Nahar 2020

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et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 International Journal of Concrete
Structures and Materials

RESEARCH Open Access

Risk Assessment of Aged Concrete Gravity

Dam Subjected to Material Deterioration Under
Seismic Excitation
Tahmina Tasnim Nahar1, Anh‑Tuan Cao1 and Dookie Kim2* 

This paper proposes an approach to assess and predict the seismic risk of existing concrete gravity dams (CGDs)
considering the ageing effect. The combination of fragility function and cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) depend‑
ing on two failure states has been used in the analysis. It represents the time-variant degradation of the concrete
structure and the conditional change of structural vulnerability in the case of the seismic excitation. Therefore, the
seismic risk assessment captures here the nonlinear dynamic behavior of a concrete gravity dam through the fragility
analysis. Incremental dynamic analysis for the fragility curves is adopted to state the performance of the dam in terms
of different intensity measures. To assess the capacity of the aged concrete gravity dam, this research introduces a
way to estimate the ­CAVlimit of CGDs with varying time. For a case study, an existing concrete gravity dam in Korea has
been taken into consideration to apply this approach. The numerical finite element model is validated by optimizing
the recorded field data. The proposed approach and its findings will be helpful to CGDs operators to ensure whether
a dam needs to stop after a specific time using the extracted mathematical model. Furthermore, as this mathematical
model is the function of time, the operator can get an idea about dam conditions at any specific time and can take
necessary steps.
Keywords:  capacity evaluation, seismic behavior, time-variant degradation, tensile cracking, relative displacement,
fragility function, cumulative absolute velocity, capacity model

1 Introduction evaluation of existing dam and so on (Ansari and Agar-

The concrete gravity dams are the massive structure, and wal 2016; Ansari et  al. 2018; Fenves and Chopra 1986;
play an important role in multiple aspects, like flood con- Pan et  al. 2009; Sen 2018; Tekie and Ellingwood 2003).
trol, power generation, agricultural work, water resource The challenging issue is the ageing effect on a concrete
conservation, etc. It can create a hazardous condition to gravity dam (CGD), where most of them are constructed
the surrounding environment and community if any fail- for generally more than 50  years of design life (KCSC
ure happens after an earthquake (Hartford and Baecher 2016) (depends on the purpose).
2004). For that reason, an enormous amount of research As CGD is impounded in the reservoir, one of the rea-
has been done until now about the structural health sons to have damage induced due to the moisture and
monitoring after an earthquake, seismic vulnerability heat transport, freeze–thaw actions, chemically expan-
sive reactions, and chlorides of reinforcing steel with
time (Bangert et  al. 2003; Champiri et  al. 2018; Kuhl
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Kongju et  al. 2004a; Wan et  al. 2012). These reasons may cause
National University, 1223‑24 Cheonan‑daero, Seobuk‑gu, Cheonan, the extension of micro-cracks and the opening in the
Chungcheongnam‑do 31080, Republic of Korea cementitious skeleton, which affects the durability of the
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Journal information: ISSN 1976-0485 / eISSN 2234-1315 concrete structures by reducing the concrete strength

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Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 2 of 17

(Bangert et  al. 2001; Ghrib and Tinawi 1995; Gogoi and and Kunnath (2013), the seismic response has been eval-
Maity 2007; Kuhl et  al. 2004b). According to Nakamura uated by damage-based performance.
et  al. (2018), the experimental result showed that the Therefore, this research proposes an approach for
crack propagation on concrete will reduce the compres- assessing and predicting the seismic capacity evalua-
sive strength and compressive fracture energy. The CGDs tion of CGDs accounting with the chemo-mechanical
bounded by the water bodies are subjected to these effect. With the combination of fragility function and
effects and are named by the chemo-mechanical model, CAV, finally, it provides a capacity model using which
which is used in this study for assessing and predicting the investigators or engineers can get the capacity limit
the seismic risk of CGDs. The chemo-mechanical effect for the aged CGDs through the threshold value of PGA
has been used in the previous study (Gogoi and Maity at any time. Generally, the CGDs are practically experi-
2007; Nayak and Maity 2013; Wang et al. 2011) for espe- enced by different environmental and surrounding con-
cially CGD in case of seismic performance. Most of that ditional effect, where this capacity model will give the
research was related to the structural response in case of CGDs strength at that practical condition. Besides pre-
stiffness, stress and displacement. dicting and assessing the seismic risk of CGDs with time,
Very few researches have been done (Dong et al. 2013; this approach also gives a process of how to consider the
Ghosh and Padgett 2010) on the seismic vulnerability surrounding practical effect (here chemo-mechanical
assessment of the time-dependent fragility curve. The effect). This process has been carried out here for the
analysis of these researches focuses on other structural Korean earthquake and the approach also can be updated
seismic performance except the CGDs. Nevertheless, for any regional earthquake.
this study introduces a correlation between the chemo-
mechanical effect on CGDs and the seismic performance
of the structure with time. To do this, the fragility func- 2 Theoretical Background
tion is acted here as a key component for the seismic loss In the previous study, a time-dependent isotropic damage
assessment. Fragility curves describe the probability of index based on the chemo-mechanical effect of concrete
failure, which is the best way to estimate and determine material was shown by the loss of stiffness along with its
the vulnerability of the potential damage of the structure height, displacement and stresses (Gogoi and Maity 2007;
in the future (Ansari and Agarwal 2016). The uncertainty Nayak and Maity 2013; Wang et al. 2011). This study has
analysis for the fragility function is estimated by deter- proposed a methodology to evaluate the safety meas-
mining the High Confidence Low Probability of Failure urement by the effect of chemo-mechanical on concrete
(HCLPF) of the structural response (Kim et al. 2011). material through the combination of fragility analysis and
Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) described by CAV. For implementing this methodology, the numerical
Baker (2015) is used in this study to draw the fragility analysis has been done and for optimization, the numeri-
curve based on two limit states (presented in this paper cal model validation and verification are needed. There-
as LS1 and LS2) (Sen 2018; Tekie and Ellingwood 2003). fore, this section will introduce the step-by-step related
The 30 selected earthquakes provided by K-water organi- theoretical background of the proposed approach.
zations are taken for applying the proposed methodology
to the Bohyeonsan concrete gravity dam in Korea. Dif-
ferent intensity measure (IM) (Mazılıgüney et al. 2013) is 2.1 Numerical Model Optimization by Validation
carried out to demonstrate the fragility function. To show and Verification
the threshold value of quantifying the seismic risk of For validating the numerical model, the response surface
structure, the peak ground acceleration (PGA), spectral methodology (RSM) according to Myers et  al. (1995),
acceleration (Sa), and cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) analyzes the relationship between several variables (u)
have been adopted. In 1988, the Electric Power Research and responses (m) of the structure by the following math-
Institute (EPRI) introduced cumulative absolute veloc- ematical model:
ity (CAV) as a potential damage-related ground motion
IM (Campbell and Bozorgnia 2012). Most of the previous m = f (u1 , u2 , . . . uk ) + v , (1)
study on CAV was related to Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) where v describes the error observed in the response m
(Hardy et al. 2006). However, the proposed approach has and f (u1 , u2 , . . . uk ) transmits the response of the struc-
inaugurated a way to estimate CAV for seeing the capac- ture due to the sets of input variables. In RSM generally,
ity value of C­ AVlimit for aged CGDs. The CAV has higher a first-order and second-order polynomial equations are
predictability than other IMs such as the PGA (Du and used. Usually, the second order is sufficient to solve the
Wang 2013) for giving the safety measurement by pre- engineering problems and in this study, which is pre-
dicting the capacity of the structure. According to Heo sented as following Eq. (2):
Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 3 of 17

