Research in Daily Life 2 (RSCH-121) Week 1-20 Grade 12: Question Text
Research in Daily Life 2 (RSCH-121) Week 1-20 Grade 12: Question Text
Research in Daily Life 2 (RSCH-121) Week 1-20 Grade 12: Question Text
Question text
Select ER if your answer is experimental research and NER for non-experimental
Historical Answer 1 NER
Quasi-experimental Answer 2 ER
True experimental Answer 3 ER
Observational Answer 4 NER
Survey Answer 5 NER
Question 1
Mark 5.00 out of 5.00
Question text
Select YES if the word is belong to the example of variable and NO if it is not example of
World Answer 1 No
Faculty members Answer 2 Yes
Class size Answer 3 Yes
Dreams Answer 4 No
Age Answer 5 Yes
Question 1
Mark 5.00 out of 5.00
Question text
Select the RP if the word is belong to the research process and NRP if the word does not
belong to the research process.
Planning Answer 1 RP
Organizing Answer 2 RP
Legality Answer 3 NRP
Dreaming Answer 4 NRP
Collecting Answer 5 RP
[First] Problems/Objective
[Third] Assumptions
[Fifth] Review of the related literature
[Second] Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
[Tenth] Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
[Eighth] Data Processing and Statistical Treatment
[Fourth] Hypothesis
[Sixth] Research Design
[Ninth] Analysis and Interpretation
[Seventh] Data Collection
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This is the value of research that reading opens the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge, while
writing helps a reader use her/his own perspective and transform this into a more concrete idea
that he/she understands.
The correct answer is: A Seed to Love Reading, Writing, Analyzing and Sharing Valuable
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This is a value of research that curiosity may kill not just the cat, but the human as well. Yet, it is
the same curiosity that fuels the mind to seek for answers.
The correct answer is: Nourishment and Exercise for the Mind
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This is the value of research that doing research to reveal lies or truths involving personal affairs
contributes in either making a relationship work or in breaking away from a dysfunctional one.
The correct answer is: A Way to Prove Lies and to Support Truths
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This is the value of research that research serves as an instrument to achieve the goal.
The correct answer is: Nourishment and Exercise for the Mind
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This is the value of research that research is required not just for students and academics but for
all professionals.
The correct answer is: A Tool for Building Knowledge and Efficient Learning
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
The inquiry approach to professional _______ is one which practitioners use to conduct
systematic, intentional, filed-based inquiry into their own daily practices.
Select one:
a. Understand
b. Business
c. Development
d. Building
The correct answer is: Development
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
A tool for _______ knowledge and efficient learning.
Select one:
a. Development
b. Business
c. Building
d. Understand
The correct answer is: Building
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Away to _______ lies and to support truths.
Select one:
a. Building
b. Prove
c. Business
d. Love
The correct answer is: Prove
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Means to _______ various issues.
Select one:
a. Development
b. Building
c. Understand
d. Business
The correct answer is: Understand
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
An aid to _______ success and job search.
Select one:
a. Business
b. Understand
c. Building
d. Development
The correct answer is: Business
Question 1
Mark 5.00 out of 5.00
Question text
Select AGREE if the statement is belong to the key steps in choosing a topic and
DISAGREE if otherwise.
Formulate a research problem Answer 1 AGREE
The research process is more irrelevant Answer 2
Brainstorm for ideas Answer 3 AGREE
Ensure that the topic is manageable and that material is available. Answer 4 AGREE
Narrow your topic to something unmanageable Answer 5
Make a list of key words Answer 6 AGREE
Answer 7
Choose the topic that you are not interested.
Research and read more about your topic Answer 8 AGREE
Be flexible Answer 9 AGREE
Define your topic as a focused research question Answer 10 AGREE
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Make sure the research question is ___________.
Select one:
a. Topic
b. Clear
c. Interest
d. Feasibility
The correct answer is: Clear
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Consider the ___________ of the project.
Select one:
a. Clear
b. Interest
c. Topic
d. Feasibility
The correct answer is: Feasibility
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
It is a problem that someone would like to ___________.
Select one:
a. Appropriate
b. Investigate
c. Summarize
d. Addressed
The correct answer is: Investigate
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
It is considered a situation that needs to be changed or ___________.
Select one:
a. Addressed
b. Appropriate
c. Summarize
d. Investigate
The correct answer is: Addressed
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Make sure the ___________ is ethical to study.
Select one:
a. Topic
b. Clear
c. Interest
d. Feasibility
Question 1
Mark 5.00 out of 5.00
Question text
Choose the answer from the items in the right-hand side.
This is a tip in writing the introduction that when you Answer 1
Be general before you’re specific
writing a book report show them how your topic
relates to the bigger picture.
Answer 10
This is a tip in writing the introduction that you need Lay it on ‘em
to have lay out your main points and arguments.
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
It may also ________ and ideas from other sources.
Select one:
a. Legal
b. Paragraph
c. Introduction
d. Concepts
The correct answer is: Concepts
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Write the significance of the study by looking into the ________ of your study.
Select one:
a. Information
b. General
c. Condition
d. Journal
The correct answer is: General
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Discussion of existing or present ________ and what is aimed to be in the future gap to filled-in
by the research.
Select one:
a. Information
b. Journal
c. Condition
d. General
The correct answer is: Condition
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Discussion at once follows after the chapter title, no ________ of the chapter
Select one:
a. Paragraph
b. Introduction
c. Concepts
d. Legal
The correct answer is: Introduction
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Effective problem statements answer the question "Why does this research need to be
Select one:
a. Conducted
b. General
c. Approach
d. Information
The correct answer is: Conducted
Question 1
Mark 5.00 out of 5.00
Question text
Select YES if the example is considered in preparing the related literature and studies
andNO if it is not.
Books YES
Answer 1
Trunks NO
Answer 2
Encyclopedias YES
Answer 3
Leaves NO
Answer 4
Barks NO
Answer 5
Unpublished Theses YES
Answer 6
Unpublished Dissertations YES
Answer 7
Periodicals YES
Answer 8
Plastic bottles NO
Answer 9
Almanacs YES
Answer 10
Question 1
Mark 5.00 out of 5.00
Question text
Select YES if the example is considered as location or place in preparing the related
literature and studies and NO if it is not.
Private libraries YES
Answer 1
Comfort Room NO
Answer 2
Government Library YES
Answer 3
Waiting Shed NO
Answer 4
School YES
Answer 5
Universities YES
Answer 6
Under the Tree NO
Answer 7
Libraries YES
Answer 8
Bus Station NO
Answer 9
National Library YES
Answer 10
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that some
abstracts contain the variables and the salient findings thus may serve the purpose.
