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Unit I and Ii MCQ

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1) Out of the following trends in production/operations management, which one is

sometimes called as agile manufacturing?
a) Re-engineering
b) Supply-Chain Management
c) Lean Production
d) Flexibility

2) Which one is NOT an index of Productivity?

a) Man-hour output
b) Productivity ratio
c) TQM
d) Use of Financial Ratios

3) MRP stands for:

a. Material requirement planning
b. Material reordering planning
c. Material requisition procedure
d. Material recording procedure

4) Variety reduction is generally known as:

a. Less varieties
b. Simplification
c. Reduced varieties
d. None of the above

5) Conversion of inputs into outputs is known as:

a. Application of technology
b. operations management
c. Manufacturing products
d. Product

6) Number of product varieties that can be manufactured in Mass production is:

a. One only
b. Two only
c. Few varieties in large volumes
d. Large varieties in small volumes

7) Routing and Scheduling becomes relatively complicated in

a. Job production
b. Batch production
c. Flow production
d. Mass production

8) The first stage in production planning is:

a. Process planning
b. Factory planning
c. Operation planning
d. Layout planning
9) Example of production by disintegration is:
a) Automobile
b) Locomotive
c) Crude oil
d) Mineral water.

10) Fixing Flow lines in production is known as :

a. Scheduling
b. Loading
c. Planning
d. Routing

11) The material handling cost per unit of product in continuous production is:
a. Highest compared to other systems
b. Lower than other systems
c. Negligible
d. Cannot say.

12) (Total station time/Cycle time x Number of work stations) x 100 is known as:
a. Line Efficiency
b. Line smoothness
c. Balance delay of line
d. Station efficiency

13) Tempering is a process of:

a. Joining
b. Heat Treatment
c. Surface Treatment
d. Forming

14) For production planning:

a. Short term forecasting is useful
b. Medium term forecasting is useful
c. Long term forecasting is useful
d. Forecasting is not useful.

15) Preventive maintenance is useful in reducing

a. Inspection Cost
b. Cost of premature replacement
c. Shutdown Cost
d. Set-up Cost of machine

16) Which one of the following standards is associated with the "Quality Assurance in
Production and Installation"?
a. ISO 9001
b. ISO 9002
c. ISO 9003
d. ISO 9004

17) Number of product varieties that can be manufactured in Job production is:
a. Limited to one or two
b. Large varieties of products
c. One only
d. None of the above.
18) In general number of product varieties that can be manufactured in Flow production
a. One only
b. Ten to twenty varieties
c. Large varieties
d. Five only.

19) Generally the size of the order for production in Job production is:
a. Small
b. Large
c. Medium
d. Very large.

20) Generally in continuous production the production is carried out to:

a. Customer’s order,
b. Government orders only
c. For stock and supply
d. Few rich customers.

21) Preferred numbers are used to:

a. To determine the number of varieties that are to be manufactured
b. To the test the design of the product
c. To ascertain the quality level of the product
d. To evaluate the production cost.

22) The act of assessing the future and make provisions for it is known as
a. Planning
b. Forecasting
c. Assessment
d. Scheduling.

23) The time horizon selected for forecasting depends on:

a. The salability of the product
b. The selling capacity of Salesman
c. Purpose for which forecast is made
d. Time required for production cycle

24) In general, medium range forecasting period will be approximately:

a. 5 to 10 Years
b. 2 to 3 days
c. 3 to 6 months
d. 10 to 20 years

25) The range of Long range forecasting period may be approximately:

a. 1 to 2 weeks
b. 2 to 3 months
c. 1 year
d. above 5 years

26) To plan for future man power requirement:

a. Short term forecasting is used
b. Long range forecasting is used
c. Medium range forecasting is used
d. There is no need to use forecasting, as future is uncertain.
27) Long range forecasting is useful in:
a. Plan for Research and Development
b. To Schedule jobs in Job production
c. In purchasing the material to meet the present production demand
d. To assess manpower required in the coming month.

28) Medium range forecasting is useful in:

a. To assess the loading capacity of the machine
b. To purchase a materials for next month
c. To plan for-capacity adjustments
d. To decide whether to receive production orders or not.

