Platts Smugglers Guide WEG40141
Platts Smugglers Guide WEG40141
Platts Smugglers Guide WEG40141
Peter Schwelghof.,
Developmenr ond Edillog
Paul Sudlow
COYel' Deilgn & lIvenor ~
TIm Babka
Co~ IIIU5lforioo
Mott DuKh
heHor lIlu>l'Ul"'1l
Man Dusch (Ploft Pencil), Starn Cook,
Joe Corroney. Christina Wold
Color CauJI
Joe COrTOney. Christina Wold
5peooI ThorI\s To
John aeyer. Kathy Durdette, Steve LumlnQtl.
nmorhy S. O'Drien. Anthony P. Russo, Dovid Schwelghof.r Qnd
Sieve Miller (Clear Skies, Stevel)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Conrents _
InnoducTlOf'l 2
Chop'''' Olle: Choracter P.velopment •
Chop'.' Two: SmU9gl.r Origins 12
Chopt.r Th,..: Your Ship 2&
Chopt.r Four: Tooll of .... Trade ...
Chopte, FIve: ContaCTS ~
~ ~
e PutlW>o<rl
£diIa> _ - .
*' ~
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Sdto _....,. 1Iofl-'
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Golclo9oa"""' ....
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PublbMd by W." End Gomes· fIJI, 3 &ox 2345 • Hon86aI., , ... 1~1
TlIl ,... .l C 1991l.ucunl", I'd. Uk """ dIAr....., ODd pI.....,.......,. ","'octod by all appllc.IbIo IIl&'....'_ laws.
All RI~~" R<... n'«l L'''''<IUnd", Authorl...."'.
II IrHroducrion o
The)'OUllll_leaoed .nst the obser-
VMJon deck .alll.... Wlllch1nll the SIDlIII trans-
poru take otI and land In the ftWtleu hone}o-
(Oft'lbcf docll1ng bI)'Ii wtlidl consl,llrted Vutrad
Independent Down~.lnlhec:onunuMltown
aboYe her. IraIlIc: conttollenl monit~ the
ahlpoJ, db ectillll them to Iuoding bAys or ¥"""ll
them departun! ~on. She'd beat up thrn
0lK'e on • KhoolIOW. 0IrectinI plIots didn't
Interest hft-4he wanted 10 IIy one of tI>c>R
Imperial mllltary llClId.,mla. Stur Wan Adven- the Rebel Alllancl! with mllllary liar crul.ers.
ru,.,Joumol'7. page 21 •. Galaxy Gnide 4 Ail('l1 ROCII!J, page 67
ConIIc:aDl, the seat 01 Ih., lIa1&ctl<: govern.- Nu Sh.d..... the anler of HUll I~ known
melt. contains I"YN)' manner of bur..... lICrat, IlSthe "Smugglen' Moon: II an urban ha~
teoundm and IIlCfCftWy, from theYel'Ydepths for smugglers.. crimlnall and other scoundrels.
oIlb tervk:e tunnels 10 the upper .pir~ 01 the Darlt emp,,., ~boo.t, Pllif!8S.
most opulo!nlapartmcnb. ~ Th,.._ Trilogy
Soum!Iloo.t. page lit. On! MaDteU, a lonroerOId Republic; ord~
resupply depot, II now a bu:sy lpacepon. a
Dnd<etl_II, in the MId Kim, Is a" MKlWltr1aI- common 41fU""r potnI foI"I(OUI'ldreb .. otl.pltC.
lzed.overpopulllted urbul world run byCOl'pO- us alIke.
rate guilds which have laken JrMI ClOre 10
~uce polluliun and proICCI tht: pllu..,t'alew RaUlllr, ...- IlnOer a Itricllmp<:. iotJ hlo.ockade.
rcmaIDlnt resou.«:s.Slru WanA#vmtu1Il Jour. once am.sjor bankln, CII!rI!1I!f and fllWlClai
noI .... pI&l! .2. market in wCore Wl>rlda.SIar WanA#wllllt>W
JoumoI '7. paee 227.
Etit-. a dollied dty on a lui...,.. moon. Is a
RhiDaN. wht,., honor and Ity\ll! play a major
hlatHedl haven lor merc:r:naria; and smul-
lPcrt wIIh no form 01 orpnLred ~ t . (>MIln soclety. has a maJor medical academy
Slru Wan AdverNIIrC b.ImGt 14, paJIe 176. and~allDdU$try.SlarWan~
ture JoumaJ'7. 2'2i
r--. _her Core Wurkl. III I ~ centto'
IWcI.IoI, 11fllTH! _ Olld 10!he RDd la. . . . planet 01
lor ml"ufa<:turlna hl&fl-tec~ C'OII]pI)-
netlb huded lor capital wan.hlps. SItu Wars dense, UYOIII'" Jungles cont ted wtth modem
~ JountoJ'7, Paae 221. urban arus wber'e atfworklen oonduo:I blW-
lH':5JI In rel.ativc~.~ " ' . Etrtp,rc
fODdor. UlItlduJU\al p6ancl.1II !a_1or the J'lcuaets Cu_, page 6-
huce .tanhlp «InItruClion Iadlilics InIU 00".
.... RyIotb. the Twi leIt /'riome _Of Id.Io a rockyWilllle-
land at hIdder, Twl'ld< cities r~aeoo by heat
eeler-Iar. a bKlrwaltr _amp plMct, is borne
10 • small eoDecIlon 01 "4ItMs, sc:oundrels, ,,.
storms and sIaverso.1'faIt.. SIofJ)Qrf GcIlM. page
tired human shvuh PI eoDecIors and weary
Sullustan mold fMmcn. PIoJJ.', Slurpcwt GuitM,
Tlt<MIwe, a ."mote desert world. Is home to
Your Family Was ...
Competltlve. Everythinllyoudid wascompared
moi.oture farmers, Jawll8. &lnd People. and
to something else: how much better your par·
unssVQry crimInals and rogues who congTe-
ents or siblings (if you hav~ any) could do It.
gale I" Mos Elsley spa""port. Galaxy GUide 7.- what the nelghOONl did, what local leaders
expected of you. You were told to study and
Vuge.<> A.terold i5 a massive shadowport e""'cise harde' so you could beal everybody
faclllly run by o,oro TramJX>rtation as a front ~Is~. This wore down your self-conlidene", es-
fur the criminal Tenloss SyndIcate. Shadows 01 pecially when you occasIonally failed to meet
Ihe Empire Ploners Guide. page 32, everybody's expectations. You had IIttl~ time
to yours~lf. Your actions were al....ays unde'
Family Ute Isn't Always scrutiny, and you g,ew tired of this n~les.
Great ConfrontaUonal. Every family matter was
Besides comilll/from some homeworld, you .olved by an argument. You couldn't even
also came lrom a family (unles. you',e a mem- decide where to spend your holiday without
b... of a species that Just spawns and doesn't yell;"g and screaming, wilh each side.taunchly
ralse Its young). The attitudes of the relatlv~s defending Its position to the end. Wh~n yoo
around you alfeet who you be<:om~. L1k~ were at home, you were always arguing. The
homeworlds, som~ famlUes Inspir~ th~ir off- only peace you found was when you weren't
sprlntl to be like them, while oth"rs cause th~lr around your family.
childr"n to r~bel. Th~ lack of family can al50 En.Iaved or ImpriMlned. Someone In your
chanlf" your life: those growing up In orphan- family. or perhaps all your relallons, were en-
age lnslltutlons usually fight that Idnd of au- slaved '>r illlllrisullt:d. If they were enslaved,
thority and Indoctrination, whill! Idds IIvtng on you might have been a slave, too. An Imprl...
oned relative might have been ridiculed or
...... l..ilo: wu difficuh. maklll8 endJ; mee!•
_...J I
....,..around (0 new plAcft. eettmg ......,1o
.... wtth dl/lernll people.. You 1I1l1e.~
Past Occupations
None of Ullt&rted ll~ .. smuggler•. Those
at .. who began young might only ha~ beffi
slOOmIs, but mool 01' WI NoW! had OItoe< prol_
lions. Some mJlIlll haY", led m \0 I~"", "'-vu...
dfN" Smuggle,. lIOII1ettmu have several job,
bm".. 'lM:y de<:ldf: to strike out onlltel. o.... n.
Look """. the ge<1eral ca'etorleA Ilste<11H>-
low. YOtl mlgtn want lu hold oIfchOOlllnll<)lleu'
llell'eral until you've read Ihe next chapter.
"Smuggler Origin." and c1ecllled how YOlll/01
Into 'M buslllUI In Ihe firs, plaee, Then Ira
e.ulerlo I»cktrack and pick aprofusion which
Put Occupations:
PUltt b6d a fond IanwdI to !be Rnvrle,,.s
crew World... abowd tIM: transport h.d gM:n
her • 'Nte of the lrft'-lradu'. life. ~ Iud
~.tooard t.puIn K·tsler', freighter lor
two yurl. and . . . abln .tC¥l'Ud aboard the
- up hercrecliU10 buyintol'reighterol' her
$be bad ~ Impreued by the GuIld', op-
~t&tl st&riIMr lor two ye&r1I ~ thaI.. ~(lfI Voor\ach. EYef)'OOI!H'lmed Inaood
OrIceaplnltwNllmelomovevplnthepluy. splrlta. With ~ty 01 cred\U 10 '~ and
They hMll&nded In Boztrot starport. out a! ~t IMng arrangementt. Orle alIne 1oad11ll
lhe I&r end 01 the Hydlp Way I~ bdofe lhe rousUOOuQ there I'LId recom~ ~ joln
Corporate Sec1or. Kauler was rductant 10 r- u.., GuiJd as. I._port pilot. PlItt Was ~
olf hen. bul: Platt usund tho! ~ old tant at lint. but the IoWr Wd the Guild pro.
IpIoefl-"e'd be fine on her own. She dalmed vIded f~l,"" III ,dum lor • lew )'UtI 01
-.he'd lind worlt In tlN: ltArport so she could ~ P\att W.,ued • ahlp 01 her own more
The _ U- she: ment~ the idN 01
. . . . the GuIld. Captain KaA~r wvned her
..... It. Iio; claimed tM union all but ftt-
their emplo) Cb. chalninl them with
_ ........tionand bladm&I1. The Klatoolnan
Trade Culld was a qllick Ilol:te! to mlJery. he
oIlIpprcdatlon In a keen cntreprtroeUr. or per-
haps the darker ....bitions 01 II IIloJlI\lpulatlng
muter. ahe wasn't sure.
""Illen f't.IlI hlld finished. Pok Nar·T en chtrl·
Jed 10 hlmsc:If. "..l Ioo1d tIlllI Captaln KUIIer
tncw you ~ hen. the mtscrty Iool would
..torm the tOWft and trylo rob youol profitable
But the lure 01 her own freighter was too cmpio)ymCflt••
.-Alter eKhang\nlI /~.. wlth her former
He nodded to the m.jordomo. ·The
KIlltootr>an Trade GWId woukI be prtvtJe1lcd to
aewmalb, PIHt set out to _k her fortune. fl,aV<! • an esteemed pilot as you t.anaport-
SItc~lItroughthetUMC"andbrldllCS Ir>R Its ca'RO: he declared. ·1'11 fl,aW; my ass....
conncctlngthe $tarport, lollowlfli dlreclloru a lant Cicci u""",l>le Ihe proper datawol1l:.""o!<
GuIld $l!Cunty ""Idler had (llV<!n her. ll>c mall- nodded toward the Advoue who had ushered
tIve tower Df Pok Nar·Ten. the Guild repr£$CfI- her Ill. "Once the contract hu been Imprlnled,
tatlvc 011 Boztrok. _eemed to have docking you'll be an of/fclal Gulld member, and the
p1atform$ sprouting from the -,urdy wall$ like Df • lir>e light freighter. I the
_ ""nIlE trcc. She noticed. few llght perfect one In mind."
/rrtglllcn berthed therc--one oIl~ .. miM. Pl.u couldn't wait.
I'WI thought.
The arched cntranol! wu wlde open. $0 •••
Platt ~ $trolJcd right In. Fnlghter pilots.
carJO 1Ialldlcrs, guar<Is and mcchanla Jostled Eve-ryone has a story tclllni how they en-
tbdr _y through a Cftltral h.aII. A pU6In& lered their line 01 wort<. In the ~ world.
Sf*Cf dlrcded P1aUto the doorw_ywbk:h led ItLIs oftcrt Invotvea seard>lnll for. job, paul",
0110 Nar_Tca'$ aooien« chamber KYCral trade ~ s1aY\rtl .way lit some
A. Platt ~ the dlmIyll'llWlClUU)'. boring occupation. and Wllitintllor your aupe-
.~wilhaclolhWTapcOYCfingmuc:hol nor to IllCM' on before you IIet procnoted Into
~ hom IDO'VCd to Intercept ~. Nar_Tcrt's hls potJtlon lud:iIy, those 01 III In lhe fringe
.... domo Inqutred about her bu5incss, took haw much more co&orfuI taIeI 01 bow we be-
_ n o I b 011 his datapJoC!, tben led her by the came Imugglcrs.
baDd Into the chambrr. Uauallyt~e'aoncli/eo:venl which scnda u.s
1'01< Nar·Tcn Iolli In aplMdor ~h_1ofty alongllllCWp;IIlh toward who_bccome.llyou
dome. 1lIe Nimbancl wu decked out In the can aummartu that delinh'll momentln ashort
flneIt robes this _ide oIthe Outer Rim. Hla desk .llCCdote, II'S casle. to "",plaln to OIher people
wu lillie more than a dimInutive table neXlto (and more Intercstlng. 100). That's II quick way
h1aomatei'eclwood throne. Everyo<t~rt· to help c:lprcu whu you are and what you're
lerl, data-<:runcherl and dllcreetly armed .bout. Somcllmes this Is motlv'led by our own
......rds-looked up from their work 10 $tare al cholee.. Our goal_ can lake u.s down sorne
""'.1lIe Advozsc ma}or domo led her Into the
tcrtter 01 the chamber, where he bowed low
prelly rougtl roada. OballlCICI Can sidetrack
....,and ambitious enemies can acnd III along a
different (()lIrac.
bclore Nar-Tcn arid mended hls arm. inviting Perhaps your dedalon 10 become II Imult
PlItt to apNk. She put her ~ 011 her hlps g\er wun't ruDy your cholcc. but wu Iorccd
..t Iorccd a confidcfIt smlloc. "My 1WIlC·.. upon you by Olhen. CrlrDc Iorda, sla~,1oan
o.ldc: PIHt Bed. Captaln Kusler taught her stwb. corrupt Impcrlab and bounIy InmteB
the nlucol using a lalae IWIlC now and then. ·1 _ alwaya aetting our IIYeI on DeW. uctt1ng
hnr you're hiring freighter pIloU.." andoflcndaftacrouspaths·lnour~we
Thc_~halIbursl.out.~twlated are often bowld 10 U- Iow-lfe antaaontsta
pta bloomed 011 Pot ~Tcrt'a anoort.. When by sheer ~ have the audita, power
Ibil ~ calmed doWn he IpoU.. "Tbc
GulId II always scdln8 ~ pllot.a w\II.-
It'lIlo_lt.apwl" .... ,·heaald. 'Whalcxpe-
and CUln«Uons we $0 dc:apco"ately . - I to
To hctpyoudct:cnnincyourownbKqround
ncncedo you poueslr .Iory, you need to anawcr two maJor quea--
P1alllokl 01 running_way from Brcnl&al, her tlona: ·How did you IlCI into the smuggling
I£;rvlce on the .. larlincr and her latest tour 01 bwlne..r and "Who do you wol1l: forr Let's
the.4.narld Clu.ateron theRavclt'II, addinga few start by anawcring the lint quetUon.
crnbel1lshmcnls along the w.y. Plall watched
tile Nlrnbancl as she spoke, notlclr>g ~ air 01
Opportunity and cunning .bout hllJ>----'l spark
Plott's Smugglers GuIde
Employer Eocouragement: Ynu .Iarted a' a
frelghter captain lor a legil imate shipping com-
pany. One day you found some cargo that
wasn'lon the manllesl. When you deli".,red ii,
the buyer gave you a ralher large "tip." You
asked your employer aboul this, and he in tum
the next Imperial Customs Inspection, maybe
your buy"rwon't .howup wilh all those bounty
hunlers to lake your cargo wilhout paying. If
you don'l .cor" big on this next run, that crime
lord you borrowed all tho"" credits from Is
gol Ilg to demand a larger paymenl., .your h"adl
asked Ilyou wouldn't mind .lipplngsome con· lllegailaMon: Profilable: You began as a law·
Irahand through customs wilh the resl ollhe abiding tran.port 1'1101. Th'" pay was o'uy,
cargo .. .lor a su~lanlial bon ..... , of course. The Th"n you discovered you could slip a craie lull
eJCtra money wouldn'l hurt". Now you make of "ontraband through cUSloms with Ihe rest
smuggling runs regularly. Somelimes you haul of Ihe legltlmale cargo. II you lound the right
legal cargo. but II'A 'l.tually a "ovcr lor the buyer, you lllali" substantially more money.
Illegal goods you're carrying. As long as you You decided 10 abandon your real job In lavor
don't get caughl and don't ral out your em- of far more p roillable • muggling. Sure, It's more
ployer, you've got a lucrative job. dangerous, bul you've managed 10 make It
EKaped 51.".,: You spent part of your lil" as a work. Unfortunalely, you don'l get Ihe same
slav", bul managed lo"scape--elther on your benefits as If you were with tbe transport "or·
own, or wllh the help of lellow .Iaves or a poraUon ...
•ympathel:ic slav"r. Perhaps you fl...:! In lhe Indenh1red 10 Power: At some point in your
.hlp you currently fly, or you tool;. somethlog past, a powerlullndividual saved you (or your
valUllble alollilihal helped you purchaso: your family) lrom "ertaln doom, lifelonglmprlsoll-
lrrighl.... You lurned 10 a life of .muggling to menl, an embarrassing sltuaUon, or flnandal
survtve. You mlghl .tlil be pur.ued by bounly ruin. In return for r""cuing you, thiS pe.son
hunters Intenl on capturing an ".<:aped slav". demands a lIfettme 01 lavors. Most of them
Now you mOve around Ihe galaxy, maklfl.ll involve Sill ulllli iII II ronl> aband, sen sillve Inlor·
ffiOIIllh cr...:!its 10 survive, and always watch- matlon. or want...:! Indivldual~ across Ihe gal·
Ing your back. li you're really ambilious. you axy. If you didn't have a ship belore, you.
might be seeking revenge agalnsl your former masler has provided you with one. A .maIl
master, or waging a campaign to free all en· stlpend 01 I.OOOcredita month helps you along,
slaved beings. but .inks you f"rlhe. in debt. Allhough you
Ex1I...:!: You fl...:! your hom_orld, d""l'i.w by ha~c a ccrlaln degr~ of freedom In your own
your family, dan, people or govemm"nt. Per· shipping activities, you must always do you you just didn't lit In with what was ex- master's bidding when he calls. Should you I/O
P"Ct...:! 01 you. Maybe you w"re unluslly "". rogue, your masler wouid hunt you down so
cused 01 a crime, or had violat...:! sOm" old you can pay your debts in full
I.adilion which had long ago lo.t Its m"aning On Ibe RUD: You're want...:! by th" Empire, a
or .......rutn""•. You cannot return horne until powerlul crime lord, a sector go~ernment, a
you dear your name. Unwillingtosettl" down galaxy--apannlng corporation, the Hults, or any
anywhere else, you wander the hyperlanes, number 01 vindictive groups. PIck one (or sev·
making deals, saving some ",edits, and care- eral). Maybe you really oU"nded them, or !>"r·
fully ploltlng your relum. hap. you were fram...:!. Smuggling allow<!d you
Famtiy Bu$l.n.....: Taking up smuggling was a tn make a lew cr...:!its without ...,tlllng down.
lamlly matter. Your parents bequeath...:! Ih" You're always on the move---you're not ti...:! to
business 10 you-if you hav" any siblings. they any on" localion. When your enemies arrive,
might be smugglers, too (0. more likely your it'. not too mUlCh bother to blast otland llee.
com!>"tltor•. ,.). You Inherited your ship, along You'v" us...:! Ihe m"asly I<!W credits you've
with the family's debl. bad r"putatlon and un- manag...:! to save 10 upgrade your ship with
savory busln"s. contacts. Although you'r" Iry- additional annOr and weapons 10 lend olt your
Ing 10 make a good nam" lor yours,,11 as a pur.u"r•. Don't stay in one place lor long--
sm ufUller. you r lam Ily's Ial lures always seem to someones always on your trail.
drag you down. Oul for R"""nl<!: Someone In your pasl in-
"""lng a Dead-End Job: Advenlurf!! E:ldte-- fllcled a greatlnju.tice on you or your family,
ment!Your hurn-drum job offer...:! non"of these one which changed your iIle lore""r. Now you
things. Grabbing your Iii" savings, you boughl seek revenge. You don't want to descend into
an old frelght"r and set oul 10 make a name lor the dark prolessinn of bounty hunting--you
yoursell as a smuggler. The t'lOlos made It look can't kill other. lor money. Smullllllng oilers
so easy. Now you hav" a little 100 mUlCh adven- the moblllty, conlacts and extra money you
ture and exdt"m"nt. II you manage 10 survive need 10 carry out your veng"'ul plan•. You
might also b<! 1Ief'lng the auehornle•. or unahle lou of money hM helped you avoid the ulual
to return horne because )'Ou'r.! an exile. piUall1 of Ihe IndUIIry--maulve debt, eternal
pt. .~ Loot:: When )'Our successful pirate group slarshlp paymentl, and ~rv1~ 10 un.... vory
disbanded (Of w;u destroyed ... ).}'O\I tookyoor IndivIduals-but It hal tamed )"OIl anger. leal-
shar" of th.. loot, boo.J4I:ht your own Ihlp.....d OWly and Iplte Irom )"OIl' peen., crime kmb
stan"'" your own frelght buslnen. Uling your aoo Imperlal officII". Perhaps )"Iu, unsavooy
numerous Ihadowport and pl...,,, contacts, new prol.,.";",, has alllO caw.ed your farnUy,
you soon found yourself ImUiillnlllllegal mer· r>oble house or II'JY"""""~"I 1<.> br...d you III
~ise k>r your old IrI"ncli. Unfortunately,
outlaw WhaI: once was a hobby has DOW IJoe.
this !M,·,....u has; rmny Larae 0JM'flHS. and come a rather ~ way 0I1tI~
y<JUI'" pile 01 loot nn out1onl-.:>_ P"'haI- you Sklwa"r- YOIl n:wIagII!d tostow away aboard
band<!dt~wilhotllerNl".... ,,,Of)olned a smuagler'llhlp 10 pun"", your dMam 01111
• crime lord to 1'''1 til boIlneu. WMre <IOCe adwnturotll liM' amortI the ltall. After you
,vur pimecootaeU vwed you '-von. now you
......, lbimI bovors,
~ Cm'U::lbeRebel~needs
~, Mod pertIaps your
were etilawered, lhe capuln put you to wor1<
on her Ihlp. She ~t you ~h1nlf you
know about snealdn8 corMrabllnd around the
pLuy. Yoo wert: IneYItabIy InV'Ohoed In .......
iIdMIn which nmed you a ~ as a
del9l the evil Empire, You're notoldloer, Just.
A1JUlliIer with. frd&J>l... To JoIn the Rebellion
outright would ruin your reputM!oa and mUe
~ blast"" out 01. I"'rport, pnMdirtll
""'""' ftre qalnsl Imperial Itormln>oper'l, ac:.
you an Im~ IugIII\Ie Sl:Ul. the Rebds nee:I companying your capl.aln to an ~ with
help transporting auppllet. operltlvn and - . her pcl"ftrful crime lord bl)q. You might still
"ret data put the Empire', _tchflll eyft.
."""'r":,,·.~no bett... way tnan to them.
your regular jobs. your IIII' In a cargo
for the Rebell. They don', p"y voery well,
~ working with that caplain, Or might ha....
nrnM ~gh moneycw bravado losd OW on
your own.
WanderlUll: All your "Ie you've wanted to
bUt you get In., saUslKlIon of helpln,lIO bring explorethefllllaxy-nol JUSI discover new pla...
doWn the Empire. dl, bul ~ new cultures, peoplellnd ItarportJo
s.._gg1lnl Aa A Hobby: Yoo're already rich, far from your homewo.ld. SmUJllllinll alIoWI
butve'Y bored wtlhyoUT pampered life. You'.", you 10 r<:NIm the lpace Ian....t wlll, You Inter_
• 010$ about lellendary smugglers, and act with a colorful varlo:ty 01 underworld con-
to give the prolenlon II Iry, Havlnl/ lacl5, bl.,.t }'OI.Ir way out 01 lenle lilualionl,
to ~k some heads with their cr~te hooks.
VowIuss keq)s them arouno:I mostly ~
the: drolds won't lid mad ~t arropnt
Elllplre Me eNler. The frelghl it usually lmail
e adullf1ed dat..,.rd."" lmporunl
ISB.-. a str""", bol of lechnoIog) allow-
un;ls which arestationed al or wanderlhrough
!he ~ ~ h I_nlel ilIld expensh..e Db
can win Hoe hearts 01 many Navy ca"',oj....
iII)'OIl 10 haul tome extra cratet to make a who~ been In space 100 Ionl
lItle.-yorl thelide. Mosl 01 thellmeyou're lbe Govemo.·s reach is IlOII01aL n.., local
IiJRIrlously eumpt from lmlM'rlal harass- lmpertalCustomsofflcWl despise him. Since It
- . Your ~r often doIet out uIT"'ia1 II known thai many 100',,1 'r","'radcn. lau on
~ Cuslornt "'..... e·h like candy. and tabs lor M..•...ln, lhe. 11I$p«!0r5 ~ all "1""--
proo'\lIeI you wtth lI1Ilhe. authentic dala per- ers (local Or not) anetpedally hard time. A lew
mits you ~ 10 maJ<e the deli""ry 11 )'OLI're lQW-\eve1 Conlrollers in the lIarport wort lor
Iudy. your employer COIltacU other Imperials lhe Governor'. enemies. They report on lile
M your destlnallon 10 provide BSslllance-a1 acllvlllH of any .pacers suspected to be on
INsI untillhe call/O Is den'·ered. Madsln's payroll. II wouldn'l .urprise anyone
Governor Jerrod MltClain, Imperial II the Governo"s enemlH h.d asenu worldng
Employer on .1"'011 ev.:ry level ollhe Imperial llO""rn-
TIle iO"'Cmof of Ihe Core World. 1)'Slem menlthere. (For more 11Ir.... m.tlon on the Gov
Brmtaal II In dire .traiU. Since he Will potled emor .00 8renlaaJ. ..,., "lnlo Ihe Core Wondt"
Iolhelradeworkl. he hat made •• nlllillon...., in The OIfickJISiar WQrlAdve~JoumDI'7.)
• IIod< Iil"l from Brenlaoll Houtet courtlnll Governor Jern>d M...lal.. , All slau are 20
1liI1avor.lntlead of In/Iicting lhe Emperor's ~ ; DulenJy 3D. ~ fD, dodgt. 3D.2,
. . "" !he lnhabttanU, the GoYenMx hAt lID- J(... . . . . ~ luftIumxy 1nlptnrJl5D-2,. bwt-
...-I hImteIf lolloc.allradltion and buIinesI. - . ~ Trade Hor.rsa 6/).1, ~
AIoIlI rhe way. hiI.uccess has mMk hlm lhe. /kouIIoa1 so. ImII ~nIrJ;u~rtt ImporoJ 50.1.
IarJd of oIhoer ~ea cuslomt ofII.- ~ ~ 8tenJoal f[)'Z. ooIuIt fD, ~rphOrl
da!I,!l".emon 01 other Con WOrldllys,l-.s, 3D. buIJQUl4D.2,. rommond $D, ..... 4D. pers<»-
e¥en hll OWII Iesaer admlnillrato.-.Jl 01 siM fD.I, StrengthW.2, T«hniCdIZO.I, rom-
whom wanl a hlah posl on Brenl....I'" l~ycan ~r i><Of""mminB/rept/ir fD Move: 10. COl,..
make fmlunes, too. link, decorallve gold pin (wonh .,000 credits).
laney walking Slick, hoid-oul bluter (3D+2).
For 50me other eumplo oIlmperWs wOO the GUIld', watehful ~ These 11.... are abo
coukI...., some .mugel« help, look up Prded closely JIUIrded by the Guild'. ever'9resent
Eug<'ne Talmont on T.toolne (GDIwcy GuNk;- enforcer.. Eaeort..... avallab'" 10 I"In:f your
AIos £isky. pate 24). GeMr., HafTIcl Scndo on
COlUSC&J"lt (SIIrJdowro/thr Empi~ Sourm>ool
.tal'Shlp &n<I CUJIO' The Guild abo males ar·
r~ts to ....old imperial &n<IlocaIlnt,.,.·
~ 29-30) and ~ a l DaDdamont """lion In k. opefatlons.
Prinllandu..ComrnanderTammotOll~wuI .JoinlnI the CuiJd has a lew benefits and
(~01 tIM ~ I'fotwt Ga", pegeI Sf. many dlNdvantllfel. On the plus ~ lhe
KJotooinan Trade Guild
CuiJd hu plenly of el'fldlts to Jo.n you. pro-
YIdoelI..te IW"port ladlliles 1<1 many syst_
and always has CUJIO lor youtonm (Il'IouKtIlt'.
IIIOIIIy eonrraband). II you .Ud: II out long
While youll fufly work dlrectJy lor the
Hults, the~loolnanTrlldeGuild Is thedosesl enoteh lOAd ....u the r1&h1 eonnectiuns. you
you'U ever wanlto Jet. The Gu1Id Is 11 front lor may ~ move up In lhe CuiJd hierarchy.
many Hutl enlerprlset, lncludlni snu'llllling. Unfortunalt!y. your ehancea 01 dobIathis u"
IoaJ>.4hatlcll1ll and .lavlna:. The KWoloolnans run slim. and you hivea IoIlOinllllpinst you In the
It lllOrf:out 01 servl« IOlhel. Hutl mulBS than he2!nn1ng.. The down .Ide of Guild aasoc:lation
out of any buslnK$ _ oIlh4!:lr own. Theso: Is thil II controls ",h~ you JIO and whal jobs
days OIhu alieni and humans run It. oIt~ you I._port••1"'lO)'I looks ~. your shoul-
UIlng Kl.o.looinaRI and ot her Hut t slaw. pe<:1es d'"•and has no qualms ...ndlnll • lew ,,"fore,.,..
as heavy labor and enforcen. to collOld thl. ",edr's exorbitant loan pa)'lIl"llt.
The Guild has enclawl withIn Hult Space lbese P"Ople OW" you for Ille-don·! e,OII
and thrOUllhout many '~Ort In the Outer RIm lhem or you're llkely to lose II.
