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BCS English 10th - 40th

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BCS-10th 14. What kind of noun is ‘Girl’?

1. Choose the correct alternative to complete A. Proper B. Common

the sentence? ‘He ___ to see us if he had been C. Collective D. Material
able to do’. 15. What is the meaning of ‘white elephant’?
A. would come B. would have come A. An elephant of white colour
C. may have come D. may come B. A very costly or troublesome possession
2. Choose the appropriate alternative to C. a blank marketer
complete the sentence. ‘He had ___ of fever’. D. A hoarder
A. strong attack B. severe attack 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 B
C. serious attack D. bad attack 6 B 7 B 8 D 9 B 10 C
3. Choose the correct sentence. 11 D 12 B 13 C 14 C 15 B
16 B
A. I asked Javed had he passed
B. I asked Javed if he had passed
C. I asked Javed if you passed BCS-11th
D. I asked Javed that he passed 1. What is the synonym of ‘Incite’?
4. Choose the correct sentence. A. Instigate B. Permit
A. A few of the three boys got a prize C. Urge D. Deceive
B. Each of the three boys got a prize 2. What is the antonym of ‘Honorary’?
C. Every of the three boys got a prize A. Literary B. Honorable
D. All of the three boys got a prize C. Salaried D. Official
5. Choose the correct sentence. 3. What is the verb of the word Ability?
A. The man that said that was a fool A. Ableness B. Enable
B. The man who said that was a fool C. Ably D. Able
C. The man, that said that was a fool 4. Who is the poet of the ‘Victorian Age’?
D. The man which said that was a fool A. Helen Keller B. Mathew Arnold
6. Choose the correct answer. How long did you C. Shakespare D. Robert Browning
wait? 5. Who is the author of ‘For Whom the Bell
A. Till lunch time B. Till he come Tolls’?
C. Until 6 O’clock D. Since this morning A. Charles Dickens B. Homer
7. What will be the correct preposition to C. Lord Tennison D. Ernest Hemingway
complete the sentence ‘I am not bad ___ 6. Fill in the blank ‘He has assured me ___
tennis’ safety’.
A. in B. at A. with B. of
C. about D. with C. for D. at
8. What is the antonym of ‘Gentle’? 7. ‘May Allah help you’ ___ what kind of
A. Harsh B. Clever sentence is that?
C. Modest D. Rude A. Optative B. Imperative
9. What is the synonym of ‘Jovial? C. Assertive D. Exclamatory
A. Circumspect B. Discrete 8. A rolling stone gathers no moss. What is
C. Capable D. Prudent ‘rolling’?
10. Who is the author of ‘A Farewell to arms’? A. Gerund B. Adjective
A. H.G. Wells B. George Orwell C. Participle D. Verbal Noun
C. Thomas Hardy D. Ernest Hemingway 9. He has been ill ___ Friday last. Fill in the
11. Who is the author of ‘Animal Farm’? blank.
A. Thomas More B. George Orwell A. Since B. in
C. Boris Pasternak D. Charles Dickens C. from D. on
12. Who is the author of ‘India wins Freedom’? 10. Which is the noun of the word ‘Beautiful’?
A. Mahatma Gandhi A. Beautiful B. Beauty
B. J.L. Nehru C. Beautifully D. Beauteous
C. Abul Kalam Azad 11. ‘Hold water’ means__
D. Moulana Akram Khan A. Keep water B. Store water
13. What kind of Noun is ‘Cattile’? C. Bear examination D. Drink water
A. Proper B. Common 12. ‘Out and out’ means__
C. Collective D. Material A. Not at all B. Thoroughly
C. To be last D. Man of outside C. Best compliment
13. Choose the correct sentence. D. Heartiest compliments
A. Rich is not always happy 8. ‘Caesar and Cleopatra’ is_
B. The rich is not always happy A. a tragedy by Shakespeare
C. The rich is not happy always B. a play By G.B. Shaw
D. The rich are not always happy C. a poem by Lord Byron
14. Choose the correct sentence. D. a novel by S.T. Coleridge
A. He had been hunged for murder 9. Who is the greatest modern English
B. He was been hunged for murder dramatist?
C. He was hanged for murder A. Virginia Woolf
D. he was hunged of murder B. George Bernard Shaw
15. Syntax means__ C. PB. Shelley
A. Supplementary tax B. Sentence building D. S.T. Coleridge
C. Manner of speech D. Synchronizing act 10. Who is the modern philosopher who was
16. ‘Justice delayed is justice denied’ was stated awarded Nobel Prize for literature?
by__ A. James Baker B. Dr. Kissinger
A. Disraeli B. Emerson C. Bertrand Russel D. Lenin
C. Gladstone D. Shakespeare 11. Who is the author of ‘A Farewell to Arms’?
1 A 2 C 3 B 4 B,D 5 D A. T.S. Eliot B. John Milton
6 B 7 A 8 C 9 A 10 B C. Plato D. Ernest Hemingway
11 C 12 B 13 D 14 C 15 B 12. Who is the most famous satirist in English
16 C literature?
A. Alexander B. Jonathan Swift
C. William Wordsworth D. Bulter
13. What is the synonym of ‘delude’?
BCS-12th A. Demand B. Permit
1. What is the verb of the ‘Shortly’? C. Aggravate D. Deceive
A. Short B. Shorter 14. What is the noun of the word ‘Waste’?
C. Shorten D. Shortness A. Waste B. Wasting
2. Choose The correct sentence. C. Wastage D. Wasteful
A. Let him and you be witnesses 15. What is the antonym of ‘Queer’?
B. Let you and him be witnesses A. Integrated B. Orderly
C. Let you and he be withnesses C. Abnormal D. Old
D. Let you and he be witnesses 16. What is the adjective of the word ‘Heart’?
3. Choose the correct sentence. A. Heart B. Hearten
A. The matter was informed to the police C. heartening D. Heartful
B. The matter has been informed to the police
C. The police was informed of the matter
D. The police were informed of the matter 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 B 5 B
4. Who, What, Which are__ 6 A 7 B 8 B 9 B 10 C
A. Demonstrative pronoun 11 D 12 B 13 D 14 C 15 B
B. Relative pronoun 16 C
C. Reflexive pronoun
D. Indefinite pronoun
5. Choose the correct one__ BCS-13th
A. Mispell B. Misspell 1. Select the answer of the word ‘stagflation’
C. Mispel D. Misspel A. Controlled prices
6. Fill in the blank ___ ‘What is the time B. Economic show down
___your’ C. A disintegrating government
A. By B. in D. Cultural dullness
C. At D. With 2. What is the meaning of the word ‘scuttle’?
7. Fill in the blank ‘Give my __ to him’. A. to tease B. abandon
A. Warm compliment C. pile up D. gossip
B. Compliments 3. what is the meaning of the word ‘stanch’?
A. to reinforce B. be weak C. are not having D. had not had
C. smooth out D. put an end to 15. If I were you, I (handle) the situation more
4. what is the meaning of the word ‘belated’? carefully. Which of the following verb form
A. complaining B. off hand does best complete the above sentence.
C. weak D. tardy A. would handle B. will handle
5. What is the meaning of the word C. handled D. would have handled
‘sequences’? 16. It’s time (you realize) your mistakes. – which
A. to follow B. round up of the following clause does best fit in the
C. withdraw D. question closely above sentence?
6. what is the meaning of the word A. you realized B. that you realized
‘euphemism’? C. you would realize D. you have realized
A. vague idea 17. We have recently entered __ an agreement
B. inoffensive expression with the Inland Co-operative Society.-Which
C. verbal play of the following does best fit in the blank
D. wise saying space?
7. ‘The Rainbow’ is_ A. No preposition B. upon
A. a poem by Wordsworth C. in D. into
B. a short story by Somerst Maugham 18. The boy from the village said, I-starve than
C. a novel by D. H. Lawrence beg’. – Which of the following does best
D. a verse by Coleridge complete the above sentence?
8. ‘Tom Jones’ by Henry Fielding was first A. better B. rather
published in- C. would rather D. would better
A. the 1st half of 19th century 19. It is too difficult to ‘tolerate’ in the above
B. the 2nd half of 18th century sentence?
C. the 1st half of 18th century A. cope with B. put up with
D. the 2nd half of 19th century C. stand up for D. pull on with
9. The literary work ‘Kubla Khan’ is_ 20. I have never seen such a slow coach like you.
A. a history by vincent Smith This small work has taken you three full
B. a verse by Coleridge months. What does the idiom ‘a slow coach’
C. a drama by Oscar Wilde mean?
D. a short story by Somerset Maugham A. an irresponsible person
10. T.S. Eliot was born in B. a careless person
A. Ireland B. England C. an unthoughtful person
C. Wales D. USA D. a very lazy person
11. What was the real name of the great 1 B 2 B 3 D 4 D 5 A
American short write, ‘O Henry’? 6 B 7 C 8 C 9 B 10 D
A. Samuel L. Clemens 11 B 12 A 13 C 14 B 15 A
B. William Sydney Porter 16 A 17 D 18 C 19 B 20 D
C. Fitz James O’Brten
D. William Huntington Writht
12. Anything ‘Pernicious’ tends to injure or
destroy. Something which has no such BCS-14th
harmful effect is- 1. You should show good manners in the
A. innocuous B. innocent company of young ladies. Which is the
C. immaculate D. salutary appropriate phrase for the underlined
13. Do not worry, English grammar is not __ to expression above?
understand. Which of the following does best A. behave gently B. practice manners
fit in the blank space? C. behave yourself D. do not talk rudely
A. So difficult B. very difficult 2. The invention of computer has turned over a
C. too difficult D. difficult enough new leaf in the history of modern technology.
14. We (not have) a holida since the beginning of Which of the following is nearly the same in
the year. Which of the following verb forms meaning to the italicized idiom above?
does best complete the above sentence? A. created a new history
A. did not have B. have not had B. began a new civilization
C. opened a new chapter represents truly the character of the person
D. created a sensation mentioned above?
3. Trying unitedly we were able to have our A. benevolent B. official
project approved against strong oppositions. C. officious D. bureaucratic
Which of the following says nearly the same 13. What kind of man is quite the opposite type
as ‘against’ above? of ‘supercilious’?