Select one:
a. Choose your topic
b. Do a literature review
Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
preferably use peer-reviewed and well-known scientific journals as these are reliable sources of
Select one:
a. Do a literature review
b. Isolate the important variable
c. Generate conceptual framework
d. Choose your topic
The correct answer is: Do a literature review
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
review relevant and updated research on the theme that you decide to work on after scrutiny of
the issue at and.
Select one:
a. Choose your topic
b. Do a literature review
c. Generate conceptual framework
d. Isolate the important variable
The correct answer is: Do a literature review
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
decides if the variables are not explicit in the summary, get back to the methodology or the
results and discussion section and quickly identify the variables of the study and the significant
Select one:
a. Generate conceptual framework
b. Isolate the important variable
c. Choose your topic
d. Do a literature review
The correct answer is: Isolate the important variable
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that build
your conceptual framework using your mix of the variables from the scientific articles you have
Select one:
Question text
Write the word YES if you agree the statement and NO if you disagree
This is a way on strengthening the theoretical framework of the study that Answer 1
guided by a relevant theory, you are given a basis for your hypotheses and
choice of research methods
Answer 2
This is a general guideline in writing the conceptual framework of the study YES
that all the variables involved should be written in the conceptual model.
This is a general guideline in writing the conceptual framework of the study Answer 3
that in the discussion, the researcher describes and explains the model, the YES
meaning of the figures, the contents and the process involved.
Answer 4
This is a way on strengthening the theoretical framework of the study that the YES
theoretical framework connects the researcher to existing knowledge.
This is a general guideline in writing the theoretical framework of the study Answer 5
that the researcher should be able to anchor the research to the theory or
establish its relationship.
This is a general guideline in writing the theoretical framework of the study Answer 6
that the discussion of the main idea of the theory is first given followed by
the discussion of its relation to the study.
This is a general guideline in writing the conceptual framework of the study Answer 7
that the framework is the researcher’s own conceptualization of the research YES
using a model.
This is a way on strengthening the theoretical framework of the study that an Answer 8
explicit statement of theoretical framework assumptions permits the reader to YES
evaluate the critically.
This is a general guideline in writing the conceptual framework of the study Answer 9
that the conceptual model is a theory representation of the research
framework drawn in a separate whole page in the middle of discussion.
This is a general guideline in writing the theoretical framework of the study Answer 10
that the section presents a theory or theories in a maximum of ten, which
served as framework of the research.
Question 1
Mark 5.00 out of 5.00
Question text
Identify if the following entries are either APA System or MLA System
Dela Cruz, Jose P. MLA System
Answer 1
Talacan, Maria Angela MLA System
Answer 2
Hilario, M.N. APA System
Answer 3
Dimaano, Alfredo B. MLA System
Answer 4
Gumawa, F.A. APA System
Answer 5
Gomez, Josephine F. MLA System
Answer 6
San Jose, J.L. APA System
Answer 7
Bautista, H.L APA System
Answer 8
Marquez, K.L APA System
Answer 9
Santos, J.A.H. APA System
Answer 10
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Background reading cannot help you choose and limit the scope of your topic.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Your introduction statement can guide you in identifying the specific contribution of your study.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
If you really want to draw readers in, you have to end your introduction with something attention
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Choose a topic that you are interested in, the research process is more relevant if you care about
your topic.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
In writing the significance write from specific to general contribution rather than from general to
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
A lengthy title may seem unfocused and take the readers' attention away from an important point.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Which of the following is not considering a factor in selecting a research problem?
Select one:
a. Don't use words open to interpretation
b. It is measurable
c. Be very specific
Question text
A good research paper title should contain key words in the title.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Significance of the study does not provides information to the reader on how the study will
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
It is clear that the title of your paper is the most important determinant of how many people will
read it.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
In choosing a topic this is we need to do even when you aren't writing a research paper, make
sure you select a subject that you can develop with sufficient details.
Select one:
a. Choose a topic that interests you
b. Choose a topic that's appropriate to the length of your paper
c. Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or analyze
d. If your assignment requires research, choose a topic on which you can find material
The correct answer is: If your assignment requires research, choose a topic on which you can
find material
Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
It is a basic tip to keep in mind while writing a title should contain key words used in the
manuscript and should define the nature of the study.
Select one:
a. Avoid abbreviations and jargon.
b. Keep it simple, brief and attractive
Question text
After providing your readers with some background, use your essay introduction to outline what
you are going to discuss.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Which is not example of the importance of quantitative research across the field?
Select one:
Question text
It is a value of research that requires curiosity that fuels the mind to seek for answers.
Select one:
a. A seed to love reading, writing, analyzing and sharing valuable information
Question text
The problem statement describes the context for the study and also identifies the general analysis
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
It is a value of research that entails both reading and writing that able helps computation and
Select one:
a. A way to prove lies and to support truths
b. An aid to business success and job search
Question text
These are sub type survey, historical, observational, correlational, descriptive, and comparative
Select one:
a. Non-Descriptive Research
b. Descriptive Research
c. Non-Experimental Research
d. Experimental Research
The correct answer is: Non-Experimental Research
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
It is an attempt by the researcher to maintain school overall factors that may affect the result of
an experiment.
Select one:
a. Variable
b. Quantitative Research
c. Research Process
d. Experimental Research
The correct answer is: Experimental Research
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
The primary function of a title is to provide a precise summary of the papers' content.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
2 17/08/17, Saved: A seed to Answer
20:33 love reading, saved
writing, analyzing
and sharing
Question text
These are sub type survey, historical, observational, correlational, descriptive, and comparative
Select one:
a. Non-Descriptive Research
b. Descriptive Research
c. Non-Experimental Research
d. Experimental Research
The correct answer is: Non-Experimental Research
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Question text
It is an attempt by the researcher to maintain school overall factors that may affect the result of
an experiment.
Select one:
a. Variable
b. Quantitative Research
c. Research Process
d. Experimental Research
The correct answer is: Experimental Research
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Question text
The primary function of a title is to provide a precise summary of the papers' content.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Question text
These are the changing or characteristics of persons or things like age, gender and many others.