 and these damages will increase with the time (Kuhl et al.
m = η0 + ηi ui + ηi u2i + ηij ui uj + v, (2) 2004b). This damage is manifested as the porosity of con-
i=1 i=1 i,j=1 crete and Eq. (7) shows the total porosity of concrete.
here m is the response of prediction and η is the esti- φ = φ0 + φc + φm , (7)
mated partial regression coefficient; ui is the coded factor
here, φ is the total porosity, φ0 is the initial porosity, φc
i, j = 1, 2, 3 . . . , k and v is the offset term. The polyno-

is chemical porosity, and φm is the apparent mechanical
mial equation can be used in higher order.
porosity. The mechanical porosity φm is defined by the
A design experiment tool called central composite
Eq. (8).
design (CCD) (Sadhukhan et  al. 2016) is used to pre-
dict the output using the equation based on central and φm = [1 − φ0 − φc ]de , (8)
axial points with a factorial design for optimization of
the response of the structure. Using the Eq. (3), the total where de is the scalar degradation parameter and the
experimental number can be created using the CCD tool. function of this parameter has been expressed (Gogoi
and Maity 2007; Mandal and Maity 2015; Nayak and
N = 2k + 2k + cq , (3) Maity 2013) as the following equation:

here, k is the number of factors and cq the number of km0   


d e = αs − 1 − αm + αm exp βm km − km ,
center-point. For accurately amplifying the CCD method km m
in this study, two parameters are used such as the coef- (9)
ficient of Young’s modulus and density. here, km and km are the values of strain that represent the
After identifying the system of the numerical model, initial damage and is the maximum value of strain dur-
it is an essential factor to verify the model with previous ing loading history, respectively. If there is no degrada-
studies. The fundamental frequency of the model will be tion due to mechanical loading, the km may be considered
compared with Eq.  (4) according to Fenves and Chopra as km0  ; as a result of the d and φ is zero and α  , β are
e m m m
(1986). parameters that have been taken here from Bangert et al.
H (2003). The value of αs will differs from 1 to 0 because of
Tref = 1.4 √ , (4) the degradation and non-degradation, respectively.
The relation between non-degraded Young’s modu-
where H is the height of the concrete gravity dam. lus of elasticity E0 and degraded Young’s modulus
Besides that, the check for the crest spectral accelera- of elasticity by the porosity effect of the concrete is
tion (g) is also a verification factor along with the modal Ee = (1 − de )E0 (Mandal and Maity 2015; Nayak and
shape. Also, the frequency domain decomposition (FDD) Maity 2013). Therefore, from Gogoi and Maity (2007),
method has been adopted to verify the fundamental fre- the time-varying damaged modulus of elasticity of con-
quencies, which is explained more detailed in Sect. 3.4. crete can be written by the following equation:
2.2 Chemo‑mechanical Model for Aged CGD Ee = (1 − φ) Ta E0 . (10)
From the experimental results, Washa et al. (1989) devel-
oped the governing equation for considering the time
effects on the compressive strength of a concrete gravity 2.3 Seismic Risk Assessment of Aged CGD
dam, which can be exhibited by Eq. (5). 2.3.1 Fragility Function
Several studies are available regarding the failure criteria
fc (ta ) = 3.75 ln (ta ) + 44.33, (5) under the post-earthquake conditions for every structure.
The main failure mechanisms generally are investigated
where ta is the age of concrete in years, and f (ta ) is the
as the drift deformation of the dam body, cracking at the
compressive strength gained after time. Taking into
dam neck, and material failure on compression or ten-
account the gain in compressive strength of the sound
sion. These failures occur either in the foundation, in con-
concrete with age (Washa et al. 1989), the value of static
crete at the toe or the dam–soil interface, etc. (Tekie and
elastic modulus in SI is obtained from the following
Ellingwood 2003). According to the observation (Lupoi
expression (Mandal and Maity 2015):
and Callari 2011), the failure behavior of the CGD can be
categorized based on some particular zone. Among those

