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TCW MODULE For Students

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College of Social Sciences and

AY 2020-2021



Ria I. dela Merced

Darwin S. Enriquez
Elmira Thrina C. Pelayo
Catherine L. Roxas
Elizabeth D. Santiago
Nicolo B. Velasco

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Overview of the module

The module explains the basic concept of globalization as an attempt to further

understand the current world in which we live. It also discusses contemporary global
issues and events that will help students in analysing the multi-faceted phenomenon of
globalization. Economic, political, cultural and historical relationships among nations can
be seen in the discussion of the module. It is expected that students will become
responsible global citizens at the end of the module.
Units to be discussed include 1.) Introduction to Globalization,2.) The Structures
of Globalization,3.)The World of Regions,4.) The World of Ideas,5.) Global Population
and Mobility, and 6.) Towards a Sustainable World.
At the end of the module, students are expected to:
1. Define globalization;
2. Distinguish different interpretations and approaches to globalization;
3. Describe the emergence of global economic, political, social, and cultural
4. Analyze the various contemporary drivers of globalization; and
5. Understand the issues confronting the nation-state.

Learning activities and suggested readings are included in the module to assess
students‘ understanding about the lesson.

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Title of the Lesson Page number

UNIT 1: Introduction to Globalization

Lesson 1: Definition of Globalization 1
Lesson 2: Theories of Globalization 5
Lesson 3: History of Globalization 11
Lesson 4: Market Globalism 17

UNIT 2: The Structures of Globalization

Lesson 1: The Global Economy 24
Lesson 2: Market Integration 33
Lesson 3: The Global Interstate System 46
Lesson 4: Contemporary Global Governance 53

UNIT 3: The World of Regions Lesson 1: Global Divides 62

Lesson 2: Characteristics of Global North and Global South 66
Lesson 3: Theoretical Understanding of Global North
and Global South 71
Lesson 4: Asian Regionalism 73

UNIT 4: The World of Ideas

Lesson 1: Global Media Culture 78
Lesson 2: Culturalism, Multiculturalism and Globalization 83
Lesson 3: Digital Divide 87
Lesson 4: Globalization of Religion 92
UNIT 5: Global Population and Mobility

Lesson 1: Global City 100

Lesson 2: Global Demography 105
Lesson 3: Demographic Transition 112
Lesson 4: Global Migration 120
UNIT 6: Towards a Sustainable
Lesson 1: Sustainable Development 130
Lesson 2: Global Food Security 138
Lesson 3: Global Citizenship 141
Lesson 4: Conclusion 144

Final Requirement 148

Suggested Readings and Websites 149
Glossary 151
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Answer Key 156
References 162
Republic of the Philippines
Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan



DEPARTMENT : Social Sciences
COURSE TITLE : The Contemporary


This course introduces students to the contemporary world by examining the multifaceted phenomenon of
globalization. Using the various disciplines of the social sciences, it examines the economic, social, political,
technological, and other transformations that have created an increasing awareness of the interconnectedness of
peoples and places around the globe. To this end, the course provides an overview of the various debates in global
governance, development, and sustainability. Beyond exposing the student to the world outside the Philippines, it
seeks to inculcate a sense of global citizenship and global ethical responsibility.

This course includes mandatory topics on population education in the context of population and


On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following:


Highly Competent LO1 Distinguish different

interpretations of and approaches to
LO2 Describe the emergence of global
economic, political, social, and cultural systems
LO3 Analyze the various
contemporary drivers of globalization
LO4 Understand the issues confronting the

Ethical Professional LO5 Articulate personal positions on various

global issues
LO6 Identify the ethical implications of
global citizenship.
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Contribute to country’s LO7 Analyze contemporary news
sustainable development events in the context of globalization
LO8 Analyze global issues in relation
to Filipinos and the Philippines LO9
Write a research paper with proper
citations on a topic related to
Service-Oriented LO10 Assess the effects of
globalization on different social units
and their responses


1. Written Examinations
2. Term Paper
3. Reflection Papers


Term Paper / Reflection Paper / Academic Paper / Concept Map

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Source: http://academics.adelphi.edu/edu/hpe/healthstudies/whalen/HED6


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Superior - 4 Proficient - 3 Poor - 2 Unsatisfactory - SCORE

Used many Used some Used few facts Did not present

facts to facts to to support facts to support
Factual support all support all arguments. arguments.

arguments. arguments.

Demonstrate Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated

d thorough accurate minimal misunderstandin

understandin understanding understanding g of the

g of of important of information. information
information. information.

All arguments Most Some Few


were logical arguments arguments arguments

and were logical were logical were logical

convincing and and and

convincing convincing convincing

Communicat Communicated Seldom Failed to


e d clearly clearly; communicated communicate

and frequent eye clearly; poor clearly; no eye
confidently; contact; good eye contact; contact;
maintained voice and poor voice and monotone
eye contact; delivery rate. delivery rate. delivery.
and delivery
Addressed all Addressed Addressed Did not address

opponent most of some of opponent‘s

arguments opponent‘s opponent‘s arguments.
with counter- arguments arguments with
evidence. with counter- counter-
evidence. evidence.
( fy

Source: http://www.educationworld.com/tools_templates/Final_templates_set2
_d ebate.doc

Page | 8

1. Regular Attendance
2. Quizzes, Assignments, Seatwork
3. Active participation in class discussion
4. Case Studies
5. Brainstorming and Group Reporting
6. Debate
7. Film Viewing


Attendance 10%

Recitation 10%

Assignments/Projects/Seat works 20%

Quizzes 30%

Midterms/Finals 30%

Tota 100%

Grades Percentage Descriptive Rating

1.00 97-100 Excellent
1.25 94-96 Excellent
1.50 91-93 Very Good
1.75 88-90 Very Good
2.00 85-87 Good
2.25 82-84 Good
2.50 79-81 Satisfactory
2.75 76-78 Satisfactory
3.00 75 Passed
5.00 74 & below Failed


Learning Topics Week Learning

Outcomes Activities
Course Syllabus 1 Course Orientation

LO1, 2, 7, &  Introduction to Class

10 Globalization 1-2 Discussion,Concept
 Defining Mapping & Quizzes

Page | 9
Theories of
 History of
 Market Globalism
The Structures of
LO2, 3, 4, 5, Globalization Class
6, 7, 8, & 10 The Global Economy 3-5 Discussion,Concept
Market Integration Mapping, Quizzes
 The Global Interstate & Term Paper
 System
 Contemporary
 Governance
A World of Regions Class Discussion,
LO1, 2, 3, 4,  Global Divides: The 6-8 Concept Mapping,
8, & 10 North and the South Quizzes & Case
 Characteristics of Studies
Global North and
Global South
 Theoretical
Understanding of
Global North and
 Asian Regionalism
Midterm 9
A World of Ideas Class
LO2, 5, 6,  Global Media 10 - Discussion,Concept
7, 8, 10 Cultures 11 Mapping, Debate &
 Culturalism, Quizzes
Multiculturalism and
 Digital Divide
 The Globalization of
Global Class
LO2, 4, & 7 Population and 12 - Discussion,Concept
Mobility The 14 Mapping, Case
 Global City Studies & Quizzes
 Global Demography
 Demographic
 Global Migration
Towards a
LO2, 4, Sustainable World 15 - Class Discussion&
 Sustainable
5,6,7,8,9 & 18 Conduct of Seminar
10 Development
 Global Food Security
 Global Citizenship
 Conclusion
Final Examination 18

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Banks, J.A. (2003). Educating global citizens in a diverse world. Retrieved February 24, 2006.
from www.newhorizons.org

Baylis& Smith.(2001) Globalization of world politics 2nd edition.Oxford: Oxford University Press

Carbaugh, R. (2015). International economics: Theory and policy 9th Edition.Cengage Learning.

Castells, M. (1999). Information technology, globalization, and social development. Switzerland:

United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.

Choy, C. P. (2006). Education and globalization. Retrieved from


Clayton, T. (2004).Competing conceptions of globalization revisited: Relocating the tension

between world-systems analysis and globalization analysis. Comparative Education
Review 48(3): 274-294.
Figel, J. (2005). Globalization and education: Speech, Retrieved from

Friedman, T. L. (2005). The world is flat. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Krugman, P. et. al. (2012).International economics: Theory and policy 9th edition. Boston:
Pearson Education, Inc.

Lawson, S. (2001). The new agenda for international relations. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons,

Sanders, T. and V. Stewart (2004).International education: From community innovation to

national policy. Phi Delta Kappan 86(3): 200-205.

Smith, M. K. (2006). Globalization and the incorporation of education . Retrieved on March 1,

2006, from http://www.infed.org/biblio/globalization_and_education.htm

Steger, M. (2013).Globalization: A very short introduction (Very Short Introductions). Oxford:

Oxford University Press

Vivarelli, M. (2006).The social impact of globalization in the developing countries. Bonn: The
Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)

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TITLE OF THE LESSON: Defining Globalization
DURATION: 1.5 hours

Globalization is one of the key concepts of our time. It has been the topic of
debates and perhaps one of the descriptions being given about this topic is the idea
that the world is becoming more similar in terms of beliefs, practices, and culture.
The concept is being tied up with modernity, with continuous technological
advancements and increasing economic, cultural, political and historical relationships
among nations.
This lesson will focus on the various definitions of globalization. It also aims to
understand globalization using different interpretations and approaches.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
General: Understand the meaning of globalization.
1. Define globalization using different concepts.
2. Be knowledgeable on the different interpretations and approaches of
3. Tell their globalization experience.


Part I. Write down 5 words which you think are related to globalization. Provide two
sentences to explain each word.






Lesson Proper/Course


Several definitions
of globalization have been

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written in various materials over the years. It was defined as a process, a concept
and an ideology to mention a few. So how do we fully understand the term? In this
lesson, we will try to discuss the concept of globalization using different

Globalization cannot be defined clearly in one term or one definition. It‗s

definition can be different depending on the field, situation, or events (Al-
Rodhan,2006). The meaning of globalization may reflect one's point of view, may it
be political, cultural, historical and others. In a journal, Steger (2005) said that the
term globalization should be confined to a set of complex, sometimes contradictory,
social processes that are changing our current social condition based on the modern
system of independent nation-states.
Globalization includes economic integration; the transfer of policies across
borders; the transmission of knowledge; cultural stability; the reproduction, relations,
and discourses of power; it is a global process, a concept, a revolution, and an
establishment of the global market free from socio-political control. It is also a
concept that has been defined variously over the years, where most of it refers
integration and cooperation, development, progress, integration and cooperation,
colonialism, regression, and destabilization. Nevertheless, these challenges do not
change the true purpose of this term that brings with it a multiple hidden agendas. An
individual's political ideology, geographic location, social status, cultural background,
and ethnic and religious affiliation also provide a background that determines
Let the following diagram aid us in our discussion. Martin Khor, in 1995,
referred to globalization as colonization. From one country to another, colonizers left
us with political, cultural, historical and economic influences many of which are very
evident up to this day and age. At the same time, Swedish journalist Thomas
Larsson, in his book The Race to the Top: The Real Story of Globalization (2001),
said that globalization make the world shrink with distances getting shorter and
things moving closer. It refers to the increasing ease with which somebody on one
side of the world can interact, to mutual benefit, with somebody on the other side of
the world. Almost similar to the definition given by David Harvey in his book The
Condition of Post-Modernity (1989) where he stated that globalization is the
compression of time and space. In today's time, we don't need to spend too much
time to reach a particular destination, connect with someone from afar or talk to a
family member from the other side of the world real time. Globalization gives us this
convenience in the form of technological innovations. On the other hand, Kenichi
Ohmae in his book The Borderless World: Power and Strategy in the Global
Marketplace (1992) said that globalization is the onset of a borderless world.
With globalization, there is an increasing interconnectedness among the
countries around the world. There is diffusion of values, beliefs, practices and
technology. There is continuous exchange of goods and services.

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Figure 1. What is globalization?

The difficulty in defining globalization is far from disappearing. Nevertheless,

exploring the different meanings and idea behind globalization, we are able to see
how the concept has been
The process of Compression of
world shrinkage GLOBALIZATION time and space
(Larsson,2001) (Harvey, 1989)

identified The onset of borderless world. It is what we in the Third World

over the (Ohmae, 1992) have for several centuries called
course of colonization. (Khor,1995)
a relative
number of years.

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TITLE OF THE LESSON: Theories of Globalization
DURATION: 1.5 hours

The academic debates as to how globalization should be defined can be
overwhelming. In the previous discussions, we realized that depending on the
author, we either see globalization as a shadow from the past or a big part of the
current world in which we live.
This lesson will discuss the different theories of globalization as an attempt to
further understand the term using different lenses. A brief discussion is provided to
see globalization as an economic, political and cultural process using different


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

General: Differentiate the theories of globalization.
1. Define the theories of globalization.
2. Describe the materialization of global economic, political, social, and
cultural systems.
3. Analyze contemporary issues and events in the context of globalization

Activity/ Ice breaker.

Answer the following questions.
Have you been to a foreign country? Tell the highlights of your travel. If not,
where do you wish to go if given the chance? Cite your reasons.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology:

At this point, we cannot deny the realities of globalization especially in the
period of massive evidences. What makes it more crucial is to understand the
concept in the middle of several scholarly debates. Is it really happening? Is it
beneficial to everyone? Does it bring convergence or divergence among countries?
The following theories will help us understand globalization from different point of
A. World System Theory
This theory is greatly associated with Immanuel Wallerstein who in 1974
published what is regarded as a seminal paper, The Rise and Future Demise of the
World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comparative Analysis. In 1976, Wallerstein
published ―The Modern World System I: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the
European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century‖. This is Wallerstein‗s landmark
contribution to sociological and historical thought and it triggered numerous
reactions, and inspired many others to build on his ideas. World-system theory is a
macro sociological perspective that seeks to explain the dynamics of the "capitalist
world economy" as a "total social system" (Martinez-Vela, 2001).
For Wallerstein, a world-system is a multicultural territorial division of labor in
which the production and exchange of goods and materials is important for surviving
everyday life. This division of labor is explained as the forces of production of the

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world economy and the reason for the existence of the two interdependent regions
called core and periphery. Both of the regions are culturally and geographically
different. One is focused on labor-intensive production, while the other one is
focused on capital-intensive production (Goldfrank, 2000).
In simple terms, world system theory is a perspective that globalization is
essentially the expansion of the capitalist system around the globe. Capitalist system
is a political and economic system where trade, industries, and economy in general
are dominated by private ownership instead of being state owned.
Adding one to what Goldfrank stated as interdependent regions, World
system theory is characterized by three interdependent regions: core, semi-
periphery and periphery.
1. Core: refers to advanced or highly developed countries/ incorporate higher
levels of education, higher salaries and more technology/ generate more
wealth in the world economy. Examples: Western Europe, USA, Japan.
2. Semi-periphery: acts as defense zone between core and periphery, and has
a mix of the kinds of activities and institutions that exist on them/ may be
exploited by the core but in turn exploit the periphery. Examples: China,
Ireland, Mexico.
3. Periphery: refers to less developed (Third World) countries, incorporate lower
levels of education, lower salaries and less technology/ generate less wealth
in the world economy. Examples: Philippines, Vietnam, Africa

Core periphery Periphery

Figure 1. World System Theory’s Three Interdependent Regions

The figure above shows the basic idea of the world system theory. It implies
the hierarchy of power among the countries in the world. The core countries
dominate the economy, exploit the poor peripheral countries, and depend on them in
terms of cheap labor and raw materials. The core countries are considered capital
intensive while peripheral countries are labor intensive. Semi-peripheral region on
the other hand acts as a buffer zone between the two regions.

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Prior to the discussion of the next theory, answer the activity below.

Y our observation:

Activity # 1.
Think of or search for a global issue that has happened within the last three
years involving two or more nations. Identify whether the countries involved are core,
semi-periphery or periphery. Explain how these countries worked interdependently in
the issue.
Global Issue:

B. World Polity Theory

In this perspective, state remains an important component of world society.
Societies were becoming more similar in terms of government and policies.
This is considered as a response to modernization theory. The expectation
that countries will march through the same stages of development. Because while
countries differ a lot in their level of development, many aspects of their government
look quite similar. Hence, this theory argues that this conformity reflects the
existence of a common global culture.
World polity theory emphasizes culture not economy and focuses on how
culture affects us by providing norms. Norms are unquestionable standards of the
society. They are like natural laws where it indicates the proper behavior depending
on the situation. Created by man and sanctioned by the society through ostracism
(e.g. discrimination, bullying, labeling etc.).
In addition to the modernization theory, it implies that all societies start out as
traditional economies, then they have an industrial revolution,(a period where
economies are dominated by industries and machine manufacturing and countries
are becoming urbanized and less agricultural) eventually they become modern, high-
technology societies. (Schofer, 2010). This premise is being shown in the figure

Industrial modern/ high
economy societies

Figure 2.llustration of the Modernization Theory

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While world polity theory envisions a densely interconnected global network,
the theory‗s dynamic implications are actually stronger. States are becoming more
similar as they are integrating more deeply into the world polity, as many studies and
hypotheses suggest.

C. World Culture Theory

This perspective agrees that world culture is new and important, but it is less
homogenous than world polity scholars imply. Globalization is a process of
relativization. World society consists of a complex set of relationships among multiple
units in the global field.
It focuses on the way in which participants in the process become conscious of
and give meaning to living in the world as a single place. By this, globalization refers
both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the
world as a whole (Lechner, nd). He also added that the structure of world culture
works based on the following ideas:
Relativization. This means that each unit emerging in the world order takes
shape depending on its surroundings. For example, as nation-states become subject
to universal standards derived from a common conception of humankind, citizenship
in those societies become relativized.
Emulation. Although globalization cannot create a common culture, where
everyone has the same values and beliefs, it can create a single arena in which all
actors pursue their goals with comparison to others, employing at least some
common standards as yardsticks.
Glocalization. The ideas and processes inside globalization are interpreted
differently according to the point of particular groups and their history. In other cases,
this is done strategically, for example when global marketers create local traditions
on the assumption that difference sells. Moreover, glocalization captures the way in
which heterogenization and homogenization combines.
Glocalization is a practice that involves both local and global considerations.
Homogenization is the process of making things alike while heterogenization is the
process of adoption of elements of global culture to local cultures also known as
cultural heterogenization. Homogenization is more on the structural level like the
similarities of the architectural layout in all McDonalds branches here and abroad.
On the other hand, heterogenization is more on the symbolic level like the way
hamburgers and French fries are eaten.
While the above discussion highlighted how world culture works, the following
shows how it changes.
Inherent dynamics of globalization. The world culture theory shows the
process as ongoing and open-ended, this means that all characteristic of world
culture, discussed above, entails continual change, where cultural conflict is the
common mechanism.
Movements of de/reglobalization. Globalization triggers resistance or reaction.
For example, the Islamic fundamentalism. While against in the form of globalization
that builds equal cultures in the world, fundamentalism replace its own global vision.
The fundamentalists define global fundamentals and operate in terms of globally dim
Multiple sources. While world culture theory emphasizes the role of reflexivity
and worldviews in globalization, in principle change can originate anywhere. World
culture theory is causally agnostic.

D. Neoliberalism

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Basically, neoliberalism is a theory of political economic practices that proposes
that human well-being can best be advanced by liberating individual entrepreneurial
freedoms and skills characterized by strong private property rights, free markets,
and free trade. The concept also suggests its meaning, ―revival of liberalism‖.
From the word ―neo‖ which means new or revived.
According to Saad-Filho and Johnston (2005), ―we live in the age of
neoliberalism‖. Along with other scholars, they share the quite common, but not
necessarily accurate, view that power and wealth are, to an increasing degree,
concentrated within transnational corporations and elite groups, as a result of the
practical implementation of an economic and political ideology they identify as
―neoliberalism‖. On the other hand, Munck (2005), stated that the possibility
of a ―self-regulating market‖ is a core assumption in classical liberalism, and an
important presumption among neoliberals as well. Efficient allocation of resources is
the most important purpose of an economic system, and the most efficient way to
allocate resources goes through market mechanisms. This is what Munck
describes as
―neoliberal economic theories‖.
For David Harvey (2005), in the existence of neoliberalism, the role of the state is
to create and preserve an institutional framework appropriate to such practices. The
state has to guarantee the quality and integrity of money. It must set up military
defense, police, and legal structures. Furthermore, if markets do not exist, then they
must be created. Nevertheless the state should not venture. The state interventions
in markets must be kept minimum because, according to the theory, the state cannot
possibly possess enough information to second-guess market signals (prices) and
because powerful interest groups will inevitably distort and bias state interventions
(particularly in democracies) for their own benefit.
It was given emphasis in the definitions that the basic characteristics of
neoliberalism are free markets and free trade. Figure 3 shows some of the ideas of
the free market. Whenever free market exists, price is determined by competition
and there is little or no
government control. Hence, you
are free to choose your work, with little or no
free to set prices, be an government
investor, as well as buy, own control
and sell properties. This is
believed to set free the creative
potential and the
entrepreneurial spirit price is
free to be an Free
among people and lead determined
investor or Market
to more individual liberty entrepreneur
and well-being. competition

In free trade, two or more

nations agreed to reduce import
and export barriers free to own,
among them. If policies were buy and sell
created, goods and services properties
can be bought and sold
across international borders
with little or no government
control with regards to tariffs, quotas and subsidies. Perhaps one of the major
criticisms about free trade
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is highlighted in a protectionist‗s Figure 3. Characteristics of a free market points of view.
Free trade creates strong competition in the international market thereby affecting
local or domestic industries. Protectionism refers to actions or policies that allow
the government of a country to promote domestic or local producers, and thereby
boost its own production of goods and services by imposing tariffs or otherwise
limiting foreign goods and services in the marketplace.
Aside from the characteristics mentioned in the previous discussion, other
characteristics of neoliberalism include open market, tax reforms and privatization
(the transfer of state owned properties or businesses to the private
sector).Privatization has pros and cons. One reason for privatization is financial
constraint on the part of the government. It is expected that after an enterprise has
been privatized, it will offer better and quality services among its consumers. On the
other side, this may also mean higher price of the product or service being offered.
Most privatized businesses in the country offer basic social services.
Examples are Philippine Airlines which was privatized in 1992 and PLDT which was
privatized in 1995. PAL remains to be the dominant air carrier in the country and is
now under PAL holdings owned primarily by business tycoon Lucio Tan.

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TITLE OF THE LESSON: History of Globalization
DURATION: 1.5 hours

Globalization is one of the most debated topics in the field of Social Sciences.
Scholars still argue on the issue as to when and where it started. In the previous
lesson, we mentioned that globalization is a process which cannot be defined clearly
with beginning and an ending.
This lesson will discuss different factors related to globalization and put them
into a historical perspective. The different periods that contributed to the emergence
of globalization will also be included in the lesson.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

General: Describe the emergence of globalization.
1. Categorize the different periods in the history of globalization.
2. Analyze the factors that lead to the emergence of globalization.
3. Compare the highlights of the different periods in the history of globalization.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology:

Technology is always evolving, it is never regressive. It also provides

efficiency and enables us to perform tasks in less time. Over the years, we have
seen how globalization brought convenience in our lives in the form of technological
innovations. But the question is where do we attribute the beginning of globalization?
According to Kenneth Waltz as cited by Brawley (2008), many of those who
argue that globalization is something quite new underestimate the extent to which
the present looks like the past. Is globalization all that new? In this lesson we will
look into several eras which can be seen as periods when globalization is seen as
powerful political, economic, cultural and historical responses.
Trade is measured as one of the most important factors that started the
cross- border relationship among nations. This process involves transfer or
exchange of goods and services from one person to another or one country to
another. The following are the most important periods in the emergence of

Silk roads

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Silk roads are ancient network of trade routes that connect the east and the
west. (as shown in figure 1)These routes have been useful to carry out goods and
services. Silk is one of the most common products for trading at that time. Silk is a
fiber obtained from silkworms which can be woven into textiles.

Image source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/01/how-globalization-4-0-fits-into -the-history-of-

Figure 1. The Silk Road

People have been trading goods from the very start. Yet in the 1 st century BC,
an incredible phenomenon occurred. Luxury products from China started to appear
in Rome. They got there after being hauled for thousands of miles along the Silk
Road. Trade had stopped being a local or regional affair and started to become
global (Vanham, 2019).
This is not to conclude that globalization started intense. Silk was considered
a luxury good, together with the spices that were added to the intercontinental trade
between Asia and Europe. The value of these exports was tiny, in relation with the
total income of the economy, yet many middlemen were involved to get the goods to
their destination. But because of this, global trade links were established. Silk road
served as the key to people‗s movements and open the doors for trans-border
relations among countries.
According to Kuzmina (2008) this was the road that for many centuries saw
the movement of people, object and ideas. Ethnic migrations, trade that was first
conducted in stages and later by caravan, the spread of advanced technologies and
ideological conceptions- all were part of the process by which the achievements of
the different people of Eurasia blended into a universal stream.

16th century

During this period, Europeans was recognized worldwide by building trade

connections on their own terms, bringing their culture to different regions by settling
vast areas, and defined the ways in which different people were to interact with each
The main focus of the Islamic trade in the Middle Aged was spices. The spices
were traded mainly by sea since ancient times, unlike silk. But by the Medieval Era
spices had become the focus of international trade. Leading among them were the
mace, nutmeg, and cloves from the Maluku islands in Indonesia. These spices were
extremely expensive and in high demand, not only in Indonesia but also in Europe.
But compared with silk, they remained a luxury product, and trade remained
relatively low volume. Globalization at this time still didn‗t take off, but the original
Belt (sea route) and Road (Silk Road) of trade between East and West did now exist
(Vanham, 2019).
During this period, colonization took place in different parts of the world.
Several sponsored expeditions were made by European countries in search for
spices. Spices are also popular goods for trading at that time. They are considered
highly valuable goods because they are very hard to obtain. Because of minimal
technological advancements, spices are being used as medicine and food

First wave of globalization (19th century)

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This marked the period of intense globalizations, when millions migrated,
trade greatly expanded, and new norms and organizations came to govern
international conduct.
International relations and cross-border activities started to change with the
first wave of globalization, which roughly occurred over the century ending in 1914.
By the end of the 18th century, Great Britain had started to dominate the world both
geographically, through the establishment of the British Empire, and technologically,
with innovations like the steam engine, the industrial weaving machine and more. It
was the era of the First Industrial Revolution. This period is characterized by
machine manufacturing and industries. During these times, cities grew as people
shifted from farming/agriculture to industry and commerce.
According to Allen (2017), Industrial Revolution refers to the far reaching
transformation of British Society that occurred between the mid-18 th and mid-19th
centuries. Some of the advantages of this period are;
• Invention of machines to spin and weave cloth.
• Steam engine was widely used as a source of power.
• Using of coal in smelting and refining iron.
• Construction of railways.
However, the Industrial revolution also had a downside for it brought poverty along
with progress. Some of the disadvantages are;
• Technical change threw people out of work.
• The cities were polluted.
• The provision of education was limited.
• Worker‗s housing condition was poor.