Select one:
a. Research
b. Statistics
c. Quasi-Method
d. Variables
The correct answer is: Variables
Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
An introduction could be start from interesting anecdote or a relevant quote from an expert.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
In choosing a topic this is we need to consider the second topic is narrow and less likely to lead
to summary and when considering a topic, ask yourself if it can lead to a reasonable a research
Select one:
a. Choose a topic that interests you
b. Choose a topic that's appropriate to the length of your paper
c. If your assignment requires research, choose a topic on which you can find material
d. Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or analyze
The correct answer is: Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or
Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
It is dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlement and coming to know and
understand the world.
Select one:
a. Research Problem
b. Inquiry
c. Quantitative Research
d. Research Process
The correct answer is: Inquiry
Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
In choosing a topic this is we need to do you'll write better, on something you care about.
Generally, if you choose a topic that is interesting to you, then your reader will find it interesting
Select one:
a. Choose a topic that's appropriate to the length of your paper
b. Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or analyze
Question text
An introduction is the first paragraph of a written research paper, or the first thing you say in an
oral presentation.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Most authors by virtue of possessing comprehensive details of the research paper, are perplexed
with regard to how to make their research paper title concise without sacrificing any relevant
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
It is a definite or clear expression about an area of concern, a condition to be improved upon, a
difficulty to be eliminated or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or
within existing practice that points to a need for meaningful understanding and deliberate
Select one:
a. Research Problem
b. Inquiry
c. Research Process
d. Quantitative Research
The correct answer is: Research Problem
Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Factors to consider in selecting a research problem that the topic should be important.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 30
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Be very broad in selecting a research problem.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
It is not real things. A variable that they are interpretations of observed facts, not facts
Select one:
a. Dependent Variable
b. Intervening Variable
c. Control Variable
d. Hypothesis
The correct answer is: Intervening Variable
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d. Alternative Hypothesis
The correct answer is: Alternative Hypothesis
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Question text
This is a ways to strengthen the theoretical frameworks in which it permits you to intellectually
transition from simply describing a phenomenon you have observed to generalizing about
various aspects of that phenomenon.
Select one:
a. Having a theory helps you identify the limits to those generalizations
b. The theoretical framework connects the researcher to existing knowledge
c. Articulating the theoretical assumptions of a research study forces you to address questions of why
and how
d. An explicit statement of theoretical assumptions permits reader to evaluate the critically
The correct answer is: Articulating the theoretical assumptions of a research study forces you to
address questions of why and how
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Question text
This is not the literature review in relation to your own study
Select one:
a. Broaden your knowledge base in your research area
b. Bring clarity and focus to your research problem
c. Integrate your research findings into the existing body of knowledge.
Question text
This is not the sources in preparing the related literature and studies
Select one:
a. Books
b. Encyclopedias
c. Professional journals
d. Text message
The correct answer is: Text message
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Question text
It is an interpretative framework, which is guided by a set of beliefs and feelings about the world
and how it should be understood and studied.
Select one:
a. Paradigm
b. Epistemology
c. Ontology
d. Oxiology
The correct answer is: Paradigm
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It deals with the issues about value.
Select one:
a. Epistemology
b. Oxiology
c. Paradigm
d. Ontology
The correct answer is: Oxiology
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Question text
Which of the following is not the example of systematic review of related literature?
Select one:
a. Summarizing the various forms of knowledge collected
b. Searching for literature
c. Clarifying the research questions
Question text
It is the one element that is not changed throughout an experiment because its unchanging state
allows the relationship between the other variables being tested to be better understood.
Select one:
a. Assumption
b. Control
c. Manipulative Variable
d. Control Variable
The correct answer is: Control Variable
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It is a variable that can stand alone.
Select one:
a. Dependent Variable
b. Control Variable
c. Hypothesis
d. Intervening Variable
Question 11
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Question text
This is not the place where you locate the sources in preparing related literature and studies
Select one:
a. Private Offices
b. Bus station
c. National Library
d. School
The correct answer is: Bus station
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Question text
It is consists of concepts and together with their definitions and reference relevant scholarly
literature, existing theory that is used for your particular study.
Select one:
a. Title
b. Theoretical Framework
c. Research Design
d. Review of the Related Literature
The correct answer is: Theoretical Framework
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It is something used as a basis for comparison.
Select one:
a. Control
b. Manipulative Variable
c. Control Variable
d. Assumption
The correct answer is: Control
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Question text
This is a step on how to make the conceptual framework that require you to build your
conceptual framework using your mix of the variables form the scientific article you have read.
Select one:
a. Isolate the important variable
b. Do a literature review
The correct answer is: Dependent Variable
Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Which of the following is not the example of general guidelines in writing the theoretical
framework of the study?
Select one:
Question text
It is a thing that are accepted as true, or at least plausible.
Select one:
a. Assumption
b. Null Hypothesis
c. Alternative Hypothesis
d. Intervening Variable
The correct answer is: Assumption
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Question text
This is a step on how to make the conceptual framework that require you to be relevant and
updated on the theme that you decide to work on after scrutiny of the issue at hand.
Select one:
a. Isolate the important variable
b. Generate the conceptual framework
c. Do a literature review
d. Choose your topic
The correct answer is: Do a literature review
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Which of the following is not the example of intervening variable?
Select one:
a. Motivation
b. Age
c. Learning
d. Memory
The correct answer is: Age
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It is a variable in scientific experimentation that is experimental element which is constant and
unchanged throughout the course of the investigation.
Select one:
a. Dependent Variable
b. Control Variable
c. Intervening Variable
d. Manipulative Variable
The correct answer is: Control Variable
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This is the value of research that this helps them get information that hired researchers missed, build a good
rapport with the interviewee, and conduct a good interview in the process.
Select one:
a. Theory
b. Conceptual Framework
c. Concept
d. Paradigm
The correct answer is: Conceptual Framework
Question 21
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Question text
This is notfunctions of the literature review.
Select one:
a. It helps you establish the links between what you are proposing to examine and what was already
been studied.
b. It enables you to show how your findings have contributed to the existing body of knowledge in
your profession.
Question text
It deals with the question of what is real.
Select one:
a. Oxiology
b. Ontology
c. Epistemology
d. Paradigm
The correct answer is: Ontology
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It is a world view, a general perspective, a way of breaking down the complexity of the real
Select one:
a. Paradigm
b. Oxiology
c. Ontology
d. Epistemology
The correct answer is: Paradigm
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It is an educated guess.
Select one:
a. Control Variable
b. Dependent Variable
c. Hypothesis
d. Intervening Variable
The correct answer is: Hypothesis
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b. Independent Variable
c. Moderate Variable
d. Intervening Variable
The correct answer is: Independent Variable
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Which of the following is not the example of general guidelines in writing the definition of
Select one:
a. Terms or variables are enlisted and arranged alphabetically written in bold capital lower case
b. This section should have introductory statement
Question text
This is not the sources in preparing the related literature and studies
Select one:
a. Magazines
b. Periodicals
c. Tattoo message
d. Newspapers
The correct answer is: Tattoo message
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Which of the following correct sequence in writing the author's name in MLA System?