Territories. These operations can lab many For an eU-lllple 01 I KJaloolnan Tra<k Guild
rorrn•. Some Me 8clull complUel of ware- outlil. check out my "S1lI,,~~ldl log" In SlUr
houses,landlng p"dl, trim;. l",y~ ~"d lltll.port Wal'l Aducnture Journal 'II
services. Others are simply docldng bay. Ie- Deulva Rasch, KJatoolnan Trade
U&1y pun:ha.sed by Ihe Guild. or thole who"" Guild Agent
owners are part of Ihi! Guild'I protecllon racket. The moon G3Jl and the .urroundlng Zhar
When convenient. the Guild bultlea Ioa.I crime system In! the Empl ...•• InlIln formation and
bo£ses Into submission. Ip.propnatlng their deploymenl polnl for n..-.:t operation, In the
re.ourcps to support their own Im"&llien. If Oul", RIm', Cadllv1nesector. Despilel he It <On1l
Intlmldatlnll KlatoolmlllJ "'on"t convln"" a Imperial preaen~. the KIalooinan TrAde Gulkf
!UDalI-llmer to Join. the VUI ...~alth 01 the Hults maintains lO .mall ()lJtlll In neIIrby dvilian .tar.
often does the job. TlIoIe who don't JIM: In to port. The IoelOl Guild Tepreaenta~ lOt·
one or both 01 those Intmt/Yes often Dod lhe!' rrllCt/ve linn deadly WDmlln clOlled Desslv.
~a1Ion$ .ubject to rn)'lterloua acddeniS. Ilase~ p,Oleclioo. 10 • dust... oof
IlnancUl ruin. or acute Im~ Ief\IlIny. dockinllbayawhleholl....... haYensand~p
~ WOItintkN"the GuIld ueDm-.Ju. servkeI for GuilJd .mu.gsJ..n;.
aft! by lO ~11ve. thM tllll theil lives GuIld preamce hft-" Ian.,
N obwfous ... other
UId possessions away In the lnIalDOU1 "Free- ~. The UN Is; lllwa)'l patroIIrd
Traders Responalbillties and UablIItlet Agr«- palrs 01 burty K1atootrwt mercenartea armnl
"""'L" The rontnoct promlta IlII\fllIIen: eft. tothehilt. n..,yrean::uld to--.theGutld",
tllln bendit£: downPll)'l'lll!Ot Iolln on a .tarahlp intef'ftU and ""llIre lure the local dockInt bay
01 theiI" c/>ooAlnc (to be paid bad< wtth Inter· owner. pay their pr«ectlon lees on time.
est). ..... of Guild fKUillea and 1el'Vk:es. an- DessIva henelf &ppMrI one or two Iimoea I
pklyment opponunltlea tl\roush CuiJd ablp- wedtod>eck In with particular ............ and
pI"ll ..,ts. llnd IlCeftI 10 I netwtllfE of con- maIuo:su.eeYt:rythl...•• nmnJIIIsmoothfy.Qtb.
erwtse she IellVa 'hipping Instructions 011
In mum, '1lK"" owe the CuiJd lO II"fI"rOUS daupada whlch the local doddl1ll bay owners
~taae 01 thel, proflls.. "dues.· Any creel- hand out. The KJatOQlnana hIndIe all the It"l(lfIe)',
borrowed mUlt be Pllld blOCk II an outr.... dotinjj II out "'hen .1lK.... dellw. cargo. or
Interesl .lOte-and the Culld·s enloree... showtl1ll up locotlec:t 11 when lOlre/Jlhte, plIot'.
,a... no slouches "'hen It eomes to collecting. loan payment Is due.
bel'S expectft! to use Guild starport AlthooJlh If.loelOted In tile 01 an Impe-
laclllU~ when avallibie. H"re you can get ae,. rial e!>Cla~. lhe Guild operation 011 Gall Is
vlc:ea at. dIscount. Thele complexes also 10- always busy, COIII.aband lor borro lrnperlal
duda.spaceport bars. hol:elslnd allna. "'here troop. f1o",s In ••nd "rnlldlrected" lrnl",rlal
lin cooduct bu.lness and pleasu ... under re,our~... 110'" out, Guild members rarely ell.
lion conUnu., right under the Imperial Navy's
116cht......uu.lndMduaidlent•. or btckw;\ler Need moredataon Ieglllrnaletr_portCOCD--
f)'IIelPI where It's 100 e<pef\$1v!: to send an
parties running smuggling deall 00 lhe side?
mtlrt: container ves.sel 0ecu1on&Uy the cor· Rod Ihe BIacl: Sun chapter ol the ~ 0/
porMIon prvv\<ks captains lncenllw: 10 slip
the ~ Souruboo",'. ~ 4~ 01 Gokuy
ts 01 contraband Ihrough wllh Ihe Guide I J. Cnmioo/ O1loI\<l:OIIOtll. the VCf"iClso
~ cargo, While a percentage 01 th'" prO'
Asteroid FIeld chapter 01 the Shadows 0/ the
CftdI relurns 10 the boss. part 01 th", enra Emp,"~ PlUIl<!fJ GUIde. and 5t'crel:S oIl11e SUar
Iftcome(and th'" "iJlC<!!nU"",,· bon...) llO"" to the Run.
Jrelahter c.-..w. Th~ transport company-th",
Nuutu Plunb, Xll.or Tl1lIl&pOrt Nuul.. Plunb. All'lalsare 2Dexcept: Qv:te,.
Sr-te.lD8' Dispalcber
This 5hortSu1luslan dispalcherworbout of
a compl6 of docldnl bays and wan:houses In
.ry 3lJ bIosle. 60, dodge t>D, pKlf: pocllel 40.
:D.2. bumlucrvo;y 50-2. busme:u
6/), low enb<t,,~nt 40. SIl'ft/lmoe 40.1. Me-
a corporate starport sector on LIanna. She's in chturicu/3D, COIIImIlllIC'(lhOltS 40......... 40.1.
charxe of fQUtlRlsmaJl ur.- lrom 1M XTS ~PfrOtI30-I, bargotn SA oonlrIIGIld 40, em
d<'poIlherelo ~r\ousdesll...11ons a.ound the 6O,~6l).2.pe_40.SMtJlfh20·I,
Allied r .... sector The slorehoosc's, Landing T..mntall 30.1. tomp4der p;tJffORU'Iurs/....
pads, ~ baysand ~ support strucl~ 50,2. drrHd ~ 40. S«un/)' 40.1.
a~ neally ""ansed around a anlral lower MaYe 10, SpeclaI Abllilles: fnhanced sn>ses
wl1k:h conlains the operallon', business 01- gl:w: .20 to fWrepOOtl or seardlin kM' 1igtIt.
fice:s_ N"uutu's chamber Is In 1M l.anJpoarlstee!- IoaUon _ _ tIWS .10 toOS/l"OfOllOtr If IamlI-
enc.... e1 ~ al 1M top. C'Ommand!nla per' ioI. wlth aru. cannot ret ....t if tamiliar with
fect view of the complex. Ar'eL BlaJtft" pistol (40), comIInk, datapad,
N""Iu mainl.llinJ a """"y profeulonaI atlIW> XTS oorponu~ cownll unitorm.
sphere around her facillly. All employeoes-..r
the tidy XTS covenIl unllormJ, Ahhough the Mj'5terious Clients
~oIlougMooklnlil.....,.u 1$ noticeable, "'-' 'IIIUgg!ers pin reliable reputatlonJ
all tbeemp\oyees carry blule. plslok in stan- lor being timely. efllclent. and discrNt. They
dard-issue hoIsIHS. TIle place Is alwaytl boor often allract Ille a"""'IIon of dlents who'd
Inng wllh lechnktans, ,pacers.and carl/Oload- ratller 001 be Identified You don't seck these
ers. The XTS IollO I' embluoned nol only ()(\ people oot. /hey conlact )<MI. These pattorur
the uniforms. but on drokl,. carl/O ,kills. c'al"", make .aspy comm call,. leave CIYPUC notes on
blasl doors. and la~ ~palr equipment. dalaplOds near yo... ,hlp. and never .how Ihelr
Thedflclency SeeI] arou",J the landlnl/ com- faces. The cargo I hey wanl you I0 haul is .Iored
pl~ i. a relleclion of NUUIU', melkulous busi- In an .bandoned warehouse, stacked Jn lOme
ness praclke. Sh e maxes aure s[)Scers' permIt. b.l\ck .l\lIey. or Is dellvered to your docklnl/ bay
are In order,frum lhelr arm. load"ut p"rmil by a third party whkh know. nothing of lis
righl down to the carlO manlfesl. Payment Is employer.
alway. made In lull and on tlme. Information Thllldndol work I, fraughl with danger. You
about deli ""ries I. most ly correcl, except when rarcly mow .head 01 time whal you're ,hlp-
il suits her own pu.poses plng. Inliructlor\S often consist 01 the cargo
The Sulluslan always meets personally with ,ize. where lopkk It up, wM~todeliverIt, and
he. transport pilots when lhey plclr. up thelr how much you'll be paid. The goods you're
assignments or Slop by lor lhelr pay_ Nuulu shipping are almost guaranleed to be highly
reserve< a few moments lor Idle eMller about IIIf!gaJ conl.aban<l-we'.e lalkl"ll a few life.
thoe "'Iest ca'110 run, She', • careful judge of times In the K""""lsplcemlncs if you'~caugltL
dlanK.1er.lboseupatarlllln8spaanwhonever Usually you're draa1n8 thls slull rlgI:ll UIIder
bmakiM Lo.w .aretyld 'pedal,muaflngjobJ. the ~ 01 Imperial CuJloms. plus anyone
NuUlU arelully KreenI those who e:ven!lWly else wOO wants 1M carl/O lor lhnnsdws.
become invotved In XTS', lllk:it operalions. NoIlr.now1ni )'OW' patron's identity Is also a
She can spot a ~ and expkJlt It and 1IaJloI,bty. You could be worlr.lnllor ..., .'"
knows j....t 00... 10 moIMte pilots who bavr )'OlI woWdn'l normally deal with; Rd>ek. spice
lew ",ruples haultRllllegal JOOds. deaJen.ImpoerlaI the HutIJ. Whether you
.....'he:n she asks spIoCflS 10 Iransport • lew know" or not, ae<:eprl work from a secretlvr
enracralesonlhelr"""" run. ,_ens
she the client means you Inherll their problems. riYal-
deal with a spate SOO credlts, ph..IJ • 2Sll-crMit rIes. and all their enemIeJ. Anon)'l!lOUJ ctD-
vuuc...... 10 the XTS C'Ompany store, a wen- tomenr canl. alwaY' conceal their ideDtltieJ
stoclr.e1 starship oulflll~ 1oc'.1f!d righl In the from 01:""""* who are inlft"eJte1 In acquirtog
docking bay complex. Nuutu .. more than will- the rve carvo 'Ill allY cost. Your dienl Is only
Ing to InfllleflO«- ,pacers wlth free ~paiB, al- rfskl"ll the earao--YOU're rtJldng your life.
lered documentallon or complementary modI- AIthougl:l wo.IdRl'o. these myslerlous cus-
ations 10 the. 'hlp 1lle IJ"Mtft" Ihe risk. the lome., call be very dangel'OUll, they pay""'.
ler the favor. ,arid .. ,he', fond of saying, tremefywell ... JOmellmes 10 limes as much ..
"No 'avo. is too lreaol for XTS: you'd lei haullnllthe a.fIO through a
Nuulu is agenerous repreaerJI.I\tl~ofXlzor drop potnl agenl. Pa~I Is Iransmllled to
T'ansport Syslenu \0 he. loyal employees. To your account, packed with lhecarl/O. Or depos-
those who crOSS tler Or lhe compllny. Nuutu ited at JOme drop point. Unfortunately. the
-:>iilIt).theycan hIno.lewlop-notdl bculty fees. The craleo -... packed with plutk:shI...
IloIftn 10 pwsue you to Ihe edge of Ihe ~ inp. mundanetradegoods.,orwerecompletely
em~y, This <:on1p111y 1l1lOOd.1t 1utowI who It
DectroRk: frdgbtwaya
5e¥efal ,1ft' Iriend$ 01 mine hlIId eDo
COUlllen with ... oulfll cal1ed Electronic:
ean lrusl and who if can'!:.
Electronic freipt...ays has ... uncanny
knad: lor knowing almosl cverythillfl &bouI
fm,htw.ys. The company Is a good aample you, rltJ>t down 10)"OW" IUIV computer" serial
aI.lD)'llenous dim!. The <:orpot"ation ha no number and "'"' pononality .... trb on your
oIIoeI.. no addrea. IlO In'onnation. worker droirt Somehow they know jUit whtre
~ IOl1IetIIl"M'S n'YU1s a group by lhe you'rt: headed . -.. ,so II won'!: be much 01 a
_ _ IWIM! wttIch ...-1 out 01 buslneu IonfI bother tOlranspon thisc&f'HO!heTe, especially
beIore theClone Wan. but never ulK'OYen ...y Ilnee you've got 10 slip pasl Imperial CUltOlR5
r«'!Ilt Inlormallon. wllh thaI "-! 01 stolen blasters anyw.y Be-
II you ever gel • Job from [Je<:tronlc lides. the price they oil"" II al....Y"' r1llht.
fre!&ht.... ys. you'UIOOll un<krstand Iltenamt Nobody has auy due ... ho Itlel<!! 101111 ar".
TIle (OfRpaRy COill1ctII prO$pectlve !r","",rld- 11>ey'rc too w"IHunded 10 be your .verage
e.. tllclullvely th.ough electronic Rebell. though lome of the clflIOeI ha"""vell-
!luIpad1 you left lying .round IhedOCklnw bay lually been trackf'd 10 Alliance bases. Con_
JlIddenly IIave nolel' on Ih"m Inst'ucllng you Iplracy buffs think the eutlrt: allal. I' con.
'!'rhere lhey'd like you 10 Iransport some C'ltu trolled by lOme MtifklallnlclU~ocecornp\ller
oDd howrnuch you'lI be paid. Scrambled COmrn deep In COTUscant's 10.....,. levell: Ihat would
c.&IlJ rome In loslructlng you ...hen' 10 pick up uplaJn the l!Jl1"mive use of d.oIds. dar.padl
the Clrto. Droldl d"U_. Pi'Y""'01 In se<:ret .nd llplJnq, T1u!operation mlghl be. frOnl 10.
cugocOIRportmenl.J. then disapJ>f'-",r Into the SO<1li:llmperlaJ $Cherne to llr>(;over Rebel ceJJ_
buJlllng It.rport crowd•. Even iI you lolluw remember, II.., folk.s receiving thet<: Cllgoea
!hem. thoelr real OWMrl ReVO" heard 01 don'l a1w1yl know IlXICIIy...ho's sendlnglh"",.
Electronic: rretghtways, .and the drold deniH My ItllHIII that thecompany" a lront 'or a
eve- Iel!ln, you. They ""en have .....y 01 11l1h cohunn ol_aIthy Rebel Iympathllerlln
maypt:tna • Il"M'SIoIlIl' In a newsnet po&Ung. lhe CON! World1. MOf>t 01 tbe c&f'110 TUns orlHJo
When the codlng OetKII thaI a certain ~ IUItl! In the Core Worlds or CoInoolcs, and t.ead
01 ccmputet" or doIlapad .. used 10 rud iI. Ihe for remoteW1lridlIn theOuter RIm Terrltories
~ to. art"'' '
Dectrouk: fn'lghIWlYS ~
W1ICTIlTIblelnlo the
Other Members of The Fri0ge
Don'!: botheor Iry\nf: to tran' these c:onlada. In th.. buIiness. _ ~ 10do some work
Tbt)"n! very etIed/voo: at wiptng ....ay their lor atIDe 1ordI. Hulls. loan sharks, and other
lraIL Dat.pad1lne 'iA .bly loose their dolt. or pnpl~talk about them e1S!" hewe. 'r1'Ioen'
fry lhoelr <:-boards DatlCards dWntqp-ale. are aIwlIY"' ocher mrmbers 01 the tr1nae who
Newsnet ~Ion C'OdIng . . - berwrt. Md need .sn>l/IIlk':r to_some fOI'lds Iorlhem.
jre"ktt the" 1"8" DroIds are riged wtth "legal efltrq>reneul"l ".,.,(f their
"y wtpe modules whldt lCtivate within. slipped past CUltOf1l5 and the Iucallradf! ",lid
lew Iftlnuteo oIlCCOfI'IpUahing theirtuk--then tAriff ~ ...... Bounty hW1lers who l\avm'1
thty s!l1rOWld IoOflle junk: heap untO they're purchaled lheir own ships ~uirt: ~ 10
IICrIpped or resold. follow lheir prey, Fugtthrcs wiD pay whalever
Most freight lobo for Ihll company originate lhey an 10 lie! 001 01 a "Y"'I,,", bdore their
IIIIarf1: apICepOra--lmperial 0. stdLv claq. pursuers track lhem down. Swoop pup are
~ al...... t a1w.ys taU you 10 some rough wllllng to pay 10 have more weapons utd tile
bIctw.ler planet run by corrupt 0111- lalest lpeoed"r te<:hno!ogy J/'I1uggled put local
ellis. mme lordi, or J/'I1ugg1er Iyndkatel. Don'1 .ulhorlll",. Blac:k-marl<eteen buy and lIelllll
bother tr.clng th" c.rgo. EI"ctronlc 10"1 oIllIIdl merchandise whk:h needs dis-
frelghl....ys lilmart enougtl to shut1le a Ihlp' creet transport.
ment ttlrough leveral dlffen'ot space.. belo.... The... Irlnge CORtacts oflen ~k you out,
I II ~hesltillnal destln.lion.
one nr a group 01 smugglers. lhey frequent Sturporl Gu/{w 11so Ilas plenly of characters
starport b.ars looking for pr()llpectlve freight llving on lhe edge .... ho wOIIWn'l mind a liUle
haukrs. They lend to appellr out of nnwher... help Irom .mllllllll':rs,
usually when )'O\I'r~ M'ttllng down In your Ia- Blood Razo,", Swoop Ganl
vorit.. cantl .... booth for a ~rKhlng drink HllVTen Is I mlllor induslrlal worid In th..
~pmding 00 who they ate. Il~ can dlsa.,. Expansion ~ controlled by IhI: En'pin:,
pear just as quidly. Tht. doesn't make lor The sP"C"POrt, buIln"s and residential quat-
sleady bus1nrss with 1'-'" folks. but starving I..IS are SUlTount~ by kilometers 01 auto-
smugglers lake work when IMy can \lC'I11. malf:d faclories. cl>emlcal planls and reliner-
This ldnd 01 work has mallY variables. Some irs. all 01 which are lJfadUlll1y contami....ting
fringe clirnts have d>esll run of c~lll. OIhers lhe planer"S waleT supply Desp/I.. Inquml
can only ~ .... items or 011.... servk:es you Imperial palr'Ob. an entlre socidy of vagran~
mlghl neal. lhey'n: not -'-ys amullo "" petty mmlnab and rel~ has Ik>urished
dlsc:f'f:f't ",10m dea/l"ll wlth you. They don'l amona the greasy an..y. which hoIlC)1CG111b
~ well 10 ItlDl"t'bles 'f1Moy allfact .... BmTer!'s Industrial sector
wanlM aIIrrrtiool from 1ooc:al securily as well as Yobile Imperial and Ioal corporale M4buri-
l ~ iorcrs.. They''''' sloppy n - ~ Usoftldal "'"'"' tht. at1l&, any real orM and
&fen'l In the smuggli"ll .,.;.-. you'n'lhe
buill', not .!ways enough.. Utdy M's l.>een Peny Crime Bosses
~out ~ to brInIin con'rtband,
.......outlllll>e ttarpon " numerout teedy Every .yst....... In lhoe gaJuy has 115 petly
-.s. camuMy apprOKltillll 'pilaf'.
1Itt ......... dl/ln""'l lrft-tradft-s Ior-.y
V.I'!<- crime lord, soon.. wdI-tundcd bully .."", """"
IrJraI , .. -It..... l"Ufllrols the bltck~. .:tnd
..... Hedoetn't do lhis 10........... II,. trtcb, but thInb l'lf.: owns cvay ""'~ ..1M>""" loot
~ It ~ • very ~11tbloe NnuaIH to on 'hM' planet. llley Il.t"" their grcay lin"'-
KI. I/lf; fU1ll'S -otfwor1d shipplllI .,.,.,1.' linl/e<'S m .,.,..",. illicil operation In Il'lf.: system-
\'We ~ up In Bmi""" ttarpur1, to M" tnd II thoeydon't. they wanl a p;.,n, of it, or ......
..... wIIh many shortcuu. btc:k"'~ WIS lbese lnslgnilk:anl crooks thin!< lhey·r., bit-
-.I bkkIen p.auaseways t ...... pI;o.Y""S. bul ll><-y ,IoM,'1 "mount 10 any-
The Ilb>d Ru...... dun', htvt a h. I'"
~cheslIO plOy lor goodt srnUll/ll'cI 10 II........
ttuns N>ffi1.. r.,.llo the heavy hltten like tl'lf.:
ltuns. nOllltl>e5lJ>Ulllllcr" point<tl_.lhey·...
"".-1 thryoltft~; proIectlon while In
part, lIlIonnalio" ..... II... Empl~" lndutltW
a '"'I: s"y evtl Small crtme bosses nca:l n)l)o-
uaba"d 1''''''I''>r1.,.1 uff-orid. ha'o..., plenty 01
aponlklnt on BIlvren. or barter rooo;It p1U& credlU to fund fmHraders. and are .teady
~ 1..... 1m~ orcorporatt lmlill~lloot. rt;.,.".(ulongasyou don't dlHppoint than ...).
Idle EmpIre decided I.. rr...,k down on lhem. Besides, they·... a Ir~ ....... lro.."'" lhan ~
.-1lbId R.u:on would need mIlCh _ th.lln one U Importanl as Jabba.
.- .upport tJMoy CU~11y get Mnlll p"gRers run lhetr opentlons out 01
their main .troraghokl. ",,'ale or compound.
"'-". This Is usually localed in lhoe .)"It......'. main
ShIm>. All .Iall art 20 except Demnry 30. .tarport. though soon..coolrolthei. affai... from
It62sm" 60-2, brou:fmg parry 50, ~ 4D_2. a comly rn"nlry villa. Some deal eICluswely hi
-'« CO<IIbot6D, nlf!/ft porry (if), ,,.hH;~ bklst- one art 01 criminal Inlerest: ....." .ha.kina.
M W, lIIt,modahon 50, ,~tu.~~ 4D, MechonJ. ducldng My protectk>n schemer. rouling con-
fl1I 3D.I, ",pulmrl,ft opt!roltOfl 40, 'WOOl' op- rra~. Motll I",v" Il'''ir I.",tad.". In ~al
lrIIlJonm, l'erupnon ZO.Z, conl",,,,,d $D,l. operatJOII5 which l>'o'<'rlap. They ha..... 1'<1IO""...
pnsutzUfttr fn, Strrnsth fO, /JrQ1L~'ttl6V, cUmb- abl.. l"nllence wllh localauthor1lles. whoolten
"'f/fUlTIPlttl SD, T«Un~II/ 3/). swoop ",parr look the other way wi",,, '1'"",li...",bl., acth+
.IV.] M<>vt· 10, Force I'olnll; I, Ctulrad". ties .urface.
l'oml5; 7. Blule. c••blM: (SO), blUI val and Few .mugglers choose 10 work lor l~
beImet (.ID physlcal, .1 "'I1f"l/Y. head and ptllycrlme bosses. The w".k ill I"k.,,, IIIO.... OIIt
ton<> only). """'al plpt (STIl.,W), 'woop blk". (If neceully than .ny de<:p loyally 1o t~
VaIlccr. All st.lI ..... 2D """l~lM: Outerrry fl), .leuy exeuses 10. entrep....n...ur•. Usually a
bmhor5D, dodgt! 60, pic/! pocltet6D,2, runn"'8!.ader ....ks I< crime boss for .. loan 0. Ia VOl" ,
50, KnO";/l" 3D, I><ls/nen fO, law enforce. Ih.,n get5 drawn Into paying II nlf lh""'Kh
men/fD,2, ,treellL·'.•e 6/J,2, w/ue5D. Mechan~ .mullllllnil runs. The"" c,ooks weave a langled
cal ZO,2, ,WOO(> OfH!rt1llOn fD. ~'Cepl/rm fD, web of r.,al, imagined and ~.,'...,p obllgaUon.
bargain 60, ron SD, con disguise 50,2, {Ie","''' Ihrough which they ma"lpulate d"l""ndtnl
Chapter Two: ~vggler Origins 25
Luc::klly II petly crime 00u'1I Influence Is Import or export various contraband rmled
Mmited 10 hlll'>ome planet lind P""~ II r.ew 10 bet leglilmate butlnest COQCURI or beT
/lldjKMI tyAerni. l'My might hoIvoe every IouI blKk ~ aetMlia on KothIIoI. She alten
sWpon in their ~ and own h.IlI her operations to prOYkle w1Wevoer her .~
lbe I«Ilrtty kwce. but 11 _ , do them My enu' Ile!d: VIl>ed IUVds, S1den JQOds, d»
good If you nee 10 anothc:r senor. ~ am trMSpOlt 011 the p£and..1lIepI men:nar..
onhowmlldyoumnetMsecroob,lheymlgtrl dise, and Iclr'ted documentation VI! iIIllOnI
jusllorvet Ilbo1J1 you (IUIUI you n!tum 10 lheir tome 01 the 1u.KUrtes she offen. Mueena hal
system), or lhey cnuJd hlrt: 111_ bounty hunt- plenty oIlamlly Il"IOlIt!y 10 Dnandally bKlt My
ers 10 brilli you in II your oIf~ wu particl,>. luc,.Uve und_orld deal fII,llnK down on
WIy Insul1l..,. KoIhllt--fu, • ralhe. generous share 01 lbe
II you'rt: looting lor good eumple. 01 petly profilt.
crime bosses, checkout Go/axyGulCk II Cnm>- To protect betown concealed crlmlnal lden-
nalOrganizofiQns, Blacll Sands of Socorro, G<>I· tity. Maxee". leavet much of Ille handloOQ
ax)' Gu/de 6, Tmmp Freighters (pag6 27·29 antI exectlUnn 01 Illegal affairs to a dillant .elallvl!,
82), and Ille Slar Wan Pllmets Collectian, f'11/ef a Krumpy old Both~n called Unde DtaVOll. He
112·ILJ. wanden Ihe Tal'ca.a Slarpert concourse. fix..
MilXeena Sov'lya, Petty Crime Lady InK d"als. deIJverln8 messaget, and paying 0I!
TIle welka-do Maxeena Sov'lya II an Inde. various officials 10 look the other way, MOIl
pendent InVKtar bued on !he lloth.ln colony retidenlt 01 Kotlliis ~~ he's jusl. smao.
01 ~hlls. In public she's II member 01 !he tJme deaJ.mat", Invo/ved In petty schemes To
pLane!:'s 1llgtHo<:Iety, a posltlon she attained IhOIe poeopleworl<lnll lOT' Mauena's small syn.
tl1rouah beT lamLIy's shrewd, Ietltlmale busi- dicate. Urw:1e Drll_ Is the fau 01 the oper.
ness dedslons and diverse InvuTme1l1S Slna lion. 1"hoaoP who deal wllh him mow belt",
beT pa.ren1S ~ TOlbe IlolJ\an I1omeworid IhIn looflend or IhreaTen the ddef!y8othan.
01 8otIlawul, has lakm c:I\arye 01 lite MaRen.lIs Yft)'prote<:tMoIherlMlClI!-thoIe
~ lamLIy ",","rpMl""'. la U'\lth. W's Idt wl>odoa'llhowenougtlrespectlowwd~
opBalloo 01 thetoe ~Iures 10 lIUSted subordi- Men fiDd ItJemH.hoes Tosted intoan ~
nat...-h.. spend5 IDOSI 01 beT tlme rw>1ll"ll: smeltinlturnaee.
the s.....l crime syndla.te sI... established u'" Manoena Is nunor...t to haw II certain de-
do:r loa- ~ts' ....... lire<! of InDUoCfIN'". poulbly 100n••nlle o.r mon.
few 01 KOIhIis's dtizel.. know Mucena AI a etary, UVft the local "-.:enMYsecu, ,I y IlIl'Ce"s
crllM l/IIdy. nit! young Both.ln woman mal... second-I"""omn'Wld. A1lhough lhe Imperial
Ialns II channing profile In ..... bllc She Is .. consu\.gl:IIerai hired Ilddonna'. LegIor. to re.
graduus guest al various r..cepllorlS for Ihe In/or« lhe planet's defen..." the unit hal bl!-
local govt'mmcnl, It... Imperlal Cnt'sul1l"'neral come 1011 nve, lime and v"'Y s\lscepllblll to
and a":It M"".,..nals mOil noled u h.ibe. liavlull instde aUlllt."Ce lrom
oncnf Il,,, mall pohte and deUll"hlfulll'l:'mt>..n lkldonna's L.clliun would help explain why
of Ihe local high soclely. Max...,,,,, has VI!f)' 111111:' trouble with tl,,,, merce-
Thoullh slle hu conslderabl", lnnlll!rl(e In naries 01 theIr Imperial "laSt"rs.
manyof KoIlllls's polJtlca.l and ec:onomk v"u, Mueen. sleers clear 01 any open competl,
Mucma maintains a low profile Slle makes tion wltJlthe UanaughTIll'ulllllft" Ukert and hit
surt: her crlmlnal activities are dlsc.~. WhUe tmalI operation on ~hlls. Ukert _rmlodo
1M rarefy partk'ipates in an ''PNat\on pCUO... mOIl 01 !he oIfwoo-ld c""iO runs run_II, and
ally, MUel!nil has t-n known IQ Mlfl1.4ln rarely hi.... WIIJde s ~ la do hlt wmk.
mysterioullllUfttS al her viDa. Thae vlfilOl'S OttaAooally Maxcma paY" lJtert atept'"
oItl!D ~ lJf)d.,r ~ 01 nillhl. wtlen even ally -'I 10 destroy physical evkIerM:e 01 her
the brI8flt IIghls 01 the city do not vkMale lhe crtmInaI activlty In ilia smelt10g Iumace at he.
prtvIlI:y at lhe upper-d;w, esates few <H. l.unr.tbt Set oIcet, \r>c. She .-Iln:s Kothllu ..
aM:r lholt lhese callers are really translenl too small a bmlearound lor two eompetinl
1r-.,lderI.,s~~,s ~ worb:n cr1Jnfnallto Ilght oves. M.. .. would ralller
smugelen. coopenle lhan raise trou~
AIthoouih aome oIber In,-..sTmenu are Iejlu. ~ Sow·lya. All Slats are to e:l<Cepl
""'-", .he Nns several iIloepf operatlonl «:It- Dr.x1frtty 3D.I, blatter ho/d.out bl<unr 50./,
around TaI'csrI, Kalhlit·s maln clly.TIIe dodge 4D, Know/edt1e 3D. bu.-ucrtIQ' SO.1.
Ilothan crlme mlstr"," hu been known to Nn busm"ss TD, C"llu'?:. 4D. languaf1'" 4D.2.
protection rackelultheslarport and for local ItreeMlSO! KOIII/IS 60. 001"" SO. Perr:t!ptJ<Nt 4D,
buslflellel Mueena also keept ~aI smUK' bargoin 60.1, con 5D. ~T)' 50.2. persUlnIOll
l'l' bn .etalne, (througl, loans or favars) to 60. Strength 2D,2, broW/lilt: marllol arlt 50.2.
.t-.. . .
to docll:lng b.lys and repalr pads.llere she slzel
"I' I_,t.",1 ...1 i'"1 "" '1. tI""•• '1",,-,;, >r..
lItId maUl lnltlal contM.t, Kyler alw,loys hob.
41).2; /lOmb/illl 5ll.2. ~J'SlIM;o.,50. T«1IIlkol
~ cr.tes to Ihlp to lOme bactwater location.
