Chills & Thrils With Relevant Social Messages - Huddle Empower Rise
Chills & Thrils With Relevant Social Messages - Huddle Empower Rise
Chills & Thrils With Relevant Social Messages - Huddle Empower Rise
Story - Sakshi and Hemant are happily married and eight months
pregnant. Hemant is confronted with terrible repercussions when he is
unable to pay money to lenders for the business he intended to start.
This forces the pair into hiding at a remote location where they will be
secure and have time to arrange for the money. However, the house
they check into is his driver's house, which is spooky and has a
reputation for gore and spirits.
Many people still believe that with a male or a son, the family would be
cared for, the family name would be passed down, specific rites would
be performed, and the family lineage would be protected. It was difficult
for me to comprehend how this could happen, and how girls are
continually regarded as less than men by both males and females even
The drop in the child sex ratio isn't just a matter of numbers. The very
standing of women, as well as the progress gained in this area
throughout time, are on the line. With fewer women in society, violence
against women in all kinds is likely to increase. Women would be more
likely to isolate themselves behind the four walls of their homes in this
insecure environment. This isn't the only sign that the social fabric is
under threat of significant upheaval. If this trend continues, the delicate
balance of nature may be irreversibly disrupted. Female infanticide can
take the form of a planned murder of a young girl newborn or kid, or it
might take the form of neglect. As a result of new sex-detecting prenatal
technology, selective abortion appears to be on the rise.
The female community is moving out of their houses and running their
lives on their terms and with good reason. Everyone deserves to be
treated like a normal human being should be treated, with basic rights
that also include a right to life.