29) Important factor in forecasting production is:

a. Environmental changes
b. Available capacity of machines
c. Disposable income of the consumer
d. Changes in the preference of the consumer.

30) Application of technology or process to the raw material to add use value is known as:
a. Product
b. Production
c. Application of technology
d. Combination of technology and process.

31) In Production by disintegration the material undergoes:

a. Change in economic value only
b. Change in physical and chemical characteristics
c. Change in technology only
d. None of the above.

32) Use of any process or procedure designed to transform a set of input elements into a
set of output elements is known as:
a. Transformation process
b. Transformation of input to output
c. Production
d. Technology change

33) The desired objective of Production and Operations Management is:

a. Use cheap machinery to produce
b. To train unskilled workers to manufacture goods perfectly
c. Optimal utilisation of available resources
d. To earn good profits.

34) Manufacturing system often produces:

a. Standardised products
b. Standardised products in large volumes
c. Substandard products in large volumes
d. Products and services in limited volume.

35) The difference between product system and project system is:
a. Project system the equipment and machinery are fixed where as in product
system they are movable
b. In Product system the machinery and equipment are fixed and in project
system they are not fixed
c. Project system produces only standardized products and product system
produces only unstandardised products
d. Products cannot be stocked whereas projects can be stocked.
36) Most important benefit to the consumer from efficient production system is:
a. He can save money
b. He will have product of his choice easily available
c. He gets increased use value in the product
d. He can get the product on credit.
37) Arrangement of machines depending on sequence of operations happens in:
a. Process Layout
b. Product Layout
c. Hybrid Layout
d. Group Technology Layout.

38) Cost reduction can be achieved through:

a) Work sampling
b) Value analysis
c) Quality assurance
d) Supply chain management.

39) Addition of value to raw materials through application of technology is:

a) Product
b) Production
c) Advancement
d) Transformation.

40)The recent trend in the Production/Operations management which suggests the use of
minimal amount of resources to produce a high volume of high quality goods with
some variety is referred to as:
a) SCM
b) TQM
c) Lean Production
d) Just-In-Time

41)To determine where the plant should be located for maximum operating economy and
effectiveness, refers to which one of the following?
a. Plant layout
b. Facility location
c. Capacity planning
d. Capacity requirement

42)Which of the following models deals with the physical movement of goods from
different supply origins to a number of different demand destinations?
a. Simulation
b. Transportation
c. Lean operations
d. Line balancing

43) One of the objectives of maintenance is:

a. to prevent obsolescence.
b. to ensure spare parts management.
c. to satisfy customers.
d. to extend the useful life of Plant & Machinery without sacrificing the
level of performance

44)Which one of the following recent trends in Production/Operations management

involves drastic measures or break through improvements to improve the
performance of a firm?
a. Corporate Downsizing
b. Re-Engineering
c. Technology
d. TQM

45)Which of the following process types is used when a very highly standardized
product is desired in high volumes?
a. Repetitive Process
b. Batch Process
c. Project Process
d. Continuous Process

46)Which of the following aims at finding the best and most efficient way of using the
available resources—men, materials, money and machinery?
a) Method Study
b) Work Study
c) Time Study
d) Motion Study

47) Which one of the following is NOT the advantage of Preventive Maintenance?
a) Better product quality
b) Greater safety to workers
c) Increased breakdowns and downtime
d) Fewer large-scale repairs

48) Which of the following is NOT the Plant Layout Principle?

a) Principle of sequence
b) Principle of usage
c) Principle of maximum travel
d) Principle of minimum investment

49) Identify which one of the following is NOT the objective of the maintenance:
a. To keep all production facilities and allied facilities in an optimum working
b. To ensure specified accuracy to products and time schedule of delivery to
c. To keep the down time of the machine at the maximum.
d. To keep the production cycle within the stipulated range.

