LTI A Review
LTI A Review
LTI A Review
CONTACT Sachim Kumar Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,
Guwahati, Assam 781039, India; Sunil K. Joshi Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Department of
Pediatrics, Division of Hematology, Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplantation, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, USA
ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
which include the severe acute or epizootic form the economic loss but also to enhance the poultry
characterized by significant respiratory distress, welfare and health.
sneezing, expectoration of blood-mixed mucus, The present review focuses on the comprehensive
severe haemorrhagic tracheitis and conjunctivitis overview of the ILT with respect to its etiology, epi-
accompanied by high mortality reaching up to 70% demiology, transmission, pathobiology, advances in
(ranging from 5 to 70%) and a milder form charac- diagnosis and vaccines, and appropriate prevention
terized by mild to moderate catarrhal tracheitis, and control strategies.
sinusitis, conjunctivitis, relatively low morbidity and
occasional mortality which usually range between
0.1 and 2% (Ou and Giambrone 2012). Chicken 2. Etiology
embryo origin (CEO) and tissue culture origin (TCO) 2.1. The virus
vaccines developed during 1960s have been exten-
ILT is caused by the infectious laryngotracheitis virus,
sively used for controlling ILT outbreaks worldwide.
also known as Gallid herpesvirus 1 (GaHV-1), which
In the meantime, both the vaccines had the ten-
belongs to the genus Iltovirus, subfamily
dency to revert to virulence following bird to bird
Alphaherpesvirinae of the family Herpesviridae
passages. It is believed that most of the outbreaks
are caused by CEO vaccine isolates that persist in (Davison et al. 2009). The genome of ILTV contains a
long-lived bird operations and spill-over into poultry 150-155 kb linear double-stranded DNA encoding a
populations (Blacker et al. 2011). The recombinant/ unique long (UL), unique short (US) and two inverted
mutant vaccines, which are considered to be safer repeat (IR) sequences (Figure 1) (McGeoch et al.
alternatives, have limited practical applicability 2000; Morales Ruiz et al. 2018). A fully assembled
because they fail to stop complete viral shedding complete genome sequence of ILTV comprises
and existence of antibodies against vectors can neu- 148 kb nucleotides, with a G þ C content of 48.2%
tralise the vaccines. Increased incidence of the dis- (Lee et al. 2011). The virions of ILTV under electron
ease is due to more concrete factors such as microscopy appear as typical herpes virions consist-
increase in poultry production density, decrease in ing of a DNA core within an icosahedral capsid
downtime of production sites, poor biosecurity, and which is surrounded by a tegument layer, and outer
poor vaccination methods. Vaccine virus reactivation envelope glycoproteins (Roizman and Pellett 2001).
and shedding has been reported from several parts The size of the viral capsid is about 100 nm in diam-
in commercial layers (Thilakarathne et al. 2020). eter, and the complete viral particle size is within
Hence, serious attention must be given to control the range of 200 to 350 nm (Granzow et al. 2001).
the ILT in poultry-dense areas not only to prevent The ILTV genome consists of 80 open reading frames
(ORFs); out of which 65 are located in the UL region, Virus replication and recombination are near
9 in the US region and 6 in the IR region (McGeoch inseparable and hence diverse progeny of recombin-
et al. 2000; Thureen and Keeler 2006; Lee et al. ant ILT viruses emerge out upon co-infection in nat-
2011). Among 80 ORFs, sixty-three ORFs display ural animal host. Based on TaqMan SNP genotyping
homologies to Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (HSV-1) gen- assay, 11 SNPs within genes UL (-1), US5, US6, US7,
ome with respect to position and structure of the US8, US9 and two SNPs in UL43 and UL47 genes
deduced translation products. The envelope contains were identified confirming high rate of recombin-
glycoproteins namely gB, gC, gD, gE, gG, gH, gI, gJ, ation (Loncoman et al. 2017). ILTV, irrespective of
gK, gL and gM, which are encoded by highly con- either attenuated strain or wild type, upon infecting
served ORFs viz. UL27, UL44, US6, US8, US4, UL22, the target host, replicate, gain or regain virulence to
US7, US5, UL53, UL1 and UL10, respectively (Piccirillo cause disease, and establishes latent infection.
et al. 2016). The viral glycoproteins are important for Genome level comparison of field strains of ILTV
ILTV replication and eliciting humoral and cell-medi- from different countries with commercially used vac-
ated immune responses in the host (Roizman and cine strains showed that there were only few amino
Pellett 2001). There are two clusters of Iltovirus spe- acids in the field strain similar to vaccine strains. This
cific genes, one is located between UL45 and UL22 denotes that field strains might have originated from
which encodes five ORFs (ORF A-E). The second clus- vaccine strain (Garcia and Spatz 2014).
ter of Iltovirus specific genes is located between UL-1
and ICP4 and code for UL-0 and UL-1 (Fuchs and
2.2. Viral replication
Mettenleiter 1996). The other differing features in
ILTV genome are absence of an UL16 or its homo- The replication of ILTV occurs during the first week
logue (Roizman and Knipe 2001), localization of of infection (Bagust 1986; Williams et al. 1992).