A. in the wake of B. in the guise of A. affable B. Haughty
C. in the plea of D. in the teeth of C. disdainful D. Wicked
4. Not many people can commit such a heinous 14. How many eggs have your hens __ this
crime in cold blood. - what does the month?
italicized idiom above mean? A. lain B. laid
A. in cool brain and calculated thought C. lay D. lied
B. so patiently and thoughtfully 15. The walls of our house have been painted ___
C. so impatiently and thoughtlessly green. Which is the correct preposition in the
D. stirred by sudden emotion blank above?
5. ‘The condition of most slum dwellers is so A. no preposition B. by
miserable that it cannot be described in C. in D. with
word’ Which is the best phrase of the 16. Can you tell me where__? Which of the
underlined expression above? following is the best clause in the above
A. beggars description B. cuts of the quick sentence?
C. boils down to his D. keeps open house A. does Mr. Ali Live B. Mr. Ali does live
6. A speech full of too many words is- C. Mr. Ali Lives D. lives Mr. Ali
A. a big speech 17. What is the full name of the great American
B. Maiden speech short story writer O’Henry?
C. an unimportant speech A. Walt Whitman
D. a verbose speech B. William Sydney Porter
7. To meet trouble ‘half-way’ means- C. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
A. to be puzzled B. to get nervous D. Mark Twain
C. to be disappointed D. to bear up 18. Nowadays many villages are lit ___
8. ‘Paradise Lost’ attempted to- electricity. Which is the correct preposition
A. Justify the ways of man to God in the above blank?
B. Justify the ways of God to man A. with B. by
C. Show that the Satan and God have equal C. from D. on
power 19. The second anniversary celebration of our
D. Explain why good and evil are necessary college will be held on December 15. Which
9. What is the meaning of the idiom ‘a round of the following is the correct phrase for will
dozen’? be held above?
A. a little less than a dozen A. takes off B. comes off
B. a little more than a dozen C. will bring about D. will come round
C. a full dozen 20. Dog days means:
D. found about a dozen A. a period of being carefree
10. What is the meaning of ‘soft soap’ B. a period of having youthful filings
A. Flattery for self motives C. a period of misfortune
B. To recognizes other’s good deeds D. hot weather
C. to speak high of others
D. to speak ill of other 1 A 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 A
11. People who assume that no evil can befall 6 D 7 A 8 B 9 C 10 A
them are foolishly- 11 B 12 C 13 A 14 B 15 A
A. ardent B. complacent 16 C 17 B 18 B 19 B 20 D
C. confident D. apprehensive
12. One who unduly forwards in rendering
services for others is not generally liked in
society. – Which of the following words
1. The speaker failed to make the audience __ B. The patriots are always being remembered
to him patiently. C. people are always remembered by the
A. to listen B. listening patriots
C. listened D. listen D. The patriots are always remembered
2. My uncle has three sons, ___ work in the 14. Many islands make p___.
same office. Which of the following is the A. an isles B. an archipelago
best form of pronoun in the above sentence? C. a peninsula D. a continent
A. all of them B. who all
C. they all D. all of whom 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 D
3. What is the meaning of the word ‘intrepid’? 6 D 7 B 8 D 9 D 10 A
A. arrogant B. beligerent 11 C 12 D 13 D 14 B
C. questioning D. fearless
4. What is the meaning of the expression BCS-16th
“Bottom line”? 1. Which of the following sentences is correct?
A. The final step A. I forbade him from going
B. the end of a road B. I forbade him to go
C. the last line of a book C. I forbade him to going
D. the essential point D. I forbade him not to go
5. The word plurality means__. 2. Which of the following sentence is a correct
A. The ‘S’ proverb?
B. Men and Woman A. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
C. Chaos and confusion B. Fools rush in where an angel fears to tread
D. The holding of more than one office at a C. A fool rushes in where an angle fears in tread
time D. Fools rush in where the angels fear to tread
6. ‘Bootleg’ means to__ 3. Which of the following sentences is correct?
A. distribute B. export A. Why you have done this?
C. import D. smuggle B. Why did you have done this?
7. ‘Pediatric’ relates to the treatment of___ C. Why have you done this?
A. Adults B. Children D. Why you had done this?
C. Old people D. Women 4. Which of the following sentences is correct?
8. Which of the following is a correct sentence? A. That shirt which he bought is blue at colour
A. He was too clever not to miss the point B. The shirt that which he bought is blue in
B. He was so clever to miss the point colour
C. He was too clever to miss the point C. That shirt he bought is blue in colour
D. He was too clever to grasp the point D. The shirt which he bought is blue in colour
9. Are you doing anything special ___ the 5. The correct passive of : “Sheila was writing a
weekend? Fill in the gap with appropriate letter” is-
prepositions. A. A letter was writing by Sheila
A. in B. for B. A letter was being writing by Sheila
C. on D. at C. A letter was being written by Sheila
10. What is the synonym of ‘Incredible’? D. A letter was being written by Sheila
A. Unbelievable B. Unthinkable 6. Which of the following sentences is correct?
C. Unlikely D. Unthinking A. One of my friends are a lawyer
11. What is the antonym of ‘Famous’? B. One of my friends is a lawyer
A. Opaque B. Illiterate C. One of my friends were lawyer
C. Obscure D. Immature D. One of my friends are lawyer
12. ‘Plebiscite’ is a term related to__ 7. The word ‘ecological’ is related to__.
A. Medicine B. Technology A. atmosphere B. pollusion
C. Law D. Politics C. environment D. demography
13. People always remember patriots. Which of 8. The synonym of ‘genesis’ is__
the following is the best passive of form of A. introduction B. preface
the above sentence? C. beginning D. foreword
A. The patriots will always be remembered by 9. The word ‘homogeneous’ means-
people A. of the same kind B. of the same place
C. of the same race D. of the same density B. Idle people are not like us.
10. The word ‘imbibe’ mean__. C. Idle people are not liked by us.
A. to learn B. to tinge D. Idle people are not of our liking.
C. to drink D. to acquire 5. The correct sentence of the following:
11. Something which is obnoxious means that it A. The Nile is longest the river in Africa.
is ___. B. The Nile is longest river in the Africa.
