord')( $6E);
15363: Const('LDAP_ASN1_COMPARE_RESPONSE','LongWord')( $6F);
15364: Const('LDAP_ASN1_ABANDON_REQUEST','LongWord')( $70);
15365: Const('LDAP_ASN1_EXT_REQUEST','LongWord')( $77);
15366: Const('LDAP_ASN1_EXT_RESPONSE','LongWord')( $78);
15367: SIRegister_TLDAPAttribute(CL);
15368: SIRegister_TLDAPAttributeList(CL);
15369: SIRegister_TLDAPResult(CL);
15370: SIRegister_TLDAPResultList(CL);
15371: AddTypeS('TLDAPModifyOp', '( MO_Add, MO_Delete, MO_Replace );
15372: AddTypeS('TLDAPSearchScope', '( SS_BaseObject, SS_SingleLevel, SS_WholeSubtree );
15373: AddTypeS(TLDAPSearchAliases,(SA_NeverDeref,SA_InSearching,SA_FindingBaseObj,SA_Always);
15374: SIRegister_TLDAPSend(CL);
15375: Func LDAPResultDump( const Value : TLDAPResultList) : Ansistr;
15376: end;
15379: Proc SIRegister_slogsend(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15380: begin
15381: Const('cSysLogProtocol','String '514;
15382: Const('FCL_Kernel','LongInt'( 0);
15383: Const('FCL_UserLevel','LongInt'( 1);
15384: Const('FCL_MailSystem','LongInt'( 2);
15385: Const('FCL_System','LongInt'( 3);
15386: Const('FCL_Security','LongInt'( 4);

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15387: Const('FCL_Syslogd','LongInt'( 5);

15388: Const('FCL_Printer','LongInt'( 6);
15389: Const('FCL_News','LongInt'( 7);
15390: Const('FCL_UUCP','LongInt'( 8);
15391: Const('FCL_Clock','LongInt'( 9);
15392: Const('FCL_Authorization','LongInt'( 10);
15393: Const('FCL_FTP','LongInt'( 11);
15394: Const('FCL_NTP','LongInt'( 12);
15395: Const('FCL_LogAudit','LongInt'( 13);
15396: Const('FCL_LogAlert','LongInt'( 14);
15397: Const('FCL_Time','LongInt'( 15);
15398: Const('FCL_Local0','LongInt'( 16);
15399: Const('FCL_Local1','LongInt'( 17);
15400: Const('FCL_Local2','LongInt'( 18);
15401: Const('FCL_Local3','LongInt'( 19);
15402: Const('FCL_Local4','LongInt'( 20);
15403: Const('FCL_Local5','LongInt'( 21);
15404: Const('FCL_Local6','LongInt'( 22);
15405: Const('FCL_Local7','LongInt'( 23);
15406: Type(TSyslogSeverity','(Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning,Notice,Info,Debug);
15407: SIRegister_TSyslogMessage(CL);
15408: SIRegister_TSyslogSend(CL);
15409: Func ToSysLog(const SyslogServer:str;Facil:Byte;Sever:TSyslogSeverity;const Content:str):Bool;
15410: end;
15412: Proc SIRegister_mimemess(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15413: begin
15414: AddTypeS('TMessPriority', '( MP_unknown, MP_low, MP_normal, MP_high );
15415: SIRegister_TMessHeader(CL);
15416: //AddTypeS('TMessHeaderClass', 'class of TMessHeader;
15417: SIRegister_TMimeMess(CL);
15418: end;
15420: Proc SIRegister_mimepart(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15421: begin
15422: (FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TMimePart;
15423: AddTypeS('THookWalkPart', 'Proc ( const Sender : TMimePart);
15424: AddTypeS('TMimePrimary', '( MP_TEXT, MP_MULTIPART, MP_MESSAGE, MP_BINARY );
15425: AddTypeS(TMimeEncoding,(ME_7BIT,ME_8BIT, ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE, ME_BASE64, ME_UU, ME_XX );
15426: SIRegister_TMimePart(CL);
15427: Const('MaxMimeType','LongInt'( 25);
15428: Func GenerateBoundary :Str;
15429: end;
15431: Proc SIRegister_mimeinln(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15432: begin
15433: Func InlineDecode( const Value :Str; CP : TMimeChar) :Str;
15434: Func InlineEncode( const Value :Str; CP, MimeP : TMimeChar) :Str;
15435: Func NeedInline( const Value : Ansistr) :Bool;
15436: Func InlineCodeEx( const Value :Str; FromCP : TMimeChar) :Str;
15437: Func InlineCode( const Value :Str) :Str;
15438: Func InlineEmailEx( const Value :Str; FromCP : TMimeChar) :Str;
15439: Func InlineEmail( const Value :Str) :Str;
15440: end;
15442: Proc SIRegister_ftpsend(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15443: begin
15444: Const('cFtpProtocol','String '21;
15445: Const('cFtpDataProtocol','String '20;
15446: Const('FTP_OK','LongInt'( 255);
15447: Const('FTP_ERR','LongInt'( 254);
15448: AddTypeS('TFTPStatus', 'Procedure(Sender:TObject; Response:Boolean; const Value :Str);
15449: SIRegister_TFTPListRec(CL);
15450: SIRegister_TFTPList(CL);
15451: SIRegister_TFTPSend(CL);
15452: Func FtpGetFile( const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile, User, Pass :Str) :Bool;
15453: Func FtpPutFile( const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile, User, Pass :Str) :Bool;
15454: Func FtpInterServerTransfer(const FromIP,FromPort,FromFile,FromUser,FromPass:str;const ToIP,ToPort,ToFile,
15455: end;
15457: Proc SIRegister_httpsend(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15458: begin
15459: Const('cHttpProtocol','String '80;
15460: AddTypeS('TTransferEncoding', '( TE_UNKNOWN, TE_IDENTITY, TE_CHUNKED );
15461: SIRegister_THTTPSend(CL);
15462: Func HttpGetText( const URL :Str; const Response : TStrings) :Bool;
15463: Func HttpGetBinary( const URL :Str; const Response : TStream) :Bool;
15464: Func HttpPostBinary( const URL :Str; const Data : TStream) :Bool;
15465: Func HttpPostURL( const URL, URLData :Str; const Data : TStream) :Bool;
15466: Func HttpPostFile(const URL,FieldName,FileName:str;const Data:TStream;const ResultData:TStrings):Bool;
15467: end;
15469: Proc SIRegister_smtpsend(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15470: begin
15471: Const('cSmtpProtocol','String '25;
15472: SIRegister_TSMTPSend(CL);
15473: Func SendToRaw(const MailFr,MailTo,SMTPHost:str;const MailData:TStrings;const Usrname,Passw:str):Bool;
15474: Func SendTo(const MailFrom,MailTo,Subject,SMTPHost:str;const MailData:TStrings):Bool;

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15475: Func SendToEx(const MailFrom, MailTo, Subject, SMTPHost:str; const MailData:TStrings; const Username,
Password :Str):Boolean;
15476: end;
15478: Proc SIRegister_snmpsend(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15479: begin
15480: Const('cSnmpProtocol','String '161;
15481: Const('cSnmpTrapProtocol','String '162;
15482: Const('SNMP_V1','LongInt'( 0);
15483: Const('SNMP_V2C','LongInt'( 1);
15484: Const('SNMP_V3','LongInt'( 3);
15485: Const('PDUGetRequest','LongWord')( $A0);
15486: Const('PDUGetNextRequest','LongWord')( $A1);
15487: Const('PDUGetResponse','LongWord')( $A2);
15488: Const('PDUSetRequest','LongWord')( $A3);
15489: Const('PDUTrap','LongWord')( $A4);
15490: Const('PDUGetBulkRequest','LongWord')( $A5);
15491: Const('PDUInformRequest','LongWord')( $A6);
15492: Const('PDUTrapV2','LongWord')( $A7);
15493: Const('PDUReport','LongWord')( $A8);
15494: Const('ENoError',LongInt 0;
15495: Const('ETooBig','LongInt')( 1);
15496: Const('ENoSuchName','LongInt'( 2);
15497: Const('EBadValue','LongInt'( 3);
15498: Const('EReadOnly','LongInt'( 4);
15499: Const('EGenErr','LongInt'( 5);
15500: Const('ENoAccess','LongInt'( 6);
15501: Const('EWrongType','LongInt'( 7);
15502: Const('EWrongLength','LongInt'( 8);
15503: Const('EWrongEncoding','LongInt'( 9);
15504: Const('EWrongValue','LongInt'( 10);
15505: Const('ENoCreation','LongInt'( 11);
15506: Const('EInconsistentValue','LongInt'( 12);
15507: Const('EResourceUnavailable','LongInt'( 13);
15508: Const('ECommitFailed','LongInt'( 14);
15509: Const('EUndoFailed','LongInt'( 15);
15510: Const('EAuthorizationError','LongInt'( 16);
15511: Const('ENotWritable','LongInt'( 17);
15512: Const('EInconsistentName','LongInt'( 18);
15513: AddTypeS('TV3Flags', '( NoAuthNoPriv, AuthNoPriv, AuthPriv );
15514: AddTypeS('TV3Auth', '( AuthMD5, AuthSHA1 );
15515: AddTypeS('TV3Priv', '( PrivDES, Priv3DES, PrivAES );
15516: SIRegister_TSNMPMib(CL);
15517: AddTypeS(TV3Sync', 'record EngineID : Ansistr; EngineBoots : Int; EngineTime : Int; EngineStamp :Card;
15518: SIRegister_TSNMPRec(CL);
15519: SIRegister_TSNMPSend(CL);
15520: Func SNMPGet(const OID,Community,SNMPHost:Ansistr; var Value: Ansistr) :Bool;
15521: Func SNMPSet(const OID,Community,SNMPHost,Value:Ansistr;ValueType:Int):Bool;
15522: Func SNMPGetNext(var OID:Ansistr;const Community,SNMPHost:Ansistr;var Value:Ansistr):Bool;
15523: Func SNMPGetTable(const BaseOID,Community,SNMPHost:Ansistr;const Value:TStrings):Bool;
15524: Func SNMPGetTableElement(const BaseOID,RowID,ColID,Community,SNMPHost:AnsiStr;var Value:AnsiStr):Bool;
15525: Func SendTrap(const Dest,Source, Enterprise, Community : Ansistr; Generic, Specific, Seconds : Int; const
MIBName, MIBValue : Ansistr; MIBtype : Int) : Int;
15526: Func RecvTrap(var Dest,Source,Enterprise,Community:Ansistr;var Generic,Specific,Seconds Int; const
MIBName,MIBValue : TStringList): Int;
15527: end;
15529: Proc SIRegister_NetWork(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15530: begin
15531: Func GetDomainName2: Ansistr;
15532: Func GetDomainController( Domain : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15533: Func GetDomainUsers( Controller : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15534: Func GetDomainGroups( Controller : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15535: Func GetDateTime( Controller : Ansistr) : TDateTime;
15536: Func GetFullName2( Controller, UserID : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
15537: end;
15539: Proc SIRegister_wwSystem(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15540: begin
15541: AddTypeS('TwwDateOrder', '( doMDY, doDMY, doYMD );
15542: TwwDateTimeSelection','(wwdsDay,wwdsMonth,wwdsYear,wwdsHour,wwdsMinute,wwdsSecond,wwdsAMPM);
15543: Func wwStrToDate( const S :Str) :Bool;
15544: Func wwStrToTime( const S :Str) :Bool;
15545: Func wwStrToDateTime( const S :Str) :Bool;
15546: Func wwStrToTimeVal( const S :Str) : TDateTime;
15547: Func wwStrToDateVal( const S :Str) : TDateTime;
15548: Func wwStrToDateTimeVal( const S :Str) : TDateTime;
15549: Func wwStrToInt( const S :Str) :Bool;
15550: Func wwStrToFloat( const S :Str) :Bool;
15551: Func wwGetDateOrder( const DateFormat :Str) : TwwDateOrder;
15552: Func wwNextDay( Year, Month, Day : Word) : Int;
15553: Func wwPriorDay( Year, Month, Day : Word) : Int;
15554: Func wwDoEncodeDate( Year, Month, Day : Word; var Date : TDateTime) :Bool;
15555: Func wwDoEncodeTime( Hour, Min, Sec, MSec : Word; var Time : TDateTime) :Bool;
15556: Func wwGetDateTimeCursorPosition(SelStart:int;Text:str;TimeOnly:Bool):TwwDateTimeSelection;
15557: Func wwGetTimeCursorPosition( SelStart : Int; Text :Str) : TwwDateTimeSelection;
15558: Func wwScanDate( const S :Str; var Date : TDateTime) :Bool;
15559: Func wwScanDateEpoch(const S:Str; var Date : TDateTime; Epoch : Int):Bool;

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15560: Proc wwSetDateTimeCursorSelection(dateCursor:TwwDateTimeSelection;edit:TCustomEdit;TimeOnly:Bool;

15561: Func wwStrToFloat2(const S:Str; var FloatValue:Extended;DisplayFormat:str):bool;
15562: end;
15564: unit uPSI_Themes;
15565: Func ThemeServices : TThemeServices;
15566: Func ThemeControl( AControl : TControl) :Bool;
15567: Func UnthemedDesigner( AControl : TControl) :Bool;
15568: Proc SIRegister_UDDIHelper(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15569: begin
15570: Func GetBindingkeyAccessPoint(const Operator:Str; const key:Str):Str;
15571: end;
15572: Unit uPSC_menus;
15573: Func StripHotkey( const Text :Str) :Str;
15574: Func GetHotkey( const Text :Str) :Str;
15575: Func AnsiSameCaption( const Text1, Text2 :Str) :Bool;
15576: Func IsAltGRPressed :Bool;
15578: Proc SIRegister_IdIMAP4Server(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15579: begin
15580: TCommandEvent,Procedure(Thread:TIdPeerThread; const Tag,CmdStr:str;var Handled:Bool);
15581: SIRegister_TIdIMAP4Server(CL);
15582: end;
15584: Proc SIRegister_VariantSymbolTable(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15585: begin
15586: 'HASH_SIZE','LongInt'( 256);
15587: CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EVariantSymbolTable;
15588: TypeS('TSymbolType', '( stInt, stFloat, stDate, stString );
15589: //TypeS('PSymbol', '^TSymbol // will not work;
15590: TypeS('TSymbol', 'record Name :Str; BlockLevel : Int; HashValue'
15591: +' : Int; Value : Variant; end;
15592: //TypeS('PSymbolArray', '^TSymbolArray // will not work;
15593: SIRegister_TVariantSymbolTable(CL);
15594: end;
15596: Proc SIRegister_udf_glob(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15597: begin
15598: SIRegister_TThreadLocalVariables(CL);
15599: Func MakeResultString( Source, OptionalDest : PChar; Len : DWORD) : PChar;
15600: //Func MakeResultQuad( Source, OptionalDest : PISC_QUAD) : PISC_QUAD;
15601: Func ThreadLocals : TThreadLocalVariables;
15602: Proc WriteDebug( sz :Str);
15603: ConstantN('UDF_SUCCESS','LongInt'( 0);
15604: 'UDF_FAILURE','LongInt'( 1);
15605: 'cSignificantlyLarger','LongInt'( 1024 * 4);
15606: TypeS('mTByteArray', 'array of byte;;
15607: Func ChangeOEPFromBytes(bFile:mTByteArray):Boolean;
15608: Func ChangeOEPFromFile(sFile:str; sDestFile:str):Boolean;
15609: Proc CopyEXIF(const FileNameEXIFSource, FileNameEXIFTarget:Str);
15610: Func IsNetworkConnected:Bool;
15611: Func IsInternetConnected:Bool;
15612: Func IsCOMConnected:Bool;
15613: Func IsNetworkOn:Bool;
15614: Func IsInternetOn:Bool;
15615: Func IsCOMOn:Bool;
15616: Func SetTimer(hWnd : HWND; nIDEvent, uElapse: UINT; lpTimerFunc: TFNTimerProc):UINT;
15617: TmrProc', 'Proc TmrProc(hWnd: HWND; uMsg: Int; idEvent: Int; dwTime: Int);;
15618: Func SetTimer2( hWnd : HWND; nIDEvent, uElapse : UINT; lpTimerFunc : TmrProc) : UINT;
15619: Func KillTimer( hWnd : HWND; uIDEvent : UINT) : BOOL;
15620: Func wIsWindowUnicode( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL;
15621: Func wEnableWindow( hWnd : HWND; bEnable : BOOL) : BOOL;
15622: Func wIsWindowEnabled( hWnd : HWND) : BOOL;
15623: Func GetMenu( hWnd : HWND) : HMENU;
15624: Func SetMenu( hWnd : HWND; hMenu : HMENU) : BOOL;
15625: end;
15627: Proc SIRegister_SockTransport(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15628: begin
15629: SIRegister_IDataBlock(CL);
15630: SIRegister_ISendDataBlock(CL);
15631: SIRegister_ITransport(CL);
15632: SIRegister_TDataBlock(CL);
15633: //TypeS('PIntArray', '^TIntArray // will not work;
15634: //TypeS('PVariantArray', '^TVariantArray // will not work;
15635: TypeS('TVarFlag', '( vfByRef, vfVariant );
15636: TypeS('TVarFlags', 'set of TVarFlag;
15637: SIRegister_TCustomDataBlockInterpreter(CL);
15638: SIRegister_TSendDataBlock(CL);
15639: 'CallSig','LongWord')( $D800);
15640: 'ResultSig','LongWord')( $D400);
15641: 'asMask','LongWord')( $00FF);
15642: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EInterpreterError;
15643: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'ESocketConnectionError;
15644: Proc CheckSignature( Sig : Int);
15645: end;
15647: Proc SIRegister_WinInet(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15648: begin

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15649: //TypeS('HINTERNET', '___Pointer;

15650: TypeS('HINTERNET1', 'THANDLE;
15651: TypeS('HINTERNET', 'Int;
15652: TypeS('HINTERNET2', '___Pointer;
15653: //TypeS('PHINTERNET', '^HINTERNET // will not work;
15655: TypeS('INTERNET_PORT', 'Word;
15656: //TypeS('PINTERNET_PORT', '^INTERNET_PORT // will not work;
15658: Func InternetTimeFromSystemTime(const pst:TSystemTime;dwRFC:DWORD;lpszTime:LPSTR;cbTime:DWORD):BOOL;
15659: 'INTERNET_RFC1123_FORMAT','LongInt'( 0);
15660: 'INTERNET_RFC1123_BUFSIZE','LongInt'( 30);
15661: Func InternetCrackUrl(lpszUrl:PChar;dwUrlLength,dwFlags:DWORD;var lpUrlComponents:TURLComponents):BOOL;
15662: Func InternetCreateUrl(var lpUrlComponts:TURLCompons;dwFlags:DWORD;lpszUrl:PChar;var
15663: Func InternetCloseHandle(hInet : HINTERNET) : BOOL;
15664: Func
15665: Func InternetOpenUrl(hInet:HINTERNET;lpszUrl:PChar;lpszHeaders:PChar;dwHeadLength:DWORD;dwFlags:DWORD
15666: ;dwContext:DWORD):HINTERNET;
15667: Func InternetOpen(lpszAgent:PChar;dwAccessType:DWORD;lpszProxy,
15668: Func InternetQueryDataAvailable(hFile:HINTERNET;var lpdwNumbOfBytesAvail:DWORD;dwFlags,
15669: Func InternetUnlockRequestFile( hLockRequestInfo : THANDLE) : BOOL;
15670: Func
15671: Func InternetHangUp( dwConnection : DWORD; dwReserved : DWORD) : DWORD;
15672: Func InternetGoOnline( lpszURL : pchar; hwndParent : HWND; dwFlags : DWORD) : BOOL;
15673: Func InternetAutodial( dwFlags : DWORD; dwReserved : DWORD) : BOOL;
15674: Func InternetAutodialHangup( dwReserved : DWORD) : BOOL;
15675: Func InternetGetConnectedState( lpdwFlags : DWORD; dwReserved : DWORD) : BOOL;
15676: Func InternetCanonicalizeUrl(lpszUrl:PChar;lpszBuffer:PChar; var
15677: Func InternetCombineUrl(lpszBaseUrl,lpszRelativeUrl:PChar;lpszBuffer:PChar;var lpdwBufferLength:Func
15678: Func InternetConnect(hInet:HINTERNET;lpszServerName:PChar;nServerPort:INTERNET_PORT;lpszUsername:PChar
15679: ;lpszPassword:PChar;dwService:DWORD;dwFlags:DWORD; dwContext:DWORD):HINTERNET;
15680: Func InternetQueryDataAvailable(hFile:HINTERNET;var lpdwNumbOfBytesAvail:DWORD;dwFlgs,
15681: Func FtpFindFirstFile(hConnect:HINTERNET;lpszSearchFile:PChar;var lpFindFileData:TWin32FindData;dwFlags:
15682: Func
15683: Func WFtpPutFile(hConct:HINTERNET;lpszLocFile:PChar;lpszNewRemFile:PChar;dwFlags:DWORD;dwCotx:DWORD):BOOL;
15684: Func FtpDeleteFile( hConnect : HINTERNET; lpszFileName : PChar) : BOOL;
15685: Func FtpRenameFile(hConnect:HINTERNET;lpszExisting:PChar;lpszNew:PChar):BOOL;
15686: Func FtpOpenFile(hConnect:HINTER;lpszFileName:PChar;dwAccess:DWORD;dwFlags:DWORD;dwContext:DWORD):HINTER;
15687: Func FtpCreateDirectory( hConnect : HINTERNET; lpszDirectory : PChar) : BOOL;
15688: Func FtpRemoveDirectory( hConnect : HINTERNET; lpszDirectory : PChar) : BOOL;
15689: Func FtpSetCurrentDirectory(hConnect:HINTERNET; lpszDirectory : PChar) : BOOL;
15690: Func FtpGetCurrentDirectory(hConnect:HINTER;lpszCurrentDir:PChar;var lpdwCurrentDir:DWORD):BOOL;
15691: Func FtpCommand(hConnect:HINTER;fExpectResponse:BOOL;dwFlags:DWORD;lpszCommd:PChar;dwContxt:DWORD):BOOL;
15692: Func IS_GOPHER_FILE( GopherType : DWORD) : BOOL;
15693: Func IS_GOPHER_DIRECTORY( GopherType : DWORD) : BOOL;
15694: Func IS_GOPHER_PHONE_SERVER( GopherType : DWORD) : BOOL;
15695: Func IS_GOPHER_ERROR( GopherType : DWORD) : BOOL;
15696: Func IS_GOPHER_INDEX_SERVER( GopherType : DWORD) : BOOL;
15698: Func IS_GOPHER_BACKUP_SERVER( GopherType : DWORD) : BOOL;
15699: Func IS_GOPHER_TN3270_SESSION( GopherType : DWORD) : BOOL;
15700: Func IS_GOPHER_ASK( GopherType : DWORD) : BOOL;
15701: Func IS_GOPHER_PLUS( GopherType : DWORD) : BOOL;
15702: Func IS_GOPHER_TYPE_KNOWN( GopherType : DWORD) : BOOL;
15703: Func
15704: Func GopherGetLocatorType( lpszLocator : PChar; var lpdwGopherType : DWORD):BOOL;
15705: Func
15706: Func HttpOpenRequest( hConnect:HINTERNET; lpszVerb : PChar; lpszObjectName : PChar; lpszVersion : PChar;
lpszReferrer : PChar; lplpszAcceptTypes : PLPSTR; dwFlags : DWORD; dwContext:DWORD):HINTERNET;
15707: Func HttpAddRequestHeaders(hReq:HINTERNET;lpszHeaders:PChar;dwHeadersLength:DWORD;dwModifiers:DWORD):BOOL;
15708: Func HttpSendRequest(hRequest:HINTERNET; lpszHeaders:PChar; dwHeadersLength:DWORD;lpOptional:Tobject;
15709: Func InternetGetCookie(lpszUrl,lpszCookName,lpszCookieData:PChar;var lpdwSize:DWORD):BOOL;
15710: Func InternetAttemptConnect( dwReserved : DWORD) : DWORD;
15711: Func InternetCheckConnection(lpszUrl:PChar; dwFlags:DWORD; dwReserved:DWORD) : BOOL;
15712: Func InternetErrorDlg(hWnd:HWND;hRequest:HINTERNET;dwError,dwFlags:DWORD;var lppvData:TObject):DWORD;
15713: Func InternetConfirmZoneCrossing(hWnd:HWND;szUrlPrev,szUrlNew:LPSTR;bPost:BOOL): DWORD;
15714: Func CreateUrlCacheGroup( dwFlags : DWORD; lpReserved : TObject) : Int64;
15715: Func DeleteUrlCacheGroup(GroupId: Int64; dwFlags : DWORD; lpReserved : TObject) : Bool;
15716: Func FindFirstUrlCacheEntry(lpszUrlSearchPattern PChar;var
lpFirstCacheEntryInfo:TInternetCacheEntryInfo;var lpdwFirstCacheEntryInfoBufferSize:DWORD):THandle;
15717: Func FindNextUrlCacheEntry(hEnumHandle:THandle;var lpNextCacheEntryInfo:TInternetCacheEntryInfo;var
15718: Func FindCloseUrlCache( hEnumHandle : THandle):BOOL;
15719: Func DeleteUrlCacheEntry( lpszUrlName : LPCSTR):BOOL;
15720: Func

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15721: Func InternetSetDialState(lpszConnectoid:PChar; dwState:DWORD;dwReserved: DWORD): BOOL;

15722: end;
15724: Proc SIRegister_Wwstr(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15725: begin
15726: AddTypeS('strCharSet', 'set of char;
15727: TwwGetWordOption','(wwgwSkipLeadingBlanks, wwgwQuotesAsWords,wwgwStripQuotes , wwgwSpacesInWords);
15728: AddTypeS('TwwGetWordOptions', 'set of TwwGetWordOption;
15729: Proc strBreakApart( s :Str; delimeter :Str; parts : TStrings);
15730: Func strGetToken( s :Str; delimeter :Str; var APos : Int) :Str;
15731: Proc strStripPreceding( var s :Str; delimeter : strCharSet);
15732: Proc strStripTrailing( var s :Str; delimeter : strCharSet);
15733: Proc strStripWhiteSpace( var s :Str);
15734: Func strRemoveChar( str :Str; removeChar : char) :Str;
15735: Func wwstrReplaceChar( str :Str; removeChar, replaceChar : char) :Str;
15736: Func strReplaceCharWithStr(str:str; removeChar:char;replaceStr:Str) :Str;
15737: Func wwEqualStr( s1, s2 :Str) :Bool;
15738: Func strCount( s :Str; delimeter : char) : Int;
15739: Func strWhiteSpace : strCharSet;
15740: Func wwExtractFileNameOnly( const FileName :Str) :Str;
15741: Func wwGetWord(s:str;var APos:Int;Options:TwwGetWordOptions;DelimSet:strCharSet):str;
15742: Func strTrailing( s :Str; delimeter : char) :Str;
15743: Func strPreceding( s :Str; delimeter : char) :Str;
15744: Func wwstrReplace( s, Find, Replace :Str) :Str;
15745: end;
15747: Ex.:tex2:= 'Finally, we recognize that the 8% is calculated over all states of the world.'
15748: delimset:= [',','?',';','.',':','-','=','{','}','[',']','(',')','>','<','%'];
15749: while length(tex2)>0 do begin
15750: k:=1;
15751: s:= wwGetWord(tex2, k, [wwgwStripQuotes, wwgwSpacesInWords], delimSet);
15752: delete(tex2,1,k);
15753: write(' '+s)
15754: end;
15756: Proc SIRegister_DataBkr(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15757: begin
15758: SIRegister_TRemoteDataModule(CL);
15759: SIRegister_TCRemoteDataModule(CL);
15760: Proc RegisterPooled(const ClassID:str; Max,Timeout : Int; Singleton :Bool);
15761: Proc UnregisterPooled( const ClassID :Str);
15762: Proc EnableSocketTransport( const ClassID :Str);
15763: Proc DisableSocketTransport( const ClassID :Str);
15764: Proc EnableWebTransport( const ClassID :Str);
15765: Proc DisableWebTransport( const ClassID :Str);
15766: end;
15768: Proc SIRegister_Mathbox(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15769: begin
15770: Func mxArcCos( x : Real) : Real;
15771: Func mxArcSin( x : Real) : Real;
15772: Func Comp2Str( N : Comp) :Str;
15773: Func Int2StrPad0( N : LongInt; Len : Int) :Str;
15774: Func Int2Str( N : LongInt) :Str;
15775: Func mxIsEqual( R1, R2 : Double) :Bool;
15776: Func LogXY( x, y : Real) : Real;
15777: Func Pennies2Dollars( C : Comp) :Str;
15778: Func mxPower( X : Int; Y : Int) : Real;
15779: Func Real2Str( N : Real; Width, Places : Int) :Str;
15780: Func mxStr2Comp( MyString :Str) : Comp;
15781: Func mxStr2Pennies( S :Str) : Comp;
15782: Func Str2Real( MyString :Str) : Real;
15783: Func XToTheY( x, y : Real) : Real;
15784: end;
15786: //*************************Cindy Functions!******************************
15787: Proc SIRegister_cyIndy(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15788: begin
15789: TypeS('TContentTypeMessage', '( cmPlainText, cmPlainText_Attach, cmHtml'
15790: +'_Attach, cmHtml_RelatedAttach, cmAlterText_Html, cmAlterText_Html_Attach, '
15791: +'cmAlterText_Html_RelatedAttach,cmAlterText_Html_Attach_RelatedAttach,cmReadNotification);
15792: MessagePlainText','String 'text/plain;
15793: ConstantN('MessagePlainText_Attach','String 'multipart/mixed;
15794: MessageAlterText_Html','String 'multipart/alternative;
15795: MessageHtml_Attach','String 'multipart/mixed;
15796: MessageHtml_RelatedAttach','String 'multipart/related; type="text/html";
15797: MessageAlterText_Html_Attach','String 'multipart/mixed;
15798: MessageAlterText_Html_RelatedAttach,String)('multipart/related;type="multipart/alternative"';
15799: MessageAlterText_Html_Attach_RelatedAttach','String 'multipart/mixed;
15800: MessageReadNotificatin String).(multipart/report;report-type="disposition-notification"';
15801: Func ForceDecodeHeader( aHeader :Str) :Str;
15802: Func Base64_EncodeString( Value :Str; const aEncoding : TEncoding) :Str;
15803: Func Base64_DecodeToString(Value:Str; const aBytesEncoding:TEncoding):Str;;
15804: Func Base64_DecodeToBytes( Value :Str) : TBytes;;
15805: Func IdHttp_DownloadFile(aSrcUrlFile,aDestFile:str;const OnWorkEvent:TWorkEvent):Bool;
15806: Func Get_MD5( const aFileName :Str) :Str;
15807: Func Get_MD5FromString( const aString :Str) :Str;
15808: end;

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15810: Proc SIRegister_cySysUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

15811: begin
15812: Func IsFolder( SRec : TSearchrec) :Bool;
15813: Func isFolderReadOnly( Directory :Str) :Bool;
15814: Func DirectoryIsEmpty( Directory :Str) :Bool;
15815: Func DirectoryWithSubDir( Directory :Str) :Bool;
15816: Proc GetSubDirs( FromDirectory :Str; aList : TStrings);
15817: Func DiskFreeBytes( Drv : Char) : Int64;
15818: Func DiskBytes( Drv : Char) : Int64;
15819: Func GetFileBytes( Filename :Str) : Int64;
15820: Func GetFilesBytes( Directory, Filter :Str) : Int64;
15821: SE_CREATE_TOKEN_NAME','String 'SeCreateTokenPrivilege;
15822: SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME','String 'SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege;
15823: SE_LOCK_MEMORY_NAME','String 'SeLockMemoryPrivilege;
15824: SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME','String 'SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege;
15825: SE_UNSOLICITED_INPUT_NAME','String 'SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege;
15826: SE_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_NAME','String 'SeMachineAccountPrivilege;
15827: SE_TCB_NAME','String 'SeTcbPrivilege;
15828: SE_SECURITY_NAME','String 'SeSecurityPrivilege;
15829: SE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP_NAME','String 'SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege;
15830: SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME','String 'SeLoadDriverPrivilege;
15831: SE_SYSTEM_PROFILE_NAME','String 'SeSystemProfilePrivilege;
15832: SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME','String 'SeSystemtimePrivilege;
15833: SE_PROF_SINGLE_PROCESS_NAME','String 'SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege;
15834: SE_INC_BASE_PRIORITY_NAME','String 'SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege;
15835: SE_CREATE_PAGEFILE_NAME','String 'SeCreatePagefilePrivilege;
15836: SE_CREATE_PERMANENT_NAME','String 'SeCreatePermanentPrivilege;
15837: SE_BACKUP_NAME','String 'SeBackupPrivilege;
15838: SE_RESTORE_NAME','String 'SeRestorePrivilege;
15839: SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME','String 'SeShutdownPrivilege;
15840: SE_DEBUG_NAME','String 'SeDebugPrivilege;
15841: SE_AUDIT_NAME','String 'SeAuditPrivilege;
15842: SE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_NAME','String 'SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege;
15843: SE_CHANGE_NOTIFY_NAME','String 'SeChangeNotifyPrivilege;
15844: SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME','String 'SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege;
15845: SE_UNDOCK_NAME','String 'SeUndockPrivilege;
15846: SE_SYNC_AGENT_NAME','String 'SeSyncAgentPrivilege;
15847: SE_ENABLE_DELEGATION_NAME','String 'SeEnableDelegationPrivilege;
15848: SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_NAME','String 'SeManageVolumePrivilege;
15849: end;
15851: Proc SIRegister_cyWinUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15852: begin
15853: Type(TWindowsVersion','( wvUnknown, wvWin31, wvWin95, wvWin98, wvWin'
15854: +Me, wvWinNt3, wvWinNt4,wvWin2000,wvWinXP,wvWinVista, wvWin7,wvWin8 wvWin8_Or_Upper );
15855: Func ShellGetExtensionName( FileName :Str) :Str;
15856: Func ShellGetIconIndex( FileName :Str) : Int;
15857: Func ShellGetIconHandle( FileName :Str) : HIcon;
15858: Proc ShellThreadCopy( App_Handle : THandle; fromFile :Str; toFile :Str);
15859: Proc ShellThreadMove( App_Handle : THandle; fromFile :Str; toFile :Str);
15860: Proc ShellRenameDir( DirFrom, DirTo:Str);
15861: Func cyShellExecute(Operation,FileName,Parameters,Directory:str;ShowCmd:Int):Card;
15862: Proc cyShellExecute1(ExeFilename,Params,ApplicName,ApplicationClass:str;Restore:Bool);
15863: Proc ShellExecuteAsModal( ExeFilename, ApplicationName, Directory :Str);
15864: Proc ShellExecuteExAsAdmin( hWnd : HWND; Filename :Str; Parameters :Str);
15865: Func ShellExecuteEx(aFileName:str;const Parameters:str;const Directory:str;const
15866: Proc RestoreAndSetForegroundWindow( Hnd : Int);
15867: Func RemoveDuplicatedPathDelimiter( Str :Str) :Str;
15868: Func cyFileTimeToDateTime( _FT : TFileTime) : TDateTime;
15869: Func GetModificationDate( Filename :Str) : TDateTime;
15870: Func GetCreationDate( Filename :Str) : TDateTime;
15871: Func GetLastAccessDate( Filename :Str) : TDateTime;
15872: Func FileDelete( Filename :Str) :Bool;
15873: Func FileIsOpen( Filename :Str) :Bool;
15874: Proc FilesDelete( FromDirectory :Str; Filter : ShortString);
15875: Func DirectoryDelete( Directory :Str) :Bool;
15876: Func GetPrinters( PrintersList : TStrings) : Int;
15877: Proc SetDefaultPrinter( PrinterName :Str);
15878: Proc ShowDefaultPrinterWindowProperties( FormParent_Handle : Int);
15879: Func WinToDosPath( WinPathName :Str) :Str;
15880: Func DosToWinPath( DosPathName :Str) :Str;
15881: Func cyGetWindowsVersion : TWindowsVersion;
15882: Func NTSetPrivilege( sPrivilege :Str; bEnabled :Bool) :Bool;
15883: Proc WindowsShutDown( Restart :Bool);
15884: Proc CreateShortCut(FileSrc,Parametres,FileLnk,Descript,DossierDeTravail,FileIcon:str;NumIcone:Int);
15885: Proc GetWindowsFonts( FontsList : TStrings);
15886: Func GetAvailableFilename( DesiredFileName :Str):Str;
15887: end;
15889: Proc SIRegister_cyStrUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15890: begin
15891: Type(TStrLocateOption', '( strloCaseInsensitive, strloPartialKey );
15892: Type(TStrLocateOptions', 'set of TStrLocateOption;
15893: Type(TStringRead', '( srFromLeft, srFromRight );
15894: Type(TStringReads', 'set of TStringRead;
15895: Type(TCaseSensitive', '( csCaseSensitive, csCaseNotSensitive );
15896: Type(TWordsOption', '( woOnlyFirstWord, woOnlyFirstCar );
15897: Type(TWordsOptions', 'set of TWordsOption;

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15898: Type(TCarType', '(ctAlphabeticUppercase, ctAlphabeticLowercase, ctNumeric, ctOther );

15899: Type(TCarTypes', 'set of TCarType;
15900: //TypeS('TUnicodeCategories', 'set of TUnicodeCategory;
15901: CarTypeAlphabetic','LongInt'):= ord(ctAlphabeticUppercase) or ord(ctAlphabeticLowercase);
15902: Func Char_GetType( aChar : Char) : TCarType;
15903: Func SubString_Count( Str :Str; Separator : Char) : Int;
15904: Func SubString_AtPos( Str :Str; Separator : Char; SubStringIndex : Word) : Int;
15905: Func SubString_Get( Str :Str; Separator : Char; SubStringIndex : Word) :Str;
15906: Func SubString_Length( Str :Str; Separator : Char; SubStringIndex : Word) : Int;
15907: Proc SubString_Add( var Str :Str; Separator : Char; Value :Str);
15908: Proc SubString_Insert(var Str:str;Separator:Char;SubStrIndex:Word;Value:str);
15909: Proc SubString_Edit(var Str:str;Separator:Char;SubStringIndex:Word; NewValue:str);
15910: Func SubString_Remove(var Str:str; Separator:Char; SubStringIndex : Word) :Bool;
15911: Func SubString_Locate(Str:str;Separator:Char;SubString:Str;Options:TStrLocateOptions):Int;
15912: Func SubString_Ribbon(Str:str; Separator:Char;Current: Word; MoveBy:Int):Int;;
15913: Func SubString_Ribbon1(Str:str;Separator:Char;Current:str;MoveBy:Int):str;;
15914: Func String_Quote( Str :Str) :Str;
15915: Func String_GetCar(Str:str; Position : Word; ReturnCarIfNotExists : Char) : Char;
15916: Func String_ExtractCars(fromStr:Str;CarTypes:TCarTypes;IncludeCars,ExcludeCars:Str):str;
15917: Func String_GetWord( Str :Str; StringRead : TStringRead) :Str;
15918: Func String_GetInt( Str :Str; StringRead : TStringRead) :Str;
15919: Func String_ToInt( Str :Str) : Int;
15920: Func String_Uppercase( Str :Str; Options : TWordsOptions):Str;
15921: Func String_Lowercase( Str :Str; Options : TWordsOptions):Str;
15922: Func String_Reverse( Str :Str) :Str;
15923: Func String_Pos(SubStr:str;Str:str;fromPos:Int;CaseSensitive:TCaseSensitiv)Int;
15924: Func
15925: Func String_Copy( Str :Str; fromIndex : Int; toIndex : Int) :Str;;
15926: Func String_Copy1(Str:str;StringRead:TStringRead;UntilFind:Str;_Inclusive:Boo):str;
15927: Func String_Copy2(Str:str;Between1:str;Between1MustExist:Boolean;Between2:str;
15928: Func String_Delete( Str :Str; fromIndex : Int; toIndex : Int) :Str;;
15929: Func String_Delete1(Str:str; delStr:str; CaseSensitive:TCaseSensitive):str;;
15930: Func String_BoundsCut( Str :Str; CutCar : Char; Bounds : TStringReads) :Str;
15931: Func String_BoundsAdd( Str :Str; AddCar : Char; ReturnLength : Int) :Str;
15932: Func String_Add(Str:str;StringRead:TStringRead;aCar:Char;ReturnLength:Int):str;
15933: Func String_End( Str :Str; Cars : Word) :Str;
15934: Func String_Subst(OldStr:str;NewStr:str;Str:str;
15935: Func String_SubstCar( Str :Str; Old, New : Char) :Str;
15936: Func String_Count(Str:Str; SubStr:Str; CaseSenSitive : TCaseSensitive) : Int;
15937: Func String_SameCars(Str1,Str2:str;StopCount_IfDiferent:Bool;CaseSensitive:TCaseSensitive):Int;
15938: Func String_IsNumbers( Str :Str) :Bool;
15939: Func SearchPos( SubStr :Str; Str :Str; MaxErrors : Int) : Int;
15940: Func StringToCsvCell( aStr :Str) :Str;
15941: end;
15943: Proc SIRegister_cyDateUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15944: begin
15945: Func LongDayName( aDate : TDate) :Str;
15946: Func LongMonthName( aDate : TDate) :Str;
15947: Func ShortYearOf( aDate : TDate) : byte;
15948: Func DateToStrYYYYMMDD( aDate : TDate) :Str;
15949: Func StrYYYYMMDDToDate( aStr :Str) : TDate;
15950: Func SecondsToMinutes( Seconds : Int) : Double;
15951: Func MinutesToSeconds( Minutes : Double) : Int;
15952: Func MinutesToHours( Minutes : Int) : Double;
15953: Func HoursToMinutes( Hours : Double) : Int;
15954: Func ShortTimeStringToTime(ShortTimeStr:str;const ShortTimeFormat:str): TDateTime;
15955: Proc cyAddMonths( var aMonth, aYear : Word; Months : Int);
15956: Func MergeDateWithTime( aDate : TDate; aTime : TDateTime) : TDateTime;
15957: Func GetMinutesBetween( DateTime1, DateTime2 : TDateTime) : Int64;;
15958: Func GetMinutesBetween1(From_ShortTimeStr,To_ShortTimeStr:str;const ShortTimeFormat:str):Int64;
15959: Func GetSecondsBetween( DateTime1, DateTime2 : TDateTime) : Int64;;
15960: Func IntersectPeriods(Period1Begin,Period1End,Period2Begin,Period2End:TDateTime;var
15961: Func IntersectPeriods1(Period1Begin,Period1End,Period2Begin,Period2End:TDateTime):Boolean;
15962: Func TryToEncodeDate( Year, Month, Day : Int; var RsltDate : TDateTime) :Bool;
15963: end;
15965: Proc SIRegister_cyObjUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15966: begin
15967: Type(TStringsSortType','( stNone, stStringSensitive, stStringInsensitive, stExtended );
15968: Type(TStringsValueKind','( skStringSensitive, skStringInsensitive, skExtended );
15969: Type(TcyLocateOption','( lCaseInsensitive, lPartialKey );
15970: Type(TcyLocateOptions','set of TcyLocateOption;
15971: Func StringsLocate(aList: TStrings; Value:str; Options:TcyLocateOptions): Int;;
15972: Func StringsLocate1(aList:TStrings; Value:Str; ValueKind:TStringsValueKind):Int;;
15973: Func StringsAdd(aList:TStrings;Value:str;Unique:Boolean;SortType:TStringsSortType): Int;
15974: Proc StringsReplace(aList:TStrings;OldStr:str; NewStr:str;ValueKind : TStringsValueKind);
15975: Proc StringsSort( aList : TStrings; SortType : TStringsSortType);
15976: Func TreeNodeLocate( ParentNode : TTreeNode; Value :Str) : TTreeNode;
15977: Func TreeNodeLocateOnLevel(TreeView:TTreeView;OnLevel:Int;Value:str): TTreeNode;
15978: Func TreeNodeGetChildFromIndex(TreeView:TTreeView;ParentNode:TTreeNode;ChildIndex:Int):TTreeNode;
15979: Func TreeNodeGetParentOnLevel(ChildNode: TTreeNode; ParentLevel : Int) : TTreeNode;
15980: Proc TreeNodeCopy(FromNode:TTreeNode;ToNode:TTreeNode;const CopyChildren:Boolean;const
15981: Proc RichEditSetStr( aRichEdit : TRichEdit; FormatedString :Str);

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15982: Proc RichEditStringReplace(aRichEdit:TRichEdit;OldPattern,NewPattern:str;Flags:TReplaceFlags);

15983: Func GetTopMostControlAtPos(FromControl:TWinControl; aControlPoint : TPoint): TControl;
15984: Proc cyCenterControl( aControl : TControl);
15985: Func GetLastParent( aControl : TControl) : TWinControl;
15986: Func GetControlBitmap( aControl : TWinControl) : TBitmap;
15987: Func GetRichEditBitmap( aRichEdit : TRichEdit) : TBitmap;
15988: end;
15990: Proc SIRegister_cyBDE(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
15991: begin
15992: Func TablePackTable( Tab : TTable) :Bool;
15993: Func TableRegenIndexes( Tab : TTable) :Bool;
15994: Func TableShowDeletedRecords( Tab : TTable; Show :Bool) :Bool;
15995: Func TableUndeleteRecord( Tab : TTable) :Bool;
15996: Func TableAddIndex(Tab:TTable;FieldName Str;FieldExpression:Str;IOpt:TIndexOptions):Bool;
15997: Func TableDeleteIndex( Tab : TTable; IndexFieldName :Str) :Bool;
15998: Func TableEmptyTable( Tab : TTable) :Bool;
15999: Func TableFindKey( aTable : TTable; Value :Str) :Bool;
16000: Proc TableFindNearest( aTable : TTable; Value :Str);
16001: Func
16002: Func
16003: Func DateToBDESQLDate( aDate : TDate; const DateFormat :Str) :Str;
16004: end;
16006: Proc SIRegister_cyClasses(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16007: begin
16008: SIRegister_TcyRunTimeDesign(CL);
16009: SIRegister_TcyShadowText(CL);
16010: SIRegister_TcyBgPicture(CL);
16011: SIRegister_TcyGradient(CL);
16012: SIRegister_tcyBevel(CL);
16013: //TypeS('TcyBevelClass', 'class of tcyBevel;
16014: SIRegister_tcyBevels(CL);
16015: SIRegister_TcyImagelistOptions(CL);
16016: Proc cyDrawBgPicture( aCanvas : TCanvas; aRect : TRect; aBgPicture : TcyBgPicture);
16017: end;
16019: Proc SIRegister_cyGraphics(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16020: begin
16021: Proc cyGradientFill( aCanvas : TCanvas; aRect : TRect; fromColor, toColor : TColor; adgradOrientation :
TdgradOrientation; Balance, AngleDegree : Word; balanceMode : TDgradBalanceMode; Maxdegrade : Byte;'+
16022: SpeedPercent : Int; const AngleClipRect :Bool; const AngleBuffer : TBitmap);
16023: Proc cyGradientFillVertical(aCanvas:TCanvas;aRect:TRect;fromColor,toColor:TColor;MaxDegrad:byte);
16024: Proc cyGradientFillHorizontal(aCanvas:TCanvas;aRect:TRect;fromCol,toColor:TColor;MaxDegrad:byte);
16025: Proc cyGradientFillShape(aCanvas:TCanvas;aRect:TRect;fromColor,toColor:TColor;MaxDegrad:
16026: Proc cyGradientFillAngle(aCanvas:TCanvas;aRect TRect;fromColor,toColor:TColor;MaxDegrad:
Byte;AngleDegree:Word;const ClipRect:Boolean;const Buffer:TBitmap);
16027: Proc DrawRectangleInside( aCanvas : TCanvas; InsideRect : TRect; FrameWidth : Int);
16028: Proc cyFrame(aCanvas:TCanvas; var InsideRect:TRect;Color:TColor;const Width:Int);;
16029: Proc cyFrame1(Canvas:TCanvas;var InsideRect:TRect;LeftColor,TopColor,ightColor,BottomColor:TColor;const
Width:Int;const RoundRect:bool);;
16030: Proc cyFrame3D(Canvas:TCanvas;var Rect:TRect;TopLeftColor,BottomRightColor:TColor;Width:Int;const
DrawLeft:Boolean;const DrawTop:Bool;const DrawRight:Bool;const DrawBottom:Bool;const RoundRect:bool;
16031: Proc cyDrawButtonFace(Canvas:TCanvas; var Rect:Rect;GradientColor1,
16032: Proc cyDrawButton(Canvas:TCanvas;Caption:str;ARect:TRect;radientColor1,GradientColor2:TColor;aState
TButtonState;Focused,Hot : Bool);
16033: Proc cyDrawSpeedButtonFace(Canvas:TCanvas;var Rect:TRect;GradientColor1,
16034: Proc cyDrawSpeedButton(Canvas:TCanvas;Caption:str;ARect:TRect;GradientColor1,
GradientColor2:TColor;aState: TButtonState;Focused,Hot:oolean);
16035: Proc cyDrawCheckBox(Canvas:TCanvas;IsChecked:Boolean;ARect:TRect;const BgColor:TColor;const
DarkFrameColor:TColor;const LightFrameColor:TColor;const MarkColor:TColor);
16036: Proc
cyDrawSingleLineText(Canvas:TCanvas;Text:str;ARect:TRect;Alignment:TAlignment;TextLayout:TTextLayout; const
IndentX:Int;const IndentY:Int);
16037: Func DrawTextFormatFlags(aTextFormat:LongInt;Alignment
16038: Func DrawTextFormatFlags1(aTextFormat:LongInt;Alignment:TAlignment;Layout:TTextLayout;
16039: Proc cyDrawText(CanvasHandl:Card;Text:str;var Rect:TRect;TextFormat:LongInt);
16040: Func cyCreateFontIndirect(fromFont : TFont; Angle : Double) : TFont;;
16041: Func cyCreateFontIndirect1(fromFont: TFont;CaptionOrientation:TCaptionOrientation):TFont;
16042: Proc cyDrawVerticalText(Canvas : TCanvas; Text :Str; var Rect : TRect; TextFormat : Longint;
CaptionOrientation:TCaptionOrientation;Alignment:TAlignment;Layout: TextLayout);
16043: Func DrawLeftTurnPageEffect(Canvas:TCanvas;PageColor:TColor;PageRect:TRect;PercentDone:Int; const
16044: Func DrawRightTurnPageEffect(Canvas:TCanvas;PageColor:TColor;PageRect:TRect;PercentDone:Int;const
16045: Func PictureIsTransparentAtPos( aPicture : TPicture; aPoint : TPoint):boolean;
16046: Func IconIsTransparentAtPos(aIcon : TIcon; aPoint : TPoint) :Bool;
16047: Func MetafileIsTransparentAtPos( aMetafile : TMetafile; aPoint : TPoint) :Bool;
16048: Func PngImageIsTransparentAtPos( aPngImage : TPngImage; aPoint : TPoint) :Bool;
16049: Proc DrawCanvas(Destination:TCanvas;DestRect:TRect;Source:TCanvas;SourceRect:TRect);
16050: Proc
aStyle:TBgStyle;const aPosition:TBgPosition;const IndentX:Int;const IndentY:Int;const IntervalX:Int;const
IntervalY:Int;const RepeatX:Int;const RepeatY:Int);

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16051: Proc
aStyle:TBgStyle;const aPosition:TBgPosition;const IndentX:Int; const IndentY:Int;const IntervalX:Int;const
IntervalY:Int;const RepeatX:Int;const RepeatY:Int;
16052: Proc DrawGraphic1(Destination:TCanvas; DestRect:TRect;aGraphic : TGraphic; Transparent :Bool; const
aStyle : TBgStyle; const aPosition:TBgPosition;const IndentX:Int;const IndentY:Int;const
IntervalX:Int;const IntervalY:Int;const RepeatX:Int;const RepeatY:Int);
16053: Proc DrawMosaicPortion( Destination : TCanvas; Portion : TRect; Pattern : TBitmap);
16054: Func ValidGraphic( aGraphic : TGraphic) :Bool;
16055: Func ColorSetPercentBrightness( Color : TColor; PercentLight : Int) : TColor;
16056: Func ColorModify( Color : TColor; incR, incG, incB : Int) : TColor;
16057: Func ColorSetPercentContrast( Color : TColor; IncPercent : Int) : TColor;
16058: Func ColorSetPercentPale( Color : TColor; IncPercent : Int) : TColor;
16059: Func MediumColor( Color1, Color2 : TColor) : TColor;
16060: Func ClientToScreenRect( aControl : TControl; aControlRect : TRect) : TRect;
16061: Func ScreenToClientRect( aControl : TControl; aScreenRect : TRect) : TRect;
16062: Func CombineRectKeepingCenterPosition( RectPos, AddRect : TRect) : TRect;
16063: Proc InflateRectPercent( var aRect : TRect; withPercent : Double);
16064: Func GetIntermediateRect( Rect1, Rect2 : TRect; Percent : Double) : TRect;
16065: Func GetProportionalRect( fromRect, InsideRect : TRect) : TRect;
16066: Func PointInRect( const aPt : TPoint; const aRect : TRect) :Bool;
16067: Func PointInEllispe( const aPt : TPoint; const aRect : TRect) :Bool;
16068: Func CanvasAcceleratorTextWidth( aCanvas : TCanvas; aText :Str) : Int;
16069: end;
16071: Proc SIRegister_cyTypes(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16072: begin
16073: Type(TGlyphAlignment', '( gaLeft, gaCenter, gaRight );
16074: Type(TGlyphLayout', '( glTop, glCenter, glBottom );
16075: Type(TDisabledGlyphOptions', '( dgDoNotDraw, dgDrawNormal, dgDrawMonochrome );
16076: Type(TCaptionRender', '( crNormal, crPathEllipsis, crEndEllipsis, crWordEllipsis );
16077: Type(TCaptionOrientation', '( coHorizontal, coHorizontalReversed, coVertical, coVerticalReversed );
16078: Type(TBgPosition', '( bgCentered, bgTopLeft, bgTopCenter, bgTopRight,'
16079: +' bgCenterRight, bgBottomRight, bgBottomCenter, bgBottomLeft, bgCenterLeft);
16080: Type(TBgStyle', '( bgNone, bgNormal, bgMosaic, bgStretch, bgStretchProportional );
16081: Type(TcyBevelCut', '( bcLowered, bcRaised, bcNone, bcTransparent, bcGradientToNext );
16082: Type(TDgradOrientation','( dgdVertical,dgdHorizontal,dgdAngle,dgdRadial,dgdRectangle );
16083: Type(TDgradOrientationShape', '( osRadial, osRectangle );
16084: Type(TDgradBalanceMode(bmNormal,bmMirror,bmReverse,bmReverseFromColor,bmInvertReverse,
16085: Type(TRunTimeDesignJob','(rjNothing,rjMove,rjResizeTop,rjResizeBottom,rjResizeLeft,rjResizeTopLeft,
rjResizeBottomLeft,rjResizeRight,rjResizeTopRight,rjResizeBottomRight );
16086: Type(TLineCoord', 'record BottomCoord : TPoint; TopCoord : TPoint; end;
16087: cCaptionOrientationWarning,String)(Note text orientation doesnt work with all fonts!;
16088: end;
16090: Proc SIRegister_WinSvc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16091: begin
16092: Const SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASEA','String 'ServicesActive;
16093: SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASEW','String') 'ServicesActive;
16095: Const SERVICES_FAILED_DATABASEA','String' 'ServicesFailed;
16096: Const SERVICES_FAILED_DATABASEW','String' 'ServicesFailed;
16098: Const SC_GROUP_IDENTIFIERA','String'). '+;
16099: Const SC_GROUP_IDENTIFIERW','String') '+;
16101: Const SERVICE_NO_CHANGE','LongWord $FFFFFFFF);
16102: Const SERVICE_ACTIVE','LongWord')( $00000001);
16103: Const SERVICE_INACTIVE','LongWord $00000002);
16104: Const SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP','LongWord $00000001);
16105: Const SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE','LongWord $00000002);
16106: Const SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE','LongWord $00000003);
16107: Const SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE','LongWord $00000004);
16108: Const SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN','LongWord $00000005);
16109: Const SERVICE_STOPPED','LongWord $00000001);
16110: Const SERVICE_START_PENDING','LongWord $00000002);
16111: Const SERVICE_STOP_PENDING','LongWord $00000003);
16112: Const SERVICE_RUNNING','LongWord $00000004);
16113: Const SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING','LongWord $00000005);
16114: Const SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING','LongWord $00000006);
16115: Const SERVICE_PAUSED','LongWord $00000007);
16116: Const SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP','LongWord $00000001);
16117: Const SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE','LongWord $00000002);
16118: Const SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN','LongWord $00000004);
16119: Const SC_MANAGER_CONNECT','LongWord $0001);
16120: Const SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE','LongWord $0002;
16121: Const SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE','LongWord $0004);
16122: Const SC_MANAGER_LOCK','LongWord $0008);
16123: Const SC_MANAGER_QUERY_LOCK_STATUS','LongWord $0010);
16124: Const SC_MANAGER_MODIFY_BOOT_CONFIG','LongWord $0020);
16125: Const SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG','LongWord $0001);
16126: Const SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG','LongWord $0002);
16127: Const SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS','LongWord $0004);
16128: Const SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS','LongWord $0008);
16129: Const SERVICE_START','LongWord $0010);
16130: Const SERVICE_STOP','LongWord $0020);
16131: Const SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE','LongWord $0040);
16132: Const SERVICE_INTERROGATE','LongWord $0080);

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16133: Const SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL','LongWord $0100);

16134: Const SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER','LongWord $00000001);
16135: Const SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER','LongWord $00000002);
16136: Const SERVICE_ADAPTER','LongWord $00000004);
16137: Const SERVICE_RECOGNIZER_DRIVER','LongWord $00000008);
16138: Const SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS','LongWord $00000010);
16139: Const SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS','LongWord $00000020);
16140: Const SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS','LongWord $00000100);
16141: Const SERVICE_BOOT_START','LongWord $00000000);
16142: Const SERVICE_SYSTEM_START','LongWord $00000001);
16143: Const SERVICE_AUTO_START','LongWord $00000002);
16144: Const SERVICE_DEMAND_START','LongWord $00000003);
16145: Const SERVICE_DISABLED','LongWord $00000004);
16146: Const SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE','LongWord $00000000);
16147: Const SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL','LongWord $00000001);
16148: Const SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE','LongWord $00000002);
16149: Const SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL','LongWord $00000003);
16150: TypeS('SC_HANDLE', 'THandle;
16151: //TypeS('LPSC_HANDLE', '^SC_HANDLE // will not work;
16153: Const _SERVICE_STATUS', 'record dwServiceType : DWORD; dwCurrentState '
16154: +': DWORD; dwControlsAccepted : DWORD; dwWin32ExitCode : DWORD; dwServiceSpe'
16155: +'cificExitCode : DWORD; dwCheckPoint : DWORD; dwWaitHint : DWORD; end;
16157: Const TServiceStatus', '_SERVICE_STATUS;
16158: TypeS('_ENUM_SERVICE_STATUSA', 'record lpServiceName : PChar; lpDis'
16159: +'playName : PChar; ServiceStatus : TServiceStatus; end;
16162: TEnumServiceStatusA', '_ENUM_SERVICE_STATUSA;
16163: TEnumServiceStatus', 'TEnumServiceStatusA;
16164: SC_LOCK', '___Pointer;
16165: _QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUSA,record fIsLocked:DWORD;lpLockOner:PChar;dwLockDuration:DWORD;end;
16169: TQueryServiceLockStatusA', '_QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUSA;
16170: //TQueryServiceLockStatusW', '_QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUSW;
16171: TQueryServiceLockStatus', 'TQueryServiceLockStatusA;
16172: _QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGA', 'record dwServiceType : DWORD; dwStartT'
16173: +ype : DWORD; dwErrorControl:DWORD;lpBinaryPathName: PChar; lpLoadO'
16174: +rderGroup:PChar;dwTagId:DWORD;lpDependencies:PChar;lpServiceStartName:PChar;lpDisplayName:PChar;end;
16178: TQueryServiceConfigA', '_QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGA;
16179: TQueryServiceConfig', 'TQueryServiceConfigA;
16180: Func CloseServiceHandle( hSCObject : SC_HANDLE) : BOOL;
16181: Func ControlService(hService:SC_HANDLE;dwControl DWORD;var lpServiceStatus:TServiceStatus):BOOL;
16182: Func CreateService( hSCManager : SC_HANDLE; lpServiceName, lpDisplayName : PChar; dwDesiredAccess,
dwServiceType, dwStartType, dwErrorControl : DWORD; lpBinaryPathName, lpLoadOrderGroup : PChar;'
16183: +' lpdwTagId: DWORD;lpDependencies,lpServiceStartName, lpPassword : PChar): SC_HANDLE;
16184: Func CreateServiceA( hSCManager : SC_HANDLE; lpServiceName, lpDisplayName : PChar; dwDesiredAccess,
dwServiceType, dwStartType, dwErrorControl : DWORD; lpBinaryPathName, lpLoadOrderGroup : PChar; '
16185: +'lpdwTagId : DWORD; lpDependencies, lpServiceStartName, lpPassword : PChar) : SC_HANDLE;
16186: Func DeleteService( hService : SC_HANDLE) : BOOL;
16187: Func EnumDependentServices(hService: SC_HANDLE; dwServiceState: DWORD; var
lpServices:TEnumServiceStatus;cbBufSize:DWORD;var pcbBytesNeeded,lpServicesReturned: DWORD) : BOOL;
16188: Func EnumServicesStatus( hSCManager : SC_HANDLE; dwServiceType, dwServiceState:DWORD;var lpServices:
TEnumServiceStatus;cbBufSize:DWORD;var pcbBytesNeeded,lpServicesReturned,lpResumeHandle:DWORD):BOOL;
16189: Func GetServiceKeyName(hSCManager:SC_HANDLE;pDisplayName,lpServiceName:PChar;var lpcchBuffer:DWORD):BOOL;
16190: Func GetServiceDisplayName(hSCManager:SC_HANDLE;lpServiceNme,lpDisplayName:PChar;var
16191: Func LockServiceDatabase( hSCManager : SC_HANDLE) : SC_LOCK;
16192: Func NotifyBootConfigStatus( BootAcceptable : BOOL) : BOOL;
16193: Func OpenSCManager(lpMachineName,lpDatabaseName:PChar;dwDesiredAccess:DWORD):SC_HANDLE;
16194: Func OpenService(hSCManager:SC_HANDLE;lpServiceNam:PChar;dwDesiredAccess:DWORD):SC_HANDLE;
16195: Func QueryServiceLockStatus( hSCManager : SC_HANDLE; var lpLockStatus : TQueryServiceLockStatus;
cbBufSize : DWORD; var pcbBytesNeeded : DWORD) : BOOL;
16196: Func QueryServiceStatus(hService:SC_HANDLE;var lpServiceStatus:TServiceStatus):BOOL;
16197: Func SetServiceStatus(hServiceStatus:SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE;var lpServiceStatus:TServiceStatus):BOOL;
16198: Func StartService(hService:SC_HANDLE;dwNumServiceArgs:DWORD;var lpServiceArgVectors:PChar):BOOL;
16199: Func UnlockServiceDatabase(ScLock : SC_LOCK) : BOOL;
16200: end;
16202: Proc SIRegister_JvPickDate(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16203: begin
16204: Func SelectDate(Sender:TWinControl; var Date:TDateTime; const DlgCaption:TCaption; AStartOfWeek:
16205: Func SelectDateStr(Sender:TWinControl;var StrDate:str;const
16206: Func PopupDate(var Date:TDateTime;Edit:TWinControl;MinDate:TDateTime;MaxDate:TDateTime):Bool;
16207: Func
16208: Proc SetupPopupCalendar(PopupCalendar:TWinControl;AStartOfWeek:TDayOfWeekName;AWeekends:TDaysOfWeek;
16209: Func CreateNotifyThread(const FolderName:str;WatchSubtree:Bool;Filter:TFileChangeFilters):TJvNotifyThread;
16210: end;

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16212: Proc SIRegister_JclNTFS2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

16213: begin
16214: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclNtfsError;
16215: TypeS(TFileCompressionState,(fcNoCompression,fcDefaultCompression,fcLZNT1Compression);
16216: Func NtfsGetCompression2( const FileName : TFileName; var State : Short) :Bool;;
16217: Func NtfsGetCompression12( const FileName : TFileName) : TFileCompressionState;;
16218: Func NtfsSetCompression2( const FileName : TFileName; const State : Short) :Bool;
16219: Proc NtfsSetFileCompression2(const FileName : TFileName; const State : TFileCompressionState);
16220: Proc NtfsSetDirectoryTreeCompression2(const Directy:str;const State:TFileCompressionState);
16221: Proc NtfsSetDefaultFileCompression2(const Directory:Str;const State:TFileCompressionState);
16222: Proc NtfsSetPathCompression2(const Path:str;const State:TFileCompressState;Recurve:Bool);
16223: Func NtfsSetSparse2( const FileName :Str) :Bool;
16224: Func NtfsZeroDataByHandle2(const Handle: THandle; const First, Last : Int64) :Bool;
16225: Func NtfsZeroDataByName2(const FileName:Str;const First,Last: Int64) :Bool;
16226: Func NtfsSparseStreamsSupported2( const Volume :Str) :Bool;
16227: Func NtfsGetSparse2( const FileName :Str) :Bool;
16228: Func NtfsDeleteReparsePoint2( const FileName :Str; ReparseTag : DWORD) :Bool;
16229: Func NtfsSetReparsePoint2(const FileName:str;var ReparseData,Size : Longword) : Bool);
16230: Func NtfsGetReparseTag2( const Path :Str; var Tag : DWORD) :Bool;
16231: Func NtfsReparsePointsSupported2( const Volume :Str) :Bool;
16232: Func NtfsFileHasReparsePoint2( const Path :Str) :Bool;
16233: Func NtfsIsFolderMountPoint2( const Path :Str) :Bool;
16234: Func NtfsMountDeviceAsDrive2( const Device : WideString; Drive : Char) :Bool;
16235: Func NtfsMountVolume2(const Volume:WideChar;const MountPoint:WideString) :Bool;
16236: TypeS('TOpLock', '( olExclusive, olReadOnly, olBatch, olFilter );
16237: Func NtfsOpLockAckClosePending2( Handle : THandle; Overlapped : TOverlapped) :Bool;
16238: Func NtfsOpLockBreakAckNo22( Handle : THandle; Overlapped : TOverlapped) :Bool;
16239: Func NtfsOpLockBreakAcknowledge2(Handle:THandle; Overlapped: TOverlapped) :Bool;
16240: Func NtfsOpLockBreakNotify2( Handle : THandle; Overlapped : TOverlapped) :Bool;
16241: Func NtfsRequestOpLock2(Handle:THandle; Kind:TOpLock; Overlapped: TOverlapped):Boolean;
16242: Func NtfsCreateJunctionPoint2( const Source, Destination :Str) :Bool;
16243: Func NtfsDeleteJunctionPoint2( const Source :Str) :Bool;
16244: Func NtfsGetJunctionPointDestination2(const Source:str;var Destination:Str):Bool;
16245: TypeS(TStreamId', '( siInvalid, siStandard, siExtendedAttribute, siSec'
16246: +urity,siAlternate,siHardLink,siProperty, siObjectIdentifier,siReparsePoints,siSparseFile);
16247: TypeS(TStreamIds', 'set of TStreamId;
16248: TInternalFindStreamData','record FileHandle:THandle;Context:TObject; StreamIds:TStreamIds;end;
16249: TypeS(TFindStreamData', 'record Internal : TInternalFindStreamData; At'
16250: +tributes : DWORD; StreamID : TStreamId; Name: WideString; Size : Int64; end;
16251: Func NtfsFindFirstStream2(const FileName:str;StreamIds:TStreamIds;var Data:TFindStreamData):Bool;
16252: Func NtfsFindNextStream2( var Data : TFindStreamData) :Bool;
16253: Func NtfsFindStreamClose2( var Data : TFindStreamData) :Bool;
16254: Func NtfsCreateHardLink2( const LinkFileName, ExistingFileName :Str) :Bool;
16255: Func NtfsCreateHardLinkA2(const LinkFileName,ExistingFileName:Ansistr):Bool;
16256: Func NtfsCreateHardLinkW2(const LinkFileName,ExistingFileName: WideString):Bool;
16257: TypeS('TNtfsHardLinkInfo', 'record LinkCount :Card; FileIndex : Int64; end;
16258: Func NtfsGetHardLinkInfo2(const FileName:str;var Info:TNtfsHardLinkInfo):Boolean;
16259: Func NtfsFindHardLinks2(const Path:str;const FileIdxHigh,FIdxLow:Card;const List:TStrings):Bool
16260: Func NtfsDeleteHardLinks2( const FileName :Str) :Bool;
16261: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclFileSummaryError;
16262: TJclFileSummaryAccess', '( fsaRead, fsaWrite, fsaReadWrite );
16263: TJclFileSummaryShare', '( fssDenyNone, fssDenyRead, fssDenyWrite, fssDenyAll );
16264: TJclFileSummaryPropSetCallback', 'Func ( const FMTID : TGUID) :Bool;
16265: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TJclFileSummary;
16266: SIRegister_TJclFilePropertySet(CL);
16267: //TypeS('TJclFilePropertySetClass', 'class of TJclFilePropertySet;
16268: SIRegister_TJclFileSummary(CL);
16269: SIRegister_TJclFileSummaryInformation(CL);
16270: SIRegister_TJclDocSummaryInformation(CL);
16271: SIRegister_TJclMediaFileSummaryInformation(CL);
16272: SIRegister_TJclMSISummaryInformation(CL);
16273: SIRegister_TJclShellSummaryInformation(CL);
16274: SIRegister_TJclStorageSummaryInformation(CL);
16275: SIRegister_TJclImageSummaryInformation(CL);
16276: SIRegister_TJclDisplacedSummaryInformation(CL);
16277: SIRegister_TJclBriefCaseSummaryInformation(CL);
16278: SIRegister_TJclMiscSummaryInformation(CL);
16279: SIRegister_TJclWebViewSummaryInformation(CL);
16280: SIRegister_TJclMusicSummaryInformation(CL);
16281: SIRegister_TJclDRMSummaryInformation(CL);
16282: SIRegister_TJclVideoSummaryInformation(CL);
16283: SIRegister_TJclAudioSummaryInformation(CL);
16284: SIRegister_TJclControlPanelSummaryInformation(CL);
16285: SIRegister_TJclVolumeSummaryInformation(CL);
16286: SIRegister_TJclShareSummaryInformation(CL);
16287: SIRegister_TJclLinkSummaryInformation(CL);
16288: SIRegister_TJclQuerySummaryInformation(CL);
16289: SIRegister_TJclImageInformation(CL);
16290: SIRegister_TJclJpegSummaryInformation(CL);
16291: end;
16293: Proc SIRegister_Jcl8087(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16294: begin
16295: AddTypeS('T8087Precision','( pcSingle, pcReserved, pcDouble, pcExtended );
16296: T8087Rounding','( rcNearestOrEven, rcDownInfinity, rcUpInfinity, rcChopOrTruncate );
16297: T8087Infinity','( icProjective, icAffine );
16298: T8087Exception','(emInvalidOp,emDenormalizedOperand,emZeroDivide,emOverflow,emUnderflow,emPrecision;
16299: TypeS('T8087Exceptions', set of T8087Exception;
16300: Func Get8087ControlWord : Word;

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16301: Func Get8087Infinity : T8087Infinity;

16302: Func Get8087Precision : T8087Precision;
16303: Func Get8087Rounding : T8087Rounding;
16304: Func Get8087StatusWord( ClearExceptions :Bool) : Word;
16305: Func Set8087Infinity( const Infinity : T8087Infinity) : T8087Infinity;
16306: Func Set8087Precision( const Precision : T8087Precision) : T8087Precision;
16307: Func Set8087Rounding( const Rounding : T8087Rounding) : T8087Rounding;
16308: Func Set8087ControlWord( const Control : Word) : Word;
16309: Func ClearPending8087Exceptions : T8087Exceptions;
16310: Func GetPending8087Exceptions : T8087Exceptions;
16311: Func GetMasked8087Exceptions : T8087Exceptions;
16312: Func SetMasked8087Exceptions(Exceptions:T8087Exceptions;ClearBefore:Bool):T8087Exceptions;
16313: Func Mask8087Exceptions( Exceptions:T8087Exceptions) : T8087Exceptions;
16314: Func Unmask8087Exceptions(Exceptions:T8087Exceptions;ClearBefore:Bool):T8087Exceptions;
16315: end;
16317: Proc SIRegister_JvBoxProcs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16318: begin
16319: Proc BoxMoveSelectedItems( SrcList, DstList : TWinControl);
16320: Proc BoxMoveAllItems( SrcList, DstList : TWinControl);
16321: Proc BoxDragOver(List:TWinControl;Sorce:TObject;X,Y:Int;State:TDragState;var Accept:Bool;Sorted:Bool;
16322: Proc BoxMoveFocusedItem( List : TWinControl; DstIndex : Int);
16323: Proc BoxMoveSelected( List : TWinControl; Items : TStrings);
16324: Proc BoxSetItem( List : TWinControl; Index : Int);
16325: Func BoxGetFirstSelection( List : TWinControl) : Int;
16326: Func BoxCanDropItem(List:TWinControl; X,Y:Int; var DragIndex : Int) :Bool;
16327: end;
16329: Proc SIRegister_UrlMon(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16330: begin
16331: //ConstantN('SZ_URLCONTEXT','POLEStr').SetString( 'URL Context;
16332: //ConstantN('SZ_ASYNC_CALLEE','POLEStr').SetString( 'AsyncCallee;
16333: ConstantN('MKSYS_URLMONIKER','LongInt').SetInt( 6);
16334: type ULONG', 'Cardinal; LPCWSTR', 'PChar; TypeS('LPWSTR', 'PChar;
16335: LPSTR', 'PChar;
16336: TBindVerb', 'ULONG;
16337: TBindInfoF', 'ULONG;
16338: TBindF', 'ULONG;
16339: TBSCF', 'ULONG;
16340: TBindStatus', 'ULONG;
16341: TCIPStatus', 'ULONG;
16342: TBindString', 'ULONG;
16343: TPiFlags', 'ULONG;
16344: TOIBdgFlags', 'ULONG;
16345: TParseAction', 'ULONG;
16346: TPSUAction', 'ULONG;
16347: TQueryOption', 'ULONG;
16348: TPUAF', 'ULONG;
16349: TSZMFlags', 'ULONG;
16350: TUrlZone', 'ULONG;
16351: TUrlTemplate', 'ULONG;
16352: TZAFlags', 'ULONG;
16353: TUrlZoneReg', 'ULONG;
16354: 'URLMON_OPTION_USERAGENT','LongWord').SetUInt( $10000001);
16355: ConstantN('URLMON_OPTION_USERAGENT_REFRESH','LongWord').SetUInt( $10000002);
16356: const 'URLMON_OPTION_URL_ENCODING','LongWord').SetUInt( $10000004);
16357: const 'URLMON_OPTION_USE_BINDSTRINGCREDS','LongWord').SetUInt( $10000008);
16358: const 'CF_NULL','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
16359: const 'CFSTR_MIME_NULL','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
16360: const 'CFSTR_MIME_TEXT','String').SetString( 'text/plain;
16361: const 'CFSTR_MIME_RICHTEXT','String').SetString( 'text/richtext;
16362: const 'CFSTR_MIME_X_BITMAP','String').SetString( 'image/x-xbitmap;
16363: const 'CFSTR_MIME_POSTSCRIPT','String').SetString( 'application/postscript;
16364: const 'CFSTR_MIME_AIFF','String').SetString( 'audio/aiff;
16365: const 'CFSTR_MIME_BASICAUDIO','String').SetString( 'audio/basic;
16366: const 'CFSTR_MIME_WAV','String').SetString( 'audio/wav;
16367: const 'CFSTR_MIME_X_WAV','String').SetString( 'audio/x-wav;
16368: const 'CFSTR_MIME_GIF','String').SetString( 'image/gif;
16369: const 'CFSTR_MIME_PJPEG','String').SetString( 'image/pjpeg;
16370: const 'CFSTR_MIME_JPEG','String').SetString( 'image/jpeg;
16371: const 'CFSTR_MIME_TIFF','String').SetString( 'image/tiff;
16372: const 'CFSTR_MIME_X_PNG','String').SetString( 'image/x-png;
16373: const 'CFSTR_MIME_BMP','String').SetString( 'image/bmp;
16374: const 'CFSTR_MIME_X_ART','String').SetString( 'image/x-jg;
16375: const 'CFSTR_MIME_X_EMF','String').SetString( 'image/x-emf;
16376: const 'CFSTR_MIME_X_WMF','String').SetString( 'image/x-wmf;
16377: const 'CFSTR_MIME_AVI','String').SetString( 'video/avi;
16378: const 'CFSTR_MIME_MPEG','String').SetString( 'video/mpeg;
16379: const 'CFSTR_MIME_FRACTALS','String').SetString( 'application/fractals;
16380: const 'CFSTR_MIME_RAWDATA','String').SetString( 'application/octet-stream;
16381: const 'CFSTR_MIME_RAWDATASTRM','String').SetString( 'application/octet-stream;
16382: const 'CFSTR_MIME_PDF','String').SetString( 'application/pdf;
16383: const 'CFSTR_MIME_X_AIFF','String').SetString( 'audio/x-aiff;
16384: const 'CFSTR_MIME_X_REALAUDIO','String').SetString( 'audio/x-pn-realaudio;
16385: const 'CFSTR_MIME_XBM','String').SetString( 'image/xbm;
16386: const 'CFSTR_MIME_QUICKTIME','String').SetString( 'video/quicktime;
16387: const 'CFSTR_MIME_X_MSVIDEO','String').SetString( 'video/x-msvideo;
16388: const 'CFSTR_MIME_X_SGI_MOVIE','String').SetString( 'video/x-sgi-movie;
16389: const 'CFSTR_MIME_HTML','String').SetString( 'text/html;

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16390: const 'MK_S_ASYNCHRONOUS','LongWord').SetUInt( $000401E8);

16391: const 'S_ASYNCHRONOUS','LongWord').SetUInt( $000401E8);
16392: const 'E_PENDING','LongWord').SetUInt( $8000000A);
16393: Interface(CL.FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),IBinding, 'IBinding;
16394: SIRegister_IPersistMoniker(CL);
16395: SIRegister_IBindProtocol(CL);
16396: SIRegister_IBinding(CL);
16397: const BINDVERB_GET','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000000);
16398: const 'BINDVERB_POST','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
16399: const 'BINDVERB_PUT','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
16400: const 'BINDVERB_CUSTOM','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000003);
16401: const 'BINDINFOF_URLENCODESTGMEDDATA','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
16402: const 'BINDINFOF_URLENCODEDEXTRAINFO','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
16403: const 'BINDF_ASYNCHRONOUS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
16404: const 'BINDF_ASYNCSTORAGE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
16405: const 'BINDF_NOPROGRESSIVERENDERING','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000004);
16406: const 'BINDF_OFFLINEOPERATION','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000008);
16407: const 'BINDF_GETNEWESTVERSION','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000010);
16408: const 'BINDF_NOWRITECACHE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000020);
16409: const 'BINDF_NEEDFILE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000040);
16410: const 'BINDF_PULLDATA','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000080);
16411: const 'BINDF_IGNORESECURITYPROBLEM','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000100);
16412: const 'BINDF_RESYNCHRONIZE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000200);
16413: const 'BINDF_HYPERLINK','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000400);
16414: const 'BINDF_NO_UI','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000800);
16415: const 'BINDF_SILENTOPERATION','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001000);
16416: const 'BINDF_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00002000);
16417: const 'BINDF_FREE_THREADED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00010000);
16418: const 'BINDF_DIRECT_READ','LongWord').SetUInt( $00020000);
16419: const 'BINDF_FORMS_SUBMIT','LongWord').SetUInt( $00040000);
16420: const 'BINDF_GETFROMCACHE_IF_NET_FAIL','LongWord').SetUInt( $00080000);
16423: //const 'BINDF_NOCOPYDATA','').SetString( BINDF_PULLDATA);
16424: const 'BSCF_FIRSTDATANOTIFICATION','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
16425: const 'BSCF_INTERMEDIATEDATANOTIFICATION','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
16426: const 'BSCF_LASTDATANOTIFICATION','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000004);
16427: const 'BSCF_DATAFULLYAVAILABLE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000008);
16428: const 'BSCF_AVAILABLEDATASIZEUNKNOWN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000010);
16429: const 'BINDSTATUS_FINDINGRESOURCE','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
16472: const 'BINDSTATUS_P3P_HEADER','LongInt').SetInt( BINDSTATUS_POLICY_HREF + 1);

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16481: // PBindInfo', '^TBindInfo // will not work;
16482: {_tagBINDINFO', 'record cbSize : ULONG; szExtraInfo : LPWSTR; stg'
16483: +'medData : TStgMedium; grfBindInfoF : DWORD; dwBindVerb : DWORD; szCustomVe'
16484: +'rb : LPWSTR; cbstgmedData : DWORD; dwOptions : DWORD; dwOptionsFlags : DWO'
16485: +'RD; dwCodePage : DWORD; securityAttributes : TSecurityAttributes; iid : TG'
16486: +'UID; pUnk : IUnknown; dwReserved : DWORD; end;
16487: TBindInfo', '_tagBINDINFO;
16488: BINDINFO', '_tagBINDINFO;}
16489: _REMSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES', 'record nLength : DWORD; lpSecurityDes'
16490: +'criptor : DWORD; bInheritHandle : BOOL; end;
16491: TRemSecurityAttributes', '_REMSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES;
16493: //PRemBindInfo', '^TRemBindInfo // will not work;
16494: {_tagRemBINDINFO', 'record cbSize : ULONG; szExtraInfo : LPWSTR; '
16495: +'grfBindInfoF : DWORD; dwBindVerb : DWORD; szCustomVerb : LPWSTR; cbstgmedD'
16496: +'ata : DWORD; dwOptions : DWORD; dwOptionsFlags : DWORD; dwCodePage : DWORD'
16497: +'; securityAttributes : TRemSecurityAttributes; iid : TGUID; pUnk : IUnknow'
16498: +'n; dwReserved : DWORD; end;
16499: TRemBindInfo', '_tagRemBINDINFO;
16500: RemBINDINFO', '_tagRemBINDINFO;}
16501: //PRemFormatEtc', '^TRemFormatEtc // will not work;
16502: tagRemFORMATETC','record cfFormat:DWORD; ptd:DWORD; dwAspect:DWORD;lindex:Longint;tymed:DWORD; end;
16503: TRemFormatEtc', 'tagRemFORMATETC;
16505: SIRegister_IBindStatusCallback(CL);
16506: SIRegister_IAuthenticate(CL);
16507: SIRegister_IHttpNegotiate(CL);
16508: SIRegister_IWindowForBindingUI(CL);
16509: const 'CIP_DISK_FULL','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
16510: const 'CIP_ACCESS_DENIED','LongInt').SetInt( CIP_DISK_FULL + 1);
16511: const 'CIP_NEWER_VERSION_EXISTS','LongInt').SetInt( CIP_ACCESS_DENIED + 1);
16513: const 'CIP_NAME_CONFLICT','LongInt').SetInt( CIP_OLDER_VERSION_EXISTS + 1);
16517: const 'CIP_NEED_REBOOT','LongInt').SetInt( CIP_UNSAFE_TO_ABORT + 1);
16518: const 'CIP_NEED_REBOOT_UI_PERMISSION','LongInt').SetInt( CIP_NEED_REBOOT + 1);
16519: SIRegister_ICodeInstall(CL);
16520: SIRegister_IWinInetInfo(CL);
16521: const 'WININETINFO_OPTION_LOCK_HANDLE','LongInt').SetInt( 65534);
16522: SIRegister_IHttpSecurity(CL);
16523: SIRegister_IWinInetHttpInfo(CL);
16524: SIRegister_IBindHost(CL);
16525: const 'URLOSTRM_USECACHEDCOPY_ONLY','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
16526: const 'URLOSTRM_USECACHEDCOPY','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
16527: const 'URLOSTRM_GETNEWESTVERSION','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000003);
16528: Func URLOpenStream(p1:IUnknown;p2:PChar; p3:DWORD; p4:IBindStatusCallback): HResult;
16529: Func URLOpenPullStream(p1:IUnknown;p2:PChar;p3:DWORD; BSC:IBindStatusCallback):HResult;
16530: Func
16531: Func URLDownloadToCacheFile(p1:IUnknown;p2:PChar;p3:PChar;p4:DWORD;p5:DWORD;p6:IBindStatusCallback):
16532: Func URLOpenBlockingStream(p1:IUnknown;p2:PChar;out p3:IStream;p4:DWORD;p5:IBindStatusCallback):HResult;
16533: Func HlinkGoBack( unk : IUnknown) : HResult;
16534: Func HlinkGoForward( unk : IUnknown) : HResult;
16535: Func HlinkNavigateString( unk : IUnknown; szTarget : LPCWSTR) : HResult;
16536: // Func HlinkNavigateMoniker( Unk : IUnknown; mkTarget : IMoniker) : HResult;
16537: SIRegister_IInternet(CL);
16538: const 'BINDSTRING_HEADERS','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
16541: const 'BINDSTRING_LANGUAGE','LongInt').SetInt( BINDSTRING_EXTRA_URL + 1);
16544: const 'BINDSTRING_UA_PIXELS','LongInt').SetInt( BINDSTRING_PASSWORD + 1);
16545: const 'BINDSTRING_UA_COLOR','LongInt').SetInt( BINDSTRING_UA_PIXELS + 1);
16546: const 'BINDSTRING_OS','LongInt').SetInt( BINDSTRING_UA_COLOR + 1);
16547: const 'BINDSTRING_USER_AGENT','LongInt').SetInt( BINDSTRING_OS + 1);
16551: const 'BINDSTRING_URL','LongInt').SetInt( BINDSTRING_POST_DATA_MIME + 1);
16552: //POLEStrArray', '^TOLESTRArray // will not work;
16553: SIRegister_IInternetBindInfo(CL);
16554: const 'PI_PARSE_URL','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
16555: const 'PI_FILTER_MODE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
16556: const 'PI_FORCE_ASYNC','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000004);
16557: const 'PI_USE_WORKERTHREAD','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000008);
16558: const 'PI_MIMEVERIFICATION','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000010);
16559: const 'PI_CLSIDLOOKUP','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000020);
16560: const 'PI_DATAPROGRESS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000040);
16561: const 'PI_SYNCHRONOUS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000080);
16562: const 'PI_APARTMENTTHREADED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000100);
16563: const 'PI_CLASSINSTALL','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000200);
16564: const 'PD_FORCE_SWITCH','LongWord').SetUInt( $00010000);

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16565: //const 'PI_DOCFILECLSIDLOOKUP','').SetString( PI_CLSIDLOOKUP);

16566: //PProtocolData', '^TProtocolData // will not work;
16567: _tagPROTOCOLDATA,record grfFlags:DWORD; dwState:DWORD; pData:TObject;cbData:ULONG; end;
16568: TProtocolData', '_tagPROTOCOLDATA;
16570: Interface(CL.FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),IInternetProtocolSink,'IInternetProtocolSink;
16571: SIRegister_IInternetProtocolRoot(CL);
16572: SIRegister_IInternetProtocol(CL);
16573: SIRegister_IInternetProtocolSink(CL);
16574: const 'OIBDG_APARTMENTTHREADED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000100);
16575: SIRegister_IInternetSession(CL);
16576: SIRegister_IInternetThreadSwitch(CL);
16577: SIRegister_IInternetPriority(CL);
16578: const 'PARSE_CANONICALIZE','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
16579: const 'PARSE_FRIENDLY','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_CANONICALIZE + 1);
16580: const 'PARSE_SECURITY_URL','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_FRIENDLY + 1);
16581: const 'PARSE_ROOTDOCUMENT','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_SECURITY_URL + 1);
16582: const 'PARSE_DOCUMENT','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_ROOTDOCUMENT + 1);
16583: const 'PARSE_ANCHOR','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_DOCUMENT + 1);
16584: const 'PARSE_ENCODE','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_ANCHOR + 1);
16585: const 'PARSE_DECODE','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_ENCODE + 1);
16586: const 'PARSE_PATH_FROM_URL','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_DECODE + 1);
16587: const 'PARSE_URL_FROM_PATH','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_PATH_FROM_URL + 1);
16588: const 'PARSE_MIME','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_URL_FROM_PATH + 1);
16589: const 'PARSE_SERVER','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_MIME + 1);
16590: const 'PARSE_SCHEMA','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_SERVER + 1);
16591: const 'PARSE_SITE','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_SCHEMA + 1);
16592: const 'PARSE_DOMAIN','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_SITE + 1);
16593: const 'PARSE_LOCATION','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_DOMAIN + 1);
16594: const 'PARSE_SECURITY_DOMAIN','LongInt').SetInt( PARSE_LOCATION + 1);
16595: const 'PSU_DEFAULT','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
16596: const 'PSU_SECURITY_URL_ONLY','LongInt').SetInt( PSU_DEFAULT + 1);
16597: const 'QUERY_EXPIRATION_DATE','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
16600: const 'QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE','LongInt').SetInt( QUERY_CONTENT_ENCODING + 1);
16601: const 'QUERY_REFRESH','LongInt').SetInt( QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE + 1);
16602: const 'QUERY_RECOMBINE','LongInt').SetInt( QUERY_REFRESH + 1);
16603: const 'QUERY_CAN_NAVIGATE','LongInt').SetInt( QUERY_RECOMBINE + 1);
16604: const 'QUERY_USES_NETWORK','LongInt').SetInt( QUERY_CAN_NAVIGATE + 1);
16605: const 'QUERY_IS_CACHED','LongInt').SetInt( QUERY_USES_NETWORK + 1);
16606: const 'QUERY_IS_INSTALLEDENTRY','LongInt').SetInt( QUERY_IS_CACHED + 1);
16608: const 'QUERY_USES_CACHE','LongInt').SetInt( QUERY_IS_CACHED_OR_MAPPED + 1);
16609: const 'QUERY_IS_SECURE','LongInt').SetInt( QUERY_USES_CACHE + 1);
16610: const 'QUERY_IS_SAFE','LongInt').SetInt( QUERY_IS_SECURE + 1);
16611: SIRegister_IInternetProtocolInfo(CL);
16612: IOInet', 'IInternet;
16613: IOInetBindInfo', 'IInternetBindInfo;
16614: IOInetProtocolRoot', 'IInternetProtocolRoot;
16615: IOInetProtocol', 'IInternetProtocol;
16616: IOInetProtocolSink', 'IInternetProtocolSink;
16617: IOInetProtocolInfo', 'IInternetProtocolInfo;
16618: IOInetSession', 'IInternetSession;
16619: IOInetPriority', 'IInternetPriority;
16620: IOInetThreadSwitch', 'IInternetThreadSwitch;
16621: Func CoInternetParseUrl( pwzUrl : LPCWSTR; ParseAction : TParseAction; dwFlags : DWORD; pszResult:LPWSTR;
cchResult : DWORD; var pcchResult : DWORD; dwReserved : DWORD) : HResult;
16622: Func CoInternetCombineUrl( pwzBaseUrl, pwzRelativeUrl : LPCWSTR; dwCombineFlags : DWORD;
pszResult:LPWSTR; cchResult : DWORD; var pcchResult : DWORD; dwReserved : DWORD) : HResult;
16623: Func CoInternetCompareUrl( pwzUrl1, pwzUrl2 : LPCWSTR; dwFlags : DWORD) : HResult;
16624: Func CoInternetGetProtocolFlags(pwzUrl:LPCWSTR;var dwFlags DWORD;dwReserved:DWORD):HResult;
16625: Func
: DWORD; var pcbBuffer : DWORD; dwReserved : DWORD) : HResult;
16626: Func CoInternetGetSession(dwSessionMode:DWORD;var
16627: Func CoInternetGetSecurityUrl(pwzUrl:LPCWSTR;var
16628: Func OInetParseUrl( pwzUrl : LPCWSTR; ParseAction : TParseAction; dwFlags : DWORD; pszResult:LPWSTR;
cchResult : DWORD; var pcchResult : DWORD; dwReserved : DWORD) : HResult;
16629: Func OInetCombineUrl( pwzBaseUrl, pwzRelativeUrl : LPCWSTR; dwCombineFlags : DWORD; pszResult:LPWSTR;
cchResult: DWORD;var pcchResult:DWORD; dwReserved : DWORD) : HResult;
16630: Func OInetCompareUrl( pwzUrl1, pwzUrl2 : LPCWSTR; dwFlags : DWORD) : Hresult;
16631: Func OInetGetProtocolFlags(pwzUrl:LPCWSTR;var dwFlags:DWORD;dwReserved:DWORD): HResult;
16632: Func OInetQueryInfo( pwzUrl : LPCWSTR; QueryOptions : TQueryOption; dwQueryFlags : DWORD; pvBuffer :
TObject; cbBuffer : DWORD; var pcbBuffer : DWORD; dwReserved : DWORD) : HResult;
16633: Func OInetGetSession(dwSessionMode:DWORD;var pIInternetSession:IInternetSession;dwReserved:DWORD):HResult;
16634: //Func CopyBindInfo( const cbiSrc : TBindInfo; var biDest : TBindInfo) : HResult;
16635: //Proc ReleaseBindInfo( const bindinfo : TBindInfo);
16636: // const 'INET_E_USE_DEFAULT_PROTOCOLHANDLER','LongWord').SetUInt( HResult ( $800C0011 ));
16637: // const 'INET_E_USE_DEFAULT_SETTING','LongWord').SetUInt( HResult ( $800C0012 ));
16638: //const 'INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION','LongWord').SetUInt( HResult ( $800C0011 ));
16639: //const 'INET_E_QUERYOPTION_UNKNOWN','LongWord').SetUInt( HResult ( $800C0013 ));
16640: //const 'INET_E_REDIRECTING','LongWord').SetUInt( HResult ( $800C0014 ));
16641: const 'PROTOCOLFLAG_NO_PICS_CHECK','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
16642: SIRegister_IInternetSecurityMgrSite(CL);
16643: const 'MUTZ_NOSAVEDFILECHECK','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
16644: const 'MUTZ_ISFILE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);

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16645: const 'MUTZ_ACCEPT_WILDCARD_SCHEME','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000080);

16646: const 'MUTZ_ENFORCERESTRICTED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000100);
16647: const 'MUTZ_REQUIRESAVEDFILECHECK','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000400);
16648: const 'MAX_SIZE_SECURITY_ID','LongInt').SetInt( 512);
16649: const 'PUAF_DEFAULT','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000000);
16650: const 'PUAF_NOUI','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
16651: const 'PUAF_ISFILE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
16652: const 'PUAF_WARN_IF_DENIED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000004);
16653: const 'PUAF_FORCEUI_FOREGROUND','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000008);
16654: const 'PUAF_CHECK_TIFS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000010);
16655: const 'PUAF_DONTCHECKBOXINDIALOG','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000020);
16656: const 'PUAF_TRUSTED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000040);
16657: const 'PUAF_ACCEPT_WILDCARD_SCHEME','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000080);
16658: const 'PUAF_ENFORCERESTRICTED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000100);
16659: const 'PUAF_NOSAVEDFILECHECK','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000200);
16660: const 'PUAF_REQUIRESAVEDFILECHECK','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000400);
16661: const 'PUAF_LMZ_UNLOCKED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00010000);
16662: const 'PUAF_LMZ_LOCKED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00020000);
16663: const 'PUAF_DEFAULTZONEPOL','LongWord').SetUInt( $00040000);
16664: const 'PUAF_NPL_USE_LOCKED_IF_RESTRICTED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00080000);
16665: const 'PUAF_NOUIIFLOCKED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00100000);
16666: const 'PUAFOUT_DEFAULT','LongWord').SetUInt( $0);
16667: const 'PUAFOUT_ISLOCKZONEPOLICY','LongWord').SetUInt( $1);
16668: const 'SZM_CREATE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000000);
16669: const 'SZM_DELETE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
16670: SIRegister_IInternetSecurityManager(CL);
16671: SIRegister_IInternetHostSecurityManager(CL);
16672: SIRegister_IInternetSecurityManagerEx(CL);
16673: const URLACTION_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001000);
16674: const URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001000);
16675: const URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_SIGNED_ACTIVEX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001001);
16676: const URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_UNSIGNED_ACTIVEX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001004);
16677: const URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_CURR_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001004);
16678: const URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $000011FF);
16679: const 'URLACTION_ACTIVEX_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001200);
16680: const 'URLACTION_ACTIVEX_RUN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001200);
16681: const 'URLACTION_ACTIVEX_OVERRIDE_OBJECT_SAFETY','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001201);
16682: const 'URLACTION_ACTIVEX_OVERRIDE_DATA_SAFETY','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001202);
16683: const 'URLACTION_ACTIVEX_OVERRIDE_SCRIPT_SAFETY','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001203);
16684: const 'URLACTION_SCRIPT_OVERRIDE_SAFETY','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001401);
16685: const 'URLACTION_ACTIVEX_CONFIRM_NOOBJECTSAFETY','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001204);
16686: const 'URLACTION_ACTIVEX_TREATASUNTRUSTED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001205);
16687: const 'URLACTION_ACTIVEX_NO_WEBOC_SCRIPT','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001206);
16688: const 'URLACTION_ACTIVEX_CURR_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001206);
16689: const 'URLACTION_ACTIVEX_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $000013FF);
16690: const 'URLACTION_SCRIPT_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001400);
16691: const 'URLACTION_SCRIPT_RUN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001400);
16692: const 'URLACTION_SCRIPT_JAVA_USE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001402);
16693: const 'URLACTION_SCRIPT_SAFE_ACTIVEX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001405);
16694: const 'URLACTION_SCRIPT_CURR_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001405);
16695: const 'URLACTION_SCRIPT_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $000015FF);
16696: const 'URLACTION_HTML_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001600);
16697: const 'URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001601);
16698: const 'URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS_FROM','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001602);
16699: const 'URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS_TO','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001603);
16700: const 'URLACTION_HTML_FONT_DOWNLOAD','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001604);
16701: const 'URLACTION_HTML_JAVA_RUN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001605);
16702: const 'URLACTION_HTML_CURR_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001605);
16703: const 'URLACTION_HTML_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $000017FF);
16704: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001800);
16705: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_INSTALL_DTITEMS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001800);
16706: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_MOVE_OR_COPY','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001802);
16707: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_FILE_DOWNLOAD','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001803);
16708: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_VERB','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001804);
16709: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_WEBVIEW_VERB','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001805);
16710: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_SHELLEXECUTE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001806);
16711: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_EXECUTE_HIGHRISK','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001806);
16712: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_EXECUTE_MODRISK','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001807);
16713: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_EXECUTE_LOWRISK','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001808);
16714: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_POPUPMGR','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001809);
16715: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_CURR_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001809);
16716: const 'URLACTION_SHELL_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $000019ff);
16717: const 'URLACTION_NETWORK_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001A00);
16718: const 'URLACTION_CREDENTIALS_USE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001A00);
16719: const 'URLPOLICY_CREDENTIALS_SILENT_LOGON_OK','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000000);
16720: const 'URLPOLICY_CREDENTIALS_MUST_PROMPT_USER','LongWord').SetUInt( $00010000);
16721: const 'URLPOLICY_CREDENTIALS_CONDITIONAL_PROMPT','LongWord').SetUInt( $00020000);
16722: const 'URLPOLICY_CREDENTIALS_ANONYMOUS_ONLY','LongWord').SetUInt( $00030000);
16723: const 'URLACTION_AUTHENTICATE_CLIENT','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001A01);
16724: const 'URLPOLICY_AUTHENTICATE_CLEARTEXT_OK','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000000);
16725: const 'URLPOLICY_AUTHENTICATE_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00010000);
16726: const 'URLPOLICY_AUTHENTICATE_MUTUAL_ONLY','LongWord').SetUInt( $00030000);
16727: const 'URLACTION_NETWORK_CURR_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001A01);
16728: const 'URLACTION_NETWORK_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001BFF);
16729: const 'URLACTION_JAVA_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001C00);
16730: const 'URLACTION_JAVA_PERMISSIONS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001C00);
16731: const 'URLPOLICY_JAVA_PROHIBIT','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000000);
16732: const 'URLPOLICY_JAVA_HIGH','LongWord').SetUInt( $00010000);
16733: const 'URLPOLICY_JAVA_MEDIUM','LongWord').SetUInt( $00020000);

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16734: const 'URLPOLICY_JAVA_LOW','LongWord').SetUInt( $00030000);

16735: const 'URLPOLICY_JAVA_CUSTOM','LongWord').SetUInt( $00800000);
16736: const 'URLACTION_JAVA_CURR_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001C00);
16737: const 'URLACTION_JAVA_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001CFF);
16738: const 'URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001D00);
16739: const 'URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_NO_ADDING_CHANNELS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001D00);
16740: const 'URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_NO_EDITING_CHANNELS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001D01);
16741: const 'URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_NO_REMOVING_CHANNELS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001D02);
16745: const 'URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_NO_CHANNEL_LOGGING','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001D06);
16746: const 'URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_CURR_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001D06);
16747: const 'URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001Dff);
16748: const 'URLACTION_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001E00);
16749: const 'URLACTION_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_PERMISSIONS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001E05);
16750: const 'URLPOLICY_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_PROHIBIT','LongWord').SetUInt( $00010000);
16751: const 'URLPOLICY_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_PRECACHE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00020000);
16752: const 'URLPOLICY_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_AUTOINSTALL','LongWord').SetUInt( $00030000);
16753: const 'URLACTION_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00001EFF);
16754: const 'URLACTION_BEHAVIOR_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00002000);
16755: const 'URLACTION_BEHAVIOR_RUN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00002000);
16756: const 'URLPOLICY_BEHAVIOR_CHECK_LIST','LongWord').SetUInt( $00010000);
16757: const 'URLACTION_FEATURE_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00002100);
16758: const 'URLACTION_FEATURE_MIME_SNIFFING','LongWord').SetUInt( $00002100);
16759: const 'URLACTION_FEATURE_ZONE_ELEVATION','LongWord').SetUInt( $00002101);
16760: const 'URLACTION_FEATURE_WINDOW_RESTRICTIONS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00002102);
16761: const 'URLACTION_AUTOMATIC_DOWNLOAD_UI_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00002200);
16762: const 'URLACTION_AUTOMATIC_DOWNLOAD_UI','LongWord').SetUInt( $00002200);
16763: const 'URLACTION_AUTOMATIC_ACTIVEX_UI','LongWord').SetUInt( $00002201);
16764: const 'URLACTION_ALLOW_RESTRICTEDPROTOCOLS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00002300);
16765: const 'URLPOLICY_ALLOW','LongWord').SetUInt( $00);
16766: const 'URLPOLICY_QUERY','LongWord').SetUInt( $01);
16767: const 'URLPOLICY_DISALLOW','LongWord').SetUInt( $03);
16768: const 'URLPOLICY_NOTIFY_ON_ALLOW','LongWord').SetUInt( $10);
16769: const 'URLPOLICY_NOTIFY_ON_DISALLOW','LongWord').SetUInt( $20);
16770: const 'URLPOLICY_LOG_ON_ALLOW','LongWord').SetUInt( $40);
16771: const 'URLPOLICY_LOG_ON_DISALLOW','LongWord').SetUInt( $80);
16772: const 'URLPOLICY_MASK_PERMISSIONS','LongWord').SetUInt( $0f);
16773: Func GetUrlPolicyPermissions( dw : DWORD) : DWORD;
16774: Func SetUrlPolicyPermissions( dw, dw2 : DWORD) : DWORD;
16775: const 'URLZONE_PREDEFINED_MIN','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
16776: const 'URLZONE_LOCAL_MACHINE','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
16777: const 'URLZONE_INTRANET','LongInt').SetInt( URLZONE_LOCAL_MACHINE + 1);
16778: const 'URLZONE_TRUSTED','LongInt').SetInt( URLZONE_INTRANET + 1);
16779: const 'URLZONE_INTERNET','LongInt').SetInt( URLZONE_TRUSTED + 1);
16780: const 'URLZONE_UNTRUSTED','LongInt').SetInt( URLZONE_INTERNET + 1);
16781: const 'URLZONE_PREDEFINED_MAX','LongInt').SetInt( 999);
16782: const 'URLZONE_USER_MIN','LongInt').SetInt( 1000);
16783: const 'URLZONE_USER_MAX','LongInt').SetInt( 10000);
16784: const 'URLTEMPLATE_CUSTOM','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000000);
16785: const 'URLTEMPLATE_PREDEFINED_MIN','LongWord').SetUInt( $00010000);
16786: const 'URLTEMPLATE_LOW','LongWord').SetUInt( $00010000);
16787: const 'URLTEMPLATE_MEDIUM','LongWord').SetUInt( $00011000);
16788: const 'URLTEMPLATE_HIGH','LongWord').SetUInt( $00012000);
16789: const 'URLTEMPLATE_PREDEFINED_MAX','LongWord').SetUInt( $00020000);
16790: const 'MAX_ZONE_PATH','LongInt').SetInt( 260);
16791: const 'MAX_ZONE_DESCRIPTION','LongInt').SetInt( 200);
16792: const 'ZAFLAGS_CUSTOM_EDIT','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
16793: const 'ZAFLAGS_ADD_SITES','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
16794: const 'ZAFLAGS_REQUIRE_VERIFICATION','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000004);
16795: const 'ZAFLAGS_INCLUDE_PROXY_OVERRIDE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000008);
16796: const 'ZAFLAGS_INCLUDE_INTRANET_SITES','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000010);
16797: const 'ZAFLAGS_NO_UI','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000020);
16798: const 'ZAFLAGS_SUPPORTS_VERIFICATION','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000040);
16799: const 'ZAFLAGS_UNC_AS_INTRANET','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000080);
16800: const 'ZAFLAGS_USE_LOCKED_ZONES','LongWord').SetUInt( $00010000);
16801: //PZoneAttributes', '^TZoneAttributes // will not work;
16802: _ZONEATTRIBUTES','record cbSize:ULONG;szDisplayName:array [0..260-1] of Char;szDescription:array [0..200 -
1] of Char;szIconPath: array [0..260 - 1] of char; dwTemplateMinLevel: DWORD; dwTemplateRecommended:
DWORD; dwTemplateCurrentLevel: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD; end;
16803: { _ZONEATTRIBUTES = packed record
16804: cbSize: ULONG;
16805: szDisplayName: array [0..260 - 1] of WideChar;
16806: szDescription: array [0..200 - 1] of WideChar;
16807: szIconPath: array [0..260 - 1] of WideChar;
16808: dwTemplateMinLevel: DWORD;
16809: dwTemplateRecommended: DWORD;
16810: dwTemplateCurrentLevel: DWORD;
16811: dwFlags: DWORD;
16812: end; }
16813: TZoneAttributes', '_ZONEATTRIBUTES;
16815: const 'URLZONEREG_DEFAULT','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
16816: const 'URLZONEREG_HKLM','LongInt').SetInt( URLZONEREG_DEFAULT + 1);
16817: const 'URLZONEREG_HKCU','LongInt').SetInt( URLZONEREG_HKLM + 1);
16818: SIRegister_IInternetZoneManager(CL);
16819: SIRegister_IInternetZoneManagerEx(CL);
16820: const 'SOFTDIST_FLAG_USAGE_EMAIL','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);

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16821: const 'SOFTDIST_FLAG_USAGE_PRECACHE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);

16822: const 'SOFTDIST_FLAG_USAGE_AUTOINSTALL','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000004);
16823: const 'SOFTDIST_FLAG_DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000008);
16824: const 'SOFTDIST_ADSTATE_NONE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000000);
16825: const 'SOFTDIST_ADSTATE_AVAILABLE','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
16826: const 'SOFTDIST_ADSTATE_DOWNLOADED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
16827: const 'SOFTDIST_ADSTATE_INSTALLED','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000003);
16828: //PCodeBaseHold', '^TCodeBaseHold // will not work;
16829: _tagCODEBASEHOLD', 'record cbSize : ULONG; szDistUnit : LPWSTR; '
16830: +'szCodeBase : LPWSTR; dwVersionMS : DWORD; dwVersionLS : DWORD; dwStyle:DWORD; end;
16831: TCodeBaseHold', '_tagCODEBASEHOLD;
16833: //PSoftDistInfo', '^TSoftDistInfo // will not work;
16834: _tagSOFTDISTINFO', 'record cbSize : ULONG; dwFlags : DWORD; dwAd'
16835: +'State : DWORD; szTitle : LPWSTR; szAbstract : LPWSTR; szHREF : LPWSTR; dwI'
16836: +'nstalledVersionMS : DWORD; dwInstalledVersionLS : DWORD; dwUpdateVersionMS'
16837: +' : DWORD; dwUpdateVersionLS : DWORD; dwAdvertisedVersionMS : DWORD; dwAdve'
16838: +'rtisedVersionLS : DWORD; dwReserved : DWORD; end;
16839: TSoftDistInfo', '_tagSOFTDISTINFO;
16841: SIRegister_ISoftDistExt(CL);
16842: Func GetSoftwareUpdateInfo( szDistUnit : LPCWSTR; var dsi : TSoftDistInfo) : HResult;
16843: Func SetSoftwareUpdateAdvertisementState(szDistUnit: LPCWSTR; dwAdState, dwAdvertisedVersionMS,
dwAdvertisedVersionLS : DWORD) : HResult;
16844: SIRegister_IDataFilter(CL);
16845: // PProtocolFilterData', '^TProtocolFilterData // will not work;
16846: _tagPROTOCOLFILTERDATA', 'record cbSize : DWORD; ProtocolSink : '
16847: +'IInternetProtocolSink; Protocol : IInternetProtocol; Unk : IUnknown; dwFil'
16848: +'terFlags : DWORD; end;
16849: TProtocolFilterData', '_tagPROTOCOLFILTERDATA;
16851: //PDataInfo', '^TDataInfo // will not work;
16852: _tagDATAINFO', 'record ulTotalSize : ULONG; ulavrPacketSize : UL'
16853: +'ONG; ulConnectSpeed : ULONG; ulProcessorSpeed : ULONG; end;
16854: TDataInfo', '_tagDATAINFO;
16855: DATAINFO', '_tagDATAINFO;
16856: SIRegister_IEncodingFilterFactory(CL);
16857: Func IsLoggingEnabled( pszUrl : PChar) : BOOL;
16858: //Func IsLoggingEnabledA( pszUrl : PAnsiChar) : BOOL;
16859: //Func IsLoggingEnabledW( pszUrl : PWideChar) : BOOL;
16860: //PHitLoggingInfo', '^THitLoggingInfo // will not work;
16861: _tagHIT_LOGGING_INFO', 'record dwStructSize : DWORD; lpszLoggedU'
16862: +rlName:LPSTR;StartTime : TSystemTime;EndTime:TSystemTime; lpszExtendedInfo:LPSTR; end;
16863: THitLoggingInfo', '_tagHIT_LOGGING_INFO;
16865: Func WriteHitLogging( const Logginginfo : THitLoggingInfo) : BOOL;
16866: end;
16868: Proc SIRegister_DFFUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16869: begin
16870: Proc reformatMemo( const m : TCustomMemo);
16871: Proc SetMemoMargins( m : TCustomMemo; const L, T, R, B : Int);
16872: Proc MoveToTop( memo : TMemo);
16873: Proc ScrollToTop( memo : TMemo);
16874: Func LineNumberClicked( memo : TMemo) : Int;
16875: Func MemoClickedLine( memo : TMemo) : Int;
16876: Func ClickedMemoLine( memo : TMemo) : Int;
16877: Func MemoLineClicked( memo : TMemo) : Int;
16878: Func LinePositionClicked( Memo : TMemo) : Int;
16879: Func ClickedMemoPosition( memo : TMemo) : Int;
16880: Func MemoPositionClicked( memo : TMemo) : Int;
16881: Proc AdjustGridSize( grid : TDrawGrid);
16882: Proc DeleteGridRow( Grid : TStringGrid; const ARow : Int);
16883: Proc InsertgridRow( Grid : TStringGrid; const ARow : Int);
16884: Proc Sortgrid( Grid : TStringGrid; const SortCol : Int);;
16885: Proc Sortgrid1(Grid:TStringGrid; const SortCol : Int; sortascending :Bool);;
16886: Proc sortstrDown( var s :Str);
16887: Proc sortstrUp( var s :Str);
16888: Proc rotatestrleft( var s :Str);
16889: Func dffstrtofloatdef( s :Str; default : extended) : extended;
16890: Func deblank( s :Str) :Str;
16891: Func IntToBinaryString( const n : Int; MinLength : Int) :Str;
16892: Proc FreeAndClearListBox( C : TListBox);;
16893: Proc FreeAndClearMemo( C : TMemo);;
16894: Proc FreeAndClearStringList( C : TStringList);;
16895: Func dffgetfilesize( f : TSearchrec) : int64;
16896: end;
16898: Proc SIRegister_MathsLib(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16899: begin
16900: TypeS('intset', set of byte;
16901: TPoint64', 'record x : int64; y : int64; end;
16902: Func GetNextPandigital( size : Int; var Digits : array of Int) :Bool;
16903: Func IsPolygonal( T : int64; var rank : array of Int) :Bool;
16904: Func GeneratePentagon( n : Int) : Int;
16905: Func IsPentagon( p : Int) :Bool;
16906: Func isSquare( const N : int64) :Bool;
16907: Func isCube( const N : int64) :Bool;
16908: Func isPalindrome( const n : int64) :Bool;;

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16909: Func isPalindrome1( const n : int64; var len : Int) :Bool;;

16910: Func GetEulerPhi( n : int64) : int64;
16911: Func dffIntPower( a, b : int64) : int64;;
16912: Func IntPower1( a : extended; b : int64) : extended;;
16913: Func gcd2( a, b : int64) : int64;
16914: Func GCDMany( A : array of Int) : Int;
16915: Func LCMMany( A : array of Int) : Int;
16916: Proc ContinuedFraction(A: array of int64;const wholepart:int;var numerator,denominator:int64);
16917: Func dffFactorial( n : int64) : int64;
16918: Func digitcount( n : int64) : Int;
16919: Func nextpermute( var a : array of Int) :Bool;
16920: Func convertfloattofractionstring(N:extended;maxdenom:Int;multipleof:boolean):str;
16921: Func convertStringToDecimal( s :Str; var n : extended) :Bool;
16922: Func InttoBinaryStr( nn : Int) :Str;
16923: Func StrtoAngle( const s :Str; var angle : extended) :Bool;
16924: Func AngleToStr( angle : extended) :Str;
16925: Func AngleToStr2( angle : extended; decimal:boolean) :Str;
16926: Func deg2rad( deg : extended) : extended;
16927: Func rad2deg( rad : extended) : extended;
16928: Func GetLongToMercProjection( const long : extended) : extended;
16929: Func GetLatToMercProjection( const Lat : Extended) : Extended;
16930: Func GetMercProjectionToLong( const ProjLong : extended) : extended;
16931: Func GetMercProjectionToLat( const ProjLat : extended) : extended;
16932: SIRegister_TPrimes(CL);
16933: //RIRegister_TPrimes(CL);
16934: //ConstantN('deg','LongInt').SetInt( char( 176));
16935: ConstantN('minmark','LongInt').SetInt(( 180));
16936: Func Random64( const N : Int64) : Int64;;
16937: Proc Randomize64;
16938: Func Random641 : extended;;
16939: Proc GetParens( Variables:Str; OpChar:char; var list:TStringlist)//DFFUtils
16940: add
16941: Func MercScaling(Long0,lat0, long1, lat1:extended; x0,y0,x1,y1:integer) :TMercScalingRec');
16942: Func LonglatToPlotPt(Long,lat:Extended; Scalerec:TMercScalingrec):TPoint');
16943: Func PlotPtToLonglat(PlotPt:TPoint; Scalerec:TMercScalingrec):TRealPoint');
16944: Func SphericalEarthDistance(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2:extended; Units:integer):extended');
16945: end;
16947: Proc SIRegister_UGeometry(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16948: begin
16949: TrealPoint', 'record x : extended; y : extended; end;
16950: Tline', 'record p1 : TPoint; p2 : TPoint; end;
16951: TRealLine', 'record p1 : TRealPoint; p2 : TRealPoint; end;
16952: TCircle', 'record cx : Int; cy : Int; r : Int; end;
16953: TRealCircle', 'record cx : extended; cy : extended; r : extended; end;
16954: PPResult', '( PPoutside, PPInside, PPVertex, PPEdge, PPError );
16955: Func realpoint( x, y : extended) : TRealPoint;
16956: Func dist( const p1, p2 : TrealPoint) : extended;
16957: Func intdist( const p1, p2 : TPoint) : Int;
16958: Func dffLine( const p1, p2 : TPoint) : Tline;;
16959: Func Line1( const p1, p2 : TRealPoint) : TRealline;;
16960: Func dffCircle( const cx, cy, R : Int) : TCircle;;
16961: Func Circle1( const cx, cy, R : extended) : TRealCircle;;
16962: Func GetTheta( const L : TLine) : extended;;
16963: Func GetTheta1( const p1, p2 : TPoint) : extended;;
16964: Func GetTheta2( const p1, p2 : TRealPoint) : extended;;
16965: Proc Extendline( var L : TLine; dist : Int);;
16966: Proc Extendline1( var L : TRealLine; dist : extended);;
16967: Func Linesintersect( line1, line2 : TLine) :Bool;
16968: Func ExtendedLinesIntersect(Line1,Line2:TLine;const extendlines:bool;var IP:TPoint):bool;
16969: Func ExtendedLinesIntersect1(const Line1,Line2:TLine;const extendlines:bool;var IP:TRealPoint):bool;
16970: Func Intersect(L1,L2: TLine; var pointonborder:boolean; var IP : TPoint) :Bool;
16971: Func PointPerpendicularLine( L : TLine; P : TPoint) : TLine;
16972: Func PerpDistance( L : TLine; P : TPoint) : Int;
16973: Func AngledLineFromLine(L:TLine;P:TPoint;Dist:extended; alpha : extended) : TLine;;
16974: Func AngledLineFromLine1(L:TLine;P:TPoint;Dist:extended;alpha:extended;useScreenCoordiates:bool):TLine;
16975: Func PointInPoly( const p : TPoint; Points : array of TPoint) : PPResult;
16976: Func PolygonArea(const points:array of TPoint;const screencoordinates:boolean;var Clockwise:bool):Int;
16977: Proc InflatePolygon(const points:array of Tpoint;var points2:array of TPoint;var area:Int;const
screenCoordinates:bool; const inflateby : Int);
16978: Func PolyBuiltClockwise(const points:array of TPoint;const screencoordies:bool):bool;
16979: Func DegtoRad( d : extended) : extended;
16980: Func RadtoDeg( r : extended) : extended;
16981: Proc TranslateLeftTo( var L : TLine; newend : TPoint);;
16982: Proc TranslateLeftTo1( var L : TrealLine; newend : TrealPoint);;
16983: Proc RotateRightEndBy( var L : TLine; alpha : extended);
16984: Proc RotateRightEndTo( var L : TLine; alpha : extended);;
16985: Proc RotateRightEndTo1( var p1, p2 : Trealpoint; alpha : extended);;
16986: Func CircleCircleIntersect( c1, c2 : TCircle; var IP1, Ip2 : TPoint) :Bool;;
16987: Func CircleCircleIntersect1(c1,c2:TRealCircle; var IP1,Ip2 TRealPoint) :Bool;;
16988: Func PointCircleTangentLines(const C:TCircle;const P:TPoint;var L1,L2:TLine):bool;
16989: Func CircleCircleExtTangentLines(C1,C2:TCircle;var C3:TCircle;var L1,L2,PL1,PL2,TL1,Tl2:TLine):Bool;
16990: end;
16993: Proc SIRegister_UAstronomy(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
16994: begin
16995: TCoordType', '( ctUnknown, ctAzAlt, ctEclLonLat, ctRADecl, ctHADecl, ctGalLonLat );
16996: TDTType', '( ttLocal, ttUT, ttGST, ttLST );

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16997: TRPoint', 'record x : extended; y : extended; CoordType : TCoordType; end;

16998: TSunrec', 'record TrueEclLon:extended;
16999: TMoonRec', 'record ECLonLat : TRPoint; AZAlt : TRPoint; RADecl :'
17000: + TRPoint; HorizontalParallax : extended; AngularDiameter : extended; KMtoE'
17001: +arth : extended; Phase : extended; end;
17002: TMoonEclipseAdd', 'record UmbralStartTime : TDatetime; UmbralEnd'
17003: +Time : TDatetime; TotalStartTime : TDatetime; TotalEndTime : TDateTime; end;
17004: TEclipseRec', 'record Msg :Str; Status : Int; FirstConta'
17005: +ct: TDatetime;LastContact:TDateTime;Magnitude:Extended;MaxeclipseUTime:TDateTime;end;
17007: TPlanetRec', 'record AsOf : TDateTime; Name :Str; MeanLon : '
17008: +extended; MeanLonMotion : extended; LonOfPerihelion : extended; Eccentrici'
17009: +ty : extended; Inclination : extended; LonAscendingNode : extended; SemiMa'
17010: +jorAxis : extended; AngularDiameter : extended; Magnitude : extended; end;
17011: TPlanetLocRec', 'record PlanetBaseData : TPlanetrec; HelioCentricLonLat : TRpoint; RadiusVector :
17012: SIRegister_TAstronomy(CL);
17013: Func AngleToStr( angle : extended) :Str;
17014: Func AngleToStr2( angle : extended; decimal:boolean) :Str;
17015: Func StrToAngle( s :Str; var angle : extended) :Bool;
17016: Func HoursToStr24( t : extended) :Str;
17017: Func RPoint( x, y : extended) : TRPoint;
17018: Func getStimename( t : TDTType) :Str;
17019: end;
17021: Proc SIRegister_UCardComponentV2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17022: begin
17023: TCardValue', 'Int;
17024: TCardSuit', '( Spades, Diamonds, Clubs, Hearts );
17025: TShortSuit', '( cardS, cardD, cardC, cardH );
17026: Type(TDecks,Stand1,Standrd2,Fises1,Fishes2,Beach,Leaves1,Leaves2,Robot,Roses,Shell,Castle,Hand);
17027: SIRegister_TCard(CL);
17028: SIRegister_TDeck(CL);
17029: end;
17031: Proc SIRegister_UTGraphSearch(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17032: begin
17033: tMethodCall', 'Procedure;tVerboseCall', 'Proc ( s :Str);
17034: // PTEdge', '^TEdge // will not work;
17035: TEdge', 'record FromNodeIndex : Int; ToNodeIndex : Int; '
17036: +Weight : Int; work : Int; Len : Int; Highlight :Bool; end;
17037: SIRegister_TNode(CL);
17038: SIRegister_TGraphList(CL);
17039: end;
17041: Proc SIRegister_UParser10(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17042: begin
17043: ParserFloat', 'extended;
17044: //PParserFloat', '^ParserFloat /will not work;
17045: TDFFToken', '( variab, constant, minus, sum, diff, prod, divis, mod'
17046: +ulo, IntDiv,IntDIVZ,Intpower,realpower,square,third,fourth,FuncOneVar,FuncTwoVar );
17047: //POperation', '^TOperation // will not work;
17048: TDFFOperation', 'record Arg1 : PParserFloat; Arg2 : PParserFloat; D'
17049: +est : PParserFloat; NextOperation : POperation; Operation : TMathProcedure'
17050: +; Token : TDFFToken; end;
17051: TMathProcedure','procedure(AnOperation: TDFFOperation);
17052: (TOBJECT'),'EMathParserError;
17053: TOBJECT'),'ESyntaxError;
17054: 'TOBJECT'),'EExpressionHasBlanks;
17055: ('TOBJECT'),'EExpressionTooComplex;
17056: (TOBJECT'),'ETooManyNestings;
17057: ('TOBJECT'),'EMissMatchingBracket;
17058: (TOBJECT'),'EBadName;
17059: (CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EParserInternalError;
17060: (TExParserExceptionEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; E : Exception);
17061: SIRegister_TCustomParser(CL);
17062: SIRegister_TExParser(CL);
17063: end;
17065: Func isService:Bool;
17066: begin
17067: result:= NOT(Application is TApplication);
17068: {result:= Application is TServiceApplication;}
17069: end;
17070: Func isApplication:Bool;
17071: begin
17072: result:= Application is TApplication;
17073: end;
17074: //SM_REMOTESESSION = $1000
17075: Func isTerminalSession:Bool;
17076: begin
17077: result:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTESESSION) > 0;
17078: end;
17079: writeln(inttostr(getmemoryload))
17081: Proc SIRegister_cyIEUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

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17082: begin
17083: TypeS('TwbPageSetup', record font :Str; footer :Str; header : '
17084: +String; margin_bottom :Str; margin_left :Str; margin_right : Strin'
17085: +g; margin_top :Str; Print_Background :Str; Shrink_To_Fit:str; end;
17086: Func cyURLEncode( const S :Str) :Str;
17087: Func MakeResourceURL(const ModulName:str;const ResName:PChar;const ResType:PChar):str;
17088: Func MakeResourceURL1(const Modul:HMODULE;const ResName:PChar;const ResType:PChar):str;
17089: Func cyColorToHtml( aColor : TColor) :Str;
17090: Func HtmlToColor( aHtmlColor :Str) : TColor;
17091: //Func GetStreamEncoding( aStream : TStream) : TEncoding;
17092: // Func IsStreamEncodedWith( aStream : TStream; Encoding : TEncoding) :Bool;
17093: Func AddHtmlUnicodePrefix( aHtml :Str) :Str;
17094: Func RemoveHtmlUnicodePrefix( aHtml :Str) :Str;
17095: Proc GetPageSetupFromRegistry( var awbPageSetup : TwbPageSetup);
17096: Proc SetPageSetupToRegistry( awbPageSetup : TwbPageSetup);
17097: ConstantN('IEBodyBorderless','String').SetString( 'none;
17098: IEBodySingleBorder','String').SetString( ';
17099: IEDesignModeOn','String').SetString( 'On;
17100: IEDesignModeOff','String').SetString( 'Off;
17101: cHtmlUnicodePrefixChar','Char').SetString( #$FEFF);
17102: cHtmlUnicodePrefixChar','Char').SetString( #$FE);
17103: end;
17106: Proc SIRegister_UcomboV2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17107: begin
17108: ConstantN('UMaxEntries','LongInt').SetInt( 600);
17109: TypeS('TCombotype', '( Combinations, Permutations, CombinationsDown, Pe'
17110: +'rmutationsDown, CombinationsCoLex, CombinationsCoLexDown, PermutationsRepe'
17111: +'at, PermutationsWithRep, PermutationsRepeatDown, CombinationsWithrep, Comb'
17112: +'inationsRepeat, CombinationsRepeatDown );
17113: TypeS('TByteArray64', 'array[0..600 + 1] of int64;;
17114: SIRegister_TComboSet(CL);
17115: end;
17117: Proc SIRegister_cyBaseComm(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17118: begin
17119: TcyCommandType', '( ctDevelopperDefined, ctUserDefined );
17120: TStreamContentType', '( scDevelopperDefined, scUserDefined, scString );
17121: TProcOnReceiveCommand', 'Proc (Sender: TObject; aCommand: Word; userParam : Int);
17122: TProcOnReceiveString', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; fromBaseCo'
17123: +'mmHandle : THandle; aString :Str; userParam : Int);
17124: TProcOnReceiveMemoryStream', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; from'
17125: +BaseCommHandle : THandle; aStream : TMemoryStream; userParam: Int);
17126: SIRegister_TcyBaseComm(CL);
17127: ConstantN('MsgCommand','LongInt').SetInt( WM_USER + 1);
17128: ConstantN('MsgResultOk','LongInt').SetInt( 99);
17129: Func ValidateFileMappingName( aName :Str) :Str;
17130: Proc makeCaption(leftSide, Rightside:str; form:TForm);
17131: end;
17133: Proc SIRegister_cyDERUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17134: begin
17135: TypeS('DERString', 'String;
17136: TypeS('DERChar', 'Char;
17137: TypeS('TElementsType', ( etText, etExpressionKeyWord, etNumbers, etInt'
17138: +eger,etFloat,etPercentage,etwebSite,etWebMail,etMoney,etDate,etTextLine,etParagraph);
17139: TypeS('TElementsTypes', 'set of TElementsType;
17140: TypeS('DERNString', 'String;
17141: const DERDecimalSeparator','String').SetString( '.;
17142: const DERDefaultChars,String)(+º@/%-_.:0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ;
17143: const DERNDefaultChars','String').SetString( '/%-.0123456789abcdefghjkmnopqrstuvwxyz;
17144: Func isValidWebSiteChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17145: Func isValidWebMailChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17146: Func isValidwebSite( aStr :Str) :Bool;
17147: Func isValidWebMail( aStr :Str) :Bool;
17148: Func ValidateDate( aDERStr : DERString; var RsltFormat :Str) :Bool;
17149: Func DERStrToDate( aDERStr, aFormat :Str) : TDate;
17150: Func IsDERChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17151: Func IsDERDefaultChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17152: Func IsDERMoneyChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17153: Func IsDERExceptionCar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17154: Func IsDERSymbols( aDERString :Str) :Bool;
17155: Func StringToDERCharSet( aStr :Str) : DERString;
17156: Func IsDERNDefaultChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17157: Func IsDERNChar( aChar : Char) :Bool;
17158: Func DERToDERNCharset( aDERStr : DERString) : DERNString;
17159: Func DERExtractwebSite( aDERStr : DERString; SmartRecognition :Bool) :Str;
17160: Func DERExtractWebMail( aDERStr : DERString) :Str;
17161: Func DERExtractPhoneNr( aDERStr : DERString) :Str;
17162: Func DERExecute(aDERStr:DERString;SmartNumbersRecognition,SmartWebsiteRecognition:Bool):TElementsType;
17163: Func DERExecute1(aDERStr : DERString; var RsltNumbers, RsltInt, RsltFloat, RsltPercentage, RsltwebSite,
17164: Func RetrieveElementValue(aStr:str;SmartNumbersRecognition,
17165: Proc RetrieveElementValue1(aStr:Str; SmartNumbersRecognition, SmartWebsiteRecognition : Bool; var
RsltDERStr : DERString; var RsltElementType : TElementsType);;
17166: end;

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17168: Proc SIRegister_cyImage(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

17169: begin
17170: pRGBQuadArray', '^TRGBQuadArray // will not work;
17171: Func BitmapsCompare(Bmp1:TBitmap;Bmp2:TBitmap;FirstCol,LastCol,FirstRow,LastRow:Int):Int);
17172: Proc BitmapSetPercentBrightness(Bmp: TBitmap; IncPercent:Int; RefreshBmp :Bool);
17173: Proc BitmapSetPixelsBrightness(Bmp:TBitmap; IncPixels : Int; RefreshBmp:Bool);
17174: Proc BitmapSetPercentContrast(Bmp:TBitmap; IncPercent : Int; RefreshBmp:Bool);
17175: Proc BitmapSetPixelsContrast(Bmp: TBitmap; IncPixels : Int; RefreshBmp:Bool);
17176: Proc BitmapNegative( Bmp : TBitmap; RefreshBmp :Bool);
17177: Proc BitmapModifyRGB(Bmp:TBitmap;IncRed:Int;IncGreen:Int;IncBlue:Int;RefreshBmp:Bool;
17178: Proc BitmapReplaceColor(Bmp:TBitmap;OldColor:TColor;NewColor:TColor;RangeRed,RangeGreen,
17179: Proc BitmapReplaceColor1(Bmp:TBitmap; OldColor:TColor;NewColor:TColor;PercentRange1Red,PercentRange1Green,
17180: Proc BitmapReplaceColors(Bmp:TBitmap; Array_OldPalette,Array_NewPalette:array of
17181: Proc BitmapResize(SourceBmp TBitmap;DestinationBmp:TBitmap;Percent:Extended;RefreshBmp:Bool
17182: Proc BitmapRotate(Bmp:TBitmap;AngleDegree: Word;AdjustSize:Bool;BkColor: TColor);
17183: Proc BitmapBlur(SourceBmp:TBitmap;DestinationBmp:TBitmap;Pixels:Word;Percent:Int;RefreshBmp:Bool;
17184: Proc GraphicMirror(Source:TGraphic;Dest:TCanvas;Left,Top:Int;Horizontal,Vertical:Bool;
17185: Proc GraphicMirror1(Source:TGraphic;Destination:TBitmap;Horizontal:Boolean;Vertical:Bool;
17186: Func BitmapCreate(BmpWidth:Int;BmpHeight:Int;BgColor:TColor;PixelFormat:TPixelFormat):TBitmap;
17187: Proc BitmapSaveToJpegFile(Bmp : TBitmap; FileName :Str; QualityPercent : Word);
17188: Proc JpegSaveToBitmapFile(JPEG : TJPEGImage; FileName :Str);
17189: end;
17191: Proc SIRegister_WaveUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17192: begin
17193: TMS2StrFormat', '( msHMSh, msHMS, msMSh, msMS, msSh, msS, msAh,msA );
17194: TPCMChannel', '( cMono, cStereo );
17195: TPCMSamplesPerSec', '( ss8000Hz, ss11025Hz, ss22050Hz, ss44100Hz, ss48000Hz );
17196: TPCMBitsPerSample', '( bs8Bit, bs16Bit );
17197: TPCMFormat', '( nonePCM, Mono8Bit8000Hz, Stereo8bit8000Hz, Mono1'
17198: +'6bit8000Hz, Stereo16bit8000Hz, Mono8bit11025Hz, Stereo8bit11025Hz, Mono16b'
17199: +'it11025Hz, Stereo16bit11025Hz, Mono8bit22050Hz, Stereo8bit22050Hz, Mono16b'
17200: +'it22050Hz, Stereo16bit22050Hz, Mono8bit44100Hz, Stereo8bit44100Hz, Mono16b'
17201: +'it44100Hz, Stereo16bit44100Hz, Mono8bit48000Hz, Stereo8bit48000Hz, Mono16b'
17202: +'it48000Hz, Stereo16bit48000Hz );
17203: PWaveFormatEx', 'record wFormatTag : word; nChannels: word; nSamplesPerSec: DWORD; '
17204: +nAvgBytesPerSec: DWORD; nBlockAlign: Word; wBitsPerSample: Word; ecbSiz: Word; end;
17205: tWaveFormatEx', 'PWaveFormatEx; HMMIO', 'Int;
17206: TWaveDeviceFormats', 'set of TPCMFormat;
17207: TWaveOutDeviceSupport', '( dsVolume, dsStereoVolume, dsPitch, ds'
17208: +'PlaybackRate, dsPosition, dsAsynchronize, dsDirectSound );
17209: TypeS('TWaveOutDeviceSupports', 'set of TWaveOutDeviceSupport;
17210: TWaveOutOption', '( woSetVolume, woSetPitch, woSetPlaybackRate );
17211: TWaveOutOptions', 'set of TWaveOutOption;
17212: TStreamOwnership2', '( soReference, soOwned );
17213: TWaveStreamState', '( wssReady, wssReading, wssWriting, wssWritingEx );
17214: // PRawWave', '^TRawWave // will not work;
17215: TRawWave', 'record pData : TObject; dwSize : DWORD; end;
17216: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EWaveAudioError;
17217: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EWaveAudioSysError;
17218: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EWaveAudioInvalidOperation;
17219: TWaveAudioEvent', 'Proc (Sender : TObject);
17220: TWaveAudioGetFormatEvent', 'Proc (Sender : TObject; var pW'
17221: +aveFormat : PWaveFormatEx; var FreeIt : Bool);
17222: TWaveAudioGetDataEvent', 'Func (Sender : TObject; const Buf'
17223: +fer : TObject; BufferSize : DWORD; var NumLoops : DWORD) : DWORD;
17224: TWaveAudioGetDataPtrEvent', 'Func ( Sender : TObject; var Bu'
17225: +ffer : TObject; var NumLoops : DWORD; var FreeIt :Bool) : DWORD;
17226: TWaveAudioDataReadyEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; const '
17227: +Buffer : TObject; BufferSize : DWORD; var FreeIt :Bool);
17228: TWaveAudioLevelEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Level : Int);
17229: TWaveAudioFilterEvent,Procedure(Sender:TObject;const Buffer:TObject; BufferSize:DWORD);
17230: GetWaveAudioInfo(mmIO:HMMIO;var pWaveFormat:PWaveFormatEx;var DataSize,DataOffset:DWORD):Bool;
17231: CreateWaveAudio(mmIO:HMMIO;const pWaveFormat:PWaveFormatEx;var ckRIFF,ckData:TMMCKInfo):Bool;
17232: CloseWaveAudio( mmIO : HMMIO; var ckRIFF, ckData : TMMCKInfo);
17233: GetStreamWaveAudioInfo(Stream:TStream;var pWaveFormat:PWaveFormatEx;var DataSize,DataOffset:DWORD):Bool;
17234: CreateStreamWaveAudio(Stream:TStream;const pWaveFormat:PWaveFormatEx;var ckRIFF,ckData:TMMCKInfo):HMMIO;
17235: OpenStreamWaveAudio( Stream : TStream) : HMMIO;
17236: CalcWaveBufferSize( const pWaveFormat : PWaveFormatEx; Duration : DWORD) : DWORD;
17237: GetAudioFormat( FormatTag : Word) :Str;
17238: GetWaveAudioFormat( const pWaveFormat : PWaveFormatEx) :Str;
17239: GetWaveAudioLength( const pWaveFormat : PWaveFormatEx; DataSize : DWORD) : DWORD;
17240: GetWaveAudioBitRate( const pWaveFormat : PWaveFormatEx) : DWORD;
17241: GetWaveAudioPeakLevel(const Data:TObject;DataSize:DWORD;const pWaveFormat:PWaveFormatEx): Int;
17242: InvertWaveAudio(const Data:TObject;DataSize:DWORD;const pWaveFormat:PWaveFormatEx):Bool;
17243: SilenceWaveAudio(const Data:TObject;DataSize:DWORD;const pWaveFormat:PWaveFormatEx):Bool;
17244: ChangeWaveAudioVolume(const Data:TObject;DataSize:DWORD;const pWaveFormat:PWaveFormatEx;Percent:Int):Bool;
17245: MixWaveAudio(const RawWaves:TRawWave;Count:Int;const
17246: ConvertWaveFormat(const srcFormat:PWaveFormatEx;srcData:TObject;srcDataSize:DWORD;const
dstFormat:PWaveFormatEx; var dstData:TObject;var dstDataSize:DWORD):Bool;
17247: SetPCMAudioFormat(const pWaveFormat:PWaveFormatEx;Channels:TPCMChannel;SamplesPerSec:TPCMSamplesPerSec;
17248: Proc SetPCMAudioFormatS( const pWaveFormat : PWaveFormatEx; PCMFormat:TPCMFormat);
17249: GetPCMAudioFormat( const pWaveFormat : PWaveFormatEx) : TPCMFormat;

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17250: GetWaveDataPositionOffset( const pWaveFormat : PWaveFormatEx; Position:DWORD):DWORD;

17251: MS2Str( Milliseconds : DWORD; Fmt : TMS2StrFormat) :Str;
17252: WaitForSyncObject(SyncObject : THandle; Timeout : DWORD) : DWORD;
17253: //mmioStreamProc( lpmmIOInfo : PMMIOInfo; uMsg, lParam1, lParam2 : DWORD) : LRESULT;
17254: end;
17256: Proc SIRegister_NamedPipes(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17257: begin
17258: 'DEFAULT_PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE','LongInt').SetInt( 4096);
17259: ConstantN('DEFAULT_PIPE_TIMEOUT','LongInt').SetInt( 5000);
17260: 'PIPE_NAMING_SCHEME','String).SetString( '\\%s\pipe\%s;
17261: 'WAIT_ERROR','LongWord').SetUInt( DWORD ( $FFFFFFFF ));
17262: WAIT_OBJECT_1','LongInt').SetInt( WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1);
17263: 'STATUS_SUCCESS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000000);
17264: 'STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW','LongWord').SetUInt( $80000005);
17265: TypeS('TPipeDirection', ( pdir_Duplex, pdir_ClientToServer, pdir_ServerToClient );
17266: TypeS('TPipeType', '( ptyp_ByteByte, ptyp_MsgByte, ptyp_MsgMsg );
17267: TypeS('TOverlappedResult', '(ov_Failed, ov_Pending, ov_MoreData, ov_Complete );
17268: SIRegister_TNamedPipe(CL);
17269: SIRegister_TServerPipe(CL);
17270: SIRegister_TClientPipe(CL);
17271: Func CalculateTimeout( aBasis : DWORD) : DWORD;
17272: Func HasOverlappedIoCompleted( const ov : OVERLAPPED) :Bool;
17273: Func GetOverlappedPipeResult(aHandle:THandle;const ov:OVERLAPPED;var
17274: Func GetStreamAsText( stm : TStream) :Str;
17275: Proc SetStreamAsText(const aTxt:Str; stm : TStream);
17276: end;
17278: Proc SIRegister_DPUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17279: begin
17280: // TypeS('pRGBTripleArray', '^TRGBTripleArray // will not work;
17281: SIRegister_TThumbData(CL);
17282: 'PIC_BMP','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
17283: 'PIC_JPG','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
17284: 'THUMB_WIDTH','LongInt').SetInt( 60);
17285: 'THUMB_HEIGHT','LongInt').SetInt( 60);
17286: Func IsEqualFile(Filename:str; Size:Int; LastWriteTime : TDateTime):Bool;
17287: Proc GetFileInfo(Filename:str; var Size : Int; var LastWriteTime : TDateTime);
17288: Func ReadBitmap( Filehandle : Int; Width, Height : Int) : TBitmap;
17289: Proc WriteBitmap( Filehandle : Int; bmp : TBitmap);
17290: Func OpenPicture( fn :Str; var tp : Int) : Int;
17291: Func ConvertPicture( pi : Int; tp : Int) : TBitmap;
17292: Func LoadPicture( fn :Str; var w, h : Int) : TBitmap;
17293: Func TurnBitmap( bmp : TBitmap; ang : Int) : TBitmap;
17294: Func RotateBitmap( Bitmap : TBitmap; Direction : Int) : TBitmap;
17295: Func StretchBitmap( Canvas : TCanvas; re : TRect; bmp : TBitmap) : TRect;
17296: Func ThumbBitmap( Bitmap : TBitmap; Width, Height : Int) : TBitmap;
17297: Proc ClearFrame( Canvas : TCanvas; Rect : TRect; Width, Height : Int);
17298: Proc FindFiles( path, mask :Str; items : TStringList);
17299: Func LetFileName( s :Str) :Str;
17300: Func LetParentPath( path :Str) :Str;
17301: Func AddBackSlash( path :Str) :Str;
17302: Func CutBackSlash( path :Str) :Str;
17303: end;
17305: Proc SIRegister_CommonTools(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17306: begin
17307: //'BYTES','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
17308: 'KBYTES','LongInt').SetInt( 1024);
17309: 'DBG_ALIVE','LongWord').SetUInt( Int ( $11BABE11 ));
17310: 'DBG_DESTROYING','LongWord').SetUInt( Int ( $44FADE44 ));
17311: 'DBG_GONE','LongWord').SetUInt( $99AC1D99);
17312: 'SHELL_NS_MYCOMPUTER','String').SetString( '::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D};
17313: SIRegister_MakeComServerMethodsPublic(CL);
17314: TypeS('TSomeFileInfo', '( fi_DisplayType, fi_Application );
17315: Func IsFlagSet( dwTestForFlag, dwFlagSet : DWORD) :Bool;
17316: Proc TBSetFlag( const dwThisFlag : DWORD; var dwFlagSet : DWORD; aSet :Bool);
17317: Func TBGetTempFolder :Str;
17318: Func TBGetTempFile :Str;
17319: Func TBGetModuleFilename :Str;
17320: Func FormatModuleVersionInfo( const aFilename :Str) :Str;
17321: Func GetVersionInfoString( const aFile, aEntry :Str; aLang : WORD) :Str;
17322: Func TBGetFileSize( aFile :Str; aMultipleOf : Int) : Int;
17323: Func FormatAttribString( aAttr : Int) :Str;
17324: Func GetSomeFileInfo( aFile :Str; aWhatInfo : TSomeFileInfo) :Str;
17325: Func ShellRecycle( aWnd : HWND; aFileOrFolder :Str) :Bool;
17326: Func IsDebuggerPresent : BOOL;
17327: Func TBNotImplemented : HRESULT;
17328: end;
17330: Proc SIRegister_D2_VistaHelperU(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17331: begin
17333: //TypeS('TOSVersionInfoExA', '_OSVERSIONINFOEXA;
17334: TypeS('TOSVersionInfoEx', 'TOSVersionInfo;
17335: TypeS('TDrivesProperty', 'array[1..26] of boolean;;
17336: //TDrivesProperty = array['A'..'Z'] of boolean;
17337: Func TBSetSystemTime( DateTime : TDateTime; DOW : word) :Bool;

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17338: Func IsElevated :Bool;

17339: Proc CoCreateInstanceAsAdmin(aHWnd:HWND;const aClassID:TGUID;const aIID:TGUID;out aObj:TObject);
17340: TypeS('TPasswordUsage', '( pu_None, pu_Default, pu_Defined );
17341: Func TrimNetResource( UNC :Str) :Str;
17342: Proc GetFreeDrives( var FreeDrives : TDrivesProperty);
17343: Proc GetMappedDrives( var MappedDrives : TDrivesProperty);
17344: Func MapDrive(UNCPath:str;Drive:char;PasswordUsage:TPasswordUsage;Password:str;
17345: Func UnmapDrive( Drive : char; Force :Bool):Bool;
17346: Func TBIsWindowsVista :Bool;
17347: Proc SetVistaFonts( const AForm : TForm);
17348: Proc SetVistaContentFonts( const AFont : TFont);
17349: Func GetProductType( var sType :Str) :Bool;
17350: Func lstrcmp( lpString1, lpString2 : PChar) : Int;
17351: Func lstrcmpi( lpString1, lpString2 : PChar) : Int;
17352: Func lstrcpyn( lpString1, lpString2 : PChar; iMaxLength : Int) : PChar;
17353: Func lstrcpy( lpString1, lpString2 : PChar) : PChar;
17354: Func lstrcat( lpString1, lpString2 : PChar) : PChar;
17355: Func lstrlen( lpString : PChar) : Int;
17356: Func
17357: Func
17358: end;
17360: Proc SIRegister_dwsXPlatform(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17361: begin
17362: 'cLineTerminator','Char').SetString( #10);
17363: 'cLineTerminators','String').SetString( #13#10);
17364: 'INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE','LongInt').SetInt( DWORD ( - 1 ));
17365: SIRegister_TFixedCriticalSection(CL);
17366: SIRegister_TMultiReadSingleWrite(CL);
17367: Proc SetDecimalSeparator( c : Char);
17368: Func GetDecimalSeparator : Char;
17369: Func GetDecimalSeparator : Char;
17370: Proc SetDateSeparator( c : Char);
17371: Func GetDateSeparator : Char;
17372: Proc setTimeSeparator( c : Char);
17373: Func getTimeSeparator : Char;
17374: Proc setShortDateFormat( c :Str);
17375: Func getShortDateFormat :Str;
17376: Proc setlongDateFormat( c :Str);
17377: Func getlongDateFormat :Str;
17378: Proc setShorttimeFormat( c :Str);
17379: Func getShorttimeFormat :Str;
17380: Proc setlongtimeFormat( c :Str);
17381: Func getlongtimeFormat :Str;
17382: //getTimeSeparator
17383: Proc setThousandSeparator(c : Char);
17384: Func getThousandSeparator : Char;
17385: Proc setListSeparator( c : Char);
17386: Func getListSeparator : Char;
17387: 'LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
17388: 'LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
17389: 'LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
17390: 'LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
17391: 'LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
17392: 'LOGON32_PROVIDER_WINNT35','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
17393: 'LOGON32_PROVIDER_WINNT40','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
17394: 'LOGON32_PROVIDER_WINNT50','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
17396: TCollectFileProgressEvent', 'Proc ( const directory:Str; var skipScan:Bool);
17397: Proc CollectFiles(const directory,fileMask:UnicodeString; list:TStrings; recurseSubdirectories:Boolean;
onProgress : TCollectFileProgressEvent);
17398: TypeS('NativeInt', 'Int;
17399: //TypeS('PNativeInt', '^NativeInt // will not work;
17400: TypeS('NativeUInt', 'Cardinal;
17401: //TypeS('PNativeUInt', '^NativeUInt // will not work;
17402: //TypeS('TBytes', 'array of Byte;
17403: TypeS('RawByteString', 'UnicodeString;
17404: //TypeS('PNativeInt', '^NativeInt // will not work;
17405: //TypeS('PUInt64', '^UInt64 // will not work;
17406: SIRegister_TPath(CL);
17407: SIRegister_TFile(CL);
17408: SIRegister_TdwsThread(CL);
17409: Func GetSystemMilliseconds : Int64;
17410: Func UTCDateTime : TDateTime;
17411: Func UnicodeFormat(const fmt:UnicodeString; const args : array of const): UnicodeString;
17412: Func UnicodeCompareStr( const S1, S2 : UnicodeString) : Int;
17413: Func dwsAnsiCompareText( const S1, S2 : UnicodeString) : Int;
17414: Func dwsAnsiCompareStr( const S1, S2 : UnicodeString) : Int;
17415: Func UnicodeComparePChars(p1:PChar; n1 : Int; p2 : PChar; n2 : Int): Int;;
17416: Func UnicodeComparePChars1( p1, p2 : PChar; n : Int) : Int;;
17417: Func UnicodeLowerCase( const s : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
17418: Func UnicodeUpperCase( const s : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
17419: Func ASCIICompareText( const s1, s2 : UnicodeString) : Int;
17420: Func ASCIISameText( const s1, s2 : UnicodeString) :Bool;
17421: Func InterlockedIncrement( var val : Int) : Int;

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17422: Func InterlockedDecrement( var val : Int) : Int;

17423: Proc FastInterlockedIncrement( var val : Int);
17424: Proc FastInterlockedDecrement( var val : Int);
17425: Func InterlockedExchangePointer(var target:___Pointer; val:___Pointer):___Pointer;
17426: Proc SetThreadName( const threadName : Char; threadID :Card);
17427: Proc dwsOutputDebugString( const msg : UnicodeString);
17428: Proc WriteToOSEventLog(const logName,logCaption,logDetails:UnicodeStr;const logRawData:Str)
17429: Func TryTextToFloat(const s:PChar;var value:Extended;const formatSettings:TFormatSettings):Bool;
17430: Proc VarCopy( out dest : Variant; const src : Variant);
17431: Func VarToUnicodeStr( const v : Variant) : UnicodeString;
17432: Func LoadTextFromBuffer( const buf : TBytes) : UnicodeString;
17433: Func LoadTextFromStream( aStream : TStream) : UnicodeString;
17434: Func LoadTextFromFile( const fileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
17435: Proc SaveTextToUTF8File( const fileName, text : UnicodeString);
17436: Func OpenFileForSequentialReadOnly( const fileName : UnicodeString) : THandle;
17437: Func OpenFileForSequentialWriteOnly( const fileName : UnicodeString) : THandle;
17438: Proc CloseFileHandle( hFile : THandle);
17439: Func FileCopy(const existing, new : UnicodeString; failIfExists :Bool):Boolean;
17440: Func FileMove( const existing, new : UnicodeString) :Bool;
17441: Func dwsFileDelete( const fileName :Str) :Bool;
17442: Func FileRename( const oldName, newName :Str) :Bool;
17443: Func dwsFileSize( const name :Str) : Int64;
17444: Func dwsFileDateTime( const name :Str) : TDateTime;
17445: Func DirectSet8087CW( newValue : Word) : Word;
17446: Func DirectSetMXCSR( newValue : Word) : Word;
17447: Func TtoObject( const T: byte) : TObject;
17448: Func TtoPointer( const T: byte) : ___Pointer;
17449: Proc GetMemForT(var T: byte; Size : Int);
17450: Func FindDelimiter( const Delimiters, S :Str; StartIdx : Int) : Int;
17451: end;
17453: Proc SIRegister_AdSocket(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17454: begin
17455: 'IPStrSize','LongInt').SetInt( 15);
17456: 'CM_APDSOCKETMESSAGE','LongWord').SetUInt( WM_USER + $0711);
17457: 'CM_APDSOCKETQUIT','LongWord').SetUInt( WM_USER + $0712);
17458: 'ADWSBASE','LongInt').SetInt( 9000);
17459: TypeS('TCMAPDSocketMessage', 'record Msg :Card; Socket : TSocket; '
17460: +'SelectEvent : Word; SelectError : Word; Result : Longint; end;
17461: SIRegister_EApdSocketException(CL);
17462: TWsMode', '( wsClient, wsServer );
17463: TWsNotifyEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Socket : TSocket;
17464: TWsSocketErrorEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Socket : TSocket;ErrCode : Int);
17465: SIRegister_TApdSocket(CL);
17466: end;
17468: Proc SIRegister_AdPort(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17469: begin
17470: SIRegister_TApdCustomComPort(CL);
17471: SIRegister_TApdComPort(CL);
17472: Func ComName( const ComNumber : Word) : ShortString;
17473: Func SearchComPort( const C : TComponent) : TApdCustomComPort;
17474: end;
17476: Proc SIRegister_PathFunc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17477: begin
17478: Func inAddBackslash( const S :Str) :Str;
17479: Func PathChangeExt( const Filename, Extension :Str) :Str;
17480: Func PathCharCompare( const S1, S2 : PChar) :Bool;
17481: Func PathCharIsSlash( const C : Char) :Bool;
17482: Func PathCharIsTrailByte( const S :Str; const Index : Int) :Bool;
17483: Func PathCharLength( const S :Str; const Index : Int) : Int;
17484: Func inPathCombine( const Dir, Filename :Str) :Str;
17485: Func PathCompare( const S1, S2 :Str) : Int;
17486: Func PathDrivePartLength( const Filename :Str) : Int;
17487: Func PathDrivePartLengthEx(const Filename:str;const IncludeSignificantSlash:Bool):Int;
17488: Func inPathExpand( const Filename :Str) :Str;
17489: Func PathExtensionPos( const Filename :Str) : Int;
17490: Func PathExtractDir( const Filename :Str) :Str;
17491: Func PathExtractDrive( const Filename :Str) :Str;
17492: Func PathExtractExt( const Filename :Str) :Str;
17493: Func PathExtractName( const Filename :Str) :Str;
17494: Func PathExtractPath( const Filename :Str) :Str;
17495: Func PathIsRooted( const Filename :Str) :Bool;
17496: Func PathLastChar( const S :Str) : PChar;
17497: Func PathLastDelimiter( const Delimiters, S :Str) : Int;
17498: Func PathLowercase( const S :Str) :Str;
17499: Func PathNormalizeSlashes( const S :Str) :Str;
17500: Func PathPathPartLength(const Filename:str;const IncludeSlashsAfterPath:Bool):Int;
17501: Func PathPos( Ch : Char; const S :Str) : Int;
17502: Func PathStartsWith( const S, AStartsWith :Str) :Bool;
17503: Func PathStrNextChar( const S : PChar) : PChar;
17504: Func PathStrPrevChar( const Start, Current : PChar) : PChar;
17505: Func PathStrScan( const S : PChar; const C : Char) : PChar;
17506: Func inRemoveBackslash( const S :Str) :Str;
17507: Func RemoveBackslashUnlessRoot( const S :Str) :Str;
17508: Proc PathFuncRunTests( const AlsoTestJapaneseDBCS :Bool);
17509: end;

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17511: Proc SIRegister_CmnFunc2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

17512: begin
17513: NEWREGSTR_PATH_SETUP','String').SetString( 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion;
17514: NEWREGSTR_PATH_EXPLORER','String').SetString( NEWREGSTR_PATH_SETUP + '\Explorer;
17516: NEWREGSTR_PATH_UNINSTALL','String').SetString( NEWREGSTR_PATH_SETUP + '\Uninstall;
17517: NEWREGSTR_VAL_UNINSTALLER_DISPLAYNAME','String').SetString( 'DisplayName;
17518: NEWREGSTR_VAL_UNINSTALLER_COMMANDLINE','String').SetString( 'UninstallString;
17519: KEY_WOW64_64KEY','LongWord').SetUInt( $0100);
17520: //TypeS('PLeadByteSet', '^TLeadByteSet // will not work;
17521: TypeS('TLeadByteSet', 'set of Char;
17522: SIRegister_TOneShotTimer(CL);
17523: TypeS('TRegView', '( rvDefault, rv32Bit, rv64Bit );
17524: 'RegViews64Bit','LongInt').Value.ts32 := ord(rv64Bit);
17525: Func NewFileExists( const Name :Str) :Bool;
17526: Func inDirExists( const Name :Str) :Bool;
17527: Func FileOrDirExists( const Name :Str) :Bool;
17528: Func IsDirectoryAndNotReparsePoint( const Name :Str) :Bool;
17529: Func GetIniString(const Section,Key:str; Default:str;const Filename:str):str;
17530: Func GetIniInt(const Section,Key:Str;const Default,Min,Max:Longint;const Filenam:Str):Longint;
17531: Func GetIniBool(const Section,Key:str;const Default:Bool;const Filename:str):Bool;
17532: Func IniKeyExists( const Section, Key, Filename :Str) :Bool;
17533: Func IsIniSectionEmpty( const Section, Filename :Str) :Bool;
17534: Func SetIniString( const Section, Key, Value, Filename :Str) :Bool;
17535: Func SetIniInt(const Section,Key:str;const Value:Longint;const Filename:str):Bool;
17536: Func SetIniBool(const Section,Key:str;const Value:Bool;const Filename:Str):Bool;
17537: Proc DeleteIniEntry( const Section, Key, Filename :Str);
17538: Proc DeleteIniSection( const Section, Filename :Str);
17539: Func GetEnv( const EnvVar :Str) :Str;
17540: Func GetCmdTail :Str;
17541: Func GetCmdTailEx( StartIndex : Int) :Str;
17542: Func NewParamCount : Int;
17543: Func NewParamStr( Index : Int) :Str;
17544: Func AddQuotes( const S :Str) :Str;
17545: Func RemoveQuotes( const S :Str) :Str;
17546: Func inGetShortName( const LongName :Str) :Str;
17547: Func inGetWinDir :Str;
17548: Func inGetSystemDir :Str;
17549: Func GetSysWow64Dir :Str;
17550: Func GetSysNativeDir( const IsWin64 :Bool) :Str;
17551: Func inGetTempDir :Str;
17552: Func StringChange( var S :Str; const FromStr, ToStr :Str) : Int;
17553: Func StringChangeEx(var S:str;const FromStr,ToStr:str;const SupportDBCS:Bool):Int;
17554: Func AdjustLength( var S :Str; const Res :Card) :Bool;
17555: Func UsingWinNT :Bool;
17556: Func ConvertConstPercentStr( var S :Str) :Bool;
17557: Func ConvertPercentStr( var S :Str) :Bool;
17558: Func ConstPos( const Ch : Char; const S :Str) : Int;
17559: Func SkipPastConst( const S :Str; const Start : Int) : Int;
17560: Func RegQueryStringValue( H : HKEY; Name : PChar; var ResultStr :Str) :Bool;
17561: Func RegQueryMultiStringValue( H : HKEY; Name : PChar; var ResultStr:str):Bool;
17562: Func RegValueExists( H : HKEY; Name : PChar) :Bool;
17563: Func RegCreateKeyExView(const RegView:TRegView;hKey:HKEY;lpSubKey:PChar;Reserved:DWORD;lpClass:PChar;
17564: Func RegOpenKeyExView(const
RegView:TRegView;hKey:HKEY;lpSubKey:PChar;ulOptions:DWORD;samDesired:REGSAM;var phkResult:HKEY):Longint;
17565: Func RegDeleteKeyView( const RegView:TRegView;const Key:HKEY;const Name:PChar): Longint;
17566: Func RegDeleteKeyIncludingSubkeys(const RegView:TRegView;const Key:HKEY;const Name:PChar):Longint;
17567: Func RegDeleteKeyIfEmpty(const RegView:TRegView;const RootKey:HKEY;const SubkeyNam:PChar):Longint;
17568: Func GetShellFolderPath( const FolderID : Int) :Str;
17569: Func IsAdminLoggedOn :Bool;
17570: Func IsPowerUserLoggedOn :Bool;
17571: Func IsMultiByteString( const S : Ansistr) :Bool;
17572: Func FontExists( const FaceName :Str) :Bool;
17573: //Proc FreeAndNil( var Obj);
17574: Func SafeLoadLibrary( const Filename :Str; ErrorMode : UINT) : HMODULE;
17575: Func GetUILanguage : LANGID;
17576: Func RemoveAccelChar( const S :Str) :Str;
17577: Func GetTextWidth(const DC : HDC; S :Str; const Prefix:Boolean):Int;
17578: Func AddPeriod( const S :Str) :Str;
17579: Func GetExceptMessage :Str;
17580: Func GetPreferredUIFont :Str;
17581: Func IsWildcard( const Pattern :Str) :Bool;
17582: Func WildcardMatch( const Text, Pattern : PChar) :Bool;
17583: Func IntMax( const A, B : Int) : Int;
17584: Func Win32ErrorString( ErrorCode : Int) :Str;
17585: Proc GetLeadBytes( var ALeadBytes : TLeadByteSet);
17586: Func inCompareMem( P1, P2 : TObject; Length : Int) :Bool;
17587: Func DeleteDirTree( const Dir :Str) :Bool;
17588: Func SetNTFSCompression(const FileOrDir:Str; Compress :Bool) :Bool;
17589: Proc AddToWindowMessageFilterEx( const Wnd : HWND; const Msg : UINT);
17590: // TypeS('TSysCharSet', 'set of AnsiChar;
17591: Func inCharInSet( C : Char; const CharSet : TSysCharSet) :Bool;
17592: Func ShutdownBlockReasonCreate( Wnd : HWND; const Reason :Str) :Bool;
17593: Func ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy( Wnd : HWND) :Bool;
17594: Func TryStrToBoolean( const S :Str; var BoolResult :Bool) :Bool;
17595: Proc WaitMessageWithTimeout( const Milliseconds : DWORD);
17596: Func MoveFileReplace(const ExistingFileName, NewFileName :Str) :Bool;

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17597: Proc TryEnableAutoCompleteFileSystem( Wnd : HWND);

17598: end;
17600: Proc SIRegister_CmnFunc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17601: begin
17602: SIRegister_TWindowDisabler(CL);
17603: TMsgBoxType', '( mbInformation, mbConfirmation, mbError, mbCriticalError );
17604: TMsgBoxCallbackFunc,procedure(const Flags:LongInt;const After:Bool;const Param:LongInt);
17605: Proc UpdateHorizontalExtent( const ListBox : TCustomListBox);
17606: Func MinimizePathName(const Filename:str; const Font:TFont;MaxLen:Int):str;
17607: Func AppMessageBox( const Text, Caption : PChar; Flags : Longint) : Int;
17608: Func MsgBoxP(const Text,Caption:PChar;const Typ: TMsgBoxType;const Buttons:Card):Int;
17609: Func inMsgBox(const Text,Caption:str;const Typ:TMsgBoxType;const Buttons:Card):Int;
17610: Func MsgBoxFmt(const Text:str;const Args:array of const;const Caption:str;const Typ:TMsgBoxType;const
17611: Proc ReactivateTopWindow;
17612: Proc SetMessageBoxCaption( const Typ : TMsgBoxType; const NewCaption : PChar);
17613: Proc SetMessageBoxRightToLeft( const ARightToLeft :Bool);
17614: Proc SetMessageBoxCallbakFunc(const AFunc:TMsgBoxCallbackFunc;const AParam:LongInt);
17615: end;
17617: Proc SIRegister_ImageGrabber(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17618: begin
17619: SIRegister_TImageGrabber(CL);
17620: SIRegister_TCaptureDrivers(CL);
17621: SIRegister_TCaptureDriver(CL);
17622: end;
17624: Proc SIRegister_SecurityFunc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17625: begin
17626: Func GrantPermissionOnFile(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean; Filename:str;const
Entries:TGrantPermissionEntry; const EntryCount:Int):Boolean;
17627: Func GrantPermissionOnKey(const RegView:TRegView;const RootKey:HKEY;const Subkey:str;const Entries:
TGrantPermissionEntry; const EntryCount:Int):Boolean;
17628: end;
17630: Proc SIRegister_RedirFunc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17631: begin
17632: TypeS(TPreviousFsRedirectionState,record DidDisable:Boolean;OldValue: ___Pointer;end;
17633: Func AreFsRedirectionFunctionsAvailable :Bool;
17634: Func DisableFsRedirectionIf(const Disable:Bool;var PreviousState:TPreviousFsRedirectionState):Boo;
17635: Proc RestoreFsRedirection( const PreviousState : TPreviousFsRedirectionState);
17636: Func CreateDirectoryRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean; const Filename:Str) : BOOL;
17637: Func CreateProcessRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean;const lpApplicationName:PChar;const
lpCommandLine:PChar; const lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes:PSecurityAttributes;const
bInheritHandles:BOOL; const dwCreationFlags:DWORD;const lpEnvironment:Pointer; const
lpCurrentDirectory:PChar; const lpStartupInfo : TStartupInfo; var
17638: Func CopyFileRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const ExistingFilename,NewFilename:str;const
17639: Func DeleteFileRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean; const Filename:Str): BOOL;
17640: Func DirExistsRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean; const Filename:Str):Bool;
17641: Func FileOrDirExistsRedir( const DisableFsRedir:Bool; const Filename:str):Bool;
17642: Func FindFirstFileRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean;const Filename:str;var
17643: Func GetFileAttributesRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const Filename:str): DWORD;
17644: Func GetShortNameRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean; const Filename:str):str;
17645: Func GetVersionNumbersRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean; const Filename:str;var
VersionNumbers:TFileVersionNumbers): Bool;
17646: Func IsDirectoryAndNotReparsePointRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const Name:str):Bool;
17647: Func MoveFileRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const ExistingFilenme,NewFilename:str):BOOL;
17648: Func MoveFileExRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const ExistingFilen,NewFilename:str;const
17649: Func NewFileExistsRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean;const Filename:str):Bool;
17650: Func RemoveDirectoryRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean;const Filename :Str) : BOOL;
17651: Func SetFileAttributesRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const Filename:str;const Attrib:DWORD):BOOL;
17652: Func SetNTFSCompressionRedir(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const FileOrDir:Str;Compress:Bool:Bool;
17653: SIRegister_TFileRedir(CL);
17654: SIRegister_TTextFileReaderRedir(CL);
17655: SIRegister_TTextFileWriterRedir(CL);
17656: end;
17658: Proc SIRegister_Int64Em(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17659: begin
17660: //TypeS('LongWord', 'Cardinal;
17661: TypeS('Int64', 'record Lo : LongWord; Hi : LongWord; end;
17662: Func Compare64( const N1, N2 : Int64) : Int;
17663: Proc Dec64( var X : Int64; N : LongWord);
17664: Proc Dec6464( var X : Int64; const N : Int64);
17665: Func Div64( var X : Int64; const Divisor : LongWord) : LongWord;
17666: Func Inc64( var X : Int64; N : LongWord) :Bool;
17667: Func Inc6464( var X : Int64; const N : Int64) :Bool;
17668: Func Int64ToStr( X : Int64) :Str;
17669: Func Mod64( const X : Int64; const Divisor : LongWord) : LongWord;
17670: Func Mul64( var X : Int64; N : LongWord) :Bool;
17671: Proc Multiply32x32to64( N1, N2 : LongWord; var X : Int64);
17672: Proc Shr64( var X : Int64; Count : LongWord);
17673: Func StrToInt64( const S :Str; var X : Int64) :Bool;
17674: end;

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17676: Proc SIRegister_InstFunc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17677: begin
17678: //TypeS('PSimpleStringListArray', '^TSimpleStringListArray // will not work;
17679: SIRegister_TSimpleStringList(CL);
17680: TypeS('TExecWait', '( ewNoWait, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ewWaitUntilIdle);
17681: TypeS('TDetermineDefaultLanguageResult','(ddNoMatch,ddMatch,ddMatchLangParameter );
17682: TypeS('TMD5Digest', 'array[0..15] of Byte;;
17683: TypeS('TSHA1Digest', 'array[0..19] of Byte;;
17684: // TMD5Digest = array[0..15] of Byte; TSHA1Digest = array[0..19] of Byte;
17685: Func CheckForMutexes( Mutexes :Str) :Bool;
17686: Func CreateTempDir :Str;
17687: Func DecrementSharedCount(const RegView:TRegView;const Filename:str):Bool;
17688: Proc DelayDeleteFile( const DisableFsRedir :Bool; const Filename :Str; const MaxTries, FirstRetryDelayMS,
SubsequentRetryDelayMS : Int);
17689: //Func DelTree( const DisableFsRedir :Bool; const Path :Str; const IsDir, DeleteFiles, DeleteSubdirsAlso,
BreakOnError :Bool; const DeleteDirProc : TDeleteDirProc; const DeleteFileProc : TDeleteFileProc; const
Param : Pointer) :Bool;
17690: //Func DetermineDefaultLanguage( const GetLanguageEntryProc : TGetLanguageEntryProc; const Method :
TSetupLanguageDetectionMethod;const LangParameter:str;var ResultIndex:Int):
17691: //Proc EnumFileReplaceOperationsFilenames(const EnumFunc:TEnumFROFilenamesProc;Param:Pointer);
17692: Func GenerateNonRandomUniqueFilename(Path:Str; var Filename:Str):Bool;
17693: Func GenerateUniqueName(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;Path:Str;const Extension:str):str;
17694: Func GetComputerNameString :Str;
17695: Func GetFileDateTime(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const Filename:Str;var DateTime:TFileTime):Bool;
17696: Func GetMD5OfFile(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean; const Filename :Str): TMD5Digest;
17697: Func GetMD5OfAnsistr( const S : Ansistr) : TMD5Digest;
17698: // Func GetMD5OfUnicodeString( const S : UnicodeString) : TMD5Digest;
17699: Func GetSHA1OfFile(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean;const Filename:str):TSHA1Digest;
17700: Func GetSHA1OfAnsistr( const S : Ansistr) : TSHA1Digest;
17701: // Func GetSHA1OfUnicodeString( const S : UnicodeString) : TSHA1Digest;
17702: Func GetRegRootKeyName( const RootKey : HKEY) :Str;
17703: Func GetSpaceOnDisk(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const DriveRoot:str;var FreeBytes,TotBytes:Int64):Bool;
17704: Func GetSpaceOnNearestMountPoint(const DisableFsRedir:Bool;const StartDir:str;var FreeBytes,
17705: Func GetUserNameString :Str;
17706: Proc IncrementSharedCount(const RegView:TRegView;const Filename:str;const AlreadyExisted:Bool;
17707: //Func InstExec( const DisableFsRedir :Bool; const Filename, Params :Str; WorkingDir :Str; const
Wait:TExecWait;const ShowCmd:Int;const ProcessMessagesProc:TProcedure;var ResultCode:Int) :Bool;
17708: // Func InstShellExec( const Verb, Filename, Params :Str; WorkingDir :Str; const Wait:TExecWait;const
ShowCmd:Int;const ProcessMessagesProc:TProcedure;var ResultCode:Int):Bool;
17709: Proc InternalError( const Id :Str);
17710: Proc InternalErrorFmt( const S :Str; const Args : array of const);
17711: Func IsDirEmpty( const DisableFsRedir :Bool; const Dir :Str) :Bool;
17712: Func IsProtectedSystemFile(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean;const Filename:str):Bool;
17713: Func MakePendingFileRenameOperationsChecksum : TMD5Digest;
17714: Func ModifyPifFile( const Filename :Str; const CloseOnExit :Bool) :Bool;
17715: Proc RaiseFunctionFailedError( const FunctionName :Str);
17716: Proc RaiseOleError( const FunctionName :Str; const ResultCode : HRESULT);
17717: Proc RefreshEnvironment;
17718: Func ReplaceSystemDirWithSysWow64( const Path :Str) :Str;
17719: Func ReplaceSystemDirWithSysNative( Path :Str; const IsWin64 :Bool) :Str;
17720: Proc UnregisterFont( const FontName, FontFilename :Str);
17721: Func RestartComputer :Bool;
17722: Proc RestartReplace( const DisableFsRedir :Bool; TempFile, DestFile :Str);
17723: Proc SplitNewParamStr( const Index : Int; var AName, AValue :Str);
17724: Proc Win32ErrorMsg( const FunctionName :Str);
17725: Proc Win32ErrorMsgEx( const FunctionName :Str; const ErrorCode : DWORD);
17726: Func inForceDirectories(const DisableFsRedir:Boolean;Dir:str):Bool;
17727: //from Func2
17728: //Func inCreateShellLink(const Filename,Description,ShortcutTo,Parameters, WorkingDir:Str;
IconFilename:Str; const IconIndex, ShowCmd : Int; const HotKey : Word; FolderShortcut :Bool; '
17729: //+'const AppUserModelID:Str;const ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall,PreventPinning:Bool):Str;
17730: Proc RegisterTypeLibrary( const Filename :Str);
17731: //Proc UnregisterTypeLibrary( const Filename :Str);
17732: //Func UnpinShellLink( const Filename :Str) :Bool;}
17733: Func getVersionInfoEx3: TOSVersionInfoEx;;
17734: Func GetVersionEx3(out verinfo: TOSVersionInfoEx):Bool;;
17735: Proc InitOle;;
17736: Func ExpandConst( const S :Str) :Str;
17737: Func ExpandConstEx( const S :Str; const CustomConsts : array of String) :Str;
17738: Func ExpandConstEx2(const S:Str;const CustConsts:array of Str;const DoExpandIndivdConst:Bool):Str;
17739: Func ExpandConstIfPrefixed( const S :Str) :Str;
17740: Proc LogWindowsVersion;
17741: Func EvalCheck( const Expression :Str) :Bool;
17742: end;
17744: Proc SIRegister_unitResourceDetails(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17745: begin
17746: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TResourceDetails;
17747: //TypeS('TResourceDetailsClass', 'class of TResourceDetails;
17748: SIRegister_TResourceModule(CL);
17749: SIRegister_TResourceDetails(CL);
17750: SIRegister_TAnsiResourceDetails(CL);
17751: SIRegister_TUnicodeResourceDetails(CL);
17752: Proc RegisterResourceDetails( resourceClass : TResourceDetailsClass);
17753: Proc UnRegisterResourceDetails( resourceClass : TResourceDetailsClass);
17754: Func ResourceWideCharToStr( var wstr : PWideChar; codePage : Int) :Str;