UL47 between the US3 and US4 genes within the US Conjunctiva and tracheal mucosa are the major sites
region instead of being located within the UL region of ILTV replication leading to inflammation, serous or
and internal inversion of a conserved gene cluster mucoid discharge, and respiratory distress (Coppo
within the UL region (McGeoch et al. 1988; Wild et al. 2013; Coppo et al. 2013). As ILTV first interacts
et al. 1996). Two regions designated as UL0 and UL with the cells lining the nasal cavity, conjunctival
(-1), specific to ILTV genome, show noticeable simi- mucosa and harderian glands, these tissues play a
larities in the deduced amino acid sequences, sug- pivotal role in early virus replication and dictate the
gesting a duplication event during virus evolution fate of infection (Beltran et al. 2017). Within respira-
(Thureen and Keeler 2006). Deletion of UL (-1) gene tory system, the epithelial cells that lines larynx and
of ILTV and replacing with the gene encoding green trachea are always affected, while respiratory sinuses,
fluorescent protein (GFP) and major immediate pro- air sacs and lung tissues may or may not be affected
moter element of cytomegalovirus resulted in defect- (Hanson and Bagust 1991). ILTV can invade the base-
ive ILTV which was unable to propagate in ment membrane of tracheal and conjunctival
permissive cells. Thus, the UL (-1) gene has an mucosa in a time dependant manner which pro-
important role in ILTV replication (Nadimpalli et al. motes virus spread (Reddy et al. 2014). The virus has
2017). Like other alphaherpesviruses, the ILTV gen- the ability to establish latency in the trigeminal gan-
ome contains three origins of DNA replication, an glion during the lytic phase of infection. The ILTV
OriL positioned within the UL region, and two copies gets reactivated once carrier birds are subjected to
of OriS located within the internal repeat (IR) and stressors such as vaccination, shifting, and during
terminal repeat (TR) regions (Lee et al. 2011). The onset of lay. In addition, the ILTV has been detected
ORFs vary in their characteristics from other alpha- in other organs, such as the brain, tongue, thymus,
herpesviruses (McGeoch et al. 2006). The tegument lung, heart, proventriculus, pancreas, duodenum,
proteins help in the transportation of capsid into the small intestine, large intestine, cecum, cecal tonsils,
cytoplasm and further to the nucleus (Kelly liver, spleen, kidney, and bursa (Zhao et al. 2013;
et al. 2009). Wang et al. 2013). These findings raised speculations
Recent advances in molecular techniques enabled that the ILTV undergoes systemic replication. Both
rapid identification of genetic variations with preci- the vaccine and virulent strains of ILTV could repli-
sion. Next generation sequencing platforms such as cate in embryonated chicken neural stem cell; how-
hybrid next generation sequencing (h-NGS) has been ever, cytopathic effects (CPE) such as cell rounding,
found to be useful to identify mutations in genes syncytium formation and cell detachment have been
related to high and low virulence. Garcia et al. (2013) reported in cells infected with vaccine strains of
determined the genomic sequences of low and high ILTV, but not in cells infected with field virulent
passage vaccine strains of ILTV, CEO and TCO by strains (Shahsavandi et al. 2017). Increasing numbers
h-NGS. of viral nucleic acid in the host cell during virus
Figure 2. Replication of ILT virus. 1. Attachment 2.Tegument and nucleocapsid get transported into the cytoplasm 3. Viral
DNA released from the nucleocapsid enter into the nucleus through nuclear pores 4. Three classes of genes, namely early (E),
early/late (E/L) and late (L) are expressed during the viral transcription and translation process based on the levels of expres-
sion. 5. Nucleocapsids containing DNA acquire an envelope while budding out from the inner lamellae of the nuclear mem-
brane 6. Virions are transported into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum to acquire second envelope and further
accumulate within the cytoplasmic vacuoles. 7,8. The vacuoles containing the virions are released out by exocytosis or
cell lysis.
replication results in accumulation of more viral the cytoplasm and the viral DNA released from the
DNA, subsequently that is incorporated into newly nucleocapsid enter into the nucleus through nuclear
formed viral particles located inside the host nucleus. pores (Trus et al. 2004; Cardone et al. 2007). The
This leads to development of basophilic intra nuclear highly regulated transcription and replication of ILTV
inclusion bodies, which can be detected as early as DNA occur within the nucleus by utilizing the host
12 hours of post infection (Reynolds et al. 1968). In cell machinery (Prideaux et al. 1992; Guo et al. 1993).
the natural host, the replication rate and transmis- Three classes of genes, namely immediate early (a),
sion efficiency has been found to be greater for CEO early (b), and late (c) are expressed during the viral
than TCO strains, and hence the CEO revertant transcription and translation process (Honess and
causes a more severe respiratory disease and higher Roizman 1974). The non-structural protein products
mortality than those caused by TCO revertant of a genes play a key role in the expression of b
(Garcıa 2016). genes between 4 to 16 hrs post-infection (Prideaux
The replication mechanism of ILTV seems similar et al. 1992). The b gene proteins are critical for viral
to other alphaherpesviruses such as HSV-1 (Figure 2). replication and regulate the production of viral struc-
Envelope glycoproteins mainly gC, rather than gB, tural proteins encoded by late c genes. The tran-
gD, gH, and gL are assumed to mediate the attach- scription of c genes takes place 32 hrs post-infection.
ment with host cell receptors (Kingsley et al. 1994; Nearly 70 virus-coded proteins regulate the viral
Kingsley and Keeler 1999) and helps in the fusion of DNA replication, which includes several enzymes and
the viral envelope to the host cell membrane. The DNA binding proteins. In the nucleus, the ILTV DNA
entry of ILTV is heparin sulphate independent, unlike replication occurs by a rolling circle mechanism with
HSV-1 (Kingsley and Keeler 1999). After attachment, the formation of concatemer, which is cleaved into
the tegument and nucleocapsid get transported into monomeric units and packaged into preformed
nucleocapsids. The formation of viral capsid and glycosaminoglycans, which is necessary for in vivo
packaging of DNA is completed at the end of the chemokine activity (Bryant et al. 2003). The vCKBP of
viral replication process in the nucleus of the host ILTV (gG), during early stages of infection, induces
cell. The nucleocapsids containing DNA acquire an innate immune responses by recruiting particular
envelope while budding out from the inner lamellae subsets of immune cells (Devlin et al. 2010).