A. very dangerous B. very pleasant C. Nile is longest river in Africa.
C. very ugly D. very unpleasant D. The Nile is the longest river in Africa.
12. A pilgrim is a person who undertakes a 6. When a person says ‘he’s all in’. in means-
journey to ___. A. He is very tired
A. a holy place B. a mosque B. He has arrived
C. a bazar D. a new country C. He has finished packing
13. A person who writes about his own life D. He has got everything.
writes__. 7. Bill of fare is_
A. a chronicle B. an autobiography A. A chart of bus fare
C. a diary D. a biography B. A price list
14. The antonym of ‘indifference’ is__. C. A valuable document
A. ardour B. compassion D. A list of dishes at a restaurant
C. anxiety D. concern 8. A bull market means that share prices are-
15. Three score is ___. A. Falling B. Rising
A. thirty times B. three hundred times C. Moving D. Static
C. three times twenty D. more than three 9. ‘Blue chips’ are-
16. An ordinance is ___. A. Securities issued by the government
A. a book B. an arms factory B. Industrial shares considered to be a safe
C. a news paper journal D. a law investment
17. a fantasy is ___. C. Industrial shares considered to be risky
A. an imaginary story B. a funny film investment
C. a history record D. a real life event D. Flat plastic counters used as money tokens.
18. Something that is ‘fresh’ is something__. 10. ‘Razzmatazz’ Means-
A. recently printed or published A. A musical instrument
B. in fairly good condition B. A well planned programme
C. disrespectful C. A noisy activity
D. pleasant D. A musical drama
11. ‘Blockbuster’ means-
1 A 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 C A. A large solid of stone
6 B 7 C 8 C 9 A 10 C B. A device to cut off a persons head as a
11 D 12 A 13 B 14 A 15 C punishment
16 D 17 A 18 B C. Something that makes movement difficult
D. A powerful explosive to demolish building
BCS-17th 12. The correct sentence of the following:
1. The sentence with correct punctuation_ A. A new cabinet has been sworn in in Dhaka
A. Maria, My student, is on leave today. B. A new cabinet has been sworn at Dhaka
B. Maria My student, is on leave today. C. A new cabinet has been sworn by Dhaka
C. Maria My student, is on leave today D. A new cabinet has sworn in Dhaka
D. Maria, My student, is on leave today 13. ‘To read between the lines’ means-
2. The antonym of ‘inimical’ A. To read carefully
A. Hostile B. Friendly B. To read only some lines
C. Indifferent D. Angry C. To read quickly to save time
3. The synonym for ‘efface’ D. To read carefully to find out any hidden
A. Improve B. Exhaust meaning
C. Rub out D. Cut out 14. The last word of the proverb ‘Handsome is
4. The best passive form of the sentence: ‘We that handsome’-
don’t like idle people’ __ A. word B. thinks
A. We are not liked by idle people. C. says D. does
15. The right word to fill in the gap of the A. insolence ... irately
following sentence. Give her a telephone B. insouciance ... cordially
number to ring ___ she gets lost. C. arrogance ... disdainfully
A. whether B. in case D. querulousness ... affably
C. unless D. perhaps 7. A ___ statement is an ____ comparison; it
16. The synonym of ‘Franchise’ does not compare, things explicitly but
A. Privilege B. Utility suggests a likeness between them.
C. French D. Frankness A. sarcastic – unfair
17. The opposite word ‘sluggish’ B. metaphorical - implied
A. Animated B. Dull C. sanguine – inherent
C. Heavy D. Slow D. blatant - overt
18. The correct spelling is__ 8. If a ruby is heated it ___ temporarily lose its
A. Humouros B. Humourious color.
C. Humorous D. Homorious A. would B. will
19. “Equivocation” means_ C. does D. has
A. A true statement 9. All of the people at the AAME conference
B. Equal opportunity to get a job are-
C. Free expression of opinion A. Mathematic teachers
D. Two contrary things in the same statement B. Mathematics teachers
20. Natural protein Gi †KvW bvg- C. mathematics teacher
A. Protein-P53 B. Protein-P51 D. Mathematic’s teachers
C. Protein-P49 D. Protein-P54 10. Prices for bicycles run – Tk. 2,00,00.
A. as high as B. so high as
1 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 D C. as high to D. as high for
6 A 7 D 8 B 9 B 10 C 11. Travelers ___ their reservations well in
11 D 12 A 13 D 14 D 15 B advance if they want to fly during the Eid
16 A 17 A 18 C 19 D 20 C holidays.
A. had better to get B. had to get batter
C. had better get D. had better got
12. A seventeen year old is not ___ to vote in an
BCS-18th election.
1. INFRINGE means- A. old enough B. as old enough
A. Transgress B. Purloin C. enough old D. enough old as
C. Invade D. Intrude 13. almost everyone fails ___ on the first try.
2. BROCHURE means- A. in passing his driver’s test
A. Opening B. Pamphlet B. to his driver’s test
C. Bureau D. Censor C. to have passed his driver’s test
3. EQUIVOCAL means- D. passing his driver’s test
A. Universal B. Mistaken
C. Quaint D. Clear 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 B
4. ILLUSIVE means- 6 D 7 D 8 B 9 B 10 A
A. Not deceptive B. Not certain 11 C 12 A 13 C
C. Not obvious D. Not coherent
5. Although a few years ago the fundamental
fact about the milky-way seemed fairly well BCS-20th
___ now even its mass and radius have come 1. EXCITE : CALM
into ___. A. restrain : compose B. agitate : trouble
A. determined – resolution C. upset: perturb
B. established - question D. stimulate : cool down
C. ignored – danger 2. DELAY : EXPEDITE
D. diminished - disrepute A. related : halt B. black : obstruct
6. Because she had reputation for ___ we were C. drag : procrastinate D. detain : dispatch
surprised and pleased when she greeted us 3. ANARCHY : GOVERNMENT
so___. A. penury : wealth B. chaos : disorder
C. monarchy : republic D. verbosity : words 15. The word ’Euphemism' means-
4. VACCINE : PREVENT A. stating one thing like another
A. wound : heal B. victim : attend B. description of a disagreeable thing by an
C. antidote : counteract D. diagnosis : cure | agreeable name
5. ___ glass is, for all practical purposes, a C. contrast ofwords is made in the same
solid, its molecular structure is that of a sentence
liquid. D. a statement is made emphatic by
A. Because B. Since overstatement.
C. Although D. If 16. The passive form of the sentence 'some
6. An intensive search was conducted by the children were helping the wounded man’__.
detective to locate those criminals, who__ A. The wounded man was helped by some
A. have had escaped B. had escaped children
C. are escaping D. have been escaping B. The wounded man was helping some
7. The intellectual can no longer be said to children
live—the margins of society. C. The wounded man was being helped by
A. against B. beyond some children
C. inside D. before D. The wounded man was to helped by some
8. According to the conditions of my children
scholarship, after finishing my degree __
A. my education will be employed by the 1 D 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 C
University 6 B 7 B 8 D 9 C 10 A
B. employment will be given to me by the 11 C 12 B 13 B 14 D 15 B
University 16 C
C. the University will employ me
D. I will be employed of(by/at) the University
9. If a substance is cohesive, it tends to- BCS-21th
A. retain heat 1. Eager:: Indifferent
B. bend without much difficulty A. concerned : : careful
C. stick together B. anxious :: nervous
D. break easily C. enthusiastic :: halfhearted
10. He stopped his car ___ when the light turned D. devoted :: dedicated
red. 2. Lengthen : :Prolong
A. abruptly B. equitably A. stretch : : extend B. distance : : reduce
C. ambiguously D. incisively C. draw out:: shorten D. reach out: : cut short
11. The influence of the technological revolution 3. Delay : : Retard
in ___ and ___ the concentrating of wealth A. postpone :: promote B. adjourn :: start
and power in the hands of the few should C. slow down :: hold up D. defer :: accelerate
worry us all. 4. Submissive : : Disobedient
A. proliferating-diminishing A. comply : : conform B. heed : : acquiesce
B. undermining-neutralizing C. observe : : defy D. obey : : hearten to
C. accelerating-intensifying 5. He fantasized ___ winning the lottery.
D. aggravating-demolishing A. with B. from
12. Few people would care to take the negative C. after D. about
side of the proposition that the women of the 6. The Parthenon is said ___ erected in the Age
world are ___ and ___. of Pericles.
A. admired-provoked B. oppressed-scorned A. to have become B. to have begun
C. rebuked-regaled D. slighted-celebrated | C. to have been D. to have had
13. Anger, even when it is ___ has one virtue, it 7. He divided the mango ___ the two children.
overcomes ___. A. among B. between
A. sinful-sloth B. inevitable-desire C. in between D. over
C. unnecessary-malice D. interne-hate 8. As they waited, Rahim argued against war-
14. The word ’dilly dally’ means ___. A. while his brother discusses the effects of
A. to dilute B. wait impatiently pollution
C. repeat D. waste time
B. while his brother discusses the effects of 4. Distort------Twist
pollution A. Straighten .... Bend
C. while his brother was discussing the effects B. Deform ... Reform
of pollution C. Harmonize ... Balance
D. while his brother had discusses the effects of D. Observe ... Blur
pollution 5. Government has been entrusted------ elected
9. If we want concrete proof, we are looking politicians.
for- A. with B. for
A. clear evidence C. to D. at
B. building material 6. He has paid the penalty------his crimes------
C. a cement mixer five years in prison.
D. something to cover a path A. for, with B. at, by
10. The Olympic games were watched by — C. about, at D. after, in
billions of people all over the world. 7. The path------paved, so we were able to walk
