1 CE 414 Hydrology Introduction

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CE - 414


Prof. Dr. Taj Ali Khan, UET Peshawar
Course Outline
• Introduction
• Meteorology
• Precipitation
• Evaporation &
• Stream Flow
• Runoff & Hydrograph
• Stream Flow Routing
• Ground Water
• Water Management
Chow, V.T., Maidment, D.R., and Mays, L.W. (1988).
Applied Hydrology. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-100174-3.
Linsley, R.K., Kohler, M.A. and Paulhus, J.L.H. (1972).
Hydrology for Engineers. McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition. ISBN
Ponce, V. M. (1989). Engineering Hydrology; Principals and
Practices. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
USA. ISBN 0-13-315466-1
Awan, N.M. (1981). Surface Water Hydrology, Vol I & II,
National Book Foundation, Islamabad.
Todd, D. K. (1980). Groundwater Hydrology, 2nd edition.
John Wiley and Sons, NY.
Grading Criteria
1. Final Term Exam 50 %
2. Mid Term Exam 25 %
3. Assignments 10 %
4. Quizzes 10 %
5. Attendance 05 %

• Assignments must be submitted on A4 sheets (plain/lined)

written/typed on both sides with cover page including name of
(Subject, Student, Teacher, Deptt, University), Registration #,
Class #, Section #, Assignment #, Date of Submission and
number of pages.
• Plastic covers should be avoided.
• Hand written work and pencil drawn diagrams will be preferred.
1. Introduction
• Hydrology
• Hydrologic Cycle
• Hydrologic Equation
• Practical uses of Hydrology
• Importance of Hydrology

The study of water, including rain, snow and water
on the earth’s surface, covering its properties,
distribution, utilisation, etc.
(Chambers Science and Technology Dictionary)

The study of water in all its forms, and from its

origins to all its destinations on the earth.
(Bras, 1990)

The science dealing with the waters of the earth,

their occurrence, distribution and circulation, their
chemical and physical properties, and their
interaction with the environment.
(Ward & Robinson, 1999)
Main Branches

Surface Water Ground Water

Hydrology Hydrology
Scope of Hydrology
• Water is one of the most valuable natural resources
essential for:
• Human and Animal Life,
• Industry and Agriculture.
• Power Generation,
• Navigation and
• Fisheries.

• Tremendous importance is given to the hydrology all

over the world in the development and management of:
• Water Resources for Irrigation,
• Water Supply,
• Flood Control,
• Water-logging and Salinity Control,
• Hydro Power and Navigation. 8
Engineering Hydrology

• It uses hydrologic principles in the solution of

engineering problems arising from human exploitation of
water resources of the earth.

• The engineering hydrologist, or water resources engineer,

is involved in the planning, analysis, design, construction
and operation of projects for the control, utilization and
management of water resources.

• Hydrologic calculations are estimates because mostly the

empirical and approximate nature of methods are used to
describe various hydrological processes.

Problems Related to Hydrology
Quantity of water available from a catchment ?

Quality of water in a catchment eg. sediment & phosphate content ?

Peak discharge expected in a stream during a storm ?

The design of hydraulic structures eg. dams/ reservoirs, bridges
Damage caused by Peak Floods

Uses of Engineering Hydrology
Engineering Hydrology seeks to answer questions of the following types:

• What is the maximum probable flood at a proposed dam site?

• How does a catchment’s water yield vary from season to season and from
year to year?

• What is the relationship between a catchment’s surface water and

groundwater resources?

• What flood flows can be expected over a spillway, at a highway culvert,

or in an urban storm drainage system?

• What reservoir capacity is required to assure adequate water for irrigation

or municipal water supply in droughts condition?

• What hydrologic hardware (e.g. rain gauges, stream gauges etc) 14and
software (computer models) are needed for real-time flood forecasting?
Importance of Hydrology
• Most of the environmental aspects are directly or indirectly related
to water. Like Floods, Droughts, Construction of dams or barrage,
Surface and Ground water pollution etc.

• All forms of life are water dependent.

• Due to man-made activities water demands are increasing and the

environment is changing day by day.

• Planning and development of sustainable water resources has

become a challenging job for hydrologists.

• Therefore it is very important to understand the hydrologic process

in order to develop water resources with least harm to the
Major Aspects of Hydrology
The main jobs of a hydrologist are collection and analysis of
data, and making prediction out of this data.
1. Collection of Data: The hydrologic data comprises:
Rainfall data, snowfall and snowmelt data, runoff data,
topographic maps, groundwater data.
2. Analysis of Data
Analysis of hydrologic data includes checking it for
consistency and homogeneity as well as finding its various
statistical parameters.
3. Prediction
Means to find design values and maximum possible events
(rainfall, floods, droughts). Various approaches used are:
Statistical, Physical, Deterministic 16
Hydrologic Data
Groundwater Rainfall Data

Topographic Snowfall and

Maps, Satellite Snowmelt
Imageries, and Data
Runoff Data
Runoff and
Stream Flows)
• The hydrologic cycle describes the continues re-circulating
transport of the waters of the earth, linking atmosphere, land and

• To explain it briefly, water evaporates from the ocean surface,

driven by energy from the Sun, and joins the atmosphere,
moving inland as clouds. Once inland, atmospheric conditions
act to condense and precipitate water onto the land surface,
where, driven by gravitational forces, it returns to the ocean
through river and streams.

• The process is quite complex, containing many sub-cycles.

