Chapter Four: Finite Control Volume Analysis
Chapter Four: Finite Control Volume Analysis
Chapter Four: Finite Control Volume Analysis
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Chapter Four
Finite Control Volume Analysis
Control volume and system representation
The fluid is a type of matter that is free to move and interact with the
surrounding. Fluid’s behavior is governed by fundamental physical laws
which are approximated by an appropriate set of equations. There are
various ways that the governing laws can be applied to a fluid, including
the system approach and the control volume approach.
o A System
It is a collection of matter of fixed identity which may move, flow and
interact with its surrounding. It may change its shape or size but always
contains the same mass.
o A control volume
It is a volume in space through which fluid may flow.
System representation
In fluid mechanics, it is often quite difficult to identify and keep track of a
specific quantity of matter. A finite portion of a fluid contains large number
of fluid particles that move quite freely, unlike a solid that may deform but
usually remains easy to identify its shape.
It may be often more interesting to determine the force put on a fan,
airplane or automobile by air flowing past the object which is very difficult
using the information obtained by following a given portion of the air (a
system) as it flows. For these situations it is more often to use the control
volume approach.
A specific volume in space can be identified and the fluid flow within,
through or around that volume can be analyzed. The matter and mass may
change within the control volume due to the flow of fluid through the
control volume. Examples of control volumes and control surfaces are
shown below:
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The Reynold’s transport theorem
It is sometimes interesting to know what will happen to a particular part of
the fluid as it moves about. Other times it is of interest to know for case (a),
fluid flows through a pipe. The fixed control surface consists of the inside
surface of the pipe, the outlet at section (2) and a section across the pipe at
(1). One portion of the control surface is a physical surface (the pipe), while
the remainder is simply a surface in space (across the pipe) in this case fluid
flows across part of the control surface, but not across all of it.
Case (b) shows another control volume, which is a rectangular volume,
surrounding the jet engine shown. If the airplane to which this engine is not
moving, air flows through this control volume because of the action of the
air moving by the engine. If the airplane is moving, this control volume is
fixed relative to an observer on the airplane, but it is moving control
volume relative to an observer on the ground.
Case (c) shows a balloon while being emptied from air. By time the control
volume (whose surface is the inner surface of the balloon) decreases in size.
In this case the control volume is called deforming control volume. If the
balloon was not fixed it becomes a moving and deformable control volume.
What effect the fluid has on a particular object or volume in space as fluid
interacts with it? thus it is desirable to know the laws governing fluid
motion using both system concepts and control volume concepts. To do
this, an analytical tool is needed to shift from one representation to the
other. The Reynold’s transport theorem provides this tool.
Since all physical laws are stated in terms of various physical parameters as
mass (m), velocity (v), acceleration (a) and temperature (T), let B represent
any of these fluid parameters and b represent the amount of that parameter
per unit mass, thus:
B and b may be scalar or vectors.
The parameter B is termed extensive property and b is termed intensive
property. The amount of an extensive property that a system possesses at a
given instant, Bsys, can be determined by adding up the amount of that
property associated with each fluid particle in the system. Therefore:
Bsys= lim ∑ b i ( ρ i δ V i ) =∫ ρbdV
δV → 0 i sys
Since most of the laws governing fluid motion involve the time rate of
change of an extensive property of the fluid system, thus;
d (∫ )
dt dt
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To formulate the laws into a control volume approach an expression for the
extensive property within the control volume BcV must be obtained as:
dBc v
d ∫ ρbdV )
dt dt
Derivation of the Reynold’s transport theorem
A simple version of the Reynold’s transport theorem relating system
concepts to control volume concepts can be obtained easily for one
dimensional flow through a fixed control volume as shown.
Bsys ( t ) =B c v ( t )
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δ Bsys B sys ( t +δt ) −B sys ( t ) B ( t+ δt )−BI ( t+ δt ) +B II ( t+ δt )−B sys ( t )
= = cv
δt δt ❑ δt
lim c v
B ( t+δt ) −B c v ( t ) ∂ Bc v
= =
∂ (∫ )
δt → 0 δt ∂t ∂t
BII ( t +δt )= ( ρ2 b2 )( δ V II )= ρ2 b 2 A2 v 2 δt
B II ( t+ δt )
Ḃout = lim =ρ2 b 2 A 2 v 2
δt→ 0 δt
BI ( t+ δt )=( ρ1 b 1) ( δ V I ) =ρ 1 b1 A 1 v 1 δt
B I ( t+ δt )
Ḃ¿ =lim =ρ1 b1 A1 v 1
δt →0 δt
D Bsys ∂ B c v
= + Ḃout − Ḃ¿
Dt ∂t
Therefore the Reynold’s transport theorem in its general form is given by:
D Bsys ∂ B c v
= + ρ2 b2 A 2 v 2−ρ1 b1 A 1 v 1
Dt ∂t
ρbdV ( ρb v cos θ δt ) δA
δ Ḃout =lim =lim =ρb v cos θδA
δt →0 δt δt →0 δt
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❑ ❑
Ḃout = ∫ d Ḃout = ∫ ρb v cos θdA
cs out csout
Ḃout = ∫ ρb v . n^ dA
cs out
❑ ❑
Ḃ¿ =−∫ ρb v cos θdA=−∫ ρb v . n^ dA
cs¿ cs¿
Ḃout − Ḃ¿ =∫ ρb v . n^ dA
D Bsys ∂ B c v ❑
= + ∫ ρb v . n^ dA
Dt ∂ t cs ❑
D Bsys ∂ ❑ ❑
= ∫ ρbdV + ∫ ρb v . n^ dA
Dt ∂t cv cs ❑
The control volume formulas the Eulerian view are derived from the
equations representing basic laws applied to a collection of mass (a system) as
mentioned earlier. However the control volume or the Eulerian view is more
easy and more convenient to deal with than the system or Lagrangian view.
