War in The East 2 Ebook

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1. GETTING STARTED 1 2.6.1. Difficulty Level 8
1.1. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 1 2.6.2. Game Options 8
2.6.3. User Preferences 10
1.2. THE GAME 1

1.3.1. Setting Up the Game (Chapters 2-4) 2 2.8. MULTIPLAYER 11

1.3.2. The Playing Environment (chapters 5-7) 2 2.8.1. Play be Email (PBEM) 11
1.3.3. Game Concepts (chapters 8-15) 2 2.8.2. Multiplayer 12
1.3.4. The Air War (chapters 16-19) 2 2.8.3. Multiplayer Messaging 14
1.3.5. The Ground War (chapters 20-23) 2 2.8.4. Intended Changes 15
1.3.6. The Naval War (chapter 24) 2
1.3.7. Logistics and Production (chapters 25-28) 2 3. SCENARIOS 15
1.3.8. Winning and Losing (chapter 29) 2 3.1. LEARNING THE GAME 15
1.3.9. Appendices (chapters 30-41) 2 3.2. SCENARIO LIST 16
1.3.10. Accuracy and Future Changes 2
1.3.11. Conventions used in this Manual 2
3.3.1. Campaign Scenarios 16
1.4. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 3 3.3.2. Non-Campaign Scenarios 16
1.4.1. Minimum Specs: 3
1.4.2. Recommended Specs: 3
1.9. NEED HELP? 4 4.3.1. Outline 18
4.3.2. Game Concepts 18
4.3.3. Main Turn Phases 19
1.11. EDITOR 4
4.3.4. User Information 19
2. SETTING UP THE GAME 5 4.3.5. Changing unit status 20
4.3.6. The map 20
4.3.7. Map modes and displays 21
4.3.8. Game Options 21
2.3. SETTING UP A NEW GAME 6 4.3.9. Air Units 22
2.3.1. Against the Computer 6
4.3.10. Land Units 22
2.3.2. Against a Human Opponent 7
4.3.11. Supply and Depots 23
2.3.3. Playing Solitaire 7
4.3.12. Administrative Points 24
2.4. LOADING A SAVED GAME 7 4.3.13. Ending a Phase or a Turn 24
2.6. GAME SET UP OPTIONS AND CHOICES 8 4.4.1. Basic Principles 26
4.4.2. Using the Menu Tabs 26 4.10.2. Types of Depots 54
4.4.3. Changing the Map Display 27 4.10.3. Building Depots 55
4.4.4. Combat Resolution Information 28 4.10.4. Setting Priorities for Depots 55
4.5. INTRODUCTION TO THE AIR PLANNING PHASE 29 4.10.5. Depot Storage Capacity 56
4.5.1. Purpose of the air war 29 4.10.6. Distribution of Freight 56
4.5.2. Understanding air units 30 4.10.7. Rail Usage 56
4.5.3. Air Commands 30 4.10.8. Rail Repair options 57
4.5.4. Air Operational Groups 30 4.10.9. Depot Priority and Eligibility for Resupply 57
4.5.5. Types of Air Directives 32 4.10.10. Depot Priority and freight movement 57
4.5.6. Air Directive Creation 32 4.10.11. Tools for influencing the allocation
4.5.7. Executing Air Directives. 32 of Supply between Depots 57
4.5.8. Airbases 33 4.10.12. HQ Priority and Eligibility for Resupply 58
4.10.13. Unit Resupply 58
4.10.14. Improving the chances of gaining
4.6.1. AI Air Assistance 34
replacements and supply 59
4.6.2. Allocating Air Operational Groups
4.10.15. Strategic Movement and Rail capacity
to Ground HQs 34
for resupply 59
4.6.3. Allocating Air Units to AOGs 36
4.10.16. Air Supply 59
4.6.4. Stances and AI Assistance 36
4.10.17. Displaying Information about
4.6.5. Redeploying Air Units 37
the Logistics System 59
4.6.6. Manual Control 37
4.11.1. Reinforcements 60
4.7.1. Unit Structure 37
4.11.2. Replacements 60
4.7.2. Unit Types 37
4.11.3. Changes to the at-start Army 60
4.7.3. Building up and Breaking Down Units 41
4.11.4. Building Soviet Combat Corps 61
4.7.4. HQs and Leadership 41
4.11.5. Building Fresh Units
4.7.5. Information about the relationship
(combat and support) 62
between Units 41
4.11.6. Elite Units 62
4.7.6. Selecting and moving units 42
4.11.7. Upgrading Air Units 62
4.7.7. Unit Information 42
4.7.8. Unit Modes 43 4.12. WEATHER 63
4.7.9. Re-assigning Support Units 43 4.12.1. Basic System 63
4.12.2. Special Winter Rules 64
4.8.1. Basics of Movement. 45 4.13. MANAGING COMMANDERS AND HQs 64
4.8.2. Combat 47 4.13.1. Leaders 64
4.8.3. Other Factors that affect combat 50 4.13.2. Headquarters 66
4.8.4. Interpreting the Combat Result 51 4.13.3. Assault HQs 67
4.8.5. Possible Combat Results 51 4.14. THEATRE BOXES 67
4.8.6. Special Turn 1 rules 52 4.14.1. National Reserves 68
4.9. INTRODUCTION TO INVASIONS AND AIRBORNE 4.14.2. Other Theatre Boxes 68
4.10.1. Production 54 4.16.1. Victory Points in the short scenarios 68
4.16.2. Victory Points in Campaign Scenarios 70 6.2.2. Second Row 105
4.16.3. Victory Conditions for Campaign Scenarios 71 6.2.3. Third Row 105
4.17. USING THE COMMANDER’S REPORT 72 6.2.4. Fourth Row 108

6.3.1. Actions you can carry out 110
6.3.2. Information you can access 111
4.19.1. Setting up the scenario 74
4.19.2. Using the AI assistance for the Air War 78 6.4. HEX POP-UP INFORMATION 111
6.4.1. Basic information (always on display) 112
6.4.2. Hex dependent information 112
4.20.1. Housekeeping 82
6.4.3. If a unit is present 113
4.20.2. Preparing your first moves 85
6.4.4. Information on player activities 114
6.4.5. Impact of Fog of War 114
4.21.1. Planning the encirclement 89
6.4.6. Mode dependent information 114
4.21.2. Attacking to complete the encirclement 91
6.4.7. Air base display 115
4.21.3. Final moves 93
6.4.8. Air Operational Group and Air
4.21.4. The AI response 94
Command display 116
4.22. TURNS 2 - 3 94
4.23. COMPLETING THE SCENARIO 99 6.5.1. Counter Display 117
4.23.1. Other Scenarios 100 6.5.2. HQ units and command links 118
4.23.2. Campaign Games 100 6.5.3. Unit Modes 118
6.5.4. Information displayed on the Combat
Unit box 118
5.1. BASIC SEQUENCE OF PLAY 101 6.5.5. Information displayed on the Air Base
5.1.1. General Rules 101 Unit box 119
5.1.2. Differences when Using the Server 6.5.6. Information displayed on the Ground
or PBEM 101 HQ Unit box 119
5.2. GAME TURN OVERVIEW 102 6.5.7. Information displayed on Air HQ Unit
EXECUTION PHASES 102 6.5.8. Information displayed on Naval HQ
5.3.1. The Logistics Phase 102 Unit boxes 120
5.3.2. The Air Execution Phase 102 6.5.9. Information displayed on the Rail Repair
HQ Unit box 120
6.5.10. Multiple Hex Unit Selection 121
6.5.11. Display Soft Factors 121
6.1.1. Top Panel boxes and buttons 103 6.6.1. Show Battles 121
6.1.2. On the map display 104 6.6.2. Show Rail Damage 121
6.1.3. Tabs, F-keys and hot keys 104 6.7. CHANGING THE COUNTER ORDER 122
6.1.4. From the information screens 104 6.8. INTERPRETING THE INFORMATION ON
6.2.1. Title Bar 105 6.8.1. Zoom Level 122
6.8.2. Combat related information 122 8. THE WEATHER SYSTEM 140
6.8.3. Displaying Air Directives on the Map 123 8.1. GENERATING THE WEATHER CONDITIONS 140
6.8.4. Displaying Air Operational Groups on 8.1.1. Climate Zones and Dominating Weather
the Map 124 Conditions 140
6.8.5. Hex Selection and the Unit Counter 8.1.2. Weather Fronts 141
Border Colour 125 8.1.3. Moisture and Water Levels 141
6.8.6. Movement path 126 8.1.4. Changing Snow Conditions 142
6.8.7. Factories 127
6.8.8. Reconnaissance and Interdiction 127
6.8.9. On Map display during the air
execution phase 129 8.4. IMPACT OF WEATHER CONDITIONS ON AIR
6.9. LOGISTICS 129
6.9.1. Logistics map information tab 129 8.5. IMPACT OF WEATHER ON GROUND
6.9.2. The supply net (‘8’) 131 OPERATIONS 143
6.9.3. Supply Priority Map View 131 8.5.1. Impact of the Road System 143
6.9.4. Further information 131 8.5.2. Impact of Weather on Movement and
Combat 143
8.5.3. Ice Levels and Frozen Lakes
6.11. THE JUMP BOX 133
and Rivers 144
6.12. THE WITEPEDIA 134 8.5.4. Supply when Lake Ladoga and the Sea
of Azov are frozen 144
7.1. MAP AREA 135
8.6.1. First (Harsh) Winter Rules 144
7.2. TERRAIN 135 8.6.2. Mild Winter Rules 145
7.2.1. Types of Terrain Hexes 135
7.2.2. Terrain Features 136 9. ADMINISTRATIVE POINTS 145
7.2.3. Impassable Terrain 136 9.1. GAINING ADMINISTRATIVE POINTS 146
7.2.4. Town, City and Urban Hexes 137
7.2.5. Railways 137
7.2.6. Roads 137 10. FOG OF WAR (FOW) AND ENEMY UNIT
7.2.7. Regions 138 DETECTION LEVEL (DL) 148
7.3.1. Different forms of Hex Control 138 10.1.1. No Fog of War and Unit Detection 148
7.3.2. Impact of Enemy Controlled Hexes 138 10.1.2. Movement Fog of War 148
7.3.3. Isolated Hex Conversion 138 10.2. DETECTION LEVEL (DL) 149
7.3.4. Air Base Unit Capture 138 10.2.1. Changes in Detection Levels 149
7.3.5. Control of Ferry Hexes 139 10.2.2. Detection Levels and Combat 149
7.3.6. Control of Ocean and Sea Water Hexes 139 10.2.3. Raising Detection Levels by Air
7.4. ZONES OF CONTROL 139 Reconnaissance 149
7.4.1. Impact on Enemy Movement 139 10.2.4. Impact of Strategic air reconnaissance
7.4.2. Impact on Supply Tracing and the missions 150
Allocation of Combat Support Units 139 10.2.5. Reconnaissance missions and other
7.4.3. Converting Enemy Controlled Hexes 139 air missions 150
10.2.6. Detection Level and Naval Missions 150 13.1.4. Destroyed Units and the National
10.2.7. Impact of Different Detection Levels 151 Reserve 161
10.2.8. Fog of War and AI movement 151 13.1.5. Interaction between Theatre Boxes
10.2.9. Fog of War and Rail Damage/Usage 151 and the Game Map 161
13.1.6. Automatically Managing the Theatre
11.1. AIR COMBAT 152 13.1.7. Morale adjustments in the Theatre Boxes 161
11.2.1. Restrictions 152 THEATRE 161
11.2.2. Movement Bonus 152 13.2.1. Ground Units Transfer to and from
11.2.3. Reduced costs for Zones of Control 153 the National Reserve 161
11.2.4. Combat Delay 153 13.2.2. Air Units Transfer to and from the
11.2.5. Unlocking the Soviet Southern Front 153 National Reserve 162
13.2.3. Changing Unit Status in the Reserve
11.3. SOVIET RULES 153
Theatre Box 162
11.3.1. Ground Movement Restrictions 153
11.3.2. Reserve Activations 153 13.3. ACTIVE THEATRE BOXES 162
11.3.3. Determining Initial Soviet Unit Morale 13.3.1. Combat Intensity in the Theatre Boxes 162
and Experience 153 13.3.2. Required Strength in each Theatre Box 163
11.3.4. Determining Initial Damage to 13.3.3. Unit management in Non-Reserve
Soviet Ground Elements 154 Theatre Boxes 163
11.3.5. Air resupply 154 13.3.4. Enhanced Player Theatre Box Control 164
13.3.5. Limits on units with withdrawal dates 164
13.3.6. Limits on allocations to some Theatre
13.3.7. Disbanding units in the Theatre Boxes 165
12.1.1. Newly Built and Rebuilt Units 155 13.4.1. The Balkans 165
12.1.2. Elite Units 155 13.4.2. The Soviet Union 165
12.1.3. German Luftwaffe Formations 156 13.5. EVENTS 165
12.1.4. Adjusting Unit Morale to National Morale 156
12.1.5. Other changes to Unit Morale 156
UNDER, 100 156
12.3. EXPERIENCE 157
12.3.1. Ground Element Experience 157
12.3.2. Air Group Unit Experience 158 14.3. SURRENDER OF AXIS-ALLIED NATIONS 167
14.3.1. Italy 167
13. THEATRE BOXES AND THE EVENT SYSTEM 159 14.3.2. Finland 167
13.1. THEATRE BOXES 159 14.3.3. Rumania 167
13.1.1. List of the Theatre Boxes and how they 14.3.4. Hungary 167
interact 159 14.3.5. Slovakia 168
13.1.2. Accessing the Theatre Boxes 160 14.3.6. Bulgaria 168
13.1.3. Transfers to and from the Theatre Boxes 160 14.4. SOVIET ALLIED FORCES 168
15. LEADERS 169 16.3.3. Disbanding and Converting AOGs 179
15.1. LEADER DESIGNATION 169 16.3.4. Soviet Guards AOGs and Air Groups 180
16.3.5. Axis Allied AOGs 180

15.3.1. Political Rating 170 16.4.1. Air Group Units Status 180

15.3.2. Morale Rating 170 16.4.2. Fighter Bombers 180

15.3.3. Initiative Rating 170 16.4.3. Aircraft Status 181
15.3.4. Administrative (Admin) Rating 170 16.4.4. Air Group Unit Mission Settings 182
15.3.5. Combat Ratings 170 16.4.5. Air Group Unit weapon and fuel loadouts 182
16.4.6. Air Profile and Air Group Unit Types 182
16.4.7. Axis Air Group Unit Types 183
16.4.8. Soviet Air Group Unit Types 184
15.5.1. Leader Rating Check Procedure 171
16.4.9. Air Group Unit Names 184
15.5.2. Leader Ratings and chance to pass
16.4.10. Disbanding Air Unit Groups 185
a check 171
16.4.11. Creation of New Air Unit Groups 185
15.5.3. Chain of Command Rating Checks 171
16.4.12. Depleted Air Unit Groups 185
15.5.4. Command Range Modifier 173
15.5.5. Command Range Exceptions for 16.5. UPGRADING AND SWAPPING AIRCRAFT 185
Leader Checks 174 16.5.1. Air Profiles and Upgrade Restrictions 186
15.5.6. Leader Rating and command 16.5.2. Automatic Setting 186
re-organisation 174 16.5.3. Manual Setting 186

15.6. LEADER PROMOTION AND DISMISSAL 174 16.5.4. Allocation of older plane types 187

15.6.1. Promotion 174 16.6. AIR BASES 187

15.6.2. Dismissal and Replacement 174 16.6.1. Airbase on map display 188

15.7. BATTLE WIN AND LOSS CREDIT 175 16.6.2. Airbase Unit TOE 188
16.6.3. Building and Expanding Airbase Units 189
16.6.4. AI Assistance and Airbase creation or

16.1. OUTLINE OF THE BASIC CONCEPTS 177 16.6.5. Airbase Supply Priority 189

16.1.1. Automation 177 16.6.6. Airbase Capacity 189

16.1.2. Pilots, Planes and Air Group Units 177 16.6.7. Airbase Size and Poor Weather
16.1.3. Command Structure 177 conditions 190
16.1.4. Air Directives 178 16.6.8. Airbase Capture 190
16.6.9. Frozen Airbases 190
16.6.10. Assigning air units to airbases 190
16.2.1. Air Headquarters 178
16.2.2. Air Operational Group Units and 16.7. PILOTS 190
Air Commands 178 16.7.1. Assigning Pilots to on-map Air Group
16.2.3. Air Bases and Air Commands 178 Units 191
16.2.4. Theatre Boxes 178 16.7.2. Experience Levels of New Pilots 192

16.3. AIR OPERATIONAL GROUPS 179 16.7.3. Pilots and the National Reserve 192

16.3.1. Manual and Automatic (AI assist) 16.7.4. Pilot Training 192
control of AOGs 179 16.7.5. Pilot specialism 192
16.3.2. Air Operational Groups and air unit types 179 16.8. ANTI-AIRCRAFT UNITS 192
16.8.1. German Anti-Aircraft Units 192 17.4.6. Manually Cancelling and Suspending
16.8.2. Soviet Anti-Aircraft Units 193 Air Directives 209
17.4.7. Summary of the Air War UI 209

17.1.1. Automated AI Air Assist System 194 18.1.1. Outline 210
18.1.2. Target Priority 210
17.1.2. AI Assistance in other cases 194
18.1.3. Ground Support 210
17.1.3. AI Assistance and Air Doctrine settings 195
18.1.4. Ground Attack 211
17.1.4. Using the AI Air Assist to move and
18.1.5. Strategic Bombing (Bomb City) 212
direct your Air Operational Groups 195
18.1.6. Air Reconnaissance 213
17.1.5. Differences between Soviet and Axis
18.1.7. Air Superiority 213
AOG options 196
18.1.8. Naval Patrol and Naval Interdiction 214
17.1.6. Setting AOG Stances and the Implications 196
18.1.9. Air Transportation 214
17.1.7. Constraint on AOG allocations 197
18.1.10. Auto-Interception 215
17.1.8. Air Transport AOGs. 197
18.1.11. Interaction between various Air
17.1.9. Transfer Depleted Air Groups
Directives 215
to the reserve 197
17.1.10. Transfer of Air Operational Group Units 198
18.2.1. Automatic Selection 216
17.1.11. Creating Naval Air Patrols 198
18.2.2. Manual Selection 216
17.2.1. Retreat and Advance Stances 198
18.3.1. Leadership Checks 217
17.2.2. Specialised support 198
18.3.2. Miles flown 217
17.2.3. Bringing air units from the reserve 199
18.3.3. Mission, Escort % and % Required to fly 217
17.2.4. Relative Priority 199
18.3.4. Morale loss and recovery 218
17.2.5. Triggering redeployment and
18.3.5. Gaining and Losing Experience 218
reallocation 199
18.3.6. Fatigue and Aircraft Damage 218
17.3. MANUAL CONTROL 199 18.3.7. Attrition 218
17.3.1. Manually Assigning Air Unit Groups 18.3.8. Impact of Weather 218
from the Reserve 199 18.3.9. Day and Night Missions 218
17.3.2. Sending Air Groups to the Reserve 200 18.3.10. Aircraft Reliability 219
17.3.3. Maximum Air Units for each Air 18.3.11. Operational Losses 219
Operational Group 201 18.4. GRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF AIR MISSIONS 219
17.3.4. Manually moving Air Operational Groups 201
17.3.5. Creating new AOGs 202
17.4.1. Manual options for setting up an 19.1. AIR MISSION SEQUENCE 221
Air Directive 203 19.1.1. General overview 221
17.4.2. Assigning Air Group units to Air 19.1.2. Interaction of AS and other air missions 222
Directives 204 19.2. AIR TO AIR COMBAT 222
17.4.3. Altering existing ADs 207 19.2.1. Pilots 222
17.4.4. Air Doctrine 208 19.2.2. Planes 222
17.4.5. Manually adjusting the flight path 208 19.2.3. Weapon Systems 223
19.3.1. Anti-Aircraft fire on route to target 223 20.6.1. Creation 232
19.3.2. Altitude effects and anti-aircraft fire 223 20.6.2. Effect 233
19.3.3. Barrage Balloons 223 20.6.3. Entering and Leaving 233
19.3.4. Anti-Aircraft Fire and 20.6.4. City Forts and Fortification Units 233
Combat Reports 224
19.3.5. Anti-Aircraft Fire and Ground Support 21. GROUND UNITS 234
Missions 224 21.1. TYPES OF GROUND UNITS 234
19.4.1. Weapon Systems 224 OF EQUIPMENT (TOE) 235
19.4.2. Air Crew 224 21.2.1. Ground Elements 235
19.4.3. Weather, Altitude and Anti-Aircraft fire 224 21.2.2. Support Squads 236
19.4.4. Terrain 224 21.2.3. Impact of Support Squads on Unit
19.4.5. Air Mission Type and weapon system 224 Performance 237
19.4.6. Damage to Ground Elements 225 21.2.4. Hiwis 237
19.5. LOSSES 225 21.2.5. Table of Equipment (TOE) 237
19.5.1. Air Crew Losses 225 21.2.6. TOE Upgrades 239
19.5.2. Operational Losses 225 21.2.7. Ground Element Upgrade/Downgrade

21.2.8. AFV and Combat Vehicle Reliability 240
20. FORTIFICATIONS 226 21.2.9. Adjusting to changes in TOE 241
20.2. FORT LEVEL CONSTRUCTION 226 21.3.1. Types of Combat Unit 241
20.2.1. Unit Construction Values 226 21.3.2. Combat Unit Build-up, Breakdown
20.2.2. Support Unit Construction Values 227 and Merging 241
20.2.3. Civilian Population Assistance 228 21.4. MULTI-ROLE UNITS (MRU) 243
20.2.4. Construction Points 229 21.5. SUPPORT UNITS (SU) 243
20.2.5. Supply Costs 229 21.5.1. Attachment of Support Units to
DESTRUCTION 229 21.5.2. Allocation of Support Units to
20.3.1. Limits on Fortification Levels 229 Headquarters Units 244
20.3.2. Fortification Decay 229 21.5.3. Attachment of Support Units
20.3.3. Fort Destruction 230 to Cities 245
20.4. FORTIFICATIONS AND COMBAT 230 21.5.4. Movement of Support Units into and
20.4.1. Artillery and Fort Levels 230 out of Theatre Boxes 246
20.4.2. Fort Level and AFV Damage 231 21.5.5. Depleted Support Units 246
20.4.3. Fort Level Reduction in Combat 231 21.5.6. Automatic Attachment of Support Units 246

20.5. FORTIFIED UNITS 231 21.5.7. Manual Attachment of Support Units 247
20.5.1. Creating a Fortified Unit 231 21.5.8. Manual Transfer of Support Units 247
20.5.2. TOE for Fortified Units 232 21.6. CONSTRUCTION UNITS 247
20.5.3. Valid locations for Fortified Units 232 21.6.1. Rail Repair Units 247
20.5.4. Disbanding Fortified Units 232 21.6.2. Other Construction Units 248
21.7. FROZEN UNITS 248 22.2.3. Impact of Interdiction on tactical
21.8. STATIC COMBAT UNITS 248 movement 258
21.8.1. Setting Units to Static Mode 249 22.2.4. Impact of Enemy Zones of Control 258
21.8.2. Reactivating Static Combat Units 249 22.2.5. Temporary Motorization 258
22.2.6. Specific Movement Rules for Brigades
and Smaller units 260
21.9.1. Depleted Units 250
22.2.7. Combat Delay Movement Costs 260
21.9.2. Unready Units 250
22.2.8. Detailed Movement Cost Tables 260
21.10.1. Disbanding Units 250
22.3.1. Ground Movement 260
21.10.2. Merging Units 250
22.3.2. Placing a unit in Reserve Stance 261
22.3.3. Conducting a Hasty Attack 261
21.11.1. Types of Headquarter Units 251
22.3.4. Conducting a Deliberate Attack 261
21.11.2. Assault HQs 252
22.3.5. Forced Displacement Movement 262
21.11.3. Headquarter Unit’s Command Capacity 252
21.11.4. HQ Command Ranges 253
22.4.1. Basic Strategic Rail Transport Rules 262
21.11.5. Command Bonuses for Some Types
22.4.2. Strategic Movement Points 262
of HQ 253
22.4.3. Rail Line Usage and SMP Penalties 263
21.11.6. Combat Unit Command Points 253
22.4.4. Rail Transport SMP Costs 263
21.11.7. Headquarters Efficiency and
Support Squads 253 22.4.5. Impact of Air Power on Strategic Rail
Transport 263
21.11.8. Headquarters Conversions and
Upgrades 253 22.4.6. Conducting Ground Unit Strategic Rail

21.11.9. Headquarters Unit Relocation 253 Movement (F2) 264

21.11.10. Reassigning Combat Units between 22.5. AIR TRANSPORT 264

HQs 254 22.5.1. Air Transport of Freight 264

21.12. STACKING 254 22.5.2. Air Transport of Non-Motorized Units 266

21.12.1. Standard Stacking Rules 254 22.5.3. Air Dropping Airborne Combat Units 266

21.12.2. Special Stacking Rules (City Forts) 254 22.6. RAIL REPAIR MOVEMENT 268
22.6.1. Automatic Rail Line Repair 268
22. GROUND UNIT LAND MOVEMENT 255 22.6.2. Manual Rail Line Repair 268
22.1. DETERMINING TACTICAL MOVEMENT POINTS 256 22.6.3. Rail Repair HQ Unit Movement 268
22.1.1. Maximum Movement Points 256 22.6.4. Rail Repair from a Captured Port 269
22.1.2. Minimum Movement Points 256
22.1.3. Impact of Enemy Attacks on Unit 23. GROUND COMBAT 269
Movement Allowance 257 23.1. COMBAT VALUE (CV) 270
22.1.4. Impact of Amending the Logistical Level 257 23.1.1. Initial and Modified Combat Values 270
22.1.5. Movement Allowance for Air Dropped 23.1.2. Zero CV Units 271
22.2.1. Rear Area Administrative Movement 258 23.2.1. Gaining Combat Preparation Points 271
22.2.2. Fatigue, Combat Preparation Points 23.2.2. Losing Combat Preparation Points 271
and Movement 258 23.2.3. Effect of Combat Preparation Points 272
23.3. COMBAT SEQUENCE 272 23.9.3. Air Drop Attrition 282
23.4. TYPES OF ATTACKS 273 23.9.4. Air Drop Special Air Interdiction 283
23.4.1. Hasty Attack 273 23.10. COMBAT RESULTS AND BATTLE LOSSES 283
23.4.2. Reconnaissance in Force 273 23.10.1. Combat Result Effects 283
23.4.3. Deliberate Attack 273 23.10.2. Battle Losses 283
23.5. FORTIFICATION AND TERRAIN DEFENSIVE 23.10.3. Damaged and Disrupted Elements 284
MODIFIERS 274 23.10.4. Impact on Morale 284
23.5.1. Fortifications 274 23.11. DETERMINING THE WINNER IN GROUND
23.5.2. Terrain 274 COMBAT 285
23.5.3. Combat Intensity in Urban, Heavy
Urban or Port Hexes 274
23.12.1. Retreating More than one hex 286
23.12.2. Defender Retreat Path Priorities 286
23.6.1. Support Unit Commitment 275
23.12.3. Effects of Shattering 286
23.6.2. Defender Artillery Special Commitment 275
23.12.4. Effects of Surrender 287
23.6.3. Soviet Artillery Limitations 275
23.12.5. Effects of Routing 287
23.7.1. Reserve Unit Commitment 275
23.7.2. Reserve Commitment and Command 23.14. SPECIFIC RULES FOR ISOLATED UNITS 288
Assignment 276 23.14.1. Isolated Hexes 288
23.7.3. Reserve Commitment Limitations due 23.14.2. Isolated Units and Depots 288
to Unit Size 276 23.14.3. Isolation and Air-Resupply 288
23.7.4. Defensive Reserve Unit Special Rules 276 23.14.4. Isolated Unit Combat Value Penalties 288

23.8. GENERAL GROUND COMBAT RULES 277 23.14.5. Isolated Units Retreat and Rout Results 288

23.8.1. Description of Ground Combat 277 23.14.6. Isolated Unit Displacement 289
23.8.2. Initial CV Values. 278 23.15. RETREAT ATTRITION 289
23.8.3. Combat Value (CV) modification for 23.16. CAPTURED CITIES, DEPOTS, AND AIR
Ground Combat 278 BASE UNITS 289
23.8.4. Impact of Poor Weather on the
23.8.5. Leadership, Experience and Morale 24.1. TRANSPORT SHIPS 290
and Combat Value Modifications 280
23.8.6. Command Chain CV Modifications 280
24.2.1. Port Capacity and Damage 291
23.8.7. Combat Value Modifications during
24.2.2. Inland Ports 291
combat 281
24.2.3. Special Rules for Temporary Ports 292
23.8.8. Unready Combat Units Attack
Restrictions 281 24.3. GROUND UNIT NAVAL TRANSPORT 292
23.8.9. Cross River Attacks 281 24.3.1. Strategic Movement Points and Naval
23.8.10. Attacking from a Ferry hex 281 Transport Costs 292
23.8.11. Beachhead Bonus 281 24.3.2. Units on Ships Interaction with Enemy


23.9.1. Units that can be airdropped 282 24.3.3. Inter-Theatre Naval Transport 293
23.9.2. Air Drop Combat 282 24.4. CARGO SHIP FREIGHT TRANSPORT 293
24.5. TRANSPORT SHIP ATTRITION AND 25.4.5. Freight Rail Movement between Depots 305
INTERDICTION 293 25.4.6. Axis rail penalty 305
24.5.1. Logistics Phase Ship Attrition 293 25.5. MOVING FREIGHT BY ROAD 305
24.5.2. Naval Sea and Air Interdiction 293 25.5.1. The Motor Pool 305
24.6. AMPHIBIOUS NAVAL TRANSPORT 294 25.5.2. Emergency Use of Vehicles allocated
24.6.1. Amphibious Invasions 294 to units 306
24.6.2. Amphibious HQ Units 295 25.5.3. Generic Vehicle Attrition 306
24.6.3. Number of Ships Attached to an 25.5.4. Gaining Road Supply 306
Amphibious HQ 295 25.5.5. Using Horses for Supply 307
24.6.4. Amphibious HQ at Sea Attrition and 25.5.6. Axis Road Freight penalty 307
Damage to Amphibious HQs 295 25.6. MOVING FREIGHT BY SEA 307
24.6.5. Moving units using the Naval Transport 25.6.1. The Shipping Pool 307
Mode (F3) 296 25.6.2. Port Depot Priority and Freight Allocation 307
24.7. AMPHIBIOUS INVASION 25.6.3. Port Capacity 308
AND ASSAULT 296 25.6.4. Cargo ships and the Civilian economy 308
24.7.1. Preparation for Amphibious Operations 296 25.7. DEPOTS 308
24.7.2. Amphibious Invasion Attrition 297 25.7.1. Depot Types 310
24.7.3. Amphibious Landing and Assault 297 25.7.2. Creating Depots 310
24.7.4. Hold at All Costs Defence 298 25.7.3. Automating Depot Creation 311
25.7.4. Disbanding Depots 311
25.7.5. Capturing Depots 311
25.7.6. Isolated Depots 311
25.1.1. Supply/Replacement Segment 299
25.7.7. Depots and Truck allocations 311
25.1.2. Supply Sequence 300
25.7.8. HQs and Depots 311
25.1.3. Leader and Support Checks 300
25.7.9. Rail Repair units and Depots 312
25.1.4. Air Base Unit Resupply 300
25.1.5. Resupply during Combat 300
25.8.1. Supply Priority and Maximum Supply
Allocation 312
25.2.1. The Rail Network 301
25.8.2. Setting and Changing HQ Supply
25.2.2. Ports and the Supply Grid 302
Priorities 313
25.2.3. National Supply Sources (NSS) 302
25.8.3. Effect of Combat Preparation Points 313
25.2.4. Loss of Axis NSS 303
25.8.4. Air Base Supply Priorities 313
25.2.5. Maximum Ranges 303
25.2.6. Impact of Weather 303
25.9.1. In Supply 313
25.3. FREIGHT 303 25.9.2. Isolation 314
25.3.1. General Supplies 303
25.9.3. Airhead Supply and Isolation 314
25.3.2. Ammunition 303
25.9.4. Effect of Low Supply Levels on Units 314
25.3.3. Fuel 304
25.4.1. Railyard Capacity 304 26.1. RECEIVING GROUND ELEMENT
25.4.2. Damaged Railyards 304 REPLACEMENTS 315
25.4.3. Rail Transport and Freight 304 26.1.1. Allocation of Losses to the Transit and
25.4.4. Depot Priority and Rail Freight Allocation 305 Replacement Pools 316
26.1.2. Ground Element Replacements and TOE 316 28. PRODUCTION 325
26.1.3. Ground Element Replacement 28.1. OUTLINE 325
Availability 316 28.1.1. Summary of Information provided 327
26.1.4. AFV Ground Element Replacement 28.1.2. Equipment Downgrades and Swaps 328
Limitations and Equipment Losses 316 28.1.3. Scrapping of Obsolete Equipment 329
26.1.5. Excess Support Squad Ground Elements 316 28.1.4. Production Constraints 329
26.1.6. Panzer Replacement Battalions 317 28.1.5. Equipment Exports 329
26.2. AIRCRAFT AND PILOT REPLACEMENTS 317 28.1.6. Impact of Damage on Production 329

26.2.1. Aircraft Replacements 317 28.2. THE GENERIC PRODUCTION SYSTEM 329
26.2.2. Pilot and Aircrew Replacement 317 28.2.1. Resource Production 330
26.2.3. Air Group Replacement Priority 317 28.2.2. Heavy Industry (Supplies) Production
and Allocation 330
26.3. REFIT MODE 318
28.2.3. Armament Production 331
26.3.1. On Map Refit 318
28.2.4. Synthetic Fuel Production 332
26.3.2. Refit in the National Reserve 319
28.2.5. Oil and Fuel Production 332

27. REINFORCEMENTS, AND WITHDRAWALS 319 28.2.6. Vehicle Production and Repair 332
28.2.7. Naval Production 332
28.3.1. Manpower Evacuation and Migration 333
27.1.1. Reinforcement Placement 320
28.3.2. Manpower Factory Damage and
27.1.2. Allocation of trucks to Reinforcements 320
Destruction 333
27.1.3. Creating Fortified Zone Units 320
28.3.3. Manpower Losses due to Poor Supply 333
27.2.1. Destroyed Soviet units that Return to
the game 321
28.4.1. Production of Airframes and Vehicle
27.2.2. Rebuilding Axis Combat Units 321
Chassis 334
27.2.3. Reinforcements 321
28.4.2. New Aircraft types 335
27.2.4. New Unit production 321 28.4.3. Usage of Damaged Equipment 335
27.2.5. Production of Soviet Air Units 323 28.4.4. Aircraft, AFV and Combat Vehicle
27.3. IMPACT OF ALLIED AND SOVIET GAINS IN Factory Expansion and Build Limit 335
GERMANY 323 28.4.5. Factory Production 335
27.4.1. Normal rules 323 28.6. FACTORY CAPTURE, DAMAGE, AND REPAIR 336
27.4.2. Enhanced control 323 28.6.1. Captured Factories 336
27.5. SOVIET UNIT CONVERSIONS 323 28.6.2. Factory Damage 336
27.5.1. At-start Tank and Mechanized Divisions 323 28.6.3. Factory Repair 336
27.5.2. Militia Units 323 28.6.4. Priority Factory Repair 336
27.5.3. Scheduled renames or reorganisations 324 28.6.5. Port and Railyard Factory Priority Repair 337

27.5.4. Converting Rifle Brigades 28.7. SOVIET FACTORY RELOCATION 337

to Divisions 324 28.7.1. Manual Evacuation 338
27.5.5. Creation of Combat Corps 324 28.7.2. Automatic Evacuation 338
27.5.6. Creation of Guards Units 325 28.8. PRODUCTION TO OTHER FRONTS 338
29.1.1. Key Concepts 339 30.6.1. Some key missions 351
29.1.2. Detailed Rules 339 30.6.2. Air Operational Groups 352
29.1.3. Accessing Information 340 30.6.3. AI Air Assistance 352
29.1.4. Victory Conditions 341 30.7. PLAYING AGAINST THE AI 352
29.2. NON-CAMPAIGN SCENARIO VICTORY 30.7.1. AI Help Levels 352
CONDITIONS 341 30.7.2. AI on the defensive 352
30.7.3. AI on the offensive 353
30. Appendix A – PLAYER’S NOTES 343
30.8.1. The flow of supply 353
WITW 343
30.8.2. Depots 354
30.1.1. Played WiTE1 but not WITW? 343
30.8.3. Influencing the system 354
30.1.2. Played WiTW but not WiTE1? 346
30.8.4. HQ Priority 354
30.1.3. Played both WiTW and WiTE1? 347
30.9.1. Overall options and factors to consider 355
30.9.2. T1 356
30.2.1. Factory Evacuation 347
30.9.3. The Air War 356
30.2.2. Unit Movement Costs and
30.9.4. Supply 357
Administrative Movement 347
30.9.5. Ground combat 357
30.2.3. Combat Preparation Points 347
30.9.6. Playing the AI 357
30.2.4. Roads 347
30.2.5. Poor Terrain 348 30.10. SOVIET STRATEGY 358
30.2.6. The Weather System 348 30.10.1. Managing the Red Army - 1941 358
30.2.7. City Fort Units 348 30.10.2. Managing the Red Army - 1942 359
30.2.8. Construction Units 348 30.10.3. Managing the Red Army -1943 and
onwards. 359
30.10.4. Managing the Red Army – using the
30.3.1. Logistics 348
National Reserve 360
30.3.2. Reserve Theatre Boxes 349
30.10.5. HQs 360
30.3.3. Unit Refit and Recovery 349
30.10.6. Air war 360
30.3.4. Events 349
30.10.7. The Axis AI 361
30.3.5. The Map 350
30.3.6. Victory Conditions 350 31. Appendix B – DEVELOPER NOTES 361
30.4.1. Avoiding Combat Delay 350
30.4.2. Impact of Road Movement 350
30.4.3. Brigade and Regiment 32.1. 1941 363
movement costs 350 32.1.1. AXIS ARMOR 363
30.4.4. Administrative Movement and hex 32.1.2. SOVIET ARMOR 366
ownership 350 32.1.3. SUMMARY OF 1941 369
30.4.5. Combat Preparation Points and 32.2. 1942 369
Movement 350 32.2.1. AXIS ARMOR 369
30.4.6. Motorisation 351 32.2.2. SOVIET ARMOR 372
30.4.7. Retreat Rules 351 32.2.3. SUMMARY OF 1942 373
32.3. 1943 373 35.5. LEADERS TAB 400
32.3.1. AXIS ARMOR 373 35.6. BATTLES TAB 401
32.3.2. SOVIET ARMOR 376 35.6.1. Ground View 401
32.3.3. Summary of 1943 377 35.6.2. Air View 402
32.4. 1944 377 35.7. LOCATIONS TAB 402
32.4.1. AXIS ARMOR 377 35.7.1. Locations Tab: Storage View 402
32.4.2. SOVIET ARMOR 379 35.7.2. Locations Tab: Industry View 403
32.4.3. Summary of 1944 380 35.7.3. Location Tab: Depot View 403
32.5. Conclusion 380 35.8. EQUIPMENT TAB 403
35.8.1. Equipment Tab: Ground Elements View 404
ABBREVIATIONS 382 35.8.2. Equipment Tab: Aircraft View 404
35.8.3. Equipment Tab: Weapons (Devices) 405
35.8.4. Compare Window 405
34.1. UNIT SIZES 386
36.1.1. Left Hand Display 407
34.2. UNIT TYPES AND SYMBOLS 386 36.1.2. Right Hand Display 407
34.3. UNIT COLOURS 387
34.4. GROUND ELEMENT TYPE AND COMBAT 36.2.1. Ground Losses 408
VALUES 387 36.2.2. Air Losses 409
36.2.3. Destroyed and Disbanded Units 410
35. Appendix F: COMMANDER’S REPORT (CR) 388
36.3.1. Left Hand Side 410
35.1.1. Functions 389
36.3.2. Right Hand Side 413
35.1.2. Column Headers and Filters 389
35.1.3. Data 390 36.4. METRICS SCREEN 415
35.1.4. Footer 390 36.4.1. Victory Points 415
35.1.5. Export 390 36.4.2. Order of Battle 416
36.4.3. Losses 416
35.2. UNITS TAB 390
36.4.4. Production 418
35.2.1. Units Tab Main View 390
35.2.2. Unit Tab Supply Views 393 36.4.5. Theatre Boxes 418

35.3.1. HQ Tab View 395 36.5.1. Command Efficiency 420

35.3.2. Formation Inventory Window 396 36.5.2. Command Quality 421

35.3.3. Functions 397 36.5.3. Supply Priority 421
35.3.4. HQ Display Filters 397 36.6. WEATHER SCREEN 421
35.4. AIR GROUPS TAB 398 36.6.1. Main Screen 421
35.4.1. Air Groups 398 36.6.2. Road Screen 422
35.4.2. AOG Screen 399 36.6.3. Dominating Weather Table 422
35.4.4. Pilot List 400 36.7.1. Units Screen 423
36.7.2. Air Groups 424 37.1.2. Combat Resolution Window: General Info 443
36.7.3. AOG 424 37.1.3. Ground Losses 445
36.8. COMMANDERS REPORT 425 37.1.4. Ground Combat 445

36.9. LOGISTICS PHASE REPORT SCREEN 425 37.1.5. Air Losses: 446

36.9.1. Freight 425 37.1.6. Air Combat: 447

36.9.2. Theatre Box 426 37.1.7. Battle Locator (F11) 448
36.9.3. Air Execution 426 37.1.8. Combat Resolution Message Section 448
36.9.4. Replacement 427 37.2. HQ UNIT DETAIL WINDOW 448
36.9.5. Rename 427 37.2.1. Main Tab 448
36.9.6. Surrender 427 37.2.2. Elements Tab 450
36.9.7. Arrival 427 37.2.3. Assigned Tab 450
36.9.8. Leader 427
36.9.9. Upgrade 427
37.3.1. Main Tab 451
36.9.10. Supply 428
37.3.2. Elements Tab 452
36.9.11. Withdraw 428
37.3.3. Assigned Tab 453
36.9.12. Production 428
36.9.13. Loss by Type 429 37.4. SUPPORT UNIT DETAIL WINDOW 453

36.9.14. Version 429 37.4.1. Main Tab 453

37.4.2. Elements Tab 455
37.4.3. Assigned Tab 455
36.12. THEATRE BOXES 429
36.12.1. Status Screen 430 37.6. GROUND ELEMENT DETAIL WINDOW 456

36.12.2. Ground 431 37.7. LEADER DETAIL WINDOW 457

36.12.3. Air 432 37.8. PICK SUPPORT UNIT AND ASSIGN AA
36.13.1. Campaign Games 433 37.9. PICK NEW LEADER WINDOW 458
36.13.2. Non-Campaign Games 434
36.14. WITEPEDIA 434
36.15. EVENTS 434
36.16. TURN SUMMARY 435
37.12.1. Current Status 460
36.17. USER PREFERENCES SCREEN 436 37.12.2. Turn Supply Detail 460
36.17.1. User Preferences 436 37.12.3. Received Detail 460
36.17.2. Map Preferences 438
36.17.3. Reset to Default: 439
37. Appendix H –INTERFACE WINDOWS 441 37.16.1. Air plane detail window 463
37.1. COMBAT RESOLUTION REPORT 441 37.16.2. Air Base Unit Detail Window 465
37.1.1. Combat Resolution Window: Basic 37.16.3. Air Group Detail Window 465
Information 442 37.16.4. Air Operation Group Detail Window 466
37.16.5. Manually assigning air units from 38.7.3. Terrain and Tactical Movement Costs 485
the National Reserve 468 38.7.4. Road Movement Costs for Poor Terrain 485
37.16.6. Manually creating or amending Air 38.7.5. Weather and Tactical Movement Costs 485
Directives Screen 469 38.7.6. River Hexsides and Tactical Movement
37.16.7. Air Execution Phase Window 469 Costs 485
37.16.8. Air Directive Summary 470 38.7.7. Rail Movement Strategic Movement
37.16.9. Air Doctrine 472 Penalties 486
37.16.10. Air Transport 474 38.8. sOFT FACTORS: SYMBOLS AND
37.16.11. Redeploying Air Groups 477 INTERPRETATION 486

38. Appendix I: SIGNIFICANT TABLES 479 39. Appendix J: HOTKEY LIST 487
40. Appendix K: LIST OF EVENTS 488
38.2.1. Soviet Union 480 40.1. FINNISH CAMPAIGN 488
38.2.2. Germany 480 40.2. NORTH AFRICAN CAMPAIGN 489
38.2.3. Finland 480 40.3. ITALIAN CAMPAIGN 490
38.2.4. Italy 480 40.4. ALLIED INVASION OF FRANCE 490
38.2.5. Rumania 480
38.2.6. Hungary 480
38.2.7. Slovakia 480 40.6. WESTERN ALLIED INVASION OF GERMANY 492

38.2.8. Bulgaria 480 40.7. BALKANS EVENTS 492


38.4. TERRAIN 480 40.9. PARTISAN WAR 493

38.4.1. Basic Terrain Guide 480 40.10. US ENTRY TO THE WAR 494
38.4.2. Terrain Defensive Modifiers 481 40.11. HISTORICAL EVENTS 494
38.5.1. Moisture Levels and Impact 482 SCRIPTED REINFORCEMENTS 494
38.5.2. Impact on Air Operations 482
38.5.3. Weather and Fortification Decay 482
38.5.4. Weather effects on attacking CV 482
38.6. LEADERS AND HQs 483
38.6.1. Optimum Rank per HQ Type 483
38.6.2. Command Range and Command 40.16. AXIS THEATRE BOX REQUIREMENT CHECKS 495
Modifiers 483
38.6.3. Basic Command Capacity Rules 483
38.6.4. Soviet Army Command Capacity Rules 483 42. CREDITS 498
38.7.1. Basic Tactical Movement Costs 484 43. Index 499
38.7.2. Air Interdiction and Tactical Movement
Costs 485

Focus: This section explains how to install and set up
the game.

Key Points:
§§ An overview of how this manual is laid out
§§ Technical Game specifications
§§ How to install the game
§§ How to access technical help
§§ How to access information provided by other players
of the game

The aim of the Getting Started section is to provide basic Front had to deal with. It will allow players to explore many
background information and instructions to take you from of the strategic and operational “What ifs” that have been
starting the game on the desktop to preparing to make the discussed by historians and armchair strategists for many
first actions as a player. years.
The section describes the game and its support, the Due to the game focus, there is little or no ability to
Main Menu, available scenarios and an explanation of alter factors such as economic production or research of
Victory Conditions. the two sides.
The game scale is weekly turns, with a hexagonal map
area representing ten miles per hex. Some regions are
1.1. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND covered by abstracted Theatre Boxes.
On 22 June 1941 Germany launched Operation Ground units range from Corps and Divisions down to
BARBAROSSA, the invasion of the Soviet Union. The battalion level support units and air units are represented
subsequent conflict was the most savage, brutal and at the squadron and group level.
costly clash of arms in modern history. By the time that Units are all controlled through a series of Headquarters
Berlin fell, and the Germans surrendered in May 1945 the units, each with individual leaders, which represent the
struggle between the two regimes had caused the deaths chain of command up to the High Command (OKH and
of an estimated 20 million people. Stavka) level.
Combat is conducted through an automated tactical
system that models the action down to the individual
1.2. THE GAME aircraft, Armoured Fighting Vehicle, and infantry squad.
Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2 is a turn based simulation
of the Eastern Front in World War Two from June 1941 to
August 1945. As the Soviet or Axis player, you take the role 1.3. THE MANUAL
of the military High Command to use the forces available to This manual provides a detailed description of the game’s
you to execute the conflict at the strategic and operational rules, functions and user interface.
levels of war. For ease of reference the Manual is broken down into
The game is an “Alternate History Creator” that focuses nine main sections. Each section starts with an explanation
on simulating the logistic and command and control of the aim of the section and an overview of the section’s
problems that the historical commanders on the Eastern layout. These are:

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

1.3.1. Setting Up the Game (Chapters 2-4) 1.3.5. The Ground War (chapters 20-23)
This section provides basic background information and This section provides detailed information on how to
instructions to get you ready to start playing the game. handle ground forces and the associated rules.
In addition, the chapter on Basic Gameplay (see Chapter
4) provides instructions on how to get playing the game 1.3.6. The Naval War (chapter 24)
with the minimum of fuss and bother. This section is in This section provides detailed information on how to
three parts: handle naval forces and the associated rules.
§§ A very brief overview of the main game concepts and
how the game works (4.3); 1.3.7. Logistics and Production
§§ Sufficient information on these aspects to allow you to (chapters 25-28)
start playing the game; This section covers both the detailed rules for logistics
§§ A walk through of the introductory Velikie Luki scenario (supply and replacements), reinforcements and production
(4.19-4.23) of material essential to conducting the war.
Chapter 4 also includes, where relevant, full page guides
which show in cartoon strip format step by step guides 1.3.8. Winning and Losing (chapter 29)
to support basic game play. A separate printable pack of This section covers the victory conditions for the various
these guides is located in Manuals folder if you wish to campaign games and for the shorter scenarios
print separate copies.
If you have previously played War in the East 1, we 1.3.9. Appendices (chapters 30-41)
strongly suggest you also read the first part of the Players This section groups together reference material and
Notes (especially 30.1.1) as this provides a quick overview information not included in the other sections to help
of the major changes between the two games. Equally readability.
if you have previously played War in the West, then we
suggest you read over section 30.1.2 as that indicates 1.3.10. Accuracy and Future Changes
some changes between the two games. Clearly the manual aims to be as accurate as possible but
In general, Appendix A should be helpful to both new the game will develop through patches after release. For
and returning players as it places the detailed rules into practical reasons the text and images in this version were
the context of how they affect game play. prepared using a late version of the beta test releases. As
such, some things may well be changed between this and
1.3.2. The Playing Environment the release version.
(chapters 5-7) For that reason a variant of this manual (called the
This section provides detailed information on both the Living Manual) will be prepared and kept up to date with
game’s graphic user interface and the map on which patch changes. That version will not contain any images
combat is conducted. and will clearly identify where the rules have been altered
in subsequent patches.
1.3.3. Game Concepts (chapters 8-15)
This section provides information on the weather system 1.3.11. Conventions used in this Manual
in WiTE2 and how weather influences ground and air Cross referencing of applicable sections has been included so,
combat and supply operations. It also gathers together for example, (14.1.2) refers to section 14.1.2 in the manual.
information on either the specifically in-game conventions The manual presents information at different levels of
or the special rules for certain turns or unit types. detail. In particular, Chapter 4 is designed to be read as
a stand-alone guide for new players (including those with
1.3.4. The Air War (chapters 16-19) experience of other Gary Grigsby War in the … games).
This section provides detailed information on how to The goal is to present all the information a player might
handle air forces and the associated rules. need when playing the game. This includes explaining


how to undertake actions (such as air missions or ground 1.7. PRODUCT UPDATES
combat) and how to interpret the results of those decisions. In order to maintain our product excellence, Matrix Games
Where appropriate, the formulas underlying the game releases updates containing new features, enhancements,
functions are provided. In some cases, knowledge of and corrections to any known issues. All our updates are
specific formulas was deemed to allow overly “gamey” available free on our website and can also be downloaded
behaviour, or is too complex to detail, so they are kept quickly and easily by clicking on the Check for Update link
“under the hood”. in your Game Menu or by using the Update Game shortcut
in your Windows START menu folder for the game.
1.4. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS We also periodically make beta (preview) updates and
other content available to registered owners. Keeping
1.4.1. Minimum Specs: up with these special updates is made easy and is free
OS: Windows 7/8/10 by signing up for a Matrix Games Members Club account.
CPU: 1.5 GHz+ When you are signed up, you can then register your Matrix
RAM: 4GB Games products in order to receive access to these game-
Video Card: 256MB DirectX 9+ Compatible related materials. Doing so is a simple two-step process:
Sound Card: 16 bit DirectX 9+ Compatible Sign Up for a Matrix Games Members Club account –
Hard Drive Space: 4 GB Free THIS IS A ONE TIME PROCEDURE; once you have signed up
DirectX 9.0c or higher for a Matrix account, you are in the system and will not
need to sign up again. Go to www.matrixgames.com and
1.4.2. Recommended Specs: click the Members hyperlink at the top. In the new window,
OS: Windows 10 select Register NOW and follow the on-screen instructions.
CPU: 2.0GHz+ (or multi-core equivalent) When you’re finished, click the Please Create My New
RAM: 8GB Account button, and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to
Video Card: 1GB DirectX 9+ Compatible your specified e-mail account.
Sound Card: 16 bit DirectX 9+ Compatible Register a New Game Purchase – Once you have
Hard Drive Space: 4 GB Free signed up for a Matrix Games Member account, you can
DirectX 9.0c or higher then register any Matrix Games title you own in your new
account. To do so, log in to your account on the Matrix
Games website (www.matrixgames.com). Click Register
1.5. INSTALLATION Game near the top to register your new Matrix Games
Please ensure your system meets the minimum purchase. If you purchased your game while already
requirements listed above. To install the game, either logged in, it will be automatically registered for you.
double click on the installation file you downloaded or We strongly recommend registering your game as it
insert the DVD into your DVD-ROM drive. If you have will give you a backup location for your serial number
disabled the autorun function on your DVD-ROM or if you should you lose it in the future. Once you’ve registered
are installing from a digital download, double-click on the your game, when you log in to the Members section
installation archive file, then double click on the file that is you can view your list of registered titles by clicking My
shown inside the archive. Follow all on-screen prompts to Games. Each game title is a hyperlink that will take you
complete installation. to an information page on the game (including all the
latest news on that title). Also on this list is a Downloads
hyperlink that takes you to a page that has all the latest
1.6. UNINSTALLING THE GAME public and registered downloads, including patches, for
Please use the Add/Remove Programs option from the that particular title.
Windows Control Panel or the Uninstall shortcut in the You can also access patches and updates via our
games Windows START menu folder to uninstall the game. Games Section (http://www.matrixgames.com/games/).
Uninstalling through any other method will not properly Once there select the game you wish to check updates
uninstall the game. for, then click the Downloads link at the top of the game

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

page. Certain value content and additional downloads is 1.10. TUTORIALS

restricted to Members Club members but it is easy to sign Included with the game are some video tutorials to help
up there. get you started. These can be accessed from the game
Remember, once you have signed up for a Matrix launcher menu or can be found in the Manuals Folder.
Games Members Club account, you do not have to sign We recommend players start by watching the video
up again and at that point you are free to register for any tutorials, followed by playing the introductory Velikie Luki
Matrix Games product you purchase. scenario (from the Soviet side). After this it is suggested to
Thank you and enjoy your game! play the Road to Minsk scenario (as the Axis player) and
then some of the smaller scenarios.
Players should focus at first on just moving and
1.8. GAME FORUMS attacking with their on-map units before exploring other
Our forums are one of the best things about Matrix parts of the game. There’s so much to learn in terms of
Games. Every game has its own forum with our designers, both the interface and rules that it can be overwhelming,
developers and the gamers playing the game sharing although much of the detail is not needed to play the game
information and their experiences. If you are experiencing “out of the box”.
a problem, have a question, want to share your game Instead much of that detail can be absorbed in stages as
experiences or just an idea on how to make the game better, the player becomes more experienced. The bottom line is
post a message there. Go to http://www.matrixgames.com that players shouldn’t feel they need to learn everything in
and click on the Forums hyperlink. order to start playing the game.
At its most basic, if you have read the ‘Getting Started’
portion of the game manual and the Players Notes
1.9. NEED HELP? (Appendix A) and review the various ‘one page guides’, you
The best way to contact us if you are having a problem should be able to play the game and enjoy yourself.
with one of our games is through our Help Desk. Our
Help Desk has FAQs as well as a dedicated support staff
that answer questions within 24 hours, Monday through 1.11. EDITOR
Friday. Support questions sent in on Saturday and Sunday The Game has a comprehensive editor (Section 41) which
may wait 48 hours for a reply. You can get to our Help was used to create all the scenarios. This can also be used
Desk by going to to change various game parameters such as movement
http://www.matrixgames.com/helpdesk. costs, weather effects and the OOBs for the various
scenarios and campaigns.



Focus: This section explains how to load a new scenario,
save a game and play against either the computer AI or
another human player.

Key Points:
§§ How to load the game
§§ How to set up a fresh game (and the differences if
you are playing a human opponent)
§§ How to load an existing game
§§ How to change the game options (and a brief guide
to what these mean in terms of gameplay)
§§ The detailed procedures for the two modes of
multiplayer play that WiTE2 can support

This section will talk you through how to load the game The game will then show the Main Menu once it has
and the implications of the various set up options. completed loading.
For a first game, we suggest using the set difficulty
levels (easy or normal) and accept the default settings for
other variables. 2.2. THE MAIN MENU
The main menu screen allows access to the game set up
2.1. THE LOADING SCREENS This screen is made up of 10 clickable buttons and will
When you load Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2 you will be show the version of the game in the bottom right hand
presented with a series of loading screens. corner.
The first two are the standard Matrix games video and This section will very briefly describe the options but if
then one showing scenes from the war. If you want to skip you are new to WiTE2 it is suggested that you accept the
these, just press ‘esc’ on your keyboard. default settings as far as possible.
It is important to note that the procedure for setting
up a game, and what you can later change while playing a
game, is different if you are playing against the computer
or another player.
The ten options are:
§§ Set the Axis side as either human or computer played;
§§ Set the Soviet side as either human or computer played;
§§ Difficulty level;
§§ Game Options;
§§ Preferences;
§§ Pick Scenario. Next to this is the button PBEM, depress
this if you intend to play the game by sending save files
to another human player;
§§ Load Saved Game.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

§§ Multiplayer – this is different to PBEM in that you will §§ Set any desired Preferences (see section 2.6 for a
use the Matrix server to save and access game files summary of these options and the consequences);
§§ Credits §§ Pick Scenario. Clicking this will open the list of available
§§ Editor. scenarios;
§§ Mouse over the scenarios, as you highlight a line the
colour will change;
2.3. SETTING UP A NEW GAME §§ If you click on a scenario, the text will change to green
Section 2.6 below will explain in more detail what the and on the right hand side a scenario briefing will
various options imply (even more information is in appear. At the bottom of the screen will appear a little
appendix G, section 36.17), this section simply covers disk icon click on this to ‘load the scenario’;
which buttons to select to commence a new game. §§ On the right hand side you will see a summary of
the scenario, setting out the number of turns, a brief
2.3.1. Against the Computer overview, a short guide as to how to win and the
To set up a new game against the computer, proceed by: number of Administrative Points (4.3.12 and Chapter 9)
§§ Select your side (Axis or Soviet); allocated each turn;
§§ Set the Difficulty level (cycle through easy, normal,
challenging, hard or impossible);
§§ Set any desired Game Options;

§§ The scenario will load and suggest a title for the folder
where it will save the game (all the saves for different
games are in their own folders). Accept the suggested
title and the game will open.
If the side you have chosen does not have the first turn, the
game will immediately commence with the AI running its
turn. This is why it is important to have set difficulty levels
and other options before selecting a scenario.


2.3.3. Playing Solitaire

If you opt to make both sides Human controlled but do not
select the PBEM option the game can be played solitaire
with you controlling both sides in turn. At any time you can
change one side to AI control.

Once it is your turn, you can alter any of the options you 2.4. LOADING A SAVED GAME
originally chose at any stage of the game. If you wish to load a game you started earlier, click on Load
Saved Game.
2.3.2. Against a Human Opponent
The procedure is similar to that above but there are some
There are two main options. One is PBEM where the
players transfer the save turns to each via email or some
other file sharing software.
In this case, the player who will move second must set
up the game. This will be the Soviet player in any scenario
starting on 22 June 1941 but will vary in scenarios starting
later in the war.
The steps are:
§§ Set both sides to ‘human’;
§§ Select the difficulty level and game options;
§§ Select any preferences;
§§ Click ‘PBEM’ (note this will now have a red background);
§§ Pick Scenario
§§ Accept or change the
suggested folder;
§§ Set your password (this means your opponent cannot
open your game files) – when they receive the file they
will be prompted to do the same for their game files;
§§ Send the generated files to your opponent.
The other option is to use the Slitherine server. In this case
the save games are held on the server and updated as the
player(s) make moves and save the game. At the end of
the turn, your opponent is notified that it is now their turn.
The procedures for playing using the Slitherine server are
covered later in this chapter (2.8.2). You access this option
via the ‘Multiplayer’ button.
In either case, once you have generated the set up files
you cannot change the difficulty level or the game options
including whether or not you will use the automated AI air Note the procedure to save an ongoing game is covered
assistance (2.6.2). in section 2.7.
And, to risk stating the obvious, do not forget the You will be presented with a list of all the folders of the
password you choose or you will be unable to open the games you have created. The list will be different if you
game files from your opponent. have the PBEM box ticked or not.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The game you have played most recently will be at the Level Morale Setting Other Settings
top of the list. Click on this and you will be presented with Easy 120/90 120/80
a list of all the save points for that game (again the most Normal 100/100 100/100
recent is at the top). Challenging 100/110 90/110
Select the save you want to use and the game will load Hard 100/125 80/125
and you can carry on playing. Impossible 90/150 70/150

If you wish you can modify these to reflect different

Note that when you open the game the map display
values for the various categories when setting up a game.
options will be the same as when you last closed it.
If you are playing the AI, these values can be amended at
any time.
Note that at 110 morale the AI gains additional significant
2.5. MOUSE CONVENTIONS advantages in movement. It gains further combat bonuses
In WiTE2, left clicking will select a tab, allow you to change at values of 120 or higher.
a value in a box or confirm a desired action.
When playing the game, left clicking will select a unit 2.6.2. Game Options
and right clicking will tell it to execute the orders (move Below are listed the options available to the player to set
or attack). up how the game is played.
Right clicking on any hex (when no unit is selected) Note that some game options will be locked and
will open up a menu that allows you to change the map unchangeable after the set-up of PBEM and Multiplayer
settings or access other game information (see chapter 7 games. These options will be greyed out in the screen once
for more information about this). that type of game is started. Select (left click with mouse)
In the manual, where you are told to ‘select’ an option, inside the applicable box to change the setting.
that means to left click with the mouse. The screens are described in more detail in section
36.17 and players are recommended to read that section
2.6. GAME SET UP OPTIONS if they want to change any of the more detailed options.
Note that there are three columns. The first changes
AND CHOICES the relevant value for the Axis side, the third for the Soviet
When first playing WiTE2, some of the information in side. Options in the middle column apply equally to both
this section may appear unclear. Not least the impact of sides.
your chosen settings on game play will take some time to The notes below are designed to give a new player
understand. an overview of the more important options and how this
We strongly suggest reading chapter 4 before playing a might affect game play:
game and following the suggested opening turn described Computer Controlled: On/Off for each player; on is AI
at the end of that chapter (4.19). control, off is human control. By default this will mirror the
choices you made on the main loading screen.
2.6.1. Difficulty Level Fog of War (FOW): On/Off for each player. If checked
There are five general difficulty levels, Easy, Normal, on, human players are limited by FOW rules (10.1). The
Challenging, Hard and Impossible. The difficulty level default setting is FOW off.
is set by varying the percentage of five different factors; Movement Fog of War: Only displays when FOW is
morale, fortification building speed, supply, transport, and enabled and can only be used in conjunction with FOW.
administrative points. The values are On/Off for each player. Using Movement
If you are playing the Computer, the difficulty levels FOW will limit multi-hex moves in enemy territory (10.1.2)
either give the human side an advantage (easy), are neutral Lock HQ Support: On/Off for each player, when on player’s
(normal) or give the computer (the AI) advantages. HQ’s have their HQ Support Level Locked at start. The default
setting is lock HQ support on. No matter how this option is set,
once the game begins, individual HQs can have their status


changed according to your wishes using the Commanders numbers here – and produce what is called a customized
Report (36.8) or the detailed HQ unit tab (21.11). difficulty level. If you change any of the numbers the
Automate AI Air Assist. If this is selected then the general difficulty level will be described as ‘CUSTOM’.
AI assistance will be in use and will create air missions At the moment, you can assume that increasing the
and move your air force on the map when you press the score on one-side gives that side a growing advantage in
F12 key (4.6 and Chapter 17). Note that if you leave this game play. Remember that in a game against the AI you
unchecked you can still use the AI-assistant to help (see can change any of these settings at any time.
sections 4.6 and 17.1.2). Morale Level: This is probably the most important
Enhanced Player TB Control. If this is selected then factor in WiTE2. Raising this above 100 will impact on
the player(s) gain far more control over the assignment of combat performance, unit morale and even the cost of
units to and from the various off-map Theatre Boxes used movement into enemy territory. In effect, the basic morale
to represent the wider war than that between the Soviet of each unit is multiplied by the value you set here.
Union and Nazi Germany (13.1). In general, if you want a challenging game, always give
General Difficulty Level: Cycles through Easy, Normal, the AI a bonus. If the AI is to undertake the bulk of the
Challenging, Hard, and Impossible play levels (36.17). attacking (say as the Germans in a 1941 scenario or the
By default this will mirror the choice you made on Soviets in Vistula to Berlin), you might want to increase this
the main loading screen but you can change any of the more to improve its performance.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

changed at any time during the player turn, but some

For the moment, just note this setting will give the
require the player to exit the game and reload prior to the
AI substantial advantages. If you want a challenging
change taking place.
game against the AI, adjusting the relative morale
Again, these options are described in detail in appendix
levels will ensure a better AI performance. This is
36.17.1. It is suggested that you simply adopt the default
particularly important if the chosen scenario starts
settings for your first games.
with the AI on the offensive. Once you feel you have a
The exception to this is the Show Move Animation.
basic grasp of the game, you should put the attacking
AI on at least 110 morale. When this is enabled by selecting the check box to the right
of the “Show Move Animation” text, friendly units will be
shown moving from hex to hex on the map, accompanied
Reset to Default: Selecting this button will return all by their respective sound effect. You might find that
Game Options to their default settings. watching every unit trace out its movement path (rather
Again note, if you are playing the computer you can than simply move to the destination hex) slows the game
change any of these values at any time. You can access them substantially.
either from the loading screen or when playing the game. Reset to Default: Select the check box to the right of
the “Reset to Default” text to return all map preferences to
2.6.3. User Preferences their default settings. Note that there is a separate default
The User Preference settings can be used to customize reset for both the user and map preferences section of the
aspects of the interface. Many of these settings can be preferences screen.


2.7. SAVING AN ONGOING GAME §§ Delete this Saved Game: Deletes the save game that is
If you are playing against the computer, and have selected currently selected and highlighted in green.
Auto-Save Game then the game will automatically generate
two saves for each game turn. This will be the save used to
run the AI turn and the save you use for your own turn. 2.8. MULTIPLAYER
It is a matter of choice if you wish to make additional There are two different ways in which Gary Grigsby’s War in
saves but it is recommended if you intend to leave the the East 2 can be played against another human opponent.
game running for some time or if you need to close the
game before completing your turn. For a PBEM game you 2.8.1. Play be Email (PBEM)
have to make manual saves to send to your opponent. PBEM allows two human players to play by exchanging
The save option is within the administration menu tab turn files by e-mail in a manner that inhibits cheating.
toolbar (36.19) displayed on the main map screen. Selecting the PBEM button either here or in the Load Saved
When you go to save a game it will, by default, attempt Game screen toggles PBEM on or off. A check will appear
to save it in the folder that you created when setting up in the PBEM box if PBEM is enabled. The default setting for
the scenario. PBEM is disabled. To start a PBEM game, the second player
There are three buttons at the bottom left side of the to move in the chosen scenario (e.g. the Soviet player in
screen as follows: the 1941-45 Campaign or the Axis player in the Red God of
§§ Save a New Game: Prompts the player to type in a name War scenario) enables PBEM, sets the agreed upon Game
to create a new save game. Options and then selects the scenario.
§§ Save over Current Marked Game: Overwrites the save Note that there are no auto saves during PBEM.
game that is currently selected and highlighted in green.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Thus you will need, at the least, to manually save the by Slitherine Ltd. Players can log on to the server, post
turn before sending it to your opponent. and accept game challenges, and conduct their turn in
The second player will then be prompted to create their any scenarios they are currently playing. An internet
password. Once a password has been created, the second connection and a Slitherine account will be required to
player will be taken to the PBEM Save Game screen, where utilize the multiplayer system.
they will create a save game, which will be saved as a .psv If the player does not have a Slitherine account, then
file in the /data/save directory. The second player will then they will select the register button, which will bring up the
be automatically taken back to the main menu. account registration screen. Here they will be prompted to
The second player will then e-mail the save game file to enter a username, password and e-mail address to obtain
the first player, who will transfer the file into their /data/ a Slitherine account.
save directory. Before you log in you will be presented with a screen like
They will then enable PBEM, load the save and then will this (once you have entered your details it will remember
be prompted to create their own password. The first player them for future log ins):
will then take their turn, saving whenever they want. Once Once you are logged in, the screen is divided into a
the first player has finished their turn and selected the section that will show any games you are currently playing,
end turn button (F12), the computer will conduct the next one that shows any challenges you have created and where
Logistics phase and the Amphibious phase during which there are games you can offer yourself as an opponent.
the map display will be blank, then prompt the first player To create a challenge, select that option, select the
to save the game so it can be e-mailed to the second player scenario you wish to play and amend the settings as you
to continue the PBEM cycle. wish. If you password protect this then only someone you
give that password to can take up the game:
2.8.2. Multiplayer Remember that the settings you select, including about how
Multiplayer (MP) allows human players to play the game to manage the air war (chapter 17) and Theatre Boxes (chapter
over the internet through a server based system hosted 13) are then fixed and cannot be modified during play.


At that stage the game will appear in the ‘my challenges’ Once an opponent accepts your challenge it will be
screen. shown in the ‘My Games’ section as:

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

trigger your opponent’s logistic phase. At this stage you will

be returned to the main game menu. In addition you can
save manually at any time you wish.

2.8.3. Multiplayer Messaging

There is a messaging capability built into Multiplayer. You
can use this when setting up a Multiplayer game, to better
describe the Challenge and also to communicate with your
opponent each turn without needing an e-mail address or
If desired, the player may use the ‘Resign” button. ‘Show other contact information.
Completed’ and ‘Show Resigned’ buttons on the screen Messages can be up to 255 characters in length and will
can be used to filter the game list. Upon completion and be visible to all players in a Multiplayer game. When setting
selection of the end turn button (F12), the scenario listing up a challenge, note that you can click on the text box near
will be updated to reflect that it is the other side’s turn. the bottom right of the screen and enter a message of up to
Hovering the mouse over the games in the games 255 characters. Press enter after completing the message,
and challenges lists will display text providing additional and the message will appear in the message section of the
information about the listed games. screen. This will show the most recent messages from all
Any available challenges will be shown as: of the players.
While you are making your turn, you can create up to
two messages to send. This can be accessed when you
press F12 either when you run the air directives (5.3.2) or
when you end the ground movement phase and complete
your turn (5.2).
When you start your turn, you may see a message that
you have an unread message from your opponent. F12 will
bring up the message interface. If your Slitherine account
To open an ongoing game, click on the yellow title is linked to your email account, such messages will also be
such as: sent to your email account.
Click on this and then select play. Up to eight messages will be saved on the server and
When playing a multi-player game it will only you can also filter these messages. Players can also filter
automatically save when you press F12 to end the turn and the messages displayed in their list by player or by turn.


2.8.4. Intended Changes

It is intended to make several changes to the on-line
multiplayer options before the game is released (or as soon
afterwards as possible). This will allow up to four players
to take on a given side (it will be up to them to create a
command structure and rules for which one carries out
which functions). In addition, if a player withdraws then the
intention is to allow a new player to take their place (or for
the others to carry on).

Focus: This section explains the differences between
campaign games and other scenarios.

Key Points:
§§ Rules for a campaign game scenario
§§ How these might vary for a shorter scenario
§§ List of available scenarios
§§ How to set up a game
§§ Detailed rules for setting up a multi-player game
(and the various options)

3.1. LEARNING THE GAME feedback between early turn decisions and the combat
When first learning the game, it is recommended to play effectiveness of your army later in the scenario. In turn,
the Velikie Luki introductory scenario as the Soviets against the Destruction of the South Western Front might help
the Axis AI (see 4.19 – 4.23 for a detailed discussion and you understand the special T1 rules in the Ukraine and the
a play through of the first few turns). After that you may overall difference in fighting in the relatively open terrain
want to repeat this at more challenging settings, try to south of the Pripyet marshes. Operation Typhoon is a good
defend with the Axis or move on to play the Road to Minsk chance to explore the impact of the autumn rains and then
scenario as the Axis against the Soviet AI. winter weather on operations.
Even if you have played WiTE1 or WiTW you may find While it is inevitable that most players will want to start
these short scenarios useful as a means to explore the the 1941 Grand Campaign as soon as possible, the later
concepts that are completely new in WiTE2 and to give you start dates offer both interesting gameplay and insights
some practical experience to test your understanding of into key game mechanisms. In particular, taking the Soviet
the information presented in the manual. side in Vistula to Berlin will introduce you to the challenge
Beyond that, Road to Leningrad is a low density, fairly of how to supply a large army, with substantial mobile
quick to play scenario that might help you understand the assets, that is advancing rapidly.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


Length First
Scenario Name Start Date Campaign Map Area
(turns) Player
1941-45 Campaign 22 June 1941 215 Axis Yes Full
Road to Leningrad 22 June 1941 16 Axis No Partial
Introductory scenario 2: Road to Minsk 22 June 1941 2 Axis No Partial
The Destruction of South Western Front 22 June 1941 17 Axis No Partial
Operation Typhoon 30 Sept 1941 14 Axis No Partial
Introductory scenario 1: Velikie Luki 42 17 Nov 1942 10 Soviet No Partial
Red Army Resurgent 42-43 17 Nov 1942 17 Soviet No Partial
Stalingrad to Berlin 19 Nov 1942 137 Soviet Yes Full
Red God of War 24 Nov 1942 11 Soviet No Partial
Vistula to Berlin 13 Jan 1945 20 Soviet Yes Full

3.3. SCENARIO TYPES will immediately end. Scenarios that have the possibility of
There are two types of scenarios included in the game. an early end have this noted in their scenario description
Campaign scenarios cover the entire Eastern Front from text on the Load Scenario screen.
a specific start date, use the full map area and use the Points will be awarded as if the player held the
campaign victory conditions (29.1), while non-campaign objectives for all of the rest of the turns of the scenario and
scenarios are shorter and use less of the map. will score end game objective points as well. In addition, all
units deemed isolated on the side that does not hold an
3.3.1. Campaign Scenarios objective will be destroyed and counted in the victory point
The impact of the rest of the war in North Africa, the casualty count.
Balkans, Arctic, Western Europe, the Caucasus and the Far
East is represented in all campaign scenarios using Theatre
Depending on the options chosen, both sides will have As noted in the sequence of play (Chapter 5) the first turn
the option to reinforce or weaken these fronts but doing of any scenario does not have a logistics phase. Equally
so may have significant effects on overall game progress. sometimes the Axis player will not have a first turn meaning
Alternatively these Theatres will be handled with historical the game commences with the Soviet air planning phase.
deployments and through the in-game event system This means that at start depots and supply states are all
(13.1). set by the scenario designer and, in all scenarios, the first
player’s units MPs are pre-determined and may be less
3.3.2. Non-Campaign Scenarios than the theoretical maximum.
Non-campaign scenarios are normally of a shorter length, Equally many scenarios will start with some units frozen
do not necessarily use the full map area and have specific for a number of turns.
victory conditions (29.2). In most, the only Theatre Boxes in The number of wins/losses recorded for units at the
play will be those that are used for the respective National start of a scenario will always be zero.
Reserves (13.2). You should also read Chapter 11 as that details the
Any short scenario can be set up so that if one side special rules in place for all the scenarios that begin on 22
captures all of the objectives of both sides, the scenario June 1941.


Focus: This section provides an overview of the key
game play concepts in WiTE2. Our aim is that you can
play the game by reading this chapter and will start to
use the rest of the manual and appendices as you find
you need more information.
Having said that, reading the Player’s Notes may also
be very helpful as they are designed to place the detail
into a broader context.

Key Points:
§§ A short summary of all the main game concepts
§§ Where you can find Information when playing the
§§ The basics of planning air operations and ground
unit movement and combat
§§ The basics of supply production and delivery to
combat units
§§ How weather works in WiTE2
§§ How to access and use the off-map Theatre Boxes
§§ A walk through of the first turns of the Velikie Luki


The aim of the Getting Started section is to explain the The Basic Gameplay Chapter has been split into three main
basics of WitE2. The later sections of this manual re- parts.
examine all the topics and describe how everything works §§ The first part covers the very basics of the game (4.3)
in considerable detail. §§ The second part covers the main game concepts. This is
As part of picking up the core concepts of the game sections 4.4 to 4.18
we also suggest reading the Player’s Notes in Appendix A §§ The third part (sections 4.19 to 4.23) provide a relatively
(section 30). These provide short summaries of how WiTE2 detailed discussion of how to play the first turn of the
differs from the original WiTE1 and WiTW, set out the key basic scenario of Velikie Luki and then some broad
rules and provide some tips for play. In combination with ideas about how to play the later turns.
this chapter, that should give you a good grounding in the A number of Full Page Guides are interspersed throughout
overall game design and how the various sub-systems slot this chapter as graphic aide memoires in comic strip style.
This chapter also provides links to other sections in the
manual where the particular topic is discussed in much 4.3. OVERVIEW OF THE GAME
more detail. This section covers all the basic concepts in WiTE2. At a
minimal level, by the end of this section you should have
some idea how the game is designed to be played and
manage one or two turns of experimental gameplay.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

4.3.1. Outline 4.3.2. Game Concepts

WitE2 is a turn based simulation of the Eastern Front in WiTE2 uses a number of game concepts that have a
WW2 from June 1941 to August 1945. A player represents particular meaning or role within the rules. The references
either the High Command of the Soviet or the Axis Forces. in this section are to any further discussion in this chapter
Players can either play against the Computer AI or another and to the main body of the rules.
Human opponent (equally the game can be set up to The combat value (CV) (23.1) of a unit is a vital piece of
enable solitaire play with the player taking both sides). information that shows the aggregate combat power of a unit.
The Game is played on a hex based map. Each hex is 10 However, this can then be further modified by leadership,
miles across. The precise area covered by the map depends terrain, supply and the allocation of support units. It can also
on the scenario chosen. Each Turn lasts one week. be inaccurate (for enemy units) due to the Fog of War (10.2).
WitE2 is an IGO-UGO game with the players taking So it is, at best, a rough guide to combat efficiency. If, at
turns to make their moves (like Chess or Backgammon). the end of a battle, the attacker has a 2-1 (or greater) CV
Each Turn is further subdivided into a number of phases advantage, they will win and the defender will retreat, rout
where either the Player is able to make a move or effect a or be destroyed.
change or the Computer carries out relevant calculations Administrative Points (AP) (Chapter 9) represent the
impacting gameplay. limited time and other constraints that affected both sides.
All these issues are summarised overleaf in the one AP are used to replace commanders, build depots and
page guide: airfields, build certain unit types and to disband units.


Combat Preparation Points (CPP) (23.2) are one way Alternatively the bulk of the air war can be conducted using
the game reflects the importance of building up before the AI-assistance routines (4.6 and 17.1)
launching an offensive. Units can have between 0-100% Once this is completed, the computer will then resolve
CPP depending on how well rested they are. The immediate the third phase – conducting all air missions apart from
effect is that CPP increases the CV of attacking units (in ground support, the air transport of supplies and any
other words well rested units are more effective on the airborne operations (these all occur in the land phase).
offensive) but it also improves the ability of defending Finally, the player will move the land units in the ground
units to draw on supporting artillery. phase. WiTE2 uses the concept of combat as movement so
Units with a high CPP are also likely to have more in this phase units may move or attack as needed (as long
movement points as a result. as they have sufficient movement points to carry out the
Combat Units (CU) (21.3) are any on-map (or within a desired actions). Equally units may move longer distances
Theatre Box) ground unit counter apart from the various by rail or by ships.
types of rail repair units that may also be in play. If the ground phase involves combat, it is possible that
Support Units (SU) (21.5) are any unit that is held off aircraft will also be committed (ground support) as ordered
map. These can be attached directly to combat units, to in the earlier air phase. Air drops and air transportation
a HQ (21.5.2) or a city or airfield and will be allocated to of units and supplies occur in the ground phase. Equally
combat, or to support tasks such as digging entrenchments, as units move they may encounter the results of the
as required. earlier air phase such as needing to move through enemy
Multi-Role Units (MRU) (21.4) are units that can either interdiction air attacks.
be on map (i.e. acting as a Combat Unit) or off-map (i.e.
acting as a Support Unit) depending on the player’s wishes. 4.3.4. User Information
Air Operational Groups (AOG) (4.6 and 16.3) are the WiTE2 is a complex game and a variety of information
main way you manage your individual air units and assign displays are available. These can include:
them to combat operations. §§ Changing the on-map display to show different
4.3.3. Main Turn Phases §§ Changing how the counters are displayed;
WiTE2 splits the game turn into four main sub-sections. §§ Accessing information using the tabs at the top of the
In two of these the player is active and in the other two game screen;
the computer either runs through the logistics and supply §§ Accessing information about a given hex using the top
routines or executes the orders for the air phase. of the game screen (if the hex has a named location
Thus the first part of the turn is where the computer such as a town, an airbase or a depot);
runs the supply, production and logistics phase. The player §§ Hovering your mouse over a hex will bring up an
has no direct involvement at this point but has a variety information display that can be used in place of
of tools, available during the player controlled phases, to changing the map display; and,
set supply priorities and to ensure that certain units are §§ Right clicking on a hex will bring up information about
allocated new equipment and replacements. that hex and also enable the player to move onto a
The second part of the game turn is for generating variety of display screens.
the orders for the air phase. There are various levels of A very important source of information for players is the
automation available to ease the demand on the player Commander’s Report. This is discussed in some detail later
but you will need to make some overall decisions about in this chapter but players are strongly advised to refer
allocation and focus of operations. to appendix F for more information about how to access
The player can take a varying degree of direct control and interpret the information available. It is daunting at
including detailed allocation of air groups (16.4) to Air first sight but you will soon become aware of how to find
Operational Groups (16.3) or even manually selecting information you consider to be important.
the precise weapon/fuel load of each air squadron. Further information on how to use the UI is provided
later in this chapter (4.4) and in chapter 6.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

4.3.5. Changing unit status screen when you select it. Here you can change mode
In addition to moving units (and attacking) on the map, from ‘Refit’ by clicking to the right of the counter. Image B
WiTE2 allows you to set specific roles or criteria for each is an extract from the detailed unit tab (37.3), here you can
unit. Options include setting modes such as normal, refit change the mode from ‘refit’ by clicking on the box below
(the unit is more likely to be reinforced or to upgrade to new the counter image. Finally, Image C is an extract from the
equipment) or reserve (the unit may join in a battle – either Commander’s Report (for all the divisions in the 33 Army),
defensively or in support of an attack). You can also set a unit you can change mode in the ‘Status’ column either unit by
so that it does not take on 100% of its notional equipment. unit or by using the ability to carry out large numbers of
These options can be done variously using the changes at once (35.2.3).
Commanders Report (very useful if you want to set a
number of units to the same status), the on-map counter 4.3.6. The map
or using the detailed unit view that you can access via the The main playing area is a detailed representation of the
on-map counter. terrain and physical resources (cities, train lines, major
The image below shows three views on the same unit. roads) in the region from east of the Urals to the Rhine
Image A is how the counter appears on the right hand in the west and from the Arctic to the Black Sea. In many
scenarios not all this potential region is in play.
Each hex is coded according to both the terrain and
any human improvements. So, for example, a hex might
contain clear or swamp terrain and either can have a rail
line running through it.

This shows a portion of

the Western Ukraine. Hex ‘A’
is rough terrain, hex ‘B’ is a
city hex with dual track rail
line and level 2 airbase, hex
‘C’ is clear terrain with a good
road (you can make the roads
easier to see by altering the


map view, see chapters 6 and 7), hex ‘D’ is clear terrain and
a dual track rail line and hex ‘E’ is clear terrain and a single
track rail line.
Some areas are represented by ‘Theatre Boxes’ where
combat is abstracted. These represent regions where the
Axis powers are directly at war with the Western Allies (so in
June 1941 this happens in North Africa), regions where the
Axis faces a substantial partisan war (both the Balkans and
within the Soviet Union as the Axis forces advance), regions
where the Axis powers and the Soviets are in conflict (the
bulk of the Finnish front) or where the Soviets needed to
retain a substantial garrison (such as the Far East).

The image above shows three different views of the

roughly the same map area. A shows a recent German
advance into previously Soviet held territory (the hexes
in the darker grey-green). B shows the logistics network
behind the German lines, showing 2 depots and the usage
Finally both sides have a ‘national reserve’ Theatre Box on the main rail line. Image C shows how much of the rail
where fresh units form up, can train and be subsequently network behind the German lines has been repaired and
deployed to the main map. Equally you can send badly can be used (the hexes with the green track symbol).
damaged units to the reserve to refit. Here they will have a Other options include displaying battle sites or the
priority for manpower and equipment. mission zones of planned air directives.
You can also opt to remove the counters from the
4.3.7. Map modes and displays display – which can be very useful if you want to check on
Different filters and displays can be applied to the map map information such as the usage of rail lines and the
to display a variety of information. To control the clutter location of your depots.
the player can switch these options on or off according to Hovering your mouse over a hex will also bring up a
their needs. display box that summarises the information available
It is thus possible to show enemy controlled hexes, from the various map display options.
hexes that have been captured this turn and hexes that
were friendly controlled at the start of the turn. Other 4.3.8. Game Options
displays that can be turned on or off include the weather WiTE2 can be played in a variety of ways and customized
graphics, the depot network, newly repaired rail lines and to suit the players. Options include whether the game
the fortification levels of individual hexes. is between a player and the AI or between two players

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

(note that in this case the game can also be played using Air Commands and AOGs may each have planes based
Slitherine’s servers). Other options include if either side will at more than one airfield and may share airfields with
have advantages or challenges (game difficulty), whether another Command or AOG.
or not the fog of war will affect the game and how the Air units, as such are not shown on the map. Individual
game will be saved. planes are organised into air groups (of different sizes)
which have a primary role (fighter, recon etc.) and contain
4.3.9. Air Units one type of plane. In turn, these air groups are assigned to
In WiTE2 air bases are permanent fixtures on the map. both an Air Operational Group (AOG) and an Air Command.
Over the game, more can be built or existing ones can be In some instances these are the same but mostly a given
expanded, and, of course, they may switch ownership. Air Command will have one or more AOGs assigned to it.
Air Commands are represented on the map with More information on controlling your air units is in
counters and are used to organise your air force (if you section 4.6 below and then in chapters 16-19.
are using the AI-assistance routines). Depending on the
map display option chosen, the rough location of the Air 4.3.10. Land Units
Operational Groups are shown (this is shown roughly in WiTE2 is based on a very detailed representation of the
relation to the airbases in use). These are labels with no forces available to the Axis powers and the Soviet Union.
actual on-map presence but are used to ease a lot of the The basic building blocks are individual tanks, guns and
procedures associated with air war management. planes and squads of infantry, engineers and support
When you first open a turn, you will see the rough troops. For practical purposes these appear in the
allocation of the Commands and AOGs on the map, as: game as air groups (of different sizes) and ground units
The nature of what is shown will vary according to (some appear on the map as counters and others are
how the map display is set up (from zoomed out where ‘attached’ to either other combat units or to the various
you will only see the Air Commands to zoomed in where Headquarters).
you will see information about each AOG on the relevant Combat units are shown with an estimated ‘combat
information tab). value’ (CV) which is an aggregate of the combat power
(23.1) of all the constituent elements within that particular
Ground Units. WiTE2 is basically a divisional level game
but contains combat units that range in size from Corps
to Companies. In addition to combat units, the game
represents the various headquarters that controlled the
two armies throughout the conflict.
Combat and Support Units. Ground combat units
in WiTE2 reflect the main combat power of both armies.
There are two basic types of combat unit. Some can only
appear on the map and others never appear on the map.
In addition some units can be in either mode (called ‘multi-
role’ units).
On map units (also called Combat Units – abbreviated
to CU) can be shown in a variety of ways depending on the
player’s choices. Options are to show the counters with the
two main numbers as the attack value and the movement
points or the attack value and the defensive value (the
enemy will always be shown with this option).
If the player is using the ‘fog of war’ option this
information may not always be shown for the enemy and
may not be accurate.


Off map units (also known as Support Units – often to Army Group South, it is set to level 3 for supply priority
abbreviated to SU) include the various specialist artillery, anti- (4.10.12), it has just over 25,000 men directly attached and
tank, anti-aircraft and engineering assets that both armies it uses 23 out of its potential 27 command capacity (4.7.4).
deployed. They also include units that were too small to operate Controlling your order of battle, and ensuring an
independently such as early game Soviet tank brigades. appropriate command structure, is very important when
Some units are also designated as multi-role units playing WiTE2.
(again this is often abbreviated to MRU). These include Leaders. Each Headquarter is assigned a leader. The
Soviet rifle brigades and various Axis brigades that appear game includes almost all the commanders available (who
throughout the game. These can be ‘on map’ or off map as either commanded a corps or higher command, or could
support units depending on player choices. have) and each is rated according to their competence
Off map support units are always assigned to another on seven factors. Some of these factors directly influence
unit. All can be assigned to a Headquarters unit. If this is combat performance and others logistics and movement.
the approach chosen, they are then allocated to combat For the moment, what matters is the higher a value, the
or to other functions (such as building fortifications) by better a commander is.
the computer (the chances of this happening are modified Corps (or Soviet Army) commanders can only influence
by the relative competence of the commander of the HQ) the performance of units under their direct command but
when units attached to that HQ engage in combat. do so up to their full notional value. Army (or Soviet Front)
Others (such as infantry, armour, anti-tank, combat commanders and above influence all the units under their
engineers and anti-aircraft) can also be directly attached indirect command but at a reduced value. Their rating is
to a particular on-map combat unit. In this role they will reduced according to both their distance in the command
always take part in any combat that involves their parent chain (so the leader of OKH will have some influence on
unit but are not available for other purposes. almost every unit on the Axis side but this is relatively
Headquarters. In addition to combat units, WiTE2 limited) and physical distance on the map (see Chapter 15
represents the command structure of both armies by on- and especially section 15.5 for more information as to how
map Headquarters units. These range in size from Corps this works).
to Army to Army Group (or Soviet Fronts) to the High So there is a trade-off between having your best
Command (such as the German OKH or the Soviet Stavka). commanders in the most senior roles and ensuring that
Headquarters can directly command combat units and key formations have competent direct leadership.
have various off map support units attached.
HQs should be organized in a logical hierarchy. For the 4.3.11. Supply and Depots
Axis powers, the usual organization will be to have combat The supply system in WiTE2 is complex – but mostly
units reporting to a Corps HQ, these in turn reporting to happens ‘out of sight’ as the computer handles all the
an Army, a group of Armies then report to an Army Group. calculations.
After their initial defeats in 1941, the Soviet structure will Primarily, supply is moved along rail lines to depots and
alter so that most combat units report to an Army and from there to the combat units. Trucks are often essential
those are then organized into Fronts. to moving supply from depots to HQs and can be drawn
Note that each HQ has a command limit. You can exceed from your overall pool or the unit’s own organic truck
this but then the commander will be less effective due to allocation (this in turn will reduce the number of trucks
the excess demands on their available to the unit for its own movement).
time and HQ resources (such Even at the basic level, there are a few key features to
as staff officers, signalling keep in mind.
units and field hospitals). First, the capacity of each rail line is limited (the most
This shows the German 6 obvious aspect of this is whether or not a rail line consists
Army HQ. All the information of dual or single tracks). This capacity is not just used for
on the counter is discussed the transport of supply and replacements but also to move
later (4.7.4) so for the moment combat units over long distances. Thus a given rail line can
note that it currently reports supply only a limited number of units (25.4).

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Second, depots are crucial to both store and distribute Before moving on, let’s put some of this information
supply. For the moment, remember that depots have three into context.
characteristics. Their type (most in the game are railway §§ You can access most of the in-game information in a
depots but some are designated as National Supply Sources variety of ways;
or as ports), their size (which is related to the size of the railyard §§ You can amend the displayed game map to show
in the hex) and their priority (from 0-4) set by the player. different information;
§§ You can amend the on map counters to show different
You as a player directly control the priority and location
§§ Supply really matters and involves transportation links
of the depots and the deployment of your HQs. As
(trains, trucks and horse drawn carts), depots and the
an aside, you can fully automate the creation and
relative priority you set for various combat commands;
changing the priority of your depots to the computer.
§§ Organizing your order of battle, and leadership, is really
Finally each HQ can be given a supply priority (from 0-4)
by the player. All HQs (above 0) will be allocated a minimum 4.3.12. Administrative Points
level of supply and the priority setting will influence the These are used to represent limited command capacity for
maximum amount of supply that particular command will both sides during the game. Most of your allocation is from
potentially claim (so a corps set to level 3 will take more the per-turn limit for that particular scenario (3.3), some
supply than one set to level 2 - if it is available) but all come from particular events (40.12) or by doing better in
commands will gain a basic minimum, if enough supply is one of the off-map Theatre Boxes (4.14). You spend them
available (25.8). to create depots, new units (this varies according to the
Note that in the example of the 6 Army headquarters unit type and game period) and swap commanders. Review
above it is set to ‘supply priority 3’. the table in section 9.2 for a full list of the relevant actions
HQs will try to draw supply from nearby depots but and how much each will cost you.
sometimes will seek supply over a substantial distance.
Airbases also are allocated supply priority (from 0-4) 4.3.13. Ending a Phase or a Turn
by the player. In this case an important difference is an Once you have completed all the actions for a
airbase set to level 0 will receive no supplies at all. given phase (i.e. issued all the air commands or
land movement orders you wish), click on the
Note that setting a high priority for a given HQ does not end phase button on the right hand side of the top tab.
guarantee receipt of that supply if insufficient supply Depending on where you are in the overall game
stocks are available in the local depot network. Lack of turn this will either commence the phase where your air
supply, ammunition or fuel will seriously hamper the commands are carried out or end the game turn. In this
combat power of your units. case, the game will move onto a logistics phase for your
opponent (5.3.1).

Railyards. These are a very important aspect to WiTE2.

As above, the size of the railyard in a hex will have a 4.4. FINDING INFORMATION
direct impact on the size of the depot in that hex. They This Topic provides a basic overview of the Player Interface
also contribute to the overall rail stock that each side has. and the Map. As discussed above, WiTE2 provides a lot of
Finally railyards make it easier to load or unload units onto information to help players and this section will show you how
trains for strategic movement. to access it and some basic guidance as to how to interpret
Ports. Like Railyards, Ports are both part of the supply it. Further information can be found in chapter 6, where
distribution model and enable strategic movement. For appropriate in the manuals and the various appendices
supply purposes, ports can be designated to either send discuss how to read the tables and displays in detail.
out supply (to other ports in the same sea zone) or receive The one page guide overleaf summarises the information
supply from other ports. in this sub-section.


Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

4.4.1. Basic Principles between showing all combats, just those involving land
The various information tabs work on one of five principles: units or just those that occur solely between air units.
§§ If you click on the tab, then you can carry out certain
actions, as an example, clicking on the rail mode 4.4.2. Using the Menu Tabs
movement button will enable that option (in this case Most of the interface is accessible using the toolbars at the
you can move units that meet the criteria by rail) top of the screen. There are four broad areas:
Menu Tabs. Across the top of the playing area are
various toolbars that allow you to access key information.
§§ Mode Toolbars. These fill up the left and centre of the
area. The top row options will change according to
§§ If you click on the option, the information will be shown which of the three tabs (map information, info screens
on the map. An example of this is the ability to show the or administration) you select. The bottom row options
level of fortifications in each hex: will change depending on if you are in the air planning
or ground phase (note the phase will be shown on the
middle of the screen).

§§ If you click on the option, it will open a more detailed

screen allowing you to make other changes or review
something in more detail. An example of this is the §§ Some tabs may appear in more than one of these
Order of Battle (36.1) tab, click on this and that detailed displays if they are still relevant, so for example,
screen will open; setting air superiority missions (18.1) is only available
when setting the air orders (17.4) but the option to
display battle sites is available both when setting
air orders and during the ground movement phase
(Chapter 22).
§§ General Information Box. This is on the top right hand
§§ If you click on the option, you can amend the values. side and shows key information such as the Date,
An example of this is the depot indicator (again top left Turn Number, City Name (if applicable), and available
hand side), hovering your mouse over this allows you to administrative points (Chapter 9). The City Name Box is
set the priority for that particular depot; particularly important as clicking on the name accesses
the City Information Screen (this can also be accessed
via the map). Depending on what is in the hex, this may
also show information about any depot or airfield that
is present and can be used to create a new airfield or
change the priority of a depot.

§§ If you click on the option, a

drop down box will appear,
you can select from this list
and that will alter the map
or unit display accordingly.
An example of this is the
battle site indicator tab
(6.8.2) where you can select


§§ At the left side of the Info Box is the Soft and combat that occurs in or through the hex. Additionally
Factors Tab. This toggles various Soft hex sides can represent terrain features such as rivers
Factors which indicate information about which also impact on movement and combat or may even
on map units by a colour coded tab on be impassable. More information can be found in chapter 7.
the top left corner of a unit counter. A Weather. WitE2 models both air and ground weather
good example is if the supply factor is conditions. These weather conditions can be seen on the
chosen, then a red tab shows a unit with map by toggling the Show Weather Button (Hotkey-W).
less than 41% of the supplies it needs. Weather affects both combat and movement (see chapter
§§ In addition, also almost all this 8 for details). The weather model is dynamic with fronts (of
information can also be accessed if you high or low pressure) moving into the game area and in
right click on any map hex. turn generating weather effects, such as rain or clear skies.
§§ More information about these options As the air weather shifts to rain or snow, ground conditions
will be provided later in the manual but will change to mud or snow.
note that you can use this method to
create a new air base (or increase the size
The ground weather only affects ground operations
of an existing one), alter the importance of the depot
and the air weather only affects air operations.
(or create a new one), access the city screen (Vladimir in
this case) and access a range of other options.
Man Made Facilities. Some are always visible like
Ports, Airbases and Rail lines. Others can be toggled on/off
using the Show Industry, Roads, Fortifications or Logistics
Info Buttons. Most of these man made amendments to the
map are critical to the logistic model.
Roads are important during poor weather turns and in
terrain such as forests, mountains or sand where off-road
movement is often slow (especially for vehicles).
Unit Counters. Units are shown on the map as square
counters. If you left click on a unit you may see all the
movement options (if you have the hex control option
§§ The rest of this chapter will talk you through how to use displayed) and a more detailed unit box will appear on the
and interpret the information provided. More detailed right hand side of the screen.
information is available in Chapter 6 and the contents In this case the Soviet 1st Guards Rifle Corp has been
of all the secondary charts and tables are described in selected on the map and unit display is now on the right
the relevant appendices. hand edge of the map. Note that other Soviet units now
§§ A full list of all the various menu buttons can be found
in section 6,2.