Allen (2017) added that the Industrial Revolution made for a fantastic twin
engine of global trade. On another note, trains and steamships could transport
goods, both within countries and across countries. Moreover, its industrialization
authorized Britain to produce products that were in demand all over the world, like
manufactured goods, textiles, and iron. With its advanced industrial technologies,
Britain was also able to bombard a huge enlarging international market. The result of
globalization could be seen through numbers. Trade grew on average 3% per year,
for about a century. That growth rate drove exports from a share of 6% in the early
19th century, to 14% in the eve of WW I. As stated by the Economist, John Maynard
Keynes, London could order through telephone the goods and services it wants
while sipping tea and lying on bed.
While Britain was the country who benefited most from globalization, as it had
the most technology and capital, other countries did benefitted too, by exporting
goods. For instance, the invention of the refrigerated cargo ship or ―reefer ship‖ in
the 1870s, allowed countries like Uruguay and Argentina, to enter the golden age of
globalization. They started to mass export meat, from cattle grown on their vast
lands. Other countries, too, started to specialize their production in those fields in
which they were most competitive.
For More (2000), Industrial Revolution implies industrialization- that is both the
absolute growth of industry and its expansion relative to the other sectors of the
economy, those being agriculture and services. Industry in this context covers
manufacturing, mining and building.
Yetthe first wave of industrialization and globalization also coincided with
darker events, too. Many workers in the industrialized nations did not benefit from
globalization, for their work is commoditized by industrial machinery, or their output
undercut by foreign imports.
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Image source: https://www.google.com/search?q=industrial+revolution&tbm=isch&ved
Figure 2. Illustration of the Industrial Revolution

Figure 2 shows the illustration of how industrial revolution brought rapid

changes in our world today. As they say, it took centuries for us to reach this golden
age. Several waves of industrialization bring us to today, when a new era of
globalization is once again upon us.
According to Schwab (2016), the first industrial revolution traversed around
1760 to 1840. It is triggered by the invention of steam engine and construction of
railroads. The second industrial revolution which started in the late 19 th century
and into the early 20th century, made mass production possible, fostered by the
advent of electricity and the assembly line. The third industrial revolution began in
the 1960‗s. It is usually called the computer or the digital revolution because it was
catalyzed be the development of semi-conductors, main frame computing and the
internet. Nowadays, we are at the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution or the
globalization 4.0. It is characterized by a much more present mobile internet, by
smaller and more powerful sensors that have become cheaper, and by artificial
intelligence and machine learning.
Globalization 4.0 (20th Century)
Globalization in the 20th century is considered as the golden age of
globalization. Movement of people, goods and services across national borders was
at least as free and significant as it is today.
In a world dominated by two powerful countries, China, and the US, the new
partition of globalization is the cyber world. Digital economy, in its early years during
the 3rd wave of globalization, is now becoming a strength to reckon with through 3D
printing, digital services, and e-commerce. It is further empowered with artificial
intelligence, but is threatened by cross-border hacking and cyber-attacks (Vanham,
Moreover, a negative globalization is enlarging too, through climate change.
Pollution often leads to extreme weather events in another. This has a further
devastating effect not just on the world‗s biodiversity, but also in its capacity to cope
with hazardous greenhouse gas emissions. As they say, for every production, there
is destruction, and for every consumption, there is waste.

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TITLE OF THE LESSON: Market Globalism
DURATION: 2 hours

In the previous lesson, we were able to see the significant periods that may
have started globalization The role of Western countries in the process was
highlighted. As a result, globalization is often seen as Westernization. But to see
globalization as a mere dominance of Western culture, beliefs and ideas could
create a problem. Globalization is a collection of world ideas, culture and civilization
as a whole.
In this lesson, we will try to differentiate globalization with globalism. The six
core claims of market globalism will be given emphasis. Contemporary global events
will be used to understand the lesson better.


At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

General: Define market globalism.
1. Differentiate globalism from globalization.
2. Enumerate and discuss the six core claims of market globalism.
3. Analyze contemporary news events in the context of globalization.

Activity/ Ice breaker:

What’s inside?!
Inside this crossword puzzle are ten (10) words that we will encounter during
the discussion of the lesson. Encircle all these words and get one (1) point for each
correct answer.


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Lesson Proper/Course Methodology:
You have learned the meaning of globalization in the previous lessons.
However, we have to emphasize that globalization and globalism are two different
concepts. Globalism is the driving force of globalization. It helps us understand the
inter-connections of the countries in the modern world.

What is Market Globalism?

Manfred Steger (2005) introduced the idea of market globalism as a rising

political system. According to him, it reflects the concepts of globalization. It seeks to
endow globalization with free market norms and neoliberal meanings. He used six
core claims to better understand its meaning.
These six core claims play crucial semantic and political roles. With regard to
semantics, Steger argue that these claims absorb and rearrange bits and pieces of
several established ideologies and integrate them with new concepts into a hybrid
meaning structure of genuine novelty. Their political role consists chiefly in
preserving and enhancing asymmetrical power structures that benefit particular
social groups.
The following are market globalism‗s six core claims. Taken from Manfred
Steger‗s Ideologies of Globalization (2005).

Claim No. 1: Globalization is focused on the global integration and

liberalization of markets.

This core claim of market globalism explores to shape global predisposition

without exercising verbal threats and, therefore, represents the essence of soft
power. It activates the neoliberal ideal, that self-regulating market is the basis for a
future global order. The vital functions of the free market is its rationality and
efficiency, as well as its alleged ability to bring about greater social integration and
material progress can only be realized in a liberal society that values and protects
individual freedom. This core claim believes that globalization is about the victory of
markets over governments. Both the proponents and opponents of globalization
agree that the driving force today is markets, where the truth is that the size of
government has been shrinking relative to the economy almost everywhere.

Claim No. 2: Globalization is irreversible and inevitable.

The study of the observation of the influential globalists in the 1990s reveals
their reliance on an economistic narrative of historical inevitability. While disagreeing
with Marxists on the final goal of historical development, globalists nevertheless
share with their ideological opponents a attachment for such terms as ‗irreversible‗,
‗irresistable‗, and ‗inevitable‗ to explain the predicted path of globalization. For
instance, in a speech on the US foreign policy, President Clinton (as cited by Steger
(2005) told his audience: ―Today we must embrace the inexorable
logic of globalization .Globalization is irreversible. Protectionism will only make
things worse‖ .FrederickW. Smith, CEO of FedEx Corporation, suggests that
‗globalization is inevitable and it will happen whatever the situation is (Smith, 1999).
The global south neo liberalist faithfully echoed the globalist language of inevitability.
For instance, the Philippines Speaker of the House of Representatives, Manuel

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Villar, insisted that the process of globalization is the reality of the modern world
(Villar, 1998).
Around the 1990s, the neoliberal depiction of globalization as a natural force,
like the gravity or weather, made it simple for globalists to persuade people that they
would have to transform to the market discipline if they want to prosper and survive.
Therefore, the globalist claim of inevitability neutralized the challenges of anti-
globalist opponents by depoliticizing the public discourse about globalization:
neoliberal policies were above politics, because they simply carried out what was
ordained by nature. This view implied that, instead of acting according to a set of
choices, people merely fulfill world-market laws that demanded the elimination of
government controls.
The irreversible characteristics of globalization can be attributed to
technological innovations. The progressive characteristics of technology seem to
make globalization unstoppable.

Claim No. 3: No one is in charge of globalization.

This core claim emphasizes the leaderless idea of globalization. Market

globalism‗s deterministic language offered its proponents in the 1990s yet another
rhetorical advantage. If the market natural laws have indeed predetermined a
neoliberal course, then globalization does not reflect the arbitrary agenda of a
particular social class or group. In other words, the one in charge with globalization
are the market and technology, and not the people.
Here are two examples. Robert Hormats in 1998, the vice chairman of
Goldman Sachs International, emphasized that the true beauty of globalization lies
on the concept that no one is in control of it, not individuals, institutions, or even
government. Meanwhile, Thomas Friedman in 2000, alleged that the basic truth
about globalization is that no one is responsible or in charge of it. People like to
believe that there is someone controlling it, but the truth is no one. After 9/11, it
became increasingly difficult for market globalists to maintain the position that
‗nobody is in charge of globalization‗. Yet number of corporate leaders still
reflexively referred to the ‗leaderless market‗, neoconservatives close to the Bush
administration lectured market globalists that global security and a global liberal
order depend on the United States that ―indispensable nation‖ wielding its
power‗ (Kagan, 2002).

Claim No. 4: Globalization benefits everyone (. . . in the long run)

This claim rest at the very center of market globalism because it provides an
affirmative answer to the crucial normative question of whether globalization
represents a ‗good‗ or a ‗bad‗ phenomenon. Market globalists in the 1990s
frequently connected their arguments in favor of the integration of global markets to
the alleged benefits resulting from the liberalization and expansion of world trade. At
the 1996 G- 7 Summit in France, for instance, the heads of states of the 7 major
industrialized countries issued a joint communique´ that contains the following
passage: today‗s economic progress and growth bounced because of globalization.
The process of globalization supplies great window of opportunities for all countries
in the future. Its positive aspects including opening of international trade and
expansion of investments, give populous regions with more opportunities, specifically
in improving their standard of living, technological innovation, increase in skills that
are needed in work, and rapid dissemination of information. These attributes of
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globalization led in the expansion of prosperity and wealth in the world. Hereby, we
are assured that globalization is the hope of the future (Economic Communique´,
In addition, globalists often seek to cementum their de-contestation of
globalization as benefits for everyone by coopting the powerful language of science
which claims to separate fact from fiction in a neutral fashion, that is, solely on the
basis of hard evidence.
Claim No. 5: Globalization Furthers the Spread of Democracy in the World

This claim is anchored in the neoliberal assertion that freedom, free markets,
free trade and democracy are synonymous terms. Affirmed as common sense
throughout the 1990s, the compatibility of these concepts often went unchallenged in
the public discourse. Francis Fukuyama, for example, asserted that there existed a
clear connection between a country's successful democracy and economic
development. While capital development and globalization did not automatically
produce democracies, ‗the level of economic development resulting from
globalization is contributory to the creation of complex civil societies with powerful
middle class, where they facilitate democracy (Fukuyama, n.d.).
This idea of securing freedom through an American-led drive for political and
economic ‗democratization‗ around the globe, thus connecting the military
objectives of the War on Terror to the neoliberal agenda of liberalizing markets has
emerged as the centerpiece of imperial globalism.

Claim No. 6: Globalization requires a war on terror.

It argues that while globalization studies have focused substantially on the

marketization of life, including the realms of politics and culture, the current ‗war on
terror‗ phase has directed focus in theory and practice back to traditional state-
centered security concerns and critical investigation of state–citizen relations,
notably in the context of multicultural societies. (Youngs and Widdows, 2009)
Two representative samples of how this new claim has been circulating in the
public discourse are Thomas Barnett‗s ‗The Pentagon‗s New Map‗, published in
the March 2003 issue of Esquire magazine, and Robert Kaplan‗s ‗Supremacy by
Stealth‗ featured in the July 2003 issue of The Atlantic Monthly. Both publications
reach a mass readership and its authors are respected professionals in their fields.
Since then, he has been giving his briefings regularly at the Pentagon, in the
intelligence community, and to high-ranking officers from branches of the military. In
his much- debated Esquire article, which he later expanded into a best-selling book,
Barnett argues that the Iraq War tag the moment when Washington occupy the real
ownership of strategic security in the age of globalization. He split up the globe down
into three distinct regions. The first is characterized by globalization thick with
network connectivity, financial transactions, liberal media flows, collective security,
rising standards of living, transparency, and more deaths by suicide than by murder.
The countries that have these characteristics are America, New Zealand, Australia,
and Europe. He calls these regions the 'Functioning Core', or 'Core'. The breeding
ground of ‗global terrorists', is called the 'Non-Integrating Gap', or 'Gap'. These are
Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Indonesia, Mexico, Greece, South
Africa, Turkey,
Morocco, and Brazil. For Barnett, the significance of September 11 is that the
attacks forced the United States and its allies to make a long-term military
commitment to deal with the entire Gap as a strategic threat environment. In other

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words, in order for globalization to spread, there must be a War on Terror. Its three
main objectives are: (1) to increase the capabilities of the Core's immune system in
responding to situations like the September 11 attack; (2) to strengthen the Core
from exports like drugs, diseases, terror, etc.; (3) to shrink the gap. The third point is
particularly important, because the real battlegrounds in the global war on terrorism
are still over there.

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TITLE OF THE LESSON: The Global Economy
DURATION: 2 hours


This lesson will primarily discuss the concept of economic globalization, how
does it form, the elements that facilitate its formation and examine who benefits from
it and who is left out.

Objectives / Competencies
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. To define economic globalization.
2. To explain the attributes of economic globalization.
3. To articulate a stance on global economic integration.


Most scholars of globalization have agreed that globalization is best thought

of as a multidimensional phenomenon. Thus, approaching globalization purely
through the lense of economics is a ‗categorical mistake‗ (Benczes, 2014).
However, it is an inarguable fact that in order to fully understand the meaning,
processes and implication of globalization, the economic dimension, should be
given attention. As this dimension serves as one of the major driving forces in the
process of globalization.

What is Economic Globalization?

Economic globalization according to International Monetary Fund or IMF

(2008) is a historical process demonstrating the result of technological progress and
human innovation. It is distinguished by the increasing integration of economies
around the world through the movement of goods, services, and capital across
borders. These changes are all products of people, organizations, institutions, and
technologies. But this definition of IMF according to Benczes (2014) is not
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substantive as it only reflects quantitative change than qualitative transformation.
Economic globalization is not only about extending and increasing economic
activities (e.g production, trade etc.) but more of creating a functional integration
among the said activities across borders.
Stiglitz (2008) believes that ''the great hope of economic globalization is that
it will help to raise the living standards all over the world by the opportunity to give
the poor countries access to foreign markets in order to sell their products; by inviting
foreign investments, in order to facilitate the emergence of new products at lower
prices; open borders that allow easy movement of people all over the world, in order
to train, to work, to build new businesses'', the author also believes that ''the
economy has led to globalization, especially by reducing communications and
transport costs, but the policy was the one that defined this process''

Elements of Economic Globalization

According to Stiglitz (2003), the growth in cross-border economic activities

takes five principal forms: (1) international trade; (2) foreign direct investment; (3)
capital market flows; (4) migration (movement of labor); and (5) diffusion of

Figure 1: Elements of Economic Globalization

1. International trade: International trade is the economic transactions made

between countries. Every day, a network of planes, trucks, and ships moves huge
quantities of goods around the world. Your TV might come from China (TCL), your T-
shirt from Bangladesh (H & M) and your lunch from South Korea
(Samgyeopsal). Trade transactions include both goods (tangible products) and
services (intangible commodities). The production chains of goods and services is
getting more and more complex and global (Ospina, 2018). It allows products to be
sourced, assembled, packaged, and sold in different areas of the world. The
materials for your TV or shirt or the marinade for the pork you had for lunch might
have been produced in one country, processed in another country, assembled in a
third country, and packaged somewhere else, all before getting to your local store or
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even to your table. How does this make sense? Why can‗t countries just make their
own TV, shirt, or food and provide more jobs and business domestically?
Before the 19th century, most European countries tried to do prioritize self-
sufficiency in a system called mercantilism. The Mercantilism aimed to minimize
imports and maximize exports while increasing the supply of gold in the country.
Mercantilism formed barriers to international trade, where countries aimed to
produce everything on their own. In the late 18 thcentury, the so-called classical
economists, led by David Ricardo, contested these long-held beliefs by campaigning
the idea that societies should trade with one another to be more successful because
of comparative advantage. It follows the idea that countries should only export the
goods that they are able to produce more efficiently than others and import the
goods that other countries are able to produce more efficiently than them. Thus,
when countries focus on making things they‗re reasonably good at and import the
rest that they can‗t do efficiently, everyone benefits. This process is known as
specialization, so that countries don‗t have to spend time and resources producing
cloth or wine, for example, there‗s more room for them to innovate and develop
entirely new products.
Today, we measure countries‗ economies on productivity—their ability to
utilize their limited resources for maximum value. This measure is known as gross
domestic product, which totals the sum of all the final goods and services a country
produces in a year. Countries‗ human, technological, and financial resources
determine what they can produce efficiently and productively. The Costa Rica excels
in exporting pineapples and coffee, while Germany exports millions of computers
and cars. With the acceptance of new ideas, international trade took off. At the same
time, advances in technology and travel made markets much more accessible.
Massive container ships, cargo planes, and cheaper, faster communication
connected the world‗s producers with millions of new customers.
The remarkable growth in trade has been recorded for the last two centuries
and completely transforming the global economy. Today about 1/4 of total global
production is exported. Considering this transformative process is important because
trade has generated gains, but it has also had important distributional consequences
(Ospina et. al, 2018). Its link on household welfare, jobs and wages has also to be
considered. For example, the impact of Chinese imports on the jobs in the United
States. In the study of Dorn and Hanson (2013): found that rising exposure
increased unemployment, lowered labor force participation, and reduced wages are
the effects of Chinese competition in the country‗s local labor market. In addition to
that, claims for unemployment and healthcare benefits also increased in more trade-
exposed labor markets.

Protectionism vs. Free Trade

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Figure 2: Protectionism vs. Free Trade

2. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): According to Organization for Economic

Cooperation and Development (OECD), FDI is a category of cross-border
investment in which an investor resident in one economy establishes a lasting
interest in and a significant degree of influence over an enterprise resident in another
economy. A possession of 10 percent or more of the voting power in an enterprise in
one economy by an investor in another economy is evidence of such a relationship.
FDI is a key element in international economic integration because it creates stable
and long-term connections between economies. It is also an important network for
the transfer of technology between countries, stimulates international trade through
access to foreign markets, and serves as an important vehicle for economic
Foreign direct investments increase and helped to develop economies during
the last decade. Areas such as agriculture, education, infrastructure, health, etc.,
give the country, where the investment is made, the desired standard of living and
also a strong economic recovery. In global economic level, Foreign Direct
Investment is leaning mainly towards developed countries, but developing countries
also have great interest in this type of investments due to foreign capital inflows,
innovative experience, knowledge and access to markets.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reports
concluded that FDI have become an important engine of economic growth because it
grew faster than gross domestic product (GDP) and international trade and
international corporate sales exceeded by far global exports (UNCTAD, 2006).
Examples of foreign direct investments include mergers, acquisitions, retail,
services, logistics, and manufacturing, among others. In 2017, for example, U.S.-
based Apple announced a $507.1 million investment to boost its research and
development work in China, Apple's third-largest market after the Americas and
Europe. The announced investment relayed CEO Tim Cook's bullishness toward the
Chinese market despite a 12% year-over-year decline in Apple's Greater China
revenue in the quarter preceding the announcement.
China's economy has been fueled by a remarkable increase of FDI targeting
the country‗s high-tech manufacturing and services, which according to China's
Ministry of Commerce (2017), grew 11.1% and 20.4% year over year, respectively,
in the first half of 2017. Meanwhile, relaxed FDI regulations in India now allow 100%
foreign direct investment in single-brand retail even without government approval
(Government of India Ministry of Commerce and Industry, 2018). The regulatory

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decision reportedly facilitates Apple's desire to open a physical store in the Indian
market. Thus far, the firm's iPhones have only been available through third-party
physical and online retailers.

3. Capital market flows: To define international financial integration, you have

to look at the amount of cross-border capital flows (Stiglitz, 2003). The term ' capital
flows' refers to the movement of capital (money for investment) from one country to
another as a consequence of investment flows. In this case, the money being
referred to is not the money that flows between countries to purchase each other‗s
goods and services, but rather referring to the money flowing into and out across the
the world such as stock and bond, as well as factors such as real estate and
crossborder mergers and acquisitions.
Cross-border capital flows according to Rajan (2019) are neither an
unmitigated blessing nor an undoubted curse. Meaning, if it is used wisely, they can
be beneficial to recipient countries by making up deficiencies in the availability of
long-term risk capital and reducing gaps in local corporate governance. They can
also be beneficial to sending countries, offering investment opportunities for savings
generated by aging
4. Migration (movement of labor): Migration is the movement of people from
one country to another. In economics, it is in consonant to the movement of labor.
Whether it is physicians or nurse who emigrate from Philippines to Great
Britain or seasonal farm workers emigrating from Mexico to the United States, labor
is increasingly mobile. For sending countries, the short-term economic advantage of
emigration (moving abroad) is located in remittances. Remittances are funds that
emigrants earn abroad and send back to their home countries, mainly in order to
support families left behind. According to the World Bank, remittances totaled $689
billion worldwide in 2018, with $529 billion of that money flowing into developing
nations (World Bank, 2019). Magnifying it locally, Philippines is also on the map of
those countries with higher remittances. According to World Bank‗s Report, in 2018,
Philippines ranked fourth among the top remittance-receiving countries in the world
with a total of $33.8 billion.

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Figure 3: The World‗s Top Remittance Recipients

Migration, apart from the remittance contribution, can also benefit developing
economies when migrants who acquired education and knowledge abroad return
home to establish new enterprises. Unfortunately, migration can also hurt the
economy in the process in which a country loses its most educated and talented
workers to other countries. The flight of this human capital is essential for countries‗
economic growth.

5. Diffusion of technology: Technology plays a vital role in expediting the process

of globalization. It is considered as a major facilitator and a driving force in the
globalization processes. Technological improvement has allowed companies to
rapidly globalize their products. Global food chains are able to produce and
standardized their products across globe through wider and fine connectivity
facilitated by technology. The development of containerized ships and air freight is
considered to be a key technological advancement in trade and commerce.
Similarly, the introduction of universal bar code has increased the movement and
flow of goods worldwide. The creation of personal computers and internet formed
electronic business (E-Business) and electronic commerce (E-Commerce), which
are used as a validation of recent techno-globalism. Financial sector is also
benefitted from technology through electronic banking or the online banking.
Electronic transfer of funds is regarded to be the first operating form of global
electronic financial system.
Technological globalization is speeded significantly by technological
diffusion, defined as the spread of technology among countries. There has been
rapid advancement in the spread of technology to semi-peripheral and peripheral
nations for the past two decades, and World Bank in 2008 reported the benefits and
challenges of technological diffusion. In general, the report found that technological
growth and economic growth rates were linked, and that increase in technological
progress helps improve the situations of the poor. The report recognizes that the
lowtech products found in rural areas such as corn that can benefit from new
technological innovations, while, technologies like mobile banking can help those
whose rural existence consists of low-tech market transaction. Furthermore,
technological advances like in mobile phones can lead to competition lowering the
prices and parallel developments in related areas such as mobile banking and
information sharing.
The contemporary era of globalization is now experiencing ‗internet
economies‗ due to advancement in technology. Internet growth is a key factor for
developing interpersonal relationship across the globe. It is one of the necessary
components for social globalization, and it would not be complete without the
invention of internet.
Innovations in telecommunications, information technology, and computing
have lowered communication costs and facilitated the cross-border flow of ideas,
including technical knowledge as well as more fundamental concepts such as
democracy and free markets (Stiglitz, 2003).

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Figure 4: The Accelerating Speed of World Trade

Due to technological progress, costs of transportation and of communication

decreased strongly during the last decades. Without these reductions of costs,
phenomena such as outsourcing, long-distance trade and global value chains would
not be possible.
Conclusion: The formation of economic globalization would not be possible
without the elements of trade, flows of capital, foreign direct investment, migration or
the movement of labor, and technology. They attributed rapid transformation to the
world economy. They have created difficult challenges, and countries will continue to
struggle to increase growth and productivity, while reducing inequality and creating
jobs and more opportunities. However, drawbacks will always be part of the picture.
Turning back the clock to restore the old frameworks is impossible. The challenge is
to build new ones that work.
To assess your understanding of the lesson, please answer the activity below.


Activity: Using the graphic organizer below, consider the positive and negative
impact of economic globalization from each of the points of view below:

Developed Countries

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Positive Negative

Developing Countries

Positive Negative

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TITLE OF THE LESSON: Market Integration
DURATION: 2 hours

This lesson will explore the role of the different economic and financial
institutions, including global corporations, and the formation of an integrated world

Objectives / Competencies:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. To identify the actors that facilitate economic globalization.
2. To explain the role of economic and financial institutions in the creation of an
integrated global economy.
3. To identify the attributes of global corporations.
4. To narrate a short history of global market integration in the twentieth


Part 1: ACTIVITY. How Globalization Affects What’s for Lunch: Globalization‗s

effects can appear where you least expect them—including on your plate. Write a
short narrative on what you eat for lunch. Consider the steps it takes before it
reached your plate (e.g. ingredients, the extraction of raw material, manufacturing,
movement, distribution, manner of cooking). (Minimum of 8 sentences).


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Lesson Proper/ Course Methodology

Actors that Facilitate Economic Globalization

What is your favourite Netflix series? Have you felt ―kilig‖ also while
watching Crash Landing on You? What made you watched it? Most of the time, apart
from the story, the actors are the reason why you got hooked in watching a series.
Just like your favourite series, economic globalization is also narrating stories with
several actors performing. These actors are making a new script for the world
economy. Generally, they are termed as international economic institutions and the
transnational corporations. Netflix, as a transnational corporation, has also a role in
economic globalization.

International Economic and Financial Institutions

In July 1944, 44 countries assembled the Bretton Woods Conference, and

countersigned a framework for the international economic cooperation after WW
II. Two international economic organizations resulted from the Bretton Woods
Conference—the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) or what is known today as the World Bank
— and in 1947 the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), became the
primary global trade organization. The mentioned organizations became a part of a
complex institutional structure to help manage the post war global economy.
The Bretton Woods institutions were known as keystone international
economic organizations (KIEOs) due to their central role in trade, development and
monetary relations (Cohn, 2011).

1. The World Bank

World Bank or formerly known as International Bank for Reconstruction and

Development (IBRD) was conceived in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Monetary
Conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire USA.
• Its initial goal was to help rebuild countries in Europe devastated by the WW

• World Bank first loan was to France in 1947 for post-war reconstruction ($250
million). Then, later shifted its support and attention to other member
countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. 
• In the 1950s and 1960s, the funding of large infrastructure projects, such as
roads, dams, irrigation systems, and electrical grids was World Bank‗s
primary focus.  In 1970s, the agriculture sector became the bank‗s major
focus. In the same period, World Bank shifted its attention to poverty
eradication. Projects related to health and nutrition, food production,

Page | 39
population, and rural and urban development were intended to reach the poor
Missions of the World Bank

1. To end extreme poverty. Considering the more than 1 billion people that still
living today in deep poverty, the Bank's first goal is to end extreme poverty by
decreasing the percentage of people living with less than $1.90 a day to no
more than 3 percent by 2030.
2. Promote shared prosperity. World Bank see that rising inequality and social
exclusion seems to accompany rising prosperity in many countries. Thus, the
Bank‗s second goal is to promote shared prosperity by improving the income
of the bottom 40 percent of the population in each country (World Bank,

Organizations of the World Bank (World Bank, 2013)

The World Bank is not common bank in the standard sense of the word. Instead,
it consists of organizations that help in achieving its goals . The World Bank Group
consists of five organizations:

• International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) - it lends

to governments of middle-income and creditworthy low-income countries. It is
the world‗s largest development bank. It provides financial products and
policy advice to help countries reduce poverty and extend the benefits of
sustainable growth to all of their people.
• International Development Association (IDA) - it provides interest-free
loans — called credits — and grants to governments of the poorest countries.
It is one of the largest sources of assistance for the world‗s 74 poorest
countries and is the single largest source of donor funds for basic social
services in these countries.
Eligibility for IDA support depends primarily on a country‗s relative
poverty, defined as Gross National Income or GNI per capita below, an
established threshold and updated annually ($1,185 in fiscal year 2021). The
IDA‗s lending operations are financed by the contributions of developed
• International Finance Corporation (IFC) - is the largest global development
institution focused on helping the private sector. It helps developing countries
achieve sustainable growth by financing investment, mobilizing capital in
international financial markets, and providing advisory services to businesses
and governments.
• Multilateral Investment Guarantee (MIGA) - was created in 1988 to provide
loan guarantees and insurance to foreign investors against loss caused by
non-commercial risks in developing countries.
• International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) -
ICSID, which operates independently of the IBRD, is responsible for the
settlement by conciliation or arbitration of investment disputes between
foreign investors and their host developing countries.

