Chapter 1.2

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Behaviourism is the approach to psychology that is confined to what is objective, observable, and
measurable. Tis approach, which featured prominently in psychology until the 1950s, advocated a
scientific means of studying behaviour in carefully controlled conditions. The use of animals in many
behaviourist experiments may be influenced partly by the fact that they are less complicated than
humans, with a lower propensity to rely on previous experience when faced with a stimulus.
Behaviourism, which is discussed in connection with learning in Chapter 6, provided psychology with
a number of valuable experimental methods.

However, the preoccupation with behaviour that can be observed and measured objectively has obvious
weaknesses. These are primarily associated with the neglect of the processing capacity of the human
brain. Factors such as subjective feelings, expectations, plans, and thought processes are ruled out
because they do not lend themselves to scientific analysis in the same way that observable behaviour
does. In a sense, behaviourism may be seen as a mechanistic view of people, with the emphasis on the
inputs and outputs from the “machine” but with little regard to the functioning of the internal


The phenomenological approach amounts to a humanistic reaction to behaviourism. An example is

the view that individuals strive for personal growth, and an illustration of this is Maslow’s self-
actualization as the ultimate level in his hierarchy of needs discussed in connection with motivation in
Chapter 4. The emphasis of the phenomenological approach is essentially on people’s experience rather
than their behaviour. For instance, even though on occasions we all share common experiences, each
person perceives the world in his or her own distinctive way. Our unique perceptions – and action
strategies based on them – tend to determine what we are and how we react. In the process the
individual utilizes previous experience, needs, expectations, and attitudes. Finally, in the
phenomenological approach, unlike the psychoanalytical approach, unconscious processes are not
systematically explored, but it is reasonably effective in treating the less severe mental disorders
(Eysenck, 2009).


The cognitive approach, which focuses on the internal mental states and processes of the individual
(e.g. perception, learning, memory, and reasoning), has been dominant in psychology since the 1970s
and is recognized as a major school of thought. Tis approach to psychology, which has a fair amount in
common with the phenomenological approach, is adopted throughout the book, where a cognitive view
is acknowledged (e.g. perception and decision making). It seeks to explain features of human behaviour
that are not directly observable.
Cognitive psychologists have made a major contribution to the development of the growing field of
neuro-psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Over the last decade there has been a significant amount
of activity in cognitive neuroscience. This is the area of cognitive psychology in which brain imagery is
used in conjunction with behavioural measures in order to increase our understanding of the cognitive
processes associated with doing a particular task (Eysenck, 2014). Cognitive psychology has also made
a very useful contribution to the development of cognitive therapy. The latter addresses thought
processes connected with anxiety and depression and, when combined with behaviour therapy, forms
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), discussed in Chapter 16 with respect to stress reduction

Research carried out into the prominence of widely recognized schools in psychology detected the
following trends (Robins, Gos- ling, & Craik, 1999):

• Psychoanalytical research has been initially ignored by mainstream scientific psychology over the
past several decades.

 Behavioural psychology has declined in prominence and it gave way to the ascension of
cognitive psychology during the 1970s.
 Cognitive psychology has sustained a steady upward trajectory and continues to be the most
prominent school.


A number of the concepts examined in this book fall within the boundaries of organizational
behaviour, a subject that refers to the study of human behaviour in organizations. It is a field of study
that endeavors to understand, explain, predict, and change human behaviour as it occurs in the
organizational context (Wagner & Hollenbeck, 2014). Apart from the focus on the individual,
organizational behaviour is also concerned with the relationship between the individual and the group,
and how both interact with the organization. The organization is also subjected to analysis, as is the
relationship between the organization and its environment.

The primary goal of organizational behaviour is to describe rather than prescribe – that is, it describes
relationships between variables (e.g. motivation and job performance), rather than predicting that
certain changes will lead to particular outcomes. An example of a pre- diction is that the redesign of a
job (e.g. job enrichment) in a particular way will lead to an increase in job satisfaction and motivation
to work, which in turn will give rise to better performance on the job.

Organizational behaviour, as a social science rather than a natural science, encounters difficulties when
identifying, defining, measuring, and predicting relationships between concepts because it deals with
phenomena (e.g. the human condition) that are more complex than phenomena that constitute the
physical world. It adopts a multidisciplinary perspective, but it should be said that psychology as a
discipline makes the greatest contribution (Miner, 2003). The multidisciplinary perspectives are
outlined in Table 1.1. The development of organizational behaviour has been associated with the
growth of large organizations over the past century, although a preoccupation with issues related to
organization and management has been around for centuries.

The way organizational behaviour is handled by writers of textbooks in this field can differ.
Organizational behaviour enjoys a controversial relationship with management practice (Buchanan &
Huczynski, 2017) and some books, such as this one, show a tendency to emphasize the practical
application of theory while others adopt a managerial perspective. However, the dividing line between
the two perspectives is not so clear-cut when viewed across the board.


生的人类行为(Wagner & Hollenbeck, 2014)。除了关注个人,组织行为还关注


献最大(Miner, 2003)。表 1.1 概述了多学科视角。在过去的一个世纪中,组织

着争议性的关系(Buchanan & Huczynski, 2017),一些书,比如这本书,倾向

Scientific management

In the earlier part of the twentieth century a school of thought, known as scientific management,
emerged. Tis major development – initiated by Taylor, Gilbreths, and Gantt – placed emphasis on
efficiency and productivity, with the spotlight on the interaction between the per- son and the job.
Frederick Winslow Taylor was the main instigator of this school of thought. He was not a theorist but
worked as an engineer in the iron and steel industry. In his time, it was normal for workers in this
industry to organize their own work. Work gang leaders hired their own crew who worked at their own
pace, used their own tools, and knew more about the work than did their supervisors. Taylor felt that
workers tended to ease of because they were lazy or they would deliberately restrict output to protect
their jobs and maintain generous staffing levels. It was apparent he did not trust workers. He felt the
solution to this problem lay in scientific management (Grey, 2009).

The main features of scientific management are as follows:

• Study jobs systematically with a view to improving the way tasks are performed.

• Select the best employees for the various jobs.

• Train the employees in the most efficient methods and the most economical movements to deploy in
the jobs.

• Offer incentives (e.g. higher wages) to the most able employees, and use piece rates to encourage
greater effort. The piece-rate system of payment provides greater reward for greater effort.

• Use rest pauses to combat fatigue.

• Entrust to supervisors the task of ensuring that employees are using the prescribed

• Subscribe to the notion of job specialization and mass production.

In scientific management managers are expected to manage (i.e. to plan, organize, and supervise) and
workers are expected to perform the specified operative tasks. In this approach monetary rewards are
considered to have a major motivational impact, although the main exponent of scientific management
(Taylor, 1947) believed that his system benefited both employers and employees. He felt his system
incorporated an impersonal fair- ness; that is, a fair wage for a fair day’s work. Workers would no
longer be dependent upon the patronage of a work gang leader and his system could also create a safer
workplace. At that time industrial injuries were a problem and it was felt that if a well-conceived
standard way of working was followed it would not only be productive but reduce accidents, and that
would appeal to the workers (Grey, 2009). Te workers and the embryonic trade unions resisted
Taylorism and considered it a form of exploitation.

Other notable exponents of scientific management are the Gilbreths and Gantt. The husband and wife
team Frank and Lilian Gilbreth are best known for their invention of motion study, a procedure in
which jobs are reduced to their most basic movements. Using a clock – called the micro chronometer –
analysts could use time and motion studies to establish the time required to perform each movement
associated with the job. Henry Gantt developed a task and bonus wage plan that paid workers a bonus
on top of their standard wages if they completed the job within a set time. Gantt also invented the Gantt
chart, a bar chart used by managers to compare actual with planned performance. Contemporary work
scheduling methods, such as PERT (Pro- gramme Evaluation and Review Technique), are based on
Gantt’s invention (Wagner & Hol- lenbeck, 2014).
Critics felt that scientific management con- tributed to the de-skilling or degradation of work and a
substantial transfer of power from workers to managers. Braverman (1974), a critic of Taylorism,
viewed the scientific management approach as capitalist profit-seeking and certainly not fair. With
reference to the

work of Braverman in this context, the following criticism of Taylorism has been made (Needle, 2004):

The extensive division of labor means that work becomes fragmented, the machine becomes more
important than the worker, and control shifts from the skilled worker firmly into the hands of
management, whose position is strengthened by their virtual monopoly of knowledge of the work

There is further reference to scientific management in the section on job design in Chapter 4. An
illustration of Taylor’s approach appears in Panel 1.1.