A. exactly B. usually through the path.
C. truly D. literally A. was B. had been
11. The tree has been blown ___ by the strong C. has been D. being
wind. 8. In spite of my requests, he did not—
A. away B. up A. give in B. fall in
C. off D. out C. get of D. give forth
12. No one can ___ that he is clever. 9. The children studied in a class room------
A. defy B. admire windows were never opened.
C. deny D. denounce A. that B. which
13. A reward has been announced for the C. where D. whose
employees who ___ hard. 10. To stay healthy, we must plan to have a
A. have worked B. has worked balanced—
C. will be work D. have had worked A. food B. diet
14. To — the arrival of spring, Bangladesh C. outlook D. figure
Television — a special function. 11. We must keep our fingers------ that the
A. commemorate : launched weather will stay fine for the picnic
B. announce : telecast tomorrow
C. celebrate : organized A. raised B. pointed
D. welcome : sanctioned C. lifted D. cressed (crossed)
12. They have------their support for our case.
1 C 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 D A. pledged B. disavowed
6 C 7 B 8 C 9 A 10 D C. provided D. deferred
11 C 12 C 13 A 14 C 13. Cul-de-sac
A. Selection B. dead end
BCS-22th C. error D. bubble
1. Submission ___ Yielding 14. Parcel
A. Subjection ... Liberation A. Quarrel B. Piece ofland
B. Restrain ... Indulge C. Postage D. Unobstructed view
C. Compliant .... Acquiescent 15. Ruminant
D. Restriction ... Relaxation A. Cud-chewing animal B. Soup
2. Vacillate------Hesitate C. Gossip D. Noise maker
A. Persevere ... Waiver
B. Impulsive .... Deliberate 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 C
C. Obstinate .... Accommodating 6 A 7 B 8 A 9 D 10 B
D. Irresolute .... Indecisive 11 D 12 A 13 B 14 B 15 A
3. Assert------Dissent
A. Affirm .... Object BCS-23th
B. Reject ... Disapprove 1. Complete the following sentence : If I had
C. Acknowledge ... Recognize known you were coming—
D. Endorse ... Ratify A. 1 would go to the station
B. I had gone to the station A. did not takes off B. took off
C. I would have gone to the station C. had not taken off D. had taken off
D. I would be going to the station 14. I spent—with the patient
2. Choose the correct option: Even as A. sometimes B. sometime
harvesting was going on— C. some time D. some times
A. the rainy season began 15. Choose the correct sentences
B. the rainy season was began A. Rahim ate almost the whole fish
C. the rainy season had began B. Rahim almost ate the whole fish
D. the rainy season begins C. Almost Rahim ate whole fish
3. Which phrase contains words opposed to D. Rahim ate the whole almost
each other in meaning? 16. Choose the right preposition for the sentence
A. Hope and aspiration : She argued------ me about the marriage.
B. Heat and dust A. with B. for
C. Reproduction and death C. to D. from
D. Emerged and advanced 17. Choose the right preposition for the
4. Find out the correct translation: ÒmKvj †_‡K sentence: I count------ your help.
¸uwo ¸uwo e„wó n‡”QÓ A. after B. upon
A. It is raining from morning C. for D. with
B. It has been raining from morning 18. Identify the correct passive form: ‘Open the
C. It has been drizzling since morning window’.
D. It is drizzling since morning A. The window should be opened
5. ‘Maiden speech’ means B. Let the window be opened
A. First speech B. Last speech C. Let the window be opened by you
C. Late speech D. Early speech D. The window must be opened
6. A person whose ’head’ is in the 'clouds’ is 19. Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom
A. proud B. a day dreamer ‘Swan-song’
C. an aviator D. useless A. First work B. Last work
7. Identify the correct sentences C. Middle work D. Early work
A. She had faith in and hopes for the future 20. Complete the sentence- Trees have------ off
B. She had faith and hopes for the future their leaves.
C. She had faith and hopes in the future A. thrown B. fallen
D. She had faith and hopes in future C. cast D. put
8. Choose the correct tense
A. Javed was so exhausted that he lain down for 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 A
a sleep 6 B 7 A 8 C 9 C 10 D
B. Javed was so exhausted that he had laid 11 C 12 C 13 B 14 C 15 A
down for a sleep 16 A 17 B 18 B 19 B 20 C
C. Javed was so exhausted that he was lying
down for a sleep
D. Javed was so exhausted that he will lay down
for a sleep BCS-24th
9. A synonym for ’resentment’ is
1. I don’t mind------ with the cooking but I am
A. fear B. anger
not going to wash the dishes.
C. indignation D. panic
A. to help B. help
10. The captain left the boat, because it
C. helping D. for helping |
A. turned down B. turned up
2. I decided to go------ with my friend as I
C. turned bottom D. urned over
needed some exercise.
11. One should be careful about------ duty.
A. to a walk B. for a walk
A. his B. her
C. for a walking D. walk
C. one’s D. the
3. My uncle arrived while I------ the dinner.
12. Three fourths of the work ___ finished.
A. would cook B. had cooked
A. have been B. had
C. cook D. was cooking
C. has been D. were
4. In order to improve farming methods, we
13. We waited until the plane
A. machine B. machinery A. possible B. that can be done
C. a machinery D. machineries C. capable D. that will work
5. My friend always goes home-------foot. 19. Handy
A. by B. with A. comfortable
C. on a D. on B. useful
6. We need two hundred dollars-------this to pay C. convenient to handle or use
for everything. D. necessary
A. as well B. also 20. Select the pair that best expresses a
C. beside D. besides relationship similar to that expressed in the
7. The team is------ eleven players. original pair.
A. made of B. made up of Conscious careless
C. made up D. made A. Careful ndifferent
8. My wife reminded me B. Graceful Ugly
A. of my appointment C. Generous Unkind
B. to go my appointment D. Well-informed Knowing litte
C. to my appointment
D. my appointment 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 B 5 D
9. At least one of the students-------full marks 6 D 7 B 8 A 9 C 10 D
every time. 11 B 12 D 13 B 14 D 15 B
A. get B. are getting 16 C 17 D 18 B 19 B 20 A
C. gets D. have got
10. Please------ the necessity of arriving early.
A. emphasise about B. emphasise to BCS-25th
C. emphasise on D. emphasise 1. Stockings are ___ socks.
11. I don’t think you will have any difficulty------ A. long B. small
- a driving license. C. big D. short
A. to get B. in getting 2. Many Students will now be starting to ___
C. for getting D. get about their exams result.
12. I thought that--------- was the last one. A. worry B. reflect
A. the most prettiest of all C. inquire D. comment
B. prettiest one of all 3. She told me his name after he__.
C. the prettiest one from all A. left B. had left
D. the prettiest one of all C. has left D. has been leaving
13. The ministers arrived ____ decision last 4. Climate is a ___ of the environment.
night. A. state B. situation
A. to B. at C. rank D. size
C. on D. by 5. I finally killed the fly ___ a rolled up
14. She is beautiful but she is------ her mother. newspaper.
A. most beautiful B. less beautiful A. by B. with
C. as beautiful D. not so beautiful as C. through D. from
15. The government gave------ the demands ofthe 6. We must look pleased or else he’ll be___.
people. A. dissatisfied B. cross
A. in to B. in C. happy D. delighted
C. to D. over to 7. The man died ___ over eating.
16. The Second World War broke------in A. by B. of
September, 1939. C. for D. form
A. through B. away 8. He advised me ___ smoking.
C. out D. in A. giving up B. to give up
17. Gullible C. in giving up D. from giving up
A. foolish 9. The expression ‘after one’s own heart’
B. willing to believe anything or anyone means___.
C. simple A. To be in low spirit
D. easily deceived B. with complete devotion
18. Viable C. To one’s own liking
D. to be in high spirit 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B
10. ‘The day of my sister’s marriage is drawing 6 A 7 D 8 B 9 C 10 D
near’. The underlined word is a/an. 11 D 12 B 13 A 14 D 15 D
A. adjective B. verb 16 C 17 C 18 C 19 C 20 D
C. preposition D. adverb
11. Which of the following sentences is the
correct one? BCS-26th
A. My father was in hospital during six weeks 1. He has been ill ___ Friday last.
in summer A. form B. on
B. In summer during six weeks my father was C. in D. since
in hospital 2. He gave up------ football when hegot
C. My father was in a hospital during six weeks married.
in summer A. of playing B. to play
D. My father was in hospital for six weeks C. playing D. play
during the summer 3. Do not make a noise while your father
12. He intends to ___ in the country for two A. is sleeping B. has slept
months. C. asleep D. is being asleep
A. live B. stay 4. No one can------ that he is clever.
C. stop D. halt A. deny B. defy
13. What are you so angry___? C. denounce D. discard
A. about B. at 5. He divided the money------- the two children
C. with D. for A. over B. in between
14. The parents became extremely ___ when C. among D. between
their son had not returned by eleven O’clock. 6. ‘Out and out’ means-
A. angry B. annoyed A. Not at all B. Brave
C. disturbed D. anxious C. Thoroughly D. Whole heartedly
15. ‘I ____ remember the holiday I spent in your 7. ‘Maiden speech’ means
home,’ she said. A. Late speech B. Early speech
A. ever B. hardly C. Final speech D. First speech
C. usually D. always 8. As the sun------- •, I decided to go out.
16. He knew it was a very ___ operation, but he A. has shone B. shine
was determined to carry it out. C. shines D. was shining
A. difficult B. dangerous 9. The lights have been blown — by the strong
C. risky D. troublesome wind.
17. Misanthropist means__ A. out B. away
A. One who first with ladies C. up D. off
B. A person of narrow vievs 10. If we want concrete proof, we are looking for
C. A hater of mankind A. building material
D. One who believe that God is in everything B. something to cover a path
18. First language means the ___ language. C. clear evidence
A. important B. main D. a cement mixer
C. natural D. official 11. What is the meaning of ’White Elephant’?
19. Shaheen would never have taken the job if A. What is the meaning of ’White Elephant’?
___ what great demand it would make on his B. A hoarder
time. C. A black marketer
A. he knew D. A very costly or troublesome possession
B. he had been knowing 12. A person who writes about his own life
C. he had known writes—
D. he was knowing A. a biography B. a diary
20. She has ____ her hair a beautiful shade of C. a chronicle D. an autobiography
brown. 13. A ‘pilgrim’ is a person who undertakes a
A. coloured B. given journey to a—
C. dried D. dyed A. mosque B. new country
C. holy place D. bazar
14. The correct spelling is— B. A shop is being gone opened by him
A. Humorious B. Humorous C. A shop will be opened by him
C. Humourius D. Humurious D. A shop is going to be opened by him
15. The word ’ecological’ is related to— 27. Choose the correct preposition. The tree has
A. Demography B. Pollution been blown — by the storm.
C. Atmosphere D. Environment A. away B. up
16. ’Paediatric’ relates to the treatment of C. off D. out
A. adults B. children 28. Complete the sentence with the correct verb
C. women D. old people | from. ’Neela— her hand when she was
17. Choose the right word to fill the blank: It cooking dinner.
will be your task to make sure the — of A. is burring B. burnt
traffic is maintained without interruption C. will bum D. was burning
A. circulation B. current 29. Select the correct sentence.
C. procession D. flow A. The man was tall who stole my bag
18. Choose the right word to fill in the blank: I B. The man stole my bag who was tall
should appreciate it if you could complete C. The man stole my bag who was tall
this work—Thursday D. The man stole my bag who was tall
A. till B. until 30. Choose the correct spelling.
C. upto D. by A. ascertain B. assertain
19. Choose the right word to fill in the blank: C. aseratin D. asartain
Since his retirement, Mr. Chowdhury, who 31. Choose the correct preposition. The police is
was — a teacher, has written four novels. looking — the case.