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17755: Proc ResourceStrToWideChar( const s :Str; var p : PWideChar; codePage : Int);

17756: Func ResourceNameToInt( const s :Str) : Int;
17757: Func CompareDetails( p1, p2 : TObject(Pointer)) : Int;
17758: end;
17761: Proc SIRegister_TSimpleComPort(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17762: begin
17763: //with RegClassS(CL,'TObject', 'TSimpleComPort') do
17764: with ClassN(CL.FindClass('TObject'),TSimpleComPort') do begin
17765: RegisterMethod(Constructor Create;
17766: RegisterMethod(Proc Free;
17767: RegisterMethod(Proc Open( PortNumber : Int; const Parameters:str);
17768: RegisterMethod(Proc WriteString( const S :Str);
17769: RegisterMethod(Proc ReadString( var S :Str);
17770: end;
17771: Ex.: SimpleComPort:= TSimpleComPort.Create;
17772: SimpleComPort.Open(1, 'baud=115200 parity=N data=8 stop=1;
17773: SimpleComPort.WriteString(AsciiChar);
17774: end;
17776: Proc SIRegister_Console(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17777: begin
17778: ConstantN('White','LongInt').SetInt( 15); }
17779: // ConstantN('Blink','LongInt').SetInt( 128);
17780: ('conBW40','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
17781: ('conCO40','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
17782: ('conBW80','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
17783: ('conCO80','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
17784: ('conMono','LongInt').SetInt( 7);
17785: ConstantN('conFont8x8','LongInt').SetInt( 256);
17786: //ConstantN('C40','').SetString( CO40);
17787: //ConstantN('C80','').SetString( CO80);
17788: Func conReadKey : Char;
17789: Func conKeyPressed :Bool;
17790: Proc conGotoXY( X, Y : Smallint);
17791: Func conWhereX : Int;
17792: Func conWhereY : Int;
17793: Proc conTextColor( Color : Byte);;
17794: Func conTextColor1 : Byte;;
17795: Proc conTextBackground( Color : Byte);;
17796: Func conTextBackground1 : Byte;;
17797: Proc conTextMode( Mode : Word);
17798: Proc conLowVideo;
17799: Proc conHighVideo;
17800: Proc conNormVideo;
17801: Proc conClrScr;
17802: Proc conClrEol;
17803: Proc conInsLine;
17804: Proc conDelLine;
17805: Proc conWindow( Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Int);
17806: Func conScreenWidth : Smallint;
17807: Func conScreenHeight : Smallint;
17808: Func conBufferWidth : Smallint;
17809: Func conBufferHeight : Smallint;
17810: Proc InitScreenMode;;
17811: end;
17813: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
17814: Proc SIRegister_testutils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17815: begin
17816: SIRegister_TNoRefCountObject(CL);
17817: Proc FreeObjects( List : TFPList);
17818: Proc GetMethodList( AObject : TObject; AList : TStrings);;
17819: Proc GetMethodList1( AClass : TClass; AList : TStrings);;
17820: end;
17822: Proc SIRegister_ToolsUnit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17823: begin
17824: 'MaxDataSet','LongInt').SetInt( 35);
17825: //TypeS('TDBConnectorClass', 'class of TDBConnector;
17826: SIRegister_TDBConnector(CL);
17827: SIRegister_TDBBasicsTestSetup(CL);
17828: SIRegister_TTestDataLink(CL);
17829: 'testValuesCount',LongInt).SetInt( 25);
17830: Proc InitialiseDBConnector;
17831: Proc FreeDBConnector;
17832: Func DateTimeToTimeString( d : tdatetime) :Str;
17833: Func TimeStringToDateTime( d :Str) : TDateTime;
17834: end;
17836: Proc SIRegister_fpcunit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17837: begin
17838: SIRegister_EAssertionFailedError(CL);
17839: TypeS('TTestStep', '( stSetUp, stRunTest, stTearDown, stNothing );
17840: TypeS('TRunMethod', 'Procedure;
17841: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TTestResult;
17842: SIRegister_TTest(CL);
17843: SIRegister_TAssert(CL);

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17844: SIRegister_TTestFailure(CL);
17845: SIRegister_ITestListener(CL);
17846: SIRegister_TTestCase(CL);
17847: //TypeS('TTestCaseClass', 'class of TTestCase;
17848: SIRegister_TTestSuite(CL);
17849: SIRegister_TTestResult(CL);
17850: Func ComparisonMsg( const aExpected:Str; const aActual :Str) :Str;
17851: end;
17853: Proc SIRegister_cTCPBuffer(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17854: begin
17855: TOBJECT'),'ETCPBuffer;
17856: TTCPBuffer', 'record Ptr : TObject; Size : Int; Max : Intege'
17857: +r; Head : Int; Used : Int; end;
17858: 'ETHERNET_MTU_100MBIT','LongInt').SetInt( 1500);
17859: 'ETHERNET_MTU_1GBIT','LongInt').SetInt( 9000);
17862: Proc TCPBufferInitialise(var TCPBuf:TTCPBuffer;const TCPBufMaxSiz:Int;const TCPBufSize:Int;
17863: Proc TCPBufferFinalise( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer);
17864: Proc TCPBufferPack( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer);
17865: Proc TCPBufferResize( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer; const TCPBufSize : Int);
17866: Proc TCPBufferExpand( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer; const Size : Int);
17867: Proc TCPBufferShrink( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer);
17868: Func TCPBufferAddPtr( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer; const Size : Int) : Pointer;
17869: Proc TCPBufferAddBuf(var TCPBuf: TTCPBuffer; const Buf:str; const Size : Int);
17870: Func TCPBufferPeekPtr( const TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer; var BufPtr : Pointer) : Int;
17871: Func TCPBufferPeek(var TCPBuf:TTCPBuffer;var Buf:Str; const Size:Int): Int;
17872: Func TCPBufferRemove(var TCPBuf:TTCPBuffer;var Buf:str;const Size:Int): Int;
17873: Proc TCPBufferClear( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer);
17874: Func TCPBufferDiscard( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer; const Size : Int) : Int;
17875: Func TCPBufferUsed( const TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer) : Int;
17876: Func TCPBufferEmpty( const TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer) :Bool;
17877: Func TCPBufferAvailable( const TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer) : Int;
17878: Func TCPBufferPtr( const TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer) : Pointer;
17879: Proc TCPBufferSetMaxSize( var TCPBuf : TTCPBuffer; const MaxSize : Int);
17880: end;
17882: Proc SIRegister_Glut(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17883: begin
17884: //TypeS('PInt', '^Int // will not work;
17885: //TypeS('PPChar', '^PChar // will not work;
17886: ConstantN('GLUT_API_VERSION','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
17887: ConstantN('GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION','LongInt').SetInt( 12);
17888: ConstantN('GLUT_RGB','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
17889: ConstantN('GLUT_GAME_MODE_REFRESH_RATE','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
17890: ConstantN('GLUT_GAME_MODE_DISPLAY_CHANGED','LongInt').SetInt( 6);
17891: Proc LoadGlut( const dll :Str);
17892: Proc FreeGlut;
17893: end;
17895: Proc SIRegister_LEDBitmaps(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17896: begin
17897: TypeS('TLEDColor',( ledcGreen, ledcRed, ledcGray );
17898: Func GetLEDBitmapHandle( Color : TLEDColor; State:Boolean): THandle;
17899: end;
17901: Proc SIRegister_SwitchLed(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17902: begin
17903: TLedColor, ( Aqua, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Orange, Black );
17904: TTLedState, ( LedOn, LedOff, LedDisabled );
17905: SIRegister_TSwitchLed(CL);
17906: //Proc Register;
17907: end;
17909: Proc SIRegister_FileClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17910: begin
17911: TypeS(TFileCreateDisposition', '( fdCreateAlways, fdCreateNew, fdOpenE'
17912: +'xisting, fdOpenAlways, fdTruncateExisting );
17913: TypeS('TIFileAccess', '( faRead, faWrite, faReadWrite );
17914: TypeS('TIFileSharing', '( fsNone, fsRead, fsWrite, fsReadWrite );
17915: SIRegister_TCustomFile(CL);
17916: SIRegister_TIFile(CL);
17917: SIRegister_TMemoryFile(CL);
17918: SIRegister_TTextFileReader(CL);
17919: SIRegister_TTextFileWriter(CL);
17920: SIRegister_TFileMapping(CL);
17921: SIRegister_EFileError(CL);
17922: end;
17924: Proc SIRegister_FileUtilsClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17925: begin
17926: TypeS(TFileAttributes', '( ffaReadOnly, ffaHidden, ffaSysFile, ffaVolumeID'
17927: +, ffaDirectory, ffaArchive, ffaAnyFile );
17928: TypeS('TAttributeSet', 'set of TFileAttributes;
17929: SIRegister_TFileSearch(CL);
17930: end;
17932: Proc SIRegister_uColorFunctions(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

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17933: begin
17934: TRGBType', 'record RedHex :Str; GreenHex :Str; BlueHex :'
17935: + string; Red : Int; Green : Int; Blue : Int; end;
17936: Func FadeColor( aColor : Longint; aFade : Int) : Tcolor;
17937: Func CountColor( aColor : Tcolor; CompareColor : Tcolor; AdjustVale:Int):Tcolor;
17938: end;
17940: Proc SIRegister_uSettings(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17941: begin
17942: Proc SaveOscSettings;
17943: Proc GetOscSettings;
17944: end;
17946: Proc SIRegister_cyDebug(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17947: begin
17948: TProcProcessEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Index : Int);
17949: RecProcess', 'record Name : ShortString; DurationMs :Card; '
17950: FirstDurationMs :Card; LastDurationMs :Card; MinDurationMs : Int'
17951: 64; MaxDurationMs :Card; MarksCount : Int; ArrayMarks : array of '
17952: Cardinal; EnterCount : Int; ExitCount : Int; end;
17953: SIRegister_TcyDebug(CL);
17954: end;
17956: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
17957: Proc SIRegister_cyCopyFiles(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17958: begin
17959: TCopyFileResult,(cfCreate, cfOverwrite,cfNoNeed, cfForceDirectoryError, cfCopyError );
17960: TCopyFileExists', '( feDoNothing, feCopy, feCopyIfModified, feCopyIfMoreRecent );
17961: TCopyFileNotExists', '( fnDoNothing, fnCopy, fnCopyForceDir );
17962: SIRegister_TDestinationOptions(CL);
17963: TProcCustomCopyFileEvent,Procedure(Sender:TObject;var CopyFileResult:TCopyFileResult);
17964: TProcOnCopyFileProgressEvent,Procedure(Sender:TObject;FileBytes,TransferedBytes:int64;PercentDone:Int64);
17965: TProcOnCustomSetFileDestination','Proc (Sender:TObject;var FileName:str);
17966: SIRegister_TcyCopyFiles(CL);
17967: Func cyCopyFile(FromFile,ToFile:Str; FileExists:TCopyFileExists;FileNotExists:TCopyFileNotExists;
ResetAttr:boolean): TCopyFileResult;
17968: Func cyCopyFileEx(FromFile,ToFile:str;FileExists:TCopyFileExists;FileNotExists
17969: Func cyCopyFilesEx(SourcePath, DestinationPath, IncludeFilters, ExcludeFilters :Str; ArchiveFiles,
ReadOnlyFiles, HiddenFiles,
17970: end;
17972: Proc SIRegister_cySearchFiles(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17973: begin
17974: TypeS('TcyFileAttributeMode', '( faYes, faNo, faBoth );
17975: SIRegister_TcyFileAttributes(CL);
17976: SIRegister_TSearchRecInstance(CL);
17977: TOption', '( soOnlyDirs, soIgnoreAttributes, soIgnoreMaskInclude, soIgnoreMaskExclude );
17978: TOptions', 'set of TOption;
17979: TSearchState', '( ssIdle, ssPaused, ssSearch, ssPausing, ssResuming, ssAborting );
17980: TProcOnValidateFileEvent Procedure(Sender:TObject;ValidMaskIncl,ValidMaskExcl,ValidAttribs:bool;var
17981: TProcOnValidateDirectoryEvent,Procedure(Sender:TObject;Directry:str;var Accept:bool);
17982: SIRegister_TcyCustomSearchFiles(CL);
17983: SIRegister_TcySearchFiles(CL);
17984: Func FileNameRespondToMask( aFileName :Str; aMask :Str) :Bool;
17985: Func IscyFolder( aSRec : TSearchrec) :Bool;
17986: end;
17988: Proc SIRegister_jcontrolutils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
17989: begin
17990: Func jCountChar( const s :Str; ch : char) : Int;
17991: Proc jSplit( const Delimiter : char; Input :Str; Strings : TStrings);
17992: Func jNormalizeDate(const Value:str;theValue: TDateTime;const theFormat:str):str;
17993: Func jNormalizeTime(const Value:str;theValue:TTime;const theFormat:str) :Str;
17994: Func jNormalizeDateTime(const Val:str;theValue:TDateTime;const theFormat:str):str;
17995: Func jNormalizeDateSeparator( const s :Str) :Str;
17996: Func jIsValidDateString( const Value :Str) :Bool;
17997: Func jIsValidTimeString( const Value :Str) :Bool;
17998: Func jIsValidDateTimeString( const Value :Str) :Bool;
17999: end;
18001: Proc SIRegister_kcMapViewer(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18002: begin
18003: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TMapViewer;
18004: TypeS('TMapSource', ( msNone, msGoogleNormal, msGoogleSatellite, msGoo'
18005: +gleHybrid, msGooglePhysical, msGooglePhysicalHybrid, msOpenStreetMapMapnik'
18006: +, msOpenStreetMapOsmarender, msOpenCycleMap, msVirtualEarthBing, msVirtual'
18007: +EarthRoad, msVirtualEarthAerial, msVirtualEarthHybrid, msYahooNormal, msYa'
18008: +hooSatellite, msYahooHybrid,msOviNormal,msOviSatellite, msOviHybrid, msOviPhysical );
18009: TArea', 'record top : Int64; left : Int64; bottom : Int64; right: Int64; end;
18010: TRealArea', 'record top: Extended; left:Extended; bottom: Extended; right: Extended; end;
18011: TIntPoint', 'record X : Int64; Y : Int64; end;
18012: TkcRealPoint', 'record X : Extended; Y : Extended; end;
18013: TOnBeforeDownloadEvent','Procedure(Url:Str; str:TStream; var CanHandle:Bool);
18014: TOnAfterDownloadEvent', 'Procedure( Url :Str; str : TStream);
18015: SIRegister_TCustomDownloadEngine(CL);

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18016: SIRegister_TCustomGeolocationEngine(CL);
18017: SIRegister_TMapViewer(CL);
18018: end;
18020: Proc SIRegister_cparserutils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18021: begin
18022: (*Func isFunc( name : TNamePart) :Bool;*)
18023: Func isUnnamedFunc( name : TNamepart) :Bool;
18024: Func isPtrToFunc( name : TNamePart) :Bool;
18025: Func isFuncRetFuncPtr( name : TNamePart) :Bool;
18026: Func isPtrToFuncRetFuncPtr( name : TNamePart) :Bool;
18027: Func GetFuncParam( name : TNamePart) : TNamePart;
18028: Func isArray( name : TNamePart) :Bool;
18029: Func GetArrayPart( name : TNamePart) : TNamePart;
18030: Func GetIdFromPart( name : TNamePart) : Ansistr;
18031: Func GetIdPart( name : TNamePart) : TNamePart;
18032: Func isNamePartPtrToFunc( part : TNamePart) :Bool;
18033: Func isAnyBlock( part : TNamePart) :Bool;*)
18034: TypeS('TLineInfo', record linestart : Int; lineend : Int; end;
18035: SIRegister_TLineBreaker(CL);
18036: TypeS('TNameKind', 'Int;
18037: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNamePart;
18038: //TypeS('TFuncParam', 'record prmtype : TEntity; name : TNamePart; end;
18039: Func SphericalMod( X : Extended) : Extended;
18040: Func cSign( Value : Extended) : Extended;
18041: Func LimitFloat( const eValue, eMin, eMax : Extended) : Extended;
18042: Func AngleToRadians( iAngle : Extended) : Extended;
18043: Func RadiansToAngle( eRad : Extended) : Extended;
18044: Func Cross180( iLong : Double) :Bool;
18045: Func Mod180( Value : Int) : Int;
18046: Func Mod180Float( Value : Extended) : Extended;
18047: Func MulDivFloat( a, b, d : Extended) : Extended;
18048: Func LongDiff( iLong1, iLong2 : Double) : Double;
18049: Proc Bmp_AssignFromPersistent( Source : TPersistent; Bmp : TbitMap);
18050: Func Bmp_CreateFromPersistent( Source : TPersistent) : TbitMap;
18051: Func FixFilePath( const Inpath, CheckPath :Str) :Str;
18052: Func UnFixFilePath( const Inpath, CheckPath :Str) :Str;
18053: Proc FillStringList( sl : TStringList; const aText :Str);
18054: end;
18056: Proc SIRegister_LedNumber(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18057: begin
18058: TLedSegmentSize', 'Int;
18059: TLedNumberBorderStyle', '( lnbNone, lnbSingle, lnbSunken, lnbRaised );
18060: SIRegister_TCustomLEDNumber(CL);
18061: SIRegister_TLEDNumber(CL);
18062: end;
18064: Proc SIRegister_StStrL(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18065: begin
18066: TypeS('LStrRec',record AllocSize:Longint;RefCount : Longint; Length : Longint; end;
18067: TypeS(AnsiChar', 'Char;
18068: TypeS('BTable', array[0..255] of Byte; //!!!
18069: Func HexBL( B : Byte) : Ansistr;
18070: Func HexWL( W : Word) : Ansistr;
18071: Func HexLL( L : LongInt) : Ansistr;
18072: Func HexPtrL( P : ___Pointer) : Ansistr;
18073: Func BinaryBL( B : Byte) : Ansistr;
18074: Func BinaryWL( W : Word) : Ansistr;
18075: Func BinaryLL( L : LongInt) : Ansistr;
18076: Func OctalBL( B : Byte) : Ansistr;
18077: Func OctalWL( W : Word) : Ansistr;
18078: Func OctalLL( L : LongInt) : Ansistr;
18079: Func Str2Int16L( const S : Ansistr; var I : SmallInt) :Bool;
18080: Func Str2WordL( const S : Ansistr; var I : Word) :Bool;
18081: Func Str2LongL( const S : Ansistr; var I : LongInt) :Bool;
18082: Func Str2RealL( const S : Ansistr; var R : Double) :Bool;
18083: Func Str2RealL( const S : Ansistr; var R : Real) :Bool;
18084: Func Str2ExtL( const S : Ansistr; var R : Extended) :Bool;
18085: Func Long2StrL( L : LongInt) : Ansistr;
18086: Func Real2StrL( R : Double; Width : Byte; Places : ShortInt) : Ansistr;
18087: Func Ext2StrL( R : Extended; Width : Byte; Places : ShortInt) : Ansistr;
18088: Func ValPrepL( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18089: Func CharStrL( C : Char; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18090: Func PadChL( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18091: Func PadLL( const S : Ansistr; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18092: Func LeftPadChL( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18093: Func LeftPadL( const S : Ansistr; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18094: Func TrimLeadL( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18095: Func TrimTrailL( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18096: Func TrimL( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18097: Func TrimSpacesL( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18098: Func CenterChL( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18099: Func CenterL( const S : Ansistr; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18100: Func EntabL( const S : Ansistr; TabSize : Byte) : Ansistr;
18101: Func DetabL( const S : Ansistr; TabSize : Byte) : Ansistr;
18102: Func ScrambleL( const S, Key : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18103: Func SubstituteL( const S, FromStr, ToStr : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18104: Func FilterL( const S, Filters : Ansistr) : Ansistr;

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18105: Func CharExistsL( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar) :Bool;

18106: Func CharCountL( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar) :Card;
18107: Func WordCountL( const S, WordDelims : Ansistr) :Card;
18108: Func WordPositionL(N:Card;const S,WordDelims:Ansistr;var Pos:Card):Bool;
18109: Func ExtractWordL( N :Card; const S, WordDelims : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18110: Func AsciiCountL( const S, WordDelims : Ansistr; Quote : AnsiChar) :Card;
18111: Func AsciiPositionL(N:Card;const S,WordDelims:AnsiStr;Quote:AnsiChr;var Pos:Card):Bool;
18112: Func ExtractAsciiL(N:Card;const S,WordDelims:Ansistr;Quote:AnsiChar):Ansistr;
18113: Proc WordWrapL(const InSt:Ansistr;var OutSt,Overlap:Ansistr;Margin:Card;PadToMargin:Bool;
18114: Proc WordWrap(const InSt:AnsiStr;var OutSt,Overlap:AnsiStr;Margin:Card;PadToMargin:Bool;
18115: Func CompStringL( const S1, S2 : Ansistr) : Int;
18116: Func CompUCStringL( const S1, S2 : Ansistr) : Int;
18117: Func SoundexL( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18118: Func MakeLetterSetL( const S : Ansistr) : Longint;
18119: Proc BMMakeTableL( const MatchString : Ansistr; var BT : BTable);
18120: Func BMSearchL(var Buffer,BufLength:Card;var BT:BTable;const MatchString:Ansistr;var Pos:Card):Bool;
18121: Func BMSearchUCL( var Buffer, BufLength :Card; var BT: BTable; const MatchString: Ansistr; var Pos:Card)
18122: Func DefaultExtensionL( const Name, Ext : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18123: Func ForceExtensionL( const Name, Ext : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18124: Func JustFilenameL( const PathName : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18125: Func JustNameL( const PathName : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18126: Func JustExtensionL( const Name : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18127: Func JustPathnameL( const PathName : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18128: Func AddBackSlashL( const DirName : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18129: Func CleanPathNameL( const PathName : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18130: Func HasExtensionL( const Name : Ansistr; var DotPos :Card) :Bool;
18131: Func CommaizeL( L : LongInt) : Ansistr;
18132: Func CommaizeChL( L : Longint; Ch : AnsiChar) : Ansistr;
18133: Func FloatFormL(const Mask:Ansistr;R:TstFloat;const LtCurr,RtCurr:Ansistr;Sep,DecPt:Char):Ansistr;
18134: Func LongIntFormL(const Mask:Ansistr;L:LongInt;const LtCurr,RtCurr:AnsiStr;Sep:Char):Ansistr);
18135: Func StrChPosL( const P : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar; var Pos :Card) :Bool;
18136: Func StrStPosL( const P, S : Ansistr; var Pos :Card) :Bool;
18137: Func StrStCopyL( const S : Ansistr; Pos, Count :Card) : Ansistr;
18138: Func StrChInsertL( const S : Ansistr; C : AnsiChar; Pos :Card) : Ansistr;
18139: Func StrStInsertL( const S1, S2 : Ansistr; Pos :Card) : Ansistr;
18140: Func StrChDeleteL( const S : Ansistr; Pos :Card) : Ansistr;
18141: Func StrStDeleteL( const S : Ansistr; Pos, Count :Card) : Ansistr;
18142: Func ContainsOnlyL( const S, Chars : Ansistr; var BadPos :Card) :Bool;
18143: Func ContainsOtherThanL(const S,Chars: Ansistr; var BadPos :Card):Bool;
18144: Func CopyLeftL( const S : Ansistr; Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18145: Func CopyMidL( const S : Ansistr; First, Len :Card) : Ansistr;
18146: Func CopyRightL( const S : Ansistr; First :Card) : Ansistr;
18147: Func CopyRightAbsL( const S : Ansistr; NumChars :Card) : Ansistr;
18148: Func CopyFromNthWordL(const S,WordDelims:AString;const AWord:AString;N:Card;var SubString:AString):Bool;
18149: Func CopyFromToWordL(const S,WordDelims,Word1,Word2:Ansistr;N1,N2:Card;var SubString:Ansistr):Bool;
18150: Func CopyWithinL( const S, Delimiter : Ansistr; Strip :Bool) : Ansistr;
18151: Func DeleteFromNthWordL(const S, WordDelims:Ansistr;const AWord: Ansistr; N:Card; var SubString:
Ansistr): Bool;
18152: Func DeleteFromToWordL(const S,WordDelims,Word1,Word2:Ansistr;N1,N2:Card;var SubString:Ansistr):Bool;
18153: Func DeleteWithinL( const S, Delimiter : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18154: Func ExtractTokensL(const S,Delims:AnsiStr;QuoteChar:AnsiChar;AllowNulls:Bool;Tokens:TStrings):Card;
18155: Func IsChAlphaL( C : AnsiChar) :Bool;
18156: Func IsChNumericL( C : AnsiChar; const Numbers : Ansistr) :Bool;
18157: Func IsChAlphaNumericL( C : AnsiChar; const Numbers : Ansistr) :Bool;
18158: Func IsStrAlphaL( const S : Ansistr) :Bool;
18159: Func IsStrNumericL( const S, Numbers : Ansistr) :Bool;
18160: Func IsStrAlphaNumericL( const S, Numbers : Ansistr) :Bool;
18161: Func KeepCharsL( const S, Chars : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18162: Func LastWordL(const S,WordDelims, AWord:Ansistr; var Position:Card):Bool;
18163: Func LastWordAbsL( const S, WordDelims:Ansistr;var Position:Card):Bool;
18164: Func LastStringL( const S, AString : Ansistr; var Position :Card):Bool;
18165: Func LeftTrimCharsL( const S, Chars : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18166: Func ReplaceWordL(const S,WordDelims,OldWord,NewWord:Ansistr;N:Card;var Replacements:Card):Ansistr;
18167: Func ReplaceWordAllL(const S,WordDelims,OldWord,NewWord:Ansistr;var Replacements:Card):Ansistr;
18168: Func ReplaceStringL(const S,OldString,NewString:Ansistr;N:Card;var Replacements:Card):Ansistr;
18169: Func ReplaceStringAllL(const S,OldString,NewString:Ansistr; var Replacements:Card):Ansistr;
18170: Func RepeatStringL(const RepeatString:Ansistr;var Repetitions:Card;MaxLen:Card):Ansistr;
18171: Func RightTrimCharsL( const S, Chars : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18172: Func StrWithinL(const S,SearchStr:str;Start:Card;var Position:Card): bool;
18173: Func TrimCharsL( const S, Chars : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
18174: Func WordPosL(const S,WordDelims,AWord:Ansistr;N:Card;var Position:Card):Bool;
18175: Func WordPos(const S,WordDelims,AWord:Ansistr;N:Card;var Position:Card):Bool;
18176: end;
18178: Proc SIRegister_pwnative_out(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18179: begin
18180: ConstantN('STDIN','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
18181: ('STDOUT','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
18182: ('STDERR','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
18183: Proc NativeWrite( s : astr);;
18184: Proc NativeWrite1( PString : PChar);;
18185: Proc NativeWrite2( Buffer : PChar; NumChars :Card);;
18186: Proc NativeWriteLn( s : astr);;
18187: Proc NativeWriteLn1;;
18188: end;
18190: Proc SIRegister_synwrap1(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18191: begin

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18192: TypeS(TSynwInfo', 'record Err : byte; UrlHtml : Ansistr; ErrResponse

18193: : Int; UltimateURL : Ansistr; Headers : Ansistr; end;
18194: TypeS('TUrlInfo', 'record Err : byte; UltimateURL :Str; end;
18195: Func GetHttpFile(const Url,UserAgent,Outfile:str; verbose :Bool):TSynwInfo;
18196: Func GetHttpFile1( const Url, UserAgent, Outfile :Str) : TSynwInfo;
18197: Func GetHttpFile2( const Url, Outfile :Str) : TSynwInfo;;
18198: Func GetHttpFile3( const Url, outfile :Str; verbose :Bool) : TSynwInfo;
18199: Func GetHtm( const Url :Str) :Str;;
18200: Func GetHtm1( const Url, UserAgent :Str) :Str;;
18201: Func GetUrl( const Url :Str; verbose :Bool) : TSynwInfo;;
18202: Func GetUrl1( const Url, useragent :Str) : TSynwInfo;;
18203: Func GetUrl2( const Url :Str) : TSynwInfo;;
18204: Func GetUrl3(const Url:str;const http THTTPSend; verbose :Bool): TUrlInfo;
18205: Func GetUrl4( const Url :Str; const http : THTTPSend) : TUrlInfo;;
18206: Proc StrToStream( s :Str; strm : TMemoryStream);
18207: Func StrLoadStream( strm : TStream) :Str;
18208: end;
18210: Proc SIRegister_HTMLUtil(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18211: begin
18212: Func GetVal( const tag, attribname_ci :Str) :Str;
18213: Func GetTagName( const Tag :Str) :Str;
18214: Func GetUpTagName( const tag :Str) :Str;
18215: Func GetNameValPair( const tag, attribname_ci :Str) :Str;
18216: Func GetValFromNameVal( const namevalpair :Str) :Str;
18217: Func GetNameValPair_cs( const tag, attribname :Str) :Str;
18218: Func GetVal_JAMES( const tag, attribname_ci :Str) :Str;
18219: Func GetNameValPair_JAMES( const tag, attribname_ci :Str) :Str;
18220: Func CopyBuffer( StartIndex : PChar; Len : Int) :Str;
18221: Func Ucase( s :Str) :Str;
18222: end;
18224: Proc SIRegister_pwmain(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18225: begin
18226: ConstantN('FUTURE_COOKIE','String').SetString( 'Mon, 01 Dec 2099 12:00:00 GMT;
18227: EXPIRED_COOKIE','String').SetString( 'Mon, 01 Jan 2001 12:00:00 GMT;
18228: 'SECURE_OFF','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
18229: 'SECURE_ON','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
18230: 'SECURE_FILTER','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
18231: THandle or DWord!
18232: // astr = Ansistr;
18233: TypeS('pastr', 'Ansistr;
18234: TypeS('TFilterFunc', 'function(const s: pastr): pastr;;
18235: uses pwinit at begin
18236: //type TFilterFunc = function(const s: astr): astr;
18237: Demo: ..\maxbox3\examples2\519_powtils.txt
18238: //ConstantN('CASE_SENSITIVE','Boolean')BoolToStr( false);
18239: //ConstantN('CASE_IGNORE','Boolean')BoolToStr( false);
18240: Proc pwInit;
18241: Proc OffReadln;
18242: Func Lcase( const s : pastr) : pastr;
18243: Func Ucase( const s : pastr) : pastr;
18244: Func CountPostVars : longword;
18245: Func GetPostVar( const name : pastr) : pastr;;
18246: Func GetPostVar1( const name : pastr; filter : TFilterFunc) : pastr;;
18247: Func GetPostVar_S( const name : pastr; Security : Int) : pastr;
18248: Func GetPostVar_SF( const name : pastr; Security : Int) : pastr;
18249: Func GetPostVarAsFloat( const name : pastr) : double;
18250: Func GetPostVarAsInt( const name : pastr) : longint;
18251: Func GetPostVar_SafeHTML( const name : pastr) : pastr;
18252: Func FetchPostVarName( idx : longword) : pastr;
18253: Func FetchPostVarVal( idx : longword) : pastr;;
18254: Func FetchPostVarVal1( idx : longword; filter : TFilterFunc) : pastr;;
18255: Func FetchPostVarName_S( idx : longword; Security : Int) : pastr;
18256: Func FetchPostVarVal_S( idx : longword; Security : Int) : pastr;
18257: Func IsPostVar( const name : pastr) :Bool;
18258: Func CountAny : longword;
18259: Func GetAny( const name : pastr) : pastr;;
18260: Func GetAny1( const name : pastr; filter : TFilterFunc) : pastr;;
18261: Func GetAny_S( const name : pastr; Security : Int) : pastr;
18262: Func GetAnyAsFloat( const name : pastr) : double;
18263: Func GetAnyAsInt( const name : pastr) : longint;
18264: Func IsAny( const name : pastr) : byte;
18265: Func CountCookies : longword;
18266: Func FetchCookieName( idx : longword) : pastr;
18267: Func FetchCookieVal( idx : longword) : pastr;;
18268: Func FetchCookieVal1( idx : longword; filter : TFilterFunc) : pastr;;
18269: Func GetCookie( const name : pastr) : pastr;;
18270: Func GetCookie1( const name : pastr; filter : TFilterFunc) : pastr;;
18271: Func GetCookieAsFloat( const name : pastr) : double;
18272: Func GetCookieAsInt( const name : pastr) : longint;
18273: Func IsCookie( const name : pastr) :Bool;
18274: Func SetCookie( const name, value : pastr) :Bool;
18275: Func SetCookieAsFloat( const name : pastr; value : double) :Bool;
18276: Func SetCookieAsInt( const name : pastr; value : longint) :Bool;
18277: Func SetCookieEx( const name, value, path, domain, expiry : pastr) :Bool;
18278: Func SetCookieAsFloatEx(const name:pastr;value:double;const path,domai,expiry:pastr):bool;
18279: Func SetCookieAsIntEx(const name:pastr;value:longint;const path,domain,expiry:pastr):bool;
18280: Func UnsetCookie( const name : pastr) :Bool;

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18281: Func UnsetCookieEx( const name, path, domain : pastr) :Bool;

18282: Func FilterHtml( const input : pastr) : pastr;
18283: Func FilterHtml_S( const input : pastr; security : Int) : pastr;
18284: Func TrimBadChars( const input : pastr) : pastr;
18285: Func TrimBadFile( const input : pastr) : pastr;
18286: Func TrimBadDir( const input : pastr) : pastr;
18287: Func TrimBad_S( const input : pastr; security : Int) : pastr;
18288: Func CountHeaders : longword;
18289: Func FetchHeaderName( idx : longword) : pastr;
18290: Func FetchHeaderVal( idx : longword) : pastr;
18291: Func GetHeader( const name : pastr) : pastr;
18292: Func IsHeader( const name : pastr) :Bool;
18293: Func SetHeader( const name, value : pastr) :Bool;
18294: Func UnsetHeader( const name : pastr) :Bool;
18295: Func PutHeader( const header : pastr) :Bool;
18296: Proc Out1( const s : pastr);
18297: Proc OutLn( const s : pastr);
18298: Proc OutA( args : array of const);
18299: Proc OutF( const s : pastr);
18300: Proc OutLnF( const s : pastr);
18301: Proc OutFF( const s : pastr);
18302: Proc OutF_FI( const s : pastr; HTMLFilter :Bool);
18303: Proc OutLnFF( const s : pastr);
18304: Proc OutLnF_FI( const s : pastr; HTMLFilter :Bool);
18305: Func FileOut( const fname : pastr) : word;
18306: Func ResourceOut( const fname : pastr) : word;
18307: Proc BufferOut( const buff, len : LongWord);
18308: Func TemplateOut( const fname : pastr; HtmlFilter :Bool) : word;;
18309: Func TemplateOut1( const fname : pastr) : word;;
18310: Func TemplateOut2( const fname : pastr; filter : TFilterFunc) : word;;
18311: Func TemplateOut3( const fname : pastr; HtmlFilter :Bool) : word;;
18312: Func TemplateRaw( const fname : pastr) : word;
18313: Func Fmt( const s : pastr) : pastr;;
18314: Func Fmt1( const s : pastr; filter : TFilterFunc) : pastr;;
18315: Func FmtFilter( const s : pastr) : pastr;
18316: Func Fmt_SF(const s:pastr;HTMLFilter:bool;filter:TFilterFunc;FilterSecur,TrimSecurity:int):pastr;
18317: Func Fmt_SF1(const s:pastr;HTMLFilter:bool;FilterSecurity,TrimSecurity:Int):pastr;;
18318: Func CountRtiVars : longword;
18319: Func FetchRtiName( idx : longword) : pastr;
18320: Func FetchRtiVal( idx : longword) : pastr;
18321: Func GetRti( const name : pastr) : pastr;
18322: Func GetRtiAsFloat( const name : pastr) : double;
18323: Func GetRtiAsInt( const name : pastr) : longint;
18324: Func IsRti( const name : pastr) :Bool;
18325: Proc SetRTI( const name, value : pastr);
18326: Func FetchUpfileName( idx : longword) : pastr;
18327: Func GetUpfileName( const name : pastr) : pastr;
18328: Func GetUpfileSize( const name : pastr) : longint;
18329: Func GetUpfileType( const name : pastr) : pastr;
18330: Func CountUpfiles : longword;
18331: Func IsUpfile( const name : pastr) :Bool;
18332: Func SaveUpfile( const name, fname : pastr) :Bool;
18333: Func CountVars : longword;
18334: Func FetchVarName( idx : longword) : pastr;
18335: Func FetchVarVal( idx : longword) : pastr;;
18336: Func FetchVarVal1( idx : longword; filter : TFilterFunc) : pastr;;
18337: Func GetVar( const name : pastr) : pastr;;
18338: Func GetVar1( const name : pastr; filter : TFilterFunc) : pastr;;
18339: Func GetVar_S( const name : pastr; security : Int) : pastr;
18340: Func GetVarAsFloat( const name : pastr) : double;
18341: Func GetVarAsInt( const name : pastr) : longint;
18342: Proc SetVar( const name, value : pastr);
18343: Proc SetVarAsFloat( const name : pastr; value : double);
18344: Proc SetVarAsInt( const name : pastr; value : longint);
18345: Func IsVar( const name : pastr) : byte;
18346: Proc UnsetVar( const name : pastr);
18347: Func LineEndToBR( const s : pastr) : pastr;
18348: Func RandomStr( len : longint) : pastr;
18349: Func XorCrypt( const s : pastr; key : byte) : pastr;
18350: Func CountCfgVars : longword;
18351: Func FetchCfgVarName( idx : longword) : pastr;
18352: Func FetchCfgVarVal( idx : longword) : pastr;
18353: Func IsCfgVar( const name : pastr) :Bool;
18354: Func SetCfgVar( const name, value : pastr) :Bool;
18355: Func GetCfgVar( const name : pastr) : pastr;
18356: Proc ThrowErr( const s : pastr);
18357: Proc ThrowWarn( const s : pastr);
18358: Proc ErrWithHeader( const s : pastr);
18359: TypeS(TWebVar', 'record name : pastr; value : pastr; end;
18360: TypeS(TWebVars', 'array of TWebVar;
18361: Func iUpdateWebVar(var webv:TWebVars; const name,value:pastr; upcased:boolean):boolean;
18362: Func iAddWebCfgVar( const name, value : pastr) :Bool;
18363: Proc iAddWebVar( var webv : TWebVars; const name, value : pastr);
18364: Proc iSetRTI( const name, value : pastr);
18365: Func iCustomSessUnitSet :Bool;
18366: Func iCustomCfgUnitSet :Bool;
18367: end;
18369: Proc SIRegister_W32VersionInfo(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

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18370: begin
18371: SIRegister_TProjectVersionInfo(CL);
18372: Func MSLanguageToHex( const s :Str) :Str;
18373: Func MSHexToLanguage( const s :Str) :Str;
18374: Func MSCharacterSetToHex( const s :Str) :Str;
18375: Func MSHexToCharacterSet( const s :Str) :Str;
18376: Func MSLanguages : TStringList;
18377: Func MSHexLanguages : TStringList;
18378: Func MSCharacterSets : TStringList;
18379: Func MSHexCharacterSets : TStringList;
18380: end;
18382: Proc SIRegister_IpUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18383: begin
18384: TIpHandle', 'Cardinal;
18385: TIpMD5StateArray', 'array[0..3] of DWORD;;
18386: TypeS('TIpMD5CountArray', 'array[0..1] of DWORD;;
18387: TIpMD5ByteBuf', 'array[0..63] of Byte;;
18388: TIpMD5LongBuf', 'array[0..15] of DWORD;;
18389: TIpMD5Digest', 'array[0..15] of Byte;;
18390: TIpLineTerminator', '( ltNone, ltCR, ltLF, ltCRLF, ltOther );
18391: TIpMD5Context', 'record State : TIpMD5StateArray; Count : TIpMD5'
18392: +'CountArray; ByteBuf : TIpMD5ByteBuf; end;
18393: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EIpBaseException;
18394: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EIpAccessException;
18395: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EIpHtmlException;
18396: SIRegister_TIpBaseAccess(CL);
18397: SIRegister_TIpBasePersistent(CL);
18398: //TIpComponentClass', 'class of TIpBaseComponent;
18399: SIRegister_TIpBaseComponent(CL);
18400: SIRegister_TIpBaseWinControl(CL);
18401: Func InClassA( Addr : LongInt) :Bool;
18402: Func InClassB( Addr : LongInt) :Bool;
18403: Func InClassC( Addr : LongInt) :Bool;
18404: Func InClassD( Addr : LongInt) :Bool;
18405: Func InMulticast( Addr : LongInt) :Bool;
18406: Func IpCharCount( const Buffer, BufSize : DWORD; C : AnsiChar) : DWORD;
18407: Func IpCompStruct( const S1, S2, Size :Card) : Int;
18408: Func IpMaxInt( A, B : Int) : Int;
18409: Func IpMinInt( A, B : Int) : Int;
18410: Proc IpSafeFree( var Obj: TObject);
18411: Func IpShortVersion :Str;
18412: Func IpInternetSumPrim( var Data, DataSize, CurCrc : DWORD) : DWORD;
18413: Func IpInternetSumOfStream( Stream : TStream; CurCrc : DWORD) : DWORD;
18414: Func IpInternetSumOfFile( const FileName :Str) : DWORD;
18415: Func MD5SumOfFile( const FileName :Str) :Str;
18416: Func MD5SumOfStream( Stream : TStream) :Str;
18417: Func MD5SumOfStreamDigest( Stream : TStream) : TIpMD5Digest;
18418: Func MD5SumOfString( const S :Str) :Str;
18419: Func MD5SumOfStringDigest( const S :Str) : TIpMD5Digest;
18420: Func SafeYield : LongInt;
18421: Func AllTrimSpaces( Strng :Str) :Str;
18422: Func IpCharPos( C : AnsiChar; const S :Str) : Int;
18423: Func CharPosIdx( C : AnsiChar; const S :Str; Idx : Int) : Int;
18424: Func NthCharPos( C : AnsiChar; const S :Str; Nth : Int) : Int;
18425: Func RCharPos( C : AnsiChar; const S :Str) : Int;
18426: Func RCharPosIdx( C : AnsiChar; const S :Str; Idx : Int) : Int;
18427: Func RNthCharPos( C : AnsiChar; const S :Str; Nth : Int) : Int;
18428: Func IpRPos( const Substr :Str; const S :Str) : Int;
18429: Func IpPosIdx( const SubStr, S :Str; Idx : Int) : Int;
18430: ACharSet', 'set of AnsiChar;
18431: TIpAddrRec', 'record Scheme:str; UserName :Str; Password string; Authority :Str;
18432: Port:str;Path:str; Fragment:Str; Query :Str; QueryDelim : AnsiChar; end;
18433: Proc Initialize( var AddrRec : TIpAddrRec);
18434: Proc Finalize( var AddrRec : TIpAddrRec);
18435: Func ExtractEntityName( const NamePath :Str) :Str;
18436: Func ExtractEntityPath( const NamePath :Str) :Str;
18437: Func IpParseURL( const URL :Str; var Rslt : TIpAddrRec) :Bool;
18438: Func BuildURL( const OldURL, NewURL :Str) :Str;
18439: Func PutEscapes( const S :Str; EscapeSet : ACharSet) :Str;
18440: Func RemoveEscapes( const S :Str; EscapeSet : ACharSet) :Str;
18441: Proc SplitParams( const Parms :Str; Dest : TStrings);
18442: Func NetToDOSPath( const PathStr :Str) :Str;
18443: Func DOSToNetPath( const PathStr :Str) :Str;
18444: Proc SplitHttpResponse( const S :Str; var V, MsgID, Msg :Str);
18445: Proc FieldFix( Fields : TStrings);
18446: Func AppendSlash( APath :Str) :Str;
18447: Func RemoveSlash( APath :Str) :Str;
18448: Func GetParentPath( const Path :Str) :Str;
18449: Func GetLocalContent( const TheFileName :Str) :Str;
18450: Func IPDirExists( Dir :Str) :Bool;
18451: Func GetTemporaryFile( const Path :Str) :Str;
18452: Func GetTemporaryPath :Str;
18453: Func AppendBackSlash( APath :Str) :Str;
18454: Func IpRemoveBackSlash( APath :Str) :Str;
18455: Func INetDateStrToDateTime( const DateStr :Str) : TDateTime;
18456: Func DateTimeToINetDateTimeStr( DateTime : TDateTime) :Str;
18457: Func IpTimeZoneBias : Int;
18458: Proc SplitCookieFields( const Data :Str; Fields : TStrings);

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18459: end;
18461: Proc SIRegister_LrtPoTools(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18462: begin
18463: TypeS('TPOStyle', '( postStandard, postPropName, postFull );
18464: Proc Lrt2Po( const LRTFile :Str; POStyle : TPOStyle);
18465: Proc CombinePoFiles( SL : TStrings; const FName :Str);
18466: end;
18468: Proc SIRegister_GPS(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18469: begin
18470: ConstantN('MAX_SATS','LongInt').SetInt( 12);
18471: GPSMSG_START','String').SetString( '$;
18472: GPSMSG_STOP','String').SetString( '*;
18473: SEC_BETWEEN_SEG','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
18474: TypeS('TSatellite', 'record Identification : Shortint; Elevation : Shor'
18475: +'tint; Azimut : Smallint; SignLevel : Smallint; end;
18476: TypeS('TSatellites', 'array[1..12] of TSatellite;
18477: //TSatellites = array[1..MAX_SATS] of TSatellite;
18478: TGPSSatEvent,Procedure(Sender: TObject; NbSat, NbSatUse: Shortint; Sats: TSatellites);
18479: TGPSDatas', 'record Latitude : Double; Longitude : Double; Heigh'
18480: tAboveSea : Double; Speed : Double; UTCTime : TDateTime; Valid :Bool; '
18481: NbrSats : Shortint; NbrSatsUsed : Shortint; Course : Double; end;
18482: TypeS('TGPSDatasEvent', Proc ( Sender : TObject; GPSDatas : TGPSDatas);
18483: TypeS('TMsgGP',( msgGP,msgGPGGA,msgGPGLL,msgGPGSV, msgGPRMA, msgGPRMC, msgGPZDA );
18484: TypeS('TSpeedUnit',( suKilometre, suMile, suNauticalMile );
18485: SIRegister_TGPSLink(CL);
18486: SIRegister_TCustomGPS(CL);
18487: SIRegister_TGPS(CL);
18488: SIRegister_TGPStoGPX(CL);
18489: SIRegister_TGPSSpeed(CL);
18490: SIRegister_TGPSSatellitesPosition(CL);
18491: SIRegister_TGPSSatellitesReception(CL);
18492: SIRegister_TGPSCompass(CL);
18493: //Proc Register( );
18494: Func IndexMsgGP( StrMsgGP :Str) : TMsgGP;
18495: Func StrCoordToAngle( Point : Char; Angle :Str) : Double;
18496: Func StrTimeToTime( const Time :Str) : TDateTime;
18497: Func StrToInt( const Str :Str) : Int;
18498: Func StrToReal( const Str :Str) : Extended;
18499: Func GPSRotatePoint( Angle : Double; Ct, Pt : TPoint) : TPoint;
18500: Proc LoadRessource( RessourceName :Str; ImageList : TImageList);
18501: end;
18503: Proc SIRegister_NMEA(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18504: begin
18505: NMEADataArray', 'array of string;
18506: Proc TrimNMEA( var S :Str);
18507: Proc ExpandNMEA( var S :Str);
18508: Func ParseNMEA( S :Str) : NMEADataArray;
18509: Func ChkValidNMEA( S :Str) :Bool;
18510: Func IdNMEA( S :Str) :Str;
18511: Func ChkSumNMEA( const S :Str) :Str;
18512: Func PosInDeg( const PosStr :Str) : Double;
18513: Func DateTimeNMEA( const StrD, StrT :Str) : TDateTime;
18514: Func SysClockSet( const StrD, StrT :Str) :Bool;
18515: Func Ticks2Secs(Ticks : LongInt) : LongInt;;
18516: Func Secs2Ticks(Secs : LongInt) : LongInt;;
18517: Func MSecs2Ticks(MSecs : LongInt) : LongInt;;
18518: end;
18520: Proc SIRegister_SortUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18521: begin
18522: TypeS('SortType1', 'Byte;
18523: TypeS('SortType2', 'Double;
18524: TypeS('SortType3', 'DWord;
18525: //TypeS('PDWordArray', '^DWordArray // will not work;
18526: TypeS('TDataRecord4', 'record Value : Int; Data : Int; end;
18527: Function('Proc QuickSort( var List : array of SortType1; Min, Max : Int);
18528: Proc QuickSortDWord( var List : array of SortType3; Min, Max : Int);
18529: Proc QuickSortDataRecord4( var List : array of TDataRecord4; Count : Int);
18530: Proc HeapSort( var List : array of SortType1; Count : DWord; FirstNeeded : DWord);
18531: Func QuickSelect(var List: array of SortType1; Min, Max, Wanted : Int) : SortType1;
18532: Func QuickSelectDouble( var List : array of SortType2; Min, Max, Wanted : Int) : SortType2;
18533: Func QuickSelectDWord( var List : array of SortType3; Min,Max,Wanted: Int):SortType3;
18534: end;
18536: Proc SIRegister_BitmapConversion(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18537: begin
18538: // TMatrix3x3 = array[1..3,1..3] of Double;
18539: // TMatrix4x4 = array[1..4,1..4] of Double;
18540: TypeS('TMatrix3x31', 'array[1..3] of Double;
18541: TypeS('TMatrix3x3', 'array[1..3] of TMatrix3x31;
18542: TypeS('TMatrix4x41', 'array[1..4] of Double;
18543: TypeS('TMatrix4x4', 'array[1..4] of TMatrix4x41;
18544: Proc ColorTransform( A, B, C : Byte; out X, Y, Z : Byte; const T : TMatrix4x4);
18545: Proc ColorTransform1( A, B, C : Byte; out X, Y, Z : Float; const T : TMatrix4x4);
18546: Proc ColorTransform2(const A,B,C:Float; out X, Y, Z : Byte; const T: TMatrix4x4);
18547: Proc ColorTransformHSI2RGB( H, S, I : Byte; out R, G, B : Byte);

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18548: Proc ColorTransformRGB2HSI( R, G, B : Byte; out H, S, I : Byte);

18549: Proc ColorTransformRGB2Lab( R, G, B : Byte; out L, a_, b_ : Byte);
18550: Proc ColorTransformLab2RGB( L, a_, b_ : Byte; out R, G, B : Byte);
18551: Proc ColorTransformRGB2LOCO( R, G, B : Byte; out S0, S1, S2 : Byte);
18552: Proc ColorTransformLOCO2RGB( S0, S1, S2 : Byte; out R, G, B : Byte);
18553: Proc ConvertColorSpace(Image:TLinarBitmap;const T:TMatrix4x4;NewImage:TLinarBitmap);
18554: //Proc ConvertColorSpace1(Image:TLinarBitmap;ColorTransform:TColorTransformProc;NewImage:TLinarBitmap);
18555: Proc ConvertToGrayscale( const Image, GrayImage : TLinarBitmap);;
18556: Proc ConvertToGrayscale1( const Image : TLinarBitmap);;
18557: end;
18559: Proc SIRegister_ZDbcUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18560: begin
18561: { TZSQLType = (zsqlstUnknown, zsqlstBoolean, zsqlstByte, zsqlstShort, zsqlstInt, zsqlstLong,
18562: zsqlstFloat,zsqlstDouble,zsqlstBigDecimal, zsqlstString, zsqlstUnicodeString, zsqlstBytes,
18563: zsqlstDate, zsqlstTime, zsqlstTimestamp, zsqlstDataSet, zsqlstGUID,
18564: stAsciiStream, stUnicodeStream, stBinaryStream);}
18565: Func ResolveConnectionProtocol(Url:str; SupportedProtocols:TStringDynArray):Str;
18566: //Proc ResolveDatabaseUrl( const Url:Str; Info:TStrings; var HostName:str; var Port:Int;var
Database:str;var UserName:str; var Password :Str; ResultInfo : TStrings);
18567: Func CheckConvertion( InitialType : TZSQLType; ResultType : TZSQLType) :Bool;
18568: Func DefineColumnTypeName( ColumnType : TZSQLType) :Str;
18569: Proc RaiseSQLException( E : Exception);
18570: //Proc CopyColumnsInfo( FromList : TObjectList; ToList : TObjectList);
18571: Func ToLikeString( const Value :Str) :Str;
18572: Func GetSQLHexWideString( Value : PChar; Len : Int; ODBC :Bool) : WideString;
18573: Func GetSQLHexAnsistr( Value : PChar; Len : Int; ODBC :Bool) : RawByteString;
18574: Func GetSQLHexString( Value : PChar; Len : Int; ODBC :Bool) :Str;
18575: Func WideStringStream( const AString : WideString) : TStream;
18576: Func ConvertAdoToTypeName(FieldType: SmallInt):Str;
18577: Func GetTableName(const AField: TField):Str;;
18578: Func GetFieldName(const AField: TField):Str;;
18579: end;
18581: Proc SIRegister_JclTD32(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18582: TypeS('TSymbolInfo', 'record Size : Word; SymbolType : Word; end;
18583: //TypeS('PSymbolInfos', '^TSymbolInfos // will not work;
18584: SIRegister_TJclModuleInfo(CL);
18585: SIRegister_TJclLineInfo(CL);
18586: SIRegister_TJclSourceModuleInfo(CL);
18587: SIRegister_TJclSymbolInfo(CL);
18588: SIRegister_TJclProcSymbolInfo(CL);
18589: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TJclLocalProcSymbolInfo;
18590: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TJclGlobalProcSymbolInfo;
18591: SIRegister_TJclTD32InfoParser(CL);
18592: SIRegister_TJclTD32InfoScanner(CL);
18593: SIRegister_TJclPeBorTD32Image(CL);
18594: end;
18596: Proc SIRegister_JvIni(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18597: begin
18598: TypeS('TReadObjectEvent', 'Func ( Sender : TObject; const Section, '
18599: +'Item, Value :Str) : TObject;
18600: TWriteObjectEvent,Procedure(Sender:TObject;const Section, Item:Str; Obj: TObject);
18601: Func StringToFontStyles( const Styles :Str) : TFontStyles;
18602: Func FontStylesToString( Styles : TFontStyles) :Str;
18603: Func FontToString( Font : TFont) :Str;
18604: Proc StringToFont( const Str :Str; Font : TFont);
18605: Func RectToStr( Rect : TRect) :Str;
18606: Func StrToRect( const Str :Str; const Def : TRect) : TRect;
18607: Func JPointToStr( P : TPoint) :Str;
18608: Func JStrToPoint( const Str :Str; const Def : TPoint) : TPoint;
18609: Func DefProfileName :Str;
18610: Func DefLocalProfileName :Str;
18611: ConstantN('idnListItem','String').SetString( 'Item;
18612: end;
18614: Proc SIRegister_JvHtControls(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18615: begin
18616: Proc ItemHtDrawEx(Canvas : TCanvas;Rect TRect; const State:TOwnerDrawState; const Text :Str; const
HideSelColor:Boolean; var PlainItem:Str; var Width: Int; CalcWidth:Boolean);
18617: Func ItemHtDraw(Canvas: TCanvas;Rect:TRect;const State TOwnerDrawState;const Text:str;const
18618: Func ItemHtWidth(Canvas:TCanvas;Rect:TRect;const State:TOwnerDrawState;const Text:str;const
18619: Func ItemHtPlain( const Text :Str) :Str;
18620: Proc ExecuteHyperlink(Sender:TObject;HyperLinkClick:TJvHyperLinkClickEvent;const LinkName:str);
18621: Func IsHyperLink(Canvas:TCanvas;Rect:TRect;const Text:str;MouseX,MouseY:Int;var HyperLink:str):Bool;
18622: end;
18624: Proc SIRegister_NeuralNetwork(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18625: begin
18626: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNeuron;
18627: TypeS(TSynapse', 'record W : Real; Connection : TNeuron; end;
18628: TypeS(TAcson', 'record Alfa : Real; Beta : Real; Gama : Real; end;
18629: SIRegister_TNeuron(CL);
18630: SIRegister_TNeuronLayer(CL);
18631: SIRegister_TNeuralNet(CL);
18632: end;

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18634: Proc SIRegister_StExpr(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18635: begin
18636: //TypeS('PStFloat', '^TStFloat // will not work;
18637: TStMethod0Param', 'Func : TStFloat;
18638: TStMethod1Param', 'Func ( Value1 : TStFloat) : TStFloat;
18639: TStMethod2Param', 'Func ( Value1, Value2 : TStFloat) : TStFloat;
18640: TStMethod3Param', 'Func ( Value1, Value2, Value3 : TStFloat) : TStFloat;
18641: TStGetIdentValueEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; const Ide'
18642: +ntifier : Ansistr; var Value : TStFloat);
18643: TStToken', '( ssStart, ssInIdent, ssInNum, ssInSign, ssInExp, ss'
18644: +Eol,ssNum,ssIdent,ssLPar,ssRPar,ssComma,ssPlus,ssMinus,ssTimes,ssDiv,ssEqual,ssPower);
18645: SIRegister_TStExpression(CL);
18646: TStExprErrorEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; ErrorNumber :'
18647: + LongInt; const ErrorStr : Ansistr);
18648: SIRegister_TStExpressionEdit(CL);
18649: Func AnalyzeExpr( const Expr : Ansistr) : Double;
18650: Proc TpVal( const S : Ansistr; var V : Extended; var Code : Int);
18651: end;
18653: Proc SIRegister_GR32_Containers(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18654: begin
18655: ConstantN('BUCKET_MASK','LongWord').SetUInt( $FF);
18656: ConstantN('BUCKET_COUNT','LongInt').SetInt( BUCKET_MASK + 1);
18657: Proc SmartAssign( Src, Dst : TPersistent; TypeKinds : TTypeKinds);
18658: Proc Advance( var Node : TLinkedNode; Steps : Int);
18659: end;
18661: Proc SIRegister_StSaturn(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18662: begin
18663: TStJupSatPos', 'record X: double; Y: Double; end;
18664: TStJupSats record Io:TStJupSatPos;Europa:TStJupSatPos;Ganymede:TStJupSatPos;Callisto:TStJupSatPos;end;
18665: Func ComputeSaturn( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18666: Func ComputePluto( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18667: Func ComputeVenus( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18668: Func ComputeMars( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18669: Func ComputeMercury( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18670: Func ComputeJupiter( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18671: Func ComputeUranus( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18672: Func ComputeNeptune( JD : Double) : TStEclipticalCord;
18673: Func GetJupSats(JD : TDateTime; HighPrecision, Shadows :Bool) : TStJupSats;;
18674: end;
18676: Proc SIRegister_JclParseUses(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18677: begin
18678: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EUsesListError;
18679: Func CreateGoal( Text : PChar) : TCustomGoal;
18680: end;
18682: Proc SIRegister_JvFinalize(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18683: begin
18684: //type
18685: //TFinalizeProc = procedure;
18686: TypeS('TFinalizeProc', 'procedure;
18687: Proc AddFinalizeProc( const UnitName :Str; FinalizeProc : TFinalizeProc);
18688: Func AddFinalizeObject( const UnitName :Str; Instance : TObject) : TObject;
18689: Func AddFinalizeObjectNil(const UnitName:str; var Reference: TObject):TObject;
18690: Func AddFinalizeFreeAndNil(const UnitName:str; var Reference: TObject) : TObject;
18691: Func AddFinalizeMemory( const UnitName :Str; Ptr : ___Pointer) : ___Pointer;
18692: Func AddFinalizeMemoryNil(const UnitName:Str;var Ptr: ___Pointer) : ___Pointer;
18693: Proc FinalizeUnit( const UnitName :Str);
18694: end;
18696: Proc SIRegister_BigIni(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18697: begin
18698: ConstantN('IniTextBufferSize','LongWord').SetUInt( $7000);
18699: cIniCount','String').SetString( 'Count;
18700: TEraseSectionCallback', 'Func ( const sectionName :Str; '
18701: const sl1, sl2 : TStringList) :Bool;
18702: SIRegister_TCommaSeparatedInfo(CL);
18703: SIRegister_TSectionList(CL);
18704: SIRegister_TBigIniFile(CL);
18705: SIRegister_TBiggerIniFile(CL);
18706: SIRegister_TAppIniFile(CL);
18707: SIRegister_TLibIniFile(CL);
18708: Func ModuleName( getLibraryName :Bool) :Str;
18709: end;
18711: Proc SIRegister_ShellCtrls(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18712: begin
18713: TypeS(TRoot', 'string;
18714: TypeS(TRootFolder', '( rfDesktop, rfMyComputer, rfNetwork, rfRecycleBi'
18715: +n, rfAppData, rfCommonDesktopDirectory, rfCommonPrograms, rfCommonStartMen'
18716: +u, rfCommonStartup, rfControlPanel, rfDesktopDirectory, rfFavorites, rfFon'
18717: +ts, rfInternet, rfPersonal, rfPrinters, rfPrintHood, rfPrograms, rfRecent,'
18718: + rfSendTo, rfStartMenu, rfStartup, rfTemplates );
18719: TShellFolderCapability', '( fcCanCopy, fcCanDelete, fcCanLink, f'
18720: +'cCanMove, fcCanRename, fcDropTarget, fcHasPropSheet );
18721: TShellFolderCapabilities', 'set of TShellFolderCapability;

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18722: TShellFolderProperty', '( fpCut, fpIsLink, fpReadOnly, fpShared,'

18723: + fpFileSystem, fpFileSystemAncestor, fpRemovable, fpValidate );
18724: TShellFolderProperties', 'set of TShellFolderProperty;
18725: TShellObjectType', '( otFolders, otNonFolders, otHidden );
18726: TShellObjectTypes', 'set of TShellObjectType;
18727: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EInvalidPath;
18728: SIRegister_IShellCommandVerb(CL);
18729: SIRegister_TShellFolder(CL);
18730: TNotifyFilter', '( nfFileNameChange, nfDirNameChange, nfAttribut'
18731: +eChange, nfSizeChange, nfWriteChange, nfSecurityChange );
18732: TNotifyFilters', 'set of TNotifyFilter;
18733: SIRegister_TShellChangeThread(CL);
18734: SIRegister_TCustomShellChangeNotifier(CL);
18735: SIRegister_TShellChangeNotifier(CL);
18736: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCustomShellComboBox;
18737: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCustomShellListView;
18738: TAddFolderEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; AFolder: TShel'
18739: +lFolder; var CanAdd :Bool);
18740: TGetImageIndexEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Index : Int'
18741: +'eger; var ImageIndex : Int);
18742: SIRegister_TCustomShellTreeView(CL);
18743: SIRegister_TShellTreeView(CL);
18744: SIRegister_TCustomShellComboBox(CL);
18745: SIRegister_TShellComboBox(CL);
18746: SIRegister_TCustomShellListView(CL);
18747: SIRegister_TShellListView(CL);
18748: Proc InvokeContextMenu(Owner : TWinControl; AFolder : TShellFolder; X, Y : Int);
18749: end;
18751: Proc SIRegister_fmath(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18752: begin
18753: TypeS('Float', 'Double; !
18754: 'FN_OK','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
18755: ConstantN('FN_DOMAIN','LongInt').SetInt( - 1);
18756: 'FN_SING','LongInt').SetInt( - 2);
18757: 'FN_OVERFLOW','LongInt').SetInt( - 3);
18758: 'FN_UNDERFLOW','LongInt').SetInt( - 4);
18759: 'FN_TLOSS','LongInt').SetInt( - 5);
18760: 'FN_PLOSS','LongInt').SetInt( - 6);
18761: //ConstantN('NFACT','LongInt').SetInt( 33);
18762: Func MathError : Int;
18763: Func FMin( X, Y : Float) : Float;
18764: Func FMax( X, Y : Float) : Float;
18765: Func IMin( X, Y : Int) : Int;
18766: Func IMax( X, Y : Int) : Int;
18767: Func FSgn( X : Float) : Int;
18768: Func Sgn0( X : Float) : Int;
18769: Func DSgn( A, B : Float) : Float;
18770: Proc FSwap( var X, Y : Float);
18771: Proc ISwap( var X, Y : Int);
18772: Func fExpo( X : Float) : Float;
18773: Func fExp2( X : Float) : Float;
18774: Func fExp10( X : Float) : Float;
18775: Func fLog( X : Float) : Float;
18776: Func fLog2( X : Float) : Float;
18777: Func fLog10( X : Float) : Float;
18778: Func fLogA( X, A : Float) : Float;
18779: Func fIntPower( X : Float; N : Int) : Float;
18780: Func fPower( X, Y : Float) : Float;
18781: Func Pythag( X, Y : Float) : Float;
18782: Func FixAngle( Theta : Float) : Float;
18783: Func fTan( X : Float) : Float;
18784: Func fArcSin( X : Float) : Float;
18785: Func fArcCos( X : Float) : Float;
18786: Func fArcTan2( Y, X : Float) : Float;
18787: Proc fSinCos( X : Float; var SinX, CosX : Float);
18788: Func fSinh( X : Float) : Float;
18789: Func fCosh( X : Float) : Float;
18790: Func fTanh( X : Float) : Float;
18791: Func fArcSinh( X : Float) : Float;
18792: Func fArcCosh( X : Float) : Float;
18793: Func fArcTanh( X : Float) : Float;
18794: Proc fSinhCosh( X : Float; var SinhX, CoshX : Float);
18795: Func fFact( N : Int) : Float;
18796: Func fBinomial( N, K : Int) : Float;
18797: Func fGamma( X : Float) : Float;
18798: Func fSgnGamma( X : Float) : Int;
18799: Func LnGamma( X : Float) : Float;
18800: Func fIGamma( A, X : Float) : Float;
18801: Func fJGamma( A, X : Float) : Float;
18802: Func fBeta( X, Y : Float) : Float;
18803: Func fIBeta( A, B, X : Float) : Float;
18804: Func fErf( X : Float) : Float;
18805: Func fErfc( X : Float) : Float;
18806: Func fPBinom(N: Int; P: Float; K : Int) : Float;
18807: Func FBinom(N: Int; P: Float; K : Int) : Float;
18808: Func PPoisson( Mu : Float; K : Int) : Float;
18809: Func FPoisson( Mu : Float; K : Int) : Float;
18810: Func fDNorm( X : Float) : Float;

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18811: Func FNorm( X : Float) : Float;

18812: Func PNorm( X : Float) : Float;
18813: Func InvNorm( P : Float) : Float;
18814: Func fDStudent( Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float;
18815: Func FStudent( Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float;
18816: Func PStudent( Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float;
18817: Func fDKhi2( Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float;
18818: Func FKhi2( Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float;
18819: Func PKhi2( Nu : Int; X : Float) : Float;
18820: Func fDSnedecor( Nu1, Nu2 : Int; X : Float) : Float;
18821: Func FSnedecor( Nu1, Nu2 : Int; X : Float) : Float;
18822: Func PSnedecor( Nu1, Nu2 : Int; X : Float) : Float;
18823: Func fDExpo( A, X : Float) : Float;
18824: Func FExpo( A, X : Float) : Float;
18825: Func fDBeta( A, B, X : Float) : Float;
18826: Func FBeta( A, B, X : Float) : Float;
18827: Func fDGamma( A, B, X : Float) : Float;
18828: Func FGamma( A, B, X : Float) : Float;
18829: Proc RMarIn( Seed1, Seed2 : Int);
18830: Func IRanMar : LongInt;
18831: Func RanMar : Float;
18832: Func RanGaussStd : Float;
18833: Func RanGauss( Mu, Sigma : Float) : Float;
18834: end;
18836: Proc SIRegister_fcomp(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18837: begin
18838: TypeS('ComplexForm', '( Rec, Pol );
18839: TypeS(TComplex', 'record Form:ComplexForm; X Float;Y: Float; R:Float; Theta:Float; end;
18840: Proc CSet( var Z : TComplex; A, B : Float; F : ComplexForm);
18841: Proc CConvert( var Z : TComplex; F : ComplexForm);
18842: Proc CSwap( var X, Y : TComplex);
18843: Func CReal( Z : TComplex) : Float;
18844: Func CImag( Z : TComplex) : Float;
18845: Func CAbs( Z : TComplex) : Float;
18846: Func CArg( Z : TComplex) : Float;
18847: Func CSgn( Z : TComplex) : Int;
18848: Proc CNeg( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18849: Proc CConj( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18850: Proc CAdd( A, B : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18851: Proc CSub( A, B : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18852: Proc CDiv( A, B : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18853: Proc CMult( A, B : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18854: Proc CLn( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18855: Proc CExp( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18856: Proc CPower( A, B : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18857: Proc CIntPower( A : TComplex; N : Int; var Z : TComplex);
18858: Proc CRealPower( A : TComplex; X : Float; var Z : TComplex);
18859: Proc CSqrt( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18860: Proc CRoot( A : TComplex; K, N : Int; var Z : TComplex);
18861: Proc CCSin( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18862: Proc CCos( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18863: Proc CTan( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18864: Proc CArcSin( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18865: Proc CArcCos( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18866: Proc CArcTan( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18867: Proc CSinh( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18868: Proc CCosh( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18869: Proc CTanh( A : TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18870: Proc CArcSinh(A: TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18871: Proc CArcCosh(A: TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18872: Proc CArcTanh(A: TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18873: Proc CLnGamma(A: TComplex; var Z : TComplex);
18874: end;
18876: XSDd:= DateTimeToXSDateTime(now,true)
18877: xsdd.nativetoxs;
18878: writeln(datetimetostr(xsdd.asUTCdatetime));
18879: xsdd.free;
18881: Proc SIRegister_XSBuiltIns(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18882: begin
18883: ConstantN('SHexMarker','String').SetString( '$;
18884: Func DateTimeToXMLTime( Value : TDateTime; ApplyLocalBias :Bool) : WideString;
18885: Func XMLTimeToDateTime(const XMLDateTime : WideString; AsUTCTime:Boolean): TDateTime;
18886: Func DateTimeToXSDateTime(const Value:TDateTime;ApplyLocalBias:Bool):TXSDateTime;
18887: Func GetDataFromFile( AFileName :Str) :Str;
18888: Func SoapFloatToStr( Value : double) :Str;
18889: Func SoapStrToFloat( Value :Str) : double;
18890: Proc InitXSTypes;
18891: end;
18893: Proc SIRegister_CompFileIo(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18894: begin
18895: SIRegister_TComponentStream(CL);
18896: TypeS('TComponentStream', 'TMemoryStream;
18897: TComponentFileFormat', '( cffText, cffBinary );
18898: TComponentArray', 'array of TComponent;
18899: TResourceNaming,rnClassNameTag,rnClassName,rnClassTag,rnNameTag,rnClass,rnName, rnTag );

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18900: Func VOID_COMP : ___Pointer;

18901: Func VOID_FORM : ___Pointer;
18902: Func CreateIoForm( AForm : TCustomForm; ClassType : TFormClass) : TCustomForm;
18903: Func GetComponentTree(Component:TComponent;pComponents:TComponentArray;bAddSelf:Bool):LongInt;
18904: Func pPosEx( SearchStr: PChar; Str : PChar; var Pos : LongInt) : PChar;
18905: Func pGetTextBetween(pBuff:PChar;bSearchCode:str;eSearchCode:str;Container:TStrings): LongInt;
18906: Func pComponentToString( Component : TComponent) :Str;
18907: //Func StringToComponent(Value:str; ComponentClass:TComponentClass): TComponent;
18908: Func StringToObjectBinaryStream(Value:str;BinStream:TMemoryStream;ResName:str):Bool;
18909: Func ObjectBinaryStreamToString(BinStream:TMemoryStream;var sResult:str;bResource:Bool):Bool
18910: Func ObjectTextToBinaryStream(StrStream,BinStream:TComponentStream;ObjCount:LongInt): LongInt;
18911: Func
18912: Func GetResHeaderInfo( Stream : TMemoryStream; sl : TStrings) :Bool;
18913: Func pGetResourceName(Component:TComponent;NamingMethod: TResourceNaming) :Str;
18914: Func GetFormResourceStream(Form:TCustomForm;ResName:str;var ResourceStream:TMemoryStream):Bool;
18915: Func WriteComponentsToFile(FormsAndComponents:array of
TComponent;FileName:str;Format:TComponentFileFormat; StoreComponentNames:Boolean):Boolean;
18916: Func ReadComponentsFromFile(FormsAndComponents:array of TComponent;FileName:str):Bool;
18917: //Func ReadComponentsFromFile1(FileName:str;pComponents: array of TPComponent;ComponentClasses:array of
18918: Func ReadComponentTreeFromFile(FormOrComponent:TComponent;FileName:Str):Boolean;
18919: Func
18920: Func
18921: Func ReadComponentFromFile4(FormOrComponent:TComponent; FileName :Str):Bool;;
18922: Func ReadFormFromFile(pInstance:TComponent;FormClass:TFormClass;FileName:str): Bool;
18923: Func ReadComponentResourceFile5( Instance : TObject; FileName :Str) :Bool;;
18924: Func WriteComponentResourceFile(nstance:TObj;FileName:str;StoreFormAsVisible:Bool):Bool;
18925: Func ReadComponentsResourceFile(Components:array of TComponent;FileName:str;NamingMethod:TResourceNaming;
18926: Func WriteComponentsResourceFile( Components : array of TComponent; FileName:Str; NamingMethod :
TResourceNaming) :Bool;
18927: Func ReadComponentResourceHeader(sHeaderInfo:TStrings; pSize : Int; FileName:Str; NamingMethod :
TResourceNaming) :Bool;
18928: Func ConvertComponentResourceToTextFile(SourceFileName:str;TargetFileName:str;bStoreResNames:Bool):Bool;
18929: Func CheckComponentInResourceFile(Component:TComponent;FileName:str;NamingMethod:TResourceNaming):Boolean;
18930: Func DeleteComponentFromResourceFile(ResourceName:str; FileName:str):Bool;;
18931: Func DeleteComponentFromResourceFile8(Component:TComponent;FileName
18932: //Func CreateFormFromResFile(AOwner:TComponent;NewClassType:TFormClass;FileName:str): Pointer;
18933: //Func CreateComponentFromResFile( AOwner : TComponent; NewClassType : TComponentClass; FileName :Str) :
18934: end;
18936: Proc SIRegister_SMScript(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18937: begin
18938: CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TSMScriptExecutor;
18939: SIRegister_TSMSEError(CL);
18940: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TSMSEModule;
18941: TypeS('TSMSEProcedureType', '( ptProcedure, ptFunc );
18942: SIRegister_TSMSEProcedure(CL);
18943: SIRegister_TSMSEProcedures(CL);
18944: SIRegister_TSMSEModule(CL);
18945: SIRegister_TSMSEModules(CL);
18946: TypeS('TSMScriptLanguage', ( slCustom, slVBScript, slJavaScript );
18947: SIRegister_TSMScriptExecutor(CL);
18948: //DelphiFunction('Proc Register;
18949: end;
18951: Proc SIRegister_geometry2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
18952: begin
18953: TPointF2', 'record X : Double; Y : Double; end;
18954: TPoint3', 'record X : Int; Y : Int; Z : Int; end;
18955: //TypeS('PPointF3', '^TPointF3 // will not work;
18956: TPointF3', 'record X : double; Y : double; Z : Double; end;
18957: Func AreLinesParallel( p1, p2, p3, p4 : TPoint) :Bool;;
18958: Func AreLinesParallel1( p1, p2, p3, p4 : TPointF2; e : Double) :Bool;;
18959: Func AreLinesParallel2( p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 : TPoint3) :Bool;;
18960: Func AreLinesParallel3( p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 : TPointF3; e : Double) :Bool;;
18961: Func IntersectLines( p1, p2, p3, p4 : TPoint) : TPoint;;
18962: Func IntersectLines1( p1, p2, p3, p4 : TPointF2; e : Double) : TPointF2;;
18963: Func AngleDifference( alpha, beta : Double) : Double;
18964: end;
18966: source of the new units: http://sourceforge.net/projects/maxbox/files/Docu/SourceV4/
18967: New Functions /Classes mX4:
18968: Func DownloadJPGToBitmap(const URL :Str; ABitmap: TBitmap):Bool;);
18969: Proc GetImageLinks(AURL:Str; AList: TStrings);;
18970: Proc SaveByteCode;;
18971: Proc ResetKeyPressed;;
18972: Proc SetKeyPressed;;
18974: RIRegister_HTTPProd_Routines(Exec);
18975: Func ContentFromScriptStream(AStream:TStream; AWebModuleContext : TWebModuleContext; AStripParamQuotes :
Bool; AHandleTag : THandleTagProc; AHandleScriptTag : THandledTagProc; const AScriptEngine :Str;
ALocateFileService : ILocateFileService) :Str;
18976: Func ContentFromScriptFile(const AFileName:TFileName; AWebModuleContext:TWebModuleContext;
AStripParamQuotes :Bool; AHandleTag:THandleTagProc;AHandleScriptTag:THandledTagProc; '+

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18977: const AScriptEngine:str; ALocateFileService:ILocateFileService) :Str;

18978: Func FindComponentWebModuleContext( AComponent : TComponent) : TWebModuleContext;
18979: Func GetTagID( const TagString :Str) : TTag;
18980: Func ContentFromStream(AStream:TStream;
18981: Func ContentFromString(const AValue:str;
18982: RIRegister_synacrypt_Routines(Exec);
18983: Func TestDes:Bool;
18984: {:Call internal test of all 3DES encryptions. Returns @true if all is OK.}
18985: Func Test3Des:Bool;
18986: {:Call internal test of all AES encryptions. Returns @true if all is OK.}
18987: Func TestAes:Bool;
18988: Proc LogMessage( const Fmt :Str; const Params : array of const);
18989: Func UnixPathToDosPath2( const Path :Str) :Str;
18990: Func DosPathToUnixPath2( const Path :Str) :Str;
18991: Proc InitISAPIApplicationList;
18992: Proc DoneISAPIAPplicationList;
18994: RIRegister_xmldom_Routines(Exec);
18995: Func IsPrefixed( const AName : DOMString) :Bool;
18996: Func IsPrefixedW( const AName : DOMStringW) :Bool;
18997: Func ExtractLocalName( const AName : DOMString) : DOMString;
18998: Func ExtractLocalNameW( const AName : DOMStringW) : DOMStringW;
18999: Func ExtractPrefixW( const AName : DOMStringW) : DOMStringW;
19000: Func MakeNodeNameW( const Prefix, LocalName : DOMStringW) : DOMStringW;
19001: Func ExtractPrefix( const AName : DOMString) : DOMString;
19002: Func MakeNodeName( const Prefix, LocalName : DOMString) : DOMString;
19003: Func SameNamespace(const Node:IDOMNode;const namespaceURI:WideString):Boolean;;
19004: Func SameNamespace2( const URI1, URI2 : WideString) :Bool;;
19005: Func NodeMatches(const Node:IDOMNode;const TagName,NamespaceURI:DOMString):Bool;;
19006: Func GetDOMNodeEx( const Node : IDOMNode) : IDOMNodeEx;
19007: Proc RegisterDOMVendor( const Vendor : TDOMVendor);
19008: Proc UnRegisterDOMVendor( const Vendor : TDOMVendor);
19009: Func GetDOMVendor( VendorDesc :Str) : TDOMVendor;
19010: Func GetDOM( const VendorDesc :Str) : IDOMImplementation;
19011: Proc DOMVendorNotSupported( const PropOrMethod, VendorName :Str);
19012: Func IsValidLocale( Locale : LCID; dwFlags : DWORD) : BOOL;
19013: Func ConvertDefaultLocale( Locale : LCID) : LCID;
19014: Func GetThreadLocale : LCID;
19015: Func SetThreadLocale( Locale : LCID) : BOOL;
19016: Func GetSystemDefaultLangID : LANGID;
19017: Func GetUserDefaultLangID : LANGID;
19018: Func GetSystemDefaultLCID : LCID;
19019: Func GetUserDefaultLCID : LCID;
19020: Func AbsInt( const B : Int) : Int;
19021: Func AbsFloat( const B : double) : extended;
19023: Proc ReconcileDeltas(const cdsArray:array of TClientDataset;vDeltaArray:OleVariant);
19024: Proc CDSApplyUpdates(ADatabase:TDatabase;var vDeltaArray:OleVariant;const
19025: Function(@CheckMemory, 'Proc CheckMemory;;
19026: Function(@GetMemoryInfo, 'Func getMemoryInfo;;
19027: Function(@GetMemoryInfo, 'Func getMemInf;;
19028: Proc RaiseLastWin32_2( const Text :Str);;
19030: RIRegister_Gameboard_Routines(Exec);
19031: Func Opponent( Player : TPlayer) : TPlayer;
19032: Proc InitZobritsNumbers( var ZobristNumbers, Count : Int);
19033: Proc SaveStringToStream( const Str :Str; Stream : TStream);
19034: Func LoadStringFromStream( Stream : TStream) :Str;
19035: Func WaitForSyncObject(SyncObject:THandle;Timeout:Card;BlockInput:Boolean):Card);
19036: Func ProcessMessage :Bool;
19037: Proc ProcessMessages( Timeout : DWORD); //without application!
19039: RIRegister_PersistSettings_Routines(Exec);
19040: Proc SetStorageHandler( AFunc : TStorageHandlerFunction);;
19041: Proc SetStorageHandler1( AMethod : TStorageHandlerMethod);;
19042: Func GetStorage : TPersistStorage;
19043: Proc SaveComponents( Root : TComponent; Storage : TPersistStorage);
19044: Proc LoadComponents( Root : TComponent; Storage : TPersistStorage);
19045: Proc AutoSave( Root : TComponent);
19046: Proc AutoLoad( Root : TComponent);
19048: Proc FloatToDecimalE(var Result:TFloatRec;const Value:extended;ValueType:TFloatValue;Precision,
19049: Func FloatToTextE(BufferArg:PChar; const Value:extended; ValueType: FloatValue;Format:TFloatFormat;
Precision, Digits: Int): Int;
19050: Proc FloatToDecimalE(var Result:TFloatRec;const Value:extended;ValueType:TFloatValue;Precision,
19051: Func FloatToTextE(BufferArg:PChar;const
19052: Func GetSystemDefaultLCID : LCID;
19053: Func GetUserDefaultLCID : LCID;
19054: Func CreateMutex2(lpMutexAttributes:TObject;bInitialOwner:BOOL;lpName:PChar) : THandle;
19055: Func CreateSemaphore2(lpSemaphoreAttributes:TObject;lInitialCount,
19056: Func GetUserNameAPI( lpBuffer : PChar; var nSize : DWORD) : BOOL;
19057: Createmutex2 fhand:= OpenFileHandle(exepath+'maxbox4.exe')

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19058: Func getMatchString(arex, atext:Str):Str;

19059: Func getLastInput: DWord;
19060: Proc GetKLList(List: TStrings);; //Keyboardlist2
19061: Proc EnableCTRLALTDEL(YesNo :Bool);
19062: Func LocalIP:Str;
19063: Func IPAddrToName(IPAddr:Str):Str;
19064: Func GetIPFromHost(const HostName:Str):Str;
19065: Func FindComputers(Computers : TStringList): DWORD;
19066: Func GetWin32TypeLibList(var Lines: TStringList):Bool;
19067: Func RecurseWin32(const R: TRegistry; const ThePath:Str;
19068: const TheKey:Str):Str;
19069: Func RunAsAdmin(hWnd: HWND; filename:Str; Parameters:Str):Bool;
19070: Ex.: RunAsAdmin2(hinstance,'cmd.exe',+
19071: 'Set OPENSSL_CONF='+OpenSSLPathF+'openssl.cfg');
19072: writeln(getDosOutput('openssl.exe version',OpenSSLPath));
19073: Proc SaveGraphicToStream(Graphic: TGraphic; Stream: TStream);
19074: Func LoadGraphicFromStream(Stream: TStream): TGraphic;
19075: Proc CopyStreamToFile(S: TStream; F: THandle);
19076: Func BigPow(aone, atwo: Int):Str;
19077: Proc GetPelsPerMeter(CONST Bitmap: TBitmap;VAR xPelsPerMeter,yPelsPerMeter: Int);
19078: Proc RainbowColor(CONST fraction: Double; VAR R,G,B: BYTE);
19079: RIRegister_JclPCRE_Routines(S: TPSExec);
19080: Proc InitializeLocaleSupport;
19081: Proc TerminateLocaleSupport;
19082: Func StrReplaceRegEx(const Subject, Pattern:Ansistr;Args:array of const):Ansistr;
19084: Proc SIRegister_VariantRtn(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19085: begin
19086: TProcReadElementValue','procedure(Value:Variant; IndexValue:Intarray; const HighBoundInd:Int; Var
19087: TProcWriteElementValue','procedure(OldValue:Variant;IndexValue:Intarray;Var NewValue:Variant; Var
19088: //TProcReadElementValue=procedure(Value:Variant;IndexValue:array of Int; const HighBoundInd:Int;Var
19089: //TProcWriteElementValue=procedure(OldValue:Variant;IndexValue:array of Int;Var NewValue:Variant;Var
Continue:bool); //
19090: Func SafeVarArrayCreate(const Bounds:array of Int;VarType, DimCount: Int): Variant;
19091: Func VarArrayGet2(constA:Variant;const Indice:array of Int;const HighBound:Int):Variant);
19092: Proc VarArrayPut2(var A:Variant;const Value:Variant;const Indices:array of Int;const HighBound:Int);
19093: Func CycleReadArray( vArray : Variant; CallBackProc : TProcReadElementValue) :Bool;
19094: Func CycleWriteArray(var vArray:Variant;CallBackProc: TProcWriteElementValue):Bool;
19095: Func CompareVarArray1( vArray1, vArray2 : Variant) :Bool;
19096: Func EasyCompareVarArray1(vArray1,vArray2:Variant;HighBound:Int):Bool;
19097: end;
19099: Proc SIRegister_StdFuncs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19100: begin
19101: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EParserError;
19102: //TypeS('TCharSet', 'set of Char;
19103: Func ConvertFromBase(sNum:Str; iBase: Int; cDigits:Str): Int;
19104: Func ConvertToBase( iNum, iBase : Int; cDigits :Str) :Str;
19105: Func EnsureSentenceTerminates( Sentence :Str; Terminator : Char) :Str;
19106: Func FindTokenStartingAt(st:Str;var i:Int;TokenChars:TCharSet;TokenCharsInToken:Bool):Str;
19107: Func GetDirectoryOfFile( FileName :Str) :Str;
19108: Func GetDirOfFile( FileName :Str) :Str;
19109: Func GetTempFile( FilePrefix :Str) :Str;
19110: Func Icon2Bitmap( Icon : HICON) : HBITMAP;
19111: Func Maxfib( n1, n2 : Int) : Int;
19112: Func MaxD( n1, n2 : Double) : Double;
19113: Func Minfib( n1, n2 : Int) : Int;
19114: Func MinD( n1, n2 : Double) : Double;
19115: Func RandomStringfib( iLength : Int) :Str;
19116: Func RandomIntfib( iLow, iHigh : Int) : Int;
19117: Func Soundexfib( st :Str) :Str;
19118: Func StripStringfib( st :Str; CharsToStrip :Str) :Str;
19119: Func ClosestWeekday( const d : TDateTime) : TDateTime;
19120: Func Yearfib( d : TDateTime) : Int;
19121: Func Monthfib( d : TDateTime) : Int;
19122: Func DayOfYearfib( d : TDateTime) : Int;
19123: Func DayOfMonth( d : TDateTime) : Int;
19124: Func VarCoalesce( V1, V2 : Variant) : Variant;
19125: Func VarEqual( V1, V2 : Variant) :Bool;
19126: Proc WeekOfYearfib( d : TDateTime; var Year, Week : Int);
19127: Func Degree10( Degree : Int) : double;
19128: Func CompToStr( Value : comp) :Str;
19129: Func StrToComp( const Value :Str) : comp;
19130: Func CompDiv( A, B : comp) : comp;
19131: Func CompMod( A, B : comp) : comp;
19132: // TypeS('PComp', '^Comp // will not work;
19133: end;
19135: Proc SIRegister_RegUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19136: begin
19137: Proc DefWriteToRegistry(const OtherKeys,ParamNams:array of string;const Values:array of Variant);
19138: Proc WriteToRegistry(aRootKey:HKEY;const OtherKeys,ParamNames:array of string;const Values:array of
19139: Func ReadFromRegistry(aRootKey:HKEY;const OtherKeys,ParamNames: array of string): Variant;
19140: Func DefReadFromRegistry( const OtherKeys, ParamNames : array of string) : Variant;
19141: Func AllSubKey( aRootKey : HKEY; const ForPath : array of string) : Variant;

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19142: Func DefAllSubKey( const ForPath : array of string) : Variant;

19143: Func SaveRegKey( const FileName :Str; const ForKey : array of string) :Bool;
19144: Func LoadRegKey( const FileName :Str; const ForKey : array of string) :Bool;
19145: Func AltSaveRegKey(const FileName:str;const ForKey: array of string) :Bool;
19146: Func AltLoadRegKey(const FileName:str;const ForKey: array of string) :Bool;
19147: Func GetKeyForParValue( const aRootKey, ParName, ParValue :Str) :Str;
19148: end;
19150: Func GetEulerPhi( n : int64) : int64;
19151: Func isprime(f: int64):Bool;;
19152: Func DispositionFrom(const SQLText:str):TPoint;
19153: Proc AllTables(const SQLText:str;FTables:Tstrings);
19154: Func TableByAlias(const SQLText,Alias:str):str;
19155: Func FullFieldName(const SQLText,FieldName:str):str;
19156: Func AddToWhereClause(const SQLText,NewClause:str):str;
19157: Func GetWhereClause(SQLText:str;N:Int;var StartPos,EndPos:Int ):str;
19158: Func WhereCount(SQLText:str):Int;
19159: Func GetOrderInfo(SQLText:str):variant;
19160: Func OrderStringTxt(SQLText:str; var StartPos,EndPos:Int ):str;
19161: Func PrepareConstraint(Src:Tstrings):str;
19162: Proc DeleteEmptyStr(Src:Tstrings);
19163: Func NormalizeSQLText(const SQL:Str;MacroChar:Char):Str;
19164: Func CountSelect(const SrcSQL:str):str;
19165: Func GetModifyTable(const SQLText:str;AlreadyNormal:boolean):str;
19166: Func GetCharFromVKey(vkey: Word):Str;
19167: Func Xls_To_StringGrid(AGrid: TStringGrid; AXLSFile:Str):Bool;
19168: Func IsObjectActive(ClassName:Str):Bool;
19169: Func GetActiveObject(ClassID:TGUID; anil:TObject; aUnknown:IUnknown):HRESULT;;
19170: Func RegisterOCX(FileName:Str):Bool;
19171: Func UnRegisterOCX(FileName:Str):Bool;
19172: Func RegisterServer2(const aDllFileName:Str; aRegister:Bool):Bool;
19173: Proc mIRCDDE(Service, Topic, Cmd:Str);
19174: //mIRCDDE('mIRC', 'COMMAND', '/say Hallo von SwissDelphiCenter.ch;
19175: Func OpenIE(aURL:Str):Bool;
19176: Func XRTLIsInMainThread:Bool;
19177: Func IsInMainThread:Bool;
19179: Proc SIRegister_SpectraLibrary(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19180: begin
19181: TypeS('Nanometers', 'Double;
19182: ConstantN('WavelengthMinimum','LongInt').SetInt( 380);
19183: ConstantN('WavelengthMaximum','LongInt').SetInt( 780);
19184: Proc WavelengthToRGB( const Wavelength : Nanometers; var R, G, B : BYTE);
19185: end;
19186: Proc SIRegister_DrawFigures(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19187: begin
19188: Proc DrawCube( const PantoGraph : TPantoGraph; const color : TColor);
19189: Proc DrawSphere(const PantoGraph:TPantoGraph;const LatitudeColor,LongitudeColor:TColor; const
19190: Proc DrawSurface( const PantoGraph : TPantoGraph);
19191: Proc DrawFootballField(const PantoGraph:TPantoGraph;const ColorField,ColorLetters,ColorGoals:TColor);
19192: end;
19193: Proc SIRegister_synadbg(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19194: begin
19195: SIRegister_TSynaDebug(CL);
19196: Proc AppendToLog( const value : Ansistr);
19197: end;
19199: Proc SIRegister_XmlRpcCommon(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19200: begin
19201: SIRegister_TRC4(CL);
19202: TypeS(TRPCDataType', '( rpNone, rpString, rpInt, rpBoolean, rpDoub'
19203: +le, rpDate, rpBase64, rpStruct, rpArray, rpName, rpError );
19204: Func GetTempDirRPC :Str;
19205: Func FileIsExpired( const FileName :Str; Elapsed : Int) :Bool;
19206: Func EncodeEntities( const Data :Str) :Str;
19207: Func DecodeEntities( const Data :Str) :Str;
19208: Func ReplaceRPC(const Data:str;const Find:str;const Replace:str):Str;
19209: Func InStr( Start : Int; const Data :Str; const Find :Str) : Int;
19210: Func Mid( const Data :Str; Start : Int) :Str;
19211: Func DateTimeToISO( ConvertDate : TDateTime) :Str;
19212: Func IsoToDateTime( const ISOStringDate :Str) : TDateTime;
19213: Func ParseStringRPC(const SearchString:str; Delimiter:Char; Substrings: TStrings; const
AllowEmptyStrings:Bool; ClearBeforeParse:Boolean):Int;
19214: Func ParseStream(
SearchStream:TStream;Delimiter:Char;ubstrings:TStrings;AllowEmptyStrings:Bool;ClearBeforeParse:Bool): Int;
19215: Func FixEmptyString( const Value :Str) :Str;
19216: Func URLEncodeRPC( const Value :Str) :Str;
19217: Func StreamToStringRPC( Stream : TStream) :Str;
19218: Proc StringToStream( const Text :Str; Stream : TStream);
19219: Func StreamToVariant( Stream : TStream) : OleVariant;
19220: Proc VariantToStream( V : OleVariant; Stream : TStream);
19221: Func Hash128AsHex( const Hash128Value : T4x4LongWordRecord) :Str;
19222: ConstantN(ValidURLChars','String').SetString('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789$-_@.&+-!''*"(),;/#?:;
19223: end;
19225: Proc SIRegister_synafpc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19226: begin
19227: Func LoadLibraryfpc( ModuleName : PChar) : TLibHandle;

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19228: Func FreeLibraryfpc( Module : TLibHandle) : LongBool;

19229: Func GetProcAddressfpc( Module : TLibHandle; Proc : PChar) : Pointer;
19230: Func GetModuleFileNamefpc(Module:TLibHandle;Buffer:PChar; BufLen:Int):Int;
19231: TypeS('TLibHandle', 'Int;
19232: TypeS('TLibHandle2', 'HModule;
19233: TypeS(LongWordfpc', DWord;
19234: Proc Sleepfpc( milliseconds :Card);
19235: end;
19237: Proc SIRegister_Spring_Utilsmx(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19238: begin
19239: TypeS('TOSPlatformType', '( ptUnknown, ptWin3x, ptWin9x, ptWinNT );
19240: SIRegister_TOperatingSystem(CL);
19241: SIRegister_TEnvironmentClass(CL);
19242: TypeS('Environment', 'TEnvironment;
19243: Func ApplicationPath :Str;
19244: Func ApplicationVersion : TVersion;
19245: Func ApplicationVersionString :Str;
19246: Func GetLastErrorMessage :Str;
19247: Func CreateCallback( obj : TObject; methodAddress : Pointer) : TCallbackFunc;
19248: Func ConvertFileTimeToDateTime(const fileTime:TFileTime;useLocalTimeZone:Bool):TDateTime;;
19249: Func ConvertDateTimeToFileTime(const datetime:TDateTime;useLocalTimeZone:Bool):TFileTime;
19250: {Proc Synchronize( threadProc : TThreadProcedure);
19251: Proc Queue( threadProc : TThreadProcedure); }
19252: Func TryGetPropInfo(instanc:TObject;const propertyName:str;out propInfo:PPropInfo):Bool;
19253: Func IsCtrlPressed :Bool;
19254: Func IsShiftPressed :Bool;
19255: Func IsAltPressed :Bool;
19256: Proc CheckFileExists( const fileName :Str);
19257: Proc CheckDirectoryExists( const directory :Str);
19258: ConstantN('COneKB','Int64').SetInt64( 1024);
19259: COneMB',Int64').SetInt64( 1048576);
19260: COneGB',Int64').SetInt64( 1073741824);
19261: COneTB',Int64').SetInt64( 1099511627776);
19262: Func TryConvertStrToDateTime(const s,format:str;out value:TDateTime):Boolean;;
19263: Func ConvertStrToDateTime(const s, format:Str): TDateTime;;
19264: end;
19266: Proc SIRegister_rxOle2Auto(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19267: begin
19268: ConstantN('MaxDispArgs','LongInt').SetInt( 64);
19269: ConstantN('MaxDispArgs','LongInt').SetInt( 32);
19270: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EPropReadOnly;
19271: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EPropWriteOnly;
19272: SIRegister_TOleController(CL);
19273: Proc InitOLE2;
19274: Proc DoneOLE;
19275: Func OleInitialized :Bool;
19276: Func MakeLangID( PrimaryLangID, SubLangID : Word) : Word;
19277: Func MakeLCID( LangID : Word) : TLCID;
19278: Func CreateLCID( PrimaryLangID, SubLangID : Word) : TLCID;
19279: Func ExtractLangID( LCID : TLCID) : Word;
19280: Func ExtractSubLangID( LCID : TLCID) : Word;
19281: Func CLSIDFromProgID(pszProgID: widestring; out clsid: TGUID): Longint'); //stdcall;
19282: Func ProgIDFromCLSID(const clsid: TGUID; out pszProgID: widestring): Longint'); //stdcall;
19283: Func StringFromCLSID(const clsid: TGUID; out psz: widestring): longint'); //stdcall;
19284: //{$EXTERNALSYM CLSIDFromString}
19285: Func CLSIDFromString(psz: widestring; out clsid: TGUID): longint'); //stdcall;
19286: Func StringFromGUID2(const guid: TGUID;psz: widestring;cbMax:Integer):Integer');//stdcall;
19287: Func ProgIDExists(const ProgID:WideString):Boolean');
19288: Proc CoUninitialize');
19289: Proc OleUninitialize');
19290: end;
19292: Proc SIRegister_ulogifit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19293: begin
19294: Proc LogiFit(X,Y:TVector;Lb,
19295: Proc WLogiFit(X,Y,S:TVector;Lb,Ub:Int;ConsTerm Bool General:Bool;MaxIter
19296: Func LogiFit_Func( X : Float; B : TVector) : Float;
19297: end;
19299: Proc FormattedTextOut(TargetCanvas: TCanvas; const Rect : TRect; const Text :Str; Selected :Bool; Columns
: TProposalColumns; Images : TImageList);
19300: Func FormattedTextWidth(TargetCanvas:TCanvas;const
19301: Func PrettyTextToFormattedString(const APrettyText:Str; AlternateBoldStyle:Boolean):str;
19303: Proc SIRegister_ulinfit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19304: begin
19305: Proc LinFit( X, Y : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; B : TVector; V : TMatrix);
19306: Proc WLinFit( X, Y, S : TVector; Lb, Ub : Int; B : TVector; V : TMatrix);
19307: Proc SVDLinFit(X,Y:TVector; Lb, Ub:Int; SVDTol : Float; B: TVector; V : TMatrix);
19308: Proc WSVDLinFit(X,Y,S: TVector; Lb,Ub:Int;SVDTol: Float; B: TVector; V : TMatrix);
19309: Proc SVDFit(X:TMatrix;Y:TVector;Lb,Ub Nvar:Int;ConsTerm:Bool; SVDTol: Float;B: TVector; V: TMatrix);
19310: Proc WSVDFit(X: TMatrix;Y,S:TVector;Lb Ub,Nvar:Int;ConsTerm:Boolean;SVDTol:Float; B: TVector;V : TMatrix);
19311: end;

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19313: Proc SIRegister_MaxUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

19314: begin
19315: TypeS('MaxCharSet', 'set of Char;
19316: Func GetMachineNamemax :Str;
19317: Func GetModuleNamemax( HModule : THandle) :Str;
19318: Func TrimChars( const S :Str; Chars : MaxCharSet) :Str;
19319: Func TickCountToDateTime( Ticks :Card) : TDateTime;
19320: Proc OutputDebugStringmax( const S :Str);
19321: Proc OutputDebugFormat( const FmtStr :Str; Args : array of const);
19322: Func IsAppRunningInDelphi :Bool;
19323: Proc ParseFields(Separators,WhiteSpace:TSysCharSet;Content:PChar;Strigs:TStrings;Decode: Bool;
19324: Func HTTPDecodemax( const AStr :Str) :Str;
19325: Func HTTPEncodemax( const AStr :Str) :Str;
19326: Func FormatDate( const DateString :Str) :Str;
19327: Func FormatListMasterDate(const DateStr,FormatDefStr:str; Len:Int):str;
19328: Func InvertCase( const S :Str) :Str;
19329: Func CommentLinesWithSlashes( const S :Str) :Str;
19330: Func UncommentLinesWithSlashes( const S :Str) :Str;
19331: Func StripChars( const S :Str; Strip : CharSet) :Str;
19332: Func TrimChars( const S :Str; Chars : CharSet) :Str;
19333: Func TrimLeftChars( const S :Str; Chars : CharSet) :Str;
19334: Func TrimRightChars( const S :Str; Chars : CharSet) :Str;
19335: Func ContainsChars( const S :Str; Strip : CharSet) :Bool;
19336: Func DequotedStrmax( const S :Str; AQuoteChar : Char) :Str;
19337: Proc LeftPadStr( var S :Str; toLength : Int; withChar : Char);
19338: Proc RightPadStr( var S :Str; toLength : Int; withChar : Char);
19339: Func RemoveChars( S :Str; Chars : CharSet) :Str;
19340: Func FilterChars( S :Str; Chars : CharSet) :Str;
19341: Func RemoveNonNumericChars( S :Str) :Str;
19342: Func RemoveNonAlphanumChars( S :Str) :Str;
19343: Func RemoveNonAlphaChars( S :Str) :Str;
19344: Func HasAlphaChars( S :Str) :Bool;
19345: Func ReplaceChars( S :Str; Chars : CharSet; ReplaceWith : Char) :Str;
19346: Func DomainOfEMail( const EMailAddress :Str) :Str;
19347: Func IPToHexIP( const IP :Str) :Str;
19348: Proc CmdLineToStrings( S : Ansistr; const List : TStrings);
19349: BASE2','String').SetString( '01;
19350: ConstantN('BASE10','String').SetString(0123456789;
19351: ConstantN('BASE16','String').SetString(0123456789ABCDEF;
19352: ConstantN('BASE36','String').SetString(0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ;
19353: ConstantN('BASE62','String').SetString(0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz;
19354: Func BaseConvert( Number, FromDigits, ToDigits :Str) :Str;
19355: Func ValidXmlName( AName : PChar; ASize : Int) :Bool;;
19356: Func ValidXmlName1( const AName :Str) :Bool;;
19357: Func EncodeXmlAttrValue( const AStr : Ansistr) : Ansistr;;
19358: Proc EncodeXmlAttrValue3(ABuff:PChar;ABuffSize:Int;var AStr:AnsiStr;var ALen,AOffset:Int);
19359: Proc EncodeXmlAttrValue4(const ASource:Str;var ADest:str;var ALen,AOffset:Int);
19360: Func EncodeXmlString5( const AStr :Str) :Str;;
19361: Proc EncodeXmlString6(ABuff:PChar;ABuffSize:Int;var AStr:Ansistr;var ALen,AOffset:Int;
19362: Proc EncodeXmlComment(const ASource:Ansistr;var ADest:Ansistr;var ALen,AOffset:Int);
19363: Func HasEncoding( const AStr : Ansistr) :Bool;
19364: Func DecodeXmlAttrValue( const AStr :Str) :Str;
19365: Proc ReallocateString(var AString:Ansistr; var ALen : Int; AReqLen : Int);
19366: Proc AttrFillXMLString(AnAttr:IAttribute;var aString:Ansistr;var aOffset,aLen : Int);
19367: Proc FillXMLString(ANode:INode;var AStr:Str;var AOffset,ALen:Int;ASiblig:INode;ALevel:Int)
19368: Func NodeToXML( ANode : INode) :Str;
19369: Proc XMLSaveToFile( ANode : INode; const AFileName :Str);
19370: Func XMLLoadFromFile( const AFileName :Str) : INode;
19371: Func Hashmax( const ASource : Ansistr) :Card;
19372: ConstantN('GXMLIndentSpaces','Int').SetInt( 2);
19373: //ConstantN('GXMLMultiLineAttributes','Boolean')BoolToStr( True);
19374: GXMLMultiLineAttributeThreshold','Int').SetInt( 7);
19375: end;
19377: Proc SIRegister_MaxDOMDictionary(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19378: begin
19379: SIRegister_IDictionary(CL);
19380: SIRegister_TDictionary(CL);
19381: Func HashFast( const AKey :Str) :Card;
19382: Func HashCarlos( const AKey :Str) :Card;
19383: Func BorlandHashOf( const AKey :Str) :Card;
19384: Func HashSumOfChars( const AKey :Str) :Card;
19385: end;
19387: Proc SIRegister_MaxDOM(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19388: begin
19389: TypeS('TNodeType', '( ntElement, ntText, ntCDATA, ntComment );
19390: Interface(CL.FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),INode, 'INode;
19391: Interface(CL.FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),IAttribute, 'IAttribute;
19392: Interface(CL.FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),IAttributeCollection, 'IAttributeCollection;
19393: Interface(CL.FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),INodeCollection, 'INodeCollection;
19394: SIRegister_INode(CL);
19395: SIRegister_IAttribute(CL);
19396: SIRegister_IAttributeCollection(CL);
19397: SIRegister_INodeCollection(CL);
19398: Func NodeCreate( const ANodeName :Str; ANodeType : TNodeType) : INode;
19399: SIRegister_TAttribute(CL);
19400: TypeS(TNodes', 'array of INode;
19401: TypeS(TAttributes2', 'array of IAttribute;

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19402: TypeS(THashedAttributes', 'record Attributes : TAttributes2; AttrCount '

19403: +': Int; AttrCapacity : Int; end;
19404: TypeS(TAttrHashTable', 'array of THashedAttributes;
19405: SIRegister_TNode(CL);
19406: //TypeS('TNodeClass', 'class of TNode;
19407: //TypeS('TAttributeClass', 'class of TAttribute;
19408: Func PointerToStr( P : ___Pointer) :Str;
19409: Func StrToPointer( const S :Str) : ___Pointer;
19410: Func INodeToStr( ANode : INode) :Str;
19411: Func StrToINode( const S :Str) : INode;
19412: Func CompareByNodeName( N1, N2 : INode) : Int;
19413: Func CompareByNameAttr( N1, N2 : INode) : Int;
19414: end;
19416: Proc SIRegister_cASN1(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19417: begin
19418: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EASN1;
19419: 'ASN1_ID_END_OF_CONTENT','LongWord').SetUInt( $00);
19420: ConstantN('ASN1_ID_BOOLEAN','LongWord').SetUInt( $01);
19421: 'ASN1_ID_Int','LongWord').SetUInt( $02);
19422: 'ASN1_ID_BIT_STRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $03);
19423: 'ASN1_ID_OCTET_STRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $04);
19424: 'ASN1_ID_NULL','LongWord').SetUInt( $05);
19425: 'ASN1_ID_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER','LongWord').SetUInt( $06);
19426: 'ASN1_ID_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR','LongWord').SetUInt( $07);
19427: 'ASN1_ID_EXTERNAL','LongWord').SetUInt( $08);
19428: 'ASN1_ID_REAL','LongWord').SetUInt( $09);
19429: 'ASN1_ID_ENUMERATED','LongWord').SetUInt( $0A);
19430: 'ASN1_ID_EMBEDDED_PDV','LongWord').SetUInt( $0B);
19431: 'ASN1_ID_UTF8STRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $0C);
19432: 'ASN1_ID_RELATIVE_OID','LongWord').SetUInt( $0D);
19433: 'ASN1_ID_NUMERICSTRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $12);
19434: 'ASN1_ID_PRINTABLESTRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $13);
19435: 'ASN1_ID_T61STRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $14);
19436: 'ASN1_ID_VIDEOTEXSTRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $15);
19437: 'ASN1_ID_IA5STRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $16);
19438: 'ASN1_ID_UTCTIME','LongWord').SetUInt( $17);
19439: 'ASN1_ID_GENERALIZEDTIME','LongWord').SetUInt( $18);
19440: 'ASN1_ID_GRAPHICSTRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $19);
19441: 'ASN1_ID_VISIBLESTRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $1A);
19442: 'ASN1_ID_GENERALSTRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $1B);
19443: 'ASN1_ID_UNIVERSALSTRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $1C);
19444: 'ASN1_ID_CHARACTERSTRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $1D);
19445: 'ASN1_ID_BMPSTRING','LongWord').SetUInt( $1E);
19446: 'ASN1_ID_SEQUENCE','LongWord').SetUInt( $30);
19447: 'ASN1_ID_SET','LongWord').SetUInt( $31);
19448: 'ASN1_ID_CONSTRUCTED','LongWord').SetUInt( $20);
19449: 'ASN1_ID_APPLICATION','LongWord').SetUInt( $40);
19450: 'ASN1_ID_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC','LongWord').SetUInt( $80);
19451: 'ASN1_ID_PRIVATE','LongWord').SetUInt( $C0);
19452: TASN1ObjectIdentifier', 'array of Int;
19453: TASN1ParseProc', 'procedure(const TypeID:Byte; const DataBuf:Str; const DataSize: Int; const ObjectIdx:
Int; const CallerData: Int);;
19454: {TASN1ParseProc =
19455: Proc (const TypeID: Byte; const DataBuf; const DataSize: Int;
19456: const ObjectIdx: Int; const CallerData: Int); }
19458: Proc ASN1OIDInit( var A : TASN1ObjectIdentifier; const B : array of Int);
19459: Func ASN1OIDToStr( const A : TASN1ObjectIdentifier) : Ansistr;
19460: Func ASN1OIDEqual(const A:TASN1ObjectIdentifier; const B : array of Int) :Bool;
19461: Func ASN1EncodeLength( const Len : Int) : Ansistr;
19462: Func ASN1EncodeObj( const TypeID : Byte; const Data : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
19463: Func ANS1EncodeEndOfContent : Ansistr;
19464: Func ASN1EncodeNull : Ansistr;
19465: Func ASN1EncodeBoolean( const A :Bool) : Ansistr;
19466: Func ASN1EncodeDataInt8( const A : ShortInt) : Ansistr;
19467: Func ASN1EncodeDataInt16( const A : SmallInt) : Ansistr;
19468: Func ASN1EncodeDataInt24( const A : LongInt) : Ansistr;
19469: Func ASN1EncodeDataInt32( const A : LongInt) : Ansistr;
19470: Func ASN1EncodeDataInt64( const A : Int64) : Ansistr;
19471: Func ASN1EncodeInt8( const A : ShortInt) : Ansistr;
19472: Func ASN1EncodeInt16( const A : SmallInt) : Ansistr;
19473: Func ASN1EncodeInt24( const A : LongInt) : Ansistr;
19474: Func ASN1EncodeInt32( const A : LongInt) : Ansistr;
19475: Func ASN1EncodeInt64( const A : Int64) : Ansistr;
19476: Func ASN1EncodeIntBuf( const A :Str; const Size : Int) : Ansistr;
19477: Func ASN1EncodeIntBufStr( const A : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
19478: Func ASN1EncodeEnumerated( const A : Int64) : Ansistr;
19479: Func ASN1EncodeBitString(const A: Ansistr; const UnusedBits : Byte): Ansistr;
19480: Func ASN1EncodeOctetString( const A : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
19481: Func ASN1EncodeInt32AsOctetString( const A : LongInt) : Ansistr;
19482: Func ASN1EncodeUTF8String( const A : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
19483: Func ASN1EncodeIA5String( const A : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
19484: Func ASN1EncodeVisibleString( const A : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
19485: Func ASN1EncodeNumericString( const A : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
19486: Func ASN1EncodePrintableString( const A : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
19487: Func ASN1EncodeTeletexString( const A : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
19488: Func ASN1EncodeUniversalString( const A : WideString) : Ansistr;
19489: Func ASN1EncodeBMPString( const A : WideString) : Ansistr;

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19490: Func ASN1EncodeUTCTime( const A : TDateTime) : Ansistr;

19491: Func ASN1EncodeGeneralizedTime( const A : TDateTime) : Ansistr;
19492: Func ASN1EncodeOID( const OID : array of Int) : Ansistr;
19493: Func ASN1EncodeSequence( const A : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
19494: Func ASN1EncodeSet( const A : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
19495: Func ASN1EncodeContextSpecific( const I : Int; const A : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
19496: Func ASN1DecodeLength(const Buf:Str;const Size:Int;var Len:Int) : Int;
19497: Func ASN1DecodeObjHeader(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var TypeID:Byte;var Len:Int;var Data:str):Int;
19498: Func ASN1TypeIsConstructedType( const TypeID : Byte) :Bool;
19499: Func ASN1TypeIsContextSpecific( const TypeID : Byte; var Idx : Int) :Bool;
19500: Func ASN1DecodeDataBoolean(const Buf:str;const Size:Int; var A:Boolean) : Int;
19501: Func ASN1DecodeDataInt32(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:LongInt): Int;
19502: Func ASN1DecodeDataInt64(const Buf:str; const Size:Int; var A:Int64): Int;
19503: Func ASN1DecodeDataIntBuf(const Buf:str; const Size:Int;var A: Ansistr): Int;
19504: Func ASN1DecodeDataBitString(const Buf:str; const Size:Int;var A:Ansistr;var UnusedBits:Byte): Int;
19505: Func ASN1DecodeDataRawAnsistr(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:Ansistr):Int;
19506: Func ASN1DecodeDataOctetString(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:Ansistr):Int;
19507: Func ASN1DecodeDataIA5String(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:Ansistr): Int;
19508: Func ASN1DecodeDataVisibleString(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:Ansistr):Int;
19509: Func ASN1DecodeDataNumericString(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:Ansistr):Int;
19510: Func ASN1DecodeDataPrintableString(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:Ansistr):Int;
19511: Func ASN1DecodeDataTeletexString(const Buf:str;const Size:Int; var A:Ansistr):Int;
19512: Func ASN1DecodeDataUTF8String(const Buf:str; const Size:Int;var A:Ansistr):Int;
19513: Func ASN1DecodeDataUniversalString(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:Ansistr):Int;
19514: Func ASN1DecodeDataBMPString(const Buf:Str; const Size:Int; var A: Ansistr):Int;
19515: Func ASN1DecodeDataOID(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TASN1ObjectIdentifier):Int;
19516: Func ASN1DecodeDataUTCTime(const Buf:str; const Size:Int;var A TDateTime): Int;
19517: Func ASN1DecodeDataGeneralizedTime(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TDateTime):Int;
19518: Func ASN1Parse(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;const ParseProc:TASN1ParseProc;const CallerData:Int):Int;
19519: Func ASN1DecodeBoolean(const TypeID:Byte;const DataBuf:str;const DataSize:Int;var A:Bool):Int;
19520: Func ASN1DecodeInt32( const TypeID:Byte;const DataBuf:str;const DataSize: Int; var A : LongInt): Int;
19521: Func ASN1DecodeInt64(const TypeID:Byte;const DatBuf:str;const DataSize:Int;var A:Int64):Int;
19522: Func ASN1DecodeIntBuf(const TypeID:Byte;const DataBuf:Str; const DataSize: Int;var A : Ansistr):Int;
19523: Func ASN1DecodeBitString(const TypeID:Byte;const DataBuf:str; const DataSize:Int;var A:Ansistr;var
19524: Func ASN1DecodeString(const TypeID:Byte;const DataBuf:str;const DataSize:Int;var A:Ansistr):Int;
19525: Func ASN1DecodeOID(const TypeID:Byte;const DataBuf:str;const DataSize:Int;var
19526: Func ASN1DecodeTime const TypeID:Byte;const DataBuf:str; const DataSize:Int;var A:TDateTime): Int;
19527: Proc SelfTestASN1;
19528: end;
19530: Proc SIRegister_cX509Certificate(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19531: begin
19532: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EX509;
19533: TypeS(TX509AttributeType', 'TASN1ObjectIdentifier;
19534: TypeS(TX509AttributeValue', 'Ansistr;
19535: TypeS(TX509AttributeTypeAndValue', 'record AType : TX509AttributeType;'
19536: +' Value : TX509AttributeValue; _Decoded :Bool; end;
19537: //TypeS('PX509AttributeTypeAndValue', '^TX509AttributeTypeAndValue // wil not work;
19538: Proc InitX509AttributeTypeAndValue(var A : TX509AttributeTypeAndValue; const AType : TX509AttributeType;
const Value : TX509AttributeValue);
19539: Proc InitX509AtName( var A : TX509AttributeTypeAndValue; const B : Ansistr);
19540: Proc InitX509AtSurname( var A : TX509AttributeTypeAndValue; const B : Ansistr);
19541: Proc InitX509AtGivenName( var A : TX509AttributeTypeAndValue; const B : Ansistr);
19542: Proc InitX509AtInitials( var A : TX509AttributeTypeAndValue; const B : Ansistr);
19543: Proc InitX509AtGenerationQuailifier(var A:TX509AttributeTypeAndValue; const B:Ansistr);
19544: Proc InitX509AtCommonName(var A: TX509AttributeTypeAndValue; const B : Ansistr);
19545: Proc InitX509AtLocailityName(var A:TX509AttributeTypeAndValue;const B: Ansistr);
19546: Proc InitX509AtStateOrProvince(var A:TX509AttributeTypeAndValue;const B:Ansistr);
19547: Proc InitX509AtOriganizationName(var A: TX509AttributeTypeAndValue; const B:Ansistr);
19548: Proc InitX509AtOriganizationUnitName(var A:TX509AttributeTypeAndValue;const B:Ansistr);
19549: Proc InitX509AtTitle( var A : TX509AttributeTypeAndValue; const B : Ansistr);
19550: Proc InitX509AtDnQualifier(var A: TX509AttributeTypeAndValue; const B: Ansistr);
19551: Proc InitX509AtCountryName(var A :TX509AttributeTypeAndValue; const B : Ansistr);
19552: Proc InitX509AtEmailAddress(var A: TX509AttributeTypeAndValue; const B: Ansistr);
19553: Func EncodeX509AttributeTypeAndValue(const A:TX509AttributeTypeAndValue):Ansistr;
19554: Func DecodeX509AttributeTypeAndValue(const TypeID Byte;const Buf:str; const Size:Int;var
A:TX509AttributeTypeAndValue): Int;
19555: TypeS('TX509RelativeDistinguishedName', 'array of TX509AttributeTypeAndValue;
19556: // TypeS('PX509RelativeDistinguishedName','^TX509RelativeDistinguishedName //will not work;
19557: Proc AppendX509RelativeDistinguishedName( var A : TX509RelativeDistinguishedName; const V :
19558: Func EncodeX509RelativeDistinguishedName(const A:TX509RelativeDistinguishedName):AnsiStr;
19559: Func DecodeX509RelativeDistinguishedName(const TypeID:Byte; const Buf:Str; const Size:Int;var
A:TX509RelativeDistinguishedName): Int;
19560: TypeS('TX509RDNSequence', 'array of TX509RelativeDistinguishedName;
19561: //TypeS('PX509RDNSequence', '^TX509RDNSequence // will not work;
19562: TypeS('TX509Name', 'TX509RDNSequence;
19563: Proc AppendX509RDNSequence(var A:TX509RDNSequence;const B:TX509RelativeDistinguishedName);
19564: Func EncodeX509RDNSequence( const A : TX509RDNSequence) : Ansistr;
19565: Func DecodeX509RDNSequence(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509RDNSequence):Int;
19566: Func EncodeX509Name( const A : TX509Name) : Ansistr;
19567: Func DecodeX509Name(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509Name):Int;
19568: 'CurrentX509Version','string').SetString(' X509v3;
19569: type
19570: TX509Version = (
19571: X509v1 = 0,
19572: X509v2 = 1,

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19573: X509v3 = 2,
19574: X509vUndefined = $FF // implementation defined value );
19575: TX509Version', '(X509v1, X509v2,X509v3, X509vUndefined);
19577: type
19578: TX509GeneralNameType = (
19579: gnOtherName = 0,
19580: gnRFC822Name = 1,
19581: gnDNSName = 2,
19582: gnX400Address = 3,
19583: gnDirectoryName = 4,
19584: gnEDIPartyName = 5,
19585: gnUniformResourceIdentifier = 6,
19586: gnIPAddress = 7,
19587: gnRegisteredID = 8);
19588: TypeS(TX509GeneralNameType',(gnOtherName,gnRFC822Name,gnDNSName,gnX400Address,gnDirectoryName,
19590: Proc InitX509Version( var A : TX509Version);
19591: Func EncodeX509Version( const A : TX509Version) : Ansistr;
19592: Func DecodeX509Version(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A: TX509Version):Int;
19593: TypeS(TX509Time', TDateTime;
19594: Func EncodeX509Time( const A : TX509Time) : Ansistr;
19595: Func DecodeX509Time(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509Time):Int;
19596: TX509Validity','record NotBefore:TX509Time; NotAfter:TX509Time; _Decoded:Bool; end;
19597: // TypeS('PX509Validity', '^TX509Validity // will not work;
19598: Func EncodeX509Validity( const A : TX509Validity) : Ansistr;
19599: Func DecodeX509Validity(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:Str; const Size:Int; var A: TX509Validity): Int;
19600: TypeS('TX509DHValidationParms','record Seed: Ansistr; PgenCounter : Int; end;
19601: //TypeS('PX509DHValidationParms', '^TX509DHValidationParms // will not work;
19602: TypeS('TX509DHDomainParameters', record P : Ansistr; G : Ansistr'
19603: +; Q : Ansistr; J : Ansistr; ValidationParms : TX509DHValidationParms; end;
19604: // TypeS('PX509DHDomainParameters', '^TX509DHDomainParameters // will not work;
19605: Func EncodeX509DHValidationParms( const A : TX509DHValidationParms) : Ansistr;
19606: Func DecodeX509DHValidationParms(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var
A:TX509DHValidationParms): Int;
19607: Func EncodeX509DHDomainParameters( const A: TX509DHDomainParameters) : Ansistr;
19608: Func DecodeX509DHDomainParameters(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var
19609: TypeS('TX509DSSParms', 'record P : Ansistr; Q : Ansistr; G : Ansistr; end;
19610: //TypeS('PX509DSSParms', '^TX509DSSParms // will not work;
19611: Func EncodeX509DSSParms( const A : TX509DSSParms) : Ansistr;
19612: Func DecodeX509DSSParms(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509DSSParms):Int;
19613: TypeS('TX509DSSSigValue', 'record R : Ansistr; S : Ansistr; end;
19614: //TypeS('PX509DSSSigValue', '^TX509DSSSigValue // will not work;
19615: Func EncodeX509DSSSigValue( const A : TX509DSSSigValue) : Ansistr;
19616: Func DecodeX509DSSSigValue(const TypeID:Byte; const Buf:Str; const Size:Int; var A:TX509DSSSigValue):Int;
19617: TypeS(TX509AlgorithmIdentifier','record Algorithm : TASN1ObjectIdenti'
19618: +fier; Parameters : Ansistr; _Decoded :Bool; end;
19619: //TypeS('PX509AlgorithmIdentifier', '^TX509AlgorithmIdentifier // will not work;
19620: Proc InitX509AlgorithmIdentifier(var A:TX509AlgorithmIdentifier; const Algorithm : array of Int; const
Parameters : Ansistr);
19621: Proc InitX509AlgorithmIdentifierDSA_SHA1(var A:TX509AlgorithmIdentifier;const Params:AnsiStr;
19622: Func EncodeX509AlgorithmIdentifier( const A : TX509AlgorithmIdentifier) : Ansistr;
19623: Func DecodeX509AlgorithmIdentifier(const TypeID:Byte; const Buf:str; const Size:Int; var
A:TX509AlgorithmIdentifier): Int;
19624: TypeS(TX509RSAPublicKey','record Modulus:Ansistr;PublicExponent:Ansistr; end;
19625: //TypeS('PX509RSAPublicKey', '^TX509RSAPublicKey // will not work;
19626: Func EncodeX509RSAPublicKey( const A : TX509RSAPublicKey) : Ansistr;
19627: Func DecodeX509RSAPublicKey(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509RSAPublicKey): Int;
19628: Func ParseX509RSAPublicKey(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509RSAPublicKey):Int);
19629: TypeS('TX509DHPublicKey', 'Ansistr;
19630: Func EncodeX509DHPublicKey( const A : TX509DHPublicKey) : Ansistr;
19631: TypeS(TX509DSAPublicKey', 'Ansistr;
19632: Func EncodeX509DSAPublicKey( const A : TX509DSAPublicKey) : Ansistr;
19633: TypeS(TX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo', 'record Algorithm : TX509AlgorithmId'
19634: +entifier; SubjectPublicKey : Ansistr; _Decoded :Bool; end;
19635: //TypeS('PX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo', '^TX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo // will not work;
19636: Proc InitX509SubjectPublicKeyInfoDSA(var A:TX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo;const B:TX509DSSParms;const
PublicKey: Ansistr);
19637: Func EncodeX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo( const A: TX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo) : Ansistr;
19638: Func DecodeX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A
TX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo): Int;
19639: Func ParseX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509SubjectPublicKeyInfo):Int;
19640: Func EncodeX509GeneralName(const A:TX509GeneralNameType;const EncodedName:Ansistr):Ansistr;
19641: Func DecodeX509GeneralName(const TypeID:Byte; const Buf:str; const Size:Int;var
A:TX509GeneralNameType;var B Ansistr): Int;
19642: TX509GeneralNames','array of record NameType:TX509GeneralNameType; Name : Ansistr; end;
19643: //TypeS('PX509GeneralNames', '^TX509GeneralNames // will not work;
19644: Func EncodeX509GeneralNames( const A : TX509GeneralNames) : Ansistr;
19645: Func DecodeX509GeneralNames(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str; const Size:Int; var A:TX509GeneralNames):Int;
19646: TX509BasicConstraints,record CA:Bool;PathLenConstraint:Ansistr;_DecodedCA:Boolean;end
19647: //TypeS('PX509BasicConstraints', '^TX509BasicConstraints // will not work;
19648: Func EncodeX509BasicConstraints( const A : TX509BasicConstraints) : Ansistr;
19649: Func DecodeX509BasicConstraints(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var
A:TX509BasicConstraints): Int;
19650: TypeS(TX509AuthorityKeyIdentifier', 'record KeyIdentifier : Ansistr'
19651: +; AuthorityCertIssuer : TX509GeneralNames; AuthorityCertSerialNumber : Int64; end;
19652: //TypeS('PX509AuthorityKeyIdentifier','^TX509AuthorityKeyIdentifier //will not work;

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19653: Func EncodeX509AuthorityKeyIdentifier(const A:TX509AuthorityKeyIdentifier): Ansistr;

19654: TypeS(TX509SubjectKeyIdentifier', 'Ansistr;
19655: TypeS('TX509KeyUsage', 'Ansistr;
19656: TypeS(TX509Extension', 'record ExtnID : TASN1ObjectIdentifier; Critica'
19657: +l :Bool; ExtnValue: Ansistr;_DecodedCritical:Bool; _Decoded :Bool; end;
19658: //TypeS('PX509Extension', '^TX509Extension // will not work;
19659: Proc InitX509ExtAuthorityKeyIdentifier(var A: TX509Extension; const B TX509AuthorityKeyIdentifier);
19660: Proc InitX509ExtSubjectKeyIdentifier(var A:TX509Extension; const B:TX509SubjectKeyIdentifier);
19661: Proc InitX509ExtBascConstraints(var A:TX509Extension;const B:TX509BasicConstraints);
19662: Func EncodeX509Extension( const A : TX509Extension) : Ansistr;
19663: Func DecodeX509Extension(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509Extension):Int;
19664: TypeS('TX509Extensions', 'array of TX509Extension;
19665: //TypeS('PX509Extensions', '^TX509Extensions // will not work;
19666: Proc AppendX509Extensions( var A : TX509Extensions; const B : TX509Extension);
19667: Func EncodeX509Extensions( const A : TX509Extensions) : Ansistr;
19668: Func DecodeX509Extensions( const TypeID: Byte; const Buf:Str;const Size: Int;var A: TX509Extensions):Int;
19669: Func NormaliseX509IntKeyBuf( var KeyBuf : Ansistr) : Int;
19670: TypeS(TX509TBSCertificate', 'record Version : TX509Version; SerialNumb'
19671: +er : Ansistr; Signature : TX509AlgorithmIdentifier; Issuer : TX509Name;'
19672: + Validity : TX509Validity; Subject : TX509Name; SubjectPublicKeyInfo : TX5'
19673: +09SubjectPublicKeyInfo; IssuerUniqueID : Ansistr; SubjectUniqueID : Ans'
19674: +iString; Extensions: TX509Extensions;_DecodedVersion :Bool; _Decoded:Bool; end;
19675: // TypeS('PX509TBSCertificate', '^TX509TBSCertificate // will not work;
19676: Func EncodeX509TBSCertificate( const A : TX509TBSCertificate) : Ansistr;
19677: Func DecodeX509TBSCertificate(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var
19678: TypeS('TX509Certificate', record TBSCertificate : TX509TBSCertificate;'
19679: + SignatureAlgorithm: TX509AlgorithmIdentifier;SignatureValue:Ansistr; _Decoded:Bool;end;
19680: // TypeS('PX509Certificate', '^TX509Certificate // will not work;
19681: TypeS('TX509CertificateArray', 'array of TX509Certificate;
19682: Proc InitX509Certificate( var A : TX509Certificate);
19683: Func EncodeX509Certificate( const A : TX509Certificate) : Ansistr;
19684: Func DecodeX509Certificate(const TypeID:Byte; const Buf:Str;const Size: Int; var A:TX509Certificate):Int;
19685: Func ParseX509Certificate(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509Certificate):Int;
19686: Proc ParseX509CertificateStr( const BufStr : Ansistr; var A : TX509Certificate);
19687: Proc ParseX509CertificatePEM( const BufStr : Ansistr; var A : TX509Certificate);
19688: TypeS('TX509RSAPrivateKey', record Version : Int; Modulus : AnsiSt'
19689: +ring; PublicExponent : Ansistr; PrivateExponent : Ansistr; Prime1 : '
19690: +Ansistr; Prime2 Ansistr;Exponent1:Ansistr;Exponent2:Ansistr;CRTCoefficient:Ansistr; _Decoded:Bool; end;
19691: // TypeS('PX509RSAPrivateKey', '^TX509RSAPrivateKey // will not work;
19692: Func EncodeX509RSAPrivateKey( const A : TX509RSAPrivateKey) : Ansistr;
19693: Func DecodeX509RSAPrivateKey(const TypeID:Byte;const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509RSAPrivateKey):Int;
19694: Func ParseX509RSAPrivateKey(const Buf:str;const Size:Int;var A:TX509RSAPrivateKey):Int;
19695: Proc ParseX509RSAPrivateKeyStr(const BufStr: Ansistr;var A: TX509RSAPrivateKey);
19696: Proc ParseX509RSAPrivateKeyPEM(const BufStr: Ansistr;var A: TX509RSAPrivateKey);
19697: Proc SelfTestX509;
19698: end;
19700: Proc SIRegister_FileStreamW(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19701: begin
19702: SIRegister_TFileStreamW(CL);
19703: {TFormFadeSettings = record
19704: Form: TForm;
19705: Step: ShortInt;
19706: DisableBlendOnFinish:Bool;
19707: Callback: TNotifyEvent;
19708: MinAlpha, MaxAlpha: Byte;
19709: end;}
19710: TFormFadeSettings','record Form:TForm;Step:ShortInt;DisableBlendOnFinish:Bool;Callback:TNotifyEvent;
19711: ConstantN('fmForcePath','LongWord').SetUInt( $80000000);
19712: Func LoadUnicodeFromStream( S : TStream; AsIsAnsi :Bool) : WideString;
19713: Func GetClipboardText: WideString;;
19714: Proc CopyToClipboard(Str: WideString);;
19715: Func CurrentWinUser: WideString;;
19716: Func GetTempPathW: WideString;;
19717: Func GetTempFileNameW: WideString;;
19718: Func GetDesktopFolderW: WideString;;
19719: Func IsWritable(const FileName: WideString):Bool;;
19720: Func SysErrorMessageW(ErrorCode: Int): WideString;;
19721: Func FormatExceptionInfo: WideString;;
19722: Proc ShowExceptionW(Message: WideString);;
19723: Proc ChangeWindowStyle(const Form: HWND; Style: DWord; AddIt:Bool);;
19724: Func SetNtfsCompressionW(const FileName: WideString; Level: Word):Bool;;
19725: Func WriteWS(const Stream: TStream; const Str: WideString): Word;;
19726: Proc FormFadeIn(Form: TForm; Step: ShortInt);;
19727: Proc FormFadeOut(Form: TForm; Step: ShortInt);;
19728: Proc FormFadeOutAndWait(Form: TForm; Step: ShortInt);;
19729: Func BrowseForFolderw(const Caption,DefaultPath:WideStr;const OwnerWindow:HWND):WideStr;
19730: Proc FormFade(const Settings: TFormFadeSettings);;
19731: Func HashOfString(const Str: WideString): DWord;
19732: Func ComparePoints(const First, Second: TPoint): ShortInt;
19733: end;
19735: Proc SIRegister_InetUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19736: begin
19737: TypeS(TNetUtilsSettings', 'record UserAgent :Str; ProxyURL : Strin'
19738: +g; OpenURLFlags: DWord; TrafficCounter:Dword;UploadedCounter:DWord;ReadBufferSize:DWord;end;
19739: TRawCharset', 'set of Char;

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19740: TInetHeaders', 'array of String;

19741: SIRegister_EInet(CL);
19742: TInetDownloadCallback', 'Func ( Downloaded, TotalSize : DWord) :Bool;
19743: Func InetDownloadTo(const DestFile:WideString;const URL:str;Callback:TInetDownloadCallback):Bool;
19744: Func InetDownloadTo1(const DestFile:WideString;const URL:Str;const Settings:
19745: Func InetDownload(const URL:str;Dest:TStream;Callback:TInetDownloadCallback):Bool;
19746: Func InetDownload3(const URL:Str; Dest:TStream; const Settings:TNetUtilsSettings;Callback :
TInetDownloadCallback) :Bool;;
19747: Func InetBufferedReadFrom(Handle:HInternet;Dest:TStream;const
19748: Func InetBufferedReadFrom5( Handle : HInternet; const Settings : TNetUtilsSettings; Callback :
TInetDownloadCallback) :Str;;
19749: Func IsResponseStatusOK( Handle : HInternet) :Bool;
19750: TMultipartItem', 'record Headers : TInetHeaders; Data : TStream; end;
19751: { TMaskMatchInfo = record
19752: Matched:Bool;
19753: StrPos: Word;
19754: MatchLength: Word;
19755: end;}
19756: TMaskMatchInfo', 'record Matched:Bool; StrPos: Word; MatchLength: Word; end;
19757: TMultipartItems', 'array of TMultipartItem;
19758: TUploadFile','record Name:str; SourceFileName : WideString; Data : TStream; end;
19759: TUploadFiles', 'array of TUploadFile;
19760: Func FindBoundaryFor( const Items : TMultipartItems) :Str;
19761: Func RandomBoundary :Str;
19762: Func GenerateMultipartFormFrom(const Items:TMultipartItems;out ExtraHeadrs:TInetHeaders):Str
19763: Func InetUploadTo( const ToURL:Str;const Headers:TInetHeaders;const Items: TMultipartItems; const
Settings:TNetUtilsSettings) :Str;;
19764: Func InetUploadTo7(const ToURL:Str;const Items:TMultipartItems;const Settings:TNetUtilsSettings):str;
19765: Func InetUploadTo8(const ToURL:Str; const Items: TMultipartItems) :Str;;
19766: Func InetUploadStreamsTo(const ToURL:str;const Settings:TNetUtilsSettings;Streams:TUploadFiles):str;
19767: Func InetUploadStreamsTo10(const ToURL:str;const Streams:TUploadFiles):str;
19768: Func InetUploadFileTo(const ToURL:str;const Settings:TNetUtilsSettings;const ItemName:str;const
19769: Func InetUploadFileTo12(const ToURL:Str;const ItemName:Str;const FilePath:WideStr):str;
19770: Func InetUploadFilesTo(const ToURL:str;const Settings:TNetUtilsSettings;const Files:array of const):str;
19771: Func InetUploadFilesTo14(const ToURL:Str;const Files: array of const):str;
19772: Func AppendQueryTo(const URL:Str; const Arguments: array of const):str;
19773: Func HasQueryPart( const URL :Str) :Bool;
19774: Func BuildQueryFrom( const Arguments : array of const) :Str;
19775: Func BuildURLW(Protocol,Host:Str;Port:Word;Path,Script:Str;const Arguments:array of const):Str
19776: Func CustomEncode(const Str: WideString; const RawChars:TRawCharset):Str;
19777: Func EncodeURI( const Str : WideString) :Str;
19778: Func EncodeURIComponent( const Str : WideString) :Str;
19779: Proc InetGetLastError( out ErrorCode : DWord; out ErrorMessage :Str);
19780: Func InetGetLastErrorCode : DWord;
19781: Func InetGetLastErrorMsg :Str;
19782: Func AbsoluteURLFrom( URL, BaseURL, BasePath :Str) :Str;
19783: Proc SplitURL( const URL :Str; out Domain, Path :Str);
19784: Func DomainOf( const URL :Str) :Str;
19785: Func PathFromURL( const URL :Str) :Str;
19786: Func InetHeaders( const NameValues : array of const) : TInetHeaders;
19787: Func NoInetHeaders : TInetHeaders;
19788: Func JoinHeaders( const Headers : TInetHeaders) :Str;
19789: ConstantN('InetHeaderEOLN','String').SetString( #13#10);
19790: Proc SetDefaultNetUtilsSettings;
19791: Func TotalDownTrafficThroughNetUtils : DWord;
19792: TDBDraw', 'record DisplayDC : HDC; MemDC : HDC; MemBitmap : HBIT'
19793: +'MAP; OldBitmap : HBITMAP; OldFont : HFONT; OldPen : HPEN; end;
19794: TPieceFormatData', 'record Position : TMaskMatchInfo; Color : TColor; end;
19795: TFormatData', 'array of TPieceFormatData;
19796: TDrawFormattedTextSettings', 'record Text : WideString; FormatDa'
19797: +'ta : TFormatData; Canvas : TCanvas; WrapText :Bool; DestPos : TPoint; '
19798: +'MaxWidth : Word; CharSpacing : Word; end;
19799: TWrapTextSettings', 'record DC : HDC; Str : WideString; Delimite'
19800: +r :WideString; MaxWidth:Word; LeftMargin:Word; CharSpacing:Word;LastChar: TSize; end;
19801: Func TextSize( const DC : HDC; const Str : WideString) : TSize;
19802: Func TextWidthW2( const DC : HDC; const Str : WideString) : Int;
19803: Func TextHeightW2( const DC : HDC; const Str : WideString) : Int;
19804: Func GetLineHeightOf( const Font : HFONT) : Word;
19805: Func TextWidthEx(const DC:HDC;const Str:WideString; const CharSpacing:Word): Int;
19806: Func TextHeightEx(const DC:HDC;const Str:WideString; const CharSpacing:Word): Int;
19807: Func TextSizeEx(const DC:HDC;const Str:WideString;const CharSpacing:Word):TSize;
19808: Func TextWithBreaksSize( Settings : TWrapTextSettings) : TSize;;
19809: Func DoubleBufferedDraw(const DisplaySurface:HDC;const BufferSize:TPoint):TDBDraw;
19810: Func DoubleBufferedDraw17(const Canvas:TCanvas; const BufferSize:TPoint):TDBDraw;
19811: Func DoubleBufferedDraw2(const Canvas:TCanvas; const BufferSize:TPoint):TDBDraw;
19812: Proc DrawFormattedText( const Settings : TDrawFormattedTextSettings);
19813: Func GetLastCharPos(const DC:HDC;const Str:WideString;const MaxWidth:Word;const ChrSpacing:Word):TSize;
19814: Func WrapNonMonospacedText(const DC:HDC;const Str:WideString;const Delimiter:WideString; const
MaxWidth:Word;const CharSpacing:Word):WideString;;
19815: Func WrapNonMonospacedText2( var Settings : TWrapTextSettings) : WideString;;
19816: end;
19818: Proc SIRegister_StrConv(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19819: begin
19820: TypeS('TCodepage', 'DWord;
19821: ConstantN('CP_INVALID','LongInt').SetInt( TCodepage ( - 1 ));

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19822: 'CP_ASIS','LongInt').SetInt( TCodepage ( - 2 ));

19823: 'CP_ANSI','longint').SetInt(0);
19824: 'CP_OEM','longint').SetInt(1);
19825: 'CP_SHIFTJIS','LongInt').SetInt( 932);
19826: 'CP_LATIN1','LongInt').SetInt( 1250);
19827: 'CP_UNICODE','LongInt').SetInt( 1200);
19828: 'CP_UTF8','LongInt').SetInt( 65001);
19829: Func MinStrConvBufSize( SrcCodepage : TCodepage; Str :Str) : Int;;
19830: Func MinStrConvBufSize1( DestCodepage : TCodepage; Wide : WideString) : Int;;
19831: Func ToWideString(SrcCodepage: TCodepage; Str :Str; BufSize: Int) : WideString;
19832: Func FromWideString(DestCodepage:TCodepage;Str:WideString;BufSize:Int;Fail:Boolean):str;
19833: Func CharsetToID( Str :Str) : TCodepage;
19834: Func IdToCharset( ID : TCodepage; GetDescription :Bool) :Str;
19835: Func CompareStrW(const S1, S2: WideString; Flags: DWord = 0): Int;
19836: Func CompareTextW(const S1, S2: WideString): Int;
19837: Func MaskMatch(const Str, Mask: WideString):Bool;
19838: { Info can have special values in some cases:
19839: * Matched = True but MatchLength = 0(and StrPos having random value) - means that Mask consisted of only
"*" and
19840: thus no particular substring could specified (since it could match anypart ofthe string). }
19841: Func MaskMatchInfo(const Str,Mask:WideString;StartingPos:Word = 1):TMaskMatchInfo;
19842: //Strutils ------------------------
19843: Func TryStrToIntStrict(const S:Str; out Value:Int; Min:Int):Boolean;
19844: Func TryStrToFloatStrict(const S:str; out Value:Single;const FormatSettings:TFormatSettings):Bool;
19845: Func TryStrToFloatStrict1(const S:str;out Value:Double;const FormatSettings: TFormatSettings):Bool;
19846: Func DetectEolnStyleIn( const Str : WideString) : WideString;
19847: Func DetectEolnStyleInANSI( Stream : TStream) : WideString;
19848: Func PascalQuote( const Str : WideString) : WideString;
19849: Func StrRepeatW( const Str : WideString; Times : Int) : WideString;
19850: Func EscapeString(const Str: WideString; CharsToEscape:WideString): WideString;
19851: Func UnescapeString(const Str: WideString; CharsToEscape: WideString):WideString;
19852: Func BinToHexW( const Buf :Str; Delim :Str) :Str;
19853: Func HexToBinW( Text :Str) :Str;
19854: Func SoftHexToBin( Text :Str) :Str;
19855: Func FormatVersion( Version : Word) : WideString;
19856: Func FormatDateW( Date : DWord) : WideString;
19857: Func FormatNumber( Number : DWord) : WideString;
19858: Func GenericFormat(Number:Single;const Language:TGenericFormatLanguage):WideString;
19859: Func FormatInterval( Millisecs : DWord) : WideString;
19860: Func FormatSize( Bytes : DWord) : WideString;
19861: Func PosLast( const Substr, Str :Str; Start : Word) : Int;
19862: Func PosLastW( const Substr, Str : WideString; Start : Word) : Int;
19863: Func IsDelimiterW(const Delimiters,S: WideString; Index: Int):Bool;
19864: Func RemoveNonWordChars(const Str: WideString;DoNotRemove:WideString):WideString;
19865: Func IsQuoteChar( const aChr : Char) :Bool;
19866: Func WrapTextW(const Str:WideStr;const Delimiter:WideStr;const MaxWidth:Word):WideStr;
19867: Func PadText(const Str:WideStr;const NewLine,PadStr:WideStr;const MaxWidth:Word):WideStr;
19868: Func PadTextWithVariableLineLength(const Str:WideString;const NewLine,PadStr:WideString;const
LineLengths:array of Int):WideString;
19869: Func StrPadW(const Str:WideString; ToLength:Int; PadChar: WideChar) : WideString;
19870: Func StrPadLeftW(const Str:WideString;ToLength:Int;PadChar: WideChar): WideString;
19871: //Func StrRepeat( const Str : WideString; Times : Int) : WideString;
19872: Func StrReverseW( const Str : WideString) : WideString;
19873: Func CountSubstr( const Substr, Str : WideString) : Int;
19874: Proc DeleteArrayItem( var A : TWideStringArray; Index : Int);
19875: Func TrimStringArray( WSArray : TWideStringArray) : TWideStringArray;
19876: Func TrimWS( Str : WideString; const Chars : WideString) : WideString;
19877: Func TrimLeftWS( Str : WideString; const Chars : WideString) : WideString;
19878: //Func TrimRightWS( Str : WideString; const Chars : WideString) : WideString;
19879: Func ConsistsOfChars( const Str, Chars : WideString) :Bool;
19880: Func UpperCaseW( const Str : WideString) : WideString;
19881: Func LowerCaseW( const Str : WideString) : WideString;
19882: Func UpperCaseFirst( const Str : WideString) : WideString;
19883: Func LowerCaseFirst( const Str : WideString) : WideString;
19884: Func StripAccelChars( const Str : WideString) : WideString;
19885: end;
19887: Proc SIRegister_REXX(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19888: begin
19889: TypeS(TState', '( TrimLeader, StartToken, EndToken );
19890: TStrIndex', 'LongInt;
19891: TTokIndex', 'WORD;
19892: TStrIndexB', 'BYTE;
19893: TTokIndexB', 'BYTE;
19894: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EConversionError;
19895: Func Abbrev(const information, info:Str; const nMatch: TStrIndex):BOOLEAN;
19896: Func AllSame( const s :Str; const c : CHAR) :Bool;
19897: Func Capitalize( const s :Str) :Str;
19898: Func Center( const s :Str; const sLength : TStrIndex) :Str;
19899: Func Left( const s :Str; const sLength : TStrIndex) :Str;
19900: Func Right( const s :Str; const sLength : TStrIndex) :Str;
19901: Func Copies( const s :Str; const n : TStrIndex) :Str;
19902: Func CountChar( const s :Str; const c : CHAR) : TStrIndex;
19903: Func DeleteStringrexx( const substring :Str; const s :Str) :Str;
19904: Func Overlay( const ovly, target :Str; const n : TStrIndex) :Str;
19905: Func Plural(const n: LongInt; const singularform, pluralform :Str) :Str;
19906: Func Reverse( const s :Str) :Str;
19907: Func Spacerexx( const s :Str; const n : TStrIndex) :Str;
19908: Func Striprexx( const s :Str; const option :Str) :Str;

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19909: Func TestString( const sLength : TStrIndex) :Str;

19910: Func Translate( const s, OutTable, InTable :Str) :Str;
19911: Func XRange( const start, stop : BYTE) :Str;
19912: Func B2X(const b: BYTE) :Str;
19913: Func C2D(const s:Str) : DOUBLE;
19914: Func C2I(const s:Str) : Int;
19915: Func C2L(const s:Str) : LONGINT;
19916: Func C2W(const s:Str) : WORD;
19917: Func C2X(const s:Str) :Str;
19918: Func I2C(const i: Int) :Str;
19919: Func I2X(const i: Int) :Str;
19920: Func L2C(const i: LONGINT) :Str;
19921: Func L2X(const i: LONGINT) :Str;
19922: Func D2C(const x: DOUBLE; const d : BYTE):Str;
19923: Func W2C(const w: WORD) :Str;
19924: Func W2X(const w: WORD) :Str;
19925: Func X2W(const s:Str) : WORD;
19926: Func JulianDate( const DateTime : TDateTime) : LongInt;
19927: Func TimeDifference( const StartTime, StopTime : TDateTime) : DOUBLE;
19928: Func Pwr( const x, y : DOUBLE) : DOUBLE;
19929: end;
19931: Proc SIRegister_StringGridLibrary(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19932: begin
19933: Proc ReadGridFile( var StringGrid : TStringGrid; GridFile :Str);
19934: Proc WriteGridFile( var StringGrid : TStringGrid; GridFile :Str);
19935: Proc AddBlankRowToTop( var StringGrid : TStringGrid);
19936: Proc DeleteSelectedRow( var StringGrid : TStringGrid);
19937: Func StringGridSearch(const StringGrid:TStringGrid;const column:Int;const target:STR):Int;
19938: Func XLeft( rect : TRect; canvas : TCanvas; s :Str) : Int;
19939: Func XCenter( rect : TRect; canvas : TCanvas; s :Str) : Int;
19940: Func XRight( rect : TRect; canvas : TCanvas; s :Str) : Int;
19941: Func YCenter( rect : TRect; canvas : TCanvas; s :Str) : Int;
19942: end;
19944: Proc SIRegister_InetUtils2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
19945: begin
19946: Proc AdjustArray(var DWArray:array of DWord;const Delta:Int;MinValueToAdjust:DWord);
19947: Func GetDroppedFileNames( const DropID : Int) : TWideStringArray;
19948: Func AreBytesEqual( const First, Second : array of Byte) :Bool;;
19949: Func AreBytesEqual1( const First, Second, Length : DWord) :Bool;;
19950: Func MaskForBytes( const NumberOfBytes : Byte) : DWord;
19951: Func IntToBinByte( Int : Byte) :Str;;
19952: Func IntToBinWord( Int : Word) :Str;;
19953: Func IntToBinDWord( Int : DWord; Digits : Byte; SpaceEach : Byte) :Str;;
19954: Func WriteWS( const Stream : TStream; const Str : WideString) : Word;
19955: Proc WriteArray( const Stream : TStream; const WSArray : array of WideString);;
19956: Proc WriteArray6( const Stream : TStream; const DWArray : array of DWord);;
19957: Func ReadWS( const Stream : TStream) : WideString;;
19958: Func ReadWS8( const Stream : TStream; out Len : Word) : WideString;;
19959: Proc ReadArray( const Stream : TStream; var WSArray : array of WideString);;
19960: Proc ReadArray10( const Stream : TStream; var DWArray : array of DWord);;
19961: Func ParamStrW( Index : Int) : WideString;
19962: Func ParamStrFrom( CmdLine : WideString; Index : Int) : WideString;
19963: Func ParamStrEx( CmdLine : WideString; Index : Int; out Pos : Int) : WideString;
19964: Proc FindMask( Mask : WideString; Result : TStringsW);
19965: Proc FindAll( BasePath, Mask : WideString; Result : TStringsW);
19966: Proc FindAllRelative( BasePath, Mask : WideString; Result : TStringsW);
19967: Func IsInvalidPathChar( const Char : WideChar) :Bool;
19968: Func MakeValidFileNameW(const Str:WideString;const SubstitutionChar:WideChar):WideString;
19969: Func ExtractFilePathW( FileName : WideString) : WideString;
19970: Func ExtractFileNameW( Path : WideString) : WideString;
19971: Func ExpandFileNameW( FileName : WideString) : WideString;;
19972: Func ExpandFileName12( FileName, BasePath : WideString) : WideString;;
19973: Func CurrentDirectory : WideString;
19974: Func ChDirW( const ToPath : WideString) :Bool;
19975: Func ExtractFileExtW( FileName : WideString) : WideString;
19976: Func ChangeFileExtW2( FileName, Extension : WideString) : WideString;
19977: Func IncludeTrailingBackslashW( Path : WideString) : WideString;
19978: Func ExcludeTrailingBackslashW( Path : WideString) : WideString;
19979: Func IncludeTrailingPathDelimiterW( Path : WideString) : WideString;
19980: Func ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiterW( Path : WideString) : WideString;
19981: Func IncludeLeadingPathDelimiter( Path : WideString) : WideString;
19982: Func ExcludeLeadingPathDelimiter( Path : WideString) : WideString;
19983: Func FileInfo( Path : WideString) : TWin32FindData;
19984: Func IsDirectoryW( Path : WideString) :Bool;
19985: Func FileAgeW( const FileName : WideString) : Int;
19986: Func FileExistsW( Path : WideString) :Bool;
19987: Func FileSizeW( Path : WideString) : DWord;
19988: Func FileSize64( Path : WideString) : Int64;
19989: Func DeleteFileW( Path : WideString) :Bool;
19990: Func CopyDirectoryW( Source, Destination : WideString) :Bool;
19991: Func RemoveDirectoryW( Path : WideString) :Bool;
19992: Func ForceDirectoriesW( Path : WideString) :Bool;
19993: Func MkDirW( Path : WideString) :Bool;
19994: Func GetEnvironmentVariableW( Name : WideString) : WideString;
19995: Func ResolveEnvVars(Path:WideString; Callback:TEnvVarResolver;Unescape:Boolean):WideString;
19996: Func ResolveEnvVars14( Path : WideString; Unescape :Bool) : WideString;;
19997: Func ReadRegValue( Root : DWord; const Path, Key : WideString) : WideString;

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19998: Func FadeSettings(Form:TForm;Step:ShortInt;Callback:TNotifyEvent):TFormFadeSettings;

19999: Func FadeSettings17(Form:TForm;MinAlpha,MaxAlpha:Byte;Step:ShortInt):TFormFadeSettings
20000: Func GetSpecialFolderID( const Path :Str) : Int;
20001: Func GetSpecialFolderPath2( FolderID : Int) :Str;
20002: end;
20004: Proc SIRegister_KFunctions(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20005: begin
20006: SHFolderDll','String').SetString( 'SHFolder.dll;
20007: ConstantN('KM_BASE','LongInt').SetInt( LM_USER + 1024);
20008: ConstantN('KM_LATEUPDATE','LongInt').SetInt( KM_BASE + 1);
20009: crHResize','LongInt).SetInt( TCursor ( 101 ));
20010: ConstantN('crVResize','LongInt').SetInt( TCursor ( 102 ));
20011: crDragHandFree','LongInt).SetInt( TCursor ( 103 ));
20012: crDragHandGrip','LongInt).SetInt( TCursor ( 104 ));
20013: cCheckBoxFrameSize','LongInt).SetInt( 13);
20014: cCR','Char).SetString( #13);
20015: cLF','Char).SetString( #10);
20016: cTAB','Char).SetString( #9);
20017: cSPACE','Char).SetString( #32);
20018: cNULL','Char).SetString( #0);
20019: {cWordBreaks','LongInt').Value.ts32 := ord(cNULL) or ord(cTAB) or ord(cSPACE);
20020: cLineBreaks','LongInt').Value.ts32 := ord(cCR) or ord(cLF);
20021: cEllipsis','String').SetString( '...;
20022: cEOL','').SetString( cLF);
20023: cFirstEOL','').SetString( cLF);
20024: cFirstEOL','').SetString( cCR); }
20025: TypeS('TLMessage', 'TMessage;
20026: TypeS('TKkString', 'Widestring;
20027: TypeS('TKkChar', 'char;
20028: //TKChar = TUTF8Char;
20029: TypeS(LONG_PTR2', 'Longint;
20030: TypeS(TKSysCharSet', 'set of AnsiChar;
20031: TypeS(TKCurrencyFormat', 'record CurrencyFormat : Byte; CurrencyDecima'
20032: +ls : Byte; CurrencyString : TKkString; DecimalSep : Char; ThousandSep : Cha'
20033: +r; UseThousandSep :Bool; end;
20034: {TypeS('TKAppContext', 'record Application : TApplication; Screen : TScr'
20035: +'een; GlobalNameSpace : IReadWriteSync; MainThreadID : LongWord; IntConstLi'
20036: +'st : TThreadList; WidgetSet : TWidgetSet; DragManager : TDragManager; end; }
20037: // TypeS('PKAppContext', '^TKAppContext // will not work;
20038: //TypeS('TKClipboardFormat', 'TClipboardFormat;
20039: TypeS('TKClipboardFormat', 'Word;
20040: TypeS('TKCellSpan', 'record ColSpan : Int; RowSpan : Int; end;
20041: DelphiFunction('Func AdjustDecimalSeparator( const S :Str) :Str;
20042: Func AnsistrToString( const Text : Ansistr; CodePage :Card) : TKkString;
20043: //Func BinarySearch(AData:str; ACount:Int;KeyPtr:str;ACompareProc:TBSCompareProc;ASortedDown: Bool):Int;
20044: Proc CallTrackMouseEvent( Control : TWinControl; var Status :Bool);
20045: Proc CenterWindowInWindow( CenteredWnd, BoundWnd : HWnd);
20046: Proc CenterWindowOnScreen( CenteredWnd : HWnd);
20047: Func CharInSetEx( AChar : AnsiChar; const ASet : TKSysCharSet) :Bool;;
20048: Func CharInSetEx1( AChar : WideChar; const ASet : TKSysCharSet) :Bool;;
20049: Func ClipboardLoadStreamAs(const AFormat:str;AStream:TStream;var AText:TKkString):Bool;
20050: Func ClipboardSaveStreamAs(const AFormat:str;AStream:TStream;const AText:TKkString):Bool;
20051: Func CompareInts(I1,I2: Int):Int;//Func CompareWideChars(W1,W2:PWideChar;Locale:Card):Int;
20052: // Func CompareChars( S1, S2 : PChar; Locale :Card) : Int;
20053: Func CompareWideStrings( W1, W2 : WideString; Locale :Card) : Int;
20054: // Func CompareStrings( S1, S2 :Str; Locale :Card) : Int;
20055: Proc ConvertTabsToSpaces( var AText : TKkString; ASpacesForTab : Int);
20056: Func CreateMultipleDir( const Dir :Str) :Bool;
20057: Func DigitToNibble( Digit : AnsiChar; var Nibble : Byte) :Bool;
20058: Func DivUp( Dividend, Divisor : Int) : Int;
20059: Func DivDown( Dividend, Divisor : Int) : Int;
20060: Func EditIsFocused( AMustAllowWrite :Bool) :Bool;
20061: Func EditFocusedTextCanCopy :Bool;
20062: Func EditFocusedTextCanCut :Bool;
20063: Func EditFocusedTextCanDelete :Bool;
20064: Func EditFocusedTextCanPaste :Bool;
20065: Func EditFocusedTextCanUndo :Bool;
20066: Proc EditUndoFocused;
20067: Proc EditDeleteFocused;
20068: Proc EditCutFocused;
20069: Proc EditCopyFocused;
20070: Proc EditPasteFocused;
20071: Proc EditSelectAllFocused;
20072: Proc EnableControls2( AParent : TWinControl; AEnabled, ARecursive :Bool);
20073: Proc EnsureLastPathSlash( var APath :Str);
20074: Proc Error2( const Msg :Str);
20075: Func FillMessage( Msg :Card; WParam : WPARAM; LParam : LPARAM) : TLMessage;
20076: Func FormatCurrency( Value : Currency; const AFormat : TKCurrencyFormat) : TKkString;
20077: //Func GetAppContext( var Ctx : TKAppContext) :Bool;
20078: Func GetAppVersion(const ALibName:str;var MajorVersion,MinorVersion,BuildNumber,RevisionNumber:Word):Bool;
20079: Func GetCharCount( const AText : TKkString; AChar : TKkChar) : Int;
20080: Func GetControlText( Value : TWinControl) : TKkString;
20081: Func GetFormatSettings2 : TFormatSettings;
20082: Func GetShiftState : TShiftState;
20083: Func IntToAscii( Value : Int64; Digits : Int) :Str;
20084: Func IntToBinStr( Value : Int64; Digits : Byte; const Suffix :Str) :Str;
20085: Func IntToBCD( Value :Card) :Card;
20086: Func IntToDecStr( Value : Int64) :Str;

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20087: Func IntToHexStr(Value:Int64;Digits:Byte;const Prefix,Suffix:str;UseLowerCase:Bool):str;

20088: Func IntToOctStr( Value : Int64) :Str;
20089: Func IntToRoman2( Value : Int; AUpperCase :Bool) :Str;
20090: Func IntToLatin( Value : Int; AUpperCase :Bool) :Str;
20091: Func IntPowerInt( Value : Int64; Exponent : Int) : Int64;
20092: Func AsciiToInt( S :Str; Digits : Int) : Int64;
20093: Func BCDToInt( Value :Card) :Card;
20094: Func BinStrToInt2(S:str; Digits:Byte; Signed :Bool; var Code : Int) : Int64;
20095: Func DecStrToInt( S :Str; var Code : Int) : Int64;
20096: Func HexStrToInt(S:Str; Digits: Byte; Signed:Boolean; var Code : Int) : Int64;
20097: Func OctStrToInt( S :Str; var Code : Int) : Int64;
20098: Func KFormat14(const Format:str;const Args:array of const;const AFormatSettings:TFormatSettings):str;
20099: Func KFormat15(const Format:WideString;const Args:array of const;const AFormatSettings:TFormatSettings):
20100: Func MakeCellSpan( AColumns, ARows : Int) : TKCellSpan;
20101: Func MinMax16(Value,Min,Max: ShortInt) : ShortInt;;
20102: Func MinMax17(Value,Min,Max: SmallInt) : SmallInt;;
20103: Func MinMax18(Value,Min,Max: Int) : Int;;
20104: Func MinMax19(Value,Min,Max: Int64) : Int64;;
20105: Func MinMax20(Value,Min,Max: Single) : Single;;
20106: Func MinMax21(Value,Min,Max: Double) : Double;;
20107: Func MinMax22(Value,Min,Max: Extended) : Extended;;
20108: Func NibbleToDigit( Nibble : Byte; UpperCase :Bool) : AnsiChar;
20109: Proc OpenURLWithShell( const AText : TKkString);
20110: //Proc QuickSortNR(AData: Pointer;ACount:Int; ACompareProc:TQsCompareProc;AExchangeProc :
TQsExchangeProc; ASortedDown : Bool);
20111: //Proc QuickSort(AData:Pointer;ACount:Int;ACompareProc:TQsCompareProc; AExchangeProc : TQsExchangeProc;
ASortedDown : Bool);
20112: Proc OffsetPoint23( var APoint : TPoint; AX, AY : Int);;
20113: Proc OffsetPoint24( var APoint : TPoint; const AOffset : TPoint);;
20114: Func RectInRect( Bounds, Rect : TRect) :Bool;
20115: Proc OffsetRect25( var ARect : TRect; AX, AY : Int);;
20116: Proc OffsetRect26( var ARect : TRect; const AOffset : TPoint);;
20117: //Func SetAppContext( const Ctx : TKAppContext) :Bool;
20118: Proc SetControlClipRect( AControl : TWinControl; const ARect : TRect);
20119: Proc SetControlText( Value : TWinControl; const Text : TKkString);
20120: Proc StripLastPathSlash( var APath :Str);
20121: Func StrNextCharIndex( const AText : TKkString; Index : Int) : Int;
20122: Func StrPreviousCharIndex( const AText : TKkString; Index : Int) : Int;
20123: Func StringCharBegin( const AText : TKkString; Index : Int) : Int;
20124: Func StringLength( const AText : TKkString) : Int;
20125: Func StringCopy( const ASource : TKkString; At, Count : Int) : TKkString;
20126: Proc StringDelete( var ASource : TKkString; At, Count : Int);
20127: Proc TrimWhiteSpaces27(const AText:TKkString;var AStart,ALen:Int;const ASet:TKSysCharSet);
20128: Proc TrimWhiteSpaces28( var AText : TKkString; const ASet : TKSysCharSet);;
20129: Proc TrimWhiteSpaces29( var AText : Ansistr; const ASet : TKSysCharSet);;
20130: Func StringToAnsistr( const AText : TKkString; CodePage :Card) : Ansistr;
20131: Func StringToChar( const AText : TKkString; AIndex : Int) : TKkChar;
20132: Func GetWindowsFolder2( CSIDL :Card; var APath :Str) :Bool;
20133: Func RunExecutable( const AFileName :Str; AWaitForIt :Bool) : DWORD;
20134: Func SystemCodePage : Int;
20135: Func NativeUTFToUnicode( const AText : TKkString) : WideChar;
20136: Func UnicodeUpperCase2( const AText : TKkString) : TKkString;
20137: Func UnicodeLowerCase2( const AText : TKkString) : TKkString;
20138: Func UnicodeToNativeUTF( const AParam : WideChar) : TKkString;
20139: Func UnicodeStringReplace(const AText,AOldPattern,ANewPattern:TKkString;AFlags:TReplaceFlags):TKkString;
20140: end;
20142: Proc SIRegister_KMessageBox(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20143: begin
20144: TypeS('TKMsgBoxButton',(mbYes,mbNo,mbOK,mbCancel,mbClose,mbAbort,mbRetry,mbIgnorembAllmbNoToAll,mbYesToAll,
20145: TypeS('TKMsgBoxIcon', ( miNone, miInformation, miQuestion, miWarning, miStop );
20146: Func CreateMsgBox(const Caption,Text:str;const Buttons:array of TKMsgBoxButton;Icon:TKMsgBoxIcon;Def
20147: Func CreateMsgBoxEx(const Caption,Text:str;const Btns:array of
20148: Proc FreeMsgBox( AMsgBox : TCustomForm);
20149: Func KMsgBox(const Caption,Text:str;const Buttons:array of TKMsgBoxButton;Icon:TKMsgBoxIcon;Def:Int):Int;
20150: Func KMsgBoxEx(const Caption,Text:str;const Buttons:array of string;Icon:TKMsgBoxIcon;Def:Int):Int;
20151: Func KInputBox( const Caption, Prompt :Str; var Text :Str) : TModalResult;
20152: //Func KNumberInputBox(const ACaption,APrompt:str;var AValue:double;AMin,AMax:double;
20153: TKMsgBoxButtons','(mbAbortRetryIgnore,mbOkOnly,mbOkCancel,mbRetryCancel,mbYesNo,mbYesNoCancel);
20154: Func MsgBox2(const Caption,Txt:str;const Buttons:TKMsgBoxButtons;Icon:TKMsgBoxIcon):Int;
20155: Func AppMsgBox(const Caption, Text :Str; Flags: Int) : Int;
20156: end;
20158: Proc SIRegister_Kronos(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20159: begin
20160: 'ChurchDayCount','LongInt').SetInt( 21);
20161: ConstantN('CommonDayCount','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
20162: 'chAdvent1','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
20163: 'chAdvent2','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
20164: 'chAdvent3','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
20165: 'chAdvent4','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
20166: 'chChristmasEve','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
20167: 'chChristmasDay','LongInt').SetInt( 6);
20168: 'chBoxingDay','LongInt').SetInt( 7);

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20169: 'chNewYearEve','LongInt').SetInt( 8);