与工作相关的每个运动所需的时间。亨利·甘特(Henry Gantt)制定了一项任
划绩效的条形图。当代工作调度方法,如 PERT(项目评估和审查技术),是基

者大量转移。泰勒主义批评家 Braverman(1974)将科学管理方法视为资本主
义的利润追求,当然是不公平的。关于 Braverman 在这方面的工作,对泰勒主
义提出了以下批评(Needle,2004 年):

在第 4 章中关于工作设计的章节中有对科学管理的进一步参考。Taylor 方法的
说明见面板 1.1。

Classical bureaucracy

The classical theorists, inspired to some extent by the work of the German sociologist Weber on the
ideal bureaucracy, came forward with a blueprint for organizational design. Here the concern was with
how to organize effectively large numbers of employees into an overall structure. Weber’s model was
referred to as legal-rational or bureaucratic organization and was considered to be technically efficient.
The notion of efficiency is still alive in the mod- ern world where emphasis is given to devising the
best means to achieve particular ends (Grey, 2009).

Te concept of bureaucracy put forward by Weber (1947) is as follows:

 A hierarchy of authority, in which the power to act flows from the apex of the organization to
the lowest levels. Office holders react to orders issued by those above them to whom they

 Rights and duties are attached to the various positions within the hierarchy, so that employees
know what is expected of them.

 Division of labor, in which activity is categorized by function (production, fnance, etc.) and

 Rules and procedures, which inform employees about the correct way to process information
and run the organization, obvi- ate the necessity to exercise judgement and choice (discretion)
in the execution of tasks.

 Documentation, in which information is recorded in written form and committed to the

organization’s memory.

 Technical competence, which amounts to recruiting and promoting individuals who possess
the requisite qualifications.

 Separation of ownership from control, whereby those who manage the organization are not
those who own it.

Du Gay (2000) supports what he refers to as formal rational bureaucracy and believes an
important ethic is ingrained in it. Obtain- ing a job or being promoted does not depend on
having attended the same school as your

boss or on the color of your skin. Likewise, personal prejudice should not influence the service the
customer or client receives from an official. What has just been said in the last two sentences may be
an oversimplification; but what must be recognized is that the potential for the prevalence of bias and
prejudice is ever present.
There have been criticisms of Weber’s concept of bureaucracy along the following lines. It is felt that
the bureaucracy (the means) becomes more important than the ends (that which the bureaucracy sets
out to achieve), that division of labour breeds rigidity, and that there is alienation because people are
expected to perform highly specialized tasks without being able to use much discretion. Also, it is said
that classical bureaucracy ignores the significance of the informal organization, lacks a human face,
and is slow to adapt to change. There is further discussion of bureaucracy in Chapter 13.











Du Gay(2000)支持他所说的正式理性官僚体制,并认为其中有一个重要的伦


的速度很慢。第 13 章进一步讨论了官僚制。
Principles of organization

The principles of organization were expounded by practitioners such as Fayol and Urwick. Fayol
(1949) considered his principles of organization, listed below, as flexible and adaptable and was of the
view that managers could use intuition and exercise discretion in the way the principles were used.
Urwick (1947) adopted Fayol’s principles to guide managerial planning and control (Wagner &
Hollenbeck, 2014).

• Purpose or objective of the organization.

• Hierarchy, which amounts to the layers of

management within the organization.

• Span of control, which is the number of subordinates reporting to supervisors and

• Division of labour and specialization,

whereby the organization is compartmentalized by function or activity and this allows

members to specialize in very specific activities (buyer, accountant, etc.).

 Authority and responsibility, which in the

case of authority means the power to act and in the case of responsibility means being
accountable for the consequences of one’s actions as a member of the organization.

 Unity of command and direction, which signifies that direction and control spring ultimately
from one source (e.g. the chief executive).

 Communication, which is the medium through which information flows up and down the
organization and constitutes the lifeblood of the system.

 Chain of command, which is the pathway through which superiors issue instructions and
advice and subordinates provide feed- back on activities for which they are responsible.

 Coordination, which is a process aimed at ensuring that the different segments of the
organization are pulling together to achieve common objectives.

 Centralization and decentralization, which relate to the level at which major decisions are
taken (i.e. at the top or further down the organization).

 Definition, which relates to important issues such as defining duties, responsibilities, and
authority relationships within the organization.
 Balance, which means getting the balance right between the different parts of the

 Continuity, which implies that the organization subscribes to the processes of adjustment and
reorganization on a continuous basis.

The criticism levelled at the principles of organization is that they tend to play down the
importance of the individual’s personality in influencing events internally, as well as the
impact of the external environment.

法约尔和乌尔维克等从业者阐述了组织原则。 Fayol(1949)认为他的组织原则,如下所列,
原 则 。 Urwick(1947) 采 用 了 Fayol 的 原 则 来 指 导 管 理 规 划 和 控 制 (Wagner & Hollenbeck,

Human relations movement

The human relations movement arose as a reaction to the earlier approaches (such as scientific
management) with their individualistic and over-rational emphasis, and their tendency to explain the
behaviour of workers as a response to an environment defined largely in material terms. It was initiated
by Elton Mayo, a social scientist from Harvard University, with a series of investigations con- ducted
at the Hawthorne works of the West- ern Electric Company in Chicago, between 1927 and 1932. Mayo
(1949) thought highly of this company and described it as an organization committed to justice and
humanity in its dealings with workers, where morale was of a high order. In recent years there are still
reflections on the importance and significance of the Hawthorne studies (Hassard, 2012). The first
experiment started with an assessment of the influence of illumination on work. For the purpose of this
experiment, two groups of workers were chosen. In one group, called the control group, the
illumination remained unchanged throughout the experiment, while in the other group, the test group,
there was an increase in the intensity of the illumination.

As had been expected, output in the test group showed an improvement, but what was not expected was
that output in the control group also went up. This puzzled the investigators, so they went ahead and
reduced the level of illumination for the test group; as a result, output went up once more. Obviously,
some factor was at work that affected output regard- less of whether illumination was increased or
reduced. Further experiments became necessary to identify the unknown factor influencing the results.
The experiments relating to the happenings in the Relay Assembly Room are briefly stated in Panel

Even though the improvements in working conditions in the Relay Assembly Room were taken away,
the legacy of good human relations practice ensured that productivity would not be adversely affected.
Some significant points with reference to the workers’ response to their employment situation are as

• The workers collaborated with management in the introduction of the various changes, and
good relationships were established with supervisors, with an absence of suspicion between
workers and management.

• The workers found the experiment interesting, they approved of what was going on, and
welcomed being consulted by management. By being involved in the various deliberations,
they experienced an improvement in their status.

 Supervisors were viewed as helpful and interested in the workers’ suggestions. This type of
supervisory behaviour had the effect of promoting self-respect and the use of initiative on the
part of the workers.

 Social activity within the work group developed and manifested itself in a number of ways.
For example, natural leaders evolved, people related well to each other, there was a noticeable
increase in socialized conversation, and internal discipline became a group rather than a
management activity. Also, the need to consider feelings and attitudes was underlined when it
was noted that individuals had preferences for seating arrangements (i.e. who to sit next to).
The significance of informal organization was endorsed.

 The motivational effect of social needs and the importance of the social environment were
recognized, and a link between satisfaction and productivity was suggested.
 Interviewing and counselling were used to solicit information from the workers and provide
support to them. In particular, non- directive interviewing, where interviewees were free to
speak about all sorts of things that interested them or troubled them, instead of responding to a
direct question, was considered effective. This technique was adopted after using the directive
approach initially.

 The notion of the “Hawthorne effect” entered the vocabulary. This signifies that changes in
workers’ behaviour can be brought about by the mere fact that they are being observed.

In order to study informal norms more thoroughly, the next experiment focused attention on
male workers (wiremen, solder-men, and inspectors) in the Bank Wiring Room, where
equipment was wired and soldered before it was checked by the inspector. These workers
were not as compliant as the female workers in the Relay Assembly Room. What was notice-
able was the solidarity of the men in the face of management action, and this contributed to an
informal norm to restrict output, an oppo- site outcome to that reported earlier. (There is an
elaboration of this conclusion in a discussion of group norms in social comparison in Chapter


1927 年至 1932 年间,哈佛大学的社会科学家埃尔顿•梅奥对芝加哥西部电力公司的霍

的实验来确定影响结果的未知因素。在图 1.3 中简要说明了与接力会场中发生的事件有







•“霍桑效应”(Hawthorne effect)的概念进入了人们的词汇。这意味着工人行为的改变仅

这促成了一种限制产出的非正式规范,与之前报道的结果相反。(在第 9 章关于社会比

Other findings with respect to the bank wiring group were as follows: (1) managers further up the
hierarchy were treated with greater respect than the supervisors further down; and (2) the group divided
itself into subgroups or cliques and membership of the subgroup had a material influence on the
workers’ behaviour.