A. usually B. presently A. after B. on
C. proffer D. formerly C. up D. into
20. The proper function of the press is surely to 32. The Arabian Nights — still a great favourite.
— the man in the street with facts. A. has B. are
A. equip B. deliver C. is D. were
C. proffer D. provide 33. Select the right word. He ran fast lest he—
21. Choose the right word to fill in the blank: miss the train.
The Democratic party’s candidate — defeat A. can B. should
in the small hour of the morning. C. could D. has
A. consented B. agreed 34. Fill in the blank with correct preposition. He
C. accepted D. granted is devoid — common sense.
22. Choose the right word to fill in the blank: A. of B. from
Two of the children have to sleep in one bed, C. introduction D. at
but the other three have — ones. 35. Choose the correct sentence.
A. different B. separate A. I have looked for a good doctor before I met
C. complete D. lonely you
23. Fill in the blank with the correct phrase: B. I had looked for a good doctor before I met
He— arrested if he had tried to leave the you
country. C. I looked for a good doctor before I had met
A. would B. could be you
C. would have been D. must be I D. I am looking for a good doctor before
24. Fill in the blank with the correct phrase: — meeting you
your shoes before entering the mosque. 36. Choose the correct passive form of—"Who
A. put out B. put off will do the work?"
C. put away D. put on A. Who will be done the work?
25. Identify the correct synonym for the word B. Who will done the work?
’Magnanimous’ C. By whom will the work be done?
A. generous B. unkind D. Whom will the work be done?
C. revengeful D. friendly 37. Fill in the blank with right option. I am
26. Identify the correct passive form of— ’He is looking forward —you.
going to open a shop. A. to seeing B. seeing
A. He is being gone to open a shop C. to see D. to have seen
38. Choose the correct preposition. My brother B. to make thick and thin
has no interest— music. C. not clear in understanding
A. for B. in D. of great density
C. with D. at 7. 'Prior to' means—
39. Choose the correct sentence. A. after B. before
A. The train is running in time C. immediately D. during the period of
B. The train is running on time 8. Nobody knocked him down; it was an—
C. The train is running with time A. incident B. occurrence
D. The train is running to time C. accident D. event
40. Choose the correct sentence. 9. What would have happened if—?
A. Everybody have gone there A. The bridge is broken
B. Everybody are gone there B. The bridge would break
C. Everybody has gone there C. The bridge had broken
D. Everybody has went there D. The bridge had been broken
10. Explain the meaning of 'Bring to pass'
A. Cause to destroy
1 D 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 D B. Cause to happen
6 C 7 D 8 D 9 A 10 C C. Cause to carry out
11 D 12 D 13 C 14 B 15 D D. Cause to convince
16 B 17 D 18 D 19 D 20 D 11. Which ofthe following sentences is the
21 C 22 B 23 C 24 B 25 A correct one?
26 D 27 C 28 B 29 C 30 A A. Paper is made of wood
31 D 32 C 33 B 34 A 35 B B. Paper is made from wood
36 C 37 A 38 B 39 B 40 C C. Paper is made by wood
D. Paper is made on wood
12. The word bounty is closest in meaning to—
A. generosity B. familiar
C. dividing line D. sympathy
BCS-27th 13. Give the correct passive form of good
1. Identify the imperative sentence. qualities.
A. I shall go to college A. All the good qualities are embodied by my
B. Matin is singing a song teacher
C. Stand up B. All the good qualities are embodied in my
D. It has been raining since morning teacher
2. Fill in the gap with the suitable word: To C. All the good qualities are embodied to my
stay healthy, we must plan to have a teacher
balanced— D. All the good qualities are embodied on my
A. diet B. Food teacher
C. drink D. Environment 14. Choose the correct indirect speech------ She
3. Choose the correct alternative and mark its asked me, ’Are you happy in your new job?
letter on your answer sheet: The rich should A. She asked me if I was happy in my new job
not look down-------the poor. B. She asked me if I have been happy in my
A. at B. for new job
C. towards D. upon C. She asked me whether I am happy in my new
4. I took a map with me, as I didn't want to------ job
my way on the journey. D. She asked me if I had been happy in my new
A. loose B. lose job
C. lost D. loss 15. The meaning of the word ’obese’ is—
5. Every driver must be held------ his own A. very fat B. ugly
actions. C. tardy D. obnoxious
A. responsible for B. responsible to 16. A person who writes about his own life writes
C. liable to D. blamed for A. a diary B. a biography
6. 'Through thick and thin' means— C. an autobiography D. a chronicle
A. under all conditions 17. Which of the following sentences is correct?
A. Why have you done this?
B. Why you had done this?
C. Why you have done this?
D. Why did you done this?
18. What will be the correct preposition to
complete the sentence? ’I am not good------
translation. ’
A. in B. about
C. with D. at
19. Which is the noun of the word ’beautiful’?
A. Beauty B. Beautify
C. Beauteous D. beautifully
20. Fill in the blank with appropriate
preposition: ’Hurry up! we have to go------
five minutes.’
A. in B. on
C. by D. for

1 C 2 A 3 D 4 B 5 A
6 A 7 B 8 C 9 C 10 B
11 B 12 A 13 B 14 A 15 A
16 C 17 A 18 D 19 A 20 C
BCS-28th 16. ’’Animal Farm” was written by—
1. Dhaka is becoming one of the ___ cities in A. George Orwell B. Stevenson
Asia. C. Swift D. Mark Twain
A. more busy B. busy 17. There is no alternativ ___ There is no
C. busiest D. most busiest alternativ
2. He had written the book before he- A. to B. for
A. retired B. had retired C. than D. of
C. has retired D. will be retired 18. Which sentence is correct?
3. Rizvi requested Rini ------telephone to attend A. This is an unique case
the meeting. B. This is a unique case
A. over B. through C. This is a very unique case
C. with D. by D. This is the most unique case
4. The word ’’precedence” means 19. I cannot------- to pay such high prices.
A. example B. priority A. able B. but
C. elderly D. case C. try D. afford
5. The prices of rice are—
A. raising B. riser 1 C 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 C
C. rising D. raised 6 A 7 D 8 B 9 A 10 C
6. ’To get along with’ means— 11 D 12 A 13 D 14 A 15 B
16 A 17 A 18 B 19 D 20
A. to adjust B. to accompany
C. to interest D. to walk
7. ’If winter comes, can spring be far behind?’
These lines were written by- BCS-29th
A. Keats B. Frost 1. I have not heard from him -
C. Eliot D. Shelley A. long since B. for a long time
8. The verb of the word ’’short” is— C. may have come D. for long
A. enshort B. shorten 2. Honey is ____ sweet.
C. shorted D. shorting A. very B. too much
9. “Light” is to ’’Dark” as ’’cold” is to— C. much too D. excessive
A. hot B. heat 3. Your conduct admits ____ no excuse.
C. cool D. winter A. to B. for
10. Many prefer donating money------ C. of D. at
distributing clothes. 4. He had a ____ headache.
A. than B. but A. strong B. acute
C. to D. without C. serious D. bad
11. Julia has been ill------three months. 5. I shall not ____ the examination this year.
A. since B. about A. give B. appear at
C. in D. for C. sit D. go for
12. We were waiting for the bus. The underlined 6. They travelled to Savar -
part is- A. on foot B. by walking
A. a noun phrase C. on their feet D. by foof
B. an infinitive phrase 7. He said that he ____ be unable to come.
C. a prepositional phrase A. will B. shall
D. a verb phrase C. should D. would
13. The word ’’disinterested” means— 8. Neither Rani nor Simi ____ qualified for the
A. lack of interest B. indifferent job.
C. callous D. neutral A. are B. is
14. New programs will be------- next week in C. were D. had
Bangladesh Television. 9. He said that he ____ the previous day.