20170: 'chNewYearDay','LongInt').SetInt( 9);
20171: 'chShroveTuesday','LongInt').SetInt( 10);
20172: 'chAshWednesday','LongInt').SetInt( 11);
20173: 'chPalmSunday','LongInt').SetInt( 12);
20174: 'chMaundyThursday','LongInt').SetInt( 13);
20175: 'chGoodFriday','LongInt').SetInt( 14);
20176: 'chEasterEve','LongInt').SetInt( 15);
20177: 'chEasterSunday','LongInt').SetInt( 16);
20178: 'chEasterMonday','LongInt').SetInt( 17);
20179: 'chWhitEve','LongInt').SetInt( 18);
20180: 'chWhitSunday','LongInt').SetInt( 19);
20181: 'chWhitMonday','LongInt').SetInt( 20);
20182: 'chAscensionDay','LongInt').SetInt( 21);
20183: 'coUNDay','LongInt').SetInt( 22);
20184: 'coWomensDay','LongInt').SetInt( 23);
20185: 'coMayDay','LongInt').SetInt( 24);
20186: 'coLiteracyDay','LongInt').SetInt( 25);
20187: 'UserDayType','LongInt').SetInt( 26);
20188: //UserDayType = ChurchDayCount + CommonDayCount + 1;
20189: TFirstLastNumber', 'array[1..2] of word;;
20190: TDaytypeID', 'array[1..255] of word;;
20191: TMonthImage2', 'array[0..7] of smallint;;
20192: TMonthImage', 'array[1..6] of tmonthimage2;;
20193: //TMonthImage = array[1..6, 0..7] of smallint;
20194: // TFirstLastNumber = array[1..2] of word;
20195: // TDaytypeID = array[1..255] of word;
20196: TDay','record Daynum : Word; MonthDate : word; DOWNum : word; M'
20197: +'onth : word; Week : word; DayCode : Word; end;
20198: TypeS('TWeek', 'record WeekNum : word; WhichDays : TFirstLastNumber; end;
20199: TMonth', 'record Month : word; Daycount : Word; WeekCount : Word'
20200: +'; WhichWeeks : TFirstLastNumber; WhichDays : TFirstLastNumber; end;
20201: TYear', 'record WeekCount : word; DayCount : Word; end;
20202: TKron', 'record ActiveYear : Word; IsInitialized :Bool; end;
20203: TYearExt', 'record Year : word; NumDays : word; NumWeeks : word;'
20204: + LeapYear :Bool; YeartypeCount : word; end;
20205: TDateExt', 'record Year : word; DayOfWeekNumber : word; DayName '
20206: +:Str; MonthDay : Word; DayNumber : word; DaytypeCount: word; DaytypeI'
20207: +D : TDaytypeID; MonthNumber : word; WeekNumber : word; Holiday : bool; '
20208: +ChurchDay : Bool; Flagday :Bool; end;
20209: TMonthExt', 'record Year : word; MonthNumber : word; MonthName :'
20210: +' string; FirstDay : word; LastDay : word; NumDays : word; NumWeeks : word;'
20211: +' FirstWeek : word; LastWeek : word; MonthImage : TMonthImage; end;
20212: TWeekExt', 'record Year: word; WeekNumber: word; FirstDay : word; LastDay : word; end;
20213: TForeignKey','record KeyName :Str; KeyValue : Variant; end;
20214: TDaytypeDef','record AName :Str; ADate : word; ARelDayTyp'
20215: +e : word; AnOffset : Int; AFirstShowUp : word; ALastShowUp : word; ASh'
20216: +owUpFrequency : word; AChurchDay :Bool; AHoliday :Bool; AFlagday :'
20217: + bool; AUserCalc :Bool; ATag : Int; end;
20218: SIRegister_TDaytype(CL);
20219: TWeekDay', '( Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday );
20220: TWeekHolidays', 'set of TWeekDay;
20221: TOcEVent', '( ocYear, ocMonth, ocMonthnumber, ocWeek, ocWeeknumb'
20222: +'er, ocMonthDay, ocWeekday, ocDate, ocToday, ocCalcDaytype );
20223: TCalcDaytypeEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Daytype : TDa'
20224: +'ytype; ADateExt : TDateExt; IsCurrentDate :Bool; var Accept :Bool);
20225: TLoadDaytypeEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; const Daytype'
20226: +'Def : TDaytypeDef; const DescKeys :Str; ClassId : Int; var LoadIt: bool);
20227: TSaveDaytypeEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Daytype : TDa'
20228: +'ytype; var DescKeys :Str; var ClassID : Int; var SaveIt :Bool);
20229: SIRegister_TKronos(CL);
20230: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EKronosError;
20231: //DelphiFunction('Proc Register;
20232: end;
20234: Proc SIRegister_MapFiles(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20235: begin
20236: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EMemoryMappedFile;
20237: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EMMEndOfFile;
20238: TypeS('TFileOptions,(foCreateNew,foCreateAlways,foOpenExisting,foOpenAlways,foTruncateExisting);
20239: TypeS('TmapFileType', ( ftUnspecified, ftRandomAccess, ftSequentialAccess);
20240: SIRegister_TMapStream(CL);
20241: SIRegister_TTextMap(CL);
20242: SIRegister_TRecordMap(CL);
20243: end;
20245: Proc SIRegister_KGraphics(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20246: begin
20247: PNGHeader','String').SetString(' #137 ''PNG'' #13#10#26#10;
20248: MNGHeader','String').SetString( '#138 ''MNG'' #13#10#26#10;
20249: TKBrightMode', '( bsAbsolute, bsOfBottom, bsOfTop );
20250: TKColorRec', 'record R : byte; G : byte; B : byte; A : Byte; Value :Card; end;
20251: //PKColorRec', '^TKColorRec // will not work;
20252: TKDynColorRecs', 'array of TKColorRec;
20253: TKImageHeaderString', 'string;
20254: //TKPngImage', 'TPortableNetworkGraphic;
20255: with ClassN(CL.FindClass('TLinarGraphic'),'TPNGGraphic') do
20256: TKPngImage', 'TPNGGraphic;
20257: TKKString', 'WideString;

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20258: // TKString = WideString;

20259: //TKPngImage', 'TPngImage;
20260: //TKPngImage', 'TPngObject;
20261: TKTextAttribute', '( taCalcRect, taClip, taEndEllipsis, taFillRe'
20262: +'ct, taFillText, taIncludePadding, taLineBreak, taPathEllipsis, taWordBreak'
20263: +', taWrapText, taTrimWhiteSpaces, taStartEllipsis );
20264: TKTextAttributes', 'set of TKTextAttribute;
20265: TKHAlign', '( halLeft, halCenter, halRight, halJustify );
20266: TKStretchMode', '( stmNone, stmZoomOutOnly, stmZoomInOnly, stmZoom );
20267: TKTextHAlign', 'TKHAlign;
20268: TKVAlign', '( valTop, valCenter, valBottom );
20269: TKTextVAlign', 'TKVAlign;
20270: TKButtonDrawState', '( bsUseThemes, bsDisabled, bsPressed, bsFocused, bsHot );
20271: TKButtonDrawStates', 'set of TKButtonDrawState;
20272: SIRegister_TKGraphic(CL);
20273: SIRegister_TKAlphaBitmap(CL);
20274: SIRegister_TKMetafile(CL);
20275: TKTextBoxFunction', '( tbfMeasure, tbfGetIndex, tbfGetRect, tbfDraw );
20276: SIRegister_TKTextBox(CL);
20277: SIRegister_TKDragWindow(CL);
20278: SIRegister_TKHintWindow(CL);
20279: SIRegister_TKTextHint(CL);
20280: SIRegister_TKGraphicHint(CL);
20281: //DelphiFunction('Proc BlendLine( Src, Dest : PKColorRecs; Count : Int);
20282: Func TKBrightColor( Color : TColor; Percent : Single; Mode : TKBrightMode): TColor;
20283: Proc CanvasGetScale( ACanvas : TCanvas; out MulX, MulY, DivX, DivY : Int);
20284: Proc CanvasResetScale( ACanvas : TCanvas);
20285: Func CanvasScaled( ACanvas : TCanvas) :Bool;
20286: Proc CanvasSetScale( ACanvas : TCanvas; MulX, MulY, DivX, DivY : Int);
20287: Proc CanvasSetOffset( ACanvas : TCanvas; OfsX, OfsY : Int);
20288: Func ColorRecToColor( Color : TKColorRec) : TColor;
20289: Func ColorToColorRec( Color : TColor) : TKColorRec;
20290: Func TKColorToGrayScale( Color : TColor) : TColor;
20291: Func CompareBrushes( ABrush1, ABrush2 : TBrush) :Bool;
20292: Func CompareFonts( AFont1, AFont2 : TFont) :Bool;
20293: Proc CopyBitmap( DestDC : HDC; DestRect : TRect; SrcDC : HDC; SrcX, SrcY : Int);
20294: Func CreateEmptyPoint : TPoint;
20295: Func CreateEmptyRect : TRect;
20296: Func CreateEmptyRgn : HRGN;
20297: Proc DrawAlignedText(Canvas: TCanvas; var ARect : TRect; HAlign : TKHAlign; VAlign : TKVAlign; HPadding,
VPadding:Int;const AText:TKKString;BackColor:TColor;Attributes:TKTextAttributes);
20298: Proc TKDrawButtonFrame(ACanvs:TCanvas;const ARect:TRect;AStates:TKButtonDrawStates);
20299: Proc DrawEdges(Canvas:TCanvas;const R:TRect;HighlightColor,ShadowColor:TColor;Flags:Cardi;
20300: Proc DrawFilledRectangle(Canvas: TCanvas; const ARect : TRect; BackColor : TColor);
20301: Proc DrawGradientRect(Canvas:TCanvas; const ARect:TRect;AStartColor,AEndColor TColor; AColorStep:
20302: Proc ExcludeShapeFromBaseRect(var BaseRect:TRect; ShapeWidth, ShapeHeight : Int; HAlign : TKHAlign;
VAlign : TKVAlign; HPadding, VPadding : Int; StretchMode : TKStretchMode; out Bounds, Interior : TRect);
20303: Func ExtSelectClipRect(DC:HDC; ARect:TRect; Mode:Int; var PrevRgn: HRGN):Bool;
20304: Func ExtSelectClipRectEx(DC:HDC;ARect:TRect;Mode:Int;CurRgn,PrevRgn : HRGN):Bool;
20305: Proc FillAroundRect(ACanvas:TCanvas;const Boundary,Interior:TRect;BackColor:TColor);
20306: Func GetFontHeight( DC : HDC) : Int;
20307: Func GetFontAscent( DC : HDC) : Int;
20308: Func GetFontDescent( DC : HDC) : Int;
20309: Func GDICheck( Value : Int) : Int;
20310: Func HorizontalShapePosition(AAlignment:TKHAlign;const ABoundary:TRect;const AShapeSize:TPoint):Int;
20311: Func ImageByType( const Header : TKImageHeaderString) : TGraphic;
20312: Func IntersectClipRectIndirect( DC : HDC; ARect : TRect) :Bool;
20313: Func IsBrightColor( Color : TColor) :Bool;
20314: Proc LoadCustomCursor( Cursor : TCursor; const ResName :Str);
20315: Proc TKLoadGraphicFromResource(Graphic:TGraphic;const ResName:str;ResType:PChar);
20316: Func MakeColorRec( R, G, B, A : Byte) : TKColorRec;;
20317: Func MakeColorRec5( Value : LongWord) : TKColorRec;;
20318: Func PixelFormatFromBpp( Bpp :Card) : TPixelFormat;
20319: Func TKRectInRegion( Rgn : HRGN; ARect : TRect) :Bool;
20320: Func RgnCreateAndGet( DC : HDC) : HRGN;
20321: Proc RgnSelectAndDelete( DC : HDC; Rgn : HRGN);
20322: Proc RoundRectangle(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect;AXRadius,AYRadius: Int);
20323: Proc SafeStretchDraw(ACanvas:TCanvas; ARect:TRect;AGraphic:TGraphic;ABackColor:TColor);
20324: Proc SelectClipRect( DC : HDC; const ARect : TRect);
20325: Proc TKStretchBitmap( DestDC : HDC; DestRect : TRect; SrcDC : HDC; SrcRect : TRect);
20326: Func SwitchRGBToBGR( Value : TColor) : TColor;
20327: Proc TranslateRectToDevice( DC : HDC; var ARect : TRect);
20328: Func VerticalShapePosition(AAlignment:TKVAlign;const ABoundary:TRect;const AShapeSize: TPoint):Int;
20329: end;
20331: Proc SIRegister_umaxPipes(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20332: begin
20333: ConstantN('cShutDownMsg','String').SetString( 'shutdown pipe ;
20334: ConstantN(cPipeFormat',String).SetString( '\\%s\pipe\%s;
20335: SIRegister_TPipeServermax(CL);
20336: SIRegister_TPipeClientmax(CL);
20337: end;
20339: Proc SIRegister_KControls(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20340: begin
20341: TypeS('TKColorArray', 'array of TColor;
20342: TKPreviewColorIndex', 'Int;
20343: TKPrintOption', '( poCollate, poFitToPage, poMirrorMargins, poPa'

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20344: +'geNumbers, poPaintSelection, poTitle, poUseColor );

20345: TKPrintOptions', 'set of TKPrintOption;
20346: TKPrintRange', '( kprAll, kprSelectedOnly, kprRange );
20347: TKPrintUnits', '( kpuMM, kpuCM, kpuInch, kpuHundredthInch );
20348: //ConstantN('cBorderStyleDef','').SetString( bsSingle);
20349: 'cContentPaddingBottomDef','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
20350: 'cContentPaddingLeftDef','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
20351: ConstantN(cOptionsDef','LongInt).Value.ts32:= ord(poFitToPage) or ord(poPageNumbers) or ord(poUseColor);
20352: //ConstantN('cRangeDef','').SetString( prAll);
20353: 'cScaleDef','LongInt').SetInt( 100);
20354: 'cScaleMin','LongInt').SetInt( 10);
20355: 'cScaleMax','LongInt').SetInt( 500);
20356: //ConstantN('cUnitsDef','').SetString( puCM);
20357: //ConstantN('cPaperDef','').SetString( clWhite);
20358: //ConstantN('cBkGndDef','').SetString( clAppWorkSpace);
20359: //ConstantN('cBorderDef','').SetString( clBlack);
20360: //ConstantN('cSelectedBorderDef','').SetString( clNavy);
20361: ConstantN('ciPaper','LongInt').SetInt( TKPreviewColorIndex ( 0 ));
20362: 'ciBkGnd','LongInt').SetInt( TKPreviewColorIndex ( 1 ));
20363: 'ciBorder','LongInt').SetInt( TKPreviewColorIndex ( 2 ));
20364: 'ciSelectedBorder','LongInt').SetInt( TKPreviewColorIndex ( 3 ));
20365: // 'ciPreviewColorsMax','').SetString( ciSelectedBorder);
20366: 'cScrollNoAction','LongInt').SetInt( - 1);
20367: 'cScrollDelta','LongInt').SetInt( - 2);
20368: 'cPF_Dragging','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000001);
20369: 'cPF_UpdateRange','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
20370: TKPreviewScaleMode', '( smScale, smPageWidth, smWholePage );
20371: TKPreviewChangedEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject);
20372: TKPrintMeasureInfo', 'record OutlineWidth : Int; OutlineHeig'
20373: ht : Int; ControlHorzPageCount : Int; ControlVertPageCount : Integ'
20374: er; ExtraLeftHorzPageCount : Int; ExtraLeftVertPageCount : Int; Ex'
20375: traRightHorzPageCount : Int; ExtraRightVertPageCount : Int; end;
20376: TKPrintStatus', '( kepsBegin, kepsNewPage, kepsEnd );
20377: TKPrintNotifyEvent,Procedure(Sender:TObject;Status: TKPrintStatus;var Abort:Bool);
20378: TKPrintPaintEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject);
20379: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),TKPrintPageSetup;
20380: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),TKPrintPreview;
20381: SIRegister_TKRect(CL);
20382: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TKObjectList;
20383: SIRegister_TKObject(CL);
20384: //TKObjectClass', 'class of TKObject;
20385: SIRegister_TKObjectList(CL);
20386: SIRegister_TKCustomControl(CL);
20387: TKColorScheme', '( kcsNormal, kcsGrayed, kcsBright, kcsGrayScale );
20388: TKColorIndex', 'Int;
20389: TKColorData', 'record Index:TKColorIndex;Color:TColor; Default:TColor; Name:str; end;
20390: TKColorSpec', 'record Def : TColor; Name :Str; end;
20391: SIRegister_TKCustomColors(CL);
20392: TKPrintMeasureEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; var Info : TKPrintMeasureInfo);
20393: SIRegister_TKPrintPageSetup(CL);
20394: SIRegister_TKPreviewColors(CL);
20395: SIRegister_TKPrintPreview(CL);
20396: Func InchesToValue(Units : TKPrintUnits; Value : Double) : Double;
20397: Func ValueToInches(Units : TKPrintUnits; Value : Double) : Double;
20398: end;
20400: Proc SIRegister_IdAntiFreezeBase(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20401: begin
20402: ConstantN(ID_Default_TIdAntiFreezeBase_Active,Boolean).SetInt(1);
20403: ConstantN('ID_Default_TIdAntiFreezeBase_ApplicationHasPriority','Boolean').SetInt(1);
20404: ConstantN('ID_Default_TIdAntiFreezeBase_IdleTimeOut','LongInt').SetInt( 250);
20405: ConstantN('ID_Default_TIdAntiFreezeBase_OnlyWhenIdle','Boolean').SetInt( 250);
20406: SIRegister_TIdAntiFreezeBase(CL);
20407: end;
20409: Proc SIRegister_OverbyteIcsConApp(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20410: begin
20411: ConstantN('WM_STARTUP','LongInt').SetInt( WM_USER + 789);
20412: SIRegister_TKeyboardThread(CL);
20413: //TypeS('TConApplicationClass', 'class of TConApplication;
20414: SIRegister_TConApplication(CL);
20415: end;
20417: Proc SIRegister_KMemo(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20418: begin
20419: 'cUndoLimitMin','LongInt').SetInt( 100);
20420: cUndoLimitMax','LongInt).SetInt( 10000);
20421: cUndoLimitDef','LongInt).SetInt( 1000);
20422: cScrollPaddingMin','LongInt).SetInt( 0);
20423: cScrollPaddingMax','LongInt).SetInt( 1000);
20424: cScrollPaddingDef','LongInt).SetInt( 30);
20425: cScrollSpeedMin','LongInt).SetInt( 50);
20426: cScrollSpeedMax','LongInt).SetInt( 1000);
20427: cScrollSpeedDef','LongInt).SetInt( 100);
20428: //cBkGndDef','').SetString( clWindow);
20429: //cInactiveCaretBkGndDef','').SetString( clBlack);
20430: //cInactiveCaretSelBkGndDef','').SetString( clBlack);
20431: //cInactiveCaretSelTextDef','').SetString( clYellow);
20432: //cInactiveCaretTextDef','').SetString( clYellow);

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20433: //cSelBkGndDef','').SetString( clGrayText);

20434: //cSelBkGndFocusedDef','').SetString( clHighlight);
20435: //cSelTextDef','').SetString( clHighlightText);
20436: //cSelTextFocusedDef','').SetString( clHighlightText);
20437: ciBkGnd','LongInt).SetInt( TKColorIndex ( 0 ));
20438: ciInactiveCaretBkGnd','LongInt).SetInt( TKColorIndex ( 1 ));
20439: ciInactiveCaretSelBkGnd','LongInt).SetInt( TKColorIndex ( 2 ));
20440: ciInactiveCaretSelText','LongInt).SetInt( TKColorIndex ( 3 ));
20441: ciInactiveCaretText','LongInt).SetInt( TKColorIndex ( 4 ));
20442: ciSelBkGnd','LongInt).SetInt( TKColorIndex ( 5 ));
20443: ciSelBkGndFocused','LongInt).SetInt( TKColorIndex ( 6 ));
20444: ciSelText','LongInt).SetInt( TKColorIndex ( 7 ));
20445: ciSelTextFocused','LongInt).SetInt( TKColorIndex ( 8 ));
20446: //ciMemoColorsMax','').SetString( ciSelTextFocused);
20447: cInvalidListID','LongInt).SetInt( - 1);
20448: cHorzScrollStepDef',LongInt').SetInt( 4);
20449: cVertScrollStepDef',LongInt').SetInt( 10);
20450: //cHeight','LongInt').SetInt( 200);
20451: //cWidth','LongInt').SetInt( 300);
20452: cNewLineChar','Char).SetString( #$B6);
20453: cSpaceChar','Char).SetString( #$B7);
20454: cTabChar','Char).SetString( #$2192);
20455: cBullet','Char).SetString( #$2022);
20456: cSquareBullet,Char').SetString( #$25AB);
20457: cArrowBullet',Char').SetString( #$25BA);
20458: //cDefaultWordBreaks,String').SetString(' ' or '/' or '\' or ';' or ':' or '?' or '!;
20459: cRichText','String').SetString( 'Rich Text Format;
20460: ClassN(CL.FindClass(TOBJECT'),'TKCustomMemo;
20461: TypeS('TKMemoLinePosition', '( eolInside, eolEnd );
20462: TKMemoBlockPosition', '( mbpText, mbpRelative, mbpAbsolute );
20463: TKMemoState', '( elCaretCreated, elCaretVisible, elCaretUpdate, '
20464: +elIgnoreNextChar, elModified, elMouseCapture, elOverwrite, elReadOnly );
20465: TKMemoStates', 'set of TKMemoState;
20466: TKMemoUpdateReason', '( muContent, muExtent, muSelection, muSelectionScroll );
20467: TKMemoUpdateReasons', 'set of TKMemoUpdateReason;
20468: SIRegister_TKMemoSparseItem(CL);
20469: SIRegister_TKMemoSparseList(CL);
20470: SIRegister_TKMemoSparseStack(CL);
20471: SIRegister_TKMemoDictionaryItem(CL);
20472: SIRegister_TKMemoDictionary(CL);
20473: TKMemoParaNumbering', '( pnuNone, pnuBullets, pnuArabic, pnuLett'
20474: +erLo, pnuLetterHi, pnuRomanLo, pnuRomanHi );
20475: SIRegister_TKMemoNumberingFormatItem(CL);
20476: SIRegister_TKMemoNumberingFormat(CL);
20477: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TKMemoListLevels;
20478: SIRegister_TKMemoListLevel(CL);
20479: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TKMemoList;
20480: SIRegister_TKMemoListLevels(CL);
20481: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TKMemoListTable;
20482: SIRegister_TKMemoList(CL);
20483: TKMemoListChangedEvent', 'Proc (AList: TKMemoList; ALevel: TKMemoListLevel);
20484: SIRegister_TKMemoListTable(CL);
20485: TKMemoScriptCapitals', '( tcaNone, tcaNormal, tcaSmall );
20486: TKMemoScriptPosition', '( tpoNormal, tpoSuperscript, tpoSubscript );
20487: SIRegister_TKMemoTextStyle(CL);
20488: TKMemoBlockWrapMode', '( wrAround, wrAroundLeft, wrAroundRight, '
20489: +wrTight, wrTightLeft, wrTightRight, wrTopBottom, wrNone, wrUnknown );
20490: TKMemoBlockStyleChangedEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; AR'
20491: +'easons : TKMemoUpdateReasons);
20492: SIRegister_TKMemoBlockStyle(CL);
20493: TKMemoLineSpacingMode', '( lsmFactor, lsmValue );
20494: SIRegister_TKMemoParaStyle(CL);
20495: SIRegister_TKMemoLine(CL);
20496: SIRegister_TKMemoLines(CL);
20497: SIRegister_TKMemoWord(CL);
20498: SIRegister_TKMemoWordList(CL);
20499: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TKMemoBlocks;
20500: TKMemoMouseAction', '( maMove, maLeftDown, maLeftUp, maRightDown'
20501: +', maRightUp, maMidDown, maMidUp );
20502: //TKMemoBlockClass', 'class of TKMemoBlock;
20503: SIRegister_TKMemoBlock(CL);
20504: SIRegister_TKMemoSingleton(CL);
20505: SIRegister_TKMemoTextBlock(CL);
20506: SIRegister_TKMemoHyperlink(CL);
20507: SIRegister_TKMemoParagraph(CL);
20508: SIRegister_TKMemoImageBlock(CL);
20509: SIRegister_TKMemoContainer(CL);
20510: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TKMemoTable;
20511: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TKMemoTableRow;
20512: SIRegister_TKMemoTableCell(CL);
20513: SIRegister_TKMemoTableRow(CL);
20514: SIRegister_TKMemoTable(CL);
20515: TKMemoUpdateEvent', 'Proc ( Reasons : TKMemoUpdateReasons);
20516: SIRegister_TKMemoBlocks(CL);
20517: SIRegister_TKMemoColors(CL);
20518: TKMemoChangeKind', '( ckCaretPos, ckDelete, ckInsert );
20519: TKMemoUndoChangeEvent','Procedure(Sender : TObject; ItemReason: TKMemoChangeKind);
20520: TKMemoChangeItem', 'record Blocks : TKMemoBlocks; Group : Cardin'
20521: al; GroupKind : TKMemoChangeKind; Inserted :Bool; ItemKind : TKMemoCha'

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20522: ngeKind; Position : Int; end;

20523: //PKMemoChangeItem', '^TKMemoChangeItem // will not work;
20524: SIRegister_TKMemoChangeList(CL);
20525: TKMemoRTFString', 'string;
20526: SIRegister_TKCustomMemo(CL);
20527: SIRegister_TKMemo(CL);
20528: SIRegister_TKMemoEditAction(CL);
20529: SIRegister_TKMemoEditCopyAction(CL);
20530: SIRegister_TKMemoEditCutAction(CL);
20531: SIRegister_TKMemoEditPasteAction(CL);
20532: SIRegister_TKMemoEditSelectAllAction(CL);
20533: Func NewLineChar : TKkString;
20534: Func SpaceChar : TKkString;
20535: Func TabChar : TKkString;
20536: end;
20538: Proc SIRegister_OverbyteIcsTicks64(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20539: begin
20540: ConstantN('ISODateMask',String).SetString( 'yyyy-mm-dd;
20541: 'ISODateTimeMask','String').SetString( 'yyyy-mm-dd"T"hh:nn:ss;
20542: 'ISODateLongTimeMask','String').SetString( 'yyyy-mm-dd"T"hh:nn:ss.zzz;
20543: 'ISOTimeMask','String').SetString( 'hh:nn:ss;
20544: 'LongTimeMask','String').SetString( 'hh:nn:ss:zzz;
20545: 'Ticks64PerDay','int64').SetInt64( 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
20546: 'Ticks64PerHour','int64').SetInt64( 60 * 60 * 1000);
20547: 'Ticks64PerMinute','int64').SetInt64( 60 * 1000);
20548: 'Ticks64PerSecond','int64').SetInt64( 1000);
20549: TypeS('TTicks64Mode', ( TicksNone, TicksAPI64, TicksPerf, TicksAPI32 );
20550: DelphiFunction(Func IcsGetTickCount64 : int64;
20551: Proc IcsInitTick64( NewMode : TTicks64Mode);
20552: Func IcsNowPC : TDateTime;
20553: Proc IcsAlignNowPC;
20554: Func IcsLastBootDT : TDateTime;
20555: Func IcsGetPerfCountsPerSec : int64;
20556: Func IcsPerfCountCurrent : int64;
20557: Func IcsPerfCountCurrMilli : int64;
20558: Func IcsPerfCountToMilli( LI : int64) : int64;
20559: Func IcsPerfCountGetMilli( startLI : int64) : int64;
20560: Func IcsPerfCountGetMillStr( startLI : int64) :Str;
20561: Func IcsPerfCountToSecs( LI : int64) : Int;
20562: Func IcsPerfCountGetSecs( startLI : int64) : Int;
20563: Func IcsDiffTicks64( const StartTick, EndTick : int64) : int64;
20564: Func IcsElapsedTicks64( const StartTick : int64) : int64;
20565: Func IcsElapsedMsecs64( const StartTick : int64) : int64;
20566: Func IcsElapsedSecs64( const StartTick : int64) : Int;
20567: Func IcsElapsedMins64( const StartTick : int64) : Int;
20568: Func IcsWaitingSecs64( const EndTick : int64) : Int;
20569: Func IcsGetTrgMSecs64( const MilliSecs : int64) : int64;
20570: Func IcsGetTrgSecs64( const DurSecs : Int) : int64;
20571: Func IcsGetTrgMins64( const DurMins : Int) : int64;
20572: Func IcsTestTrgTick64( const TrgTick : int64) :Bool;
20573: Func IcsAddTrgMsecs64( const TickCount, MilliSecs : int64) : int64;
20574: Func IcsAddTrgSecs64( const TickCount : int64; DurSecs : Int) : int64;
20575: end;
20577: Proc SIRegister_OverbyteIcsSha1(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20578: begin
20579: ConstantN(IcsSHA1Version','LongInt.SetInt( 800);
20580: CopyRight','String.SetString( IcsSHA1 (c) 2004-2012 F. Piette V8.00 ;
20581: shaSuccess','LongInt.SetInt( 0);
20582: shaNull','LongInt.SetInt( 1);
20583: shaInputTooLong','LongInt.SetInt( 2);
20584: shaStateError','LongInt.SetInt( 3);
20585: SHA1HashSize','LongInt.SetInt( 20);
20586: TypeS('uint32_t', 'LongWord;
20587: TypeS('uint8_t', 'Byte;
20588: TypeS('int_least16_t', 'LongInt;
20589: TypeS('SHA1DigestString', 'Ansistr;
20590: Func SHA1Reset( var context : SHA1Context) : Int;
20591: Func SHA1Input(var context:SHA1Context;const message_array:str;message_array:PAnsiChar;length
20592: Func SHA1Result( var context : SHA1Context; var Message_Digest : SHA1Digest) : Int;
20593: Func SHA1ofStr( const s : Ansistr) : SHA1DigestString;
20594: Func SHA1ofBuf( const buf, buflen : Int) : SHA1DigestString;
20595: Func SHA1ofStream( const strm : TStream) : SHA1DigestString;
20596: Func SHA1toHex( const digest : SHA1DigestString) :Str;
20597: Func SHA1DigestToLowerHex( const Digest : SHA1Digest) :Str;
20598: Func SHA1DigestToLowerHexA( const Digest : SHA1Digest) : RawByteString;
20599: Func SHA1DigestToLowerHexW( const Digest : SHA1Digest) : UnicodeString;
20600: Proc HMAC_SHA1(const Data,DataLen:Int;const Key,KeyLen:Int;out Digest:SHA1Digest);
20601: Func HMAC_SHA1_EX( const Data : Ansistr; const Key : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
20602: end;
20604: Proc SIRegister_KEditCommon(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20605: begin
20606: cCharMappingSize','LongInt.SetInt( 256);
20607: TKEditCommandk', '( ecNonek, ecLeftk, ecRightk, ecUpk, ecDownk, ecLinek'
20608: Start, ecLineEndk, ecPageUpk, ecPageDownk, ecPageLeftk, ecPageRightk, ecPageTopk,
20609: htk, ecSelUpk, ecSelDownk, ecSelLineStartk, ecSelLineEndk, ecSelPageUpk, ecSelPa'

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20610: geDownk, ecSelPageLeftk, ecSelPageRightk, ecSelPageTopk, ecSelPageBottomk, ecSe'

20611: lEditorTopk, ecSelEditorBottomk, ecSelGotoXYk, ecScrollUpk, ecScrollDownk, ecSc'
20612: rollLeftk, ecScrollRightk, ecScrollCenterk, ecUndok, ecRedok, ecCopyk, ecCutk, ec'
20613: +Pastek, ecInsertChark, ecInsertDigitsk, ecInsertStringk, ecInsertNewLinek, ecDe'
20614: +leteLastChark, ecDeleteChark, ecDeleteBOLk, ecDeleteEOLk, ecDeleteLinek, ecSele'
20615: +ctAllk, ecClearAllk, ecClearIndexSelectionk, ecClearSelectionk, ecSearchk, ecRe'
20616: +'placek, ecInsertModek, ecOverwriteModek, ecToggleModek, ecGotFocusk, ecLostFocusk ); *)
20617: TKEditDisabledDrawStyle', '( eddBright, eddGrayed, eddNormal );
20618: TKEditKey', 'record Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState; end;
20619: TKEditCommandAssignment', 'record Key : TKEditKey; Command : TKEditCommand; end;
20620: TKEditCommandMap', 'array of TKEditCommandAssignment;
20621: TKEditDropFilesEvent','Procedure(Sender:TObject;X,Y:Int;Files:TStrings);
20622: SIRegister_TKEditKeyMapping(CL);
20623: TKEditCharMapping', 'array of AnsiChar;
20624: //TypeS('PKEditCharMapping', '^TKEditCharMapping // will not work;
20625: //TypeS('TKEditOption', '( eoDropFiles, eoGroupUndo, eoUndoAfterSave, eoS'
20626: //+'howFormatting, eoWantTab );
20627: //TypeS('TKEditOptions', 'set of TKEditOption;
20628: TKEditReplaceAction', '( eraCancel, eraYes, eraNo, eraAll );
20629: TKEditReplaceTextEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; const Te'
20630: xtToFind, TextToReplace :Str; var Action : TKEditReplaceAction);
20631: TKEditSearchError', '( eseOk, eseNoDigitsFind, eseNoDigitsReplace, eseNoMatch );
20632: TKEditSearchOption', '( esoAll, esoBackwards, esoEntireScope, es'
20633: oFirstSearch,esoMatchCase,esoPrompt,esoSelectedOnly,esoTreatAsDigits,esoWereDigits );
20634: TKEditSearchOptions', 'set of TKEditSearchOption;
20635: TKEditSearchData', 'record ErrorReason : TKEditSearchError; Opti'
20636: ons:TKEditSearchOptions;SelStart:Int;SelEnd:Int;TextToFind:str;TextToReplace:str; end;
20637: //TypeS('PKEditSearchData', '^TKEditSearchData // will not work;
20638: //cEditDisabledDrawStyleDef','.SetString( eddBright);
20639: Func CreateDefaultKeyMapping : TKEditKeyMapping;
20640: Func DefaultCharMapping : TKEditCharMapping;
20641: Func DefaultSearchData : TKEditSearchData;
20642: end;
20644: unit UtilsMax4; unit uPSI_UtilsMax4;
20645: Func AllDigitsDifferent(N: Int64):Bool;
20646: Proc DecimalToFraction(Decimal: Extended; out FractionNumerator: Extended;
20647: out FractionDenominator: Extended; const AccuracyFactor: Extended);
20648: Func ColorToHTML(const Color: TColor):Str;
20649: Func DOSCommand(const CommandLine:Str; const CmdShow:Int;
20650: const WaitUntilComplete:Bool; const WorkingDir:Str = ':Bool;
20651: Func GetDosOutput(CommandLine:Str; Work:Str = 'C:\:Str;
20652: Ex.: writeln(GetDosOutput('java -version','C:\'));
20653: >>>java version "1.8.0_211"
20654: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_211-b12)
20655: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.211-b12, mixed mode)
20656: Proc CaptureConsoleOutput(DosApp :Str;AMemo : TMemo);
20657: Ex.: CaptureConsoleOutput('cmd /C dir *.* ',memo2);
20658: CaptureConsoleOutput('powershell /C dir *.* ',memo2);
20659: Func ExecuteCommandDOS(CommandLine:str):str;
20660: Func DOSCommandRedirect(const CommandLine:Str;
20661: const OutStream: Classes.TStream):Bool; overload; //8
20662: Proc SendKeysToWindow(const HWnd: Windows.HWND; const Text:Str);
20663: Func IsRunningOnBattery:Bool;
20664: Func IsHexStr(const S:Str):Bool;
20665: Func IsCharInSet(const Ch: Char; const Chars: TCharSet):Bool;
20666: Func StreamHasWatermark(const Stm:Classes.TStream;const Watermark:array of Byte):Bool;
20667: Func ReadBigEndianWord(Stm: Classes.TStream): Word;
20668: Func DownloadURLToFile(const URL, FileName:Str):Bool;
20669: Func ExtractURIQueryString(const URI:Str):Str;
20670: Func GetBiosVendor:Str;
20671: Func GetIEVersionStr:Str; //18
20672: Func FloatToFixed(const Value: Extended; const DecimalPlaces: Byte;
20673: const SeparateThousands:Bool):Str;
20674: Func IntToFixed(const Value: Int;const SeparateThousands:Bool):Str;
20675: Func Int64ToFixed(const Value: Int64;const SeparateThousands:Bool):Str;
20676: Func IntToNumberText2(const Value: Int):Str; //22
20678: Func IsLibraryInstalled2(const LibFileName:Str):Bool;
20679: Func RemainingBatteryPercent: Int;
20680: Proc SetLockKeyState(KeyCode: Int; IsOn:Bool);
20681: Func IsLockKeyOn(const KeyCode: Int):Bool;
20682: Proc PostKeyEx322(const Key: Word; const Shift: Classes.TShiftState;
20683: const SpecialKey:Bool = False);
20684: Func TerminateProcessByID(ProcessID:Card):Bool;
20685: Func GetWindowProcessName(const Wnd: Windows.HWND):Str;
20686: Func GetProcessName(const PID: Windows.DWORD):Str;
20687: Func GetWindowProcessID(const Wnd: Windows.HWND): Windows.DWORD;
20688: Func IsAppResponding(const Wnd: Windows.HWND):Bool;
20689: Func IsTabletOS:Bool;
20690: Func ProgIDInstalled(const PID:Str):Bool;
20691: Func GetProcessorName:Str;
20692: Func GetProcessorIdentifier:Str; //36
20693: Proc EmptyKeyQueue;
20694: Proc TrimAppMemorySize;
20695: Func GetEnvironmentBlockSize:Card;
20696: Func GetDefaultPrinterName:Str; //40
20697: Proc ListDrives(const List: Classes.TStrings);
20698: Proc MultiSzToStrings(const MultiSz: PChar; const Strings: Classes.TStrings);

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20699: Func BrowseURL(const URL:Str):Bool;

20700: Func IsValidURLProtocol(const URL:Str):Bool;
20701: Func ExecAssociatedApp(const FileName:Str):Bool; //45
20702: Func CheckInternetConnection(AHost: PAnsiChar):Bool;
20703: Func MakeSafeHTMLText(TheText:Str):Str;
20704: Func RemoveURIQueryString(const URI:Str):Str;
20705: Func GetRegistryString(const RootKey: Windows.HKEY;const SubKey,Name:str):str;
20706: Proc RefreshEnvironment2(const Timeout:Card = 5000); //50
20707: Func IsKeyPressed2(const VirtKeyCode: Int):Bool;
20708: Func SizeOfFile64(const FileName:Str): Int64;
20709: Func IsHugeFile(const FileName:Str):Bool;
20710: Func SetTransparencyLevel(const HWnd: Windows.HWND;const Level: Byte):Bool;
20711: Func IsEqualResID(const R1, R2: PChar):Bool; //55
20712: Func GetGenericFileType(const FileNameOrExt:Str):Str;
20713: Func GetFileType2(const FilePath:Str):Str;
20714: Proc ShowShellPropertiesDlg(const APath:Str);
20715: Func EllipsifyText(const AsPath:Bool; const Text:Str;
20716: const Canvas: Graphics.TCanvas; const MaxWidth: Int ):Str;
20717: Func CloneByteArray(const B: array of Byte): TBytes; //60
20718: Proc AppendByteArray(var B1: TBytes; const B2: array of Byte);
20719: Func IsUnicodeStream(const Stm: Classes.TStream):Bool;
20720: Func FileHasWatermark(const FileName:Str;
20721: const Watermark: array of Byte; const Offset: Int = 0):Bool;
20722: Func FileHasWatermarkAnsi(const FileName:Str;
20723: const Watermark: Ansistr; const Offset: Int = 0):Bool;
20724: Func IsASCIIStream(const Stm: Classes.TStream; Count:Int64 = 0;
20725: BufSize: Int = 8*1024):Bool;
20726: Func IsASCIIFile(const FileName:str; BytesToCheck:Int64 = 0;
20727: BufSize: Int = 8*1024):Bool; //66
20728: Func BytesToAnsistr(const Bytes: SysUtils.TBytes; const CodePage: Word):str;
20729: Func UnicodeStreamToWideString(const Stm: Classes.TStream): WideString;
20730: Proc WideStringToUnicodeStream(const Str: WideString;const Stm: Classes.TStream);
20731: Proc GraphicToBitmap(const Src: Graphics.TGraphic;
20732: const Dest: Graphics.TBitmap; const TransparentColor: Graphics.TColor); //70
20733: Func URIDecode(S:Str; const IsQueryString:Bool):Str;
20734: Func URIEncode(const S:Str; const InQueryString:Bool):Str;
20735: Func URLDecode(const S:Str):Str;
20736: Func URLEncode(const S:Str; const InQueryString:Bool):Str;
20737: Func AllDigitsSame(N: Int64):Bool;
20738: Func GetDosOutput(CommandLine:Str; Work:Str = 'C:\:Str;
20739: Proc CaptureConsoleOutput(DosApp :Str;AMemo : TMemo);
20740: Ex.: CaptureConsoleOutput('cmd /C dir *.* ',memo2);
20741: CaptureConsoleOutput('powershell /C dir *.* ',memo2);
20742: Func ExecuteCommandDOS(CommandLine:str):str;
20743: Func DOSCommandRedirect(const CommandLine:Str;
20744: const OutStream: Classes.TStream):Bool; overload; //8
20745: Proc SendKeysToWindow(const HWnd: Windows.HWND; const Text:Str); //75
20746: Func FoldWrapText(const Line,BreakStr:str;BreakChars:TSysCharSet;MaxCol:Int):str;;
20747: Func TextWrap(const Text:Str; const Width, Margin: Int):Str;
20748: Func ShellExecuteX(Operation,FileName,Parameters,Directory:str;ShowCmd:Int):Card;;
20749: Func KeyboardStateToShiftState1(const KeyboardState: TKeyboardState): TShiftState;;
20750: Proc SetCustomFormGlassFrame(const CustomForm:TCustomForm;const GlassFrame:TGlassFrame);
20751: Func GetCustomFormGlassFrame( const CustomForm : TCustomForm) : TGlassFrame;
20752: Proc SetApplicationMainFormOnTaskBar(const Application:TApplication;Value:Bool);
20753: Func GetApplicationMainFormOnTaskBar( const Application : TApplication) :Bool;
20754: Func CompressWhiteSpace(const S:Str):Str;
20755: Func IsASCIIDigit(const Ch: Char):Bool;
20756: Func CompareNumberStr(const S1, S2:Str): Int;
20757: Proc HexToBuf(HexStr:Str; var Buf:Str);
20758: Func BufToHex(const Buf:Str; const Size:Card):Str;
20759: Func DOSExec( CommandLine :Str; Work :Str) :Str;
20760: Proc HexToStrBuf(HexStr:Str; var Buf:Str);;
20761: Func StrBufToHex(const Buf:Str; const Size:Card):Str;;
20762: Func GetCharFromVirtualKey(AKey: Word):Str;
20763: Func GetParentProcessID(const PID: Windows.DWORD): Windows.DWORD;
20764: Func FormInstanceCount2(AFormClass: Forms.TFormClass): Int; //overload;
20765: Func FormInstanceCount(const AFormClassName:Str): Int; //overload;
20766: Func FindAssociatedApp(const Doc:Str):Str;
20767: Func CreateShellLink2(const LinkFileName,AssocFileName,Desc,WorkDir,Args,IconFileName:str;const
20768: Func FileFromShellLink(const LinkFileName:Str):Str;
20769: Func IsShellLink(const LinkFileName:Str):Bool;
20770: Func ResourceIDToStr(const ResID: PChar):Str;
20771: Func IsEqualResID(const R1, R2: PChar):Bool;
20772: Func RecycleBinInfo(const Drive: Char; out BinSize, FileCount: Int64):Bool;
20773: Func FormInstanceCount2(AFormClass: TFormClass): Int;;
20774: Func FormInstanceCount(const AFormClassName:Str): Int;;
20775: Func FindAssociatedApp(const Doc:Str):Str;;
20776: Func CreateShellLink2(const LinkFileName,AssocFileName,Desc,WorkDir,Args
20777: ,IconFileName:Str; const IconIdx: Int):Bool;
20778: Func FileFromShellLink(const LinkFileName:Str):Str;
20779: Func IsShellLink(const LinkFileName:Str):Bool;
20780: Func ResourceIDToStr(const ResID: PChar):Str;
20781: Func IsEqualResID(const R1, R2: PChar):Bool;
20782: Func RecycleBinInfo(const Drive: Char; out BinSize, FileCount: Int64):Bool;
20783: Func SysImageListHandle(const Path:str; const WantLargeIcons:Boolean): THandle;
20784: Func EmptyRecycleBin:Bool;
20785: Func ExploreFile(const Filename:Str ):Bool;
20786: Func ExploreFolder(const Folder:Str):Bool;

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20787: Proc ClearRecentDocs2;

20788: Proc AddToRecentDocs2(const FileName:Str); //100
20789: Func StringsToMultiSz(const Strings:TStrings;const MultiSz:PChar;const BufSize:Int):Int;
20790: Proc DrawTextOutline(const Canvas: TCanvas;const X,Y:Int;const Text:str);
20791: Func CloneGraphicAsBitmap(const Src:Graphics.TGraphic; const PixelFmt:Graphics.TPixelFormat;
20792: const TransparentColor: Graphics.TColor): Graphics.TBitmap;
20793: Proc InvertBitmap(const ABitmap: Graphics.TBitmap); //overload;
20794: Proc InvertBitmap2(const SrcBmp, DestBmp: Graphics.TBitmap); //overload;
20795: Func MakeFilenameInExePath( aFilename : TFilename) : TFilename;
20796: Func YearOfDate2( DateTime : TDateTime) : Int;
20797: Func MonthOfDate2( DateTime : TDateTime) : Int;
20798: Func DayOfDate2( DateTime : TDateTime) : Int;
20799: Func HourOfTime2( DateTime : TDateTime) : Int;
20800: Func MinuteOfTime2( DateTime : TDateTime) : Int;
20801: Func SecondOfTime2( DateTime : TDateTime) : Int;
20802: Func IsLeapYear2( DateTime : TDateTime) :Bool;
20803: Func DaysInMonth2( DateTime : TDateTime) : Int;
20804: Func MakeUTCTime( DateTime : TDateTime) : TDateTime;
20805: Func MakeLocalTimeFromUTC( DateTime : TDateTime) : TDateTime;
20806: Func IsStandardTime :Bool;
20807: Func UnixNow : Int64;
20808: Func NowString :Str;
20809: Func MakeClosedTag( aTagName, aTagValue :Str) :Str;
20810: Func MakeOpenTag( aTagName, aTagAttributes :Str) :Str;
20811: Func MakeBold( Str :Str) :Str;
20812: Func MakeItalic( Str :Str) :Str;
20813: Func MakeUnderline( Str :Str) :Str;
20814: Func MakeStrikeout( Str :Str) :Str;
20815: Func MakeCenter( Str :Str) :Str;
20816: Func MakeParagraph( Str :Str) :Str;
20817: Func MakeCode( Str :Str) :Str;
20818: Func MakeOption( aValue, aText :Str) :Str;
20819: Func MakeHTMLFontSize( Str :Str; SizeParam :Str) :Str;
20820: Func AddQuotes2( Str :Str) :Str;
20821: Func AddSingleQuotes( Str :Str) :Str;
20822: Func MakeHTMLParam( Str :Str) :Str;
20823: Func MakeLink( URL, name :Str) :Str;
20824: Func MakeLinkTarget( URL, name, Target :Str) :Str;
20825: Func MakeMailTo( Address, name :Str) :Str;
20826: Func HTMLToDelphiColor( S :Str) : TColor;
20827: Func ColorToHTMLHex( Color : TColor) :Str;
20828: Func GetStringFromRes( ResName :Str) :Str;
20829: Func EscapeText( sText :Str) :Str;
20830: Func EncodeForXML( const aString :Str) :Str;
20831: Func IsStringAlpha( Str :Str) :Bool;
20832: Func IsStringNumber( Str :Str) :Bool;
20833: Func EnsurePrefix( aPrefix, aText :Str) :Str;
20834: Func StringToAcceptableChars( S :Str; AcceptableChars : TCharSet) :Str;
20835: Func StringIsAcceptable( S :Str; AcceptableChars : TCharSet) :Bool;
20836: Func ValidateEMailAddress( aEmail :Str) :Bool;
20837: Func FirstChar( Str :Str) : Char;
20838: Func LastChar( Str :Str) : Char;
20839: Func StringIsEmpty( Str :Str) :Bool;
20840: Func StringIsNotEmpty( Str :Str) :Bool;
20841: Func StringHasSpacesInMiddle( Str :Str) :Bool;
20842: Func StringContains( aString :Str; aSubStr :Str) :Bool;
20843: Func SpacesToUnderscore( S :Str) :Str;
20844: Func SpacesToPluses( Str :Str) :Str;
20845: Func SwapString( Str :Str) :Str;
20846: Func MakeCopyrightNotice( aCopyrightHolder :Str) :Str;
20847: Proc WriteStringToFile( aStr :Str; aFilename : TFilename);
20848: //Func WinExecandWait32( Path : PChar; Visibility : Word) : Int;
20849: Func WinExecAndWait32V2( Filename :Str; Visibility : Int) : DWORD;
20850: Func WindowsExit( RebootParam : Longword) :Bool;
20851: Func GetVersionInfo2 :Str;
20852: Func VersionString( aPrefix :Str; aUseColon :Bool) :Str;
20853: Func CreateTempFileName( aPrefix :Str) :Str;
20854: Func GetWindowsTempDir :Str;
20855: Func GetWindowsDir2 :Str;
20856: Func GetSystemDir2 :Str;
20857: Func GetSpecialFolderLocation( aFolderType : Int) :Str;
20858: Func GetTextFileContents( aFilename : TFilename) :Str;
20859: Func GetBDSDir( aVersion : Int) :Str;
20860: Func CaptionMessageDlg(const aCaption:str;const Msg:str;DlgType:TMsgDlgType;Buttons
20861: Func StreamFileCopy(const SourceFilename,TargetFilename:str;KeepDate:Boolean):Int;
20862: Func MakePercentString( f : Double):Str;
20863: Proc DumpKey( var aKey : Char);
20864: Func ValidateKey2(var aKey:Char; AcceptableKeys:TCharSet;KillTheKey:Bool) :Bool;
20865: Func MakeInterbaseString( aHostName, aFilename :Str) :Str;
20866: Func ParseToken( const S :Str; var FromPos : Int; Delimiter : Char):Str;
20867: Proc MatchBounds( MovedControl, TemplateControl : TControl);
20868: Proc LockWidth( aControl : TControl);
20869: Proc LockHeight( aControl : TControl);
20870: Proc LockBounds( aControl : TControl);
20871: Func TruncateFilename(aCanvas:TCanvas;aRect:TRect;aFilename:str;aMargin Int):Str;
20872: Func PointInRect2( const R : TRect; const P : TPoint) :Bool;;
20873: Func PointInRect3( const R : TRect; const X, Y : Int) :Bool;;
20874: Proc VariantToStream2( const V : OLEVariant; Stream : TStream);

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20875: Proc StreamToVariant2( Stream : TStream; var V : OLEVariant);

20876: Proc AssignDocument( Browser : TWebBrowser; Text :Str);
20877: Proc LoadStreamToWebBrowser( WebBrowser : TWebBrowser; Stream : TStream);
20878: Proc SaveWebBrowserSourceToStream( Document : IDispatch; Stream : TStream);
20879: Proc GetStylesFromBrowser( aBrowser : TWebBrowser; aStyles : TStrings);
20880: TypeS('TnxBits', 'Int; TypeS('TDayHours', 'Int;
20881: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT,'NixUtilsException;
20883: Func RegisteredOwner :Str;
20884: Func RegisteredCompany :Str;
20885: Func GetLocalComputerName2 :Str;
20886: Func GetLocalUserName2 :Str;
20887: Func DeleteToRecycleBin(WindowHandle: HWND; Filename:str; Confirm:Bool): Bool;
20888: Func RemoveBackSlash2( const Dir :Str) :Str;
20889: Func EnsureBackSlash( aPath :Str) :Str;
20890: Func EnsureForwardSlash( aPath :Str) :Str;
20891: Func RemoveLeadingSlash( aPath :Str) :Str;
20892: Func SameDirectories( aDir1, aDir2 : TFilename) :Bool;
20893: Func EnsureExtensionHasLeadingPeriod( aExtension :Str) :Str;
20894: Func RemoveExtension( aFilename :Str) :Str;
20895: Func GetModuleFileNameStr :Str;
20896: Func ModulePath :Str;
20897: Func IniFileName :Str;
20898: Func MakeFilenameInExePath( aFilename : TFilename) : TFilename;
20899: Func IsBitSet( Bits : Int; BitToSet : TnxBits) :Bool;
20900: Func SetBit6( Bits : Int; BitToSet : TnxBits) : Int;
20901: Func UnSetBit( Bits : Int; BitToSet : TnxBits) : Int;
20902: Func FlipBit( Bits : Int; BitToSet : TnxBits) : Int;
20903: Func / FontToOleFont
20904: Func / OleFontToFont
20905: Func GetCachedFileFromURL(strUL:Str; var strLocalFile:Str):Bool;
20906: Func IAddrToHostName(const IP:Str):Str;
20907: Func GetIEHandle(WebBrowser: TWebbrowser; ClassName:Str): HWND;
20908: Func GetTextFromHandle(WinHandle: THandle):Str;
20909: Proc Duplicate_Webbrowser(WB1, WB2: TWebbrowser);
20910: Func FillWebForm(WebBrowser:TWebBrowser;FieldName:Str; Value:Str):Bool;
20911: Proc WB_LoadHTML(WebBrowser: TWebBrowser; HTMLCode:Str);
20912: Func NetSend(dest, Source, Msg:Str): Longint; overload;
20913: end;
20914: Proc SIRegister_UWANTUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20915: begin
20916: TErrorSeverity,(errwantNone,errwantInfo,errwantHint,errwantWarning,errwantError,errwantFatal );
20917: Func ErrTag( Sev : TErrorSeverity) :Str;
20918: Func MakeInt64( LowInt32, HiInt32 :Card) : Int64;
20919: Func FolderContent( const APath :Str) : INode;
20920: Func FindFiles2(const AFolder,AMask:Str;Attrs:Int;AList:TStrings;ASearchSubdirs:Bool):Bool;
20921: Func ErrorSeverityStr( ASeverity : TErrorSeverity) :Str;
20922: Func IsParameterOptional( AParamDef : INode) :Bool;
20923: Func ExtractMethodName( const S :Str) :Str;
20924: Func LineNoOf( ANode : INode) : Int;
20925: Func ColNoOf( ANode : INode) : Int;
20926: Func WANTBoolToStr( AValue :Bool) :Str;
20927: Func WANTStrToBool( const AValue :Str; dEFAULT :Bool) :Bool;
20928: Func StrDefault( const S, Default :Str) :Str;
20929: Func PluralNoun( Count : Int; const S :Str) :Str;
20930: Func IsUnqualifiedName( const AName :Str) :Bool;
20931: Func IsModuleTag( const ATag :Str) :Bool;
20932: Func IsCallableTag( const ATag :Str) :Bool;
20933: Func IsConditionalTag( const ATag :Str) :Bool;
20934: Func IsMethodTag( const ATag :Str) :Bool;
20935: Func StripDriveFromPath( const AFileName :Str) :Str;
20936: Func TotalTime( NumTicks : Int64) :Str;
20937: end;
20939: Proc SIRegister_IdNNTPServer(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20940: begin
20941: TIdNNTPAuthType', '( atUserPass, atSimple, atGeneric );
20942: TIdNNTPAuthTypes', 'set of TIdNNTPAuthType;
20943: SIRegister_TIdNNTPThread(CL);
20944: TypeS('TIdNNTPOnAuth', Proc ( AThread : TIdNNTPThread; var VAccept :Bool);
20945: TIdNNTPOnNewGroupsList','Procedure(AThread:TIdNNTPThread;const ADateStamp:TDateTime;const
20946: TIdNNTPOnNewNews', 'Proc ( AThread : TIdNNTPThread; const Nributions :Str);
20947: TIdNNTPOnIHaveCheck', 'Procedure(AThread:TIdNNTPThread;const AMsgID String; VAccept : Bool);
20948: TIdNNTPOnArticleByNo', 'Proc ( AThread : TIdNNTPThread; const AMsgNo : Int);
20949: TIdNNTPOnArticleByID', 'Proc ( AThread : TIdNNTPThread; const AMsgID :Str);
20950: TIdNNTPOnCheckMsgNo', 'Procedure(AThread:TIdNNTPThread;const AMsgNo:Int; var VMsgID :Str);
20951: TIdNNTPOnCheckMsgID','Proc (AThread:TIdNNTPThread; const AMsgId:str;var VMsgNo : Int);
20952: TIdNNTPOnMovePointer', 'Proc (AThread TIdNNTPThread;var AMsgNo:Int;var VMsgID:str);
20953: TIdNNTPOnPost','Procedure(AThread:TIdNNTPThread;var VPostOk:Boolean;var VErrorText :Str);
20954: TIdNNTPOnSelectGroup','Procedure(AThread:TIdNNTPThread;const AGroup:str;var VMsgCount:Int;var
20955: +VMsgLast : Int; var VGroupExists :Bool);
20956: TIdNNTPOnCheckListGroup', 'Proc ( AThread : TIdNNTPThread; '
20957: +'const AGroup :Str; var VCanJoin :Bool; var VFirstArticle : Int);
20958: TIdNNTPOnXHdr', 'Proc ( AThread : TIdNNTPThread; const AHea'
20959: +derName:Str; const AMsgFirst: Int; const AMsgLast:Int;const AMsgID:str);
20960: TIdNNTPOnXOver', 'Proc (AThread:TIdNNTPThread;const AMsgFirst:Int;const AMsgLast : Int);
20961: TIdNNTPOnXPat','Procedure(AThread:TIdNNTPThread;const AHeaderName:str;const AMsgFirst:Int; const
AMsgLast:Int;const AMsgID:str;const AHeaderPattern:str);

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20962: TIdNNTPOnAuthRequired','Procedure(AThread:TIdNNTPThread;const ACommand,AParams:str;var VRequired:Bool);

20963: TIdNNTPOnListPattern', 'Proc (AThread:TIdNNTPThread;const AGroupPattern:str);
20964: SIRegister_TIdNNTPServer(CL);
20965: end;
20967: Proc SIRegister_OverbyteIcsAsn1Utils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
20968: begin
20969: 'ASN1UtilsVersion','LongInt.SetInt( 101);
20970: ConstantN('ASN1_BOOL','LongWord.SetUInt( $01);
20971: 'ASN1_INT','LongWord.SetUInt( $02);
20972: 'ASN1_OCTSTR','LongWord').SetUInt( $04);
20973: 'ASN1_NULL','LongWord').SetUInt( $05);
20974: 'ASN1_OBJID','LongWord').SetUInt( $06);
20975: 'ASN1_ENUM','LongWord').SetUInt( $0a);
20976: 'ASN1_SEQ','LongWord').SetUInt( $30);
20977: 'ASN1_SETOF','LongWord').SetUInt( $31);
20978: 'ASN1_IPADDR','LongWord').SetUInt( $40);
20979: 'ASN1_COUNTER','LongWord').SetUInt( $41);
20980: 'ASN1_GAUGE','LongWord').SetUInt( $42);
20981: 'ASN1_TIMETICKS','LongWord').SetUInt( $43);
20982: 'ASN1_OPAQUE','LongWord').SetUInt( $44);
20983: Func ASNEncOIDItem2( Value : Int) : Ansistr;
20984: Func ASNDecOIDItem2( var Start : Int; const Buffer : Ansistr) : Int;
20985: Func ASNEncLen2( Len : Int) : Ansistr;
20986: Func ASNDecLen2( var Start : Int; const Buffer : Ansistr) : Int;
20987: Func ASNEncInt2( Value : Int) : Ansistr;
20988: Func ASNEncUInt2(Value : Int) : Ansistr;
20989: Func ASNObject2( const Data : Ansistr; ASNType : Int) : Ansistr;
20990: Func ASNItem2( var Start:Int; const Buffer:Ansistr; var ValueType:Int):Ansistr;
20991: Func MibToId2( Mib :Str) : Ansistr;;
20992: //Func MibToId1( Mib : Ansistr) : Ansistr;;
20993: Func IdToMib2( const Id : Ansistr) :Str;
20994: Func IntMibToStr2( const Value : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
20995: Func ASNdump2( const Value : Ansistr) :Str;
20996: end;
20997: const SM_MEDIACENTER = 87; //metrics flag not defined in Windows unit
20998: SM_TABLETPC = 86;
20999: http://snippets.delphidabbler.com/#
21001: Proc SIRegister_wmiserv(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21002: begin
21003: ConstantN('EOAC_NONE','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
21004: 'RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT','LongInt').SetInt( 10);
21005: 'RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
21006: 'RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE','LongInt').SetInt( - 2147417850);
21007: Func WMIStart : ISWBemLocator;
21008: Func WMIConnect(WBemLocator:ISWBemLocator;Server,account,password:str):ISWBemServices;
21009: Func WMIExecQuery( WBemServices : ISWBemServices; query :Str) : ISWbemObjectSet;
21010: Func WMIRowFindFirst(ObjectSet:ISWbemObjectSet;var ENum:IEnumVariant;var tempobj:OleVariant):bool;
21011: Func WMIRowFindNext( ENum : IENumVariant; var tempobj : OleVariant) :Bool;
21012: Func WMIColFindFirst(var propENum:IENumVariant; var tempObj : OleVariant):Bool;
21013: Func WMIColFindNext( propENum : IENumVariant; var tempobj : OleVariant) :Bool;
21014: Func WMIGetValue(wbemservices:ISWBemServices; tablename,fieldname:str):Str;
21015: Func WMIConvValue( tempobj : OleVariant; var keyname :Str):Str;
21016: --- wmiserv2:
21017: Func WMIRegConnect(WBemLocator:ISWBemLocator;Server,account,password:str): ISWBemServices;
21018: Proc WMIGetMethodInfo(srv:ISWbemServices;objname,method:str; var regobject,inparms: ISWBemObject);
21019: Proc WMISetValue(InParam: ISWBemObject; keyvalue:Str; invalue: OleVariant);
21020: end;
21022: Proc SIRegister_RegSvrUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21023: begin
21024: SIRegister_ERegistryException(CL);
21025: Func RegOpenKey2( Key : HKey; const SubKey :Str) : HKey;
21026: Func RegGetKey( Key : HKey; const SubKey :Str) :Str;
21027: Func RegCanOpenKey( Key : HKey; const SubKey :Str; var OutKey : HKey) :Bool;
21028: Func RegKeyExists2( Key : HKey; const SubKey :Str) :Bool;
21029: Func RegCloseAndNilKey( var Key : HKey) :Bool;
21030: Func RegQuerySubKeyCount( Key : HKey) : Int;
21031: Func RegEnumKey2( Key : HKey; Index : Int; var Value :Str) :Bool;
21032: Func RegQueryKey( Key : HKey; const SubKey :Str; var Value :Str) :Bool;
21033: Func RegGetDefaultValue( Key : HKey) :Str;
21034: Func RegGetValueEx( Key : HKey; const ValName :Str) :Str;
21035: Proc ErrorFmt( const Ident :Str; const Args : array of const);
21036: Proc FmtError( const Ident :Str; const Args : array of const);
21037: end;
21039: Proc SIRegister_osFileUtil(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); //Linux
21040: begin
21041: Func OsDOS2UnixFileAttributes( Attr : LongWord) : LongWord;
21042: Func OsUnix2DosFileAttributes( Attr : LongWord) : LongWord;
21043: Func OsUnixFileTimeToDateTime( UnixTime : LongInt) : TDateTime;
21044: Func OsDateTimeToUnixFileTime( DateTime : TDateTime) : LongInt;
21045: Func OsDosFileTimeToDateTime( DosTime : LongInt) : TDateTime;
21046: Func OsDateTimeToDosFileTime( Value : TDateTime) : LongInt;
21047: Func OsFileTimeToLocalFileTime( FileTime : LongInt) : LongInt;
21048: Func OsLocalFileTimeToFileTime( FileTime : LongInt) : LongInt;
21049: end;

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21051: Proc SIRegister_TWebBrowser(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

21052: begin
21053: //with RegClassS(CL,'TOleControl', 'TWebBrowser') do
21054: with ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOleControl'),'TWebBrowser') do begin
21055: RegisterMethod(Proc GoBack;
21056: Proc GoForward;
21057: Proc GoHome;
21058: Proc GoSearch;
21059: Proc Navigate7( const URL : WideString);;
21060: Proc Navigate8( const URL : WideString; const Flags : OleVariant);;
21061: Proc Navigate9(const URL:WideString;const Flags:OleVariant;const TargetFrameName: OleVariant);;
21062: Proc Navigate10(const URL:WideString;const Flags:OleVariant;const TargetFrameName:OleVariant;var
21063: Proc Navigate11(const URL:WideString;const Flags:OleVariant;const TargetFrameName:OleVariant;var
PostData:OleVariant;const Headers:OleVariant);
21064: Proc Refresh;
21065: Proc Refresh212;;
21066: Proc Refresh213( var Level : OleVariant);;
21067: Proc Stop;
21068: Proc Quit;
21069: Proc ClientToWindow( var pcx : SYSINT; var pcy : SYSINT);
21070: Proc PutProperty( const Property_ : WideString; vtValue : OleVariant);
21071: Func GetProperty( const Property_ : WideString) : OleVariant;
21072: Proc Navigate214( var URL : OleVariant);;
21073: Proc Navigate215( var URL : OleVariant; var Flags : OleVariant);;
21074: Proc Navigate216(var URL:OleVariant;var Flags:OleVariant;var TargetFrameName:OleVar);
21075: Proc Navigate217(var URL:OleVariant;var Flags:OleVariant;var TargetFrameName:OleVariant;var PostData:
21076: Proc Navigate218(var URL:OleVariant;var Flags:OleVariant;var TargetFrameName:OleVar;var
PostData:OleVariant;var Headers:OleVariant);
21077: Func QueryStatusWB( cmdID : OLECMDID) : OLECMDF;
21078: Proc ExecWB19( cmdID : OLECMDID; cmdexecopt : OLECMDEXECOPT);;
21079: Proc ExecWB20(cmdID:OLECMDID;cmdexecopt: OLECMDEXECOPT; var pvaIn : OleVariant);;
21080: Proc ExecWB21(cmdID:OLECMDID;cmdexecopt:OLECMDEXECOPT;var pvaIn:OleVariant;var pvaOut:OleVariant);
21081: Proc ShowBrowserBar22( var pvaClsid : OleVariant);;
21082: Proc ShowBrowserBar23( var pvaClsid : OleVariant; var pvarShow : OleVariant);;
21083: Proc ShowBrowserBar24(var pvaClsid:OleVariant;var pvarShow:OleVariant;var pvarSize: OleVariant);;
21084: ControlInterface', 'IWebBrowser2', iptr);
21085: RegisterProperty(DefaultInterface, IWebBrowser2', iptr);
21086: Application', 'IDispatch', iptr);
21087: Parent', 'IDispatch', iptr);
21088: Container', 'IDispatch', iptr);
21089: Document', 'IDispatch', iptr);
21090: TopLevelContainer', 'WordBool', iptr);
21091: type_', 'WideString', iptr);
21092: LocationName', 'WideString', iptr);
21093: LocationURL', 'WideString', iptr);
21094: Busy', 'WordBool', iptr);
21095: Name', 'WideString', iptr);
21096: FullName', 'WideString', iptr);
21097: Path', 'WideString', iptr);
21098: Visible', 'WordBool', iptrw);
21099: StatusBar', 'WordBool', iptrw);
21100: StatusText', 'WideString', iptrw);
21101: ToolBar', 'Int', iptrw);
21102: MenuBar', 'WordBool', iptrw);
21103: FullScreen', 'WordBool', iptrw);
21104: Offline', 'WordBool', iptrw);
21105: Silent', 'WordBool', iptrw);
21106: RegisterAsBrowser', 'WordBool', iptrw);
21107: RegisterAsDropTarget', 'WordBool', iptrw);
21108: TheaterMode', 'WordBool', iptrw);
21109: AddressBar', 'WordBool', iptrw);
21110: Resizable', 'WordBool', iptrw);
21111: OnStatusTextChange', 'TWebBrowserStatusTextChange', iptrw);
21112: OnProgressChange', 'TWebBrowserProgressChange', iptrw);
21113: OnCommandStateChange', 'TWebBrowserCommandStateChange', iptrw);
21114: OnDownloadBegin', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
21115: OnDownloadComplete', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
21116: OnTitleChange', 'TWebBrowserTitleChange', iptrw);
21117: OnPropertyChange', 'TWebBrowserPropertyChange', iptrw);
21118: OnBeforeNavigate2', 'TWebBrowserBeforeNavigate2', iptrw);
21119: OnNewWindow2', 'TWebBrowserNewWindow2', iptrw);
21120: OnNavigateComplete2', 'TWebBrowserNavigateComplete2', iptrw);
21121: OnDocumentComplete', 'TWebBrowserDocumentComplete', iptrw);
21122: OnQuit', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
21123: OnVisible', 'TWebBrowserOnVisible', iptrw);
21124: OnToolBar', 'TWebBrowserOnToolBar', iptrw);
21125: OnMenuBar', 'TWebBrowserOnMenuBar', iptrw);
21126: OnStatusBar', 'TWebBrowserOnStatusBar', iptrw);
21127: OnFullScreen', 'TWebBrowserOnFullScreen', iptrw);
21128: OnTheaterMode', 'TWebBrowserOnTheaterMode', iptrw);
21129: OnWindowSetResizable', 'TWebBrowserWindowSetResizable', iptrw);
21130: OnWindowSetLeft', 'TWebBrowserWindowSetLeft', iptrw);
21131: OnWindowSetTop', 'TWebBrowserWindowSetTop', iptrw);
21132: OnWindowSetWidth', 'TWebBrowserWindowSetWidth', iptrw);
21133: OnWindowSetHeight', 'TWebBrowserWindowSetHeight', iptrw);
21134: OnWindowClosing', 'TWebBrowserWindowClosing', iptrw);
21135: OnClientToHostWindow', 'TWebBrowserClientToHostWindow', iptrw);

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21136: OnSetSecureLockIcon', 'TWebBrowserSetSecureLockIcon', iptrw);

21137: OnFileDownload', 'TWebBrowserFileDownload', iptrw);
21138: OnNavigateError', 'TWebBrowserNavigateError', iptrw);
21139: OnPrintTemplateInstantiation', 'TWebBrowserPrintTemplateInstantiation', iptrw);
21140: OnPrintTemplateTeardown', 'TWebBrowserPrintTemplateTeardown', iptrw);
21141: OnUpdatePageStatus', 'TWebBrowserUpdatePageStatus', iptrw);
21142: OnPrivacyImpactedStateChange', 'TWebBrowserPrivacyImpactedStateChange', iptrw);
21143: end;
21144: end;
21146: Proc SIRegister_xutils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21147: begin
21148: //TypeS('PshortString', '^ShortString // will not work;
21149: 'EXIT_DOSERROR','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
21150: 'EXIT_ERROR','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
21151: 'adCmdTxt','LongInt').SetInt($00000001);
21152: 'adExecNoRecords','LongInt').SetInt($00000080);
21153: {** Byte order mark: UTF-8 encoding signature }
21154: ('BOM_UTF8','String').SetString( #$EF#$BB#$BF);
21155: {** Byte order mark: UTF-8 encoding signature }
21156: BOM_UTF8 = #$EF#$BB#$BF;
21157: {** Byte order mark: UCS-4 big endian encoding signature }
21158: BOM_UTF32_BE = #00#00#$FE#$FF;
21159: {** Byte order mark: UCS-4 little endian encoding signature }
21160: BOM_UTF32_LE = #$FF#$FE#00#00;
21161: BOM_UTF16_BE = #$FE#$FF;
21162: BOM_UTF16_LE = #$FF#$FE;
21163: //const adCmdTxt = $00000001; //adExecNoRecords = $00000080;
21164: Func AnsiFileExists( const FName :Str) :Bool;
21165: Func AnsiDirectoryExists( DName :Str) :Bool;
21166: Proc SwapLong2( var x : longword);
21167: Proc SwapWord2( var x : word);
21168: Func UpString( s :Str) :Str;
21169: Func LowString( s :Str) :Str;
21170: Func AddDoubleQuotes( s :Str) :Str;
21171: Func RemoveDoubleQuotes( s :Str) :Str;
21172: Proc StreamErrorProcedure( var S : TStream);
21173: Func StrToken( var Text :Str; Delimiter : Char; UseQuotes:boolean):Str;
21174: Func StrGetNextLine( var Text :Str) :Str;
21175: Func TrimLeftx( const S :Str) :Str;
21176: Func TrimRightx( const S :Str) :Str;
21177: Func hexstr( val : longint; cnt : byte) :Str;
21178: Func decstr( val : longint; cnt : byte) :Str;
21179: Func decstrunsigned( l : longword; cnt : byte) :Str;
21180: Func boolstr( val :Bool; cnt : byte) :Str;
21181: Func CompareByte( buf1, buf2 : pchar; len : longint) : Int;
21182: Func Trimx( const S :Str) :Str;
21183: Func Printf2( const s :Str; var Buf:Str; size : word) :Str;
21184: Func Printfx( const s :Str; var Buf:Str; size : word) :Str;
21185: Func FillTo( s :Str; tolength : Int) :Str;
21186: Func stringdup( const s :Str) :Str;
21187: //Proc stringdispose( var p : pShortstring);
21188: Func EscapeToPascal( const s :Str; var code : Int) :Str;
21189: Func ValDecimal( const S :Str; var code : Int) : longint;
21190: Func ValUnsignedDecimal( const S :Str; var code : Int) : longword;
21191: Func ValOctal( const S :Str; var code : Int) : longint;
21192: Func ValBinary( const S :Str; var code : Int) : longint;
21193: Func ValHexadecimal( const S :Str; var code : Int) : longint;
21194: Func CleanString( const s :Str) :Str;
21195: Func ChangeFileExt2( const FileName, Extension :Str) :Str;
21196: Func fillwithzero( s :Str; newlength : Int) :Str;
21197: Func removenulls( const s :Str) :Str;
21198: //ConstantN('WhiteSpace','Char').SetString( ' ' or #10 or #13 or #9);
21199: end;
21201: Proc SIRegister_ietf(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21202: begin
21203: Func mime_isvalidcontenttype( const s : shortstring) :Bool;
21204: Func langtag_isvalid( const s :Str) :Bool;
21205: Func langtag_split( const s :Str; var primary, sub :Str) :Bool;
21206: URI_START_DELIMITER_CHAR','String').SetString( '<;
21207: URI_END_DELIMITER_CHAR','String').SetString( '>;
21208: URI_SCHEME_NAME_EMAIL','String').SetString( 'mailto;
21209: URI_SCHEME_SEPARATOR','String').SetString( ':;
21210: Func uri_split( url :Str; var scheme, authority, path, query :Str) :Bool;
21211: Func urn_isvalid( s : shortstring) :Bool;
21212: Func urn_isvalidnid( nid :Str) :Bool;
21213: Func urn_split( urn :Str; var urnidstr, nidstr, nssstr :Str) :Bool;
21214: Func urn_pathsplit( path :Str; var namespace, nss :Str) :Bool;
21215: Func http_pathsplit( path :Str; var directory, name :Str) :Bool;
21216: Func file_pathsplit( path :Str; var directory, name :Str) :Bool;
21217: end;
21219: Proc SIRegister_dateutilreal(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21220: begin
21221: TypeS('TDatetimeReal', 'real;
21222: TypeS(TDateInfo', 'record DateTime : TDateTime; UTC :Bool; end;
21223: //TypeS('float', 'real;
21224: TypeS('big_Int_t', 'int64;

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21225: 'DayMondayR','LongInt').SetInt( 1);

21226: ConstantN('DayTuesdayR','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
21227: 'DayWednesdayR','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
21228: 'DayThursdayR','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
21229: 'DayFridayR','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
21230: 'DaySaturdayR','LongInt').SetInt( 6);
21231: 'DaySundayR','LongInt').SetInt( 7);
21232: Func CurrentYearreal : word;
21233: Func Datereal : TDatetimeReal;
21234: Func DateOfreal( const AValue : TDatetimeReal) : TDatetimeReal;
21235: Func DateTimeToStrreal( DateTime : TDatetimeReal) :Str;
21236: Func DateToStrreal( date : TDatetimeReal) :Str;
21237: Func DayOfreal( const AValue : TDatetimeReal) : Word;
21238: Func DaysBetweenreal( const ANow, AThen : TDatetimeReal) : Int;
21239: Proc DecodeDatereal( Date : TDatetimeReal; var Year, Month, Day : Word);
21240: Proc DecodeDateTimereal(const AValue:TDatetimeReal;var Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second,
21241: Proc DecodeTimereal( Time : TDatetimeReal; var Hour, Min, Sec, MSec : Word);
21242: Func HourOfreal( const AValue : TDatetimeReal) : Word;
21243: Func IncDayreal(const AValue:TDatetimeReal;const ANumberOfDays:Int): TDatetimeReal;
21244: Func IncHourreal(const AValue:TDatetimeReal;const ANumberOfHours:longint):TDatetimeReal;
21245: Func IncMilliSecondreal(const AValue:TDatetimeReal; const ANumberOfMilliSeconds: big_Int_t):TDatetimeReal;
21246: Func IncMinutereal(const AValue: TDatetimeReal; const ANumberOfMinutes: big_Int_t) : TDatetimeReal;
21247: Func IncSecondreal(const AValue: TDatetimeReal; const ANumberOfSeconds: big_Int_t) : TDatetimeReal;
21248: Func IncWeekreal(const AValue:TDatetimeReal;const ANumberOfWeeks:Int): TDatetimeReal;
21249: Func IsPMreal( const AValue : TDatetimeReal) :Bool;
21250: Func IsValidDatereal( const AYear, AMonth, ADay : Word) :Bool;
21251: Func IsValidDateTimereal(const AYear,AMonth,ADay,AHour,AMinute,ASecond,AMilliSec:Word):Bool;
21252: Func IsValidTimereal( const AHour, AMinute, ASecond, AMilliSecond : Word) :Bool;
21253: Func MinuteOfreal( const AValue : TDatetimeReal) : Word;
21254: Func MonthOfreal( const AValue : TDatetimeReal) : Word;
21255: Func Nowreal : TDatetimeReal;
21256: Func SameDatereal( const A, B : TDatetimeReal) :Bool;
21257: Func SameDateTimereal( const A, B : TDatetimeReal) :Bool;
21258: Func SameTimereal( const A, B : TDatetimeReal) :Bool;
21259: Func SecondOfreal( const AValue : TDatetimeReal) : Word;
21260: Func Timereal : TDatetimeReal;
21261: Func GetTimereal : TDatetimeReal;
21262: Func TimeOfreal( const AValue : TDatetimeReal) : TDatetimeReal;
21263: Func TimeToStrreal( Time : TDatetimeReal) :Str;
21264: Func Todayreal : TDatetimeReal;
21265: Func TryEncodeDatereal( Year, Month, Day : Word; var Date : TDatetimeReal) :Bool;
21266: Func TryEncodeTimereal(Hour,Min,Sec MSec: Word; var Time : TDatetimeReal) :Bool;
21267: Func TryEncodeDateTimereal(const AYear,AMonth, ADay,AHour,AMinute, ASecond, AMilliSecond:Word;var
21268: Func TryStrToDatereal( const S :Str; var Value : TDatetimeReal) :Bool;
21269: Func TryStrToDateTimereal( const S :Str; var Value : TDatetimeReal) :Bool;
21270: Func TryStrToTimereal( const S :Str; var Value : TDatetimeReal) :Bool;
21271: Func YearOfreal( const AValue : TDatetimeReal) : Word;
21272: Func parsetimeISO(timestr:str;var hourval,minval,secval:word;var offsethourval,offsetminval:Int;var
21273: Func parsedateISO( datestr :Str; var yearval, monthval, dayval : word) :Bool;
21274: Func datetojd( year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond : word) : float;
21275: Proc jdtodate(jday:float; var year, month, day, hour, minute, second, msec : word);
21276: Func converttoisotime( timestr :Str) :Str;
21277: Func AdobeDateToISODate( s :Str) :Str;
21278: Func RFC822ToISODateTime( s :Str) :Str;
21279: Proc getdatedos( var year, month, mday, wday : word);
21280: Proc gettimedos( var hour, minute, second, sec100 : word);
21281: end;
21283: Proc SIRegister_dateext4(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21284: begin
21285: TypeS('tfiletime2', 'record LowDateTime: longword; HighDateTime: longword; end;
21286: // TypeS('big_Int_t', 'int64;
21287: Func DosToWinTime( DTime : longint; var Wtime : TFileTime) : longbool;
21288: Func WinToDosTime( const Wtime : TFileTime; var DTime : longint) : longbool;
21289: Func TryStrToDateTimeExt(const S:str;var Value:TDateTime;var UTC:boolean):Bool);
21290: Func TryEncodeDateAndTimeToStr(const Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second,MilliSecond:word;UTC:boolean;var
21291: Func DateTimeToStrExt( DateTime : TDateTime; utc :Bool) :Str;
21292: Proc GetCurrentDate( var Year, Month, Day, DayOfWeek : Int);
21293: Proc GetCurrentTime2( var Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100 : Int);
21294: Func TryUNIXToDateTimeExt(unixtime:big_Int_t;var DateTime:TDateTime;var UTC:bool): bool;
21295: Func TryFileTimeToDateTimeExt( ftime : tfiletime; var DateTime : TDateTime; var UTC :Bool): bool;
21296: Proc JulianToGregorian(JulianDN:big_Int_t;var Year,Month,Day:Word);;
21297: end;
21300: Proc SIRegister_locale(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21301: begin
21302: Func GetISODateString( Year, Month, Day : Word) :Str;
21303: Func GetISODateStringBasic( Year, Month, Day : Word) :Str;
21304: Func IsValidISODateString( datestr : shortstring; strict :Bool) :Bool;
21305: Func IsValidISODateStringExt(datestr:shortstring;strict:bool;var Year,Month,Day:word):bool;
21306: Func IsValidISOTimeString( timestr : shortstring; strict :Bool) :Bool;
21307: Func IsValidISOTimeStringExt(timestr:shortstring;strict:boolean;var hour,min,sec:word;var offhour,offmin:
21308: Func IsValidISODateTimeString( str : shortstring; strict :Bool) :Bool;

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21309: Func GetISOTimeString( Hour, Minute, Second : Word; UTC :Bool) : shortstring;
21310: Func GetISOTimeStringBasic(Hour,Minute,Second: Word; UTC :Bool) : shortstring;
21311: Func GetISODateTimeString(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second:Word;UTC:Bool):shortstring;
21312: Proc UNIXToDateTime2(epoch:big_Int_t; var year,month,day,hour,minute,second: Word);
21313: Func GetCharEncoding( alias :Str; var _name :Str) : Int;
21314: Func MicrosoftCodePageToMIMECharset( cp : word) :Str;
21315: Func MicrosoftLangageCodeToISOCode( langcode : Int) :Str;
21316: CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
21317: ConstantN(CHAR_ENCODING_UNKNOWN',LongInt').SetInt( - 1);
21318: 'CHAR_ENCODING_UTF32BE','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
21319: 'CHAR_ENCODING_UTF32LE','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
21320: 'CHAR_ENCODING_UTF16LE','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
21321: 'CHAR_ENCODING_UTF16BE','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
21322: 'CHAR_ENCODING_BYTE','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
21323: 'CHAR_ENCODING_UTF16','LongInt').SetInt( 6);
21324: 'CHAR_ENCODING_UTF32','LongInt').SetInt( 7);
21325: end;
21327: Proc SIRegister_Strings(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21328: begin
21329: DelphiFunction('Func StrLenPchar( Str : PChar) : longint;
21330: Func StrEndPchar( Str : PChar) : PChar;
21331: Func StrMovePchar( Dest, Source : Pchar; l : Longint) : pchar;
21332: Func StrCopyPchar( Dest, Source : PChar) : PChar;
21333: Func StrECopyPchar( Dest, Source : PChar) : PChar;
21334: Func StrLCopyPchar( Dest, Source : PChar; MaxLen : Longint) : PChar;
21335: Func StrPCopyPchar( Dest : PChar; Source :Str) : PChar;
21336: Func StrCatPchar( Dest, Source : PChar) : PChar;
21337: Func strlcatPchar( dest, source : pchar; l : Longint) : pchar;
21338: Func StrCompPchar( Str1, Str2 : PChar) : Int;
21339: Func StrICompPchar( Str1, Str2 : PChar) : Int;
21340: Func StrLCompPchar( Str1, Str2 : PChar; MaxLen : Longint) : Int;
21341: Func StrLICompPchar( Str1, Str2 : PChar; MaxLen : Longint) : Int;
21342: Func StrScanPchar( Str : PChar; Ch : Char) : PChar;
21343: Func StrRScanPchar( Str : PChar; Ch : Char) : PChar;
21344: Func StrPosPchar( Str1, Str2 : PChar) : PChar;
21345: Func StrUpperPchar( Str : PChar) : PChar;
21346: Func StrLowerPchar( Str : PChar) : PChar;
21347: Func StrPasPchar( Str : PChar) :Str;
21348: Func StrNewPchar( P : PChar) : PChar;
21349: Proc StrDisposePchar( P : PChar);
21350: end;
21352: Proc SIRegister_crc_checks(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21353: begin
21354: Func UpdateCrc32_2( InitCrc : longword; b : byte) : longword;
21355: Func UpdateCrc16_2( InitCrc : word; b : byte) : word;
21356: Func UpdateAdler32( InitAdler : longword; b : byte) : longword;
21357: Func UpdateFletcher8( InitFletcher : word; b : byte) : word;
21358: Func UpdateCRC( InitCrc : word; b : byte) : word;
21359: end;
21361: Proc SIRegister_extdos(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21362: begin
21363: TypeS('utf8char', 'char;
21364: TypeS('putf8char', 'pchar;
21365: TypeS('utf16char', 'word;
21366: TypeS('ucs4char', 'longword;
21367: //TypeS('pucs4char', '^ucs4char // will not work;
21368: TypeS('ucs2char', 'word;
21369: TypeS('pucs2char', 'ucs2char; // will not work;
21370: //TypeS('pucs2char', '^ucs2char // will not work;
21371: TypeS('utf8string', 'string;
21372: // TypeS('putf8shortstring', '^shortstring // will not work;
21373: TypeS('_USER_INFO_2', record usri2_name : pucs2char; usri2_password : '
21374: +pucs2char; usri2_password_age : DWORD; usri2_priv : DWORD; usri2_home_dir '
21375: +: pucs2char; usri2_comment : pucs2char; usri2_flags : DWORD; usri2_script_'
21376: +path : pucs2char; usri2_auth_flags : DWORD; usri2_full_name : pucs2char; u'
21377: +sri2_usr_comment : pucs2char; usri2_parms : pucs2char; usri2_workstations '
21378: +: pucs2char; usri2_last_logon : DWORD; usri2_last_logoff : DWORD; usri2_ac'
21379: +ct_expires : DWORD; usri2_max_storage : DWORD; usri2_units_per_week : DWOR'
21380: +D; usri2_logon_hours : pchar; usri2_bad_pw_count : DWORD; usri2_num_logons'
21381: +:DWORD; usri2_logon_server:pucs2char;usri2_country_code:DWORD;usri2_code_page:DWORD; end;
21382: //TypeS('P_USER_INFO_2', '^_USER_INFO_2 // will not work;
21386: +'WMIGUID_OBJECT );
21387: //TypeS('PPSID', '^PSID // will not work;
21388: TypeS('ASSOCF', 'DWORD;
21392: TypeS('TCHAR', 'ucs2char;
21393: {TypeS('TFileTime', 'FILETIME;
21394: TypeS('TWin32FindDataW', '_WIN32_FIND_DATAW;
21395: TypeS('TCHAR', 'ucs2char;
21396: TypeS('TFileTime', 'FILETIME;

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21397: TypeS('TWin32FindDataW', '_WIN32_FIND_DATAW; }

21398: //dev: array[0..127] of char;
21399: {** Unique file serial number, this may change from one boot to the next.}
21400: //ino: array[0..127] of char;
21402: TypeS('tresourceattribute', '( attr_any, attr_readonly, attr_hidden, at'
21403: +'tr_system, attr_archive, attr_link, attr_directory, attr_temporary, attr_e'
21404: +'ncrypted,attr_no_indexing,attr_device,attr_extended,attr_compressed,attr_offline, attr_sparse);
21405: TFileAssociation', 'record appname : utf8string; exename : utf8string; end;
21406: tresourceattributes', 'set of tresourceattribute;
21407: TypeS('TFileStats', record name : utf8string; size : big_Int_t; ow'
21408: +ner : utf8string; ctime : TDateTime; mtime : TDateTime; atime : TDateTime;'
21409: +nlink : Int; attributes : tresourceattributes; association : tfileass'
21410: +ociation; streamcount:Int;accesses:Int; utc :Bool; dev: array[0..127] of char; '
21411: +'ino: array[0..127] of char; comment : utf8string; dirstr : utf8string; end;
21412: TSearchRecExt', 'record Stats : TFileStats; FindHandle : THandle'
21413: +; W32FindData TWin32FindData;IncludeAttr: longint; SearchAttr:TResourceAttributes; end;
21414: Func GetFileOwner( fname : putf8char) : utf8string;
21415: GetFileATime( fname : putf8char; var atime : TDateTime) : Int;
21416: GetFileMTime( fname : putf8char; var mtime : TDateTime) : Int;
21417: GetFileCTime( fname : putf8char; var ctime : TDateTime) : Int;
21418: GetFilesizeExt( fname : putf8char) : big_Int_t;
21419: GetFileAttributesExt( fname : putf8char) : tresourceattributes;
21420: GetFilestats( fname : putf8char; var stats : TFileStats) : Int;
21421: DirectoryExistsExt( DName : utf8string) :Bool;
21422: FileExistsExt( const FName : utf8string) :Bool;
21423: GetCurrentDirectoryExt( var DirStr : utf8string) :Bool;
21424: SetCurrentDirectoryExt( const DirStr : utf8string) :Bool;
21425: SetFileATime( fname : putf8char; newatime : tdatetime) : Int;
21426: SetFileMTime( fname : putf8char; newmtime : tdatetime) : Int;
21427: SetFileCTime( fname : putf8char; newctime : tdatetime) : Int;
21428: FindFirstEx(path:putf8char; attr:tresourceattributes;var SearchRec:TSearchRecExt):int;
21429: FindNextEx( var SearchRec : TSearchRecExt) : Int;
21430: Proc FindCloseEx( var SearchRec : TSearchRecExt);
21431: GetUserFullName( account : utf8string) : utf8string;
21432: GetLoginConfigDirectory : utf8string;
21433: GetGlobalConfigDirectory : utf8string;
21434: GetLoginHomeDirectory : utf8string;
21435: // ucs4strnewstr(str:Str; srctype:Str): pucs4char;;
21436: // ucs4strnewucs4(src: pucs4char): pucs4char;;
21437: end;
21439: Proc SIRegister_xBase(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21440: begin
21441: _INADDR_ANY','LongWord').SetUInt($00000000);
21442: //CL.AddConstantN('DCX_EXCLUDERGN','LongWord').SetUInt( $40);
21443: INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE','LongInt').SetInt( DWORD ( - 1 ));
21444: CL.AddConstantN('INVALID_FILE_SIZE','LongWord').SetUInt( DWORD ( $FFFFFFFF ));
21446: INVALID_FILE_TIME','LongWord').SetUInt( DWORD ( $FFFFFFFF ));
21447: INVALID_REGISTRY_KEY','LongWord').SetInt( DWORD ( - 1 ));
21448: INVALID_VALUE','LongWord').SetInt( DWORD ( - 1 ));
21449: SleepQuant','LongInt').SetInt( 1 * 60 * 1000);
21450: MMaxChars','LongInt').SetInt( 250);
21451: CL.AddTypeS('TBase64Table', '( bsBase64, bsUUE, bsXXE );
21452: CL.AddTypeS('TWOHandleArray', 'array[0..64 - 1] of THandle;;
21453: CL.AddTypeS('TWOHandleArray2', 'array[0..MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS - 1] of THandle;;
21454: //type TWOHandleArray = array[0..MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS - 1] of THandle;
21455: // MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS = 64;
21456: SIRegister_TMimeCoder(CL);
21457: CL.AddTypeS('TSocketOption', '(soBroadcast, soDebug, soDontLinger, soDontRou'
21458: +'te, soKeepAlive, soOOBInLine, soReuseAddr, soNoDelay, soBlocking,soAcceptConn );
21459: TSocketOptions', 'set of TSocketOption;
21460: //TSocketClass', 'class of TSocket;
21461: SIRegister_TSocketX(CL);
21462: TObjProcX', 'Procedure;
21463: TForEachProc', 'Proc ( P : _Pointer);
21464: //PFileInfo', '^TFileInfo // will not work;
21465: TFileInfo', 'record Attr : DWORD; Size : DWORD; Time : DWORD; end;
21466: TuFindData', 'record Info : TFileInfo; FName :Str; end;
21467: TCreateFileMode', '( cRead, cWrite, cFlag, cEnsureNew, cTruncate'
21468: +, cExisting, cShareAllowWrite, cShareDenyRead,cOverlapped,cRandomAccess,cSequentialScan,cDeleteOnClose
21469: TCreateFileModeSet', 'set of TCreateFileMode;
21470: //PCharSet', '^TCharSet // will not work;
21471: TCharSetX', 'set of Char;
21472: //PCharArray', '^TCharArray // will not work;
21473: //PByteArray', '^TByteArray // will not work;
21474: //PIntArray', '^TIntArray // will not work;
21475: //PDwordArray', '^TDwordArray // will not work;
21476: //PvIntArr', '^TvIntArr // will not work;
21477: //TvIntArr', 'record Arr : PIntArray; Cnt : Integer; end;
21478: //PBoolean', '^Boolean // will not work;
21479: //PItemList', '^TItemList // will not work;
21480: TThreadMethodX', 'Procedure;
21481: TThreadPriorityXX,(tpIdle tpLowest,tpLower,tpNormal,tpHigher,tpHighest,tpTimeCritical);
21482: SIRegister_TThreadX(CL);
21483: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TAdvObject;
21484: SIRegister_TAdvObject(CL);

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21485: SIRegister_TAdvCpObject(CL);
21486: //TAdvClass', 'class of TAdvObject;
21487: //TCollClass', 'class of TColl;
21488: SIRegister_TColl(CL);
21489: SIRegister_TSortedColl(CL);
21490: SIRegister_TStringColl(CL);
21491: Func AddRightSpaces( const S :Str; NumSpaces : Integer) :Str;
21492: Proc AddStr( var S :Str; C : char);
21493: Proc Add_Str( var S : ShortString; C : char);
21494: Func CompareStrX( const S1, S2 :Str) : Integer;
21495: Func CopyLeft( const S :Str; I : Integer) :Str;
21496: Proc DelDoubles( const St :Str; var Source :Str);
21497: Proc DelFC( var s :Str);
21498: Proc DelLC( var s :Str);
21499: Func DelLeft( const S :Str) :Str;
21500: Func DelRight( const S :Str) :Str;
21501: Func DelSpaces( const s :Str) :Str;
21502: Proc DeleteLeft( var S :Str; I : Integer);
21503: Func DigitsOnly( const AStr :Str) :Bool;
21504: Proc DisposeStr( P :Str);
21505: Func ExpandFileNameX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21506: Func ExtractFilePathX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21507: Func ExtractDir( const S :Str) :Str;
21508: Func ExtractFileRootX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21509: Func ExtractFileExtX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21510: Func ExtractFileNameX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21511: Func ExtractFileDriveX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21512: Func ExtractFileDirX( const FileName :Str) :Str;
21513: Proc FSplit( const FName :Str; var Path, Name, Ext :Str);
21514: Proc FillCharSetX( const AStr :Str; var CharSet : TCharSet);
21515: Func GetWrdStrictUC( var s, w :Str) :Bool;
21516: Func GetWrdStrict( var s, w :Str) :Bool;
21517: Func GetWrdD( var s, w :Str) :Bool;
21518: Func GetWrdA( var s, w :Str) :Bool;
21519: Func GetWrd( var s, w :Str; c : char) :Bool;
21520: Func Hex2X( a : Byte) :Str;
21521: Func Hex4X( a : Word) :Str;
21522: Func Hex8X( a : DWORD) :Str;
21523: Func Int2Hex( a : Integer) :Str;
21524: Func Int2StrX( L : Integer) :Str;
21525: Func ItoS( I : Integer) :Str;
21526: Func ItoSz( I, Width : Integer) :Str;
21527: Func LastDelimiterX( const Delimiters, S :Str) : Integer;
21528: Func LowerCaseX( const S :Str) :Str;
21529: Func MakeFullDir( const D, S :Str) :Str;
21530: Func MakeNormName( const Path, Name :Str) :Str;
21531: Func MonthE( m : Integer) :Str;
21532: Func NewStr( const S :Str) :Str;
21533: Func ReplaceX( const Pattern, ReplaceString:Str; var S:Str):Bool;
21534: Func StoI( const S :Str) : Integer;
21535: Func StrEnds( const S1, S2 :Str) :Bool;
21536: Func StrRightX( const S :Str; Num : Integer) :Str;
21537: Func UpperCaseX( const S :Str) :Str;
21538: Func WipeChars( const AStr, AWipeChars :Str) :Str;
21539: Func _Val( const S :Str; var V : Integer) :Bool;
21540: Func ProcessQuotes( var s :Str) :Bool;
21541: Func UnpackPchars( var s :Str) :Bool;
21542: Func UnpackUchars( var s :Str) :Bool;
21543: Func __alpha( c : char) :Bool;
21544: Func __ctl( c : char) :Bool;
21545: Func __digit( c : char) :Bool;
21546: Func __extra( c : char) :Bool;
21547: Func __national( c : char) :Bool;
21548: Func __pchar( c : char) :Bool;
21549: Func __reserved( c : char) :Bool;
21550: Func __safe( c : char) :Bool;
21551: Func __uchar( c : char) :Bool;
21552: Func __unsafe( c : char) :Bool;
21553: Func Buf2Str( const Buffer:Str) :Str;
21554: //Proc Clear( var Buf, Count : Integer);
21555: Func CompareMem( P1, P2 : _Pointer; Length : Integer) :Bool;
21556: Proc FreeObjectX( var O: TObject);
21557: Proc LowerPrec( var A, B : Integer; Bits : Byte);
21558: Func MemEqu( const A, B, Sz : Integer) :Bool;
21559: Func MaxIX( A, B : Integer) : Integer;
21560: Func MinIX( A, B : Integer) : Integer;
21561: Func MaxDX( A, B : DWORD) : DWORD;
21562: Func MinDX( A, B : DWORD) : DWORD;
21563: Func NulSearch( const Buffer:Str) : Integer;
21564: Func NumBits( I : Integer) : Integer;
21565: //Proc XAdd( var Critical, Normal);
21566: //Proc XChg( var Critical, Normal);
21567: Func CreateEvtA : DWORD;
21568: Func CreateEvt( Initial :Bool) : DWORD;
21569: Func SignaledEvt( id : DWORD) :Bool;
21570: Func WaitEvt( const id : TWOHandleArray; Timeout : DWORD) : DWORD;
21571: //Func WaitEvtA(nCount: Integer;lpHandles: PWOHandleArray; Timeout:DWORD): DWORD;
21572: Func ClearHandle( var Handle : THandle) :Bool;
21573: Proc CloseHandles( const Handles : array of DWORD);

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21574: Func FileExistsX( const FName :Str) :Bool;

21575: Func FindExecutableX( FileName, Directory : PChar; Result : PChar) : HINST;
21576: Func GetEnvVariable( const Name :Str) :Str;
21577: Func GetFileNfo(const FName:Str;var Info: TFileInfo; NeedAttr:Boolean):Bool;
21578: Func GetFileNfoByHandle( Handle : DWORD; var Info : TFileInfo) :Bool;
21579: Func ZeroHandle( var Handle : THandle) :Bool;
21580: Func _CreateFile( const FName :Str; Mode : TCreateFileModeSet) : DWORD;
21581: Func _CreateFileSecurity(const
21582: Func _GetFileSize( const FName :Str) : DWORD;
21583: Func _MatchMaskBody( AName, AMask :Str; SupportPercent :Bool) :Bool;
21584: Func _MatchMask(const AName:str; AMask :Str;SupportPercent:Boolean):Boolean;
21585: Func MatchMask( const AName, AMask :Str) :Bool;
21586: Func SysErrorMsg( ErrorCode : DWORD) :Str;
21587: Func CreateRegKeyX( const AFName :Str) : HKey;
21588: Func OpenRegKeyEx( const AName :Str; AMode : DWORD) : HKey;
21589: Func OpenRegKey( const AName :Str) : DWORD;
21590: Func ReadRegBin(Key: DWORD; const rvn :Str; Bin: _Pointer; Sz : DWORD) :Bool;
21591: Func ReadRegInt( Key : DWORD; const AStrName :Str) : DWORD;
21592: Func ReadRegString( Key : DWORD; const AStrName :Str) :Str;
21593: Func WriteRegBin(Key:DWORD;const rvn :Str; Bin: _Pointer; Sz : DWORD):Bool;
21594: Func WriteRegInt( Key : DWORD; const AStrName :Str; AValue : DWORD) :Bool;
21595: Func WriteRegString( Key : DWORD; const AStrName, AStr :Str) :Bool;
21596: Func AddrInet( i : DWORD) :Str;
21597: Func GetHostNameByAddr( Addr : DWORD) :Str;
21598: Func Inet2addr( const s :Str) : DWORD;
21599: Func InetAddr( const s :Str) : DWORD;
21600: Proc GlobalFail;
21601: Func _LogOK( const Name :Str; var Handle : DWORD) :Bool;
21602: Proc xBaseDone;
21603: Proc xBaseInit;
21604: Proc uCvtSetFileTime( T : DWORD; var L, H : DWORD);
21605: Func uCvtGetFileTime( L, H : DWORD) : DWORD;
21606: Func uGetSystemTime : DWORD;
21607: Func VlX( const s :Str) : DWORD;
21608: Func VlHX( const s :Str) : DWORD;
21609: Func StrAsg( const Src :Str) :Str;
21610: SIRegister_TResetterThread(CL);
21611: CServerVersion','String').SetString( '1.93;
21612: CServerProductName','String').SetString( 'TinyWeb;
21613: end;
21615: Proc SIRegister_ImageHistogram(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21616: begin
21617: THistogramChannel', '( hclGray, hclRed, hclGreen, hclBlue );
21618: THistogramArray', 'array[0..255] of Cardinal;;
21619: //THistogramArray = array[0..255] of Cardinal;
21620: SIRegister_THistogram(CL);
21621: Proc AdjustBitmap(Bmp: TBitmap;Channel: THistogramChannel; Tolerance :Card);
21622: Proc AdjustBitmap1(Bmp:TBitmap;Hist:THistogram;Channel:THistogramChannel;Tolerance:Card);
21623: Proc AdjustBitmap2(Bmp: TBitmap; Low, High : Byte; Channel : THistogramChannel);
21624: end;
21626: Proc SIRegister_cCipherRSA(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21627: begin
21628: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'ERSA;
21629: TRSAPublicKey', 'record KeySize : Integer; Modulus : HugeWord; Exponent : HugeWord; end;
21630: TRSAPrivateKey', 'record KeySize : Integer; Modulus : HugeWord; '
21631: Exponent : HugeWord; PublicExponent : HugeWord; Prime1 : HugeWord; Prime2 '
21632: : HugeWord;Phi:HugeWord; Exponent1:HugeWord; Exponent2:HugeWord; Coefficient:HugeWord; end;
21633: CL.AddTypeS('TRSAMessage', 'HugeWord;
21634: TRSAEncryptionType', '( rsaetPKCS1, rsaetOAEP );
21635: Proc RSAPublicKeyInit( var Key : TRSAPublicKey);
21636: Proc RSAPublicKeyFinalise( var Key : TRSAPublicKey);
21637: Proc RSAPublicKeyAssign( var KeyD : TRSAPublicKey; const KeyS : TRSAPublicKey);
21638: Proc RSAPublicKeyAssignHex(var Key:TRSAPublicKey;const KeySize:Int;const HexMod,HexExp:Str
21639: Proc RSAPublicKeyAssignBuf(var Key:TRSAPublicKey;const KeySize:Int;const ModBuf:str;const
ModBufSize:Integer;const ExpBuf:str;const ExpBufSize:Integer;const ReverseByteOrder:Bool);
21640: Proc RSAPublicKeyAssignBufStr(var Key:TRSAPublicKey;const KeySize:Integer;const ModBuf,ExpBuf:Ansistr);
21641: Proc RSAPrivateKeyInit( var Key : TRSAPrivateKey);
21642: Proc RSAPrivateKeyFinalise( var Key : TRSAPrivateKey);
21643: Proc RSAPrivateKeyAssign( var KeyD : TRSAPrivateKey; const KeyS : TRSAPrivateKey);
21644: Proc RSAPrivateKeyAssignHex(var Key:TRSAPrivateKey;const KeySize:Integer;const HexMod, HexExp:Ansistr);
21645: Proc RSAPrivateKeyAssignBuf(var Key:TRSAPrivateKey;const KeySize:Integer;const ModBuf:Str; const
ModBufSize:Integer;const ExpBuf:Str; const ExpBufSize:Integer; const ReverseByteOrder:Boolean);
21646: Proc RSAPrivateKeyAssignBufStr(var Key:TRSAPrivateKey;const KeySize:Integer;const ModBuf,ExpBuf:Ansistr);
21647: Proc RSAGenerateKeys(const KeySize:Int;var PrivateKey:TRSAPrivateKey;var PublicKey:TRSAPublicKey);
21648: Func RSACipherMessageBufSize(const KeySize: Integer) : Integer;
21649: Proc RSAEncodeMessagePKCS1(const KeySize:Integer;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Integer;var EncodedMessage:
21650: Proc RSAEncodeMessageOAEP(const KeySize:Integer;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Integer;var EncodedMessage:
21651: Proc RSAEncryptMessage(const PublicKey:TRSAPublicKey;const PlainMessage:TRSAMessage;var
21652: Func RSACipherMessageToBuf(const KeySize:Integer;const CipherMessage:TRSAMessage;var CipherBuf:str;const
21653: Func RSAEncryptC(const EncryptionType:TRSAEncryptionType; const PublicKey:TRSAPublicKey; const
PlainBuf:str;const PlainBufSize:Int;var CipherBuf:str;const CipherBufSize:Int):Int;
21654: Func RSAEncryptStr(const EncryptionType:TRSAEncryptionType;const PublicKey:TRSAPublicKey;const
Plain:Ansistr): Ansistr;

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21655: Proc RSACipherBufToMessage(const KeySize:Integer;const CipherBuf:str;const CipherBufSize:Int;var

21656: Proc RSADecryptMessage(const PrivateKey:TRSAPrivateKey;const CipherMessage:TRSAMessage;var
21657: Func RSADecodeMessagePKCS1(const KeySize:Integer;const EncodedMessage:HugeWord;var Buf:str;const BufSize:
21658: Func RSADecodeMessageOAEP(const KeySize:Integer;const EncodedMessage:HugeWord;var Buf:str;const BufSize:
21659: Func RSADecryptC( const EncryptionType : TRSAEncryptionType; const PrivateKey : TRSAPrivateKey; const
CipherBuf :Str; const CipherBufSize : Integer; var PlainBuf :Str; const PlainBufSize : Integer) : Integer;
21660: Func RSADecryptStr(const EncryptionType:TRSAEncryptionType;const PrivateKey:TRSAPrivateKey;const
21661: Proc SelfTestRSA;
21662: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Proc Profile;
21663: end;
21665: // add to V
21666: Proc SIRegister_Streams(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21667: begin
21668: SIRegister_TBaseStream(CL);
21669: SIRegister_TFilterStream(CL);
21670: SIRegister_TSeekableStream(CL);
21671: //CL.AddTypeS('TFileAttributes2', 'set of ( sfaArchive, sfaHidden, sfaSystem, sf'
21672: //+'aReadOnly, sfaTemporary, sfaCompressed, sfaDirectory )');
21673: TFileAttribute2,(sfaArchive,sfaHidden,sfaSystem,sfaReadOnly,sfaTemporary,sfaCompressed, sfaDirectory);
21674: TFileAttributes2, set of TFileAttribute2');
21675: TfsMode','(sfsRead, sfsWrite, sfsCreate, sfsShareRead, sfsShareWrite)');
21676: TfsModes', 'set of TfsMode');
21677: // CL.AddTypeS('TfsModes','set of( fsRead, fsWrite,fsCreate,fsShareRead,fsShareWrite )');
21678: fsReset','LongInt).Value.ts32 := ord(fsRead) or ord(fsWrite);
21679: fsShared','LongInt).Value.ts32:= ord(fsShareRead) or ord(fsShareWrite);
21680: SIRegister_TFileStream2(CL);
21681: SIRegister_TDummyStream(CL);
21682: Proc CopyStream( Source, Dest: TBaseStream; const Size : Integer)');
21683: Func GetLastErrorText :Str');
21684: end;
21686: Proc SIRegister_CromisStreams(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21687: begin
21688: Proc WriteToStreamAsString( const Stream : TStream; const Content :Str)');
21689: Proc WriteToStreamAsUnicode( const Stream : TStream; const Content :Str)');
21690: Proc WriteToStreamAsUTF80( const Stream : TStream; const Content :Str);');
21691: Proc WriteToStreamAsUTF81( const Stream : TStream; const Content: Ansistr);');
21692: Func ReadFromStreamAsUnicode( const Stream : TStream) :Str');
21693: Func ReadFromStreamAsString( const Stream : TStream) :Str');
21694: Func ReadFromStreamAsUTF8( const Stream : TStream) : Ansistr');
21695: CL.AddConstantN('cDefaultSearchSize','LongInt').SetInt( 50);
21696: SIRegister_TNamesEnumerator(CL);
21697: SIRegister_IStorageStream(CL);
21698: SIRegister_TStreamStorage(CL);
21699: end;
21701: // new functions on
21702: Func ArcTan3(const X : Extended) : Extended'); //bugfix of ArcTan()
21703: Func WMIConnect2(WBemLocator:ISWBemLocator;namespace,Server,account,password:str): ISWBemServices;
21704: Func WMIConnect3(WBemLocator:ISWBemLocator;Server,namespace,account,password:str): ISWBemServices;
21705: Func CLSIDFromProgID(pszProgID: widestring; out clsid: TGUID): Longint'); //stdcall;
21706: Func ProgIDFromCLSID(const clsid:TGUID; out pszProgID: widestring): Longint'); //stdcall;
21707: Func StringFromCLSID(const clsid:TGUID; out psz: widestring): longint'); //stdcall;
21708: //{$EXTERNALSYM CLSIDFromString}
21709: Func CLSIDFromString(psz: widestring; out clsid: TGUID): longint'); //stdcall;
21710: Func StringFromGUID2(const guid: TGUID;psz:widestring;cbMax:Integer):Integer'); //stdcall;
21711: Func ProgIDExists(const ProgID:WideString):Boolean');
21712: Func ByteArraytostring(const bin: array of byte):Str;
21713: Func ByteArraytoHex(const bin: array of byte):Str');
21714: Proc SaveFile(Contents : Ansistr; const FileName:Ansistr; Append :Bool);
21715: Proc SaveToFile(Contents: Ansistr;const FileName:Ansistr; Append :Bool);
21716: Func LoadFromFile( const FileName : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
21717: Func VariantIsObject(const V: Variant):Bool;
21718: Func DiskSpaceInfo(const Drive:str; out AvailBytes,TotalBytes,FreeBytes:Int64):Boolean;
21719: Func DriveDisplayName(const Drive:Str):Str;');
21720: Proc DriveDisplayNames(const List: TStrings);');
21721: Proc Log( const Line:Str; amemo: Tmemo);
21722: begin amemo.Lines.Add( Line) end;
21723: Proc LogFmtX( const Line:Str; amemo: TMemo; const Args: array of const);
21724: begin
21725: Log( Format( Line, Args), amemo)
21726: end;
21728: Proc SIRegister_USha256(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21729: begin
21730: type TSHA256HASH', 'array[0..7] of Cardinal');
21731: type TSHAChunk', 'array[0..7] of Cardinal');
21732: //TSHA256HASH = array[0..7] of Cardinal;
21733: //TChunk = array[0..15] of Cardinal;
21734: Func CalcDoubleSHA256( Msg : Ansistr) : TSHA256HASH;
21735: Func CalcSHA256( Msg : Ansistr) : TSHA256HASH;
21736: Func CalcSHA2561( Stream : TStream) : TSHA256HASH;
21737: Func SHA256ToStr( Hash : TSHA256HASH) :Str;

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21738: Func CanBeModifiedOnLastChunk(MessageTotalLength:Int64;var startBytePos:int):Bool;

21739: Proc PascalCoinPrepareLastChunk(const messageToHash:Ansistr;var stateForLastChunk:TSHA256HASH;var
bufferForLastChunk : TSHAChunk);
21740: Func ExecuteLastChunk(const stateForLastChunk:TSHA256HASH;const bufferForLastChunk:
21741: Func ExecuteLastChunkAndDoSha256(const stateForLastChunk:TSHA256HASH;const
21742: Proc PascalCoinExecuteLastChunkAndDoSha256(const stateForLastChunk:TSHA256HASH;const
bufferForLastChunk:TSHAChunk;nPos:Integer;nOnce,Timestamp:Card;var ResultSha256:AnsiStr);
21743: Func Sha256HashToRaw(const hash : TSHA256HASH): Ansistr');
21744: Func GetSHA256( Msg : Ansistr) :Str;
21745: Func GetDriveNumber(const Drive:Str): Integer;
21746: Func HardDiskSerial(const Drive:Str): DWORD;
21747: Func IsDriveReady2(const Drive:Str):Bool;
21748: Func Touchfile(const FileName:Str):Bool;
21749: Func URLFromShortcut(const Shortcut:Str):Str;
21751: Func GetSHA256(Msg: Ansistr):Str; //overload;
21752: var Stream: TMemoryStream;
21753: begin
21754: Stream:= TMemoryStream.Create;
21755: try
21756: Stream.WriteBuffer(PAnsiChar(Msg)^,Length(Msg));
21757: Stream.Position:= 0;
21758: Result:= SHA256ToStr(CalcSHA256(Stream));
21759: finally
21760: Stream.Free;
21761: end;
21762: end;
21764: Code Example Binary file:
21765: sr:= filetostring(Exepath+'maXbox4.exe')
21766: writeln(SHA256ToStr(CalcSHA256(sr)))
21767: stringtofile(Exepath+'maXbox4.exe',sr,false); //append = false
21769: Proc SIRegister_uTPLb_BinaryUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21770: begin
21771: Func SwapEndien_u32(Value: uint32) : uint32');
21772: Func SwapEndien_s64(Value: int64) : int64');
21773: Func SwapEndien_u64(Value: uint64) : uint64');
21774: Func RotateLeft1Bit_u32( Value : uint32) : uint32');
21775: Proc Read_BigEndien_u32_Hex( const Value :Str; BinaryOut: TStream);
21776: Func Get_TP_LockBox3_HINSTANCE : HMODULE');
21777: end;
21779: Proc SIRegister_Series(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21780: begin
21781: CL.AddConstantN('PiDegree','Double').setExtended( Pi / 180.0);
21782: Tee_CircledShadowColor','LongWord).SetUInt( TColor ( $A0A0A0 ));
21783: CL.AddTypeS('TTreatNullsStyle', '( teetnDontPaint, teetnSkip, teetnIgnore )');
21784: SIRegister_TCustomLineSeries(CL);
21785: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCustomSeries');
21786: CL.AddTypeS(TSeriesClickPointerEvent','Procedure(Sender:TCustomSeries;ValueIndex:Int;X,Y:Int;
21787: TCustomSeriesStack','( cssNone, cssOverlap, cssStack, cssStack100 )');
21788: TOnGetPointerStyle','Func ( Sender : TChartSeries; ValueIndex: Integer) : TSeriesPointerStyle');
21789: SIRegister_TCustomSeries(CL);
21790: SIRegister_TLineSeries(CL);
21791: SIRegister_THorizLineSeries(CL);
21792: SIRegister_TPointSeries(CL);
21793: CL.AddTypeS(TMultiArea','( mamaNone,maStacked, maStacked100 )');
21794: SIRegister_TAreaSeries(CL);
21795: SIRegister_THorizAreaSeries(CL);
21796: TMultiBar,(teembNone,teembSide,teembStacked,teembStacked100,teembSideAll,teembSelfStack);
21797: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCustomBarSeries');
21798: TBarStyle,(teebsRectangle, teebsPyramid, teebsInvPyramid, teebsCilinder,teebsEllipse, teebsArrow,
teebsRectGradient,teebsCone,teebsBevel,teebsSlantCube,teebsDiamond,teebsInvArrow, teebsInvCone);
21799: TGetBarStyleEvent,Procedure(Sender:TCustomBarSeries;ValueIndex:Integer;var TheBarStyle: TBarStyle);
21800: SIRegister_TBarSeriesGradient(CL);
21801: SIRegister_TCustomBarSeries(CL);
21802: SIRegister_TBarSeries(CL);
21803: SIRegister_THorizBarSeries(CL);
21804: SIRegister_TCircledShadow(CL);
21805: SIRegister_TCircledSeries(CL);
21806: TPieAngle', 'record StartAngle : Double; MidAngle : Double; EndAngle : Double; end');
21807: TPieAngles', 'array of TPieAngle');
21808: SIRegister_TSliceValueList(CL);
21809: TPieOtherStyle', '( piepoNone, piepoBelowPercent, piepoBelowValue )');
21810: SIRegister_TPieOtherSlice(CL);
21811: SIRegister_TPieMarks(CL);
21812: TMultiPie', '( teempAutomatic, teempDisabled )');
21813: SIRegister_TPieSeries(CL);
21814: SIRegister_TFastLineSeries(CL);
21815: //CL.AddConstantN('bsCylinder','').SetString( bsCilinder);
21816: Proc RegisterTeeStandardSeries');
21817: Proc TeePointerDrawLegend(Pointer:TSeriesPointer;AColor:TColor;const Rect:TRect;DrawPen:Bool;
21818: end;
21820: Proc SIRegister_UJSONFunctions(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

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21821: begin
21822: CL.AddTypeS('TJSONValue', 'TJSONData');
21823: SIRegister_TPCJSONData(CL);
21824: //CL.AddTypeS('TPCJSONDataClass', 'class of TPCJSONData');
21825: SIRegister_TPCJSONVariantValue(CL);
21826: SIRegister_TPCJSONNameValue(CL);
21827: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TPCJSONArray');
21828: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TPCJSONObject');
21829: SIRegister_TPCJSONList(CL);
21830: SIRegister_TPCJSONArray(CL);
21831: SIRegister_TPCJSONObject(CL);
21832: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass(TOBJECT),EPCParametresError');
21833: end;
21835: Proc SIRegister_uTPLb_Hash(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21836: begin
21837: CL.AddTypeS(TOnHashProgress,Function(sender:TObject;CountBytesProcessed:int64):bool;
21838: SIRegister_IHash(CL);
21839: SIRegister_IHash_TestAccess(CL);
21840: SIRegister_TSimpleHash(CL);
21841: SIRegister_THash(CL);
21842: end;
21844: Proc SIRegister_UTime(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21845: begin
21846: //Func TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime( lpTimeZoneInformation:PTimeZoneInformation; var lpLocalTime,
lpUniversalTime : TSystemTime) : BOOL');
21847: //Func SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime( lpTimeZoneInformation:PTimeZoneInformation;var lpUniversalTime,
lpLocalTime : TSystemTime) : BOOL');
21848: Func DateTime2UnivDateTime(d : TDateTime) : TDateTime');
21849: Func UnivDateTime2LocalDateTime(d: TDateTime): TDateTime');
21850: Func UnivDateTimeToUnix(dtDate: TDateTime : Longint');
21851: Func UnixToUnivDateTime(USec: Longint): TDateTime');
21852: Func UnixTimeToLocalElapsedTime( USec : Longint): Ansistr');
21853: Func DateTimeElapsedTime(dtDate: TDateTime): Ansistr');
21854: end;
21856: Proc SIRegister_uTPLb_BlockCipher(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21857: begin
21858: SIRegister_IBlockCodec(CL);
21859: SIRegister_IBlockCipher(CL);
21860: SIRegister_TBlockChainLink(CL);
21861: CL.AddTypeS(TChainingFeature', '( cfNoNounce, cfKeyStream, cfAutoXOR, cf8bit)');
21862: CL.AddTypeS(TChainingFeatureSet', 'set of TChainingFeature');
21863: SIRegister_IBlockChainingModel(CL);
21864: SIRegister_IBlockCipherSelector(CL);
21865: end;
21867: Proc SIRegister_XMLDoc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21868: begin
21869: FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),IXMLNode, 'IXMLNode');
21870: TOBJECT'),'TXMLNode');
21871: TOBJECT'),'TXMLNodeList');
21872: TOBJECT'),'TXMLNodeCollection');
21873: TOBJECT'),'TXMLDocument');
21874: CL.AddTypeS(TNodeListOperation','( nlInsert, nlRemove, nlCreateNode )');
21875: CL.AddTypeS(TNodeListNotification', 'Proc ( Operation : TNodeListOperat'
21876: +ion; var Node :IXMLNode; const IndexOrName: OleVariant; BeforeOperation :Bool)');
21877: SIRegister_TXMLNodeList(CL);
21878: CL.AddTypeS(TAsyncEventHandler,procedure(Sender:TObject;AsyncLoadState:Integer) of Object);
21879: //CL.AddTypeS('TXMLNodeClass', 'class of TXMLNode');
21880: TXMLNodeArray', 'array of TXMLNode');
21881: TNodeClassInfo','record NodeName:DOMString;NamespaceURI:DOMString;NodeClass:TXMLNode; end');
21882: CL.AddTypeS(TNodeClassArray', 'array of TNodeClassInfo');
21883: //CL.AddTypeS('TXMLNodeCollectionClass', 'class of TXMLNodeCollection');
21884: CL.AddTypeS(TNodeChange', '( ncUpdateValue, ncInsertChild, ncRemoveChild, nc'
21885: +AddAttribute, ncRemoveAttribute )');
21886: SIRegister_IXMLNodeAccess(CL);
21887: SIRegister_TXMLNode(CL);
21888: SIRegister_TXMLNodeCollection(CL);
21889: TNodeChangeEvent','Proc ( const Node : IXMLNode; ChangeType : TNodeChange);
21890: TXMLPrologItem','( xmlpVersion, xmlpEncoding, xmlpStandalone )');
21891: TXMLDocumentSource','( xdsNone, xdsXMLProperty, xdsXMLData, xdsFile, xdsStream);
21892: SIRegister_IXMLDocumentAccess(CL);
21893: SIRegister_TXMLDocument(CL);
21894: Func CreateDOMNode(Doc:IDOMDocument;const NameOrData:DOMString;NodeType:TNodeType;const
21895: Func DetectCharEncoding( S : TStream) : TXmlEncodingType');
21896: Proc CheckEncoding(var XMLData: DOMString; const ValidEncodings: array of string);
21897: Func XMLStringToWideString( const XMLString :Str) : WideString;
21898: Func FormatXMLData( const XMLData : DOMString) : DOMString;
21899: Func LoadXMLDocument3( const FileName : DOMString) : IXMLDocument');
21900: Func LoadXMLData( const XMLData : DOMString) : IXMLDocument;');
21901: Func LoadXMLData2( const XMLData :Str) : IXMLDocument;');
21902: Func NewXMLDocument( Version : DOMString) : IXMLDocument');
21903: Proc XMLDocError( const Msg :Str);');
21904: Proc XMLDocError2( const Msg :Str; const Args : array of const);
21905: Func CreateXMLDocument()
21906: end;

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21908: Proc SIRegister_uTPLb_Codec(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21909: begin
21910: SIRegister_TSimpleCodec(CL);
21911: SIRegister_ICodec_TestAccess(CL);
21912: SIRegister_TCodec(CL);
21913: end;
21915: Proc SIRegister_uTPLb_StreamCipher(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21916: begin
21917: CL.AddTypeS(TAlgorithmicFeature', '( afStar, afCryptographicallyWeak, afNotI'
21918: +mplementedYet, afForTestOnly, afForRunTimeOnly, afEncumberedByPatent, afEn'
21919: +cumberedByCopyRight, afOpenSourceSoftware, afCommercial, afCompressor, afC'
21920: +onverter, afBlockAdapter, afDisplayNameOnKeySize, afDoesNotNeedSalt, afAsymetric )');
21921: CL.AddTypeS(TAlgorithmicFeatureSet', 'set of TAlgorithmicFeature');
21922: SIRegister_ICryptoGraphicAlgorithm(CL);
21923: SIRegister_TSymetricKey(CL);
21924: SIRegister_IStreamEncryptor(CL);
21925: SIRegister_IStreamDecryptor(CL);
21926: SIRegister_IStreamCipher(CL);
21927: SIRegister_IisBase64Converter(CL);
21928: end;
21930: Proc SIRegister_MidasCon(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21931: begin
21932: SIRegister_TRemoteServer(CL);
21933: CL.AddTypeS(TConnectType', '( ctDCOM, ctSockets, ctOLEnterprise )');
21934: SIRegister_TMidasConnection(CL);
21935: end;
21937: Proc SIRegister_IXmlDocument2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21938: begin
21939: //with RegInterfaceS(CL,'IXmlNode', 'IXmlDocument') do
21940: with CL.AddInterface(CL.FindInterface('IXmlBase'),IXmlNode2,'IXmlDocument2') do begin
21941: Func Get_DocumentElement : IXmlElement', cdRegister);
21942: Func Get_BinaryXML : RawByteString', r);
21943: Func Get_PreserveWhiteSpace :Bool', );
21944: Proc Set_PreserveWhiteSpace( aValue :Bool)', );
21945: Func Get_OnTagEnd : THookTag', cdRegister);
21946: Proc Set_OnTagEnd( aValue : THookTag)', cdRegister);
21947: Func Get_OnTagBegin : THookTag', cdRegister);
21948: Proc Set_OnTagBegin( aValue : THookTag)', cdRegister);
21949: Func NewDocument(const aVersion,anEncoding:TXmlString;aRootElementNameID:NativeInt): IXmlElement;
21950: Func NewDocument1(const aVersion,anEncoding,aRootElementName:TXmlString): IXmlElement;
21951: Func CreateElement( aNameID : NativeInt) : IXmlElement;',);
21952: Func CreateElement1(const aName : TXmlString) : IXmlElement;',);
21953: Func CreateText(const aData : TXmlString) : IXmlText',);
21954: Func CreateCDATASection( const aData : TXmlString) : IXmlCDATASection',);
21955: Func CreateComment( const aData : TXmlString) : IXmlComment',);
21956: Func CreateProcessingInstruction(const aTarget,aData: TXmlString) : IXmlProcessingInstruction;',);
21957: Func CreateProcessingInstruction1(aTargetID:NativeInt;const aData:TXmlString):IXmlProcessingInstruction);
21958: Proc LoadXML( const aXML : RawByteString)',);
21959: Proc LoadBinaryXML( const aXML : RawByteString)',);
21960: Proc Load( aStream : TStream);',);
21961: Proc Load1( const aFileName :Str);',);
21962: Proc LoadResource( aType, aName : PChar)',);
21963: Proc Save( aStream : TStream);',);
21964: Proc Save1( const aFileName :Str);',);
21965: Proc SaveBinary( aStream : TStream; anOptions : LongWord);',);
21966: Proc SaveBinary1( const aFileName :Str; anOptions : LongWord);',);
21967: end;
21968: end;
21970: Proc SIRegister_OmniXMLUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
21971: begin
21972: // XmlString = WideString;
21973: CL.AddTypeS('XmlString', 'WideString');
21974: Func XMLStrToReal38( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : real) :Bool;');
21975: Func XMLStrToReal39( nodeValue : XmlString) : real;');
21976: Func XMLStrToRealDef( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : real) : real');
21977: Func XMLStrToExtended40( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : extended):Bool;');
21978: Func XMLStrToExtended41( nodeValue : XmlString) : extended;');
21979: Func XMLStrToExtendedDef( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : extended): extended;
21980: Func XMLStrToCurrency42( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : Currency):Bool;');
21981: Func XMLStrToCurrency43( nodeValue : XmlString) : Currency;');
21982: Func XMLStrToCurrencyDef( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : Currency): Currency;
21983: Func XMLStrToInt44( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : integer) :Bool;');
21984: Func XMLStrToInt45( nodeValue : XmlString) : integer;');
21985: Func XMLStrToIntDef( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : integer) : integer');
21986: Func XMLStrToInt6446( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : int64) :Bool;');
21987: Func XMLStrToInt6447( nodeValue : XmlString) : int64;');
21988: Func XMLStrToInt64Def( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : int64) : int64');
21989: Func XMLStrToBool48( nodeValue : XmlString; var value :Bool) :Bool;');
21990: Func XMLStrToBool49( nodeValue : XmlString) :Bool;');
21991: Func XMLStrToBoolDef( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue :Bool):Bool;
21992: Func XMLStrToDateTime50( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : TDateTime):Bool;
21993: Func XMLStrToDateTime51( nodeValue : XmlString) : TDateTime;');
21994: Func XMLStrToDateTimeDef(nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : TDateTime): TDateTime;
21995: Func XMLStrToDate52( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : TDateTime):Bool;');

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21996: Func XMLStrToDate53( nodeValue : XmlString) : TDateTime;');

21997: Func XMLStrToDateDef( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : TDateTime) : TDateTime;
21998: Func XMLStrToTime54( nodeValue : XmlString; var value : TDateTime):Bool;');
21999: Func XMLStrToTime55( nodeValue : XmlString) : TDateTime;');
22000: Func XMLStrToTimeDef( nodeValue : XmlString; defaultValue : TDateTime): TDateTime;
22001: Func XMLStrToBinary( nodeValue : XmlString; const value : TStream):Bool');
22002: Func XMLRealToStr( value : real; precision : byte) : XmlString');
22003: Func XMLExtendedToStr( value : extended) : XmlString');
22004: Func XMLCurrencyToStr( value : Currency) : XmlString');
22005: Func XMLIntToStr( value : integer) : XmlString');
22006: Func XMLInt64ToStr( value : int64) : XmlString');
22007: Func XMLBoolToStr( value :Bool; useBoolStrs :Bool) : XmlString');
22008: Func XMLDateTimeToStr2( value : TDateTime) : XmlString');
22009: Func XMLDateTimeToStrEx( value : TDateTime) : XmlString');
22010: Func XMLDateToStr2( value : TDateTime) : XmlString');
22011: Func XMLTimeToStr( value : TDateTime) : XmlString');
22012: Func XMLBinaryToStr( value : TStream) : XmlString');
22013: Func XMLVariantToStr( value : Variant) : XmlString');
22014: end;
22016: Proc SIRegister_IdCoderHeader(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22017: begin
22018: CL.AddTypeS('TTransfer', ( bit7, bit8, iso2022jp );
22019: Func EncodeAddressItem(EmailAddr:TIdEmailAddressItem; const HeaderEncoding: Char;
22020: TransferHeader: TTransfer; MimeCharSet:Str):Str;
22021: Func EncodeHeader(const Header:Str; specials : CSET2; const HeaderEncoding: Char;
22022: TransferHeader: TTransfer; MimeCharSet:Str):Str;
22023: Func Encode2022JP(const S:Str):Str;
22024: Func EncodeAddress(EmailAddr:TIdEMailAddressList;const HeaderEncoding:Char;
22025: TransferHeader: TTransfer; MimeCharSet:Str):Str;
22026: Func DecodeHeader(Header:Str):str;
22027: Func Decode2022JP(const S:Str):Str;
22028: Proc DecodeAddress(EMailAddr : TIdEmailAddressItem);
22029: Proc DecodeAddresses(AEMails :Str; EMailAddr : TIdEmailAddressList);
22030: Proc InitializeISO(var TransferHeader:TTransfer;var HeaderEncoding:char;var CharSet:str);
22031: end;
22033: Proc SIRegister_FannNetwork(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22034: begin
22035: // CL.AddTypeS('PCardinalArray', '^CardinalArray // will not work');
22036: CL.AddConstantN('DLL_FILE','String').SetString( 'fannfloat.dll');
22037: CL.AddTypeS('fann_type', 'single');
22038: Fann_Type_Array', 'array [0..65535] of fann_type');
22039: TFann_Type_Array', 'array [0..65535] of fann_type');
22040: TFann_Type_Array2', 'array of fann_type');
22041: TFann_Type_Array3', 'array of single');
22042: TTrainingAlgorithm', '( taFANN_TRAIN_INCREMENTAL, taFANN_TRAIN_B'
22044: CL.AddTypeS(TActivationFunction', '( afFANN_LINEAR, afFANN_THRESHOLD, afFANN'
22050: SIRegister_TFannNetwork(CL); //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Proc Register');
22051: end;
22053: Proc SIRegister_TFannNetwork(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22054: begin
22055: //with RegClassS(CL,'TComponent', 'TFannNetwork') do
22056: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TComponent'),'TFannNetwork') do begin
22057: Constructor Create( Aowner : TComponent)');
22058: Proc Build( )');
22059: Proc Free');
22060: Proc UnBuild( )');
22061: Func Train( Input : array of fann_type; Output : array of fann_type) : single');
22062: Proc TrainOnFile(FileName:str; MaxEpochs:Card;DesiredError: Single)');
22063: Proc Run(Inputs: array of fann_type; var Outputs : TFann_Type_Array2)');
22064: Proc Run2(Inputs: array of fann_type; var Outputs : array of fann_type)');
22065: Proc Run3( Inputs : array of fann_type; var Outputs : TFann_Type_Array3)');
22066: Proc Run4( Inputs : array of fann_type; var Outputs : TFann_Type_Array3)');
22067: Proc SaveToFile( FileName :Str)');
22068: Proc LoadFromFile( Filename :Str)');
22069: FannObject', 'PFann', iptr);
22070: Layers', 'TStrings', iptrw);
22071: LearningRate', 'Single', iptrw);
22072: ConnectionRate', 'Single', iptrw);
22073: LearningMometum', 'single', iptrw);
22074: MSE', 'Single', iptr);
22075: TrainingAlgorithm', 'TTrainingAlgorithm', iptrw);
22076: ActivationFunctionHidden', 'TActivationFunction', iptrw);
22077: ActivationFunctionOutput', 'TActivationFunction', iptrw);
22078: end;
22079: end;
22080: TFannNetwork encapsulates the Fast Artificial Neural Network. fann.sourceforge.net
22082: Proc SIRegister_RTLDateTimeplus(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22083: begin
22084: SIRegister_TNullableDateTime(CL);

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22085: Func IsValidDate2( const Value :Str; out ADate : TDatetime) :Bool;
22086: Func IsValidTime2( const Value :Str; out ATime : TDateTime) :Bool;
22087: Func IsValidDateTime2( const Value :Str; out ADateTime : TDateTime) :Bool;
22088: Proc ChangeSystemTime( const Value : TDateTime)');
22089: Func TryChangeSystemTime( const Value : TDateTime) :Bool');
22090: end;
22092: // new functions on V III /IV - V IV
22093: Func IsUTF8File(const FileName:Str):Bool;');
22094: Func IsUTF16File(const FileName:Str):Bool;');
22095: Proc RichEditToCanvas(RichEdit: TRichEdit; Canvas: TCanvas; PixelsPerInch:Integer);
22096: --> RichEditToCanvas(RichEdit1, Image1.Canvas, Self.PixelsPerInch);
22097: Func {$I ActiveDEP:Card; }
22098: Func {$I ActivateDEP:Card;');}
22099: Proc WriteXMLFile(doc: TXMLDocument; const AFileName:Str);
22100: Proc WriteXML(Element: TDOMNode; const AFileName:Str);
22101: Func ReadXMLFile(const AFilename:Str) : TXMLDocument;
22102: Proc WriteXMLFile(doc: TXMLDocumentDOM; const AFileName:Str);');
22103: Proc WriteXML(Element: TDOMNode; const AFileName:Str);');
22104: Proc WriteXMLFileStream(ADoc : TXMLDocument; AStream : TStream);
22106: Func CountColors(const Bitmap: Graphics.TBitmap): Integer;
22107: var Flags: array[Byte, Byte] of Classes.TBits;
22108: I, J, K: Integer;
22109: RowIn: PRGBTripleArray;
22110: begin
22111: // Be sure bitmap is 24-bits/pixel
22112: Assert(Bitmap.PixelFormat = Graphics.pf24Bit);
22114: Func SndPlaySound(const AFilename: pchar; flags:Card):Bool;
22115: Proc PlaySound1(const AFilename:Str);
22116: Func mciSendCommand(mciID, umessage, dwparam1, dwparam2:Card):Card;
22117: Func ProxyActive:Bool;
22118: Func GetProxyServer:Str;
22119: Func GetProxyOverride:Str;
22120: Func GetProxyServerIP:Str;
22121: Func GetProxyServerPort: Integer;
22122: Func GetHtml( const Url :Str) :Str;');
22123: Func GetHtm12( const Url, UserAgent :Str) :Str;');
22124: Proc FormatXMLFile(const XmlFile:str);
22125: Func FormatXMLFile2String(const XmlFile:str):Str;
22126: Func selectXMLNode(xnRoot: IXmlNode; const nodePath: WideString): IXmlNode;
22127: Func HTMLEncode3(const Data:Str):Str; //vfast
22128: Func IsSpecialFolderSupported(CSIDL: Integer):Bool;
22129: Func SpecialFolderPath(CSIDL: Integer):Str;
22130: Func DataSetToXML(const ADataSet: TDataSet):Str;
22131: Func PackageParams( Params : TParams; Types : TParamTypes) : OleVariant');
22132: Proc UnpackParams( const Source : OleVariant; Dest : TParams)');
22133: Proc ActivateDEP2;');
22134: Func JavaToDelphiDateTime(const dt: int64): TDateTime;');
22135: Func DelphiToJavaDateTime(const dt: TDateTime): int64;');
22136: Func GetTimeBias: integer;
22137: Proc WrapLines(VAR a, b:Str; len: Integer);
22138: Func DelphiDateTimeToISO8601Date(dt: TDateTime):Str;
22139: Proc BackgroundWorkerWaitFor(isworking:Bool; fWindow: HWND);
22141: uPSI_CromisStreams,
22142: uPSI_Streams,
22143: uPSI_BitStream,
22144: uPSI_UJSONFunctions.pas
22145: uPSI_uTPLb_BinaryUtils.pas
22146: uPSI_USha256.pas
22147: uPSI_uTPLb_HashDsc.pas
22148: uPSI_uTPLb_Hash.pas
22149: SIRegister_Series(X); //
22150: uPSI_Series,
22151: unit uPSI_mimeinln;
22152: unit uPSI_UTime; //unit UTime;
22153: RIRegister_TStreamStorage(X);
22154: RIRegister_TNamesEnumerator(X);
22155: 1283 uPSI_uTPLb_StreamCipher.pas
22156: 1284 uPSI_uTPLb_BlockCipher.pas
22157: 1285 uPSI_uTPLb_Asymetric.pas
22158: 1286 uPSI_uTPLb_CodecIntf.pas
22159: 1287 uPSI_uTPLb_Codec.pas
22160: 1288 uPSI_ADOInt.pas
22161: 1289 uPSI_MidasCon.pas
22162: 1290 uPSI_XMLDoc.pas
22163: 1291 uPSI_XMLIntf.pas
22164: 1292 uPSI_ProxyUtils.pas
22165: 1293 unit uPSI_maxXMLUtils2;
22166: 1294 unit_StDict_Routines(S: TPSExec);
22167: 1295 unit uPSI_Hashes2
22168: 1296 unit uPSI_IdCoderHeader;
22170: Func TRestRequest_createStringStreamFromStringList(strings:TStringList):TStringStream;
22171: {A simple Oscilloscope using TWaveIn class.
22172: More info at http://www.delphiforfun.org/programs/oscilloscope.htm }
22173: http://www.retroarchive.org/garbo/pc/turbopas/index.html

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22174: uses Forms,

22175: U_Oscilloscope4 in 'U_Oscilloscope4.pas' {frmMain},
22176: ufrmOscilloscope4 in 'ufrmOscilloscope4.pas' {frmOscilloscope: TFrame},
22177: uColorFunctions in 'uColorFunctions.pas',
22178: AMixer in 'AMixer.pas',
22179: uSettings in 'uSettings.pas',
22180: UWavein4 in 'UWavein4.pas',
22181: U_Spectrum4 in 'U_Spectrum4.pas' {Form2},
22182: ufrmInputControl4 in 'ufrmInputControl4.pas' {frmInputControl: TFrame};
22183: BSpectrum in unit uPSI_BSpectrum; {SpectraLibrary}
22184: 1250 unit uPSI_U_Oscilloscope4_2
22186: // new functions on V
22187: Proc SIRegister_cHash(CL: TObject);
22188: var sha: TSha256hash2;
22189: begin
22190: DigestToHexBuf( const Digest :Str; const Size : Integer; const Buf)');
22191: DigestToHex( const Digest :Str; const Size : Integer) : Ansistr');
22192: Digest128Equal( const Digest1, Digest2 : T128BitDigest) :Bool');
22193: Digest160Equal( const Digest1, Digest2 : T160BitDigest) :Bool');
22194: Digest224Equal( const Digest1, Digest2 : T224BitDigest) :Bool');
22195: Digest256Equal( const Digest1, Digest2 : T256BitDigest) :Bool');
22196: Digest384Equal( const Digest1, Digest2 : T384BitDigest) :Bool');
22197: Digest512Equal( const Digest1, Digest2 : T512BitDigest) :Bool');
22198: hashNoError','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
22199: hashInternalError','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
22200: hashInvalidHashType','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
22201: hashInvalidBuffer','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
22202: hashInvalidBufferSize','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
22203: hashInvalidDigest','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
22204: hashInvalidKey','LongInt').SetInt( 6);
22205: hashInvalidFileName','LongInt').SetInt( 7);
22206: hashFileOpenError','LongInt').SetInt( 8);
22207: hashFileSeekError','LongInt').SetInt( 9);
22208: hashFileReadError','LongInt').SetInt( 10);
22209: hashNotKeyedHashType','LongInt').SetInt( 11);
22210: hashTooManyOpenHandles','LongInt').SetInt( 12);
22211: hashInvalidHandle','LongInt').SetInt( 13);
22212: hashMAX_ERROR','LongInt').SetInt( 13);
22213: GetHashErrorMessage( const ErrorCode : LongWord) : PChar');
22214: /SIRegister_EHashError(CL);
22215: SecureClear( var Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22216: SecureClear512( var Buf : T512BitBuf)');
22217: SecureClear1024( var Buf : T1024BitBuf)');
22218: SecureClearStr2( var S : Ansistr)'); -------------------
22219: CalcChecksum32( const Buf : Ansistr) : LongWord');
22220: CalcXOR8( const Buf : Ansistr) : Byte');
22221: CalcXOR16( const Buf : Ansistr) : Word');
22222: CalcXOR32( const Buf : Ansistr) : LongWord');
22223: CRC16Init( var CRC16 : Word)');
22224: CRC16Byte( const CRC16 : Word; const Octet : Byte) : Word');
22225: CRC16Buf( const CRC16 : Word; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer) : Word');
22226: CalcCRC16( const Buf : Ansistr) : Word');
22227: SetCRC32Poly( const Poly : LongWord)');
22228: CRC32Init( var CRC32 : LongWord)');
22229: CRC32Byte( const CRC32 : LongWord; const Octet : Byte) : LongWord');
22230: CRC32Buf( const CRC32 : LongWord; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer): LongWord');
22231: CRC32BufNoCase(const CRC32: LongWord; const Buf:Str; const BufSize: Integer): LongWord');
22232: CalcCRC32( const Buf : Ansistr) : LongWord');
22233: Adler32Init( var Adler32 : LongWord)');
22234: Adler32Byte( const Adler32 : LongWord; const Octet : Byte) : LongWord');
22235: Adler32Buf( const Adler32:LongWord;const Buf:str; const BufSize:Integer): LongWord');
22236: CalcAdler32( const Buf : Ansistr) : LongWord');
22237: ELFInit( var Digest : LongWord)');
22238: ELFBuf( const Digest : LongWord; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer):LongWord');
22239: CalcELF( const Buf : Ansistr) : LongWord');
22240: IsValidISBN2( const S : Ansistr) :Bool'); -------------------------
22241: IsValidLUHN( const S : Ansistr) :Bool');
22242: KnuthHash( const S : Ansistr) : LongWord');
22243: MD5InitDigest( var Digest : T128BitDigest)');
22244: MD5Buf( var Digest : T128BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22245: MD5FinalBuf(var Digest:T128BitDigest;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Int;const TotalSize:Int64);
22246: CalcMD5( const Buf : Ansistr) : T128BitDigest');
22247: MD5DigestAsString( const Digest : T128BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22248: MD5DigestToHex( const Digest : T128BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22249: SHA1InitDigest( var Digest : T160BitDigest)');
22250: SHA1Buf( var Digest : T160BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22251: SHA1FinalBuf(var Digest:T160BitDigest;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Int;const TotalSize:Int64);
22252: CalcSHA1( const Buf : Ansistr) : T160BitDigest');
22253: SHA1DigestAsString( const Digest : T160BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22254: SHA1DigestToHex( const Digest : T160BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22255: SHA224InitDigest( var Digest : T256BitDigest)');
22256: SHA224Buf( var Digest : T256BitDigest; const Buf:Str;const BufSize : Integer)');
22257: SHA224FinalBuf(var Digest:T256BitDigest;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Integer;const TotalSize:Int64;var
22258: CalcSHA224( const Buf : Ansistr) : T224BitDigest');
22259: SHA224DigestAsString( const Digest : T224BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22260: SHA224DigestToHex( const Digest : T224BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22261: SHA256InitDigest( var Digest : T256BitDigest)');

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22262: SHA256Buf( var Digest : T256BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22263: SHA256FinalBuf(var Digest:T256BitDigest;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Int;const TotalSize:Int64;
22264: CalcSHA2562( const Buf : Ansistr) : T256BitDigest'); --------------------------
22265: SHA256DigestAsString( const Digest : T256BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22266: SHA256DigestToHex( const Digest : T256BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22267: SHA384InitDigest( var Digest : T512BitDigest)');
22268: SHA384Buf( var Digest : T512BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22269: SHA384FinalBuf(var Digest:T512BitDigest;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Int;const TotalSize:Int64;var
22270: CalcSHA384( const Buf : Ansistr) : T384BitDigest');
22271: SHA384DigestAsString( const Digest : T384BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22272: SHA384DigestToHex( const Digest : T384BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22273: SHA512InitDigest( var Digest : T512BitDigest)');
22274: SHA512Buf( var Digest : T512BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22275: SHA512FinalBuf(var Digest:T512BitDigest;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Int;const TotalSize:Int64);
22276: CalcSHA512( const Buf : Ansistr) : T512BitDigest');
22277: SHA512DigestAsString( const Digest : T512BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22278: SHA512DigestToHex( const Digest : T512BitDigest) : Ansistr');
22279: HMAC_MD5Init(const Key:str;const KeySize:Integer;var Digest:T128BitDigest;var K:T512BitBuf);
22280: HMAC_MD5Buf( var Digest : T128BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22281: HMAC_MD5FinalBuf(const K: T512BitBuf;var Digest T128BitDigest;const Buf:str;const BufSize:Integer;const
22282: CalcHMAC_MD5( const Key, Buf : Ansistr) : T128BitDigest');
22283: HMAC_SHA1Init(const Key:str;const KeySize:Int;var Digest:T160BitDigest;var K:T512BitBuf);
22284: HMAC_SHA1Buf( var Digest : T160BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22285: HMAC_SHA1FinalBuf(const K:T512BitBuf;ar Digest:T160BitDigest;const Buf:Str; const BufSize:Int; const
TotalSize Int64);
22286: CalcHMAC_SHA1( const Key, Buf : Ansistr):T160BitDigest;
22287: HMAC_SHA256Init(const Key:str;const KeySize:Int;var Digest:T256BitDigest;var K:T512BitBuf);
22288: HMAC_SHA256Buf( var Digest : T256BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22289: HMAC_SHA256FinalBuf(const K :T512BitBuf;var Digest: T256BitDigest;const Buf:Str; const
BufSize:Integer;const TotalSize:Int64);
22290: CalcHMAC_SHA256( const Key, Buf : Ansistr) : T256BitDigest');
22291: HMAC_SHA512Init(const Key:str;const KeySize:Int;var Digest:T512BitDigest;var K:T1024BitBuf);
22292: HMAC_SHA512Buf( var Digest : T512BitDigest; const Buf :Str; const BufSize : Integer)');
22293: HMAC_SHA512FinalBuf(const K:T1024BitBuf;var Digest:T512BitDigest;const Buf:str;const
BufSize:Integer;const TotalSize:Int64);
22294: CalcHMAC_SHA512( const Key, Buf: Ansistr): T512BitDigest');
22295: AHash(CL);
22296: CL.AddTypeS('THashClass', 'class of AHash');
22297: TChecksum32Hash(CL);
22298: TXOR8Hash(CL);
22299: TXOR16Hash(CL);
22300: TXOR32Hash(CL);
22301: TCRC16Hash(CL);
22302: TCRC32Hash(CL);
22303: TAdler32Hash(CL);
22304: TELFHash(CL);
22305: TMD5Hash(CL);
22306: TSHA1Hash(CL);
22307: TSHA256Hash2(CL); //------------!!
22308: TSHA512Hash(CL);
22309: THMAC_MD5Hash(CL);
22310: THMAC_SHA1Hash(CL);
22311: THMAC_SHA256Hash(CL);
22312: THMAC_SHA512Hash(CL);
22313: THashType','(hashChecksum32,hashXOR8,hashXOR16,hashXOR32,hashCRC16,hashCRC32,hashAdler32, hashELF,
hashMD5,hashSHA1 hashSHA256,hashSHA512,hashHMAC_MD5,hashHMAC_SHA1,hashHMAC_SHA256,hashHMAC_SHA512'+')');
22314: GetHashClassByType( const HashType : THashType) : THashClass');
22315: GetDigestSize( const HashType : THashType) : Integer');
22316: CalculateHash(const HashType:THashType;const Buf:AnsiStr;const Digest:str;const Key:AnsiStr;
22317: HashString(const S: Ansistr; const Slots:LongWord; const CaseSensitive:Boolean):LongWord');
22318: SelfTestHash');
22319: end;
22321: Unit UMatrix
22322: Proc Determinant( Dimen : integer; Data : TNmatrix; var Det : Float; var Error : byte)');
22323: Proc Inverse2( Dimen : integer; Data : TNmatrix; var Inv : TNmatrix; var Error : byte)');
22324: Proc Gaussian_Elimination(Dimen:integer;Coefficients:TNmatrix;Constants:TNvector;var
Solution:TNvector;var Error:byte);
22325: Proc Partial_Pivoting(Dimen:integer;Coefficients:TNmatrix;Constants:TNvector;var Solution:TNvector;var
22326: Proc LU_Decompose(Dimen:integer;Coefficients:TNmatrix;var Decomp:TNmatrix;var Permute:TNmatrix;var
22327: Proc LU_Solve(Dimen: integer;var Decomp TNmatrix;Constants:TNvector;var Permute:TNmatrix;var
Solution:TNvector;var Error:byte);
22328: Proc Gauss_Seidel( Dimen: integer; Coefficients: TNmatrix; Constants: TNvector; Tol: Float; MaxIter:
integer;var Solution:TNvector;var Iter:integer;var Error: byte)');
22329: end;
22331: Proc SIRegister_uTPLb_RSA_Primitives(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22332: begin
22333: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Func I2OSP( x : THugeCardinal; xLen : integer; XStream : TStream; Pool :
TMemoryStreamPool) :Bool');
22334: //'Func OS2IP( XStream : TStream; xLen : integer; var x : THugeCardinal; Pool : TMemoryStreamPool;
MaxBits : integer) :Bool');
22335: Proc MGF1( mgfSeed : TStream; maskLen :Card; mask : TStream)');
22336: CL.AddTypeS('TLongOpResult', '( opPass, opFail, opAbort )');
22337: Func RSAES_OAEP_ENCRYPT( n, e : THugeCardinal; M, C : TMemoryStream) :Bool');

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22338: Func RSAES_OAEP_ENCRYPT_MaxByteLen( n : THugeCardinal) : integer');

22339: Func RSAES_OAEP_DECRYPT( d, n : THugeCardinal; C, M : TStream) :Bool');
22340: Func EMSA_PSS_ENCODE(M:TStream;emBits,
22341: Func RSASSA_PSS_SIGN(d,n:THugeCardinal;M,S:TStream;CheckAbortFunc:TOnHashProgress): TLongOpResult;
22342: Func EMSA_PSS_VERIFY(M:TStream;emBits,sLen integer;EM:TStream;
22343: Func RSASSA_PSS_VERIFY( n, e : THugeCardinal; M, S : TStream; CheckAbortFunc : TOnHashProgress) :
22344: Func Generate_RSA_SymetricKey(n,e:THugeCardinal;CipherStream: TStream;const SymetricCipher:IBlockCipher)
: TSymetricKey;
22345: Func Extract_RSA_SymetricKey(d,n:THugeCardinal;CipherStream: TStream;const
22346: end;
22348: Proc SIRegister_DXUtil(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22349: begin
22350: Proc SAFE_RELEASE( var i)');
22351: Proc SAFE_DELETE( var Obj)');
22352: Func DXUtil_GetDXSDKMediaPathCb( szDest : PChar; cbDest : Integer) : HRESULT');
22353: Func DXUtil_FindMediaFileCch(strDestPath:PChar;cchDest:Integer;strFilename:PChar):HRESULT;
22354: Func DXUtil_FindMediaFileCb(szDestPath: PChar; cbDest Integer;strFilename PChar):HRESULT'
22355: Func DXUtil_WriteStringRegKey(hKey_ :HKEY; strRegName : PChar; strValue : PChar):HRESULT;
22356: CL.AddTypeS('TIMER_COMMAND', 'DWORD');
22357: 'TIMER_RESET','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
22358: 'TIMER_START','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
22359: 'TIMER_STOP','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
22360: 'TIMER_ADVANCE','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
22361: 'TIMER_GETABSOLUTETIME','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
22362: 'TIMER_GETAPPTIME','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
22363: 'TIMER_GETELAPSEDTIME','LongInt').SetInt( 6);
22364: Func DXUtil_Timer( command : TIMER_COMMAND) : Single');
22365: Func DXUtil_ConvertGenericStringToAnsiCch(strDestination:PAnsiChar;const tstrSource:PChar; cchDestChar:
Integer) : HRESULT');
22366: Func DXUtil_ConvertAnsistrToGenericCch(tstrDestination:PChar;const strSource: PAnsiChar;
cchDestChar:Integer) : HRESULT');
22367: Func DXUtil_ConvertGenericStringToAnsiCb(strDestination: PAnsiChar; const tstrSource:PChar;
cbDestChar:Integer: HRESULT');
22368: Func DXUtil_ConvertAnsistrToGenericCb(tstrDestination:PChar;const
22369: CL.AddTypeS(TArrayListType', '( AL_VALUE, AL_REFERENCE )');
22370: SIRegister_CArrayList(CL);
22372: end;
22374: Proc SIRegister_DCPbase64(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22375: begin
22376: Func Base64EncodeStr(const Value: Ansistr): Ansistr');
22377: Func Base64DecodeStr(const Value: Ansistr): Ansistr');
22378: Func Base64Encode( pInput :Str; pOutput :Str; Size : longint): longint;
22379: Func Base64Decode( pInput :Str; pOutput :Str; Size : longint): longint;
22380: end;
22382: Proc SIRegister_FlyFilesUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22383: begin
22384: Func GetCaseSensitiveFileName( const FileName :Str; RootPath :Str) :Str');
22385: CL.AddConstantN('OTGDeivceCount','LongInt').SetInt( 16);
22386: CL.AddConstantN('UsbDiskStartIndex','LongInt').SetInt( 255);
22387: DeleteDirectories_WaitMinSecond','LongInt').SetInt( 2000);
22388: Func isPathCanUseNow( const PathOrDir :Str; const Default :Bool) :Bool');
22389: Func TestPathCanWrite( const PathOrDir :Str) :Bool');
22390: Func GetSDCardPath( Index : Integer) :Str');
22391: Func FindSDCardSubPath( SubPath :Str; Index : Integer) :Str');
22392: Func GetAppPath :Str');
22393: Func BuildFileListInAPath(const Path:str;const Attr:Int;const List:TStrings;JustFile:Bool):Bool;
22394: Func BuildFileListInAPath1(const Path:str; const Attr:Integer;ustFile:Bool):Str;
22395: Func GetFileNamesFromDirectory(const DirName:str;const SearchFilter:str;const FileAttribs:Int;const
isIncludeSubDirName:Bool;const Recursion:Bool;const FullName:Bool):str;
22396: Func DeleteDirectoryByEcho(const Source:str;AbortOnFailure:Bool;YesToAll:Bool;WaitMinSecond:Integer):Bool;
22397: Func GetTotalSpaceSize( Path :Str) : UInt64');
22398: Func GetAvailableSpaceSize( Path :Str) : UInt64');
22399: Func GetFreeSpaceSize( Path :Str) : UInt64');
22400: Func GetTotalMemorySize : UInt64');
22401: Func GetFreeMemorySize : UInt64');
22402: Func IsPadOrPC :Bool');
22403: Func OpenFileOnExtApp(const FileName:str;Https:Bool):Bool');
22404: Func NowGMT_UTC : TDateTime');
22405: Func EncodeURLWithSchemeOrProtocol( const URL :Str):Str');
22406: Func GetVolumePaths :Str');
22407: Func GetExternalStoragePath :Str');
22408: Func GetExterStoragePath :Str');
22409: Func GetInnerStoragePath :Str');
22410: Func GetIsExternalStorageRemovable :Bool');
22411: Func GetScreenClientInches : Single');
22412: Func IsCanFindJavaClass( const NamePath :Str) :Bool');
22413: Func IsCanFindJavaMethod(const MethodName,Signature:str;const CalssNamePath:str):Bool;
22414: Func IsCanFindJavaStaticMethod(const MethodName,Signature:str;const CalssNamePath:Str):Bool;
22415: CL.AddTypeS(TGetFileNameLIsternerMethod','Procedure(const IsOK:Boolean;const FileName:str);
22416: Func OpenFileDialog(Title,FileExtension:str; GetFileNameCallBack: TGetFileNameLIsternerMethod):Boolean;

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22417: Func CheckPermission( const APermissionName :Str) :Bool');

22418: CL.AddConstantN('C_android_permission_EXTERNAL_STORAGE','String').SetString(
22419: Func CanWriteExterStorage :Bool');
22420: Proc UpdateAlbum( FileNames :Str)');
22421: Func ReadNoSizeFileToString( const AFileName :Str) :Str');
22422: Func ReadFileToString( const AFileName :Str) :Str');
22423: end;
22425: 466_kmean_cluster_correlation_test3.txt
22426: Proc SIRegister_LatLonDist(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22427: begin
22428: Func EllipticalDistance(llat1,llon1,llat2,llon2:extended;units:integer): extended');
22429: Proc VDirectLatLon(DGLAT1,DGLON1,DFAZ,S EXTENDED;Units:integer;var DGLAT2,DGLON2,DBAZ : EXTENDED);
22430: Func VInverseDistance(dlat1,dlon1,dlat2,dlon2:extended;var AzimuthInit,
22431: Func RhumbDistance(llat1,llon1,llat2,llon2:extended;units:integer;var Azimuth:extended):extended;
22432: Proc RhumbLatLon(LAT1,LON1 Azimuth1,Dist:EXTENDED;Units:integer;var LAT2,LON2:EXTENDED);
22433: Func ApproxEllipticalDistance(llat1,llon1,llat2,llon2: extended;units:integer):extended;
22434: Func ApproxRhumbDistance(llat1,llon1,llat2,llon2: extended;units:integer; var Azimuth: extended):
22435: Proc ApproxRhumbLatLon(LAT1,LON1,Azimuth1,Dist:EXTENDED;Units integer;var LAT2,LON2: EXTENDED);
22436: Func convertunits( fromindex,ToIndex:integer;fromvalue:extended):extended');
22437: end;
22439: Proc SIRegister_PXLTiming(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22440: begin
22441: CL.AddConstantN('OverrunDeltaLimit','Extended').setExtended( 8.0);
22442: TTimerEvent', 'Proc ( const Sender : TObject)');
22443: SIRegister_TMultimediaTimer2(CL);
22444: CL.AddTypeS(TSystemTimerValue, 'UInt64');
22445: Func TimerValueInBetween(const Value1,Value2: TSystemTimerValue):TSystemTimerValue;
22446: Func TickCountInBetween( const Value1, Value2:Card) :Card');
22447: Func GetSystemTimerValue: TSystemTimerValue');
22448: Func GetSystemTickCount:Card');
22449: Func GetSystemTimeValue: Double');
22450: Proc MicroSleep( const Microseconds : UInt64)');
22451: end;
22453: (* === compile-time registration functions === *)
22454: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
22455: Proc SIRegister_TMultimediaTimer2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22456: begin
22457: //with RegClassS(CL,'TOBJECT', 'TMultimediaTimer') do
22458: type TMultimediaTimer2 = PXLTiming.TMultimediaTimer;
22459: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TMultimediaTimer2') do begin
22460: Constructor Create');
22461: Proc Process');
22462: Proc Reset');
22463: Proc NotifyTick( AllowSleep :Bool)');
22464: Delta', 'Double', iptr);
22465: Latency', 'Double', iptr);
22466: FrameRate', 'Integer', iptr);
22467: Speed', 'Double', iptrw);
22468: MaxFPS', 'Integer', iptrw);
22469: Enabled', 'Boolean', iptrw);
22470: SingleCallOnly', 'Boolean', iptrw);
22471: OnTimer', 'TTimerEvent', iptrw);
22472: OnProcess', 'TTimerEvent', iptrw);
22473: end;
22474: end;
22476: Proc SIRegister_TNetCom(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22477: begin
22478: //with RegClassS(CL,'TOBJECT', 'TNetCom') do
22479: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNetCom') do begin
22480: Constructor Create');
22481: Proc Free');
22482: Func Initialize :Bool');
22483: Proc Finalize');
22484: Func ResolveHost( const Host :Str) :Str');
22485: Func ResolveIP( const IPAddress :Str) :Str');
22486: Func SendStr(const Host:Str;const Port:Integer;const Data:str;const Size:Int):Bool;
22487: Func Send2(const Host:str;const Port:Integer;const Data:str;const Size:Int):Bool;
22488: Func Send(const Host:str;const Port:Integer;const Data:str;const Size:Int):Bool;
22489: Proc Update');
22490: Proc ResetStatistics');
22491: LocalIP', 'String', iptr);
22492: Initialized', 'Boolean', iptr);
22493: Broadcast', 'Boolean', iptrw);
22494: LocalPort', 'Integer', iptrw);
22495: /('OnReceive', 'TReceiveEvent', iptrw);
22496: UpdateRefreshTime', 'Integer', iptrw);
22497: BytesReceived', 'Integer', iptr);
22498: BytesSent', 'Integer', iptr);
22499: SentPackets', 'Integer', iptr);
22500: ReceivedPackets', 'Integer', iptr);
22501: BytesPerSec', 'Integer', iptr);
22502: end;

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22503: end;
22505: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
22506: Proc SIRegister_PXLNetComs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22507: begin
22508: CL.AddConstantN('MaximumPacketSize','LongInt').SetInt( 8166);
22509: CL.AddTypeS('TSocket', 'Integer'); //delphisocks as longint
22510: CL.AddTypeS('TInAddr', 'record S_addr :Card; end');
22511: SIRegister_TNetCom(CL);
22512: end;
22514: unit uPSI_cTCPConnection.pas
22515: Proc RIRegister_cTCPConnection_Routines(S: TPSExec);
22516: Func TCPGetTick : LongWord');
22517: Func TCPTickDelta( const D1, D2 : LongWord) : Integer');
22518: Func TCPTickDeltaW( const D1, D2 : LongWord) : LongWord');
22520: Proc SIRegister_cTCPConnection(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22521: begin
22522: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'ETCPConnection');
22523: CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TTCPConnection');
22524: CL.AddTypeS('TTCPLogType', '( tlDebug, tlInfo, tlError )');
22525: TTCPConnectionProxyState,(prsInit,prsNegotiating,prsFiltering,prsFinished,prsError,prsClosed);
22526: SIRegister_TTCPConnectionProxy(CL);
22527: SIRegister_TTCPConnectionProxyList(CL);
22528: TTCPConnectionState','(cnsInit,cnsProxyNegotiation,cnsConnected,cnsClosed )');
22529: TTCPConnectionTransferState,record LastUpdate:LongWord;ByteCount:Int64;TransferRate:LongWord; end;
22530: TAnsiCharSet', 'set of AnsiChar');
22531: TTCPConnectionNotifyEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TTCPConnection)');
22532: TTCPConnectionStateChangeEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TTCPConnection; State: TTCPConnectionState)');
22533: TTCPConnectionLogEvent','Procedure(Sender:TTCPConnection;LogType:TTCPLogType;LogMsg:str; LogLevel:Int;
22534: SIRegister_TTCPConnection(CL);
22535: //CL.AddTypeS('TTCPConnectionClass', 'class of TTCPConnection');
22536: Func TCPGetTick : LongWord');
22537: Func TCPTickDelta( const D1, D2 : LongWord) : Integer');
22538: Func TCPTickDeltaW( const D1, D2 : LongWord) : LongWord');
22539: end;
22541: Proc RIRegister_cTCPConnection_Routines(S: TPSExec);
22542: begin
22543: S.RegisterDelphiFunction(@TCPGetTick, 'TCPGetTick', cdRegister);
22544: S.RegisterDelphiFunction(@TCPTickDelta, 'TCPTickDelta', cdRegister);
22545: S.RegisterDelphiFunction(@TCPTickDeltaW, 'TCPTickDeltaW', cdRegister);
22546: end;
22548: var HTMLWindow2: IHTMLWindow2;
22549: const HTMLStrGoogle 'string').SetString(HTMLStrGoogle); //javascript
22551: Proc GoogleMapsFormCreate(Sender:TObject;aform:TForm;webbrowser1:TWebbrowser;HTMLStr:str);
22552: Proc GoogleMapsGotoLocationClick(Sender: TObject; LatitudeText, LongitudeText:Str );
22553: begin
22554: HTMLWindow2.execScript(Format('GotoLatLng(%s,%s)',[LatitudeText,LongitudeText]),'JavaScript');
22555: end;
22557: Proc GoogleMapsGotoAddressClick(Sender: TObject; vaddress:Str);
22558: var address :Str;
22559: begin
22560: address:= vaddress;
22561: address:=StringReplace(StringReplace(Trim(address),#13,' ',[rfReplaceAll]),#10,' ',[rfReplaceAll]);
22562: HTMLWindow2.execScript(Format('codeAddress(%s)',[QuotedStr(address)]), 'JavaScript');
22563: end;
22564: Func TaskbarHandle: THandle');
22565: Func TrayHandle: THandle');
22566: Proc DOSWipeFile(fn:Str);');
22567: Proc DOSFileWipe(fn:Str);');
22568: Func ExecAndWait(sExe, sCommandLine:Str):Bool;');
22569: Proc GoogleMapsFormCreate(Sender:TObject;aform:TForm; webbrowser1:TWebbrowser;HTMLStr,navdoc:str);');
22570: Proc GoogleMapsGotoLocationClick(Sender:TObject;LatitudeText,LongitudeText:Str );');
22571: Proc GoogleMapsGotoAddressClick(Sender: TObject; vaddress:Str);');
22572: Proc GoogleMapsGotoAddressClick(Sender: TObject; vaddress:Str);
22573: Proc BitmapToMetafile(const Bmp: {Graphics.}TBitmap; const EMF: {Graphics.}TMetafile);
22575: Proc SIRegister_DrBobCGI(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22576: begin
22577: CL.AddTypeS('TBobRequestMethod','(bobUnknown, bobGet, bobPost )');
22578: Func bobValue( const Field : ShortString; Convert :Bool) : ShortString');
22579: Func CookieValue( const Field : ShortString) : ShortString');
22580: Func getCGIEnvValues:Str;');
22581: end;
22583: Func getCGIEnvValues:Str;
22584: begin
22585: result:= inttoStr(ContentLength)+';'+RemoteAddress+';'+HttpUserAgent+';'+
22586: Authorization+';'+ScriptName+'.'
22587: end;
22589: Proc SIRegister_OverbyteIcsCharsetUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22590: begin
22591: CL.AddConstantN('ERR_CP_NOTMAPPED','LongInt').SetInt( MAX_CODEPAGE + 1);

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22592: 'ERR_CP_NOTAVAILABLE','LongInt').SetInt( MAX_CODEPAGE + 2);

22593: ^'CP_US_ASCII','LongInt').SetInt( 20127);
22594: CL.AddTypeS('CsuString', 'String');
22595: CL.AddTypeS('TMimeCharset', '( CS_DEFAULT, CS_NOTMAPPED, UTF_8, WIN_1250, WIN'
22596: +'_1251, WIN_1252, WIN_1253, WIN_1254, WIN_1255, WIN_1256, WIN_1257, WIN_125'
22597: +'8, ISO_8859_1, ISO_8859_2, ISO_8859_3, ISO_8859_4, ISO_8859_5, ISO_8859_6,'
22598: +' ISO_8859_7, ISO_8859_8, ISO_8859_8_i, ISO_8859_9, ISO_8859_13, ISO_8859_1'
22599: +'5, ISO_2022_JP, ISO_2022_JP_1, ISO_2022_JP_2, ISO_2022_KR, ISO_2022_CN, X_'
22600: +'CP50227, EUC_JP, GB_2312_80, GB_2312, HZ_GB_2312, GB_18030, EUC_CN, KOI8_R'
22602: +'KR, WIN_874, IBM_037, IBM_437, IBM_500, IBM_850, IBM_852, IBM_855, IBM_857'
22603: +', IBM_00858, IBM_860, IBM_861, IBM_862, IBM_863, IBM_864, IBM_865, IBM_866'
22604: +', IBM_869, IBM_870, IBM_1026, IBM_01047, IBM_01140, IBM_01141, IBM_01142, '
22605: +'IBM_01143, IBM_01144, IBM_01145, IBM_01146, IBM_01147, IBM_01148, IBM_0114'
22606: +'9, MACINTOSH, UTF_32LE, UTF_32BE, US_ASCII, T_61, CS_LAST_ITEM )');
22607: CL.AddTypeS('TMimeCharsets', 'set of TMimeCharset');
22608: CL.AddTypeS('_cpinfoexA', record MaxCharSize:UINT; DefaultChar:array[0..2 - 1] of Byte;
LeadByte:array[0..12 - 1] of Byte;'+'UnicodeDefaultChar:WideChar;CodePage:UINT;CodePageName:
array[0..MAX_PATH] of AnsiChar; end');
22609: CL.AddTypeS('_cpinfoexW',record MaxCharSize :UINT;DefaultChar: array[0..2 - 1] of Byte; LeadByte
:array[0..12 - 1] of Byte;'+'UnicodeDefaultChar: WideChar; CodePage: UINT; CodePageName :
array[0..MAX_PATH] of WideChar; end');
22610: (*_cpinfoexA = record
22611: MaxCharSize : UINT; { max length (bytes) of a char }
22612: DefaultChar : array[0..MAX_DEFAULTCHAR - 1] of Byte; { default character }
22613: LeadByte : array[0..MAX_LEADBYTES - 1] of Byte; { lead byte ranges }
22614: UnicodeDefaultChar : WideChar;
22615: CodePage : UINT;
22616: CodePageName : array[0..MAX_PATH] of AnsiChar;
22617: end; *)
22618: //CL.AddTypeS('PCharsetInfo', '^TCharsetInfo // will not work');
22619: CL.AddTypeS(TCharsetInfo', 'record MimeCharset : TMimeCharset; CodePage : Lo'
22620: +ngWord; MimeName : CsuString; FriendlyName :Str; end');
22621: CL.AddTypeS('TCharsetInfos', 'array of TCharsetInfo');
22622: //CL.AddTypeS('LPCPINFOEXA', '^CPINFOEXA // will not work');
22623: CL.AddTypeS('CPINFOEXA', '_cpinfoexA');
22624: CL.AddTypeS('TCpInfoExA', 'CPINFOEXA');
22625: //CL.AddTypeS('PCpInfoExA', 'LPCPINFOEXA');
22626: //CL.AddTypeS('LPCPINFOEXW', '^CPINFOEXW // will not work');
22627: CL.AddTypeS('CPINFOEXW', '_cpinfoexW');
22628: CL.AddTypeS('TCpInfoExW', 'CPINFOEXW');
22629: //CL.AddTypeS('PCpInfoExW', 'LPCPINFOEXW');
22630: //CL.AddTypeS('PCpInfoEx', 'PCpInfoExW');
22631: CL.AddTypeS('CPINFOEX', 'CPINFOEXW');
22632: CL.AddTypeS('TCpInfoEx', 'TCpInfoExW');
22634: //CL.AddTypeS('PCpInfoEx', 'PCpInfoExA');
22635: CL.AddTypeS('CPINFOEX', 'CPINFOEXA');
22636: CL.AddTypeS('TCpInfoEx', 'TCpInfoExA');
22638: SIRegister_TCodePageObj(CL);
22639: CL.AddDelphiFunction('Func CodePageToMimeCharset( ACodePage : LongWord) : TMimeCharset');
22640: Func CodePageToMimeCharsetString( ACodePage : LongWord) : CsuString');
22641: Func GetMimeInfo0( AMimeCharSet : TMimeCharset) : PCharSetInfo;');
22642: //&&CL.AddDelphiFunc('Func GetMimeInfo1(const AMimeCharSetStr:CsuString):PCharSetInfo;');
22643: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Func GetMimeInfo2( ACodePage : LongWord) : PCharSetInfo;');
22644: Func MimeCharsetToCharsetString( AMimeCharSet : TMimeCharset) : CsuString');
22645: ('Func ExtractMimeName( PInfo : PCharSetInfo) : CsuString');
22646: Func MimeCharsetToCodePage3( AMimeCharSet : TMimeCharset) : LongWord;');
22647: Func MimeCharsetToCodePage4(const AMimeCharSetStr:CsuString;out ACodePage:LongWord):Bool;
22648: Func MimeCharsetToCodePageDef( const AMimeCharSetString : CsuString) : LongWord');
22649: Func MimeCharsetToCodePageEx5(const AMimeCharSetStr:CsuString;out ACodePage:LongWord):Bool;
22650: Func MimeCharsetToCodePageExDef( const AMimeCharSetString : CsuString) : LongWord');
22651: Func IsValidAnsiCodePage( ACodePage : LongWord) :Bool');
22652: Func IcsIsValidCodePageID( ACodePage : LongWord) :Bool');
22653: Func IsSingleByteCodePage( ACodePage : LongWord) :Bool');
22654: Proc GetSystemCodePageList( AOwnsObjectList : TObjectList)');
22655: Func AnsiCodePageFromLocale( ALcid : LCID) : LongWord');
22656: Func OemCodePageFromLocale( ALcid : LCID) : LongWord');
22657: Func GetThreadAnsiCodePage : LongWord');
22658: Func GetThreadOemCodePage : LongWord');
22659: Func GetUserDefaultAnsiCodePage : LongWord');
22660: Func GetUserDefaultOemCodePage : LongWord');
22661: Func GetCPInfoExA( CodePage : UINT; dwFlags : DWORD; var lpCPInfoEx : CPINFOEXA) : BOOL');
22662: Func GetCPInfoExW( CodePage : UINT; dwFlags : DWORD; var lpCPInfoEx : CPINFOEXW) : BOOL');
22663: Func GetCPInfoEx( CodePage : UINT; dwFlags : DWORD; var lpCPInfoEx : CPINFOEX) : BOOL');
22664: Proc GetFriendlyCharsetList(Items:TStrings;IncludeList: TMimeCharsets; ClearItems : Bool);
22665: Proc GetMimeCharsetList( Items : TStrings; IncludeList: TMimeCharsets; ClearItems: Bool);
22666: end;
22668: Proc SIRegister_OverbyteIcsMimeUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22669: begin
22670: TMimeUtilsVersion','LongInt').SetInt( 802);
22671: 'mimuutilsCopyRight','String').SetString( ' MimeUtils (c) 2003-2014 F. Piette V8.02 ');
22672: 'SmtpDefaultLineLength','LongInt').SetInt( 76);
22673: 'SMTP_SND_BUF_SIZE','LongInt').SetInt( 2048);
22674: 'icsRegContentType','String').SetString( 'MIME\Database\Content Type');
22675: //CL.AddConstantN('SpecialsRFC822','TSysCharSet').SetString(ord(AnsiChar)( '(' ) or ord(AnsiChar)( ')' )
or ord(AnsiChar) ( '<' ) or ord(AnsiChar) ( '>' ) or ord(AnsiChar) ( '@' ) or ord(AnsiChar)( ',' ) or
ord(AnsiChar)( ';' ) or ord(AnsiChar) ( ':' )or ord(AnsiChar)( '\' )or ord(AnsiChar)( '"' )or
ord(AnsiChar)( '[' ) or ord(AnsiChar)( ']' ) or ord(AnsiChar)( '.' ));

