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Octave Tutorial

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Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Beginner Level
1. Matrix Operations
a. ones(n,m): Generates a (n X m) matrix of 1s. This is how you would do it in Octave

b. zeros(n,m): Generates a (n X m) matrix of 0s

c. eye(n) or eye (n,m): Generates an identity matrix

d. rand(n,m): Generates a (n X m) matrix of random elements each selected uniformly

between 0 and 1

e. randn(n,m): Generates a (n X m) matrix of standard normal random elements

2. Colon Operator
We use colon operator for defining values in a range

a. Defining range 1 to 5

b. Defining a range with certain specified increments

3. Indexing
Let us define a (2 X 2) matrix S

a. To return the 1st row, first column of a defined matrix

b. To return the 1st row and both 1st and 2nd column

c. To return the 1st row and all columns

d. To return the 1st row and a range of columns (here between 1st and 2nd column)
4. Loading and Saving Data
Before loading the data, we must navigate to the directory where we want our data files to be
available. Octave supports both windows and unix commands for navigating to the working

a. Printing my working directory use “pwd” command

b. Loading data and assigning it to variable using “load” command. Please note that
mydata.dat file should be present in your working directory. If not change your
working directory using “cd” command (>> cd insert_working_directory).

c. Creating a vector v and saving the data in the working directory using “save”

d. Please check your working directory for the file named “yourdata.dav”

5. Matrix Concatenation
a. Defining 2 vectors a & b
b. Concatenating 2 vectors

Combining 2 vectors and creating a matrix

c. Size of the matrix can be found using “size” command

d. Length of the vector can be found using “length” command

6. Plotting in Octave
Let us define a vector x
Let’s square the individual elements using “.” Function

a. Plotting the vector y using “plot” function. Please note in case of a warning message
or delay in getting the plot use “hold on” command.

b. Create another vector y

c. Creating a scatter plot between y & x using “scatter” command. Note that “close”
command should be used for closing the plot.
d. Creating a histogram using “hist” function
e. Above uses default number of bins. To define the number of bins in the histogram as
30 in this example,
7. Boolean Operators
= Equal to
!= Not equal to
~= Not equal to
> Greater than
< Lesser than
> Greater than or equal to
< Lesser than or equal to

8. Syntax of if, elseif, else statements


do something;

do something;


otherwise do this;


9. Syntax for for loop

for i = 1:10,

do something;


10. Syntax for while loop


do something;


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