There has been criticism of the human relations movement along the lines that the research
methodology lacked scientific rigour (Wagner & Hollenbeck, 2014), and a lack of concern with
broader organizational and environmental issues because of the narrow focus of the research. Also, it
was felt that there was a tendency to view the organization in unitarist terms, where superiors and
subordinates share a common outlook, free of disruptive tension and conflict, as opposed to a pluralist
view manifested in competing factions with conflict ever present. The latter probably reflects the
reality of many organizations. If there was organizational friction, advocates of the human relations
approach were likely to suggest basic remedies in the form of involving people, treating them with
respect, and improving communication.

Critics are likely to challenge the alleged causal link between employee participation and job
satisfaction and between the latter and productivity. They would also take issue with the position of the
human relation theorists who maintained that the formal and informal organizations were separate and
distinct entities, and that the goals of the formal and informal organization were often irreconcilable.
Finally, note an interesting observation by Hollway (1991) on the nature of the human relations

The Hawthorne studies combined two radical departures from previous industrial psychology. The first
involved a shift from the psycho-physiological model of the worker to a socio-emotional one. The
second was a change in method from an experimental one whose object was the body (or the inter- face
between the body and the job), to one whose object was attitudes as the intervening variable between
the situation (working conditions) and response (output).


对人类关系运动的批评是,研究方法缺乏科学严谨性(Wagner & Hollenbeck,



最后,请注意 Hollway(1991)对人类关系运动本质的一个有趣观察:


Panel 1.3 Hawthorne experiments: Relay Assembly Room

The researchers selected a small group of competent female workers who were engaged in assembling telephone
relays. A researcher observed their behaviour and maintained a friendly atmosphere in the group. The workers
were fully briefed on the purpose of the experiment, which was stated as to contribute to employee satisfaction and
effective work and were told to work at their normal pace. They were consulted at each phase of the experiment
and any changes would only take place in collaboration with them.

Before the start of the experiment the basic rate of production was recorded. Subsequently, output was recorded as
and when changes in conditions were introduced. Throughout the series of experiments, which lasted over a period
of five years, an observer sat with the girls in the workshop, noting all that went on, keeping them informed about
the experiment, asking for advice or information, and listening to their complaints.

The following is a brief summary of the changes introduced each for a period of 4 to 12 weeks, and the results:

 When normal conditions applied (i.e. a 48-hour week) including Saturdays and no rest pauses, the
workers produced 2400 relays a week.

 Piecework was introduced and output went up.

 Two five-minute rest pauses, morning and afternoon for a period of five weeks, were

introduced and output went up once more.

 Rest pauses, up to ten minutes, were introduced and output went up sharply.

 Six five-minute rest pauses were introduced, and output fell slightly as the workers

complained that their work rhythm was broken by the frequent pauses.

 There was a return to two rest pauses, and a hot meal was provided by the company

free of charge after the first rest pause; output increased.

 Work finished at 4.30 p.m. instead of 5.00 p.m. and output increased.

 Work finished at 4.00 p.m., and output remained the same.

 Finally, all the improvements in working conditions were taken away, with a reversion

to a 48-hour week, no rest pauses, no piecework, and no free meal. This state of affairs lasted for 12
weeks, and output was the highest ever recorded, at 3000 relays a week.

(Brown, 1954)

Panel 1.3 Hawthorne 实验:Relay Assembly Room

以下是 4 至 12 周期间每项改变的简要总结,以及结果:
•在正常条件下(即每周 48 小时),包括周六和没有休息暂停,工人每周生产 2400 个继电器。
•引入了长达 10 分钟的休息暂停,产量大幅上升。
•6 次 5 分钟的休息暂停,工人们的产量略有下降
•工作从下午 5 点改为下午 4 点半完成,产量增加。
•下午 4 点工作结束,产出保持不变。
一周工作 48 小时,没有休息,没有计件工作,没有免费的午餐。这种情况持续了 12 周,
产量达到了有记录以来的最高水平,每周 3000 个继电器。(布朗,1954)

Systems approach

Before examining this approach, it is appropriate to define a system. A system, consisting of inputs, a
transformation process, outputs, and feedback from the environment, is an organized unit consisting of
two or more inter- dependent parts or subsystems, and can be distinguished from its environment by
some identifiable boundary. An organization can be viewed as an open system, as it is continually
adapting to and influencing its external environment (the economy, regulators, suppliers, customers,

An important contribution to our under- standing of the systems approach can be found in the studies
conducted by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in the late 1940s and early 1950s. A well-
known study, using ideas from psychology, psychoanalysis, and open systems in biology, was an
investigation of how changes in the application of technology to production influenced social systems
(such as work groups) in the coalmining industry. Out of this study came the notion of the organization
as an open system comprising technical and social elements (i.e. a socio-technical

system), as well as the idea of organizations as adaptive systems. A major finding was that a change
from the old technology to the new technology of that time, and that the change affected the way
groups functioned in the coalmines. This was reflected as a lack of cooperation, tension, and a failure
to meet output expectations (Trist & Bamforth, 1951). There is a discussion of socio-technical systems
in Chapter 13 on organizations.

Contingency approach

This approach challenged the view that there are universal answers to organizational questions. Earlier
in the chapter the classical theorists of organization put forward a universal solution to the problem of
structuring organizations by advocating the principles of organization. However, in the contingency
approach there is an acceptance of the view that, for example, the structure of the organization is
dependent upon the contingencies of the situation in which each organization finds itself. Therefore,
there is no optimum way to structure the organization. Instead, one should look critically at the
situation in terms of the tasks to be carried out and the environmental influences when considering the
most appropriate structure to achieve organizational objectives.

Examples of major contingency perspectives examined later in this book are the contingency theories
of organization (e.g. Woodward; see Chapter 13) and contingency theories of leadership (e.g. Fiedler;
see the “Contingency theories” section in Chapter 11).

1. 系统方法
20 世纪 40 年代末和 50 年代初,塔维斯托克人类关系研究所进行的研究对我们理解系统方
点,调查了技术在生产中的应用如何影响煤矿工业中的社会系统 (如工作组)。从这项研究
(Trist & Bamforth, 1951)。在关于组织的第 13 章中有关于社会技术系统的讨论。
本书后面讨论的主要权变观点的例子是组织的权变理论(例如伍德沃德;参见第 13 章)和领导
权变理论(如费德勒;参见第 11 章的“权变理论”章节)。


The question of motivation arises when we ask why people behave in a certain way. When people are
motivated, they are responding to conditions operating within and outside themselves. Motivation is
frequently studied with reference to needs, motives, drives, and goals or incentives. The emphasis on
needs and motives highlights the interconnection between motivation and personality.


Needs can be classified as, for example, physio- logical, security or safety, social, and ego or esteem
needs. It is possible to have a need and do nothing about it, but equally a pressing need can give rise to
a specific pattern of behaviour.

Motives consist of inner states that energize, activate, and direct the behaviour of the individual as he
or she strives to attain a goal or acquire an incentive. Motives can serve as a means by which
consumers evaluate competing products, such as with the purchase of a car. For example, a car buyer
motivated by convenience could be attracted to a model with certain electronic gadgets in preference to
a similar car without these facilities.


The concept of drive is an important feature of many theories of motivation and is linked with theories
of learning, such as Hull’s theory (see “Classical conditioning” in Chapter 6). An individual is said to
be in a state of drive when he or she adopts a pattern of behaviour to achieve a particular goal. For
example, a hungry person, who is obviously preoccupied with satisfying a physiological need, behaves
(i.e. is in a state of drive) in such a way as to indicate that he or she is in search of food or nourishment
(i.e. a goal or incentive). When the person obtains sufficient nourishment, the behaviour (the drive)
subsides for the time being. The stronger the drive, the greater the level of arousal experienced by the

In its original form, drive theory under- lined the importance of biological needs and the associated
drives. It was later extended to other types of behaviour not connected with basic drives, such as drives

with status, achievement, and satisfactory social relationships (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). Drive
theory has been around for a long time, but there are some who feel that there are circumstances where
it may not be totally applicable. For example, humans have a capacity to pursue actions that increase
rather than reduce various drives (Baron, 2002). For example, to lose weight, people turn a blind eye to
having snacks even when they are hungry.








第 6 章“经典条件作用”)。一个人据说是在开车时,他或她采取一种行为模式


地位、成就和令人满意的社会关系(Baumeister & Leary, 1995)。驱动理论已

如,人类有能力追求增加而不是减少各种动力的行动(Baron, 2002)。例如,为


There are occasions when the individual is in a state of drive (a motivated state) to achieve a particular
goal that will satisfy a deficient need – for example, the hungry person is seeking food, or the
ambitious employee is seeking a more challenging job. But when an obstacle is placed in the
individual’s pathway to the achievement of the goal (such as being caught up in a traffic jam
preventing a job applicant from attending a selection interview), this can give rise to feelings of
frustration and produce either positive or negative reactions.