• Engineering Hydrology takes a quantitative view of the

hydrologic cycle.
Hydrological Processes
• Precipitation
• Interception
• Evaporation
• Transpiration
• Infiltration
• Overland flow
• Surface Runoff
• Groundwater outflow

Hydrologic Equation
• The quantification of the hydrologic cycle which is an open
system, can be represented by a mass balance equation,
where inputs minus outputs are equal to the change in storage.
I - O = DS
• Assuming inflow changes linearly from ‘I1’ to ‘I2’ in time ‘Δt’,
the outflow changes linearly from ‘O1’ to ‘O2’ and storage
changes from ‘S1’ to ‘S2’ in this time, the equation can be
written as:
(I1 + I2) / 2 – (O1 + O2) / 2 = (S2 - S1) / Δt

• The water holding elements of the hydrological cycle are:

1. Atmosphere 2. Vegetation
3. Snow packs 4. Land surface
5. Soil 6. Streams, lakes and rivers
7. Aquifers 8 Oceans
Mois ture ove r land39

Pre cipitation
Pre cipitation on ocean
on land 385
from land

Infiltration Evaporation
Sur face from oce an
Surface outflow 38
Groundwate r flow
Groundwate r

Global Water Balance of

The hydrological cycle
Global Water Balance
In the atmosphere:
Precipitation (P) = Evapotranspiration (ET)
100+385 = 61+424

On land:
P = Evapotranspiration (ET) + Surface runoff (R) +
Groundwater outflow
100 = 61 + 38 + 1

Over oceans and seas:

Ocean precipitation + Surface runoff + Groundwater
outflow = Evaporation (E)
385 + 38 + 1 = 424

Table 1. Estimated Distribution of World's Water.

Component Volume 1000 km3 % of Total Water

Atmospheric water 13 0.001

Surface Water
Salt Water in Oceans 1320000 97.2
Salt water in lakes & inland seas 104 0.008
Fresh water in lakes 125 0.009
Fresh water in stream channels 1.25 0.0001
Fresh water in glaciers and icecaps 29000 2.15
Water in the biomass 50 0.004

Subsurface water
Vadose water 67 0.005
G/W within depth of 0.8 km 4200 0.31
G/W between 0.8 and 4 km depth 4200 0.31

Total (rounded) 1360000 100

Distribution of Earth’s Water
Catchment: Watershed and Basin
A catchment is a portion of the earth’s surface that collects
all precipitation and runoff, and concentrates it at its furthest
downstream point, referred to as the catchment outlet.

The runoff concentrated by a catchment flows either into a

larger catchment or into the ocean.

The place where a stream enters a larger stream or body of

water is referred to as the mouth.

The terms watershed and basin are commonly used to refer

to catchments. Generally, watershed is used to describe a
small catchment (stream watershed), whereas basin is
reserved for large catchments (river basins).
Regional Water Balance (Water Budget)
Precipitation (P) Evapotranspiration (ET)

runoff (R)

Infiltration (F)

A mass balance over time from t = 0 to T, i.e.

Inputs - Outputs = Change in Storage
P - (R+ET+F) = ΔS

All terms in the hydrologic equation should be in the same units.

Problem #1

In a given year, a catchment with an area of 2500 km2 received

1.3 m of precipitation. The average rate of flow measured in a
river draining the catchment was 30 m3s-1.

(i). How much total river runoff occurred in the year (in m3)?

(ii). What is the runoff coefficient?

(iii).How much water is lost due to the combined effects of

evaporation, transpiration, and infiltration. (Express in m).

Problem #1


(i). Total runoff volume

= number of seconds in a year  average flow rate
= 31 536 000  30
= 9.4608108 m3

(ii). Runoff coefficient

= runoff volume/ precipitation volume
= (9.4608108) / (1.3  2500  106)
= 0.29 (29 %)

Problem #1
(iii). The water balance equation can be arranged to produce:

ET+F= P - R - ΔS
P = (1.3  2500106)
= 3.25109 m3

R = 9.4608108 m3 (from [i])

ΔS = 0 (i.e. no change in storage)

ET + F = 3.25109 - 9.4608108
= 2.30392109 m3

= (2.30392109) / (2500106)
= 0.92 m 32
Problem #2
Water at a constant rate of 370 cumec was observed to be entering
into Tarbela Reservoir in a certain season. If outflow from the
reservoir including infiltration and evaporation losses is 280 cumec,
find out the change in storage of reservoir for 10 days. Also convert
your answer into Hectare-meter.
I = 370 cumec O = 280 cumec
∆t = 10 days = 10 x 24 x 3600 = 864,000 sec
∆S = ?
According to Water Balance Equation
∆S/∆t = I – O = 370 – 280 = 90 cumec
Total change in storage = ∆S = 90 x 864,000 = 7776000 m3
= 7776000/10000 = 777.6 hectare-m 33
Problem #3
In a given year, a catchment with an area of 1750 km2 received 1250
mm of precipitation. The average rate of flow measured in a river
draining the catchment was 25 m3s-1.
(i) Calculate how much total river runoff occurred in the year (in m3).
(ii) Calculate the runoff coefficient. What is the percentage runoff ?

Total annual precipitation = (1.25) x (1750 x 106)

= 2187.5 x 106 m3

Flow rate during the year = 2187.5 x 106 / (365 x 24 x 60 x 60)

= 69.36 m3/s

Runoff Coefficient = Actual flow in river / Total precipitation

= 25 / 69.36 = 0.36
Percentage of flow = 0.36 x 100 = 36% 34

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