Compact Survival Kit
Compact Survival Kit
Compact Survival Kit
DIY Projects)
This is ideal for anyone who wants to have the essential survival gear along each time they head into the field. Everything
fits in the Altoids tin (above). It fulfills all the component groups (see "Make Your Own,-¿ last slide) except for shelter and
protection, but add a survival blanket to your pocket and you'll be covered. Keep clicking through the following slides
for details on all of this kit's components.
Fire and Light
From left to right: Steel striker with Mini-Match magnesium fire starter. One side of the starter is magnesium and the
other is flint. You scrape shavings off the former and then light them with a spark from the latter. Waterproof-windproof
matches with a striker, placed in a mini zip-seal bag, then rolled and taped. 5 Tinder-Quik fire tabs, which light even
when wet. They're great for stuffing in all the extra spaces of a survival tin to eliminate rattling. Candle. I cut a 1/2-inch-
diameter emergency candle down to the height of the Altoids tin, so it fits in one corner. Photon Micro-Light II, a bright
LED flashlight.
From left to right: Several yards of nylon string. 2 magnetized sewing ne edles for sewing or making an emergency
compass (floated in water on a leaf, the needle will face north). Small piece of glue, cut off a glue -gun stick. Small
laminated card with instructions for water purification tablets and fishing knots. Fresnel magnifier. This lens can
start a fire by magnifying the sun's rays to a point on your tinder, causing combustion. Safety pin, for repairing clothes
and straps. 2 feet of aluminum foil for making a cup, signaling, cooking fish, etc.
The Day Hunter
This kit, designed to ride on your belt, is ideal for most deer hunting trips
This holds more and larger components than the pocket kit, and you can carry it on your belt. The pouch is 6x4x2 inches,
with a zippered compartment inside and another on the flap. And many of the small items are packed in a tin, which is
bigger than the Altoids tin used in the Pocket Kit, measuring 4 3/8 x 3 1/4 x 11/16 inches. Keep clicking through the
following slides for details on all of this kit's components.