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Activity 3 UCSP-WPS Office

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1. This picture contains meaningful words. For example is the teamwork over success and as I connect these to the
importance of cultural relativism, I believe that if everyone is moving forward together as they understand,
acknowledge , respect and appreciate cultural differences, success takes over and is aimed. Thus, unity is a strength and
making social group divisions is not the key to equity and social growth. In addition, wonderful things can be achived
through teamwork and collaboration, also with a sacrifice in personal consideration or judgment in one's culture or

2 .These words are relevant to the idea being conceptualize and is easy to distinguish.


Why do you think is there a need to understand cultural relativism in our society? Expound your answer by providing

Cultural Relativism is the view that ethical and social standards reflect the cultural context from which they are derive.
We need to understand cultural relativism because it is valid and valuable, plus no one's culture is superior than another
culture as we have a cross-cultural literacy. Understanding cultural relativism helps us to understand other cultures and
their practices in its own terms without thinking that they're inferior or backwards. Such cultures are unique and from a
global perspective, there are traditional cultures that stand out because they have roots in ancient civilizations.

Culture is learned by rote and heart, and it varies tremendously from society to society. We begin learning our culture
from the moment we're born, as the people who raise us encourage certain behaviors and teach their version of right
and wrong. Everyone have different vision and perception in life, judgment isn't the key but understanding why is. For
example, instead of blabbering, “What a dainty appetite! They are so picky as they don't eat pork!” one should instead
say, “Why do some cultures don't eat pork?” or maybe instead of judging feminity in Islamic communities as they wear
Burqa or Hijab, we must atleast accept them. Furthermore, if we cognize cultural relativity, we can concede that our
culture shapes what we consider to be pleasing or hideous, we may have a powerful relationship across the society,
cross-cultural sensitivity and avoid ethnocentric environment.
What's More

A. Right to equàlity and freedom from discrimination.

B. First, by treating others fair and equal, teach kids and adults also to refrain from discrimination especially in bullying,
favoritism and stereotyping. Also, by supporting local events or organizations that raises awareness about equality and

What I Have Learned

1.Human rights are norms that aspire to protect all people everywhere from severe political, legal, and social abuses.

2.Theft, Sexual Assault, Rape, Murder or addiçtive practices

3.Individuals like me regulates behavior in accordance with established norms which brings uniformity of behavior and
leads to unity among everyone of us.

What I Can Do


- Through emerging parental monitoring and supervision. Through education or programs about drugs.

- It makes me wonder and worry about one's life or future especially if a student like me uses it.


-Through programs that educates parents to discipline their children thoughtfully and nurture them. Also in giving
hotlines to which people will contact or report suspected abuse.

- Sometimes, I distrust adults because of this.


-Training everyone to respond to and prevent bullying. Empower student bystanders and talk about what bullying is and
how to stand up to it safely.

-It enhances my trust issues to other people and reduces my self-confidence, it also changes my perception about
human equity and equality.

D. Political

-By reforming public administration and finance management, promote transparency and improve governance.

-It erodes my trust to governmént officials .

E. Economic

-By ensuring work opportunities for everyone and developing food security and clean water supply.

-This hinders my social and emotional development as it makes me anxious, insecure, or worry abou life and future.
Additional Activities


On the evening of August 16, 2017, a 17-year-old Filipino student named Kian Loyd delos Santos was fatally shot by
police officers conducting an anti-drug operation in Caloocan, Metro Manila. The case became controversial when the
official police reports differed from witness accounts and CCTV footage.

Two days after the killing of delos Santos, Arnaiz and de Guzman went missing from their Cainta, Rizal, residence. Their
bodies were later found with Arnaiz reported to have been shot dead by police while de Guzman was stabbed 30 times
and found in a creek in Gapan, Nueva Ecija.


The right to be free from execution.

How human rights exercised, violated, trespassed or denied?

The dignity of every human or person should guarantee full respect for human life but this case shows that human
rights has been violated through the unlawful or arbitrary killings by security forces, vigilantes, and others allegedly
connected to the government, and by insurgents.


1. B 6. D 11. A

2. A 7. C 12. A

3. B 8. A 13. C

4. A 9. A 14. D

5. A 10. B 15. B


Primary Secondary Ing-group/out- Reference Networks


1. Facebook ♥️

2. Family ♥️

3. Barkada ♥️

4. Fraternity ♥️

5. Sports Team ♥️



1. Primary Family The first influencers that leads you to

a succesful social life. They give you
identity and strong sense of self.

2. Secondary Classroom, Friends They broadens your outlook in life

and fills practical needs.

3. In-group/out-group Unions, Sports Teams Gives a sense of solidarity and a

feeling of brotherhood or sisterhood.

4. Reference Friends, Teachers, School They serves as models and

Organizations inspirations

5. Networks FB friends, Instagram followers, There are sharing of thoughts, article

Youtube ideas, or resources. It also strengthens
business connections, lets you make
new friends and build confidence


My social interactions influences me to grow opportunities to share my thoughts. It changes the way I act or speak in a
way that it lets me gain ideas, be mature, grow, engage to and help people in a way I thought I couldn't. It keeps my
heart pure and my mind sharp, it taught me to become more confident and value the things that I should've in the first
place, although I couldn't cure the world of sorrows, through what these social groups taught and engraved in my mind
and heart, I'm having the free will to live in joy, value what I have and be the most amazing version of me that I could've
ever imagine.

What I Have Learned

1.Any set of human beings who either are, recently have been, or anticipate being in some kind of interrelation.

2.Church groups, they let me set my ability, assist me to discover, mature and grow, and their influence never stops.

3.In-groups and out-groups are groups where people belong to or where people are considered as outsiders.

-These groups set boundaries among people, it is a relationship where people are contrasted and its factors are
associational and psychological forces,gender, race, religion, past experiences, goals, ideology and etc.

4.A primary group is a small group where family members engage and share personal issues while secondary group is a
larger and impersonal that engages in social activities.

5.Network groups are a means for groups of people with common interest to connect with each other via internet. It is
a good way to interact with more people beyond our walls, make business trades and offer more participation
opportunities. It paves the way for us to see a broader perspective about socializing.

What I Can Do

1. It was ultimately comfortable as physical support isn't the only one that is being addressed but also the mental and
emotional supporf in a way that one is free to express and share his/her thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Church
groups are also aligned to modesty, love, correction, self-development and followers of God's will.

2. It is very influential considering that we live now in a world where often everything are being shared through social
media. It changed the communicative life of people, there are advantages such as knowing more people or exchanging
ideas online but there are also risks to one's mental health knowing that there are more rumor spreading,bullying, and
unrealistic views of other people's live plus peer pressure.


1. Social Group 6. Out-group 11. Fraternity

2. Primary Group 7. Interdependence 12. FB Friends/ preference

3. Reference Group 8. Secondary Group 13. Favourite sports team

4. Network Group 9. Workplace 14. aggregate

5. In-group 10. Family 15. social network/social media


I was bullied by my classmates I experienced a bad influence circle of I attained high scholastic record in
friends school

✅ ❎ ✅

I had a good family relationship I possessed a good communication I carry/handle a bible or any religious
and leadership skills. item with me every day.

✅ ✅ ✅

I loved to take part in the community- I am a member of a political I am not active in social media.
based activities in our barangay organization in the community

✅ ✅ ✅

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