4.4.3. Changing the Map Display

The WitE2 Map can be set to one of five zoom levels (you
can shift views either by the mouse or by using the zoom-
in/zoom-out tab) and is based upon a 10 mile hexagonal
grid. Each hex has its own terrain, weather and perhaps
human structures such as railways, roads or towns. Thus
the map sets the basic playing environment for WiTE2 and
presents information on:
The Geographical Terrain. Each hex has a specific
Terrain Type. The terrain impacts directly on the movement

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

are outlined in yellow, indicating they too belong to the

54 Army). This will be described in more detail in section
4.7.4 below
Selecting a unit. To select a unit to move or fight,
left click on the unit(s) – you can move a complete stack
at the same time if you wish, and then right click on the
destination (whether this is to move or to attack).
Unit Movement. To move a unit(s), left click to select
and then right click to select the planned move or attack.
Note that you can select all the units in a stack to move
together. Also it is important to bear in mind that in WiTE2,
combat is a specific form of movement costing Movement
Points (MP) to conduct.
You do not have to use up all the available MP at once,
so you can order a partial move and return to that unit or
stack later in the movement phase.
In the example below, the Soviet 55 Rifle Division has
been ordered to move from its starting position (bordered
in black) towards the Volga. Note that the hex south-west
of the unit shows the Movement Points that would be left if
the unit moved onto that hex. The unit is weaker after the
move as it is now slightly fatigued (4.8.3 and 22.2)

they are empty of Soviet units. The dark brown hexes either
are known to contain Soviet units (or you lack sufficient
information to be sure).
The ownership of a hex has an impact on movement
and logistics and the fatigue that units will build up as they
move into that hex. If you can, only move in hexes that
Some aspects of the way that units and the map interact were friendly at the start of the turn as this is faster and
are obvious – you need to be on a ship to cross sea hexes. costs less fatigue.
Other elements are less so – Armoured Units are better at Hex Pop Up. If you hover the mouse over a hex the pop
attacking in Open terrain. Infantry Units defend better in up will show you considerable additional information.
close terrain like heavy woods.
Hex Control. Hexes are either friendly, enemy or 4.4.4. Combat Resolution Information
pending friendly (these are hexes that have been taken One important option is how you set the combat resolution
during the current turn and will switch ownership at the level. This will affect both the amount of information you
end of the player’s turn). see as the game plays and the speed of play.
This shows how the map changes when a unit is The combat resolution level is set when creating a game
selected to move. The light hexes were all Axis controlled (36.17.1) and can be changed at any time. By default, when
at the start of the turn. The darker coloured hexes (to the you start a new game or load an existing game it will be at
east of the Romanian 2-3 infantry regiment), have been the level you last chose.
occupied by another Axis unit this movement phase. The
light brown hexes are still Soviet controlled but you know


You can change the combat resolution either via the user
preference screen or by pressing the number keys (from 0 4.5. INTRODUCTION TO THE AIR
to 7). If you do this, a pop-up message will briefly appear:
If you chose level 0, there will be no delay as the combat
will be processed automatically. Once it is resolved you This Topic provides an overview of the Air Phase and
can carry on moving and fighting. At level 1, the combat explains the Auto Air Directive Creation function. The Air
information screen (37.1) will appear for a short period Phase is the first active part of the Player’s Turn.
giving you an overview of the combat and the outcome. In your early games we strongly suggest you use the AI-
By the time you select level 5 you will see considerable assist routines (4.6) before moving onto manual control (if
detail (down to the interaction of individual elements) as that is what you wish to do).
the combat is resolved. In this case, you can close the pop
up at any time you wish and the final result will be shown. 4.5.1. Purpose of the air war
When resolving air directives, the combat outcome In WiTE2, both the Axis and Soviet air forces were primarily
screen will only be shown if you have a delay of greater structured to support the operations of the main armies
than 1. rather than conduct independent strategic bombing
Detailed resolution can be informative if you wish campaigns. Their approaches to both doctrine and plane
to understand how the combat engine works but will design has implications for how you can use airpower in
significantly slow play. Note you can cancel the display the game.
process at any time by clicking on the cross in the top right
hand corner.
Usually you can set the delay to 1 or 2 and review the One practical example is that most Soviet fighters
outcomes afterwards by accessing the battle site indicator have very short ranges. This means it is important for
on the map. In this case the battle shown above ended them to be based close to the front lines or planned
in the surrender of the Soviet unit so the battle indicator area of operations. It also makes the longer ranged
is displayed as a white flag in a black border (the border lend-lease planes very valuable in certain situations.
indicates that this was an attack by the Axis side).
Information on
how to interpret this This focus affects how you manage your air commands
particular screen can and the type of missions that are available to a given air
be found in 23.10 and command.
37.1 but it will show While you can conduct the full range of air operations,
you the outcome, including bombing factories and cities, you are most likely
how many men, tanks to use the air force in one of the following roles:
and planes took part §§ Ground Attack - Interdiction, this mission is flown in the
and the reasons for air combat resolution phase and will inflict losses on
any losses. any enemy unit that moves through those hexes (and

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

possibly raise the cost of leaving such a hex). It can be damaged aircraft are repaired and the numbers of planes
used to target supply lines, reserves, or where the enemy that actually take part in a given mission.
is likely to advance or retreat as a result of combat. Below this level, air units are organised at two levels
§§ Interdiction missions can only be flown over enemy (16.3):
controlled hexes; Air Operational Groups (AOG). These represent
§§ Ground Attack - Unit, this mission is also flown in the air combinations of Air Groups and are the main way in which
combat resolution phase and aims to disrupt or destroy you will manage your air force.
enemy ground elements. As such it is often better used Air Groups. Air Groups are the Squadrons and Groups
when aimed at a hex(es) you intend to attack later in of Aircraft that fly air missions. Air Groups are assigned to
the turn; both AOGs and Air Commands (16.3).
§§ Ground support, this mission is ordered in the air In addition, your air assets include:
phase but not conducted until the ground phase. In Airbases. These are fixed locations on the map where
this case bombers and fighters will support offensive or Air Groups can be based (16.6).
defensive ground operations adding their effect to the Pilots. Each pilot is rated for morale and skill and the
fighting between ground units (4.8); morale and skill values shown for the air unit is the average
§§ Air superiority, this mission is ordered in the air phase of these individuals (16.7).
and will be conducted both in the air combat resolution Planes. Your air force is built up of individual planes and
phase and the ground movement phase. Fighters these are allocated to air groups. Each air group can only
assigned to this mission will seek to engage enemy have one type of plane and you can ensure that obsolete
planes that come into a set area. planes are no longer in use by your combat formations.
§§ A variant of this is that fighters with no other mission The types of planes that can be used is determined by
will always try to intercept enemy planes that come the unit type and training (so a formation trained to use
close to their airbase. level bombers can only be equipped with some type of
The impact of airpower on ground units is often indirect. level bomber).
Most times, air attacks will not destroy many ground Over the length of the game, planes will become
elements but will disrupt and damage elements or increase obsolete or particular models may be in short supply. You
movement costs. Damaged ground elements will not take can set up air units to automatically upgrade in which case
part in any combat until they have the chance to recover they will switch plane type to a more modern version (or an
(in a subsequent logistics phase) and are more likely to be older one if there is a shortage) or handle this manually. If
destroyed in the course of any ground combat. Disrupted you do this manually you will need to check for the arrival
elements will recover at the end of that battle but at a of new models of planes.
cost of adding fatigue (and thus reducing the combat Each type of plane has a mileage available. This will be
effectiveness) to the attacked unit. used up carrying out missions. Once a plane has used up
Thus airpower will tend to reduce the enemy’s mobility all its mileage it cannot fly again that turn. Usage so far in a
and weaken their ability to win battles. It will not tend to turn is expressed as a % of the potential total miles.
inflict substantial direct casualties by itself (although this
can sometimes happen). 4.5.3. Air Commands
As with the HQs that control your ground forces you will
4.5.2. Understanding air units often find there is a hierarchy of Air Commands. The
There are seven elements to each Player’s Air Forces: principle role for the Commands is to assign leaders to
Air Commands. Air Commands (16.2) are the HQ Units your air force and to organise your Air Operational Groups.
that command Air Operational Groups and Air units Both
sides have a hierarchy of air commands and may have 4.5.4. Air Operational Groups
lower level commands (such as a Luftflotte) report in turn These are the main method by which you manage your air
to a supreme air command (such as the German OKL). force in WiTE2. The One Page Guide (overleaf) shows the
Leaders. Who are assigned to each air command. Their main ways in which they are displayed in the game and
relative competence will influence the speed at which how they can be accessed.


Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

4.5.5. Types of Air Directives Air Resupply. This is a special type of mission that can
There are seven different types of air directives but not all only be flown during the ground movement phase. The AI-
are available to every air command to reflect the various assist will use the air transport assets to send supply to
doctrinal differences between the Soviet and Axis forces. combat units of the relevant command. You can over-ride
Ground Support – Provides ground units with direct air this by setting it to prioritise air bases used by air groups
support during ground attacks. This mission will actually under that command.
take place during the ground movement phase. The manual process is set out in section 18.1.9 but
Ground Attack – This focuses on a map area and slows basically you open the F9 tab and select a target hex.
& interdicts enemy ground units, limits their capacity to Usually a suitable sending air base and collection of air
resupply, attacks their airbases, rail network or ports. groups will be automatically selected for you.
Ground attack missions can only target enemy held Air resupply missions can only be carried out during the
hexes, if the air directive box (17.4) includes friendly hexes ground movement phase not when creating air directives.
these will be ignored for allocating the actual missions. If you are controlling the air war manually, then each
There are several variants to this mission. One of these mission is set up by selecting one of these tabs
(interdiction) will seek to hamper enemy movement but (shown during the air planning phase). If you use the AI-
will do relatively little damage to static units (note this will assistance, then suitable AD will be created for you.
attack supply convoys etc.). A unit attack will directly attack
enemy units but will also create some interdiction. Play tip. If you can, target a friendly controlled airbase
Finally missions can target rail usage, enemy airbases, – even one you have just captured – as more supply
enemy rail yards or ports (18.1.4). will be delivered this way.
Strategic Bombing / Bomb City – Used to bomb
production facilities & manpower in cities. Again, there are
various options within this mission so you can be precise 4.5.6. Air Directive Creation
about the intended targets (18.1.5). Auto AD Creation. To use the automatic AD creation
Air Recon – Used to increase the detection level of process, refer to the one page guide ‘Using AOGs with AI
enemy ground units in the target area. Recon missions Control’.
can be designated as Tactical or Strategic. Strategic recon Manual AD Creation. This option is not recommended
will gather information on the types of targets that can be for new players and the strong advice is to use the AI
attacked using the strategic bombing mode (18.1.6). routines until you understand the basics of the air war. If
Recon missions can only target enemy held hexes. you want to move onto manual creation of Air Directives,
Air Superiority – Fighter units fly to an area and try to allocation of planes or selecting the load-outs of your
disrupt enemy missions in that area (18.1.7). planes then read chapter 18 of this manual.
Note that in addition, fighters not assigned to any Air
Directive will try to intercept enemy planes that come close 4.5.7. Executing Air Directives.
to their base (18.1.7). Defensive Interception of Enemy ADs Once you have completed the process of setting
are automatic and do not require an AD to be set as the your air directives (whether this is automated or
fighters will fly both in your Air Phase and your opponent’s manual) you will need to press the F12 key.
Air Phase. This will commence the process of resolving your air
Naval Patrol – The units will attempt to create naval directives. The speed and amount of detail shown will be
interdiction points in the target area. Naval interdiction can determined by the level of detail you have selected for
both disrupt (and possibly block) enemy naval movements viewing combat resolution (4.4.4).
(including naval supply) or protect and allow your own At the lowest level of resolution, you will simply see a
naval operations (18.1.8). small box in the lower right hand corner of the screen and
a summary of missions and losses.
More information on how to interpret this screen can
be found in section 37.16.7.


All the airbases in the above image are owned by the

Axis side but currently unoccupied. You will notice other
colour combinations and these are discussed below where
relevant and summarised in section 6.4.7.
New airbases can be built in any non-mountain hex.
They can be built in mountain hexes if that contains a
town, city or an existing depot. A successful naval invasion
At higher levels of resolution you will see the routes will create a level 2 airbase in any targeted hex.
taken by planes (including enemy interception where this Airbases can be built using the top of the screen, unit
is not obscured by the fog of war). You can opt not to see detail for a location or by right clicking on the desired
certain types of missions and by default reconnaissance location.
missions will not be shown. In the example below, Pavlovo has been selected to
Selecting a combat resolution level above 1 will also show how you can build a new air base, the same process
mean you see the actual combats that occur. At higher levels would work if you selected Gorky and decided to expand
this can make resolving the air phase time consuming and that airbase from size 2 to 3.
you can usually double check on key incidents by reviewing
the combat results once the air phase is completed (37.1).
The air phase will end with the summary screen
displayed (37.16.8). You can close this and move on or
use it to examine aspects of the air resolution phase. In
addition all the details that were shown briefly as the air
phase was resolved can be found in the Logistics Log (36.9).
Once complete you are ready for the Ground Phase.

4.5.8. Airbases
Airbases. Airbases are fixed installations on the map of
three different sizes – 1, 2 & 3 (which is the largest). As
only one airbase is permitted in a hex some airbases may
represent a number of historic airbases and the size is
adjusted accordingly.

In this case, the first approach uses the tab at the right
hand of the top row (6.2.2), the second is the list that
pops up when you right click on the hex and the third is
information that appears when you access the city display
(37.13) by clicking on the name bar at the top of the screen.
It will take some time for a new airbase to become
operational and this can be speeded up if the computer
can allocate a spare engineering Support Unit to the hex.

Keeping a stock of construction engineering units

either in your High Command or Front/Army Group
HQs can be useful to speed the building of new
airbases as these can be allocated by the Computer to
most hexes on the game map.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Level 1 and 2 airbases can be expanded in size. The logistic priority of airbases can be set individually
Expansion is slower in bad weather and terrain, especially or collectively using the tools in the Commanders Report.
from size 2 to 3 and this will also demand a substantial Airbases with a supply priority 0 receive no supply.
allocation of supplies so will be slow unless you have well Bombing Damage to Airbases and Airbase Repair.
stocked depots nearby. Air Groups at damaged Airbases suffer more operational
Airbase TOE. Although Airbases are fixed they are still losses and fly less sorties. As airbases become more
Units. They have a TOE representing the ground crew that crowded then aircraft on the base are more likely to be hit
provides support and defence. When an airbase is captured if it is bombed.
the TOE drops to 0% and will recover as support squads When using the AI-Assistance routines (17.1), the AI will
move to that location. Airbases will gain and reduce their expand existing airfields when it feels this is necessary but
TOE depending on how many planes are at the base. If players will have to manually establish new level 1 airfields
you order an AOG to move to the base, if it lacks sufficient if they feel these are needed.
support units it will gain these in the logistics phase so that
the base is operational (17.3.5).
If you remove all the planes from a given base, then its 4.6. MANAGING THE AIR WAR
TOE will revert to 0. You have two options for managing your AOGs. You can
Airbase Support, Supply & Capacity. The effectiveness use the AI assistance and in this case your main input
of an airbase (in terms of supporting combat missions and is to assign the AOG to a ground command and set the
repairing damaged aircraft) depends on both the level of relative number of planes that the AOG will have. This will
support (i.e. sufficient ground crew) and sufficient supply. then generate air directives and redeploy your air force
The capacity of the base depends on the size and the according to the priorities you set.
type of planes present (16.6.6). There are penalties for On the other hand you can either opt for full manual
having too many aircraft at an airbase. An over capacity control or mix using the AI-assist routines with manual
airbase is shown by a red ring around the airbase. The % interventions.
capacity is shown in the hex pop up.
4.6.1. AI Air Assistance
There are two levels to this. One means that you can only
use the AI routines and that air orders and redeployments
are executed when you press end phase for the air orders
and after land moves (i.e. the F12 key). If you chose to do
this, in a PBEM or server based games this option cannot
be subsequently changed.
The alternative still allows you to rely on the AI
assistance if you wish but you can also manage your AOGs
manually. In your first games, it is suggested that you use
the AI assist as you can use the AI to allocate planes to
your AOG, create suitable air directives and redeploy your
planes to new air bases.
The basics of using the AI assistance are set out overleaf
on the one page guide.

4.6.2. Allocating Air Operational Groups

to Ground HQs
Even if you decide to use the AI-assistance, you will still
need to determine which ground unit HQs (17.1) the AOG
is going to support, how many planes will be allocated to
that AOG and the types of air missions you wish to support.


Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The one page guide ‘Using AOGs with AI Control’ sets out There are four stances:
the key concepts. §§ Flexible
Axis AOGs can be assigned to follow either an Army or §§ Hold
Corps HQ, Soviet AOGs must be assigned to follow a Front or §§ Retreat
Military District. Soviet AOGs will be automatically assigned §§ Advance
to the same front as their controlling Air Command (17.1) During the Air Planning Phase (or at the end of it if using
Auto AI air assist) an AOG in a flexible stance may:
4.6.3. Allocating Air Units to AOGs §§ Send air groups to the reserve (if they are deemed to be
This is set out in the one page guide ‘Using AOGs with AI too weak to be capable of combat operations)
Control’. In effect, you set the relative priority of each AOG §§ Acquire air groups from the reserve
and air command and the air units will be assigned to §§ Gain air groups from other AOGs (this is based on asset
match the relative spread of responsibility (17.1). priority and the transfer can include a complete AOG if
If you opt to take manual control then you can directly that is appropriate);
determine which air groups are assigned to an AOG and §§ Transfer air groups to other AOGs (depending on
redeploy your AOGs so that the planes move to new air priorities);
bases. §§ Follow move, the AOG will redeploy to the location of
the HQ they are following.
4.6.4. Stances and AI Assistance §§ Carry out Naval Ops against a port, the AOG will
If you opt to use the AI assist, you still need to set the redeploy to operate against the target port
following variables: During the Air Planning Phase an AOG in a hold stance
§§ Stance (17.2); may:
§§ HQ allocation (the AOG/Air Command will usually §§ Send air groups to the reserve (if they are deemed to be
‘follow’ this HQ as it moves on the map; too weak to be capable of combat operations)
§§ Naval operations (whether you wish the AOG to §§ Acquire air groups from the reserve
generate naval patrols); §§ Gain air groups from other AOGs (this is based on asset
§§ Asset priority (how much of your available air force will priority and the transfer can include a complete AOG if
be assigned to this AOG or Air Command) that is appropriate);
§§ Supply priority During the Air Planning Phase an AOG in a retreat or
In addition, the player will have to build or expand airbases, advance stance will undertake no particular actions but will
decide if you need to build depots to support your air force still generate Air Directives as appropriate.
and whether or not you want your air units to upgrade During the Movement Phase (and at the end of the turn
automatically or control this manually (16.5). if this is automated), an AOG in a flexible or hold stance will:
§§ Air supply units (if following a HQ)
§§ Air supply airbases (if not assigned to follow a HQ)
Note that the AI will use your air doctrine settings
During the Movement Phase (and at the end of the turn if
(17.4.3) when creating missions and this will affect
this is automated), an AOG in a retreat or advance stance
issues such as the height of the mission, the day(s)
it is carried out and the relative intensity of the
§§ Send air groups to the reserve (if they are deemed to be
mission. If you find the results of your air campaign
too weak to be capable of combat operations)
are unexpected (little effect or very high losses) you
§§ Acquire air groups from the reserve
may want to check this screen and amend some of the
§§ Gain air groups from other AOGs (this is based on asset
priority and the transfer can include a complete AOG if
that is appropriate);
A major part of using the AI assistance is setting the §§ Transfer air groups to other AOGs (depending on
stances of your AOG. Your choices will determine how, priorities);
and when during the turn, the AOG allocates its assets and §§ The AOG will redeploy to the location of the HQ they are
whether or not it will move to follow the HQ it is assigned to. following during the ground movement phase


§§ Air supply units (if following a HQ)

§§ Air supply airbases (if not assigned to follow a HQ)
§§ Carry out Naval Ops against a port, the AOG will UNITS
redeploy to better operate against the port This Topic provides a basic overview of the various game
Transport AOGs will usually try to resupply units of the units and how to see information about them. The one
command they are attached to. If they have no linked HQ, page guide (figure 4-31 overleaf) sets out the main issues
they will seek to resupply airbases connected to their air covered in this section:
An AOG can be set to follow a HQ (as normal) or conduct 4.7.1. Unit Structure
Naval Operations around a port, not both. If set to Navel Units are made up of various Ground Elements (21.2)
Ops, the AOG will try to gain control of the sea hexes near and the precise makeup of a Unit is based on its Table of
the port. In this case, the AOG may have a different focus Equipment (TOE) (21.2.5). A unit at 100% TOE has all its
(naval patrol) to its controlling air HQ. For the Soviets, only required Ground Elements.
named naval air commands (most likely either the Baltic or Ground Elements vary according to the unit type but
Black Sea commands) can carry out naval operations. will typically include manpower (organised into squads),
individual vehicles and guns and other weaponry. They
also include the support squads that backed up the
There are further notes on how to use the stances combat elements (signals, first aid, logistics etc.) and the
in section 17.2 but in general use ‘Flexible’ when the trucks used to move the unit.
front line is basically stable as this allows air units to The number of Ground Elements, their Morale,
adjust their size and deployment but broadly within Experience and Fatigue all impact on the ability of the
the current geographical area. Advance and Retreat overall unit to attack and defend.
should be chosen when you are looking for your air Units can lose Ground Elements due to combat,
force to redeploy as the front line shifts. ‘Hold’ will attrition and movement. As this happens, a unit’s TOE will
keep your air force deployed at their current bases fall as elements are damaged or destroyed. New Ground
(which can be efficient in terms of the demand for Elements, produced by factories (4.10 and 26.1), can be
support squads and supply). received as replacements to maintain TOE level.
As the game progresses, you will notice that the TOE
changes. This reflects the use of more modern equipment
4.6.5. Redeploying Air Units as well as the various changes that both sides made to the
If you use the AI assistance, then your air units will redeploy composition of their combat units. Thus a Panzer division
according to the rules above. In addition this will manage in 1941 will be based around a mixture of Panzer I/II/III/
the transfer of air units to and from your national reserve IV tanks (though some actually will use captured Czech or
(13.2). French tanks), by 1944 the same division will be using a
mixture of Panzer IV/V tanks.
4.6.6. Manual Control Note that if a unit cannot access its preferred element
The one page guide ‘Manual Control of AOGs’ (see figure (such as a Panzer IV as its medium tank) it may substitute a
4-30 overleaf) sets out the basics of how you can manually similar element, including those captured from the enemy.
control your AOGs. In addition you should read the key Thus a Soviet 1944 armoured formation will seek to use
sections in chapters 16-18 as they explain how to create the T34/85 as its basic medium tank but may use lend
and amend your own air directives, how to bring air groups lease Sherman Tanks instead. A German Panzer division
to the map and how to redeploy your air force. may make use of captured Soviet T34s.
You are strongly advised to keep to the AI-assistance
for the air war for your first few games. You may well find 4.7.2. Unit Types
that against the AI it has the effect of simplifying the game, There are five types of ground unit in the game:
while producing perfectly adequate results, thus speeding §§ Combat Units (CU). CUs are units that appear on the
game play considerably. Map as counters and can fight, such as an Infantry

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Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Division. Many CUs can breakdown into three smaller §§ Engineering & Construction SUs will appear only when
units to cover more ground (21.3). they are repairing a rail hex, otherwise they are attached
§§ HQ Units (21.11). HQs appear on the Map as counters. to the city, depot or airbase they are repairing.
They cannot fight. Most HQs provide command and §§ Multi Role Units (MRU). MRUs are mostly brigade sized
control for either air or ground units. Some HQs provide units (but note that not all brigades are MRUs) that can
Rail Repair or Amphibious capacities. either be off map (attached to a combat unit or HQ) or
§§ Support Units (SU). SUs are smaller units including on map as a Combat Unit in their own right (21.4).
artillery, anti-tank, anti-aircraft, engineer, assault guns, To convert a MRU to a SU it must be in the same hex as its
and construction units. Most SUs do not appear on controlling HQ and have at least 1 remaining MP. In the
the map. They are attached to HQs & CUs and their example below, the 46th Mech Bde is in the same hex as
‘support’ is provided automatically. SUs can be moved its controlling HQ (the 39 Army), open the detailed unit
between parent units as required (21.5). window and click on ‘Convert Unit’.


Once off map, they can then be re-assigned like any The various leader ratings affect combat performance (23.8),
other SU. To convert a MRU to the map, there must be a movement capacity (22.1) and a variety of issues connected
space in the HQ’s hex for the MRU to reappear on the map. to the allocation of supply and replacements (25.1).
To reverse the process, open the detailed tab for the The effectiveness of leaders is affected both by their
relevant HQ, select the unit (in this case the 86th Rifle position in the command hierarchy and the distance
Brigade) and click on ‘Multi-Role’. The unit will now appear between the HQ and the combat unit. The actual operation
on the map with 1 MP. of these rules is complex depending on exactly how the
command chain is structured, so once you have the basics
4.7.3. Building up and Breaking Down Units clear we strongly suggest reading section 15.5.
German divisions and Soviet Corps can be broken down
into three smaller units. If you want to recombine these, 4.7.5. Information about the
then the original units need to be in the same hex (and relationship between Units
each part with at least 1 MP). The original division or corps WiTE2 relies on the creation of an efficient chain of
will be recreated with an average of the morale, experience command between your units and HQs . To assist with
and fatigue of its component parts. this you can access information about unit Relationships.
Although Command and Control will be covered in more
4.7.4. HQs and Leadership detail in Chapter 15 and Section 21.11 it is worth at this
In WiTE2 HQs provide the chain of command for your stage highlighting the display functionality of Unit Counter
ground units up to the Supreme HQ for that particular Border Colour which shows Unit Relationships.
nationality such as the Soviet Stavka or the German OKH. This functionality appears when a Unit is selected on
Each ground HQ has an allocated leader with certain the map. The different border colours are: PURPLE=Unit
characteristics (15.3) and these leaders can be changed that you have selected; ORANGE=Selected Unit’s HQ;
using your Administrative Points (9.2) but can also be YELLOW=Other Unit directly commanded by the same HQ;
killed in action or removed by the computer routines (this BLUE=Subordinate Unit in Range; and, RED= Subordinate
may happen if they have a relatively low political value). In Unit out of Range.
the case of death or dismissal, a new commander will be In addition, a line will appear on the map of the
appointed (and, in turn, you can change this). appropriate colour showing how the unit/HQ is linked to
The role of leaders (Chapter 15) and HQs (Section other formations.
21.11) are discussed in detail later in this manual and it In some cases this line may be drawn to the edge of the
is suggested you read those sections once you feel you visible display, indicating the relevant HQ is some distance.
understand the basics of gameplay. This will commonly happen if the HQ/unit reports to one of
For the moment, note that HQs and leaders affect the the Supreme HQs such as the German OKH.
performance of combat units in different ways:
§§ In order to allocate Support Units to help out in combat
the controlling HQ must be within 5 hexes of the
combat unit (23.6);
§§ In order to provide Support Squads (think of these
as representing staff such as radio operators, field
hospitals, cooks, mechanics etc.) to a combat unit,
different types of HQs have different ranges as:

HQ Unit Command Range (in Hexes)

High Command 90
Army Group/Front 45
Army 15
Corps 5
Air 90

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

In the example above, the selected division (the 12- 4.7.7. Unit Information
11) is outlined in purple, all other units reporting to the To help you manage your Units, WitE2 provides significant
same HQ are in yellow and the orange line indicates the detail. For ease of understanding this can be considered
connection between that unit and its direct HQ. in three levels – shown On Map, the Unit Bar and the Unit
In this case the HQ is selected (surrounded in purple) and Detail Screen.
the units in blue are subordinate formations in command Shown On Map. The on-map Counter is the first level
range, the one in red is out of command range (4.7.3 and of detail. The colour of a Unit Counter shows Nationality
15.5.4). Note the blue lines between the HQ and the units or type (e.g. German SS and Luftwaffe and Soviet Guards
it commands. In addition, the army HQ that controls the units have a different background to other German or
selected corps is highlighted in orange (and there is an Soviet units). The symbol on the Counter shows the Type
orange line showing the connection). Finally, other corps of Unit and its designated Size (34.1, 34.2 and 34.3).
HQs that share the same Army HQ are in yellow (as, in this The numbers at the bottom of the Counter can be
case, they share the relationship of directly reporting to varied to show the Combat Value, Movement Points or
the same HQ. Defensive CV. Equally, if wished this can be used to display
the unit title instead.

If Soft Factors (6.5) are

selected then you may see
information on Supply, Fuel,
Morale etc. on the top left hand
side of the counter. These are
4.7.6. Selecting and moving units covered in chapter six but enable
The basic step is to left click on a unit. You will see the you to have a quick ‘at a glance’
detailed unit box appear on the right hand side of the view of those units in your army
screen and other on-map units will become highlighted. If with supply problems or that
you want to move more units in the same hex together, have high morale.
simply click on the additional unit boxes that appears on Unit Bar. Selecting an On
the right hand side (selected units will be bordered in Map Counter with a left mouse
white) or double click to select the entire stack. click will activate the Unit Bar on
If more than one unit is in a given hex then repeatedly the right hand side of the game
left clicking will alter the order of those counters bringing screen. The Unit Bar reproduces
a new one to the top (and thus ready to move) each time. the same information as the On
Once you have selected your units, right click on your Map Counter and provides more
desired destination (this can be a move or an attack). See detail. For CUs this includes
One Page Guide 6 for more information about selecting the Parent HQ, Supply Details,
units and different types of movement and attacks. Strategic Movement Points,


Preparation Points, Mode and Unit Strength in Manpower, 4.7.8. Unit Modes
AFVs and Guns. Unit Modes are an important concept in WiTE2. These allow
Using this view you can change the ‘mode’ (from ready you to change either how a unit takes on replacements
to refit or reserve status) and click on the HQ (here XXXIX or might support other units in combats. There are five
Mot Corps) and the display will shift to show the HQ. possible modes that can be chosen by the player.
HQs show slightly different information, including their The default is READY which can be seen as the general
own higher HQ, Strategic Movement Points, the Command purpose status for a unit.
Capacity and current supply situation. You can also change REFIT provides a greater chance at receiving
the supply priority of the HQ (25.8) and access the relevant replacements (4.11.1 and 25.8) and of upgrading to a new
information in the Commanders Report. TOE when this becomes available.
This shows 2 German HQs, the 2nd Army and Army RESERVE allows units to be committed in support of
Group Centre. combat even if they weren’t selected to actually take part
HQs have no intrinsic combat value so the numbers (this can happen both for the attacking and defending side)
are always 0-MP. As with the Combat Unit you can see the (23.7)
name of the HQ it, in turn, reports to but other parts of the Placing a unit in STATIC Mode saves on vehicles but
display are very different. reduces mobility (21.8).
If you click on the image of the leader, the box with all IN FORT is a special status that allows units to exceed
the relevant details will appear on the screen (37.7). Below the stacking levels and increase the defensive strength in
the leader, you can alter the Supply Priority (these are major cities (20.6).
currently 1 and 3 respectively) or access the Commander’s In addition, units may have several involuntary states.
Report (4.17). Note that as the 2nd Army HQ is an Axis They may be routed, depleted, unready or isolated.
Army it can be set to assault status (this is discussed below
in 4.13.3). 4.7.9. Re-assigning Support Units
Below the counter on This section discusses the two methods of moving SU
the left is the available between HQs and/or combat units. See section 21.5 for
Strategic Movement Points more detail on how to assign them to cities.
and strength in the unit (this This can be done automatically or manually. You can
will include any men, guns or choose to do it manually when you ‘lock’ HQ Support in the
tanks in Support Units directly set up screen (2.3 and 4.19.1) for a new scenario (in a game
controlled by this HQ). On the against the AI you can do change this at any stage – 36.18).
right is the usage of command
points and how many are Automatic Re-assignment .
available (these are 12/27 and To use this option, you need to set the ‘Support Level’ for
80/108 respectively) and then your HQs and you can do this either using the individual
the % of supply and fuel in the unit counters or the Commander’s Report.
Unit Detail. This can be
accessed by selecting the
Unit’s Name in the Unit Bar
with a left mouse click, or a
right click anywhere within the Unit Box. This is discussed
later in the manual (21.2) and all the information is
explained in appendix H (37.3).

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The value can be anything between 0-9 (21.5.6) and

this will determine how many of each type (so for example
all artillery SU are treated as a single type) that will be
assigned to that HQ. Construction Engineer SU follow
slightly different rules (again set out in 21.5.6).
So a German corps with a level of 4 will try to have 4 AT,
artillery, armoured and anti-aircraft SU attached (assuming
enough are available). One at level 0 will have none of these
attached (and any that start attached will be returned to a
higher level HQ).
Manual Re-assignment .
In this case, you must lock the HQs in the set up screen
or the game options screen. You can also do this in the
Commander’s Report.
This allows you to choose which Support Units are
assigned to which HQ or Combat Unit (21.5.7 and 21.5.8). In this case, select the unit from the HQ tab (say the 767
To assign a Support Unit to a new HQ, left click on the Howitzer Battalion), this will open the unit tab (37.4), click
HQ on the map and then right click on the HQ display on on the HHQ text (this will be yellow if the unit can be re-
the right hand side. Open the ‘Assigned’ tab and you will assigned, grey otherwise) and you will see:
see something like this:

Select ‘ASSIGN SUPPORT UNITS’ and a screen like this

will appear, showing all the eligible support units in the
chain of command above the HQ you are using:
Click on a desired unit and it will be removed from the
list and assigned to the 6 Army HQ.
You can also move Support Units from a HQ or Combat


Click on any of those commands and the artillery unit 2. These hexes are Axis controlled but outside the
will be redeployed. Note this allows you to send the SU to movement range of the unit;
another army command, back to AGS or to any corps that 3. These hexes are Soviet controlled and are either
is within range (so not just those that directly report to 6 occupied by a Soviet unit or you lack sufficient detection
Army). (10.2) to know. In effect the unit can move adjacent to
Assigning a SU to a Combat unit uses the same ‘ASSIGN these hexes but will probably have to fight a battle to
SUPPORT UNITS’ function on the unit tab (37.3.3). To detach actually enter the hex
a SU from a combat unit, click on the [x] on the unit tab as: 4. These hexes are Soviet controlled and known to be
unoccupied. In this case the unit can enter these hexes
(but at extra movement costs (22.2);
5. These hexes are dark shaded for a very specific reason.
Hungarian units are not allowed to stack with Rumanian
units (and vice-versa) so these hexes are blocked even
though they are within the movement range of the
selected unit (14.2). You will find similar issues if you
try to move Hungarian and Rumanian units into each
other’s country or too far north on the game map.
You can then trace out a possible movement path by
simply holding the mouse and moving it to a desired hex.
For each hex in the selected path (and by default the lowest
4.8. BASIC MOVEMENT AND cost path will always be chosen), you can see the MP that
will be left if the unit stops in that hex. Note the final hex
COMBAT in the path (next to the Soviet 4-5 division) has a red ring
This Topic provides an overview of ground movement and around the path indicator. That tells you will enter a hex
combat. In combination these are the main activities you that is currently Soviet controlled. Note also that as this is
will carry out in any game of WiTE2. a brigade, it pays a movement penalty for entering a Soviet
controlled hex (which is why the last hex costs 3 MP).
4.8.1. Basics of Movement.
To move any unit, first left click on the unit. At that stage
the map display will change to show the hexes that unit
could possibly move to in the turn:

Right click on the desired destination hex. Depending on

how you have set up the game (36.17.1), the unit will then
In this case a Hungarian cavalry brigade has been either automatically move to the indicated destination hex
selected and the map now has five different colours all or the move will be shown as it happens hex by hex.
indicating information about the movement options: This shows the situation now the unit is in the chosen
1. These hexes are Axis controlled and within the hex. It can still move to a friendly controlled hex or other
movement range of the unit; Soviet controlled hexes. The hex it has entered is now

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

cost of entering certain hexes and for combat. Some

cavalry units contain substantial motorised or armoured
assets (such as the German 1 Cavalry Division in the early
game or a Soviet Cavalry Corps in the late game) but these
are still treated as cavalry for the purposes of movement
and combat.

Note that it is possible to motorize (temporarily or

permanently) any infantry unit at a cost in trucks and
administrative points. Such units then are treated as
motorized both for movement point allowance and

At the start of each turn your units are allocated MP s.

The number of MPs allocated is variable but the key factors
involved are:
§§ Unit Type. Motorized and HQ Units receive more MPs
shown as a light grey to indicate it has changed ownership than Infantry Units – but also pay a higher costs for
this turn. some terrain types. Cavalry units are between infantry
This process applies whether the movement is of a and motorized units in terms of overall mobility;
single hex or a long redeployment using the rail system or §§ If the unit was attacked in the last phase (either directly
to attack an enemy unit. or because it responded as a ‘reserve’) then its MP may
Equally, you can move more than one unit at a time by be reduced according to the intensity of combat and the
selecting the first unit then holding down the shift key. Left outcome (22.1.3);
click on any extra units in the same hex and they can move §§ Leader Checks. Failed morale and administrative checks
as a block (and attack together). Double clicking on a stack reduce MPs.
will select all the units present.
The process for ordering an attack with units in more
than one hex is covered in section 4.8.2 below. Combat Preparation Points are very important in this
The potential move distance will be shown for the regard as the more you have, the more likely you
slowest unit in the stack but you can usually move faster are to pass such leader checks. This is one of many
units again later in the ground movement phase. reasons why it is important to try to preserve these as
There are two broad types of movement for ground the game progresses (see section 22.2.2).
units: tactical and strategic. You choose the mode by
selecting from the tool bar at the top of the game screen.
Tactical movement (conducted when the F1- Ground §§ Fatigue & Fuel. Units with fatigue and shortages of Fuel
Movement tab is selected) is from ground hex to ground (motorized) or Supply (non-motorized) lose MPs.
hex and costs Movement Points (MP). Combat also costs §§ Trucks in the unit. Every unit has a notional level of
MPs. Units that also use strategic movement have their trucks it needs to be fully mobile. A shortfall in the
Tactical MPs reduced proportionally to the expenditure of available number of trucks will lead to a reduction in
Strategic Movement Points (SMP) and equally moving using movement points.
Tactical MP (say to a rail yard) will reduce the available SMP. §§ Even if trucks are available to the unit they may need to
For movement purposes, there are four unit types: HQs; be used to find supply if the local depots are too limited.
infantry; cavalry; and, motorized. In this case, the MP available will be reduced (22.1).
Cavalry receive a movement bonus over infantry units §§ Temporary Motorization. You can increase MPs if trucks
but are treated as non-motorised when considering the are available by motorizing a unit.


Note that cavalry units cannot be motorized as the So a late war Soviet Tank Corps with attached support
bulk of the manpower will still move at the speed of a units will demand much more rail or naval capacity to
horse not a truck. move than a single infantry brigade.

As units move and fight they consume MPs . The MPs taken to load/unload. It is less in larger ports/railyards
consumed depend on a number of factors: and more in a rail hex that is further from a railyard.
§§ Terrain & Weather. It costs more to move through Loading/unloading also consumes Port/Rail Capacity
difficult terrain and cross rivers. increasing costs for other units using the same rail line
§§ Zones of Control. ZOCs represent the ability of all on- and reducing freight flow during the logistics phase.
map CUs to exert control over the map area in their §§ Rail Movement Cost. As units transit rails they consume
vicinity. Moving in/out of a ZOC costs additional MPs rail capacity resulting in congestion which can cause
(22.2.4). additional SMP cost for other transiting units.
§§ Rear Area Movement (also called Administrative Impact of Interdiction . Ground Attack and Naval Patrol
Movement). Moving in hexes you controlled at the start Air Directives result in an Interdiction Value being placed
of your turn is quicker, and produces less fatigue, than on hexes. The higher the value the greater the movement
moving into hexes that were originally controlled by cost through the hex and the more likely a moving unit
the enemy. Note that administrative movement cannot will take damage. Note that any level of interdiction will
be used in a hex with any level of enemy interdiction prevent the use of administrative movement in that hex.
(22.2.1). Interdiction can also be generated as a result of Soviet
§§ Combat Movement Delay. When an attack occurs in partisan actions (13.4).
a hex a cost maybe placed on the hex to slow further Rail and naval movement through heavily interdicted
movement through that hex during the turn (22.2.7). hexes is particularly costly (both in terms of movement
and losses). Very high levels of enemy naval interdiction
can actually block movement into those hexes.
Note that the suggested movement path adopted
by the computer will always be the path that has 4.8.2. Combat
the lowest cost. If you want to move in a different In WiTE2 combat is a function of movement and thus costs
sequence of hexes you may need to break down your MPs. There are two types of combat: Hasty and Deliberate
planned move into smaller blocks. (23.4). Hasty Attacks cost less MPs but you can only attack
from a single stack with reduced commitment and support
fire. Deliberate Attacks cost more MPs but allow you to
Administrative Movement is a form of tactical movement select multiple stacks to participate in the attack.
that can only be used in hexes that were friendly controlled
at the start of the turn and have no enemy interdiction
Note that if you attack a hex and win, all this does is
(22.2.1). This allows units to move faster in each turn as
to force the enemy unit(s) to retreat (or surrender or
the Movement cost per hex is reduced.
rout), it does not move your attacking units into the
Strategic Movement . At the start of each turn units
hex. That would require another round of movement
are allocated 200 SMPs. These can be spent on either Sea
and it maybe that your original attackers now lack the
and/or Rail Movement and some common factors apply to
MP to advance. In effect, it might be better to leave
some units out of the attack, or have a local reserve,
§§ Availability of Strategic Movement Assets. To move
to ensure you can exploit your victory.
by Rail or Sea you require Trains or Ships. The assets
needed to move a unit are related to its size and the
type of equipment. Process to order an attack
§§ Load/Unload Cost. It costs SMPs to ‘transfer’ to/from In WiTE2 combat is treated as a special form of movement.
strategic movement. This cost represents the time In effect it costs movement points to attack and during the

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

movement (action) phase you can mix attacks with moves To order more than one unit in the same hex to attack:
exactly as you wish. §§ The basic steps are as above, including whether to make
To order a single unit to attack: a hasty or deliberate attack;
§§ Simply select the unit by left clicking on it and then right §§ To select more than one unit to attack, hold the shift
click on the target hex. key and left click on all the units in the hex that you wish
§§ You can check the likely combat odds (23.8) before attacking to attack with (remember that double clicking on a hex
by hovering the mouse over the target. An estimate of the selects all the units present).
likely chances of winning the attack will pop up;
§§ If you right click on the target unit you will conduct a
hasty attack, if you use shift+right click you will conduct
a deliberate attack.

In this instance, 3 German infantry divisions are ordered to

attack a Soviet stack of a rifle and tank division. A deliberate
attack has been selected (it could have been a hasty one). If
you do not want to use all the units in the stack, left click on
the unit display on the right hand side.
§§ To order an attack using units from more than one hex :
§§ This is more complex and can only be done if you intend
to launch a deliberate attack;
§§ Hold down the shift key and move the mouse over the
In the example above, the German regiment is hexes that contain the units you wish to attack with;
considering an attack on the Soviet rifle division to its NE. §§ On the right hand side of the game screen will appear a
The image on the left shows the display if a hasty attack is full list of all the units you have selected;
planned and on the right if a deliberate attack will be used. §§ On that screen, click on the unit type icon for any unit
Note the improvement in the attacker’s combat value at you do not want to include;
the expense of more movement points. Interpreting these §§ Hold the shift key down and right click on the target hex
odds takes some care as they can be misleading if you have Here the Soviet player is launching a major attack and
poor levels of detection and will not take account of how wants to use units in two hexes to attack the Germans. This
the battle unfolds (artillery and airpower can substantially must be a deliberate attack. If, for example, they wanted
reduce the combat value of units). not to use the 18 Guards Rifle Division (perhaps so it can


CV (Combat Value ).
Choosing where, when and
with whom to attack is a key
skill. To help you understand
the relative strength of units
their counters display the Unit
CV. Comparing the Attacking
CV with the Defensive CV
provides an indication of the
likely outcome (4.8.4) but
does not reflect likely changes
advance into the hex if the combat is successful) then left to both values as the actual battle is resolved (4.8.3).
clicking on the display will remove it from the battle. When you mouse over the unit you plan to attack, the
In this case, the Guards Rifle Division was left out of the hex pop up shows you a better indication of the adjusted
attack and was able to advance into the vacated hex (some CV values for both sides. Be warned: when combat occurs
of the other attackers now lack the MP to move forward). other factors such as terrain, reserves and leader checks
Since it has 7 MP remaining, if wanted it could attack the occur that cannot be predicted so the CV is only one
beaten German infantry division again (note that is now indicator of possible success. Equally if your knowledge
shown as having only 1 CV due its losses in the last battle. of the enemy hex is limited (known as the detection value
10.2) then the information on
their CV may be misleading.
If the final outcome is a
2-1 CV ratio (or better) then
the defender will retreat
from the hex. Depending
on circumstances the
defender may rout, shatter
or surrender rather than just
Support Units . Whilst it is
obvious which Combat Units
will participate in combat
it is less clear for Support
Units. Support Units that are
If this second attack succeeds, and the Soviets have directly attached to Combat Units will automatically be
armoured units in reserve, they may manage to break out added to the battle. Support units attached to the HQs of
deep into the German rear. Combat Units participating in the battle must pass a series
of checks in order to take part.
Resolving Combat. When an attack occurs the combat
This process may sound complex but quickly becomes engine resolves the combat as individual ground elements
intuitive. Note that if you have selected units that are engaged. The detail that you can see depends on the
lack the MP (or are in the wrong location) to make a message level which you have set.
deliberate attack, you must deselect them before you The results can be reviewed using the F11 key which will
can launch the attack. display all the battles over the recent turn (for both sides)
and you can select the ones you wish to review (37.1)

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

If you win then the enemy will retreat from the hex and Training. In simple terms the higher a Unit’s Morale
allowing you to move into the hex if you have units with and Experience the better. They influence both movement
sufficient MPs remaining. and combat.
Fatigue. As Units conduct operations they gain Fatigue.
4.8.3. Other Factors that affect combat The rate of gain for Fatigue is influenced by morale and
This Topic explains some of the other factors involved in supply as well as the terrain traversed and any combat.
Combat and how to use them to advantage. Fatigue impacts the Combat Value of a ground element
Detection Level. The Detection Level is a measure with the CV reduced by 1/3 of the fatigue level. Fatigue
of how much you know about your enemy. This is most also impacts movement point allowance. Try and rest your
readily apparent when you are playing with Fog of War On Units before fatigue gets too high.
– in that Units with a DL 1 will be shown as a counter on the Reserve Mode. Any READY combat unit may be placed
map but with no further information. Low detection levels into RESERVE mode by selecting the Ready/Refit/Reserve
will also adversely affect the attacker as the scope for toggle on the unit bar (4.7.7). Combat units in RESERVE
being surprised or ambushed by the defender is increased. mode may be automatically committed to a nearby battle,
Combat Preparation Points . Preparation Points are an both offensively (must be within 3 hexes) and defensively
important feature in WiTE2. They represent allowing units (must be within 6 hexes). Reserve units that are committed
to rest and build up for an attack and influence both the to combat do not move, but they must have the MPs
displayed CV, the allocation of Support Units and overall required to be expended in order to commit to the battle.
combat performance. Preparation Points are gained when Units that move, retreat or rout are taken out of reserve
a unit does not use all of its Strategic Movement allowance mode.
(with this improved if they stop in friendly controlled Attrition . Attrition represents the effect of wear and
territory, not adjacent to an enemy unit or if they are part tear on units.
of an Assault HQ – 4.13.3). They are lost as units move, if In WiTE2, there are different ways in which a unit may
they attack (this will cost you half the remaining total), if suffer attrition:
the unit is attacked and the enemy comes close to success §§ Units that begin the turn adjacent to enemy units during
or, for Support Units, when these are assigned to a new HQ their logistics phase will suffer additional attrition losses
or attached to a different Combat Unit. representing low intensity combat;
§§ As units move they will start to build up fatigue. A
percentage of a unit’s vehicles will be destroyed and
If possible try to retain your CPP as they also help
damaged based on the number of movement points
you in maintaining the mobility and efficiency of your
the unit expended during the previous turn;
§§ If units are forced to retreat after a battle they will suffer
additional attrition losses. The losses will depend on the
Fortifications. A key element of any defensive operation level of experience and morale of the retreating unit
is the use of fortifications to protect your position. Fort and whether or not one side is motorized;
Levels provide a significant bonus in defensive combat. Trucks will also suffer attrition during the logistics phase.
Almost all units in WitE2 have the ability to establish This can affect both the trucks assigned to support the
fortification levels although it is much more difficult to logistics system (in depots) and those attached to units
reach the highest levels. The building of fort levels is (as these will be used to draw supply from the nearest
automatic but there must be a combat unit in the hex. Both available depot).
sides can build specialist Fort Unit in particular hexes to Interdiction. Imposing interdiction levels on a hex
help in this process and construction engineers either in though air power or partisan actions can raise movement
the unit’s HQ or attached (only possible for Fort Units) will costs for both units and supply in addition to possibly
speed the process. inflicting direct casualties. Any level of interdiction will
Morale and Experience. All units have ratings for deny the ability to use administrative movement (4.8.1).
Morale and Experience which represent a Unit’s Capability


4.8.4. Interpreting the Combat Result wish to see which elements were hardest hit and equally
The battle report (37.1) will indicate the losses suffered which elements did the most damage to the enemy.
by both sides and it is possible to open up other tabs to
explore the battle in more detail. 4.8.5. Possible Combat Results
The example above is the report for the Soviet attack Once a battle has been resolved one side or the other will
discussed in 4.8.2. At first only the top screens will be have won. Usually, if the final odds are less than 2-1 the
shown giving you a quick overview of what happened. defender will hold the hex, if the final odds are more than
If you press the option to ‘show details’ then the display 2-1 the defender will be forced to retreat. If the final odds
shown will appear (here clicking on hide details will remove indicate an overwhelming victory, this retreat may be for
the extra information). more than one hex indicating a significant disruption of the
How to interpret this information (and the other tabs) is enemy’s defensive line.
discussed in sections 23.10 and 37.1. For the moment, note In addition to winning or losing the battle may generate
that across the top you have the numbers of men involved, other outcomes:
the changes from the at-start to end of battle CVs (so the §§ If the attackers are well led, it is possible that a defeat
German division dropped from 93 to 22), how many units will be converted to a ‘scouting’ attack with much lower
were involved (both on map and as support units) and how losses;
many elements were disrupted, damaged or destroyed. §§ If the final odds are more than 5-1 it is possible that the
The other tabs allow you to explore this in more detail if you defender may be forced to retreat 2 or more hexes;

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

§§ If the defender is in a hex that was isolated at the start

of the turn (23.12) and is forced to retreat they may
retreat normally if a path exists or surrender. They will
always surrender if they have no valid retreat path;
§§ If the defender had no valid retreat path (but was not
isolated at the start of the turn), then the retreat will
become a rout with much higher losses;
§§ If the defender is badly beaten, has low morale or
experience, poorly led or is an infantry unit facing
motorized attackers, it is possible that a retreat result
will see the unit shatter and be destroyed instead
of retreating. In these circumstances, even if the unit
retreats normally it may also take much heavier losses.

4.8.6. Special Turn 1 rules

Some of the rules above may be suspended or modified
on the first turn of any scenario. Quite often you will find
units that will be frozen for a number of turns. In addition,
scenarios that start on 22 June 1941 will be affected by the
rules in chapter 11.
These provide a movement bonus for Axis units
attacking into the Baltic States and Bielorussia (so not the
Ukraine) if they only have 15 MP left (if they are motorized). AND AIRBORNE OPERATIONS
These movement bonuses are suspended for units moving Overall air transport of units (including airborne
into or beyond hex row x:194 (so basically a line running operations) and naval invasions are a relatively minor part
north-south through Minsk). Other important changes of WiTE2. In WiTE2 neither side has the capacity for the type
are suspending the cost of enemy ZoCs and reducing the of amphibious or airborne actions that the Western Allies
impact of combat on units leaving the hex (11.2). had developed by 1943. However, if they wish both sides
More widely, the Germans cannot move units in (or can conduct paratroop operations but only with brigades
into) Hungary and Rumania and the Soviet South Front or the regiments of a broken down German division.
Only the Soviet player has the capacity to launch naval
invasions and only in the Black Sea.
When moving your units, these costs will be calculated Full details on how to prepare for and execute airborne
for you, but you may find that similar units entering and naval operations can be found in later in this manual
the same hex have to pay different costs due to these (sections 23.9 and 24.7). An outline of how to use air
rules. transport planes to move freight is covered in section
4.10.16 of this chapter as well as later in the manual (22.5).

will be fixed unless the Germans move South or East of

Lvov (the exact trigger hex is 187,187). The map below 4.10. INTRODUCTION TO LOGISTICS
shows the Soviet at-start deployment in this region and This Topic provides a basic overview of the logistics system
the critical hex. in WitE2. The logistics system in WitE2 can seem deceptively
In addition, if the Axis side is played by a human player, simple but the more you explore, the more detail can be
then Soviet motorized units will be placed into reserve seen. More information about the logistics system can be
mode and may intervene in any battle (11.3.2). This is more found in section 6.9 and chapter 25. The information in the
likely to happen for formations reporting to the South West player’s notes sections, especially 30.8, may also help you
Front (again in the Ukraine). to understand this vital part of the game.


Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

It consists of 4 key elements: Production, Unit Demand,

Freight and Distribution.
The one page guide on the previous page sets out the
basics of this section.

4.10.1. Production
Raw Materials are converted by factories into four supply
§§ Supplies
§§ Fuel
§§ Ammo
§§ Replacements (consisting of either Aircraft or Ground
These items are then stored in Production Pools until
required. When they are moved across the supply system,
these are treated as ‘freight’ (25.3) and use up rail, shipping
and truck capacity as they are delivered to your armed
Once freight arrives at the unit it is broken back down to
one of the four items.
Units need the four different supply items as they move
and fight. The demand for each item varies depending on
the type of unit and how it has been used in the preceding
In addition, the production system (Chapter 28) is used
to create new Ground Elements (21.2). In turn these can be 4.10.2. Types of Depots
used by freshly raised units to bring them up to strength or Freight moves by train, ship and truck to the network of
to replace losses in your existing formations. depots. Depots have two attributes. They have the ability
As a player you have no direct control over the to store supplies that can be used by nearby units in the
production system in WitE2. You may lose or gain resources coming turn(s). Equally they have the ability to receive
and factories as the game progresses but you are unable and send freight during the logistics phase. In addition,
to change either what or how much a factory produces they often hold the trucks used to support the logistics
or the TOE of units (you can, however, set a maximum to system.
control how much of this TOE the unit will absorb). There are four Depot types.
The production screen (36.3) provides a summary of The figure opposite shows three different types of depots
production showing how much is being built and how much and their symbols. Berlin is a National Supply Source (marked
is being held in production pools. Elements annotated with with a star), Stettin is shown as an exporting port (black box)
#- are no longer produced and those annotated ** have and receiving port (note how the symbol has changed) and
yet to begin production. Rathengow is a rail depot (marked by a train symbol).
For the moment, you can ignore this screen but may
want to refer to it to check why, for example, some of you Managing this part of the game takes some experience
air units are short of planes (you may be using a type in but one critical issue cannot be over-stated. Depots
low production or that is now obsolete). You can use the only send freight to those at a higher priority level
screen to go to more detail about a given element, check (4.10.4) so a priority 4 depot cannot send freight to
which factories produce it and which units are making use another depot. Equally an exporting port can only send
of it. naval freight to a destination that has a higher priority.


location has no railyard then a Level 1 Railyard is created

with 100% Damage.
Thus level 1 depots can also be built in hexes that are on
a rail line but where there is no current link. The number of
such depots (i.e. those not built in an existing town or city)
that can be created each turn is limited.
This allows the player to pre-build a rail yard so the depot
will be fully operational when the rail line is connected.

As with airfields, the computer will allocate construction

engineer Support Units to a hex that is building (or
repairing) a rail yard. Keeping a stock of these in your
high command or Front/Army Group HQs is useful for
this purpose.

Level 1 Depots can be built or disbanded through the

City Information Window accessed by clicking the City
Level 4 (National Supply Source). These produce Name in the Unit in the General Information Box.
Freight. They cannot be built in game.
Level 3 (Export Port ). These ship freight to Level 4.10.3. Building Depots
2 Depots. The ports cannot be built in the course of the There are two ways in which you can build new depots.
game but may become damaged and need to be repaired. §§ Fully Automated. If you press Cntrl+C then the computer
A given port can be allocated to receive or send supply will build new depots, change their priority and disband
according to the player’s needs. any unneeded depots. If you use this option it is
strongly recommended you complete all your rail repair
(21.6.1) actions for that turn before doing this so that
Note that if a port is also connected to the rail network the routine has access to all the useful information (see
it will interact with other rail depots for the receipt and 25.7.3 for more details of the rules used for this option).
dispatch of freight using the rail system. You will be reminded that you have this option when
you decide to end your current turn;
§§ Manually. A depot can be built in any hex on a rail line.
Level 2 (Import Port ). These receive freight from Level If the hex does not contain a rail yard, then one will be
3 Depots by Ship. The depot is created on capture of a port, created (with 100% damage) to support the depot. Each
can be disbanded and rebuilt later if desired. The higher depot built this way will cost 1 Administrative Point.
the priority of the port depot, the more likely it is to receive
freight by sea (and the capacity to ship freight is limited 4.10.4. Setting Priorities for Depots
by the number of transport ships in a region as well as by To help distribute freight in support of your Operations
port capacity). you are able to set Supply Priorities. Priorities can be set
Port Depots are automatically created by Amphibious for individual Depots and HQs (all units attached to the
HQs when invading. HQ have the same Priority) ranging from 0 (lowest) to 4
Level 1 (Rail Depot). These receive freight from Level (highest).
1-4 Depots by Rail. They are created if a player builds a You can change depot priority from the on-map display,
Depot in any hex with a railway (even if this is not currently from one of the tabs at the top of the screen, from the
connected to the wider rail network). If the chosen depot screen or using the Commander’s Report.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Even at level 4 a depot or HQ may not receive all the Thus a depot in a hex with a damaged rail yard (or port)
freight it can potentially hold if there is insufficient capacity will function less effectively than one where the rail yard
in the related rail system or the depot itself. The supply (or port) is fully repaired.
system seeks to allocate a basic amount to each depot, If a rail yard is damaged, either due to being captured
those with higher priority only gain more if sufficient or just built then it will try to automatically assign any
transport capacity exists. available construction units to speed repairs.
Each airbase has its own supply priority regardless of
the Supply Priority of its controlling HQ. 4.10.6. Distribution of Freight
The movement of Freight between Depots by Sea or Rail
4.10.5. Depot Storage Capacity is finite.
Depot capacity is related to Port and Railyard size and not There are two constraints on moving freight: firstly the
the Depot Type. The larger the Port or Railyard the more capacity of the Port or Railyard to handle the freight and
Freight can be handled by the Depot. secondly the capacity of the network in between.
Relative Depot capacity is shown by the height of the These costs are the same as those for units moving
black bar. While bigger depots may appear to be more by Strategic Movement. As Strategic Movement happens,
efficient, in many sectors of the Soviet Union you may need freight movement costs later in a turn can become
to rely on a greater number of relatively small depots. This excessive. In effect, unit Strategic Movement may constrain
will be displayed when you select the logistics tab Freight (at worst, the cost of movement will be so high
In the example above, the black bars show that Stettin is that you lack sufficient rail assets to send any freight to a
a larger depot than Rathengow (but Rathengow is actually location).
typical of the bulk of depots on the map). The phasing of the game turn matters in this regard.
The size of the depot (linked to the size of the rail yard While the logistics phase (5.3.1) comes before the ground
in the hex) is key to its capacity and this can be reduced if movement phase in a turn, the rail usage is reset to zero
the rail yard (or port) is damaged (which can happen when at the end of the logistics calculations. Thus any ground
it changes hands or due to enemy bombing) and increased movement in one game turn reduces the rail capacity
if a HQ is stacked in the hex (25.7.8). available to move freight in the following turn.
The final link is between Depots and Units. Units will
seek to draw freight from the nearest Depot. This is mostly
done by Truck or, in some cases, horse drawn transport.

If a unit is a long way from the nearest functioning

depot it will have to allocate more of its own trucks
to moving supply. In turn this will reduce the MP
allocation as the unit will have less trucks available to
This shows (visually) the impact of placing a HQ on a depot.
support its combat operations.
On the left side Baranovichi has no HQ and the black bar
indicates its capacity to process freight. Placing an Army HQ
on the hex trebles its capacity (this can also be checked using Port depots can be set to export or import (25.2.2)
the mouse-over options, see 6.9.1 for more information). freight. Exporting ports will have a priority in the supply
phase and will only send out freight if sufficient cargo ships
The importance of doing this so as to optimise your are available in that sea area (25.6) and there are importing
logistics network cannot be over-stated. Especially for ports of a higher supply priority.
the Axis player in 1941, use of this ability will make all the
difference as your armies sweep into the Soviet Union.
4.10.7. Rail Usage
In turn, come 1944, the large Soviet forces need all the Rails are colour coded to show Rail Usage (if you select
help available to remain in supply when on the offensive. the Supply Map Mode). Bright green means that no freight
has passed that hex and red means that the equivalent


of 30,000 tonnes has (38.7.7). Rail Usage is incurred not Note that this has two
just by movement but also by air interdiction and partisan indicators not present on
actions. other HQs. The line RRC is
As Rail is used it becomes congested and movement the cost to repair the current
costs more SMPs (Green = no penalty, Red = Max Penalty). hex (in this case 1). If you
Congestion is maximized at 30k but movement is still click on this text, the current
possible at the highest cost in SMPs for Units and Railyard hex will be repaired and that
Points (which especially affects freight). cost in MP will be deducted
from the unit’s allowance. The
value RRV indicates how much rail repair capacity the unit
Note that double rail lines can carry up to 30,000 currently has.
tonnes per turn before they reach maximum capacity.
Single rail lines can only carry up to 12,000 tonnes 4.10.9. Depot Priority and Eligibility
before they reach maximum capacity. for Resupply
Setting all Units and Depots to Priority Level 4 will not make
your logistical challenge simpler as there is never going to
4.10.8. Rail Repair options be enough for everyone to get everything.
A fully functioning rail network is key to your logistics. The system will allocate freight (which in turn is broken
Damaged hexes can be repaired in one of two ways (22.6). down into supply, fuel, ammunition and/or replacements
Both sides have a number of Support Units that can carry as needed) according to priority. A level 4 depot will, if
out rail repairs. These are allocated to a HQ and then railway capacity exists, receive more freight than a level
sent to any suitable hex within that HQs command range 1 depot. However, a depot will also try to use trucks to
(4.7.4) obtain freight and in doing so may reduce the number of
vehicles available both for transferring supply to combat
formations and moving those formations.
This range limit is important, if you assign your rail
repair to units to the OKH or Stavka then they will 4.10.10. Depot Priority and freight
be used almost anywhere on the map. If you want to movement
concentrate their effort on a given sector it might be
A depot will only send freight to a depot at a higher priority
better to allocate them to a corps or army HQ as the
(so a priority 4 depot will not send freight to another depot).
shorter range will limit their deployment.
In general you should layer your depot priorities to
bring freight from the NSS to the front line by using the
priorities. A depot at priority 1 or more, between the NSS
When in use, the rail repair units will appear on the map and the front line will claim some freight if it is a source of
and are affected by the normal stacking rules (i.e. they are supply for either combat units or nearby airfields.
one of the 3 units that can normally be in a hex),
If you want this unit to stop 4.10.11. Tools for influencing the
repairing a given hex, then click allocation of Supply between Depots
on ‘Return to HQ’ and it will be You have 3 main means to influence the allocation of
removed from the map. freight.
In addition both sides have First, relative supply priority of each depot is important
full manual control over a as this will direct freight to the more important areas, but
few specialist rail repair HQ remember that just because you have a depot at priority #4
counters (21.11.1). These are does not mean it will gain all the supply it wants. Railway,
moved on the map and if they shipping and truck capacity may be lacking.
occupy a hex that can be repaired (i.e. is adjacent to an This shows the layout of depots behind Army Group
already repaired hex) then their display will show as: South in August 1941. Some depots in Poland have been

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Note that a HQ will try to obtain the supply needed for

its units and will start to use the trucks allocated to move
its combat formations to achieve this.

Since using trucks to gain supply adversely affects

the Movement Points of a unit (22.1) you might
want to avoid placing HQs that are distant from the
main supply net on too high a supply priority. The
set to 0 and the main line from Lvov to Vinnitsa has a
cost of obtaining that supply may undermine your
sequence of depots at priority 2, increasing to 3 where the
operational mobility.
main airbases are and 4 for the depots nearest the front
Second, placing a HQ on a depot will increase the Equally, a HQ at a high priority will divert trucks from
available capacity of that depot, again increasing the ability unit movement to obtain the needed freight.
to unload and load freight. Army level HQs are particularly
effective in this respect (4.10.5 and 25.7.8).
If you are not careful, you may end up with well
supplied but relatively immobile units. Be prepared to
This is very important. If possible keep your HQs on set HQs in relatively isolated areas to a lower supply
functioning depots as this will improve the ability to level to avoid this.
forward supplies to your combat units. Also, if you
want a unit to refit (after suffering combat losses or
to upgrade to more modern equipment) it will do so
4.10.13. Unit Resupply
much quicker if it is in REFIT mode, on a depot and
When a unit is eligible to get resupplied from its HQ it must
stacked with a HQ.
first pass a leader administrative check. If successful it may
get up to 20% of the need of the item (Motorized units
Third, placing one of your rail repair HQs (these are seeking fuel or Artillery Units seeking Ammo get up to 40%)
called FBD for the Germans and NKPS for the Soviets) on subject to availability and loss during the delivery.
a depot, and not moving it in the turn, will increase the Note that this process is repeated for up to 5 times per
amount of supply drawn to that depot compared to others turn for each unit. Thus a unit that has good commanders
on the same network. all the way up the command chain (15.5) is likely to
receive more supply on average than one that has poor
Note that in this case, you do not increase the amount
The Unit Supply Window (37.12) shows the detail of the
of freight moving along a given supply path but you do
Supply received. At the bottom you can see when a Unit
alter where that freight is delivered to. This can allow
failed to meet an eligibility check which meant it failed to
you to build up for an offensive relatively quickly on a
receive some of the potential supply.
small sector.
Units look to draw freight from the nearest depot, which
can be some distance away. The further the unit is from
the depot, the greater usage of vehicles and fuel to move
4.10.12. HQ Priority and Eligibility the supplies and the more that is lost in transit.
for Resupply
HQs also have supply priorities from 1 to 4 (25.8). In this Note: The trucks attached to the unit will be used for
case, the system is designed to ensure that each HQ is first this as well as those retained in the general truck pool.
allocated the basic minimum and then the higher rated If too many trucks need to be used for re-supply, the
HQs will obtain additional freight (if it is available). Movement Points available to the unit will decrease.


The overall number of trucks detached from units 4.10.16. Air Supply
to obtain supply can be checked using the end of turn You can use air transport to supply to forward units. Air
logistics and production report (36.9). Transport to an air base hex is more efficient than landing
The range for this supply is limited to either 30 hexes or supply in a non-airfield hex.
75 motorized MP if the logistics level is set to 100.
All units can get freight from a depot up to 3 hexes away 4.10.17. Displaying Information about
without vehicles by using horses. the Logistics System
Once the closest depot is depleted of freight, a unit will The Logistics Display allows you to see some key logistic
try to get its remaining needs from the next closest depot information. As with all on-map information you can
up to a maximum of five but normally only will access two access this using the information tabs at the top of the
different depots. screen (6.2), right clicking on the map (6.3) or by using one
of the hot keys (Appendix J).
4.10.14. Improving the chances of gaining Rail Lines are coloured to show usage indicating areas
replacements and supply of increased movement cost due to congestion.
For the unit to get replacements, it must pass both
administrative and support checks and it helps if it is in
refit mode or is located in the National Reserve (13.2).
Units have up to five chances each turn to receive supply
and replacements. Thus if they pass every leadership test,
and are close enough to a depot with sufficient capacity,
they can gain up to 100% of their need.
If the unit is in refit mode it is more likely to receive
up to 40% of the need each time it passes one of these
tests (if the supply is available). Units in refit on any depot
will attempt to get to 100% TOE irrespective of the supply
priority, drawing from other depots as well.
Adding a HQ counter to a depot will substantially assist
any combat units stacked in the hex and looking to take on
reinforcements. Similarly you can leave your rail repair HQs
on a depot to raise its priority for supply deliveries (25.7.9).
Units in refit located in the same hex as a national
supply source depot (type 4) will have access to virtually This shows the rail net behind the Soviet units attacking
unlimited freight. at Rostov in early 1942. The main line to the Caucasus is
Units set to refit and in the relevant national reserve yellow indicating enough usage to cause problems. Some
(13.2) will be the priority for new or replacement branch lines are orange so any units or freight using them
equipment. As far as possible, their needs will be met will be subject to additional delays. The black lines around
before any on map refit takes place. Taganrog have not yet been repaired.
Pressing the ‘8’ key also displays a network of lines
4.10.15. Strategic Movement and Rail which show the main Depot to have supplied a unit (red
capacity for resupply line) and last Depot – Depot (white or blue line) link.
The Depot’s ability to receive freight is set by the Railyard This shows (at a zoomed out level) the supply network
& Port Capacity Points remaining at the end of a turn. for AGC and AGN in August 1941. The red lines show that
Strategic Movement also consumes Railyard & Port depots such as Vilnius and Minsk are supplying the bulk
Capacity Points so you must balance carefully how much of the combat units. Those in turn (the white lines) are
strategic movement you use. In effect, if you use up the drawing supply from the rail network back to Germany).
capacity sending fresh units to a sector very little freight Naval supply (the blue lines) is being used to send freight
can be allocated in the logistics phase. to some ports in Lithuania and Estonia.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The reinforcement chart (36.7) shows all the scheduled

This shows the first turns of the game and the German
reinforcement schedule. It includes reinforcements, units
being transferred from another theatre to the map and
transfers between theatres. Not shown on that image,
but the chart also shows when units will be disbanded,
withdrawn or transferred from the map to another Theatre.

This can be helpful if you are trying to understand 4.11.2. Replacements

where units and HQs are drawing their supply from. If they Replacements are allocated to existing formations to bring
are using too many trucks for this their relative combat them up to strength as set by their current TOE (26.1).
capacity and movement may be affected. Units in refit mode will have advantages over other
similar units when receiving replacements. Equally units in
refit mode and in the National Reserve will be the first to
4.11. CHANGES TO YOUR ARMY be allocated any available equipment.
As the game progresses the two armies will change. This Note that routed units will not receive replacements
reflects the allocation of new equipment, new forms of until they recover from being routed.
organisation and shifting levels of morale and experience. In addition to fresh men and equipment, elements
It also reflects the process of absorbing combat losses and that have been damaged in combat may also return as
replacing those losses in existing units. replacements.
There are delays that affect the speed at which damaged
4.11.1. Reinforcements elements will return representing the time lost as lightly
Reinforcements are fresh units (both combat and support wounded soldiers and damaged equipment are treated or
units) that arrive in game (either as a historically occurring repaired and then return to their units.
event or the result of the Soviet player building fresh units). Replacements are sent as freight along with supplies,
ammo and fuel (25.3).
Note that most of the Soviet units destroyed in the Replacements coming into units will bring down the
early game (up the 1 November 1941 turn) will be average experience for that type of ground element by a
placed onto the reinforcement cycle and will return at small amount.
a later stage. However, these units will then need to be
rebuilt with appropriate Ground Elements and given 4.11.3. Changes to the at-start Army
time to train before they will be of much use in combat. As noted in the earlier discussion about the Table of
Equipment (TOE), the mix and type of elements in a unit


will change over time. Equally a unit may substitute an By December 1941, the Soviets will also slowly start to
equivalent element if its preferred element is not available replace the division as their basic combat unit with a Corps.
(this will happen in particular with tanks and artillery guns).
Units that are in the National Reserve or on a National 4.11.4. Building Soviet Combat Corps
Supply Source will change to a new TOE more quickly, From late 1941, the Red Army started to re-organise so
others will do so over the next few turns (assuming they that units operated as corps size combat units. These are
are connected to the main supply network). treated as normal combat units (CU) in WiTE2 and not as
In addition, the structure of the two armies will change. corps level HQs (21.11).
Broadly the Axis forces will stay the same over the game. These are built in one of two ways. The build unit
Their basic combat unit will remain the division and their screen (27.2.3) will show when they are available and the
command structure will be one of corps, armies and army component parts and the maximum number at any one
groups. time.
The Soviet army will change substantially over the This screen is used to build new units. At the top will
game. By August 1941, the at-start Corps will start to either be shown how many you wish to build and the cost in
disband or convert to Army HQs. From then to the end Administrative Points (5 in this case). Since some of the
of the war the basic Soviet command structure will be of components already exist, it will be suggested you use
Armies reporting to Fronts. them (in this case all in the Soviet reserve). Below that
Equally as the game progresses, completely new unit are the elements that will be needed to fill out the new
types will become available to the Soviet player. formation and a list of all the existing corps formations.
Note that at this stage of the game
the Soviets have 26 Rifle Corps in play
and can build up to 41.
On Map. The Soviet player can
build Cavalry, Rifle and Mechanized
Corps on the game map. To do this
they need to bring 3 of the requisite
unit types (cavalry divisions for a
Cavalry Corps, rifle divisions for
a Rifle Corps. If these component
parts are present in a hex, press the
build up/breakdown button (21.3.2).
You will be informed of the cost in
administrative points and asked if
you want to complete the action.
If the division or brigade has a
scripted transfer to another Theatre
at some stage (13.1) then it cannot be
used to build a Corps.
Off map. Units in the Soviet
reserve can also be converted to
corps in the same way. In addition,
if building a corps in the reserve
you can build it without having all
3 component parts. In this case,
the requisite missing brigade(s) or
division(s) will be constructed and
then combined into the new unit. The

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

cost in administrative points will be higher as you have to divisions will withdraw in late 1942 and return as SS Panzer-
create the new units as well as build the corps. Grenadier divisions. In turn these will withdraw and return
Finally, Soviet Tank and Mechanized Corps can only as SS Panzer divisions. In addition, the Gross-Deutschland
be built off map. The component elements must either formation (which starts as a brigade) is treated as an elite
already be in the national reserve or acting as an off map unit as are some other German units.
Support Unit and attached directly to the Stavka HQ. In 1943, the German player will receive first SS Corps
This is because the tank brigades are only support units HQs and then SS Army HQs. These can only be commanded
and cannot be deployed directly on the map. A Tank Corps by SS leaders (15.2).
is built using 2 Tank Brigades and 1 Motorized Brigade. Soviet elite combat units are mostly created as they
These units will be placed in the Soviet reserve and can win sufficient battles. There are constraints on how many
then be ordered to the map. of particular types of unit (infantry, armour, mountain,
A Soviet Corps will be created as a Guards formation if two artillery, etc.) may become guards units. There is no limit
or more of its component parts already had Guards status. on the number of cavalry or airborne combat units that
may become guards units. Heavy tank and rocket units
4.11.5. Building Fresh Units are automatically created with guards status. The limit for
(combat and support) motorized type units is approximately 35 percent.
Usually only the Soviet player can build fresh units. For non-motorized type units, the approximate
The exception to this is that both sides can build fixed percentage limit varies by year as follows: 1941 - 5 percent
fortification units (20.5). January - June 1942 -10 percent July - December 1942 - 25
To do this, select the build screen (shift b). This will show percent 1943 - 25 percent 1944 - 30 percent.
all the units that can be built, their administrative point From 1942 the Soviet player will receive a number of
cost (if any) and the total number that can be built. It will Guards Army HQs as part of the normal reinforcement
also indicate the components needed to build the unit and cycle. Some of these will replace existing Army HQs at the
how many of these are currently available. date when they historically changed their title.
Most unit types have a build limit (this will change At their historical dates, Soviet Air Operational Groups
across the game) and this cap cannot be exceeded when will rename as Guards formations. This has no direct
building new units (you may have more of a type than can impact on gameplay but will also trigger the designation
be currently built due to changing limits). of a number of air units as Guards. These formations will
You can order between 1 and 10 of a particular unit receive a +5 bonus on their potential maximum morale.
type at any time. New units will be assigned to the National
Reserve where they will acquire the equipment they need 4.11.7. Upgrading Air Units
and start the process of training and gaining experience. Air units can be set to upgrade to new planes either
Note that the numbers shown are for all the possible automatically or manually. If this is done using the automatic
elements that could fill out that unit. The game system system it will happen during the logistics phase and the unit
allows a degree of substitution so if a certain tank or will be useable in your next turn. If you do so manually, the
gun model is not available it will use something similar unit will not be able to fly in the turn it upgrades.
(21.2.7). When an air unit swaps to a new plane type there may
The German player can build specialist fortification units. be some loss of experience.
When air units upgrade they cannot change their type
4.11.6. Elite Units so a tactical bomber formation will still be equipped with
Both sides have elite units that have advantages in terms of tactical bombers not with longer range bombers. A list
unit morale and, via their ToE, more and better equipment. of the restrictions in this respect can be found in section
The German SS units are created at their historical 16.5.1.
dates. This often involves withdrawing one version of the Air units in the non-reserve Theatre Boxes will be
unit before it returns. Thus the initial group of SS Motorized automatically set to automatic upgrade.


4.12. WEATHER Weather Fronts. Weather fronts are critical as they will
4.12.1. Basic System amend the dominating weather for that particular zone
The WitE2 weather system models both ground and meaning the weather can change from turn to turn. There
air weather conditions, in addition water in rivers and are 5 different types of weather fronts that can enter the
lakes can freeze allowing easier movement. The ground map and alter the base air condition in a hex depending
condition determines MP costs for movement and the on the time of year, the base weather and the climate
impact on attacking CV values in ground combat. The air zone. Falling rain or snow in hexes in turn creates mud
condition impacts air missions. and snow levels.
The Weather changes before the Soviet phase (in other Air Conditions. There are 6 Air Weather Conditions:
words the German turn uses the same weather as the Clear, Rain (these represent light rains - summer rains, no
preceding Soviet turn). This reflects the Soviet Union’s (and more than 2-3 days a week), Heavy Rain, Cold (light snow,
its Allies) better weather forecasting capability. clear sky most of the time), Snowfall (more regular snowfall
Dominating Weather Conditions. Each hex is assigned with more cloud cover) & Blizzards (snow storms and very
to a weather zone and each weather zone is assigned a low temperatures). These affect the conduct of air operations
dominating weather condition for each particular month and both Heavy Rain and Blizzards will stop almost all air
of the year. This is the weather that will apply in that hex missions from taking place (even if the mission takes place,
unless it is modified by a weather front (8.1). you may end up with heavy operational losses as a result).

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Ground Conditions. There are 6 ground conditions: 4.12.2. Special Winter Rules
Clear, Light Mud, Heavy Mud, Light Snow, Snow and Heavy Whether the first winter of the war was unusually harsh
Snow. These affect ground movement and combat. is a matter of debate but what is clear is that the German
Each condition affects the cost of movement through army was badly prepared for the impact. This is simulated
a hex. This cost is in turn modified by the quality of the by increasing losses due to attrition and breakdowns. The
road system: Good, Average or Poor. In WiTE2 each hex full rules are set out in section (8.6.1) but note that the
has been graded for its road quality. The better the road Germans will probably have a lot of disabled men who will
system, the less impact weather has on movement and return to their formations in the spring.
ground combat. By contrast the winter of 1943-44 was unusually mild
Checking the Weather. There are three methods by and again the usual weather rules are amended (8.6.2) to
which you can see the weather in a hex: reflect this.
§§ Hex Rollover. The weather condition in each hex can
be found in the hex rollover text – this also shows the
amount of snow or water on the ground.
§§ Weather Screen. Information can also be found on AND HQs
the Weather Screen (see previous page). The Weather This section covers how to manage your Command and
Screen allows the player to toggle on information for the Control in WitE2. As noted above managing the deployment
Ground Weather conditions, the Air weather conditions, of your HQs, your Order of Battle and how you assign your
display the Climate Zones or the Road Systems. leaders are key skills to playing the game well.
In this case, the bulk of the Soviet Union has snow on
the ground and is dominated by the two high pressure 4.13.1. Leaders
systems. Almost every HQ Unit has an assigned leader who
§§ The weather screen also allows you to access a forecast commands all units attached to that HQ, and indirectly
for the next turn (8.2); affect those attached to lower level HQ’s. Leaders have
§§ Weather Graphics. The weather can be seen on the map ranks and designations that determine what level and type
by toggling the Weather button on the Map Info Bar. HQ units they can command. More importantly they have
You can toggle between showing both Air and Ground leadership ratings that affect a wide range of functions.
conditions, Ground only, Air only, or no weather art at all. Leader Ratings . There are seven leadership ratings,
Impact of Weather on Air Operations. Air mission Political, Morale, Initiative, Admin, Mech, Infantry, and
weather is classified as very poor, poor, fair, good, or Air, with the last three collectively referred to as combat
excellent, and this is determined by the aggregate cloud ratings. In all cases, a higher number is ‘better’ but it does
cover over a particular air mission’s entire flight path. mean that a commander with a high political score but low
The determination of the percentage of cloud cover in a military competence can be expensive to replace.
particular hex reflects the current air weather condition. §§ Political. This affects the cost to replace the leader and
As the weather worsens, it is likely that either the the probability of promotion/dismissal/execution.
number of planes who complete a mission will be reduced §§ Morale. This affects unit combat value in battle,
or the mission may be completely cancelled. determining win/loss credit, adding or recovering
Once the mission flies, the weather in the target fatigue for the unit’s ground elements, and rallying
area will also impact the effectiveness of the airstrike or routed units.
reconnaissance mission. Ground Support missions are §§ Initiative. Affects the MPs a unit will have during the
significantly reduced in effectiveness during bad weather turn, the ability of ground elements to fire and hit
such as heavy rain, snowfall, and blizzard. In addition to during combat, the ability of units in reserve status to
decreasing the effectiveness of air missions, bad weather commit to a battle, the ability to reduce casualties by
can result in less aircraft taking part in missions and even turning a low odds hasty attack into a reconnaissance
entire air missions being cancelled. Flying in bad weather in force or to break off a losing attack before suffering
results in increased aircraft losses. excessive losses.


§§ Administrative. Affects the MPs a unit will have during General Khalyulzin is a less than stellar Soviet commander
its turn, checking for repair of damaged aircraft and with low values for almost all the categories. His units are
ground elements and determining wastage and likely to fail many command rolls as a result and thus fight
resupply. Admin checks are also affected by the actual far less efficiently.
number of support squad (21.2.2) ground elements in Changing Leaders. You can change a Leader by clicking
the leader’s HQ (this reflects the wider capacity of the on the Leader’s name in the Unit Detail Screen. There is
officer’s staff and is one way the game models the Soviet a dismissal cost in APs that you must pay (in the case of
disorganization at the start of the German invasion). General Khalyulzin this was 8). You are offered a choice of
§§ Mech and Infantry. These ratings are part of the ground new Leaders shown with their ratings so you can select the
combat system and are used to determine the overall most suitable.
combat value as well as the ability of the ground If you click on the dismiss button, you will be offered a
elements in the units under their command to be able list of possible replacements such as:
to fire and to hit opposing ground elements. Successful
rating checks will increase combat value and improve
the chance of ground elements to both fire and to hit.
§§ Motorized units use the Mech rating and non-motorized
units use the infantry rating;
§§ Air. For air leaders, a successful air combat skill check
will result in more ready aircraft from an Air Group
participating in a particular air missions.

The replacement cost will vary according to how suitable

the new leader is for the post (it increases if the role will be
a promotion and their current rank is too low). The screen
also tells you if your chosen leader is already leading a HQ.
If so, they will be automatically replaced in that role.
Equally the game routines may dismiss a leader with
relatively low political value and who has lost a number of
battles. Leaders may also be killed in combat.
Leader Rating Checks. Leader ratings can have an
impact on almost all actions taken by units. It is therefore
important to select the best leaders that you can afford
with your APs and ensure that they are commanding
units in the optimal structure – both in terms of size and
Commanders at different levels in the Order of
Battle will have different effects on the units under their
command (15.5.3).
Most combat units will report to a Corps or Army HQ
(the latter becomes common as the Soviets abandon their

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

pre-war OOB in August 1941). The commander of this Command Points (CP). Each combat unit costs
Corps or Army will use their full ratings to affect the units command points depending on its size and any difference
directly under their command. in nationality between the unit and its HQ. Usually a Soviet
Commanders at the next level (i.e. an Axis Army corps will cost 3 command points, an Axis or Soviet division
command or a Soviet Front command) will have a lesser 2, and an Axis or Soviet brigade or regimental unit 1 CP.
impact on all the units under their command. Their scores Off map Support Units have no cost in Command Points
are reduced both by distance in the command hierarchy nor do on-map rail repair units.
and on the map. Their leadership scores are used if the These values are increased by 1 if the unit is reporting
lower level commanders fail one of the many leadership to a HQ of a different nationality. Note this applies all up
checks (affecting supply, combat performance and the the command chain, so a Hungarian brigade attached to a
recovery of disrupted elements – among other things). German army will cost that army 2 CP, and in turn will cost
In turn, commanders at the Stavka (the Soviet supreme the relevant Army Group 2 CP.
command), an Axis Allied High Command, a German Army Command Capacity (CC). There is no limit to the
Group or the German OKH HQ can help units pass if their number of units that can be attached to an eligible HQ unit.
immediate commanders have failed their tests (15.5). However HQ Units have a Command Capacity (CC) which
determines how many units (CP value) it can efficiently
Players Note: Creating a logical Order of Battle and
In this case, the 6th Army
placing your best commanders at the appropriate level
commands units costing a
is a key skill in playing WiTE2. A commander with very
total of 21 Command Points
high scores will have less direct impact if they are in a
and thus exceeds its command
more senior position but will affect the performance of
capacity of 18. Normally a
more units. Bringing together your best commanders
leadership check is the leader’s
at each level can create a real advantage on one sector
relevant score divided by 10.
of the battlefield.
Since the 6 Army is overloaded
Also note that the Germans have an advantage of by 3 the divisor will increase to
generally better commanders than the Soviets and 13. In general, if you can, try not to overload HQs.
potentially having four command levels (corps-army- The CC values of many types of HQ will shift over time
army group-OKH) compared to the three of the Soviets (21.11.3).
(army-front-Stavka). Command Ranges. When leader rating checks are
conducted the range to the HQ is important. Keep your
Units within Command Ranges of their HQ Units. The most
4.13.2. Headquarters important relationship is the unit should be less than 6
Leaders are assigned to headquarters (HQ) units and in hexes away from its direct commanding HQ.
turn then command the various combat and support units You can see if units are out of range on the map by
that make up your army. This section sets out some of the selecting the HQ. Units in-range will show with a blue
ways in which HQs and units interact and the consequences border, units out of range will have a red border. It is
when this is flawed. important to ensure that combat units are within 5 hexes
Commanding HQ. In Combat each side has a of their immediate controlling HQ.
commanding HQ (normally the HQ with most CVs directly Changing HQs. You are able to change the HQ of a Unit
reporting to it in the battle). Units not reporting directly once per turn by clicking the HHQ in the Unit Detail Screen.
to this HQ suffer modifiers that reduce their CV for the When it has changed it will be shown with a *. Changing
battle. Try to attack with units in a single Corps or Soviet HQs has no Admin Point Costs.
army if you can. Ideally do not mix multiple Axis Army
commands or Soviet Fronts in the same battle as the
command penalty can be severe.


Here, the Soviet Mechanized

Corps has changed its HQ to This is a powerful option but is primarily designed
1st Guards Army this turn. It to improve the offensive capacity of the attached
now cannot move to another formations. However, the capacity for more rapid
HQ until the next turn. regain of CPP can be useful in any situation.
If a combat or support
unit is allocated to a new HQ
in that turn then there will You can see which commands are set to Assault status
be a penalty of against any from the OOB screen (6.2 and 36.1), as:
leader checks that use the
administrative value (mostly

4.13.3. Assault HQs

The rules above are modified
if the HQ is designated an
‘Assault HQ’ (21.11.2).
This can only be done
for a limited, but changing,
number of Axis Armies or
Soviet Fronts.
In this case, 1st Panzer Group
has been set to assault status increasing the Command
Points of the Army HQ and all attached Corps HQs. By
contrast 6th Army is not on assault status and it, and the
attached Corps, retain their standard Command Capacity.
The consequences are to increase the Command These advantages do not accrue if:
Capacity by 5/3 for the HQ itself and 4/3 HQs that report §§ The unit itself or its HQ has just been attached to the
to it, units reporting (directly or indirectly) to the command relevant Axis Army or Soviet Front this turn;
will gain Combat Preparation Points more quickly (23.2), §§ If either the Assault HQ or any other HQ in the
will have a better chance to pass the various leadership command chain is overloaded in terms of Command
checks (15.5) but will not build fortifications (20.2) beyond Points (21.11.6);
level 1. §§ If any HQ in the command chain is outside the command
range for the Assault HQ (21.11.4)


The Theatre Boxes provide the game with the ability to
simulate the influence on the Eastern Front of other areas
of conflict. You can bring up the Theatre box display using
the tabs on the To show the theatre boxes on the map
press the relevant tab on the Info Screens, right click on
any hex or using the Ctrl+t hotkey. Ctrl+t by default will
take you to the national reserve.
There are two basic types of Theatre Boxes in WiTE2.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

4.14.1. National Reserves been enabled. Enhanced Player Theatre Box Control allows
Both sides have a reserve box which can be used to refit free movement (up to certain limits) between theatres and
either damaged or new units. between theatres and the map.
Ground units are moved from the reserve to the map It is suggested that in early games the Theatre Boxes
first by accessing the reserve (either via the Commander’s are left locked (they are automatically locked in any
Report 35.2.3 or the on-map display 13.2) and then non-campaign scenario). The full rules for managing the
selecting the units to redeploy. The arrival hex for German Theatre Boxes are in Chapter 13.
and Soviet units needs to be designated on the map and
can be changed during the turn so that different units
arrive in different hexes (13.2.1). Units from other Axis 4.15. EVENTS
nations will arrive in their respective national capitals. WiTE2 has an event system which enables scenario
Ground Units can be sent to the reserve if they are on developers to either reflect actions happening in off map
a working rail line and more than 4 hexes from any enemy Theatre Boxes (such as the start of a new offensive or a lull
unit. They also need enough Strategic Movement Points in combat) or that directly affect the on-map portion of the
(SMP) remaining to allow them to both entrain and move game. These can be conditional on the certain outcomes
a single hex by rail. such as the loss or capture of some locations by a certain
Again this can be done counter by counter on map or date (13.5).
using the Commander’s Report. The one page guide (figure 4-70 opposite), Further
Units sent to the reserve will lose all their existing Details, summarises key information about the Theatre
Combat Preparation Points (23.2.2). Boxes, Events, Weather and Logistics systems.
Air units are moved from the reserve by selecting
the desired destination airbase and opening the air
redeployment option (13.2.2 and 17.3.2). If you are using 4.16. VICTORY POINTS
the AI-Assist routines then this will be done automatically Earning VPs and Victory Conditions allow you to win a
as the AI will send weakened air units to the reserve and game even if you have lost the war – by achieving a better
bring fresh ones to the map. result than History. Victory Points can be seen in the VP
Screen (Hotkey-V). The calculation of Victory Points and
4.14.2. Other Theatre Boxes Victory Conditions is different for Short scenarios and
In addition to the Reserve, here are a number of Theatre Campaign Games.
boxes that model regions where one side had to keep
a large garrison (such as the Soviet Far East) or where 4.16.1. Victory Points in the short
secondary fighting took place (such as the Balkans or the scenarios
Arctic) while other theatre boxes reflect regions (Western Victory conditions for non-campaign scenarios are based
Europe, North Africa and Italy) where the Axis forces are on control of victory locations set by the designer and
engaged with the Western Allies. cumulative losses in men, guns, AFVs and aircraft. Victory
Finally, the partisan war within the Soviet Union and in points for control of victory locations are awarded each
Yugoslavia is modelled using appropriate Theatre Boxes. player-turn as well as separate victory points awarded for
Depending on the game play options, some Theatre controlling victory locations at the end of the scenario.
Boxes are out of play and units will only enter or leave Victory locations can be applicable to both sides or be
them according to historical deployments. The player(s) specific to one side only.
have to make a decision whether to actively manage the Victory point locations can be displayed by selecting the
Theatres or not at the start of the game as this cannot be Toggle Victory Locations button in the map information
subsequently changed. menu tab (Hotkey-shift-V).
If a unit has no set withdrawal dates it can be Losses are based on the number of men, guns, AFV or
transferred from the map (or the national reserve) to a aircraft that must be destroyed for the opposing side to
non-reserve TB to boost strength at that location but can’t gain one victory point. This base number for losses can be
be subsequently removed unless the options in 13.3.4 have further modified for each side by a certain percentage.



Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

At the end of the game the total points for each side are
compared as a ratio and the result is determined by the Note that this rule uses the highest score the Germans
following rules: have achieved at any stage of the game, NOT the score
§§ Decisive Victory - ratio greater than or equal to 5.0 on the turn when the initiative changes.
§§ Major Victory - ratio less than 5.0 but greater than or
equal to 2.0
§§ Minor Victory - ratio less than 2.0 but greater than or Detailed Rules
equal to 1.1 Certain cities are marked as victory locations and each of
§§ Draw - ratio less than 1.1 these cities is given a base victory point value.
Bonuses will be given for capturing cities based on
4.16.2. Victory Points in Campaign comparing to the historical capture date. A maximum of 6
Scenarios points can be earned per city. If the city is captured on the
Campaign Scenarios start at different points during the historical turn, a bonus of 3 is scored. One additional point
war but the game will always end at the latest on the first is earned for each week earlier the town is taken, and 1 is
turn in August 1945. lost for each week late. So taking a city 3 turns early would
For campaigns that start in June 1941 the system score 6 points, and 2 turns late would score 1 point.
basically encourages the Axis player to try and capture Once scored, bonus points will never be lost, but the
more cities (either take them earlier or take cities that base points are lost when the city is lost. If a city is retaken,
historically were not occupied). In turn, when the Soviet these base points are regained but the bonus points can
player regains the initiative, they too gain bonus points for only be awarded once in the game. If historically a city
capturing cities in advance of the historical schedule. changed hands more than once (such as Kharkov) then the
For campaigns that start later than June 1941, the VP first capture date is the one used to determine the bonus.
scores are initially set on the basis of the progress of the Cities that were never taken by the Germans will
historical war. generate the maximum early capture bonus if captured by
the Germans at any stage in the game. However, if such
Key Concepts a city is retaken by the Soviets there is no bonus for early
The campaign victory system relies on two key concepts. recapture simply the value of the city itself.
Initiative. Soviet capture bonuses can be earned while the Germans
At any stage of the game, only one side has the initiative have initiative when the Soviets recapture a city. When the
. This side will gain VPs as below as they capture cities and initiative switchover occurs, Soviet cities never taken by
lose VPs if their opponent manages to retake a city. the Germans are considered recaptured by the Soviets at
Initiative Switchover – Currently initiative can switch to the time of the Initiative switchover for determining Soviet
the Soviets between Oct 1 1942 and July 1 1943 whenever bonus points.
the German score is 10% or more below the German
HWM. If this has not already happened then the initiative
will switch on July 1 1943. Once initiative switches, it never The effect of this rule is to encourage a Soviet player to
switches back. trigger an early switchover of initiative while the German
Once the initiative changes, the VP score is recalculated player gains from delaying this as long as possible.
using the value of the cities held by the Soviet player at any
stage, plus any bonuses for cities that were historically lost
but not in the current game. All points up to the change of initiative are scored by the
German High Water Mark (HWM) Germans. Any positive (either from events or the bonus for
This is the highest score ever obtained by the Germans retaking cities) scoring by the Soviets at this stage become
throughout the game. At the time that the initiative negative German points, and any negative Soviet points
changes, the Axis HWM score is frozen, and the Soviets become positive German points. Later in the war when
begin to score points (in the same way the Germans have initiative changes, only the Soviets score points and any
been scoring). Axis points are used to reduce the Soviet’s score.


4.16.3. Victory Conditions for Campaign some stage). Note this will not apply if the Axis side is
Scenarios being played by the AI.
WiTE2 can be won due to the sudden victory conditions The fall of Berlin gives the following outcomes if the Soviets
(29.1), the capture of Berlin, the in-game situation at the take the city (the relevant dates for the Western Allies are
end of 1944 or by reaching the scenario end date. slightly different see the full rules in Chapter 29:
Sudden death victories can come from: §§ A Decisive Soviet Victory if on or before 31 December 1944
§§ Axis Sudden Victory (Axis quarterly check value §§ A Major Soviet Victory if after 31 December 1944 but on
achieved), this gives a Decisive Axis Victory or before 28 February 1945
§§ Soviet Sudden Victory (Soviet quarterly check value §§ A Marginal Soviet Victory if after 28 February 1945 and
achieved) gives a Decisive Soviet Victory (if it happens on or before 31 May 1945
before or on 31 December 1944) and a Major Soviet §§ or a Draw (if it falls after 31 May 1945 but before the
Victory (if it happens after 31 December 1944 and on or scenario end date)
before 1 April 1945) If on 31 December 1944 the Soviets fail to have matched
§§ Axis Sudden loss will occur if they did not a High Water the Axis high water mark score and the Western allies
Mark score (29.1.1) of at least 525 by 1 January 1942 control no German territory, this is an Axis Major Victory.
and 575 by October 1942 (note they do not need those Finally if the game reaches the scenario end date
scores on those dates but to have achieved them at without triggering any other victory condition then the

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

result is an Axis Marginal Victory. The end dates vary with

the scenario:
§§ 1941 Campaign – 1 August 1945 REPORT
§§ Stalingrad to Berlin Campaign – 1 July 1945 Learning to use the Commander’s Report is an art all in
§§ Vistula to Berlin Campaign – 1 June 1945 itself. You can actually play WitE2 without ever accessing
The rules for the Sudden Victory conditions can be found the Commander’s Report however most players quickly
by accessing the Victory Point screen, as: learn to use it as a means to access vital information. There
The image on the previous page shows the screen on is no right or wrong way to use the functionality offered by
T1 before any German moves. On the left hand side are the Commander’s Report – after all it’s your Report. Take
the current VP level, that the Axis has the Initiative and the time to explore the information presented and the various
VP score needed for either sudden victory or sudden loss. tools available to sort and select different views.
On the right are all the cities that can contribute to the VP The Commanders Report allows you to carry out
score, their basic value and the bonus if they are captured actions on groups of units such as sending them to the
this turn. Reserve Box, setting them to refit mode or changing their
ToE. You can also usually click from the CR to the relevant
On map display map location.
If you select the appropriate map mode (the victory More information on how to use the Commanders
location tab or shift+v or by right clicking on a hex), the Report can be found in Appendix F (chapter 35).
map will display all the cities that have a VP value, the base
value for their capture and the bonus score if they are
taken in the current turn. 4.18. EVENT LOG & METRICS
This Topic provides a basic overview of the Logistics Phase
Event Log & Metrics feature included in WitE2 (36.4 and
Logistics Phase Event Log Overview. During
the Logistics Phase the game performs thousands of
calculations on your behalf from building forts to training
pilots. The Event Log (Hotkey-Shift-E) provides a summary
of that process so that you can see what has happened.
The event log is particularly useful if you are either
reviewing the turn (for example all the air missions are
recorded here) or trying to work out why something
unexpected happened.
Metrics. The Metrics Screen (Hotkey-Shift-M) provides
the player with a number of graphs so that you can track
the progress of some key variables such as Production,
This shows some of the victory locations for the Troop Strengths and Victory Points over time. The ability
Typhoon scenario. Note that all the flags are both grey and to identify trends in the data will allow you to modify your
red (indicating that both sides gain VP for that location). If game play accordingly.
you place the mouse over one of these hexes, the pop-up The one page guide, Metrics (figure 4-75 opposite)
screen will show the VP award for that hex. In this case, the summarises how to read some of this information.
Germans gain no VP during the game but 150 if they hold Turn Summary. This provides a quick overview of
that location at the end of the scenario while the Soviets changes (36.16) in the last game turn and allows you to
gain 100 VP each turn they hold Vyazma and a bonus of identify units that are isolated or have low supply as well as
500 for holding the city at the end of the game. to track the victory conditions (this section will be different



Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

same time as the Soviet offensive at Stalingrad aimed to

destroy Army Group South. Whereas the wider offensive
was a disaster, Velikie Luki itself was captured by the
Soviets in January 1943. The vital rail junction both helped
Soviet resupply efforts and broke the direct connection
between AGC and AGN. In turn, the threat to Smolensk
forced the Germans pulled out of the Rzhev salient later
in 1943.
The order of battle is as historical as possible and
includes the various specialist combat and command
formations the Germans created to defend this sector.
The map layout is slightly ahistoric (in that the Soviets
start controlling Rzhev) simply as this made designing the
scenario and issues such as connecting to the off-map
logistics system easier.
While setting up the game, in addition to following
the steps below, you might also want to review the first
of the one page guides (game introduction), as the play
through develops the appropriate guide is indicated for
that section.

4.19.1. Setting up the scenario

To set up the scenario, open your copy of WiTE2, if you have
previously watched them, you can skip the introductory
videos by pressing the ESC key.
Once you reach the opening screen, configure it as
if you are using the turn summary for a campaign game or shown below.
a shorter scenario).
This screen will open by default when you open a game
and can also be accessed from the tabs, right clicking on
the map or ctrl+s
Not only does this provide a quick overview of the
previous turn but you can click from it to other screens (or
the map). 1 will take you to the reinforcement screen for
the current turn, 2 will highlight the affected units on the
map and 3 will take you to the victory screen.


This section brings together the information already
presented in this chapter and takes you through the The key variables are to set the Axis to computer, the
first turn of the Velikie Luki scenario in detail as well as Soviet side to human and the difficulty level to Easy. So
providing an outline of how to play out the future turns. you, as the player, will have substantial advantages over
Historically this was part of the wider Soviet Mars your computer controlled opponent.
offensive designed to destroy Army Group Centre at the


This is configured automatically and will reflect the However, for this initial game we want to make some
choices you made on the opening screen. additional changes. Click on the Fog of War box on the
Soviet column and the screen will change to:

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

This change means you will be able to see all the AI’s boring watching the counters move hex by hex (with this
formations and the moves it will make in its turn. This is option off they will simply move to the final hex that you
another substantial bonus especially is it improves your selected for their move).
ability to plan your moves and estimate how the AI will re-act. Again, you can change any or all these variables as you
Leave all the other boxes as they are. In this game we wish during a game (even one against a human player) as
are going to use the Automated AI assistance for the air all they affect is how the game displays or behaves.
war (4.5) and there are no-off map theatre boxes (apart You should always follow this order as the settings you
from the National Reserve) to use (4.14). Note that you adopt will influence how the game plays when first opened.
can alter any of the difficulty level variables to produce So if the first turn belongs to your AI opponent then they
what is called a custom set up. In general, the single most will run with the default settings rather than any you wish
important variable is the Morale Level (2.6.2) as this will to implement.
have a direct effect on the AI’s performance (30.7).
Once you have made the changes you want, close this
screen (click on the X in the top right hand corner) and you
will return to the opening screen.
In a game against the AI you can amend any of those
settings in the course of the game. In a game against a
human opponent, they cannot be amended.
Before actually starting the game, you may want to
review the user preferences (2.6.3 and 36.17). For this
game, leave almost all these on default (you can explore
what difference they make later), apart from turning ‘move
animation’ off. In a small scenario this will make relatively
little difference but in a larger game it will soon become


Now return to the main menu and select ‘pick scenario’ This is the full list of all the scenarios currently in the
(do not click the PBEM box as that will set the game up for you game (including any you may design yourself). The date
to play against another human opponent) and you will find. indicates when the scenario was last modified.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Click on ‘Introductory Scenario 1 – Velikie Luki and the During the game, you can save at any time. You do this
screen will change to: by shifting to the ‘ADMINISTRATION’ tab and clicking on the
The chosen scenario is now highlighted in green and save icon as:
on the right is information about the scenario (it is 9 turns
long, there is no Axis turn 1 so it starts with the Soviet turn),
a brief historical context and some player notes.
Note this also tells you how many Administrative Points
you receive each turn (4.3.2) if the game is on the neutral At this stage, it is a good idea to review the one page
settings. If you have set up so one side or the other has guide #2 game interface as that will provide useful context
an advantage in terms of admin level (as above) then this for what you can now see.
base number will be modified. So in this case, the Soviet 5
AP per turn will become 6 (5 times 1.20). In this scenario 4.19.2. Using the AI assistance for
these are relatively unimportant (4.3.12) but the Soviet the Air War
player may wish to spend some to create new depots as When you open the game, you will see something like
they advance westwards. this (on the right will be a summary information screen,
To set up the chosen scenario, press on the arrow/load for the moment just close that as we will review it later
symbol at the bottom left hand side. in this walk-through). For this game, we are going to use
After the game has been created, it will suggest a folder the AI assistance (as we set the game up that way) so now
where the turns will be saved, such as: might be a good time to review the one page guide #4 (AI
Unless you have a strong reason not to, it is usually as assistance) and section 4.6.1.
easy to accept the proposed folder. Note that if you are The area marked A is out of bounds for this scenario,
playing the Soviet side this interface will be a reddish- B is Axis controlled territory, C is one of the locations you
brown, if the Axis a dark grey. This convention is used need to capture to win (we will come back to various ways
many times in the game. you can configure the map display later) and D is one of the
Click on the tick and you will be taken to map. labels that indicate where your air force is deployed (4.5.4).