E0 = 4733 f (ta ). (6)
specific zones, (i) the dam–foundation interface region, (ii)
However, for the external loading and surrounding the main body of the dam and (iii) above the neck region is
environmental effects, the concrete material is damaged, main. From these three categorized zones, (i) and (ii) are
Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 4 of 17

the more general case. In this study, to take consideration The marginal assessment of seismic evaluation focuses
of the general case, two limit states have been considered on the high confidence of low probability of failure
from the general failure pattern. Tensile damage state is (HCLPF). It is defined as the level of earthquake ground
termed as LS1 (Tekie and Ellingwood 2003) (measured motion at which there is a 95% confidence of an at most
from a split cylinder test) is described by Mirza et al. (1979). 5% probability of failure (Prassinos et  al. 1986). The
 HCLPF capacity can be obtained by a component that
fsp = 6.4 fc ′, (11) requires the estimation of its seismic response as a func-
tion of the seismic margin earthquake (SME) and its seis-
where fsp = splitting strength of concrete (psi).
mic capacity (Nie et  al. 2010) as shown in Fig.  1. From
And the other one is the relative crest displacement
the mean fragility curve CHCPLF can be estimated by the
which with respect to the dam heel is considered as LS2.
following equation:
The value of LS2 is calculated as 0.028% of dam height is
taken from Sen (2018) and Tekie and Ellingwood (2003). CHCPLF = C1% = C50% e−2.326βC , (16)
The method to develop the fragility function in this study
is the classical lognormal approach including maximum where βC is the composite logarithmic standard devia-
likelihood estimation (MLE) (Baker 2015; Mandal et  al. tion, which is the replacement of epistemic uncertainty
2016), which can be written by the following equation: and random variability.
 � �
ln IM θ
2.3.2 Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV)
P(C|IM) = ϕ  , (12) To ignore the unnecessary shutdowns of any structure
after the earthquake, a new ground motion IM called
CAV at first proposed by EPRI in the 1980s for safety
where P is the probability that a GM with IM = x induces measurement. CAV is defined as the integration of the
the collapse of a structure, ϕ() is the standard normal absolute value of the acceleration time series (Campbell
cumulative distribution function, θ is the median of the and Bozorgnia 2012; Wang et al. 2018) which is explained
fragility function and β is the standard deviation of ln IM mathematically by Eq. (17):
(Baker 2015). Making the reasonable assumption that the
IMi value for each GM is independent, the likelihood of tmax

the entire data is observed as follows: CAV = |a(t)|dt, (17)
likelihood = [P(C|IM)]pi 1 − P(C|IM)qi , (13)
where a(t) is acceleration value, t is time, and tmax is the
total duration of the time series. In some cases, only the
where m is the number of IM levels, Π is the product acceleration whose peak value exceeds a threshold value
overall levels, p = 1 or 0 depending on whether or not of 0.025 g within a 1-s time interval has to be calculated
the cases exceed the Limit State (LS) and q = 1 − p. termed as CAVSTD proposed by O’Hara and Jacobson
The most common method to explain the fragility is (1991).
incremental dynamic analysis (IDA), which involves a The CAV limit shows the capacity of the structure
series of structural dynamic analyses under a set of ground based on the HCLPF point from the fragility. Using the
motion records. This set of recorded data is scaled to sev-
eral intensity levels. According to Ibarra and Krawinkler
(2005), the fragility curve is calculated from data sets by
taking logarithms of each ground motion’s value corre-
sponding to the onset of the collapse. The median and
standard deviation of the fragility curves are shown by
Eqs. (14) to (15):
ln θ = ln IMi , (14)

β=  (ln(IMi /θ))2 . (15)
Fig. 1  Illustration of the fragility family.
Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 5 of 17

