Filamer Christian University College of Teacher Education Revision Date Semester Adopted
Filamer Christian University College of Teacher Education Revision Date Semester Adopted
Filamer Christian University College of Teacher Education Revision Date Semester Adopted
A globally-linked Christian University nurturing people Filamer Christian University commits to:
and communities for transformative leadership and
nation building. Instill Christian values among people and
communities through holistic education.
Innovate models of development through
research, knowledge management and
community building.
Inspire transformative leadership and
exemplary lives.
Initiate collaborative linkages and
partnerships with national and international
CTE Goals
To train pre-service teachers to keep pace with the changes in society and the accompanying
challenges of the 21st Century.
To nurture pre-service teachers who are properly prepared to undertake educational challenges
and changes of the industry.
To produce service and development-oriented pre-service teachers with a Christian values in life.
Program Outcomes:
Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical,
psychological and political contexts.
Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the changing local,
national, and global realities.
Pursue life-long learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential
and field-based opportunities.
1 |F E D 1 – T h e C h i l d & A d o l e s c e n t L e a r n e r & L e a r n i n g
Course Name Child and Adolescent Development Course ED 100
Pre-requisite Subject None Course 3 units
Course Description
This is a basic course on child and adolescent development focusing on current research
and theory on the biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and emotional dimensions of
development and the factors that affect the progress of development. Further, this includes factors
that affect the progress of development of the learners and shall include appropriate pedagogical
principles applicable for each developmental level.
MODULE 9: Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development – Elvy, Fajila
Describe Piaget’s stages in your own Basic Cognitive Concept
words Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive
Conduct a simple Piagetian Task Development
interview with children
Sensorimotor stage
Match learning activities to the learners’
Preoperational stage
cognitive stage
Concrete operational stage
Formal operational stage
MODULE 10: Linguistic and Literacy Development of Children and Adolescents
– Norba, Lucille & Norba Rina
5 |F E D 1 – T h e C h i l d & A d o l e s c e n t L e a r n e r & L e a r n i n g
Identify parenting types and styles. Role Model
Demonstrate the different parenting
styles Peer Groups & Interactions
Compare & Contrast the different
parenting styles
Explain the impact parenting styles have
on the development of children
Required Reading The Child & Adolescent Learners and Learning Principle
Brenda B. Corpuz, PhD.
(Textbook) Ma. Rita D. Lucas, PhD.
Heide Grace L. Borabo, PhD.
Paz I. Lucido, PhD.
Published by:
Lorimar Publishing Inc. 2018
6 |F E D 1 – T h e C h i l d & A d o l e s c e n t L e a r n e r & L e a r n i n g
via Google meet or thru the school’s LMS
Use the consultation time of teachers to address concerns,
academic problems, and feedback.
Consultation Hours If you have questions or need assistance, please message your
professor at 11:00-12:00 in the morning (MWF)
7 |F E D 1 – T h e C h i l d & A d o l e s c e n t L e a r n e r & L e a r n i n g