How much information is shown on this label will

depend on how zoomed in or out you are when looking at
the map (6.8.1)
Since WiTE2 is divided into distinct phases, we will
focus first on setting up the air war (remember there is
no logistics phase on the first turn of any scenario (4.3.3).
As a brief review of the concepts behind the air game,
remember that your air force consists of individual planes
and in this scenario you have 251 ready planes – you can
see this on the 3rd Air Army label (82+149+20 of the three
types of planes) – and 83% of your potential planes are
ready (so you actually have 291). Those planes are divided
into 5 Air Operational Groups, some of those groups report
to the 1 ShAK air corps, others direct to the Air Army.
There is a lot of functionality available even just by
viewing and manipulating the labels. If you simply hover the
mouse over the 1 ShAK, it will show which air operational It plays two important roles in the game but for this
groups report to that command: scenario we can ignore it completely. It allows you to
change the leader of the air army (4.13.1) and it is used
to assign support squads to active airfields. Since it will do
that automatically up to 90 hexes from its location (4.7.4) it
can be left where it is for this scenario.
You can review all this, open and close air labels, look
at airbases and so on. We will now set the orders that will
influence how the AI acts.
In WiTE2, while the AI will carry out much of the air war
for you, we need to set some basic parameters. We could
use the ShAK formation if we wanted the ground attack
planes to do something different but in this case we will
work with the air army.
Click on the 3 Air Army label and the screen will change
to the image overleaf:
This gives us a lot of information that for the moment
we are going to ignore. You can see the airbases in use (the
So the 2 air groups with the ground attack aircraft blue labels), if you click on one of these it will even show
report to the corps, as you can see all the other labels are you the planes present at that base. All this information is
now much fainter. This is the sort of thing that is more also summarised on the right hand side of the screen.
important in a large scenario as it allows you to see a lot of
information about the layout of your air force just by using
the on map options. Notice that the information shown here is very
The other element in the air war management is the different to that available from the on-map counter.
actual HQ that controls the planes. The label (3rd Air Army)
is located as centrally as possible to the actual deployment
of your planes at the air bases (so will move as the air All we are interested in is the information box for the 3
groups are redeployed). Air Army at the top of the screen.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

We can make all the changes we need from this box. a set of air directives using its available assets and the
We will change two variables. We will tell it only to fly information you have provided. In some scenarios, you will
at day (so change the top filter to show ‘day only’ from the find that on T1 there is a set of scripted missions, if these
current ‘MIX MISSION’) and alter the stance from ‘Flexible’ exist then the AI will default to those and make its own
to ‘Advance’ (as we hope to be moving forward and need changes for a later turn.
the short range Soviet air assets to stay in range. We have So now, either press the F12 key or the arrow on the top
only one vaild Soviet Front command HQ (Kalinin Front) so right of the screen.
there is no need (or scope) to amend this.
We can revise those
You will often find that WiTE2 allows you to carry out
settings each turn if we need
an action by right clicking on the map, pressing a hot
to but those rules should be
key or clicking on one of the tabs at the top of the
good enough for the entirety
screen. In effect, use which ever one is easiest for you.
of this scenario so we can
more or less ignore the air
war from now on.
That is all that is needed,
the AI will now generate


At this stage you might want to save the game, so you Press on the tick and the game will save and you will
can return to this point and review your choices. return to the main map.
Select the admin tab and then the save option. So now, let’s run the air phase, once you press F12, you
will be asked to confirm. As the turn runs you will see the
summary box on the lower right hand side of the screen
You will be presented with a summary of the missions
That will then open this screen (which will show all the that took place (in this case only some reconnaissance
saved games for this particular scenario). In this case there missions), close this screen and you will be returned to the
are none, so select the left hand arrow at the bottom map.
Every game will be slightly different, especially in terms
of reported losses and actions chosen. However, it is
unlikely the AI-Assist will decide to do something radically
different to how it worked during this play through.
The reason why there were so few missions reported
there is that the AI assist has put all the combat aircraft
onto ground support. This is the most useful mission in the
game but the planes will now only fly in support of actual
combats in the ground phase.


War in the East 2 rewards planning your operations. Even
in a simple scenario like this it is worthwhile to review your
forces, the terrain, what you know of the enemy and your
objectives. In effect, creating a rough plan will mean you
don’t move units (or make attacks) that you later realise
reduce your options to secure your main goal.

Some of this becomes second nature. In the main it is

less about a detailed understanding of the exact game
And then enter the name for the save. I have used 1a rules and more about understanding how all these
to indicate it is from turn 1 and the air planning phase. But factors (what Clauswitz called the ‘terrain’) combine
you can use whatever names make sense to you. to create opportunities and limit your options. As a
simple test, in a later play through of this scenario,
ignore Velikie Luki and commit the Soviet forces to
an offensive on the top corner of the map – it is likely
you will fail badly due to the poor terrain and lack of
decent supply lines.

Before moving any formations it is useful to review

the situation and carry out some administrative tasks.
Generally it is a good idea to generate a save once the air

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

phase is completed. So again set up a save as before and

you will find the air phase save. Generate a new one for
this point. Again you can use any naming system you wish.

4.20.1. Housekeeping
Before considering any actual moves it is useful to review
the overall situation and adjust the map to fit your
immediate interests.
If you are reloading a saved game, or have just run a
turn, you will see the turn summary on the right hand side
of the screen.
You can dismiss this by clicking on the X at the top (1)
and it is not very informative on turn 1. However, it gives
access to two screens that are useful. One (2) is the Victory
Point table and the other (3) is the reinforcement screen.
Click on the VP screen and you will be presented with:
There are four key parts to this screen. The symbol at
the top (1) allows you to access a graph that will show the
VP score by turn so you can track how it changed as you
play the scenario.
The next two (2 and 3) indicate how VP are scored. In
this scenario there are 4 VP locations (currently shown
on the map as discussed above). The Axis side will gain


In addition each side gains VP

according to the losses of the other
side. So the Axis will gain 1 VP for
every 1,000 Soviet losses and the
Soviets will gain VP for every 666
Axis losses.
Since the Soviets lost some
planes during the recently
conducted air phase (the exact
number will be different in your
game), the Axis side already have
1 VP. Broadly this means that both
sides have an incentive to inflict
losses and a reason to try and
minimise their own.
At the bottom will be an indication
of how well one side is doing. At this
stage, there is no advantage.
If you close this, you will return
to the map, and we can review the
reinforcement schedule. Click on
this, and you will see:
By default this will open to show
ground unit reinforcements but you
VP for these locations if they hold them at the end of the can view air unit transfers (1).
scenario, the Soviet side gain both points at the end of the In the campaign, this screen is quite complex with
scenario and if they hold them for any turns during the arrivals to the map, transfers between theatres and
game. In effect, there is a strong incentive in terms of VP withdrawals. Here, the main thing to note is the relatively
for the Soviet player to try and capture these locations as substantial reinforcement on turn 5 which might provide
early as possible and for the Axis to delay this – or to try a useful boost to your forces. Note that some formations
and recapture them. have an arrival hex and others do not (2). Those with an

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

arrival hex are treated as on-map combat units (4.7.2), enemy has well prepared defensive lines). In addition, I
those without one are off-map support units. want to see the road network (7.2.2), the supply network
We will explore the implications of this difference as we (4.10) and to change how the weather is shown so that
move through the scenario. it only shows the ground conditions. Since we have
Close this screen and return to the map. Now close the automated the air war, we do not need to pay that much
turn summary screen as well. attention to the air conditions and as the weather worsens
The on-map display in WiTE2 can be configured in lots it can become harder to see important terrain differences
of ways to make it easier for you to see the information you until you are used to reading the map.
need – and you will find your own logic in this respect and The combination will alter the display to:
may also find that some views you only use occasionally.
By default, you have the enemy controlled hexes shown Feel free to explore the rest of the options. Everybody
and the locations of the VP cities. has their own preferred combinations and often find
I am going to add 4 more overviews. these alter over time. Here the counters show attack
The fortification level of a hex can be useful for planning cv-move, if you are on the strategic defensive it may
so we select that (you can see this by placing the mouse be more useful to see attack-defend cv?
over a hex but the visual display quickly shows where the


You can make these adjustments by pressing the tabs With the map and counters displayed as we want, we
at the top of the screen or right click on the map and access can now plan our first moves.
the ‘Map Info’ menu.
The logic to the changes is that supply is really important 4.20.2. Preparing your first moves
in the game and seeing your depot network will help you Before we do anything else with the ground units, now is a
to manage this. Equally, especially as the weather worsens, good time to review the one page guide #6 on the ground
the few better roads become important. war.
While the in-game movement routines will find the Some of this pre-move interaction will become second
quickest path for you and calculate the costs, knowing nature as you gain experience. Equally in many games, you
where the roads are can help. Not least they reduce the will restructure your order of battle so it fits with how you
cost in trucks used to resupply your formations as you wish the game to develop.
move into enemy territory. However, it is useful to carry out some steps before
As you can quickly see, the Axis have an advantage here actually committing your army to combat.
- historically the poor roads badly hampered the wider One step is to review your chain of command. Each type
Soviet Mars offensive especially as there are also not many of HQ has a range (4.7.4) beyond which it will not offer any
rail lines. useful support to the combat units. In this scenario, the
We will come back to logistics, but now may be a good Soviet player has 3 HQs.
time to review the one page guide #7 on logistics. You have the Stavka counter that represents your
As part of setting up the game display we can also senior command. In the campaign game this will often be
alter how the counters display (4.7.7 and 6.5). By default deployed in Moscow, but here is it placed at the bottom
the enemy counters will show their attack-defend combat right hand side of the playable map area. It is only included
values (this may be incorrectly shown when you play with to enable certain game functions and can be ignored
Fog of War) and your own will show attack combat value – during this scenario.
movement points. Of more importance is the Kalinin Front HQ which
This is probably the most useful version but if you are can be found at Poldova. If you click on this, the map will
on the defensive you might find it useful to alter your change as per the image overleaf.
counters to show attack-defend CV as a guide to how well Some hexes have been shaded as grey (1) in addition
your defensive layout is. to those out of the scenario area. They are too far (in
Practice doing this by pressing CNTRL+Z and you will movement points) for the HQ to move to this turn or there
see the second value alter. is some other reason (in one hex the HQ would be on its
You can explore all the various ways to display the own next to an enemy combat unit).
map and counters. You may find in the end that the map Some other counters are now outlined in blue (2). These
becomes too cluttered or that some displays obscure other are all directly commanded by the chosen HQ. The blue
information. They are all useful but you will find a few that connecting line is to some combat units that report to the
really help your gameplay. Front, the turquoise line indicates the link is to a HQ that
One good thing, the game will re-open with the map is subordinate to the chosen HQ. Finally (3), the Stavka is
layout you last chose so you do not need to revise it every outlined in orange and there is an orange line indicating
time you play the game. the HQ reports to that one.
This check is useful, as much of the value of a HQ is lost
if it is out of range.
In a full game, you may want to use this planning/ Looking at the Kalinin Front counter, you can see that it
administrative phase to move units to and from the is set as an Assault (4.13.3) HQ, this matters as it increases
reserve, re-assign weakened units to the rear, revise the command capacity and the speed at which units regain
your depots and so on. Equally you can always do lost Combat Preparation Points (4.8.2). For the moment,
these things later in the game turn – you will find your leave the Front HQ and move onto the 3rd Shock Army HQ.
own systems to manage this game. Again, left click on this and the map display again

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Here the link to the Front HQ is in orange (it commands report direct to the Front are outlined in yellow. This is
the Shock Army), the links to the combat units are in blue because they share a controlling HQ with the chosen unit
(all are within command range). Note the 3 units that (in that they too report to the Front).


For a Soviet Army HQ (or an Axis Corps) perhaps the Capacity is shown by the black bar on the depot symbol,
most important test is whether the combat units it controls move the Kalinin Front one hex south-west.
are outlined in blue.
If you right click on the unit display (right hand of the
screen), then you will see all the units that report to it.

As you can see, the capacity has dropped. Undo that

move, using the ‘U’ tab on the third row of tabs at the top
of the screen (this will return the Front HQ to the depot).
You can also view the implication of that move by
hovering the mouse over Nelidovo (6.4.2). Again ignore this
for now but that information can be very useful if you have
a more complex supply system.
Now click on the 257 Rifle Division (in the hex due east
of Velikie Luki), and again the map display will change.

We can ignore most of the information on this counter

for the moment but note there are 2 types of units under
its command. Off map Support Units (1) are marked with
a ‘-’ before their name. Some of these could be attached The selected unit(s) are now outlined in purple (1), the
directly to Combat Units (2) but left in the HQ they will other units reporting directly to the same HQ are in yellow
be allocated into combat by the computer routines. The (2) and the HQ is outlined in orange (2). The three units that
important part is they will only be committed if the combat report to the Front HQ (3) are not outlined as they have no
occurs in the command range of that HQ. command relationship to the selected unit.
So the most important aspect of your HQ counters is to The enemy controlled hexes are now either shaded dark
keep them in range of their subordinates. or light (4) brown. The lighter hexes are currently enemy
However, before moving onto planning the attack, there controlled hexes that the chosen unit(s) can reach without
is one aspect that is worth noting. If a HQ is on a depot, actually having to fight a battle. Since we have Fog of War
it increases the capacity of that depot (4.10.11). This is set off, you can see this for all the map – at other times this
really important as it improves the ability of that depot to information is often missing due to a lack of knowledge of
receive, store and distribute supplies to the combat units. enemy deployments.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

As an experiment now select the 1-2 Motorized Corps There is no right or wrong in your choice – both have
counter (located in hex 203, 131). You may need to left click advantages and disadvantages. The biggest risk of a direct
on the stack a few times till this one is chosen. Again the attack is you fail, the risk of an encirclement is the Axis
map display will change. forces manage to break in and re-establish contact.
To help with the choice, it is now useful to alter the map
display to remove both the depots and the VP locations.
Single left clicks will cycle through the units stacked in a
hex, a double click will select all the units in that stack.
This restructuring of the on-map display becomes
First note the other brigades of the Corps are in blue second nature after a while, in effect you can often
(this tells you they are part of the same combat unit), but configure the display to show exactly what you are
now note that the hex to the west of Velikie Luki is also interested in at any one time.
shaded light brown. Unlike the Rifle Division you first
selected, this brigade can actually cut the rail line to the
city and potentially surround the city. What now is clear is relatively how strong the defenders
At this stage, we can start to plan our offensive. are. The combat engine in WiTE2 is complex (4.8.2) but
The victory locations are relatively close to the front essentially to push the defender back (4.8.5) you need to
but Velikie Luki is the most valuable. You basically have 2 have double their combat value at the end of the battle.
choices, you can try to attack it directly and it may well fall Given you will struggle to match the defender’s at start
on the first turn but the German defenders will fall back value it is unlikely you will achieve this with a direct assault.
safely (remember you also gain VP for inflicting losses). Or Equally if you fail, your units will be weaker as they will lose
you can try to surround the city. If it remains isolated in half their CPP (4.8.3) making a subsequent attack much
your next turn, then any later attack may well be easier harder. On the other hand, the defender will be weakened
(the enemy will weaken when cut off) and, even better, during such an attack so, perhaps, a second attack might
they will surrender (yielding even more VP). succeed where the first failed.


This sort of decision making is key to good game play. This can only happen as you have your morale set at
Clearly one way to take a strongly held hex is to attack 120, the bonus is enough to reduce the costs of that
many times, but to rotate the attacking units so each move allowing you to advance these units to the hex.
time you are using fresh units. Often you can avoid If you play this scenario with 100 morale, you will find
a direct attack and rely on movement to force the you need to rely on the Mechanized Brigade alone to
enemy to fall back (or risk encirclement). You lack the complete the encirclement.
forces to bring in fresh units for a new attack in this

With all this in mind, we are going to try to encircle the

city first.


4.21.1. Planning the encirclement
You actually have a number of choices for how to manage
this turn but the key goal is to encircle Velikie Luki.
So start by left-clicking on the stack in hex 201, 107.
Note that both these units can move into the hex to the
west of the city.
By default, this will select the Rifle Brigade (31) and note
it can move into the target hex.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

For the moment, leave the brigade and move the Rifle
Division (381). Make the change by left-clicking on the hex
again, the display will change. Note that now the division
is outlined in purple both on the map and in the counter

Note the change in map shading, the unit you still have
selected has 0 MP remaining so every hex on the map is
now out of reach.
Another aspect of that move worth noting is that the
CPP % dropped from 50 to 48, as you lose 1 point for every
hex you move into during the turn.
Now click on hex 203,128, note that the 2 hexes entered
Now move the mouse to 200,129, note as you do this by 381 RD are now a different shade. That is because they
the movement path for the unit is marked out, showing were Axis controlled at the start of the turn but have been
11 in the first hex and 0 in the second. These numbers entered by a Soviet unit. They are treated as ‘pending’
are the MP that unit will have remaining if it moves to the Soviet control and this limits their usage and affects the
proposed target hex. cost to enter them (4.8.1). In particular, no Soviet unit can
use ‘Administrative Movement’ in those hexes (and this will
include the cost of any supplies sent forward at the end of
the turn).

Right click on the target hex, this converts the possible

move into a move order. The 381 RD will now appear in the
target hex (if you had selected ‘show move animation’ you
would see it move hex by hex).
The situation should now look like:


We are now going to re-organise the other units to

support the encirclement. Select the 257 RD (due east of
Velikie Luki) and move it to hex 201,128 (this will protect
the line of communications to the units cutting off the city).
Move the 28 RD from 202,138 (the hex at the south end of
the line) to 202,129. This will uncover the southern part of
the front but there is little risk of an Axis offensive.
The layout now will be:

Now hold the shift key down (or click on the shift option
on the information tool tabs) and move the mouse SW to
the hex occupied by the 6-16 unit. The display will now
look like:

You now have a choice. You can continue re-organising

the layout of the units to optimise the partial encirclement
or try to take the hex SW of Velikie Luki to complete cutting
it off.

4.21.2. Attacking to complete the

We are going to try that option with the 4 Soviet divisions
adjacent to the ‘2-6’ Axis stack. This will also allow us to
explore some important concepts when attacking just
with infantry formations. Due to the way movement costs
and Zones of Control (4.8.1 and 22.2.4) work none of
those 4 units will have the MP to both attack and enter
the target hex this turn. So we need to plan this attack All 4 divisions are outlined in purple (they are selected)
with some care. and all four divisions are shown on the right hand side of
Start by left-clicking on the stack shown as 19-16 the screen in a short hand manner.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Now click on the entry for 9 Gds RD on the right hand The combat engine in WiTE2 has many variables (4.8.2
of the screen (we are going to leave it out of the planned and 4.8.3) but the key concept is that if the attacker has
attack). You do this by clicking on the counter symbol not double the Combat Value of the defender – at the end of
on the text. the actual fighting – the defender will be forced to retreat
This display will now change to: (at the least – 4.8.5). The starting CV is a good clue to the
final position but the relationship is not linear and can be
misleading (due to fog of war) or if one or both sides has
substantial artillery or air assets available.
But you have starting odds of over 3-1 and you
outnumber the defenders. You are attacking with 4
divisions and the defenders are a regiment (2/83 ID) and a
battalion (the ski troops).

This sort of interpretation of the pre-attack odds

becomes second nature over time. The shown CV are
a useful guide but experience will help you understand
when they are misleading. As an example, a Soviet
rifle division in the summer of 1941 might appear
We now want to consider the attack. strong but might also collapse in combat due to low
Keep the shift key depressed (either on your keyboard morale or experience, especially if it is in clear terrain
or use the tab) and move the mouse over the Axis units, and attacked by German mobile troops.
the display will now give you an estimate of what might
happen if you attack.
So this is a worthwhile gamble.
You can choose the level of detail to watch the battle
by pressing 0-7 (at 0 you will see nothing, at 7 you will
see the results of every infantry squad, gun and plane
firing). Select 2, this will give you chance to check over the
summary outcome and consider if you want to see more
details after the battle.
Now simply right click on the target hex (so the same
as if you were ordering a move). This will trigger the attack
and at the end you will see the screen opposite.
For the purposes of that image, I changed the game
display to show battle sites.
So the Germans retreated relatively quickly with low
losses on both sides. You can use the ‘show details’ option
on the battle report to explore that combat in considerable
detail but for the moment let’s move on to the rest of the
Inevitably the losses will be different to what is shown
above as each combat relies on many dice rolls and the
interaction between the various combat elements engaged
Clearly in your game, the actual details will vary. In
particular, the AI may have allocated aircraft as Ground


Support (4.5.5) which can be very useful in terms of

disrupting the enemy before the actual ground fighting When moving your HQs it is a good idea to return
commences. to showing the logistics and depot display. All things
If, like me, you reviewed that battle after it happened, being equal, a HQ is better placed on a depot as long
press F1 (or the left hand tab) to return to moving units. as it is also in command range of its subordinates. In
this case, there is no suitable depot that also meets the
4.21.3. Final moves desire to move the Front HQ, but you could construct
Of the three units in 202,130, the 9 Gds RD should have its one at the airfield. However, this will be costly (in terms
full movement allowance so advance that into the hex you of supply demand to construct the infrastructure and
have just driven the Germans from. This is why we left it in a short scenario probably not worth the cost).
out of the attack. Given the layout of the defenders, all the
other rifle divisions now lack the MP to both move through
a Zone of Control and enter the target hex (38.7.1). Finally move the Kalinin Front counter to the airbase at
To complete your moves place the 31 Brigade in 202,128 205,126. This is not essential but will help the AI redeploy
(that will stop the defenders breaking out easily) and the 1 your aircraft closer to the front (remember we set the Air
brigade of the Mechanized Corps in 200,129 (so you have a Command to ‘follow’ the HQ).
powerful force blocking the direct relief route). You should have a layout similar to:

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Save the game (in case you wish to return to this

step) and press F12. That will commence the end of turn
routines. For this turn, click on Yes when asked about the
AI Depot Management option as there are no locations
where it is worth adding an extra depot.

4.21.4. The AI response

The map will change, you will see the AI routines first for
logistics, then its air phase and then the movement of
combat units (remember you have Fog of War off).

How the AI responds will vary from game to game

and the difficultly level you chosen. In particular giving
the AI a morale setting over 110 will change how
it behaves (and as you become more experienced,
produce a more challenging game).

Depot layout is a complex issue but basically you want 4.22. TURNS 2 - 3
a chain running back to your National Supply Sources
At this stage, the game returns to your air planning phase.
(4.10.2) and then close enough to the front so that
And you will see something like:
your units do not have a long supply chain. But you do
You can dismiss the events message by opening it,
not want too many as then you will lack trucks to move
marking all messages as read and closing it.
your units and their attached artillery as all your trucks
Note that on map, you can see how the AI has redeployed
are allocated to the depots.
your air force. On the right hand side is the turn summary


chart and this is worth looking over. More details on how At the top (1) you can see you have had 1 ground and 1
to interpret this screen can be found in section 36.16. air reinforcement. Clicking on the symbol will take you to
the reinforcement chart and you can see you now have an
extra Rifle Brigade.
Below this are some information screens. At the top
is your total losses (combat and attrition in the last turn)
and (2) how the on-map forces have changed (note the
Axis must have had some reinforcements), (3) can be very
useful as a quick glance over your logistics situation. In
this case trucks in units is important as it determines how
mobile your formations will be (4.8.1). (4) can be used to
find weak or poorly supplied units on the map (just click on
the ‘ALERTS’ options).
Finally (5) tells you if you are winning or losing. And
this looks terrible. But remember the VP scoring is very
dependent on the Soviets capturing cities.
At this stage of any turn, you can review many factors
using the Commander’s Report. This is a good time to carry
out any administrative tasks you feel are useful. Over time
you will develop your own routines and the Player’s Notes
(Ch. 30) contain some advice in this regard.
For the moment, we can move onto the ground phase
by pressing F12 (there is no need to amend our air orders).
As before, you will see the air phase run, be shown the
phase summary, close that and return to the map.

For this display I have selected the unit modes tab (shift-r)
as it tells us two useful things. First the reinforcement
is outlined in green so we can easily find it. Second, the
German defenders are isolated (outlined in red). You can
see what all the possible options are in section 6.5.3.
You can turn that off once you have reviewed the
situation. The other major changes are that the rest of the

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Mechanized Corps are now available to move as is the Ski You may find the AI has laid out its forces differently to
Brigade (44) in hex 203,126. those shown but it will try to cover the front line. At higher
difficulty levels it may well have tried to break through to
Velikie Luki,
Practically, only one thing matters this turn, capturing
the city.
If you select all the units surrounding the city (as above)
you will see the odds are something like 39-32. Now this
might be enough, you probably outnumber the enemy,
they may be low on supplies (actually they are not – due to
FOW being off you can see how much freight is in the depot
– see if you can work out how to view this information).
If you attack and fail, all your units will lose half their
remaining CPP making it harder to attack in such strength
The only powerful units you have available in addition
are the two Mechanized brigades so move them to 202,129
and then select all the possible attackers. The odds should
have improved to around 55-32 and given your other
advantages this is probably likely to work. Your final choice
is to add the 4-12 division at 201,131 but that is securing
your flank.
We will gamble on leaving that where it is.


So make the attack. Since it is now in the hex of its HQ and has at least 1
In this case the post-battle symbol has changed to show MP left, we can convert it from being on the map to being
the enemy surrendered. attached to the HQ. Click on ‘CONVERT UNIT’
From here, there are many options. If you then open the detailed tab for the Army HQ and
First let’s explore the different ways you can use the go the list of ‘assigned’ units, you will see the 26 Brigade
Rifle Brigades. They can be on the map and treated as a now marked as being off map and with a * (that means it
combat unit or assigned to either a HQ or combat unit (this has changed status or HQ this turn and cannot do so again
can significantly improve your combat power in a hex). To till next turn).
allocate one directly to a combat unit will take several turns A valid alternative use of that unit would have been to
(due to the scenario set up), so first move the newly arrived leave it where it was and place it in ‘RESERVE’ mode (4.7.8).
brigade to the hex with the Shock Army HQ. The advantage of that option is it may well be committed
Right click on the unit counter (on the right hand side of to support any attack nearby (especially as brigades are
the screen) and you will see the detailed unit screen: more likely to be selected for this than divisions).

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

For the rest of the turn, it is a good idea not to move the
assault units again if you can avoid this. They will regain If you have played WiTE1 this maybe one of the biggest
more of their CPP if left static and in hexes you owned at changes. Preservation (and recovery) of CPP is more
the start of the turn. important over the game than taking a single hex just
To complete the turn, move the 44 Ski brigade one hex because you are stronger than the defenders.
west (this will prevent any easy Axis incursion on your
northern flank). Also advance the 28 RD into the city (leave
the other units outside – they will regain more CPP if left You can do this by clicking in the hex and selecting from
in a hex you owned at the start of the turn). Just move one the depot tab on the top row, by right clicking on the hex
formation into the city so that it is garrisoned in case of a and select ‘Build Depot’ or opening the tab with the city
counter-attack. name and order the creation of the depot that way.
And then attack with the 9 Gds RD (201,130) to the
SW. The odds for a deliberate attack should be over 4-1
and this will make it easier to take Nevel (another victory
location) in a future turn.
It is quite likely the defenders will rout (they are a
security battalion) and move 21 Gds RD from 201,131 to
200,131. In the test game this moved them adjacent to a
German HQ that was on its own so that too retreated when
the Soviets advance (23.13).

Note in every case, your available Administrative Points

will drop from 11 to 10.
All the information on these steps can be found in
chapter 6 and One Page Guide #7.
Save the game and progress to the next turn.
By this stage, it is likely your game is becoming quite
different as the AI will make different choices. In mine,
it started a significant offensive from the NW of Velikie
Luki (and was held off by the division I advanced after
combat and the unit falling back after being attacked). You
can usefully review the AI turn by looking at the on-map
Again, you maybe faced with a different layout. If so, combat sites.
and the defenders are relatively strong, leave this attack to In other games it may react differently.
a later turn. WiTE2 does not reward just attacking ‘because The summary screen suggests you are still losing as it
you can’. assumes the AI will hold onto the other three victory cities.
One last thing you can do is to build a depot in Velikie However, as of turn 3, you should be slightly ahead due to
Luki. This will not fully function until the associated rail line the VP gained for forcing the garrison to have surrendered
is repaired but you will need it later. and one turn of holding Velikie Luki,


This is one of the many trade-offs in the game. A

support unit attached to a combat unit will always be
in action if the combat unit is involved. One assigned
to a HQ may not be committed (as ever this is decided
in part by random chance and in part by the quality
of leadership) but, on the other hand, may fight more
than once and be assigned to a combat that matters.


Up to this stage of the game, you should be able to follow
the steps above fairly closely but increasingly any replay of
Before completing this discussion, let’s look at how the game will vary. The AI will react in different ways, you
to assign support units to combat units (not all support might make different decisions about the importance of
units can be directly attached in this manner). Select the resting units as opposed to exploiting opportunities.
381 RD (200,129) and open up the unit screen, select So take the game forward and see how you do. It is
‘assign Support Unit’ and you will see the Rifle Brigade we probably a good idea to show the VP locations on the map
converted last turn. to remind you of where they are. Remember you now have
Assign that to the division and you will see its combat the 3 Rifle Divisions in 205,126 available and will gain more
value improve to 4.8. This can be a very useful way to reinforcements over the next two turns (but so will the
improve the direct combat power of a unit or stack. Germans).

Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2

Having completed that, you could replay the scenario at combination they will allow you to explore the main thrusts
the normal settings and with the Fog of War set. This will of the German invasion in June 1941.
remove the advantages you had above (and the malus that The Red God of War scenario will allow you to place
affected the AI) and may well make the fighting around the actions around Velikie Luki in more context as that
Velikie Luki much more difficult. covers the entirety of the Soviet ‘Mars’ offensive. Typhoon
The scenario is also worth playing from the Axis side as is useful to become used to the effect of the autumn rains
it covers concepts such as City Forts and you can explore and then the winter blizzards on movement and supply.
how to first slow and then stop an offensive.
4.23.2. Campaign Games
4.23.1. Other Scenarios The other campaign starts in the game allow you to
Once you feel you have completed this scenario, move explore specific phases of the war. Many of the testers
onto Introductory Scenario 2 – Road to Minsk. That is a two have reported how much they have enjoyed Stalingrad-
turn study of the opening offensive by Army Group Centre Berlin and the Vistula-Berlin campaigns. Even if you no
in June 1941. In this case, it is best played from the Axis longer have the broad sweep of the 1941 Axis offensive,
side (as the Soviets have little to do), Stalingrad-Berlin is well balanced and you can explore
Unlike this one, it is more about rapid movement but how the game handles the phase where the Red Army is
you can use it to practice important game functions such still learning and the German Panzers remain devastating
as rail repair, how to secure pockets and the need for when concentrated. Vistula-Berlin may seem one-sided
careful force allocation. but there is much to learn about how the Soviets conduct
Beyond that, the Road to Leningrad has a low unit a major offensive and the very different logistics demands
density and the Destruction of Southwestern Front is to 1941 as the Axis.
more demanding in terms of unit numbers and scale. In



Focus: This section sets out the sequence of play in

Key Points:
§§ How the two player phases interact
§§ Key Differences between the Soviet and Axis player
§§ Differences in games played against the AI and
against a human opponent
§§ A very short outline of the actions that occur in the
logistics and air execution phases

5.1. BASIC SEQUENCE OF PLAY as the commitment of support units and reserve combat
Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2 is a turn based game, with units to battles and air missions such as interception and
each game turn composed of separate Axis and Soviets defensive ground support.
Player turns. In combination these amount to one week of Amphibious assaults and airborne landings in support
real world time. of amphibious invasions, ordered in the Soviet player’s
The term “phasing player” is used for the player who is ground phase (24.7), occur after the logistics phase of the
currently conducting their player turn. For example, during next Axis player’s turn.
the Axis player turn, the Axis player is the phasing player The current phase (Logistics, Air Planning, Air Execution,
and the Soviets player is the non-phasing player. Move (Action)) is listed in the space to the right of the menu
tabs. In addition, during the Action (Move) phase, the
5.1.1. General Rules current status of air ground support (GS) is noted as either
Each player turn consists of a player specific logistics on or off (Hotkey- x) as the player may wish to not use up
phase and a general logistics phase, which are comprised their available ground support missions too early in a turn.
of a number of segments and sub-segments and are both
conducted automatically by the computer. 5.1.2. Differences when Using the Server
At the start of each turn, the player has the option to or PBEM
review any events that have occurred (36.9 and 36.15). The sequence of play is subtly different if you are playing
These may include new options, information about the the computer or against another human opponent.
progress of the war in the off map Theatre Boxes or simply Against the computer, at the end of your turn, you press
reporting important historical events. F12 (or the end of turn tab) and the game proceeds to run
An air directive planning phase is followed by the the logistics phase and its own turn. At the end of this it will
execution of the majority of air missions as well as air have generated two save files, one for its turn and one for
maintenance and any air training missions. the player to use when starting their next turn.
In the action (movement) phase, unit movement and If you are playing a human opponent, either PBEM or
ground combat and other player manual actions, including using the Matrix server (2.8.2), the basics are the same.
air transport of units or supplies, are conducted. Complete your turn, press end turn and either a save will
The computer may conduct actions with the non- be automatically placed on the Matrix Server or you will
phasing player’s forces during the ground phase, such need to send it to your opponent. They generate their turn

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

and so on. The process for doing this is covered in section Below is a summary of the major activities that occur during
2.8 of this manual. these phases.
One key difference is how amphibious invasions are
handled. As above, the Soviet player must order these in 5.3.1. The Logistics Phase
their own ground phase but they are not actually executed Each player turn normally includes a player specific logistics
until after the logistics phase of the German player’s turn. phase with distinct segments followed by a general logistics
What actually happens in a multiplayer game is that phase that has the same segments and sub-segments for
this phase is resolved as the Soviet player saves the game each player. The game switches to normal (F1) mode at the
but the map will be blacked out so the Soviet player is not start of the logistics phase. The map pop-ups, top menu
able to see what is happening – otherwise you could gain buttons, and shortcuts are disabled during the logistics phase.
information normally obscured in the fog of war. The administrative points and vehicle pool values are
also cleared from the screen during the logistics phase.
The major actions that occur during this phase include
5.2. GAME TURN OVERVIEW attrition, building of fortifications, all facets of production,
A. Axis Player Turn upgrade and swapping of equipment and aircraft, recovery
1. Axis Logistics Phase of disabled manpower, morale and fatigue adjustments,
2. General Logistics Phase (for Axis units only) unit reinforcement and withdrawals, administrative point
3. Soviet Amphibious Phase (as above, in a multiplayer adjustment, hex change of control, removal of temporary
turn this has already been resolved but it is shown to motorization, repair of rail, factories, and depots, expansion
the Axis player at this point) of air base units, determination of partisan attacks and
4. Axis Air Planning Phase damage, leader adjustments, freight movement, provision
5. Axis Air Execution Phase of unit supply and replacements, to include aircraft and
6. Axis Ground Phase (ground movement and combat) pilots, movement of support units and support elements,
setting of unit movement point allowances, resetting of
B. Soviet Player Turn rail usage, rally of routed units and unit surrender check,
7. Soviet Logistics Phase adjustment of unit detection levels due to ground recon,
8. General Logistics Phase (for Soviet units only) and adjustment of scenario victory points.
9. Soviet Air Planning Phase In addition weather determination only occurs during
10. Soviet Air Execution Phase the Soviets logistics phase and is then set until the next
11. Soviet Ground Phase (ground movement and combat) Soviet logistics phase – so the Axis player phase will have
Note that there are no logistics phases for the first player the same weather as the Soviet player in the previous turn.
on the first turn of any scenario. If the Axis player is the
first player, the scenario will start with the Axis Air Planning 5.3.2. The Air Execution Phase
phase, if the Soviets player is the first player, the scenario During the air execution phase the computer conducts air
will start with the Soviet Air Planning phase. missions, including any pilot training missions, over the
On turn two and following turns the game will follow the seven days of the turn with a day and a night segment for
normal sequence of play. each day of the turn. In addition, each day of the turn has
This means that in scenarios with the Soviets as the first a maintenance segment where replacement pilots and
player, the first nine phases of the Game turn are skipped aircrew can be added to Air Groups, aircraft are repaired
on the first turn, so that the Axis player has no first turn and air base units can be repaired and resupplied with fuel
and the Soviet player has no logistics phases. and ammunition.


The logistics phase and air execution phase consist of These two turns are where the bulk of the player interaction
numerous actions that are conducted by the computer. with WiTE2 will take place.


The broad outlines of both air planning and ground Equally in the ground phase, you can start by moving
movement have been covered in chapter four. any counter that you wish, and your first action can be a
The detailed rules covering the conduct of the air war combat, to send a unit by rail, a normal move or to order
can be found in chapters 16-19 and those around ground an amphibious invasion.
movement and combat are in chapters 22-24. However, it is worth noting that your air directives are
Note that in both these phases, there is no rigid sub- executed in the order they appear for that air command so
order. You can construct air directives in any order that you may wish to take this into account when setting them
you like (and change them as you revise your ideas). up or amending them.

Focus: This section sets out how the game interface how you can use these to carry out on-map actions
works and how to access key information on the map with your air and ground units
and from the background reports. §§ Information that can be displayed on the playing map
§§ Information that can be accessed about individual units
Key Points: §§ How to access the information in the various Theatre
§§ The different available sets of tabs across the top of Boxes
the screen §§ Some indications of how to bring together all the
§§ How to set, change and interpret the soft factors on information on specific topics
each unit counter §§ Note that almost all the information can be accessed
§§ The different sets of tabs that are available during using the tabs, a relevant hot key or by right clicking
the air planning and ground movement phases and on any map hex

6.1.1. Top Panel boxes and buttons

The buttons along the top rows allow you to do one of five
§§ Access another screen, an example of this is
the option to open the detailed Order of
The interface consists of a top panel, map area, unit Battle Display (36.1);
bar (when units are selected) and a number of associated §§ Carry out in-game actions, an example of this
screens and windows for providing information and is the F1 tab in the ground movement phase
conducting various actions. which allows you to move ground units using
As previously discussed, with the exception of some tactical movement;
actions in the map area, selecting is done by left clicking §§ Alter how the map is shown, an example of
with the mouse on buttons and selectable text links. this is the option on the map information
screen to show enemy held hexes and hexes
you have captured this turn;
This section sets out some of the conventions used in
the UI, more detailed information as to what each option
means is set out in section 6.2 onwards.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

§§ Some buttons lead onto a secondary set of In addition to these options, many functions (and map
options to select. An example if the battle views) can be accessed by right clicking on any hex on the map.
indicator tab (F11) on the map information In the main, any action can be conducted using any of
display that in turn is sub-divided to show all these options so you can interact with the game as seems
battles, air battles only or land battles only; most logical. In a few instances, some options may not
§§ If the hex selected contains a depot, the right be available due to how the various elements of the UI
hand side of the display will show the depot interact. The available methods for each option are set out
and its current priority. The priority can be in detail in the rest of this chapter.
amended directly from the display. If no
depot exists, then this display can be used 6.1.4. From the information screens
to order the creation of a depot. A similar set of options This is discussed in more detail later in this chapter and in
exist for airbases. the relevant annexes, but you can return to the map from
the various information screens at a particular hex (and for
example have the relevant detailed battle report showing)
or to the location of a given unit.


The top panel both provides information and allows
Note that the panel is shaded brown when the Soviet side interaction with the map area and on-map units.
is active and grey if the Axis side is active. It is best described as being divided into four rows of
6.1.2. On the map display §§ The top row is a standard windows style toolbar, on the
Placing the cursor over any hex will see a pop-up box. The left side will be information about the current build, the
information shown will vary substantially according to scenario being played and the last save generated, on
what is in the hex and any other choices (such as having the right are the standard windows tabs for minimising
selected the logistics display 6.9). This will always show a screen, reducing screen size or to exit the program.;
the weather, terrain, any physical features such as towns
or rail lines and if the hex is adjacent to a river. If units
are in the hex, some information will usually be shown §§ The second row from left to right gives 3 tabs that in
(again varying according to the Fog of War (10.2) and other turn affect what is displayed in the row below, some
display choices). information about the game turn, status of ground
Right clicking on a hex will support and other information (this will vary according
give access to further options in to whether the phase is the air planning phase or
terms of on-map information, ground movement. The example below is from the
the ability to access various ground movement phase (indicated by MOVE) and the
information screens) and some player has Ground Support (18.1.3) off.
information about the country and region of the hex.

6.1.3. Tabs, F-keys and hot keys §§ On the right hand side will be a box that will contain
Almost all the information options can be accessed either information on how many administrative points
via the various tabs at the top of the screen, right clicking (Chapter 9) are available, game turn by date and turn
on the map, using the F# keys on your keyboard or via number. This box may also include a city/location name,
hot keys. an airfield indicator and information about a depot if
So if a given option is described as the F1 tab, this can these are present in the selected hex;
be accessed via the tabs at the top or depressing F1. A full
list of the hot keys can be found in Section 36.


§§ The information in the third row is a series of tabs, these you have selected during the relevant order phase (see
will vary according to choice made in the row above but the information on the Fourth Row below). Next to this it
mostly will allow to access other screens or change the will show whether or not Ground support missions will be
on-map display. flown. The image below shows how this information will
appear in the ground phase (1) or the air orders phase (2).

§§ On the right hand side is the option to change

the ‘soft’ filter (6.5.11) which will change the
information shown on the unit counters; On the right hand side is a box with variable information.
§§ The fourth row contains tabs that can be used to carry In every case, this will show:
out game actions or access information, this will vary §§ The number of unused administrative points available
depending on whether it is the air planning phase or the to the player;
ground movement phase (the example below is from §§ The game turn (by date);
the ground phase): §§ The game turn (by turns since the start of the particular
If a hex on the main map has also been selected, one, two
or all of the following information may be shown:
§§ On the far right hand side will be the key to §§ Location name – most likely the name of the town or
execute the air directives or to end the turn. city in the hex. Clicking on this will open the detailed tab
for that location (37.13);
With the exception of the title bar, the top panel colour will §§ If the hex is also a port, either a permanent built
be grey during the Axis player turn and brown during the structure or a temporary port generated by a naval
Soviet player turn. invasion (24.7), then an anchor will be shown to the
right of the name
6.2.1. Title Bar §§ Airfield – this will be coded as it appears on the map.
This is a standard MS Windows title bar with minimize, Again, clicking on this will open the detailed tab for that
maximize and close buttons. It will display the game airfield (37.16.2);
version number and the name of the scenario currently §§ Depot – this will indicate the type and the current supply
loaded. priority (25.7). Supply priority can be amended from a
Note that the player must use the title bar close button pop-up menu. If you want to open the detailed tab, you
(X) in the upper right corner to exit the program during need to click on the location name to the left.
the computer AI turn as there is no other way to close the Note that if an airfield or a depot could be built in the hex,
game while the AI is running its own turn. the option to do so will be shown here.

6.2.2. Second Row

6.2.3. Third Row
On the left hand side here are three tabs. These give access The information here will vary according to which of the
to the detailed tabs in the row below and the available set menu tabs (above) you have selected. The bulk of the line
will vary depending on if ‘map information’, ‘info screens’ or is made up of a series of tabs that allow you to access
‘administration’ is selected. Some options will only appear information either on the main map or from the detailed
during either the air planning or ground movement phase, information screens. On the far right is a drop down menu
others are available in both. that allows you to change the information on the game
The centre will show the type of orders you are giving counters to show information such as supply state or other
to your air units or ground units depending on which tab useful information.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Map Information Tab

The tool bar buttons associated with this tab allows you §§ Supply priority: This will show the relative supply
to amend the main map display to emphasise information priority (from 1 to 4) of each HQ and their attached
you currently wish to see. Clicking on most of these buttons combat units (6.9.3);
will turn on or off the additional information and they can §§ View Logistics Information: This function can be toggled
often be used in combination. in conjunction with other functions, and will display
In general if a tab is shown as white it has not been detailed information about depot locations, rail usage
selected, if it is shown with a yellow image it is currently and the supply system (6.9);
selected. §§ View Factory Locations: Town, City and Urban hexes
From left to right, the options are: with factories, to include manpower, ports, railyards
§§ View Units on Map: Hides all on-map units when toggled and resource production have their hex shaded red and
to allow a clear view of the map area display symbols for each type of factory present.
§§ Zoom Map in: Five zoom levels available. §§ City Capture dates: Shows the historical dates that key
§§ Zoom Map out: Five zoom levels available. cities changed hands. The information is used as part of
§§ View Enemy Hexes: Distinguishes between friendly, the Campaign game victory conditions (29.1);
pending friendly and enemy hexes (7.3). Friendly hexes §§ Road Display: Changes the on-map display to clearly
will be clear. Enemy hexes will be shaded rose, and show the location and quality of the road network;
hexes you have captured this turn will be shaded grey. §§ Weather display: Brings up further options to variously
§§ View Fort Levels: Displays a circular symbol with a show air and ground weather, ground weather only, air
number in hexes that have a manmade fort level (20.1) weather only or to turn off the weather information on
(this will show any hex with a fort > 0). The inner ring the main map;
of the symbol is grey for Axis fort levels and brown for §§ Victory Locations: this shows the on map victory locations
Soviets fort levels and the number indicates the current (both for campaigns and scenarios) and the basic value
fort level; and any potential extra points for early capture;
§§ View Rail Damage Info: Displays status of railroads in §§ Show interdiction levels: shows the interdiction level
friendly and recently captured friendly hexes. of a given hex, note that interdiction can be generated
§§ Combat Delays: This will show the additional movement both by air attacks and Soviet partisan actions;
cost to leave a hex if there was a battle in that hex this §§ Air recon values: shows the air reconnaissance value for
turn (22.2.7); each hex, can be filtered to show the reconnaissance
§§ Show on map command links: This gives two options that is used for ground attack missions or for strategic
and determines how the command links between units bombing;
are displayed; Command Efficiency and Command §§ Show air directive targets: Displays the layout of current
Quality (6.5.2). air directives, can be filtered to all of these or only those
§§ View Unit Modes/Isolated: Highlights on-map unit counters aimed at ground targets;
with a colour border according to one of five different §§ Show map flak: Displays the flak value of a given hex,
modes. This will also identify units that have just arrived can be limited to only show flak generated by AA units
that turn or are due to withdraw in the next 5 turns; in cities or all the flak affecting a hex;


§§ Show Air Operational Groups: Displays the locations of up a further set of options and each allows you to change
AOGs on the map (16.3); the look of the on-map counters to display information
On the far right side of this toolbar is the option to set the about a particular aspect (6.5.11).
‘soft factor’ for the on-map counters. Clicking this will bring

Info Screens Tab

The majority of the screens accessed through the set of §§ Display Logistics Phase Event Log Screen: Provides
tool bar buttons on this tab are informational only. Note information on numerous events that have occurred
that all these functions can also be accessed via right during the most recent logistics phase as well as
clicking on any map hex. reporting on some actions that occurred during the
Information on how to interpret these screens can be previous ground and air execution phases (36.9).
found in both the referenced section of the manual and in §§ Display Air Doctrines Screen: The air doctrines screen
appendices. lists each air command and applicable current settings
§§ Display Order of Battle Screen: This screen provides the for each air directive type (ground support, bomb city,
phasing player a complete Order of Battle down to the ground attack, recon, air superiority, and naval patrol)
individual unit level and also provides a summary of the (36.10)
status of each country’s army and air force (36.1). §§ Display Air Directives Screen: This will show you the
§§ Display Loss Screen: This screen provides the phasing current set of air directives by Air HQ (36.11)
player a summary of each side’s current casualties §§ Go to Theatre Box screen: This will take you a detailed
(disabled and destroyed) and permanent losses in listing of all the units assigned to each off map Theatre
terms of men, guns, AFV’s, vehicles, and aircraft (36.2). Box (36.12)
§§ Display Production Screen: This screen displays §§ Display Victory Point Screen: There are two different
production information for aircraft, ground elements, types of victory screens, one for campaign scenarios
vehicles, ships, supply, manpower, and various other and one for all other scenarios. Both types of victory
inputs to the production process. The phasing player screens provide a running tally of current victory points,
will only be able to see information for their side (36.3). to include displays how victory points are earned for
§§ Display Metrics: This will take you to a series of charts each side during a scenario (36.13).
that allow you to track various aspects of the game over §§ Display WiTEpedia: This will provide historical
time (36.4); background on the various historical formations
§§ Display Weather Screen: The weather screen displays represented in WiTE2 (36.14)
the prevailing weather conditions graphically super- §§ Display Events: This will allow you to see events that
imposed on the map area and provides link to the have already occurred in the game after you dismiss
dominating weather conditions table (36.6). them at the start of the turn (36.15)
§§ Display Unit Reinforcement and Withdrawal Screen: §§ Display Turn Summary: Brings up a useful quick
This screen lists reinforcements and withdrawals for the summary of major changes in the last turn to both sides
phasing player (36.7). This will include all movements OOB, identifies units that maybe low on supply and the
between Theatre Boxes. current situation in respect of the victory conditions
§§ Display Commanders Report Screen: This screen is, in (36.16).
turn, a multi-tabbed list of information on units, leaders, Again, on the far right side of this toolbar is the option
equipment and battles that can be sorted and filtered in to set the ‘soft factor’ for the on-map counters. Clicking
numerous ways. In addition, many unit settings can be this will bring up a further set of options and each allows
changed for both individual units and groups of units you to change the look of the on-map counters to display
using this screen (35). information about a particular aspect (6.5.11).

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Administration Tab Note that some buttons are available in both the air
The following screens planning and ground movement phase. For convenience,
are included in the the information is repeated where this is appropriate.
Administration tab toolbar:
§§ Quit and Exit to Main Menu: Exits the current scenario Air Planning Phase Mode Toolbar
and returns the player back to the main menu screen
§§ Show Preferences Screen: Allows the player to review
and change the user and map preferences (36.17).
§§ Show Game Options Screen: Displays the Game Options
Screen and allows the player to change options if not
locked out due to PBEM mode (36.18). §§ No Air Directive Selected (F1): Default standard mode
§§ Show Hotkey List: Displays the complete list of Hotkeys that allows the player to move around the map and
available (36.19). select, though not to move, units during the air planning
§§ Show Save Game Screen: Allows the player to save the phase. No air planning screen will appear on the right
current turn (2.7). hand side of the playing area (37.16)
In general, all the tabs from F2 to F7 are only of importance
6.2.4. Fourth Row if you are manually setting your air directives, this is
The options available here will vary depending on if it is the covered in the manual especially in sections 17.3 and 17.4.
Air Planning Phase or the Ground Phase. The same set of §§ Ground Support Air Directive (F2): Mode used to
buttons will appear regardless of if the Map Information, manually add new or modify existing ground support
Info Screens or Administration group are showing in the air directives by accessing an Air HQ unit listed in the
third row. right hand unit bar.
The majority of the buttons in these toolbars allow §§ Ground Attack Air Directive (F3): Mode used to manually
the player to select the different modes used to plan air add new or modify existing ground attack air directives
directives or conduct actions in the map area. Most of by accessing an Air HQ unit listed in the right hand unit
these tabs enable you to carry out particular actions and all bar,
can be accessed by depressing the appropriate F# button §§ Strategic Bombing Air Directive (F4): Mode used to
on the keyboard. manually add new or modify existing bomb city air
Only one mode can be selected at a time. The mode directives by accessing an Air HQ unit listed in the right
currently selected will be displayed on the second row of hand unit bar.
the panel. §§ Air Recon Air Directive (F5): Mode used to manually add
new or modify existing air reconnaissance air directives
by accessing an Air HQ unit listed in the right hand unit
§§ Air Superiority Air Directive (F6): Mode used to manually
add new or modify existing air superiority air directives
In this case, the amphibious planning mode from the by accessing an Air HQ unit listed in the right hand unit
ground phase has been selected. You can see this as the tab bar.
is now coloured yellow and the information ‘AMPHIBIOUS’ §§ Naval Patrol Air Directive (F7): Mode used to manually
shows on the second row. add or modify new naval air directives by accessing an
These buttons are found on the row below the tabs Air HQ unit listed in the right hand unit bar.
already described and do not change according to §§ Battle Locator Mode (Hotkey F11): This mode will add
whether the player has selected the map, information or battle location indicators to the map. You must opt to
administrative tool bar. show one of three different views from the drop down
menu: 1) show all battle sites, 2) show ground battle
sites, 3) show air battle sites.


§§ Display Air Doctrines Screen: The air doctrines screen In figure 6-14 the F2 (Ground Support) button has been
lists each air command and applicable current settings depressed and a full list of the Soviet air commands is
for each air directive type (ground support, bomb city, shown. Under each command can be seen the number of
ground attack, recon, air superiority, and naval patrol) existing air directives of this type and the total number of
(36.10) air directives of that command. So, for example, the North
§§ Display Air Directives Summary: The air directives Western Air Command has 1 Ground Support mission and
summary screen lists the current air directives by air 2 Air directives in total.
command. Air directives in this screen can be accessed
and edited during the air directive planning phase (36.11). Action (Move) Phase Mode Toolbar
§§ Toggle Air Execution Phase Detail: This determines
the level of detail of the combat resolution report
window during the air execution phase. There are four
levels annotated by the number of aircraft symbols
highlighted, with each providing additional detail.
Values available are None, Low, Medium, and High. The left hand four buttons on this toolbar access the main
§§ AI Depot Management: Triggers the AI automation for methods available for moving ground units on the map. As
depot placement and creation (25.7.3); you change this selection, the second row of the toolbar
§§ Activate AI Assist: Used to have the computer manage will show the mode you are currently using.
and move the player’s Air Groups automatically, this is The rest of the toolbar contains other move options,
different to the F12 option as it can be done as the air actions that you can carry out or information you can
planning phase progresses (17.1). display on the map.
§§ Factory Navigation: Shows the list of factories Pressing F1 will also clear all the other map modes and
producing the various ground and air frames and other any information they have placed on the map (such as
key resources (discussed in Chapter 28). For the Soviet battle sites).
player this will show which factories will automatically On the left, the four options are:
relocate and when (37.14). §§ Move Mode (F1): Mode used to conduct tactical
§§ Shift and Control: Since many movement of ground units, and ground battles (22.2
game functions require the and most of Chapter 23).
player to use the Shift or Control §§ Rail Mode (F2): Mode used for the strategic transport of
keys these options are provided. ground units using the rail network (22.4).
If one is selected then it is on by §§ Naval Transport Mode (F3): Mode used to for the
default for all future game play strategic transport of ground units between friendly
instructions until it is removed. ports via water hexes (24.3). This is also used if you want
Use of these buttons is optional to just move the naval HQ on the map.
but may make some game §§ Amphibious Transport Mode (F4): Mode used for the
operations easier to carry out. strategic transport of combat units from a friendly port
On the right hand side is the option to an enemy controlled coastal hex via amphibious
to end this phase.). assaults (24.6).
§§ Execute Air Directives (Hotkey §§ Air Transport Mode (Hotkey F9): Mode used to conduct
F12): End Air Planning Phase and air transport of supply and units (22.50 and 37.16.10).
Execute Air Directives. §§ Battle Locator Mode (F11): This mode will add battle
If you select the options to set air location indicators to the map. You must opt to show
directives (F2-F7), the right hand one of three different views from the drop down menu:
side of the screen will be modified 1) show all battle sites, 2) show ground battle sites, 3)
to show air commands and how show air battle sites.
many of that directive type have The next group of options enable you to issue specific
already been set. orders or carry out certain actions.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

§§ Combat Unit Buildup and Breakdown: Select this button The final option is to end the turn.
after selecting the hex containing combat unit(s) to §§ End this Turn (Hotkey F12): Selecting this button ends
build up or breakdown (21.3.2). Selecting the button the phasing side’s player turn.
again will reverse the action just taken.
§§ Create Fortified Unit in Selected Hex: Creates a fortified
zone or region combat unit (20.5). Select this button 6.3. USING THE RIGHT CLICK OPTION
after selecting an eligible hex on the map where the In WiTE2 there are often multiple methods to access
fortified zone is to be built. information or to carry out actions.
§§ Build unit menu: Soviet player only - this provides access Section 6.2 has discussed how to use the various tabs
to the build unit screen (37.5) to create new combat and information presented across the top of the playing
and support units. This option is not shown for the Axis area. A useful alternative is to right click on any hex.
player as they cannot build new units. Depending on the hex you select, the actual options will
§§ Undo Move: This button will only appear on the mode vary but can be broken down into actions and information
toolbar when the last ground unit selected in move (F1) specific to the hex or that allow you access the various in-
or rail mode (F2) is eligible to undo its previous move. game information reports.
This cannot be done if the unit entered an enemy hex or Every version of the pop up menu will give you the hex
next to an enemy unit. location and terrain type. Equally you can centre the map
§§ Auto Assign Unit(s) to Nearest Headquarters: on the hex you have selected.
Automatically attaches combat and headquarters units In addition, you will see the name of both the country
to the nearest eligible headquarters unit while the units and the region where the hex is located.
are selected in Move mode (F1) (21.11.10).
The next set of options allow you to automate some 6.3.1. Actions you can carry out
actions, change the map display or to turn Ground support These, and the resulting display, will vary slightly depending
on or off: on the hex selected.
§§ AI Depot Management: Triggers the AI automation for
depot placement and creation (25.7.3); Options for an empty hex
§§ Activate AI Assist: Used to have the computer manage The theatre arrival hex will
and move the player’s Air Groups automatically, this is be used by all units ordered
different to the F12 option as it can be done as the air from the national reserve
planning phase progresses (17.1). The value during the until a new target hex is
ground phase is if you move the HQ an air operational selected (13.2.1). Note that
group is set to ‘follow’ this will trigger an on-map units may not be able to
redeployment (if appropriate) of the relevant air units. arrive at the chosen hex due
§§ Factory Navigation: Shows the list of factories to stacking limits and the
producing the various ground and air frames and other other relevant rules (13.2.1). So in some instances, this
key resources (discussed in Chapter 28). For the Soviet option will not be shown.
player this will show which factories will automatically The other options will create either a new airfield or
relocate and when (37.14). establish a fortified unit in the hex. Some options will cost
§§ Toggle ground support: This button turns ground you administrative points (9.2) so you will be asked to
support on and off, the current choice is also shown in confirm your choice before
the middle of the second row. the action is carried out.
§§ Shift and Control: Since many game functions require If the hex is empty but
the player to use the Shift or Control keys these options contains a rail line then you
are provided. If one is selected then it is on by default may also create a new depot
for all future game play instructions until it is removed. in that hex (there is a per-turn
Use of these buttons is optional but may make some cap on the number of such
game operations easier to carry out. depots that can be created).


Options for a hex with a named location or an together with an option > moving the mouse over this
existing airbase will access a menu that allows you to change the priority
If you select a hex that (25.4.4) of the depot or to disband it.
contains a named location If the hex has an existing
(i.e. a town, city or urban hex), airbase the option > will allow
depot or airbase you will see to move onto the detailed
the name and an indication of information screen, to expand the
the population size (town) or air base (unless it is already at the
airbase size. maximum size of 3) or to change
Depending on what is the supply priority.
present, you can use the
options at the top right hand 6.3.2. Information you can access
side of the screen to adjust If you right click on any hex
depot priority or access the location or airbase detailed you can the move onto one
screen. In addition if the hex contains an airbase, the airbase of two further menus. Map
unit summary tab will appear on the right hand side of the information is a different way
screen if you have selected the hex by left clicking on it. to change the information
Clicking on the name (in presented on the map (and all
this case the text Lublin 13) can be done by using the tabs
will take you to the detailed at the top of the playing area
city display box (the same as or by hot keys).
clicking on the name on the
top right corner of the map). Map information option
If the hex has no depot, Map information options are:
the option to ‘build depot’ If you have any of these
will appear. If the hex has selected, it will be marked by
an existing depot then the an ‘x’ to the left hand side of
type (25.7.1) will be shown the option.

Info screens option

This option mostly allows
you to access much the same
group of information screens
as you can using the tabs at
the top of the game area.


Every hex in the map area
will display a text box when
the mouse cursor is located over it. This feature can be
disabled by setting the hex pop-up delay to zero in the user
section of the preferences screen (36.17).
If you enable different map views the precise information
will change (usually to provide more information) and

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

this section will concentrate on the data shown using the If the hex contains a Victory Objective (Non-campaign
default map preferences unless otherwise noted). scenarios): Information about points for victory objectives
Note the goal in this section is not to set out in detail will be in the format xx/xxx, where the first number is the
how to read (or use) all the displays but to show what can amount of points received by the applicable player every
be accessed. Where appropriate links are included to later player turn for control of the hex and the second number
sections of the manual for more information. is the amount of points the applicable player will receive
for control of the hex at the end of the scenario.
6.4.1. Basic information
(always on display) 6.4.2. Hex dependent information
The following information will be shown for all hexes: The information will also vary according to what is in the
The country and region of hex. If the hex contains an airfield the information will
the hex will always appear as include:
either the second or third line The name of the airbase, its size (in brackets how much
(when a depot, town or airfield of the potential capacity is in use) and how damaged with a
is also present). number indicating the level of current damage.
Every hex on the map is If there are air units present (in areas you control these
rated for the quality of its bases will show as
road network (poor, average a green), then a list
or good). The presence of an of the formations
average or good road is also indicated by the hex art and by name, number
can be seen more clearly if the road display overlay (7.2.6) of ready planes and
is selected. types of planes.
If the hex contains a rail line, then the owner and status If the hex contains
of the rail line will be shown (7.2.5) as well as the amount a fort, then the current
of freight (usage) that has passed through that hex in this level of the fort (from
game turn. If the rail hex is damaged then the current level 1 to 5) will be shown.
of damage will be shown (from 1-100) if you are viewing As units improve a
a friendly hex (this information is not shown for enemy fort a percentage in
hexes unless you have sufficient reconnaissance). brackets will be shown
The pop up will also show the direction (using a indicating how much
compass) of any directly connected hex that also contains progress has been
a rail line. made towards the
If the hex has a river in any hexside, then the display will next level.
show whether it is a minor or major river (or if the hexside If the hex contains
is impassable) a depot then the pop
and in which up will display: type
direction (using (25.7.1); number of
a compass) the trucks; and, the total
river lies. After freight currently stored
the compass at the depot as well
indicator will as other information
be a number about the workings of
from (0) to (9). the logistics system
This tells you (6.9)
how frozen (if at Beneath the depot,
all) the river is the following informa-
(8.5.3). tion is shown:

1 12

§§ Received: # – % where # is the freight received during If the hex has been set for units to arrive from the Reserve
logistics phase and % is the percentage of total depot Theatre (13.2.1), the pop-up display will look as in figure
capacity that was received. 6-28.
§§ Stored # – % where # is the current freight stored, (#) If the rail repair mode is enabled, then such a hex will be
is the amount of freight that was at the depot at the marked in yellow as seen below.
start of the logistics phase, and % is the percentage of
capacity that was stored at the beginning of the logistics
§§ Sent Out: # is the amount of freight sent out from the
depot during the current turn.
§§ Capacity: # is the maximum amount of freight that can
be stored at this depot.
§§ Below that will be information on where the freight was
sent from (in the shown example all this came from
Bryansk but in some situations two or more locations
will be listed.


6.4.3. If a unit is present

If a ground unit is present additional information will be
shown and a detailed separate pop up on the types of
equipment in the complete stack.
For combat units,
you will see the unit
name (attack CV,
defensive CV and
percent of ToE), MP
(number of current
movement points). If
the unit has a directly
attached support unit
(21.5), this will be
listed just below the unit title of the on map unit.
If applicable, information will also show for how long a
unit is frozen or till it is withdrawn.
If a HQ is present you will see the name, the number
of combat units (CU) it commands, the number of support

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

units (SU) attached to the HQ reconnaissance mission over this hex and how high is your
and its current movement reconnaissance level.
allowance (MP). If you select a hex with a known enemy unit the amount
In addition, it unit(s) are of information will vary according to the detection level.
present, then hovering over This cannot exceed det:10 at which stage you will know the
the hex will see a summary unit title, its attack and defence CV and the detection level.
of the elements in the hex At lower detection levels this information may become less
appear at the base of the reliable or disappear altogether.
6.4.6. Mode dependent information
If you select different map modes the information
presented may change. This section only discusses a few
of these variations.
Display Units. If you toggle the unit display off then
information about combat units will not appear on the hex
pop up.
6.4.4. Information on player activities In the Action (Move) phase, if naval transport (F3) or
If present, you will see both enemy and friendly interdiction amphibious transport (F4) mode is selected, then the
values in a hex. This may show for one or both sides as Axis impact of control of sea hexes on those modes of travel
(number) Soviet (number). will be indicated as follows:
Note that while this refers to air interdiction, in this case §§ Friendly controlled – nothing displayed
the most likely reason for the low level of Soviet interdiction §§ Neutral – SHIPPING CONTESTED
is partisan activity (13.4). §§ Enemy controlled – SHIPPING HEAVILY CONTESTED
§§ Enemy amphibious HQ unit and adjacent hexes –
Factory Locations: If ‘View Factory Locations’ has been
toggled on, than the hex pop-up will include information
about the specific factories in the hex, to include, port,
manpower, railyard, resources and other production
factories. Factories
that are not yet
producing will be listed.
Any factories with
damage will have the
If a battle has taken place in the current player turn percentage displayed
then Combat Delay will show at the bottom of the pop up. in parentheses next to
the number of factory
6.4.5. Impact of Fog of War points of that type in
If you place the mouse on a hex in enemy territory you will that location.
see the basic information and any rail usage and the state If you are playing
of the rail line. one of the limited area
Depending on your level of reconnaissance you will scenarios, some of
always know if there is an airbase present and you may this information will
see how many planes (by type not detail) are present. The be missing as it is not
pop up information will also tell you when you last flew a relevant to gameplay.


6.4.7. Air base display §§ Black – Empty when last covered by reconnaissance
The information shown for airbases will vary according to flights
ownership and whether or not the logistics display tab has §§ Yellow – Has never been covered by reconnaissance
been selected. flights
Friendly airbases, no logistics tab: §§ Orange – Under construction airbase not yet size 1
§§ Green – Has air units §§ Friendly airbases, when logistics tab selected:
§§ Green with red circle - Airbase has air units, but less §§ Red – Fuel or ammo <=40% of need
than 50% of needed support or over 100% of airfield §§ Orange – Fuel or ammo <= 55% of need but neither
capacity <=40
§§ Yellow – Empty but with air units ordered to transfer §§ Yellow – Fuel or ammo <= 70% of need but not neither
there <=55
§§ Black – Empty airbase §§ Green – Fuel and ammo >70%
§§ Orange – Under construction airbase not yet size 1 §§ Enemy airbases, logistics tab selected:
In figure 6-36 below, air base 1 has planes and is under §§ Black – All
capacity, 2 is over capacity, 3 is empty and 4 has just If the air base is overloaded then it will have a red outer
started construction. circle in addition to the indicators above.
Enemy airbases, no logistics tab: In all modes, a pop up box will appear if you hover
§§ Green – Has air units and has been covered by over an enemy airbase telling you when you last flew
reconnaissance flights this turn reconnaissance over the hex and the types of planes
§§ Blue – Had air units when last covered by reconnaissance (fighters, bombers etc.) that were there at that time.
flights but has not been covered by reconnaissance The screenshot overleaf is taken from T1 where the Axis
flights this turn player is given information about Soviet air deployments


Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

§§ Max-Out zoom – Show small Army and Corps AOG

labels only
§§ Out zoom – Show small AOG labels for all AOGs
§§ Medium zoom – Show large AOG labels for Army AOGs,
small for others
§§ In zoom – Show large AOG labels for Army and Corps
AOGs, small for low level AOGs
§§ Max-In zoom – Show large AOG labels for all AOGs
When shown at a level of detail, each AOG label will show:
§§ Number of Ready Fighter a/c (includes down the chain
of command)
§§ Number of Ready Bomber a/c (includes down the chain
of command)
§§ Number of Ready Utility a/c (includes down the chain
nearer the border. Note the higher detection level (10.2) at of command)
Kaunas means the Germans are aware not just that Soviet §§ Stance of AOG
planes are present but what they consist of. §§ Mission setting (rest/day/night/day&night
§§ HQ Follow (small counter coloured like formation being
6.4.8. Air Operational Group and Air followed)/Naval Ops or no icon if neither
Command display §§ Percent of Max a/c in the AOG (down the chain) that
The information on these displays is discussed in more are ready
detail in chapters 16 and 17 as it needs to be placed in the §§ Coloured Bar that indicates the Percent Ready with
wider context of how to manage the air war. different colors from Green (best) to Red (worst)
When displayed, the information on the Air Command/ This example shows the AOG labels when zoomed in.
AOG labels will vary according to how the map is zoomed, as: The colours that border the label, indicate:


§§ Yellow – selected If any part of an air group has been ordered to move
§§ Red – all air units under this AOG are depleted (depleted (but will complete the move at during the logistics phase)
for Axis is < 1/4 of max a/c of unit is ready, for Soviet < then a > symbol is put next to the name of the AOG. When
1/3) viewing units under an airbase label on the map, units that
§§ White – all air units under AOG are set to rest are leaving the airbase have a < symbol.
§§ Green – normal/none of the above In the case of figure 6-40 below, some of the 305 ShAD
When air bases are displayed, they will be coded as: (the 430 ShAP) is ordered to deploy to Ruzyn. Since that
§§ Yellow – at least one item is relatively low air base lacks fuel, ammunition and supporting manpower
§§ Red – depleted of at least one item (ammo/fuel/capacity) (the red symbols), ideally the move is delayed until the next
§§ Green – normal/none of the above logistics phase. This future move is marked on the AOG
displays with the arrow symbols.

The UI allows you to alter the information displayed on the
various counters and to access further information from
the more detailed screens.

6.5.1. Counter Display

For ground combat units you change how some of the
information is displayed. Assuming you are at zoom levels
1 or 2, then each counter will show:
§§ Its national affiliation (the dominant counter colour),
some units such as German SS or Soviet Guards
formations are coloured differently to other units of the
Here Milowitz is relatively short of ammunition. same nationality;
For Air Groups, the codes are: §§ Its size (the labels above the unit box) (34.1)
§§ Yellow – selected §§ Its type (using the standard NATO symbols) (34.2)
§§ Red – depleted (depleted for Axis is < 1/4 of max a/c of Below this the display can be varied.
unit is ready, for Soviet < 1/3) The default option (assuming you selected the standard set up
§§ White – rest options) is to show the attacking CV and Movement allowance.
§§ Green – normal/none of the above You can also change what is displayed by using the ‘z’
Finally when you roll the mouse over an AOG it slightly or ‘y’ keys.
expands in size. When you roll over an Army or Corps AOG, Selecting ‘z’ will toggle through two modes: attack CV-
AOGs that are not directly attached to the AOG will become movement; attack CV-defend CV (note any enemy counters
transparent. will always display this mode).


Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

In any of the modes you can change the view again to subordinate HQs is in turquoise and to the higher HQ
using the ‘y’ key. In this case the information will toggle in orange.
between the CV/MP information and the title of the unit In addition, you can view the command system using
at the top of the stack. Selecting ‘y’ again will return you to the options to show Command Efficiency and Command
the CV/MP display. Quality (36.5) and these will provide a rough view of the
effectiveness of your OOB and command arrangements.

6.5.3. Unit Modes

If this option is selected then the status and mode of units
will be indicated on map.
Isolated units will be bordered in red, units in Refit
mode (26.3) will be bordered in blue, Withdrawing units
(27.4) in orange, Reserve units (23.7) in purple and Static
units (21.8) in white while Green is used to indicate newly
arrived units.

6.5.4. Information displayed on the

Combat Unit box
6.5.2. HQ units and command links Selecting a hex with units in it will display the unit bar
If you select a HQ, this will both highlight subordinate units on the right hand part of the game screen. The unit bar
(21.11) and also show the links using on map lines. The contains a separate unit box for each unit in that hex.
line linking to subordinate combat units is show as blue, If a unit is currently selected,
its unit box will have a yellow
outline (so in the example
above the Infantry Division
is currently selected and the
Corps command not).
The unit box provides
a range of information. It
is best thought of as being
divided into a top half (where
the information is similar
regardless of the unit type)
and the bottom half where
the display will change
substantially depending on the
unit type.

Upper Portion
Unit Name: Selecting this will display the unit detail window
(37.3). The unit detail window can also be displayed by
right clicking in a blank part of the unit box.
HHQ: Name of headquarters unit that unit is attached
to and command range information in the format (x/xx)
where the first number is the range in hexes of the unit
from its headquarters unit and the second number is the
range in hexes over which the applicable headquarters


unit can provide that unit with ground element support SMPs (22.4). The number of Strategic Movement Points
squads (21.2.2). is shown directly beneath the counter after the symbol ~.
Note, this range is different to the effective command If the unit has not moved by rail or sea this will remain at
range. In effect a HQ can provide support squads over a far the default 200. If the unit is moved normally the SMP will
longer range than it can provide either effective command drop according to the distance moved. If the unit is not
or combat support units to help out in combat. entrained or at sea then unused SMP will be used to help
Selecting the HQ name will shift map view to centre on recover lost combat preparation points.
the headquarters unit and change selected unit to that CPrep (23.2). The Combat Preparation Points currently
headquarters unit. stored by the unit (a value from 0 to 100) is shown after the
So in the example above, the infantry division is within crossed swords symbol.
0 hexes (out of 5 if they were to be in command) of the On the lower left hand side will be displayed the
relevant HQ (in effect they share a hex with their HQ) and number of men, guns and tanks in the unit including any
the XXVI Corps is within 12 (out of 15) hexes of the 18 SUs directly attached.
Army HQ. On the lower right hand side will be displayed the
Unit Graphic: Displays the same information as on the proportion of needed supply, fuel and ammunition
counter in terms of combat and movement factors. In currently held by the unit.
addition a movement status is in the small triangle located
in the right corner of the unit counter. If a unit has not 6.5.5. Information displayed on
moved, then it will be a white triangle with a smaller black the Air Base Unit box
triangle inside. If the unit has moved and still has movement While air base units are fixed
points remaining, there will just be a white triangle. If the on the map, in some ways
unit has expended all of its movement points, there will be they act as a particular form of
nothing in the right corner. combat unit.
On the top left hand side of the counter display will be On the top left hand side,
the same ‘soft’ factor (6.5.11) selected for all units on the an air base unit will display the
map. selected soft factor.
The following information is
Lower Portion displayed in the lower portion
The information here will vary according to the unit type. of the display.
For Ground Combat Units, the following information is §§ Ready Planes/Total Planes;
displayed: §§ Ready night fighters, fighters and fighter bombers;
Unit mode. Units can be in ready (the default setting), §§ Ready tactical and level bombers;
reserve (23.7), refit (26.3), unready or depleted modes. §§ Ready support planes (recon, transport, patrol and
Unready and depleted units set to refit will be marked as torpedo planes).
refit. In addition, outside the unit display will be a list of the
If the unit is can be airdropped (23.9), and is currently individual air formations at that airbase. If you click on
located on a hex containing an airbase, the option to the name of any of these you will be taken to the detailed
‘target’ will appear. This will allow the player to set up an information for that air unit.
airborne operation for subsequent turns. The air command that is responsible for sending
Static Toggle Button (21.8): If unit is in static mode, support squads to the airbase is also shown. This simply
‘STATIC’ will be displayed under unit graphic and unit mode reflects which air command has the most planes at that
button will be greyed out. If an already static unit is eligible base and will vary as air units are moved on the map.
to be reactivated, then the ‘REACTIVATE’ button will be
displayed. If the unit is eligible to be converted to static 6.5.6. Information displayed on
status this option will appear on the unit counter. the Ground HQ Unit box
If the unit is eligible to enter (or create) a city fort, this Ground HQs are the corps, army, front, army group and
will be indicated on the unit counter (20.6). higher command HQs used to organise your Order of Battle.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

At the top is the unit name and the HQ it reports to. The information about the wider layout
numbers after this tell you how many hexes this higher of your air force will appear on the
level command is distant (so 5 in this case) and how far it game map.
can be and still provide some command functions (so 45 Full information on these
in this case). options is in section 16.3 that
On the right is an image of the commander officer and covers using the AOG system to
mousing over this will bring up an average leadership manage your air force.
score for them (15.3). Clicking on this image will take you
to the leader display (37.7) and you can use this to change
the commander if you wish.
For these units, the following
information is displayed:
Supply Priority (25.8): Clicking
on this will open a drop down box
and this can be set to a desired
value between 0 and 4.
Assault Mode (21.11.2). Whether
or not the command has been set
to assault mode (this is shown for Axis armies or Soviet Fronts 6.5.8. Information displayed on Naval
only) but will affect all HQs that report to that command. HQ Unit boxes
SMPs (22.4). The number of Strategic Movement Points For Naval HQ Units, again there are
is shown directly beneath the counter after the symbol ~. some small differences. On the lower
Com Report. Clicking on this will take you to the section right hand side is an indicator that
of the Commanders Report that details all the units that allows you to ‘target’ an amphibious
report to this particular HQ. invasion in a future turn (if the HQ
On the lower left hand side will be displayed the is currently in a port). Below this is a
number of men, guns and tanks in the unit. Note this will measure of the damage incurred by
include the values for any Support Units directly attached the naval assets in the command (a range from 0-100).
to the HQ. The target button is used to set the amphibious invasion
On the lower right hand side will be displayed the hex for the amphibious HQ unit and combat units stacked
Command Points (next to the tank symbol and will with it and will change to display the coordinates of the
show used command points:command capacity) of the current target hex and add text to display the current
unit (21.11.6), and the proportion of supply (including number of preparation (P) points once a target is selected,
ammunition) and fuel for all units under that HQ’s and can be pressed again to change the target.
command at the moment (this will possibly change as units The invade button will display once the amphibious HQ
move or fight during the Ground Phase). unit has the minimum required 50 prep points.
Selecting invade will take the map to F4 mode.
6.5.7. Information displayed on Air
HQ Unit boxes 6.5.9. Information displayed on the Rail
For Air HQ Units, there are some small differences. It is Repair HQ Unit box
possible to access the air doctrine screen (17.4.3) for that For Rail Repair HQ Units), again
command from the unit tab and this replaces both the there are some small differences.
‘assault’ indicator and the commander’s report tab on Beneath the counter you will find
ground HQs. Otherwise the information is similar to that the values RRC and RRV.
shown for a ground HQ. Rail Repair Capacity (RRC) is a
If the show AOG filter is selected (and this will be measure of how much rail repair
done automatically during the air planning phase), then capacity the unit has left. If you can

1 20

repair a rail hex, click on this number and the hex will be different factors to be displayed in the left corner
repaired for the next turn. In the air planning phase the of the unit counters. If the soft factor button is
RRC value will be shown as ‘–‘. depressed, a drop down list of the options will be
Rail Repair Value (RRV) is a more permanent measure of shown as per the image on the right:
the intrinsic level of engineering assets in the unit. The top option will mean that no display
option is chosen, the other options are in order:
6.5.10. Multiple Hex Unit Selection
If you select units in multiple hexes in preparation for an
attack (23.4.3) then a full list of all the selected units will
appear on the right hand side. In this case a small box will MODE AND IMPLICATIONS
appear for each unit listing the unit CV and movement points. As noted above, not only does changing the map
If the selection includes any non-combat units then the display alter the information available it can also
unit counter icon on the left will not be shown. alter the actions you can take or how they occur.
You can deselect any
of the other units by left 6.6.1. Show Battles
clicking on the unit icon and If this mode is selected then no other actions can
they will be removed from be undertaken until this display is removed.
the attack. A unit can be
included also by left clicking. 6.6.2. Show Rail Damage
If this mode is selected then the movement pathing
6.5.11. Display Soft Factors routine (i.e. showing you the movement costs along a
This button, which is located on the far right of the third chosen move path) is disabled. The units will still move to
row of the menu tab toolbars (6.2.3), allows one of seven a selected destination (if they can reach the hex) and will

Soft Factor Summary Color Code

Symbol Soft Factor Bright Green Dark Green Yellow Orange Red

Morale >85% 71-85% 56-70% 41-55% <41%

Experience >85% 71-85% 56-70% 41-55% <41%

Supplies >85% 71-85% 56-70% 41-55% <41%

Fuel >85% 71-85% 56-70% 41-55% <41%

Ammo >85% 71-85% 56-70% 41-55% <41%

Number of Support Units attached to a Combat Unit 0 Not used 1 2 3

Number of Support Units attached to a HQ Unit 0 1-6 7-12 13-18 19+

Supply Priority 4 3 2 1 0

Combat Preparation 100% 75-99% 50-74% 25-49% <25%

Fatigue <25% 25-49% 50-74% 75-99% 100%

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

simply appear in that hex regardless of whether you have If the F11 (show battle sites) tab is depressed than the
the ‘show move’ (36.17.1) option selected or not. relevant set of battles (chapters 19 and 23) will be shown
on the map.
6.7. CHANGING THE COUNTER Hovering over one of these will tell who attacked,
and with how many men, guns and tanks as well as any
ORDER air activity. The same information is then shown for the
If you repeatedly left click on a stack of units, this will alter defender.
the one that is shown at the top of the stack. Below this will be the losses
Depressing the shift key and left clicking will select all and then the outcome.
the units. If more than one battle took
Equally units in a hex can be selected and deselected as place, only the first can be seen
set out in 6.5.1. using this pop up but you will see
how many battles took place on
6.8. INTERPRETING THE the top of the pop up screen.
The second is as a predictor
INFORMATION ON THE MAIN when you are planning a ground
MAP AREA attack.
The sections above have identified the various ways you can With at least one friendly
change the information on the map (including as displayed combat unit selected, locating the
on the counters). Later chapters in the manual will provide cursor over an enemy unit that
detailed explanations on issues such as logistics (chapters the friendly combat units are eligible to attack displays a
25-28) so the aim here is to enable you to interpret what possible battle icon (hasty or deliberate), the following text
you are seeing when you use the various display options. is added to the pop-up text:
§§ Attacker CV: 45.1
6.8.1. Zoom Level §§ Defender CV: 23.2
The zoom level chosen will both influence how much of the The predictor gives you the adjusted CV values of the units
map can be seen and what information is shown about on that accounts for all known factors (terrain, forts, dense
map counters and the on-map displays. modifiers, weather, etc.) with the exception of leader
At Zoom levels 1 and 2 ((Max-In and In)) the ‘Y’ key can values. This value is fogged up for the enemy if FOW is on.
be used to display different information on the counters Since hasty attack CV values are x1/2, this will be reflected
(attack-move; attack-defend or the unit title). At zoom level in the total if a hasty attack
3 only the unit type can be seen and at zoom levels 4 and 5 is what is showing (i.e. shift
(Out and Max-Out) all the information is blank (all you will key isn’t held down for
see is a rough indication that a unit is on the map). deliberate attack). The main
Soft factors and movement status can be viewed in advantage of this is that
zoom levels 1 through 3 and unit type and size at zoom since it knows what hex is
levels 1 through 4. At zoom level 5, only unit nationality being attacked, all modifiers
and whether the unit is German SS or Luftwaffe or Soviet can be applied correctly
Guards will be displayed by the colour of the unit. based on target hex(side)
Rail lines will also not display at zoom level 5. terrain and weather.
In each case, the centre of the display will be determined
by the location of the mouse cursor.
Players Note: The predictor is an important tool as it’s
6.8.2. Combat related information the only way to know how a unit’s Combat Values are
going to be impacted by the terrain in the hex being
Two different types of combat related information may be
accessed by a pop up box.


6.8.3. Displaying Air Directives assigned bombers cannot reach a particular hex, the
on the Map background will revert to the current map mode. If none of
If this option is selected either all air directives will the air groups that are available can reach any hex in the
appear on the map if the F1 button is depressed or just AD, then this background will have a reddish hue.
those relevant to the air mission type (Ground support, If you click on the mission type and air command (top
Ground attack, Strategic Bombing, Naval interdiction, Air left hand corner of the mission box), you will also be able
Superiority or Reconnaissance). to access the air directive screen on the right hand side of
How the air directives display will depend on both the the map screen.
type of mission, if the mission is currently active and if This shows some of the default missions for Army
escorting fighters have been assigned. Group North on Turn 1. Note the Ground Support mission
is linked to the relevant HQ. For the other missions, the
On map display of Air Directives green hexes are where the assigned escorts can reach
Ground support missions will show as a single hex box and purple is where only the bombers or reconnaissance
surrounding a HQ that has been assigned ground support. planes can reach.
The hex will also be shaded green. If you zoom into level 3 or closer, the mission summary box
Other missions will be shown on the map as a box of (e.g. GND ATTACK) will expand to show which air command is
one or more hexes wide. in charge and how many planes have been assigned.
Within the box, if fighters have been allocated, the When the mission is being executed, green lines are
area they can provide escorts to will be shaded green, the route taken by any escorting fighters and purple lines
areas outside their escort range is in purple. If no fighters those by the bombers. If planes must first move to a
are allocated, then the box will be purple. If none of the staging base, their direction will be shown as a black line.
Any intercepting fighters will be shown with a green line.

Active and Inactive Air Directives

If the air directive is inactive the surrounding box will be black
or white and the area within the box will be left uncoloured.
Air directives can be inactive if they target an invalid
area (such as reconnaissance in your own controlled
hexes), there are insufficient planes in range or the player
has opted to suspend the mission for this turn.

Accessing further information about Air Directives

If you left click on the text at the top left hand corner of a
box (mission type and air command) you will access the

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

detailed air directive creation screen. This will show you how The example above shows the Luftwaffe at the end of
the air groups are being allocated (see section 17.4.2 for the August 1941 (so many air units are well behind the front
options) and how many planes can reach the target box. due to supply shortages). 3 top level Air Commands (16.2)
Information on how to interpret this information and to are in use: Luftflotte 1; Luftflotte 2; and, Luftflotte 3 and
change the composition of your air directives is in chapters each has one or more Flieger Korps and these in turn have
17 and 18. Air Operational Groups (16.3) reporting to it. The location
on the map is at the centre of the spread of airbases in use
6.8.4. Displaying Air Operational Groups by that command (note that since the map is zoomed out,
on the Map the individual AOGS are not shown in this case).
By default, the game map will show the location of Air Clicking on any Air Command will bring up the detailed
Operational Groups during the air planning phase and this air command tab on the right hand side (37.16.4) and
map mode can be selected during the ground movement provide more information about the airbases used to base
phase (here it is useful if you are manually redeploying the attached air units
your air units (17.3.5) In the case of figure 6-56 opposite, VIII FleigerKorps
On map information will show you the rough has been selected. On map, you can now see where its
deployment of each air command level. component AOGs are based (again this is shown at a
In addition, all AOGs are colour coded to show which air centre point of the air bases in use). The right hand screen
HQ controls them. now shows the Air Command HQ tab and below that a

1 24

select that unit. If there is more than

one unit in the hex, a single left click
on the stack will select only the top
unit. Repeated left clicks will select
the next unit on the right unit bar
and move it to the top of the stack
on the map. Double left clicking on
the stack or using the Space bar will
select all the units in the stack.

Relationship between selected

unit(s) and other counters
As you select units you will see
other units on the map become
highlighted and their surrounding
border change colour.
The box around the selected
unit(s) will change to purple.
In addition, other units in other
hexes on the map and deselected
units in the same hex will change
their border colour according to their
6-56 relationship to the selected unit(s):

In terms of game play this layout reflects a desire

to ensure that supplies are going to the front line
formations. The advanced fighter AOG provides air
protection for the combat units and for any bombers
being redeployed. If the bombers are needed, it will
take a turn to bring them up and have them combat
ready at their new bases.

list of all the air units and airbases they use. Note that for
example StG 2 is spread over two airbases.
More information about how to interpret this information
and to manage your air assets is in chapters 16-19.

6.8.5. Hex Selection and the Unit

Counter Border Colour
In addition to the information above, selecting a unit will
change the information provided on the map.

Selecting more than one unit

For the phasing player, selecting a hex in one of the
movement modes (F1-F4) with a unit present will also

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Next Higher Headquarters Unit: Orange orange). However, all the combat units in the two armies
Peers: Yellow - these units all share the same HQ as the are shown in yellow as all they have in common one or the
selected unit(s) other shared HQ.
Subordinates: Blue or Red – these units directly attached
to the selected unit. 6.8.6. Movement path
If units are less than 5 hexes from the selected HQ they When you select a unit the possible movement paths will
will be shown with a blue border. If they are five or more be shown by a lighter colour than the rest of the map (if
hexes away then the border will be red. you have set the show movement path option under game
Here a Soviet army has been selected. All its subordinate preferences).
units are in command range (outlined in blue), other HQs In enemy held territory the identified path(s) will be
in the same Front are outlined in yellow (as would any accurate but not complete. In effect you can move to any
combat units that reported directly to the Front HQ), the hex shown but maybe be able to move to other hexes.
Front HQ is outlined in orange. The connecting lines match As you move a unit and reduce the fog of war you may
the colour surrounding the relevant units to show the find new movement options appear. Equally you may
direct command relationships. find yourself moving adjacent to a previously undetected
A broken down combat division or corps will be enemy unit.
displayed in a slightly different way. If one part is selected, Note that under some circumstances you can lose MPs
then all the others will have a border colour of blue rather during a turn. This is most likely to happen if you exit a
than the yellow normally associated with peer units (even hex with a high level of enemy air interdiction and in this
if they now report to a different HQ). case you may not be able to reach a hex that was shown
Here a Soviet tank corps earlier in the movement phase. This can also happen in the
has been broken down opening turn of a 1941 scenario if you pass the boundary
and one element now dividing action in Bielorussia from that in the Ukraine
reports to a different HQ. (11.2.2).
However, all 3 brigades
are highlighted in blue in
order to identify them on
the map as coming from
the same original formation.
Note that this is very useful when seeking to organize
your on map forces. However, if you select units associated
with multiple commands or HQs at different levels in the
Order of Battle the resulting display can become very hard
to read.
Here, units of 2 separate Soviet armies have been The move options are shown as:
selected (so two army commands are highlighted in §§ No Shading – Friendly hex that can be moved into.
§§ Light Grey – Pending friendly hex that can be moved
§§ Light Red – Enemy hex that can be moved into.
§§ Very Dark Grey – Movement to that hex is not possible.
§§ Very Dark Red – Enemy (or impassable) hex that the unit
cannot move into.
In the example above, the quickest (in MP) movement path
is shown for the unit and the dark grey hexes to the west
of that location indicate it lacks the MP to move into that

1 26

6.8.7. Factories

If this mode is selected, factory locations in friendly hexes 6.8.8. Reconnaissance and Interdiction
will be displayed. View Air Recon Levels: When enabled, enemy controlled
This shows the factories in the Moscow area. Hovering hexes are shaded based on current tactical air
over any hex with a green production symbol will show reconnaissance values. The larger the recon value, the
information about what is produced and how large the lighter the shade, with the shades ranging from very dark
relevant factory is. (no recon value) to clear (large recon value). In addition,
If you want more information about the factories, numerical air recon values greater than zero will be
this can be accessed either via the city display (37.13) or displayed in the hex pop-up text. Air interdiction values
selecting the Factory information tab (from the ‘INFO (see below will also be displayed in the hex pop-up text.
SCREENS’ tab). View Air Interdiction Level: When enabled, air
Further information on how to read these tabs is in interdiction of ground hexes and air and naval interdiction
chapter 28. of sea hexes will be displayed on the map area using a
Factory symbols will also display on the map when a colour coded roundel symbol, brown for Soviet and grey
Strategic Bombing air directive is active (18.1.5). The map for Axis, with a white aircraft.
pop up information will provide data on the type, size and The number in the roundel is the interdiction value
damage of the factories in a hex (subject to fog of war). divided by ten and truncated, so an actual value of 39

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

would be displayed as a 3. For ground air interdiction,

only the phasing player’s symbol will be displayed and This low level interdiction is most likely the results
information about enemy interdiction may be inaccurate. of Soviet partisan operations. In game terms, the
This shows Soviet interdiction behind the German lines main effect is to deny the Axis player Administrative
in September 1941. Only a few hexes (those with the 1 Movement (22.2.1) in those hexes and this will mostly
indicator) have enough to have a direct impact (38.7.2) but increase the difficulties of supplying the front line
the red stars indicate there is some interdiction (above 0 formations and bringing up fresh, rested, reserves.
but less than 1) in many hexes.
For air and naval sea interdiction, the symbols for both
sides will be displayed for comparison purposes. The hexes will be indicated by shading with enemy controlled
hex pop-up will display the numerical interdiction values hexes shaded red, friendly controlled hexes unshaded,
for both sides in ground and sea hexes. Control of sea and contested hexes slightly darkened. Can be used in

1 28

impact the number of messages that

come up during the resolution phase.
You can use the F12 (battle
location tab), the air execution phase
summary and the information in
the logistics event report (36.9.3) to
review all the actions that took place
in the air execution phase.

The map and supporting information
screens can be used to display a
great deal of information about
the logistics system in WiTE2. On
map there are three main ways to
influence what is displayed:
§§ Select logistics from map
information tab (or press ‘n’);
conjunction with naval transport (F3) or naval amphibious §§ Press the ‘8’ key (you need to be in the ground movement
(F4) movement phase modes to determine hexes where phase for this)
naval movement will be contested (24.5).
This shows the naval interdiction off Riga after the 6.9.1. Logistics map information tab
German air phase on T1. A naval air directive has allowed If this is selected, you will see information about your
them to take control of the hexes immediately around Riga depots and the current rail usage.
(even where there is also Soviet interdiction the German
value is at +2). Depots:
Hexes with depots are marked on the map area with an
6.8.9. On Map display during the air inverted triangle and a white symbol denoting the type of
execution phase depot (25.7.1). Type 1 depots (railyards) are marked with
The air execution phase will be shown on the map in different a rail symbol, type 2 depots (that will import supply over a
levels of detail. If you set the combat resolution level to 1 or 0
then no battles will be shown during this phase.
In addition, you can set certain mission types not to
be shown as battles regardless of the combat level (by
default all reconnaissance missions are set as OFF) using
the Air Directive screen (37.16.8). Equally altering the
air execution phase (37.16.7) level of detail will alter the
display. At the higher levels you will see the flight paths
used by each air directive and the phase will be run more
slowly At the lower levels, the only information shown will
be any battles (if you have set the combat resolution high
In effect, to see combat report windows appear during
this phase, you must have a detail setting above None (and
the actual AD not set to None), and a combat resolution
message level of at least 2. The execution detail level will

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

sea connection) with an anchor symbol filled In blue, type

3 depots (a port that can export freight) with an anchor and
filled in white, and type 4 depots (national supply source)
with a star.
In this instance, the bulk of the Soviet depots are based
on rail yards (1), Osipenko is set to receive freight (2) and
Eysk to send freight (3). Note that if you click on a port hex
you can toggle it between receiving and sending use the
top of the game screen (shown as an inset).
Depot supply priority levels (25.7) are indicated by a
color coded number in the middle of the depot symbol
with bright green=4, dark green=3, yellow=2, orange=1,
and red=0).
The depot priority level can be opening the location tab,
by right clicking on the hex and selecting depot to access as yellow, a few are orange (reflecting the extra supply
the priority options or from the tab on the left hand of the demands of the large air base at Schigry. The map pop up
top row. In the example above, Eysk can be changed from shows the usage of a particular hex.
priority 1 by clicking on the depot symbol and selecting a
new priority level from the drop down menu. This can also
be done from the city view screen or using the right click Note that what is shown is the residual usage after
drop down menus. the logistics phase, this value reflects congestion that
Bars are shown at each depot. The Green bar represents occurred and was not totally cleared, so will affect the
the amount of freight received during the logistics phase, next logistics phase. In effect, actual usage would have
the blue the amount of freight currently stored at the been higher than the 10,209 shown.
depot, the red bar the amount of freight that has been
sent out by the depot this turn, and the black bar the total
storage capacity of the depot (25.7.2). Hex pop-up: If you hover over a depot, a pop up
Each segment of the bar represents 10k tons of freight, text box will appear
while the depot must have at least 100 tons to qualify to with the actual
show any part of the bar. The maximum the bar will show numerical values
is 20 increments which is 200k tons, so anything over 200k used to generate the
will display the same bar height. bars at each depot.
Also included in
Rail Usage: parentheses next to
Hexes with rail lines are colour coded based on tons of rail the stored amount is
usage but only give a broad guide to the impact on the the amount of freight
strategic movement point penalties in a hex. The exact that was stored at the
usage of a given hex can be found by hovering the mouse start of the logistics
over the hex. phase. The hex pop-
up text also displays
the percentage of
Remember that dual track rail lines have a capacity
maximum capacity
of 30,000 tons per hex compared to 12,000 for single
for the Received and
track rail lines.
Stored (at start of the
logistics phase) values,
Here the Soviet rail net around Kursk is heavily used as well as the capacity
due to a build up of forces. Most of the rail lines are shown of the depot.


From the same area, Kursk is a key depot and is Talinin cannot send to another depot (a priority 4 depot
operating close to its capacity. The information also shows cannot supply another depot) but is supplying a number of
that it receives its freight from Moscow. Axis combat formations (the red lines). These concepts are
The deployment of the Soviet rail repair unit (the NKPS covered in section 25.7 in more detail.
shown towards the bottom of the image) is important as it
makes it more likely for freight to be sent to Kursk than any 6.9.3. Supply Priority Map View
other local depot (25.7.9) This can be accessed from the Map Information tabs. It
provides an overview of the relative supply priorities of
6.9.2. The supply net (‘8’) combat units and headquarters.
This adds information about the supply lines between
units and depots. Links between units and the main Depot
to have supplied a unit are shown using a red line (but note
that units may draw supply from more than one depot).
Links between depots are shown as white lines (if overland)
or blue (if any part of the path involves sea transport).

In this map view, units surrounded in orange are at

priority 1, yellow is priority 2, dark green is priority 3 and
light green priority 4. If any units were at priority 0 they
would be outlined in red.

6.9.4. Further information

This shows the Axis supply net in Estonia. Both Talinin If you are trying to understand the flow of supplies to your
and Parnu are receiving freight by sea (the blue lines), units in more detail then the following secondary screens
Parnu can send freight onto Sonda and Narva (the white may provide additional information:
line) as they both are at a higher priority than Parnu. §§ The supply details tab on the detailed unit information
screen (37.3) will show how the unit tried to access
supply in the last logistics phase and may give you an
As a gameplay note, it might be better to lower Talinin idea why it failed to do so.
to priority level 3 and then it could send its supplies §§ The logistics log (36.9) will show information both on
onto the priority 4 depots closer to the front line. On supply distribution and production.
the other hand, setting it at 4 means it attracts the §§ The commander’s report has two screens that may be
bulk of any freight being shipped in the Baltic. useful. The ‘units’ tab (35.2.2) can be set to show either
the current supply levels for a unit or the amount of

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

supply it received in the last turn. The ‘locations’ tab Theatre boxes appear on the map if you select Ctrl-t (or
(35.7) can be set to show the freight stored in every right click on any hex). They contain three tabs.
depot and the location of your trucks. Status. Shows the land and air combat values of the
§§ The turn summary chart (36.16) can give a quick units currently deployed in that theatre, the numbers of
overview of any supply problems. Clicking on the fighter, bomber and patrol aircraft. If you click on the [+]
‘supply alerts’ button will mean that any units with less key, the full break down of how this cv is made up will be
than 75% of their needed supply are shown on the map shown.
bounded in yellow. You will also see the number of combat divisions
Interpreting this information is complex and this level of allocated.
detail is not usually needed for game play. You will also The amount of freight that was received and, in
need to consult chapter 25 to interpret the displays but brackets, needed. The number of trucks deployed to that
this may enable you to ensure your limited resources are theatre permanently and the number used to supply units
being allocated in the most optimal manner. in that Theatre.
Finally the amount of replacement ground elements
and aircraft received by that Theatre.
6.10. THEATRE BOXES The second and third tabs will show more detail on the
WiTE2 uses a number of Theatre Boxes (13.1) to reflect the ground and air units in the theatre.
commitment of troops away from the main area of operations.


The amount of detail for each individual unit shown will At the top are letters which will vary according to side.
depend on the map zoom level. The Soviet player will see N,T,E,R, and the Axis player
The example above is at the most detailed level W,N,Fi,R,G,Af,It,B.
Units in the Theatre boxes can be handled as units on Clicking on any of these letters will take you to the
the map. Clicking on a unit will bring up the detailed unit appropriate theatre box (13.1). Each letter also has a
tab but with the HQ related information missing. colour coded triangle. This indicates whether the required
You can also access the units in a Theatre using the assets are in that Theatre to avoid penalties.
filters on the Commander’s Report. If you want to send Since each Theatre has separate ground and air
them to another Theatre or the main map (13.3.4) it will requirements (13.3.2), this indicator will show the status of
often be easier to do it this way. the worst (so if the ground requirement is fully met but the
air requirement is only 50% met it will show that).

6.11. THE JUMP BOX The colour codes can be interpreted as:
This can be found at the bottom left of the screen (this option is Light Green > 119.9
enabled by default but can be turned off using the preferences Dark Green > 100 and <= 119.9
screen – 2.6.3). The main part of this display shows the entire Yellow > 80 and <= 100
game map and indicates the location of the counters. Clicking Orange > 60 and <=80
on a portion will take the player to that sector. Red <= 60

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

In this case the Soviet Northern Theatre more than meets 6.12. THE WITEPEDIA
the requirements for both air and ground assets. It is The WITEpedia (36.14) can be accessed via the info screen
shown in green on the jump map and this situation can be pop up if you right click on the map or from the information
cross-checked with the detailed Theatre box display. tabs at the top of the screen.
A short report will be provided on the activities of
most combat units in the game, leaders and other items.
The report will also include a clickable link to other web
resources discussing the particular topic.


Focus: This section provides more information on the
types of terrain (physical and human) on the game and
how ownership is determined. It also covers the impact
of Zones of Control and stacking on movement.