.D,'SD. Move: 10, Character PoInt. 5,
Blat... pistol (40). dtt.p.d. 500 '·...... lit. on A1l.houlfh ~he ~-...·t I'r...... Jtk 1JWILY ""w,1.I UI'
front, Ky",," mako sure there's S<l<M &soc<:nt
t,.xl<: on lhe OIton.ide; nn" l'"",ilo......1.....
Fo, mo'e lfllu'mllllufl lIbuLlt Kuthll •• shIp repairs. another c..go. She's quick to
a.ldonI:uI'. LegIon and UlM. SHtl1<!' $IIolodocaIf web dashing SpllCft'. ~lInd lure lhem In'o
<11* l:1RpIft 1'ft1Itm CoIl«llOtI. her Iraruoport sclw:mes. o.",pite the loss of t>er
loeft arm in an Kdder1t ~ ago. Kyler rdalns
The P.ebeI Allionce the youlhful !>uUfy aM "",,1>H'ouINo '" an .......
n ......__t-I hkethe RebdI, they're good a1tst1c treedom-llahter.
ptOpIeand they h.lwwry~fOllls,£._ r Kyler rvely mentions she's w1th the AJli.
.IqItbmlOUI now and then, But 11 you're/lIIt ance (unieslthespllCft lIa blown Rebel COQo
IUr*I our In ,he smuallnllPdus'l)'. avoid l.lIct). Instead .be t.alb abuut hu ~oId ..-.
wortlnIlor them. Theeuro runsare9lf'ffMty chantlrlends' who haw cargo to be shipped
.........-you·rea1lrloolJ/: always h.lLlUngCOQo Kykr actLlll1tyworked lISa fTee.I,ader herselI,
mbaDd (lIoien weapons. unregistered IlledJ. lIIlIll she crashed her ship In ~onny -.ather
allUpplles. replacement X-oiItnI part.}-and on Wruona. SIlo: lost her arm in the ~ lind
JUII'"" hound to .Iam rIgI1t Into the Emplre halaVl>ided IICIling I prosthetic replacement.
..-y Irlp_ 1leJIdeIc, thoe work doesn't The numerow pockets and straps on her
&di you" be Iuo:ty tfl w1llk • .....,y ...1Th a w\Nbult help her........" though she-, JItOW"
lIIDdluIolcredllltOcoYerexpensei and maybe lICC\1Ilomed IOone.,,,, th,OUlIh 01 prae-
_ I..... Itaahlp rqWrs. tk1!. Despite her past hardships. Kyt<:r .lill
CIfao fUllS lor the A111antf: SMd "'n"lllPK' n..l!ltains her cheoery dlsposlUon. Uy\Illf to
"'~comer 01 the pluy and every ldnd 01 rllb<: motak: amo.-.g ~ .. r Rd""" ah..
iIdily you can IflWIiIlle. Yoo coold pick tip works "'lth.
....1n:an.bandoned .......ehooIclnAbrepdo. K)ier.A1I.tall an:2D"",,--epI- Du1rnty
rae lad haul II tu some rfthOte Rtbtl bUt, or 3D, blosler "D, rIodge "0.2, buIl'olll"7OCY_
JU111light .cquiTe. lew bo'eI of blaIten Just pM 51).2, ~ 4D,1, planelmy .y$ft'rns
IDSkIe the ImpeOaI compound on Romar alld SO, _~ 4IJ.2; will"",,,,..r 5().2.",.
~ II to • SpKIaJ Op$ tt.... on N... col fD. asII'9JtlOfISD, rommunK:mioru m.2;
SIwId" Yoo never qulle know whl.t to n· ........... m, ~ m:mspons SO. staTSllip gun
pea•.• nery"IJ.2. ShmhipiJ,;"hh4D.l, ~ptIOIl3D.
The only good part .1""", W<.>tl<lflll fur the ron",Hmd SD,2, con 4D. ron: dUl/:Uuc ,W.i!,
AaaDce Is the l""luefll wo,k, ~ Rebeb ~rIIMWOf15O,~ngrh3D. bmuJIi"g4D. $lUmUJCI
o/wayI need IOIlll!thlllJltr_portcd. SO"*'.....".. 50.2, Tedmicol .1D, <:fJl'v_' 1"'-',:rum",,"fV
lao:t JUU using elaborate code phrases. Inlor· ~poU' 5iJ, dtoW prqftl1IIlfIlinl!' 4D, droiJ ,cpu;,
IlItion drop polnll and ~"" ",,,,,,,Inp. 011>- 4/), 1pI~ Imnspom "polr "D Move: 10. force
... just walk rtght up to you In I crowded !'oInts: l. Character PoInll: 4, 81....1'" 1';I1'~
antlnaand.l$k yoo tohl.L1I someC1r1JO. They're (40). helldlet comllnlr.. hydrospanner. work
oerylnfOtTllllI and Inconsistent. Sun!'. yoo don't c<>W:ralls. 2,500 cre,m•.
koow what 10 ~t, oot ntil her do thOle
Are you lookln~ lor more Rebels tDwork lor1
IIDpmaJ qentl talllng you or your Rebel ron·
Open C'm<:.ten 's R~fH>IOperor;~s and pkkone-
mOlt 01 them could use some smu!Uller .....1..
SoIJa Kyler, Rebel Transport Chler tance now and Ih\'1l. You'U Itso want to check
Most fo/b who mett Solla Kyle' IlIIUme flut Redda Macrebe, a supply purchaser work·
w's a technician ln whatever .tarport they're Ing the TraxTube trade roule(!r"," n,,, Officwl
iI. Her frl\'1ldly atlitude. work cover.1I1 and Stor WOl"$ Advell/ul'\" Joumul '1, pages 93-94).
M'i"eI\'1lt hyd.ospanner help ILlppo.t the
Piait's Smugglers Guide
w uhd. 1ll11's pretty pr~t..nllOOJs." 115 treads. t1le Iread_II', visual IIensors r~
Plall glaro:d back al the tl'<'hnldan. Gj..el lilted, scanned Piau up and down. beeped an<l
tumed and walkeoi back Into Ihe tower. a slight whl'tled its approval. then returned to Its work.
-.lie """"1Ilnll on his lac.., ·He·s making SOII1C! last·minute .dJuslments:
"forgd It: Nazrita aald "Come with lIM:' NazriUo said. ·Flnoe-tunlna the DeW 100 drives,·
S1IUI~ up Ih" GIltror·. miry ramp and Icd "Vo'Jl,;"t's In 11... ent....'" I' ;o;o.~.
l'ioii110 Ih<! Cockpil. "Yoo'w; 101 all the sWl-
datd aruil"""flt hC!re." ahoi! .... id. mol:lonlng lor
f'Ian 10 II"l: ""nlo:d In Ihe pllot·s d,.ir. "We've
IIlIdt! a lew modllleal),,"S' boostC!d pow"r l\)
"You, fiDt shipment" Nil,tllt.·. eyes 1IIl'-
"' "WI,at's Insider
"Gleel dldn't tell YOU. did h,,! Cralty lillie
thedouble laser cannon up lOp. newlon drl"C!s, Advoue. It's besl not tOI,k. Pol< waOI. you to
bftt~ nux cOO t wi "'rl on the shic1tho. and 5O~ run II n"llo some IricIHI. 'w, Zbar."
mra hull armor, But Ihl. is my ~ prid<! and "'The bnper\cllenclaver moved 10 one
lor' Nazrtuo poinllMi to III "",ra wupon P&Ild cr.te and opelled the lid; deettoclk: compo-
_ to the fi... control:l k...- the 1aIerI. "Proton DellI' She rummaaed around a unJ,e and came
IIwpo;dolube. mountlMi rlllht boeneIth the<XM:k- up >oith • calH'cllot the sll<! u/ he' hand. She
pit. l.Dob just ItkC! an ()lIlgasslog port-no shoot It. heard "'wll"'hlng UUO san,l <Uslbna
kapector will know the dlll..rence. Th.. system Inside.
an I>old live torpe<lot:ll. though _ only have ·Splce?"
I ""' ......
three Ioado:d now The rack .. hidden benuth
!lle IIlIin cod:pll maintl'll&nC" deek plal.. "
"Y ·d have 10 tUoe al*l: thelhlp 10 lind It."
favor 01 bulk freighters and massive container Siock YT·1.:l00 TlcrtSpon
~hi I"', but t he YT. I 300 stiil malntatned lis charm c..n: C<>r<UlAIll'.njll.-r1njlCorpol>t1no YT_I:tOO T,.,....
and versatility lor those Independent sJ'a"er~
hauling good. to the galaxy's Irlnge. Type: SlockJlahI frel~ ..r
The Coreilian Iran~J'0rt~ are 'mall-the S<aI<: 51atA~' ..
I.e"IlIlL: 26.7 mel...
cargo space Isn't as large as a bulk Ircighler,
5klU: S~ l' .""t><"1s: YT·l:lOll
but the o=rhead costs aren'l as much, either, C..."" I (I con coor<lln.IO). ...."......: t
They're ideal for hauling small rargoes for
specialty markets or out-of.lhe-way senlc- Carwu l:apKIty: 100 m..rk" 'M'
C<IIuIoM.&blH: 2 .....'nh.
"'enls, e-: 100,000 (,~). 25.000 (1I>«l)
The YI"·1301ls come in Ihr"" hloak cockpit lIyponlr1... Mldllpllor. Jl2
conllguratloos. though the model number lIyponlr1w _ " " , ,12
rarely notes it: port, starboard or central. The Nov e-pa',,-: Y..
1 Cod\pII
2 Iloordin<;lll,omp
::I £SCQpt! pod
4 Gun ...... Entry
:I COf9O lloy (wi Coo9QIifI)
6 SkHagellI.otpc* 8ay
1 Top Kc:.dl ond AModI
II T..... olcgI!Ilonoro
9 er..w~
10 T~~ Gunk
" ....,
11 tWodII\elrfl1M.l
13 Maio_iCItICe
c.o ......oy .-..:c.u
Srarship Quirks
lJlIhllreillhle~ ~ partkularly suscep- • Atmo.sphere control s)'stem .tuck on
Uble to quirky behavior, especially II lhe "cool" or "hoi."
~lls old or hu been extensively modi-
• Mysterious squeaking COfllell Irom be--
lied. ~qulrlq ...en't terribly ble.threat- """th deckplatt:S In 1>.",10: cabin
enlnll,luslannoying. They help g1"" a ship
chatacter. Enterprising smugg1e~ can even • Comm 1)'$1"'" Is plagued with ocoslonlll
use lhem 10 Ih@ir advanl~. Her" are:>om" statk.
oddities: I"v" nvtked abl;>ard various Irans.- • Cocl<p11 chair .-Jdlng 15 lumpy and up.
ports; comlortable
• landin, ae- won'l reI.;act. • Opening an interior hatch temporarily
• up weapons drainS energy lrom activates lhe hull bre;ach alarm
Shields • Forward 5trobe Iamp$ ~atways Ul when
• One exterior malntenaoce port bek:hes 5tar-ship is in operatlon.
smoke In atmosphere • MaIntenance labels and interior markings
• lnlenor llghlJ 10 out when shields pow- are in a sinn!/" allen laflllU&ll'"
..... ,p • lru.lpkant red l'&ht on command .........
• All Intenor hatchef; .e.aI when guns ~ sole keeps bUnl<1nj.
operatiOOlll · w.- deck pLole In~ ",yono; runnlnll
• Only one enlry hatch WIll open at a time. tltrougtl <.:01 fMklo!
modefs fn "A Buyer's Guide to Alternative
.. ....h1ttty: II> Stars hips."
.- ,',n:.
260; 1.>0 kmh o "Fizzi's Slit/hrly Used Starships" In Star Wars
Adventure JOllmal1l'9 has data on several new
and modilled transports.
1I>W.... 15/00 • You'll f1nc two customized lrelghters-com·
5can' .1OllIl plete with d<:t~!lcd dC<'.k pl~n .._ln W...wh~d
s....·h.-511j30 lI",es of :'iwm anti Villamy.
IIloo1>lt- u-rC_ _ • Pirole. '" PriL'ateers """lain.. ~n cxh~u"liv"
list 01 merchant shfps, appropriately listed fn
F"" ....... F"..' "Ch~pter five: 5h;p~" ~~ "prlze~"
00..: ,
sa>II: SO...hlp llWInff)'';':'''~""
,L.. -"'"--"
OlapterThree: Your Sro~ip
Ghtroc 720
@ @
1111 111I
EnqiM Ac~...
Triple Dunks
T~oI 51orion
5toroge oncl ~!< Bay
, "'-Pod
Coo9o lloy(M)
(Iletow e-- Seaions) end 11 Foo ....d Cargo lloy Acceu
0000,,"'9 P.amp
" .-,
A Note About Smuggling
Really Modifying Yaur
rm. linn believer In hiding coutralM.nd In
pIaln view. You know. arranging yOll, ~'I I'm nor. going to go ,mo alilhe delai ..
mate ao.l/O 10 make KC~ to the .mugglcd on heavy Ilarship modifications: """"Ion
altesdilfkull, coverlnlllllqaJ lmpon• ...,UIl a drtVf:l.Added .... eap0rL5. upgraded shields.
Llyn 01 ~..I l/OOd•. using nearby "ne'llY My upertise are in smuggling. no! spKe-
lIlUfl:;ef 10 foul Im~rial Cusloms scanners, ship engi"""'rlng.
W dlstracllnll 11I1P"Clor. wilh annoying 1I you'.., Inoking lor guidrlines ... c .....
*"ids. ~ cabin ..,..,ldllllS, handfuls 01 cred- lomIzlnll)'OW' lJ",ight""s Sysletll5. d'eck
IISlnd a1lurin,l.mlles. In really I comblnltion vut Galaxy Gullk 6 Tromp '''''Ighlf:rs. II
'" l«hnology. skill and c.'hllleN. II you're has an "'."1re chapler doovot~ to modify-
looUnelor an 8DJlpleoi thlsan.1'l1 havetot"ll Ing starshlps. Y<RI can hi.., a trained pro-
JIlII "'Y s.l0l')' about smUflllllng ry11 omo '" roon.t. leulonaJ or do the wo.... )'OU'S"'lI. I'd 'K'
tbIt one time ..(see 1M opening '0 "Chapler ornJI'II:l'>d Ih" Inm..d prol~ional
far TooII 0/ the Tr~").
Some INn"",. don"' ~ In hldtna: con-
nband In pIaIn.- They fill thoelr ahlp wllh rNoke!lU'Jd hiding ~_ ~ area's alrNdy
dabonIlel«.et compartmen15and l'XH"Oe..... "'d deued oul to allow 'Khniciolns Kcn.s 10 slar·
iIIktI8. This might be line on • ~lO<Ind ship syst~. SO you don't ha~ to ~ any
~or .. patrol __ lel bulonalrelghle, ..."..lli,~ COfnponntl.s around. Tl\ere', enougIt
iDspectors ~ 1ooId"l1or an)'lhln8 out 011"" I>OWft running through .hoe conduita to distort
lIf'diDary. TheyeqleCt you. asl fr~~. 10 mo.>sl sntSOf Klldmp. These IpKft are a bnle
lIoc ~ in llkpl adlvft~. Why (.tel' 10 lDOfe dilfocult 10 10M! Car&<> lnto.ltMM!gh, and II
their twist~ r-.:I 10 rlp YOU' .hlp apart by ran to. frustrating 10 have 10 pull out ..n your
m"'llllll ~ one Imll:(lllling compartmerll? conlBband jusl to m&ke Ilasty repairs In c0m-
r.. " fnmdJy sm...... &0 nl JIIve)"Oll a lew bo'
~on CTNIintyour own hIdlngapKes Keoep $loring illegal goods near Iargcr ~ronk lhal I donl have muo:h ~ in components and pow...- SOUJ'C'eS .. ill luuI up
tblt _ 01 what I've Iel.llled on this customs scan..... s Yow power cure, shield
subject I. IIluned 11<>m other JH'<lfl1e". gen.,r-ator and Ion dr;'..,. wort .."flI lor .hls
~l(esusually bad ones pttr'POH. Most inspectors don't mud a"",nd
C.wInK • conceak:d com,.."""""
~ guttinl some 1*1 of)'OW' ahlp. Some-
U5ua1ly In you. ""lPt"""""8 spKft un",," they have
good reason. II you .ry lhi,; trid, you mighl
tImrs you can ~ffaf1llec:omponenll or move
....... 10 anoIhet 1*1 of !he ahlp Moll ullhe
. . an. 10 ~.he cont,aband .....-.hO!n: eIR-
"""" you'v", lift"" oII........houId thoo$e lt1gI'>--pow-
. . lhele a)'llmll An JU$t thrown a....ay, or ered components.....,.-Joad.or e:oplo<k, you'U
lOkI lor ~ap. H p"aible, do lhe modlfk,atlOl'l$ kIM' your preck)us Illegal cargo.
... you. a"ltllQllingapKe)'ClUrH"l1 Thla" a bit Stuhln,l contraband in !heescll"" pod stor·
...., Ii"'" conswnlnlt llrld expenIlvc (and if age <:om~.. is all'-'Ud Ill..... You'IIMve
JOU'.., no! good at II, it Ioob .ully obvloua). 10 find somewhe.., dse to pul .he medpaa,
IIuIIf lOITIeGOe dsellu In ~I> you WI. the..,·a b ......'h mUD and eu>ergen<:y provIsiorlJ-.-.
_her person ....110 IcnowI abollt )'OU' l,nle maybe YO" can afford tu sumve on a savili'!'
bidq])olc. ~ II..,.", k>lQ ,,'110 know aboul I pi_I withoul.hem_but if you hOI", 10 abaa ..
_Ift,!he "'0'" dlflk:ulllt'U be 10 ..... p. don ship. al I....t youll ha",,)'OUr Important
....'hen: "e tile beat plllc.., lor amliAting cargo. Customs and sa./<:Iy Insl_·lu•• are
coml*1"",nts? U"" nbtlnlapuea Ihllt )'OU .......tty co""",med that you ha"" an ""'ape
can alford 10 bloc. up with COntrlband, Cut, pod. and .....n·l.on won1ed that you'"" prop.
Iinll aome 01 the 1)'Ileml beneath po"lona of erly stocked It.
dK. ""'ling II not a bad 1dN. T1~r",'a plentyof \.VI>elh"'r you hide your contraband In plain
IPlICe down lhere II)'OU 1tlQ\'''' thlngl around .lllht or sluh It In some ""',.,. space below the
Most inl~tors dun't thin. to Ioolc rlllht be- dKk plates, there's al.... ays a chant." yvu'lIbo:
neill h their feet when search Inlllo< II iellall/Oodl. ca"ght either ....ay-that's one 01 our OITUpa.
It'l perhaps Ihe most easily accesslbl", amug· tlonal hazards. And 1m mall",r ho.... hard you
g1ing compartm"'nt )'OU can c..,ate try, even the he.1 01 us ar" b"sted someU,,,.,.
Malmenance cTI....lwaya and "Pllo('" also
100 How you ""'Quire<! your ship teflsottwn as you'", not likely to Inherf1 much 0I y1hlna.
m""h abou1 your5dI as whyyou IlOllnlosmUf' ~,
e1ln. and who you wort: lor Boch 1,-", ba<:k· los.t> SharI<: like many pilot" who 1 10 ,., M~
around e"'....,II1S wlll help you ~ ~ the indq>t:ndeul, you turned 10 a loan shark to
.....,.,...", drcu.....l....- .....rdl... how you pro--
come up ..ith the CredllS lor your frelghler. n
c:ural most important piioI!«ol tequlP'll"'fll1or a
Now you're aaddled ",Ih Immense ddlu and ,
1'..., ~Ied ~ rnmmo<l ways you mlllht
~ imft"est ral.,.. V....·.., alwaya beh1Dd
on pi1.)"lDenlS, and Ilve In c<>rIIt&nt fear oI11lc
loan sMrk's horly nofCWttrl. 1f)"OU defaull oa
Iwo.., goll.", your ship. Make JU"')"OU choose
_ w1\k:h WOfb ....,j/ wIIh )"0lIl" edstlng block· )"0lIl" loan and run 011 wIIh the sI'IIp, you"
Empkl)"ft ~Ik: Most organlzallons hlJ1ng
slarshlp captains Ii""' I""",, commsnd of a
probably be ..,knlleasly pursued by bounty
hunters. AI least you have your own ship
Repair P"4..... t VO\> dr<lled you.. Ship 0\>1 01
ship. Whlk Ihe vessel Is snll owned by Ihe the scrap heap or boughllhe bucket of juuktor 0' •
OTKilniutiur" tl>e plio! might have an option to
pun::hase il. Part 01 her salary m1llht I<> tu
a oong. Over the pall few yean you'v" sa~ up
your credlls, purchased or leavenged spare
parts, and relurblshetllhe 'reilllller a" a labor
..adually payoff the purchase. Sometimes paJ1
of a salary Includes ash• .., 01 Ihe vesael. Mosl of love. If you've been working on Ihls all your thro
ll!gllimare IraMp<>r1 ("Drll<lrallons ..S'" Ihls sy... IIle In addlUon 10 a real daY'lo-day lob, you're II,,, .-
tem. Some SrouP'"-like crime syndicates- probably a littl" older ("",I w;~r) III"" Ih.. r".1 part.
h~ase ships to Ihelr smullliers, exacting pay.
of the current smuggler sel, (If you choose Ihls ."~
'''enl from Ihelr "MI/O "'''s. Other. silln th.. opUon, you should alia haveagood deal 01 sldll T
ship over to Ihe captain and charge outrageous al 'f"lU lrurup<Jrt. r>:!IJ(JIr,) "~
Interest rates. Pilots have little choice but 10 ShIp;aeldog: Vou found a ship you liked and hea,
I-'foY II'e'" oIf ... a 110 Il",sl "rI",I"a I'."1/1" ,1,.11 IlUI"
maJce sure smugglers have sleady If not rlsley
stole It. Vou mlghl have been part of" pirate
llroup whu c"l'loroo ."d ,,,,,,,,,,,"o<!t:n,d Ihe
T ho
work. A few JUSI hall OUI of\he enlln! deal,
sur....Klerl"g lloe;r "hil> 0.. "\""Ii"1 II r.llh",
frell1hter_Or you could have worked lor a crime
syndicate whkh Slo[,oo And ",sol" Ihl..,.....,.... ""
way, Ihe ClIptain is oft.", Indebted or h un ted 101" got this one as your IIna! payment. This opIion
1I1e. U you'.., workina lor a large transport works well If you'u on Ihe n,ut. No doubt the
rompan)', the HUllS or lhe Klaloolnan Trade owner Is Iookinll lor fl. and )"OUr name 110,,1
Gullet you'l probably have a simi..............,.. and likeness have corne to thoe auenllol> oIlocai
Glft:.5omc:<>ne you know r~ lites you---{hey
flMe you a fretghter 01 your OWl! (or enwet>
credits 10 buy ......,) with no obllptlonl at-
tached. This J>ftSOIl could be alamily meJIlOO
Rules and Regulations
Being a ....UIlfIer isn't just about haYing a
ship. VOW" f.. elghler comeI wtth lots 01 oIIidaI
who w...1S 10 help you re.aUze your dream 01
~"l"ll a f.-..e-t~. h might t>o. a Iur,.-
coIloea,gue. '*' friend or C1l<>1KI who vaJues
your Irlendship and buslnoen In ra.reCUH the
glft-tl"".. Is your employer. rewardlng)"OU lor
..esponslb!lIlle1 . permlU, plO«dures. and
penahiero. ~ri, .. "¥dallunl hi"'" beaI
around since the ellrlIeIl days 0I1he 0kI Rb
public. lbey'.., IfINllt to prot«t IDDIII IegltI-
II. . le Spa<:er1l v1Y"'llttM! hYI"',lallo,...KI purLI
eK«Ilenl servIu ...d loyal dedleatlon. In 1fI051
cues. you havt to Iwovt some previous r....
tlonshlp wI1h this p"rson 10 recetve lhe lilt.
of the galaxy. These reswatlonsan: supposed
10 make Sun! pilots are qualIfied 10 fly, cmlfy
(hallheir slanhips are "pa.ceworthy. and en-
J1tance: Someone died and lett you the
1l'IIi'ans to acqUire you.. own SI&/'Shlp Ptrhaps a
su'" that slarshlps we"pons are for defensive "",
Indly re-lallvt left you efIOUJUl credits to bIly
purJl'Ol"l only. like ...... t SmUlfll"'u. we lnod
10 Igr><>re lhem. ,",
yoIlr own Irei~hter when he pIlssed on, Maybe
yow Inheritance was -IOIIICIhlna you didn't
WestUl need 10 f!'!'l around lheflala:<y. which
mealls lhat "I leasllOtlletlln<: we have 10 work
....ant-anerl ranch, shares In lhe famllyda\aP"d
manuf"cturlog hll,lou., Or re,,1 eSIMe 00
within th,. maze_hke bureaucracy overseeing m"
Ralllllr-and you sold or lr"dC'll11 for a lIarshlp
space Iravel. Lefal"ke a quick look al the Iii",.,
ll"'''P~ whld\ (",, r....r"'1 ",,,I ""I"",.. rel(l>-
lallon. on .pace travel,
tbt~ ·/nfomkII,"nManuaJ. not lhat th~ mal....."..hlp I'elIlStratlonlwllh s!¥ship Ira,..
particuIarty ~ It or pay much at, .... lm to It spc:ltl(lcl- codcll .... 1...""'1'""' all Ihis lnIormaUon
loenfon:e spacdutnll rcgulal il.... BoSS keeps
The Imperial Space Ministry also approves Irack oIl!lese documents as well. IIOllnllhe
_J.MIlng Iadlltlesandoc-aalonallylns~ Ir_1ft 01 spact«Wt br:t-. owners and any
IDvfly UIf!d starports 10 be Sure tlM'y noed ur vIolallons agaInsl CC<1 ain caplalns 01' starships
~ Imperl.l .... r... y and securlty$tandards. rru... vaJious portS O\lld pau6ls.
The space ministry spelldll noUlt 01 Its tlme The bu,.....,,'. dlltabanks Me cOrlllnUOWlly
regul.ling olarports with busy or IIlgh l,'velo uf updated Mid trMlSmill,..llllol"rporU.lystems,
ItarShlp tralfle, 1111.'"'' .tarporlS alonl/ major M.. ,I .."Iorcement agencies cverywh..r..-I
t,ode corridors. or starports In OY"I"11lI ...1lh le""l every..., 1...,,·1 hal cUllnts. I Low <t uk Idy Ilo.SS
Ilclu.trlal. lactk:al or polilkalimportance 10 In'ormallon Is delivered 10 a f)llr1kular cltent
Ihe Emptre. StarporU cL1t..ololfied as landlng l\ekls dcper.. b un subacrlption lees ~d 10 Bo.';S ror
«-..uled 5Crv\as do not waJTantl1'W: ministry's access 10 updated .I:arship and spK.... infor·
JlhD!h even sta..dard c ..... slarports an! ",al ion. Mosl backw&ler planet., rf'O,1DI e """~
GIea 0'1 erIooted Ill!>ey'", "," designated .u menu a.... rnmlnalllavms CM!'I.lIfonl or "'I
_ ~ COIDl"l'fI"GlS 01 the Impm,ol mihtary
Wiaistry oftlca Ihroughout the ....Iuy "V>S.I st.artarlnlllllw.--apedally modlf\c.atlons
.... ar: sectOl' capiuIs. Spacen m\l$t show to starshlp.-_h/Ie bnperlal Cusloms .......
IIietr eaptain's aoecl'edlled license and lheir ton trade and smuggling. T1'>edvtlesolthe lWO
lIIIIp's operatl"lllcense wi-. purcl\aslng the III ucks often 0'I'el"1ap.
TheM: days ii's a1_ standard proocftIun
The Imperial Space Ministry alia issues per. when rncounlMns an bnperlal shlp 10 trans--
Mlts lor Iransport 01 rntrlcled roods, usually mit your rf1lIstratlon and certltlaoUon da.a
IIlhe capital olilue sector where Ihe cargo documents 101' verilication again" your Iran-
«Irtnales. Other pelty permllS lor travel spondercode and aoss records. If a"ylhl"gll
out 01 order. SIJKUS are UIlaIIy ~rded. In- a""- rrom 1hr Bureau 01 Sl1Jps and ~....,.,.
spedl!d and q..-~. ShooJd lmp"rW per, only. and hav.. various ,equlrementllthat must
sonnel board }'OUT ~"6Hl. )'UU arc <"'lulled to ~ tulfjl~ bdore Ihey're issued. We'D tall
produce your ptf''''l .I"t_pad.., the In$~. IIb.....ll/O'1l U111"roundil1lt~t bureau<;'atyltot..,-
ins oIlk". can verily yoo. documentallon. Shlp'a ~nUoll Uu......: YOtir .t"nhlp m....l
havf. an "I",rallns IkclI.f. df.talllng the Ihlp'~
Spacer Documentation 'P"ClIIcatlon •. porto!orlwln, mll,'ul"cturcr and
As a spac...., you'", '''''j''Ired to carry certlO1n reg1straUon l~KI.. with l11c Bureau of Ships and
data doc"'n,,,'tl aboard your ship at aU lImes. s"rvil''''' (B6S5). llw: lkens.. al.... kkt,lili<:a yu..
~ are most otten kept on a ,••,,:we datllj»d as the C\ll'nflt ~ and II'''''''. sample of the
lulled by BoSS at the lime 01 ship ~stry and I,_ponder N>ds T,ansponder codes an:
capWn'S M:~tlI!ion_A<:lIS'om " " - \nplrt lhe ~nls01 atanhips.-U a lransporw:ler
plug ~llIble",.Iy It RoSS and 1mpeN! Spacoo code o.k>ee<,' ">aId! up wlth d.1tafUe Infottn.
Minlstryottkeo is u........ ly wayol downloildlni Iioro lor. aUl,shlp "try num~. 'I'a ....,.,
_ c:mlllClltioRs and permits or allenn, In- sign of IllepJ optrallon (and In moat eases. a
fOl'lDlltlon already m.llne on the had II«nse Iorgery or data ImptanUtlnn). YOtI
(Chttk 001 the entry on the p"rmit da'lIP!'d in clUI get • ~llmate operatlnllllcenso: lor 1.000
Chapter 4 Tools 01 the Trade.) credlls, but you'll he IUb/Kled loa b.dlgTOtIOO
Sln.port s.ecurlty, Imperial Navy and local ch«k.• brtf.f in'plel:tloll ..I the ship. and.
customs olflclal. can read Ihe Inform~t1l1n and tran.po"d"r code verlfklUlon re;l~lng
v.".ily II through tltd, own computers. A ll<"pa-- Caplll1,,'. Accredlttd Ucf.nte: As a Ilar.hlp
rate plug a"" allows Ihe &l1.pad 10 downJOMl capt;o!n, )'Qu must have. llee".., to pilot the
info...... tlon 10 a slanhlp'acomputer lor "&fa- partlCllw slarship clau you',., Oyllll Some
mlsAio)Q to port and naval MIlborities rTIOI'lIIOl" licmseJ <:<Wfi ~ kinds 01 starshlps, de-
. tnfflc from ott- sblpll or installatioru ~ing on your 1ra1ntn8 and~. Qb.
oR busy 51arports 'eq'\lJre INs Ionn of Iden- wnIng.aptairr'alicentertqulrcsocvtraJonI.
tttlc.uion. "1101: 51atpQ1t petlOOnel CitlncM pos.- "'''lIen and Ilighttcstll, as well as 10 yn,.. of
board every stanlup pusing Ihrouafl 10 ~n1ed tlme 10 space..... l'denslve lNld;.
