Design Implementation of A Low Cost Blood Glucose
Design Implementation of A Low Cost Blood Glucose
Design Implementation of A Low Cost Blood Glucose
Design & Implementation of a Low Cost Blood Glucose Meter with High
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3 authors:
Avijit Hira
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology
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All content following this page was uploaded by Avijit Hira on 23 January 2019.
Abstract— Diabetes Mellitus mostly known as “Diabetes” is a In this paper, a glucometer is designed and implemented
worldwide common and serious health issue. Across the world with considering these two major drawbacks of commercial
approximately 175 million people at present are with diabetes glucometer. The proposed meter is much more low cost than
and this will increase to 366 million by the year 2030 according to available meters in market and it gives higher accuracy than
World Health Organization statistics. People suffering from
commercial one. The proposed blood glucose meter is built
diabetes are solely dependent on exact blood glucose
concentration information. Glucometer is a device which helps to with the ATMEGA8A AVR microcontroller. The software
detect blood sugar levels in human body. In developed countries part is done using the C programming in AVR studio. Hence,
people widely use this medical device. But in developing countries the cost remains low because this system use microcontroller.
like Bangladesh the usages of this helpful devices is limited to a Besides, to consider the accuracy as the cardinal priority, the
very few people; due to illiteracy, cost, publicity etc. In this proposed design introduces transcendental approach to relate
paper, a real time blood glucose meter is designed & the relationship between the glucose concentration and the
implemented which is very low in cost, targeting the poor people voltage from EGBT progresses which offer less deviation.
in developing and underdeveloped countries. This proposed Eventually, it is feasible to obtain much accurate result than
meter uses transcendental concentration equation over the linear
traditional linear approach.
equation used in existing commercial meters. Due to this, the
average deviation of result is much smaller than the commercial
one. Result shows that the proposed meter gives around 93% The theoretical background, design methodology,
accuracy with pathological data tested over 38 persons. Total implementation technique of the system, result & performance
cost of the proposed glucometer is only 5 USD so that poor people and meter specification will be discussed briefly in the
can have an easy access to this meter. following sections. This blood glucose meter provides many
features like low cost, high accuracy, higher sensitivity, lower
Keywords— Diabetes; Glucometry; Insuline; RBS; EGBTS; error rate, portability.
Embedded System; Low-Cost; High-Accuracy.
I. Introduction II. Theoretical Background
Blood Glucose Meter (BGM), much familiar as A. Diabetes – from biological view
‘Glucometer’, is a small, portable electronic device widely
used to measure the level of glucose concentration in blood. Normally, the body decomposes starch and transforms it
Depending on the glucose concentration level, drug might be to glucose as the body energy [7]. The amount of glucose
required for patient if necessary. A test strip is associated with (sugar) present in the blood of a human, to facilitate the
glucometer to interact with glucose presence patient’s blood quantitative analysis, is represented by the term of blood
drop. glucose concentration or level. Diabetes is characterized by
the body’s inability to produce enough insulin (Type-1) or by
There are several glucometers available in market. But, the the inability to properly metabolize the insulin hormone which
price range of these glucometer varies from 1200 to 2500 is produced in the pancreas (Type-2). Insulin is responsible
BDT. But, there is no glucometer available in market which for allowing cells to absorb glucose from food.
price is less than 1000 BDT. Moreover, the accuracy of the
B. Glucometry – in Helping Diabetes Patients
commercial glucometers varies between 85 and 90 percent.
This because the commercial glucometer offers Liner Glucometry is a technique of obtaining the values of
equations to relate the glucose concentration and the voltage concentration of glucose in peripheral or central blood. These
found from EBGTS. But, in practice, the relationship between values, expressed either in mg/dL or mM/L, have important
the glucose concentration and the voltage is taken from EGBT clinical value for metabolic disorders such as diabetes
progresses discretely. Hence, to accomplish the task of curve mellitus, denutrition, and some of their consequences like
fitting, a significant deviation will be occurred to linearize the hyperosmolar coma, malabsorption syndrome and the most
discrete function. This deviation results much inappropriate
glucose level.
C. Performance
Some sample tests are done over 38 persons (31 Male, 7
Female) to measure the accuracy of proposed meter. The
blood sample of a person is tested by designed meter and it is
compared with a commercial Accucheck Glucometer along
with pathological tests. Because of huge data complexity and
place constraint Table V has shown the best 5 results of the
test. In the table, it is seen that, the proposed meter deviation
from the pathological data is much lesser than the commercial
meter. The deviation of proposed meter from the pathological
Fig. 5. Glucose-Voltage relationship using linear equation [2]. data is not greater than 10 in any case. In Table VI, the final
specifications of the proposed meter are shown.