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IBRD and IDA are both partnering with governments of developing countries,
while IFC, MIGA and ICSID focus on strengthening the private sector in developing
World Bank's Top 10 Borrowers


(in million $)
Peru 2,850
India 2,820
China 1,982
Indonesia 1,700
Ukraine 1,560
Egypt 1,550
7 Iraq
Poland 1,504
Colombia 1,400

10 Kazakhstan 1,080
Based on data from World Bank, 2020

Table 1: World Bank's Top 10 Borrowers

*Philippines ranked no. 13 – $950 million

2. International Monetary Fund (IMF)

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was the other institution established
as a result of the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. It is an organization of 189
countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability,
facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic
growth, and reduce poverty around the world (IMF, 2020). It is also regarded as the
―guardians of good conduct‖ in the area of balance of payments.

The IMF's primary purpose is to promote global monetary cooperation and

international financial stability.

Core Functions of the IMF

1. Surveillance. This is also known as economic surveillance. Since the

IMF‗s primary job is to promote stability in the international monetary
system, thus, its first function is to oversee and monitor the economic
condition of its member countries, including their monetary system and
economic and financial policies. Acting like a doctor, the IMF will identify
potential risks to stability and recommends appropriate policy adjustments
needed to sustain economic growth and promote financial and economic

2. Lending. The second function of the IMF is to provide financial support to

nurture the economies of member countries with balance of payments
problems. This assistance can replenish international reserves, stabilize
currencies, and reinforce conditions for economic growth. Unlike World
Bank, the IMF does not lend for specific projects.
Typically, a country‗s government and the IMF must agree on a
program of economic policies before the IMF provides lending to the country.
A country‗s commitments to undertake certain policy actions, known as
policy conditionality, are in most cases an integral part of IMF lending.
These policy adjustments are conditions for IMF loans and serve to ensure
that the country will be able to repay the IMF. Examples of policy adjustments
to be made are trade liberalization, privatization of estate owned assets,
tax adjustments and reducing government expenditures, as the case of the

3. Capacity Development. The third function of the IMF is to give technical

assistance and training to help countries build effective economic institutions for
the implementation of right policies. These capacity development efforts are
expected to help countries achieve their growth and development objectives and
are an important contribution to countries‗ progress toward their Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs).

Capacity development is integrated with IMF surveillance and lending.

IMF's Source of fund: The IMF's primary source of fund is from the quotas paid by
its member states. The size of each quota is determined by how much each
government can pay according to the size of its economy. Hence, the quota of states
reflects their relative position in the global economy and determines the voting power
of states in IMF decisions. Multilateral and bilateral borrowing are the secondary and
tertiary line of defense in case quotas would not be sufficient.
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3. World Trade Organization (WTO)

Timeline of GATT and the WTO (Crowley, 2003)

1944: At the Bretton Woods Conference, which created the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund (IMF), there is talk of a third organization, the
International Trade Organization (ITO).
1947: As support for another international organization wanes in the U.S. Congress,
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is created. The GATT treaty
creates a set of rules to govern trade among 23 member countries rather than a
formal institution.
1950: Formal U.S. withdrawal from the ITO concept as the U.S. administration
abandons efforts to seek congressional ratification of the ITO.
1951–86: Periodic negotiating rounds occur, with occasional discussions of reforms
of GATT. In the 1980‗s, serious problems with dispute resolutions arise.
1986–94: The Uruguay Round, a new round of trade negotiations, is launched. This
culminates in a 1994 treaty that establishes the World Trade Organization (WTO).
1995: The WTO is created at the end of the Uruguay Round, replacing GATT.

Figure 2: Timeline of GATT and the WTO

GATT has been effective in liberalizing trade, however, it unable to address

the expansion of trade in services, investment, and intellectual property. It has also
been incapable of providing a strong and efficient system for dispute settlement.
GATT eventually replaced by WTO in 1995 to managed these issues.
WTO's Mission: To manage the rules of international trade and ensure the fair and
equitable treatment of all members through negotiations and trade dispute
settlements (WTO, 2020).

"The WTO was born out of negotiations; everything the WTO does is the result of
Functions of WTO:
• To implement trade agreements
• To provide forum for trade negotiations
• To handle trade disputes
• To monitor national trade policies
• To provide technical assistance and training for developing countries • To
cooperate with other international organizations

Principles of Trading System under WTO

The trading system should be … (WTO, 2015)

Page | 43
• without discrimination — under WTO, member countries must not discriminate
against any of their trading partners (giving them equally ―most-favoured-nation‖
or MFN status); and it should not discriminate between its own and foreign
products, services or nationals (giving them ―national treatment‖);

• 'Most-favoured-nation or MFN' treatment. The term 'most-favoured'

sounds like an opposition. It suggests a special treatment, but under WTO,
it actually means non-discrimination and to treat everyone equally, where
every member treats their trading partner as the most-favoured. For
instance, if a country improves the benefits that it gives to one trading
partner, it has to give the same ―best‖ treatment to all the other WTO
members so that they all remain ―most-favoured‖.
• National treatment. This means imported and locally-produced goods
should be treated equally — at least after the imported goods have entered
the market and been cleared by custom custody. This likewise should apply
to foreign and domestic services, and in the protection of intellectual
property rights e.g. trademarks, copyrights and patents.

However, trade without discrimination has an exception. Specifically, the WTO

agreements allow countries to have a regional trading bloc (e .g. ASEAN Free Trade
Area (AFTA), European Union, and NAFTA) to provide special privileges for trade
among member countries within the bloc.

• free — trimming down of trade barriers to promote trades among countries through
negotiation. The barriers concerned include the tariff (or custom duties) and non-
tariff barriers such as import bans or quotas that restrict the quantities of imports

• predictable — this is through binding and transparency. In the WTO, when

countries acknowledge the opening of their market to goods and services, they
―bind‖ their commitments. Under the goods, these bindings amount to ceilings on
customs tariff rates. Thus, if a country agrees to a ceiling for tariff rates on imported
products, it cannot unilaterally increase its rates beyond the ceiling without
attracting reciprocal action from other countries.

• more competitive — this discourages ―unfair‖ practices such as dumping

(exporting at a low price to increase market share) and export subsidies. The WTO
is occasionally described as a ―free trade‖ institution, but according to WTO itself,
it is not accurate. The WTO system allows tariffs but in limited circumstances and in
other forms of protection. Specifically, it is a system of rules dedicated to open,
fair and undistorted competition (WTO, 2015). The WTO system therefore seeks to
promote fair trade among member countries even if it allows countries to maintain
tariffs and exercise measures to safeguard domestic industries under limited

• more beneficial for less developed countries — The WTO system is said to be
more beneficial for less developed countries by giving them more time to adjust,
greater flexibility, and special privileges.
The Transnational Corporations (TNCs)

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What do cellphones, shoes, coffee and detergent soap have in common?
Most of them today are product of Transnational Corporations (TNCs) or also known
as Multinational Corporations (MNCs) and they play a vital role in defining the
process of economic globalization.
A transnational corporation (TNC) is "any enterprise that undertakes foreign
direct investment, owns or controls income-gathering assets in more than one
country, produces goods or services outside its country of origin, or engages in
international production" (Biersteker 1978). TNCs are formal business organizations
that have spatially dispersed operations in at least two countries.
According to Global Policy Forum (2000), "transnational corporation" means a
for-profit enterprise marked by two basic characteristics: 1) it engages in enough
business activities which includes sales, distribution, extraction, manufacturing, and
research and development outside the country of origin which leads to being
dependent financially on operations in two or more countries; 2) and its management
decisions are made based on regional or global alternatives.
Did you know that some of the TNCs are so rich and have so many
employees that already resemble small countries? For example, the sales of
both Microsoft and Nike are larger than the GDP of all but a few nations in the world
including part of African nations.
. Gereffi (2005) believes that contemporary globalization is equated primarily
with TNCs, the main driving forces of economic globalization of the last 100 years
and accounting for an estimate of two-thirds of world export.
The TNCs play a very vital role in the globalization process because: (a) they
are key to organizational and technological innovations and therefore to the
development of the productive forces; (b) they contribute to most flows of
international transactions as listed in section 3 above; (c) they are, so far, the only
actor that can truly plan, organize and control activities across borders; (d) they are
in a position to take full advantage of the ICTs and indeed contribute to their diffusion
and development; (e) they participate in the globalization process as active rather
than passive participants, unlike many other actors (Gillies, 2011).

Reasons for being a TNC/MNC

According to Corporate Finance Institute (2015), there are various reasons why
companies want to become multinational corporations.

1. Access to lower production costs– installing a production warehouse and

manufacturing plants in developing countries usually leads to a lower production
2. Proximity to target international markets– it is beneficial to set up business
in countries where the target consumer market of a company is located. Doing so
helps reduce transport costs and gives multinational corporations easier access to
consumer feedback and information, as well as to consumer intelligence.

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3. Avoidance of tariffs – when a company produces or manufactures its
products in another country where they also sell their products, they are exempt from
import quotas and tariffs.

Top 10 Largest Companies by Market Capitalization*

Rank Company Country Sector ($ Bil.)

1 Microsoft U.S. Technology 1,058
2 Apple U.S. Technology 959
3 Amazon U.S. Consumer Services 959
4 Alphabet U.S. Technology 839
5 Facebook U.S. Technology 550
6 Berkshire Hathaway U.S. Financial 496
7 Tencent China Technology 436
8 Alibaba China Consumer Services 431
9 Visa U.S. Financial 389
10 JPMorgan Chase U.S. Financial 366
*As of August 1, 2019.
Source: Global Finance Magazine (2019) https://www.gfmag.com/global-data/economic-data/largest-companies

Table 2: Top 10 Largest Multinational Companies


Today, we live in an age of outsourcing. Transnational Corporations are said

to be constantly evolving as a result of outsourcing activity. Outsourcing is the
practice of obtaining goods and services from foreign suppliers. The traditional
model of creating everything in-house, from research to manufacturing, is no longer
the most efficient way. Now, firms are subcontracting an expanding set of activities.
Some have become ―virtual‖ manufacturers, owning designs for so many products
but making almost nothing themselves.

Example: AMERICAN CAR (WTO, 2015)

KOREA – assembly
JAPAN – components & advanced technology
GERMANY – design
TAIWAN & SINGAPORE – minor parts
UK – advertising and marketing services
IRELAND/ BARBADOS – data process

Page | 46
Deloitte‗s Global Outsourcing Survey (2016) reveals that outsourcing is a
trend expected to continue, despite significant changes in the regulatory environment
across various industries in the last couple of years.
Reasons for Outsourcing

Park (2017) provides some benefits of outsourcing as shown in the figure below:

Image Source: Park (2017) jeffbullas.com

Figure 3: Reasons for Outsourcing
Global Supply Chain

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What is global supply chain? Supply chains are networks—consisting of
individual producers, companies, transportation, information, and more—that extract
raw materials, transform them into finished products, and deliver those products to
consumers. In other words, supply chains are the steps it takes to turn an item (like
aluminum) into a finished product (like that new iPhone in your pocket). To further
understand the process of global supply chain, let‗s read the article below entitled:
―It Takes a Village to Make Your Medicine‖ by World 101 (2019).

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Source: https://world101.cfr.org/global-era-issues/globalization/it-takes-village-make-your-

Figure 4: The Global Supply Chain of Medicine (case of U.S)


To assess your understanding of the lesson, please answer the activities below.


PART 1. ACTIVITY: How globalized is Your Home? Do an inventory of the things

that you have in your home. Explore your kitchen, living room, bedroom and
bathroom. Then fill in the necessary information on the table below. Write your
realizations after.

Page | 49
Local o Country of
My Things I found Brand foreign r Manufacturer origin
Home name brand (for the
Ex. Smart TV TCL foreign TCL China
Living Technology

Kitchen 2.

room 2.


Bedroom 2.

Bathroo 2.

Realization: After doing this activity, I have realized that: (integrate the lessons that
had been discussed)

1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________

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LESSON TITLE: The Global Interstate System
DURATION: 2 hours

This lesson will primarily identify the major attributes of a global interstate
system, how did the system emerge and what are the institutions that facilitate its
development. Furthermore, the lesson will also examine internationalization as a
window in viewing the globalization of politics.

Objectives / Competencies

At the end of the lesson, the student is expected to:

1. Define the state and the nation.

2. Identify significant events in the development of the interstate system.
3. Explain the relationship between globalization and the nation-states.
4. Differentiate internationalization from globalization.


PART 1. Activity: Word Search Game. Search for 5 words related to State. Give 1
sentence description for each found word.



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Lesson Proper

The Attributes of Today’s Global System

According to Claudio et.al (2018), world politics today has four key attributes.
First, there are states or countries that govern themselves and are independent.
Second, these states or countries connect with each other via diplomacy. Third,
international organizations, such as the United Nations (UN), facilitate these
interactions. Fourth, beyond simply facilitating meetings between states, international
organizations also take on lives of their own. The UN, for example, aside from being
a meeting ground for presidents and other heads of states, also has task-specific
agencies like the World Health Organizations (WHO) and the International Labour
Organization (ILO).
To trace the origin of this system, it is important to look initially, the concept of
―nation-state”. This concept is not as simple as it seems. It is the term
used to identify the modern states. It is a system of organization in which people
with a common identity live inside a country with firm borders and a single
The nation-state is composed of two non-interchangeable terms - the nation
and the state. For example, when we say ‗African Nations‗, ‗Asian Nations‗
or ‗Western nations‗, we do not mean nations but States. Similarly, the ‗United
Nations‗ is in reality an organization of nation-states. Each modern state is a Nation
State; nevertheless there exist some important distinctions between the two.
According to Paul (1996) "State" govern a territory with boundaries. It has its own
government that enforce laws, impose taxes, officials, own currencies, postal
services, police and (usually) armies etc. They claim "sovereignty" within their
territory. They wage war, negotiate treaties, put people in prison and regulate life in
thousands of ways. This is exactly how Max Weber define state, according to him
state is a ―human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the
legitimate use of physical force within a given territory.
"Nations" on the contrary are groups of people claiming common bonds like
language, culture and historical identity. Benedict Anderson, termed nation as an
"imagined community." It means that the nation allows one to feel a connection with
a community of people even if he/she will never meet all of them. Example, when
you cheer for the Filipino athletes during the 2019 SEA games, it is not because you
personally know them. Rather, because you imagine your connection as both
members of Filipino community.

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There can be sharp differences about the legitimacy of states and nations,
both within and outside of their territory. Nations may be "imagined communities,"
but they are not imagined in the same way by everybody.
As a whole, nation-states can count on much greater loyalty from their citizens
than states that contain many nations, and this provides them greater strength in
their international dealings.

The Interstate System

States connect with one another in an environment known as the Interstate

System. The modern world-system is structured politically as an interstate system
– a system of competing and allying states. Political Scientists commonly call this
the international system. All states are sovereign, and some states have greater
power than the others.
Most commonly, the view of a nation-state was and is associated with the rise
of the modern system of states, often called the ―Westphalian system‖ in reference
to the Treaty of Westphalia (1648). It is a system of international relations claiming
the principle that each state has exclusive sovereign power over its territory. The
Westphalian system did not create the nation-state, but the nation-state meets the
criteria for its component states.

Picture Source: https://valdaiclub.com/multimedia/infographics/westphalian -


Figure 1: Westphalian System

Significant Events that Marked the Milestones in the Development of the

Interstate System.

• The Peace of Westphalia (1648)

The Peace of Westphalia, in 1648 finished the 30 year war between the
Catholic states and the Protestant states in Central and Western Europe,
Page | 53
establishing the modern international system. It proclaimed that the each nation‗s
sovereign could do what she or he wished in its borders and recognized the state as
the main actor in the global politics. In this point, the international system has
consisted primarily of relations among nation-states. This event legitimized the idea
of ―sovereignty‖ in the world. State sovereignty is also known as Westphalian

• Shifting Balances of Power (1600–1800)

In the 17th and 18th centuries, the nation-state emanated as the commanding political
unit of the international system. Specifically, a series of strong states controlled
Europe. The weaker states often joined forces to prevent the dominant states from
becoming powerful, this was known as the Balance Of Power. Several wars and
economic competition was prominent in this era. Some nations like England and
France were powerful, but some such the Otooman Empire and Spain shrank in
power over the time.

• Emergence of Nationalism (1800–1945)

The 19 century leads two significant changes in the international system:

- First: nationalism appeared as a strong force –authorizing the nation-states to

grow more powerful.
- Second: Germany and Italy became unified countries – which amended the
balance of economic in military power in Europe.

 New World Orders (1945–Present)

The end of the WW II pronounced a significant movement in the global system. After
the war, there are only two great worlds that survived: the Soviet Union and the
United States. Even though some other dominant states existed, almost all states
were understood within because of their relations with the two countries.

A global system where the power is centered with two great countries is Bipolar. In
the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union fell. With this, only one super country
remains, this was then labeled as Unipolar. Furthermore, others point to the
increasing economic power of some Asian and European states is labeled as

Globalization and the Nation-States

Globalization as a debatable concept especially in the final years of the

twentieth century, have also drawn various speculations over the existence of state.
Did the states being displaced by globalization? What is its role in the globally
interconnected world? To what extent is the nation-state relevant? Economically
speaking, for hyper globalist such as Ohmae, states failed to exist as primary
economic organization units in the global market. For the people are consuming
highly standardized global products and services produced by global corporations in
a borderless world. Reich (1991) states that globalization transforms the national
economy into a global one where ‗there will be no national corporations, no national
products, and no national industries.

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In the view of Boyer and Drache (1996), globalization is not absolutely
displacing the role of the nation-state, but they admit that ―globalization is
redefining the role of the nation-state as an effective manager of the national
economy‖. Refuse the idea of uniform state policies and conceive the state as the
main shelter from the perverse effects of free market economy.
In support, Brodie(1996) believes that it is misleading to consider that the
existence of state is obsolete and irrelevant; governments instead are acting as the
―midwives of globalization‖. Governments may not be the one to conceive
globalization, but they are the means towards its facilitation.

However, globalization supporters and critics both agree that globalization, by

embracing neo-liberals‗ principles of deregulation, privatization and free trade, is
imposing a forced choice upon states. States either conform to free-market principles
or run the risk of being left behind. Thomas Friedman, well-known advocate of
neoliberalism, came up with up with a phrase ―Golden Straitjacket‖ to describe how
states are now forced into policies that suit the preferences of investment houses
and corporate executives who swiftly move money and resources into countries
favoured as adaptable to the demands of international business and withdraw even
more rapidly from countries who are deemed uncompetitive.

Schattle (2014) came up with an analysis over the impact of globalization on

states. Here are some of his concluding points:
• Globalization coincides with states and indeed has spurred the creation
of many new states; with many nations and ethnic, linguistic and
religious communities long submerged with existing states demanding
and rising up their statehood.
• States now work in a world in where power is scattered both
horizontally (civil society and the marketplace) and vertically
(international organizations, subnational political authorities) 
• Globalization shapes states, and states in turn shape globalization, and
this circular flow encompasses many elements, such as transnational
capital, investments, ideas, brands, art and music, film and so forth. 
• Because the benefits and costs of globalization are unevenly
distributed across states and populations, life chances for individual
citizens are heavily determined by the particular states they are from;
and how they cope up in ensuring basic needs and safeguarding basic
• States agendas and drive the cooperation that governs the
international organizations leading the world, from the United Nations
to the World Trade Organization. States also craft and justify the
common standards that emerge from these institutions. 
• Globalization settles states in a direct competition. States compete on
a variety of fronts; economic policies that offer the most favourable
incentives for multinational corporations to locate within their
jurisdictions, tourism campaigns that attract the world‗s upwardly
mobile populations and their disposable incomes, and political systems
that meet basic minimum standards of democratic legitimacy and moral

Page | 55
Internationalization vs. Globalization

Internationalization and Globalization are the two terms that most people get
confuse at due to their similar nature. Nevertheless, they are two distinctive, yet
connected concepts. According to Daly (1999), internationalization refers to the
increasing importance of international trade, international relations, treaties,
alliances, etc. The word ―internationalization‖ comes from Latin and
means ―between‖ or ―among‖ nations. In this process people do not relate directly
to each other as individuals but usually interact with each other as citizens of
different nations and in formal settings by means of national representatives. Nation
remains the basic unit. While globalization refers to global economic integration of
many formerly national economies into one global economy, mainly by free trade
and free capital mobility, but also by easy or uncontrolled migration.
According to Glossop (2017), the difference between these two outlooks is
one of viewing the world as made up of a collection of nation-states as contrasted
with viewing it as a single planet where national boundaries are relatively
insignificant. The appropriate image for internationalism is a map of the world or a
traditional globe where the different countries appear in different colors, each one
bordered by a solid black line. The appropriate image for globalism is the photo of
Earth from space where there are no national boundaries and the unity and
solitariness of the planet in space are most evident.


Its focus is another differentiation between globalization and

internationalization. Internationalization focus is the development of the local
businesses in the international market, while the focus of globalization is the
exchange and trade of products and services from the interaction of local markets in
one global market. And, this enhances free trade and capital mobility services as
well. Thus, internationalization focuses more of quantitative change while
globalization is more of qualitative transformation.


The results of internationalization include increasing the influence of the

enterprise of a local market and influencing globalization. The results of globalization
include the decrease of global market trade barriers, the emergence of free and
open markets, the mobility of free trade capital, increased and uncontrollable
migration, decline of local cultures and identities and the negative effect on the small
local business.
Thus, internationalization and globalization might not be totally the same but
they are much related from each other. Realizing globalization today would not be
possible without initiating the process of internationalization. Globalization is a
process and internationalization is part of the same. If globalization is the end;
internationalization is the means. As Claudio et.al (2018) stated, internationalization
is one window in the phenomena of globalization.

Page | 56
Reflections / Learning Insights:



To assess your understanding of the lesson, please answer the activities below.
PART 1.Learning Activity. Differentiate Nation from State. State 3 differences.
Nation State

Differentiate Internationalization from Globalization. State 3 differences.

Internationalization Globalization

Page | 57
LESSON TITLE: Contemporary Global Governance
DURATION: 2 hours

This lesson will examine how global governance is articulated by
intergovernmental organizations, particularly the United Nations as the most
prominent intergovernmental organization in the contemporary period.

Objectives / Competencies
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. To define global governance.
2. To identify the roles and functions of the United Nations
3. To determine the challenges of global governance in the twenty-first century.


Draw 3 illustrations that will describe your view about United Nations.


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Lesson Proper

What is Global Governance?

Is there one organization that various states are accountable to? Is there an
organization that can military compel a state to obey global rules? The answer would
be none. Because there is no single government that can rule the world. But, how is
the world governed even the absence of global government? Global governance is
the key.
As defined by Young (1999), global governance is the formal and informal
arrangements that produce a degree of order and collective action above the state in
the absence of a global government. This will be possible by the coordination of the
state and non-state actors. The International Governmental Organizations (IGOs)
and International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs).
International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) are formed by states. States
come together to form an organization, and they establish a structure based on a
formal instrument of agreement. For instance, ASEAN was basically formed when
the ten nations in Southeast Asia joined. Other examples are: World Trade
Organization (WTO), World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the most
prominent of all is the United Nations (UN). However, International Non-
Governmental Organizations (INGOs) are generally private, voluntary organizations
whose members are individuals or a group of people. Usually, NGOs are created to
solve specific issue. Examples are: Greenpeace (environmental group), World Wild
Fund (wild animal protection group, Amnesty International (human rights group).
The goal of global governance, through the following organizations, is to
provide global public goods, particularly peace and security, justice and mediation
systems for conflict, functioning markets and unified standards for trade and

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Among the various international organizations, the United Nations is said to
be the primary venue and formal arrangement for global governance involving states
and non-state actors. Thus, to explore global governance in the contemporary world,
we will put the spotlight on the U.N as it is today‗s most prominent international

The United Nations

United Nations is a most popular organization for most of us. Even during
your Kindergarten days, you already encountered this organization as part of school
activities where you dressed up with costumes representing different countries of the
world. But apart from being a school activity and wearing costumes with sash, what
did you know about United Nations? Let‗s explore further!
The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945, in the
wake of the Second World War, as a way to prevent future conflicts on that
scale. The destruction caused by the Second World War compelled the people to
establish an international organization for keeping the world away from war and in
favor of friendship and cooperation among all the nations. It is currently made up of
193 Member States. It serves as the primary organization for international
cooperation, peace and security.
The mission and work of the United Nations are guided by the purposes and
principles contained in its founding Charter. The UN Charter:

The Charter is the Constitution of the United Nations. It was made in October
1944 by the Dumbarton Oaks (Washington DC) Conference. It lays down the rules
which govern the organization and functions of the UN and all its organs. The
Charter has a Preamble, 19 Chapters and 111 Articles which explain the purposes,
principles, organs, and operating methods of the UN.

The purposes of the UN are defined in Article 1 of the UN Charter.

These are:
1. To maintain international peace and security and to take adequate
steps to avert wars.
2. To develop friendly relations among nations on the basis of equality.
3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems
of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character.
4. To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment
of these common ends.

Principles of the UN
The principles are the means to achieve the objectives of the UN. These are
contained in Article 2 of the UN Charter:
1. All the member states are equal.
2. The member states shall fulfill their obligations to the UN honestly.
3. The member states shall settle their international disputes by peaceful

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4. The member states shall refrain in their international relations from the
threat or use of force against any other state.
5. The member states shall give to the UN every assistance in any action
it takes in accordance with the UN Charter.
6. The states which are not members of the UN, should also act in
accordance with these principles for the maintenance of international peace and
7. No member state shall interfere in the internal affairs of any other state.

United Nations Organs and their Roles

The UN Charter established six principal organs in 1945.

Figure 1. Organs of the United Nation

1. The General Assembly:

The General Assembly is the highest deliberative organ of the UN. It is also
called the World Parliament of Nations. Each member state sends five
representatives to it but each state has only one vote. The opening day of the
session stands designated as the International Day of Peace. The UN General
Assembly holds deliberations on all issues which are related to the Charter of the
United Nations. It also approves the annual budget of the UN.
According to the UN Charter: ―Decisions on important questions, such
as those on peace and security, admission of new members, and budgetary matters,
require a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly”. Decisions on other questions
are done by simple majority. Annually, the General Assembly elects a GA President
to serve a one-year term of office‖ (United Nations, 2017). The Philippines played a
prominent role in the GA‗s early years when Filipino diplomat Carlos P. Romulo was
elected GA president from 1949-1950.

2. The Security Council (SC):

The Security Council is the executive body and the most potent organ of the
UN. It is called ―the Power House‖ of the UN, it has the power to make
legally binding resolutions. It is made up of 15 members out of whom 5 are
permanent members, each with a veto power. These are the USA, Russia, China,
France and United Kingdom. Remaining 10 are non-permanent members who are
elected by the General Assembly by a 2/3 majority for a term of two years.
The decisions of the Security Council are taken by a majority and vote but
each of its five permanent members has the right to veto its decisions. Under the
―uniting for peace resolution‖ adopted in November 1950, the UN General
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Assembly can direct the Security Council to act for meeting any threat to
international peace by taking collective security action against aggression. The
Security Council is a powerful organ of the UN. It‗s headquarter is located at New
York in USA. India now wants to become a permanent member of the UN Security
Article 24 of the UN Charter states that the SC is mandated to act on behalf of
the entire UN body to fulfill its primary responsibility for maintaining international
peace and security. Functions may include investigating any situation that has the
potential of creating international tension; call for military action towards an
aggressor or threat; impose economic sanctions and other measures; determine the
existence of a breach of peace and actions to be pursued.

3. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC):

The Economic and Social Council has 54 members, they are elected by the
UN General Assembly for a term of three years. Its primary objective is to advance
the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. It
serves as a gateway of the UN‗s partnership with the rest of the world for the
coordination, policy review, dialogue, recommendations, and implementation of
international development goals. Thus, this Council helps the UN in solving the
economic and social problems of the world.
ECOSOC, also has the authority, along with the General Assembly, to call
international conferences and to consult with nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs). The global conferences on human rights, the environment, population, and
women‗s rights, to just name a few, have been some of the most important
contributions made by ECOSOC. These global conferences provide an important
forum for including the voices of civil society in the workings of the UN as
represented by NGOs affiliated with ECOSOC and DPI that participate sometimes
directly in the conferences or in parallel NGO forums in a way not possible in other
UN bodies. There are now some 1,500 NGOs that have consultative status with
ECOSOC and that may send observers to meetings of ECOSOC and its subsidiary
bodies. NGOs are increasingly viewed as important partners not only in representing
civil society in the formulation of policies but also in implementing policies and norm
promotion in countries around the world (Krasno, 2004).

4. The Trusteeship Council:

The Trusteeship Council supervises the administration of those backward and

disputed territories, the responsibility for the development of which has been taken
over by the UN. Apart from the permanent members of the Security Council, the
administering countries of the trust territories are its members.
Membership on the Council had its own peculiar system. It included Member
States that had been given administrative authority over a trust territory, all of the P-
5, plus a number of members not administering a territory that were elected by the
General Assembly for three-year terms, the total number of which was to equal the
number of states on the Council that were administering a territory. In 1994, the last
of the territories, Palau, a Pacific island territory, gained independence and became
a member of the UN. The role of the Council was to supervise the governance of the
territories by the administering state and to receive petitions and grievances by the
inhabitants seeking redress. The Council would make an annual report to the
General Assembly on its work, thereby delegating accountability to the administering
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state. In this way it was to the advantage of the administering state to rid itself of this
responsibility, and the Council put itself out of business by its success. Formally, the
Trusteeship Council still exists, but with only the P-5 as members.

5. The International Court of Justice (ICJ):

It is the chief judicial body of the UN. It is also called ―the World Court.‖ It
consists of 15 judges who are elected by the General Assembly on the
recommendations of the UN Security Council; each judge of ICJ holds a tenure of 9
years. It‗s one third judges retire after three years and in their place new judges are
The International Court of Justice gives its verdict on such disputes/cases
which are brought to it by the concerned states by their mutual consent. It gives
advisory opinion on legal matters to the organs and special agencies of the UN when
solicited. It‗s headquarter is located at The Hague (Netherlands).

6. The Secretariat:

Secretariat is the administrative organ of the UN. It implements the policies

and decisions taken up by organs of the UN. It consists of international civil servants
who, while serving the UN, must forget their national loyalties and work for securing
the interests of the UN. Members of the secretariat serve in their capacity as UN
employees and not as state representatives. Their salaries are paid by the UN. The
Secretariat General is the head of the Secretariat. He is called the ―Watchdog of
UN‖. He is appointed for a term of 5 year by the UN General Assembly on the
recommendation of the Security Council. At present. Mr. Ban Ki Moon is the UN
Secretary General.

Specialized Agencies of the UN

The Specialized Agencies of the UN have been playing a significant role in

implementing the policies, decisions and programs of the UN. These are looking
after specific areas and issues like research, health, labor, trade, culture, human
rights etc.
Some of the important specialized agencies of the UN are: International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO),
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), World Labour Organization (WLO), World
Health Organization (WHO), International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(IBRD), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), UN International Children‗s
Fund (UNICEF), UN Environment Program (UNEP), World Food Program (WFP),
UN‗s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and others

UNICEF (UN Children‗s Fund) works for children‗s rights, their survival,
development and protection. UNICEF works to ensure all children, everywhere in the
world, enjoy the same human rights. UNICEF focuses on ensuring children have
access to education and healthcare, and making sure they are free from problems
such as child labour, abuse and neglect.

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WHO is the UN‗s World Health Organization. WHO is the authority on matters of
global health and works to ensure all people are free from preventable diseases like
malaria and HIV/AIDS. WHO works to strengthen healthcare systems in every
country so that all citizens can stay healthy and live longer, happier lives.

UNESCO is the UN‗s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Its role is to
promote international cooperation in education, science, culture, and communication
and information. UNESCO is working to make sure all children in the world have the
opportunity go to school. UNESCO also helps protect special cultural and natural
places around the world by giving them World Heritage status.

WFP is the UN World Food Programme – the largest humanitarian agency fighting
hunger. It feeds over 90 million people a year, saving the lives of those affected by
conflict and natural disasters.

Challenges of the United Nations

Given the scope of the UN‗s activities, it naturally faces numerous


1. The limits placed upon its various organs and programs by the need to
respect state sovereignty. The UN is not the world government, and it
functions primarily because of voluntary cooperation from states. If states
refuse to cooperate, the influence of the UN can be severely restricted.

2. According to Claudio et.al (2018), the issues related to security can be

considered as the biggest challenge. As mentioned, the UN Security Council
is tasked with authorizing international acts of military intervention. Because of
the P5s veto power, it is tough for the council to release formal resolution,
much more implement it.

3. It lacks adequate funds to meet all its objectives.

4. The veto power of the five permanent members of the Security Council has
virtually left this powerful UN organ at the mercy of ―Big-Five‖ i.e. USA, UK,
Russia France and China. Hence, the need is to reform the UN system from
within and outside.

5. The urgent need to democratize the UN. Democracy and transparency must
characterize the Working of all the organs of the UN. The Security Council
needs to be expanded and restructured. Almost all countries now advocate
the need for an increase in the permanent and non-permanent members of
the UN Security Council.

In order to strengthen the role of the United Nations, efforts should be made
to uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. The
authority of the Security Council in maintaining international peace and security must
be preserved and role of the United Nations in development area should be
strengthened. To strengthen the role of the United Nations, it is essential to ensure
to all Member States of the United Nations the right to equal participation in

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international affairs and the rights and interests of the developing countries should
be safeguarded.

To assess your understanding of the lesson, please answer the activities below.

Reflections/ Learning Insights:


Insights: What new insights or learning did you gain in discussion?

1. Before reading the article/understanding the lesson, I thought that

However, after the discussion, I now think/realize that

2. Before reading the article/understanding the lesson, I thought that

However, after the discussion, I now think/realize that

3. Before reading the article/understanding the lesson, I thought that

However, after the discussion, I now think/realize that



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Part 1: Look at the image below and answer the succeeding questions.

Image source: http://howtosavetheworld.ca/2013/07/15/links-of-the-month-july-15- 2013

1. How is economic globalization depicted in the photo?

2. How does this apply to the Philippines?

3. If this is a perceived issue or problem, what do you think should be done to
address or solve them?

PART 2. Search for 3 criticisms over the World Bank, IMF and WTO. Then form
your own critique. Kindly cite your sources.

Institution Criticism Source



Page | 66
World Bank 3.

My own critique:



Monetary Fund 3.

My own critique:


World Trade
(WTO) 3.

My own critique:

PART 3: Answer the following questions:

1. In what ways might globalization be eroding the power of the nation-state?

2. What remnants of the Westphalian System can still be felt at this day and
3. Does globalization affects the concept of nationalism? Explain your answer.
4. What are the challenges faced by the United Nations in maintaining global

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TITLE OF LESSON: Global Divides
DURATION: 1.5 hours


Globalization has turned the world to be unequal (Lindert and Williamson,

2001). This is characterized by the differences in the status among nations based on
their economic capability and translated on their participation in the world market.
There are countries who gained prosperity over the years while there are those who
struggled; thus creating divisions and gaps among them.
This lesson deals with the idea of global divides. It aims to explain the
presence of the ―gap‖ between and among the rich and the poor nations.

At the End of the lesson, the students are expected to:
General: Understand the concept of ―global divides‖
1. Understand the factors that cause the ―gap‖ among nations
2. Be able to give their own explanation for the presence of ―global

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Date: CYS:

Part 1.Based on your own understanding, differentiate between RICH and POOR
nations by giving five characteristics for each.


1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology

The most striking attribute of the global economy is its utmost contrast. There
are obvious manifestations that there are existing social and economic gaps
between the world‗s richest, and the world‗s poorest nations. According to the
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) (2014), the richest 5% of the world‗s
people receive more than 100 times the income of the poorest 5% and that the
richest 1% receives the income of the poorest half of the entire world‗s population.
Moreover, it is believed that the combined income of the 25 richest Americans
equates the income of the poorest 2 billion in the entire world.

Why is this so? How do we determine which countries are rich and which
countries are poor?

The most widely used measure in the comparative status of the socio-
economic development is presented by the UNDP by their annual series of Human
Development Reports known as the Human Development Index (HDI) which was
initiated in 1990.

Human Development Index (HDI)

The Human Development Index (HDI) aimed to rank all countries and
determine the lowest human development and the highest level of development
based on the basic indicators namely: real income, health and education (Todaro
and Smith, 2012).
Basic Indicators of Development

1. Gross National Income per capita (GNI). This refers to the total of all
goods and services produced and provided within a country‗s borders,

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divided by its population. The United nation adjusted this figure to account
for the cost of living in a country in order to create the ―purchasing power

2. Health. Aside from income, health is also included in the indicators of

development. Health is measured based on the life expectancy at birth,
the rate of undernourishment, the under-5 mortality rate, and the crude
birth rate.

3. Education. Literacy is the number of adult males and females reported or

estimated to have the basic abilities and capability to read and write. It
also includes the number of years attended school regardless of the
quality of education received.

The Human development index served its purpose of improving the

understanding of what accounts for development. It clearly reflects the improvements
and failures that each country constitutes, based on the rising and falling of their
ranking. There have been some criticisms posited on HDI because it appears to
have been adhered more on national performance and ranking and less on the
global perspective and actual physical development. Moreover, critics believe that it
lacks on the technological aspects, and contribution to human civilization. It was also
been questioned on the use of its statistical formula and measurement errors, that
led to further misclassification of the countries (Wolff, Chong, and; Auffhammer,


Prior to the HDI there have been moves that created a literal and visual
division among the different countries in the world. One is the Brandt Report in the
1980‗s which was written by the Independent Commission headed by Willy Brandt
to review international development issues in the 1980‗s. The result formed the so
called Brandt Line.

The Brandt line is a clear
graphic presentation of a North
and South division of
their economies of the
different countries which were
based on their GDP (Gross
Product) per capita. It is a line
crossing at latitude of 30° North
passing between North
Central America, north of Africa
and India, but is lowered in the
southern part to include Australia
Source: Wikipedia 2020
and New Zealand to appear above
the line.
The implication of the
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Brandt Line is that the countries in the Northern part of the world are extremely
wealthy while those countries appearing and lying on the southern part of the line
are considered poor. The introduction of the Brandt line initiated the use of the term
―Global North‖ and ―Global South‖ referring respectively to rich and poor countries
(Royal Geographical Society, 2020).

Reflections/Learning Insights

To check if you were able to understand the lesson, answer the following activity.

Date: CYS:

Based on the different factors discussed regarding ―world divide‖, if you

were to come up with an illustration that describes this phenomenon, what factors
will you use to justify what you came up with? Illustrate your answer on the space
below, followed by your justification.

Name: Date: CSY:


TITLE OF LESSON: Characteristics of Global North and Global South


Reality shows that there is a great divide that exists globally. This ―global
divide‖ goes beyond the presence of rich and poor nations. There is a need to draw
the line and factors that will clearly define the division.
This lesson deals with the concept of Global North and Global South. It aims to give
the characteristics of those countries belonging to the global North and Global


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At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Identify the characteristics of Global North and Global South
2. Understand the term Global North and Global South
3. Differentiate Global South from Third World
4. Identify the countries belonging to Global North and Global South

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology

Locating Global North and Global South

The report initiated by Willy Brandt resulted in the visual representation of the
north and south through the so called Brandt Line. This also gave rise to the
geographical split of the world that led to the notion that those countries lying on the
northern hemisphere adhere to industrial development while those countries on the
southern part are poverty stricken nations.

The Big question is;

Where is “Global North” and “Global South” really located?

Discovering Global South

SOURCE Global South

Lisandro Claudio Global South is a concept rather than a place. The
(2011) term ―global south‖ and similar categories are
relevant and were used in the study of
globalization. Moreover, the economists, scholars
and economic activists made use of the term
―global south‖ to give emphasis and as
reference on the global differences in status of
Matthew Sparke (2007) "The Global South is everywhere, but it is also
somewhere, and that somewhere, located at the
intersection of entangled political geographies of
dispossession and repossession.
SibaGrovogui (2011) The Global South is not a directional designation or
a point due south from a fixed north. It is a symbolic
designation meant to capture the appearance of the
bond that emerged when former colonial institutions
that engaged in political projects of decolonization
and moved toward the realization of a postcolonial
international order.
Nour Dados and ―Global South‖ refers in general to the regions of
Rewyn Connell (2012) Latin America, Africa, Oceania and Asia. It is
considered similar to the terms ―Third World‖ and
―Periphery,‖ that indicate regions outside Europe
and North America. It refers to mostly (though not
all) low-income and often politically or culturally
marginalized countries.

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The use of the phrase Global South symbolizes a move from a central focus
on development or cultural difference toward an emphasis on geopolitical relations
of power. North-South terminology emerged from a symbolic application of
categories to name patterns of riches, privilege, and development beyond large
The term Global South is not just to give another ―name‖ for
underdevelopment, but rather it mirrors or reflects a massive history of colonialism,
neo-imperialism, and differential economic and social change through which large
inequalities in living standards, life expectancy, and access to resources are

Characteristics of Global North and Global South


Composed of wealthy, industrialized and Comprised of poor countries
developed nations.
Democratic and capitalist countries
Home to all G8 (Group of 8 Industrialized Africa, Latin America and
Nations) Members (USA, Japan, Russia, Italy, Developing Asia including the
United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada) Middle East
Western Europe, Developed Parts of Asia,
Australia and New Zealand
Technologically Advanced Lacks the right technology
Highly Industrialized Politically Unstable
Steady market and stable prices Economies are divided
of commodities
Foreign Exchange earnings are
dependent on the primary product
exports to the north
Fluctuation of prices
The North holds 1/4 of the world population, The South holds 3/4 of the world
and controls 4/5 of the income earned population, and has access to 1/5
anywhere in the world of the world income
Difference between “Global South” and “Third World”

The term ―Third Word‖ was used during the cold war –era referring to non-
alignment or their rejection of colonialism from both the USSR and USA. The known
―Third World‖ comprises of the alliance of those countries in Africa and in Asia that
became newly independent after World War 2. In 1955, their leaders gathered in
Bandung, Indonesia and formed a movement that agreed not to meddle in the cold
war between the First world (the capitalist, industrialized and democratic countries in
the West) and the Second World (communist countries). The alliance of the
―Third World‖ countries was later on joined by countries from Latin America.
(Litonjua, 2010).

As time passes, after the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War,
the term Third World has decreased in use. It is being replaced with terms such
as developing countries, least developed countries or the Global South. The concept
itself has become out-dated as it no longer represents the current political or
economic state of the world.

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Therefore, it is safe to conclude that ―Global South‖ and ―Third Word‖ are
simply the same; just used in different times.

Other Ways of Classifying


1 World Bank Classification

. System
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) known
as the World Bank (Todaro and Smith, 2012) has a very popular way of classifying
countries known as the World Bank‗s Classification System. It includes 210
economies with a population of at least 30,000 which are ranked using their levels
of Gross National Income (GNI) per capita. The countries are then classified as
low income countries (LICs), lower middle income countries (LMCs), upper middle
income countries (UMC‗s), high income OECD (Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development) countries and high income countries.

World Bank’s Classification Gross National Income per Capita

Low Income Countries (LICs) Less than $976 in 2008.

Middle Income Countries (MICs) Between $976 and $11, 906 in 2008.

Upper Middle Income Countries More than $11, 906 in 2008


The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) is a

unique assembly among governments of 37 member states with established market
economies working with each other, as well as with more than 70 non-member
economies to promote economic growth, prosperity, and sustainable
development. The 37 member nations are composed of Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United
Kingdom. There are five countries from the Americas: Mexico, Chile, Canada, the
United States, and Colombia. The four Pacific members are Japan, Australia, New
Zealand, and Korea. While there are two countries from the Middle East, which are
Turkey and Israel.

2. United Nations Human Development Index Rankings

In 1993, the United Nations introduced the terms developed and

underdeveloped, a common division of the world used particularly in analytical
purposes based on the concept of human development. Human development is a
standard of human well-being that takes account of people‗s ability to develop their
full potentials in accordance with their needs and interest. The human development

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indicators which include life expectancy and health profile, shelter, sanitation, fuel,
education and literacy, crime, personal distress, careers/jobs and political
participation were all accounted for.

Top Ten and Bottom Ten Countries in terms of HDI Rankings

UN Human Development Report 2019
Top Ten Bottom Ten
1. Norway 1. Mozambique
2. Switzerland 2. Sierra Leone
3. Ireland 3. Burkina Faso
4. Germany 4. Eritrea
5 Hong Kong 5. Mali
6. Australia 6. Burundi
7. Iceland 7. South Sudan
8. Sweden 8. Chad
9. Singapore 9. Central African Republic
10. Netherlands 10. Niger

3. United Nation’s Least Developed Countries

Another widely used

classification of nations is that
of the least
developed countries. A
designation used by the
United Nations that indicates
that as of 2018 it included 47
countries, 34 of them in Africa,
8 in Asia, 3 from Oceania plus
Haiti. For inclusion, a country
has to meet each of three
criteria: low income, low
human capital and high
economic vulnerability.
What is G7, G8 and G20? Source: dfferenceBetweenet.com

The G8 and G20 are coalitions of nations that address significant international
issues. It started as G7, a group of seven nations that joined together in 1975 to
resist the 1973 oil embargo by the Arabs as a protest against the intervention of the
United States and the United Kingdom during the Yom Kippur War. The Arab nations
waged war against Israel, but were unsuccessful because the United States and
United Kingdom provided Israel with weaponry and military might.

The U.S.S.R., on the other hand while they were approaching breaking up,
was responsible in providing the Arab nations with weapons, and therefore was not
invited to join the G7. The G7 was formally known as the Group of Seven
Industrialized Nations. Its members were Britain, United States, France, Canada,
Japan, Italy, and Germany. The G7 was renamed to the G8 in 1997, when Russia

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was added to the original seven-country line-up. Ever since its inception, the G7 and
G8 asserted several political and economic policies that affected other countries.

The G7 and G8 became known on the international scene as the major policy-
makers capable of promoting or disrupting political and economic stability. The latest
instalment of the G8 is called the G20, a greater coalition formed in 1999, which
includes the nations of Brazil, China, Saudi Arabia, Republic of Korea, France,
Australia, China, Canada, Germany, Indonesia, Argentina, Turkey, India, Russia,
South Africa, Mexico, Japan, United Kingdom, United States, and the European

Reflections/Learning Insights

To check if you were able to understand the lesson, answer the following activity.


Date: CYS:

Choose a country belonging to (1) Global North and (1) Global South.

Analyze the possible reason/s, factors that contributed for the Global North
Country‗s wealth and the Global South country‗s poverty. Explain your answers.

Example: Geographical Location

Natural resources


TITLE OF LESSON: Theoretical Understanding of Global North and


Theorists launched great debates regarding the existence of global north and
global south. There have been attempts to discover the roots on how such inequality
and gap among nations transpired over the years.
This lesson deals with the theoretical understanding of Global North and
Global South. It aims to give the theories that served as the basis for the existence of
the global North and Global South.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Understand theories that are related to Global North and Global South
2. Understand the concept of Global North and Global South through the
different theories/lenses.

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3. To unearth the circumstances that gave rise to Global South

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology

Understanding the “North and South Divide” using different Theories and

1. Dependency Theory.
Dependency theory looks back on the patterns of colonial relations which existed
between the North and South and emphasizes how colonized territories eventually
became poor caused by those relations (Litonjua, 2012). Theorists who advocate
this idea believe that the economies of ex-colonial states remain oriented towards
serving external rather than internal demand. They are inclined in pleasing the
foreign nation even up to the extent of sacrificing their own country‗s welfare.
Dependency theory is closely related with Latin American Structuralism. It is the only
school of development economics emerging from the Global South to be affiliated
with a national research institute and to receive support from national banks and
finance ministries.
• The Structuralists defined dependency as the inability of a nation's
economy to complete the cycle of capital accumulation without reliance
on an outside economy. Specifically, peripheral nations were
perceived as primary resource exporters reliant on core economies for
manufactured goods. This led the Structuralists to advocate for import-
substitution industrialization policies which aimed to
replace manufactured imports with domestically made products.
• This is related to the advocacy of ―Buy Pinoy Products‖ which
encourages the Filipinos to support and acquire original Filipino goods
and to avoid imported products.
• Another program with the same purpose is the ―One Town, One
product‖, it is a promotional type of program by the government of
the Philippines that is centered on the furthering of the goods and
products of Filipino towns, cities, and regions. The Filipino government
also provides funding for small businesses.
2. Walt W. Rostow’s Modernization Theory.
Rostow's modernization theory, which outlined historical progress in terms of a
society's capacity to produce and consume material goods, became a key foreign
policy precept of the Kennedy administration. This pushes the idea that other nations
should emulate and follow the United States of America, with its special 'way of life',
in promoting the modernization of other countries as a way for them to catch up with
Western powers. For the countries that could not keep up with the modernization
trend remained to be poor and underdeveloped.
3. Realism
• The most criticized perspective yet most dominant and influential 
Can be traced from Niccolo Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes.
• Realist vision is pessimistic. It advocates that the international system
is uneven, highly conflicting and marked by power struggle. It is based
on how the human nature is characterized as being selfish and greedy.
• States prioritizes self-interest and that a nation is being judged by the
ethics of responsibility rather than the morals of its principles.
4. Liberalism

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• Liberals are opposite of realists because of a more optimistic view in
international system.
• The offer that the principle of balance and harmony is found in all
forms of social interactions.
• Reflected in Immanuel Kant‗s belief, universal and perpetual peace is
possible because states are capable of cooperation and value mutual
• Liberals assume that through trade economic interdependence,
division and war are less likely to happen.
5. Marxism
• Highlights the structures of economic power rather than patterns of
conflict and cooperation.
• Suggests inequalities in global system.
• As a state in ―Global South‖ engage in trading with the parts of
―Global North‖, this would only result to equal benefits between the
players because generally, the capitalist or industrialized countries in
Global North tend to dominate and exploit the global south.

Reflections/Learning Insights

To check if you were able to understand the lesson, answer the following activity.
Date: CYS:

After reading and understanding the roots that pushed the concept of Global
North and Global South through the lenses of the theories presented; which do you
think is the most acceptable based on your perception? Please justify your answer.


TITLE OF LESSON: Asian Regionalism


Alliances and partnerships were established despite the presence of divisions

and gaps. These are all aimed in creating new relationships anchored in the pursuit
of achieving economic and social development, international security, international
trade and diplomatic competition among nations. The partnerships are also pointed
on dealing effectively with environmental and public health problems associated with
an expanding global marketplace. These concepts are not exclusive on the basis of
the rich and poor countries but it extends to the realms of those countries belonging
to the same geographical areas and regions.

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This lesson deals on the concept of regionalization particularly among the
Asian countries.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Understand the concept of regionalization
2. Differentiate between regionalization and globalization
3. Identify the factors leading to a greater integration of the Asian region
4. Analyse how different Asian states confront the challenges of globalization
and regionalization

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology

Evolution of Asian regionalism

1968 The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was born.
There were five original members: Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
The primary goal of the ASEAN is to merge Southeast Asian
Countries to fight against communism. This is an idea that was
influenced by the United States of America, who was engaged in the
Vietnam War during that time.
ASEAN‗s primary agenda was to establish security.
The ASEAN was an outgrowth of the unsuccessful SEATO (South
East Asian Treaty Organization) idea, which was predicted as a type
of Asian NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) organization
against communism
1989 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was born through the
strong support given by the United States of America.
The APEC meeting was institutionalized with the aim of monitoring
and analysing regional markets and institutions. To keep an eye on
the governing rules and norms for facilitating transparent and efficient
business transactions in the region.
Its focus was economic and its style was technocratic (controlled by
elite and technical experts).

1997 The ASEAN plus Three (Japan, Korea, and China) was created.
Japan, Korea and China were the major economic powers during the
In the 2000s, the tide of globalization swept through East and
Southeast Asia as well as the rest of the world. The Three registered
more than 50% of their total trade as intraregional and started to
support all the countries within the region.
In order to adapt to the challenges of globalization, the proposal of
ASEAN plus Six (Japan, Korea, China, India, Australia and New
Zealand) was formed thus creating the EAST ASIAN SUMMIT.

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2010 The East Asian Summit added two more members, the United States
of America and Russia which initiated a new phase in the Asian
The year 2010 also marked great advances made by two economic
giants in the region namely USA and China
China started assertive maritime claims in East and South China as
well as the Bengal seas; coupled with resource exploitations in
Vietnam, Myanmar Indonesia and India.
USA initiated dialogues and military exchanges with Vietnam,
Indonesia and India which included scientific, technological and
scientific components.

Three propositions that would help understand the ideas of Asian regionalism.

1. Geographical Asia is too diverse for cultural

Asia to have a Cultural homogeneity is not a guarantee for regionalist
community formation. The presence of diverse cultural ideals among the Asian
Nations will serve as a major challenge in the quest for cooperation and unification.
Nevertheless, cultural homogeneity in general can help in building confidence among
candidate members of regionalism. Yet it must be noted that diversity itself may help
build tolerance among the regional members.

2. Geographical Asia is too small for globalizing Asia It is

ironical to say that Asia is too small for Asia. But it is a reality. China‗s
major economic partners lie outside East, Southeast, and South Asia
combined. Korea has stated in the National Assembly that although Korea
is a geographically small country, it is seeking to become the country
whose bilateral free trade agreements. The three Northeast Asian
countries, China, Japan, and Korea, have some of the densest and wide-
ranging networks of economic transactions in the world, and each of the
three adopt a highly global orientation, as does India. So therefore, Asia is
too small for Asia. Asia‗s introduction to ideas of Asian regionalism
developmental momentum is strong and that the appetite for global
markets is strong. But the saddest part of it is that most of the Asian
nations are not sufficiently exploiting their own domestic consumption

3. Geographical Asia is too conflictual internally for strategic

Regionalism must have a strategy in terms of solidarity and cohesion. Yet if
friends and foes are to be among member-candidates of regionalism, regionalizing
momentum will have hard time progressing. In Asia, nearly all states have been
brought up as potential members but there are still certain issues that are needed to
be addressed in order to initiate unity to the entire. Therefore, action tends to be
taken without explicitly distinguishing foes from friends.

What is the difference between Regionalization and Globalization?

1. They both refer to integration

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Globalization -integration of social relations and consciousness across World-space
and world-time
Regionalization -societal integration within a region, and often undirected
process of social and economic integration.

2. In terms of scope

Globalization is borderless.

Regionalization happens in a specific geographical portion of the world.

3. Globalization refers to regional concentration of economic flows as

O P P O S E D to Regionalism refers to a political process by economic policy of
cooperation and coordination among countries.

Factors of Greater Asian Integration

1. Driven by the market
• Asia facilitates interactions of a variety of systems, institutions, social
relations and infrastructures.
• East Asia economies get labor from some Southeast Asian nation like
the Philippines and Indonesia.
• Thailand exports its grocery products to different 24-hour convenience
stores, while Indonesia and Vietnam sell their bags and clothing to the
other parts of the region.
2. Establishment of formal institutions – ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK
3. Economic grants and overseas development assistance programs –
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
4. Production networks
―One country specialized production‖
PH – electronics and copper
INDONESIA – palm oil, rubber, and natural gas
SOUTH KOREA – machinery products and motor vehicles
5. The Asian bond
ASEAN + 3 Financial Ministers‗ Process established two economic structures
1. Chang Mai Initiative
2. Asian Bond Market
If European Union is rules-based, ASEAN decides based on consensus or
general agreement.
Unity in Diversity

Asian Response to Globalization and Regionalization As

a group,
• Established the Asian Development Bank
• Worked on different forms of loans and grants
• Shared information esp. on security like terror groups
• Worked for the achievement of ASEAN Declaration
• Countries make bilateral and multilateral agreements

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• China, India, and Japan started a dialogue in formulating visions, share
goals and roadmap for regional cooperation.
• Indonesia, The Philippines and Malaysia made use of their available
resources to combat the effects of civilian-victims like displacements.
• Santi Suk in Thailand created its own currency ―bia‖ that regulated by
a central bank in a village
• Some countries preferred traditional herbal medicine, community-own
rice and cooperative shops, etc.

