Cultura Escandinava
Cultura Escandinava
Cultura Escandinava
Scandinavian Culture
Due to the Vikings way of living their diet consisted of fish and meat from their
preys. Later as they evolved into the modern age, they started preparing most of
their emblematic meals that you can still find when you visit the Nordic countries.
Most of their desserts are prepared with berries, because due to their climate these
fruits grow with an intense taste. They also have a great variety of cheese and
wine. Most of which they use for religious festivities.
Scandinavian religion during the middle ages was
Nordic paganism, which is a polytheistic religion
that has been discovered by archeologists
throughout history. This religion is very well
known globally through different forms of
entertainment that illustrate some of their most important religious figures, such as
Odin, Thor, and Freyr. Unlike other religions, Nordic paganism had not temples,
instead they used to worship on sacred woods, homes, and sometimes on hörgr,
which consist on a famous altar made by large stones.
Each of the Nordic nations has their own traditions and holidays, for example
Denmark which was also the first country
to enter the European union, has a
tradition in which when a family member
has a birthday they put a Denmark flag
outside their house and dress
themselves with patriotic colors. Also, in
Norway the 17th of march which is considered the nations official day, they have a
big celebration and parades.
Norway also has a
really different way
of treating
prisoners and
executing their
laws. In Norway it
is believed that one of the worst punishments you
could give a person is forbidding someone from
their own liberty. That is why in Norway, prisoners are still receiving education,
food, and all their right as citizens. Some of Norway’s prisons count with yoga
classes and a friendly relationship between the convicts and the guards. Anyway,
Norway has a low rate of insecurity and some of their prisons are empty. This
system has worked very efficiently for reestablishing criminals into society.
Because Norway police thinks that if they treat them as animals on jail, they will be
putting animals on the streets.
Nordic nations have a really diferent way of living from other countries in the world,
and their history has influenced millions of writers and creatives alll around the
world. It is an interesting region filled with great people.