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Book Yourself Solid Consulting Book by Michael Port

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Book Yourself Solid

By Michael Port

Report Published by
Michael Port & Associates LLC

All rights reserved. No part of this report may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording
or by any information storage and retrieval system, without
written permission from the author, except for the inclusion
of brief quotations in a review.

Copyright (c) 2005 by Michael Port, All Rights Reserved

First Edition, 2005

Published in the United States of America

Michael Port & Associates LLC


Your Introductory Gift…………………………………………… 5
Key Number 1:
Know Why People Buy What You're Selling…………….. 7
Key Number 2:
Choose Your Ideal Clients…………………………………… 9
Key Number 3:
Be Bold, Be Brave, Be Yourself, For Profit &
Fun……………………………………………………………… 12
Key Number 4:
Develop A Personal Brand……………………………….. 14
Key Number 5:
Learn How To Articulate What You Do………………… 16
Key Number 6:
The Simple Selling Process……………………………….. 20
Key Number 7:
Self Promotion Is Easy And Fun…………………………. 22

NOTES:……………………………………………………………. 25


This report is designed to provide information about marketing and

promotion. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher
and author will not do your work for you. Your success is based on
doing the exercises in this special report and putting the principles
into action. You are urged to read all the available materials, learn
as much as possible about marketing, and tailor the information to
your individual needs. For more information, visit

Required Legal Disclaimer: The purpose of this report is to educate

and entertain. The author shall have neither liability, nor
responsibility, to any person or entity with respect to any loss or
damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or
indirectly, by the information contained in this report.

If you do not wish to be bound by the above, you may return

this report to the publisher.

Your Introductory Gift

I promise the time you invest in tuning into these 7 keys will be well
worth your time. I'll be teaching you proven techniques for
successfully booking yourself solid.

Also, don't forget to become a member of...

The Think Big Revolution

It's FREE and it'll help you think bigger about who you are and what
you offer the world.

What could be better!?

When? Every Monday at 12PM Eastern (11AM Central, 10AM

Mountain, 9AM Pacific)

Where? On the phone with hundreds of other big thinkers!

How long? 60 minutes

What you're going to experience: Every week I bring a new topic

that will help you think bigger about who you are and what you offer
the world. Sometimes I'll teach. Sometimes I'll prod. Sometimes,
I'll challenge... but I promise to make you laugh, make you
think, and make you do the things you say you want to do.

Oh, and I promise to love you very much (but not in a weird way).

To join the Revolution go to http://www.thinkbigrevolution.com

Whatever you do, DON'T enter your credit card info. I don't
want it.

The Revolution is my gift to you.

Now, let's get started with Book Yourself Solid, Key #1: Know
Why People Buy What You're Selling

Think Big,

Michael Port
The Guy To Call When You’re Tired Of Thinking Small

Phone: 215-348-2453
[email protected]

Key #1:
Know Why People Buy What You're

No matter what you say, think, or do - take the attention off of

yourself, your business and your services. Every second of every
day stay focused on clear, specific, and detailed solutions, benefits
and advantages that appeal to your prospects. Clearly define the
root of your prospects' problems and needs. Identify their urgent
needs and compelling desires and then offer them an invest-able
opportunity and you'll be booked solid in no time.


Develop a list that starts to identify what your clients are actually
buying when they are buying your services.

What are your clients' urgent needs?

1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________

What are your clients' compelling desires?
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________

What invest-able opportunities are you offering your

1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________

Now, every time you communicate in person, through writing, on

the internet, in an advertisement, on the phone, etc… articulate
and re-articulate these urgent needs and compelling desires and
the invest-able opportunities that you offer.

Key #2:
Choose Your Ideal Clients

For maximum joy, prosperity, and abundance, think about the

person you are when you are most fully expressed… when you are
with all the people who inspire and energize you. Make a long list
of the characteristics these people have, because they are your
ideal clients.

When you are able to define your ideal clients you'll have
permission to release any dead wood in your calendar. Then, and
only then, will you be able to Book Yourself Solid because you'll be
working with ideal clients, the people with whom you do your best

Start to define who your ideal clients are and the qualities that
your ideal clients possess. Here are a few of my clients' essential
qualities to get you started:

Bright (full of light and easily excitable)

Resilient (keep coming back for more)

Courageous (dream big)

Think big (their projects benefit large groups of


Naturally collaborative (they contribute to and

focus on their outcomes)


Now, come up with your own.