IM in terms of peak ground acceleration from HCLPF, Table 1  Detailing of Bohyeonsan dam.
the ground motion data set are being scaled for get- Material properties Inside the dam Outside the dam
ting the CAV values. The mean value from these CAV
becomes the limit value of the capacity of the structure. Compressive strength (MPa) 12 18
Also, the 5% failure probability in fragility with respect to Young’s modulus (MPa) 13,767 16,861
CAV (as IM) will give the structural capacity. The tensile strength (MPa) 1.3 1.6
Poisson’s ratio 0.18 0.18
Density (kg/m3) 2300 2300
3 Case Study of the Proposed Approach
3.1 Description of Sample CGD
For assessing the seismic performance of a CGD with
time-varying ageing effects, Bohyeonsan multipurpose the number of finite elements for the concrete inside and
CGD has been selected. This dam is located in the upper outside material was 500 and 358, respectively. The FEM
stream of Gohyeoncheon, which is the second tributary consists of 4 nodes, bi-linear, plane strain quadrilateral
of the Kumho River in South Korea. Figure  2a presents elements (CPE4R) (Fig.  3) considering reduced integra-
the location of the sensors to get earthquake measure- tion and hourglass control (Al-Shadeedi and Hamdi
ment data and Fig. 2b shows the sectional detailing. The 2017).
dam belongs to the total crest length is 250  m and the The non-linear dynamic analysis was carried out by
maximum height is 57 m. This dam significantly is used adopting the implicit integration method accounting
for the controlling of reservoir water, the full storage with the gravity load due to its self-weight as a static
capacity of the reservoir is 22.10 × 106  m3 and the con- condition and ground horizontal acceleration of selected
struction of the dam was completed in 2014. The crest earthquakes as the seismic condition. The upstream wall
width of the dam is 11.15  m and the height varies from was subjected to the water pressure up to 42.82 m, where
34.5 to 57.0  m. Table  1 shows the specification of this the interaction between dam and water is considered
dam. here as a dynamic effect resulting from the transverse
component of ground motion. This was simply modeled
3.2 Finite Element Model (FEM) as added mass at the interface of dam–water and cal-
For seismic analysis of the Bohyeonsan dam, a two- culated using the Westergaard (1933) formula, which is
dimensional finite element model is presented here also used in several studies (Alembagheri and Ghaemian
by using ABAQUS. The FEM for the selected section 2013; Ansari et al. 2018; Nguyen et al. 2019). According
(Fig.  2b) from the 3D view of the dam (Fig.  2a) is illus- to the Westergaard (1933), in Fig.  3 to assign the water
trated in Fig.  3. The sectional view is shown in Fig.  2b; pressure, the added masses were taken at each node (25
it can be seen that this dam is built using two kinds of nodes) at the interface of the dam and reservoir using the
concrete with different elastic modulus. The dam mate- following equation:
rial property was taken from Table 1 and the dimensions 7
   (Li+1 + Li )
are shown in Fig. 3 as well as the mesh distribution. The mi = ρw hw hw − yi . (18)
8 2
mesh size in the model was assigned in such division that

Fig. 2  Bohyeonsan concrete gravity dam: a sensor location; b dam section.

Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 6 of 17

Fig. 3  Finite element model with necessary numerical information.

The vertical hydrodynamic components due to the velocity and acceleration vectors, respectively. üg is the
ground motion were neglected in the simulations and the free-field ground acceleration and {p} is the total pre-seis-
rigid foundation was used for bedrock condition. To con- mic load associated with the gravity and hydrodynamic
sider the free-field motion during an earthquake, it was added mass.
applied at the dam base as shown in Fig. 3. Here, only the This FEM system was taken all through the seismic
horizontal ground motion data are considered for seismic analysis as well as structural system identification of this
analysis of the dam (Alembagheri and Ghaemian 2013). study.
For the optimization of the model, which will be explained
later, the free-field data of the Pohang earthquake were
3.3 Material Model for Concrete
used as the input ground motion.
For non-linear analysis of the material model, the con-
The damping matrix, according to the Rayleigh method
crete damage plasticity model (CDP) was considered.
(Chopra 2011), is adopted here, applied by Mridha and
This model can be expressed as the complete inelastic
Maity (2014). Considering 5% damping ratio in both inside
potential behavior, which also can develop proper dam-
and outside concrete, the damping coefficients can be cal-
age simulation for concrete both in tension and compres-
culated by a linear combination of the stiffness matrix [K]
sion. In addition, this model can analyze the concrete
and the mass matrix [M] as follows:
structure under the loading combinations both static and
[C] = α[M] + β[K ], (19) dynamic and, thus, enable the transfer of results between
the two (Wahalathantri et  al. 2011). In the CDP model,
where α and β are the mass-proportional and stiffness- the post-failure behavior under compression is defined by
proportional coefficients, respectively. a softening stress–strain response and tension stiffening
The following dynamic equation of motion can explain is specified either by means of post-failure stress–strain
the above two-dimensional discretized FEM system. behavior in tension or by applying a fracture energy
  cracking criterion.
[M]{ü} + [C]{u̇} + [K ]{u} = [M] üg + {p}, (20)
The CDP model describes that the concrete has sig-
where [M] , [C] and [K ] are the mass, damping and stiff- nificant volume change, when subjected to severe ine-
ness matrix, respectively. {u} is the displacements vector lastic stress states, commonly referred to as dilation.
of the nodal point relative to the free-field ground dis- In this study, the dilation angle has been taken as 36°,
placement at the dam base, {u̇} and {ü} are the relative while default values were assumed for all other plastic-
ity parameters.
Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 7 of 17