of the nuclear membrane. Subsequently, the virions
are transported into the lumen of the endoplasmic
2.4. Physico-chemical properties
reticulum to acquire second envelope and further
accumulate within the cytoplasmic vacuoles (Guo Given the enveloped nature of the virus, the infectiv-
et al. 1993). The virions in the cytoplasm associates ity of ILTV is greatly modulated by organic solvents
with the tegument proteins, and get re-enveloped in such as chloroform, ether and oxidizing agents like
the trans-Golgi region during second phase of bud- H2O2 (Fitzgerald and Hanson 1963; Neighbor et al.
ding. These virions mature in the cytoplasm and are 1994). The sensitivity of ILTV to the temperature dif-
released by either exocytosis or cell lysis (Guo et al. fers greatly between its strains. In respiratory exu-
1993; Mettenleiter 2002). dates and chicken carcasses, the virus can remain
In vitro studies demonstrated that development of infective for 10 days to 3 months at a temperature
progeny virus particle occurs 8 to 12 hrs post-infec- range of 13-23 C. The survivability of the virus can
tion and reaches the highest concentration within 24 be extended for several months when stored at 4 C
to 30 hrs post-infection (Davison et al. 1989). After in enrichment media like nutrient and glycerol broth.
successful replication, the establishment of latency Previous studies revealed the loss of infectivity of
takes place 7-10 days post-infection (Bagust and ILTV by heating at 55 C for 15 minutes or 38 C for
Johnson 1995). The IR flanking sequences get 48 hrs while some strains are resistant to heat
expressed during latent infections known as latency- (Meulemans and Halen 1978). In deep litter, the ILTV
associated-transcripts (LATs) are up regulated and survives for 3-20 days at 11-24.5 C, in the droppings
maintained until the virus gets reactivated to cause of battery cages for 3 days at 11–19.5 C and at least
the next episode of cytolytic infection (Bagust 1986). for 3 weeks in buried carcasses. The studies demon-
Other uncommon features often observed during strate that the viability of the virus in litter reduces
ILTV replication are formation of tubular structures while applying heat at 38 C for 24 hrs or compost-
and large vacuoles containing virions in the infected ing (Giambrone et al. 2008). The virus gets readily
cytoplasm (Fuchs et al. 2007). destroyed (<1 min) by common disinfectants like 3%
cresol, 5% phenol or a 1% sodium hydroxide solu-
tion (Meulemans and Halen 1978), however the pres-
2.3. Antigenicity
ence of organic matter affects the efficiency of
Although ILTV strains seem to be antigenically simi- disinfectants (Ruano et al. 2001).
lar based on various assays like immunofluorescence
test, virus-neutralization and cross-protection studies
(Cover and Benton 1958; Shibley et al. 1962), the dif-
2.5. Host
ference in virulence has been demonstrated in ILTV has got a narrow host range in contrast to
chicken embryos and in cell culture (Pulsford and other members of alphaherpesviruses. The main nat-
Stokes 1953; Jordan 1958; Izuchi and Hasegawa ural host of ILTV is chicken, however, the infections
1982; Russell and Turner 1983). The envelop glyco- are also reported in peacocks, pheasants, turkeys
proteins of ILTV seem to be the potent immuno- and guinea fowl (Crawshaw and Boycott 1982;
genic protein capable of stimulating humoral as well Bautista 2003). Though ducks are refractory to ILT
as cell mediated immune responses in chicken (York infection, they can act as carriers (Yamada et al.
and Fahey 1990). The antigens of ILTV include glyco- 1980). Other domestic and feral birds such as quail,
proteins such as gB, gC, gD, gE, gG, gH, gI, gJ, gK, guinea fowl, pigeons, starlings, sparrows, crows, and
gL and gM, and are reported to play a crucial role in doves appear to be resistant to the disease (Beach
virus entry and replication (Goraya et al. 2017). 1931; Brandly and Bushnell 1934).
Among envelop glycoproteins, glycoprotein G (gG) is
identified to facilitate virus entry (Tran et al. 2000),
2.6. Transmission
cell-to-cell spread (Nakamichi et al. 2002), and func-
tions as a broad-spectrum viral chemokine binding Infected birds shed the virus in their respiratory
protein (vCKBP). The gG binds to chemokines of the secretions for 10 days post-infection. ILTV enters into
subfamily C, CC and CXC, and hence prevent the the host through the respiratory tract, ocular and to
interaction between chemokines and their receptors. a lesser extent through oral routes (Figure 3)
It also blocks binding of chemokine to (Hitchner et al. 1977; Robertson and Egerton 1981;
Bagust 1986; Williams et al. 1992). Direct bird-to-bird infection to the birds and the live virus has been
transmission is rampant in comparison to contact demonstrated in darkling beetles even 42 days after
with latently infected or carrier birds. Mixing of vac- the disease outbreak (Ou and Giambrone 2012).
cinated and naive chickens is important with respect Dogs and cats retrieving dead bird carcasses from
to direct transmission. Neither vertical transmission affected poultry houses also spread the infection
nor transmission of virus through the egg shell has (Kingsbury and Jungherr 1958). Wind-borne transmis-
been demonstrated. No typical viremia during ILTV sion of ILTV has been demonstrated between com-
infection occurs, although spread of the virus to mercial poultry operations (Johnson et al. 2005).
non-respiratory sites has been attributed to infected
leucocytes (Chang et al. 1973; Oldoni et al. 2009).
3. Epidemiology
Carrier birds that have survived from previous out-
breaks also act as a source of infection to the naive The disease was first reported in 1925 in the USA
birds. The infected birds readily transmit the disease (May and Thittsler 1925) and subsequently in
through the oral secretion as compared to clinically Australia, the UK, and Europe (Cover 1996).
recovered birds or latent carriers (Hughes et al. Veterinarians initially referred to the disease as avian
1987). The virus usually gets introduced into a flock diphtheria, however, the name ILT was adopted in
by direct contact with respiratory exudates or indir- the year 1931 by the special committee of poultry
ect/mechanical transmission of contaminated equip- diseases of American Veterinary Medical Association
ment, litter, feed bags, feathers, vehicles, dust, (Guy and Garcia 2008). ILT was the first poultry viral
footwear, clothes, and movement of people (Dobson disease for which vaccine was employed based on
1935; Beaudette 1937; Mallinson et al. 1981; Zellen the cloacal administration (Gibbs 1934). Presently, ILT
et al. 1984). Recent studies demonstrated that ILTV has been reported in most of the countries world-
can persist in the biofilm of drinking water lines and wide and remains an important disease. The out-
spread to susceptible birds (Ou et al. 2011). Darkling breaks are reported in the USA (Dormitorio et al.
beetles and mealworms also act as a source of 2013), Canada (Ojkic et al. 2006), Brazil (Parra et al.