1. _____________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________

10. ____________________________________________

The Benefits of working with Ideal Clients:

You'll have clean energy to do your best work

You won't feel drained or tired

You'll feel invigorated and inspired

You'll connect with clients on a deeper level

You'll feel successful and confident

You'll know your work matters and is changing


The magic of you will come to life!

Sounds pretty darn great, doesn't it?!

If you'd like to learn more about booking yourself solid

now, visit http://www.bookyourselfsolid.com for more

Key #3:
Be Bold, Be Brave, Be Yourself, For
Profit & Fun

Most self-employed professionals present the "diluted" version of

themselves to the world – probably the result of conditioning from
time spent in the corporate world before entering the world of
free-agency. They hide their creativity, quirkiness, spirit, passion,
and spark.

If you are guilty of this… you must quickly change. You must
flaunt your quirks and show off your personality for fun and profit.
Remember people aren't only buying your solutions to the
problems they have, but they are buying you – and they'll buy
more of you the more fully expressed you are.

Embrace your authentic self and toss out

the society-accepted version of you.
Yes! I'm serious. No one likes the IBM stiff blue suit that follows
every rule. We're attracted to that quirky, authentic, confident
soul who says it like it is and filters nothing!

Think about how radiant and attractive you are when you are with
your best friends. If you let your quirky, unique side shine, you'll
experience far greater self-assurance and an immediate client
attraction. Sound easy? It is! Works every time like a charm. Test
it for yourself.


Who are you when you are at your best… living in the
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________

What can you talk about all day long with respect to your
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________

How would your clients and colleagues who really know you
describe you?
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________

What, if anything needs to change?

Are you truly and fully expressing yourself in your work?

It's the single most important element in attracting clients to you
and your services.

Key #4:
Develop A Personal Brand

My inspired friend - never underestimate the power of branding.

In order to create the thriving business you intend to, you will need
to be known for something. In my business, I am referred to as “the
guy to call when you're tired of thinking small.” This is no accident.
I've been saying this over and over since the day I realized that
being “the guy to call when you're tired of thinking small” was my
call to action.

Your personal brand is something you'll never get tired of. And the
first time you hear someone refer to you by it… you'll want to cry
tears of joy. I formulated one simple sentence that allows people to
define me… in a manner of my choosing!

I never get tired of saying it or hearing it because I really want

people to think big and speak boldly about who they are and what
they offer the world. Not only does it very deeply, and truly, mean
something to me, but it also sticks with others. People I don't know
call me up on the phone and declare that they're "tired of thinking
small." I love it!

There are two levels to your brand image:

1. Your "call to action"

2. Your "WHO and DO WHAT" statement


My call to action: "I'm the guy to call when you're tired of thinking

My "WHO and DO WHAT" statement: "I help people who work for
themselves create relentless demand for their products and

Your "call to action" lets others know what it's like to be

around you.

Your "WHO and DO WHAT" statement lets others know

exactly what you can help them do.


What is your "call to action"?




What is your "WHO and DO WHAT" statement




Key #5:
Learn How To Articulate What You

Another one of the main reasons that service-professionals fail to

build thriving businesses is that they struggle to articulate exactly
what they do in this new, vibrant, branded, and authentic way… and
most importantly what specific invest-able opportunities they bring to
the table.

They aren't compelling and their message comes off as bland and
confusing. As a result, they miss countless opportunities to meet and
recruit potential clients. Can you personally relate?

Until you are able to clearly articulate exactly what you do, the
invest-able opportunities that you offer, and all the benefits that
clients will experience as a result of working with you, you will be
missing out on enormous opportunities for growth and success.
Remember people don't buy products or services. They buy solutions
to their problems… solutions that you can personally deliver because
of your unique abilities and your personal and professional

If you're a yoga teacher, saying you're a yoga teacher is not

particularly compelling. I may already have a preconceived notion of
what a yoga teacher does or is like. However, saying...

"I help professional women reclaim their bodies from the evil
corporate empire and access their true feminine qualities of mystery,
intimacy, and sensuality…living part two of the life they

were meant to live!” may start a more interesting conversation.

It may also get a laugh, which is a good thing.

For now let's keep it simple. Let's build you an "elevator speech."
Remember, this should not be used as a "show up and throw up"
marketing strategy. Arm yourself with your "elevator speech" and
then have a conversation like a real person!


ME: You know how many self-employed professionals decide to go

out on their own because they're looking for the freedom that
working for yourself promises but they wind up isolated,
frustrated, and overwhelmed?


ME: ...Which means that they are working more hours than they
should or want to… are stressed about money… and become
disillusioned about working for themselves…

POTENTIAL CLIENT: Sounds like you're talking about me!