The origin of the non-linearity can be introduced to In the case of a tension stiffening approach for con-
various system properties such as materials, geometry, crete exponential tension softening model was used
non-linear loading, and constraints. To meet the non- (Cornelissen et  al. 1986). This is one of the ways of
linear property, some material parameters are induced concrete softening response using a fracture energy
as the input data in Table 2. concept. Therefore, the post-failure tensile behavior is
According to the EN1992-1-1, stress–strain behav- defined using the following exponential function:
ior of plain concrete in uniaxial compression is defined σt w
as the typical stress–strain relationship for nonlinear = f (w) − f (wc ), (22)
ft wc
structural analysis of concrete. For introducing this the
equations are followed by this for concrete compres-
sion behavior from EN1992-1-1, where the relation-
c1 w c2 w
ship between the compressive stress, σc and shortening f (w) = 1 + exp − , (23)
wc wc
strain, εc for short-term uniaxial loading is described by
the following equation: where w is the crack opening displacement, wc is the
crack opening displacement at which stress can no longer
σc kη − η2
= , (21) be transferred, c1 and c2 are material constants for nor-
fcm 1 + (k − 2)η mal concrete. Figure  4b shows the material  softening
where σc is the compression stress in concrete, η = εεc1c  , εc behavior in tension for each year similarly as the behavior
is the compressive strain in the concrete, εc1 is the com- in compression and the maximum σt follows the splitting
pressive strain in the concrete at the peak stress fc and strength of  concrete using the Eq.  (11). As the cracking
k = 1.05Efcm | εc1 |
 . Figure  4a shows the uniaxial compres- was started just after this tensile stress, these values were
cm taken for the tensile damage limit states in seismic fra-
sion stress–strain behavior of the outside concrete mate-
gility analysis. From Fig. 4, it is clarified that the damage
rial of the Bohyeonsan dam for each year (0, 10, 20, 30, 40
input parameters showed the effect of fracture behavior
and 50  years) because the outer material is more
along with the effect of degradable material property.
Chemo-mechanical model changes the modulus of elas-
ticity with time and produced micro-crack propagation,
which causes the tensile crack in the CGD body. As we
saw the fracture behavior of the concrete in Fig. 4, it indi-
Table 2 Default parameters for  the  CDP model (Birtel cates how much crack displacement will dominate the
and Mark 2006). concrete strength as well as the concrete durability. For
the seismic capacity evaluation, the concrete tensile dam-
Parameters Dilatation angle Eccentricity fbo/fco κ
age is taken for showing the failure probability with dam-
Value 36° 0.1 1.16 0.667 age consideration.

18 1.5
0 Year 0 Year
Compression stress, σc (MPa)

15 10 Years 10 Year
Tensile stress, σt (MPa)

20 Years 20 Year
30 Years 1 30 Year
40 Years 40 Year
50 Years 50 Year

6 0.5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0 1 2 3
Compression total strain (%) Cracking displacement (mm)
a b
Fig. 4  a Compression stress–strain behavior; b exponential tension softening behavior.
Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 8 of 17

3.4 Validation and Verification percentage of similarities, we can say that the results are
As shown in Fig.  2b, the value of E for inside and out- acceptable.
side of the dam is different. For decreasing the number After validation of the FEM, modal identification was
of runs and to keep the same ratio of inside and outside verified here by comparing the fundamental frequencies
parameters, the same coefficient of E (CoE) (i.e., a mul- with the previous study and existing method. The fun-
tiplying factor of E which will be used to get the original damental frequencies were observed from the optimized
value of E) was taken for CCD. Therefore, the numeri- FEM simulation and the recorded data were extracted
cal model parameters are generated by considering two using frequency domain decomposition (FDD) meth-
variables such as CoE and ρ , respectively. The accelera- ods. The FDD is a technique for the decomposition of
tion on the top of the dam under Pohang-earthquake has the system response from recorded data to identify the
been counted as a structural response. Pohang earth- fundamental parameters described in Brincker et  al.
quake is one of the strongest recorded earthquakes in the (2000). This technique follows simple decomposition
Korean Peninsula with magnitude 5.5, which occurred on each of the estimated spectral density matrices. The sin-
November 15, 2017 (Grigoli et al. 2018). gular values of the power spectral density (PSD) function
CCD has created a total of 9 points using the Eq.  (3) matrix Syy (ω) are used to estimate the natural frequencies
and after optimization, the final value of CoE and density instead of the PSD functions themselves as follows:
is 0.787 and 2.32 (tone/m3), respectively. However, the 
seismic analysis was then carried out using the optimized Syy (ω) = U (ω)T (ω)V (ω), (24)
parameters enlisted in Table 3.
To understand the validation by RSM method, Fig.  5 where ∑ is the diagonal matrix consisting of the singu-

shows the response spectrum at the top of the dam lar values ( σi s ) and U and V are unitary matrices. Since
before and after optimizing. It is observed that the dif- Syy (ω) it is symmetric, U becomes equal to V (Ko et  al.
ference between the peak acceleration and frequency is 2009).
decreased when compared with the recorded data. By From the FDD extraction, the fundamental frequencies
analyzing Fig. 5 and Table 4, it is shown that the response were acquired analyzing the recorded data in Fig. 6. The
of the dam after RSM is not exactly matched because analysis shows two peaks that were observed through the
of many uncertain factors. However, if we consider the resonant frequencies and corresponding fundamental
frequencies are listed up in Table 5.

Table 4 Comparison of  RS between  before  and

Table 3  Material properties of the validated model. after optimization.
Material properties Inside the dam Outside the dam Before optimization After
Modulus of elasticity, E (MPa) 10,835 13,269
Poisson ratio, μ 0.18 0.18 Similar (%)
Density, ρ (tone/m3) 2.32 2.32  Acceleration 92.8 97.3
Damping ratio, ξ (%) 5  Frequency 93.3 96.7

Fig. 5  Response spectrum on the top of the dam: a before optimization; b after optimization.
Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 9 of 17