Key Points:
§§ The different types of terrain in the game and their
effect on movement and combat
§§ The different ways in which control of hexes is
modelled and its effect on the game
§§ The different types of Zones of Control and their
impact on the game


The map displays the physical and political features of the Typical
area where the German-Soviet conflict mainly took place. Type Notes
The map extends from Siberia to the Atlantic and from the
Arctic Ocean to the Sahara. Not all this area is playable
in the campaign games and the shorter scenarios will be
played in more limited areas.
The map includes both physical and human features as
well as the rail networks crucial to supply both armies. A
hex grid is used to regulate movement and combat and
this can be turned off using Hotkey- Ctrl-g.

7.1. MAP AREA Heavy Urban

Each hex on the map represents an area of 10 miles across
and is classified as one specific type of terrain, though
there may be additional features present in the hex or hex This image will vary according to
Light Woods
sides. the game season.
Rivers and less than full hex lakes follow hex sides and
can slow or block movement across applicable hex sides. This image will vary according to
Heavy Woods
Hexes may contain smaller towns, which can have the game season.
factories, but do not normally have any terrain effect.
Cities will offer substantial defensive bonuses. Rough
Hexes may also be defined as coastal, allowing for the
presence of ports in towns, city and urban hexes as well as
naval movement. Mountain
Rail networks are represented by rail lines in hexes,
which are used for strategic movement and supply.
Each hex is graded according to the quality of the road Swamp
network and this has an impact on movement (38,6) and
supply costs, especially in constricted terrain or during
periods of poor weather. Tundra

7.2. TERRAIN Water hexes:

No tactical movement, but
strategic naval/amphibious
Terrain types and features are represented on the map movement and supply trace
area and can affect movement, combat and supply. See possible
section 22.3 for impact on tactical and strategic movement Can become passable if frozen or
and 23.5 for the impact on combat. Movement and combat if the moving player owns both
Water hex
effects are also summarized in appendix 38.6.
These are either in neutral
7.2.1. Types of Terrain Hexes countries (as shown) or allocated
to one of the Theatre Boxes for
Each hex on the map is classified as having one
Impassable game play purposes. In addition
dominant terrain type. By default hexes are treated as hex some parts of the map are out of
clear unless other terrain is present. bounds for certain nationalities
All terrain except clear, sand, desert, ferry and water (Axis Allied formations are mostly
hexes is considered covered terrain for air reconnaissance limited to the Ukraine).
purposes (18.1.6).

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

7.2.2. Terrain Features

The following terrain features can be in addition to the In general it is suggested that you use the road display
terrain type in a hex. Some are purely political features, filter, especially when planning operations as the few
but others can impact movement, combat and supply. good roads offer substantial movement bonuses
Coast: Any type of terrain bordering ocean and sea (especially in poor weather).
water hexes. Coastal hexes can be used for naval transport
if a friendly port is located in the hex and may be the target
of an amphibious landing (24.7). Named Locations: Some hexes on the map contain
Port: Found in some town, city or urban locations named locations. These are mostly towns and cities but
in coastal hexes. Ports generate naval and amphibious also include hexes with an airbase or a depot. Urban
transportation tonnage capacity as well as naval locations are divided between Towns, Cities, Urban and
interdiction points. Heavy Urban depending on the density of buildings.
Ferry: A special type of sea water Towns etc. are also rated according to their population
hex that allows movement between two and 1 population point represents 50,000 people
land hexes separated by the ferry hex. (note this includes the population in the surrounding
This shows the Kerch straights between countryside).
the Crimea and Krasnodar regions. National Capital: This indicates the capital
Railroad: Rail lines run through city of most nations on the map area.
hexes, with undamaged and linked rail Minor River hexside: Affects movement
lines forming a rail network that serves point costs and combat (2 in the image right)
to link each sides supply grid. Major River hexside: Affects movement
Note that all rail lines are either point costs and combat (1 in the image right).
double track lines or single track (with Impassable Lake or River: Blocks
much lower capacity). In the case above movement, combat and supply tracing (3 in the
the line in Melitopol is a double track image right).
line, the two hexes at the top are single Air Base Unit (Airfield):
track lines. Displays presence of an
Roads: Each hex has a road network ranging from poor air base unit in the hex.
to good. This can be seen by the indicative hex art, using Symbols for Air Base units
the display road network filter and by using the hex pop-up. on the map reflect the size
of the air base unit (1, 2
or 3).
Depending on the map
mode and the allocation
of air units, the colour of
a given airbase may differ
from this (6.4.7).

7.2.3. Impassable Terrain

There are three types of impassable terrain in WiTE2
Ground Unit Exclusion Zones: Units cannot rout into
ground unit exclusion zones.
The left hand image is the normal map view showing These areas are represented in one of two ways. Most
hexes with good (1), average (2) and poor (3) roads (note are linked to the various Theatre Boxes (such as most
there is no particular map art for poor road hexes). On the of the Balkans in June 1941), others are on-map regions
right is the same map section but with the road display where specific units or nationalities are prevented from
enabled. happening.


Typical of the first type are the Arctic and Balkan regions. The symbol is dark green for undamaged rail, red for
However, some areas change status between being in damaged rail and yellow or orange (this will vary according
a Theatre Box (13.3) and being on map as the game to whether the hex was repaired by a support unit or a
progresses. Examples of this include most of Serbia which player controlled rail repair unit) for rail undergoing repair
will become playable once the Soviets are able to enter or that turn. Rail hexes that have white dots within a green
of parts of Germany that will be removed from play in 1945 circle are hexes that have been converted but are not
to reflect the final advances of the Western Allies. connected to the rest of the rail network or are rail hexes
Examples of on-map exclusion are the restrictions that that cannot be used for strategic rail movement or supply
prevent some of the Allied forces supporting the German purposes due to being adjacent to enemy units.
invasion of the Soviet Union from entering certain hexes (14.2). When this mode is selected information is also provided
Units can be retreated one hex into an exclusion zone. about the wider rail network and repair options. Hexes
Once there, they will automatically be displaced during their further than 10 hexes or 25 MP from a railhead are shaded
logistics phase to a nearby friendly town, city or urban hex. light grey, hexes further than 25 hexes or 100 MP from a
Neutral (Impassable) Terrain: No air, ground or railhead are shaded dark grey, enemy hexes are shaded
naval units may move, rout, or retreat into Spain, Turkey, rose, and rail repair HQ units are bordered in yellow.
Andorra, Switzerland, Sweden or Ireland. These areas are
shown as neutral in the hex pop-up text.
Impassable River hexsides can be crossed if both
sides are friendly controlled, paying the same cost as if
crossing a frozen major river hexside.

7.2.4. Town, City and Urban Hexes

Town, city and urban hexes are terrain features or types
that are population centres as well as locations for
factories, ports and railyards.
Each population point is equivalent to 50,000 people
(as in 1941). The density of the built up area in the hex is
represented by the designations of Heavy Urban, Urban,
City or Town. Note that the population reflects both those
in the built-up section (i.e. the named location) and in the
surrounding countryside. This shows hexes more than 25 MP from the nearest
This manpower is treated in the game as manpower functioning rail hex (1), hexes that are Axis controlled (2)
factory points and this can be damaged, and repaired, as and the location of a Soviet rail repair unit (3). In addition,
with any other type of factory. it shows rails that have not been repaired (red), have been
The manpower currently in a hex may have changed repaired this turn either by a Soviet NKPS rail repair unit (3,
from the initial population, at the 1941 scenario starts, yellow) or a Soviet rail repair support unit (4, orange) and
due to combat, starvation and migration. Manpower thus that are fully functioning (green).
represents the current recruiting potential of a town, city The orange and yellow hexes will be fully functioning
or urban hex and its surroundings, and is what generates (green) in the next turn.
replacement soldiers during the game.
7.2.6. Roads
7.2.5. Railways Each hex is graded for the quality of the road system. As
In WiTE2 railways are divided into dual and single track in section 7.2.2, selecting the road display option will make
lines. Single track lines only have 40% of the capacity of a these more obvious on the map.
dual track line. In poor weather and restricted terrain (Mountains,
If the rail move mode is enabled (F2) then additional Heavy Woods and Sand), better roads will significantly
information will be shown about the state of the rail network. lower the movement and supply costs for units. This will

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

also influence the speed of administrative movement if This shows friendly (1), pending friendly (2) and enemy
units are moving in friendly controlled hexes (22.2.1) that controlled (3) hexes from the Axis point of view.
have no enemy interdiction. Ground units can enter enemy controlled hexes only if
the hex is empty of any enemy combat units.
7.2.7. Regions
In addition to national 7.3.2. Impact of Enemy Controlled Hexes
borders, the map is Headquarters units are not allowed to move into enemy
broken up into a number hexes, but may move into pending friendly hexes,
of regions. These affect representing the inability of headquarter units to move
the intensity of the through areas that have not been cleared by combat units
partisan effort and are during the current turn.
used for writing Events Enemy controlled hexes block the tracing of supply,
that affect the game commitment of support units from headquarters during
(13.5). combat, and provision of support squad ground elements
The regional view to units from headquarters units during the logistics
can be accessed by right phase.
clicking on any hex, >>
Map information and
Note that pending hexes do not block the commitment
the select Map Regions
of combat units set to ‘reserve’ in combat (23.7).

7.3. CONTROL OF HEXES 7.3.3. Isolated Hex Conversion

7.3.1. Different forms of Hex Control Isolated hexes (23.14.1) that are not occupied by a friendly
Ground hexes are either friendly (controlled by the phasing unit, or adjacent to a friendly combat unit may switch
player), enemy (controlled by the non-phasing player), or control to the other side automatically during friendly
pending friendly. logistics phases. This will happen if they are adjacent to
The latter are hexes that have been taken during the any enemy combat unit or within 2 hexes of an enemy
current turn and will switch ownership at the end of the division or corps sized unit.
phasing player’s turn. There are additional costs for all Air base units in these hexes will be captured and
units moving into enemy and pending friendly hexes to become enemy controlled.
account for both timing issues and the inherent difficulty
involved in moving into recently enemy held regions. 7.3.4. Air Base Unit Capture
Enemy Air Base units in hexes that become pending
friendly or were isolated and convert to friendly control are
captured and become empty (no support units) air base
units for the capturing side.
When airbases are captured ready planes with enough
pilots will be evacuated if sufficient amount of fuel is in the
base (so any damaged planes will be lost).
In case of low fuel, the number of aircraft evacuated will
be reduced. Evacuating aircraft will initially try to fly to the
nearest air base that is more than 5 hexes from supplied
enemy units. If they cannot meet those criteria, they will fly
to any friendly air base unit.
Captured air base units are automatically reset to
supply priority 3.


7.3.5. Control of Ferry Hexes transport (F4) mode is selected, then the impact of control
Players may only move and trace supply paths over ferry of sea hexes on those modes of travel will be indicated as
hexes if they control the hex by holding the ground hexes follows:
on either side. §§ Friendly controlled – nothing displayed
If this is contested, then control of a Ferry hex is §§ Neutral – SHIPPING CONTESTED
determined by the player with control of the greatest §§ Enemy controlled – SHIPPING HEAVILY CONTESTED
number of land hexes adjacent to the ferry. For this §§ Enemy amphibious HQ unit and adjacent hexes –
purpose each adjacent port that has a net level of at least SHIPPING PROHIBITED
1 counts as an extra hex controlled. If there is a tie, the
tiebreakers in order are:
§§ Side with greatest interdiction value in the hex. 7.4. ZONES OF CONTROL
§§ Side with most number of Combat Value (CV) points Zones of Control (ZOC) represent the ability of ground
adjacent to the hex. combat units to exert control over the land map area in
§§ If still tied, then the phasing player has control. their vicinity and the area that they move through.

7.3.6. Control of Ocean and Sea 7.4.1. Impact on Enemy Movement

Water Hexes In WiTE2 all Combat Units exert a ZOC that will impede and
Control of ocean and sea water hexes is determined by slow enemy movement out of hexes adjacent to the unit.
the amount of naval interdiction projected by each side in Routed or depleted combat units, headquarters units
the hex. Naval Interdiction values printed in sea hexes are and rail repair units do not have a ZOC.
displayed in brown for the Soviets and grey for Axis. If a unit has so few MP that it can only move 1 hex then
Naval interdiction is generated by nearby friendly it will not be able to move even one hex if that would take
controlled ports, the deployment of naval HQs and the it into an enemy ZOC.
naval interdiction air mission (18.1.8).
Control of an ocean or sea water hex is defined as 7.4.2. Impact on Supply Tracing and the
having a map display adjusted interdiction level that is 2 Allocation of Combat Support Units
greater than the enemy level. The map displayed values Supply can be traced through an enemy ZOC as long as
are the true value that is a number from 0-99, divided the hex is friendly controlled or pending friendly, albeit at
by 10 and then truncated. The true values are displayed an increased cost due to additional movement point costs
in the hex pop-up, but the values shown on the map are due to the loss of Administrative Movement (22.2.1).
the truncated /10 values, and it is these that are used for HQ units must be able to trace a path of no more than
determining naval control of a hex. five hexes through friendly or pending friendly hexes to
combat units in order to provide support units during
combat (23.6).
Example: The Soviets have a real value of 32 (map
value of 3) and the Axis player has a real value of 16
7.4.3. Converting Enemy Controlled
(map value of 1). Since the Map value of the Soviets is
2 or more than the map value of the Axis, the Soviets
In WiTE2, ZOC’s are used to change enemy hexes into
have control of the hex.
pending friendly hexes as well as to increase the cost of
moving or tracing supply out of or between enemy units
When interdiction is displayed, enemy controlled sea with ZOC’s.
hexes are shown in red, neutral are shown darkened, and All units will convert previously enemy controlled hexes
friendly control is shown normally. if they enter that hex. However, division and Corps sized
The hex pop up will display current control with hex combat units can both convert the hex they enter as well
control indicated by the text Axis, SU (Soviets), or Neutral, as any unoccupied adjacent hexes in their ZOC unless the
which indicates contested water hexes. In the Action unoccupied hex is also in the ZOC of an enemy combat
(Move) phase, if naval transport (F3) or amphibious unit.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


Focus: This section provides more information on how
weather affects both ground and air operations and
how it changes from turn to turn.

Key Points:
§§ How weather in a given turn is determined
§§ Estimating weather conditions for the next turn
§§ The impact of weather on air operations
§§ The impact of weather on ground operations
§§ Special rules for the period between December 1941
and February 1942 and for the December-February
periods in 1943-44

8.1. GENERATING THE WEATHER In addition the weather zone for a given hex will be
shown on the pop-up that appears when you mouse over
CONDITIONS that hex, as:
The weather for every hex is determined once a turn The actual weather is partly determined by the Climate
during the Soviet logistics phase. This is important as it Zone. This indicates the type of weather that might be
means that the weather in the next German game turn will expected to dominate in that zone at that time of the year.
be the same as Soviet weather in the previous turn. The chart can be accessed by clicking on ‘Show Dominating
Weather is determined using a larger map area than Weather Table’ on the Current Weather Conditions screen.
is actually playable in WiTE2. The weather will change Expected conditions are Clear (C), Rain (R), Heavy Rain
throughout the year as temperatures rise and fall and (HR), Cold (Co) or Snowfall (Sf).
weather fronts form and move onto the
playing area. Most of the fronts that affect
game play in WiTE2 will originate in Siberia,
the Arctic or the North Atlantic but each of
these will change the weather in different

8.1.1. Climate Zones and

Dominating Weather Conditions
Each hex is allocated to one of eight different
climate zones. The climate zones are
Polar, Humid Cold, Humid, Humid Warm,
Temperate Humid, Temperate Dry, Arid
Steppe, and Arid Desert.
The division of the wider game map
into these zones can be found by using
the ‘Climate Zones’ tab on the Weather
Conditions screen (36.6).


8-3 The current ground conditions and moisture levels

for any hex can be found by right clicking on the hex (see
figure 8-3).

8.1.2. Weather Fronts

There are five types of weather fronts that can enter the
map and alter the dominating air weather. Weather fronts
will impact all hexes they moved through during the turn
(i.e. the hexes where it started on the previous turn and
those where they are in the current turn, and hexes in
The fronts are Polar Maritime (mP), Tropical Maritime
(mT), Arctic Maritime (mA), Polar Continental (cP) and
Tropical Continental (cT).
For example, the Polar Continental Front (cP) will change
a hex that would have been Clear to Cold in November to
February but will leave the weather as clear at any other
time of the year. If the hex would have had Rain in the
period November to February this will change to Snow. In
the same period, if the hex would have had Snowfall, a Polar
These default weather conditions are then modified Continental Front will replace this with Blizzard conditions.
as weather fronts move across the map. A front can bring However, an Arctic Maritime Front (mA) will change an
a different weather type to that expected so the actual otherwise Clear weather hex to Rain at any time of the
weather may improve, or worsen, compared to what is year and will convert a hex that would have had snowfall
expected. to Blizzard conditions.
The current air weather condition determines the
amount of moisture (water level) is added each turn to a 8.1.3. Moisture and Water Levels
hex, which over time will determine and modify the ground The air weather influences the ground weather as the
condition and ice level. Thus the ground conditions will moisture level of each hex alters according to atmospheric
move between Clear, Light Mud, Heavy Mud, Light Snow, conditions. The following table shows the impact of various
Snow and Heavy Snow depending on recent and current air conditions on the moisture in a hex and on ground
air weather. conditions.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Type Moisture (Water) Impact on any Snow
Clear = water 1
Clear Water level decreases by 2-7 each turn Converts snow to water
and Snow 1
Changes from – 1 to +2 each turn / If water is >3 than
light mud= water
Rain 1 is subtracted / If water is >7 then an additional – 1 / Converts snow to water
Water level can’t be over 5
Increases 2-4 per turn
Good Roads 1-2 heavy mud= water
Heavy rain Converts snow to water
Average Roads 2-3 6 to 9
Poor roads 2-4
Snow level in hex changes – 1 to +2 each turn / can’t be Increases snow levels by between -1 and light snow = snow
over 6 2 per turn up to level 6 2 to 3
Increases snow level by between 1 and
Snowfall Increases 1-3 each turn / can’t be over 7 snow= snow 4 to 7
3 per turn up to level 7
Increases snow level by between 2 and heavy snow =
Blizzard Increases 2-4 each turn
4 per turn up to level 9 snow 8 to 9

8.1.4. Changing Snow Conditions

The Snow Level in a hex will never reach 8 or 9 unless the
air condition for the hex is also a Blizzard. Snow in a hex will GRAPHICS
never be 7 unless the air condition is Snowfall or Blizzard. The Weather Screen allows the player to toggle on
Once the snow level reaches 8 or 9, it is treated as Heavy information for the Climate Zones, the Ground weather
Snow for ground movement purposes slowing movement conditions, the Air weather conditions or the Road Systems.
and reducing attacking CVs. The weather condition in each hex can be found in
All Snow converts to water if air weather changes to one the hex pop up text. The weather can also be seen in
of: clear, rain or heavy rain. the artwork on the main map. By using the tab (or the
Map Information button) the player can toggle between
8.2. ESTIMATING THE WEATHER showing both Air and Ground conditions; Ground only;
Air only, or, no weather art on the map, with the button
CONDITIONS graphic displaying the current state.
Since the weather system is dynamic it is also possible to This shows the four ways the map can display the
estimate the likely weather in the following turn. In effect, weather conditions (in this case during the autumn rain
the combination of the Dominating Weather table and the turns). Image 1 has both ground and air conditions shown,
movement of Weather Fronts will allow an estimate of the 2 is ground conditions only, 3 is air conditions only and 4
likely impact on a given hex in the following turn.
However, this estimate maybe inaccurate if the Weather
Front either disperses or does not move as predicted.
Equally, the estimate made available to the Soviet player is
more reliable than that for the Axis player as most Weather
Fronts affecting the game map originate from regions
where either the Soviets or Western Allies had better
weather forecasting capacity than the Axis.
An estimate of next turn’s weather can be found by
clicking on the date for the following week at the top of the
Current Weather Conditions screen.


disables the on-map graphics. While most of the time you in particular will be significantly reduced during bad
may find 1 the most useful, in particular in winter turns 4 weather such as heavy rain, snowfall, and blizzard.
can be useful to check underlying terrain.
CONDITIONS ON AIR OPERATIONS Ground operations are only affected by the ground
Although atmospheric air conditions create changes in weather in a particular hex.
the overall weather, the resulting Air Weather only affects There are six Ground Conditions ; clear, light mud,
air operations. The air weather conditions over an air heavy mud, light snow, snow and heavy snow.
mission’s flight path are used in determining the amount Ground conditions are determined by the current air
of cloud cover and the overall air mission weather. There weather condition and the cumulative amount of moisture
are six Air Weather Conditions as follows: (water level) in the hex. For example, consecutive periods
of heavy rain will turn clear ground condition to light
Air Weather
Remarks Category mud and then heavy mud. Cold, snowfall, and blizzard air
Clear Excellent weather conditions, will freeze the moisture and result in
Light Rains/Summer Rains, varying amounts of snow. The current weather condition
Rain Fair and moisture levels in any hex can be seen by right clicking
Additional cloud cover
More overcast and sustained on a hex.
Heavy Rain Very Poor

Light Snow, Clear sky much of
8.5.1. Impact of the Road System
the time Each hex is rated for the quality of its road system as: Good;
More regular Snowfall with Average; or, Poor. The quality of the road system helps to
Snowfall Poor
more Cloud Cover.
offset the impact of poor ground conditions on movement
Snow storms and very low
Blizzards Very Poor and combat. Basically the better the road system, the less
impact weather has on movement and ground combat.
As indicated above, the air mission weather is classified
as very poor, poor, fair, good, or excellent, with this being 8.5.2. Impact of Weather on Movement
determined by the aggregate cloud cover over a particular and Combat
air mission’s entire flight path. When setting an air The ground condition in a hex, when combined with the
directive (17.4) the player can indicate the worst conditions type of road system present, determines both whether
it will take place under. Even if the mission is ordered, if there is an additional tactical ground movement cost
the weather is poor or very poor it maybe cancelled, or (38.6), which can also affect supply, and whether the
relatively few planes will complete the mission and there is combat value (CV) of attacking units are modified (23.8.4).
a risk of high operational losses (19.5.2). When attacking, any modifications are based on the
The air weather condition in each hex sets a percentage ground weather conditions in the hex occupied by the
of cloud cover for the hex. There is some randomness in attacking unit at the time of combat. This is also true for
this setting, but the worse the air weather condition, the attacker reserve units that are committed to the battle (CV
more the cloud cover effect.
In turn this creates a Weather Value scaled from 0 to
100, with the higher score reflecting worse weather and In poor weather, especially blizzard turns, the weather
thus a higher chance of adverse effects, up to and including will mean that a number of combat elements are not
mission cancellation and will lead to higher operational available. This will particularly affect the attacker and
losses (18.3.11). means you may want to ensure the likely odds are
If a mission does take off and reach its target then the around 4 or 5-1 before launching an attack to take this
weather in the target area will impact the effectiveness of into account.
the airstrike (bombing or recon). Ground Support missions

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

weather effect is based on the hex they are physically in on 8.5.4. Supply when Lake Ladoga and
the map) and support units that are directly attached to a the Sea of Azov are frozen
combat unit. These two bodies of water have slightly different supply
Attacker support units in HQs are affected by the ground rules when frozen.
weather in the target hex. During certain times the ports in Lake Ladoga and Sea
of Azov sea zones will be impacted by ice. There are two
8.5.3. Ice Levels and Frozen Lakes levels of ice - Thin Ice and Frozen Solid. When Thin Ice is
and Rivers present, all ports have their port points /10 each turn. If
As the weather becomes colder, lakes and rivers may start they are Frozen Solid, then no freight shipping is possible
to freeze . Once they are frozen, movement costs will be (although this will not shut down ports when determining
substantially reduced. isolation status). The ice-state can be accessed by right
Ice levels range from zero (none) to ten (frozen solid). clicking on a suitable hex.
Ice levels will never exceed ten or go below zero. Ice levels In addition special rules apply to reflect the Ice Road that
from one to four for minor rivers and from one to seven for was used to resupply Leningrad in winter. If Lake Ladoga
major rivers are defined as loose ice and this will increase is Frozen Solid, freight will attempt to move through port
the movement costs as the ice level increases up to seven. source depots to port depots via trucks instead of ships.
Minor rivers with ice levels five through 10 are defined For this to happen, there must be a functioning port
as frozen as are major rivers with ice levels eight through source depot for the goods to pass through and the move
ten. Frozen rivers will have little impact on movement is shown as a rail not sea move if you mouse over the
costs. The Ice level is determined individually for each river affected hexes.
hexside using the warmer weather of the two hexes to Note that this supply line is subject to interdiction and
which a river hexside is adjacent with changes as follows will be hampered (or broken) if the key ports are damaged.
(from warmest to coldest). Each turn the air weather will The timing of the ice conditions in the two sea zones is
change the relevant ice level by: as follows:
§§ Clear: – 3
§§ Rain: – 2 Lake Ladoga
§§ Heavy Rain: – 2 Ice Type Harsh Winter Normal Winter Mild Winter
§§ Cold: 0 Thin Ice Nov 1 – Nov 20 Dec 1 – Dec 20 Dec 21 – Jan 10
§§ Snowfall: +1 Nov 21 - Apr 20 Dec 20 – Mar 31 Jan 11 – Feb 29
§§ Blizzard: +2
Thin Ice Apr 21 – May 10 Apr 1 – Apr 20 Mar 1 – Mar 20
As with ice free movement across rivers, MP costs are
different depending on whether the unit is moving into
Sea of Azov
an EZOC or not (38.6.1). Note that ice level costs are
Ice Type Harsh Winter Normal Winter Mild Winter
cumulative with the regular cost to move or attack over
Thin Ice Dec 10 – Dec 31 Dec 21 – Jan 10 Jan 1 – Jan 2
river hexsides.
Frozen ice levels (5 or more for minor rivers, 8 or Jan 1 – Mar 10 Jan 11 – Feb 29 Jan 21 – Feb 20
more for major rivers) causes all river hexsides (including Thin Ice Mar 11 – Mar 31 Mar 1 – Mar 20 Feb 21 – Mar 10
impassable) to have much less impact on movement or
combat (and this is the only time a unit can attack across
an impassable river hexside).
As ice conditions do not occur in full water hexes,
tactical movement over such hexes (including small lakes, 8.6.1. First (Harsh) Winter Rules
large lakes, and sea hexes.) is not allowed, regardless of Impact on movement
ice level. In addition, neither strategic naval transport nor These rules apply in any turns from June 1941 up to the
amphibious transport is affected by ice levels except as end of March 1942 but will have particular effect during
stated below in Lake Ladoga and the Sea of Azov. the winter turns.


Resupply. When carrying freight, Axis vehicles pay Extreme cold will affect ground elements, aircraft and
double the normal weather movement costs. They also AFVs. Both aircraft and AFVs will be particularly vulnerable
pay an additional 8 MPs for each Blizzard hex entered. to breaking down. AFVs also have an increased chance of
Rail System. When Axis trains are moving freight by rail, breakdown (damage) during combat when the combat is in
the MP cost for each hex is increased by 10 plus the snow a blizzard or snow level 6 or higher hex.
level in Blizzard hexes. In non-blizzard hexes if the snow Units in protected hexes suffer less damage (protected
level in a hex is over 5, then the MP cost per hex will be in this sense is one of: a fort level 2 or more, city, urban,
increased by the snow level/2. heavy urban hexes).

Note that both these rules apply from 22 June

8.6.2. Mild Winter Rules
onwards, just they become more of a problem once The winter of 1943-44 was relatively mild so the basic
snow and blizzard conditions start to occur. winter rules are amended between December 1943 and
February 1944 as follows:
§§ If a weather front will shift the weather to blizzard this
Impact from attrition only applies for the first turn the front is on the map. In
These rules apply in any turns between 1 December 1941 subsequent turns, it shifts weather to snowfall instead.
and the end of March 1942. §§ Snowfall generates +Die(2) snow level instead of
Frostbite/Weapon Malfunction. Ground elements +1+Die(2) per turn;
can suffer increased fatigue and/or damage (but not §§ Snow levels during snowfall can decrease by 2 instead
destruction) during the logistics phase if in Blizzard hexes of 1 if already above 6.
or in hexes with snow levels of 6 or more (the more snow §§ There is a 25% probability that Polar Continental and
the more fatigue/damage). Support elements are much Arctic Maritime weather fronts will be cancelled.
less likely to suffer fatigue/damage, while infantry type
elements are more likely to suffer fatigue/damage.

Focus: This section provides more information on how
the concept of Administrative Points is used in WiTE2.

Key Points:
§§ How administrative points are gained
§§ Different uses of administrative points
§§ Costs for various decisions

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Administrative (admin) points (AP) represent the ability of The following options will all cost one Administrative
a side to modify their command and control and supply Point:
structure, to include units, leaders and supply depots. §§ Creating a depot (25.7.2).
Administrative points can be used to create new units, and §§ Setting a factory, railyard or manpower centre to
depots, transfer AA assets between cities and to motorize priority repair (28.6.4).
infantry formations. §§ Assign a construction engineer Support Unit to a city.
§§ Using level bombers to conduct supply missions.
9.1. GAINING ADMINISTRATIVE §§ Moving any flak unit that is attached to a city to
another city (note this transfer can be more expensive
POINTS depending on the exact move made).
Each player starts with a number of Administrative §§ Disbanding (for the Axis only) or merging a unit (21.10).
Points that varies depending on the scenario. Each player The following actions will cost at least more than 1 AP,
receives additional administrative points during their and in many cases this will vary according to the specific
respective logistics phase, also depending on the scenario. circumstances.
Information on the number of admin points each side §§ Changing leaders. The amount will depend on the
will receive in a scenario can be found in the scenario seniority of the new commander (15.2) and the type of
description on the Load Scenario screen (2.1). HQ (21.11.1) as well as the number of political points
Note that in addition to receiving regular per turn possessed by both commanders (15.3.1).
allocations players can receive additional Administrative §§ Motorising an infantry unit (22.2.5) either temporarily
Points as a result of scripted events (13.5). In addition, or permanently will cost a variable number of
if a given Theatre Box exceeds the basic requirements, administrative points each turn depending on the
a random event may allocate additional administrative number of trucks required.
points (as well as a victory point). §§ Moving a unit from STATIC to READY will cost
Players can also gain Administrative Points by placing Administrative Points based on the number of trucks
combat units into the STATIC Mode. When this is done a a unit will need to become fully mobile. If a unit has
pop-up box will show the number of Administrative Points been placed in STATIC mode and that will be withdrawn
(and Trucks) that will be gained by doing so. In this case in the current game turn will be automatically set
the number of Administrative Points gained is based on as READY resulting in an involuntary expenditure of
the number of vehicles that the unit would have needed Administrative Points.
to be fully mobile. §§ Creating a City Fort. Both sides can do this at a cost of
Unused Administrative Points are carried over to the 10 APs. There is a limit of 8 per side at any given time.
next turn and the maximum that can be retained during §§ Transferring some types of Anti-Aircraft units that have
the logistics phase is 9,999. been assigned to a city to a ground or air HQ.
The number of Administrative Points can fall below §§ Creating a Fortified Zone (20.5). Both sides can do this
zero if they are needed during the logistics phase to carry (up to a maximum of 40 for the Soviets) at a cost of 4 for
out certain actions. The most likely reason for this is the the Axis and 2 for the Soviets.
need to remove a currently static unit from the map §§ Place a Command on Assault status (21.11.2). This will
due to the withdrawal schedule. In this case the needed cost 10 for an Axis Army and 20 for a Soviet Front HQ.
Administrative Points are deducted and the player will §§ Building New Units (27.2). The Soviet player will
start the next game turn with less than their usual per turn sometimes be charged Administrative Points if they
allocation. wish to build certain unit types (both Combat and
Support Units); and,
9.2. EXPENDING ADMINISTRATIVE §§ Create a Corps sized Combat Unit (27.5). The Soviet
player can build Corps as the game progresses and the
POINTS cost of this will vary between 5 and 20 Administrative
There are numerous actions that require the expenditure Points according to the game turn and type of corps.
of Administrative Points. §§ The Table below sets out the cost of each action:


Action Admin Point Cost Remarks

Disband a Unit (note this cost also applies if two
1 (Axis), 0 (Soviet) 21.10
units are merged)
Merge a Unit 1 21.10
Manually Create Supply Depot 1 25.72
Priority Repair 1 28.6.4
Varies according to the number of trucks the unit would
Reactivate Static Unit 21.8
need to be fully mobile
Temporary Motorization Varies according to the number of trucks needed 22.2.5
Change leader of a HQ unit Varies 15.2
4 (Axis player all game);
Create Fortified Zone Unit 20.5
2 (Soviet player)
Transfer AA Battalion from City to High
3 16.8
Command HQ
Transfer AA Regiment from City to High
10 16.8
Command HQ
Transfer Marine or Naval Battalion from City to
3 16.8
High Command HQ
Transfer Marine or Naval Brigade from City to
10 16.8
High Command HQ
Transfer any flak unit from a city to a city 1 16.8
Transfer Marine or Naval AA to a non-port
2 16.8
Transfer LW or PVO AA Battalion from City to
15 16.8
High Command HQ
Transfer LW or PVO AA Regiment or Brigade from
50 16.8
City to High Command HQ
Transfer eligible Construction unit from a HQ unit
1 21.6
to a city
20 (1941 Rifle Corps)
Build a Corps (Soviet player only) 10 (1941 Cavalry Corps) 27.5
5 (1942-45 any type)
Varies according to the game turn and unit type.
Build a new Combat or Support Unit (Soviet
Some units will initially cost Administrative Points but then 27.2
player only)
will become free.
Create a City Fort 10 20.6
10 (Axis Army)
Place a Command on Assault Status 21.11.2
20 (Soviet Front)

Note: In addition some tasks that cost no AP require the player to have at least 1 available. This includes building new airfields and
expanding existing ones.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


Focus: This section provides more information on the
impact of Fog of War and Detection on WiTE2.

Key Points:
§§ The concept of ‘Movement’ Fog of War in the game
set up options
§§ How Detection Levels vary over time
§§ How Detection Levels affect Fog of War

To offset this, if movement FOW is enabled, the

10.1. SETTING FOG OF WAR OFF show movement path and show movement allowed
Either when setting the game up (2.3) or later (if playing preferences will only display movement options to hexes
against the AI), the player(s) can opt not to use the Fog of if the movement path could be traced via friendly/pending
War (FOW) rules either just for unit detection or for unit friendly hexes or to hexes adjacent to friendly/pending
movement. friendly hexes (7.3).

10.1.1. No Fog of War and Unit Detection

Movement FOW takes away an “enhanced recon”
In this case all enemy units are visible on the map with
feature caused by the nature of the movement
accurate information on type, name, size and combat value
system, but at a cost in play time. Basically, you will
included in the hex pop-up information. The Detection
have to make an increased number of shorter moves
Level of each unit is still computed and impacts the combat
when using move FOW as you won’t be allowed to
effectiveness of any attacks against those units, but the
move far into enemy territory. Ultimately your unit
location of all enemy units is known to the player (including
can cover the same ground, but with more mouse
those that would otherwise have a detection level of zero).
clicks and more individual moves. Also, it won’t be as
10.1.2. Movement Fog of War easy to determine the fastest path to an enemy hex
deep in enemy territory.
The Fog of War options enable you to set the impact on
movement separately to that on unit detection.
If you enable the basic FOW rules (i.e. some units cannot The example below shows how this can alter gameplay.
be seen and others will only show partial information) then On the left hand side is the map with movement Fog
you need to decide whether you will also use movement of War enabled. When the German 2-36 Panzer regiment
FOW or not. is selected information is only available about the current
With FOW on, unless there is an unbroken enemy front front line hexes and those are known to be Soviet
line, this option allows the player to see hexes behind controlled but not contain any Soviet units. Moving that
enemy lines that do not contain enemy units up to the limit regiment eastwards will slowly uncover more information
of the selected units allowed movement. about occupied or unoccupied hexes.


This shows how varying Detection Level affects the

knowledge of enemy units. If there is no reconnaissance
and the unit has not been in previous contact, then it
is likely it will not be shown at all. Beyond that (1) is an
example of a unit with low detection values, (2) has a
higher value (enough to know it is a tank formation), (3) is
known to be a rifle division but there is another, unknown
unit in the hex so the total combat value is unknown, and
(4) is a unit with higher enough detection to provide a
decent estimate as to its cv. See section 10.2.7 below for
On the right hand side, movement Fog of War has been information as to how this information relates to the DL
disabled and it is now clear where there are Soviet units for a given hex.
behind the front line. In this case, the German unit could Unit detection levels will change over time and can be
move towards Dnepropetrovsk without encountering any influenced by player actions. During the logistics phase,
Soviet formations. an airbase unit will have its DL decline by one, while non-
airbase units will have their DL decline by Die (5). The DL
levels of enemy combat units that are adjacent may then
10.2. DETECTION LEVEL (DL) be increased as adjacent enemy combat units compare
If you opt to use the Fog of War rules then the concept scouting values for the different units to determine
of the Detection Level (DL) is critical. Detection level (DL) changes in DL levels.
is the determination of how much information is known In addition, every time a unit moves next to an enemy
about on-map enemy units. The higher the detection level, unit, the enemy’s DL will usually go up due to automatic
the more information is known and the more effective scouting and probing attacks. Losses from these scouting
attacks will be on that unit. and skirmishing actions are represented by higher attrition
levels for adjacent enemy units. Combat against enemy
10.2.1. Changes in Detection Levels units will also increase their DL.
Each unit on the map, as well as attached support units, The DL of units that move away from the enemy will
is automatically assigned a detection level from zero to decrease over time.
ten, based on factors such as distance from enemy units,
covering terrain and the results of air reconnaissance. 10.2.2. Detection Levels and Combat
A higher detection level will increase the effectiveness of
ground and air combat against that unit. The hex pop-up
text will display detection levels for on-map units, to include
construction support units and Anti-aircraft support units
attached to cities.
Note this will occur even if FOW is turned off. In other
words you can see the unit on the map but the scope to be
surprised in combat, due to a low detection level, remains.

10.2.3. Raising Detection Levels by

Air Reconnaissance
If you fly tactical reconnaissance missions you can raise the
detection levels in the hex.
For non-air base units, air reconnaissance can raise
detection levels up to a maximum of four with the following

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

§§ Maximum Detection level 1: Non-Air base units located units are still detected even if they are in a hex that has not
in non-clear terrain further then 3 hexes from supplied been recently covered by an air reconnaissance mission.
enemy units.
§§ Maximum Detection level 2: Non air base units located If an air group is set to run a ‘unit’ reconnaissance
in non-clear terrain and not adjacent to enemy units. mission (18.1.6) it will initially focus on raising the DL of
§§ Maximum Detection level 4: Non-air base units located already identified units, if this reaches the maximum
in clear terrain feasible it will shift to trying to spot unidentified units
Air reconnaissance can raise the DL of air base units up to (interdiction recon). So the choice of target has some
the maximum of 10, if the airfield recon mission is chosen bearing on whether your recon assets will focus on
(18.1.6). known formations or seeking to find unidentified
The Show air recon levels button (Shift-t) in the map ones.
information tool bar (6.2) will graphically display the level
of air recon coverage with the lighter the shade in the hex,
the better the air recon level. The actual numerical air 10.2.4. Impact of Strategic air
recon level is listed in the hex pop-up. reconnaissance missions
Strategic air reconnaissance only affects knowledge about
the chosen targets (factories, manpower etc) in the city
hexes reconnoitred.
Strategic reconnaissance will only target town, city and
urban hexes while normal air recon can target any hexes
and raises the Detection level of the hexes which in turn
increase the DL of the units there.
When FOW is on, each time an enemy factory is bombed
a picture is taken of those factories and an estimate of
damage is made. When determining what factory to fly a
strategic bombing mission against, the computer will use
the FOW damage values. This means that a target that
is thought to be heavily damaged will be less likely to be
bombed, and it’s the fogged up damage level that is used.

10.2.5. Reconnaissance missions and

other air missions
The interaction of reconnaissance and tactical air missions
is discussed in sections 17.1 and 17.4. For the moment,
note that it is useful to make the reconnaissance mission
focus on the chosen target for a ground attack (tactical) or
strategic bombing mission in order to improve the quality
of any air attacks.

10.2.6. Detection Level and Naval

This has the air reconnaissance map mode enabled. Units utilizing naval and amphibious transport that remain
Blue hexes (1) are Axis controlled, light brown hexes at sea can have their detection levels raised by enemy
(2) are Soviet controlled with some degree of Axis air naval interdiction in their water hex. Detection levels for
reconnaissance and dark brown (3) are Soviet controlled units in water hexes are checked at the end of the logistics
without Axis air reconnaissance. Note, in this case, the phase and at the end of the air execution phase.

1 50

To preserve FOW, during the amphibious invasion Air Operations: Detection will affect your knowledge of
phase and air planning phase of an AI player turn, units will the enemy air force and operations in various ways:
not be shown on the map. In addition, during multiplayer §§ Air Base Units: When FOW is enabled, the lower the
and PBEM, the map is blacked out during the amphibious detection level, the information will be less accurate in
phase. the hex pop-up text regarding enemy Air Groups located
at the airfield. The accuracy of any damage report will
10.2.7. Impact of Different Detection also vary with the detection level.
Levels §§ Air Mission Graphics: The graphic display (18.4) of any
At the lowest level (0) you will not even be aware an enemy enemy interception and ground support missions,
unit is in the hex. As the Detection Level increases you will during the air directive resolution phase, on the map
be provided with more information about the unit but area will only show the direction the enemy Air Groups
note that completely accurate combat values (CV) may came from, not the entire line back to the air base unit
not be displayed even at the highest detection level, and they flew in from when FOW is enabled.
the potential size of the error increases as the DL number Stacked Units: When FOW is enabled, no CV/MP numbers
decreases. will be printed on an enemy counter if there is no unit with a
The different detection levels are: detection level greater than 4 in the stack. If there are units
§§ Detection Level 1: The unit counter will be blank. A unit with DLs both greater than four and four or less in a stack,
with detection level less than 3 won’t show its nationality numbers will be printed, and a ‘?’ will be printed instead of
counter colour. In this case it will be displayed with the the – or = between the numbers to indicate that in addition
generic Axis/Soviet colour. to the estimated CV strength in the hex, there are units of
§§ Detection Level 3: The Unit type will be displayed. unknown strength in the hex. If the top unit in the stack has
§§ Detection Level 5: The Unit name, unit size and CV will a DL of 1 or 2, a blank unit type box will appear on the top
be displayed. Enemy units that start adjacent to friendly unit counter to indicate it is of an unknown type.
units will have a minimum DL of 5. Note that Unit Enemy Fortification Levels: When FOW is enabled,
counters will only display SS / Elite / LW / Guards status information on enemy fortification levels (20.1) will only be
(colouring) if their detection level is 5 or greater. displayed for hexes that are adjacent to a friendly unit or
§§ Detection Level 7: Soft factors can be observed (6.5.11). for hexes that contain a detected enemy unit with a DL of
The DL also influences the type of information you have at least three.
about Support Units, Flak levels, enemy air operations,
the effect if more than one enemy unit is in the hex and 10.2.8. Fog of War and AI movement
knowledge about enemy fortifications. When the AI is moving, if FOW is on then you will only
Support Units: Support units attached to cities, HQ see enemy units that are adjacent to your units. Once the
units and ground units have detection levels in the same movement phase is complete, the standard detection rules
manner as on map units as their DL increases. In effect, are used again.
their strength is added to the information displayed (or
not) about other units in the hex. 10.2.9. Fog of War and Rail Damage/Usage
Flak Levels: When FOW is enabled, flak values displayed If FOW is on, then a hex will not show either rail damage or
on the map will be less accurate if the hex has a lower usage for enemy hexes unless you have sufficient detection
detection level. level.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


Focus: This section brings together the rules that affect
the first turn of scenarios starting on 22 June 1941.

Key Points:
§§ The reduction in Soviet air power
§§ Axis ground movement advantages
§§ Special rules for capturing rail hexes in the Baltic

Many of the scenarios in WiTE2 have special rules for the 11.2.2. Movement Bonus
first turn. These may remove the active phase from one Axis units that meet both of the following conditions will
of the players or ensure that certain units are fixed for a receive a movement bonus on the 22 June 1941 turn:
number of turns. §§ The Unit is moving from and to a hex north of row 173
However, specific rules apply to the first turn(s) of any §§ If Motorized, unit has more than 15 MPs remaining and
scenario that commences on 22 June 1941 to reflect the if non-motorized it has more than 8 MPs remaining.
lack of preparations by the Soviet Union. These conditions are checked each hex the unit moves so
a unit moving south of row 172 will lose the movement
bonus as long as they are moving to/from that area. The
11.1. AIR COMBAT image below shows where this divide is on the immediate
All Soviet attempts at interception and/or flak during the German-Soviet border region.
air execution phase will be much less likely to succeed at
the start of the week but will improve each day. The Axis
player is advised to make a maximum effort on the first
day of the turn.
In addition, attacks on Soviet airfields are more likely
to succeed if they are carried out on D1. This bonus will
reduce as the week progresses.


11.2.1. Restrictions In addition, the movement bonus is not applied for
There is no ground movement in Hungary on turn 1 of the movement into (or beyond) the x194 hex row. Basically this
campaign. is a line running from Polotsk (on the Dvina) to Minsk and
Axis units have no SMP allocation on T1 (note that not just east of Gantsevichi.
only does this prevent strategic movement it will also stop
any recovery of Combat Preparation Points, see section


11.2.3. Reduced costs for Zones 11.3. SOVIET RULES

of Control
Units receiving the bonus do not pay any additional 11.3.1. Ground Movement Restrictions
movement costs for entering or leaving a ZOC, nor do they Soviet units attached to the Southern Front along the
pay a cost for entering an enemy controlled hex. Romanian border are frozen for the first turn. These
units will be unfrozen if the German player exceeds the
11.2.4. Combat Delay constraints in 11.2.5.
Most of the rules for the creation of delay in hexes after
combat (22.2.7) are the same during the Axis phase of T1. 11.3.2. Reserve Activations
The exception is that there is no minimum delay of 1 MP All Soviet motorized units are set to reserve status with a
simply due to having a Soviet unit adjacent to the combat notional 25 MP on turn 1 if the German side is being played
hex. by a human.
Soviet units in the region where X>172 are more likely
to commit from reserve (basically the at-start front line
Note: this only affects hasty attacks that ended with odds south of Wlodawa). This is the same region affected by the
> 10-1, so allows the Germans to make faster progress rules in 11.2.2 (see fig 11-3 overleaf).
on sectors where they have complete dominance.
11.3.3. Determining Initial Soviet Unit
Morale and Experience
11.2.5. Unlocking the Soviet Southern While WiTE2 presents a highly accurate OOB reflecting the
Front situation of the two armies on 22 June 1941, the actual
If a Soviet national hex south or east of 187,187 (just status of many Soviet units is determined each time the
southeast of Lvov) is Axis controlled then all of Southern game is created to reflect uncertainty about their actual
Front and related airbases will be unfrozen. combat capacity and the degree of surprise that resulted
from the German attack.
The morale and experience of all Soviet units at the
start (on map and TBs) is set as follows:
§§ 1. Determine initial morale by taking a base of 30 and
adding Random (1-24).
§§ 2. Add 5 to the morale of all NKVD, Mountain, Cavalry,
and Airborne units.
§§ 3. Further modify the morale of all non-support, non-HQ,
motorized units, by multiplying their morale by .9 (90%).
§§ 4. Modify the morale of all units based on the difficulty
level by taking the morale level modifier divided by 100
and multiplying the unit morale. For example, if the
difficulty level is set as challenging and you are playing
the Axis then the morale level modifier of 110 would
be divided by 100 and all Soviet units would have their
morale multiplied by 1.1.
§§ 5. Modify the morale of units in the Southwest area by
adding 10. This is defined as Y>171, Y<197, and x<218.
The box below shows the northern and eastern limits of
this modification.
§§ 6. Modify the morale of units in the Moscow area by
adding 5. Moscow area is defined as x>215 and Y<136.
This area is roughly bounded by figure 11-4 overleaf.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


§§ 8. Set the experience level of each type of ground

element in all Soviet units using the formula ((2/3*Morale
of unit) + (½*random (morale of unit))), not to exceed 99
or be less than 30 after all adjustments, to include any
difficulty level settings.

11.3.4. Determining Initial Damage to

Soviet Ground Elements
As part of the normal automatic game start process, some
ground elements in Soviet units will become damaged.
§§ 1. 0-10% of non-AFV ready elements will be damaged.
§§ 2. 10-30% of AFV ready elements will be damaged.

11.3.5. Air resupply

§§ For all turns in June 1941 air resupply cannot be used to
prevent isolation of Soviet units no matter how much is
§§ 7. The final morale of Soviet units cannot exceed 99 dropped (25.9.3). This will take effect normally for any
or be less than 35 after all adjustments, to include any such missions run in the Soviet T3 (so will not affect the
difficulty level settings. Axis T3 where such units will remain isolated).

1 54

11.4. RAIL DAMAGE IN THE BALTIC they change hands). There is a 70% chance that such a rail

REGION hex will not be damaged if it is captured in the movement

phase or when isolated hexes change ownership.
For the first four turns any rail hex in this region (Lithuania, Note that any hex that is captured in a combat will be
Latvia and Estonia) may be captured with the rail line damaged.
intact (note that rail yards will be damaged as normal as


Focus: This section explains how the concept of
National Morale affects gameplay in WiTE2.

Key Points:
§§ How National Morale changes over time
§§ How National Morale affects unit morale
§§ How units can gain or lose morale
§§ How units gain experience

In WiTE2 the concept of National Morale is used to capture 12.1.2. Elite Units
the typical level of training and expertise of the combat Both the Soviets and the Germans fielded units that were
units that are fielded by each nation. regarded as elite . These units gain a modifier to their
Each nationality in the game has a basic level of national respective national morale as:
morale. The actual unit morale can be above or below the Special Bonus
national morale, but unit morale will tend to gravitate §§ German regular (or LW) Elite units +15
towards the level of national morale.
National Morale changes can be found in appendix 38.2
Note this includes formations such as the Gross
or in the Game Editor.
Deutschland and the Hermann Goering Panzer Division

12.1. INTERACTION OF UNIT §§ Soviet Guards +10

MORALE AND NATIONAL MORALE §§ SS Elite +5 in 1941, +10 in 1942, +15 1943 and later
Also some units gain a potential morale bonus due to their
12.1.1. Newly Built and Rebuilt Units type (the type bonus and the special bonus can be added
Units that are destroyed and rebuilt or freshly built will together):
have their morale set to 30+ (national morale/4) + random §§ Cavalry, Mountain, Airborne and Air Landing +5
(national morale/4). This will never be lower than 30 or §§ Axis Allied motorized units +5
higher than 60. §§ German Motorized Units +10

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

§§ Soviet Motorized Units (from Sept 1942-August 1943)

+5, Soviet Motorized Units (Sept 1943-end of war) +10. Example: German national morale is 70 in 1942 so a
Example: a Soviet Motorized Guard unit in 1945 has a net unit could recover 7 per turn, but cannot exceed 70 by
+20 modifier (+10 motorized in 45 +10 Guard), while a this method unless it is an elite unit
Soviet Guards Cavalry unit would have a +15 modifier (+5
cavalry +10 elite). from the nearest enemy unit then it may gain between 0-2
morale points.
Each turn there is a chance that a unit’s morale will be
To stress these values do not change the unit morale
lowered by 1 or 2 points if its morale exceeds its national
as such, they set the potential NM for those formations
morale by 30 points or more.
that they can reach using the rules in 12.1.4.
12.1.5. Other changes to Unit Morale
Note that units also may gain or lose morale for other
12.1.3. German Luftwaffe Formations reasons.
The various field divisions that the Germans raise from If the maximum TOE is set below 50, the unit will not
Luftwaffe cadres all have a 10 point penalty against the receive a morale increase in the logistics phase;
notional German NM. However, this adjustment will The morale of a unit may increase during the friendly
not reduce their NM below 55 so will have less effect (in logistics phase due to these circumstances:
comparison to most German infantry formations) as the §§ The unit is in the reserve theatre box or in a theatre box
war goes on. with no ground combat.
§§ The unit is in a very good supply and support situation
12.1.4. Adjusting Unit Morale to and its morale is less than 75. If Die (75) is greater
National Morale than the unit’s morale then a gain for this situation is
Individual units may have different morale levels to the possible.
current National Morale level. This can be due to the §§ Units that are below 40 morale automatically gain one
morale allocated to the unit when it first enters the game. morale point in the logistics phase.
For example, some of the units that will be transferred §§ Isolated units may lose one or more morale point(s)
from the Soviet Far East in late 1941 will have a higher depending on existing supply shortages.
morale to reflect their elite status and experience gained §§ Units which miss morale and fatigue rolls can lose
in the various clashes with the Japanese up to 1939. morale during logistic phase.
Equally units will gain or lose morale as they win or lose §§ If at the end of the logistics phase a unit has less than
battles (23.10.4). 20 percent of needed supplies, it has a chance of losing
Ground unit morale may decrease due to losing battles, 1 morale point. If the value is less than 10 percent there
suffering from air interdiction, or being in an isolated state. is a chance of losing 2 morale points.
The higher a unit’s morale is over its national morale, the §§ Each logistics phase there is chance that a unit can lose
greater the chance the morale will be reduced when it a morale point due to fatigue. The higher the fatigue
loses a battle. and the lower the morale of the unit, the greater the
Retreated units may lose one morale point, which will chance that the unit must make a leader morale check
be increased to a loss of two morale points if the leader to avoid a morale loss.
Morale check fails.
Routed units lose one additional morale point.
If the unit’s morale is below its national morale then it
can recover as much as 10% of the national morale but not OVER, OR UNDER, 100
more than the country’s national morale. When initially setting up a game (or at any stage if playing
If the unit’s morale is below its national morale, or 50 against the AI) it is possible to set the morale level for one
(whichever is lowest), and it is more than 10 hexes away side or the other to a value other than 100.

1 56

Raising this above 100 will impact on combat administrative and leadership ratings will be passed.
performance, unit morale and the resulting cost of Units will gain extra morale during the logistics phase
movement into enemy territory. In effect, the basic morale and gain more morale if they win battles (and lose less
of each unit is multiplied by the value you set. Note that for in the case of a defeat). In addition, if the Axis side is set
the Axis side such a morale gain only affects German units at 120, then no Soviet units will enter combat due to the
not those of the various Allied nations (Chapter 14). reserve activation rules on turn 1 (11.3.2).
Note that units will start a scenario with the morale set If morale is set below 100, then the relevant national
by the scenario designed regardless of the chosen level. morale is further modified by this factor. In other words if
Unit morale will then adjust to the revised National Morale morale is set at 90, a unit that would otherwise have had a
score according to the standard rules (12.1.4). morale of 50 will have one of 45.
If the morale level is adjusted this will apply equally to
the morale of combat and support units and of pilots. In
There are some notes on the various ways the AI alters
turn that will increase the typical skill level of most pilots
the rules and the implications of these changes in the
over time (16.7).
Player Notes, especially section 30.7.
In addition to this, there are two important threshold
levels that have a wider impact on game play.
§§ Whenever the morale level is set to 110 or greater,
then leader admin checks for movement allowances
are always successful (22.1) and units get an extra +1
morale gain from a victory, and lose one less morale 12.3.1. Ground Element Experience
point than normal from a loss. In effect this increases Experience represents both how well a ground element is
the mobility of your army and means it is more robust trained and its ability to maintain unit cohesion in combat
during combat. situations. In a unit each type of ground element (i.e.
§§ When the AI is set to morale of 110, it is given additional infantry squad, 50mm Mortar, Panzer IIc) has an experience
MPs, and allowed to make certain kinds of strategic level that is an average of the individual experience of all
movement that would otherwise
violate the rules. This movement
makes it much easier for the AI to
form a defensive line. This should
not assist the AI in offensive
movements, although the extra
MPs will help.
§§ The AI is also given a chance of
getting a special bonus in combat
that will cause some disruption and
a smaller amount of damage to the
enemy at the start of each combat.
This bonus applies to the Axis AI in
the period to November 1941 and
from April-November 1942. It will
apply to the Soviet side from March
1943 onwards.
§§ If the morale for one side is set to
120 (or higher), there are a number
of secondary advantages. All tests
to determine Movement Point
allowances (22.1) using both the

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

the same type of ground elements. As with morale, the §§ Units in non-reserve TBs with Ground Combat Level
higher the ground element experience level, the better. higher than None and with experience less than 91 will
Experience mainly impacts combat, affecting combat gain experience from combat intensity (up to +5 per
value, the amount of retreat attrition, and the probability turn). The lower their experience, the greater chance
of firing and hitting enemy ground elements. they will gain. The higher the combat intensity, the
This shows how experience can vary across the higher they can gain, and the more likely they are to
elements in a unit. Here most are clustered around 50 but gain.
some are lower than this and the rifle squads substantially Ground elements will not lose experience just because
above the average. their unit’s morale dropped below their current experience
Ground elements increase their experience level level.
automatically during the supply and replacement part of Replacement ground elements coming into units will
the logistics phase through training. Though this is the tend to bring down average experience, but not by a
only time ground elements gain experience, the amount significant amount. Newly created units will appear on the
of combat the ground element participated in during the map (or in the National Reserve) with a low experience level
previous turn positively affects the ability of the ground to represent the need for many turns of initial training and
element to increase the number of experience points the buildup of unit cohesion.
gained. The experience for ground elements newly introduced
Ground elements can train up to the average experience to a unit due to a TOE change will be based on the average
level of their parent unit. of similar ground class elements in the unit. If no such
Experience increases in the logistics phase can happen elements exist, the national morale will be used to build
as follows (these are all cumulative so the maximum gain the new elements.
is 9 per turn):
§§ Elements with experience below 50% of unit’s morale 12.3.2. Air Group Unit Experience
will get 3 experience, elements with experience Air group unit experience has a significant impact on
above 50% and below 75% of unit’s morale will get 2 combat effectiveness during air missions. Air group units
experience, elements with experience above 75% and gain experience based on the number of missions they
below unit’s morale will get 1 experience. fly. Air group units in the National Reserve are considered
§§ Units in refit and not adjacent to an enemy controlled to fly training missions each day during their player air
hex, or in the reserve TB or in a Theatre Box with execution phase in order to gain additional experience
Ground Combat Level set to none None can add this (18.3.5). These training missions will increase the chance
chance. Elements with experience less than 91 and less of operational losses, resulting in additional damaged or
than their morale, have a chance of receiving additional destroyed aircraft from the air group units conducting the
experience, with the lower the experience, the greater training.
the chance of receiving the bonus. If the bonus is Air group units will decrease in experience due to the
gained, it will be in the range 1-3. addition of replacement pilots. In addition, pilots in air
§§ Elements that have participated in combat since their group units that upgrade (swap) (change out) their aircraft
last logistics phase, and with experience less than 91, model to either an aircraft of a different type (for example
can also gain 1-3 experience. The more combat, and the from a Fighter-Bomber to a Fighter) or a different number
lower their experience, the greater the chance they will of engines will lose -2 on their experience for each reason
gain experience. (i.e. to a maximum of -4).

1 58


Focus: This section explains how Theatre Boxes and the
Event System affect game play in WiTE2.

Key Points:
§§ Theatre Boxes
§§ Theatre Boxes and the Partisan War
§§ The Event System

Theatre boxes are used to capture the full commitments of some Axis powers. On the other hand, exceeding the
the Axis powers and the Soviet Union in WW2 and reflect one required garrison may see the player gain both Victory and
of three types of zones. In some, Soviet and the Germans Administrative Points and delay the related events.
and their allies are in direct combat (such as Finland at the
start of the 1941 scenario). In others, either the Soviets or
the Germans have to divert a substantial amount of their
armed forces to either fight the Western Allies or protect 13.1.1. List of the Theatre Boxes and
vulnerable frontiers (such as the Soviet Far East). In addition how they interact
the Partisan Wars within the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia The Axis Player has the following Theatre Boxes:
are treated within their respective Theatre Boxes. §§ The National Reserve
Finally both sides have a generic ‘Reserves’ box which §§ North Africa
can be used to refit units off map. §§ The Balkans
Players will have the option to lock the Theatre Boxes §§ Western Europe
via the Enhanced Player TB Control game option, so only §§ Norway
scripted transfers to and from the non-reserve TBs will §§ Finland
occur. Setting this game option must be done before the §§ The Soviet Union Garrison (inactive at the start of games
start of the game and cannot then be changed. Setting commencing on 22 June 1941)
this game option off will place additional limitations on the The Soviet Player has the following Theatre Boxes:
player with respect to units in the TBs §§ The National Reserve
Note regardless of this choice, the Reserve Theatre Box §§ Northern Front
will always be fully in play. §§ The Far East
The Event system (13.5) is used to reflect progress §§ Trans-Caucasus
in other theatres and uses triggers (such as date For both sides the National Reserve is used to hold units
or geographical locations) to change allocations of training, refitting or re-organising after heavy losses. If
manpower, administrative points and tracks combat and units are set to ‘REFIT’ (26.3) in the National Reserve they
losses, Western Allied progress and national morale. Allied will have a priority call on any available resources.
bombing will also affect German industrial production. Apart from for some units (such as destroyed units
If there are insufficient forces in a given theatre box returning to the game), use of the National Reserve is
the player may lose both Victory Points and Administrative optional for both players.
Points. In addition, the chain of events affecting that For the Axis player, the North Africa, Balkans, Western
theatre may occur earlier hastening the surrender of Europe and (initially) the Norway boxes sees them

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

notionally in combat with the Western Allies. Loses are The buttons in jump map will also take the player to the
set through varying the combat intensity (13.3.1) and the Theatre box.
required garrison will change as the game progresses. Alternatively, all the units (both ground and air) in the
Towards the end of the war, part of Yugoslavia may Theatre Box can be accessed via the Commanders Report
become playable and areas in Germany will be removed (but in this case they will be shown as part of the normal
from the map and made unplayable as the Allies advance. Commanders Report).
For the Soviet player, the Far East and Transcaucasus
Theatres require a variable garrison. Failure to meet this 13.1.3. Transfers to and from the
may cost the Soviet player victory and administrative points. Theatre Boxes
At the start of the game, Axis units in the Finland Theatre Many combat units are set to transfer between the
are notionally in combat with Soviet units in the Northern boxes and these can be found in the ‘reinforcements and
Front. Each side faces their own garrison requirements withdrawals’ tab (36.7). These will withdraw on the set turn
and combat intensity. A shortage of troops may cost in the state (especially % TOE) that they are at that stage.
administrative and victory points and may delay or advance If they are very weak, the player runs the risk of losing VP
the events connected with the war in Finland (40.1). Once and AP as that Theatre may lack sufficient resources (13.5).
Finland has surrendered, the Soviet Northern Front forces Units are only eligible for voluntary transfer to a Theatre
are in conflict with Axis forces in the Norway Theatre. Box if they have been in their current location (map or
theatre) for at least one turn and, if on the map, are not
13.1.2. Accessing the Theatre Boxes in a zone of control, and also must be on a rail hex that is
This can be done on the map via the tabs at the top of the connected to the wider rail net. In addition they must be
screen, by pressing CNTRL+T or by right clicking on any hex more than 4 hexes from the nearest enemy unit and have
and selecting ‘map information’ and then ‘Theatre Boxes’. sufficient SMP remaining to both entrain and move a single
The geographical Theatre boxes can be found overlaying hex by rail.
the portion of the map they reflect (so the Soviet Far East It can take one or more turns for a unit to move from the
box is on the eastern map edge). The Soviet reserve can map to a Theatre Box (or vice-versa). Units that arrive on map
be found in Siberia and the German reserve in Germany. from the Reserve Box will be deployed as in section 13.2.
By default, when a player selects CNTRL+T the map In addition, the reinforcement and withdrawal screen
will centre on the location of the Reserve Theatre box. shows scripted moves to and from other Theatre Boxes.
Soviet units moved out of
the non-reserve Theatre Boxes
will arrive around Cherepovets
(Northern Front), Moscow (Far
East) or near Baku (from the
If the player wishes to move
a unit from the Map to any
Theatre it must have enough
SMP to entrain and move at
least one hex.
Some units have no SMP
(22.4.2) including all Axis units
on T1, units that are currently
routed and units that have
recovered from being routed
in the previous logistics phase.
Also units in city forts have no
SMP (20.6)


13.1.4. Destroyed Units and the National 13.1.7. Morale adjustments in the
Reserve Theatre Boxes
For both sides many destroyed units will be placed in the All units in TBs gain Die(3) morale up to their NM. In
National Reserve to be refitted as the player chooses. The addition, units below their NM, in the reserve box or a TB
specific rules for the Soviet player can be found in section that has a ground combat intensity of none, will gain die(6)
27.2.1. morale up to their NM.
For the Axis player, units that are eligible to be rebuilt In combination a unit can gain up to 9 morale a turn
(see 25.2.4 for some restrictions) will be placed in the from these two rolls.
National Reserve after a delay related to the unit size, as: Such units are still subject to other morale adjustments
§§ Division (including any 1/ breakdowns of the division) = that may offset some or all of the gain (12.1).
9 turn delay
§§ Brigade = 5 turn delay
§§ Regiment = 3 turn delay 13.2. TRANSFERS FROM THE
§§ Battalion or less = 1 turn delay. NATIONAL RESERVE THEATRE
13.1.5. Interaction between Theatre Boxes 13.2.1. Ground Units Transfer to and
and the Game Map from the National Reserve
Depending on the events that have occurred in the game, The National Reserve (for both sides) is treated as a special
certain map regions may become playable (i.e. removed Theatre Box where units can train and take on fresh
from a Theatre Box) or will be removed from the playing equipment. Units are moved from the Map to the National
area (i.e. added to a Theatre Box). An example of the first Reserve using the rules above.
type will be the addition of most of eastern Yugoslavia When moving ground units from the Theatre Box to the
to the playable map some time after the Soviets occupy map they will arrive by default close to Berlin or Moscow.
Romania. The second type occurs as the Western Allies Alternatively, Axis and Soviet units can be allocated to
make progress into Germany in 1945. any on-map hex, currently controlled by the player that was
If the Soviets have taken key cities in Bavaria, Schleswig- originally of German or Soviet nationality (respectively).
Holstein or Brandenburg map regions then these will not In effect, this means that neither side can bring in
be passed to Western Allied control. reinforcements on the other side of the 1941 borders.
Some of the Western Allied bombing events (40.5) will In addition, the target hex must be 10 hexes away from
target cities that are on the map. In this case any flak in the any supplied enemy hex and on rail hex or a port that can
city will be added to the flak already in the relevant theatre trace supply normally.
box and reduce the damage done to the city. The allocation can be changed as often as desired during
Isolated units will not be withdrawn from the game map. the player turn and the unit will be moved in the next
friendly logistics phase. Units will arrive at the location hex
13.1.6. Automatically Managing the in use at the time they are ordered to the map so, in theory,
Theatre Boxes every unit could arrive at a different hex. Once ordered to
War in the East 2 can be played by leaving the Theatre the map, they will be shown in the reinforcement screen
Boxes (apart from the National Reserve) as locked. In that with their target hex.
case, forces will be moved according to the reinforcement
schedule and will change their ToE and/or allocated planes Note that these orders cannot be subsequently
as the game progresses automatically. The units in the cancelled or revised.
theatres will take their share of replacement manpower
and equipment.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The target hex is selected by right clicking on the map In addition, if you are using the Automate AI air assist
and choosing the option ‘Set Reserve TB Arrival Hex’. system (17.1) it will manage transfers to and from the
National Reserve as part of the process of allocating your
air force (17.1.4).
Movement into and out of the reserve will affect how
pilots are allocated (16.7.3).

13.2.3. Changing Unit Status in the

Reserve Theatre Box
Units in the Reserve Theatre Box can be set to refit, have
their maximum ToE adjusted and swap their type of planes
as if they were on the map.

Play Note: This capability is very important as units

in REFIT mode in the reserve theatre box will have
a priority in the allocation of reinforcements and
Note that the target hex is used to indicate where the replacements (26.3.2). Setting only some formations
reserves should arrive. If there is insufficient stacking to refit will ensure that replacement equipment and
capacity in the target hex they will appear as close to that manpower is also available to units on the map.
location as possible (along a relevant train line).

13.2.2. Air Units Transfer to and from Units in the national reserve will seek to reduce their
the National Reserve actual TOE to the set value immediately in the following
Air units move to and from their National Reserve in a logistics phase. Any excess equipment will be returned to
slightly different way. the relevant pool. If the unit has at least 80% of its support
Air units can be assigned to the reserve either by needs it will retain this regardless of the actual maximum
clicking on the individual unit counter or by using the TOE set by the player.
Commander’s Report (35.4).
13.3.1. Combat Intensity in the Theatre
Each Theatre Box has a combat intensity for ground or air
operations ranging from none, very low, low, medium, high
and very high. These values can be changed by events.
The higher the combat intensity, the greater the losses
that units in that Theatre will suffer. Note that even if the
combat intensity is set to 0, some attrition related losses
will still occur.
In figure 13-4 opposite, for the Soviet Northern Theatre,
ground combat intensity is low and air medium.
Air units are removed from the reserve in various ways. Thus combat intensity determines the losses that will
This can be done by opening an airbase and allocating the affect the garrison in each Theatre Box. If you want to check
desired air units. This process can also be conducted using what this means in practice, you can review ground and air
the Air Operation Group or Air Command tabs (17.3.1). losses in the various theatres using the Event Log (36.9)


13-4 13.3.2. Required Strength in each

Theatre Box
While combat intensity sets the level of losses in each box,
the required strength in each box is set by, and adjusted,
by event.
If the requirement is exceeded, it is possible that the player
will trigger events granting them addition Administrative and
Victory Points as well as delaying progress in that particular
campaign (see section 40.3 for an example of what this means
in practice). Failure to meet the requirement will see a loss of
Administrative and Victory Points and the risk that a particular
campaign will move more quickly (so, for example, the Axis
player might lose North Africa before the historical date).

Note that it is possible to both gain and lose VP for a

given Theatre in a particular turn as the routine checks
for air, naval and ground allocations separately.

If the Enhanced Player TB Control game option is off,

then the player cannot directly influence this apart from
ensuring that there are enough resources (manpower,
guns etc.) to replace losses in the Theatres. If the game
option is on, this can be influenced by moving units
into or out of the relevant Theatre (in addition scripted
reinforcements and redeployments will still happen).

13.3.3. Unit management in

Non-Reserve Theatre Boxes
In these boxes, there are restrictions on
the actions available:
Players cannot change the Max
TOE of these units.
Units are automatically moved in
and out of refit status based on their %
of TOE. When under 65% of TOE, they
are put in refit automatically during
the logistics phase, and then removed
(potentially during the same logistics
phase) when the unit has gone over
65% of TOE. Players cannot change
the refit status of these units.
If the unit exceeds 100% of its TOE
then it will send any excess elements
back to the active pool.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Players may not change the supply priority of these

units. Supply priority of these units is automatically set to 4 Note this may cause problems later in a game as it
with these exceptions for some Axis units: is likely the later transfers were in place to meet
§§ Units in the North Africa and Soviet Union Garrison changing garrison requirements in the target Theatre.
theatre boxes are set to 3 at all times. Players will need to remember to identify a substitute
§§ Units in the Italian, Balkans, and Western Europe formation or suddenly face a short fall in that Theatre
theatre boxes are set to 3 once Italy has surrendered. with possible losses of victory and administrative
Units in Western Europe theatre box are set to 4 from 1 points as well as adverse events.
September 1944 to 31 December 1944, and then back
to 3 in 1945.
If a unit has no set withdrawal dates it can be transferred will happen as set out on the reinforcement chart unless
from the map (or the national reserve) to a non-reserve they are specifically cancelled.
TB to boost strength at that location but can’t be Future unit transfers (i.e. not those currently in process)
subsequently removed unless the options in 13.3.4 have can be canceIled in one of two ways. The easiest is to open
been enabled. Enhanced Player Theatre Box Control allows the reinforcement screen, find the unit and delete the
free movement (up to certain limits) between theatres and transfer. The alternative is to delete the transfer using the
between theatres and the map. unit counter but this is not available if the unit has scripted
Units cannot be ordered to move from the map to transfers later in the game .
another Theatre Box (apart from the reserve) if they have a Note that regardless of whether this option is selected
future scheduled transfer. or not, a player can always choose to voluntarily send extra
Air units in the non-reserve theatre boxes will be set to units to a given Theatre.
automatic upgrades.
13.3.5. Limits on units with withdrawal
13.3.4. Enhanced Player Theatre dates
Box Control If the enhanced theatre box management option is not
If the player(s) opt to allow manual management of the non- selected there are a number of limits on the actions
reserve theatre boxes many of the rules above are modified. available to units with a withdrawal date. Note that some
However, the supply priority and maximum ToE of units units will withdraw and then return to the map at a later
in Theatre Boxes cannot be modified and the player still stage, these restrictions will then not apply at that later
has no control over the units placed on refit. stage.
Units may be ordered to move from the map or the Units with a withdrawal date cannot:
reserve to a TB, and units may be ordered to move out of a §§ Be merged to bring another combat unit up to strength
non-reserve TB as long as removing the unit will not leave a (21.10.2).
garrison requirement below 90% of the requirement (one §§ Be used to construct a Soviet division (using rifle
of the sub-categories that the unit is contributing to). If the brigades – 27.5.4) or a Soviet Corps formation (27.5.5)
Theatre is below 90% all the remaining units will have an §§ Be set to static mode (21.8).
orange band indicating that no more transfers are allowed. §§ Be voluntarily disbanded (21.10.1).
When a unit is ordered to move to or from a non-reserve §§ Be sent to another Theatre Box.
garrison box, that unit will lose all future TB withdrawal
data (i.e. if had been scheduled to move to another TB 13.3.6. Limits on allocations to some
or the map later in the game it will no longer do so). In Theatre Boxes
addition, if this option is selected then any unit can have its Even if the players are using the enhanced control option
future scripted transfers removed. there are some constraints as to which units can be sent to
Units that are locked cannot be moved in any situation. certain Theatres.
Note that by default, using the enhanced control option §§ Hungarian, Rumanian and Slovakian forces limited to:
does not actually eliminate future scripted transfers. These 1) Axis Reserves and 2) Soviet Union Garrison.


§§ Finnish forces limited to: 1) Axis Reserves 2) Finland the intensity of combat (thus generating losses for the Axis
(note that this restriction does not apply to any Finnish forces) will vary.
units released to the map if the Axis player captures Finally, the partisan war will create low levels of
Leningrad, see 40.1 for details). interdiction in regions occupied by the Germans. Some of
§§ Italian forces limited to: 1) Axis Reserves 2) Soviet Union this will last most of the war but sometimes it will reflect
Garrison 3) NA 4) Balkans and 5) Italy 6) Western Europe. short lived Soviet partisan offensives in particular regions
undertaken in conjunction with Red Army offensives. The
13.3.7. Disbanding units in the Theatre Boxes amount of interdiction caused will be impacted by how
The rules for this vary according to whether the Enhanced well the Axis forces are meeting or exceeding the garrison
control option has been selected or not. If it is in use, then requirement.
a unit can be disbanded from any Theatre if the: Since any interdiction stops Administrative Movement
§§ Unit is not locked (22.2.1), the effect will be to raise the cost of moving
§§ Unit is not a high command or air command HQ German units and supplies.
§§ Disbanding unit will not reduce a garrison requirement
it contributes to below 90%
If the enhanced control option is not in use, then disbands 13.5. EVENTS
can only happen if the: The event system in WiTE2 is used to reflect actions that
§§ Unit is in the Reserve TB affect the various Theatre Boxes and to enable the use of
§§ Unit has no withdrawal/transfer data situational criteria to trigger on map actions. In addition,
§§ Unit is not a high command or air command HQ the event system is used to transfer units between or in/
out of the various theatre boxes and the game map.
13.4. THE PARTISAN WAR Some events are just for information but most reflect
the ebb and flow of the war in North Africa, Italy and then
THEATRE BOXES in France. In addition, the impact of strategic bombing by
The Partisan war in the Soviet Union and Balkans is the Western Allies is simulated this way.
conducted within two Theatre Boxes. Each of these campaigns has a series of events that
reflect major offensives or the opening of new active
13.4.1. The Balkans fronts. The event system is designed so that if the Allies
The Balkans box is treated as a normal off-map Theatre make more progress in say North Africa (either by random
Box but if the Soviets capture Romania then the eastern chance or the Axis player removing units) then the later
portion will be allocated to the map enabling movement events in Italy will also be advanced. Equally delaying the
in the Belgrade region (to simulate the late war fighting). Allies in North Africa will delay Italian surrender.
This theatre is handled by setting a varying garrison The events related to shortages or excess of forces in
requirement and combat intensity. Failure to meet the a theatre affect the later events. Each air or naval gain or
garrison may cost the Axis player victory and administrative loss will move the timeline by 1 day (in the appropriate
points and may lead to more rapid collapse of the Axis direction), each land gain or loss will move the timeline by
position in SE Europe. between 4 and 7 days.
The event system is also used to add or remove extra
13.4.2. The Soviet Union Victory Points and Administrative Points if the garrison in a
The Soviet Union Garrison box simulates the partisan war. given Theatre Box is over or under that required.
Axis anti-partisan and security forces are allocated to the A full list of events and the various linked campaigns is
box according to the usual transfer of units to and from the in Appendix K. While most have some impact on the war
game map. If the Theatre Boxes are made fully playable (not least by the loss or gain or victory points), those listed
then the Axis player can remove these units. in sections 40.12 and 40.15 have a very direct bearing as
The partisan war is modelled in three ways. First the they award extra manpower or administrative points to
Axis garrison requirement will vary over time and second reflect large scale shifts in mobilisation for the two sides.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


Focus: This section covers the rules specific to the
various states that supported either German or the
Soviet Union during the war.

Key Points:
§§ Movement Restrictions
§§ Surrender Rules

Several nations fought with Germany or the Soviet Union

during WWII. In June 1941, Italy, Rumania, Hungary, Slovakia,
Bulgaria and Finland are considered Axis allied nations. ON AXIS-ALLIED NATIONS
Many units from these nations may be used by the Axis Unless the Germans capture Leningrad, Finnish units are
player but others will only enter later as reinforcements or limited to the Finland Theatre Box. If Leningrad falls, an
are fixed in place for a number of turns. event may occur to allow the German player to move some
Finnish units to the main map. These units can then be
14.1. GAME SETTINGS AND moved freely on the map with no further constraints.
Movement of Southern Axis Allies (Romanian/
NATIONAL MORALE OF AXIS- Hungarian/Italian/Slovakian) north of a stair step roughly
ALLIED NATIONS from Warsaw to Kursk to Saratov to Chkalov is prevented.
If the national morale for the Axis side is set above 100, This gives a broad idea how these restrictions affect
this will only impact on the German forces and the National Axis Allied forces in the Ukraine. They cannot enter the
Morale of all the Axis-Allied nations will be unchanged. If heavily shaded regions at the top of the screen.
the national morale for the Axis side is set below 100, then Note these restrictions do not apply in hexes that were
this will affect all the Axis nations (including Germany). German controlled on 22 June 1941.


Romanian units cannot move into Hungary as long as 14.3.3. Rumania

they are Axis-Allied but can do so once the country has There is a 50% chance that Rumania will surrender at any
surrendered to the Soviets. date after 1 January 1942 if one of a number of Rumanian
In addition, Romanian units cannot stack with Hungarian cities or towns are Soviet controlled. With the exception of
units in any hex. Nor can Slovakian and Hungarian units much of the North-eastern “bulge” to the east of Hungary,
stack together. this area includes most of Rumania.
Axis Allied air units may only be assigned to AOGs of the
same nationality but their AOGs may be set to also report
to German formations.


All the Axis-Allied nations may surrender as either the
Western Allies or the Soviets make gains. Different rules
and conditions apply in each case. Most of this progress
will be determined by the various events set within the
When an Axis-Allied country surrenders, any airbase will
have its nationality changed to German if the hex remains
under Axis control.

14.3.1. Italy
Italy will usually surrender at some stage in the Autumn
of 1943 depending on the progress of the Western Allies.
Since most remaining Italian units will be withdrawn from
Russia in late Spring 1943 it is unlikely this will have a direct The image above is a rough indication of the location
impact on game play. of the more likely surrender triggers. Others exist to the
The Axis player can delay Italian surrender by south and east of the displayed area.
committing extra units to the Italy or North African Theatre Rumania also automatically surrenders if Bucharest is
Boxes. Soviet controlled.
Upon Rumanian surrender, all Rumanian units will
14.3.2. Finland automatically be disbanded.
In WiTE2 most of the struggle between Finland, the Soviet Rumanian 1 and 4 Army units will arrive as
German troops committed to the Arctic and the Soviets reinforcements one turn after surrender.
will take place in the off map Arctic Theatre Box and Soviet All Rumanian nationality hexes not occupied by a non-
Northern Theatre Box. Rumanian Axis will also change to Soviet control.
If the German player captures Leningrad, they may Hexes may then revert to Axis control using the standard
have the option to transfer some Finnish units from the rules for determining hex control (7.4.3).
Finland Theatre Box to the map. Rail hexes that were previously Axis controlled will be
Finland will surrender, and change sides, when the converted to Soviet control with no damage.
Soviet 1944 Offensive event occurs and if the Soviets own
Leningrad. Both sides can reinforce the relevant Theatre 14.3.4. Hungary
Boxes in an attempt to hasten or delay Finnish surrender. While historically Hungary did surrender, the Hungarian
Note this Finnish surrender will see the Victory Points army continued to fight alongside the rest of the Axis. Thus
for Helsinki (and any appropriate time bonus) added to the in WiTE2, Hungary is treated as remaining an Axis power
Soviet total (29.1.2). until the end of the game.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

14.3.5. Slovakia 14.4. SOVIET ALLIED FORCES

There is a 50% chance that Slovakia will surrender at any The surrender of Romania and the capture of sufficient
date after 1 January 1942 in a turn if the Soviets occupy one Polish territory will result in the creation of Soviet
of the towns or cities in Slovakia or the towns of Nowy Sacz, Romanian and Polish armies. One turn after Rumania
Liska and Jaslo (see figure 14-3 below). surrenders, the Soviet 1st and 4th Romanian Army will
All Slovakian territory, unless occupied by an Axis unit, appear as reinforcements in Romania.
will become Soviet controlled. As with Romania, hexes may The Soviet capture of Bialystok or Brest Litovsk will result
then revert to Axis control using the standard rules for in the arrival of the Soviet 2nd Polish Army headquarters
determining hex control (7.4.3). unit and attached units 26 turns later.
Rail lines in hexes that become Soviet controlled will be In addition, the Soviets will receive a Czech Rifle Corps
damaged. and the Soviet Polish 1st Army through the normal
reinforcement process.
14.3.6. Bulgaria Since there is no separate Rumanian, Czech or Polish
In WiTE2 Bulgarian forces are treated as part of the production and manpower for the Soviet side, all Soviet
Balkans Theatre Box. The country will surrender to the Rumanian, Czech and Polish units will utilize Soviet
Soviet Union 14 days after the event ‘Rumania Surrenders’ production and manpower for replacements. When
has occurred. Rumania surrenders all Rumanian equipment and TOE will
automatically convert to Soviet (SU) nationality.



Focus: This section explains the role of leaders and how
they affect ground and air operations

Key Points:
§§ Constraints on which leaders can command which
§§ The impact of the various leader ratings on the game
§§ How leaders at different points in the chain of
command affect unit performance
§§ Leader promotion and dismissal

Leaders play an important role in Gary Grigsby’s War in The Optimum rank for each command is summarized in
the East 2. Every headquarters unit (with the exception the below table. An exception is that for air HQ units, the
of naval and rail repair units) has an assigned leader that rank required to command the HQ is one lower than that
commands and influences all units attached to that HQ, to of other HQs.
include attached HQ’s and their attached units.
Each leader has a rank and designations that together Soviet German
HQ unit type
Optimum Rank Optimum Rank
determine what level and type of HQ unit they can
Corps (Type 4) GENM GENL
Army (Type 3) GENL/GENM GEN
They also have leadership ratings that affect a wide
Army Group (Type 2) GENA/GENP/MAR GENO
range of game functions, from their ability to be promoted
High Command
or avoid dismissal and a possible firing squad, to their GENA/MAR FM
(Type 1)
ability to influence the morale, fatigue, movement points,
attachment costs, combat value and combat performance
of attached units under their command.
15.1. LEADER DESIGNATION Leaders may be restricted as to what kind of headquarters
Leaders are given a designation that determines the unit they can command. The restrictions include ground
maximum level of headquarters they can command only, SS only, air and ground, and air only. German SS
(21.11.1). Some will only be able to command Corps and headquarter units may only be commanded by a SS
Army/Air Army headquarters (Type 3 and 4 HQ units). leader. In addition, a SS leader cannot command a non-SS
Others can command Corps, Army/Air Army, and Army headquarters unit.
Group headquarters (Type 2, 3 and 4 HQ units). At the
highest level, leaders can command Corps, Army/Air Army,
Army Group and High Command headquarters (Type 1, 2, 15.3. LEADER RATINGS
3 and 4 HQ units). There are seven leadership ratings, Political, Morale,
A leader may not be placed in command of a Initiative, Administration (Admin), Mechanized (Mech),
headquarters unit that is at a higher level than his Max Infantry, and Air, with the last three collectively referred to
Command level. This maximum command level cannot be as combat ratings.
changed by promotion to a higher rank. Leadership ratings range from one to nine.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

15.3.1. Political Rating 15.3.5. Combat Ratings

The political rating affects the cost to replace the leader, as Mechanized (Mech) and Infantry Ratings: These ratings
well as the probability that the leader will be promoted for are used to determine the overall combat value of units
victories or dismissed for defeats. Though the actual admin under a HQ, as well as the ability of the ground elements in
cost is based on the differential in political ratings between the units under their command to be able to fire and to hit
a leader and the leader in the next higher headquarters, opposing ground elements. Successful rating checks will
generally, the higher the political rating, the greater the increase combat value and improve the chance of ground
cost in admin points to replace a leader. elements to both fire and to hit.
A high political rating also decreases the chance that the Mech ratings apply to motorized units and the infantry
leader will be dismissed and possibly executed due to a ratings to non-motorized.
poor win/loss ratio. Air Rating: For air leaders, a successful air combat skill
In addition, a leader with a high political rating will have check will result in more ready aircraft from an Air Group
a greater probability of being promoted, all other things participating in a particular air mission.
being equal. A low political rating will have the opposite
effect on cost of replacement and chance of dismissal or
Based on the number of wins compared to losses (19.6 and
15.3.2. Morale Rating 23.11), leaders may see some of their skill ratings increase.
The Morale leader rating is used for determining unit Administrative, initiative, mech, infantry, and air ratings
combat value in battle, determining win/loss credit, adding can only be increased if they are currently less than six.
or recovering fatigue in the unit’s ground elements, and Only air leaders in command of air headquarter units
rallying routed units. can increase their air rating. Mech and infantry ratings
can only be increased for leaders in command of non-air
15.3.3. Initiative Rating headquarter units. Political and morale ratings can only be
The Initiative leader rating is used for determining the increased if they are currently less than eight. The naval
actual number of movement points a unit will have during skill rating cannot be increased.
the turn, the ability of ground elements to fire and to hit The chance of increasing a skill rating becomes more
during combat, the ability of support units and combat difficult as the type number of headquarters unit the
units in reserve status to commit to a battle, and the ability leader commands decreases. For example, a leader in a
to reduce casualties by turning a low odds hasty attack into High Command (Type 1) command will have a much more
a reconnaissance in force. difficult time increasing their skill rating than a leader in
Equally leaders with an initiative rating of more than command of a Corps (Type 4).
5 are more likely to halt a poor odds attack at a greater Leaders check to see if any of their ratings increase
range, thus reducing overall attacker losses. once each turn during their side’s logistics phase.

15.3.4. Administrative (Admin) Rating

The Admin leader rating is used for determining the actual 15.5. LEADER RATING CHECKS
number of movement points a unit will have during its Leader ratings can have an impact on virtually all actions
turn, checking for repair of damaged aircraft and ground taken by units; to include both the logistics and air
elements and determining fuel and supplies wastage as a planning, execution and ground phases of the turn.
result of air missions. Leaders conduct thousands of checks using one or
Admin checks are specifically affected by the actual more of their ratings for everything from combat value
number of support squad ground elements in the leader’s (CV) determination, many steps in the supply and logistics
HQ (21.11.7). The effect of this is proportionate to the system and admin and morale checks for most units. In turn
number of missing squads. the infantry or mech checks figure prominently in ground
combat, air rating checks are made for every air mission.


15.5.1. Leader Rating Check Procedure if they reported to a corps (i.e. the base chance to pass a
Each leader rating check is essentially the computer leader test is 10).
generating a Random(x) value where if the result is less If a unit does not report to a Corps (Axis) or Army (Soviet)
than the leader rating then the check is passed, but if there are penalties to reflect the unusual assignment of
the result is greater than the rating otherwise the check combat units.
fails. Leaders of headquarters units where the number of If the command exceeds its command capacity
attached units exceeds the command capacity (21.11.3) (21.11.3), in other words if it is directly controlling too many
will have their chances of making the leader rating check combat units, then the base chance to pass a given check
reduced with the more excess units, the less the chance of will increase by 1 for every command point in excess of
a successful check. command capacity. Thus a HQ with a command capacity of
In addition, the chances of passing admin checks 8 and controlling units costing 11 command points would
is increased as the number of support squad ground use 10+3=13 as its base rate for any check. This figure
elements in the HQ unit of the leader conducting the check may be further amended according to the rules above and
increases. distance to the unit under consideration (15.5.4).
The base chance to pass a test will also be modified
according to the range from the combat unit to the
For a corps commander, within their command
headquarters unit for most checks.
capacity, the basic chance to pass a given check is their
If the immediate commander fails a check, then the
relevant leader score divided by 10. So a leader with a
next commander in the chain will be checked and may
6 for admin has a 60% chance of passing a given test.
allow the unit to pass.

15.5.3. Chain of Command Rating Checks

15.5.2. Leader Ratings and chance to If a leader fails their rating check, the leader of the next
pass a check higher headquarters unit in the chain of command will
The chance to pass a check is dependent on how a unit then conduct the check, but with the base value of the
reports to the chain of command. The expectation is that check doubled.
Axis units will report to a Corps HQ and that, after August Each failed check will in turn result in the leader of
1941, Soviet units will report to an Army HQ. the next higher headquarters in the chain of command
In this case, the chance for the immediate commander conducting a check with the base value doubled each time
to pass a given test is their relevant rating divided by 10. until the leader of the High Command headquarters unit in
the chain of command succeeds or fails the check.
Note that the number of possible checks and the
Note that all HQs, regardless of level, can only provide
number of times the base value is doubled is dependent
leadership to units that directly report to it over 5
on where the unit is attached.
hexes. So an Axis unit reporting to the OKH must be
within 5 hexes or is treated as being out of command
range and in this case the notional command range For example a German unit attached directly to OKH
(21.11.4) of a higher level HQ is ignored. (High Command headquarters unit) will have one
leader check at the value of 10+2. The same unit
attached to a Corps could have up to four leaders
However, Soviet units reporting to an army up to the
conduct the check at the Corps, Army, Army Group
end of November 1941 will have a lower chance to pass
and OKH levels.
any leadership test to reflect the problems with command
and control the Soviets faced in the early stages of the
war. At this stage, the base chance for all such leadership In this case, the base value for such higher leaders will
tests is 10+2. From any turn starting after the 1 December be amended according to the level of command the unit
1941 Soviet units reporting to an army HQ are treated as reports to, as:

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Axis Amended Base Value Level Probability Notes

Command if the unit reports So immediate chance to pass is 60%
Structure directly to this level at the Corps level and there is a
Corps 60% (i.e. 6/10)
Corps 10 NA NA NA 40% of the test being passed to the
Army 20 12 NA NA Army level
Army Group 40 24 12 NA Only 40% of checks will come to the
OKH 80 46 24 12 army level, each has 6/20 chance to
12% (i.e.
Army pass, on average 12% will pass this
stage and 28% will be checked at
The Soviet structure up to the withdrawal of the Corps the Army Group Level
HQs in August 1941 is one where some units might report From the above, 28% of checks will
directly to a corps and others to an army. In that case, the be passed from the Army level and
rules are: Army 4.2% (i.e. each has a 6/40 chance to pass. On
Group .28*6/40) average 4.2% will pass at this stage
Soviet Amended Base Value and 23.8% will now be checked at
Command if the unit reports the OKH level.
Structure directly to this level So of those checks that go to OKH
1.8% (i.e.
Corps 10 NA NA NA OKH level, in this example a further 1.8%
Army 20 12 NA NA will be passed.
Front/MD 40 24 12 NA In this example, the German unit
Stavka 80 46 24 12 will pass 78% of its leadership
78% checks, a substantial improvement
over the chances if it relied on just
Up to the end of November 1941, the Soviet structure is the Corps commander.
one of Army-Front-Stavka but the values change as:
Note – for simplicity this example uses the same leadership
Soviet Amended Base Value value at each stage but for example a leader with an admin
Command if the unit reports
Value score of 8 in the Army Group would increase the chance to
Structure directly to this level
pass that step to 5.6% and the overall chance to pass the
Army 12 NA NA NA
Front/MD 20 12 NA NA
test to 79.3%.
Stavka 40 24 12 NA 2) A Soviet unit reports to a normal Combined Arms
Army in 1942, again assume that all the leaders in the
From December 1941 to the end of the war, the values chain have a base value of 6:
and structure are:
Level Probability Notes
Soviet Amended Base Value So immediate chance to pass is 60%
Command if the unit reports at the Army level and there is a 40%
Value Army 60% (i.e. 6/10)
Structure directly to this level of the test being passed to the Front
Army 10 NA NA NA level
Front/MD 20 12 NA NA Only 40% of checks will come to the
Stavka 40 24 12 NA Front level, each has 6/20 chance to
12% (i.e.
Front pass, on average 12% will pass this
Note that any units that report to one of the Airborne stage and 28% will be checked at
the Stavka Level
Corps will use the Axis table to determine their leadership
From the above, 28% of checks will
4.2% (i.e. be passed from the Front level and
Examples: Stavka
.28*6/40) each has a 6/40 chance to pass. On
1) If a German unit reports to a Corps in the normal average 4.2% will pass at this stage
command structure and each leader has an admin rating In comparison a Soviet unit, even
of 6, the chance to pass any single test is: with similarly competent leaders
is less likely to pass the tests. In
practice, many Soviet leaders are
less competent than their German


3) A Soviet unit reports to a normal Combined Arms The range effect depends on the level of the HQ unit,
Army in October 1941, again assume that all the leaders in so that higher level HQ units can be located further away
the chain have a base value of 6: and still influence the combat units under their command.
The range modifier interacts with the chain of command
Level Probability Notes checks above.
So immediate chance to pass is 50% Note that the range used for this test is the distance in
at the Army level and there is a 50% hexes minus five. So an Army HQ that is within 5 hexes of the
Army 50% (i.e. 6/12)
of the test being passed to the Front
level unit will face no range penalty. The modifiers are as follows:
50% of checks will come to the Front Unit Command Modifier
level, each has 6/24 chance to pass, High Command (Type 1) Divide Range by 4
12% (i.e.
Front on average 12.5% will pass this
.4*6/20) Army Group (Type 2) Divide Range by 3
stage and 37.5% will be checked at
the Stavka Level Army (Type 3) Divide Range by 2
Corps (Type 4) Divide Range by 1
From the above, 37.5% of checks
will be passed from the Front level Range is treated as 0 if the actual
4.2% (i.e. Air (Any Type)
Stavka and each has a 6/46 chance to pass. distance is less than 91 hexes.
On average 4.8% will pass at this
stage For example, if the leader of a German Army HQ unit that
As intended this reflects the relative was 15 hexes away from a unit was conducting an initiative
command confusion in the Red check, 5 (i.e. (15-5)/2) would be added to the random
Army at this stage. Note that more number value. The impact of this can be shown using the
checks are actually passed at Front first example in section 15.5.3.
and Stavka level simply as so many
more are failed at the Army level. Assumed
Level Range Notes
From these calculations it is worth noting that the So immediate chance to
Within 5 pass remains at 60% and
Soviets gain from better commanders at the Front/ Corps 60% (i.e. 6/10)
hexes = 0 40% is now passed to
Stavka level as more tests will be passed to that level. the army level
This will be compounded as even late in the game, The chance to pass is
15 hexes
many Soviet army commanders will have low ratings 9.6% (i.e. now 6/(20+5) so the
Army away, i.e.
for some of their leadership values. .4*6/25) calculation is 40% * 6/25
or a 9.6% chance to pass
Now 30.4% of checks will
be passed from the Army
15.5.4. Command Range Modifier 20 hexes
level and each has a 6/
Army 4.1% (i.e. (40+5) chance to pass. On
A command range modifier is applied to leader rating away, i.e.
Group .30*6/45) average 4.1% will pass at
checks conducted by leaders in all headquarters units this stage and 26.4% will
to which the unit involved in the chain of command, to now be checked at the
include the HQ unit to which the unit is directly attached. OKH level.
So of those checks that
Morale leader rating checks are exempt from the 85 hexes
1.6% (i.e. go to OKH level, in this
command range modifier. OKH away, i.e.
.26*6/100) example a further 1.6%
Each level of headquarters unit has a designated 80/4
will be passed.
number that the range from it to the unit is divided by to In this example, the
get the modifier after first subtracting five from the range German unit will pass
around 75% of its
to the HQ units, with the value never set below zero.
75.2% leadership checks due to
This means that tracing five or less hexes to any HQ or the impact of the range
less than 91 hexes if to an air command HQ results in no modifiers for the higher
range penalty. commands.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

A HQ that is outside its command range will not allocate as compared to losses as well as their political rating. In
either its leadership bonus or support squads (21.2.2) to some cases, the dismissed leader may be executed and
combat units under its command. permanently removed from the game. Players can also
manually dismiss leaders and select another leader as a
PlayNote: While the effect of range on leadership A leader may be limited or restricted in the kind of
effects is relatively minor, it can be enough to make headquarters they can command, to include level (Corp/
a critical difference. It is suggested that higher Army, Army Group, High Command) and type (SS, air or
commands are deployed on the map so they are ground).
closer to the crucial sector of their command. So the
Army HQ is closer to the most important Corps HQ, 15.6.1. Promotion
Army Group HQ closer to the most important Army Leaders undergo a promotion check once each turn during
and so on. their sides logistics phase. A leader is promoted to the next
rank if they pass the check, which is based on their political
rating and their number of combat wins and losses.
15.5.5. Command Range Exceptions for Promotion will result in the zeroing out of that leader’s
Leader Checks number of wins and losses. A leader with a max command
Parachute or Air-Landing Combat Units that are attached of high command may be promoted to the highest rank if
to an HQ that contains the name Airborne, Paratroop or selected to command a high command HQ.
Fallschirm are considered to be only one hex from their For Corps and Army headquarters units, a leader will be
attached HQ unit and all higher level HQs in the chain automatically promoted to an appropriate rank if selected.
for the purposes of leader checks. This prevents units If promoted this way, the leader must make a check for
conducting an airborne landing from suffering a leader each skill rating to see if it drops one point. There is less
penalty as long as they are attached to an appropriate of a chance for a particular skill rating to drop if that skill
airborne type HQ unit. rating has been previously reduced.
If a leader is killed and the computer replaces the dead
15.5.6. Leader Rating and command leader with a leader that requires a promotion, a similar
re-organisation check for a drop in skills occurs.
If a unit shifts to a new HQ then that HQ’s leader will Leaders who are promoted through the normal
have at least a -1 malus on their leadership value for any promotion check process do not check for a decrease in
administrative rolls during that turn. If the new command skill ratings.
also reports to a different higher command then an
additional -1 malus will be applied to the corps/army 15.6.2. Dismissal and Replacement
commander’s administrative vale. Leaders can be dismissed automatically by the computer
For example, a German infantry unit moves from one (representing the national political and military leadership)
corps to another in the same army. The new Corps leader due to a poor win/loss ratio. In some cases of poor win/
has -1 on their administrative score. If that new corps loss record dismissal the leader will be executed and
reported to both a different army and a different army permanently removed from the game rather than being
group, the net malus will be -3 on the administrative value returned to the leader pool. Leaders killed by execution will
of the Corps leader. If it also changed from say OKH to the be noted in that side’s Logistics Phase Event Log (36.9.8) at
Rumanian Supreme HQ, then the malus becomes -4. the beginning of the ground phase. In all cases of automatic
leader dismissal, the computer will automatically select a
15.6. LEADER PROMOTION AND replacement and the event will be reflected in the logistics
phase event log. There is no admin point cost associated
DISMISSAL with automatic dismissals.
Leaders can be automatically promoted or dismissed The player can manually dismiss a leader and replace
depending on their performance as measured in wins them by first selecting the leader in the headquarters unit

1 74

detail window (37.2) and then selecting the dismissal cost leaders that are available as replacements will have less
link in the leader detail window. This will bring up the than the optimum rank to take the new position. These
pick new leader window (37.9), which allows the player to leaders have a P in the Pick New Leader window next to the
select from a list of all eligible candidates as replacement number of admin points it will take to appoint the leader,
leaders. The list is ranked by the computer based on skill which will usually be significantly higher than the admin
ratings and the current rank of the candidate replacement points required for a leader with the optimum rank for the
leaders. position.
To be eligible, leaders must have the proper level and For Army Group and High Command headquarters
command restriction designations. Leaders can serve one units, leaders with a P can be selected, however, they
level up and two levels down from the optimum rank for will remain at their current rank until they are promoted
the HQ level. through the normal promotion process.
There are variable admin costs associated with
dismissing leaders. The pick new leader window, which
allows the player to select from a list of all eligible
candidates as replacement leaders will list the AP cost in a LOSS CREDIT
x + x format with the first number being the cost to bring A leader may be credited with one win or one loss every
the new leader in to the position and second being the time a combat unit in their chain of command participates
dismissal cost for the dismissed leader. in a battle. For Air leaders, a win/loss situation occurs if an
A leader with a rank one higher than the optimum air group in their chain of command participates in an air
rank may fill an HQ position at no extra admin cost, but mission that results in a set differential in losses (19.6).
leaders with a rank one lower than the optimum rank that In each case, this includes all higher headquarters up to
fills an HQ position will normally require the expenditure the combat unit’s High Command headquarters.
of extra admin points. When a leader is dismissed, some For example, if the German 290 Infantry Division
wins a battle then the
commanders of L Corps,
18 Army, Army Group
North and OKH are all
credited with a win.
Wins and losses are
recorded in the individual
leader detail windows as
well as in the unit list in
the commander’s report.
When a leader earns
a win or a loss, there is
a chance that it will not
count for promotion or skill
rating increase purposes.
Although the total wins
and losses are displayed
for the leader as described
above, the actual total used
by the promotion system is
tracked separately and will
in most cases be less than
the total wins and losses
shown on displays.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2

dismissed due to poor performance

(losing battles) may be executed.
A low political rating increases the
chances of a dismissed leader being
executed. There is a 15 percent
chance that when a headquarters
unit is relocated or forced to execute
a displacement move, the assigned
leader may be killed or captured. In
either case, if the HQ is isolated the
chance of the leader being killed
increases to 50 percent.
There is also a very small chance
of a leader being killed if their
headquarters unit suffers casualties
from enemy air attack, such as
ground attack, air interdiction and
ground support missions.
Finally, there is a small chance
that leaders may be killed due to
other enemy action. The probability
of this occurring is related to the
distance the leader’s headquarters
unit is located from enemy units,
with headquarters units closer to
15.8. DEATH OF A LEADER enemy units having an increased chance of having their
Leaders can be killed and permanently removed from the leader killed. Any leader in an HQ that is more than 10
game due to dismissal, headquarters relocation, air attack hexes from the enemy will have his chance of being killed
and other enemy action. Leaders who are automatically reduced by two thirds.



