CAED101 - JucoMartinCarlo - Quiz 3

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Management Science
Quiz 3

1. What is critical path method?

For Taylor III (2013, p.349), Critical Path Method (CPM) used a single activity time
estimate, and in the network, activities were nodes. Diagram below shows the
branches and nodes.

In CPM’s illustrations, the nodes represent the project activities while the branches with
arrows in between the nodes indicate the precedence relationships between activities.
This approach to constructing network is called activity on-nodes (AON).

About the network above: The branches or arrows simply show the precedence
relationships between the activities. Also, notice that there is no dummy activity (see
next question #2); dummy activities are not required in an AON network because no two
activities have the same start and ending nodes, so they will never be confused.
2. What is project evaluation and review technique?

According to Taylor III (2013, p.349), Project Evaluation and Review Technique
(PERT) used multiple activity time estimates, and in the network, activities were lines
between nodes.

In PERT’s illustration, the branches in between the nodes represent activities, and the
nodes reflect events or points in time such as the end of one activity and the start of
another. This approach is called activity-on-arrow (AOA), and the activities are identified
by the node numbers at the start and end of an activity.

About the network above: The precedence relationships are reflected in this network by
the arrangement of the arrowed (or directed) branches. The first activity in the project is
to design the house and obtain financing. This activity must be completed before any
subsequent activities can begin. Thus, activity laying the foundation, and activity
ordering and receiving materials, can start only when node 2 is realized, indicating that
activity has been completed. The number 3 above this branch signifies a time estimate
of 3 months for the completion of this activity. Activity 2→3 and activity 2→4 can occur
concurrently; neither depends on the other, and both depend only on the completion of
activity 1→2. A dummy activity (activity 3→4) shows a precedence relationship but no
passage of time.
3. Distinguish CPM from PERT.

Surbhi S. (2019), author in, provided a table to easily differentiate



Definition PERT is a project CPM is a statistical technique of

management technique, used project management that
to manage uncertain activities manages well defined activities
of a project. of a project.

What is it? A technique of planning and A method to control cost and

control of time. time.

Orientation Event-oriented Activity-oriented

Model Probabilistic Model Deterministic Model

Focuses on Time Time-cost trade-off

Appropriate for High precision time estimate Reasonable time estimate

Management of Unpredictable Activities Predictable activities

Nature of jobs Non-repetitive nature Repetitive nature

Critical and Non- No differentiation Differentiated

critical activities

Suitable for Research and Development Non-research projects like civil

Project construction, ship building etc.
4. What are the elements of project management?

According to Taylor III (2013, p.340), project management generally includes the
following basic elements:

• Objectives—A detailed statement of what is to be accomplished by the

project, how it will achieve the company’s goals and meet the strategic plan,
and an estimate of when it needs to be completed, the cost, and the return.
• Project scope—A discussion of how to approach the project, the technological
and resource feasibility, the major tasks involved, and a preliminary schedule;
it includes a justification of the project and what constitutes project success.
• Contract requirements—A general structure of managerial, reporting, and
performance responsibilities, including a detailed list of staff, suppliers,
subcontractors, managerial requirements and agreements, reporting
requirements, and a projected organizational structure.
• Schedules—A list of all major events, tasks, and subschedules, from which a
master schedule is developed.
• Resources—The overall project budget for all resource requirements and
procedures for budgetary control.
• Personnel—Identification and recruitment of personnel required for the project
team, including special skills and training.
• Control—Procedures for monitoring and evaluating progress and
performance, including schedules and cost.
• Risk and problem analysis—Anticipation and assessment of uncertainties,
problems, and potential difficulties that might increase the risk of project delays
and/or failure and threaten project success.

5. Who is Henry Gantt?

Henry Gantt is a pioneer in the field of industrial engineering at the artillery

ammunition shops of the Frankford Arsenal in 1914 (Taylor III, p.346). He developed
the scheduling technique called Gantt Chart (also known as bar chart). A Gantt chart
is a graph or bar chart with a bar for each project activity that shows the passage of


Surbhi, S. (2019). Difference Between PERT and CPM. Retrieved from:

Taylor, B. W. III (2013). Chapter 8: Project Management. In Introduction to

management science. essay, Pearson.

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