SC SCS US GridServices TI en 11
SC SCS US GridServices TI en 11
SC SCS US GridServices TI en 11
Table of Contents
1 Grid Support Utility Interactive Inverters ................................................................................... 3
1.1 Content and Structure of this Document......................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Advanced Functionality of SMA Inverters...................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Interactive SMA Inverters................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Function Description..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Islanding Detection "Anti Islanding" ............................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Grid Support Depending on Grid Voltage "Low/High Voltage Ride-Through" .......................................... 5
2.3 Grid Support Depending on Power Frequency "Low/High Frequency Ride-Through" .............................. 8
2.4 Ramp Rate During Normal Operation "Normal Ramp Rate" ....................................................................... 9
2.5 Ramp-Up After Grid Fault "Soft Start Ramp Rate" ......................................................................................... 10
2.6 Fixed specification of a power factor cos φ "Specified Power Factor"........................................................ 11
2.7 Reactive Power Control as a Function of Grid Voltage "Volt-Var Mode" .................................................... 12
2.8 Active Power Limitation Depending on Power Frequency "Frequency-Watt Mode"................................... 14
2 Function Description
2.1 Islanding Detection "Anti Islanding"
The islanding detection function detects the formation of unwanted electrical islands and disconnects the inverter from
the utility grid. Unwanted islanding can occur when at the time of utility grid failure, the load in the shut-down sub-grid
is roughly equivalent to the current feed-in power of the PV system or battery storage system. With active islanding
detection, the inverter continuously checks the stability of the utility grid. If the utility grid is intact, this has no impact on
the utility grid and the inverter continues to feed in. Only if an unwanted electrical island has formed will the inverter
disconnect from the utility grid.
The islanding detection function is activated by default according to US Rule 21 in parameter Aid.Mod.
1.00 NN
Voltage (per Unit)
0.80 LV1
0.60 LV2
LV3 Must Trip High Voltage Curve
0.20 Must Trip Low Voltage Curve
Ride-Through High Voltage Curve
Ride-Through Low Voltage Curve
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00
Time (s)
Figure 1: Overvoltage and undervoltage ranges for grid support in accordance with the "Low/High Voltage Ride-Through"
Designation Description
Voltage (per unit) Nominal voltage of the connected inverter
Must Trip High Voltage This curve specifies the thresholds within which the shutdown process of the in-
verter must be completed when permitted voltage values are exceeded.
Must Trip Low Voltage This curve specifies the thresholds within which the shutdown process of the in-
verter must be completed when permitted voltage values are undershot.
2 Function Description
2.1 Islanding Detection "Anti Islanding"
The islanding detection function detects the formation of unwanted electrical islands and disconnects the inverter from
the utility grid. Unwanted islanding can occur when at the time of utility grid failure, the load in the shut-down sub-grid
is roughly equivalent to the current feed-in power of the PV system or battery storage system. With active islanding
detection, the inverter continuously checks the stability of the utility grid. If the utility grid is intact, this has no impact on
the utility grid and the inverter continues to feed in. Only if an unwanted electrical island has formed will the inverter
disconnect from the utility grid.
The islanding detection function is activated by default according to US Rule 21 in parameter Aid.Mod.
1.00 NN
Voltage (per Unit)
0.80 LV1
0.60 LV2
LV3 Must Trip High Voltage Curve
0.20 Must Trip Low Voltage Curve
Ride-Through High Voltage Curve
Ride-Through Low Voltage Curve
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00
Time (s)
Figure 1: Overvoltage and undervoltage ranges for grid support in accordance with the "Low/High Voltage Ride-Through"
Designation Description
Voltage (per unit) Nominal voltage of the connected inverter
Must Trip High Voltage This curve specifies the thresholds within which the shutdown process of the in-
verter must be completed when permitted voltage values are exceeded.
Must Trip Low Voltage This curve specifies the thresholds within which the shutdown process of the in-
verter must be completed when permitted voltage values are undershot.
Settings Overview for the Disconnection from the Utility Grid in Case of a Voltage Variation
Required parame- Parameter name Minimum Maximum Default value
ters in accordance
with UL 1741 SA
Overvoltage range VCtl.Hi1Lim 100% Vnom 120% Vnom 110% Vnom
VCtl.Hi1LimTm 100 ms 60000 ms 12500 ms
Overvoltage range VCtl.Hi2Lim 100% Vnom 120% Vnom 120% Vnom
VCtl.Hi2LimTm 100 ms 59000 ms 160 ms
Additional overvolt- VCtl.Hi3Lim 100% Vnom 120% Vnom –
age range*
VCtl.Hi3LimTm 100 ms 59000 ms –
Undervoltage range VCtl.Lo1Lim 45.00% Vnom 100% Vnom 86% Vnom
VCtl.Lo1LimTm 100 ms 60000 ms 20500 ms
Undervoltage range VCtl.Lo2Lim 45.00% Vnom 100% Vnom 69% Vnom
VCtl.Lo2LimTm 100 ms 60000 ms 10500 ms
Undervoltage range VCtl.Lo3Lim 45.00% Vnom 100% Vnom 49% Vnom
VCtl.Lo3LimTm 100 ms 60000 ms 1250 ms
* The additional overvoltage range is not required in accordance with UL 1741 SA and Rule 21. However, it can be optionally set.
