Syllabus of Diploma (CC) in German 2011-12

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Certificate of Proficiency in German

Paper I
Grammar and Written Expression
M.M.100 Time3 hours.
1. Basic elements of grammar as covered in the prescribed text book, such as
a) Wo, woher, wohin
b) Wer, was, wie.
c) Wie viel, wie viele, wie lange, Uhrzeiten..
d) Akkusativ, einen, keinen, doch usw.
e) Modalverben.
f) Wenn, weil, wann, warum.
g) Dativ
h) Praepositionen mit Akkusativ und Dativ wie aus, bei, durch, fuer usw.
i) Perfekt mit haben und sein.

2.Comprehension of two texts with questions to be answered on it in German

( From the text book) 15x 2=30
3. Translation (English into German) 05
4. Translation (German into English) 05
5 A short essay on topics like meine Stadt, meine Universitaet, eine Reise, ein
Ausflug usw.
Prescribed Text Book
Deutsch als Fremdsprache, IA (BNS 1A)
Paper-II Viva Voce
The students will he examined by an external examiner. The students will be
asked questions in German on day to day life.

Note: - The minimum marks to pass the examination shall be as under:

(a) 28% marks in each paper i.e. I & II
(b) 40% marks in aggregate.
Diploma of Proficiency in German
Paper I
Grammar and Written Comprehension
Time: 3 Hours M.M. 100
1, Gammar 60
a) Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ.
b) Modalverben (present tense and past tens)
c) Perfekt mit haben und sein.
d) Praeteritum.
e) Passiv.
f) Praepositionen.
g) Adjektivendungen.
2. Two comprehensions (From the Text book)
20x2 = 40
Prescribed Text Book
Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1B(BNS 1B)

Paper II
Paper II: Written Expression and Translation
1. Paragraph writing: Two topics are to be attempted out of four on topics such as
ein Fest, eine Reise, Schule, Universitaet usw. 20x2=40
2. Civilisation: Short questions on day to day life in Germany, Austria and
Switzerland. 20
3. Translation: English to German. 20
4. Translation: German to English 20
Prescribed Text Book
Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1B(BNS 1B)

Paper Ill: Viva-Voce 100

The students will be examined by an external examiner and are expected to
answer all questions in German.
Note:- The minimum marks to pass the examination shall be as under:
(a) 28 % marks in each paper i.e. I, II &.III
(b) 40 % marks in aggregate.
There would be three written papers i.e. I, II and III of three hours duration and
100 marks each and Paper IV Viva-voce (dictation, reading and conversation) of
100 mark, totaling 400 marks.
Paper I: Grammar and Written Expression 100
a. Applied Grammar 40
b. Essay or letter 20
c. Translation from German into
English or Hindi 10
d. Translation from English/Hindi
into German 10
c. Comprehension 20
Prescribed Text book: Sprachkurs 3.

Paper II: Introduction to German literature 100

a. History of German literature 40
1) Romanticism
2) Enlightenment
b. Drama 20
1) Besuch der alten Dame. Duerrenmatt
c. Prose 20
1. Bahnwaerter Thiel. Hauptmann
d. Poem 20
1. 1mNebel. H Hesse

Paper III History of Germany 100

a. Reformation and 30 Year war.
b. Unification of Germany in 1871
c. Germany between 1871 and 1919
d. Germany between 1919 and 1933
e. World war 11.
Prescribed Text book: Aus deutscher Vergangenheit.

Paper IV Viva-voce (dictation, reading and conversation) 100

Note:- The minimum marks to pass the examination shall be as under:

(a) 35% marks in each paper i.e. I, II,.III and IV.
(b) 40% marks in aggregate.

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