Select one:
a. Full name - Full middle name - Optional Initial of the First name
b. Full surname - Full First name - Optional Initial of the Middle Name
c. Full surname - Initial of First and Middle Name
d. Full name - Initial of First and Middle Name
The correct answer is: Full surname - Full First name - Optional Initial of the Middle Name
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Question text
Which of the following is not the step in hypothesis testing?
Select one:
a. Making assumptions
b. Making a decision and interpreting the results
Question text
It is an abbreviated alphanumeric expression embedded in the body of an intellectual work that
denotes an entry in the bibliographic references section of the work.
Select one:
a. Theoretical Framework
b. Synthesizing
c. Citing
d. Selecting
Question 1
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Question text
To give the basic meaning of quantitative research is to say that research is a way of making any
phenomenon or any sensory experience clearer or more meaningful.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Descriptive research is fall under experimental research.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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Variables are changing or characteristics of persons or tings.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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17:10 t
Question 4
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Example of non-experimental research is observational research.
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The correct answer is 'True'.
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Question text
Experimental research is fall under qualitative research.
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The correct answer is 'False'.
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One kind of quantitative research is experimental research.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Another importance of quantitative research across the field is more reliable and objective.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Tests theories or hypothesis is fall under the importance of quantitative research across the field.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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The correct answer is 'True'.
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Example of experimental research is survey method.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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Question 1
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The research process should be understood as one of ongoing planning, searching discovery,
reflection, synthesis, revision and learning.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Data collection is in the seventh step.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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To organize or focus the search, the process needs to be keywords driven; what you retrieve from
a search will be dependent upon the computations you put on the search field.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Question text
Research is a process in which thinking is not dominant.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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Systematic solving of scientific problems is one of the characteristics features of the research.
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The correct answer is 'True'.
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The correct answer is 'True'.
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Research is understood as systematic, controlled, empiric and critical investigation of hypothetic
statements on supposed relationships
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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One of the characteristics of research process is not using scientific methods
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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The last step in the research process is summary, conclusions and recommendations.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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The first step in research process is assumptions
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 1
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Question text
This is the value of research that this helps them get information that hired researchers missed,
build a good rapport with the interviewee, and conduct a good interview in the process.
Select one:
Question text
This is the value of research that research has a vital role in business.
Select one:
and Job
Question text
This is the value of research that research is required not just for students and academics but for
all professionals.
Select one:
Question text
This is a value of research that curiosity may kill not just the cat, but the human as well. Yet, it is
the same curiosity that fuels the mind to seek for answers.
Select one:
Question text
This is the value of research that though there are hosts who rely on their researchers, there are
also those who exert effort to do their own research.
Select one:
Question text
This is the value of research that research serves as an instrument to achieve the goal.
Select one:
a. A Seed to Love Reading, Writing, Analyzing and Sharing Valuable Information
b. Means to Understand Various Issues
Question text
This is the value of research that reading opens the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge, while
writing helps a reader use her/his own perspective and transform this into a more concrete idea
that he/she understands.
Select one:
Question text
This is the value of research that for the monogamous lot, doing research to disprove or prove
infidelity is not a simple a trust issue.
Select one:
a. Nourishment and Exercise for the Mind
Question text
This is the value of research that doing research to reveal lies or truths involving personal affairs
contributes in either making a relationship work or in breaking away from a dysfunctional one.
Select one:
a. Way to Prove Lies and to Support Truths
b. Nourishment and Exercise for the Mind
c. A Seed to Love Reading, Writing, Analyzing and Sharing Valuable Information
d. Means to Understand Various Issues
The correct answer is: Way to Prove Lies and to Support Truths
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This is the value of research that determining either what the general public may want to know
about or what researchers want others to realize or to think about can serve as a reason to do
Select one:
a. Nourishment and Exercise for the Mind
b. A Tool for Building Knowledge and Efficient Learning
c. An Aid to Business Success and Job Search
d. A Seed to Love Reading, Writing, Analyzing and Sharing Valuable Information
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that students often pick topics
that are too broad to be adequately covered.
Select one:
a. Choose topic that interests you
b. Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or analyze
17:36 finished
Question 2
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Question text
This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that narrow topics lead to close
observation while broad topics lead to over generalizations.
Select one:
a. Choose topic that interests you
17:36 finished
Question 3
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Question text
This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that you need to look in the
library whether the research materials are sufficient or not.
Select one:
a. Choose topic that interests you
b. If your assignment research, choose a topic on which you can find material
c. Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or analyze
d. Choose a topic that is appropriate to the length of your paper
The correct answer is: If your assignment research, choose a topic on which you can find
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This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic ask yourself if it can lead to a
reasonable research paper.
Select one:
a. Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or analyze
b. Choose a topic that is appropriate to the length of your paper
c. If your assignment research, choose a topic on which you can find material
d. Choose topic that interests you
The correct answer is: Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or
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rather than
to discuss
or analyze
Question text
This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that is interesting to you, then
your reader will find it interesting too.
Select one:
a. Choose a topic that is appropriate to the length of your paper
b. Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or analyze
c. If your assignment research, choose a topic on which you can find material
Question text
This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that make sure you select a
subject that you can develop with sufficient details
Select one:
a. Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or analyze
b. Choose topic that interests you
c. If your assignment research, choose a topic on which you can find material
d. Choose a topic that is appropriate to the length of your paper
The correct answer is: If your assignment research, choose a topic on which you can find
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choose a
topic on
which you
can find
Question text
This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that the measurement of the
paper is also consider.
Select one:
a. Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or analyze
b. Choose topic that interests you
topic that is
to the
length of
your paper
Question text
This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that don't a topic for a
persuasive essay.
Select one:
a. Choose a topic that is appropriate to the length of your paper
topic that
Question text
This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that when you are starting to
write the research appear you need to consider the topic that is very interested to you.
Select one:
a. Choose a topic that is appropriate to the length of your paper
b. Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or analyze
Question text
This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that if you are writing a five
page paper don't write the history rather to avoid lengthy paper.
Select one:
a. Choose topic that interests you
This is the function of literature review that it provides a [theoretical] background to your
This is the function of literature review that it helps you establish the [link] between what
you are proposing to [examine] and what has already been studied.