.-.nnally lns~ data docurnmU. gmund che<:k. and a JOO c,edlt fee How_
Poe«-',. llsl 01 some oIlh" .equl~ doc... BoSS oIIen .,..."Ioob lhe Dllltn II"'" and most
~tation >,,,,,'11 want to CUT)' "b<:>.ud your oIlhe testl"l to, a ZOO (redlt "nptditf.r r....· -
ship 11 all Um~s. All three docum~nt. Mf. avail-- brllllllnlllM tolal tor )'Qur Ik"nse to 500 cred-
Arm. Load.()ut Permit: Non-militarystarships the BoSS data nelwork and implant your inlor-
with weapons Or unusually hlUh shield rati,,~s
~uire an anns load-out permit adrnowledg-
Ing that theaddlUonal weapons and shields are
mallon so It seemS real. A slicer's services can
run you about 3,000 to 5,000 credits for lhis
kind of ope rat Ion. Some slicers earn Ihelr living
luthorized by the Bureau of Ships and Ser- from not hi nl/ but messing: wilh BoSS data bank•.
vices, These permits are Issued quite often and These slicers charge from the end ollhe
tUlly In the regions pa.~t the Coloni..,;, as p~ scale. Once again. old acquaintances might
racy and other attack5 are moch more com, come in handy if they owe yoo favors.
mon, Ships with ...·eapons emplacements or Sometimes you'll lind a lorger/slicer team
boosted shields without one of these permits working together 10 produce false documenls
can be Ir"poonded 0" the lIrou"ds that It Is a for S[XIcer•. I've seen Some who offer a pack-
ve5""lln the service of a pirate group or the agc--------all proper documentation, from starship
~i Alllance. Because boosted arms and certlflcatlon. captaln 's license and heavy ....eap-
$Melds Me l-'i'rt uf a starslllp's spe<.: profile. Ons load-out permit, all "leI/It imately" updated
BoSS assumes authority In keeping track of in BoSS databanks-ior 6,000 to 10,000 credrts.
lugmented ordnance and tags the permit onlo Of eours.e, those of you ohtalningyour ships
the ship's operatinlllicense. Each weapon or lrom crime lords often have the proper docu-
boosted shield system aboard a ship requires mentation Ihrown Into the stars hip purchase
I ""I",rat.. rwrmlt, An a,m" Im"l..",t I",rmlt <1 .... 1. WI,y wnul<l ynm ('[Imlnal ..mpln)"'r want
~ulres a brief inspection, verification of star- his prized workers gelling caul/ht doinl/ hl~
ship and captain's licenses, a back~round dirty work because of had forg...I".? 11lls also
check. and a minimum 250 credit fee (the fee works both way~, Mess wllh your crime lord
depends on thespe<olfic shielding and weapons boss and II's real easy for himtoyanklhe deck
to be carried). Existing weapons that are up- out from beneath your feci and change your
graded in power require new, upgraded per_ r<:corlls .... ith BoSS. My allvk<:---cv"n II you're
milS. ....orklng for a crime lord, get your ""''tl starshlp
Getting Around DoSS
TItme of "s who make" living smllggllng Starport Procedures
know (or quickly Jearn) how to get around all Smuggle'," elm,'t always fnll".... th" ",1..-,,_
the bureaucracy which can later come backto
snare "s. That's the trh:k: S'.. ttl"g hy wal"",t but sometimes they have to obey some of
going through the official ministries which th"m, or risk drawing unwanted lmperi,,1 atten-
would quickly arrest u. II they knew what we tion to themselves. Spacers arc u.•ually under
were really doing. suspicion anyway. Wehavetodowhateverwe
can 1O blend Into an otherwise seedy group of
Flrst you need 10 n"d a good data doc,,"'e"t pilots, It's always good to he aware of proper
Jorge.. it's been said that they'll charge you
naif your ship's value just to oblain the official procedures .... hen entering or exiting a system:
BoSS secure datapad. then they'll charge you
landing anll tak..... n prntocol, night "nnellt In. ..
in-~ystem, proper tra!lic patterns and sO forth.
the other half of YOllr ahip to imprint the r...
quired documentson II--and somellmes that's Idon 'I wanl to bore you wllh all the" oltlclal"
not too much of an exalllleration. Add to II tire di<:tates on starport mlllrt protocuL so here's
some general information on for you_just
transponder verification codes and your hill
could run pretty high. All In all, Ihe enllre enollgh Ml you won't S1lrk 0111 In an approach
process can cost you between 6,OOOand 10.000. traUI,' l"'lIem.
depending on how gon.:! (or 1",,1) Y<>'" forl/e, I. METOSP
IJ1d how well yOIl Can hargain the price down.
01 rourse, it doesn't hurt to have an old forging METOSP (pronounced "Me-tospJslands for
frlend (check out the data lorgers section 01 "Message to Spacers: a eomm channel most
"Chapler 5: Conlaets J. starports reserve forgeneral nOllees regarding
Once you have Ihe actual datawork done, traffic patterns, condltJoJl.'l at the starport or
you still need to make II official by getling Into other faclors spacers should be aware of when
BoSS's datahankl; and Inputting the Informa- flying around a port.
tion as if it were le~itim"te. Just because you METOSPs are one-way broadcasls of pre-
have a BoSS secure dalapad with some fancy. recorded messages updated dally (or as condI-
looking documenlation on II doesn't mean tions change). You ean't transmit any I"forrna-
you're olcay-lf It doeso't correlate wIth BoSS tlon Or questions back. because the automated
record •. yOIl can be in big trouble. The solu- system (lIke so many automated systems)
tion? find a .Iicerwho hascontacts, can access doesn't care,!! you have a question, save It for
starport COnlrol when they hall you,
, •",N
l, ",
:- ---.Jl ""
Pion's Smugglers Guide
Starport Classifications
For Iho.e of you who need a refresher Kothll., Gelgelar. and Tatooine.
rourse. here's a summary of Ihe five major Stellar Cl. .: Facilllles for landing and
starport cla••es. These are very general- docking nearly any classification 0/ ves.el.
[zed calcgories-there are many shades 0/ There are .omcllmes a number of different
gray wll hIn and he!ween these designation•. shipyards surrounding Ihe port-Ihe.e fa-
wdfnll Reid: A flat, level area cleared cilities are capable of performing nearly
on lhe ground. Thes" fields are generally any sort of ship repair and cuslomization
little more than cheap durllerele strips or the owners are willing 10 pay for. Repairs
lightly packed dirt. There Is no flight Ctl,>- a"d lllooilKatluus a,e ufL,," uf alivallce..:J
troltower 10 direci I"collling alld outgoing quality and arc modc,ralcly affordable.
ships 10 and from the port, and there is There Is nearly always an Imperial Cusloms
rarely a starpol1 beacon guiding ships to offic~ on .ile and a sizable Imperial Navy
port. There is no guaranlee Ihal there are presence In sySlem. Wroona. Chandrllaand
~y refueling or repalr services available--- Rhinnal have .Iellar class st"rporls.
~y ""rvices whleh exiSI are of low quality. Imperial ClaM: The best class of slar-
Typical landing field. can be found on port. II has an Impressl"" array of docking
Garnorr. Port Haven. Toola and Chad. tacllitles and Ship Slorageand malntenance
limlled Sel'Vlee&: A .mall command areas, Many of the sy.lem'. me,,:hants
t~r with" signal heacon 10 guide incom· malntaln offices al Ihe port. and II may nol
ing ships. l1lere are often mal nle""nee sheds be necessary for the slarshlp captains 10
lor renl, where .Iar.hip erews can eff~1 even leave Ihe port to CondUCllhelr busI-
prlmillve repairs. This type of pori has lim- ness. The starship mainlenance facilities
Ited slorage and docking eapadly_hll's are capa!>le nf rapid and hlgh-.quality re-
land nearby and crew. walk 10 Ihe port If all pairs and modificalluns. though the ser,
docking area. are filled. Most malor su[>- vices may beexpensive. Thecl18loms ollice
plies musl be porchased elsewhere. Rylolh, for Ihls qualily port I. staffed by highly
Darknon SIal Ion and Kublndi have .Iarport. compelent oUicers. The Empire usually
olferinglimiled ..,,,,I<'es. maintains a formidable mllilary presence
Slandard ClaY: A lully sialled and i" I«(l",rlal d""•• 'a'lall,", and minor in_
e<julpped fIIllht command cenler wllh re- fractions are dealt wilh to the full extent of
•tocking .ervlces and a small shipyard ca, Ihelaw;troublemakers are unwek:ume.Sta..
pable of minor repairs. Slarship work can port control and Ihe Imperial Navy con-
c<>st ul' 10 douhle normal!"lce' and take duclsthorough ship a",J caplain Identlhca-
more than Iwlce as lonl! 10 accomplish, lion checks 10 weed out sm\lRlllers ;1/ld
though the quality of the work often varies olher unwelcome spacers. Impel1al space-
frolll medl(l<'r~ 'n v'''y 1/"0'1. S'a( "IM,I dass porls ir ... I«<l~ ,h".~ n" Flr~«'Kal, K<JK',
Sl.1Jport facilities can be found on Hodla, Tallaan, Tra""in, and Hyblos.
Most Imperial, steUar and slandard cla.s well as important landinK Information and Ihe
starports broadcasl METOSrs on a standard comm channel where slarport conlrol can be
<:omm channel. Few llmlted service .tarports reached.
have MlTOSPs, so you need to rely on sensors
IIId visual scanning to assess whether Ihere Arrlvol Procedures
or. anylralfle problems~omelhingwe like 10 After ch~king for any METOSP•. switch
coil nylng "eyes out, hands on." over 10 Ihe starport control comm channel--
Always luneintoyour MlTOSP channelwhen you can nnd II In the system's METQSP or
you enter a syslem. You never know when a planetary or Slarport profile, Standard prac-
MITOSP has Information regarding Imperial lice when you conlact starport control Is 10
Noval aclivity, starport IraUlc lie-ups, customs verbally Identify your ship and captaln's name.
boarding checkpoint, a continuous piracy Controllers sometimes ask a .Iew of annoylng
threal, or an aslrographlcal problem like me- queslions about your last port of call. conlents
t..,r showers. Ml'OSP. alsu provide gelleral of cargo bay or number of passengers and crew
Information on the starport, Includln~ an at>- atKu",!. Dorlnglhi. short interrogation. star-
brevlaled starport and planetary profile. as port officials often double check the ver\>al
Id~nliflutlon In!orm1ltlon you g1lv~ th~m law enfor«ment groups (Including planetary ,
1lplnst ~ir BoSS d1lt1lbank records Pld your
trP1$pl)nder (Me 11 process lmown unong
milillas). Cusloms o/Ik:ers and the
lm~rial Navy. Local en'orcem~nl olflclals
slMpOrt controller1l as "trPlspon~r ~
tlon.. or TrMlSVere.
Once they"ve Yerllied your khenlillution.
someLimes overlook class lour lllId ow, Infrv·
tlons. _lmes in prlldk:e lllId tornetlmes lD
~Ior 1I)lenorIa.I bmeIII fee" (knownlo
~~.., you c ~ 10 enter lhe Ir1llfic our lrade .. a 4>rtbe'"). MC»llocallaw enforce-
p1ltt8ll, drop In uxI W>d. and send you to 11 menl groups are fairly Jax. willII:' Imperi.IlI (us..
docldll8 uea. Conlrollers MIMI prlMde spe- toms otfiurs tend to have thelt own penooal
dIk approkh and tRlllc ....,,;tor C'O'lrH Ink>r-
IIYllcx1 !My apecI you 10 Iollow I:levbolioa:
en....,.....,.. 1be .. peN! /Qvy Is tho! most strm-
llftllllT'OUP. b6ind1y eNordnt: all reauJ.a!1ons In
lrom 11 course within 11 S1s.rport's IrUllc plIl1rnt the Imperial P.,..J References In the name '"
lsn'l ,} lIood IdN.. It dr;lWS ;ltt~tloa 10 your
ship. You mighl hit m>QIner vaacl Scarpurt
the Emperor lllId Itla ""'" 0t'Iler
Of cuurse. if yuu're S«Il «lmmiuin( one '"
<'OIItrol might '-Y fines 1lplnsl )'OU. Control- these infractions WId set 1I....y, law enforce.
~s ilrf: ~ IeasI 01 your worrles Iry noI10 menl ofIlctaJs IIlla )'OW' Ilarship opcrattns ..
upo.el ~ Ion much. cense md pilol'l Ilce-nse--LIIt~r on. anyone
conducting a TransVere on you Or your ship
Deporture Procedures picks up the f1at:l. Ioob up)'OUr ofIens<es and
Most llJlOr~ depa.rtur~ pro«- tlies to bring you In on the charges.
dure. (~tting some'o"~ us-wly Isn't ~ lust so you lmowwhllt you'redolngwrong----
problem--'lt'l gell1ng1lway qUk:kly 1/1.&1 rowJts IlOd how much trouble )'0011 be In-l'\'(!liAted
For thos~ 01 you who wanl 10 lollow the the lmPeRe Infr.~1IO"1 lor you ~Iow. ""u"",r-
pro~r departure rule. the nnt Ihlng you d<> allngthe gen~ral lIS w~lI as probable
belore even warming up your Ion drive Is glvc ))enaIU~. lor gelling caUghl
Nol.. rhAI th" following f!....... rl"r1"n~ ~re 1m-
Sluport (onlrol a collI 10 requut dep;lrtu~
clearance, A!J wHh arrivals. obtalnlnw clear-
ance 10 take ofllnvolvCA a TrMIVcrc.
pcriolllaws. All kind.. 0' local ordinance.. can
(and wlll) makeyour~xlll~nce mllerab"" Since
Once you've been cleared to lifl off. control local oflichlls are alluwed IU da..lly I'l'rtlcular
UIIJ.II.IIy likes spac~rl 10 log In some Iclnd 01 crlmCll.YOu wooldn'l bdle~ wltat some worlds
fIIgh' plsn. " .."allyll... nllmo!' 01 !hl! Ma' Iy.,,,m con.l~r acl"lone In!rllCllon. OfcourJe. some
tlley'r~ jwnpinll 10. Thil II mo~ lor saI~IY crim". (such .. murder) Will t... ada.. une or
~ri"catlon than ""ythlni ~Ise If a ship Is clalu Iwo inlractlon jU~1 abotit everywhere.
~poned mlsAlng, rescue and retl1evJllleams You also have 10 watch out for If>ose otlk:1aIA
check wilhlhe ....1port 01 aU 10 nnd lheRlRlll ,.ilo ilrf: 0VffUaI0.... In prol eellngl he! r world'i
plan. lhen ~n b>tinlalonl ~1I1spK'etr1M:1 Iaws,oruslnglhetn lopersecute Irans.ients liU
corridors along the probable hyperspace vee· I~~ers Actual poMa.Itlc$ IR1l)' Nso vary II
tortUm. ThlA isalsoallOOdw1l)'lorthoe[mpire 1",_1,,1.. Ih.. '''~l...l 1""..1111".. " dau
10 keep Irack 01 ~ I~ ""~ undf,r- three can be up 10 IWO yurl In jalllt·s no!
suspicion. untnooo"llior some local cOD$labll:' lodeckle 10
After take-oft. swpon cOlltrolltrs. drolds ,"'I Y"" .WJIY Jl ,... jUIII I" k..." )" 1
or tractor beams ""'Y hdp your Ilarship 1010
the DUIbound trUl\c patlern. 8eKolUl or ver·
"' .........
a-a- ~ a r e t h e_ hrinous
baI Inslrudions from <'OIIlrolIers I\l'Ide spac- In the EmpIre--or .10 COMPNOR c\alm$. S9«-
ers thrOUCh the COIIIP'e:o: departure ~ors ers commi1tif111 das.s onelnfrflCtlons who mao-
aw;ty" from the slMport ~ IjNlCUS begin
Rtt!DI up lor thdr hyperspKe fumps
.,., to esc""" "n' Qilet! ~ oulla_ p>-
rates or Rd>ds. They become bowlly humIC!"
p"""y. fmpenal!Or<:el are HfIt out 10 capl:tIre
Imperial Penal lhem. Clus one infractions Include lhe Iollow-
References (ImPeRe) • Conspiring 10 overthrow the Empire.
Th~ Empire CPl be pretty harsh on law-
ealters. ~ tIS smugglers. Thl! lnllWbIe • Posses.slon 01" cloaldn. device
~l Aerlse 01 order even alfe<:ts the WllY It • Attllctlng &I'lOIher vessel.
c1M.smn cri~.Th~ Penal Refer~nces • A~""slon agalnstlmperJal ~rsonnel.
(Imf'~R~) dlvld~ crlmln,l oIf~nsel lnlo II\'(! dll.
!erflll d ....aes 0/ Inlr,ctlons-clul ones belnll Punlshmenl for. CIsIS ~ InlrillCllOIl In-
Ihe W()I"II. clu. five.. belnH the leu! levere, cludes arrest, lmmedlare Impoundlnl of any
~ ))en.l references ,r~ ~n!orced by local vessel involved.llv~10 30 )'l!Srllmpri.onm~nt.
Tools of the m
Plfttt had grabbed her permlt datapad and
started for the maln hatch even befure .Ile
ale failure. especially when it came to hi. cre<\.-
heard the cianI! of the Victory Star Destroyer's The boarding hatch slid open with a palnful
docking gantry agaiost her ship's hull. She grlnrlinll sound. A young Imperial lieutenant
knew th.. Imperial. were prole<::lIve 0/ their and hi.stonnlrooper escort marched through.
orbital slard""t ahove WrOOM, but she didn't Platt Just I~aned casually lIRalost th~ bulkhead
think they bothered the local freighte, t,allir. H",I "xl~_",I~d h~, hHII'I wit h the <1atapa<1
Platt hoped he. preparaUons would divert any
lnspe<;llon from that cold craie shoved back tn
"Good day. Captain,' the officer said, thoogh
PiaU didn't agree. He snalched up the dalapad
the cargo bay.......\>enealh the layer of frozen and began inspecting the permHs. The
!Tella fish It was packed with ryll. U she blew
stormtrf>Op"r~ lurk...-I omin"""I)' bl<h;od him.
this shipment, it would ~ th.. third starshlp 'fhe 11 eutenanllooked up and sc rulinlzcd Platt'.
payment she'd ml ... Pok Nar·T ell did,,, ,[ 1,,1..,_ aVl"'arlUK.... Sheamlled and ran ahand throuRh
'Didn'I you check the METOSPcomm chan·
ditch it In the I)urw: ~a, throw your woridIy
pouenloOl on. ,onlo. and head out In sea«:h Spoce(. OM!'SI
Sot 5 ....... " ' _ Spooo a-.
of • new sh.lp. So expel'lalced SpKffl ~
tIwlrl>o:lon(llnllS In a Sp&Cff'schnt.llteycome
Type: Spoar'.-. yo
In .. vu1ely of .hap6 and .I~e alII!
A.....' , mIl. I
0- _ T1>e <_ <.... two ....,.""'.., wlth ... _ _
cylindrical, OIhe" rectallltU1M. and tome ,rtI<IIc oocn_k ('roIodet"'" '0 ,.l<k). __ . . -
look like your av",ra!/" small cargo container.
.....-uum, on<lllU ,"" e<lulv.Ion' 0/60 Str."fIIl'I
Mo.'llre decorated 10 renect Ihe perlonallt)' of
th" owner. They are marked wlth holO:»IJck. Gear [log It II
erl.•cratched-ln me.......ges from old ftlend.,
and busted Imperial Customs scali. for spacer. who mQVe from shlp-tlHhlp
falrly often.• spacer', che$\ can be • bit too
hulk)'---ftpeclally If you .pend 100 much tlme
wanderinll around " .Ia<port ~hlnll lor
work. II you're one of ~ trans!f:nt lypes.
c"",,"=es ate you'U be lotlnSltound a sear ball
Although 11 doesn't hold IS much as •
'poKer's cbesl. and isn't anywhere DNI" . .
~ or ii«1.In!, It's a. \ol; mote jJl,Wf.l.Jloo II
you'..,dn,gglnayourlewposseHlons around. =
spoa.cqlOft. Il:'s.,..u)' a1wIll"'- a shoulder or
onto)'OW' bixk IdinS"')' '" II", ~ I t t .
clipped to dlll_t lasl~ around the ~
TIM. la.h11c Is lear- and heaJ...eIiII...l. 10 11 '"
Ihe meajlerly padded Inle,lor pO'K·II..... If 1I100t
oftheconle"llll.elOll (clothlns and SUCh), the
~ar bag can r"'WII"",,, I pmow Qr mattress
...hen better sleeping ar,an!t"_""'"'' "''''''I ."aU-
Spacer'. chest... e~durablo!"T!\ 1ll>1e ur the shIp's bunk pMs ~ nal.
great seau It lhere are none .round. and are
alwoIysllOQd t.bles lor quid< pmes of ... bacc -Boo
_:suo ........... e.- II-.
(If you kftp.sparedeckandportablelnlerler·
~ I\eld urm 1nIlde). Still, [wouldn't r«om-
mend usinlI tIWm tor cover. Renember, aU
your sluff Is In there.
TJ'J"" ........
A. . . . . . ' .,
~ lpKeI"'s ctlesu CO<IM' wltll p.Io(k:ked
Permit Dotopod
C'OIIlpIrtmenU lor ~ i t - . Anythlna u.. Spann stOl'e lheir oIfld;oI doc\.ImeaIatJon pi
skJoo: '" pretty wdJ.proI:ected aplIIIt anyth!ni on -=ure dal&pMb II5ued by the Bureau 01
lhonol.lewblMtershots. Thechetb
nIcdy apIMI vacuum or other preaUl"e
dlferftltlal$, but they ......·1 aurvtve re-enlry
If you et«t tllem hoping the)'11 It
bad< to • planet's surtac:e. They come with
snips and ,St,",~ (BoSS) .t the time of shlp
registry and capt"n·lacuedll.IJon. Aantgm.
i=l format Input Ptua: .vailable only .1 BoSS
and imperial s.pae,e Mlnbtry offices Is the only
Iepl .... y 01 downlo..:1lnl new eenlflcatlom
comQo.k>cb, YOU' .hlp's computer (or other data storall"" ~
d"",,ces) 10 download In/ormation f,om the
datapad. lfs a "read only' port, so you can'l factor wheels and slot charts. If you're really
alter lhe inlonnalion on the pad. desperate, the plotter will allow you to figure
Mosl data lorgers Can get around Ihls out astrogatlon coordinates If you know your
tllough-tor the right price. Some lind ways 10 current position and the system you're headed
rewrse the "read only' port 10 a "wrlle only" for. Unfortunately, on most modern stMshlps,
port. all hough Ihls runs ahlgh risk 01 frying the this .tar chart Information comes from your
enll~ datapad II someone makes a mistake. ship's computer. Sure, If your navcomputer'.
Othen ha""somehow acquired orcralted their blown (and the backup's gone), It's still pos-
own BoSS Inpul plugs. which they usetochange sible to use your frelghter>s data system---but
your licenses as if you were at the Imperial chances are your vessel's taken so much dam-
~ Ministry ollices. Since these alleratlons age that even that'. Inoperable. Smart spacers
are mo~ aUlhentlc, they naturally cost more, keep a backup of their main computer on a
ReaJlyshoddydata forgers actually crack open personal dala conlole detached from any ship
the datapad to mess with your credentlals, systems. Just follow the Instructions on the
Sharp customs omce,s frequenUy check to see plotter, faClorlng In the Informatiun Ull loe..
Kthe permit datapad has been "busted." They tion and destlnatlon. Someday you>\I actually
look for hairline cracn, excess drips of adhe- get somewhat-.!lccurate aot'ogatlon coordi-
•Ive, lIny lractures In the casing, or certain nates your hyperdrlve can understand .
malfunctions In data retrieval_like your arms Downloading thl. Informatlon Into your hy-
K>ad-out permll Is displayed upsIde-down, or perdrlve mollvator Is another problem. Your
the ship's operating license Is jumbled In sev- nav computer automaUcally does this In a m~
eral verUcal graphics strlf>5. cro&econd when you pull those hyperdrlve
freighter cockpits often have spe<;lal IX"'ket levers on your command console. Without the
.lot. for pennlt datapad., .0 proper documen- nav computer, you n.....d to jury rig snmp kimt
tation Is handy for reference by the crew Or ul conllectlon <llrecl1y Into the motivator using
CU$loms Inspection tearns. Smugglers who arc a personal computer or a sophlsllcated
boarded often just download this Information datapad. Once the motivator has chewed on
Intothelr computer for reference, and keep the the data, yuu can jump Into hyperspace.
dalaj.>lld III a file holde' COllveniently 10<'.ated The archaic astrogatlon plotter Is probably
near the main entry hatch ... belter as a museum pIece displayed on your
crew lounge'. bulkhel'd: hnw",""r, if ynu're In ~
PermiT Dotopod tight spot and hay(: a lew hours to data-erunch
_ : BoSS lJQcllID<fl,at_ Daupod
coordinates on the plotter, It Can be a Ulesa~r
Type: ~ormll <la~
Ardiel" ASlrege~en PIerret
A.....IabIHI)': Z. f
0.- _All«1tJld.o1o oWlllb< ",_00.11" por' os "'<><leI, ~"P"bh" Si<n>r "'",..... A·121 1'10<,..
o "wrlteooly·1'O't requireo 0 Herok:l<1rlI<lYr<>Il, '111<>1< Tfpo: "'.".... """<>¥OI"'" f>IvI'"
W"110 """om-modo lapon J>IuR ..- 'a mote 0 DUl'kull C_I,IJW.J.SOO
A.... W>l1lry. 4
roll, but ,he k><,.,.. muot Il.... """ ....., ... moke hI> <>wtI
a...... Sol.., II. pOlo! hu oil _""''1 O"'''ll'ophl<
lI~o<n>aWI' 0<, II", ........ ', u/ 0<;11I" .. ><1 ,,'" "'. . 'i".""',.
»I... (rodlnllb< <latopo<! '0 <:\Iolt~ OO<UllI<ft'atlon
requireo 0 Vrry DtIlI<uIt ~ ,011. DOlI', Ioraet 10
lactor",_;",...~ 'heA>.goIY.l<Ill <IHN1prlr>n UOI"ll OIl "'--'lon plott"" '0 lI"t <:<><>«11".1.. quU>-
:;I; <>I,t><: Sku- 10' _"",,.;"1/ Gam<, S«Gnd '~'Ilt ti n.w <""''''''~ woold .....1""r11y "to,;
00 _
t'do6otI, II<O_OM I:xporoi<d. fall"". 0' """I u/ II..... ;t 01.., I"", ,t><: 0"""""",,, dUlI<'ulty I>y 'wo ievol.
_ olt... 1ow«I tI>< Ior'go>y'o nu.oll'y. RolilnlIo I .... llowaloodlD.I ,II.. lnlonnaUoo Into tI>< .h1p', l'fPC<-
th< ~ld die "'""". ,he for,.,.. 1», Oct....., oily _ ,he d""" """Ivot,.,... ,equl oomo Idnd 01 lwy-<1ged
dlrultry ond _ u ~ ,I>< dalop><L ;",moe. w;'11 0 pe< 1 """'f>U'" '"
~ v .. ~ D1ll1cull romp"..., _mmint/".
pai, roU.
Archolc Asrrogotlon Plotter
Way backln the ploneerdays of hyperspace, Heodset Comlink
Int~pld explorers and risk-taking me""hants Many people In our Industry don't always
piled badly marked hyper lanes using only the ha"" the spare hands to nUUllpulate the stan-
st.vs, beacons and complex plotter•. These dard personal comllnk. We're more concerned
days we have state-ol·the-art nay computers to with flying the shIp or firing a blaster In each
do the work for us, then download the Informa- hand. The headset com link Is a personal corn-
tion to OUr hyperdrlve motivators. Of COUl"$e, munlcation device with hands-lree operation.
machinery Is prone to failure, e8peclally when The speaker microphone Is mounted on an
under fire from an fmperial Star Destroyer ... adjustable boom whIch curves down to the
Some of uS old salts stm have those ancient mouth and Is activated by voice. An earphone
astrogallon plotters. They're little more than covers one ear to allow the wellrer to hear out
an assembly of plastic and metal slide rule8, 01 the other ear. Dials on the earpiece allow you
J, I
. -.....
_ _keo ... - .
I tr
_lN ' Mlaay
. . .- .
Markler p£acards arenwtallk." plMtkligDl
you can slick aJmos.t anywhere !dina the . . .
netic or adhe:s.iYe bllCtlna: 'They come III ,
varinyolslzt!l,shapeaand mesl au't......
Thermal Credit Belt Iar ydk>w ones that iii)' "00 Not Step Here..
Smart smugglon'l don't like to lbsh their sil-. 1qU¥1! ones wllh "Danger Ch&rJled C.
h.ard cred.ttl to ~ryone In Ilahl TlIe clever
padlors" on them. red clr<:leIlh.allily "Ste.
l>neI Ide a lhermal credit belt 10 conceal their Venl Zone: Keep Away: and brlaht red pent. (
hlgh-denominalion currency while l<eeplnll II fIOI'S that declare "Beware: Hot Ion Colli.' "Blow-
cloK at hand, TlIe money beh WTapi Uush 0'" Panel Zl;>ne" and "Caution: Super.He"'''''
£If!ments" are lwo 01 my flvorlles. C
around your belly, The lour labrlc credit
Thry don't alwa)'l work, espe<:lally witb
po!.OChK absorb body heat on lhe Inside am:!
radiate It on theoutslde,lO It'l more dl/llcult tu
pick up on KMlS, Since lhe Ilbrlc II 10ft and
custom. Inspeclors who srt: willlng to send
lheir .ubordlnalK Into danll"r. Still, It'l wonh
warm, th" "'''JI,II",t-<.IuwlI d<.>esu'l always re-
veal It. Need a lew 1.00000rcdil plflCP.lI? JU8t
reich In under your dothes lllld slip the cull
Motk&r P1acatd
_e1, SoroSwb Mat"" SI.... •"
lrom ODe of the pockets,
ThecredJt bell hu a lew drawto.cka,lt'l best
Type: S1or.hlp OI~..,
..-: 10
lowear1oose-I1"lngdolttes-llhOlijlh lhebelt "'.alIoIoIHIy. 2 b
Is 1I'''''t at huld"'l1 in lhat mld-lile smU&&!er pot.