The concept of a control volume and system occupying the same region of
space at an instant (coincident conditions) and by using the Reynold’s
“Fluid Mechanics Lecture Notes“ ياسر سعد/ د:اعداد
transport theorem are the key elements in the derivation of the control volume
In the equations of the control volume analysis Volume integrals are used to
account for variations of the material properties in the co ordinate system of
the contents of a control volume. Control surface area integrals allow for
surface distributions of flow variables.
In the analysis of the flow to derive the governing equations the flow is
assumed to be one dimensional and steady.
D M sys
Time rate of
Time rate of
change of the Net rate of flow
change of the
mass of the of mass
mass of the = +
contents of the through the
coincident control control surface
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When the flow is steady:
∫ ρdV =0
∂t cv
Therefore it can be found that the continuity equation can simply be written as:
∑ ṁout =∑ ṁ¿
Also we can write (∵ Q = Av):
ṁ=ρQ =ρA v
∫ ρ v . n^ dA
v́= A
∫ ρ v . n^ dA
v́= A =v
ṁ=ρ 1 A1 v́ 1=ρ2 A2 v́ 2
This means that; the mass flow rate at any section in the flow system is
constant in case of steady flow.
Q= A 1 v́ 1=A 2 v́ 2
∑ ṁ¿=∑ ṁout
“Fluid Mechanics Lecture Notes“ ياسر سعد/ د:اعداد
The following analysis shows the relation between fluid change of momentum
and forces exerted by the fluid on its boundaries. This will be derived
according to Newton's law which states:
As particles of mass move into or out of a control volume through the control
surface, they carry linear momentum in or out. Thus, linear momentum flow
can be considered and treated as mass flow.
❑ ❑
∫ v ρdV +∫ v ρ v . n^ dA=∑ F acting on the contents
∂t cv cs of the
control volume
“Fluid Mechanics Lecture Notes“ ياسر سعد/ د:اعداد
❑ ❑ ❑
∫ ( r × v ) ρdV = ∂t∂ ∫ ( r × v ) ρdV +∫ ( r × v ) ρ v . n^ dA
Dt sys cv cs
Time rate of
Time rate of Net rate of flow
change of the
change of the of the moment of
moment of
moment of = + momentum
momentum of the
momentum of the through the
contents of the
system control surface
control volume
❑ ❑
∫ ( r × v ) ρdV +∫ ( r × v ) ρ v . n^ dA=∑ ¿¿
∂t cv cs
Where Σ(r×F) is the sum of external torques acting on the control volume. It
should be remembered that the power produced is calculated from:
P=τ × ω
First law of thermodynamics – the energy equation
As the fluid flows, some of its properties may change and this fluid may
produce work or exchange heat with its surrounding. The equation that relates
the variation of fluid flow variables with work done and heat exchanged is the
energy equation. Therefore this equation will be derived as follows:
Time rate of
Net time rate of Net time rate of
increase of the
energy addition by energy addition
total stored = +
heat transfer into by work transfer
energy of the
the system into the system
∫ eρdV =(∑ Q̇¿ −∑ Q̇out )sys +(∑ Ẇ ¿−∑ Ẇ out )sys
Dt sys
∫ eρdV =¿ ¿
Dt sys
e=u+ + gz
❑ ❑ ❑
∫ eρdV = ∂t∂ ∫ eρdV +∫ eρ v . n^ dA
Dt sys cv cs
❑ ❑
∫ eρdV +∫ eρ v . n^ dA=¿ ¿
∂t cv cs
Ẇ shaft=Ṫ shaft × ω
Also the work done by normal stress to move the fluid can be written in terms
of pressure:
σ =− p
Therefore after substituting the previous, the energy equation takes the form:
p v2
❑ ❑
∂t cv cs
( )
∫ eρdV +∫ u+ ρ + 2 + gz ρ v . n^ dA=Q̇ net∈ ¿+Ẇ shaft
net∈ ¿
At steady state the first term of the previous equation is zero and the energy
flow from the system boundaries can be given by:
p v2 p v2 p v2
( ρ 2 ) Flow ρ 2
u+ + +gz ρ v . n^ dA= ∑ u+ + +gz ṁ - ∑ u+ + +gz ṁ
Flow ρ 2 ) in
( )
If the properties are evenly distributed across the control surface we can write
the energy equation in the following form:
v 2out −v 2¿
ṁ uout −u ¿ +
() ()
ρ out
ρ ¿
2 ]
+ g ( z out −z ¿ ) =Q̇net ∈¿+Ẇ shaft
net ∈¿
Where h is the enthalpy, then we can write the energy equation in the simple
following form:
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v 2out −v 2¿
ṁ hout −h¿ +
2 ]
+g ( z out −z ¿ ) =Q̇net ∈¿+Ẇ ¿
net ∈¿
The previous equation is the energy equation known as the first law of
thermodynamics which will be used in order to derive one of the important
equations in fluid mechanics which is the Bernoulli equation.