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22676: //CL.AddConstantN('CrLfSet','TSysCharSet').SetString(ord(AnsiChar)(#13)or ord(AnsiChar)(#10));

22677: //CL.AddConstantN('QuotedCharSet','TSysCharSet').SetString(ord(AnsiChar)('?' )or ord(AnsiChar)('=' )or
ord(AnsiChar)' ' )or ord(AnsiChar)( '_' ));
22678: //CL.AddConstantN('BreakCharsSet','TSysCharSet').SetString(ord(AnsiChar)( #9 ) or ord(AnsiChar) (#32 )or
ord(AnsiChar)(';')or ord(AnsiChar)(',')or ord(AnsiChar)('>')or ord(AnsiChar)(']'));
22679: Func EncodeQuotedPrintable0( const S : RawByteString) :Str;');
22680: Func EncodeQuotedPrintable1(const S:UnicodeString; ACodePage: LongWord) :UnicodeString;');
22681: Func EncodeQuotedPrintable2( const S : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;');
22682: Func DecodeQuotedPrintable3( const S : RawByteString) : RawByteString;');
22683: Func DecodeQuotedPrintable4(const S : UnicodeString; ACodePage:LongWord):UnicodeString;');
22684: Func DecodeQuotedPrintable5( const S : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;');
22685: Func SplitQuotedPrintableString( const S :Str) :Str');
22686: Func FilenameToContentType( FileName :Str) :Str');
22687: Func Base64Encode6( const Input : Ansistr) : Ansistr;');
22688: Func Base64Encode7( const Input : PAnsiChar; Len : Integer) : Ansistr;');
22689: Func Base64Encode8( const Input : UnicodeString; ACodePage : LongWord):UnicodeString;');
22690: Func Base64Encode9( const Input : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;');
22691: Func Base64Encode10( Input :StrBuilder) :StrBuilder;');
22692: Func Base64Decode11( const Input: Ansistr) : Ansistr;');
22693: Func Base64Decode12( const Input: UnicodeString; ACodePage : LongWord):UnicodeString;');
22694: Func Base64Decode13( const Input: UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;');
22695: ('Func Base64Decode14( Input :StrBuilder) :StrBuilder;');
22696: Func InitFileEncBase64( const FileName :Str; ShareMode : Word) : TStream');
22697: Func DoFileEncBase64( var Stream : TStream; var More :Bool) : Ansistr');
22698: Func DoFileEncQuotedPrintable( var Stream : TStream; var More :Bool) : Ansistr');
22699: Func DoTextFileReadNoEncoding( var Stream : TStream; var More :Bool) : Ansistr');
22700: Func DoFileLoadNoEncoding( var Stream : TStream; var More :Bool) :Str');
22701: Func Base64EncodeEx15(const Input:RawByteString;MaxCol:Integer;var
22702: Func Base64EncodeEx16(const Input:UnicodeString;MaxCol:Integer;var cPos:Int):UnicodeString;
22703: Func Base64EncodeEx17(const Input:UnicodeString;MaxCol:Integer;var cPos:Integer;ACodePage:LongWord):
22704: Proc EndFileEncBase64( var Stream : TStream)');
22705: Proc DotEscape( var S :Str; OnlyAfterCrLf :Bool)');
22706: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Func IcsWrapTextEx18(const Line:RawByteString;const BreakStr:RawByteString;const
BreakingChars: TSysCharSet; MaxCol:Integer;QuoteChars TSysCharSet;var
cPos:Integer;ForceBreak:oolean;ACodePage:LongWord;IsMultiByteCP:Boolean) RawByteString;');
22707: Func IcsWrapTextEx19(const Line:Str; const BreakStr :Str; const BreakingChars :
TSysCharSet;MaxCol:Integer;QuoteChars:TSysCharSet;var cPos:Integer;ForceBreak Boolean):str;
22708: Func UnFoldHdrLine( const S :Str) :Str');
22709: Func NeedsEncoding20( const S : Ansistr) :Bool;');
22710: Func NeedsEncoding21( const S : UnicodeString) :Bool;');
22711: Func NeedsEncodingPChar( S : PChar) :Bool');
22712: Func HdrEncodeInLine22(const Input: RawByteString; Specials : TSysCharSet; EncType : AnsiChar; const
CharSet : Ansistr; MaxCol : Integer; DoFold :Bool; CodePage: LongWord; IsMultiByteCP :Bool) :
22713: Func HdrEncodeInLine23( const Input : UnicodeString; Specials : TSysCharSet; EncType : WideChar; const
CharSet : UnicodeString; MaxCol:Integer; DoFold:Bool; Codepage: LongWord; IsMultiByteCP :Bool) :
22714: Func HdrEncodeInLineEx( const Input : UnicodeString; Specials : TSysCharSet; EncType : WideChar;
CodePage:LongWord;MaxCol:Integer;DoFold:Bool;IsMultiByteCP:Bool): RawByteString');
22715: Func StrEncodeQP24( const Input:RawByteString; MaxCol:Integer;Specials:TSysCharSet; CodePage : LongWord;
IsMultibyteCP:Bool) :Str;');
22716: Func StrEncodeQP25(const Input:UnicodeString;MaxCol:Integer; Specials:TSysCharSet; ACodePage: LongWord;
IsMultibyteCP:Bool): UnicodeString;');
22717: Func StrEncodeQPEx26( const Buf : RawByteString; MaxCol : Integer; Specials : TSysCharSet;
ShortSpace:Bool;var cPos:Int;DoFold:Bool;CodePage:LongWord;IsMultibyteCP:Bool):RawByteString;
22718: Func StrEncodeQPEx27(const Buf:UnicodeString;MaxCol:Integer;Specials:TSysCharSet;ShortSpace:Boolean;var
cPos: Integer;DoFold:Boolean):UnicodeString;
22719: Proc FoldHdrLine28( HdrLines : TStrings; const HdrLine :Str);');
22720: Proc FoldHdrLine29(HdrLines:TStrings;const HdrLine:RawByteString;
22721: Func FoldString30(const Input:RawByteString; BreakCharsSet:TSysCharSet; MaxCol:Integer;
ACodePage:LongWord; IsMultiByteCP:Bool):RawByteString;
22722: Func FoldString31(const Input:UnicodeString;BreakCharsSet:TSysCharSet;MaxCol:Int):UnicodeString;
22723: Func CalcBase64AttachmentGrow( FileSize : Int64) : Int64');
22724: //Func EncodeMbcsInline32(CodePage:LongWord;const
Charset:str;EncType:Char;Body:PWideChar;Len:Integer;DoFold:Boolean;MaxLen Integer): Ansistr;');
22725: //Func EncodeMbcsInline33(CodePage:LongWord;const
Charset:str;EncType:Char;Body:PAnsiChar;Len:Integer;DoFold:Boolean;MaxLen: Integer): Ansistr;');
22726: Func ContentTypeGetExtn( const Content :Str; var CLSID :Str) :Str');
22727: 'Func ContentTypeFromExtn( const Extension :Str) :Str');
22728: CL.AddTypeS('TMimeTypeSrc','( MTypeList, MTypeOS, MTypeMimeFile, MTypeKeyFile, MTypeRes )');
22729: SIRegister_TMimeTypesList(CL);
22730: end;
22732: Returns the MIME name of a Windows code page identifier or an empty }
22733: { string if the code page identifier is not mapped. }
22734: Func CodePageToMimeCharsetString(ACodePage: LongWord): CsuString;
22736: Proc SIRegister_TMimeTypesList(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22737: begin
22738: //with RegClassS(CL,'TComponent', 'TMimeTypesList') do
22739: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TComponent'),'TMimeTypesList') do begin
22740: Constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent)');
22741: Proc Free');
22742: Func LoadTypeList :Bool');
22743: Proc Clear');
22744: Func CountExtn : integer');

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22745: Func CountContent : integer');

22746: Func AddContentType(const AExtn, AContent:Str) :Bool');
22747: Func LoadWinReg :Bool');
22748: Func LoadFromOS :Bool');
22749: Func LoadFromList :Bool');
22750: Func LoadMimeFile( const AFileName :Str) :Bool');
22751: Func LoadFromResource( const AResName :Str) :Bool');
22752: Func LoadFromFile( const AFileName :Str) :Bool');
22753: Func SaveToFile( const AFileName :Str) :Bool');
22754: Proc LoadContentTypes( AList : TStrings)');
22755: Proc AddContentTypes( AList : TStrings)');
22756: Proc GetContentTypes( AList : TStrings)');
22757: Func TypeFromExtn( const AExtn :Str) :Str');
22758: Func TypeFromFile( const AFileName :Str) :Str');
22759: Func TypeGetExtn( const AContent :Str) :Str');
22760: RegisterProperty('LoadOSonDemand', 'boolean', iptrw);
22761: RegisterProperty('MimeTypesFile', 'string', iptrw);
22762: RegisterProperty('DefaultTypes', 'TStringList', iptrw);
22763: RegisterProperty('MimeTypeSrc', 'TMimeTypeSrc', iptrw);
22764: RegisterProperty('UnknownType', 'string', iptrw);
22765: end;
22766: end;
22768: Proc SIRegister_uWebSocket(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22769: begin
22770: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TWebSocketConnection');
22771: CL.AddTypeS(TWebSocketMessageEvent','Proc (AConnection:TWebSocketConnection;const AMessage:str);
22772: TWebSocketConnectEvent', 'Proc ( AConnection : TWebSocketConnection)');
22773: TWebSocketDisconnectEvent', 'Proc ( AConnection : TWebSocketConnection)');
22774: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TWebSocketException');
22775: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TWebSocketHandshakeException');
22776: SIRegister_TWebSocketRequest(CL);
22777: SIRegister_TWebSocketConnection(CL);
22778: SIRegister_TWebSocketServer(CL);
22779: end;
22781: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
22782: Proc SIRegister_OverbyteIcsUrl(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22783: begin
22784: CL.AddConstantN('IcsUrlVersion','LongInt').SetInt( 800);
22785: CL.AddConstantN('uriCopyRight','String').SetString(' TIcsURL (c) 1997-2012 F. Piette V8.00 ');
22786: Proc icsParseURL( const URL :Str; var Proto, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path:Str)');
22787: Func icsPosn( const s, t :Str; count : Integer) : Integer');
22788: Func icsUrlEncode( const S:str;DstCodePage:LongWord) :Str');
22789: Func icsUrlDecode0(const S:str;SrcCodePage:LongWord;DetectUtf8:Boolean):str;');
22790: Func icsUrlDecode1(const S:RawByteString;SrcCodePage:LongWord;DetectUtf8:Bool):UnicodeString;
22791: Func icsUrlEncodeToA( const S:Str; DstCodePage : LongWord) : Ansistr');
22792: end;
22794: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
22795: Proc SIRegister_OverbyteIcsLogger(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22796: begin
22797: CL.AddConstantN('TIcsLoggerVersion','LongInt').SetInt( 800);
22798: IcsCopyRight','String').SetString( ' IcsLogger (c) 2005-2012 by François PIETTE V8.00 ');
22799: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'ELoggerException');
22800: CL.AddTypeS('TLogOption',(loDestEvent,loDestFile,loDestOutDebug,loAddStamp,loWsockErr,loWsockInfo,
loWsockDump,loSslErr,loSslInfo,loSslDump,loProtSpecErr,loProtSpecInfo, loProtSpecDump);
22801: TLogOptions', 'set of TLogOption');
22802: TLogFileOption', '( lfoAppend, lfoOverwrite )');
22803: TLogFileEncoding', '( lfeUtf8, lfeUtf16 )');
22804: CL.AddConstantN(LogAllOptErr','LongInt).Value.ts32:=ord(loWsockErr) or ord(loSslErr) or
22805: TNTEventType', '( etError, etWarning, etInformation, etAuditSuccess, etAuditFailure )');
22806: TIcsLogEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; LogOption : TLogOption; const Msg :Str)');
22807: SIRegister_TIcsLogger(CL);
22808: end;
22810: Proc MoveCardinal2String(const Source:Card; SrcStartIdx: Integer; var Dest:Str;
22811: DstStartIdx: Integer; Count: Integer);
22812: Proc MoveString2Cardinal(const Source:Str; SrcStartIdx: Integer; var Dest:Card;
22813: DstStartIdx: Integer; Count: Integer);
22814: Proc MoveCardinal(const Source:Card; var Dest:Card; Count: Integer);
22815: Func ExplodeStr(S:Str; Delimiter: Char; Index: Integer):Str; //overload;
22816: var I: Integer; P, P1: PChar;
22817: Func ImplodeStr(S:Str; Delimiter: Char):Str;
22818: Func ExplodeStr(S:Str; Delimiter: Char; Index: Integer):Str; //overload;
22819: Func InSetWord(n:word):boolean;');
22821: borland video frame
22822: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m1Gn4echQIE" frameborder="0"
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
22823: resourcestring
22824: { Charsets, user-friendly names, known from OE and IE }
22825: sArabicISO = 'Arabic (ISO)'; //28596
22826: sArabicWindows = 'Arabic (Windows)'; //1256
22827: sBalticISO = 'Baltic (ISO)'; //28594
22828: sBalticWindows = 'Baltic (Windows)'; //1257
22829: sCentralEuropeanISO = 'Central European (ISO)'; //28592
22830: sCentralEuropeanWindows = 'Central European (Windows)'; //1250

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22831: sChineseTraditionalBig5 = 'Chinese Traditional (Big5)'; //950

22832: sChineseSimplifiedGB18030 = 'Chinese Simplified (GB18030)'; //54936
22833: sChineseSimplifiedGB2312 = 'Chinese Simplified (GB2312)';//936
22834: sChineseSimplifiedHZ = 'Chinese Simplified (HZ)'; //52936
22835: sCyrillicISO = 'Cyrillic (ISO)'; //28595
22836: sCyrillicKOI8R = 'Cyrillic (KOI8-R)'; //20866
22837: sCyrillicKOI8U = 'Cyrillic (KOI8-U)'; //21866
22838: sCyrillicWindows = 'Cyrillic (Windows)'; //1251
22839: sEstonianISO = 'Estonian (ISO)'; //28603
22840: sGreekISO = 'Greek (ISO)'; //28597
22841: sGreekWindows = 'Greek (Windows)'; //1253
22842: sHebrewISOLogical = 'Hebrew (ISO-Logical)'; //38598
22843: sHebrewISOVisual = 'Hebrew (ISO-Visual)'; //28598
22844: sHebrewWindows = 'Hebrew (Windows)'; //1255
22845: sJapaneseJIS = 'Japanese (JIS)'; //932
22846: sKorean = 'Korean'; //949
22847: sKoreanEUC = 'Korean (EUC)'; //51949
22848: sLatin9 = 'Latin 9 (ISO)'; //28605
22849: sThaiWindows = 'Thai (Windows)'; //874
22850: sTurkishISO = 'Turkish (ISO)'; //28599
22851: sTurkishWindows = 'Turkish (Windows)'; //1254
22852: sUnicodeUTF7 = 'Unicode (UTF-7)'; //65001
22853: sUnicodeUTF8 = 'Unicode (UTF-8)'; //65000
22854: sVietnameseWindows = 'Vietnamese (Windows)'; //1258
22855: sWesternEuropeanISO = 'Western European (ISO)'; //28591
22856: sWesternEuropeanWindows = 'Western European (Windows)'; //1252
22858: Proc SIRegister_psULib(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); // Prometheus
22859: begin
22860: 'clMoneyGreenps','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $00C0DCC0 ));
22861: ('clMedGrayps','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $00A4A0A0 ));
22862: ('clRxCreamps','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $00A6CAF0 ));
22863: ('clCreamps','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $00F0FBFF ));
22864: ('clRxSkyBlueps','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $00FFFBF0 ));
22865: ('clSkyBlueps','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $00F0CAA6 ));
22866: ('clInfoBkps','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $02E1FFFF ));
22867: ('clNoneps','LongWord').SetUInt( TColor ( $02FFFFFF ));
22868: ('clSystemColor','LongWord').SetUInt( $FF000000);
22869: ('MinutesPerDay','LongInt').SetInt( 24 * 60);
22870: ('DefaultBeepDelay','LongInt').SetInt( 500);
22871: ('cDoNotBringToTop','String').SetString( '-LaunchInBackground');
22872: CL.AddTypeS('TFilenameEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; var Filename :Str)');
22873: //CL.AddTypeS('TWriteDebugProc','Procedure(const LogName,RoutineName,Commen:str;DebugData:array of
22874: CL.AddTypeS('TMaxIntSize', '( mbsInt8, mbsWord8, mbsInt16, mbsWord16, mbsInt32, mbsWord32 )');
22875: Proc WriteDebugps(const LogName,RoutineName,Comment:str;DebugData:array of string)');
22876: Func Betweenps( Value, BoundA, BoundB : integer; AllowFlip :Bool) :Bool');
22877: Func BooleanMatchsp( Value1 :Bool; Value2 : integer) :Bool;');
22878: Func BooleanMatch1ps( Value1 : integer; Value2 :Bool) :Bool;');
22879: Func BooleanMatch2ps( Value1, Value2 : integer) :Bool;');
22880: Func IDMatchps( RequiredID, TestID : integer) :Bool;');
22881: Func IDMatch1ps( RequiredID : TField; TestID : integer) :Bool;');
22882: Func IDMatch2ps( RequiredID, TestID : TField) :Bool;');
22883: Func Blendps( Color1, Color2 : TColor; Weight1 : integer; Weight2 : integer) : TColor');
22884: Func MergeRGBps( Red, Green, Blue : integer) : TColor');
22885: Proc SplitRGBps( Color : TColor; var Red, Green, Blue : integer)');
22886: Func VisibleContrastps( BackgroundColor : TColor) : TColor');
22887: Func SortedStrps( Value :Str) :Str');
22888: Func IntSortStrps( const Value : integer) :Str');
22889: //Func AllAssignedps( Values : array of pointer) :Bool');
22890: Func GetTokenps( var SourceStr :Str; Delim :Str) :Str');
22891: Func URLizeps( SourceStr :Str) :Str');
22892: Func UnURLizeps( const SourceStr :Str) :Str');
22893: Func UnQuoteStrps( const Value :Str; QuoteChar : char) :Str');
22894: Proc SetAndSaveBoolps( var OldVar :Bool; Value :Bool; var SaveVar :Bool)');
22895: Proc SetAndSaveIntps( var OldVar : integer; Value : integer; var SaveVar : integer)');
22896: Proc SetAndSaveStrps( var OldVar :Str; const Value :Str; var SaveVar :Str)');
22897: Func GetCharFromVKeyps( VKey : word) :Str');
22898: Func IsControlKeyDownps :Bool');
22899: Proc PushScreenCursorps( const aCursor : TCursor)');
22900: Proc PopScreenCursorps');
22901: Func PeekScreenCursorps : TCursor');
22902: Func CharIsNumericSymbolps( aChar : char) :Bool');
22903: Func PrecisionMultiplierps( DecimalPrecision : byte) :Card');
22904: Func TextToFloatValps(const aText:str;const DecimalPrecision:byte;const DefaultValue:extended):extended;
22905: Func TextToWordValps(const aText:str;const DefaultVal:cardi;const MaxIntSize:TMaxIntSize):cardi;
22906: Func TextToIntValps(const aText:str;const DefaultVal:int;const MaxIntSize:TMaxIntSize):int;
22907: Func BankersRoundingps( const Num : currency; const DecimalPrecision : byte) : currency');
22908: Func RoundDownps( const Num : Extended; const DecimalPrecision : byte) : Extended');
22909: Func RoundUpps( const Num : Extended; const DecimalPrecision : byte) : Extended');
22910: Func RoundNearestps( const Num : Extended; const DecimalPrecision : byte) : Extended');
22911: Func NumDigitsps( const aNum : integer) : integer');
22912: Func ZeroToMaxps( Value : integer) : integer');
22913: Proc CopyIfPrefixMatchps(Source,Dest:TStrings;Prefix:str;ClearDest:bool;ValuesOnly:bool);
22914: Func HexToCharps( const aValue : byte) : AnsiChar');
22915: Func CharToHexps( const aValue : AnsiChar) : byte');
22916: Func HexToTextps( const Source : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
22917: Func TextToHexps( const Source : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
22918: Proc SaveGraphicToStreamps( aGraphic : TGraphic; aStream : TStream)');

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22919: Func LoadGraphicFromStreamps( aStream : TStream) : TGraphic');

22920: Func GraphicToTextps( aGraphic : TGraphic) :Str');
22921: Func TextToGraphicps( aGraphicAsText :Str) : TGraphic');
22922: Func GetCustNameStrps( aFirstName, aLastName :Str) :Str');
22923: Func GetLongCustNameStrps( aTitle, aFirstName, aLastName :Str) :Str');
22924: Func GetPriceFromMarginps( const aMargin :Str; aCost : currency): currency');
22925: Func GetMarginFromPriceps( aPrice, aCost : currency) :Str');
22926: Func GetDriveSerialNumps( Path :Str) : longint');
22927: Func GetCCCardTypeFromNameps( aCardName :Str) : integer');
22928: Func GetItemMarginPercentps( Price, Cost : Currency) : double');
22929: Func ValidateCreditCardps( aCardNum :Str) :Bool');
22930: Func ValidateCreditCardRangeps( const aCardNum, aLowNum, aHighNum :Str) :Bool');
22931: Func HHMMToTimeps( Value :Str) : TTime');
22932: Func MMDDToDateps( Value :Str) : TDate');
22933: Func TimeToHHMMSSps( Value : TTime) :Str');
22934: Func DateToYYYYMMDDps( Value : TDate) :Str');
22935: Func FontColorToStringps( SourceFont : TFont; SourceColor : TColor) :Str');
22936: Proc StringToFontps( aStr :Str; DestFont : TFont)');
22937: Proc StringToFontColorps( aStr :Str; DestFont : TFont; var DestColor : TColor)');
22938: Proc ShowDebugStringsps( DebugStrings : TStrings)');
22939: Proc ShowStackDumpps');
22940: Proc RegisterFileExtensionps(const Extension,Description,DefaultActionName,DefaultActionDescription,
DefaultActionCommand:str; IconIndex:integer);
22941: Func LaunchCommandps(aCommand:str; aParams:str; WaitForTerminate:boolean):bool;
22942: Func GetWindowsDirectoryStrps :Str');
22943: Func IsRemoteSessionps :Bool');
22944: Func IsWinXPps :Bool');
22945: Proc AssignTextFileToStreamps( var ATextFile : TextFile; AStream : TStream)');
22946: Func DeleteFileMaskps( const Mask :Str) :Bool');
22947: Func FileMaskCountps( const Mask :Str) : integer');
22948: Func FileMaskExistsps( const Mask :Str) :Bool');
22949: Func FileMaskListps( const Mask :Str) :Str;');
22950: Func FileMaskList1ps(const Mask:str; Dest : TStrings; ClearList :Bool) :Bool;');
22951: Func GetSafeNumericVariantps( Value : Variant) : Variant');
22952: Func GetPasswordCharStrps( aStr :Str) :Str');
22953: Func GetDriversLicenseHeightDisplayTextps( aStr :Str) :Str');
22954: Func IncludePathDelimiterps( const aFilePath :Str) :Str');
22955: Func ExcludePathDelimiterps( const aFilePath :Str) :Str');
22956: //Func GetEnvironmentVariable( const Name :Str) :Str');
22957: Func ArrayToStrps( SourceArray : array of string; Separator : AnsiChar) :Str');
22958: Func psStrReplaceps( var S : Ansistr; const Search, Replace : Ansistr; Flags : TReplaceFlags):boolean;
22959: Func StrReplaceInStringsps(StrObject:TStrings;const Search,Replace:Ansistr;Flags:TReplaceFlags):bool;
22960: Proc ShowMessageps( aMsg :Str)');
22961: Proc ShowErrorMessageps( aMsg :Str)');
22962: Func StandardUserQueryps(aMsg:str;DialogType:Card;DialogCaption:Str):Card;
22963: Func ParamValueps( ParamName :Str) :Str');
22964: Func ParamFlagSetps( ParamName :Str) :Bool');
22965: Func ConcatenateNonBlanksps( Strings : array of string) :Str');
22966: Func ConcatenateWithDelimiterps( Strings : array of string; Delimiter : PChar) :Str');
22967: Func GetMaxStringLengthps( Strings : array of string) : integer');
22968: Proc PlayBeepps( BeepActionType : TMsgDlgType; NumBeeps : integer; MSDelay : integer)');
22969: Func DelTreeps( const DirectoryName :Str) :Bool');
22970: Proc UpdateActionCaptionps( anAction : TAction; aCaption :Str)');
22971: Proc GetDirectoryListps( const DirectoryName :Str; StringList : TStrings)');
22972: Func DecodePathps( const Path :Str; PathVars : TStrings) :Str');
22973: Func KillEXEps( ExeName :Str) :Bool');
22974: Func GetWindowsDefaultPrinterNameps :Str');
22975: Func GetBackupFilenameps( const OrigFilename :Str) :Str');
22976: Func GetRestoreFilenameps( const BackupFilename :Str) :Str');
22977: Func MakeBackupFileps( const OrigFilename :Str; OverwriteExisting :Bool):Str');
22978: Func RestoreBackupFileps( const BackupFilename:str;OverwriteExisting:boolean):Str');
22979: Func CalcDistanceps( Lat1, Long1, Lat2, Long2 : double) : double');
22980: Func GetDelimiterCountps( aString, aDelimiter :Str) : integer'); //}
22981: end;
22983: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
22984: Proc SIRegister_psUFinancial(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
22985: begin
22986: CL.AddTypeS(TLoanType', '( ltAmortized, ltSimple )');
22987: CL.AddTypeS(TLoanPayType','( lptMonthly, lptBiMonthly, lptBiWeekly )');
22988: TypeS(TLoanPaymentEvent','Procedure(PayDate:TDate;PayNum:int;PaymentAmt,Balance,InterestAmt,
TotalInterestAmt,AmortizedAmt,TotalAmortizedAmt:currency;var ExtraPayment: currency)');
22989: Func LoanPaymentAmt(Principal: currency; InterestRate : extended; TotalNumPay : integer; PayType :
TLoanPayType; LoanType : TLoanType): currency');
22990: Func LoanNumPayments(Principal,
22991: Func LoanTotalEstimate(Principal:currency;InterestRate:extended;TotalNumPay:integer;PayType:TLoanPayType;
22992: Func
22993: Proc AmortizationSchedule( OnLoanPayment:TLoanPaymentEvent;StartDate:TDate;Principal
:currency;InterestRate:extended;TotalNumPay:integer;PayType TLoanPayType;LoanType:TLoanType);
22994: Proc AmortizationSchedulePaymentAmt(OnLoanPayment TLoanPaymentEvent;StartDate:TDate; Principal,
PaymentAmt:currency;InterestRate:extended;TotalNumPay:int;PayType:TLoanPayType; LoanType:TLoanType);
22995: end;
22997: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
22998: Proc SIRegister_TSimpleRSS(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

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22999: begin
23000: //with RegClassS(CL,'TComponent', 'TSimpleRSS') do
23001: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TComponent'),'TSimpleRSS') do begin
23002: Constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent)');
23003: Proc Free');
23004: Proc SaveToFile( Filename :Str)');
23005: Func SaveToString :Str');
23006: Proc SaveToStream( Stream : TStream);
23007: Func SaveToStrings : TStrings;
23008: Proc LoadFromHTTP( URL :Str)
23009: Proc LoadFromString( S :Str);
23010: Proc LoadFromFile( Filename :Str);
23011: Proc LoadFromStream( Stream : TStream);
23012: Proc LoadFromStrings( Strings : TStrings);
23013: Proc GenerateXML;');
23014: Proc GenerateXML1( FeedType : TXMLTypeRSS);
23015: Proc GenerateComponent');
23016: Proc ClearXML');
23017: Property('Channel', 'TRSSChannel', iptrw);
23018: Property('Items', 'TRSSItems', iptrw);
23019: Property('Version', 'string', iptrw);
23020: Property('XMLType', 'TXMLTypeRSS', iptrw);
23021: Property('XMLFile', 'TXMLDocument', iptr);
23022: Property('IndyHTTP', 'TIdHTTP', iptrw);
23023: Property('SimpleRSSVersion', 'String', iptr);
23024: Property('OnCreate', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
23025: Property('OnGenerateXML', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
23026: Property('OnParseXML', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
23027: end;
23028: end;
23030: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23031: Proc SIRegister_SimpleRSSTypes(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23032: begin
23033: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'ESimpleRSSException');
23034: CL.AddTypeS('TLanguagesRSS', '( langAF, langSQ, langEU, langBE, langBG, langCA, '
23035: +'langZH_CN, langZH_TW, langHR, langCS, langDA, langNL, langNL_BE, langNL_NL'
23036: +',langEN, langEN_AU, langEN_BZ, langEN_CA, langEN_IE, langEN_JM, langEN_NZ'
23037: +',langEN_PH, langEN_ZA, langEN_TT, langEN_GB, langEN_US, langEN_ZW, langET'
23038: +',langFO, langFI, langFR, langFR_BE, langFR_CA, langFR_FR, langFR_LU, lang'
23039: +'FR_MC, langFR_CH, langGL, langGD, langDE, langDE_AT, langDE_DE, langDE_LI,'
23040: +' langDE_LU, langDE_CH, langEL, langHAW, langHU, langIS, langIN, langGA, la'
23041: +'ngIT, langIT_IT, langIT_CH, langJA, langKO, langMK, langNO, langPL, langPT'
23042: +', langPT_BR, langPT_PT, langRO, langRO_MO, langRO_RP, langRU, langRU_MO, l'
23043: +'angRU_RU, langSR, langSK, langSL, langES, langES_AR, langES_BO, langES_CL,'
23044: +' langES_CO, langES_CR, langES_DO, langES_EC, langES_SV, langES_GT, langES_'
23045: +'HN, langES_MX, langES_NI, langES_PA, langES_PY, langES_PE, langES_PR, lang'
23046: +'ES_ES, langES_UY, langES_VE, langSV, langSV_FI, langSV_SE, langTR, langUK,langX )');
23047: CL.AddTypeS('TXMLTypeRSS', '( xtRDFrss, xtRSSrss, xtAtomrss, xtiTunesrss )');
23048: TContentTypeRSS', '( ctTextrss, ctHTMLrss, ctXHTMLrss )');
23049: TEncodingTypeRSS', '( etBase64rss, etEscapedrss, etXMLrss )');
23050: SIRegister_TRFC822DateTime(CL);
23051: SIRegister_TRSSChannelReq(CL);
23052: SIRegister_TRSSImageReq(CL);
23053: SIRegister_TRSSImageOpt(CL);
23054: SIRegister_TRSSImage(CL);
23055: SIRegister_TRSSCloud(CL);
23056: SIRegister_TRSSTextInput(CL);
23057: SIRegister_TRSSChannelCategory(CL);
23058: SIRegister_TRSSChannelCategories(CL);
23059: SIRegister_TRSSChannelSkipHours(CL);
23060: SIRegister_TRSSChannelSkipDays(CL);
23061: SIRegister_TRSSChannelOpt(CL);
23062: SIRegister_TRSSChannel(CL);
23063: SIRegister_TRSSItemSource(CL);
23064: SIRegister_TRSSItemEnclosure(CL);
23065: SIRegister_TRSSItemCategory(CL);
23066: SIRegister_TRSSItemCategories(CL);
23067: SIRegister_TRSSItemGUID(CL);
23068: SIRegister_TRSSAuthor(CL);
23069: SIRegister_TRSSItem(CL);
23070: SIRegister_TRSSItems(CL);
23071: CL.AddTypeS(TFormatSettingsRSS', 'record ShortDateFormat :Str; LongDateForm'
23072: +at :Str; LongTimeFormat :Str; ShortTimeFormat :Str; end');
23073: end;
23075: RSS Feed Snippet:
23076: const RSS_NewsFeed = 'http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml';
23077: with TSimpleRSS.create(self) do begin
23078: XMLType:= xtRDFrss;
23079: IndyHTTP:= TIdHTTP.create(self);
23080: LoadFromHTTP(RSS_NewsFeed);
23081: //LoadFromHTTP(Climatefeed);
23082: writeln('RSSVersion: '+Version)
23083: writeln('SimpleRSSVersion: '+SimpleRSSVersion)
23084: for it:= 0 to items.count-1 do
23085: writeln(itoa(it)+': '+Items[it].title+': '+items[it].pubdate.getdatetime);
23086: end;

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23088: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23089: Proc SIRegister_JTools(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23090: begin
23091: Func ParseCmdLine( ACmdLine : PChar; List : TStrings; QuoteChar : char) :Bool');
23092: Func GetCmdSwitchValue(const Switch:str;SwitchChars:TSysCharSet;var Value:str;IgnoreCase:boolean):bool;
23093: //Proc ShowError( const S :Str; const Args : array of const)');
23094: end;
23096: Proc SIRegister_rfc1213util(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23097: begin
23098: CL.AddConstantN('rfc1213version','String').SetString( '0.1.2');
23099: Func UptimeToDays( const Uptime :Str) :Str');
23100: Func getSNMP( const mib, community, host :Str; var ErrNo : Integer) :Str');
23101: Func sysServicesString( const sysServicesStr :Str) :Str');
23102: Func ipForwardingString( const ipForwarding :Str) :Str');
23103: Func ipRouteTypeString( const ipRouteType :Str) :Str');
23104: Func ipRouteProtoString( const ipRouteProto :Str) :Str');
23105: Func ipNetToMediaTypeString( const ipNetToMediaType :Str) :Str');
23106: Func GetColFromTableRow( const EntryCols : TStringList; index : integer) :Str');
23107: Func ifTypeString( ifTypeStringNo :Str) :Str;
23108: Func ifStatusString( ifStatusStringNo :Str) :Str;
23109: Func tcpRtoAlgorithmString( const tcpRtoAlgorithm :Str) :Str;
23110: Func tcpConnStateString( const tcpConnState :Str) :Str;
23111: Func egpNeighStateString( const egpNeighState :Str) :Str;
23112: Func egpNeighModeString( const egpNeighMode :Str) :Str;
23113: Func egpNeighEventTriggerString( const egpNeighEventTrigger :Str) :Str;
23114: Func snmpEnableAuthenTrapsString( const snmpEnableAuthenTraps :Str) :Str;
23115: Func FormatMac( const Mac :Str) :Str;
23116: Proc JumpToRegistryKey(Key:Str);
23117: end;
23119: Proc SIRegister_neuralab(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23120: begin
23121: SIRegister_TABHash(CL);
23122: Func ABKey( S : array of byte; Divisor : longint) : longint');
23123: Func ABCmp( var X, Y : array of byte) :Bool');
23124: Func ABGetNext1( var AB : array of byte; ST : word) : word');
23125: Func ABCountDif( var X, Y : array of byte) : longint');
23126: Func ABCountDifZero( var X : array of byte) : longint');
23127: Proc ABAnd( var A, B : array of byte)');
23128: Func ABGetEqual( var Equal, X, Y : array of byte) : longint');
23129: Proc ABShiftLogicalLeft( var X : array of byte)');
23130: Proc ABShiftLogicalRight( var X : array of byte)');
23131: Func ABGetDif( var Dif, X, Y : array of byte) : longint');
23132: Func ABToString( var AB : array of byte) :Str');
23133: Func ABToStringR( var AB : array of byte) :Str');
23134: Proc ABClear( var AB : array of byte)');
23135: Proc ABFull( var AB : array of byte)');
23136: Proc ABBitOnPos( var AB : array of byte; POS : longint)');
23137: Proc ABBitOnPosAtPos( var AB : array of byte; X, Start, Len : longint)');
23138: Func ABReadBitOnPosAtPos( var AB : array of single; Start, Len:longint): longint');
23139: Proc ABCopy( var A, B : array of byte)');
23140: Proc ABTriPascal( var A, B : array of byte)');
23141: Proc ABSet( var A : array of byte; B : array of byte)');
23142: end;
23144: Proc SIRegister_neuralbit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23145: begin
23146: //CL.AddTypeS('TArrOf2BytesPtr', '^TArrOf2Bytes // will not work');
23147: //CL.AddTypeS('TArrOf3BytesPtr', '^TArrOf3Bytes // will not work');
23148: //CL.AddTypeS('TArrOf4BytesPtr', '^TArrOf4Bytes // will not work');
23149: //CL.AddTypeS('TArrBytePtr', '^TLongByteArray // will not work');
23150: Func POT( numero, elevado : extended) : extended');
23151: Func LongintBitTest( Data : longint; P : longint) :Bool');
23152: Func LongintBitFlip( Data : longint; P : longint) : longint');
23153: Proc BAClear( var VARS : array of byte)');
23154: Proc BAMake1( var VARS : array of byte)');
23155: Func BARead( var A : array of byte; P : longint) : byte');
23156: Proc BAFlip( var A : array of byte; P : longint)');
23157: Proc BAWrite( var A : array of byte; P : longint; Data : byte)');
23158: Func BATest( var A : array of byte; P : longint) :Bool');
23159: Proc BASum( var x, y : array of byte)');
23160: Proc BASub( var x, y : array of byte)');
23161: Proc BAIncPos( var x : array of byte; POS : longint)');
23162: Proc BADecPos( var x : array of byte; POS : longint)');
23163: Proc BAInc( var x : array of byte)');
23164: Proc BADec( var x : array of byte)');
23165: Func BAToString( VARS : array of byte) :Str');
23166: Func BAToFloat( var VARS : array of byte) : extended');
23167: Proc PFloatToBA( var VARS : array of byte; Valor : extended)');
23168: Proc BANot( var VARS : array of byte);
23169: Proc BAAnd( var r, x, y : array of byte);
23170: Proc BAOr( var r, x, y : array of byte);
23171: Proc BAXOr( var r, x, y : array of byte);
23172: Func BAGrater( var x, y : array of byte) :Bool;
23173: Func BALower( var x, y : array of byte) :Bool;
23174: Func BAEqual( var x, y : array of byte) :Bool;
23175: Proc BAPMul( var r, x, y : array of byte);
23176: Func nnRAnd( A, B : extended) : extended;

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23177: Func nnROr( A, B : extended) : extended;

23178: Func nnRNot( A : extended) : extended;
23179: Func nnRXor( A, B : extended) : extended;
23180: Func REqual( A, B : extended) : extended;
23181: Proc RSum( x, y, z : extended; var R, C : extended);
23182: Proc RegSum( var x, y : array of extended);
23183: Func RegEqual( var x, y : array of extended) : extended');
23184: Func RegOrdEqual( var x, y : array of extended) : extended');
23185: Func RegToString( var VARS : array of extended) :Str');
23186: Func ROrer( var VARS : array of extended) : extended');
23187: Func RAnder( var VARS : array of extended) : extended');
23188: Func RCNot( X : extended; var VARS : array of extended) : extended');
23189: Func ROrMaxTerm( var VARS : array of extended; NumMaxTerm : longint) : extended');
23190: Func ROrMaxTermStr( NumVars : longint; NumMaxTerm : longint) :Str');
23191: Func RSatFunc( var VARS : array of extended; NumFunc : longint) : extended');
23192: Func RSatFuncStr( NumVars : longint; NumFunc : longint) :Str');
23193: Proc RRegen( var VARS : array of extended)');
23194: Proc RDegen( var VARS : array of extended)');
23195: Proc RDegenP( var VARS : array of extended; P : extended)');
23196: Proc nnClear( var VARS : array of extended)');
23197: Proc BARAnd( var R, A, B : array of byte)');
23198: Proc BAROr( var R, AUX, A, B : array of byte)');
23199: Proc BARNot( var R, A : array of byte)');
23200: end;
23202: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23203: Proc SIRegister_winsvc2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23204: begin
23205: CL.AddConstantN('SERVICE_AUTO_START','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002);
23206: CL.AddConstantN('SERVICE_CONFIG_DELAYED_AUTO_START_INFO','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
23208: ('SERVICE_CONFIG_PREFERRED_NODE','LongInt').SetInt( 9);
23209: ('SERVICE_CONFIG_PRESHUTDOWN_INFO','LongInt').SetInt( 7);
23211: ('SERVICE_CONFIG_SERVICE_SID_INFO','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
23212: ('SERVICE_CONFIG_TRIGGER_INFO','LongInt').SetInt( 8);
23213: ('SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS','LongWord').SetUInt($F003F);
23214: ('SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS','LongWord').SetUInt($F01FF);
23215: Func ChangeServiceType( ServiceName :Str; TypeID : DWord) :Bool');
23216: Func GetServiceStatus2( ServiceName :Str; ErrorState :Bool) :Bool');
23217: Func StartService2( ServiceName :Str) :Bool');
23218: Func StopService2( ServiceName :Str) :Bool');
23219: end;
23221: Proc SIRegister_neuralbyteprediction(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23222: begin
23223: CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralCountings', 'array of longint');
23224: SIRegister_TNeuronGroupBase(CL);
23225: SIRegister_TNeuronGroup(CL);
23226: CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralNetwork', 'array of TNeuronGroup');
23227: SIRegister_TStatePredictionClass(CL);
23228: SIRegister_TLabeledState(CL);
23229: SIRegister_TClassifier(CL);
23230: SIRegister_TEasyLearnAndPredictClass(CL);
23231: end;
23233: Proc SIRegister_neuralcache(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23234: begin
23235: CL.AddConstantN('NeuralMaxStates','LongInt').SetInt( 400000);
23236: CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralState', 'TBytes');
23237: TProcPred', 'Proc ( var ST : TBytes; Acao : byte)');
23238: SIRegister_TCacheMem(CL);
23239: end;
23241: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23242: Proc SIRegister_USolarSystem(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23243: begin
23244: CL.AddTypeS('TOrbitalElements',record N:Double;i:Double;w:Double;a:Double;e:Double;M:Double; end;
23245: TOrbitalElementsData', 'record NConst : Double; NVar : Double; i'
23246: +Const : Double; iVar : Double; wConst : Double; wVar : Double; aConst : Do'
23247: +uble; aVar : Double; eConst : Double; eVar : Double; MConst : Double; MVar:Double; end');
23248: CL.AddConstantN('cAUToKilometers','Extended').setExtended( 149.6e6);
23249: CL.AddConstantN('cEarthRadius','LongInt').SetInt( 6400);
23250: Func GMTDateTimeToJulianDay( const dt : TDateTime) : Double');
23251: Func ComputeOrbitalElements(const oeData:TOrbitalElementsData;const d:Double): TOrbitalElements;
23252: Func ComputePlanetPosition( const orbitalElements : TOrbitalElements) : TAffineVector;');
23253: Func ComputePlanetPosition1(const orbitalElementsData:TOrbitalElementsData;const d:Double):TAffineVector;;
23254: end;
23256: Proc SIRegister_TSearchAnagrams(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23257: begin
23258: //with RegClassS(CL,'tcontrol', 'TSearchAnagrams') do
23259: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('tcontrol'),'TSearchAnagrams') do begin
23260: RegisterProperty('useabbrevs', 'boolean', iptrw);
23261: RegisterProperty('useforeign', 'boolean', iptrw);
23262: RegisterProperty('usecaps', 'boolean', iptrw);
23263: RegisterProperty('tag', 'integer', iptrw);
23264: Proc Init(newletters:str;NewMinLen,NewMaxLen:word;newa,newf,newc:bool;pubDic:TDic);
23265: Func FindMissingLetter( const s :Str) : TTestWords');

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23266: Proc Findallwords( const s :Str; list : Tstrings)');

23267: end;
23268: end;
23270: unit U_Invertedtext;
23271: Proc InitInvertedText(canvas:TCanvas; pagewidth,pageheight:integer);
23272: Proc DrawInvertedText(Canvas:TCanvas;pagewidth,pageheight:integer;linenbr:ints:str);
23273: Proc MemoTextFixUp(memo:TMemo {var text:str});
23275: unit hashunit
23276: Proc SIRegister_THashStr(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23277: begin
23278: //with RegClassS(CL,'TObject', 'THashStr') do
23279: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TObject'),'THashStr') do begin
23280: y('test', 'array of THashObject', iptrw);
23281: y('maxhash', 'integer', iptrw);
23282: y('maxloadfactor', 'single', iptrw);
23283: y('maxused', 'integer', iptrw);
23284: y('used', 'integer', iptrw);
23285: y('nbrcollisions', 'integer', iptrw);
23286: y('maxcollisions', 'integer', iptrw);
23287: Constructor create( newmaxhash : integer; newmaxloading : single)');
23288: Proc Free');
23289: Func exists( s :Str; var T : TObject) :Bool');
23290: Func AddIfNotDup( s :Str; t : Tobject) :Bool');
23291: Proc resethash');
23292: Proc rehash');
23293: Func hash( s :Str) : integer');
23294: end;
23295: end;
23297: Proc SortString(var SortSt : Ansistr);
23298: SortSt:= 'this is maXbox4'; SortString2(SortSt); >>> 4Xabhiimosstx
23299: * === compile-time registration functions === *)
23300: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23301: Proc SIRegister_JsonsUtilsEx(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23302: begin
23303: Func FixedFloatToStr( const Value : Extended) :Str');
23304: Func FixedTryStrToFloat( const S :Str; out Value : Extended) :Bool');
23305: Func FixedStrToFloat( const S :Str) : Extended');
23306: Func __ObjectToJson( aObject : TObject) :Str');
23307: Proc __jsonToObject( const aJSONString :Str; var aObject : TObject)');
23308: CL.AddTypeS('TObjectDynArray', 'array of TObject');
23309: TStringDynArray2', 'array of string');
23310: TIntegerDynArray2', 'array of Integer');
23311: CL.AddConstantN('GLB_JSON_STD_DECIMALSEPARATOR','String').SetString( '.');
23312: end;
23314: Proc SIRegister_TJson(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23315: begin
23316: //with RegClassS(CL,'TJsonBase', 'TJson') do
23317: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TJsonBase'),'TJson') do begin
23318: Constructor Create');
23319: Proc Free');
23320: Proc Parse( JsonString :Str)');
23321: Func Stringify :Str');
23322: Proc Assign( Source : TJsonBase)');
23323: Proc Delete21( const Index : Integer);');
23324: Proc Delete22( const Name :Str);');
23325: Proc Clear');
23326: Func Get23( const Index : Integer) : TJsonValue;');
23327: Func Get24( const Name :Str) : TJsonValue;');
23328: Func Put25( const Value : TJsonEmpty) : TJsonValue;');
23329: Func Put26( const Value : TJsonNull) : TJsonValue;');
23330: Func Put27( const Value :Bool) : TJsonValue;');
23331: Func Put28( const Value : Integer) : TJsonValue;');
23332: Func Put29( const Value : Extended) : TJsonValue;');
23333: Func Put30( const Value :Str) : TJsonValue;');
23334: Func Put31( const Value : TJsonArray2) : TJsonValue;');
23335: Func Put32( const Value : TJsonObject2) : TJsonValue;');
23336: Func Put33( const Value : TJsonValue) : TJsonValue;');
23337: Func Put34( const Value : TJson) : TJsonValue;');
23338: Func Putbool( const Value :Bool) : TJsonValue;'); ----> alias
23339: Func Putint( const Value : Integer) : TJsonValue;');
23340: Func Putext( const Value : Extended) : TJsonValue;');
23341: Func Putstr( const Value :Str) : TJsonValue;');
23342: Func Putarr( const Value : TJsonArray2) : TJsonValue;');
23343: Func Putobj( const Value : TJsonObject2) : TJsonValue;');
23344: Func Putval( const Value : TJsonValue) : TJsonValue;');
23345: Func Putjson( const Value : TJson) : TJsonValue;');
23346: Func Put35( const Name :Str; const Value : TJsonEmpty) : TJsonValue;');
23347: Func Put36( const Name :Str; const Value : TJsonNull) : TJsonValue;');
23348: Func Put37( const Name :Str; const Value :Bool) : TJsonValue;');
23349: Func Put38( const Name :Str; const Value : Integer) : TJsonValue;');
23350: Func Put39( const Name :Str; const Value : Extended) : TJsonValue;');
23351: Func Put40( const Name :Str; const Value :Str) : TJsonValue;');
23352: Func Put41( const Name :Str; const Value : TJsonArray2) : TJsonValue;');
23353: Func Put42( const Name :Str; const Value : TJsonObject2) : TJsonValue;');
23354: Func Put43( const Name :Str; const Value : TJsonValue) : TJsonValue;');

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23355: Func Put44( const Name :Str; const Value : TJson) : TJsonValue;');
23356: Func Put45( const Value : TJsonPair) : TJsonValue;');
23357: RegisterProperty('StructType', 'TJsonStructType', iptr);
23358: 'JsonObject', 'TJsonObject2', iptr);
23359: 'JsonArray', 'TJsonArray2', iptr);
23360: 'Count', 'Integer', iptr);
23361: 'Values', 'TJsonValue String', iptr);
23362: SetDefaultPropery('Values');
23363: end;
23364: end;
23366: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23367: Proc SIRegister_TJsonBase(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23368: begin
23369: //with RegClassS(CL,'TObject', 'TJsonBase') do
23370: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TObject'),'TJsonBase') do begin
23371: Constructor Create( AOwner : TJsonBase)');
23372: Proc Free');
23373: Proc Parse( JsonString :Str)');
23374: Func Stringify :Str');
23375: Proc Assign( Source : TJsonBase)');
23376: Func Encode( const S :Str) :Str');
23377: Func Decode( const S :Str) :Str');
23378: Proc Split( const S :Str; const Delimiter: Char; Strings:TStrings);
23379: Func IsJsonObject( const S :Str) :Bool');
23380: Func IsJsonArray( const S :Str) :Bool');
23381: Func IsJsonString( const S :Str) :Bool');
23382: Func IsJsonNumber( const S :Str) :Bool');
23383: Func IsJsonBoolean( const S :Str) :Bool');
23384: Func IsJsonNull( const S :Str) :Bool');
23385: Func AnalyzeJsonValueType( const S :Str) : TJsonValueType');
23386: RegisterProperty('Owner', 'TJsonBase', iptr);
23387: end;
23388: end;
23390: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23391: Proc SIRegister_Jsons(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23392: begin
23393: TJsonValueType','( jvNone, jvNull, jvString, jvNumber, jvBoolean, jvObject,jvArray )');
23394: TJsonStructType','( jsNone, jsArray, jsObject )');
23395: //CL.AddTypeS('TJsonNull', '( null )');
23396: //CL.AddTypeS('TJsonEmpty', '( empty )');
23397: SIRegister_TJsonBase(CL);
23398: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TJsonObject2');
23399: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TJsonArray2');
23400: SIRegister_TJsonValue(CL);
23401: SIRegister_TJsonArray2(CL);
23402: SIRegister_TJsonPair(CL);
23403: SIRegister_TJsonObject2(CL);
23404: SIRegister_TJson(CL);
23405: end;
23406: var jOb:= ajt.JsonObject;
23407: for cnt:= 2 to job.count-2 do begin
23408: Clabel:= job.items[cnt].name;
23409: writeln('iterate '+clabel)
23410: JsArr:= job.values[Clabel].asArray;
23411: for cnt2:= 0 to jsarr.count-1 do
23412: jsobj:= jsarr.items[cnt2].asobject;
23413: for cnt3:= 0 to jsobj.count do
23414: writeln(jsobj['elements'].asarray[0].asobject.items[cnt3].name)
23415: end;
23417: println('elements status:
23419: Proc SIRegister_Bricks(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23420: begin
23421: CL.AddConstantN('kError101','String').SetString( 'Runtime error: Negative parameter(s)');
23422: kError102','String').SetString( 'Runtime error: Parameter(s) out of range');
23423: kError103','String').SetString( 'Runtime error: min > max');
23424: kError104','String').SetString( 'Runtime error: max = 0');
23425: kError105','String').SetString( 'Runtime error: Denominator is zero');
23426: CL.AddTypeS('TVectorE', 'array of extended');
23427: complexreal', 'record re : real; im : real; end');
23428: TFR', 'record M : extended; phi : extended; F : complexreal; end');
23429: //CL.AddTypeS('complexreal', 'record re : real; im : real; end');
23430: SIRegister_TBlock(CL);
23431: SIRegister_TP2(CL);
23432: SIRegister_TPT0(CL);
23433: SIRegister_TPT1(CL);
23434: SIRegister_TPT2(CL);
23435: SIRegister_TInt2(CL);
23436: SIRegister_TIT1(CL);
23437: SIRegister_TDT1(CL);
23438: SIRegister_TIT2(CL);
23439: SIRegister_TPAdd(CL);
23440: SIRegister_TPSub(CL);
23441: SIRegister_TPMul(CL);
23442: SIRegister_TPDiv(CL);

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23443: end;
23445: Proc SIRegister_lifeblocks(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23446: begin
23447: SIRegister_TASIA(CL);
23448: SIRegister_TMiMe(CL);
23449: SIRegister_TNoCoDI(CL);
23450: end;
23453: ****************************************************************
23454: Release Notes maXbox June 2020 mX47
23455: ****************************************************************
23456: 1254 unit uPSI_MaskEdit.pas FCL
23457: 1255 unit uPSI_SimpleRSSTypes; BlueHippo
23458: 1256 unit uPSI_SimpleRSS; BlueHippo
23459: 1257 unit uPSI_psULib.pas Prometheus
23460: 1258 unit uPSI_psUFinancial; Prometheus
23461: 1259 uPSI_PsAPI_2.pas mX4
23462: 1260 uPSI_PersistSettings_2 mX4
23463: 1261 uPSI_rfc1213util2.pas IP
23464: 1262 uPSI_JTools.pas JCL
23465: 1263 unit uPSI_neuralbit.pas CAI
23466: 1264 unit uPSI_neuralab.pas CAI
23467: 1265 unit uPSI_winsvc2.pas TEK
23468: 1266 unit uPSI_wmiserv2.pas TEK
23469: 1267 uPSI_neuralcache.pas CAI
23470: 1268 uPSI_neuralbyteprediction CAI
23471: 1269 unit uPSI_USolarSystem; glscene.org
23472: 1270 uPSI_USearchAnagrams.pas DFF
23473: 1271 uPSI_JsonsUtilsEx.pas Randolph
23474: 1272 unit uPSI_Jsons.pas Randolph
23475: 1273 unit uPSI_HashUnit; DFF
23476: 1274 uPSI_U_Invertedtext.pas DFF
23477: 1275 unit uPSI_Bricks; Dendron
23478: 1276 unit uPSI_lifeblocks.pas Dendron
23480: Totals of Func Calls: 32633
23481: SHA1: of DA4C716E31E2A4298013DFFBDA7A98D48650B0C7
23482: CRC32: 3EB27A87: 28.2 MB (29,608,248) bytes
23483: Totals of Func Calls: 32614
23485: Functions_max hex in the box maXbox
23486: functionslist.txt
23487: FunctionsList1
23489: Proc SIRegister_JclStringLists(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23490: begin
23491: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EJclStringListError');
23492: CL.AddInterface(CL.FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),IJclStringList, 'IJclStringList');
23493: CL.AddTypeS('TJclStringListObjectsMode', '( omNone, omObjects, omVariants, omInterfaces )');
23494: SIRegister_IJclStringList(CL);
23495: SIRegister_TJclInterfacedStringList(CL);
23496: SIRegister_TJclStringList(CL);
23497: Func JclStringList : IJclStringList;');
23498: Func JclStringListStrings( AStrings : TStrings) : IJclStringList;');
23499: Func JclStringListStrings1( const A : array of string) : IJclStringList;');
23500: Func JclStringList1( const A : array of const) : IJclStringList;');
23501: Func JclStringList2( const AText :Str) : IJclStringList;');
23502: end;
23504: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23505: Proc SIRegister_cInternetUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23506: begin
23507: ('ctHTML','String').SetString( 'text/html');
23508: ('ctText','String').SetString( 'text/plain');
23509: ('ctXML','String').SetString( 'text/xml');
23510: ('ctJPG','String').SetString( 'image/jpeg');
23511: ('ctGIF','String').SetString( 'image/gif');
23512: ('ctBMP','String').SetString( 'image/bmp');
23513: ('ctPNG','String').SetString( 'image/png');
23514: ('ctTIFF','String').SetString( 'image/tiff');
23515: ('ctMPG','String').SetString( 'video/mpeg');
23516: ('ctAVI','String').SetString( 'video/avi');
23517: ('ctQT','String').SetString( 'video/quicktime');
23518: ('ctBinary','String').SetString( 'application/binary');
23519: ('ctPDF','String').SetString( 'application/pdf');
23520: ('ctPostscript','String').SetString( 'application/postscript');
23521: ('ctBasicAudio','String').SetString( 'audio/basic');
23522: ('ctMP3','String').SetString( 'audio/mpeg');
23523: ('ctRA','String').SetString( 'audio/x-realaudio');
23524: ('ctURLEncoded','String').SetString( 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
23525: ('ctZIP','String').SetString( 'application/zip');
23526: ('ctJavaScript','String').SetString( 'application/javascript');
23527: ('ctPascal','String').SetString( 'text/x-source-pascal');
23528: ('ctCPP','String').SetString( 'text/x-source-cpp');
23529: ('ctINI','String').SetString( 'text/x-windows-ini');
23530: ('ctBAT','String').SetString( 'text/x-windows-bat');

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23531: Func flcMIMEContentTypeFromExtention( const Extention :Str):Str');

23532: ('protoHTTP','String').SetString( 'http');
23533: ('protoNNTP','String').SetString( 'news');
23534: ('protoFTP','String').SetString( 'ftp');
23535: ('protoGopher','String').SetString( 'gopher');
23536: ('protoEMail','String').SetString( 'mailto');
23537: ('protoHTTPS','String').SetString( 'https');
23538: ('protoIRC','String').SetString( 'irc');
23539: ('protoFile','String').SetString( 'file');
23540: ('protoTelnet','String').SetString( 'telnet');
23541: Proc flcDecodeURL( const URL :Str; var Protocol, Host, Path :Str)');
23542: Func flcEncodeURL( const Protocol, Host, Path :Str) :Str');
23543: Proc flcDecodeHost(const Address:str;var Host,Port:str;const DefaultPort:str)');
23544: Func flcEncodeDotLineTerminated( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
23545: Func flcEncodeEmptyLineTerminated( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
23546: Func flcDecodeDotLineTerminated( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
23547: Func flcDecodeEmptyLineTerminated( const S : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
23548: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Proc StreamDotLineTerminated0(const Source,Destination: AStream; const
23549: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Proc StreamDotLineTerminated1(const Source:str;const Destination:AStream;const
23550: Func flchtmlCharRef( const CharVal : LongWord; const UseHex :Bool):Str');
23551: Func flchtmlSafeAsciiText( const S :Str) :Str');
23552: Proc flchtmlSafeWideText( var S : WideString)');
23553: Func flchtmlSafeQuotedText( const S :Str) :Str');
23554: Func flcEncodeHeaderField( const Name, Body :Str) :Str');
23555: Func flcDecodeHeaderField( const S :Str; var Name, Body :Str) :Bool');
23556: Proc flcDecodeEMailAddress( const S :Str; var User, Domain :Str)');
23557: Proc flcDecodeEMailField( const S :Str; var EMailAddress, Name :Str)');
23558: Func flcDateFieldBody :Str');
23559: Func flcDateField :Str');
23560: Func flcMessageIDFieldBody( const ID :Str; const Host :Str) :Str');
23561: SIRegister_AHeaderField(CL);
23562: //CL.AddTypeS('AHeaderFieldClass', 'class of AHeaderField');
23563: CL.AddTypeS('AHeaderFieldArray', 'array of AHeaderField');
23564: SIRegister_THeaderCls(CL);
23565: //CL.AddTypeS('THeaderClass', 'class of THeader');
23566: CL.AddTypeS('THeaderArray', 'array of THeaderCls');
23567: SIRegister_THeaderField(CL);
23568: SIRegister_TInvalidField(CL);
23569: SIRegister_TDateFieldClass(CL);
23570: SIRegister_TEMailField(CL);
23571: CL.AddDelphiFunction('Proc SelfTestInternetUtils');
23572: maxform1.JumptoOutput1Click(self)
23573: end;
23575: Proc SIRegister_cWindows(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23576: Func InvMod(const A, N: Integer): Integer;');
23577: Func ExpMod(A, Z: Integer; const N: Integer): Integer;');
23578: Func CopyFrom(const S:Str; const Index: Integer):Str;');
23579: Func CopyEx(const S:Str; const Start, Count: Integer):Str;');
23580: Func loadForm2(vx, vy: smallint; acolor: TColor; aname:Str): TForm;');
23581: PlaySound('INDIGO_WAV', hInstance, SND_RESOURCE or SND_ASYNC);
23582: Proc flcRaiseLastOSError');
23583: Func flcStrEqualNoCase( const A,B:Str; const AsciiCaseSensitive :Bool):Bool');
23584: Func flcStrMatchNoAsciiCase( const S, M :Str; const Index : Integer) :Bool');
23585: Func flcStrMatchLeft( const S, M :Str; const AsciiCaseSensitive :Bool):Bool');
23586: Func flcStrMatchRight( const S,M:Str; const AsciiCaseSensitive :Bool) :Bool');
23587: Func flcPosChar( const F : Char; const S :Str; const Index : Integer) : Integer');
23588: Func flcPosStr(const F,S:str;const Index:Integer;const AsciiCaseSensitive:Bool):nteger;
23589: Func flcStrMatch( const S, M :Str; const Index : Integer) :Bool');
23590: Func flcStrPMatch( const A, B : PChar; const Len : Integer) :Bool');
23591: Func flcflcCopyFrom( const S :Str; const Index : Integer) :Str');
23592: Func flcCopyRange( const S :Str; const StartIndex, StopIndex : Integer) :Str');
23593: Func flcCopyLeft( const S :Str; const Count : Integer) :Str');
23594: Func flcCopyRight( const S :Str; const Count : Integer) :Str');
23595: Func flcStrIsNumeric( const S :Str) :Bool');
23596: Func flcStrMatchChar( const S :Str; const M : TSYsCharSet) :Bool');
23597: Func flcStrSplitAtChar(const S:Str;const C:Char;var Left,Right:Str const Optionl:Bool):Bool;
23598: Func flcStrReplaceChar( const Find, Replace : Char; const S :Str) :Str');
23599: Func flcStrInclSuffix(const S:Str;const Suffix:Str;const AsciiCaseSensitive:Bool):str;
23600: Func flcStrRemoveCharDelimited(var S:str;const FirstDelim,SecondDelim:Char) :Str');
23601: Func flcStrSplit( const S, D :Str) : TStringArray');
23602: Proc flcTrimInPlace( var S :Str; const C : TSYsCharSet)');
23603: Func flcTrimIn( S :Str; const C : TSYsCharSet) :Str');
23604: Func flcStrAfterCharSet( const S :Str; const D : TSYsCharSet) :Str');
23605: Func flcStrAfterChar( const S :Str; const D : Char) :Str');
23606: Proc StrSplit(Delimiter: Char; Str:Str; ListOfStrings: TStrings) ;');
23607: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23608: Proc SIRegister_cWindows(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23609: begin
23610: CL.AddTypeS('TWindowsVersionflc', '( Win16_31, Win32_95, Win32_95R2, Win32_98, W'
23611: +'in32_98SE, Win32_ME, Win32_Future, WinNT_31, WinNT_35, WinNT_351, WinNT_40'
23612: +', WinNT5_2000, WinNT5_XP, WinNT5_2003, WinNT5_Future, WinNT_Future, Win_Future )');
23613: CL.AddTypeS('TWindowsVersions', 'set of TWindowsVersionflc');
23614: Func flcGetWindowsVersion : TWindowsVersionflc');
23615: Func flcIsWinPlatform95 :Bool');
23616: Func flcIsWinPlatformNT :Bool');
23617: Func flcGetWindowsProductID :Str');

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23618: Func flcGetWindowsTemporaryPath :Str');

23619: Func flcGetWindowsPath :Str');
23620: Func flcGetWindowsSystemPath :Str');
23621: Func flcGetProgramFilesPath :Str');
23622: Func flcGetCommonFilesPath :Str');
23623: Func flcGetApplicationPath :Str');
23624: Func flcGetUserName :Str');
23625: Func flcGetLocalComputerName :Str');
23626: Func flcGetLocalHostName :Str');
23627: CL.AddTypeS('TVersionInfoflc',(viFileVersion,viFileDescription,viLegalCopyrght,viComments,viCompanyName,
23628: Func flcGetAppVersionInfo( const VersionInfo : TVersionInfoflc) :Str');
23629: Func flcWinExecute(const ExeName,Params:str;const ShowWin:Word;const Wait:Bool):Bool);
23630: Func flcGetEnvironmentStrings : TStringArray');
23631: Func flcContentTypeFromExtention( Extention :Str) :Str');
23632: Func flcIsApplicationAutoRun( const Name :Str) :Bool');
23633: Proc flcSetApplicationAutoRun( const Name :Str; const AutoRun :Bool)');
23634: Func flcGetWinPortNames : TStringArray');
23635: Func flcGetKeyPressed( const VKeyCode : Integer) :Bool');
23636: Func flcGetHardDiskSerialNumber( const DriveLetter : Char) :Str');
23637: Func flcReboot :Bool');
23638: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Func ConvertThreadToFiber( lpParameter : Pointer) : Pointer');
23639: //Func CreateFiber(dwStackSize:DWORD;lpStartAddress:TFNFiberStartRoutine;lpParameter:Ptr):Ptr');
23640: CL.AddTypeS(TIEProxy', '( iepHTTP, iepHTTPS, iepFTP, iepGOPHER, iepSOCKS )');
23641: CL.AddDelphiFunction('Func GetIEProxy( const Protocol : TIEProxy) :Str');
23642: CL.AddTypeS(TWindowHandleMessageEvent','Func (const Msg:Card;const wParam,lParam:Integer;var
23643: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TWindowHandle');
23644: TWindowHandleEvent', 'Proc ( const Sender : TWindowHandle)');
23645: (TWindowHandleErrorEvent','Procedure(const Sender:TWindowHandle;const E:Exception);
23646: SIRegister_TWindowHandle(CL);
23647: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EWindowHandle');
23648: SIRegister_TfndWindowHandle(CL);
23649: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TTimerHandle');
23650: TTimerEventflc', 'Proc ( const Sender : TTimerHandle)');
23651: SIRegister_TTimerHandle(CL);
23652: SIRegister_TfndTimerHandle(CL);
23653: Proc flcRaiseLastOSError');
23654: Func flcStrEqualNoCase(const A,B:Str; const AsciiCaseSensitive :Bool):Bool');
23655: Func flcStrMatchNoAsciiCase( const S, M :Str; const Index : Integer) :Bool');
23656: Func flcStrMatchLeft( const S, M :Str; const AsciiCaseSensitive :Bool):Bool');
23657: Func flcStrMatchRight(const S,M :Str; const AsciiCaseSensitive :Bool):Bool');
23658: Func flcPosChar( const F : Char; const S :Str; const Index : Integer): Integer');
23659: Func flcPosStr(const F,S:str;const Index:Integer;const AsciiCaseSensitive:Bool):Integer;
23660: Func flcStrMatch( const S, M :Str; const Index : Integer):Bool');
23661: Func flcStrPMatch( const A, B : PChar; const Len : Integer):Bool');
23662: Func flcflcCopyFrom( const S :Str; const Index : Integer):Str');
23663: Func flcCopyRange( const S :Str; const StartIndex, StopIndex :Integer):str');
23664: Func flcCopyLeft( const S :Str; const Count : Integer):Str');
23665: Func flcCopyRight( const S :Str; const Count : Integer):Str');
23666: Func flcStrIsNumeric( const S :Str) :Bool');
23667: Func flcStrMatchChar( const S :Str; const M : TSYsCharSet) :Bool');
23668: Func flcStrSplitAtChar(const S Str;const C:Char;var Left,Right:Str;const Optional:Bool):Bool
23669: Func flcStrReplaceChar( const Find, Replace : Char; const S :Str) :Str');
23670: Func flcStrInclSuffix(const S:Str;const Suffix:Str;const AsciiCaseSensitive:Bool):str;
23671: Func flcStrRemoveCharDelimited(var S:str;const FirstDelim,SecondDelim:Char) :Str');
23672: Func flcStrSplit( const S, D :Str) : TStringArray');
23673: Proc flcTrimInPlace( var S :Str; const C : TSYsCharSet)');
23674: Func flcTrimIn( S :Str; const C : TSYsCharSet) :Str');
23675: Func flcStrAfterCharSet( const S :Str; const D : TSYsCharSet) :Str');
23676: Proc StrSplit(Delimiter: Char; Str:Str; ListOfStrings: TStrings) ;');
23677: Func StrSplitF(Delimiter: Char; Str:Str): TStringlist;');
23678: Func Int32toBytes(const Cint: Integer): TBytes;');
23679: Proc FGPlayASound(const AResName:Str);
23680: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Proc FGPlayASound(const AResName:Str);');
23681: Proc FGPlayASound2(const AResName:Str; atype:Str);');
23682: Proc PlayResWav(const AResName:Str; atype:Str);');
23683: Proc PlayResWav2(const AResName:Str; atype:Str);'); //sync tick1.wav
23684: procedure PlaySoundStreamSync(const AName: TMemoryStream; atype: string);');
23685: procedure PlaySoundStreamAsync(const AName: TMemoryStream; atype: string);');
23686: procedure PlaySoundStreamAsyncNoStop(const AName: TMemoryStream; atype: string);');
23687: Func queryPerformanceCounter2(var mse: int64):Bool;');
23688: Func AddQuantumToDateTime(const dt: TDateTime): TDateTime;');
23689: Func AddQuantumToDateTime(const dt: TDateTime): TDateTime;
23690: var overlay: Int64 absolute Result;
23691: begin
23692: Result:= dt;
23693: overlay:= overlay+1;
23694: end;
23695: Func GetRTFtext(Const RichEdit: TRichEdit):Str;
23696: Func StrRemoveCharSet(const S:Str; const C: CharSet):Str;
23697: Func GetTextBetween(const Start, Stop:Str;var S, Between:Str):Boolean;
23698: end;
23700: Proc SIRegister_flcSysUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23701: begin
23702: SIRegister_TfreqObj(CL);
23703: CL.AddTypeS('MSArray','array[0..1] of tmemorystream;');
23704: Func GetLastOSErrorCode : NativeInt');

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23705: Func GetLastOSErrorMessage :Str');

23706: Proc TForm1msPlaySound( MS : MSArray; streaminuse : integer; aloop:boolean)');
23707: Proc BytesSetLengthAndZero( var V : TBytes; const NewLength : NativeInt)');
23708: Proc BytesInit( var V : TBytes; const R : Byte)');
23709: Proc BytesInit1( var V : TBytes; const S :Str)');
23710: Func BytesAppend( var V : TBytes; const R : Byte) : NativeInt');
23711: Func BytesAppend1( var V : TBytes; const R : TBytes) : NativeInt');
23712: Func BytesAppend2( var V : TBytes; const R : array of Byte) : NativeInt');
23713: Func BytesAppend3( var V : TBytes; const R :Str) : NativeInt');
23714: Func BytesCompare( const A, B : TBytes) : Integer');
23715: Func BytesEqual( const A, B : TBytes) :Bool');
23716: Func StringRefCount2(const S: Ansistr): Integer;');
23717: Func hton16(const A: Word): Word;');
23718: Func ntoh16(const A: Word): Word;');
23719: Func hton32(const A: LongWord): LongWord;');
23720: Func ntoh32(const A: LongWord): LongWord;');
23721: Func hton64(const A: Int64): Int64;');
23722: Func ntoh64(const A: Int64): Int64;');
23723: CL.AddTypeS(TPoint3D2', 'record x : single; y : single; z : single; end;');
23724: Func SphereTPoint3D(Phi, Lambda: Double): TPoint3D2;');
23725: Func RotateAroundXTPoint3D(const P: TPoint3D2; Alfa: Double): TPoint3D2;');
23726: Func RotateAroundYTPoint3D(const P: TPoint3D2; Beta: Double): TPoint3D2;');
23727: Func LinkerTimeStamp(const FileName:Str): TDateTime; overload;
23728: Func ByteCharDigitToInt(const A: Char): Integer;
23729: Func WideCharDigitToInt(const A: WideChar): Integer;
23730: Func CharDigitToInt(const A: Char): Integer;
23731: Func IntToByteCharDigit(const A: Integer): Char;
23732: Func IntToWideCharDigit(const A: Integer): WideChar;
23733: Func IntToCharDigit(const A: Integer): Char;
23734: Func flcMinInt(const A, B: Int64): Int64;');
23735: Func flcMaxInt(const A, B: Int64): Int64;');
23736: end;
23738: Proc SIRegister_RotImg(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23739: begin
23740: SIRegister_TRotateImage(CL);
23741: Func CreateRotatedBitmap(Bitmap: TBitmap; const Angle:Extended; bgColor: TColor): TBitmap;
23742: end;
23744: *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23745: Proc SIRegister_HSLUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23746: begin
23747: Func ARGB( a, r, g, b : Byte) :Card');
23748: Func GetAValue2( argb : DWORD) : Byte');
23749: Func GetRValue2( argb : DWORD) : Byte');
23750: Func GetGValue2( argb : DWORD) : Byte');
23751: Func GetBValue2( argb : DWORD) : Byte');
23752: Func GetABGRAValue( abgr : DWORD) : Byte');
23753: Func GetABGRRValue( abgr : DWORD) : Byte');
23754: Func GetABGRGValue( abgr : DWORD) : Byte');
23755: Func GetABGRBValue( abgr : DWORD) : Byte');
23756: Func HSLtoRGB2( H, S, L : double) : TColor');
23757: Func AHSLtoARGB( A, H, S, L : double) :Card');
23758: Func HSLRangeToRGB( H, S, L : integer) : TColor');
23759: Proc ARGBtoAHSL( ARGB : TColor; var A, H, S, L : double)');
23760: Proc ABGRtoAHSL( ABGR : TColor; var A, H, S, L : double)');
23761: Proc RGBtoHSLRange( RGB : TColor; var H, S, L : integer)');
23762: end;
23764: Proc SIRegister_GraphicsMathLibrary(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23765: begin
23766: gmlsizeUndefined','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
23767: gmlsize2D','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
23768: gmlsize3D','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
23769: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EVectorError');
23770: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EMatrixError');
23771: gmlTAxis', '( axisX, axisY, axisZ )');
23772: gmlTCoordinate', '( coordCartesian, coordSpherical, coordCylindrical )');
23773: gmlTDimension', '( dimen2D, dimen3D )');
23774: gmlTIndex', 'Integer');
23775: gmlTrotation', '( rotateClockwise, rotateCounterClockwise )');
23776: gmlTVector', 'record size: gmlTIndex; vector: ARRAY[1..4] OF DOUBLE; x,y,z,h:double; end;');
23777: gmlTMatrix', 'record size: gmlTIndex; matrix: ARRAY[1..4] of Array[1..4] OF DOUBLE; end;');
23778: Func gmlVector2D( const xValue, yValue : DOUBLE) : gmlTVector');
23779: Func gmlVector3D( const xValue, yValue, zValue : DOUBLE) : gmlTVector');
23780: Func gmlAddVectors( const u, v : gmlTVector) : gmlTVector');
23781: Func gmlTransform( const u : gmlTVector; const a : gmlTMatrix) : gmlTVector');
23782: Func gmlMatrix2D(const m11,m12 m13,m21,m22,m23,m31,m32,m33 : DOUBLE) : gmlTMatrix');
23783: Func gmlMatrix3D(const m11,m12,m13,m14,m21,m22,m23,m24,m31,m32,m33,m34,m41,m42,m43,m44:DOUBLE):gmlTMatrix;
23784: Func gmlMultiplyMatrices( const a, b : gmlTMatrix) : gmlTMatrix');
23785: Func gmlInvertMatrix( const a, b : gmlTMatrix; var determinant : DOUBLE): gmlTMatrix');
23786: Func gmlRotateMatrix(const dimension:gmlTDimension;const xyz:gmlTAxis;const angle:DOUBLE;const
23787: Func gmlScaleMatrix( const s : gmlTVector) : gmlTMatrix');
23788: Func gmlTranslateMatrix( const t : gmlTVector) : gmlTMatrix');
23789: Func gmlViewTransformMatrix(const coordinate:gmlTCoordinate;const azimuth,elevation,distance:DOUBLE;const
23790: Func gmlFromCartesian(const ToCoordinate:gmlTCoordinate;const u gmlTVector): gmlTVector;
23791: Func gmlToCartesian(const FromCoordinate: gmlTCoordinate;const u:gmlTVector): gmlTVector;

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23792: Func gmlToDegrees( const angle : DOUBLE) : DOUBLE');

23793: Func gmlToRadians( const angle : DOUBLE) : DOUBLE');
23794: Func gmlDefuzz( const x : DOUBLE) : DOUBLE');
23795: Func gmlGetFuzz : DOUBLE');
23796: Proc gmlSetFuzz( const x : DOUBLE)');
23797: end;
23799: Proc SIRegister_umodels(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23800: begin
23803: +'EG_HILL, REG_PK, REG_EVAL )');
23804: //CL.AddTypeS('TModel', 'record [..] end');
23805: Func FirstParam( Model : TModel) : Integer');
23806: Func LastParam( Model : TModel) : Integer');
23807: Func FuncName( Model : TModel) :Str');
23808: Func ParamName( Model : TModel; I : Integer) :Str');
23809: Func RegFunc( Model : TModel; X : Float; B: TVector): Float');
23810: Proc FitModel(Model:TModel;X,Y,Ycalc:TVector;U:TMatrix;Lb,Ub:Integer;MaxIter:Integer;Tol,
SVDTol:Float;B:TVector;V:TMatrix;var Test:TRegTest)');
23811: Proc WFitModel(Model:TModel; X,Y,S:TVector; Ycalc:TVector; U: TMatrix;Lb,Ub:Integer; MaxIter:Integer;Tol,
SVDTol:Float;B:TVector;V:TMatrix;var Test:TRegTest)');
23812: end;
23814: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23815: Proc SIRegister_TStatisticClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23816: begin
23817: //with RegClassS(CL,'TOBJECT', 'TStatisticClass') do
23818: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TStatisticClass') do begin
23819: Proc Assign( const S : TStatisticClass)');
23820: Func Duplicate : TStatisticClass');
23821: Proc Clear');
23822: Func IsEqual( const S : TStatisticClASS) :Bool');
23823: Proc Add( const V : MFloat);');
23824: Proc Add1( const V : array of MFloat);');
23825: Proc Add2( const V : TStatisticClass);');
23826: Proc AddNegated( const V : TStatisticClass)');
23827: Proc Negate');
23828: Count', 'Integer', iptr);
23829: Min', 'MFloat', iptr);
23830: Max', 'MFloat', iptr);
23831: Sum', 'MFloat', iptr);
23832: SumOfSquares', 'MFloat', iptr);
23833: SumOfCubes', 'MFloat', iptr);
23834: SumOfQuads', 'MFloat', iptr);
23835: Func Range : MFloat');
23836: Func Mean : MFloat');
23837: Func PopulationVariance : MFloat');
23838: Func PopulationStdDev : MFloat');
23839: Func Variance : MFloat');
23840: Func StdDev : MFloat');
23841: Func M1 : MFloat');
23842: Func M2 : MFloat');
23843: Func M3 : MFloat');
23844: Func M4 : MFloat');
23845: Func Skew : MFloat');
23846: Func Kurtosis : MFloat');
23847: Func GetAsString :Str');
23848: end;
23849: end;
23851: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23852: Proc SIRegister_flcStatistics(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23853: begin
23854: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EStatistics');
23855: CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EStatisticsInvalidArgument');
23856: CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EStatisticsOverflow');
23857: //CL.AddTypeS('MFloat', 'double');
23858: Proc SIRegister_flcStatistics(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin
23859: TOBJECT'),'EStatistics');
23860: TOBJECT'),'EStatisticsInvalidArgument');
23861: TOBJECT'),'EStatisticsOverflow');
23862: //CL.AddTypeS('MFloat', 'double'); //check
23863: CL.AddTypeS('MFloat', 'extended'); //checked
23864: Func flcBinomialCoeff( N, R : Integer) : MFloat');
23865: Func flcerf( x : MFloat) : MFloat');
23866: Func flcerfc( const x : MFloat) : MFloat');
23867: Func flcCummNormal( const u, s, X : MFloat) : MFloat');
23868: Func flcCummNormal01( const X : MFloat) : MFloat');
23869: Func flcInvCummNormal01( Y0 : MFloat) : MFloat');
23870: Func flcInvCummNormal( const u, s, Y0 : MFloat) : MFloat');
23871: Func flcCummChiSquare( const Chi, Df : MFloat) : MFloat');
23872: Func flcCumF( const f, Df1, Df2 : MFloat) : MFloat');
23873: Func flcCummPoisson( const X : Integer; const u : MFloat) : MFloat');
23874: SIRegister_TStatisticClass(CL);
23875: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EStatistic');
23876: CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EStatisticNoSample');
23877: CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EStatisticDivisionByZero');
23878: Proc TestStatisticClass');

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23879: end;
23881: Proc Include(var aset: Charset; achar: Char)'); ---> cFundamentUtils
23882: Proc Exclude(var aset: Charset; achar: Char)');
23883: Proc SIRegister_StdFuncs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23884: begin
23885: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EParserError');
23886: CL.AddTypeS('TCharSet', 'set of Char');
23887: Proc SIRegister_cFundamentUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23888: CL.AddTypeS('CharSet', 'set of Char'); //!!!
23889: CL.AddTypeS('AnsiCharSet', 'TCharSet');
23890: CL.AddTypeS('ByteSet', 'set of Byte');
23891: CL.AddTypeS('AnsiChar', 'Char');
23893: Proc SIRegister_flcMaths(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
23894: begin
23895: flcPi','Extended).setExtended(3.14159265358979323846+0.26433832795028841971e-20+0.69399375105820974944e-
23896: 'flcPi2','Extended').setExtended( 6.283185307179586476925286766559006);
23897: 'flcPi3','Extended').setExtended( 9.424777960769379715387930149838509);
23898: 'flcPi4','Extended').setExtended( 12.56637061435917295385057353311801);
23899: 'flcPiOn2','Extended').setExtended( 1.570796326794896619231321691639751);
23900: 'flcPiOn3','Extended').setExtended( 1.047197551196597746154214461093168);
23901: 'flcPiOn4','Extended').setExtended( 0.785398163397448309615660845819876);
23902: 'flcPiSq','Extended').setExtended( 9.869604401089358618834490999876151);
23903: 'flcPiE','Extended').setExtended( 22.45915771836104547342715220454374);
23904: 'flcLnPi','Extended').setExtended( 1.144729885849400174143427351353059);
23905: 'flcLogPi','Extended').setExtended( 0.497149872694133854351268288290899);
23906: 'flcSqrtPi','Extended').setExtended( 1.772453850905516027298167483341145);
23907: 'flcSqrt2Pi','Extended').setExtended( 2.506628274631000502415765284811045);
23908: 'flcLnSqrt2Pi','Extended').setExtended( 0.918938533204672741780329736405618);
23909: 'flcDegPerRad','Extended').setExtended( 57.29577951308232087679815481410517);
23910: 'flcDegPerGrad','Extended').setExtended( 0.9);
23911: 'flcDegPerCycle','Extended').setExtended( 360.0);
23912: 'flcGradPerCycle','Extended').setExtended( 400.0);
23913: 'flcGradPerDeg','Extended').setExtended( 1.111111111111111111111111111111111);
23914: 'flcGradPerRad','Extended').setExtended( 63.661977236758134307553505349006);
23915: 'flcRadPerDeg','Extended').setExtended( 0.017453292519943295769236907684886);
23916: 'flcRadPerGrad','Extended').setExtended( 0.015707963267948966192313216916398);
23917: 'flcRadPerCycle','Extended').setExtended( 6.283185307179586476925286766559);
23918: 'flcCyclePerDeg','Extended').setExtended( 0.002777777777777777777777777777778);
23919: 'flcCyclePerRad','Extended').setExtended( 0.15915494309189533576888376337251);
23920: 'flcCyclePerGrad','Extended').setExtended( 0.0025);
23921: 'flcE','Extended').setExtended( 2.718281828459045235360287471352663);
23922: 'flcE2','Extended').setExtended( 7.389056098930650227230427460575008);
23923: 'flcExpM2','Extended').setExtended( 0.135335283236612691893999494972484);
23924: 'flcLn2','Extended').setExtended( 0.693147180559945309417232121458177);
23925: 'flcLn10','Extended').setExtended( 2.302585092994045684017991454684364);
23926: 'flcLogE','Extended').setExtended( 0.434294481903251827651128918916605);
23927: 'flcLog2','Extended').setExtended( 0.301029995663981195213738894724493);
23928: 'flcLog3','Extended').setExtended( 0.477121254719662437295027903255115);
23929: 'flcSqrt2','Extended').setExtended( 1.414213562373095048801688724209698);
23930: 'flcSqrt3','Extended').setExtended( 1.732050807568877293527446341505872);
23931: 'flcSqrt5','Extended').setExtended( 2.236067977499789696409173668731276);
23932: 'flcSqrt7','Extended').setExtended( 2.645751311064590590501615753639260);
23933: //CL.AddTypeS('MFloat', 'Double');
23934: //CL.AddTypeS('MFloatArray', 'DoubleArray');
23935: //CL.AddTypeS('MFloat', 'Extended'); / check t<pe
23936: CL.AddTypeS('ExtendedArray', 'array of MFloat');
23937: //ExtendedArray = array of Extended;
23938: CL.AddTypeS('MFloatArray', 'ExtendedArray');
23939: CL.AddTypeS('Int64Array', 'array of Int64');
23940: CL.AddTypeS('flcfx', 'Func (const x: Float): Float;');
23941: CL.AddTypeS('MFloatArray2', 'array of Mfloat');
23942: //Int64Array = array of Int64;
23943: // CL.AddTypeS('PMFloat', '^MFloat // will not work');
23944: Proc SetFPUPrecisionSingle');
23945: Proc SetFPUPrecisionDouble');
23946: Proc SetFPUPrecisionExtended');
23947: Proc SetFPURoundingNearest');
23948: Proc SetFPURoundingDown');
23949: Proc SetFPURoundingUp');
23950: Proc SetFPURoundingTruncate');
23951: Func flcPolyEval(const X:MFloat;const Coef:array of MFloat;const N: Integer): MFloat;
23952: Func flcSign( const R : Integer) : Integer;');
23953: Func flcSign1( const R : Int64) : Integer;');
23954: Func flcSign2( const R : Single) : Integer;');
23955: Func flcSign3( const R : Double) : Integer;');
23956: Func flcSign4( const R : Extended) : Integer;');
23957: Func flcFloatMod( const A, B : MFloat) : MFloat');
23958: Func flcATan360( const X, Y : MFloat) : MFloat');
23959: Func flcInverseTangentDeg( const X, Y : MFloat) : MFloat');
23960: Func flcInverseTangentRad( const X, Y : MFloat) : MFloat');
23961: Func flcInverseSinDeg( const Y, R : MFloat) : MFloat');
23962: Func flcInverseSinRad( const Y, R : MFloat) : MFloat');
23963: Func flcInverseCosDeg( const X, R : MFloat) : MFloat');
23964: Func flcInverseCosRad( const X, R : MFloat) : MFloat');

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23965: Func flcDMSToReal( const Degs, Mins, Secs : MFloat) : MFloat');

23966: Proc flcRealToDMS( const X : MFloat; var Degs, Mins, Secs : MFloat)');
23967: Proc flcPolarToRectangular( const R, Theta : MFloat; var X, Y : MFloat)');
23968: Proc flcRectangularToPolar( const X, Y : MFloat; var R, Theta : MFloat)');
23969: Func flcDistance( const X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : MFloat) : MFloat');
23970: Func flcIsPrime( const N : Int64) :Bool');
23971: Func flcIsPrimeFactor( const N, F : Int64) :Bool');
23972: Func flcPrimeFactors( const N : Int64) : Int64Array');
23973: Func flcGCD( const N1, N2 : Integer) : Integer;');
23974: Func flcGCD1( const N1, N2 : Int64) : Int64;');
23975: Func flcIsRelativePrime( const X, Y : Int64) :Bool');
23976: Func flcInvMod( const A, N : Integer) : Integer;');
23977: Func flcInvMod1( const A, N : Int64) : Int64;');
23978: Func flcExpMod( A, Z : Integer; const N : Integer) : Integer;');
23979: Func flcExpMod1( A, Z : Int64; const N : Int64) : Int64;');
23980: Func flcJacobi( const A, N : Integer) : Integer');
23981: CL.AddConstantN('FactorialMaxN','LongInt').SetInt( 1754);
23982: //CL.AddConstantN('FactorialMaxN','LongInt').SetInt( 170);
23983: Func flcFactorial( const N : Integer) : MFloat');
23984: Func flcCombinations( const N, C : Integer) : MFloat');
23985: Func flcPermutations( const N, P : Integer) : MFloat');
23986: Func flcFibonacci( const N : Integer) : Int64');
23987: Func flcGammaLn( X : Extended) : Extended');
23988: Proc flcFourierTransform(const AngleNumerator:MFloat;const RealIn,ImagIn:array of MFloat; var RealOut,
ImagOut : MFloatArray);
23989: Proc flcFFT( const RealIn,ImagIn:array of MFloat; var RealOut, ImagOut : MFloatArray)');
23990: Proc flcInverseFFT(const RealIn,ImagIn:array of MFloat;var RealOut,ImagOut:MFloatArray);
23991: Proc flcCalcFrequency(const FrequencyIndex:Integer;const RealIn,ImagIn:array of MFloat; var RealOut,
ImagOut: MFloat);
23992: Func flcSecantSolver( const f : flcfx; const y, Guess1, Guess2 : MFloat) : MFloat');
23993: Func flcNewtonSolver( const f, df : flcfx; const y, Guess : MFloat) : MFloat');
23994: Func flcFirstDerivative( const f : flcfx; const x : MFloat) : MFloat');
23995: Func flcSecondDerivative( const f : flcfx; const x : MFloat) : MFloat');
23996: Func flcThirdDerivative( const f : flcfx; const x : MFloat) : MFloat');
23997: Func flcFourthDerivative( const f : flcfx; const x : MFloat) : MFloat');
23998: Func flcSimpsonIntegration( const f : flcfx; const a, b : MFloat; N : Integer): MFloat');
23999: Proc TestMathClass');
24000: end;
24002: Proc SIRegister_flcCharSet(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24003: begin
24004: //type ByteSet = set of Byte;
24005: //ByteCharSet = Charset; /
24006: CL.AddTypeS('ByteCharSet', 'Charset');
24007: // CL.AddTypeS('ByteCharSet', 'charset');
24008: Func flcAsAnsiCharSet( const C : array of Char) : ByteCharSet');
24009: Func flcAsByteSet( const C : array of Byte) : ByteSet');
24010: Func flcAsByteCharSet( const C : array of Char) : ByteCharSet');
24011: Proc flcComplementChar( var C : ByteCharSet; const Ch : Char)');
24012: Proc flcClearCharSet( var C : ByteCharSet)');
24013: Proc flcFillCharSet( var C : ByteCharSet)');
24014: Proc flcComplementCharSet( var C : ByteCharSet)');
24015: Proc flcAssignCharSet( var DestSet : ByteCharSet; const SourceSet : ByteCharSet)');
24016: Proc flcUnion( var DestSet : ByteCharSet; const SourceSet : ByteCharSet)');
24017: Proc flcDifference( var DestSet : ByteCharSet; const SourceSet : ByteCharSet)');
24018: Proc flcIntersection( var DestSet : ByteCharSet; const SourceSet : ByteCharSet)');
24019: Proc flcXORCharSet( var DestSet : ByteCharSet; const SourceSet : ByteCharSet)');
24020: Func flcIsSubSet( const A, B : ByteCharSet) :Bool');
24021: Func flcIsEqual( const A, B : ByteCharSet) :Bool');
24022: Func flcIsEmpty( const C : ByteCharSet) :Bool');
24023: Func flcIsComplete( const C : ByteCharSet) :Bool');
24024: Func flcCharCount( const C : ByteCharSet) : Integer');
24025: Proc flcConvertCaseInsensitive( var C : ByteCharSet)');
24026: Func flcCaseInsensitiveCharSet( const C : ByteCharSet) : ByteCharSet');
24027: Func flcCharSetToStrB( const C : ByteCharSet) : RawByteString');
24028: Func flcStrToCharSetB( const S :Str) : ByteCharSet');
24029: Func flcCharSetToCharClassStr( const C : ByteCharSet) : Ansistr');
24030: Proc TestCharset');
24031: end;
24033: Proc SIRegister_flcTimers(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24034: begin
24035: TOBJECT'),'ETimerError');
24036: Func GetHighResolutionTick : Word64');
24037: Func GetHighResolutionFrequency : Word64');
24038: Func HighResolutionTickDelta( const T1, T2 : Word64) : Int64');
24039: Func HighResolutionTickDeltaU( const T1, T2 : Word64) : Word64');
24040: 'MicroTickFrequency','LongInt').SetInt( 1000000);
24041: Func GetMicroTick : Word64');
24042: Func MicroTickDelta( const T1, T2 : Word64) : Int64');
24043: Func MicroTickDeltaU( const T1, T2 : Word64) : Word64');
24044: 'MilliTickFrequency','LongInt').SetInt( 1000);
24045: Func GetMilliTick : Word64');
24046: Func MilliTickDelta( const T1, T2 : Word64) : Int64');
24047: Func MilliTickDeltaU( const T1, T2 : Word64) : Word64');
24048: Func DateTimeToMicroDateTime( const DT : TDateTime) : Word64');
24049: Func MicroDateTimeToDateTime( const DT : Word64) : TDateTime');
24050: Func GetMicroDateTimeNow : Word64');
24051: Func GetNowUT : TDateTime');

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24052: Func GetMicroDateTimeNowUT : Word64');

24053: Func GetNowUTC( const ReInit :Bool) : TDateTime');
24054: Func GetMicroDateTimeNowUTC( const ReInit :Bool) : Word64');
24055: Proc TestTimerClass;
24056: end;
24058: Proc SIRegister_TBlaiseLexer(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24059: begin
24060: //with RegClassS(CL,'TOBJECT', 'TBlaiseLexer') do
24061: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TBlaiseLexer') do begin
24062: TokenCount', 'Integer', iptrw);
24063: IdenCount', 'Integer', iptrw);
24064: SymbolCount', 'Integer', iptrw);
24065: IgnoreCount', 'Integer', iptrw);
24066: ReservedCount', 'Integer', iptrw);
24067: Constructor Create');
24068: Proc Reset');
24069: Proc SetData( const Data : pchar; const Size : Integer)');
24070: Proc SetText( const S :Str; const StartPosition : Integer)');
24071: Func EOF :Bool');
24072: Proc GetToken');
24073: TokenLen', 'Integer', iptr);
24074: TokenType', 'Integer', iptr);
24075: Func TokenText :Str');
24076: TokenPos', 'Integer', iptr);
24077: LastTokenEnd', 'Integer', iptr);
24078: Position', 'Integer', iptrw);
24079: LineNr', 'Integer', iptr);
24080: Column', 'Integer', iptr);
24081: CurrentLine', 'String', iptr);
24082: Func MatchType( const TokenType : Integer; const Skip :Bool) :Bool');
24083: Func MatchTokenText(const Token:str;const Skip:Bool;const CaseSensitive:Bool):Bool;
24084: Func TokenAsInteger : Int64');
24085: end;
24086: end;
24088: Proc SIRegister_TRationalClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24089: begin
24090: //with RegClassS(CL,'TOBJECT', 'TRationalClass') do
24091: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TRationalClass') do begin
24092: Constructor Create;');
24093: Constructor Create1( const Numerator : Int64; const Denominator: Int64);');
24094: Constructor Create2( const R : Extended);');
24095: Numerator', 'Int64', iptrw);
24096: Denominator', 'Int64', iptrw);
24097: AsString', 'String', iptrw);
24098: AsStringB', 'RawByteString', iptrw);
24099: AsStringU', 'UnicodeString', iptrw);
24100: AsFloat', 'MFloat', iptrw);
24101: Func Duplicate : TRationalClass');
24102: Proc Assign( const R : TRationalClass);');
24103: Proc Assign1( const R : MFloat);');
24104: Proc Assign2( const Numerator : Int64; const Denominator : Int64);');
24105: Proc AssignZero');
24106: Proc AssignOne');
24107: Func IsEqual( const R : TRationalClass) :Bool;');
24108: Func IsEqual1(const Numerator:Int64;const Denominator:Int64):Bool;');
24109: Func IsEqual2( const R : Extended) :Bool;');
24110: Func IsZero :Bool');
24111: Func IsOne :Bool');
24112: Proc Add( const R : TRationalClass);');
24113: Proc Add1( const V : Extended);');
24114: Proc Add2( const V : Int64);');
24115: Proc Subtract( const R : TRationalClass);');
24116: Proc Subtract1( const V : Extended);');
24117: Proc Subtract2( const V : Int64);');
24118: Proc Negate');
24119: Proc Abs');
24120: Func Sgn : Integer');
24121: Proc Multiply( const R : TRationalClass);');
24122: Proc Multiply1( const V : Extended);');
24123: Proc Multiply2( const V : Int64);');
24124: Proc Divide( const R : TRationalClass);');
24125: Proc Divide1( const V : Extended);');
24126: Proc Divide2( const V : Int64);');
24127: Proc Reciprocal');
24128: Proc Sqrt');
24129: Proc Sqr');
24130: Proc Power( const R : TRationalClass);');
24131: Proc Power1( const V : Int64);');
24132: Proc Power2( const V : Extended);');
24133: Proc Exp');
24134: Proc Ln');
24135: Proc Sin');
24136: Proc Cos');
24137: end;
24138: end;
24140: Proc SIRegister_TComplexClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

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24141: begin
24142: //with RegClassS(CL,'TOBJECT', 'TComplexClass') do
24143: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TComplexClass') do begin
24144: Constructor Create( const ARealPart : MFloat; const AImaginaryPart : MFloat)');
24145: RealPart', 'MFloat', iptrw);
24146: ImaginaryPart', 'MFloat', iptrw);
24147: AsString', 'String', iptrw);
24148: AsStringB', 'RawByteString', iptrw);
24149: AsStringU', 'UnicodeString', iptrw);
24150: Proc Assign( const C : TComplex);');
24151: Proc Assign1( const V : MFloat);');
24152: Proc AssignZero');
24153: Proc AssignI');
24154: Proc AssignMinI');
24155: Func Duplicate : TComplexClass');
24156: Func IsEqual2( const C : TComplexClass) :Bool;');
24157: Func IsEqual3( const R, I : MFloat) :Bool;');
24158: Func IsReal :Bool');
24159: Func IsZero :Bool');
24160: Func IsI :Bool');
24161: Proc Add4( const C : TComplex);');
24162: Proc Add5( const V : MFloat);');
24163: Proc Subtract6( const C : TComplexClass);');
24164: Proc Subtract7( const V : MFloat);');
24165: Proc Multiply8( const C : TComplexClass);');
24166: Proc Multiply9( const V : MFloat);');
24167: Proc MultiplyI');
24168: Proc MultiplyMinI');
24169: Proc Divide10( const C : TComplexClass);');
24170: Proc Divide11( const V : MFloat);');
24171: Proc Negate');
24172: Func Modulo : MFloat');
24173: Func Denom : MFloat');
24174: Proc Conjugate');
24175: Proc Inverse');
24176: Proc Sqrt');
24177: Proc Exp');
24178: Proc Ln');
24179: Proc Sin');
24180: Proc Cos');
24181: Proc Tan');
24182: Proc Power( const C : TComplexClass)');
24183: end;
24184: end;
24186: Proc SIRegister_TMatrixClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24187: begin
24188: //with RegClassS(CL,'TOBJECT', 'TMatrixClass') do
24189: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TMatrixClass') do begin
24190: Constructor CreateSize( const RowCount, ColCount : Integer)');
24191: Constructor CreateSquare( const N : Integer; const Identity :Bool)');
24192: //RegisterMethod('Constructor CreateDiagonal( const D : TVector)');
24193: ColCount', 'Integer', iptrw);
24194: RowCount', 'Integer', iptrw);
24195: Proc SetSize( const RowCount, ColCount : Integer)');
24196: Proc Clear');
24197: Item', 'MFloat Integer Integer', iptrw);
24198: SetDefaultPropery('Item');
24199: Proc AssignZero');
24200: Proc AssignIdentity');
24201: Proc Assign( const Value : MFloat);');
24202: Proc Assign1( const M : TMatrix);');
24203: //RegisterMethod('Proc Assign2( const V : TVector);');
24204: Func Duplicate : TMatrixClass;');
24205: Func DuplicateRange( const R1, C1, R2, C2 : Integer) : TMatrixClass;');
24206: //RegisterMethod('Func DuplicateRow( const Row : Integer) : TVector');
24207: //RegisterMethod('Func DuplicateCol( const Col : Integer) : TVector');
24208: //RegisterMethod('Func DuplicateDiagonal : TVector');
24209: Func IsEqual( const M : TMatrixClass) :Bool;');
24210: //RegisterMethod('Func IsEqual6( const V : TVector) :Bool;');
24211: Func IsSquare :Bool');
24212: Func IsZero :Bool');
24213: Func IsIdentity :Bool');
24214: AsString', 'String', iptr);
24215: AsStringB', 'RawByteString', iptr);
24216: AsStringU', 'UnicodeString', iptr);
24217: Func Trace : MFloat');
24218: //RegisterMethod('Proc SetRow7(const Row: Integer; const V : TVector);');
24219: Proc SetRow( const Row : Integer; const Values : array of MFloat);');
24220: //RegisterMethod('Proc SetCol( const Col: Integer; const V : TVector)');
24221: Func Transpose : TMatrixClass');
24222: Proc TransposeInPlace');
24223: Proc Add( const M : TMatrixClass)');
24224: Proc Subtract( const M : TMatrixClass)');
24225: Proc Negate');
24226: Proc MultiplyRow( const Row : Integer; const Value : MFloat)');
24227: Proc Multiply( const Value : MFloat);');
24228: Func Multiply1( const M : TMatrixClass) : TMatrixClass;');
24229: Proc MultiplyInPlace( const M : TMatrixClass)');

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24230: Func IsOrtogonal :Bool');

24231: Func IsIdempotent :Bool');
24232: Func Normalise( const M : TMatrixClass) : MFloat');
24233: Func SolveMatrix( var M : TMatrixClass) : MFloat');
24234: Func Determinant : MFloat');
24235: Func Inverse : TMatrixClass');
24236: Proc InverseInPlace');
24237: //RegisterMethod('Func SolveLinearSystem( const V : TVector) : TVector');
24238: end;
24239: end;
24241: Proc SIRegister_TStringBuilder(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24242: begin
24243: //with RegClassS(CL,'TOBJECT', 'TStringBuilder') do
24244: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TStringBuilder') do begin
24245: Constructor Create( const S :Str);');
24246: Constructor Create2( const Capacity : Integer);');
24247: RegisterProperty('Length', 'Integer', iptr);
24248: RegisterProperty('AsString', 'String', iptrw);
24249: Proc Clear');
24250: Proc Assign( const S : TStringBuilder)');
24251: Proc Append( const S :Str);');
24252: Proc AppendCRLF');
24253: Proc AppendLn( const S :Str)');
24254: Proc Append1( const S :Str; const Count : Integer);');
24255: Proc AppendCh( const C : Char);');
24256: Proc AppendCh1( const C : Char; const Count : Integer);');
24257: Proc Append2( const S : TStringBuilder);');
24258: Proc Pack');
24259: end;
24260: Proc TestStringBuilderClass
24261: end;
24263: * === compile-time registration functions === *)
24264: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
24265: Proc SIRegister_flcASCII(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24266: begin
24267: 'AsciiNULL','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #0 ));
24268: 'AsciiSOH','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #1 ));
24269: 'AsciiSTX','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #2 ));
24270: 'AsciiETX','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #3 ));
24271: 'AsciiEOT','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #4 ));
24272: 'AsciiENQ','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #5 ));
24273: 'AsciiACK','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #6 ));
24274: 'AsciiBEL','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #7 ));
24275: 'AsciiBS','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #8 ));
24276: 'AsciiHT','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #9 ));
24277: 'AsciiLF','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #10 ));
24278: 'AsciiVT','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #11 ));
24279: 'AsciiFF','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #12 ));
24280: 'AsciiCR','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #13 ));
24281: 'AsciiSO','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #14 ));
24282: 'AsciiSI','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #15 ));
24283: 'AsciiDLE','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #16 ));
24284: 'AsciiDC1','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #17 ));
24285: 'AsciiDC2','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #18 ));
24286: 'AsciiDC3','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #19 ));
24287: 'AsciiDC4','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #20 ));
24288: 'AsciiNAK','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #21 ));
24289: 'AsciiSYN','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #22 ));
24290: 'AsciiETB','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #23 ));
24291: 'AsciiCAN','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #24 ));
24292: 'AsciiEM','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #25 ));
24293: 'AsciiEOF','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #26 ));
24294: 'AsciiESC','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #27 ));
24295: 'AsciiFS','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #28 ));
24296: 'AsciiGS','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #29 ));
24297: 'AsciiRS','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #30 ));
24298: 'AsciiUS','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #31 ));
24299: 'AsciiSP','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #32 ));
24300: 'AsciiDEL','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #127 ));
24301: 'AsciiXON','char').SetString( AsciiDC1);
24302: 'AsciiXOFF','char').SetString( AsciiDC3);
24303: 'AsciiDecimalPoint','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #46 ));
24304: 'AsciiComma','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #44 ));
24305: 'AsciiBackSlash','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #92 ));
24306: 'AsciiForwardSlash','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #47 ));
24307: 'AsciiPercent','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #37 ));
24308: 'AsciiAmpersand','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #38 ));
24309: 'AsciiPlus','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #43 ));
24310: 'AsciiMinus','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #45 ));
24311: 'AsciiEqualSign','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #61 ));
24312: 'AsciiSingleQuote','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #39 ));
24313: 'AsciiDoubleQuote','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #34 ));
24314: 'AsciiDigit0','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #48 ));
24315: 'AsciiDigit9','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #57 ));
24316: 'AsciiUpperA','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #65 ));
24317: 'AsciiUpperZ','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #90 ));
24318: 'AsciiLowerA','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #97 ));

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24319: 'AsciiLowerZ','Char').SetString( ByteChar ( #122 ));

24320: 'WideNULL','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #0 ));
24321: 'WideSOH','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #1 ));
24322: 'WideSTX','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #2 ));
24323: 'WideETX','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #3 ));
24324: 'WideEOT','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #4 ));
24325: 'WideENQ','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #5 ));
24326: 'WideACK','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #6 ));
24327: 'WideBEL','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #7 ));
24328: 'WideBS','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #8 ));
24329: 'WideHT','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #9 ));
24330: 'WideLF','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #10 ));
24331: 'WideVT','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #11 ));
24332: 'WideFF','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #12 ));
24333: 'WideCR','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #13 ));
24334: 'WideSO','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #14 ));
24335: 'WideSI','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #15 ));
24336: 'WideDLE','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #16 ));
24337: 'WideDC1','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #17 ));
24338: 'WideDC2','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #18 ));
24339: 'WideDC3','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #19 ));
24340: 'WideDC4','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #20 ));
24341: 'WideNAK','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #21 ));
24342: 'WideSYN','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #22 ));
24343: 'WideETB','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #23 ));
24344: 'WideCAN','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #24 ));
24345: 'WideEM','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #25 ));
24346: 'WideEOF','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #26 ));
24347: 'WideESC','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #27 ));
24348: 'WideFS','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #28 ));
24349: 'WideGS','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #29 ));
24350: 'WideRS','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #30 ));
24351: 'WideUS','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #31 ));
24352: 'WideSP','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #32 ));
24353: 'WideDEL','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #127 ));
24354: 'WideXON','char').SetString( WideDC1);
24355: 'WideXOFF','char').SetString( WideDC3);
24356: 'WideCRLF','String').SetString( WideString ( #13#10 ));
24357: Func IsAsciiCharB( const C : Char) :Bool');
24358: Func IsAsciiCharW( const C : WideChar) :Bool');
24359: Func IsAsciiChar( const C : Char) :Bool');
24360: //Func IsAsciiBufB( const Buf: Pointer; const Len: NativeInt):Bool');
24361: //Func IsAsciiBufW( const Buf: Pointer; const Len NativeInt):Bool');
24362: Func IsAsciiStringB( const S :Str) :Bool');
24363: Func IsAsciiStringU( const S : UnicodeString) :Bool');
24364: Func IsAsciiString( const S :Str) :Bool');
24365: Func AsciiHexCharValueB( const C : Char) : Integer');
24366: Func AsciiHexCharValueW( const C : WideChar) : Integer');
24367: Func AsciiIsHexCharB( const C : Char) :Bool');
24368: Func AsciiIsHexCharW( const C : WideChar) :Bool');
24369: Func AsciiDecimalCharValueB( const C : Char) : Integer');
24370: Func AsciiDecimalCharValueW( const C : WideChar) : Integer');
24371: Func AsciiIsDecimalCharB( const C : Char) :Bool');
24372: Func AsciiIsDecimalCharW( const C : WideChar) :Bool');
24373: Func AsciiOctalCharValueB( const C : Char) : Integer');
24374: Func AsciiOctalCharValueW( const C : WideChar) : Integer');
24375: Func AsciiIsOctalCharB( const C : Char) :Bool');
24376: Func AsciiIsOctalCharW( const C : WideChar) :Bool');
24377: Func CharCompareNoAsciiCaseB( const A, B : Char) : Integer');
24378: Func CharCompareNoAsciiCaseW( const A, B : WideChar) : Integer');
24379: Func CharCompareNoAsciiCase( const A, B : Char) : Integer');
24380: Func CharEqualNoAsciiCaseB( const A, B : Char) :Bool');
24381: Func CharEqualNoAsciiCaseW( const A, B : WideChar) :Bool');
24382: Func CharEqualNoAsciiCase( const A, B : Char) :Bool');
24383: //Func StrPCompareNoAsciiCaseB( const A, B: PByteChar; const Len: NativeInt):Integer');
24384: //Func StrPCompareNoAsciiCaseW( const A, B: PWideChar; const Len: NativeInt):Integer');
24385: Func StrPCompareNoAsciiCase( const A, B : PChar; const Len : NativeInt) : Integer');
24386: Func StrCompareNoAsciiCaseA( const A, B : Ansistr) : Integer');
24387: Func StrCompareNoAsciiCaseB( const A, B :Str) : Integer');
24388: Func StrCompareNoAsciiCaseU( const A, B : UnicodeString) : Integer');
24389: Func StrCompareNoAsciiCase( const A, B :Str) : Integer');
24390: Func AsciiLowCaseB( const C : Char) : Char');
24391: Func AsciiLowCaseW( const C : WideChar) : WideChar');
24392: Func AsciiLowCase( const C : Char) : Char');
24393: Func AsciiUpCaseB( const C : Char) : Char ');
24394: Func AsciiUpCaseW( const C : WideChar) : WideChar');
24395: Func AsciiUpCase( const C : Char) : Char');
24396: Proc AsciiConvertUpperB( var S :Str)');
24397: Proc AsciiConvertUpperU( var S : UnicodeString)');
24398: Proc AsciiConvertUpper( var S :Str)');
24399: Proc AsciiConvertLowerB( var S :Str)');
24400: Proc AsciiConvertLowerU( var S : UnicodeString)');
24401: Proc AsciiConvertLower( var S :Str)');
24402: Func AsciiUpperCaseB( const A :Str) :Str');
24403: Func AsciiUpperCaseU( const A : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
24404: Func AsciiUpperCase( const A :Str) :Str');
24405: Func AsciiLowerCaseB( const A :Str) :Str');
24406: Func AsciiLowerCaseU( const A : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
24407: Func AsciiLowerCase( const A :Str) :Str');

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24408: Proc AsciiConvertFirstUpB( var S : RawByteString)');

24409: Proc AsciiConvertFirstUpU( var S : UnicodeString)');
24410: Proc AsciiConvertFirstUp( var S :Str)');
24411: Func AsciiFirstUpB( const S : RawByteString) : RawByteString');
24412: Func AsciiFirstUpU( const S : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
24413: Func AsciiFirstUp( const S :Str) :Str');
24414: Proc AsciiConvertArrayUpper( var S : TStringArray)');
24415: Proc AsciiConvertArrayLower( var S : TStringArray)');
24416: Proc TestAscii');
24417: end;
24419: Proc SIRegister_flcStringPatternMatcher(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24420: begin
24421: TMatchPatternGreed', '( mpgLazy, mpgGreedy, mpgGreedyNoBacktrack)');
24422: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Func StrZMatchPatternA(M, S : PAnsiChar; const G : TMatchPatternGreed) :
24423: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Func StrZMatchPatternW(M, S : PWideChar; const G : TMatchPatternGreed) :
24424: Func StrEqualPatternA(const M,S: RawByteString; const G : TMatchPatternGreed) : Bool;
24425: Func StrEqualPatternU(const M,S: UnicodeString; const G : TMatchPatternGreed) : Bool;
24426: Func StrEqualPattern( const M, S :Str; const G : TMatchPatternGreed) :Bool');
24427: Func StrPosPatternA(const F,S:RawByteString; var Len:Integer;const StartIndex:Integer; const G:
24428: Func StrPosPatternU(const F,S:UnicodeString; var Len:Integer;const StartIndex:Integer; const G:
TMatchPatternGreed) : Integer');
24429: Func MatchFileMaskB(const Mask,Key:RawByteString;const AsciiCaseSensitive:Bool):Bool);
24430: TMatchQuantifier','( mqOnce, mqAny, mqLeastOnce, mqOptional )');
24431: TMatchQuantSeqOptions', '(moDeterministic, moNonGreedy )');
24432: //Func MatchQuantSeqB(var MatchPos:Integer;const MatchSeq:array of ByteCharSet;const Quant:array of
TMatchQuantifier;const S: RawByteString; const MatchOptions TMatchQuantSeqOptions;const StartIndex:
Integer;const StopIndex : Integer):Bool');
24433: Proc TestPatternmatcher');
24434: Func CharMatch(const A, B: Char; const AsciiCaseSensitive:Bool):Bool;');
24435: end;
24437: https://github.com/fundamentalslib/fundamentals5/blob/master/Source/Utils/flcStrings.pas
24438: https://github.com/fundamentalslib/fundamentals5/blob/master/Source/Utils/flcUtils.pas
24439: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fundamentalslib/fundamentals5/master/Source/Utils/flcUnicodeChar.pas
24440: Unicode Transformation Format(UTF) encoding-UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 - each codepoint is encoded
as a sequence of codeunits. The size of each codeunit is determined by the encoding - 7 bits for UTF-7,8
bits for UTF-8,16 bits for UTF-16, and 32 bits for UTF-32 (hence their names).
24441: In Delphi 2009 and later, String is an alias for UnicodeString, and Char is an alias for WideChar.
WideChar is 16 bits. A UnicodeString holds a UTF-16 encoded string (in earlier versions of Delphi, the
equivalent string type was WideString), and each WideChar is a UTF-16 codeunit. In UTF-16, a codepoint can
be encoded using either 1 or 2 codeunits. 1 codeunit can encode codepoint values in the Basic Multilingual
Plane(BMP) range - $0000 to $FFFF, inclusive. Higher codepoints require 2 codeunits, which is also known
as a surrogate pair.
24442: D2007 supports Unicode, just not to the extent that D2009+ does. Unicode in D2007 is handled using
WideString and the few RTL support functions that do exist.
24443: URL contains percent-encoded UTF-8 byte octets. Simply convert sequences into their binary representation
and then use UTF8Decode() to decode the UTF-8 data to a WideString.For example:
24445: Func HexToBits(C: Char): Byte;
24446: begin
24447: case C of
24448: '0'..'9': Result:= Byte(Ord(C) - Ord('0'));
24449: 'a'..'f': Result:= Byte(10 + (Ord(C) - Ord('a')));
24450: 'A'..'F': Result:= Byte(10 + (Ord(C) - Ord('A')));
24451: else
24452: raise Exception.Create('Invalid encoding detected');
24453: end;
24454: end;
24456: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14107717/decode-utf-8-encoded-cyrillic-with-delphi-2007
24457: (* === compile-time registration functions === *)
24458: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
24459: Proc SIRegister_flcUnicodeChar(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24460: begin
24461: WideSingleQuote','String').SetString( WideChar ( '''' ));
24462: WideDoubleQuote','String').SetString( WideChar ( '"' ));
24463: WideNoBreakSpace','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #$00A0 ));
24464: 'WideLineSeparator','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #$2028 ));
24465: 'WideParagraphSeparator','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #$2029 ));
24466: WideBOM_MSB_First','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #$FFFE ));
24467: WideBOM_LSB_First','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #$FEFF ));
24468: WideObjectReplacement','Char).SetString( WideChar ( #$FFFC ));
24469: WideCharReplacement','Char).SetString( WideChar ( #$FFFD ));
24470: WideInvalid','Char).SetString( WideChar ( #$FFFF ));
24471: WideCopyrightSign','Char).SetString( WideChar ( #$00A9 ));
24472: WideRegisteredSign','Char).SetString( WideChar ( #$00AE ));
24473: WideHighSurrogateFirst','Char).SetString( WideChar ( #$D800 ));
24474: WideHighSurrogateLast','Char).SetString( WideChar ( #$DB7F ));
24475: WideLowSurrogateFirst','Char).SetString( WideChar ( #$DC00 ));
24476: WideLowSurrogateLast','Char).SetString( WideChar ( #$DFFF ));
24477: WidePrivateHighSurrogateFirst',Char').SetString( WideChar ( #$DB80 ));
24478: WidePrivateHighSurrogateLast',Char').SetString( WideChar ( #$DBFF ));
24479: flcWideNULL','Char).SetString( WideChar ( #0 ));
24480: flcWideBS','Char).SetString( WideChar ( #8 ));
24481: flcWideHT','Char).SetString( WideChar ( #9 ));

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24482: 'flcWideLF','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #10 ));

24483: 'flcWideVT','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #11 ));
24484: 'flcWideFF','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #12 ));
24485: 'flcWideCR','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #13 ));
24486: 'flcWideEOF','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #26 ));
24487: 'flcWideSP','Char').SetString( WideChar ( #32 ));
24488: 'UCS4_STRING_TERMINATOR','LongWord').SetUInt( $9C);
24489: 'UCS4_LF','LongWord').SetUInt( $0A);
24490: 'UCS4_CR','LongWord').SetUInt( $0D);
24491: Func UnicodeIsAsciiChar( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24492: CL.AddTypeS('TUnicodeSpaceWidth','(uswNone,uswZero,uswAdjustableEmOneOver'
24493: +'Four,uswEmOneOverTwo,uswEmOneOverThree,uswEmOneOverFour,uswEmFourOverEighteen,uswEmOneOverFive,
24494: Func UnicodeSpaceWidth( const Ch : WideChar) : TUnicodeSpaceWidth');
24495: Func UnicodeIsNoBreakSpace( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24496: Func UnicodeIsSpaceFixedWidth( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24497: Func UnicodeIsSpaceAdjustableWidth( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24498: Func UnicodeIsSpace( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24499: Func UnicodeIsLineBreak( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24500: Func UnicodeIsWhiteSpace( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24501: Func UnicodeIsControl( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24502: Func UnicodeIsControlOrWhiteSpace( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24503: Func UnicodeIsIgnorable( const Ch : UCS4Char) :Bool');
24504: Func UnicodeIsDash( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24505: Func UnicodeIsHyphen( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24506: Func UnicodeIsDashOrHyphen( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24507: Func UnicodeIsFullStop0( const Ch : UCS4Char) :Bool;');
24508: Func UnicodeIsFullStop1( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool;');
24509: Func UnicodeIsComma( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24510: Func UnicodeIsExclamationMark( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24511: Func UnicodeIsQuestionMark( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24512: Func UnicodeIsLeftParenthesis( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24513: Func UnicodeIsLeftBracket( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24514: Func UnicodeGetRightParenthesis( const LeftParenthesis : WideChar) : WideChar');
24515: Func UnicodeGetRightBracket( const LeftBracket : WideChar) : WideChar');
24516: Func UnicodeIsSingularQuotationMark( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24517: Func UnicodeIsOpeningQuotationMark( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24518: Func UnicodeIsClosingQuotationMark( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24519: Func UnicodeGetClosingQuotationMark( const OpeningQuote : WideChar) : WideChar');
24520: Func UnicodeGetOpeningQuotationMark( const ClosingQuote : WideChar) : WideChar');
24521: Func UnicodeIsPunctuation( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24522: Func UnicodeIsDecimalDigit2( const Ch : UCS4Char) :Bool;');
24523: Func UnicodeIsDecimalDigit3( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool;');
24524: Func UnicodeIsAsciiDecimalDigit( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24525: Func UnicodeDecimalDigitValue4( const Ch : UCS4Char) : Integer;');
24526: Func UnicodeDecimalDigitValue5( const Ch : WideChar) : Integer;');
24527: Func UnicodeFractionCharacterValue( const Ch : WideChar; var A, B :Integer):Bool');
24528: Func UnicodeRomanNumeralValue( const Ch : WideChar) : Integer');
24529: Func UnicodeIsAsciiHexDigit( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24530: Func UnicodeIsHexDigit6( const Ch : UCS4Char) :Bool;');
24531: Func UnicodeIsHexDigit7( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool;');
24532: Func UnicodeHexDigitValue8( const Ch : UCS4Char) : Integer;');
24533: Func UnicodeHexDigitValue9( const Ch : WideChar) : Integer;');
24534: Func UnicodeIsUpperCase( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24535: Func UnicodeIsLowerCase( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24536: Func UnicodeIsTitleCase( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24537: Func UnicodeIsLetter( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24538: Func UnicodeIsAlphabetic( const Ch : WideChar) :Bool');
24539: Func UnicodeUpCase( const Ch : WideChar) : WideChar');
24540: Func UnicodeLowCase( const Ch : WideChar) : WideChar');
24541: Func UnicodeCharIsEqualNoCase( const A, B : WideChar) :Bool');
24542: Func UnicodeGetCombiningClass( const Ch : WideChar) : Byte');
24543: Func UnicodeLocateFoldingUpperCase( const Ch : WideChar) : UnicodeString');
24544: Func UnicodeLocateFoldingTitleCase( const Ch : WideChar) : UnicodeString');
24545: Func UnicodeUpCaseFoldingU( const Ch : WideChar) : UnicodeString');
24546: Func UnicodeLowCaseFoldingU( const Ch : WideChar) : UnicodeString');
24547: Func UnicodeTitleCaseFoldingU( const Ch : WideChar) : UnicodeString');
24548: Func UnicodeGetCharacterDecompositionU10( const Ch : WideChar) : UnicodeString;');
24549: Func UnicodeGetCharacterDecompositionU11( const Ch : UCS4Char) : UnicodeString;');
24550: Func UnicodeUpperCaseFoldingU( const S : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
24551: Func UnicodeLowerCaseFoldingU( const S : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
24552: Proc TestUnicodeChar');
24553: Func HexToBits(C: Char): Byte;');
24554: Func Utf8ToStr(const Source :Str) :Str;); end;
24555: unit PJResFile_Routines;
24556: Func IsIntResource( const ResID : PChar) :Bool');
24557: Func IsEqualResID2( const R1, R2 : PChar) :Bool');
24558: Func ResIDToStr( const ResID : PChar) :Str');
24560: 15 CLF_Fundamentals Testroutines 47520
24561: ------------------------------------
24562: 1 TestMathClass;
24563: 2 TestStatisticClass;
24564: 3 TestBitClass;
24565: 4 TestCharset;
24566: 5 TestTimerClass
24567: 6 TestRationalClass
24568: 7 TestComplexClass
24569: 8 TestMatrixClass;

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24570: 9 TestStringBuilderClass
24571: 10 TestASCII;
24572: 11 TestASCIIRoutines;
24573: 12 TestPatternmatcher;
24574: 13 TestUnicodeChar;
24575: 14 unit uPSI_AfUtils;
24576: 15 unit uPSI_PsAPI;
24577: 16 TestVectorClass;
24578: 17 TestVectorClassExtended;
24579: 18 TestKMeans;
24580: 19 TestKMeans2;
24581: 20 TestTNNetVolume;
24582: 21 TestConvolutionAPI();
24583: 22 TestDataParallelism(NN: TNNet);
24584: //TestTNNetVolume;
24586: ****************************************************************
24587: Release Notes maXbox Jan 2021 mX47
24588: ****************************************************************
24589: Add 25 Units + 4 Tutorials
24590: 1277 unit uPSI_SystemsDiagram.pas Dendron
24591: 1278 unit uPSI_qsFoundation.pas Dendron
24592: 1279 uPSI_JclStringLists2 JCL
24593: 1280 uPSI_cInternetUtils2 FLC
24594: 1281 uPSI_cWindows.pas FLC
24595: 1282 uPSI_flcSysUtils.pas +TBytes utils
24596: 1283 unit uPSI_RotImg.pas DA
24597: 1284 uPSI_SimpleImageLoader.pas LAZ
24598: 1285 uPSI_HSLUtils.pas LAZ
24599: 1286 uPSI_GraphicsMathLibrary.pas EF
24600: 1287 unit uPSI_umodels.pas DMath
24601: 1288 uPSI_flcStatistics.pas FLC5
24602: 1289 uPSI_flcMaths.pas FLC5
24603: 1290 uPSI_flcCharSet.pas
24604: 1291 uPSI_flcBits32.pas
24605: 1292 uPSI_flcTimers.pas
24606: 1293 uPSI_cBlaiseParserLexer.pas
24607: 1294 uPSI_flcRational.pas
24608: 1295 uPSI_flcComplex.pas
24609: 1296 unit uPSI_flcMatrix (uPSI_flcVectors.pas)
24610: 1297 unit uPSI_flcStringBuilder.pas
24611: 1298 unit PJResFile_Routines;
24612: 1299 uPSI_flcASCII.pas
24613: 1300 uPSI_flcStringPatternMatcher;
24614: 1301 unit uPSI_flcUnicodeChar.pas
24615: Totals of Func Calls: 33282
24616: SHA1: of D82EAD01C58738887661428F94B207DB1D8FAEB5
24617: CRC32: 203C82F0 29.5 MB (31,012,768 bytes
24618: newunits: 01 RotImg.pas + uModel : TModel lib dmath.dll
24619: 02 SimpleImageLoader.pas
24620: 03 systemsdiagram.pas + fpc switch
24621: 04 qsfoundation.pas NO FPC Vector operator
24622: 05 prediction.pas SimulationEngine missing
24623: 06 HSLUtils.pas - color model
24624: 07 cInternetUtils.pas - header information
24625: 08 cWindows.pas - cstrings routines as flcSysUtils
24626: 09 flcSysUtils.pas //2 functions with cwindows possible+ freqObj +TBytes utils
24627: 10 GraphicsMathLibrary.PAS gml-profix
24628: 11 flcBits32.pas //$IFDEF DEBUG} {$IFDEF TEST} Proc Test;
24629: 12 flcFloats.pas No Floats instead: uPSI_cBlaiseParserLexer.pas
24630: 13 flcDecimal.pas + TestClass
24631: 14 flcCharSet.pas //test include wrapper + -
24632: 15 flcComplex.pas -Class
24633: 16 flcMaths.pas //{$IFDEF MATHS_TEST} Proc Test
24634: 17 flcMatrix.pas - less TVectors
24635: 18 flcRational.pas -Class
24636: 19 flcStatistics.pas -Class
24637: 20 flcStringBuilder.pas - less Unicode
24638: 21 flcVectors.pas No Vectors cause compatibility
24639: 22 flcTimers.pas {$DEFINE TIMERS_TEST}
24641: ****************************************************************
24642: Release Notes maXbox October 2021 mX475
24643: ****************************************************************
24645: Add 26 Units + 10 Tutorials
24647: 1403 unit uPSI_SemaphorGrids;
24648: 1404 unit uXmlDates2;
24649: 1405 unit uPSI_JclTimeZones;
24650: 1406 unit uPSI_XmlDocRssParser.pas
24651: 1407 unit uPSI_RssParser.pas
24652: 1408 uPSI_SimpleParserRSS.pas
24653: 1409 unit uPSI_SimpleRSSUtils;
24654: 1410 unit uPSI_RssModel; _BlueHippo
24655: 1411 unit uPSI_StrUtil; _FIBPlus
24656: 1412 unit uPSI_TAChartUtils; _TEE
24657: 1413 unit uPSI_PythonEngine.pas _P4D_Beta
24658: 1414 unit uPSI_VclPythonGUIInputOutput;

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24659: 1415 unit uPSI_VarPyth;

24660: 1416 unit JclUsesUtils;
24661: 1417 unit uPSI_cParameters;
24662: 1418 unit uPSI_WDCCMisc; (uPSI_cFileTemplates);
24663: 1419 uPSI_WDCCOleVariantEnum.pas
24664: 1420 unit uPSI_WDCCWinInet.pas _WDCC
24665: 1421 uPSI_PythonVersions.pas
24666: 1422 unit uPSI_PythonAction.pas
24667: 1423 uPSI_SingleList.pas
24668: 1424 unit uPSI_AdMeter.pas; Async Professional
24669: 1425 unit uPSI_neuralplanbuilder; CAI
24670: 1426 unit uPSI_neuralvolume.pas; CAI
24671: 1427 unit uPSI_neuralvolumev.pas; CAI
24672: 1428 unit uPSI_DoubleList4; CapJack
24673: 1429 unit uPSI_ByteListClass; CapJack
24674: 1430 unit uPSI_flcVectors4; FLC5
24675: 1431 unit uPSI_flcMatrix4;
24676: 1432 uPSI_CurlHttpCodes.pas
24677: 1433 unit uPSI_NeuralNetwork.pas; CAI
24678: 1434 unit unit uPSI_neuralfit; CAI
24679: 1435 unit uPSI_neuraldatasets; CAI
24680: 1436 unit uPSI_neuraldatasetsv.pas CAI
24681: 1437 uPSI_flcFloats.pas FLC5
24683: //Async Professional
24685: SIRegister_TFastStringStream(CL);
24686: Proc LoadJPEGResource(image1: TImage; aJpgImage:Str);
24687: Func CreateDOSProcessRedirected3(const CommandLine, InputFile, OutputFile, ErrMsg:Str):Bool;
24688: //Type TSysCharSet = set of Char;
24689: Func SysCharSetToStr(const C: TSysCharSet): Ansistr;
24690: Func StrToSysCharSet(const S: Ansistr): TSysCharSet;
24691: Proc MaskFPUExceptions( ExceptionsMasked :Bool; MatchPythonPrecision :Bool)');
24692: Func GetOleVariantEnum( Collection : OLEVariant) : IGetOleVariantEnum');
24693: Func GetOleVariantArrEnum( Collection : OLEVariant) : IGetOleVariantEnum');
24696: Proc SIRegister_TSimpleParserRSS(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24697: begin
24698: //with RegClassS(CL,'TSimpleParserBase', 'TSimpleParserRSS') do
24699: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TSimpleParserBase'),'TSimpleParserRSS') do begin
24700: RegisterMethod('Proc Parse');
24701: RegisterMethod('Proc Generate');
24702: end;
24703: end;
24705: SERIES_MARK_FORMATS: array [TSeriesMarksStyle] of String = (
24706: '', '',
24707: '%0:.9g', // smsValue
24708: '%1:.2f%%', // smsPercent
24709: '%2:s', // smsLabel
24710: '%2:s %1:.2f%%', // smsLabelPercent
24711: '%2:s %0:.9g', // smsLabelValue
24712: '%2:s', // smsLegend: not sure what it means, left for Delphi compatibility
24713: '%1:.2f%% of %3:g', // smsPercentTotal
24714: '%1:.2f%% of %3:g', // smsLabelPercentTotal
24715: '%4:.9g' // smsXValue
24716: );
24718: Proc SIRegister_uXmlDates(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24719: begin
24720: CL.AddTypeS('TXMLDateZeroOptions', '( dzoBlank, dzoZero, dzoNow )');
24721: Func GetTimeZoneOffset :Str');
24722: Func GetTimestampWithTimeZone( const ADateTime : TDateTime) :Str');
24723: Func GetXmlDate( const ADateTime : TDateTime; const DateZeroOption : TXMLDateZeroOptions) :Str');
24724: Func ConvertToDelphiDateFromXml( const ADateTime :Str) : TDateTime');
24725: end;
24727: Proc SIRegister_JclTimeZones(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24728: begin
24729: CL.AddTypeS('TJclTZIValueInfo', 'record Bias : Longint; StandardBias : Intege'
24730: +'r; DaylightBias : Integer; StandardDate : TSystemTime; DaylightDate : TSystemTime; end');
24731: //CL.AddTypeS('PJclTimeZoneRegInfo', '^TJclTimeZoneRegInfo // will not work');
24732: TJclTimeZoneRegInfo', 'record DisplayDesc :Str; StandardName'
24733: + :Str; DaylightName :Str; SortIndex : Integer; MapID :Str; TZI: TJclTZIValueInfo; end');
24734: TJclTimeZoneCallBackFunc', 'Func ( const TimeZoneRec : TJclTimeZoneRegInfo) :Bool');
24735: SIRegister_TJclTimeZoneInfo(CL);
24736: SIRegister_TJclTimeZones(CL);
24737: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EDaylightSavingsNotSupported');
24738: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EAutoAdjustNotEnabled');
24739: Func EnumTimeZones( CallBackFunc : TJclTimeZoneCallBackFunc) :Bool');
24740: Func IsAutoAdjustEnabled :Bool');
24741: Func CurrentTimeZoneSupportsDaylightSavings :Bool');
24742: Func DateCurrentTimeZoneClocksChangeToStandard : TDateTime');
24743: Func DateCurrentTimeZoneClocksChangeToDaylightSavings : TDateTime');
24744: Func GetCurrentTimeZoneDescription :Str');
24745: Func GetCurrentTimeZoneDaylightSavingsPeriod :Str');
24746: Func GetCurrentTimeZoneGMTOffset :Str');
24747: Func GetCurrentTimeZoneUTCBias : Integer');

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24748: Func GetWMIScheduledJobUTCTime( Time : TDateTime) :Str');

24749: Func UTCNow : TDateTime');
24750: end;
24752: type IRSSParser = interface
24753: ['{263159EC-F94D-4BA6-9D34-5D93277D4DDC}']
24754: Func ParseRSSFeed(XML:Str): TRSSFeed;
24755: end;
24757: Proc SIRegister_TXmlDocRssParser(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24758: begin
24759: //with RegClassS(CL,'TInterfacedObject', 'TXmlDocRssParser') do
24760: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TInterfacedObject'),'TXmlDocRssParser') do begin
24761: RegisterMethod('Func ParseRSSDate( DateStr :Str) : TDateTime');
24762: RegisterMethod('Func ParseRSSFeed( XML :Str) : TRSSFeed');
24763: end;
24764: end;
24766: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
24767: Proc SIRegister_RssParser(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24768: begin
24769: Func ParseRSSDate( DateStr :Str) : TDateTime');
24770: Func ParseRSSFeed( XML :Str) : TRSSFeed');
24771: end;
24773: unit SimpleRSSUtils;
24774: type TXMLTypeRSS = (xtRDFrss, xtRSSrss, xtAtomrss, xtiTunesrss);
24775: type TContentTypeRSS = (ctTextrss, ctHTMLrss, ctXHTMLrss);
24776: type TEncodingTypeRSS = (etBase64rss,etEscapedrss,etXMLrss);
24778: Func StringToLanguage(Language:Str): TLanguages;
24779: Func LanguageToString(Language: TLanguages):str;
24780: Func DecodeStringRSS(Encoding: TEncodingTypeRSS; Data:Str):Str;
24781: Proc GetSkipHours(RootNode: IXMLNode; var aSimpleRSS: TSimpleRSS);
24782: Proc GetSkipDays(RootNode: IXMLNode; var aSimpleRSS: TSimpleRSS);
24783: Proc SIRegister_SimpleRSSUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24784: Func StringToLanguage( Language :Str) : TLanguages');
24785: Func LanguageToString( Language : TLanguages) :Str');
24786: Func DecodeStringRSS( Encoding : TEncodingTypeRSS; Data :Str) :Str');
24787: Proc GetSkipHours( RootNode : IXMLNode; var aSimpleRSS : TSimpleRSS)');
24788: Proc GetSkipDays( RootNode : IXMLNode; var aSimpleRSS : TSimpleRSS)');
24789: Func GetPageByURL(URL:Str):Str;
24790: end;
24792: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
24793: Proc SIRegister_StrUtil(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24794: begin
24795: CL.AddTypeS('_TPosition', 'record X : Longint; Y : Longint; end');
24796: CL.AddTypeS('TFastStringStream', 'TStringStream');
24797: SIRegister_TFastStringStream(CL);
24798: CL.AddTypeS('_TCharSet', 'set of AnsiChar');
24799: Func _Position( AX, AY : Integer) : _TPosition');
24800: Func _MakeStr( C : Char; N : Integer) :Str');
24801: Func _StrAsFloat( S :Str) : double');
24802: Func _ToClientDateFmt( D :Str; caseFmt : byte) :Str');
24803: Func _ExtractWord( Num : integer; const Str :Str; const WordDelims : TCharSet):Str');
24804: Func _WordCount( const S :Str; const WordDelims : TCharSet) : Integer');
24805: Func _AnsiUpperCaseA( const s : Ansistr) : Ansistr');
24806: Func _CompareStrWA( const S1 :Str; const S2 : Ansistr) : Integer');
24807: Func _AnsiCompareTextAA( const S1, S2 : Ansistr) : Integer');
24808: Func _WildStringCompare( FirstString, SecondString :Str) :Bool');
24809: Func _MaskCompare( const aString, Mask :Str) :Bool');
24810: Func _SQLMaskCompare( const aString, Mask :Str) :Bool;');
24811: Func _SQLMaskCompareAW( const aString : Ansistr; const Mask :Str) :Bool');
24812: Func _SQLMaskCompareAA( const aString, Mask : Ansistr) :Bool');
24813: Func _SQLMaskCompare1( const aString, Mask : Widestring) :Bool;');
24814: Func _TrimCLRF( const s :Str) :Str');
24815: Func _ReplaceStr( const S, Srch, Replace :Str) :Str');
24816: Func _ReplaceStrInSubstr( const Source String; const Srch, Replace:str;BeginPos, EndPos:integer):str');
24817: Func _ReplaceCIStr( const S, Srch, Replace:Str; Ansi :Bool):str');
24818: Func _ReplaceStrCIInSubstr(const Source:str; const Srch,Replace:str; BeginPos,EndPos:integer):str');
24819: Func _FastUpperCase( const S :Str) :Str');
24820: Proc _DoUpperCase( var S :Str; FirstPos : integer; LastPos : integer)');
24821: Proc _DoAnsiUpperCase( var S : Ansistr);');
24822: Proc _DoAnsiUpperCase1( var S :Str);');
24823: Proc _DoWideUpperCase( var S : WideString)');
24824: Proc _DoUtf8Decode( const s : AnsiChar; StrLen : integer; var ws : WideString);');
24825: Proc _DoUtf8Decode1( const s : Ansistr; var ws : WideString);');
24826: Proc _DoUtf8Decode2( const s : variant; var ws : WideString);');
24827: Func _EquelStrings( const s, s1 :Str; CaseSensitive :Bool) :Bool');
24828: Func _iifStr( Condition :Bool; const Str1, Str2 :Str) :Str');
24829: Func _iifVariant( Condition :Bool; const Var1, Var2 : Variant) : Variant');
24830: Func _StrOnMask( const StrIn, MaskIn, MaskOut :Str) :Str');
24831: Func _StrIsInteger( const Str :Str) :Bool');
24832: Func _FormatIdentifierValue( Dialect : Integer; const Value :Str) :Str');
24833: Func _FormatIdentifier( Dialect : Integer; const Value :Str) :Str');
24834: Func _NormalizeName( Dialect : Integer; const Name :Str) :Str');
24835: Func _EasyFormatIdentifier( Dialect : Integer; const Value :Str; DoEasy :Bool) :Str');
24836: Func _EquelNames( CI :Bool; const Value, Value1 :Str) :Bool');

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24837: Func _NeedQuote( const Name :Str) :Bool');

24838: Func _EasyNeedQuote( const Name :Str) :Bool');
24839: Func _PosCh( aCh : Char; const s :Str) : integer');
24840: Func _PosCh1( aCh : Char; const s :Str; StartPos : integer) : integer;');
24841: Func _PosCh2( aCh : AnsiChar; const s : Ansistr; StartPos : integer) : integer;');
24842: Func _PosCI( const Substr, Str :Str) : integer');
24843: Func _PosExt( const Substr, Str :Str; BegSub, EndSub : TCharSet) : integer');
24844: Func _PosExtCI( const Substr, Str :Str; BegSub, EndSub : TCharSet; AnsiUpper :Bool) : integer');
24845: Func _PosInSubstr( const substr, Str :Str; BeginPos, EndPos : integer) : integer');
24846: Func _PosInRight( const substr, Str :Str; BeginPos : integer) : integer');
24847: Func _PosInSubstrCI( const SearchStr, Str :Str; BeginPos, EndPos : integer) : integer');
24848: Func _PosInSubstrExt(const SearchStr:str;Str:str;BeginPos,EndPos:integer; BegSub, EndSub:TCharSet):int');
24849: Func _PosInSubstrCIExt(const SearchStr,Str:Str;BeginPos, EndPos : integer; BegSub, EndSub
24850: Func _FirstPos( Search : array of Char; const InString :Str) : integer;');
24851: Func _FirstPos1( Search : array of AnsiChar; const InString : Ansistr) : integer;');
24852: Func _LastChar( const Str :Str) : Char');
24853: Func _QuotedStr( const S :Str) :Str');
24854: Func _CutQuote( const S :Str) :Str');
24855: Func _StringInArray( const s :Str; const a : array of String) :Bool');
24856: Func _IsBlank( const Str :Str) :Bool');
24857: Func _IsBeginPartStr11( const PartStr, TargetStr : Ansistr) :Bool;');
24858: Func _IsBeginPartStrWA( const PartStr :Str; const TargetStr : Ansistr) :Bool');
24859: Func _IsBeginPartStrVarA( const PartStr : Variant; const TargetStr : Ansistr) :Bool');
24860: Func _IsBeginPartStr12( const PartStr, TargetStr : Widestring) :Bool;');
24861: Proc _DoLowerCase13( var Str :Str);');
24862: Proc _DoLowerCase14( var Str : Ansistr);');
24863: Proc _DoTrim( var Str :Str)');
24864: Func _VarTrimRight( const str : Variant) : Variant');
24865: Proc _DoTrimRight15( var Str :Str);');
24866: Proc _DoTrimRight16( var Str : Widestring);');
24867: Proc _DoTrimRight17( var Str : Ansistr);');
24868: Proc _DoCopy18( const Source :Str; var Dest :Str; Index, Count : Integer);');
24869: Proc _DoCopy19( const Source : Ansistr; var Dest : Ansistr; Index, Count : Integer);');
24870: Func _FastTrim( const S :Str) :Str');
24871: Func _FastCopy20( const S :Str; Index : integer; Count : Integer) :Str;');
24872: Func _FastCopy21( const S : Ansistr; Index : integer; Count : Integer) : Ansistr;');
24873: Proc _SLDifference( ASL, BSL : TStringList; ResultSL : TStrings)');
24874: Func _EmptyStrings( SL : TStrings) :Bool');
24875: Proc _DeleteEmptyStr( Src : TStrings)');
24876: Func _NonAnsiSortCompareStrings( SL : TStringList; Index1, Index2 : Integer) : Integer');
24877: Func _FindInDiapazon(SL:TStringList;const S:str;const StartIndex,EndIndex:int;AnsiCompare:bool;var
24878: Func _NonAnsiIndexOf( SL : TStringList; const S :Str) : integer');
24879: Proc _GetNameAndValue( const s :Str; var Name, Value : Ansistr)');
24880: Func _StrToDateFmt( const ADate, Fmt :Str) : TDateTime');
24881: Func _DateToSQLStr( const ADate : TDateTime) :Str');
24882: Func _ValueFromStr( const Str :Str) :Str');
24883: Func _WideUpperCase( const S : WideString) : WideString');
24884: Func _Q_StrLen( P : AnsiChar) :Card');
24885: Func _IsOldParamName( const ParamName :Str) :Bool');
24886: Func _IsNewParamName( const ParamName :Str) :Bool');
24887: Func _IsMasParamName( const ParamName :Str) :Bool');
24888: Func _GUIDAsString( const AGUID : TGUID) : Ansistr');
24889: Proc _GUIDAsStringToPChar( const AGUID : TGUID; Dest : AnsiChar)');
24890: Func _StringAsGUID( const AStr : Ansistr) : TGUID');
24891: Func _CompareStrAndGuid( GUID : TGUID; const Str : Ansistr) : integer');
24892: Func _CompareStrAndGuidP( GUID : TGUID; const Str : Ansistr) : integer');
24893: Func _IsEqualGUIDs( const guid1, guid2 : TGUID) :Bool');
24894: Func _IsNumericStr( const Str :Str) :Bool');
24895: Func _IsEmptyStr( const Str :Str) :Bool');
24896: Func _CompareStrTrimmed( const Str1, Str2 : PChar; Len : integer) : integer');
24897: Func _CharInSet( C : AnsiChar; const CharSet : TSysCharSet) :Bool');
24898: Func DecodeBase58(const Input:Str): TByteArray;
24899: Func StreamToByteArray(Stream: TStream): TBytes;
24900: Func InterpolateRGB(AColor1, AColor2: Integer; ACoeff: Double): Integer;
24901: Proc SetPropDefaults(AObject: TPersistent; APropNames: array of String);
24902: //Hashed := HashSHA256(HashSHA256(Copy(Decoded, 0, 21)));
24903: Proc ValidateBitcoinAddress(const Address:Str; DHashSHA256: TByteArray);
24904: end;
24906: //type TPyObject = PPyObject; this is all a part of prerelease to get a decent bufferpointer layout!
24907: //type PPyObject = TPyObject;
24908: The engine has a property, PythonEngine.InitScript:
24909: PythonEngine.InitScript.Add('import sys');
24910: PythonEngine.InitScript.Add('sys.path.insert(0, 'path/to/script')');
24912: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
24913: Proc SIRegister_PythonEngine(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
24914: begin
24915: CL.AddTypeS('TPythonVersionProp', 'record DllName:Str; RegVersion:Str; APIVersion: Integer; end');
24916: 'PYT_METHOD_BUFFER_INCREASE','LongInt').SetInt( 10);
24917: 'PYT_MEMBER_BUFFER_INCREASE','LongInt').SetInt( 10);
24918: 'PYT_GETSET_BUFFER_INCREASE','LongInt').SetInt( 10);
24919: 'METH_VARARGS','LongWord').SetUInt( $0001);
24920: 'METH_KEYWORDS','LongWord').SetUInt( $0002);
24921: 'CO_OPTIMIZED','LongWord').SetUInt( $0001);
24922: 'CO_NEWLOCALS','LongWord').SetUInt( $0002);
24923: 'CO_VARARGS','LongWord').SetUInt( $0004);

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24924: 'CO_VARKEYWORDS','LongWord').SetUInt( $0008);

24925: Py_LT','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
24926: Py_LE','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
24927: Py_EQ','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
24928: Py_NE','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
24929: Py_GT','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
24930: Py_GE','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
24931: CL.AddTypeS('TRichComparisonOpcode', '( pyLT, pyLE, pyEQ, pyNE, pyGT, pyGE )');
24932: C_Long', 'Integer'); C_ULong', 'Cardinal');
24933: C_Long', 'NativeInt'); C_ULong', 'NativeUInt');
24934: TPFlag', '( tpfHeapType, tpfBaseType, tpfReady, tpfReadying, tpf'
24935: +'HaveGC, tpVectorCall, tpMethodDescriptor, tpHaveVersionTag, tpValidVersion'
24936: +'Tag, tpIsAbstract, tpLongSubclass, tpListSubClass, tpTupleSubclass, tpByte'
24937: +'sSubclass, tpBaseExcSubclass, tpTypeSubclass )');
24938: CL.AddTypeS('TPFlags', 'set of TPFlag');
24939: CL.AddConstantN('TPFLAGS_DEFAULT','LongInt').Value.ts32 := ord(tpfBaseType) or ord(tpHaveVersionTag);
24940: 'single_input','LongInt').SetInt( 256);
24941: 'file_input','LongInt').SetInt( 257);
24942: 'eval_input','LongInt').SetInt( 258);
24943: 'PyUnicode_WCHAR_KIND','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
24944: 'PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
24945: 'PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
24946: 'PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
24947: T_SHORT','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
24948: 'T_INT','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
24949: 'T_LONG','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
24950: 'T_FLOAT','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
24951: 'T_DOUBLE','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
24952: 'T_STRING','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
24953: 'T_OBJECT','LongInt').SetInt( 6);
24954: 'T_CHAR','LongInt').SetInt( 7);
24955: 'T_BYTE','LongInt').SetInt( 8);
24956: 'T_UBYTE','LongInt').SetInt( 9);
24957: 'T_USHORT','LongInt').SetInt( 10);
24958: 'T_UINT','LongInt').SetInt( 11);
24959: 'T_ULONG','LongInt').SetInt( 12);
24960: 'T_STRING_INPLACE','LongInt').SetInt( 13);
24961: 'T_OBJECT_EX','LongInt').SetInt( 16);
24962: 'PY_READONLY','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
24963: //CL.AddConstantN('RO','').SetString( READONLY);
24964: CL.AddConstantN('READ_RESTRICTED','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
24965: CL.AddConstantN('PY_WRITE_RESTRICTED','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
24966: CL.AddTypeS('TPyMemberType', '( mtShort, mtInt, mtLong, mtFloat, mtDouble, mt'
24967: +'String, mtObject, mtChar, mtByte, mtUByte, mtUShort, mtUInt, mtULong, mtStringInplace, mtObjectEx )');
24968: CL.AddTypeS('TPyMemberFlag', '( mfDefault, mfReadOnly, mfReadRestricted, mfWriteRestricted, mfRestricted
24969: CL.AddTypeS('TBasicService', '( pbsGetAttr, pbsSetAttr, pbsRepr, pbsCompa'
24970: +'re, pbsHash, pbsStr, pbsGetAttrO, pbsSetAttrO, pbsCall, pbsTraverse, pbsClear, pbs'
24971: +'RichCompare, pbsIter, pbsIterNext )');
24972: CL.AddTypeS('TBasicServices', 'set of TBasicService)');
24973: CL.AddTypeS('TNumberService', '( pnsAdd, pnsSubtract, pnsMultiply, pnsRem'
24974: +'ainder, pnsDivmod, pnsPower, pnsNegative, pnsPositive, pnsAbsolute, pnsInvert, pn'
24975: +'sLShift, pnsRShift, pnsAnd, pnsXor, pnsOr, pnsInt, pnsFloat, pnsFloorDivide, pnsTr'
24976: +'ueDivide, pnsMatrixMultiply, pnsBool )');
24977: CL.AddTypeS('TNumberServices', 'set of TNumberService');
24978: CL.AddTypeS('TInplaceNumberService', '( pnsInplaceAdd, pnsInplaceSubtra'
24979: +'ct, pnsInplaceMultiply, pnsInplaceRemainder, pnsInplacePower, pnsInplaceLShift'
24980: +', pnsInplaceRShift, pnsInplaceAnd, pnsInplaceXor, pnsInplaceOr, pnsInplaceFloor'
24981: +'Divide, pnsInplaceTrueDivide, pnsInplaceMatrixMultiply )');
24982: CL.AddTypeS('TInplaceNumberServices', 'set of TInplaceNumberService');
24983: CL.AddConstantN('PY_CR','Char').SetString( #13);
24984: 'PY_LF','Char').SetString( #10);
24985: 'PY_TAB','Char').SetString( #09);
24986: //TypeS('PP_frozen', '^P_frozen // will not work');
24987: //TypeS('P_frozen', '^_frozen // will not work');
24988: //TypeS('PPyObject', '^PyObject // will not work');
24989: //TypeS('PPPyObject', '^PPyObject // will not work');
24990: //TypeS('PPPPyObject', '^PPPyObject // will not work');
24991: //TypeS('PPyTypeObject', '^PyTypeObject // will not work');
24992: //TypeS('PPySliceObject', '^PySliceObject // will not work');
24993: //TypeS('binaryfunc', 'integer// will not work');
24994: CL.AddTypeS('Py_complex', 'record real : double; imag : double; end');
24995: CL.AddTypeS('PyMethodDescrObject', 'record ob_refcnt : NativeInt; ob_type : P'
24996: +'PyTypeObject; d_type : PPyTypeObject; d_name : PPyObject; d_method : PPyMethodDef; end');
24997: CL.AddTypeS('PPyMemberDescrObject', '^PyMemberDescrObject // will not work');
24998: CL.AddTypeS('PyMemberDescrObject', 'record ob_refcnt : NativeInt; ob_type : P'
24999: +'PyTypeObject; d_type : PPyTypeObject; d_name : PPyObject; d_member : PPyMemberDef; end');
25000: //CL.AddTypeS('PPyGetSetDescrObject', '^PyGetSetDescrObject // will not work');
25001: CL.AddTypeS('PyGetSetDescrObject', 'record ob_refcnt : NativeInt; ob_type : P'
25002: +'PyTypeObject; d_type : PPyTypeObject; d_name : PPyObject; d_getset : PPyGetSetDef; end');
25003: //CL.AddTypeS('PPyWrapperDescrObject', '^PyWrapperDescrObject // will not work');
25004: CL.AddTypeS('PyWrapperDescrObject', 'record ob_refcnt : NativeInt; ob_type : '
25005: +'PPyTypeObject; d_type: PPyTypeObject; d_name: PPyObject; d_base: pwrapperbase; d_wrapped : Pointer;
25006: //CL.AddTypeS('PPyModuleDef_Base', '^PyModuleDef_Base // will not work');
25007: CL.AddTypeS('PyModuleDef_Base', 'record ob_refcnt : NativeInt; ob_type : PPyT'
25008: +'ypeObject; m_index : NativeInt; m_copy : PPyObject; end');
25009: //CL.AddTypeS('PPyModuleDef', '^PyModuleDef // will not work');
25010: CL.AddTypeS('PyModuleDef', 'record m_base : PyModuleDef_Base; m_name : PAnsiC'

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25011: +'har; m_doc : PAnsiChar; m_size : NativeInt; m_methods : PPyMethodDef; m_re'

25012: +'load : inquiry; m_traverse : traverseproc; m_clear : inquiry; m_free : inquiry; end');
25013: CL.AddTypeS('PyTypeObject', 'record ob_refcnt : NativeInt; ob_type : PPyTypeO'
25014: +'bject; ob_size : NativeInt; tp_name : PAnsiChar; tp_basicsize : NativeInt;'
25015: +' tp_itemsize : NativeInt; tp_dealloc : pydestructor; tp_vectorcall_offset '
25016: +': NativeInt; tp_getattr : getattrfunc; tp_setattr : setattrfunc; tp_as_asy'
25017: +'nc : Pointer; tp_repr : reprfunc; tp_as_number : PPyNumberMethods; tp_as_s'
25018: +'equence : PPySequenceMethods; tp_as_mapping : PPyMappingMethods; tp_hash :'
25019: +' hashfunc; tp_call : ternaryfunc; tp_str : reprfunc; tp_getattro : getattr'
25020: +'ofunc; tp_setattro : setattrofunc; tp_as_buffer : Pointer; tp_flags : C_UL'
25021: +'ong; tp_doc : PAnsiChar; tp_traverse : traverseproc; tp_clear : inquiry; t'
25022: +'p_richcompare : richcmpfunc; tp_weaklistoffset : NativeInt; tp_iter : geti'
25023: +'terfunc; tp_iternext : iternextfunc; tp_methods : PPyMethodDef; tp_members'
25024: +' : PPyMemberDef; tp_getset : PPyGetSetDef; tp_base : PPyTypeObject; tp_dic'
25025: +'t : PPyObject; tp_descr_get : descrgetfunc; tp_descr_set : descrsetfunc; t'
25026: +'p_dictoffset : NativeInt; tp_init : initproc; tp_alloc : allocfunc; tp_new'
25027: +' : newfunc; tp_free : pydestructor; tp_is_gc : inquiry; tp_bases : PPyObje'
25028: +'ct; tp_mro : PPyObject; tp_cache : PPyObject; tp_subclasses : PPyObject; t'
25029: +'p_weaklist : PPyObject; tp_del : PyDestructor; tp_version_tag :Card; '
25030: +'tp_finalize : PyDestructor; tp_vectorcall : Pointer; tp_xxx1 : NativeInt; '
25031: +'tp_xxx2 : NativeInt; tp_xxx3 : NativeInt; tp_xxx4 : NativeInt; tp_xxx5 : N'
25032: +'ativeInt; tp_xxx6 : NativeInt; tp_xxx7 : NativeInt; tp_xxx8 : NativeInt; t'
25033: +'p_xxx9 : NativeInt; tp_xxx10 : NativeInt; end');
25034: CL.AddTypeS('PPyInterpreterState', '__Pointer');
25035: CL.AddTypeS('PPyThreadState', '__Pointer');
25036: //CL.AddTypeS('PNode', '^node // will not work');
25037: CL.AddTypeS('node', 'record n_type : smallint; n_str : PAnsiChar; n_lineno : '
25038: +'integer; n_col_offset : integer; n_nchildren : integer; n_child : PNode; end');
25039: //CL.AddTypeS('PPyCompilerFlags', '^PyCompilerFlags // will not work');
25040: CL.AddTypeS('PyCompilerFlags', 'record flags : integer; cf_feature_version : integer; end');
25041: CL.AddConstantN('_PyDateTime_DATE_DATASIZE','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
25042: ('_PyDateTime_TIME_DATASIZE','LongInt').SetInt( 6);
25043: ('_PyDateTime_DATETIME_DATASIZE','LongInt').SetInt( 10);
25044: CL.AddTypeS('PyGILState_STATE', '( PyGILState_LOCKED, PyGILState_UNLOCKED )');
25045: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EDLLLoadError');
25046: SIRegister_EDLLImportError(CL);
25047: SIRegister_EPythonError(CL);
25048: TOBJECT'),'EPyExecError');
25049: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyException');
25050: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyStandardError');
25051: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyArithmeticError');
25052: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyLookupError');
25053: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyAssertionError');
25054: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyAttributeError');
25055: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyEOFError');
25056: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyFloatingPointError');
25057: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyEnvironmentError');
25058: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyIOError');
25059: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyOSError');
25060: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyImportError');
25061: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyIndexError');
25062: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyKeyError');
25063: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyKeyboardInterrupt');
25064: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyMemoryError');
25065: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyNameError');
25066: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyOverflowError');
25067: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyRuntimeError');
25068: 'TOBJECT'),'EPyNotImplementedError');
25069: PySyntaxError(CL);
25070: (TOBJECT'),'EPyIndentationError');
25071: (TOBJECT'),'EPyTabError');
25072: (TOBJECT'),'EPySystemError');
25073: (TOBJECT'),'EPySystemExit');
25074: (TOBJECT'),'EPyTypeError');
25075: (TOBJECT'),'EPyUnboundLocalError');
25076: (TOBJECT'),'EPyValueError');
25077: (TOBJECT'),'EPyUnicodeError');
25078: (TOBJECT'),'UnicodeEncodeError');
25079: (TOBJECT'),'UnicodeDecodeError');
25080: (TOBJECT'),'UnicodeTranslateError');
25081: (TOBJECT'),'EPyZeroDivisionError');
25082: (TOBJECT'),'EPyStopIteration');
25083: (TOBJECT'),'EPyWarning');
25084: (TOBJECT'),'EPyUserWarning');
25085: (TOBJECT'),'EPyDeprecationWarning');
25086: (TOBJECT'),'PendingDeprecationWarning');
25087: (TOBJECT'),'FutureWarning');
25088: (TOBJECT'),'EPySyntaxWarning');
25089: (TOBJECT'),'EPyRuntimeWarning');
25090: (TOBJECT'),'EPyReferenceError');
25091: (TOBJECT'),'EPyWindowsError');
25092: CL.AddConstantN('kMaxLines','LongInt').SetInt( 1000);
25093: CL.AddConstantN('kMaxLineLength','LongInt').SetInt( 256);
25094: CL.AddTypeS('TSendDataEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; const Data : Ansistr)');
25095: TReceiveDataEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; var Data : Ansistr)');
25096: TSendUniDataEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; const Data : UnicodeString)');
25097: TReceiveUniDataEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; var Data : UnicodeString)');
25098: IOChar', 'WideChar');
25099: IOString', 'UnicodeString');

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25100: TIOStringList', 'TStringList');

25101: SIRegister_TPythonInputOutput(CL);
25102: SIRegister_TDynamicDll(CL);
25103: SIRegister_TPythonInterface(CL);
25104: CL.AddTypeS('TDatetimeConversionMode', '( dcmToTuple, dcmToDatetime )');
25105: //CL.AddConstantN('DEFAULT_DATETIME_CONVERSION_MODE','').SetString( dcmToTuple);
25106: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TEngineClient');
25107: CL.AddTypeS('TPathInitializationEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; var Path :Str)');
25108: //CL.AddTypeS('TSysPathInitEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; PathList : PPyObject)');
25109: CL.AddTypeS('TPythonFlag','(pfDebug, pfInteractive,pfNoSite,pfOptimize,pfVerbose,pfFrozenFlag,
25110: CL.AddTypeS('TPythonFlags', 'set of TPythonFlag');
25111: SIRegister_TTracebackItem(CL);
25112: SIRegister_TPythonTraceback(CL);
25113: SIRegister_TPythonEngine(CL);
25114: SIRegister_TEngineClient(CL);
25115: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TMethodsContainer');
25116: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TEventDefs');
25117: SIRegister_TEventDef(CL);
25118: SIRegister_TEventDefs(CL);
25119: SIRegister_TMethodsContainer(CL);
25120: SIRegister_TMembersContainer(CL);
25121: SIRegister_TGetSetContainer(CL);
25122: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TPythonModule');
25123: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TErrors');
25124: CL.AddTypeS('TErrorType', '( etString, etClass )');
25125: SIRegister_TParentClassError(CL);
25126: SIRegister_TError(CL);
25127: SIRegister_TErrors(CL);
25128: SIRegister_TPythonModule(CL);
25129: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TPythonType');
25130: SIRegister_TPyObject(CL);
25131: //CL.AddTypeS('TPyObjectClass', 'class of TPyObject');
25132: CL.AddTypeS('TMappingService', '( msLength, msSubscript, msAssSubscript )');
25133: CL.AddTypeS('TMappingServices', 'set of TMappingService');
25134: //CL.AddTypeS('TJclEmailReadOptions', 'set of TJclEmailReadOption');
25135: SIRegister_TTypeServices(CL);
25136: SIRegister_TPythonType(CL);
25137: CL.AddTypeS('TGetDataEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; var Data : Variant)');
25138: CL.AddTypeS('TSetDataEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Data : Variant)');
25139: //CL.AddTypeS('TExtGetDataEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; var Data : PPyObject)');
25140: //CL.AddTypeS('TExtSetDataEvent', 'Proc ( Sender : TObject; Data : PPyObject)');
25141: SIRegister_TPythonDelphiVar(CL);
25142: SIRegister_TPyVar(CL);
25143: CL.AddTypeS('TThreadExecMode', '( emNewState, emNewInterpreter )');
25144: SIRegister_TPythonThread(CL);
25145: {('Func pyio_write( self, args : PPyObject) : PPyObject');
25146: C'Func pyio_read( self, args : PPyObject) : PPyObject');
25147: C'Func pyio_SetDelayWrites( self, args : PPyObject) : PPyObject');
25148: C'Func pyio_SetMaxLines( self, args : PPyObject) : PPyObject');
25149: C'Func pyio_GetTypesStats( self, args : PPyObject) : PPyObject'); }
25150: Func GetPythonEngine : TPythonEngine');
25151: Func PythonOK :Bool');
25152: //Func PythonToDelphi( obj : PPyObject) : TPyObject');
25153: //Func IsDelphiObject( obj : PPyObject) :Bool');
25154: // Proc PyObjectDestructor( pSelf : PPyObject)');
25155: //Proc FreeSubtypeInst( ob : PPyObject)');
25156: //Func PyType_HasFeature( AType : PPyTypeObject; AFlag : Integer) :Bool');
25157: Func SysVersionFromDLLName( const DLLFileName :Str) :Str');
25158: Proc PythonVersionFromDLLName( LibName :Str; out MajorVersion, MinorVersion : integer)');
25159: Func IsPythonVersionRegistered(PythonVersion:str; out InstallPath:tring;out AllUserInstall:Bool) Bool');
25160: Proc MaskFPUExceptions( ExceptionsMasked :Bool; MatchPythonPrecision :Bool)');
25161: Func CleanString13( const s : Ansistr; AppendLF :Bool) : Ansistr;');
25162: Func CleanString14( const s : UnicodeString; AppendLF :Bool) : UnicodeString;');
25163: Proc setgPythonEngine(mypyengine: TPythonEngine);');
25164: Func getgPythonEngine: TPythonEngine;');
25165: end;
25167: Proc SIRegister_VclPythonGUIInputOutput(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25168: begin
25169: CL.AddConstantN('WM_WriteOutput','LongInt').SetInt( WM_USER + 1);
25170: SIRegister_TPythonGUIInputOutput(CL);
25171: CL.AddDelphiFunction('Proc Register');
25172: end;
25174: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
25175: Proc SIRegister_TDynamicDll(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25176: begin
25177: //with RegClassS(CL,'TComponent', 'TDynamicDll') do
25178: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TComponent'),'TDynamicDll') do begin
25179: Constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent)');
25180: Proc Free;');
25181: Proc OpenDll( const aDllName :Str)');
25182: Func IsHandleValid :Bool');
25183: Proc LoadDll');
25184: Proc UnloadDll');
25185: Proc Quit');
25186: RAutoLoad', 'Boolean', iptrw);
25187: RAutoUnload', 'Boolean', iptrw);

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25188: RDllName', 'string', iptrw);

25189: RDllPath', 'string', iptrw);
25190: RAPIVersion', 'Integer', iptrw);
25191: RRegVersion', 'string', iptrw);
25192: RFatalAbort', 'Boolean', iptrw);
25193: RFatalMsgDlg', 'Boolean', iptrw);
25194: RUseLastKnownVersion', 'Boolean', iptrw);
25195: ROnAfterLoad', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
25196: ROnBeforeLoad', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
25197: ROnBeforeUnload', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
25198: end;
25199: end;
25201: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
25202: Proc SIRegister_TPythonEngine(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25203: begin
25204: //with RegClassS(CL,'TPythonInterface', 'TPythonEngine') do
25205: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TPythonInterface'),'TPythonEngine') do begin
25206: Constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent)');
25207: Proc Free;');
25208: Proc SetPythonHome( const PythonHome : UnicodeString)');
25209: Proc SetProgramName( const ProgramName : UnicodeString)');
25210: Func IsType( ob : PPyObject; obt : PPyTypeObject) :Bool');
25211: Func Run_CommandAsString(const command:Ansistr; mode:Integer):str');
25212: Func Run_CommandAsObject(const command : Ansistr; mode : Integer) : PPyObject');
25213: Func Run_CommandAsObjectWithDict(const command:Ansistr;mode:Integer;locals,globals:PPyObject):
25214: Func EncodeString1( const str : UnicodeString) : Ansistr;;');
25215: Func EncodeString2( const str : Ansistr) : Ansistr;');
25216: Func EncodeWindowsFilePath( const str :Str) : Ansistr');
25217: Proc Initialize2;');
25218: Proc DoOpenDll2(const aDllName :Str);');
25219: Proc SetProgramArgs2;');
25220: Proc ExecString( const command : Ansistr);');
25221: Proc ExecStr( const command : Ansistr);'); //alias
25222: Proc ExecString3( const command : Ansistr);'); //alias
25223: Proc ExecStrings4( strings : TStrings);');
25224: Proc ExecStrings( strings : TStrings);'); //alias
25225: Func EvalString5( const command : Ansistr) : PPyObject;');
25226: Func EvalStringAsStr( const command : Ansistr) :Str');
25227: Func EvalStr( const command : Ansistr) :Str');
25228: Func EvalStrings6( strings : TStrings) : PPyObject;');
25229: Proc ExecString7(const command:Ansistr; locals,globals:PPyObject);');
25230: Proc ExecStrings8( strings : TStrings; locals, globals : PPyObject);');
25231: Func EvalString9(const command:Ansistr; locals, globals : PPyObject) : PPyObject;');
25232: Func EvalStrings10( strings : TStrings; locals, globals : PPyObject) : PPyObject;');
25233: Func EvalStringsAsStr( strings : TStrings) :Str');
25234: Func EvalPyFunction( pyfunc, pyargs : PPyObject) : Variant');
25235: Func EvalFunction(pyfunc:PPyObject;const args:array of const): Variant');
25236: Func EvalFunctionNoArgs( pyfunc : PPyObject) : Variant');
25237: Func CheckEvalSyntax( const str : Ansistr) :Bool');
25238: Func CheckExecSyntax( const str : Ansistr) :Bool');
25239: Func CheckSyntax( const str : Ansistr; mode : Integer) :Bool');
25240: Proc RaiseError');
25241: Func PyObjectAsString( obj : PPyObject) :Str');
25242: Proc DoRedirectIO');
25243: Proc AddClient( client : TEngineClient)');
25244: Proc RemoveClient( client : TEngineClient)');
25245: Func FindClient( const aName :Str) : TEngineClient');
25246: Func TypeByName( const aTypeName : Ansistr) : PPyTypeObject');
25247: Func ModuleByName( const aModuleName : Ansistr) : PPyObject');
25248: Func MethodsByName( const aMethodsContainer :Str) : PPyMethodDef');
25249: Func VariantAsPyObject( const V : Variant) : PPyObject');
25250: Func PyObjectAsVariant( obj : PPyObject) : Variant');
25251: Func VarRecAsPyObject( const v : TVarRec) : PPyObject');
25252: Func MakePyTuple( const objects : array of PPyObject) : PPyObject');
25253: Func MakePyList( const objects : array of PPyObject) : PPyObject');
25254: Func ArrayToPyTuple( const items : array of const) : PPyObject');
25255: Func ArrayToPyList( const items : array of const) : PPyObject');
25256: Func ArrayToPyDict( const items : array of const) : PPyObject');
25257: Func StringsToPyList( strings : TStrings) : PPyObject');
25258: Func StringsToPyTuple( strings : TStrings) : PPyObject');
25259: Proc PyListToStrings( list : PPyObject; strings : TStrings)');
25260: Proc PyTupleToStrings( tuple : PPyObject; strings : TStrings)');
25261: Func ReturnNone : PPyObject');
25262: Func ReturnTrue : PPyObject');
25263: Func ReturnFalse : PPyObject');
25264: Func FindModule( const ModuleName : Ansistr) : PPyObject');
25265: Func FindFunction( const ModuleName, FuncName : Ansistr) : PPyObject');
25266: Func SetToList( data : Pointer; size : Integer) : PPyObject');
25267: Proc ListToSet( List : PPyObject; data : Pointer; size : Integer)');
25268: Proc CheckError( ACatchStopEx :Bool)');
25269: Func GetMainModule : PPyObject');
25270: Func PyTimeStruct_Check( obj : PPyObject) :Bool');
25271: Func PyDate_Check( obj : PPyObject) :Bool');
25272: Func PyDate_CheckExact( obj : PPyObject) :Bool');
25273: Func PyDateTime_Check( obj : PPyObject) :Bool');
25274: Func PyDateTime_CheckExact( obj : PPyObject) :Bool');
25275: Func PyTime_Check( obj : PPyObject) :Bool');