2015), Europe (Neff et al. 2008), Australia (Agnew- reverent viruses get established in the field and
Crumpton et al. 2016), China (Zhuang et al. 2014), cause outbreaks (Guy et al. 1990; Kotiw et al. 1995).
Egypt (Magouz et al. 2018) and South Asia High-density poultry-producing regions often experi-
(Gowthaman et al. 2016). During the period of 2000- ence huge economic loss with an overall mortality
2013, the disease had been reported at least in 100 reaching up to 70% (Bagust et al. 2000). It has been
countries (Menendez et al. 2014). Recently, ILTV was reported that areas previously housed infected flocks
confirmed by molecular techniques in Al-Diwaniyah probably experience more outbreaks than the farms
province, Iraq which was the first report from the with no history of ILT (Zellen et al. 1984).
country (Alaraji et al. 2019). In 2018, three outbreaks The disease has been reported from several Asian
of ILT were reported in Windhoek, Namibia causing (China, Georgia, India, Japan, Lebanon, Myanmar,
huge mortality in commercial layers and broilers Philippines, Sabah, Sarawak, Taiwan, Iraq and
(Molini et al. 2019). The trend toward high flock Uzbekistan), African (Cameroon, Uganda, Namibia,
density, shorter production cycles, raising of multi- Egypt, Nigeria), North American (Canada, Delaware,
age and multipurpose chicken within same geo- Georgia, Mexico, Maryland, New Brunswick, North
graphical area, and improper vaccination and breach Carolina, Ontario, Pennsylvania and Virginia), Central
in the biosecurity have contributed to the increased American and Caribbean (Costa Rica, Trinidad and
ILT outbreaks across the world (Garcia et al. 2013; Tobago), South American (Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Blakey et al. 2019). Peru, Suriname and Uruguay), European (Austria,
ILT remains a serious threat and negatively Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Moldova, Norway,
impacts the poultry industry worldwide since its the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and
report in the mid-1920s. Birds of all ages starting
UK) and Oceania countries (Australia, Cook Islands,
from eight days to four years of age (Kingsbury and
French Polynesia, Guam, Kiribati and New Zealand
Jungherr 1958; Jordan 1966; Linares et al. 1994) are n and Ferreira 2009; OIE 2014;
(Hidalgo 2003; Chaco
susceptible to ILTV infection; however, birds over
Magouz et al. 2018; Alaraji et al. 2019; Molini et al.
three weeks of age are reported to be highly suscep-
2019). Very recently, it was reported that recombin-
tible (Dufour-Zavala 2008). High intense poultry rear-
ant ILT virus and CEO vaccine-like virus are causing
ing, mixing of the different type of birds in the same
outbreaks in Eygpt (Bayoumi et al. 2020).
geographical area and a breach in biosecurity often
Like other herpes viruses, ILTV can establish
lead to outbreaks of ILT in many parts of the world.
latency in the trigeminal ganglion of the central ner-
The morbidity and mortality vary depending on the
vous system after 7 days of acute infection (Hughes
virulence of circulating field strains of ILTV (Devlin
et al. 1991; Williams et al. 1992). The virus gets reac-
et al. 2006; Oldoni et al. 2009), viral load and concur-
tivated under the stress conditions during shifting,
rent infections with other respiratory pathogens
onset of laying and mixing of flocks (Hughes et al.
(Guy and Garcia 2008). Concomitant respiratory dis-
1989). In general, inapparent, sporadic reactivations
eases such as Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma
synoviae, infectious coryza, other immunosuppressive with productive replication in the tracheal epithe-
diseases such as mycotoxicosis, Chicken anaemia lium lead to virus shedding and transmission of
virus, Reticuloendotheliosis virus and Marek’s disease infection to susceptible birds (Bagust and Johnson
virus-induced immunosuppression, possibly exacer- 1995). Earlier studies demonstrated that detection of
bates the impact of ILT in the field (Zavala 2011). long-term tracheal carriers (approximately 2%)
Sporadic cases of ILTV may occur in inadequately among convalescent birds recovered from acute ILT
vaccinated flocks either due to errors in the applica- infection play a major role in the establishment of
tion of its vaccines or due to biosecurity failures. In latency (Hanson and Hanson 1984). Recent experi-
multi-aged layer farms, inadequately vaccinated mental studies revealed sustained detection of ILTV
flocks may get exposed to ILTV during the introduc- genome in the Harderian gland, trachea, lung and
tion of younger vaccinated flocks into the farm kidney up to 28 days post-infection (Roy et al. 2015).
(Hidalgo 2003). The severe epizootic form is charac- Backyard poultry flocks also act as an important
terized by a rapid spread with a high morbidity source of infection for commercial poultry flocks
(90–100%) or variable mortality ranging from 5 to because of viral latency (Ojkic et al. 2006; Kirkpatrick
70% (average of 10-20%) (Hinshaw et al. 1931; et al. 2006; Neff et al. 2008). Research also reveals a
Seddon and Hart 1935). The mild epizootic form is high seroprevalence of ILTV (72%) in non-vaccinated
characterized by low morbidity (<5%) to very low flocks suggesting the role of backyard poultry in its
mortality (0.1-2%) (Raggi et al. 1961). The vaccine epidemiology (Hernandez-Divers et al. 2008).
and field strains of ILTV evolve as virulent in high Latent infected birds are usually identified by tra-
dense poultry rearing areas due to the existence of cheal organ culture and detection of ILTV DNA in
continuous reservoir, subsequently, the same the trigeminal ganglion by PCR (Bagust 1986).