Focus: This chapter covers the building blocks to the air
war in WiTE2.
Key Points:
§§ How the air command structure works
§§ The difference between Air Commands and Air
Operational Groups
§§ How individual planes are allocated to Air Groups
§§ How the concept of air profiles limits both the
upgrade options for air units and the AOGs they can
be assigned to
§§ How to upgrade your air force as new types of planes §§ How individual pilots are tracked and allocated to air
become available groups
§§ The role of air bases §§ The types and role of anti-aircraft units

16.1. OUTLINE OF THE BASIC war at the start of the game and this decision cannot be
CONCEPTS The alternative allows the player to access the AI-assist
The air war in WiTE2 tracks individual planes and pilots and at any point in a turn. It also allows the player to over-ride
allows the player (if they wish) to manage the modernisation those decisions (as long as they do not then press the AI-
of their air forces, their allocation to combat missions and assist option again).
the load-out used by the planes. However, much of the air Practically the two methods yield the same options (and
war is handled automatically by the computer in the Air require the same inputs) but they work in different ways
Execution Phase (5.3.2). allowing a different level of direct player intervention.

16.1.1. Automation If you want to focus on the ground war then it is

The player can choose to partly automate the air war. If suggested to use the set-up option and ensure that
the ‘AI assist’ option is selected the AI will generate Air the required actions are taken each time you press
Directives (17.4) and allocate air groups to Air Operational F12.
Groups according to set priorities. In addition it will rebase
planes as the linked HQ is moved on the map.
However, the player will need to make some decisions 16.1.2. Pilots, Planes and Air Group Units
such as which ground HQ (Axis Army or Army Group, Soviet While the game engine tracks individual pilots and planes,
Front or Military District) an Air Command is assigned to the lowest command unit available to the player is the Air
follow and the relative priority (for air group assignment) Group Unit (16.4). This includes a variable number of planes
between the AOGs. This process is summarised in the and pilots and can be assigned to a variety of missions
relevant one page guide (4.6.1). depending on the type of planes it is equipped with.
There are two variants to using the AI-assist. If it is
selected as part of setting up a game then the orders will 16.1.3. Command Structure
be executed twice each turn when the F12 key is pressed. Air Operational Groups (a collection of air group units)
If this approach is used then in a multi-player game the report to air commands (for the Germans these are the
players will need to decide whether to automate the air Luftflotte and Fleigerkorps, other Axis nationalities use their

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

own command structure and the Soviets use Air Armies The Soviets mostly use Army Air Formations (air
and some Air Corps). For the Germans, the air commands commands and air armies) and these report to Soviet
in turn report to the OKL. Fronts or Military Districts. In addition at the start the
Soviets have the elements of their long range bomber fleet
16.1.4. Air Directives and the various PVO Corps (that are assigned to one of the
Most actual air missions take place in the Air Execution Army Air Formations).
phase following pre-created Air Directives. This can be set As the war progresses, AOGs, Air Corps and Air Army
by the computer (17.1) or manually by the player (17.4). commands are added or removed as a result of scripted
Most bombing and all reconnaissance missions take transfers and reinforcements.
place this way. Ground Support bombing missions (18.1.3) The Air Headquarters are used to assign leaders, and
are created using an air directive but executed during the set the relative asset and supply priority.
Ground Execution Phase. The transfer of air units (17.2.5 Note that in addition to their own command hierarchy,
and 17.3.5) between airbases can be done in either the Air Commands can be linked to a particular Axis Army or
air planning or ground phase. Air transport (of freight or Army Group or Soviet Front or Military District. If the AI
units) (22.5) and paratroop drops (22.5.3) happen in the assistance is used, this will influence how the planes are
ground phase. based as those ground HQs move on the map.
Each Air Command can have up to 32 Air Directives at
any one time. 16.2.2. Air Operational Group Units
and Air Commands
Air Operational Groups control the individual air groups
16.2. AIR COMMAND STRUCTURE and are assigned to a given Air Command. Supply priority
The air command structure is different to that used for can only be set at the Air command/air army level. If
Ground HQs and primarily exists to enable the allocation wanted, asset priority, and the HQ being followed can be
of leaders and to provide a means to link air units to set at corps AOG level (if so ensure that the air command
ground operations. is set first as otherwise that will override any allocations at
the AOG level).
16.2.1. Air Headquarters Each AOG can command from one to five air groups.
The actual structure of the air commands varies between
the different nationalities. 16.2.3. Air Bases and Air Commands
The Germans use Luftflotte and Fliegerkorps and these A given air base can have planes from more than one air
in turn report to the OKL. command.
Axis allies have a mixture of a national Air Command
and sometimes a separate formation (such as the 16.2.4. Theatre Boxes
Rumanian Combat Air Command) that controlled those Each Theatre Box (with the exception of the National
air assets committed to the invasion of the Soviet Union Reserve) has a required air garrison strength. Air losses in
in June 1941). These start the game assigned to a German a Theatre Box will be set by varying the air combat intensity
Luftflotte as opposed to their national air commands. (13.3.1) to reflect shifting events in the wider war.
There are a number of scripted transfers of air units
between the Theatre Boxes and the Map and between
Theatre Boxes.
Freshly raised air units are placed in the appropriate
National Reserve and can be deployed to an airbase on
the map when the player is ready. Equally air units can be
removed from the map and placed in the National Reserve
for training or to refit.


16.3. AIR OPERATIONAL GROUPS §§ JG – fighters

Air Operational Groups report to one of the levels of the §§ KG(J) – German single-engined fighters
Air Command system and directly control the air groups. §§ StG and SG – ground attack aircraft (FB and tactical
They can be used to automate the control of the air war bombers)
if you wish to do this (17.1). §§ KG – level bombers
If you intend to manually control your air operations §§ NAGr/ FAGr/Koluft – recon
then you will still need to allocate air groups to AOGs. In §§ NJG – German multi-engined and single-engined fighters
turn the AOGs will be displayed on the map (the label will §§ NSGr – night bombers, German light bombers, multi-
be roughly central to the locations of the individual air engined fighters and bi-plane bombers
units) and you will need to use these when you wish to §§ TG – German transport air groups
move your air groups. For the Soviets, the following restrictions apply:
§§ IAD – fighters and fighter bombers only
§§ BAD – level bombers
§§ DBAD – heavy bombers only
§§ NBAD – night bombers only
§§ ShAD – tactical bombers
§§ SAD – Fighters and bombers
Soviet naval only air groups can only be assigned to an
AOG with a fleet suffix (16.4.9) such as –CHF.
The air profile (16.4.6) of the types of planes eligible to
be assigned to an AOG is shown on the bottom left of the
AOG detail screen (if there are any restrictions).

16.3.1. Manual and Automatic (AI assist)

control of AOGs
The detailed rules for allocation air groups to AOGs,
creating Air Directives and moving Air Groups are in
sections 17.1, 17.3 and 17.4 respectively.

16.3.2. Air Operational Groups and air

unit types
Certain plane types can only be assigned to particular
types of Air Operational Groups. Both sides can only assign
transport and reconnaissance air units to the appropriate 16.3.3. Disbanding and Converting AOGs
AOGs. These constraints effectively follow the air profiles Over the game a number of AOGs will arrive as
(16.4.6) that are also used to limit the conversion of planes reinforcements, be disbanded (or withdrawn) of convert to
as new models become available. a different type. If they arrive as a reinforcement they can
For the Germans, the following restrictions apply: be called to the map using the procedures in section 17.3.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

In particular a number of Soviet SAD AOGs will Aircraft are characterized by a number of attributes,
(ahistorically) be retained in early 1942 and will be to include speed, climb rate, maximum altitude, radius
renamed in early Summer 1942. In addition, five of the SAD in miles, number of engines, armour rating, durability,
commands will be retained and will convert to ShAD AOGs manoeuvrability, and reliability (37.16.1).
in early Summer 1942. Aircraft carry devices such as machine guns, cannons,
rockets, bombs, drop tanks and electronic warfare systems
such as radar. Aircraft may have several different load outs
Both these changes are needed or the Soviet player of devices that can be selected through the Air Group Unit
will not have enough AOGs to manage the air force, in detail window (37.16.3). Pilots and air crews are assigned
particular the SADs are needed to enable usage of the to air group units and their aircraft from the manpower
Il-2 formations. pool, with pilots also being tracked individually as they gain
Air Groups that appear as reinforcements will initially be
16.3.4. Soviet Guards AOGs and Air Groups placed in their National Air Reserve (13.2.2). Reinforcement
A number of Soviet AOGs will convert to Guards status on Air Groups do not use pilots already in the pool, but create
their historical dates. This has no direct impact on their them when they are placed in the national reserve. The
performance but will also lead to the upgrade of air groups pilots in reinforcement Air Groups will have experience
to Guards status. levels that are an average value equal to the Air Group’s
For every Guards AOG, usually 3 Air Groups of the experience.
appropriate type (16.4.6) will be automatically converted
to Guards status (16.4.8). Usually these will be groups 16.4.1. Air Group Units Status
directly assigned to the relevant AOG but if that AOG is not The Air Unit can be set to one of two main basic statuses.
currently in use (or lacks sufficient air groups), then groups A unit in rest will not be used in the current turn but will
in the reserve will be converted instead. If there are not regain lost morale and reduce fatigue.
enough of these, then air groups in other AOGs will be All other Air Units are deemed to be active and will take
converted. part in air operations according to the type of plane and Air
Guards air groups gain +5 on their national morale Directive selected. This includes being set to fly missions
which will raise the average quality of their pilots (16.7). only during the day (DO), only at night (NO) or both (DN).
In addition, the method by which the Air Group will
16.3.5. Axis Allied AOGs change planes to deal either with shortages or when more
These have some limits as to the nationality of their higher modern planes become available can be set. The options
command. They can all be set to report to a German HQ are M>> (this will be done manually by the player) or A (this
or AOG. However, Rumanian and Slovakian AOGs cannot will be done automatically in the logistics phase using the
report to a Hungarian command and Rumanian AOGs routines set out in section 16.5).
cannot report to a Hungarian or Slovakian HQ.
16.4.2. Fighter Bombers
Fighter Bombers (FB) can be assigned to fly either Fighter
16.4. AIR GROUP UNITS Missions or Bomber Missions in the air group unit
Air group units are the basic tactical unit that contain detail window by selecting the Mission text. The setting
aircraft. Each air group unit is designated by group type, determines whether they are available for escort duty or
which determines the maximum number of aircraft in the to bomb targets.
unit, and functional type, which determines the kinds of air The air group unit detail window lists whether the
missions the unit can undertake. The name of the air group unit is trained as a Fighter or Bomber unit. Fighter
unit usually indicates its function as well. Air group units bomber air groups trained as fighters will bomb at 80%
consist of a number of the same type and model of aircraft net effectiveness. Fighter bomber air groups trained as
that are categorized as ready, damaged or reserve. bombers will dogfight with opposing fighters (and fighter-


bombers without bombs) as if they had only 80% of their that some of the aircraft will prematurely drop bombs
normal experience. and/or drop tanks to more effectively engage the enemy
In the Commander’s Report (35.4.1), FB are shown as interceptors.
either Ftr or Bmr according to their current role. If they are
ordered to act in a role they are not trained for, this will be 16.4.3. Aircraft Status
shown as Bmr* or Ftr* as in the example below: Individual aircraft will be ready (i.e. can fly if assigned),
damaged (and need to repaired) or in reserve (due to a
lack of aviation support at the airbase and unavailable for
air missions).
The number of ready planes is shown on the air
command tab (in the example
below the AOG has 41 ready and
10 damaged or in reserve:
This can also be seen indirectly
on the AOG label which shows
The same designation of a mismatch between current that 41 planes are available and
role and training can be found on the unit tab (37.16.3). these constitute 68% of the total
Ready aircraft are available
to fly in air missions that the air
group unit is selected to conduct.
Damaged aircraft require repair and are unavailable to
fly, but do count against the maximum number of aircraft
allowed by the group type. Damaged aircraft that were
not repaired during the maintenance segments of the air
execution phase may be destroyed (written off) during the
A player can retrain an air group unit by selecting the air logistics phase. Older aircraft with low durability and low
group detail screen training type. This will take the unit off reliability have a greater chance of being written off.
the map for 8 turns and when it returns, it will be switched Aircraft are usually placed in reserve status due to a
from fighter to bomber or vice versa. For example, a FB lack of aviation support at their assigned air base unit or a
air group unit trained as a fighter will bomb at 80 percent shortage of pilots in the air group unit. Reserve aircraft are
effectiveness and dogfight at full experience level. If that categorized as unready and do not fly in air missions, but
air group unit was retrained as a bomber, when it returned are considered flyable if the air base unit their air group
it would bomb at full effectiveness and dogfight at 80 unit is attached to is captured (16.6.8).
percent experience level. Reserve aircraft are not counted against the maximum
Fighter bombers will dive down to conduct attacks at number of aircraft in the unit, but may be re-designated
1,000 feet altitude if their mission altitude is set at 5,000 as ready aircraft during the logistics phase if the number
and above. of ready and damaged aircraft is below the maximum
Fighter bombers can only participate in strategic number of aircraft allowed in the unit. If the number of
bombing missions as escorts. ready aircraft in an air group unit exceeds the maximum
Fighter aircraft carrying drop tanks will automatically
drop them once they have been used up during the Note that if the ‘percentage to fly’ has been set (17.4.3)
mission. Bomb carrying aircraft will drop their drop tanks in the air doctrine window then neither damaged or
at the same time they drop their bombs. Fighters and reserve planes count as ready. This may lead to the
Fighter Bombers carrying drop tanks and/or bombs will entire air unit being grounded due to a lack of ready
fight less effectively if engaged in air to air combat by planes.
enemy interceptors. In such a situation, there is a chance

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

number allowed, aircraft designated as reserve in the air The image above shows some of the loadouts available
group detail window will automatically be sent back to to the German Ju-88 in June 1941.
the applicable production pool over a number of logistics Use of manual air group selection allows multiple
phases, while the excess ready aircraft will be moved to air group units of the same model assigned to the same
the reserve designation over a number of logistics phases. type of air directive to change load outs as well (18.2).
The type of loadout can impact aircraft effectiveness by
16.4.4. Air Group Unit Mission Settings decreasing various attributes such as climb rate, speed,
Air group units can be set to operate during day only, and manoeuvrability, though fighters and fighter bombers
night only, or day and night. Alternatively, air group units may drop bombs and/or fuel drop tanks when engaging in
can be set for rest. Rest means the unit does not fly at all. air to air combat (19.2).
Air groups in TBs ignore mission settings. Air units in the
Reserve TB are available for training missions if they have
Note that if planes are at an airbase with low levels of
low experience and are not set to rest.
fuel by default a load out with no additional fuel tanks
The mission setting may
will be selected. If this is done manually, you may find
be changed on the CR screen
that the available fuel is used up quickly resulting in
(individually or in bulk using
planes not being available for missions.
the mission setting function)
or on the unit detail screen
for the group (37.16.3). If you change the loadout then the performance data
for the aircraft may vary and these changes are shown as:
16.4.5. Air Group Unit weapon and fuel
Air Group Units have a default loadout determined by the
type of aircraft and the assigned mission. The player has
the option to change the loadout through the air group
unit detail window, which also can be accessed through the
Commander’s Report air group unit tab, either individually
or for multiple air group units with the same aircraft model.

In this case, adding the fuel tanks lower the maximum

speed and climb rate and manoeuvre values. In turn the
fuel required for the mission is increased and the range

16.4.6. Air Profile and Air Group Unit Types

Air group unit type designations are based on the maximum
number of aircraft allowed in the unit, the type of aircraft,
and the unit’s nationality. The exact numbers vary by type
of group and date and are determined by the current
Aircraft Profile for each group, which lists the maximum
size for each of three group sizes, corresponding to small,
medium and large size groups.


The Air Profile is also used when assigning air units to

AOGs (16.3.2) and swapping planes (16.5.1).
Players desiring to know the full list of air plane types
and profiles should go to the game editor aircraft tab,
select ‘EDIT AIR PROFILES’ and click on the Profile for that
type of aircraft. A list of the plane models that fit that
profile will then be displayed. An indicative list is in 16.5.1
of this manual.

16.4.7. Axis Air Group Unit Types

The list below shows the maximum number for each air
group formation. However, these vary across the game
and a German medium bomber group unit would have
a maximum size of 3 for a Schwarm, 9 for a Staffel, and
For each individual air group the profile is shown on the 30 for a Gruppe while a German fighter group in July 1944
unit tab. would have a maximum size of 4 for a Schwarm, 16 for a
Staffel, and 68 for a Gruppe.
Schwarm = 4 aircraft (Germany)
Staffel = 12 aircraft (Germany)
In addition each AOG detail screen will show the types Gruppe = 40 aircraft (Germany)
of planes it can control (if there are any restrictions). Escad = 10/12 aircraft (Rumania)
Grup = 36 aircraft (Rumania)
Lentu = 12 aircraft (Finland)
Note that especially for the Soviets a number of
Oszta = 18 aircraft (Hungary)
AOGs will change their designation over the game. It
Szaza = 9 aircraft (Hungary)
is possible this will leave air groups in the AOG that
Sezione = 4 aircraft (Italy)
could not be assigned but they can remain in that
Squadriglia = 12 aircraft (Italy)
command with no ill effects.
Gruppo = 36 aircraft (Italy)

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

16.4.8. Soviet Air Group Unit Types Axis Allied Air Group Unit Names
Polk = 20-67 planes depending on type and turn LeLv (Lentolaivue) – Regiment (Finnish)
Eskadriliya = 2-12 planes
Soviet formations also change their maximum size across the Soviet Air Group Unit Names
game. The table below is not exhaustive but gives some idea Soviet air group names include both an indication of the
of the main changes to the more common Polk air groups. formation’s principle purpose, its status and any wider role
The headings are covered in more detail in section or attachment.
16.4.9 and more information can be found in the game’s The addition of ‘G’ before any other initials indicates the
editor (41). air group had been awarded Guards status (Gvardeyskiy).
Initials after the title (in the form –KBF) indicate that the
Long formation was notionally part of a different air organisation
Date Fighter Bomber Range Recon
Attack than the mainstream VVS formations attached to the Red
At Start 67 62 62 42 62
Aug 1941 32 32 33 32 32
Examples of this include:
Sep 1941 20 20 20 20 20 PVO (Protivovozdushnaya Oborona) – Soviet Air Defence
Apr 1943 32 30 32 32 30 Forces
Jun 1943 34 30 32 32 30 SF (Severnyy Flot) – Northern Fleet
Dec 1943 40 32 40 40 32 KBF (Krasnoznamyonnyy Baltiyskiy Flot) – Red Banner Fleet
ChF (Chernomorsky Flot) – Black Sea Fleet
GVF (Grazdanskovo Vozdushnogo Flota) – Civil Air Fleet
16.4.9. Air Group Unit Names PF (Tikhookeanskiy Flot) – Pacific Fleet
Though some of the air group unit names in the game are The rest of the initials give an indication of the primary
self-explanatory, many use terms and abbreviations that function of the formation:
may not be familiar. The lists below are not comprehensive, BAP (Bombardirovchnyy Aviatsionnyy Polk) – Bomber
but are provided to assist in recognizing the type of air Aviation Regiment
group unit from the name. BBAP (Blizhne-bombardirovochnyye Polki) – Short Range
Bomber Aviation Regiment
German Air Group Unit Names DBAP (Dahl’nyaya Bombardirovchnyy Aviatsionnyy Polk)
Stab – Command Flight – Long Range Bomber Aviation Regiment
JG (Jagdgeschwader) – Fighter Wing IAP (Istrebitel’nyy Aviatsionnyy Polk) – Fighter Aviation
NJG (Nachtjagdgeschwader) – Night Fighter Wing Regiment
ZG (Zeröstrergeschwader) – Destroyer (Twin Engine NBAP (Nochnoy bombardirovochnyy aviapolk) – Night
Bf110) Wing Bomber Aviation Regiment
StG (Stukageschwader) – Stuka Wing MTAP (Minno-torpednyy Aviatsionnyy Polk) – Minelaying
SG (Schlachtgeschwader) – Battle (Fighter Bomber) Wing and Torpedo-Bomber Aviation Regiment
KG (Kampfgeschwader) – Bomber wing MRAP (Morskoy Razvedyvatel’nay Aviatsionnyy Polk) –
SKG (Scnellkampfgeschwader) – Fast Bomber Wing Naval Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment
NAGr (Nahaufklärungsgruppe) – Short Range OAS (Otdel’nyi Aviatsion’nyi Aviaeskadril’ya) –
Reconnaissance Wing Independent Aviation Squadron
FAGr (Fernäufklarungsgruppe) – Long Range ODRAE (Otdel’naya Dahl’nyaya Razvedyvatel’naya
Reconaissance Wing Aviaeskadril’ya) – Independent Long-Range
NSGr (Nachtschlachtgruppe) – Night Bomber Wing Reconnaissance Squadron
SG (Schlachtgruppe) – Fighter Bomber Wing OIAE (Otdel’naya Istrebitel’naya Aviatsionnyy
TG (Transportgeschwader) – Transport Wing Aviaeskadril’ya) – Independent Fighter Aviation Squadron
KGrzbV (Kampfgruppe zur besonderen Verwendung) – ORAE (Otdel’naya Razvedivatel’naya Aviatsion’naya
Battle Group Special Purposes or Operations Eskadrilya) – Independent Reconnaissance Aviation
Lehr – School/Training Squadron


RAP (Razvedyvatel’nay Aviatsionnyy Polk) – 16.4.12. Depleted Air Unit Groups

Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment This concept is used by the AI-assist when deciding which
SBAP (Smeshannaya Bombardirovchnyy Aviatsionnyy air groups to send to the reserve (17.1.9) and is also shown
Polk) – Composite Bomber Aviation Regiment in the Commander’s Report. Air groups are treated as
ShAP (Shturmovoy Aviatsionnyy Polk) – Ground attack depleted for the Axis if they have less than 25% of their
Air Regiment total planes and for the Soviets less than 33%.
TAP (Transportnaya Aviahtsiya Polk) – Transport Aviation In addition, air groups are treated as understrength if
Regiment they have less than 33% of their planes (Axis) or 50% (Soviet).
TBAP (Tyazhelobombardirovochnyy Aviapolk) – Heavy
Bomber Aviation Regiment
The various parts of the name are combined so for
example TAP-GVF represents one of the civil transport AIRCRAFT
squadrons converted to military service during the war. Dependent on the availability of aircraft models in the
More commonly, GIAP is the designation of a Guards production pool, air group units may be changed to
Fighter Regiment. a different model aircraft manually by the player or
automatically during the player’s logistics phase. The
16.4.10. Disbanding Air Unit Groups default setting for air group unit upgrades is manual
Air Group Units can be disbanded either using the An aircraft model has to be in production for at least 1
Commanders Report or the unit screen (37.16.3). month before it can be used to upgrade an air group unit.
However, it may be used to equip newly raised air groups
created as part of the Soviet player’s production system.
These can be manually swapped to an older plane type if
the player wishes while the air group unit is in the National
Players have the option to manually change (swap) the
aircraft model through an air group unit’s detail window
If an Air Group Unit is disbanded then any planes will (37.16.3), with possible aircraft models listed when the
be returned to the relevant pool and the pilots can be re- “CHANGE” link has been toggled from “Automatic” to
assigned to other air unit groups. “Manual” (default is manual). Changing the aircraft model
An Air Group Unit on an isolated air base may not

16.4.11. Creation of New Air Unit Groups

The Axis player cannot raise new air unit groups as this is
handled by the reinforcement and withdrawal procedures.
New air units are automatically created for the Soviet
player and placed in the National Reserve to train. These
will initially be equipped with any planes that are available
in the pools including those with low production rates.

To avoid having rare or valuable planes allocated

to units with low experience, the Soviet player may
need to either disband some of these formations or
swap them to use an obsolete plane until they have
sufficient experience to be deemed combat ready.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

in an air group unit may result in up to fifty percent of the The table above lists the main profiles and gives some
new aircraft arriving damaged. examples of typical planes in each category.
If Manual upgrade is chosen, clicking on upgrade will This information can be found in the editor as indicated
generate a list of the possible new planes, as seen on the above (16.4.6) in the Commander’s Report (35.8.2) and on
screenshot on the previous page. the air group counter.
The chance of an automatic change increases as a group’s Note the plane types in this table are not an exhaustive
total number of aircraft as a percentage of the maximum list but intended to indicate how the air profile works in
number of aircraft in the air group unit decreases. The air influencing upgrade options.
group unit cannot have flown any missions yet in the turn
and will be unable to fly any missions after the change out. 16.5.2. Automatic Setting
Some damaged planes may be written off when If the player toggles the “CHANGE” link from “Manual”
swapped out. to “Automatic ,” then in the upgrade sub-segment of
the logistics phase, the air group unit may upgrade in
16.5.1. Air Profiles and Upgrade accordance with its current aircraft upgrade path as listed
Restrictions in that aircraft model’s city production list window (37.14).
When upgrading (either manually or using the automatic It may also downgrade to older aircraft (16.5.4).
routines) an air unit can only swap to planes with the same In the swap sub-segment, the air group unit may change
air profile. out the existing aircraft model with an aircraft model of
the same functional type, but not necessarily along the
Typical Typical
Profile upgrade/downgrade path. The computer will only swap out
Axis Types Soviet Types
Generic Slovakian bi-planes aircraft in air group units that have less than 50 percent of
Bi Plane Go-145; Hs-123A-2; Hs maximum aircraft allowed, with the lower the percentage
R-Z; U-2VS
Bomber 126B-2 below 50, the higher the chance for an aircraft swap.
I-15x; I-16; Mig-3; Yak All air units in the non-reserve Theatre Boxes will be set
Single-Engined Bf 109x; Fw 190x, He 1x/7x/9x/3; LaGGx;
(S-E) Fighter; 112, He 162; He 163B, La-5x; La-7x; Pe-3x; to automatic upgrades.
Fighter Me 262x Hurricane IIx; P-39x;
P-40x, P-47; Spitfire 16.5.3. Manual Setting
Bf-110x; Do-17x; Do-215x; An interface window to provide information when
Do-217x; He 219, Ju-88x;
(M-E) Fighter upgrading aircraft can be accessed from the air group unit
Me-210x; Me-410x;
Light Bomber Fw 190 F/G; Hs 123A-1; Hs detail window when the group is set for Manual Aircraft
I-153BS; Su-2; Il-2x; Il-10
Ground Attack 129B, Ju-87x, Bf 109E-7 Change. Select ‘Manual’.
Medium He 111x; Do 17x, He The window will display the possible aircraft
SB-2; Ar-2; Tu-2x; Pe-2x;
Bomber 177x; Ju 188x; Ju 86x; Ju
Bomber 88x; Do 217
Li-2VV; A20x alternatives and for each, the number of aircraft in the
Long Range Yer-2x; DB-3x; Il-4x; TB- pool, the number of aircraft in air group units, and the
Bomber 3; Pe-8; B-25x number of factories. The player can use the selectable
Bf-109x; Fi 156x; Fw 189x; links to navigate back and forth between appropriate
Tactical Recon Il-2KR; Yak 7B
Hs 126x
information windows. Selecting an aircraft model will also
Bi Plane Recon R-5; R-10; U-2Rcn
Bf 110x; Do-17P; Do 215; allow the player to compare it with the current aircraft
Strategic Fw 200x; Ju-86; Ju-88x; model (35.8.4).
Yak-2; Yak-4; SB-2; Pe-2x
Recon Me-262x; Me-410x; He- Manual aircraft swaps are not allowed if air base unit to
which the air group unit is attached is less than four hexes
U-2 away from an in supply enemy unit.
Go-244; He-111x; Ju-52;
Yak-6; TB-3; Li-2; C-47;
Transport Ju-86; Me 323; Si 204D;
SM.82; LeO 451
GST; KM-1; MBR-2;
A-20x; DB-3T; Il-4x; IL-2T


16.5.4. Allocation of older plane types Air base units are fixed facilities displayed on the map
If the air unit was in a Theatre Box (including the reserve) area with a symbol denoting their size, which from smallest
when it changed then the older aircraft are assigned to the to largest is 1, 2, or 3 (examples of each type are shown
transit pool (so it maybe several turns before they can be below).
re-allocated). If the air unit was on the map, then any such
planes are moved to the active pool.


At the start of the game airbases are created on the map
as designed for that scenario. As the game progresses the
players can create new airbases or to expand the existing
ones Each size of airbase can ideally support a certain
number of planes (although this can be exceeded) and up
to a maximum of 20 air group units (of any size).
The only units that can be attached to air base units are
air group units.
Airbases represent the physical and logistical infrastructure
required to support air group units, to include airfields, repair There are multiple ways to access the air base unit
facilities and anti-aircraft defenses. Air base units consist of detail window (37.16.2).
only two types of ground elements, support and air support As set out in section 6.4 one option is to right click on
squad ground elements and anti-aircraft ground elements. the hex and then select the named airbase. This will create

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

§§ Yellow – Empty but with air units ordered to transfer

§§ Black – Empty airbase
§§ Orange – Under construction airbase not yet size 1
§§ If an airbase is overloaded it will be circled in red
Enemy airbases, no logistics tab:
§§ Green – Has air units and has been covered by
reconnaissance flights this turn
§§ Blue – Had air units when last covered by reconnaissance
flights but has not been covered by reconnaissance
flights this turn
§§ Black – Empty when last covered by reconnaissance
§§ Yellow – Has never been covered by reconnaissance
§§ Orange – Under construction airbase not yet size 1
further options to go to the airbase unit detail, to order the Friendly airbases, when logistics tab selected:
expansion of the airbase or to change the supply priority. §§ Red – Fuel or ammo <=40% of need
§§ Orange – Fuel or ammo <= 55% of need but neither
§§ Yellow – Fuel or ammo <= 70% of need but not neither
§§ Green – Fuel and ammo >70%

Alternatively, the air base unit detail window can be

accessed through the general information and city/airfield
box (6.2.2) by either selecting the airfield symbol next to
the name of the city or by selecting the city name and then
selecting the air base unit name located under the units
attached section of the city detail window.

16.6.1. Airbase on map display Enemy airbases, logistics tab selected:

Air bases on the map are coloured in various ways to §§ Black – All
indicate their current status and this will vary according to
the selection of other display tabs. 16.6.2. Airbase Unit TOE
Friendly airbases, no logistics tab: Airbases at 100% of their TOE will have 250 Air Support
§§ Red – Airbase has air units, but less than 50% of needed elements to service the aircraft (in some scenarios this
support Green – Has air units number may be exceeded at the start of the game).


The TOE for airbases also includes general support addition you can pay Administrative Points and manually
squads (21.2.2) and anti-aircraft guns. assign extra construction Support Units (21.6.2).
Progress will be slower in worse terrain and bad
weather. The amount of expansion done in the turn is
affected by the ground weather with the construction
value: divided by 2 if light mud, by 3 if heavy mud, by 4 if
light snow, by 5 if snow, by 6 if heavy snow. The amount is
Air bases will seek to acquire the elements needed also affected by the terrain in the hex as follows: rough/
to match their current ToE to the number of planes at woods/urban/2, swamp/heavy woods/heavy urban/
the base. This might see air support and other ground tundra/sand /3, mountain /4.
elements moved back to the pools if fewer planes are In addition, especially to expand from level 1 to 2 or
present or moved from the pool if a base now needs more higher, an airbase will require substantial amounts of
support. supply. If this is not available then progress will be slow.
If you use the manual method to move Air Operational If an air base unit is bombed while being expanded,
Groups then the presence or lack of support assets will all damage must be repaired before expansion work can
determine if the requested move happens automatically continue.
or during the logistics phase. As a result of a successful amphibious landing, a size two
Air base units created along with a temporary port air base unit with 50 percent damage will be automatically
after a successful amphibious invasion automatically try created in the target hex if it is clear terrain.
to fill up the air base unit to 100 percent of TOE at the If an airbase is captured while under construction then
moment it is created. This uses freight that is offloaded any work will stop. The creation of a new airbase can be
at the temporary port from cargo ships attached to the cancelled at any stage (using either the right click on the map
amphibious HQ unit conducting the invasion. or the display window) until the air base reaches size 1.
While under construction, an airbase is
16.6.3. Building and Expanding Airbase Units treated as having size 0 and will appear with
The building or expansion of an air base unit can be an orange colour on the map.
started by the player in either the air planning or action
(move) phase. Players can build new air base units in any 16.6.4. AI Assistance and Airbase creation
non-mountain that was friendly controlled at the start of or expansion
the turn (7.3.1). This restriction is lifted if the hex already If you use the AI-Assistance (17.1) to manage the air war,
contains a depot or named population centre. the AI routines will expand existing airbases if it identifies a
To build or expand an airfield the player can either right lack of capacity. However, the player will need to build new
click on the map and select the appropriate option, select level 1 airbases if they feel this is needed.
the air field tab at the top of the screen (6.2.1) or select the
city name in the general information and city/airfield box 16.6.5. Airbase Supply Priority
and then selects either ‘BUILD AIR BASE’ or ‘EXPAND AIR Remember that unlike depots and HQ units, if an airbase is
BASE’ as applicable in the city detail window (37.13). to #0 supply priority it will receive no supply allocation. The
The speed of construction is based on the terrain of supply priority can be changed in the Commanders Report
the hex, supply state and availability of construction and (35.7) or by right clicking on the map hex with the air base
labour support units. The percentage progress of the or via the general information box (6.2.1).
construction is shown in the city display window. Airbase supply requirements are set by the number of
The number of turns required to build or expand pilot crews at the airbase not the number of aircraft.
an airbase unit is based on the number of engineers
and labour squads in the construction unit assigned to 16.6.6. Airbase Capacity
the construction project. This assignment will be done A maximum of 20 air group units can be assigned to an air
automatically from any HQ that is within range (21.11.4). In base unit.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The number of individual aircraft an air base unit can Note that it can take up to several turns (and at least one
effectively support is dependent on the air base unit size complete logistics phase) for the associated manpower
and type of aircraft. Each aircraft, regardless of its state and support elements at an airbase to be removed if all the
(ready, damaged, reserve) has a support requirement that planes are transferred. So if you fear your airbases maybe
reflects the number of engines on the aircraft and the air overrun by the enemy, moving out the planes just before
base unit size as follows: capture will still mean any attached ground and support
elements will be lost.
Type Capacity
If Air Units are on an airbase that is captured any
1 100
damaged planes will be destroyed. In addition the Air Unit
2 200
is given a delay of three turns and then will return in the
3 300
National Reserve.
Capacity is used up by the number of aircraft*engines, as:
§§ 1 engine plane = 1 unit of capacity; 16.6.9. Frozen Airbases
§§ 2 engine plane = 2 units of capacity Some airbases are frozen at the start of a scenario. The
§§ 3 engine plane = 2 units of capacity air units cannot be transferred to another base until this
§§ 4 engine plane = 3 units of capacity restriction is lifted.
If the air base unit load percentage exceeds 100 percent,
the amount or aviation support available is reduced such 16.6.10. Assigning air units to airbases
that air support will be equal to air support * 100/load If you use the AI assist routines, then there is no need
percentage. This will slow the rate at which damaged to directly assign air units from the national reserve to
planes are repaired and increase the chance that individual airbases.
aircraft are treated as being in reserve. If you wish to handle this manually, then one option is
Air base load (capacity) percentage is shown in to assign an air unit to an airbase and link it to an existing
parentheses on the hex pop-up text for the air base AOG or to create a new one (17.3.1 and 17.3.2).
unit after air base unit size. When the air base unit load
percentage is over 100, a red ring will be added around the
airfield symbol.
If an airbase is overloaded then repair and replacement
rates of aircraft will be slowed. In addition, if the airbase
is subject to air attack it is more likely that planes will be
damaged or destroyed.

16.6.7. Airbase Size and Poor Weather

Flights flying from size 1 airfields in poor and average
road system hexes with light mud and heavy mud may be 16.7. PILOTS
cancelled. Aircraft in an air group unit must have a pilot and
When planes fly from size 1 bases they have higher associated crew if required to be in a ready status and fly
chances for operational damage reflecting the poor in an air mission. Pilots and any associated air crew are
facilities (usually a bare ground landing strip). assigned to air group units up to the maximum size of the
type of air group unit.
16.6.8. Airbase Capture Pilots will remain assigned to an air group unit unless
Air Base units can be captured and will shift to the phasing they are either killed in action, the air group unit is
player’s control. Note that while air base units cannot be disbanded or the air group is sent to the reserve (16.7.3).
destroyed they may be damaged when they change hands. Wounded pilots will remain with their assigned air group
They will need to repair before they are fully functional. unit and will eventually be healed and return to flying
duties. The air group unit detail window (37.16.13) has a


and 38.2). The exception is air group

units that arrive as reinforcements
in the national reserve, whose pilots
will have an experience rating based
on the average of the air group units’
set experience rating. Each nation
will receive a certain number of
replacement trained pilots each turn
and any additional pilot vacancies may
be filled by new pilots.
The Commander’s Report air tab
(35.4.30) has a pilot’s section that
displays both the total number of
pilots and their status and the pilot
pool, which displays the number of
available trained pilots. The pilot pool
and the manpower pool are separate,
but even if trained pilots are listed in
the pilot pool, they will not be available
pilot tab for air group units that lists each pilot by pilot unless there is sufficient manpower in the manpower pool
number, and shows their experience, fatigue, air kills, for the pilot and any required air crew.
missions flown and health status. For example, to assign an available trained pilot to a
Pilots have both morale and experience (also called Soviet Pe-8 heavy bomber air group unit, eleven manpower
skill). Experience is gained in relation to their morale, by would need to be available for both the pilot and the
winning air combats and (if in the reserve) flying training associated air crew. The options are:
missions (16.7.4).
Pilots gain and lose fatigue, and experience based on Option Effect
the air missions flown by their aircraft and the experience TPI Has a priority on receiving both new planes
(Trained and replacement pilots. Will only take trained
and fatigue of their assigned air group unit is determined
Pilots) pilots from the relevant pool.
by the average of assigned pilot experience and fatigue. Will be allocated planes and pilots after the
Pilot experience is also tracked by aircraft type at the air PRI formations set to TPI have received their
HQ unit level where the average experience is displayed in (Priority) allocation. Will take both trained and untrained
the Air Doctrine Screen pilots tab (37.16.9). pilots as needed.
If the air group unit is set to rest, or undertakes no air Will be allocated planes and pilots after the
NOR TPI and PRI formations have received their
mission, then all accumulated fatigue will be removed. If
(Normal) allocation. If insufficient trained pilots are in
the unit has taken part in air missions fatigue will be reset the pool then untrained pilots will be allocated.
to 25% of the total and this will be carried over into the RES Will not be allocated replacement planes or
next turn. (Restricted) pilots.
If an air group is sent to the national reserve, its named
pilots will be removed (16.7.3). NOR (normal) is the default setting.
Note that units set to TPI will also acquire pilots who
16.7.1. Assigning Pilots to on-map Air were previously assigned to an air group but who are now in
Group Units the pool. These might have relatively low experience levels
When pilots are initially assigned to an air group unit, compared to that of newly trained pilots (16.7.2) especially
they are either trained pilots with experience equal to if the air group was disbanded relatively soon after being
current air national morale or new pilots with experience formed. On the other hand, such pilots might have high
equal to only half the current air national morale (12.1 experience levels due to sustained combat experience.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

16.7.2. Experience Levels of New Pilots Since trained or untrained replacement pilots are not
The experience of a trained pilot brought into a freshly flagged with a specialization until they are assigned to an
raised unit is equal to: air group unit, pilot specialization only matters when an
(National Morale x 3/4) + (Average Experience of Group existing air group unit is disbanded and the associated
Being Joined x 1/4) + rnd(20) - rnd(20) The experience of an pilots are returned to the pilot pool. At that time, they
untrained pilot is equal to: can only be assigned out to an air group unit that meets
(National Morale x 3/4 x 1/2) + (Average Experience of their specialization criteria. For example, if the Axis player
Group Being Joined x 1/4) + rnd(20) - rnd(20). disbands a number of level bomber air group units, the
pilots from those air group units will not be available to fill
16.7.3. Pilots and the National Reserve vacancies in fighter air group units.
When air units are placed in the National Reserve they
have no named pilots and instead have an average morale
and experience level. This is either determined when the 16.8. ANTI-AIRCRAFT UNITS
unit is created or reflects their average values before they Anti-Aircraft Support Units in WiTE2 have a number of
were transferred. functions and types. Some represent fixed emplacements
These values may change over time due to training designed to protect cities from strategic bombing while
missions undertaken if the unit has low experience and is some others represent the mobile AA formations
not set to rest this turn. designed to protect ground units and HQs from tactical
When the unit is returned to the map, a set of named air attacks.
pilots (if enough are available – 16.7.4) are allocated with AA Units attached to combat units and HQs behave like
average morale and experience levels that match the unit other Support Units (21.5) when entering ground combat
value. and when being moved between HQs and Units. They
affect air missions as set out in sections 19.3.4 and 19.3.5.
16.7.4. Pilot Training AA Units attached to cities only affect air missions and
Globally each nation trains a certain number of pilots per there are special rules for the process and cost of moving
turn and these are added to the available pilot pool. These them between cities or to attach them to HQs (38.1).
pilots acquire their particular specialism when assigned to Anti-aircraft support units attached to cities will never
an Air Group Unit (16.4). have a range penalty for being far from their HQ units
Air Groups in the National Reserve are considered to (15.5.4) during admin checks for resupply.
undertake training missions. For the Axis, in addition, each
turn some units in the Western Europe TB will train. 16.8.1. German Anti-Aircraft Units
Training missions can result in an increase in pilot Flak Units include both those that supported mobile
experience and a possible increase in the air group unit operations against the Soviet Union and those that
morale rating. If pilot experience is higher than that defended the Reich against Allied bombers. Most of the
nation’s current air national morale, the chances for latter will only be found in the various Theatre Boxes or
experience to increase through training are much lower. assigned to major cities in the Reich. These Flak Regiments
In addition, pilots with experience ratings over 50 will have represent the concentrated flak defences organized
less chance to gain experience through training than pilots around defending strategic targets (ports, production
with experience less than 50. centers etc.). These regiments have almost no mobility
and were either crewed by the Kriegsmarine or by limited
16.7.5. Pilot specialism numbers of Luftwaffe personnel. As the war progressed,
When first allocated to an air-group, pilots are then allocated after 1942, an increasing number of flak units defending
a specialization flag so they can only fly certain types of the Reich were manned by factory workers, teenagers,
aircraft. local Wehrmacht troops deployed as garrisons, women
The types are: Fighter (this includes any Fighter Bombers and even Allied POWs.
trained as Fighters), Fighter Bomber, Tactical Bomber, Level The individual flak battalions and companies represent
Bomber, Recon, Transport and Naval Patrol (Naval Only). the tactical flak units that were manned by Luftwaffe


personnel and either guarded tactical and/or operational 16.8.2. Soviet Anti-Aircraft Units
objectives or friendly troops from enemy tactical fighters The main difference between Soviet Anti-Aircraft units
and bombers and could possibly engage in ground combat. is between those designated as PVO and the rest. PVO
These battalions had the best mobility and can be attached (Voyska Protivovozdushnoy Oborony) formations were
directly to combat units. designed purely for the defence of urban areas. In-game,
Over time you will notice a number of these will disband. these all start attached to cities and the costs to re-assign
Historically the Germans re-organised their mobile units them to other roles are set out in section 9.2. In practice,
by increasing the amount of organic AA in the divisions at Soviet AA Support Units are treated as either attached to
the expense of these individual battalions. HQs and combat units (21.5.1 and 21.5.2) or to cities (21.5.3)
for their employment and the costs of re-assignment.


Focus: This section sets out how to control the air war
either by manual control or using the AI-assistance
options. It is split into two main sub-sections and
discusses the various tools for assigning planes to air
directives, redeploying your air force and managing the
allocation of planes to support ground commands.
It gives a general description of how to use the Air
Operational Groups (AOGs). AOGs are a grouping of air
units, using a hierarchy structure of Army, Corps and manually, or with the help of the AI Air Assist, The AI
Low Level (Division/Brigade/Regiment) similar to that assist relies on several player inputs to then direct the
used by ground units. They can be managed entirely operations of the AOGs.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

17.1. USING THE AUTOMATION In this case, the players only need to adjust the AOG’s
Stance, HQ Follow/Naval Ops, Asset Priority, and Supply
OPTIONS Priority as below. The player can still build and expand new
17.1.1. Automated AI Air Assist System airbases if they wish (although the AI assist will expand
If this option is selected, then the AI air assist will existing airbases if it believes there is a need, it will not
automatically be used during each players’ turns. The effect build new ones), and the player can decide to set air units
of this is that the ‘AI air assist button’ well be automatically to manual or auto upgrade (if manual, they need to do the
pressed once when a player ends their air planning phase, upgrades themselves).
and once when they end their ground phase.
In effect, if you do not think you will wish to manually
alter any air directives or the deployment of your air units If you believe you will be operating in a region with few
then adopt this option. existing airfields then you will need manually to start
the construction of at least level 1. Expansion can be
If you do not adopt this approach you can still manage left to the AI-Assistance or done manually. A strong
your air force using the tools in this section allowing for piece of advice to Soviet players is to start to expand
a mixture of AI-assistance and some manual control of the airfields behind Moscow from early August 1941
the process. However, in this case during a MP/PBEM as you will need them as the front line approaches the
game your opponent can opt for full manual control if city. They are also useful to base your longer ranged
they so wish. bombers even if the immediate threat has ended.

Here, a game against the AI has been set up to use the They may also want to build depots at or near major
automated AI Air Assist routines. airfields (unless also using the AI depot management,
This cannot be changed in a MP/PBEM game and the which will do this for airbases).
choice will apply to both sides.
Once this choice is made, the manual option to trigger 17.1.2. AI Assistance in other cases
the effects of AI If you do not select the automate option, you can still
Assistance will use the AI Assistance. You can set stances and priorities
be disabled. according to the rules below.


In this case, you will need to remember to depress the To access this function, ensure that the AOGs are shown
button to trigger AI air assist actions. on the map and then left click on the label (in this case for
You can mix using the AI assistance with manual control the VIII Fliegerkorps as set out in section 17.1.5).
of the various functions in this case. However, be careful
as pressing the AI-assist button will over-ride any manual
changes (deployment, air directives etc.) you have made.

Using this mixed approach can be effective when you

want to carry out a lot of actions such as transferring
damaged/depleted air groups to the National
Reserve or have few choices as to how to use your
air force and find that a mixture of Ground Support
and Reconnaissance missions are adequate to your
immediate needs.

17.1.3. AI Assistance and Air Doctrine That will then bring up this
settings display on the right hand side of
When it creates air directives (or delivers ground support), the screen:
the AI-assistance routine will use the settings in your air For all air commands you can
doctrine screen (37.16.9). This will determine factors use this screen to:
such as mission height, days of operation, intensity of §§ Assign it to a higher command
commitment and the type of weather conditions suitable if appropriate (in this case
for the mission. the Fligerkorps is assigned to
While the default settings should be adequate, if you Luftflotte 2).
are encountering heavier than expected losses or your §§ When to fly air missions (rest,
missions are not operating as you would expect, it may be day and night, day only, night
worthwhile amending some of these settings. only).
§§ How to accept replacement pilots (16.7), the options are
17.1.4. Using the AI Air Assist to move normal, restricted, priority and trained.
and direct your Air Operational Groups §§ See which ground command it is following (but see the
If you want to automate the air war you need to use a rules in 17.1.6 below for the options).
combination of the air commands (army level AOGs each §§ Set the AOG to conduct naval operations (but see the
with a corresponding ground air command HQ) and lower rules in 17.1.9 below for the options).
level AOGs (corps AOGs and low level AOGs like divisions §§ Whether the range of its assigned air units are shown
and regiments) to do so. The one page guide in section on the map (Rng Circles).
4.6.1 sets out the main steps involved in doing this. §§ How and when you want the air units to move on the
Basically you can use either the air commands or the map if directed by the AI Air Assist (17.1.6), in this case
lower AOGs to set the relative allocation of air groups the options are flexible, hold, retreat or advance. This
across your front and to tell the AI how, and when during can be set at any level in the command chain and will
the turn, to deploy those AOGs and generally how and over-ride the assignment for lower commands (so if you
when to move the air groups. want one AOG to be different to say the controlling Air
The air command level is used to create a link between Army set this after choosing the Air Army).
the AOGs and a ground HQ. Normally all AOGs will then be §§ Asset priority which will tell the AI air assist how to
assigned to the same HQ. In the case of the Axis side, the determine how many planes are assigned to the
Luftwaffe Fliegerkorps can be set to follow a different HQ command. This ranges from 4 (the highest priority to
to the Luftflotte if desired. 0 (no planes will be allocated). This can only be set at

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

the Army or Corps level in the command chain and will Naval air missions and Ground HQ assignment:
over-ride the assignment for lower commands (so if
you want one corps AOG to be different to say from the Timing Icon
controlling Air Army set this after choosing the Air Army). Follow set HQ
§§ Supply priority works as the asset priority and
determines the supply importance of that HQ. This can Some Naval Air missions
only be set at the army AOG level, with all units under
the army assuming the same supply priority as the army. No HQ set
§§ A list of the assigned air units and their air bases will be
shown beneath the unit counter.
Axis-Allied AOGs can only be set to follow HQs of either 17.1.5. Differences between Soviet
German or their own nationality (so, for example, a and Axis AOG options
Hungarian AOG can report to a German Luftflotte or its own In addition to the rules above, there are some important
national commands but not to a Rumanian air command). differences between how Soviet and Axis AOGs can be
The display on the Air Command label will change both assigned to ground HQs or naval operations.
according to how zoomed out you have the screen and will For Soviet AOGs the decision as to which ground HQ
reflect the changes above. When zoomed in the label will to follow and whether or not to conduct naval operations
show the number of fighters, bombers and utility aircraft, must be made at the Air Army level. Once this choice is
and the other information above. In addition, the bar and made, the same options apply to all subordinate AOGs. In
% on the right hand side will show how many planes are addition the Soviet Long Range Air Command will generate
ready for operations out of all city bombing Air Directives following the priorities set by
those in the relevant air group the player using the air doctrine screen (17.1.3). Note in
units. this case, only the highest priority target will be selected.
The icons will change as follows: Soviet air commands can only be assigned to either
Front or Military District (Type 2) ground commands.
Stance Icon
For Axis AOGs, only army or corps level AOGs can chose
Flexible which command to follow and all lower level commands
will assume the same option.
Hold There are three exceptions to this rule for the Axis side:
§§ Any level of AOG can be set to conduct Naval Operations,
Retreat if this is subsequently cancelled, the AOG will resume
following the ground HQ of the relevant army or corps HQ;
§§ Any transport AOG can be set to follow any ground HQ;
§§ Any recon AOG can be set to follow any ground HQ.
For when to fly: German Air commands must be set to follow type 2
(Army Group) or type 3 (Army) ground HQs. Axis Allied
Timing Icon Air commands can follow either a German or their own
Rest national type 2 and type 3 commands and in addition can
be set to follow a type 4 (corps) HQ of their own nationality.
Day and Night
17.1.6. Setting AOG Stances and
Night Only the Implications
A major part of using the AI assistance is setting the stances
Day Only of your AOG. Your choices will determine how, and when
Mixed (this will be shown for an Air during the turn, the AOG allocates its assets and whether
Command where different AOGs or not it will move to follow the HQ it is assigned to. There
have different flying orders) are four stances:


§§ Flexible During the Movement Phase (and at the end of the turn if
§§ Hold this is automated), an AOG in a retreat or advance stance will:
§§ Retreat §§ Send air groups to the reserve (if they are deemed to be
§§ Advance too weak to be capable of combat operations)
During the Air Planning Phase (or at the end of it if using §§ Acquire air groups from the reserve.
Auto AI air assist) an AOG in a flexible stance may: §§ Gain air groups from other AOGs (this is based on asset
§§ Send air groups to the reserve (if they are deemed to be priority and the transfer can include a complete AOG if
too weak to be capable of combat operations). that is appropriate).
§§ Acquire air groups from the reserve. §§ Transfer air groups to other AOGs (depending on
§§ Gain air groups from other AOGs (this is based on asset priorities).
priority and the transfer can include a complete AOG if §§ Follow move, the AOG will redeploy to the location of
that is appropriate). the HQ they are following.
§§ Transfer air groups to other AOGs (depending on §§ Air supply units (if following a HQ).
priorities). §§ Air supply airbases (if not assigned to follow a HQ).
§§ Follow move, the AOG will redeploy to the location of §§ Carry out Naval Ops against a port, the AOG will
the HQ they are following. redeploy to better operate against the port.
§§ Carry out Naval Ops against a port, the AOG will
redeploy to better operate against the port. 17.1.7. Constraint on AOG allocations
In addition to the rules above, there are some additional
constraints on how AOGs might be used or allocated.
There are further notes on how to use the stances
§§ The AI assist will not re-assign any AOGs from an air
in section 17.2 but in general use ‘Flexible’ when the
command (HQ or Corps AOG) that is set to priority 4
front line is basically stable as this allows air units to
regardless of the relative demand for air groups across
adjust their size and deployment but broadly within
the front.
the current geographical area. Advance and Retreat
§§ Reconnaissance AOGs will not be assigned to a higher
should be chosen when you are looking for your air
level AOG that has a different ‘follow HQ’ order. They can,
force to redeploy as the front line shifts. ‘Hold’ will
however, remain attached to one that has a different
keep your air force deployed at their current bases
HQ target (this allows you to adapt your reconnaissance
(which can be efficient in terms of the demand for
effort without having to re-assign the AOG).
support squads and supply).

17.1.8. Air Transport AOGs.

During the Air Planning Phase an AOG in a hold stance If using the AI automation /air assist, these will always
may: move to depots with freight so they can then undertake
§§ Send air groups to the reserve (if they are deemed to be supply missions during the ground phase. If they are
too weak to be capable of combat operations). following a HQ, they will position themselves to resupply
§§ Acquire air groups from the reserve. units of that HQ. If they are not following a HQ, they will
§§ Gain air groups from other AOGs (this is based on asset seek to resupply airbases.
priority and the transfer can include a complete AOG if In the example below, the Transport group will resupply
that is appropriate). airbases rather than support a particular ground command
During the Air Planning Phase an AOG in a retreat or as FHQ is set to ‘None’.
advance stance will undertake no particular actions but will
still generate Air Directives as appropriate. 17.1.9. Transfer Depleted Air Groups
During the Movement Phase (and at the end of the turn to the reserve
if this is automated), an AOG with transport assets in a The AI-assist will send depleted (16.4.12) air groups to the
flexible or hold stance will: reserve if they meet any of these requirements:
§§ Air supply units (if following a HQ). §§ U-2 Rcn and R-Z
§§ Air supply airbases (if not assigned to follow a HQ). §§ All in AOGs set to priority 0

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

§§ Any Axis air group with experience below 45 after 7/43

§§ Any Axis air group that meets the conditions: (depleted
or (morale + ready < 50)) and ready a/c < 2 (REST if
condition met but ready a/c > 1)
§§ Any Soviet air group that meets the conditions:
(understrength or (morale + ready < 60)) and ready < 4
(REST if condition met but ready a/c > 3)
In this respect, the detailed rules are:
§§ For the Axis side, an air group is depleted if it has less
than 25% of its planes and understrength if this is under
§§ For the Soviet side, an air group is depleted if it has less
than 33% of its planes and understrength if this is under

17.1.10. Transfer of Air Operational 17.2. EXAMPLES OF HOW TO USE

Group Units
The component air units will be redeployed as they follow THE AI ASSIST
the ground HQ that their Air Operational Group or Air This short section tries to place some of the formal rules
command is assigned to follow, or will move as appropriate above into context. In the main the flexible stance is
to execute their naval ops or transport missions. This will probably the most useful but it may not always give the
happen when you press the AI-Assistance button unless desired effect.
you are using the Automated Assistance (when it happens
at the end of the air or ground phase). 17.2.1. Retreat and Advance Stances
The ‘retreat’ stance will be useful for an army conducting a
17.1.11. Creating Naval Air Patrols strategic retreat as it will pull the air units back to the area
An AOG can follow a HQ or conduct Naval Ops around a where the HQ being followed is located. For the Soviets, in
port, not both. If set to Navel Ops, the AOG will try to locate some instances you may want to link the air groups to a
itself so it can fly Naval Patrol ADs and AS ADs off the coast rear area Military District to achieve this in 1941 and 1942.
of the port, with the intention to gain control of the sea In turn the advance stance is useful if you carrying out
hexes near the port. a major offensive and want to keep the air force close to
In this case, the AOG may have a different focus (naval your spearheads. In either advance or retreat, this gives
patrol) to its controlling air HQ. the player an opportunity to move his ground HQs before
If you select Naval Ops, a list of the possible targets will the AI air assist moves the units toward those HQs in the
be shown as: ground phase.
Select the port you wish to
target (in this case Riga), and the 17.2.2. Specialised support
AOG counter will no longer follow Especially in 1941, the German player may find it useful to
the HQ set by its Air Command and assign a Fliegerkorps to each Panzer Army. This will both
will show its focus on Riga: ensure air support for your key formations and that the air
If you subsequently cancel the force advances as rapidly as possible. Although it is possible
naval mission you will need to reset for the Axis to have an air army or corps support an entire
the ground HQ the air command Army Group, this is not the recommended method.
is to follow. If the naval operation For the Axis, it is usually better to have them support
was set using an AOG, then it will a specific army that is bearing the brunt of the fighting.
revert to the HQ being followed by Fighters will always defend against any enemy air attacks
its controlling air command. or ground support, but given the limited Axis bomber


forces, they are usually best assigned to the main assault air directives that the AI has set up. Just keep in mind that
armies. Given the number of Armies and Corps AOGs, it is if you press the button again, your changes will be wiped
possible to cover many different armies by having some out as the AI clears the slate and creates new air directives.
low level AOGs report directly to each Luftflotte if desired. Note that the game will pause while this action is carried
For the Soviets, there are usually enough air commands/ out.
air armies to attach one to each Front, although in the early
war period, it may also be best to concentrate most of the
Soviet air force in just a few of the air commands.
17.3.1. Manually Assigning Air Unit
17.2.3. Bringing air units from the reserve Groups from the Reserve
The automatic system will send and remove air units from There are two basic ways of doing this.
the National Reserve. Once they are on the map, they will The first option is to select an airbase and the second is to
be assigned to air commands depending on the priorities use the Air Command labels.
you have set.

17.2.4. Relative Priority It may be good practice to review the air groups in
It is worth bearing in mind that the asset priorities are the reserve using the Commander’s Report before
relative. If you set everything to #4 then the air force will starting to move any to the map. You mostly will want
try to be evenly divided across your commands. Especially to leave low experience and/or low morale formations
for the Germans, you will need to ensure your air force is in the reserve.
concentrated on specific sectors.
In effect, an AOG set at #4 will try to acquire twice the
number of planes as one set at #2. However, the actual One option is to right click on an airbase on the map and
number of planes assigned will also be affected by the then select the option ‘bring AOG/air groups from reserve’.
level of the chosen HQ. So a corps will try to get more than In the example, below, the AOG option has been chosen
a low level AOG, and armies will be assigned more than a
corps at the same priority level.

17.2.5. Triggering redeployment and

If you are not using the Automated AI Assist routines then
you will need to press the AI assist button at least twice in
a game turn (before air execution and before the end of
the ground phase).
However, you can do it more often and this might allow
you to fine tune both air unit allocation and deployment as
you conduct your ground phase (especially if the situation
is rapidly changing). Usually this is not advised as it will
generate air transfers that take up air miles and reduce
the available airpower supporting your ground operations.
If you don’t plan on doing any manual intervention in
AOG movement or air directive creation, then it is advised Select one (in this case the 206 ShaD) and the list of
you use the Automated AI air assist. If you think you might suggested air groups will be shown as:
want to on occasion make manual adjustments, you should By default, this will attach itself to the nearest Air HQ
turn the automated game option off. but that can be changed. You can tell it just to use Livny (as
If you do this, you can, for example, press the AI assist shown) or click ‘Multiple air bases’ and any planes in excess
during the air planning phase and then tweak some of the of air base capacity will be deployed nearby.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Air groups will not deploy if the air base is full, if the
AOG is full or if the AOG is of a differently nationality.
Finally you can accept the suggested list, remove some
(if you do not want to fill up the AOG) or replace them with
other suitable air groups. Note that this type of Soviet AOG
can only contain ground attack formations.
Once you are content with your choices, click on
If you chose the option, bring air group from the
reserve, you will be taken to a screen that allows you to to the restrictions on which plane types can be in which
select any air unit that is currently available. You can filter AOG (16.4.6).
or sort this tab in various ways to ease identification of the You can bring up a list of AOGs through the AOG tab
units you want. on the Commander’s Report (35.4.2). This way you can see
what air groups are already assigned to a particular AOG,
what aircraft they have and how much capacity is available.
This is helpful if you want to collect aircraft with similar
characteristics under one AOG, of if you want to size your
AOGs so that they will fit onto a particular type of airfield
Here a single fighter air group will be added to the
278 IAD:

Select one or more air groups and click on TRANSFER

(before doing so you may want to review the proposed
AOG – here the 2nd Air Army – to a more suitable target).
In these cases, you can also open the Air base tab and
assign new air groups from there (37.16.2)
Alternatively you can bring new AOGs or Air units to the
map from the Air Command label. In this right click on the
Air Command and the routine to bring Air groups from the 17.3.2. Sending Air Groups to the Reserve
reserve will be shown. There are several ways you can use to manually send air
You can alter the screen to link them to an existing AOG, groups to the national reserve.
spread over multiple air bases as: You can do so one by one by opening the air unit tab
A variant to using new AOGs is to use one already on (37.16.3) or in bulk using the Commander’s Report (35.4.1).
the map. Right click on any existing AOG and if it has spare In addition you can use the AOG on-map label (37.16.4).
capacity it will be shown as the suggested command for In this case, right click on AOG label and select “Send/
that air group. Note what is available may be limited due Rotate Depleted Air Groups”.


This will send back all the depleted units in the AOG (and 17.3.4. Manually moving Air Operational
down the chain, if you have selected a higher command) Groups
and tries to replace each with an air unit from the reserve Using manual control, you can
with a similar profile. The AI chooses what it thinks is the redeploy your air units. You can
best unit from the reserve. When you roll over the Send/ opt to move them by individual
Rotate option a window will appear showing all the units Air Operational Group or the
that will be returned and any units that will come from complete command.
the reserve for each of these. The player can select the To do this, first left click on
option to return the depleted or the option to rotate in the desired AOG/Command;
the replacement units (which sends and then rotates in a §§ If you want to keep the same shape then press and hold
replacement). shift and move the rectangle on the map to the group of
airbases you want to assign the AOG to, then right click.
§§ If you want a different
shape, then press and hold
cntrl and left click on the
map and then draw a shape
around the airbases you
want to use (a pop up will tell
you how many airbases are
in the selected box) and then
release the left click.
§§ Once you have selected the
target, the plotted move will be shown on the map. If
you wish the transfer to occur immediately (as opposed
to waiting for the next logistics phase), you can right
click on the AOG and then select an immediate transfer.
The AOG will now have an > after its name to indicate it
is ordered to move.
17.3.3. Maximum Air Units for each Air §§ If you select the wrong
Operational Group target air base by mistake
There is a limit to the number of air units in each AOG . then you need to cancel
Each air units costs a certain number of command points that transfer before
based on its size: selecting a new target air
§§ Group = 9 base
§§ Squadron = 3 §§ To trigger the move, right
§§ Flight(Stab)= 1 click on the AOG and tell
AOGs, in turn, have limited command points determined it to execute the transfer:
by their type: If you order ‘immediate’
§§ Low level (regiment/brigade/division) = 45 points transfer this will happen
§§ Soviet Corps = 120 points regardless of the situation
§§ Axis Corps = 180 points at the target airfields (so
§§ Armies = 600 points you may find your planes
So, a Soviet Division or Axis Regiment AOG will only be lack supplies and supporting
allowed to have 5 groups, or 15 squadrons. Soviet corps ground crews). If you order
can have up to 13 groups and the Axis corps 20 groups. An ‘planned’ transfer this might
Army will max out at 66. be delayed till the target
airbases have sufficient

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

support squads, supply and fuel to enable operations §§ Press down CNTRL+left
(usually during the logistics phase). A pop up will tell you mouse to draw a box around
how many air units were moved. the intended target airbases
In this example, the AOG is now set among the AOGs (here the move is ordered to
of the 15 Air Army, Depending on the missions you wish Ivanovo).
to set, it might be easier to convert it from 1 Air to 15 Air. §§ Indicate how you want the
transfer to progress.
§§ Once you have determined the desired redeployment
you can order it to happen immediately or only if the
target airbases can support the incoming planes.
In this case any air groups that could not be moved
immediately will redeploy in the logistics phase when
the airbase has sufficient support elements.
The move options are now the same as for the transfer
routine above.

17.3.5. Creating new AOGs

Technically neither player can create AOGs. They are
allocated (and removed) using the reinforcement system.
However, if an AOG has no air groups then it will not be
shown on the map.
If you want to leave some air units on existing bases but As such it can be brought to the map either as part of
to spread out others to new bases then: transferring new air units from the reserve (as above) or to
§§ Left click on the desired AOG allow air group units to change their command to a new
§§ Click on the air base – this will bring up a list of the air AOG,
units at that base
If the player wishes to create a completely new air directive
the first step is to select the relevant mission filter (F2-F7)
and then select the air command you wish to use.

Here we have the 22 DBAD and its formations at Gorky

Select the units at the airbase you want to transfer by left In this case the F3 (ground attack) option was selected
clicking on each (or select none in which case all units at and then the Leningrad Air Command label, giving a view
the airbase will be ordered to move). In this case, we only such as the screenshot on the right:
want to move the This shows all the existing air missions for that
Il-4s, by left clicking command and the AOGs that report to it.
on that air group The focus of each mission is set out in 18.1. Once you
(the display will have selected a type, and target, assign the relevant air
show a gold box groups and, if needed, adjust the flight path.
around the chosen


17.4.1. Manual options for setting up an Type is set by the air directive you have selected and
Air Directive cannot be modified in this screen.
To create a new AD, select ‘GND ATTACK’ and then click Target determines the central hex of the mission. Note
on a hex as the centre of that mission: The map and the that for a Ground Support (18.1.3) Air Directive this will be
display will change to: replaced by a display showing all the available HQs that
You can click on CONFIRM and the mission will take can be the focus of the mission. Note that reconnaissance
place as shown using the default settings or you can adjust missions (18.1.6) can only be set up to target an enemy
the variables. held hex, and naval patrols can only be set up to target
water hexes.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Staging Base determines the intermediate air base that box for each type of aircraft will be displayed sequentially. If
is used to gather the planes used in the mission. no player input, then REQ AC(ESC) will match MIN AC(ESC). If
MIN AC(ESC) is available, a mission will be flown.
Follow Path: Toggle Yes or No. When Follow Path is set
Note manually adjusting this can increase or decrease
to Yes, the missions will fly along the flight path until they
the number and type of planes available to a mission.
reach the last waypoint, and then fly from that waypoint to
the specific target hex for the mission. When set to No, the
Area sets the size of the mission target area around the mission will fly directly from the staging base to the specific
target hex. If this is set to 0 then only the target hex will be target hex for the mission.
the focus of that air directive. Part ESC: Toggle link to yes or no partial escorts. If set
Day/Night determines if this mission will take place to yes, than escorts that cannot fly all the way to the target
during the day or the night. In turn this might influence the are counted as escorts for meeting the minimum and
type of planes available depending on if air groups have requested number of escorts for the strike. If set to no,
been set to day or night only missions. then only escorts that can fly to the target will count for
Intensity will determine how aggressively the mission these purposes.
will be conducted (and how quickly pilots will gain fatigue). To exit from this screen, either click on the air command
Weather is used to set the worst conditions that the title or the >> arrows at the top:
mission will take place. Beneath this is an indicator of the
current weather conditions for the region selected for the
Schedule will determine which days of the week a
mission will take place. Clicking on a day will deselect or
select that day for operations.
Strike Num will be either automatically determined
using the strike intensity set above or can be manually
set by the player. It will set the number of missions that
particular air directive will try to carry out during the air
execution phase.
Altitude determines the altitude at which planes will
fly to the mission area and their altitude when conducting
the mission. Remember that fighter bombers and tactical
bombers will actually attack at a much lower altitude. It can
be adjusted using the (-) or (+) in increments of 1,000 feet.
Priority will determine the order in which missions are
flown and this is particularly useful if you use the auto-
allocation routine for assigning aircraft. It can be adjusted
using the (-) or (+) to alter the priority (from very low to
very high).
Min AC (ESC) sets the minimum number of bombers/
fighter bombers and the minimum number of escorts that
must be available in order for a mission to be launched.
A text box for each type of aircraft will be displayed 17.4.2. Assigning Air Group units to
sequentially. As long as the minimum is available, a mission Air Directives
will be flown. Once you have created an air directive you can assign the
Req AC (ESC) sets the requested number of bombers/ air groups in various ways. There are three choices in this
fighter bombers and the requested number of escorts that regard: Automatic; manually using air groups; or, manually
the player would like to have fly the mission if available. A text using AOGs.


If you manually assign air groups or AOGs to a particular When manually assigning air groups to air directives
Air Directive they are then not available for any other AD you have the choice of using the AOG or the Air group (you
in that turn. cannot mix this but you can tell a given AOG to split its
By default this will be set to Auto, here the AI will select assets between missions).
appropriate air units from those in the Air Command and If you want to use the Air group option you can do this
use them for this (and other) Air Directives till they have from the normal display (just select air groups rather than
used up all their air mileage for the turn. AOG) or by selecting Hide AOG at the bottom of the screen
and all the eligible air groups will be shown. In either case,
This can actually be a very efficient option as the same click on ++ to assign the groups you wish to use:
planes can take part in both a ground attack mission If you display the AOG, then you allocate using the ++
and fly ground support in the ground movement phase. buttons next to the AOG title:

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

You can alter this by removing air units with the (--) button. If you want to change this default allocation, click on the
text Auto 50% and this dialogue will appear:

In this we want 25% of the planes on this particular AD,

so the assignment for KG51 alters to:

You can assign a given AOG to support more than one

air mission. So using the example above if KG51 is now
allocated to a new mission, by default it will seek to split its
planes 50/50 between the two.

When assigning air units to an AD, you must decide

to either do so using the AOG system or by assigning
individual air units. If you try to add an individual air unit
to an AD populated with AOGs then they will be removed.

On screen the display of an AD will alter according

to how it will operate. If either no planes can reach the
designated zone, or part of it is out of reach, then it will
appear as transparent on the on map.
At certain zoom levels the label in the top left hand
corner will expand to show how many AOGs are involved
and whether they were manually or automatically assigned
and how many eligible planes can reach the target area.
The AOGs that actively contribute to a given AD will
be highlighted when that AD is selected and the others
become more opaque, as:


If no planes can reach the set AD, then this background

will become reddish.

17.4.3. Altering existing ADs

You can change existing AD using all the steps above.
Such changes can be made to AD created in an earlier
turn, those set to be dormant for a turn (or more) or those
created in the current air planning phase.
Note that you can amend existing AD either using this
screen or the on map display, this can be used to reset the
target area or to access the AD screen as above.
Note that you can amend much of the details of an
AD from the map as well. If you left click (and hold this
down) on the border then you can adjust the size (bigger
or smaller) of the target zone for that AD, as:

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

amend an AD and then wish

to stop the CANCEL option will
come up (if you have starting
Alternatively, if you left click anywhere within the set by amending the target hex or staging base), as per the
area, you can move the AD to a new location, such as: bottom left screenshot.
In addition, if you have an AD displayed on the map you
can click on the current staging base and drag it to a new

17.4.4. Air Doctrine

When you create a new Air directive by default it uses
the parameters set in the Air Doctrine screen. You can
overwrite these as you see fit.
The Air doctrine can be accessed from the Air Directive
box above or from the tabs. If you move from the Air
Directive by default it will open with the Air Doctrine screen
for that particular Air Command (see figure 17-36 opposite).
It can be used to create the basic rules for how each
air command can carry out any air directive. The ground
support tab maybe particularly important as that will
If you want to remove an existing AD, you can do so always follow the criteria set here.
using the [x] button on the left hand side. If you start to You can amend these variables as you see fit and chose
if they will apply just to the current Air Command or all
your entire air force.

17.4.5. Manually adjusting the flight path

The map will display a green line showing the path to the
target, and a purple line showing the return path. The
green hexes indicate the part of the path protected by
escorts, while the purple hexes show hexes without escort
on the path to the target. The waypoints on the paths can
be adjusted. Left click selects green path waypoint (or both
if in the hex) and right click select purple path waypoint.
Once a path is selected, left click in hex to move waypoint(s)
to the selected hex.



Note that changing the staging base can also adjust the Alternatively if you click on the [√]
automatically generated flight path. then the mission will not operate in
the current game turn.
17.4.6. Manually Cancelling and The advantage to just suspending
Suspending Air Directives the mission is you can easily set up
The player can cancel or suspend an existing air directive. the mission in a later turn without
Note this action can also be carried out using the air having to create a new Air Directive.
directive screen.
17.4.7. Summary of the
Air War UI
Much of this exists in section
6, especially 6.8.3 for how Air
Directives are shown, 6.8.4 for
interpreting the display of AOGs
Alternatively it can be done using the air planning screen. (also covered in 16.3) and airbases
In either case, if you click on the [x] this will cancel the air (6.4.7). The information on HQs can
directive and it will be removed from the potential list. be found in 6.5.7.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Information on how to use the on-map functions to Section 37.16 in the appendices covers all the boxes,
resize and move AD can be found in section 17.4.3 and on tabs and displays.
how the map display alters as the air turn is resolved in In addition, the two one-page guides are invaluable in
both Chapter 6 and section 18.4. covering the key mechanics.


§§ The role of the different Air Directives
§§ How to change aircraft loadouts
§§ How air missions are conducted
§§ The air war in the Theatre Boxes

18.1. TYPES OF AIR DIRECTIVES reconnaissance missions will improve the detection level
of any ground unit in a targeted hex regardless of the focus
18.1.1. Outline of the mission. Ground attack missions aimed at ‘units’ will
Most air missions are set up using air directives and carried generate some interdiction and, in reverse, ground attack
out in the air execution phase. The exceptions are ‘ground missions aiming to create interdiction will inflict some
support’ directives that are created using an air directive losses on units in the target area.
but executed during the ground phase; air transport and Strategic bombing missions may also see targets set to
air drop missions which need no air directive and take ‘none’ hit during an attack. Thus a mission aiming to attack
place in the ground phase (or in combination with an industry or fuel production may also inflict manpower
amphibious landing) and the transfer of air group units losses.
between airbases which can take place in either the air
planning or the ground phase. 18.1.3. Ground Support
Note that due to doctrinal approaches, not all mission These are created when
types are available to every air HQ or Air Operational Group. the F2 key is depressed
In WitE2 this is probably
18.1.2. Target Priority the main focus for both air forces.
Some Air Directives contain a range of possible targets. Ground Support air directives are created by assigning
These include Reconnaissance, Ground attack and AOGs or air group units (either manually or automatically)
Strategic Bombing. The role of each of these is discussed to a particular HQ unit. The mission will then be available
below. If a given target is set to ‘none’ then no planes will to support all the combats of ground units under that
actively attack that particular target but it may be struck command in the ground phase as long as the planes
by accident. are in range of that combat and have sufficient air
It is possible that even if a target is set to ‘none’ that miles remaining. You can turn on and off this automatic
it may be affected by the mission. For example, tactical allocation by using the ground support toggle option.

2 10

bombers or fighters are actually sent (so is best seen as

a precautionary move). The fighters can be drawn from
those in the relevant GS AD, those in a different GS AD or
those available for automatic interception missions.

Note that ground support missions can also see

substantial air to air combat as both sides commit
Ground support missions are used to provide ground planes. These can be escorts allocated to that GS
formations with direct air support during ground attacks. directive, fighters that flew AS in that region in the air
phase or are available for auto-interception (18.1.10).
Air group units assigned to this directive will fly during
ground combat in support of ground units that are in the
chain of command of the target HQ. Very roughly, the relationship between the status of the
An HQ can only have one air HQ unit set to provide it fighters and their commitment to flying CAP over ground
ground support. If an air HQ unit is assigned to support a combat is:
ground HQ unit that already has one air HQ unit assigned, §§ Fighters in the GS AD, and with GS turned on for the
the new air directive will take effect and the older directive attacking side – maximum possible response.
will be deleted. §§ Fighters in the GS AD, but with GS turned off for the
A ground HQ with an air HQ unit providing support will not attacking side – medium response.
receive ground support from another air HQ unit providing §§ Fighters not assigned to this GS and with GS either on or
ground support to a higher ground HQ to which they are off – low to medium response.
attached. Ground HQ units without direct support will Note that air leader admin and air values will affect the
receive ground support as available from air HQ units directly commitment of air planes to a particular mission and this
supporting ground HQ units to which they are attached. may well lead to considerable variation in the number of
The allocation of planes to a given ground support planes assigned.
mission is automatic. These allocations can be influenced In addition to direct losses caused by successful
depending on how the relevant air doctrine is set (17.4.3) bombing attacks, planes allocated to GS will cause some
to influence the percentage of bombers and escorts that extra disruptions. This reflects the impact on ground
can be assigned., However, it is unlikely to draw on more movement and co-ordination caused by the need to avoid
than 300 bombers in a given attack regardless of how air attack.
many are available or how the air doctrine is constructed
(see figure 18.3 below). 18.1.4. Ground Attack
Related to this, even if the GS mission option has been These are created when the F3 tab is selected. Ground
turned off, relevant fighters will contest an enemy attack attack missions must include some enemy held hexes
even if no friendly bombers can be allocated due to the but the area of the air directive can include friendly hexes
restriction. This intervention will occur even if no enemy (these will be ignored when the mission is conducted).


Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Ground attack missions can be ordered against a range (including attacks or retreats), the commitment of reserve
of targets including: Airfield; Unit; Railway; Port; Ferry; units to combat, the commitment of support units to
Interdiction; or, Railyard. A given combat and the movement of freight.
mission can be ordered to attack If ground combat subsequently takes place in a hex
one or more of these targets and that has been affected by interdiction in the air resolution
the relative priority for each target phase then the detailed combat report (37.1) will show the
can be adjusted. At least one option presence of planes (and any damage they cause) even if
must be set at priority level 4. there was no direct ground support.
Airfield attacks will damage The effectiveness of interdiction bombing will be affected
or destroy both planes based at the airfield and the by the weaponry used (18.2), the terrain, weather and the
infrastructure of the airfield itself. If the airfield is overloaded, detection levels present in the affected hex(es). In addition,
extra damage will be inflicted by an airfield attack. the time of year will affect the mission as in winter there
Unit attacks will try to disrupt, damage or destroy is less daylight and thus it is easier for the enemy to move
enemy ground elements in the target hex(es). It will undetected. The interdiction values generated by airstrikes
also generate some interdiction but much less than the are thus modified by a certain percentage due to the number
‘interdiction’ mission. Such missions may also reduce unit of hours of daylight based on the month as follows:
morale and experience.
Jan/ Feb/ Mar/ Apr/ May/
Railway attacks will slow rail movement (22.4) in the Month Jun Dec
Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul
target hex(es) by increasing usage on the rails.
% Modifier -20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30 -30
Port attacks will both damage the port (reducing its value
as a transport hub) and reduce the level of interdiction it In addition to disrupting/damaging or destroying
can project into the surrounding sea zones (24.2). Ground Elements, Interdiction has the effect of raising the
Ferry attacks will increase the cost of using ferry hexes Movement cost of each hex once it reaches a certain level
and inflict losses on ground units and freight using those (38.7.2).
Railyard attacks will directly reduce the available rail
Note that any interdiction >0 has the effect of
capacity from that location. This has two primary effects.
cancelling Administrative Movement (22.2.1) and this
It reduces the rail capacity on that sector of the rail system
also affects the movement of freight.
increasing the costs of sending units or freight by rail
(22.4.4). It also reduces the effectiveness of any depot in
the same hex as depot capacity and efficiency is closely
related to the size of the co-located railyard (25.7.1). 18.1.5. Strategic Bombing (Bomb City)
All the above missions will also generate some interdiction These are created when the F4 tab is selected.
in the selected target hex(es).
If a depot is present in any hex struck by a ground attack
(regardless of notional focus) this can result in damage and
losses to ground element equipment such as guns as well
as affecting the movement of freight into and out of those
Interdiction attacks will tend to target hexes with a
lower movement point cost (i.e. the clearer terrain) and
will be spread out across the selected target box but focus Note that two of the potential targets (Port and Railyard)
on the places where movement is to be expected. Each can also be attacked using the Ground Attack missions and
interdiction attack hits one hex but some interdiction will the effect is the same regardless of the type of Air Directive
then be placed in adjacent hexes. selected.
Interdiction will affect any enemy movement in the Only two and four engined bombers can be used
hex(es). This includes the movement of ground units for Strategic Bombing missions. As with Ground Attack


missions, multiple targets (and hexes) can be selected level of the hex, which only impacts the detection level of
and the target priority screen can be used to indicate the Units, Rails (usage and damage), Depots and Airbases. For
relative importance. Note that there is a possibility that a example, railyards could be set as the target priority and the
mission designed to attack one target may hit another. reconnaissance mission would fly to a railyard target hex,
In each case the mission will damage the relevant but the mission would still only increase the detection levels
‘factory’ that produces that particular item unless a Port or of units, depots, rails, and airfields that the reconnaissance
Railyard has been selected. aircraft fly over during the mission.
As with Ground Attack missions, the effectiveness of a If you select ‘Unit’ as your target, the missions will
given attack is affected by the weather, detection level, skill focus on raising the information about already known
of the pilots and extent of any anti-aircraft fire. formations. ‘Interdict’ will focus on uncovering units
Note that some strategic bombing attacks on Germany that may be in apparently vacant hexes. If the mission
will result from Western Allied raids generated by in-game has fulfilled its primary purpose it will swap to the other
events (40.5). function so a ‘unit’ mission may show up as ‘interdict’ in
the air reports.
18.1.6. Air Reconnaissance Reconnaissance aircraft automatically change to the
These are created when the F5 tab is selected. All altitude that is the best fit for their load out when they
reconnaissance missions must target enemy held hexes. reach the target hex(es). In effect, they fly (and generate
If the wider target area covers friendly hexes these will be some detection information) to their target hex(es) at
ignored when carrying out the mission. the mission altitude and then adjust automatically so a
formation with a low level camera will always adjust to the
most effective altitude.

In the main, only flying reconnaissance missions for 2-3

days a week can be effective. This will give you an idea
of the rough situation in the area you are targeting but
will limit losses to what are often relatively rare assets.
Air Reconnaissance missions are separated into
strategic and tactical missions. Strategic reconnaissance
can chose from the range of targets that can be attacked 18.1.7. Air Superiority
using the Strategic Bombing directive. These are created when
The air reconnaissance target priorities are used to the F6 tab is selected
determine the targets selected for each mission. For This is designed to
example, if airfields are set to low and units set to medium, ensure that your fighters
when a reconnaissance mission is formed and sent out, will seek to engage enemy
it picks its target hex, and there is a good chance it will planes in a particular
pick units and a smaller chance it will pick airfields. If zone. AS missions can be
airfields were set to none and units to high, only hexes ordered to take place in both air phases, the friendly air
with units would be selected for targets, but the increase phase or the enemy air phase.
of reconnaissance values in the hexes flown over by the Air Superiority missions will be less vulnerable to flak
tactical reconnaissance flight would raise the detection than other types.
levels of all possible targets including any airbases. Note that an Air Superiority mission is not the only way
For tactical reconnaissance, the reconnaissance values in to ensure your fighters will seek to intercept and engage
the hexes go up along the flight path to the target hex, which enemy aircraft. If a fighter (or fighter-bomber) air unit is
should see the largest increase in reconnaissance value. Any at an airbase and not in reserve mode then it will seek
of the target priorities can be selected; however, tactical to automatically intercept any enemy planes that come
reconnaissance will only increase the basic reconnaissance within range.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Air Superiority missions are used to gain control of There are two ways in which air group units may fly
the air so as to minimize enemy air interception of other naval patrol missions. First, air group units may fly naval
friendly air missions while degrading the effectiveness of patrols to an area under direction of an air directive to
enemy air missions. Air superiority can impact the entire their Air HQ unit. Second, air group units not set to night
turn, with both sides capable of conducting missions only missions will automatically fly naval patrol if they are
during both player turns. Fighter units will fly to a target not assigned to any air directives and their HQ unit’s air
area and try to disrupt enemy missions that are flown into doctrine for Auto Patrol is set to yes.
that area. Naval only air group units are significantly more
Aircraft assigned air superiority missions can intercept effective than other units at flying naval patrol. The bomber
enemy air activity both on the way to and in their target and patrol aircraft will attempt to create naval interdiction
area. Air superiority missions can be used defensively to points in the target area (as well as along the path to the
protect a target area, or offensively as a fighter sweep type target) while fighters (including those flying air superiority
mission. missions) will attempt to prevent enemy aircraft from
Air superiority flights can gain altitude when intercepting creating naval interdiction points. These naval interdiction
enemy raids or joining defensive battles. In consequence, points help to take control of sea hexes. When interdiction
fighters on an AS mission will often have a tactical advantage is shown, enemy controlled sea hexes are shown in red,
over those escorting bombing or reconnaissance missions. neutral are shown darkened, and friendly control is shown
Air groups that are specifically assigned to an Air normally. Naval air directives are flown during both friendly
Superiority air directive, either by the computer or player and enemy air execution phases.
manual air group unit selection, will have a better chance of All automatic naval patrol flights, whether bombers or
flying interception missions during the enemy movement fighters, are limited to 30 hexes from their air base unit.
phase in the target area of the air superiority air directive. Naval patrols will be less vulnerable to flak than similar
This allows them to intercept enemy Ground Support and missions over land hexes.
Transport missions. This is because the miles they flew for Naval interdiction also acts as tactical air reconnaissance
air superiority missions in the friendly air execution phase and can increase the detection level of enemy units
are tracked, and these miles are available to be used in the utilizing naval and amphibious transport that remain in
enemy movement phase for these interceptions. water hexes at the end of their turn (24.5).
This takes into account the simultaneous nature of real
life air missions against the IGO/UGO nature of the game. 18.1.9. Air Transportation
It is assumed that the air group units were possibly out Although not an air directive as such, the air transport of
flying air superiority missions when the enemy ground units (22.5.2) and freight (22.5.1) takes place during the
support or transports came into the area. The chances of ground phase. Air drop of airborne units can take place
this interception being made will be related to the number either in the ground phase or in conjunction with a naval
of ‘air miles’ the fighters expended in their phase. invasion.
No additional fuel or ammo will be expended for these Air Transport (including freight, the movement of
movement phase intercepts as they were already “paid non-motorized units to a friendly airbase and airborne
for” during the AS missions during the air phase. operations) missions can be accompanied by fighter
Night Fighters cannot usually be directly assigned to escorts. For airborne operations, fighters are assigned
AS missions if they fly at night. The exception to this is using the airdrop screen (22.5.3) for transport missions.
if they are allocated to the ‘night intruder’ mission and If an air transport mission is intercepted, this can
ordered to target airbases where enemy night bombers or lead to losses both among the transport aircraft and the
fighters may be based. Instead Night Fighters rely on auto- cargo. Aircraft conducting the air transport mission that
interception to engage with enemy air missions. are aborted will return the ground elements they are
carrying to the staging air base unit used to commence
18.1.8. Naval Patrol and Naval Interdiction the mission.
Naval patrol missions are used to project naval interdiction The detailed rules for air transport missions (all types)
to exert control over ocean and sea water hexes. can be found in section 22.5.

2 14

Also see the rules on auto-interception (18.1.10) for unit’s Air Command’s GS air doctrine setting to determine
information on when enemy fighters are likely to intercept when they are willing to fly.
an air transport mission. Note: Auto intercepts in the air phase always check the
Air superiority air doctrine of the unit to determine if they
18.1.10. Auto-Interception are willing to fly in the current weather conditions or have
Technically this is a not an air directive but another way enough planes to meet your chose percentages ready to
in which fighters can seek to engage with enemy aircraft. fly (17.4.4)
In this case, fighters will try to engage enemy aircraft as
long as they are not manually assigned to a particular Air 18.1.11. Interaction between various
Directive. If the ‘auto-assign’ routine has been used then Air Directives
any fighters with unused air miles may seek to engage with Ground attack missions with a focus on interdiction
any enemy incursion in the air phase or during the ground disrupt and reduce MP’s in units and damage freight
phase (either as a ground support or air transport mission). (supplies) moving to and from depots. Remember that any
For a fighter air group to be eligible for auto intercept interdiction greater than 0 will also prevent administrative
the following conditions must be met (and, in addition, movement (for both troops and supplies) in that hex
leadership dice rolls will have a bearing on if the air group thus increasing MP costs regardless of the level of actual
actually intercepts): interdiction generated.
§§ The air group must not be manually assigned to a If the ground attack is aimed at ‘units’ it may also
particular AD (it can be used by an AD using the auto generate some interdiction but will mostly aim to disrupt,
assign routine). damage or destroy ground elements in the target hex(es).
§§ In order to intercept GS and/or provide CAP to a specific Ground support missions are flown in the ground
ground battle: phase but take place before any ground combat starts
§§ It must be assigned to a GS AD itself supporting the (23.8). This means that any losses or disruption imposed
ground HQ that controls the battle (23.11). by air power are not available to take part in that particular
§§ Be in a AS mission the has flown miles over the battle and this can be devastating if properly applied. In
battle site or that intersects with the enemy air cover addition, such disruptions then convert to fatigue after
moving from their bases. the battle, affecting unit performance across the turn
§§ Not be included in any AD apart from the GS mission (23.1.1). This is probably the single most useful mission
covering the battle. for both sides in WiTE2.
§§ In order to intercept enemy transports, the air group Air reconnaissance can increase the impact of interdiction
must: and it is important to ensure your reconnaissance missions
§§ Be in an AS mission that has flown miles over the are focussed on the same target type as the bombing
combat/drop hex (or intersects with the enemy missions. Note that ‘unit’ missions will prioritise raising the
planes moving from their bases). detection level of known formations, ‘interdict’ will focus on
§§ Not be allocated to any mission over than the above. detecting unknown formations.
In this case, the mission will use elements of your overall Strategic (city) bombing and ground attack missions
air directives (above) to see if it will fly in the current against ports and railyards lowers the effective size.
weather conditions. Since, in both cases, the size of the facility sets the size
The system will now check first to see if there is a GS (capacity) of any depot (25.7) in that hex this can be a very
(ground support) air directive covering the HQ in charge effective tool to restrict the flow of supplies. In addition
of a ground battle. If so, then all air units attempting to such bombing can damage or destroy ground element
fly auto CAP, Ground Support (escorts and bombers), and equipment, including equipment being sent to units as
auto intercepts of enemy GS will check the GS AD setting replacements.
for the weather to fly (no matter if they are in the air Air Superiority missions can be difficult to understand.
directive or not) If flown in your air phase they will seek to attack any enemy
If there is no GS AD set for the HQ in charge of the battle, air missions flown in their allotted Air directive zone. In
then any auto CAP and auto GS intercepts will check the air addition, they create ‘air miles’ in that zone that are then

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

used to determine the chance of intercepting ground Note there is no need to reset this each turn, as long
support or air transport missions in the following ground as the Auto option is selected the computer routines will
phase. To cover a given region in both the friendly and swap load outs to match available resources and allocated
enemy ground phases means you will need to use your AS tasks.
mission in both the air phases. Initially the computer will try to select a load out with
no drop tanks or with maximum bomb effect. If the
destination is not reachable, load outs with drop tanks or
18.2. AIRCRAFT LOADOUTS fewer bombs will be used instead.
This will be set automatically by the computer but a player When the setting is Auto it will try to select various
can over-ride this choice and set loadouts manually. load outs depending on the plane type and situation. For
Aircraft have many possible load outs. Load outs with a example, if the air base is below 50 percent of its fuel need
lot of smaller bombs allow the aircraft to hit more ground it will choose a load out with minimal sortie fuel value. In
elements in units. Depending on the fuel situation at an case of naval patrol it will try to pick torpedo/mines/bomb.
airbase, an air group may not select drop tanks, thus The selection algorithm also goes into two stages. For
greatly reducing combat radius. One solution may be to example for the bombers, first it selects the heaviest bomb
shrink the area that the mission is covering, as this will load (i.e. that with the heaviest total blast value (19.4.1). If
effectively reduce the range. the modified endurance doesn’t allow the aircraft to reach
the target it picks the bomb load with the least possible
endurance modification.
In general matching load out to mission is intuitive
If an Air Group Unit swaps or upgrades its aircraft, the
but see the discussion in 19.4.5. The better dug in or
load out selection will be set back to Auto.
protected the target, the more effective will be a few
heavy bombs, moving units are often best attacked 18.2.2. Manual Selection
with rockets or light bombs and naval missions are
The player has the ability to manually change air group
better if the plane can carry torpedoes or mines.
unit load outs, either individually or by various groupings
of multiple air group units of the same model aircraft.
The selection is made using the options in the air group
18.2.1. Automatic Selection unit tab on the aircraft screen:
In this case the load out screen should be initially set to

2 16

Once a given loadout has been selected the player has

the option to just use that for that particular Air Group unit For example, a 10 plane JU-52 air group unit with
to all similar planes at the same airbase, all similar planes morale of 20, experience of 40, and a cruise speed of
in that particular air directive, all similar planes in the same 160 could fly up to 40000 miles in a turn. The actual
air command or all similar planes in the entire air force. mileage flown is based on the type of air mission.
Note the match must be exact. So a loadout assigned to
a Bf-109F-2 will not be applied to a Bf109E-7.
The screen will also show loadouts that are no longer Air transfer missions pay the range in miles, transport
available or will become available later in the war. missions cost three times the range in miles, and all other
air missions, which are considered combat missions and
include fighter escort of air transport missions, pay four
18.3. CONDUCT OF AIR MISSIONS times the range in miles. For example, an air transport
During the air resolution phase the number of planes used mission to a target hex 12 hexes away would expend
in each air directive may be less than the total notionally 360 miles per plane that flew on the mission, or 12 times
allocated. This can happen for several reasons including 3 times 10 miles per hex per plane, for the transport air
failing leadership checks, air units already using up all group unit, but an escorting fighter unit would expend 480
their available air miles or losses in an earlier day reducing miles per plane.
the number of planes available, or, possibly taking the air Note that a reduction in the number of ready aircraft
group below the minimum % required to conduct missions. during the turn will result in a reduction of available miles.

18.3.1. Leadership Checks 18.3.3. Mission, Escort % and % Required

The leader air rating is checked and may increase the to fly
chances of more planes actually participating in a given These can all be set
mission. using the Air Directive
Remember that Air Command HQs must be within 90 tab (37.16.8).
hexes of an airbase to provide their leadership score but By default the
otherwise the leadership chain works as set out in section Mission and Escort
(15.5.4) with higher levels of command offering secondary % are set to 100.
chances to pass a particular check. This means that the
computer will fly the
18.3.2. Miles flown air directive on days
There are several factors that determine how many when it has, at least,
missions and what type a particular air group unit can the number of planes
conduct during a turn. it needs to deliver
An air group unit can only fly a certain number of miles an effective mission.
per turn based on its cruise speed (37.16.1) and current Reducing the % will lower this number and raising the %
unit morale and experience. will increase this number.
The miles flown are tracked as a percentage of maximum The % required to fly is the minimum number of ready
miles that may be flown. . The miles flown logged by a planes in the Air Group Unit on that particular day. If
group is increased substantially when operating in bad this number is not available then the remaining planes
weather. In addition, if planes operate over 25,000’ then in the Air Group will not fly any missions on that day.
the mileage will increase by 10% for each additional 1,000’. Since planes can be damaged, and repaired, during the
An air group unit can continue to fly missions if miles air execution phase it is possible for Air Groups to cease
travelled are less than cruise speed times the number to be available on some days and return to action later in
of aircraft in the air group unit times (10+ (morale/4) + the week.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

18.3.4. Morale loss and recovery 18.3.7. Attrition

Air group unit morale may increase due to destruction of Air groups will have aircraft become damaged if the air base
enemy aircraft in air to air combat as well as when the unit they are attached to has insufficient supply and/or air
air group unit receives supplies. Air group unit morale will support squad ground elements. The airbase unit ground
decrease due to aircraft being damaged or destroyed in elements will suffer normal attrition and fatigue losses.
In the air execution phase, air group units can recover 18.3.8. Impact of Weather
morale during each air maintenance segment if they did Weather conditions are based on the weather on the way
not fly a mission during that day. Air Group units set to the to the target and over the take off base, stage base and
rest mission will recover morale at double the normal rate. target. The weather can be very poor, poor, fair, good, or
See the tables in section 38.2 for the changing basic excellent (8.4).
levels of national morale for the various air forces Whenever an air mission is attempted in bad weather,
represented in WiTE2. there is a chance it will be scrubbed and not take place,
with the chance of scrubbed missions increasing the worse
18.3.5. Gaining and Losing Experience the weather.
Air group unit experience has a significant impact on Ground Support air missions will be significantly
combat effectiveness during air missions. Air group units reduced during bad weather.
gain experience based on the number of missions they fly. As with all air missions, the mileage flown will be
Air group units or individual pilots can fly training missions modified based on the number of ready aircraft in the air
if in their reserve TB or in the Western Europe TB (13.3) group unit that actually flew, but a weather mileage extra
if that has low combat intensity. These training missions charge will apply, with the worse the weather the greater
will increase the chance of operational losses, resulting the extra miles charged against each aircraft that flew.
in additional damaged or destroyed aircraft from the air Air missions can be cancelled by the minimum weather
group units conducting the training. conditions set for the air directive. For example, if the
Air group units will decrease in experience due to the minimum weather conditions for a directive are set to
addition of replacement aircraft pilots. In addition, pilots fair, then any mission being created by the air directive
in air group units can lose experience due to swapping will automatically be cancelled if the weather condition is
planes but this will only happen when the new plane has a deemed to be very poor or poor at the time the mission
different number of engines or have changed to a different would have flown.
aircraft type (each of these will deduct 2 experience). Poor weather will substantively increase the operational
losses, especially for air groups with low experience.
18.3.6. Fatigue and Aircraft Damage
Air group unit fatigue impacts combat effectiveness, the 18.3.9. Day and Night Missions
number of aircraft operational losses and the number of Most air missions are conducted during daylight; however,
aircraft from that air group unit that will conduct a particular strategic bombing, ground attack, air transport, and
air mission. Air group units gain fatigue as a result of air interception air missions can be flown at night by air
combat and the amount gained is dependent on the number group units that have night missions enabled in their detail
of air attacks made and the total distance flown. window (37.16.3).
Air group units can recover from fatigue during the Air group units are generally defaulted to day&night
supply segment of the logistics phase. As with ground (DN) mission settings which allow them to fly in both day
elements, the amount of fatigue reduction will be and night missions, although night fighters are generally
determined by the supply situation and available air defaulted to the night only mission setting.
support squad ground elements at the air base unit the air All night interception is conducted automatically as
group unit is attached. there are no night AS flights.
Fatigue will increase if the planes are flying over 25,000 Note that some planes will only be available for day or
feet. night missions. Typical examples of day only planes are the

2 18

bulk of reconnaissance planes that were ill-equipped for low morale or that have taken damage earlier in a turn and
night missions. planes flying to the limit of their range.

18.3.10. Aircraft Reliability

All aircraft have a reliability rating which ranges from “really
good” (lower numbers) to “really bad” (higher numbers). AIR MISSIONS
These reliability ratings are checked when aircraft Air Directives will be displayed on the map when being
conduct a mission with those that fail the reliability check created with the view depending on the choices made with
becoming damaged. that drop down option or by right clicking on any hex and
To reflect initial production “teething” problems, aircraft selecting AD Targets from the map information options.
reliability will be increased by five when they first come into When viewing the target box on the map, or viewing the
production and then decrease by one each month until path of a strike during air directive creation, lavender in a
they reach their standard reliability rating. The reliability hex in the target box (or along the path) means coverage
rating of obsolete (out of production) aircraft is treated as by the strike planes (bombers, recon or fighters in Air
higher than their normal reliability rating, which will make Superiority {AS}). Green hexes means the strike has fighter
them more susceptible to attrition. escorts that can reach the hex.
The reliability of a plane is shown on the Air Group Since AS doesn’t include escorts these hexes won’t be
Unit tab or under the Equipment (aircraft) tab of the green.
Commander’s Report (35.8.2).