Tax Detector
belly, II can be rathc:r obv1()lU II )'OO'r" I" a
dOle·cul. outfit. The belt allO rmkes wearing Allhough most _11110""" ,...~""''''Y"1""'"
bl&sl ......tlandotherm~armoratl"l!lnely 10 display d,u on llie suppon, lew have scan. •
uncornlortallle, espedally when pACked with ........ 10 ..... oc" 11lw"'.1....u••ulnlances In the ....
cred,tI, When you nc<:<llo make ........nthl"llo.1c is
You can try"ll nat lWl('ko:t. 01 spke contamlnatlna your ship', ;ttmOlpllere, Ilf;ab a
In !he belt. 100. but I wouldn't recommend It 10 h.."dfulnllu••!o;Itd..... and pl.cethemarouod.
anJOlle who wants to JIve very IoftA. Body but yourtrdghtn. TlIedd«tor. are n.I,~
_luM"", tho, 1. . . .·1 ameli. and lhe lahrlc
Isn't ~ 10 toYer up odor. eu.t..,.. 10'"""
can stlD ~ you.
meter square ~ p,ltches with a sli8hlly
r.ised ~al'd",1ll the middle. tJsIngthe
~ or magn.-tlc t-lt!nI. you C'U1 stid
the ~ecIor ..merever you lear doangerous de-
_ e . - ... menti might leak 0lIl and ~ yu.or ship .. d
T""", - . . _
~,oo They v1aually alert "')'\JIlt lhat poison<xM
.... , '2lty2....... wlth. _ _ • _ _ fumesarecontamlnatlnll'COfIlpar!mmt.....~
you enter an area, )uM dlec:k !he loa ~ecI"
~ _
_,th< _ _ -l ... o. '... _ stuck.., the bulkhead If the center dot has •
turnftI Irom dftpbluelolll)'degr.... ofnUOl"ft-
cent onnl/", )'OIl know aomethlnll noxlousls
Marker Placards lurking in the air. Moat ~eclO'" are manufac·
A good spacer know. lhe In.1de ol her ship
the b<w:.k of her tIand. Sllll. there are Umes
tured to react with any \IllS harmful 10 anyone
Inllaling typk.lly hW1Wl ..t~pI'oerK. Some
'd like to mark .,.,rlaln control., acC61 pal)- are tailored to the blolocY of II>edlk aliens
els,and h.azards. Moot maJor l)'IteDII areclearly whodon't hreath thl! same mlllttlre U humans.
Indkated with Ilgns and Iymbols we Ciln ur>- The to" detectors are chelp Motlgh that
derl\;Uld. These marker placardl COrtll! wllh you can put OOe In every YltaJ arCa of your ship.
your.slarshlp, but tlIllY un wellr aWlY with Since lOme gaseoul to"lnl rile a"d ollle..
loader's Gloves
DO( be clwlll"d back Irom bright orange to
_p I>Iuoe. C."'ty space.s keep us.ed detectors n - g.k>ves c"""r 1M han<lIJoIld forearms,
u"P"""'" In case they need to "",.k off ce"aln T'hey ....., made 0/ IIN"Y labric C<lVf!red In a
...,..,.... of tltdr ship as <:ontamlnated (such as p.otectlve exosk",leton 01 metal slruts U1d ar_
thos<: hiding .:onuabllnd), Sometime. II's mor plates. I.olIder>s gloves provkl'" atrl le-
doupe. 10 plOy a hN;"",1 m.alnt~SO«II"., I han v",. . and prOlKlion lor .oustabouts IJlOVinI
I'C c.Ilug!l1 with lIlrp1sulMlancM. C'ltes. Tbe mf:tM Iramewon p.OIO!ct.1 hands
_s..rr_.. . . ·..
Tox o.teclOl
~ T
__ T _.. ' _
from belngcu' and crushed.lI .... ~ be locked In
plac'" 10 give the rmg.,rs est,. gripping mdur·
anc'" when hauU"II lMnes. Mdal plaJ:es abo
prolecl tM fillg6S U1d joinu lrom f:XCeIS~
.... • J.2
st.,,". Rubbernnger ""Cl palm ~ helpmaln-
taln I finn grip on smooth cont~ne.... Tbe
Cargo Accessories while stiD proIecllnglhc: UX\"·s hands.
Unfrwtunltlely. 1M gIow$ llrf: unwieldy lor
eroTe Hoolu anythlll( other than InOYIng ear)l'O (or buhinI
Carwo ~ a/W;Iys put tMi. h.arKb in heads, illhe sttuaIlon wanaou it). Forzft Iry-
. . , _ Cmeso;anlall""Cl crvsh Ilngers. lIN\/)' ing anything requiring line 1IYIIlpu....11on: "rlni
Ctlalainorrs might 1.-tIi wrists. and IwIds o;an blast",rs. p.essi"ll III1l1fi conlrols. using I
sip 011 ~ bo.u edaa: If you donl Jw~ dallt-! n,.". take fl"'l ~ 10 put on '"
!Be off, and yuo••...,.".. I wc:o:wi<I. _ p,o'f:d
II:lUIlt sldn.. your hMldI win be '..,ed, <:halfed
ond U5riEss. Many roustsbouts kMp a pAl' of penon to hdp you inlo lhe aa:ond ~
cnl:e 'TtIoese stu.dy loob are no! Vlanth manufac1ures several styb to 1It_
r9lly boob, but handles whh c:u.-cl. bluntlHl
bIIde:s ~ to STuP <:"'10 ttatM ""Cl box
bandies Th<:y mUe Ioadlnt ""Cl ~
Servo-utter ........
l;Igs: lhey're smart enough to actually loot
enough credits jusl get by. You're bettf!f off
thai, lhe imprinter only marb what you enter
InlO the dat;lpad. Then:'s no pt(JIrammlng to
hlnnll on IOIne carvo roustAbouU or buyinJ a keep)'OU IruD Iaboelll'Cacra'eol blasler poItoll
as nerf Ilnkl thafl why they Iuo~ Imperial
SeM>"'~ Customs o/ficers ..
_ v_s..-ult.. V-b
(role Tog Implll'lter
_.nn.o,. c.....,
Type: ~ .,.,.telel""
M....<l: Lo~ Go"..."" :-<Ul
_Clw ...
___ "I'OfIlIOII:_'"
LoqUo: 3 """ ,all Type: c,.,.'..
eo.: l..soo
Imprln' ..
e- 1ס.סoo(_),7,ootI(""'""f.I
A. n ,.3 Tag Sconner Octapod
M '617,.10
_-'1IO_ Although It'l easyeo>ough to tHd W letter·
-"" "·20 .. to\.S _ _ Ing on CII<iO labels, you Can input W codl..,
with a t&tllCanner datapad, It hal a Itandard
datapad Interface-olten Imprinted with I....
Crate Tog Imprinter ventory I rrt<;klng proMrarnmi"ll (the ISme kind
Keeping track 01 cargo in dlfferenl c,ates used In crate taglabelers)--but allO sports a
Ian't easy, espe<:JaUy if you're hauling a larae removable IC4Jlner unit. Juot I'\D'I the comllnk.
and varied load. Spacer. use marker lap 10 sized IO!fIaOr <IVe'r the coc1lnK IUrface. and k
identify a contai"",r·s contftltl. n.e LIIp we records the data. PIuatnllIt In'o Its lOCket,!
slips 01 pluIk: with ....apfIic SCIlNlf!I" codinC hooI<Ier on w datapad aulomatkally dclwr.-
and Ietteri"i (often In Aurabeah Bulc)
nallng lhoe cartIO inside. 'They ",e attached by
des'" loads tlte..:anrled Informatioo. n.e software
routlnes Intf!fJIfd the leans and process data
an adhesl~ backf"i or plastic .trings which Into the pad's jn~lory programming.
tr;lll off two of the corners. Many c"'go-handilng drolds have tag scan-
Sometlmes suppllen ma,k their crates, but ners bUill Into their optlcal sensors. They read
ee-traderl oIt en create their own tags to track tile tag coding, then let their internal procen-
In their hold. Mott SpKe.. u.rry a cr;lte ing modules determine where plecl!S 01 cllfI(I
imprlntf!f, ThIs hanod-held unII: looks like a lhouid be moved. SImple drokla like ASh and
with a bulky ;ltlKtuDmt benmth the
lop portIoft. n.e datapad Is adedkated lrel#lt
binary load lift.,., are lH"oennuned 10 IdentUy
~ Idnds oItap; IhoseforC&rJO to belo.ded
In-.tory recorder which an prlnl an indl- onto alhlp, others to be unloaded, and lhose I
v10dual scanocode taa. Just eo"Iter pertinent C&flIO that stay In ,,,," wannouse .... ahip's hold,
nI tlon and tile unit Imprlnll a tag with
PIon's 5muggIefs GtJide
Tog kame, Oalapocl
_Ma ........ ~
,.".. T.... . - lind oIoUp..r
A, 'I H''y: 2
aIonf the edges It lint. and eve<ltlOl.lly cor-
",pts lhe entIre hoIotram.
Improperly applled seab can be earefully
removed enough 10 llpffI thecrate and laler re-
apply lhe seal. H lhe adhesive backing Is not
o..._n......opodcanbo _ _ tolnl.. p<eI
.........on cWinI. Thio ~"'- '0 the «>dIna;
<Iph<r _
.... 0 Vtty OIft.....K rotfI/JtJI"
... roILllndo _ _ .. _toIL
flnnly preased 118aln5t a surface, It won'l peel
aWly when removed, and won't dlslntegrale
the hologram. Most Imperial CustOIltJ oIf1ciaJ.
arecarriuJ to giveuch seal agood slap, though,
Imperial Cusloms Holoseal SO 1lndinl an Improperly appUed leal Is 'a'c-
110&11 leol. _ plutlc USoed to seal Other CUSloms agencies use almllar seals.
... IMr1l cUJO which has passed Impmal but Uloey arftl"t as welk:oded 01 tanlper-i'fOOl'
c.OIDIIlnspKtioa.. One side sports a shinY. as the Imperial ones. Most openl.e QfIthe_
~ lrnpenal symhoI, wlille the other prlndlNJ sllel", or Pt ling.-y the leal de-
II COIled with adhestYe. The sul Is usually stroys the f.ace markings and makClIt dearly
applied along thoe cud bd"een a conaincr-'s _d
fIIIn body and the lid. Spec~ sui. &n! nail- T1m!H'cing with In Imperial Cusloms
able 10 c.,.,..,r valves for liquid lanks and 1"-' I1oloINI is consIdered a class four lnlraetlon.
~ten. For lar~r conlalners, seals are used Any offenders caughl iUe subject to a line
to cover the seam between an accen hatch belween I ,OOOand 5,OOOcredllS,lmprisonmcnt
Nld the bulkttead. Seals on collars are used to lor II Ions as a mOnlh, and confiscation 01
~ live an!m4l, plant or slave ca,llOCS. carl/O, Cocky smulllllers who moulh 011 to cus-
£leh hoIoseaJ has a reglstercode which can toms ofUciaiscan llCt Ihls bumped up to a class
be read using specW Imper1&l Customs ''''Ii: IhreelnlraclilxJ.undertheputentethat lhey'~
IICIllMI" dalapad......-or rerular ...- " .... hf""-I u_portIng restricted ......... Tl .. _ wi.., ,...
wilb the propo:r ~. Thec:ode deslg- ally ......,. II""", i..... pedor can be IICC\ISCd ol
.es ~ Ihe seal wu Issued. Inspectors tranaportlng stolen goods under the conupt
I(r(lN the pJ.u:y can chect the IrnpeNl C..... IoU!; a class two lnfrM'tlon.
..... database s/'w)uld lhey need 10 veily a
our. original IocIItlon. Thorough imperial Impeilol CU$IOtN Holosed
Clato.lS Inspecton _ supposed to ntl", -~'''po<W-
c"'1O lnfon""tic..., i,,",lhls databuc, too, bul CCIIt: _cSYOIlobIo
'fnIoo _ tlub<'IlI
lor _
rudy ICI around to It. A....1alIIII'y: 2, R Ilfe applied lrom lodetl,lIal",,,a- o-_.'luo:c.,../\~I)o"""""""ll.ft""TlfIrWhoIooooaI
_"'00' ..-- Othoo _
.... thai lied 011 the protoctJvc bactlng as each
teal .. withdrawn. The hoIoseaIs _dllflcult.lo
If • '1<..,. Di/fio."u
- ........ oyot_ CIIf"""" ..,U",,1UcIo ...,.......
_ l>oo
. -.."" - _ ... '" llIIIIcuII-.;o._
l'!IIlO'VC wttOOul deslroyinllthe ......l If a ...,.] if;
pedtd on the arso conlainrs, the ~ Containment Units
....:ling stkts to the aale surtllce· the hoi<>- Stronll" worlds Mftl breed ~ _
~ l'Oct$ with the I ~ and d"int...
pates. turni"llthe I~ Into a liar, b1M'tened lcrlall.. WuhIoflhem down Ina'mesheruntt
-.,e. AseaI.1h alonithecnteseamcorrodes doe:snl atw.)I1' tIU I!Wf)'thin&. Cunlai""""'1
unlit (aboo .,.n.,.llrradlalor boJrcs) use a c0m.-
bination 01 broackpeclrum radiation, 1,l/t...
sonic. and other means to till t-1erla, YIn-..
""d mlc'~<:nutICllwhich might lind their
way onto lools or other obleds, Just put the
equipment in the unIt, .hul the hatch and lum
It on. After a rnlnulc. everythlng'sllle,
Most Irelglner crews keep a ,mall CUIllain-
ment bo><as put ollhelfluppllea. It', nolarger
than a spar:er', cllest.and can easlIy be_owed
In ~space:a, argo holds or Pft'SOD&I
quuten.. irradiator bo><es haw: !heir OWD re-
~ power SOUf'CeI. ~ IrUlSpxu
haw: contalnment booUts lor sterlllzlns space
,ult, and bulkier Items.lloolhs f«luln hoot·
up Into a ship's power .)'Stem to operate.
Contalnment unlls can be us«! to conceal
contraband, lhough they're not the best hiding
Tno<:C_ '
Ai • J.2
t_tCorpoo_Irr_ _
chip through a layer of frozen fiI1a.Ibh la_If
you're hiding anyllullI on the hotlom.
_ aDaC.,.c_
T""" Cold er.e
c-=Z5lt(50 ..... 'PI 1a)lU"-)
,.. ' IP •. Z
Cold Crote "'-'hen you need 10 keep a caflO warm, ROtC
It in ahoi boK. Tbc craIe II Insulaled. and
Somecargoes ur:ed 10 .Ulyfrozen for preI8' oonllins a ioeItcr unit In lhe base. Con!J"Oli on
vallon:fOl1nIid yqretableland frullJ,. dormanl the side allow you to MlllISt Ihe Icmpo:i'llt~
Junod fang.lller$, C¥l0ClI of Irom'l tharbah. lrom warm 10 IINr-bot1lnt. P~ure vaIvcs
Cold eratel help maintain a comlanllow Ie.... vent any elICei. slcam--lldvltc hookInlllM
pnature lISing an insulatl'!d cuing and I .mall vent up to • hose and III It out 5Ome~
cryogenic unit mountl'!d II one end. Conlrols where you won', luneilit The power cells can
on tile eryO-<ln;t allow you to tel the temper. keep Ihe IMide hoIlor up 10 SOhou", It'scaslly
lure anywh<:~ from cool to wlY below lr~. reocilarRed Irom your ship'. ter><:rator.
in~, The unit hal enough POWl'r and llQuld RaJ You can usc a. hot box to heallhlngs up, bul
10 k(-ep the crlOle M or below Irl.'e~i"l1 lor SO iI's IlOt Jloo<-l at <:ookllllf 100<.1 thoroughly. Be-
standard hours. Low temperalUre. can be sides, nobody want. to eal anything preparl'd
maintained Indefinitely by I'!'t:huglng the ,,,,,,1 In a cargo craie. MOlIt sj)3C"n cheock their hot
cells lrom your ship'. fleneratnr lind repladng boxes ""ery to hour. or so. The heaTer unlt.
the cryo can"ter with I .~rl' ha a lender><:y 10 overl«!a.t and the prcssun:
Cold cratet arl' not dellllnt'd to preserve ...ilI ", $OI,""IUI'" jaln.ll you're cmrrylng more
living beings In SUSpended animal Ion Uke tmon Ii"" hut ooxellin your hold. make sureyou
carbonlte. lilt won't be prcservulln low 11'.... SCI the b.:l,y lemper.tum In\oier .,wl ""'AI the
~a1W'8, it won't kNp Ionlln lhe cold crate. hatches to U"".-8t at the ship. Vented steam
ll>c .,.,.,laIne.... "",ne in 10 .....rlely 01 aizu de-
pcndlnlronlhe cargoyoo'te .hlpplng. Most are
~ meter wide, twomctKS \onaand onemeter
can tu,", yuu' <:1O'l/O ....y Inlo. humid niaht-
marc. WhIle thliia unbelrlhle In hYP'"llaO!,
It ml&ht help short~ the mdurance at poeHy
cusloms i1..peo... ......
Makcsureyou VUlI anYCl<Cf:USlcam bd.....
you open ~ lid, If you.~ DOt eardul, IlOPPInlI:
II ... 1"1' Clm ankl ,.... MlUIdhlnl fie't«
Kot b<ma ant! &OIrIeW1'IM 1 " , _ 10 Kan-
nen. v,'h!le the Ins\llated body Ind the etta.
slvoe ' - lnaidoo l n i l - . . _teotl R_caIl
foIlII up r~lnp Oft crates p,e,arby. Un1iI<e""'"
boIes, thesc.pcclln'ed oonla.u>cQ aren't very
...,..:I lor smuaJlnillOOdl. Fewlleau ClOD sIand
ev'"slvoehMl and humldlty lor IorIIljoumeys
A..-JIly. 2
Sleight Box
trroSll _eel Cnle
~nIlabWtT,l, X parties wandering within a few kUometers.
~_seanadd ..... aiJe;lJhtbox'o ..... iD'_"" The emergency beacon also contains a few
O<l a [lIfIl<""- #",.,.. ,011, II><..a", ,1>0 ,lilfkuRy one items 10 help you survive wherever you may
...... U "'" coo'al"'" 10 .. ~ "".. .u>otllcr p"""" crash. Adelachah[e grow rod lanlern gives you
steady light if you wander from the strobe. The
Corgo Netting beacon i"1I0Wered by a mlnl-lus[un generator.
A power jack allows you 10 recharge Ihe glow
Many spac"rs use cargo netllng to tie duwn rod, blaster power paclta, and low-power aC-
trite. In Ihe cargo bay. The webhlng ke<:pl cessories. though each charge draIns about an
bons from shifting around, b"..hing InlO each hour out ollhe generator's 25O-hourcapaclty,
other and Ihe CreW. Cargo neu can also parti- The unit's heal vent has a smail Ian to warm Ihe
tlon bundles of crales In your hold. M""t cap- Immedlale area or a small end()$ed space.
Wns ny[ngllghl freighters use webbing in i(). The beacon Is activated by a "rip swilch"-
meter-square SectiOIU. a1lhough larger pieces a metal cord ynu pull thai can't be in~"rted
WI be purchas"<l. The net slrl<p" arc com·
back. nne" the emer>:ency ~Ig",.[ i~ activated.
QOsed 01 tightly woven synlhetic liber, f..... il can't be shut off ulltil Ih" generator Wear~
tened.t tile crossings by sluroy metal grom· down. Desperate smugglers have been known
1Dtts, AdJustabl" siraps trail from Ihe w"b to fiddle wllh lbe beacon wiring ao they can
.,j~ variety of durah[e hoolta. buckles
lum it on and off at w\ll el< Moderate Technical
and damps allow you to secure th" nettlng 10 task), but thaI rlslta blowing out a[[ the pow_
fixtures in your cargo hold, ered components. If you really need 10 shut It
Cargo netting is not very good at capturing oil, you can always blast Ih" beacon, or drop
lIlything unless Ihe web [s used In a pitfall, or
the enti.., "nil oll a high e1lU,
tho edll" slraps are w"lghled. Although the Thebeacon hasseveral unconventional uses,
materia! resists normal w.,..,- and lear, It can be You can p[anl it inalde a cargo crall' destined
cut wllh a blade In "mergencies and Is easily lor your compellto.. ,lf you rig it right. opening
...hed by blasler flre. the lid rips the cord and activates the beacon.
(Ot9O Nening [I'll broadcast right through lhe crate. Th[a [s
_ SoroSuIlb 1010 COJ"iO Reo"o,n' handy il you n~ 10 track a packa~ and your
quarry isn't too bright, or you want to give
e- tOOI'Of 10~ 10 mct",~k," away a coml!"'lllor's positron. 1t'~ 8 slnlp[e
~¥Ol\ollIIIty: 2 Irick, though, and few are looled twice by It.
~_ C"'1lO,.., 3P~ fo<
_oI~Un.. ~.
....ys to secure your IIhlp 10 nobody take. 011
wtth K: mtry ""teh IocQ. and control console
Chapter FOUf: Tools of !hE> Trade
mantling the bolts can beadllficull lask, though lock. If your inlruders don't wanllo mess with
a fusion CUller always helps. I've known some the lock, they can disassemble the melal plale
space.. who blast Ihelr lock control dffice and .Iide guld"s, but Ihal takes a while,
Intenllonally 10 keep slormlroopers out--<>f I don't like console lock panels, They lake l
cour"", the.e smugglers usually have anolber mlnul" or so 10 pUI on or off (more lime and
way Inside Ihe ship Ihe Imperial. don'I immedi- effortif you're alone), and you oeed loslow the
ately notice. heavy metal panel .omewhere secure during
Of Ihese three locks, I recommend the elec- flight so il doesn't bang around during fancy
tronic comblnallon seal. Sure, It's a little eMier man"uvers. Sur" 11'. a cheapsecurily measure,
for ""meone else 10 blow the code without but II"s often more a hindrance than anythlog
deslroylng the lock, bul you don't have to else.
worry ~boul lOlling Ihe key dffi"", There's
nothing more lruslrall ng Ihan Irying to gcl Into
your own ship when you've lost the key card or
remote control for the hatch lock..,
Console Lock Ponel
Modol: V"'2< (o<p.
= Boud Plot<
pIing yourself is an easy way 10 fry all the
P.emote Control Hotch l.odI conlrol panels, Damage done to the lock by
Model: Vul!" C""p. Ro"1«! Lock Inmcperlence<! lhleves often bluws Ih" com-
Typo: Control Soal mand con.oles, or alleasl melt.lhe wiring In
e- 1,:150 ""me of them. Mo.1 dead lock., Including the
A~aIJabIIIty: 2, F
..... _ ""IOUlnl this Ioct y<>UlH!l "''lull... " Arakyd one descrltw.d below, are Installed be-
V"')' D11!1<ul' ~ roll rOllu," me&IIS tl><: lock ><>me- neath the control panels. where Ihey're not
tlme>slkb,ODd""""""" "'-n', "",.on,lMow>y easily noticeable.
11><- ...,moo, """1.01 "nil hu 0 1>"1< 01 30 ""'.....
Ilypuol~ 11\1. lock ''''lui..,. 0 V"')' l);l!'.<:ull =1IrlI)' Console Deod Lock
Model: A,.1<yd P"""rl.ock 2500
Typo-: ~_I<rl
Console lock C_ 1,000 (dod""'" <ombinolioo), 1!oOO (key <or<!)
Sometimes a halch lock Isn't enough. VarKe • In"olllitl ,.... Ioct ..qui,.,..
Corp. makes a very rellabl., console lock panel Vory D1fticult ......rityroll, follul'< ~ ....... oI'ho
to seal your maln cockpll conlrol. from un- CO>dpII ]u""'""",,o/.... ODd 0000011I. llyt>OUln, IhlI
wanted visitors. The panel conslsls of a large KH:k ''''lui"" 0 Vory D1flkuK ~ roll
metal plale, olten lorm-molded to your
console'. cootours, which you can slide Inlo Fixing It, Tools
place IIOd lock down over your controls. The
tire as.embly's a lillie bulky IIOd awkward, Every .tarshlp has .ome luoky old bin
I makes sure nobody bul you can access crammed with 10015. Some engineers carry
eLr Instruments, flight yoke or ship's com- well-organized 1001 boxes. No matter howgood
puter. your lecbnlcal .ldlls are, you ca,,'t fix lite loy-
'lou can choo.e 10 secure the metal panel perdrive wilhout tbe rIght tool •. Here are SOme
witb an eleclronlc combination or key card of the standa,d ingl,omenls u.ed aboard
.pacelarlng vessels, Including a standardized
.Iarshlp 1001 kit 10 start you off,
~nergy capacity 01 th~ conduit by running a
test On th~ conductive metal and any connec-
tion points.
If you ever need to set up a diversion, hook "
the scanner up to an lnaclive power line you
can tum onlrom elsewh~r~. Tum On Ihe pow~r "'"
and Ihe Kanner blows ill HrdHlively harmless "
shower of sparo. Sometimes thai's just enough
to distracl a pesky customs In"fl"Ctor. ~s~
dally II he's poJdng too dose to thaI slJ"<'ial
Desperate mechanics sometimes cannibal-
ize I heir scanoe '. 10' mueh-needed parts, wi res, ;
digital readout. ~n~rgy nux capa"Uors, and
mlcr<>-power regulalors. Keep In mind thai this i ""
lillie box Is Just a tOOl. not a r~plaeemem • .,"
hyperdrlw: motivator.
Power xanner
lot..... l: v~ Corl'. E.l..,lD' T"'k'
I "",
T~p.:: P-..- Koone,
Fusion Cutter The varlable-beam lusion cutler can shellr
ea- _ lion..... lor • POW"' ocanner lor
~I,workmay,~r._.J to·ll> .. deckl<d bflll<
Leser Welder
Ihrough mOSI mctals, plastic. and ~..,rarnics up
to 25 cenllmeJer. thick in a mailer 0lsecond5.
It'~ 1I'.....t ~hdlllllhrough Ihole enlry hatch
dead boll seals when you've "cddt:IIIKlly l,i,,<J
the lock conlrol mechanism. '( ou C;1J1 also use
This tool uses two iud"!",,,,I.,,,t \y direcled It as a weapon in a I'illch. The beam's not very
laser emitters to weld seams In mct.l.l. I usually long. 10 YOU'll need 10 close In 10 hlilld-lO·ha",1 fl
Ilecp a few spa'e .trlps of metal hull platln,ll
nearby In case Inced 10 plug a hull 1I'''''''h, TI,;S
IoK,l', ,Iso not bad for sflclng througb most
c"",I",1 '~n~~ 10 use II effectively.
Fusion CutrlN
high-grade, relnlor..-..d plastics. The Internal
power cell provides energy Ill, ahoul 50 hours.
It can be recharged wIth a standard adapt."
_ : _.lIla .....h<no-k1oS & "h'.....I. /'CoV-$7'
T)poo< Fu.ion Cuttet
Cool, 7S .,".
AftllabtUty: 1
hoolrup, or ,un right off mosl power s~tems.
The emitters can be finely lun...:! to allow welds
C _ No/.., Dltfl<:ulIy
d<-pendeolt "" 'h"
_,.hen "''''1 thl> devIoo to
ptoject lnwIvM, Accldonl" oY\lI> •
from 0.2-20 centimeters In diam~tcr,
Laser Welder
.u", 'u r:-m c..... :IDQ) do"'"Jlt. Bono_lor olllllI
• l>y<I'OO[>UUl<' I,.,. ' ..... 1. wor< ""'l' ,~ lrom .1 l(I
.ID ....... \<W b)"hopn>etIIOO'et
_ : _ ..Ila ........ worklog '" M.,ffiols L'lW-1183l-it-
_ 11'01<1<,
Getting Out: Vacuum d
Availability: 1
ea- _ Bonuses lor ...1. . . ~roo_ lor
Suits ••
,epolrWOlk ""'r'.... ~r.00I·1 to. [[I. . ~ byt"" Tech Vacuum Suit
Starshlp repairs are hard enough withoul
the proper facllllles. They'r~ even mor" dlff~ "o
cult II you're out In .pac". Although you can fix
many systems from inslde-through mainte- "
nanCe ducts, repair wells and engln~~ring
pan~metlmesyou h,,""'lo g~t outsldeytJUr "•""
P1atr's Smugglers Guide c
Iblp 10 p;o1<:h Up dam ..... RqruIar lIN« .uilS Fin.. Vocu..m Suit
. . you 10 R1I'Vtve In vacuum. T cell YIoCU""" _~r ~ __
IUib art ~ed tor the rJton 01 ~r work T"""T.... _pod~_
_lI<rleo pod __
ouukIe )'OUr frdlhll't"
l1leR suiU provide the ooll: elSMllllb lor ~,-
IUrVlvaIIn IPK<t for. few hours. ll>ey're coy- .......'
I.'-e 1::'1,.1
_ TIN; ....... rdnIot<.-ed _ _ ....._
~ with lool hame»ell, seala~ pooches.• C<lDII,nortlo<o PO_I . 2 _ """,.-qphyol-
Iynlherop" tether, and padded 8U41~ lor at·
eaI which might gel knocked around a lot
(typically Ihe knees. elbows and shoulders,
but other parts m.y be protected In dIfferent
~"""",,1lI u....... mor..,.,
-.., .. burn:.1>< "'un ..... e. _
. . . . . _<-'" ....
.......' tWV·1 Lik" most mlOCh;n"r),> It,.,y IlHd to "" mal...
C llllIoaIllo-'r_""'_"
'~""'III""", __, _ _ " tained n' III<')' brNlr down ... ..,,,... Uy when you
1lHd!"em lhe most. Someollt.em.1iQ, (""ASP
~-~_ drulda. aren't too smart when Int""llCtln.g with
~-- people. Thoey'reaboVIetY I~lbloeloblastn
Arne, Vacuum Suit
The llittn" suit hN • lew more frUIIIlhan the Bduw I'~ listed tho; drokk I'd recommend
alAnd&rd tech vacuum luit, but not many. h'. you k~ on your ship. You don'! 1lHd..u <II
..unu.r 10 the tech lull. but the iabrk II more ,t.em,Just. fewthat IiIIIn lhe pps youreKist-
dur.bIe to rnbt tun and pwtduret 'rom Ins crew ean'l hand"'.
II*'" ~ Of repalr optratio.... 1lle nlll<!r
suit abo contalns. small maneuverinll bKk. ASP-7 Orold
pll<.:k unil, wllh rOCkiK nozzJ"" pointed to hl'lp InduSlrlal AututnatOll' I ASP d ,old, are priced
mo~ around. Bums are coni rolled Irom a "0 anyone(:an
afford them. but 'hl!)"re no-frillo
panel mounled on lhe wrlSI. The pa<;k hIlS modell. They're capabl" 01 only t~ most me-
enough luellor only a lew burstJ-er>oujih to nial talO, thOtlgh you can upjp"ad<! thcl, I'.....
SCOOl bKlr to" ship lhould you drift of! " little.gram mlns and modify 1""1. I'hylkal configura--
The Riller IU" 1IaI1t.e _ I... ulatlon. pado Uon.lbeydoll·t..-m toobrfght w""'n Inl""""·
dinS and 1001 harne:»eI altt.e techlUlt. " lUll in.g with P"Opa.,. Asps have a simI'!" personal-
IiKlcold llftn- a whlle. Tl>oM: whoVelpentlolI ltymatris..A ra!tk:ted ~ r yll1Iows them
of tJme in the 1Uil1wow; ftCured 0Ul how 10 lin: only to ,.,ply "llffirmalIve" or "neptm,- to
tt.e rodu:l: p.a twice the lirst time ~es anythltlj you say or requot. for the pric" you
baJllt.e~andasecondm-loneutral1ze pay. ASPs are very simI'!" mal4llI ~
the ........-tum wtth ~ thrull. Spacen somethInt we aJlllHd nowlllld then.
call thIa Iittk ......euver • "healer bum." ,u. 10m owned an ASP dro6d named s.,.,Vee
tbotch it trI<lVe' you VOlIn<! • IitUo., the heal '1100 brl.iht. and mana¥ed t02!K on my
from 1M pllCk wlll1llllhe suil ftK>UIh 10 make nBVeSlUOIl..u 01 thetime. H.,abomana,ed to
thlngs • bI! mote belIr.bIt. (The maneuver annoy a slew 01 cusloms IlOlpo!CIorl. which wu
requires a Moderate difficulty rode'l ptJdt Of)- JOfTl"tlmt$ JlQod (10' tho; lmpall"''' 0"""'), and
ero/ion roll or Ihe lpacer slarts drifting oil.) JOmdlnlet bad. Stili, II wu nice to Ila~ an
~ra set 01 srupers around when I n~ed
ship, repair damage In night. and can hofd apia
Sow~: 171c Official Star Wars Adventure
The R2"'er~' personalitlel can get somewhat
~ and snippy, bul I~'II make belter
(OII'Ipanlons than lOme near-mlodless Asp
vatlablilty and 00&1 (new, 0011'11 0I1>erwi1e noted),
1,000 (new). 300 (uted)
Bl Worker Drold 9.800 (new). 6,~ (u.sed) 2.F
Binary Load Ufler 2.soo 2.'
