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Filamer Christian University College of Teacher Education Revision Date Semester Adopted

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COLLEGE OF TEACHER Revision Date April 26, 2021

Accredited Level IV – ACSCU-ACI Semester 2nd Semester
Roxas City, Capiz Adopted AY 2021-

FCU Vision FCU Mission

A globally-linked Christian University nurturing people Filamer Christian University commits to:
and communities for transformative leadership and
nation building.  Instill Christian values among people and
communities through holistic education.
 Innovate models of development through
research, knowledge management and
community building.
 Inspire transformative leadership and
exemplary lives.
 Initiate collaborative linkages and
partnerships with national and international

CTE Goals
 To train pre-service teachers to keep pace with the changes in society and the accompanying
challenges of the 21st Century.
 To nurture pre-service teachers who are properly prepared to undertake educational challenges
and changes of the industry.
 To produce service and development-oriented pre-service teachers with a Christian values in life.

Program Outcomes:
 Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical,
psychological and political contexts.
 Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
 Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the changing local,
national, and global realities.
 Pursue life-long learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential
and field-based opportunities.

Class Information Instructor’s Information

Section TEC Instructor’s Myrla B. Manua, MAT

Schedule MWF Office Faculty
Time 1:00 -2:00 MWF Office Hours 8:00-5:00 Daily
Venue CB-5 Office Telephone 6210-471-123
Term First Semester E-mail Address [email protected]

1 |F E D 1 – T h e C h i l d & A d o l e s c e n t L e a r n e r & L e a r n i n g
Course Name Child and Adolescent Development Course ED 100
Pre-requisite Subject None Course 3 units

Course Description
This is a basic course on child and adolescent development focusing on current research
and theory on the biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and emotional dimensions of
development and the factors that affect the progress of development. Further, this includes factors
that affect the progress of development of the learners and shall include appropriate pedagogical
principles applicable for each developmental level.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, pre-service teachers should be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of research-based knowledge in child and adolescent
development and principles of teaching and learning.
2. Articulate the rootedness of education in psychological context.
3. Demonstrate understanding of supportive learning environments that nurture and inspire
learners at each developmental level.
4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of differentiated teaching to suit the learners’
genders, needs, strengths, interests and experiences.
5. Apply pedagogies of learning and teaching appropriate for each developmental level.
6. Choose activities and strategies that are responsive to the learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-
economic and religious backgrounds.


At the end of the lesson, the learners

will be able to:

Acquaint with the nature and purposes Orientation/ Introduction to

of the course in relation to the vision, Course
mission and goals of the school and of
the college. VMG of FCU and CTE
b. Strengthen rapport The CTE
c. Inform about the basic requirements Course Design
of the course, as well as the grading
UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION: Learner-Centered Psychological Principles (LCP)
Explain the 14 learner-centered Learner-Centered Psychological
principles Principles (LCP)

Advocate for the use of the 14 Cognitive and Metacognitive

principles in the teaching-learning Factors
Motivational and Affective
Identify ways on how to apply the 14 factors
principles in instructions as a future
teacher. Developmental and Social
2 |F E D 1 – T h e C h i l d & A d o l e s c e n t L e a r n e r & L e a r n i n g
Individual Differences Factors
UNIT 2: Basic Concepts and Issues on Human Development
MODULE 1: Human Development: Meaning, Concepts and Approaches – Billones,
Chris John

Define human development in your own Two Approaches to Human

words. Development
 Traditional
Distinguish between the traditional life-span  Life-span Develop-ment
approach of development

MODULE 2: The Stages of Development and Developmental Task – Agupitan,


 Define developmental task in your own  Pre-natal Period

words  Infancy
 Describe the developmental tasks in  Early Childhood
each developmental stage  Middle & Late Childhood
 Adolescence
 Early Adulthood
 Middle Adulthood
 Late Adulthood

MODULE 3: Issues on Human Development – Adam, Anicka Mae

Challenge to take an informed  Nature vs Nurture

stand/position on the issues of  Continuity vs Discontinuity
 Stability vs Change

UNIT 3: Develop of the Learners and Various Principles

MODULE 4: Pre-Natal Development – Desales, Jonamae
 Trace the course of the pre-natal  Stages of Pre-natal
 Explain the most common hazard to pre-  Teratology and Hazards to
natal development Pre-natal Develop-ment
 Become more appreciative of the gift of
life manifested in an anti-abortion stand.
 Human Life Begins at
MODULE 5: Principles of Growth & Development – Aniero, Geovannie, Jr.
 To enumerate the principles of growth  Normative sequence
and development
 To describe the different factors that  Differentiation and integration.
influence or affect growth and  Developmental direction.
development.  Optimal tendency.
 To analyze the characteristics of  Development.
individuals in the different life stages and
their implications to the teaching-  Early foundation are critical.
learning process.  All individual are different.
 Each phase of development
has characteristic behavior.
 Each phase of development
has hazards.
 Development is aided by
 Growth is unique
 There are social expectations
3 |F E D 1 – T h e C h i l d & A d o l e s c e n t L e a r n e r & L e a r n i n g
for every stage of
 The various aspects of
development are integrated.