18.3.11. Operational Losses

These are more likely to occur when there is poor weather,
pilot fatigue, planes with low reliability, formations with In this case, the lower part of the AD is covered by escort
fighters and the upper part can only be reached by planes
flying the actual mission (bombers or reconnaissance
In effect, the latter can trigger high operational losses planes).
even in good weather conditions and may particularly Air group range circles are shown on the map for air
affect the Axis side in 1941 and the Soviets in the later groups. This is the maximum combat range of the aircraft
stages. Be careful at setting air directives to the limit and is shown in purple. Combat range is the distance that
of range and, if you do, consider limiting the days such aircraft can fly on non-escort missions based on their load
missions fly or the intensity that they operate at. out (interception can go out this far too, although there’s a
low chance of interception at longer ranges).

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


18-13 Figure 18-12 shows the combat range for the planes in
the German Flieger Fuehrer Ostsee AOG. At the top of the
ring are the number and type of planes that can operate
at that range.
Figure 18-13 shows the same information for the JG 54
AOG. Note that there are three rings reflecting different
plane types and different bases.
Air group units assigned escort missions can only fly out
to escort range, not combat range. This represents that
escorting aircraft must zig zag when escorting bombers
and can’t travel their maximum range with the bombers.
Escort range is ¾ of combat range, while transfer range is
3 times combat range.
The execution of air missions is graphically depicted on
the map using lines with the following colours:
Black – Air group units flying to staging base (not shown
during air execution phase).
Red – Air Strike flying from staging base to target.
Green – Enemy air group units flying to target for

2 20

18.5. THEATRE BOXES boxes will attempt to train pilots, while some units in the
Air Missions are automatically carried out according to the Western Europe box may also train pilots each turn.
intensity of air operations in that particular theatre. The Otherwise planes in the theatre boxes will be set to
level of commitment will influence the number of planes automatically upgrade (16.5.2) as new types become
lost and damaged. Planes in the Axis and Soviet Reserve available or if shortages occur.


Focus: This section provides background information on
how the air combat models work in WiTE2. Most of this
is not directly under player control but understanding
these issues may help you to plan more effective air

Key Points:
§§ How Air Superiority and Auto-interception missions
work and interact with other air missions
§§ What affects success during air to air combat
§§ Impact of Anti-Aircraft fire on air missions
§§ Air to Ground Combat
§§ Some likely causes of high operational losses
§§ How wins and losses are determined

19.1. AIR MISSION SEQUENCE 6. Phasing player Air Group units return to staging base
and then fly independently back to air base unit
19.1.1. General overview Only fighters and fighter-bombers flying escort will drop
The following illustrates the general flow of events during the tanks when they have used them up during flight as
the conduct of an air mission: a/c with bombs and drop tanks cannot drop one without
A. Air Mission sub-phase dropping the other (so they keep the drop tanks until they
1. Phasing player Air Group units committed for [mission] drop the bombs). Fighter-bombers that are bombing may
2. Phasing player Air Group units rendezvous at staging jettison their bombs and drop tanks and switch to “sweep”
base and then fly to target hex which simply means they are becoming fighters trying to
3. Non-phasing player Air Group units committed for air fight in A2A going after enemy fighters. This allows those
intercept resulting in air to air combat (missions can be fighters and fighter bombers to engage enemy interceptors
intercepted en-route to target or on return and can be at full effect.
intercepted multiple times) Air groups are broken down into smaller “flights”
4. Anti-Aircraft Defence (any accumulated AA from flak to resolve air missions, to include air to air combat and
flown over is resolved prior to each air combat, bombing bombing runs. Decision by fighters or fighter bombers to
of target and landing of the mission). drop their drop tanks/bombs is made by each such flight.
5. Air to Ground combat in target hex or transports deliver These flights can consist of 4-12 aircraft So one part of an
cargo air group unit can switch to sweep while another keeps

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

their drop tanks and press on with their escort mission or, 19.2.1. Pilots
for fighter bombers, to bomb the target. Pilots are rated according to three characteristics – morale,
experience and fatigue. In the Commanders Report (35.4)
19.1.2. Interaction of AS and other and the unit screen (37.16.3) these are reported as the
air missions average for all the pilots in that particular air unit.
The following is a brief overview of the air execution phase The air unit tab by default shows the average values for
and how air superiority missions interact with other air experience, morale and fatigue (1), opening the pilots tab
missions: (2) will show these values for each pilot in the unit.
1. Air execution starts. In air to air combat low morale pilots may try to break
2. Execute night air directives. off before combat and are less effective in any exchange.
3. Execute day patrol flights. In general, the higher the experience of a pilot, the more
a) Launch all AS directives, friendly and enemy. likely they are to win an exchange. Finally, fatigue lowers the
Number of aircraft participating based on doctrine and effectiveness of pilots – as well as creating a situation where
target area settings. it is more likely that an ‘operational’ loss (19.5.2) will occur.
Flights are generated with the flight path from the
staging air base unit to the center of the target area.
AS flights can be intercepted on the way to the target
b) Resolve all AS combat.
If enemy has AS flights in the same target area, i.e.
both friendly and enemy AS target areas have common
hexes, enemy AS flights have a chance to engage
friendly AS flights.
c) Resolve automatic naval patrols.
Existing AS flights which are still active contribute to the
naval patrol calculations in the AS area with their fighter
4. Execute day air directives. As they run all still active AS
flights can intercept and engage in air to air combat
a) Friendly air missions
b) Enemy intercepts (size determined by AS Mis Pct air
doctrine setting)
5. Land all air superiority flights and repeat from step 2.

19.2.2. Planes
19.2. AIR TO AIR COMBAT All the planes available in WiTE2 are rated for a number
Three groups of factors determine which plane is most of characteristics including their range, speed, load,
likely to destroy or damage its opponent in air to air maximum altitude, number of engines and the types of
combat. These are: the characteristics of the pilots; the weapon systems they can carry (both default and optional).
characteristics of the plane; and, the weapon systems in The image in 19.2.1 shows all this information for a given
use. type of plane. This is also available from the Commander’s
A Fighter air group unit’s ability to engage other air Report (35.8.2) and it is possible to compare the values of
group units will decrease based on the distance flown (in different types of planes.
hexes) relative to their range, which is calculated as aircraft In air to air combat a number of these are important.
radius divided by ten, resulting in fewer enemy aircraft Planes that have high manoeuvre values, rate of climb and
being damaged or destroyed during a lengthy mission. higher maximum speed will have an advantage in terms

22 2

of positioning and possibly attacking first. The armour and 19.3.1. Anti-Aircraft fire on route
durability values will help a plane survive being hit. to target
Fighter versus bomber combat will be more lethal to the In addition, anti-aircraft guns can target planes flying in
bombers than these raw numbers would imply. adjacent hexes. AA units in cities/airfields will fire at aircraft
The value for reliability will have an effect in determining flying in adjacent hexes if they are 15,000 feet or higher.
if a damaged plane will crash on its return to base (i.e. Any AA attached to combat units or HQs (whether part
become an operational loss) or land safely. of the unit TOE or an attached Support Unit) will fire into
Operating beyond the ideal altitude for a plane will adjacent hexes if the enemy aircraft is 10,000 feet or higher.
see some degradation of its combat efficiency. The ideal Fire at adjacent hexes has much less effect than fire
altitude for each plane can be found in the editor (41) and at aircraft flying directly overhead. For all air missions
the data exported to a spread-sheet. AA units in the target hex are much more effective. AA
units attached directly to cities or airfields (including flak
19.2.3. Weapon Systems intrinsic to the airfield unit) are more effective, as are self-
While some reconnaissance and transport planes are propelled flak units. These are cumulative benefits, so a
unarmed, almost all planes in WiTE2 carry some form of self-propelled flak unit in a city that is in the target hex will
weaponry. This is made up of weapons integral to the receive benefits from all three conditions. Flak against air
plane and those related to a given load-out. Note that transport and airborne missions is more severe in daytime
some load-outs may allow a plane to fly further or carry than at night.
heavier weapons at a cost in terms of mobility and speed.
Fighters and Fighter Bombers carrying drop tanks and/ 19.3.2. Altitude effects and anti-
or bombs will fight less effectively if engaged in air to air aircraft fire
combat by enemy interceptors. In such a situation, there Anti-aircraft guns have two range bands, effective ceiling and
is a chance that some of the aircraft will prematurely drop maximum ceiling, which is generally 1.4 times the effective
bombs and/or drop tanks to more effectively engage the ceiling. Fire is allowed up to the maximum ceiling, but any
enemy interceptors. fire above the effective ceiling will be considerably weaker.
In air to air combat, each weapon system (35.8.3) is rated When determining the effectiveness of flak, aircraft
for effect (this is only used in the context of A2A combat), speed is more important to aircraft flying at lower
range over which it can fire, the accuracy, the rate of fire altitudes. At higher altitudes the effectiveness of flak is
and its value when used in air-to-air combat (anti-air). most impacted by the altitude itself (i.e. higher is better to
avoid being hit by flak).
19.3. ANTI-AIRCRAFT DEFENSIVE In air to ground combat (19.4) it is assumed that fighter
and tactical bombers with a mission altitude over 5,000’
COMBAT will actually conduct their attacks at 1,000’. This will lead
Anti-Aircraft fire can occur both when the planes reach to additional anti-aircraft fire at the lower altitude as non-
their target and as they move from their base to the target specialist weapon systems can also be used in an anti-
hex(es). aircraft role.
Flak values can be seen by depressing the relevant tab Air units that fly below 5,000’ for their mission will evade
(6.2), right clicking on a hex or using the hotkey/ most conventional anti-aircraft fire but may be vulnerable
Display options are to show no flak, only that in cities to other weapons. In addition, low experience air units
or all flak values. flying at this altitude will suffer higher operational losses
Numbers displayed are between 0 and 9 to indicate (19.5.2).
intensity of flak, with the left number being low/mid
altitude (below 20k feet) and the right number being high 19.3.3. Barrage Balloons
altitude (above 20K). With FOW enabled, the accuracy of All ports are assumed to have barrage balloons that will
the flak values will vary depending on the detection level of impact any raid that is bombing anything in the port’s
the AA support units. hex. Aircraft bombing under 3000 feet have a chance of

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

being destroyed by the barrage balloon equal to two bomb or other weapon system.
times the size of the port (port 3 means a 6% chance that Accuracy reflects the chance to
bombing aircraft will be destroyed). For night missions, the hit a target and the lower the
percentage chance is tripled (so port level 3 means that value the less likely this is to
each plane has an 18% chance of being destroyed). happen while the blast radius
indicates the area it can impact
19.3.4. Anti-Aircraft Fire and (so an inaccurate large bomb
Combat Reports may still do substantial damage).
As aircraft fly along their path on a mission, the flak they The anti-soft value is used
fly over accumulates until an air battle or a bombing/recon for attacking soft targets
occurs. At this point, all the flak they have flown over fires (unarmoured ground units),
at the aircraft before the air battle or bombing/recon takes the anti-armour value is used
places (and all of the flak is listed as participating in this for attacking armoured ground
battle). If no battle takes place on the way home, any flak units. The penetration value is the ability to pierce armour.
flown over and the losses caused by this prior to landing In addition, some weapon systems such as rockets are
are retroactively placed into the last battle site report that rated for HEAT as an alternative method of attacking
had been created by the mission. armoured targets.

19.3.5. Anti-Aircraft Fire and 19.4.2. Air Crew

Ground Support Missions As in air to air combat, the morale, experience and
If an air mission takes place in the Ground Support fatigue of the air crew will play a role in determining the
phase, planes will be attacked by flak on their route to the effectiveness of a mission. Again low morale crews may
battlefield, by any flak in the target hex and by any flak break off before actually attacking. Fatigue will reduce
Support Units allocated by a HQ to support the combat. effectiveness and increase the chance of a damaged plane
crashing during the mission.

19.4. AIR TO GROUND COMBAT 19.4.3. Weather, Altitude and

Apart from Air Superiority missions (18.1.7), most air missions Anti-Aircraft fire
involve the aircraft attacking targets on the ground . All of these can affect the effectiveness of a mission. Poor
The impact of this will be determined by the weapons weather can reduce the accuracy of an attack, especially if
carried by the plane, crew morale, experience and fatigue, it is combined with lower Detection Levels (10.2). Planes
the weather (8.4), impact of anti-aircraft fire and the type bombing at higher altitudes will be less accurate than
of mission (18.1). those operating at lower altitudes. Finally, anti-aircraft fire
Broadly there are two types of targets for air to can have the effect of damaging or destroying attacking
ground combat – physical targets and combat units. The aircraft even before they carry out their attack and lower
differences (and the types of missions that can be chosen the accuracy of a given air mission.
as tactical or strategic bombing) are set out in chapter 18.
19.4.4. Terrain
19.4.1. Weapon Systems The terrain in the target hex will influence the effect of
When attacking ground targets each weapon system is any bombing. Not only will wooded, marsh, hilly or urban
rated for its effect (Eff), accuracy (Acc), blast radius (Blast), terrain reduce the detection level (10.2) thus limiting the
anti-soft (ASoft) target efficiency, anti-armor (AArm) target effectiveness of any mission, but also such terrain provides
efficiency, target penetration (Pen) efficiency, and High additional cover reducing the impact of any attack.
Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) efficiency.
Effect is an overall measure of the impact of the weapon 19.4.5. Air Mission Type and weapon system
and a higher value indicates more explosive impact. The Matching load out to target is complex but there are some
values are related to the amount of high explosive in the broad guidelines.

2 24

For a strategic bombing mission, if the target is solid (a

factory, port facility or oil field) then it is usually better to
19.5. LOSSES
use as heavy a bomb as possible. A 500lb bomb has an 19.5.1. Air Crew Losses
effect value of 1100 compared to 550 for a 250lb bomb. In Aircrews of destroyed planes for the phasing player will
addition, larger bombs have much wider blast areas and have 90 percent of the crew destroyed and 10 percent
are thus less reliant on precise accuracy. captured. The non-phasing player aircraft will have 100
For interdiction missions, usually the most effective percent of their crew KIA if the plane is destroyed.
combination is either rockets or multiple small bombs. These casualties count for victory point totals (when
For ground attack missions aimed at units (18.1.4) or appropriate to the scenario) as they are treated no
for ground support missions, usually more bombs are differently than other permanent losses.
better than heavier bombs (but poor terrain or substantial
defensive works may alter this judgement). In this case, 19.5.2. Operational Losses
each bomb attacks a separate ground element and the During air missions, planes will suffer operational losses
goal is often to disrupt the enemy rather than inflict direct in addition to combat losses. This will be affected by the
damage or destruction. If the enemy is well dug in, or weather, the reliability of the planes, crew experience and
defending in urban terrain, it might be more effective to fatigue and any damage inflicted (by either enemy aircraft
use fewer but heavier bombs. or anti-aircraft fire) during the mission.
For naval interdiction missions (17.1.11 and 18.1.8) Planes flying at night will suffer higher operational losses.
aircraft flying with torpedoes get a bonus when generating Aircraft flying under 5,000 feet can suffer additional
naval interdiction during naval patrols. operational losses, with the lower they fly the greater the
losses. Extremely high experience pilots can avoid most/all
19.4.6. Damage to Ground Elements of these extra losses.
When ground elements are hit during a ground attack
mission they can be destroyed, damaged or disrupted. Note that flying low has the advantage of evading
Disrupted elements recover before the ground phase almost all anti-aircraft fire.
but have extra fatigue as a result which can have a
substantial impact on their combat performance (23.1.1).
Ground support missions occur as the first phase of
a ground battle. Any ground elements disrupted in that
phase remain disrupted (i.e. unavailable) throughout the FOR AIR MISSIONS
ground phase. Victory and defeat for air leaders is judged based on losses
in aircraft, and damaged, destroyed and disrupted ground
elements. There is the possibility that no victor or loser will
be declared if the loss differential is not significant.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Focus: This section covers the rules on building up
fortifications, how they are maintained (or reduced) and
the impact of fortifications on combat.

Key Points:
§§ How Fortifications are created
§§ Construction Values and Construction Points
§§ How Fortifications are maintained or reduced
§§ Special rules for Fortifications in, or adjacent to,
Major Cities
§§ How Fortifications affect combat
§§ Special Rules for Fortified Zone units

20.1. FORTIFICATION LEVELS on their own and require substantial engineering assets
Manmade fortifications and entrenchments are and planning over a period of 3-6 months.
represented by a fort level in each hex ranging from zero §§ Level 5 - The only true “forts” in the game. Massive
to five. The fort level in a hex and any construction towards defensive works that take years to build. Sevastopol is
a higher fort level is displayed in the hex pop-up for each an example of this type of fortification.
hex (6.4).
Ground units will seek to prepare fortifications
automatically if they end a turn in a hex. All defending 20.2. FORT LEVEL CONSTRUCTION
units in a hex benefit from the fort level of the hex when For construction on a fort level to begin in a hex, there
in combat. must be a combat unit in the hex. Depleted and/or frozen
The different levels of fortification in the game reflect combat units cannot construct fort levels, isolated units
the amount of preparation and resources available. The are limited to building fortification levels no greater than
following gives some idea what each level reflects: two.
§§ Level 1 - Hasty dug-in defensive positions with some
earthen (just dirt) overhead cover. Heavy weapons 20.2.1. Unit Construction Values
are in basic defilade without overhead cover. Minimal Each combat unit has a construction value (displayed on
camouflage. Can be accomplished within a week. the left hand side of the unit detail window). This is the sum
§§ Level 2 - Continued position improvement with squad of the construction values for each of its ground elements.
trenches and crew served weapons pits. Moderate This value is affected by the fatigue and experience of
camouflage. Additional week or two. the unit’s ground elements.
§§ Level 3 - Connected trench networked system with both During the enemy player’s logistics phase, units will use
primary and alternate dug-in positions. Crew served their construction value toward building a fort level. Units
positions in earthen bunkers with overhead cover. that moved during their turn construct fort levels with the
Additional week or two. More extensive camouflage. percentage of their MPs that are left. For example, if a
Typical WW1 or static eastern front positions. combat unit used 4 of its 12 MPs, it will only have two thirds
§§ Level 4 - Introduction of interlocking concrete field of its normal construction value available for building fort
fortifications with elaborate defensive engineering works levels.
- tank traps, minefields, etc. Examples are the Panther The construction value of a unit is further modified as
Line and West Wall. Field units are not able to build these set out below.

2 26

20.2.2. Support Unit Construction Values

Any attached Support Units will have their construction
value shown separately but this will be added to the overall
construction value of the unit(s).
Using the example above, the 635th Pioneer Battalion
has been added to the Infantry Division. In turn this will
add 12 Construction Points to any fortification building:

The existing fortification level affects the construction

values as:
§§ Fortification level 0 – x 3
§§ Fortification level 1 – x 1
§§ Fortification level 2 – x .25
§§ Fortification level 3 – x .05
§§ Fortification level 4 – x .01 (these cannot be increased
past 10%) Construction and engineer support units attached to
Admin Checks: Fortification build rates for building headquarters units in the combat unit’s chain of command
fortifications greater than 3 can be divided by 2 if a leader can assist those combat units in constructing fort levels if
admin check fails. the applicable headquarters unit passes a leader admin
Terrain: In a swamp hex, these values are reduced by
.25 (and the maximum fortification level in a swamp hex
is 3). In clear terrain, the speed of constructing a level 1
fortification is doubled to 6.
Weather affects the construction values as:
§§ Light Mud/Light Snow – x .75
§§ Snow – x .5
§§ Heavy Mud/Heavy Snow – x .33
Unit mode: A unit in static mode has their construction
value multiplied by 1.1.
Proximity to the enemy: Any ground elements in the
unit that are not engineer or construction types have their
construction value divided by five when adjacent to an
enemy unit.
Supply Levels: Construction values are also reduced
based on the supply level of the unit. In no event will they
be reduced below 20 percent of normal due to supply level.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

check. Units can draw help from support units in any HQ In addition, if there are no enemy units within twelve
up the chain of command, out to a range of 20 hexes for hexes of the city, the construction value of each team is
High Command HQs, 15 hexes for Army Group HQs, 10 divided by four.
hexes for Army HQs and 5 hexes for Corps HQs. A hex may receive labour teams from more than one
Keeping with the same example, the division reports town, city or urban hex per turn. The population may
to the XIII Corps and that has 2 Construction battalions become damaged from participating in fortification level
attached. These can be used to support the construction construction.
of fortifications by any unit in the same command.
Each eligible support unit may assist the fort level For example, Koenigsberg with a German population
building of no more than one combat unit per turn. of 17 has a CLV of 2 (17/8 rounded down). This means
Koenigsberg will send out labour teams to hexes up
20.2.3. Civilian Population Assistance to 2 hexes away from the city hex as soon as there is
Town, city and urban hexes can use their population as an enemy unit within 25 hexes. Each team will have a
civilian labour to help construct fortification levels to a basic construction value of 40 (2x20). Up to 2 different
maximum of 8 hexes if a supplied enemy unit is within 25 hexes may receive help per turn. If no enemy unit
hexes. This range is partly dependent on the size of the was within 12 hexes of Koenigsberg (but there was an
population and only large cities will send out civilian labour enemy unit within 25 hexes), each labour team would
more than a few hexes. have a reduced construction value of 10 (40/4).
For Axis controlled town, city, or urban hexes that are
not of German nationality, a combat unit must be present
in the town, city or urban hex as well as any other hexes
where fortification levels are being constructed.
The town hex must have a population of at least
two. Civilian labour can only assist the construction of
fortification levels in hexes with combat units where the
construction of fortification levels has already begun.
Each eligible town, city or urban hex will calculate a City
Labour Value (CLV) based on the population of the hex
divided by eight (divided by twelve if not German or Soviet
nationality), rounded down. In either case, the CLV can
never exceed eight.
The town, city or urban hex will form labour teams with
a construction value equal to the CLV times five, with a
minimum construction value of five (for German or Soviet
nationality cities, the CLV is multiplied by twenty and the
minimum value is 20).
The maximum number of labour teams that may be
formed is equal to the CLV of the city, with a minimum
of at least one team, and only 1 team may be sent to any
given hex. These teams may help in fortification level
construction in hexes that are within the CLV number of
hexes from the town, city or urban hex. The hexes nearest
to enemy units will tend to get the help first.
The construction value of the labour team is modified in
the same way as combat and support units are modified by
fortification level, terrain and weather to determine the net
construction points provided to a hex they are assisting.

2 28

City labour may also continue to build up the fortification 20.3. FORTIFICATION LIMITS,
level of an unoccupied hex as long as the hex has some
construction already underway, however, fortification
level decay 20.3) may more than offset any additional 20.3.1. Limits on Fortification Levels
fortification construction done by the city labour. Different Fortification Levels have particular requirements
and constraints:
20.2.4. Construction Points §§ Fortification Level 5: Cannot be built during the game.
It requires fifty Construction Points to build each §§ Fortification Level 4: Must have a fort unit in the hex and
fortification level. the hex must either be City/Urban/Heavy Urban terrain
or contain a port (of any size). Once built, no unit is not
needed to keep the level 4 fortification.
In effect, apart from in the most adverse of
§§ Fortification Levels 2 or 3: Must either be 1) adjacent to
circumstances a division will usually be able to build
an enemy hex, or 2) a City/Urban/Heavy Urban terrain
a level 1 fortification in a single turn. A broken down
hex, or 3) contain a port (of any size), or 4) contain a
German regiment will probably need 2 turns but this
fortified zone unit in the hex. Once the level 3 is reached,
might be completed in one turn if a support unit is
the condition does not have to continue to be met to
provided by a suitable HQ.
keep the level 3 fortification.
§§ Fortification Level 1: Must be within 20 hexes of an
Any individual unit may never provide more than fifty enemy controlled hex.
construction points per turn (after modifications) to the If a hex meets the requirement to build to a given level, it
construction of a hex. need no longer meet the requirements of the lower levels
In addition, a single hex can only gain fifty net in order to build to the lower level (i.e. a hex that qualifies
construction points of fortification level per turn. For for level 3 only needs to meet the Level 3 requirements in
example a hex that currently is at fortification level two order to build to level 1, 2 or 3).
with fifteen percent towards fortification level three Fortification levels that have reached their maximum
constructed, would be limited to building up to no more fortification level for the hex may continue to build up to
than fortification level three with fifteen percent towards 10 percent towards the next fortification level. So, ‘Level 5
fortification level four. fortifications may continue to build up to 10 percent over
level 5. This allows them to take some damage and still
20.2.5. Supply Costs remain at Level 5.
The supply costs for fortification construction are as
follows: 20.3.2. Fortification Decay
§§ Fortification 0->1: Nil Once a fortification level is constructed, it will start to
§§ Fortification 1->2: 2 tons per construction point (no cost decay if the hex is not occupied by a combat unit or a city
for isolated units, construction rate is halved) fort (with or without units inside). The chance that the
§§ Fortification 2->3: 20 tons per construction point fortification will decay increases as the fortification level
§§ Fortification 3->4 200 tons per construction point decreases.
§§ Fortification 4->5: 2000 tons per construction point Depleted and Routed units will not prevent fortification
Supplies are taken from a unit building the fortifications decay.
(but the unit will always retain 33% of its needs) and nearby Level 4 and 5 fortification levels and fortification levels
towns. If this is not sufficient, it will be drawn from the on coastal hexes do not decay.
depot network. There is no fortification decay on turn 1 of any scenario.
Decay for level 0-2 fortifications may be greater due to
weather conditions as follows:

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Ground Weather and Added Decay For the overall size to have had an impact then the
Fortification Light Mud/Light Heavy Mud/ battle must close to 50 yards in order for there to be a
Level Snow/Snow Heavy Snow chance of a fort reduction.
0 20% 40% 80%
20.3.3. Fort Destruction Each fortification level modifies the defensive combat CV of
The fort level of a hex is set to zero whenever the control any units in the hex (23.8.7). This will influence both the CV
of a hex changes sides. shown before combat starts and after the fighting is complete
During an attack a fort may be partially or fully (so in the second example above, the Soviet brigade still
destroyed (with a corresponding effect on the defender’s gained some benefit from the remaining fortifications).
CV). This can happen due to the numbers of engineers,
artillery, and overall size of the attacking force. If any of 20.4.1. Artillery and Fort Levels
these factors have reduced the fortification value it will be To better simulate the ability to pre-register fire locations,
shown in the battle report with an indicator of how much the effectiveness of the Defender’s artillery fire is related
damage they did. to the fort level of the hex containing the firing artillery.
In the screenshot below, a German attack was The higher the fort level, the more effective artillery in that
supported by sufficient combat engineering assets to hex will be in combat.
degrade the defender’s fortifications even before the close Due to their ability to participate in multiple battles,
combat began. artillery support units attached to headquarters units do
In the lower screenshot, a hasty German attack tried to not receive any benefit from fort levels when committed
dislodge a Soviet rifle brigade. Although the attack failed, to combat, so this benefit is limited to artillery organic to
the fortification level was reduced by 1, leaving the Soviet the combat units as well as artillery support units directly
unit vulnerable if another attack occurs. attached to fortified units.


20.4.2. Fort Level and AFV Damage §§ Once the final combat odds and intensity level of the
There is a small chance that attacking AFV ground combat is calculated (defined by the unit size of the
elements may become damaged during combat by mines. attacking force where a division equals 9 points but
The probability of damage increases with the fort level, support units are not counted for this purpose), forts
representing the higher density of minefields. may be destroyed if; i. Odds are >= 1.5 or combat
intensity is > 30, in this case there is an automatic 50
20.4.3. Fort Level Reduction in Combat point fort reduction (one full fort level reduction) and
Fort levels can be reduced during combat if the attacking possibility of additional fort reduction based on the
force contains combat engineer ground elements (e.g. Axis engineer value as above but with the engineer value
Pioneers, Finnish Combat Engineers or Soviet Assault Sapper divided by 2. ii. Odds are >=1 and <1.5 or combat
Squad) participating in the battle and due to the impact of intensity is higher than 15 then1/4 of engineer value
very heavy artillery guns. These units are collectively called attempts to reduce forts as above.
Engineer or Mechanized Engineer squads.
This reduction can be fractional, i.e. it doesn’t have to
reduce a fort by one entire level, and it can just reduce a 20.5. FORTIFIED UNITS
part of one level. Fractional reductions in fort levels take Fortified units are special combat units designed to
place in two percent increments. The more engineer supplement regular combat units by assisting in the
ground elements participating, the better the chance for construction of fortified hexes, helping to avoid the decay
fort level reduction. of fortification levels and adding additional support units
Engineer values are divided by the fort level when to the defence of the hex it occupies. Fortified region units
calculating their ability to reduce fort levels in combat. The have zero movement points and can never move.
chance of reducing fort levels is far greater in a deliberate These include the pre-war Soviet Fortified Zones along
attack, as engineer values are divided by four during a the border and the old Stalin Line in the Ukraine as well as
hasty attack and are reduced to zero if the hasty attack is placed at some key port locations. In addition, it includes
changed to a scouting attack. the various fortified units that both sides can build as the
Fort level reduction caused by engineers can result game progresses.
in the reduction of the final defending modified combat
value (23.8.7) with this seriously reducing the defensive CV 20.5.1. Creating a Fortified Unit
applied in the final combat calculations. Fortified units can be created through the expenditure of
In addition, if the attacking force is unable to force a retreat admin points by either player by selecting a hex and then
on the defender, but has a combat value ratio between 1:1 and selecting the “Create
1:1.99, there is a chance that the defending fort level will be fortified unit” button on
reduced up to one additional level, with fractional reductions the map information tab
once again possible. This additional one fort level reduction or by right clicking on
does not require engineer ground elements to occur, but the any hex and selecting
presence of engineers will increase the chances. the ‘create fortified unit’
If all defending units are forced to retreat, then any fort option.
levels in the hex are reduced to zero. Soviet Fortified Units
Artillery (especially Heavy Artillery) can also cause small cost 2 and are limited to a
fort reductions during combat. total of 40. German units
In summary, the impact on fortifications of combat is: cost 4 administrative
§§ From artillery fire during fire combat, with heavy points. If the German
artillery weapons causing the greatest reduction. These player creates a fort in Hungary this will be of Hungarian
reductions are generally small fractional reductions. nationality. If the fort is in Rumania, and Rumania has
§§ If the attack was not halted, the full engineer value is not yet surrendered, it will be of Rumanian nationality. If
applied prior to the odds calculation and may reduce Rumania has surrendered to the Soviets then this fort will
the fort levels. be German nationality.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Fortified units can directly attach up to three support

units of any type (21.5).

The computer ignores the Admin Points for fortified

unit building, but is not programmed to abuse this by
building lots of fortified regions, it also faces the same
absolute limit as the player(s).

20.5.2. TOE for Fortified Units

Fortified units can set their Max TOE level to 1 if desired.
Units with their Max TOE set below 50 will not receive a
morale increase in the logistics phase.

Note that since Depleted units will not prevent a fort

level from decaying, it is important to keep the actual This shows a city fort in the Soviet city of Kursk. In this
TOE of a Fort unit over 10 percent in order for it to case 5 divisions and a Rifle Corps are now present in the
prevent fort level decay and it is suggested that Max city creating an impressive defensive force. This bundle of
TOE be set to at least 15 for fortified zone units. units only takes up one stacking slot (21.12) so two other
Soviet units could also be in the hex.
These units do not create additional fortification levels
Fort type units (Fortified Regions and Fortified Zones) but do make capturing well defended hexes more difficult.
will become depleted if isolated and not in a hex with a A “City Fort” is a notional unit that allows players to
friendly combat unit. If they are depleted they may then stack more combat and HQ units in any city or port hexes.
surrender if an enemy units moves adjacent to them. The only units not allowed in a City Fort are High Command
HQs, FBD/NKPS rail repair units and Fortified Zones.
20.5.3. Valid locations for Fortified Units
Fortified zones can be placed in any friendly controlled 20.6.1. Creation
hex, with the exception that Players may not build Fortified To create one, you must select a unit in or adjacent to the
units in a hex next to an enemy combat unit unless that hex urban/port hex (other than a High Command HQ) where
is also occupied by a friendly combat unit. Axis and Soviets you want to create the City Fort (currently named Fortress
fortified regions will be German and Soviet nationality for Axis and Fortified Region for Soviets). On the right unit
respectively. bar you will see a button on the unit that says City Fort.
Clicking on this button will pop up to allow you to attach
20.5.4. Disbanding Fortified Units the unit to an existing City Fort within 1 hex and/or to
Fortified units can be disbanded like any other unit, with create a new City Fort in a potential location within 1 hex
the exception that they do not need to be three hexes of the unit.
away from enemy units. City Forts can only be created in friendly national hexes, so
the Soviets can only build them within the 1941 boundaries
of the Soviet Union and the Axis can only build them in
20.6. CITY FORTS regions owned by, or allied to Germany, on 21 June 1941.
To reflect the ability of both the Germans and Soviets to Note that some scenarios have at-start city forts that
defend urban terrain, WiTE2 relaxes the normal stacking breach this rule but no new ones can be created outside
rules in urban and port hexes. these areas.


To create a city fort (this shows how to build the one combat unit with all attached combat units participating
shown above), any unit in the city or adjacent should be in combat (including units attached to the combat units
selected and then click on the city fort option: and any support units that commit to the battle from HQs
This will then see the two contained in the City Fort or from HQs outside the fort
pop-ups below appear. This helping combat units in the fort). The City Fort counter has
tells you that this will build a its own symbol (34.2), and uses a xxx for size. On the unit
new city fort in Kursk (some bar it always shows the Defense CV – 0 MPs as it is a purely
hex locations may be adjacent defensive unit.
to more than one eligible city) In effect, the on-map City Fort counter is a container
and that it will cost you 10 that allows additional combat and HQ units into the fort.
Admin Points. If you confirm, You can view the units in the fort by going to the city fort
then the fort will be built. unit detail screen and looking at the fort’s elements tab.
If you click on From this tab, you can detach units from the fort, in which
other units (in that case they appear on map in the hex or an adjacent hex
hex or adjacent) then where space is available.
you now have the Each city fort can attach up to 10 on map ground units
option to add them (combat and/or HQ) of up to 100 stacking point limit (where
to the existing Kursk corps=15, division =9, brigade=5, regiment=3, HQ and
fortified region (which support units=0). City fortress unit can exist on the map
was originally the 3rd without any unit attached. However, they will be destroyed
Guards Rifle Corps). if an enemy unit is adjacent to them and they contain no
Note this costs no combat units with a valid CV value (i.e. HQs/support units
administrative points. and depleted units don’t count).
Any unit assigned Units in a city fort will gain 16 CPP per turn.
to the fort can be
removed and when 20.6.3. Entering and Leaving
the last one is Units that have moved in the turn are unable to either
redeployed the fort create or move into a city fort.
will cease to exist. Units that leave a city fort will have a reduced MP but
full SMP (i.e. 200).
20.6.2. Effect
If you create a new 20.6.4. City Forts and Fortification Units
City Fort the unit will You cannot build a fortification unit (20.5) in a hex with a
immediately attach city fort. However, it is possible to create a city fort in a hex
itself to the City Fort. that already has a fortification unit.
The City Fort can’t A city fort will prevent fortification decay (20.3.2) but will
move or attack, but not build fortifications unless at least one non-depleted,
it acts like an on map non-routed unit is within the fort.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


Focus: This section explains the nature of Ground Units
in WiTE2 and the role of HQs and leaders.

Key Points:
§§ Differences between Combat and Support Units
§§ How the Table of Equipment affects the composition
of the ground elements that make up a unit
§§ The role of Support Squads
§§ How to attach and detach Support Units
§§ Different Types of HQ and how they influence the
performance of combat units

21.1. TYPES OF GROUND UNITS Ground units are either motorized or non-motorized.
Ground units consist of combat, headquarters, support, Motorized and Non-Motorized Units are treated
and multi-role units. in different ways in terms of tactical movement and
Combat (CU) and headquarters (HQ) units are deployed supply. Motorized units use vehicles and fuel for tactical
as on-map units. Support units (SU) are attached to movement, combat, and supply, while non-motorized units
headquarter and eligible combat units and are normally have far fewer vehicles and depend on supplies for tactical
off-map. In addition some units can be treated as either movement and supply. Players can verify whether a unit is
Combat Units (i.e. on map) or Support Units (off map). motorized or non-motorized on the right hand side of the
These are described as Multi-Role Units (MRU). applicable unit detail window. There are four types of non-


motorized units based on their relative mobility and the Ground elements are equipped with devices that
use of vehicles by ground elements: represent the actual weapons they would fire (or throw/
§§ 0 – no vehicles (1) emplace for devices such as grenades and satchel charges)
§§ 1 – vehicles for supplies only during combat.
§§ 2 – vehicles for supplies and all non-infantry, non- For AFV and combat vehicles, the equipped devices are
infantry weapon elements considered part of the vehicle and may have their rate of
§§ 4 – Railroad Anti-aircraft (Flak) (2) fire modified to reflect the restrictions of operating the
Notes device inside the vehicle. The manpower that is part of the
(1) For anti-aircraft units, non-motorized 0 represent fixed/ AFV or combat vehicle ground element is inside the vehicle
immobile flak emplacements like Flak Towers. operating it and employing the equipped devices.
(2) Can only move through non-damaged rail line hexes
Motorized units are either designated as permanently
So while a given weapon system has some notional
motorized or are non-motorized units that have been
capabilities it may be lower in practice when assigned
allocated additional trucks. Non-motorized units are
to a particular tank or vehicle. As an example, the
divided between cavalry and infantry formations for
Soviet 152mm gun is less effective mounted on a KV-2
movement purposes (22.1).
than on a late war ISU-152.
All ground units consist of a certain type and number
of ground elements and have a Table of Equipment (TOE)
that determines the number and type of ground elements For other types of ground elements, the manpower
required for the unit to be fully manned and equipped. For employs the equipped devices directly, whether the device
most units in WiTE2 this TOE will change across the course is a 150mm Howitzer or a hand grenade.
of the game, Large (20mm or greater) direct fire devices may have a
All ground units have a combat value (CV). Depending positive modifier that increases the accuracy of the device
on the unit type, its current percentage of TOE and status to reflect both a more stable firing platform and superior
this value may be zero. optics.
Each device is rated for range, accuracy, rate of fire,
ability to affect different types of targets (air, personnel,
Typically this will happen if the unit is currently routed
vehicles), and ability to penetrate armour.
(23.12.5) or if the combination of low morale and low
percentage of TOE is such that it is treated as depleted


21.2.1. Ground Elements
All ground units are composed of multiple types and
numbers of ground elements. These ground elements
represent individual squads, guns, AFVs, and other combat
vehicles such as halftracks and armoured cars. Every
ground element consists of manpower and equipment
(such as a tank and its crew).
Each ground element is rated for speed, size and
armour. Only AFVs and other combat vehicles have an Note this information can also be accessed from the
armour rating with this reflecting front, side, rear and top Commander’s Report (35.8)
armour as appropriate.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

21.2.2. Support Squads (including organic support and HQ support help) and the
A significant number of ground elements in all units are need during the last logistics phase. Specific information on
support squads, which provide the administrative and the HQ unit detail screen regarding support help includes:
logistical backbone required for a unit to operate effectively. §§ Total Support: Total support used (organic plus HQ
help) by units in the chain of command under this HQ
during last logistics phase.
Note that, despite the similarity in name, support
§§ Organic Support: Total available support squads in
squads and support units are different entities.
units in the chain of command under this HQ during
last log phase.
Each unit has a notional TOE for support squad ground §§ Total Support Need: Total support needed by units in the
elements but the actual requirement for support squads, chain of command under this HQ during last log phase.
listed by ‘NEED’ in the unit’s detail window, is based on
the current strength, and type, of the unit. This need is
recalculated during each logistics phase and, if appropriate,
during the air phase and when units motorize/de-motorize
or if they change to/from Static mode.
For the Axis side, if losses to the rest of the unit result
in excess support squads, some may be converted to rifle
squad ground elements or returned to the manpower pool
during the replacement phase

In this case, the units that report to the XX Corps have

sufficient support squads either organic (i.e. in the units)
or sent by appropriate HQs.
By contrast, a typical Soviet HQ at the same stage of the
game (August 1941) lacks the support squads to cover all
its needs.
A unit that lacks Support Squads will try to make up
for the lack by drawing on any spare support squads
in its controlling HQ. However, the headquarters unit
must be within a certain distance from the attached unit
This German infantry regiment has been heavily in order to do this. This distance, termed “Command
defeated in a localised Soviet offensive. As it only has Range,” is measured in hexes and is based on the type of
1 undamaged rifle squad, it is possible that some of headquarters unit (15.5.4). Any headquarters unit in a unit’s
its support squads will be converted in the next turn. chain of command that is in command range can provide
support with its excess support squad ground elements.
HQ’s will provide support help to units as long as they
The unit detail screen Support/Need for non-HQs are within the command range of the HQ (5 for corps, 15
shows the support received during the last logistics phase for army, 45 for Army Group and 90 for high level HQs).


check of an air command HQ leader will treat the range to

the HQ unit as 0 if it is less than 91 hexes to the HQ.

21.2.3. Impact of Support Squads

on Unit Performance
The level of logistics support provided by Support Squads
has an impact on the following:
§§ Impacts the formulas that determine the amount of
supply a unit receives based on its supply trace.
§§ Attrition suffered by vehicles during freight operations.
§§ The amount of fatigue added or removed from a unit
during a turn.
§§ The ability of leaders to conduct successful administrative
checks; and
§§ The amount of attrition a unit suffers due to movement.

During the logistics phase, support from HQ units is passed 21.2.4. Hiwis
down from HQs. The Axis player will gain additional manpower from 1942
When viewing an HQ’s own unit detail screen, the to fill out the support and labour squads by recruiting
Support/Need numbers shown are the number of support Hilfswilliger (auxiliary volunteers, also known as Hiwis).
squads the HQ used for itself versus the need it had in the These were soldiers and civilians, mostly Russian
last logistics phase. prisoners, who served as support personnel for German
This provision of support occurs automatically during units during WWII. Generated from captured manpower,
the phasing players logistics phase. To provide support Hiwi ground elements are equivalent to support squad
help, an HQ unit must be able to trace a land path to the ground elements and provide the same amount of support
unit being supported. The exception is that a non-isolated and engineer values as a normal support squad.
HQ unit may send support up to 3 hexes to a non-isolated This Axis generic manpower is generated from Soviet
unit no matter the terrain (i.e. may go through water/ captured manpower (8% each turn) and from captured
impassable hexes). Soviet city manpower (3 manpower points per factory and
A HQ will always satisfy its own need before using any production multiplier applies to this calculation).
of its support squads to help units under it. If the Support Hiwis can only fill out a given percentage of Axis generic
value shown is higher than the need, then it means the elements:
HQ had excess support that it did not give out to units. §§ Labour - 70%
HQs whose support equals its need, have given out all their §§ Support in Axis SS Elite - 10%
support squads as help and there are probably units in the §§ Support - 30%
chain of command that are short of help.
A HQ unit has two different calculations of the number 21.2.5. Table of Equipment (TOE)
of support squads and how many it needs for its own The Table of Equipment is a vital part of WiTE2 as it
purposes. determines the type and number of ground elements that
If a HQ unit has fewer support squads than its ‘NEED’ will be assigned to that particular Combat or Support Unit.
its leader will not gain certain bonuses when trying to pass Each unit in WiTE2 in effect has three different types
admin checks (15.5.1). of TOE:
A headquarters unit can provide assistance to its The generic TOE lists the ground elements the unit
attached units’ support squad needs using excess internal should contain, this will specify for example that the unit
support squad ground elements, needs x medium tanks but not the actual models to be
Note: Use the command range for the type of HQ unit assigned. Note that different apparently similar units can
involved, however, for purposes of Leader checks, any be assigned to different generic TOEs, so for example

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

some German Panzer divisions in 1941 will be assigned to In turn, each unit has a current TOE which will often
the Czech TOE rather than the Standard TOE. differ from the notional TOE to reflect both losses and
This information can be found in the ‘OB’ column of the the allocation of different elements to fill out slots in the
Commander’s Report as: specific TOE.

In turn the ideal TOE for that unit type will show as:
This generic TOE is used to derive the prescribed TOE
for that unit, referred to as TOE (OB), and this lists the actual
ground elements needed. This will indicate the actual tank
or artillery model needed to fill out the requirements of
the generic TOE.
In turn, if the ‘Show Ground Unit Mapping’ option is
selected then the actual way in which the current TOE is
built up will be shown. This will also show where the unit is
using a non-standard ground element in order to maintain
its combat performance.
The computer will use a unit’s actual TOE as compared
to its notional TOE to determine what ground elements
will be provided as replacements during the logistics
phase. The actual TOE of a unit will often not match its
current prescribed TOE. This can be for numerous reasons,
including losses, unavailability of replacements, transition
to an upgraded TOE or even a downgrade of specific
ground element types due to a surplus of old equipment
and a lack of new equipment.
The number of men listed in the unit detail window
showing the actual TOE (OB) does not include the
manpower in support units that are attached to the unit.
On the unit TOE screen, in the unit’s actual TOE,
substituted elements appear with an * sign. Thus while
the TOE (OB) may specify exactly which type of tank should
be used, it is quite possible for a given unit to be using
different models (or types) of tank if they fill a similar role.


Each month, after the initial month for the new TOE, these
chances will increase by 5%. So, for example, a unit not
in refit mode will have a 25% to upgrade in the second
month, 30% in the third.
In any case, a unit will not change its TOE if it is more
than ten hexes from a depot.
When a TOE upgrade occurs, ground elements will be
sent back to the pool if there is none of the same generic
type of ground element (i.e. AT-gun, Heavy Tank) in the new
TOE. Otherwise they remain and this can cause some types
to exceed 100 percent of the new TOE. A specific type of
ground element is not eligible for additional replacements,
however, until it falls below 100 percent of its prescribed
allowance. In addition if a unit contains more than 125
percent of the TOE need of a specific ground element,
there is a chance each turn that the unit will return some of
the over-strength ground elements to the production pool.
In a few cases, the TOE upgrade for support units
requires completely different equipment to that previously
allocated. If this would leave the Support Unit depleted, it
is automatically transferred to the National Reserve.
TOEs are segregated by type of unit and time of the
war. For example, there is a prescribed panzer division TOE
for every year. Not only are there separate TOEs for unit
types (e.g. armour versus infantry) but separate TOEs even
within types. For example, the elite SS divisions at times
will have three different TOEs running simultaneously.
Players can view future upgrades by accessing a
If a unit is set to less than 100% of its TOE it will take on particular units TOE window.
less equipment than its notional prescribed TOE requires.

21.2.6. TOE Upgrades

The ground unit TOE s may change during the game, once
the new TOE has been adopted elements will generally
change gradually over a number of turns rather than all
at once.
The chance of a unit adopting a new TOE is influenced
by its mode and location.
§§ Units that are in the national reserve TB or on a National
Supply Source (25.2.3) and that are in refit mode will
change automatically to the new TOE.
§§ Units that are in refit mode elsewhere will have a 50% to
update in the first possible turn.
§§ Units that are not in refit mode will have a 20% to
update in the first possible turn.
§§ Units that are isolated have a 0% to update in the first
possible turn.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

21.2.7. Ground Element Upgrade/ Reliability can be checked on the ground element tab
Downgrade and Swaps (37.6) as:
Ground elements may change to different ground elements
of the same or a different type during the ground element
segment of the player’s logistics phase. In the upgrade sub-
segment, the ground element may upgrade in accordance
with its upgrade path as listed in the ground element detail
window (37.6) and the city production list window (37.13).
It may also downgrade to older equipment if this will fulfil
its TOE needs. Many upgrades will remain within the same
ground element type (e.g. Rifle Squad, Medium Tank,
Heavy Artillery, etc.), but some will result in a change of
type such as maybe using a Light Tank Destroyer in place
of a Light Tank.
In the swap sub-segment, the computer may change
out existing ground elements with ground elements of
the same type, but not necessarily along the upgrade/
downgrade path, though priority will be given to newer
equipment. For example, a Panzer IVg is a medium tank
ground element, which upgrades to the Panzer IVh and So in this case, the Pzr IVe has a reliability of 65 when
downgrades to the Panzer IVf2. In the swap sub-segment, moving and 50 when in combat.
however, Panzer IVg ground elements may be changed By contrast, the notoriously unreliable Panther D has
out to another medium tank, such as a Panzer IIIj L/60, ratings of 45 and 40:
depending on the availability of medium tank equipment
in the production pool.

21.2.8. AFV and Combat Vehicle Reliability

All AFV s and other combat vehicles are rated for their
reliability. This is checked when they are moved, with those
that fail the reliability check becoming damaged.
To reflect initial production “teething” problems, AFV/
Combat vehicle reliability will be less when they first come
into production and then improve until they reach their
standard reliability rating. The reliability rating of obsolete
(out of production) aircraft is treated as higher than their
normal reliability rating, which will make them more
susceptible to attrition.
The reliability rating of an AFV is actually two different
The first digit represents the reliability of the AFV when
moving (if only 1 digit is shown the 1st digit is assumed to
be 0). The higher the number, the less likely the AFV will
become damaged during movement.
The second digit is survivability, and the higher the
survivability the less likely the AFV will be destroyed in
combat during a special survival check as opposed to just This also shows two ways to access this information.
being damaged. The information for the Pzr IV was taken from a ground


unit tab while for the Panther came from the ‘elements’ tab Combat Units can often have directly attached Support
on the Commander’s Report (35.8.1). Units. Also divisional/corps sized CUs can be broken
down into smaller (usually regimental) sized units. In
21.2.9. Adjusting to changes in TOE addition, under-strength combat units can be merged with
If a unit exceeds the set TOE (either due to an upgrade each other to create a stronger unit (at the cost of one
or the player reducing the max TOE), then it will respond administrative point). Note that Multi-Role units can be
differently according to its location: either on the map or attached to combat units, so a Soviet
§§ Units in TBs other than the Reserve Boxes will Rifle Brigade can be attached to a Soviet HQ or combat
immediately send back to the active pool any elements formation or placed on the map.
over 100% of TOE (note if the maximum TOE is under Combat units smaller than a division do not take control
100 then these elements will be removed in the next of hexes in their ZOC, just hexes that they move through
logistics phase). (7.3.1).
§§ Units in the Reserve Boxes will immediately send back
to the active pool any elements over their Maximum 21.3.2. Combat Unit Build-up, Breakdown
TOE. and Merging
§§ Units on the map will slowly send back to the active pool Certain combat units can be built up into larger formations
any elements over 100% of TOE. or broken down into smaller units.
§§ If a unit exceeds the maximum TOE due to being built
from other units (such as a Soviet rifle corps from 3 rifle Building Up units and merging units
divisions) then the excess elements will be removed. In addition, an equivalent size or smaller combat unit can
be merged into another combat unit of the same type,
eliminating the former and strengthening the latter.
21.3. COMBAT UNITS (CU) Units building up or merging must be in the same hex
Combat units are the on-map battalion, regimental, in movement mode. Unit
brigade, divisional and Corps sized units that manoeuvre build-up or breakdown is
to take control of enemy territory and engage enemy accomplished by selecting
units in battle. All combat units, unless they are routed or the unit(s) and then either
depleted, have a Combat Value (CV) and exert a Zone of left clicking the build-up/
Control (ZOC) into their six adjacent hexes (7.4). Combat breakdown button on
units are the only ground units that can convert enemy the map information tool
controlled hexes to pending friendly hexes (7.3.1). bar or using the Hotkey-
In addition, there are several types of combat units ‘b’. Breakdowns cannot
that have special characteristics or can perform specific exceed stacking limitations,
missions. Non-motorized combat units can be transported so combat units can only
by air between friendly air bases (22.5) and airborne units breakdown if they are the
can be air dropped into another hex. Fortified Zones are only unit in the hex. Routed
immobile combat units that are used primarily to build and frozen units cannot build-
fortification levels. Some combat units, including fortified up, breakdown, or merge.
zones and most divisions, can directly attach support units, Note that units that will
and these are automatically committed to any battle the be withdrawn at a later
combat unit itself participates in. stage cannot be combined
using the build up routine.
21.3.1. Types of Combat Unit This is most likely to affect
Combat Units are divided into four main types: Motorized; the creation of Soviet
Cavalry; Infantry and Fortified Zones. Corps sized formations
Unit type affects the movement points the unit possibly or converting Soviet rifle
can have (22.1) and the costs of movement and combat. brigades into rifle divisions.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Even though this unit will be withdrawn to the Far East Here the Soviet 1 Guards Rifle Corp has been broken
at the end of the game it cannot be combined into a Soviet down. The original rifle divisions have reverted to their
Rifle Corps. This restriction is removed if the player(s) opt original titles but with (1GRC) added to the title to remind
to use the Enhanced Player Theatre Control option (13.3.4) the player. If the unit is rebuilt with different formations
as they then have more control over deployment to and (here the 235 RD was substituted for the 107) then the
from the various Theatres. original unit will revert to its normal title.
Soviet build up options include:
§§ Two Rifle Brigades can build up to form a Rifle Division
§§ From March 1942, 3 Soviet airborne brigades can build
up to form a Guards Rifle Division
The rules for building up to form Corps are in section Note that while Soviet tank
27.5.5. brigades are initially treated purely
Unit Breakdown. Most Axis Divisions can breakdown as Support Units (21.5) this status
into three regimental equivalent combat units numbered changes if they have been previously
1/2/3. The same three sub-units can be built back up into a combined to form a Tank Corps. Thus a Soviet Tank Corps
division if they are in the same hex. Broken down divisions will break down normally and the resulting brigades will
with regiments designated 1/2/3 may assign one support appear as independent combat units on the map.
unit to each regiment. When the parent division is first Here the Soviet 23rd Tank
broken down, any attached support units will be divided Corps has been broken down
up one per regiment. If the parent division is reformed, and the component brigades
all support units attached to the 1/2/3 regiments will once are treated like normal combat
again be attached to the parent division. units.
When broken down, these Merging Units. Under
regiments or brigades will be certain circumstances, two
bordered in blue on the map combat units of the same type
area when one or more of the can merge together, resulting
broken down units from the in one stronger unit. In order to
same larger unit has been merge, there must be another
selected. unit of the same type (infantry,
Soviet divisions cannot be armour, motorized, etc.) in the
broken down and some Soviet hex. The merging unit must
Corps (Tank and Mechanised) be of smaller or equal size to
will break down into three the gaining unit. For example,
brigades while Soviet Rifle, a brigade could merge into
Cavalry and Mountain Corps another brigade, division or
will break down into their corps, but a division could not
component divisions. Since merge into a brigade.
these units are initially formed In order to merge, the sum
from specific divisions they of the ready ground elements
will break down into those of the two units cannot exceed
original components. 100 percent of the TOE of the
Soviet Corps can then unit that will remain. If the
be rebuilt either using the merging unit is a smaller size unit, than only one third of
original divisions (for no its TOE percentage counts. For example, if a brigade with
Administrative Points) or any 90 percent of its TOE was merging into a Corps with 70
divisions (in which case there percent TOE, the sum would still meet the requirement as
will be a cost). 90 divided by 3 would be 30, which added to 70 is just 100.


When the merge is completed, all elements of the 21.5. SUPPORT UNITS (SU)
merging unit will be placed in the gaining unit, and the Support units are independent companies, battalions,
merging unit is considered destroyed and permanently brigades and regiments of various types such as artillery,
removed from the game. Merging is accomplished by howitzer, mortar, rocket, anti-tank, anti-aircraft, ski,
selecting the ‘MERGE’ link in the detail window of the combat engineer, sapper, tank, tank destroyer, construction, and
unit (37.3) that will be merging into the other combat unit. labour groups.
Note that merging units will cost 1 Administrative Point. Support Units have a TOE and this affects the ground
When a merge unit is executed, any elements over 100% elements assigned to the unit.
of TOE will be sent back to the pool (damaged elements With the exception of construction battalions, which
first). can be automatically detached to repair rail lines, support
units will not appear on the map, but will be attached to
headquarters and certain combat units and will be listed
21.4. MULTI-ROLE UNITS (MRU) in the detail window of the unit to which they are attached.
Multi-Role units are units that can change during the game Rules for attachment and transfer of Support Units to
from an “on map” combat Unit to a support unit. In order to Combat and to HQs are set out below.
convert from a combat unit to a support unit, the unit must Construction and labour support units are used to assist
be stacked with the HQ unit to which it is attached. ‘Convert’ in the building of hex fortification levels and the repair of
then becomes a selectable option on the unit’s detail window. rail lines. All other support units are used to assist combat
Once the unit is a support Unit it may be attached directly to units in battle, either from an eligible headquarters unit
another combat unit. When attached to a unit or HQ unit as not more than five hexes away from the battle, or from
a support unit, it may convert to an on map combat unit as being directly attached to a combat unit participating in the
long as this would not exceed the stacking limits. battle (23.6).
When it converts to a combat unit, it will be placed in the Though they have no organic movement capability,
hex with the HQ unit and will have one movement point support units will consume supplies and fuel and gain
remaining. When a multi-role unit converts to a support fatigue when units to which they are attached are moved.
unit, it is flagged with an asterisk and will not be able to be They will also take combat and non-combat losses and
reassigned elsewhere during the current turn. suffer retreat attrition along with the unit to which they
are attached.

Support units in the various National Reserve boxes

can be set not to refit. This will stop them absorbing
new elements and building up their TOE.

21.5.1. Attachment of Support Units to

Combat Units
In this example, the 125 Rifle Brigade is in the same hex The player can manually attach support units (SU) to some
as its controlling HQ so is eligible to convert from being types of combat units (CU). Unlike support units attached to
on-map to an off map Support Unit. On the other hand, 16 headquarters, those directly attached to combat units are
Rifle Brigade is attached to a HQ so can be converted to an automatically committed though only to a battle in which
on-map Combat Unit. that combat unit is a participant 23.60). Direct attachment
Multi-Role units cannot convert while embarked/loaded thus provides certainty at the expense of flexibility.
on ships or trains. There are limits in the type of support units that can
Multi-Role units that arrive as reinforcements will be be attached to most Combat Units. Construction, labour,
placed on the map as a combat unit rather than attached artillery, mortar, and rocket support units, or support units
to an HQ unit as a support unit. with the designations LW, cannot be directly attached to any

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

combat unit apart from a Fortified Zone units. These can

have up to three of any type support unit attached to them.
Axis infantry, Panzer and Motorized divisions can
all have up to 3 support units directly attached. Axis
independent Brigades can have 2. Axis regiments broken
down from their division can have 1.
Soviet Corps can have 3 support units. Soviet Rifle
and Security divisions can have 1 support unit attached.
Soviet mountain, cavalry, tank and early war mechanised
divisions cannot have any directly attached support units.
Multi-role units that convert to off-map status will send
any attached support unit to their immediate HQ.
Players can physically manage support unit attachments
by opening the detail window of eligible combat units
(37.8). The “ASSIGN” button can be selected to access the
“PICK SUPPORT UNIT TYPE” window to select an available
support unit to transfer to that combat unit.

an SU from the relevant high command HQ (such as OKH

or Stavka).
A specific support unit attachment can only be
transferred once per turn, they will suffer a – 1 for admin
rolls on the turn the change was made and will be marked
with an asterisk in the combat unit detail window to denote
that it cannot be transferred again that turn.
To transfer the attachment of a support unit from a Attaching a support unit to an airborne unit or unit
combat unit to another headquarters unit, the player prepping for an amphibious invasion will result in the loss
selects the support unit to bring up its detail window and of 10 preparation points, though prep points will never
then selects the HHQ or OHQ link to bring up a list of drop below zero.
eligible headquarters units to which it can be transferred. Note that for those Support Units which can build up
Depending on its location on the map, a support unit may Combat Preparation Points, half of these will be lost if the
also be transferred to another Theatre using this option. unit is reassigned to another HQ or a combat unit.
There is no automatic method to transfer support units
to or from combat units. 21.5.2. Allocation of Support Units to
Support units can only be attached to commands within Headquarters Units
the range of that particular HQ type (21.11.4) and combat The bulk of Support Units in the game will be attached to
units must be in supply in order to transfer support units. one or other of the HQ units (or deployed to one of the
The exception is that there are no range limits if attaching Theatre Boxes).


Support unit attachments can be transferred between If they are in an isolated city or more than 10 MP from a
headquarters units manually during the ground phase and railhead they will be lost if the city is captured.
automatically during the logistics phase. Rail repair units (21.6.1) attached to a city will not carry
There is no range limitation to the transfer of support out any repairs. These only function when deployed on
unit attachments; however, headquarters units must be in map according to section 21.6.
supply in order to transfer support units.
Support units may be transferred either directly Anti-Aircraft Units
between commands at the same level, along a command Antiaircraft (AA) or Flak type support units can be assigned
chain or to another Theatre but there are range limits for directly to a town, city or urban hex for air defense and can
each of these actions. be transferred from one city to another or back to their
For the Axis player, Romanian support units cannot be highest HQ unit. Though listed in the city detail window
assigned to a Hungarian HQ (or vice-versa). as assigned, AA units actually remain attached to their
A specific support unit can only be transferred once per original Headquarters unit, but will have a ‘c’ in front of
turn and will be marked with an asterisk in the headquarters their name in the HQ unit detail window. In addition, AA
unit detail window to denote that it cannot be transferred units assigned to cities will be listed in the Commander’s
again that turn. In addition, support units will suffer a – 1 report with the applicable city in the HHQ column. German
penalty for admin rolls on the turn the change was made. and Soviet AA units can be assigned from their HQ unit to
There is no limit to the number of support units that can any friendly town, city or urban hex. Axis Allied flak units
be attached to a single headquarters unit, though a large may be assigned from their respective High Command HQ
number of non-construction support units can impact the unit, but only to town, city or urban hexes of that particular
commitment of support units during combat (23.6.1). nationality.
Air headquarters units are limited to attaching only anti- To reflect the political cost of decreasing urban air
aircraft support units. defence, AA units in town, city or urban hexes can only be
Rail repair units can only attach construction battalions transferred back to their highest headquarters at a cost in
and labour groups, and while these support units can be admin points (9.2). To move an AA unit out of a city to the
manually transferred from the rail repair unit, there is no highest level HQ select the X next to the AA unit name from
ability to transfer additional support units to the rail repair the city detail window.
unit (or to return units that were detached). AA units attached to town, city or urban hex may be
destroyed if the hex is captured or destroyed/removed
21.5.3. Attachment of Support Units as applicable if in an Axis allied country that surrenders
to Cities (14.3). A text message will display when AA units in cities
Construction and AA units can also be attached to cities at are destroyed due to the city being captured. Mobile
the cost of Administrative points (9.2). These are attached flak in cities may escape to a nearby HQ or friendly city
to cities using the City Detail screen (37.13). when the city is captured if that hex is not isolated. The
probability of escaping is dependent on the type of AA
Construction Units unit as follows:
Construction units can be sent back to their HQ at no §§ Type (0) non-motorized (in the game these are the
AP cost by pressing the X next to their name in the City German flak towers) – - – 0 percent;
Detail screen. Construction units in cities will automatically §§ Type (1) non-motorized – - – 15 percent (the unit must be
attempt to repair factories (including ports and railyards), in in a hex that is not isolated and within ten movement
and repair/expand airbases. Construction Units attached points of a railhead);
to the city will be used first, but if deemed insufficient, §§ Type (2) and Type (3) non-motorized – - – 66 percent;
additional construction units may still be summoned §§ If Type (2) or Type (3) are isolated or more than 10 MP
automatically to the hex. Units attached to cities will not be from a railhead they will be lost; and,
used by the automatic rail repair system. §§ Type (4) non-motorized – - – 100 percent if adjacent to
If a city is captured, all of the assigned Construction a connected rail hex. This type of AA unit represents a
Units may escape as long as there is a working rail link. Mobile Railroad flak unit.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

21.5.4. Movement of Support Units into On the unit window the options are to leave the Support
and out of Theatre Boxes Level ‘locked’ (in which case all SU deployments must be
Support Units can be move into and out of Theatre Boxes done manually or to use the ‘+’ or ‘-‘ keys to increase or
(chapter 13) as with any other unit. This can be done using reduce the desired support level.
the Theatre Box display, the Commander’s Report or the The Commanders Report (35.3) also has the option to
unit tab. set or change the Support Level of a number of HQs at the
Some units will be locked in the Theatre depending on the same time. To access this, you will need to open the HQ
scenario set up and the options selected by the player(s). If tab and then amend the ‘support level’ to either ‘locked’ or
they are moved to the map they will initially appear attached a number between 0 and 9.
to the relevant High Command unit (usually either OKH or On the CR screen, each HQ can be set individually to a
the Stavka) and can be re-assigned as normal. new Support level or the option ‘Support Level’ can be used
While most transfers do not cost Administrative Points, to set a value for all the selected commands.
moving Anti-Aircraft units from any Theatre (apart from The chosen level setting indicates the number of each
the National Reserve) will cost administrative points as set type of support unit that the computer will attempt to
out in 9.2 as they are originally attached to cities in the provide to that particular headquarters unit, based on
relevant theatre. availability. For example, if the player sets “Support Level”
to 3 the computer would attempt to provide 3 support
21.5.5. Depleted Support Units units of each type, to include Armoured, Anti-Tank, Artillery,
At the end of the logistics phase any depleted non-isolated Anti-aircraft, Rocket, etc.
Support Unit will be transferred to the Reserve Theatre. This process occurs automatically during the phasing
This may happen due to combat losses or a TOE upgrade player’s logistic phase and consists of two cycles during
that significantly changed the equipment the unit uses. which support units are moved first up the chain of
command (excess) and then down the chain of command
21.5.6. Automatic Attachment of (demand). Support units in an unready status will be
Support Units transferred to the applicable High Command headquarters
Each eligible headquarters unit can have its support unit unit during the first cycle.
level set by the player. To do this you will need to either The entire automated support unit transfer system can
open the detailed unit window or use the Commanders be disabled by checking the appropriate sides ‘Lock HQ
Report. Frozen HQ units and frozen support units cannot Support’ buttons in the Game Options screen (36.17.1).
be set for auto attachment. In addition, the player can disable the automated
transfer function for a particular headquarters unit by
selecting the ‘LOCKED’ button in its detail window. Note
that all headquarters units subordinated to a particular
High Command headquarters unit will be locked out of
the automatic attachment transfer of support units if
their High Command headquarters unit has its Support
Level set to “LOCKED.” In addition, if any of the higher
headquarters units in a particular HQ unit’s chain of
command is set to “LOCKED,” that headquarters unit will
not have the ability to utilize the automatic transfer of
support units.


Construction and engineer support units have unit is disbanded). Alternatively, click on the support unit
permanently assigned support level settings that override name and its detailed unit screen will appear. In this case,
player support level settings, with the exception of selecting HHQ will bring up the range of HQs that the unit
“LOCKED,” which will stop the automatic transfer of any can be moved to.
support units from the “LOCKED” headquarters unit. The If the support unit is attached to a HQ then it can be
permanent support level settings for construction and transferred by clicking on the unit name. Again selecting
engineer values are as follows: the HHQ will bring up a list of commands it can be
transferred to.
Headquarters Type Construction Engineer
High Command (Type 1) 0 0
Army Group (Type 2) 16 4 Note this option allows you to transfer a SU to any
Army (Type 3) 3 3 eligible HQ regardless of its position in the chain of
Corps (Type 4) 2 2 command. So an Army HQ can transfer a SU to a Corps
HQ that belongs in a different command if wished.

If you want to minimize the number of support units in a

HQ unit, but still allow automatic transfer through that HQ
unit? Use a setting of ‘0’ so that the only support units the 21.6. CONSTRUCTION UNITS
computer will send to the HQ will be the permanent levels Construction units are a particular type of Support Unit .
of construction and engineers. They are assigned to HQs as usual and then allocated to
tasks within the range of their controlling HQ. Only rail
21.5.7. Manual Attachment of repairs are conducted by putting construction units directly
Support Units on the map, other construction assets will be temporarily
Players can physically manage support unit attachments attached to the city, airfield or depot as appropriate.
through the detail window of eligible headquarters units. Some have a specialist role as rail repair units but most
The ‘Assigned’ tab must be selected and this will show both can be used to speed the construction or repair of ports,
the units currently reporting to the HQ and enable the factories, depots and airbases.
When this is selected, all eligible SUs, currently attached 21.6.1. Rail Repair Units
to HQs higher up the command chain, will be shown and Only designated Rail Repair units can only be used to
can be selected, repair damaged train lines.
To prevent the computer from transferring the support Unlike other support units, these units will appear on the
units that have been moved manually, the player can map in the hexes they are repairing, but may not be moved
either increase the applicable headquarters unit’s Support by the player other than to send them back to their attached
Level to account for the newly attached support units or headquarters unit by selecting the construction unit and
change the Support Level to “LOCKED,” which will prevent then clicking the ‘RETURN TO HQ’ link in the unit bar.
that headquarters unit from automatically returning any For human players only,
support units or receiving any additional support units these units will only be
during the logistics phase. allocated up to the command
range (21.11.4) of their
21.5.8. Manual Transfer of Support Units controlling HQ. For example, if
Support Units can be transferred between units and HQs. a construction unit is assigned
The procedure is slightly different to that used to attach to a Corps HQ unit, it can only
them. repair rail line hexes up to 5
If the support unit is attached to a combat unit then hexes from that HQ, but the
it will be shown on the ‘Assigned’ tab. If the [X] button is same construction unit attached to a High Command HQ
selected the support unit will be removed and automatically unit (e.g. OKH or Stavka) could operate up to 90 hexes
transferred to the controlling HQ (this will also happen if a away.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Auto-repair units will not usually be deployed to a hex 1. Priority Factory Repair (damaged factory player has
adjacent to a FBD/NKPS rail repair HQ (21.11.1). Equally, given priority repair status)
due to the phasing of actions in the logistics phase, 2. Depot Repair (damaged rail and/or railyard in depot hex)
rail repair units are assigned before hexes repaired by 3. Airbase Construction and/or repair
the FBD/NKPS are treated as operating (they retain the 4. Non Priority Factory Repair
notional 1 point of damage from the last ground phase) Any unit that has been sent out to perform one of these
so the automatic repair units will not repair in advance of repairs is no longer available to be used to assist ground
such a stretch of rail. units attached to that HQ in fort level construction (which
In addition, the automatic rail repair units will not move happens at the end of the turn).
adjacent to an enemy unit. They can be manually returned to their controlling
HQ by opening the location screen and pressing X next to
the unit.
In combination this means that the auto-repair units
will tend not to operate in co-operation with the FBD/
NKPS rail repair HQs.
Some units begin a scenario frozen in place with zero
Note that a rail repair unit will continue to repair a movement points for a set number of turns. The number
given hex even if its controlling HQ moves away while it is of turns is shown in the hex pop-up text but only for the
working. It will then revert to the HQ (and will also do so if player that owns the unit (Fzn 2 indicates frozen for two
ordered to stop the repair work manually). more turns). Other units may be frozen by scenario specific
Detached support units will generally repair one rules. These units do not show the number of turns
damaged rail line hex per turn. Repair during poor remaining in the hex pop-up text and unfreeze under the
ground weather conditions will proceed much slower. The special conditions specified in the scenario rules.
movement and repairs of these support units takes place During each friendly logistics phase, the unit’s frozen
during the player’s logistics phase. turn counter is reduced by one, and when it reaches 0, the
The computer will return them to their headquarters unit is no longer frozen and it will be given MPs for that
unit when their rail repair work is completed on a particular turn. A unit frozen in this way may also be unfrozen if it
section and then automatically send them back to another is attacked, or if it is within 3 hexes of an unfrozen non-
section that requires repair. isolated enemy unit either during the logistics phase or
Rail repair can only be carried out by Soviet Railroad after the amphibious phase.
repair units, and Axis units with the designation R.A.D., O.T, Frozen units are unable to move using either tactical
or have the title ‘rail construction’. or strategic movement. Frozen units cannot build forts,
although construction units may build forts in hexes they
21.6.2. Other Construction Units occupy. Frozen units cannot disband, merge or build-up
These are all controlled by the AI and this allocates with other units or breakdown into smaller units. Frozen
construction units to the location (city/airfield) units can change their maximum TOE setting. Air Groups
automatically rather than to the map. The AI will now try attached to frozen air base units may conduct automated
to send multiple construction units if needed to a location intercept missions.
(especially for the smaller Soviet construction units).
Every logistics phase the construction units re-evaluate
where they are needed and will automatically move to 21.8. STATIC COMBAT UNITS
another location. Units in HQs and locations are freely Throughout the war, the German army stripped many units
moved by the computer, those attached directly to a in quiet fronts of their vehicles and had them dig in and
combat unit will not be moved automatically. The highest reduce their fuel consumption in order to focus resources
priority requirement will be allocated construction units in areas where offensives were planned.
first, and then on down the list. The priority order from To simulate this practice, both sides have the ability to
highest to lowest is: place combat units in static mode during the game, turning


in their organic vehicles for use by other units or the supply And the unit has 0 MP for the
motor pool. Static mode takes vehicles out of a unit and rest of the turn.
reduces the unit to two movement points. Motorized units Static units have only two
in the static mode pay non-motorized movement costs Movement Point per turn until
when they move. The at-start forces in some scenarios they are reactivated, but may use
may have units already in static mode. strategic rail, naval or amphibious
transport. Static units can build
21.8.1. Setting Units to Static Mode up (recombine) as long as all
Any non-isolated, non-frozen combat unit on the map may units doing the build-up are
be placed in static mode if that unit has not moved during static. Static units can breakdown
the turn and is currently located in a hex with a manmade while static. Static units cannot
fortification level of two or greater (the AI is not held to the merge or combine with non-static
fort level requirement). Combat units are placed in static units. Static units cannot disband
mode by selecting the hex they are in and then selecting (21.10).
the “STATIC” button on the desired counter in the unit bar. Again, using the same example
Note that the “STATIC” button will not be displayed if as above, 340 Rifle Division is now
the combat unit is not eligible to be placed in static mode. static and has 2 MP:
Units in static mode will appear
bordered in white when the Map
Information tab: View Unit Modes
button has been toggled on. Static
units that retreat or rout as a result of combat remain in
static status.
Note that units cannot be set to Static Mode in 1941.

21.8.2. Reactivating Static Combat Units

Non-isolated static units that have not moved, may be
reactivated at any time during the movement phase by
spending admin points. To mobilize a STATIC unit, vehicles
In this case, the 340 Rifle Division is eligible to move to a are taken from the motor pool if there is sufficient freight
static mode as it occupies a hex with a level 2 fortification. in nearby depots to convert to vehicles, (if there are
The unit will immediately be reduced to no MPs for insufficient vehicles in the pool the static unit cannot be
that turn and all of that unit’s vehicles will be immediately reactivated). Combat units are reactivated by selecting the
returned to the motor pool (keep in mind that there are hex they are in and then selecting the “MOBILIZE” button
many vehicles in HQ units and in the supply system that on the desired counter in the unit bar. Static units may not
are still being used by the unit, but it is assumed that the be reactivated the same turn they are made static. Combat
unit has given up all of its organic vehicles). units may not attack on the turn that they are reactivated
The phasing player will immediately receive an admin from static mode.
point bonus based on the number of organic vehicles Activated units will immediately receive 50 percent of
returned to the motor pool that is equal to 1 + ((trucks their vehicle requirement from the pool and 50 percent
in unit + Random(100))/100) (truncated). When showing of their maximum movement points (25 for motorized,
how many points will be gained, the displayed amount is 11 for cavalry and 8 for infantry types). The admin cost
1 + (trucks in unit/100) (i.e. the lowest possible gain). The for activations is equal to 1 + ((truck need of unit when
number of vehicles and the admin point gain will be shown mobilized + Random(50))/50. When showing how many
to the player prior to confirmation of static mode. points it will cost, the display shows the AP gain as 1 +
Taking the example above, this will gain the Soviet (truck need of unit when mobilized+50)/50. This is (the
player 49 trucks and 1 Administrative Point. most that could be charged, it could be one less than this.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Note that units with a withdrawal date to another Units can only disband if they have enough movement
Theatre (13.1.3) cannot be set to Static mode. points remaining to move to a rail hex that is connected to
the supply grid, and if they are not within three hexes of
an enemy unit. Frozen or static units cannot be disbanded.
21.9. DEPLETED AND A unit is required to have at least one movement point
UNREADY UNITS remaining to disband. Fortified zones are an exception as
they may disband even though they have zero movement
21.9.1. Depleted Units points and they are not required to be three hexes from
Units at 10 percent or less of TOE are in a depleted status, an enemy unit; the only requirement is that they not be
have no ZOC and will automatically displace if they end frozen.
up next to an enemy unit and not stacked with a combat The Disband Unit option will not appear in the unit detail
unit that is in a ready or unready status. Note that there window if the above conditions are not met. Disbanding
are instances, such as if a unit becomes depleted during requires and expends one Admin point (for this purpose
the air execution phase, where a depleted unit can end merging a unit is treated as disbanding a unit and will also
up next to an enemy unit and not automatically displace. cost one Admin point).
Displacement will then occur when an enemy unit moves
next to such a unit. 21.10.2. Merging Units
It is sometimes possible to merge two (or more) weakened
21.9.2. Unready Units units to create a single stronger formation. For this to
Units that have the sum of their current morale and actual happen, there must be a reasonably close match in the
TOE percentage equalling less than 90 are in an unready elements present in both formations (so for example a
status. Unready combat units do have a ZOC, but may normal Soviet rifle brigade can be merged into a Soviet
only conduct an attack if they have not expended any rifle division or rifle corps) and the merged unit will not
movement points during the turn. substantially exceed the TOE.
The unit lost when the merger is due to happen must
21.10. DISBANDING AND MERGING not be scheduled to move to another Theatre Box later
in the game (13.1.3) unless the player(s) are using the
UNITS Enhanced Theatre Box Control option (13.3.4).
Units that are due to be withdrawn cannot be disbanded or
merged (this can be checked both on the unit counter and
using the Commander’s Report). 21.11. HEADQUARTER (HQ) UNITS
Headquarter units provide a chain of command for
21.10.1. Disbanding Units command and control of units in Gary Grigsby’s War in the
Most ground units and Air Groups may be permanently East 2. With the exception of High Command headquarters
disbanded and removed from the game. units, all units, including support and Air Groups, have
The exceptions are high command (type 1) headquarters a higher headquarters unit to which they are attached.
units, all types of air headquarters units, and units of any The current command and control arrangement for the
type that are scheduled to be withdrawn. To disband a phasing player can be viewed either through the Order
unit, select DISBAND from the unit detail window. This will of Battle (OOB) screen in the info screens tab (36.1) or
send the aircraft and pilots and aircrew manpower from through the Commanders Report.
Air Groups or the manpower and equipment from all of the For on-map units, this immediate higher headquarters
ground elements in ground units back to their respective unit can provide logistical and combat support if within
production pools. Any support units that are assigned to a the applicable range. There is no limit to the number of
unit that is disbanded are automatically reassigned to the combat units that can be attached to a Headquarters unit,
next higher HQ unit of the disbanded unit. however, ground headquarter units that exceed their
Note that units (both ground and air groups) can also be normal capacity, termed command capacity (21.11.3), will
disbanded using the functions in the Commanders Report. become less effective. Most combat units will normally


be attached to lower level headquarters units, but direct headquarter units, such as air base units, air divisions and
attachment of combat units to any ground headquarters anti-aircraft support units.
unit is permitted. Air Base Units (Type 5): Air base units are different
Normally a HQ unit is commanded by a leader of the than other headquarter units in that their purpose is to
same nationality. support Air Groups. They are stationary installations and
new Air Base Units can be built during the game. Air base
21.11.1. Types of Headquarter Units units are the only on-map units to which Air Groups can
There are seven types of headquarter (HQ) units as follows: be attached. Air Base Units cannot attach any combat or
High Command headquarters units (Type 1): Each support units.
nation represented in the game has High Command Rail Repair headquarter units (Type 6): These are
headquarters units, one that all other units on that side rail repair units that also function as headquarters for
are ultimately attached. These headquarters units do construction and labour support units. Only construction
not have a higher headquarters and effectively report to and labour support units can be attached to Rail repair
themselves. High Command headquarters units cannot headquarter units.
be disbanded. Unfrozen units can be transferred from Amphibious headquarters units (Type 7): Amphibious
these headquarter units even if the HQ unit is frozen. HQ units do not have leaders and must be attached to a High
The following headquarter units are designated High Command (Type 1) HQ unit. Amphibious HQs are used for
Command headquarters units: the amphibious movement of combat units and the naval
§§ OKH – Germany (in addition the Germans have the OKW transport of units and supply over beaches, represented
as a High Command with its own OOB tree, but mostly by a temporary port, (when a permanent port is not in the
only for units in the Theatre Boxes) amphibious invasion target hex). Amphibious HQ units
§§ Italian High Command – Italy may have attached naval support groups representing
§§ Hungarian High Command - Hungary ships to provide artillery support for amphibious assaults
§§ Romanian High Command - Romania and ground combat in adjacent land hexes. Amphibious
§§ Slovakian High Command - Slovakia HQ units will also have a number of transport and cargo
§§ Stavka – Soviet Union ships assigned to support lift required for amphibious
Army Group//OKL/Hungarian, Slovakian, Romanian Air invasions and maintenance of temporary ports.
Commands/Regia Aeronautica; Soviet Fronts, Military Amphibious HQs may only use amphibious and naval
Districts (Type 2): These are ground or air headquarter strategic movement. They may never enter a non-port
units with large capacities that are attached to a High land hex. They may enter a ferry hex and assist units
Command (Type 1) headquarters unit and normally serve attacking over a ferry hex. Neither enemy supply trace nor
as higher headquarters to the rest of their nations units. enemy naval transport can pass through hexes adjacent
Army, Air Force, Air Fleet or Air Command/Soviet Air to an Amphibious HQ unit and an amphibious HQ unit will
Armies /German Luftflotte (Type 3): Army headquarter destroy any enemy units embarked on ships in water hexes
units are ground headquarter units with medium capacities to which they move adjacent. In addition, Amphibious HQ
that are attached to either type 1 or 2 HQ units. Though units will bombard any enemy units in adjacent land hexes
they are ground units, Air headquarter units do not have at the end of that players air execution phase, potentially
any capacity limitations and can only attach lower level air causing damage to ground elements.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

21.11.2. Assault HQs §§ If any HQ in the command chain is outside the command
Some Axis Armies and Soviet Fronts can be designated range for the Assault HQ (21.11.4).
as Assault HQs . Each will cost the Soviet player 20 The number of Assault HQs that can be created varies as
Administrative Points and the German player 10 the game progresses:
Administrative Points. If a HQ is transferred to a Theatre
Box, or withdrawn due to OOB changes, it will lose its Date Axis Soviet
assault status. 1941 6 2
Setting an Assault HQ is done from the HQ unit detail 1942 5 3
screen (using the button on the unit counter). Assault 1943 4 4
HQ appear with ‘Aslt’ on HQ Commanders Report tab. In 1944 3 5
addition, current Assault commands are show at the top of 1945 2 6
the OOB screen (36.1).
Note that if the Axis player has designated Assault HQs
in excess of the allowed number for that year, they will
retain the status but no new ones can be created until you
are below the maximum.

21.11.3. Headquarter Unit’s Command

Command capacity is a measure of the total number of
Combat Units that a given HQ can command effectively.
The command capacity of different levels of HQ varies
according to nationality and game turn.
In this image, Western Front is set to assault status
6/41- 4/42- 4/43- 4/44-
(and has extra command capacity) while Bryansk Front is Type
3/42 3/43 3/44 9/45
not (but could be converted if the Soviet player has not Corps (type 4) 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP 11 CP
exceeded their capacity for the current turn). Axis Army (type 3) 27 CP 27 CP 30 CP 33 CP
When a unit is made an Assault HQ its Command Point Axis Army Group (type 2) 108 CP 108 CP 120 CP 132 CP
Capacity is multiplied by 5 and divided by 3 and this new Soviet Front (type 2) 72 CP 81 CP 90 CP 99 CP
value is shown on the HQ unit bar (6.5.6). Soviet MD (type 2) 36 CP 36 CP 36 CP 36 CP
The command capacity of all attached HQs is increased
by 4/3 (so, for example, if the standard value is 9 this will Soviet armies (type 3) have differing CP according to
be increased to 12). type and dates:
All the units that report (directly and indirectly) to an
6/41 – 9/41 – 4/42 –
Assault HQs are affected by the following changes: Type
8/41 3/42 9/45
§§ Double the rate of gaining Combat Preparation Points Tank Armies N/A N/A 11 CP
compared to other units (23.2). Guards Tank Armies N/A N/A 12 CP
§§ An increased chance to pass all relevant support checks. Combined Arms Armies 21 CP 21 CP 18 CP
§§ Soviet artillery gain 50% extra ammunition (before Shock and Guards Armies N/A 21 CP 21 CP
1944) compared to the normal rules.
§§ Units may not build fortifications beyond level1. OKH, Stavka, and the various Axis-allied High Commands
These advantages do not accrue if: have an infinite command capacity but this is displayed as
§§ The unit itself or its HQ has just been attached to the 999.
relevant Axis Army or Soviet Front this turn. Note that if an Axis Army or Soviet Front has been set
§§ If either the Assault HQ or any other HQ in the as an Assault HQ that HQ and all HQs that report to it will
command chain is overloaded in terms of Command have additional command capacity (21.11.2).
Points (21.11.6).


21.11.4. HQ Command Ranges Note this penalty applies all up the command chain to
The different types of HQs each have a different range over Army level for the Axis player. Thus a German Army HQ
which they can supply leadership modifications and assign indirectly commanding non-German units will also use up
support squads. more of its command capacity. This penalty does not apply
High Command – 90 hexes at Army Group or High Command HQs.
Army Group/Front – 45 hexes
Army – 15 hexes 21.11.7. Headquarters Efficiency and
Corps/Soviet Army after July 1941 – 5 hexes Support Squads
Air Command – 90 hexes (note that if an air command is Headquarters units will receive a benefit on all
within 90 hexes the modification for range (15.5.4) will not administrative rolls depending on the total number of
take place and the air base will be treated as being 0 hexes support squads in the HQ.
from the HQ).
21.11.8. Headquarters Conversions and
21.11.5. Command Bonuses for Some Upgrades
Types of HQ In the course of the game a number of HQs will change
Certain types of HQ s will provide additional bonuses to their designation. Some of these will have little impact on
some or all the units stacked with them. gameplay such as the early German motorized corps being
German Motorized or Panzer Corps: When a re-designated as Panzer Corps.
motorized unit is performing an admin leader check, However, a number of Soviet armies will be created
leaders of any Panzer Army, Panzer or Motorized Corps by converting some of the at-start rifle and mechanized
HQ units involved in the admin leader check receive a +1 to corps HQs. Equally Soviet Guards armies will be created
their admin rating during the check. according to the historical OOB and almost all will be
German SS Corps and Armies: These can only be converted from an existing HQ.
controlled by SS Commanders.
Soviet Tank Armies: As with German Motorized or
Gameplay Note: Neither player cannot build HQs in
Panzer Corps, there is a bonus of +1 on the admin rating
of the commander for motorized units. In addition, if a
Soviet Army is designated as a Guards Tank Army there is
an increase of 1 in the Command Capacity.
Soviet Shock and Guards Armies: These provide a 21.11.9. Headquarters Unit Relocation
bonus of +1 to their commander’s administrative score.
For Guards Armies this is in addition to the bonus for a
Tank Army so a Guards Tank Army will provide a +2 bonus
to the admin rating if the check involves a motorized unit.

21.11.6. Combat Unit Command Points

On map Combat Units cost a different number of
Command Points :
§§ Battalion/Regiment/Brigade: 1;
§§ Fortified Zone: 1;
§§ Division: 2;
§§ Corps: 4
MRU units off map do not cost any Command Points. If
the HQ is commanding units of a different nationality it
will pay an extra 1 command points for each Combat Unit
(CU). Thus a regiment of a different nationality will take up
2 Command Points.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The player can relocate most types of headquarters unit, change was made and will
including rail repair units, by selecting the “RELOCATE” be marked with an asterisk
button in the right upper corner of the HQ unit’s detail in the combat unit detail
window (37.2). Relocation is similar to a displacement move window to denote that
(23.13), but is a voluntary action and results in the unit being it cannot be transferred
moved to a friendly town, city or urban hex that is in supply. again that turn.
The headquarters unit will have its movement points
reduced to zero, but there is no relation between the
relocation and normal movement. The headquarters
unit and any attached support units will suffer retreat
attrition (23.12). The town, city or urban hex that the unit is
relocated to will generally be to the west for the Axis player
and to the east for the Soviet player, but there is a random
factor to the relocation so that the player cannot anticipate
where the unit will end up.
While airbases cannot be relocated, the planes there can
be. If an airbase is overrun any damaged planes will be lost 21.12.1. Standard Stacking Rules
while others will transfer to the nearest operating base. Usually a maximum of three on-map units, no matter what
the type, size or status, may be in a hex at one time.
Units can move through a hex with three units already
Game Play Tip: Though a headquarters unit can
present, but will be unable to stop in that hex.
be relocated multiple times in a turn, relocation is
Combat unit breakdown can only take place if the
generally only advised for isolated headquarters units
broken down units will not exceed these stacking limits.
you want to get out of a pocket immediately instead
of waiting for the unit to be involuntarily displaced by
21.12.2. Special Stacking Rules
enemy units.
(City Forts)
Special stacking rules apply in major urban and some port
Regular movement is almost always preferable to hexes. In these hexes it is possible to create a ‘city fort’ unit
relocation because the relocation movement is hard to (20.6) and attach multiple combat and command units to
predict and does cause retreat attrition to the headquarters this static command.
units and any attached support units. Units in a city fort will be shown in the Commanders
Report (Appendix 35.2) with the notation ‘fort’ as opposed
21.11.10. Reassigning Combat Units to the usual hex location data. By clicking on unit name,
between HQs the map will center on fort unit with its detailed unit tab
A specific combat unit can only be transferred once per open (you can remove units from the fort using this if
turn, they will suffer a – 1 for admin rolls on the turn the you wish).



Focus: This section explains how to move ground units
in WiTE2. Naval transport is covered in chapter 24.

Key Points:
§§ The different types of movement (tactical, strategic
and air transport)
§§ How Movement Points are calculated for tactical
§§ Tactical Movement costs and the impact of
‘administrative movement’
§§ Interaction of the road system and tactical
movement costs
§§ How to conduct Strategic Rail Movement
§§ How to conduct air resupply, movement of air
transportable units and airborne operations

There are two general types of land movement for ground

units, tactical and strategic rail. In addition, units can move
by sea transport (24.3) and certain combat units can be
transported by air (22.5).
Tactical movement is from ground hex to ground hex
using movement points (MP) and includes the cost of
terrain, of moving into enemy zones of control and enemy
hexes, and the cost of attacking enemy units.

Note you do not need to move the unit hex by

hex, selecting the intended destination hex will
automatically move the unit along the designated
movement path. For most purposes, the computer
will identify the quickest route between the start and
end hex for you.

Here the computer routine has automatically selected

the quickest route (in MP expenditure) between the starting
and destination hex for the chosen unit. Note it will have
1 MP left on arrival and you could move it another hex
(if possible) either immediately or later in the movement
phase. Strategic rail movement represents loading units
on to trains for transport over friendly rail lines uses
Note that the tactical movement costs are also used to strategic movement points (SMP), but also depends on the
determine the cost of moving supplies by truck. availability of railyard rail capacity and rail usage on rail

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Units using strategic rail movement have their tactical §§ 25 in June 1941
MP reduced proportionally to the expenditure of SMP. §§ 35 for Motorized Brigades throughout the game
Equally a unit that has moved by rail or naval transport §§ 35 for divisions between July 1941 and December 1942
will have its remaining tactical movement points reduced. §§ 50 in all other cases
Players can undo a move (‘undo’ button or hot key ‘u’)
unless the move resulted in losses from air interdiction, 22.1.2. Minimum Movement Points
turned an enemy hex into a pending friendly hex, attacked Motorized units will always receive at least one MP, even
an enemy unit or spotted an enemy unit that previously when out of fuel.
had a detection level of zero. Non-motorized units will always receive at least eight
The phasing player can conduct movement, combat, air MP, even when out of supplies unless the unit was air
transport and transfer missions and other administrative dropped in the current turn (23.9). The exception is static
functions in any order desired during the action (move) units that will receive two MP.
phase. Assuming enough movement points were available, Units can always move at least one hex, even if it costs
for example, a combat unit could use tactical movement to more than their MP allocation. To make this minimum
move adjacent to an enemy unit, attack, then use tactical move, the unit must be the only unit selected if more than
movement to move to a rail hex, and then use strategic one unit is that particular hex.
movement along the rail network and finally detrain. §§ Determining the Actual Movement Point Allowance
Equally you can move one unit for one or more hexes, The following steps are used by the computer to determine
leave it, move another and then return to the original unit a unit’s MP allowance during the logistics phase at the start
to use up its remaining MPs. of a turn:
Many actions require the selection of a specific mode §§ Start with Maximum MPs (22.1.1);
before they can be conducted. §§ Calculate average fatigue of the unit based on the
number and fatigue level of each type of ground
22.1. DETERMINING TACTICAL element. Reduce the number of MPs by the average
fatigue divided by ten, rounded down;
MOVEMENT POINTS §§ Note that the effect of fatigue is cancelled if a unit
On-map units begin each turn with a certain number passes a test comparing a dice roll to its current level of
of movement points (MP) determined by a number of Combat Preparation Points (23.2.3). In addition passing
factors, including unit type, whether it is motorized or non- this test will remove the need to check for initiative and
motorized (21.3.1), supply status (fuel for motorized units, administration (as below);
supplies for non-motorized units), reductions as a result §§ Check for leader initiative. If all leaders in the chain of
of being attacked the previous turn, vehicle shortages, command fail the initiative check, then multiply MPs
fatigue, and leader admin and initiative checks. remaining by 80 percent, rounding down;
Units have a maximum MP allowance that they cannot §§ Check for leader admin. If all leaders in chain of
exceed and a minimum that they will always be able to move. command fail the admin check, then multiply MPs
remaining by 80 percent, rounding down. Note that
22.1.1. Maximum Movement Points units that did not move in the previous turn will
The following are the maximum MPs for on-map units: automatically pass their next turn’s admin check;
§§ Non-Motorized Combat units (except Cavalry) units – 16 §§ Reset the unit’s MPs to eight if determined to be lower
MP than eight;
§§ Cavalry Combat units – 22 MP §§ Determine if fuel (motorized unit) or supplies (non-
§§ Headquarters units – 50 MP motorized unit) are sufficient to enable the unit
§§ Rail Repair HQ units – 16 MP to use the remaining MPs it has. For example, if a
§§ Motorized Combat units – 50 MP motorized unit has only 50 percent of its maximum
§§ Static Units – 2 MP MPs remaining after the calculations above, it will only
Soviet maximum movement capacity for HQs and motorized require 50 percent of fuel it would have needed to use
units is reduced to: its maximum MP.


a unit would have paid had it made the attack (so if it was
For example: if fuel on hand is 60 percent of what the
a deliberate attack and the defending unit is motorized, it
unit needs to use its remaining MPs, then it can only
would lose 16 MPs from its next turn MPs). This standard
move 60 percent of those MPs, rounded down.
attack cost is modified as follows based on the odds of the
§§ The movement allowance is capped by a shortage
Odds From Odds To Impact
of vehicles in the unit as follows: Motorized Units =
1.5:1 or greater Full Effect
Maximum of 6 + (44 * (vehicles in unit/vehicles required
1:1 1.49:1 75%
by unit). For Non-Motorized Units = Maximum of 6 + (10
1:2 1:1.01 50%
* (vehicles in unit/vehicles required by unit). For Cavalry
1:5 1:201 35%
Units = Maximum of 6 + (16 * (vehicles in unit/vehicles
1:10 1:501 20%
required by unit).
Less than 1:10 No Effect
§§ Note that in each case, the number of trucks available is
all those shown as unused (i.e. not taken by the resupply Motorized units cannot lose more than 16 MP
routines) plus 1/3 of those used in the supply process. regardless of how many times they are involved in combat
§§ Subtract MPs based on attacks made against this unit in the previous turn. They will retain a minimum of 6 MP
during the prior player-turn (22.1.3). unless they are also affected by fuel shortages when their
§§ If it is a non-motorized unit, reset the unit’s MPs to eight minimum MP can be 1.
if determined to be lower than eight. If a motorized unit When a unit is attacked in the amphibious phase, which
with zero MPs, reset the unit’s MPs to one. If a static unit comes after the unit’s MPs are set, any loss of MPs due to
with less than 2 MPs, reset the unit’s MPs to two. enemy attacks is immediate and can leave a unit with 0
As an example of the above rules, a motorized Axis unit MPs at the start of their turn.
that was not attacked during the last player-turn will start
with a base MP of 50. 22.1.4. Impact of Amending the
If average fatigue were 22, then the unit MP would be Logistical Level
reduced by 2 to 48. If the logistical level is varied from 100 due adjusting the
If all the leaders in its chain of command failed their difficulty level when setting up the game this will have an
initiative and admin checks, the unit’s MPs would be impact on how a shortage of trucks affects the MP available.
reduced first to 38 and then to 30. If it is under 100, then a truck shortage will have a greater
As 30 is 60 percent of the base MP of 50, the unit would impact on MP, if it is over 100 then a truck shortage will
need at least 60 percent of required fuel in order to use have less effect.
these 30 MPs; if it had only 45 percent of its fuel needs, its
MPs would be lowered to 22. 22.1.5. Movement Allowance for Air
If the unit has 80 percent of its vehicles, it has a Dropped Combat Units
maximum of 6 + (44*.8) or 42 MPs. Since the unit has only Combat units that are air dropped, including in support
22 MP, it is not affected further by this level of vehicle of amphibious invasions, will have zero movement points
shortage. remaining for the rest of their turn.
Had the unit had 100 percent of its fuel and had passed
the leader and admin checks, instead of having 48 MPs the
truck shortage would be reduced the unit to 43 MPs. Game Play Note: Given a week long turn, the inability
of units to move after being air dropped may seem
22.1.3. Impact of Enemy Attacks on Unit unrealistic. Basically they are taking a 10x10 mile area
Movement Allowance (hex) and waiting for troops to link up with them. Their
When a unit is attacked, depending on the odds, it will importance is in cutting off enemy unit retreat routes
suffer a loss in movement points during its next turn. and preventing reserve activations.
The loss of MPs is equal to the standard attack cost that

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

22.2. TACTICAL MOVEMENT COSTS Every hex will cost one combat preparation point (23.2)
regardless of the notional MP cost per hex.
22.2.1. Rear Area Administrative
Movement In this case, administrative movement can still be
Ground unit movement costs are reduced if the unit is helpful. If a unit moves its full allowance it will expend
moving in hexes that were friendly controlled at the start more preparation points but if it moves as far as it
of the turn. In a clear hex in clear weather the cost for an could without administrative movement it will be left
infantry unit will usually be 1 MP compared to the cost of with some unused MP. Since unused SMP contribute
2-3 MP when entering a hex captured during the turn (i.e. to the recovery of Preparation Points, the unit will
one where you have ‘pending control’). regain those it lost if you are careful about the speed
The rear area administrative rule will apply when: of advance and keeping a unit in friendly controlled
§§ moving in hexes that were friendly controlled at the hexes.
start of a turn (7.3.1)
§§ not adjacent to an enemy controlled hex (both the hex
exited and the hex entered) 22.2.3. Impact of Interdiction on
§§ there is no enemy interdiction in the hex (at any level tactical movement
above zero) Interdiction can be generated by enemy air action (18.1.4),
The reduction in the movement cost is based on the partisans (13.4.2) or as a result of an airborne assault
lowest quality road system in either the source hex or the (23.9). Any level of interdiction will prevent the usage of
destination hex. For poor roads, the reduction is 1 MP per administrative movement through the hex.
hex, for average roads 2 MP per hex and for good roads 3 Leaving hexes with higher levels of interdiction will
MP per hex. The MP for any hex can never be less than 1. impose increased movement costs and possibly extra
losses in the form of disruptions, damaged and destroyed
As an example, if a non-motorized unit moves from an
average road hex to a good road hex in rough terrain
22.2.4. Impact of Enemy Zones of
and with heavy mud then the cost would be 2 (for
rough) +2 for poor weather – 2 (since the average road
The movement costs for exiting an enemy Zone of Control
is the worst of the two hexes), in combination this will
depend on the morale of the moving unit (38.6.1). If the
give a 2MP cost.
unit morale is between 81 and 100 the cost is +1, between
51 and 80 it is +2 and at 50 or below the extra cost is 3 MP.
If this move included crossing a minor river, then the
base movement cost would be 2 (rough terrain) +1 (minor 22.2.5. Temporary Motorization
river) + 2 (heavy mud) and the road system would then Any non-motorized combat unit (except cavalry units)
reduce the total cost from 5 MP to 3 MP. that is in supply may triple its movement points (MP) for
the current turn by clicking on ‘motorize unit’ from the
22.2.2. Fatigue, Combat Preparation combat unit detail screen (37.3), but at a cost in vehicles
Points and Movement drawn from nearby depots and/or the motor pool as well
As units move they will build up fatigue. This will be higher as administrative points (AP).
when units move in hexes that have been captured that As in this example, the cost of motorising is shown on
turn or are affected by Heavy Mud ground conditions. the unit tab (342 trucks and 1 admin point) and will be
confirmed when you decide to (or not) to carry out the
Moving units in hexes you controlled at the start of Only units that have not yet expended any MPs during
the turn will be quicker and see them gain less fatigue that turn may temporarily motorize. The unit will show
than moving into hexes that were enemy controlled. as Motorized for the rest of the player’s turn and will
pay motorized unit costs. Mountain units that have been


the vehicles and return to non-motorized movement.