Reflections/Learning Insights

To check if you were able to understand the lesson, answer the following activity.


Date: CYS:

Group Activity

The students will be grouped into 5 and each will be assigned with an Asian Region
(North, South, South-East, East and Central). They have to prepare a report on the
countries belonging to their assigned region. The report shall include the economic
highlights, policies and reforms being implemented in the countries that caused
notable effects and economic movements in the region and in the world.

A five (5) minute presentation is required to be shared to class by next meeting.

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TITLE OF LESSON: Global Media Culture


This particular unit will open the minds of the college learners into the world
filled with changes and shifting shadows in terms of how the world evolves before
our eyes. Globalization is a powerful phenomenon that affects everyone in the globe
from the simplest to the most complicated part of the human existence
It is quite challenging to define globalization. People will not readily
understand because the term is too broad to easily comprehend what particular
meaning it wishes to convey. The term may include a lot of familiar topics such as
the global economy, international trade, international travel and communication,
immigration, and more foreign films and foods. At the same time, increase in
problems that concerns the global community, such as climate change and terrorism.
Scholars believe that globalization may be paired with other concepts, but
among all the concepts that they have thought of pairing with globalization, the
pairing of globalization and media offers a special insight.
This chapter suggests that globalization could not occur without media. The
two have partnered throughout the whole of human history.


After studying this chapter, the learners are expected to do the following:
1. Analyze how media in its various forms drive different forms of global
2. Be able to explain the dynamics of local and global cultural production.
3. Articulate personal positions on various global issues.
4. Identify the ethical implications of global citizenship.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology:

The pairing of Globalization and Media is a powerful tool that aids the
advancement of all the revolutionary changes that happened in the world for a
considerable period of time. The two seem to help each other in order to reach the
end goal of bringing the world to an advance state.
I. Evolution of Media and Cultural Globalization
The historical study of media will be more logically organized by time periods
or stages. Each stage is characterized by its dominant medium.
There are five time periods that usefully capture the study of Globalization and
media. These stages will be thoroughly discussed and will be looked at to point out
how the media of each time period contributed to the Globalization of our world.
The Five Stages of Media and Globalization:
1. Oral Communication
Although speech has been said to be often
the most overlooked medium in histories of

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Globalization yet oral communication or human speech is believed to be the
oldest and the most enduring of all media.
The medium of language has aided Globalization in general simply because
language allowed humans to cooperate. Language has kept and transmitted vital
agricultural data across time as one generation after the other carried on its
knowledge to the next, leading to the creation of villages and towns.
Oral communication became instrumental in markets, business trade, and
cross-continental transactions. The spread of religious teachings is also made
possible through oral communication.

2. Script
In other histories of media technology, the script
has not been given so much role as a tool of
transition between oral cultures and cultures of the
printing press, but the era of the script is crucial for
globalization and media.
Distance became a strain for oral communication,
but script-the very first writing- allowed humans to communicate and share
knowledge and ideas over a larger space and much longer times.
During ancient times, the writing was done at first as carvings into the wood,
clay, bronze, bones, stone, and even tortoise shells. Ancient Egypt, the very first to
discover revolutionary invention, they created the river-papyrus (from which the
English word paper eventually derived). With script on sheets of papyrus, humans
found a medium that launched Globalization. It eventually allowed the written and
permanent codification of international economic, cultural, religious, and political

3. Printing press
The printing has said to be responsible for
starting the ―information revolution‖ and
has turned the whole world upside down.
Even long before the printing press was
invented, the copying and production of written
documents were slow and cumbersome, not to
mention that it is expensive in terms of time and
Revolutionary changes happened because of the invention of the printing
press, which is as follows:
• Because of the printing press, there was a continuous production,
reproduction, and circulation of reading materials.
• A written document was mass-produced that anyone can access
the information that they want to know.
• Printing has transformed markets, businesses, churches,
governments, and armies.
• Reading history books of the world allowed the exchange of culture
and traditions.
Because of the printing press, people have increasingly learned of lands and
cultures far from where they could travel. They learned about the world because
truly, the printing press helped foster globalization.
4. Electronic media

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This refers to the media that require electricity to use.
The 19th century has started a revolutionary change in the
processes of Globalization.
It all started with electronic gadgets that the new
generation knows nothing about, such as the telegraph,
conventional telephone, radio, film, and television. Although
these inventions are not so much for the generations of
today, it was a tremendous breakthrough back then and has brought them closer to
each other. The vast reach of these media continues to open up new vistas in
the economic, political, and cultural processes of Globalization.
Of all the inventions of electronic media, television was the most powerful tool
in reaching the people. People viewed pictures and stories from across the globe in
the comfort of their homes. Its far-reaching capacity to bring the world together
became so prominent that some scholars believed that television became the
defining moment in Globalization. As Marshall McLuhan proclaimed, the world has
become a ‗global village‗ largely because of television.

5. Digital Media
They are most often electronic media that rely on
digital codes – the long, arcane combinations of 0s and 1s
that represent information.

Nowadays, a smartphone may take the function of

just about any electronic media invented in history. But the
computer is the usual representation of digital media
and comes as the latest and one of the most
significant mediums to influence Globalization.

Digital media has revolutionized the daily life of people around the globe. It
became useful in different aspects of society.
In politics, the election campaign has a wider reach because the citizens
were allowed access to information from around the globe, even with information that
the government would like to keep away from other people to know.
In economics, it allows promotions of products and online shopping. That
means instantaneous, global trading 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Computers
have also changed the work in every industry and trade forever. The tasks were
streamlined, and more opportunities were opened to anyone because jobs are no
longer limited with time and place.
Media is the CARRIER of cultures. Computers have transformed cultural
life. The access to information around the globe allows people to adopt and adapt
new practices in different areas of culture such as music, sports, education, fashion,
religion, cuisine, and the like.

II. The Dark Contours of the Global Village

According to the last part of chapter 2 of ―Globalization and the Media:
Creating the Global Village‖ by Jack Lule, "Globalization and media have done
wondrous deeds. They have succeeded in bringing the world closer together. They
have removed the shackles of time and space. They have given us the ability to truly
imagine the world as a global village. When McLuhan first conceived the term, he
has the highest hopes, and, even today, the term global village still evokes kinship,
cooperation, and fraternity. But Lewis Mumford was not fooled. His cold, clear vision

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of human weakness saw emerging the dark contours of the global village. He saw
media technology used not to better the world but to exploit the world in the pursuit
of property, profit, and power."
The discussion in this chapter may have been proof of everyone's worst fears.
Globalization has given us great inventions, and the quality of life in terms of
industrialization has upgraded the lives of humanity. Yet it is undeniable that as we
continue to progress in political and economic breakthroughs as one global
community, we are also building a village with large tracts of economic injustice,
political repression, and cultural conflict. Humanity itself is not free from deadly
discord between and among nations. The worst of all is the continuous degradation
of our natural resources and the destruction of the only planet where we all share as
our global village.
In his essay entitled "Understanding the Implications of a Global Village,"
Dixon states an important fact that everyone must remember;
"With these changes comes responsibility, as humans, to consider the
significance of our shifting realities. If we are becoming a global village, will we
reach a consensus about how these problems should be addressed in order to
benefit everyone in our village equally? If we cannot determine appropriate cultural
boundaries in the simplest way with regards to language, economy, and basic
means of survival, it is hard to assume that we can identify as a global village at all.
Dixon, V. K. (2009)
The Global Village as shown in this
illustration has its advantages as we
progress together. Hand in hand we
will be able to reach each other quite
easily, which is the greatest
advantage of globalization.
We become one
big community
regardless of race,
nationality and
status. However,
just as we are too
close to each other
does not mean that
we are all free from
complications. It is the global responsibility that must be carried willingly by every
human being.

Activity: Answer the following questions:

1. Has McLuhan‗s ideal of a ‗global village‗ become a reality?

2. To what extent do global media serve as guardians of free speech, democracy
and justice?
3. What is the ‗message‗ of new social media?

Reflection and insights: Do this activity.

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1. Form a dyad, share with your partner what you think is your basic but a very


TITLE OF LESSON: Culturalism, Multiculturalism, and


crucial responsibility as a human being, the most important part of Global

One of the highlighted characteristics of a 21 st-century learner is social and
cultural awareness. In some references, this pertains to global citizenship. It is not
surprising nowadays to find a student learning the Korean language, eating
Japanese food, teaching English to Chinese students, and communicating with
people in different parts of the globe right in their own homes. This awareness of
other people's culture, their ways of communicating, and their language's nuisances
make us more receptive and understanding of their uniqueness as a people.
The world has now become smaller through technology. The countries‗
borders have collapsed. No one can stop you anymore from exploring other
countries and knowing about their people except your willingness to do so.
In this lesson, we will learn about culturalism, multiculturalism, and
globalization. Before delving deeply into each one, let us first lay down the lesson‗s


After the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Differentiate culturalism, multiculturalism, and globalization.
2. Explain the three effects of globalization to culture by giving an
3. Create a graphic representation that shows your understanding of the relationship between and
among culturalism, multiculturalism, and globalization.

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Multiculturalism as an Impact of Globalization

In order to understand culturalism and multiculturalism, we need to

understand first what globalization is all about and how it affects us as we live our
daily lives. From its definition, ―It is the increasing interaction of people through the
growth of the international flow of money, ideas and culture." It is actually a process
in economics of integration happening around the globe, in addition to the cultural
and social features along with it. They are definitely bi-products of this economic
In the 1820s, the very first large-scale globalization was recorded, but only in
the 20th century that the most up to date and more relevant to us began. The term
‗globalization‗ was coined only recently and has established its definition in 1970.
Another difference within globalization is what they call cultural globalization.
It refers to the transference of ideas, definitions, and values around the globe in a
way that extends and amplifies social interaction. The transmission occurs via the
internet, the popular culture media, and international travel.
The offshoot of the internet is that it is possible to be at any place, anytime,
without really being there. For this reason, the progression of quality reciprocity and
colonization were into place, which has a long background of carrying cultural
meaning around the globe.

Growth in the global economy also means that traveling is hardly a dream
anymore because it is easily within grasp. With so many choices and opportunities to
move around from one country to another, the transference of culture is inevitable. It
is easy to move around as English language is the usual language in the world and
the traveler will not worry about translation services.
Looking at multiculturalism in Australia, although most people from different
countries have always been from the cultures of Anglo-Saxon like Britain, Ireland,
and New Zealand, the influx of other nation included in here has made ours a truly
diversified and multicultural society. Specifically, multiculturalism is very evident in
the food industry.
Grocery stores, Super markets, delicatessens, cafes, restaurants, and
takeaway stores offer variety of foods from around the globe. The concept of 'fusion
food' has also become a product of multiculturalism.
Multicultural food has made itself into the common Australian staple diet and
has been an integral part of Australia's booming social daily life. Australians of all
cultural backgrounds tried the use of chopsticks and the al-fresco fine dining and it
was introduced by Italian immigrants. McDonald's, KFC, and Starbucks, the multi-
national corporations have brought about a fast-food culture, which means it would
hardly make a difference in which outlet in the world you go to.

Nonetheless, multiculturalism has infiltrated into all facets of life in Australia,

including organizations, trade, government, people, and language. Australia and all
its inhabitants have become more and more diverse as more than 40% of Some
Australians were either born abroad or have at one parent who was born overseas.
The population holds people from about 200 countries who speak a variety of
different languages.
Each addition to Australia's growing culture is a change that is welcome and
accepted with open arms, only contributing to making Australian culture more

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colorful. In true sense, Australia is now a country of many colors, accents, choice of
clothing, and appearance.


Answer the following questions briefly:

1. How does globalization impact a country‗s culture?

2. Are the effects of globalization good or bad? Cite examples to back up your
3. If you have a choice, would you prefer culturalism or multiculturalism? Why or
why not?

Globalization and Culture

The concept of culture has two definitions. Culture is an integrated set of

values, standard, and behaviors acquired by human beings as members of society.
As such, culture is composed of an element of identification within a given group of
people. From a sociological stance, it refers to artistic and symbolic invention,
heritage, and cultural creations. In relation to globalization, these two parts have
important implications with respect to how people express their cultural identities, in
terms of the foreseen future of cultural traditions and with cultural industries.

A worthwhile observation is a culture is not rigid at all. It is a process that will

gradually builds up via interaction. Culture allows people to create human societies
by outlining the conditions of how people live among each other as well as by
abiding by social and cultural codes that distinguish them from other cultures.

1. Heterogenization Scenario

This phenomenon has also been labeled as differentiation and relates

fundamentally to hindrances that prevent the flow that would contribute to making
cultures look alike (Ritzer, 2010). In this perspective, cultures remain different from
each other.
Heterogenization represents a procedure which leads to a more inwardly
looking world because of the intensification of flows within and across cultures
(Appadurai, 1996). However, local cultures experience unceasing transformation and
reinvention due to the persuasion of global factors and powers. It is important to
know the fact that in accordance with these views, cultures do not remain influenced
by global flows and globalization, but the actual crux of the culture stays intact and
unchanged, as has always been (Ritzer, 2010) with only peripheral exteriors directly

2. Homogenization Scenario

In the homogenization point of view, barriers that prevent flows that would add
to making cultures look alike are invalid and global flows are strong (Ritzer, 2010). In
its extreme shape, homogenization, which is also known as coming together,
advances the possibility that local cultures can be influenced by a global culture or
other more powerful cultures (Ritzer, 2010). This perspective is reflected in several
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perceptions and models, such as Global Culture, Americanization, and, more
importantly, the McDonaldization theory.
Across different states and countries around the globe, more and more people
seem to witness the same entertainment and practical programs, listen to the same
old music, consume and patronize common global brand merchandise and services,
and wear the same or similar clothing (Prasad and Prasad, 2006). These
comparable developments in cultural observance are suggestive of the emergence
of "global culture" (Robertson, 1992) or the "world culture" (Meyer, Boli, Thomas and
Ramirez, 1997) according to the supposition of the demise of the nation-state as a
main player on the global stage (Ritzer, 2010). In other terms, globalization
contributes to creating a new and identifiable class of individuals who belong to an
emergent global culture.

3. Hybridization Scenario
The growing awareness of cultural diversity and globalization are
interdependent as awareness becomes a tool of globalization (Pieterse, 1996). With
the advent of global workforce mobility, cross-cultural communications, migration,
global trade, tourism, and global investments, awareness of cultural diversity is
inevitable and is a necessity in the present global context. In this regard,
Featherstone (1990) insists that globalization defines the space in which the world's
cultures come together while generating innovative and valuable heterogeneous
significance as well as culturally compelled global insights.

The process of trans-local fusion and cultural blending or hybridization is

another model that deals with interactions of globalization and culture. According to
this view, external and internal flows interact to make a unique cultural hybrid that
embraces components of the two (Ritzer, 2010).

This graphic organizer will help you understand our lesson.

Globalization Impact

Form a group with at least five members and answer the following:
1. In your respective group, choose one Asian country.
2. Analyze and explain the specific effects globalization had in the country‗s
culture in terms of social, political, economic, music, food, and fashion, among

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3. Identify the type of impact globalization had on the country‗s culture.

Answer the questions below in a separate sheet of paper.

How has globalization affected you, your community, and your country? Is the
effect of globalization positive or negative in each? Kindly explain and share your
own experiences.


TITLE OF LESSON: Digital Divide


Internet has turned the world upside down. Today it is just as simple to
connect with someone on the other side of the globe as it is to converse with
someone next door. But keep in mind that many businesses tried to outsource
different needs in technology, only to find out that near-sourcing (outsourcing to
countries to which your country is physically connected) had better advantage.
This lesson will discuss the implications of globalization and digital divide.


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At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to demonstrate the following:
1. Explain the concept and meaning of globalization;
2. Describe the function of information technology in globalization;
3. Identify the problems experienced by firms in a global economy; and
4. Give the meaning of the digital divide and explain Nielsen's three stages of
the digital divide.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology:

Digital Divide

The Internet is undoubtedly a worldwide phenomenon. As of last December

2017 the Internet was being utilized by over 4.1 billion people worldwide.

The Network Society

In 1996 Manuel Castells, a social-sciences researcher published a research

entitled The Rise of the Network Society. He identified new ways economy was
being organized around the networks that the new technology in telecommunication
had provided. This global economic activity was very different from what was before
because "it is an economy with the capability to become as a unit in real time on a
universal scale."[2] Having a world internationally connected via the Internet has so
much insinuation.

The World Is Flat

In Thomas Friedman's 2005 "The World Is Flat", there are three eras of
globalization that are defined :

• "Globalization 1.0″
• It occurred from 1492 until about 1800. In this era globalization was
centered on countries. It was all about how a country has how much
horsepower, wind power, and steam power and how it was
deployed creatively. The world became smaller, it shrank from
"large" to medium."
• "Globalization 2.0″ has occurred in the year 1800 until 2000, it was
interrupted only by the World Wars I and II. In this era, the

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multinational companies became the dynamic force driving change.
The world became even smaller, from size "medium" to size "small."
• "Globalization 3.0″ is the era where we live now. It began in the
year 2000. The confluence of the different improvements in
personal computer, the emergence of the software and fiber- optic
Internet connections, has made a "flat-world platform". It is called as
such for it allows individual and small groups to go global. The
world has become even smaller from "small" to

According to Friedman, This particular era of globalization was made possible, in

many aspects, by the rise of information technology. Some of these include:

• Graphical user interface for the personal computer. This was

popularized in the late 1980s. Using a computer was difficult
before the graphical user interface. It will require users to type
commands rather than use and click a mouse. Through the creation
of the personal computer, which is something that anybody could
use, It became a tool of almost every person. He says that personal
computers made people appropriately productive and, as the
Internet developed, It has simplified the mode of information
communication worldwide.
• Economist Pankaj Ghemawat who authored the book entitled
―World 3.0‖ in 2011 with the intention to provide an analysis which
is research-based that analyzes globalization. While Friedman
interviewed individuals and was able to produce a book that is
anecdotally-based, the approach of Ghemawat's was to research
data in economics, then get the conclusions about globalization. His
research study found these facts:

• Letters mailed and has crossed international borders = 1%

• International Telephone calling by minutes = 2%
• The internet traffic routed across global borders = 18%
• National TV news sources, which is opposed to international = 95%
• The first generation immigrants as portion of world's population =
• People who will cross an international borders at some time in their
lives = 10%
• The Global exports which is a portion of the value of all goods
produced in the world = 20%

The Global Firm

The new age of globalization permitted virtually almost all businesses to

become global. Through the accessibility to this new technological platform, the
vision of Castells in working as one unit on an international scale in real time can
become a reality. Some of the great advantages are the following:

• Ability to find expertise and labor around the globe. Instead of

getting employees from their local area, any organizations can now

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employ people from the pool of global labor. This also allows any
organizations to give a lower labor cost for the similar work based
on the common wage in different nations.
• Ability to operate all 24 hours within the day. With employees in
different time frames all around the world, an particular organization
can literally operate for 24 hours straight, handing off work on
projects and work from one part of the world to the other part of the
world as the normal and usual business day ends in one place and
begins in another region. Some years ago there are three people
who decided to open a web hosting organization. They relocated
strategically to three different places in the world which were have
eight hours difference, giving their business a coverage of 24 hours
while allowing each one to work during the regular business day. As
a result, their operating expenses were minimized and the business
provided 24/7 support to customers worldwide.
• Larger and bigger market for their products. Once a product is
sold online, it is already available for purchase from a global
consumer base. Even if the products do not appeal over and
beyond its own country's borders, to be available online has made
the product more visible and saleable to consumers within that
particular country.

In order to take the great advantage of these new possibilities, companies

need to bear in mind that there are also difficulties in dealing with employees and
customer from different cultures. Some of these difficulties include:

• Differences in Infrastructure. Each country has its very own

infrastructure with different levels of quality and bandwidth. A
business cannot expect every nation it deals with to have the same
Internet speeds or efficiency.
• Labor laws and rules. Different countries (even various states in
the United States) have diverse laws and regulations. A company
that wants to get employees from other nations must understand
the different rules and concerns.
• Legal restrictions. A lot of countries have different restrictions on
what can be sold in the market or how a product can be shown to
the public for advertisement. It is important for a business to know
what is allowed and what is not. Every country has its own unique
practice which a business must understand when trying to market a
particular product there. Additionally, different countries have
diverse preferences.
• International shipping. Shipping products between and among
countries in a timely way can be challenging. Inconsistent way of
writing address formats, dishonest customs agents, and expensive
shipping costs are all factors that must be thought if we want to
deliver products internationally.

Because of these difficulties, many businesses choose not to grow their

product globally, either for costumers or for labors. Whether a business has created
its own website or depends on a third-party, such as eBay or Amazon, the question
of whether or not to globalize must be carefully considered.

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The Digital Divide

As the Internet continues to make intrusion across the world, it is also creating
a great separation between those who have access and connection to this
international network and those who do not and cannot. This separation is termed as
the "digital divide" and is of significant concern.

The digital divide may occur between and among countries, regions, or even
neighborhoods in small communities. In many US cities, there are places with little or
no Internet access, but just a few miles away high-speed broadband is very

The solutions to the digital divide have had mixed accomplishments over the
years. For many times providing Internet access and/or any device for computing is
not sufficient to bring genuine Internet access to a nation, region, or community.

A New Understanding of the Digital Divide

Web-usability consultant Jakob Nielsen wrote an article in 2006 that captured

the heart of our understanding of this problem. Here he breaks the digital divide up
into three stages: the economic divide, the usability divide, and the empowerment

• Economic divide. This is what others call the digital divide. The economic
divide is the notion that some individuals can afford to purchase a
computer and Internet access while other people cannot. Because of
Moore's Law (see Chapter 2), the cost of hardware has continued to
become lower and, at this point, we can now gain access to digital
technologies, such as smartphones and the like. Nielsen insists that for all
intentions and purposes, the economic divide is a point and we should not
focus all of our resources in trying to solve it.
• Usability divide. Usability is all about the fact that "technology is still so
complicated that many people cannot or did not know how to use a
computer even if they have one for free." And even for those who knows
and can use a computer, getting all the benefits of having a computer is
beyond their understanding. Included in this group of people are those
who are illiterate and senior citizens. According to him, we know how to
help these people, but we are not doing it for the reason that there is little
or no profit in doing so.
• Empowerment divide. Empowerment is the most complicated to solve. It
is concerned with how we use advance technology in order to empower
ourselves. Few users truly comprehend the potential and power that digital
technologies can possibly give them. Nielsen explains in his article that his
and others' research has proven that very few users provide content to the
Internet, or even use advanced search, or can distinguish paid search ads
from organic search results. Many people will just limit what they can do
online through accepting the default settings or the basic of their computer
and not work to understand how they can truly be empowered.

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Refining the Digital Divide

The host of Internet World Stats, Miniwatts Marketing Group, has tried to discover
in 2018 to further clarify the definition of digital divide by acknowledging that the
division is more than just who does or does not know how to use it or those who
does or does not have access to the Internet. In addition to Nielsen's three digital
divides , this group sees the following concerns.

• Social mobility. Lack of computer education happens to work to the

disadvantage of children with significantly lower socio-economic status.
• Democracy. The greater use of the Internet can lead to freedom that is
practiced in democracy especially in election participation.
• Economic growth. The greater use of the Internet in struggling countries
could provide a speedy solution to economic development. Using the
latest technological tools could give companies in these countries a
competitive advantage.

Activity: Answer the following.

1. What does the term globalization mean?

2. How does Friedman define the three eras of globalization?
3. Which technologies have had the biggest effect on globalization?
4. What are some of the advantages brought about by globalization?
5. What are the challenges of globalization?

Reflection and insights:

Answer the questions below.

1. Compare and contrast the concept of Friedman's "Globalization 3.0″ with

Nielsen empowerment state of the digital divide.
2. Do some research to find out some of the regulations that a US company may
have to analyze before doing business in one of the following countries:
China, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.
3. Give at least one example of the digital divide and describe what you would
do to address it.

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TITLE OF LESSON: Globalization and


This lesson will focus on how religion in general affects the expansion and
advancement of globalization. It is evident that religion plays a huge part in global
issues and has become a great influence in the changes that happen around the
world at any time in the history of mankind.


After studying the lesson, the learners are expected to demonstrate the following:
1. Explain how globalization affects religious practices and beliefs;
2. Analyze the relationship between religion and global conflict and conversely,
global peace, and;

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology:

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The world's religions are now intercontinental and global in nature. The
dynamism of global travel and migration, and the quick widespread of access to
modes of personal connection across massive distances has led to close interaction
and intermingling between and among peoples who once were divided definitively by
time and space, knowledge, wisdom and culture. It is so hard to find a religiously-
inspired institution that stays entirely local in nature. Most religious organizations or
institutions are now linked via internet and personally to affiliates in other domain.
Even community-based service groups have the tendency to have partners or
headquarters far removed from the point of physical contact with their clients.
While globalized religious organizations for progressive social developments
clearly have, direct influence for politics and public policy, they aim much higher and
deeper by working hard to change culture for the better.


The relationship between globalization and religion is one with so many
probabilities but at the same time it is full of furthering challenges and complications
brought about by peoples‗ beliefs and principles as sometimes against the situations
that the world has to deal with.

The Rise of Religious Nationalism

Religious nationalism is the connection of nationalism to a particular

religious principle, dogma, or affiliation. This connection can be broken down into
two aspects: the politicization of religion and the influence of religion on politics.
In the former aspect, a religion that is shared can be seen to contribute to a
sense of national unification, a common bond among the citizens of the country.
Another political aspect of religion is the support of a national identity, similar to a
common ethnicity, culture, or language. The influence of religion on politics is very
ideal, where current interpretations of religious beliefs inspire political activism and
action; an example of this are laws are passed to foster stricter religious
1. The Return of Religion into the Public Life

A. Religion goes beyond administration of sacraments among

Catholics. An example of this is the Catholic Liberation Theology.
Liberation theology (Spanish: Teología de la liberación, Portuguese: Teologia
da libertação) is a synthesis of Christian theology and socio-economic analyses, that
emphasizes "social concern for the poor and political liberation for oppressed
peoples." In the beginning of the 1960s after the Second Vatican Council, liberation
theology has become the political praxis of Latin American theologians such as
Gustavo Gutiérrez, Leonardo Boff, and Jesuits Juan Luis Segundo, and Jon Sobrino,
who popularized the phrase "preferential option for the poor." This expression was
used first by Jesuit Fr. General Pedro Arrupe in 1968 and soon after this the World
Synod of Catholic Bishops in 1971 chose as its theme "Justice in the World".
Theologies of liberation have emerged in other parts of the world such as
black theology in the US and South Africa, Palestinian liberation theology, Dalit
theology in India, and Minjung theology in South Korea.