Alongside this, the 1st fundamental frequency of the

optimized FEM (Fig. 7) is compared with Ref. 1 and Ref.
2 (Table 5). From Table 5, it is observed that for the first
mode, the rate of accuracy is 1.4% with Ref. 1 and 5.83%
with Ref. 2, respectively. Similarly, for the second mode,
the result claims an accuracy of around 4.55% with Ref. 1.
Inert to be acceptance of FEM result verification, accept-
ance value is less than 15% (Shah 2002), where this study
shows the most approvable result. Also analyzing the
CoV in the last column of Table 5, it can be said that the
FEM result has a good agreement with the FDD result
and also with the previous study (Eq. 4). The acceptable
result for CoV was taken here for verification according
to Pakzad (2018). Therefore, the FEM model is validated
and verified now for further analysis.
Fig. 6  FDD extraction of the recorded data.
3.5 Damaged Ee of Aged CGD
To determine the damaged modulus of elasticity (Ee), a
degradation function de is calculated from Eq. (9). In this
Table 5  Comparison of fundamental frequencies. equation, material parameters are taken as αm = 0.9 ,
βm = 1000 , φ0 = 0.2 , and k 0 = 0.00011 to consider
Fundamental References This CoV
frequencies study the deterioration effect of concrete material. The value
(1) FDD (2) Eq. (4) FEM With (1) With (2) of chemical porosity φc considered in this study is 0.2
(Ko (Fenves
et al. and Chopra (Gogoi and Maity 2007; Kuhl et al. 2004b). The reduction
2009) 1986) of the modulus of elasticity due to porosity with the vary-
ing time has been calculated, using Eq.  (10), where the
1st 5.27 5.052 5.3467 0.01 0.04
sound modulus of elasticity is calculated using Eq.  (6).
2nd 12.01 – 12.557 0.03 –
A graphical representation is shown in Fig.  8 using the

Fig. 7  Observed mode shapes for modal identification; a the first mode; b the second mode.
Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 10 of 17

sound and damaged modulus of elasticity of the Bohyeo- Table 6  Properties of selected ground motions.
nsan Dam. From Fig.  8, it is observed that the elastic Earthquake Location of record CAV values (g-s) Strong
modulus of sound concrete is increased with increasing number duration
time and after considering the chemo-mechanical dam- (s)
age, the elastic modulus is decreased with time. EQ.1 Andong 3.78 8.52
EQ.2 Buyeo 7.10 32.09
3.6 Ground Motion Database EQ.3 Yeongcheon 4.20 11.12
Ground motion randomness is carried out by taking 30 EQ.4 Chilgok-gun 2.50 6.89
unscaled earthquake datasets from k water organiza- EQ.5 Ulsan 5.21 10.33
tion in Korea. Due to the presentence of uncertainty in EQ.6 Donghae 2.71 3.96
ground motion, the target spectrum is obtained from EQ.7 Yeoju-gun 4.44 8.23
KDS 41 and soil class S1 (rock type soil) (KCSC 2019). EQ.8 Geoje-si 6.55 19.95
The selection criteria are followed here according to EQ.9 Yeoncheon-gun 10.91 22.21
the design spectra explained in Manandhar2b and Cho EQ.10 Sangju-si 4.35 9.01
(2018). However, the vertical component is ignored here EQ.11 Jinan-gun 4.71 23.53
because of comparatively less acceleration than other EQ.12 Geoje-si 5.87 20.45
components. The strongest horizontal component is EQ.13 Byeonsan 2.37 19.58
taken here from the field data record based on the strong EQ.14 Boryeong 3.02 18.96
duration, i.e., 5–75% area intensities. Therefore, Table  6 EQ.15 Chungju 1.51 11.92
outlines the set of selected normalized earthquakes along EQ.16 Daegok 2.63 12.84
with their detailing and Fig. 9 will show the clear effect of EQ.17 Daegu 1.09 7.1
the comparison of input data with design target spectra. EQ.18 Gwangdong 0.82 4.32
The normalization of the natural ground motion data EQ.19 Gumibo 2.36 11.49
set is the way to avoid unwarranted variability. Here, 30 EQ.20 Gampo 0.63 3.03
ground motions data have been normalized by multiply- EQ.21 Gunwi 1.84 12.32
ing the factor calculated concerning PGA. Scaling of each EQ.22 Hapcheon 2.11 16.06
ground motion is carried out by a scale factor according EQ.23 Changnyeong 2.06 15.46
to Ansari and Agarwal (2016) and Vamvatsikos and Cor- EQ.24 Hoengseong 1.01 4.19
nell (2002). A set of normalized earthquake data records EQ.25 Imha 1.52 8.13
to be collectively scaled upward or downward and the EQ.26 Miryang 2.35 9.97
range of this scale factor depends on the failure of more EQ.27 Namgang 1.42 5.58
than 50% damage of the structure (ATC and FEMA EQ.28 Gangwon-do 1.64 8.52
2009). Approximately, 300 numerical analysis has been EQ.29 Pyeongrim 1.74 11.75
done for taking the output of all required IM and for each EQ.30 Saengsong 1.54 13.13
specified year.
Two different ground motion IM are used for plotting
the IDA curves. These are the peak ground acceleration

Fig. 8  Reduction of the concrete modulus due to deterioration with the ageing effect of Bohyeonsan dam: a inside material; b outside material.
Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 11 of 17

Andong Buyeo
Yeongcheon Chilgok-gun
4.5 Ulsan Donghae
Yeoju-gun Geoje-si

Response Spectra, Sa (g), |PGA=1g||ξ=5%|

Yeoncheon-gun Sangju-si
4 Jinan-gun Geoje-si
Byeonsan Boryeong
3.5 Chungju Daegok
Daegu Daegu
Gwangdong Gumibo
3 Gampo Gampo
Gunwi Hapcheon
2.5 Changnyeong Hoengseong
Imha Miryang
Namgang Gangwon-do
2 Pyeongrim Saengsong
Mean KDS (41)


0 T1 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Period (s)
Fig. 9  Response spectra of input motions compared with the design response.