This demotorization will then occur in the next friendly
logistics phase.
Non-motorized support units check in the logistics
phase to see if they are attached to a motorized unit, and if
so, they are given extra vehicle needs as if they were being
motorized themselves. Unlike the on map units, they are
not immediately provided with vehicles they need when
the parent unit is temporarily motorized. This applies to
support units attached to temporarily motorized combat
units or attached to permanently motorized combat units.
In any logistics phase when the support unit is no longer
attached to a motorized unit, it will reduce its needs and
return the excess vehicles.
Support units don’t cost AP to motorize (they just do it
automatically when called for per above). Note this only
applies to support units directly attached to combat units.
When attached to HQ units, they remain in their natural
temporarily motorized pay motorized movement costs in state (i.e. they don’t motorize even though the HQ is
mountain hexes (not mountain unit movement costs). motorized).
One vehicle is required for each ground element in No AP’s are gained when a unit de-motorizes. Units
the unit (ready or damaged) and there must be available must be de-motorized prior to being transported by air.
vehicles in nearby depots or the motor pool. When a unit is Units that are temporarily motorized and retain
temporarily motorized, vehicles are taken from the depot their motorization each turn pay admin points for the
that the unit has most recently drawn supply from. If no motorization each turn (in this case if no Admin Points are
unused vehicles are in that depot, then freight in the depot retained the player will start turn with a negative value)
can be converted to vehicles from the pool (if there are Using the example above, the unit has been ordered to
vehicles in the pool). retain its motorisation. This can be cancelled by clicking on
If there are not enough vehicles, then the unit cannot ‘DEMOTORIZE UNIT’.
be motorized.
The Administrative Point cost to motorize a unit
is based on the number of vehicles required from the
motor pool and is equal to 1 + number of trucks required
/ 500 (rounded down). The number of vehicles required
to motorize the unit and the number of administrative
points required for temporary motorization will be
displayed next to the Motorize Unit text in the unit detail
All temporarily motorized units and Soviets motorized
infantry units (whether motorization is temporary or
permanent) pay an additional +1 MP when moving into an
enemy controlled hex (in addition to normal costs).
Normally a temporarily motorized unit will be
automatically demotorized in the next friendly logistics,
phase, but the player will be offered an option to have the
unit retain motorization in future turns. In these cases the
player must then use the demotorize button to remove

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

22.2.6. Specific Movement Rules for As always it must have enough MPs to successfully
Brigades and Smaller units complete the move or it is not allowed. All combat delays
To reflect their lack of combat support elements, brigades are removed out at the start of the next logistics phase.
and regiments that move into an enemy controlled (and Combat delay points are added to a hex as follows:
pending) hex must pay a movement cost of at least 3 MP §§ 3 Points – Deliberate attack with final odds < 5 to 1.
per hex (terrain, weather and interdiction can all increase §§ 2 Points – Deliberate attack with final odds >= 5 to 1 and
this to a higher number). < 10 to 1.
These units move in friendly hexes according to the §§ 1 Point – Deliberate attack with final odds >= 10 to 1.
usual movement rules for their type of unit. §§ 1 Point – Hasty attack with final odds < 10 to 1.
§§ 0 Point – Hasty attack with final odds > 10 to 1 unless
there is an enemy unit (including the original defender)
still adjacent to the hex. In this case a delay of 1 is still
§§ 0 Point if the attack failed but was changed to a scouting
battle (23.4.2).

Note: This rule makes does not make it harder to

enter a hex that was taken in combat, but does make
it harder to move further than that hex during the
current movement phase.
In this case, the German regiment will pay 3 MP to enter
a Soviet hex not the 1 MP that represents the base cost for
such a hex in good weather. 22.2.8. Detailed Movement Cost Tables
These can be found in appendix 38.7 of this manual and in
22.2.7. Combat Delay Movement Costs the game editor (appendix 41),
Whenever ground combat takes place in a hex, a combat
delay cost will usually be generated for the hex which will
slow down future movement from this hex during the
current movement phase. MOVEMENT (F1)
This combat delay usually accumulates with every battle To carry out any tactical movement, the F1 key must be
in the hex up to a maximum of nine points. This combat selected.
delay is listed at the bottom of the hex pop up and can be There are three slightly different ways in which a given
displayed in the hex inside a small movement compass the unit may either move or attack (remember that combat is
same colour as the non-phasing player. a function of movement in WiTE2).
In this example, the
German 1-1 division has 22.3.1. Ground Movement
been attacked twice (once Summary: Left click as necessary to select the unit(s), right
hasty, once deliberate) so click to move.
the hex now has a combat Details: First select a hex with units and then if necessary
delay of 4 (if any Soviet units select the unit(s) that will be moving. Selecting a blank part
ever manage to capture it). of the unit box will toggle unit selection.
The graphic display can be toggled on or off using The current movement allowance will always be
Hotkey- Ctrl-d. The effect of the delay is that when a unit displayed on the unit counter graphic in the unit bar.
moves out of a hex, it expends an amount of MPs equal to With ‘show movement allowed’ enabled (default) hexes
the combat delay if a non-motorized unit, and three times the unit with the fewest movement points remaining
the combat delay if a motorized unit. cannot reach will be shaded grey. Impassable hexes, to


include hexes blocked due to enemy units, will be shaded of the attack. The hasty attack symbol will appear if the
red. If ‘show movement path’ is enabled (default) then selected units are eligible to attack. Right click on the target
moving the mouse curser over the hexes where movement hex to initiate a battle.
is allowed will display a line of symbols, each with a number Hasty attacks will cost motorized units 3 MP (plus the
showing how many movement points the unit with the cost to enter the target hex) and non-motorized 2 MP.
fewest remaining movement points would have left if it
was moved to the hexes along that path. 22.3.4. Conducting a Deliberate Attack
To move the selected units to an allowed location, right Summary : Multiple hexes allowed. Shift-left click and Shift-
click in the desired hex. If the unit(s) that was just moved is left mouse cursor over to select, shift-right click to attack.
eligible to undo the move, the ‘undo move’ button (Hotkey- Details: Hold the shift button down and left click on a
‘u’) will appear at the right end of the mode tool bar. hex with friendly combat units that will be participating in
the deliberate attack. To add additional combat units from
other hexes to the deliberate attack, to include on-map
While the movement rules may appear complex, in
artillery combat units firing from two hexes away, move
most circumstances actual movement is relatively
the mouse cursor (with Shift still down) over the applicable
simple. The screen display will first show all the hexes
hexes, which will result in the selection of all additional
the unit can reach (subject to FOW) and the actual
units in those hexes.
movement cost of the cheapest option.
The unit bar will then change to a list of all units
currently selected, with a unit counter graphic followed by
the unit name. Units that do not have sufficient movement
22.3.2. Placing a unit in Reserve Stance points to attack will be automatically deselected. Any units
Units in the reserve stance can contribute to any battle in the hexes that the player does not wish to attack can
within their command and movement range at a cost to be deselected by left clicking the counter graphic in the
their MP in the following turn (any battles they engage in unit bar.
will affect their MP, see 22.1.3). De-selection will be
Any unit can be placed into reserve mode regardless of confirmed by the counter
the remaining MP in the current turn but is very unlikely to graphic being removed and
actually take part as a reserve formation if this is too low. units can be re-selected by
left clicking again.
22.3.3. Conducting a Hasty Attack In this case any of these
Summary : From single hex only. Left click as necessary to units can be deselected,
select unit(s), right click to attack. reducing the apparent combat
Details: First odds and reselected if you
select a hex want to include them in the
with at least one battle.
combat unit that Only combat units will be
is adjacent to selected during this process,
an enemy unit but combat units not eligible
and use the unit to participate (usually non-
bar to select the artillery combat units two
units that will hexes away) in the deliberate
participate in the attack will need to be manually
attack. Move the deselected in order for the attack to be conducted by the
mouse cursor computer. If units lack the MPs to complete the attack they
over the hex with will need to be manually deselected.
enemy units that The cost of a deliberate attack will vary according to the
will be the target unit type (38.7.1) but usually motorized units will pay 16 MP

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

(plus the cost of entering the target hex) and non-motorized 22.4.1. Basic Strategic Rail
6 MP. The main exception is that non-motorized type 2 units Transport Rules
(i.e. those that have both vehicles for supplies and all non- Strategic rail transport can only be conducted through
infantry, non-infantry weapon elements) will pay 5 MP. friendly controlled and undamaged rail line hexes that
Once the phasing player has selected all the combat are connected through the rail network to a permanent
units that will be participating in the attack, move the supply source. Rail line hexes that are in an enemy ZOC
mouse cursor (with Shift still down) over the hex with the are considered to be cut off from the rail network and
enemy units that will be the target of the attack. cannot be used for strategic rail transport, even if the hex
The deliberate attack symbol will appear if the selected is occupied by a friendly combat unit. The player can view
units are all eligible to attack. Right click on the target hex the status of the rail line hexes and the rail network by
to initiate a battle. toggling the Rail Damage Info button (Hotkey- r) in the map
information tab (7.2.5)
Gameplay Note: The phasing player does not initially Selecting a unit that is located on a rail line hex while in Rail
need to have the shift key down in order to select Mode (F2) will shade all hexes that that unit cannot move into
the initial hex, but adding additional units in other using strategic rail transport. Note that there is a movement
hexes, selecting a target for the deliberate attack and point cost for both entraining and detraining, so that a unit
conducting the deliberate attack will require the use that ends the turn entrained will need to at least expend the
of the shift key. necessary SMP to detrain before it can use its remaining MP
for tactical movement. See section 6.2.4 for details on using
the interface to conduct strategic rail transport.
22.3.5. Forced Displacement Movement
In most circumstances units cannot move in the enemy 22.4.2. Strategic Movement Points
phases. The exception is if an enemy stack made up of All units have 200 Strategic Movement Points per turn,
units with no CV values (such as HQs, routed or depleted including Static units as these can move by rail. If a static
units) has a friendly unit move next to them, they will make unit is mobilized it will have 100 SMPs on the turn of
a displacement move. mobilization (i.e. it will lose half of its potential allowance).
In some circumstances this might also trigger a Note that Axis units have no SMP on T1.
surrender if it involves a combat unit that has a low TOE Units that are currently routed, or have recovered from
and is isolated (23.14.5 and 23.14.6). In other cases, the a rout in the most recent logistics phase, will have nil SMP.
unit(s) will move to the nearest hex owned by their side Note that this stops such units being transferred off the
taking attrition losses as they do so. Such displacements map and regaining any CPP.
may happen multiple times in a turn. Tactical MP and SMP are expended proportionally
so that use of one movement mode will decrease the
remaining allowance of the other.
Strategic rail movement can be conducted by non-
For example, a headquarters unit with a MP of 50 and
routed, non-frozen ground units. Each unit has a strategic
a SMP of 200 expends 10 MP of tactical movement to
transport cost in tons listed in the unit detail window (37.2,
move to a rail hex, resulting in a remaining allowance
37.3 and 37.4). For that unit to use strategic rail movement
of 40 MP and 160 SMP.
there must be sufficient railyard capacity tonnage available
to conduct the movement. The transportation cost of a
unit will be deducted from the applicable railyard capacity There is a variable SMP cost to load or unload from
every turn it uses strategic movement, even if it just moves trains depending on the presence of a railyard in the hex
one hex. and the capacity of that railyard. Units without enough
Combat units that are attacked while entrained will only remaining SMP at the desired destination will be unable
have 10% of their CV in the subsequent battle. to detrain. Entrained units may not move via naval or
There is a cost in resources (coal) for using rail transport. amphibious movement.


Rail usage in tons is displayed in the hex pop-up rollover

In general, it is more efficient to entrain and detrain at text (6.4) for each rail hex. If the map information tab
a rail yard. This will cost less MP/SMP and use up less logistics info button (Hotkey- n) is toggled on, rail hexes are
rail capacity. colour coded based on tons of rail usage. Below are rail
usage ranges with associated colour codes and strategic
Each rail hex moved through costs a certain amount of movement point penalties per hex depending on the type
SMP determined by the current rail line usage tonnage in of rail system.
that hex.
22.4.4. Rail Transport SMP Costs
22.4.3. Rail Line Usage and SMP Penalties Entrain: The cost to entrain a unit is a minimum of 75 SMP
Rail line usage is determined by the freight and unit . This cost can increase if railyard capacity has to be drawn
tonnage that has moved through the hex. As the rail line from other hexes than the one currently occupied by the
usage tonnage increases in a hex, strategic movement unit. The further the distance the greater the increase in
point penalties will apply. The maximum tonnage that is load cost. The cost to entrain a unit will be displayed in
tracked in each hex with a dual track rail is 30,000 tons and the general information and City/Airfield Box (6.2.2) as Rail
for a single track rail this is 12,000 tons. These numbers Load MP: xx when a unit is selected in rail mode (F2).
can be exceeded if sufficient rail capacity is available but
each additional ton is charged the maximum SMP penalty
(as set out below).
During each logistics phase, accumulated friendly Detrain: The SMP cost to detrain in a hex with a railyard is
rail line usage in each hex is reduced to the higher of equal to 75 minus any remaining railyard capacity in that
either current rail usage divided by six or the enemy air railyard.
interdiction value (the actual value of this is shown in a For example, a unit detraining in a hex with a level 2
hex pop-up) times 500, with the latter being maxed out at railyard with 10k ton capacity left would change the basic
45,000 tons of rail line usage. In cases where there is no cost of 75, less the remaining capacity (10) to give a 65 SMP
enemy air interdiction, at the start of the movement phase unload cost. There is a minimum 30 SMP cost to detrain.
the max rail line usage will be 5,000 tons (for a dual track The cost to detrain in a city or urban hex without a railyard
line and 2,000 for a single track line). is 80 SMP. The cost to detrain in any other hex without a
railyard, including hexes with towns, is 100 SMP.
Note that rail line usage has an impact on freight The cost to move 1 hex by rail is 1 SMP plus any rail
movement to depots during the logistics phase, so usage SMP penalty, so the maximum cost to move through
moving lots of units over a critical rail line will impact a hex would be 7 SMP.
on the amount of freight subsequently delivered to
depots at the end of the line.
22.4.5. Impact of Air Power on Strategic
Rail Transport
Players can use ground attack and strategic bombing
SMP missions to attack railyards and thus lower overall railyard
Status Dual Track Single Track
capacity. In addition, the further a unit has to go to find
No usage No usage None sufficient railyard capacity to use rail transport, the more
Dark SMP it takes to entrain, so bombing railyards can both
1 – 4,999 tons 1-1,999 tons None
Green reduce overall capacity and increase the SMP cost of
Yellow 5,000-9,999 tons 2,000-3,999 tons +1 entraining units in specific areas.
Yellow 10,000 – 14,999 tons 4,000-5,999 tons +2
Air interdiction can be used to maximize the rail usage
Orange 15,000 – 19,999 tons 6,000-7,999 tons +3
Orange 20,000 – 24,999 tons 8,000-9,999 tons +4 SMP penalty on specific areas of the rail network.
Orange 25,000 – 29,999 tons +5
Red 30,000+ tons 12,000+ tons +6

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

22.4.6. Conducting Ground Unit Strategic (22.5.1), air transport of non-motorized combat units to
Rail Movement (F2) friendly air base units (22.5.2), and the airdrop of airborne
To entrain a unit or move it by rail the F2 key must be combat units (22.5.3). This will open this screen which can
selected. Left click as necessary to select the unit(s), and then be used to order the air movement of freight, units or
then use the right click to move the unit as normal (it will airborne operations.
then move using rail movement).

Units must start on or be moved to a hex with a friendly

undamaged rail line that is not adjacent to enemy units in
order to conduct rail strategic movement.
With ‘show movement allowed’ enabled the hexes the
unit cannot reach will be shaded grey. Impassable hexes,
including hexes blocked due to enemy units, will be shaded
red. As you trace a line of suitable hexes the map will
display a line of symbols, each with a number showing how
many movement points the unit with the fewest remaining
movement points would have left if it was moved to the
hexes along that path.
To move the selected units to an allowed location,
right click in the desired hex. The on-map counter unit will
display the entrained symbol and the ‘on train’ button will
appear in the unit bar.
The unit will remain entrained until either the ‘on train’
button is selected or movement mode (F1) is selected, When in Air Transport mode (F9), assigned (pending)
returning the unit to its previous status. Units without amphibious invasion and associated airborne landing
sufficient SMP available will be unable to detrain. hexes will be displayed on the map. Amphibious landing
Remaining Railyard Capacity will be displayed for each ground hexes will be shaded red, the water hexes
railyard when in rail move mode with the number in the Amphibious HQ units will move to will be shaded blue and
rail circles on the map equal to 1,000 tons of remaining airborne landing hexes will be shaded light blue.
load/unload capacity. If the unit(s) that was just moved is
eligible to undo the move, the ‘undo move’ button (Hotkey- 22.5.1. Air Transport of Freight
‘u’) will appear at the right end of the mode tool bar. To transfer freight, you will need to select your target hex
(left click) and then a staging base will be identified. You
can change this either from the list in the screen or by right
22.5. AIR TRANSPORT clicking on a suitable on-map airbase. Those with sufficient
The Air Transport mode (F9) can be used to conduct three freight are marked in blue, those lacking sufficient freight
types of air transport missions; airdrop of freight (supply) are in green (a warning message will appear if you try


to select a green air base). In most circumstances the You can also change the staging base from the pop-up
computer will identify a suitable staging base for the screen:
chosen target. The target hex can be any hex but is more effective if
an airbase is chosen. All cargo capacity is halved when
transporting to a non-airbase hex (i.e. parachuting
supplies) and, in addition, only 25-75 percent of the freight
air-dropped will arrive in a non-airbase hex.
Eligible air transport units and fighters will be
automatically selected and you can add other eligible
units if you wish (possible transport groups, including
level bombers, that are set to rest, are marked with a cup

Note that adding level bombers will cost you one

administrative point for each such formation.
Once you have selected a suitable set of air groups, the
option to launch the air supply will appear at the top of the
In this case, the computer routine has identified
screen. You can tab between ordering multiple missions
Budapest as the best staging base for the target hex.
and a single mission. Once you are ready, press LAUNCH
The transport planes are deployed elsewhere (hence
and the air supply mission will be conducted.
the purple line to the NE). Note that none of the other
Soviet airbases in this region are eligible as staging
bases as they lack sufficient freight.

Note: This mission will be more successful if (a) there

is adequate freight at the airbase with the transport
planes and (b) if it targets a friendly air base (even one
you have just captured), if no airbase is available it is
better to drop into a clear terrain hex.

When air freight is air transported to a hex, if there is no

depot in the hex, a temporary depot is created. Whether
a temporary depot or an already existing depot receives
the air transported freight, the instant an air transported
shipment arrives in a hex, a special distribution takes places

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

of freight from the depot in the hex. This special distribution

is of supplies, fuel and ammo only (no replacements) and
goes to units in the hex or adjacent to the hex.
If there is already freight in the depot, then some of
this existing freight may be distributed out along with
the freight that was dropped. It is much more efficient to
transport freight to a hex with an air base unit than to a
hex with no airfield. If there is no airfield, it is better to
drop in clear than in worse terrain. Temporary and isolated
depots are not allowed to convert freight into vehicles from
the pool. They are not allowed to distribute replacements
during the logistics phase, but can replenish units in the
pocket with them during the logistics phase using standard
non-vehicle methods as well as by using any vehicles
already in the depot or vehicles requisitioned to the depot
from units in the pocket.
Temporary depots created under this routine remain
until the hex is linked to a supply source, at which point
the temporary depot is disbanded.
Non-transport aircraft have their cargo capacity halved
when performing air transport. In addition, It also costs
one AP to assign a Level Bomber to an air transport
mission (whether set to Single or Multiple Missions). Level
bombers pay four times the normal miles flown when they
fly air transport missions.

22.5.2. Air Transport of Non-Motorized

Select the transport unit mode (F9) and select Unit from
the tabs.
You can select a suitable air base either by scrolling
down the list of airbases or right click on an airbase on the
map. You will also select the target airbase where the units Once a unit has been selected, left click on the intended
will be landed. destination. As with freight transport missions suitable air
Once you have selected a suitable airbase the possible groups (and escorts if any are available will be selected). If
units are shown together with their load cost. insufficient transport capacity exists to move the unit in a
To be eligible, a combat unit must be either in a hex with single operation then air transport of non-motorized units
a friendly air base unit or adjacent. A unit must have at can be conducted in up to 2 sorties. If more than 2 sorties
least 1 MP remaining in order to be air transported. would be needed, the unit cannot be air transported.
If a non-motorized unit has ground elements that The computer does not account for possible combat
cannot be air transported these will transferred into and operational losses when figuring the number of
combat units in or adjacent to the hex with the air base sorties required.
unit that the unit flew from. If there are no eligible combat
units, then the ground elements will be transferred back to 22.5.3. Air Dropping Airborne Combat Units
the production pool. Any vehicles and excess supply will be Select the transport unit mode (F9) and select Airborne
transferred to the air base unit that the unit was stacked from the tabs. Airbases with eligible brigades or regiments
with prior to being air transported. (23.9.1) will be shown and split between their airbases.


This routine is used both for ordering the actual drop and of an amphibious invasion are executed after the enemy
setting the target hex of any eligible airborne units. In the player’s logistic phase just prior to the execution of the
example below, the Soviets have airborne brigades at two amphibious invasion in the amphibious phase.
locations (Glubkoe and Kacha). The combat unit must begin the process in a hex
with a friendly air base. The air drop mission will be
conducted only by transport air group units. The airdrop
of airborne combat units has to be the first and only
mission conducted by a transport air group unit in a
turn. Once a transport air group unit has used miles for
any other purpose, it will be unavailable for airdrop of
airborne combat unit missions.
Air drops are not allowed in mountain and impassable
hexes. They are allowed in all other terrain; although air
dropped units will take more losses during a drop into
more congested terrain (such as forests or rough terrain
or urban centres). Airborne units can drop onto a hex
already containing friendly units as long as they do not
exceed stacking limits, in which case they will scatter to an
adjacent hex.
Preparation Points accrue in each friendly logistics phase
equal to (100-current prep points)/2, with a minimum per
turn gain of 20, and a max prep point value of 95. Airborne
units must be on an airbase to set a target.

Note this does not have to be same airbase hex

as when it first started to prepare for the mission.
Moving between airbases allows a unit to preserve its
preparation points.

Airborne units may not order an airdrop unless they

have at least 50 prep points.
Airborne landings that are within 8 hexes of a
supplied friendly unit (traced over land hexes) take place
If insufficient air capacity is not available then the load immediately upon selecting the Drop button. Airborne
cost/capacity will show in red. landings that are supporting an amphibious landing (i.e.
Click on LAUNCH AIRDROP and the mission will be don’t qualify as being within 8 hexes of a supplied friendly
executed and the mission will appear as a battle report. unit but are within 1 hex of a hex that has an ordered as the
Airdrops are a special type of air transport that requires target of an amphibious invasion) are executed after the
several turns of preparatory time before they can be enemy player’s logistic phase just prior to the execution of
conducted. Normal airborne drops are executed during the amphibious invasion in the amphibious phase and will
the player’s movement phase. Airborne drops in support automatically be a night drop.

Remember you must order the amphibious invasion

Airborne target hexes can only be set in the movement
before ordering an air drop that will be in support of
phase, not the air planning phase.
the invasion.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

An airborne unit that drops and can’t trace to a friendly In order for an rail repair HQ unit (21.11.1) to use
hex is immediately considered isolated and will surrender its special ability to repair rail hexes, the player must
if forced to retreat. manually move the unit into a hex that is suitable for
The air drop of airborne units will result in additional repair, and then select the RRC value that will appear on
interdiction added to the drop hex and adjacent hexes. the rail repair HQ unit in the unit bar if the unit has enough
MPs to perform the repair. Selecting the RRC number will
set the damage of the hex to one percent, and this last
22.6. RAIL REPAIR MOVEMENT point of damage will automatically be repaired during the
Friendly rail line hexes must be undamaged in order to be player’s next logistics phase.
used for strategic rail transport and the transport of freight. Designating a hex to be repaired expends movement
Rail line hex damage ranges from one to one hundred points. The number next to the RRC indicates the MP cost
percent, but even one percent damage will prevent the to the rail repair HQ unit to
hex from being usable for unit strategic rail movement and repair the current hex. If the
transport freight by rail. rail repair HQ unit is not in a
A change in hex control usually results in an automatic location that it can conduct a
one hundred percent damage to that rail line. The exception rail repair operation, the RRC
to this is rail hexes in the Baltic region that maybe captured number will display a ‘-‘ instead.
intact during the first three turns of a game starting on 22 The hex to be repaired
June 1941 (11.4). must be adjacent to another
A player can view the status of the rail network by undamaged hex or be a hex
selecting the map information tab rail damage info button. that has been repaired during the current turn. This could
The actual percentage of rail damage can be viewed in the allow the player to double up repairs and repair one track
particular hex pop-up rollover text. a long way in one turn. If a rail hex is not eligible for repair,
Damaged rail line hexes can be repaired either the RRC will not display in the rail repair unit’s info area.
automatically by special on-map construction type support The MP cost of manual rail repairs are based on
units or manually by the player through the use of rail the unit’s RRV: RRV1=4MP per hex; RRV2=3MP per hex,
repair headquarters units. RRV3=2MP per hex; and, RRV4=1MP per hex.
There is no limit on the number of hexes that can be
22.6.1. Automatic Rail Line Repair repaired by a rail repair unit other than the MPs the unit
Repairs will be made during the logistics phase as has to expend.
headquarters units automatically detach appropriate
construction units and send them to damaged rail line
Note: RRV is based on the number of construction and
hexes (21.6.1). These units will tend not to repair rail hexes
labour support units attached to the rail repair HQ
adjacent to a rail repair HQ.
unit and will decrease if attached support units are
removed. Players can manually disband support units
Game Play Tip: For the most efficient use of detached from a rail repair HQ unit, but there is no mechanism,
construction and labour support units, they should automatic or manual, to transfer additional support
only be manually returned to their headquarters units into a rail repair HQ unit
unit if the player believes they are in danger of being
attacked or isolated in their current position.

22.6.3. Rail Repair HQ Unit Movement

22.6.2. Manual Rail Line Repair This requires the F1 key to be selected. Move the Rail
Players may also repair rail lines by manually using rail Repair HQ unit into a hex that is suitable for rail repair
repair HQ units. Players must manually move rail repair using tactical movement. Select the RRC (Rail Repair Cost)
HQ units and designate which hexes they will be repairing number that will appear on the Rail Repair HQ unit in the
during a turn. unit bar if the unit has enough MPs to perform the repair.


Selecting the RRC will set the damage of the hex to one 22.6.4. Rail Repair from a Captured Port
percent, and this last point of damage will automatically Note that rail lines in a port can be repaired and then
be repaired during the Rail Repair segment of the player’s extended from the port, even if the rail line is not directly
next logistics phase. connected to a NSS. However, rail capacity on this isolated
Designating a hex to be repaired expends movement line will be limited to that provided by its own network of
points. The number next to the RRC indicates the MP cost railyards.
to the rail repair unit to repair the current hex. If the Rail
Repair HQ unit is not in a location that it can conduct a rail
repair operation, the RRC number will display a ‘-‘ instead.


Focus: This section explains how to ground combat is
conducted in WiTE2

Key Points:
§§ How Combat Values are calculated and their effect
on combat
§§ How Combat Values are modified by leadership,
terrain and weather
§§ How Combat Values might change during the combat
§§ The importance of Combat Preparation Points and
§§ How Support Units are committed to combat §§ Combat Casualties
§§ How Combat Units in reserve mode are committed §§ Air drops and Combat
to combat §§ Displacement Moves and their consequences
§§ The effect of combat on Ground Elements §§ Special rules for Isolated Units

Ground combat takes place in the ground phase and element experience and fatigue, ammo status, and the
is represented by combat units of the phasing side type of attack all play a role in the determination of the
expending movement points to attack enemy units. The initial and modified Combat Value as well as how the
resulting battle can include Air Groups from both sides battle is fought. At the conclusion of combat, the modified
providing ground support or interception, the commitment Combat Value ratio determines whether the defender
of attached support units, and the commitment of nearby holds or is forced to retreat, which may lead to rout,
combat units in reserve status. The actual fighting takes shattering or surrender, resulting in additional losses from
place between the individual aircraft and ground elements retreat attrition.
attempting to fire and hit each other in order to disrupt, Depending on the outcome and odds ratio, defending
damage, or destroy. units may have their movement points for their next turn
Terrain and fortification level, air interdiction levels, reduced and combat delay may increase the movement
leader initiative and combat rating, unit morale, ground cost of attacking units moving out of the battle hex.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

23.1. COMBAT VALUE (CV) 23.1.1. Initial and Modified Combat Values
All ground units have a combat value (CV) that is used to At the beginning of combat the initial CV is displayed on the
determine the results of a battle. The unit CV is equal to combat resolution report and then, after combat is finished,
the sum of the individual CV’s for each ground element in the resulting modified CV is displayed in the battle report. The
the combat or support unit. The CV is representative of the final ratio between attacker and defender modified combat
ability to take or hold territory, often referred to as “boots values is used to determine whether the defenders held their
on the ground.” Thus the CV ratings of ground elements position or will be forced to retreat, rout or shatter (23.10).
are weighted toward infantry and AFV ground elements, The combat value displayed on the counters and shown
while artillery and other guns, though they have good as the initial CV in the combat resolution window can be
firepower, tend to have low CV’s. radically different from the modified CV shown at the end
The CV in Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2 is a calculated of the battle, not only due to combat losses, but due to the
value that can only provide players an idea of the combat many random factors and leader rating checks that occur
ability of the unit. This is partly due to FOW, partly due to the to determine the modified combat value. Also artillery
possibility that additional formations may join in a battle and air attacks in the early stages of a battle may disrupt,
and partly as each battle will disrupt (or more) a variety of damage or even destroy Ground Elements and those
elements and each such element is then subtracted from elements are then not available for later in the battle if the
the final CV score. attacker closes to close quarters.
Displayed Unit CV’s are determined by a complex formula In figure 23-1, both sides saw significant loss of at-start
that takes into account the different ground elements combat values. For the German defenders a major reason
making up the unit as well as unit morale, experience, is the loss of the fortifications as the battle progressed due
fatigue, leadership and supply. CV values displayed for to the amount of Soviet artillery present. On the Soviet
units are non-random approximations of what in combat is side, substantial numbers of elements were disrupted or
a series of die rolls and thus somewhat random values, so damaged in the assault.
no single CV can be more than a guide to how the unit will If the show details option is chosen, that screen will expand
perform in any particular combat. When Fog of War (FOW) to give an overview of how this happened (see figure 23-2 for
is enabled the accuracy of estimates of enemy CV will be an example). More details are available in the other tabs (37.1)
further degraded at lower detection levels (10.2). In addition, note that calculated CV’s are fairly large
The elements that go into calculating the CV are set numbers, so for ease of visualization the CV displayed on
out in annex 34.4. Elements may be more or less effective the unit counter on the map and in the unit bar are divided
than this notional value. For example, each heavy tank by 100 and rounded down, while the unit CV’s displayed
contributes a value of 9 but a late war IS-2 or King Tiger in the combat resolution display have been reduced by a
will be far more effective in combat than an early war KV-2. factor of 10 and rounded down. The CV displayed on a unit
Equally, in 1941 both the Soviet BT-7 and T-34 are medium counter will not be displayed as less than one unless it is a
tanks but the latter is far more effective. HQ, depleted or routed unit, but due to rounding, on-map
This may not affect the combat result (hold or retreat) units with a CV of one as shown on the map could have an
but may have a major impact on the losses incurred. actual CV that ranges between 1 and 99.



23.1.2. Zero CV Units You can also see the combat preparation points of units
To reflect their inability to participate in ground combat, in the Commanders Report.
some ground units will have a combat value (CV) of zero and
will perform an automatic displacement move (22.3.5) if an 23.2.1. Gaining Combat Preparation Points
enemy combat unit moves adjacent unless they are stacked CPP are gained at the end of the friendly movement phase.
with a friendly combat unit with a CV of at least one. All units will gain one CPP for each 24 unused SMP. If units
A unit with a CV of zero will not participate in combat, end the turn neither adjacent to the enemy nor in a hex
but may take losses due to being forced to retreat or that was not friendly controlled at the start of the turn then
displace. they will gain triple the number of CPPs. Note that no unit
Headquarter units will always have a combat value (CV) can ever have more than 100 CPP.
of zero. Units in a routed or depleted (actual TOE of ten
percent or less) state will also have a CV of zero.
If at all possible keeping units in friendly controlled
Note that there are instances, such as if a unit becomes
hexes at the end of the movement phase and out of
depleted during the air execution phase, where a zero CV
contact with the enemy will allow units to build up and
unit can end up next to an enemy unit and not automatically
retain CPP more efficiently. Equally trying to end a phase
displace. Displacement will then occur when a different
with at least some CPP is essential to regain lost CPP.
enemy unit moves next to such a zero CV unit.
Units embarked on ships moving by sea transport (24.3)
in water hexes can move adjacent to enemy ground units Units attached to a Soviet Front or Axis Army set to
regardless of their notional CV value. Assault Status (21.11.2) will gain one CPP for each 12
unused SMP.
23.2. COMBAT PREPARATION 23.2.2. Losing Combat Preparation Points
POINTS AND COMBAT CPP ’s will be lost at a rate of one per hex as they move
Combat preparation points (CPP) reflect the advantage of using the tactical movement mode.
allowing units to rest and plan before they enter combat. Units that participate in an attack will lose half their CPP
While the obvious advantages apply to the attacking side, once the battle is resolved.
units with a high preparation value also gain defensive If a unit is attacked and forced to retreat it will lose all
advantages. its CPP. If it is attacked and the attack fails the lost CPP

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

will vary according to the final odds and the intensity of

the attack: The importance of this cannot be overstated. When
§§ if the odds were >=1.5 to 1, then the defender will lose advancing try to ensure your units retain as many CPP
half their CPP as possible and are in a position to regain as much
§§ if the final odds were >=1 to 1, the defender will lose in the next phase. Overall your units will move faster,
one quarter of their CPP especially if there is adequate supply, fuel or trucks.
§§ if the final odds were less than 1-1 the defender will lose
10% of their CPP
A SU gains or losses CPP according to the actions of the 23.3. COMBAT SEQUENCE
unit they are attached to. In addition, if a SU is re-attached The following is a general outl ine of how a battle proceeds.
(either to a different HQ or to or from a Combat Unit) it will Some steps, such as participation by Air Groups or
lose 50% of its existing CPP. commitment of combat units in reserve status, may not
Units sent to the National Reserve will also lose all their take place.
retained CPP. §§ Initiate battle (see section 22.3 regarding use of
movement mode (F1) to attack)
23.2.3. Effect of Combat Preparation §§ Determine the defence modifiers from terrain and
Points fortification level (23.5)
Attacking units will have their CV for combat calculations §§ Commit support units (23.6)
modified by the number of CPPs they possess if they are §§ Calculate Combat Values (CV) and estimate the odds
attacking. Every 1 CPP adds 1% to the final CV so a unit ratio to determine if reserve commitment might take
with 100% preparation points will have their attacking CV place (23.7.1)
doubled. In effect, CPPs primarily affect the final combat §§ Commit reserve units (Defender first, then Attacker)
odds – and thus the chance of winning or losing a battle. (23.7)
In addition, CPPs affect the chances of passing §§ Calculate initial CV’s and odds ratio
administrative rolls for resupply and to reduce fatigue §§ Conduct battle
when in contact with the enemy. In addition, the chances §§ Air Mission sub-phase (18.1.3 and 18.1.7)
of Support Units being committed and the effectiveness of §§ Attacker interdiction in the defender’s hex will cause
artillery are also influenced by the number of CPP a unit damage/disruption to the defending units while
possesses. defender interdiction in the attacker’s hex(es) will cause
Units with 100 CPP can store up to 150% of their damage/disruption to the attacker. Each unit in combat
ammunition, supply and fuel needs if they are set at supply is impacted by the enemy interdiction in their hex.
priority 4 and do not move. §§ Both players’ Air Groups committed for ground support
§§ Both players’ Air Groups committed for air intercept of
enemy Ground Support
In effect CPP primarily gives an advantage to a well §§ Air to Air combat
rested and prepared attacking force. However, the §§ Ground to Air (AA) and Air to Ground combat
secondary advantages (supply, fatigue reduction and §§ Ground Combat sub-phase with elements being
Support Unit commitment) also benefit the defender. selected by range in a series of rounds
§§ Calculate final CV and odds ratio
§§ Determine Winner and Loser (23.11)
Note that in addition, CPP can have a substantial §§ If the Defender lost, determine retreat result (23.12).
effect on the MP of a unit (22.1). If the unit passes a test This could be a retreat, rout and displacement move
comparing CPP to a dice roll (higher the CPP, the greater (23.13), shatter, or surrender and involve retreat
chance to pass) then the movement allowance will not be attrition (23.12)
affected by fatigue, or missed initiative and administration §§ If the Attacker lost, determine retreat attrition on the
tests. It will still be affected by shortages of fuel, supply or attacking units (they are considered to be retreating
trucks or having been attacked in the previous turn. back from the defender’s hex).


§§ Determine reduction in MP’s for defending units for A reconnaissance in force will result in reduced fighting
next turn (22.1.3). and losses on both sides and the attacker will have no chance
§§ Determine any Combat Delay movement costs to be to cause a retreat. This result will be reflected by the combat
added to the hex. (22.2.7) resolution message “Defending forces were scouted.”

23.4.3. Deliberate Attack

23.4. TYPES OF ATTACKS Defined as “A type of offensive action characterized by
There are two types of attacks that are distinguished by the pre-planned coordinated employment of firepower and
amount of time, represented by movement points, spent manoeuvre to close with and destroy or capture the enemy.”
in preparation and the ability of the attacks to mass forces Deliberate attacks require the expenditure of sixteen
against the defender. MP’s by motorized units and six MP’s by non-motorized
Hasty attacks expend fewer movement points, but at a units (five by type (2) non-motorized units). Multiple stacks
cost of reduced combat power. Deliberate attacks expend of combat units can participate in a deliberate attack
far more movement points, but allow the fullest application against an adjacent defending stack.
of force. Amphibious assaults (24.6.1) and Air Drop combat Unlike a hasty attack, support units can be committed
(22.5.3) are types of deliberate attack. from eligible headquarters units that have moved during
the current turn. In addition, Artillery combat units
23.4.1. Hasty Attack that have sufficient movement points remaining may
Defined as “…an attack in which preparation time is traded participate in a deliberate attack from two hexes away
for speed in order to exploit an opportunity,” hasty attacks from the defending unit. The artillery combat unit must be
will generally result in higher attacker and lower defender selected just as any unit would be selected to add into a
losses than a deliberate attack. deliberate attack.
A hasty attack will require the expenditure of three MP’s for
a motorized combat unit and two MP’s for a non-motorized
combat unit. Only a single stack of combat units can participate
in a hasty attack and their Combat Value (CV) will be reduced
by one half for all steps in which CV is calculated.
Support units can only be committed from eligible
headquarters units that have not expended any movement
points during the current turn. Note that support units
attached directly to combat units will always be committed
to battles when the combat unit is a participant.

23.4.2. Reconnaissance in Force In this instance the 4 Artillery Division can join in the
Prior to a hasty attack, a special modified CV calculation is attack on the German 7-10 Infantry Division even though
conducted and an odds ratio generated. This calculation it is not adjacent.
is not displayed in the combat resolution window and will If all units launching an attack are artillery combat units
most likely result in modified CV’s and odds ratio that are that are two hexes from the target hex, then only artillery
different than the initial CV’s displayed on the counters and
in the combat resolution window (37.1).
If this modified CV ratio is less or equal to 2 to 1 (2.01 Game Play Note: The artillery combat units are not
to one is greater than 2 to 1), than an initiative check is actually firing from twenty miles away; the ability to
conducted for each combat unit participating in the hasty add artillery combat units two hexes from the battle
attack. If all the units pass their leader initiative checks, is an abstraction representing the massing of artillery
then the attack is turned into a reconnaissance in force. for an intense pre-attack bombardment and the actual
If any unit in the attack fails the initiative check, then the firing can take place at ranges as low as 1,000 yards.
attack remains a regular hasty attack.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

units from both sides can fire and no support, reserve or Notes
(1) In dense terrain, the CV of infantry type ground elements is
Air Groups will be added into the battle for either side.
doubled and the CV of AFV and combat vehicle type ground
elements are halved (23.8.3).
23.5. FORTIFICATION AND (2) In double dense terrain the CV of infantry type ground
elements is quadrupled (x4) and the CV of AFV and combat
TERRAIN DEFENSIVE MODIFIERS vehicle type ground elements is quartered (x1/4).
(3) Mountain and type 0 non-motorized combat units are more
In WiTE2, the defender can gain bonuses both from man
effective during battles that take place in a mountain hex
made fortifications and the terrain. The combat value both defending and attacking such hexes.
of defending units can be increased by the fortification
defense modifier, which is a combined value that takes The terrain type in a hex also determines the average
into account both the intrinsic terrain and any man made distance (range) for combat between ground elements.
fortification level in the hex. This is important as it reduces the natural advantage
The combat value of each defending unit is modified that some longer range weapons (such as tank guns) and
by multiplying the CV by one plus the total fortification improves the importance of shorter ranged weapons (such
defense modifier. In many cases, this defensive multiplier as infantry carried anti-tank weapons). Thus tanks will tend
will also be increased due to the terrain occupied or in the to take heavier losses when attacking infantry in closed
intervening hexside(s). rather than open terrain.
The table above summarizes the terrain fortification
23.5.1. Fortifications modifiers:
All hexes have a manmade fortification value, called a fort
level (20.3), that ranges from Fort Level 0 (no benefit) to 23.5.3. Combat Intensity in Urban, Heavy
Fort Level 5 (maximum benefit). Urban or Port Hexes
Each fort level gives a +1 Defense Modifier. Any combat that takes place in these hexes will see heavier
losses for both sides. In particular defender losses will be
23.5.2. Terrain higher and deliberate attacks will always be resolved at
Terrain can be thought of as possessing an intrinsic close range.
fortification level that is added with the manmade
fortification level to provide the total fortification defense
modifier for that hex. 23.6. SUPPORT UNITS IN COMBAT
Support units can participate in combat on either side.
Defense Support units that are directly attached to combat units
Terrain Type Remarks
will automatically be added to the battle. Support units
Clear +0
attached to headquarters units must pass a series of
Bocage +2 Dense (1)
checks in order to be committed to a battle. Headquarters
Desert +0
units can only commit support units to attached combat
Sand +0
units. The HQ unit must be within five hexes of attached
Tundra +0
combat units and be able to trace any path of friendly
City +2
hexes, which can be in EZOC, to those combat units in
+3 if Isolated Hex
Urban +6 order to commit support units during combat.
Double Dense (2)
+4 if Isolated Hex Note that the actual distance through friendly hexes
Heavy Urban +8
Double Dense (2) from a HQ unit to an attached combat unit does not impact
Light Woods +1 the ability to commit support units, as long as the HQ unit
Heavy Woods +2 Dense (1) is within five hexes “as the crow flies”.
Rough +3 Dense (1) Support units committed to support a cross river attack
Mountain +3 Double Dense (2)(3) will be subject to additional disruption (23.8.9).
Swamp +2 Dense (1)
Impassable N/A

2 74

23.6.1. Support Unit Commitment 23.6.2. Defender Artillery Special

The maximum number of attached support units that can Commitment
be committed by headquarters units to a single battle is 6, Artillery support units attached to a defending HQ unit
with the exception where the defending combat units are in have priority to be committed into a battle during a special
a light urban or heavy urban hex, where the maximum is 18. commitment phase. During this round of commitments,
defending HQ units have a chance of committing 3 more
than the normal limit of Support Units (so 9 or 21 instead
Note this limit is in addition to the commitment of
of 6 or 18). After this round, the normal commitment round
Support Units that are directly attached to Combat
is conducted.
Units involved in the combat.
23.6.3. Soviet Artillery Limitations
Support unit commitment from headquarters units Before 1944, Soviet artillery and rocket ground elements
is not automatic. For each support unit attempting to be (i.e. both those in units and specialist Support Units)
committed, the leader of that headquarters must pass an will have a notional requirement for only 60% of their
initiative check. The support unit must then pass several ammunition needs. In turn, this will reduce the rate of fire.
checks, with the checks becoming more difficult based both Units reporting (directly or indirectly) to a Front set to
on the number of support units already committed and the Assault Status (21.11.2) will have a notional requirement
total number of non-construction support units attached for 90% of their ammunition.
to the headquarters unit. This means that Headquarters
units with large numbers of non-construction support
units will have more opportunities to commit support 23.7. RESERVE COMBAT UNITS
units; however the overall probability of each support unit Combat units in reserve mode may be committed to a
being committed will be less than if the headquarters units nearby battle, both offensively and defensively. The type
had fewer non-construction support units. of attack itself, whether hasty or deliberate, has no effect
Support units can only be committed if the relevant HQ on the commitment of units in reserve mode. Any Ready
is five or less hexes from the combat. combat unit may be placed into Reserve mode by selecting
The chance of successful commitment will also be the Ready/Refit/Reserve toggle on the counter or the combat
affected by the number of vehicles in the unit defined as unit detail window (35.2) until Reserve is displayed. Units
the percentage of needed vehicles. This will vary as: that move, retreat or rout are taken out of reserve mode.
§§ 90+% +2 Reserve units that are committed to combat do not
§§ 80-89% +1 move, but they must have the MPs required to be expended
§§ 70-79% 0 in order to reach the battle hex. The MPs a unit has when
§§ 60-69% -1 it ends its player turn are the MPs available for it to use
§§ 50-59% -2 for commitment as a defensive reserve during the enemy
§§ 49 or less% -3 player’s turn. Reserve units committed to support a cross
The chance of support units being committed can also river attack will be subject to additional disruption (23.8.9).
be increased by the level of fortification in the defending During a battle all defensive reserve commitments
hex. Equally the number of Combat Preparation Points of are made first, and then followed by offensive reserve
the units involved in the combat will affect the chances of commitments.
support units being committed and the effectiveness of
any artillery allocated (23.2.3). 23.7.1. Reserve Unit Commitment
HQ units that have moved during the current player- To be committed in defence, a unit in reserve mode must be
turn will see -1 deducted from the initiative value when within 6 hexes of the battle hex. To be committed to an attack,
determining if an attached Support unit is committed to a a reserve unit must be within 3 hexes of the battle hex.
deliberate attack. A unit in reserve mode may never commit to a battle if
If the attack is a hasty attack (23.4.1) then only HQs it is adjacent to an enemy unit. A unit in reserve mode will
which have not moved can commit Support Units. never commit into a battle if the initial combat value (CV)

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

odds ratio is over 10 to 1. A defending reserve unit will also directly to the relevant Army HQ. For the Soviet player, the
never commit into a battle if the odds are less than 1 to 4. important relationships are either to be linked to another
Units next to enemy amphibious HQ units are not Army in the same Front or directly to the Front HQ.
eligible to be committed from reserve. In effect, the lower the command battle modifier (i.e.
If the above commitment pre-requisites are met, the distance to the HQ), the higher the chance the unit will
unit must then check to see if it has enough MPs to commit be committed from reserve, especially those units with a
to the battle. If it does, then the unit must pass a leader command modifier below 10 percent.
initiative roll to be committed to the battle. The unit must
also pass a check based on the MPs to be expended such 23.7.3. Reserve Commitment Limitations
that Die (MPs to be expended if committed) must be less due to Unit Size
than or equal to Die (Units MPs). Corps sized combat units are less likely to be committed
In the above case the 6th SS Flander’s Motorized Brigade offensively as they add one to the leader initiative roll.
entered the battle as a reserve reaction. This is shown on Brigades and Regiments are more likely to be committed as
the combat report by an ‘R’ next to the unit name. Since they subtract one from the leader initiative roll. In addition,
the Germans lost that battle, its MP is now set to 0 and as units in reserve mode from one side are committed to
it cannot take part in any further combats as a reserve a battle, the chance of further commitments to the battle
reaction. decline, based on the size of the combat units that have
A unit may participate in multiple battles in the same already been committed.
turn as long as it meets all of the requirements and has
sufficient MPs to expend. Defending units in reserve mode 23.7.4. Defensive Reserve Unit
that participate in a battle that is lost have their MPs Special Rules
reduced to zero, so will be unable to participate in any Defending units committed from reserve may rout if
other battles that turn. the battle result forces the defender to retreat from the
All reserve combat units committed will suffer a combat. These rules are the same for any other rout
reduction in their combat value if they have a vehicle (23.12.15).
shortage (23.8.3). The AI will never put a unit with morale less than 50 in
Reserve units may not trace a path to a battle over a reserve mode.
ferry hex. Defending reserves are considered to be counter-
attacking forces and normally do not get the benefit of
23.7.2. Reserve Commitment and Command fortification levels in combat, though they do benefit
Assignment from all terrain modifiers that are valid for the hex being
Units are more likely to be committed to a battle as attacked. The exception is that reserves committed in
reserves if they share the same commanding HQ (23.8.6) defence to fighting in urban hexes will receive the full
as the Unit(s) directly involved in the battle. defensive fortification modifier of both the terrain and
For the Axis player, this penalty will be reduced if the fortification levels in the hex.
units either report to another Corps in the same Army or


There are special rules regarding a defending unit’s individual ground element experience, fatigue, ammo usage
ability to react from reserve into a battle in a city, light and range of their equipped devices, and leader initiative
urban or heavy urban hex. Any reserve unit within 2 hexes and ground combat rating (mech or infantry) checks (15.5).
of a battle in a city or urban hex that can trace it’s way to Ground elements that have successfully passed their
the hex and has at least one movement point remaining checks will then fire their equipped devices once they
may be committed from reserve even if the number of are within range of an opposing ground element. The
MPs to reach the battle exceed the number the unit has chance to hit, and inflict damage and the number of shots
remaining. taken, is dependent on the factors listed above and issues
The unit is thus exempt from the normal distance such as ground element speed, size, and the firing devices’
checks. If the unit commits to the battle, it will expend the accuracy, rate of fire, and blast radius against soft targets.
normal cost to commit from reserve, but if this is more For AFV and combat vehicles, additional factors apply such
than the remaining MPs of the unit, the unit will simply be as where they are hit.
reduced to zero MPs. Detailed information on the attributes of elements
Even in the case of supporting urban combat, units can can be found on the Commander’s Report Equipment tab
never be adjacent to an enemy unit to react in from reserve (35.8) or the element detail window (37.6).
and must still pass a leader initiative roll to be committed. In addition, Anti-aircraft guns in the attacker’s units will
In this case, the normal Die (18) die roll used to compare not fire 75 percent of the time.
against the number of units committed is changed to Die The amount of ammunition on hand impacts the
(36) for light-urban and Die (72) for heavy-urban (instead number of shots taken in combat. If this is over 100
of Die (18). percent, the combat unit may gain an extra shot. If less
than 50 percent, the combat unit will likely have fewer
shots than their weapon might allow. Longer range artillery
23.8. GENERAL GROUND COMBAT units will fire less often if their ammunition stock is under
RULES 75 percent.

23.8.1. Description of Ground Combat Note that having CPP at 100 allows the unit to store
Ground combat is conducted by an automated tactical extra ammunition.
combat system consisting of a variable number of rounds
where the various ground elements engage each other. In
general, the computer first determines the opening range Artillery in support units will tend to fire more
at which combat will take place. This is largely based on often, depending on the ammunition stocks on hand.
defending terrain, with battles in city and urban hexes Artillery ground elements in support units and on-map
commencing at shorter initial ranges. The attacker fires artillery combat units will be more willing to use up their
first at ranges of 3,000 yards or greater, while the defender ammunition when they are in a battle than artillery ground
fires first at ranges less than 3,000 yards. elements in other combat units, because the support
Depending on the initial exchanges of fire, the attack units and on-map units are less likely to be in additional
may stop before the two sides are fully committed. In this battles while a non-artillery combat unit must retain some
case, the battle report will indicate the range at which ammunition for other possible battles in the turn.
the attack ‘stopped’. However, when the defending force Low experience combat elements will expend more
is less than 1 regiment (1 or 2 battalions), the battle is ammunition when they fire. Defensive fire will be reduced
never stopped due to poor odds (i.e. the range will close to to conserve ammunition if the attacker is relatively very
minimum range in every battle). small (roughly less than half the size of the defender). If
The next step is to determine which ground elements an artillery element is firing with its non-main gun devices
will be able to fire. There are multiple factors involved, only, only a small amount of the standard ammunition is
including the type of attack (hasty or deliberate), enemy used.
unit detection level (DL), defending fortification modifier, The size of the attacking force will also impact the
attacking unit morale and supply status (especially ammo), number of shots taken in combat. This fire penalty

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

occurs in combats where there is a large number of

attacking units. The force value of the attacking side is Note this rule is one reason why the pre-attack
calculated using the following values for each non-support, estimated CV can be misleading. A side that is well
non-artillery division unit attacking: equipped with artillery, or is backed by substantial
§§ Corps 15 ground support, may be able to disrupt and damage
§§ Division 9 sufficient enemy ground elements to change the final
§§ Brigade 5 (3 if the brigade has less than 2,000 men) odds or perhaps stop an attack before it moves to
§§ Regiment 3 close range fighting.
Once the force value exceeds 28 there is a chance that
elements will not get to fire during combat. Artillery
elements are much less affected (and this rule only as they manoeuvre to come to grips with the defending
affects them at closer ranges in combat), and the chance ground elements, though indirect fire and longer range
that elements will not fire increases as the force value direct fire ground elements may continue to fire at longer
increases. In general though, adding more units should range. After all engagements between ground elements
result in more elements firing, but a lower percentage are complete, the computer will move on to the next step
of the total elements will generally be firing as the force of determining the winner of the battle.
increases. The CV values of the attacking units are not
changed by this rule. 23.8.2. Initial CV Values.
Ammunition allocation during deliberate attacks At the start of the battle, the combat resolution window will
will be restricted to what is needed rather than what is display each participating combat and support unit along
available. Units that start with over 150% of ammunition with its CV in parentheses as well as an overall combat
need should end with more than 50%. In consequence, value at the bottom of each side’s section.
more ammunition will then be available for direct fire use These initial CV’s are essentially the CV displayed on the
later in the combat resolution due to this cap on artillery on-map combat unit counters multiplied by ten. The only
usage. modifiers applied to the initial CV’s are the fortification
In addition, bombardment artillery fire will receive a defensive modifier and the halving of attacking unit CV’s
bonus when firing if the enemy (defending or attacking) if the attack is hasty. The combat values of the individual
has more units. This bonus is limited if a side has more units may not add up to the total CV because the total
than 3 divisions (or equivalents) in the battle, although it accounts for any loss of CV due to the command battle
increases as more units are engaged, so in most cases it modifier, while the individual unit value does not. Note
will only cause higher losses to an attacking force. that the displayed CV’s in the combat resolution predictor
If the targeted ground element is hit, then the window will reflect disruption caused by any cross river
result is determined based on the defending fortification attack (23.8.9).
modifier, the defending ground elements speed and The final overall combat values displayed at the bottom
armour, and the attacking ground element’s device lethality of the screen at the end of the battle may not bear any
and penetration capability. The result could be no effect, resemblance to the CV’s on the counters as they not only
disrupted, damaged or destroyed. AFV ground elements reflect losses suffered during the battle, but have been
may become damaged during combat due to breakdowns heavily modified due to numerous random factors.
or mines using their reliability scores (37.6).
Any result other than no effect removes the targeted 23.8.3. Combat Value (CV) modification
ground element from further participation and they will for Ground Combat
no longer contribute to the overall combat value in the Unit Combat Values (CV) are subject to the modifiers
current battle. In addition, disrupted and damaged ground detailed below.
elements may suffer additional effects depending on The CV predictor that is available as a hex pop up
which side wins the battle. (6.8.2) when the normal or hasty attack symbol appears
Generally, the range at which firing takes place will on the map (indicating an attack can be conducted in
decrease for the ground elements such as infantry squads the hex) provides the adjusted CV values of the units


that accounts for also a 1.25 multiplier for CV values of non-mountain units
factors such as that are non-motorized type 0 (no vehicles) for battles
terrain, forts, dense fought in a mountain hex.
modifiers, weather, Units defending in Heavy or Light Urban terrain receive
fuel and ammunition a doubling of their Combat Value when determining the
shortages. winner and loser of the battle. This doubling is in addition
It is not adjusted for to all other modifiers.
the factors in sections These effects can be summarised as:
23.8.4 to 23.8.7. §§ Infantry elements double their CV in Dense terrain.
This value is fogged §§ AFV elements halve their CV in Dense terrain.
up for the enemy if §§ Infantry elements quadruple their CV in Double Dense
FOW is on. terrain.
§§ AFV elements quarter their CV in Double Dense terrain.
§§ Combat elements in Mountain Infantry divisions get a
This is a very important tool as it’s the only way for 2x multiplier on top of the above in Mountain hexes.
the attacker to know how their unit’s CVs are going to §§ “Leg” infantry units get a 1.5x multiplier on top of the
be impacted by the terrain in the hex being attacked. above in Mountain hexes.
§§ Defenders in light or heavy urban get a 2x multiplier at
the end of combat on top of the above.
Vehicle Shortage CV Modifier. All attacking and §§ Artillery does not get affected by any of these modifiers.
defending units suffer a reduction in CV if they have a Weather CV Modifier. Attacking CV values are reduced
vehicle shortage. This penalty is a percentage reduction by the ground weather in their hexes (8.5). The exact
equal to ((1-(vehicles/vehicle need)) x20). The reduction is modifiers are based on the specific ground weather and
multiplied by 2.5 if the unit is motorized. For example, a road system in the attacking unit’s hex and the hex pop up
motorized unit with no vehicles would suffer a 50 percent CV combat predictor will reflect these modifiers.
reduction in CV, while a 40 percent shortage in vehicles The following table shows the weather CV modifiers:
would cause a 20 percent reduction in CV.
The CV modifier for units affected by a shortage of vehicles Weather in
Good Average Poor
Attacking Units
is reflected in the CV values shown on the unit counters. Roads Roads Roads
However, since it does not impact defending units,
Light Mud .90 .80 .75
unless committing from reserve and since static units Heavy Mud .50 .25 .125
cannot attack, this modifier will not impact the CV values Light Snow 1.00 1.00 1.00
on the counters for static units, and will not impact the Snow (1) .90 .80 .75
defence CV value shown for all units (the value shown after Heavy Snow (1) .90 .80 .75
the equal sign).
Terrain CV Modifier. The CV values of certain types of Note
elements are modified in terrain designated as dense and (1) Ski units will have their combat value (CV) doubled in snow
hexes and tripled in heavy snow hexes and are not affected by
double dense. the above weather CV modifiers for snow and heavy snow.
Dense terrain is Swamp, Heavy Forest, Rough, and
Bocage. Infantry type elements are doubled and AFV and
combat vehicle type elements are halved in dense terrain. Play note, it is possible that attacking units in different
Double dense terrain is Mountain, Light Urban, and hexes may be affected by different weather modifiers.
Heavy Urban. Infantry type elements are quadrupled (x4)
and AFV and combat vehicle type elements are quartered
(/4) in double dense terrain. Ammunition and Fuel Impact on CV Values. All units
Mountain units have their CV doubled in battles fought with less than 100 percent of their required ammunition, and
in mountain hexes, no matter what the weather. There is motorized units with less than 50 percent of their required

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

fuel will suffer a reduction in CV (this penalty is capped at 50

percent reduction in total from these two modifiers). Both these factors will particularly affect the Soviet player
First a unit loses 1 percent for each 1 percent they are in 1941. A stack of units may appear to have a reasonable
short of ammunition. Next motorized units lose 2 percent CV but failures of leadership, or inexperience, will mean
for each 1 percent they are short of 50 percent of their they are weaker than they appear at first sight.
required fuel.
Example 1: a motorized unit with 90 percent of ammo of command to attempt a combat rating check, albeit at a
needs and 40 percent of fuel needs would have its CV reduced chance of success (15.5.3).
multiplied by .9 and then .8 (or .72, thus losing 28 percent Units with low experience elements will also find that
of its CV value). Example 2: The same unit but with 90 a portion of their notional cv will be lost as the combat
percent of ammo and 25 percent of fuel needs would have progresses due to a failure to commit rather than combat
its CV multiplied by .5 as .9 times .5 is less than .5 which is losses.
the maximum combined penalty. Units with morale of 50 or less that have no hex to
These CV reductions are accounted for in the printed retreat to and that are not in a port with less than 100
on-map CV values. percent damage may suffer a very large CV reduction.

23.8.4. Impact of Poor Weather on 23.8.6. Command Chain CV Modifications

the Combat Value In order to simulate both the difficulty of coordinating
The worse the weather, the more likely it is that some combat attacks with units from different organizations and the
elements will not be available during the actual combat. This ability of an attacking force to exploit the boundaries
is particularly likely in blizzard and heavy rain turns. between different defending commands penalties will be
In effect, if attacking under these conditions it is applied if units reporting to more than one HQ are involved
worthwhile to try to have higher notional odds before in the same combat.
committing your forces as a number of elements will not For each combat, each side will have a designated
be available during the actual battle. commanding HQ unit. Generally this commanding HQ unit
is selected because it has units with the most Combat Value
23.8.5. Leadership, Experience and Morale (CV) directly attached to it in the battle. Units not attached
and Combat Value Modifications directly to the commanding HQ unit will suffer command
There are many factors that go into determining the battle modifiers that will reduce their CV for the battle.
modified combat values used in deciding the winner and These penalties will vary according to how distant the
loser in a ground battle. One of the most critical is the respective commands are in the overall Order of Battle.
leader combat (mech or infantry) rating check. So units belonging to a different Axis Corps HQ but in the
A successful check can result in the CV of the combat same Army will have a 10% penalty (the equivalent for the
unit being doubled. Several failed checks can result in Soviets is a different Army HQ but in the same Front). A
the CV being halved. As with other leader checks, a failed unit that reports to a corps in a different army in a different
check by one leader will allow the next leader in the chain army group will face a more substantial penalty.


In this example, the two units are probably the worst the turn. With the exception of unready artillery combat
combination possible. Not only do they not share the same units firing at a distance of two hexes, this means unready
Corps HQ, their respective Army HQs report to different Army combat units must start their turn adjacent to an enemy
Groups. Note that the weaker unit has the penalty applied. unit in order to be eligible to attack.
The greater the number of HQ units that the unit must Unready combat units have their attack CV reduced by
trace through to reach the commanding HQ unit, the 50 percent.
greater the modifier.
In addition, units that are attached directly to a high 23.8.9. Cross River Attacks
command (type 1) HQ unit suffer an additional 20 percent Combat units attacking into a hex through a non-frozen
modifier, and those that are attached directly to an Army (ice level four or less for minor rivers and ice level 7 or
Group (or Soviet Front command) suffer an additional 10 less for major rivers) minor or major river hex sides are
percent modifier (these are shown as part of the total required to expend additional movement points above the
modifier percentage displayed) in addition to any penalty normal attack MP cost (38.7.6). All ground elements that
for coming from a separate command. cross the river to attack are subject to a disruption check
prior to the initial computation of combat value.
Note this rule rewards trying to organise your overall Ground elements with longer range indirect fire devices
Order of Battle so that units from different commands will normally not check for disruption while infantry and
are not mixed up. If this cannot be avoided, then try combat engineers most likely will check.
to organise your forces so that units likely to share Infantry type ground elements will tend to suffer
a mission (defending or attacking) report to closely approximately the same amount of disruption for both
related HQs. minor and major rivers, but AFV and combat vehicle
ground elements will suffer more disruption in crossing a
major river than a minor river.
23.8.7. Combat Value Modifications Since disrupted combat units do not contribute to
during combat overall CV, players can anticipate a reduction in overall CV
In addition, as noted above the CVs can be modified as the of up to half for minor rivers and up to two-thirds for major
battle continues. Elements that are disrupted or damaged rivers prior to any other modifications.
will be removed from the calculation as well as those that
are destroyed. In addition both engineers (especially in a 23.8.10. Attacking from a Ferry hex
deliberate attack) and heavy artillery will reduce fortification If the phasing player can enter a ferry hex (7.3.5), then they
values during combat thus reducing the defensive CV can attack from that hex. If the attack fails, the attacking
modification derived from those fortifications (20.4). units will be retreated from the ferry hex.

23.8.11. Beachhead Bonus

In effect, ensuring an attack is well supported by air Defending units on or adjacent to a temporary port hex
power, heavy artillery and combat engineers can make will have their end of combat CVs multiplied by 4 when
a real difference in terms of the chances to actually determining whether they retreat. If they hold, but would
capture a well defended hex. have retreated had they not received this bonus, they will
instead suffer additional losses to reflect their fighting to
the last to hold the beachhead. This will only apply if they
23.8.8. Unready Combat Units Attack are also in a hex that is next to a sea hex.
Combat units that have the sum of their current morale
and actual TOE percentage equalling less than 90 are in
an unready status, which is reflected in the unit bar when AND COMBAT
the unit is selected. Unready combat units may only attack Airborne operations can result in combat if the drop hex
if they have not expended any movement points during contains enemy units. In other instances the immediate

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

effect may be seen more as attrition losses suffered by the Airborne drops into an empty hex may be engaged
airborne units and increased air interdiction in the drop by nearby units in reserve mode. After the combat, if the
hex and the surrounding hexes. airborne unit has lost the combat, it will be destroyed.
Airdrop scatter - Airborne brigade and regiment size Note that an airborne unit can lose a battle to airfield
units that are dropped have a 2/3 chance of scattering 1 ground crew, flak attached to a city or a HQ unit. In this
hex. If they scatter into a water hex they are destroyed. instance no units will appear listed for the defender in the
No more than one airborne unit will scatter onto any given combat report.
invasion beach (i.e. scattering airborne will not stop a two
unit invasion from coming ashore). There will be a flak 23.9.3. Air Drop Attrition
combat report in the original drop hex, and then a drop Airborne units conducting an air drop will undergo a series
combat report in the hex the unit scatters to. of checks to determine attrition losses. These checks are
Airdrop fatigue - Broken down divisions will suffer 50 based on the type of terrain in the drop hex, the number
additional fatigue points when airdropped. Independent of preparation points the unit had accumulated prior to the
brigades will suffer 25 additional fatigue points when drop, presence of other units, proximity to an amphibious
dropping. invasion hex, the experience of the unit and whether the drop
is at night or in bad weather. If the drop hex contains enemy
23.9.1. Units that can be airdropped units, a special deliberate attack combat will take place.
Only brigade or smaller units may drop. First the unit may have elements damaged or destroyed
For the Axis, only the 7th Flieger Division, 1st FJ Division, due to losses to the air transports while en-route to the
185th Folgore Division and the Ramcke brigade can be drop target hex. Next, there is a chance an element not yet
dropped (in each case the divisions must drop broken damaged will be damaged during the drop based on the
down into the component regiments). terrain in the target hex. The relative damage caused by
Soviets may drop any airborne brigade. each terrain type is as follows:
Units must have average unit experience of at least 39. §§ Clear and Desert: 1
§§ Sand: 2
23.9.2. Air Drop Combat §§ Bocage: 3
When an airborne unit is dropped on a hex with enemy §§ Tundra: 5
units, a special form of deliberate attack is resolved. In §§ Light Woods: 10
this combat the defending terrain is not considered for §§ Rough: 20
determining the combat value (CV) of the defending units. §§ Swamp and Forest: 25
Also, the defending units have their CVs divided by 3 to §§ City: 40
simulate surprise. §§ Light Urban: 50
If the defending units lose the battle they will be §§ Heavy Urban: 60
retreated and the attacking units may either land in It is quite possible to see units taking percentage damage
the hex or scatter to an adjacent unoccupied hex. If the due to the terrain equal to roughly one half of the relative
defender holds, then the airborne unit will scatter to an number of elements. So landing in rough could lead to 10
adjacent unoccupied hex. percent of the dropping units being damaged just from the
If forced to retreat and there is no empty hex to retreat terrain (plus or minus a sizable amount).
to, the airborne unit will be destroyed. If the defending hex In addition, elements that are not yet damaged may
is a city, urban or heavy urban hex, or if it contains a fort be damaged based on the unit’s number of prep points if
level greater than 3, or if the hex is also the target of an random (200)<(100-prep points).
amphibious invasion, then the chance the defending unit Finally, once units end up in their final hex (either the
will retreat is greatly reduced. drop hex or after a retreat if they lose a battle in the drop
Airdrops on HQ units may result in the attacking hex), any undamaged elements at this point must conduct
airborne unit being forced to retreat. In this case, a normal an additional attrition check. First the following is added
battle with casualties is not fought, but there is an odds for each target hex or adjacent hex to the drop to arrive at
calculation and retreat losses. an attrition value (AV):


§§ +15 if water hex or enemy unit (of any kind) in hex (+6 if final CV computations. At the end of the battle they are
hex is adjacent hex) set to normal but with additional fatigue so will take part
§§ If not item 1, then +10 if the hex is the target of an in subsequent battles that turn but with progressively less
invasion (+4 if hex is adjacent hex) effect (23.8.3).
§§ If not 1 or 2, then +5 if there is a friendly unit in the hex Damage: Damaged ground elements are out of action
(+2 if hex is adjacent hex) and can no longer fire or be fired at. They no longer
For each element in the airborne unit, a check is done and contribute to a unit’s CV, and can be destroyed or lose their
if random (200+experience of unit) < AV the element is devices as a result of the determination of which side won
damaged. or lost the battle.
There will be extra attrition to air drops at night and Destruction: Destroyed ground elements are
during bad weather. At night, if random (10)>rnd(pilot eliminated immediately, though men and devices may
skill which is experience modified by fatigue) then ground be captured and there is a ten percent chance that the
elements being transported by that aircraft will be manpower associated with that ground element will be
damaged. Weather based attrition will occur to ground disabled instead of being killed in action. Approximately 1
elements if random (100)<weather effect*5 where clear=0, in every 25 men from destroyed elements will be captured
rain=1,heavy rain=2, cold=3, snowfall=4, blizzard=5. as a result of combat.
In addition to the effect on Ground elements, any
23.9.4. Air Drop Special Air Interdiction generic organic vehicles in the unit can be damaged or
Interdiction created by airborne regiments and brigades is destroyed as a result of combat.
8 points per hex. This affects the drop hex and every hex If a combat or support unit surrenders then all the
adjacent when they drop. This additional air interdiction elements are eliminated but some men and equipment
abstractly represents the confusion caused by airborne might be deemed to have escaped (and will be placed in
landings and the impact of paratroopers scattering into the pool). Equally, if the unit has shattered, again all the
other hexes during the drop. elements are treated as destroyed but a proportion of the
manpower will actually be retained. This information can
23.10. COMBAT RESULTS AND be seen in the Commander’s Report (35.6)

BATTLE LOSSES 23.10.2. Battle Losses

Battle losses are reflected in the Combat Resolution Display
23.10.1. Combat Result Effects (37.1). Losses shown in the actual battle report are derived
A ground element that is hit by enemy fire can suffer one from the assumption that all the men and equipment in
of three adverse effects (or can escape with no damage). destroyed elements are killed or destroyed.
Disruption: Disrupted ground elements can no longer Battle losses are also captured on the losses screen
fire and they will not contribute their combat value to the (36.2).

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

wounds. Thus, the disabled column will alter even if no

Note that the battle loss screen can sometimes show
other actions take place.
more losses (especially in a surrender result) than
Note that although some disabled troops will return
appeared to be present in the battle. Most likely
to duty, since their devices were destroyed this might be
reasons for this are the loss of AA or Construction
slowed and until they have returned to duty they still count
Units attached to a city or if there were additional
for victory purposes (used in most scenarios, 29.2) and are
routed or depleted units in the hex (these will not have
reported as “permanent” losses.
taken part in the actual battle but may take losses as a
Depending on the relative flow of new battlefield losses
result of the battle).
and earlier losses (who are more likely to have recovered
and be returned to their units) then the ‘disabled’ entry on
The ‘Last Action’ column will reflect the data that was the loss screen may be negative (i.e. more men recovered
shown in the battle report. from being disabled that turn than became disabled).
In addition, as the phasing player moves combat units In combat, units can also take damage or disruption
and causes units with zero CV to displace the “Last Action” from enemy interdiction in the hex before the ground
will continue to increase until the next battle zeroes that elements start engaging. The losses from interdiction
column out and the values start again. Note this column during a combat will be listed in the combat report.
only reflects elements that are destroyed as part of these Losses caused by bombing in the air execution phase
activities (so not damaged or disrupted). are shown at the end of that phase and carried forward
In some situations this might be an overstatement as into the current turn total. However, the displayed losses
a higher proportion of the manpower and weapons of can be limited by phase using the options at the bottom of
elements destroyed this way (in effect, by being forced to the screen:
retreat) will be returned to the pools.
Note that the “Last Action” column is zeroed out when
the phasing player first goes to the map area at the start of
a turn, and just before each battle.
The two Permanent Losses columns (current turn
and total) seek to convert how the game engine handles 23.10.3. Damaged and Disrupted Elements
losses (by element) to a calculation of losses in terms of If an element is damaged then it might be subsequently
manpower, guns, tanks and planes. Each time an element either fully recover or be lost. Damaged manpower is
is destroyed a proportion of the manpower etc. may be best seen as men with significant wounds that require a
treated as killed, disabled or captured (in part, depending degree of hospitalisation but most will return to their unit.
on the circumstances of the battle (23.10.1). The chances of being able to recover and repair damaged
vehicles will in part depend on which side won the relevant
So while the immediate reports use the relationship of
Elements disrupted in a battle will recover at the end of
destroyed element to indicate all the components are
that action. Some extra fatigue will be assigned to reflect
killed, the permanent lost calculations take into the
the impact of light wounds or limited damage to equipment.
possibility that some escaped (and were returned to
Note that elements disrupted in the air phase recover
the pool). Equally some parts of a damaged element
for the ground phase (19.4.6) but have additional fatigue
might be later treated as KIA. In the main, the battle
as a result.
report and the last action column will tend to over-
estimate the permanent losses from a battle.
23.10.4. Impact on Morale
If a unit loses a battle it may also lose some morale. This
Some losses are treated as disabled and over time can be up to 3 points if the unit fails both a check against its
one percent of the men listed as disabled are returned to leader’s morale rating and its own morale value.
the manpower pool per turn. Equally one percent of the Units that win a battle may gain 1 morale point, again
total are converted into KiA to reflect the severity of their relying on their leader morale value.


Note the chances of both these events happening will Retreating over unfrozen minor river hexside causes
alter (sometimes dramatically) if the morale level is set double retreat attrition, while retreating over an unfrozen
over or under 100 when the game is set up. major river hexside causes triple retreat attrition.
Next, each unit must check to see if it shatters or routs.
23.11. DETERMINING THE WINNER A unit that is in Supply and forced to retreat may shatter
at the conclusion of the combat instead of retreating due
IN GROUND COMBAT to a combination of low morale, experience and a low
At the end of all combat, the modified combat values TOE percentage and is then no longer considered a viable
for both sides are calculated and compared as a ratio combat unit.
(attacker/defender) to determine the winner and loser A combat unit that is in supply and forced to retreat
of the battle. If the displayed modified CV ratio is 2:1 or will rout at the conclusion of combat if the final combat
greater, the defender will be forced to retreat. value odds ratio is greater than the morale of the unit. For
Note that due to rounding in the combat displays, odds example, at the conclusion of a battle, a unit with morale
of less than 1:1, for example 1:1.001, will be shown as of forty will rout if the attacker’s adjusted CV is greater than
1:1.0. All of the defending units in a hex will be forced to forty times the defender’s adjusted CV. The exception is
retreat if the battle is lost. The attacking force will win the that if a unit has a valid hex to retreat to, then it will not be
battle if the defenders are forced to retreat. The defenders susceptible to a rout as long as it passes a check where the
will win the battle if they hold their ground. unit Morale is greater than or equal to 40+Die (15).
The displayed modified combat values are rounded
down to a whole number, but the odds ratio uses the
Note this means that units can rout as a result of
actual numbers, which are in the 1,000’s. As an example,
combat even if they otherwise have a valid retreat
a zero could be anywhere between an actual 0.0 and 999
path. As a practical play note this rule will particularly
and a 1 could reflect a value between 1,000 and 1,999.
affect vs AI games if the AI’s morale is set to 120.
Occasionally there will be a zero in the odds ratio, meaning
Attacks by the AI are more likely to cause extra
that the unit was so weakened during the battle that its
disruptions, lowering the defender’s cv and increasing
real (not rounded down) modified CV was zero.
the chance of a rout.

23.12. EFFECT OF DEFENDER This provides an example of this AI bonus. Here extra
RETREAT RESULT Soviet elements were disrupted at the end of the combat
When defending combat units are forced to retreat, resolution and as a result the final odds exceeded the
each unit first suffers retreat attrition. Ground elements Soviet morale – converting a retreat into a rout.
in the unit have a chance of being damaged or destroyed, An exception to this is if the unit is a division or smaller
and some ground elements may be captured, with unit (less than 9 stacking points) that is defending alone
damaged ground elements being much more likely to be in a battle (no other units in the hex or committed from
captured. reserve). In this case the morale check needs to be greater

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

than or equal to 40+Die (30). This means that normally 23.12.2. Defender Retreat Path Priorities
units with morale that is 55 or greater will never rout, Defending units that have not shattered or routed will then
however a division (or smaller unit) defending alone with attempt to retreat to a friendly controlled hex using the
morale between 41 and 55 will be more likely to rout, and following priorities.
between 56 and 70 will still have a chance to rout. §§ Retreating units will tend to retreat to hexes not
Units that rout will perform a displacement move adjacent to enemy units.
(23.13) instead of a normal retreat. Support units suffer §§ They will try to avoid retreating into an over stack
the same fate as that suffered by the unit they are attached condition (i.e. a hex that already has three friendly
to, although support units never remain routed. units), but if they do, they must continue to retreat
Ground elements from units that shatter or surrender and take additional retreat attrition losses for each
may be captured, or may escape. Ground elements that additional hex that they retreat through.
escape are returned to the production pool and will be §§ Retreating units tend to retreat to hexes that cost fewer
listed as escaped in the battle tab of the commander’s MPs to reach, have rail lines, have fort levels and contain
report (35.6). Some units that shatter or surrender will fewer friendly combat units.
attempt to reform. Isolated combat units that shatter At the conclusion of the retreat, the retreating unit suffers
suffer the effects of surrendering instead of the effects of retreat attrition once for each adjacent hex that contains
shattering. an enemy combat unit.
Units that retreat or rout are automatically taken out of
reserve mode. 23.12.3. Effects of Shattering
There may be a combat delay movement point cost When a unit shatters, it is considered destroyed and
assessed in the defender’s hex against any attacking units removed from the map. Ground elements in the unit are
that move out of that hex during the current player turn affected as follows:
(22.2.7). §§ Damaged ground elements are captured.
Units on ships that are in a port hex that falls during §§ Undamaged ground elements may be captured
combat will retreat out to sea (or will be destroyed if there depending on their experience, the distance from their
is no hex to retreat to). unit to an in supply friendly unit, and whether their unit
Units that have no valid retreat path will always either is completely surrounded by enemy controlled hexes
rout or surrender if forced to retreat. (If Rnd (60 + range in Hexes to an in supply friendly
unit) > experience of ground element + Rnd (200*), the
23.12.1. Retreating More than one hex ground element is captured. *this value is 100 if the unit
In some circumstances the defender may be forced to is completely surrounded by enemy controlled hexes).
retreat more than one hex . This is more likely if the final §§ If the ground element is not captured then the ground
combat odds indicate an overwhelming victory and/or if element’s AFV/Combat vehicles, devices and manpower
the defender has low morale or experience. are returned to the appropriate production pools.


Note that the battle report in the Commanders Report tabs of the HQ unit attempts to rally the unit with a successful
will show how many men and equipment of a shattered morale rating check.
unit managed to escape.
Shattering is more likely if the defender has low morale
or experience and is a non-motorized unit that is attacked 23.13. DISPLACEMENT MOVES
by motorized units. A displacement move is a special type of movement by
non-phasing combat units that have been routed or
23.12.4. Effects of Surrender zero CV units that find themselves adjacent to an enemy
When a unit surrenders (whether due to combat or in the combat unit.
logistics phase due to isolation) it is considered destroyed There are several conditions that cause a unit to make
and removed from the map. Ground elements in the unit a displacement move:
are affected as follows: §§ A combat unit routs following a retreat result after
§§ Damaged ground elements are captured. combat.
§§ Undamaged ground elements may be captured §§ A unit with zero CV finds itself adjacent to an enemy unit
depending on their experience and the distance from while not stacked with a friendly, non-depleted combat
their unit to an in supply friendly unit (If Rnd (120+range unit. This would include HQ units, on-map construction
in Hexes to an in supply friendly unit) > experience of support unit, or a depleted or routed combat unit. Note
ground element, the ground element is captured). that there are instances, such as if a unit becomes
§§ If the unit was isolated all the ground elements are depleted during the air execution phase, where a zero
captured. CV unit can end up next to an enemy unit and not
If the ground element is not captured then the ground automatically displace. Displacement will then occur
element’s AFV/Combat vehicles, devices and manpower when an enemy unit moves next to such a unit.
are returned to the appropriate production pools. §§ In some cases when a unit with a zero CV is part of a
stack forced to retreat due to combat.
23.12.5. Effects of Routing A unit performing a displacement move takes retreat
When a combat unit routs, it has its CV set to zero and attrition, and then will displace to the hex containing the
then the unit performs a displacement move (23.13). Units HQ unit to which it is attached, or to a hex adjacent to its
can rout through a port to another port without additional HQ unit.
impact (other than normal rout/retreat attrition). The displacing unit cannot move next to an enemy unit
Routed units may move but may not move adjacent to if there is no friendly combat unit in the hex. If it is not
an enemy unit unless stacked with a friendly combat unit. possible to displace to or adjacent to its HQ unit, or the
Routed units do not participate in combat, but if part of a HQ unit is greater than 10 hexes away, then the unit will
stack that is attacked and is forced to retreat, the routed displace to a nearby town, city or urban hex, generally to
unit will be shattered. Routed units do not have a ZOC and the east for the Soviets and to the west for Axis units.
will not gain control of adjacent unoccupied enemy hexes. A unit will not displace to a hex that has a non-isolated
Routed units are forced to make a displacement move enemy unit within two hexes. Units will not displace to an
if they are alone in a hex and are next to an enemy unit (if isolated town, city or urban hex or HQ unit unless the unit
the routed unit is isolated, it will shatter). Routed units may is already adjacent to the HQ unit. Units that rout may only
not move via rail or naval transport. Routed units will not move to cities/towns that are less than 24 hexes away and
change their TOE, cannot receive replacements and cannot which are on a linked rail line or are a linked port. If they
gain morale (12.1). Support units don’t remain routed, but are unable to rout move to a valid HQ unit or city/town,
do take retreat attrition and displace if the unit they are they will surrender.
attached to routs. On the first turn of any scenario, units will not displace
Each turn during the friendly logistics phase a routed to their HQ units, but instead only displace to nearby town,
unit will attempt to pass a range test to an HQ unit in its city or urban hexes. Support units that are attached to a
chain of command in which Rnd (range to the HQ unit) displacing unit will suffer retreat attrition and move with
must be less than six. If this test is passed than the leader the displacing unit.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

in the depot or by having the depot take vehicles from the

Note: voluntary relocation of a headquarters unit units to use to distribute freight.
(21.11.9) has the same adverse effects as a displacement Isolated units cannot receive replacements.
move, and the HQ unit will not relocate to its HHQ unit, Isolated units that are very low on supplies will suffer
but always to a nearby town, city or urban hex. additional fatigue and damage to their elements during
the logistics phase.
Isolated units will try to resupply themselves from any
23.14. SPECIFIC RULES FOR accessible depots to avoid isolation damage. During the
logistics phase, isolated units will initially receive freight
ISOLATED UNITS from depots that are in their hex or an adjacent hex, and
The combat system treats isolated units in different ways they will follow the normal rules for obtaining this freight.
to others. They are more likely to shatter or surrender In addition, at the end of their turn, isolated depots
after an adverse combat result and will usually shatter if will try to resupply any units that they can trace a path
forced to displace. to (units inside the same pocket). They will attempt to fill
Admin and Initiative checks are twice as hard to make for up these units with 100% of their supply, fuel, and ammo
isolated units. Players who desire to remove headquarters requirements, spreading their freight out to all the units
units from a pocket of isolated units rather than wait for they can trace to.
the enemy to displace them can voluntarily relocate the
HQ unit during their ground phase. Isolated units are 23.14.3. Isolation and Air-Resupply
limited to building fortification levels to no more than fort A unit at the end of its turn that can trace to depots that
level two and may well lack the supply even for this. have received a combined total of 500 or more tons of
Isolated on map units can change attachments only to freight during the turn will be considered in supply (not
HQ units inside the pocket with them, and only if within isolated) during the enemy player’s turn.
100 MPs. Support units attached to isolated HQ units can This allows air resupply to prevent units from facing
only be reassigned to other HQ units in the same isolated isolation penalties when defending in combat, however,
pocket and only if within 100 MPs. they will still be considered isolated during their player
Isolated units are not eligible to be sent to any Theatre Box. turn (when they might attack for example)

23.14.1. Isolated Hexes 23.14.4. Isolated Unit Combat Value

Units and unoccupied friendly hexes are isolated if they Penalties
cannot trace a path of any length to a railhead (which in When a unit is isolated, the CV value in combat divided
turn links to a NSS) either overland or via the sea. Units cut by 2. If it fails a morale check triggered by the range to a
off in the opposing players turn don’t gain isolated status friendly supplied unit, the units have their CVs reduced in
until the next player’s turn in the logistics phase. Isolated combat by 3 instead of 2.
hexes that are not occupied by a friendly unit, or adjacent Isolated units in ports that have a fort level of 2 or
to a friendly combat unit will often switch control to the greater do not suffer a combat penalty for being isolated.
other side automatically during the next friendly logistics They still suffer normal penalties for any shortages of
phases (7.3.3). supply, fuel, or ammo.

23.14.2. Isolated Units and Depots 23.14.5. Isolated Units Retreat and
Depots in isolated hexes will lose five percent of their Rout Results
freight each turn in the logistics phase to reflect that some An isolated unit that ends its retreat adjacent to an enemy
of the freight would not be material that is needed by the unit will surrender if Die (50) is greater than the morale of
isolated units. the unit. Units that are isolated will also surrender if they
Isolated units can draw replenishment using non- have no permissible hex to which to retreat. Combat units
vehicle methods (25.5.5). They can also draw freight from that are in supply will rout if they have no permissible hex
depots inside the isolated pocket by using vehicles already to retreat to.


Defending units that retreat do have a chance to avoid

Note: units cut off in the opposing players turn don’t retreat attrition. First the unit checks to see if the number of
gain isolated status until the next player’s turn in the vehicles in the unit is greater than rnd(number of vehicles
logistics phase. needed to fully motorize the unit). If it is, then the odds
are changed to 1 to 1 and virtually no retreat attrition will
Isolated combat units will not rout, but will surrender occur. If the unit fails this check, it makes a morale check
instead. and if rnd(50)<(rnd(unit morale-50) then the effective odds
Isolated headquarters units will undergo a displacement are doubled for determining retreat attrition. If the unit
move (23.13). fails the vehicle test, it gets one more chance to reduce the
odds to 1 to 1 (no matter the result of the morale check just
23.14.6. Isolated Unit Displacement mentioned). The unit once again checks morale to see if
Isolated combat units will shatter if forced to displace. rnd(50)<(rnd(unit morale-50) and if it passes this test, then
Isolated non-combat units performing a displacement the odds are reduced to 1 to 1 with the results above.
move will suffer double retreat attrition but they can
displace to a location where they are no longer isolated.
This represents the fact that the assets of a non-combat
unit, such as headquarters units, can be spread over a AND AIR BASE UNITS
very large area and many of them would not actually be When a town, city or urban hex changes control, factories,
trapped when a pocket is formed. and other facilities, located in that hex will sustain damage.
In addition, anti-aircraft units and construction units
stationed in the city will either be destroyed or evacuated
23.15. RETREAT ATTRITION to their assigned HQ unit. Mobile anti-aircraft units
When a unit retreats or displaces, it suffers retreat assigned to cities that are not in isolated status may escape
attrition, which can result in some of its ground elements to a nearby HQ when that city is captured (21.5.3).
becoming damaged, destroyed or captured. The extent of Depots and Air Base Units are fixed facilities that cannot
retreat attrition is based on the unit’s current morale and retreat or displace. Enemy Air Base units that are captured
the experience and fatigue of the unit’s ground elements. will attempt to evacuate their Air Groups and then convert
Units with higher morale and ground elements with higher to an empty friendly air base unit (16.6.8).
experience and lower fatigue will suffer less from retreat When a depot is captured, most of the freight is
attrition. destroyed (causing the destruction of some fuel and
Damaged ground elements are more likely to be supplies from the player’s pool), but a small amount of
captured, dependent on their experience and whether freight is captured resulting in the placing of fuel and
the unit has a support squad ground element shortage. supplies in that location for the capturing player’s use. In
Damaged ground elements can also have their equipment addition, a small number of vehicles are destroyed and the
destroyed while the manpower in the ground element is rest are returned to the pool.
classified as disabled. With the exception of depots in port hexes, captured
Organic generic vehicles can be damaged or destroyed depots are destroyed. If a port is captured, either an
as a result of unit retreat attrition. existing depot is transferred to the new owning player or
Units that are forced to retreat across a river hexside one is automatically built with priority 3 in the hex.
will suffer double the normal retreat attrition for a minor
river and triple the retreat attrition for a major river.
Remember that if a rail yard is captured it is likely to
The amount of motorization of the unit, the morale
sustain damage. As long as this is damaged, any depot
of the unit, and the final odds of the battle all impact the
in the hex will operate at less than its full capacity.
retreat attrition suffered by defending units that lose a

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


Focus: This section covers the various naval operations
that can take place in WiTE2. This includes the naval
transport of units and supplies, crossing contested ferry
hexes and amphibious invasions.

Key Points:
§§ How Ports enable both the movement of supply and
§§ How Temporary Ports are created
§§ How to move ground units by Naval Transport
§§ How Naval Transport moves Freight
§§ How to set up and conduct Amphibious Operations

Naval movement and operations in Gary Grigsby’s War in When in naval transport or naval amphibious modes
the East 2 include naval transport, amphibious transport, and a unit is selected for movement, the naval contested
assault and naval gunfire support. In addition, naval units hexes will be slighted darkened and enemy controlled
can combine with air units (18.1.8) to generate interdiction hexes will be dark. Movement through these hexes is
over sea hexes, disrupting or denying enemy operations allowed, but at greater attrition levels (6.8.8). Units cannot
in that zone. move through or adjacent to an enemy amphibious HQ
Eligible units may utilize naval or amphibious naval unit while in naval transport mode.
transport to move through sea and ocean water hexes. Units loaded ‘on ships’ are automatically put into ready
Ground Units can move by naval transport between mode and cannot be put into reserve or refit as long as
friendly ports and by naval amphibious transport from a they are on ships.
friendly port to assault any eligible coastal hex. A shipping Entrained units may not move via naval or amphibious
pool of troop and cargo ships is used to move units and movement.
freight by sea using strategic movement points (SMP).
Amphibious transport and assault is limited to non-
armoured combat units, is conducted in the amphibious 24.1. TRANSPORT SHIPS
phase during the enemy player turn, and requires the use There are two types of ships used for naval transport,
of amphibious headquarters units and a certain amount of troop ships for units and cargo ships for freight.
preparation time over a number of turns. Troop ships have a capacity of 1,000 tons of unit load
When in Naval Transport mode (F3), Amphibious and cargo ships can carry 1,250 tons of freight. Each
Transport mode (F4), or Air Transport mode (F9), assigned transport ship in the pool may be used for one mission
(pending) amphibious invasion and associated airborne per turn. Cargo ships used during the supply phase may
landing hexes will be displayed on the map. Amphibious not be used during the action (move) phase. Transports
landing ground hexes will be shaded red, the water hexes will be removed from the pool and attached to Amphibious
Amphibious HQ units will move to will be shaded blue HQ units to allow amphibious movement. When in naval or
and airborne landing hexes will be shaded light blue. amphibious transport mode, the number of available troop
In addition, when in either naval movement mode, the and cargo ships is displayed in the general information and
remaining Port Capacity for friendly ports will be displayed city box in the right hand corner of the screen.
on the map for each port with the number in the port For the Axis player, the map is divided into three areas,
circles on the map equal to 1,000 tons of remaining load/ Baltic, the Black Sea and the connected Sea of Azov. For the
unload capacity. Soviet player, their naval assets are split between five areas:


the Baltic and Black Seas, the Sea of Azov, Lake Ladoga receives its capacity. The port will receive some freight
and the Caspian Sea. Each of these sea areas has its own dependent on its size and percentage of damage.
allocation of cargo, and, if appropriate, transport, ships. If the port capacity is not used up loading or unloading
Only the Soviet player has the ability to conduct units during the movement phase, it will be available in the
amphibious invasions and only in the Black Sea region. next logistics phase to unload/load freight.
Barrage Balloons – All ports are assumed to have
barrage balloons that will impact any raid that is bombing
24.2. PORTS AND DEPOTS anything in the port’s hex. Aircraft bombing under 3,000
There are two types of ports. Permanent ports are fixed feet have a chance of being destroyed by the barrage
pre-existing facilities that can be damaged, but will always balloon equal to two times the size of the port (so a port
be on the map. Temporary ports are established as a result 3 means there is a 6% chance bombing aircraft will be
of a successful amphibious invasion and represent the over destroyed). For night missions, the chance is tripled (so
the shore movement of units and freight at a beachhead port level 3 has an 18% chance).
that has been established by an amphibious landing.
24.2.2. Inland Ports
24.2.1. Port Capacity and Damage Not all ports are directly on a sea hex. For example, Stettin in
Each undamaged port has 15k tons of load/unload capacity. hex 143,164 traces a link to the Baltic via the Stettiner Haff.
For example, an undamaged port level 2 will have 30k of For an inland port to function, the player must have control of
capacity and will show a value of 30 in the port circle at the all of the land hexes along
start of the turn when in F3 or F4 mode. Units cannot load/ the river and/or ferry
unload to/from ships at permanent ports unless sufficient hexes between the sea
port capacity is available. As port capacity is used up, the and the port (both for unit
tonnage number in the port circle will decline. Loading/ and supply movement to/
Unloading of freight in permanent ports also uses port from the port).
capacity. On the main part of the
Ports with five percent or more damage will only map both Nikolaev and
operate at half of their normal capacity. A level 2 port with Kherson are dependent
20 percent damage would normally get 2*15,000*.8 or on control over the river
24,000 tons, but because it is over 5 percent damage, it will and ferry hexes stretching
only get 12,000 tons. down to Ochakov for
When temporary ports are captured they are destroyed them to function.
and removed from the map.
On the turn a permanent port is captured by either
player, a depot is automatically built with supply priority 3
in the hex. If an amphibious landing succeeds in capturing
the target hex then a temporary port with a level 2 depot
set to priority 4 will automatically be formed in that hex.
Ports have their port transportation capacity generated
near the end of the logistics phase, so when a port is
captured by regular ground combat rather than an
amphibious invasion, it will not receive any capacity until
the end of the next logistics phase, so no freight will enter
on the next turn. Since amphibious invasions occur during
the Axis player’s turn, In the Soviet logistics phase of the
turn of invasion, they will gain some port capacity, but
not much tonnage as the port is damaged at the time it

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

24.2.3. Special Rules for Temporary Ports transport movement there must be sufficient troop ships
Temporary ports are only created in target hexes that don’t available to conduct the applicable type of movement.
already have a permanent port, but if there is a size 1 or 2 The number of troop ships required to transport the
port in the invasion target hex, the port will be immediately unit will be deducted from the troop ship pool for that
fully repaired upon capture. naval zone every turn it uses naval transport movement,
Unloading of units in temporary ports does not use even if it just moves one hex. Units can end the turn at sea
port capacity as the temporary port is simulating units or in a port still loaded on ships.
and freight being offloaded at a beachhead. In all cases for Units on ships are automatically put into ready mode
loading/unloading, Transport ships must be available. and cannot be put into reserve or refit as long as they are
When a temporary depot is created (or a permanent on ships. Though support units do not use naval transport
port is captured) during an invasion, 250 tons of freight movement per se, changes in attachment between HQ and
are placed in the depot for every cargo ship with the combat units that are separated by sea and ocean water
amphibious force being landed. . In addition, an airfield, hexes will result in the use of freight points from port to
with 50 damage points, will be created in the hex if it is port for each transfer.
clear terrain and freight from attached cargo ships will also
be used to fill out the airbase units TOE 24.3.1. Strategic Movement Points and
A temporary port can only survive if a naval HQ is in an Naval Transport Costs
adjacent sea hex, so if there is no amphibious HQ adjacent, All units have 200 Strategic Movement Points (SMP) per
the temporary port will cease to exist but any airbase in turn, including Static units, and this is used for naval
the hex will remain. transport. As described in section (22.4), there is an
interaction between the available strategic movement
points and tactical movement.
Note: The Amphibious HQ can move during the
There is a variable SMP cost to load or unload from
Ground Phase with no effect. What matters is that at
ships. Units without enough remaining SMP at the desired
least one Amphibious HQ is adjacent to the temporary
destination will be unable to unload and must remain ‘on
port during the logistics phase.
ships’ until the next friendly movement phase.
To load a ground unit at a port the SMP cost is
Temporary ports may be used for strategic naval 50-(remaining capacity in 000s of tons/7.5). For example, a
movement, but not for accumulation of preparation points level 2 port 30k ton capacity remaining would require the
for amphibious invasion. loading unit to expend 50-(30/7.5) or 46 SMP. To unload
Temporary ports are considered to be national supply a ground unit at a port the SMP cost is 150-(remaining
sources for the purposes of determining isolation. Newly capacity in 000s of tons/1.5).
created airfield units and those created in temp ports are
given a supply priority of 3 when they are created. 24.3.2. Units on Ships Interaction with
Freight coming ashore to a temporary port takes Enemy Units
attrition based on the air weather value (Clear 0, Rain If a unit on ships is in a port hex with no friendly combat
1, Heavy Rain 2, Cold 3, Snowfall 4, Blizzard 5) and the unit stacked with it, it will make an offset move out to an
following formula: adjacent sea or ocean water hex, without suffering any
10+(weather value*15) % losses, if an enemy unit moves next to it. It will also make an
So in rain, 25% of the freight shipped to the depot will be lost. offset move to an adjacent water hex if other friendly units
lose a battle in the same hex and are forced to retreat. In
24.3. GROUND UNIT NAVAL addition, it will make an offset move to an adjacent water
hex if it tries to move into a port that is next to an enemy
TRANSPORT unit if there is no combat unit already present.
Naval transport can be conducted by non-routed, non-frozen Units in naval transport mode located on a coastal hex
ground units. Each unit has a naval transport load cost listed that was a temporary port can always move out to sea even
in the unit detail window in tons. For that unit to use naval if the temporary port subsequently is removed from play.


Enemy units that remain in a sea or ocean water hex

‘in ships’ at the end of their turn block the naval transport
of friendly units through that hex. Units on ships in water ATTRITION AND INTERDICTION
hexes and the transports on which they are embarked will Ships may be lost, along with their cargo, whenever they
be destroyed if an enemy amphibious HQ unit utilizing are used for naval transport, amphibious transport, or for
amphibious transport moves adjacent movement of freight during the logistics phase. Ships may
also be lost when in an amphibious HQ unit. Note that for
24.3.3. Inter-Theatre Naval Transport the purposes of this game, when a ship is described as
There is no direct water connection between the various being sunk, it actually represents ships sunk or damaged
Lakes and Seas (apart from between the Sea of Azov and sufficiently to take them out of action for the rest of the
the Black Sea) in WiTE2. Thus each is treated as a separate game.
region for game purposes. Half of any lost manpower in destroyed elements is
place in the manpower transit pool.
24.4. CARGO SHIP FREIGHT Players will get a message on the screen if a troop ship
is sunk during a naval transport move.
Cargo ships are used to transport freight, normally 24.5.1. Logistics Phase Ship Attrition
between friendly ports during the logistics phase. Cargo Cargo ships used for movement of freight in the logistics
ships are also attached to amphibious HQ units to deliver phase have a one percent chance of being considered sunk
freight required to support amphibious assaults, to include but no freight will be lost as a result.
temporary depots and air base units built as the result of
a successful landing. 24.5.2. Naval Sea and Air Interdiction
The number of ships in each sea area can be found on Naval air and sea interdiction determines control of sea
the production screen (36.3), as: hexes through the interaction of naval air patrols, air
superiority and fighter interception, and naval interdiction
from ports and the impact on ships moving through those
sea hexes. Remember that air superiority missions can
be used to reduce the level of naval interdiction from the
Further information previous air phase.
about usage of cargo and In addition to the effect of naval air patrols (18.1.8), naval
troop ships in the logistics interdiction points are automatically projected from ports.
phase can be found in the Every port projects naval interdiction points approximately
Logistics Phase Log (36.9) five to seven hexes out based on the port level, damage
under the ‘Freight’ sub- level, and weather. Ports within 5-7 hexes of each other will
category: aggregate interdiction levels over some hexes.
Information about Interdiction is also affected by the presence of Naval
losses can also be seen Task forces.
on the ground loss tables Ships conducting naval and amphibious transport
(36.2.1). and carrying freight in the logistics phase as well as the
cargo they carry are subject to naval interdiction attrition
based on the movement path they follow. Such losses will
increase for every hex that is entered (and this will increase
if the hex is contested or enemy controlled) and as he
weather worsens (naval movement in blizzards or snowfall
will lead to high levels of attrition).
Naval Interdiction values printed in sea hexes are
displayed in brown for Soviet and grey for Axis. Control of

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

a water hex is defined as having a map display adjusted invasion operations, to include landing attrition and
interdiction level that is 2 greater than the enemy level. assault combat to take the target hex, and establishment
The map displayed values are the true value that is a of a beachhead, to include a temporary port, depot and
number from 0-99, divided by 10 and then truncated. The airfield.
true values are displayed in the hex pop-up, but the values Amphibious HQ units represent the naval forces,
shown on the map are the truncated /10 values, and it is possibly made up of the transport ships and naval gunfire
these that are used for determining naval control of a hex. support needed to conduct an amphibious invasion and
If the interdiction level is then less than 1, the presence provide over the shore resupply through the beachhead.
of interdiction is shown by a simple symbol but the actual
levels can be seen using the mouse roll-over. 24.6.1. Amphibious Invasions
Amphibious invasions may be initiated by Soviet
Amphibious HQ units (21.11.1) in the Black Sea region
using combat units to invade clear, woods, and city terrain
The steps involved in an amphibious invasion are first;
having the amphibious HQ and units stacked in a port,
target an enemy hex for invasion. After spending turns
accumulating preparation points for this invasion, the
HQ can be ordered to execute the invasion once it has
accumulated at least 50 prep points.
The combat units themselves must have at least 30
prep points before they can participate in an invasion.
The invasion will then take place after the enemy
player’s next logistics phase. Armoured divisions and HQ
When interdiction is shown, enemy controlled sea units other than amphibious HQ units cannot participate
hexes are shown in red, neutral are shown darkened, and in amphibious invasions (but all support units attached
friendly control is shown normally. The hex pop up will to the invading units can be used). Note that there is
display current control as follows: no restriction on these types of units utilizing regular
Hex control will be indicated by Axis, SU (Soviet Union), naval transport to move to ports opened by a successful
or Neutral, which indicates contested water hexes. amphibious invasion.
In the Action (Move) phase, if naval transport (F3) or Players can target hexes for amphibious movement no
amphibious transport (F4) mode is selected, then the matter what the sea control status, i.e. even if the path
impact of control of sea hexes on those modes of travel goes through enemy controlled water hexes. Amphibious
will be indicated as follows: HQ units will be able to select INVADE if the path goes
§§ Friendly controlled – nothing displayed through enemy controlled water hexes, but this will see
§§ Neutral – SHIPPING CONTESTED significant attrition to cargo and troop ships and their
§§ Enemy controlled – SHIPPING HEAVILY CONTESTED cargoes. A warning text box will display after the standard
§§ Enemy amphibious HQ unit and adjacent hexes – Amphibious invasion Y/N confirm message when the path
SHIPPING PROHIBITED is going through enemy controlled sea hexes: Amphibious
When a ship is sunk due to interdiction, the material on the path contains x enemy hexes – continue? Y/N.
ship is destroyed. When an invasion is ordered during the movement
phase, the amphibious HQ and associated combat units
24.6. AMPHIBIOUS NAVAL conducting the invasion are moved out to sea to the hex
next to the beach hex being landed at.
TRANSPORT Amphibious invasions are executed after the enemy
Amphibious naval transport (F4) includes preparation, player’s next logistics phase. If a target hex is unoccupied
amphibious movement to the target hex, amphibious by enemy combat units then the amphibious combat units


will move into and take control of the hex. If a target hex
is occupied by enemy combat units then the amphibious
combat units will attack the targeted hex from the sea hex
adjacent to the targeted landing hex.