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25276: Func PyTime_CheckExact( obj : PPyObject) :Bool');

25277: Func PyDelta_Check( obj : PPyObject) :Bool');
25278: Func PyDelta_CheckExact( obj : PPyObject) :Bool');
25279: Func PyTZInfo_Check( obj : PPyObject) :Bool');
25280: Func PyTZInfo_CheckExact( obj : PPyObject) :Bool');
25281: Func PyUnicodeFromString11( const AString : UnicodeString) : PPyObject;');
25282: Func PyUnicodeFromString12( const AString : Ansistr) : PPyObject;');
25283: Func PyUnicodeAsString( obj : PPyObject) : UnicodeString');
25284: Func PyUnicodeAsUTF8String( obj : PPyObject) : RawByteString');
25285: Func PyBytesAsAnsistr( obj : PPyObject) : Ansistr');
25286: ClientCount', 'Integer', iptr);
25287: Clients', 'TEngineClient Integer', iptr);
25288: ExecModule', 'Ansistr', iptrw);
25289: ThreadState', 'PPyThreadState', iptr);
25290: Traceback', 'TPythonTraceback', iptr);
25291: LocalVars', 'PPyObject', iptrw);
25292: GlobalVars', 'PPyObject', iptrw);
25293: IOPythonModule', 'TObject', iptr);
25294: PythonHome', 'UnicodeString', iptrw);
25295: ProgramName', 'UnicodeString', iptrw);
25296: AutoFinalize', 'Boolean', iptrw);
25297: VenvPythonExe', 'string', iptrw);
25298: DatetimeConversionMode', 'TDatetimeConversionMode', iptrw);
25299: InitScript', 'TStrings', iptrw);
25300: InitThreads', 'Boolean', iptrw);
25301: IO', 'TPythonInputOutput', iptrw);
25302: PyFlags', 'TPythonFlags', iptrw);
25303: RedirectIO', 'Boolean', iptrw);
25304: UseWindowsConsole', 'Boolean', iptrw);
25305: OnAfterInit', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
25306: OnPathInitialization', 'TPathInitializationEvent', iptrw);
25307: OnSysPathInit', 'TSysPathInitEvent', iptrw);
25308: end;
25309: end;
25311: Proc SIRegister_TPythonModule(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25312: begin
25313: //with RegClassS(CL,'TMethodsContainer', 'TPythonModule') do
25314: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TMethodsContainer'),'TPythonModule') do begin
25315: Constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent)');
25316: Proc MakeModule');
25317: Proc DefineDocString');
25318: Proc Initialize');
25319: Proc InitializeForNewInterpreter');
25320: Proc AddClient( client : TEngineClient)');
25321: Func ErrorByName( const AName : Ansistr) : TError');
25322: Proc RaiseError( const error, msg : Ansistr)');
25323: Proc RaiseErrorFmt(const error,format:Ansistr;const Args:array of const)');
25324: Proc RaiseErrorObj( const error, msg : Ansistr; obj : PPyObject)');
25325: Proc BuildErrors');
25326: Proc SetVar( const varName : Ansistr; value : PPyObject)');
25327: Func GetVar( const varName : Ansistr) : PPyObject');
25328: Proc DeleteVar( const varName : Ansistr)');
25329: Proc ClearVars');
25330: Proc SetVarFromVariant(const varName:Ansistr;const value:Variant)');
25331: Func GetVarAsVariant( const varName : Ansistr) : Variant');
25332: Module', 'PPyObject', iptr);
25333: Clients', 'TEngineClient Integer', iptr);
25334: ClientCount', 'Integer', iptr);
25335: DocString', 'TStringList', iptrw);
25336: ModuleName', 'Ansistr', iptrw);
25337: Errors', 'TErrors', iptrw);
25338: OnAfterInitialization', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
25339: end;
25340: end;
25342: Example:
25343: Proc initDemodll;
25344: begin //mode: eval_input, file_input
25345: try
25346: gEngine:= TPythonEngine.Create(nil);
25347: gEngine.AutoFinalize:= False;
25348: gEngine.LoadDll;
25349: gModule:= TPythonModule.Create(nil);
25350: gModule.Engine:= gEngine;
25351: gModule.ModuleName:= 'pydemodll';
25352: //gModule.AddMethod( 'add', @Add, 'add(a,b) -> a+b' );
25353: // The engine has a property, PythonEngine.InitScript:
25354: gEngine.InitScript.Add('import sys');
25355: gEngine.InitScript.Add('sys.path.insert(0, "path/to/script")');
25356: //gModule.Initialize;
25357: writeln('PythonOK: in init '+botostr(PythonOK));
25358: //gEngine.EvalStringAsStr(pycmd);
25359: except
25360: gEngine.raiseError;
25361: writeln(ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam));
25362: gEngine.Free;
25363: gModule.Free;
25364: end;

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25365: end;
25367: const LB = CR+LF;
25368: const PyModule =
25369: 'def printData(data): '+#13#10+
25370: ' return data+data+"/n"';
25372: const PYCMD = 'print("this is box")'+LB+
25373: 'import sys'+LB+
25374: 'f=open(r"C:\maXbox\maxbox3\maxbox3\maXbox3\examples\pytest2.txt","w")'+LB+
25375: 'f.write("Hello PyWorld_mX4, \n")'+LB+
25376: 'f.write("This data will be written on the file.")'+LB+
25377: 'f.close()';
25379: Proc PYLaz_P4D_Demo;
25380: //https://wiki.freepascal.org/Python4Delphi
25381: var eng : TPythonEngine;
25382: Out1: TPythonGUIInputOutput;
25383: begin
25384: eng:= TPythonEngine.Create(Nil);
25385: Out1:= TPythonGUIInputOutput.create(nil)
25386: Out1.output:= pyMemo; //debugout.output; //memo2;
25387: Out1.RawOutput:= False;
25388: Out1.UnicodeIO:= False;
25389: Out1.maxlines:= 20;
25390: out1.displaystring('this string')
25391: //eng.IO:= Out1;
25392: Out1.writeline('draw the line');
25393: eng.LoadDll;
25394: eng.IO:= Out1;
25395: if eng.IsHandleValid then begin
25396: writeln('DLLhandle: '+botostr(eng.IsHandleValid))
25397: WriteLn('evens: '+ eng.EvalStringAsStr('[x*2 for x in range(10)]'));
25398: WriteLn('gauss: '+ eng.EvalStr('sum([x for x in range(101)])')); //alias
25399: writeln('syncheck '+
25400: botostr(eng.CheckEvalSyntax('print("powers:",[x**2 for x in range(10)])')));
25401: eng.ExecString('print("powers:",[x**2 for x in range(10)])');
25402: eng.ExecString(PYCMD);
25403: writeln('ExecSynCheck2 '+
25404: botostr(eng.CheckExecSyntax(filetostring(PYSCRIPT))));
25405: eng.ExecString(filetostring(PYSCRIPT));
25406: end
25407: else writeln('invalid library handle! '+Getlasterrortext);
25408: writeln('PythonOK '+botostr(PythonOK));
25409: out1.free;
25410: //pyImport(PyModule);
25411: eng.free;
25412: end;
25414: //python template
25415: with TPythonEngine.Create(Nil) do begin
25416: pythonhome:= 'C:\Users\max\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\';
25417: try
25418: loadDLL;
25419: Println('Decimal: '+
25420: EvalStr('__import__("decimal").Decimal(0.1)'));
25421: except
25422: raiseError;
25423: finally
25424: free;
25425: end;
25427: Proc SIRegister_VarPyth(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25428: begin
25429: CL.AddTypeS('TSequenceType', '( pystTuple, pystList )');
25430: Func VarPythonCreate0( AObject : TPyObject) : Variant;');
25431: Func VarPythonCreate1( const AValue : Variant) : Variant;');
25432: Func VarPythonCreate2( const AValues: array of const; ASequenceType : TSequenceType) : Variant;');
25433: Func VarPythonEval( const APythonExpression : Ansistr) : Variant');
25434: Func VarPython : TVarType');
25435: Func VarIsPython( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25436: Func VarAsPython( const AValue : Variant) : Variant');
25437: Func ExtractPythonObjectFrom( const AValue : Variant) : TPyObject');
25438: Func VarIsSame( const A, B : Variant) :Bool');
25439: Func VarIsSameType( const A, B : Variant) :Bool');
25440: Func VarIsPythonSequence( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25441: Func VarIsPythonMapping( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25442: Func VarIsPythonNumber( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25443: Func VarIsPythonString( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25444: Func VarIsPythonInteger( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25445: Func VarIsPythonFloat( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25446: Func VarIsPythonTuple( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25447: Func VarIsPythonList( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25448: Func VarIsPythonDict( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25449: Func VarIsPythonClass( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25450: Func VarIsPythonMethod( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25451: Func VarIsPythonFunction( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25452: Func VarIsPythonModule( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25453: Func VarIsPythonCallable( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');

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25454: Func VarIsPythonIterator( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');

25455: Func VarIsPythonUnicode( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25456: Func VarIsPythonDateTime( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25457: Func VarIsPythonDate( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25458: Func VarIsPythonTime( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25459: Func VarIsPythonDateTimeDelta( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25460: Func VarIsPythonTZInfo( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25461: Func VarIsBool( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25462: Func VarIsEnum( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25463: Func VarIsInstanceOf( const AInstance, AClass : Variant) :Bool');
25464: Func VarIsSubclassOf( const ADerived, AClass : Variant) :Bool');
25465: Func VarIsSubtypeOf( const ADerived, AType : Variant) :Bool');
25466: Func VarIsNone( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25467: Func VarIsTrue( const AValue : Variant) :Bool');
25468: Func VarModuleHasObject( const AModule : Variant; aObj : Ansistr) :Bool');
25469: Func NewPythonList( const ASize : Integer) : Variant');
25470: Func NewPythonTuple( const ASize : Integer) : Variant');
25471: Func NewPythonDict : Variant');
25472: Func VarPythonAsString( AValue : Variant) :Str');
25473: Func VarPythonToVariant( AValue : Variant) : Variant');
25474: Func PyNone : Variant');
25475: Func pyEllipsis : Variant');
25476: Func pyMainModule : Variant');
25477: Func pyBuiltinModule : Variant');
25478: Func pySysModule : Variant');
25479: Func ypDatetimeModule : Variant');
25480: Func PyImport( const AModule : Ansistr) : Variant');
25481: Func pylen( const AValue : Variant) : NativeInt');
25482: Func py_type( const AValue : Variant) : Variant');
25483: Func pyiter( const AValue : Variant) : Variant');
25484: CL.AddTypeS('TVarPyEnumerator', 'record FIterator : Variant; FCurrent : Variant; end');
25485: CL.AddTypeS('TVarPyEnumerateHelper', 'record FIterable : Variant; end');
25486: Func VarPyIterate( const AValue : Variant) : TVarPyEnumerateHelper');
25487: end;
25489: Proc SIRegister_WDCCMisc(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); //WMI Delphi Code Creator
25490: begin //https://github.com/RRUZ/wmi-delphi-code-creator/tree/master/Units/Misc
25491: TProcLog', 'Proc ( const Log :Str)');
25492: Proc wdc_CaptureConsoleOutput( const lpCommandLine :Str; OutPutList : TStrings)');
25493: Proc wdc_MsgWarning( const Msg :Str)');
25494: Proc wdc_MsgInformation( const Msg :Str)');
25495: Func wdc_MsgQuestion( const Msg :Str) :Bool');
25496: Func wdc_GetFileVersion( const FileName :Str) :Str');
25497: Func wdc_GetFileDescription( const FileName :Str) :Str');
25498: Func wdc_GetTempDirectory :Str');
25499: Func wdc_GetWindowsDirectory :Str');
25500: Func wdc_GetSpecialFolder( const CSIDL : integer) :Str');
25501: Func wdc_IsWow64 :Bool');
25502: Func wdc_CopyDir( const fromDir, toDir :Str) :Bool');
25503: Proc wdc_SetGridColumnWidths( DbGrid : TDBGrid)');
25504: Func wdc_Ping( const Address :Str; Retries, BufferSize : Word; Log : TStrings) :Bool');
25505: Proc wdc_ScaleImage32( const SourceBitmap, ResizedBitmap : TBitmap; const ScaleAmount : Double)');
25506: Proc wdc_ExtractIconFile( Icon : TIcon; const FileName :Str; IconType :Card)');
25507: Proc wdc_ExtractBitmapFile( Bmp : TBitmap; const FileName :Str; IconType :Card)');
25508: Proc wdc_ExtractBitmapFile32( Bmp : TBitmap; const FileName :Str; IconType :Card)');
25509: Proc wdc_CheckForUpdates( Silent :Bool)');
25510: end;
25512: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
25513: Proc SIRegister_WDCCOleVariantEnum(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25514: begin
25515: SIRegister_IOleVariantEnum(CL);
25516: SIRegister_IGetOleVariantEnum(CL);
25517: SIRegister_TOleVariantEnum(CL);
25518: SIRegister_TOleVariantArrayEnum(CL);
25519: Func GetOleVariantEnum( Collection : OLEVariant) : IGetOleVariantEnum');
25520: Func GetOleVariantArrEnum( Collection : OLEVariant) : IGetOleVariantEnum');
25521: end;
25523: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
25524: Proc SIRegister_WDCCWinInet(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25525: begin
25526: CL.AddConstantN('WM_UWININET_THREAD_FINISHED','LongInt').SetInt( WM_USER + 669);
25527: CL.AddConstantN('WM_UWININET_THREAD_CANCELLED','LongInt').SetInt( WM_USER + 670);
25528: CL.AddTypeS('TuWinInetProcCallBack', 'Proc ( BytesRead : Integer)');
25529: SIRegister_TWinINetGetThread(CL);
25530: Func wdc_GetRemoteFileSize( const Url :Str) : Integer');
25531: Proc wdc_WinInet_HttpGet( const Url :Str; Stream : TStream; CallBack : TuWinInetProcCallBack);');
25532: Func wdc_WinInet_HttpGet2( const Url :Str; CallBack : TuWinInetProcCallBack) :Str;');
25533: Func wdc_GetWinInetError( ErrorCode :Card) :Str');
25534: end;
25536: Proc SIRegister_PythonVersions(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25537: begin
25538: SIRegister_TPythonVersion(CL);
25539: CL.AddTypeS('TPythonVersions', 'array of TPythonVersion');
25540: Func CompareVersions( A, B :Str) : Integer');
25541: Func IsEXEx64( const EXEName :Str) :Bool');
25542: Func Isx64( const FileName :Str) :Bool');

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25543: Func GetRegisteredPythonVersion( SysVersion :Str; out PythonVersion : TPythonVersion) :Bool');

25544: Func GetRegisteredPythonVersions : TPythonVersions');
25545: Func GetLatestRegisteredPythonVersion( out PythonVersion : TPythonVersion) :Bool');
25546: Func PythonVersionFromPath(const Path:str; out PythonVersion:TPythonVersion;
25547: end;
25549: Example: var pyv: TPythonVersion; pyvs:TPythonVersions;
25550: pyvs:= GetRegisteredPythonVersions;
25551: writeln(objtostr(pyv));
25552: for it:= 1 to length(pyvs)-1 do begin
25553: writeln(pyvs[it].dllname)
25554: writeln(pyvs[it].installpath)
25555: writeln(pyvs[it].PythonExecutable )
25556: writeln(pyvs[it].Version )
25557: end;
25559: Proc SIRegister_TPythonAction(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25560: begin
25561: //with RegClassS(CL,'TAction', 'TPythonAction') do
25562: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TAction'),'TPythonAction') do begin
25563: 'fRegisteredMethods', 'TList', iptrw);
25564: 'fPythonModule', 'TPythonModule', iptrw);
25565: 'fClearname', 'string', iptrw);
25566: 'fRegistername', 'string', iptrw);
25567: 'fUnregistername', 'string', iptrw);
25568: Proc ClearMethods');
25569: Constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent)');
25570: Func HandlesTarget( Target : TObject) :Bool');
25571: Func Execute :Bool');
25572: Proc UpdateTarget( Target : TObject)');
25573: Proc InitializeAction');
25574: RegisterProperty('RegisteredMethods', 'TList', iptr);
25575: RegisterProperty('PythonModule', 'TPythonModule', iptrw);
25576: end;
25577: end;
25579: //V4.7.5.90
25580: procedure SIRegister_TSingleListClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25581: begin
25582: TSingleListSortCompare
25583: = function (Item1, Item2: Single): Integer;
25584: TSingleDescriptor
25585: = function (Index:Integer;Item : Single) : string;
25587: //with RegClassS(CL,'TObject', 'TSingleListClass') do
25588: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TObject'),'TSingleListClass') do begin
25589: Constructor Create');
25590: Procedure Free;');
25591: Function Add( Item : Single) : Integer');
25592: Procedure Clear');
25593: Procedure SaveToStream( const S : TStream)');
25594: Procedure LoadFromStream( const S : TStream; const KeepCurrentSortType : Boolean)');
25595: Procedure SaveToFile( FileName : string)');
25596: Procedure LoadFromFile( FileName : string; const KeepCurrentSortType : Boolean)');
25597: Procedure Delete( Index : Integer)');
25598: Function ErrMsg( const Msg : string; Data : Integer) : string');
25599: Procedure Exchange( Index1, Index2 : Integer)');
25600: Function Expand : TSingleListClass');
25601: Function First : Single');
25602: Function IndexOf( Value : Single) : Integer');
25603: Procedure Insert( Index : Integer; Item : Single)');
25604: Function Last : Single');
25605: Procedure Move( CurIndex, NewIndex : Integer)');
25606: Function Remove( Item : Single) : Integer');
25607: Procedure Pack( NilValue : Single)');
25608: Procedure Sort( Compare : TSingleListSortCompare)');
25609: Procedure SortUp');
25610: Procedure SortDown');
25611: Procedure ShowList( StringList: TStrings; Descriptor: TSingleDescriptor; ClearIt:Boolean)');
25612: Function Minimum : Single');
25613: Function Maximum : Single');
25614: Function Range : Single');
25615: Function Sum : Extended');
25616: Function SumSqr : Extended');
25617: Function Average : Extended');
25618: Procedure CopyFrom( List : TSingleListClass; const KeepCurrentSortType : Boolean)');
25619: Procedure CopyTo( List : TSingleListClass; const KeepDestSortType : Boolean)');
25620: Procedure Push( Value : Single)');
25621: Function LifoPop( DefValue : Single) : Single');
25622: Function FifoPop( DefValue : Single) : Single');
25623: RegisterProperty('List', 'PSinglePtrList', iptr);
25624: RegisterProperty('Capacity', 'Integer', iptrw);
25625: RegisterProperty('Count', 'Integer', iptrw);
25626: RegisterProperty('Items', 'Single Integer', iptrw);
25627: SetDefaultPropery('Items');
25628: RegisterProperty('SortType', 'TSingleSortOption', iptrw);
25629: end;
25630: end;

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25632: procedure SIRegister_DoubleList4(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25633: begin
25634: CL.AddConstantN('SDoubleListVoidError','String').SetString( 'Invalid method call (empty list)!');
25635: CL.AddConstantN('SDoubleListSortError','String').SetString( 'Invalid method call (sorted list)!');
25636: //= array[0..MaxDoubleListSize - 1] of Double;
25637: // CL.AddTypeS('TDoublePtrList', 'array[0..2147417850] of Single');
25638: CL.AddTypeS('TDoublePtrList', 'array of Single');
25639: { TDoubleListSortCompare
25640: = function (Item1, Item2: Double): Integer;
25641: TDoubleDescriptor = function (Index:Integer;Item : Double) : string; }
25642: CL.AddTypeS('TDoubleListSortCompare', 'function (Item1,Item2: Double):Integer;');
25643: //TSingleDescriptor //=// function (Index:Integer;Item : Single) : string;
25644: CL.AddTypeS('TDoubleDescriptor', 'function (Index:Integer;Item : Double) : string;');
25645: CL.AddTypeS('TDoubleSortOption', '( DoubleSortNone, DoubleSortUpWithDup, Doub'
25646: +'leSortUpNoDup, DoubleSortDownWithDup, DoubleSortDownNoDup )');
25647: SIRegister_TDoubleList(CL);
25648: CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function DefDescDouble( Index : Integer; Item : Double) : string');
25649: end;
25651: procedure SIRegister_ByteListClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25652: begin
25653: CL.AddConstantN('SByteListVoidError','String').SetString( 'Invalid method call (empty list)!');
25654: CL.AddConstantN('SByteListSortError','String').SetString( 'Invalid method call (sorted list)!');
25655: CL.AddTypeS('TByteSortOption', '( ByteSortNone, ByteSortUpWithDup, ByteSortUp'
25656: +'NoDup, ByteSortDownWithDup, ByteSortDownNoDup )');
25657: CL.AddTypeS('TBytePtrList', 'array of Byte');
25658: TByteListSortCompare', 'function (Item1, Item2: Byte): Integer;');
25659: TByteDescriptor', 'function (Index:Integer;Item : Byte) : string;');
25660: SIRegister_TByteListClass(CL);
25661: CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function DefDescByte( Index : Integer; Item : Byte): string');
25662: end;
25664: procedure SIRegister_neuralplanbuilder(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25665: begin
25666: 'NeuralMaxStates2','LongInt').SetInt( 400);
25667: 'NeuralMaxPlans2','LongInt').SetInt( 100);
25668: CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralState2', 'array of byte');
25669: CL.AddTypeS('TProcPred2', Function ( var ST : array of byte; Action : byte): boolean');
25670: SIRegister_TActionStateList(CL);
25671: Procedure TVisitedStatesCopy( var A, B : TActionStateList)');
25672: SIRegister_TPlan(CL);
25673: SIRegister_TCompositePlan(CL);
25674: end;
25676: procedure SIRegister_neuralvolume(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25677: begin
25678: 'csMinAvxSize','LongInt').SetInt( 16);
25679: 'csEncodeRGB','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
25680: 'csEncodeHSV','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
25681: 'csEncodeHSL','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
25682: 'csEncodeLAB','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
25683: 'csEncodeGray','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
25684: CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralFloat', 'Single');
25685: //CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralFloatPtr', '^TNeuralFloat // will not work');
25686: //CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralFloatArrPtr', '^TNeuralFloatArr // will not work');
25687: CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralIntegerArray', 'array of integer');
25688: //CL.AddTypeS('T', 'TNeuralFloat');
25689: CL.AddTypeS('PtrInt', 'Integer');
25690: SIRegister_TNNetList(CL);
25691: SIRegister_TVolume(CL);
25692: SIRegister_TNNetVolume(CL);
25693: SIRegister_TNNetVolumePair(CL);
25694: SIRegister_TMObject(CL);
25695: SIRegister_TNNetVolumeList(CL);
25696: SIRegister_TNNetVolumePairList(CL);
25697: SIRegister_TNNetKMeans(CL);
25698: SIRegister_TNNetStringList(CL);
25699: SIRegister_TStringListInt(CL);
25700: SIRegister_TNNetDictionary(CL);
25701: Function CreateTokenizedStringList86( str : string; c : char) : TStringList;');
25702: Function CreateTokenizedStringList87( c : char) : TStringList;');
25703: Function HiperbolicTangent( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25704: Function HiperbolicTangentDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25705: Function RectifiedLinearUnit( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25706: Function RectifiedLinearUnitDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25707: Function RectifiedLinearUnitLeaky( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25708: Function RectifiedLinearUnitLeakyDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25709: Function ReLULeakyBound( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25710: Function ReLULeakyBoundDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25711: Function Sigmoid( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25712: Function SigmoidDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25713: Function Identity( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25714: Function IdentityDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25715: Function SoftmaxDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25716: Function DiffAct( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25717: Function DiffActDerivative( x : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25718: Function NeuronForceMinMax88( x, pMin, pMax : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat;');
25719: Function NeuronForceMinMax89( x, pMin, pMax : integer) : integer;');

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25720: Function NeuronForceRange( x, range : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');

25721: Function NeuronForceMinRange( x, range : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25722: Procedure rgb2hsv( r, g, b : TNeuralFloat; var h, s, v : TNeuralFloat)');
25723: Procedure hsv2rgb( h, s, v : TNeuralFloat; var r, g, b : TNeuralFloat)');
25724: Function hue2rgb( p, q, t : TNeuralFloat) : TNeuralFloat');
25725: Procedure rgb2hsl( r, g, b : TNeuralFloat; var h, s, l : TNeuralFloat)');
25726: Procedure hsl2rgb( h, s, l : TNeuralFloat; var r, g, b : TNeuralFloat)');
25727: Procedure lab2rgb( l, a, b : TNeuralFloat; var r, g, bb : TNeuralFloat)');
25728: Procedure rgb2lab( r, g, b : TNeuralFloat; var l, a, bb : TNeuralFloat)');
25729: Function RoundAsByte( x : TNeuralFloat) : byte');
25730: Function CompareStringListIntegerAsc( List : TStringList; Index1, Index2 : Integer) : Integer');
25731: Function CompareStringListIntegerDesc( List : TStringList; Index1, Index2 : Integer) : Integer');
25732: Function CompareNNetVolumeListAsc( const Item1, Item2 : TNNetVolume) : Integer');
25733: Function CompareNNetVolumeListDesc( const Item1, Item2 : TNNetVolume) : Integer');
25734: Function NeuralFloatToStr( V : TNeuralFloat) : string');
25735: Function NeuralStrToFloat( V : String) : TNeuralFloat');
25736: Procedure TestTNNetVolume( )'); //messagedialog!
25737: Procedure TestKMeans2( )'); //unattendend
25738: end;
25740: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
25741: procedure SIRegister_neuralvolumev(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25742: begin
25743: Procedure SaveHandleToBitmap( OutputFileName : string; hWnd : HWND)');
25744: Procedure LoadVolumeIntoTImage( V : TNNetVolume; Image : TImage; color_encoding : integer)');
25745: Procedure LoadRGBVolumeIntoTImage( V : TNNetVolume; Image : TImage)');
25746: Procedure LoadPictureIntoVolume( LocalPicture : TPicture; Vol : TNNetVolume)');
25747: Procedure LoadBitmapIntoVolume( LocalBitmap : TBitmap; Vol : TNNetVolume)');
25748: Procedure LoadImageFromFileIntoVolume( ImageFileName : string; V : TNNetVolume)');
25749: end;
25751: function GetSmallestIdxInRange(StartPos, Len: integer): integer;');
25752: function GetValueCount(Value: T): integer;');
25753: GetParentProcessName2;
25754: GetParentProcessName2
25755: writeln('GetParentProcessName2: '+GetProcessName(GetParentProcessID(getprocessID)));
25756: Function DefDescByte( Index : Integer; Item : Byte) : string');
25757: function NumStringParts(SourceStr,Delimiter:String):Integer');
25758: function GetStringPart(SourceStr,Delimiter:String;Num:Integer):string');
25759: Function InverseCompareResult( const C : TCompareResult) : TCompareResult');
25761: function GetWindowProcessID(const Wnd: Windows.HWND): Windows.DWORD;
25762: var
25763: GetWindowThreadProcessId: function(Wnd: Windows.HWND; // API fn prototype
25764: lpdwProcessId: Windows.PDWORD): Windows.DWORD; stdcall;
25765: begin
25766: // We load the API function explicitly to make the routine compatible with as
25767: // many compilers as possible: the definition of GetWindowThreadProcessId in
25768: // Delphi and FreePascal Windows units varies across compilers
25769: GetWindowThreadProcessId := GetProcAddress(
25770: GetModuleHandle('user32.dll'), 'GetWindowThreadProcessId' );
25771: if Assigned(GetWindowThreadProcessId) and Windows.IsWindow(Wnd) then
25772: GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd, @Result)
25773: else
25774: Result := Windows.DWORD(-1);
25775: end;
25778: Procedure TestVectorClassExtended - type TInt64Array = TInt64ArrayClass;
25780: procedure SIRegister_TVectorClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25781: begin
25782: //with RegClassS(CL,'TVectorBaseArray', 'TVectorClass') do
25783: //with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TVectorBaseArray'),'TVectorClass') do
25784: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TExtendedArray'),'TVectorClass') do begin
25785: Function CreateInstance : AType');
25786: Procedure Add( const V : MFloat);');
25787: Procedure Add1( const V : PMFloat; const Count : Integer);');
25788: Procedure Add2( const V : PInt64; const Count : Integer);');
25789: Procedure Add3( const V : MFloatArray);');
25790: Procedure Add4( const V : Int64Array);');
25791: Procedure Add5( const V : TVectorBaseArray);');
25792: Procedure Add6( const V : TInt64Array);');
25793: Procedure Add7( const V : TObject);');
25794: Procedure Subtract8( const V : MFloat);');
25795: Procedure Subtract9( const V : PMFloat; const Count : Integer);');
25796: Procedure Subtract10( const V : PInt64; const Count : Integer);');
25797: Procedure Subtract11( const V : MFloatArray);');
25798: Procedure Subtract12( const V : Int64Array);');
25799: Procedure Subtract13( const V : TVectorBaseArray);');
25800: Procedure Subtract14( const V : TInt64Array);');
25801: Procedure Subtract15( const V : TObject);');
25802: Procedure Multiply16( const V : MFloat);');
25803: Procedure Multiply17( const V : PMFloat; const Count : Integer);');
25804: Procedure Multiply18( const V : PInt64; const Count : Integer);');
25805: Procedure Multiply19( const V : MFloatArray);');
25806: Procedure Multiply20( const V : Int64Array);');
25807: Procedure Multiply21( const V : TVectorBaseArray);');
25808: Procedure Multiply22( const V : TInt64Array);');

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25809: Procedure Multiply23( const V : TObject);');

25810: Function DotProduct24( const V : PMFloat; const Count : Integer): MFloat;');
25811: Function DotProduct25( const V : PInt64; const Count : Integer) : MFloat;');
25812: Function DotProduct26( const V : MFloatArray) : MFloat;');
25813: Function DotProduct27( const V : Int64Array) : MFloat;');
25814: Function DotProduct28( const V : TVectorBaseArray) : MFloat;');
25815: Function DotProduct29( const V : TInt64Array) : MFloat;');
25816: Function DotProduct30( const V : TObject) : MFloat;');
25817: Function Norm : MFloat');
25818: Function Min : MFloat');
25819: Function Max : MFloat');
25820: Function Range( var Min, Max : MFloat) : MFloat');
25821: Function IsZero( const CompareDelta : MFloat) : Boolean');
25822: Function HasZero( const CompareDelta : MFloat) : Boolean');
25823: Function HasNegative : Boolean');
25824: Procedure Normalize');
25825: Procedure Negate');
25826: Procedure ValuesInvert');
25827: Procedure ValuesSqr');
25828: Procedure ValuesSqrt');
25829: Function Sum : MFloat');
25830: Function SumOfSquares : MFloat');
25831: Procedure SumAndSquares( out Sum, SumOfSquares : MFloat)');
25832: Procedure SumAndCubes( out Sum, SumOfSquares, SumOfCubes : MFloat)');
25833: Procedure SumAndQuads( out Sum, SumOfSquares, SumOfCubes, SumOfQuads : MFloat)');
25834: Function WeightedSum( const Weights : TVector) : MFloat');
25835: Function Mean : MFloat');
25836: Function HarmonicMean : MFloat');
25837: Function GeometricMean : MFloat');
25838: Function Median : MFloat');
25839: Function Mode : MFloat');
25840: Function Variance : MFloat');
25841: Function StdDev( var Mean : MFloat) : MFloat');
25842: Function PopulationVariance : MFloat');
25843: Function PopulationStdDev : MFloat');
25844: Function M1 : MFloat');
25845: Function M2 : MFloat');
25846: Function M3 : MFloat');
25847: Function M4 : MFloat');
25848: Function Skew : MFloat');
25849: Function Kurtosis : MFloat');
25850: Function Product : MFloat');
25851: Function Angle( const V : TVector) : MFloat');
25852: end;
25853: end;
25855: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
25856: procedure SIRegister_TInt64ArrayClass(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); BigDataClass
25857: begin
25858: //with RegClassS(CL,'AInt64Array', 'TInt64ArrayClass') do
25859: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('AInt64Array'),'TInt64ArrayClass') do begin
25860: Constructor Create( const V : Int64Array)');
25861: Procedure ExchangeItems( const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer)');
25862: Function DuplicateRange( const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray');
25863: Procedure Delete( const Idx : Integer; const ACount : Integer)');
25864: Procedure Insert( const Idx : Integer; const ACount : Integer)');
25865: Procedure Assign1( const V : Int64Array);');
25866: Procedure Assign2( const V : array of Int64);');
25867: Function AppendItem( const Value : Int64) : Integer');
25868: ('Data', 'Int64Array', iptrw);
25869: RegisterProperty('Count', 'Integer', iptrw);
25870: end;
25871: end;
25873: procedure SIRegister_TExtendedArray(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25874: begin
25875: //with RegClassS(CL,'AExtendedArray', 'TExtendedArray') do
25876: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('AExtendedArray'),'TExtendedArray') do begin
25877: Constructor Create( const V : ExtendedArray)');
25878: //RegisterMethod('Procedure Free;');
25879: Procedure Assign( const Source : TObject);');
25880: Procedure ExchangeItems( const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer)');
25881: Function DuplicateRange( const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray');
25882: Procedure Delete( const Idx : Integer; const ACount : Integer)');
25883: Procedure Insert( const Idx : Integer; const ACount : Integer)');
25884: Procedure Assign2( const V : ExtendedArray)');
25885: //RegisterMethod('Procedure Assign( const V : array of Extended)');
25886: Function AppendItem( const Value : Extended) : Integer');
25887: RegisterProperty('Data', 'ExtendedArray', iptrw);
25888: RegisterProperty('Count', 'Integer', iptrw);
25889: end;
25890: end;
25892: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
25893: procedure SIRegister_neuraldatasets(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25894: begin
25895: TTinyImageChannel','array [0..31] of array[0..31] of byte; ');
25896: TTinyImageChannel1D','array [0..32 * 32 - 1] of byte; ');
25897: TMNistImage','array [0..27] of array[0..27] of byte; ');

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25898: //TTinyImageChannel1D = packed array [0..32 * 32 - 1] of byte;

25899: //TMNistImage = packed array [0..27, 0..27] of byte;
25900: TTinyImage', 'record bLabel : byte; R : TTinyImageChannel; G : T'
25901: +'TinyImageChannel; B : TTinyImageChannel; end');
25902: TCifar100Image', 'record bCoarseLabel : byte; bFineLabel : byte;'
25903: +' R : TTinyImageChannel; G : TTinyImageChannel; B : TTinyImageChannel; end');
25904: TTinySingleChannelImage', 'record bLabel : byte; Grey : TTinyImageChannel; end');
25905: TTinySingleChannelImage1D', 'record bLabel : byte; Grey : TTinyImageChannel1D; end');
25906: //CL.AddTypeS('TTinySingleChannelImagePtr', '^TTinySingleChannelImage // will not work');
25907: //CL.AddTypeS('TTinySingleChannelImage1DPtr', '^TTinySingleChannelImage1D // will not work');
25908: SIRegister_TFileNameList(CL);
25909: SIRegister_TClassesAndElements(CL);
25910: Procedure CreateVolumesFromImagesFromFolder(out ImgTrainingVolumes,ImgValidationVolumes,
25911: 'NewSizeX:integer;NewSizeY:integer)');
25912: Procedure CreateFileNameListsFromImagesFromFolder( out TrainingFileNames, ValidationFileNames,
TestFileNames : TFileNameList; FolderName, pImageSubFolder : string; TrainingProp, ValidationProp,
TestProp : single)');
25913: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure LoadImageIntoVolume( M : TFPMemoryImage; Vol : TNNetVolume)');
25914: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure LoadVolumeIntoImage( Vol : TNNetVolume; M : TFPMemoryImage)');
25915: Function LoadImageFromFileIntoVolume( ImageFileName : string; V : TNNetVolume) : boolean');
25916: Function SaveImageFromVolumeIntoFile( V : TNNetVolume; ImageFileName : string) : boolean');
25917: Procedure ConfusionWriteCSVHeader( var CSVConfusion : TextFile; Labels : array of string)');
25918: Procedure ConfusionWriteCSV( var CSVConfusion : TextFile; Vol : TNNetVolume; Digits : integer)');
25919: Procedure LoadTinyImageIntoNNetVolume1( var TI : TTinyImage; Vol : TNNetVolume);');
25920: Procedure LoadTinyImageIntoNNetVolume2( var TI : TCifar100Image; Vol : TNNetVolume);');
25921: Procedure LoadTinyImageIntoNNetVolume3( var TI : TMNistImage; Vol : TNNetVolume);');
25922: Procedure LoadNNetVolumeIntoTinyImage4( Vol : TNNetVolume; var TI : TTinyImage);');
25923: Procedure LoadNNetVolumeIntoTinyImage5( Vol : TNNetVolume; var TI : TCifar100Image);');
25924: Procedure LoadTinySingleChannelIntoNNetVolume( var SC : TTinySingleChannelImage; Vol : TNNetVolume)');
25925: Procedure TinyImageCreateGrey( var TI : TTinyImage; var TIGrey : TTinySingleChannelImage)');
25926: Procedure TinyImageHE( var TI, TIHE : TTinySingleChannelImage)');
25927: Procedure TinyImageVE( var TI, TIVE : TTinySingleChannelImage)');
25928: Procedure TinyImageRemoveZeroGradient( var TI : TTinySingleChannelImage; distance : byte)');
25929: Procedure TinyImageHVE( var TI, TIHE : TTinySingleChannelImage)');
25930: Function TinyImageTo1D( var TI : TTinySingleChannelImage) : TTinySingleChannelImage1D');
25931: Procedure CreateCifar10Volumes(out ImgTrainingVolumes,ImgValidationVolumes,
ImgTestVolumes:TNNetVolumeList;color_encoding: byte)');
25932: Procedure CreateCifar100Volumes(out ImgTrainingVolumes,ImgValidationVolumes,
ImgTestVolumes:TNNetVolumeList;color_encoding:byte;Verbose :bool;
25933: Procedure CreateMNISTVolumes( out ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes :
TNNetVolumeList; TrainFileName, TestFileName : string; Verbose : boolean; IsFashion : boolean)');
25934: Procedure loadCifar10Dataset6(ImgVolumes:TNNetVolumeList;idx:integer;base_pos:
25935: Procedure
25936: Procedure loadCifar100Dataset(ImgVolumes TNNetVolumeList;fileName: string; color_encoding : byte; Verbose
: boolean)');
25937: Procedure
25938: Function CheckCIFARFile( ) : boolean');
25939: Function CheckCIFAR100File( ) : boolean');
25940: Function CheckMNISTFile( fileName : string; IsFasion : boolean) : boolean');
25941: Procedure TestBatch(NN TNNet;ImgVolumes:TNNetVolumeList;SampleSize:integer;out Rate,Loss,
25942: Procedure TranslateCifar10VolumesToMachineAnimal( VolumeList : TNNetVolumeList)');
25943: Function SwapEndian( I : integer) : integer');
25944: end;
25946: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
25947: procedure SIRegister_neuralnetworkCAI(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
25948: begin
25949: CL.AddConstantN('csMaxInterleavedSize','integer').SetInt( 95);
25950: CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralFloatDynArr', 'array of TNeuralFloat');
25951: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNet');
25952: SIRegister_TNNetNeuron(CL);
25953: SIRegister_TNNetNeuronList(CL);
25954: CL.AddConstantN('csNNetMaxParameterIdx','LongInt').SetInt( 7);
25955: SIRegister_TNNetLayer(CL);
25956: //CL.AddTypeS('TNNetLayerClass', 'class of TNNetLayer');
25957: SIRegister_TNNetLayerConcatedWeights(CL);
25958: SIRegister_TNNetLayerList(CL);
25959: SIRegister_TNNetInputBase(CL);
25960: SIRegister_TNNetInput(CL);
25961: SIRegister_TNNetIdentity(CL);
25962: SIRegister_TNNetPad(CL);
25963: SIRegister_TNNetIdentityWithoutL2(CL);
25964: SIRegister_TNNetIdentityWithoutBackprop(CL);
25965: //CL.AddTypeS('TNNetActivationFunctionClass', 'class of TNNetIdentity');
25966: SIRegister_TNNetReLUBase(CL);
25967: SIRegister_TNNetDigital(CL);
25968: SIRegister_TNNetReLU(CL);
25969: SIRegister_TNNetReLUL(CL);
25970: SIRegister_TNNetSELU(CL);
25971: SIRegister_TNNetSwish(CL);
25972: SIRegister_TNNetReLUSqrt(CL);
25973: SIRegister_TNNetPower(CL);
25974: SIRegister_TNNetLeakyReLU(CL);

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25975: SIRegister_TNNetVeryLeakyReLU(CL);
25976: SIRegister_TNNetSigmoid(CL);
25977: SIRegister_TNNetHyperbolicTangent(CL);
25978: SIRegister_TNNetMulLearning(CL);
25979: SIRegister_TNNetMulByConstant(CL);
25980: SIRegister_TNNetNegate(CL);
25981: SIRegister_TNNetAddAndDiv(CL);
25982: SIRegister_TNNetAddNoiseBase(CL);
25983: SIRegister_TNNetDropout(CL);
25984: SIRegister_TNNetRandomMulAdd(CL);
25985: SIRegister_TNNetChannelRandomMulAdd(CL);
25986: SIRegister_TNNetLayerMaxNormalization(CL);
25987: SIRegister_TNNetLayerStdNormalization(CL);
25988: SIRegister_TNNetMovingStdNormalization(CL);
25989: SIRegister_TNNetChannelTransformBase(CL);
25990: SIRegister_TNNetChannelShiftBase(CL);
25991: SIRegister_TNNetChannelBias(CL);
25992: SIRegister_TNNetChannelMul(CL);
25993: SIRegister_TNNetChannelMulByLayer(CL);
25994: SIRegister_TNNetCellMulByCell(CL);
25995: SIRegister_TNNetCellBias(CL);
25996: SIRegister_TNNetCellMul(CL);
25997: SIRegister_TNNetChannelZeroCenter(CL);
25998: SIRegister_TNNetChannelStdNormalization(CL);
25999: SIRegister_TNNetLocalResponseNorm2D(CL);
26000: SIRegister_TNNetInterleaveChannels(CL);
26001: SIRegister_TNNetLocalResponseNormDepth(CL);
26002: SIRegister_TNNetReshape(CL);
26003: SIRegister_TNNetConcatBase(CL);
26004: SIRegister_TNNetConcat(CL);
26005: SIRegister_TNNetDeepConcat(CL);
26006: SIRegister_TNNetSum(CL);
26007: SIRegister_TNNetSplitChannels(CL);
26008: SIRegister_TNNetSplitChannelEvery(CL);
26009: SIRegister_TNNetFullConnect(CL);
26010: //CL.AddTypeS('TNNetFullConnectClass', 'class of TNNetFullConnect');
26011: SIRegister_TNNetFullConnectLinear(CL);
26012: SIRegister_TNNetFullConnectSigmoid(CL);
26013: SIRegister_TNNetFullConnectReLU(CL);
26014: SIRegister_TNNetFullConnectDiff(CL);
26015: SIRegister_TNNetSoftMax(CL);
26016: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNetLayerFullConnect');
26017: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNetLayerFullConnectReLU');
26018: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNetLayerSoftMax');
26019: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNetDense');
26020: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNetDenseReLU');
26021: SIRegister_TNNetConvolutionAbstract(CL);
26022: SIRegister_TNNetDepthwiseConv(CL);
26023: SIRegister_TNNetDepthwiseConvLinear(CL);
26024: SIRegister_TNNetDepthwiseConvReLU(CL);
26025: SIRegister_TNNetConvolutionBase(CL);
26026: //CL.AddTypeS('TNNetConvolutionClass', 'class of TNNetConvolutionBase');
26027: SIRegister_TNNetGroupedConvolutionLinear(CL);
26028: SIRegister_TNNetGroupedConvolutionReLU(CL);
26029: SIRegister_TNNetGroupedPointwiseConvLinear(CL);
26030: //CL.AddTypeS('TNNetGroupedPointwiseConvClass', 'class of TNNetGroupedPointwiseConvLinear');
26031: SIRegister_TNNetGroupedPointwiseConvReLU(CL);
26032: SIRegister_TNNetConvolution(CL);
26033: SIRegister_TNNetConvolutionSharedWeights(CL);
26034: SIRegister_TNNetConvolutionLinear(CL);
26035: SIRegister_TNNetConvolutionReLU(CL);
26036: SIRegister_TNNetPointwiseConv(CL);
26037: SIRegister_TNNetPointwiseConvLinear(CL);
26038: SIRegister_TNNetPointwiseConvReLU(CL);
26039: SIRegister_TNNetDeconvolution(CL);
26040: SIRegister_TNNetDeconvolutionReLU(CL);
26041: SIRegister_TNNetLocalConnect(CL);
26042: SIRegister_TNNetLocalProduct(CL);
26043: SIRegister_TNNetDeLocalConnect(CL);
26044: SIRegister_TNNetLocalConnectReLU(CL);
26045: SIRegister_TNNetDeLocalConnectReLU(CL);
26046: SIRegister_TNNetPoolBase(CL);
26047: SIRegister_TNNetMaxPool(CL);
26048: SIRegister_TNNetMaxPoolPortable(CL);
26049: SIRegister_TNNetMinPool(CL);
26050: SIRegister_TNNetMaxChannel(CL);
26051: SIRegister_TNNetMinChannel(CL);
26052: SIRegister_TNNetAvgPool(CL);
26053: SIRegister_TNNetAvgChannel(CL);
26054: SIRegister_TNNetDeMaxPool(CL);
26055: SIRegister_TNNetUpsample(CL);
26056: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TNNetDeAvgPool');
26057: SIRegister_TNNet(CL);
26058: SIRegister_THistoricalNets(CL);
26059: SIRegister_TNNetDataParallelism(CL);
26060: SIRegister_TNNetByteProcessing(CL);
26061: SIRegister_TNNetForByteProcessing(CL);
26062: SIRegister_TBytePredictionViaNNet(CL);
26063: SIRegister_TEasyBytePredictionViaNNet(CL);

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26064: Procedure CompareComputing( NN1, NN2 : TNNet)');

26065: Procedure CompareNNStructure( NN, NN2 : TNNet)');
26066: Procedure TestConvolutionAPI( )');
26067: Procedure TestDataParallelism( NN : TNNet)');
26068: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure
26069: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure
26070: Procedure RebuildPatternOnPreviousPatterns( Calculated : TNNetVolume; LocalWeight : TNNetVolume;
PrevLayer : TNNetNeuronList; PrevStride : integer; ReLU : boolean; Threshold : TNeuralFloat)');
26071: Procedure RebuildNeuronListOnPreviousPatterns( CalculatedLayer : TNNetNeuronList; CurrentLayer, PrevLayer
: TNNetNeuronList; PrevStride : integer; ReLU : boolean; Threshold : TNeuralFloat)');
26072: end;
26074: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
26075: procedure SIRegister_neuralfit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26076: begin
26077: TCustomLearningRateScheduleObjFn', 'Function ( Epoch : integer) : single');
26078: TMultiThreadProcItem', 'TObject');
26079: SIRegister_TNeuralFitBase(CL);
26080: SIRegister_TNeuralFitWithImageBase(CL);
26081: TNNetDataAugmentationFn', 'Procedure ( pInput : TNNetVolume; ThreadId : integer)');
26082: TNNetLossFn', 'Function ( ExpectedOutput, FoundOutput : TNNetVolume; ThreadId : integer) :
26083: TNNetGetPairFn', 'Function ( Idx : integer; ThreadId : integer) : TNNetVolumePair');
26084: TNNetGet2VolumesProc', 'Procedure ( Idx : integer; ThreadId : integer; pInput, pOutput : TNNetVolume)');
26085: SIRegister_TNeuralDataLoadingFit(CL);
26086: SIRegister_TNeuralFit(CL);
26087: SIRegister_TNeuralImageLoadingFit(CL);
26088: SIRegister_TNeuralImageFit(CL);
26089: Function MonopolarCompare( A, B : TNNetVolume; ThreadId : integer) : boolean');
26090: Function BipolarCompare( A, B : TNNetVolume; ThreadId : integer) : boolean');
26091: Function BipolarCompare99( A, B : TNNetVolume; ThreadId : integer) : boolean');
26092: Function ClassCompare( A, B : TNNetVolume; ThreadId : integer) : boolean');
26093: end;
26095: procedure SIRegister_neuralgeneric(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26096: begin
26097: SIRegister_TIncDec(CL);
26098: SIRegister_TRandom(CL);
26099: Function MaxSingle2( x, y : single) : single');
26100: Function GetMaxDivisor( x, acceptableMax : integer) : integer');
26101: Function GetMaxAcceptableCommonDivisor( a, b : integer; max_acceptable : integer) : integer');
26102: end;
26104: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
26105: procedure SIRegister_neuraldatasetsv(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26106: begin
26107: TImageDynArr', 'array of TImage');
26108: TLabelDynArr', 'array of TLabel');
26109: Procedure LoadTinyImageIntoTImage( var TI : TTinyImage; var Image : TImage)');
26110: Procedure LoadTISingleChannelIntoImage( var TI : TTinySingleChannelImage; var Image : TImage)');
26111: Procedure ShowNeurons(pNeuronList:TNNetNeuronList;var pImage:TImageDynArr;startImage,filterSize,
26112: Procedure CreateAscentImages(GrBoxNeurons: TGroupBox; var pImage: TImageDynArr; var pLabelX, pLabelY:
TLabelDynArr; ImagesNum : integer; inputSize, displaySize, imagesPerRow : integer)');
26113: Procedure CreateNeuronImages(GrBoxNeurons: TGroupBox; var pImage: TImageDynArr; var pLabelX, pLabelY:
TLabelDynArr; pNeuronList : TNNetNeuronList; filterSize, imagesPerRow, NeuronNum : integer)');
26114: Procedure FreeNeuronImages( var pImage : TImageDynArr; var pLabelX, pLabelY : TLabelDynArr)');
26115: Procedure LoadNNLayersIntoCombo( NN : TNNet; Combo : TComboBox)');
26116: end;
26118: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
26119: procedure SIRegister_flcFloats(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26120: begin
26121: Function flcDoubleMin( const A, B : Double) : Double');
26122: Function flcDoubleMax( const A, B : Double) : Double');
26123: Function flcExtendedMin( const A, B : Extended) : Extended');
26124: Function flcExtendedMax( const A, B : Extended) : Extended');
26125: Function flcFloatMin( const A, B : Float) : Float');
26126: Function flcFloatMax( const A, B : Float) : Float');
26127: Function flcFloatClip( const Value : Float; const Low, High : Float) : Float');
26128: Function flcInSingleRange( const A : Float) : Boolean');
26129: Function flcInDoubleRange( const A : Float) : Boolean');
26130: Function flcInCurrencyRange0( const A : Float) : Boolean;');
26131: Function flcInCurrencyRange1( const A : Int64) : Boolean;');
26132: Function flcExtendedExponentBase2( const A : Extended; var Exponent : Integer) : Boolean');
26133: Function flcExtendedExponentBase10( const A : Extended; var Exponent : Integer) : Boolean');
26134: Function flcExtendedIsInfinity( const A : Extended) : Boolean');
26135: Function flcExtendedIsNaN( const A : Extended) : Boolean');
26136: CL.AddConstantN('flcSingleCompareDelta','Extended').setExtended( 1.0E-34);
26137: flcDoubleCompareDelta','Extended').setExtended( 1.0E-280);
26138: ExtendedCompareDelta','').SetString( DoubleCompareDelta);
26139: flcExtendedCompareDelta','Extended').setExtended( 1.0E-4400);
26140: DefaultCompareDelta','').SetString( SingleCompareDelta);
26141: Function flcFloatZero( const A : Float; const CompareDelta : Float) : Boolean');
26142: Function flcFloatOne( const A : Float; const CompareDelta : Float) : Boolean');
26143: Function flcFloatsEqual( const A, B : Float; const CompareDelta : Float) : Boolean');
26144: Function flcFloatsCompare( const A, B : Float; const CompareDelta : Float) : TCompareResult');

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26145: flcSingleCompareEpsilon','Extended).setExtended( 1.0E-5);

26146: flcDoubleCompareEpsilon','Extended).setExtended( 1.0E-13);
26147: flcExtendedCompareEpsilon','Extended).setExtended( 1.0E-17);
26148: flcDefaultCompareEpsilon','Extended').setExtended( 1.0E-10);
26149: Function flcExtendedApproxEqual( const A, B : Extended; const CompareEpsilon : Double): Boolean');
26150: Function flcExtendedApproxCompare( const A, B : Extended; const CompareEpsilon Double): TCompareResult');
26151: Function flcDoubleApproxEqual( const A, B : Double; const CompareEpsilon : Double): Boolean');
26152: Function flcDoubleApproxCompare(const A,B: Double; const CompareEpsilon: Double): TCompareResult');
26153: Function flcFloatApproxEqual( const A, B : Float; const CompareEpsilon : Float): Boolean');
26154: Function flcFloatApproxCompare( const A, B : Float; const CompareEpsilon : Float): TCompareResult');
26155: Function flcFloatToStringA(const A : Float) : AnsiString');
26156: Function flcFloatToStringB(const A : Float) : RawByteString');
26157: Function flcFloatToStringU(const A : Float) : UnicodeString');
26158: Function flcFloatToString(const A : Float) : String');
26159: Function flcTryStringToFloatB(const A : RawByteString; out B : Float) : Boolean');
26160: Function flcTryStringToFloatU(const A : UnicodeString; out B : Float) : Boolean');
26161: Function flcTryStringToFloat(const A : String; out B : Float) : Boolean');
26162: Function flcStringToFloatB(const A : RawByteString) : Float');
26163: Function flcStringToFloatU(const A : UnicodeString) : Float');
26164: Function flcStringToFloat(const A : String) : Float');
26165: Function flcStringToFloatDefB(const A : RawByteString; const Default : Float): Float');
26166: Function flcStringToFloatDefU(const A : UnicodeString; const Default : Float): Float');
26167: Function flcStringToFloatDef(const A : String; const Default : Float) : Float');
26168: Procedure FLCFloatStringTest');
26169: Procedure FLCFloatTest');
26170: end;
26172: procedure SIRegister_neuralthread(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26173: begin
26174: CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralProc', 'Procedure ( index, threadnum : integer)');
26175: SIRegister_TNeuralThread(CL);
26176: SIRegister_TNeuralThreadList(CL);
26177: Procedure NeuralThreadListCreate( pSize : integer)');
26178: Procedure NeuralThreadListFree( )');
26179: Function fNTL : TNeuralThreadList');
26180: Procedure CreateNeuralThreadListIfRequired( )');
26181: Function NeuralDefaultThreadCount : integer');
26182: Procedure NeuralInitCriticalSection( var pCritSec : TRTLCriticalSection)');
26183: Procedure NeuralDoneCriticalSection( var pCritSec : TRTLCriticalSection)');
26184: Procedure InitCriticalSection( var pCritSec : TRTLCriticalSection)');
26185: Procedure DoneCriticalSection( var pCritSec : TRTLCriticalSection)');
26186: Function neuralGetProcessId( ) : integer');
26187: end;
26189: procedure SIRegister_uSysTools(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26190: begin
26191: Function usGetRegExFileList(APath: String; APattern:String; ASubDirs : Boolean; AResultList : TStrings;
AAttributes : Integer; AWithPath: Boolean; APathPattern: String) : Integer');
26192: Procedure usFindFileInPaths(const AFileName:String;const ASearchPaths:String;AMinimumFileSize:Int64;const
26193: Procedure usPrintWindow( Wnd : HWND; ATo : TBitmap)');
26194: Function usGetWindowByClassTree( const AClassTree: TStringList; AParent:HWND;
26195: Function usGetTempFile( AExtension : String) : String');
26196: Function usDeleteFileToWasteBin( AFileName : string) : boolean');
26197: Function usExpandEnvVars( AInputString : String) : String');
26198: Function usFileSize( AFileName : String) : Int64');
26199: Function usIsMultiprocessor : Boolean');
26200: Function usProcessorCount : Cardinal');
26201: Function usIsAdmin : Boolean');
26202: Function usMultipleStringReplace(AString:String;AOldPatterns,ANewPatterns:array of
String;AFlags:TReplaceFlags) :String;
26203: Function usMakeFileName( ADesiredFName : String) : String');
26204: Function usIsLike( AString, APattern : String) : Boolean');
26205: Function usVarRecToVariant( AValue : TVarRec) : Variant');
26206: Function usVariantToTypedVarRec( const Item : Variant; VarType : TVarType) : TVarRec');
26207: Function usVariantToVarRec( const Item : Variant) : TVarRec');
26208: Procedure usFinalizeVarRec( var Item : TVarRec)');
26209: Function usGetWindowText( wnd : HWND) : WideString');
26210: Procedure usSetWindowText( wnd : HWND; txt : WideString)');
26211: Function usMultipleWideStringReplace(AString:WideString;AOldPatterns,ANewPatterns:array of
WideString;AFlags: TReplaceFlags):WideString');
26212: Procedure usAcceptNumericOnly( var Key : Char; Comma : Boolean)');
26213: Function usSameGUID( AGUID1, AGUID2 : TGUID) : Boolean');
26214: Function usIsBitSet( AValue : Integer; ABitIndex : Byte) : Boolean');
26215: Function usClientToScreen( AWindow : HWND; var APoint : TPoint) : Boolean');
26216: Function usGetDataObjectFromFileList( const Directory : string; Files : TStrings) : IDataObject');
26217: Function usGetDataObjectFromFile( const Directory : string; AFile : String) : IDataObject');
26218: Function usGetFileListFromDataObject( const DataObject : IDataObject; Files : TStrings) : Integer');
26219: Function usKeyPressed( AKey : Smallint) : Boolean;');
26220: Function usKeyPressed1( AKey : Byte) : Boolean;');
26221: Function usKeyToogled( AKey : Smallint) : Boolean;');
26222: Function usKeyToogled1( AKey : Byte) : Boolean;');
26223: Function usGetShellFolder(CSIDL : integer) : string');
26224: end;
26226: function SerializeStream(const AStream : TStream) : String;
26227: procedure DeserializeToStream(const Data : String; const AStream : TStream);
26228: procedure ReplaceImageInImageList(FromImageList: TImageList; FromIndex: Integer;

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26229: ToImageList: TImageList; ToIndex: Integer);

26230: Function GetSIDStringFromUser( AUsername : AnsiString; AServerName : AnsiString) : String');
26232: TestConvolutionAPI(); procedure TestBackProp(); //> 1.5 GByte MemoryTest
26233: https://github.com/ariaghora/noe
26234: https://github.com/Fr0sT-Brutal/awesome-pascal#machine-learning
26235: https://github.com/TheUnknownOnes/theunknownones/tree/master/Libraries/PascalScriptAddons
26237: procedure SIRegister_URungeKutta4(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26238: begin
26239: CL.AddConstantN('maxfuncs2','LongInt').SetInt( 10);
26240: //CL.AddTypeS('float', 'extended');
26241: CL.AddTypeS('TUserFunction2', 'Function ( T, X, XPrime : double) : double');
26242: TUserCallBackFunction2', 'Function ( T, X, XPrime : double) : Boolean');
26243: TNData2', 'record X : double; xPrime : double; end');
26244: TNvector2', 'array[0..maxfuncs2] of TNData2;');
26245: // TFuncVect = array[1..MaxFuncs] of TUserFunctionV;
26246: // TNvector = array[0..maxfuncs] of TNData;
26247: TUserFunctionV2', 'Function ( V : TNVector2) : double');
26248: TFuncVect2', 'array[1..MaxFuncs2] of TUserFunctionV2;');
26249: TUserCallbackFunctionV2', 'Function ( V : TNVector2) : boolean');
26250: Procedure
ReturnInterval:double;CalcInterval:double;var Error:byte;UserFunc:TUserFunctionV2;UserCallBack:
26251: Procedure RungeKutta2ndOrderIC_System2(LowerLimit:double; UpperLimit: double; InitialValues : TNVector2;
ReturnInterval: double; CalcInterval: double; var Error: byte; NumEquations: Integer; Vector: TFuncVect2;
UserCallBack: TUserCallbackFunctionV2)');
26252: end;
26254: procedure SIRegister_OverbyteIcsUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26255: begin
26256: CL.AddTypeS('TIcsDbcsLeadBytes', 'TSysCharset');
26257: 'MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000008);
26258: 'WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS','LongWord').SetUInt( $80);
26259: CP_UTF16','LongInt').SetInt( 1200);
26260: CP_UTF16Be','LongInt').SetInt( 1201);
26261: CP_UTF32','LongInt').SetInt( 12000);
26262: CP_UTF32Be','LongInt').SetInt( 12001);
26263: TOBJECT'),'EIcsStringConvertError');
26264: TCharsetDetectResult', '(cdrAscii,cdrUtf8,cdrUnknown )');
26265: TIcsNormForm','(icsNormalizationOther,icsNormalizationC,icsNormalizationD,icsNormalizationKD )');
26266: TIcsSearchRecW','record Time:Integer;Size:Integer;Attr: '
26267: Integer;Name:String;ExcludeAttr:Integer;FindHandle:THandle;FindData:TWin32FindData;end');
26268: TUnicode_String','record Length:Word;MaximumLength:Word;Buffer:WideChar;end');
26269: TThreadID', 'LongWord;');
26270: // CL.AddTypeS('PUnicode_String', '^TUnicode_String // will not work');
26271: SIRegister_TIcsFileStreamW(CL);
26272: CL.AddConstantN('ICONV_UNICODE','String').SetString( 'UTF-16LE');
26273: Function IcsIconvNameFromCodePage( CodePage : LongWord) : AnsiString');
26274: Function IcsIsValidAnsiCodePage( const CP : LongWord) : Boolean');
26275: Procedure IcsCharLowerA( var ACh : AnsiChar)');
26276: Function IcsGetCurrentThreadID : TThreadID');
26277: Function IcsGetFreeDiskSpace( const APath : String) : Int64');
26278: Function IcsGetLocalTimeZoneBias : LongInt');
26279: Function IcsDateTimeToUTC( dtDT : TDateTime): TDateTime');
26280: Function IcsUTCToDateTime( dtDT : TDateTime): TDateTime');
26281: Function IcsGetTickCount : LongWord');
26282: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function IcsWcToMb(CodePage:LongWord; Flags:Cardinal;
26283: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function
26284: Function IcsGetDefaultWindowsUnicodeChar( CodePage : LongWord) : WideChar');
26285: Function IcsGetDefaultWindowsAnsiChar( CodePage : LongWord) : AnsiChar');
26286: Procedure IcsGetAcp( var CodePage : LongWord)');
26287: Function IcsIsDBCSCodePage( CodePage : LongWord) : Boolean');
26288: Function IcsIsDBCSLeadByte( Ch : AnsiChar; CodePage : LongWord) : Boolean');
26289: Function IcsIsMBCSCodePage( CodePage : LongWord) : Boolean');
26290: Function IcsIsSBCSCodePage( CodePage : LongWord) : Boolean');
26291: Function IcsGetLeadBytes( CodePage : LongWord) : TIcsDbcsLeadBytes');
26292: Function icsUnicodeToUsAscii4( const Str : UnicodeString; FailCh : AnsiChar) : AnsiString;');
26293: Function icsUnicodeToUsAscii5( const Str : UnicodeString) : AnsiString;');
26294: Function icsUsAsciiToUnicode6( const Str : RawByteString; FailCh : AnsiChar) : UnicodeString;');
26295: Function icsUsAsciiToUnicode7( const Str : RawByteString) : UnicodeString;');
26296: Function icsUnicodeToAnsi8(const Str:WideChar;ACodePage LongWord; SetCodePage : Boolean) :
26297: Function icsUnicodeToAnsi9(const
26298: Function icsUnicodeToAnsi10( const Str : UnicodeString) : RawByteString;');
26299: Function icsAnsiToUnicode11( const Str : AnsiChar; ACodePage : LongWord) : UnicodeString;');
26300: Function icsAnsiToUnicode12( const Str : RawByteString; ACodePage : LongWord) : UnicodeString;');
26301: CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function icsAnsiToUnicode13( const Str : RawByteString) : UnicodeString;');
26302: Function IcsBufferToUnicode14(const Buffer,BufferSize:Integer;BufferCodePage:LongWord; out
FailedByteCount : Integer)UnicodeString;');
26303: Function IcsBufferToUnicode15(const Buffer,BufferSize:Integer;BufferCodePage:LongWord;RaiseFailedBytes :
Boolean): UnicodeString;');
26304: Function IcsGetWideCharCount( const Buffer, BufferSize : Integer; BufferCodePage : LongWord; out
InvalidEndByteCount : Integer) : Integer');

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26305: Function IcsGetWideChars( const Buffer, BufferSize : Integer; BufferCodePage : LongWord; Chars :
WideChar; CharCount : Integer) : Integer');
26306: Function icsStreamWriteString16( AStream : TStream; Str : WideChar; cLen : Integer; ACodePage : LongWord;
WriteBOM : Boolean) : Integer;');
26307: Function icsStreamWriteString17(AStream TStream;Str:WideChar;cLen :Integer;ACodePage : LongWord) :
26308: Function icsStreamWriteString18(AStream:TStream;const Str:UnicodeString;ACodePage
26309: Function icsStreamWriteString19(AStream:TStream;const Str:UnicodeString;ACodePage : LongWord) :
26310: Function icsStreamWriteString20( AStream : TStream; const Str : UnicodeString) : Integer;');
26311: Function icsIsUsAscii21( const Str : RawByteString) : Boolean;');
26312: Function icsIsUsAscii22( const Str : UnicodeString) : Boolean;');
26313: Procedure IcsAppendStr( var Dest : RawByteString; const Src : RawByteString)');
26314: Function icsatoi23( const Str : RawByteString) : Integer;');
26315: Function icsatoi24( const Str : UnicodeString) : Integer;');
26316: Function icsatoi6425( const Str : RawByteString) : Int64;');
26317: Function icsatoi6426( const Str : UnicodeString) : Int64;');
26318: Function IcsCalcTickDiff( const StartTick, EndTick : LongWord) : LongWord');
26319: Function icsStringToUtf827( const Str : UnicodeString) : RawByteString;');
26320: Function icsStringToUtf828( const Str : RawByteString; ACodePage : LongWord) : RawByteString;');
26321: Function icsUtf8ToStringW( const Str : RawByteString) : UnicodeString');
26322: Function icsUtf8ToStringA( const Str : RawByteString; ACodePage : LongWord) : AnsiString');
26323: Function icsCheckUnicodeToAnsi( const Str : UnicodeString; ACodePage : LongWord) : Boolean');
26324: Function icsIsUtf8TrailByte( const B : Byte) : Boolean');
26325: Function icsIsUtf8LeadByte( const B : Byte) : Boolean');
26326: Function IcsUtf8Size( const LeadByte : Byte) : Integer');
26327: Function icsIsLeadChar( Ch : WideChar) : Boolean');
26328: Function icsIsUtf8Valid29( const Str : RawByteString) : Boolean;');
26329: //Function IsUtf8Valid30( const Buf : Pointer; Len : Integer) : Boolean;');
26330: //Function CharsetDetect31( const Buf : Pointer; Len : Integer) : TCharsetDetectResult;');
26331: Function icsCharsetDetect32( const Str : RawByteString) : TCharsetDetectResult;');
26332: Function IcsCharNextUtf8( const Str : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar');
26333: Function IcsCharPrevUtf8( const Start, Current : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar');
26334: Function icsConvertCodepage(const
26335: Function icshtoin33( Value : WideChar; Len : Integer) : Integer;');
26336: Function icshtoin34( Value : AnsiChar; Len : Integer) : Integer;');
26337: Function icshtoi235( value : WideChar) : Integer;');
26338: Function icshtoi236( value : AnsiChar) : Integer;');
26339: Function IcsBufferToHex37( const Buf, Size : Integer) : String;');
26340: Function IcsBufferToHex38( const Buf, Size : Integer; Separator : Char) : String;');
26341: Function icsIsXDigit39( Ch : WideChar) : Boolean;');
26342: Function icsIsXDigit40( Ch : AnsiChar) : Boolean;');
26343: Function icsXDigit41( Ch : WideChar) : Integer;');
26344: Function icsXDigit42( Ch : AnsiChar) : Integer;');
26345: Function icsIsCharInSysCharSet43( Ch : WideChar; const ASet : TSysCharSet):Boolean;');
26346: Function icsIsCharInSysCharSet44( Ch : AnsiChar; const ASet : TSysCharSet):Boolean;');
26347: Function icsIsDigit45( Ch : WideChar) : Boolean;');
26348: Function icsIsDigit46( Ch : AnsiChar) : Boolean;');
26349: Function icsIsSpace47( Ch : WideChar) : Boolean;');
26350: Function icsIsSpace48( Ch : AnsiChar) : Boolean;');
26351: Function icsIsCRLF49( Ch : WideChar) : Boolean;');
26352: Function icsIsCRLF50( Ch : AnsiChar) : Boolean;');
26353: Function icsIsSpaceOrCRLF51( Ch : WideChar) : Boolean;');
26354: Function icsIsSpaceOrCRLF52( Ch : AnsiChar) : Boolean;');
26355: Function icsXDigit2( S : PChar) : Integer');
26356: Function icsstpblk53( PValue : WideChar) : WideChar;');
26357: Function icsstpblk54( PValue : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar;');
26358: Function IcsStrNextChar( const Str : AnsiChar; ACodePage : LongWord) : AnsiChar');
26359: Function IcsStrPrevChar( const Start, Current : AnsiChar; ACodePage : LongWord) : AnsiChar');
26360: Function IcsStrCharLength55( const Str : AnsiChar; ACodePage : LongWord) : Integer;');
26361: Function IcsNextCharIndex56( const S : RawByteString; Index : Integer; ACodePage : LongWord) : Integer;');
26362: Function IcsGetBomBytes( ACodePage : LongWord) : TBytes');
26363: Function IcsGetBufferCodepage57( Buf : AnsiChar; ByteCount : Integer) : LongWord;');
26364: Function IcsGetBufferCodepage58( Buf : AnsiChar; ByteCount : Integer; out BOMSize : Integer) :
26365: Function IcsSwap16( Value : Word) : Word');
26366: Procedure IcsSwap16Buf( Src, Dst : Word; WordCount : Integer)');
26367: Function IcsSwap32( Value : LongWord) : LongWord');
26368: Procedure IcsSwap32Buf( Src, Dst : LongWord; LongWordCount : Integer)');
26369: Function IcsSwap64( Value : Int64) : Int64');
26370: Procedure IcsSwap64Buf( Src, Dst : Int64; QuadWordCount : Integer)');
26371: Procedure IcsNameThreadForDebugging( AThreadName : AnsiString; AThreadID : TThreadID)');
26372: Function IcsNormalizeString( const S : UnicodeString; NormForm : TIcsNormForm) : UnicodeString');
26373: Function IcsCryptGenRandom( var Buf, BufSize : Integer) : Boolean');
26374: Function IcsRandomInt( const ARange : Integer) : Integer');
26375: Function IcsFileUtcModified( const FileName : String) : TDateTime');
26376: //Function IcsInterlockedCompareExchange(var Destination:Pointer;Exchange:Pointer;Comperand
26377: Function IcsExtractFilePathW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26378: Function IcsExtractFileDirW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26379: Function IcsExtractFileDriveW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26380: Function IcsExtractFileNameW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26381: Function IcsExtractFileExtW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26382: Function IcsExpandFileNameW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26383: Function IcsExtractNameOnlyW( FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26384: Function IcsChangeFileExtW( const FileName, Extension : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26385: Function IcsStrAllocW( Len : Cardinal) : WideChar');

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26386: Function IcsStrLenW( Str : WideChar) : Cardinal');

26387: Function IcsAnsiCompareFileNameW59( const S1, S2 : UnicodeString) : Integer;');
26388: Function IcsAnsiCompareFileNameW60( const Utf8S1, Utf8S2 : UTF8String) : Integer;');
26389: Function IcsDirExistsW61( const FileName : WideChar) : Boolean;');
26390: Function IcsDirExistsW62( const FileName : UnicodeString) : Boolean;');
26391: Function IcsDirExistsW63( const Utf8FileName : UTF8String) : Boolean;');
26392: Function IcsFindFirstW64( const Path : UnicodeString; Attr : Integer; var F: TIcsSearchRecW): Integer;');
26393: Function IcsFindFirstW65( const Utf8Path : UTF8String; Attr : Integer;var F: TIcsSearchRecW): Integer;');
26394: Procedure IcsFindCloseW( var F : TIcsSearchRecW)');
26395: Function IcsFindNextW( var F : TIcsSearchRecW) : Integer');
26396: Function IcsIncludeTrailingPathDelimiterW( const S : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26397: Function IcsExcludeTrailingPathDelimiterW( const S : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26398: Function IcsExtractLastDir66( const Path : RawByteString) : RawByteString;');
26399: Function IcsExtractLastDir67( const Path : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;');
26400: Function IcsFileGetAttrW68( const FileName : UnicodeString) : Integer;');
26401: Function IcsFileGetAttrW69( const Utf8FileName : UTF8String) : Integer;');
26402: Function IcsFileSetAttrW70( const FileName : UnicodeString; Attr : Integer) : Integer;');
26403: Function IcsFileSetAttrW71( const Utf8FileName : UTF8String; Attr : Integer) : Integer;');
26404: Function IcsDeleteFileW72( const FileName : UnicodeString) : Boolean;');
26405: Function IcsDeleteFileW73( const Utf8FileName : UTF8String) : Boolean;');
26406: Function IcsRenameFileW74( const OldName, NewName : UnicodeString) : Boolean;');
26407: Function IcsRenameFileW75( const Utf8OldName, Utf8NewName : UTF8String) : Boolean;');
26408: Function IcsForceDirectoriesW76( Dir : UnicodeString) : Boolean;');
26409: Function IcsForceDirectoriesW77( Utf8Dir : UTF8String) : Boolean;');
26410: Function IcsCreateDirW78( const Dir : UnicodeString) : Boolean;');
26411: Function IcsCreateDirW79( const Utf8Dir : UTF8String) : Boolean;');
26412: Function IcsRemoveDirW80( const Dir : UnicodeString) : Boolean;');
26413: Function IcsRemoveDirW81( const Utf8Dir : UTF8String) : Boolean;');
26414: Function IcsFileAgeW82( const FileName : UnicodeString) : Integer;');
26415: Function IcsFileAgeW83( const Utf8FileName : UTF8String) : Integer;');
26416: Function IcsFileExistsW84( const FileName : UnicodeString) : Boolean;');
26417: Function IcsFileExistsW85( const Utf8FileName : UTF8String) : Boolean;');
26418: Function IcsAnsiLowerCaseW( const S : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26419: Function IcsAnsiUpperCaseW( const S : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString');
26420: Function IcsMakeWord( L, H : Byte) : Word');
26421: Function IcsMakeLong( L, H : Word) : Longint');
26422: Function IcsHiWord( LW : LongWord) : Word');
26423: Function IcsHiByte( W : Word) : Byte');
26424: Function IcsLoByte( W : Word) : Byte');
26425: Function IcsLoWord( LW : LongWord) : Word');
26426: Procedure IcsCheckOSError( ALastError : Integer)');
26427: Function IcsIntToStrA( N : Integer) : AnsiString');
26428: Function IcsIntToHexA( N : Integer; Digits : Byte) : AnsiString');
26429: Function IcsTrim86( const Str : AnsiString) : AnsiString;');
26430: Function IcsTrim87( const Str : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;');
26431: Function IcsLowerCase88( const S : AnsiString) : AnsiString;');
26432: Function IcsLowerCase89( const S : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;');
26433: Function IcsUpperCase90( const S : AnsiString) : AnsiString;');
26434: Function IcsUpperCase91( const S : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;');
26435: Function IcsUpperCaseA( const S : AnsiString) : AnsiString');
26436: Function IcsLowerCaseA( const S : AnsiString) : AnsiString');
26437: Function IcsCompareTextA( const S1, S2 : AnsiString) : Integer');
26438: Function IcsTrimA( const Str : AnsiString) : AnsiString');
26439: Function IcsSameTextA( const S1, S2 : AnsiString) : Boolean');
26440: Function IcsCompareStr92( const S1, S2 : AnsiString) : Integer;');
26441: Function IcsCompareStr93( const S1, S2 : UnicodeString) : Integer;');
26442: Function IcsCompareText94( const S1, S2 : AnsiString) : Integer;');
26443: Function IcsCompareText95( const S1, S2 : UnicodeString) : Integer;');
26444: Function IcsStrLen96( const Str : AnsiChar) : Cardinal;');
26445: Function IcsStrLen97( const Str : WideChar) : Cardinal;');
26446: Function IcsStrPas98( const Str : AnsiChar) : AnsiString;');
26447: Function IcsStrPas99( const Str : WideChar) : string;');
26448: Function IcsStrCopy100( Dest : AnsiChar; const Source : AnsiChar) : AnsiChar;');
26449: Function IcsStrCopy101( Dest : WideChar; const Source : WideChar) : WideChar;');
26450: Function IcsStrPCopy102( Dest : PChar; const Source : string) : PChar;');
26451: Function IcsStrPCopy103( Dest : AnsiChar; const Source : AnsiString) : AnsiChar;');
26452: Function IcsStrPLCopy104( Dest : PChar; const Source : String; MaxLen : Cardinal) : PChar;');
26453: Function IcsStrPLCopy105( Dest : AnsiChar; const Source : AnsiString; MaxLen : Cardinal) : AnsiChar;');
26454: Function
26455: //Function RtlCompareUnicodeString(String1: PUNICODE_STRING; String2 : PUNICODE_STRING; CaseInsensitive :
BOOLEAN) : LongInt');
26456: Function icsIsDebuggerPresent : BOOL');
26457: SIRegister_TIcsIntegerList(CL);
26458: SIRegister_TIcsCriticalSection(CL);
26459: end;
26461: procedure SIRegister_TCustomApplication(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26462: begin
26463: //with RegClassS(CL,'TComponent', 'TCustomApplication') do
26464: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TComponent'),'TCustomApplication') do begin
26465: Constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent)');
26466: Procedure HandleException( Sender : TObject)');
26467: Procedure Initialize');
26468: Procedure Run');
26469: Procedure ShowException( E : Exception)');
26470: Procedure Terminate');
26471: Procedure Terminate1( AExitCode : Integer)');
26472: Function FindOptionIndex( const S : String; var Longopt : Boolean; StartAt : Integer) : Integer');

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26473: Function GetOptionValue( const S : String) : String');

26474: Function GetOptionValue1( const C : Char; const S : String) : String');
26475: Function GetOptionValues( const C : Char; const S : String) : TStringDynArray');
26476: Function HasOption( const S : String) : Boolean');
26477: Function HasOption1( const C : Char; const S : String) : Boolean');
26478: Function CheckOptions(const ShortOptions:String;const Longopts:TStrings;Opts,
NonOpts:TStrings;AllErrors: Boolean):String;
26479: Function CheckOptions1( const ShortOptions : String; const Longopts : array of string; Opts, NonOpts :
TStrings; AllErrors : Boolean) : String');
26480: Function CheckOptions2(const ShortOptions:String;const Longopts:TStrings; AllErrors:Boolean):String');
26481: Function CheckOptions3(const ShortOptions:String;const LongOpts:array of
26482: Function CheckOptions4( const ShortOptions:String;const LongOpts:String; AllErrors:Boolean):String');
26483: Function GetNonOptions(const ShortOptions: String; const Longopts:array of string) : TStringDynArray');
26484: Procedure GetNonOptions1(const ShortOptions:String;const Longopts:array of
26485: Procedure GetEnvironmentList( List : TStrings; NamesOnly : Boolean)');
26486: Procedure GetEnvironmentList1( List : TStrings)');
26487: Procedure Log(EventType : TEventType; const Msg : String)');
26488: Procedure Log1(EventType : TEventType; const Fmt : String; const Args : array of string)');
26489: ExeName', 'string', iptr);
26490: Terminated', 'Boolean', iptr);
26491: Title', 'string', iptrw);
26492: OnException', 'TExceptionEvent', iptrw);
26493: ConsoleApplication', 'Boolean', iptr);
26494: Location', 'String', iptr);
26495: Params', 'String integer', iptr);
26496: ParamCount', 'Integer', iptr);
26497: EnvironmentVariable', 'String String', iptr);
26498: OptionChar', 'Char', iptrw);
26499: CaseSensitiveOptions', 'Boolean', iptrw);
26500: StopOnException', 'Boolean', iptrw);
26501: ExceptionExitCode', 'Longint', iptrw);
26502: ExceptObject', 'Exception', iptrw);
26503: ExceptObjectJS', 'JSValue', iptrw);
26504: EventLogFilter', 'TEventLogTypes', iptrw);
26505: end;
26506: end;
26509: ADD III
26510: CL.AddDelphiFunction('function list_modules(aexename: string): string;');
26511: CL.AddDelphiFunction('function list_units(aexename: string): string;');
26512: check //ListView_SetItemState(H, I, Data, LVIS_SELECTED); commctrl
26514: procedure GetResourceHeader(var ResourceHeader: String; const FormName: String;
26515: const FileSize: Integer);
26516: GetResourceFormFile(List: TStrings; const FormName, FileName: String) : Boolean;
26517: CL.AddDelphiFunction('function GetImageBase(const FileName: TFileName): DWORD;');
26519: procedure ListViewSelectAll(ListView: TListView; Deselect: Boolean);
26520: function ListView_SetItemState(hwndLV: HWND; i: Integer; data, mask: UINT): Bool;
26521: function ListView_GetItemState(hwndLV: HWND; i, mask: Integer): Integer;
26522: function CreateOrGetOleObject(const ClassName: string): IDispatch;
26523: function FmtStrToInt(S: string): Integer;
26524: function MakeCellStrLV(const Text: String; Index: Integer; listview: TListview): String;
26525: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/System.SysUtils.EmptyStr
26526: const emptystring= '';
26528: procedure SIRegister_TIdHashMessageDigest5(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26529: begin
26530: //with RegClassS(CL,'TIdHashMessageDigest4', 'TIdHashMessageDigest5') do
26531: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TIdHashMessageDigest4'),'TIdHashMessageDigest5') do begin
26532: Constructor Create;');
26533: Procedure Free;');
26534: Function HashValue(const ASrc: string): T4x4LongWordRecord');
26535: Function HashValue1(AStream : TStream): T4x4LongWordRecord');
26536: Function HashValueString(const ASrc: string): T4x4LongWordRecord');
26537: Function HashValueStream(AStream : TStream): T4x4LongWordRecord');
26538: Function AsHex( const AValue : T4x4LongWordRecord) : string');
26539: function hashStreamAsHex(s: TStream): string;');
26540: end;
26541: end;
26543: procedure SIRegister_SeSHA256(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26544: begin
26545: CL.AddConstantN('seHEADERSIZE','LongInt').SetInt( 80);
26546: CL.AddConstantN('emptystring','string').setstring('');
26547: CL.AddTypeS('T32se', 'array [0 .. 31] of byte;');
26548: CL.AddTypeS('THeaderse', 'array [0 .. seHEADERSIZE - 1] of byte;');
26549: //T32 = array [0 .. 31] of byte;
26550: // To store the block header
26551: // THeader = array [0 .. HEADERSIZE - 1] of byte;
26552: // CL.AddTypeS('PSHA256HASH', '^TSHA256HASH // will not work');
26553: Function CalcSHA256String( Msg : AnsiString) : TSHA256HASH;');
26554: Function CalcSHA256Stream( Stream : TStream) : TSHA256HASH;');
26555: Function seSHA256ToStr( Hash : TSHA256HASH) : String');
26556: Function SHA256ToBinaryStr( Hash : TSHA256HASH) : AnsiString');
26557: Function ReverseHash( Hash : string) : string');

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26558: Function GetMemoryStream : TMemoryStream');

26559: Function T32ToString( const at32 : T32se) : string');
26560: Function CalcHeaderSHA256( aHeader : THeaderse) : TSHA256HASH;');
26561: end;
26563: procedure SIRegister_BlocksUnit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26564: begin
26565: CL.AddTypeS('TCrypto', '( tcBitcoin, tcPascalCoin )');
26566: CL.AddTypeS('TNetbc', '( tnMainNet, tnTestNet )');
26567: CL.AddTypeS('PByte', 'Byte');
26568: SIRegister_TBlockFile(CL);
26569: CL.AddTypeS('TBlockHeader', record versionNumber : UInt32; aPreviousBlockHas'
26570: +h : T32se; aMerkleRoot : T32se; time : UInt32; DifficultyTarget : UInt32; nonce : UInt32; end');
26571: SIRegister_TInputbc(CL);
26572: SIRegister_TOutputbc(CL);
26573: SIRegister_TInputsbc(CL);
26574: SIRegister_TOutputsbc(CL);
26575: SIRegister_TTransaction(CL);
26576: SIRegister_TBlockTransactions(CL);
26577: SIRegister_TBlockRecord(CL);
26578: CL.AddTypeS('TStartFileBlockFoundNotify', 'Procedure ( const aBlockFiles : tstringlist)');
26579: TFoundFileBlockNotify', 'Procedure ( const aBlockFile : TBlockFi'
26580: +'le; const actualFileBlockNumber, totalBlockFiles : integer; var next : boolean)');
26581: TEndFilesBlockFoundNotify', 'Procedure ( const aBlockFiles : tstringlist)');
26582: TFoundBlockNotify','Procedure(const aBlock: TBlockRecord; var findnext: boolean)');
26583: TBlockProcessStepNotify', 'Procedure ( const aPos, asize : int64)');
26584: TEndProcessBlockFile', 'Procedure ( const aBlockFile : TBlockFile)');
26585: SIRegister_TBlocks(CL);
26586: end;
26588: procedure SIRegister_DelticsCommandLine(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26589: begin
26590: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCommandLine');
26591: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TCommandLineSwitch');
26592: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EInvalidCommandLine');
26593: //CL.AddTypeS('PSwitchDef', '^TSwitchDef // will not work');
26594: CL.AddTypeS('TSwitchDef', 'record Name : String; Switch : String; Default : S'
26595: +'tring; MinValues : Integer; MaxValues : Integer; Separator : Char; end');
26596: SIRegister_TCommandLine(CL);
26597: SIRegister_TCommandLineSwitch(CL);
26598: Procedure CommandLineToArgs( const aString : String; const aArgs : TStrings)');
26599: end;
26601: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
26602: procedure SIRegister_DelticsStrUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26603: begin
26604: CL.AddConstantN('LIKENESS_MATCH','Char').SetString( #255);
26605: CL.AddTypeS('TANSIStringArray', 'array of ANSIString');
26606: //CL.AddTypeS('TStringArray', 'array of String');
26607: SIRegister_IStringList(CL);
26608: SIRegister_IStringTool(CL);
26609: SIRegister_TStringTool(CL);
26610: Procedure dArrayInit( var aArray : TANSIStringArray; const aSize : Integer);');
26611: Procedure ArrayAdd1( var aArray : TANSIStringArray; const aValue : ANSIString);');
26612: Procedure ArrayAdd2( var aArray : TANSIStringArray; const aValue : array of ANSIString);');
26613: Procedure ArrayExtend( var aArray : TANSIStringArray; const aCount : Integer);');
26614: Function Likeness( const A : ANSIString; const B : ANSIString) : Integer');
26615: Function LikenessEx(const A:ANSIString;const B:ANSIString; var strA:ANSIString;var
26616: Function LikenessEx2(const A: ANSIString;const B: ANSIString;var strA:ANSIString;var strB:ANSIString;var
iSame : Integer;var iTotal:Integer): Integer;');
26617: Function CamelCapsToWords( const aString : String) : String');
26618: Function ReverseStr( const aString : String) : String;');
26619: Function ReverseStr2( const aString : ANSIString) : ANSIString;');
26620: Function dSplit( const aString : String; const aDelim : Char; const aSlices : TStrings) : Integer;');
26621: Function dSplit1( const aString : String; const aDelim : Char; var aSlices : TStringArray) : Integer;');
26622: Procedure dSplit2( const aString : ANSIString; const aDelim : ANSIChar; var aSlices :
26623: Function StrBeginsWith( const aString : String; const aBeginning : String) : Boolean');
26624: Function StrBeginsWithText( const aString : String; const aBeginning : String) : Boolean');
26625: Function dStrContains( const aString : String; const aSubString : String) : Boolean');
26626: Function StrContainsText( const aString : String; const aSubString : String) : Boolean');
26627: Function StrEndsWith( const aString : String; const aEnd : String) : Boolean');
26628: Function StrEndsWithText( const aString : String; const aEnd : String) : Boolean');
26629: Function StrLPad( const aString : String; const aWidth : Integer; const aTrunc : Boolean) : String');
26630: Function StrRPad( const aString : String; const aWidth : Integer; const aTrunc : Boolean) : String');
26631: Function StrDequote( const aString : String) : String');
26632: Function StrPop( var aString : String; const aDelim : Char) : String');
26633: Function StrPopQuoted( var aString : String; const aDelim : Char) : String');
26634: Function dIsAlpha( const aChar : Char) : Boolean');
26635: Function dIsDigit( const aChar : Char) : Boolean');
26636: Function dIsLower( const aChar : Char) : Boolean');
26637: Function dIsUpper( const aChar : Char) : Boolean');
26638: //SIRegister_TManagedStringList(CL);
26639: function delticsExplode(const Separator, S: string; Limit: Integer = 0): TStringArray;
26640: function delticsImplode(const Glue: string; const Pieces: array of string): string;
26641: end;
26643: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)

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26644: procedure SIRegister_DelticsSysUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);

26645: begin
26646: CL.AddConstantN('delticsEmptyStr','String').SetString( '');
26647: //CL.AddConstantN('NullGUID','TGUID').SetString( '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}');
26648: SIRegister_IAutoFree(CL);
26649: //CL.AddTypeS('Exception', 'Exception');
26650: SIRegister_ENotImplemented(CL);
26651: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EAccessDenied');
26652: CL.AddTypeS('TGUIDFormat', '( gfDefault, gfNoBraces, gfNoHyphens, gfDigitsOnly )');
26653: CL.AddTypeS('TRoundingStrategy', '( rsDefault, rsAwayFromZero, rsTowardsZero )');
26654: CL.AddTypeS('TriBoolean', '( tbUnknown, tbTRUE, tbFALSE )');
26655: Procedure deltCloneList( const aSource : TStringList; const aDest : TStringList)');
26656: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function AutoFree( const aReference : PObject) : IUnknown;');
26657: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function AutoFree5( const aReferences : array of PObject) : IUnknown;');
26658: Procedure deltFreeAndNIL( var aObject: Tstrings);');
26659: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure NILRefs( const aObjects : array of PObject)');
26660: Function deltIfThen7( aValue : Boolean; aTrue, aFalse : Boolean) : Boolean;');
26661: Function deltIfThen8( aValue : Boolean; aTrue, aFalse : TObject) : TObject;');
26662: Function deltIfThen9( aValue : Boolean; aTrue, aFalse : Integer) : Integer;');
26663: Function deltIfThen10( aValue : Boolean; aTrue, aFalse : ANSIString) : ANSIString;');
26664: Function deltIfThen11( aValue : Boolean; aTrue, aFalse : String) : String;');
26665: Function deltIfThenInt( aValue : Boolean; aTrue, aFalse : Integer) : Integer');
26666: Function deltStringIndex( const aString : String; const aCases : array of String) : Integer');
26667: Function deltTextIndex( const aString : String; const aCases : array of String) : Integer');
26668: Function deltMin64( ValueA, ValueB : Int64) : Int64');
26669: Function deltMin12( ValueA, ValueB : Cardinal) : Cardinal;');
26670: Function deltMin13( ValueA, ValueB : Integer) : Integer;');
26671: Function deltMax64( ValueA, ValueB : Int64) : Int64');
26672: Function deltMax14( ValueA, ValueB : Cardinal) : Cardinal;');
26673: Function deltMax15( ValueA, ValueB : Integer) : Integer;');
26674: Procedure deltExchange( var A, B, aSize : LongWord)');
26675: Function deltGUIDToString( const aGUID : TGUID; const aFormat : TGUIDFormat) : String');
26676: Function deltStringToGUID( const aString : String) : TGUID');
26677: Function deltTryStringToGUID( const aString : String; var aGUID : TGUID) : Boolean');
26678: Function deltIsNull( const aValue : TGUID) : Boolean');
26679: Function deltNewGUID : TGUID');
26680: Function deltSameGUID( const GUIDA, GUIDB : TGUID) : Boolean');
26681: Procedure deltAddTrailingBackslash( var aString : String)');
26682: Procedure deltRemoveTrailingBackslash( var aString : String)');
26683: Function deltBinToHex( const aBuf : string; const aSize : Integer) : String');
26684: Function deltReverseBytes16( const aValue : Word) : Word;');
26685: Function deltReverseBytes17( const aValue : LongWord) : LongWord;');
26686: Function deltReverseBytes18( const aValue : Int64) : Int64;');
26687: Function deltRound( const aValue : Extended; const aStrategy : TRoundingStrategy) : Integer');
26688: //Procedure ForEachComponent( const aComponent : TComponent; const aProc : TComponentProc; const
aRecursive : Boolean; const aClass : TComponentClass)');
26689: Function deltExec( const aEXE : String; const aCommandLine : String) : Cardinal');
26690: Procedure deltExecAndWait( const aEXE : String; const aCommandLine : String)');
26691: Function deltFindProcess( const aEXEName : String; var aProcess : TProcessEntry32) : Boolean');
26692: Function deltProcessExists( const aEXEName : String) : Boolean');
26693: Function deltRegisterDLL( const aFileName : String; const aRegistrationProc : String) : Boolean');
26694: Function deltIsTRUE( const aTri : TriBoolean) : Boolean');
26695: Function deltIsFALSE( const aTri : TriBoolean) : Boolean');
26696: Function deltIsKnown( const aTri : TriBoolean) : Boolean');
26697: end;
26699: procedure SIRegister_U_Splines(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26700: begin
26701: CL.AddConstantN('MaxNoVertices','LongInt').SetInt( 100);
26702: CL.AddTypeS('TSplineVertex', 'record X : Single; Y : single; end');
26703: CL.AddTypeS('TSplineRow', 'array of TSplineVertex');
26704: SIRegister_TBSpline(CL);
26705: SIRegister_TSplines(CL);
26706: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure Register');
26707: SIRegister_U_SpringMass2(CL);
26708: CL.AddDelphiFunction('function getPython: string;');
26709: CL.AddDelphiFunction('function getPython2: string;');
26710: CL.AddDelphiFunction('function getPython3: string;');
26711: end;
26713: procedure SIRegister_MARSCoreUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26714: begin
26715: Function CreateCompactGuidStr : string');
26716: //CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function BooleanToTJSON( AValue : Boolean) : TJSONValue');
26717: Function SmartConcat(const AArgs:array of string;const ADelimiter:string;const AAvoidDuplicateDelimiter:
Boolean;const ATrim:Boolean; const ACaseInsensitive:Boolean):string');
26718: Function EnsurePrefix2( const AString, APrefix : string; const AIgnoreCase : Boolean) : string');
26719: Function EnsureSuffix( const AString, ASuffix : string; const AIgnoreCase : Boolean) : string');
26720: Function StringArrayToString( const AArray : array of string; const ADelimiter : string) : string');
26721: Procedure CopyStream2(ASourceStream,
26722: Function DateToISO8601( const ADate : TDateTime; AInputIsUTC : Boolean) : string');
26723: Function ISO8601ToDate( const AISODate : string; AReturnUTC : Boolean) : TDateTime');
26724: Function IsMask( const AString : string) : Boolean');
26725: Function MatchesMask2( const AString, AMask : string) : Boolean');
26726: Function StreamToBase64( const AStream : TStream) : string');
26727: Procedure Base64ToStream( const ABase64 : string; const ADestStream : TStream)');
26728: Function StreamToBytes( const ASource : TStream) : TBytes');
26729: //Function GetEncodingName( const AEncoding : TEncoding) : string');

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26730: function StringFallback(const AStrings: array of string; const ADefault: string): string;');
26731: function StripPrefix(const APrefix, AString: string): string;');
26732: function StripSuffix(const ASuffix, AString: string): string;');
26733: end;
26735: procedure SIRegister_U_CoasterB(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26736: begin
26737: //CL.AddTypeS('float', 'single');
26738: CL.AddTypeS('tcoasterRealPoint', 'record x : single; y : single; end');
26739: TTrackPoint', 'record x : single; y : single; angleright : single; '
26740: +'sinangleright : single; cosangleright : single; quadrantright : integer; len'
26741: +'gthright : single; radiusright : single; end');
26742: TTrackPointArray', 'array of TTrackPoint');
26743: //carts', 'array of TCartLocRec'
26744: TTrackRec', 'record x : single; y : single; index : integer; distT'
26745: +'oend : single; quadrant : integer; radius: single; angle: single; sinangle '
26746: +': single; cosangle : single; end');
26747: TCartLocRec', 'record p1 : tpoint; p2 : tpoint; p3 : tpoint; p4 '
26748: +': tpoint; wr : integer; end');
26749: TCartLocRecArray', 'array of TCartLocRec');
26750: TLoopType', '( Insideloop, Outsideloop, none )');
26751: TTemplateMode', '( normal, makeline1, makeline2, makecircle1, makecircle2, movecircle )');
26752: CL.AddTypeS('ARRsoundstr', 'array [0..5] of string');
26753: //type ARRstr = array [0..5] of string;
26754: SIRegister_TcoasterLine(CL);
26755: SIRegister_TcoasterCircle(CL);
26756: SIRegister_TCoaster(CL);
26757: end;
26759: procedure SIRegister_TSpring(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26760: begin
26761: //with RegClassS(CL,'tPanel', 'TSpring') do
26762: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('tPanel'),'TSpring') do begin
26763: K', 'single', iptrw); M', 'single', iptrw);
26764: G', 'single', iptrw); A', 'single', iptrw);
26765: x', 'single', iptrw); v', 'single', iptrw);
26766: C', 'single', iptrw); X0', 'single', iptrw);
26767: V0', 'single', iptrw); XEnd', 'single', iptrw);
26768: InitiallyConstrained', 'Boolean', iptrw);
26769: Timeinc', 'single', iptrw);
26770: Scale', 'single', iptrw);
26771: Stype', 'integer', iptrw);
26772: delay', 'integer', iptrw);
26773: pts', 'Tspringpointarray', iptrw);
26774: step', 'integer', iptrw);
26775: wraps', 'integer', iptrw);
26776: drawColor', 'TColor', iptrw);
26777: Constructor create( Aowner : TPanel; r : Trect)');
26778: Procedure drawspring( Len : single)');
26779: Procedure erasespring');
26780: Procedure redrawinitial');
26781: Function Setup(newV0,newX0,newC,newK,newM,newG,newTimeInc:single;newconstraint:boolean;Nbrloops,
newStep, newdelay: integer;newcolor:TColor):boolean');
26782: Procedure animate(form1: TForm; memo2: Tmemo)');
26783: Procedure animate2(form1: TForm; memo2: Tmemo; detail: boolean)');
26784: //procedure animate2(form1: TForm; memo2: Tmemo; detail: boolean);
26785: Procedure sizechanged( sender : TObject)');
26786: Function GetMaxAmp : single');
26787: end;
26788: end;
26790: procedure SIRegister_clJsonParser(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26791: begin
26792: SIRegister_EclJSONError(CL);
26793: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TclJSONString');
26794: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TclJSONPair');
26795: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TclJSONObject');
26796: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TclJSONArray');
26797: SIRegister_TclJSONBase(CL);
26798: SIRegister_TclJSONPair(CL);
26799: SIRegister_TclJSONValue(CL);
26800: SIRegister_TclJSONString(CL);
26801: SIRegister_TclJSONBoolean(CL);
26802: SIRegister_TclJSONArray(CL);
26803: SIRegister_TclJSONObject(CL);
26804: CL.AddConstantN('cUnexpectedDataEndCode','LongInt').SetInt( - 100);
26805: CL.AddConstantN('cUnexpectedDataSymbolCode','LongInt').SetInt( - 101);
26806: CL.AddConstantN('cInvalidControlSymbolCode','LongInt').SetInt( - 102);
26807: CL.AddConstantN('cInvalidUnicodeEscSequenceCode','LongInt').SetInt( - 103);
26808: CL.AddConstantN('cUnrecognizedEscSequenceCode','LongInt').SetInt( - 104);
26809: CL.AddConstantN('cUnexpectedDataTypeCode','LongInt').SetInt( - 106);
26810: function GetConnectionKind2(var strKind: string): Boolean;
26811: end;
26813: procedure SIRegister_SynHighlighterPython(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
26814: begin
26815: CL.AddTypeS('TtkTokenKindpy', '( tkComment, tkIdentifier, tkKey, tkNull, tkNumb'
26816: +'er, tkSpace, tkString, tkSymbol, tkNonKeyword, tkTrippleQuotedString, tkSy'
26817: +'stemDefined, tkHex, tkOct, tkFloat, tkUnknown )');

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26818: CL.AddTypeS('TRangeStatepy', '( rsANil, rsComment, rsUnKnown, rsMultilineString'

26819: +', rsMultilineString2, rsMultilineString3 )');
26820: SIRegister_TSynPythonSyn(CL);
26821: end;
26824: ****************************************************************
26825: Release Notes maXbox V January 2022 mX476
26826: ****************************************************************
26827: Add 26 Units + 8 Tutorials
26829: 1441 unit uPSI_neuralgeneric.pas; CAI
26830: 1442 unit uPSI_neuralthread.pas; CAI
26831: 1443 unit uPSI_uSysTools; TuO
26832: 1444 unit upsi_neuralsets; mX4
26833: 1445 unit uPSI_uWinNT.pas mX4
26834: 1446 unit uPSI_URungeKutta4.pas ICS
26835: 1447 unit uPSI_UrlConIcs.pas ICS
26836: 1448 unit uPSI_OverbyteIcsUtils.pas ICS
26837: 1449 unit uPSI_Numedit2 mX4
26838: 1450 unit uPSI_PsAPI_3.pas mX4
26839: 1451 unit uPSI_SeSHA256.pas
26840: 1452 unit IdHashMessageDigest_max2;
26841: 1453 unit uPSI_BlocksUnit.pas
26842: 1454 unit uPSI_DelticsCommandLine.pas
26843: 1455 unit uPSI_DelticsStrUtils;
26844: 1456 unit uPSI_DelticsBitField;
26845: 1457 unit uPSI_DelticsSysUtils;
26846: 1458 unit uPSI_ALIniFiles2.pas
26847: 1459 unit uPSI_StarCalc2.pas
26848: 1460 unit uPSI_IdHashMessageDigest2.pas
26849: 1461 unit uPSI_U_Splines;
26850: 1462 uPSI_U_CoasterB.pas;
26851: 1463 unit U_SpringMass2.pas
26852: 1464 uPSI_MARSCoreUtils;
26853: 1465 unit uPSI_clJsonParser.pas
26854: 1466 unit uPSI_SynHighlighterPython.pas
26856: Total of Function Calls: 35380
26857: SHA1: of E51C63B7B47D83D441F9EB13F515920ACEB26101
26858: CRC32: CEB35531 31.5 MB (33,034,056 bytes)
26860: ****************************************************************
26861: Release Notes maXbox II November 2021 mX476
26862: ****************************************************************
26863: Add 10 Units + 3 Tutorials
26865: 1441 unit uPSI_neuralgeneric.pas; CAI
26866: 1442 unit uPSI_neuralthread.pas; CAI
26867: 1443 unit uPSI_uSysTools; TuO
26868: 1444 unit upsi_neuralsets; mX4
26869: 1445 unit uPSI_uWinNT.pas mX4
26870: 1446 unit uPSI_URungeKutta4.pas ICS
26871: 1447 unit uPSI_UrlConIcs.pas ICS
26872: 1448 unit uPSI_OverbyteIcsUtils.pas ICS
26873: 1449 unit uPSI_Numedit2 mX4
26874: 1450 unit uPSI_PsAPI_3.pas mX4
26876: Total of Function Calls: 35078
26877: SHA1: of D4B0A36E42E9E89642A140CCEE2B7CCDDE3D041A
26878: CRC32: B8F2450F 30.6 MB (32,101,704 bytes)
26880: Amount of Functions: 20591
26881: Amount of Procedures: 12332
26882: Amount of Constructors: 1943
26883: Amount of Destructors: 14
26884: Totals of Calls: 34880
26885: SHA1: of CF939E3A8D4723DB1DEF383C5FC961E06728C58F
26886: CRC32: 38F88218: 32022344 bytes
26887: mX4 executed: 14/11/2021 11:02:18 Runtime: 0:12:36.968 Memload: 42% use
26889: ****************************************************************
26890: Tech Notes maXbox V October 2021 mX47
26891: ****************************************************************
26892: add uPSI_flcFloats.pas to complete Fundamentals5
26893: Registermethod: count, capacity in TNNetList
26894: with CL.Add(TNNetList) do RegisterMethod(@TNNetList.Count, 'Count');
26895: alias flots() - floattostr()
26896: Function flots( const A : Float) : String');
26897: plus resources MOON_FULL, maxbox4logo.jpg, EARTH.bmp
26898: Bugfix TSize Type
26899: CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TInteger'); Bigints for BigFloat
26900: - RegisterMethod(FindClass('TObject'),'TBigFloat'),'Procedure Assign4( A : TInteger);');
26901: fix type TSize, add type TIntegerArray
26902: CL.AddTypeS('TSize', 'record cx: Longint; cy: Longint; end'); //not anymore in JvVCLUtils
26903: asize:= MakeSize(2,34);
26904: wGetTextExtentPoint32(aDC, 'f' ,4, asize)
26905: writeln(botostr(GetViewportExtEx( adc, asize)));
26906: RegisterMethod('Function AddLayer( pLayer : TNNetLayer) : TNNetLayer;');

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26907: RegisterMethod('Function AddLayer1( strData : string) : TNNetLayer;');

26908: RegisterMethod('Function AddLayer2( pLayers : array of TNNetLayer) : TNNetLayer;');
26909: TestConvolutionAPI Routine internal
26911: Docu of main Neural Unit for maXbox: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/uPSI_NeuralNetworkCAI.txt
26912: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/uPSI_neuralnetworkcai.txt
26913: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/uPSI_neuralvolume.txt
26914: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/uPSI_neuraldatasets.txt
26915: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/uPSI_neuralfit.txt
26916: Source https://github.com/joaopauloschuler/neural-api
26918: *******************************************************************************
26919: Procedure
26920: Proc SIZE 12456
26921: Proc ****************************Now the Proc list*******************
26922: Procedure( ACol, ARow : Int; Items : TStrings)
26923: Procedure( Agg : TAggregate)
26924: Procedure( ASender : TComponent; const AReplyStatus : TReplyStatus)
26925: Procedure( ASender : TComponent; const AString :Str; var AMsg : TIdMessage)
26926: Procedure( ASender : TComponent; var AMsg : TIdMessage)
26927: Procedure( ASender : TObject; const ABytes : Int)
26928: Procedure( ASender : TObject; VStream : TStream)
26929: Procedure( AThread : TIdThread)
26930: Procedure( AWebModule : TComponent)
26931: Procedure( Column : TColumn)
26932: Procedure(const AUsername:Str; const APassword:Str; AAuthenticationResult: Bool)
26933: Procedure( const iStart : Int; const sText :Str)
26934: Procedure(Control:TCustomTabControl; TabIndex:Int; const Rect : TRect; Active :Bool)
26935: Procedure( Database : TDatabase; LoginParams : TStrings)
26936: Proc DataSet:TCustomClientDataSet;E:EReconcileError;UpdateKind:TUpdateKind;var Action:TReconcileAction)
26937: Proc ( DATASET : TDATASET)
26938: Proc ( DataSet:TDataSet;E:EDatabaseError;UpdateKind:TUpdateKind;var UpdateAction: TUpdateAction)
26939: Procedure( DATASET : TDATASET; E : TObject; var ACTION : TDATAACTION)
26940: Procedure( DataSet : TDataSet; UpdateKind: TUpdateKind; var UpdateAction: TUpdateAction)
26941: Procedure( DATASET : TDATASET; var ACCEPT :Bool)
26942: Procedure( DBCtrlGrid : TDBCtrlGrid; Index : Int)
26943: Procedure( Done : Int)
26944: Procedure( HeaderControl : TCustomHeaderControl; Section : THeaderSection)
26945: Procedure(HeaderControl:TCustomHeaderControl;Sect:THeaderSection;const Rect:TRect;Pressed:Bool)
26946: Procedure(HeaderControl:TCustomHeaderControl;Sect:THeaderSection;Width:Int;State:TSectionTrackState)
26947: Procedure( HeaderControl : THeaderControl; Section : THeaderSection)
26948: Procedure(HeaderControl:THeaderControl;Section:THeaderSection;const Rect:TRect;Pressed:Bool)
26949: Procedure(HeaderControl:THeaderControl;Sectin:THeaderSection;Width:Int;State:TSectionTrackState)
26950: Procedure(Sender:TCustomListView;const ARect:TRect;Stage:TCustomDrawStage;var DefaultDraw: Bool)
26951: Procedure(Sender: TCustomListView; const ARect : TRect; var DefaultDraw :Bool)
26952: Procedure(Sender: TCustomListView; Item : TListItem; Rect : TRect; State : TOwnerDrawState)
26953: Procedure(Sender: TCustomTreeView; const ARect : TRect; var DefaultDraw :Bool)
26954: Procedure(SENDER: TFIELD; const TEXT :Str)
26955: Procedure(SENDER: TFIELD; var TEXT :Str; DISPLAYTEXT :Bool)
26956: Procedure(Sender: TIdTelnet; const Buffer :Str)
26957: Procedure(Sender: TIdTelnet; Status : TIdTelnetCommand)
26961: Procedure(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow : Longint; const Value :Str)
26962: Procedure(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow : Longint; Rect : TRect; State : TGridDrawState)
26963: Procedure(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow : Longint; var CanSelect :Bool)
26964: Procedure(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow : Longint; var Value :Str)
26965: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Button : TMPBtnType)
26966: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Button : TMPBtnType; var DoDefault :Bool)
26967: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Button : TUDBtnType)
26968: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas; PageRect:TRect; var DoneDrawing:Bool)
26969: Procedure(SenderTObject;ClientSocket:TServerClientWinSocket;var SocketThread: TServerClientThread)
26970: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Column : TListColumn)
26971: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Column : TListColumn; Point : TPoint)
26972: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Connecting :Bool)
26973: Procedure(Sender:TObject;const PapSize:SmallInt;const Orient:TPrtOrient;const PageTy:TPageTy;var
26974: Procedure(Sendr:TObject;const Rect:TRect;DataCol:Int;Column:TColumn;State:TGridDrawState)
26975: Procedure( Sender : TObject; const Rect : TRect; Field : TField; State : TGridDrawState)
26976: Procedure(Sender:TObject;const UserStr:str;var DateAndTime:TDateTime;var AllowChange:Bool)
26977: Procedure(Sender: TObject; E : Exception; var Handled :Bool)
26978: Procedure(Sender: TObject; FromIndex, ToIndex : Longint)
26979: Procedure(Sender: TObject; FromSection,ToSection: THeaderSection; var AllowDrag:Bool)
26980: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Index : LongInt)
26981: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Item : TListItem)
26982: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Item : TListItem; Change : TItemChange)
26983: Procedure(Sender: TObject;Item: TListItem; Change:TItemChange;var AllowChange:Boolean)
26984: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Item : TListItem; Selected :Bool)
26985: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Item : TListItem; var AllowEdit :Bool)
26986: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Item : TListItem; var S :Str)
26987: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Item1, Item2 : TListItem; Data : Int; var Compare : Int)
26988: Procedure(Sender: TObject; ModalResult : TModalResult; var CanClose :Bool)
26989: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Month : LongWord; var MonthBoldInfo : LongWord)
26990: Procedure(Sender: TObject; NewTab : Int; var AllowChange :Bool)
26991: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Node : TTreeNode)
26992: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Node : TTreeNode; var AllowChange :Bool)
26993: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Node : TTreeNode; var AllowCollapse :Bool)
26994: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Node : TTreeNode; var AllowEdit :Bool)

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26995: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Node : TTreeNode; var AllowExpansion :Bool)

26996: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Node : TTreeNode; var S :Str)
26997: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Node1, Node2 : TTreeNode; Data : Int; var Compare : Int)
26998: Procedure(Sender : TObject; NumObjects, NumChars : Int; var SaveClipboard :Bool)
26999: Procedure(Sender : TObject; Rect : TRect)
27000: Procedure(Sender:TObject; Request:TWebRequest;Response:TWebResponse; var Handled:Bool)
27001: Procedure(Sender:TObject;Shift:TShiftState;X,Y:Int;Orient:TPageScrollerOrientation;var Delta:Int
27002: Procedure(Sender TObject; Socket : TCustomWinSocket)
27003: Procedure(Sender:TObject;Socket:TCustomWinSocket;ErrorEvent:TErrorEvent;var ErrorCode: Int)
27004: Procedure( Sender : TObject; Socket : TCustomWinSocket; SocketEvent : TSocketEvent)
27005: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Socket : TSocket; var ClientSocket: TServerClientWinSocket)
27007: Procedure(Sender: TObject; StartPos, EndPos : Int; var AllowChange :Bool)
27008: Procedure(Sender: TObject; TabCanvas: TCanvas;R:TRect; Index: Int; Selected :Bool)
27009: Procedure(Sender: TObject; TabIndex : Int; var ImageIndex : Int)
27010: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Thread : TServerClientThread)
27011: Procedure(Sender: TObject; TickCount :Card; var Reset :Bool)
27012: Procedure(Sender: TObject; Username, Password :Str)
27013: Procedure(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange :Bool)
27014: Procedure(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange:Boolean; NewValue:SmallInt; Direction:TUpDownDirection)
27015: Procedure(Sender: TObject; var Caption :Str; var Alignment : THTMLCaptionAlignment)
27016: Procedure( Sender : TObject; var Continue :Bool)
27017: Procedure(Sender:TObject;var dest:str;var NumRedirect:Int;var Handled:bool;var VMethod:TIdHTTPMethod)
27018: Procedure(Sender : TObject; var Username :Str)
27019: Procedure(Sender : TObject; Wnd : HWND)
27020: Procedure(Sender : TToolbar; Button : TToolButton)
27021: Procedure(Sender:TToolBar;const ARect:TRect;Stage:TCustomDrawStage;var DefaultDraw:Bool)
27022: Procedure(Sender : TToolBar; const ARect : TRect; var DefaultDraw :Bool)
27023: Procedure(Sender : TToolbar; Index : Int; var Allow :Bool)
27024: Procedure(Sender : TToolbar; Index : Int; var Button : TToolButton)
27025: Procedure(StatusBar : TCustomStatusBar; Panel : TStatusPanel; const Rect : TRect)
27026: Procedure(StatusBar : TStatusBar; Panel : TStatusPanel; const Rect : TRect)
27027: Procedure(var FieldNames:TWideStrings;SQL:WideStr;var BindAllFields:Bool;var TableName:WideStr)
27028: Procedure(var FieldNames : TWideStrings; SQL : WideString; var TableName : WideString)
27029: procedure(Sender: TObject)
27030: procedure(Sender: TObject; var Done:Bool)
27031: procedure(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
27032: Proc _T(Name: tbtString; v: Variant);
27033: Proc AbandonSignalHandler( RtlSigNum : Int)
27034: Proc Abort
27035: Proc About1Click( Sender : TObject)
27036: Proc Accept( Socket : TSocket)
27037: Proc AESSymetricExecute(const plaintext, ciphertext, password:Str)
27038: Proc AESEncryptFile(const plaintext, ciphertext, password:Str)
27039: Proc AESDecryptFile(const replaintext, ciphertext, password:Str)
27040: Proc AESEncryptString(const plaintext:str;var ciphertext:str;password:Str)
27041: Proc AESDecryptString(var plaintext:str;const ciphertext:str;password:Str)
27042: Proc Add(Addend1, Addend2 : TMyBigInt)
27043: Proc ADD(const AKEY, AVALUE : VARIANT)
27044: Proc Add(const Key :Str; Value : Int)
27046: Proc ADD(FIELD : TFIELD)
27049: Proc AddCharacters( xCharacters : TCharSet)
27050: Proc AddDriver( const Name :Str; List : TStrings)
27051: Proc AddImages( Value : TCustomImageList)
27052: Proc AddIndex(const Name,Fields:str;Options:TIndexOptions;const DescFields:str)
27053: Proc AddLambdaTransitionTo( oState : TniRegularExpressionState)
27054: Proc AddLoader( Loader : TBitmapLoader)
27056: Proc AddPassword( const Password :Str)
27057: Proc AddStandardAlias( const Name, Path, DefaultDriver :Str)
27058: Proc AddState( oState : TniRegularExpressionState)
27059: Proc AddStrings( Strings : TStrings);
27060: Proc AddStrings(Strings: TStrings);
27061: Proc AddStrings1( Strings : TWideStrings);
27062: Proc AddStringTerm(var sString:str;const sTerm:str;const sSeparator:str)
27063: Proc AddToRecentDocs( const Filename :Str)
27064: Proc AddTransitionTo( oState : TniRegularExpressionState; xCharacters : TCharset)
27065: Proc AllFunctionsList1Click( Sender : TObject)
27066: Proc AllObjectsList1Click(Sender: TObject);
27067: Proc Allocate( AAllocateBytes : Int)
27068: Proc AllResourceList1Click(Sender: TObject);
27069: Proc AnsiAppend( var dst : Ansistr; const src : Ansistr)
27070: Proc AnsiAssign( var dst : Ansistr; var src : Ansistr)
27071: Proc AnsiDelete( var dst : Ansistr; index, count : Int)
27072: Proc AnsiFree( var s : Ansistr)
27073: Proc AnsiFromWide( var dst : Ansistr; const src : WideString)
27074: Proc AnsiInsert( var dst : Ansistr; const src : Ansistr; index : Int)
27075: Proc AnsiSetLength( var dst : Ansistr; len : Int)
27076: Proc Ansistr_to_stream( const Value : Ansistr; Destin : TStream)
27077: Proc AntiFreeze;
27078: Proc APPEND
27079: Proc Append( const S : WideString)
27080: Proc Append(S:Str);
27081: Proc AppendByte( var VBytes : TIdBytes; AByte : byte)
27082: Proc AppendBytes( var VBytes : TIdBytes; AAdd : TIdBytes)
27083: Proc AppendChunk( Val : OleVariant)

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27084: Proc AppendData( const Data : OleVariant; HitEOF :Bool)

27085: Proc AppendStr( var Dest :Str; S :Str)
27086: Proc AppendString( var VBytes : TIdBytes; const AStr :Str; ALength : Int)
27087: Proc ApplyRange
27088: Proc Arc(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Int);
27089: Proc Arrange( Code : TListArrangement)
27090: Proc Assert(expr :Bool; const msg:Str);
27091: Proc Assert2(expr :Bool; const msg:Str);
27092: Proc Assign( AList : TCustomBucketList)
27093: Proc Assign( Other : TObject)
27094: Proc Assign( Source : TDragObject)
27095: Proc Assign( Source : TPersistent)
27096: Proc Assign(Source: TPersistent)
27097: Proc Assign2(mystring, mypath:Str);
27098: Proc AssignCurValues( Source : TDataSet);
27099: Proc AssignCurValues1( const CurValues : Variant);
27102: Proc AssignFile(var F: Text; FileName:Str)
27103: Proc AssignFile(var F: TextFile; FileName:Str)
27104: Proc AssignFileRead(var mystring, myfilename:Str);
27105: Proc AssignFileWrite(mystring, myfilename:Str);
27106: Proc AssignTo( Other : TObject)
27107: Proc AssignValues( Value : TParameters)
27109: Proc AssociateExtension( IconPath, ProgramName, Path, Extension :Str)
27110: Proc Base64_to_stream( const Base64 : Ansistr; Destin : TStream)
27111: Proc Base64ToVar( NatData : Pointer; const SoapData : WideString);
27112: Proc Base64ToVar1( var V : Variant; const SoapData : WideString);
27113: Proc BcdAdd( const bcdIn1, bcdIn2 : TBcd; var bcdOut : TBcd)
27114: Proc BcdDivide( Dividend, Divisor :Str; var bcdOut : TBcd);
27115: Proc BcdDivide1( const Dividend, Divisor : TBcd; var bcdOut : TBcd);
27116: Proc BcdDivide2( const Dividend : TBcd; const Divisor : Double; var bcdOut : TBcd);
27117: Proc BcdDivide3( const Dividend : TBcd; const Divisor :Str; var bcdOut : TBcd);
27118: Proc BcdMultiply( const bcdIn1, bcdIn2 : TBcd; var bcdOut : TBcd);
27119: Proc BcdMultiply1( const bcdIn : TBcd; const DoubleIn : Double; var bcdOut : TBcd);
27120: Proc BcdMultiply2( const bcdIn : TBcd; const StringIn :Str; var bcdOut : TBcd);
27121: Proc BcdMultiply3( StringIn1, StringIn2 :Str; var bcdOut : TBcd);
27122: Proc BcdSubtract( const bcdIn1, bcdIn2 : TBcd; var bcdOut : TBcd)
27123: Proc BcdToBytes( Value : TBcd; Bytes : array of byte)
27124: Proc Beep
27125: Proc BeepOk
27126: Proc BeepQuestion
27127: Proc BeepHand
27128: Proc BeepExclamation
27129: Proc BeepAsterisk
27130: Proc BeepInformation
27132: Proc BeginLayout
27133: Proc BeginTimer( const Delay, Resolution :Card)
27134: Proc BeginUpdate
27135: Proc BeginUpdate;
27136: Proc BigScreen1Click(Sender: TObject);
27137: Proc BinToHex(Buffer: PChar; Text: PChar; BufSize: Int);
27138: Proc BitsToBooleans( const Bits : Byte; var B : TBooleanArray; AllBits :Bool);
27139: Proc BitsToBooleans1( const Bits : Word; var B : TBooleanArray; AllBits :Bool);
27140: Proc BitsToBooleans2( const Bits : Int; var B : TBooleanArray; AllBits :Bool);
27141: Proc BitsToBooleans3( const Bits : Int64; var B : TBooleanArray; AllBits:Bool);
27142: Proc BoldDays(Days : array of LongWord; var MonthBoldInfo : LongWord)
27143: Proc BooleansToBits( var Dest : Byte; const B : TBooleanArray);
27144: Proc BooleansToBits1( var Dest : Word; const B : TBooleanArray);
27145: Proc BooleansToBits2( var Dest : Int; const B : TBooleanArray);
27146: Proc BooleansToBits3( var Dest : Int64; const B : TBooleanArray);
27147: Proc BreakPointMenuClick( Sender : TObject)
27149: Proc BringToFront;
27150: Proc btnBackClick( Sender : TObject)
27151: Proc btnBrowseClick( Sender : TObject)
27152: Proc BtnClick( Index : TNavigateBtn)
27153: Proc btnLargeIconsClick( Sender : TObject)
27154: Proc BuildAndSendRequest( AURI : TIdURI)
27155: Proc BuildCache
27156: Proc BurnMemory( var Buff, BuffLen : Int)
27157: Proc BurnMemoryStream( Destructo : TMemoryStream)
27158: Proc CalculateFirstSet
27159: Proc Cancel
27160: Proc CancelDrag;
27161: Proc CancelEdit
27162: Proc CANCELHINT
27163: Proc CancelRange
27164: Proc CancelUpdates
27165: Proc CancelWriteBuffer
27166: Proc Capture1(ADest:TStream;out VLineCount:Int;const ADelim:str;const AIsRFCMessage:Bool;
27167: Proc Capture2(ADest: TStrings; const ADelim:Str; const AIsRFCMessage:Boolean);
27168: Proc Capture3(ADest:TStrings;out VLineCount:Int;const ADelim:str;const AIsRFCMessage:Bool
27169: Proc CaptureScreenFormat(vname:Str; vextension:Str);
27170: Proc CaptureScreenPNG(vname:Str);
27171: Proc CardinalsToI64(var I: Int64; const LowPart, HighPart:Card);
27172: Proc CASCADE

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27173: Proc CastNativeToSoap(Info:PTypeInfo;var SoapData:WideStr;NatData:Pointer;var IsNull:Bool)

27174: Proc CastSoapToVariant(SoapInfo:PTypeInfo;const SoapData:WideString;NatData:Pointer);
27175: Proc cbPathClick( Sender : TObject)
27176: Proc cbPathKeyDown( Sender : TObject; var Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState)
27177: Proc cedebugAfterExecute( Sender : TPSScript)
27178: Proc cedebugBreakpoint(Sender: TObject;const FileName:str;Position,Row,Col:Card)
27179: Proc cedebugCompile( Sender : TPSScript)
27180: Proc cedebugExecute( Sender : TPSScript)
27181: Proc cedebugIdle( Sender : TObject)
27182: Proc cedebugLineInfo(Sender:TObject; const FileName:Str; Position,Row,Col:Card)
27183: Proc CenterHeight( const pc, pcParent : TControl)
27184: Proc CenterDlg(AForm: TForm; MForm: TForm); { Zentriert Forms }
27185: Proc CenterForm(AForm: TForm; MForm: TForm); { Zentriert Forms }
27186: Proc Change
27187: Proc ChangeBiDiModeAlignment(var Alignment: TAlignment);
27188: Proc Changed
27189: Proc ChangeDir( const ADirName :Str)
27190: Proc ChangeDirUp
27191: Proc ChangeEntryTransitions( oNewState : TniRegularExpressionState)
27192: Proc ChangeLevelBy( Value : TChangeRange)
27193: Proc ChDir(const s:Str)
27194: Proc Check(Status: Int)
27195: Proc CheckCommonControl( CC : Int)
27198: Proc CheckForDisconnect(const ARaiseExceptionIfDisconnected:bool;const AIgnoreBuffer:bool)
27199: Proc CheckForGracefulDisconnect( const ARaiseExceptionIfDisconnected :Bool)
27200: Proc CheckToken( T : Char)
27201: Proc CheckToken(t:char)
27202: Proc CheckTokenSymbol( const S :Str)
27203: Proc CheckTokenSymbol(s:str)
27204: Proc CheckToolMenuDropdown( ToolButton : TToolButton)
27205: Proc Chord(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Int);
27206: Proc CIED65ToCIED50( var X, Y, Z : Extended)
27207: Proc CIELABToBGR( const Source, Target : Pointer; const Count :Card);
27208: Proc CipherFile1Click(Sender: TObject);
27209: Proc Clear;
27210: Proc Clear1Click( Sender : TObject)
27211: Proc ClearColor( Color : TColor)
27213: Proc ClearMapping
27214: Proc ClearSelection( KeepPrimary :Bool)
27215: Proc ClearWriteBuffer
27216: Proc Click
27217: Proc Close
27218: Proc closeMP3;
27219: Proc Close1Click( Sender : TObject)
27220: Proc CloseDatabase( Database : TDatabase)
27221: Proc CloseDataSets
27222: Proc CloseDialog
27223: Proc CloseFile(var F: Text);
27224: Proc Closure
27225: Proc CMYKToBGR(const Source,Target:Pointer;const BitsPerSample:Byte;Count:Card);
27226: Proc CMYKToBGR1(const C,M,Y,K, Target:Pointer;const BitsPerSample: Byte; Count:Card);
27227: Proc CodeCompletionList1Click( Sender : TObject)
27228: Proc ColEnter
27229: Proc Collapse
27230: Proc Collapse( Recurse :Bool)
27231: Proc ColorRGBToHLS( clrRGB : TColorRef; var Hue, Luminance, Saturation : Word)
27232: Proc CommaSeparatedToStringList( AList : TStrings; const Value :Str)
27233: Proc CommitFreeAndNil( var Transaction : TDBXTransaction)
27234: Proc Compile1Click( Sender : TObject)
27235: Proc ComponentCount1Click(Sender: TObject);
27236: Proc Compress(azipfolder, azipfile:Str)
27237: Proc DeCompress(azipfolder, azipfile:Str)
27238: Proc XZip(azipfolder, azipfile:Str)
27239: Proc XUnZip(azipfolder, azipfile:Str)
27240: Proc Connect( const ATimeout : Int)
27241: Proc Connect( Socket : TSocket)
27242: Proc Console1Click(Sender: TObject);
27243: Proc Continue
27244: Proc ContinueCount( var Counter : TJclCounter)
27246: Proc ConvertStreamFromAnsiToUTF8( Src, Dst : TStream; cp : Int)
27247: Proc ConvertStreamFromUTF8ToAnsi( Src, Dst : TStream; cp : Int)
27248: Proc ConvertImage(vsource, vdestination:Str);
27249: // Ex. ConvertImage(Exepath+'my233_bmp.bmp',Exepath+'mypng111.png')
27250: Proc ConvertBitmap(vsource, vdestination:Str);
27251: Proc ConvertToGray(Cnv: TCanvas);
27252: Proc Copy( Buffer : TRecordBuffer; Dest : TBytes; Offset : Int; Length : Int)
27253: Proc Copy( Buffer : TValueBuffer; Dest : TBytes; Offset : Int; Count : Int);
27254: Proc Copy1( Source : TBytes; Offset : Int; Buffer : TValueBuffer; Count : Int);
27255: Proc CopyBytesToHostLongWord(const Source:TIdBytes;const ASourceIdx:Int;var VDest:LongWord)
27256: Proc CopyBytesToHostWord(const ASource:TIdBytes;const ASourceIndex:Int;var VDest: Word)
27257: Proc CopyFrom( mbCopy : TMyBigInt)
27258: Proc CopyMemoryStream( Source, Destination : TMemoryStream)
27259: Proc CopyRect(const Dest: TRect; Canvas: TCanvas;const Source: TRect);
27260: Proc CopyTIdByteArray(const ASource:array of Byte; const ASourceIndex:Int; var VDest:array of Byte; const
ADestIndex : Int; const ALength : Int)

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27261: Proc CopyTIdBytes(const ASrc:TIdBytes;const ASrcIdx:Int;var VDest:TIdBytes;const ADestIdx:Int;const

27262: Proc CopyTIdCardinal(const ASource:Card;var VDest:TIdBytes;const ADestIndex:Int)
27263: Proc CopyTIdInt64(const ASource: Int64;var VDest: TIdBytes; const ADestIndex : Int)
27264: Proc CopyTIdIPV6Address(const ASource:TIdIPv6Address;var VDest:TIdBytes;const ADestIdx:Int)
27265: Proc CopyTIdLongWord(const ASource:LongWord;var VDest:TIdBytes;const ADestIndex:Int)
27266: Proc CopyTIdNetworkLongWord(const ASource:LongWord;var VDest:TIdBytes;const ADestIndex:Int)
27267: Proc CopyTIdNetworkWord(const ASource:Word;var VDest:TIdBytes;const ADestIndex:Int)
27268: Proc CopyTIdString(const ASource:Str;var VDest:TIdBytes;const ADestIndex:Int;ALength:Int)
27269: Proc CopyTIdWord( const ASource: Word; var VDest: TIdBytes; const ADestIndex : Int)
27270: Proc CopyToClipboard
27271: Proc CountParts
27272: Proc CreateDataSet
27273: Proc CreateEmptyFile( const FileName :Str)
27274: Proc CreateFileFromString( const FileName, Data :Str)
27275: Proc CreateFromDelta( Source : TPacketDataSet)
27277: Proc CreatePipeStreams(var InPipe:TInputPipeStream;var
OutPipe:TOutputPipeStream;SecAttr:PSecurityAttributes; BufSize:Longint);
27278: Proc CreateProcAsUser( const UserDomain, UserName, PassWord, CommandLine :Str)
27279: Proc CreateProcAsUserEx(const UserDoman,UserNme,Passwo,CommandLine:str;const Environ:PChar)
27280: Proc CreateTable
27281: Proc CreateUDLFile( const FileName, ProviderName, DataSourceName : WideString)
27282: Proc CSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
27283: Proc CurrencyToComp( Value : Currency; var Result : Comp)
27285: Proc CutFirstDirectory(var S:Str)
27286: Proc DataBaseError(const Message:Str)
27287: Proc DateTimeToString( var Result :Str; Format :Str; DateTime : TDateTime);
27288: Proc DateTimeToString(var Result:Str; const Format:Str; DateTime: TDateTime)
27289: Proc DateTimeToSystemTime( DateTime : TDateTime; var SystemTime : TSystemTime)
27290: Proc DateTimeToSystemTime(const DateTime: TDateTime; var SystemTime: TSystemTime);
27291: Proc DBIError(errorCode: Int)
27292: Proc DebugOutput( const AText :Str)
27293: Proc Debugln(DebugLOGFILE:Str; Event_message:Str);
27294: Proc DebugRun1Click( Sender : TObject)
27295: Proc Dec;
27296: Proc DecodeDate( DateTime : TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day : Word)
27297: Proc DecodeDate(const DateTime: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day: Word);
27298: Proc DecodeDateDay( const AValue : TDateTime; out AYear, ADayOfYear : Word)
27299: Proc DecodeDateMonthWeek(const AVal:TDateTime;out AYear,AMonth,AWeekOfMonth,ADayOfWeek :Word)
27300: Proc DecodeDateTime(const AVal:TDateTime;out AYear,AMonth,ADay,AHour,AMin,ASec,AMSec:Word)
27301: Proc DecodeDateWeek(const AValue: TDateTime;out AYear,AWeekOfYear,ADayOfWeek: Word)
27302: Proc DecodeDayOfWeekInMonth(const AValue:TDateTime;out AYear,AMonth,ANthDayOfWeek,ADayOfWeek:Word)
27303: Proc DecodeTime( DateTime : TDateTime; var Hour, Min, Sec, MSec : Word)
27304: Proc DecodeTime(const DateTime: TDateTime; var Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word);
27305: Proc Decompile1Click( Sender : TObject)
27306: Proc DefaultDrawColumnCell(const Rect:TRect;DataCol:Int;Column:TColum;State:TGridDrawState)
27307: Proc DefaultDrawDataCell(const Rect: TRect; Field: TField; State: TGridDrawState)
27308: Proc DeferLayout
27309: Proc defFileread
27311: Proc DelayMicroseconds( const MicroSeconds : Int)
27312: Proc Delete
27313: Proc Delete(const AFilename :Str)
27314: Proc Delete(const Index : Int)
27315: Proc DELETE(INDEX : Int)
27316: Proc Delete(Index : LongInt)
27317: Proc Delete(Node : TTreeNode)
27318: Proc Delete(var s: AnyString; ifrom, icount: Longint);
27319: Proc DeleteAlias( const Name :Str)
27320: Proc DeleteDriver( const Name :Str)
27321: Proc DeleteIndex( const Name :Str)
27322: Proc DeleteKey( const Section, Ident :Str)
27323: Proc DeleteRecords
27324: Proc DeleteRecords( AffectRecords : TAffectRecords)
27325: Proc DeleteString( var pStr :Str; const pDelStr :Str)
27326: Proc DeleteTable
27327: Proc DelphiSite1Click(Sender: TObject);
27328: Proc Deselect
27329: Proc Deselect( Node : TTreeNode)
27330: Proc DestroyComponents
27331: Proc DestroyHandle
27332: Proc Diff( var X : array of Double)
27333: Proc Diff(var X: array of Double);
27334: Proc DirCreate( const DirectoryName :Str);
27336: Proc DisableConstraints
27337: Proc Disconnect
27338: Proc Disconnect( Socket : TSocket)
27339: Proc Dispose
27340: Proc Dispose(P: PChar)
27341: Proc DivMod( Dividend : Int; Divisor : Word; var Result, Remainder : Word)
27342: Proc DoKey( Key : TDBCtrlGridKey)
27343: Proc DomToTree(anXmlNode: IXMLNode; aTreeNode: TTreeNode; aTreeView: TTreeView);
27344: Proc DomToTreeJ(anXmlNode: TJvXMLNode; aTreeNode: TTreeNode; aTreeView: TTreeView);
27345: Proc Dormant
27346: Proc DoubleToBcd1( const AValue : Double; var bcd : TBcd);
27347: Proc DoubleToBytes( Value : Double; Bytes : array of byte)

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27348: Proc DoubleToComp( Value : Double; var Result : Comp)

27349: Proc doWebCamPic(picname:Str); //eg: c:\mypic.png
27350: Proc Draw( Canvas : TCanvas; X, Y, Index : Int; Enabled :Bool);
27351: Proc Draw(X, Y: Int; Graphic: TGraphic);
27352: Proc Draw1(Canvas:TCanvas;X,Y,Indx:Int;ADrawingStyle:TDrawingStyl;AImageType:TImageType;Enabled:Bool);
27353: Proc DrawArrow(ACanvas:TCanvas; Direction:TScrollDirection;Location:TPoint;Size:Int)
27354: Proc DrawCheck( ACanvas : TCanvas; Location : TPoint; Size : Int; Shadow :Bool)
27355: Proc DrawChevron(ACanvas:TCanvas; Direction: TScrollDirection; Location:TPoint; Size : Int)
27356: Proc DrawColumnCell( const Rect : TRect; DataCol : Int; Column : TColumn; State : TGridDrawState)
27357: Proc DrawFocusRect(const Rect: TRect);
27358: Proc DrawHDIBToTBitmap( HDIB : THandle; Bitmap : TBitmap)
27360: Proc DrawOverlay(Canvas:TCanvas;X,Y:Int;ImageIndex:Int;Overlay:TOverlay;Enabled:Bool);
27361: Proc DrawOverlay1(Canvas:TCanvas;X,Y:Int;ImageIndex:Int;Overlay:TOverlay;ADrawingStyle:
27362: Proc drawPlot(vPoints: TPointArray; cFrm: TForm; vcolor: Int);
27363: Proc DrawPolyLine(const Canvas:TCanvas;var Points:TPointArray;const ClipRect: TRect)
27364: Proc DropConnections
27365: Proc DropDown
27366: Proc DumpDescription( oStrings : TStrings)
27367: Proc DumpStateTable( oStrings : TStrings)
27368: Proc EDIT
27369: Proc EditButtonClick
27370: Proc EditFont1Click( Sender : TObject)
27371: Proc Ellipse(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Int);
27372: Proc Ellipse1( const Rect : TRect);
27373: Proc EMMS
27374: Proc Encode( ADest : TStream)
27376: Proc EndEdit( Cancel :Bool)
27377: Proc EndTimer
27378: Proc EndUpdate
27379: Proc EraseSection( const Section :Str)
27380: Proc Error( const Ident :Str)
27381: Proc Error(Ident:Int)
27382: Proc ErrorFmt( const Ident :Str; const Args : array of const)
27383: Proc ErrorStr( const Message :Str)
27384: Proc ErrorStr(Message:str)
27385: Proc Exchange( Index1, Index2 : Int)
27386: Proc Exchange(Index1, Index2: Int);
27387: Proc Exec( FileName, Parameters, Directory :Str)
27388: Proc ExecProc
27389: Proc ExecSQL( UpdateKind : TUpdateKind)
27390: Proc Execute
27391: Proc Execute( const CommandText : WideString; var Params, OwnerData : OleVariant)
27392: Proc ExecuteAndWait( FileName :Str; Visibility : Int)
27393: Proc ExecuteCommand(executeFile, paramstring:Str)
27394: Proc ExecuteShell(executeFile, paramstring:Str)
27395: Proc ShellExecuteAndWait(executeFile, paramstring:Str);
27396: Proc ExitThread(ExitCode: Int); stdcall;
27397: Proc ExitProcess(ExitCode: Int); stdcall;
27398: Proc Expand( AUserName :Str; AResults : TStrings)
27399: Proc Expand( Recurse :Bool)
27400: Proc ExportClipboard1Click( Sender : TObject)
27401: Proc ExportDataSetToExcel( DataSet : TDataSet; OnExportProgress : TOnExportProgress)
27402: Proc ExtractContentFields( Strings : TStrings)
27403: Proc ExtractCookieFields( Strings : TStrings)
27404: Proc ExtractFields(Separators,WhiteSpace:TSysCharSet; Content:PChar; Strings : TStrings)
27405: Proc ExtractHeaderFields(Separ,
27406: Proc ExtractHTTPFields(Separators,WhiteSpace: TSysCharSet;Content:PChar;Strings:TStrings;StripQuotes:Bool)
27407: Proc ExtractQueryFields( Strings : TStrings)
27408: Proc FastDegToGrad
27409: Proc FastDegToRad
27410: Proc FastGradToDeg
27411: Proc FastGradToRad
27412: Proc FastRadToDeg
27413: Proc FastRadToGrad
27414: Proc FileClose( Handle : Int)
27415: Proc FileClose(handle: Int)
27416: Proc FilesFromWildcard(Dir,Mask:str;var Files:TStringList;Subdirs,ShowDirs,Multitask:Bool)
27417: Proc FileStructure( AStructure : TIdFTPDataStructure)
27418: Proc FillByte2(var X: Byte ; count: Int; value: byte)
27419: Proc FillBytes( var VBytes : TIdBytes; const ACount : Int; const AValue : Byte)
27420: Proc FillChar( Buffer : TRecordBuffer; Length : Int; value : Byte)
27421: Proc FillChar2(var X: PChar ; count: Int; value: char)
27422: Proc FillCharS(var p:Str; count: Int; value: char); //fix3.8
27423: Proc FillIPList
27424: Proc FillRect(const Rect: TRect);
27425: Proc FillTStrings( AStrings : TStrings)
27426: Proc FilterOnBookmarks( Bookmarks : array of const)
27427: Proc FinalizePackage(Module: HMODULE)
27428: Proc FindClose;
27429: Proc FindClose2(var F: TSearchRec)
27430: Proc FindMatches( const sString:str; xNotify:TniRegularExpressionMatchFoundEvent);
27431: Proc FindMatches1(const sString:str;iStart:Int;xNotify:TniRegularExpressnMatchFoundEvent);
27432: Proc FindNearest( const KeyValues : array of const)
27433: Proc FinishContext
27434: Proc FIRST

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27435: Proc FloatToDegMinSec( const X : Float; var Degs, Mins, Secs : Float)
27436: Proc FloatToDecimal(var Result:TFloatRec;const Val:extend;ValueType:TFloatValue;Precis,Decs:Int);
27437: Proc FloodFill( X, Y : Int; Color : TColor; FillStyle : TFillStyle)
27438: Proc FlushSchemaCache( const TableName :Str)
27439: Proc FmtStr(var Result:Str; const Format:Str; const Args: array of const)
27441: Proc Form1Close( Sender : TObject; var Action : TCloseAction)
27442: Proc FormActivate( Sender : TObject)
27443: Proc FormatLn(const format:Str; const args: array of const); //alias
27444: Proc FormClose( Sender : TObject; var Action : TCloseAction)
27445: Proc FormCreate( Sender : TObject)
27446: Proc FormDestroy( Sender : TObject)
27447: Proc FormKeyPress( Sender : TObject; var Key : Char)
27448: Proc FormOutput1Click(Sender: TObject);
27449: Proc FormToHtml( Form : TForm; Path :Str)
27450: Proc FrameRect(const Rect: TRect);
27451: Proc Frame3D(Canvas:TCanvas;var Rect:TRect;TopColor,BottomColor:TColor; Width : Int)
27452: Proc NotebookHandlesNeeded( Notebook : TNotebook)
27453: Proc Free( Buffer : TRecordBuffer)
27454: Proc Free( Buffer : TValueBuffer)
27455: Proc Free;
27456: Proc FreeAndNil(var Obj:TObject)
27457: Proc FreeImage
27458: Proc FreeMem(P: PChar; Size: Int)
27459: Proc FreeTreeData( Tree : TUpdateTree)
27460: Proc Frexp( const X : Extended; var Mantissa : Extended; var Exponent : Int)
27461: Proc FullCollapse
27462: Proc FullExpand
27463: Proc GenerateDPB(sl: TStrings; var DPB:Str; var DPBLength: Short); //InterBase
27464: Proc GenerateTPB(sl: TStrings; var TPB:Str; var TPBLength: Short);
27466: Proc Get1( AURL :Str; const AResponseContent : TStream);
27467: Proc Get1( const ASourceFile :Str; ADest : TStream; AResume :Bool);
27468: Proc Get2(const ASourceFile,ADestFile:Str;const ACanOverwrite: bool; AResume: Bool);
27469: Proc GetAliasNames( List : TStrings)
27470: Proc GetAliasParams( const AliasName :Str; List : TStrings)
27471: Proc GetApplicationsRunning( Strings : TStrings)
27472: Proc getBox(aURL, extension:Str);
27473: Proc GetCommandTypes( List : TWideStrings)
27474: Proc GetConfigParams( const Path, Section :Str; List : TStrings)
27475: Proc GetConnectionNames( List : TStrings; Driver :Str; DesignMode :Bool)
27476: Proc GetConvFamilies( out AFamilies : TConvFamilyArray)
27477: Proc GetConvTypes( const AFamily : TConvFamily; out ATypes : TConvTypeArray)
27478: Proc GetDatabaseNames( List : TStrings)
27479: Proc GetDataPacket( DataSet : TDataSet; var RecsOut : Int; out Data : OleVariant)
27480: Proc GetDIBSizes(Bitmap: HBITMAP; var InfoHeaderSize:longWORD; var ImageSize : longWORD)
27481: Proc GetDir(d: byte; var s:Str)
27482: Proc GetDirList( const Search :Str; List : TStrings; Recursive :Bool)
27483: Proc GetDriverNames( List : TStrings)
27484: Proc GetDriverNames( List : TStrings; DesignMode :Bool)
27485: Proc GetDriverParams( const DriverName :Str; List : TStrings)
27486: Proc GetEMails1Click( Sender : TObject)
27487: Proc getEnvironmentInfo;
27488: Func getEnvironmentString:Str;
27489: Proc GetFieldNames( const DatabaseName, TableName :Str; List : TStrings)
27490: Proc GetFieldNames( const TableName :Str; List : TStrings)
27491: Proc GetFieldNames( const TableName :Str; List : TStrings);
27492: Proc GetFieldNames( const TableName : WideString; List : TWideStrings);
27494: Proc GetFieldNames1( const TableName :Str; List : TStrings);
27495: Proc GetFieldNames1( const TableName :Str; SchemaName :Str; List : TStrings);
27496: Proc GetFieldNames2( const TableName : WideString;SchemaName : WideString; List : TWideStrings);
27497: Proc GetFieldNames3( const TableName : WideString; List : TWideStrings);
27498: Proc GetFileAttributeList( const Items : TStrings; const Attr : Int)
27499: Proc GetFileAttributeListEx( const Items : TStrings; const Attr : Int)
27500: Proc GetFMTBcd( Buffer : TRecordBuffer; var value : TBcd)
27501: Proc GetFormatSettings
27502: Proc GetFromDIB( var DIB : TBitmapInfo)
27503: Proc GetFromHDIB( HDIB : HBitmap)
27504: // GetGEOMAPX('html',ExePath+'cologne2mapX.html','cathedral cologne')
27505: Proc GetGEOMap(C_form,apath:Str; const Data:Str); //c_form: [html/json/xml]
27506: Proc GetIcon( Index : Int; Image : TIcon);
27507: Proc GetIcon1(Index:Int; Image:TIcon; ADrawingStyle:TDrawingStyle; AImageType:TImageType);
27508: Proc GetIndexInfo( IndexName :Str)
27509: Proc GetIndexNames( const TableName, SchemaName :Str; List : TStrings);
27510: Proc GetIndexNames( List : TStrings)
27511: Proc GetIndexNames1( const TableName : WideString; List : TWideStrings);
27512: Proc GetIndexNames2( const TableName, SchemaName : WideString; List : TWideStrings);
27513: Proc GetIndexNames4( const TableName :Str; List : TStrings);
27514: Proc GetInternalResponse
27516: Proc GetMem(P: PChar; Size: Int)
27518: Proc GetPackageDescription(ModuleName: PChar):Str)
27519: Proc GetPackageNames( List : TStrings);
27520: Proc GetPackageNames1( List : TWideStrings);
27521: Proc GetParamList( List : TList; const ParamNames : WideString)
27522: Proc GetProcedureNames( List : TStrings);
27523: Proc GetProcedureNames( List : TWideStrings);

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27524: Proc GetProcedureNames1( const PackageName :Str; List : TStrings);

27525: Proc GetProcedureNames1( List : TStrings);
27526: Proc GetProcedureNames2( const PackageName, SchemaName :Str; List : TStrings);
27527: Proc GetProcedureNames3( List : TWideStrings);
27528: Proc GetProcedureNames4( const PackageName : Widestring; List : TWideStrings);
27529: Proc GetProcedureNames5( const PackageName,SchemaName: WideString; List : TWideStrings);
27530: Proc GetProcedureParams( ProcedureName : WideString; List : TList);
27531: Proc GetProcedureParams1( ProcedureName, PackageName : WideString; List : TList);
27532: Proc GetProcedureParams2(ProcedureName,PackageName,SchemaName:Widestring;List:TList);
27533: Proc GetProviderNames( Names : TWideStrings);
27534: Proc GetProviderNames( Proc : TGetStrProc)
27535: Proc GetProviderNames1( Names : TStrings);
27536: Proc GetQrCode2(Width,Height:Word;Correct_Level:str;const Data:str;apath:Str);
27537: Proc GetQrCode3(Width,Height:Word;Correct_Level:str;const Data:str;apath:str);//no open image
27538: Func GetQrCode4(Width,Height:Word;Correct_Level:str;const Data:str;aformat:str):TLinearBitmap;
27539: Proc GetRGBValue( const Color : TColor; out Red, Green, Blue : Byte)
27540: Proc GetSchemaNames( List : TStrings);
27541: Proc GetSchemaNames1( List : TWideStrings);
27542: Proc getScriptandRunAsk;
27543: Proc getScriptandRun(ascript:Str);
27544: Proc getScript(ascript:Str); //alias
27545: Proc getWebScript(ascript:Str); //alias
27546: Proc GetSessionNames( List : TStrings)
27547: Proc GetStoredProcNames( const DatabaseName :Str; List : TStrings)
27548: Proc GetStrings( List : TStrings)
27549: Proc GetSystemTime; stdcall;
27550: Proc GetTableNames(const DatabseName,Pattern:str;Extensins,SystemTables:Bool;List:TStrings)
27551: Proc GetTableNames( List : TStrings; SystemTables :Bool)
27552: Proc GetTableNames( List : TStrings; SystemTables :Bool);
27553: Proc GetTableNames( List : TWideStrings; SystemTables :Bool);
27554: Proc GetTableNames1(List: TStrings; SchemaName : WideString; SystemTables Boolean);
27555: Proc GetTableNames1( List : TStrings; SystemTables :Bool);
27556: Proc GetTableNames2(List: TWideStrings; SchemaName:WideString;SystemTables:Boolean);
27557: Proc GetTransitionsOn( cChar : char; oStateList : TList)
27558: Proc GetVisibleWindows( List : Tstrings)
27559: Proc GoBegin
27560: Proc GotoCurrent( DataSet : TCustomClientDataSet)
27561: Proc GotoCurrent( Table : TTable)
27562: Proc GotoEnd1Click(Sender: TObject);
27563: Proc GotoNearest
27564: Proc GradientFillCanvas(const ACanvas:TCanvas;const AStartCol,AEndCol:TColor;const ARect:TRect;const
Direction: TGradientDirection)
27565: Proc HandleException( E : Exception; var Handled :Bool)
27567: Proc HandleNeeded;
27568: Proc Head( AURL :Str)
27569: Proc Help( var AHelpContents : TStringList; ACommand :Str)
27570: Proc HexToBinary( Stream : TStream)
27571: Proc HexToBinary(Stream:TStream)
27572: Proc HideDragImage
27573: Proc HideFormCaption( FormHandle : THandle; Hide :Bool)
27574: Proc HideTraybar
27575: Proc HideWindowForSeconds(secs: Int); {//3 seconds}
27576: Proc HideWindowForSeconds2(secs: Int; apphandle, aself: TForm); {//3 seconds}
27577: Proc HookOSExceptions
27578: Proc HookSignal( RtlSigNum : Int)
27579: Proc HSLToRGB( const H, S, L : Single; out R, G, B : Single);
27580: Proc HTMLSyntax1Click( Sender : TObject)
27581: Proc IFPS3ClassesPlugin1CompImport( Sender : TObject; x : TPSPascalCompiler)
27582: Proc IFPS3ClassesPlugin1ExecImport( Sender : TObject; Exec : TPSExec; x : TPSRuntimeClassImporter)
27583: Proc ImportfromClipboard1Click( Sender : TObject)
27584: Proc ImportfromClipboard2Click( Sender : TObject)
27585: Proc IncAMonth( var Year, Month, Day : Word; NumberOfMonths : Int)
27586: Proc Incb(var x: byte);
27587: Proc Include1Click( Sender : TObject)
27588: Proc IncludeOFF; //preprocessing
27589: Proc IncludeON;
27590: Proc Info1Click(Sender: TObject);
27591: Proc InitAltRecBuffers( CheckModified :Bool)
27592: Proc InitContext( Request : TWebRequest; Response : TWebResponse)
27593: Proc InitContext(WebModuleList:TAbstractWebModuleList;Request:TWebRequest;Response:TWebResponse)
27594: Proc InitData( ASource : TDataSet)
27595: Proc InitDelta( ADelta : TPacketDataSet);
27596: Proc InitDelta1( const ADelta : OleVariant);
27597: Proc InitErrorPacket( E : EUpdateError; Response : TResolverResponse)
27598: Proc Initialize
27599: Proc InitializePackage(Module: HMODULE)
27601: Proc initHexArray(var hexn: THexArray); //THexArray', 'array[0..15] of char;'
27602: Proc InitKeyFields( Tree : TUpdateTree; ADelta : TPacketDataSet)
27603: Proc InitModule( AModule : TComponent)
27604: Proc InitStdConvs
27605: Proc InitTreeData( Tree : TUpdateTree)
27606: Proc INSERT
27607: Proc Insert(Index : Int; AClass : TClass)
27608: Proc Insert(Index : Int; AComponent : TComponent)
27609: Proc Insert(Index : Int; AObject : TObject)
27610: Proc Insert(Index : Int; const S : WideString)
27611: Proc Insert(Index : Int; Image, Mask : TBitmap)

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27612: Proc Insert(Index: Int; const S:Str);

27613: Proc Insert(Index: Int; S:Str);
27614: Proc Insert(s: AnyString; var s2: AnyString; iPos: Longint);
27615: Proc InsertComponent(AComponent:TComponent)
27616: Proc InsertControl(AControl: TControl);
27617: Proc InsertIcon( Index : Int; Image : TIcon)
27618: Proc InsertMasked( Index : Int; Image : TBitmap; MaskColor : TColor)
27619: Proc InsertObject( Index : Int; const S : WideString; AObject : TObject)
27620: Proc InsertObject(Index:Int;S:str;AObject:TObject)
27621: Proc Int16ToBytes( Value : SmallInt; Bytes : array of byte)
27622: Proc Int32ToBytes( Value : Int; Bytes : array of byte)
27623: Proc Int64ToBytes( Value : Int64; Bytes : array of byte)
27624: Proc I64ToCardinals(I: Int64; var LowPart, HighPart:Card);
27625: Proc InternalBeforeResolve( Tree : TUpdateTree)
27626: Proc InvalidateModuleCache
27627: Proc InvalidateTitles
27628: Proc InvalidDateDayError( const AYear, ADayOfYear : Word)
27629: Proc InvalidDateMonthWeekError( const AYear, AMonth, AWeekOfMonth, ADayOfWeek : Word)
27630: Proc InvalidDateTimeError(const AYear,AMth,ADay,AHour,AMin,ASec,AMilSec:Word;const ABaseDate:TDateTime)
27631: Proc InvalidDateWeekError(const AYear, AWeekOfYear, ADayOfWeek : Word)
27632: Proc InvalidDayOfWeekInMonthError(const AYear,AMonth,ANthDayOfWeek,ADayOfWeek: Word)
27633: Proc JavaSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
27634: Proc JclLocalesInfoList( const Strings : TStrings; InfoType : Int)
27635: Proc KillDataChannel
27636: Proc Largefont1Click( Sender : TObject)
27637: Proc LAST
27638: Proc LaunchCpl( FileName :Str)
27639: Proc Launch( const AFile :Str)
27640: Proc LaunchFile( const AFile :Str)
27641: Proc LetFileList(FileList: TStringlist; apath:Str);
27642: Proc lineToNumber( xmemo :Str; met :Bool)
27643: Proc ListViewCustomDrawItem(Sender:TCustListView;Item:TListItem;State:TCustDrawState;var DefaultDraw:Bool)
27644: Proc ListViewCustomDrawSubItem( Sender : TCustomListView; Item : TListItem; SubItem : Int; State :
TCustomDrawState; var DefaultDraw :Bool)
27645: Proc ListViewData( Sender : TObject; Item : TListItem)
27646: Proc ListViewDataFind(Sender:TObject;Find:TItemFind;const FindString:Str;const
FindPosition:TPoint;FindData:Pointer;StartIndex:Int;Direction:TSearchDirection;Wrap:Boolean;var Index:Int)
27647: Proc ListViewDataHint( Sender : TObject; StartIndex, EndIndex : Int)
27648: Proc ListViewDblClick( Sender : TObject)
27649: Proc ListViewKeyDown( Sender : TObject; var Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState)
27650: Proc ListDLLExports(const FileName:Str; List: TStrings);
27651: Proc Load( const WSDLFileName : WideString; Stream : TMemoryStream)
27652: Proc LoadBytecode1Click(Sender: TObject);
27653: Proc LoadFilefromResource(const FileName:Str; ms: TMemoryStream);
27654: Proc LoadFromClipboardFormat( AFormat : Word; AData : THandle; APalette : HP)
27655: Proc LoadFromClipboardFormat( AFormat : Word; AData : THandle; APalette : HPALETTE)
27656: Proc LoadFromFile( AFileName :Str)
27657: Proc LoadFromFile( const AFileName :Str; const AHeadersOnly :Bool)
27658: Proc LoadFromFile( const FileName :Str)
27660: Proc LoadFromFile( const FileName :Str; DataType : TDataType)
27661: Proc LoadFromFile( const FileName : WideString)
27662: Proc LoadFromFile( const FileName, FileType :Str; Bitmap : TLinearBitmap)
27663: Proc LoadFromFile(const AFileName:Str)
27664: Proc LoadFromFile(FileName:Str);
27665: Proc LoadFromFile(FileName:str)
27666: Proc LoadFromResourceID( Instance : THandle; ResID : Int)
27667: Proc LoadFromResourceName( Instance : THandle; const ResName :Str)
27668: Proc LoadFromStream( AStream : TStream; const AHeadersOnly :Bool)
27669: Proc LoadFromStream( const Stream : TStream)
27670: Proc LoadFromStream( S : TStream)
27671: Proc LoadFromStream(Stream : TSeekableStream; const Ext :Str; Bitmap : TLinarBitmap)
27672: Proc LoadFromStream(Stream : TSeekableStream; const Ext :Str; Bitmap : TLinearBitmap)
27673: Proc LoadFromStream( Stream : TStream)
27675: Proc LoadFromStream( Stream : TStream; DataType : TDataType)
27676: Proc LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
27677: Proc LoadFromStream1( Stream : TSeekableStream; const FormatExt :Str);
27678: Proc LoadFromStream2( Stream : TStream; const FormatExt :Str);
27679: Proc LoadFromStrings( AStrings : TStrings; const MimeSeparator : Char)
27680: Proc LoadLastFile1Click( Sender : TObject)
27681: { LoadIcoToImage loads two icons from resource named NameRes,
27682: into two image lists ALarge and ASmall}
27683: Proc LoadIcoToImage(ALarge, ASmall: ImgList.TCustomImageList; const NameRes:Str);
27684: Proc LoadMemo
27685: Proc LoadParamsFromIniFile( FFileName : WideString)
27686: Proc Lock
27687: Proc Login
27688: Proc MakeAlphaChannelFromAlphaPalette( Source : TLinearBitmap)
27689: Proc MakeAlphaChannelFromColorKey( Source : TLinearBitmap; ColorKey : TColor)
27690: Proc MakeCaseInsensitive
27691: Proc MakeDeterministic( var bChanged :Bool)
27692: Proc MakeGrayPal( var Palette, ColorCount : Int)
27693: // type TVolumeLevel = 0..127;, savaFilePath as C:\MyFile.wav
27694: Proc MakeSound(Frequency{Hz},Duration{mSec}:Int;Volume:TVolumeLevel;savefilePath:str);
27695: Proc MakeComplexSound(N:Int;freqlist:TStrgs;Duration{mSec}:Int;pinknoise:bool;Volume:Byte);
27696: type MSArray = array[0..1] of TMemoryStream;
27697: Func MakeComplexSound2(N:integer {stream # to use};

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27698: Proc SetComplexSoundElements(freqedt,Phaseedt,AmpEdt,WaveGrp:Int);

27699: Proc SetRectComplexFormatStr( const S :Str)
27700: Proc SetPolarComplexFormatStr( const S :Str)
27701: Proc AddComplexSoundObjectToList(newf,newp,newa,news:Int; freqlist: TStrings);
27702: Proc MakeVisible
27703: Proc MakeVisible( PartialOK :Bool)
27704: Proc Manual1Click( Sender : TObject)
27705: Proc MarkReachable
27706: Proc maXbox; //shows the exe version data in a win box
27707: Proc MeanAndStdDev( const Data : array of Double; var Mean, StdDev : Extended)
27708: Proc Memo1Change( Sender : TObject)
27709: Proc Memo1ReplaceText(Sender:TObject;const ASearch,AReplace:str;Line,Column:Int;var
27710: Proc Memo1SpecialLineColors(Sender:TObject;Line:Int;var Special:Boolean;var FG,BG:TColor)
27711: Proc Memo1StatusChange( Sender : TObject; Changes : TSynStatusChanges)
27712: Proc Memory1Click(Sender: TObject);
27714: Proc MergeChangeLog
27715: Proc MINIMIZE
27716: Proc MinimizeMaxbox;
27717: Proc MyCopyFile(Name1,Name2:str);
27718: Proc MkDir(const s:Str)
27719: Proc MakeDir(const s:Str);
27720: Proc ChangeDir(const s:Str);
27721: Func makeFile(const FileName:Str): Int);
27722: Proc mnuPrintFont1Click( Sender : TObject)
27723: Proc ModalStarted
27724: Proc Modified
27725: Proc ModifyAlias( Name :Str; List : TStrings)
27726: Proc ModifyDriver( Name :Str; List : TStrings)
27727: Proc MomentSkewKurtosis(const Data:array of Double;var M1,M2,M3,M4,Skew,Kurtosis:Extended)
27728: Proc MouseToCell( X, Y : Int; var ACol, ARow : Longint)
27729: Proc Move( CurIndex, NewIndex : Int)
27730: Proc Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Int);
27731: Proc Move2(const Source: TByteArray; var Dest: TByteArray; Count: Int)
27732: Proc MoveChars(const ASource:str;ASourceStart:int;var ADest:str;ADestStart,ALen:int)
27733: Proc moveCube( o : TMyLabel)
27734: Proc MoveTo( Destination : LongInt; AttachMode : TAttachMode)
27735: Proc MoveTo(X, Y: Int);
27736: Proc MoveWindowOrg(DC: HDC; DX, DY: Int);
27737: Proc MovePoint(var x,y:Extended; const angle:Extended);
27738: Proc Multiply( Multiplier1, Multiplier2 : TMyBigInt);
27739: Proc Multiply1( Multiplier1 : TMyBigInt; Multiplier2 : Int);
27740: Proc MsgAbout(Handle:Int;const Msg,Caption:str;const IcoName:str='MAINICON';Flags:DWORD=MB_OK);
27741: Proc mxButton(x,y,width,height,top,left,ahandle: Int);
27742: Proc New( Width, Height : Int; PixFormat : TPixelFormat)
27743: Proc New(P: PChar)
27744: Proc New1Click(Sender: TObject);
27745: Proc NewInstance1Click(Sender: TObject);
27746: Proc NEXT
27747: Proc NextMonth
27748: Proc Noop
27749: Proc NormalizePath( var APath :Str)
27750: Proc ObjectBinaryToText(Input, Output: TStream)
27751: Proc ObjectBinaryToText1(Input,Output: TStream;var OriginalFormat: TStreamOriginalFormat)
27752: Proc ObjectResourceToText(Input, Output: TStream)
27753: Proc ObjectResourceToText1(Input,Output:TStream;var OriginalFormat:TStreamOriginalFormat)
27754: Proc ObjectTextToBinary(Input, Output: TStream)
27755: Proc ObjectTextToBinary1(Input,Output: TStream;var OriginalFormat: TStreamOriginalFormat)
27756: Proc ObjectTextToResource(Input, Output: TStream)
27757: Proc ObjectTextToResource1(Input,Output:TStream;var OriginalFormat:TStreamOriginalFormat)
27758: Proc Open( const Name, Address, Service :Str; Port : Word; Block :Bool)
27759: Proc Open( const UserID : WideString; const Password : WideString);
27760: Proc Open;
27761: Proc open1Click( Sender : TObject)
27762: Proc OpenCdDrive
27763: Proc OpenCloseCdDrive( OpenMode :Bool; Drive : Char)
27764: Proc OpenCurrent
27765: Proc OpenFile(vfilenamepath:Str)
27766: Proc OpenDirectory1Click( Sender : TObject)
27767: Proc OpenDir(adir:Str);
27768: Proc OpenIndexFile( const IndexName :Str)
27769: Proc OpenSchema(const Schema:TSchemaInf;const Restricts:OleVar;const
27770: Proc OpenWriteBuffer( const AThreshhold : Int)
27771: Proc OptimizeMem
27772: Proc Options1( AURL :Str);
27773: Proc OutputDebugString(lpOutputString : PChar)
27774: Proc PackBuffer
27775: Proc Paint
27776: Proc PaintToCanvas( Canvas : TCanvas; const Dest : TRect; HalftoneStretch :Bool)
27777: Proc PaintToTBitmap( Target : TBitmap)
27778: Proc PaletteChanged
27779: Proc ParentBiDiModeChanged
27781: Proc PasteFromClipboard;
27782: Proc PasteImage( Source : TLinearBitmap; X, Y : Int)
27783: Proc PathExtractElements(const Source:str;var Drive,Path,FileName,Ext:Str)
27784: Proc PerformEraseBackground(Control: TControl; DC: HDC);

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27785: Proc PError( Text :Str)

27786: Proc Pie(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Int);
27787: Proc Pie(X1:Int;Y1:Int;X2:Int;Y2:Int;X3:Int;Y3:Int;X4:Int;Y4:Int);
27788: Proc Play( FromFrame, ToFrame : Word; Count : Int)
27789: Proc playmp3(mpath:Str);
27790: Proc closeMP3;
27791: Proc PlayMP31Click( Sender : TObject)
27792: Proc PointCopy( var Dest : TPoint; const Source : TPoint)
27793: Proc PointMove( var P : TPoint; const DeltaX, DeltaY : Int)
27794: Proc PolyBezier(const Points: array of TPoint);
27795: Proc PolyBezierTo(const Points: array of TPoint);
27796: Proc Polygon(const Points: array of TPoint);
27797: Proc Polyline(const Points: array of TPoint);
27798: Proc Pop
27800: Proc PopulationVarianceAndMean(const X: TDynFloatArray;var Variance, Mean: Float)
27801: Proc POPUP( X, Y : Int)
27802: Proc PopupURL(URL : WideString);
27803: Proc POST
27804: Proc Post4(AURL:Str;const ASource: TStrings; const AResponseContent : TStream);
27805: Proc Post5( AURL :Str; const ASource, AResponseContent : TStream);
27806: Proc Post6(AURL:str;const ASource:TIdMultiPartFormDataStream;AResponseContent:TStream);
27807: Proc PostUser( const Email, FirstName, LastName : WideString)
27808: Proc PostKeyEx32(key: Word; const shift: TShiftState; specialkey:Bool);
27809: Proc Pred(X: int64);
27810: Proc Prepare
27811: Proc PrepareStatement
27812: Proc PreProcessXML( AList : TStrings)
27813: Proc PreventDestruction
27814: Proc Print( const Caption :Str)
27815: Proc PrintBitmap(aGraphic: TGraphic; Title:Str);
27816: Proc printf(const format:Str; const args: array of const);
27817: Proc PrintList(Value: TStringList);
27818: Proc PrintImage(aValue:TBitmap;Style:TBitmapStyle);
27819: //TBitmapStyle=(bsNormal,bsCentered,bsStretched)
27820: Proc Printout1Click( Sender : TObject)
27821: Proc ProcessHeaders
27823: Proc ProcessMessage( AMsg : TIdMessage; AHeaderOnly :Bool);
27824: Proc ProcessMessage1(AMsg:TIdMessage;const AStream TStream; AHeaderOnly:Bool);
27825: Proc ProcessMessage2(AMsg: TIdMessage; const AFilename :Str; AHeaderOnly :Bool);
27826: Proc ProcessMessagesOFF; //application.processmessages
27827: Proc ProcessMessagesON;
27828: Proc ProcessPath(const EditText:str;var Drive:Char;var DirPart:str;var FilePart:str)
27829: Proc ProcessPath1(const EditText:str;var Drive:Char;var DirPart:str;var FilePart:str);
27830: Proc Proclist Size is: 3797 /1415
27831: Proc procMessClick( Sender : TObject)
27832: Proc PSScriptCompile( Sender : TPSScript)
27833: Proc PSScriptExecute( Sender : TPSScript)
27834: Proc PSScriptLine( Sender : TObject)
27835: Proc Push( ABoundary :Str)
27836: Proc PushItem(AItem: Pointer)
27837: Proc Put2( AURL :Str; const ASource, AResponseContent : TStream);
27838: Proc Put2(const ASourceFile:Str; const ADestFile:Str;const AAppend:boolean);
27839: Proc PutLinuxLines(const Value:Str)
27840: Proc Quit
27841: Proc RaiseConversionError( const AText :Str);
27842: Proc RaiseConversionError1( const AText :Str; const AArgs : array of const);
27843: Proc RaiseConversionRegError( AFamily : TConvFamily; const ADescription :Str)
27844: Proc RaiseException(Ex: TIFException; Param:Str);
27845: Proc RaiseExceptionForLastCmdResult;
27846: Proc RaiseLastException;
27847: Proc RaiseException2;
27848: Proc RaiseException3(const Msg:Str);
27849: Proc RaiseExcept(const Msg:Str);
27850: Proc RaiseLastOSError
27851: Proc RaiseLastWin32;
27852: Proc RaiseLastWin32Error)
27853: Proc RaiseListError( const ATemplate :Str; const AData : array of const)
27854: Proc RandomFillStream( Stream : TMemoryStream)
27855: Proc randomize;
27856: Proc Rasterize( Rasterizer : TRasterizer; Dst : TBitmap32; DstRect : TRect)
27857: Proc RCS
27858: Proc Read( Socket : TSocket)
27859: Proc Readln1(var ast:Str); //of inputquery
27860: Proc ReadBlobData
27861: Proc ReadBuffer(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt)
27862: Proc ReadOnly1Click(Sender: TObject); -->maxform1.memo2.readonly:= false;
27863: Proc ReadSection( const Section :Str; Strings : TStrings)
27864: Proc ReadSections( Strings : TStrings)
27865: Proc ReadSections( Strings : TStrings);
27866: Proc ReadSections1( const Section :Str; Strings : TStrings);
27867: Proc ReadSectionValues( const Section :Str; Strings : TStrings)
27868: Proc ReadStream( AStream:TStream;AByteCount:LongInt;const AReadUntilDisconnect:Bool)
27869: Proc ReadStrings( ADest : TStrings; AReadLinesCount : Int)
27870: Proc ReadVersion2(aFileName:Str; aVersion : TStrings);
27871: Func ReadVersion(aFileName:Str; aVersion : TStrings):Bool;
27872: Proc Realign;
27873: Proc Rectangle(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Int);