In order to receive the certification as per UL 1741 SA on the basis of the requirements from Rule 21, the set thresholds
must not be changed.
HF2 Must Trip High Frequency Curve
Must Trip Low Frequency Curve
Frequency (Hz)
LF2 Ride-Through High Frequency Curve
Ride-Through Low Frequency Curve
0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Time (s)
Figure 2: Ranges for exceeding or falling below the set frequency during "Low/High Frequency Ride-Through"
Designation Description
Must Trip High Frequency This curve specifies the thresholds within which the shutdown process of the in-
verter must be completed when permitted frequency is exceeded.
Must Trip Low Frequency This curve specifies the thresholds within which the shutdown process of the in-
verter must be completed when permitted frequency is undershot.
Ride-Through High Frequency This curve specifies how long the inverter must continue feeding in when permit-
ted frequency is exceeded.
Ride-Through Low Frequency This curve specifies how long the inverter must continue feeding in when permit-
ted frequency is undershot.
The inverter continuously checks the power frequency. The inverter continues to feed in up to a set point in time (Ride
Through) when the frequency is exceeded or undershot and then starts the shutdown process. The time within which
the shutdown process must be completed is saved in the inverter via an adjustable parameter defining the time interval
before the latest possible shutdown time (Must Trip).
The grid support in dependence of the grid frequency is activated by default. You can configure the thresholds via the
parameters listed in the following table. The inverter always operates in "Mandatory Operation" mode during grid
support in dependence of the grid frequency.
Settings overview for the disconnection from the utility grid in case of a frequency change
Required parame- Parameter name Minimum Maximum Default value
ters in accordance
with UL 1741 SA
Exceeding range of HzCtl.Hi1Lim 60.1 Hz 62.1 Hz 60.5 Hz
frequency HF1
HzCtl.Hi1LimTm 100 ms 300000 ms 299600 ms
Exceeding range of HzCtl.Hi2Lim 60.6 Hz 62.1 Hz 62 Hz
frequency HF2
HzCtl.Hi2LimTm 100 ms 10000 ms 160 ms
Permitted range if fre- HzCtl.Lo1Lim 57 Hz 60 Hz 58.5 Hz
quency LF1 falls be-
low a specific value HzCtl.Lo1LimTm 100 ms 300000 ms 299600 ms
In order to receive the certification as per UL 1741 SA on the basis of the requirements from Rule 21, the set thresholds
must not be changed.
Power Gradient
Figure 3: Characteristic curve for inverter ramp-up in "Normal Ramp Rate" mode
Power Gradient
Figure 4: Characteristic curve for inverter ramp-up according to the "Soft Start Ramp Rate" function
S [VA]
+Q [var]
P = S ∙ cos φ
−Q [var]
−S [VA]
Reactive Power
Q2, Q3
V1 V2 Vnom V3 V4
Figure 6: Characteristic curve "Volt-Var" (in this example Q2 and Q3 are the same.)
A quotient is derived from the ratio of the current grid voltage to nominal grid voltage. When the grid voltage is equal
to the defined nominal voltage, the reactive power feed-in is zero. If the grid voltage changes and exceeds or falls
short of a defined threshold, the inverter reacts according to the voltage/reactive power characteristic curve by
adjusting its reactive power feed-in. Four values can be set for each voltage quotient and the applicable reactive
power setpoints separately defined. Four interpolation points can be defined through this parameterization. Thus, the
reactive power/voltage characteristic curve can be flexibly configured.
The reactive power control as a function of grid voltage is deactivated by default. Parameter GriMng.InvVArMod
must be set to VArCtlVol to activate this function. You must activate the characteristic curve before activating the
function. The configuration should take place based on mutual agreement between the PV system operator and the
grid operator. You can change the configuration of this characteristic curve via the parameters listed in the table.
100% of
Real Power
Gradient K
fmin fnom fstart = fstop fmax
Grid Frequency
Figure 7: Characteristic curve "Frequency-Watt"
If the grid frequency exceeds a defined starting frequency, the inverter reduces the active power feed-in with a defined
gradient. When the grid frequency is dropping, the inverter increases the active power again according to this defined
gradient. In order to map the required characteristic curve in accordance with UL 1741 SA, the starting frequency and
the stopping frequency must be set to the same value in the inverter.
The active power limitation depending on grid frequency is deactivated by default. For activating this function, the
parameter WCtlHzMod has to be set to Enable. Before activating the function, you should configure the
characteristic curve via the parameters listed in the table.