As A Jacoben Play
As A Jacoben Play
As A Jacoben Play
Drama is the form of literature that presents dialogue and performance written for
theater, television, radio, and film. The article is about Jacobean revenge tragedy, or
revenge play of Webster’s Duchess of Malfi, that is a dramatic genre in which the
protagonist seeks revenge for an imagined or actual injury. It flourishes during
Jacobean period in the history of England. As it is supposed that the source of this
revenge play is dealing with horror, and melodramatic atmosphere. The
Article Received:14/04/2020 sentimentalism, horror and terror are treated in a very different way.
Article Accepted: 04/05/2020 All the major features of the revenge play of the Jacobean Age are there in the
Published online: 11/05/2020 Duchess of Malfi and the dramatist has proved himself as the master dramatist of the
DOI: 10.33329/rjelal.8.2.111
play of horror and revenge. It is one of the best revenge plays by Webster. The play
has a central theme of revenge, horror and sensationalism. It has the melodramatic
style and all these have made the play a supreme example of the revenge play like
Gorboduc and Hamlet. The whole atmosphere of the drama is full of awe and
Key Words: Drama, Revenge Play, Jacobean, Horror and terror.
I fear you are not well after your travel : The Duchess of Malfi (1613) is well-known
revenge play in the history of Jacobean English
Ha ! Lights ; Oh horrible !”
Drama (1603-1625) of England by an outstanding
Finally the brothers send killer who strange horror playwright, John Webster. The revenge play
her. Ferdinand goes to see her dead body. He is is a type of tragedy which is centered on the subject
greatly shocked to see her lying dead. His shock matter of revenge and has horror, terror,
takes the form of great remorse and he goes mad. sensationalism and melody of great charm. The
Thus Retribution starts falling upon the murderers. dramatist was very much impressed by the writings
Cardinal now wants to get rid of Basola because later of Seneca, Kyd, Sackville and Norton. The impact of
knows all about his evil against the murdered Gorboduc (1561) seems paramount in the Duchess
Duchess. When Bosola comes to know that Cardinal of Malfi of the dramatist. The dramatist has followed
wants to kill him, he is filled with great anger and the tradition of the Jacobean writers in writing his
remorse. At night he kills Antonio mistaking him for play and this is the reason why the themes of The
Cardinal. Then he goes to Cardinal and fatally Duchess of Malfi and the White Devil (1612) are
wounds him. When Cardinal cries for help, based on revenge and horror.
Ferdinand arrives and fatally wounds Bosola, who
The Chief Elements of Revenge Play in The Duchess
turn to kill Ferdinand. The play comes to an end
of Malfi
a) A shocking murder has been committed and
“Integrity of life is fame’s best friend, which,
it cries out for revenge.
nobly, beyond death, shall, crown the end.”
b) Some persons take up revenge as a sacred
Bosola’s internal struggle is shown in the duty.
play. On some level, he wants to be good, and rues c) There is a Machiavellian villain who acting on
being made into “a villain"; yet, he feels bound to his own behalf, or for other,causes wide-
Ferdinand because of the “bounty” that Ferdinand spread bloodshed.
has given him, and he wants “to avoid ingratitude.” d) New types of tortures and horror are
As he says: produced.
“I would have you curse yourself now, that e) The objects of revenge are often better than
your bounty, Which makes men truly noble, the so called avengers.
e’er should make Me a villain. O, that to avoid f) Some characters grow mad or feign madness;
ingratitude For the good deed you have done and The imagery and language employed
me, I must do All the ill man can invent. Thus often suit the violence of the action.
the devil Candies all sins o’er; and what Almost all the major features of the revenge play of
heaven terms vile, That names he the Jacobean Age are there in the Duchess of Malfi
complimental.” Bosola (1.1.262-8) and the dramatist has proved himself as the master
To sum up the discussion of the article The dramatist of the play of horror and revenge and is in
Duchess of Malfi as a Jacobean play, we may say that the lines of Seneca, Norton, Sackville. William Henry
as Doctor Faustus is a child of Renaissance, no doubt Hudson writes in An Outline History of English
The Duchess of Malfi is a child of Jacobean age. As Literature that :
the age is characterized by corruption in the upper