Rat Care Guide: Change Water Bowl
Rat Care Guide: Change Water Bowl
Rat Care Guide: Change Water Bowl
Free roam
Free roam time is around 6pm-9pm, and lets the boys stretch their legs and cure some boredom. Please close
the door to the living room, they are not allowed outside the room. Open the two doors of the cage and hook
the ladder into the bottom door (watch video). They will come out on their own, sometimes they choose not
to which is fine. The room is rat-proofed so there are no wires or danger in the room when the door is closed.
The only thing to watch is that the couch sometimes separates and they like to wriggle into the gap. If this is
the case no problem, just try to entice them out by shaking the almond jar. They like it in there so just make
sure the sofa pieces are flush against each other before letting them out. Also, they sometimes get into the TV
cabinet which are where the only wires are located. They’ve never nibbled on these but please just watch out
as anything can happen.
We have a labelled a jar with treats like coconut, walnuts and almond flakes. Almond flakes are their favourite
treats. Feel free to use them as bribes! Treat jar is located on the right hand side of the cabinet below the cage.
A few times a week, the boys get vegetables for dinner as well. The vegetables are a pre-made mix that we
keep fresh in the freezer (top drawer). Grab one of the paper bags and pour the vegetables into a bowl. One
portion is about the size of one rat’s head. Three portions is about the size of a coaster. You can pour these
into the base of the cage frozen, and as they thaw the boys will eat them throughout the night.
DailyRat3 are vitamins and minerals to supplement the diet. When the schedule calls for it, please take one
scoop (included in the jar) and mix it into the bowl with the vegetables and feed as normal.
Dr. Squiggles
Dr. Squiggles is additional vitamins. When giving Dr. Squiggles, please add one scoop to the water bowl (it will
turn orange) and stir.
Mite treatment
8 drops per rate, each sachet contains 20 drops
Litter box
The litter box is on the top right hand corner of the cage, in a dark green container. We usually change the
litter box once a week to keep the cage fresh. But in this case we have decided to forgoe this as it is really
difficult to do, and usually a two person job. Please let us know if the smell becomes difficult as we have never
gone 3 weeks without changing it (it could be just fine).
Enrichment Box
Because the rats aren’t getting as much free roam time, I’ve made some enrichment for them as different
boredom breakers. They’re everything from puzzles & foraging toys, to chew toys. You can find these in the
box marked ‘enrichment’. Each baggie is one day’s worth of enrichment, so if the schedule has a day marked
enrichment, just empty the contents of any bag into the base of the cage during dinner time. There is no
particular order that this needs to be done in, you can choose any random bag.
The neighbours
We have two neighbours – Dr. Freeman & wife on the ground floor and Chris on first floor. The neighbours
aren’t aware of the rats, and we’d like to keep it that way. We’ve told Chris that you’re here to take care of the
plants so if they ask, please use that as your ‘excuse’! 😊
Symptoms of illness
The boys can get ill often and quite quickly. We’ll be watching for any signs on the videos you share, but it
would be great if you could just keep an eye out as well. Firstly, please watch for balding around the legs and
stomach area. Ajax (black and white) has had recent problems with this. If you see any patchiness that wasn’t
there before, please let us know. Secondly, please watch out for any head tilts, which could indicate an ear
infection. Echo (tan and white) came back with a head tilt the last time we left, so we’re keeping a special eye
on him. Lastly, please watch for any lumps and bumps, this can indicate a tumor and can grow quite quickly on
The plants
Please ignore the plants in the staircase, but we would greatly appreciate it if you could keep an eye on the
plants in Aline’s room! I’m a rare plant collector as a hobby – the plants are little divas so my expectations are
low for such a long holiday, but I hope the damage can be minimized. Firstly, the room needs to stay at higher
humidity which is achieved with two humidifiers. Please check that the water levels are at the top in both
humidifiers. If they need filling, take the pitcher on the fridge in the kitchen, fill with tap water and fill up the
humidifier. After this is done, please press the ‘on/off’ button once, and the ‘humidity’ button once after that
(see video). Even if the humidifier doesn’t need filling, please do the button pushing exercise on both – they
are finnicky and sometimes turn off by themselves so this makes sure they’re on. The other thing I would really
appreciate is an eye on the little plant in front of the humidifier on the left. He looks tiny but he’s very special
to me – would you mind sharing a photo of him once a week (included in schedule) so I can keep an eye on
him? As well, I would appreciate a photo of the whole setup during the second and third week (included in
schedule) so I can make sure there are no disasters.