I.E Repair Drold 12,800 (new), o.soo (used) 2
NR.s M...lnte....nce Drold
R2 Mlrorne<:h Drold
",5ZS ,
tan<:t$, It's not as eUklenl .u Rh Or binary
IlflefS "'tlcn II comn to ~ln8 or unloadlng Other Droids
, Don'lllIke myword on wllal drolds to
SouTc1P:: GulludlluWrt', FOil_ie T«hflOlogy.
pqetI 23-2~,
purctlase. Any good smull¥ler does tier
resnrcll. Ctleck OUI ottler drolds you c..n
use on your ship or In pori. EveryoM
VS.TTnaaport Drold.Duw1t)' 10. K_I- Ibods their Own unconwnlJona/ u:sef lor
ftIge /D. M«hfJllkoIID. ~1'C~ptKNIID.~ngrh drolds. espedally II you spend .. Jew end-
4D. T«hIlKOIID Retraclable lillingum (1l1nn(l Ib cuslomlzlngltle progrlJllmlng and at-
oW). an carry up 10 lwo metric lana. Move: 35 1~lImenls.
(Ir~ad ~Ion). 50 (repubotldl v~ ....Ion).
• ()'nubur'. FfJIIlwllC Ta:ItnoIofY DroI<b
WED 15 Treodwell Droid is theessentiall"ide 10 modifying drolds
wIth.- SklllWa,eandequlpmml.llalso
Cybot Galactka·s Tre.dwcll droid is a ~ bas some lips on buildi"l1 yuur own ~
lM.oy f..... allY vessel. 1beYre among the belln chanIcaJ eompanJons from Kral<;:h. A
S1arlhipmalnt_~drolo:byouCllllIlnd. They handy dalaJos de:scrlbes a JIew 01 other
u:sualJy rome with lour to h m.nlpulMor droids you an buy
....... perf«t lor linkertnfl wIIh those ddicale
nustlip systetM. Thrir prognnuning is Ideal • GaUad",,,,,,," FtJIINJSI>c: T«hrookJrt tlu
lIDallicf' chaptfl" on drolds. wllh IIOmI!
fOf .lupboard dutlQ. The trea<b m.ake
Itlese .... dkl~ droldl. but IOllWtJnxs nlnI. InlMface ~ modtllc:.1ion @qul~
Ilmlllhelr lCCeN to IIshI spots. _as""''' •I
The drokllluo~seven! other quirb. noey • 1'he History 01 R~ A$t.-.ech
_ down quic:tIy and Uf! easily damaged Droids" III 17Ie 0Ifia0I Slar ....... .4duM-
The _lIput.tor atmI Iuo,~ • nut)' IuobII 01 _.Joumal'7 lells you everythillf you
e.tdlfne In machlMry and goetuna: 10m 0/1. ever wanled 10 know about lhe It«rles ,,•
T,.,~ tend 10 M~ IllChly prnonabI:ies
..nc1 ..... proneIO .... anderina. suit'. alwaY" good "'''''".
•~~ "lmRokplayine ~ S«otwI ,
to check In on L1...... to mak" Sllre rhry... EtlltlOft. Ret-'IHd GItlIfor ldI!4. Ilw ........ (
pay\n& fuU allelllJo.-!IO rltdr work.
Sovce:GokuyC",,,1ft7 AIo#£aIq,~~
W(II'J Tn#c:rf[y Soun:dooo.t. ."iI-irH FA""",
",,,Irlw Ii""'" NI-.a Soumollooot eKh ,•
"'..m IS Tt-Mdwdl Drold. DuJeruy 20,
~ sections deall". W1111 d.olda,
"Abee lula nechal< ... " polnt 01 vi......, ...... 'flo conI acts. too. If )'OUr COIl-
"I doo't Care who you had to pay 011: Ihe neetloos can do )IOU favors. you Cllll also do "That', wh)' I PI)' )'OU such rtdkulou. lhem a good tum.
hOlVC ~n old Academy buddles.mem-
bers 01 Ihe same social cl r<: Ie or part vf
the same group which gathl'red to
, play sabacc every week. You were
never really close, bul you never grew
apart. Thisrelationship can someti""",
be superficial. slncl' it's based on lei·
sure actlvlly ralhl'r Ihan work or dan-
ger. Unless you've Slrenllthene<! the
• fir~!ight, running a .cam I~ther. and work- connection, such contacls are prone to be-
Ing for the lame tyrannical employer. eo",e fair weather friends.
FlIII1ly F'r1end; Your connection i5 with an old Refe,..,n.,.., One of your other cormcclions or
family fricnd. T!li~ I"'''''''' mi~hl h~,,~ been sOmeone else you've mel relerrffi you to this
usoclated wllh your parenl. or sibling. comaCI. This gives you access 10 the person,
through any means-they could have worl<e<:l but nol his loyalty. These relationships Me
togetlM!r. owed each other favors, or shared a Inilialed by Inlochants and slarport workers
o;ommon lllleresi. The staleo! thl. relatlon.ldp whu claim they know 50meone who can hefp
IlO! only depends on how you treat theconlact, you 0"1. Smre 100", "llhe...e eonn""lion5 are
but hcJw your f.. mily 1r~.1lI",J hi",. Til""" friend. based on howmany credits pass hands. they·~
arc willing to forgive a few of your on only as ~lJable as your money.
acrount of their slanding with your family. If
j'OU disappoint this per5QlIlOO many times, it Romantic Inlerftt: You and your contact were
could ~et back to your family.. , once romanllcally Invo~, Though your love
hM~ <lwi",ll... l "v~r Il", y'''''~' yu", I'A~t affec_
F•• "nII: Y"" a",ll h~ ",,,,la,'! In~l by "WapI,I,,!! tion still Inspires you to help each olher. 'l'hls
lavon-the old "you !Ix my ship and 1"11 run bond can be very strong dependIng on the
Y'l'Jl" cargo" deal. Neither p.a.rty i. inlerested In intc"gity uf yu'" prim "ff~!"ti"n. It ,'an "I~o
rontrolling the other; you jllal walll tn hdl' crumble if you ended the relationship badly
each olher out. These relationships arc prone and hurt some feelings. Of course. there's nolh·
10 lal1 apan without warning. If one party per_ lngto stop you from trying 10 mend old erro~
ceives the other Isn't doinll his share of favors. now ...
Itlings could getlouchy.
f~r Colle.,..'" At one point In your p....t
)'lU worked with your eOOl8et. lluring this
Who Are Your Contacts?
ptrlod you spent much tlmetogether, both <in Here Me some examples 01 the mosllypical
the I<lb and In off hours. Now you're both In
different lines 01 work, ttoough you're In poll;'
kinds contacts smugglers Intera<:1 with. Use
the general description to create your own
liDos to help each other. While Ih~se bonds conneclion oflhat klnd.lvealso Included some
lllight be strong, they're pmne to time. Unless specific contaclS you can make. plus re/er-
you've kept In touch. you ha~ only your ences 10 others if you need Ihem. Although
contact's word on what she's been doing sin"" some 01 the speclflc contaels arc lied to par-
you lasl parted. Maybe they'~ remained a fast ticular locations. feel free to place Ihem near
frlend ... or perhaps they're se<:retly working whalever sectors of SpM,,,, yOIl f''''I"
lor your enemies.
ur.. ~b1, You mel your eontacl when one
Il~ the other's life. In Ihese sltualions one
wbIIe he'l out.JustlO aI )'OlIdon'l destroy }'OUt Ihlp Head down your donal huch and
I 6.
l_ _
ChopreJ Five: Conlocrs
6D. Tedlnicolzo.2. Move: IO.SpedaI ablIItIn: •
Using Conrocts with your ~1lI .&ow secret communlcatloo wttb
otI1c:I" Twl1Ks and thoR familiar with their ,•
Gamemaster language. Force f'oinb: :. Dark SIde Points: I, •
When)'Qu crut")"OIIr .m"3ll~r char-
Cbancter PoInta: 7. Blaster pilt ol (40). cWapIIlI. •
act"r. talk to th" gan>emallt"r about your Royal Mia'",,". Starllghter, maneu"",abl~
fly 20, space 6. atm05phere 330: 950 kmh. hull
past. and "'hat klllds of contacts you might
haVl! establl,'-l thm. Although a con- 60, shields 20. Weapons: I quad laser cannon
(fire control 20, damage 60),
tact Is • ,,,,,,,,muler characl"r. you
should be frff 10 UK hit ape"~ "''''''' Ifyou're sedlnglorOlher spacers who don'
appropriate during a prroe.. For Instance,
if )'OIl're 00 your cool.-cfs plana. you
mind helping lhelr colleagues oul,look up IIIJ
good friend Tru'ft1 a.oa.klI (OudreR:S Re&.l
<:oo.lId Ioolt him up and ut • IaYOf. II', up ~wa. ~ 61-Q). SheIla.oo Kelrk ani
10 tM p""'..... t.,.. 10 OeI..... minc if tM
COI'IIXI It MXftSible, and how bill: • role
......, I'OOd bets (sec ~ aF IIoe t:nIpft
Ffa""t. CoIIeaiott, pages 3-5).11 you',.., eYer ill
the corltad plays. llM!<:OntKl n>c(IWIl.".
could jusl be • lmall part of an .dval-
t"" ~ Omt.". ,Ador BI"Idfernan might hdp
you out If I"" """,ture mUes him SOII'Ie money
tur.....-llk<! lIopping hy )'OIlrold lnfoctwll 10 payoff hili loan look ( _ Goklxy Guide {
lriend ror lOme data 10 point you in the
right dlrt'Ctlon-.r an <enUre night'. llllm-
Tromp Fre'6h~r:J. pages 10-84). Or cfleck out
th" Suflu,tan trader T'nun Bdu and his drold
Ing---auch as f1ndlllll out the outlaw tech sidekick CDX-9 (Jed! Academy Sool't'j!'boootI. G
you n.....:lto repalryourlhip hu jU!lt b<len pages 1ll-34). •
captured by bounty hulliers....
Fugitive Medics
Sm~ ...., a'-yI: i"ttlna In IIghU with
hut comm.... icates~lIrefyIn Ihc:sllm.t Twi'\d< ~ 1t'rLpftWs. pint..... buunty m.rtm,
languagecompo: I edof hMod. head..ul/ and body atmelord IOON'. Then!:', _ .deant medic •,
gesluTm. She Is an aDurtna: )'OUII( woman, hut arou>d wtMen)"Oll".,..j one.. S - 01 yow crew
equally dani"'1'OOS. Some a.ay Rypb It . . members mlsht haY!!: tome bask flra. aid .bt).
11Y!!: from her homeworld 01 RyIoth; <>the...
lJd~ she'l an escaped sl.w. Ifirl. What""ff
lies, but that·, not 1IOina: 10 help you when your
wounds aro.lilll.. m""'-.:'riotIl.1n thoscCUCll,
th~ <:aIf!. Ille's slUl sn""t as a shad"", aod
df'.Jldly with a bllllter.
you need • doctor. With Imperial OIllce of
Crtmln.1llnvcs t Ill" t I (lOCI) ",1 m~ r~ords that "
Th~lr shIp, 111" Ruyu/ Mi&tfeu. II a CUmbef- read hkj!' overblown newsnet felJ'OrU.• mult "
a<>me-looldng rt\f!dlwn frelaht~r. Desplle Ita gIers can't jU$t ch~k themaelYes Into th~ IDeal
~raroc:e. Bryl:e-Kelley's pride and joy It
'»1 and m4I'leIJVffahle. ThecU1Oh.lycan hold
ho$pfllll. We r~1y on tlloM In the medical pro-
'ession .... ho. ne us, are on the run and ID ,
500 ~ lOllI, and the ~ ~ weIJ..artnt<I
with • concealed quad Iuer cannon.. The s1Up
only l'ftluirel • <n:W 01 two, 10 the human-
These fualtIYl!: media are running from the
Ia.... for......,. re....... Maybe:theyaccidentlllly
Twl'\ell:doorardytakeaOll h1rel1np.1beRoyo/ killed an Important patlenl, Same mtaht haY!!: •
MISlru.a baa become a wdcome aIjhIlo Outft" s.ervo:d wlth pirat~ lP"oups orcr1ll"11e syndic.tes.
Rim smuaters: whom 1lry«>-Kello:y and Rypka
mt'fIl. fugitive physk:1ans also Clrry around 10 2. ChUade, Points, 4. Move: 10. Blast vest (.ID
sood deal uI til,,!. personal "hallllage"_m(>-
tloNJ problems and personality quirks. death
IMI'D. trouble with authorities. and !MI. own
physical .• 1 energy. to,soonly),glow roo. me<!
diagnostic scanner, medklt backpack. 2
medpacs. sporting blaste. (30.1). 278 credits.
aatndu. lIH these 10 your advaI'lt.,. A ban- Need a s«ond opInIon~ Try these oIhet
IIbed IDft1k fteoein&thl: Im~ on_planet
can ah<ays ute • lift from " friendly spa«'r to
another system...
Doctor Annea Lavlc, Fugitive Medic
I.lIvic was • med sWdent al Ihe Khlnl\&[
doctort. The ""'" Ca1"Mrl medk AhIeezah
(Hl>ma d ROfIII"s."..... 126--127) worb with
the Alllan«. Another .. ~ who worb
wilh the AlIIanc" I, to1elchl the Hertlic. He
works the Bacia Bypau near T' seclor
Iotedk.>! Aeadtmy tn the Core Worlds. She (aee Ih" Lordi of/he Expans" OlmpOl8" St-Itll!&
atruaJed Ihroulh lho!o rilloroua program <>I GtJ~_r GuNk, Pll8"& 77_711) 1 wouldn'l
. . 30. Sllee,.,..., 40, ....... )AIOf' 3D.z. bar- enforcen. Only the wMltlllest iIUocb.anlS can
, ..... 40. ,.".",40.2, ,omblUlf4D.I, StrrtlfIdl
11).1, TKhnoctJl 4D. mo.J P"Jll"'I'lntml1l8' SO.2,
alford fortified oIfIcft and wdkm>ed body-
Pbon1os, Itborlan lorodlanl SD,2. In''"'wahOll6D. f. p.-rsU<lSIOflSD. To
l1te Ilh000an ailed Phonillt I. one of the niwl 3D, n:IffIIN~r ~m,ngI~u SO
major inIonnation broI=s In Lan BardI·.ShuIeD Move: 10 FOf'Ce PotrlU: I. Character Poinll:: "-
Oty (_5lar ~'ilrs MvMIutl/' ioumt;Jl '1. pagel Cryptographlc coder. 00Id-0ut blut~ (30).
150-168). He has a surpr1$Inll'l weIkppoint.,.j portable computer.• hort"'ang<e eornm unIL.
apartmml in theGrlll.lhal city'. busU1na:blad< HlOO Credltl
marRt districI and a ha__ lor ~ and II you'~ Iooklna lor _ lnIochanll,loot
othf:t' offworId ~I$. up lhe Bothan D&tta.r In the Jaded .Jawa ..
Ne.tJed amoog hb JM'eciola M...... palms. KoWIs ( ~ 011M l'liaMa (:ok.
and pott.,.j crawler v\Qft. Phontllt malnWnl; a _ , pawe 8ll): the -"'it)' Twl1ell Loh'khar Uw
~ at~ In whloch to~Rate his
finder on Kdada (SlcIr Kars Adt>PMrIo.o.r.l
infonnatioo gathering bo""IW8' The Ithorian
rarely leaws hb lrop6a! otlIce-h1I contacts 16, pages 218-n5): ConJob in the ~
and CUII....-,; ........ tn hi", n,1I n,suhs in a
st9dy stream 01 vIs'tors each day, ........ ...-.m-
fJ"J'lIR. AdlJt'1IW1'r Buot, pact' 69); Fulor, a
SuII.... latl inkJclla,nl ~ un ()m;;e sfrrcrnlll*
Inglo seD informalion,OIl1e", comlnglo buy II.
Truwfm,Storpolf (Platts Soutpon Cu"', pagel
Phonlos n-erythlllll U reIulnll U p0s.-
91_92): and 'E)'M.' a multiple ocular ......
sible. AJthough he lurks brilind hi. desk, lhe
1I1lorian Invlles hll 'riend.
10 make tlletnsdw:s
com'ortable on one 01 sever&! divans ~ a
(Crod'om', RdJ6 OperorIVu. pact'85).
cuot, bubbling indoor lountaln.
Phontos has. good rapport with manyspae- No!: ~ryone you know has.o Ilave under·
ers who frequent Ill<! slarport. They slop In 10 world COIlMdlonsand crlmlnat~rtise.~
lIet OUI 01 Ihe heal and .wap In'ormallon about lirnell Iht lver.,.. cItizen can be I help'ul con-
h.p~nlngs oul In Ihe ll~aler~. NOl ev 1",,1. t.peoclaU)' 1/ you s~nd a 101 oI11mt In the
crybody I~ allnw",ll"ald.. Ph""t"••<·n1l1nlz.... aro'll h.. w",b '" IIv". I" R".I" ..... UW"tra 00
Ihose knocldng al hi. door bcf",~ lI,h",";,,!! lavon lor Ihelr IQ)'AI Cllilom~rA ..~,vl"r .. ",k-
Ih..rn.ll.. d """ no! d..,,1 wIth anyone 100 sc rulfy- er. don't mind oUerlnll extra ullslanCt lor blS
Iooldnglobernlslaken 'orcommon .Ir~ trull. IIp!'''r•. A Idnd word snd II... crMIII can tum
In case 01 emergencies, he keep•• hold..,ul any slreel het!IlB' 11110 a lallhful lack"Y lor.
blutM handy, and probably hilS some se<:rcl day. Tht cok>nl.1I you lusl deU""red ca'go'"
ClICllpe ront.. hl.I.I.." a"'OI'g .1I1h<>&<! c~per ""1:1I" "H r , )'(II' .hell.r wh"" you'~ In troublt
vlnes coverltql the walls, The minor burcaOCf al Y'O" naIl ~f' ~l mll:ll <l .........
F..... tnow ...hy f'h.onlN Is llldinJrouI llereoo IookYOllr next otllclaJ ml~.As Jonl[1OS
a syslem three dar- IlUl Ih.. Oul..r Rim I.. rmi- you', .. "ul all arr~III ,,,,~... ad, IDQ$t folks
nus ofille Enarc Kun. Some ,uspKI: he wu are wllllng 10 help)'Oll out lor a .",ile .. o<1 a
Involved in....-Irnperi&l lrooblfo, though he's handful of credill
been known lohire'fN.. I,' ..i.t ..... misJ.-ad Tl-.-Iocal. a~ Thoe ptOpM. )'011_ every
_ ....
.... cIoo4N.1 some crime lord'. tlme)'Oll ICl down III 10 •• a'l.'" TIwy'... II",
OC<'..-lonaIIy <:<>me Iooklna fOI" him. f'tlootos IiIPbk>od of 10 dty. Thty blow lhe neighbor.
'-'d. and ha\-e a _ &boIn who bdonftI
doo'sn" lalk about hll ~-t1 you wanl 10
uncover uw. Ink>rmatioo. you'l ha..... lu IM-Y IhI::n: ",0<1 wi., ,Iowal". n... Informalloa IIId
Ief'VIceI they can oller &rftI" TOO extensiw.,
but tbeY"' rttiablfo Locab don~ """'" arotmd
Pboa-. All It.all are 2D ~; bIusI... mudt. 10 they'tl! _)' 10 lind II ,.,...~ as
~ bIasIrr m.2, ~ SO, agncuI- lranIiftll U 11'0I1 19'"Cerl. lhey W'OII~ 1'KOR"
_50.2., Ilwt "2...-ocy6D, ""IJ"_
5l).2, KOI- nIze)'Oll immediattly, but - . . IrIMIdIy con-
O!D" SD,f-.w ro. ~ 4D, ~
versatlon wlll ........ thdr .........:>rill quiddy
bo: wuId euily be wuRlnll 00 any 01 ttundrecb Rl'f:d to boep him on ~ &rt:U. II your
of dYlllzed worIdI wlttt public: unltatlon Jlf()o eam~lssctonT&looj
Mas Eblf:y. Do you IiIte playing In the
[very day Bi....., travels lhe _ boule-
-m and side streets. flmpt)'ln. tM _ Corporal., Snctnr? Then """""" Pbont. .
tberr:! How ahout Conoscant:? ...."y not~
public: trash canII.atopptna to 1peU: wlttt local AI lonl I f th.. l'l okay with your
to.1 ! 1I000net., and wavl"llolheCbandriLan pmemuter, I/O ahead and do It. ll1ne
t.aucrats whopau on thelrwaytowor1l. His connediorts an: IIoerf, /or )"UIlIO UM'. IlOI
palh ull:imalny IaU$ him to tM _
)list to 100II: at.. Rr:mr:mbr:r:
-:II ~tt,.: Ih., aly ~ lMoy, wMff: he If. cu.tad'.l....,ll.... .s-'t ftt bolo
_ ItiI daily coaection Inln lhe diJ.ult~ you'''-'' h.Ia.
Tbls ruJe I/IJf!f lor an,....., In this t->t
T he old _ always lIu a untie on h111xe.
01 &nYotherlOUl cebooIcempkr)a ',con-
Illrr1e ott", II".. to JIve lost 1jMCU'S diree- lacts. rivals and adver's&rir:s, Nobody
tlorlI to some area <1M: Of poInl oIlnterest. He wants lotraw:l wayout nI hIf pmo' JocaIe
!loeI.n't mind the Intenuplionl &rrte hltes to .... Irtl........uns charactr:rs who UIR
-.eet1nlI new people u ionI U IIlI'y· ........t all
~ a n d b1eDdIy as he II, .....bIIe he'l
_ .-no..;", ""'->lain of tMullrtlt:>rlMhort.
'* maItr: your <:&IIIpi;ll" "IOn: t<1riti"ll-
Rivals and
Platt was weaving he. way through the a hu.n"n bounty tumter with a penchant lor
Wrool1ll slarport back alleys. The small eM" of Ubeseannor. Shewas a men:.enary. This week
Grnvlan Tovash WM carefully balanced on her It looked like she wu working"" collectlon
shoulder. It would mal<e a ok.. gift for Pok NaT- agent tor Pok Nar·Ten.
Ten. ,I.., looped. waugh, maybe, to help him "Look, J was jusljlolnR to S~ your bo!l-ll:
lorgel howf.:u- behind she was on her starshlp Plait said, 'Wilh th" <:red", I'll make nrr Ih,s
payments. Plait turned a corner and stopped. job,l'lI b" .. bl~.IO c.lItch up with my paymcnu.
A fign,,, bloo::ked her way ahe:<d. All Mmm...-l Be5id",,- she said, nodding 10 the Gruvlan
figure. A bounty hunt.... Tovasll on her shoulder, "I gol Pok a little peace
"GoinM somewhere. smuggler?" the cold, Ie- offering."
male voice asked. PIaU knew t"" "" 7.o'Tannalh. ·Pok'. tired 01 your lame excuses:
Chaprer SIx: "lVals and Adversaries 77
Zo'T&IUI.lIth s~. -He wanu)'OU and your AdversarieI ue everything rtv&1s are lKIt.
&hlp, Hecanlllw: lhefreightertoa moredeRrv- lbo:y jusl w..., )lOll••. de&od, captured, Of out of
In8 pilot, and sell )'OU to aome ,laver buddy 01 the picture. Theydon'1 cue OOwtheydo It. or
hit. "J1w,okI N1mbanel will probabIytei-oulh how morbldJy permanent It Ia. You, enemits
cre;llttlrom that.aJoneto pay me and CO'iU the are eqU&1ly pleued 10 Roe you sold into sla-
Interest)'OU owe on lhe thlp.- very. trampled by eorased roDIoa. enc.qed In
~'s work 1OI'IM:tttln(0Ul,"Plati takl. "How cubonJto:, ques,tloned by""~Impe-
much do)'OU wanl to NY)'DU eouIdn, find me
"I don'l double deal on my emplo)a,'-the
bowtty hunter said, rud)'\nI her Ioree plke..
...... " .......
riallnlern>ptOf drokl, or ,hfown In the sp6tt
w.... pon. Bdon Platt COl,l\d even tei 011. shot.
Zo'Tannalh',lorc"'pikecut thl"Oll&h thealr and slMport Ir&fflc patt~n wllh tOlal dls""llUd /or
knocked lhe blaster out 01 her hancl. Desplt.. Well'. Rlvilll will come out oIlhe bilckground
the patchetol armor andthe helmet, thebounl)'
hunter moved wltlI a d....dlyl"'mlnlne IP"tce. &dver..rle. requIres I little more
She .wung the lorce pike'. other ",nd around work-but not mUCh. You mllkc tll"",I.". ill II ...
and Into Plait', gut The ,mUllllI",r doubled 1I0nnl,J course 01 bualn"",. The",,llU)'S don't
over AI Zo'Tannalh mocked her OUl ... Ith I w1On1 you tf) s''''ct::l'tl lur whatev~r reason:
...",I!-placed blow to the head. lhey're lmperl~., you o...e them money, you
M Platt .pr....led on tlI", ground, her eye. embarrused them, you ,hot their best friend.
.Ight dimming, sh.. fell Zo'Tannlth .lap r...- These are ""en WIl'l you tan tum I. trusled
.tralnlnl bands on her wrl,U, then II... her cont;\oCtinto I. blu". ad"''''''''ly. Vun ~.." t;1"~te
pick up the """ 01 Cruvlan Tovuh. -I'll tee e""",leIln I frtihtenlnatY v;u1ed anotlmtnt "'
that Pok Nar·Ten gd.I tlIls," the bounty ,",nter mls;ad",""lu,,~. Here are.arne Ideas: In cue
aaJd. "But . . I gift lrout me.· )IOtI're Uttle trouble doo.....,;..g ....
..".. lor others to hate)lOU.
••• Ilr'uIdq Ibe .... w: To thoIedtoarJed w1tl1 op.
hoIdlna: the law, llll)I'OIle bre&Jdn(r ..,..I>IItlI....:l
M ~ lew ~ Mke us Sure, OW" ru.... 1s to be captured IlIld brou:ght 10Justice.
~ are OIl. OW" aide (uauaJIy). and ... Mostlocaloftldalsdon'1 worrytoomuch about
rely 0Il1a-n; from wl.yloo IMll)' c:ontactI.., IIliDw ~ You WOO'I upaec than 100
Ulintare , rriendL But manypeople ... meet much""")'OIII" otienw:s uen'1l1'l>Ol_
IlppOR Most 01 theM laIln,o two catep Ike bIowiolJ up the,tarpon COfnIJO;&n(I,ower or
nes: rtvals and~. sbootlng them. 1mperl&J otfidab, bo.."'_, ..... are loIb In the _ Induatry ..... much ..... toler_ ;about " - yW,aunl.".
In!!:: SlTM J'rs worldnalorotber C1'lme boMea, IaWlIllld the New Order lhey Impose upon the
IrARSpOft pilots trylq to ~ ... out 0I1Jud.- pluy. Some Jmpmal Cuttoou .....u """"
- - . and shifty ~ndert tryln, to out-bld ...... 11 their llfe', fOal 10 lorment or apture
... lor ~ drop polat deJlvery fob. They're particularly ""llUIar oIIenden lke IlrfUIIIers.•
theClXDpetIUon. Rivabaren', ~ out IOtei )'011 brut lhel;aw.chancuare you'",,;ann,oyed
~ they can be your friend, .. SOiIidIodywOO t!oetn'l """" a _ 0 1 homor:
long.. theytei tomethlnaout ofthedeaJ. Even In this cue. lhe Cl'OII oilId&l In dw'ge of
hough they're a1wa,ys tryInll to _ p )'DU, enfordng the law.
',.bmJtlothelrruthleNneu.1beyrarety OoD'lhyorr DtbU: ThIs I.. 'u", w.yto maR
anythln(that.'. JOfIll to tei)'DU Into major enemIeI. You're ezpec:ted 10 pay 10, servkes
bIe. Sure. they'U send IOIl"Il! ""IY litlle and aoocb other people Ill"'" you-lI)'011 don't,
CUIIoms Inspector on )'OUr t,all, Of ,eplau Ifs called I.twlnt;and fraud, When these Iolka
contraband with emptyt'I.'et, But they're don't get: the credit, you owe them, they get
III to ",II )lOll out to I I1ll'rcU",.. bounty angry. They hIre bounty hunte... toehaae you
Or shoot )'OU In the back. down and m....eyou pay...anewlyor tht other,
Nol paying your bill. I. a universal waylo make Folllng PllUlA: Everyone has their own ambI-
everyone h.ale you, even your lrusled COn- tions and dreams, P=ple are motivated by
tact., If you owe money to your employer. Ihen Ihem, work Ihelr entire lives to reach Ihem.
you're In really deep trouble. When yuu prevent another from rea<:hlng hll
Dutroyed Property: Other people really don', goal., he's not too pleased. Falling to reacb
Uke II when you blast the stutl they own, u.... Ihese objectives might have caused the per.on
ally because II co.1 a 101 of credit•. In mosl embarrassment, lhe loss 01 aJob, or ImprIson-
case. il also causes a scene (see "Embarrass- m..nt. He becomes eager to do the same to yOll.
menl" below). If you deslroy somelhlng really lIyou're like molt Imugglers I know, you have
voJuable-an item tbal can'l be replaced_ your own aspirations yOl" enemies will plot to
Ihen someone's onforglvably mad al you. destroy,
They'll go to certain lengths to make you pay Hanning A CI..- Friend: Mosl 01!15 are loyal
lar yourvlolenl ways. Some levy a flne or make loour friends, crewmates and conlacts, When
you workotl the Item's worth. Others makeyou someone hurts them in some way, ,,'e gel an-
..,place thc property, especially 1111 was diffI- gry, fn our huslnes., W. I"'oolbl<: tn phyolcally
cult to oblaln In the plACe, The lellst toler- harm other•• lou. We accidentally blasl the
al1l put a boul1ly On your head--at least they'll 1m periallleulenanl's trusted aid, push Ihe crime
!t"'1 some pleasur" walching you squinn ... , lord's favorile enlorcer off Ihe landing plat.