Figure 4. Different clinico-pathological manifestations of ILTV infection: a. Acutely infected bird shows severe gasping. b.
Oculo-nasal discharges in early stages of infection. c. Facial swelling and persistent oophoria in sub-acute to chronic stage of
ILTV infection. d. Dried bloody exudates on the commissure of the mouth. e. Fibrino-haemorrhagic exudates in the lumen of
the trachea. f. Blood clots in the lumen of the trachea in acute form of ILT. g. Pseudomembrane formation in chronic form of
ILT. h. Diffuse hemorrhagic inflammation of trachea lading to accumulation/obstruction of tracheal lumen with fibrino-haemor-
rhagic and necrotic tissue debris.
immunofluorescence (IF), immunoperoxidase (IP) Godoy et al. 2013). Detection of syncytial cells and
assay, and serology (Burnet 1934; Wilks and Kogan intranuclear inclusion bodies in the trachea, eyelid,
1979; Hughes and Jones 1988; Guy et al. 1992; and lung tissues using histopathology is routinely
Figure 5. Gross and Histopathology: (a) Severely congested and hemorrhagic trachea collected from field ILT outbreaks; (b)
Cross section of trachea showing intraluminal accumulation of necrotic debris mixed with fibrino-heterophilic exudates (H&E,
4X); (c) Section of trachea showing denudation of mucosal layer, mucosal hemorrhages amidst marked fibrinous exudation
(H&E, 10X); (d) Sloughed of tracheal mucosa showing a severe hemorrhages and large multinucleated syncytia (circle) (H&E,
20X); Higher magnification of syncytia (arrow) showing presence of intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies (star marks)
(H&E, 100X).
practiced (Humberd et al. 2002; Timurkaan et al. The ILTV is usually isolated and propagated in 9-
2003; Srinivasan et al. 2012). 11 days-old embryonated chicken eggs through
The preferred clinical samples for isolation of ILTV chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) inoculation.
are conjunctiva, larynx, trachea, lung and their exu- Opaque plaques can be observed in ILTV infected
dates. Among the different clinical materials, lungs, CAM as early as 48 h post-inoculation and embryo
tracheal scrapings, and exudates from trachea are death occurs between 2 and 8 days post-infection.
ideal for virus isolation (Tripathy and Garcia 1998). The embryonic survival time increases with
subsequent additional egg passages leading to differentiate it from a diphtheritic form of fowlpox
effective replication of the virus to significant titers (Fukui et al. 2016). However, the sensitivity was
(Garcia and Riblet 2001). lower when compared with other serological techni-
The number of primary avian cell cultures, includ- ques like virus neutralization test (Devlin et al. 2011),
ing chicken embryo liver (CEL), chicken embryo lung, indirect immunofluorescence test and ELISA (Jordan
chicken embryo kidney (CEK), and chicken kidney and Chubb 1962; Godoy et al. 2013). Antigen-cap-
(CK) cell cultures are commonly used for ILTV isola- ture ELISA (AC-ELISA) using ILTV monoclonal anti-
tion (Chang et al. 1977; Meulemans and Halen 1978; bodies is applied for rapid and more accurate
McNulty et al. 1985; Hughes and Jones 1988; detection of ILTV than AGID, IF or virus neutralization
Schnitzlein et al. 1995). The cell culture method is (York and Fahey 1990). As a gold standard, ELISA is
more economical and rapid than egg inoculation. preferred for the detection of antibodies from the
The sensitivity of the isolation and virus yield are field sample. Recently, glycoprotein D (gD) based
influenced by the type of cell cultures. The CEL is ELISA has been developed where two immunogenic
found to be the most sensitive for ILTV isolation fol- regions were identified and synthesized. This syn-
lowed by CK. The CEK, chicken embryo lung, chicken thetic peptide was used in the developed ELISA
embryo fibroblast, Vero, and quail cells were found which showed sensitivity of 96.9% and specificity of
less sensitive to ILTV infection (Hughes and Jones 87.5% (Kumar et al. 2019).
1988; Garcia et al. 2014). In addition, Leghorn male Although the conventional methods are cost-
hepatoma cells were also used to propagate the effective and widely applied in diagnostic laborato-
virus in research laboratories (Schnitzlein et al. 1995). ries, these methods have some limitations like low
The cytopathic effects of ILTV infection are character- sensitivity, labor-intensive and time-consuming.
ized by the swelling of cells, chromatin displace- Several molecular-based techniques such as PCR,
ment, rounding of the nucleoli and syncytia real-time PCR, nested PCR, restriction fragment
formation. Intranuclear inclusions are detected as length polymorphism (RFLP), in situ hybridization
early as 12 hrs post-infection, however, the formation have been applied to detect the ILTV because of its
of multinucleated giant cells may be observed 24 hrs high sensitivity, accuracy, rapidity, reproducibility,
post-infection in avian leukocyte cultures (Hinshaw and simplicity (Nielsen et al. 1998; Vo €gtlin et al.
et al. 1931; Chang et al. 1977). The plaque size and 1999; Humberd et al. 2002; Creelan et al. 2006;
morphology are influenced by the strains of ILTV Callison et al. 2007; Mahmoudian et al. 2011; Zhao
(Srinivasan and Malick 1977; Hughes and Jones et al. 2013). Both the probe based and dye based
1988). CEK cells infected with ILTV reveal presence of real-time PCR assays and nested real time PCR are
large cytoplasmic vesicles, which become basophilic found to be highly sensitive as these assays can
mass as the cells degenerate (Reynolds et al. 1968). detect as low as 19 to 1 copies of virus in biological
Macrophage culture is equally susceptible to ILTV. samples (Zhao et al. 2013; Davidson et al. 2015;
However, the viral replication is limited (Calnek et al. Santander Parra et al. 2018). Although these molecu-
1986). Other cell lines from heterologous hosts such lar methods have significant diagnostic value, they
as QT35 or IQ1A from quail-origin, and Vero cells do not discriminate between viable and non-viable
permit limited replication but with a very low virus virions (Menendez et al. 2014). Hence, positive
titre even after several passages. Other culture sys- results need to be carefully interpreted and carryover
tems routinely used are tracheal organ culture (TOC) contamination should be ruled out.