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27874: Proc Rectangle1( const Rect : TRect);

27875: Proc RectCopy( var Dest : TRect; const Source : TRect)
27876: Proc RectFitToScreen( var R : TRect)
27877: Proc RectGrow( var R : TRect; const Delta : Int)
27878: Proc RectGrowX( var R : TRect; const Delta : Int)
27879: Proc RectGrowY( var R : TRect; const Delta : Int)
27880: Proc RectMove( var R : TRect; const DeltaX, DeltaY : Int)
27881: Proc RectMoveTo( var R : TRect; const X, Y : Int)
27882: Proc RectNormalize( var R : TRect)
27883: // TFileCallbackProc = procedure(filename:str);
27884: Proc RecurseDirectory(Dir:Str;IncludeSubs:Bool;callback: TFileCallbackProcedure);
27885: Proc RecurseDirectory2(Dir:Str; IncludeSubs :Bool);
27886: Proc RedirectTransition(oOldState:TniRegularExpressionState;oNewState:TniRegularExpressionState)
27887: Proc Refresh;
27888: Proc RefreshData( Options : TFetchOptions)
27890: Proc regExPathfinder(Pathin, fileout, firstp, aregex, ext:Str; asort:Bool);
27891: Proc RegExPathfinder2(Pathin,fileout,firstp, aregex, ext:Str; asort, acopy:Bool);
27892: Proc RegisterAuthenticationMethod(MethodName:Str; AuthClass : TIdAuthenticationClass)
27893: Proc RegisterChanges( Value : TChangeLink)
27894: Proc RegisterConversionFormat(const AExtension:str;AConversionClass:TConversionClass)
27895: Proc RegisterFileFormat(const AExtension,ADescription:str;AGraphicClass:TGraphicClass)
27896: Proc RegisterFileFormat(Extension,AppID:str;Description:str;Executable:str;IconIndex:Int)
27897: Proc ReInitialize( ADelay :Card)
27898: Proc RELEASE
27899: Proc Remove( const AByteCount : Int)
27903: Proc RemoveAllPasswords
27904: Proc RemoveComponent(AComponent:TComponent)
27905: Proc RemoveDir( const ADirName :Str)
27906: Proc RemoveLambdaTransitions( var bChanged :Bool)
27908: Proc RemoveTransitionTo( oState : TniRegularExpressionState; xCharacters : TCharset);
27909: Proc RemoveTransitionTo1( oState : TniRegularExpressionState);
27910: Proc Rename( const ASourceFile, ADestFile :Str)
27911: Proc Rename( const FileName :Str; Reload :Bool)
27912: Proc RenameTable( const NewTableName :Str)
27913: Proc Replace( Index : Int; Image, Mask : TBitmap)
27914: Proc Replace1Click( Sender : TObject)
27915: Proc ReplaceDate( var DateTime : TDateTime; NewDate : TDateTime)
27916: Proc ReplaceDate(var DateTime: TDateTime; const NewDate: TDateTime))
27917: Proc ReplaceIcon( Index : Int; Image : TIcon)
27918: Proc ReplaceMasked( Index : Int; NewImage : TBitmap; MaskColor : TColor)
27919: Proc ReplaceTime( var DateTime : TDateTime; NewTime : TDateTime)
27920: Proc ReplaceTime(var DateTime: TDateTime; const NewTime: TDateTime);
27921: Proc Requery( Options : TExecuteOptions)
27922: Proc Reset
27923: Proc Reset1Click( Sender : TObject)
27924: Proc ResizeCanvas( XSiz, YSiz, XPos, YPos : Int; Color : TColor)
27925: Proc ResourceExplore1Click(Sender: TObject);
27926: Proc RestoreContents
27927: Proc RestoreDefaults
27928: Proc RestoreOtherInstance( MainFormClassName, MainFormCaption :Str)
27929: Proc RetrieveHeaders
27930: Proc RevertRecord
27931: Proc RGBAToBGRA(const Source, Target: Pointer; const BitsPerSample:Byte;Count :Card)
27932: Proc RGBToBGR( const Source, Target:Pointer; const BitsPerSample:Byte; Count :Card);
27933: Proc RGBToBGR1(const R,G,B,Target: Pointer; const BitsPerSample : Byte; Count :Card);
27934: Proc RGBToHSL( const R, G, B : Single; out H, S, L : Single);
27935: Proc RGBToHSL1( const RGB : TColor32; out H, S, L : Single);
27936: Proc RGBToHSV( r, g, b : Int; var h, s, v : Int)
27937: Proc RleCompress2( Stream : TStream)
27938: Proc RleDecompress2( Stream : TStream)
27939: Proc RmDir(const S:Str)
27940: Proc Rollback
27941: Proc Rollback( TransDesc : TTransactionDesc)
27942: Proc RollbackFreeAndNil( var Transaction : TDBXTransaction)
27943: Proc RollbackIncompleteFreeAndNil( var Transaction : TDBXTransaction)
27944: Proc RollbackTrans
27945: Proc RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3: Int);
27946: Proc RoundToAllocGranularity64( var Value : Int64; Up :Bool)
27947: Proc RoundToAllocGranularityPtr( var Value : Pointer; Up :Bool)
27948: Proc RunDll32Internal(Wnd:HWnd; const DLLName,FuncName,CmdLine:str;CmdShow : Int)
27949: Proc S_AddMessageToStrings( AMessages : TStrings; AMsg :Str)
27950: Proc S_EBox( const AText :Str)
27951: Proc S_GetEncryptionKeys(DatTime1,DTime2:TDateTime;var StartKey:int;var MultKey:int;var AddKey:int
27952: Proc S_IBox( const AText :Str)
27953: Proc S_ReplaceChar( var cStr :Str; cOldChr, cNewChr : char)
27954: Proc S_ReplaceStringInFile(AFileName:str; ASearchString, AReplaceString :Str)
27955: Proc S_TokenInit( cBuffer : PChar; const cDelimiters :Str)
27956: Proc SampleVarianceAndMean( const X : TDynFloatArray; var Variance, Mean : Float)
27957: Proc Save2Click( Sender : TObject)
27958: Proc Saveas3Click( Sender : TObject)
27959: Proc Savebefore1Click( Sender : TObject)
27960: Proc SaveBytesToFile(const Data: TBytes; const FileName:Str);
27961: Proc SaveCanvas2(vCanvas: TCanvas; FileName:Str);
27962: Proc SaveConfigFile

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27963: Proc SaveOutput1Click( Sender : TObject)

27964: Proc SaveScreenshotClick(Sender: TObject);
27965: Proc SaveLn(pathname,content:Str); //Saveln(exepath+'mysavelntest.txt', memo2.text);
27966: Proc SaveToClipboardFormat(var AFormat:Word; var AData: THandle; var APalette : HPALETTE)
27967: Proc SaveToClipboardFormat(var Format: Word; var Data : THandle; var APalette : HPALETTE)
27968: Proc SaveToFile( AFileName :Str)
27969: Proc SAVETOFILE( const FILENAME :Str)
27970: Proc SaveToFile( const FileName : WideString)
27971: Proc SaveToFile( const FileName : WideString; Format : TPersistFormat)
27972: Proc SaveToFile( const FileName, FileType :Str; Bitmap : TLinearBitmap)
27973: Proc SaveToFile(FileName:Str);
27974: Proc SaveToFile(FileName:str)
27975: Proc SaveToStream( AStream : TStream; const AHeadersOnly :Bool)
27976: Proc SaveToStream(OutStream TSeekableStream; const Ext :Str; Bitmap : TLinarBitmap)
27977: Proc SaveToStream( S : TStream)
27978: Proc SaveToStream( Stream : TSeekableStream; const Ext :Str; Bitmap : TLinearBitmap)
27979: Proc SaveToStream( Stream : TStream)
27980: Proc SaveToStream( Stream : TStream; Format : TDataPacketFormat)
27981: Proc SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
27982: Proc SaveToStream(Stream:TStream)
27983: Proc SaveToStream1( Stream : TSeekableStream; const FormatExt :Str);
27984: Proc SaveToStream2( Stream : TStream; const FormatExt :Str);
27985: Proc SaveToStrings( AStrings : TStrings; const MimeSeparator : Char)
27986: Proc Say(const sText:Str)
27987: Proc SBytecode1Click( Sender : TObject)
27988: Proc ScaleImage(const SourceBitmap, ResizedBitmap:TBitmap;const ScaleAmount:Double)
27989: Proc ScriptExplorer1Click(Sender: TObject);
27990: Proc Scroll( Distance : Int)
27991: Proc Scroll( DX, DY : Int)
27992: Proc ScrollBy(DeltaX, DeltaY: Int);
27994: Proc ScrollTabs( Delta : Int)
27995: Proc Search1Click( Sender : TObject)
27996: Proc SearchAndOpenDoc(vfilenamepath:Str)
27997: Proc SearchAndOpenFile(vfilenamepath:Str)
27998: Proc SearchAndReplace(aStrList: TStrings; aSearchStr, aNewStr:Str)
27999: Proc SearchAndCopy(aStrList: TStrings; aSearchStr, aNewStr:Str; offset: Int);
28000: Proc SearchNext1Click( Sender : TObject)
28001: Proc Select( Node : TTreeNode; ShiftState : TShiftState);
28002: Proc Select1( const Nodes : array of TTreeNode);
28003: Proc Select2( Nodes : TList);
28004: Proc SelectNext( Direction :Bool)
28005: Proc SelectNextPage( GoForward :Bool; CheckTabVisible :Bool)
28006: Proc SelfTestPEM //unit uPSI_cPEM
28007: Proc Send( AMsg : TIdMessage)
28008: //config forst in const MAILINIFILE = 'maildef.ini';
28009: //ex.: SendEmail('[email protected]','[email protected]','this test7','maxbox the SSL fox','
28010: Proc SendEmail(mFrom, mTo, mSubject, mBody, mAttachment: variant);
28011: Proc SendMail(mFrom, mTo, mSubject, mBody, mAttachment: variant);
28012: Proc SendMsg( AMsg : TIdMessage; const AHeadersOnly :Bool)
28013: Proc SendMsg(AMsg: TIdMessage; const AHeadersOnly:Bool = False)
28014: Proc SendResponse
28015: Proc SendStream( AStream : TStream)
28016: Proc SendMCICommand(Cmd:Str); !
28017: Proc Set8087CW( NewCW : Word)
28018: Proc SetAll( One, Two, Three, Four : Byte)
28019: Proc SetAltRecBuffers( Old, New, Cur : PChar)
28020: Proc SetAppDispatcher( const ADispatcher : TComponent)
28021: Proc SetArrayLength;
28022: Proc SetArrayLength2String(arr: T2StringArray; asize1, asize2: Int); //2 dimension
28023: Proc SetArrayLength2Int(arr: T2IntArray; asize1, asize2: Int);
28024: Proc SetArrayLength2String2(arr: T2StringArray; asize1, asize2: Int); //all init
28025: Proc SetArrayLength2Int2(arr: T2IntArray; asize1, asize2: Int);
28026: Proc SetArrayLength2Char2(var arr: T2CharArray; asize1, asize2: Int);;
28027: Proc Set2DimStrArray(var arr: T2StringArray; asize1, asize2: Int);;
28028: Proc Set2DimIntArray(var arr: T2IntArray; asize1, asize2: Int);;
28029: Proc Set3DimIntArray(var arr: T3IntArray; asize1, asize2, asize3: Int);
28030: Proc Set3DimStrArray(var arr: T3StringArray; asize1, asize2, asize3: Int);
28031: Proc SetAsHandle( Format : Word; Value : THandle)
28032: Proc SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Int)
28033: Proc SetCaptureControl(Control: TControl);
28034: Proc SetColumnAttributes
28035: Proc SetCookieField(Values:TStrings;const ADoman,APath:str;AExpires:TDateTime;ASecure:Bool)
28036: Proc SetCustomHeader( const Name, Value :Str)
28037: Proc SetExprParams(const Text:Widestring;Opts:TFilterOpts;ParserOpts:TParserOpts;const
28038: Proc SetFMTBcd( Buffer : TRecordBuffer; value : TBcd)
28039: Proc SetFocus
28040: Proc SetFocus; virtual;
28041: Proc SetInitialState
28042: Proc SetKey
28043: Proc SetLastError(ErrorCode: Int)
28044: Proc SetLength;
28045: Proc SetLength2(var S:Str; NewLength: Int);
28046: Proc SetLineBreakStyle( var T : Text; Style : TTextLineBreakStyle)
28048: Proc SetParams( ADataset : TDataset; UpdateKind : TUpdateKind);
28050: Proc SetParams1( UpdateKind : TUpdateKind);

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28051: Proc SetPassword( const Password :Str)

28052: Proc SetPointer( Ptr : Pointer; Size : Longint)
28053: Proc SetPrimalityTest( const Method : TPrimalityTestMethod)
28054: Proc SetPrinter( ADevice, ADriver, APort : PChar; ADeviceMode : THandle)
28055: Proc SetProvider( Provider : TComponent)
28056: Proc SetProxy( const Proxy :Str)
28057: Proc SetPSResult( var PSResult : TPSResult; Value : TObject)
28058: Proc SetRange( const StartValues, EndValues : array of const)
28059: Proc SetRangeEnd
28060: Proc SetRate( const aPercent, aYear : Int)
28061: Proc SetRate(const aPercent, aYear: Int)
28062: Proc Set_ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown(abo:Bool)
28063: Proc SetSafeCallExceptionMsg( Msg :Str)
28065: Proc SetSize( AWidth, AHeight : Int)
28066: Proc SetSize(NewSize:LongInt)
28067: Proc SetString(var s:Str; buffer: PChar; len: Int)
28068: Proc SetStrings( List : TStrings)
28069: Proc SetText( Text : PwideChar)
28070: Proc SetText(Text: PChar);
28071: Proc SetTextBuf( Buffer : PChar)
28073: Proc SetTick( Value : Int)
28074: Proc SetTimeout( ATimeOut : Int)
28075: Proc SetTraceEvent( Event : TDBXTraceEvent)
28076: Proc SetUserName( const UserName :Str)
28077: Proc SetWallpaper( Path :Str);
28078: Proc ShellStyle1Click(Sender: TObject);
28080: Proc ShowFileProperties( const FileName :Str)
28081: Proc ShowInclude1Click( Sender : TObject)
28082: Proc ShowInterfaces1Click( Sender : TObject)
28083: Proc ShowLastException1Click( Sender : TObject)
28084: Proc ShowMessage( const Msg :Str)
28085: Proc ShowMessageBig(const aText :Str);
28086: Proc ShowMessageBig2(const aText :Str; aautosize:Bool);
28087: Proc ShowMessageBig3(const aText :Str; fsize: byte; aautosize:Bool);
28088: Proc MsgBig(const aText :Str); //alias
28089: Proc showmessage(mytext:Str);
28090: Proc ShowMessageFmt( const Msg :Str; Params : array of const)
28091: Proc ShowMessageFmt(const Msg:Str; Params: array of const))
28092: Proc ShowMessagePos( const Msg :Str; X, Y : Int)
28093: Proc ShowMessagePos(const Msg:Str; X: Int; Y: Int))
28094: Proc ShowSearchDialog( const Directory :Str)
28095: Proc ShowSpecChars1Click( Sender : TObject)
28096: Proc ShowBitmap(bmap: TBitmap); //draw in a form!
28097: Proc ShredFile( const FileName :Str; Times : Int)
28098: Proc Shuffle(vQ: TStringList);
28099: Proc ShuffleList( var List : array of Int; Count : Int)
28100: Proc SimulateKeystroke( Key : byte; Shift : TShiftState)
28101: Proc SinCos( const Theta : Extended; var Sin, Cos : Extended)
28102: Proc SinCosE( X : Extended; out Sin, Cos : Extended)
28103: Proc Site( const ACommand :Str)
28104: Proc SkipEOL
28105: Proc Sleep( ATime :Card)
28106: Proc Sleep( milliseconds :Card)
28107: Func SleepEx( dwMilliseconds : DWORD; bAlertable : BOOL) : DWORD
28108: Proc Slinenumbers1Click( Sender : TObject)
28109: Proc Sort
28110: Proc SortColorArray(ColorArray:TColorArr;L,R:Int;SortType:TColorArraySortType;Reverse:Bool)
28111: Proc SoundAlarm; //beep seq
28112: Proc Speak(const sText:Str) //async like voice
28113: Proc Speak2(const sText:Str) //sync
28114: Proc Split(Str:Str; SubStr:Str; List: TStrings);
28115: Proc SplitNameValue( const Line :Str; var Name, Value :Str)
28116: Proc SplitColumns( const AData :Str; AStrings : TStrings; const ADelim :Str)
28117: Proc SplitColumnsNoTrim(const AData:str; AStrings:TStrings;const ADelim :Str)
28118: Proc SplitLines( AData : PChar; ADataSize : Int; AStrings : TStrings)
28119: Proc SplitString( const AStr, AToken :Str; var VLeft, VRight :Str)
28120: Proc SQLSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
28121: Proc SRand( Seed : RNG_IntType)
28122: Proc Start
28123: Proc StartCount( var Counter : TJclCounter; const Compensate :Bool)
28124: Proc StartFileFinder3(spath,aext,searchstr:Str; arecursiv:Bool; reslist: TStringlist);
28125: //Ex. StartFileFinder3(exepath+'exercices','*.pas','record',false,seclist);
28126: Proc StartTransaction( TransDesc : TTransactionDesc)
28127: Proc Status( var AStatusList : TStringList)
28128: Proc StatusBar1DblClick( Sender : TObject)
28129: Proc StepInto1Click( Sender : TObject)
28130: Proc StepIt
28131: Proc StepOut1Click( Sender : TObject)
28132: Proc Stop
28133: Proc stopmp3;
28134: Proc StartWeb(aurl:Str);
28135: Proc Str(aint: Int; astr:Str); //of system
28136: Proc StrDispose( Str : PChar)
28137: Proc StrDispose(Str: PChar)
28138: Proc StrReplace(var Str:Str; Old, New:Str);
28139: Proc StretchDIBits( DC : THandle; const Dest : TRect; HalftoneStretch: Bool)

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28140: Proc StretchDraw(const Rect: TRect; Graphic: TGraphic);

28141: Proc StringToBytes( Value :Str; Bytes : array of byte)
28142: Proc StrSet(c : Char; I : Int; var s :Str);
28143: Proc StrSplitP(const Delimiter: Char; Input:Str; const Strings: TStrings);
28144: Proc StructureMount( APath :Str)
28146: Proc Subselect( Node : TTreeNode; Validate :Bool)
28147: Proc Succ(X: int64);
28148: Proc SumsAndSquares( const Data : array of Double; var Sum, SumOfSquares:Extended)
28149: Proc SwapChar(var X,Y: char); //swapX follows
28150: Proc SwapFloats( var X, Y : Float)
28151: Proc SwapGrid(grd: TStringGrid);
28152: Proc SwapOrd( var I, J : Byte);
28153: Proc SwapOrd( var X, Y : Int)
28154: Proc SwapOrd1( var I, J : Shortint);
28155: Proc SwapOrd2( var I, J : Smallint);
28156: Proc SwapOrd3( var I, J : Word);
28157: Proc SwapOrd4( var I, J : Int);
28158: Proc SwapOrd5( var I, J :Card);
28159: Proc SwapOrd6( var I, J : Int64);
28160: Proc SymetricCompareFiles(const plaintext, replaintext:Str)
28161: Proc Synchronize1( Method : TMethod);
28162: Proc SyntaxCheck1Click(Sender: TObject);
28163: Proc SysFreeString(const S: WideString); stdcall;
28164: Proc TakeOver( Other : TLinearBitmap)
28165: Proc Talkln(const sText:Str) //async voice
28166: Proc tbtn6resClick(Sender: TObject);
28167: Proc tbtnUseCaseClick( Sender : TObject)
28168: Proc TerminalStyle1Click(Sender: TObject);
28169: Proc Terminate
28170: Proc texSyntax1Click( Sender : TObject)
28171: Proc TextOut(X, Y: Int; Text:Str);
28172: Proc TextRect( Rect : TRect; X, Y : Int; const Text :Str);
28173: Proc TextRect(Rect: TRect; X: Int; Y: Int; const Text:Str);
28174: Proc TextRect1( var Rect : TRect; var Text :Str; TextFormat:TTextFormat);
28175: Proc TextStart
28176: Proc TILE
28177: Proc TimeStampToBytes( Value : TBcd; Bytes : array of byte)
28178: Proc TitleClick( Column : TColumn)
28179: Proc ToDo
28180: Proc Tone(500 hz, 10000 ms length);
28181: Proc toolbtnTutorialClick(Sender: TObject);
28182: Proc Trace1( AURL :Str; const AResponseContent : TStream);
28183: Proc TransferMode( ATransferMode : TIdFTPTransferMode)
28184: Proc Truncate
28185: Proc Tutorial101Click(Sender: TObject);
28186: Proc Tutorial10Statistics1Click(Sender: TObject);
28187: Proc Tutorial11Forms1Click(Sender: TObject);
28188: Proc Tutorial12SQL1Click(Sender: TObject);
28189: Proc tutorial1Click( Sender : TObject)
28190: Proc tutorial21Click( Sender : TObject)
28191: Proc tutorial31Click( Sender : TObject)
28192: Proc tutorial4Click( Sender : TObject)
28193: Proc Tutorial5Click( Sender : TObject)
28194: Proc Tutorial6Click(Sender: TObject);
28195: Proc Tutorial91Click(Sender: TObject);
28196: Proc UnhookSignal( RtlSigNum : Int; OnlyIfHooked :Bool)
28197: Proc UniqueString(var str: Ansistr)
28198: Proc UnloadLoadPackage(Module: HMODULE)
28199: Proc Unlock
28201: Proc UnRegisterChanges( Value : TChangeLink)
28202: Proc UnregisterConversionFamily( const AFamily : TConvFamily)
28203: Proc UnregisterConversionType( const AType : TConvType)
28204: Proc UnRegisterProvider( Prov : TCustomProvider)
28205: Proc UPDATE
28206: Proc UpdateBatch( AffectRecords : TAffectRecords)
28208: Proc UpdateFile
28209: Proc UpdateItems( FirstIndex, LastIndex : Int)
28210: Proc UpdateResponse( AResponse : TWebResponse)
28211: Proc UpdateScrollBar
28212: Proc UpdateView1Click( Sender : TObject)
28213: Proc UpdateExeResource(Const Source,Dest:str); //!
28214: Proc Val(const s:Str; var n, z: Int)
28215: Proc VarArraySet(c : Variant; I : Int; var s : Variant);
28216: Proc VarFMTBcdCreate( var ADest : Variant; const ABcd : TBcd);
28217: Proc VariantAdd( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28218: Proc VariantAnd( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28219: Proc VariantArrayRedim( var V : Variant; High : Int)
28220: Proc VariantCast( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant; vt : Int)
28221: Proc VariantClear( var V : Variant)
28222: Proc VariantCpy( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28223: Proc VariantDiv( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28224: Proc VariantMod( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28225: Proc VariantMul( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28226: Proc VariantOr( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28227: Proc VariantPutElement( var V : Variant; const data : Variant; i1 : Int);
28228: Proc VariantPutElement1( var V : Variant; const data : Variant; i1, i2 : Int);

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28229: Proc VariantPutElement2( var V : Variant; const data : Variant; i1, i2, i3 : Int);
28230: Proc VariantPutElement3(var V: Variant; const data : Variant; i1, i2, i3, i4 : Int);
28231: Proc VariantPutElement4(var V:Variant;const data: Variant; i1,i2,i3, i4, i5 : Int);
28232: Proc VariantShl( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28233: Proc VariantShr( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28234: Proc VariantSub( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28235: Proc VariantXor( const src : Variant; var dst : Variant)
28236: Proc VarCastError;
28237: Proc VarCastError1( const ASourceType, ADestType : TVarType);
28238: Proc VarInvalidOp
28239: Proc VarInvalidNullOp
28240: Proc VarOverflowError( const ASourceType, ADestType : TVarType)
28241: Proc VarRangeCheckError( const ASourceType, ADestType : TVarType)
28242: Proc VarArrayCreateError
28243: Proc VarResultCheck( AResult : HRESULT);
28244: Proc VarResultCheck1( AResult : HRESULT; ASourceType, ADestType : TVarType);
28245: Proc HandleConversionException( const ASourceType, ADestType : TVarType)
28246: Func VarTypeAsText( const AType : TVarType) :Str
28247: Proc Voice(const sText:Str) //async
28248: Proc Voice2(const sText:Str) //sync
28249: Proc WaitMiliSeconds( AMSec : word)
28250: Proc WaitMS( AMSec : word);
28251: Proc WebCamPic(picname:Str); //eg: c:\mypic.png
28252: Proc WideAppend( var dst : WideString; const src : WideString)
28253: Proc WideAssign( var dst : WideString; var src : WideString)
28254: Proc WideDelete( var dst : WideString; index, count : Int)
28255: Proc WideFree( var s : WideString)
28256: Proc WideFromAnsi( var dst : WideString; const src : Ansistr)
28257: Proc WideFromPChar( var dst : WideString; src : PChar)
28258: Proc WideInsert( var dst : WideString; const src : WideString; index : Int)
28259: Proc WideSetLength( var dst : WideString; len : Int)
28260: Proc WideString2Stream( aWideString : WideString; oStream : TStream)
28261: Proc WideStringToBytes( Value : WideString; Bytes : array of byte)
28262: Proc WinColorToOpenGLColor( const Color : TColor; out Red, Green, Blue : Float)
28263: Proc WinInet_HttpGet(const Url:Str; Stream:TStream);
28264: Proc HttpGet(const Url:Str; Stream:TStream);
28265: Proc WordToTwoBytes( AWord : Word; ByteArray : TIdBytes; Index : Int)
28266: Proc WordWrap1Click( Sender : TObject)
28267: Proc Write( const AOut :Str)
28268: Proc Write( Socket : TSocket)
28269: Proc Write(S:Str);
28270: Proc WriteBinaryStream( const Section, Name :Str; Value : TStream)
28271: Proc WriteBool( const Section, Ident :Str; Value :Bool)
28272: Proc WriteBuffer( const ABuffer, AByteCount : Longint; const AWriteNow :Bool)
28273: Proc WriteBuffer(Buffer:str;Count:LongInt)
28274: Proc WriteCardinal( AValue :Card; const AConvert :Bool)
28275: Proc WriteChar( AValue : Char)
28276: Proc WriteDate( const Section, Name :Str; Value : TDateTime)
28277: Proc WriteDateTime( const Section, Name :Str; Value : TDateTime)
28278: Proc WriteFloat( const Section, Name :Str; Value : Double)
28279: Proc WriteHeader( AHeader : TStrings)
28280: Proc WriteInt( AValue : Int; const AConvert :Bool)
28281: Proc WriteInt( const Section, Ident :Str; Value : Longint)
28282: Proc WriteLn( const AOut :Str)
28283: Proc Println( AOut :Str)
28284: Proc Writeln(s:Str);
28285: Proc WriteLog( const FileName, LogLine :Str)
28286: Proc WriteRFCReply( AReply : TIdRFCReply)
28287: Proc WriteRFCStrings( AStrings : TStrings)
28288: Proc WriteSmallInt( AValue : SmallInt; const AConvert :Bool)
28289: Proc WriteStream(AStream:TStream;const AAll:Bool;const AWriteByteCnt:Bool;const ASize:Int)
28290: Proc WriteString( const Section, Ident, Value :Str)
28291: Proc WriteStrings( AValue : TStrings; const AWriteLinesCount :Bool)
28292: Proc WriteTime( const Section, Name :Str; Value : TDateTime)
28293: Proc WriteObjectResourceHeader( ObjStream, Output : TStream)
28294: Proc Write16bitResourceHeader(const AName: TBytes; DataSize : Int; Output:TStream)
28295: Proc Write32bitResourceHeader(const AName: TBytes; DataSize : Int; Output:TStream)
28296: Proc WriteDataSetToCSV(DataSet: TDataSet; FileName:Str);
28297: Proc WStrSet(c : AnyString; I : Int; var s : AnyString);
28298: Proc XMLSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
28299: Proc XOR_Streams2( Dest, Srce : TMemoryStream)
28300: Proc XOR_Streams3( Dest, SrceA, SrceB : TMemoryStream)
28301: Proc ZeroFillStream( Stream : TMemoryStream)
28302: Proc XMLSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
28303: Proc ZeroMemory( Ptr : Pointer; Length : Longint)
28304: procedure(Control: TWinControl; Index: Int; Rect: TRect; State: Byte)
28305: procedure(Control: TWinControl; Index: Int; var Height: Int)
28306: procedure(Sender,Source: TObject; X, Y: Int; State: TDragState; var Accept:Bool)
28307: procedure(Sender,Source: TObject;X, Y: Int)
28308: procedure(Sender,Target: TObject; X, Y: Int)
28309: procedure(Sender:TObject; ASection, AWidth: Int)
28310: procedure(Sender:TObject; ScrollCode: TScrollCode;var ScrollPos: Int)
28311: procedure(Sender:TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Int);
28312: procedure(Sender:TObject; var Action: TCloseAction)
28313: procedure(Sender:TObject; var CanClose:Bool)
28314: procedure(Sender:TObject; var Key: Char);
28315: ProcedureName ProcedureNames ProcedureParametersCursor @
28317: *************Now Constructors constructor *************

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28318: Size is: 1727 1640 1588

28319: Attach( VersionInfoData : Pointer; Size : Int)
28320: constructor Create( ABuckets : TBucketListSizes)
28321: Create(ACallBackWnd : HWND)
28322: Create(AClient : TCustomTaskDialog)
28323: Create(AClient : TIdTelnet)
28324: Create(ACollection : TCollection)
28325: Create(ACollection : TFavoriteLinkItems)
28326: Create(ACollection : TTaskDialogButtons)
28327: Create(AConnection : TIdCustomHTTP)
28328: Create(ACreateSuspended :Bool)
28329: Create(ADataSet : TCustomSQLDataSet)
28331: Create(Aggregates : TAggregates; ADataSet : TCustomClientDataSet);
28332: Create(AGrid : TCustomDBGrid)
28333: Create(AGrid : TStringGrid; AIndex : Longint)
28334: Create(AHTTP : TIdCustomHTTP)
28335: Create(AListItems : TListItems)
28336: Create(AOnBytesRemoved : TIdBufferBytesRemoved)
28337: Create(AOnBytesRemoved : TIdBufferBytesRemoved)
28338: Create(AOwner : TCommonCalendar)
28339: Create(AOwner : TComponent)
28341: Create(AOwner : TCustomListView)
28342: Create(AOwner : TCustomOutline)
28343: Create(AOwner : TCustomRichEdit)
28344: Create(AOwner : TCustomRichEdit; AttributeType : TAttributeType)
28345: Create(AOwner : TCustomTreeView)
28346: Create(AOwner : TIdUserManager)
28347: Create(AOwner : TListItems)
28348: Create(AOwner:TObj;Handl:hDBICur;CBTyp:CBType;CBBuf:Ptr;CBBufSiz:Int;CallbkEvt:TBDECallbkEvt;Chain:Bool)
28350: Create(AOwner : TPersistent)
28351: Create(AOwner : TTable)
28352: Create(AOwner : TTreeNodes)
28353: Create(AOwner : TWinControl; const ClassName :Str)
28354: Create(AParent : TIdCustomHTTP)
28355: Create(AParent : TUpdateTree; AResolver : TCustomResolver)
28356: Create(AProvider : TBaseProvider)
28357: Create(AProvider : TCustomProvider);
28358: Create(AProvider : TDataSetProvider)
28359: Create(ASocket : TCustomWinSocket; TimeOut : Longint)
28360: Create(ASocket : TSocket)
28361: Create(AStrings : TWideStrings)
28362: Create(AToolBar : TToolBar)
28363: Create(ATreeNodes : TTreeNodes)
28364: Create(Autofill :Bool)
28365: Create(AWebPageInfo : TAbstractWebPageInfo)
28366: Create(AWebRequest : TWebRequest)
28367: Create(Collection : TCollection)
28368: Create(Collection : TIdMessageParts; ABody : TStrings)
28369: Create(Collection : TIdMessageParts; const AFileName : TFileName)
28370: Create(Column : TColumn)
28371: Create(const AConvFamily : TConvFamily; const ADescription :Str)
28372: Create(const AConvFamily TConvFamily;const ADescription:str;const AFactor: Double)
28373: Create(const AConvFamily:TConvFamily;const ADescription:str;const AToCommonProc,
28374: Create(const AInitialState :Bool; const AManualReset :Bool)
28375: Create(const ATabSet : TTabSet)
28376: Create(const Compensate :Bool)
28377: Create(const FileMap:TJclCustomFileMapping; Access,Size :Card; ViewOffset : Int64)
28378: Create(const FileName :Str)
28379: Create(const FileName :Str;FileMode:Card; const Name:str; Protect:Card; const MaximumSize : Int64; const
SecAttr : PSecurityAttributes);
28380: Create(const FileName :Str; FileMode : WordfmShareDenyWrite)
28381: Create(const MaskValue :Str)
28382: Create(const Name:str; Protect:Card;const MaximumSize:Int64;const SecAttr:PSecurityAttributes)
28383: Create(const Prefix :Str)
28384: Create(const sRegularExpression :Str; xFlags : TniRegularExpressionMatchFlags)
28385: Create(const sRule :Str; xFlags : TniRegularExpressionMatchFlags)
28386: Create(const sRule :Str; xFlags : TniRegularExpressionMatchFlags)
28387: Create(CoolBar : TCoolBar)
28388: Create(CreateSuspended :Bool; ASocket : TServerClientWinSocket)
28389: Create(CreateSuspended :Bool; ASocket : TServerWinSocket)
28390: Create(DataSet:TDataSet;const Text:Widestring;Options:TFilterOptions;ParserOptions:TParserOptions;const
28391: Create(DBCtrlGrid : TDBCtrlGrid)
28392: Create(DSTableProducer : TDSTableProducer)
28393: Create(DSTableProducer : TDSTableProducer; ColumnClass : THTMLTableColumnClass)
28394: Create(ErrorCode : DBIResult)
28395: Create(Field : TBlobField; Mode : TBlobStreamMode)
28396: Create(Grid : TCustomDBGrid; ColumnClass : TColumnClass)
28397: Create(HeaderControl : TCustomHeaderControl)
28398: Create(HTTPRequest : TWebRequest)
28399: Create(iStart : Int; sText :Str)
28400: Create(iValue : Int)
28401: Create(Kind : TMmTimerKind; Notification : TMmNotificationKind)
28402: Create(MciErrNo : MCIERROR; const Msg :Str)
28403: Create(MemoryStream:TCustomMemStream;FreeStream:Boolean;const AIndexOption:TJclMappedTextReaderIndex);

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28404: Create(Message :Str; ErrorCode : DBResult)

28405: Create(Msg :Str)
28406: Create(NativeError, Context :Str; ErrCode, PrevError : Int; E : Exception)
28407: Create(NativeError, Context :Str; ErrorCode, PreviousError : DBResult)
28408: Create(oExpression : TniRegularExpression; eType : TniRegularExpressionStateType)
28409: Create(oOwner : TniRegularExpression; xFlags : TniRegularExpressionMatchFlags)
28410: Create(oSorce:TniRegularExpressState;oDestinat:TniRegularExprState;xCharacts:TCharSet;bLambda:bool)
28411: Create(Owner: EDBEngineError; ErrorCode: DBIResult; NativeError:Longint;Message: PChar)
28412: Create(Owner: TCustomComboBoxEx)
28414: Create(Owner: TPersistent)
28415: Create(Params: TStrings) Create( Size :Card)
28416: Create(Socket: TSocket; ServerWinSocket : TServerWinSocket)
28417: Create(StatusBar: TCustomStatusBar)
28418: Create(WebDispatcher : TCustomWebDispatcher; ItemClass : TCollectionItemClass)
28419: Create(WebResponse : TWebResponse; ItemClass : TCollectionItemClass)
28420: Create(AHandle:Int)
28421: Create(AOwner: TComponent); virtual;
28422: Create(const AURI :Str)
28423: Create(FileName:str;Mode:Word)
28424: Create(Instance:THandle;ResName:str;ResType:PChar)
28425: Create(Stream : TStream)
28426: Create1( ADataset : TDataset);
28427: Create1(const FileHandle:THandle;const Name:str;Protect:Card;const MaximumSize:Int64;const
28428: Create1( const FileName :Str; const AIndexOption : TJclMappedTextReaderIndex);
28429: Create2( Other : TObject);
28430: CreateAt(FileMap: TJclCustomFileMapping;Access,Size:Card;ViewOffset:Int64;Address:Pointer)
28431: CreateError(const anErrCode: Int;const asReplyMessage:Str; const asErrorMessage:Str)
28432: CreateFmt( MciErrNo : MCIERROR; const Msg :Str; const Args : array of const)
28433: CreateFromId(Instance:THandle;ResId:Int;ResType:PChar)
28434: CreateLinked( DBCtrlGrid : TDBCtrlGrid)
28436: CreateRes(Ident : Int);
28437: CreateRes(MciErrNo : MCIERROR; Ident : Int)
28438: CreateRes(ResStringRec : PResStringRec);
28439: CreateResHelp( Ident : Int; AHelpContext : Int);
28440: CreateResHelp( ResStringRec : PResStringRec; AHelpContext : Int);
28441: CreateShadow( AOwner : TComponent; ControlSide : TControlSide)
28442: CreateSize( AWidth, AHeight : Int)
28443: Open(const Name:Str; const InheritHandle:Bool; const DesiredAccess :Card)
28445: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28446: unit uPSI_MathMax;
28447: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28448: CONSTS
28449: Bernstein: Float = 0.2801694990238691330364364912307; // Bernstein constant
28450: Cbrt2: Float = 1.2599210498948731647672106072782; // CubeRoot(2)
28451: Cbrt3: Float = 1.4422495703074083823216383107801; // CubeRoot(3)
28452: Cbrt10: Float = 2.1544346900318837217592935665194; // CubeRoot(10)
28453: Cbrt100: Float = 4.6415888336127788924100763509194; // CubeRoot(100)
28454: CbrtPi: Float = 1.4645918875615232630201425272638; // CubeRoot(PI)
28455: Catalan: Float = 0.9159655941772190150546035149324; // Catalan constant
28456: PiJ: Float = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795; // PI
28457: PI: Extended = = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795);
28458: PiOn2: Float = 1.5707963267948966192313216916398; // PI / 2
28459: PiOn3: Float = 1.0471975511965977461542144610932; // PI / 3
28460: PiOn4: Float = 0.78539816339744830961566084581988; // PI / 4
28461: Sqrt2: Float = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097; // Sqrt(2)
28462: Sqrt3: Float = 1.7320508075688772935274463415059; // Sqrt(3)
28463: Sqrt5: Float = 2.2360679774997896964091736687313; // Sqrt(5)
28464: Sqrt10: Float = 3.1622776601683793319988935444327; // Sqrt(10)
28465: SqrtPi: Float = 1.7724538509055160272981674833411; // Sqrt(PI)
28466: Sqrt2Pi: Float = 2.506628274631000502415765284811; // Sqrt(2 * PI)
28467: TwoPi: Float = 6.283185307179586476925286766559; // 2 * PI
28468: ThreePi: Float = 9.4247779607693797153879301498385; // 3 * PI
28469: Ln2: Float = 0.69314718055994530941723212145818; // Ln(2)
28470: Ln10: Float = 2.3025850929940456840179914546844; // Ln(10)
28471: LnPi: Float = 1.1447298858494001741434273513531; // Ln(PI)
28472: Log2J: Float = 0.30102999566398119521373889472449; // Log10(2)
28473: Log3: Float = 0.47712125471966243729502790325512; // Log10(3)
28474: LogPi: Float = 0.4971498726941338543512682882909; // Log10(PI)
28475: LogE: Float = 0.43429448190325182765112891891661; // Log10(E)
28476: E: Float = 2.7182818284590452353602874713527; // Natural constant
28477: hLn2Pi: Float = 0.91893853320467274178032973640562; // Ln(2*PI)/2
28478: inv2Pi: Float = 0.15915494309189533576888376337251436203445964574046; // 0.5/Pi
28479: TwoToPower63: Float = 9223372036854775808.0; // 2^63
28480: GoldenMean: Float = 1.618033988749894848204586834365638; // GoldenMean
28481: EulerMascheroni: Float = 0.5772156649015328606065120900824; // Euler GAMMA
28482: RadCor : Double = 57.29577951308232; {number of degrees in a radian}
28483: StDelta : Extended = 0.00001; {delta for difference equations}
28484: StEpsilon : Extended = 0.00001; {epsilon for difference equations}
28485: StMaxIterations : Int = 100; {max attempts for convergence}
28487: Proc SIRegister_StdConvs(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
28488: begin
28489: MetersPerInch = 0.0254; // [1]
28490: MetersPerFoot = MetersPerInch * 12;
28491: MetersPerYard = MetersPerFoot * 3;

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28492: MetersPerMile = MetersPerFoot * 5280;

28493: MetersPerNauticalMiles = 1852;
28494: MetersPerAstronomicalUnit = 1.49598E11; // [4]
28495: MetersPerLightSecond = 2.99792458E8; // [5]
28496: MetersPerLightYear = MetersPerLightSecond * 31556925.9747; // [7]
28497: MetersPerParsec = MetersPerAstronomicalUnit * 206264.806247096; // 60 * 60 * (180 / Pi)
28498: MetersPerCubit = 0.4572; // [6][7]
28499: MetersPerFathom = MetersPerFoot * 6;
28500: MetersPerFurlong = MetersPerYard * 220;
28501: MetersPerHand = MetersPerInch * 4;
28502: MetersPerPace = MetersPerInch * 30;
28503: MetersPerRod = MetersPerFoot * 16.5;
28504: MetersPerChain = MetersPerRod * 4;
28505: MetersPerLink = MetersPerChain / 100;
28506: MetersPerPoint = MetersPerInch * 0.013837; // [7]
28507: MetersPerPica = MetersPerPoint * 12;
28509: SquareMetersPerSquareInch = MetersPerInch * MetersPerInch;
28510: SquareMetersPerSquareFoot = MetersPerFoot * MetersPerFoot;
28511: SquareMetersPerSquareYard = MetersPerYard * MetersPerYard;
28512: SquareMetersPerSquareMile = MetersPerMile * MetersPerMile;
28513: SquareMetersPerAcre = SquareMetersPerSquareYard * 4840;
28514: SquareMetersPerSquareRod = MetersPerRod * MetersPerRod;
28515: CubicMetersPerCubicInch = MetersPerInch * MetersPerInch * MetersPerInch;
28516: CubicMetersPerCubicFoot = MetersPerFoot * MetersPerFoot * MetersPerFoot;
28517: CubicMetersPerCubicYard = MetersPerYard * MetersPerYard * MetersPerYard;
28518: CubicMetersPerCubicMile = MetersPerMile * MetersPerMile * MetersPerMile;
28519: CubicMetersPerAcreFoot = SquareMetersPerAcre * MetersPerFoot;
28520: CubicMetersPerAcreInch = SquareMetersPerAcre * MetersPerInch;
28521: CubicMetersPerCord = CubicMetersPerCubicFoot * 128;
28522: CubicMetersPerCordFoot = CubicMetersPerCubicFoot * 16;
28524: CubicMetersPerUSFluidGallon = CubicMetersPerCubicInch * 231; // [2][3][7]
28525: CubicMetersPerUSFluidQuart = CubicMetersPerUSFluidGallon / 4;
28526: CubicMetersPerUSFluidPint = CubicMetersPerUSFluidQuart / 2;
28527: CubicMetersPerUSFluidCup = CubicMetersPerUSFluidPint / 2;
28528: CubicMetersPerUSFluidGill = CubicMetersPerUSFluidCup / 2;
28529: CubicMetersPerUSFluidOunce = CubicMetersPerUSFluidCup / 8;
28530: CubicMetersPerUSFluidTablespoon = CubicMetersPerUSFluidOunce / 2;
28531: CubicMetersPerUSFluidTeaspoon = CubicMetersPerUSFluidOunce / 6;
28532: CubicMetersPerUSDryGallon = CubicMetersPerCubicInch * 268.8025; // [7]
28533: CubicMetersPerUSDryQuart = CubicMetersPerUSDryGallon / 4;
28534: CubicMetersPerUSDryPint = CubicMetersPerUSDryQuart / 2;
28535: CubicMetersPerUSDryPeck = CubicMetersPerUSDryGallon * 2;
28536: CubicMetersPerUSDryBucket = CubicMetersPerUSDryPeck * 2;
28537: CubicMetersPerUSDryBushel = CubicMetersPerUSDryBucket * 2;
28538: CubicMetersPerUKGallon = 0.00454609; // [2][7]
28539: CubicMetersPerUKPottle = CubicMetersPerUKGallon / 2;
28540: CubicMetersPerUKQuart = CubicMetersPerUKPottle / 2;
28541: CubicMetersPerUKPint = CubicMetersPerUKQuart / 2;
28542: CubicMetersPerUKGill = CubicMetersPerUKPint / 4;
28543: CubicMetersPerUKOunce = CubicMetersPerUKPint / 20;
28544: CubicMetersPerUKPeck = CubicMetersPerUKGallon * 2;
28545: CubicMetersPerUKBucket = CubicMetersPerUKPeck * 2;
28546: CubicMetersPerUKBushel = CubicMetersPerUKBucket * 2;
28548: GramsPerPound = 453.59237; // [1][7]
28549: GramsPerDrams = GramsPerPound / 256;
28550: GramsPerGrains = GramsPerPound / 7000;
28551: GramsPerTons = GramsPerPound * 2000;
28552: GramsPerLongTons = GramsPerPound * 2240;
28553: GramsPerOunces = GramsPerPound / 16;
28554: GramsPerStones = GramsPerPound * 14;
28556: MaxAngle 9223372036854775808.0;
28557: MaxTanH 5678.2617031470719747459655389854);
28558: MaxFactorial( 1754);
28559: MaxFloatingPoint(1.189731495357231765085759326628E+4932);
28560: MinFloatingPoint',(3.3621031431120935062626778173218E-4932);
28561: MaxTanH( 354.89135644669199842162284618659);
28562: MaxFactorial'LongInt'( 170);
28563: MaxFloatingPointD(1.797693134862315907729305190789E+308);
28564: MinFloatingPointD(2.2250738585072013830902327173324E-308);
28565: MaxTanH( 44.361419555836499802702855773323);
28566: MaxFactorial'LongInt'( 33);
28567: MaxFloatingPointS( 3.4028236692093846346337460743177E+38);
28568: MinFloatingPointS( 1.1754943508222875079687365372222E-38);
28569: PiExt( 3.1415926535897932384626433832795);
28570: RatioDegToRad( PiExt / 180.0);
28571: RatioGradToRad( PiExt / 200.0);
28572: RatioDegToGrad( 200.0 / 180.0);
28573: RatioGradToDeg( 180.0 / 200.0);
28574: Crc16PolynomCCITT'LongWord $1021);
28575: Crc16PolynomIBM'LongWord $8005);
28576: Crc16Bits'LongInt'( 16);
28577: Crc16Bytes'LongInt'( 2);
28578: Crc16HighBit'LongWord $8000);
28579: NotCrc16HighBit','LongWord $7FFF);
28580: Crc32PolynomIEEE','LongWord $04C11DB7);

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28581: Crc32PolynomCastagnoli','LongWord $1EDC6F41);

28582: Crc32Koopman','LongWord $741B8CD7);
28583: Crc32Bits','LongInt'( 32);
28584: Crc32Bytes','LongInt'( 4);
28585: Crc32HighBit','LongWord $80000000);
28586: NotCrc32HighBit','LongWord $7FFFFFFF);
28588: MinByte = Low(Byte);
28589: MaxByte = High(Byte);
28590: MinWord = Low(Word);
28591: MaxWord = High(Word);
28592: MinShortInt = Low(ShortInt);
28593: MaxShortInt = High(ShortInt);
28594: MinSmallInt = Low(SmallInt);
28595: MaxSmallInt = High(SmallInt);
28596: MinLongWord = LongWord(Low(LongWord));
28597: MaxLongWord = LongWord(High(LongWord));
28598: MinLongInt = LongInt(Low(LongInt));
28599: MaxLongInt = LongInt(High(LongInt));
28600: MinInt64 = Int64(Low(Int64));
28601: MaxInt64 = Int64(High(Int64));
28602: MinInt = Int(Low(Int));
28603: MaxInt = Int(High(Int));
28604: MinCardinal = Cardinal(Low(Cardinal));
28605: MaxCardinal = Cardinal(High(Cardinal));
28606: MinNativeUInt = NativeUInt(Low(NativeUInt));
28607: MaxNativeUInt = NativeUInt(High(NativeUInt));
28608: MinNativeInt = NativeInt(Low(NativeInt));
28609: MaxNativeInt = NativeInt(High(NativeInt));
28610: Func CosH( const Z : Float) : Float;
28611: Func SinH( const Z : Float) : Float;
28612: Func TanH( const Z : Float) : Float;
28614: //***********from DMath.Dll Lib of types.inc in source\dmath_dll
28615: InvLn2 = 1.44269504088896340736; { 1/Ln(2) }
28616: InvLn10 = 0.43429448190325182765; { 1/Ln(10) }
28617: TwoPi = 6.28318530717958647693; { 2*Pi }
28618: PiDiv2 = 1.57079632679489661923; { Pi/2 }
28619: SqrtPi = 1.77245385090551602730; { Sqrt(Pi) }
28620: Sqrt2Pi = 2.50662827463100050242; { Sqrt(2*Pi) }
28621: InvSqrt2Pi = 0.39894228040143267794; { 1/Sqrt(2*Pi) }
28622: LnSqrt2Pi = 0.91893853320467274178; { Ln(Sqrt(2*Pi)) }
28623: Ln2PiDiv2 = 0.91893853320467274178; { Ln(2*Pi)/2 }
28624: Sqrt2 = 1.41421356237309504880; { Sqrt(2) }
28625: Sqrt2Div2 = 0.70710678118654752440; { Sqrt(2)/2 }
28626: Gold = 1.61803398874989484821; { Golden Mean = (1 + Sqrt(5))/2 }
28627: CGold = 0.38196601125010515179; { 2 - GOLD }
28628: MachEp = 2.220446049250313E-16; { 2^(-52) }
28629: MaxNum = 1.797693134862315E+308; { 2^1024 }
28630: MinNum = 2.225073858507202E-308; { 2^(-1022) }
28631: MaxLog = 709.7827128933840;
28632: MinLog = -708.3964185322641;
28633: MaxFac = 170;
28634: MaxGam = 171.624376956302;
28635: MaxLgm = 2.556348E+305;
28636: SingleCompareDelta = 1.0E-34;
28637: DoubleCompareDelta = 1.0E-280;
28638: {$IFDEF CLR}
28639: ExtendedCompareDelta = DoubleCompareDelta;
28640: {$ELSE}
28641: ExtendedCompareDelta = 1.0E-4400;
28642: {$ENDIF}
28643: Bytes1KB = 1024;
28644: Bytes1MB = 1024 * Bytes1KB;
28645: Bytes1GB = 1024 * Bytes1MB;
28646: Bytes64KB = 64 * Bytes1KB;
28647: Bytes64MB = 64 * Bytes1MB;
28648: Bytes2GB = 2 * LongWord(Bytes1GB);
28649: clBlack32', $FF000000 ));
28650: clDimGray32', $FF3F3F3F ));
28651: clGray32', $FF7F7F7F ));
28652: clLightGray32', $FFBFBFBF ));
28653: clWhite32', $FFFFFFFF ));
28654: clMaroon32', $FF7F0000 ));
28655: clGreen32', $FF007F00 ));
28656: clOlive32', $FF7F7F00 ));
28657: clNavy32', $FF00007F ));
28658: clPurple32', $FF7F007F ));
28659: clTeal32', $FF007F7F ));
28660: clRed32', $FFFF0000 ));
28661: clLime32', $FF00FF00 ));
28662: clYellow32', $FFFFFF00 ));
28663: clBlue32', $FF0000FF ));
28664: clFuchsia32', $FFFF00FF ));
28665: clAqua32', $FF00FFFF ));
28666: clAliceBlue32', $FFF0F8FF ));
28667: clAntiqueWhite32', $FFFAEBD7 ));
28668: clAquamarine32', $FF7FFFD4 ));
28669: clAzure32', $FFF0FFFF ));

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28670: clBeige32', $FFF5F5DC ));

28671: clBisque32', $FFFFE4C4 ));
28672: clBlancheDalmond32', $FFFFEBCD ));
28673: clBlueViolet32', $FF8A2BE2 ));
28674: clBrown32', $FFA52A2A ));
28675: clBurlyWood32', $FFDEB887 ));
28676: clCadetblue32', $FF5F9EA0 ));
28677: clChartReuse32', $FF7FFF00 ));
28678: clChocolate32', $FFD2691E ));
28679: clCoral32', $FFFF7F50 ));
28680: clCornFlowerBlue32', $FF6495ED ));
28681: clCornSilk32', $FFFFF8DC ));
28682: clCrimson32', $FFDC143C ));
28683: clDarkBlue32', $FF00008B ));
28684: clDarkCyan32', $FF008B8B ));
28685: clDarkGoldenRod32', $FFB8860B ));
28686: clDarkGray32', $FFA9A9A9 ));
28687: clDarkGreen32', $FF006400 ));
28688: clDarkGrey32', $FFA9A9A9 ));
28689: clDarkKhaki32', $FFBDB76B ));
28690: clDarkMagenta32', $FF8B008B ));
28691: clDarkOliveGreen32', $FF556B2F ));
28692: clDarkOrange32', $FFFF8C00 ));
28693: clDarkOrchid32', $FF9932CC ));
28694: clDarkRed32', $FF8B0000 ));
28695: clDarkSalmon32', $FFE9967A ));
28696: clDarkSeaGreen32', $FF8FBC8F ));
28697: clDarkSlateBlue32', $FF483D8B ));
28698: clDarkSlateGray32', $FF2F4F4F ));
28699: clDarkSlateGrey32', $FF2F4F4F ));
28700: clDarkTurquoise32', $FF00CED1 ));
28701: clDarkViolet32', $FF9400D3 ));
28702: clDeepPink32', $FFFF1493 ));
28703: clDeepSkyBlue32', $FF00BFFF ));
28704: clDodgerBlue32', $FF1E90FF ));
28705: clFireBrick32', $FFB22222 ));
28706: clFloralWhite32', $FFFFFAF0 ));
28707: clGainsBoro32', $FFDCDCDC ));
28708: clGhostWhite32', $FFF8F8FF ));
28709: clGold32', $FFFFD700 ));
28710: clGoldenRod32', $FFDAA520 ));
28711: clGreenYellow32', $FFADFF2F ));
28712: clGrey32', $FF808080 ));
28713: clHoneyDew32', $FFF0FFF0 ));
28714: clHotPink32', $FFFF69B4 ));
28715: clIndianRed32', $FFCD5C5C ));
28716: clIndigo32', $FF4B0082 ));
28717: clIvory32', $FFFFFFF0 ));
28718: clKhaki32', $FFF0E68C ));
28719: clLavender32', $FFE6E6FA ));
28720: clLavenderBlush32', $FFFFF0F5 ));
28721: clLawnGreen32', $FF7CFC00 ));
28722: clLemonChiffon32', $FFFFFACD ));
28723: clLightBlue32', $FFADD8E6 ));
28724: clLightCoral32', $FFF08080 ));
28725: clLightCyan32', $FFE0FFFF ));
28726: clLightGoldenRodYellow32', $FFFAFAD2 ));
28727: clLightGreen32', $FF90EE90 ));
28728: clLightGrey32', $FFD3D3D3 ));
28729: clLightPink32', $FFFFB6C1 ));
28730: clLightSalmon32', $FFFFA07A ));
28731: clLightSeagreen32', $FF20B2AA ));
28732: clLightSkyblue32', $FF87CEFA ));
28733: clLightSlategray32', $FF778899 ));
28734: clLightSlategrey32', $FF778899 ));
28735: clLightSteelblue32', $FFB0C4DE ));
28736: clLightYellow32', $FFFFFFE0 ));
28737: clLtGray32', $FFC0C0C0 ));
28738: clMedGray32', $FFA0A0A4 ));
28739: clDkGray32', $FF808080 ));
28740: clMoneyGreen32', $FFC0DCC0 ));
28741: clLegacySkyBlue32', $FFA6CAF0 ));
28742: clCream32', $FFFFFBF0 ));
28743: clLimeGreen32', $FF32CD32 ));
28744: clLinen32', $FFFAF0E6 ));
28745: clMediumAquamarine32', $FF66CDAA ));
28746: clMediumBlue32', $FF0000CD ));
28747: clMediumOrchid32', $FFBA55D3 ));
28748: clMediumPurple32', $FF9370DB ));
28749: clMediumSeaGreen32', $FF3CB371 ));
28750: clMediumSlateBlue32', $FF7B68EE ));
28751: clMediumSpringGreen32', $FF00FA9A ));
28752: clMediumTurquoise32', $FF48D1CC ));
28753: clMediumVioletRed32', $FFC71585 ));
28754: clMidnightBlue32', $FF191970 ));
28755: clMintCream32', $FFF5FFFA ));
28756: clMistyRose32', $FFFFE4E1 ));
28757: clMoccasin32', $FFFFE4B5 ));
28758: clNavajoWhite32', $FFFFDEAD ));

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28759: clOldLace32', $FFFDF5E6 ));

28760: clOliveDrab32', $FF6B8E23 ));
28761: clOrange32', $FFFFA500 ));
28762: clOrangeRed32', $FFFF4500 ));
28763: clOrchid32', $FFDA70D6 ));
28764: clPaleGoldenRod32', $FFEEE8AA ));
28765: clPaleGreen32', $FF98FB98 ));
28766: clPaleTurquoise32', $FFAFEEEE ));
28767: clPaleVioletred32', $FFDB7093 ));
28768: clPapayaWhip32', $FFFFEFD5 ));
28769: clPeachPuff32', $FFFFDAB9 ));
28770: clPeru32', $FFCD853F ));
28771: clPlum32', $FFDDA0DD ));
28772: clPowderBlue32', $FFB0E0E6 ));
28773: clRosyBrown32', $FFBC8F8F ));
28774: clRoyalBlue32', $FF4169E1 ));
28775: clSaddleBrown32', $FF8B4513 ));
28776: clSalmon32', $FFFA8072 ));
28777: clSandyBrown32', $FFF4A460 ));
28778: clSeaGreen32', $FF2E8B57 ));
28779: clSeaShell32', $FFFFF5EE ));
28780: clSienna32', $FFA0522D ));
28781: clSilver32', $FFC0C0C0 ));
28782: clSkyblue32', $FF87CEEB ));
28783: clSlateBlue32', $FF6A5ACD ));
28784: clSlateGray32', $FF708090 ));
28785: clSlateGrey32', $FF708090 ));
28786: clSnow32', $FFFFFAFA ));
28787: clSpringgreen32', $FF00FF7F ));
28788: clSteelblue32', $FF4682B4 ));
28789: clTan32', $FFD2B48C ));
28790: clThistle32', $FFD8BFD8 ));
28791: clTomato32', $FFFF6347 ));
28792: clTurquoise32', $FF40E0D0 ));
28793: clViolet32', $FFEE82EE ));
28794: clWheat32', $FFF5DEB3 ));
28795: clWhitesmoke32', $FFF5F5F5 ));
28796: clYellowgreen32', $FF9ACD32 ));
28797: clTrWhite32', $7FFFFFFF ));
28798: clTrBlack32', $7F000000 ));
28799: clTrRed32', $7FFF0000 ));
28800: clTrGreen32', $7F00FF00 ));
28801: clTrBlue32', $7F0000FF ));
28802: // Fixed point math constants
28803: FixedOne = $10000; FixedHalf = $7FFF;
28804: FixedPI = Round(PI * FixedOne);
28805: FixedToFloat = 1/FixedOne;
28807: Special Types
28808: *****************************************************
28809: type Complex = record //for complex numbers
28810: X, Y : Float; end;
28811: type TComplex', 'record Form : ComplexForm; X : Float; Y : Float; R :'
28812: + Float; Theta : Float; end;
28813: type TVector = array of Float;
28814: TIntVector = array of Int;
28815: TCompVector = array of Complex;
28816: TBoolVector = array of Boolean;
28817: TStrVector = array of String;
28818: TMatrix = array of TVector;
28819: TIntMatrix = array of TIntVector;
28820: TCompMatrix = array of TCompVector;
28821: TBoolMatrix = array of TBoolVector;
28822: TStrMatrix = array of TStrVector;
28823: TByteArray = array[0..32767] of byte; !
28824: THexArray = array [0..15] of Char; // = '0123456789ABCDEF';
28825: TBitmapStyle = (bsNormal, bsCentered, bsStretched);
28826: T2StringArray = array of array of string;
28827: T2IntArray = array of array of Int;
28828: AddTypeS('INT_PTR', 'Int
28829: AddTypeS('LONG_PTR', 'Int
28830: AddTypeS('UINT_PTR', 'Cardinal
28831: AddTypeS('ULONG_PTR', 'Cardinal
28832: AddTypeS('DWORD_PTR', 'ULONG_PTR
28833: TIntDynArray', 'array of Int
28834: TCardinalDynArray', 'array of Cardinal
28835: TWordDynArray', 'array of Word
28836: TSmallIntDynArray', 'array of SmallInt
28837: TByteDynArray', 'array of Byte
28838: TShortIntDynArray', 'array of ShortInt
28839: TInt64DynArray', 'array of Int64
28840: TLongWordDynArray', 'array of LongWord
28841: TSingleDynArray', 'array of Single
28842: TDoubleDynArray', 'array of Double
28843: TBooleanDynArray', 'array of Boolean
28844: TStringDynArray', 'array of string
28845: TWideStringDynArray', 'array of WideString
28846: TDynByteArray = array of Byte;
28847: TDynShortintArray = array of Shortint;

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28848: TDynSmallintArray = array of Smallint;

28849: TDynWordArray = array of Word;
28850: TDynIntArray = array of Int;
28851: TDynLongintArray = array of Longint;
28852: TDynCardinalArray = array of Cardinal;
28853: TDynInt64Array = array of Int64;
28854: TDynExtendedArray = array of Extended;
28855: TDynDoubleArray = array of Double;
28856: TDynSingleArray = array of Single;
28857: TDynFloatArray = array of Float;
28858: TDynPointerArray = array of Pointer;
28859: TDynStringArray = array of string;
28860: TSynSearchOption = (ssoMatchCase, ssoWholeWord, ssoBackwards,
28861: ssoEntireScope, ssoSelectedOnly, ssoReplace, ssoReplaceAll, ssoPrompt);
28862: TSynSearchOptions = set of TSynSearchOption;
28863: TFloat = single
28864: Float = double
28866: /* Project:IFSI_WinForm1puzzle.pas BaseInclude RunTimeLib for maXbox *: pas_includebox.inc
28867: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28868: Proc drawPolygon(vPoints: TXYVector; cFrm: TForm);
28869: Proc drawPlot(vPoints: TXYVector; cFrm: TForm; vcolor: Int);
28870: Proc SaveCanvas(vCanvas: TCanvas; FileName:Str);
28871: Proc SaveCanvas2(vCanvas: TCanvas; FileName:Str);
28872: Func CheckStringSum(vstring:Str): Int;
28873: Func HexToInt(HexNum:Str): LongInt;
28874: Func IntToBin(Int: Int):Str;
28875: Func BinToInt(Binary:Str): Int;
28876: Func HexToBin(HexNum:Str):Str; external2
28877: Func BinToHex(Binary:Str):Str;
28878: Func IntToFloat(i: Int): double;
28879: Func AddThousandSeparator(S:Str; myChr: Char):Str;
28880: Func Max3(const X,Y,Z: Int): Int;
28881: Proc Swap(var X,Y: char); // faster without inline
28882: Proc ReverseString(var S:Str);
28883: Func CharToHexStr(Value: Char):Str;
28884: Func CharToUniCode(Value: Char):Str;
28885: Func Hex2Dec(Value: Str002): Byte;
28886: Func HexStrCodeToStr(Value:Str):Str;
28887: Func HexToStr(i: Int; value:Str):Str;
28888: Func UniCodeToStr(Value:Str):Str;
28889: Func CRC16(statement:Str):Str;
28890: Func SearchForSubstrings(aStrList: TStrings; aSearchStr1, aSearchStr2:Str):Str;
28891: Proc SearchAndReplace(aStrList: TStrings; aSearchStr, aNewStr:Str);
28892: Proc SearchAndCopy(aStrList: TStrings; aSearchStr, aNewStr:Str; offset: Int);
28893: Proc ExecuteCommand(executeFile, paramstring:Str);
28894: Proc ShellExecuteAndWait(executeFile, paramstring:Str);
28895: Func ExecConsoleApp(const AppName, Parameters:Str; AppOutput: TStrings): DWORD;
28896: Proc SearchAndOpenDoc(vfilenamepath:Str);
28897: Proc ShowInterfaces(myFile:Str);
28898: Func Fact2(av: Int): extended;
28899: Func BoolToStr(B:Bool):Str;
28900: Func GCD(x, y : LongInt) : LongInt;
28901: Func LCM(m,n: longint): longint;
28902: Func GetASCII:Str;
28903: Func GetItemHeight(Font: TFont): Int;
28904: Func myPlaySound(s: pchar; flag,syncflag: Int):Bool;
28905: Func myGetWindowsDirectory(lpBuffer: PChar; uSize: longword): longword;
28906: Func getHINSTANCE: longword;
28907: Func getHMODULE: longword;
28908: Func GetASCII:Str;
28909: Func ByteIsOk(const AByte:Str; var VB: Byte):Bool;
28910: Func WordIsOk(const AWord:Str; var VW: Word):Bool;
28911: Func TwentyFourBitValueIsOk(const AValue:Str; var VI: Int):Bool;
28912: Func LongIsOk(const ALong:Str; var VC:Card):Bool;
28913: Func SafeStr(const s:Str):Str;
28914: Func ExtractUrlPath(const FileName:Str):Str;
28915: Func ExtractUrlName(const FileName:Str):Str;
28916: Func IsInternet:Bool;
28917: Func RotateLeft1Bit_u32( Value: uint32): uint32;
28918: Proc LinearRegression(const KnownY:array of Double;const KnownX:array of Double;NData:Int;var
28919: Proc getEnvironmentInfo;
28920: Proc AntiFreeze;
28921: Func GetCPUSpeed: Double;
28922: Func IsVirtualPcGuest :Bool;
28923: Func IsVmWareGuest :Bool;
28924: Proc StartSerialDialog;
28925: Func IsWoW64:Bool;
28926: Func IsWow64String(var s:Str):Bool;
28927: Proc StartThreadDemo;
28928: Func RGB(R,G,B: Byte): TColor;
28929: Func Sendln(amess:Str):Bool;
28930: Proc maXbox;
28931: Func AspectRatio(aWidth, aHeight: Int):Str;
28932: Func wget(aURL, afile:Str):Bool;
28933: Proc PrintList(Value: TStringList);
28934: Proc PrintImage(aValue: TBitmap; Style: TBitmapStyle);
28935: Proc getEnvironmentInfo;

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28936: Proc AntiFreeze;

28937: Func getBitmap(apath:Str): TBitmap;
28938: Proc ShowMessageBig(const aText :Str);
28939: Func YesNoDialog(const ACaption, AMsg:Str):Bool;
28940: Proc SetArrayLength2String(arr: T2StringArray; asize1, asize2: Int);
28941: Proc SetArrayLength2Int(arr: T2IntArray; asize1, asize2: Int);
28942: //Func myStrToBytes(const Value:Str): TBytes;
28943: //Func myBytesToStr(const Value: TBytes):Str;
28944: Func SaveAsExcelFile(AGrid:TStringGrid;ASheetName,AFileName:str;open:boolean):Bool;
28945: Func getBitmap(apath:Str): TBitmap;
28946: Proc ShowMessageBig(const aText :Str);
28947: Func StrToBytes(const Value:Str): TBytes;
28948: Func BytesToStr(const Value: TBytes):Str;
28949: Func SaveAsExcelFile(AGrid: TStringGrid;ASheetName,AFileName:Str;open:boolean):Bool;
28950: Func ReverseDNSLookup(const IPAdrs:str;const DNSServer:str;Timeout,Retris:Int;var HostName:str):Bool;
28951: Func FindInPaths(const fileName, paths :Str) :Str;
28952: Proc initHexArray(var hexn: THexArray);
28953: Func josephusG(n,k: Int; var graphout:Str): Int;
28954: Func isPowerof2(num: int64):Bool;
28955: Func powerOf2(exponent: Int): int64;
28956: Func getBigPI:Str;
28957: Proc MakeSound(Frequency{Hz},Duration{mSec}:Int;Volume:TVolumeLevel;savefilePath:str);
28958: Func GetASCIILine:Str;
28959: Proc MakeComplexSound(N:Int{stream # to use};freqlist:TStrings;Duration{mSec}: Int;
28960: pinknoise:Bool; shape: Int; Volume: TVolumeLevel);
28961: Proc SetComplexSoundElements(freqedt,Phaseedt,AmpEdt,WaveGrp:Int);
28962: Proc AddComplexSoundObjectToList(newf,newp,newa,news:Int; freqlist: TStrings);
28963: Func mapfunc(ax, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max: Int): Int;
28964: Func mapmax(ax, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max: Int): Int;
28965: Func isKeypressed:Bool;
28966: Func Keypress:Bool;
28967: Proc StrSplitP(const Delimiter: Char; Input:Str; const Strings: TStrings);
28968: Func ReadReg(Base: HKEY; KeyName, ValueName:Str):Str;
28969: Func ReadRegistry(Base: HKEY; KeyName, ValueName:Str):Str;
28970: Func GetOSName:Str;
28971: Func GetOSVersion:Str;
28972: Func GetOSNumber:Str;
28973: Func getEnvironmentString:Str;
28974: Proc StrReplace(var Str:Str; Old, New:Str);
28975: Proc SendEmail(mFrom, mTo, mSubject, mBody, mAttachment: variant);
28976: Func getTeamViewerID:Str;
28977: Proc RecurseDirectory(Dir:str; IncludeSubs:boolean; callback:TFileCallbackProcedure);
28978: Proc RecurseDirectory2(Dir :Str; IncludeSubs :Bool);
28979: Proc WinInet_HttpGet(const Url:Str; Stream:TStream);
28980: Proc GetQrCode2(Width,Height: Word;Correct_Level:str;const Data:str;apath:str);
28981: Func StartSocketService:Bool;
28982: Proc StartSocketServiceForm;
28983: Func GetFileList(FileList: TStringlist; apath:Str): TStringlist;
28984: Func GetFileList1(apath:Str): TStringlist;
28985: Proc LetFileList(FileList: TStringlist; apath:Str);
28986: Proc StartWeb(aurl:Str);
28987: Func GetTodayFiles(startdir, amask:Str): TStringlist;
28988: Func PortTCPIsOpen(dwPort : Word; ipAddressStr:Str):Bool;
28989: Func JavahashCode(val:Str): Int;
28990: Proc PostKeyEx32(key: Word; const shift: TShiftState; specialkey:Bool);
28991: Proc SaveBytesToFile2(const Data: Sysutils.TBytes; const FileName:Str);
28992: Proc HideWindowForSeconds(secs: Int); {//3 seconds}
28993: Proc HideWindowForSeconds2(secs: Int; apphandle, aself: TForm); {//3 seconds}
28994: Proc ConvertToGray(Cnv: TCanvas);
28995: Func GetFileDate(aFile:str; aWithTime:Boolean):str;
28996: Proc ShowMemory;
28997: Func ShowMemory2:Str;
28998: Func getHostIP:Str;
28999: Proc ShowBitmap(bmap: TBitmap);
29000: Func GetOsVersionInfo: TOSVersionInfo; //thx to wischnewski
29001: Func CreateDBGridForm(dblist: TStringList): TListbox;
29002: Func isService:Bool;
29003: Func isApplication:Bool;
29004: Func isTerminalSession:Bool;
29005: Func SetPrivilege(privilegeName:Str; enable:Bool):Bool;
29006: Proc getScriptandRunAsk;
29007: Proc getScriptandRun(ascript:Str);
29008: Func VersionCheckAct:Str;
29009: Proc getBox(aurl, extension:Str);
29010: Func CheckBox:Str;
29011: Func isNTFS:Bool;
29012: //Proc doWebCamPic;
29013: Proc doWebCamPic(picname:Str);
29014: Func readm:Str;
29015: Proc getGEOMapandRunAsk; //APIKey needed
29016: Func GetMapX(C_form,apath:Str; const Data:Str):Bool;
29017: Proc GetGEOMap(C_form,apath:Str; const Data:Str);
29018: Func GetMapXGeoReverse(C_form:Str; const lat,long:Str):Str;
29019: //Func RoundTo(const AValue:Extended; const ADigit: TRoundToEXRangeExtended):Extended;
29020: Func GetGeocodeCoord(C_form:Str; const data:str; atxt:Bool):Str;
29021: Func GetGeoCoord(C_form:Str; const data:str; atxt:Bool):Str;
29022: ex.: writeln(GetGeoCoord('xml','church cefalu sicily',true))
29023: Func DownloadFile(SourceFile, DestFile:Str):Bool;
29024: Func DownloadFileOpen(SourceFile, DestFile:Str):Bool;

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29025: Func OpenMap(const Data:Str):Bool;

29026: Func GetGeoCode(C_form,apath:Str; const data:Str; sfile:Bool):Str;
29027: Func getFileCount(amask:Str): Int;
29028: Func CoordinateStr(Idx: Int; PosInSec: Double; PosLn: TNavPos):Str;
29029: Proc Debugln(DebugLOGFILE:Str; E:Str);
29030: Func IntToFloat(i: Int): double;
29031: Func AddThousandSeparator(S:Str; myChr: Char):Str;
29032: Func mymciSendString(cmd: PChar; ret: PChar; len: Int; callback: Int):Card;
29033: Func RoundTime(ADate:Str; Rounding: Int; bRound:Bool):Str;
29034: Func DynamicDllCallName(Dll:Str; const Name:Str; HasResult:Bool; var Returned:Card; const Parameters:
array of Int):Bool;;
29035: Func DynamicDllCall(Dll:Str; const Name:str; HasResult:Boolean; var Returned:Card; const Parameters:
array of Int):Bool;;
29036: Func GetSpecialFolderID( const Path :Str) : Int;
29037: Func GetSpecialFolderPath2( FolderID : Int) :Str;
29038: End C:\maXbook\maxbox3\mX3999\maxbox3\source\IFSI_WinForm1puzzle.pas File loaded
29040: // News of 3.9.8 up
29041: Halt-Stop Program in Menu,WebServer2,Stop Event Recompile,
29042: Conversion Routines, Prebuild Forms, more RCData, DebugOutString
29043: CodeSearchEngine to search code patterns in /examples <Ctrl F3>
29044: JvChart - TJvChart Component - 2009 Public
29045: MemoryLeakReport in ini-file (MEMORYREPORT=Y)
29046: PerlRegEx PCRE obj lib included, Perl & Python Syntax Editor, bitbox3 logic example
29047: TAdoQuery.SQL.Add() fixed, ShLwAPI extensions, Indy HTTPHeader Extensions
29048: DMath DLL included incl. Demos
29049: Interface Navigator menu/View/Intf Navigator
29050: Unit Explorer menu/Debug/Units Explorer
29051: EKON 16 Slides ..\maxbox3\docs\utils Excel Export maXcel
29052: Tutorial 19 WinCOM with Arduino Tutorial 20 RegEx Coding
29053: Script History to 9 Files WebServer light /Options/Addons/WebServer
29054: Full Text Finder, JVSimLogic Simulator Package
29055: Halt-Stop Program in Menu, WebServer2, Stop Event ,
29056: Conversion Routines, Prebuild Forms, CodeSearch
29057: Halt-Stop Program in Menu, WebServer2, Stop Event Recompile,
29058: Conversion Routines, Prebuild Forms, more RCData, DebugOutString
29059: CodeSearchEngine to search code patterns in /examples <Ctrl F3>
29060: JvChart - TJvChart Component - 2009 Public, mXGames, JvgXMLSerializer, TJvPaintFX
29061: Compress-Decompress Zip, Services Tutorial22, Synopse framework, PFDLib
29062: SynEdit API, Macro, Macro Recorder, DLL Spy, Configuration Tutorial
29063: IDE Reflection API, Session Service Shell S3
29064: additional SynEdit API, isKeyPressed Routine,Bookmarks,OpenToolsAPI Catalog (OTAC)
29065: Class TMonitor, Configuration Tutorial maxbox_starter25.pdf, Chess.dll Game
29066: arduino map() function, PMRandom Generator
29067: StBarCode Lib, StreamReaderClass, BarCode Package, Astro Package
29068: more ShellAPI, add 32 more units, Simulated Annealing, GenAlgo
29069: REST Test Lib, Multilang Component, Forth Interpreter
29070: New Macros, Sendmail (instant email), DevCUnits, Tetris Addon
29071: DCOM, MDAC, MIDI, TLS support, Posmarks, Utils Addon
29072: Routines for LaTeX/PS, Utils Addon, Indy Package3, TAR Archive, @Callbacks
29073: Routines for LaTeX/PS, Utils Addon, Indy Package3, TAR Archive, @Callbacks
29074: First LCL of Lazarus, CmdLine API, ToDo List, 36 more Units preCompiled
29075: QRCode Service, add more CFunctions like CDateTime of Synapse
29076: Gamma Functions, IndyPackage4, HotLog Threadable, FormTemplateLibrary FTL
29077: Nonlinear regression, ADO Workbench Addon, Assign fixing, IntfNavigator fixing, Applet
29078: 30 more Units preCompiled, QRCode Indy Service, more CFunctions like CFill or SRand
29079: RestartDialog, RTF, SQL Scanner, RichEdit, 15 more Units
29080: Tool Section, SOAP Tester, Hot Log Logger2, TCPPortScan, 28 more Units
29081: BOLD Package, Indy Package5, maTRIx. MATHEMAX
29082: SPS Utils WDOS, Plc BitBus (PetriNet), 40 more units
29083: emax layers: system-package-component-unit-class-function-block
29084: HighPrecision Timers, Indy Package6, AutoDetect, UltraForms
29085: Reversi, GOL, bugfixing, 8 more units, Tutorial 24 Clean Code
29086: Tutorial 18_3 RGB LED, OpenGL Geometry, maxpix, statictext
29087: OpenGL Game Demo: ..Options/Add Ons/Reversi
29088: IBUtils Refactor, InterBase Package, DotNet Routines (JvExControls)
29089: add 31 units, mX4 Introduction Paper, more Socket&Streams, ShortString Routines
29090: 7% performance gain (hot spot profiling)
29091: PEP -Pascal Education Program , GSM Module, CGI, PHP Runner
29092: add 42 + 22 (64 units), memcached database, autobookmark, Alcinoe PAC, IPC Lib
29093: Orpheus PAC, AsyncFree Library advapi32 samples, FirebirdExp+MySQL units
29094: FBX Lib, psAPI, SMS Cell Module, OpenGL, Borland Tools, Zeus
29096: add routines in
29097: 097: Proc RIRegister_BarCodeScaner_Routines(S: TPSExec);
29098: 996: Proc RIRegister_DBCtrls_Routines(S: TPSExec);
29099: 069: Proc RIRegister_IdStrings_Routines(S: TPSExec);
29100: 516: Proc RIRegister_JclMultimedia_Routines(S: TPSExec);
29101: 215: Proc RIRegister_PNGLoader_Routines(S: TPSExec);
29102: 374: Proc RIRegister_SerDlgs_Routines(S: TPSExec);
29103: 777: Proc RIRegister_LinarBitmap_Routines(S: TPSExec);
29104: 1216 Proc RIRegistger_uPSI_KDialogs, TKBrowseFolderDialog;
29106: ///////////////////////// TestUnits //////////////////////////
29107: Proc SelftestPEM;
29108: SelfTestCFundamentUtils;
29109: SelfTestCFileUtils;
29110: SelfTestCDateTime;
29111: SelfTestCTimer;

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29112: SelfTestCRandom;
29113: SelftestAES;
29114: SelfTestASN1;
29115: SelfTestX509;
29116: TestDes:Bool;
29117: Test3Des:Bool;
29118: TestAes:Bool;
29119: SelfTestcTLSUtils;
29120: SelfTestCFundamentUtils;
29121: SelfTestcHTTPUtils
29122: SelfTestcXMLFunctions
29123: SelfTestHugeWord
29124: SelfTestRSA
29126: Test with e.g.: Assert(PathHasDriveLetter('A:'), 'PathHasDriveLetter
29127: Assert(WinPathToUnixPath('\c\d.f') = '/c/d.f', 'WinPathToUnixPath
29128: //Note: There's no need for installing a client certificate in the
29129: // webbrowser. The server asks the webbrowser to send a certificate but
29130: // if nothing is installed the software will work because the server
29131: // doesn't check to see if a client certificate was supplied. If you want you can install: file:
c_cacert.p12 password: c_cakey
29133: TKObject = class(TObject)
29134: private
29135: FParent: TKObjectList;
29136: Proc SetParent(const Value: TKObjectList);
29137: protected
29138: FUpdateLock: Int;
29139: Proc CallBeforeUpdate; virtual;
29140: Proc CallAfterUpdate; virtual;
29141: Proc ParentChanged; virtual;
29142: public
29143: constructor Create; virtual;
29144: Proc Assign(ASource: TKObject); virtual;
29145: Func EqualProperties(AValue: TKObject):Bool; virtual;
29146: Proc LockUpdate; virtual;
29147: Proc UnLockUpdate; virtual;
29148: Func UpdateUnlocked:Bool; virtual;
29149: property Parent: TKObjectList read FParent write SetParent;
29150: end;
29152: TKObjectClass = class of TKObject;
29153: TKObjectList = class(TObjectList)
29154: protected
29155: FUpdateLock: Int;
29156: Proc CallBeforeUpdate; virtual;
29157: Proc CallAfterUpdate; virtual;
29158: public
29159: constructor Create; virtual;
29160: Func Add(AObject: TObject): Int;
29161: Proc Assign(ASource: TKObjectList); virtual;
29162: Func EqualProperties(AValue: TKObjectList):Bool; virtual;
29163: Proc Insert(Index: Int; AObject: TObject);
29164: Proc LockUpdate; virtual;
29165: Proc UnLockUpdate; virtual;
29166: Func UpdateUnlocked:Bool; virtual;
29167: end;
29169: TGraphicControl = class(TControl)
29170: private
29171: FCanvas: TCanvas;
29172: Proc WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;
29173: protected
29174: Proc Paint; virtual;
29175: property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas;
29176: public
29177: constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
29178: destructor Destroy; override;
29179: end;
29181: TCustomControl = class(TWinControl)
29182: private
29183: FCanvas: TCanvas;
29184: Proc WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;
29185: protected
29186: Proc Paint; virtual;
29187: Proc PaintWindow(DC: HDC); override;
29188: property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas;
29189: public
29190: constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
29191: destructor Destroy; override;
29192: end;
29193: RegisterPublishedProperties;
29194: ('ONCHANGE', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
29195: ('ONCLICK', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
29196: ('ONDBLCLICK', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
29197: ('ONENTER', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
29198: ('ONEXIT', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
29199: ('ONKEYDOWN', 'TKeyEvent', iptrw);

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29200: ('ONKEYPRESS', 'TKeyPressEvent', iptrw);

29201: ('ONMOUSEDOWN', 'TMouseEvent', iptrw);
29202: ('ONMOUSEMOVE', 'TMouseMoveEvent', iptrw);
29203: ('ONMOUSEUP', 'TMouseEvent', iptrw);
29204: //************************************************************************
29205: // To stop the while loop, click on Options/Show Include (boolean switch)!
29206: Control a loop in a script with a form event:
29207: IncludeON; //control the while loop
29208: while maxform1.ShowInclude1.checked do begin //menu event Options/Show Include
29209: repeat {for it:= 1 to n do} until is keypressed //keypress in output window below (memo2)
29210: include example:
29211: {$I .\web\mX47520\flcMaths.inc}
29213: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29214: //**************mX4 ini-file Configuration**************************************
29215: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29216: using config file maxboxdef.ini menu/Help/Config File
29218: //*** Definitions for maXbox mX47 ***
29219: [FORM]
29220: LAST_FILE=E:\maXbox\maxbox3\examples\140_drive_typedemo.txt //history up to 10 files
29221: FONTSIZE=14
29222: EXTENSION=txt
29223: SCREENX=1386
29224: SCREENY=1077
29225: MEMHEIGHT=350
29226: PRINTFONT=Courier New //GUI Settings
29227: FONTNAME= Courier New //GUI Settings for editor
29228: LINENUMBERS=Y //line numbers at gutter in editor at left side
29229: EXCEPTIONLOG=Y //store excepts+success in 2 log files see below! –menu Debug/Show Last Exceptions
29230: EXECUTESHELL=Y //prevents execution of ExecuteShell() or ExecuteCommand()
29231: BOOTSCRIPT=Y //enabling load a boot script
29232: MEMORYREPORT=Y //shows memory report on closing maXbox
29233: MACRO=Y //expand macros (see below) incode e.g. #path:C:\maXbox\maXbox4\docs\
29234: NAVIGATOR=N //shows Func list at the right side of editor
29235: NAVWIDTH=350 //width of the right side interface list <CTRL L> >=200
29236: AUTOBOOKMARK=Y //sets on all functions a bookmark to jump
29237: DEP=Y // activate Data Execution Prevention
29238: INDENT=Y //shows indent vertical lines! (prepare for code folding) stop it with=N
29239: [WEB]
29240: IPPORT=8080 //for internal webserver – menu /Options/Add Ons/WebServer
29241: IPHOST= //run as Administrator!
29242: ROOTCERT=filepathY
29243: SCERT=filepathY
29244: RSAKEY=filepathY
29245: VERSIONCHECK=Y //set to =N for better starttime and less web traffic!
29246: APP=C:\WINDOWS\System32\calc.exe //set path to an external app
29247: MYSCRIPT=E:\maxbox4\mXGit39991\examples\330_myclock.txt //start script of menu /View/MyScript
29249: using Logfile: maxboxlog.log , Exceptionlogfile: maxboxerrorlog.txt
29250: Also possible to set report memory in script to override ini setting
29251: Proc Set_ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown(abo:Bool)
29253: After Change the ini file you can reload the file with ../Help/Config Update
29254: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29255: //**************mX4 maildef.ini ini-file Configuration*********************
29256: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29257: //*** Definitions for maXMail ***
29258: //sendemail, HOST=mail.hover.com, PORT=465 (SSL)
29259: [MAXMAIL]
29260: HOST=getmail.softwareschule.ch
29261: USER=mailusername
29262: PASS=password
29263: PORT=110
29264: SSL=Y
29265: BODY=Y
29266: LAST=5
29268: Command Line Interface CLI f-s-m-r-t as ParamStr(2)
29269: -----------------------------------------------------------
29270: Ex.: S_ShellExecute(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+'maXbox4.exe',
29271: myscript + ParamStr(2),seCmdOpen)
29273: if (ParamStr(2) = 'f') then begin
29274: Application.BringToFront; //maximize?
29275: //maxform1.Show;
29276: end;
29277: if (ParamStr(2) = 's') then begin
29278: maxform1.Show;
29279: end;
29280: Compile1Click(self);
29282: maxform1.memo2.lines.add('CLI Console Call Log at: ' +DateTimeToStr(Now));
29283: hlog.Add('>>>> Start Console Call Exe: {App_name} v{App_ver}{80@}{now}');
29284: if (ParamStr(2) = 'm') then begin
29285: //Compile1Click(self);!
29286: Application.Minimize;
29287: end;
29288: if (ParamStr(2) = 'r') then begin

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29289: Application.run;
29290: end;
29291: if (ParamStr(2) = 't') then begin //new4
29292: Application.terminate;
29293: end;
29294: ----------------------------------------------------------
29295: S_ShellExecute(ExePath+'maXbox4.exe',
29296: ExePath+'examples\773_streamfibonacci_first.txt t',secmdopen); -terminate
29297: ADO Connection String:
29298: Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=mx3base;Uid=sa;Pwd=admin
29299: \452_dbtreeview2access.txt \452_dbtrv3accessUML2.txt
29300: program TestDbTreeViewMainForm2_ACCESS;
29301: ConnectionString:='Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='
29302: +Exepath+'\examples\detail.mdb;Persist Security Info=False';
29303: Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security
29305: Func CreateAccessDatabase(FileName:Str):Str;
29306: var cat: OLEVariant;
29307: begin
29308: Result:= '';
29309: try
29310: cat:= CreateOleObject('ADOX.Catalog');
29311: cat.Create('Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=' + FileName + ';');
29312: cat:= NULL;
29313: except
29314: writeln(ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam));
29315: writeln('ADOX.Catalog create failed ');
29316: //on e: Exception do Result := e.message;
29317: end;
29318: end;
29320: ADOCommand1.CommandText:= 'CREATE TABLE TABLE1 ('
29322: +'FirstName varchar(255) NOT NULL,'
29323: +'LastName varchar(255),'
29324: +'Age int )';
29326: OpenSSL Lib: unit ssl_openssl_lib;
29327: {$IFDEF CIL}
29328: const
29329: {$IFDEF LINUX}
29330: DLLSSLName = 'libssl.so';
29331: DLLUtilName = 'libcrypto.so';
29332: {$ELSE}
29333: DLLSSLName = 'ssleay32.dll';
29334: DLLUtilName = 'libeay32.dll';
29335: {$ENDIF}
29336: {$ELSE}
29337: var
29339: {$IFDEF DARWIN}
29340: DLLSSLName:Str = 'libssl.dylib';
29341: DLLUtilName:Str = 'libcrypto.dylib';
29342: {$ELSE}
29343: DLLSSLName:Str = 'libssl.so';
29344: DLLUtilName:Str = 'libcrypto.so';
29345: {$ENDIF}
29346: {$ELSE}
29347: DLLSSLName:Str = 'ssleay32.dll';
29348: DLLSSLName2:Str = 'libssl32.dll';
29349: DLLUtilName:Str = 'libeay32.dll';
29350: {$ENDIF}
29351: {$ENDIF}
29353: Proc getHTTP_PNG(vimage: TImage; vURL:Str);
29354: var pngStream: TMemoryStream;
29355: begin
29356: with TLinearBitmap.Create do
29357: try
29358: pngStream:= TMemoryStream.Create;
29359: try
29360: HTTPget(vURL, pngStream)
29361: except
29362: showmessage(E.message)
29363: end
29364: pngStream.Position:= 0;
29365: LoadFromStream2(pngstream,'JPG');
29366: vimage.Picture:= NIL;
29367: AssignTo(vimage.picture);
29368: //SaveToFile(ExePath+'mX4_open.png');
29369: finally
29370: Dispose;
29371: Free;
29372: pngStream.Free;
29373: end;
29374: end;

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29376: Proc ByteArray2Stream(ASource: TBytes; ADest: TStream);

29377: var i: Integer;
29378: begin
29379: for i:= 0 to Length(ASource)-1 do
29380: ADest.Write(chr(ASource[i]), 1);
29381: end;
29383: buffstr:Str;
29384: ADest:= TMemoryStream.create;
29385: ByteArray2Stream([0,23,3,234,8,45,255], aDest);
29386: SetLength(buffstr,1);
29387: ADest.Position:= 0;
29388: for it:= 0 to adest.size-1 do begin
29389: adest.read(buffstr, 1);
29390: writeln('decode: '+itoa(ord(buffstr[1])));
29391: end;
29392: aDest.free;
29394: Proc SearchByteSeq(AHexString:Str; adata: RawByteString);
29395: var dataToSearch: RawByteString;
29396: nextValueStr:Str;
29397: nextValueByte: integer; //byte;
29398: errorPos, index: integer;
29399: begin
29400: repeat
29401: AHexString:= Trim(AHexString);
29402: nextValueStr:= copy(AHexString,1,2);
29403: delete(AHexString,1,2);
29404: val('$'+nextValueStr, nextValueByte, errorPos);
29405: //Func ValBinary( const S :Str; var code : Int) : longint;
29406: writeln(itoa(errorpos))
29407: if errorPos = 0 then
29408: dataToSearch:= datatoSearch + chr(nextValueByte);
29409: until AHexString = '';
29410: if length(dataToSearch) > 0 then begin
29411: index:= pos(dataToSearch, adata)-1;
29412: if index = 0 then
29413: writeln('Data not found')
29414: else
29415: writeln('Data found at position '+itoa( index));
29416: end;
29417: end;
29419: Pictures from:
29420: http://www.softwareschule.ch/images/atomimage1.png
29421: http://www.softwareschule.ch/images/atomimage2.png
29422: http://www.softwareschule.ch/images/maxboxlogo.bmp
29423: http://www.softwareschule.ch/images/maxlindau2.png
29424: http://www.softwareschule.ch/images/citymax.bmp
29425: http://www.softwareschule.ch/images/oposlogo.gif
29427: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29428: //**************mX4 Macro Tags ************************************************
29429: //-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
29431: asm #name #hostmAPSN2APSN211le, #head,max: APSN21: 04.01.2014 19:05:50
E:\maxbox\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt end
29433: //Tag Macros in ini-file configure
29435: asm #name, #date, #host, #path, #file, #head, #sign #tech #net end
29437: //Tag Macros
29438: 10188: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, '#name', getUserNameWin, 11);
29439: 10189: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, '#date', datetimetoStr(now), 11);
29440: 10190: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, '#host', getComputernameWin, 11);
29441: 10191: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, '#path', fpath, 11);
29442: 10192: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, '#file', fname, 11);
29443: 10199 SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, '#fils', fname +' '+SHA1(Act_Filename), 11);
29444: 10193: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, '#locs', intToStr(getCodeEnd), 11);
29445: 10194: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, '#perf', perftime, 11);
29446: 10195: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, '#sign', Format('%s: %s: %s',
29447: [getUserNameWin, getComputernameWin, datetimetoStr(now),
29448: 10196: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, '#head',Format('%s: %s: %s %s ',
29449: 10197: [getUserNameWin, getComputernameWin, datetimetoStr(now), Act_Filename]),11);
29450: [getUserNameWin, getComputernameWin, datetimetoStr(now), Act_Filename]),11);
29451: 10198: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, '#tech',Format('perf: %s threads: %d %s %s',
29452: [perftime numprocessthreads,getIPAddress(getComputerNameWin),
29453: timetoStr(time), mbversion]),11);
29454: 10298: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, '#net',Format('DNS: %s; local IPs: %s; local IP: %s',
29455: [getDNS, GetLocalIPs, getIPAddress(getComputerNameWin)]), 10);
29457: //#tech!perf: 0:0:29.297 threads: 3 19:26:30
29458: //#tech!perf: 0:0:2.116 threads: 15 14:40:27
29460: //Replace Macros
29461: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, ' timet14:40:27oStr(time), 6);
29462: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, 'atetoS17/02/2017tr(date), 6);
29463: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, 'C:\maXbox\maxbox3\maxbox3\maXbox3\docs\

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29464: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, 'C:\maXbox\maxbox3\maxbox3\maXbox3\

29465: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, 'maxbox_functions.txt
29466: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, 'C:\maXbox\maxbox3\maxbox3\maXbox3\Source
29467: ref: netcologne.dl.sourceforge.net/project/maxbox/maxbox3.zip
29468: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines,'#tech'perf:0:0:2.116 threads: 15 14:40:27
29469: [perftime,numprocessthreads,getIPAddress(getComputerNameWin),timetoStr(time),mbversion]), 11);
29470: //#tech!perf: 0:0:2.116 threads: 15 14:40:27
29471: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, 'maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt
29472: SearchAndCopy(memo1.lines, 'maxbox_extract_funclist422.txt
29474: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29475: //**************mX4 ToDo List Tags ../Help/ToDo List**************************
29476: //-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
29477: while I < sl.Count do begin
29478: // if MatchesMask(sl[I], '*/? TODO ([a-z0-9_]*#[1-9]#)*:*') then
29479: if MatchesMask(sl[I], '*/? TODO (?*#?#)*:*') then
29480: BreakupToDo(Filename, sl, I, 'TODO', True, True) // full info TODO
29481: else if MatchesMask(sl[I], '*/? DONE (?*#?#)*:*') then
29482: BreakupToDo(Filename, sl, I, 'DONE', True, True) // full info DONE
29483: else if MatchesMask(sl[I], '*/? TODO (#?#)*:*') then
29484: BreakupToDo(Filename, sl, I, 'TODO', False, True) //only priority info TODO
29485: else if MatchesMask(sl[I], '*/? DONE (#?#)*:*') then
29486: BreakupToDo(Filename, sl, I, 'DONE', False, True) //only priority info DONE
29487: else if MatchesMask(sl[I], '*/?*TODO*:*') then
29488: BreakupToDo(Filename, sl, I, 'TODO', False, False) // custom TODO
29489: else if MatchesMask(sl[I], '*/?*DONE*:*') then
29490: BreakupToDo(Filename, sl, I, 'DONE', False, False); // custom DONE
29491: Inc(I);
29492: end;
29494: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29495: //**************mX4 Public Tools API ******************************************
29496: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29497: file : unit uPSI_fMain.pas; {$OTAP} Open Tools API Catalog
29498: // Those functions concern the editor and preprocessor, all of the IDE
29499: Example: Call it with maxform1.Info1Click(self)
29500: Note: Call all Methods with maxForm1., e.g.:
29501: maxForm1.ShellStyle1Click(self);
29503: Proc SIRegister_fMain(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
29504: begin
29505: Const('BYTECODE','String 'bytecode.txt'
29506: Const('PSTEXT','String PS Scriptfiles (*.txt)|*.TXT)'
29507: Const('PSMODEL','String PS Modelfiles (*.uc)|*.UC
29508: Const('PSPASCAL','String PS Pascalfiles (*.pas)|*.PAS
29509: Const('PSINC','String PS Includes (*.inc)|*.INC
29510: Const('DEFFILENAME','String 'firstdemo.txt
29511: Const('DEFINIFILE','String 'maxboxdef.ini
29512: Const('EXCEPTLOGFILE','String 'maxboxerrorlog.txt
29513: Const('ALLFUNCTIONSLIST','String 'upsi_allfunctionslist.txt
29514: Const('ALLFUNCTIONSLISTPDF','String 'maxbox_functions_all.pdf
29515: Const('ALLOBJECTSLIST','String 'docs\VCL.pdf
29516: Const('ALLRESOURCELIST','String 'docs\upsi_allresourcelist.txt
29517: Const('ALLUNITLIST','String 'docs\maxbox3_9.xml;
29518: Const('INCLUDEBOX','String 'pas_includebox.inc
29519: Const('BOOTSCRIPT','String 'maxbootscript.txt
29520: Const('MBVERSION','String '
29521: Const('VERSION','String'
29522: Const('MBVER','String '476
29523: Const('MBVERI','Int'(476);
29524: Const('MBVERIALL','Int'(47610);
29525: Const('EXENAME','String 'maXbox4.exe
29526: Const('MXSITE','String 'http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm
29527: Const('MXVERSIONFILE','String 'http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxvfile.txt
29528: Const('MXVERSIONFILE2','String 'http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxvfile2.txt
29529: Const('MXINTERNETCHECK','String 'www.ask.com
29530: Const('MXMAIL','String '[email protected]
29531: Const('TAB',Char #$09);
29532: Const('CODECOMPLETION','String 'bds_delphi.dci
29533: SIRegister_TMaxForm1(CL);
29534: end;
29535: with FindClass('TForm'),'TMaxForm1') do begin
29536: memo2', 'TMemo', iptrw);
29537: memo1', 'TSynMemo', iptrw);
29538: CB1SCList', 'TComboBox', iptrw);
29539: mxNavigator', 'TComboBox', iptrw);
29540: IPHost', 'string', iptrw);
29541: IPPort', 'Int', iptrw);
29542: COMPort', 'Int', iptrw); //
29543: Splitter1', 'TSplitter', iptrw);
29544: PSScript', 'TPSScript', iptrw);
29545: PS3DllPlugin', 'TPSDllPlugin', iptrw);
29546: MainMenu1', 'TMainMenu', iptrw);
29547: Program1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29548: Compile1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29549: Files1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29550: open1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29551: Save2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29552: Options1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);

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29553: Savebefore1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);

29554: Largefont1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29555: sBytecode1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29556: Saveas3', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29557: Clear1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29558: Slinenumbers1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29559: About1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29560: Search1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29561: SynPasSyn1', 'TSynPasSyn', iptrw);
29562: memo1', 'TSynMemo', iptrw);
29563: SynEditSearch1', 'TSynEditSearch', iptrw);
29564: WordWrap1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29565: XPManifest1', 'TXPManifest', iptrw);
29566: SearchNext1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29567: Replace1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29568: PSImport_Controls1', 'TPSImport_Controls', iptrw);
29569: PSImport_Classes1', 'TPSImport_Classes', iptrw);
29570: ShowInclude1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29571: SynEditPrint1', 'TSynEditPrint', iptrw);
29572: Printout1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29573: mnPrintColors1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29574: dlgFilePrint', 'TPrintDialog', iptrw);
29575: dlgPrintFont1', 'TFontDialog', iptrw);
29576: mnuPrintFont1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29577: Include1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29578: CodeCompletionList1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29579: IncludeList1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29580: ImageList1', 'TImageList', iptrw);
29581: ImageList2', 'TImageList', iptrw);
29582: CoolBar1', 'TCoolBar', iptrw);
29583: ToolBar1', 'TToolBar', iptrw);
29584: tbtnLoad', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29585: ToolButton2', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29586: tbtnFind', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29587: tbtnCompile', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29588: tbtnTrans', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29589: tbtnUseCase', 'TToolButton', iptrw); //3.8
29590: toolbtnTutorial', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29591: tbtn6res', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29592: ToolButton5', 'TToolButton', iptrw); 'ToolButton1', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29593: ToolButton3', 'TToolButton', iptrw); 'statusBar1', 'TStatusBar', iptrw);
29594: SaveOutput1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw); 'ExportClipboard1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29595: Close1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw); 'Manual1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29596: About2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw); 'loadLastfile1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29597: imglogo', 'TImage', iptrw); 'cedebug', 'TPSScriptDebugger', iptrw);
29598: debugPopupMenu1', 'TPopupMenu', iptrw);
29599: BreakPointMenu', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29600: Decompile1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29601: StepInto1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29602: StepOut1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29603: Reset1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29604: DebugRun1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29605: PSImport_ComObj1', 'TPSImport_ComObj', iptrw);
29606: PSImport_StdCtrls1', 'TPSImport_StdCtrls', iptrw);
29607: PSImport_Forms1', 'TPSImport_Forms', iptrw);
29608: PSImport_DateUtils1', 'TPSImport_DateUtils', iptrw);
29609: tutorial4', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29610: ExporttoClipboard1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29611: ImportfromClipboard1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29612: N4','TMenuItem', iptrw); N5', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);N6', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29613: ImportfromClipboard2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29614: tutorial1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29615: N7', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29616: ShowSpecChars1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29617: OpenDirectory1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29618: procMess', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29619: tbtnUseCase', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29620: ToolButton7', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29621: EditFont1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29622: UseCase1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29623: tutorial21', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29624: OpenUseCase1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29625: PSImport_DB1', 'TPSImport_DB', iptrw);
29626: tutorial31', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29627: SynHTMLSyn1', 'TSynHTMLSyn', iptrw);
29628: HTMLSyntax1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29629: ShowInterfaces1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29630: Tutorial5', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29631: AllFunctionsList1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29632: ShowLastException1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29633: PlayMP31', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29634: SynTeXSyn1', 'TSynTeXSyn', iptrw);
29635: texSyntax1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29636: N8', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29637: GetEMails1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29638: SynCppSyn1', 'TSynCppSyn', iptrw);
29639: CSyntax1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29640: Tutorial6', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29641: New1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);

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p: 342
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29642: AllObjectsList1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);

29643: LoadBytecode1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29644: CipherFile1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29645: N9', 'TMenuItem', iptrw); 'N10', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29646: Tutorial11', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29647: Tutorial71', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29648: UpdateService1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29649: PascalSchool1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29650: Tutorial81', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29651: DelphiSite1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29652: Output1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29653: TerminalStyle1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29654: ReadOnly1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29655: ShellStyle1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29656: BigScreen1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29657: Tutorial91', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29658: SaveOutput2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29659: N11', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29660: SaveScreenshot', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29661: Tutorial101', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29662: SQLSyntax1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29663: SynSQLSyn1', 'TSynSQLSyn', iptrw);
29664: Console1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29665: SynXMLSyn1', 'TSynXMLSyn', iptrw);
29666: XMLSyntax1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29667: ComponentCount1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29668: NewInstance1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29669: toolbtnTutorial', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29670: Memory1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29671: SynJavaSyn1', 'TSynJavaSyn', iptrw);
29672: JavaSyntax1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29673: SyntaxCheck1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29674: Tutorial10Statistics1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29675: ScriptExplorer1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29676: FormOutput1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29677: ArduinoDump1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29678: AndroidDump1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29679: GotoEnd1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29680: AllResourceList1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29681: ToolButton4', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29682: tbtn6res', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29683: Tutorial11Forms1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29684: Tutorial12SQL1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29685: ResourceExplore1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29686: Info1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29687: N12', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29688: CryptoBox1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29689: Tutorial13Ciphering1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29690: CipherFile2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29691: N13', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29692: ModulesCount1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29693: AddOns2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29694: N4GewinntGame1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29695: DocuforAddOns1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29696: Tutorial14Async1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29697: Lessons15Review1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29698: SynPHPSyn1', 'TSynPHPSyn', iptrw);
29699: PHPSyntax1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29700: Breakpoint1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29701: SerialRS2321', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29702: N14', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29703: SynCSSyn1', 'TSynCSSyn', iptrw);
29704: CSyntax2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29705: Calculator1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29706: tbtnSerial', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29707: ToolButton8', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29708: Tutorial151', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29709: N15', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29710: N16', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29711: ControlBar1', 'TControlBar', iptrw);
29712: ToolBar2', 'TToolBar', iptrw);
29713: BtnOpen', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29714: BtnSave', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29715: BtnPrint', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29716: BtnColors', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29717: btnClassReport', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29718: BtnRotateRight', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29719: BtnFullSize', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29720: BtnFitToWindowSize', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29721: BtnZoomMinus', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29722: BtnZoomPlus', 'TToolButton', iptrw);
29723: Panel1', 'TPanel', iptrw);
29724: LabelBrettgroesse', 'TLabel', iptrw);
29725: CB1SCList', 'TComboBox', iptrw);
29726: ImageListNormal', 'TImageList', iptrw);
29727: spbtnexplore', 'TSpeedButton', iptrw);
29728: spbtnexample', 'TSpeedButton', iptrw);
29729: spbsaveas', 'TSpeedButton', iptrw);
29730: imglogobox', 'TImage', iptrw);

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p: 343
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29731: EnlargeFont1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);

29732: EnlargeFont2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29733: ShrinkFont1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29734: ThreadDemo1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29735: HEXEditor1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29736: HEXView1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29737: HEXInspect1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29738: SynExporterHTML1', 'TSynExporterHTML', iptrw);
29739: ExporttoHTML1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29740: ClassCount1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29741: HTMLOutput1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29742: HEXEditor2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29743: Minesweeper1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29744: N17', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29745: PicturePuzzle1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29746: sbvclhelp', 'TSpeedButton', iptrw);
29747: DependencyWalker1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29748: WebScanner1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29749: View1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29750: mnToolbar1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29751: mnStatusbar2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29752: mnConsole2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29753: mnCoolbar2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29754: mnSplitter2', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29755: WebServer1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29756: Tutorial17Server1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29757: Tutorial18Arduino1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29758: SynPerlSyn1', 'TSynPerlSyn', iptrw);
29759: PerlSyntax1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29760: SynPythonSyn1', 'TSynPythonSyn', iptrw);
29761: PythonSyntax1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29762: DMathLibrary1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29763: IntfNavigator1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29764: EnlargeFontConsole1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29765: ShrinkFontConsole1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29766: SetInterfaceList1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29767: popintfList', 'TPopupMenu', iptrw);
29768: intfAdd1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29769: intfDelete1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29770: intfRefactor1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29771: Defactor1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29772: Tutorial19COMArduino1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29773: Tutorial20Regex', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29774: N18', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29775: ManualE1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29776: FullTextFinder1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29777: Move1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29778: FractalDemo1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29779: Tutorial21Android1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29780: Tutorial0Function1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29781: SimuLogBox1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29782: OpenExamples1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29783: SynJScriptSyn1', 'TSynJScriptSyn', iptrw);
29784: JavaScriptSyntax1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29785: Halt1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29786: CodeSearch1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29787: SynRubySyn1', 'TSynRubySyn', iptrw);
29788: RubySyntax1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29789: Undo1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29790: SynUNIXShellScriptSyn1', 'TSynUNIXShellScriptSyn', iptrw);
29791: LinuxShellScript1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29792: Rename1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29793: spdcodesearch', 'TSpeedButton', iptrw);
29794: Preview1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29795: Tutorial22Services1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29796: Tutorial23RealTime1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29797: Configuration1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29798: MP3Player1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29799: DLLSpy1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29800: SynURIOpener1', 'TSynURIOpener', iptrw);
29801: SynURISyn1', 'TSynURISyn', iptrw);
29802: URILinksClicks1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29803: EditReplace1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29804: GotoLine1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29805: ActiveLineColor1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29806: ConfigFile1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29807: Sort1Intflist', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29808: Redo1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29809: Tutorial24CleanCode1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29810: Tutorial25Configuration1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29811: IndentSelection1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29812: UnindentSection1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29813: SkyStyle1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29814: N19', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29815: CountWords1', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29816: imbookmarkimages', 'TImageList', iptrw);
29817: Bookmark11', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29818: N20', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29819: Bookmark21', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);

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p: 344
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29820: Bookmark31', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);

29821: Bookmark41', 'TMenuItem', iptrw);
29822: SynMultiSyn1', 'TSynMultiSyn', iptrw);
29824: Proc IFPS3ClassesPlugin1CompImport( Sender : TObject; x : TPSPascalCompiler)
29825: Proc IFPS3ClassesPlugin1ExecImport(Sender:TObject;Exec:TPSExec;x:TPSRuntimeClassImporter);
29826: Proc PSScriptCompile( Sender : TPSScript)
29827: Proc Compile1Click( Sender : TObject)
29828: Proc PSScriptExecute( Sender : TPSScript)
29829: Proc open1Click( Sender : TObject)
29830: Proc Save2Click( Sender : TObject)
29831: Proc Savebefore1Click( Sender : TObject)
29832: Proc Largefont1Click( Sender : TObject)
29833: Proc FormActivate( Sender : TObject)
29834: Proc SBytecode1Click( Sender : TObject)
29835: Proc FormKeyPress( Sender : TObject; var Key : Char)
29836: Proc Saveas3Click( Sender : TObject)
29837: Proc Clear1Click( Sender : TObject)
29838: Proc Slinenumbers1Click( Sender : TObject)
29839: Proc About1Click( Sender : TObject)
29840: Proc Search1Click( Sender : TObject)
29841: Proc FormCreate( Sender : TObject)
29842: Proc Memo1ReplaceText(Sender:TObject;const ASearch,AReplace:str;Line,Column:Int;
29843: var Action : TSynReplaceAction)
29844: Proc Memo1StatusChange( Sender : TObject; Changes : TSynStatusChanges)
29845: Proc WordWrap1Click( Sender : TObject)
29846: Proc SearchNext1Click( Sender : TObject)
29847: Proc Replace1Click( Sender : TObject)
29848: Func PSScriptNeedFile(Sdr:TObject;const OrginFileName:Str;var FName,Output:Str):Bool;
29849: Proc ShowInclude1Click( Sender : TObject)
29850: Proc Printout1Click( Sender : TObject)
29851: Proc mnuPrintFont1Click( Sender : TObject)
29852: Proc Include1Click( Sender : TObject)
29853: Proc FormDestroy( Sender : TObject)
29854: Proc FormClose( Sender : TObject; var Action : TCloseAction)
29855: Proc UpdateView1Click( Sender : TObject)
29856: Proc CodeCompletionList1Click( Sender : TObject)
29857: Proc SaveOutput1Click( Sender : TObject)
29858: Proc ExportClipboard1Click( Sender : TObject)
29859: Proc Close1Click( Sender : TObject)
29860: Proc Manual1Click( Sender : TObject)
29861: Proc LoadLastFile1Click( Sender : TObject)
29862: Proc Memo1Change( Sender : TObject)
29863: Proc Decompile1Click( Sender : TObject)
29864: Proc StepInto1Click( Sender : TObject)
29865: Proc StepOut1Click( Sender : TObject)
29866: Proc Reset1Click( Sender : TObject)
29867: Proc cedebugAfterExecute( Sender : TPSScript)
29868: Proc cedebugBreakpoint(Sender:TObject;const FileName:str;Position,Row,Col:Card)
29869: Proc cedebugCompile( Sender : TPSScript)
29870: Proc cedebugExecute( Sender : TPSScript)
29871: Proc cedebugIdle( Sender : TObject)
29872: Proc cedebugLineInfo(Sender:TObject;const FileName:str;Position,Row,Col:Card)
29873: Proc Memo1SpecialLineColors(Sender:TObject;Line:Int;var Speci:Bool;var FG,BG:TColor);
29874: Proc BreakPointMenuClick( Sender : TObject)
29875: Proc DebugRun1Click( Sender : TObject)
29876: Proc tutorial4Click( Sender : TObject)
29877: Proc ImportfromClipboard1Click( Sender : TObject)
29878: Proc ImportfromClipboard2Click( Sender : TObject)
29879: Proc tutorial1Click( Sender : TObject)
29880: Proc ShowSpecChars1Click( Sender : TObject)
29881: Proc StatusBar1DblClick( Sender : TObject)
29882: Proc PSScriptLine( Sender : TObject)
29883: Proc OpenDirectory1Click( Sender : TObject)
29884: Proc procMessClick( Sender : TObject)
29885: Proc tbtnUseCaseClick( Sender : TObject)
29886: Proc EditFont1Click( Sender : TObject)
29887: Proc tutorial21Click( Sender : TObject)
29888: Proc tutorial31Click( Sender : TObject)
29889: Proc HTMLSyntax1Click( Sender : TObject)
29890: Proc ShowInterfaces1Click( Sender : TObject)
29891: Proc Tutorial5Click( Sender : TObject)
29892: Proc ShowLastException1Click( Sender : TObject)
29893: Proc PlayMP31Click( Sender : TObject)
29894: Proc AllFunctionsList1Click( Sender : TObject)
29895: Proc texSyntax1Click( Sender : TObject)
29896: Proc GetEMails1Click( Sender : TObject)
29897: Proc DelphiSite1Click(Sender: TObject);
29898: Proc TerminalStyle1Click(Sender: TObject);
29899: Proc ReadOnly1Click(Sender: TObject); -->maxform1.memo2.readonly:= false;
29900: Proc ShellStyle1Click(Sender: TObject);
29901: Proc Console1Click(Sender: TObject); //3.2
29902: Proc BigScreen1Click(Sender: TObject);
29903: Proc Tutorial91Click(Sender: TObject);
29904: Proc SaveScreenshotClick(Sender: TObject);
29905: Proc Tutorial101Click(Sender: TObject);
29906: Proc SQLSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
29907: Proc XMLSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
29908: Proc ComponentCount1Click(Sender: TObject);

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29909: Proc NewInstance1Click(Sender: TObject);

29910: Proc CSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
29911: Proc Tutorial6Click(Sender: TObject);
29912: Proc New1Click(Sender: TObject);
29913: Proc AllObjectsList1Click(Sender: TObject);
29914: Proc LoadBytecode1Click(Sender: TObject);
29915: Proc CipherFile1Click(Sender: TObject); //V3.5
29916: Proc NewInstance1Click(Sender: TObject);
29917: Proc toolbtnTutorialClick(Sender: TObject);
29918: Proc Memory1Click(Sender: TObject);
29919: Proc JavaSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
29920: Proc SyntaxCheck1Click(Sender: TObject);
29921: Proc ScriptExplorer1Click(Sender: TObject);
29922: Proc FormOutput1Click(Sender: TObject); //V3.6
29923: Proc GotoEnd1Click(Sender: TObject);
29924: Proc AllResourceList1Click(Sender: TObject);
29925: Proc tbtn6resClick(Sender: TObject); //V3.7
29926: Proc Info1Click(Sender: TObject);
29927: Proc Tutorial10Statistics1Click(Sender: TObject);
29928: Proc Tutorial11Forms1Click(Sender: TObject);
29929: Proc Tutorial12SQL1Click(Sender: TObject); //V3.8
29930: Proc ResourceExplore1Click(Sender: TObject);
29931: Proc Info1Click(Sender: TObject);
29932: Proc CryptoBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
29933: Proc ModulesCount1Click(Sender: TObject);
29934: Proc N4GewinntGame1Click(Sender: TObject);
29935: Proc PHPSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
29936: Proc SerialRS2321Click(Sender: TObject);
29937: Proc CSyntax2Click(Sender: TObject);
29938: Proc Calculator1Click(Sender: TObject);
29939: Proc Tutorial13Ciphering1Click(Sender: TObject);
29940: Proc Tutorial14Async1Click(Sender: TObject);
29941: Proc PHPSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
29942: Proc BtnZoomPlusClick(Sender: TObject);
29943: Proc BtnZoomMinusClick(Sender: TObject);
29944: Proc btnClassReportClick(Sender: TObject);
29945: Proc ThreadDemo1Click(Sender: TObject);
29946: Proc HEXView1Click(Sender: TObject);
29947: Proc ExporttoHTML1Click(Sender: TObject);
29948: Proc Minesweeper1Click(Sender: TObject);
29949: Proc PicturePuzzle1Click(Sender: TObject); //V3.9
29950: Proc sbvclhelpClick(Sender: TObject);
29951: Proc DependencyWalker1Click(Sender: TObject);
29952: Proc CB1SCListDrawItem(Control:TWinCtrl;Index:Int;aRect:TRect;State:TOwnerDrawState);
29953: Proc WebScanner1Click(Sender: TObject);
29954: Proc mnToolbar1Click(Sender: TObject);
29955: Proc mnStatusbar2Click(Sender: TObject);
29956: Proc mnConsole2Click(Sender: TObject);
29957: Proc mnCoolbar2Click(Sender: TObject);
29958: Proc mnSplitter2Click(Sender: TObject);
29959: Proc WebServer1Click(Sender: TObject);
29960: Proc PerlSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
29961: Proc PythonSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
29962: Proc DMathLibrary1Click(Sender: TObject);
29963: Proc IntfNavigator1Click(Sender: TObject);
29964: Proc FullTextFinder1Click(Sender: TObject);
29965: Func AppName:Str;
29966: Func ScriptName:Str;
29967: Func LastName:Str;
29968: Proc FractalDemo1Click(Sender: TObject);
29969: Proc SimuLogBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
29970: Proc OpenExamples1Click(Sender: TObject);
29971: Proc Halt1Click(Sender: TObject);
29972: Proc Stop;
29973: Proc CodeSearch1Click(Sender: TObject);
29974: Proc RubySyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
29975: Proc Undo1Click(Sender: TObject);
29976: Proc LinuxShellScript1Click(Sender: TObject);
29977: Proc WebScannerDirect(urls:Str);
29978: Proc WebScanner(urls:Str);
29979: Proc LoadInterfaceList2;
29980: Proc DLLSpy1Click(Sender: TObject);
29981: Proc Memo1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
29982: Proc URILinksClicks1Click(Sender: TObject);
29983: Proc GotoLine1Click(Sender: TObject);
29984: Proc ConfigFile1Click(Sender: TObject);
29985: Proc Sort1IntflistClick( Sender : TObject)
29986: Proc Redo1Click( Sender : TObject)
29987: Proc Tutorial24CleanCode1Click( Sender : TObject)
29988: Proc IndentSelection1Click( Sender : TObject)
29989: Proc UnindentSection1Click( Sender : TObject)
29990: Proc SkyStyle1Click( Sender : TObject)
29991: Proc CountWords1Click( Sender : TObject)
29992: Proc Memo1PlaceBookmark( Sender : TObject; var Mark : TSynEditMark)
29993: Proc Memo1GutterClick(Send:TObject;Button:TMouseButton;X,Y,Line:Int;Mark:TSynEditMark);
29994: Proc Bookmark11Click( Sender : TObject)
29995: Proc Bookmark21Click( Sender : TObject)
29996: Proc Bookmark31Click( Sender : TObject)
29997: Proc Bookmark41Click( Sender : TObject)

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29998: Proc SynMultiSyn1CustomRange(Sender:TSynMultiSyn;Operat:TRangeOperation;var Range:Pointer);

29999: 'STATMemoryReport', 'boolean', iptrw);
30000: 'IPPort', 'Int', iptrw);
30001: 'COMPort', 'Int', iptrw);
30002: 'lbintflist', 'TListBox', iptrw);
30003: Func GetStatChange :Bool
30004: Proc SetStatChange( vstat :Bool)
30005: Func GetActFileName :Str
30006: Proc SetActFileName( vname :Str)
30007: Func GetLastFileName :Str
30008: Proc SetLastFileName( vname :Str)
30009: Proc WebScannerDirect( urls :Str)
30010: Proc LoadInterfaceList2
30011: Func GetStatExecuteShell :Bool
30012: Proc DoEditorExecuteCommand( EditorCommand : word)
30013: Func GetActiveLineColor: TColor
30014: Proc SetActiveLineColor(acolor: TColor)
30015: Proc ScriptListbox1Click(Sender: TObject);
30016: Proc Memo2KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
30017: Proc EnlargeGutter1Click(Sender: TObject);
30018: Proc Tetris1Click(Sender: TObject);
30019: Proc ToDoList1Click(Sender: TObject);
30020: Proc ProcessList1Click(Sender: TObject);
30021: Proc MetricReport1Click(Sender: TObject);
30022: Proc ProcessList1Click(Sender: TObject);
30023: Proc TCPSockets1Click(Sender: TObject);
30024: Proc ConfigUpdate1Click(Sender: TObject);
30025: Proc ADOWorkbench1Click(Sender: TObject);
30026: Proc SocketServer1Click(Sender: TObject);
30027: Proc FormDemo1Click(Sender: TObject);
30028: Proc Richedit1Click(Sender: TObject);
30029: Proc SimpleBrowser1Click(Sender: TObject);
30030: Proc DOSShell1Click(Sender: TObject);
30031: Proc SynExport1Click(Sender: TObject);
30032: Proc ExporttoRTF1Click(Sender: TObject);
30033: Proc FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose:Bool);
30034: Proc SOAPTester1Click(Sender: TObject);
30035: Proc Sniffer1Click(Sender: TObject);
30036: Proc AutoDetectSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);
30037: Proc FPlot1Click(Sender: TObject);
30038: Proc PasStyle1Click(Sender: TObject);
30039: Proc Tutorial183RGBLED1Click(Sender: TObject);
30040: Proc Reversi1Click(Sender: TObject);
30041: Proc ManualmaXbox1Click(Sender: TObject);
30042: Proc BlaisePascalMagazine1Click(Sender: TObject);
30043: Proc AddToDo1Click(Sender: TObject);
30044: Proc CreateGUID1Click(Sender: TObject);
30045: Proc Tutorial27XML1Click(Sender: TObject);
30046: Proc CreateDLLStub1Click(Sender: TObject);
30047: Proc Tutorial28DLL1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30048: Proc ResetKeyPressed;;
30049: Proc SetKeyPressed;;
30050: Proc KeyPressedFalse;
30051: Proc FileChanges1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30052: Proc OpenGLTry1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30053: Proc AllUnitList1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30054: Proc Tutorial29UMLClick(Sender: TObject);
30055: Proc CreateHeader1Click(Sender: TObject);
30056: Proc Oscilloscope1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30057: Proc Tutorial30WOT1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30058: Proc GetWebScript1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30059: Proc Checkers1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30060: Proc TaskMgr1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30061: Proc WebCam1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30062: Proc Tutorial31Closure1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30063: Proc GEOMapView1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30064: Proc Run1Click(Sender: TObject);
30065: MaxForm1.GPSSatView1Click, 'GPSSatView1Click;
30066: MaxForm1.N3DLab1Click, 'N3DLab1Click;
30067: Proc ExternalApp1Click(Sender: TObject);;
30068: Proc PANView1Click(Sender: TObject);
30069: Proc Tutorial39GEOMaps1Click(Sender: TObject);
30070: Proc UnitConverter1Click(Sender: TObject);
30071: maxform1.myscript1click(self)
30072: Proc Terminal1Click(Sender: TObject);
30073: Proc Tutorial361Click(Sender: TObject);
30074: Proc TrainingArduino1Click(Sender: TObject);
30075: Proc Chess41Click(Sender: TObject);
30076: Proc OrangeStyle1Click(Sender: TObject);
30077: Proc Darkcolor1Click(Sender: TObject);
30078: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
30079: //**************mX4 Editor SynEdit Tools API ***********************************
30080: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30081: Proc SIRegister_TCustomSynEdit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
30082: begin //with RegClassS(CL,'TCustomControl', 'TCustomSynEdit') do
30083: with FindClass('TCustomControl'),'TCustomSynEdit') do begin
30084: Constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent)
30085: SelStart', 'Int', iptrw);
30086: SelEnd', 'Int', iptrw); AlwaysShowCaret', 'Boolean', iptrw);

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30087: Proc UpdateCaret

30088: Proc AddKey(Command:TSynEditorCommand;Key1:word;SS1:TShiftState;Key2:word;SS2:TShiftState);
30089: Proc AddKey(Command:TSynEditorCommand;Key1:word;SS1:TShiftState;Key2:word;SS2:TShiftState);
30090: Proc BeginUndoBlock
30091: Proc BeginUpdate
30092: Func CaretInView :Bool
30093: Func CharIndexToRowCol( Index : Int) : TBufferCoord
30094: Proc Clear
30095: Proc ClearAll
30096: Proc ClearBookMark( BookMark : Int)
30097: Proc ClearSelection
30098: Proc CommandProcessor(Command:TSynEditorCommand; AChar : char; Data : pointer)
30099: Proc ClearUndo
30100: Proc CopyToClipboard
30101: Proc CutToClipboard
30102: Proc DoCopyToClipboard( const SText :Str)
30103: Proc EndUndoBlock
30104: Proc EndUpdate
30105: Proc EnsureCursorPosVisible
30106: Proc EnsureCursorPosVisibleEx( ForceToMiddle :Bool)
30107: Proc FindMatchingBracket
30108: Func GetMatchingBracket : TBufferCoord
30109: Func GetMatchingBracketEx( const APoint : TBufferCoord) : TBufferCoord
30110: Proc ExecuteCommand( Command : TSynEditorCommand; AChar : char; Data : pointer)
30111: Func GetBookMark( BookMark : Int; var X, Y : Int) :Bool
30112: Func GetHighlighterAttriAtRowCol(const XY: TBufferCoord; var Token:str; var Attri
30113: : TSynHighlighterAttributes) :Bool
30114: Func GetHighlighterAttriAtRowColEx( const XY : TBufferCoord; var Token :Str;
30115: var TokenType, Start : Int; var Attri:TSynHighlighterAttributes):boolean
30116: Func GetPositionOfMouse( out aPos : TBufferCoord) :Bool
30117: Func GetWordAtRowCol( const XY : TBufferCoord) :Str
30118: Proc GotoBookMark( BookMark : Int)
30119: Proc GotoLineAndCenter( ALine : Int)
30120: Func IdentChars : TSynIdentChars
30121: Proc InvalidateGutter
30122: Proc InvalidateGutterLine( aLine : Int)
30123: Proc InvalidateGutterLines( FirstLine, LastLine : Int)
30124: Proc InvalidateLine( Line : Int)
30125: Proc InvalidateLines( FirstLine, LastLine : Int)
30126: Proc InvalidateSelection
30127: Func IsBookmark( BookMark : Int) :Bool
30128: Func IsPointInSelection( const Value : TBufferCoord) :Bool
30129: Proc LockUndo
30130: Func BufferToDisplayPos( const p : TBufferCoord) : TDisplayCoord
30131: Func DisplayToBufferPos( const p : TDisplayCoord) : TBufferCoord
30132: Func LineToRow( aLine : Int) : Int
30133: Func RowToLine( aRow : Int) : Int
30134: Func NextWordPos : TBufferCoord
30135: Func NextWordPosEx( const XY : TBufferCoord) : TBufferCoord
30136: Proc PasteFromClipboard
30137: Func WordStart : TBufferCoord
30138: Func WordStartEx( const XY : TBufferCoord) : TBufferCoord
30139: Func WordEnd : TBufferCoord
30140: Func WordEndEx( const XY : TBufferCoord) : TBufferCoord
30141: Func PrevWordPos : TBufferCoord
30142: Func PrevWordPosEx( const XY : TBufferCoord) : TBufferCoord
30143: Func PixelsToRowColumn( aX, aY : Int) : TDisplayCoord
30144: Func PixelsToNearestRowColumn( aX, aY : Int) : TDisplayCoord
30145: Proc Redo
30146: Proc RegisterCommandHandler(const AHandlerProc:THookedCommandEvent;AHandlerDat:pointr);
30147: Func RowColumnToPixels( const RowCol : TDisplayCoord) : TPoint
30148: Func RowColToCharIndex( RowCol : TBufferCoord) : Int
30149: Func SearchReplace( const ASearch,AReplace:str; AOptions:TSynSearchOptions): int
30150: Proc SelectAll
30151: Proc SetBookMark( BookMark : Int; X : Int; Y : Int)
30152: Proc SetCaretAndSelection( const ptCaret, ptBefore, ptAfter : TBufferCoord)
30153: Proc SetDefaultKeystrokes
30154: Proc SetSelWord
30155: Proc SetWordBlock( Value : TBufferCoord)
30156: Proc Undo Proc UnlockUndo
30157: Proc UnregisterCommandHandler( AHandlerProc : THookedCommandEvent)
30158: Proc AddKeyUpHandler( aHandler : TKeyEvent)
30159: Proc RemoveKeyUpHandler( aHandler : TKeyEvent)
30160: Proc AddKeyDownHandler( aHandler : TKeyEvent)
30161: Proc RemoveKeyDownHandler( aHandler : TKeyEvent)
30162: Proc AddKeyPressHandler( aHandler : TKeyPressEvent)
30163: Proc RemoveKeyPressHandler( aHandler : TKeyPressEvent)
30164: Proc AddFocusControl( aControl : TWinControl)
30165: Proc RemoveFocusControl( aControl : TWinControl)
30166: Proc AddMouseDownHandler( aHandler : TMouseEvent)
30167: Proc RemoveMouseDownHandler( aHandler : TMouseEvent)
30168: Proc AddMouseUpHandler( aHandler : TMouseEvent)
30169: Proc RemoveMouseUpHandler( aHandler : TMouseEvent)
30170: Proc AddMouseCursorHandler( aHandler : TMouseCursorEvent)
30171: Proc RemoveMouseCursorHandler( aHandler : TMouseCursorEvent)
30172: Proc SetLinesPointer( ASynEdit : TCustomSynEdit)
30173: Proc RemoveLinesPointer
30174: Proc HookTextBuffer( aBuffer : TSynEditStringList; aUndo, aRedo : TSynEditUndoList)
30175: Proc UnHookTextBuffer

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30176: BlockBegin', 'TBufferCoord', iptrw);

30177: BlockEnd', 'TBufferCoord', iptrw);
30178: CanPaste', 'Boolean', iptr); 'CanRedo', 'boolean', iptr);
30179: CanUndo', 'boolean', iptr); 'CaretX', 'Int', iptrw);
30180: CaretY', 'Int', iptrw); 'CaretXY', 'TBufferCoord', iptrw);
30181: ActiveLineColor', 'TColor', iptrw);
30182: DisplayX', 'Int', iptr); 'DisplayY', 'Int', iptr);
30183: DisplayXY', 'TDisplayCoord', iptr); 'DisplayLineCount', 'Int', iptr);
30184: CharsInWindow', 'Int', iptr);
30185: CharWidth', 'Int', iptr);
30186: Font', 'TFont', iptrw);
30187: GutterWidth', 'Int', iptr);
30188: Highlighter', 'TSynCustomHighlighter', iptrw);
30189: LeftChar', 'Int', iptrw);
30190: LineHeight', 'Int', iptr);
30191: LinesInWindow', 'Int', iptr);
30192: LineText', 'string', iptrw); Lines', 'TStrings', iptrw);
30193: Marks', 'TSynEditMarkList', iptr);
30194: MaxScrollWidth', 'Int', iptrw);
30195: Modified', 'Boolean', iptrw);
30196: PaintLock', 'Int', iptr);
30197: ReadOnly', 'Boolean', iptrw);
30198: SearchEngine', 'TSynEditSearchCustom', iptrw);
30199: SelAvail', 'Boolean', iptr); SelLength', 'Int', iptrw);
30200: SelTabBlock', 'Boolean', iptr);
30201: SelTabLine', 'Boolean', iptr); SelText', 'string', iptrw);
30202: StateFlags', 'TSynStateFlags', iptr);
30203: Text', 'string', iptrw); TopLine', 'Int', iptrw);
30204: WordAtCursor', 'string', iptr); 'WordAtMouse', 'string', iptr);
30205: UndoList', 'TSynEditUndoList', iptr);
30206: RedoList', 'TSynEditUndoList', iptr);
30207: OnProcessCommand', 'TProcessCommandEvent', iptrw);
30208: BookMarkOptions', 'TSynBookMarkOpt', iptrw);
30209: BorderStyle', 'TSynBorderStyle', iptrw);
30210: ExtraLineSpacing', 'Int', iptrw);
30211: Gutter', 'TSynGutter', iptrw);
30212: HideSelection', 'boolean', iptrw);
30213: InsertCaret', 'TSynEditCaretType', iptrw);
30214: InsertMode', 'boolean', iptrw); 'IsScrolling', 'Boolean', iptr);
30215: Keystrokes', 'TSynEditKeyStrokes', iptrw);
30216: MaxUndo', 'Int', iptrw); 'Options', 'TSynEditorOptions', iptrw);
30217: OverwriteCaret', 'TSynEditCaretType', iptrw);
30218: RightEdge', 'Int', iptrw); RightEdgeColor', 'TColor', iptrw);
30219: ScrollHintColor', 'TColor', iptrw);
30220: ScrollHintFormat', 'TScrollHintFormat', iptrw);
30221: ScrollBars', 'TScrollStyle', iptrw);
30222: SelectedColor', 'TSynSelectedColor', iptrw);
30223: SelectionMode', 'TSynSelectionMode', iptrw);
30224: ActiveSelectionMode', 'TSynSelectionMode', iptrw);
30225: TabWidth', 'Int', iptrw); WantReturns', 'boolean', iptrw);
30226: WantTabs', 'boolean', iptrw); WordWrap', 'boolean', iptrw);
30227: WordWrapGlyph', 'TSynGlyph', iptrw);
30228: OnChange', 'TNotifyEvent', iptrw);
30229: OnClearBookmark', 'TPlaceMarkEvent', iptrw);
30230: OnCommandProcessed', 'TProcessCommandEvent', iptrw);
30231: OnContextHelp', 'TContextHelpEvent', iptrw);
30232: OnDropFiles', 'TDropFilesEvent', iptrw);
30233: OnGutterClick', 'TGutterClickEvent', iptrw);
30234: OnGutterGetText', 'TGutterGetTextEvent', iptrw);
30235: OnGutterPaint', 'TGutterPaintEvent', iptrw);
30236: OnMouseCursor', 'TMouseCursorEvent', iptrw);
30237: OnPaint', 'TPaintEvent', iptrw);
30238: OnPlaceBookmark', 'TPlaceMarkEvent', iptrw);
30239: OnProcessUserCommand', 'TProcessCommandEvent', iptrw);
30240: OnReplaceText', 'TReplaceTextEvent', iptrw);
30241: OnSpecialLineColors', 'TSpecialLineColorsEvent', iptrw);
30242: OnStatusChange', 'TStatusChangeEvent', iptrw);
30243: OnPaintTransient', 'TPaintTransient', iptrw);
30244: OnScroll', 'TScrollEvent', iptrw);
30245: end;
30246: Proc RegisterPlaceableHighlighter(highlighter : TSynCustomHighlighterClass)
30247: Func GetPlaceableHighlighters : TSynHighlighterList
30248: Func EditorCommandToDescrString( Cmd : TSynEditorCommand) :Str
30249: Func EditorCommandToCodeString( Cmd : TSynEditorCommand) :Str
30250: Proc GetEditorCommandValues( Proc : TGetStrProc)
30251: Proc GetEditorCommandExtended( Proc : TGetStrProc)
30252: Func IdentToEditorCommand( const Ident :Str; var Cmd : longint) :Bool
30253: Func EditorCommandToIdent( Cmd : longint; var Ident :Str) :Bool
30254: Func ConvertCodeStringToExtended( AString :Str) :Str
30255: Func ConvertExtendedToCodeString( AString :Str) :Str
30256: Func ConvertExtendedToCommand( AString :Str) : TSynEditorCommand
30257: Func ConvertCodeStringToCommand( AString :Str) : TSynEditorCommand
30258: Func IndexToEditorCommand( const AIndex : Int) : Int
30259: TSynEditorOption = (
30260: eoAltSetsColumnMode, //Holding down Alt Key will put select mode into columnar format
30261: eoAutoIndent, //Will indent caret onnewlines same amountof leading whitespace as
30262: // preceding line
30263: eoAutoSizeMaxScrollWidth, //Automatically resizes MaxScrollWidth property when insert text
30264: eoDisableScrollArrows, //Disables scroll bar arrow buttons when you cant scroll that

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30265: //direction any more

30266: eoDragDropEditing, //Allows to select a textblock and drag in doc to another location
30267: eoDropFiles, //Allows the editor accept OLE file drops
30268: eoEnhanceHomeKey, //enhances home key positioning, similar to visual studio
30269: eoEnhanceEndKey, //enhances End key positioning, similar to JDeveloper
30270: eoGroupUndo, //When undoing/redoing actions,handle all cont.changes same kind in onecall
30271: //instead undoing/redoing each command separately
30272: eoHalfPageScroll, //By scrolling with page-up/page-down commands, scroll half page attime
30273: eoHideShowScrollbars, //if enabled, then scrollbars will only show if necessary.
30274: If you have ScrollPastEOL,then it horizontal bar will always there (uses MaxLength instead)
30275: eoKeepCaretX, //When moving through lines w/o cursor Past EOL, keeps X posof cursor
30276: eoNoCaret, //Makes it so the caret is never visible
30277: eoNoSelection, //Disables selecting text
30278: eoRightMouseMovesCursor,//When clicking right mouse for popup menu,moves cursor to location
30279: eoScrollByOneLess, //Forces scrolling to be one less
30280: eoScrollHintFollows, //The scroll hint follows the mouse when scrolling vertically
30281: eoScrollPastEof, //Allows the cursor to go past the end of file marker
30282: eoScrollPastEol, //Allows cursor go past lastchar into white space at end ofline
30283: eoShowScrollHint, //Shows a hint of the visible line numbers when scrolling vertically
30284: eoShowSpecialChars, //Shows the special Characters
30285: eoSmartTabDelete, //similar to Smart Tabs, but when you delete characters
30286: eoSmartTabs, //When tabbing, cursor will goto non-whitespace charof prev line
30287: eoSpecialLineDefaultFg,//disables foreground textcolor override OnSpecialLineColor event
30288: eoTabIndent, //If active <Tab>and<Shift><Tab> act block indent,unindent iftext select
30289: eoTabsToSpaces, //Converts a tab character to a specified number of space characters
30290: eoTrimTrailingSpaces //Spaces at the end of lines will be trimmed and not saved
30292: Change above Options in Editor (for bootscript also):
30293: for eg. to indent blocks with tab:
30295: memo1.options:= memo1.options + [eoTabIndent]
30296: or to control something:
30297: memo1.wanttabs:= true;
30298: if (memo1.wanttabs) and (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)) then writeln('wanttabs0^');
30300: *******************Important Editor Short Cut Cuts shorcut*****************);
30301: Double click to select a word and count words with highlightning.
30302: Triple click to select a line.
30303: CTRL+SHIFT+click to extend a selection.
30304: Drag with the ALT key down to select columns of text !!!
30305: Drag and drop is supported.
30306: With CTRL 3 to jump to the last change (change tracker)
30307: Type CTRL+Z to undo and SHIFT+CTRL+Z to redo.
30308: Type CTRL+A to select all.
30309: Type CTRL+N to set a new line.
30310: Type CTRL+T to delete a line or token. //Tokenizer
30311: Type CTRL+C to copy to clipboard. Type CTRL+V to paste from clipboard.
30312: Type CTRL+Shift+S to Save as....
30313: Type CTRL+Alt+M to jump to Memo Terminal.
30314: Type CTRL+Shift+T to add ToDo in line and list.
30315: Type CTRL+Shift+[0..9] to set bookmarks. //Bookmark
30316: Type CTRL[0..9] to jump or get to bookmarks.
30317: Type Home to position cursor at beginning of curr line and End to position at end of line.
30318: Type CTRL+Home to position cursor at start of doc and CTRL+End to position it at end of docu.
30319: Page Up and Page Down work as expected.
30320: CTRL+Page Up sends cursor to top of viewed portion and CTRL+Page Down sends it to bottom.
30321: using http://pp4s.co.uk/main/tu-form2-help-demo-laz.html
30323: {$ Short Key Positions Ctrl<A-Z>: }
30324: def
30325: <A> Select All
30326: <B> Count Words
30327: <C> Copy
30328: <D> Internet Start
30329: <E> Script List
30330: <F> Find
30331: <G> Goto
30332: <H> Mark Line
30333: <I> Interface List
30334: <J> Code Completion
30335: <K> Console
30336: <L> Interface List Box
30337: <M> Font Smaller -
30338: <N> New Line
30339: <O> Open File
30340: <P> Font Larger +
30341: <Q> Quit
30342: <R> Replace
30343: <S> Save!
30344: <T> Delete Line
30345: <U> Use Case Editor
30346: <V> Paste
30347: <W> URI Links
30348: <X> Reserved for coding use internal
30349: <Y> Delete Line
30350: <Z> Undo
30352: ref F1 Help to Func List
30353: F2 Syntax Check

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30354: F3 Search Next

30355: F4 New Instance
30356: F5 Line Mark /Breakpoint
30357: F6 Goto End
30358: F7 Debug Step Into
30359: F8 Debug Step Out
30360: F9 Compile
30361: F10 Menu
30362: F11 Word Count Highlight
30363: F12 Reserved for coding use internal
30365: AddRegisteredVariable('Application', 'TApplication;
30366: AddRegisteredVariable('Screen', 'TScreen;
30367: AddRegisteredVariable('Self', 'TForm;
30368: AddRegisteredVariable('Memo1', 'TSynMemo;
30369: AddRegisteredVariable('memo2', 'TMemo;
30370: AddRegisteredVariable('maxForm1', 'TMaxform1; //!!
30371: AddRegisteredVariable('debugout', 'Tdebugoutput; //!!
30372: AddRegisteredVariable('hlog','THotlog; //!!
30373: AddRegisteredVariable('mouse','TMouse; //!!
30374: AddRegisteredVariable( it ,Int; //for closure and each loop!!
30375: AddRegisteredVariable( sr ,string; //for closure
30376: AddRegisteredVariable( bt ,boolean; //for closure
30377: AddRegisteredVariable( ft ,double; //for closure
30378: AddRegisteredVariable( srlist ,TStringlist; //for closures
30380: def ReservedWords: array[0..86] of string =
30381: ('and', 'array', 'as', 'asm', 'at', 'begin', 'case', 'class', 'const',
30382: 'constructor', 'default', 'destructor', 'dispinterface', 'div', 'do',
30383: 'downto', 'else', 'end', 'except', 'exports', 'file', 'finalization',
30384: 'finally', 'for', 'function', 'goto', 'if', 'implementation', 'in',
30385: 'inherited', 'initialization', 'inline', 'interface', 'is', 'label',
30386: 'library', 'message', 'mod', 'nil', 'not', 'object', 'of', 'on', 'or',
30387: 'out', 'packed', 'procedure', 'program', 'property', 'raise', 'read',
30388: 'record', 'repeat', 'resourcestring', 'set', 'shl', 'shr', 'string',
30389: 'stored', 'then', 'threadvar', 'to', 'try', 'type', 'unit', 'until',
30390: 'uses', 'var', 'while', 'with', 'write', 'xor', 'private', 'protected',
30391: 'public', 'published',def,ref,using,typedef ,memo1','memo2','doc','maxform1','it';
30392: AllowedChars: array[0..5] of string = ('(',')', '[', ']',' ',' t,t1,t2,t3:Bool;
30393: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30394: //**************End of mX4 Public Tools API ***********************************
30395: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30397: maXbox 4 Internal Now Inventory INI Nov 2017
30398: Amount of Functions: 18547
30399: Amount of Procedures: 11143
30400: Amount of Constructors: 1730
30401: Totals of Calls: 31420
30402: SHA1: of FFF8300142CE582DFCC8E15489AD7D5EE2E08062
30403: CRC32: A013C5BC: 28465616 bytes
30404: mX4 executed: 03/01/2018 17:10:09 Runtime: 0:8:5.816 Memload: 29% use
30405: maXbox 4 Internal Now Inventory INI Dez 2019
30406: Amount of Functions: 18929
30407: Amount of Procedures: 11351
30408: Amount of Constructors: 1771
30409: Amount of Destructors: 12
30410: Totals of Calls: 32063
30411: SHA1: of E372D00CE31BDFC30A29F6C1F77600ABD25AFDB8
30412: CRC32: 3C620310: 28952992 bytes
30413: mX4 executed: 03/12/2019 23:15:23 Runtime: 0:9:29.13 Memload: 48% use
30414: V
30415: Totals of Func Calls: 32633, 75 Tutorials
30416: SHA1: of DA4C716E31E2A4298013DFFBDA7A98D48650B0C7
30417: CRC32: 3EB27A87: 28.2 MB (29,608,248) bytes
30419: ************************************************************
30420: Doc Short Manual with 70 Tips! Troublshooter - Errors
30421: ************************************************************
30422: - Editor: dont ever load and save a BINARY file in the editor, it saves as CRLF text !
30423: - Install: just save your maxboxdef.ini before and then extract the zip file!
30424: - Toolbar: Click on the red maXbox Sign (right on top) opens your work dir or jump to <Help>
30425: - Menu: With <F2> you check syntax with <F8> you debug and <F9> you compile!
30426: - Menu: With <Crtl><F3> you can search for code on examples
30427: - Menu: Open in menu Output a new instance <F4> of the box to compare or prepare your scripts
30428: - Menu: Set Interface Naviagator in menu /View/Intf Navigator
30429: - Menu: Switch or toogle between last 2 scripts in menu File/LoadLast(History is set to 9 files)
30431: - Inifile: Set memory report in ini:MEMORYREPORT=Y :report on memoryleaks on shutdown by dialog
30432: - Inifile: Refresh (reload) the inifile after edit with ../Help/Config Update
30433: - Inifile: Set VERSIONCHECK=N and MEMORYREPORT=N to speedup boot and shutdown of box
30435: - Context Menu: You can printout your scripts as a pdf-file or html-export
30436: - Context: You do have a context menu with the right mouse click
30438: - Menu: With the UseCase Editor you can convert graphic formats too.
30439: - Menu: On menu Options you find Addons as compiled scripts
30440: - IDE: Menu Program: Run Only is faster, after F2 - You dont need a mouse use shortcuts
30441: - Menu: Check Options/ProcessMessages! if something is wrong or you cant see graphics in a time
30442: - IDE: Dragndrop scripts in box or model in use case editor(Cut,Copy,Paste always available)

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30443: - Editor: You can get templates as code completion with <ctrl j> in editor like classp or iinterface or
ttimer (you type classp and then CTRL J),or you type tstringlist and <Ctrl><J>
30445: - Menu: In menu output (console) set output menu in edit mode by unchecking <read only output>
30446: - Editor: After the end. you can write or copy notes or descriptions concerning the app or code
30447: - Code: If you code a loop till key-pressed use function: isKeyPressed;
30448: - Code: Macro set the macros #name,paAdmMaxinistratorth, #file,funclmaxbox_functions.txtist5.pdf
30449: - Code: change Syntax in autoboot macro 'maxbootscript.txt'
30450: - Editor: -<F11> Click on Word in Editor search amount of words with highlighting,Dbl Click on Bookmarks
to delete and Click and mark to drag a bookmark
30451: - Menu: To start handling from CD-ROM (read only mode) uncheck in Menu /Options/Save before Compile
30452: - IDE: A file info with system and script information you find in menu Program/Information
30453: - IDE: After change the config file in help you can update changes in menu Help/Config Update
30454: - IDE: Make a screenshot of the content and environment in menu Output/Save Screenshot
30455: - IDE: Use a boot loader script 'maxbootscript.txt' (as auto start) to change box each time start it.
30456: - IDE: With escape or <Ctrl> Q you can also leave box or stopscript in menu program - stop program
30457: - Editor: Set Bookmarks to check your work in app or code
30458: - Editor: With <Ctrl H> you set {$Active Line Color} and F11 you get Word Count Statistic on Output too
30459: - Editor: With {//TODO: some description} or DONE you set code entries for ToDo List in ../Help/ToDo List
30460: - Editor: With <Ctrl W> you set active URL links in code to test availability in Context Menu
30461: - Editor shortcut Ctrl+Alt+M to jump to output (memo2) console
30462: - IDE with menu /Options/ADO SQL Workbench you can manage your Database
30463: - Context Menu: You can write your docus with RichEdit RTF printout /Editor Form Options/Richedit
30464: - Menu: Set Interface Naviagator also with toogle <Ctrl L> or /View/Intf Navigator
30465: - Toolbar: In menu /View switch Off Toolbar and Coolbar to get more coding space
30466: - Code: Put some resources in your code /Help/Resource Explorer like bitbtn, forms, dialogs;
30467: - Code Editor: Compile with <F9> but also Alt C in case <F9> isnt available;
30468: - Code: if you cant run a Func try the second one, for ex. Voice()-Voice2(),inc() - inc1()
30469: - IDE set bookmarks with <Ctrl Shift> (0..9) and jump with <Ctrl> (0..9)
30470: - IDE menu /Help/Tools/ write with RTF Editor or open a DOS Shell or browse
30471: - IDE menu /Help/Tools/ open the Task Manager
30472: - new Style: menu//Output/Darkcolor
30473: http://www.softwareschule.ch/images/maXbox4_darkcolor.png
30474: http://www.softwareschule.ch/images/maXbox4_darkcolor3.png
30476: - Add on write your Requirements in RTF Docu with <CTRL ALT R> in context menu
30477: - Add on when no browser is available start /Options/Add ons/Easy Browser
30478: - Add on SOAP Tester with SOP POST File
30479: - Add on IP Protocol Sniffer with List View
30480: - Add on OpenGL mX Robot Demo for android
30481: - Add on Checkers Game, Add on Oscilloscope /View GEO Map View3
30483: - Menu: Help/Tools as a Tool Section with DOS Opener
30484: - Menu Editor: export the code as RTF File
30485: - Menu: Help/Tools/Syn Export your code as available in HTML or RTF
30486: - Menu: Help/Tools/ with <Alt H-S-D> you start the DOS Shell
30487: - Context: Auto Detect of Syntax depending on file extension
30488: - Code: some Windows API Func start with w in the name like wGetAtomName();
30489: - IDE Close - if you cant close the box then reset it <Ctrl F2> in menu /Debug
30490: - IDE File Check with menu ..View/File Changes/...
30491: - Context: Create a Header with Create Header in Navigator List at right window
30492: - Code: use SysErrorMessage to get a real Error Description, Ex.
30493: RemoveDir('c:\NoSuchFold;writeln('System Error Message:'+SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
30494: - IDE getWebScript from a URL with menu ..Help/Get Web Script/...
30495: - Editor: with <Ctrl W> you can click on hyperlinks in Code - CTRL Click on link
30496: - Editor: with <Ctrl+Alt+R> you can write in RTF format with RichEdit link
30497: - Menu: Check Help/Tools! you can use richedit, DOS Shell or Explorer
30498: - Menu: Start View/MyScript of ini file maxboxdef.ini [MYSCRIPT]= path of script
30499: - Indent: close you doc lines with //} for {...}
30500: - Menu: Help/ToDo List add prio and user with {/1.......//}
30501: Name#Prio# example:
30502: {/1 TODO (maxname#7#): do the new task one34 then mX4' //}
30504: - With this code I get an EIdHTTPProtocolException with the message "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden".
30505: Set the IdHTTP1.Request.UserAgent to some browser's user agent and you'll get it to work. Server doesn't
like the Indy's default one and rejects its request.
30507: with TIdHTTP.Create(self) do begin
30508: Request.UserAgent:= 'maXbox4 compatible';
30509: get('http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/robo.txt')
30510: free
30511: end;
30513: use for TRegistry.create constructor TRegistry.Create1
30514: in maxbox_functions.txt add TRegistry.Create1
30516: //In the ServiceAfterUninstall method add these lines:
30517: // begin
30518: // Delete registry entries for event viewer.
30519: Key:= '\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\' + Self.Name;
30520: Reg:= TRegistry.Create1(KEY_READ or KEY_WRITE);
30521: try
30522: Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
30523: if Reg.KeyExists(Key) then
30524: Reg.DeleteKey(Key);
30525: finally
30526: Reg.Free;
30527: end;

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30529: Func AnsiByteArrayStringLen2(Data: TBytes): Integer;');

30530: Func StringToAnsiByteArray2(const S:Str): TBytes;');
30531: Func AnsiByteArrayToString2(const Data: TBytes; Count: Integer):Str;');
30532: Func BytesOf(const Value: Ansistr): TBytes;');
30533: Func BytesOfChar(const Value: AnsiChar): TBytes;');
30534: Func StringOf(const Bytes: array of Byte): Ansistr;');
30536: - using DLL example in maXbox: //function: {***********************}
30537: Func GetProcessMemoryInfo(Process:THandle; var MemoryCounters:TProcessMemoryCounters;cb: DWORD):BOOL;
30538: External '[email protected] stdcall';
30539: Func OpenProcess(dwDesiredAccess:DWORD;bInheritHandle:BOOL;dwProcessId: DWORD):THandle;
30540: External '[email protected] stdcall';
30542: GCC Compile Ex Script
30543: Proc TFormMain_btnCompileClick(Sender: TObject);
30544: begin
30545: AProcess:= TProcess.Create(Nil);
30546: try AProcess.CommandLine := 'gcc.exe "' + OpenDialog1.FileName + '"'
30547: + ' -o "' + OpenDialog2.FileName + '"';
30548: AProcess.Options:= AProcess.Options + [poWaitOnExit, poUsePipes];
30549: AProcess.Execute;
30550: Memo2.Lines.BeginUpdate;
30551: Memo2.Lines.Clear;
30552: Memo2.Lines.LoadFromStream(AProcess.Output);
30553: Memo2.Lines.EndUpdate;
30554: finally
30555: AProcess.Free;
30556: end;
30557: end;
30559: ref Stopwatch pattern snip
30560: Time1:= Time;
30561: writeln(formatdatetime('"start:" hh:mm:ss:zzz',Time))
30562: if initAndStartBoard then
30563: writeln('Filesize: '+inttoStr(filesize(FILESAVE)));
30564: writeln(formatDateTime('"stop:" hh:mm:ss:zzz',Time))
30565: PrintF('%d %s',[Trunc((Time-Time1)*24),FormatDateTime('"h runtime:" nn:ss:zzz',Time-Time1)])
30566: POST git-receive-pack (chunked)
30567: Pushing to https://github.com/maxkleiner/maXbox3.git
30568: To https://github.com/maxkleiner/maXbox3.git f127d21..c6a98da masterbox2 -> masterbox2
30569: updating local tracking ref 'refs/remotes/maXbox3Remote/masterbox2'
30571: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
30572: History Shell Hell - Walk the Talk - CoolCode
30573: PCT Precompile Technology , mX4 ScriptStudio
30574: Indy, JCL, Jedi, VCL, Systools, TurboPower, Fundamentals, ExtendedRTL, Synedit
30575: DMath, devC, Graphics32, ExtPascal, mX4, LCL, CLX, FCL, CPort and more
30576: emax layers: system-package-component-unit-class-function-block
30577: new keywords def ref using maXCalcF UML: use case act class state seq pac comp dep - lib lab
30578: FBX Lib, psAPI, SMS Cell Module, OpenGL, Borland Tools
30579: Tutorials, 30 Units add, VCL constructors, controls plus, unit list
30580: 2 Tutorials, 36 Units add, Synapse V40, LDAP, OpenSSL, AVScan
30581: 1 Report, 15 Units add, DBCtrls, Stream+, IRadio, Wininet
30582: 1 DLL Report, 24 Units add, DRTable, Remote+, Cindy functions!
30583: DLL Report, UML Tutor, 32 Units add, DRTable, Remote+, Cindy functions!
30584: Oscilloscope V4, Mixer, 17 Units add, URLMon, Form properties+, mathmax
30585: SendBuffer, Color+Caption hack,ComboSet,SetPrivilege,WakeOnLAN,ParaDice 3DCube Polygraph,OCR
30586: GetScript or GetWebScript, GPS Example, Profiler, Checkers, Toolbox commons
30587: Add 15 Units, Wav resources, RoundTo, OpenOffice, Pipes
30588: TFixedCriticalSection, XPlatform beta, GCC Command Pipe
30589: Inno Install and Setup Routines Add 32 Units, Wav res, RoundTo, OpenOffice, Pipes, GSM2
30590: TFixedCriticalSection, XPlatform beta, GCC Command Pipe
30591: VfW (Video), FindFirst3, ResFiler, AssemblyCache, UnitTest
30592: 9 Color LED, LED Resources, Runtime LED, it + sr var , morse generator
30593: Add 5 Units, 1 Tutors, maXmap, OpenStreetView, MAPX
30594: Func Menu/View/GEO Map View, DownloadFile, wgetX, sensors
30595: StreamUtils, IDL Syntax, OpenStreetMap, runByteCode, sensor panel, CGI of Powtils
30596: ByteCode2, IPUtils2, GEOCode, CGI-Powtils, GPS_2, External App, Unit Converter
30597: Add 16 Units, 1 Slide,Tutor, Big Numbers (Decimals, TInt), ModBusTCP, TGEOInfo
30598: Add 36 Units, 1 Tutor, SOAPConn, AVI Res, OLEUtils, ACM, CDS, XMLDoc, DDE
30599: Add 77 Units, 12 Tutors, ChangeTracker, CPP+,OLEUtils2,xmldom,Chess4,3DFrame,XMLRPC,X509
30600: Add 15 Units, 1 Tutor, Pipe Libraray2, KLog, FPlot42, KDialogs, NumEdit, KControls, Kronos
30601: add 12 units and 125 functions - Class Helper - KMemo RTF
30602: add 16 units and 365 functions- WMI Script Type Library - webbox -restbox
30603: V4.6.2.10 Jan 2018:Tutor 56 Neural Network-Python Checker- 3 more Units PascalCoin
30604: V4.7.1.10 Sep 2019:Tutor 57-70, VState Machine,CGI,MachineLearning +20 Units +Tensorflow dll
30605: V4.7.1.82 Dec 2019:Tutor-72,EKON23Fixing,WebSocks/Spider,PHP_CGI,JS,OpenOffice,7+overbyte Units
30606: V4.7.4.64 June 2020: EKON24 Fixing, uPSI_SimpleRSS, Json Base Prometheus, neural CAI, Dendron
30607: V4.7.5.20 Jan 2021: few Fundamentals 5.00, JCL fixes, GraphMathLibrary, StringBuilder
30609: Ref:
30610: https://unibe-ch.academia.edu/MaxKleiner
30611: http://www.slideshare.net/maxkleiner1
30612: http://www.scribd.com/max_kleiner
30613: http://www.delphiforfun.org/Programs/Utilities/index.htm
30614: http://www.slideshare.net/maxkleiner1
30615: http://s3.amazonaws.com/PreviewLinks/22959.html
30616: http://www.softwareschule.ch/arduino_training.pdf

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30617: http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php
30618: http://www.be-precision.com/products/precision-builder/express/
30619: http://www.blaisepascal.eu/
30620: http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/
30621: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av89HAbqAsI
30622: http://www.angelfire.com/hi5/delphizeus/modal.html
30623: http://www.retroarchive.org/garbo/pc/turbopas/index.html
30624: https://github.com/dilshan/signalman/blob/master/SignalManTemplate.pas
30625: http://delphi.org/2014/01/every-android-api-for-delphi/
30626: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Maxkleiner
30627: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megido_%28Free_Pascal%29
30628: https://bitbucket.org/max_kleiner/maxbox3
30629: https://bitbucket.org/max_kleiner/maxbox3/downloads
30630: https://bitbucket.org/max_kleiner/maxbox3/wiki/maXbox%20Tutorials
30631: http://www.slideshare.net/maxkleiner1/codereview-topics
30632: http://www.abaecker.biz/images/abakus/images/TAbCompass.gif
30633: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Other-Programming-Files/maXbox.shtml
30634: https://entwickler-konferenz.de/blog/machine-learning-mit-cai/
30635: https://github.com/maxkleiner/python4delphi/blob/master/Source/PythonEngine.pas
30636: http://max.kleiner.com/boxart.htm
30637: https://maxbox4.wordpress.com
30639: UrlGoogleQrCode='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=%dx%d&cht=qr&chld=%s&chl=%s';
30640: UrlMapQuestAPICode2='http://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/v1/search.php?format=%s&json_callback
30641: UrlMapQuestAPIReverse:= 'http://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/v1/reverse.php?format=
30642: %s&json_callback=renderExampleThreeResults&lat=%s&lon=%s';
30644: SAMPLES Snippets Blocks and Error or Errors or Bugs or Bug List or Trouble Bug Fix Errorlist bugfix codes
30645: ------------------------------------------------- Troubleshooter
30647: Editor: index out of bounds error exception in editor after open or modified
30648: 03/12/2019 20:10:50 V: [Max] MAXBOX10 List index out of bounds (147).
30650: This is due of Editor Indent ../Options/Show Indent
30651: 4 Workarounds:
30652: 1 simply move cursor to right or left and save (Ctrl+S)
30653: 2 Goto to end or line (147) or what it says and return new line or tab
30654: 3 Disable <Options Show Indent> in menu
30655: 4 Set INDENT=N in maxboxdef.ini for runtime systems
30657: can not see the Form , Form not visible ---> add Show;
30658: frm:= TmyForm.create(self)
30659: with frm do begin
30660: Left := 245
30661: Top := 108
30662: BorderStyle := bsDialog
30663: Caption := 'Suggestions'
30664: ClientHeight := 219
30665: ClientWidth := 297
30666: Color := clBtnFace
30667: //TextHeight := 20
30668: Show; ------------------------->
30670: Exception Handling Raise and XRaise
30671: type EPowerException = Exception;
30672: ...end else
30673: Xraise( EPowerException.Create('Infinite Result'));
30674: end;
30675: if (X > 0) then
30676: try
30677: result := exp(N * ln(X));
30678: exit;
30679: except
30680: raise EPowerException.Create('Overflow/Underflow Result');
30681: end;
30683: - Object with an Record inside get first a record instance and second you get the attribute
30685: Proc testprimesPerformance; // Performance Test
30686: var count, beg, j, r: integer;
30687: var f :boolean;
30688: begin
30689: processmessagesOFF
30690: Println(' prime time performance check ?????: ');
30691: count:= 0;
30692: beg:= Random(1000000000)+2;
30693: for it:=beg to beg+5000 do begin
30694: f:= True;
30695: j:= 2;
30696: r:= Round(Sqrt(it));
30697: while f and (j<=r) do
30698: if it mod j = 0 then f:= False
30699: else inc(j);
30700: if f then begin
30701: Print(itoa(it)+' ');
30702: count:= count+ 1;
30703: if count mod 8 = 0 then
30704: Println('');

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30705: end;
30706: end;
30707: processmessagesON;
30708: end;
30710: RSS-FEED Rss Feed
30711: IIndyHTTP:=TIdHTTP.create(self);
30712: with TSimpleRSS.create(self) do begin
30713: XMLType:= xtRDFrss;
30714: IndyHTTP:= iindyhttp;
30715: LoadFromHTTP(RSS_NewsFeed)
30716: for it:= 0 to items.count-1 do begin
30717: //Items[it].description
30718: writeln(itoa(it)+': '+Items[it].title+' :'{+items[it].link});
30719: println(GetSentimentStream7(URLSentimentAPI2,Items[it].title));
30720: end;
30721: free;
30722: IIndyHTTP.Free;
30723: end; //}
30725: Ver: (474). Workdir: C:\maXbox\mX47464\maxbox4
30726: mX4 executed: 05/11/2020 17:57:05 Runtime: 0:0:39.224 Memload: 60% use
30728: Func OpenMap(const Data:Str):Bool;
30729: var encURL:Str;
30730: begin
30731: encURL:= Format(UrlMapQuestAPICode2,['html',HTTPEncode(Data)]);
30732: try //HttpGet(EncodedURL, mapStream); //WinInet
30733: Result:= UrlDownloadToFile(Nil,PChar(encURL),PChar(Exepath+'openmapx.html'),0,Nil)= 0;
30734: //OpenDoc(Exepath+'openmapx.html;
30735: S_ShellExecute(Exepath+'openmapx.html','',seCmdOpen);
30736: finally encURL:= '';
30737: end;
30738: end;
30740: Proc GetGEOMap(C_form,apath:Str; const Data:Str);
30741: var encodedURL:Str; mapStream: TMemoryStream;
30742: begin //encodedURL:= Format(UrlGoogleQrCode,[Width,Height,C_Level, HTTPEncode(Data)]);
30743: encodedURL:= Format(UrlMapQuestAPICode2,[c_form,HTTPEncode(Data)]);
30744: mapStream:= TMemoryStream.create;
30745: try
30746: Wininet_HttpGet(EncodedURL, mapStream); //WinInet
30747: mapStream.Position:= 0;
30748: mapStream.Savetofile(apath); // OpenDoc(apath);
30749: S_ShellExecute(apath,'',seCmdOpen);
30750: finally
30751: mapStream.Free;
30752: end;
30753: end;
30755: Web Request API HTTPSend:
30757: //http://synapse.ararat.cz/doc/help/httpsend.THTTPSend.html#@Description
30759: Const aURL='https://api.metadefender.com/v4/file/bzIwMDYxNi1TSW42NDBPVlprTWw3YjRBMQ';
30761: Begin //@main
30762: srlist:= TStringlist.create;
30763: with THTTPSend.create() do begin
30764: Headers.Add('apikey: 6b337c92c792174a54acd715ab1aae64');
30765: writeln(botostr(HTTPMethod('GET',aURl)));
30766: with TJson.create() do begin
30767: Parse(StreamtoString3(Document));
30768: Split(Stringify,'{',srlist)
30769: end;
30770: writeln(itoa(resultCode)+':'+resultString+CRLF+srlist.text);
30771: clear;free;
30772: end;
30773: srlist.Free;
30776: Proc BtnFactory(a,b,c,d:smallint; title,apic:str;
30777: var abtn:TBitBtn; anEvent:TNotifyEvent; afrm:TForm);
30778: begin
30779: abtn:= TBitBtn.create(afrm);
30780: with abtn do begin
30781: parent:= afrm;
30782: setBounds(a,b,c,d)
30783: font.size:= 12;
30784: glyph.LoadFromResourceName(HINSTANCE, apic);
30785: mXButton(5,5,width, height,12,12,handle);
30786: caption:= title;
30787: onClick:= anEvent As TNotifyEvent;
30788: end;
30789: end;
30791: Func GetSystemDirectory2(var S:Str):Bool;
30792: var Len: Int;
30793: begin

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30794: Len:= {Windows.}GetSystemDirectory('Nil', 0);

30795: if Len > 0 then begin
30796: SetLength(S, Len); //writeln(itoa(len))
30797: Len:= {Windows.}GetSystemDirectory(PChar(S), Len);
30798: SetLength(S, Len); //writeln(itoa(len))
30799: Result:= Len > 0;
30800: end else
30801: Result:= False;
30802: end;
30804: Func RecordsetToXML2(const Recordset: variant):Str;
30805: var
30806: RS: Variant;
30807: Stream: TStringStream;
30808: begin
30809: Result := '';
30810: //if Recordset = unassigned then Exit;
30811: Stream:= TStringStream.Create(';
30812: try
30813: RS:= CreateOleObject('ADODB.Recordset;
30814: RS:= Recordset;
30815: RS.Save(TStreamAdapter.Create(stream,soReference) as IUnknown, adPersistXML);
30816: Stream.Position := 0;
30817: Result:= Stream.DataString;
30818: finally
30819: Stream.Free;
30820: end;
30821: end;
30823: Func BigFactSum(n: integer):Str;
30824: var tbig1, tbig2, tbig3: TInteger;
30825: begin
30826: result:= '0'
30827: tbig1:= TInteger.create(1); //facultry
30828: tbig2:= TInteger.create(0); //assign
30829: tbig3:= Tinteger.create(0);
30830: for it:= 1 to n do begin
30831: tbig2.assign1(it)
30832: tbig1.mult(tbig2)
30833: tbig3.add(tbig1);
30834: end;
30835: result:= tbig3.tostring(false)
30836: tbig3.free;
30837: tbig2.free;
30838: tbig1.free;
30839: end;
30841: No helper class possible or predict:
30842: USES Classes,StrUtils;
30844: TYPE
30845: TStringListHelper = CLASS HELPER FOR TStrings
30846: Func ToSQL :Str;
30847: END;
30848: Func TStringListHelper.ToSQL :Str;
30849: VAR S :Str;
30851: Func QuotedStr(CONST S :Str) :Str;
30852: BEGIN
30853: Result:=''''+ReplaceStr(S,'''','''''')+''''
30854: END;
30856: BEGIN
30857: Result:='';
30858: FOR S IN Self DO BEGIN
30859: IF Result='' THEN Result:='(' ELSE Result:=Result+',';
30860: Result:=Result+QuotedStr(S)
30861: END;
30862: IF Result<>'' THEN Result:=Result+')'
30863: END;
30865: SL:=TStringList.Create;
30866: SL.Add('One');
30867: SL.Add('Two');
30868: SL.Add('Number Three');
30869: SL.Add('It''s number 4');
30871: SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE FIELD IN ('One','Two','Number Three','It''s number 4'}
30873: RSA Crypto Demo
30874: 965_RSA_IBZ_PrivatePublicKey_Form.pas
30875: const _n = '9516311845790656153499716760847001433441357'; //# p*q = modulus
30876: _e = '65537';
30877: _d = '5617843187844953170308463622230283376298685';
30878: abig:=TInteger.create(1);
30879: abig.Assignhex(ASCIItohex(message));
30880: writeln('big plain text integer: '+abig.Tostring(normal))
30881: s_encrypt:= BigPowMod(abig.Tostring(normal),_e, _n) //bigmulu(ap,aq));
30882: writeln('encrypted text integer '+s_encrypt)