Emban'alllm"nt: Making others look bad-es- form, 0' blow SOule J}1.ate'5l>uddy out uf Ihe
pecially in front 01 their .ubordinate. or their sky. Th")"re friend. don't take too kindly to
superfors-lsn 'Ilhe way 10 make friends. Often this, and .eck us out to Inflict the same kind 01
this Involves other reasons adversaries don't punIshment.
fike you; fotung plans, de.troying properly. Pb Y'kel HlIllD' If hurtillJl someooe' ~ close friend
hrcaking the faw. physicaf h~"" '" ru,"~"lk ur """u.:I~I~ 15 iJlW. th~" hUrlu,g 'h~", Is won<e
troubles. In Ihese situations. yOll .llp out 01 a Peoplc rernc:mher J}aln V<::ry well, cspo::clally lhe:
stkkysltLLlltlon, and managed tochallrln some- person who caused II. llependln~ on exactly
one else In the proc,,",l, Assuming your 01'1'0' whal kind 01 J}aln you cause, your adversary
nent lives, he becomes a dangerous adversary could 11lIve IMtlng eilccl5 tu remind him how
benl on taklng revenge on YOu--<Jflen to a much he h.ates you: scars, a limp, only one ey<l,
grPAte. [kg."", Iha" Ihe e",barrassme"t you cybernetic ... pla~ffil paris. TIll. Ittnd of C!>'
caused. cmy ha:< onc thing on hi. miud, dNding II", """M'
kind of paln-or worse-on you
Chapler Six: Rwals and Adversaries 79
Rom-otk: T"",bl~ Thllllllll wamJl\lllO..u you ~ u Seprtue, Corporate
slk:k. hoI..hoI smuggler. OUIIMre. 000'1 mess Trausport PUot
with ~ else'. rornN>llc InlereM. h'. II Capl:ll1n Seprlne III pertwops the only coq>o-
.ureWllYlomUeUlenany.Remember,~ ••Ie Innspor1 pilot who Ioob good In tho:
one hllS his own 1fOllls, both proIeul(lnally lind compa.ny unlform. Some men would <I!'W'n Sit)'
person.llIIy, Wbft:t you !hwart _ > e '••0- she'. Slunnlngly allrilCllve In It. The Ca.puIn .....bitiol.. and wone )"el. when you plloU. bulk frei,nler forNebuJ.a.Cons.. ~
lltlllln lhem youndf-you create .I bitler old- running mund.lne and tuxury food 11_ 10
V'ftSlllY' driwn by otten uncvnlrollllble em<>- """Il>stft ........ ets In lhe £.xpan5Ion ~ and
Mid Rim. Some of the more upens/Ye C&rJO<I!I
...., h.luIs .... euctly lhe ~ ......y slDllf-
Rivals glen Ute to run for a few qukk cro,dlU_
Uk<! IDOIt corporale pilot., S<oprine hoIIb
Your riYals lOre <'OIIlpetilors lor you. busl- ~rsand.muggler.lnlowreprd.She's
neu. TMy'retheotMr smll£lllen,lTee--t1ll6en hilughty, conlldml and ~ In llII
and Sp.ICerS who .... trybljj 10 mUe lhe....,., maltenof buslnes., Sepr!nelsn'l\... ralllni
IIvlnI you ...., wllh the _ C\IIIOIIl<I!TI, con- out competJliYl!! .mualets 10 Iocal.ulhoritles
I.IrtI and omployer;s. Thls chen me.IllIlhere'. 10 keep lhem out of he. atfal•• She doesn't
lei. work for ycML So you cut OOrT"lerl, lower lole••le "w\essnt:51
you. pr1ceI .. lillie, ilIld Iry and .how U....I Sept'lne enjoys manlpuJa.lln, OIhe.S. If.he
you're lhe bost pilot for lhe Job, Of COUI'K, !hI, tomeIlrnet K<l!m. f.1endly loward you, she',
d<>elll'l you look better 10 lhe competl-
Ilon---(hey'r", jU!lI u mild .It )'011 for .Ieallng
probably ....n no" In IOIlt<I! I w!tlo,d way: pump.
Inl you fo. Infom1.lllon, mlldll'f:Cllnl YOU. or
Ih",ir wo.1t. .endinll you off on 1Il~ ma ,kf'llll' which III kes
you flU" from hN territory. Her Infamnuo rn-
Corporate Transport Pilots i~ ,,,I,,li""ohlps Ire Juat as manipulative.
Captains worklnll for major .hlpplog co'JIO' She's had ,,,1811,,,,"1Iil'" wllh every m.le mem-
r..llollS don't thinkmlKh of .mUilllerl. To th",m ber of her crew-maybe that'. why they"e all
we're unlawful parasites whu ..r", bf,d for busl- afraid of her and obey her orders wllhOlJI
oess. We'reJU!l1 tiny und miles lry1n,loflnd a question. Sfoprln..'. I""", kl>QWIl to charm a
juicy 1>0&110 1•...,0/f. MOIII tranlport plloU h.1V<! op.aCN Jlllt to twltt him 10 I\cr own od""...",.
a condescendln, llttltlKk: whe" ,1e31111W with o...;e hi. I"'rp<NIe Is Unlohed, she lanes hlm
lhe ......... nfek>nnt on the '.ee-I.adlng food aslck like u.., oth",rs ,1~'.lefl III her wake.
chaln. I think lho:y',,,, JOGt /eIolous 01 our lree- l a SqorIDe, All It.alS .Ire 21) 6Cq>e
dam and .utonomy from maulV<! oorporllte so.
Whale-< lhecase.lhey f1ncl.mualets IIItle
lNxtniIy.1D. b/QsJIu ,*""",41)./,pidtpodw
41).2, ~ 3D.I. burNuaocy SO, /loft.
_ 41).2. mtu",dtll'_ 41), Ic2W ~_
IIlOft t:baa lllIDor aDDO)".II"IOllI. W"c.ute lrouble
JD.2, pIm-.ry""""1111 SO. 1M'e/l(:ISe W.z.
.... !mt-bI Customs a.lCb down on ~ M«Ittl1tJaIl 3D.2, ~iM 4n, CfJP'kJI fh>p
one. We undermine tMl. rnarUu by dodP'i
costly kaury taRs and IunJ IIlriftI. .....e doII'l
fJlloluw SO. rommunlCOflOlU 41).Z..III!1tIlI01' W,
hllve lodress In IhOIIe .11Iycompany untionnI..
J'at>tpOOn m, batJo/n m.z.
cotItIIIIItId SO. ron
4D.2, P=U<WOR-' morm 60, QIPdaI UIlP f'<I!PlJH
M<.t corponIe piloU IpIore us, thou:Ih now 4D, Dark SIde PoInl.' l. Cbanodet Po!nll; 7.
and then they1I try to show us up. U5l.IlllIy in
Move: 10 Bl.uter pistol (40). bulk fTelatrter.
10M<! c._ckd .pw:q;wwl bar, or IllIront of
Spotdu( d.aI.Ipad. Nebula C ~ corp<>-
C\IIloms Inspectors who have IDCft respect ral", uniJonn.
and IrusI lor llUIhorized shippm, apIa1no1,
In return, mosl 'TD!'IlI!'!'n urry on a Y<I!l'ba1 Honest Free-Traders
repartee with U - <:orpor.le wlm~. Soo>e-
tlmes...., <I!I'I ,e In pnctkal JoIles Jll&IIO b:ep The pIuy hal a lew noble IndMduals de,.
them OUI 01 our hair: payt", the w.llter 1 0 _ lerminr:d 10 make .... hones:llMnIN ~ldepet..
up lhei. drinl< order, Uppl", off C\II10InI thai denl freighter c.apt.l1nl. TheK Itee--t •.IdeB in--
re h.lulln, conlraband, Or over\o;Jading vest !hdT life ...vht,. In lhel.r .hlp, IonlI
r permil dolilpad, by plU8lJ1l\lllhem InlO ho..... a.nd wo.k lhei. bodies 10 lhe bone to
er 1OUr'Ce5. It'. II fr1endly rlvalry, one thai make a foltr c.edll. TMy're "'_bkl,"ll enl..,.
ca...,. .. few hurt feelings, but ••rely erupt. In preneurs-nd Ih.t'. Why Ihey're not ma.king
"""",,- mon",y. These frelllhier capt..l,," blame thel.
misfortune on ,"'ullllle••, pir.tes, cr1me .yndl,
cates, and llIlyorle elle who d<>e5n't .ee Ihe
lalaxy from Iheir exclt11lvely r1ghteou, poinl of
l Ing whatever
work h" can
lind: hauling
be. always approach anyone from the fringe
elem"nts 01 societywilh cauliOil. You may not
like to acc"pt it your""II, but we can be Ju.t IlS
dishonest, thieving and ruthless as bounly
supplies to settlements. taking on passengers. hunters, swoop gangs and crlm" lords. We
and running some sP"Clalty cargo lor picky bave to if we're going to survive in this tough
clients. He's trying to make a living In a region e<;Qnomlc market.
where lew uphold Ihe law, and mo.t pro/it by You don't have to look lar to lind smuggler
sneaking around it. competitors. Quitealewbum around the Minos
Th" old Duros doesn't hav" much todo wllh Cluster (Golaxy Guide 6: Tromp Frf! ij(hters, P"l'les H" ignores them when in port. pre- 79-84). I \mow of a lew who fiy the Outer Rim
lerrlng to .It alone In a corner wearing a SOUr ("Smugglers 0/ the Outer RIm, - froll' Star Wllrs
lAC" (0/ course. to humans all Ooros look sour). A<lvenlu", Journul,S, pages 101-118). The mor"
Crumme doesn't ha.... many friends. A lew lamous ones might be out of your league, but It
BoSS stlrshlp crtdtnllstt, "botaglnll your your Ille! Check out/'irrm.s &I'riuolt!ers, Cola.r)'
frelllhter, telUngyour s«retsloother tntmles C.lIde 9. F~"fl F'mm (he Rim. and (',Q!<u:y
and ImperIIJ CuslollLl forces. Others charge Guide /1 Ofmioo/ Organiztltions.
thelr mlnlons wlth haraUlnJ you. £nIorctrS
and bounty hunlU$ carry OUI thetr bidding, Minions of the Empire
lnfIlctinl dlfflc\llty on OUr struat1tlll careen. Tht: Empire lsn'l Just cracklnl down on the
Whatever you do, don.. make lhe Hutu &n- Rebel AIIlar>ce, It's cracldng down on anyone
gry. Tbelr criminal infIlJtDCe .... twales the a>- who threatem tIM: New Older. Smualc'n do
Ure pLp::y. Thoollh you mighl not set lhtm an)'lhInc but foIow order, rules and 11. ., We
shaIl:lbtln8 around the Ioc:.aI .urpon, rest _ rnIIi:e our ltvInt by ~ thtm. 1lle f.mpIre
SUl"ed that Ibtir InsidioulI .lrl1nllIm ue w.tcll- ~ II's IIvlnc Inftk:t1ng order on eYeryOIot
lnI)'OW"everylllO\'e. 'Theywon'llusl blat YOU.
thty11 create caretully pIannecl Khernes to
ruin your ~ thtn they'U blast you..
wOO doesn't want It. Naturally ... have a prob..
bolo,dlna and
wutesomellme? Imply that you'", not happy
with Iflw or policy he'. enlordfil.
",.rehlna v_ Yoolll/d. a linrlIlled:ure on the..-tls 01 tbr
Ern~'. New Order, Jutllflc:atlon lor wb.II-
lion check- ever you'", ~ flIld Iln IIdmooltlon to
IoIIow the ruIet flIld be«lone fl betler ImperiII
... _........
ltupom. ThtT dIi:z..... RDwea'. a hard <:ale, but with mc>lIIb nominal o:xper !erIC<:. you uti play him rigtll.
COIIlrol ~ I(>.
Character ,
Templates I,•
The charACter templates provtded In this Bacta Pirate, Bacta SmU&lI1er, DisguIse ArtIst,
c!lapter are Ideal lor creallng your own smug- Freeworlds Trader. MrluU Rovlng Enterr.alner,
gling crew. Pick one or two captain types, then Mrlssti Swindler, Proleuional Thld.
fill II out wnh support persOfloel: gunners.
camm opetators. cargo loaders, and any oth-
~. you l~l are neces....ry for running cont....
Starships in EqUipment
...,d. You'll notice these template5 for smugglers
K""p In mind how many people you'll need don't ha"" any freighters under their "Equip-
to crew your sllip. Most group. nmnlng Ughl ment"Uslings. We're leaving thai up to you and
freighters have a pilot, eOi'llot, and one gunn",. yourgamemaster to Ugureout. Whether a par-
for """II weapon. The group 5tlOold have "- tkular character begins th" game with a star-
technician and a fast-talke. along, though oth_ ship depends on what the IlllJllemaster has III
ers amonllihe cr"w might have .klll. whIch slo"" lor you, how many other players In Ihe
rover tiles<: profes.lons. Add some heavy hil- group ha"" charaet...... with ships, and what
ter. 10 move c"-'lID, hash heads and blast kinds of characters are In a group. II we IIlled
stormtrooper.ln pori and you're all set. a YT-I300 /""Ighter as equipment for """'Y
If yoo'Tealrelldy runnIng In a band of smug. character, and you had a group of sl" smug-
glers, read over some of these templates lor glers, everyone would ~Iart with a ship.
ideas to enhance your character. Don't beshy Talk thIs over with your gamemaster and
about borrowing Interesting background "Ie-- the other players. Which character would be
ments, mOilval ion., personallUeo, or tllil ch"""y maot likely 10 start your campalgn with II
quolatlons. Irelghter? Keep In mind everyone's back-
The templates listered here are all original grounds. Would a character who has just gol-
to this book; however, other sources contain t"n out oJ Imperial prison be less likely to ha""
clulraders who would easily be wekomed Into a stars hlp than on" who jmt signed on with th"
""y smuggler group: Klatooinan Trad" Guild? Did your charact"r
crash her shIp In some escapade just bela""
• TheSt..r W..... Rolepf..yl"ll Game, Reelaed th" current adventure? Was your freighter Im-
o.nd EJrPD.nde~ Brash Pilot. Gambler. Outlaw. pounded by the Empire? If'. back-
Smuggler, Woold".,. ground make5 It less likely that she beglns with
• St..r Wa... Gamemaatu Serum, ReDued: a ship, thai spacer might Join anOl her smuggler
"'"re, Sunust"" Trall"r, Tongu~TIed f.ngineer, unt!! she can earn enough credll5 for her own
Wooklee FIrst Mate. freIghter. Maybe that breeds some resentment
• Heroea & ROflIlU' Annoylng SquIb, Arms among your crew. P"rhaps thes" conllicts can
Merchant, Con Artlsl, Devaronlan GrIfter, Jawa help build more depth to your characters.
Trader, Outlaw Tech, Qua""n Swindl"r, Slk"r, Remember, characters don't lust com" 10
Squib Trader, Whiphid Collector. the game with "xI"""I"" background5-you
hell' determine thell acflons, develop thelr
• P/rat"a &: Pri""'",,ra, Veteran Spacer. peTSQIIIJ\ty and lill in th"lr past durIng each
• Ployer'a Golde to Bacta M"rchanl, ad"""tur".
eauu- F\nI Male 2D_\ ".2 2.
., ., .,
.,.. .,
a-y .......... ".2 2.
e - . g..... 20 ".2 20.2 20••
KIe......M· R.oucabMt
•• ., .,.,
20.2 3D.'
No tt::ilW')' T......
3D .
3D 3D••
Ship.• GaIlHf"
! e> 20.' JO 3D.2
--- 3D
Typ.r. Caut~ Firsl Male
"ndlrnplclft= /Human
I .' IMI$ht:
l'hyslcal Dftalptlon:
• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
I.... •• .....,
3D+2 :
I, .......
Br...tlna: parry Coo
.... """'"'
Mi£I.Ile wea~
lqIllp",.l\t: m... _<
.ID~.I"-':y, 1 _
I .......
"'" """,
nuvwn weaponl
0ftIy), b£aste<"~ol (40}.~.:iOO=dIls
~round;y""·,,, a
"","u,"" I ......... ~~ il_ i
T0lfCl_r lr.-t"'-_ _ uaol.)'OOI
J-w:d IlrngIlta ttcw. AI. !he I-.c _ dicIn~ MIIjJKt
, KlIOW'lldlJ· 3D S_l\J1tt U-Iobe_ , 1.. ~thaI'""""
_ ~ can bdp _ <::K..... ahoukl_
AIicn Ip«:k:o arlWUna
Oimhif'lll)uml''"tl - -
p...-...... ,.....,. pid IIPJ'OUI' Kall. y"" MWl'IUQl'_OM
p&lott...,.,.1o<c. ...s «l"$lI_ry _
tl>t Iuocr;>ll\oe <arzoes
Y... _ 1 _lDlIdI ~ ~ >os
¥OUDd 10 ......
a lpKft" bd.
• you"~.........., qukldy Y.., "'"'P .... - . you <..
2D+1 T~ltol
"".....,!he c~ and ~ wttII ...... _1hIp-
• _dlJlIeo. "'Mnyou~lnpon.you_<h.,.,,.....'.
2. •· ....d.",,...,. _ot'-_I,.,._"""""'
"""'~" HJl"'d>l/y your -.. - , . -••• ,..,., >os Ir.;
• .-all.... Y _ _ ,.,... .................
Compulft' program-
: _ _ up Y",,~ IJIKt wttII • blast". and ~
Beul riding " " " " " 10 _ _ II". _
mlnglrepalr-:;;= •
PlI'OtVIull ~atJon _
DemoliUo... ••
Drold prowllnlllling _
'_Pity: UvloIIo leN ' - b<oucht,... ~
<_10 paraooII. Y""don11JuS1 anyont _1In1 p&II
Obje-cffv••: Yoo
olyouraew 11aIl!he llmeyour I\Ind Is
,.,... blul"
10 _ _
wanl you <aplurtd. ll>e IIIOft fftDOl. !he qst......
Starahlp gunnery _
Starahlp Ihlridl _ _
Swoop operltion _ _
A Quote: , donllJuS! hhn, Captain. n-.,'._
lI>1"lI going on M~ lhIt .mells Ru • aet.... p •
om., Olo_rs:You could
Conn..ctlott WI1tl
have ~ned any freighter c~. but would auocllole
Mo~ 10 • lI>O~ with too.e
chAncte... ",II<> """11ll! c.uliou. be-
Nil •
havior liU your own.
SePAltlvd _
fmu Pointe I • •
Ouk Side PoInte_ •
a . - I t r Poill 10 •
fYlM: W.oonlan CaptAin
G.,uha'S~.dft: fWroonlan
.: 11I1....
Pl" Itcol Dlocriprloo"
• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
I ~~~ 30 'Hup~ 30:
Bla$ter &rpln •
BnwtInJ parry
J Oodll!
• !
Mriee combat
:----_ _-----'1
j ~ parry Penuuion :
MkAIe wupona; _ Sewdl •
PIck pocket SnNt :
• lb-min(l
Thrown -pons_ SM.",rt,
3D : Equtpmenr:
FIuI"..,.. jodd. ,.... b+t. '-""
bIfIol."" patol (50). Judy - - . 250 <Ttdiu
_"I"'" 11_......"""'.. .
~ F_,lonune. _ _ ~ ' "
KtIo~ 2D+1 OImbln&fluraplng _
A8eu spedes utuna : ~ ' . wf>y,.,.. bec'_, ~ You
Culltuel Srflmlna •
"1 II- ""'......
1IIoauabt),,.,.. juot dtt·, , """ cloy that '1MlfI'
: lllinll wu ..-c ioll""nl.llIII tluo. wl.ooto........ d
wcrc<loulllattbc_ 'ThM· dtl',I
• Im:,.,... Iile.. iI's......, ....nt
III ....._ ......
' .._0_'
.....-Yl..... T.-dInkoI 20 '.
we.oIrll ;Ko;I1'or1'.,.,.. do it. ADd II ~_·a
~ to """"",phh It to _ t h e K<ItIIIdrI!! wr<q.
Computer profnll)- • This _ably brtnp ,.,.. with btC
....·oHpower mlTlll~ • trouble. To)"lU.1CU!AI OUI 0I11OUb1c Is "'" \be Iun.
•• ....~there··_danccr.t~·.moretlll:lt_ .•
M.dloftkol 40+2 Demolitions IlIc wcrctt"l ... tItrillIoa. you wouIdn"l ....~ fUCIl. JOOd
Ard>fIk: stanhlp pllod"ll flrsl fIld :
AstropUon RfpulsQrllit replOl. _ • P~lify: You _boock _ [rom. c ~
Communlc:flllQns _
~Illt op. _ _
$p,I« transports
II 0<lIDfthinIl
.,od>.,. plnI"Il weIIIh~ tame. you'",
Tn-: ~"'Y Ship's TKh
G...d..'Spulft: /Ifumm
.: Ihlghl.
J "" I "D.ICIIpIiol"
Brawlln8 parry
3D .--.......
c ..
! ",~ ~ ....
~ Mew ....."lH' I-'ersuasloo
j M~IH parry S<-.Jlfdl
Thrown weapons _ _ Strongm 3.
I ~~::1H~~~H~·~~~·~·
CUmblngljumplng __
.. lJurcaucracy
,. BlUlneN Slam;na
Culturcs T.chnlcQI "D
!'bnf:t.ry 'YSI~ms __ 81&$Ier repair
"',.",,, Capital ship repair
Capital ship
'''~ weapun r~pilir _
M.dlo.. kol 2. Computer program-
Ardlak: Itanhlp
".. . . c:===
c,...,nka.tloI:Is _ _
Droid r~r
nnl: aid
IU:puhorlilt ..,pilir_
~ U"ansports
ObjoHth Is: Gtllllll buo oIroc ll)'IrlIlooliI _ _
OJlCfMion _
- , - - -_-
SIMf\gl'ller _ ~r
10""" tbo: _ port. y _ _ 10 try MId...., ~
-eta <:r'<dWi 10 ""Ire _ ... IWie lhe _ the
Slarshlp d1lckb _ _
StarsItlp ..
-. pon
A Quo,.: ·A_, quit lIddIntl wtth the powet" . . .
_ _ . I jus! ~ • lui ....t. ADd Ill"'" k""P
-.101 ...... the drIYes _'re """'10 "-"e. ~ -
Ca....... etiol. WiTh 0ftlI0r~: y.... .IOIIrIht
aliU be " ... ILti... 1or any OhM . . who', also bee<> 10 the
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• bustnea 100 Ioona: lbo ~ It~radto" or tbo: J..ted
fon:.: s.:.... tl""? _ No
fon:.: Polnu I
..,..,..".,rw;r. TeartIInI upwlllllQ)'OOl:l"'owlo.. ~
IoU 01 <:r<odltl (lib! the cluf)' fmll8IIer) If abo. (IOOd
Chof'OCHof Nom.:
ryp.; Twfl8 C<H'11ol
G11'I4. rt:l P• cII1.: {Twflek
Age: N"oht:
...,....,.. D• ...,.IIoo"
I o.Xl*"'rt 3D '--PrIon 40+2
ArchaIc "..... Sarpon
I ....
B1utn- Con
,...... ''''''''
..... ,--------11
Mdee C'OIIIt>.I
1 ...-
Thrown ~ _
8f"_U... -==,-_
£q\lip_t: lllutfl' pWol (4IJ), comllrot, ctIotopM.:lCI
Kno~ 20+1 CJlIn~plnl _ ~: y""....,...,tMcto,","",.,..h .",11I
,..t__,.,.._ ....
of R)tatb _ _ -., o1o.-.y '" a -.y youIII . . AI
l\nl; you as. atJIor, otl~
bur you ..... ,..... on " . , _ ~bl'II". y""
8... i- •
c:rl-...Io who _ideal the
~ pinus.•_ . ' " •
t.lthluIly~ ~ ___and _
ptuy In • ntIely of
...,.... "'..... u,.. Y""
""""',al * -
P\Melary .Y'>(~_ .... ,.,.. 1IIisl.ol<n. You Iumed all ,.,.. could about
.,"""'" stanhlJ-_~·w ~ . . . aII _ _ lot
""""'" y"" ""'0 •
" 0 ' " wIIh the aid .... .,."patMtk
..ho pr<JVldo!d a rtt-.nlnn and _ at\dl.
M.~ 20+1 t.....1""'p.!linn! ,..._., ha_ anyw!w'n' ," . . , ....
a~ onvitlld you 10)DIn hla c.- Y_II_hlp .tIl..
coml' In haody, but.,.,....
mrntaIIty ..... ecaped.we
moore _lit. Y"" are '""'" _lchlullor bowIty
•• .. ewtI
RepuIsorllh Gp. _ _
~~ tranlporu_
StMshlp gunnery _ _ ••
hun1en '" other ......11 out '0 ..... ~""' ,.,... In port
you'", always .."'chin. e-"r)OOIe'. bKk ulldcallJ
,.,.... aptain·s. You -.. hlm a I'm debt. """ lhal ,.,..
Iftlloylll oe<viee Un hdp repay_
Starshlp shl"ldl_ •• '0
'1_1Hy: You',,, qul1" and keep your""'. You
Swoopoperallon _ an: very attached 'O)'OU' captaln.lollow!nl him ~
•• w",,", (even lIlIaiBlI hlo orders) and wltchlnj hla bKk
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• rr~
Mo,",,, ;::=;:::-__," •
Speodol Abllltle>' Obj.atvft: You need to k""p IJIoUYIn. and avuld
T~nlOf:lt!$.· C&Il
rorc~ Sentltlve7 No • • ."....,rs II>d boun,y hun'ers. Y"" tlb: any chln<,,)'<>11
8"1 t<> help escaped '''''Vet and lid I,lendly .mullll"'....
I •
use the1< lleld-tllla 10 tor1t-
rorc~ Pointa
mUllkale In_rei wtth_h
.~ Dark Side Pointa
•• A Quote: "TlJ.,..,,,,,," wotelt cI,e1u1ly will knuw whdt
1<> lake shell.". I",m the Imminent helt t10l'1ll.·
Cltancter Poin ••
• Connedlon With Ortt.r Otorocr.n: Y..... ",Iwht
h....., bten 'escued j",m o"....,ry by any .mullaie' In>e,
You miWhl h•...., t-:n "nsloved ",llh the Siudl' crOll!-
bulIt.". 0< Ih~ K1oll00in"" 'oustlbout.
o.or..a.. No.....:
TYJM': StJlluslan
~.~ :
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
! DUfe41r) _ 2D+2 'e1U'pIMM.
... ,~ Barglln
I Brawling parry
I, Melee combat
Melee pa.rry PersuasIon ••"".
1 Pick pocket
Selo'ch •• Equlpment: [ftr t>.t. ~ """,Mnt. IportInt
•• bIu'''' (30--1). 1001 tit. SOlI crcdIto
2. S_li'"
• ~. . . . :!uIuItwHremncPU:l.l,y~
V.... .-110 "-" a IOtlIll the So«&rub
• taehollcal aoMoor~ job ~ed 011 purterlOC
CUmblnxllumllirt8 _ ........., ,be "..."""" <:OIIlPUlers. ~
Uhl"ll .... COBOIIiDeII. and n\lIInI.IinlrlI Yit.aI "",",flQ''-' ,
Yourllk._ _ 6I:M....-I.
Stamina WhmSo<oSoub o n _ I t o lnt..,tIooIlollde wllh
the Emili"', you fled 1M. pllnet. You tl>oucflt about
toInl"ll the Rebel AJlIa"c~. but yoIl _ren', .bout to die
lor Illy callie. You Wf.llted I life 01 thrlill which paid •
Iltlle dividend. So you jOined up wllh a 'ree-trader and
TKhnlcQI 3D+2 put your technical oklllo 10 wort molntlllnln& the (nmIIDy
CapllaJ ihip r~l, _ bucllet ... scrap hecalled .lrctIhla _Now and then the
•• cllllllln ran Into _~ wtth IIIe Emplre. rtnI
........ _,--
CapllaJ ,hip
Computer progr_
.... sP i. cr-. lonli and bcutty IMftn. Tb6I oft""
_tho=ihIp _ _ ...... d_. d, _ _ ....
. ... ,*",
up.SlIll.,.,.,lIaverour .... - ' - _ pb.a ,",""",",
DroId ,epair • credM '"- the CllPtI1Jl', ko<nlM:_ all • NftI.
lIepulaortift ~f_
Securlly :;;:;::;;:-_ _
•• '_hly::
•• thl. . twll up In lhe
UllWly you'", _r-PlI. but . -
~ bay, you lIl'I nustered
Space tranlpof1l • and anzlouo. You....,1 you h.ove lo'llo ewryth1na: aliI!
,,,pal, ;::;::;:::;::-- ••
Slltllghler ,epalr _ _
~p uhl AbtllriM
£' <H's.-s ·2Ilto
IIiF< """'*_.
t.omriorJ$enIoe. .11)10_
...._7l:Kt, .... low- fon:eJ>olat.
•• >ptftr
to WOf. tbe
u,,"* _ _ You'd pro/>lIbl)r "*' up-In)'
capcaln .....' 1>.0"" /life<! _
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Brawlinll Pury 8argAin
Melee eomblll
Melee parry
1 Runnlnll Surd> •• I
J Thrown ~aponl_
11 -,,,., 50
[qulpmeont; 2 Craie hoolt (Sn.%j, Siudl, ... r d"b
lS1ll.. I D). 50 credlll
Brawling ••
, CUmblnllljumplnll _
WUOil' •••
Background: Yo", I"'<'ple .re phyolclJly po.. erful,
but your upbrb>gln~ .I"",oed that F6ponllblUIy and
I>onor are tIO!:ded 10 I"'n_ tbt. u""lIty Inlo I true
Stamlna • Ilrenlllh. You were about to b",:,,,,,,,. IIfIlUll ....rior tn
Swin"ni"lI • Y""'" clly..l>!e when 1p.acer110\0l yw II ...")'UUr !'rim!-
~ ~rId;and I'll! you to "'Urk fur II""". M.m ul
••• II'le llbor ~ulred}'QUI mu~w tU ... llltl~ E>'1:I' of tho.
• wort _ wu repedt/Ye;and boolClll. k Iacko:d 1...._
• Vourlhon l~ohenervpted.buIlhe",w .. nowIY
• YOU' p/ryIkai ~I could ' - you from 11Ivery,
• t.~ \OIlIler pwd>ucd ~ Jr-
2. Tedlftkol 20 • _irl Ior~lrIlc.o,w.Vou.. e ........
I ~ buI .. -...uIed Ut._mber wltllalalory_
"""'" ..-
An, ....
. . . . _y_ •
~ a ' YOUloadcrM...........
oto.n.hIps(C_"tIuItb>Jlcnl"'.IIIthoro.Ih _ _
you raIy _
•: _,.....c..lOproI«I_r.-lhed
01'- Pft'lllie"ll>eodI:cuo.-
0>000Cl.. N_:
'no-' Ship's Gunner
.: Kelgllt:
!'hyslCQI Dflcrlprlon:
I Sluta' Anillery _
_ _-IIJ
I•j ='ll~,"",,~~~
Melee combat
Melee parry
Pers.... ion
• Missile weaporu:
Runnlnll("",,==-_ _ Equlpm.nt: BI•• t~f 1'1'101 (41J).10",,,, pike (STR.2'D)
Vehicle blasters wllh starlight... klla ""tc~ Into ,tw!, ~..,. com-
, knowlHi. _ 2 0 link.. "lfd~, 500 <~II'
intimidation -==-__ IoclIgf'OUl'ld:yo.i..., MtlIoOlM milltll')'~_
uw .... ~t IIlOII!ywlthbluh:t.nlllety ",,_
.... but ibeotdere<l. ...,.\rI<1fl1! martial., WM_1oo
I'tanewy systems_
you.- Authority .... ooIw.)'II .<> bo!
wwe _ to be lor"""'- St> Y"" loti
rhaI""""-.:I nIIeI
You .-diKovaullloo:l.-t_. W<lfIcl---'
T~ . . r_ 3D . . . ohlI- bIatq ltvoolllh IIIoc-u.I pk..... ancI ~
V,ll1pa.. o
"""'" .- . . ~ boumy '-'ten. por_ and rn- kJn:h; .....