and conjunctival organ cultures (COC) obtained from Among different molecular techniques, PCR and
chicken embryos or day old chicks. However, these quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) are the widely
TOC and COC are utilized to study the host patho- used and preferred molecular assays for confirmation
gen interaction (Bagust 1986; Jones and Hennion and quantification of viral load in biological samples
2008; Reemers et al. 2009). due to their higher diagnostic sensitivity and accur-
Apart from virus isolation, the IF, IP, and immuno- acy (Guy et al. 1992; Williams et al. 1992; Scholz
histochemistry (IHC) can be used to detect the ILTV et al. 1994; Abbas and Andreasen 1996; Creelan
in tracheal tissues and smears (Ide 1978). The sensi- et al. 2006; Kirkpatrick et al. 2006; Fuchs et al. 2007;
tivity of IHC is reported more superior than IF Chaco n and Ferreira 2009; Zhao et al. 2013; OIE
(Hitchner et al. 1977). The distribution of ILTV anti- 2014; Roy et al. 2015; Santander Parra et al. 2018).
gen within different tissues of respiratory tract is Earlier, the wild and vaccine strains of ILTV were dif-
highly variable and highest IHC positivity has always ferentiated based on restriction length polymorph-
been found in trachea than any other organs (Yavuz ism (RFLP) profiles (Leib et al. 1986; Andreasen et al.
et al. 2018). 1990; Keeler et al. 1993; Kotiw et al. 1995; Oldoni
Agar gel immune diffusion (AGID) technique using and Garcıa 2007; Craig et al. 2017). Recently, Fakhri
ILTV hyperimmune serum is commonly used to et al. (2019) developed high-resolution melting
(HRM) analysis to classify ILTV strains and detect ILTV methods including chicken embryo virulence test
recombination events during field outbreaks. The (Izuchi and Hasegawa 1982), restriction endonuclease
recent advances in molecular sequencing technolo- analysis (Keller et al. 1992), and DNA hybridization
gies enabled rapid identification of genetic variations assays (Kotiw et al. 1995) have been attempted to
with high precision. Next generation sequencing differentiate the wild-type and vaccine strains of
(NGS) platforms such as hybrid next generation ILTV. Later, these methods have been replaced by
sequencing (h-NGS) are found to be useful to iden- PCR-RFLP of multiple genes and genome regions
tify mutations in genes related to high and low viru- including ICP4, TK, gE, gG, ORFB-TK, and ICP18.5 to
lence. Genomic sequences of low and high passaged UL43 genes (Neff et al. 2008; Moreno et al. 2010). A
CEO and TCO ILTV strains were determined by h- recent approach using sequence analysis of ICP4
NGS wherein both the CEO and TCO strains gene was successfully used to differentiate vaccine
expressed variable mutations upon passages in the and wild-type strains of ILTV (Chaco n and
target host. The common genes mutated in these Ferreira 2009).
two strains were ORFC, UL27, UL28, UL39, and the
virulent ILTV strains isolated in USA showed frequent
8. Vaccination
Thr644 mutation within UL27 gene. Although the
genes responsible for reversion to virulence are not Good biosecurity practices combined with vaccin-
very clear, the gene segment US10 has been identi- ation are the practical methods to control ILTV in
fied as one of the potential virulence factors for TCO the absence of any effective treatment. Nevertheless,
revertant. Similarly, the gene UL41 had been found ILTV was the first major poultry disease for which an
to be responsible for robust gain in virulence of CEO effective vaccine was introduced (Gibbs 1934).
strains (Garcia et al. 2013). MinIon sequencing was However, the disease remains an important issue in
also used as diagnostic tool in USA to genotype the the poultry-dense areas (Couto et al. 2015; Chaco n
different ILTV isolates. Full genome (n ¼ 27) of ILTV et al. 2015; Yan et al. 2016; Gowthaman et al. 2016).
were analyzed and it was identified to have 9 geno- The modified live attenuated ILTV vaccines including
types which can be grouped into 5 genotypes based CEO and TCO have been used for several decades.
on single allele assay using MinIon (Spatz Chicken embryo origin live attenuated vaccines were
et al. 2019). the first commercially used vaccine which were intro-
Recently, a TaqMan single nucleotide polymorph- duced on the market during 1950s and start of
ism genotyping (TaqMan-SNP) assay has been devel- 1960s (Garcıa and Zavala 2019). The protective effi-
oped to study the ILTV recombination in the natural cacy of CEO vaccines is better when compared to
host. Based on this assay, 11 SNPs within genes UL TCO vaccines (Andreasen et al. 1989). These vaccines
(-1), US5, US6, US7, US8, US9 and two SNPs in UL43 are used for prevention as well as during the phase
and UL47 genes were identified, and 67% of the pro- of an outbreak to control virus spread and shorten
geny ILT viruses were found to be recombinant its duration (Bagust et al. 2000).