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30883: s_decrypt:= BigPowMod(s_encrypt,_d,_n) //bigmulu(ap,aq))

30884: writeln('decrypted text integer '+s_decrypt)
30886: Func ConvertHex(HexString :Str; Len : integer) :Str;
30887: begin
30888: if trim(HexString) = '' then Result := '0' else
30889: Result := IntToStr(StrToInt('$' + trim(HexString)));
30890: while length(Result) < Len do Result := '0' + Result;
30891: end;
30892: Proc SetBit(const a,b:Card);
30893: var d: Int64; // absolute dest;
30894: begin
30895: d:= $F000000000+(Int64(a) shl 21)+b shl 6;
30896: end;
30898: var alabel: TComponent; //Exception: A component named lblCell0 already exists.
30899: lc: integer;
30900: begin
30901: //object frMain: TfrMain
30902: if assigned(TLabel(FindComponent('lblCell'+intToStr(lc)))) then begin
30903: write('exist&Nil ')
30904: TLabel(FindComponent('lblCell'+ IntToStr(lc))).Name:= '';
30905: alabel:= TLabel(FindComponent('lblCell'+ IntToStr(lc)));
30906: alabel:= Nil;
30907: end;
30908: end;
30910: //Discuss the Recursion of findfile!
30911: Proc FindFilePattern3(root:str; pattern:str);
30912: var SR: TFindRec;
30913: begin
30914: root:=IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(root);
30915: if FindFirst3(root+'*.*',SR) = TRue then begin
30916: repeat
30917: Application.ProcessMessages;
30918: if ((sr.attributes and faDirectory)= SR.Attributes) and
30919: (pos('.',SR.name)=0) then
30920: FindFilePattern3(root+SR.Name,pattern)
30921: else begin
30922: if pos(pattern,SR.Name)>0 then
30923: //Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add(Root+SR.Name);
30924: writeln(Root+SR.Name);
30925: end;
30926: until FindNext3(SR) = False;
30927: FindClose3(SR);
30928: end;
30929: end;
30931: Encoding Decoding
30932: const tname= 'Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Die_besten_W=FCnsche_zum_Neuen_Jahr_2021?=';
30934: writeln('mimecharset '+CharsetConversion(tn,ISO_8859_1, UTF_8));
30935: writeln('mimecharset '+CharsetConversion(tname,ISO_8859_1, win_1252));
30936: writeln( MimeCharsetToCharsetString(ISO_8859_1) );
30938: solution: writeln(DecodeHeader(tname)); or writeln(ForceDecodeHeader(tname));
30939: -----> Subject: Die besten Wünsche zum Neuen Jahr 2021
30940: writeln(UTF8toAnsi(ALUTF8HTMLdecode('Kaufbest&auml;tigung')))
30941: -----> Kaufbestätigung
30943: RegEx by example:
30944: The Regexlibrary is inbuilt so it works independent of Operating System:
30946: Proc RegEX_ExtractDemo;
30947: var regEx: TRegExpr; //or OleVariant if HISUtils;
30948: InStr, ResStr:Str;
30949: begin
30950: ResStr:='';
30951: InStr:= 'Please e-mail us at [email protected] or to [email protected]';
30952: // Create a regular expression
30953: regEx:= TRegExpr.create; //HISUtils.RegExpr;
30954: // Set regular expression pattern that specifies an e-mail address
30955: regEx.Expression:='\w+(\.[\w-]+)*@([\w-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}';
30956: // Execute search
30957: if regEx.Exec(InStr) then Repeat
30958: ResStr:= ResStr + regEx.Match[0] + '; ';
30959: Until not regEx.ExecNext;
30961: //Log.Message('These e-mails were extracted: '+ResStr);
30962: writeln('These e-mails were extracted: '+ResStr);
30963: // Posts the following to the log:
30964: //'These e-mails were extracted: [email protected]; [email protected];'
30965: end;
30967: Proc LoadFilesByMask(lst: TStrings; const SpecDir, WildCard:Str);
30968: var SearchRec: TFindRec;
30969: begin lst.Clear;
30970: if FindFirst3(SpecDir + WildCard, SearchRec) then
30971: repeat

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30972: lst.Add(SpecDir + SearchRec.Name);

30973: until FindNext3(SearchRec) = false;
30974: FindClose3(SearchRec);
30975: end;
30977: Proc regExtest; //SynRegExpr unit RegEx Snippet
30978: var RegEx: TRegExpr; // This is a class, need to be freed!
30979: //Match: TMatch;
30980: i: Integer;
30981: begin
30982: with TRegExpr.Create do begin
30983: Expression:= ('^v(ol\.?|olume)?\s*([0-9]+)$');
30984: if Exec('vol.3456') then
30985: for i:=0 to SubExprMatchCount do
30986: PrintF('Group %d : %s', [i, Match[i]]);
30987: //Until not regex.ExecNext;
30988: Free;
30989: end
30990: end;
30992: //(?i) ---> case insensitive
30993: //(?i) case-insensitive mode ON
30994: //(?-i) case-insensitive mode OFF
30995: writeln(getMatchString('(?i)G[a-b].*', 'this GB string'));
30996: PrintF('CountPos: %d',[CountPos(uppercase('Selftest'),uppercase(sr))])
30998: Set Mapping
30999: There are some differences in the use of set operators in PascalScript and Delphi.
31000: In DelphiScript the [...] set operator is not supported or the in operator not always works.
31001: Set mapping with ord(CS) works:
31002: type TMimeCharset = (
31003: CS_DEFAULT1,
31005: UTF_8,
31006: WIN_1250,
31007: WIN_1254,
31008: WIN_1255,
31009: WIN_1257,
31010: WIN_1258,
31011: ISO_8859_1,
31012: ISO_8859_2)
31014: Cs: TMimeCharSet;
31016: I := Ord(CS);
31017: CharsetInfos[I].MimeCharset := CS_NOTMAPPED;
31018: //CharsetInfos[I].CodePage := ERR_CP_NOTMAPPED;
31019: CharsetInfos[I].MimeName := ('');
31020: CharsetInfos[I].FriendlyName := 'sUnicodeUTF844';
31022: EnvironmentString:
31023: envlist:= Tstringlist.create;
31024: StrtoList(GetEnvironmentString, envlist, CR)
31025: writeln(envlist.Text);
31026: writeln('envlist.count: '+itoa(envlist.count));
31027: envlist.Free;
31029: Note arrays in PascalScript cannot be initialized statically. For instance, the following code raises an
31030: var I : array[0..1] of Integer = (3,4) // <-- Error!!!
31032: To solve problem, initialize array elements in your code. There are several ways to do this:
31033: Initializing each element individually:
31034: DelphiScript
31035: var a : array [0..3] of string;
31036: begin
31037: a[0] := 'Element 0';
31038: a[1] := 'Element 1';
31039: a[2] := 'Element 2';
31040: a[3] := 'Element 3';
31041: ...
31042: end;
31044: Initializing elements in a loop:
31045: DelphiScript
31046: var a : array [0..3] of string;
31047: begin
31048: for i := 0 to 3 do
31049: a[i] := 'Element ' + IntToStr(i);
31050: ...
31051: end;
31053: var array with 2 dimensions:
31054: Var frMain : TfrMain;
31055: iXPos : array [1..3] of array [ 1..3] of Integer;
31056: iOPos : array [1..3] of array [ 1..3] of Integer;
31058: Constructor with override do most have a second one:

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31060: var Images : TObjectList;

31061: //Create TObject list with AOwnsObjects set to True means that destroying
31062: //the object list will also destroy all of the objects it contains
31063: //NOTE: On ARC compiler destroying TObjectList will only remove the reference
31064: //to the objects and they will be destroyed only if thir reference count
31065: //drops to 0
31067: Images := TObjectList.Create;
31068: Images := TObjectList.Create1(true); //override
31069: a1 := TStatArray.Create1(0); // Growing array.
31071: Return Values
31072: Use ArcTan3 instead of ArcTan
31073: Func ArcTan3(const X : Extended) : Extended'); //bugfix of ArcTan()
31075: To return a value from a function, use Result instead of Func name. Using Func name will cause an error:
31077: Func Calc(x, y) : Integer;
31078: begin
31079: Calc := (x - y) * (x + y); // Error !!!
31080: Result := (x - y) * (x + y); // Correct variant
31081: end;
31083: Proc TStringsExchange(Index1, Index2: Integer; stlist: TStringlist);
31084: var
31085: TempObject: TObject;
31086: TempString:Str;
31087: begin
31088: stlist.BeginUpdate;
31089: try
31090: TempString := stlist.Strings[Index1];
31091: TempObject := stlist.Objects[Index1];
31092: stlist.Strings[Index1] := stlist.Strings[Index2];
31093: stlist.Objects[Index1] := stlist.Objects[Index2];
31094: stlist.Strings[Index2] := TempString;
31095: stlist.Objects[Index2] := TempObject;
31096: finally
31097: stlist.EndUpdate;
31098: end;
31099: end; //*)
31101: Integer Overflow of a DLL import:
31102: https://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php?topic=26116.0
31103: usually you set stdcall convention for a dll
31104: Func csoundgetversion: Longint;
31105: external '[email protected] stdcall';
31107: but for procedures or void try with cdecl:
31108: Proc csoundSleep(duration: word);
31109: external '[email protected] cdecl'; //no stdcall (int overflow)
31111: [Error]..\maXbox4\examples\558_hirestimer2test2.txt(12:1): program is not allowed at this position cause:
strange typecasts like: TStream(Nil) or TString(null)
31113: set a DLL Template: dll+Ctrl J
31115: //https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wininet/nf-wininet-internetsetoptiona
31117: Func InternetSetOption(hinternet:HINTERNET; dwoption: DWord;
31118: buffer: Ansistr; bufflen: DWord):Bool;
31119: external '[email protected] stdcall';
31121: { BOOLAPI InternetSetOptionA(
31122: HINTERNET hInternet,
31123: DWORD dwOption,
31124: LPVOID lpBuffer,
31125: DWORD dwBufferLength
31126: ); }
31128: Proc testReverse_Proxy;
31129: var ConnectionHandle: HINTERNET;
31130: UserName: Ansistr;
31131: res:Bool;
31132: EmptyParam: OleVariant;
31133: begin
31134: // Init ConnectionHandle here
31135: ... res:= InternetSetOption(ConnectionHandle,
31137: UserName, Length(UserName) + 1);
31139: Proc Str() doesnt return a value : use intToStr()
31141: TBytes = array of byte : call of the library problem
31142: Proc SaveBytesToFile(const Data: TBytes; const FileName:Str); //const OK!
31143: Func ShiftByteArray(var A: TBytes): Byte; // var Not OK!
31144: in script
31145: Func ByteToString(var Value: TBytes):Str; // var and const OK!
31146: var I: integer;
31147: S :Str;

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31148: Letra: char;

31149: begin
31150: S := '';
31151: for I := Length(Value)-1 Downto 0 do begin
31152: letra := Chr(Value[I] + 48);
31153: S := letra + S;
31154: end;
31155: Result := S;
31156: end;
31158: ------------------------------ Func wrapper ---------------------------
31159: Its better to call a Func wrapper than the Func itself:
31161: Proc QuickSortX(StringList : TStringList; L, R: Integer);
31162: Var
31163: I, J, P : Integer;
31164: Begin
31165: P := StringList.Count;
31166: If (L >= P) or (R >= P) Then Exit;
31167: {……………………………………}
31169: Proc SortList(StringList : TStringList); //Func wrapper hides paras
31170: Begin
31171: QuickSortX(StringList, 0, StringList.Count – 1)
31172: End;
31173: —————————————————-
31174: tst:= TStringlist.create;
31175: tst.add(‘7’)
31176: tst.add(‘9’)
31177: writeln(objtostr(tst))
31178: SortList(tst) //call to Func wrapper
31180: Hashmap or Dictionary or stringhash or map
31182: with TStringHashMap.create(CaseSensitiveTraits, 50) do begin
31183: //Add( const s :Str; const p)');
31184: data['this is']:= '345'
31185: data['this is2']:= '3456'
31186: data['this is25']:= '3456677'
31187: writeln(botostr(Has('this is2')))
31188: setlength(sr,120)
31189: stri:= pchar(data['this is'][10])
31190: writeln(itoa(length(stri)))
31191: writeln(stri)
31192: writeln(itoa(Count));
31193: writeln(itoa(HashSize))
31194: clear;
31195: free;
31196: end;
31198: Proc stringHashtest;
31199: var hash : TStringHash2;
31200: //Here’s unit with those TIntegerHash2 and TStringHash2, TObjectHash2 described @
31201: basehash: THash2;
31202: begin
31203: hash:= TStringHash2.Create;
31204: try
31205: hash['one']:= 'viens value';
31206: hash['two']:= 'divi value';
31207: //ShowMessage(hash['one']);
31208: //ShowMessage(hash['two']);
31209: if hash.exists('one') then
31210: writeln(hash['one']);
31211: writeln(hash['two']);
31212: hash.Rename('one', 'onerename');
31213: writeln(hash['onerename']);
31214: finally
31215: hash.Free;
31216: end;
31217: end;
31219: // word frequency snippet
31220: for it:= 1 to wordlist.count-1 do begin
31221: //writeln(itoa(it)+' '+Utf8ToAnsi(wordlist[it]));
31222: aword:= lowercase(Utf8ToAnsi(wordlist[it]))
31223: regex.RegEx:= '\w+';
31224: regex.Subject:= aword;
31225: if regex.match then aword:= regex.groups[0]; //word filter
31226: if aword <> '' then
31227: if dict.exists(aword) then
31228: dict[aword]:= inttostr(strtoint(dict[aword])+1) else
31229: dict[aword]:= '1';
31230: end;
31231: // iterate through all values
31232: dict.Restart
31233: for it:= 1 to (dict.itemcount-1) do
31234: if dict.next then
31235: writeln(dict.currentkey+': '+dict.items[dict.currentkey]) ; //}

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31237: for each method - for in metheod

31238: theres no for each operator but we can map it:
31240: //for c := 'a' to 'z' do
31241: for c:= ord('a') to ord('z') do
31243: //for ch in adata do begin
31244: for chi:= low(adata) to high(adata) do begin
31245: ch:= adata[chi]
31247: c: AnsiChar; Dec: Ansistr
31248: //for c in Dec do
31249: for it:= 1 to length(dec) do begin
31250: c:= dec[it]
31252: for in and set or include charset
31253: var
31254: include: charset; ex:str;
31255: //if ex[i] in ['a'..'z'] then include:=include+[ex[i]]; -type mismatch
31256: alternatives:
31257: 1. if (ex[i] > 'a') and (ex[i] < 'z') then //in ['a'..'z']
31258: 2. if ex[i] in StrToCharSet(lowercase(LETTERSET))
31259: then include:= include+strtoCharset(ex[i]);
31261: use strtocharset and chartostrset as helper Func with sets
31262: stest[2]:= '^';
31263: if stest[2] in
31264: StrToCharSet(lowercase(LETTERSET)+'_'+'?'+' '+'-'+'*'+'/'+'ö'+'^') then
31265: writeln('inside') else writeln('outside');
31266: >>> inside
31267: writeln(charsettostr(strtocharset('*'+'?')))
31269: Func IsInvalid(s:Str):Bool;
31270: var c: char;
31271: //leters: set of char;
31272: leters: Charset;
31273: firstE:Bool;
31274: begin
31275: //writeln(itoa(IndexStr(s,['k'])));
31276: //Result := (Length(s) < 3) or (s.IndexOf('k') = -1) or (s.Length > 9);
31277: Result:= (Length(s) < 3) or (pos('k',s) = 0) or (Length(s) > 9);
31278: if not Result then begin
31279: leters:= ['d', 'e', 'g', 'k', 'l', 'n', 'o', 'w'];
31280: firstE:= true;
31281: //for c in s do
31282: for it:= 1 to length(s) do begin
31283: c:= s[it];
31284: if c in leters then
31285: if (c = 'e') and (firstE) then
31286: firstE:= false
31287: else
31288: //Exclude(leters, AnsiChar(c))
31289: leters:= leters-strtoChars(c)
31290: else begin
31291: result:= true
31292: exit;
31293: end;
31294: end;
31295: end;
31296: end;
31298: Func TrimRight7(Str:Str):Str;
31299: var i: Integer;
31300: begin
31301: i:= Length(Str);
31302: //while (i > 0) and (Str[i] in [' ', #9]) do
31303: while (i > 0) and (Str[i] in strtocharset(' '+#9)) do
31304: i:= i - 1;
31305: Result:= Copy(Str,1,i);
31306: end;
31308: if MatchesMask('abc.xyz', 'a*.*',true) then
31309: writeln('File name is OK.')
31310: else
31311: writeln('Invalid file name.');
31313: Find all files of a defined date:
31314: 8 C:\>dir /s /o N *.dcu | find "16/06/2020" > C:\maXbox\maxboxunitalldisk_sort.txt
31316: Operator Overloading Surrogate:
31317: type complexreal = record
31318: re : real;
31319: im : real;
31320: end;
31321: { TFR }
31322: { frequency response }
31323: TFR = record
31324: M, phi: extended; { magnitude and phase }
31325: F: complexreal; { complex FR (F = M(omega) * exp(i * phi(omega)) }

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31326: end;
31328: Func cexp (z : complexreal) : complexreal;
31329: { exponantial : r := exp(z) }
31330: { exp(x + iy) = exp(x).exp(iy) = exp(x).[cos(y) + i sin(y)] }
31331: var expz : real;
31332: begin
31333: expz := exp(z.re);
31334: cexp.re := expz * cos(z.im);
31335: cexp.im := expz * sin(z.im);
31336: end;
31337: Func complexmulu(z1 : complexreal; r : real): complexreal;
31338: { multiplication : z := z1 * r }
31339: begin
31340: result.re := z1.re * r;
31341: result.im := z1.im * r;
31342: end;
31343: FFr.F:= FFr.M * cexp(i * FFr.phi); { M and phi encoded in polar coordinates }
31344: //complextemp:= complexmulu(i,FFr.phi);
31345: FFr.F:= complexmulu(cexp(complexmulu(i,FFr.phi)), FFr.M); { M and phi encoded in polar }
31347: replace move with iteration to move()
31349: // big note to move the move to an iteration
31350: For i:= BListLenght downto 1 do BList[i]:= BList[i-1]; //or
31352: move(Blist[0],Blist[1],BListLenght*SizeOf(Blist[0]));
31354: AssignFile versus TStringlist
31355: ---------------------------------
31356: In addition to the old style file handling routines mentioned above, a new system exists that uses
concept of streams (- of data) at a higher abstraction level. Means data can be read from or written to
any location (disk, memory, hardware ports etc.) by one uniform interface.
31357: In addition, most string handling classes have the ability to load and save content from/to a file. These
methods are usually named SaveToFile and LoadFromFile. in // old style assign file
31359: filelist:= TStringlist.create;
31360: // assignfile(f,opendialog1.filename);
31361: filelist.loadfromfile( filename)
31362: // reset(f);
31363: // while not eof(f) do
31364: for it:= 0 to filelist.count-1 do begin
31365: //readln(f,line);
31366: line:= filelist.strings[it];
31367: writeln(line)
31368: if (length(line)>2) and (copy(line,1,2)='ID') then {skip Id records}
31369: else begin {it's a data record}
31370: if totcount=0 then begin
31371: savedecimalseparator:=decimalseparator;
31372: if pos(',',line)>0 then setdecimalseparator(',')
31373: else setdecimalseparator('.');
31374: end;
31375: errcode:=0;
31376: try
31377: x:=strtofloat(trim(line));
31378: except errcode:=1;
31379: end;
31380: if (errcode=0) and (x>0)and(x<=amaxtime)
31381: then begin
31382: inc(samps[round(maxindex*x)]); {increment the count for the bar for x}
31383: inc(totcount);
31384: end;
31385: end;
31386: end;
31387: // closefile(f);
31388: filelist.Free;
31390: Random Generator:
31391: https://github.com/TurboPack/SysTools/blob/master/source/StRandom.pas
31393: strand:= TStRandomSystem.create(42); //if 0 then randomseed, else randomstate
31394: sleep(200)
31395: writeln(floattostr(strand.asFloat))
31396: writeln(itoa(strand.asInt(10000)))
31397: writeln(itoa(strand.asInt($E15)))
31398: UniformityTest2(strand, ChiSquare, DegsFreedom)
31399: writeln('ChiSquare: '+floattostr(ChiSquare)+' ,degsfreedom:'+itoa(degsfreedom));
31400: UniformityTest3(strand, ChiSquare, DegsFreedom)
31401: writeln('ChiSquare: '+floattostr(ChiSquare)+' ,degsfreedom:'+itoa(degsfreedom));
31402: strand.Free;
31404: File Size Reference: filegetsize()
31405: Func FileGetSizeX(const FileName:Str): Int64;
31406: {$ifndef fpc}
31407: var
31408: FileInfo: TSearchRec;
31409: {$endif}
31410: begin
31411: {$ifdef fpc}

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31412: Result:= FileUtil.FileSize(FileName);

31413: {$else}
31414: // from LCL FileUtil code
31415: FileInfo.Name:= Filename;
31416: FileInfo.FindHandle:= {Windows.}FindFirstFile({Windows.}{LPTSTR}(FileInfo.Name)
31417: ,FileInfo.FindData);
31418: if FileInfo.FindHandle={Windows.}Invalid_Handle_value then begin
31419: Result:=-1;
31420: Exit;
31421: end;
31422: Result:= (int64(FileInfo.FindData.nFileSizeHigh)
31423: Shl 32)+ FileInfo.FindData.nFileSizeLow;
31424: {Windows.}FindCloseW(FileInfo.FindHandle);
31425: {$endif}
31426: end;
31427: { this func is a wrapper for platform-specific file fns
31428: IE a way to get rid of those portability warnings
31429: and a place to put the equivalent linux fns }
31431: RTL OSLibrary+
31432: Func MySoundcard: Longint; external '[email protected] stdcall';
31433: Func isSound:Bool; begin result:= mySoundcard > 0 end;
31434: Func StringtoHex(Data:Str):Str;
31435: Func GetAnsistrRefcount(const S:Str):Card;
31436: Func WideStringToString(const ws: WideString; codePage: Word): Ansistr;
31437: Func StringToWideString(const s: Ansistr; codePage: Word): WideString;
31438: Proc FreeObjectList(List: TObjectList);
31439: Func SecondToTime(const Seconds:Card): Double;
31440: Func CopyDir2(const fromDir, toDir:Str):Bool;;
31441: Func MoveDir(const fromDir, toDir:Str):Bool;;
31442: Func DelDir(dir:Str):Bool;;
31443: Proc DeleteScansRect(Src, Dest: TBitmap; rs, rd: TRect);
31444: Proc FadeIn(ImageFileName: TFileName; aForm1: TForm);
31445: Proc FadeOut(ImageFileName: TFileName);
31446: Proc FadeOut32(const Bmp: TImage; Pause: Int);
31447: Func CheckBDEInstalled:Bool; //IsBDE
31448: Proc SaveStringToStream( const Str :Str; Stream : TStream);
31449: Func LoadStringFromStream( Stream : TStream) :Str;
31450: Func WaitForSyncObject(SyncObject:THandle;Timeout:Card;BlockInput:Bool):Card;
31451: Func ProcessMessage :Bool;
31452: Proc ProcessMessages( Timeout : DWORD); //without application!
31453: Func GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(hEventLog:THandle;var NumberOfRecords:DWORD): BOOL;
31454: Func GetOldestEventLogRecord(hEventLog:THandle; var OldestRecord : DWORD): BOOL;
31455: ex.:EventLog:=RegisterEventSource('0',('maxbox4.exe'));if GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(eventlog,recs)
31456: Proc InitializeLocaleSupport); Proc TerminateLocaleSupport;
31457: Func StrReplaceRegEx(const Subject,Pattern:Ansistr; Args:array of const : Ansistr;
31458: Func TickCountToDateTime( Ticks :Card) : TDateTime;
31459: Proc OutputDebugStringmax( const S :Str);
31460: Proc OutputDebugFormat( const FmtStr :Str; Args : array of const);
31461: Func IsAppRunningInDelphi :Bool;
31462: Func RunExecutable( const AFileName :Str; AWaitForIt :Bool) : DWORD;
31463: Func SystemCodePage : Int;
31464: Func CPUSpd:Str;
31465: Func CPUSpeed:Str;
31466: Func BigFib(n: Int):Str; //BigFibo
31467: Func BigFac(n: Int):Str; //BigFact
31468: Func UpTime:Str;
31469: Func NetLogon(const Server,User,Password:WideString; out ErrorMessage:str) :Bool;
31470: Func NetLogoff( const Server, User, Password : WideString) :Bool;
31471: Proc ErrorNamedPipe( const Message :Str);
31472: Proc BroadcastChange; //method that broadcasts the necessary message WM_SETTINGCHANGE
31473: Func WriteFile2(hFile:THandle;const Buffer,nNumberOfBytesToWrite:DWORD; var lpNumberOfBytesWritten:DWORD;
lpOverlapped : Tobject):BOOL;
31474: Func ReadFile2(hFile:THandle;var Buffer,nNumberOfBytesToRead:DWORD;var
lpNumberOfBytesRead:DWORD;lpOverlapped : Tobject):BOOL;
31475: // Security helper functions
31476: Proc InitializeSecurity(var SA: TSecurityAttributes);
31477: Proc FinalizeSecurity(var SA: TSecurityAttributes);
31478: // Pipe helper functions
31479: Proc CheckPipeName(Value:Str);
31480: Proc ClearOverlapped(var Overlapped: TOverlapped; ClearEvent:Bool);
31481: Proc CloseHandleClear(var Handle: THandle);
31482: Func ComputerName2:Str;
31483: Proc DisconnectAndClose(Pipe: HPIPE; IsServer:Bool = True);
31484: Func EnumConsoleWindows(Window: HWND; lParam: Int): BOOL; stdcall;
31485: Proc FlushMessages;
31486: Func IsHandle(Handle: THandle):Bool;
31487: Proc RaiseWindowsError;
31488: Func UpTime:Str; //OS uptime
31489: Func CharSetToCP(ACharSet: TFontCharSet): Int;
31490: Func CPToCharSet(ACodePage: Int): TFontCharSet;
31491: Func TwipsToPoints(AValue: Int): Int;
31492: Func PointsToTwips(AValue: Int): Int;
31493: Proc LoadGraphicFromResource(Graphic:TGraphic; const ResName:str; ResType:PChar);
31494: Func SplitStr(sInput:str; Delimiter:str): TStringArray;
31495: Func GetDataFromFile2(sFileName: Ansistr): Ansistr;
31496: Func ExtractFileNameWithoutExt(const FileName:Str):Str;
31497: Func SubstringCount (Substring :Str; Str :Str): Int;
31498: Func loadForm(vx, vy: smallint): TForm; //alias getForm()

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31499: Func getForm(vx, vy: smallint): TForm; //alias getForm()

31500: Func getForm2(vx,vy:smallint;acolor:TColor;aname:str):TForm; //sizeable!
31501: Proc paintProcessingstar2(ppform: TForm);
31502: Func ContentTypeGetExtn(Const Content:Str; var CLSID:Str):Str;
31503: Func ContentTypeFromExtn(Const Extension:Str):Str;
31504: Func DateTimeDiff2(Start, Stop : TDateTime) : int64;
31505: Func checkSystem:Str;;
31506: Func getSystemReport:Str;;
31507: Func SystemCheck:Str;;
31508: Func SetThreadDesktop( hDesktop : HDESK) : BOOL;
31509: Func RSAEncrypt(aval, apow, amod:Str):Str;;
31510: Func RSADecrypt(aval, apow, amod:Str):Str;;
31511: Func EncryptRSA(aval, apow, amod:Str):Str;;
31512: Func DecryptRSA(aval, apow, amod:Str):Str;;
31513: Func SwitchToThread : BOOL;
31514: Func CloseDesktop( hDesktop : HDESK) : BOOL;
31515: Func GetThreadDesktop( dwThreadId : DWORD) : HDESK;
31516: Func SetSyscallHook():Bool;;
31517: Func SetSwapcontextHook():Bool;;
31518: Func UnhookAll():Bool;;
31519: Func getWorld:Str;;
31520: Func getIPConfigAll:Str;;
31521: Func getIPConfig:Str;;
31522: Func WinsockEnabled:Bool;
31523: Func HTTPEncode2(const AStr:Str):Str;
31524: RSAEncryptStr(const EncryptionType:TRSAEncryptionType;const PublicKey:TRSAPublicKey;const Plain:Ansistr):
31526: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31527: // Object instance functions
31528: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31529: Func AllocateHWnd(Method: TWndMethod): HWND;
31530: Proc DeallocateHWnd(Wnd: HWND);
31531: Func DeleteDC( DC : HDC) : BOOL;
31532: Func DeleteMetaFile( p1 : HMETAFILE) : BOOL;
31533: Func DeleteObject( p1 : HGDIOBJ) : BOOL;
31534: Func FormInstanceCount2(AFormClass: TFormClass): Int;;
31535: Func FormInstanceCount(const AFormClassName:Str): Int;;
31536: ClassN(CL.FindClass('Class of TForm'),'TFormClass;
31537: Func ObjToStr( const O : TObject) :Str
31538: MessageBox(0,PChar('CPU speedis '+CPUSpd+' MHz'),'CPU Speed Check',MB_IconInformation+MB_OK);
31539: TKLogEvent', 'Proc (Sender : TObject; Code : TKLogType; const Text :Str);
31540: AddRegisteredVariable('FormatSettings','TFormatSettings; //at sysutils!
31541: AddRegisteredVariable('mouse','TMouse; //at controls HPIPE', 'THandle;
31543: Func ListIdentical2(l1,l2:TStringList):Bool;
31544: begin Result:= False;
31545: if l1.count = l2.count then begin
31546: for it:= 0 to l1.count-1 do
31547: if (l1[it] <> l2[it]) then Exit;
31548: Result:= True;
31549: end;
31550: end;
31552: // Converts String To Hexadecimal Maybe usefull for a hex-editor
31553: // For example: Input = 'ABCD' Output = '41 42 43 44'
31554: Func StringtoHex(Data:Str):Str;
31555: var i, i2: Int; s:Str;
31556: begin
31557: i2:= 1;
31558: for i:= 1 to Length(Data) do begin
31559: Inc(i2);
31560: if i2 = 2 then
31561: s:= s + ' '; i2 := 1;
31562: s:= s + IntToHex(Ord(Data[i]), 2);
31563: end;
31564: Result:= s;
31565: end;
31567: Func XRTLIsInMainThread:Bool;
31568: begin
31569: Result:= GetCurrentThreadID = MainThreadID;
31570: end;
31572: computers:= TStringList.Create;
31573: FindComputers(computers)
31574: for it:= 0 to computers.count-1 do
31575: writeln(computers.strings[it]); computers.free;
31577: s:= (Sender AS TStringGrid).Cells[col,row];
31578: Sender AS TStringGrid).Canvas.Font.Color := clBlack;
31579: twidth:= (Sender AS TStringGrid).Canvas.TextWidth('X;
31580: (Sender AS TStringGrid).Canvas.TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left + twidth div 2,
31581: YCenter(Rect, (Sender AS TStringGrid).Canvas,s),s)
31583: Proc | EXceptionsOnmaXbox; Exception Handling EXceptions On maXbox
31584: var filename,emsg:str;
31585: begin
31586: filename:= '';

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31587: try
31588: if filename = '' then
31589: RaiseException(erCustomError, 'Exception: File name cannot be blank;
31590: except
31591: emsg:= ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam);
31592: //do act with the exception message i.e. email it or save to a log etc
31593: writeln(emsg)
31594: end;
31595: end;
31597: XRaise raise an exception without except block:
31598: if (DLLHandle < HINSTANCE_ERROR) then
31599: Xraise(Exception.Create(DLLName + ' library can not be loaded or not found.'+
31600: SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)));
31602: Proc CallTicker(msecs: Int);
31603: begin
31604: with TStopWatch.create do begin
31605: start
31606: | //Delay2StopWatch(msecs)
31607: stop
31608: writeln('Stop Watch CPU Tester: '+getValueStr)
31609: end;
31610: end;
31612: MessageDlg Example:
31613: mr:=messagedlg('Save clock first?',mtconfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo,mbCancel],0);
31614: if mr=mryes then writeln('yes')
31616: Func getFilefrom
31617: if not (Fileexists('1004unixdict.txt') or fileexists('unixdict.txt')) then
31618: if IsInternet then begin
31619: writeln(dictURL)
31620: wGetX2(dictUrl,Exepath+'1004unixdict.txt');
31621: openFile(Exepath+'1004unixdict.txt')
31622: end; //}
31624: Func IsASCIIDigit(const Ch: Char):Bool;
31625: begin //Result := Ord(Ch) in [Ord('0')..Ord('9')];
31626: Result:= (Ord(Ch) >= Ord('0')) And (ord(ch) <= Ord('9'));
31627: end;
31629: Func RemainingBatteryPercent: Int;
31630: var Stat: {Windows.}TSystemPowerStatus;
31631: begin
31632: {Windows.}GetSystemPowerStatus(Stat);
31633: Result:= Stat.BatteryLifePercent;
31634: if (Result < 0) Or (Result > 100) then
31635: Result:= -1;
31636: end;
31637: // ***********************************************************
31638: // TIdBaseComponent is the base class for all Indy components.
31639: // ***********************************************************
31640: type
31641: TIdBaseComponent = class(TComponent)
31642: public
31643: Func GetVersion:Str;
31644: property Version:Str read GetVersion;
31645: published
31646: end;
31648: if IsInternet then
31649: wGetX('http://www.softwareschule.ch/download/maxbox_starter4.pdf','mywgettestpdf.pdf;
31650: RegEx tester sr := '123.456.789-00$p'
31651: writeln(ReplaceRegExpr('\D',sr,'',true))
31652: >>> 12345678900 //\D is a non-digit, and \W is a non-word character, both should work)
31653: ref: lambda: a+b --> a.+(b) in preparations
31654: namedpipe1:= namedpipe as TNamedpipe;
31655: printF('this is %.18f ',[maxCalc('ln(2)^e')]); this is 0.369248502937272178
31656: printF('this is Area of r=1 %.18f ',[maxCalc('PI*(1^2)')]);
31657: printF('this is Area of d=2r %.18f ',[maxCalc('PI/4*(2^2)')]);
31658: println(ReplaceRegExpr('\d\d{4,12}[},]',
31659: GetSentimentStream7(URLSentimentAPI2,Items[it].title),' ',false))
31660: {"probability": {"neg": 0.5180 "neutral": 0.5201 "pos": 0.4819 , "label": "neutral"}
31661: begin
31662: initCRCarray2;
31663: aStringStream := TStringStream.Create(filetoString(exepath+testFile));
31664: try
31665: //aStringStream.loadfromfile
31666: writeln('CRC32_: '+IntToHex(CalculateCRC32X(aStringStream), 8));
31667: finally
31668: aStringStream.Free;
31669: end;
31670: end;
31672: Proc TForm1Findwindow_Remote_Notepad;
31673: var wnd: HWND; i: Int; s:Str;
31674: begin
31675: wnd := FindWindow('notepad', ';

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31676: if wnd <> 0 then begin

31677: wnd := FindWindowEx(wnd, 0, 'Edit', ';
31678: // Write Text in Notepad.
31679: s := 'Hello maXPad 3 ecotronics'+#13#10+'second line:';
31680: for i := 1 to Length(s) do
31681: SendMessage(wnd, WM_CHAR, Ord(s[i]), 0);
31682: // Simulate Return Key.
31683: PostMessage(wnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0);
31684: // Simulate Space.
31685: PostMessage(wnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_SPACE, 0);
31686: SendMessage(wnd, WM_CHAR, 5, 0);
31687: //send time of F5 command in notepad!
31688: PostMessage(wnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_F5, 0);
31689: end;
31690: end;
31692: Proc XPATHTest; var XML: OLEVariant;
31693: begin
31694: XML:= CreateOleObject('MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0') ;
31695: XML.async:= false;
31696: XML.SetProperty('SelectionLanguage','XPath');
31697: XML:= unassigned;
31698: end;
31700: with adoQuery do begin //recordset hack
31701: cachesize:= 500;
31702: //commandtext:= 'INSERT INTO Table1 (FirstName, LastName, Phone)'+
31703: 'VALUES (''MaXML'', ''Box42810'', ''031-3337788'')';
31704: commandText:= 'SELECT * FROM Table1';
31705: connectionString:='Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=mX4base';
31706: Open;
31707: Recordset20(recordset).save(Exepath+'recordset6.xml',adPersistXML)
31708: writeln(GetISODateString(1995,12,24))
31709: writeln(botostr(IsValidISODateTimeString(GetISODateString(1995,12,12), true)))
31710: writeln(MicrosoftCodePageToMIMECharset(1252))writeln(GetISOTimeString(12,45,33, true));
31711: writeln(botostr(IsValidISOTimeString(GetISOTimeString(12,45,33, true), true)))
31712: IDoc:= LoadXMLDocument3(BOOKSXML); //('.\books.xml');
31713: INode:= SelectXMLNode(IDoc.getDocumentElement,'/bookstore/book[2]/title');
31714: writeln(FormatXMLFile2String(BOOKSXML));
31715: writeln(DataSetToXML(TDataset(adoquery)));
31717: Proc EnableDEP2; // DEP
31718: const PROCESS_DEP_ENABLE: DWORD=$00000001;
31719: var SetProcessDEPPolicy: function(dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;
31720: begin SetProcessDEPPolicy := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(kernel32),'SetProcessDEPPolicy');
31721: if Assigned(SetProcessDEPPolicy) then begin
31722: //don't bother checking for errors since we don't need to know if it fails
31723: SetProcessDEPPolicy(PROCESS_DEP_ENABLE);
31724: end;
31725: end;
31727: Convert a dfm to string: var abt:Bool;
31728: srlist:= TStringlist.create;
31729: if LoadDFMFile2Strings('C:\maXbox\mX42810\backgroundworker\Demo\Primes\Main.dfm',srlist, abt)= 0 then
writeln(srlist.text); srlist.Free; *) Assert Test: _outd( a1.StandardDeviation );
31730: Assert(trunc(a1.StandardDeviation)=46, 'must = 46 ');
31731: isloc:= WMIStart; iserv:= WMIConnect(isloc,'localhost','','');
31732: wmi_dom:= 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration';
31734: V VI +
31735: Amount of Functions: 20549 Amount of Procedures: 12307
31736: Amount of Constructors: 1937 Amount of Destructors: 14
31737: Totals of Calls: 34807 , Size: 31,974,216 bytes
31738: SHA1: of 96DCDE2028125E00B67E42A801721AC513A5EAFC CRC32: BBC3A7E5
31739: mX4 executed: 03/11/2021 15:25:47 Runtime: 0:12:33.807 Memload: 39% use
31741: III
31742: Totals of Calls: 35218
31743: SHA1: of 6647E6200E46702944A6B8175A53EDC1ABEF8E14
31744: CRC32: 1A2922DA: 32,221,000 bytes
31745: mX4 executed: 12/12/2021 10:03:11 Runtime: 0:12:50.630 Memload: 45% use
31747: IV
31748: Total of Function Calls: 35351
31749: SHA1: of A9C0D35723F9D2E72E9270207640F938FF58555B
31750: CRC32: 8230EA82 31.3 MB (32,917,832 bytes)
31752: V
31753: Totals of Calls: 35380
31754: SHA1: of E51C63B7B47D83D441F9EB13F515920ACEB26101
31755: CRC32: CEB35531: 33034056 bytes 33,034,056
31756: mX4 executed: 14/01/2022 16:36:05 Runtime: 0:13:33.152 Memload: 48% use
31758: ************************************************************
31759: unit List asm internal end units all unitlist unitslist allunits
31760: ************************************************************
31761: 01 unit RIRegister_StrUtils_Routines(exec); //Delphi
31762: 02 unit SIRegister_IdStrings //Indy Sockets
31763: 03 unit RIRegister_niSTRING_Routines(Exec); //from RegEx

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31764: 04 unit uPSI_fMain Functions; //maXbox Open Tools API

31765: 05 unit IFSI_WinForm1puzzle; //maXbox
31766: 06 unit RIRegister_LinarBitmap_Routines(Exec); //ImageFileLibBCB
31767: 07 unit RegisterDateTimeLibrary_R(exec); //Delphi
31768: 08 unit RIRegister_MathMax_Routines(exec); //Jedi & Delphi
31769: 09 unit RIRegister_IdGlobal_Routines(exec); //Indy Sockets
31770: 10 unit RIRegister_SysUtils_Routines(Exec); //Delphi
31771: 11 unit uPSI_IdTCPConnection; //Indy some functions
31772: 12 unit uPSCompiler.pas; //PS kernel functions
31773: 13 unit uPSI_DBCommon; //DB Common_Routines and Types
31774: 14 unit uPSI_Printers.pas //Delphi VCL
31775: 15 unit uPSI_MPlayer.pas //Delphi VCL
31776: 16 unit uPSC_comobj; //COM Functions
31777: 17 unit uPSI_Clipbrd; //Delphi VCL
31778: 18 unit Filectrl in IFSI_SysUtils_max; //VCL Runtime
31779: 19 unit uPSI_SqlExpr; //DBX3
31780: 20 unit uPSI_ADODB; //ADODB
31781: 21 unit uPSI_StrHlpr; //String Helper Routines
31782: 22 unit uPSI_DateUtils; //Expansion to DateTimeLib
31783: 23 unit uPSI_FileUtils; //Expansion to Sys/File Utils
31784: 24 unit JUtils / gsUtils; //Jedi / Metabase
31785: 25 unit JvFunctions_max; //Jedi Functions
31786: 26 unit HTTPParser; //Delphi VCL
31787: 27 unit HTTPUtil; //Delphi VCL
31788: 28 unit uPSI_XMLUtil; //Delphi VCL
31789: 29 unit uPSI_SOAPHTTPClient; //Delphi VCL SOAP WebService V3.5
31790: 30 unit uPSI_Contnrs; //Delphi RTL Container of Classes
31791: 31 unit uPSI_MaskUtils; //RTL Edit and Mask functions
31792: 32 unit uPSI_MyBigInt; //big Int class with Math
31793: 33 unit uPSI_ConvUtils; //Delphi VCL Conversions engine
31794: 34 unit Types_Variants; //Delphi\Win32\rtl\sys
31795: 35 unit uPSI_IdHashSHA1; //Indy Crypto Lib
31796: 36 unit uPSI_IdHashMessageDigest //Indy Crypto;
31797: 37 unit uPSI_IdASN1Util; //Indy ASN1Utility Routines;
31798: 38 unit uPSI_IdLogFile; //Indy Logger from LogBase
31799: 39 unit uPSI_IdIcmpClient; //Indy Ping ICMP
31800: 40 unit uPSI_IdHashMessageDigest_max //Indy Crypto &OpenSSL;
31801: 41 unit uPSI_FileCtrl; //Delphi RTL
31802: 42 unit uPSI_Outline; //Delphi VCL
31803: 43 unit uPSI_ScktComp; //Delphi RTL
31804: 44 unit uPSI_Calendar; //Delphi VCL
31805: 45 unit uPSI_VListView //VListView;
31806: 46 unit uPSI_DBGrids; //Delphi VCL
31807: 47 unit uPSI_DBCtrls; //Delphi VCL
31808: 48 unit ide_debugoutput; //maXbox
31809: 49 unit uPSI_ComCtrls; //Delphi VCL
31810: 50 unit uPSC_stdctrls+; //Delphi VCL
31811: 51 unit uPSI_Dialogs; //Delphi VCL
31812: 52 unit uPSI_StdConvs; //Delphi RTL
31813: 53 unit uPSI_DBClient; //Delphi RTL
31814: 54 unit uPSI_DBPlatform; //Delphi RTL
31815: 55 unit uPSI_Provider; //Delphi RTL
31816: 56 unit uPSI_FMTBcd; //Delphi RTL
31817: 57 unit uPSI_DBCGrids; //Delphi VCL
31818: 58 unit uPSI_CDSUtil; //MIDAS
31819: 59 unit uPSI_VarHlpr; //Delphi RTL
31820: 60 unit uPSI_ExtDlgs; //Delphi VCL
31821: 61 unit sdpStopwatch; //maXbox
31822: 62 unit uPSI_JclStatistics; //JCL
31823: 63 unit uPSI_JclLogic; //JCL
31824: 64 unit uPSI_JclMiscel; //JCL
31825: 65 unit uPSI_JclMath_max; //JCL RTL
31826: 66 unit uPSI_uTPLb_StreamUtils; //LockBox 3
31827: 67 unit uPSI_MathUtils; //BCB
31828: 68 unit uPSI_JclMultimedia; //JCL
31829: 69 unit uPSI_WideStrUtils; //Delphi API/RTL
31830: 70 unit uPSI_GraphUtil; //Delphi RTL
31831: 71 unit uPSI_TypeTrans; //Delphi RTL
31832: 72 unit uPSI_HTTPApp; //Delphi VCL
31833: 73 unit uPSI_DBWeb; //Delphi VCL
31834: 74 unit uPSI_DBBdeWeb; //Delphi VCL
31835: 75 unit uPSI_DBXpressWeb; //Delphi VCL
31836: 76 unit uPSI_ShadowWnd; //Delphi VCL
31837: 77 unit uPSI_ToolWin; //Delphi VCL
31838: 78 unit uPSI_Tabs; //Delphi VCL
31839: 79 unit uPSI_JclGraphUtils; //JCL
31840: 80 unit uPSI_JclCounter; //JCL
31841: 81 unit uPSI_JclSysInfo; //JCL
31842: 82 unit uPSI_JclSecurity; //JCL
31843: 83 unit uPSI_JclFileUtils; //JCL
31844: 84 unit uPSI_IdUserAccounts; //Indy
31845: 85 unit uPSI_IdAuthentication; //Indy
31846: 86 unit uPSI_uTPLb_AES; //LockBox 3
31847: 87 unit uPSI_IdHashSHA1; //LockBox 3
31848: 88 unit uTPLb_BlockCipher; //LockBox 3
31849: 89 unit uPSI_ValEdit.pas; //Delphi VCL
31850: 90 unit uPSI_JvVCLUtils; //JCL
31851: 91 unit uPSI_JvDBUtil; //JCL
31852: 92 unit uPSI_JvDBUtils; //JCL

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31853: 93 unit uPSI_JvAppUtils; //JCL

31854: 94 unit uPSI_JvCtrlUtils; //JCL
31855: 95 unit uPSI_JvFormToHtml; //JCL
31856: 96 unit uPSI_JvParsing; //JCL
31857: 97 unit uPSI_SerDlgs; //Toolbox
31858: 98 unit uPSI_Serial; //Toolbox
31859: 99 unit uPSI_JvComponent; //JCL
31860: 100 unit uPSI_JvCalc; //JCL
31861: 101 unit uPSI_JvBdeUtils; //JCL
31862: 102 unit uPSI_JvDateUtil; //JCL
31863: 103 unit uPSI_JvGenetic; //JCL
31864: 104 unit uPSI_JclBase; //JCL
31865: 105 unit uPSI_JvUtils; //JCL
31866: 106 unit uPSI_JvStrUtil; //JCL
31867: 107 unit uPSI_JvStrUtils; //JCL
31868: 108 unit uPSI_JvFileUtil; //JCL
31869: 109 unit uPSI_JvMemoryInfos; //JCL
31870: 110 unit uPSI_JvComputerInfo; //JCL
31871: 111 unit uPSI_JvgCommClasses; //JCL
31872: 112 unit uPSI_JvgLogics; //JCL
31873: 113 unit uPSI_JvLED; //JCL
31874: 114 unit uPSI_JvTurtle; //JCL
31875: 115 unit uPSI_SortThds; unit uPSI_ThSort; //maXbox
31876: 116 unit uPSI_JvgUtils; //JCL
31877: 117 unit uPSI_JvExprParser; //JCL
31878: 118 unit uPSI_HexDump; //Borland
31879: 119 unit uPSI_DBLogDlg; //VCL
31880: 120 unit uPSI_SqlTimSt; //RTL
31881: 121 unit uPSI_JvHtmlParser; //JCL
31882: 122 unit uPSI_JvgXMLSerializer; //JCL
31883: 123 unit uPSI_JvJCLUtils; //JCL
31884: 124 unit uPSI_JvStrings; //JCL
31885: 125 unit uPSI_uTPLb_IntUtils; //TurboPower
31886: 126 unit uPSI_uTPLb_HugeCardinal; //TurboPower
31887: 127 unit uPSI_uTPLb_HugeCardinalUtils; //TurboPower
31888: 128 unit uPSI_SynRegExpr; //SynEdit
31889: 129 unit uPSI_StUtils; //SysTools4
31890: 130 unit uPSI_StToHTML; //SysTools4
31891: 131 unit uPSI_StStrms; //SysTools4
31892: 132 unit uPSI_StFIN; //SysTools4
31893: 133 unit uPSI_StAstroP; //SysTools4
31894: 134 unit uPSI_StStat; //SysTools4
31895: 135 unit uPSI_StNetCon; //SysTools4
31896: 136 unit uPSI_StDecMth; //SysTools4
31897: 137 unit uPSI_StOStr; //SysTools4
31898: 138 unit uPSI_StPtrns; //SysTools4
31899: 139 unit uPSI_StNetMsg; //SysTools4
31900: 140 unit uPSI_StMath; //SysTools4
31901: 141 unit uPSI_StExpEng; //SysTools4
31902: 142 unit uPSI_StCRC; //SysTools4
31903: 143 unit uPSI_StExport, //SysTools4
31904: 144 unit uPSI_StExpLog, //SysTools4
31905: 145 unit uPSI_ActnList; //Delphi VCL
31906: 146 unit uPSI_jpeg; //Borland
31907: 147 unit uPSI_StRandom; //SysTools4
31908: 148 unit uPSI_StDict; //SysTools4
31909: 149 unit uPSI_StBCD; //SysTools4
31910: 150 unit uPSI_StTxtDat; //SysTools4
31911: 151 unit uPSI_StRegEx; //SysTools4
31912: 152 unit uPSI_IMouse; //VCL
31913: 153 unit uPSI_SyncObjs; //VCL
31914: 154 unit uPSI_AsyncCalls; //Hausladen
31915: 155 unit uPSI_ParallelJobs; //Saraiva
31916: 156 unit uPSI_Variants; //VCL
31917: 157 unit uPSI_VarCmplx; //VCL Wolfram
31918: 158 unit uPSI_DTDSchema; //VCL
31919: 159 unit uPSI_ShLwApi; //Brakel
31920: 160 unit uPSI_IBUtils; //VCL
31921: 161 unit uPSI_CheckLst; //VCL
31922: 162 unit uPSI_JvSimpleXml; //JCL
31923: 163 unit uPSI_JclSimpleXml; //JCL
31924: 164 unit uPSI_JvXmlDatabase; //JCL
31925: 165 unit uPSI_JvMaxPixel; //JCL
31926: 166 unit uPSI_JvItemsSearchs; //JCL
31927: 167 unit uPSI_StExpEng2; //SysTools4
31928: 168 unit uPSI_StGenLog; //SysTools4
31929: 169 unit uPSI_JvLogFile; //Jcl
31930: 170 unit uPSI_CPort; //ComPort Lib v4.11
31931: 171 unit uPSI_CPortCtl; //ComPort
31932: 172 unit uPSI_CPortEsc; //ComPort
31933: 173 unit BarCodeScaner; //ComPort
31934: 174 unit uPSI_JvGraph; //JCL
31935: 175 unit uPSI_JvComCtrls; //JCL
31936: 176 unit uPSI_GUITesting; //D Unit
31937: 177 unit uPSI_JvFindFiles; //JCL
31938: 178 unit uPSI_StSystem; //SysTools4
31939: 179 unit uPSI_JvKeyboardStates; //JCL
31940: 180 unit uPSI_JvMail; //JCL
31941: 181 unit uPSI_JclConsole; //JCL

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31942: 182 unit uPSI_JclLANMan; //JCL

31943: 183 unit uPSI_IdCustomHTTPServer; //Indy
31944: 184 unit IdHTTPServer //Indy
31945: 185 unit uPSI_IdTCPServer; //Indy
31946: 186 unit uPSI_IdSocketHandle; //Indy
31947: 187 unit uPSI_IdIOHandlerSocket; //Indy
31948: 188 unit IdIOHandler; //Indy
31949: 189 unit uPSI_cutils; //Bloodshed
31950: 190 unit uPSI_BoldUtils; //boldsoft
31951: 191 unit uPSI_IdSimpleServer; //Indy
31952: 192 unit uPSI_IdSSLOpenSSL; //Indy
31953: 193 unit uPSI_IdMultipartFormData; //Indy
31954: 194 unit uPSI_SynURIOpener; //SynEdit
31955: 195 unit uPSI_PerlRegEx; //PCRE
31956: 196 unit uPSI_IdHeaderList; //Indy
31957: 197 unit uPSI_StFirst; //SysTools4
31958: 198 unit uPSI_JvCtrls; //JCL
31959: 199 unit uPSI_IdTrivialFTPBase; //Indy
31960: 200 unit uPSI_IdTrivialFTP; //Indy
31961: 201 unit uPSI_IdUDPBase; //Indy
31962: 202 unit uPSI_IdUDPClient; //Indy
31963: 203 unit uPSI_utypes; //for DMath.DLL
31964: 204 unit uPSI_ShellAPI; //Borland
31965: 205 unit uPSI_IdRemoteCMDClient; //Indy
31966: 206 unit uPSI_IdRemoteCMDServer; //Indy
31967: 207 unit IdRexecServer; //Indy
31968: 208 unit IdRexec; (unit uPSI_IdRexec;) //Indy
31969: 209 unit IdUDPServer; //Indy
31970: 210 unit IdTimeUDPServer; //Indy
31971: 211 unit IdTimeServer; //Indy
31972: 212 unit IdTimeUDP; (unit uPSI_IdUDPServer;) //Indy
31973: 213 unit uPSI_IdIPWatch; //Indy
31974: 214 unit uPSI_IdIrcServer; //Indy
31975: 215 unit uPSI_IdMessageCollection; //Indy
31976: 216 unit uPSI_cPEM; //Fundamentals 4
31977: 217 unit uPSI_cFundamentUtils; //Fundamentals 4
31978: 218 unit uPSI_uwinplot; //DMath
31979: 219 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_CPUUtils; //ExtentedRTL
31980: 220 unit uPSI_GR32_System; //Graphics32
31981: 221 unit uPSI_cFileUtils; //Fundamentals 4
31982: 222 unit uPSI_cDateTime; (timemachine) //Fundamentals 4
31983: 223 unit uPSI_cTimers; (high precision timer) //Fundamentals 4
31984: 224 unit uPSI_cRandom; //Fundamentals 4
31985: 225 unit uPSI_ueval; //DMath
31986: 226 unit uPSI_xrtl_net_URIUtils; //ExtendedRTL
31987: 227 unit xrtl_net_URIUtils; //ExtendedRTL
31988: 228 unit uPSI_ufft; (FFT) //DMath
31989: 229 unit uPSI_DBXChannel; //Delphi
31990: 230 unit uPSI_DBXIndyChannel; //Delphi Indy
31991: 231 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_COMCat; //ExtendedRTL
31992: 232 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_StrUtils; //ExtendedRTL
31993: 233 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_VariantUtils; //ExtendedRTL
31994: 234 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_FileUtils; //ExtendedRTL
31995: 235 unit xrtl_util_Compat; //ExtendedRTL
31996: 236 unit uPSI_OleAuto; //Borland
31997: 237 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_COMUtils; //ExtendedRTL
31998: 238 unit uPSI_CmAdmCtl; //Borland
31999: 239 unit uPSI_ValEdit2; //VCL
32000: 240 unit uPSI_GR32; //Graphics32 //Graphics32
32001: 241 unit uPSI_GR32_Image; //Graphics32
32002: 242 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_TimeUtils; //ExtendedRTL
32003: 243 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_TimeZone; //ExtendedRTL
32004: 244 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_TimeStamp; //ExtendedRTL
32005: 245 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_Map; //ExtendedRTL
32006: 246 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_Set; //ExtendedRTL
32007: 247 unit uPSI_CPortMonitor; //ComPort
32008: 248 unit uPSI_StIniStm; //SysTools4
32009: 249 unit uPSI_GR32_ExtImage; //Graphics32
32010: 250 unit uPSI_GR32_OrdinalMaps; //Graphics32
32011: 251 unit uPSI_GR32_Rasterizers; //Graphics32
32012: 252 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_Exception; //ExtendedRTL
32013: 253 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_Value; //ExtendedRTL
32014: 254 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_Compare; //ExtendedRTL
32015: 255 unit uPSI_FlatSB; //VCL
32016: 256 unit uPSI_JvAnalogClock; //JCL
32017: 257 unit uPSI_JvAlarms; //JCL
32018: 258 unit uPSI_JvSQLS; //JCL
32019: 259 unit uPSI_JvDBSecur; //JCL
32020: 260 unit uPSI_JvDBQBE; //JCL
32021: 261 unit uPSI_JvStarfield; //JCL
32022: 262 unit uPSI_JVCLMiscal; //JCL
32023: 263 unit uPSI_JvProfiler32; //JCL
32024: 264 unit uPSI_JvDirectories, //JCL
32025: 265 unit uPSI_JclSchedule, //JCL
32026: 266 unit uPSI_JclSvcCtrl, //JCL
32027: 267 unit uPSI_JvSoundControl, //JCL
32028: 268 unit uPSI_JvBDESQLScript, //JCL
32029: 269 unit uPSI_JvgDigits, //JCL>
32030: 270 unit uPSI_ImgList; //TCustomImageList

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32031: 271 unit uPSI_JclMIDI; //JCL>

32032: 272 unit uPSI_JclWinMidi; //JCL>
32033: 273 unit uPSI_JclNTFS; //JCL>
32034: 274 unit uPSI_JclAppInst; //JCL>
32035: 275 unit uPSI_JvRle; //JCL>
32036: 276 unit uPSI_JvRas32; //JCL>
32037: 277 unit uPSI_JvImageDrawThread, //JCL>
32038: 278 unit uPSI_JvImageWindow, //JCL>
32039: 279 unit uPSI_JvTransparentForm; //JCL>
32040: 280 unit uPSI_JvWinDialogs; //JCL>
32041: 281 unit uPSI_JvSimLogic, //JCL>
32042: 282 unit uPSI_JvSimIndicator, //JCL>
32043: 283 unit uPSI_JvSimPID, //JCL>
32044: 284 unit uPSI_JvSimPIDLinker, //JCL>
32045: 285 unit uPSI_IdRFCReply; //Indy
32046: 286 unit uPSI_IdIdent; //Indy
32047: 287 unit uPSI_IdIdentServer; //Indy
32048: 288 unit uPSI_JvPatchFile; //JCL
32049: 289 unit uPSI_StNetPfm; //SysTools4
32050: 290 unit uPSI_StNet; //SysTools4
32051: 291 unit uPSI_JclPeImage; //JCL
32052: 292 unit uPSI_JclPrint; //JCL
32053: 293 unit uPSI_JclMime; //JCL
32054: 294 unit uPSI_JvRichEdit; //JCL
32055: 295 unit uPSI_JvDBRichEd; //JCL
32056: 296 unit uPSI_JvDice; //JCL
32057: 297 unit uPSI_JvFloatEdit; //JCL 3.9.8
32058: 298 unit uPSI_JvDirFrm; //JCL
32059: 299 unit uPSI_JvDualList; //JCL
32060: 300 unit uPSI_JvSwitch; ////JCL
32061: 301 unit uPSI_JvTimerLst; ////JCL
32062: 302 unit uPSI_JvMemTable; //JCL
32063: 303 unit uPSI_JvObjStr; //JCL
32064: 304 unit uPSI_StLArr; //SysTools4
32065: 305 unit uPSI_StWmDCpy; //SysTools4
32066: 306 unit uPSI_StText; //SysTools4
32067: 307 unit uPSI_StNTLog; //SysTools4
32068: 308 unit uPSI_xrtl_math_Int; //ExtendedRTL
32069: 309 unit uPSI_JvImagPrvw; //JCL
32070: 310 unit uPSI_JvFormPatch; //JCL
32071: 311 unit uPSI_JvPicClip; //JCL
32072: 312 unit uPSI_JvDataConv; //JCL
32073: 313 unit uPSI_JvCpuUsage; //JCL
32074: 314 unit uPSI_JclUnitConv_mX2; //JCL
32075: 315 unit JvDualListForm; //JCL
32076: 316 unit uPSI_JvCpuUsage2; //JCL
32077: 317 unit uPSI_JvParserForm; //JCL
32078: 318 unit uPSI_JvJanTreeView; //JCL
32079: 319 unit uPSI_JvTransLED; //JCL
32080: 320 unit uPSI_JvPlaylist; //JCL
32081: 321 unit uPSI_JvFormAutoSize; //JCL
32082: 322 unit uPSI_JvYearGridEditForm; //JCL
32083: 323 unit uPSI_JvMarkupCommon; //JCL
32084: 324 unit uPSI_JvChart; //JCL
32085: 325 unit uPSI_JvXPCore; //JCL
32086: 326 unit uPSI_JvXPCoreUtils; //JCL
32087: 327 unit uPSI_StatsClasses; //mX4 a1: TStatArray;
32088: 328 unit uPSI_ExtCtrls2; //VCL
32089: 329 unit uPSI_JvUrlGrabbers; //JCL
32090: 330 unit uPSI_JvXmlTree; //JCL
32091: 331 unit uPSI_JvWavePlayer; //JCL
32092: 332 unit uPSI_JvUnicodeCanvas; //JCL
32093: 333 unit uPSI_JvTFUtils; //JCL
32094: 334 unit uPSI_IdServerIOHandler; //Indy
32095: 335 unit uPSI_IdServerIOHandlerSocket; //Indy
32096: 336 unit uPSI_IdMessageCoder; //Indy
32097: 337 unit uPSI_IdMessageCoderMIME; //Indy
32098: 338 unit uPSI_IdMIMETypes; //Indy
32099: 339 unit uPSI_JvConverter; //JCL
32100: 340 unit uPSI_JvCsvParse; //JCL
32101: 341 unit uPSI_umath; unit uPSI_ugamma; //DMath
32102: 342 unit uPSI_ExcelExport;(Nat:TJsExcelExport) //JCL
32103: 343 unit uPSI_JvDBGridExport; //JCL
32104: 344 unit uPSI_JvgExport; //JCL
32105: 345 unit uPSI_JvSerialMaker; //JCL
32106: 346 unit uPSI_JvWin32; //JCL
32107: 347 unit uPSI_JvPaintFX; //JCL
32108: 348 unit uPSI_JvOracleDataSet; (beta) //JCL
32109: 349 unit uPSI_JvValidators; (preview) //JCL
32110: 350 unit uPSI_JvNTEventLog; //JCL
32111: 351 unit uPSI_ShellZipTool; //mX4
32112: 352 unit uPSI_JvJoystick; //JCL
32113: 353 unit uPSI_JvMailSlots; //JCL
32114: 354 unit uPSI_JclComplex; //JCL
32115: 355 unit uPSI_SynPdf; //Synopse
32116: 356 unit uPSI_Registry; //VCL
32117: 357 unit uPSI_TlHelp32; //VCL
32118: 358 unit uPSI_JclRegistry; //JCL
32119: 359 unit uPSI_JvAirBrush; //JCL

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32120: 360 unit uPSI_mORMotReport; //Synopse

32121: 361 unit uPSI_JclLocales; //JCL
32122: 362 unit uPSI_SynEdit; //SynEdit
32123: 363 unit uPSI_SynEditTypes; //SynEdit
32124: 364 unit uPSI_SynMacroRecorder; //SynEdit
32125: 365 unit uPSI_LongIntList; //SynEdit
32126: 366 unit uPSI_devcutils; //DevC
32127: 367 unit uPSI_SynEditMiscClasses; //SynEdit
32128: 368 unit uPSI_SynEditRegexSearch; //SynEdit
32129: 369 unit uPSI_SynEditHighlighter; //SynEdit
32130: 370 unit uPSI_SynHighlighterPas; //SynEdit
32131: 371 unit uPSI_JvSearchFiles; //JCL
32132: 372 unit uPSI_SynHighlighterAny; //Lazarus
32133: 373 unit uPSI_SynEditKeyCmds; //SynEdit
32134: 374 unit uPSI_SynEditMiscProcs, //SynEdit
32135: 375 unit uPSI_SynEditKbdHandler //SynEdit
32136: 376 unit uPSI_JvAppInst, //JCL
32137: 377 unit uPSI_JvAppEvent; //JCL
32138: 378 unit uPSI_JvAppCommand; //JCL
32139: 379 unit uPSI_JvAnimTitle; //JCL
32140: 380 unit uPSI_JvAnimatedImage; //JCL
32141: 381 unit uPSI_SynEditExport; //SynEdit
32142: 382 unit uPSI_SynExportHTML; //SynEdit
32143: 383 unit uPSI_SynExportRTF; //SynEdit
32144: 384 unit uPSI_SynEditSearch; //SynEdit
32145: 385 unit uPSI_fMain_back //maXbox;
32146: 386 unit uPSI_JvZoom; //JCL
32147: 387 unit uPSI_PMrand; //PM
32148: 388 unit uPSI_JvSticker; //JCL
32149: 389 unit uPSI_XmlVerySimple; //mX4
32150: 390 unit uPSI_Services; //ExtPascal
32151: 391 unit uPSI_ExtPascalUtils; //ExtPascal
32152: 392 unit uPSI_SocketsDelphi; //ExtPascal
32153: 393 unit uPSI_StBarC; //SysTools
32154: 394 unit uPSI_StDbBarC; //SysTools
32155: 395 unit uPSI_StBarPN; //SysTools
32156: 396 unit uPSI_StDbPNBC; //SysTools
32157: 397 unit uPSI_StDb2DBC; //SysTools
32158: 398 unit uPSI_StMoney; //SysTools
32159: 399 unit uPSI_JvForth; //JCL
32160: 400 unit uPSI_RestRequest; //mX4
32161: 401 unit uPSI_HttpRESTConnectionIndy; //mX4
32162: 402 unit uPSI_JvXmlDatabase; //update //JCL
32163: 403 unit uPSI_StAstro; //SysTools
32164: 404 unit uPSI_StSort; //SysTools
32165: 405 unit uPSI_StDate; //SysTools
32166: 406 unit uPSI_StDateSt; //SysTools
32167: 407 unit uPSI_StBase; //SysTools
32168: 408 unit uPSI_StVInfo; //SysTools
32169: 409 unit uPSI_JvBrowseFolder; //JCL
32170: 410 unit uPSI_JvBoxProcs; //JCL
32171: 411 unit uPSI_urandom; (unit uranuvag;) //DMath
32172: 412 unit uPSI_usimann; (unit ugenalg;) //DMath
32173: 413 unit uPSI_JvHighlighter; //JCL
32174: 414 unit uPSI_Diff; //mX4
32175: 415 unit uPSI_SpringWinAPI; //DSpring
32176: 416 unit uPSI_StBits; //SysTools
32177: 417 unit uPSI_TomDBQue; //mX4
32178: 418 unit uPSI_MultilangTranslator; //mX4
32179: 419 unit uPSI_HyperLabel; //mX4
32180: 420 unit uPSI_Starter; //mX4
32181: 421 unit uPSI_FileAssocs; //devC
32182: 422 unit uPSI_devFileMonitorX; //devC
32183: 423 unit uPSI_devrun; //devC
32184: 424 unit uPSI_devExec; //devC
32185: 425 unit uPSI_oysUtils; //devC
32186: 426 unit uPSI_DosCommand; //devC
32187: 427 unit uPSI_CppTokenizer; //devC
32188: 428 unit uPSI_JvHLParser; //devC
32189: 429 unit uPSI_JclMapi; //JCL
32190: 430 unit uPSI_JclShell; //JCL
32191: 431 unit uPSI_JclCOM; //JCL
32192: 432 unit uPSI_GR32_Math; //Graphics32
32193: 433 unit uPSI_GR32_LowLevel; //Graphics32
32194: 434 unit uPSI_SimpleHl; //mX4
32195: 435 unit uPSI_GR32_Filters, //Graphics32
32196: 436 unit uPSI_GR32_VectorMaps; //Graphics32
32197: 437 unit uPSI_cXMLFunctions; //Fundamentals 4
32198: 438 unit uPSI_JvTimer; //JCL
32199: 439 unit uPSI_cHTTPUtils; //Fundamentals 4
32200: 440 unit uPSI_cTLSUtils; //Fundamentals 4
32201: 441 unit uPSI_JclGraphics; //JCL
32202: 442 unit uPSI_JclSynch; //JCL
32203: 443 unit uPSI_IdTelnet; //Indy
32204: 444 unit uPSI_IdTelnetServer, //Indy
32205: 445 unit uPSI_IdEcho, //Indy
32206: 446 unit uPSI_IdEchoServer, //Indy
32207: 447 unit uPSI_IdEchoUDP, //Indy
32208: 448 unit uPSI_IdEchoUDPServer, //Indy

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32209: 449 unit uPSI_IdSocks, //Indy

32210: 450 unit uPSI_IdAntiFreezeBase; //Indy
32211: 451 unit uPSI_IdHostnameServer; //Indy
32212: 452 unit uPSI_IdTunnelCommon, //Indy
32213: 453 unit uPSI_IdTunnelMaster, //Indy
32214: 454 unit uPSI_IdTunnelSlave, //Indy
32215: 455 unit uPSI_IdRSH, //Indy
32216: 456 unit uPSI_IdRSHServer, //Indy
32217: 457 unit uPSI_Spring_Cryptography_Utils; //Spring4Delphi
32218: 458 unit uPSI_MapReader, //devC
32219: 459 unit uPSI_LibTar, //devC
32220: 460 unit uPSI_IdStack; //Indy
32221: 461 unit uPSI_IdBlockCipherIntercept; //Indy
32222: 462 unit uPSI_IdChargenServer; //Indy
32223: 463 unit uPSI_IdFTPServer, //Indy
32224: 464 unit uPSI_IdException, //Indy
32225: 465 unit uPSI_utexplot; //DMath
32226: 466 unit uPSI_uwinstr; //DMath
32227: 467 unit uPSI_VarRecUtils; //devC
32228: 468 unit uPSI_JvStringListToHtml, //JCL
32229: 469 unit uPSI_JvStringHolder, //JCL
32230: 470 unit uPSI_IdCoder; //Indy
32231: 471 unit uPSI_SynHighlighterDfm; //Synedit
32232: 472 unit uHighlighterProcs; in 471 //Synedit
32233: 473 unit uPSI_LazFileUtils, //LCL
32234: 474 unit uPSI_IDECmdLine; //LCL
32235: 475 unit uPSI_lazMasks; //LCL
32236: 476 unit uPSI_ip_misc; //mX4
32237: 477 unit uPSI_Barcode; //LCL
32238: 478 unit uPSI_SimpleXML; //LCL
32239: 479 unit uPSI_JclIniFiles; //JCL
32240: 480 unit uPSI_D2XXUnit; {$X-} //FTDI
32241: 481 unit uPSI_JclDateTime; //JCL
32242: 482 unit uPSI_JclEDI; //JCL
32243: 483 unit uPSI_JclMiscel2; //JCL
32244: 484 unit uPSI_JclValidation; //JCL
32245: 485 unit uPSI_JclAnsistrs; {-PString} //JCL
32246: 486 unit uPSI_SynEditMiscProcs2; //Synedit
32247: 487 unit uPSI_JclStreams; //JCL
32248: 488 unit uPSI_QRCode; //mX4
32249: 489 unit uPSI_BlockSocket; //ExtPascal
32250: 490 unit uPSI_Masks,Utils //VCL
32251: 491 unit uPSI_synautil; //Synapse!
32252: 492 unit uPSI_JclMath_Class; //JCL RTL
32253: 493 unit ugamdist; //Gamma Func //DMath
32254: 494 unit uibeta, ucorrel; //IBeta //DMath
32255: 495 unit uPSI_SRMgr; //mX4
32256: 496 unit uPSI_HotLog; //mX4
32257: 497 unit uPSI_DebugBox; //mX4
32258: 498 unit uPSI_ustrings; //DMath
32259: 499 unit uPSI_uregtest; //DMath
32260: 500 unit uPSI_usimplex; //DMath
32261: 501 unit uPSI_uhyper; //DMath
32262: 502 unit uPSI_IdHL7; //Indy
32263: 503 unit uPSI_IdIPMCastBase, //Indy
32264: 504 unit uPSI_IdIPMCastServer; //Indy
32265: 505 unit uPSI_IdIPMCastClient; //Indy
32266: 506 unit uPSI_unlfit; //nlregression //DMath
32267: 507 unit uPSI_IdRawHeaders; //Indy
32268: 508 unit uPSI_IdRawClient; //Indy
32269: 509 unit uPSI_IdRawFunctions; //Indy
32270: 510 unit uPSI_IdTCPStream; //Indy
32271: 511 unit uPSI_IdSNPP; //Indy
32272: 512 unit uPSI_St2DBarC; //SysTools
32273: 513 unit uPSI_ImageWin; //FTL //VCL
32274: 514 unit uPSI_CustomDrawTreeView; //FTL //VCL
32275: 515 unit uPSI_GraphWin; //FTL //VCL
32276: 516 unit uPSI_actionMain; //FTL //VCL
32277: 517 unit uPSI_StSpawn; //SysTools
32278: 518 unit uPSI_CtlPanel; //VCL
32279: 519 unit uPSI_IdLPR; //Indy
32280: 520 unit uPSI_SockRequestInterpreter; //Indy
32281: 521 unit uPSI_ulambert; //DMath
32282: 522 unit uPSI_ucholesk; //DMath
32283: 523 unit uPSI_SimpleDS; //VCL
32284: 524 unit uPSI_DBXSqlScanner; //VCL
32285: 525 unit uPSI_DBXMetaDataUtil; //VCL
32286: 526 unit uPSI_Chart; //TEE
32287: 527 unit uPSI_TeeProcs; //TEE
32288: 528 unit mXBDEUtils; //mX4
32289: 529 unit uPSI_MDIEdit; //VCL
32290: 530 unit uPSI_CopyPrsr; //VCL
32291: 531 unit uPSI_SockApp; //VCL
32292: 532 unit uPSI_AppEvnts; //VCL
32293: 533 unit uPSI_ExtActns; //VCL
32294: 534 unit uPSI_TeEngine; //TEE
32295: 535 unit uPSI_CoolMain; //browser //VCL
32296: 536 unit uPSI_StCRC; //SysTools
32297: 537 unit uPSI_StDecMth2; //SysTools

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32298: 538 unit uPSI_frmExportMain; //Synedit

32299: 539 unit uPSI_SynDBEdit; //Synedit
32300: 540 unit uPSI_SynEditWildcardSearch; //Synedit
32301: 541 unit uPSI_BoldComUtils; //BOLD
32302: 542 unit uPSI_BoldIsoDateTime; //BOLD
32303: 543 unit uPSI_BoldGUIDUtils; //inCOMUtils //BOLD
32304: 544 unit uPSI_BoldXMLRequests; //BOLD
32305: 545 unit uPSI_BoldStringList; //BOLD
32306: 546 unit uPSI_BoldFileHandler; //BOLD
32307: 547 unit uPSI_BoldContainers; //BOLD
32308: 548 unit uPSI_BoldQueryUserDlg; //BOLD
32309: 549 unit uPSI_BoldWinINet; //BOLD
32310: 550 unit uPSI_BoldQueue; //BOLD
32311: 551 unit uPSI_JvPcx; //JCL
32312: 552 unit uPSI_IdWhois; //Indy
32313: 553 unit uPSI_IdWhoIsServer; //Indy
32314: 554 unit uPSI_IdGopher; //Indy
32315: 555 unit uPSI_IdDateTimeStamp; //Indy
32316: 556 unit uPSI_IdDayTimeServer; //Indy
32317: 557 unit uPSI_IdDayTimeUDP; //Indy
32318: 558 unit uPSI_IdDayTimeUDPServer; //Indy
32319: 559 unit uPSI_IdDICTServer; //Indy
32320: 560 unit uPSI_IdDiscardServer; //Indy
32321: 561 unit uPSI_IdDiscardUDPServer; //Indy
32322: 562 unit uPSI_IdMappedFTP; //Indy
32323: 563 unit uPSI_IdMappedPortTCP; //Indy
32324: 564 unit uPSI_IdGopherServer; //Indy
32325: 565 unit uPSI_IdQotdServer; //Indy
32326: 566 unit uPSI_JvRgbToHtml; //JCL
32327: 567 unit uPSI_JvRemLog, //JCL
32328: 568 unit uPSI_JvSysComp; //JCL
32329: 569 unit uPSI_JvTMTL; //JCL
32330: 570 unit uPSI_JvWinampAPI; //JCL
32331: 571 unit uPSI_MSysUtils; //mX4
32332: 572 unit uPSI_ESBMaths; //ESB
32333: 573 unit uPSI_ESBMaths2; //ESB
32334: 574 unit uPSI_uLkJSON; //Lk
32335: 575 unit uPSI_ZURL; //Zeos //Zeos
32336: 576 unit uPSI_ZSysUtils; //Zeos
32337: 577 unit unaUtils internals //UNA
32338: 578 unit uPSI_ZMatchPattern; //Zeos
32339: 579 unit uPSI_ZClasses; //Zeos
32340: 580 unit uPSI_ZCollections; //Zeos
32341: 581 unit uPSI_ZEncoding; //Zeos
32342: 582 unit uPSI_IdRawBase; //Indy
32343: 583 unit uPSI_IdNTLM; //Indy
32344: 584 unit uPSI_IdNNTP; //Indy
32345: 585 unit uPSI_usniffer; //PortScanForm //mX4
32346: 586 unit uPSI_IdCoderMIME; //Indy
32347: 587 unit uPSI_IdCoderUUE; //Indy
32348: 588 unit uPSI_IdCoderXXE; //Indy
32349: 589 unit uPSI_IdCoder3to4; //Indy
32350: 590 unit uPSI_IdCookie; //Indy
32351: 591 unit uPSI_IdCookieManager; //Indy
32352: 592 unit uPSI_WDosSocketUtils; //WDos
32353: 593 unit uPSI_WDosPlcUtils; //WDos
32354: 594 unit uPSI_WDosPorts; //WDos
32355: 595 unit uPSI_WDosResolvers; //WDos
32356: 596 unit uPSI_WDosTimers; //WDos
32357: 597 unit uPSI_WDosPlcs; //WDos
32358: 598 unit uPSI_WDosPneumatics; //WDos
32359: 599 unit uPSI_IdFingerServer; //Indy
32360: 600 unit uPSI_IdDNSResolver; //Indy
32361: 601 unit uPSI_IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge; //Indy
32362: 602 unit uPSI_IdIntercept; //Indy
32363: 603 unit uPSI_IdIPMCastBase; //Indy
32364: 604 unit uPSI_IdLogBase; //Indy
32365: 605 unit uPSI_IdIOHandlerStream; //Indy
32366: 606 unit uPSI_IdMappedPortUDP; //Indy
32367: 607 unit uPSI_IdQOTDUDPServer; //Indy
32368: 608 unit uPSI_IdQOTDUDP; //Indy
32369: 609 unit uPSI_IdSysLog; //Indy
32370: 610 unit uPSI_IdSysLogServer; //Indy
32371: 611 unit uPSI_IdSysLogMessage; //Indy
32372: 612 unit uPSI_IdTimeServer; //Indy
32373: 613 unit uPSI_IdTimeUDP; //Indy
32374: 614 unit uPSI_IdTimeUDPServer; //Indy
32375: 615 unit uPSI_IdUserAccounts; //Indy
32376: 616 unit uPSI_TextUtils; //mX4
32377: 617 unit uPSI_MandelbrotEngine; //mX4
32378: 618 unit uPSI_delphi_arduino_Unit1; //mX4
32379: 619 unit uPSI_DTDSchema2; //mX4
32380: 620 unit uPSI_fplotMain; //DMath
32381: 621 unit uPSI_FindFileIter; //mX4
32382: 622 unit uPSI_PppState; (JclStrHashMap) //PPP
32383: 623 unit uPSI_PppParser; //PPP
32384: 624 unit uPSI_PppLexer; //PPP
32385: 625 unit uPSI_PCharUtils; //PPP
32386: 626 unit uPSI_uJSON; //WU

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32387: 627 unit uPSI_JclStrHashMap; //JCL

32388: 628 unit uPSI_JclHookExcept; //JCL
32389: 629 unit uPSI_EncdDecd; //VCL
32390: 630 unit uPSI_SockAppReg; //VCL
32391: 631 unit uPSI_PJFileHandle; //PJ
32392: 632 unit uPSI_PJEnvVars; //PJ
32393: 633 unit uPSI_PJPipe; //PJ
32394: 634 unit uPSI_PJPipeFilters; //PJ
32395: 635 unit uPSI_PJConsoleApp; //PJ
32396: 636 unit uPSI_UConsoleAppEx; //PJ
32397: 637 unit uPSI_DbxSocketChannelNative, //VCL
32398: 638 unit uPSI_DbxDataGenerator, //VCL
32399: 639 unit uPSI_DBXClient; //VCL
32400: 640 unit uPSI_IdLogEvent; //Indy
32401: 641 unit uPSI_Reversi; //mX4
32402: 642 unit uPSI_Geometry; //mX4
32403: 643 unit uPSI_IdSMTPServer; //Indy
32404: 644 unit uPSI_Textures; //mX4
32405: 645 unit uPSI_IBX; //VCL
32406: 646 unit uPSI_IWDBCommon; //VCL
32407: 647 unit uPSI_SortGrid; //mX4
32408: 648 unit uPSI_IB; //VCL
32409: 649 unit uPSI_IBScript; //VCL
32410: 650 unit uPSI_JvCSVBaseControls; //JCL
32411: 651 unit uPSI_Jvg3DColors; //JCL
32412: 652 unit uPSI_JvHLEditor; //beat //JCL
32413: 653 unit uPSI_JvShellHook; //JCL
32414: 654 unit uPSI_DBCommon2 //VCL
32415: 655 unit uPSI_JvSHFileOperation; //JCL
32416: 656 unit uPSI_uFilexport; //mX4
32417: 657 unit uPSI_JvDialogs; //JCL
32418: 658 unit uPSI_JvDBTreeView; //JCL
32419: 659 unit uPSI_JvDBUltimGrid; //JCL
32420: 660 unit uPSI_JvDBQueryParamsForm; //JCL
32421: 661 unit uPSI_JvExControls; //JCL
32422: 662 unit uPSI_JvBDEMemTable; //JCL
32423: 663 unit uPSI_JvCommStatus; //JCL
32424: 664 unit uPSI_JvMailSlots2; //JCL
32425: 665 unit uPSI_JvgWinMask; //JCL
32426: 666 unit uPSI_StEclpse; //SysTools
32427: 667 unit uPSI_StMime; //SysTools
32428: 668 unit uPSI_StList; //SysTools
32429: 669 unit uPSI_StMerge; //SysTools
32430: 670 unit uPSI_StStrS; //SysTools
32431: 671 unit uPSI_StTree, //SysTools
32432: 672 unit uPSI_StVArr; //SysTools
32433: 673 unit uPSI_StRegIni; //SysTools
32434: 674 unit uPSI_urkf; //DMath
32435: 675 unit uPSI_usvd; //DMath
32436: 676 unit uPSI_DepWalkUtils; //JCL
32437: 677 unit uPSI_OptionsFrm; //JCL
32438: 678 unit yuvconverts; //mX4
32439: 679 uPSI_JvPropAutoSave; //JCL
32440: 680 uPSI_AclAPI; //alcinoe
32441: 681 uPSI_AviCap; //alcinoe
32442: 682 uPSI_ALAVLBinaryTree; //alcinoe
32443: 683 uPSI_ALFcnMisc; //alcinoe
32444: 684 uPSI_ALStringList; //alcinoe
32445: 685 uPSI_ALQuickSortList; //alcinoe
32446: 686 uPSI_ALStaticText; //alcinoe
32447: 687 uPSI_ALJSONDoc; //alcinoe
32448: 688 uPSI_ALGSMComm; //alcinoe
32449: 689 uPSI_ALWindows; //alcinoe
32450: 690 uPSI_ALMultiPartFormDataParser; //alcinoe
32451: 691 uPSI_ALHttpCommon; //alcinoe
32452: 692 uPSI_ALWebSpider, //alcinoe
32453: 693 uPSI_ALHttpClient; //alcinoe
32454: 694 uPSI_ALFcnHTML; //alcinoe
32455: 695 uPSI_ALFTPClient; //alcinoe
32456: 696 uPSI_ALInternetMessageCommon; //alcinoe
32457: 697 uPSI_ALWininetHttpClient; //alcinoe
32458: 698 uPSI_ALWinInetFTPClient; //alcinoe
32459: 699 uPSI_ALWinHttpWrapper; //alcinoe
32460: 700 uPSI_ALWinHttpClient; //alcinoe
32461: 701 uPSI_ALFcnWinSock; //alcinoe
32462: 702 uPSI_ALFcnSQL; //alcinoe
32463: 703 uPSI_ALFcnCGI; //alcinoe
32464: 704 uPSI_ALFcnExecute; //alcinoe
32465: 705 uPSI_ALFcnFile; //alcinoe
32466: 706 uPSI_ALFcnMime; //alcinoe
32467: 707 uPSI_ALPhpRunner; //alcinoe
32468: 708 uPSI_ALGraphic; //alcinoe
32469: 709 uPSI_ALIniFiles; //alcinoe
32470: 710 uPSI_ALMemCachedClient; //alcinoe
32471: 711 unit uPSI_MyGrids; //mX4
32472: 712 uPSI_ALMultiPartMixedParser //alcinoe
32473: 713 uPSI_ALSMTPClient //alcinoe
32474: 714 uPSI_ALNNTPClient; //alcinoe
32475: 715 uPSI_ALHintBalloon; //alcinoe

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32476: 716 unit uPSI_ALXmlDoc; //alcinoe

32477: 717 unit uPSI_IPCThrd; //VCL
32478: 718 unit uPSI_MonForm; //VCL
32479: 719 unit uPSI_TeCanvas; //Orpheus
32480: 720 unit uPSI_Ovcmisc; //Orpheus
32481: 721 unit uPSI_ovcfiler; //Orpheus
32482: 722 unit uPSI_ovcstate; //Orpheus
32483: 723 unit uPSI_ovccoco; //Orpheus
32484: 724 unit uPSI_ovcrvexp; //Orpheus
32485: 725 unit uPSI_OvcFormatSettings; //Orpheus
32486: 726 unit uPSI_OvcUtils; //Orpheus
32487: 727 unit uPSI_ovcstore; //Orpheus
32488: 728 unit uPSI_ovcstr; //Orpheus
32489: 729 unit uPSI_ovcmru; //Orpheus
32490: 730 unit uPSI_ovccmd; //Orpheus
32491: 731 unit uPSI_ovctimer; //Orpheus
32492: 732 unit uPSI_ovcintl; //Orpheus
32493: 733 uPSI_AfCircularBuffer; //AsyncFree
32494: 734 uPSI_AfUtils; //AsyncFree
32495: 735 uPSI_AfSafeSync; //AsyncFree
32496: 736 uPSI_AfComPortCore; //AsyncFree
32497: 737 uPSI_AfComPort; //AsyncFree
32498: 738 uPSI_AfPortControls; //AsyncFree
32499: 739 uPSI_AfDataDispatcher; //AsyncFree
32500: 740 uPSI_AfViewers; //AsyncFree
32501: 741 uPSI_AfDataTerminal; //AsyncFree
32502: 742 uPSI_SimplePortMain; //AsyncFree
32503: 743 unit uPSI_ovcclock; //Orpheus
32504: 744 unit uPSI_o32intlst; //Orpheus
32505: 745 unit uPSI_o32ledlabel; //Orpheus
32506: 746 unit uPSI_AlMySqlClient; //alcinoe
32507: 747 unit uPSI_ALFBXClient; //alcinoe
32508: 748 unit uPSI_ALFcnSQL; //alcinoe
32509: 749 unit uPSI_AsyncTimer; //mX4
32510: 750 unit uPSI_ApplicationFileIO; //mX4
32511: 751 unit uPSI_PsAPI; //VCLé
32512: 752 uPSI_ovcuser; //Orpheus
32513: 753 uPSI_ovcurl; //Orpheus
32514: 754 uPSI_ovcvlb; //Orpheus
32515: 755 uPSI_ovccolor; //Orpheus
32516: 756 uPSI_ALFBXLib, //alcinoe
32517: 757 uPSI_ovcmeter; //Orpheus
32518: 758 uPSI_ovcpeakm; //Orpheus
32519: 759 uPSI_O32BGSty; //Orpheus
32520: 760 uPSI_ovcBidi; //Orpheus
32521: 761 uPSI_ovctcary; //Orpheus
32522: 762 uPSI_DXPUtils; //mX4
32523: 763 uPSI_ALMultiPartBaseParser; //alcinoe
32524: 764 uPSI_ALMultiPartAlternativeParser; //alcinoe
32525: 765 uPSI_ALPOP3Client; //alcinoe
32526: 766 uPSI_SmallUtils; //mX4
32527: 767 uPSI_MakeApp; //mX4
32528: 768 uPSI_O32MouseMon; //Orpheus
32529: 769 uPSI_OvcCache; //Orpheus
32530: 770 uPSI_ovccalc; //Orpheus
32531: 771 uPSI_Joystick, //OpenGL
32532: 772 uPSI_ScreenSaver; //OpenGL
32533: 773 uPSI_XCollection, //OpenGL
32534: 774 uPSI_Polynomials, //OpenGL
32535: 775 uPSI_PersistentClasses, //9.86 //OpenGL
32536: 776 uPSI_VectorLists; //OpenGL
32537: 777 uPSI_XOpenGL, //OpenGL
32538: 778 uPSI_MeshUtils; //OpenGL
32539: 779 unit uPSI_JclSysUtils; //JCL
32540: 780 unit uPSI_JclBorlandTools; //JCL
32541: 781 unit JclFileUtils_max; //JCL
32542: 782 uPSI_AfDataControls, //AsyncFree
32543: 783 uPSI_GLSilhouette; //OpenGL
32544: 784 uPSI_JclSysUtils_class; //JCL
32545: 785 uPSI_JclFileUtils_class; //JCL
32546: 786 uPSI_FileUtil; //JCL
32547: 787 uPSI_changefind; //mX4
32548: 788 uPSI_cmdIntf; //mX4
32549: 789 uPSI_fservice; //mX4
32550: 790 uPSI_Keyboard; //OpenGL
32551: 791 uPSI_VRMLParser, //OpenGL
32552: 792 uPSI_GLFileVRML, //OpenGL
32553: 793 uPSI_Octree; //OpenGL
32554: 794 uPSI_GLPolyhedron, //OpenGL
32555: 795 uPSI_GLCrossPlatform; //OpenGL
32556: 796 uPSI_GLParticles; //OpenGL
32557: 797 uPSI_GLNavigator; //OpenGL
32558: 798 uPSI_GLStarRecord; //OpenGL
32559: 799 uPSI_GLTextureCombiners; //OpenGL
32560: 800 uPSI_GLCanvas; //OpenGL
32561: 801 uPSI_GeometryBB; //OpenGL
32562: 802 uPSI_GeometryCoordinates; //OpenGL
32563: 803 uPSI_VectorGeometry; //OpenGL
32564: 804 uPSI_BumpMapping; //OpenGL

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32565: 805 uPSI_TGA; //OpenGL

32566: 806 uPSI_GLVectorFileObjects; //OpenGL
32567: 807 uPSI_IMM; //VCL
32568: 808 uPSI_CategoryButtons; //VCL
32569: 809 uPSI_ButtonGroup; //VCL
32570: 810 uPSI_DbExcept; //VCL
32571: 811 uPSI_AxCtrls; //VCL
32572: 812 uPSI_GL_actorUnit1; //OpenGL
32573: 813 uPSI_StdVCL; //VCL
32574: 814 unit CurvesAndSurfaces; //OpenGL
32575: 815 uPSI_DataAwareMain; //AsyncFree
32576: 816 uPSI_TabNotBk; //VCL
32577: 817 uPSI_udwsfiler; //mX4
32578: 818 uPSI_synaip; //Synapse!
32579: 819 uPSI_synacode; //Synapse
32580: 820 uPSI_synachar; //Synapse
32581: 821 uPSI_synamisc; //Synapse
32582: 822 uPSI_synaser; //Synapse
32583: 823 uPSI_synaicnv; //Synapse
32584: 824 uPSI_tlntsend; //Synapse
32585: 825 uPSI_pingsend; //Synapse
32586: 826 uPSI_blcksock; //Synapse
32587: 827 uPSI_asn1util; //Synapse
32588: 828 uPSI_dnssend; //Synapse
32589: 829 uPSI_clamsend; //Synapse
32590: 830 uPSI_ldapsend; //Synapse
32591: 831 uPSI_mimemess; //Synapse
32592: 832 uPSI_slogsend; //Synapse
32593: 833 uPSI_mimepart; //Synapse
32594: 834 uPSI_mimeinln; //Synapse
32595: 835 uPSI_ftpsend, //Synapse
32596: 836 uPSI_ftptsend; //Synapse
32597: 837 uPSI_httpsend; //Synapse
32598: 838 uPSI_sntpsend; //Synapse
32599: 839 uPSI_smtpsend; //Synapse
32600: 840 uPSI_snmpsend; //Synapse
32601: 841 uPSI_imapsend; //Synapse
32602: 842 uPSI_pop3send; //Synapse
32603: 843 uPSI_nntpsend; //Synapse
32604: 844 uPSI_ssl_cryptlib; //Synapse
32605: 845 uPSI_ssl_openssl; //Synapse
32606: 846 uPSI_synhttp_daemon; //Synapse
32607: 847 uPSI_NetWork; //mX4
32608: 848 uPSI_PingThread; //Synapse
32609: 849 uPSI_JvThreadTimer; //JCL
32610: 850 unit uPSI_wwSystem; //InfoPower
32611: 851 unit uPSI_IdComponent; //Indy
32612: 852 unit uPSI_IdIOHandlerThrottle; //Indy
32613: 853 unit uPSI_Themes; //VCL
32614: 854 unit uPSI_StdStyleActnCtrls; //VCL
32615: 855 unit uPSI_UDDIHelper; //VCL
32616: 856 unit uPSI_IdIMAP4Server; //Indy
32617: 857 uPSI_VariantSymbolTable, //VCL //
32618: 858 uPSI_udf_glob, //mX4
32619: 859 uPSI_TabGrid, //VCL
32620: 860 uPSI_JsDBTreeView, //mX4
32621: 861 uPSI_JsSendMail, //mX4
32622: 862 uPSI_dbTvRecordList, //mX4
32623: 863 uPSI_TreeVwEx, //mX4
32624: 864 uPSI_ECDataLink, //mX4
32625: 865 uPSI_dbTree, //mX4
32626: 866 uPSI_dbTreeCBox, //mX4
32627: 867 unit uPSI_Debug; //TfrmDebug //mX4
32628: 868 uPSI_TimeFncs; //mX4
32629: 869 uPSI_FileIntf, //VCL
32630: 870 uPSI_SockTransport, //RTL
32631: 871 unit uPSI_WinInet; //RTL
32632: 872 unit uPSI_Wwstr; //mX4
32633: 873 uPSI_DBLookup, //VCL
32634: 874 uPSI_Hotspot, //mX4
32635: 875 uPSI_HList; //History List //mX4
32636: 876 unit uPSI_DrTable; //VCL
32637: 877 uPSI_TConnect, //VCL
32638: 878 uPSI_DataBkr, //VCL
32639: 879 uPSI_HTTPIntr; //VCL
32640: 880 unit uPSI_Mathbox; //mX4
32641: 881 uPSI_cyIndy, //cY
32642: 882 uPSI_cySysUtils, //cY
32643: 883 uPSI_cyWinUtils, //cY
32644: 884 uPSI_cyStrUtils, //cY
32645: 885 uPSI_cyObjUtils, //cY
32646: 886 uPSI_cyDateUtils, //cY
32647: 887 uPSI_cyBDE, //cY
32648: 888 uPSI_cyClasses, //cY
32649: 889 uPSI_cyGraphics, // //cY
32650: 890 unit uPSI_cyTypes; //cY
32651: 891 uPSI_JvDateTimePicker, //JCL
32652: 892 uPSI_JvCreateProcess, //JCL
32653: 893 uPSI_JvEasterEgg, //JCL

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32654: 894 uPSI_WinSvc, // //VCL

32655: 895 uPSI_SvcMgr //VCL
32656: 896 unit uPSI_JvPickDate; //JCL
32657: 897 unit uPSI_JvNotify; //JCL
32658: 898 uPSI_JvStrHlder //JCL
32659: 899 unit uPSI_JclNTFS2; //JCL
32660: 900 uPSI_Jcl8087 //math coprocessor //JCL
32661: 901 uPSI_JvAddPrinter //JCL
32662: 902 uPSI_JvCabFile //JCL
32663: 903 uPSI_JvDataEmbedded; //JCL
32664: 904 unit uPSI_U_HexView; //mX4
32665: 905 uPSI_UWavein4, //mX4
32666: 906 uPSI_AMixer, //mX4
32667: 907 uPSI_JvaScrollText, //mX4
32668: 908 uPSI_JvArrow, //mX4
32669: 909 unit uPSI_UrlMon; //mX4
32670: 910 U_Oscilloscope4 in 'U_Oscilloscope4.pas' //mX4
32671: 911 unit uPSI_U_Oscilloscope4; //TOscfrmMain; //DFF
32672: 912 unit uPSI_DFFUtils; //DFF
32673: 913 unit uPSI_MathsLib; //DFF
32674: 914 uPSI_UIntList; //DFF
32675: 915 uPSI_UGetParens; //DFF
32676: 916 unit uPSI_UGeometry; //DFF
32677: 917 unit uPSI_UAstronomy; //DFF
32678: 918 unit uPSI_UCardComponentV2; //DFF
32679: 919 unit uPSI_UTGraphSearch; //DFF
32680: 920 unit uPSI_UParser10; //DFF
32681: 921 unit uPSI_cyIEUtils; //cY
32682: 922 unit uPSI_UcomboV2; //DFF
32683: 923 uPSI_cyBaseComm, //cY
32684: 924 uPSI_cyAppInstances, //cY
32685: 925 uPSI_cyAttract, //cY
32686: 926 uPSI_cyDERUtils //cY
32687: 927 unit uPSI_cyDocER; //cY
32688: 928 unit uPSI_ODBC; //mX
32689: 929 unit uPSI_AssocExec; //mX
32690: 930 uPSI_cyBaseCommRoomConnector, //cY
32691: 931 uPSI_cyCommRoomConnector, //cY
32692: 932 uPSI_cyCommunicate, //cY
32693: 933 uPSI_cyImage; //cY
32694: 934 uPSI_cyBaseContainer //cY
32695: 935 uPSI_cyModalContainer, //cY
32696: 936 uPSI_cyFlyingContainer; //cY
32697: 937 uPSI_RegStr, //VCL
32698: 938 uPSI_HtmlHelpViewer; //VCL
32699: 939 unit uPSI_cyIniForm //cY
32700: 940 unit uPSI_cyVirtualGrid; //cY
32701: 941 uPSI_Profiler, //DA
32702: 942 uPSI_BackgroundWorker, //DA
32703: 943 uPSI_WavePlay, //DA
32704: 944 uPSI_WaveTimer, //DA
32705: 945 uPSI_WaveUtils; //DA
32706: 946 uPSI_NamedPipes, //TB
32707: 947 uPSI_NamedPipeServer, //TB
32708: 948 unit uPSI_process, //TB
32709: 949 unit uPSI_DPUtils; //TB
32710: 950 unit uPSI_CommonTools; //TB
32711: 951 uPSI_DataSendToWeb, //TB
32712: 952 uPSI_StarCalc, //TB
32713: 953 uPSI_D2_XPVistaHelperU //TB
32714: 954 unit uPSI_NetTools //TB
32715: 955 unit uPSI_Pipes //TB
32716: 956 uPSI_ProcessUnit, //mX
32717: 957 uPSI_adGSM, //mX
32718: 958 unit uPSI_BetterADODataSet; //mX
32719: 959 unit uPSI_AdSelCom; //FTT //mX
32720: 960 unit unit uPSI_dwsXPlatform; //DWS
32721: 961 uPSI_AdSocket; //mX Turbo Power
32722: 962 uPSI_AdPacket; //mX
32723: 963 uPSI_AdPort; //mX
32724: 964 uPSI_PathFunc; //Inno
32725: 965 uPSI_CmnFunc; //Inno
32726: 966 uPSI_CmnFunc2; //Inno Setup //Inno
32727: 967 unit uPSI_BitmapImage; //mX4
32728: 968 unit uPSI_ImageGrabber; //mX4
32729: 969 uPSI_SecurityFunc, //Inno
32730: 970 uPSI_RedirFunc, //Inno
32731: 971 uPSI_FIFO, (MemoryStream) //mX4
32732: 972 uPSI_Int64Em, //Inno
32733: 973 unit uPSI_InstFunc; //Inno
32734: 974 unit uPSI_LibFusion; //Inno
32735: 975 uPSI_SimpleExpression; //Inno
32736: 976 uPSI_unitResourceDetails, //XN
32737: 977 uPSI_unitResFile, //XN
32738: 978 unit uPSI_simpleComport; //mX4
32739: 979 unit uPSI_AfViewershelpers; //Async
32740: 980 unit uPSI_Console; //mX4
32741: 981 unit uPSI_AnalogMeter; //TB
32742: 982 unit uPSI_XPrinter, //TB

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32743: 983 unit uPSI_IniFiles; //VCL

32744: 984 unit uPSI_lazIniFiles; //FP
32745: 985 uPSI_testutils; //FP
32746: 986 uPSI_ToolsUnit; (DBTests) //FP
32747: 987 uPSI_fpcunit //FP
32748: 988 uPSI_testdecorator; //FP
32749: 989 unit uPSI_fpcunittests; //FP
32750: 990 unit uPSI_cTCPBuffer; //Fundamentals 4
32751: 991 unit uPSI_Glut, //Open GL
32752: 992 uPSI_LEDBitmaps, //mX4
32753: 993 uPSI_FileClass, //Inno
32754: 994 uPSI_FileUtilsClass, //mX4
32755: 995 uPSI_ComPortInterface; //Kit //mX4
32756: 996 unit uPSI_SwitchLed; //mX4
32757: 997 unit uPSI_cyDmmCanvas; //cY
32758: 998 uPSI_uColorFunctions; //DFF
32759: 999 uPSI_uSettings; //DFF
32760: 1000 uPSI_cyDebug.pas //cY
32761: 1001 uPSI_cyColorMatrix; //cY
32762: 1002 unit uPSI_cyCopyFiles; //cY
32763: 1003 unit uPSI_cySearchFiles; //cY
32764: 1004 unit uPSI_cyBaseMeasure; //cY
32765: 1005 unit uPSI_PJIStreams; //DD
32766: 1006 unit uPSI_cyRunTimeResize; //cY
32767: 1007 unit uPSI_jcontrolutils; //cY
32768: 1008 unit uPSI_kcMapViewer; (+GEONames) //kc
32769: 1009 unit uPSI_kcMapViewerDESynapse; //kc
32770: 1010 unit uPSI_cparserutils; (+GIS_SysUtils) //kc
32771: 1011 unit uPSI_LedNumber; //TurboPower
32772: 1012 unit uPSI_StStrL; //SysTools
32773: 1013 unit uPSI_indGnouMeter; //LAZ
32774: 1014 unit uPSI_Sensors; //LAZ
32775: 1015 unit uPSI_pwmain; //cgi of powtils //Pow
32776: 1016 unit uPSI_HTMLUtil; //Pow
32777: 1017 unit uPSI_synwrap1; //httpsend //Pow
32778: 1018 unit StreamWrap1 //Pow
32779: 1019 unit uPSI_pwmain; //Pow
32780: 1020 unit pwtypes //Pow
32781: 1021 uPSI_W32VersionInfo //LAZ
32782: 1022 unit uPSI_IpAnim; //LAZ
32783: 1023 unit uPSI_IpUtils; //iputils2(TurboPower) //TP
32784: 1024 unit uPSI_LrtPoTools; //LAZ
32785: 1025 unit uPSI_Laz_DOM; //LAZ
32786: 1026 unit uPSI_hhAvComp; //LAZ
32787: 1027 unit uPSI_GPS2; //mX4
32788: 1028 unit uPSI_GPS; //mX4
32789: 1029 unit uPSI_GPSUDemo; // formtemplate TFDemo//mX4
32790: 1030 unit uPSI_NMEA; // GPS //mX4
32791: 1031 unit uPSI_ScreenThreeDLab; //mX4
32792: 1032 unit uPSI_Spin; //VCL
32793: 1033 unit uPSI_DynaZip; //mX4
32794: 1034 unit uPSI_clockExpert; //TB
32795: 1035 unit debugLn //mX4
32796: 1036 uPSI_SortUtils; //Jcl
32797: 1037 uPSI_BitmapConversion; //Jcl
32798: 1038 unit uPSI_JclTD32; //Jcl
32799: 1039 unit uPSI_ZDbcUtils; //Zeos
32800: 1040 unit uPSI_ZScriptParser; //Zeos
32801: 1041 uPSI_JvIni, //JCL
32802: 1042 uPSI_JvFtpGrabber; //JCL
32803: 1043 unit uPSI_NeuralNetwork; //OCL
32804: 1044 unit uPSI_StExpr; //SysTools
32805: 1045 unit uPSI_GR32_Geometry; //GR32
32806: 1046 unit uPSI_GR32_Containers; //GR32
32807: 1047 unit uPSI_GR32_Backends_VCL, //GR32
32808: 1048 unit uPSI_StSaturn;//Venus+Mercury+Mars++ //SysTools
32809: 1049 unit uPSI_JclParseUses; //JCL
32810: 1050 unit uPSI_JvFinalize; //JCL
32811: 1051 unit uPSI_panUnit1; //GLScene
32812: 1052 unit uPSI_DD83u1; //Arduino Tester //mX4
32813: 1053 unit uPSI_BigIni //Hinzen
32814: 1054 unit uPSI_ShellCtrls; //VCL
32815: 1055 unit uPSI_fmath; //FMath
32816: 1056 unit uPSI_fComp; //FMath
32817: 1057 unit uPSI_HighResTimer; //Lauer
32818: 1058 unit uconvMain; (Unit Converter) //PS
32819: 1059 unit uPSI_uconvMain; //PS
32820: 1060 unit uPSI_ParserUtils; //PS
32821: 1061 unit uPSI_uPSUtils; //PS
32822: 1062 unit uPSI_ParserU; //PS
32823: 1063 unit uPSI_TypInfo; //VCL
32824: 1064 unit uPSI_ServiceMgr; //mX
32825: 1065 unit uPSI_UDict; //DFF
32826: 1066 unit uPSI_ubigFloatV3; //DFF
32827: 1067 unit uPSI_UBigIntsV4; //DFF
32828: 1068 unit uPSI_ServiceMgr2; //mX
32829: 1069 unit uPSI_UP10Build; //PS
32830: 1070 unit uPSI_UParser10; //PS
32831: 1071 unit uPSI_IdModBusServer; //MB

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32832: 1072 unit uPSI_IdModBusClient; //MB

32833: 1073 unit uPSI_ColorGrd; //VCL
32834: 1074 unit uPSI_DirOutln; //VCL
32835: 1075 unit uPSI_Gauges; //VCL
32836: 1076 unit uPSI_CustomizeDlg; //VCL
32837: 1077 unit uPSI_ActnMan; //VCL
32838: 1078 unit uPSI_CollPanl; //VCL
32839: 1079 unit uPSI_Calendar2; //VCL
32840: 1080 unit uPSI_IBCtrls; //VCL
32841: 1081 unit uPSI_IdStackWindows; //Indy
32842: 1082 unit uPSI_CTSVendorUtils; //DBX
32843: 1083 unit uPSI_VendorTestFramework; //DBX
32844: 1084 unit uPSI_TInterval; //mX4
32845: 1085 unit uPSI_JvAnimate //JCL
32846: 1086 unit uPSI_DBXCharDecoder; //DBX
32847: 1087 unit uPSI_JvDBLists; //JCL
32848: 1088 unit uPSI_JvFileInfo; //JCL
32849: 1089 unit uPSI_SOAPConn; //VCL
32850: 1090 unit uPSI_SOAPLinked; //VCL
32851: 1091 unit uPSI_XSBuiltIns; //VCL
32852: 1092 unit uPSI_JvgDigits; //JCL
32853: 1093 unit uPSI_JvDesignUtils;
32854: 1094 unit uPSI_JvgCrossTable;
32855: 1095 unit uPSI_JvgReport;
32856: 1096 unit uPSI_JvDBRichEdit;
32857: 1097 unit uPSI_JvWinHelp;
32858: 1098 unit uPSI_WaveConverter;
32859: 1099 unit uPSI_ACMConvertor;
32860: 1100 unit XSBuiltIns_Routines
32861: 1101 unit uPSI_ComObjOleDB_utils.pas
32862: 1102 unit uPSI_SMScript;
32863: 1103 unit uPSI_CompFileIo;
32864: 1104 unit uPSI_SynHighlighterGeneral;
32865: 1105 unit uPSI_geometry2;
32866: 1106 unit uPSI_MConnect;
32867: 1107 unit uPSI_ObjBrkr;
32868: 1108 unit uPSI_uMultiStr;
32869: 1109 unit uPSI_WinAPI.pas;
32870: 1110 unit uPSI_JvAVICapture;
32871: 1111 unit uPSI_JvExceptionForm;
32872: 1112 unit uPSI_JvConnectNetwork;
32873: 1113 unit uPSI_MTMainForm;
32874: 1114 unit uPSI_DdeMan;
32875: 1115 unit uPSI_DIUtils;
32876: 1116 unit uPSI_gnugettext;
32877: 1117 unit uPSI_Xmlxform;
32878: 1118 unit uPSI_SvrHTTPIndy;
32879: 1119 unit uPSI_CPortTrmSet;
32880: 1120 unit SvrLog; ---------------------------------------------------------------
32881: 1121 unit uPSI_IndySockTransport.pas (+IdHTTPHeaderInfo) //mX4
32882: 1122 unit uPSI_HTTPProd.pas
32883: 1123 unit uPSI_CppParser.pas
32884: 1124 unit uPSI_SynHighlighterCpp.pas
32885: 1125 unit uPSI_CodeCompletion.pas
32886: 1126 unit uPSI_U_IntList2.pas
32887: 1127 unit uPSI_SockHTTP.pas
32888: 1128 uPSI_SockAppNotify.pas
32889: 1129 uPSI_NSToIS.pas
32890: 1130 unit uPSI_DBOleCtl.pas
32891: 1131 unit uPSI_xercesxmldom;
32892: 1132 unit uPSI_xmldom;
32893: 1133 unit uPSI_Midas;
32894: 1134 unit uPSI_JclExprEval;
32895: 1135 uPSI_Gameboard;
32896: 1136 unit uPSI_ExtUtil;
32897: 1137 unit uPSI_FCGIApp;
32898: 1138 unit uPSI_ExtPascal;
32899: 1139 unit uPSI_PersistSettings;
32900: 1140 IdHTTPHeaderInfo.pas
32901: 1141 uPSI_SynEditAutoComplete;
32902: 1142 uPSI_SynEditTextBuffer.pas
32903: 1143 unit uPSI_JclPCRE;
32904: 1144 unit uPSI_ZConnection;
32905: 1145 unit uPSI_ZSequence;
32906: 1146 unit uPSI_ChessPrg;
32907: 1147 unit uPSI_ChessBrd;
32908: 1148 unit uPSI_Graph3D;
32909: 1149 uPSI_SysInfoCtrls2.pas
32910: 1150 unit uPSI_RegUtils;
32911: 1151 unit uPSI_VariantRtn;
32912: 1152 uPSI_StdFuncs,
32913: 1153 unit uPSI_SqlTxtRtns;
32914: 1154 unit uPSI_BSpectrum;
32915: 1155 unit IPAddressControl;
32916: 1156 unit uPSI_Paradox;
32917: 1157 unit uPSI_Environ;
32918: 1158 uPSI_GraphicsPrimitivesLibrary;
32919: 1159 uPSI_DrawFigures,
32920: 1160 unit uPSI_synadbg;

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32921: 1161 unit uPSI_BitStream;

32922: 1162 unit uPSI_xrtl_util_FileVersion;
32923: 1163 uPSI_XmlRpcCommon,
32924: 1164 unit uPSI_XmlRpcClient;
32925: 1165 unit uPSI_XmlRpcTypes;
32926: 1166 unit uPSI_XmlRpcServer;
32927: 1167 unit uPSI_SynAutoIndent;
32928: 1168 unit uPSI_synafpc;
32929: 1169 unit uPSI_RxNotify;
32930: 1170 unit uPSI_SynAutoCorrect;
32931: 1171 unit uPSI_rxOle2Auto;
32932: 1172 unit uPSI_Spring_Utilsmx;
32933: 1173 unit uPSI_ulogifit;
32934: 1174 unit uPSI_HarmFade;
32935: 1175 unit uPSI_SynCompletionProposal;
32936: 1176 unit uPSI_rxAniFile;
32937: 1177 uPSI_ulinfit,
32938: 1178 uPSI_usvdfit;
32939: 1179 unit uPSI_JclStringLists;
32940: 1180 unit uPSI_ZLib;
32941: 1181 unit uPSI_MaxTokenizers; //WANT
32942: 1182 unit uPSI_MaxStrUtils;
32943: 1183 unit uPSI_MaxXMLUtils;
32944: 1184 unit uPSI_MaxUtils;
32945: 1185 unit uPSI_VListBox;
32946: 1186 unit uPSI_MaxDOM;
32947: 1187 unit uPSI_MaxDOMDictionary;
32948: 1188 unit uPSI_MaxDOMDictionary_Routines;
32949: 1189 unit uPSI_cASN1;
32950: 1190 unit uPSI_cX509Certificate;
32951: 1191 unit uPSI_uCiaXml;
32952: 1192 unit uPSI_StringsW;
32953: 1193 unit uPSI_FileStreamW; //WideString D7X
32954: 1194 unit Drawingutils;
32955: 1195 unit uPSI_InetUtilsUnified;
32956: 1196 unit uPSI_FileMask;
32957: 1197 unit uPSI_StrConv;
32958: 1198 unit uPSI_Simpat;
32959: 1199 unit uPSI_Tooltips.pas
32960: 1200 unit uPSI_StringGridLibrary.pas
32961: 1201 unit uPSI_ChronCheck.pas
32962: 1202 unit uPSI_REXX.pas
32963: 1203 uPSI_SysImg.pas
32964: 1204 unit uPSI_Tokens;
32965: 1205 unit uPSI_KFunctions;
32966: 1206 unit uPSI_KMessageBox;
32967: 1207 unit uPSI_CPUSpeed.pas
32968: 1208 uPSI_RoboTracker.pas
32969: 1209 unit uPSI_NamedPipesImpl.pas
32970: 1210 unit uPSI_KLog.pas
32971: 1211 unit uPSI_NamedPipeThreads.pas
32972: 1212 unit uPSI_MapFiles.pas //map stream of memory-mapped files
32973: 1213 unit uPSI_BKPwdGen, //Password Generator
32974: 1214 unit uPSI_Kronos, // big chrono date time library
32975: 1215 unit uPSI_TokenLibrary2;
32976: 1216 uPSI_KDialogs,
32977: 1217 uPSI_Numedit,
32978: 1218 unit uPSI_StSystem2;
32979: 1219 unit uPSI_KGraphics;
32980: 1220 uPSI_KGraphics_functions;
32981: 1221 uPSI_umaxPipes.pas
32982: 1222 unit uPSI_KControls;
32983: 1223 unit SysUtils_max2;
32984: 1224 uPSI_IdAntiFreeze.pas
32985: 1225 uPSI_IdLogStream.pas
32986: 1226 unit uPSI_IdThreadSafe;
32987: 1227 unit uPSI_IdThreadMgr;
32988: 1228 unit uPSI_IdAuthentication;
32989: 1229 unit uPSI_IdAuthenticationManager;
32990: 1230 uPSI_OverbyteIcsConApp
32991: 1231 unit uPSI_KMemo;
32992: 1232 unit uPSI_OverbyteIcsTicks64;
32993: 1233 unit uPSI_OverbyteIcsSha1.pas
32994: 1234 unit uPSI_KEditCommon.pas
32995: 1235 unit uPSI_UtilsMax4.pas
32996: 1236 unit uPSI_IdNNTPServer;
32997: 1237 unit uPSI_UWANTUtils;
32998: 1238 unit uPSI_UtilsMax5.pas;
32999: 1239 unit uPSI_OverbyteIcsAsn1Utils;
33000: 1240 unit uPSI_IdHTTPHeaderInfo; //mX4 response headers
33001: 1241 uPSI_wmiserv.pas {uPSI_SimpleSFTP.pas}
33002: 1242 uPSI_WbemScripting_TLB.pas
33003: 1243 unit uPSI_uJSON;
33004: 1244 uPSI_RegSvrUtils.pas
33005: 1245 unit uPSI_osFileUtil;
33006: 1246 unit uPSI_SHDocVw; //TWebbrowser
33007: 1247 unit uPSI_SHDocVw_TLB
33008: 1248 uPSC_classes.pas V2
33009: 1249 uPSR_classes.pas V2

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33010: 1250 uPSI_U_Oscilloscope4_2

33011: 1251 uPSI_xutils.pas
33012: 1252 uPSI_ietf.pas
33013: 1253 uPSI_iso3166.pas
33014: 1254 uPSI_dateutil_real.pas //Optima ISO 8601
33015: 1255 uPSI_dateext4.pas
33016: 1256 uPSI_locale.pas //ISO Formater & Tests
33017: 1257 file charset.inc //IANA Registered character sets
33018: 1258 unit uPSI_Strings;
33019: 1259 unit uPSI_crc_checks; //ISO 3309 and ITU-T-V42
33020: 1260 unit uPSI_extDOS;
33021: 1261 uPSI_uBild; //Steganography
33022: 1262 unit uPSI_SimpleTCP;
33023: 1263 unit uPSI_IdFTPList;
33024: 1264 uPSI_uTPLb_CryptographicLibrary.pas
33025: 1265 uPSI_uTPLb_RSA_Engine.pas
33026: 1266 uPSI_cHugeInt.pas
33027: 1267 unit uPSI_SimpleTCPServer;
33028: 1268 unit uPSI_xBase.pas
33029: 1269 unit uPSI_ImageHistogram.pas
33030: 1270 unit uP_PersistSettings2;
33031: 1271 uPSI_WDosDrivers.pas
33032: 1272 unit uPSI_cCipherRSA;
33033: 1273 uPSI_CromisStreams, (TStreamStorage)
33034: 1274 unit uPSI_Streams,
33035: 1275 uPSI_BitStream,
33036: 1276 uPSI_UJSONFunctions.pas
33037: 1277 uPSI_uTPLb_BinaryUtils.pas
33038: 1278 unit uPSI_USha256.pas //PascalCoin Blockchain
33039: 1279 uPSI_uTPLb_HashDsc.pas
33040: 1280 uPSI_uTPLb_Hash.pas
33041: 1281 SIRegister_Series(X); (uPSI_Series) //
33042: 1282 unit uPSI_UTime; (UTime); uPSI_mimeinln2;
33043: 1283 uPSI_uTPLb_StreamCipher.pas
33044: 1284 uPSI_uTPLb_BlockCipher.pas
33045: 1285 uPSI_uTPLb_Asymetric.pas
33046: 1286 uPSI_uTPLb_CodecIntf.pas
33047: 1287 uPSI_uTPLb_Codec.pas
33048: 1288 uPSI_ADOInt.pas
33049: 1289 uPSI_MidasCon.pas
33050: 1290 uPSI_XMLDoc.pas
33051: 1291 uPSI_XMLIntf.pas
33052: 1292 uPSI_ProxyUtils.pas
33053: 1293 unit uPSI_maxXMLUtils2;
33054: 1294 unit_StDict_Routines(S: TPSExec);
33055: 1295 unit uPSI_Hashes2
33056: 1296 unit uPSI_IdCoderHeader;
33057: 1297 unit uPSI_BackgroundWorker2
33058: 1298 uPSI_uMRU.pas
33059: 1299 unit FANN.pas
33060: 1300 unit uPSI_FannNetwork.pas
33061: 1301 unit uPSI_RTLDateTimeplus.pas
33062: 1302 uPSI_ULog.pas
33063: 1303 uPSI_UThread.pas
33064: 1304 uPSI_UTCPIP.pas
33065: 1305 Synapse_OpenSSLv11
33066: 1306 PascalCoin configuration config.inc
33067: 1307 unit uPSI_statmach, {StateMachine} //46310
33068: 1308 uPSI_uTPLb_RSA_Primitives,
33069: 1309 unit uPSI_UMatrix,
33070: 1310 uPSI_DXUtil,
33071: 1311 uPSI_crlfParser,
33072: 1312 unit uPSI_DCPbase64;
33073: 1313 unit uPSI_FlyFilesUtils;
33074: 1314 uPSI_PJConsoleApp.pas
33075: 1315 uPSI_PJStreamWrapper.pas
33076: 1316 uPSI_LatLonDist, //DFF
33077: 1317 uPSI_cHash2.pas //Fundamentals
33078: 1318 uPSI_ZLib2.pas
33079: 1319 unit uPSI_commDriver
33080: 1320 unit uPSI_PXLNetComs.pas //PXL
33081: 1321 unit uPSI_PXLTiming.pas //PXL
33082: 1322 uPSI_Odometer.pas
33083: 1323 unit uPSI_UIntList2;
33084: 1324 uPSI_UIntegerpartition.pas
33085: 1325 unit uPSI_idPHPRunner.pas //prepare for PHP4D
33086: 1326 unit uPSI_idCGIRunner.pas
33087: 1327 uPSI_DrBobCGI, //
33088: 1328 uPSI_OverbyteIcsLogger, / / n e w c o u n t 1 2 2 8 - - > 1 3 2 8
33089: 1329 uPSI_OverbyteIcsNntpCli, testset
33090: 1330 uPSI_OverbyteIcsCharsetUtils,
33091: 1331 uPSI_OverbyteIcsMimeUtils,
33092: 1332 uPSI_OverbyteIcsUrl(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
33093: 1333 uPSI_uWebSocket.pas
33094: 1334 uPSI_KhFunction.pas
33095: 1335 uPSI_ALOpenOffice.pas
33096: 1336 unit uPSI_ALLibPhoneNumber
33097: 1337 unit uPSI_ALPhpRunner2;
33098: 1338 unit uPSI_ALWebSpider2;

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33099: 1339 unit uPSI_ALFcnHTML2; // RunJavaScript2

33100: 1340 unit uPSI_ALExecute2.pas
33101: 1341 uPSI_ALIsapiHTTP.pas
33102: 1342 uPSI_ALOpenOffice_Routines
33103: 1343 unit uPSI_uUsb;
33104: 1344 uPSI_uWebcam.pas
33105: 1345 uPSI_PersistSettings.pas //fixing & refactoring
33106: 1346 uPSI_uTPLb_MemoryStreamPool.pas
33107: 1347 uPSI_uTPLb_Signatory.pas
33108: 1348 unit uPSI_uTPLb_Constants.pas //TurboPower
33109: 1349 uPSI_uTPLb_Random.pas
33110: 1350 unit uPSI_uTPLb_PointerArithmetic;
33111: 1351 unit uPSI_EwbCoreTools.pas
33112: 1352 unit uPSI_EwbUrl.pas
33113: 1353 unit uPSI_SendMail_For_Ewb.pas
33114: 1354 unit uPSI_MaskEdit.pas FCL
33115: 1355 unit uPSI_SimpleRSSTypes; BlueHippo
33116: 1356 unit uPSI_SimpleRSS; BlueHippo
33117: 1357 unit uPSI_psULib.pas Prometheus
33118: 1358 unit uPSI_psUFinancial; Prometheus
33119: 1359 uPSI_PsAPI_2.pas mX4
33120: 1360 uPSI_PersistSettings_2 mX4
33121: 1361 uPSI_rfc1213util2.pas IP
33122: 1362 uPSI_JTools.pas JCL
33123: 1363 unit uPSI_neuralbit.pas CAI
33124: 1364 unit uPSI_neuralab.pas CAI
33125: 1365 unit uPSI_winsvc2.pas TEK
33126: 1366 unit uPSI_wmiserv2.pas TEK
33127: 1367 uPSI_neuralcache.pas CAI
33128: 1368 uPSI_neuralbyteprediction CAI
33129: 1369 unit uPSI_USolarSystem; glscene.org
33130: 1370 uPSI_USearchAnagrams.pas DFF
33131: 1371 uPSI_JsonsUtilsEx.pas Randolph
33132: 1372 unit uPSI_Jsons.pas Randolph
33133: 1373 unit uPSI_HashUnit; DFF
33134: 1374 uPSI_U_Invertedtext.pas DFF
33135: 1375 unit uPSI_Bricks; Dendron
33136: 1376 unit uPSI_lifeblocks.pas Dendron
33137: 1377 unit uPSI_SystemsDiagram.pas Dendron
33138: 1378 unit uPSI_qsFoundation.pas Dendron
33139: 1379 uPSI_JclStringLists2 JCL
33140: 1380 uPSI_cInternetUtils2 FLC
33141: 1381 uPSI_cWindows.pas FLC
33142: 1382 uPSI_flcSysUtils.pas +TBytes utils
33143: 1383 unit uPSI_RotImg.pas DA
33144: 1384 uPSI_SimpleImageLoader.pas LAZ
33145: 1385 uPSI_HSLUtils.pas LAZ
33146: 1386 uPSI_GraphicsMathLibrary.pas EF
33147: 1387 unit uPSI_umodels.pas DMath
33148: 1388 uPSI_flcStatistics.pas FLC5
33149: 1389 uPSI_flcMaths.pas FLC5
33150: 1390 uPSI_flcCharSet.pas FLC5
33151: 1391 uPSI_flcBits32.pas
33152: 1392 uPSI_flcTimers.pas
33153: 1393 uPSI_cBlaiseParserLexer.pas
33154: 1394 uPSI_flcRational.pas
33155: 1395 uPSI_flcComplex.pas
33156: 1396 unit uPSI_flcMatrix (uPSI_flcVectors.pas)
33157: 1397 unit uPSI_flcStringBuilder.pas
33158: 1398 unit PJResFile_Routines;
33159: 1399 uPSI_flcASCII.pas
33160: 1400 uPSI_flcStringPatternMatcher;
33161: 1401 unit uPSI_flcUnicodeChar.pas
33162: 1402 unit uXmlDates.pas;
33163: 1403 unit uPSI_SemaphorGrids;
33164: 1404 unit uXmlDates2;
33165: 1405 unit uPSI_JclTimeZones;
33166: 1406 unit uPSI_XmlDocRssParser.pas
33167: 1407 unit uPSI_RssParser.pas
33168: 1408 uPSI_SimpleParserRSS.pas
33169: 1409 unit uPSI_SimpleRSSUtils;
33170: 1410 unit uPSI_RssModel; _BlueHippo
33171: 1411 unit uPSI_StrUtil; _FIBPlus
33172: 1412 unit uPSI_TAChartUtils; _TEE
33173: 1413 unit uPSI_PythonEngine.pas _P4D_Beta
33174: 1414 unit uPSI_VclPythonGUIInputOutput;
33175: 1415 unit uPSI_VarPyth;
33176: 1416 unit JclUsesUtils;
33177: 1417 unit uPSI_cParameters;
33178: 1418 unit uPSI_WDCCMisc; (uPSI_cFileTemplates);
33179: 1419 uPSI_WDCCOleVariantEnum.pas
33180: 1420 unit uPSI_WDCCWinInet.pas _WDCC
33181: 1421 uPSI_PythonVersions.pas _P4D_
33182: 1422 unit uPSI_PythonAction.pas _P4D_
33183: 1423 uPSI_SingleList.pas
33184: 1424 unit uPSI_AdMeter.pas; Async Professional
33185: 1425 unit uPSI_neuralplanbuilder; CAI
33186: 1426 unit uPSI_neuralvolume.pas; CAI
33187: 1427 unit uPSI_neuralvolumev.pas; CAI

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33188: 1428 unit uPSI_DoubleList4; CapJack

33189: 1429 unit uPSI_ByteListClass; CapJack
33190: 1430 unit uPSI_flcVectors4; FLC5
33191: 1431 unit uPSI_flcMatrix4; FLC5
33192: 1432 uPSI_CurlHttpCodes.pas
33193: 1433 unit uPSI_NeuralNetwork.pas; CAI
33194: 1434 unit unit uPSI_neuralfit; CAI
33195: 1435 unit uPSI_neuraldatasets; CAI
33196: 1436 unit uPSI_neuraldatasetsv.pas CAI
33197: 1437 uPSI_flcFloats.pas FLC5
33198: 1438 unit UBigIntsForFloatV4.pas DFF
33199: 1439 unit uPSI_CustApp.pas Pas2js
33200: 1440 unit uPSI_NeuralNetworkCAI.pas CAI
33201: 1441 unit uPSI_neuralgeneric.pas; CAI
33202: 1442 unit uPSI_neuralthread.pas; CAI
33203: 1443 unit uPSI_uSysTools; TuO
33204: 1444 unit upsi_neuralsets; mX4
33205: 1445 unit uPSI_uWinNT.pas mX4
33206: 1446 unit uPSI_URungeKutta4.pas ICS
33207: 1447 unit uPSI_UrlConIcs.pas ICS
33208: 1448 unit uPSI_OverbyteIcsUtils.pas ICS
33209: 1449 unit uPSI_Numedit2 mX4
33210: 1450 unit uPSI_PsAPI_3.pas mX4
33211: 1451 unit uPSI_SeSHA256.pas
33212: 1452 unit IdHashMessageDigest_max2;
33213: 1453 unit uPSI_BlocksUnit.pas
33214: 1454 unit uPSI_DelticsCommandLine.pas
33215: 1455 unit uPSI_DelticsStrUtils;
33216: 1456 unit uPSI_DelticsBitField;
33217: 1457 unit uPSI_DelticsSysUtils;
33218: 1458 unit uPSI_ALIniFiles2.pas
33219: 1459 unit uPSI_StarCalc2.pas
33220: 1460 unit uPSI_IdHashMessageDigest2.pas
33221: 1461 unit uPSI_U_Splines;
33222: 1462 unit uPSI_U_CoasterB.pas;
33223: 1463 U_SpringMass2.pas
33224: 1464 uPSI_MARSCoreUtils;
33225: 1465 unit uPSI_clJsonParser.pas
33226: 1466 unit uPSI_SynHighlighterPython.pas
33228: ****************************************************************
33229: Release Notes maXbox November 2021 mX476
33230: ****************************************************************
33231: Add 5 Units + 2 Tutorials
33233: 1441 unit uPSI_neuralgeneric.pas; CAI
33234: 1442 unit uPSI_neuralthread.pas; CAI
33235: 1443 unit uPSI_uSysTools; TuO
33236: 1444 unit upsi_neuralsets; mX4
33237: 1445 unit uPSI_uWinNT.pas mX4
33239: Total of Function Calls: 34880
33240: SHA1: of CF939E3A8D4723DB1DEF383C5FC961E06728C58F
33241: CRC32: 38F88218 30.5 MB (32,022,344 bytes)
33243: V VI
33244: Amount of Functions: 20549
33245: Amount of Procedures: 12307
33246: Amount of Constructors: 1937
33247: Amount of Destructors: 14
33248: Totals of Calls: 34807
33249: SHA1: of 96DCDE2028125E00B67E42A801721AC513A5EAFC
33250: CRC32: BBC3A7E5: 31974216 bytes
33251: mX4 executed: 03/11/2021 15:25:47 Runtime: 0:12:33.807 Memload: 39% use
33253: Totals of Calls: 35218
33254: SHA1: of 6647E6200E46702944A6B8175A53EDC1ABEF8E14
33255: CRC32: CEB35531: 33,034,056 bytes
33256: mX4 executed: 14/01/2022 16:36:05 Runtime: 0:13:33.152 Memload: 48% use
33258: // Project: State Machine
33259: // Module: statmach.pas
33260: // Description: Visual Finite State Machine.
33261: // Version: 2.2a - Release: 6
33263: source of the new units: http://sourceforge.net/projects/maxbox/files/Docu/SourceV4/
33264: http://www.slideshare.net/maxkleiner1/codereview-topics
33265: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33266: //Form Template Library FTL
33267: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33269: FTL For Form Building Lib out of the Script, eg. 399_form_templates.txt
33270: 045 unit uPSI_VListView TFormListView;
33271: 263 unit uPSI_JvProfiler32; TProfReport
33272: 270 unit uPSI_ImgList; TCustomImageList
33273: 278 unit uPSI_JvImageWindow; TJvImageWindow
33274: 317 unit uPSI_JvParserForm; TJvHTMLParserForm
33275: 497 unit uPSI_DebugBox; TDebugBox
33276: 513 unit uPSI_ImageWin; TImageForm, TImageForm2

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33277: 514 unit uPSI_CustomDrawTreeView; TCustomDrawForm

33278: 515 unit uPSI_GraphWin; TGraphWinForm
33279: 516 unit uPSI_actionMain; TActionForm
33280: 518 unit uPSI_CtlPanel; TAppletApplication
33281: 529 unit uPSI_MDIEdit; TEditForm //RichEditApp
33282: 535 unit uPSI_CoolMain; {browser} TWebMainForm
33283: 538 unit uPSI_frmExportMain; TSynexportForm
33284: 585 unit uPSI_usniffer; {//PortScanForm} TSniffForm
33285: 600 unit uPSI_ThreadForm; TThreadSortForm;
33286: 618 unit uPSI_delphi_arduino_Unit1; TLEDForm
33287: 620 unit uPSI_fplotMain; TfplotForm1
33288: 660 unit uPSI_JvDBQueryParamsForm; TJvQueryParamsDialog
33289: 677 unit uPSI_OptionsFrm; TfrmOptions;
33290: 718 unit uPSI_MonForm; TMonitorForm
33291: 742 unit uPSI_SimplePortMain; TPortForm1
33292: 770 unit uPSI_ovccalc; TOvcCalculator //widget
33293: 810 unit uPSI_DbExcept; TDbEngineErrorDlg
33294: 812 unit uPSI_GL_actorUnit1; TglActorForm1 //OpenGL Robot
33295: 846 unit uPSI_synhttp_daemon; TTCPHttpDaemon, TTCPHttpThrd, TPingThread
33296: 867 unit uPSI_Debug; TfrmDebug
33297: 901 unit uPSI_JvAddPrinter TJvAddPrinter //JCL
33298: 904 unit uPSI_U_HexView; THexForm2
33299: 911 unit uPSI_U_Oscilloscope4; (OscfrmMain) TOscfrmMain
33300: 959 unit uPSI_AdSelCom; TComSelectForm
33301: 1029 unit uPSI_GPSUDemo; TFDemo
33302: 1031 unit uPSI_ScreenThreeDLab; TFormLab3D
33303: 1051 unit uPSI_panUnit1; TPanForm1 //GLScene
33304: 1052 unit uPSI_DD83u1; {Arduino Tester Frm} TDD83f1
33305: 1059 unit uPSI_uconvMain; TfconvMain //PS
33306: 1076 unit uPSI_CustomizeDlg; TCustomizeDlg / TJvAddPrinterDialog;
33307: 1111 unit uPSI_JvExceptionForm; TJvErrorDialog //ShowException
33308: 1113 unit uPSI_MTMainForm; TvtMainForm
33309: 1119 unit uPSI_CPortTrmSet; TComTrmSetForm
33310: 1146 unit uPSI_ChessPrg; TChessForm1
33311: 1216 uPSI_KDialogs, TKBrowseFolderDialog
33312: 1217 eg.execStr('from delphivcl import *'); LoadPyClass
33314: FormTemplates with <Ctrl> J
33316: [myformtemplate | formtemplate statement | Borland.EditOptions.Pascal] //with
33317: [myFastForm | class declaration | Borland.EditOptions.Pascal] //Dialog Form
33318: [myForm | class declaration | Borland.EditOptions.Pascal] //with Events
33319: [aForm | class declaration | Borland.EditOptions.Pascal] //single Form
33320: [getForm(x,y)] of object TForm [loadForm(x,y)]
33321: [ticker | ticker statement | Borland.EditOptions.Pascal]
33322: [except | exception statement | Borland.EditOptions.Pascal]
33324: Dark Color Style Darkcolor:
33325: memo1.color:= RGB2TColor(32,32,32) //20,18,18
33326: memo2.color:= RGB2TColor(20,18,18)
33328: Proc SIRegister_JvDesignUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
33329: begin
33330: Func DesignClientToParent(const APt: TPoint; AControl,AParent: TControl) : TPoint;
33331: Func DesignMin(AA, AB : Int):Int);
33332: Func DesignMax(AA, AB: Int): Int;
33333: Func DesignRectWidth( const ARect : TRect) : Int;
33334: Func DesignRectHeight( const ARect : TRect) : Int;
33335: Func DesignValidateRect( const ARect : TRect) : TRect;
33336: Func DesignNameIsUnique( AOwner : TComponent; const AName :Str) :Bool;
33337: Func DesignUniqueName( AOwner : TComponent; const AClassName :Str) :Str;
33338: Proc DesignPaintRubberbandRect(AContainer:TWinControl;ARect:TRect;APenStyle:TPenStyle);
33339: Proc DesignPaintGrid(ACanvs:TCanvas;const ARect:TRect;ABackClr:TColr;AGridClr:TColor;ADivPixels:Int)
33340: Proc DesignPaintRules(ACanvas:TCanvas;const ARect:TRect;ADivPixels:Int;ASubDivs:Bool;
33341: Proc DesignSaveComponentToStream( AComp : TComponent; AStream : TStream);
33342: Func DesignLoadComponentFromStream(AComp:TComponent;AStram:TStream;AOnError:TReaderError):TComponent;
33343: Proc DesignSaveComponentToFile( AComp : TComponent; const AFileName :Str);
33344: Proc DesignLoadComponentFromFile(AComp:TComp;const AFileName:str;AOnError:TReaderError);
33345: end;
33347: ex.:with TEditForm.create(self) do begin
33348: caption:= 'Template Form Tester';
33349: FormStyle:= fsStayOnTop;
33350: with editor do begin
33351: Lines.LoadFromFile(Exepath+'\docs\Readme_rus_mX2.rtf
33352: SelStart:= 0; Modified:= False;
33353: end;
33354: end;
33355: with TWebMainForm.create(self) do begin
33356: URLs.Text:= 'http://www.kleiner.ch';
33357: URLsClick(self); Show;
33358: end;
33359: with TSynexportForm.create(self) do begin
33360: Caption:= 'Synexport HTML RTF tester';
33361: Show;
33362: end;
33363: with TThreadSortForm.create(self) do begin
33364: showmodal; free;
33365: end;

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33366: with TCustomDrawForm.create(self) do begin

33367: width:=820; height:=820;
33368: image1.height:= 600; //add properties
33369: image1.picture.bitmap:= image2.picture.bitmap;
33370: //SelectionBackground1Click(self) CustomDraw1Click(self);
33371: Background1.click;
33372: bitmap1.click; Tile1.click;
33373: Showmodal;
33374: Free;
33375: end;
33376: with TfplotForm1.Create(self) do begin
33377: BtnPlotClick(self);
33378: Showmodal; Free;
33379: end;
33380: with TOvcCalculator.create(self) do begin
33381: parent:= aForm; //free;
33382: setbounds(550,510,200,150);
33383: displaystr:= 'maXcalc';
33384: end;
33385: with THexForm2.Create(self) do begin
33386: ShowModal;
33387: Free;
33388: end;
33390: Func CheckBox:Str;
33391: var idHTTP: TIDHTTP;
33392: begin
33393: result:= 'version not found';
33394: if IsInternet then begin
33395: idHTTP:= TIdHTTP.Create(NIL);
33396: try
33397: result:= idHTTP.Get(MXVERSIONFILE2);
33398: result:= result[1]+result[2]+result[3]+result[4]+result[5];
33399: if result = MBVER2 then begin
33400: //Speak(' A new Version '+vstr+' of max box is available! ;
33401: result:= ('!!! OK. You have latest Version: '+result+' available at '+MXSITE);
33402: end; //idhttp.get2('http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm')
33403: finally
33404: idHTTP.Free
33405: end;
33406: end;
33407: end;
33409: charinset make your own charinset to prevent typematch:
33411: Func CharInSet4(C: AnsiChar; const CharSet: TSysCharSet):Bool;
33412: begin
33413: Result:= C in CharSet;
33414: end;
33416: Func CharInSet5(C: AnsiChar; const CharSet: CharSet):Bool;
33417: begin
33418: Result:= C in CharSet;
33419: end;
33421: //Runtimer Spec Functions Edition 190 and more code blocks
33422: Func ApWinExecAndWait32(FileName:PChar;CommandLine:PChar; Visibility:Int):Int;
33423: Func KillTask(ExeFileName:Str): Int;
33424: Proc KillProcess(hWindowHandle: HWND);
33425: Func FindWindowByTitle(WindowTitle:Str): Hwnd;
33426: Func OpenIE(aURL:Str):Bool;
33427: Func XRTLIsInMainThread:Bool;
33428: Func IsInMainThread:Bool;
33429: Func IntToFloat(i: Int): double;
33430: Func AddThousandSeparator(S:Str; myChr: Char):Str;
33431: Func mciSendString(cmd: PChar; ret: PChar; len: Int; callback: Int):Card;
33432: Proc FormAnimation(Sender: TObject; adelay: Int);
33433: Proc LoadResourceFile2(aFile:str; ms:TMemoryStream);
33434: Func putBinResTo(binresname: pchar; newpath:Str):Bool;
33435: Proc ExecuteHyperlink(Sender:TObject;HyperLinkClick:TJvHyperLinkClickEvent;const LinkName:str);
33436: Func IsHyperLink(Canvas:TCanvas;Rect:TRect;const Text:str;MouseX,MouseY:Int;var HyperLink:str):Bool
33437: Func GetWindowThreadProcessId( hWnd : HWND; var dwProcessId : DWORD) : DWORD;;
33438: Func GetWindowTask( hWnd : HWND) : THandle;
33439: Func LoadBitmap( hInstance : HINST; lpBitmapName : PChar) : HBITMAP;
33440: Func GetCommConfig(hCommDev: THandle; var lpCC: TCommConfig; var lpdwSize: DWORD): BOOL;
33441: Func WinExecAndWait32(FileName:Str; Visibility: Int): Longword;
33442: Func MakeHash( const s : TbtString) : Longint;
33443: Func GetUsedUnitList( list : Tstringlist) :Str;
33444: Func ConsoleCapture(const _dirName, _exeName, _cmdLine:Str; amemo: TStringlist): Bool;
33445: Func ConsoleCaptureDOS(const _dirName, _exeName, _cmdLine:Str; amemo: TStrings): Bool;
33446: srlist:= TStringlist.create;
33447: ConsoleCapture('C:\', 'cmd.exe', '/c dir *.*',srlist);
33448: writeln(srlist.text); srlist.Free;
33449: Func RunCaptured(const _dirName, _exeName,_cmdLine:str; amemo:TStringlist):Bool;;
33450: Func SamePropTypeName( const Name1, Name2 : ShortString) :Bool;
33451: Func FloatToStrEx( Value : Extended) :Str;
33452: Func StrToFloatEx( const S :Str) : Extended;
33453: Proc PerformanceDelayMS(ams: Int); //microsecond resolution delay!
33454: //http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/en/showcode.php?id=2179

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33455: Func ExecuteProcess(FileName:Str;Visibility:Int; BitMask:Int; Synch:Boolean):Longword;

33456: Func ExecuteMultiProcessor(FileName:str;Visibility:Int;BitMask:Int;Synch:Bool):Longword;
33457: if ExecuteMultiProcessor('notepad.exe', SW_SHOW, 2, true) = 0 then
33458: writeln('Multiprocessing Runs on CPU 2;
33459: Proc StartServiceAfterInstall(aserv: TService);
33460: Func GetDllVersion2(DllName:Str; var DLLVersionInfo: TDLLVersionInfo):Bool;
33461: Proc SendCopyMessage(amess,astation:str); //comunicate process-spanned with WM_COPYDATA
33462: Func BrowseComputer2(DialogTitle:Str; var CompName:Str; bNewStyle: Bool): Bool;
33463: Func ChangeAlphaTo(input:Str; aoffset: byte):Str;;
33464: Func CheckIBAN(iban:Str):Bool;;
33465: Func CreateIDStack; //instance to IdStack of CreateStack
33466: Func GetRecordCount(DataSet: TBDEDataSet): Longint;;
33467: Func CountPos(const subtxt:Str; Text:Str): Int;
33468: Proc HTMLtoRTF(html:Str; var rtf: TRichedit);
33469: Proc ReversePlay(const szFileName:Str);
33470: Func ADOConnectionString(ParentHandle:THandle;InitialStr:WideString;out NewString:str):Bool;
33471: Proc ShowEOleException(AExc: EOleException; Query:str);
33472: Func UpdateBlob(Connection:TADOConnection;Spalte:str;Tabelle:str;Where:str;var
ms:TMemoryStream):Bool;..save HTML pages as MHTML(HTML Archiv Format)
33473: http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/en/showcode.php?id=2300
33474: Func SaveToMHT(const AUrl,AFileName:Str; AShowErrorMessage:Boolean = False):Bool;
33475: Func FileType2MimeType(const AFileName:Str):Str;
33476: Func DownloadURL_NOCache(const aUrl:Str; var s:Str):Bool;
33477: Func IsCOMObjectActive(ClassName:Str):Bool;
33478: Proc CopyHTMLToClipBoard(const str:Str; const htmlStr:Str = ';
33479: Func CheckCreditCard(c:Str): Int;
33480: 0: Card is invalid or unknown 1: is a AmEx 2: is a Visa 3: is a valid MasterCard
33481: Func GetNewGUID:Str;
33482: Func FormatGUID(const GUID:Str):Str;
33483: Func GetNewFormatedGUID:Str;
33484: Func getFormRes(classname:Str):Str; //shows DFM Res of Exe!
33485: Proc OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('[%s][%s]%s',[aCaption,GetFormatDT(StartDT),aText])));
33486: Proc ScanNetworkResources(ResourceType, DisplayType: DWord; List: TStrings);
33487: Func PrepareConstraint(Src:Tstrings):str;
33488: Proc DeleteEmptyStr(Src:Tstrings);
33489: Func NormalizeSQLText(const SQL:Str;MacroChar:Char):Str;
33490: Func CountSelect(const SrcSQL:str):str;
33491: Func GetModifyTable(const SQLText:str;AlreadyNormal:boolean):str;
33492: Func GetCharFromVKey(vkey: Word):Str;
33493: Func Xls_To_StringGrid(AGrid: TStringGrid; AXLSFile:Str):Bool;
33494: Func IsObjectActive(ClassName:Str):Bool;
33495: Func GetActiveObject(ClassID:TGUID; anil:TObject; aUnknown:IUnknown):HRESULT;;
33496: Func RegisterOCX(FileName:Str):Bool;
33497: Func UnRegisterOCX(FileName:Str):Bool;
33498: Func RegisterServer2(const aDllFileName:Str; aRegister:Bool):Bool;
33499: Proc mIRCDDE(Service, Topic, Cmd:Str); //mIRCDDE('mIRC', 'COMMAND', '/say Hallo von SwissDelphiCenter.ch;
33500: Func OpenIE(aURL:Str):Bool;
33501: Func XRTLIsInMainThread:Bool;
33502: Func IsInMainThread:Bool;
33503: TryConvertStrToDateTime(const s, format:str; out value: TDateTime):Boolean;;
33504: ConvertStrToDateTime(const s, format:Str): TDateTime;;
33505: Func CreateNotifyThread2(const FolderName:Str; WatchSubtree:Bool; Filter : TFileChangeFilters2):
33506: Proc DetectImage(const InputFileName:Str; BM: TBitmap);
33507: Func BitmapToString(Bitmap: TBitmap):Str;
33508: Func StringToBitmap(S:Str): TBitmap;
33509: Func RemoveChar(CONST s:Str; CONST c: CHAR):Str;
33510: Proc SecureClearStr(var S: Ansistr);;
33511: Proc movestring(const Source:str; var Destination:str; CopyCount : Int );
33512: Proc movestringJV(const Source:str; var Destination:str; CopyCount : Int );
33513: Proc moveint(const Source:Int; var destination: Int; CopyCount : Int );
33514: Proc movefloat(const Source:double; var destination: double; CopyCount : Int );
33515: Proc moveextended(const Source:extended;var Destination:extended;CopyCount:Int);
33516: Proc ShowFilePropertiesSH(Files: TStrings; aWnd: HWND);
33518: Func GrabLine(const s:Str; ALine: Int):Str;
33519: Func GrabLineFast(const s:Str; ALine: Int):Str;
33520: Func IsTextFile(const sFile: TFileName):Bool;
33521: Func getODBC: Tstringlist;
33522: Func getODBCString:Str;
33523: Proc GetJPGSize(const sFile:Str; var wWidth, wHeight: Word);
33524: Proc GetPNGSize(const sFile:Str; var wWidth, wHeight: Word);
33525: function GetPNGSize2(const FileName: string): TSize;
33526: Proc GetGIFSize(const sGIFFile:Str; var wWidth, wHeight: Word);
33527: // note: using TForm's BorderIcons, etc. is slow (form blinks) and not reliable (for some
33528: // reson it causes TListView.Items to lose all associated objects and other things happen).
33529: Proc ChangeWindowStyle(const Form: HWND; Style: DWord; AddIt:Bool);
33530: Func VarByteArrayOf(const s:Str): OleVariant;
33531: Func bigdiv2(aval1:Str; aval2: integer):Str;
33532: Func modbig(aval:Str; amod: integer): integer;
33533: Func bigmod(aval:Str; amod: integer): integer;
33534: Func modPowBig3(aval, apow, amod:Str):Str;;
33535: Func BigPowMod(aval, apow, amod:Str):Str;;
33536: Func RSAEncrypt(aval, apow, amod:Str):Str;;
33537: Func RSADecrypt(aval, apow, amod:Str):Str;;
33538: Func SwitchToThread : BOOL;
33539: Func SetThreadDesktop( hDesktop : HDESK) : BOOL;
33540: Func CloseDesktop( hDesktop : HDESK) : BOOL;
33541: Func GetThreadDesktop( dwThreadId : DWORD) : HDESK;

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33542: Func SetSyscallHook():Bool;;

33543: Func SetSwapcontextHook():Bool;;
33544: Func UnhookAll():Bool;;
33545: Func getWorld:Str;;
33546: Func getIPConfigAll:Str;;
33547: Func getIPConfig:Str;;
33548: Func WinsockEnabled:Bool;
33549: Func HTTPEncode2(const AStr:Str):Str;
33550: Func ComputePEChecksum(FileName:Str): DWORD;
33552: if not DynamicDllCallName(user32, 'LockWorkStation',true,returned,parameters) then begin
33553: Func DynamicDllCallNames(Dll:Str; const Name:Str; HasResult:Bool; var Returned:Card; const Parameters:
array of string):Bool;;
33554: Proc GetMIDASAppServerList(List: TStringList; const RegCheck :Str);
33555: Proc SQLDropField(dbName, tblName, fldName:Str); {Field Name to Drop}
33556: type TCastType = (ctSmallInt, ctInt, ctDecimal, ctNumeric, ctFloat,
33557: ctChar, ctVarChar, ctDate, ctBoolean, ctBLOB, ctTime,
33558: ctTimeStamp, ctMoney, ctAutoInc, ctBytes);
33559: {Blob definition type 1 = Memo, 2 = Binary, 3 = Formatted Memo, 4 = OLE Object, 5 = Graphic}
33561: Proc SQLAddField(dbName,tblName,fldName:str;fldType:TCastType;fldLength,precisOrBlobLen,
33562: const
33563: UrlGeoLookupInfo ='http://ipinfodb.com/ip_query.php?timezone=true&ip=%s';
33564: UrlGeoLookupInfo2 ='http://backup.ipinfodb.com/ip_query.php?timezone=true&ip=%s'; //backup
33565: http://ip-api.com/csv/
33567: Proc GetGeoInfo(const IpAddress:str;var GeoInfo:TGeoInfo;const UrlGeoLookupInfo:str);
33568: TGeoInfo','record status:Str; countrycode : '
33569: +string; countryname:str; regioncode:Str; city:Str; zippostalcode:Str;
latitude:Str;longitude:str;timezonename:str;gmtoffset:str;isdst:str; end;
33571: Proc SIRegister_ubigFloatV3(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
33572: begin
33573: TMaxSig', 'Int;
33574: TView', '( normal, Scientific );
33575: SIRegister_TFloatInt(CL); SIRegister_TBigFloat(CL);
33576: end;
33578: Proc SIRegister_UBigIntsV4(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
33579: begin TDigits', 'array of int64; SIRegister_TInt(CL);
33580: Proc SetBaseVal( const newbase : Int);
33581: Func GetBasePower : Int;
33582: Func GetBase : Int;
33583: Proc SetThreadSafe( newval :Bool);
33584: Func bigdiv2(aval1:Str; aval2: integer):Str;
33585: Func modbig(aval:Str; amod: integer): integer; ;
33586: Func bigmod(aval:Str; amod: integer): integer; ;
33587: Func modPowBig3(aval, apow, amod:Str):Str;;
33588: Func BigPowMod(aval, apow, amod:Str):Str;;
33589: Func RSAEncrypt(aval, apow, amod:Str):Str;;
33590: Func RSADecrypt(aval, apow, amod:Str):Str;;
33591: Func SwitchToThread : BOOL;
33592: end;
33594: Func BigDiv(aone, atwo:Str):Str;
33595: var tbig1, tbig2: TInt;
33596: begin
33597: tbig1:= TInt.create(10);
33598: tbig2:= TInt.create(10);
33599: try
33600: tbig1.assign2(atwo)
33601: tbig2.assign2(aone)
33602: tbig2.Divide(tbig1)
33603: finally
33604: result:= tbig2.ConvertToDecimalString(false)
33605: tbig1.Free;
33606: tbig2.free;
33607: end;
33608: end;
33610: Proc SIRegister_UDict(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
33611: begin 'dichighletter','String').SetString( 'z;
33612: SIRegister_TDicForm(CL);
33613: SIRegister_TDic(CL);
33614: end;
33616: Proc SetArrayLength2Char2(var arr: T2CharArray; asize1, asize2: Int);
33617: var i: Int;
33618: begin setlength(arr, asize1);
33619: for i:= 0 to asize1-1 do SetLength(arr[i], asize2);
33620: end;
33622: Example of dynamic array of panels:
33623: Proc SetArrayLength2Panels(var arr: array of array of TPanel;
33624: asize1, asize2: Integer);
33625: var i: Integer;
33626: begin setlength(arr, asize1);
33627: for i:= 0 to asize1-1 do SetLength(arr[i], asize2);

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33628: end;
33630: Proc TMyFormInitialisePanels(aform: Tform; RowCount,ColCount: Integer);
33631: var aLeft,aTop,aWidth,aHeight, row,col: Integer;
33632: Panel: TPanel;
33633: FPanels: array of array of TPanel;
33634: begin
33635: //SetLength(FPanels, RowCount, ColCount);
33636: SetArrayLength2Panels(Fpanels, RowCount, ColCount)
33637: aTop:= 0;
33638: for Row:= 0 to RowCount-1 do begin
33639: aLeft:= 0;
33640: aHeight:= (aform.ClientHeight-aTop) div (RowCount-Row);
33641: for Col:= 0 to ColCount-1 do begin
33642: Panel:= TPanel.Create(Self);
33643: FPanels[Row][Col]:= Panel;
33644: Panel.Parent:= aform; //Self;
33645: //panel.parentcolor:= false;
33646: panel.ParentBackground:= false;
33647: panel.color:= random(clred)
33648: aWidth:= (aform.ClientWidth-aLeft) div (ColCount-Col);
33649: Panel.SetBounds(aLeft, aTop, aWidth, aHeight);
33650: inc2(aLeft, aWidth);
33651: end;
33652: inc2(aTop, aHeight);
33653: end;
33654: end;
33655: aform:= TForm.create(self)
33656: aform.setbounds(10,10,600,500);
33657: TMyFormInitialisePanels(aform, 26, 19);
33658: aform.show;
33660: Proc SIRegister_UP10Build(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
33661: begin Proc ParseFunction(FunctionString:str; Variables:TStringlist; FunctionOne,
FunctionTwo:TStringList;UsePascalNumbers:bool;var FirstOP:{TObject}POperation;var Error:bool);
33662: end;
33664: Proc SIRegister_ComObj2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
33665: begin
33666: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TComObjectFactory;
33667: SIRegister_TComServerObject(CL);
33668: SIRegister_ADOConst(CL);
33669: FieldTypeNames: array[0..41] of string = (
33670: Unknown', 'String', 'SmallInt', 'Int', 'Word', 'Boolean', 'Float',
33671: 'Currency', 'BCD', 'Date', 'Time', 'DateTime', 'Bytes', 'VarBytes',
33672: 'AutoInc', 'Blob', 'Memo', 'Graphic', 'FmtMemo', 'ParadoxOle',
33673: 'dBaseOle', 'TypedBinary', 'Cursor', 'FixedChar', 'WideString',
33674: 'LargeInt', 'ADT', 'Array', 'Reference', 'DataSet', 'HugeBlob', 'HugeClob',
33675: 'Variant', 'Interface', 'Dispatch', 'Guid', 'SQLTimeStamp', 'FMTBcdField',
33676: FixedWideChar', 'WideMemo', 'SQLTimeStamp', 'String;
33677: TFactoryProc', 'Proc (Factory : TComObjectFactory);
33678: TCallingConvention','(ccRegister, ccCdecl, ccPascal, ccStdCall, ccSafeCall);
33679: SIRegister_TComClassManager(CL);
33680: SIRegister_IServerExceptionHandler(CL); SIRegister_TComObject(CL);
33681: //TComClass', 'class of TComObject;
33682: TClassInstancing', '(ciInternal,ciSingleInstance,ciMultiInstance );
33683: TThreadingModel', '(tmSingle, tmApartment, tmFree, tmBoth, tmNeutral );
33684: SIRegister_TComObjectFactory(CL); SIRegister_TTypedComObject(CL);
33685: //TTypedComClass', 'class of TTypedComObject;
33686: SIRegister_TTypedComObjectFactory(CL);
33687: TConnectEvent2','Procedure(const Sink : IUnknown; Connecting :Bool);
33688: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TAutoObjectFactory;
33689: SIRegister_TAutoObject(CL); //TAutoObject2 ?? in OleAuto and ComObj
33690: //TAutoClass', 'class of TAutoObject;
33691: SIRegister_TAutoObjectFactory(CL); SIRegister_TAutoIntfObject(CL);
33692: //ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EOleError;
33693: ClassN(CL.FindClass('Exception'),'EOleError;
33694: SIRegister_EOleSysError(CL); SIRegister_EOleException(CL);
33695: ClassN(CL.FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EOleRegistrationError;
33696: //Proc DispatchInvoke(const
Dispatch:IDispatch;CallDesc:PCallDesc;DispIDs:PDispIDList;Params:Pointer;Result: PVariant);
33697: //Proc DispatchInvokeError( Status : Int; const ExcepInfo : TExcepInfo);
33698: //Func HandleSafeCallException(ExceptObject:TObject;ExceptAddr:Pointer;const ErrorIID TGUID;const ProgID,
33699: Func CreateComObject( const ClassID : TGUID) : IUnknown;
33700: Func CreateRemoteComObject(const MachineName: WideString;const ClassID:TGUID):IUnknown;
33701: //Func CreateOleObject(const ClassName :Str): IDispatch;
33702: //Func GetActiveOleObject(const ClassName:str): IDispatch;
33703: Proc OleError2( ErrorCode : HResult);
33704: Proc OleCheck2( Result : HResult);
33705: Func StringToGUID2( const S :Str) : TGUID;
33706: Func GUIDToString2( const ClassID : TGUID) :Str;
33707: Func ProgIDToClassID2( const ProgID :Str) : TGUID;
33708: Func ClassIDToProgID2( const ClassID : TGUID) :Str;
33709: Proc CreateRegKey(const Key,ValueName,Value:str;RootKey:DWord);
33710: Proc DeleteRegKey(const Key :Str; RootKey : DWord);
33711: Func GetRegStringValue( const Key, ValueName :Str; RootKey : DWord) :Str;
33712: //Func StringToLPOLESTR( const Source :Str) : POleStr;
33713: Proc RegisterComServer( const DLLName :Str);

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33714: Proc RegisterAsService( const ClassID, ServiceName :Str);

33715: Func CreateClassID2:Str;
33716: Proc InterfaceConnect(const Srce:IUnknown;const IID:TIID;const Sink:IUnknown;var Connectin:Longint);
33717: Proc InterfaceDisconnect(const Source:IUnknown;const IID:TIID;var Connection:Longint);
33718: Func GetDispatchPropValue(Disp: IDispatch; DispID : Int) : OleVariant;;
33719: Func GetDispatchPropValue1(Disp: IDispatch; Name : WideString) : OleVariant;;
33720: Proc SetDispatchPropValue2(Disp:IDispatch;DispID:Int;const Value:OleVariant);
33721: Proc SetDispatchPropValue3(Disp: IDispatch; Name:WideString; const Value:OleVariant);;
33722: Func ComClassManager : TComClassManager;
33723: // from ADODB OLE Utils
33724: TOleEnum', 'LongWord; //DataTypeEnum = TOleEnum;
33725: DataTypeEnum', 'TOleEnum;
33726: Func CreateADOObject( const ClassID : TGUID) : IUnknown;
33727: Func ADOTypeToFieldType(const ADOType:DataTypeEnum; EnableBCD:Boolean):TFieldType;
33728: Func FieldTypeToADOType(const FieldType: TFieldType):DataTypeEnum;
33729: Func StringToVarArray( const Value :Str) : OleVariant;
33730: Func VarDataSize( const Value : OleVariant) : Int;
33731: Func OleEnumToOrd( OleEnumArray : array of TOleEnum; Value : TOleEnum) : Int;
33732: Func GetStates( State : Int) : TObjectStates;
33733: Func ExecuteOptionsToOrd(ExecuteOptions:TExecuteOptions): Int;
33734: Func OrdToExecuteOptions(Options: Int) : TExecuteOptions;
33735: Func ExtractFieldName( const Fields : WideString; var Pos : Int) : WideString;
33736: Func GetFilterStr( Field : TField; Value : Variant; Partial :Bool) : WideString;
33737: Func FieldListCheckSum( DataSet : TDataset) : Int;
33738: Func GlobalAllocString(s: Ansistr): HGlobal;
33739: Func ScanTime(const S:Str; var Pos: Int; var Time: TDateTime):Bool;
33740: Func ScanChar(const S:Str; var Pos: Int; Ch: Char):Bool;
33741: Func ScanNumber(const S:Str; var Pos: Int; var Number: Word):Bool;
33742: Func ScanString(const S:Str; var Pos: Int; const Symbol:Str):Bool;
33743: Proc LV_InsertFiles(strPath:Str; ListView: TListView; ImageList: TImageList);
33744: Func GetPasteLinkInfo(var Service:Str; var Topic:str; var Item:Str):Boolean;
33745: Func IPToHostName(const IP:Str):Str;
33746: Proc GetZoneIcon(IconPath:Str; var Icon: TIcon);
33747: Func GetZoneAttributes(const URL:Str): TZoneAttributes;
33748: //unit uPSI_PsAPI;
33749: Proc CGITester;
33750: //CGI will take name and email address from command line and place it into HTML
33751: Proc CreateBrowserOnForm(aform: TForm; aurl:Str);
33752: Proc WebOnForm(aform: TForm; aurl:Str);;
33753: Proc WebToForm(aform: TForm; aurl:Str);;
33754: Proc SearchAndHighlightWebText(aform: TForm; aurl:Str; aText:Str);
33755: Proc SaveImagesOnWeb(aurl, apath:Str);
33756: Func GetProcessNameFromWnd(Wnd: HWND):Str; //get EXE path from window handle
33757: Func getallEvents(aform: TForm): TStringlist;
33758: Proc GetKLList(List: TStrings);;
33759: Proc GetKeyboardList(List: TStrings);;
33760: Func SetSuspendState(Hibernate:Boolean;ForceCritical:Boolean;DisableWakeEvent:Bool):bool;
33761: call: SetSuspendState(True, False, False);
33762: Func ServiceRunning(sMachine, sService: PChar):Bool;
33763: Func isServiceRunning(sMachine, sService: PChar):Bool;
33764: Proc CloseOpenSockets( Sockets : array of TIdStackSocketHandle);
33765: //SIRegister_SvrHTTPIndy - Linux
33766: Proc TransformError( const Msg :Str);
33767: Proc StringToFile2( const S, FileName :Str);
33768: Func GetXMLData( DataSet : TClientDataSet) :Str;
33769: Proc EditComTerminal( ComTerminal : TCustomComTerminal); //TComTrmSetForm
33770: Func search_adapter_key_networkcard:Str; //at registry
33771: Func getNetworkCard:Str;;
33772: Func GetMacAddresses2(const Machine:Str; const Addresses: TStrings): Int;
33773: Func ConnectDrive(_drvLetter:str;_netPath:str;_showError:Bool;_reconnect:Bool):DWORD;
33774: Func ConnectPrinterDevice(_lptPort:str;_netPath:str;_showError:Bool;_reconnect:Bool):DWORD;
33775: Func DisconnectNetDrive(_locDrive:str;_showError:Bool;_force:Bool; _save:Bool): DWORD;
33776: //ConnectDrive('k:', '\\Servername\C', True, True);
33777: //DisconnectNetDrive('k:', True, True, True);
33778: Func GetConnectionKind(var strKind:Str):Bool; MODEM =1; LAN=2; PROXY=4; BUSY= 8;
33779: Func DownloadJPGToBitmap(const URL :Str; ABitmap: TBitmap):Bool;
33780: Proc GetImageLinks(AURL:Str; AList: TStrings);
33781: Func GetCharEncoding( alias :Str; var _name :Str) : Int;
33782: Func MicrosoftCodePageToMIMECharset( cp : word) :Str;
33783: Func MicrosoftLangageCodeToISOCode( langcode : Int) :Str;
33784: Proc CopyHTMLToClipBoard(const str:Str; const htmlStr:Str = ';
33785: Func RFC1123ToDateTime(Date:Str): TDateTime;
33786: Func DateTimeToRFC1123(aDate: TDateTime):Str;
33787: Proc CopyHTMLToClipBoard(const str:Str; const htmlStr:Str);;
33788: Proc DumpDOSHeader(const h: IMAGE_DOS_HEADER; Lines: TStrings);;
33789: Proc DumpPEHeader(const h: IMAGE_FILE_HEADER; Lines: TStrings);;
33790: Proc DumpOptionalHeader(const h: IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER; Lines: TStrings);;
33792: IPToHostName
33793: //from ADOInt.pas // TOleEnum = type LongWord;
33794: TypeS('CursorOptionEnum', 'TOleEnum;
33795: Interface(CL.FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),_Recordset, '_Recordset;
33796: //TypeS('_RecordsetDisp', 'dispinterface;
33797: Interface(CL.FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),_Command, '_Command;
33798: Interface(CL.FindInterface('IUNKNOWN'),_Connection, '_Connection;
33799: // SIRegister__Recordset(CL); // SIRegister__Command(CL);
33800: Const IID_Recordset20','TGUID').SetString('{0000054F-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}''];
33801: 'IID__Recordset','string').SetString( '00000555-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4;
33802: //test with stringToGUID

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33803: //'CLASS_Command','TGUID').SetString( '{00000507-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4};

33804: // 'CLASS_Recordset','TGUID').SetString( '{00000535-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4};
33805: { TypeS('Connection', '_Connection;
33806: TypeS('Command', '_Command; TypeS('Recordset', '_Recordset;
33807: TypeS('Parameter', '_Parameter; TypeS('DataSpace', 'IDataspace;
33808: TypeS('SearchDirection', 'SearchDirectionEnum; }
33809: //TypeS('Command', '_Command; //TypeS('Recordset', '_Recordset;
33810: end;
33812: Proc SIRegister_DIUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
33813: begin
33814: //'CRLF','String').SetString( #$0D#$0A);
33815: 'REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER','LongWord').SetUInt( $FFFD);
33816: 'HANGUL_SBase','LongWord').SetUInt( $AC00);
33817: 'HANGUL_LBase','LongWord').SetUInt( $1100);
33818: 'HANGUL_VBase','LongWord').SetUInt( $1161);
33819: 'HANGUL_TBase','LongWord').SetUInt( $11A7);
33820: 'HANGUL_LCount','LongInt').SetInt( 19);
33821: 'HANGUL_VCount','LongInt').SetInt( 21);
33822: 'HANGUL_TCount','LongInt').SetInt( 28);
33823: 'KEY_WOW64_32KEY','LongWord').SetUInt( $0200);
33824: 'KEY_WOW64_64KEY','LongWord').SetUInt( $0100);
33825: 'KEY_WOW64_RES','LongWord').SetUInt( $0300);
33826: TypeS('TAnsiCharSet', 'set of AnsiChar;
33827: TypeS('TIsoDate', 'Cardinal;
33828: TypeS('TJulianDate', 'Int;
33829: //TypeS('PJulianDate', '^TJulianDate // will not work;
33830: TypeS('TValidateCharFunc', 'function(const c: Char):Bool;;
33831: // TValidateCharFunc = function( const c: Char):Bool;
33832: TypeS('TProcedureEvent', 'Procedure;
33833: 'MT19937_N','LongInt').SetInt( 624);
33834: 'MT19937_M','LongInt').SetInt( 397);
33835: SIRegister_TMT19937(CL);
33836: //SIRegister_TWideStrBuf(CL);
33837: TypeS('TDITextLineBreakStyle', '( tlbsLF, tlbsCRLF, tlbsCR );
33838: Func AdjustLineBreaksW(const s:UnicodeStr;const Style:TDITextLineBreakStyle):UnicodeStr;
33839: Func BrightenColor( const Color : Int; const amount : Byte) : Int;
33840: Func BSwap4( const Value :Card) :Card;;
33841: Func BSwap5( const Value : Int) : Int;;
33842: //Func BufCompNumIW(p1:PWideChar; l1:Int; p2 : PWideChar; l2 : Int) : Int;
33843: Func BufSameA( p1, p2 : PChar; l :Card) :Bool;
33844: // Func BufSameW( p1, p2 : PWideChar; l :Card) :Bool;
33845: Func BufSameIA( p1, p2 : PChar; l :Card) :Bool;
33846: //Func BufSameIW( p1, p2 : PWideChar; l :Card) :Bool;
33847: Func BufPosCharA(const Buf:PChar;l:Card;const c:AnsiChar;const Start:Card):Int;
33848: Func BufPosCharsA(const Buf:PChar;l:Card;const Search:TAnsiCharSet;const Start:Card):Int;
33849: Func BufStrSame(const Buf:PChar;const BufCharCount:Card;const s:Str):Bool;
33850: Func BufStrSameA(const Buf:PChar; const BufCharCount:Card;const s:RawByteString):Bool;
33851: Func BufStrSameI(const Buf:PChar; const BufCharCount:Card; const s :Str):Bool;
33852: Func BufStrSameIA(const Buf:PChar;const BufCharCount:Card;const s:RawByteString): Bool;
33853: Func diChangeFileExt(const FileName,Extension:Str):Str;
33854: Func ChangeFileExtA( const FileName, Extension : Ansistr) : Ansistr;
33855: Func ChangeFileExtW( const FileName, Extension : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
33856: //Func CharDecomposeCanonicalW( const c : WideChar) : PCharDecompositionW;
33857: Func CharDecomposeCanonicalStrW( const c : WideChar) : UnicodeString;
33858: //Func CharDecomposeCompatibleW( const c : WideChar) : PCharDecompositionW;
33859: Func CharDecomposeCompatibleStrW( const c : WideChar) : UnicodeString;
33860: Func CharIn8( const c, t1, t2 : WideChar) :Bool;;
33861: Func CharIn9( const c, t1, t2, t3 : WideChar) :Bool;;
33862: Proc ConCatBuf(const Buffer: PChar;const CharCount:Card;var d:str;var InUse:Card);
33863: Proc ConCatBufA(const Buff:PChar;const AnsiCharCount:Card;var d:RawByteStr;var InUse:Card);
33864: Proc ConCatChar( const c : Char; var d :Str; var InUse :Card);
33865: Proc ConCatCharA( const c : AnsiChar; var d : RawByteString; var InUse :Card);
33866: // Proc ConCatCharW( const c : WideChar; var d : UnicodeString; var InUse :Card);
33867: Proc ConCatStr( const s :Str; var d :Str; var InUse :Card);
33868: Proc ConCatStrA( const s: RawByteString; var d : RawByteString; var InUse :Card);
33869: //Proc ConCatStrW(const w:UnicodeString; var d : UnicodeString; var InUse :Card);
33870: Func diCountBitsSet( const Value : Int) : Byte;
33871: //Func Crc32OfStrA( const s : RawByteString) : TCrc32;
33872: //Func Crc32OfStrW( const s : UnicodeString) : TCrc32;
33873: Func CurrentDay : Word;
33874: Func CurrentJulianDate : TJulianDate;
33875: Func CurrentMonth : Word;
33876: Func CurrentQuarter : Word;
33877: Func diCurrentYear : Int;
33878: Func DarkenColor( const Color : Int; const amount : Byte) : Int;
33879: Func diDeleteFile( const FileName :Str) :Bool;
33880: Func DeleteFileA( const FileName : Ansistr) :Bool;
33881: //Func DeleteFileW( const FileName : UnicodeString) :Bool;
33882: Func diDirectoryExists( const Dir :Str) :Bool;
33883: Func DirectoryExistsA( const Dir : Ansistr) :Bool;
33884: //Func DirectoryExistsW( const Dir : UnicodeString) :Bool;
33885: Func diDiskFree( const Dir :Str) : Int64;
33886: Func DiskFreeA( const Dir : Ansistr) : Int64;
33887: //Func DiskFreeW( const Dir : UnicodeString) : Int64;
33888: Func diExpandFileName( const FileName :Str) :Str;
33889: Func ExpandFileNameA(const FileName: Ansistr): Ansistr;
33890: //Func ExpandFileNameW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
33891: Proc diExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter( var s :Str);