This is the function of literature review that it enables you to show how your [findings]
have contributed to the existing body of [knowledge] in your profession. It helps you to
integrate your research findings into the existing body of knowledge.
This is the way of the literature that can help you in relation to your study that it bring
[clarity ] and [focus] to your research problem
This is the way of the literature that can help you in relation to your study that it improve
your research [methodology] and broaden your [knowledge] base in your research area.
Question 1
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Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
review relevant and updated research on the theme that you decide to work on after scrutiny of
the issue at and.
Select one:
a. Isolate the important variable
b. Do a literature review
c. Choose your topic
d. Generate conceptual framework
The correct answer is: Do a literature review
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Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
preferably use peer-reviewed and well-known scientific journals as these are reliable sources of
Select one:
a. Do a literature review
b. Choose your topic
c. Isolate the important variable
d. Generate conceptual framework
The correct answer is: Do a literature review
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Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that in
effect, your study will attempt to answer a question that other researchers have not explained yet.
Select one:
a. Isolate the important variable
b. Choose your topic
Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that the
topic should be within your field of specialization.
Select one:
a. Generate conceptual framework
b. Do a literature review
c. Isolate the important variable
Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
decides on what will be your research topic.
Select one:
Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
decides if the variables are not explicit in the summary, get back to the methodology or the
results and discussion section and quickly identify the variables of the study and the significant
Select one:
Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that your
problem statement serves as a reference in constructing the conceptual framework.
Select one:
a. Choose your topic
Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that some
abstracts contain the variables and the salient findings thus may serve the purpose.
Select one:
a. Do a literature review
b. Choose your topic
c. Generate conceptual framework
Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that build
your conceptual framework using your mix of the variables from the scientific articles you have
Select one:
a. Choose your topic
b. Isolate the important variable
c. Do a literature review
Question text
This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
identify the specific variables described in the literature and figure out how these are related.
Select one:
a. Generate conceptual framework
b. Choose your topic
Question text
This is a way of writing the title of reading material like underlined or italicized with all content
words capitalized.
Select one:
a. RGA System
b. DNA System
c. APA System
d. MLA System
The correct answer is: MLA System
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It involves merging new information with existing knowledge to create an original idea, see a
new perspective, or form a new line of thinking to achieve insight.
Select one:
a. Selecting
b. Citing
c. Synthesizing
d. Planning
The correct answer is: Synthesizing
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It is process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal
Select one:
a. Citing
b. Synthesizing
c. Selecting
d. Planning
The correct answer is: Planning
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d. Citing
The correct answer is: Citing
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This is a way of writing the title of reading material like capitalized title with only the beginning
word capitalized.
Select one:
a. RGA System
b. APA System
c. DNA System
d. MLA System
The correct answer is: APA System
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This is a way of writing the copyright date written after the publisher's name.
Select one:
a. DNA System
b. APA System
c. RGA System
d. MLA System
The correct answer is: MLA System
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This is a way of writing the copyright date like written the author's name.
Select one:
a. APA System
b. RGA System
c. MLA System
d. DNA System
The correct answer is: APA System
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This is a way of writing the author's name like full surname first, followed by full first name and
optional initial of the middle name.
Select one:
a. RGA System
b. APA System
c. DNA System
d. MLA System
The correct answer is: MLA System
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B 2. It is the process of highlighting text or picking an object. For example, a user may select text
to copy, cut, or move that text to an alternate location or select a file they want to view. If
something is selected, you can deselect text or another object by clicking somewhere else on the
Select one:
a. Selecting
b. Synthesizing
c. Planning
d. Citing
The correct answer is: Selecting
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This is a way of writing the author's name like full surname first, then followed by initials of first
and middle name.
Select one:
a. APA System
b. RGA System
c. MLA System
d. DNA System
The correct answer is: APA System
PS: For grade 12 students unleee~ wink emoticon
This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that you
must provide your readers with a little background or basic information about the
topic you are covering. The correct answer is: Be general before you're specific
This is the basic tips in keeping mind in writing the title that the primary function
of a title is to provide a precise summary of the paper's content. The correct answer
is: Keep it simple, brief and attractive
Why the importance of the quantitative research relies on realty of the productions
of results? The correct answer is: Because it reflect precise measurement and in-
depth analysis of data.
Classify the following material: Encyclopedias The correct answer is: Example of
the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
Why do we need to the clarify the research questions in selecting, citing and
synthesizing the related literature? The correct answer is: So that there will be no
problem in the conduct of the study
This is the base word of the variable. The correct answer is: Vary
This kind of quantitative research is best for survey method. The correct answer is:
Non-Experimental Research
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Abarquez, O.L
The correct answer is: APA System
Why experimental research is considered to be true experimental? The correct
answer is: Because uses valid results
Classify the following material: Reports from educational workshops The correct
answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
This is the tips in writing the significance of the study that by looking into the
general contribution of your study. The correct answer is: Write from general to
This is a word pertaining to an abstract idea representing the fundamental
characteristics what it represents. The correct answer is: Concept
This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that there
is no rule for exactly how long an introduction should be you must consider your
length of paper. The correct answer is: What's your point?
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: San Joseph, K.L.
The correct answer is: APA System
This is kind of quantitative research that the best example is true experimental
research. The correct answer is: Experimental Research
Classify the following material: School document The correct answer is: Example
of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
Classify the following material: School Libraries The correct answer is: Example
of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
Classify the following material: Unpublished Theses The correct answer is:
Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
This is a method in writing the bibliography in the copyright date that it will
written only author's name. The correct answer is: APA System
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that television
shows and movies ooze with research - both on the part of the writers and the
actors? The correct answer is: Means to understand various issues
This is other known as blueprint. The correct answer is: Research Method
This is the a way of making any phenomenon or any sensory experience clearer or
more meaningful by gathering and examining facts and information about such
person, thing, place, or event appealing to your senses The correct answer is:
Which of the following is not example of Non-Experimental Quantitative
Research? The correct answer is: Quasi-experimental Research
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research has to
reveal lies or truths involving personal affairs contributes in either making a
relationship work or in breaking away from a dysfunctional one? The correct
answer is: A way to prove lies and to support truths
This is a method in writing the bibliography in author's name wherein it will full
surname first then followed by first name and optional initial of the middle name.
The correct answer is: MLA System
This is by means of statistics that involve collection and study of numerical data.