(Loncoman et al. 2017). Preventive vaccination of ILTV is given at 6 to
8 weeks of age, followed by the booster at 12 to
15 weeks for layers and breeders (Gingerich and
7. Differential diagnosis Carver 2006). These vaccines elicit the immune
The other respiratory diseases exhibiting similar clin- response by causing infection in the trachea without
ical disease must be differentiated from ILT. The producing disease. The highest protective immunity
diphtheritic lesions induced by ILT spread over the is attained from 15 to 20 weeks post-vaccination,
whole length of trachea and resemble lesions which may last over a year (Neff et al. 2008) and no
induced by the fowlpox virus (Tripathy and Reed interference has been reported between ILT and
2013). Tracheal lesions in mild or low virulent form other vaccines if the vaccine interval is more than
of ILTV is similar to that of lesions caused by other 2 weeks (Aston et al. 2019). ILTV vaccination is not
respiratory pathogens such as avian influenza virus, suggested for broilers because of its economical con-
Newcastle disease virus, infectious bronchitis virus cern (Giambrone et al. 2008). The route of vaccine
and fowl adenovirus (Davidson et al. 2015). administration has always been critical to ensure
protection and avoid adverse vaccine reactions. The
eye drop method is considered comparatively safer
7.1. Differentiation of field isolates and
and gives more protection than mass application
vaccine strains
methods like drinking water and spray administra-
Differentiation of field and vaccine strains of ILTV is tion. A superior ILTV vaccine must contain a titer of
complicated because of its high antigenic and gen- >102 plaque-forming units/ml to induce adequate
etic resemblance (Guy and Garcia 2008). Several immunity when delivered by routes other than the
oral route (Raggi and Lee 1965). Apart from the 94% and 97% protection against velogenic NDV (GB
effectiveness, CEO and TCO vaccines have undesir- Texas), ILTV (LT 96-3) and Marek’s disease virus (GA
able properties of reversal to the virulent form fol- 5) strains, respectively (Gergen et al. 2019). The
lowing bird to bird passages leading to vaccinal advantages of these recombinant vaccines are lack
laryngotracheitis in the field (Dufour-Zavala 2008; of transmission, the absence of reversion to a viru-
Chaco n et al. 2015). In some occasions, vaccination lent form, and lack of latency (Johnson et al. 2010;
leads to the creation of latent carrier birds, which act Coppo et al. 2013; Coppo et al. 2013; Zhao et al.
as a source of infection to unvaccinated flocks 2014). Utilizing a bacterial artificial chromosome
(Bagust 1986). These latent viruses are reactivated, (BAC), genes encoding glycoprotein B (gB) or glyco-
leading to intermittent shedding of ILTV when the protein J (gJ) of ILTV were introduced into meq
birds are subjected to stress conditions like onset of gene deleted very virulent MDV (vvMDV) to create
lay, transport, vaccination, etc. causing further spread the BACDMEQ-gB and BACDMEQ- gJ recombinant
of disease to the susceptible birds (Guy et al. 1990; strains, and the resulted BACDMEQ-gB recombinant
Hughes et al. 1991). Extensive use of live attenuated had conferred immunity after subcutaneous vaccin-
vaccines resulted in new outbreaks of ILT in many ation at day one after hatch which was comparable
parts of the world. Previous experimental studies to commercial ILT-HVT vectored vaccine (Gimeno
suggested exacerbated prolonged ILT infections fol- et al. 2015; Garcıa and Zavala 2019). A study was
lowing poor mass CEO vaccination (Garcıa 2016). conducted using the recombinant herpesvirus of tur-
Another study showed that CEO vaccinated birds key based ILT vaccine rHVT-LT and CEO ILT vaccine
had better protection even at 35 weeks of age when to know the effect of combined vaccine, to know
compared with TCO or HVT-LT (Palomino-Tapia the effect of rHVT-LT on CEO vaccine and protective
et al. 2019). efficacy of the vaccine. Results showed that birds
A study of ILTV outbreaks in different geograph- primed with rHVT-LT followed by booster with CEO
ical regions of USA revealed that 75% of the ILTV showed reduction in replication of CEO virus and
isolated from the field were resulting from CEO vac- protection was good in combined vaccine compared
cine strains (Garcia and Riblet 2001). Recent studies with rHVT-LT alone (Maekawa et al. 2019). Another
revealed that spontaneous natural recombination study showed that in ovo vaccination of rHVT-LT did
between attenuated vaccines in the field leads to not stop the challenge virus spread to naive birds
the emergence of novel virulent variants of ILTV (Lee (Maekawa et al. 2019). Eye drop vaccination of CEO
et al. 2012; Agnew-Crumpton et al. 2016). Very based ILT vaccine showed that conjunctiva-associ-
recently, whole genome analysis of an ILTV isolate in ated lymphoid tissues (CALT) and Harderian gland
Australia revealed that recombination is a continuous (HG) had a strong role in development of immunity
process leading to virulent virus. The isolate was against ILTV (Beltran et al. 2017). Virus like particles
suggested to be a recombinant of vaccine strain and (VLPs) carrying glycoproteins B (gB) or G (gG) had
another recombinant virus (Sabir et al. 2020). To been recently developed and were studied by
overcome the limitations and biosafety concerns of administration through in ovo and intra muscular
conventional vaccines, recombinant vaccines such as route. VLP-gG in ovo vaccination produced antibody
FPV vector vaccine expressing glycoprotein B and response and there was no side effect due to in ovo
UL32 genes of ILTV(McGeoch et al. 2006), two HVT vaccination. Hence in ovo vaccination using VLPs can
vector vaccines, one containing ILTV glycoproteins I be a promising option for control of ILT (Sch€adler
and D, and another containing ILTV glycoprotein B et al. 2019).