A. telecast B. published A. has come B. had come
C. telecasted D. broadcasted C. came D. arrived
15. The word ’’electorate” means— 10. He watched the boat ____ down the river.
A. election office B. a body of voters A. to float B. floating
C. many elections D. candidates C. was floating D. had floated
11. ‘Sky’ is to ‘bird’ as ‘water’ is to - In each of the following questions, out of the four
A. feather B. fish alternatives, choose the one which can be
C. boat D. lotus substituted for the given words/sentence :
12. ‘Good’ is to ‘bad’ as ‘white’ is to - 5. Time after twilight and before night -
A. dark B. black A. Evening B. Dawn
C. grey D. ebony C. Dusk D. Eclipse
13. ‘Botany’ is to ‘plants’ as ‘Zoology’ is to - Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by
A. flowers B. trees selecting the most appropriate alternative from
C. dear D. animals among the four choices given :
14. The bad news struck him like a bolt from 6. Parliamentary democracy demands
the- discipline and ___ to the rules.
A. sky B. heavens A. Adherence B. respectful
C. firmament D. blue C. knowledge D. awareness
15. When one is ‘pragmatic’ he is being - 7. Reason is the highest faculty ____ on human
A. wasteful B. productive by their creator.
C. practical D. fussy A. entrusted B. endowed
16. “Into the ____ of death rode the six C. bestowed D. conferred
hundred”. 8. Rishan walks as if he ____ lame.
A. city B. tunnel A. is B. had been
C. road D. valley C. has D. were
17. “To be or not to be, that is the ____.” One of the four sentences given in each question
A. meaning B. question is grammatically wrong. That alternative is your
C. answer D. issue answer :
18. “I have a ____ that one day this nation will 9. A. Neither you nor I am in a sound position.
live out the true meaning of its creed that all B. Laziness is detrimental for success
men are created equal.” C. He begged the favour of my granting him
A. desire B. hope leave
C. dream D. with D. Your action is not in conformity with the law
10. A. He has no desire for fame
1 B 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 B B. I intend going to Rajshahi
6 A 7 D 8 B 9 B 10 B C. He is too miserly to part with his money
11 B 12 B 13 D 14 D 15 C D. He has invited me for dinner
16 D 17 B 18 C Each of the following idioms is followed by some
alternatives. Choose the one which best
expresses its meaning :
BCS-30th 11. To keep one’s head -
In each of the following questions, out of the A. to save oneself B. to be self respectful
given alternatives, choose the one that best C. to keep calm D. None of these
expresses the meaning of the given word : 12. To put the cart before the horse -
1. IMPROVEMENT A. to offer a person what he cannot eat
A. Promotion B. Advance B. to force a person to do something
C. Betterment D. Preference C. to raise obstacle
2. AMICABLE D. to reverse the natural order of things
A. Interesting B. Loving 13. To read between the lines -
C. Affectionate D. Friendly A. to concentrate
In each of the following questions, choose the B. to suspect
word opposite in meaning to the given word : C. to read carefully
3. LIABILITY D. to grasp the hidden meaning
A. Treasure B. Debt In each of the following questions, a sentence has
C. Assets D. Property been given in active (or passive) voice. Out of
4. HATE the four alternatives suggested, select the one
A. Admire B. Abhor which best expresses the same sentence in
C. Concern D. Loathe passive (or Active) voice :
14. I know him
A. He is known by me A. elegy B. eulogy
B. He was known to me C. caricature D. exaggeration
C. He has been known by me 6. The word ‘Shrug’ indicating doubt or
D. He is known to me indifference is associated with -
15. A lion may be helped even by a little mouse. A. Shoulders B. Head
A. A little mouse may even help a lion C. Forehead D. Eyebrows
B. Even a little mouse may help a lion Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by
C. A little mouse can even help a lion selecting the most appropriate alterative -
D. Even a little mouse ought to help a lion 7. He is quite ____ in dealing with people.
Choose the correctly spelt word : A. unsubtle B. imprudent
16. A. Liesure B. Leisure C. diplomatic D. impolite
C. Leasure D. Lesiure 8. They suffered much ____ tornado had hit
17. A. Superceed B. Superseed their village?
C. Supercede D. Supersede A. until B. since
Of the four alternatives given under each C. as if D. let alone
sentence, find the one that best, fits into the One of the four sentences, given below is
blank space : grammatically wrong. Choose the wrong
18. The horror movie scared them out of their - sentence :
A. wits B. seats 9. A. The land is belonged to an old lady
C. lives D. funds B. They parted from one another suddenly
19. The people who carry a coffin at a funeral C. The leader expressed himself forcibly
are called - D. Mother bought me an ice-cream
A. undertakers B. supporters 10. A. He was always arguing with his brother
C. pallbearers D. mourners B. His failure resulted for lack of attention
C. When will you write to him about your plan?
1 C 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 C D. Who was the boy you were all laughing at
6 A 7 C 8 D 9 B 10 B Choose the correctly spelt word :
11 C 12 D 13 D 14 D 15 B 11. A. Valantory B. Volantary
16 B 17 D 18 A 19 C C. Voluntary D. Voluntory
12. A. Accilerate B. Accelerate
C. Accelerrate D. Accilarate
BCS-31st 13. A. Tsunami B. Sunami
In each of the following questions, out of the C. Suname D. Sunamee
given alternatives, choose the one that best Of the four alternatives, find the one that best
expresses the meaning of the given word : fits into the blank space :
1. Sporadic - 14. While living in poverty, the poet had to ____
A. Consistent B. Uniform a great deal of sufferings.
C. Frequent D. Scattered A. see through B. put up with
2. Omnipotent - C. pass by D. fall back
A. Feeble B. Supreme 15. ____ his earlier study, the Professor’s new
C. Impotent D. Vulnerable study indicates a general warming trend in
In each of the following questions choose the global weather.
word opposite in meaning to the given word : A. In contrast of B. In contrast to
3. Repeal - C. In contrast by D. In contrast as
A. Abolish B. Enact 16. Only those who are not serious to their
C. Annul D. Nullify success work by ____ and starts.
4. Equity - A. long odds B. against time
A. Uprightness B. Justice C. every inch D. fits
C. Integrity D. Bias Of the four alternatives given below, choose the
In each of the following questions, out of the four word/words that best fits into the underlined
alternatives, choose the one which can be word given in the sentence :
substituted for the given words/sentence : 17. “One day women will have what has so long
5. A formal composition or speech expressing been denied them ____ leisure, money and
high praise of somebody - room to themselves.”