The correct answer is: Quantitative Research
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Raymond, B.N
The correct answer is: APA System
Which of the following you need to keep in mind in choosing your own topic or
ask yourself if it can lead to a reasonable research? The correct answer is: Avoid a
topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or analyze
This is a method in writing the bibliography in author's name wherein it will full
surname first then followed by initials of first and middle name. The correct
answer is: APA System
This is a method in writing the bibliography in the title of the reading material
wherein it will underlined or italicized title with all content words capitalized The
correct answer is: MLA System
Classify the following material: Government Offices The correct answer is:
Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
Which of the following that the literature review can help in many ways in relation
to the study? The correct answer is: Contextualized the recommendations
This is a process wherein you need to have different skills like planning,
organizing and the like in order to come up good research. The correct answer is:
Research process
Why is it quantitative research is important across the field? The correct answer is:
Because it is more reliable and objective
This is the basic tips in keeping mind in writing the title that the other lesser-
known or specific abbreviations and jargon that would not be immediately familiar
to the readers should be left out. The correct answer is: Avoids abbreviations and j
Which of the following is not the features in characteristics of a research.? The
correct answer is: Using marginalized in the society
Which of the following you need to keep in mind in choosing your own topic that
make sure you select a subject that you can develop with sufficient details? The
correct answer is: Choose a topic on which you can find material
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that doing research
encourage people to explore possibilities, to understand existing issues, and to
disclose truths and fabricated ones? The correct answer is: Nourishment and
exercise for the mind
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Almario, B.N.
The correct answer is: APA System
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research has a
vital role in business? The correct answer is: An aid to business success and job
Which of the following is not the range of research topics in the area of inquiry?
The correct answer is: Lecture method
Classify the following material: Newspaper The correct answer is: Example of the
Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
Classify the following material: Periodicals The correct answer is: Example of the
Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
Which of the following is not the function of the related literature? The correct
answer is: It helps you to disregard your research findings into the existing body of
Classify the following material: Professional journals
The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature
and Studies
This is a method in writing the bibliography in the title of the reading material
wherein it will italicized title with only the beginning word capitalized. The correct
answer is: APA System
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Dimaano,
Richard B. The correct answer is: MLA System
This is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research
methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to
a field. The correct answer is: Paradigm
In what manner that the researcher need to consider in conducting proper research?
The correct answer is: Cannot be done in a haphazard manner.
Classify the following material: Almanacs The correct answer is: Example of the
Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
The section on significance of the study provide ________ to the reader on how the study will contribute.
b. General
In choosing a topic this is we need to consider that students often pick topics that are too broad to be
adequately covered.
b. Choose a topic that's appropriate to the length of your paper
It is a value of research that helps them get information that hired researcher missed build a good rapport with
the interviewee and conduct a good interview in the process.
d. Means to understand various issues
It is a value of research that require doing research to reveal lies or truths involving personal affairs contributes
in either making a relationship work in breaking away from a dysfunctional one.
b. A way to prove lies and to support truths
It is a value of research that has vital role in business that many successful companies such as those that
produce consumer goods or mass market items, invest in research and development
b. An aid to business success and job search
Discussions are in ________ form starting from macro-micro development that gives an overview of the
a. Introduction – WRONG oo wrong nga aahahaha
Always write down the hypothesis and then take into consideration the simple tips.
True – FALSE pala
d. Interest correct You want to explore who is dominant graduate of BSED or BEED.
If your assignment requires research, choose a topic on which you can find ___________.
a. Material
It is the systematic empirical investigations of observable phenomena via statistical mathematical or
computational techniques.
c. Quantitative Research
It is a series of actions or steps performed on data to verify, organize, transform, integrate, and extract data in
an appropriate output form for subsequent use.
Select one:
a. Data analysis
b. Acquiring data
c. Raw data
d. Data processing
The correct answer is: Data processing
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This research may include case studies, ethnographic studies, ethological studies whose primary characteristics
is being observed or recorded.
Select one:
a. Correlational Research
b. Experimental or Treatment Group
c. Observational Research
d. TRUE Experiment
The correct answer is: Observational Research
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It refers to an ANOVA using 2 independent variable.
Select one:
a. Chi-square Distribution
b. Two-Way ANOVA
c. Standard Deviation
d. One-Way ANOVA
The correct answer is: Two-Way ANOVA
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What is the median of the following numbers 107 102 104 103 106 105 108?
Select one:
a. 104
b. 105
c. 102
d. 103
The correct answer is: 105
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Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
12 79 59 87 43
The correct answer is: 56
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The subtitles of sections are based on the questions in the statement of the problem, stated in declarative form,
single-space bold.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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It is a list of behaviors, characteristics, or other entities the researcher is looking for.
Select one:
a. Web based questionnaires
b. Psychological Testing Method
c. Checklist
d. Mail Questionnaires
The correct answer is: Checklist
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It is the most common measure of central tendency.
Select one:
a. Mode
b. Median
c. Arithmetic Mean
d. Standard deviation
The correct answer is: Arithmetic Mean
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One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the discussion
should follow the format, presentation of the table, the table itself, analysis and interpretation, then
implications. Related literature and studies may be used not to support the findings.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
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213 and 314
Select one:
a. 101
b. 111
c. 901
d. 801
The correct answer is: 101
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In this scale it is the order of the values is what is important and significant but the differences between each
one is not really known.
Select one:
a. Interval Scale
b. Ordinal Scale
c. Ratio Scale
d. Nominal Scale
The correct answer is: Ordinal Scale
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15 and 17
Select one:
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 1
The correct answer is: 2
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It is kind of validity that addresses the issue of being able to generalize the results of your study to other times,
places, and persons.
Select one:
a. External Validity
b. Statistical Conclusion Validity
c. Construct Validity
d. Internal Validity
The correct answer is: External Validity
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It is the end or finish of an event or process.
Select one:
a. Findings
b. Conclusion
c. Summary
d. Recommendations
The correct answer is: Conclusion
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The following are the set of numbers 234 235 236 237 238, what is the median of the following set of
Select one:
a. 237
b. 238
c. 236
d. 239
The correct answer is: 236
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It is the distribution of the chi-square statistics.
Select one:
a. F-Test
b. Analysis of Variance
c. T-Test
d. Chi-Square distribution
The correct answer is: Chi-Square distribution
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Less time consuming
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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What kind of sampling if your strata were individual manager in the Business World of Makati, you would
randomly select perhaps 150 managers and interview them about their success in life?
Select one:
a. Systematic Sampling
b. Simple Random Sampling
c. Cluster Sampling
d. Stratified Sampling
The correct answer is: Cluster Sampling
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A researcher will represent and manipulate certain observations that they are studying.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Question 20
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It is very important when conducting survey research that you work with statisticians and filed service agents
who are reputable.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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It is the most frequently occurring value.