(PGA) and spectral acceleration at the structure’s first LS1, which will change according to the Eq. (11) (Mirza
mode period (Sa). et  al. 1979), because the splitting strength of concrete
fsp is correlated with the material modulus of elasticity
(E). The time-dependent change in modulus of elasticity
3.7 Limit States Determination and corresponding splitting strength (LS1) of concrete is
Construction of fragilities for potential failure can be listed in Table 7.
solved by observing the more severe limit states (Elling- The splitting strength is reduced with time as the mod-
wood and Tekie 2001) as mentioned above Sect.  2.3.1. ulus of elasticity is also reduced by the chemo-mechani-
Among several modes of failure criteria, two vulnerable cal effect of concrete.
points were taken to select the limit states for the seis- In the case of other limit states to get the threshold
mic performance of this study. By analyzing the seismic value of IM, the relative displacement on top of the dam
result of the FEM, it was observed that the LS1 could with respect to heel is introduced here as LS2. The LS2
be the neck or at the foundation zone. Even though the was taken for this dam 1.6  cm (0.028% of the monolith
tensile stress is less than the compression, it may cause height of the dam), which had been remained constant
the crack of the dam body, which will be a significant throughout the seismic analysis of this study.
issue that happens by investigating the relatively elas-
tic and plastic strains on that zone. Therefore, from the
parametric study in Tekie and Ellingwood (2003) and
Table 7 Change of  splitting strength of  concrete (limit
the result analysis, LS1 denotes the tensile damage at the
values for LS1).
foundation (heel of the dam) zone. The non-linear CDP
consideration was captured in the cracking propagation Time, t (years) Damaged concrete Splitting strength
modulus of elasticity, Ee of concrete, fsp
in the dam body, where Fig.  4b presents the tensile sof- (MPa) (MPa)
tening behaviour of the taken CGD for the case study.
The tensile damage follows the cracking length and the 0 13,269 1.49
maximum tensile stress shows the first crack propagated 10 12,611 1.42
identification. This is denoted as the splinting strength of 20 11,667 1.31
concrete fsp. 30 11,164 1.25
Note that, for showing the time-dependent seismic per- 40 10,649 1.19
formance, each specific year was adopted for calculating 50 10,146 1.14
Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 12 of 17

4 Risk Assessment and Analysis of Aged CGD analysis. Even though this study shows the seismic fragil-
4.1 Time‑Dependent Fragility Analysis ity analysis using the 30 selected earthquakes in Korea,
To assess the chemo-mechanical effect on seismic vul- but it can be updated with different ground motions for
nerability, the fragilities are estimated at different time other CGDs. In that case, the procedure described in the
points for the service life of the CGD. Figure 10 show the whole manuscript should be followed in the same way.
seismic performance for 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50  years
of the Bohyeonsan dam in terms of peak ground accel-
eration (PGA) and elastic pseudo-spectral acceleration 4.2 CAV Capacity of Aged CGD
(Sa), respectively. From Fig.  10a, it can be seen that for To determine the CAV capacity for the aged CGD, all
an example, the probability of tensile damage in the dam earthquake data sets (taken in this paper) are scaled with
body is about 31% for an earthquake with a PGA of 1 g. the smallest HCLPF PGA (Cao et  al. 2019). The esti-
Figure 10b shows the spectral acceleration approximately mation of the CAV is to calculate the unscaled ground
4 g for the same percentage (31%) of failure probability in motion dataset by the threshold PGA. However, this PGA
case of tension damage. These values are noticed for the value is observed from Fig.  11a, where it presents a full
zero years as well. The fragilities for LS2 are delineated form of failure probability of up to 50 years. The HCLPF
corresponding to relative deformations of 1.6 cm (calcu- PGA for two limits states is observed as like LS1 < LS2,
lated as 0.028% of the monolith height) (Sen 2018; Tekie and these are 0.27 g < 0.3 g, 0.26 g < 0.29 g, 0.23 g < 0.26 g,
and Ellingwood 2003). 0.21 g < 0.23 g, 0.19 g < 0.21 g and 0.17 g < 0.19 g for 0 year,
Figure  11 presents the ageing effect by the fragility 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years and 50 years, respec-
performance with the HCLPF (Reed and Kennedy 1994) tively. In each year for Bohyeonsan CGD, the tensile
point for each specified year. The result shows a signifi- strength failure state gives the smallest PGA with com-
cant amount of change in IM for HCLPF points in the paring the relative displacement failure state. Therefore,
next 50 years. The PGA even Sa looks more critical for 5% for calculating the CAV, this smallest PGA gives safety
failure probability in LS1 than LS2, where the main cause measurement for the structure.
remains on the non-linear material property (NLMP) for

Fig. 10  Seismic fragility (median) illustration: a, b for LS1; c, d for LS2.

Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 13 of 17

Fig. 11  Embodiment of seismic fragility surfaces (95% confidence bound): a, b for LS1; c, d for LS2.