A. Space B. Liberty 7. Travellers ____ their reservation well in
C. Office D. Capacity advance if they want to visit the St. Martins
18. Crafty men condemn studies, simple men island.
admire them and wise men use them. A. had better to get B. had to better get
A. Denounce B. Laud C. had better get D. had better got
C. Compliment D. Acclaim 8. After food has been dried or canned ____ for
19. To end in smoke - later consumption.
A. To create fire A. it should be stored
B. To go through suffering B. that it should be stored
C. To come to nothing C. should be stored
D. To see fire D. which should be stored
Choose the word/phrase that best retains the
1 D 2 B 3 B 4 D 5 B meaning of the underlined word/phrase in the
6 A 7 C 8 B 9 A 10 B given sentence :
11 C 12 B 13 A 14 B 15 B 9. Despite being a brilliant scientist, he does not
16 D 17 A 18 A 19 C seem to get his ideas across.
A. make his ideas understand
B. get his ideas down pat
BCS-32nd C. summaries his ideas
Choose the correct synonym for - D. put together his ideas
1. ‘Extempore’ - 10. What may be considered courteous in one
A. Planned B. Improvise culture may be arrogant in another.
C. Impromptu D. Immediate A. flimsy B. coarse
2. ‘Menacing’ - C. gracious D. friendly
A. Encouraging B. Alarming Choose the pair of words that expresses a
C. Promising D. Auspicious relationship similar to that of the given pair :
Choose the correct antonym for - 11. Words : writer
3. ‘Oblige’ - A. Laws : policeman B. Butter : baker
A. Bind B. Require C. Chalk : black board D. Joy : emotion
C. Bother D. Censure 12. Patron : support
4. ‘Cynical’ - A. Spouse : divorce
A. Pessimistic B. Gullible B. Artist : imitation
C. Equivocal D. Liberal C. Counselor : advice
Select the alternative which best expresses the D. Restaurant : customer
meaning of the given sentence 13. Heart : human
5. “We were no more surprised than Rahman.” A. Wall : brick B. Hand : child
A. We were less surprised than Rahman C. Kitchen : house D. Engine : car
B. We were all surprised Choose the meaning of the given expression :
C. Rahman was less surprised than us 14. “No news is good news”
D. We were as surprised as Rahman A. It is likely that we expect bad news
6. Not once has our neighbour invited us into B. It is likely to have bad news
his house. C. It is likely that nothing bad has happened
A. Our neighbour has invited us into his house D. It is unlikely that another bad has happened
not once but many times 15. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
B. Our neighbour has never invited us into his A. Take what you have got readily available
house rather than expecting better in the future
C. Occasionally our neighbour has invited us B. The seen is better than the unseen
into his house C. Promises are better than actuals
D. Our neighbour has not always invited us into D. It is no good beating about the bush
his house 16. The sentence “Who would have thought
Choose a suitable word/phrase to fill in the Shylock was so unkind?” expresses -
blanks of the given sentences : A. hyperbole B. interrogation
C. command D. wonder
17. “To raise one’s brows” indicates -
A. annoyance B. disapproval 13. The verb ‘succumb’ means-
C. indifference D. surprise A. achieve B. submit
C. win D. conquer
1 C 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 D 14. We look forward ___a response from you.
6 B 7 C 8 A 9 A 10 D A. to receiving B. to receive
11 B 12 C 13 D 14 C 15 A C. in receiving D. for receiving
16 D 17 D 15. If a part of speech or writing breaks the
theme, it is called-
A. pomposity B. digression
C. exaggeration D. anti-climax
16. The expression ‘take into account’ means-
A. count numbers B. consider
BCS-33rd C. think seriously D. assess
1. Noureen will discuss the issue with Nasir ___ 17. Choose the translation of ‘কতৃ প তােক
িতর ার করেলা’ from the alternative
A. in B. over
C. by D. on
A. The authorities criticized him
2. Some writers sink ____ oblivion in course of
B. The authorities took him to book
C. The authorities gave reins to him
A. on B. from
D. The authorities took him to task
C. under D. into
18. “Such claim needs to be tested empirically”
3. ‘Call to mind’ means-
suggests that-
A. fantasize B. attend
A. The test should be based on assumption
C. remember D. request
B. The test should be based on idea
4. ‘Pass away’ means-
C. The test should be based on experience
A. disappear B. die
D. The test should be based on calculation
C. erase D. fall
19. The idiom “put up with” means-
5. Pick the word that is synonymous with
A. stay together B. tolerate
C. keep trust D. protect
A. autocratic B. senior
20. In many ways, riding bicycle is similar to-
C. elderly D. potential
A. driving a car B. when one drives a car
6. The word ‘permissive’ implies-
C. the driving of a car D. when we drive a car
A. humble B. law-abiding
C. liberal D. submissive
7. Each of the sons followed ____ father’s trade.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. their B. her
C. whose D. his
8. ‘Subject-Verb Agreement’ refers to- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A. person only B. number,person and gender C B B A B B D C B A
C. number and person D. number only
9. The only error in the sentence “ One of the BCS-34th
recommendation made by the committee was 1. Fill in the blank of the following sentence
accepted by the authorities” is- with the right form of verb. If I____ a king!
A. recommendation B. was A. am B. was
C. accepted by D. committee C. were D. shall be
10. ‘The French’ refers to- 2. Tiger : Zoology : Mars : -
A. the French people B. the French language A. Astrology B. Cryptology
C. the French manners D. the French society C. Astronomy D. Telescopy
11. If a person cannot stop taking drugs, he or 3. N.B. stand for-
she is- A. Note before B. No bar
A. attached to them B. committed to them C. Non bar D. Nota bene
C. addicted to them D. devoted to them 4. Maiden speech means-
12. The word ‘officialese’ means- A. First Speech B. Middle speech
A. pleural number of official B. language used in offices C. Maid servant’s speech D. Final speech
C. pleural number of office D. vague expression 5. What is the masculine gender of “mare”?
A. Mermaid B. Bear 11. “It is the time to review the protocol on
C. Stallion D. Dog testing nuclear weapons.” Here the
6. Botany is to plants as Zoology is to- underlined word means-
A. Flowers B. Rivers A. Record of rules B. Procedures
C. Mountains D. Animals C. Summary of rules D. Problems
1 2 3 4 5 6 12. _____ amazing song haunted me for a long
C C D A C D time.
A. These B. Thus
BCS-35th C. Those D. That
1. Cricket enjoys a huge ____ in Bangladesh. 13. Let us begin by looking at the minutes of the
A. follow on B. follow meeting. Here the underlined word means-
C. fall out D. following A. time record B. written records
2. What would be the right synonym for C. time frame D. written analysis
‘initiative’? 14. Women are too often ____ by family
A. apathy B. enterprise commitments.
C. indolence D. activity A. confused B. contaminated
3. Which of the following word can be used as a C. controlled D. constrained
verb? 15. Societies living in the periphery are always
A. Mister B. Mistress ignored. Here the underlined word means-
C. Master D. Mastery A. offshore areas B. remote places
4. The correct passive form of “You must shut C. marginal areas D. backward regions
these doors” is- 16. The idiom “A stitch in time saves nine”-
A. These must be shut doors B. Shut must be refers the importance of-
the doors A. saving lives B. saving time
C. Shut the doors you must D. These doors C. timely action D. time tailoring
must be shut 17.Which is the correct sentence?
5. Which word is the determiner in the sentence A. He insisted on seeing her
“Will it take much time?” B. He insisted in seeing her
A. will B. much C. He insisted for seeing her
C. take D. time D. He insisted to be seeing her
6. “He was a rather disagreeable man.” Here 18. The phrase ‘nouveau riche’ means-
the underlined word is a/an- A. Riche rich B. New high class
A. noun B. adverb C. Well off D. New rich
C. adjective D. preposition 19. What would be the best antonym of
7. This could have worked if I ___ been more ‘hibernate’?
far-sighted. A. dormancy B. sluggishness
A. had B. might C. liveliness D. democracy
C. have D. would 20. I am in the process of collecting material for
8. Choose the pair of words that expresses a my story. The underlined word is a/an-
relationship similar to that of “Harm : A. verb B. adverb
Damage”- C. adjective D. noun
A. Sweet : Sour B. Stout : Weak 21. Depression is often hereditary. The
C. Injure : Incapacitate D. Hook : Crook underlined word is a/an-
9. In the 18th Century the Mughal Empire A. adverb B. noun
begun to- C. adjective D. verb
A. discriminate B. differentiate 22. The noise level un Dhaka city has increased
C. disintegrate D. dislocate exponentially. Here the underlined word
10. Being fat does not necessarily kill you, but it means-
____ the risk that you will suffer from nasty A. amazingly B. shockingly
diseases C. steadily D. rapidly
A. increases B. encourages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
C. emphasizes D. involves D B C D B C A C C A B
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
C. against D. to
16. ‘To do away with’ means-
BCS-36th A. to repeat B. to start
1. Professor Razzak was a scholar____refute. C. to get rid of D. to drive off
A. in B. of 17. Which one is a correct sentence?
C. after D. by A. Paper is made of wood
2. John Smith is good ___ Mathematics. B. Paper is made from wood
A. at B. in C. Paper is made by wood
C. of D. after D. Paper is made on wood
3. Teacher said, “The earth ___round the sun.”
A. moves B. moved
C. has moved D. will be moving 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4. In English grammar,______ deals with B A A C A B A A A
formation of sentence. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
A. Morphology B. Etymology B B B D C D C B
C. Syntax D. Semantics
5. He insisted ____there.
A. on my going B. is to go BCS-37th
C. over going D. to go 1. Which of the following word is in singular
6. The idiom ‘A stitch in times saves nine’- form?
refers to the importance of- A. formulae B. agenda
A. saving lives B. timely action C. oases D. radius
C. saving time D. time tailoring 2. Choose the correct sentence-
7. What word be the right antonym for A. All of it depend on you
‘initiative’? B. All of it are depending on you
A. apathy B. indolence C. All of it depends on you
C. enterprise D. activity D. All of it are depended on you
8. This could have worked if I ____ been more 3. “A rolling stone gathers no moss.” Make it
cautious. complex-
A. had B. have A. Since a stone is rolling, it gathers no moss
C. might D. would B. Though a stone
9. I have been living in Dhaka ____ 2000. rolls, it gathers no moss
A. since B. from C. A stone what rolls gathers no moss D. A
C. after D. till stone that rolls gathers no moss
10. Give the antonym of the word ‘transitory’ 4. A chart was appended to the report. Here
A. temporary B. permanent ‘appended’ means-
C. transparent D. short-lived A. changed B. removed
11. Verb of ‘Number’ is- C. joined D. shortened
A. number B. enumerate 5. The mother sat vigilantly beside the sick
C. numbering D. numerical baby. Here ‘vigilantly’ is a/an-
12. Slow and steady ____ the race. A. noun B. adverb
A. win B. wins C. adjective D. none of the three
C. has won D. won 6. The new offer of job was alluring. Here
13. Identify the correct sentence? alluring means-
A. Yesterday, he has gone home A. unexpected B. tempting
B. Yesterday, he did gone home C. disappointing D. ordinary
C. Yesterday, he had gone home 7. “Who plated this tree here?” Make it passive
D. Yesterday, he went home voice-
14. ‘Venerate’ means- A. By whom the tree was planted here?