Select one:
a. Standard deviation
b. Arithmetic Mean
c. Mode
d. Median
The correct answer is: Mode
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One of the general guideline in writing and reporting the respondents or subjects of the study is it include the
sample size and the sampling technique used.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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What is the mean if the numbers are 21-27?
Select one:
a. 23
b. 24
c. 25
d. 26
The correct answer is: 24
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In this sampling we take a random sample of strata and ten survey every member of the group.
Select one:
a. Sampling problems
b. Cluster sampling
c. Stratified sampling
d. Systematic sampling
The correct answer is: Cluster sampling
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Less expensive
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Saves time involved in processing the data
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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In this kind of interview is a form of personal interviewing, but instead of completing a questionnaire, the
interviewer brings along a laptop or handheld computer to enter the information directly into the database.
Select one:
a. Telephone Interview
b. Structured Interview
Question text
Concurrent validity uses an already existing and well accepted measure against which the new measures can be
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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In this kind of interview are less time consuming and less expensive and the researcher has ready access to
anyone on the planet that has a telephone.
Select one:
a. Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing
b. Structured Interview
c. Face-to-Face Interview
d. Telephone Interview
The correct answer is: Telephone Interview
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Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
166 788 544 822 490
The correct answer is: 562
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One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is an introductory
paragraph is provided at the start of the chapter.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Question text
It is kind of research that though questions may be posed in the other forms of research and that is guided by a
Select one:
a. Correlational Research
b. Casual Comparative Research
c. Survey Research
d. Experimental Research
The correct answer is: Experimental Research
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Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
112 112 519 112 519
The correct answer is: 112
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In this scale it is used numeric scales in which we know not only the order, but also the exact differences
between the values.
Select one:
a. Ordinal Scale
b. Interval Scale
c. Nominal Scale
d. Ratio Scale
The correct answer is: Interval Scale
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What kind of sampling if your sample is every 4th of the participants from 1-500?
Select one:
a. Systematic Sampling
b. Cluster Sampling
c. Compositional Sampling
d. Stratified Sampling
The correct answer is: Systematic Sampling
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a. 40
b. 50
c. 60
d. 30
The correct answer is: 40
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It is the most common methods for qualitative data collection, participant observation is also one of the most
Select one:
a. Observation Method
b. Probability Sampling Method
c. Interview Method
d. Questionnaires Method
The correct answer is: Observation Method
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This reliability the consistency of a measure evaluated over time.
Select one:
a. Parallel-Forms Reliability
b. Inter-Rater/Observer Reliability
c. Test-Retest Reliability
d. Internal Consistency Reliability
The correct answer is: Test-Retest Reliability
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211 and 219
Select one:
a. 7
b. 8
c. 6
d. 9
The correct answer is: 8
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Validity can be thought as consistency.
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The correct answer is 'False'.
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In finance, standard deviation is a statistical measurement; when applied to the annual rate of return of an
investment, it sheds light on the historical volatility of that investment.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Question text
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
106 708 504 802 400
The correct answer is: 504
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This is the group that receives the experiment treatment. Manipulation, or is different form the control group
on the variable under study.
Select one:
a. TRUE Experiment
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One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the subtitles of
sections are based on the questions in the statement of the problem, stated in declarative form, single-space
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
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Question text
One of the general guideline in writing and reporting the respondents or subjects of the study is the size of
population and its important characteristics in relation to what is studied.
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The correct answer is 'True'.
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Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
113 777 516 824 113
The correct answer is: 113
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It is kind of research that tests for relationships between two variables.
Select one:
a. Casual Comparative Research
b. Correlational Research
c. Survey Research
d. Experimental Research
The correct answer is: Correlational Research
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It is kind of research that uses interviews, questions, and sampling polls to get a sense of behavior with intense
Select one:
a. Experimental Research
b. Casual Comparative Research
c. Survey Research
d. Correlational Research
The correct answer is: Survey Research
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Question text
What kind of sampling if your sample is every 22nd of the participants from the 1900 participants in the
training seminar?
Select one:
a. Stratified Sampling
b. Systematic Sampling
c. Compositional Sampling
d. Cluster Sampling
The correct answer is: Systematic Sampling
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This validity can be provided by comparing the results obtained with the results obtained using other test, other
characteristics of the individual or factors in the individuals environment which would be expected to affect
test performance.
Select one:
a. Criterion Validity
b. Content Validity
c. Construct Validity
d. Measurement Validity
The correct answer is: Construct Validity
RESEARCH 121 SECOND QUARTER EXAM 50/50 kahirap neto..nag iiba ang tanong..natagalan ako sa
pagsasagot neto..
Requires the interviewers have telephone
Select one:
False Correct
The correct answer is 'False'.
It is the most common measure of central tendency.
Select one:
a. Mode
b. Median
c. Standard deviation
d. Arithmetic Mean Correct
The correct answer is: Arithmetic Mean
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
400 708 504 802 400
The correct answer is: 400
What kind of sampling if your sample is Professor I from the Universities in the Region IV A?
Select one:
a. Cluster Sampling
b. Compositional Sampling
c. Stratified Sampling Correct
d. Systematic Sampling
The correct answer is: Stratified Sampling
It is neither the subject nor the experimenter knows whether the subject is in the treatment of the control
Select one:
a. Random Assignment
b. Double Blind Correct
c. Control Group
d. Surveys
The correct answer is: Double Blind
213 and 314
Select one:
a. 101 Correct
b. 901
c. 801
d. 111
The correct answer is: 101
A researcher will represent and manipulate certain observations that they are studying.
Select one:
True Correct
The correct answer is 'True'.
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
165 765 545 165 415
The correct answer is: 165
This reliability the consistency of results across items, often measured with Cronbach's Alpha.
Select one:
a. Test-Retest Reliability
b. Parallel-Forms Reliability
c. Inter-Rater/Observer Reliability
d. Internal Consistency Reliability Corre
The correct answer is: Internal Consistency Reliability
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the subtitles of
sections are based on the questions in the statement of the problem, stated in declarative form, single-space
Select one:
True Correct
The correct answer is 'True'.
In order to have a random selection method of sampling that utilizes some form of random selection.
Select one:
True Correct
The correct answer is 'True'.
It means that a tool measures what it sets out to measure - for example, that a pain assessment tool measures
pain intensity rather than axiety.