(Esaki et al. 2013), LaSota strain of Newcastle dis- These vaccines are administered in ovo at day
eases virus (NDV) that expresses ILTV glycoproteins 18th of embryonating period or subcutaneous route
(Kanabagatte Basavarajappa et al. 2014; Zhao et al. during one day of age. Although the recombinant
2014), modified very virulent Marek’s disease virus vaccines have the advantages over conventional vac-
(vvMDV) that express ILTV glycoproteins (Gimeno cines, they fail to give sterile immunity (Johnson
et al. 2015) and recombinant vaccines expressing dif- et al. 2010; Vagnozzi et al. 2012), moreover protec-
ferent ILTV glycoproteins including gB, gC, gD, gG, tion against ILT was severely affected when ILT and
gI, gJ, TK, UL0, UL32, and UL47 (Vagnozzi et al. 2012; IBD products were inserted into separate HVT vec-
Coppo et al. 2013; Yu et al. 2017) were introduced tors (Dunn et al. 2018), because of competition for
and evaluated. NDV vector expressing gD of ILTV replication. Hence, it is necessary to develop duel
protected birds against both ILT and ND. Similarly insert vaccines to overcome this disadvantage.
the construct was stable and safe even after 8 Studies have been attempted to develop new ILTV
chicken egg passages (Yu et al. 2020). The F gene of vaccines using deletion of genes such as TK (Han
NDV, gD and gI genes of ILTV double recombinant et al. 2002), UL0 (Veits et al. 2003), gJ (Fuchs et al.
HVT vector vaccine ((HVT-NDV-ILT) showed 97%, 2005), gG (Devlin et al. 2006), UL47 (Helferich et al.
2007) and gC (Pavlova et al. 2010). Most recently, Ali should be properly removed and disposed of safely.
et al. (2019) analysed nine epitopes as promising Proper cleaning and disinfection of poultry houses
vaccine candidate against ILTV which included 3 B should be carried out and the downtime should be
cell epitopes (190KKLP193, 386YSSTHVRS393, and extended between subsequent batches. The back-
317KESV320) and six T cell epitopes which com- yard and fancy chicken flocks should be closely
prised three MHC-I binding epitopes monitored and included in the eradication plan since
(118YVFNVTLYY126, 335VSYKNSYHF343, and they may act as reservoirs of ILTV (Mallinson et al.
622YLLYEDYTF630) and three MHC-II binding epito- 1981). Further, the virus spread and length of an
pes (301FLTDEQFTI309, 277FLEIANYQV285, and outbreak can be reduced by therapeutic vaccination.
743IASFLSNPF751). Though these findings are prom- The maximum level of diversity in the ILTV progenies
ising, it needs further studies before commercially was associated with increased frequency of recom-
introducing it into poultry industry. As on today HVT bination in the ‘hot-spot’ regions of the virus gen-
and fowl pox vector based recombinant ILT vaccines ome (Loncoman et al. 2017).
are available in the market. The novel approaches
that are independent of the immune system of the
10. Conclusions and future prospects
host, including a high level of biosecurity, explor-
ation of host genetic resistance and further improve- Rapid expansion of poultry population has led to
ment of novel vaccines are needed to control increased outbreaks of ILT in many poultry produc-
ILTV outbreaks. ing regions of the world particularly in countries
with high poultry density. Being a Gallid herpesvirus
1, ILTV possesses all the common features of other
9. Control and eradication
herpes viruses such as latency and carrier status.
ILT remains a significant disease in all intensive Since its first detection in 1925 in USA, ILTV became
poultry producing regions of the world. The eradica- well established in poultry populations where CEO
tion of ILTV requires an implementation of coordi- origin vaccine has been intensively used as a part of
nated control programme with the cooperative control programme. Like other herpesviruses, ILTV
effort of government agencies, laboratories, poultry undergoes latency in trigeminal ganglion and get
producers, poultry health companies, and veterinar- reactivated whenever the birds undergo stress lead-
ians (Dufour-Zavala 2008). The control measures ing to increased shedding and environmental spread
should be focused on timely diagnosis, implementa- which makes eradication of ILTV difficult. The dark-
tion of strict biosecurity, cleaning, and disinfection, ling beetles acts as an important carrier of ILTV in
application of geographic information system (GIS) poultry environments. Further, secondary infections
technology, vaccination, and communication increase the severity of the clinical disease and eco-
between poultry farmers and control agencies nomic losses. Extensive research have resulted in
(Mallinson et al. 1981; Guy and Garcia 2008). There increased understanding of herpesvirus transmission,
are few reports regarding the use of herbal drugs for pathogenesis and control. This knowledge helps to
the treatment of ILTV. At higher concentration, reduce the impact of ILTV in poultry industry in
Yinhuangerchen, a Chinese herbal mixture reduced near future.
the level of ILTV in tissues and also developed muco- Virus isolation, serological techniques and histo-
sal immunity, in birds treated with Yinhuangerchen pathology have been commonly used to diagnose
mixture after 72 hours post-infection (Zhang et al. the disease. Modern diagnostic techniques such as
2018). Cheng et al. (2011) found that the Huangqi PCR, PCR-RFLP, Real time PCR, and NGS have been
Maxingshigan decoction, containing five herbal medi- commonly applied to understand the epidemiology
cines (Almond, Gypsum fibrosum, Herba ephedrae, of ILT outbreaks. Increased use of CEO vaccines with-
Radix astragali, Radix glycytthizae) provided an anti- out much biosecurity leads to outbreaks and persist-
oxidant defense in the process of anti-ILT. ence of vaccinal ILT worldwide. Recombinant
Additionally, it can enhance mucosal immunity vaccines have been developed by expressing ILTV
through induction of sIgA production. surface glycoproteins in vectors such as HVT, NDV
An effective biosecurity plan includes site quaran- and Fowl pox virus as an alternative control strategy.
tine and hygiene, restriction of movement of poten- Though vectored vaccines show some protection,
tially contaminated workers, equipment, feed, they are not fully successful in controlling ILT out-
vehicles, and birds. Proper disinfectant and litter breaks. Hence, more sophisticated vaccines need to
decontamination should be taken into consideration. be developed for ILTV by using advanced biotechno-
Preventive measures should also focus on the con- logical tools including reverse genetics, recombinant
trol of feral birds, rodents, dogs and cats accessing DNA technology with use of novel adjuvants and
the barns (Volkova et al. 2012). The dead birds exploiting advanced delivery methods by
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