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B. Religion becomes the sole basis of the believers’ life. An example
is the Islam Fundamentalism which is explained further as a disputed term, overly
used in the US and to but to a lesser extent in Britain to signify any movement to
allow strict observance of the ordinance of the Qur'an and the Shari'a (Islamic Law).
On the continent, as well as in Britain and amongst many scholars of Islam and the
Middle East, there is a favor on the terms such as 'Islamism', 'Islamicism', 'Islamists',
or 'Islamicists' in referring to the present activist political trend. Islamism came out of
the reform (islah) project of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that was
introduced by Jamal al Din al Afghani (1837–97), Muhammad Abduh (1849–1905),
and Rashid Rida (1865–1935). The reform envisaged was broadly explained to
incorporate a revitalization of culture, society, and religion using European science
and techniques together with the requirement of drawing on the cultural and moral
tradition of early Islam, of the forefathers (al salaf, ad 610–855). Thereafter, the
resurgence of Islam and Islamic society, and hence its defense, came to overcome
this trend as the future of the Islamic world was increasingly seen as being in the
grip of European power to do with as it would.

2. The proliferation of international terrorism

Extremists believe that to fulfill God‗s will, it is their duty to achieve this
through violence.
Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence for
political or religious gain. It is used in this regard mainly to refer to violence during
the time of peace or in the context of violence against non-combatants (mostly
civilians and neutral military personnel). The terms "terrorist" and "terrorism" came
during the French Revolution of the late 18th century but it has gained its popularity
in the 1970s during the war of Northern Ireland, the Basque Country and Palestine.
The prevailing use of suicide attacks from the 1980s and onwards was repeated in
the September 11 attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. in 2001.
There are different definitions of terrorism without universal agreement.
Terrorism is a charged word. It is often used with the implication that something that
is "not right morally". Governments and non-state groups use the word to abuse or
deny opposing groups. Varied political organizations have been accused of using
terrorism to achieve their objectives. These include right-wing and left-wing political
organizations, nationalist groups, religious groups, revolutionaries and ruling
governments. Legislation declaring terrorism a crime has been adopted in many
states. When terrorism is perpetrated by nation states, it is not considered terrorism
by the state conducting it, making legality a largely grey-area issue. There is no
consensus as to whether or not terrorism should be regarded as a war crime.
3. The increasing personalized individual religiosity
Individualized Religion or individualized or postmodern religion, that prioritizes
subjective situations and places ultimate authority with the person, has increased in
prevalence over the present decades. Secularization theory views individualized
religion as a secularizing phenomenon, because of its supposed inherent structural
instability. It is claimed that religious frameworks that places authority within the
individual cannot inspire dedication, create consensus or cohesion, or encourage
evangelization, and are thus rendered unable to transfer their ideas, values and
principles over time or to have significant impact on wider culture or society. Such a
view assumes that effectively functioning religion requires a top-down, hierarchical
organizational structure in which members are passive and obedient recipients of
knowledge rather than being its active and dynamic co-creators. Wanless, C. (2017).

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III. Globalization of religion: conflict
Persons responsible for global conflicts used religious doctrines, dogmas and even
sacred books‗ verses to morally justify their actions.

Religion and Conflict

There are some aspects of religion that make it vulnerable to being a latent
source of problems and conflict. All religions have their accepted rules to follow, or
articles of principles, that followers must accept without reservation. This can lead to
inflexibility and unacceptance in the face of other principles. After all, if it is the word
of almighty God, how can one compromise or not believe it? At the same time, the
scripture and dogma are often unclear and open to interpretation. Therefore,
problems can arise over whose interpretation is the precise one, a conflict that
ultimately cannot be resolved because there is no arbiter. The one who will win
generally is the interpretation that favors the most followers. However, those
followers must also be convinced to action. Although, almost invariably, almost all of
the faith hold moderate views, they are often more relaxed, whereas extremists are
geared to bring their interpretation of God's will to fruition.
Religious extremists can bring the conflict to escalation. They see radical
measures as important to fulfilling God's desires. Fundamentalists of any religion
have the tendency to take a Manichean view of the whole world. If the world is a fight
between good and bad, it is hard to justify compromising with the evil one. Any sign
of mediocracy can be decried as giving oneself out, more importantly, of abandoning
God's will.

Dismantling Conventional Wisdom

The long overdue emphasis to religion by policy analysts and public servants
is to be encouraged. Attention, of course, is never enough; the new openness to
engaging religions and religious organization must be marked by a great leap in
understanding. The place to start is by debunking lingering stereotypes on religion
held by casual individual observers and non-specialists. That is the relatively easy
part. More pressing and complicated is the need to dismantle the traditional wisdom
about religion held by even its excellent observers but now rapidly becoming
outmoded by the current success of globalization, which is transforming the face and
heart of religion and religions, virtually all of which are now transnational in nature.

1. Believers tend to be not so educated, superstitious, and innocent or

illiterate about modern science. The Marxist claim that "religion is the opium of
the masses"— quelling social instability with a promise of heaven for those
who postpone their hunger for justice—never was a legal guide to religious
character; today it is empirically groundless. Indeed, religious groups are
becoming ever more involved in politics: religious leaders play a vital role in
building peace and resolving conflicts; some religious organizations provide
valuable social services; and some politicians use religion to help chart the
destiny of their nations, for better or worse.
And while religious observance is growing fastest in the non-western world,
interestingly ―it is exactly the sort of upwardly mobile, educated middle classes that
Marx and Weber presumed would shed such superstitions who are driving the
explosion of faith.‖ In India, Turkey, Israel, and even China, ―modernization has

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helped to create the up-and-coming bourgeoisie that [secular leaders] prayed for; but
these people are the most fervent supporters of the religious parties.‖

2. Religion is the source of most of the world's worst violence. This

stereotype holds that individuals inspired by faith are driven by what they call
"sacred rage" to demonize and kill all their enemies. Fighting a violent war in
God's name, the holy warriors are not merely entrenched; they are not rational
and inhumane. In the face of this ubiquitous danger, only the legitimate
violence of the liberal secular state can bring order and secure the common
good for all the people.
In a new book by William Cavanaugh, he offers a counter-narrative to this
traditional "myth of religious violence." He claims that the myth, gives authority a sort
of secular amnesia, making us to overlook the egregious and evil acts of violence
and war committed routinely by the modern day nation-state. The state may be
"liberal" (i.e., killing in the name of freedom and democracy) or "illiberal" (killing in the
service of sheer power), but the magnitude and scope of its violence dwarfs religious
terror—and is the source of much religious revolutionary violence. Focusing the
spotlight on religiously inspired atrocities nonetheless provided a rationale for the
state's colonial expansion and claim to a monopoly over internal violence.

3. Religion polarizes individuals, oppresses women, hinders economic

development and deepens conflict. While there is a little truth to this
characterization, it is hardly the real and whole story. Even a casual familiarity
with history shows that religion is also one of the world's great instruments of
healing, health care, education, and reconciliation. Its prophetic character has
been a great ally in modern campaigns for civil and other human rights.
"Devotion to the absolute" can, it is inevitably true, motivate mistaken men to
kill their brothers in what they believe is an act of piety. But it is also the
devotion that inspires men and women to pursue justice, forgive their
enemies, seek reconciliation, and refuse to pledge ultimate allegiance to any
state or secular regime.

Group the students into 5

persons each group. Based on the
illustration, discuss among your group
mates if Religion is for or against

Reflection and insights:

Watch the Film: PBS Frontline: “The Rise of ISIS”


Based on the film, answer the following questions:

1. What makes ISIS the most powerful and dangerous group currently
terrorizing the Middle East?
2. How has ISIS persecuted both Christians and Shia Muslims in and near
Mosul, Iraq?
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3. How is ISIS governing and imposing its religious standards on citizens
in the Iraqi and Syrian cities it has invaded?


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DURATION: 1.5 Hours


This lesson deals with the modern-day phenomenon of global cities. Today,
more than half of the people living in the planet are city dwellers and there is no
slowing down in the growth of cities. The cities are productive engines of growth and
development. People flock to the cities for job opportunities, educational
advancement, leisure, social and cultural exposures and a host of other reasons.
There is a need to understand the roles that global cities play in the lives of
the people in the planet. Being not the ordinary urban centers, global cities serve as
hubs of global integration, be it economic, trade, financial, cultural or political.
Decisions made, deals struck and agreements forged in these global cosmopolis
have wide-ranging effects in the lives of people and in the welfare of societies.


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Characterize a global city;
2. Explain what sets global cities apart from world cities;
3. Explain how global cities help shape global events and developments;
4. Explain why global cities like New York, Tokyo and Los Angeles suffered
from serious COVID-19 outbreaks and suggest ways to address the
problem and prevent its reoccurrence.

Global City: Defining Global Events and Development

The term ―global city‖ was coined by Saskia Sassen in her book ―The
Global City: New York, London, Tokyo in 1991. In her work, Sassen cited the three
cities for their economic prowess. New York for example, is the home to the New
York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers
Automated Quotations National Association of Securities Dealers Automated
Quotations), the largest and second largest stock exchanges in the world. More than
100 of Europe‗s 500 largest companies have their headquarters in London.
Considered as a leading international financial center, Tokyo is also home to Tokyo
Stock Exchange –one of the world‗s largest in terms of market capitalization.

Attributes of Global City

Global cities are primarily characterized

as centers of international influence in the fields
of politics, trade, finance, culture, education,
research and technology. Home to headquarters
of multinational corporations and non-

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Filipinos in New York celebrating

Photo Credit: Philippine Embassy USA

governmental organizations, they have a highly developed communication and

transportation system. They serve as the nerve centers of networks of global
economic activities from production to finance. Among the major attributes of
global cities are the following:
1. Provider of global financial services
2. International transport hub (major airport and seaport)
3. Political and cultural hub
4. Advanced telecommunications and global media infrastructures
5. Administrative center of several multinational corporations
6. Strong local economy and home to major stock exchange
7. Center of creative ideas and innovations in culture, arts, politics and various
human enterprises
8. World-class universities and research facilities

Global City and World City

Distinctions are made between world cities and global cities. World cities
were primarily formed because of history and geography, some of them were
established in Asia and European colonial centers. They started as entrepot for
essential goods attracting people and commerce, trade passed through them and
spread to wider territories.
Global cities, on the other hand, emerged from world cities in modern times
and were formed because of innovations, technology and strengthened networks of
global financial relations. Whereas both cities are players in the global environment,
global cities have become urban conglomerates and influential economic and
information hubs.

Issues and Challenges of Global Cities

Global cities are the consequence of rapidly globalization and accelerated
pace of technological change. These cosmopolitan centers attract global interest
because of the exciting fast-paced lifestyles they are associated with. There are
however, downsides to global cities. They breed a new form of poverty and

It has been observed that in global cities, wealth is

concentrated in the hands of professionals, owners and

partners of high-end business in the system.

There emerged too, a growing disconnect between

these cities and their specialized socio-economic

structures and their geographical region. The

high-end nature of activities in the city alienates a large

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segment of its population who find it difficult
Rich-poor divide in Johannesburg, South
to locate themselves much
Africa Photo Credit: Johnny
Miller/mediadrumimages.com, BBC less access the labor market
characterized by tall
requirements. This results to economic marginalization. Sociologists observed
that by the very nature of the structures of global cities, wealth and income is
channeled into the hands of the so-called global elite who run the industries. Instead
of acting as engines of economic development that promote the welfare of the
people by elevating income and enlarging the middle-class, global cities have
become instruments of disparity in income and of economic inequality. This
widening economic divide is seen in the existence of a small elite, living high-security
enclaves of gated communities, shopping and leisure centers some just a seeing
distance from urban slum dwellers.
New York, London, and Hong Kong/Shanghai, for example, have a huge
concentration of financial and business networks that create wealth and income.
They operate in an environment where they have a community of support specialist
workers that provide specialized services in such fields as finance, corporate law,
accounting, management, economics, and other key skill areas needed to run a
corporate organization operating in more than one country. This condition results in
a widening inequality between elite professionals and specialists and the larger mass
of the population that offer their labor in the conventional industrial and service

COVID – 19 Pandemic and Global Cities

The economic and cultural allure of living in a global city is such that people
dream and take pride in living in them. It seems that global cities are ―where the
action is‖ and as one popular song about New York says, ―if I can make it there, I‗ll
make it everywhere‖. But, it seems the coronavirus pandemic has painted a different,
not-so-nice picture of such places as London, New York and Los Angeles. As of the
middle of August 2020, New York logged more than 236,000 cases and more than
23,600 fatalities, London recorded 35,700 cases and 6,800 deaths, Los Angeles
reported 224,000 cases with 5,300 fatalities, Tokyo has 18,200 cases and 347
Owning to their highly globalized nature in almost every aspect of their
economy and where international travel for business or pleasure is common daily
reality, global cities are specially vulnerable to the spread of infectious diseases. Jay
Butler, Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases of the USA Center for Disease
Control said about New York comparing it to dry kindling a wildfire,

“New York City is a global destination and had the opportunity for multiple introductions of a
virus, because of the amount of travel to New York, particularly related to the increase of disease in
Europe, there were multiple sparks landing at once.”

Population density in global cities contributed to the quick spread of the

disease. London was slow to impose a lockdown, its vibrant connections with other
countries didn‗t help as well as travel and imports aided the spread of the disease.
Researchers found out that COVID-19 infections in the United Kingdom originated in
Spain, France and Italy. Because of the common belief that the virus was imported,
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these global cities
point to international
travel as the purveyor
New Yorkers in mask. of the contagion. In
Photo Credit: caixing.com the US alone, at least
430,000 people have
arrived on direct flights from China
since the outbreak was disclosed in December 31, 2019.
As points of convergence, cities play critical roles in the
fight against the coronavirus pandemic. The major cities
of the world severely impacted by COVID-19 are seriously
evaluating its strategies and approaches about
sustainable urban development.
The pandemic created conditions that required a whole new approach to
development planning and reforms in all the spheres of life – environmental, social,
political, economic and cultural.


1. Get a world map. Locate the following cities:

a. New York City

b. London
c. Paris
d. Tokyo
e. Hong Kong
f. Singapore
g. Los Angeles
h. Chicago
i. Beijing
j. Washington DC

2. Track the performance of cities above in their response to COVID-19

including that of the Philippines. Telling which one is flattening the curve,
experiencing surges.

3. Identify the good/best practices of the global cities in combatting COVID-19.

4. Identify the natural and human resources of the Philippines which it can take
advantage of in its bid to become more productive and respectable member of the
community of nations.

The phenomenon of the global city represents the accomplishments of
humanity seeking higher challenges and productivity. They showcase material
prosperity, creativity and the benefits of convergence. In the light of recent global
developments such as the COVID-19 pandemic, global cities are expected to
showcase too man‗s ingenuity and compassion for his fellow and a sensible
approach to development. This is on top of the pressing issues of inequality and
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global warming. The pandemic forced man to rethink about the very purpose and
fragility of his existence and the need to come together as a community of caring

Answer the following questions:

1. What makes global cities influential?

2. Explain three attributes of the global cities?
3. What can the Philippines learn from the way other cities handled the COVID-
19 pandemic?
4. How can global cities grow into a more just and humane communities?


TITLE OF LESSON: Global Demography


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This lesson deals with the study of demography on a global scale. This field
of scientific disciple which focuses mostly on population dynamics is of immense
importance to society and the nation as a whole. Through demography, our
economic planners and government policy-makers know how far the growth rate of
the economy is keeping pace with the growth rate of population. Development
planning whether on level of local government units such as towns and cities or in
the national scale should estimate the pace by which the population grows. If the
pace of development of the economy cannot keep up with the increasing rate of the
population, the government can undertake apt measures to control the growth of
population and to speed up the development of the economy.
Studies of population growth are of immense importance to society. When
population is increasing rapidly, society is faced with innumerable problems such
housing shortages and lack of basic services like water, electricity, transport,
communication, public healthcare and education. The rapidly globalizing world
marked by increasing urbanization and migration change the patterns of population
growth. In some countries with developed economies, increases in in-bound
immigration are associated with law and order problems.

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define demography and explain its importance;
2. Explain the Demographic Transition Model;
3. Characterize each stage of the Demographic
Transition Model;
4. Explain how globalization may have contributed to the
spread of COVID- 19 particularly in urban centers.


Are you aware which generational cluster do you belong? There is a big
chance that you do, these generation labels are very popular in our daily lives from
school to social media. Currently, six generations compose our global society.
Each of these have distinct characteristics borne of the realities of their growing up
years and formative stage. Here are the birth years for each generation:


Gen Alpha: Born 2011 - 2025

Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 – 2012

Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 – 1995

Generation X: Born 1965 – 1976

Baby Boomers: Born 1946 – 1964

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Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and

Generation birth years vary by

geography, they vary by virtue of cultural
and socio-economic conditions
in different parts of the world. Their
major experiences and the significant
events during their time influence their
mind set and behaviour. A Filipino
Millennial might differ from, say, his/her Young Urban Filipinas
Photo Credit: undp.org
Japanese counterpart in terms probably
of taste for music and cinema but chronological global influences might find
in their growing up context. The end of the millennial
generation and the start of Gen Z in the United States
for example, are closely tied to September 11, 2001.
That was the day the twin towers of the World Trade in New York were bombed by
terrorists. It changed the landscape of security measures in airports for air travelers
for good.
Generations are shaped by the attitudes and practices of their parents, the
major technologies of their age and their economic realities. After the Second World
War, the Baby Boomers born of parents whose memories and experiences of the
war years are vivid, had the desire and parenting philosophy of making life easier for
their children than it was for them. This, some sociologists say, helped create and
reinforce Millennials‗ sense of entitlement.
Comprising much of the current workforce of the world the Millennials exhibit
different attitudes toward employment, sales, and marketing, which are challenging
many conventional strategies and approaches. They have different attitudes too
about birth control and economic development.
People‗s attitude toward work and family affect their decisions to procreate
thereby influencing the trajectory of population growth in a country. When they
decide to postpone having children because of the prospects of building a rewarding
career, fertility decreases resulting in lesser number of children in society. The study
of demography also takes into consideration the value system of people in various
level of the generation spectrum. It is a good way to connect to the realities of life.

Lesson Proper

Global Demography

Demography is the study of the distribution, composition and changes of

human populations. Its main interests are birth and death rates, emigration and
immigration patterns and marital patterns. The Philippines currently has 109.6
million people and is 13th in global population ranking for a 1.41% share in the total
human inhabitants of the planet. China today has the world‗s biggest population with
1.4 billion people for an 18.47% global share. The Vatican City State, the world‗s
smallest country with an area of just 0.32 square kilometer, has a population of 801.
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There are 6.5 billion people in the world today. It stood at 2 billion in the
1950‗s. The planet gains 76 million
more people every year. By 2050, it
is estimated that world population will
be over 9 billion. Populations in
leastdeveloped and developing
countries are steadily growing while
that of developed countries remains
steady at 1.2 billion.
The usefulness of
demography lies in its ability to help
humanity address its social and
economic problems. Demography
focuses on social planning,
forecasting of trends in the labor
market and addressing issues in
geopolitics and public administration.
Demographers advise governments and private agencies in crafting programs and
policies that aim at achieving well- balanced growth and development at the local,
regional, national and international levels.

Demographic Transition Model

Being a central component of social change, demography helps explain the
impact of globalization on the ever-changing landscape of human population growth
and migration dynamics. Among the popular theories in global demography is the
Demographic Transition Model (DTM). The theory states that a country‗s total
population growth rate goes through cyclical stages as the country develops
Some 300 years ago, a global phenomenon was unfolding in Europe. Due to
new technologies, productivity in agriculture and manufacturing soared and, coupled
by advances in healthcare and sanitation, death rates declined. A greater number of
people lived beyond their adolescent years thereby increasing the general life
expectancy. A new trajectory of population growth emerged in countries
experiencing the benefits of Industrial Revolution – the period in history spanning
from the 18th to the early 19th centuries when mechanization brought major changes
in agriculture, manufacturing, production and transportation; it began in England and
spread to Belgium, Germany, Northern France, and eventually the United States and
Japan. Prior to this, birth and death rates in most countries were relatively equal.
With declining death rates, the understanding of the correlation between birth and
mortality rates shifted.

Table 1. Stages of the Demographic Transition Model

Demographic Transition

Stage 1
The condition of the world before the Industrial Revolution where birth and death
rates are high making population size stable, disruptions such as wars and
pandemics cause occasional declines.

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Stage 2
The condition in most of the least developed countries today, this stage is marked
by low death rates particularly among children while birth rates stay high
resulting in accelerated population growth. Examples are Guatemala, Yemen and
Stage 3
True to most developing countries, this is the condition where the birth rates are
decreasing because of any or a combination of the following factors: access to
contraception, increased participation of women in the workforce and improving
economic conditions. The population is still increasing in a slower pace.
Stage 4
This is characterized by low birth and death rates. The economy has attained
growth and development, people are educated and enjoy good health and jobs
are available for both men and women. This is the condition obtaining in
developed countries.
Stage 5
Demographic theorists include a possible stage 5 where countries have an elderly
population that outnumber the youthful population. This is due to low fertility
that has fallen below what is needed to replace the population from generation to
Fertility rate refers to the estimate of the average number of children that
would be born to a woman in a country during the course of her lifetime, assuming
she lives a full and healthy life. For a country‗s population to stay steady (minus
immigration), the fertility rate should be at 2.1, this is the rate which replaces the
parents and accounts for mortality due to unexpected causes.
Japan, which is experiencing decreasing birth rate (average lifespan is 84
years) is in the fifth state of the Demographic Transition Model. It has a negative
population increase rate. Japan‗s population growth rate is - 0.20%. The Philippines
is in Stage 2 going to Stage 3 of the DTM. Its fertility rate is decreasing, it now
stands at 2.6 live births per woman. The country‗s population grows at the rate of
1.4%, meaning an average of 1.4 million people are added to the population every
year. DTM amplified the notion that a country‗s fertility rate and economic
development are somehow intertwined. Industrialized countries such as Japan,
Switzerland, the United States and Italy have fertility rates below 2.1 forcing them to
face the stark reality that they needed to ensure that their population continues to
grow in order for them to have enough future labor force. Developing countries on
the other hand such as Tanzania, Zambia and India have high fertility rates
impacting basic health services and the delivery of other essentials needed to
maintain a decent quality of life. Their huge population is vulnerable to life-
threatening diseases. Efforts therefore to eliminate poverty are crucial to reduce the
spread of diseases and reduce mortality. It is no accident that foremost in the
Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations is the eradication of extreme
poverty by the year 2030.

Demographic Projections
In a rapidly changing global environment, understanding current and future
trends is critical for the development of effective state policy. Demographic
projections are critical information in planning government investments in such areas
as healthcare, housing, education and even retirement benefits. Changes in the
population make-up of a country are the results of the dynamics of births (projected
using fertility rates), deaths (projected using mortality rates), and migration. Figures
Page | 111
about migration are calculated by subtracting emigration (people moving out of the
country) from immigration (people moving into the country).

Impact of COVID – 19 Pandemic

Nobody saw it coming. Not even the World Health Organization. It belatedly
declared a pandemic only on March 11, 2020 after almost three months after the
outbreak in Wuhan. By then, COVID – 19 was already in 113 countries with 118,332
confirmed cases and 4,292 deaths. Who would think that the world will suffer a
pandemic whose scale and misery was last experienced in 1918. The United
Nations Development Programme called COVID – 19 pandemic as the defining
global health crisis of our time and the greatest global challenge humanity has faced
since the Second World War.
COVID – 19 has infected more than 23,900,000 people and claimed more
than 819,600 lives in more than 200 countries according to the Center for Systems
Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University as of August 26, 2020. The
pandemic has devastated world economies and drove millions of people to poverty. It
has dramatically altered the way people relate to one another and profoundly
affected everyday life, the simple act of going out for groceries has become a
seriously guarded act. The Asian Development Bank estimates that the global
economic impact of the pandemic could reach $8.8 trillion. This is more than double
the annual budget of the entire United States, the world‗s leading superpower and
the strongest economy.

COVID – 19 and Globally – Connected Urban Centers

Rapid human population growth impacts the natural environment. If this is
accompanied by rapid economic development, the unavoidable consequence is
pollution, deforestation, resource depletion and growth of infectious disease. As
humans continue to clear the forests for crops and settlement, new pathogens may
bring previously unknown diseases and wreak havoc on the people.
COVID – 19 impacts the urban areas more than it does in the country-sides. It
is in the cities where the death rates are high. In the Philippines, it is in the National
Capital Region (111,000 cases out of the 220,000 nationwide as of August 26, 2020).
Elsewhere, it is Los Angeles, California for the USA, London for the United Kingdom
and Sao Paolo for Brazil.
The vulnerability of the world‗s cities to the pandemic is traceable to a host of
reasons that include but not limited to national and global travel, population density
and even the hosting to international events which had become ―super
spreaders‖ of the disease. History tells us that countries bounce back after a
pandemic as in the case of the Spanish Flu pandemic in 2018 – 2019. The World
Health Organization hopes that the coronavirus pandemic would be over in two
The quick spread of contagious diseases is one of the downsides of globalization.
―Of course with more connectiveness, the virus has a better chance of spreading. But
at the same time, we the technology to stop it, and the knowledge to stop it,‖ said
Dr.Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.

Global Demography and the Future

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Discussions about patterns of human population grown leads to the question
on how long are people likely to live in the near and distant future. The life
expectancy of humanity has seen dramatically increasing during the last two
centuries. People now expect to live long. The risk of dying early has been reduced
due to improved nutrition, progress in healthcare and education. Today‗s generation
will live may years longer than our ancestors in the 19 th or early 20th centuries.
Average lifespan today in Japan is 82 years.
An increasing lifespan has implications for the economy. Healthcare costs
with an increasingly aging population will rise, including social security payments and
pension. The United Nations estimates that 31% of China‗s population (432 million)
in 2050 will be aged 60 or over while that of India will be 21% or 330 million people.
Global population will continue to grow but at a slower rate. This will mean 3 billion
more people to the current global count before stabilizing to about 9 billion in 2050.

Figure 2: Growth of Elderly Population in China and India

(Percentage Aged 60+)

The United Nations warned that should the global population reach 9.6 billion
in 2050, the equivalent of almost three planets could be required to provide the
natural resources needed to sustain current lifestyles.
Lastly, demographic changes and forecasts can be made but the future is still
fraught with uncertainties. The COVID – 19 pandemic proved this point succinctly.
Outbreaks and pandemics may kill millions and decimate economies inasmuch as
breakthroughs may cure diseases, and save and improve the lives of millions.
Global warming, trade wars, the growing threat of World War 3 because of
escalating tensions between the USA and China are keeping humanity on his toes in
these present times. Will humanity face a brighter future, will he learn from his
mistakes. Only time will tell.

Course, Major, &Year: Date:
Page | 113
Demographic Profiling
a. Obtain through, internet search, the demographic data about your town
or city. List the data under the following categories.

1. Population
2. Male Population
3. Female Population
4. Age Brackets
5. Livelihood
6. No. of Members of Households
7. Other relevant categories
b. Create a Profile Table of your town or city based on collected or
available data.

c. Explain or create a demographic story of your locality using the data

you have
Activity 2:
Course, Major,& Year: Date:

A. Read the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations

from the internet.
B. Write an action plan to help make some of the Goals a reality.
C. Choose 2 Goals to answer from the list below:
1. Goal # 1 Eliminate Extreme Poverty
2. Goal # 8 Decent Work and Economic Activity
3. Goal# 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
4. Goal# 12 Responsible Consumption and
Production D. All answers should be in Filipino


Course, Major, & Year: Date:

Draw an artistic or an educational poster on how to stop the spread of COVID -19 in
your locality. Write in Filipino.

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TITLE OF LESSON: Demographic Transition


This lesson deals with the dynamics of demographic transition. While it

shares in many aspects with the previous lesson on global demography, this
particular lesson explores the very phenomenon of the changing patterns of the
global population beginning a few centuries ago. Primarily focusing on fertility and
death rates of populations in various nations and continents, the field of demographic
transition helps explain the causes of the global shift in the pattern of how humanity
multiply, on in some areas, subtract, and predicts how much people will the planet
have in next decades or centuries.