Bernoulli’s equation
Starting from the energy equation the relation between the energies at two
different points in the flow can be found by applying the energy equation
between these two points assuming no shaft work:
2 2
v −v
ṁ uout −u ¿ +
ρ() ()out
ρ ¿ 2 ]
+ out ¿ + g ( z out −z ¿ ) =Q̇net ∈¿ ¿
u¿ −uout + qnet =0
Where the units of each single term of the previous equation is in meters. The
equivalent to shaft work can be calculated from:
“Fluid Mechanics Lecture Notes“ ياسر سعد/ د:اعداد
Ẇ shaft
h shaft=
Static, Stagnation, Dynamic and Total pressures
ρ v2
The second term in the Bernoulli equation is termed the dynamic
pressure, while the third term in the Bernoulli equation z is termed the
hydrostatic pressure due to the change in elevation from one section of flow
to the other which will result in a change of the potential energy of the fluid.
The pressure at the end of the small tube inserted into the flow and pointing
upstream at point (2) will fill the tube to a height H. The fluid in the tube is
stationary, thus v = 0, or point (2) is called a stagnation point.
“Fluid Mechanics Lecture Notes“ ياسر سعد/ د:اعداد
By applying Bernoulli equation between points (1) and (2) using v2 = 0 and
assuming that Z1 = Z2,
ρ v 21
P2=P1 +
Which show that the pressure at the stagnation point is greater than the static
pressure P1 by an amount ρv12/2 called the dynamic pressure. The sum of
static, dynamic and hydrostatic pressure and is called the total pressure.
Thus the Bernoulli equation states that the total pressure along a stream
line remains constant in the ideal case.
ρ v2
P3=P2 =P+
P and v are the pressure and velocity of the fluid upstream point (2). The outer
tube is made with several holes at an appropriate distance from the tip in order
to measure static pressure. If the effect of the elevation difference between (1)
and (4) is negligible:
P4 =P1=P
“Fluid Mechanics Lecture Notes“ ياسر سعد/ د:اعداد
2(P3 −P4 )
√ ρ
Where ρ is the density of the flowing fluid not the manometer fluid.
The pressure decrease can be large enough so that the pressure in the liquid is
reduced to its vapor pressure, this phenomenon is called cavitation.
In such situation when vapor bubbles form and then collapse as the fluid move
to a region of higher pressure (lower velocity), this causes dynamic effects that
“Fluid Mechanics Lecture Notes“ ياسر سعد/ د:اعداد
cause very large pressure transients near the bubbles. If the bubbles collapse
close to a physical boundary, they can over a period of time, cause damage to
the surface in the cavitation area.
Siphon flow
Consider the following figure where a pipe is immersed in a tank full of liquid
which rises up to point 2 and then descends down to point 3:
applying Bernoulli equation along the stream line passing from (1) to (2) to (3)
ρ v 21 ρ v 22 ρ v 23
P1 + + γ Z 1=P2 + + γ Z 2=P 3+ +γ Z 3
2 2 2
taking the datum passing by point (3) and by considering v1 = 0 (large tank)
and P1 = 0 (open tank).
From continuity equation:
A2 v 2= A 3 v 3
And since the pipe has a constant cross sectional area, therefore:
v 2=v 3
Therefore the velocity of the fluid in the pipe can be determined by applying
Bernoulli's equation between points 1 and 3:
v=√ 2 g ( Z 1−Z 3 ) −hlosses
Then by applying the Bernoulli equation between points (1) and (2) the
pressure P2 at the top (the siphon summit) can be determined from:
ρ v 22
P2=γ ( Z ¿ ¿ 1−Z2 )− −hlosses ¿
The pressure P2 is always below atmospheric pressure in siphon flow systems
and in order to maintain a flow between (1) and (3) with no cavitation, P2
must be greater than the vapor pressure of the liquid.
“Fluid Mechanics Lecture Notes“ ياسر سعد/ د:اعداد
From the following figure the flow area when restricted the pressure at the
restricted section will be lower than that at a section upstream.
If pressure was measured at points (1) and (2) (by using a manometer for
example) for the three different restrictions shown in the above figure and by
applying Bernoulli's equation:
ρ v 21 ρ v 22
P1 + + γ Z 1=P2 + + γ Z2
2 2
Q= A 1 v 1=A 2 v 2
2( P 1−P2)
Q= A 2
√ ( ( ))
ρ 1−
Therefore these devices are used in order to measure the flow rate (m3/s) of a
fluid flowing in a pipe.