A positive reaction comes about when the person tries to resolve the difficulty in a constructive
manner. For example, in the face of opposition to the implementation of a certain plan of action, a
manager might decide to engage in more consultation with those who object to the scheme. It is also
conceivable that the frustrating event makes the individual divert his or her energies into the
achievement of alternative goals. In the lives of individuals over the centuries, frustrating events could
have been responsible for significant personal accomplishments.

However, frustration can generate various forms of destructive behaviour. The individual may engage
in physical or verbal aggression, or regress to an earlier form of behaviour when, for example, a display
of temper achieved the desired result. There are other circumstances when the individual reacts to
frustrating situations in the same way irrespective of the magnitude of the event and, as a result, the
reaction may be totally inappropriate in given circumstances (e.g. shouting or making caustic remarks
irrespective of the degree of magnitude of the frustrating event). Some individuals show a tendency to
give up and withdraw from the situation, whereas others find the atmosphere surrounding the obstacle
to the achievement of the goal unsettling and repress the experience to the unconscious mind.
Arousal and emotion

The thalamus and reticular formation (both areas of the brain) exert influence on the arousal
mechanism. The thalamus is the focal point of excitement and depression, pleasure and pain. The
function of the reticular

formation is to increase or decrease the level of arousal and, apart from faltering information, it decides
what should be passed on to the higher brain and what should be rejected. Obviously, a high priority
would be given to information that alerts us to a potential danger. An illustration of arousal in the
motivation process is provided in Panel 4.1. The emotion of fear features prominently in the illustration
– it activated fight. Anger is also an emotion that is considered in the context of motivation, and
produces a physiological change in the form of a greater production of noradrenaline, resulting in a
“fight” response.

Emotion is a characteristic that is discussed in Chapter 8 in connection with job satisfaction; the
justification for considering it here is that the emotion of fear, featured in the illustration in Panel 4.1
with its in-built action tendencies, is considered relevant in work motivation (see Panel 4.2).

A raised level of arousal implies increased awareness, energy, and speed, and can be effective in the
performance of well-learned mental and physical skills. On the other hand, a lower level of arousal is
more suited for tasks of a really complex nature. In a work situation we could expect job performance
in the former case to increase as arousal increases up to a certain point. In practice it is often difficult to
determine in advance the optimal level of arousal for a given job. Beyond the optimum level of arousal
performance could suffer if there is a further change in the level of arousal. As a general principle, and
as stated above, the more difficult a task the lower the level of arousal, otherwise a reduction in
performance will be experienced. This proposal is known as the Yerkes–Dodson law, and it seems to
apply in numerous situations.

It would be wise to consider this law in the light of individual differences and preferences. For
instance, at one extreme there is the person who prefers and seeks high levels of arousal (e.g. sky
divers) and at the other end of the scale are people who prefer to be in a low arousal state (Baron,
2002). It is accepted that arousal theory provides useful insights into the dynamics of motivation, but in
the light of what was said in the previous sentence one has to recognize some important limitations or
constraints. The relevance of arousal theory to marketing practice features in Panel 4.3 are also valid.
For example, the person’s accomplishments could be recognized by receiving congratulations from a
superior soon after the event, either in private or public. This is an example of an intrinsic reward,
which is considered later.

Goals or incentives

Goals or incentives satisfy or reduce the behaviour associated with the drive. For example, the hungry
person achieves the goal or acquires the incentive by eating the food, and this could lead to a reduction
or elimination of the hunger drive. Various incentive programmes have been designed to motivate
people to meet good standards. Tangible rewards such as jewellery, gifs, and plaques, as opposed to
cash, for meeting safety targets are especially common in the USA.

Providing incentives for appropriate or acceptable behaviour conjures up images of reinforcement

theory, discussed in Chapter 7. Tis behaviorist theory of learning is relevant in a motivational sense
when it maintains that rewarding behaviour with recognition is likely to encourage the repetition of that
behaviour. Apart from the tangible rewards mentioned earlier, there are other forms of recognition

Need theories fall into the category of content theories of motivation. They assume that individuals
possess a “baggage” of motives awaiting gratification, and there is an attempt to explain motivation in
terms of what arouses and energizes behaviour. The theoretical perspective of content theorists will be
examined in this section.

One particular view of motivation suggests that people strive towards realizing their inner potential
(self-actualization) and may suffer some personal disadvantage in doing so. For example, the
adolescent may feel it necessary to leave the comfort of the parental home in order to assert his or her
independence. Like- wise, there are occasions when a person forfeits comfort and security in order to
support an unpopular principle or cause. These are examples of a person’s desire to satisfy a pressing
need. Maslow (1954) identified a hierarchy of needs ranging from the most primitive, which

humans share with the lower forms of life, to those associated with the higher forms of life.

Hierarchy of needs

The hierarchy of needs consists of the following layers:

 Need for self-actualization.

 Need for esteem.

 Need for love and belongingness (affiliation).

 Need for safety.

 Need for survival (physiological).

The foot of the hierarchy represents the most basic needs, and the individual strives to move
upwards through the hierarchy. Maslow (1954) observed that “man is a wanting animal and
rarely reaches a state of complete satisfaction except for a short time. As one desire is
satisfied, another pops up to take its place.” Tus, only if the lower needs are satisfied will the
higher needs appear.











层次的底部代表最基本的需求,个人努力通过层次往上移动。马斯洛(Maslow, 1954)观

Physiological needs

With respect to some physiological needs, there are certain automatic responses to internal imbalances
in the human body. A self- correcting mechanism ensures that the level of sugar remains constant in the
bloodstream (except in diabetics). We are motivated to drink lots of liquid after eating salty foods.
When our body temperature becomes too high, we perspire and are motivated to remove a garment or
open a window in a room. A feature of physiological needs is that they have to be satisfied regularly.
Consumption of products related to these needs is high, and apart from the emphasis in an advertising
message on the convenience factor of certain foodstuffs, the nutritional value may also be

Safety needs
Safety needs include physical security, emotional security, job security, a modestly comfortable and
predictable routine, and a desire for fair treatment and justice at work. The need for security could
motivate the car buyer to emphasize safety features, such as child-proof locks, head restraints, and a
collapsible steering wheel when making a choice. The need for security could also be manifest when
the individual is convinced that a signal- ling system is necessary for his or her future security; as a
result, he or she is motivated to install a smoke detector in the house. Security needs could be aroused
at work when there is uncertainty about continued employment with the company. Likewise, the threat
of health and safety hazards could arouse safety needs.





Affiliation needs

Higher than safety needs come affiliation or social needs. These include social contacts, belonging to a
group, friendship, and love. Social motivation is also described as dependency (submissive behaviour
aimed at an authority figure), dominance, personal relation- ships (both platonic and sexual), and
aggression (Argyle, 1968). It can find expression in many ways. For instance, in order to avoid a
feeling of inferiority among others, a consumer may be attracted to the use of a particular product and
some people may purchase goods that meet with the social approval of others.

Social or affiliation needs act as important motivators of behaviour when the need to belong to a group
at work offers, for example, the opportunity to develop meaningful associations with colleagues, to
give and receive friendship, understanding, and compassion, and to be accepted by colleagues. There is
strong evidence to indicate that social bonding and the need to belong are very influential (Baumeister
& Leary, 1995). The consequences of not satisfying security and social needs could be various forms of
undesirable behaviour – resistance to change, antagonism, and an unwillingness to cooperate –
intended to defeat the achievement of organizational goals.
Esteem needs

The next level in the hierarchy deals with esteem needs, divided into self-esteem and esteem from
others. Esteem is the evaluative aspect of the self-concept and is concerned with how worthwhile and
confident the individual feels about him/herself. Self-esteem includes the need for self-respect and self-
confidence, the need to achieve something worthwhile as a result of job performance, the need to be
fairly independent at work, the need to acquire technical knowledge about one’s job, and the need to
perform one’s duties in a competent manner.

Esteem from others includes the need for recognition as a result of efficient and effective job
performance, the need to be appreciated by colleagues for one’s overall contribution at work, and the
need to establish a reputation and status in the organization. The desire for power would also probably
belong to the category of esteem needs.

Self-image could be viewed as an essential part of esteem motivation, and there is a tendency to
develop attitudes and beliefs towards the self that are consistent and integrated (Argyle, 1968). The
person could be motivated to get others to accept and respect the self-image, and perhaps avoid people
or alternatively try to change their attitudes if they are not prepared to do so. Those endowed with high
self-esteem work harder if they are told that things are not going well, tend to be less conformist, and
generally are more accomplished. On the other hand those with low self-esteem are more likely to be
derailed by a variety of organizational events, including being more upset by negative comments
(Furnham, 2005a).

Attribution theory (see page 232) is invoked when it is suggested that one should be on one’s guard
against certain biases likely to affect the concept of self-esteem. These are referred to as the self-
serving bias and false uniqueness bias (Eysenck, 2014), where one might expect individuals attribute
ambiguous information as relatively fettering and readily accept positive feedback while tending to
reject negative feed- back (Hepper, Gramzow, & Sedikides, 2010).