In the previous study, the estimation of CAV directly 5 Conclusion

from the fragility analysis of structure in terms of CAV This research gives an approach to assessing and pre-
(Mazılıgüney et  al.), which will give the most conserva- dicting the CGD capacity after some years by analyzing
tive result to quantify the seismic risk of the dam. Here, the failure probability with respect to the different limit
for each year, the capacity CAV has been calculated as states. The main concerning issue for a CGD is the mate-
the mean CAV value from selected earthquakes data sets. rial property when subjected to the time-dependent
Table 8 is presenting the variation of CAV value with the damage propagation. However, a time-dependent con-
time of 30 earthquake data sets. crete-damaged plasticity model has been considered here
Using the value in Table  8, Fig.  12 shows the three- for reflecting the chemo-mechanical effect of the con-
dimensional normal distribution and linear regression crete structure. To take the output reasonably, the water
analysis to give a model for ­CAVlimit capacity of Bohyeo- pressure was added using the Westergaard added mass
nsan CGD for each specified year. The model comes from method, and the numerical model was optimized by the
the linear regression (LR) analysis depends on the time RSM method. Previous studies were taken to compare
(years), where this time has a relation with the degrada- with the modal analysis for proper validation and verifi-
ble young’s modulus of elasticity (Ee) and the model is cation of FEM. However, the results can be explained as
expressed by the following equation: below:
CAVlim it (t) = −0.0057t + 0.5827. (25)
1. The result from the optimized FEM shows the
present material property of existing CGD (here
This LR model has a minimum error of R2 is 98%, which Bohyeonsan CGD). After considering the ageing
is acceptable fitting of the normal distribution. Using effect, the concrete modulus of elasticity has been
this capacity model, the result is gradually decreased decreased with time (here taken a maximum 50 years
with time, wherein the given entire time the capacity of design period).
­CAVlimit value will vary from 0.61 to 0.36 g-s for 0 years 2. Using 30 selected ground motions in Korea, the
to 50 years that is decreased by up to 40% from the pre- time-variant seismic risk assessment has been done
sent condition. As a result, the engineer or CGD operator with the assistance of fragility function and CAV. The
can use this equation to predict the condition of struc- effect of degradation with time was carried out by the
ture at any time as well as assess the seismic risk of the fragility analysis from the structural response using
degradable concrete gravity dams. two different limit states (LS1 and LS2) in terms of
Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 14 of 17

Table 8  Variation of CAV value with time (for LS1).

Earthquake number Time, t (years)
0 10 20 30 40 50

EQ.1 0.560 0.540 0.480 0.400 0.350 0.330

EQ.2 0.590 0.580 0.510 0.420 0.380 0.350
EQ.3 0.690 0.670 0.590 0.490 0.440 0.410
EQ.4 0.400 0.390 0.340 0.280 0.250 0.240
EQ.5 0.530 0.510 0.450 0.370 0.330 0.310
EQ.6 0.280 0.270 0.240 0.200 0.180 0.170
EQ.7 0.540 0.520 0.460 0.380 0.340 0.320
EQ.8 0.910 0.880 0.780 0.640 0.570 0.540
EQ.9 1.130 1.090 0.960 0.790 0.710 0.670
EQ.10 0.410 0.390 0.350 0.290 0.260 0.240
EQ.11 0.400 0.390 0.340 0.280 0.250 0.240
EQ.12 0.400 0.390 0.340 0.280 0.250 0.240
EQ.13 0.620 0.580 0.490 0.350 0.320 0.290
EQ.14 0.527 0.490 0.400 0.320 0.290 0.260
EQ.15 0.511 0.460 0.380 0.310 0.270 0.250
EQ.16 0.353 0.320 0.250 0.210 0.190 0.180
EQ.17 0.378 0.350 0.290 0.230 0.200 0.180
EQ.18 0.340 0.310 0.270 0.220 0.190 0.170
EQ.19 0.656 0.600 0.550 0.450 0.350 0.300
EQ.20 0.810 0.750 0.690 0.610 0.450 0.380
EQ.21 0.698 0.640 0.570 0.490 0.390 0.340
EQ.22 0.777 0.750 0.650 0.570 0.470 0.440
EQ.23 0.894 0.810 0.750 0.660 0.550 0.480
EQ.24 0.571 0.520 0.450 0.390 0.310 0.280
EQ.25 0.529 0.490 0.390 0.310 0.290 0.250
EQ.26 0.655 0.620 0.550 0.480 0.430 0.380
EQ.27 0.743 0.710 0.620 0.540 0.490 0.410
EQ.28 0.255 0.210 0.190 0.170 0.160 0.150
EQ.29 0.327 0.300 0.250 0.210 0.190 0.170
EQ.30 0.761 0.740 0.690 0.550 0.480 0.420
Mean 0.575 0.542 0.476 0.396 0.344 0.313
Standard deviation 0.208 0.201 0.185 0.158 0.133 0.121

different intensity measures. The 5% failure probabil- shows the same manner as compared to the fragility
ity is observed from the analysis of median value for in different intensity measures.
LS1, which shows more vulnerability than LS2. 5. A capacity model is extracted from this research,
3. The main reason behind more threshold value of where ­CAVlimit is a function of time (year). The
PGA with increasing time is the tensile damage, assessment and prediction methods presented here
which is directly related to the concrete strength. But, are very effective, because of their time-saving and
the change of relative displacement depends on the cost-effectiveness aspects.
other issues. 6. By following this approach, the operational inspec-
4. The fragility surface plot presents the three-dimen- tion work can be checked at any time (year) and the
sional illustration along with the HCLPF point of the probable damage can be figured out by the ­CAVlimit
structural response. From the HCPLE point, CAV is capacity of CGDs.
calculated for each specified year to predict ­CAVlimit 7. Based on these, the engineers or CGD operators can
capacity of degradable aged CGD. Because of reduc- get early warning action or can prevent the further
ing the energy content of the structure, CAV also failures of the structural components and accord-
Nahar et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:53 Page 15 of 17

Competing interests
The authors declared that they have no competing interests.

Author details
 Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Kunsan National Univer‑
sity, 558 Daehak‑ro, Gunsan‑si, Jeollabuk‑do (Miryong‑dong) 54150, Republic
of Korea. 2 Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Kongju National
University, 1223‑24 Cheonan‑daero, Seobuk‑gu, Cheonan, Chungcheong‑
nam‑do 31080, Republic of Korea.

Received: 30 January 2020 Accepted: 5 August 2020

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