Separate from the lesson Demographic Transition Model which is one of the
theories that try to explain demographic transition, this module casts a wider and
deeper look on the factors surrounding the rise and falls of birth and death rates. It
presents various perspectives and scenarios of human population growth and it
impacts the economy and society as a whole.

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the meaning of demographic transition;
2. Explain the significance and importance of demographic transition;
3. Describe possible global population scenarios generations in the future;
4. Identify and describe three theories about demographic transition.
5. Discuss possible fertility trajectories in the post-COVID – 19 pandemic

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The current Philippine population of more

than 100 million is a far cry from its population in
the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th
century. In the 1887 census of the country, it was
recorded that the population stood at 6,984,727.
The census of 1898 yielded
7,832,719 Native Filipinos
inhabitants. During the American occupation, the Photo: pinterest.com
survey of 1903 counted 7,635,426 people.
The Philippines experienced rapid rise in population from the late eighteenth
century to the mid-1870s. This continued well into the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries. Up until the 1960s, Philippine population grew at a rate of 3.5% per year
with families averaging six children. The Philippines today is experiencing what
demographers call the second state of the Demographic Transition Model
characterized by a significant reduction in deaths because of improved healthcare,
standard of living, education and economic gains. The county‗s birth is still high
making the population growing steadily. The Philippines, like many other developing
nations is experiencing a slow demographic transition with its high birth rates and
generally low standard of living. Hence the challenges of the future revolve around
the providing the people with the opportunity to improve lives while ensuring that the
basics – food, water, utilities, shelter, healthcare, education and other essentials are
within reach.
Lessons learned from explorations of the workings of demographic transition -
while observed form the experiences of European and other regions of the world -
are precious gems of wisdom as we plan for our future as a people and also in
developing a well-informed world view as part of the global community.

Lesson Proper

Demographic Transition
Towards the end of the 19 th century, the world saw its population and mortality
rates changing. This was particularly observed in Europe and the United States.
Prior to this period, world population was increasing rapidly.
Reductions in fertility rates and population growth were observed in various
regions of the world. Social scientists noticed significant reductions in fertility rates
and population growth in various regions of the world. Prior to this period, world
population was increasing rapidly. This shift is known as demographic transition
which is defined as a change from a situation of high fertility and high mortality to
one of low fertility and low mortality.
Countries in Europe and the United States experienced an increase in
national wealth and its people begin to beginning to enjoy the benefits of improved
economic life. What triggered demographic transition? What is the result of
industrialization? What is the result of less people dying? Or was it due to an
increasing number of women who are working?
Based on observations in Western countries, demographic transition is
characterized by falling death rate followed by a decline of birth rates. The previous
total fertility rate stood at around 6. This means that the average children per family
before the transition were six.
Page | 116
The change takes around a century to happen and mostly viewed as caused
by an improvement in the socio-economic conditions of the people brought upon by

Demographic Transition: Declining Birth and Death Rates in

Developed Countries

industrialization. The new fertility is below 2 or below. This improvement in the

standard of living also improved child survival rate and changed fertility preferences.
Demographic Transition in Developed Countries

Note the gap between the mortality or the death rate and the fertility rate.
Children surviving childhood well into adolescence means improved child-rearing
environments. Soon, the number of offspring the mothers bear declined. This is
mostly attributed to improvements in the conditions of women brought about by
employment, education and rising economic well-being.

Demographic Transition in Developing Countries

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Demographic Transition: Declining Birth and Death Rates in
Developing Countries

Page | 118
Developing countries such as Bangladesh experienced rapid demographic
transition. In a span of a decade it recorded declining birth and death rates, Total
Fertility Rate dropped from the area of 6 to 2. These changes however happened
without the simultaneous socio-economic improvement experienced in developed
countries. Thus, emerged a condition of large population amid economic stagnation.

Theories on the Causes of Demographic Transition

Several theories were formulated throughout the time to explain the dynamics
that caused
transition. 1. The
Rise in Average

Researchers believe
that the onset of
enabled people to
Rush hour in New York, USA secure better-paying
Photo Creator: Mario Tama
Credit: Getty Images, Time magazine jobs and
experienced improved economic conditions. It was argued that the declining
fertility was an offshoot of the rise in income. The newfound economic prosperity
was such that it made parents decide against having children rather than pass up
the opportunity to earn money. It also suggested that the decline in fertility was partly
caused by families deciding that instead of investing in a large family, it
was wise to invest in the quality of education
of each of the existing children.

2. Decline in Infant and Child Mortality

This theory suggests that the decline in population during the demographic
transition was the result of the decline in infant and child mortality. This decline
preceded the reduction in fertility and population growth in most advanced
economies. Critics of this argument however pointed out that this reasoning is
inconsistent with historical evidence.

3. The Rise in the Demand for Human Capital

The second phase of the Industrial Revolution, also known as the
Technological Revolution, happened in the late 19 th century and early 20th century.
This was characterized by rapid standardization and saw new technological systems
introduced such as electricity and telephones.

During this
phase, demand for
human capital steadily
rose. Human capital
refers to the quality of
Credit: Getty Images

the skills, education, capacity and attributes of human labor which influence one‗s
productive capacity. The increasing value of the quality of manpower in the
production process encouraged parents to invest more in the education and training
of their children resulting in the decline fertility as the focus is toward quality and
quantity. The needs of
Page |

the times demanded that parents raise quality offspring in terms of productive
capacity rather than quantity.
The improvements in healthcare and the rise in life expectancy of people of
people may have contributed to the role of the increasing demand for human capital
on the decrease in the interest of families for more number of offspring. Considering
the growing demands of industries for productive workers, it made more sense for
parents to invest in the education of their children.

4. The Decline in the Gender Gap

As more workers are needed in an industrializing Western Europe and more
women participated in the labor force during the nineteenth and the twentieth
centuries, the demographic transition was hastened. As the economy developed,
women's relative wages rose and encourage more job entrants adversely affecting
fertility rates. It was observed in developed and less-developed countries that a
pattern is emerging between rising relative wages for women and declining fertility
rates. The rate of education and training of women was fast catching up with that of
men particularly in England

Factors in Fertility Decline and Increasing Longevity in the 21 st Century

In the context of a rapid of the realities of the past 50 years the fertility rates of
women are impacted by a confluence of factors such as urbanization and mass
media. In their book, The New Public Health (2014), authors Theodore H.
Tulchinsky and Elena A. Varavikova wrote that fertility, mortality, disease patterns,
and migration are the major influences on (demographic transition) within the
population. They listed the many factors that affect fertility decline and increasing
Factors in Fertility Decline
•Education, especially of women.
•Decreasing infant and child mortality, reducing pressure for more children to
ensure survivors.
•Economic development, improved standards of living, rising
expectations and family income levels.
•Urbanization – family needs and resources change compared to rural
•Birth control methods – safe, inexpensive, supply, accessibility, and
knowledge. •Government policy promoting fertility control as a
health measure.
•Mass media can raise awareness of birth control, and aspiration to higher
standards of living.
•Health system development and improved access to medical care.

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•Changing economic status, social role, and self-image of women.
•Changing social, religious, political and ideological values.

Factors in Increasing Longevity •Increasing family income,

education level and standards of living.
•Improved nutrition including improved food supply, distribution, quality, and
nutritional knowledge.
•Control of infectious diseases.
•Reduction in non-infectious disease mortality.
•Adequacy of safe food and water, sewage and garbage disposal, adequate
housing conditions.
•Disease prevention, reducing risk factors, promoting healthy lifestyle.
•Medical care services with improved access and quality.
•Health promotion and education activities of the society, community, and
individual. •Social security systems, child allowances, pensions,
unemployment insurance, national health insurance.
•Improved conditions of employment and recreation, economic and social
well- being.
Tulchinsky and Elena A. Varavikova noted that birth rates in the industrialized
countries have fallen over the past fifty years and are continuing to fall in many
countries to levels below the replacement rate of 2.1. This is the fertility rate that a
country should attain in order for it sustain or maintain population size and age
distribution. At this fertility rate the population of a country remains fairly stable,
neither rising nor falling substantially.
The fall in birth rates in industrialized countries contributes to the aging of the
population, with important economic and societal effects. The authors further added
that economic prosperity, efficient and easily available methods of birth control, and
greater education and work opportunities for women in the workforce played major
roles in the choices made by women in the number of children they wished to have
and their right to determine the number and spacing of pregnancies.
The graph below reveals the downward trend of births in the last 60

Trends in Total Fertility Rate by Region

Source: UN World Population Prospects 2000 revisio

Page | 121
years with Asian and Latin Americans following almost identical trends. Africa tops
the globe with an average of four births per woman in 2020. Europe has the lowest,
hitting below one birth per woman as early as the late 1970s.
Government interference and culture play a significant rule in the birth rate
drop. China‗s one-child policy and traditional preference for boys, and India‗s
regard of boys as economic asset and girls as liability as families are pressured to
pay dowries when daughters marry resulted in wide-scale abortion of females as
soon the gender of the fetus was revealed in prenatal diagnosis. This resulted in a
major numerical deficiency of young women in the population. Twenty-six percent of
Japan‗s population is 65 years old while that of the European Union countries is
20.3%. This means a smaller workforce maintaining a higher elderly population
dependent on social security benefits.
Four billion have been added to the global population since 1950. All
indicators point to a highly divergent world in the next 50 years, with stagnation or
potential decline in parts of the developed world and continued rapid growth in the
least developed regions. Meanwhile other demographic processes are also
undergoing unprecedented change: women's fertility has dropped rapidly and life
expectancy has risen to new highs. Fertility and mortality trends have led to very
young populations in high fertility countries in the developing world and to
increasingly older populations in the developed world. Present-day societies are now
at varying stages of their demographic transitions.

COVID-19 pandemic and human fertility

The COVID-19 pandemic will surely affect global human populations. In hard-
hit countries such as the United States, India and Brazil, mortality rates have already
shifted. The heavily-affected areas of Northern Italy have reported decreases in
period life expectancy of their population. The men lost 2 to 3.5 years and the women
1.1 to 2.5 years.

Source: Science 24 Jul 2020:

Vol. 369, Issue 6502

Fertility Shifts Due to COVID – 19

Page | 122
Some theorists contend that events like this in history were populations dipped
in masse were followed by upward spikes or ―baby boom‖. There is a temporary
decline in fertility and recovery in subsequent years. There is also a big chance that
families affected by the pandemic would put off having children for economic
reasons. Business closures and massive unemployment were the order of the day in
both developed and developing countries. In July 2020, more that 10 million
Americans were out of work. How the COVID-19 pandemic will affect fertility will
depend on the ways in which societies have developed and at what stage they are in
the demographic transition, from regimes characterized by high birth rates and lack
of contraception, to the ones with controlled and low fertility, the near and distant
future in the area of population aging will change the directions of their economic
As the diagram above shows, high-income countries follow different
trajectories from the middle- and low-income countries. High-income countries will
experience adverse disruptions in their lifestyles and economics including access to
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) such as in vitro fertilization to address
infertility. This will result in low fertility and the consequent drop in population size
and increase in the number of aging members of society.
The low- and middle-income families have a different post COVID -19
scenario. With economic hardships and limited or no access to contraception, fertility
will be rising for the rural low-income countries and either high or low in developing
and urban economies. These developments will either result in increases in
population size and the same condition in the ranks of the aging members of society.


Answer all the following questions:

1. When the time comes for you to have your own family, how many
children would you like to raise. Why? Explain your answer in not
less than 300 words. You can write in Filipino.

2. Why are families smaller today than in the past? Explain your
answer in not less than 250 words. You can write in Filipino.

3. Create an offspring profile of your relatives from both your parents‗

sides. In the table below indicate the number of children your
grandparents had, down to your parents, aunts and uncles. Indicate
how many uncles and aunts you have. Analyze the answers and tell
whether your family from your mother‗s and father‗s sides are
growing, declining, or just even. Base your analysis on the number
of children of your grandparents.

Father‗s Side Mother‗s Side

No. of Children of No. of Children of
Grandparents Grandparents
No. of children of own parents No. of children of own
Uncle #1 Uncle #1
Page | 123
Uncle #2 Uncle #2
Aunt #1 Aunt #1
Aunt #2 Aunt #2
TITLE OF LESSON: Global Migration


This lesson deals with the phenomenon of global migration. It analyses the
various factors driving people to leave their homeland to live, work or seek refuge in
foreign lands. It also presents current facts and figures surrounding human migration
on a global scale. It tackles important aspects of migration such as remittances and
the trends of its flow through the years from the sending countries (usually developed
or high-income economies such as USA and the petroleum- producing Arab states)
to the receiving countries (oftentimes developing countries). Substantial discussion
was also allotted to the effects of the COVID – 19 pandemic on global migration. It
focuses on the challenges experienced today in the middle of the pandemic and
prospects of migration and globalization in a post-COVID world.

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the meaning of global migration;
2. Discuss in his/her own words the categories of international migrants;
3. Discuss intelligently why people move;
4. Expound the downside of exporting skilled professionals;
5. Clarify the phenomenon of ―brain drain‖;
6. Elucidate the effects of the COVID – 19 pandemic on global migration.

Lesson Proper

Ever since our ancestors moved from

place to place in search of food and protection,
our genetic blueprint has, it
seemed, programmed us to be wanderers. While
others have learned to settle down in their home
country, some 272 million people in 2019 lived in
a country where they were not born. They
comprised 3.5% of the global population and the
trend is on the upswing mode.
A refugee family crosses the Moei River into
People move for a variety of reasons. Thailand. They carry their
Most migrants would offer expansion of belongings.Source:https://www.nationalgeographic.org/activity
employment options and income opportunities as
their primary motivation in moving to a foreign country. For others, it is to join family,
to study or simply a change of living environment. The other equally important
reasons, what demographers label as the ―push factors‖ are conflicts, persecution,

Page | 124
terrorism, human rights violation and lately, adverse environmental conditions such
as drought, natural disasters and effects of climate change.
For most Filipinos, migrating to other countries, whether temporarily as
overseas Filipino worker (OFW) or permanently, is a ticket to the good life. It is
estimated that that 12 million Filipinos live abroad, at any given time, there are 2.3
million OFWs scattered all over
the globe. Data from the
Philippine Overseas Employment
Administration reveal that more
that, in pre-pandemic times, about
5,000 Filipinos leave every day to
migrate overseas.
Are you one of the millions
of Filipino who fancy yourself
leaving the good life someday in a
foreign land?

Global Migration

Global migration is defined

as the movement of a person or a
Global migration accelerated by fast travel
group of persons, either across an and breakthroughs in telecommunications
international border, or within a
state. It is a population movement, Photo Credit:www.alamy.com

encompassing any kind of movement of people, whatever its length,

composition and causes; it includes migration of refugees, displaced
persons, economic migrants, and persons moving for other purposes,
including family reunification. To a greater degree, it is a situation in which
people go to live in foreign countries, especially in order to find

Migration is classified into two types.

When people move or transfer
from one area to another within the country, it is called internal migration. The
second type is when people cross borders and enter another country, this
international migration. Claudio and Abinales, in their book, The Contemporary
World wrote that international migration can be classified into five categories.

First are the immigrants who moved permanently to another country. The
second are the workers who stay for a fixed period of time. The third group are the
illegal immigrants. Those who were petitioned by their families to move to the
receiving country are the fourth group while the fifth group are refugees or asylum
seekers who are at risk for persecution in their home country by reason of religion,
race, nationality or ideological affiliation

Page | 125
Drivers of Human Migration

Most people say that their going and living in a foreign land is in search of the
so-called ―greener pastures‖ or simply to earn money more quickly than they can in
their home country and to upgrade their standard of living.

Figure 1.Drivers of Human Migration


There is however, a deeper interplay of factors that come into play to an

individual‗s decision to leave home and try their luck in a new country. Enni Kallio
citing the works of Neumann, K., et al and Black, R., et al, presented five drivers that
influence the volume, direction and frequency of human migration: political,
demographic, economic, social, and environmental drivers.

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Martin in his book, The Global Challenge of Managing Migration, wrote that
the economic and demographic factors are the primary reasons why people move
globally. The economic factor means higher opportunity for well-paying jobs in the
receiving country while demographic factors include the size and density of
population in the areas of out-migration, and prevalence of diseases.

Figure 2.International Migration Profile

Source: https://www.un.org/en/sections/issues-depth/migration

The political factors include the conflicts, wars, discrimination, ideological

persecutions and reigning political regimes in the home country. The civil war in Syria
which began in 2011 is still raging and resulted in 3.8 million refugees who have
sought shelter in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, and Iraq. Environmental reasons also
drive people to migrate to other countries. Among these factors are drought, reduced
land productivity, depletion of natural resources and climate change – related
disasters. Families who want to be reunited, preserve ties, support each other, and
fulfil the obligations and responsibilities constitute the social driver of migration. The
United Nations estimates that in 2019 the number of international migrants worldwide
is 272 million. It stood at 258 million in 2017. Of the 2019 figure, 48% are women and
about 38 million are children. Three-fourths of the international migrants are of
working age (20 – 64 years old). Migrant workers number 164 million out of the total
number of international migrants. The Global Migration Data Portal reported that
around 31% of global international migrants reside in Asia, 30% in Europe, 26% in
the Americas, 10% in Africa and 3% in Oceania. The immigrant- sending countries
as of 2019 are India, Mexico, China, Russian Federation, Syrian Arab Republic,
Bangladesh and Pakistan. The Philippines ranks ninth sending more than five million
immigrants. The top immigrant-receiving countries of the world are the United States
of America, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russian Federation, United Arab Emirates,
France, Canada and Australia.
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International Remittances

Migrants send or remit money to their families or communities back home. In

the Philippines, OFWs are considered modern-day economic heroes because of
their significant contribution to the growth and stability of the economy. In 2018, their
remittances accounted for 11% of the total Gross Domestic Product of the country.
In the same year, the country ranked fourth among the top remittance-receiving
countries of the world. The top three are India, China and Mexico. Viewing
remittances as a percentage of the country‗s Gross Domestic Product, the top five
remittance-receiving countries in 2018 were: Tonga (at 35.2%), Kyrgyzstan (33.6%),
Tajikistan (31%), Haiti (30.7%) and Nepal (28%).

Table 1.Word Ranking of Remittance-Receiving Countries

Source: World Migration Report 2020

Contribution of Filipino Migrant Workers to the Philippine Economy

The Filipino migrant workers have sent billions of dollars to the Philippine
economy. These remittances become household income. Whether they are the
primary means to secure the needs of the family or are used to augment existing
income, these financial resources translate to increased purchasing power that helps
keep domestic economy vibrant and the government benefiting through increased

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Figure 3. Top Remittance
-Sending Countries to the Philippines in billion US dollar
Source: https

They also keep the country‗s foreign reserves or the total amount of foreign
currencies at hand at healthy levels, as of June 2020 the Philippines‗ Gross
International Reserves stood at $93.32 billion.
The inflow of foreign remittances also help keep the Philippine peso strong
against the US dollar translating to increased purchasing power for imported goods
and more comfortable position in the payment of dollar-denominated foreign debt
and obligations. The most visible benefit of foreign remittances by the OFWs,
however, is the rise in the standard of living of recipient families as they can now
secure their varied needs and wants ranging from education to housing and
healthcare. Figure 3 shows that, of all countries in the world, the United States of
America is the primary source of the Philippines‗ dollar remittances. It accounted for
$11.10 billion of the total $32.8 billion receipts in 2017. This was followed by China
at $5.36 billion, the United Arab Emirates with $4.10 billion, Saudi Arabia $3.86
billion and Germany with $2.90 billion.

Global Migration and Human Capital Fight

Newly-arrived Filipina nurses in Chicago, Illinois, USA

obtaining regulatory job certifications
Photo Credit: Leading Age

Commonly referred to as ―brain drain‖, human capital flight is the departure

of educated or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field for
another country usually for better pay or living conditions. The receiving country
benefits from the arrival of the trained immigrants in what has been referred to as its
―brain gain‖. Brain drain causes countries, industries, and organizations to lose a
core portion of valuable individuals. They witness the departure of valuable groups of
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doctors, healthcare professionals, scientists, engineers, or financial professionals.
When these people leave, their places of origin are harmed in two main ways.
Expertise is lost in the profession and second, consumer spending was reduced as
professionals are often large salary earners.

Causes of Brain Drain

What drives professionals to leave their country and start anew in a foreign
land? The social environment plays a key role. Among the reasons for the exodus
are lack of opportunities in the home country, political instability, corruption in
government agencies, economic stagnation, health risks, low wages and natural
calamities. These are the push factors. The receiving countries, on the other hand,
offers the pull factors: a better living environment, higher wages, a developed
economy, political stability, government efficiency, and social security, plus the
chance to become a permanent resident or a citizenship status. On the personal
level, the decision to migrate can also be influenced by career ambitions, influence of
people and family and personal tastes and preferences.

Table 2.Estimates and Projections of Remittance Flows to Low-and Middle- Income

Source: World Bank – KNOMAD https://www.knomad.org/publication/migration-and-development-brief-32-covid-19-crisis- through-
(e = estimate; f = forecast)

The Philippines has been producing nursing graduates by the thousands and
sending them overseas, now it is feeling the effect of brain drain as it reels from the
devastation of the COVID – 19 pandemic. The Private Hospitals Association of the
Philippines Inc. claimed that there is an estimated shortage of 23,000 nurses
nationwide. Meanwhile, about 150,000 Filipino nurses currently work in the U.S.
alonei. In the period between 2012 and 2016, about 26,000 licensed nurses were
produced by various nursing schools nationwide. Government data revealed that
about 18,500 nurses migrated abroad each year during the same period.
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Global Migration and the COVID – 19 Pandemic

The human miseries spawned by COVID – 19 are myriad. The economic

effects of the pandemic are wide-ranging, deep and will be felt in the years to come.
Countries relying on migrant labor for their industries, including such sectors as
healthcare, food and hospitality face enormous challenges because of the travel ban
and over-all reduced volume of business activities.
Migrant workers experience job losses and isolation as in the case of shipping
industry workers whose job contracts have expired but cannot disembark form their
ships because no ports will allow them and no airlines will fly them home. Some
healthcare professional-sending countries such as the Philippines initially banned its
citizens from leaving due to acute shortages of doctors and nurses at home.
Internal migrants, or workers who travel within their country to find jobs, were
acutely affected by lockdowns and travel bans. Workers in India and Latin American
countries such as Peru, have to travel thousands of kilometres by foot to return to
their home communities after losing their jobs in the big cities. In the Philippines,
locally stranded individuals (LSI) who lost their jobs in Metro Manila have to endure a
long and agonizing wait, congregating in areas adjacent to the airport as their home
provinces are unwilling to receive them for fear COVID contamination.
In a report by the World Bank-Supported Global Knowledge Partnership on
Migration and Development (KNOMAD), it forecast a decline in remittances by
international migrant workers to low-and middle-income countries (LMIC). In 2020,
the remittance flows to LIMC are expected to drop by 20% to $445 billion. In 2019, it
was recorded at $554 billion. Decline in remittances is attributed to the coronavirus-
induced fall in wages and employment in host countries. In Arab countries such
Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman, the situation was exacerbated
by the fall in oil prices due to reduced global demand. Hard-hit by the fall in
remittances are Europe and Central Asia, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Prospects of global Migration in a

Pandemic-Challenged World

The pandemic knows

no borders. It has spread to
213 countries and territories with a total of
more than 30.4 million confirmed cases and more
950,000 deaths (as of 18 Sept.2020).While the
pandemic is not a migration issue, it is treated as
such by governments worldwide. Border
closures, travel restrictions, quarantine requirements United against a common enemy
and visa bans particularly by the USA are Photo Credit: I Volunteer International, ivint.com

migration management measures.

The crisis provided some countries
reasons to push their anti-immigration
agenda. It is viewed that Trump‗s COVID-19 visa bans may alter the face of
American immigration beyond the pandemic. In President Trump‗s recent
immigration orders, those who have US work visa but were out of the USA cannot
reenter the country for the rest of 2020. An executive order issued in June 2020

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month bars entry to most types of foreign workers for the rest of the year, banning
most types of temporary work visas, including the coveted H-1B visa for skilled
The US closed its borders to all migrants, particularly to the ones from Latin
America – those who seasonally come to pick their fruits and vegetables, milk their
cows or tend their corn – citing the coronavirus as the reason. This is also the case
with Western Europe which banned the entry of Eastern European workers.
Thailand closed its border with Cambodia sealing off Cambodian farm laborers, so
did Costa Rica (from Nicaragua).
Global migration will most likely be constrained due to fear of COVID – 19
transmission, border restrictions and lack of transportation. How will a highly global
economy heavily reliant on the mobility of labor face highly reduced labor market?
Governments must use the crisis to ensure international cooperation on
migration. The crisis has brought heightened global attention on the sorry state of
integration of migrants including refugees in their host countries. Good integration
ensures that migrants have access to healthcare, housing and social security
services. This holds true not in only host countries with high-income developed
economies but also in developing countries. Migration between developing countries
is high particularly in Africa and Latin American countries. In Africa, intra-regional
labor migration is at 88% and mainly involves low-skilled workers. Integration
policies that protect the vulnerable migrants are definitely steps in the right direction.


At the beginning of the 21st century 150 million people, or 2.5 percent of the
world‗s population, lived outside their country of birth. Today that number has
ballooned to 272 million. As economies integrate into regional trade blocks and
nations continually depend on a complex network of trade and production flow, the
role of migrant labor grows. The growing scourge of poverty, political repression,
human rights abuses, ethnic conflict and civil unrest push more and more people out
of their home countries as migrants and refugees while economic opportunities,
political freedom, physical safety, improved general quality of life pull both highly
skilled and unskilled workers into developed and high-income countries. All these
ensure that human global migration will continue through time even if it is currently
interrupted by the COVID – 19 pandemic.
As global migration accelerates, there is a need for countries to craft policies
that not only protect their self-interests but also treat immigrants in the most humane
way possible for most often they add significant value to the economy of their host
countries. Bilateral agreements between countries with common interests and
border are also in order as in the case of the United States and Mexico
Countries must reach a consensus at harmonizing policies that will make
migration more orderly, safe, and manageable. International cooperation is needed
to curb human trafficking, unauthorized migration and regulate migration while
upholding the rule of law and protecting human rights. Developing countries will
continue to press for access to the labor markets of rich nations while receiving
countries will continue to balance domestic employment concerns and the need to
import expertise and services to fill in manpower gaps. In this heavily interconnected
world, global problems are best addressed when countries cooperate to advance
mutual interests and benefits.

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TITLE OF THE LESSON: Sustainable Development
DURATION: 2 hours


Sustainability is concerned with needs, scarcity and distribution. But the

sustainability paradigm begins with a fundamentally different question. This lesson
will answer how we can create an economic system that enables individuals and
communities to thrive, while also sustaining the capacity of the environment to
support this.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Explain the origin of the global economic, social, political, and cultural
2. Understand the issues confronting the nation-state.
3. Analyze contemporary news events in relation with the context of
4. Describe global issues affecting Filipinos and the Philippines.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology

Activity 1: What do we need for a fulfilling life?
Instruction. Complete the diagram showing the meaning of quality of life. Feel free
to fill all answers. The first one is provided for your guidance
What does "Quality of Life" mean to us?

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Lesson proper/Discussion

Sustainable Economic Systems


The first decade of the 21st century experienced extreme uncertainty and risk
because of the 2007-2008 financial crisis. The effects are felt on collapsing financial
markets, rising unemployment, deeper inequalities, a shrinking middle class,
extreme indebtedness, inability of various governments to enforce reforms,
challenges of climate change and unavailability of resources. This was predicted
many years ago Beck (1986).
Beck (1986) asserts the two main reasons for the current societal problems
are the inability of modern societies to produce enough stability and sustainability.