Self-actualization needs

At the apex of the pyramid are the self- actualization needs, implying self-fulfillment derived from
achievement following the successful accomplishment of, for example, a demanding and challenging
assignment at work. Tis is the epitome of intrinsic motivation, where an enhancement of competency
and autonomy is experienced, with beneficial consequences (Gagne, Forest, Vansteenkiste, Crevier-
Braud, Broeck, Aspeli, et al., 2014; Welters, Mitchell, & Muysken, 2014).


人关系(柏拉图式和性)和攻击(Argyle, 1968)。它可以在很多方面得到表达。

(Baumeister & Leary, 1995)。不满足安全和社会需要的后果可能是各种形式
的不良行为- - -抵制改变、对抗和不愿合作- - -目的是挫败组织目标的实现。




形成一致和完整的态度和信念(Argyle, 1968)。这个人可能会被激励去让别人
被负面评论所困扰(Furnham, 2005a)。

“归因理论”(见第 232 页)是指人们应该警惕某些可能影响自尊概念的偏见。

这被称为 self-serving bias 和 false uniqueness bias (Eysenck, 2014),人
向于拒绝负面反馈(Hepper, Gramzow, & Sedikides, 2010)。


能力和自主的增强是经验,并带来有益的结果(Gagne, Forest,
Vansteenkiste, Crevier-Braud, Broeck, Aspeli, et al., 2014;Welters,
Mitchell, & Muysken, 2014)。
Need for power

Unlike the need for achievement, the need for power is a motive that involves other people in the
organization and is closely linked with leadership or management styles (discussed in Chapter 11).
Because man- agers in large organizations frequently cannot act alone, they have to depend on
influencing others for their success. For this reason, McClelland believes that the need for power is
related to success in the exercise of managerial leadership.

A system has been devised for arriving at a need for power profile (termed N.Pow) in a similar manner
to that adopted by McClelland in connection with N.Ach (Verof, 1953). After closely studying the
relationship of N.Pow to style of management and performance, it was concluded that for managers in
large organizations, rather than for entrepreneurs, N.Pow is more important for effectiveness than
N.Ach (McClelland, 1970). For example, an empirical association was found between success in
managerial positions and a moderately high need for power, high self-control, and a low need for
affiliation (McClelland & Boyatzis, 1982).

Some might feel uncomfortable about being told that they are high in N.Pow because of the traditional
association between seeking power and suppression, exploitation, and tyranny. But there are others
who seek power in the form of positions of responsibility in organizations and feel good about it and
behave in a way that advances the common good. It is suggested that individuals with a high need for
power can be successful managers if they satisfy the following criteria: they seek power for the good of
others rather than self-aggran- dissident; their affiliation needs are modest; and they have the self-
control to moderate the desire for power if there is a danger that it will adversely affect interpersonal
relationships (Pinder, 2015). As an ideal, this statement is admirable but satisfying the criteria would be
a stiff challenge.

密切相关(在第 11 章讨论)。因为大型组织中的管理者往往不能单独行动,他们必须依靠影
已经设计了一个系统,以达到对功率剖面的需求(称为 N.Pow),类似于麦克利兰在与 N.Ach
(Verof, 1953)的联系中采用的方式。在仔细研究了 n.p oww 与管理风格和绩效的关系后,我
们得出结论,对于大型组织中的管理者而言,n.p oww 比 n.h ach (McClelland, 1970)对有效
在经验关联(McClelland & Boyatzis, 1982)。
有些人可能会感到不舒服,因为他们被告知,他们在 n.p oww 很高,因为寻求权力与镇压、
他们有自我控制能力来缓和权力欲望(Pinder, 2015)。作为一种理想,这种说法令人钦佩,
Dual-factor theory

The work of Herzberg (1966) is consistent with Maslow’s and McClelland’s theories. His dual- factor
theory is based on considerable empirical evidence and is built on the principle that people are
motivated towards what makes them feel good, and away from what makes them feel bad. His research
identifies motivators as factors producing good feelings in the work situation; these are listed in Table
4.1. By contrast he suggests that hygiene factors, also listed in Table 4.1, arouse bad feelings in the
work situation.

Hygiene factors are clearly concerned with the work environment rather than the work itself. They
differ significantly from motivators in as much as, metaphorically speaking, they “can only prevent
illness but not bring about good health”. In other words, lack of adequate “job hygiene” will cause
dissatisfaction, but its presence will not of itself cause satisfaction; it is the motivators that do this. The
absence of the motivators will not cause dissatisfaction, assuming the job hygiene factors are adequate,
but there will be no positive motivation. It is a feature of Herzberg’s approach that job satisfaction and
job dissatisfaction are not oppo- sites. The opposite of job satisfaction is not job dissatisfaction, it is no
job satisfaction; the opposite of job dissatisfaction is lack of job dissatisfaction. This is illustrated in
Table 4.2.

Empirical endorsement of Herzberg’s theory is available (Hodgetts & Luthans, 1991). How- ever, this
evidence should be considered in the light of the criticisms voiced later. Adopting Herzberg’s
approach, a manager should build motivators into the job to promote job satisfaction positively; in
order to minimize dissatisfaction, hygiene factors should be improved. Both motivators and hygiene
factors are mentioned in Panel 4.4. Earlier it was suggested by Herzberg that motivators are critical
factors residing in the job. He prescribes various methods of job enrichment as a way of building
motivators into the job. Job enrichment is an approach to job design (considered later in this chapter)
that attempts to make tasks more intrinsically interesting, involving, and rewarding. It comprises both
vertical and horizontal loading.
Vertical loading entails injecting more important and challenging duties into the job, whereas
horizontal loading is akin to job enlargement (increasing the number or diversity of task activities) and
job rotation (i.e. moving people back and forth among different tasks). The underlying belief in
Herzberg’s approach is that increased job satisfaction is an important source of motivation and will
lead to better performance because of its association with increased productivity and reduced turnover,
absenteeism, and tardiness. There is a discussion on a number of facets of job satisfaction with respect
to attitudes in Chapter 8.


Herzberg(1966)的工作与 Maslow 和 McClelland 的理论是一致的。他的双因素

在工作环境中产生良好感觉的因素;如表 4.1 所示。相比之下,他认为同样列在
表 4.1 中的卫生因素会在工作环境中引起不良情绪。

工作不满意,而是没有工作满意;工作不满的反面是缺乏工作不满。表 4.2 说明

对赫茨伯格理论的实证支持是可行的(Hodgetts & Luthans, 1991)。无论如何,

因素。激励因素和卫生因素均在小组 4.4 中提及。早些时候,赫茨伯格提出,

第 8 章中有一个关于工作满意度的几个方面与态度的讨论。

Criticisms of dual-factor theory

There is research evidence that is not entirely compatible with the findings of Herzberg. The following
are illustrative of the criticisms made:

(1) Hygiene and motivator factors can both cause satisfaction as well as dissatisfaction.

There is no recognition in the dual-factor theory of the part played by the expectations that people bring
with them to the job. For example, when expectations are not met, people can feel dissatisfied (Wer-
nimont, 1966). The issue of expectancy will be considered in the next section.

(2) If there is a mismatch between what people bring to the job (input) and what they receive in return
(output), this has significance in terms of satisfaction irrespective of the distinction between motivators
and hygiene factors. Here we enter the realm of the concept of equity, which is also examined in the
next section.

(3) The mediating influence of category of worker and culture is neglected. For example, an enriched
job may have meaning and promote satisfaction for one category of worker but not for another (Hulin
& Blood, 1968; Turner & Lawrence, 1965). In a classic study in Luton in the UK, researchers found
that workers sought jobs voluntarily on the car assembly line, and it is interesting to note that these
workers had previously given up jobs else- where offering interest, status, responsibility, and the
opportunity to use their ability and skill (Goldthorpe, Lockwood, Bechhofer, & Platt, 1970). No doubt
they were primarily attracted by monetary or material considerations.

As to national culture, there is empirical endorsement of Herzberg’s theory. Hodgetts and Luthans
(1991) report a number of successful international replications of Herzberg’s findings. However,
Adler’s (2007) evidence would indicate that national culture could still exercise an important influence.
For example, findings suggest that workers in New Zealand and Panama respond to motivators and
hygiene factors differently from US workers.

4. (4)  The supremacy of financial reward (accorded the status of a hygiene factor by Herzberg)
as a motivating force has been underlined by developments in pay remuneration (Konrad,
2000). In particular, performance-related pay often increases productivity (Bratkovich, 1989),
and can result in satisfaction with this system of remuneration (Heneman, Greenberger, &
Strasser, 1988). (A discussion of perfor- mance-related pay appears later in this chapter.)