ME: ...Well, what I do is offer a business coaching program for

these professionals… I train and coach them in 7 keys to booking
themselves solid.

POTNENTIAL CLIENT: That sounds like something I could use…

tell me more…

ME: It means that they are able to attract more clients than they
can handle, work fewer hours, have financial peace of mind, and
begin to love marketing… not to mention become
completely re-inspired and engaged in their work.

POTENTIAL CLIENT: How do I get me some of that?! :)

ME: Easy! It's all laid out at www.bookyourselfsolid.com!

By the way, if you want to learn more about the 15-week Book
Yourself Solid coaching program or any of my other business building
products or services please email [email protected]
or call me personally on my direct line 215-348-2453.


You know how some… (the clients you are speaking


Which means that… (deepen the identification of the


Well, what I do is… (your offering(s))

It means that… (outcome of solution)


Key #6:
The Simple Selling Process

If you remember this, you'll never have to sell again.

Think in terms of solutions and problems solved and clients will

beg to work with you. You are a consultant… a life-long advisor.
When you have fundamental solutions to help others, it's your
moral imperative to show and tell as many people as possible.
You are changing lives! You may think of selling as a dirty
word. But really all you're doing is making offers. Offers that are
invest-able opportunities for your ideal clients.

So inquire…"What is your goal?"

Then show... "What are the benefits you will achieve when you
accomplish your goal?"

Then offer… "Would you like a partner to help you with that?"

That's a very simple sales conversation. And I suggest you keep

it that simple - just TALK with people about what they want and
ask them if they'd like your help.

One more thing I want you to consider... your offerings may be

expensive and service based. Your offerings have what I call a
"high barrier for entry." If I charge $300 per hour for my
coaching, that may be a high barrier for entry to those who don't
know me and don't even really know what coaching

is. I need to remove any and all barriers for entry so that my
potential ideal clients have an opportunity to experience what it's
like to work with me. And experience is the operative word.

We'll talk more about how to do this when we look at Key #7:
Make Self-Promotion Easy and Fun.

For today...

Practice the Simple Selling Conversation.

Call up a colleague or a friend and ask them to practice with you. It's
really the only way that you'll get better at the sales conversation.
You've got to create habits of making offers and using the Simple
Selling Process is simply the best way that I know how. So call a
buddy now... go ahead and press the buttons and practice.

Key #7:
Self Promotion Is Easy And Fun

I'm sure you've heard the expression, "It's not what you know, but
who you know?" Well, that's not true. It's "Who knows what you
know" that's important.

As I mentioned in Key Number 6, having a sales conversation is very

easy. However, your services may have high barriers for entry. So,
even if you have a perfect sales conversation, your ideal client may
still not be sure that they should invest in your services. In order to
promote yourself, your services, and products, your ideal clients
need to know what you know on a deep and meaningful level. They
need to know that you have loads and loads of invest-able
opportunities that are based on their urgent needs and their
compelling desires.

The best way to do this is to have a few compelling offers that have
no barriers for entry.

For example: I've been offering a free tele-seminar every Monday at

12pm Eastern for a while now that helps people think bigger about
who they are and what they offer the world (it'll also help you book
yourself solid).

It's a Membership Club called The ThinkBIG Revolution.

But here's the thing…

Membership is FREE. And I invite everybody that I meet to join. I'd

like to invite you. I bet you'll love it. And if you don't, you won't
come back. It's simple. You get an opportunity to

participate in something that may add value to your life and test me
out at the same time.

And for me, well, it's fantastic, I don't have to "sell" anything. I can
offer really great value to the lives of potential clients and customers
at no risk to them. And then they have the opportunity to ask me for
more business help if they are so inclined. There are tons of ways
that you can set up this type of "always have something to invite
people to" self-promotion strategy. You may just need to be a little

Oh, if you want to join the ThinkBIG Revolution just send a blank
email to:

[email protected]

See how easy it is?

What kind of compelling "always have something to invite people to"

marketing strategy can you create? That's the first Book Yourself
Solid self-promotion strategy I want you to consider.

In my 3 CD program I detail over 80 more super easy and fun self-

promotion strategies. To get the full story go to

I really hope you enjoyed this basic introduction to the Book Yourself
Solid program.

The Book Yourself Solid products and programs are the most
comprehensive, content-rich and exciting programs on getting
more clients than you can handle. But don't take it from me...

If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to

call on me. I wish you all the best of everything.

Think Big,

Michael Port
The Guy To Call When You’re Tired Of Thinking Small

Phone: 215-348-2453
[email protected]

















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