Select one:
a. Content Validity
b. Criterion Validity
c. Construct Validity
d. Measurement Validity Correct
The correct answer is: Measurement Validity
211 and 219
Select one:
a. 9
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8 Correct
The correct answer is: 8
What kind of sampling if your list was the phone book, it would be easiest to start at perhaps the 8th person,
and then select every 150th person from that point on?
Select one:
a. Systematic Sampling Correct
b. Stratified Sampling
c. Compositional Sampling
d. Cluster Sampling
The correct answer is: Systematic Sampling
2 and 12
Select one:
a. 8
b. 10 Correct
c. 7
d. 9
The correct answer is: 10
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
16 78 54 82 40
The correct answer is: 54
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
100 700 500 800 100
The correct answer is: 100
What kind of sampling if your list was the phone book, it would be easiest to start at perhaps the 17th person,
and then select every 50th person from that point on?
Select one:
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Stratified Sampling
c. Systematic Sampling Correct
d. Cluster Sampling
The correct answer is: Systematic Sampling
What is the median of the following set of numbers. 12 13 14 15 16?
Select one:
a. 12
b. 13
c. 14 Correct
d. 11
The correct answer is: 14
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
12 79 59 87 43
The correct answer is: 56
Question text
You want to know the Number of Students in San Jose NHS.
Select one:
a. Qualitative Research
b. Experimental Research
c. Unorganized Research
d. Survey Research Correct
The correct answer is: Survey Research
Saves time involved in processing the data
Select one:
True Correct
The correct answer is 'True'.
The power of a test is the probability of finding significance if the alternative hypothesis is true.
Select one:
True Correct
The correct answer is 'True'.
Less expensive
Select one:
True Correct
The correct answer is 'True'.
In this scale are the ultimate nirvana when it comes to measurement scales because they tell us about the order,
they tell us the exact value between units.
Select one:
a. Nominal Scale
b. Interval Scale
c. Ordinal Scale
d. Ratio Scale Correct
The correct answer is: Ratio Scale
This reliability the reliability of two tests constructed the same way, from the same content.
Select one:
a. Parallel-Forms Reliability Correct
b. Internal Consistency Reliability
c. Test-Retest Reliability
d. Inter-Rater/Observer Reliability
The correct answer is: Parallel-Forms Reliability
A score on a well-constructed test is believed to reflect a psychological construct such as achievement in a
school subject, cognitive ability, aptitude, emotional functioning, personality, etc.
Select one:
True Correct
The correct answer is 'True'.
Recommendations are not based on important results and conclusions.
Select one:
False Correct
The correct answer is 'False'.
This is the population in research to which the researchers can apply their conclusions.
Select one:
a. Accessible Population Correct
b. Target Population
c. Quasi-Experiments
d. Population
The correct answer is: Accessible Population
The specific questions should follow the order they are given under the statement of the problem.
Select one:
True Correct
The correct answer is 'True'.
In this scale it is the order of the values is what is important and significant but the differences between each
one is not really known.
Select one:
a. Nominal Scale
b. Ordinal Scale Correct
c. Interval Scale
d. Ratio Scale
The correct answer is: Ordinal Scale
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
15 75 55 85 45
The correct answer is: 55
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is an introductory
paragraph is provided at the start of the chapter.
Select one:
True Correct
The correct answer is 'True'.
For experimental or scientific researches, an operational procedure of the experiment should be presented in
which can be supported by a flow chart for clarity.
Select one:
True Correct
The correct answer is 'True'.
It is the midpoint of a distribution.
Select one:
a. Standard deviation
b. Mode
c. Arithmetic Mean
d. Median Correct
The correct answer is: Median
It refers to an ANOVA using 2 independent variable.
Select one:
a. Standard Deviation
b. Two-Way ANOVA Correct
c. One-Way ANOVA
d. Chi-square Distribution
The correct answer is: Two-Way ANOVA
You want to know who is better in learning section 1 or section 2.
Select one:
a. Survey Research Correct
b. Qualitative Research
c. Unorganized Research
d. Experimental Research
The correct answer is: Survey Research
In this scale it is used numeric scales in which we know not only the order, but also the exact differences
between the values.
Select one:
a. Interval Scale Correct
b. Ordinal Scale
c. Nominal Scale
d. Ratio Scale
The correct answer is: Interval Scale
The consistency of results across items often measures wit Cronbach's Alpha.
Select one:
True Correct
The correct answer is 'True'.
What kind of samplingif your sample is every 21st of the participants from the 1800 participants in the training
Select one:
a. Cluster Sampling
b. Stratified Sampling
c. Simple Random Sampling
d. Systematic Sampling Correct
The correct answer is: Systematic Sampling
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
106 708 504 802 400
The correct answer is: 504
15 and 35
Select one:
a. 60
b. 40
c. 80
d. 20 Correct
The correct answer is: 2
What kind of sampling if your sample is religious affiliation from each of the fifty states?
Select one:
a. Stratified Sampling Correct
b. Systematic Sampling
c. Cluster Sampling
d. Simple Random Sampling
The correct answer is: Stratified Sampling
What kind of sampling if your strata were individual school in the Division of Antipolo City, you would
randomly select perhaps 20 schools and test all of the students within those schools?
Select one:
a. Stratified Sampling
b. Systematic Sampling
c. Simple Random Sampling
d. Cluster Sampling Correct
The correct answer is: Cluster Sampling
This research may include case studies, ethnographic studies, ethological studies whose primary characteristics
is being observed or recorded.
Select one:
a. Correlational Research
b. Experimental or Treatment Group
c. TRUE Experiment
d. Observational Research Correct
The correct answer is: Observational Research
This is the group that receives the experiment treatment. Manipulation, or is different form the control group
on the variable under study.
Select one:
a. Experimental or Treatment Group Correct
b. Observational Research
c. TRUE Experiment
d. Correlational Research
The correct answer is: Experimental or Treatment Group
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the tables and
figures should be in continuous numbering. It should be presented first before discussion. Enclosed tables with
double line on top should be used. Graphs should be colored.
Select one:
True Correct
The correct answer is 'True'.
It is true experiments but use naturally formed or pre-existing groups.
Select one:
a. Accessible Population
b. Target Population
c. Quasi-Experiments Correct
d. Population
The correct answer is: Quasi-Experiment
It is a subject that has an equal probability of being selected for either the treatment or control group
Select one:
a. Surveys
b. Double Blind
c. Random Assignment Correct
d. Control Group
The correct answer is: Random Assignment
Correlational research involves comparative. In this research the study of two or more groups is done without
focusing on their relationship.
Select one:
False Correct
The correct answer is 'False'.