5. (5)  The way Herzberg’s research was con- ducted, and the type of questioning used, both
have weaknesses (House & Wigdor, 1967). Methodological considerations feature
prominently in serious evaluations of the dual-factor theory. Generally, studies that use the
same methodology as Herzberg employed – that is, content analysis of recalled incidents by
respondents – are supportive of the theory (Pinder, 1984). Studies that use other methods for
measuring satisfaction and dissatisfaction often come forward with results quite different from
Herzberg’s findings (Hulin & Smith, 1967). Therefore, it should be noted that if a theory is
dependent on a particular research method for its substance, as appears to be the case with
Herzberg’s theory, its validity could be considered questionable.
Finally, it appears the dual-factor theory is no longer of significant interest to researchers

in the field of motivation. In a recent review of the evidence, “we are left not really knowing whether to
take the dual-factor theory itself seriously. But there is support for many of the implications the theory
has for enriching jobs to make them more motivating” (Pinder, 2015).

满足时,人们会感到不满意(Wer- nimont, 1966)。预期的问题将在下一节中讨论。
并提高其满意度,但对另一类工人却没有 (Hulin & Blood, 1968;Turner & Lawrence, 1965)。
是,这些工人曾放弃了其他工作 ,提供利益,地位、责任 ,和机会使用他们的能力和 技能
(goldthrope,洛克伍德,Bechhofer &普拉特 1970)。毫无疑问,吸引他们的主要是金钱或物质
在民族文化方面,赫兹伯格的理论得到了实证的认可。Hodgetts 和 Luthans(1991)报告了许
展所强调(Konrad, 2000)。具体来说,绩效薪酬通常会提高生产率(Bratkovich, 1989),并能
使员工对这种薪酬体系感到满意(Heneman, Greenberger, & Strasser, 1988)。(有关绩效薪酬
(5)赫茨伯格的研究方式和提问方式都有不足之处(House & Wigdor, 1967)。在对双因素理论
研究——即对被调查者回忆事件的内容分析——支持该理论(Pinder, 1984)。使用其他方法
测 量满 意和 不满 意的 研究 往往 得出 与 Herzberg 的发 现截 然不 同的 结果 (Hulin & Smith,
身。”但这一理论的许多含意是有支持的,即丰富工作,使其更有动力”(Pinder, 2015)。
Theory X and theory Y

While advocating a similar position to that advanced by Herzberg, McGregor (1960) postulates two
views of humans – namely, theory X and theory Y.

Theory X is the belief that people are naturally lazy and unwilling to work and must be bribed,
frightened, or manipulated if they are to put in any effort at all. This is contrasted with the optimistic
perspective of people – theory Y. This view is likely to be held by a manager who believes in providing
motivational devices.

A theory Y view states that work is as natural as play; the capacity to assume responsibility for
directing one’s own efforts is widely, not narrowly, distributed in the population, and if people are
passive, indolent, and irresponsible on the job it is because of their experiences in organizations and not
generally because of some inherent human weakness. McGregor would subscribe to the theory Y view,
in the belief that there are more people than is generally believed who are able and willing to make a
constructive contribution towards the solution of organizational problems. Reflecting on theories X and
Y, Pinder (2015) had this to say: “One of the most insightful and enduring observations made by
behavioural science concerning work is that made by McGregor.” A similar view was expressed earlier
by Cooper (2001).

X 理论和 Y 理论
McGregor(1960)在主张与 Herzberg 相似的立场的同时,提出了两种关于人类的观点,即 X
理论和 Y 理论。
X 理论认为,人们天生懒惰,不愿意工作,如果他们要付出任何努力,就必须受到贿赂、
恐吓或操纵。这与人的乐观观点(y 理论)形成了鲜明的对比。这种观点很可能是相信提供激
Y 理论认为,工作和玩耍一样自然;承担指导自己努力的责任的能力是广泛的,而不是狭隘
组织中的经验,而不是一般的人性的弱点。McGregor 会赞同 Y 理论的观点,他相信有更多
的人能够并且愿意为解决组织问题做出建设性的贡献。Pinder(2015)在回顾 X 和 Y 理论时说:
“ 行 为 科 学 关 于 工 作 的 最 具 洞 察 力 和 最 持 久 的 观 察 之 一 是 McGregor 所 做

Cognitive evaluation theory

Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards have been discussed above as distinct entities. But in cognitive
evaluation theory the relation- ship between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards is developed. It is
suggested that if there is too much of a preoccupation with extrinsic rewards (material benefits), this
could lead to an adverse effect as far as the appeal of intrinsic rewards (psychological benefits) is
This theory suggests that when emphasis is placed on extrinsic rewards for good performance in a job
known to be rich in intrinsic motivation, there will be a subsequent decline of interest in the intrinsic
rewards previously associated with the job (Deci, Koestner, & Ryan, 1999). Basically, the theory says
that when extrinsic rewards (e.g. performance- related pay) are given to employees for performance in
an enriched job, it causes the intrinsic rewards derived from doing something they really enjoy to
decline. If we lend credence to cognitive evaluation theory, it could be concluded that to prevent the
diminution of intrinsic rewards we should ensure that pay (an extrinsic reward) is not dependent upon
performance. But such a proposition might be difficult to comprehend in the typical organizational

While it is possible to find support for cognitive evaluation theory there are also reservations about the
research methodology used in the studies testing the theory, predominantly in laboratory settings, and
the way the findings have been interpreted (Robbins & Judge, 2013)



工作相关的内在奖励的兴趣就会随之下降(Deci, Koestner, & Ryan, 1999)。基本上,该理论认

及对研究结果的解释方式仍有保留(Robbins & Judge, 2013)。


A cognitive perspective in psychology was explained briefly in the opening chapter of this book. The
cognitive approach to motivation is primarily concerned with the desire of individuals to produce an
effect on their environment and in the process to develop certain skills. Individuals in their relationship
with the environment like to be active, to explore, to manipulate, to control, to create, and to
accomplish things (White, 1960). Likewise, young children like to hold, rattle, and pull toys apart.
Monkeys became more skilled with practice at manipulating mechanical devices placed outside their
cages (Harlow, 1953).

A cognitive theory of motivation recognizes that many aspects of motivation arise when people are
fully aware of their motives and actions, and of the risks involved, and make plans guided by their
expectations. We find a number of instances where people engage in purposeful behaviour, in which
they set a course of action right at the beginning, recognize the obstacles on the way to achieving their
plans, and finally if they overcome the obstacles it’s possible they feel satisfied with their performance.
It appears that the greater the sense of self-control attained, the greater the level of success in carrying
out both short- and long-term plans. If individuals feel that the increasing level of self-control covers
actions freely chosen rather than imposed, self-determination theory would indicate that this a
beneficial motivational situation (Kong & Ho, 2016). The most popular cognitive theories are goal-
setting, expectancy theory, and equity theory. These are called process theories. Unlike content
theories, discussed earlier in this chapter, which assume that individuals are endowed with a bundle of
motives awaiting gratification and do not acknowledge individual choice or social influence, process
theories focus on how behaviour is initiated, redirected, and terminated.

Self-efficacy is closely associated with the cognitive approaches to motivation and therefore will be
examined later.

索、操纵、控制、创造和完成事情(White, 1960)。同样,小孩子喜欢拿着、拨浪鼓和把玩
具拆开。猴子变得更熟练的操作机械设备放置在笼子外的实践(Harlow, 1953)。
(Kong & Ho, 2016)。最流行的认知理论是目标设定理论、期望理论和公平理论。这些被称

Goal setting

It is said that goal-setting theory has been significant in promoting our understanding of work
motivation (Mitchell & Daniels, 2003). A goal is basically a desirable objective, the achievement of
which is uppermost in the mind of a person. Goals can be used for two purposes in organizations:
1. (1)  As motivational devices, in the sense that employees work towards meeting these goals.
2. (2)  As a control device, when performance is monitored in relation to the goals set for
individuals and departments.

Organizational goals ideally should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, with a time
frame) to be of most value (Latham, 2003). Realistic targets might be expressed as, for example, “to
reduce overhead costs by 10 per cent” or “to increase sales revenue by 10 per cent over the next year”.
Subsumed in these organizational goals would be numerous individual goals directed towards
achieving the overall goal.

The starting point for a goal-setting theory of motivation is that behaviour is influenced by conscious
goals and implementation intentions (Gollwitzer, 1999). The earliest experimental studies of goal-
setting as an independent variable were conducted by Mace (1935) in the UK over 80 years ago. He
was the first researcher to compare the effects of specific, challenging goals with goals such as “do
your best” and to compare the effects of goals that differ in levels of difficulty.