A. defame B. abuse B. Who the tree had been planted here by?
C. respect D. accuse C. The tree was planted here by whom?
D. By whom had the tree been planted here?
15. Credit tk 5000 ____my account. 8. Fraility the name is woman. Here ‘fraility’ is-
A. in B. with A. noun B. adjective
C. adverb D. verb D C D C B B blank A B C A
9. Education is enlightening. Here 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
‘enlightening’ is a/an- A A B B D C C C C B
A. gerund B. participle
C. infinitive D. finite verb BCS-38th
10. The family does not feel ___ going this 1.What is the pleural form of the word ‘louse’?
season. A. louses B. lice
A. in B. on C. lices D. licess
C. like D. of 2. Choose the correct sentence-
11. I could not mend the computer myself, so I A. He refrained to take any drastic action
___ at a shop. B. He refrained on taking any drastic action
A. had it mended B. had it mend C. He refrained in taking any drastic action
C. did it mend D. had mended D. He refrained from taking any drastic action
12. I saw ___ one-eyed man when I was walking 3. ‘Franchise’ means-
on the road. A. utility B. frankness
A. a B. an C. privilege D. superficial
C. the D. no article 4. ‘Once in a blue moon’ means-
13. ‘Omnivorous’ means- A. always B. very rarely
A. eating all types of food B. eating only fruits C. nearly D. hourly
C. eating only meat D. eating grass and 5. A retired officer lives next to door. Here the
plants only underlined word is used as a/an-
14. It’s raining cats and dogs, so ____. A. gerund B. adverb
A. watch out for falling animals C. preposition D. participle
B. make sure you take an umbrella 6. Eighty men were concerned ____ the plot.
C. keep your pets inside A. at B. with
D. keep the windows open C. in D. for
15. The phrase ‘achilles heel’ means- 7. When water ____, it turns into ice.
A. a strong point B. a weak point A. will freeze B. freezes
C. a permanent solution D. a serious idea C. would freeze D. froze
16. He worked with all sincerity. The underlined 8. Which one is the correct antonym of
phrase is- ‘frugal’?
A. a noun phrase B. an adjective phrase A. extraordinary B. spendthrift
C. an infinitive phrase D. an adverbial phrase C. economical D. authentic
17. This is the book I lost. Here ‘I lost’ is - 9. ‘Take the bull by the horns’ means-
A. noun clause B. an adverbial clause A. to challenge the enemy with courage
C. an adjective clause D. none of the three B. force the enemy to submit
18. ‘Proviso’ means- C. out of once wit
A. sanction B. substitute D. surrender before the enemy
C. stipulation D. directive 10. I still have ____ money.
19. Select the word that is the most closely A. a few B. quite a few
opposite in meaning to the capitalized word: C. many D. a little
DELETERIOUS 11. Select the right compound structure of the
A. toxic B. spurious sentence: “Though he is poor, he is honest”.
C. harmless D. lethal A. He is poor and honest B. As he is poor, he is honest
20. The repetition of beginning consonant sound C. He is poor but honest D. Since he is poor, he is honest
is known as- 12. Tourists _____ their reservations well in
A. personification B. onomatopoeia advance if they want to fly to Cox’s Bazar.
C. alliteration D. rhyme A. Better to had get B. had better to get
21. The comparison of unlike things using the C. had better got D. had better get
words like on as is known to be- 13. The sun went down. The underlined word is
A. metaphor B. simile a/an-
C. alliteration D. personification A. preposition B. adverb
C. noun D. conjunction
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
14. Which one of the following words is in 2. Identify the correct passive form of the
singular form? sentence below: ‘Do you know them?’
A. agenda B. oases A. Are they known to you?
C. radius D. formulae B. Are they known by you?
15. Identify the right passive voice “It is C. Would they be known by you?
impossible to do this.” D. Are they known with you?
A. Doing this is impossible 3. The word ‘culinary’ related to-
B. This is impossible to be done A. musical instruments B. printing
C. This is must be done C. cooking D. dress
D. This can’t be done 4. Hospitals ____ the sick.
16. ‘Mutton’ is a/an- A. nurse B. operate
A. common noun B. abstract noun C. treat D. admit
C. material noun D. proper noun 5. ‘Geriatrics’ is the branch of medicine
17. Reading is an excellent habit. Here concerned with the diseases and care of-
underlined word is a- A. old people B. newly-weds
A. verbal noun B. participle C. old women D. newborn babies
C. verb D. gerund 6. A person who believes the laws and
18. Example of distributive pronoun is- governments are not necessary is known as-
A. such B. either A. an extremist B. a militant
C. that D. any C. an anarchist D. a terrorist
19. A speech of too many word is called- 7. ‘Panacea’ means-
A. a big speech B. a maiden speech A. gland B. cure-all
C. an unimportant speech D. a verbose speech C. pancreatic D. widespread disease
20. “Strike while the iron is hot” is an example 8. Love for the whole world is called-
of- A. misanthropy B. philanthropy
A. noun clause B. adjective clause C. misogyny D. benevolence
C. adverbial clause D. subordinate clause 9. He went to ___ hospital because he had ___
21. The word ‘panegyric’ means- heart attack.
A. criticism B. elaborate praise A. no article, a B. no article, an
C. curse D. high sound C. a, an D. the, no article
22. Select the correctly spelt word- 10. Select the word with right spelling-
A. heterogeneous B. hetarogeneous A. Schizophrania B. Schizophrenia
C. hetrogeneous D. hetroganeous C. Seizophrania D. Scizophrenia
23. ‘Among’ is a preposition that is used when 11. Complete the following sentence: ‘Had I
___ people are involved. known you were waiting outside, I-
A. two B. more than two A. would have invited you to come in
C. two or more than two D. four only B. have invited you to come in
24. Which one is the correct indirect narration? C. would invite you to come in
“Why have you beaten my dog?” he said to D. would be inviting you to come in
me. 12. কান শ যুগল ট িভ ?
A. He demanded me why had I beaten his dog A. Abundance, Scarcity B. False, True
B. He asked me why I have had beaten his dog C. Sharp, Blunt D. Love, Affection
C. He enquired me why had I had beaten his dog 13. Cricket is a kind of play. It is also a kind of-
D. He demanded of me why I had beaten his dog A. flower B. insect
C. food D. bird
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
14. Which of the following words has been
formed eith a prefix?
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
A. aspersions B. amoral
C. authentic D. amnesia
15. When we want to mean a government by the
BCS-39th richest class we use the term-
1. The word ‘florid’ indicates- A. Oligarchy B. Plutocracy
A. flower B. flour C. Cryptocracy D. Aristocracy
C. foliage D. floor 16. What is the pleural number of ‘ovum’?
A. ova B. ovams 6. ‘You look terrifice in that dress!’ here
C. ovumes D. ovums terrifice means-
17. A soporific speech is likely to- A. excellent B. funny
A. stimulate action B. be incomprehensible C. very ugly D. horrible
C. appeal primarily to emotions D. put one to sleep 7. Someone who is capricious is-
18. Which is the correct spelling? A. easily irritated B. wise & willing to
A. Lieutenant B. Lieaftenant cooperate
C. Leaftenant D. Lieftenant C. exceedingly conceited & arrogant D. known
19. ‘There was a small reception following the for sudden changes in attitude and behaviour
wedding’. The word ‘following’ in the 8. Which one of the following words is
sentence above is a/an- masculine?
A. noun B. preposition A. mare B. lad
C. adjective D. adverb C. pillow D. pony
20. The warning of the authority falls on deaf 9. A man whose life has died is called a-
ears. Here warning does the function of- A. widow B. widower
A. noun B. adverb C. spinster D. bachelor
C. adjective D. verb 10. Which word is similar to ‘appal’?
21. Finger : Hand :: Leaf: A. deceive B. confuse
A. Branch B. Tree C. dismay D. solicit
C. Twig D. Flower 11. Which word means the opposite of ‘dearth’?
A. lack B. abundance
C. poverty D. shortage
12.Identify the word which remains the same in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 its pleural form:
A A C C A C B B A B A. aircraft B. intention
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C. mouse D. thesis
A D B B B A D A B A 13. Identify the determiner in the following
21 sentence: ‘ I have no news for you.’
C A. have B. news
C. no D. for
14. ‘A lost opportunity never returns.’ Here
BCS-40th ‘lost’ is a-
1. ‘’Please write to me at the above
A. gerund B. verbal noun
address.’’the word ‘Above’ in this sentence is
C. gerundial infinitive D. perticiple
15. The saying ‘enough is enough’ is used when
A. Noun B. Adjective
you want-
C. Pronoun D. Adverb
A. something to continue
2. In which sentence is the word ‘Past’ used as
B. something to stop
a preposition?
C. something to continue until it’s enough
A. Writing letters is a thing of the past
D. to tell instructions are clear
B.I look back on the past without regret
16. ‘He ran with great speed.’ The underlined
C. I called out to him as he ran past
part of the sentence is a-
D. Tania was a wonderful singer,but she’s past
A. noun phrase B. adverb phrase
her prime.
C. adjective phrase D. participle phrase
3. As she was talking,he suddenly broke ____,
17. ‘We must not be late,else we will miss the
saying, “That’s a lie!”
train.’ This is a-
A. off B. in
A. compound sentence B. complex sentence
C. down D. into
C. simple sentence D. interrogative sentence
4. You may go for a walk if you feel____it.
18. Change the voice: ‘ Who is calling me?’
A. about B. on
A. By whom am I called?
C. like D. for
B. By whom I am called?
5. Identify the word which is spelled
C. By whom am I being called?
D. Whom am I called by?
A. consciencious B. perseverance
C. convalescence D. maintenance
19. An extra message added at the end of the
letter after it is signed is called-
A. corrigendum B. postscript

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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