MODULE 6: Exceptional Development– Corros Celeste

 differentiate exceptional  Physical Disabilities,
development in term of: Sensory Impairments,
physical and sensory Learning Disabilities and
disabilities; attention
Attention Deficit
deficit hyperactivity
disorders Hyperactivity Disorders

MODULE 7: The Rights of Children and Young Persons – Castor, Titus

 Identify pertinent provisions on the right  The Rights of Children and
of children and young persons.
Young Persons

UNIT 4: Developmental Theories & Other Related Theories

MODULE 8: Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory –Eslapor, Grace & Conte, Nixie Jessille
Explain each developmental theory  Freud’s Stages of
 Draw principles of teaching and learning Psychosexual Development
from development-tal theories
 Freud’s Personality
 Explain Freud’s views about child and Component
adolescent development  The Three Components and
Personality Adjustment
 Draw implications of Freud’s theory to
education  Topographical Model

MODULE 9: Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development – Elvy, Fajila
 Describe Piaget’s stages in your own  Basic Cognitive Concept
words  Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive
 Conduct a simple Piagetian Task Development
interview with children
Sensorimotor stage
 Match learning activities to the learners’
Preoperational stage
cognitive stage
Concrete operational stage
 Formal operational stage
MODULE 10: Linguistic and Literacy Development of Children and Adolescents
– Norba, Lucille & Norba Rina

 Explain the natural history of language  Natural History of Language

development Development
 Described bilingual development  Bilingual Language
 Classify the emergent and early literacy,  Emergent & Early Literacy:
particularly reading development and
Reading Development &
 Name the factors affecting language  Factors Affecting
development Development: Early Language
Stimulation, Literate
Communities and
Environment, Story Reading
MODULE 11: Erickson’s Psycho-Social Theory of Development – Jo Ann Febrada & Fuentes, Jo
4 |F E D 1 – T h e C h i l d & A d o l e s c e n t L e a r n e r & L e a r n i n g
Anna Marie
 Explain the 8 Stages of Life to someone Eric Erikson’s Stage Theory of
you care about. Developmental Development
 Write a short story of your life using
Erikson’s stages as framework  Trust vs. Mistrust
 Autonomy vs. Shame, doubt
 Suggest at least 6 ways on how
 Initiative vs. Guilt
Erikson’s theory can be useful for you as
a teacher someday.  Industry vs. Inferiority
 Identity vs. Identity confusion
 Intimacy vs. Isolation
 Generativity vs.
 Integrity vs. Despair
 MODULE 12: Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory – Martinez, Rocky Roel
 Explain why Vygotsky’s Theory is called Piaget vs Vygotsky
“Socio-Cultural theory Zone of Proximal Development
 Differentiate Piaget and Vygotsky’s view
on cognitive development

 Explain how scaffolding is useful in

teaching a skill

MODULE 13: Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory – Padilla, Anila

 Identify factors on one’s own life that  Bronfenbrenner’s
exerted influence on one’s development Bioecological Model: Structure
 Use the bioecological theory as a of
framework to describe the factors that  Environment
affect child and adolescent development.
 The Role of Schools and
 Explain how the learners’ linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic and religious Teachers
backgrounds are considered in planning

UNIT 5: Theories of Development: Moral Reasoning, Attitudes and Belief

MODULE 14: Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development – Varela, Rhea Clarisse

 Explain the stages of moral development Kohlberg's Stages of Moral

 Analyze a person’s level of moral Development
reasoning based on his responses to
moral dilemmas.
 Cite how the theory of moral  Preconventional
development can be applied to your  Conventional
work as teacher
 Post Conventional
 MODULE 15: Elliot Turiel’s Moral Rules – Marcial, Ciara Rose
 to analyze the Turiel’s moral rules  Elliot Turiel’s Moral Rules
 understand how moral rules manifest
among individuals

MODULE 16: Carol Gilligan’s Theory of Moral Development – Ocampo, Sally

 determine the level of morality between  Carol Gilligan’s Theory of

male and female Moral Development
MODULE 17: Factors Affecting Moral Development: – Venus, Arnel

5 |F E D 1 – T h e C h i l d & A d o l e s c e n t L e a r n e r & L e a r n i n g
 Parenting
 Identify parenting types and styles.  Role Model
 Demonstrate the different parenting
styles  Peer Groups & Interactions
 Compare & Contrast the different
parenting styles
 Explain the impact parenting styles have
on the development of children


Submission of the end of the Course Requirement: Course Portfolio and
Culminating Activity

Required Reading The Child & Adolescent Learners and Learning Principle
Brenda B. Corpuz, PhD.
(Textbook) Ma. Rita D. Lucas, PhD.
Heide Grace L. Borabo, PhD.
Paz I. Lucido, PhD.
Published by:
Lorimar Publishing Inc. 2018

Child and Adolescent Development

Copyright 2010
Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D.
Ma. Rita D. Lucas, Ph.D.
Heide L. Borabo, MA.Ed.
Paz I. Lucido, Ph.D.
Course Requirements Course Requirements
 Major Exams (Google Forms/ LMS)
 Quizzes
 Active Class participation
 Report
 Portfolio

Grading System Periodic Examinations 50%

(PL, MT, PF, F)
Quizzes, Assign., 20%
Attendance 15%
Project 15%
Total 100%
Classroom Policies  The students are encouraged to attend classes via blended or
online learning. Please secure an internet connection as much
as possible. Attendance will be checked and is a must.
 Be sure that everyone is fed on the camera purposely for
attendance, participation, and sharing of ideas.
 It is recommended to mute microphones during teacher’s
discussions and unmute or use the chat room when being
questioned, having presentations, and when you want to raise
 Most of the information will be announced via messenger, so
there will be group chat to be formed. Be sure that you are
within the group.
 Answer your assignment/activities and pass it on time through
 There will be reporters to be assigned to give discussion online

6 |F E D 1 – T h e C h i l d & A d o l e s c e n t L e a r n e r & L e a r n i n g
via Google meet or thru the school’s LMS
 Use the consultation time of teachers to address concerns,
academic problems, and feedback.  

Consultation Hours If you have questions or need assistance, please message your
professor at 11:00-12:00 in the morning (MWF)

Prepared: Review Committee: Approved:


Professor Department Head VP-Academic Affairs



7 |F E D 1 – T h e C h i l d & A d o l e s c e n t L e a r n e r & L e a r n i n g

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