The model of goal-setting we are familiar with today was first postulated by Locke (1968), who felt
that performance was shaped by goal difficulty and goal specificity. Sub- sequent if research has shown
a close association between performance and goal difficulty and specificity (Hollenbeck & Klein,

Goal difficulty

Goal difficulty is the extent to which a goal is challenging and demanding of effort, but it is not easy in
all circumstances to define what is a challenging and attainable goal (Miles & Clenney, 2012). For a
particular athlete,

a difficult goal could be to secure a place in the national squad for a major global sporting event. This
could necessitate a lot of hard work to achieve the goal. For another athlete, such a goal would be too
difficult to achieve, and it could be considered unattainable. In such a case, it is unlikely to have any
motivating effect, so the athlete in question puts little effort into training. Therefore, for some people a
challenging goal raises the level of performance (Wegge, 2000), while others do not respond positively
to difficult goals. The setting of difficult goals for a particular group (e.g. research scientists) was found
to be negatively related to performance at work (Yearta, Maithis, & Briner, 1995). Therefore, the
setting of difficult goals result may not be the best approach to adopt where creativity and high-level
problem solving are critical. Generally, if the difficult or complex goals are set for tasks of an
unfamiliar nature, this could have a detrimental effect on performance, but repeated practice at such
tasks could reverse the stated effect (Kanfer, Ackerman, Murtha, & Dugdale, 1994).

The concept of self-efficacy (belief in one’s capability) – examined below – was introduced in the
context of goal difficulty and it was concluded that it is important for goal difficulty to match the
individual’s perceived self-efficacy (Earley & Lituchy, 1991). With a raising of the level of
performance and the level of self-efficacy, goals and quality standards can be made more demanding or
Overall, it may be concluded that even though success is not guaranteed when the person faces a
difficult goal, most people would accept the challenge of difficult rather than easy goals if the
expectation is that acceptable intrinsic and extrinsic rewards will follow the completion of the task
(Mento, Lock, & Klein, 1992). This is a view in line with more recent evidence. The academic
performance of students pursuing an MBA course was analyzed. A proportion of the students set
themselves vague, general goals (e.g. to perform well at the end of the course). Other students set them-
selves hard, specific goals (e.g. to attain certain, high standards in individual modules). It was found
that those who set themselves hard, specifc goals performed better and experienced higher satisfaction
with the MBA course than did those who set themselves general goals (Latham & Brown, 2006).


据说目标设定理论在促进我们对工作动机的理解方面具有重要意义(Mitchell &
Daniels, 2003)。目标基本上是一个理想的目标,实现它是一个人最重要的思

1. (1)作为激励手段,即员工为实现这些目标而工作。

2. (2)作为一种控制装置,当绩效与为个人和部门设定的目标相关时进行监控。

理想的组织目标应该是 SMART(具体的、可衡量的、可实现的、相关的、有时间
框架的),这样才最有价值(Latham, 2003)。现实的目标可以表述为,例如,
“将间接成本降低 10%”或“在未来一年将销售收入提高 10%”。在这些组织目

(Gollwitzer, 1999)。最早将目标设定为自变量的实验研究是由 Mace(1935)在
80 多年前的英国进行的。他是第一个将具有挑战性的具体目标与“尽最大努

我们今天所熟悉的目标设定模型是由 Locke(1968)首先提出的,他认为表现是
之间有密切的联系(Hollenbeck & Klein, 1987)。


么是具有挑战性和可实现的目标并不容易(Miles & Clenney, 2012)。对于一个

战性的目标提高了表现水平(Wegge, 2000),而其他人对困难的目标没有积极的
关(Yearta, Maithis, & Briner, 1995)。因此,在创造性和高水平的问题解
Ackerman, Murtha, & Dugdale, 1994)。

的(Earley & Lituchy, 1991)。随着绩效水平和自我效能水平的提高,目标和

分析了攻读 MBA 课程学生的学习成绩。有一部分学生给自己设定了模糊、笼统
艰苦、明确目标的人比那些为自己设定总体目标的人表现更好,对 MBA 课程的
满意度更高(Latham & Brown, 2006)。

Goal specificity

Goal specificity amounts to a definition of the target to which performance will be directed. An
example of a specific goal is to reduce over- head costs by 8 per cent. You will notice that the goal is
expressed in quantitative terms. In areas where qualitative factors (e.g. the quality of leadership) are
considered, specificity is difficult to establish.

Latham and Locke’s model

An expanded model of goal-setting, designed to reflect the complexity of the setting of goals in
organizations, was proposed (Locke & Latham, 2006). This is shown in Figure 4.1. You will notice that
goal-directed effort or behaviour in this model is influenced by four goal attributes – difficulty and
specificity (as in the original model), plus acceptance and commitment.

Goal acceptance and goal commitment

Goal acceptance is the extent to which a person accepts the goal as legitimate for him or her. Goal
commitment is the extent to which the person is interested in attaining the goal, and this is reflected in
the extent to which the per- son will take the necessary steps to attain the goal. According to Latham
and Steele (1983), acceptance and commitment are enhanced by factors such as participation in goal
setting, coming up with realistic and challenging goals, and accepting that goal achievement will lead
to rewards that are valued by those involved.
Other researchers view commitment to difficult goals as a natural precondition for effective
performance (Hollenbeck & Klein, 1987). Goal commitment can be defined as a willing- ness not to
abandon or lower a goal (Wright, O’Leary-Kelly, Cortina, Klein, & Hollenbeck, 1994), and apparently
it is stronger when the goal is made public by communicating it to peers. Those people who believe
they can control their fate (i.e. they are of an internal locus of control disposition) and are high
achievers tend to have the strongest goal commitment (Hollenbeck, Williams, & Klein, 1989; Tubbs,
1993). In a meta-analytic review of the research literature, Donovan and Radosevich (1998) endorse
commitment as a moderating variable in the relationship between goal-setting and performance but
conclude that it is not as influential as previously suggested.


目标专一性指的是将绩效导向的目标的定义。具体目标的一个例子是将间接成本降低 8%。你


提出了一个扩展的目标设定模型,旨在反映组织中目标设定的复杂性(Locke & Latham, 2006)。

如图 4.1 所示。你会注意到,在这个模型中,目标导向的努力或行为受到四个目标属性的影响


实现目标感兴趣的程度,这反映在个人采取必要步骤来实现目标的程度上。根据 Latham 和

其他研究人员认为,对困难目标的承诺是有效表现的自然先决条件(Hollenbeck & Klein, 1987)。

目标承诺可以被定义为一种不放弃或降低目标的意愿(Wright, O’leury - kelly, Cortina, Klein, &
Hollenbeck, 1994),显然,当目标通过与同龄人沟通而公开时,这种意愿会更强烈。那些相信自
Williams, & Klein, 1989;Tubbs, 1993)。在对研究文献的元分析综述中,Donovan 和


On the question of a participative style in goal- setting, the case for it is far from clear, as can be seen
from the evidence. Participation in goal- setting in both laboratory and field experiments is an
improvement on a style that amounts to simply telling people the goal assigned to them (Arnold,
Cooper, & Robertson, 1998; Sholihin, Pike, Mangena, & Li, 2011). But participation in goal-setting is
considered less effective than a style that takes the form of assigning goals to people and then offering
a rationale or justification for those goals. This finding was endorsed in an exploratory study dealing
with groups rather than individuals, when it was concluded that assigning difficult goals with a
“tell/sell” style (see discussion of the leadership continuum in Chapter 11) is in general as effective as
setting these goals through a participative process (Wegge, 2000). After an evaluation of the evidence
on the role of participation in goal-setting, it was concluded that participation may have weak and
indirect effects on task performance (Pinder, 2015).

Related to participation in goal setting is the question of feedback. Good feedback can engender a sense
of achievement, accomplishment, and recognition. It highlights present performance in relation to past
performance, personal performance in relation to others’ performance, and can produce improved and
more creative effort (Latham & Locke, 1979). Self-generated feedback – where the employee is able to
monitor his or her own progress – has been shown to have greater effect than feedback emanating from
official sources within the organization (Ivancevich & McMahon, 1982).

The next step in the Figure 4.1 model shows how goal-directed effort leads to performance, but the
outcome is influenced by two intervening variables – organizational support, and individual abilities
and traits. An example of positive organizational support is ensuring that staffing levels and resources
generally are of the required magnitude to achieve the goal. Negative organizational support could
manifest itself as a failure to repair equipment essential for the execution of the tasks involved in
attaining the goal.

The abilities, skills, and other personal characteristics required to do the job have also to be considered
(Judge, Erez, Bono, & Toresen, 2002). A personal characteristic sometimes mentioned in this context is
that of self-efficacy. This concept was referred to earlier and will be examined below; it was briefly
acknowledged as part of a cognitive perspective on personality in Chapter 2 and refers to an
individual’s belief that he or she is capable of performing a task (Gist, 1987). The greater a person’s
self-efficacy, the more confidence he or she has to succeed in a task. People with low self-efficacy are
more likely to reduce their effort or cease an activity, while those high in self-efficacy will try harder to
meet the challenge in difficult circumstances (Gist & Mitchell, 1992; Locke & Latham, 2006). The
last-but-one step in the model shows that when the person has performed the task, he or she receives
various intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. The final step shows the level of satisfaction being influenced
by intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. The relationship between performance, rewards, and satisfaction in
Latham and Locke’s model bears some similarity to the expectancy model postulated by Porter and
Lawler (1968), discussed later in this chapter.


