The Benefits of Virtual Reality: Kaushal Diwan, Raymond Huynh, Ocean Van
The Benefits of Virtual Reality: Kaushal Diwan, Raymond Huynh, Ocean Van
The Benefits of Virtual Reality: Kaushal Diwan, Raymond Huynh, Ocean Van
DPR’s strategy around technology and innovation is to adopt and ‘90s failed to live up to the hype, VR has made some giant
new technologies that have the potential to increase value for strides forward in recent years.
owners and improve the predictability of project outcomes.
Many commercial construction projects deploy an array of new Today, the technology is coming into its own, with diverse
or emerging technologies, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles applications being implemented across multiple industries. And
(UAVs), 3D printing, laser scanning, digital offsite prefabrica- the construction industry is beginning to take note. In a survey
tion, and 4- or 5-D BIM, etc., to help drive innovation, improve of construction technology trends conducted by ARC Document
productivity and increase collaboration. None, however, match Solutions, Inc. (2017), nearly two-thirds (65.3%) of industry
the promise of VR to transform the way we visualize and participants ranked the growing use of VR applications as the
consume information on projects. number one tech trend, surpassing UAVs, the ‘internet of things”
and paperless environments. (
Once relegated to the gaming and entertainment industries, and news-releases/arc-document-solutions-survey-identifies-cur-
decades after unsuccessful experiments with VR in the 1980s rent-construction-technology-trends-300211053.html).
HTC Vive
Source: Re-flekt GmbH
Google Cardboard image courtesy of Maurizio Pesce
Virtual reality use cases throughout project lifecycle. (Source: ICon Lab, Penn State)
The security team at a data center project in the Dallas-Fort Worth area was able to review the security guard house to review a blind spot issue. The
issue was resolved in VR by moving the façade 3 feet, which maximizes the view of the driveway and access gate. Photo courtesy of Piyush Pandey.
Whether it is during the project pursuit, design development,
MEP coordination/installation, safety and site logistics planning,
or during the facilities maintenance stage, VR clearly has evolved
into a powerful tool with widespread applications. Far more than
During a VR session at the same data center project in Texas, the team just a “new technology,” DPR views VR as a strategic tool that
identified that the mechanical pipes were too close to the structural
column, which might cause a tripping hazard to facility engineers. This project teams across the country are increasingly leveraging
feedback was incorporated into the design of next phases. Photo cour- to add value, increase stakeholder engagement, increase
tesy of Piyush Pandey.
communication, resolve project challenges and ultimately,
Design – VR can help drive a cleaner process during project improve project predictability and outcomes.
design by focusing on such questions as:
• When immersed, is the design intent fulfilled? Depending on use cases, it does not take an excessive amount
• Are clearances code-compliant? of work to render a BIM to VR. And with the necessary, essential
• Do finishes look the way designers and owners envision VR infrastructure and supporting software in place, DPR
them? teams are increasingly finding that past hurdles they may have
• Am I distracted with a feature that is insignificant when encountered have largely disappeared.
properly visualized?
So where does a team start when it comes to knowing whether
VR is a viable tool to deploy on a new or current project? First,
talk to the local BIM /VR professionals. They can help you assess
the strategies and applications VR may have on a particular
project. Secondly, have a conversation with both the client and
the entire project team to assess if VR is the right solution to
address specific issues, needs or challenges. And finally, teams
should make sure they bring the right mindset, set realistic
expectations, and understand the benefits and the best use
During a VR session at the research institute project in Durham, the cases where VR can make a real difference on a project. Given
facility engineer had an opportunity to coordinate access to an air those conditions, VR will only become a more indispensable tool
handler that was suspended over 11 ft. above ground. The mechanical
room space was small and served as a storage room. The team was able for DPR teams as they continually strive to build smarter, better
to meet the client’s needs to have enough space for a 6’-2” engineer to and faster, both now and well into the future.
service the air handling unit (AHU), swap out coils, change filters, access
to valves and store chairs. Photo courtesy of Chetan Potdar.
For more information about Mobile VR, please refer to the VR
Construction – At this stage, VR enhances communication and Roll-out Plan that is being developed by members of the Tech &
can reduce rework. Some areas that may be addressed: Innovation team. While DPR’s current efforts are mostly concen-
• Do we have enough space to install large equipment? trated on applying and implementing VR on various projects,
• Am I properly communicating the end result for this it is important to note that Augmented Reality (AR) is another
installation? ongoing corporate initiative that DPR is also researching and
• Are there blind spots that I cannot see in the model or piloting on a few projects. We will explore AR in greater depth in
the drawings? future years as its potential applications increase.
• Can I reduce rework and provide higher quality through
better communication with VR?