50) Out of the following factors that are affecting Capacity Planning, which one is Less
Controllable one?
i. Machine break-downs
ii. Amount of labour employed
iii. Facilities installed
iv. Shifts of work per day

51 Micro Motion study is

a) Analysis of a man-work method by using a motion picture camera with a timing
device in the field of view   
b) Motion study observed on enhanced time intervals
c) Motion study of a sequence of operations conducted systematically
d) Study of man and machine conducted simultaneously

52 Motion Study involves analysis of

a) Actions of operator
b) Layout of work place
c) Tooling and equipment
d) All of the above

53 Work study is concerned with

(a)     improving present method and finding standard time
(b) motivation of workers
(c) improving production capability
(d) improving  production planning  and control

54 Basic tool in work study is

(a) graph paper
(b) process chart
(c) planning chart
(d) stop watch

55 What does symbol 'O' imply in work study

(a)     operation        
(b)     inspection
(c) transport
(d) delay temporary storage
55. What does symbol 'D' imply in work study
(a)     inspection
(b)     transport
(c) delay temporary storage
(d) permanent storage

56 String diagram is used when

(a) team of workers is working at a place
(b) material handling is to be done
(c) idle time is to be reduced
(d) all of the above

57 Work study is most useful

(a) where production  activities  are  involved
(b) in judging the rating of machines
(c) in improving industrial relations
(d) in judging the output of a man and improving it

58. Micromotion study is
(a) enlarged view of motion study
(b) analysis of one stage of motion study
(c) minute and detailed motion study
(d) subdivision of an operation into therbligs and their analysis

59 In micromotion study, therblig is described by

(a)     a symbol        
(b)     an event
(c)     an activity       
(d)     standard symbol and colour.

60. Standard time is defined as

a) Normal time of operation
b) Sum of normal time and idle time
c) Sum of normal time and allowances
d) Sum of normal time, idle time and allowances

61 Micromotion study involves following number of fundamental hand motions

(a)     8
(b)     12
(c)     16
(d)     20
62. The standard time for a job is
(a) total work content
(b) basie time + relaxation time
(c) total work content + basic time
(d) total work content + delay contigency allowance

63  Per cent idle time for men or machines is found by

(a) work sampling
(b) time study
(c) method study
(d) work study

64 TMU in method time measurement stands for

(a)     time motion unit
(b)     time measurement unit
(c) time movement unit
(d) technique measurement unit

65 Time study is
(a) the appraisal, in terms of time, of the value of work involving human effort
(b) machine setting time
(c) time taken by workers to do a job
(d) method of fixing time for workers

66 Standard time as compared to normal time is

(a)     greater
(b)     smaller
(c) equal
(d) there is no such correlation

67 One  time  measurement unit(TMU) in method time measurement system equals

(a)     0.0001 minute 
(b)     0.0006 minute
(c)     0.006 minute  
(d)     0.001 minute 
(e)     0.06 minute.

68 Work study comprises

a) Method study and time study
b) Method study and job evaluation
c) Method study and work measurement
d) Value analysis and work measurement

69 In Continuous manufacturing system, we need:

(A) General purpose machines and Skilled labours
(B) Special machine tools and highly skilled labours
(C) Semi automatic machines and unskilled labours
(D)General purpose machines and unskilled labours.

70 Most suitable layout for Job production is:

a) Line layout
b) Matrix layout
c) Process layout
d) Product layout.

71 Most suitable layout for Continuous production is:

a) Line layout
b) Process Layout
c) Group technology
d) Matrix layout.

72 One of the product examples for Line layout is:

a) Repair workshop
b) Welding shop
c) Engineering College
d) Cement.

73 The act of going round the production shop to note down the progress of work and
feedback the information is known as:
a) Follow up
b) Dispatching
c) Routing
d) Trip card

74 The best way of improving the productivity of capital is:

a. Purchase automatic machines
b. Effective Labour control
c. To use good financial management
d. Productivity of capital is to be increased through effective materials

75 With reference to the characteristics of a good product design, which one of the
following is referred to “the ease of manufacture with minimum cost”?
a. Reliability
b. Productibility
c. Specification
d. Simplification

76 Conversion of inputs into outputs is known as:

e. Application of technology
f. Operations management
g. Manufacturing products
h. Product

77 In Production by service, the product undergoes the changes in:

i. Shape and size of the surface
j. Shape of the surface only
k. Size of the surface only
l. Chemical and Mechanical properties.

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