单地告诉人们分配给他们的目标(Arnold, Cooper, & Robertson,
1998;Sholihin, Pike, Mangena, & Li, 2011)。但是,参与设定目标被认为
以“告诉/出售”的方式分配困难的目标(见第 11 章关于领导连续体的讨论)通
常与通过参与式过程设置这些目标一样有效(Wegge, 2000)。在评估了参与在目
影响(Pinder, 2015)。

产生改进和更有创造性的努力(Latham & Locke, 1979)。自我产生的反馈——
效(Ivancevich & McMahon, 1982)。

图 4.1 模型的下一步显示了目标导向的努力如何导致绩效,但结果受到两个中

做这项工作所需的能力、技能和其他个人特征也要考虑在内(Judge, Erez,
Bono, & Toresen, 2002)。在本文中有时提到的一个个人特征是自我效能。这
境中迎接挑战(Gist & Mitchell, 1992;Locke & Latham, 2006)。模型中的最
后一步显示了受内在和外在奖励影响的满意度水平。Latham 和 Locke 的模型中
绩效、奖励和满意度之间的关系与 Porter 和 Lawler(1968)假设的期望模型有一

Evaluation of goal-setting theory

It comes as no surprise that goal-setting theory related to tasks remains the most powerful and useful
model of motivated work behaviour in existence (Latham & Pinder, 2005). Goal-set- ting theory has
been extensively reported in the research literature on motivation and in the early days was criticized
for being a technology rather than a theory, although such criticism is less applicable today (Arnold &
Randall, 2010).

The critical variables in goal-setting are goal difficulty and specificity when performance is considered.
Less importance is attached to acceptance and commitment, and although the theory takes a short-term
rather than a long- term view it is a useful approach to motivation (Moorhead & Grifn, 2014).

It has been suggested that goal-setting as a theory has greater relevance for people who are eager to
derive a good learning experience from the challenge of meeting difficult goals, rather than proving to
others their capability to meet exacting standards. Such people are likely to be competent and able
performers in the long term (Farr, Hofman, & Ringenbach, 1993).
An avenue through which goal-setting is applied in an organizational context – called management by
objectives (MBO) – is discussed under “Development techniques and interventions” in Chapter 15.
MBO subscribes to the notion of specific and reasonably demanding goals with a provision for
feedback and a participative approach. A particular version of MBO, known as Management by
Objectives and Results, has been implemented in Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark,
over an appreciable length of time. The results of a study on this theme were mixed, but when failure to
meet objectives arose, the following factors tended to exist: lack of top management commitment,
unrealistic expectations, and unfair allocation of rewards for meeting goals (Spauld- ing, Gamm,
Grifth, & Khristiansen, 2015).

It is suggested that goal-setting theory focuses too much on cognitive factors associated with
motivation and not enough emphasis is placed on emotional factors (Eysenck, 2014). Also, it does not
give sufficient attention to the influence of national culture. Most

of the research in goal-setting is conducted in the US – an individualistic society – where individual

achievement and performance are highly valued. But it is conceivable that goals set by a group or team
are more effective in collectivist rather than in individualistic societies. It is reported that moderate
goals that are achievable, rather than difficult goals, have the greatest motivational impact in
collectivist and high power distance cultures (Crown, 2007). Cross-cultural factors in goal-setting are a
con- struct that is under-researched.

Finally, grappling with subconscious goals (we are unaware they were set!) appears to be attracting the
interest of some researchers (Latham, Stajkovic, & Locke, 2010).


行为模型(Latham & Pinder, 2005)。目标设定理论在动机的研究文献中被广泛
用(Arnold & Randall, 2010)。

有用方法(Moorhead & Grifn, 2014)。

(Farr, Hofman, & Ringenbach, 1993)。

在第 15 章的“发展技术和干预”中讨论了在组织环境中应用目标设定的途径—
—称为目标管理(MBO)。MBO 赞同具体和合理要求目标的概念,并提供反馈和参
与式方法。MBO 的一个特殊版本,称为目标与结果管理,已经在北欧国家、挪
期望,实现目标的奖励分配不公平(Spauld- ing, Gamm, griffth, &
Khristiansen, 2015)。

实现的适度目标比困难的目标具有最大的动机影响(Crown, 2007)。目标设定中

员的兴趣(Latham, Stajkovic, & Locke, 2010)。

Porter and Lawler’s expectancy model

One of the most important modifications and extensions to Vroom’s model is the Porter and Lawler
(1968) expectancy model. They place expectancy theory firmly in an organizational context, with
practical ramifications. They also put forward the view that the strength of motivation is dependent
upon the per- son’s perceived probability that the motivated behaviour will lead to a desired outcome.
Their model is illustrated in Figure 4.3. The factors that affect the amount of effort people put into their
work are the value they place on the outcome that they hope will materialize as a result of their efforts,
and the probability that reward will follow the effort. Porter and Lawler are in agreement with Vroom
when they propose that the probability that effort will lead to acceptable performance should be
multiplied by the strength of the causal relationship between first-level and second-level outcomes
(instrumentality) – the good performance/reward equation.

But effort is not the only consideration: a person’s abilities and traits will also have an effect on
performance, as well as the person’s perception of his or her organizational role. The next thing to
consider is the relationship between performance and rewards. Rewards are of two types: intrinsic
(such as a sense of challenge, achievement, and success) and extrinsic (organizational rewards such as
pay, promotion, and fringe benefits). Porter and Lawler felt that intrinsic rewards have the edge over
extrinsic rewards when it comes to good performance because intrinsic rewards are intimately
connected with performance itself (Pinder, 2015).

But overall satisfaction should come about if both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards are the consequence
of performance. The level of satisfaction depends on how close the rewards are to what the person
perceives as equitable for the services rendered. The closer the ft between actual rewards and perceived
equitable rewards, the greater the level of satisfaction experienced.

The feedback loop between satisfaction and reward indicates that rewards associated with higher-order
needs (intrinsic rewards) assume greater importance as the individual receives more rewards for his or
her effort. Apparently the more intrinsic rewards the individual receives, the better this is from the
point of view of higher future effort. Note that intrinsic rewards are usually more immediate and direct
than extrinsic rewards.

The emphasis on intrinsic rewards reminds one of Herzberg’s motivators but, unlike Herzberg’s model
in which satisfaction precedes performance, the Porter and Lawler model shows performance leading
to satisfaction, with rewards and perceived equity serving as intervening variables. But note that
whereas Herzberg would classify pay as a hygiene fac- tor, as opposed to a motivator, the weight given
to extrinsic rewards, such as pay, in the Porter and Lawler model is significant.

Reverting to Figure 4.3, the feedback loop between intrinsic/extrinsic rewards and the perceived
probability that effort will lead to reward suggests that if good performance is rewarded the perceived
likelihood that effort leads to reward will grow stronger.

The message conveyed by the work of Porter and Lawler is that not only should jobs be designed or
redesigned (job enrichment) so that they pose challenge, variety, and autonomy (i.e. intrinsic qualities),
but also extrinsic rewards, such as pay, should be provided and equated with perceived equitable
rewards. In addition, there should be a match between the employees’ traits and abilities and the
requirements of the job.

The Porter and Lawler model has not been extensively tested, but the authors have amassed some
evidence that is consistent with the model. The message conveyed by this work is as follows: one
should attempt to relate employees’ traits and abilities to the job and ensure that employees have
accurate perceptions as to the requirements of their roles.

This action is likely to contribute to a high level of effort. Also, jobs should be designed so that they
pose challenge, variety, and autonomy (intrinsic qualities), but make sure that extrinsic rewards, such
as pay, fall into line with perceived equitable rewards.

Finally, expectancy theory could be a powerful explanatory force if one could see clearly a strong
relationship between effort and performance as well as between performance and rewards. The theory
would have greater validity if the link between performance and reward is visible and realistic. But that
is not always the case particularly when other considerations intervene, for example seniority-based
pay or, for that matter, skill-based pay.


模型如图 4.3 所示。影响人们在工作中付出多少努力的因素是他们对自己所希

酬、晋升和附加福利)。Porter 和 Lawler 认为内在奖励比外在奖励更有优势,
因为内在奖励与绩效本身密切相关(Pinder, 2015)。




回到图 4.3,内在/外在奖励和努力会带来奖励的感知概率之间的反馈循环表明,




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