The International Monetary Fund (2012) defined stability as firmness in

position, permanence, and resistance to change, especially in a disruptive way. In
other words, avoiding large swings in economic activity, high inflation, and excessive
volatility in exchange rates and financial markets.
The challenge in economic stability is that excessive economic highs and lows
should be avoided. For instance, extreme economic events and activities must be
calmed down to prevent extreme bursting. The fluctuations themselves are
unavoidable. This point of view became clear since the Great Depression of 1929,
when the economy collapsed in a dramatic way after long years of post-war
prosperity and overproduction.
During this disaster governments did not feel to intervene. The Classical
economists believed in the self-regulation ability of economic systems. Such as a
free market is enough to restore stability. Keynes (1923) designed a theoretical
framework the importance of raising government spending in harsh times and
preventing long-lasting depressions. In the next half-century, the capitalist system

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followed Keynesian formula and economists refined it developing sophisticated
models of fiscal policy and monetary policy.
Neoliberalism expanded with the free market reforms of the American
President Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom. With two
decades of successful application of the policy, the self-confidence of economists
and politicians was resolved.
Another problem came from new technologies that made the economic
process faster and less predictable. Many dangers appeared at the internet bubble
climaxing in 2000. Many reacted which led governments to adopt a lax stabilization
policy. This lax policy is driven by optimistic trust in the rationale of markets. After
years of bubbling, the markets crashed and then crisis came. Since then many
countries are trying to restore stabilization by employing expensive programmes and
implying generous monetary policy (Sebastian, 2014).


Sustainability considers the long term capacities of a system to exist, not its
short-term resistance to change. A well know definition of sustainability comes from
the Bruntland Report (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987)
prepared for the United Nations in 1987. Sustainability is the responsible use of
resources, where the present needs are meet, without sacrificing the needs and
resources of the future generation.
According to Sebastian (2014) it is hard to discern the issue of possible
depletion of resources in economic theories, because price mechanisms in market
economies would translate scarcity into higher costs and reduced consumption of
the good. This explains why more attention was to the problem of what combination
of resources could induce growth.
Another factor contributed to the easy approach to sustainability in the past.
The capitalist system faced open-waste spaces of the globe. Capitalists were free to
expand and exploit resources. This setting created the imperialism of the eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries. For a length of time the world seemed to be able to deliver
unlimited number of goods, and with it comes slavery, unlimited pollution and
violence. This illusion is over but the bias is still apparent. Even today if a rich
country wants a cleaner environment, it will shift its dirty production outside, usually
to poor countries, and enjoy unchanged patterns of consumption.
Malthus (1978) prophesied on the grim consequences of a rising population
which consumes all surplus food production and thus prevents a rise in living
standards. The solution was increased agriculture. This culminated for more than
two centuries in the Green Revolution in countries such as India and Bangladesh. In
the 19th century the issue of sustainability considered mainly social conditions in
early industrial capitalism. The German social state, the Victorian welfare state, and
Marxist movements brought their own interpretations and solutions to the Malthus
Modern debate on sustainability which focused on environmental questions
came later. Hardin (1968) analyzed how public goods got exhausted by actors in a
free market economy. He argues non-regulated access to fishery will quickly lead to
empty seas and eventually lead to the collapse of the fishery industry in many
countries. While in 1972, the Club of Rome published a ground breaking study which
agrees with Hardin.
In many countries, the green parties established themselves as powerful
factors in achieving domestic policy. The rising challenges of the sustainability
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problem in terms of the environmental and resources issues were also translated
into international cooperation. Fortunately, there is the existence of conferences on
climate change and framework agreements like the Kyoto Protocol, that is focused
on the reduction of green-house gases. Yet, their effectiveness is not very promising.
For many countries see these global actions against climate change as a hindrance
in achieving their economic interest, specially developing countries like India and
For many years overpopulation also occupied a problem. Nonetheless the
ageing societies in Europe, Japan and China brought slightly different arguments in
terms of sustainability of pension and health-care systems, wherein the current
programs and structures incurs huge public debt in favour of the current needs of the
older generation but at the expense of the shrinking, younger sector of society.

Towards a Sustainable and More Stable Economic Model

According to Sebastian (2014) there are three areas of economic models that
should be re-thought and redesigned. Firstly, the issue of what is an efficient market
needs a new explanation. Secondly, the fact that we must accept that there are
many different institutional ways to achieve and implement an efficient economic
systems, but it does not necessarily mean that a country‗s economic system will
have the same result to other countries. Thirdly, redesign on the programs that are
designed to achieve economic growth and economic development.

Complexity Approach to Markets

Markets are the most fundamental, constructional element of economies. As a

consequence, different difficulties with efficient economic policy in providing stability
and sustainability arise. Individual actors under complex models are generally driven
by profit, calculating costs and gains with precision, taking advantage of all the
necessary information not disturbed by other market actors.
Another strong assumption is that markets always tend to a state of
equilibrium controlled by the demand and supply. If there is a situation of imbalance
caused by external shocks, these forces push markets automatically towards an
efficient equilibrium level of price, no matter what kind of shock caused them (Louçã,
This paradigm has lead economics since the nineteenth century, producing
many valuable and sophisticated theories. It was a classical bubble not perceived
that causes the problems and does not explain why stability and sustainability were
not provided in the system.
If one looks for a central term that is able to embrace all the problems above
cited, it is the quickly rising levels of complexity in the modern economies. More
diversified preferences, more commodities, more needs of actors, more suppliers
and more buyers, faster communication between the suppliers and the buyers, and
the more sophisticated global relations between markets did not fit into simple
mechanistic models anymore.
A need for a more holistic and more organic approach to economies must be
performed. This should be considered as a dynamic, non-linear, self-organizing one
with intelligent, flexible actors, rather than a set of structurally similar markets, which
all tend towards equilibrium (Beinhocker, 2007). Economic policy and economic
regulation must also draw consequences from the newest developments. Public
agencies must collect specific market data in order to deal with challenges.
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Some administrations/governments consider reducing the speed of computer
systems connecting international financial markets in order to diminish the number of
transactions and risk of bubbles (Arnuk&Saluzzi, 2012).

Pluralism of Development Models

How Convergence Failed

The spectacular expansion of globalization, economic reforms in the USA,

United Kingdom and Latin America, the collapse of communism created an end of
history atmosphere. Economic policies of national states started to evaluate how
much freedom is granted to market actors. For instance, the crisis in Japan and the
weakness of Germany and the Scandinavian economies in the 1990s seemed to
confirm this supposition.
The neo-liberal agenda brought some problems. First, it increased exposition
of the world economic systems on crisis and contagion effects. The second problem
is efficiency. Poverty trap destroys the capacities of human capital and makes
domestic demand unstable (Banerjee and Duflo, 2011). The success of the
economies of Japan, South Korea and China proves not only market strategies can
work well but also highly interventionist states also. The third problem is the
legitimacy of market based solutions. According to Rodrik (2007), market itself is not
able to produce legitimacy, but it needs acceptance of all actors.

Different Approaches to Growth

1. The Roll-Over Effect

The modern capitalism developed in the last 200 years is based on the
assumption of growth and expansion. The more products produced, the better for the
economy and the people. This is measured by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
index focusing on the performance of national economies. However, the GDP is not
flawless. Its enchanting numbers can show only one dimension of growth, hiding
On the other hand, the quality of growth versus the size of GDP can be
analyzed in relation with the stability and sustainability of economic systems, wherein
a high number of goods delivered in a national economy leads to a short term
growth, which also gives a short term growth to unemployment and inflation. To put it
simply - the costs of current GDP growth considered as rising can be rolled-over to a
less visible long term to other parts of the world.
Other examples of the roll-over effect include longer working time can quickly
boost the supply of labour, but in the longer term it can cause lower birth rates, a
higher propensity of diseases, burnout syndrome, depression and cardiovascular
diseases which challenges the labour market.
The same scheme is about resources. Today's growth and consumption are
innocent in terms of GDP, but they flourish due to ignoring the future, and this future
can bring not only scarce, more expensive resources, but a catastrophe of the entire
system (Diamond, 2005).

2. End of Growth

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According to Cowen (2011), the search can be speeded up by the economic
crisis and cassandric voices that our global economic system is now at the end of its
known shape. Cowen (2011) also prophesied that the world economy is moving
towards a time of a great stagnation. For example, the close-to-recession situation of
Japan in 1990 should be perceived as the new normal. There are no low hanging
fruits anymore.

Activity 2: What do we need for Sustainable Economic Systems?

Instruction. Complete the diagram by writing the factors that contribute to

Sustainable Economic Systems. What does "Sustainable Economic
Systems" mean to us?


Answer the following questions:

1. Do you agree that sustainability is and will be a big challenge in the near future?

2. Which is a better approach in attaining sustainability, the free market or

government regulation?

3. If you will be given a chance, how can you convince the Philippine government, it
is a good move to invest in financial and ecological sustainability? But there is
catch, it will slow down temporarily the country's GDP growth rates.

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TITLE OF THE LESSON: Global Food Security
DURATION: 2 hours


In the early twenty-first century, the world produced enough food to feed the
global population of over seven billion. Between the years 2010-2012, 870 million
people worldwide still suffer from hunger. Many devastating famines recently were
caused by lack of food access and not availability.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Explain the origin of the global economic, social, political, and cultural
2. Understand issues confronting many countries.
3. Analyze contemporary news events in relation with the context of
4. Describe global issues affecting Filipinos and the Philippines.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology

Global Food Security: The Challenge of Feeding the World

Overview of Food Security as a Concept

Food security means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and
economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food
preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life (United Nations'
Committee on World Food Security, 1974).

3 Views on Food Shortage

● First View: Many devastating famines recently were caused by lack of food
access and not because of availability. (Amartya, 1981).
● Second View: The means of securing life necessities is part of food security.
(Maxwell, 1996).
● Third View: A shift from calorie-counting approach to more essential and
preferable approach (Maxwell, 1996).

Food Security and its link to Human Security

● Food Security is defined as safety from persisting threats like hunger,
malnourishment, repression, and disease.
● Poverty is the main cause of food insecurity, which is in turn linked more
broadly to political security, socio-economic development, human rights and
the environment, placing it squarely at the heart of all human security
concerns (UNOCHA-HSU, 2009).

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● The links between poverty, food security and human security are particularly
evident in the face of food price spikes, in at least two significant ways
(Monika, 2014).
● A sudden and sharp increase in food prices are most harmful to those who
are poor in many developing countries in Asia and Africa.
● In certain socio-political contexts, food price spikes may also help fuel civil
unrest in the form of protests and riots, often violet in nature (Arezki and
Bruckner, 2011)

Key Critiques of Food Security

The push for agricultural trade liberalization and the emergence of the market-
led corporate global food regime greatly affects smallholder farmers and
marginalized communities around the world.

Global Food Security

The future of global food security relies on how states and other actors
respond to a range of complex, interconnected and multi-faceted forces affecting
food systems around the world.

Key Factors Affecting Global Food Security

1. Rising Food Prices and Poverty
2. Population Growth and Urbanization
3. Biofuel Production, Land Use Change and Access to Land
4. Climate Change
5. Emerging Responses to Calls for Global Food Security

Rising Food Prices and Poverty

● The increase of staple foods prices worldwide leads to protests and riots ● An
● The 2007-08 crisis in food contributed to poverty and it is estimated that
around 100 million people are greatly affected.
● The 2010-11 crisis in food contributed to poverty and it is estimated that
around 44 million people are greatly affected resulting to food insecurity
(Rastello& Pugh, 2011).

Population Growth and Urbanization

● The world's population is estimated to reach 9 billion by 2050. This will double
food demands (FAO, 2009).
● The food demand will come from many developing countries like Africa and
● As urbanization increases, food production decreases.

Climate Change
● Climate change affects all four dimensions of food security: food availability,
food accessibility, food utilization and food systems stability.
● Climate change impacts human health, livelihood assets, food production and
distribution, purchasing power and market flows (FAO, 2008).
● In the next four decades or so, average global temperatures will rise by 2–3°C
(Stern, 2006).

Page | 141

1. Global food security is one of the most significant issues of the 21st
2. Food security acknowledges the problem of social and physical access to
food, focusing on economic access.
3. The following transformed food into a commodity:
○ food crops as biofuel production;
○ growing land consolidation by agribusinesses;
○ financial speculation in agricultural commodities futures markets


Activity 1: Answer the three questions in 3-5 sentences each.

1. What are the links between globalization on the one hand and the power
relations shaping global food security dynamics on the other?

2. Is the official conceptualization of and approach to food security adequate

in dealing with the different challenges facing global food security today?

3. In what ways do alternative approaches to food security differ from the

official approach, and what are their implications for policymaking?

Page | 142
TITLE OF THE LESSON: Global Citizenship
DURATION: 2 hours


Global civil society refers to Non-Governmental Organizations like Amnesty

International, Greenpeace, and the International Labour Organization. Global civil
society also refers to less formal networks of activists and citizens.

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to;
1. Describe the emergence of global economic, political, social, and
cultural systems.
2. Understand the issues confronting the nation-state.
3. Analyze contemporary news and events in the context of globalization.
4. Analyze global issues in relation to Filipinos and the Philippines.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology Activity

1: What is in a photo?

Instruction: Look closely at the photo. Then, start describing the picture in the
greatest detail that you can. Think about the story behind this picture. Write at least
three ideas that come to mind.

Global Civil Society: Acting as Global Citizens

Global Civil Society: Various Definitions

● It refers to the large groups operating internationally.

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● It typically refers to NGOs like the International Labour Organization
(ILO), Greenpeace, Amnesty International and other activist groups.
● According to Marx and Hegel, the market economy defines the civil

Global Civil Society: Brief History

● Enlightenment Period (1715-1789). World citizen (global citizen) are the

intellectuals, who travelled widely, met and corresponded with fellow
intellectuals in many countries, and advanced cosmopolitan views.
● Nineteenth Century. Global Citizenship divided into Two Branches:
a. Occupational/Professional
b. Political Movements for the Oppressed
● 1945-Present.
a. Global civil society becomes activist in transnational social
b. Campaigning transnational organizations are committed to global
c. In a global market the role of consumers can be politically
d. Consumer awareness is promoted by activists for global causes

Civil Society and Politics

● The nature of the state defines the role and nature of civil society.
● Civil society is a product of political activity.
● Big corporations and investors structure the global environment in which
states operate.
● Global civil society is also identified with social protest movements and
with organizations providing aid.

Women’s Rights (Feminism) and Transnational Solidarity

● Women‗s groups existed before the Second World War.

● The new wave of Feminism in the 1970s paved the way for their numbers
and influence to grow
● International Women‗s Organization
1. International Council of Women
2. International Alliance of Women (International Women‗s Suffrage
3. International Federation of Business and Professional Women
4. Confederation of Midwives

Green Activists and World Citizenship

● It is also known as environmental politics.
● Environmental issues attract global supporters.
● Developing countries suffer most from illegal economic activities like
mining and logging.
Consumers as Global Citizens
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● Consumers can put pressure or support campaigns on issues like social
justice, human rights and climate change.
● Economic boycotts are a long time practice.
● In the 1970s becoming a shareholder in major corporations was one
tactic, protesting against the corporation's policies during the annual
● In 1999, many consumers' fears on genetically modified crops forced
establishments to change their policy as regards stocking GM foods. This
move puts Monsanto into the defensive side.

Reflection/Insights Activity

Instruction: Answer the question in 3-5 sentences.

1. What is the function of Global Civil Society and how does it affect/help our

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DURATION: 1 hour

The Philippines Journey/Struggles Towards Globalization

Globalization is the international movement of goods and services, capital,

people and information (BIS, 2017a). Many emerging markets were integrated in
terms of trade, finance and migration (Guinigundo, 2018).

According to Roldan (2010) globalization increases both the connectivity and

the interdependence of the global markets. Globalization aids business increasing
mobility of goods, capital, labor services and technology helping many businesses.
The Internet and advances in telecommunications contributed greatly and increased
the pace of business processes.
Globalization Trends in the Philippines
The Philippine economy becomes increasingly integrated with the world
economy. This can be seen with trade increase and migration of labour. It can also
be seen in finance even at a moderate pace.

Guinigundo (2018) added, another contributing factor is the rapid growth in

the ICT-BPO services. From the year 2006 to 2008, they recorded annual growth
which is above 50 percent. This growth remained in double digits until the year 2016.

Migration is becoming a Filipino tradition. Migration from our country

increased as data from the UN indicate that the ratio of Filipino migrants to the
country‗s total population goes up.
Another factor which promoted labour migration is the enhanced international
opportunities extending the workplace to a global scale for many Filipinos. In the
seventies liberal immigration policies were adopted. The Gulf region became a labor
destination for many OFWs. Finally globalization led to global demand for many
skilled and many professional workers (Guinigundo, 2018).

According to Lindsay (1992) neoliberalism first came to our country in the

form of the structural adjustment program. This was imposed by the World Bank in
the early eighties. This move bolstered the Philipine economic capacity to pay its
massive external debt.
Secretary Bello (2016) added that the neoliberal structure was not the only
cause of President Cory Aquino's administration failure to solve the deepening
societal crisis. Corruption was a problem even with the neighbouring governments.
Greater exposure to external shocks and policies

The financial openness combined with poor regulation threatens a country's

financial stability (BIS, 2017c).

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The Philippines has a high degree of trade integration and an important role in
international migration. It will be greatly affected by external forces. A decrease in
the remittance, outsourcing competition, and trade routes.
Policy responses to the challenges

The solution to the globalization challenges is more inclusive government

financial policies that reduce negative consequences of globalization. A financial
policy that helps lessen gaps between the capitalist and the workers. Workers should
be provided training to help them find new well-paying jobs.

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Capital Market Flows - refers to the movement of capital (money for investment)
from one country to another as a consequence of investment flows.
Child Mortality Rate-The probability of a child dying before the age of five measure
for every 1,000 live births.

Core- advanced or highly developed countries/ incorporates higher levels of

education, higher salaries and more technology/ generates more wealth in the world
Comparative Advantage – it is the idea that countries should only export the goods
that they are able to produce more efficiently and import the goods that other
countries are able to produce more efficiently than them.
COVID – 19- An infectious disease caused by the coronavirus SARS CoV-2. It is
basically a respiratory tract infection. Thought to emanate from Wuhan, China, it has
spread to more than 200 countries in the first half of 2020 and has become a
pandemic and has infected more than 30 million people and caused the death of
more 950,000.

COVID – 19 Super spreader- An individual infected with COVID – 19 and is highly

contagious and can infect a huge number of people.

Crude Birth Rate – it refers to the number of resident live births for a specified
geographic area (nation, state, county, etc.) during a specified period (usually a
calendar year) divided by the total population (usually mid-year) for that area and
multiplied by 1,000.
Cultural globalization- refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings, and values
around the world in a way that extends and intensifies social relations
Death Rate- Also referred to as mortality rate, is a measure of the number of deaths
in a specific population in a particular period of time.

Demographic Projection- Estimates of the future size of the population based on

historical trends and other factors.

Demographic Transition- Refers to a shift in population trend over time.

Specifically, it is a theory built around the observed shift in birth and death rates in
industrialized countries beginning in the late 18th century at the onset of the
Industrial Revolution in England.

Demographic Transition Model- a scientific population trend model that offers a

rational description of how population changes in the course of time particularly in
industrialized countries of Europe and the USA with death and fertility rates as
among the foci of attention.

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Digital divide- a separation between those who have access to global network and
those who have not.

Digital Media -they are most often electronic media that rely on digital codes – the
long arcane combinations of 0s and 1s that represents information

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) – an organ that helps the UN in solving
the economic and social problems of the world.

Economic divide. This is what many call the digital divide. The economic divide is
the idea that some people can afford to have a computer and Internet access while
others cannot.

Economic Globalization - is a process making the world economy an ―organic

system‖ by extending transnational economic processes and economic relations to
more and more countries and by deepening the economic interdependencies among

Electronic media- this refers to the media that requires electricity to use. The 19 th
century has started a revolutionary change in the processes of globalization.
Empowerment divide- is the most difficult to solve. It is concerned with how we use
technology to empower ourselves.
Fertility Rate- The average number of offspring of a woman in her reproductive
years in life (15 to 49 years old) measured as the number of live births per 1,000

Food security- means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and
economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food
preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) – it is a cross-border investment in which an

investor from one country invest in another country
Gender Gap- It refers to the disparity in the way society view the ability and potential
of men and women permeating social, political, intellectual, cultural and economic

General Assembly – it is the highest deliberative organ of the UN and also called
the World Parliament of Nations.
Globalization- the process by which more people in large distant areas become
connected in more and different ways.
Global citizen- is someone who consciously adopts this role and is committed to
social justice, diversity, sustainable economic development respecting the
environment, and to a peaceful world.
Global City- a highly urbanized city that hosts the headquarters of corporations and
global institutions that dictate or substantially influence the global economic system.

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Global Civil Society- It refers to the vast assemblage of groups operating across
borders and beyond the reach of governments
Global Demography- the statistical study of human population on a global scale. It
uses scientific methods and also employs the analytical tools of other social

Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 - it was a severe worldwide financial crisis.

Excessive risk-taking by banks combined with the bursting of the United States
housing bubble caused the values of securities tied to U.S. real estate to plummet,
damaging financial institutions globally, culminating with the bankruptcy of Lehman
Brothers on September 15, 2008, and an international banking crisis. The crisis
sparked the Great Recession, which, at the time, was the most severe global
recession since the Great Depression

Global Governance - is the formal and informal arrangements that produce a

degree of order and collective action above the state in the absence of a global
Global Migration- a situation wherein people leave their home country to live in a
foreign land for economic and other reasons.

Global Supply Chain - networks—consisting of individual producers, companies,

transportation, information, and more—that extract raw materials, transform them
into finished products, and deliver those products to consumers.

Heterogenization- represents a process which leads to a more inwardly appearing

world due to the intensification of flows across cultures
Homogenization- also known as convergence, advances the possibility that local
cultures can be shaped by other more powerful cultures or even a global culture
Human Capital- refers to the overall collection of skills, knowledge and abilities that
influence human labor and productivity.

Human Capital Flight- also known as ―brain drain‖, the term refers to the mass
departure of educated and skilled people from their home country to another country,
thus depriving their country of their services and the host country acquiring their

Hybridization- external and internal flows interact to create a unique cultural hybrid
that encompasses components of the two.

Industrial Revolution- a period characterized by the rise of machine manufacturing

and industries.
Infant Mortality Rate- the number of deaths for every 1,000 live births under the age
of one.

Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) - it is an organization composed primarily of

states and established by treaty or other agreement.

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International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) – it is an
organization of the World Bank Group which lends to governments of middle-income
and creditworthy low-income countries.
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) - - it is an
organization of the World Bank Group provides international facilities for conciliation
and arbitration of investment disputes.
International Court of Justice (ICJ) - it is the chief judicial body of the UN.
International Development Association (IDA) - it is an organization of the World
Bank Group provides interest-free loans and grants to governments of the poorest
International Finance Corporation (IFC) - it is an organization of the World Bank
Group that is focus on helping the private sector.
International Monetary Fund - It is an international financial institution working to
foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international
trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce
poverty around the world.

International Trade – it is the economic transactions made between countries

including exchange of goods and services.
Internationalization – is the process of increasing involvement of enterprises in
international markets.
Interstate System – it is the structures of the modern world system of competing
and allying states.
Kyoto Protocol - it was adopted on 11 December 1997. Owing to a complex
ratification process, it entered into force on 16 February 2005. Currently, there are
192 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol operationalizes the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by committing industrialized
countries to limit and reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in accordance with
agreed individual targets. The Convention itself only asks those countries to adopt
policies and measures on mitigation and to report periodically.

Life expectancy – it is the average number of years new-born children would live if
subjected to the mortality risks prevailing for the group at the time of their birth.
Market Globalism- is the driving force of globalization. It seeks to endow
globalization with free market norms and neoliberal meanings
Market Integration - a phenomenon in which markets of goods and services that
are related to one another being to experience similar patterns of increase or
decrease in terms of the prices of those products.
Migration (Movement of Labor) – it is the movement of people (labor) from one
country to another.
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) - it is an organization of the
World Bank Group offering political risk insurance (guarantees) to investors and

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Nation – groups of people united by common bonds such as history, culture, or
language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
Nation-state - it is a system of organization in which people with a common identity
live inside a country with firm borders and a single government.
Neoliberalism- is a theory of political economic practices that proposes that human
well-being can best be advance by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms
and skills characterized by strong private property rights, free markets, and free
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) - is a non-profit, citizen-based group that
functions independently of government.

Outsourcing - is the practice of obtaining goods and services from foreign suppliers.
Periphery -less developed (Third World) countries/ incorporates lower levels of
education, lower salaries and less technology/ generates less wealth in the world
Population Density- the number of individuals living in a unit of area such as a
square kilometer.

Pull Factors of Migration- the positive reasons that attract people to move to
another country, examples are high standard of living, high wages, job opportunities
and stable government.

Push Factors of Migration- the negative reasons that drive people to leave their
home country and move to another, examples of which are conflicts, persecution,
human rights abuses and natural calamities.

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) – it refers to the needed amount of money of a

certain country required to purchase an identical quantity of goods and services in
the local developing country‗s market as $1 would buy in the United States. It is also
used to measure the living standards of the people.

Religious nationalism-is the relationship of nationalism to a particular religious

belief, dogma, or affiliation.

Quotas – IMF‗s primary source of fund.

Refugee- an individual who is forced to leave his/her home country or a place

because of fear, persecution conflicts and war, human rights abuses, discrimination
and natural calamities.

Secretariat – it is the administrative organ of the UN.

Security Council (SC) - is the executive body the UN and has a power to make
legally binding resolutions.
Semi-periphery- acts as buffer zone between core and periphery, and has a mix of
the kinds of activities and institutions that exist on them/ may be exploited by the
core but in turn exploit the periphery.
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Silk road- is an ancient network of trade routes that connect the east and the west.
Specialization - it is when a nation concentrates the use of its resources on
producing a limited variety of goods to gain a greater degree of efficiency.
Stability - It is defined as firmness in position, permanence, and resistance to
change, especially in a disruptive way. In other words, avoiding large swings in
economic activity, high inflation, and excessive volatility in exchange rates and
financial markets.

State- is a sovereign political entity, with definite territory and government.

Sustainability- refers to development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs‗
Technological Diffusion – the spread of technology across borders.
Transnational Corporation (TNC) – is a formal business organization that have
spatially dispersed operations in two or more countries.

Trusteeship Council – an organ that supervises the administration of those

backward and disputed territories, the responsibility for the development of which
has been taken over by the UN.
Undernourishment.it refers to consuming too little food to maintain normal levels of
activity; it is often called as the ―problem of hunger‖.
United Nations (UN) – It is the primary organization for international cooperation,
peace and security.

Usability divide. Usability is concerned with the fact that ―technology remains so
complicated that many people couldn‗t use a computer even if they got one for

Westphalian System - it is a system of international relations claiming the principle

that each state has exclusive sovereignty over its territory
World Bank - is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to
the governments of poorer countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects.
World City-An urban center that has achieve prominence as a center of trade and
commerce and has the needed infrastructure to participate in regional and global
affairs such as transport hubs and industrial estates.

World Culture Theory- sees globalization is a process of relativization. World

society thus consists of a complex set of relationships among multiple units in the
global field.
World Polity Theory- in this perspective, state remains an important component of
world society. Societies were rapidly becoming more similar in terms of government
and policies.
World System Theory- a theory that sees globalization as the expansion of
capitalist system in the world.
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World Trade Organization (WTO) – it is an international organization responsible in
managing the rules of international trade and ensures the fair and equitable
treatment of all members through negotiations and trade dispute settlements.

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