There Is Someone at Work Who Encourages My Development.: Help Me Grow

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There is someone at work who encourages

my development.
HELP ME GROW Less than 1% of employees who report
Human beings cannot be successful alone. We learn more, apply having someone at work who encourages
what we learn faster, and grow and develop all in response to their development are actively disengaged.
others. Given this, we know that employees need a manager who
Less than 1% of those who have no mentor
encourages their development.
are able to achieve real engagement with
Each employee needs help navigating the course of his or her their employer through the other 11
career. At times, employees need sponsorship, coaching, protection, elements of engagement.
exposure and visibility, and challenging work assignments. At other
times, employees look for counseling, friendship, and acceptance
and confirmation that they are doing well.

The manager-employee relationship is one of the most Across the U.S., an average of four in 10 employees say that
important in a workplace. Your employees’ relationships no one is looking out for their development.
with you should help them define who they are and what
they can become professionally. They should be able to trace
their successes to the relationship they have with you.

While all 12 elements of engagement require manager-to-employee and/or

peer-to-peer interactions, managers must put in extra effort to personally invest in
their employees to have success with the sixth element of engagement.
Personal and professional development does not occur in a vacuum. It Three Ways to Encourage Development
takes intentional effort and attention. Gallup’s research suggests that
the most effective managers are intentional in their effort, individualize ONGOING
their approach and provide ongoing developmental support. INTENTIONAL
As a manager, you should routinely ask yourself: INDIVIDUALIZED
DD Do I understand which development opportunities are most
important to each team member? INDIVIDUALIZED: Customized for each team
member and consistent with his or her
DD Do I understand which opportunities are most relevant to each
current role
team member’s career growth?
INTENTIONAL: Directed and purposeful for
DD Have I created shared goals and established expectations with
each person
my team?
ONGOING: Continuous process throughout each
DD Do I regularly celebrate my employees’ successes and
person’s work life cycle (from onboarding to

Copyright © 1993-1998, 2014 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.



GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT The most effective managers create opportunities for
One common misunderstanding that many people have employees to learn, grow, acquire new skills, try new
about this element of engagement is that “development” ways of doing things, and take on new challenges. These
means “promotion.” Development is a process for managers try to build a culture of encouraged development
understanding each person’s unique talents or strengths and by incorporating the following behaviors into their
finding roles, positions and projects that meet them. management style and approach:

ENGAGING CONVERSATIONS •• Teach employees the knowledge and skills they

need to be successful in their roles.
Employees want to learn, grow and maximize their
contributions to their personal mission, their organization •• Help each employee identify, document and track
and the people they provide services to. To do this, you performance goals.
need to discuss your employees’ professional growth and
development more than once a year. Asking your employees •• Don’t look at development as a finished product.
Keep moving the goal posts to encourage next
these questions can help ensure that you learn more about
steps. Meet regularly with team members to talk
their growth and developmental needs:
about their development. Learn about employees’
•• What do you enjoy most about your work? development goals, help them set reasonable
expectations, and revisit their goals often.
•• Are you being challenged at work? What
challenging experiences are you facing? What •• Look for coaching opportunities to provide greater
challenges would you like to take on? clarity and improved understanding of a role.

•• What is the best way for me to encourage your •• Help employees track and celebrate personal bests.
growth and development?
•• Meet with each employee regularly to review
•• What are some ways we develop as a team? What progress on his or her development plans.
are ways you would like to see our team develop?
•• Identify your role in the development process so
•• What do you want to accomplish in the next that you can support and provide any information
six months? necessary for employees to achieve their
development goals.
•• If you could learn anything that would have an
effect on your current role, what would that be? •• Consider what development opportunities you can
offer your team. These opportunities could mean
•• When you are “in the trenches” getting the
job shadowing or additional responsibilities for a
job done, what are some ways we as a team can
specific employee.
help you?
•• Pay special attention to your long-serving employees.
•• What can I do to help you achieve your goals?
They need development opportunities too.

•• When you achieve your goals, how would you like

to receive recognition?

•• Where do you see opportunities for growth within

yourself? Are there opportunities I can help
you with?

Copyright © 1993-1998, 2014 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


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