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33892: Proc ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiterA( var s : RawByteString);

33893: //Proc ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiterW( var s : UnicodeString);
33894: Func diExtractFileDrive( const FileName :Str) :Str;
33895: Func ExtractFileDriveA( const FileName : RawByteString) : RawByteString;
33896: //Func ExtractFileDriveW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
33897: Func diExtractFileExt( const FileName :Str) :Str;
33898: Func ExtractFileExtA( const FileName : RawByteString) : RawByteString;
33899: //Func ExtractFileExtW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
33900: Func diExtractFileName( const FileName :Str) :Str;
33901: Func ExtractFileNameA(const FileName: Ansistr): Ansistr;
33902: //Func ExtractFileNameW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
33903: Func diExtractFilePath( const FileName :Str) :Str;
33904: Func ExtractFilePathA( const FileName : RawByteString) : RawByteString;
33905: //Func ExtractFilePathW( const FileName : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
33906: Func ExtractNextWord10(const s:str;const ADelimiter:Char;var AStartIndex:Int):str;);
33907: Func ExtractNextWordA11(const s:RawByteStr;const ADelimiter:AnsiChar;var AStartIndex:Int): RawByteStr;
33908: Func ExtractNextWordW12(const s:UnicodeStr;const ADelimiter:WideChar;var AStartIndex:Int): UnicodeStr;
33909: Func ExtractNextWord13(const s:str;const ADelims:TAnsiCharSet;var AStartIndex:Int):str;
33910: Func ExtractNextWordA14(const s:RawByteString;const ADelimiters:TAnsiCharSet;var
33911: Func diExtractWord(const Number:Card;const s:RawByteString;const Delimiters:TAnsiCharSet): RawByteString;
33912: Func ExtractWordA const Numb:Card;const s RawByteStr;const Delimiters:TAnsiCharSet): RawByteStr;
33913: Func ExtractWordStartsA(const s:RawByteString;const MaxCharCount:Card;const WordSeparators:TAnsiCharSet):
33914: Func diFileExists( const FileName :Str) :Bool;
33915: Func FileExistsA( const FileName : Ansistr) :Bool;
33916: //Func FileExistsW( const FileName : UnicodeString) :Bool;
33917: Func diGCD( x, y :Card) :Card;
33918: Func diGetTempFolder :Str;
33919: Func GetTempFolderA : Ansistr;
33920: //Func GetTempFolderW : UnicodeString;
33921: Func diGetUserName( out UserName :Str) :Bool;
33922: Func GetUserNameA( out UserName : Ansistr) :Bool;
33923: //Func GetUserNameW( out UserName : UnicodeString) :Bool;
33924: Func HexCodePointToInt( const c :Card) : Int;
33925: Func diHexToInt( const s :Str) : Int;
33926: Func HexToIntA( const s : RawByteString) : Int;
33927: //Func HexToIntW( const s : UnicodeString) : Int;
33928: Func BufHexToInt( p : PChar; l :Card) : Int;
33929: Func BufHexToIntA( p : PChar; l :Card) : Int;
33930: //Func BufHexToIntW( p : PWideChar; l :Card) : Int;
33931: Proc IncludeTrailingPathDelimiterByRef( var s :Str);
33932: Proc IncludeTrailingPathDelimiterByRefA(var s:RawByteString);
33933: //Proc IncludeTrailingPathDelimiterByRefW(var w:UnicodeString);
33934: Func IntToHex16(const Value: Int; const Digits : NativeInt) :Str;;
33935: Func IntToHex17(const Value: Int64; const Digits : NativeInt) :Str;;
33936: Func IntToHex18(const Value: UInt64; const Digits : NativeInt) :Str;;
33937: Func IntToHexA( Value : UInt64; const Digits : NativeInt) : RawByteString;
33938: //Func IntToHexW(Value : UInt64; const Digits : NativeInt) : UnicodeString;
33939: Func IntToStrA19(const i: Int) : RawByteString;;
33940: Func IntToStrW20(const i: Int) : UnicodeString;;
33941: Func IntToStrA21(const i: Int64) : RawByteString;;
33942: Func IntToStrW22(const i: Int64) : UnicodeString;;
33943: Func CharDecomposeHangulW(const c: WideChar) : UnicodeString;
33944: Func diIsPathDelimiter( const s :Str; const Index :Card) :Bool;
33945: Func IsPathDelimiterA( const s : RawByteString; const Index :Card) :Bool;
33946: //Func IsPathDelimiterW( const s : UnicodeString; const Index :Card) :Bool;
33947: Func IsPointInRect( const Point : TPoint; const Rect : TRect) :Bool;
33948: Func JulianDateToIsoDateStr(const Julian: TJulianDate):str;
33949: Func JulianDateToIsoDateStrA( const Julian : TJulianDate) : RawByteString;
33950: //Func JulianDateToIsoDateStrW( const Julian : TJulianDate) : UnicodeString;
33951: Func LeftMostBit( Value :Card) : ShortInt;;
33952: Func LeftMostBit2( Value : UInt64) : ShortInt;;
33953: //Func MakeMethod( const AData, ACode : Pointer) : TMethod;
33954: Func StrIsEmpty( const s :Str) :Bool;
33955: Func StrIsEmptyA( const s : RawByteString) :Bool;
33956: //Func StrIsEmptyW( const s : UnicodeString) :Bool;
33957: Func PadLeftA(const Source:RawByteString;const Count:Card;const c:AnsiChar):RawByteStr;
33958: //Func PadLeftW(const Source: UnicodeString; const Count :Card; const c : WideChar): UnicodeString;
33959: Func PadRightA(const Source:RawByteString;const Count:Cardi;const c:AnsiChar):RawByteStr;
33960: //Func PadRightW(const Source:UnicodeString;const Count:Cardi;const c WideChar):UnicodeStr;
33961: Func ProperCase( const s :Str) :Str;
33962: Func ProperCaseA( const s : RawByteString) : RawByteString;
33963: //Func ProperCaseW( const s : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
33964: Proc ProperCaseByRefA( var s : RawByteString);
33965: //Proc ProperCaseByRefW( var s : UnicodeString);
33966: Func RegReadRegisteredOrganization( const Access : REGSAM) :Str;
33967: Func RegReadRegisteredOrganizationA( const Access : REGSAM) : Ansistr;
33968: //Func RegReadRegisteredOrganizationW( const Access : REGSAM) : UnicodeString;
33969: Func RegReadRegisteredOwner( const Access : REGSAM) :Str;
33970: Func RegReadRegisteredOwnerA( const Access : REGSAM) : Ansistr;
33971: //Func RegReadRegisteredOwnerW( const Access : REGSAM) : UnicodeString;
33972: Func RegReadStrDef( const Key : HKEY; const SubKey :Str; const ValueName:Str;const Default:str;const
33973: Func RegReadStrDefA(const Key:HKEY;const SubKey:Ansistr;const ValueName:Ansistr;const Default:Ansistr;
const Access:REGSAM):Ansistr;
33974: Func StrDecodeUrlA( const Value : RawByteString): RawByteString;
33975: Func StrEncodeUrlA( const Value : RawByteString): RawByteString;
33976: Func diStrEnd( const s : PChar) : PChar;

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33977: Func StrEndA( const s : PChar) : PChar;

33978: //Func StrEndW( const s : PWideChar) : PWideChar;
33979: Proc StrIncludeTrailingChar( var s :Str; const c : Char);
33980: Proc StrIncludeTrailingCharA( var s : RawByteString; const c : AnsiChar);
33981: //Proc StrIncludeTrailingCharW( var s : UnicodeString; const c : WideChar);
33982: Func diStrLen( const s : PChar) : NativeUInt;
33983: Func StrLenA( const s : PChar) : NativeUInt;
33984: //Func StrLenW( const s : PWideChar) : NativeUInt;
33985: Func StrRandom(const ASeed:RawByteStr;const ACharacters:str;const ALength:Card):str);
33986: Func StrRandomA(const ASeed:RawByteString;const ACharacters:RawByteString;const ALength:Card):RawByteStr;
33987: Proc StrRemoveFromToIA(var Source:RawByteString;const FromString,ToString:RawByteString);
33988: //Proc StrRemoveFromToIW(var Source:UnicodeString;const FromString, ToString : UnicodeString);
33989: Proc StrRemoveSpacingA(var s:RawByteStr;const SpaceChars:TAnsiCharSet;const ReplaceChar:AnsiChar);
33990: Proc diStrReplaceChar(var Source:Str;const SearchChar,ReplaceChar:Char);
33991: Proc StrReplaceChar8(var s:Utf8String;const SearchChar,ReplaceChar:AnsiChar);
33992: Proc StrReplaceCharA(var s:RawByteString;const SearchChar,ReplaceChar: AnsiChar);
33993: //Proc StrReplaceCharW(var s:UnicodeString; const SearchChar, ReplaceChar : WideChar);
33994: Func diStrReplace( const Source, Search, Replace :Str) :Str;
33995: Func StrReplaceA( const Source, Search, Replace : RawByteString) : RawByteString;
33996: //Func StrReplaceW( const Source, Search, Replace : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
33997: Func StrReplaceI( const Source, Search, Replace :Str) :Str;
33998: Func StrReplaceIA( const Source, Search, Replace : RawByteString) : RawByteString;
33999: //Func StrReplaceIW( const Source, Search, Replace : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
34000: Func StrReplaceLoopA( const Source, Search, Replace : RawByteString) : RawByteString;
34001: //7Func StrReplaceLoopW( const Source, Search, Replace: UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
34002: Func StrReplaceLoopIA( const Source, Search, Replace : RawByteString) : RawByteString;
34003: //Func StrReplaceLoopIW( const Source, Search, Replace: UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
34004: Func RightMostBit( const Value :Card) : ShortInt;;
34005: Func RightMostBit2( const Value : UInt64) : ShortInt;;
34006: Func LoadStrFromFile(const FileName:str; var s:RawByteString):Boolean;;
34007: Func FileToStr( const FileName :Str; var s :Str) :Bool;;
34008: Func LoadStrAFromFileA(const FileName:Ansistr;var s:RawByteString):Boolean;
34009: //Func LoadStrAFromFileW(const FileName:UnicodeString; var s: RawByteString) :Bool;
34010: Func LoadStrWFromFile28(const FileName:str;var s:UnicodeString):Boolean;;
34011: Func LoadStrWFromFileA(const FileName: Ansistr;var s:UnicodeString):Bool;
34012: //Func LoadStrWFromFileW(const FileName:UnicodeString;var s:UnicodeString):Bool;
34013: Func QuotedStrW( const s : UnicodeString; const Quote : WideChar) : UnicodeString;
34014: Func SaveStrToFile( const s :Str; const FileName :Str) :Bool;
34015: Func StrToFile( const s :Str; const FileName :Str) :Bool;
34016: Func SaveStrAToFile(const s:RawByteString;const FileName :Str) :Bool;
34017: Func SaveStrAToFileA( const s : RawByteString; const FileName : Ansistr) :Bool;
34018: //Func SaveStrAToFileW(const s:RawByteString; const FileName: UnicodeString) :Bool;
34019: Func SaveStrWToFile(const s:UnicodeString;const FileName :Str):Boolean;
34020: Func SaveStrWToFileA(const s: UnicodeString;const FileName:Ansistr): Bool;
34021: //Func SaveStrWToFileW(const s:UnicodeString; const FileName : UnicodeString):Bool;
34022: Func StrPosChar(const Source:str; const c:Char;const Start:Card):Card;
34023: Func StrPosCharA(const Source:RawByteString;const c:AnsiChar;const Start:Car):Card;
34024: //Func StrPosCharW(const Source:UnicodeStr;const c:WideChar;const Start:Cardi):Card;
34025: Func StrPosCharBack(const Source:Str;const c:Char;const Start:Card):Card;
34026: Func StrPosCharBackA(const Source:RawByteStr;const c:AnsiChar;const Start:Cardi):Card);
34027: Func StrPosCharsA(const Sourc:RawByteStr;const Search:TAnsiCharSet;const Start:Cardi):Cardi;
34028: Func StrPosCharsBackA(const Src:RawByteStr;const Search:TAnsiCharSet;const Start:Cardi):Cardi;
34029: Func StrPosNotCharsA(const Src:RawByteStr;const Search:TAnsiCharSet;const Start:Cardi):Cardi;
34030: Func StrPosNotCharsBackA(const Source:RawByteString;const Search:TAnsiCharSet; const Start:Card):Card;
34031: Func SetFileDate(const FileHandle:THandle;const Year:Int;const Month,Day:Word):Bool);
34032: Func SetFileDate2( const FileName :Str; const JulianDate : TJulianDate) :Bool;
34033: Func SetFileDateA( const FileName: Ansistr; const JulianDate:TJulianDate) :Bool;
34034: //Func SetFileDateW(const FileName:UnicodeString;const JulianDate:TJulianDate):Boolean;
34035: Func SetFileDateYmd(const FileName:str;const Year:Int;const Month,Day:Word):Bool;
34036: Func SetFileDateYmdA(const FileName:Ansistr;const Year:Int;const Month,Day:Word):Bool;
34037: Func SetFileDateYmdW(const FileName:UnicodeStr;const Year:Int;const Month,Day:Word):Bool;
34038: Func StrContainsChar(const s:str; const c:Char; const Start :Card) :Bool;
34039: Func StrContainsCharA(const s:RawByteString;const c:AnsiChar;const Start:Card):Bool;
34040: //Func StrContainsCharW(const s:UnicodeString;const c:WideChar;const Start:Cardi):Bool;
34041: Func StrContainsCharsA(const s:RawByteStr;const Chars:TAnsiCharSet;const Start:Card):Bool;
34042: Func diStrSame( const s1, s2 :Str) :Bool;
34043: Func StrSameA( const s1, s2 : RawByteString) :Bool;
34044: //Func StrSameW( const s1, s2 : UnicodeString) :Bool;
34045: Func StrSameI( const s1, s2 :Str) :Bool;
34046: Func StrSameIA( const s1, s2 : RawByteString) :Bool;
34047: //Func StrSameIW( const s1, s2 : UnicodeString) :Bool;
34048: Func StrSameStart( const s1, s2 :Str) :Bool;
34049: Func StrSameStartA( const s1, s2 : RawByteString) :Bool;
34050: //Func StrSameStartW( const s1, s2 : UnicodeString) :Bool;
34051: Func StrSameStartI( const s1, s2 :Str) :Bool;
34052: Func StrSameStartIA( const s1, s2 : RawByteString) :Bool;
34053: //Func StrSameStartIW( const s1, s2 : UnicodeString) :Bool;
34054: Func diStrComp( const s1, s2 :Str) : Int;
34055: Func StrCompA( const s1, s2 : RawByteString) : Int;
34056: //Func StrCompW( const s1, s2 : UnicodeString) : Int;
34057: Func StrCompI( const s1, s2 :Str) : Int;
34058: Func StrCompIA( const s1, s2 : RawByteString) : Int;
34059: //Func StrCompIW( const s1, s2 : UnicodeString) : Int;
34060: Func StrCompNum( const s1, s2 :Str) : Int;
34061: Func StrCompNumA( const s1, s2 : RawByteString) : Int;
34062: // Func StrCompNumW( const s1, s2 : UnicodeString) : Int;
34063: Func StrCompNumI( const s1, s2 :Str) : Int;
34064: Func StrCompNumIA( const s1, s2 : RawByteString) : Int;
34065: // Func StrCompNumIW( const s1, s2 : UnicodeString) : Int;

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34066: Func StrContains(const Search,Source:str; const Start:Card):Bool;

34067: Func StrContainsA(const Search,Source:RawByteString;const Start:Card):Bool;
34068: //Func StrContainsW(const ASearch,ASource:UnicodeString;const AStartPos:Card):Bool;
34069: Func StrContainsI(const Search, Source :Str; const Start :Card) :Bool;
34070: Func StrContainsIA(const Search,Source:RawByteString; const Start:Card):Bool;
34071: //Func StrContainsIW(const ASearch,ASource:UnicodeString;const AStartPos:Card):Bool;
34072: Func StrCountChar(const ASource:str;const c:Char;const AStartIdx:Card):Card;
34073: Func StrCountCharA(const ASource:RawByteStr;const c:AnsiChar;const AStartIdx:Cardi):Card;
34074: Func StrMatchesA(const Search,Source:RawByteString; const AStartIdx:Card):Bool;
34075: Func StrMatchesIA(const Search,Source:RawByteString;const AStartIdx:Card):Bool;
34076: Func StrMatchWild(const Source,Mask:str;const WildChar:Char;const MaskChar:Char):Bool;
34077: Func StrMatchWildA(const Src,Mask:RawByteString;const WildChr:AnsiChar;const MaskChr:AnsiChar):Bool;
34078: Func StrMatchWildI(const Source,Mask:str;const WildChar:Char;const MaskChar:Char):Bool;
34079: Func StrMatchWildIA(const Source,Mask:RawByteString;const WildChar:AnsiChar;const MaskChar:AnsiChar):Bool;
34080: Func diStrPos( const ASearch, ASource :Str; const AStartPos :Card) :Card;
34081: Func StrPosA(const ASearch,ASource:RawByteString;const AStartPos:Card):Card;
34082: //Func StrPosW(const ASearch,ASource:UnicodeString;const AStartPos:Card):Card;
34083: Func StrPosI( const ASearch, ASource :Str; const AStartPos :Card) :Card;
34084: Func StrPosIA(const ASearch,ASource:RawByteString; const AStartPos:Card):Card;
34085: //Func StrPosIW(const ASearch, ASource:UnicodeString;const AStartPos:Card):Card;
34086: Func StrPosBackA( const ASearch, ASource: RawByteString; AStart :Card) :Card;
34087: Func StrPosBackIA(const ASearch, ASource: RawByteString; AStart :Card) :Card;
34088: //Func StrToIntDefW( const w : UnicodeString; const Default : Int) : Int;
34089: Func StrToInt64DefW( const w : UnicodeString; const Default : Int64) : Int64;
34090: Func StrToUpper( const s :Str) :Str;
34091: Func StrToUpperA( const s : RawByteString) : RawByteString;
34092: //Func StrToUpperW( const s : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
34093: Proc StrToUpperInPlace( var s :Str);
34094: Proc StrToUpperInPlaceA( var s : Ansistr);
34095: //Proc StrToUpperInPlaceW31( var s : WideString);;
34096: //Proc StrToUpperInPlaceW32( var s : UnicodeString);;
34097: Func StrToLower( const s :Str) :Str;
34098: Func StrToLowerA( const s : RawByteString) : RawByteString;
34099: //Func StrToLowerW( const s : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
34100: Proc StrToLowerInPlace( var s :Str);
34101: Proc StrToLowerInPlaceA( var s : Ansistr);
34102: //Proc StrToLowerInPlaceW33( var s : WideString);;
34103: //Proc StrToLowerInPlaceW34( var s : UnicodeString);;
34104: Proc StrTimUriFragmentA( var Value : RawByteString);
34105: //Proc StrTrimUriFragmentW( var Value : UnicodeString);
34106: //Func StrExtractUriFragmentW( var Value : UnicodeString): UnicodeString;
34107: Func StrCountUtf8Chars(const AValue: Utf8String) :Card;
34108: Func StrDecodeUtf8( const AValue: Utf8String): UnicodeString;
34109: Func StrEncodeUtf8( const AValue: UnicodeString): Utf8String;
34110: Func diSysErrorMessage( const MessageID :Card) :Str;
34111: Func SysErrorMessageA(const MessageID:Card): Ansistr;
34112: //Func SysErrorMessageW( const MessageID :Card) : UnicodeString;
34113: Func TextExtentW( const DC : HDC; const Text : UnicodeString) : TSize;
34114: Func TextHeightW( const DC : HDC; const Text : UnicodeString) : Int;
34115: Func TextWidthW( const DC : HDC; const Text : UnicodeString) : Int;
34116: Func diStrTrim( const Source :Str) :Str;
34117: Func StrTrimA( const Source : RawByteString) : RawByteString;
34118: //Func StrTrimW( const w : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString;
34119: Func StrTrimCharA(const Source:RawByteString;const CharToTrim:AnsiChar): RawByteString;
34120: Func StrTrimCharsA(const Source:RawByteStr;const CharsToTrim:TAnsiCharSet):RawByteString;
34121: //Func StrTrimCharsW(const s:UnicodeStr;const IsCharToTrim:TValidateCharFuncW):UnicodeStr;
34122: Proc TrimLeftByRefA( var s : RawByteString; const Chars : TAnsiCharSet);
34123: Func TrimRightA( const Source : RawByteString; const s : TAnsiCharSet) : RawByteString;
34124: Proc TrimRightByRefA( var Source : RawByteString; const s : TAnsiCharSet);
34125: Proc StrTrimCompressA(var s:RawByteString;const TrimCompressChars:TAnsiCharSet;const
34126: Func TryStrToIntW( const w : UnicodeString; out Value : Int) :Bool;
34127: Func TryStrToInt64W( const w : UnicodeString; out Value : Int64) :Bool;
34128: Func ValInt( const p : PChar; const l : Int; out Code : Int) : Int;;
34129: Func ValIntA36( p : PChar; l : Int; out Code : Int) : Int;;
34130: //Func ValIntW37( p : PWideChar; l : Int; out Code : Int) : Int;;
34131: Func ValInt2(const s:Str; out Code : Int): Int;;
34132: Func ValIntA39( const s : RawByteString; out Code : Int) : Int;;
34133: Func ValIntW40( const s : UnicodeString; out Code : Int) : Int;;
34134: Func ValInt64A41( p : PChar; l : Int; out Code : Int) : Int64;;
34135: //Func ValInt64W42( p : PWideChar; l : Int; out Code : Int) : Int64;;
34136: Func ValInt64A43( const s : RawByteString; out Code : Int) : Int64;;
34137: Func ValInt64W44( const s : UnicodeString; out Code : Int) : Int64;;
34138: Func YmdToIsoDateStr(constYear:Int;const Month:Word;const Day:Word):str;
34139: Func YmdToIsoDateStrA(const Year:Int;const Month:Word; const Day:Word):RawByteString;
34140: Func YmdToIsoDateStrW(const Year:Int;const Month:Word; const Day:Word):UnicodeString;
34141: Func CharIsLetterW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34142: Func CharIsLetterCommonW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34143: Func CharIsLetterUpperCaseW(const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34144: Func CharIsLetterLowerCaseW(const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34145: Func CharIsLetterTitleCaseW(const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34146: Func CharIsLetterModifierW(const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34147: Func CharIsLetterOtherW(const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34148: Func CharIsMarkW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34149: Func CharIsMarkNon_SpacingW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34150: Func CharIsMarkSpacing_CombinedW(const c: WideChar):Bool;
34151: Func CharIsMarkEnclosingW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34152: Func CharIsNumberW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34153: Func CharIsNumber_DecimalW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;

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34154: Func CharIsNumber_LetterW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;

34155: Func CharIsNumber_OtherW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34156: Func CharIsPunctuationW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34157: Func CharIsPunctuation_ConnectorW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34158: Func CharIsPunctuation_DashW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34159: Func CharIsPunctuation_OpenW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34160: Func CharIsPunctuation_CloseW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34161: Func CharIsPunctuation_InitialQuoteW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34162: Func CharIsPunctuation_FinalQuoteW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34163: Func CharIsPunctuation_OtherW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34164: Func CharIsSymbolW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34165: Func CharIsSymbolMathW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34166: Func CharIsSymbolCurrencyW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34167: Func CharIsSymbolModifierW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34168: Func CharIsSymbolOtherW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34169: Func CharIsSeparatorW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34170: Func CharIsSeparatorSpaceW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34171: Func CharIsSeparatorLineW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34172: Func CharIsSeparatorParagraphW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34173: Func CharIsOtherW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34174: Func CharIsOtherControlW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34175: Func CharIsOtherFormatW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34176: Func CharIsOtherSurrogateW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34177: Func CharIsOtherPrivateUseW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34178: Func BitClear( const Bits, BitNo : Int) : Int;
34179: Func BitSet( const Bits, BitIndex : Int) : Int;
34180: Func BitSetTo( const Bits, BitIndex : Int; const Value :Bool) : Int;
34181: Func BitTest( const Bits, BitIndex : Int) :Bool;
34182: Func CharCanonicalCombiningClassW( const Char : WideChar) :Card;
34183: Func CharIsAlphaW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34184: Func CharIsAlphaNumW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34185: Func CharIsCrLf( const c : Char) :Bool;
34186: Func CharIsCrLfA( const c : AnsiChar) :Bool;
34187: //Func CharIsCrLfW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34188: Func diCharIsDigit( const c : Char) :Bool;
34189: Func CharIsDigitA( const c : AnsiChar) :Bool;
34190: //Func CharIsDigitW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34191: Func CharIsHangulW( const Char : WideChar) :Bool;
34192: Func CharIsHexDigitW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34193: Func CharIsWhiteSpaceW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34194: Func CharToCaseFoldW( const Char : WideChar) : WideChar;
34195: Func CharToLowerW( const Char : WideChar) : WideChar;
34196: Func CharToUpperW( const Char : WideChar) : WideChar;
34197: Func CharToTitleW( const Char : WideChar) : WideChar;
34198: Func DayOfJulianDate( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : Word;
34199: Func diDayOfWeek( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : Word;
34200: Func DayOfWeekYmd( const Year : Int; const Month, Day : Word) : Word;
34201: Func diDaysInMonth( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : Word;
34202: Func DaysInMonthYm( const Year : Int; const Month : Word) : Word;
34203: Proc DecDay( var Year : Int; var Month, Day : Word);
34204: Proc DecDays( var Year : Int; var Month, Day : Word; const Days : Int);
34205: Func diDeleteDirectory( const Dir :Str; const DeleteItself :Bool) :Bool;
34206: Func DeleteDirectoryA( Dir : Ansistr; const DeleteItself :Bool) :Bool;
34207: //Func DeleteDirectoryW( Dir : UnicodeString; const DeleteItself :Bool) :Bool;
34208: Func diEasterSunday( const Year : Int) : TJulianDate;
34209: Proc EasterSundayYmd( const Year : Int; out Month, Day : Word);
34210: Func diFirstDayOfWeek( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : TJulianDate;
34211: Proc FirstDayOfWeekYmd( var Year : Int; var Month, Day : Word);
34212: Func diFirstDayOfMonth( const Julian : TJulianDate) : TJulianDate;
34213: Proc FirstDayOfMonthYmd( const Year : Int; const Month : Word; out Day : Word);
34214: Func diForceDirectories( const Dir :Str) :Bool;
34215: Func ForceDirectoriesA( Dir : Ansistr) :Bool;
34216: //Func ForceDirectoriesW( Dir : UnicodeString) :Bool;
34217: Proc FreeMemAndNil( var Ptr: TObject);
34218: Func diGetCurrentFolder :Str;
34219: Func GetCurrentFolderA : Ansistr;
34220: //Func GetCurrentFolderW : UnicodeString;
34221: Proc SetCurrentFolder( const NewFolder :Str);
34222: Proc SetCurrentFolderA( const NewFolder : Ansistr);
34223: //Proc SetCurrentFolderW( const NewFolder : UnicodeString);
34224: Func diGetDesktopFolder :Str;
34225: Func GetDesktopFolderA : Ansistr;
34226: //Func GetDesktopFolderW : UnicodeString;
34227: Func diGetFileSize( const AFileName :Str) : Int64;
34228: Func GetFileSizeA( const AFileName : Ansistr) : Int64;
34229: //Func GetFileSizeW( const AFileName : UnicodeString) : Int64;
34230: Func diGetDesktopDirectoryFolder :Str;
34231: Func GetDesktopDirectoryFolderA : Ansistr;
34232: //Func GetDesktopDirectoryFolderW : UnicodeString;
34233: Func GetFileLastWriteTime(const FileName:Str; out FileTime : TFileTime) :Bool;
34234: Func GetFileLastWriteTimeA(const FileName:Ansistr; out FileTime:TFileTime):Boolean;
34235: //Func GetFileLastWriteTimeW(const FileName:UnicodeString;out FileTime:TFileTime):Bool;
34236: Func diGetPersonalFolder( const PersonalFolder : Int) :Str;
34237: Func GetPersonalFolderA : Ansistr;
34238: //Func GetPersonalFolderW : UnicodeString;
34239: Func GetSpecialFolder( const SpecialFolder : Int) :Str;
34240: Func GetSpecialFolderA( const SpecialFolder : Int) : Ansistr;
34241: //Func GetSpecialFolderW( const SpecialFolder : Int) : UnicodeString;
34242: Proc diIncMonth( var Year : Int; var Month, Day : Word);

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34243: Proc diIncMonths(var Year :Int; var Month, Day:Word; const NumberOfMonths:Int);
34244: Proc diIncDay( var Year : Int; var Month, Day : Word);
34245: Proc IncDays( var Year : Int; var Month, Day : Word; const Days : Int);
34246: Func IsDateValid( const Year : Int; const Month, Day : Word) :Bool;
34247: Func IsHolidayInGermany( const Julian : TJulianDate) :Bool;
34248: Func IsHolidayInGermanyYmd( const Year : Int; const Month, Day : Word) :Bool;
34249: Func diIsLeapYear( const Year : Int) :Bool;
34250: Func ISODateToJulianDate( const ISODate : TIsoDate) : TJulianDate;
34251: Proc ISODateToYmd(const ISODate: TIsoDate; out Year : Int; out Month, Day : Word);
34252: Func IsCharLowLineW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34253: Func IsCharQuoteW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34254: Func IsShiftKeyDown :Bool;
34255: Func IsCharWhiteSpaceOrAmpersandW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34256: Func IsCharWhiteSpaceOrNoBreakSpaceW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34257: Func IsCharWhiteSpaceOrColonW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34258: Func CharIsWhiteSpaceGtW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34259: Func CharIsWhiteSpaceLtW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34260: Func CharIsWhiteSpaceHyphenW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34261: Func CharIsWhiteSpaceHyphenGtW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34262: Func IsCharWordSeparatorW( const c : WideChar) :Bool;
34263: Func diISOWeekNumber( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : Word;
34264: Func ISOWeekNumberYmd( const Year : Int; const Month, Day : Word) : Word;
34265: Func ISOWeekToJulianDate(const Year:Int;const WeekOfYear:Word;const DayOfWeek:Word):TJulianDate);
34266: Func JulianDateIsWeekDay( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) :Bool;
34267: Func JulianDateToIsoDate( const Julian : TJulianDate) : TIsoDate;
34268: Proc JulianDateToYmd(const JulianDate:TJulianDate;out Year: Int;out Month,Day:Word);
34269: Func LastDayOfMonth( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : TJulianDate;
34270: Proc LastDayOfMonthYmd( const Year : Int; const Month : Word; out Day : Word);
34271: Func LastDayOfWeek( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : TJulianDate;
34272: Proc LastDayOfWeekYmd( var Year : Int; var Month, Day : Word);
34273: Func LastSysErrorMessage :Str;
34274: Func LastSysErrorMessageA : Ansistr;
34275: Func LastSysErrorMessageW : UnicodeString;
34276: Func diMax( const a : Int; const b : Int) : Int;;
34277: Func diMax3( const a, b, c : Int) : Int;
34278: Func MaxCard( const a :Card; const b :Card) :Card;;
34279: Func MaxCard3( const a :Card; const b :Card; const c :Card):Card;;
34280: Func diMaxint64( const a : Int64; const b : Int64) : Int64;;
34281: Func dimaxint643( const a : Int64; const b : Int64; const c : Int64) : Int64;;
34282: Func diMin( const a, b : Int) : Int;;
34283: Func diMin3( const a, b, c : Int) : Int;
34284: Func MinCard( const a, b :Card) :Card;;
34285: Func Mincard3( const a, b, c :Card) :Card;;
34286: Func diMinint64( const a, b : Int64) : Int64;;
34287: Func diMinint643( const a, b, c : Int64) : Int64;;
34288: Func diMinint64U( const a, b : UInt64) : UInt64;;
34289: Func diMinint643U( const a, b, c : UInt64) : UInt64;;
34290: Func MonthOfJulianDate( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : Word;
34291: Func YearOfJuilanDate( const JulianDate : TJulianDate) : Int;
34292: Func YmdToIsoDate( const Year : Int; const Month, Day : Word) : TIsoDate;
34293: Func YmdToJulianDate( const Year : Int; const Month, Day : Word) : TJulianDate;
34294: end;
34296: Func FiboMaxE2(n: Int): Extended;
34297: begin
34298: result:= (pow((1+SQRT5)/2,n)-pow((1-SQRT5)/2,n))/SQRT5
34299: end;
34300: TDLLVersionInfo=Record
34301: cbSize, // Size of the structure, in bytes.
34302: dwMajorVersion, // Major version of DLL
34303: dwMinorVersion, // Minor version of DLL
34304: dwBuildNumber, // Build number of DLL
34305: dwPlatformID: DWord; //Identifies the platform for which the DLL was built
34306: end;
34309: Proc TIdAntiFreeze_Process;
34310: var Msg: TMsg;
34311: ApplicationHasPriority:Bool;
34312: begin
34313: if ApplicationHasPriority then begin
34314: Application.ProcessMessages;
34315: end else begin
34316: // This guarantees it will not ever call Application.Idle
34317: if PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE) then begin
34318: Application.HandleMessage;
34319: end;
34320: end;
34321: end;
34322: {$ENDIF}
34324: with lockbox you do sha1 with strings and hex:
34325: writeln(SHA1ofStr(loadstringj(exepath+’maxbox4.exe’)))
34326: // ¢‘ÞRL‘mÍÕïݧlÎÓðî
34327: tempstr:= SHA1ofStr(loadstringj(exepath+’maxbox4.exe’))
34328: writeln(‘ ‘)
34329: for i:= 1 to 20 do
34330: Write(charToHexStr(tempstr[i]));
34331: A291DE524C1B916DCDD502EFDDA76C0BCED3F0EE

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34333: Example with WMI:
34334: Func TestWMIOS2:Str;
34335: var wmiService, computerName, objectsList: OLEvariant;
34336: sysID:Str;
34337: isloc: ISWBemLocator; isser: ISWBemServices;
34338: iset: ISWbemObjectSet; ENum: IEnumVariant;
34339: tempObj: OleVariant;
34340: begin
34341: computerName := ‘.’;
34342: isloc:= WMIStart;
34343: isser:= WMIConnect2(isloc, ‘\root\cimv2',’maxbox10',’max’,”); //: ISWBemServices;
34344: //Exception: incorrect credentials. WMI connection failed.
34345: //Set wmiService = GetObject(“WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate, “&_
34346: // “(SystemTime, Shutdown)}!\\” & computerName & “\root\cimv2”)
34347: //Set objectsList = wmiService.InstancesOf(“Win32_OperatingSystem”)
34348: //For Each ObjService in objectsList
34350: iset:= WMIExecQuery(isser,’Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem’)
34351: result:=(botoStr(WMIRowFindFirst(iset, ENum, tempObj)));
34352: repeat
34353: sysid:= (‘OSid: ‘+vartoStr(tempobj.csname)+
34354: ‘ – ‘+vartoStr(tempobj.name)+
34355: ‘ — ‘+vartoStr(tempobj.caption))
34356: until not WMIRowFindNext(ENum, tempobj); //}
34357: tempObj:= unassigned;
34358: result:= result+’ ‘+sysID;
34359: //Call Log.Message(“SysInfo”, sysID)
34360: End; // Sub
34362: >>> Sysid2: TRUE OSid: MAXBOX10 – Microsoft Windows 10 Home|C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition4 —
Microsoft Windows 10 Home
34363: command1:= 'play "'+songpath+'maxbox.wav"'; command2:= 'play "'+songpath+'moon.wav"';
34364: SendMCICommand('open waveaudio shareable; //parallels
34365: SendMCICommand('play "G:\sonysavefeb2014\maxbox\maxbox3_back\examples\maxbox.wav";
34366: SendMCICommand('play "G:\sonysavefeb2014\maxbox\maxbox3_back\examples\moon.wav";
34367: SendMCICommand('close waveaudio;
34368: //MakeSound(Frequency{Hz},Duration{mSec}:Int;Volume:TVolumeLevel;savefilePath:str);
34369: if Not fileexists(exepath+'\mytest1.wav') then begin
34370: Writeln('Generate 2 sounds with 440 and 443 Hz');
34371: MakeSound(440,5000, 80, Exepath+'\mytest1.wav');
34372: MakeSound(443,5000, 80, Exepath+'\mytest2.wav');
34373: end else begin
34374: Writeln('Play Beat of 2 sounds together with 3 Hz Amp Mod:');
34375: mciSendString('PLAY "'+exepath+'\mytest1.wav'+'"', 'Nil', 0, 0);
34376: mciSendString('PLAY "'+exepath+'\mytest2.wav'+'"', 'Nil', 0, 0);
34377: end;
34379: Strings (and other non ordinals) in Case Statements
34380: This has to be most requested feature by far in history of D imho, sure to make many long time D fans
34381: writeln(floattostr(pow(256,200000)))
34382: //writeln(itoa(length(bigpow(256,200000)))) //481648
34383: sr:= sworld;
34384: case sr of
34385: 'hello' : xi := 1;
34386: 'goodbye' : xi := 2;
34387: sWorld : xi := 3; //sWorld is a string constant
34388: end;
34389: writeln('res of case '+itoa(xi));
34391: initialization XRaise
34393: type
34394: EPointsArrayIsNotAssigned = Exception;
34395: writeln(itoa(length(aptsarr)));
34396: setlength(aptsarr, 2)
34397: writeln(itoa(length(aptsarr)));
34398: if length(aptsarr) = 0 then begin
34399: Xraise(EPointsArrayIsNotAssigned.Create('Points array is not assigned...'));
34400: //Exit;
34401: end;
34403: maXbox SSL fox471 for
34404: The first step the following components, maybe we will add further in the future:
34405: 1. Orpheus (Win32 and Win64)
34406: 2. Abbrevia (Win32, Win64, MacOSX, iOS and Android)
34407: 3. Virtual Tree (Win32 and Win64)
34408: 4. SynEdit (Win32 and Win64)
34409: 5. LockBox (Win32, Win64, MacOSX, iOS and Android)
34410: 6. Async Professional (Win32)
34411: 7. PowerPDF (Win32 and Win64)
34413: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34414: All maXbox Tutorials Table of Content 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021
34415: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34416: Tutorial 00 Function-Coding (Blix the Programmer)
34417: Tutorial 01 Procedural-Coding
34418: Tutorial 02 OO-Programming

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34419: Tutorial 03 Modular Coding

34420: Tutorial 04 UML Use Case Coding
34421: Tutorial 05 Internet Coding
34422: Tutorial 06 Network Coding
34423: Tutorial 07 Game Graphics Coding
34424: Tutorial 08 Operating System Coding
34425: Tutorial 09 Database Coding
34426: Tutorial 10 Statistic Coding
34427: Tutorial 10_1 Probability Coding
34428: Tutorial 11 Forms Coding
34429: Tutorial 12 SQL DB Coding
34430: Tutorial 13 Crypto Coding
34431: Tutorial 14 Parallel Coding
34432: Tutorial 15 Serial RS232 Coding
34433: Tutorial 16 Event Driven Coding
34434: Tutorial 17 Web Server Coding
34435: Tutorial 18 Arduino System Coding
34436: Tutorial 18_3 RGB LED System Coding
34437: Tutorial 19 WinCOM /Arduino Coding
34438: Tutorial 20 Regular Expressions RegEx
34439: Tutorial 21 Android Coding (coming 2013)
34440: Tutorial 22 Services Programming
34441: Tutorial 23 Real Time Systems
34442: Tutorial 24 Clean Code
34443: Tutorial 25 maXbox Configuration I+II
34444: Tutorial 26 Socket Programming with TCP
34445: Tutorial 27 XML & TreeView
34446: Tutorial 28 DLL Coding (available)
34447: Tutorial 29 UML Scripting (2014)
34448: Tutorial 30 Web of Things (2014)
34449: Tutorial 31 Closures (2014)
34450: Tutorial 32 SQL Firebird (2014)
34451: Tutorial 33 Oscilloscope (available)
34452: Tutorial 34 GPS Navigation (2014)
34453: Tutorial 35 Web Box (available)
34454: Tutorial 36 Unit Testing (avail)
34455: Tutorial 37 API Coding (avail)
34456: Tutorial 38 3D Coding (coming 2015)
34457: Tutorial 39 GEO Map Coding (available)
34458: Tutorial 39_1 GEO Map Layers Coding (available)
34459: Tutorial 40 REST Coding (coming 2015)
34460: Tutorial 41 Big Numbers Coding (2015)
34461: Tutorial 42 Parallel Processing (2015)
34462: Tutorial 43 Code Metrics: June2016
34463: Tutorial 44 IDE Extensions
34464: Tutorial 45 Robotics: July2016
34465: Tutorial 46 WineHQ: Dez2016
34466: Tutor 47 RSA Crypto Jan2017
34467: Tutor 48 Microservice Jan2017
34468: http://www.softwareschule.ch/download/maxbox_starter48.pdf
34469: Tutorial 49 Refactoring: March 2017
34470: Tutorial 50 Big Numbers II: April 2017
34471: Tutorial 51 5 Use Cases April 2017
34472: Tutorial 52 Work with WMI Mai 2017
34473: Tutorial 53 Real Time UML 2017
34474: Tutor 54 Microservice II Nov 2017
34475: Tutor 55 ASCII Talk Dez 2017
34476: Tutor 56 Neural Network 2018
34477: Tutor 57 Neural Network II
34478: Tutor 58 Data Science
34479: Tutor 59 Big Data Feb 2018
34480: Tutor 60 Machine Learning March 2018
34481: Tutor 60.1 Sentiment Analysis
34482: Tutor 60.2 ML II
34483: Tutor 63 Machine Games
34484: Tutor 64 Install Routines
34485: Tutor 65 Machine Learning III
34486: Tutor 66 Machine Learning IV
34487: Tutor 67 Machine Learning V
34488: Tutor 68 Machine Learning VI
34489: Tutor 69 Machine Learning VII
34490: Tutor 70 No GUI Shell
34491: Tutor 71 CGI and WebSocket
34492: Tutor 72 Multilanguage
34493: Tutor 73 EKON 24 Edition
34494: Tutor 74 BASTA 2020 Vision
34495: Tutor 75 Object Detection
34496: Tutor 76 Image Classifier CAI
34497: Tutor 77 Image Classifier Matrix
34498: Tutor 78 Portable pixmap format(PPM)
34499: Tutor 79 Unit Testing with Asserts
34500: Tutor 80 My Tips & Tricks
34501: Tutor 81 RSS Feeds of BBC News - Digital Forensic March 2021
34502: Tutorial 82 JSON Code API
34503: Tutorial 82_2 Sentiment NLTK API Code
34504: #Tutorial 83 Unicode + Bayes Theorem & Confusion Matrix April 2021
34505: #Tutorial 84 JSON Primer Mai 2021
34506: Tutorial 83 Machine Learning XI Classification April 2021
34507: Tutorial 84 Machine Learning XII Baseline Mai 2021

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34508: Tutorial 85 JSON4Delphi Automation Mai 2021

34509: Tutorial 86 Python4Delphi P4D June 2021 (Part 1-4)
34510: Tutorial 87 Image Detection with Lazarus
34511: Tutorial 88 Performance Tuning
34512: Tutorial 89 CAI mX4
34513: Tutorial 89_1 CAI mX4 model define
34514: Tutorial 89_2 CAI mX4 model fits
34515: Tutorial 90 Python CheatSheet Nov. 2021
34516: Tutorial 91 CAI CheatSheet Faker SynDat Dez. 2021
34517: Tutorial 92 Python_CAI CheatSheet Jan. 2022
34519: Doc ref Docu for all Type Class and Const in maXbox_types.pdf
34520: using Docu for this file is maxbox_functions_all.pdf
34521: PEP - Pascal Education Program Low Lib Lab ShellHell in UDEMY
34523: https://bitbucket.org/max_kleiner/maxbox3/wiki/maXbox%20Tutorials
34524: http://stackoverflow.com/tags/pascalscript/hot
34525: http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=scriptfunctions
34526: http://sourceforge.net/projects/maXbox #locs:16200
34527: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/maXbox
34528: http://www.blaisepascal.eu/
34529: https://github.com/maxkleiner/maXbox3.git
34530: https://github.com/maxkleiner/maXbox4.git
34531: http://www.heise.de/download/maxbox-1176464.html
34532: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Other-Programming-Files/maXbox.shtml
34533: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Programming-maXbox/166844836691703
34534: http://www.softwareschule.ch/arduino_training.pdf
34535: http://www.delphiarea.com
34536: http://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/rtl/strutils/index-5.html
34537: http://entwickler-konferenz.de/2014/speakers/max-kleiner
34538: http://www.heise.de/download/maxbox-1176464.html
34539: https://www.udemy.com/learn-coding-from-the-scratch
34540: http://www.slideshare.net/maxkleiner1/codesign-2015
34541: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yolconwmg4oqta4/Blaise_2and3_SP_Total.pdf?dl=0
34542: http://www.softwareschule.ch/download/maxbox_promo.png
34543: http://max.kleiner.com/maxbox_functions_all.htm
34544: http://max.kleiner.com/boxart.htm
34545: http://www.jurgott.org/linkage/util.htm
34546: http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/en/niklauswirth.php
34547: http://www.softwareschule.ch/images/maxbox_20years_delphi.jpg
34548: https://softwareschule.code.blog/
34549: https://repl.it/@MaxKleiner/machinelearning4#main.py
34550: https://github.com/project-jedi/jvcl/tree/master/jvcl/examples/JvChartDemo
34551: https://github.com/maxkleiner/python4delphi/blob/master/Source/PythonEngine.pas
34553: All maXbox 4 Examples List Exampleslist
34554: https://github.com/maxkleiner/maXbox3/releases
34555: https://github.com/maxkleiner/maXbox4/releases
34556: http://www.softwareschule.ch/download/exampleedition2016.zip
34558: *********************************************************************************************
34559: 000_pas_baseconvert.txt 282_fadengraphik.txt
34560: 000_pas_baseconvert.txt_encrypt 283_SQL_API_messagetimeout.txt
34561: 000_pas_baseconvert.txt_decrypt 284_SysTools4.txt
34562: 001_1_pas_functest - Kopie.txt 285_MineForm_GR32.TXT
34563: 001_1_pas_functest.txt 285_MineForm_GR32main.TXT
34564: 001_1_pas_functest2.txt 285_MineForm_GR32mainsolution.TXT
34565: 001_1_pas_functest_clx2.txt 285_MineForm_propas.TXT
34566: 001_1_pas_functest_clx2_2.txt 285_MineForm_propas2.TXT
34567: 001_1_pas_functest_openarray.txt 285_minesweeper2.TXT
34568: 001_pas_lottogen.txt 285_Patterns_process.txt
34569: 001_pas_lottogen_template.txt 286_colormixer_jpeg_charcounter.txt
34570: 001_pas_lottogen.txtcopy 286_colormixer_jpeg_charcounter2.txt
34571: 002_pas_russianroulette.txt 287_eventhandling.txt
34572: 002_pas_russianroulette.txtcopy 287_eventhandling2.txt
34573: 002_pas_russianroulette.txtcopy_decrypt 287_eventhandling2_negpower.txt
34574: 002_pas_russianroulette.txtcopy_encrypt 288_bitblt.txt
34575: 003_pas_motion.txt 288_bitblt_resize.txt
34576: 003_pas_motion.txtcopy 289_regression.txt
34577: 004_pas_search.txt 289_regression2.txt
34578: 004_pas_search_replace.txt 290_bestofbox.txt
34579: 004_search_replace_allfunctionlist.txt 290_bestofbox2.txt
34580: 005_pas_oodesign.txt 290_bestofbox3.txt
34581: 005_pas_shelllink.txt 291_3sort_visual_thread.txt
34582: 006_pas_oobatch.txt 292_refactoring2.txt
34583: 007_pas_streamcopy.txt 293_bold_utils.txt
34584: 008_EINMALEINS_FUNC.TXT 293_ib_utils.txt
34585: 008_explanation.txt 293_ib_utils_timetest.txt
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34903: 256_findfunctions_of_EXE.txt 450_Synapse_HTTPS.txt
34904: 257_AES_Cipher.txt 450_Synapse_Mime.txt
34905: 258_AES_cryptobox.txt 450_Synapse_ScanPing.txt
34906: 258_AES_cryptobox2.txt 451_ocx_player.txt
34907: 258_AES_cryptobox2_passdlg.txt 451_OCX_WinPlayer2.txt
34908: 259_AES_crypt_directory.txt 452_dbtreeview.txt
34909: 260_sendmessage_2.TXT 452_dbtreeview2.txt
34910: 260_sendmessage_beta.TXT 453_stdfuncs.txt
34911: 261_probability.txt 454_fileStream.txt
34912: 262_mxoutputdemo4.txt 455_functionfun.txt
34913: 263_async_sound.txt 455_functionfun2.txt
34914: 264_vclutils.txt 455_functionfun2_test.txt
34915: 264_VCL_utils2.txt 457_ressource_grid.txt
34916: 265_timer_API.txt 458_atomimageX.txt
34917: 266_serial_interface.txt 459_cindyfunc.txt
34918: 266_serial_interface2.txt 459_cindyfunc2.txt
34919: 266_serial_interface3.txt 460_TopTenFunctions.txt
34920: 267_ackermann_rec.txt 461_sqlform_calwin.txt
34921: 267_ackermann_variants.txt 462_caesarcipher.txt
34922: 268_DBGrid_tree.txt 463_global_exception.txt
34923: 269_record_grid.TXT 464_function_procedure.txt
34924: 270_Jedi_FunctionPower.txt 464_function_procedure2.txt
34925: 270_Jedi_FunctionPowertester.txt 464_function_procedure3.txt
34926: 271_closures_study.txt 465_U_HexView.txt
34927: 271_closures_study_workingset2.txt 466_moon.txt
34928: 272_pas_function_show.txt 466_moon_inputquery.txt
34929: 273_pas_function_show2.txt 4671_cardmagic.txt
34930: 274_library_functions.txt 467_helmholtz_graphic.txt
34931: 275_turtle_language.txt 468_URLMon.txt
34932: 275_turtle_languagehouse2_time2.txt
34933: 275_turtle_language_save.txt 468_URLMon2.txt
34934: 276_save_algo.txt 469_formarrow.txt
34935: 276_save_algo2.txt 469_formarrow_datepicker.txt
34936: 277_functionsfor39.txt 469_formarrow_datepicker_ibz_result.txt
34937: 278_DB_Dialogs.TXT 469_ibzresult.txt
34938: 279_hexer2.TXT 470_DFFUtils_compiled.txt
34939: 279_hexer2macro.TXT 470_DFFUtils_ScrollingLED.txt
34940: 279_hexer2macroback.TXT 470_Oscilloscope.txt
34941: 280_UML_process.txt 470_Oscilloscope_code.txt
34942: 280_UML_process_knabe2.txt 471_cardmagic.txt
34943: 280_UML_process_knabe3.txt 471_cardmagic2.txt
34944: 280_UML_process_TIM_Botzenhardt.txt 472_allcards.TXT
34945: 280_UML_TIM_Seitz.txt 473_comboset.txt
34946: 281_picturepuzzle.txt 474_wakeonlan.txt
34947: 281_picturepuzzle2.txt 474_wakeonlan2.txt
34948: 281_picturepuzzle3.txt 476_getscripttest.txt
34949: 281_picturepuzzle4.txt 477_filenameonly.txt
34950: 479_inputquery.txt 480_regex_pathfinder.txt
34951: 480_regex_pathfinder2.txt 481_processList.txt
34952: 482 processPipe.txt 482 processPipeGCC.txt

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34953: 483_PathFuncTest_mX.txt 484_filefinder3.txt

34954: 485_InnoFunc.txt 486_VideoGrabber.txt
34955: 487_asyncKeyState.txt 488_asyncTerminal.txt
34956: 489_simpleComport.txt 490_webCamproc.txt
34957: 491_analogmeter.txt 492_snowflake2.txt
34958: 493_gadgets.txt 495_fourierfreq.txt
34959: 496_InstallX.txt 497_LED.txt
34960: 498_UnitTesting.txt 499_mulu42.txt
34961: 500_diceoflifes.txt 501_firebird_datasnap_tests.txt
34962: 502_findalldocs.txt 503_led_switch.txt
34963: 504_fileclass.txt 505_debug.txt
34964: 506_colormatrix.txt 507_derutils.txt
34965: 508_simplecomportmorse.txt 509_GEOMap2.txt
34966: 509_509_GEOMap2_SReverse.TXT 510_510_bonn_gpsdata_mX4.pas
34967: 511_LEDLabel.txt 512_LED_moon.txt
34968: 513_StreamIntegration.txt 514_LED_moon2.txt
34969: 515_ledclock3.txt 516_mapview.txt
34970: 517_animation7.txt 518_sensors_meter.txt
34971: 519_powtils.txt 520_run_bytecode.txt
34972: 521_iputils2.txt 522_getgeocode.txt
34973: 523_NMEA.txt 524_NAV_Utils.txt
34974: 525_GEO84s.txt 526_Compass_meter.txt
34975: 527_GPSDemo.txt 528_linescount.txt
34976: 529_profilertest.txt 530_3DLab.txt
34977: 531_profilertest.txt 532_mcicommand.txt
34978: 533_syncasync_demo.txt 534_arduino_cockpit.TXT
34979: 535_Battleship3.pas 536_ressource_grid2.txt
34980: 537_iniplus.TXT 538_shellbatch.txt
34981: 539_timeturtle123.txt 540_NeuralNetwork.pas
34982: 541_webserver_arduino_motorturtle.txt 542_arduino_sound.txt
34983: 543_MATH_TurboP.PAS 544_UTIL01.PAS
34984: 545_strips.TXT 546_fourier3.pas
34985: 547_regexmaster.TXT 548_STExpressions.TXT -Services
34986: 549_3D_Panorama.txt 550_Expressions.TXT - 550_ADO_OLEDB.txt
34987: 551_ArduinoTester.txt 552_WaitExec32.txt
34988: 553_ArduinoCockBit3.txt 554_Watdchdog.txt - 555_CODEsign2.txt
34989: 556_stringlistrandom.TXT 557_4dice2015.txt
34990: 558_highrestimer.TXT -559_higthrestimer2 560_PSUtils.TXT
34991: 561_newfunctions399160.txt 562_shellctrldemo.txt
34992: 563_moonpaper.txt 564_queryperformance.txt
34993: 565_ConsoleCapture.txt 566_queryperformance2.txt
34994: 567_SquareWordGrids2.txt 568_U_BigFloatTestscript2.pas
34995: 569_keylog.txt - 569_ServiceMgr2.TXT 570_turingspeech.txt
34996: 571_myPing.txt 572_shellctrlplus.txt
34997: 573_modbusfrm_Main.pas 574_arduino_cockpit5.TXT
34998: 575_TARTARUGA_Desktop.txt 576_outlineEX11.PAS
34999: 577_listbox2list.txt 578_access_db_logsimulation3.txt
35000: 579_numbersystems_sort.txt 580_indystacksearch_geo.txt
35001: 581_stringstream.txt 582_indystackwin.txt
35002: 583_VirtualConstructor_savereport.txt 584_ProcessList2fontwidth.txt last
35003: 585_fulltextfinder_cleancode_override.txt 586_STRandom.txt
35004: 587_one_function.txt 588_XSBuiltins.txt
35005: 589_avi_animate.txt 590_HTML_to_RTF.txt
35006: 591_emailattach.txt 592_getTypeLibList.txt
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35008: 595_check_memory.txt 596_time_delays.txt
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35011: 601_PECheckSum.txt 602_multilang_game.txt (moonbug)
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35014: 607_DataSetProvider_CDS_ADO.txt 608_ColorMixer_Arduino2.txt
35015: 609_ScriptExecutor (beta) 610_3D_DLL.txt
35016: 611_Arduino_COMOutputs.txt 612_MTerminal.pas
35017: 611_Arduino_COMOutputs_TMP36_3.txt
35018: 613_uPSI_DIUtils_test.pas 614_inbrowserock.txt
35019: 615_SONAR_51_Starter.txt 616_ComTerminalDlg.pas
35020: (589_AVI_Throbber.res.txt) 589_avi_animate.txt
35021: 616_ComTerminalDlg.pas //end for
35023: 617_API_coding_tut37.txt 617_API_coding_tut39.txt
35024: 618_bayes_filter.txt 618_bayes_filter_dic.txt
35025: 618_bayes_filter_dic2.txt 619_crypto_package_demo.txt
35026: 619_crypto_package_demo_policy.txt 619_crypto_packr.txt
35027: 620_serialtimer.txt 621_bruteforceattack_dic.txt
35028: 622_netsh_master_restore4.psb 622_netsh_master_sonar.pas
35029: 623_exspawnu.pas 623_exspawnu_buffoverflow.pas
35030: 624_Misctest_lexscanner.pas 624_Misctest_lexscanner2.pas
35031: 625_binominal_bigint3_testcase.txt 626_lorentztransformation.TXT
35032: 627_4gewinnt_main3.txt 628_FormatFloat.pas
35033: 629_Word_FORMULA.PAS 630_multikernel2.TXT
35034: 630_multikernel3.TXT 631_dmath_testfunc_mx3.pas
35035: 632_safecalll2.txt 632_safecheck2.txt
35036: 632_safecheck2_regex_basta.txt 633_gamma_func.txt
35037: 634_briefcase_XMLDB.xml 634_BriefcaseMain2.pas
35038: 634_maxbase3server.mdb 635_bitcount_bytecodestudy.txt
35039: 636_rest_apiexamples.txt 637_psnconvert3.TXT
35040: 637_psnconvert4.TXT 637_startscript_psnconvert2.TXT
35041: 638_Mathslib_prime.pas.txt 639_prime_factors.txt

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35042: 640_rest_geocode.txt 640_rest_weather_report.txt

35043: 640_weather_cockpit5.TXT 640_weather_cockpit6.TXT
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35047: 646_pi_evil2.TXT 647_StringtoHTMLBasta.TXT
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35051: 650_dbblober.txt 650_drawdice2016.txt
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35053: 653_PdoxTstbox.pas 654_spectrum_dice2016_3.txt
35054: 655_arduino_chess.txt 655_arduino_chess2.txt
35055: 656_XML_RpcCommon.pas 656_XML_RpcCommon2.pas
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35057: 659_VirtListBox.txt 660_X509_Cert.pas
35058: 660_InetUtils_Rest.txt 661_REXX.pas
35059: 662__VisualChronForm.pas 663_Tokens.pas
35060: 664_DataAnnotationsValid.pas.pas 665_keditcommon.pas.pas
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35062: 667_URobo2.pas.pas 668_U_SoundGen3.pas.pas
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35064: 670_interesting_birthday_paradox.txt 671_replacedigit.txt //File
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35078: 696_kmemo_demo_Main.pas 696_kmemo_demo.pas
35079: 697_OverbyteIcsTicks64.pas 697_OverbyteIcsTicks64Demo1.pas
35080: 698_new_classes_tester.pas 693_OverbyteIcsDnsQuerytester.pas
35081: 698_Bitcoin_blockchaintester.pas 699_OverbyteIcsSha1_tester.pas
35082: 700_mX422_functions_demo2.txt 700_mX422_functions_demo3.txt
35083: 700_new_function_snippets.pas 700_function_snippets3_metrics.inc
35084: 701_all_fibonacci.txt 702_pascal_fibonacci.txt
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35086: 703_pc_sensors.txt 704_entropy_test.txt
35087: 705_magsubs1_functions.pas 705_parser_demo_case.txt
35088: 706_population_count.txt 707_GrayCode.txt
35089: 708_XML_DOM_ReaderTutor.txt 709_BarcodeReader.txt
35090: 710_enigma_riddler.txt 710_EnumRegKeys.txt
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35092: 710_RegSvrUtils_mX4.pas 711_geo_satellite_mapbox.txt
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35094: 713_SnakeA2.pas 713_internet_traces_mx_screenshot2.png
35095: 714_astroids_GAME3.PAS 714_GAME_spaceinvaders.PAS
35096: 715_shape_calculator.PAS 716_webplan.PAS
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35098: 719_rootsfunction.txt 720_euler_project.txt
35099: 720_HTML_TableExport_CSS.pas 720_selfdescribing_number.txt
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35106: 728_mci_macros.TXT 728_mci_macros_imagetest.TXT
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35108: 730_modular_exponentiation_IBZ.txt 730_topological4.txt
35109: 730_ternary_logice.txt 730_ternary_logice2.txt
35110: 731_DWS_Client4_EKON20.pas 731_DWS_Server4_EKON20.pas
35111: 732_hailstonesequence_delphi.txt 732_hailstonesequence.txt
35112: 733_jensensdevice.txt 734_boxthecompass.txt
35113: 735_Linear_congruential_generator.txt 735_mx_screenshot_duesseldorf.png
35114: 735_Euler_p117_openSSL_scripts.txt 736_hiddenstreams_ads.txt
35115: 737_xmastree2.txt 737_xmastree3.txt
35116: 738_mX4_exact_fishertest2.pas 738_mX4_exact_fishertest3.pas
35117: 739_GIFPAL.PAS 739_mXbinom.pas
35118: 740_Globalreplacetext.txt 740_Globalreplacetext_test.txt
35119: 740_msgpump1.txt 740_uFTPServermX2.pas
35120: 740_uFTPServermX2_listtest.pas 740_RosettaIsaac_cryptocode.txt
35121: 740_RosettaIsaac_Cryptocode_Delphi 740_RosettaIsaac_cryptocode2.txt
35122: 741_DrawYinAndYang.txt 741_DrawYinAndYang_console.txt
35123: 742_VectorProducts.txt 743_ProperDivisor.txt
35124: 744_Web_scraping_UTCTime.txt 745_Web_scraping_UTCTime_DNSQuery.txt
35125: 745_crypto_memory.txt 745_euler_method.txt
35126: 746_uText.pas 746_mx_screenshot_stream.png
35127: 747_uSteganos.pas 748_ubits.pas
35128: 749_helloWebServer.txt 749_helloWebServer2.txt
35129: 749_helloWebServer3.txt 749_helloWebServer3_tempsensor.txt
35130: 750_EchoServer3.txt 750_EchoServer4.txt

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35131: 210_RSA_crypto_complete8hybrid.txt 210_public_private_crypto_complete7hybrid.txt

35132: 750_ibz_cryptomem_RSA_proof_64.txt 750_RSA_Toolproof4.txt
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35136: 752_U_AstroDemo_mX4_2.pas 752_U_AstroDemo_mX4_2Form.pas
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35151: 760_systeminfo_tester2.txt 760_systeminfo_tester3.txt
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35181: 781_ProxyUtils.txt 781_DataSetUtils.pas
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35186: 787_cologne_Bitmap21.txt 788_WMI_Transpose.txt
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35191: 797_SynEditCodeFolding_routines.pas 798_turtle_python_time2.txt
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35197: 805_webspider_Mainconsole2_2.pas 806_primes_threadMain.pas
35198: 807_FANN_XorSample.pas 808_FANN_XorSample_traindata.pas
35199: 807_FANN_XorSample2.pas 809_FANN_XorSample_traindata.pas
35200: 810_bullcow_mastermind.txt 810_python_shell.txt
35201: 810_neuralnetwork2.txt 810_python_shell2.txt
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35203: 811_mXpcatest_dmath_datascience2.pas 812_smtp_email4.txt
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35206: 813_PCA_datascience_iris3.txt 814_machinelearning_overview.jpg
35207: 815_look_and_say.txt 816_snowball_Readme.doc
35208: 816_SnowballProgram.pas 817_logextract.txt
35209: 818_spider_traversialdemo.txt 818_spider_traversialdemo2.txt
35210: 819_ES.Utils.pas 820_eigenvalue.txt
35211: 820_U_ProbabilityDist.pas 820_U_ProbabilityDist2.pas
35212: 820_U_ProbabilityDist2.psb 820_182_Cologne42_EKON21sunset.jpeg
35213: 820_bostondataset_socks4test.pas 820_bostondataset.txt
35214: 820_bostondataset_socks4test_irisset.pas 820_iris.data
35215: 820_bostondataset_irisset_clean.pas 820_bostondataset3.txt
35216: 821_Narcissistic.txt 821_Narcissistic2.txt
35217: 822_perceptron1_2.htm 822_perceptron.txt
35218: 822_perceptron1_2.txt 822_perceptron1_3.txt
35219: 822_perceptron1_3.htm 822_FANN_Perceptron_Sample_Plus.pas

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35220: 807_FANN_PerceptronSample.pas 822_perceptron1_31.txt

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35528: 1017_XmlDocRssParser.pas 1017_bbcnews.xml
35529: 1017_bbcnews2.xml 1017_XmlDocRssParser_BBCNewsDemo.pas
35530: 1017_RSSexportUnit2Webform.pas 1017_RSSWexportUnit2formSSLStream.pas
35531: 1018_Twelve_statements.txt 1018_ludic_numbers.txt
35532: 1018_Twelve_statements2.txt 1019_math_source_cap5train.pas
35533: 1019_math_source_cap5.pas 1018_Twelve_statements21.txt
35534: 1019_math_learn_tool.png 1020_perlinNoise.txt
35535: 1020_FASTA_format.txt 1020_FASTA_format2.txt
35536: 1020_Power2FirstDigits.psb 1020_Power2FirstDigits.txt
35537: 1020_TopRankPerGroup.txt 1020_ReST_Countries_API.txt
35538: 1020_CustomSort_Stringlist_Department.txt 1020_CustomSort_Stringlist.txt
35539: 1021_uCEFMiscFunctions_mX4.pas 1021_uCEFMiscFunctions_mX47.pas
35540: 1022_U_SciGraph13_mX47.pas 1022_scigraphplot.png
35541: 1023_FANN_NeuralNetworkLogTrainer.txt 1023_FANN_Alllogic2.png
35542: 1024_floydalgo.txt 1025_Deranged_anagrams.txt
35543: 1025_Deranged_anagrams2.txt 1026_SVC_BitVision.py
35544: 1026_json_automation_coviddata.txt 1026_covidtimeserie.txt
35545: 1026_json_automation_coviddata2.txt 1026_json_automation_coviddata21.txt
35546: 1026_worldwide5zoom.png 1026_worldwide5.png
35547: 1026_worldwide4.png 1026_json_automation_coviddata22.txt
35548: 1026_worldwide3.png 1026_worldwide2.png
35549: 1026_worldwide.png 1026_US_firstyear.png
35550: 1026_swiss_weeklypattern.png 1026_germany_weeklypattern.png
35551: 1026_swiss_firstwave.png 1026_jsondos_forecast2.png
35552: 1026_jsondos_forecast.png 1026_json_automation_coviddata22teechart.txt
35553: 1026_json_automation_refactor.txt 972_json_tester3.txt
35554: 1026_worldwide9_8confirmed.png 1026_json_automation_refactor2.txt
35555: 1017_RSSDatacampSSLStreamSentiment.pas 1017_RSSDatacampSSLStreamSentiment2.pas
35556: 972_json_tester31.txt 972_json_tester32.txt
35557: 1026_uJson_testeroauth_print.pas 1027_fpvutils.pas
35558: 1027_fpvectorial.jpg 1028_STRandomSystem_tester32.txt
35559: 1028_agg_math.pas 1028_JcfMiscFunctions.pas
35560: 1028_JcfUnicodeFiles.pas 1028_JcfMiscFunctions2.pas
35561: 1028_filestream4test.pas 1028_filestream5test.pas
35562: 1028_filestream4test2.pas 1030_filepilot2.txt
35563: 1030_filepilot2.psb 1030_filepilot21.txt
35564: 1030_StrUtil.pas 1030_StrUtil2.pas
35565: 1026_SVC_BitVision_MLPrimer.py 1026_SVC_BitVision_MLPrimer2.py
35566: 1031_Bitcoinaddress_validation.txt 1031_Bitcoinaddress_validation2.txt
35567: 1032_population_count.txt 1032_population_count.psb
35568: 1033_Corpus_from_Dir.py 1032_pascalcoin_validation.txt
35569: 1034_tamath.pas 1035_asserts_safe.pas
35570: 1034_tamath_safe.pas m85_covid6_worldwide_192.png
35571: 1035_covidapp.txt 1035_covidapp3.txt
35572: 1035_covidapp3.htm 652_graph3Dspiral.pas
35573: 652_graph3Dspiral2.pas 1036_p4d_routines.txt
35574: 1037_bufferoverflow_tester.txt 1038_FileReplaceString.txt
35575: 1035_covidapp31.txt covidapp31.psb

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35576: 1039_pcatest.pas 1039_pcatest2.pas

35577: 1039_pcatest3.pas 1039_match.pas
35578: 1039_roman.pas 1036_p4d_routines2.txt
35579: 1016_newsfeed_sentiment_integrate2.py 1016_newsfeed_sentiment_integrate2.txt
35580: 1016_newsfeed_sentiment_integrate2.htm 1040_htmlhelper.pas
35581: 1041_signproof_tester.txt 1042_math_mX4.txt
35582: 1042_superpermutation_minim.txt 1043_weatherconsole_mX4.txt
35583: 1034_weather_report_py.png 1034_Bern_0pq_single.png
35584: weatherbox.txt 1044_SimpMath.pas
35585: 1045_XMLTreeview2.png 1045_testxmlreaderunitmx47.pas
35586: xmldemo.txt 1045_testxmlreaderunitmx47.psb
35587: 1045_semaphorgrids.pas 1045_testxmlreaderunitmx475.pas
35588: weatherapp475.txt 1045_testxmlreaderunitmx47520.pas
35589: 1046_openweather_integrate.txt openweather.txt
35590: 1046_openweather_P4D_2.png 1046_openweather_integrate2.txt
35591: 1046_JclTimeZones.pas 763_google_rest_api_json2.txt
35592: 1047_microtonal_tomath_mX4.txt 1048_uCommonFunctions.pas
35593: 1047_microtonal_tomath_mX4_2.txt 100_weather_australia_secure21.txt
35594: 1049_InetUtils_Callback.TXT 336_digiclock3resource.txt
35595: 1050_saint_Pythonengine.txt 1050_saint_Pythonengine2.txt
35596: 1050_pydemo2.txt 1050_pydemo21.txt
35597: 974_64bit_Routines2.txt 1050_pydemo_51.txt
35598: 1051_semaphorgrid.txt 778_advapi32_dll_SHA512_plus.txt
35599: 778_advapi32_dll_SHA512_plusRefactor.txt 1052_delphi_arduino21.png
35600: 1052_delphi_arduino2.txt 1052_delphi_arduino.txt
35601: 1052_delphi_arduino2.png 1052_OoMiscpas2.txt
35602: 1052_delphi_arduino3.txt 1052_delphi_arduino31_2.png
35603: 1052_delphi_arduino31.txt 1052_delphi_arduino31.png
35604: 1052_delphi_arduino32.ini 1052_delphi_arduino32.txt
35605: 1052_bodmas.txt 1050pytest21_5powershttpserve.txt
35606: 1050_pydemo_5_powerliners.txt 1050_pydemo_5_powerliners23.txt
35607: 1052_OoMiscpas2PyHTTPSServer2LAB.txt 1052_OoMiscpas2output.txt
35608: 1052_pyhttpserver_integrate22.py 1050_pydemo_10_pythontips.txt
35609: 1053_U_TimeZoneDemo2.pas 1054_U_SoundGen_mcisendstring31.pas
35610: 1054_U_SoundGen31.pas 1055_WaveStorage.pas
35611: 1054_U_SoundGen_mcisendstring32.pas 1055_U_GridWordHighlight.pas
35612: 1055_U_IntListtest.pas 1055_tintlistdemo2.png
35613: 1055_tintlistdemo.png 1055_U_IntListtest.psb
35614: 1052_pydemo_pythonversion.txt 1052_pydemo_pythonversion2.txt
35615: 1056_neuralvolume_routines.pas 1019_math_source_cap5_pulse.pas
35616: 1057_pydemo_7_pyIO.txt 1057_pydemo_7_pyIO.psb
35617: 1058_Arduino.pas 1060_pypas_demo10.txt
35618: 1060_pypas_demo10.psb 1060_pypas_demo10.htm
35619: 1059_pypas_demo11.psb 1059_pypas_demo11.htm
35620: 1059_pypas_demo11.txt 1059_pydemo11tester.png
35621: 1060_arduinoUnit1.pas 1061neuraldatasets_pretester.pas
35622: 1062_utils.py 1062_3DCellularUnit1.pas
35623: 1061_gameoflifeUNIT1.PAS 1062_intervallunit.txt
35624: 1062_intervallunit2.txt 1062_neuralnet_vectors.txt
35625: 87_1062_neuraltrainer.png 1063_vector_lists.txt
35626: 1062_neuralnet_vectors2.txt 1064_vectorclassroutines.txt
35627: 1064_httpd24.pas httpd24.pas
35628: 1065_neuralnetwork_CAI.txt 1065_neuralnetwork_CAI_2.txt
35629: 1066_KMeans_tester.txt 1066_neuralvolume_tester.txt
35630: 1067_py_planet_moon.txt 1052_pydemo_pythonversion31.txt
35631: 1068_vector_matrix_tester.txt 1068_vector_matrix_tester2.txt
35632: 1068_floattostr_tester.txt 1063_vector_lists3.txt
35633: 1063_array_lists3.txt 1070_U_CardProbability2.pas
35634: 1070_U_PerfectDeck.pas 1070_tshirt_prime.txt
35635: 1070_tprime_tshirt.png 1069_pydemo30_performance.txt
35636: 1070_U_Keno2mX4.pas 1065_neuralnetwork_CAI_2_data.txt
35637: 1065__CAI_2_SimpleImageClassifier.txt 1066_KMeans_tester2.txt
35638: 1065__CAI_2_SimpleImageClassifier2.txt 1070_U_Keno2mX4Form.pas
35639: 1071_Newadds_V47590_Modules.pas 1070_U_Keno2mX4_Forms2.pas
35640: 1070_tshirt_prime2_tutor88.txt 1070_U_PrimesFromDigits.pas
35641: 1071_Newadds_V47590_Modules.pas 1071_Newadds_V47590_Modules2.pas
35642: 1065__CAI_2_SiImageClassifier21_Tutor_89_test3.txt 1072_captcha.txt
35643: 1072_captcha2.txt weatherapp476.txt
35644: 1073__CAI_3_LearnerClassifier22_Tutor_89_2.txt 1074__CAI_3_visualautoencoder.txt
35645: 1074__CAI_3_visualautoencoder2.txt 1071_Newadds_V47610_Modules3.pas
35646: 1074_U_Systools_mX4Similarity.pas 1074_U_Systools_mX4Similarity2.pas
35647: 1075_primes30_performance5.txt 1065__CAI_2_SimpleImageClassifier21_EKON_blogstarter.txt
35648: 1076_CAI_Ugradientascent.pas 1076_CAI_UVisualGAN2.pas
35649: 1076_CAI_UVisualGAN2tester_MNIST.pas 1076_CAI_UVisualGAN2tester_MNIST2.pas
35650: 1077_U_Catapult4.pas 1077_U_Catapult41.pas
35651: 1078_create_DB.pas 1077_U_Catapult41forms.pas
35652: 1077_U_Catapult42forms.pas 1077_U_Catapult43forms.pas
35653: 1077_U_metronome2.pas 1078_bell_numbers.pas
35654: 1079_Fregan.pas 1079_Test.txt
35655: 1077_U_Catapult43forms2.pas 1077_U_metronome21.pas
35656: 1080_trend.pas 1080_hist.txt
35657: 1080_hist.exe 1080_histdatgui.png
35658: 1080_tprob.pas 1080_fmTraceRouteMainU.pas
35659: 1080_VCLScanner2021.txt 1080_VCLScanner2021.uc
35660: 1080_syndat_concept.png 1081_syndat_pydemo32_2.txt
35661: 1081_syndat_pydemo32_2.psb 781u_LatLonDistanceTestmX21.pas
35662: 1082_Idiomatically.txt 1082_ToolsUtils.pas
35663: 1082_ToolsUtils2.pas 1071_Newadds_V47610_Modules42.pas
35664: 1083_Deltics_TCommandline.pas 1084_SeAES256_explain.pas

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p: 410
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35665: 1084_DelticsStrUtils.pas 602_moonbug25.txt

35666: 1085_kmemo_dictionary.pas 1085_kmemo_dictionary2taunumber.pas
35667: 1086_bigdecimals2.pas 1086_bigdecimals2python.pas
35668: 1086_bigdecimals2python2.pas 1087_HQ9.pas
35669: 1088__CAI_3_Hypotenuse.txt 1088__CAI_3_DenseNetBCL40.txt
35670: 1088__CAI_3_DenseNetBCL40_2.txt 1050_pydemo_5_powerliners_def_2.txt
35671: 1089_RSA_Example_crypto.htm 1089_RSA_Example_crypto.txt
35672: 1090_simpleneuralwebserver.txt 1089_RSA_Example_crypto_Herdt.txt
35673: 1090_simple_neuralwebserver2.txt 1090_uarduinoformworkspace.pas
35674: 1090_uformlamwinosettingspaths.pas 1090_Fractran_test.txt
35675: 1090_Fractran_test_Python.txt 1090_U_Splines.pas
35676: 1090_U_Numbrix2.pas 1090_numbrix_GUI.png
35677: 1090_Numbrix2.txt 1090_U_Numbrix21.pas
35678: 1090_numbrix_GUI_24.png 1090_Numbrix2data.txt
35679: 1091_U_SpringMass21.pas 1091_springmassdemo.png
35680: 1091_U_SpringMass2.pas 1092_Rollercoaster_Simulator.pas
35681: 1092_Rollercoaster_Simulator21.pas 1092_Rollercoaster_Simulator21.htm
35682: 1093_XMLUtils_Tutor92tester.txt 1094_pydemo13tutor_PAS2JS.txt
35683: 1095_faker_tutor_PAS2JS.txt 1096_MainFormSVG_2.pas
35684: 1096_VCL4Python.pas 1096_P4D_VCL4Python.pas
35685: 1096_MainFormSVG_2test4Python.pas 1093_CAI_IdentityShortcutConnection2.pas
35687: 685 uPSI_ALQuickSortList; //alcinoe for list of double fast
35688: with TALDoubleList.create do begin //singlelist
35689: with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TALBaseQuickSortList'),'TALDoubleList') do begin
35690: Function IndexOf( Item : Double) : Integer');
35691: Function IndexOfObject( AObject : TObject) : Integer');
35692: Function Add( const Item : Double) : Integer');
35693: Function AddObject( const Item : Double; AObject : TObject) : Integer');
35694: Function Find( item : Double; var Index : Integer) : Boolean');
35695: Procedure Insert( Index : Integer; const item : Double)');
35696: Procedure InsertObject( Index : Integer; const item : Double; AObject : TObject)');
35697: RegisterProperty('Items', 'Double Integer', iptrw);
35698: SetDefaultPropery('Items');
35699: RegisterProperty('Objects', 'TObject Integer', iptrw);
35700: end;
35702: https://sourceforge.net/projects/maxbox/files/Examples/13_General/
35703: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/signtoolbatch.txt
35704: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/signtoolbatch.htm
35706: https://cdn.top4download.com/img/award_120x60_pick.gif
35707: http://www.kleiner.com/boxart.htm
35708: http://max.kleiner.com/boxart.htm
35709: http://www.kleiner.ch/kleiner/boxart7.htm
35711: All 28 Articles of maXbox Pascal in Blaise Pascal Magazine!
35712: -----------------------------------------------------------
35713: Using Examples and Sources from Magazine CatalogX
35714: Art of Coding V.31/32 5/6 2013
35715: DLL for All V.33
35716: QR Code Coding V.34
35717: GEO Maps Nav V.35
35718: 3D Printing Lab V.36
35719: RegEx Report REX V.37/38
35720: Func Testing V.40
35721: Arduino Coding V.45/46
35722: Time is on my side V.48
35723: Compute Big Numbers V.52
35724: Code Metrics V.57
35725: Work with WineHQ V.60
35726: Work with Win WMI V.63
35727: Work with Win WMI II V.64
35728: Work MS CryptoAPI V.65
35729: The Perceptron! V.72
35730: No GUI Shell V.80
35731: Machine L. with CAI V.87/88
35732: Portable Pixmap PPM V.90
35733: Fundamentals Lib V.91
35734: RSS Feed of BBC News V.92
35735: RSS Feed Sentiment V.93
35736: JSON4Pascal V.94/95
35737: Python4Delphi 96
35738: Python4Delphi II 97
35739: Python4maXbox III 98
35740: Image Classification for Lazarus 99/100 !
35741: Faker SynDat 101
35742: Catapult, Coaster Simulator 102
35744: Proposal for Boolean Logic Abreviation Symbol:
35745: -------------------------------------------------
35747: 01 FALSE //Contradiction
35749: 02 AND //Conjunction x*y
35751: 03 INHIB //Inhibition x*^y
35753: 04 PRAEP //Praependence x

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35755: 05 PRAE //Praesection ^x*y
35757: 06 POST //Postpendence y
35759: 07 XOR //Exclusive OR x*^y+^x*y
35761: 08 OR //Disjunction OR = x+y
35763: 09 NOR //Rejection
35765: 10 AEQ //Aequivalence x<-->y, ^x*^y+x*y
35767: 11 NEGY //YNegation ^y
35769: 12 IMPY //YImplication y-->x; x+^y
35771: 13 NEGX //Xnegation ^x
35773: 14 IMPX //XImplication x-->y; ^x+y
35775: 15 NAND //Exclusion
35777: 16 TRUE //TRUE Tautologic
35778: ----------------------------------------------------------
35780: http://sourceforge.net/projects/maxbox/files/Examples/
35781: http://sourceforge.net/projects/maxbox/files/Examples/
35783: Help Online: http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox_functions.txt
35785: WebScript Examples: Get Web Script
35786: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/performer.txt;
35787: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/turtle.txt;
35788: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/SQLExport.txt;
35789: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/Richter.txt;
35790: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/checker.txt;
35791: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/demoscript.txt;
35792: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/ibzresult.txt;
35793: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/performindex.txt
35794: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/processlist.txt
35795: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/game.txt
35796: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/GEOGPS.txt
35797: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/turtle2.txt
35798: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/turtle3.txt
35799: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/asyncterminal.txt
35800: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/snowflake.txt
35801: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/arduinoled.txt
35802: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/moon2.txt
35803: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/cockpit.txt
35804: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/tartaruga.txt
35805: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/surprise.txt
35806: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/weatherapp2.txt
35807: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/weatherapp3.txt
35808: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/bigint.txt
35809: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/weatherapp.txt
35810: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/weatherapp.txt
35811: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/crypto.txt
35812: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/stack.htm
35813: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/fisher.htm
35814: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/arduinotemp.htm
35815: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/web.txt
35816: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/web3.txt
35817: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/web4.txt
35818: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/cryptocomplete.txt
35819: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/web4arduino.txt
35820: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/adafruit.txt
35821: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/stack.txt
35822: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/stack.htm
35823: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/billiard.txt
35824: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/systeminfo_tester.htm
35825: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/systeminfo.htm
35826: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/elevator.txt
35827: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/sha256.txt
35828: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/robo.txt
35829: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/robo2.txt
35830: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/font.txt
35831: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/spider.txt
35832: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/totient.txt
35833: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/811_mXpcatest_dmath_datascience.txt
35834: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/datascience.txt
35835: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/pi.txt
35836: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/excelexport.txt
35837: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/tokenizer.htm
35838: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/snake.txt
35839: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/asteroid.txt
35840: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/weatherapp46.txt
35841: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/cryptocomplete.txt
35842: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/web4arduino.txt

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p: 412
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35843: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/wmi.txt
35844: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/wmi2.txt
35845: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/reverse.htm
35846: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/weatherapp4.txt
35847: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/tictac.txt
35848: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/tictac3.txt
35849: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/mapbox2.txt
35850: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/neuralnetwork.txt
35851: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/datascience.txt
35852: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/billiard.txt
35853: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/sentiment2.txt
35854: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/python.htm
35855: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/asteroid.txt
35856: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/penny.txt
35857: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/snake3.txt
35858: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/unittest.txt
35859: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/410_titanic_keras_predictor.txt
35860: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/410_titanic_keras_predictor.htm
35861: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/histogram.txt
35862: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/odometer.txt
35863: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/chartapi.txt
35864: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/geoloc.txt
35865: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/xml.txt
35866: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/4gewinnt.txt
35867: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/cgi.txt
35868: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/singlesamplepredict.py
35869: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/perform.txt
35870: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/statistic.txt
35871: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/picbox.txt
35872: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/memory2.txt
35873: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/getgeomap.txt
35874: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/getzip.txt
35875: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/getrsa.txt
35876: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/getrsa5.txt
35877: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/getrsa5.htm
35878: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/scramble.txt
35879: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/factor2.txt
35880: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/bug.txt
35881: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/smalldic.txt
35882: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/metadefender.txt
35883: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/pythonoma.txt
35884: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/992_detector21_wget_integrate2.htm
35885: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/perceptron.txt
35886: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/perceptron2.txt
35887: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/perceptron2.htm
35888: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/sphere.txt
35889: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/entropy.txt
35890: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/protein.txt
35891: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/wordwheel.txt
35892: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/soundcloud.txt
35893: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/geometry.txt
35894: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/time.txt
35895: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/sphere2.txt
35896: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/sphere2.htm
35897: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/unittests.txt
35898: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/newssentiment.txt
35899: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/newssentiment.htm
35900: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/bbcnews.txt
35901: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/mathtool.txt
35902: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/newssentiment2.txt
35903: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/covid2.txt
35904: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/covid3.txt
35905: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/covidapp3.txt
35906: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/signtoolbatch.txt
35907: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/openweather.txt
35908: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/weatherbox.txt
35909: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/wininet.txt
35910: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/digiclock.txt
35911: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/pydemo.txt
35912: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/pydemo2.txt
35913: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/pydemo3.txt
35914: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/pydemo13.txt
35915: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/pydemo31.txt
35916: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/catapult.txt
35917: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/pydemo33.txt
35918: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/syndat.png
35919: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/cryptosystem2.txt
35920: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/cryptosystem3.txt
35921: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/springdemo.txt
35922: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/coaster.txt
35925: https://maxbox4.wordpress.com">maxbox4.wordpress.com
35926: https://softwareschule.code.blog">softwareschule.code.blog
35927: https://my6.code.blog">my6.code.blog
35928: https://github.com/maxkleiner/maXbox4/blob/master/newstoday_sentiment.ipynb
35929: http://www.softwareschule.ch/download/exampleedition2016.zip
35930: https://github.com/maxkleiner/fundamentals5
35931: https://thenewstack.io/which-programming-languages-use-the-least-electricity/

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35932: https://www.clevercomponents.com/articles/article052/
35935: Delphi Basics Run Time Library listing
35936: ******************************************************************************
35937: A
35938: Compiler Directive $A Determines whether data is aligned or packed
35939: Compiler Directive $Align Determines whether data is aligned or packed
35940: Compiler Directive $AppType Determines the application type : GUI or Console
35941: Proc SysUtils Abort Aborts the current processing with a silent exception
35942: Func System Abs Gives the absolute value of a number (-ve sign is removed)
35943: Directive Abstract Defines a class method only implemented in subclasses
35944: Variable System AbstractErrorProc Defines a proc called when an abstract method is called
35945: Func System Addr Gives the address of a variable, Func or procedure
35946: Keyword And Boolean and or bitwise and of two arguments
35947: Type System AnsiChar A character type guaranteed to be 8 bits in size
35948: Func SysUtils AnsiCompareStr Compare two strings for equality
35949: Func SysUtils AnsiCompareText Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case
35950: Func StrUtils AnsiContainsStr Returns true if a string contains a substring
35951: Func StrUtils AnsiEndsStr Returns true if a string ends with a substring
35952: Func StrUtils AnsiIndexStr Compares a string with a list of strings - returns match index
35953: Func StrUtils AnsiLeftStr Extracts characters from the left of a string
35954: Func SysUtils AnsiLowerCase Change upper case characters in a string to lower case
35955: Func StrUtils AnsiMatchStr Returns true if a string exactly matches one of a list of strings
35956: Func StrUtils AnsiMidStr Returns a substring from the middle characters of a string
35957: Func StrUtils AnsiPos Find the position of one string in another
35958: Func StrUtils AnsiReplaceStr Replaces a part of one string with another
35959: Func StrUtils AnsiReverseString Reverses the sequence of letters in a string
35960: Func StrUtils AnsiRightStr Extracts characters from the right of a string
35961: Func StrUtils AnsiStartsStr Returns true if a string starts with a substring
35962: Type System Ansistr A data type that holds a string of AnsiChars
35963: Func SysUtils AnsiUpperCase Change lower case characters in a string to upper case
35964: Proc System Append Open a text file to allow appending of text to the end
35965: Proc SysUtils AppendStr Concatenate one string onto the end of another
35966: Func Math ArcCos The Arc Cosine of a number, returned in radians
35967: Func Math ArcSin The Arc Sine of a number, returned in radians
35968: Func System ArcTan The Arc Tangent of a number, returned in radians
35969: Keyword Array A data type holding indexable collections of data
35970: Keyword As Used for casting object references
35971: Proc System Assign Assigns a file handle to a binary or text file
35972: Func System Assigned Returns true if a reference is not nil
35973: Proc System AssignFile Assigns a file handle to a binary or text file
35974: Proc Printers AssignPrn Treats the printer as a text file - an easy way of printing text
35976: B
35977: Compiler Directive $B Whether to short cut and and or operations
35978: Compiler Directive $BoolEval Whether to short cut and and or operations
35979: Proc SysUtils Beep Make a beep sound
35980: Keyword Begin Keyword that starts a statement block
35981: Func System BeginThread Begins a separate thread of code execution
35982: Proc System BlockRead Reads a block of data records from an untyped binary file
35983: Proc System BlockWrite Writes a block of data records to an untyped binary file
35984: Type System Boolean Allows just True and False values
35985: Func Classes Bounds Create a TRect value from top left and size values
35986: Proc System Break Forces a jump out of a single loop
35987: Type System Byte An Int type supporting values 0 to 255
35989: C
35990: Type System Cardinal The basic unsigned Int type
35991: Keyword Case A mechanism for acting upon different values of an Ordinal
35992: Func StdConvs CelsiusToFahrenheit Convert a celsius temperature into fahrenheit
35993: Func SysUtils ChangeFileExt Change the extension part of a file name
35994: Type System Char Variable type holding a single character
35995: Proc System ChDir Change the working drive plus path for a specified drive
35996: Func System Chr Convert an Int into a character
35997: Keyword Class Starts the declaration of a type of object class
35998: Proc System Close Closes an open file
35999: Proc System CloseFile Closes an open file
36000: Variable System CmdLine Holds the execution text used to start the current program
36001: Type System Comp A 64 bit signed Int
36002: Func SysUtils CompareStr Compare two strings to see which is greater than the other
36003: Func SysUtils CompareText Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case
36004: Func Math CompareValue Compare numeric values with a tolerance
36005: Func System Concat Concatenates one or more strings into one string
36006: Keyword Const Starts the definition of fixed data values
36007: Keyword Constructor Defines the method used to create an object from a class
36008: Proc System Continue Forces a jump to the next iteration of a loop
36009: Func ConvUtils Convert Convert one measurement value to another
36010: Func System Copy Create a copy of part of a string or an array
36011: Func System Cos The Cosine of a number
36012: Func SysUtils CreateDir Create a directory
36013: Type System Currency A floating point type with 4 decimals used for financial values
36014: Variable SysUtils CurrencyDecimals Defines decimal digit count in the Format function
36015: Variable SysUtils CurrencyFormat Defines currency string placement in curr display functions
36016: Variable SysUtils CurrencyString The currency string used in currency display functions
36017: Func SysUtils CurrToStr Convert a currency value to a string
36018: Func SysUtils CurrToStrF Convert a currency value to a string with formatting
36020: D

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36021: Compiler Directive $D Determines whether application debug information is built

36022: Compiler Directive $DebugInfo Determines whether application debug information is built
36023: Compiler Directive $Define Defines a compiler directive symbol - as used by IfDef
36024: Compiler Directive $DefinitionInfo Determines whether application symbol information is built
36025: Func SysUtils Date Gives the current date
36026: Variable SysUtils DateSeparator The character used to separate display date fields
36027: Func SysUtils DateTimeToFileDate Convert a TDateTime value to a File date/time format
36028: Func SysUtils DateTimeToStr Converts TDateTime date and time values to a string
36029: Proc SysUtils DateTimeToString Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string
36030: Func SysUtils DateToStr Converts a TDateTime date value to a string
36031: Func DateUtils DayOfTheMonth Gives day of month index for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601)
36032: Func DateUtils DayOfTheWeek Gives day of week index for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601)
36033: Func DateUtils DayOfTheYear Gives the day of the year for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601)
36034: Func SysUtils DayOfWeek Gives day of week index for a TDateTime value
36035: Func DateUtils DaysBetween Gives the whole number of days between 2 dates
36036: Func DateUtils DaysInAMonth Gives the number of days in a month
36037: Func DateUtils DaysInAYear Gives the number of days in a year
36038: Func DateUtils DaySpan Gives the fractional number of days between 2 dates
36039: Proc System Dec Decrement an ordinal variable
36040: Variable SysUtils DecimalSeparator The character used to display the decimal point
36041: Proc SysUtils DecodeDate Extracts the year, month, day values from a TDateTime var.
36042: Proc DateUtils DecodeDateTime Breaks a TDateTime variable into its date/time parts
36043: Proc SysUtils DecodeTime Break a TDateTime value into individual time values
36044: Directive Default Defines default processing for a property
36045: Func Math DegToRad Convert a degrees value to radians
36046: Proc System Delete Delete a section of characters from a string
36047: Func SysUtils DeleteFile Delete a file specified by its file name
36048: Keyword Destructor Defines the method used to destroy an object
36049: Func SysUtils DirectoryExists Returns true if the given directory exists
36050: Func SysUtils DiskFree Gives the number of free bytes on a specified drive
36051: Func SysUtils DiskSize Gives the size in bytes of a specified drive
36052: Proc System Dispose Dispose of storage used by a pointer type variable
36053: Keyword Div Performs Int division, discarding the remainder
36054: Keyword Do Defines the start of some controlled action
36055: Type System Double A floating point type supporting about 15 digits of precision
36056: Keyword DownTo Prefixes an decremental for loop target value
36057: Func StrUtils DupeString Creates a string containing copies of a substring
36058: Directive Dynamic Allows a class method to be overriden in derived classes
36060: E
36061: Compiler Directive $Else Starts the alternate section of an IfDef or IfNDef
36062: Compiler Directive $EndIf Terminates conditional code compilation
36063: Compiler Directive $ExtendedSyntax Controls some Pascal extension handling
36064: Keyword Else Starts false section of if, case and try statements
36065: Func SysUtils EncodeDate Build a TDateTime value from year, month and day values
36066: Func DateUtils EncodeDateTime Build a TDateTime value from day and time values
36067: Func SysUtils EncodeTime Build a TDateTime value from hour, min, sec and msec values
36068: Keyword End Keyword that terminates statement blocks
36069: Func DateUtils EndOfADay Generate a TDateTime value set to the very end of a day
36070: Func DateUtils EndOfAMonth Generate a TDateTime value set to the very end of a month
36071: Proc System EndThread Terminates a thread with an exit code
36072: Func System Eof Returns true if a file opened with Reset is at the end
36073: Func System Eoln Returns true if the current text file is pointing at a line end
36074: Proc System Erase Erase a file
36075: Variable System ErrorAddr Sets the error address when an application terminates
36076: Keyword Except Starts the error trapping clause of a Try statement
36077: Proc System Exclude Exclude a value in a set variable
36078: Proc System Exit Exit abruptly from a Func or procedure
36079: Variable System ExitCode Sets the return code when an application terminates
36080: Func System Exp Gives the exponent of a number
36081: Directive System Export Makes a Func or Proc in a DLL externally available
36082: Type System Extended The floating point type with the highest capacity and precision
36083: Func SysUtils ExtractFileDir Extracts the dir part of a full file name
36084: Func SysUtils ExtractFileDrive Extracts the drive part of a full file name
36085: Func SysUtils ExtractFileExt Extracts the extension part of a full file name
36086: Func SysUtils ExtractFileName Extracts the name part of a full file name
36087: Func SysUtils ExtractFilePath Extracts the path part of a full file name
36089: F
36090: Func StdConvs FahrenheitToCelsius Convert a fahrenheit temperature into celsius
36091: Keyword File Defines a typed or untyped file
36092: Func SysUtils FileAge Get the last modified date/time of a file without opening it
36093: Func SysUtils FileDateToDateTime Converts a file date/time format to a TDateTime value
36094: Func SysUtils FileExists Returns true if the given file exists
36095: Func SysUtils FileGetAttr Gets the attributes of a file
36096: Variable System FileMode Defines how Reset opens a binary file
36097: Func System FilePos Gives the file position in a binary or text file
36098: Func SysUtils FileSearch Search for a file in one or more directories
36099: Func SysUtils FileSetAttr Sets the attributes of a file
36100: Func SysUtils FileSetDate Set the last modified date and time of a file
36101: Func System FileSize Gives the size in records of an open file
36102: Proc System FillChar Fills out a section of storage with a fill character or byte value
36103: Keyword Finally Starts the unconditional code section of a Try statement
36104: Func SysUtils FindClose Closes a successful FindFirst file search
36105: Func SysUtils FindCmdLineSwitch Determine whether a certain parameter switch was passed
36106: Func SysUtils FindFirst Finds all files matching a file mask and attributes
36107: Func SysUtils FindNext Find the next file after a successful FindFirst
36108: Func SysUtils FloatToStr Convert a floating point value to a string
36109: Func SysUtils FloatToStrF Convert a floating point value to a string with formatting

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36110: Proc System Flush Flushes buffered text file data to the file
36111: Keyword For Starts a loop that executes a finite number of times
36112: Func SysUtils ForceDirectories Create a new path of directories
36113: Func SysUtils Format Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string
36114: Func SysUtils FormatCurr Rich formatting of a currency value into a string
36115: Func SysUtils FormatDateTime Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string
36116: Func SysUtils FormatFloat Rich formatting of a floating point number into a string
36117: Func System Frac The fractional part of a floating point number
36118: Proc SysUtils FreeAndNil Free memory for an object and set it to nil
36119: Proc System FreeMem Free memory storage used by a variable
36120: Keyword System Func Defines a subroutine that returns a value
36122: G
36123: Func SysUtils GetCurrentDir Get the current directory (drive plus directory)
36124: Proc System GetDir Get the default directory (drive plus path) for a specified drive
36125: Func System GetLastError Gives the error code of the last failing Windows API call
36126: Proc SysUtils GetLocaleFormatSettings Gets locale values for thread-safe functions
36127: Func System GetMem Get a specified number of storage bytes
36128: Keyword Goto Forces a jump to a label, regardless of nesting
36130: H
36131: Compiler Directive $H Treat string types as Ansistr or ShortString
36132: Compiler Directive $Hints Determines whether Delphi shows compilation hints
36133: Proc System Halt Terminates the program with an optional dialog
36134: Func System Hi Returns the hi-order byte of a (2 byte) Int
36135: Func System High Returns the highest value of a type or variable
36137: I
36138: Compiler Directive $I Allows code in an include file to be incorporated into a Unit
36139: Compiler Directive $IfDef Executes code if a conditional symbol has been defined
36140: Compiler Directive $IfNDef Executes code if a conditional symbol has not been defined
36141: Compiler Directive $IfOpt Tests for the state of a Compiler directive
36142: Compiler Directive $Include Allows code in an include file to be incorporated into a Unit
36143: Compiler Directive $IOChecks When on, an IO operation error throws an exception
36144: Keyword If Starts a conditional expression to determine what to do next
36145: Keyword Implementation Starts the implementation (code) section of a Unit
36146: Keyword In Used to test if a value is a member of a set
36147: Proc System Inc Increment an ordinal variable
36148: Func DateUtils IncDay Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of days
36149: Proc System Include Include a value in a set variable
36150: Func DateUtils IncMillisecond Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of milliseconds
36151: Func DateUtils IncMinute Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of minutes
36152: Func SysUtils IncMonth Increments a TDateTime variable by a number of months
36153: Func DateUtils IncSecond Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of seconds
36154: Func DateUtils IncYear Increments a TDateTime variable by a number of years
36155: Directive Index Principally defines indexed class data properties
36156: Constant Math Infinity Floating point value of infinite size
36157: Keyword Inherited Used to call the parent class constructor or destructor method
36158: Variable System Input Defines the standard input text file
36159: Func Dialogs InputBox Display a dialog that asks for user text input, with default
36160: Func Dialogs InputQuery Display a dialog that asks for user text input
36161: Proc System Insert Insert a string into another string
36162: Func System Int The Int part of a floating point number as a float
36163: Type System Int64 A 64 bit sized Int - the largest in Delphi
36164: Type System Int The basic Int type
36165: Keyword System Interface Used for Unit external definitions, and as a Class skeleton
36166: Func SysUtils IntToHex Convert an Int into a hexadecimal string
36167: Func SysUtils IntToStr Convert an Int into a string
36168: Func System IOResult Holds the return code of the last I/O operation
36169: Keyword Is Tests whether an object is a certain class or ascendant
36170: Func Math IsInfinite Checks whether a floating point number is infinite
36171: Func SysUtils IsLeapYear Returns true if a given calendar year is a leap year
36172: Func System IsMultiThread Returns true if the code is running multiple threads
36173: Func Math IsNaN Checks to see if a floating point number holds a real number
36175: L
36176: Compiler Directive $L Determines what application debug information is built
36177: Compiler Directive $LocalSymbols Determines what application debug information is built
36178: Compiler Directive $LongStrings Treat string types as Ansistr or ShortString
36179: Func SysUtils LastDelimiter Find the last position of selected characters in a string
36180: Func System Length Return the number of elements in an array or string
36181: Func System Ln Gives the natural logarithm of a number
36182: Func System Lo Returns the low-order byte of a (2 byte) Int
36183: Func Math Log10 Gives the log to base 10 of a number
36184: Variable SysUtils LongDateFormat Long version of the date to string format
36185: Variable SysUtils LongDayNames An array of days of the week names, starting 1 = Sunday
36186: Type System LongInt An Int whose size is guaranteed to be 32 bits
36187: Variable SysUtils LongMonthNames An array of days of the month names, starting 1 = January
36188: Variable SysUtils LongTimeFormat Long version of the time to string format
36189: Type System LongWord A 32 bit unsigned Int
36190: Func System Low Returns the lowest value of a type or variable
36191: Func SysUtils LowerCase Change upper case characters in a string to lower case
36193: M
36194: Compiler Directive $MinEnumSize Sets the minimum storage used to hold enumerated types
36195: Func Math Max Gives the maximum of two Int values
36196: Constant System MaxInt The maximum value an Int can have
36197: Constant System MaxLongInt The maximum value an LongInt can have
36198: Func Math Mean Gives the average for a set of numbers

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36199: Func Dialogs MessageDlg Displays a message, symbol, and selectable buttons
36200: Func Dialogs MessageDlgPos Displays a message plus buttons at a given screen position
36201: Func Math Min Gives the minimum of two Int values
36202: Constant SysUtils MinsPerDay Gives the number of minutes in a day
36203: Proc System MkDir Make a directory
36204: Keyword Mod Performs Int division, returning the remainder
36205: Constant SysUtils MonthDays Gives the number of days in a month
36206: Func DateUtils MonthOfTheYear Gives the month of the year for a TDateTime value
36207: Proc System Move Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination
36209: N
36210: Constant Math NaN Not a real number
36211: Variable SysUtils NegCurrFormat Defines negative amount formatting in currency displays
36212: Proc System New Create a new pointer type variable
36213: Constant System Nil A pointer value that is defined as undetermined
36214: Keyword Not Boolean Not or bitwise not of one arguments
36215: Func SysUtils Now Gives the current date and time
36216: Variable Variants Null A variable that has no value
36218: O
36219: Compiler Directive $O Determines whether Delphi optimises code when compiling
36220: Compiler Directive $Optimization Determines whether Delphi optimises code when compiling
36221: Compiler Directive $OverFlowChecks Determines whether Delphi checks Int and enum bounds
36222: Keyword System Object Allows a subroutine data type to refer to an object method
36223: Func System Odd Tests whether an Int has an odd value
36224: Keyword Of Linking keyword used in many places
36225: Keyword On Defines exception handling in a Try Except clause
36226: Keyword Or Boolean or or bitwise or of two arguments
36227: Func System Ord Provides the Ordinal value of an Int, character or enum
36228: Directive Out Identifies a routine parameter for output only
36229: Variable System Output Defines the standard output text file
36230: Directive Overload Allows 2 or more routines to have the same name
36231: Directive Override Defines a method that replaces a virtual parent class method
36233: P
36234: Keyword Packed Compacts complex data types into minimal storage
36235: Type System PAnsiChar A pointer to an AnsiChar value
36236: Type System PAnsistr Pointer to an Ansistr value
36237: Func System ParamCount Gives the number of parameters passed to the current program
36238: Func System ParamStr Returns one of the parameters used to run the current program
36239: Type System PChar A pointer to an Char value
36240: Type System PCurrency Pointer to a Currency value
36241: Type System PDateTime Pointer to a TDateTime value
36242: Type System PExtended Pointer to a Extended floating point value
36243: Func System Pi The mathematical constant
36244: Type System PInt64 Pointer to an Int64 value
36245: Func Classes Point Generates a TPoint value from X and Y values
36246: Type System Pointer Defines a general use Pointer to any memory based data
36247: Func Classes PointsEqual Compares two TPoint values for equality
36248: Func System Pos Find the position of one string in another
36249: Func System Pred Decrement an ordinal variable
36250: Func Printers Printer Returns a reference to the global Printer object
36251: Directive Private Starts the section of private data and methods in a class
36252: Keyword System Proc Defines a subroutine that does not return a value
36253: Proc FileCtrl ProcessPath Split a drive/path/filename string into its constituent parts
36254: Keyword System Program Defines the start of an application
36255: Func Dialogs PromptForFileName Shows a dialog allowing the user to select a file
36256: Keyword System Property Defines controlled access to class fields
36257: Directive Protected Starts a section of class private data accesible to sub-classes
36258: Type System PShortString A pointer to an ShortString value
36259: Type System PString Pointer to a String value
36260: Func Types PtInRect Tests to see if a point lies within a rectangle
36261: Directive Public Starts an externally accessible section of a class
36262: Directive Published Starts a published externally accessible section of a class
36263: Type System PVariant Pointer to a Variant value
36264: Type System PWideChar Pointer to a WideChar
36265: Type System PWideString Pointer to a WideString value
36267: Q
36268: Compiler Directive $Q Determines whether Delphi checks Int and enum bounds
36270: R
36271: Compiler Directive $R Determines whether Delphi checks array bounds
36272: Compiler Directive $RangeChecks Determines whether Delphi checks array bounds
36273: Compiler Directive $ReferenceInfo Determines whether symbol reference information is built
36274: Compiler Directive $Resource Defines a resource file to be included in the application linking
36275: Func Math RadToDeg Converts a radian value to degrees
36276: Keyword Raise Raise an exception
36277: Func System Random Generate a random floating point or Int number
36278: Proc System Randomize Reposition the Random number generator next value
36279: Func Math RandomRange Generate a random Int number within a supplied range
36280: Variable System RandSeed Reposition the Random number generator next value
36281: Proc System Read Read data from a binary or text file
36282: Proc System ReadLn Read a complete line of data from a text file
36283: Type System Real A floating point type supporting about 15 digits of precision
36284: Type System Real48 The floating point type with the highest capacity and precision
36285: Proc System ReallocMem Reallocate an existing block of storage
36286: Func DateUtils RecodeDate Change only the date part of a TDateTime variable
36287: Func DateUtils RecodeTime Change only the time part of a TDateTime variable

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36288: Keyword Record A structured data type - holding fields of data

36289: Func Classes Rect Create a TRect value from 2 points or 4 coordinates
36290: Func SysUtils RemoveDir Remove a directory
36291: Proc System Rename Rename a file
36292: Func SysUtils RenameFile Rename a file or directory
36293: Keyword Repeat Repeat statements until a ternmination condition is met
36294: Proc SysUtils ReplaceDate Change only the date part of a TDateTime variable
36295: Proc SysUtils ReplaceTime Change only the time part of a TDateTime variable
36296: Proc System Reset Open a text file for reading, or binary file for read/write
36297: Variable System Result A variable used to hold the return value from a function
36298: Proc System ReWrite Open a text or binary file for write access
36299: Proc System RmDir Remove a directory
36300: Func System Round Rounds a floating point number to an Int
36301: Proc System RunError Terminates the program with an error dialog
36303: S
36304: Constant SysUtils SecsPerDay Gives the number of seconds in a day
36305: Proc System Seek Move the pointer in a binary file to a new record position
36306: Func System SeekEof Skip to the end of the current line or file
36307: Func System SeekEoln Skip to the end of the current line or file
36308: Func FileCtrl SelectDirectory Display a dialog to allow user selection of a directory
36309: Variable System Self Hidden parameter to a method - refers to the containing object
36310: Keyword Set Defines a set of up to 255 distinct values
36311: Func SysUtils SetCurrentDir Change the current directory
36312: Proc System SetLength Changes the size of a string, or the size(s) of an array
36313: Proc System SetString Copies characters from a buffer into a string
36314: Keyword Shl Shift an Int value left by a number of bits
36315: Variable SysUtils ShortDateFormat Compact version of the date to string format
36316: Variable SysUtils ShortDayNames An array of days of the week names, starting 1 = Sunday
36317: Type System ShortInt An Int type supporting values -128 to 127
36318: Variable SysUtils ShortMonthNames An array of days of the month names, starting 1 = Jan
36319: Type System ShortString Defines a string of up to 255 characters
36320: Variable SysUtils ShortTimeFormat Short version of the time to string format
36321: Proc Dialogs ShowMessage Display a string in a simple dialog with an OK button
36322: Proc Dialogs ShowMessageFmt Display formatted data in a simple dialog with an OK button
36323: Proc Dialogs ShowMessagePos Display a string in a simple dialog at a given screen position
36324: Keyword Shr Shift an Int value right by a number of bits
36325: Func System Sin The Sine of a number
36326: Type System Single The smallest capacity and precision floating point type
36327: Func System SizeOf Gives the storage byte size of a type or variable
36328: Func System Slice Creates a slice of an array as an Open Array parameter
36329: Type System SmallInt An Int type supporting values from -32768 to 32767
36330: Func System Sqr Gives the square of a number
36331: Func System Sqrt Gives the square root of a number
36332: Proc System Str Converts an Int or floating point number to a string
36333: Type System String A data type that holds a string of characters
36334: Func System StringOfChar Creates a string with one character repeated many times
36335: Func SysUtils StringReplace Replace one or more substrings found within a string
36336: Func System StringToWideChar Converts a normal string into a WideChar 0 terminated buffer
36337: Func SysUtils StrScan Searches for a specific character in a constant string
36338: Func SysUtils StrToCurr Convert a number string into a currency value
36339: Func SysUtils StrToDate Converts a date string into a TDateTime value
36340: Func SysUtils StrToDateTime Converts a date+time string into a TDateTime value
36341: Func SysUtils StrToFloat Convert a number string into a floating point value
36342: Func SysUtils StrToInt Convert an Int string into an Int value
36343: Func SysUtils StrToInt64 Convert an Int string into an Int64 value
36344: Func SysUtils StrToInt64Def Convert a string into an Int64 value with default
36345: Func SysUtils StrToIntDef Convert a string into an Int value with default
36346: Func SysUtils StrToTime Converts a time string into a TDateTime value
36347: Func StrUtils StuffString Replaces a part of one string with another
36348: Func System Succ Increment an ordinal variable
36349: Func Math Sum Return the sum of an array of floating point values
36351: T
36352: Func Math Tan The Tangent of a number
36353: Type Classes TBits An object that can hold an infinite number of Boolean values
36354: Variable ConvUtils TConvFamily Defines a family of measurement types as used by Convert
36355: Type ConvUtils TConvType Defines a measurement type as used by Convert
36356: Type System TDateTime Data type holding a date and time value
36357: Type System Text Defines a file as a text file
36358: Type System TextFile Declares a file type for storing lines of text
36359: Type SysUtils TFloatFormat Formats for use in floating point number display functions
36360: Type SysUtils TFormatSettings A record for holding locale values for thread-safe functions
36361: Keyword Then Part of an if statement - starts the true clause
36362: Variable SysUtils ThousandSeparator The character used to display the thousands separator
36363: Keyword ThreadVar Defines variables that are given separate instances per thread
36364: Func SysUtils Time Gives the current time
36365: Variable SysUtils TimeAMString Determines AM value in DateTimeToString procedure
36366: Variable SysUtils TimePMString Determines PM value in DateTimeToString procedure
36367: Variable SysUtils TimeSeparator The character used to separate display time fields
36368: Func SysUtils TimeToStr Converts a TDateTime time value to a string
36369: Type Classes TList General purpose container of a list of objects
36370: Keyword To Prefixes an incremental for loop target value
36371: Type System TObject The base class type that is ancestor to all other classes
36372: Func DateUtils Tomorrow Gives the date tomorrow
36373: Type Dialogs TOpenDialog Displays a file selection dialog
36374: Type Types TPoint Holds X and Y Int values
36375: Type Dialogs TPrintDialog Class that creates a printer selection and control dialog
36376: Type Types TRect Holds rectangle coordinate values

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36377: Type SysUtils TReplaceFlags Defines options for the StringReplace routine
36378: Func SysUtils Trim Removes leading and trailing blanks from a string
36379: Func SysUtils TrimLeft Removes leading blanks from a string
36380: Func SysUtils TrimRight Removes trailing blanks from a string
36381: Func System Trunc The Int part of a floating point number
36382: Proc System Truncate Truncates a file size - removes all data after the current position
36383: Keyword Try Starts code that has error trapping
36384: Type Dialogs TSaveDialog Displays a dialog for selecting a save file name
36385: Type SysUtils TSearchRec Record used to hold data for FindFirst and FindNext
36386: Type Classes TStringList Holds a variable length list of strings
36387: Type SysUtils TSysCharSet Characters used by supplied string parsing functions
36388: Type System TThreadFunc Defines the Func to be called by BeginThread
36389: Var SysUtils TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow Sets century threshold for 2 digit year string conversions
36390: Keyword Type Defines a new category of variable or process
36392: U
36393: Compiler Directive $UnDef Undefines a compiler directive symbol - as used by IfDef
36394: Keyword Unit Defines the start of a unit file - a Delphi module
36395: Keyword Until Ends a Repeat control loop
36396: Func System UpCase Convert a Char value to upper case
36397: Func SysUtils UpperCase Change lower case characters in a string to upper case
36398: Keyword Uses Declares a list of Units to be imported
36400: V
36401: Proc System Val Converts number strings to Int and floating point values
36402: Keyword Var Starts the definition of a section of data variables
36403: Type System Variant A variable type that can hold changing data types
36404: Func Variants VarType Gives the current type of a Variant variable
36405: Constant Variants VarTypeMask Mask for the meta-type part of a Variant variable
36406: Directive Virtual Allows a class method to be overriden in derived classes
36408: W
36409: Compiler Directive $Warnings Determines whether Delphi shows compilation warnings
36410: Keyword While Repeat statements whilst a continuation condition is met
36411: Type System WideChar Variable type holding a single International character
36412: Func System WideCharToString Copies a null terminated WideChar string to a normal string
36413: Type System WideString A data type that holds a string of WideChars
36414: Keyword With A means of simplifying references to structured variables
36415: Type System Word An Int type supporting values 0 to 65535
36416: Func SysUtils WrapText Add line feeds into a string to simulate word wrap
36417: Proc System Write Write data to a binary or text file
36418: Proc System WriteLn Write a complete line of data to a text file
36420: X
36421: Compiler Directive $X Controls some Pascal extension handling
36422: Keyword Xor Boolean Xor or bitwise Xor of two arguments
36423: Y
36424: Compiler Directive $Y Determines whether application symbol information is built
36425: Func DateUtils Yesterday Gives the date yesterday
36426: Z
36427: Compiler Directive $Z Sets the minimum storage used to hold enumerated types
36430: Proc SIRegister_uPSUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
36431: begin //'TPSBaseType','').SetString( Byte);
36432: PSMainProcName','String').SetString( '!MAIN;
36433: PSMainProcNameOrg','String').SetString( 'Main Proc;
36434: 'PSLowBuildSupport','LongInt').SetInt(12);
36435: 'PSCurrentBuildNo','LongInt').SetInt(23);
36436: 'PSCurrentversion','String').SetString('1.31;
36437: 'PSValidHeader','LongInt').SetInt(1397769801);
36438: 'PSAddrStackStart','LongInt').SetInt(1610612736);
36439: 'PSAddrNegativeStackStart','LongInt').SetInt(1073741824);
36440: 'btReturnAddress','LongInt').SetInt(0);
36441: 'btU8','LongInt').SetInt(1);
36442: 'btS8','LongInt').SetInt(2);
36443: 'btU16','LongInt').SetInt(3);
36444: 'btS16','LongInt').SetInt(4);
36445: 'btU32','LongInt').SetInt(5);
36446: 'btS32','LongInt').SetInt(6);
36447: 'btSingle','LongInt').SetInt(7);
36448: 'btDouble','LongInt').SetInt(8);
36449: 'btExtended','LongInt').SetInt(9);
36450: 'btString','LongInt').SetInt(10);
36451: 'btRecord','LongInt').SetInt(11);
36452: 'btArray','LongInt').SetInt(12);
36453: 'btPointer','LongInt').SetInt(13);
36454: 'btPChar','LongInt').SetInt(14);
36455: 'btResourcePointer','LongInt').SetInt(15);
36456: 'btVariant','LongInt').SetInt(16);
36457: 'btS64','LongInt').SetInt(17);
36458: 'btU64','LongInt').SetInt(30);
36459: 'btChar','LongInt').SetInt(18);
36460: 'btWideString','LongInt').SetInt( 19);
36461: 'btWideChar','LongInt').SetInt( 20);
36462: 'btProcPtr','LongInt').SetInt( 21);
36463: 'btStaticArray','LongInt').SetInt( 22);
36464: 'btSet','LongInt').SetInt( 23);
36465: 'btCurrency','LongInt').SetInt( 24);

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36466: 'btClass','LongInt').SetInt( 25);

36467: 'btInterface','LongInt').SetInt( 26);
36468: 'btNotificationVariant','LongInt').SetInt( 27);
36469: 'btUnicodeString','LongInt').SetInt( 28);
36470: 'btType','LongInt').SetInt( 130);
36471: 'btEnum','LongInt').SetInt( 129);
36472: 'btExtClass','LongInt').SetInt( 131);
36473: 'CM_A','LongInt').SetInt( 0);
36474: 'CM_CA','LongInt').SetInt( 1);
36475: 'CM_P','LongInt').SetInt( 2);
36476: 'CM_PV','LongInt').SetInt( 3);
36477: 'CM_PO','LongInt').SetInt( 4);
36478: 'Cm_C','LongInt').SetInt( 5);
36479: 'Cm_G','LongInt').SetInt( 6);
36480: 'Cm_CG','LongInt').SetInt( 7);
36481: 'Cm_CNG','LongInt').SetInt( 8);
36482: 'Cm_R','LongInt').SetInt( 9);
36483: 'Cm_ST','LongInt').SetInt( 10);
36484: 'Cm_Pt','LongInt').SetInt( 11);
36485: 'CM_CO','LongInt').SetInt( 12);
36486: 'Cm_cv','LongInt').SetInt( 13);
36487: 'cm_sp','LongInt').SetInt( 14);
36488: 'cm_bn','LongInt').SetInt( 15);
36489: 'cm_vm','LongInt').SetInt( 16);
36490: 'cm_sf','LongInt').SetInt( 17);
36491: 'cm_fg','LongInt').SetInt( 18);
36492: 'cm_puexh','LongInt').SetInt( 19);
36493: 'cm_poexh','LongInt').SetInt( 20);
36494: 'cm_in','LongInt').SetInt( 21);
36495: 'cm_spc','LongInt').SetInt( 22);
36496: 'cm_inc','LongInt').SetInt( 23);
36497: 'cm_dec','LongInt').SetInt( 24);
36498: 'cm_nop','LongInt').SetInt( 255);
36499: 'Cm_PG','LongInt').SetInt( 25);
36500: 'Cm_P2G','LongInt').SetInt( 26);
36501: TypeS('TbtU8', 'Byte;
36502: TypeS('TbtS8', 'ShortInt;
36503: TypeS('TbtU16', 'Word;
36504: TypeS('TbtS16', 'SmallInt;
36505: TypeS('TbtU32', 'Cardinal;
36506: TypeS('TbtS32', 'Longint;
36507: TypeS('TbtSingle', 'Single;
36508: TypeS('TbtDouble', 'double;
36509: TypeS('TbtExtended', 'Extended;
36510: TypeS('tbtCurrency', 'Currency;
36511: TypeS('tbts64', 'int64;
36512: TypeS('Tbtu64', 'uint64;
36513: TypeS('TbtString', 'string;
36514: Func MakeHash( const s : TbtString) : Longint;
36515: // TbtString = {$IFDEF DELPHI2009UP}Ansistr{$ELSE}String{$ENDIF};
36516: //'PointerSize','LongInt').SetInt( IPointer ( 8 4 ));
36517: end:
36519: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36520: mapX:
36521: if GetMAPX('html',ExePath+'cologne2mapX.html','cathedral cologne') then
36522: writeln('cologne map found;
36523: GetGeoMAP('html',ExePath+AFILENAME2,'dom cologne')
36524: writeln(GetMapXGeoReverse('XML','47.0397826','7.62914761277888'))
36525: OpenMapX('church trier;
36526: GetGeoCode(C_form,apath:Str; const data:Str; sfile:Bool):Str;
36527: writeln(GetGeoCode('xml',ExePath+'outputmap_2cologne.xml','cathedral cologne',false));}
36528: >>> //latitude: '50.94133705' longitude: '6.95812076100766'
36529: // type TPos = (tLat, tLon);TShowFmt = (sfNautical, sfStatute, sfMetric);
36530: writeln(GetGeoCoord('xml','church cefalu sicily',true))
36531: CoordinateStr(Idx: Int; PosInSec: Double; PosLn: TPos):Str;
36532: Func SendInput( cInputs : UINT; var pInputs : TInput; cbSize : Int) : UINT;
36533: Func GetLastInputInfo( var plii : TLastInputInfo) : BOOL;
36534: Proc JvErrorIntercept;
36535: writeln(GetGeoInfo4('', UrlGeoLookupInfo3));
36538: Proc Process;
36539: var
36540: Msg: TMsg;
36541: begin
36542: if ApplicationHasPriority then begin
36543: Application.ProcessMessages;
36544: end else begin
36545: // This guarantees it will not ever call Application.Idle
36546: if PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE) then begin
36547: Application.HandleMessage;
36548: end;
36549: end;
36550: end;
36553: Ref:
36554: 1. writeln(SHA1(Exepath+'\maxbox4.exe'))

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36555: 2. shdig: TSHA1Digest;

36556: shdig:= GetSHA1OfFile(false,exepath+'\maxbox4.exe;
36557: for i:= 0 to 19 do write(BytetoHex(shdig[i]));
36559: 3. writeln(IntToHex(CRC32OfFile(exepath+'\maxbox4.exe'),4));
36560: 4. writeln(sha1tohex(SHA1ofStr(loadStringofFile(exepath+'maxbox4.exe'))))
36562: I have to get only the numbers, without the hyphen and the dots, to my calcs worth.
36563: sr := '123.456.789-00'
36564: writeln(ReplaceRegExpr('\D',sr,'',true))
36566: Func GetLocalStream(C_form:Str; const lat,long:Str):boolean;
36567: var encodedURL, UrlMapQuestAPI, bufstr:Str;
36568: mStream: TMemoryStream;
36569: idhttp: TIdHttp;// THTTPSend;
36570: len: Int;
36571: begin
36572: UrlMapQuestAPI:= 'http://';
36573: encodedURL:= UrlMapQuestAPI;
36574: idHTTP:= TIdHTTP.Create(NIL)
36575: mStream:= TMemoryStream.create;
36576: try
36577: //HttpGet(EncodedURL, mStream); {WinInet}
36578: idHTTP.Get1(EncodedURL, mStream)
36579: mStream.Position:= 0;
36580: writeln('stream size: '+inttostr(mStream.size));
36581: //mStream.memory;
36582: len:= mStream.Size - mStream.Position;
36583: SetLength(bufstr, len);
36584: mStream.readbuffer(bufstr, len)
36585: writeln('debug stream local back: '+bufstr)
36586: finally
36587: encodedURL:= '';
36588: mStream.Free;
36589: idHTTP.Disconnect
36590: idHTTP.Free;
36591: result:= true;
36592: end;
36593: end;
36595: 39/40 PE imports of V maXbox
36597: 1[+] AVICAP32.DLL 2[+] AVICAP32.dll 3[+] GLU32.dll 40[++]dmath.dll
36598: 4[+] IMAGEHLP.DLL 6[+] MSVCRT.DLL 7[+] MSVFW32.DLL
36599: 8[+] OpenGL32.dll 9[+] SHFolder.dll 11[+] URLMON.DLL 10[+] SHfolder.dll
36600: 12[+] advapi32.dll 13[+] comctl32.dll 14[+] comdlg32.dll
36601: 15[+] gdi32.dll 16[+] imagehlp.dll 17[+] imm32.dll
36602: 18[+] iphlpapi.dll 19[+] kernel32.dll 20[+] mpr.dll
36603: 21[+] msacm32.dll 24[+] ole32.dll 25[+] oleacc.dll
36604: 26[+] oleaut32.dll 27[+] oledlg.dll 28[+] opengl32.dll
36605: 29[+] shell32.dll 30[+] shlwapi.dll 31[+] user32.dll
36606: 32[+] usp10.dll 33[+] version.dll 34[+] winhttp.dll
36607: 35[+] wininet.dll 36[+] winmm.dll 37[+] winspool.drv 5[+] KERNEL32.DLL
36608: 38[+] ws2_32.dll 39[+] wsock32.dll 22[+] msimg32.dll 23[+] netapi32.dll
36610: Magic literal PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit
36611: ********************************************************************************
36612: Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 Interface (UI Automation)
36613: Overall test results Number of tests 68 Verify
36614: Passed 67 Failed 1
36615: Unexpected Error 0
36617: UI Tests caused Unexpected Error: 0
36618: Tests Failed: 1
36619: Test Name : ControlType.Window:SetFocus.1
36620: Result Status: Failed
36621: Test Priority: Pri1
36622: Description: Precondition: Some controls are not persisted after they loose focus (ie, Floating edit in
Excel), don't tests these
36623: !! Exception !!
36624: Message: Step 12 : Focus event was not fired and was expected to be fired
36625: Unexpected: false Known Bug: false Incorrect Configuration: false
36627: Stack Trace: at InternalHelper.Tests.TestObject.ThrowMe(CheckType checkType, Exception exceptionThrown,
String format, Object[] args) at InternalHelper.Tests.TestObject.TestIfEventShouldFire(EventFired
shouldFire, EventFired actualFired, Object eventId, CheckType checkType) at
InternalHelper.Tests.TestObject.TSC_VerifyFocusedChangeEvent(AutomationElement element, EventFired
shouldFire, String eventHandlerVar, CheckType checkType) at
EventHandlerVar) at
36629: Tests Passed:67/68
36630: Test Name:ControlType.Window:FocusedElement.1
36631: Test Name:ControlType.Window:GetRuntimeIdType.1
36632: Test Name:ControlType.Window:GetSupportedPatterns.1
36633: Test Name:ControlType.Window:GetSupportedProperties.1
36634: Test Name:ControlType.Window:GetType.1

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36635: Test Name:ControlType.Window:HwndWindowRect.1.MSAA

36636: Test Name:ControlType.Window:HwndWindowRect.2.UIA
36637: Test Name:ControlType.Window:LocalizedControlType.1.8.1
36638: Test Name:ControlType.Window:ToString.1
36639: Test Name:ControlType.Window:AutomationIdProperty.1.7.1
36640: Test Name:ControlType.Window:AutomationIdProperty.1.7.8
36641: Test Name:ControlType.Window:BoundingRect.1
36642: Test Name:ControlType.Window:ClickablePointProperty.1
36643: Test Name:ControlType.Window:ControlTypeProperty.1
36644: Test Name:ControlType.Window:GetClickablePoint.2
36645: Test Name:ControlType.Window:GetHashCode.1
36646: Test Name:ControlType.Window:IsKeyboardFocusable.1.1.1
36647: Test Name:ControlType.Window:IsPasswordProperty.1.3.2
36648: Test Name:ControlType.Window:KeyboardFocusable.1.1.2
36649: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.1
36650: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.10
36651: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.11
36652: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.2
36653: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.3
36654: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.4
36655: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.5
36656: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.6
36657: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.7
36658: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.8
36659: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.9
36660: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.ControlFirstChild.1
36661: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.ControlLastChild.1
36662: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.ControlNextSibling.1
36663: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.ControlParent.1
36664: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Navigation.ControlPreviousSibling.1
36665: Test Name:ControlType.Window:SetFocus.10
36666: Test Name:ControlType.Window:SetFocus.3
36667: Test Name:ControlType.Window:AutomationElement.PropertyChange.Enabled.1
36668: Test Name:ControlType.Window:AutomationElement.PropertyChange.Name.1
36669: Test Name:ControlType.Window:GetCurrentPattern.1
36670: Test Name:ControlType.Window:GetCurrentPropertyValue.1
36671: Test Name:ControlType.Window:SetFocus.4
36672: Test Name:ControlType.Window:BulkAdd.1
36673: Test Name:ControlType.Window:BulkRemove.1
36674: Test Name:ControlType.Window:ChildAdd.1
36675: Test Name:ControlType.Window:ChildRemove.1
36676: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Invalidate.1
36677: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Reorder.1
36678: Test Name:ControlType.Window:TestContentView
36679: Test Name:ControlType.Window:TestControlPatterns
36680: Test Name:ControlType.Window:TestControlProperties
36681: Test Name:ControlType.Window:TestControlView
36682: Test Name:ControlType.Window:CanRotate.1.6
36683: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Move.2.1
36684: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Move.2.2
36685: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Move.2.8
36686: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Move.2.13
36687: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Move.2.17
36688: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Move.2.18
36689: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Move.2.19
36690: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Move.2.3
36691: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Move.2.4
36692: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Move.2.5
36693: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Window.MaximizableProperty.S.6.1
36694: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Window.MaximizableProperty.S.6.2
36695: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Window.MinimizableProperty.S.7.2
36696: Test Name:ControlType.Window:Window.ModalProperty.S.10.1
36698: Func GetCachedFileFromURL(strUL:Str; var strLocalFile:Str):Bool;
36699: Func IAddrToHostName(const IP:Str):Str;
36700: Func GetIEHandle(WebBrowser: TWebbrowser; ClassName:Str): HWND;
36701: Func GetTextFromHandle(WinHandle: THandle):Str;
36702: Proc Duplicate_Webbrowser(WB1, WB2: TWebbrowser);
36703: Func FillWebForm(WebBrowser:TWebBrowser;FieldName:str;Value:str):Bool;
36704: Proc WB_LoadHTML(WebBrowser: TWebBrowser; HTMLCode:Str);
36705: Func NetSend(dest, Source, Msg:Str): Longint; overload;
36706: Func RecordsetFromXML2(const XML:Str): variant;;
36707: Func RecordsetToXML2(const Recordset: variant):Str;;
36708: Func GetCharEncoding( alias :Str; var _name :Str) : Int;
36709: Func MicrosoftCodePageToMIMECharset( cp : word) :Str;
36710: Func MicrosoftLangageCodeToISOCode( langcode : Int) :Str;
36711: Proc CopyHTMLToClipBoard(const str:Str; const htmlStr:Str = ';
36712: Func RFC1123ToDateTime(Date:Str): TDateTime;
36713: Func DateTimeToRFC1123(aDate: TDateTime):Str;
36714: Proc CopyHTMLToClipBoard(const str:Str; const htmlStr:Str);;
36715: Proc DumpDOSHeader(const h: IMAGE_DOS_HEADER; Lines: TStrings);;
36716: Proc DumpPEHeader(const h: IMAGE_FILE_HEADER; Lines: TStrings);;
36717: Proc DumpOptionalHeader(const h: IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER; Lines: TStrings);;
36718: Func checkSystem:Str;
36719: Func getSystemReport:Str;
36721: //Commonly used Delphi WinAPI routines
36722: http://www.rosseeld.be/DRO/Delphi/Delphi%20WinAPI.htm

MAXBOX10 C:\maXbox\works2021\maxbox4\docs\maxbox_functions.txt
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p: 422
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36724: source of the new units: http://sourceforge.net/projects/maxbox/files/Docu/SourceV4/

36726: http://www.slideshare.net/maxkleiner1/codesign-2015
36727: http://basta_2015_speaker_max_kleiner
36728: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ASCIITable
36729: http://www.vwlowen.co.uk/arduino/usb-digital/pc-control.htm
36730: http://www.yunqa.de/delphi/doku.php/products/regex/syntax#quantifiers
36731: http://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/opus/volltexte/2008/3440/pdf/diss_kroell_hs.pdf
36732: http://www.softwareschule.ch/download/exampleedition2016.zip
36734: Published Doc maXbox Example Edition 2015/2016/2017/2018
36736: \example_edition\01_Algorithm;
36737: \example_edition\02_Graphics;
36738: \example_edition\03_Games;
36739: \example_edition\04_Multimedia;
36740: \example_edition\05_Internet;
36741: \example_edition\06_Communication;
36742: \example_edition\07_Geographical;
36743: \example_edition\08_Operating;
36744: \example_edition\09_Database;
36745: \example_edition\10_Science;
36746: \example_edition\11_Embedded;
36747: \example_edition\12_Security;
36748: \example_edition\13_General;
36749: \example_edition\14_Energy;
36750: \example_edition\15_Transport;
36751: \example_edition\16_Robotics;
36753: Ref:
36754: if IsValidPeFile(exepath+'maxbox3.exe') then begin
36755: x1:= ComputePEChecksum(exepath+'maxbox3.exe; // original filename
36756: x2:= ComputePEChecksum(exepath+'maxbox3.exe;
36757: end;
36758: WriteLn('Checksum 1: '+ itoa(x1)+ #13#10+'Checksum 2: '+ itoa(x2));
36760: if ConnectDrive('Z:','\\MAXBOX8\Users\Public', True,True) = NO_ERROR then
36761: writeln('Net Share Z:\ Connected;
36762: DisconnectNetDrive('Z:', True, True, True);
36764: ComTerminal:= TCustomComTerminal.create(self);
36765: EditComTerminal(comterminal); //TComTrmSetForm comterminal.Free;
36766: LastSysErrorMessage :Str; LastSysErrorMessageA : Ansistr;
36768: writeln(sha1tohex(SHA1ofStr(loadstringj(exepath+'maxbox4.exe'))))
36769: writeln(sha1tohex(SHA1ofStr(loadstringoffile(exepath+'maxbox4.exe'))))
36770: writeln(strtoHex1(SHA1ofStr(lsof(exepath+'maxbox4.exe'))))
36771: writeln(sha1tohex(SHA1ofStr(filetoString(exepath+'maxbox4.exe'))))
36773: SHA512 sr:= filetostring(Exepath+'maXbox4.exe')
36774: writeln(uppercase(SHA512DigesttoHEX(CalcSHA512(sr))))
36775: writeln(Base64EncodeStr((SHA512DigestAsString(CalcSHA512(sr)))));
36776: base64:w4ueRtnUZ641dsy4yIISYvhMB9r0c9kc8YO9o5FgkWQRbayHLaZay7tjnt1JmhV3vck2a7Mec7wfK8PbHacrbQ==
36777: PE Checksum 1: 27767976 PE Checksum 2: 27767976
36779: C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>
36780: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36781: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
36782: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36783: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36784: https://www.metadefender.com/#!/results/file/933baa9823514320806c9533482a3b89/regular/analysis
36785: https://www.virustotal.
36786: Name Virtual address Virtual size Raw size Entropy MD5
36787: .text 4096 21923324 21923328 6.61 0449d5754ddb069630808bfc6bb356ef
36788: .itext 21929984 52108 52224 6.64 0226e6c46fcf9cc23805e75784f48b4b
36789: .data 21983232 407520 407552 5.25 91d5dac4714aa4119ea18fb5c4ed250d
36790: .bss 22392832 390424 0 0.00 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
36791: .idata 22786048 59722 59904 5.53 40cc92b8f087c512630bf807d4d20fe1
36792: .edata 22847488 77 512 0.89 0fcb1fd6f1dde231aa401cffaaa8cd63
36793: .tls 22851584 484 0 0.00 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
36794: .rdata 22855680 24 512 0.28 916275c8032d420cb22a05c2086b7e93
36795: .reloc 22859776 1378116 1378304 6.76 51ab0f1c39aa5fc52a7bc82557df173e
36796: .rsrc 24240128 4132864 4132864 5.37 c49d04317b7a6aadc424538ff5ede5c0
36797: CodeSize 21975552 InitializedDataSize 5979648
36798: TimeStamp 2019-08-06 08:06:39
36799: EntryPoint 22518720
36800: OriginalFileName maxbox4_6.exe
36801: MIMEType application/octet-stream
36803: Article concerning maXbox and mapbox at PHP Magazine 1.2017
36804: https://entwickler.de/php-magazin/php-magazin-1-17-301136.html
36805: WineHQ Update:
36806: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=17937
36807: http://www.slideshare.net/maxkleiner1/maxbox-starter46-work-with-wine
36808: https://www.academia.edu/30401550/maXbox_Starter_46_Work_with_WineHQ
36809: https://appdb.winehq.org/appimage.php?iId=50376
36810: https://www.scribd.com/document/333983581/maXbox-starter46-work-with-WineHQ
36811: http://www.softwareschule.ch/download/maxbox_starter46.pdf

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p: 423
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36813: Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB3152599)
36814: Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3200970)
36815: Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3201845)
36816: Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3211320)
36817: Intel Corporation - Display - 11/10/2016 12:00:00 AM -
36818: 2017-10 Cumulative Update for Win 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems (KB4041676)
36819: 2017-12 Cumulative Update for Win 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems (KB4053580)
36820: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1709
36821: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1803 amd64 2019-04
36822: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1903
36823: Feature update to Windows 10, version 1909
36824: November 12, 2019—KB4524570 (OS Builds 18362.476 and 18363.476)
36825: Version: 1903-OS Build 18362.535 and 1909-OS Build 18363.535
36826: Done Adding Additional Store Successfully signed: maXbox4.exe
36827: C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>signtool verify /v /pa maXbox4.exe
36828: Verifying: maXbox4.exe
36829: Successfully verified: maXbox4.exe
36830: Number of files successfully Verified: 1
36831: Number of warnings: 0
36832: Number of errors: 0C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>
36833: C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>
36834: https://maxbox4.wordpress.com/
36835: http://www.softwareschule.ch/teelicht.jpg
36837: Verifying: maXbox4.exe
36838: Signature Index: 0 (Primary Signature)
36839: Hash of file (sha1): 9D181955E579DCFF6920CEEC32749F0E43F2C157
36840: Signing Certificate Chain:
36841: Issued to: maXboxCertAuth
36842: Issued by: maXboxCertAuth
36843: Expires: Sun Jan 01 00:59:59 2040
36844: SHA1 hash: 6F83207B500DCC0E32A719599CBC6BD7E6B2A04D
36845: Issued to: maXbox4signer
36846: Issued by: maXboxCertAuth
36847: Expires: Sun Jan 01 00:59:59 2040
36848: SHA1 hash: 6A89501B76D47C189A60BF1070BAA2FBFD38D7D7
36849: Issued to: maXbox4exe
36850: Issued by: maXbox4signer
36851: Expires: Sun Jan 01 00:59:59 2040
36852: SHA1 hash: F0EB0CA218C5707FAC78921F81092CECA12AD0E9
36853: The signature is timestamped: Tue Dec 03 10:51:06 2019
36854: Timestamp Verified by:
36855: Issued to: Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
36856: Issued by: Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
36857: Expires: Fri Jan 01 00:59:59 2038
36858: SHA1 hash: B51C067CEE2B0C3DF855AB2D92F4FE39D4E70F0E
36859: Issued to: Starfield Secure Certificate Authority - G2
36860: Issued by: Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
36861: Expires: Sat May 03 08:00:00 2031
36862: SHA1 hash: 7EDC376DCFD45E6DDF082C160DF6AC21835B95D4
36863: Issued to: Starfield Timestamp Authority - G2
36864: Issued by: Starfield Secure Certificate Authority - G2
36865: Expires: Tue Sep 17 08:00:00 2024
36866: SHA1 hash: E8551398FF530A9278FD9818E448CB333F67924D
36868: Successfully verified: maXbox4.exe
36869: Number of files successfully Verified: 1
36870: Number of warnings: 0
36871: Number of errors: 0
36872: C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>
36874: ****************************************************************
36875: Release Notes maXbox April 2020 mX47
36876: ****************************************************************
36877: 1254 unit uPSI_MaskEdit.pas FCL
36878: 1255 unit uPSI_SimpleRSSTypes; BlueHippo
36879: 1256 unit uPSI_SimpleRSS; BlueHippo
36880: 1257 unit uPSI_psULib.pas Prometheus
36881: 1258 unit uPSI_psUFinancial; Prometheus
36882: 1259 uPSI_PsAPI_2.pas mX4
36883: 1260 uPSI_PersistSettings_2 mX4
36884: Totals of Func Calls: 32339
36885: for
36886: https://sourceforge.net/projects/prometheuslibra/
36888: CDS Func CreateBlobStream(Field: TField; Mode: TBlobStreamMode): TStream;');
36889: Func BookmarkValid(Bookmark: TBookmark):Bool; ');
36890: Func CompareBookmarks(Bookmark1, Bookmark2: TBookmark): Integer;');
36892: Proc ModifyFontsFor(ctrl: TWinControl);
36893: Proc ModifyFontsFor(ctrl: TWinControl; afontname:Str);
36894: Proc GetAccessTimeOut(var bTimeOut: Bool; var bFeedBack:Boolean;var iTimeOutTime:Int);
36895: Func GetParentProcessName():Str;
36896: writeln('ParentProcessName: '+GetProcessName(GetParentProcessID(getprocessID)));
36897: Func wFillRect(hDC: HDC; const lprc: TRect; hbr: HBRUSH): Integer; stdcall;
36898: Func wFrameRect(hDC: HDC; const lprc: TRect; hbr: HBRUSH):Integer; stdcall;
36899: Proc GetIpAddresses(Results: TStrings); overload;
36900: Proc GetIpAddresses(Results: TStrings; const HostName: Ansistr);

MAXBOX10 C:\maXbox\works2021\maxbox4\docs\maxbox_functions.txt
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p: 424
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36901: S.RegisterDelphiFunction(@GetIPAddresses, 'GetIPs', cdRegister);

36902: RegisterMethod(@TStringGrid.CellRect, 'CellRect');
36903: RegisterMethod(@TStringGrid.MouseToCell, 'MouseToCell');
36904: Proc SendKeyVar(AppName:Str; key: Variant);
36905: http://www.scalabium.com/faq/dct0069.htm
36906: Proc GetComponentNames(lst: TStrings);
36907: Proc AngleTextOut(ACanvas: TCanvas; Angle, X, Y: Integer; Str:str);
36908: Proc PrintText2Printer(s:Str);
36909: Proc UASwapEndian(var UC: TUArrDW);
36910: Func SliceByteArray(const B: array of Byte; Start, Len: Integer): TBytes;
36911: Proc TailOfFile(aFilename:str; aTailContainer: TStrings; MaxNumLines:integer=5);
36912: Func CloneByteArray(const B: array of Byte): TBytes;
36913: Func PopByteArray(var A: TBytes): Byte;
36914: Proc PushByteArray(const B: Byte; var A: TBytes);
36915: Proc AppendByteArray(var B1:TBytes; const B2: array of Byte);
36916: Func ShiftByteArray(var A: TBytes): Byte;
36918: ****************************************************************
36919: Release Notes maXbox June 2020 mX47
36920: ****************************************************************
36921: add Tutor 57 - 72
36922: add NoGUI Shell Tutorial 71 and 70 Units
36923: 1307 unit uPSI_statmach, {StateMachine}
36924: 1308 uPSI_uTPLb_RSA_Primitives,
36925: 1309 unit uPSI_UMatrix, //for Tensorflow dll
36926: 1310 uPSI_DXUtil,
36927: 1311 uPSI_crlfParser,
36928: 1312 unit uPSI_DCPbase64;
36929: 1313 unit uPSI_FlyFilesUtils;
36930: 1314 uPSI_PJConsoleApp.pas
36931: 1315 uPSI_PJStreamWrapper.pas
36932: 1316 uPSI_LatLonDist, //DFF
36933: 1317 uPSI_cHash2.pas //Fundamentals SHA512
36934: 1318 uPSI_ZLib2.pas //compressor
36935: 1319 unit uPSI_commDriver
36936: 1320 unit uPSI_PXLNetComs.pas //PXL
36937: 1321 unit uPSI_PXLTiming.pas //PXL
36938: 1322 uPSI_Odometer.pas
36939: 1323 unit uPSI_UIntList2;
36940: 1324 uPSI_UIntegerpartition.pas
36941: 1325 unit uPSI_idPHPRunner.pas //prepare for PHP4D
36942: 1326 unit uPSI_idCGIRunner.pas
36943: 1327 uPSI_DrBobCGI, //
36944: 1328 uPSI_OverbyteIcsLogger,
36945: 1329 uPSI_OverbyteIcsNntpCli, testset
36946: 1330 uPSI_OverbyteIcsCharsetUtils,
36947: 1331 uPSI_OverbyteIcsMimeUtils,
36948: 1332 uPSI_OverbyteIcsUrl(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);
36949: 1333 uPSI_uWebSocket.pas
36950: 1334 uPSI_KhFunction.pas
36951: 1335 uPSI_ALOpenOffice.pas
36952: 1336 unit uPSI_ALLibPhoneNumber
36953: 1337 unit uPSI_ALPhpRunner2;
36954: 1338 unit uPSI_ALWebSpider2;
36955: 1339 unit uPSI_ALFcnHTML2; // RunJavaScript2
36956: 1340 unit uPSI_ALExecute2.pas
36957: 1341 uPSI_ALIsapiHTTP.pas
36958: 1342 uPSI_ALOpenOffice_Routines
36959: 1343 unit uPSI_uUsb;
36960: 1344 uPSI_uWebcam.pas
36961: 1345 uPSI_PersistSettings.pas //fixing
36962: 1346 uPSI_uTPLb_MemoryStreamPool.pas
36963: 1347 uPSI_uTPLb_Signatory.pas
36964: 1348 unit uPSI_uTPLb_Constants.pas //TurboPower
36965: 1349 uPSI_uTPLb_Random.pas
36966: 1350 unit uPSI_uTPLb_PointerArithmetic;
36967: 1351 unit uPSI_EwbCoreTools.pas
36968: 1352 unit uPSI_EwbUrl.pas
36969: 1353 unit uPSI_SendMail_For_Ewb.pas
36970: 1354 unit uPSI_MaskEdit.pas FCL
36971: 1355 unit uPSI_SimpleRSSTypes; BlueHippo
36972: 1356 unit uPSI_SimpleRSS; BlueHippo
36973: 1357 unit uPSI_psULib.pas Prometheus
36974: 1358 unit uPSI_psUFinancial; Prometheus
36975: 1359 uPSI_PsAPI_2.pas mX4
36976: 1360 uPSI_PersistSettings_2 mX4
36977: 1361 uPSI_rfc1213util2.pas IP
36978: 1362 uPSI_JTools.pas JCL
36979: 1363 unit uPSI_neuralbit.pas CAI
36980: 1364 unit uPSI_neuralab.pas CAI
36981: 1365 unit uPSI_winsvc2.pas TEK
36982: 1366 unit uPSI_wmiserv2.pas TEK
36983: 1367 uPSI_neuralcache.pas CAI
36984: 1368 uPSI_neuralbyteprediction CAI
36985: 1369 unit uPSI_USolarSystem; glscene.org
36986: 1370 uPSI_USearchAnagrams.pas DFF
36987: 1371 uPSI_JsonsUtilsEx.pas Randolph
36988: 1372 unit uPSI_Jsons.pas Randolph
36989: 1373 unit uPSI_HashUnit; DFF

MAXBOX10 C:\maXbox\works2021\maxbox4\docs\maxbox_functions.txt
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p: 425
maXbox4 14/01/2022 17:56:22

36990: 1374 uPSI_U_Invertedtext.pas DFF

36991: 1275 unit uPSI_Bricks; Dendron
36992: 1376 unit uPSI_lifeblocks.pas Dendron
36994: Bugfix: Pagecontrol,TTabcontrol with change event TTabChangingEvent,TGetSiteInfoEvent,
36995: Json extension with objects and arrays
36996: TCheckListBox.Style Property TListBoxStyle Enumeration
36997: glsincos11 glsincos0 fix uPSI_UMatrix; Gaussian_Elimination fix array[1..30] of Extended
36998: more ico and bmp resouces, fix Textmetric type and strtochars() alias StrtoCharSet()
36999: shortcut Ctrl+Alt+M to jump to output (memo2) console
37001: Func MercScaling(Long0,lat0,long1,lat1:extended;x0,y0,x1,y1:integer) :TMercScalingRec');
37002: Func LonglatToPlotPt(Long,lat:Extended; Scalerec:TMercScalingrec):TPoint');
37003: Func PlotPtToLonglat(PlotPt:TPoint; Scalerec:TMercScalingrec):TRealPoint');
37004: Func SphericalEarthDistance(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2:extended;Units:integer):extended');
37005: Proc PrintUsingShell(psFileName :str);
37006: Func LocalExecute32(FileName:Str;Wait:bool;Visibility:int;lWaitFor:Card=INFINITE):int;
37008: TidCGIRunner component allows to execute CGI scripts using
37009: Indy TidHTTPServer component.
37010: // Project: 1307 State Machine
37011: // Module: statmach.pas
37012: // Description: Visual Finite State Machine.
37013: // Version: 2.2a, Release: 6 preprocessor, compiler, interpreter
37014: Func VarArrayToStr(const vArray: variant):Str;
37015: Func GetWMIObject(const objectName:Str): IDispatch; //create the Wmi instance
37016: Func GetAntiVirusProductInfo: TStringlist;
37017: Proc GetWaveOutDevices(DeviceNames: TStrings);
37018: Proc GetMIDIOutDevices(Devices: TStrings);
37019: Proc SetDecimalSeparator2(Ch: Char);
37020: Totals of Func Calls: 32356
37021: Proc ResizeBitmap(Bitmap:TBitmap;Width,Height:Integer;Background: TColor);
37022: Func ProcessCount(const ExeName:str): Integer;
37023: Func MaxWidthOfStrings(const Strings:Classes.TStrings;const Font:Graphics.TFont):Integer;
37024: Proc ScreenShotMonitor(var Bitmap:TBitmap;const MonitorNum:Integer;const DrawCursor:Bool;const
37026: https://github.com/maxkleiner/maXbox/blob/master/logisticregression2.ipynb
37028: ---- mX4 bigbitbox code_cleared_checked IMPORTS DLL LIB ----
37029: AVICAP32.DLL 01 [+] AVICAP32.DLL
37030: AVICAP32.dll 02 [+] AVICAP32.dll
37031: GLU32.dll 03 [+] GLU32.dll
37033: KERNEL32.DLL 05 [+] KERNEL32.DLL
37035: MSVFW32.DLL 07 [+] MSVFW32.DLL
37036: OpenGL32.dll 08 [+] OpenGL32.dll
37037: SHFolder.dll 09 [+] SHFolder.dll
37038: SHfolder.dll 10 [+] SHfolder.dll
37040: advapi32.dll 12 [+] advapi32.dll
37041: comctl32.dll 13 [+] comctl32.dll
37042: comdlg32.dll 14 [+] comdlg32.dll
37043: gdi32.dll 15 [+] gdi32.dll
37044: imagehlp.dll 16 [+] imagehlp.dll
37045: imm32.dll 17 [+] imm32.dll
37046: iphlpapi.dll 18 [+] iphlpapi.dll
37047: kernel32.dll 19 [+] kernel32.dll
37048: mpr.dll 20 [+] mpr.dll
37049: msacm32.dll 21 [+] msacm32.dll
37050: msimg32.dll 22 [+] msimg32.dll
37051: netapi32.dll 23 [+] netapi32.dll
37052: ole32.dll 24 [+] ole32.dll
37053: oleacc.dll 25 [+] oleacc.dll
37054: oleaut32.dll 26 [+] oleaut32.dll
37055: oledlg.dll 27 [+] oledlg.dll
37056: opengl32.dll 28 [+] opengl32.dll
37057: shell32.dll 29 [+] shell32.dll
37058: shlwapi.dll 30 [+] shlwapi.dll
37059: user32.dll 31 [+] user32.dll
37060: usp10.dll 32 [+] usp10.dll
37061: version.dll 33 [+] version.dll
37062: winhttp.dll 34 [+] winhttp.dll
37063: wininet.dll 35 [+] wininet.dll
37064: winmm.dll 36 [+] winmm.dll
37065: winspool.drv 37 [+] winspool.drv
37066: ws2_32.dll 38 [+] ws2_32.dll
37067: wsock32.dll 39 [+] wsock32.dll
37068: fannfloat.dll 40 [++]fannfloat.dll
37069: dmath.dll 41 [++]dmath.dll
37070: midas.dll 42 [++]midas.dll
37072: [+] AVICAP32.DLL [+] AVICAP32.dll [+] GLU32.dll [+] IMAGEHLP.DLL
37073: [+] KERNEL32.DLL [+] MSVCRT.DLL [+] MSVFW32.DLL [+] OpenGL32.dll
37074: [+] SHFolder.dll [+] SHfolder.dll [+] URLMON.DLL [+] advapi32.dll
37075: [+] comctl32.dll [+] comdlg32.dll [+] gdi32.dll [+] imagehlp.dll
37076: [+] imm32.dll [+] iphlpapi.dll [+] kernel32.dll [+] mpr.dll
37077: [+] msacm32.dll [+] msimg32.dll [+] netapi32.dll [+] ole32.dll

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37078: [+] oleacc.dll [+] oleaut32.dll [+] oledlg.dll [+] opengl32.dll

37079: [+] shell32.dll [+] shlwapi.dll [+] user32.dll [+] usp10.dll
37080: [+] version.dll [+] winhttp.dll [+] wininet.dll [+] winmm.dll [+] midas.dll
37081: [+] winspool.drv [+] ws2_32.dll [+] wsock32.dll [+] dmath.dll [+] fannfloat.dll
37083: Exports CreateIncome ExePath GetASCII GetBiosVendor
37084: GetMemoryInfo GetOSName GetProcessorName GetScriptName2
37085: GetScriptPath2 IsCOMConnected IsInternet RemainingBatteryPercent
37086: UpTime getBigPI getHostIP isSound
37088: memo1.CodeFolding.FoldRegions.Add begin','end''try','end repeat, until''case','end {$IFDEF','{$ENDIF};
37089: memo1.InitCodeFolding; true, '{','}
37090: writeln(GETDOSOutput('cmd.exe /c wmic cpu get name','C:\'));
37091: >>> Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz
37092: V
37093: Totals of Func Calls: 32633
37094: SHA1: of DA4C716E31E2A4298013DFFBDA7A98D48650B0C7
37095: CRC32: 3EB27A87: 28.2 MB (29,608,248) bytes
37096: V
37097: Totals of Func Calls: 33282
37098: SHA1: of D82EAD01C58738887661428F94B207DB1D8FAEB5
37099: CRC32: 203C82F0 29.5 MB (31,012,768 bytes
37100: V
37101: Totals of Calls: 33848
37102: SHA1: of 3E38A48072D4F828A4BE4A52320F092FE50AE9C3
37103: CRC32: 198E756B: 31344456 bytes
37104: mX4 executed: 27/07/2021 19:05:10 Runtime:0:12:3.247 Memload: 39% use
37105: C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>signtool sign /f "maxbox4exe
37106: .pfx" /p "password" /tr http://timestamp.comodoca.com /td SHA256 maXbox4.exe
37107: C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>signtool verify /v /pa maXbox4.exe
37108: For SHA256 the Parameter name has to be /tr. The /t is only valid for SHA1.
37109: ExecuteShell(OpenSSL_Path+'openssl.exe',
37110: 'pkcs12 -in '+OpenSSL_Path+'./certs/maXboxCertAuth3.pfx -out
'+OpenSSL_Path+'./certs/maXboxCertAuth3.pfx.pem -nodes')
37111: Verifying: maXbox4.exe IV Compilation Timestamp 2022-01-14 13:20:37
37112: Entry Point 24467336 Contained Sections 10
37114: ****************************************************************
37115: Release Notes maXbox V Jan. 2022 mX476
37116: ****************************************************************
37117: Add 26 Units + 8 Tutorials
37119: 1441 unit uPSI_neuralgeneric.pas; CAI
37120: 1442 unit uPSI_neuralthread.pas; CAI
37121: 1443 unit uPSI_uSysTools; TuO
37122: 1444 unit upsi_neuralsets; mX4
37123: 1445 unit uPSI_uWinNT.pas mX4
37124: 1446 unit uPSI_URungeKutta4.pas ICS
37125: 1447 unit uPSI_UrlConIcs.pas ICS
37126: 1448 unit uPSI_OverbyteIcsUtils.pas ICS
37127: 1449 unit uPSI_Numedit2 mX4
37128: 1450 unit uPSI_PsAPI_3.pas mX4
37129: 1451 unit uPSI_SeSHA256.pas
37130: 1452 unit IdHashMessageDigest_max2;
37131: 1453 unit uPSI_BlocksUnit.pas
37132: 1454 unit uPSI_DelticsCommandLine.pas
37133: 1455 unit uPSI_DelticsStrUtils;
37134: 1456 unit uPSI_DelticsBitField;
37135: 1457 unit uPSI_DelticsSysUtils;
37136: 1458 unit uPSI_ALIniFiles2.pas
37137: 1459 unit uPSI_StarCalc2.pas
37138: 1460 unit uPSI_IdHashMessageDigest2.pas
37139: 1461 unit uPSI_U_Splines;
37140: 1462 unit uPSI_U_CoasterB.pas;
37141: 1463 U_SpringMass2.pas
37142: 1464 uPSI_MARSCoreUtils;
37143: 1465 unit uPSI_clJsonParser.pas
37144: 1466 unit uPSI_SynHighlighterPython.pas
37146: Total of Function Calls: 35380
37147: SHA1: of E51C63B7B47D83D441F9EB13F515920ACEB26101
37148: CRC32: CEB35531 31.5 MB (33,034,056 bytes)
37149: Amount of Functions: 20932
37150: Amount of Procedures: 12464
37151: Amount of Constructors: 1970
37152: Amount of Destructors: 14
37153: Totals of Calls: 35380
37154: SHA1: of E51C63B7B47D83D441F9EB13F515920ACEB26101
37155: CRC32: CEB35531: 33034056 bytes
37156: mX4 executed: 14/01/2022 16:36:05 Runtime: 0:13:33.152 Memload: 48% use
37158: Recompiled: dir /s /o N *.dcu | find "03/01/2022" > C:\maXbox\maxboxunitalldisk_sort.txt
37159: 03/01/2022 14:28 479,283 fMain.dcu
37160: 03/01/2022 14:28 13,506 BlocksUnit.dcu
37161: 03/01/2022 13:05 30,110 clJsonParser.dcu
37162: 03/01/2022 15:22 30,878 MathsLib.dcu
37163: 03/01/2022 14:28 6,566 PXLTiming.dcu
37164: 03/01/2022 14:28 7,417 PythonAction.dcu
37165: 03/01/2022 14:28 279,035 PythonEngine.dcu

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37166: 03/01/2022 14:28 6,446 SeSHA256.dcu

37167: 03/01/2022 14:28 20,494 uPSI_BlocksUnit.dcu
37168: 03/01/2022 13:50 21,242 uPSI_clJsonParser.dcu
37169: 03/01/2022 14:11 59,984 uPSI_OverbyteIcsUtils.dcu
37170: 03/01/2022 14:28 8,645 uPSI_PXLTiming.dcu
37171: 03/01/2022 14:28 175,131 uPSI_PythonEngine.dcu
37172: 03/01/2022 10:50 37,866 uPSI_U_Splines.dcu
37173: 03/01/2022 14:50 30,632 uPSI_uLkJSON.dcu
37174: 03/01/2022 11:45 44,566 uPSI_VectorLists.dcu
37175: 03/01/2022 14:28 46,239 VarPyth.dcu
37176: 03/01/2022 14:11 40,901 OverbyteIcsMimeUtils.dcu
37177: 03/01/2022 14:28 77,151 OverbyteIcsUtils.dcu
37178: 03/01/2022 15:21 108,526 uPSI_UtilsMax4.dcu
37179: 02/01/2022 11:52 11,355 U_Splines.dcu
37180: 02/01/2022 11:27 24,281 uPSI_neuraldatasets.dcu
37181: 02/01/2022 12:15 77,381 uPSI_neuralvolume.dcu
37182: 01/01/2022 22:44 48,480 U_CoasterB.dcu
37183: 01/01/2022 22:44 34,098 uPSI_U_CoasterB.dcu
37185: C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>signtool verify /v /pa maXbox4.exe
37187: Verifying: maXbox4.exe
37188: Signature Index: 0 (Primary Signature)
37189: Hash of file (sha1): D77867E594E8C2EC9A3DA123387874C17A843508
37190: Signing Certificate Chain:
37191: Issued to: maXboxCertAuth
37192: Issued by: maXboxCertAuth
37193: Expires: Sun Jan 01 00:59:59 2040
37194: SHA1 hash: 6F83207B500DCC0E32A719599CBC6BD7E6B2A04D
37196: Issued to: maXbox4signer
37197: Issued by: maXboxCertAuth
37198: Expires: Sun Jan 01 00:59:59 2040
37199: SHA1 hash: 6A89501B76D47C189A60BF1070BAA2FBFD38D7D7
37201: Issued to: maXbox4exe
37202: Issued by: maXbox4signer
37203: Expires: Sun Jan 01 00:59:59 2040
37204: SHA1 hash: F0EB0CA218C5707FAC78921F81092CECA12AD0E9
37206: The signature is timestamped: Tue Jan 04 11:40:42 2022
37207: Timestamp Verified by:
37208: Issued to: USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
37209: Issued by: USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
37210: Expires: Tue Jan 19 00:59:59 2038
37211: SHA1 hash: 2B8F1B57330DBBA2D07A6C51F70EE90DDAB9AD8E
37213: Issued to: Sectigo RSA Time Stamping CA
37214: Issued by: USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
37215: Expires: Tue Jan 19 00:59:59 2038
37216: SHA1 hash: 02D65B95E28370C1570095FA88F923DD937FAD8F
37218: Issued to: Sectigo RSA Time Stamping Signer #2
37219: Issued by: Sectigo RSA Time Stamping CA
37220: Expires: Fri Jan 23 00:59:59 2032
37221: SHA1 hash: 951137101D882F31BD513F949ADA4C68AD8C08F5
37223: Successfully verified: maXbox4.exe
37224: Number of files successfully Verified: 1
37225: Number of warnings: 0
37226: Number of errors: 0
37228: C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>
37229: C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON19\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64>
37230: Borland Conf 1999 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Gn4echQIE
37231: http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/classifier_compare2confusion2.py.htm
37232: Over the last few years, it has become more and more common to deploy server side solutions (and in fact
any type of application) to lightweight containers rather than physical machines or virtual machines, as
this allows more flexibility(also in terms of testing),a better way to rebuild the same execution
environment, and more scalability.
37233: https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-coding-from-the-scratch/learn/
37234: - Valuable information-Clear explanations Engaging delivery-Helpful practice activities
37235: - Accurate course description - Knowledgeable instructor
37237: This Version is dedicated to Katherine Goble Johnson, NASA mathematician
37238: --- The girl who asked questions ---
37240: https://github.com/joaopauloschuler/neural-api
37241: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cai/
37242: http://www.formatio-reticularis.de/code.html
37243: http://cyberunits.sourceforge.net/
37244: https://torry.net/files/tools/developers/scripters/maxbox4.zip
37245: https://softwareschule.code.blog/
37246: https://maxbox4.wordpress.com/
37247: https://my6.code.blog/2020/01/17/maxbox4machine/
37248: https://www.filecroco.com/download-maxbox/
37249: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-implement-machine-learning-for-predictive-maintenance-4633cdbe4860
37250: https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-coding-from-the-scratch/learn/
37251: https://data.world/maxbox

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p: 428
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37252: https://data.world/maxbox/maxbox
37253: https://maxbox4.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/twinwizard-copy.jpeg?w=688&h=&zoom=2
37254: https://maxbox4.files.wordpress.com/2020/07/ice4_interlaken_max.jpg?w=768&h=&zoom=2
37255: https://github.com/maxkleiner/maXbox4/blob/master/objectdetector3.ipynb
37256: https://colab.research.google.com/github/maxkleiner/maXbox4/blob/master/objectdetector3.ipynb
37257: https://my6.code.blog/
37258: https://entwickler-konferenz.de/blog/machine-learning-mit-cai/
37259: https://kiosk.entwickler.de/windows-developer-magazin/windows-developer-magazin-10-20/erklaerbare-modelle-
37260: https://entwickler-konferenz.de/blog/machine-learning-mit-cai/
37261: https://repl.it/@MaxKleiner/machinelearning4#main.py
37262: https://maxbox4.wordpress.com/2020/05/15/ekon-24/
37263: https://colab.research.google.com/github/maxkleiner/maXbox/blob/master/EKON24_SimpleImageClassificationCPU.
37264: https://github.com/maxkleiner/maXbox4/blob/master/sentimenttree2.ipynb
37265: https://towardsdatascience.com/6-amateur-mistakes-ive-made-working-with-train-test-splits-916fabb421bb
37266: https://repl.it/@maxbox/machinelearning4#main.py
37267: https://maxbox.sourceforge.io/
37268: https://linuxschweizag.wordpress.com/
37269: https://maxkleiner1.medium.com/
37270: https://ideone.com/hQ3zAd
37271: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=39678
37272: https://bitbucket.org/maxbox4/maxbox4/downloads/
37273: https://entwickler-konferenz.de/blog/machine-learning-mit-cai/
37274: https://github.com/maxkleiner/python4delphi/blob/master/Source/PythonEngine.pas
37275: https://maxbox4.blogspot.com/
37276: https://wiki.freepascal.org/Python4Delphi
37277: https://www.clevercomponents.com/articles/article052/
37279: Async/Await: Bake the parallel library features into the language/compilers, much like C#, Delphi and
other languages have done over recent years (ala async, await). That makes it possible/easier to write
highly scalable servers, over the top of asynchronous I/O. Yes, it's technically possible now, but it's so
damned difficult to get right/prove it
to use the Promise pattern, something along these lines - https://github.com/Real-Serious-Games/C-Sharp-
Promise to handle async tasks.
37280: Benfits: Write scalable task oriented server code without messing with low level threading, write
responsive non blocking client code. This is something that is possible to do only with the extensive
support of a compiler and there’s absolutely no way to write an async/await clone in Delphi. But… there’s
a simple trick which allows you to write the code in almost the same way. It uses OmniThreadLibrary’s
Async construct and the magic of anonymous methods. Caveats : Microsoft have a patent on Async/Await
37282: Max Kleiner's professional environment is in the areas of OOP, UML and coding - among other things as a
trainer, developer and consultant. The focus is on training, IT security and frameworks that work in a
service-oriented manner. As a lecturer at a university of applied sciences and on a work contract,
microcontrollers and machine learning have also been added. His published book “Patterns in C #” is a
constant companion in the digital jungle.
37283: Association Rules uncover the relationship between two or more attributes. It is mainly in the form of- If
antecedent than consequent.
37284: Picture Exhibition 2021
37285: https://my6.code.blog/2021/11/12/duesseldorf-ekon-25/
37286: https://github.com/maxkleiner/neural-api
37287: https://my6.code.blog/2021/09/08/improver-4/
37288: https://github.com/maxkleiner/DelphiVCL4Python
37290: Data Scientist also requires strong technical skills in:
37291: 1. Math (e.g. linear algebra, calculus and probability).
37292: 2. Statistics (e.g. hypothesis testing and summary statistics).
37293: 3. Machine learning tools and techniques(e.g.k-nearest neighbours,random forests,ensemble methods,svm).
37294: 4. Software engineering skills (e.g.distributed computing,algorithms and data structures).
37295: 5. Data mining.
37296: 6. Data cleaning and merging.
37297: 7. Data visualization (e.g. plottsystem for R ggplot2, py and JavaScript library for manipulating
documents based on data d3.js) and reporting techniques.
37298: 8. Unstructured data techniques.
37299: 9. R and/or SAS languages.
37300: 10. SQL databases and database querying languages.
37301: 11. Python (most common), C/C++ Java, Perl.
37302: 12. Big data platforms like Hadoop, Hive & Pig.
37303: 13. Cloud tools like Amazon S3.
37304: 14. Pascal Python in maXbox4
37306: Data Analyst
37307: 1. Work with IT teams, management and/or data scientists to determine organizational goals.
37308: 2. Mine data from primary and secondary sources.
37309: 3. Clean and prune data to discard irrelevant information.
37310: 4. Analyze and interpret results using standard statistical tools and techniques.
37311: 5. Pinpoint trends, correlations and patterns in complicated data sets.
37312: 6. Identify new opportunities for process improvement.
37313: 7. Provide concise data reports and clear data visualizations for management.
37314: 8. Design, create and maintain relational databases and data systems.
37315: 9. Triage code problems and data-related issues.

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