.... """"
vaHlo ...eQ !wid l\lOOI'I'y ~ ~ rou
Mlchonkol Blaste- repair «IUld po~ row wonh. ",,110,...... _aryr.q,,","W:".
Capital ahlp rouqulclttrw"mean.ce.h<>t with .qUJld Iutr The
Capital ship runn<:ry _ weapon repiIlr _ ..-e ldlls,..,.. r.eked up. II", ""'"' Impnrtonl,.,.., IfIt
Communlc"Uonll _ VOIl beton kcq>lnJ \rock of.oll you. ol.rflgh'~. 1011.10
Ground vehicle op _ DcrnoI11101';"~====
Fir.t aid::
J>f'OV'e 10 othe.o ",hot a i!'ul .bot you .....".."
TlI"" doyo you lollow ",10k"""" smuU1... <0p'oln
I'owe..uit op. _ Ground vehicle I. ",llIln8to 101..., you. [nn It they <100'1 pay _1I, )'<Ill',..,
Rel"'ll1Orlift op. _ _ repal.:;;;;:::::=-__ happy at 1on8 as IMre are plenty 01 hostlln OIllthere 10
s.-,;:;==__ RepoJsortift __
•• ,_11fy:
ot>oot-nd maybe 0 In port you <an .0UIh liP. 100.
Star,hlp guJlJJft)I_
Swoop operation _ _ '"""""'
Stu.hlp :::::::::--
weapon • tell a aood Itory, _ _
laIlwl¥l! and us~ quick 10
wl>en...,. Idnd 01
Walker oper~_
Wal""~r -'.;-.===
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Obj,
•• auI'-tIyllql5n Y",,_ .....,..,.,.,lIlllenaloved b7
trad< of.-. _ '-acto...,......, who _ 101;_
~p. c1a:1 AblIItift
f....,., PoIJata ......
• Ii. Qv.of.: "Now.,.trt-"z.«;lIA~oII,,"~t t.l
No • ''''1 bluted pool thla a,..l_ patrol tt\Ihoer _
I •
•• Can.wclfon 'Iinrtl Ortlet OIClfOCNn: V"" ftIl&ht
"""" been lilted br any ~"'I"" coptoln, 0.-""" COlIld
Ch.anoder Polll
• """" """'" ""''''It'''' by any member 01 ••tar.hlp'.
OM>_N......' 3
Type, RQd~ Gunner ~
CMildad!pl<tft: /Rodlan
., ~hr.
pt,) '=01 o.oo1prion,
I j
, L-_"----""-_ _--'I
j Equ~ IllulIleDo:t _ _ (.10 llbY*_ ·1
-1)', ' - I and ........ nnIJ), hiut... (.on) ...... bat
_ii .ok 2!10~.
and p1rlle~Yourwn.-d ,......1nJnf1.prow-
.,. to .,.-ootde II:I:Ira -.curify whiloo t.... lohIp ..... In 1*1.
....... ,-
Bur. you SOQO had on. RodIaDo ,....., a .......
dan discoYerod. you tried .0 Include you In t....
~ _ bod)'C1lUDl. Lucldlyyou ",pped I_y Now
Blaater repair
"", ""
RepulJorlltt repal._
JIOU.ign"" ... rur-on_lrfttlllen..
....... JVU k:ar _ _ hwu:rtI are
Seeurlt y::==__
Slanhlp ..upon
••t.orp <:yo: open lor enemy clan
h.......... JIOU
Ob~'ToevadeRodllIlllunter. JoIIuw!n1)"OO>-
repoolr ..hlch mems movlrttl .,ound a lor.
A Quore., 'Ullak .., noetchkJ, ......ftl. we)' ~o Ill'a
Special Abltltl.. Move J(l
fol'ft Se.... U....,7 _ No
fora: Point.
Dark Side Pol.nt._
b1utka vo Ilk,•
(Trlll.laUon: 'Hunllnll I. III honorable prolu.lon.
it io don<: with I blaster or a quad luer c....
. ' Dnctl9I10."
"YJkol 1IeoI9'"'
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Brawtint: pury
i ~POCkd
Thmwn weapons _ _
....... 20+1 ••
=-=--= •EquI~ ..r. DMapMI, portws _
: ~ bocPae lied. 77 c.-.
-:I hot, ~
Uft. . ••
~:Vou· .... ,....,.P/lCtl_t.er_ _ «the
• Iu bela> tnosport po.
• druidII .... IIIOIhmd
...•. t......, lor o !tot- Vou
-.. ......~_ ...
1uaaeo' oontne sys!etIIO
• C I< • juot pa., _ • Oft your . . - Peel
3D TodWtDI
Computer proaram-
'D · .......
: ODd ,.,..'", pushinf. and ~ It 10 .....,....!.Ib!y"...
Spocc Uaw:! has alwaY" _.'~ '0 l"'U 1lI.ot's """'
01 !be _ JOU Uw:Il pods. ~.rpon.. Sorr",IIalt$
0r0Id Proerammllll _ •
• ,.,.. lood _ _ b • • . " " and . . t.ollOpOtlS You
OroId r~,;;~,
;:;::= •
""" 10"'- aD ........ 0 1 - - . fn>m _ I h e pllllly
Tba:I....., <1oy. whiJo, JOU -..: """-ftrl& _ suopi.
_,,"_lnIoo r...qchrer·.carJlO bnld.lhe ........on
RepuIsotllft ~r_ • 1nI0_I"",ble ODd looIloll early. You -... OIIM Oft
board. Thecrew I...... olWoi Iu,.,... _ peId you 0 lew
c,rdilslo hdplood and ... lood <~ot IheIr .arIouo
dHtinalJonJ.. Now ,.,.. wanl 10 bec:_ 0 s~ your-
_. s... the 1ll1asy. art 1nI0 l"",bIe. h.ov! _ II.wL.
'ononollty: Yoo·... opllmlotk ODd dd!t'mlned V""
don"1 db.coo.~ eully, ond ..... w1WlII 10 do your beOl
10 provo: lhol )'DO.... not "", 0 l""""ll tid pod Irod:«
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ob~lvft: To scr0p" I~ tnouIh c,edlll ffom
~ "''''::-:-:---No
Fon:e Soenolllvet
" W.lI"I llId lip" to buy your own lIghl ~!t' ond
bect>n>e. ~ smlJill!f.
Fon:e Polnto I It Quono: "II J can pack 0 oJed.lood '" hoi bolll~
un<!... I cu.lom, In.pcclor·, nose. I <Oft omulll'" on)b
Darlr. Side Polnto lhl"lll""'llhe Empl..,..
a.v.cter Puln
Co"....-etIon With O'Ihor CharaC10l'lli V..... ",t~ht
"" ol""eIl o"AY on. ohlp belonllinlllO any,muflllle1"
or pllul charocl.... Vau mtgh, h."" I>tlrlend!d lily me....
be, 01 • smuggling c,~ and 'ogged llonlL !"eIl IhouJll!
you "..-en·1 rM1ly Invlled,
Typr. />lon CaIarrwl Spacer
~ /MOIl c.'-mar1
.; ~ht: Weight:
PhysIcoI O•• alprIcM"
! [)ext. ,II,
Bnwllni p&rry
, ......
• ...... <ombo,
........."'" 0
......... ,..". 0
I Th~ ___ SoW 0
EQI"mem: -.",. ptstol (40). ( • It .... ¥-!
- '"'~
Iodo.grvund; y...."""",........ unlouuy"""..........
I Sl'.'ljjl'tl 3D
u.. ~ sI-.t "" and
.... 0 .... ,..... I
.<>rId _
20+2 ~ JOUI' people. y .... lMdD',..- 10 SfId-.
, ",-",,, 0
OImblnCllumpln, _ and _ _ .....anaed 10 lIee ...... (.'0"'1 wIIh •
0 _ 01 dubIouo ~ ~ )'OU , ha....
0 IftIfI)' crMltf..,.,., ~ _ d t o tbc Db
c..._ 0
'0 poy oft _ p,.;.:.:.~:.::~
Now ,.,., poi: _' • ...-.. 10 work til •
lAw mI<.oi <....""'"_
.......... You-.., c~
'0 . - . - ~h CMJO 100
....... h .. taI.1oo
PIanewy 'y$l:~- 0 _yourc5ml and _ proIIl ......... , _ buol" III
0 dednc:o hIppm 10 <I_I or ~ the £Iapft, ,.,.,.~
~- 0
0 ~ _ pIMIed wtIIt,..,..,wod. II"I only Wr "'-
M.dKlllkol 30..1
. -., 3D
_ ..,,1. .1)' ""-"t........ I"," ~ lhe ~
brieIIy inIIIcIed ""' your _ _ .1)fkl
Comput~. proeram- 0 '_11ty: y""·.... 1oir duIn who·d.¥her so.11W1
Altroplion mlnlll.epalr 0 diHeTenc... wMh words thon bIosIfft, You-~. bit too
Communkatlonl_ DrokI p!'OlP"arnmlnll 0 inOOfIng. and K<epI .. hal. othe<• ..,. u I .... h.
Rqtubor6h Oroid repal. 0 Obj.ohet: To _ IS many c.....lU 1S)'OIl.,.....1
oper.lion flnt aid 0
the i:mpl'''''-'
Securlty 0 A ~, "I an wSaIn with c'1mlnab. scound.dI
Spaa I._port. _ _ Spl(:e "'"nsporu 0
..... even HUIII, but lhere ~ "0 Wr cInllnp IhI:
Stushlp gurJMry_ •0 i:mpi..... (oow::.rned:
Starshlp shield. _ _ ' '
Star.hlp _pon 0
0 Connectlon Wl1h OfM., Choroaen: V.... ml8hl
.tJ)lllr 0 1111I be IndoPnlured to _her Imua\<'r, (IO)'OIl mltlhl
ha.... joIoed I crew with.JJqrlonc... ""I\fllhe Empl.t
" ,
..... ... _-
... ltI_
-I 0 '" .. "'"""'"':t,
~ ~,,.,,,,.,..
_10 .... s-woo
.................. 0
A_Ii, ,"0. C., ...", ...
_ _ ............ s..b-
_ .. ITS.
Typ.; Mer<:enaryTnder
GI chrf5,paclft: /Hum&n
.; MIlgh"
B !'hyskol OMalprloft:
• •• 0 ••• 0 ••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••
BLast... Artilkry
Mdeo: combat Penuulon
I ~ Pill"Y $ean::h
••• [quI~ IlIaoIhebefand_(.IDphyolc 1
.-Iy),bIu'~_(3Il), ..
Missilr n.H • _ {Slll:.]O}, 500 <:t'1!dQ
• lbllVling •
Thruwn~_ ~ YOU'-IO ~ e ~ w1lllVl
Vehicle b&uten
: ajl6C_
~,_ of your _ WAS _ ... .,.ond.
lor IIiIatIoI. -......--)'OW' Ioost t'ODtrllCl
KilO 1111 ed" I 2D.2
_ ,'d 10 _ ...... \'<U" pIIotInI_ 10
~ en-pon_ltyilOUlolwbot-.1tIaco
"", ,,, dKlMdlo_loectifleredt bol wortand _Ilyou
eould _ _ e ~ AS elrff.trlde'r .....' ,Ill all rout
coni"'"' II WAS1"1 e b..... IMp 10 10 !rom ~
L.w enfoou.. "",t_ """"""e c_lOlIIepI_wlIkh peki_
n - <t.ys you ply the ~ , ~ rt>e
I'tulewy system5_ _ h M"'" e...,.,.,..You',., "'" I"'" ~ plio!
'...,1<01 "'~ ~p,"
,. biiI yrIO in' lIPlor It In tnowlnI how to ..... )'OIJl' .hlp
"'" HI upeneOUlllen with poto,,,u.Dy 1lOI~
cIcnu. RIR 'W' I nIls 1M by 10)'OW fUotteU.
1M<tla,,1cG1 3D RliwIl... ,..,,,,I. '_Ihy:- y"", - - . AS • -.nnuy CUT)'
AR,ogation Demo~tionl :• Iolr
_1"""""_1"01 ·Jon.Youllw.,.~what'l
lor 1M e"lO _tbe -..0, of .... k .. ohed. II. ~
Communlc.atlonl Ant ald
<:lent can~~, M" not ~
~puborUfl op, _ _
5«\I,lt1 ===__
Sp&c:e transports
•o Ob~", Tn malle ....... JOOd.....", "" hol c.....
o 10"0 while m1nl",,-, r!lIu.
Sensors .epaltcc,--cccc-- A~: 'Sure. ICllIl IqUOleU! )'OW P"'1tnaer. PMI
Space transports _ StiUshlp weapon the Impeti.>l bIocbdc...bu1 Il'a cool you _Ilintl
St....hlp ,hlelds
Starshlp KUnnery _ ,:;""':-;':';;;:;:;:;;;;:;~ CortroK1'ton With OtfMo' Cho_rs: Some 01
o •• o • • • • • • 6T"i'T"•• 0 ••••••••••••••••
JVW' cumpenluRo miWll bo: .<l. . . . I."", you• .......,..
....'1 unit. Ynu mlJhl 111."" bfen by •• mllJlller
Move 10 c,~ 10 ~ Pl"Dlecllon and IM:lk" ..tvI«.
Force Senaltl .... ? _ N.
Force Polnu 1
Ovll Side Polnu
Chancter Polo
T~, K1atooimm Koustabout ~
G""O.rISp..cI"' jKlatoolnan
At.: H.19M: W.19M:
Physkal D.Krtprtan,
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
1 o.xte-rlfy __ .0+1 P.n:epflon 30+1
Blaster Bargain
J C~
firearms Hide
~ Grenade Search
i Melee combat Sneak
Equipment: Ammo b.>ndoller. bl"", helmet and vest
Melee parry (, ID phY'I<a1. ,I enera. head and tono only). fo,~e
Running plte (~'lll. ,20). he:"'y blaster p1~tol (5D). ~ ~~li
• Thrown weapon. _ _
Dockllround: You light w~U. You Ii"" to oll""k up un
thIngs and blastth..",. Somebody notice<! thIs, th"" sold
• you to the Huns as a mercenary. The HUllS were cO<>&-
• Knowl..clll_ 10+2 5trenllftl
•• they let you beo' thlnas up. hunt tMlIlIs down and blast
Allen .peciCS:;;:=:
Climblngfjurnplng ~_
them. Thts w.. iOOO. The Hult. were aI.o not so cool-
they go! angry a1lthe time. yelled Jt you. ~nt you If>tO
dangerous bUlles. and blew up your Itllow metCemrles
Planetary systems __ Uftln~ when they meo.ed up Thl. made you ~; you
Strectwlse Stamina might be blown up nel<t. So you decided In run fJr. f.1r
Survival Swimming away. You found a pilot who took you to many planets
In exd,an~ lor moving his boxes and bluU"lll"'Opie
Willpower • who dldll'tlll:e him, You liked _Ingdlli<'rent p1Mes. so
you d""ldM In ltay wtth the plio! and hll fri<'nds. Now
and then they run Into trouble, You help them by
.nealllng up on thel, enemle< ond blasllng tbem. They
M..chQnICQI 20+2
Be""t riding :;:::;_
Armor repair
2. lite that.
Personoll1y: You're not too omart, but YOllr frlend.
Powersult operation_ IlI:e you just the 'Jme. You're loyal to them, They help
Bl..... ter repair you and you help theon. You like It even rJ>Ofe when
Repulsorllft ~moBllons
helplnfl them mean. blMtlnll things.
operation .cc::--- flr.t aid
ObJ.cffvfl: Avoid the Hutts. Help your 1l1eods. BIILSt
Space transports _ _ •• thIngs.
Starship gunnery_~ ••
Swoop operation _ _ A Giluote: "Hey, give that crate bad or I blast you'"
•• CoMe<tlon WI1'h OtherChorotrers: Anyl,elghter
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• captain would begrotefulto have such a pnwerlul fliend
• . . you.Especially any omUl/llle, wi'h lots 01 elates and
".~ ;--;::--=--." ••
many enemies
force Se....ltlveT No •
force Polnl8 I •
o.n: Side PolUhI ••
Character Poln ••
ChoI'OCMf Mom.:
T~: 1ioI-5hot Pilot
.: HIIght.
J ....,! 1 Dloaipllcwo:
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
! 3D '~"oll
I """""'"
ma-r pial'" (40)................ bit.
~; y",,'V'e ftays bad ... aIIDlty lor Il)tQr
IulI>lChlnea. ¥Ibm you .....e J'O'lIlC. you quick!)'_
• lotred tho IamIIy 1_"peeIn-. ~ It 10 tho ~
• LM,.,. you
• E.od> _
bIm. _ e n d ~
you pulIoed wild Muau. ............ tIM! IpftCI
: wety ~ameIIOl"f;. _ bud)''''ookItd ~ ob-
• OUdN.YoabadJOOdIuoc~wll:II~
• _ you left - . you ~ to l"'e latpfl
: IpaupM , . - pt.w ~,... joIIIlf'd _ P-
Tedlnkal 20 I ftl<t ..... ""'" "'~'andanMenI
Computer p«I8r......
• onub 1\ahI 1O prut«lllllpplDt In You
• won an au. but your bru.b _ude __ P )'0\1 ...
Dmld prOfP"amminll _ 1....... <>1._
truo_ _ h """""""y ........... ,.,... ...,.• ...,. .ontIn I'OIf 1o!II)'OlJ'" 110
Aret ald ...
Repulwrbfl ...palr_
to llJIYU'I" wIIo"". II!( you near ... o;ockpII
' _ I t t y ; Spee<:I It ~ 11)'0\1 canl bNt
Starllghter""*,_ I!Iftn, )'COl canl br<>c 10 1 - ' y",,'", ~ out to
prow)'Ollf'Self._ r~bK~ down!rom~.
Stallhlp weapon
•• Ob.lMl'h'~Y"" NYII! M fiOIlllk'" fteed
~ __ n..._w.ylodol""'lIlollybHI,.,. ...""
INI,.,. tII.oD anyone ~
A~: "'..,o«n
ro<O lly bMI,.,.tIIan tIIat. G/Ye me
••• tM controlo. Got rudy 10 Ie!""'" re<ll pllnrlnt.·
~ ..: 111uman
.: H.lghl.
""" ".d~~~~~~
"""''l'' (<<!dIU suppl)'tn. l;oclkln. "'Ill< .... w\>l'...'l. AI
BUJ""ucracy II .. t )"", ~""~ In toodJ,ul!$ md mrokl»o:. wi yuu ...
Busln"s. <110'''''.'1'<1 ...... ""'U cornm;mded • hl~hc, I""""" r. ....
:::=son 'Ulllly)'<1" ""vl'd .nOllil' to nff yow horncw<>rkl &lui
punue yo." Ir~ In OIM. liar lystMU
Now you th~ oft 01_'. wI,.. WMn! !Mre'. I
-- . .............
L.lw enlorc:ement confIkt. I~ _ cred/U to I>r ~ You'", careful ...
Planetary ')'IIe<DS _ _ the "'*"71Ub.Ma tu«1!SSfuI.,.....,........you_
v.... ond""
tNoled conQcb. II)' your obIp Into the ' - 01 bMtk
brte att. fbepowa on tl>dr ......
"-"""=,-- Tt'dlo.".tol~~~~~2D
BlouIn" rq>aI. '.rsonallty: V........
)'OU haYe 10 be. You deallD deoIh.
wI.. cold aM. ~
no....,.., ID.../oed
Rq>uborllft opention
Repulsorllft I'f!p&lr __
)'OU 11.0_ • ..", Spol. )'OU ~ .... _.bIe..
)'OU "". !he ..... 1oNIecl)'OU are on the joIl.t _. I
.... 10 ... klo .. Ofidl .......... I_X' wbo .......... row
F_ SemIth'e? No ..-..cts _ c:apa..,.. I)'OU - . . . It'eWtIn.)'OU
....... _ _ OIben.toI>elpJOUl,.....,........ .....
f(lOl'ft Pala.. I
Dart: Skle PolD._' Polo 0
0.0._.. _ _:
fypf: Duro MerdW!1
G.O\d.d5~.dK: /Do,.
I Age>:
"'I' .. DMa1prloo~
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
! Dex'erfr) _ 2D+2 'erceptloft 2D+t :
RIMter ••
I 8rawllnl~
Dod.. C~
I f'lrear....
, "' . Hide •
I M~~~ombat
Pld< poc••_,.~.-====
•• Equipment: Bluter plltol (4D), dIltlpad, ~..,~urn
• luJt,I.OOOc.edits
•• lklckground: Gru"lrljj ~p 0" Du",),)'OU I>e..-d pIefIty
I•, Running
Allen speclet
Brawling ;:::::;::-_ _
Climbillll!lumiling - -
<.>l.torle••1>001 your Jlre&t II' i.L,.k!llde, I rlmoll" pacer
who flew Illegal culfOt'O tUf the HlIllI, YO<I neve. mel
him, but he .1".)'1 """u,."j tu ;,., with )'OIl be<:.u~)'OU
rernembrrt>d the "-KC1U.UM laka 01 hi. ,muaatJ", ~n·
_."""""' - -
,..... for1le _Iecmdo of,.,.. own. You _ to ""'"
........ _--
s..on ......... OIIlhe a!a'e of the law, blut. . ,..... wwy ....
oae _ c# • job to _ _, An,thIaJ ttIac'J .
StarfiCJ1.ter pllotlnl _
........ """"'-- ••
A """ote'So r... \if sU-TEIlJhtKs.
I~ the orbital ohipyar<lo. wMa • _ _
\.liner sl"P puis r;std ouIlnto IB)" ...... paUt•.•
• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
~ D.Xl •••• , 20 ••
I =ll8pufy •
, ........
""" •
j Mdco: comtJ.1
•• Equlpmeor<::
~ - t . _.,. _In pblol (50),
=~_4D ....,... 58•..,,'" 30
• u . r - . , 1llltII-.. 50Q n'OdIU
: IotSground: yD....., ' - " , - . _
Ctlmblng;jumplftl _
bu,;' '1Q)'IDO~""
wullh. adYmture_ .•
.". ... 10 lo<'Iyou.... kqolt... .my you".... ed. f _ .
.u 6Deon1
iF 1'_'n
0_,.,.._ _ You'.."
=.. . .~.
Plandary .yslenl_
CapItal thlp~, _
Y.....-lIndo iuuIr.)'UU In.- ~.-IulLI.. ~yw
!be Dlbr:r-----.II . - . --...6 . . . w«e you
dcown. T""IIlUChImperiol_ 1'Oe' ~I"""tuIM-
• q ....,,"" prkMMopKIet. T......1dI C'beIIIIlc tbdr
Capltal-"ip • cilento _Ihftr -.nbcn. eor,x.a1_ poIut\IlI_
_ .....==- · -
MedMlnkol :)0+2 lire worIck. The poor and dvwntroddo:ol 00 Ci 110......,. ,he
AstfOjallon. _ Computer progr......
••• Ilreo:tI likebvon.... "".h. Yet _ a-thtre'llIttIt
• one pcI'IOIII can do aboulll bul pilch twoIldouI. 10 lilt
Oookl proeramm!nC _ o
"""" ~~';;==
o ' _ I t r y : You'.., tltecl uI-'lnjultke ond __
• My. bul you _ """,,,,'.ttltle _ con do about • bur
Capital .hlp .hldds _ fl,t! aid • tMOcredll dltto"',.,....
CormnWlk:atloru Sea.lrlt)' '*'" 1""",-aI ie ""'"' Im~on' .and _ iftl ...lIy
~laorlih OP"T"lllon Space l'..... portt
~..,=.:_::;::-~~= -'.;::c::;;:;--
Starflghler repalr _ _
Objeah ••: To mob: 0f><lUih cro:dJI. to lid out of
.muggli.... Thai mighl not be lO~y. olr>c~ you t~ tD
Stanh.Jp gunll<:ry_ Starthlp ""Upon helpou'other-o io.- ~tI"", you hoY<!. '"' '!'Me
St..rshlp .hlddl_ r"pal' _ ~il•.
Speclol Abilities Move
f _ Senattlwo? _
force Polill.
ConlM'dlOll WI1tl 0tfM.r Chora<Ten: You'''''lolned
up with this C~ hoplnllto mike mDUlih credn. to tel
out of thie bu.i"""•. ~'II "...,.. yout eJrPft\enCe.
Dan Side Poln"
Chanet", Poln
Characr.. Name:
TYIN" Comm Slicker ~
Gende.~..., (Human
.' high"
'''}'tIcal l)escr1pr1on,
..I _"'"
.j ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t'~~
J Blaster
Brawling parry
2. 'eru-ptlon
,I """"
Mel.,., combat
Melee parry
j Pick pockel Hide Comllnk. dotlpad. hold-OUl blnter (30).
Running Persuasion .';0(] ~,...-t!la
1 s.,arch
Sneak DCldliroUtld: You Mve a itt! Open your mouth and
i s1~"~.~~~~~
Brawling ;:::;;::;::,..-__ n"". yOl' ,...,.-1 I hi. gin In hll k r->f>I<' no yt>l Ir """"""nrid.
Bureaucracy CllmblnRllumpinll __ I When Ih")' rallghl no, yt>l, rl... kl...-t II ...,.. b.,.ll" 11l<tl
Cullu''''' 5wll111111118 ynm oct nn lhe r....<1. Ynll llllll"'! along wtlh I nol... ,>-
Intimidation 1elliUmlle lronllM,,1 <""'"..... 1 11..1 Ihey lI,,,,,~hl yllll
I...anguages we", 1""1 In"''Y'illll. Bul ...hell you 1I"llh" hlllll "I Ih"
Law enforcement .hlp'l rODlJIIw,ic.Uo"o "'lWpmelll o"d .Iatled bluffing
your ....y pUl Imperial C"'loml, lhey deckle<! you had
Planetary systems_ oome worth aller oll.
Sireetwise _
Now you'"" ..."'klng • much """" luc .. tI~ ..-M'
Mechanical 00.1 1• .,10,,1(01 20.1 U..." y"" _ e>uold hlv" manOj/tld 0" ~""f 1>0,,1<-....0,!d.
Astrogatlo,,;;::;;:: _ You eln ...ork Ihe e",nm ond 'en'o," b<>a,d. Uke
Computer p'Ollram-
Communications mtng/repal,;::::::;;::_ •• nobody'. busl""••. Given hoIl lhe chonce you could
Cl>ovillce Conucool I, Cl>OllOl y",,'re J1y~ We
Repul""'lift ••
Droid programming _ Emp<!ro,'. pe...onal .hullie (or '0 you ~lIe\<e).
Drold repair
Soensors first aid
•• '.rsonallly: You'", conlid"nt o"d moulhy. II you're
oolsnowlng.orne guy over Ihe eomm, you're blabblng
Space transporn _ _ Security •• 10 you, males.
Stanhlp shields _ •
•• ObJ.ulvlB'i: You Iry 10 get deeper InlO trouble, Ih..,
lasHalk yoW" way oul of II. It'. lun 10 eon other people,
•• es peclolly when you Ind youT smlll/gUn II C""W <In make
•• more eTedit. 011 It.
M~. =_=~;-_W •
• In.pectlon. BUI lei me wom you, It'll late wme tllM 10
get lhal vohl. mold ..Ink oul 01 your alrscrubbe...
Fa"", s"nsltive? No • • _II I""""" on w Ionjj I IhlnllIhe odor h..
Fo"", PolntA I • •
roIted oul my "asat cavity."
Dark Side Poln.. •• Conn.mon Wirb om.r You mlghl
hi"" hIred on "11h any Imuuter Iype. Wllh your In~
ChlU'1K1er PoiD • • lude, YOlI'd c"""inly lit In .....11 with I pilot,
dlur Imllggler or WT"",,!an coptoln.
T,.,.., OuIy Sm~ I
8, odu'5pldu' /Human
.: liliaN:
Ph)oIkol ~lGlplloo"
•J • O'Ud.l'lf)
__ 30+1 'flWfIrlon 00+2'
-\ 8lQtff &rp1n :
Brlwllng pany Command :
Dodge Con •
M~loeoe wml)ot Gambling :
" Melee parry Hid" •
j PIck pocket Persuasion :
Running Search • Equlpm.nt: Illasler plslol (~D), '""""".,"" doth..,
Thrown weapons_
A11"n speclel
h<>kJ..out bWler (30), 5.000 "rediU
Dadlilround: Ule on )'00' paren,,' Co,e World eslale
",ao:w lxni"H. To l>rcak UP the tedium. you decide<! to
h...d 00' lI1d Inch Ih~ Oute. Rim KOUndn:11 how
Bur".ocra<:y Climbing/jumping __ : .mu!llllln~ really .huuld be <lone" "'llh du. and e~
, Busln".. S....lmmlng • "!lonee, You'd !.>rInK the lI.nw of c1~II ..tloo 10 lhe
pluy'llNrblork'rOOI"'. Ir>d I f_ credlllin
u.w en'orce~nl
1M prOCel', You b«ome I ollCce'l.M omuaJer
"'ilhwl be<:ominlll brule
AIlli<>u8h Y'O'U'"" lCeepled IIIlo . . - tI"- 11 COIlIellt
11anetilf)' 1)'5leml__ 1 price. You're I'IoC'Ver 100 c_"'nlble !)!I.lIne the
Slreetwlie •• Emprro<'l _ . llIoouIh Y'O'U're 10id 1"1111 an ocat-
ptiionaI baurd. s...uaIer Ille hu Ioond you 10.capt
1,," th.oD~" .e....'iOdIllons You often _
MoKMAkoI _,)0 Tifd'lnlcol 20: )">UQdI Jonii"ll lor the cultured comIorU of )"OW
Nll"llption Computer prOlJam- • """""4 Otkl: _food ;arid drlN. 1 _ """""",,"10 Ian:
~•• _ _ ride lbrouth y<M alII", pu1kI
Beall riding ming/~r :
><lib ~ pIoneto.ry dtpIlt.....
Commllllicatlonl DroOd programm1nll _ •
Orold ~r •• '_lit)': You·~. 'rkndly - . . . chip, buI de-
operation FIrst aid • .oplt,,_rdmed do: I-or. .....,....a.- 1_ to picl
ol Il"'JliIilJ _ (p"lCdt>IIntM ifI • pocl .. l . which
............. _ _ Slanhip wupon • cortIlBIylWeds _oltbotequ.alltIa.SlllLyou"re_
: Iio.- to act "'berI )"OW coml)llllonl or you ..... ifI direct
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• """"
A QuoN: "tM>odI .rl youdldn~ """" 10 blulll_
SpHloI Abflitlft Move
10 • "...1""", offichb fin lure lhey WOIIId ""..., """"",.
Fone x ....Uv,,7 _ No • • .oIed """ you ....."., me • chana 10 r _ with 1_,"
rone Poln", 1 • •
Conne<tion WiItt ~r Choroa.n: Ill1>et1ler Ot
Dar!< Side Poltlbl •• nut you "",n lhe !rel""t.. you're 1Iyl'IlI. you probably
h1ro:<l _ ... 01 )"OUt fellow••, crew, or Ire tlllll"ll
Character Poln •• 1lon2 10 observe (and t>ot;>elully c""n~) thel' llno:_
11.<:<1 "'"jlI,