24.6.2. Amphibious HQ Units

Amphibious HQs are used for the amphibious movement
of combat units and the naval transport of units and supply
over beaches (when a port is unavailable). Amphibious
HQs may have attached naval support groups representing
ships to provide artillery support for amphibious assaults
and ground combat in adjacent land hexes.
Amphibious HQs may only use amphibious and naval
transport movement. They may never enter a non-port
land hex. They may enter a ferry hex and assist units
attacking over a ferry hex. The number of troop transports required for amphibious
Neither enemy supply trace nor enemy naval transport movement is equal to the number required for the naval
can pass through hexes adjacent to an Amphibious HQ unit. strategic movement of land units for the land units that are
If an amphibious HQ unit moves next to an enemy invading. The number of cargo ships attached is equal to
unit at sea (on ships), the enemy unit as well as the naval the number of troop ships.
transports on which they are embarked will be destroyed. If at sea, the number of troop or cargo ships falls below
When an amphibious HQ unit is ordered to invade, any 10, then the appropriate ships will be taken from the pool
enemy unit at sea along its path will be destroyed. and attached to the amphibious HQ to bring the number of
In addition, Amphibious HQ units will bombard any troop and cargo ships back up to 10 (10 for each, although
enemy units in adjacent land hexes at the end of that if there are not enough ships in the pool to reach 10, no
players air execution phase if they have any suitable ships will be moved from the pool).
elements attached, potentially causing damage to Example: An amphibious HQ and an infantry division are
ground elements. At the end of the Soviet player turn air given amphibious orders. The division has a transport cost
execution phase, each amphibious HQ unit with combat of 22,000 tons. 22 troop ships and 22 cargo ships would
ships will automatically bombard all adjacent Axis ground be required for amphibious movement. For regular naval
units potentially causing damage to some Axis ground transport movement, only 22 troop ships are required
elements in both the combat units and any attached
support units. 24.6.4. Amphibious HQ at Sea Attrition
Level 1 and 2 ports that are adjacent to an amphibious and Damage to Amphibious HQs
HQ unit are immediately fully repaired in the Soviet Amphibious HQ units that are at sea (defined as being in
logistics phase. a water hex or a temporary port hex) during the logistics
phase will suffer damage and transport ships attached to
24.6.3. Number of Ships Attached to them may be sunk. The amount of damage will be related
an Amphibious HQ to the level of enemy interdiction in the hex and the air
Troop and Cargo transport ships must be attached to weather.
amphibious HQs to allow amphibious transport movement. This damage can be repaired when in a permanent port
If the naval HQ is in a port then no supply or transport during the logistics phase (the larger the port, the more
ships will be assigned. damage repaired). The current damage of an amphibious
Transport and cargo ships are moved from the ship HQ unit is shown on the right unit bar. Damage is added to
pool to the amphibious HQ unit at the moment units are an amphibious HQ unit at sea each turn.
told to launch an amphibious invasion and can be seen Once an amphibious HQ unit’s damage is greater than
listed on the unit detail screen for the HQ unit. 99, it is permanently withdrawn from the game.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

24.6.5. Moving units using the Naval 24.7. AMPHIBIOUS INVASION

Transport Mode (F3)
To actually move a unit between friendly held ports (i.e. AND ASSAULT
Naval Transport ), the F3 mode must be selected. Left click During the amphibious phase in the enemy turn, the
as necessary to select the unit(s), right click to load on ship invading ground units will attempt to move into the
and move, left click in unit bar or select movement mode target hex. First the invasion force transport ships and
(F1) to off load from ship. Note a unit can move from port ground units undergo landing attrition. If the target hex
and remain at sea or move from being at sea and enter a has defending enemy units, the invading ground units will
port during the movement phase. conduct a deliberate attack to capture the hex.
Units can mix tactical movement (say to move to a port
hex) with strategic movement during the ground phase. 24.7.1. Preparation for Amphibious
The current strategic movement point (SMP) allowance for Operations
a unit will always be displayed next to the SMP symbol just Eligible combat units that begin their turn in a port,
below the unit counter graphic in the unit bar. stacked with an amphibious HQ that has targeted a hex for
With ‘show movement allowed’ enabled hexes the unit invasion, will accumulate amphibious preparation points
with the fewest movement points remaining cannot reach (APPs). Units may accumulate a maximum of ninety APPs.
will be shaded grey. Impassable hexes will be shaded red. If The number of APPs that may be accumulated in a single
‘show movement path’ is enabled, then moving the mouse turn is dependent on the size of the port and varies with
cursor over the hexes where movement is allowed will the size of the unit as follows:
display a line of symbols, each with a number showing how §§ Add truncated (port value/2)
many movement points the unit with the fewest remaining §§ Add truncated (54/size of forces in hex) where each
movement points would have left if it was moved to the combat unit in the hex has a size value where Division=9,
hexes along that path. Independent Brigade=5, Regiments and Broken down
Units cannot load/unload to/from ships at permanent division units (1/ 2/ 3/ regiments and brigades) =3 and
ports unless sufficient port capacity is available. a permanently motorized unit has 1 added to the size.
The remaining Port Capacity for friendly ports will be Amphibious HQs may not order an Invasion unless they
displayed on the map for each port with the number in the have at least 50 prep points (no Invade button will be
port circles on the map equal to 1,000 tons of remaining visible on the unit). Combat units must have at least 30 APP
load/unload capacity. To move the selected units to an before they can participate in an invasion.
allowed location, right click in the desired hex. APPs will be set to zero whenever a unit completes
Units cannot move through or adjacent to an enemy an amphibious invasion or if the unit spends a logistics
amphibious HQ unit while in naval transport mode. Enemy phase not in a permanent port hex or not stacked with an
units that remain in a water hex ‘in ships’ at the end of their Amphibious HQ (moving from port to port will not cause
turn block the naval transport of friendly units through the loss of prep points). Note that as long as a unit remains
that hex. Units on ships in water hexes and the transports in a port in each logistics phase, it won’t lose prep points.
on which they are embarked will be destroyed if an enemy It checks only during the logistics phase that it is in a port,
amphibious HQ unit utilizing amphibious transport moves and if not, that’s when it would lose prep points.
adjacent to them (16.6.2). Attaching a support unit to a unit prepping for an
If a unit using naval transport ends the turn adjacent to amphibious invasion will result in the loss of 10 preparation
an enemy unit or port it will automatically displace one hex points, though prep points will never drop below zero.
out to sea during the logistics phase, Amphibious HQ units and units stacked with them will
When in naval transport mode and a unit is selected not gain prep points when in a temporary port, nor will an
for movement, the naval contested hexes will be slighted amphibious HQ gain prep points when not stacked with an
darkened and enemy controlled hexes will be dark. invasion capable combat unit.
Movement through these hexes is allowed, but at greater APPs limit the amount of damage that the unit incurs
attrition levels. while making an amphibious move.


24.7.2. Amphibious Invasion Attrition

Several factors go into determining the number of troop
and cargo ships lost during an amphibious invasion, along
with the number of ground elements that are destroyed
and damaged, before any ground combat against
defending units in the invasion hex is resolved.
The number of ships lost is dependent on the enemy
naval sea and air interdiction capability, the fortification
level of the defending hex (and hexes adjacent to the water
hex containing the amphibious HQ) and the weather.
These adverse factors are partly offset by the number of
Preparation Points possessed by the invading force.

24.7.3. Amphibious Landing and Assault

If a target hex is occupied by an enemy combat unit(s) then
the amphibious combat units must fight their way ashore
with a deliberate attack. Naval support groups attached to
the amphibious HQ will contribute fire support. If enemy
units are in the target hex, the attackers will come ashore
one landing at a time in a randomly determined order.
When an opposed amphibious landing results in a
combat, the defender’s combat value is divided by a
In this case the Soviet 408 RD will accompany the Naval number equal to one plus the number of adjacent land
HQ in a planned invasion of Rumania. Note the unit has hexes that are controlled by the attacking side.
amphibious preparation points of 90. So if there was one adjacent hex controlled by Soviet
If the amphibious transport mode (F3) is selected the airborne units and one hex controlled by a force from
target hex is shown in red. The two light blue hexes indicate an invasion that just successfully came ashore, the
pre-planned airborne missions in support of the landings. defending force would have its CV divided by 3 (1+2) when
determining the final combat odds. With the exception of
naval support groups attached to the amphibious HQ unit,
support units in HQ units will not participate in amphibious
landing combat,
During an amphibious invasion attack against a non-
port hex, the defending units may only use the CV value
of the largest unit in the hex, and if that unit is a larger
than a regiment or brigade, it will only use 1/3 of that
unit’s CV value. All units will participate in the battle, but
only the one unit will count in the after battle CV value
that determines the winner of the battle. Axis units next to
enemy amphibious HQ units are not eligible to come in to
a battle from reserve.
If an amphibious assault fails, the ground units
will remain ‘on ships’ in the same water hex with the
amphibious HQ unit, representing the evacuation of the
surviving assault forces back to the transport ships. All
prep points are lost.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2

Amphibious HQ units will use their naval support units automatically bombard all adjacent Axis ground units
to fire into any combat where the defender in the combat is potentially causing damage to some Axis ground elements
adjacent to the Amphibious HQ (they will fire as an attacker in both the combat units and any attached support units.
or defender, as long as they are adjacent to the defender’s
hex). Naval support units suffer disruption prior to their 24.7.4. Hold at All Costs Defence
firing in combat when adjacent to enemy hexes with forts Defending units on a temporary port hex, or adjacent
and/or ports. The amount of disruption is determined by to a temporary port hex and also adjacent to a sea hex,
adding up the fort levels of every enemy hex adjacent to will have their end of combat CVs multiplied by 4 when
the Amphibious HQ, and adding 1 for every enemy port determining whether they retreat. I
adjacent to the Amphibious HQ. The larger this number, If they hold, but would have retreated had they not
the greater the disruption. This represents the effects of received this bonus, they will instead suffer additional
enemy naval guns within range of the Amphibious HQ. losses to reflect their fighting to the last to hold the
At the end of every Soviet player turn air execution beachhead. The existence of a temporary port is noted in
phase, any amphibious HQ unit with combat vessels will the hex pop-up information.

Focus: This section set out how the logistics system in
War in the East 2 works.

Key Points:
§§ How the supply grid works;
§§ The role of Depots in the supply chain;
§§ The interaction between HQs and Depot capacity;
§§ How setting depot and HQ priority affects the
allocation of freight and supplies

In order for units to receive supplies during the supply/

“Amateurs study tactics; professionals study logistics.” replacement segment of the logistics phase, they must be
within range of a depot that has freight.
To receive replacements they must be able to not only
All units must have access to an adequate amount of supply trace to a depot with freight, they also must not be isolated.
and replacements to continue to function effectively. There In order for depots to receive freight, they must be
are three types of supply in Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2; connected to the supply grid. This is made up of permanent
general supplies, ammunition and fuel. national supply sources connected by a rail network of
These items are generated by each side’s production undamaged rail line hexes to a depot in town, city and urban
system. In addition, replacements provide the manpower hexes. Ports can also be connected to the supply grid, allowing
and equipment, in the form of ground elements for ground tracing of supply lines over water. The generic vehicles of the
units and aircraft, pilots and aircrew for Air Groups, to motor pool are used to bridge the gap between the depots
replenish losses from combat and attrition. and the ground unit requiring supply and replacements.


Freight is the common measure of all material 25.1.1. Supply/ Replacement Segment
transported by rail or over water hexes from port to port. The standard Resupply/Replacement segment is broken
Limited mainly by rail and cargo ship capacity, freight into many smaller segments in which units, depending on
tonnage is sent, via ships and rail, for storage at depots their supply priority and how much they have of an item
where it can be converted to provide supplies, fuel, ammo, relative to their need, may attempt to draw supplies, fuel,
and replacements drawn from available pools. ammo, vehicles, and replacements from freight at nearby
Supply priority can be set for each headquarters as well depots.
as each depot. The amount of supply and replacements In each segment, the logic is that higher priority units
delivered is dependent on many factors, including the always try first, but lower priority units will try to obtain
distance from the depot to the unit, whether the unit some freight before the higher priority units can obtain
moved during the last turn, and vehicle shortages in both large amounts (including overstocking). Whenever a
the motor pool and the unit. unit qualifies to try to obtain supplies, it must pass
Units can be in one of two supply states; in supply or administrative and support checks (15.5).
Isolation is caused by an inability to trace to a supply
So in a given phase, all units that meet the criteria
source that is connected to the national supply grid.
will try to obtain supplies. Low priority units actually
Isolated units can still draw supplies from a nearby depot,
go first until they drop out of the system. Thus while
and can be supplied by air (which can also mitigate some
high priority units may gain more supply than lower
of the effects of isolation). Town, city and urban hexes
priority ones this will depend on how much supply is
that are isolated or lack a nearby supply source will suffer
available locally.
starvation damage to their manpower.
There are numerous sources of information regarding
logistics in Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2 (6.9), such as the When successful, motorized units can gain more fuel,
logistics phase event log screen (Hotkey- shift-e), the view while artillery units can gain more ammunition in any
logistics information button (Hotkey- n) the show freight particular sub segment.
shipments (Hotkey- 8), the metrics screen (36.4), the For the unit to draw replacements, it must either be in
Commander’s Report (35), and the individual unit supply refit mode (26.3) or pass both administrative and support
detail window (37.2 and 37.3). checks. Also, if the ground element has less than 81
percent of need, and the unit is in refit mode, if it passes
25.1. THE SUPPLY/ REPLACEMENT both administrative and support checks, it will generally
receive a larger batch of replacements in any given sub
SEGMENT segment.
During the supply/replacement segment of the general Note that the supply need of units will change as
logistics phase units have multiple chances to be resupplied replacements flow into/out of units in replacement phases
and/or receive replacements. Units attempt to draw freight to allow the unit to obtain additional required supplies
to be converted into supply and replacements from the after replacements arrive but during the same logistics
nearest depot, up to 30 hexes (and not more than 75 MP) phase. A supply priority 4 unit that did not move on the
from the unit. Once the closest depot is depleted of freight, prior turn and is not adjacent to an enemy controlled hex
a unit will try to obtain its remaining needs from the next will have an extra opportunity to replenish to a higher
closest depot. level. Replacements will always cap out at 100 percent of
A unit can only receive freight from up to five different need and all Max TOE settings and TOE limitations will also
depots in a logistics phase, although it will usually receive be followed.
from only one or two in a turn. Combat Preparation Points also allow a unit to obtain
Units that do not have the required support (21.2.2) may and store more than 100% of its notional need for supply,
receive less supply and replacements, with the greater the fuel and ammunition.
shortage the greater the impact on deliveries.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

25.1.2. Supply Sequence If it passes the checks, then it is free to receive all of the
Broadly the supply phase will follow this order: items that it qualifies for in the current sub-segment. Once
§§ Freight will be moved from a NSS to the depots the unit has accumulated four administrative failures, no
§§ Exporting ports will then send freight by sea to further attempts at replenishment will be made.
importing ports Note that the more Combat Preparation Points in
§§ Depots then will ship by rail to other depots the unit (23.2), the greater the chance of passing leader
administrative checks
25.1.3. Leader and Support Checks
Each phase sub-segment where a unit is eligible to attempt 25.1.4. Air Base Unit Resupply
to draw freight to meet an item need, the unit must pass In addition to the normal supply/replacement segment
both an administrative leader roll and a support check. during the logistics phase, Air base units can receive fuel
If the unit fails either, then this is counted as an Admin and ammunition only (no replacements or supplies) during
Failure (listed on the unit supply detail screen (35.2.2) and the air execution phase. Each night during the 7 days of
the unit will not receive anything in this sub-segment. the air execution phase, if an air base unit has less than 80
percent of needed fuel or ammunition, it will go through
the same prioritized resupply routine as in the logistics
Note that air base units set to priority 0 will never receive
resupply. Equally airbases with no planes will request very
little (often no) supply as it seeks to match its requests to

25.1.5. Resupply during Combat

During each round of combat, defending units in the
combat with less than 60 percent of their needed fuel and/
or ammunition or less than 40 percent of their needed
supplies will attempt to draw freight to convert to the
needed item(s) from nearby depots. Each resupply attempt
may lead to receiving up to 20 percent of the total need of
the type of supply (fuel, ammo, or supplies).
Note that attacking units cannot resupply during the
combat phase.


The supply grid consists of five parts: national supply
sources; the rail network; town, city and urban hexes on
the network, ports, depots in town, city, urban, and airfield
hexes; the motor pool; and, the shipping pool.
Supplies and fuel generated by the production system
are stored in town, city and urban hexes on the rail network
to be drawn upon by factories.
In this case, the unit has passed its leadership checks Factories don’t necessarily need to be on a rail line, and
but faces shortages as it is drawing supply from a depot can function if they are within 5 MPs from a working rail
(Klintsy) that itself has limited freight. This situation is not link. Much of City to City or City to Pool deliveries of oil
unusual for the Axis player by late summer 1941. and fuel are conducted by pipelines independent of the rail


network. Half of all oil and fuel delivered in these cases do and replacements. All these functions are conducted
not use any rail capacity. automatically during the logistics phase (5.3.1).
Supplies stored in a city cannot be used by units, which At the end of the air execution phase, the supply grid
need to be supplied by a depot. Supplies stored in a city is recalculated to account for changes in control of ocean
can be used by construction projects and fuel can be used and sea water hexes due to naval interdiction (24.5.2).
for vehicles in a depot at the city.
Freight flows from national supply sources through the 25.2.1. The Rail Network
rail network and/or port to port to depots for conversion A rail network consists of a contiguous path of friendly
to supply and replacements when drawn upon by nearby controlled undamaged rail line hexes connected to a
units. functioning national supply source, or to a port that is
considered connected to a national supply source, or a
Depot priority is important in this regard, depots will combination of the two. Ports are considered to be on the
only send freight to another depot at a higher priority. rail network even if there is no undamaged rail in their hex
The various NSS are set to 0 so will send to any depot as long as they are connected via non-enemy controlled
at 1 or higher that needs supplies. A priority 4 depot sea hexes to another port that is connected to a national
will not send on supply to another depot. supply source.
As an example, a series of undamaged Axis rail hexes
can lead back to Riga which is, in turn, connected to a port
The ability of a unit to receive replacements and in Germany that is itself connected by rail to a functioning
supplies/fuel/ammo, and repair damaged aircraft and national supply source, and all of these rail hexes are
ground elements is dependent on its location in relation considered to be on the rail network.
to the supply grid, specifically the distance from the This shows part of the Axis rail net in the Ukraine in
depot or depots from which they are drawing supply the summer of 1941 (using the rail damage map mode). In

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

effect the Germans have a single repaired line (the green

circles) so, for example, Vinnitsa is on the rail net. In the late game, the Axis player is most likely to lose
A line of depots along this line will draw freight forward all these connections as the Western Allies advance
and supply airbases and combat units as needed. (13.3) unless they are able to hold the Soviets back
Units can draw supply from depots that contain freight, from breaking the direct connections between Berlin,
although there are some limitations if the depot is isolated Prague and Vienna.
from the rail network. Note that rail hexes that are adjacent
to enemy units are considered not to be functioning for The depot is marked
the purposes of determining the rail network. These hexes with a star (black or
may not be used for strategic rail movement but supply brown depending on
will enter those hexes by rail if appropriate. . the side).
In some limited map scenarios, rail hexes outside of the To function as a NSS
limited area can provide supply trace. This may prevent a centre must also be
some units along the map edge from being isolated, and able to trace a rail link
will also allow OKH and other HQ units positioned outside to another NSS.
the play area to be considered in supply. Axis on map National
Rail usage due to freight movement is reduced during Supply Sources in the
the logistics phase, so if a given rail branch is heavily used campaigns:
in one turn it might take a few turns for the impact to be §§ Berlin
removed. §§ Frankfurt
§§ Vienna
25.2.2. Ports and the Supply Grid §§ Prague
A port is be considered to be connected to the supply grid Soviet on map National Supply Sources in the campaigns:
if it can trace a path of ocean or sea water hexes that does §§ Moscow
not enter enemy controlled water hexes (7.3.6) to at least §§ Kazan
one other friendly port connected to the supply grid via §§ Saratov
rail lines. §§ Chkalov
Freight is transported between ports connected to the §§ Chelyabinsk
supply grid during the logistics phase by cargo ships from §§ Sverdlovsk
the shipping pool (24.4). This path may be blocked by naval §§ Chelyabinsk
interdiction and/or amphibious HQ units. Interdiction will §§ Krasnovodsk
block freight shipments, and can cause isolation (24.5.2), Non-campaign scenarios
if the enemy has 2 or more interdiction levels in a sea hex that do not use the
than the tracing side (hex control). entire map area may
Interdiction can also result in either partial loss of have additional National
freight in transit or the prevention of any freight shipments Supply Sources added
leading to the isolation of any units in the port. for each side.
Ports with depots containing freight will be able to Railyards located
resupply units with supplies, fuel, and ammo as long as in the same hex as a
they have freight remaining. However, this in itself does National Supply Source
not prevent isolation will produce twenty
times the tonnage
25.2.3. National Supply Sources (NSS) capacity as regular
The establishment of a rail network and connection to the railyards. For example,
supply grid requires the tracing of a contiguous path of rail an undamaged level 2
line hexes (and/or port to port connections over water) to railyard will produce
a National Supply So urce. 20k capacity (10k x 2)


but, the same railyard in Berlin, a national supply source, For example, when one ton of freight is moved to a
would produce 400k capacity (200k x 2). unit that is getting supplies, it is converted into one ton
National Supply Sources are permanent physical of supplies and at the same time one ton of supplies is
locations that represent the insertion point of production consumed from the general supply pool (25.2). A shortage
and logistics material from the virtual production pools, as of needed material in a pool or a shortage of freight in a
well as freight tonnage. Each national supply source is set player’s depots will have the same result of not being able
to generate 2.5 million tons of freight in each supply phase. to meet a unit’s supply and replacement needs.
If a NSS is adjacent to an enemy unit, it will be reduced Freight can be damaged by air attacks and interdiction
to 50,000 tons of freight and will not receive an automatic against railyard hexes with depots and when it is being
delivery of freight. It will continue to function as an NSS for transported, resulting in the damage or destruction
determining whether units and hexes are isolated of ground elements and the removal of supply from
A depot will totally cease to function as a NSS if it cannot applicable pools (36.3.1).
trace a rail link to another on map NSS. Under these Freight is composed of both different types of supply
circumstances it will not prevent unit and hex isolation, and replacement ground elements.
although the depot may continue to store freight, after Supply is composed of three types: General Supplies
having the freight present reduced to 50,000 (supplies); Ammunition; and, Fuel. Each type of supply is
used for different purposes. In general, supplies are more
25.2.4. Loss of Axis NSS important to non-motorized units and fuel is more important
If the Axis lose a NSS to either the Western Allies (by event) to motorized units, but all combat units require ammunition.
or the Soviets then destroyed units will no longer be placed
in the National Reserve to refit. In addition, any frozen 25.3.1. General Supplies
units will unfreeze in the next German turn. All units require supplies for food and general maintenance.
Supplies also represent fodder for horses and thus are
25.2.5. Maximum Ranges required by non-motorized units for movement (22.1.2).
The maximum distance a unit can access a depot is cannot Note that the consumption of supplies for food and general
be more than 30 hexes away. Ideally, the routine will try maintenance occurs during the logistics phase prior to the
to avoid paths that cost 75 or more movement points but turn. Many non-motorized units require more supplies for
such a path might occur depending on the circumstances. fodder that is expended during movement.
These values will vary if the morale or logistics levels are Since motorized units do not need supplies for horses,
set above 100. they require much less supply.
Supplies are also used to reduce fatigue in ground
25.2.6. Impact of Weather elements during the logistics phase.
Supply costs are charged using the motorized movement
cost (38.6) so are variable according to the weather and 25.3.2. Ammunition
road quality. All units require ammunition for combat. Combat units
In addition, the impact of weather on Axis supply tracing with a low ammunition percentage will suffer a significant
is doubled up to the start of April 1942. decline in combat effectiveness (23.8.3), especially when
attacking. In addition, units that are adjacent to enemy
units during the logistics phase will use up approximately
25.3. FREIGHT one percent of their ammunition to reflect scouting, patrols
Freight represents the generic capability to transport and low level combat.
material through the supply grid. As such, freight is not Ammunition is not produced separately, but is initially
converted to the actual material, whether as fuel, supplies, considered integral to general supplies. General supplies
ammunition, vehicles or ground elements, until it is drawn are converted to ammunition when freight is delivered to
upon by the end user. At that stage, the actual items units from depots.
needed are drawn from the production pools, if they are Defending units have a chance of receiving additional
present. ammunition shipments during any combat they are involved

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

in. If this happens, any trucks used for delivery will not be
available in the next friendly logistics phase and will be For example, an undamaged level 2 railyard with 20k
shown as ‘used’ in the supply screen. capacity (10 x 2) will show a value of 20 in the rail circle
when in F2 mode. If this has been used for freight or
25.3.3. Fuel units then it will be reduced (subject to rounding).
Motorized units require fuel for movement during the
movement phase (22.1.2). Vehicles that are used to move decrease the number of the railyard capacity by 2 if it was
freight from depots will also consume fuel during the in the same hex as the railyard when it started its rail move.
logistics phase. This fuel can be drawn from fuel stored in There is an increase in the Strategic Movement Point cost
cities in the same hex as the depot. (22.4.4) for the unit to entrain as the system goes further
to find sufficient railyard tonnage capacity.
25.4. MOVING FREIGHT BY RAIL Note that for rail movement in the logistics phase of freight
(either for the production system or movement to depots)
25.4.1. Railyard Capacity also can cost additional railyard tonnage as the system goes
Railyards represent the rolling stock available for moving further to find available capacity at other railyards. It also
units and freight. If the railyard size is greater than 1, then costs additional railyard capacity as freight moves depending
each undamaged railyard factory point, or level, produces on the SMPs needed to complete the move.
10k tons of rail capacity per turn with the exception that There is a 30 hex limit to how far from a unit or freight
railyards located in the same hex as a national supply location a railyard can be in order to use its railyard
source (25.2.3) will produce 200k tons of capacity per level capacity for rail movement.
per turn. In general, a unit or location separated from a railyard
by ocean/sea hexes will not be able to draw on that railyard
Note that size 1 railyards do not contribute rail capacity capacity.
but do aid the loading and un-loading of freight and
units and influence the capacity of any depot in the
25.4.2. Damaged Railyards
same hex. Railyard damage will reduce the amount of freight that
would be shipped and unloaded at a railyard depot in the
The opposite is true, you need to repair and integrate
hex. There is a percentage chance equal to the railyard
level 2 (or more) railyards into your rail net to have
damage that the amount shipped to a railyard depot will
sufficient rail capacity to move both freight and
be divided by 10.
combat units.
If a railyard is damaged either due to being recently
constructed or captured, then it will automatically try to
Remaining railyard capacity will be displayed for each assign any available construction unit to speed repairs.
railyard when in rail move mode (F2) with the number in
the rail circles on the map equal to 1,000 tons of remaining 25.4.3. Rail Transport and Freight
load/unload capacity. Freight is transported by rail during the logistics phase
This shows the current rail capacity of the three railyards (5.3.1). Unlike ground units utilizing rail transport, freight
in the Berlin region. West and NE Berlin each have level 6 has unlimited SMP’s, but the amount of railyard tonnage
railyards while Berlin itself capacity required to move the freight is variable and
is an NSS. Since it is also a increases with distance from the railyard(s) and increased
level 9 rail yard its capacity rail usage in particular hex(es).
is 1800 (the display only Movement through undamaged rail hexes is possible
clearly shows the middle 2 even if rail usage is maxed out (22.4.3), but at a greatly
numbers so at first glance increased cost in either SMP’s (units) or railyard capacity
looks misleading). (freight). Movement continues until railyard capacity is
So a unit with a carry exhausted. Thus congestion results in less freight being
cost of 2,000 tons would moved by rail in the logistics phase to the extent that rail


usage causes the railyard capacity to run out and freight 25.4.6. Axis rail penalty
deliveries to drop. As noted in 8.6.1, Axis rail freight pays a higher cost from
Freight can be moved into a rail hex adjacent to an 22 June 1941 up to the end of March 1942.
enemy unit but not from one hex adjacent to an enemy When Axis trains are moving freight by rail, the MP
unit directly to another hex that is also adjacent to an cost for each hex is increased by 10 plus the snow level in
enemy unit. Blizzard hexes. In non-blizzard hexes if the snow level in a
hex is over 5, then the MP cost per hex will be increased by
25.4.4. Depot Priority and Rail the snow level/2.
Freight Allocation
In each logistics phase, depots will seek to gain freight
according to the set priority. A priority 4 depot will generally 25.5. MOVING FREIGHT BY ROAD
receive much more freight than lower priority depots, Road movement mainly relies on trucks but sometimes
while priority 1 and 2 depots will tend to receive very small units can draw supply using horses (25.5.5). Road
amounts of freight Exporting ports will generally be eligible movement will be used either when a depot needs more
to receive more freight than other depots. Except for ports, freight than can be allocated by rail or to move freight from
or depots containing an FBD/NKPS unit that did not move depots to HQs and Units.
in the previous turn, it is rare for depots to receive near
their freight capacity on any given turn. 25.5.1. The Motor Pool
Remember that single track rail lines only have 40% of The motor pool represents the generic vehicles not
the capacity of dual track lines (22.4.3) and thus have a yet in use by units or depots. All vehicles are “2.5 ton
critical capacity of 12,000 tons per turn. Once this critical equivalents.” Vehicles are used by depots to truck freight
usage is reached, there is a growing risk that the lines to units. Vehicles move from the pool to depots as needed
will still be congested in the next turn. Usage of the rail by the depots to deliver freight, and some portion of
lines are only partially cleared each turn, so overuse on unused vehicles go back to the pool. Vehicles can also go
multiple turns can leave rails operating with much lower from units to depots and the pool as the system tries to
throughput on succeeding turns. balance all needs. When a vehicle is returned to the pool,
one ton of freight is placed in a nearby depot.
During the logistics phase vehicles will be re-allocated
Gameplay note: Player’s should be wary of using up all
as needed back and forth between depots, units and the
the rail capacity on key single rail lines going to depots
pool. This process does not happen immediately.
near the front to move units as this will likely reduce
The production screen (36.3.2) shows the number of
the amount of freight that can be moved up that rail
vehicles in units with the number in parentheses next to
line in the next logistics phase. Even worse, all this
it being the total number of vehicles the units require. The
usage will not clear at the end of the logistics phase
number of vehicles in depots is also shown along with the
and will hamper movement for several turns.
number of vehicles in the pool.
Vehicles are also
Note that depots set to priority 0 will not attract any used and stored
freight but can still ship out any freight they have stored. by theatre boxes
Disbanding a depot will lead to the depot attempting to and this allocation
send out its freight to other nearby depots. is shown in the theatre boxes when the on-map view is
25.4.5. Freight Rail Movement In turn the Logistics Report (36.9) will show how many
between Depots trucks notionally assigned to units have been used in
Depots will not send freight to another depot with the same the supply process – this can be found under the freight
or lower priority level. However, a lower priority depot that section of the report.
receives freight as it transits towards a higher priority depot In addition the depot tab of the Commander’s Report
will retain some if it is needed for nearby airbases. (35.7.3) can be used to identify which depots are using

30 5
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

most vehicles 25.5.3. Generic Vehicle Attrition

and which have Vehicles in depots suffer attrition based on their activity
an excess (this during the supply and replacement segment moving
may indicate freight from depots. Vehicles in units on the map suffer
that their priority attrition during the logistics phase based on the amount of
level is drawing MPs expended by the unit during the previous movement
in more freight phase. The above is specific to generic vehicles; AFV and
than they actually combat vehicle breakdowns are calculated using reliability
need). The image ratings (21.2.8).
below is sorted
on ‘unused 25.5.4. Gaining Road Supply
vehicles’ as an example
(see figure 25-9). Play Tip: Careless placement of combat units in
Vehicles are also relation to depots will cause your motorized units to
drawn from depots by lose lots of MPs in those turns when you are burning
units that have a need. tons of fuel and running far from your supply grid.
If there are not enough vehicles in units, depots, and the Don’t forget you can conduct air transport missions to
production pool to meet all of the needs, then the system drop freight to combat units, although it is much more
will try to balance the different needs as best it can. efficient to send to air transport to an airfield than to
If a unit is short of vehicles for its own use it will retain drop directly on a unit not on an airfield.
any that are used to deliver supplies during the logistics
Depots further from enemy units will return more The movement point cost for all supply path traces are
unused trucks to the pool if the pool is short of vehicles calculated as if the path was being travelled by a motorized
unit with a morale of 99 (38.7.1).
25.5.2. Emergency Use of Vehicles All motorized movement point costs are taken into
allocated to units account, including EZOC, weather, terrain, and river
Units with more than 33 percent of their needed vehicles hexsides. Supply can be traced through an enemy ZOC as
can use these vehicles to resupply themselves if there are no long as the hex is friendly controlled or pending friendly,
vehicles at the depot and none available in the motor pool. though tracing supply this way will result in increased
Use of these vehicles in the logistics phase for supply MP costs. Supply paths cannot be traced through enemy
runs to a depot will reduce the MPs the unit starts with controlled hexes or across unfrozen impassable lake or
in the turn as per section (22.1) (as they are considered river hexsides.
unavailable when determining a unit’s percentage of Normally vehicles are used for the delivery of supply
needed vehicles for MPs). and replacement to units from depots. When a vehicle is



taking freight from a depot to a unit, it traces the range in 25.6.2. Port Depot Priority and
both hexes and the MP cost to the unit. This is important as Freight Allocation
the further the path in MPs, the less can be carried by each All ports are set by the player to either export or import
vehicle and the greater chance of loss enroute. freight. A port set to export will usually receive freight by
When the range is close enough to deliver goods with rail and then send this on to another port in the same sea
animal drawn transport the MP cost will always be one. area.

25.5.5. Using Horses for Supply

A key issue to remember is that depots can only send
Axis and Soviet units can receive supply and replacements
freight to depots with a higher priority so your desired
from a depot without having to use vehicles up to 3 hexes
import ports must have a higher priority than your
from the depot through the use of animal drawn transport.
exporting port.
However, this will cost double the freight being delivered
as the animal drawn transport is assumed to be consuming
fodder (if the unit is isolated, it receives the delivery but You can swap a port between exporting and importing
does not pay double freight). freight by right clicking on the hex, select ‘port depot’ which
opens the ‘switch to export port’ option, this will allow you
25.5.6. Axis Road Freight penalty to swap the port between receiving or sending supplies.
As noted in 8.6.1, Axis road freight pays a higher cost from
22 June 1941 up to the end of March 1942.
When carrying freight, Axis vehicles pay double the
normal weather movement costs. They also pay an
additional 8 MPs for each Blizzard hex entered.


25.6.1. The Shipping Pool
Each side has a shipping pool consisting of a number of
troop and cargo transport ships. For both sides, their
shipping pools are divided into the various sea zones. In
the Baltic and Black Sea (including the Sea of Azov) both
sides potentially have naval capacity but only the Soviets
can have shipping on Lake Ladoga and the Caspian Sea. Alternatively a port status can be changed by clicking
The number of transport and cargo ships in each on the top left hand box or using the city detailed tab.
sea zone are displayed in several places, including the The image below shows how you can toggle using the top
production screen (36.3.2), via the right click on a sea or screen.
port hex and accessing the sea zone info, and in the general
information at the top of the screen when Naval Transport
(F3) or Amphibious Transport (F4) mode is selected in the
action (move) phase (T = Troop ships and C = Cargo ships).
In this latter case the number displayed is the number of
ships unused and available to be used at this moment.
Cargo ships
are used in the If you set a port depot to expor t, it will generally try to
logistics phase to deliver freight, while transport ships are get more freight by rail so it can ship freight to other ports
used during the movement phase to move units. Both are by sea. If you set it as an import port, it will not ship out
used by the one Soviet Amphibious HQ and in amphibious freight by sea, but will try to draw freight from other ports
landings. depending on priority. If you do not want an import port

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

depot to attract freight by sea you must lower its priority to cannot be manually disbanded by the player, but will be
1 (could still get freight via rail) or 0 (it will draw no freight). removed from play once the freight is re-allocated (and
this can be immediate if combat units are in, or adjacent
to, the receiving hex).
For a port to export freight it has to be set at priority
Once created, a normal depot will remain even if it is
level 3 or lower. Due to how exporting ports acquire
cut off in subsequent turns (when it still might receive
freight it can be useful to leave them at 1 or 2. Since
some freight as a result of air supply operations (23.14.3).
exporting ports gain supply from the relevant NSS
If a depot is disbanded (or a temporary depot is removed),
before other depots, setting a port to export can be
vehicles will be removed from the depot in the next friendly
useful as a means to pull in supply (even if none of this
logistics phase. The freight will remain in the location (it will
is actually sent out by sea).
not show in the hex pop-up text), and it may be sent to
units, but this will require vehicles to return to the depot.
There are two useful map views to understand both
25.6.3. Port Capacity the deployment of depots and the flow of supplies. The
The maximum amount of tons of freight that a depot can logistics button or the n key will bring up a display of depot
receive via a port in a turn is equal to 7,500 * the damaged location and rail usage.
adjusted port level (as of the prior turn). The maximum Selecting the ‘8’ key displays blue, red and white lines
amount of tons of freight that a depot can receive via rail on the map that will show the flow of freight from depots
is equal to 10,000 * the damage adjusted rail yard level (as to units and depots to depots. Each unit keeps track of the
of the prior turn). depot that it received most freight from during the last
For example, an Axis level 2 port with a level 1 railyard 1 logistics phase.
would have a capacity of 2x7.5 + 1x10 = 25k tons.
A depot will attempt to receive it’s per turn maximum
up to its storage maximum.

25.6.4. Cargo ships and the Civilian

As with the rail network, some shipping capacity may be
used satisfying the civilian economy and for the wider
movement of resources between cities. Thus players may
notice some shipping usage even in sea areas where they
currently have no freight moving between ports to supply
their armies.

25.7. DEPOTS
Depots are an essential link in the supply and replacement
chain. During the logistics phase they both receive and
send on freight up to their capacity (4.10.5, 6.7.2 and
25.7.8). They also store freight and in the supply and
replacement segment, freight is then drawn upon by
units and converted to provide supplies, fuel, ammo, and
replacements taken from available pools.
Depots can be created and disbanded by the players,
with the exception of type 4 depots, which are permanent
national supply sources (25.2.3), and temporary depots
created by airdrops (22.5.1). Such temporary depots


The red lines are drawn from the depot that sent most
freight to a unit. Blue coloured lines display freight moved
from ports to port while white lines display rail movements
of freight between depots.
This shows how the two map views can be combined
(often it is better to use one or the other). In this case
the Soviet depot at Alekseevka (1) is drawing supply
from Svobida (2). The Soviet 8-13 Guards Rifle Division is
drawing supply from Alekseevka (the red line) but the 6-11
Rifle Division at the top of the image is using a different
depot (not shown but in this case it is Voronezh).
For this view, remember that the lines show the
connection to the most important supply source, both
units and depots may be taking supply from more than With the exception of depots set to supply priority
one source. So in the example below the 302 Mountain 0, the higher the number the higher the priority for the
Division draws supply from two depots but only the link to depot to receive freight. Depots with higher priorities will
Vyshny Volochek would be shown on the map. be given the first chance to receive freight before railyard
and/or port capacity is used up. Depots with priority 0 will
not receive any freight from other depots in the logistics
phase, so this setting should be used only when the player
wants to drain a depot.
In addition if a NKPS or FBD rail repair unit spends the
entire turn (and uses no movement points) on a depot then
this will greatly increase freight deliveries to that depot in
the next logistics phase. Note that this may reduce the
allocation to nearby depots as it ensures the chosen depot
has priority for deliveries.

Note that depots will function less efficiently if either

the railyard or port in the hex is damaged. In turn they
will function more efficiently if a HQ (other than a type
4, High Command level HQ or any air HQ) is stacked in
the same hex or a FBD/NKPS unit is in the hex for the
entire turn and expends no movement points.

Depot Supply Priority: Each depot has a priority from

0-4, which can be set in the city detail window, through
the general information and city/airfield box, in the Depot
section of the Locations tab of the Commander’s Report, or
from the map by right clicking on a location and selecting
the depot type.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

This shows the impact of setting up a depot this way. §§ Depot 2 (blue port symbol) – Import Port Depot – this is
The NKPS formation at Jablonowo ensures that all the a port that can receive freight over water.
possible capacity to acquire and pass on freight is being §§ Depot 1 (Rail Line symbol) – Railyard Depot – This is a
used (with this capacity enhanced by the presence of the depot that receives freight via rail or road using trucks.
Soviet Army HQ). To some extent this is done by distorting In the example above, the ports around Kobona are set to
the local supply grid to allocate freight there but the effect export (white) and Osinovets to import (blue). Other shown
is to have a depot close to the front line that functions depots are all railyards (marked with a train symbol).
at full capacity. Ideally, this would be at a location with a Player created depots will either be type 2 if in a hex
larger railyard (enabling even more capacity). with a port or type 1 for all other hexes.
Players can switch port depots from importing to
exporting as required using various tools:
This also shows how the best use for the NKPS/
FBD formations is not always actively repairing rail
lines. One strategy is to move such units every third
or fourth turn so they can repair another stretch of
rails and then create a new ‘super’ depot at their new

When a non-port depot is created by a player, its priority

is set to 3 by default. When a depot is created automatically
in a port that is captured, its priority is set to 3 by default.
When a port or temporary port depot is created, it is set to
priority 4 by default.
If the port is selected, the port role can be swapped
25.7.1. Depot Types using the port symbol at the top of the screen or by right
When the toggle logistics info is on, depot hexes are clicking on the hex and altering the port type as shown.
displayed with an inverted triangle. Depot priority (0-4) will
be displayed inside 25.7.2. Creating Depots
the depot symbol, Players can create a depot in a town, city, urban or airfield
with 0 in red, 1 in hex (in each case these must be on a rail line), or any other
orange, 2 in yellow, hex just containing a rail line at the cost of one AP point,
3 in dark green, 4 and can disband eligible depots at any time. Whenever a
in light green. A depot is created in a rail line or port hex without an existing
symbol below each railyard, a level 1 railyard will be created with 100 percent
type of depot will damage at that location.
also be displayed. Depots cannot be created in a hex that is pending
There is a hierarchy control unless there
of depots as follows: is an existing town,
§§ Depot 4 (Star symbol) – National supply source (25.2.3) city or airbase in the
– this is a permanent depot that cannot be disbanded hex.
and is the source of freight tonnage to be distributed to As usual this can
other depots. be done using the top
§§ Depot 3 (white port symbol) – Export Port – this is a port of the game screen or
that can be used as a source of freight to be shipped by right clicking. As
via naval transport over sea and ocean water hexes to there is no existing
another port. depot in the hex, the


display at the top has no location name (once a depot is 25.7.4. Disbanding Depots
placed it will have a name such as ‘Depot #3’). Depots can be disbanded at any time in the air or ground
If this depot is not connected to the rail net it will not phases.
function but will build up the railyard so it can function Disbanded depots will try to ship some of their freight
normally once the rail connection is in place. by rail to other type 1 (rail yard) depots. Also, a small
amount of the freight will be removed, a small amount will
be destroyed (with destruction of fuel and supplies from
Players Note: This rule means you can set up depots
the pool), and some will convert to fuel and supplies and
in advance of your rail heads and they will repair their
be placed in the location.
railyard meaning they will function more efficiently
when they are linked to the supply grid. 25.7.5. Capturing Depots
Reminder – a level 1 railyard does not create additional When a depot is captured, most of the freight is destroyed
rail capacity (i.e. rolling stock etc.) but does affect (causing the destruction of some fuel and supplies from
loading and unloading costs of units and freight and the player’s pool), but some small amount of freight is
determines the effective size of the attached depot. captured resulting in the placing of fuel and supplies in
that location for the capturing player’s use. In addition, a
small number of vehicles are destroyed and the rest are
25.7.3. Automating Depot Creation returned to the pool. With the exception of depots in port
If the player wishes the process of depot creation can be hexes, captured depots are destroyed.
automated .
To do this either depress the AI depot management tab 25.7.6. Isolated Depots
or select CNTRL+C and up to a maximum of 10 new depots Units in isolated areas (23.14.1) can also use freight in a
will be created (at a cost of 5 Administrative Points if all 10 depot. Depots in isolated hexes will lose 5 percent of their
are built) and the computer will also disband and change freight each turn in the logistics phase to reflect that some
the priorities of existing depots (using the same strategy as of the freight is not the material that is needed by the units
it would for the AI player). that are drawing from it.
If you are using the automatic depot creation option,
you will need to confirm you wish to do this and will then 25.7.7. Depots and Truck allocations
be reminded of the option every time you press F12 to end There is also a limit to the number of trucks in any depot.
a turn. The cap is depot capacity/10 so a railyard level 1 depot
If the player has less than has a capacity of 10,000 tons and can have a maximum
5 AP points this procedure of 1,000 trucks. The cap is increased by 50% during the
will not work and a warning ground phase.
message will be displayed.
25.7.8. HQs and Depots
The maximum capacity of a depot can be increased
It is recommended this is not done till a player has
temporarily if there are HQs stacked in the hex with the
completed all the rail hex repairs they intend to do in
a turn.
Some HQs can increase the depot maximum capacity by
100 times the number of support squads in the HQ, subject
The same system is used by the AI in creating its own
Note that HQs improve both the capacity of the depot
If an unmoved FBD/NKPS formation is in hex with a
(i.e. the ability to receive and send on supply) and the
railyard then the automatic depot management routine
amount of freight that can be stored at the depot.
will generate a depot (priority 4) if one is not already

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

to limits due to the type of HQ. A type 2 HQ can increase expended no MP, such as on rail repair), then that depot
capacity by up 35k, type 3 HQ can increase capacity by up will attract a large amount of additional freight compared
20k and type 4 HQ can increase capacity by up to 5k. to others on the same supply network. In addition, the cost
This has also an impact on the maximum number of of moving this freight will be reduced.
trucks at the depot (which is the maximum depot freight
divided by 10). As soon as a HQ is in the hex, the maximum
As with the deployment of HQs, this gives the player a
capacities are changed and the new values will be shown
practical and powerful tool to influence the allocation
in the rollover text.
of freight between depots and to draw supply to
critical sectors. Combined with HQs, this can be a
powerful tool for bringing a large amount of freight
to a depot, potentially bringing in as much as 60k of
freight to a depot in one turn.

If an unmoved FBD/NKPS formation is in a hex with a

railyard then the automatic depot management routine
(25.7.3) will generate a depot (priority 4).


Each HQ has a supply priority from 0-4 and, in turn, this will
affect the supply priority of directly attached units. Units
In this example, (1) shows the capacity of the depot with the highest priority will have the first chance to receive
when Army Group Centre is stacked in the hex and (2) if supply and replacements. Units with lower priorities may
the HQ is absent. be forced to try to get their supplies from more distant
Type 1 HQs (i.e. Stavka and OKH), Rail Repair HQs and depots as depots run out of freight, and in most cases will
Air Command HQs do not increase the depot maximum not attempt to receive all of their requirements.
The bonus for a HQ placed on a depot can never add 25.8.1. Supply Priority and Maximum
more than 4 times the damage adjusted depot capacity Supply Allocation
from the railyard and port values. This means a brand new Units linked to a HQ with a supply priority of less than 4 will
depot created at a 0 railyard location will only be improved not try to receive all the supply they notionally need. The
slightly till the railyard is built and starts repairing. chart below shows how unit supply priority will limit the
extent that a unit will try to attempt replenishment during
a particular supply/replacement segment.
In combination these rules are very important. If you
can, make sure that every depot near the front line Unit Priority Percent of Need
has a HQ stacked on it. Equally deploying units in 4 < 90% (1)
REFIT mode on a depot with a HQ (not necessarily the 3 < 90%
one they report to) will ensure it receives as much new 2 <70%
manpower and equipment as can be delivered. 1 <50%
0 <30% (2)

25.7.9. Rail Repair units and Depots (1) This is <110% if the unit did not move in the prior turn and is
The German FBD and Soviet NKPS formations are usually not adjacent to an enemy controlled hex.
used for manual repair of rail lines (21.6.1). However, if they (2) Air Base Units will not receive any supply or replacements if
set to supply priority 0.
are on a depot and did not move in the previous turn (and


25.8.3. Effect of Combat Preparation

Note: If the needed supply is not in local depots a Points
unit will start to use its own trucks to gain supply Combat Preparation Points (23.2) also affect the proportion
up to the percentages above. Since these missing of supply and ammunition a unit will seek to hold during the
trucks impact both MP (21.1.2) and CV (23.8.3) it logistics phase. Units with 100% CPP can store up to 180% of
may leave your units with less mobility if they have their ammunition, and 130% of their supply and fuel needs
a high supply priority. In effect, the unit will have the if they are set at supply priority 4 and do not move.
supply it needs but lack mobility so on some sectors In addition, the number of CPPs affects the chances of
you may find it useful to set your HQ priorities to passing administrative rolls for resupply.
relatively low levels.
25.8.4. Air Base Supply Priorities
Air base unit supply priorities are set by the supply priority
In addition, individual units can try to acquire freight of the AOGs based there (if planes are present from more
up to 130% of supply and fuel needs and 180% of their than one AOG then the one with the most is used). So the
ammunition needs if the following conditions are met: supply priority of an air base can alter during the turn as
§§ Report to a HQ with supply priority 4 air groups are physically moved on the map or alter their
§§ Have 100 CPP command assignments.
§§ Do not move in the turn and By definition, if an airbase is empty it will be set to zero
§§ Are not adjacent to an enemy unit supply priority.

25.8.2. Setting and Changing

HQ Supply Priorities 25.9. SUPPLY STATES
Priorities are shown and set in the HQ Unit Detail Window During the supply portion of the logistics phase, units of
(37.2), using the HQ counter (6.5.6) or through the supply the phasing player are determined to be in one of two
priority function in the HQs tab of the Commander’s possible supply states: In Supply; or, Isolated.
Report (35.3) or by clicking on the supply priority for a unit
in the CR screen. When an HQ unit changes its priority all 25.9.1. In Supply
units attached to that HQ unit (as well as all units down the A hex is in supply if it can link to a functioning NSS. This
chain of command under this HQ) will change to the same can include tracing over water from one friendly port to
priority). another, but cannot go through enemy controlled hexes.
For example, if the 6th Army HQ unit is changed to Supply can be traced through enemy Zones of Control
supply priority 4, all the HQs directly attached to the 6th (EZOC).
Army and down the chain of command will now have a If a valid path cannot be traced then the hex is
supply priority of 4. considered Isolated but the unit is only considered to be
isolated if the rules in 25.9.2 apply.
The counter in the unit bar and on the map will always
be bordered in the appropriate colour if the unit is not in
supply. These border
colours will change
if units change their
supply state during
the Action (move)
Phase and will be red
if the unit is isolated:
Supply states are
also displayed in the
commander’s report

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

the completion of each

air execution phase, and
whenever a non-isolated unit
moves, or a battle is resolved,
hexes recheck their supply
state. If one of these actions
has reconnected the hex
with a path of any length to
a functioning NSS, then the
This shows all the isolated Soviet units (including the hex will no longer be isolated.
Cavalry Division above). These can be selected by using the Whenever a unit occupies a
‘Isolated’ filter at the foot of the screen and selecting ‘yes’. hex that is not isolated, the
Note a unit can be ‘in supply’ according to these rules unit is considered in supply.
but still lack all the supplies it needs for efficient movement The current supply state of
and combat. each unit is displayed in its
detail window as either ‘In
25.9.2. Isolation Supply’ or ‘Isolated’
If the unit does not qualify as in supply then it is isolated
. This stage occurs if begins a friendly player-turn in an 25.9.3. Airhead
isolated hex. Supply and Isolation
Isolated units can only receive supplies, fuel and ammo If the depots in a given pocket
through air transport drops to temporary depots or freight collectively receive at least
from isolated depots also in the pocket. Isolated units can 500 tons of freight via air-drops this will trigger ‘airhead
draw replenishment using non-vehicle methods (25.5.5) supply’. Units that can trace to these depots are not
or by using vehicles already in depots and units inside considered to be isolated in the next enemy turn but are
the pocket. Isolated units cannot receive replacements treated as isolated in their own turn.
and will not return damaged ground elements to the
production pool.
Players Note: Dropping sufficient supply to meet this
Isolated units that have 0 supply will have 75% of their
threshold will allow units that are cut off to survive
elements damaged in the logistics phase.
for some time. They will slowly lose morale and suffer
See section 23.14 for combat related effects on isolated
some of the effects of isolation but will not readily
surrender to the attacker unless their morale is
already low.
Players Note: You will need to stockpile freight in a
depot if you expect to become isolated, as the depot
will be able to distribute its freight to units in the hex Note this does not apply to the Soviet side in June 1941
or in a small pocket. You should also place depots in (11.3.5)
fortifications, ports or hexes that you otherwise wish
to hold.
25.9.4. Effect of Low Supply Levels
on Units
The further a unit is from a depot, the less supply,
The toggle unit modes/isolated button in the map replacement and repair will be received. The main impact
information tab (25.9.1) will highlight map counters so that of low levels of supply is the reduction of movement
isolated units will be highlighted in red. points through lack of supplies (non-motorized units) or
An isolated hex and any unit in the hex will cease fuel (motorized units). As units run low on supply they will
to be isolated if it is relinked to a functioning NSS. At tend to use up less supply. This causes a greater chance


for ground elements to become damaged and destroyed The amount of ammunition on hand impacts both the
during the logistics phase. Front line attrition is especially overall combat effectiveness, especially of attacking units,
high for units that are running low on supplies. as well as the number of shots in combat (23.8.1).
A unit’s combat value (CV) will be impacted by ammunition Low levels of supplies will impact the ability of a unit’s
and fuel shortages (23.8.3). ground elements to recover from fatigue.

Focus: This section covers how units will receive
replacements as a specific aspect of the wider logistics

Key Points:
§§ How Replacements are allocated to combat and
support units
§§ Refit Mode
§§ Usage of the National Reserve

The replacement part of the supply/replacement segment are lost for short periods of time before being sent back to
simulates the flow of men and equipment back and forth units, equipment that has to be repaired at non-divisional
from the “home front” and the various production factories, repair facilities that are then sent back to different units,
through intermediate locations such as repair depots and and men transferred from one unit to another.
hospitals, to the combat zone and the front lines. Isolated units cannot receive replacements.
Ground unit losses, whether combat or non-combat Note also that replacements are sent as freight from
related, while expressed in terms of men, guns and AFV’s, are depots along with supplies, ammo and fuel based on the
actually based on destroyed and damaged ground elements. priority set by the HQ unit that they are assigned and
Ground elements consist of manpower combined percentage of need (25.8.1).
with AFVs, combat vehicles or Armament Points, which
represent all other weapons.
During the replacement segment, available manpower
is matched with the equipment in the pools to form REPLACEMENTS
complete ground elements. Men and equipment from The replacement part of the supply and replacement segment
damaged ground elements are included in this process, involves the return of damaged ground elements, return of
but are treated slightly differently. excess support squads, refit, and normal replacement.
Approximately (with the exception of AFV ground Units must be in supply to receive replacements. Routed
elements – see 26.1.4) 25 percent of the manpower and units will not receive replacements.
equipment from damaged ground elements are returned Replacements coming into units will bring down the
to the transit pools each turn. Over time these will move to average experience for that type of ground element by a
the active pools and become available as replacements in small amount. Experience reduction caused by replacements
future logistics phases, representing wounded troops that is based on the relative amount of replacements received.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The higher the average experience of the elements, the 26.1.3. Ground Element Replacement
less the decrease that can be expected as replacements are Availability
added. Experience levels in destroyed units being rebuilt In order for units to receive replacement ground elements,
will tend to be lower than high experience units receiving a these must be either in the pool, or, alternatively for
steady stream of replacement ground elements. ground elements, built from armaments points, there
must be sufficient armament points in the pool to build
26.1.1. Allocation of Losses to the the devices associated with that type of ground element.
Transit and Replacement Pools In the case of damaged ground elements being returned
First, 25 percent of all damaged ground elements (apart to the pool, if there is already appropriate equipment
from AFV ground elements, see 26.1.4 below) from units in the pool to outfit the particular ground element, then
are returned to the transit production and manpower no additional armaments points are used and instead
pools to be made available to return as replacements. the pool of that type of equipment is reduced by one for
However, only sixty percent of the manpower from the each element sent as a replacement. Also, there must be
damaged ground elements goes to the transit pool; the manpower in the active pool to match with the equipment
other forty percent is placed in the disabled pool. All other and build out the ground element.
things being equal, returning ground elements are more However, simply having the ground element equipment
likely to be returned to their original units. and manpower available doesn’t mean they will get to the unit
Damaged equipment, and manpower returned to that requires replacements. Constraints in the supply network
the pool during the logistics phase are not available and the impact of interdiction can slow or stop this process
immediately to be used as replacements. Although they meaning that ground element equipment and manpower
appear in the pool on the production screen, they actually might remain in the pool even though there are units that
are put in the transit pool. need them as replacements. Units may replace a type of
At the start of each friendly logistics phase, 25 percent ground element in their TOE with other types if there are
of the amount in the transit pool is moved to the available shortages and other suitable equipment is available (21,2.7).
pool. This represents the lost time from the front of lightly
wounded soldiers and damaged equipment. 26.1.4. AFV Ground Element Replacement
When damaged ground elements are sent back to the Limitations and Equipment Losses
pool, freight is placed in a nearby depot equal to one half There are several special rules for AFV ground element
of the freight tonnage of the ground element. Elements replacements . The percentage of damaged AFV ground
that are returning to the pool do not pay any shipping/rail elements returned to the production pools varies based
costs. on the ground weather as follows:
§§ Clear – 22.5%
26.1.2. Ground Element Replacements §§ Light Mud – 20%
and TOE §§ Heavy Mud – 10%
The player can manually set the maximum percentage §§ Light Snow – 17.5%
of TOE for which a unit’s ground elements can receive §§ Snow – 15%
replacements within a range between 50 and 100. Fortified §§ Heavy Snow – 10%
Zone (21.2) units can be set below 50. In addition, there is a chance that the equipment from an
The supply priority of the unit (set by HQ unit they are AFV ground element (i.e. the ‘tank’, but not the manpower)
attached to, see 25.8.1) impacts the chance of units getting will be destroyed rather than being returned to the pool.
replacements, and how much they will get in the same The chance that AFV equipment will be lost increases the
manner as supplies/fuel/ammo. further the unit is from a railhead.
The supply priority interacts with the TOE percentage of
the unit so that lower priority units will not fully fill up with 26.1.5. Excess Support Squad
replacements, even if all freight/manpower/equipment is Ground Elements
available, while high priority can reach their set TOE (and Starting in October 1942 Axis units can use ready support
occasionally exceed the this by a few elements). squads to “repair” damaged elements. Damaged rifle and


motorized rifle squads can be repaired, 10 at a time in a Damaged aircraft are not returned to the production
unit. In this case half of the men in the damaged squads pool, and can only be repaired at the air base unit to
are put in the disabled pool. Enough support squads (2 or which their Air Group is attached (or in the reserve if the
3) are removed to replace these disabled men. Any excess air group is transferred off map). However, if the air group
men remaining are placed in the pool. changes base then any damaged planes are sent back to
As an example, if a the squads require 10 men to be the production pool.
fixed, then 10 damaged squads would become ready,
50 men would go to the disabled pool, 3 support squads 26.2.2. Pilot and Aircrew Replacement
would be removed from the unit, and 10 men would be Each turn every nation gets a certain amount of trained
placed in the pool. pilots added to their pilot pool with an experience
level equal to the current air national morale (12.1 and
26.1.6. Panzer Replacement Battalions 38.2). When replacement aircraft are assigned to units,
The Axis player receives a number of Panzer Replacement manpower is deducted from the manpower pool to fill the
Battalions in the National Reserve. These can be assigned pilot and associated air crew.
to Panzer Divisions and the component assets will be If there are not enough of these pilots available, then
absorbed into the host unit. remaining vacancies will be filled with new pilots with an
At that stage the Support Unit will be removed from play. experience level set according to 12.3.2.
In effect, these provide the Axis player with a tool to The number of trained pilots received each turn is listed
allocate replacement tanks either to the Panzer divisions or in the Commander’s Report in the pilots screen under the
to keep as Support Units and allocate to other formations Air Groups tab (35.4.4).
as conventional Support Units.
26.2.3. Air Group Replacement Priority
Given the problems especially in 1941 and later in Players can set the priority for Air Groups to receive
1942 of bringing replacements to front line formations replacements or to decide that a unit will not receive
via the normal freight system, using these to rebuild replacements. Trained Pilots (first chance at getting
weakened Panzer formations is probably the best replacement planes and pilots and will only take trained
choice. pilots from the pilot pool), Priority (next chance at getting
planes/pilots, will accept untrained pilots), Normal (last
groups to get replacements, will accept untrained pilots),


26.2.1. Aircraft Replacements
Air Groups may receive replacement aircraft during the
replacement segment. The air base unit to which the Air
Group is attached must be in supply in order for the Air
Group to receive replacements and any air group placed
in the National Reserve (13.2) is always considered to be
in supply.
The number of aircraft received is based on the amount
of that model of aircraft available in the production pool
and the need of the Air Group, which is defined as the
difference between the maximum number allowed and
the actual number of ready and damaged aircraft in the
Air Group. Reserve aircraft will be reallocated during the
replacement phase.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Restricted (no replacements). These settings can be However, a unit in refit with less than 81 percent of
changed on the CR air group screen en masse or by group, need, which passes both administrative and support
and also on the air group detail screen where the current checks will be allocated 40 percent of the supply need
replacement setting is shown. instead of just 20 percent, but they are dependent on
supply priority limits, unlike the special refit replacement
26.3. REFIT MODE rule above. Since the needs of the unit are constantly
being updated as it goes through all the replacement/
26.3.1. On Map Refit replenishment phases, what will happen is that in the
Using the refit mode will help the chosen units to regain first phase a refitting unit on a depot will take all the
losses more quickly. manpower it can get. This will cause the need to go up for
Units in refit mode on any depot will try to fill up to their supply replenishment. In subsequent phases, the refitting
MAX TOE percent in every supply sub-segment, drawing unit will try to get the other items it needs as normal with
from other depots as well as the one in which they are the refitting bonus of 40 percent instead of the standard
located. Units in refit mode located in the same hex as a 20 percent.
national supply source depot (type 4) will have access to The consequence is that a unit on a depot may obtain
virtually unlimited freight. all the manpower it needs and be 100 percent of TOE but
The unit still follows the supply priority order to not have much in the way of needed supply. It may take
determine when it attempts to get replacements, but as longer to get those items, so having a high supply priority
soon as there is a phase that matches the supply priority will help this situation, as will being near depots with lots
of the unit, the unit will receive replacements even if it is at of freight and capacity.
a higher TOE level than the sub-phase calls for. Note that The mode button in the unit bar or detailed unit tab can
the bonus that refitting units in depots receive is only true be used to toggle individual units to refit mode.
for replacements, not for supply. They will go through the This can also be done using the Commander’s Report
normal phases to draw supply based on priority. (35.2.1).


26.3.2. Refit in the National Reserve This means that units in the National Reserve may
The basic rules above will apply. So units in refit mode in obtain so many replacement elements that there are few,
the National Reserve will be able to gain additional supply if any, left for on map units.
and replacements compared to other units. In effect, units To prevent this happening, the player can set the status
in the National Reserve will be treated as a priority for the of all units in the National Reserve to READY thus slowing
receipt of replacement manpower and equipment. Note the flow of manpower and equipment to those units. In
that this also means that HQ and Support Units in the addition, the maximum TOE can be adjusted to below
National Reserve should be set to refit if they need to take 100% to ensure that not all available resources are taken
on fresh elements. up by units in the National Reserve.


Focus: This chapter sets out the rules for the receipt
of fresh units (reinforcements) and the scheduled
withdrawal of units using the historical pattern of
transfers to different Theatres.

Key Points:
§§ How Reinforcements, New Units and Rebuilt Units
enter the game
§§ Transfer of Units between Theatre Boxes
§§ Unit Withdrawals

27.1. RECEIVING REINFORCEMENTS screen (36.7). This screen can be filtered in various ways to
help identify key data (such as withdrawals from the main
Both sides receive complete new units as reinforcements Destroyed Axis and Soviets units are usually allocated
during the game with these listed in the reinforcement to the appropriate National Reserve and can be rebuilt as

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

required. If they are then ordered to another Theatre, or to

the map, this will be recorded in the reinforcements and
withdrawals table.

27.1.1. Reinforcement Placement

Reinforcements appear as set out in the unit reinforcement
and withdrawal info screen (36.7). There are three methods
of reinforcement placement for on-map combat, multi-role
and HQ units.
Where a unit transfer (such as to the map) is set by the
scenario designers then usually it will also have a target 27.1.2. Allocation of trucks to
hex set. Reinforcements
If the transfer to the map In the Campaign games (only) reinforcements will draw
is voluntary, for example their truck allocation from the vehicle pool. If there are
from the relevant national insufficient trucks in the pool, they will enter with as many
reserve, the target hex as were available and will need to be reinforced using the
is either the appropriate normal rules.
national capital or indicated
by setting the ‘Reserve TB
Given this, it might be useful to allocate new units that
Arrival Hex (13.2.1)
will require a lot of trucks to appear in an NSS. If they
This can be reset as
arrive at some distance, they may not be able to gain
many times as wished during the turn so that different
sufficient trucks to acquire full mobility.
units appear in different locations. Note that German units
must appear within the 1941 German borders (including
German occupied Poland) and Soviet units must appear
within the 1941 Soviet borders. Stacking limits apply in this 27.1.3. Creating Fortified Zone Units
respect so if more than 3 units will be in a single hex the Fortified zones (20.5.1) can be created by either player by
excess are usually brought in along the rail line leading right clicking on the map
back west (Axis) or east (Soviets). See the rules in 13.2.1 for From the tabs at the
all the relevant conditions. top of the screen (when
Returning Axis-Allied formations will appear in (or as a hex has been selected)
near as possible) to current German reserve arrival hex. Fortified zones can
Newly arrived reinforcements on the map can be be placed in any friendly
identified when the view unit modes button is toggled on controlled hex, with the
(shift-r).highlighted in green. exception that Players
Recently arrived may not build Fortified
units can also be found Zone units in hexes next
via the Commander’s to an enemy combat
Report’s filter ‘Arrived’. unit unless that hex
Units arriving on the is also occupied by a
game map from other friendly combat unit. Fortified Zone units initially appear
Theatres will appear with no ground elements or supplies and will have to
close to the notional receive replacements and supplies to become active.
border with that Theatre. So Axis units arriving from Italy
or the Balkans will appear near the SE edge of the playable
area, Soviet units arriving from the Trans Caucasus theatre
at Baku and so on.

3 20

27.2. PRODUCTION OF NEW UNITS 27.2.2. Rebuilding Axis Combat Units

Only the Soviet player can construct new Combat Axis combat units that are destroyed will usually be
and Support Units . In this respect it is important to placed in the appropriate National Reserve after a certain
differentiate between units that have been destroyed and number of turns. These units will appear in the National
are being returned to the game, fixed reinforcements and Reserve with a maximum TOE of 0. The Axis player can
completely new production. then change this value when they wish to use resources
to refit that unit.
27.2.1. Destroyed Soviet units that Rebuilding units will have their morale set to 30+
Return to the game (national morale/4)+ random(national morale/4). This
Any Soviet Rifle or Mechanized division destroyed before will never be lower than 30 or higher than 70. The initial
November 41 will return 4+Random(23) turns later as a experience for the ground elements in the unit will be set
Rifle division. to 15+ (morale/2). This initial experience will affect the first
Destroyed Soviet tank divisions will return in 11 turns batch of replacements that are received by the unit.
as a tank brigade Destroyed Axis units that are available for rebuilding
Returning Soviet units will be placed in the national are given a delay before they are placed in the national
reserve and can be deployed to the map when a player reserve related to their size, as:
wishes to do so. §§ Division (including any broken down regiments) – 9
All these units will need to take on substantial turns
reinforcements and ground elements in order to become §§ Brigade – 5 turns
combat ready. §§ Regiment – 3 turns
Depending on how they were destroyed (surrendered §§ Battalion or less – 1 turn
in a pocket or shattered in combat), they may retain a few German Infantry Divisions destroyed on or after August 1,
of their original elements such as the Soviet Rifle Division 1944, will return to the reserve as a VolksGrenadier Division.
below. In non-campaign scenarios, destroyed units will not
Rebuilding units will have their morale set to 30+ return to the game to be rebuilt
(national morale/4)+ random(national morale/4). This
will never be lower than 30 or higher than 70. The initial 27.2.3. Reinforcements
experience for the ground elements in the unit will be set Some reinforcements arrive on the map or a Theatre Box
to 15+ (morale/2). This initial experience will affect the first as fully equipped units. Others will appear as very weak
batch of replacements that are received by the unit. formations and, as in 27.2.1 will need to spend time taking
on reinforcements and new
ground elements.

27.2.4. New Unit

Only the Soviet player can
build new units.
To access the screen
to order units click on any
Soviet controlled hex, press
Shift+B or select the button
on the screens at the top.
The build screen will then

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

On the right hand side is

the name that will be given
to the new unit(s). Below
this is the current TOE of
that unit type (21.2.5) and
how many of each ground
element is currently in the
production pool. This will
show all the elements of
that particular type, and
all the feasible substitutes
that the game engine might
Below this again is a
complete list of all the
existing units that share
the same TOE type.
At the top of the screen,
the player can opt to build
between 1 and 10 of the
chosen type by changing
the ‘Build 1x’ indicator.
Note that after the
build number the total
number of men, guns and
armoured vehicles in the
new unit(s) will be shown
as if the unit was at 100%
of the TOE.
New units are initially
assigned to the National
The player can then
Note that the list of units that can be built and the cost make adjustments such as lowering the %TOE or setting
per unit and total number that can be in play at any one the mode to ready rather than refit.
time will vary across the game.
On the left hand side are the names of the unit types,
their cost in administrative points (9.2), the number Using these tools allows the Soviet player to control
that already exist in the game (in all locations) and the the process by which new units (whether returning,
production limit. reinforcements or newly built) build up to full
Note that some units do not have an administrative effectiveness. If all the units in the National Reserve
cost but will still demand manpower and other resources are left on REFIT (especially in 1941 and early 1942)
to become combat effective. then they will all build up to their full TOE very slowly.
Note also that some unit types share the same cost and Placing a small number on REFIT will ensure that
production limit among similar types. So the various types resources are allocated to those units meaning they
of Soviet artillery regimental SU all have a common cap but become combat ready much quicker.
the player can decide which type to build.


27.2.5. Production of Soviet Air Units Units scheduled to withdraw are removed immediately
The production of new Soviet air units is automated. on their withdrawal date, regardless of their current TOE.
Up to 1943 only a few new Soviet air units will be created This might lead to shortages in the destination Theatre as
in the national reserve. After this date, units will be created they may be weaker than needed to maintain a suitable
to make use of suitable pools of aircraft, including those commitment to that theatre. This includes units that were
that have just entered production. destroyed before their withdrawal date and never rebuilt
These new units can be retained and will train up over in the national reserve.
time, deleted or swapped to obsolete planes as the Soviet
player prefers. 27.4.2. Enhanced control
If the players opt to use full control then scheduled

27.3. IMPACT OF ALLIED AND withdrawals and transfers can be cancelled if desired.


If the Soviet player controls one of Essen, Frankfurt, Berlin, 27.5. SOVIET UNIT CONVERSIONS
Vienna or Prague (whether by Soviet control on the map or Over the course of the game some Soviet units will convert
the relevant regions being captured by the Western Allies), to a new TOE or type of unit. This is sometimes linked to
the following rules are in effect: the unit being destroyed or depleted in combat.
§§ German units that are destroyed will not return to the
game, and 27.5.1. At-start Tank and Mechanized
§§ All frozen German units will unfreeze in the next Divisions
German logistics phase. Any Soviet Tank Division that shatters, is destroyed or
Any German units due to transfer to a different Theatre becomes depleted will convert to a Tank Brigade and
Box will continue to do according to the set schedule. return 11 turns later in the National Reserve. If a Tank
Division routs and then rallies there is a 20% chance it will
27.4. UNIT WITHDRAWAL be converted to a Tank Brigade.
Any surviving Soviet Tank Divisions will convert to Tank
27.4.1. Normal rules Brigades in March 1942.
If the option to use the enhanced control of the Theatre Soviet Mechanized Divisions that shatter or are
Boxes is not used (13.3.4) then unit withdrawals will follow destroyed before November 1941 will return as Soviet Rifle
these rules. Divisions. Any surviving Mechanized Divisions will convert
Certain units will be withdrawn from the game as to Rifle Divisions by March 1942.
specified in the Reinforcements and Withdrawals screen
(36.7). A unit will shift into Withdrawing Mode between 4-6 27.5.2. Militia Units
turns prior to the date listed on the Reinforcements and Some Soviet units are formed as militia (DNO) units. These
Withdrawals screen. The unit will be withdrawn from the will all have converted to regular Rifle Divisions with the
map during the logistics phase of the turn listed. When usual TOE by late January 1942.
an on-map unit is withdrawn from the map, any support
units attached to the unit will remain in the game by
automatically transferring to the withdrawing units’ higher
headquarters unit.
Units scheduled to be withdrawn cannot be disbanded
or merged. Units in static mode scheduled to withdraw
will automatically reactivate in the same logistics phase as
they are withdrawn, expending administrative points as
for a normal reactivation. This reactivation may cause the
number of available administrative points to go to zero,
though they will never fall below zero.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

These can be identified in the Commander’s Report as The cost, and total
they have a different OB structure to standard rifle divisions: number, of each type will vary
substantively as the game
27.5.3. Scheduled renames or progresses and the current
reorganisations limit and costs can be checked
Other Soviet units are set in the game editor to rename on from the Soviet unit build
a particular date. This will either happen as scheduled or screen (27.2.4).
earlier if the unit is destroyed. If the unit is destroyed it will Note that if a division or
return according to 27.2.1. brigade will be withdrawn
Note that Soviet units with later withdrawal dates are to another Theatre during
restricted in terms of being used to build up Corps or the game it cannot be used
Divisions. to build a corps. Long term
withdrawals are indicated in
27.5.4. Converting Rifle Brigades the Commanders Report or on
to Divisions the unit counter, as:
After April 1942, two regular (not naval infantry) Soviet rifle The conditions for Corps
brigades can be combined to form a new division. Brigades creation of the various types
with a later withdrawal date can usually not be combined are summarised below.
this way (unless the players are using Enhanced Theatre
box control).
From March 1942, three Soviet airborne brigades can Type Rules
be combined to create a Guards Rifle Division.
3 Rifle Divisions in the same hex or use the
‘Build new unit screen’ (37.5) and can use
27.5.5. Creation of Combat Corps divisions in the reserve. For this purpose,
The Soviet player can begin creating Infantry and Cavalry Mountain, Militia and Motorized Rifle Divisions
Corps from December 1941, Tank Corps in April 1942 and can also be used (but only if they are in the
National Reserve). If so they will convert from
Mechanized Corps from September 1942. The maximum
their current TOE to that of a rifle division of the
number of each type will vary across the game. appropriate type.
There are two basic ways to do this. For Infantry and
3 Cavalry Divisions in the same hex or use
Cavalry Corps, if the elements are in the same hex on the Cavalry the ‘Build new unit screen’ (37.5) and can use
map, then use the build-up button and the new unit will divisions in the reserve
be created in that hex. Alternatively, the create new unit
2 Tank and 1 Motorized Brigade either in the
button will allow you to build the Corps using existing units National Reserve or directly attached to Stavka.
in the national reserve (it will then deploy in the reserve) Can only be built using the ‘Build new unit
or fresh divisions/brigades will be created as the basis screen’ (37.5).
for the Corps. Note in this case, the new corps will have 3 Motorized or Mechanized Brigades using
low morale and experience as it is based on freshly raised the ‘Build new unit screen’ (37.5) and can use
formations. brigades in the reserve or directly attacked to
Mechanized Stavka. Once Mechanized Brigades are available
In December 1941 only 2 Infantry Corps can be created
then a Mechanized Corps can only be built with
and these must meet the criteria for Guards status (in either 3 Mechanized brigades or 2 Mechanized
addition at this stage the Soviet player can create up to 8 and 1 Motorized brigade.
Cavalry Corps). From June 1942, they can start to build any
type of Infantry Corps up to the limit on the build menu. Note that in every case, if you build the units in the
Soviet Corps will be created with Guards status if at reserve, any missing element will be filled out using a
least 2 of the component elements had Guards status in freshly created formation. This will increase the price of
advance. creating the corps and lower the starting experience.

3 24

27.5.6. Creation of Guards Units smaller ones. Thus a tank battalion that becomes a Guards
Soviet Guards Armies are created according to the formation will take up less of the 35% cap than a tank corps
historical timescale . would.
Combat units may become guards if they have won The current proportion of Guards formations can be
sufficient battles with the exception of the 1941 at- found in the Event log as:
start Tank and Mechanized Divisions. This process will This will also list any renaming formations in that
commence from Turn 18 onwards. particular turn.
There is no limit on the number of cavalry or airborne
combat units that may become guards units. Heavy tank
and rocket units are automatically allocated guards status
when created.
Up to 35% of Motorized units can become Guards.
For non-motorized type units, the approximate
percentage limit varies by year as follows: 1941 - 5 percent;
January - June 1942 -10 percent; July - December 1942 - 25
percent; 1943 - 25 percent; 1944 and 1945 - 30 percent.
The size of the unit impacts the percentages, with
larger units taking up more of the possible allocation than

Focus: This chapter sets how the production system in
WiTE2 operates and the rules for factory damage, repair
and relocation.

Key Points:
§§ Elements of the production system
§§ How elements are constructed and manpower and
equipment combined
§§ How different types of factories operate
§§ Factory damage, capture, relocation and repair

28.1. OUTLINE produce the basic materials used to run the production
The production system in Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2 system and supply the forces.
simulates the generation of war material, manpower, fuel There are two types of equipment production in the
and supplies that flows into each side’s supply grid as game: historical production for aircraft and AFV/Combat
replacements and supply for the war fronts. All production and generic vehicles based on a fixed amount each turn
is based on various factories located in town, city and urban and demand based production for non-vehicle ground
hexes. Resource, heavy industry, oil and fuel factories elements based on the difference between the non –

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

vehicle TOE strength of a unit and its actual strength. and in transit (currently unavailable) component (36.3.1).
However, the latter may also face a cap on total production Ships (both transport and cargo) as such are not produced
(28.1.4) so that production does not meet the full demand. but are generated as reinforcements but appear in
Every aircraft, AFV and named combat vehicle has a geographical pools for each sea area (24.4).
build limit which caps the maximum number of frames or The two displays below (figure 28.2), show current
chassis that can be converted into elements each turn. German production on T7 of the 1941 Campaign. At the top,
The manpower required is generated through the pools show all the possible components, the second
manpower factories that represent the availability of image only shows the portion that is ‘active’ – in other
able-bodied men for the armed forces. Factories can be words that could feasibly be used in production this turn.
damaged and repaired. Each nation in the game has a set of pools used for
Though not directly part of the production system, building aircraft and
ports and railyards are treated as factories that generate ground elements. Polish
a certain amount of transportation capacity (25.4.1 and and Czech factories are
25.6.1). considered an integral
Once produced, supplies, fuel, oil and resources are part of the German pools
transported through the supply grid to town, city and urban and their production
hexes where they are stored and can be drawn upon as (and a portion of their
necessary by the factories located in those particular hexes. manpower) is placed
Other produced items are held in virtual pools until directly in the German
they are drawn upon to build Air Groups (aircraft), ground pools.
elements, and trucks. Each pool has an active (available)


3 26

Note that if you click on the nation (such as Germany)

the main display will alter to only show the production
from that particular country (or area). You can return
the display to show all production by then clicking on
This information is then summarised into a table that
‘All Areas’.
shows the proportion of each factory type in use, how
much it produces, how much resource it consumes in
Polish and Czech manpower factories can produce production and how many factories are operating at
manpower for the Soviets if occupied by the Soviets. restricted production, no production or are isolated:
Soviet resources are used to build equipment and ground
elements used by Polish, Czech and Romanian forces that
are operating under Soviet command.
Production takes place for each side during their
respective logistics phase.
There is no production of any kind during the first
player-turn of turn one of any scenario (when the German
is the first player then there will be Soviet production on
turn one). Note that in scenarios where the Soviets are the
first player, there is no Axis turn one.
Production in non-campaign scenarios that do not use
the entire map and OOB is reduced for both sides by a
certain percentage to account for production going to the In turn, the Production screen (36.3) shows additional
off-map forces not involved in the scenario. information. The basic table will show both total capacity
(unmodified), how many production sites are damaged,
28.1.1. Summary of Information provided how much is in the pool (by default this will be the total
The logistics log (36.9) contains several reports that track but can be filtered just to show the active amounts) and
the moves of various resources from production to usage. how much has been built all game. In the example below, 2
The first shows movement of resources between cities Soviet manpower factory points are damaged as they have
as the various items needed for industrial production are only recently been recaptured.
moved around:

The second shows if any factories lack all the resources Clicking on one of the entries will bring up a more
needed to operate at full effectiveness. In this case, detailed screen listing all the production sites for that item.
shortfalls can either be related to a location being isolated Delay indicates that the factory is not yet in full production.
from the main rail network or that a required input is in In turn clicking on the city name will take you to that
short supply across the system. location on the map.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

28.1.2. Equipment Downgrades and Swaps

A ground element or Air Group can downgrade to a
specific type of equipment if the production system
determines that there is a shortage of current equipment
The list of equipment pools in the production screen that is unable to keep up with the demands of all of the
(36.3) is annotated to reflect their current status as follows: units using that equipment and there is an excess of older
§§ No longer in production (‘#’) equipment in the pool. In this case a unit may downgrade
§§ Currently in production (no symbol) its aircraft or equipment to the item that is back along the
§§ Not in production yet (**) upgrade path. For example, a German fighter Air Group
that had upgraded from the Bf 109F-2 to the Bf 109F-4, but
then took heavy losses, might downgrade back to the Bf
109F-2 if the Bf 109F-4 pool was low and there were excess
Bf 109F-2’s available.
Under similar circumstances, Anti-Tank ground
elements equipped with 75mm AT gun devices might
downgrade back to the 47mm AT gun device.


The only factories that will be considered physically

present in town, city and urban hexes are those currently
in production.
Selecting an aircraft or ground element equipment
listed in the production screen will bring up information on
the element characteristics, where it is produced and the
upgrade paths.

3 28

In the swap sub-segment, the computer may also change In effect these generic elements are only produced
out existing ground elements with ground elements of the when needed but may not be produced in sufficient
same type (21.2). Depending on the unit TOE (21.2.7) it may quantities to meet all the demand.
look to use a different type of equipment than its preferred
option. So a late war Soviet tank unit may use either the T34/44 28.1.5. Equipment Exports
as its medium tank or a lend-lease Sherman tank. These The export function in WiTE2 includes both the sending
changes are listed in the logistics report, see figure 28-10. of equipment from Germany to its Axis Allies and the
conversion of equipment within the armed forces of each
28.1.3. Scrapping of Obsolete Equipment side so that factories don’t have to be setup for every
Equipment that is no longer produced will begin to be variant piece of equipment.
removed from the production pool by scrapping after the For example, a factory may only produce Me 262A
last year of availability. Scrapping of obsolete equipment fighters, but a certain number will be automatically
does not happen unless the equipment is no longer in a converted into the Me 262A-1a/U3 and then placed in the
unit and no longer in the current TOE of a unit. appropriate pool.
If these conditions are met, then an item can be When exporting ground elements or aircraft, no more
scrapped. AFVs will not be scrapped if they are being used than one quarter of what is currently in the pool will ever
by any units in the game. be exported on a turn.
Exports in the previous logistics phase can be seen in
28.1.4. Production Constraints the logistics log.
Some production is made using generic resources (such as
armament points). An important aspect of this is there is
a cap on how many such elements can be produced in a
given turn even if the resources exist to produce more.
These limits will vary across the game (as will the types
of artillery and other guns) produced. The production in the
previous turn can be found in the Logistics Log (36.9), as:

28.1.6. Impact of Damage on Production

The interaction between damage levels and production
depends on the actual size of the damaged factory.
A factory of size 2 with 90% damage will have 1 point
damaged and the other functioning. A factory with size 11
with 25% damage will have 2 points actually damaged.
In effect, the damage % is applied to the total number of
production units in a factory and rounded down.

This will particularly affect the Soviet player in 1941 28.2. THE GENERIC PRODUCTION
and 1942 when artillery production will be less than
required to refit all the potential combat and support
Production is conducted by various factories located in
units. This means the Soviet player will need to be
town, city and urban hexes. Some factories are located
careful about how many units are placed to ‘refit’ in
off-map. Each factory point (level) will produce a certain
the National Reserve and whether it is worthwhile
amount of an item each turn if the town, city or urban hex
building extra units (even if they cost no administrative
it is located in is connected to the supply grid (25.2) and
points to produce – 27.2.4). Related to this, historically
sufficient basic items are stored at the factory location for
production of Soviet heavy artillery was very low from
local use. There are three basic items required to allow the
late 1941 until 1944.
production system to run; resources, oil and manpower.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Resources are required by Heavy Industry factories to particular tank or plane. So, for example, there is a generic
produce supplies and by synthetic fuel factories to produce Ju88 airframe and the different models of the Ju88 then
synthetic fuel. Supplies are required by armament points alter this as required.
and these are used, in turn, by, aircraft, AFV and combat
vehicle factories to build the equipment for Air Groups and 28.2.1. Resource Production
ground elements. Resources represent the raw materials, such as coal,
Oil, resources, supplies and fuel are normally moved used by heavy industry factories to produce supplies
over rail as freight. Much of city to city or city to pool and by synthetic fuel factories to produce synthetic fuel.
deliveries of oil and fuel are conducted by pipelines The system automatically attempts to ship resources to
independent of the rail network, so that half of all oil and railyards and then the resources are expended to activate
fuel delivered in these cases do not use any rail capacity the railyards (in effect the trains use up some coal in the
tonnage, however there has to be a rail network link in process). Each resource factory point will produce 2500
order for the pipelines to be considered to be functioning. tons of resources per turn.
Vehicles may be used to transport a small percentage of Resources move as Freight just like other production
city needs that are not able to be moved by rail or sea. items and if rail and/or port capacity is available, can be
Oil is required by fuel factories to produce fuel to allow transported from all player controlled resource “factories,”
motorized units to move and generic vehicles to operate. to include those in occupied countries.
Manpower factories provide the men that are matched Resource production is modified by the following
with equipment during the replacement phase to build multipliers:
complete ground elements that flow to the units.
Year/Nationality 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945
There are two types of production rates used for
German/Czech/Polish 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
factories. Some factories (Heavy Industry, Fuel, Synthetic
Axis Allies 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Fuel, Vehicle and Armaments) have a multiplier for each
Soviets 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75
year (1941-45) that is used to determine the amount of
production for each factory point. This, and related tables, can be found by accessing the
However, for aircraft, AFV, and combat vehicle factories in-game editor (41). There, the relevant table can be found
the number of factory points of each type of factory in under the Nat/Weather tab and shows all these multipliers
each town, city or urban hex will alter over time based on organised by nationality, as:
scripted changes.
The economic system forces supplies and fuel to route
to cities to meet their civilian production needs. However, if
a city does not have enough to meet its civilian production
needs, there is no penalty as such, but see 28.3.4 for the
risk that manpower might be permanently lost. Military
production occurs before any civilian production. Civilian
production can be seen in the logistics report (at the
bottom of the freight sub-section).

28.2.2. Heavy Industry (Supplies)

Production and Allocation
For named vehicles and planes, they are first produced Heavy industry (HI) factories take resources and use them
as airframes or chassis and then additional equipment and to produce supplies, which represent not only all the
weaponry is added as required for particular types of that materials used in the production of armament points, but


also the general supplies and ammunition used to supply

units. Note that a shortage of resources (compared to
notional demand) will mean that many HI factories operate
at lower than maximum capacity.
Each HI factory point will produce a notional amount
of 250 tons of supplies per turn at a cost of 1750 tons of
HI production is modified by the following multipliers:

Year/Nationality 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

German/Czech/Polish 0.4 0.9 0.9 1.1 0.9
Axis Allies 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Soviets 1.0 2.0 2.5 2.7 2.9

Lack of resources will mean that not all potential factory

production is used each turn and any factories lacking If the description is ‘ar:need’ then production will vary
resources will be shown in the logistics log as: according to demand and how many of that item are
already in the pool.
Note that many of the listed items are actually made
up of more than one weapon system. This can be found
on the unit production screen and, for example, the actual
28.2.3. Armament Production weaponry produced for a 1942 Soviet Rifle Squad is:
Armament factories take supplies and use them to produce
armament points, which are maintained in a virtual pool.
Armament points are drawn upon to build devices to equip
ground elements.

The production of the items that have a set capacity in

For example, the build cost of the devices for an 88mm the previous logistics turn can be found on the logistics tab
Anti-Aircraft Gun ground element is 55 armament under ‘production’ as:
points, which includes one 88mm AA Gun and eight
7.92mm Kar 98 Rifles for the ground element’s eight
men. Since all these are produced using the generic
armament production, the ground element will draw
on the existing ready pools to complete the ground

Each ground element has a build cost and this Armament factories and production information is
determines how many armament points are used in its listed under the “SPECIAL” section of the production screen.
production. Ground elements that use devices built using Elements built by armaments points will often be
armament points be marked in the “CAPACITY” column of built ahead of their being used in order to stockpile the
the production screen as ‘ar:xxx’: elements for future use. Being in demand by units in the
If the ‘ar’ is followed by a number then the production field can increase the likelihood that elements will be built
system will try to make roughly that many each turn to stockpile.
(subject to available armaments) unless there are 10x that Armament points are used to produce the chassis for
number of items in the pool. However, the set cap will not aircraft, AFV or combat vehicles which are then built at
be exceeded regardless of resource availability. individual factories.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

factories is 1,000 tons of oil per factory point per turn. Each
fuel factory point will produce 250 tons of fuel per turn at
the cost of 500 tons of oil.
Oil and fuel production is increased by the following
multipliers for oil and fuel factories:

Year/Nationality 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Allies (apart from Rumania)
Rumania 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.85 0.85
Soviets 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

Each Armament factory point will produce a notional Captured oil and resource factories will produce as
200 armament points at the cost of 50 tons of supplies. normal if the hex is connected to the wider supply grid.
Armament point production will be modified by the Captured Soviet oil and resource sites will build at a
following multipliers: maximum of 50% of the Soviet multiplier shown above.

Year/Nationality 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 28.2.6. Vehicle Production and Repair
German/Czech/Polish 3.75 5.15 5.15 7.50 7.50 Vehicle factories use supplies to produce generic vehicles,
Axis Allies 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 which are placed in the motor pool (25.5.1). From there
Axis Held Countries (2) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
they are drawn to meet the needs of either the motor pool
Soviets 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
or individual units.
Note Year/Nationality 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945
(1) Axis Allies (Rumania, Hungary, Finland, Italy, Slovenia, and
German/Czech/Polish 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5
Bulgaria) produce armaments for their own pools. None of this
production goes to Germany. Axis Allies 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
(2) Includes armaments factories in Axis held France, Belgium, Soviets 1.0 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55
the Balkans, Norway and the Netherlands, This production goes
directly to the German pool and built numbers. Each vehicle factory point (modified as above) will
produce 10 vehicles per turn at the cost of 50 tons of
supplies. Note that vehicles produced by Axis Allies will be
28.2.4. Synthetic Fuel Production placed in the German Motor Pool.
Synthetic Fuel factories take resources and produce All vehicles, also known as trucks, are considered as 2.5
synthetic fuel, which is added to the overall fuel stores ton equivalents. Individual vehicles that are damaged are
pool. Each synthetic fuel factory point will produce a returned to a virtual pool for repair. Once repaired, they
notional amount of 500 tons of fuel per turn at a cost of are added back into the motor pool. Repair takes place
2000 tons of resources. Synthetic fuel production will be during the logistics phase.
modified by the following multipliers: The repair rate for the Germans is 5% in 1941/42 and
10% for 1943-45. For the Soviets, the repair rate is 25%.
Year/Nationality 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 This reflects the relative lack of standardized equipment
German/Czech/Polish 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 that was a major problem for the Germans.
Axis Allies 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Soviets 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 28.2.7. Naval Production
For both sides this is abstracted.
28.2.5. Oil and Fuel Production On the first turn of each month both sides will receive
Oil factories (oil fields) produce oil that is then either stored reinforcements of cargo and troop ships. Germans get 1 of
or used by Fuel factories (refineries) to produce fuel, which each in the Baltic and Black Seas each month. The Soviets
is also stored in town, city and urban hexes on the supply receive 1 transport in the Black and Baltic Seas each
grid until drawn upon. The normal production rate for oil month. They also receive 4 cargo ships in the Black Sea, 2


in the Baltic and Caspian Seas, and 1 in the Sea of Azov and 28.3.1. Manpower Evacuation
Lake Ladoga each month. In addition, as long as they have and Migration
a friendly port for these sea zones, each side will receive Manpower factory points of German or Soviet nationality
enough cargo ships to have a minimum of 5 cargo ships town, city and urban hexes may evacuate/migrate when
each turn (the Germans only ever have ships in the Black the hex is captured by enemy units. For purposes of
and Baltic Seas regardless of if they have captured ports on migration, each manpower factory point represents 50,000
other sea zones). people. There is no limit to the amount of migration that
can occur in a turn.
28.3. MANPOWER PRODUCTION The more manpower factory points in a hex, the better
the chance some will migrate. When manpower factory
AND MIGRATION points migrate, they will try to move to another town, city
Population is a permanent characteristic of a town, city or urban hex (including off map cities) at least 14 hexes
or urban hex and is provided for reference. A population away from an enemy unit. Town, city or urban hexes re-
point represents 50,000 people (in the town, city, urban captured by friendly units will not undergo migration.
hexes or surrounding area).
Manpower, represented by factories in town, city or 28.3.2. Manpower Factory Damage
urban hexes, is produced at a variable rate dependent and Destruction
on nationality and the year. Manpower factories can be Manpower factory points can be damaged and/or
damaged, destroyed, or can migrate to other town, city destroyed whenever combat occurs in a town, city or
and urban hexes. urban hex, and whenever control of a town, city or urban
Each nation has a separate manpower pool. Polish and hex changes.
Czech manpower generated for the Germans is placed Manpower factories can also be damaged and/or
directly into the German pool. The number of men added destroyed through lack of supply (28.3.3).
to each nation’s manpower pool is determined each turn
by taking the number of available manpower factory points 28.3.3. Manpower Losses due to
times a manpower production multiplier. Manpower is Poor Supply
maintained in the pool until the system draws men from Every turn town, city and urban hexes must trace supply
it to match with equipment to build ground elements. and will suffer a starvation damage percentage equal to
Manpower multipliers are as follows: the supply path MP cost minus 5. For example, suppose
a city has to trace 13 MPs to the nearest railhead due to a
Year/Nationality 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945
combination of destroyed rail, contorted lines and enemy
Germany(1) 1.0 6.0 12.0 14.0 8.0
ZOCs. This would result in the city adding 8 percent each
Axis Allies 10.0 11.00 10.0 10.0 8.0
week to its manpower damage percentage.
Soviets 33.0 41.0 20.0 9.0 9.0
Manpower factories recover 3 percentage points per
German manpower will be increased as various events turn, so the net increase in damage would be 5 percent
(40.15) occur. Some are related to actions on the Eastern per turn. If a town, city or urban hex cannot trace a supply
Front and other due to Western Allied progress in the West path and is isolated it takes 25 percent starvation damage
Front theatre box. every turn.
Note (1) Includes Axis Czech and Poles, but only ten When a town, city or urban hex’s manpower reaches
percent of this manpower (by location) is actually placed in 100 percent damage, additional damage may cause the
the German pool. Manpower recruited from Luxembourg permanent loss of manpower factory points from the
is allocated at the normal rate as if it was a German hex. Town, city and urban hexes will only take starvation
nationality manpower centre. damage if a supplied enemy unit is within four hexes of the
Remember that the manpower generated by a country hex. This will be offset if they can trace a path of friendly
has to cover all the demands it faces both on the map and ground hexes to a railhead of four hexes or less, regardless
in the various Theatre Boxes. of enemy ZOC or the number of MPs to the railhead.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Manpower production centres that are isolated will Clicking on the airframe or chassis will take you to a list
not produce any manpower till they are linked back to the of the factories that currently produce that item.
main supply networks (25.9.2).


The chassis for aircraft, AFV and combat vehicles are
built at individual factories by using Armament Points,
with one item being built for each factory point. In WiTE2,
aircraft and AFVs are built as airframes or chassis which
are subsequently converted to actual combat planes and
For example, assuming sufficient resources are
available, the He 111 factory in Rostock, with a capacity of The airframes and chassis are converted to particular
23 factory points, will build 23 He 111 airframes every turn. planes or vehicles.
Each tank or combat vehicle currently in production has
a capacity indicated as ch:000. The number after the ‘ch’ is
the maximum number of chassis that can be converted to
actual vehicles in any one turn.
Each aircraft type currently in production has a capacity
indicated as af:000. Again the number after the ‘af’ is the
maximum number of those planes that are produced each
The cost of building a chassis is taken as supply points.
Each supply point is the equivalent of a quarter ton of
supplies and each build cost (for the chassis) demands
1/16 ton of supply. So a chassis with a build cost of 40 will
use 2.5 supply points.
Aircraft, AFV and combat vehicles include installed
devices, but will not become complete ground elements
until they are matched with manpower for the crew, during
the replacement segment.

28.4.1. Production of Airframes and

Vehicle Chassis
The production screen shows the capacity to build each
type of basic airframe or chassis each turn as:

The actual building of the combat element requires

armament points. For example a Bf 109F-4 has a build
cost of 388 so requires 388 armament points to produce
one such aircraft. The total production cost includes the
frame and supporting items such as the 20mm cannon
and 2 7.92mm MG17 as installed devices as well as integral


28.4.4. Aircraft, AFV and Combat Vehicle

Factory Expansion and Build Limit
The cost of a given vehicle or plane can be seen in the Aircraft, AFV and combat vehicle factories may be able to
commanders report in the Equipment screen (35.8) as well increase their capacity to convert frames and chassis by
as by opening up the detailed tab for the unit type (37.6). adding additional factory points over time.
Once produced, each aircraft of a specific type is placed Factories may alter in size over the game according to
in a separate pool until it is drawn upon as a replacement. scripted events.
AFV and combat vehicles go to their specific AFV/Combat Each type of Aircraft or AFV/combat vehicle ground
Vehicle pool until the system determines that both the element equipment has a build limit that will cap expansion
need exists to build that type of ground element and at a fixed number of items per factory location per turn.
sufficient manpower is available.
Note that ground elements that have a build cost of 28.4.5. Factory Production
9999 will never be produced. Each type of aircraft or ground element equipment factory
has a start production date (first year/first month) and
28.4.2. New Aircraft types may have a stop production date (last year/last month)
A new plane model cannot be used to re-equip existing air Factories with a stop production date will disband when
units for the first month after it enters production. the end of the last month in the last year is reached.
For the Soviet player, it may be used to equip completely Production of new types of aircraft or ground element
fresh air units that have been raised in that period and equipment can occur in two ways. Some new types will
allocated to the National Reserve. appear as new factories when their start production date
is reached.
28.4.3. Usage of Damaged Equipment For example, the German Panther A medium tank
Damaged equipment and manpower returned to the pool will commence production in September 1943 with a
during the logistics phase are not available immediately to be newly built factory in NE Berlin. Other new types will
used as replacements. Although they appear in the pool on start production as a result of an existing type of factory
the production screen, they actually are put in a “transit pool”. being redesignated. Multiple changes of a factory to a
At the start of each friendly logistics phase, 25 percent new type are possible over time, with the old type ceasing
of the amount in the transit pool is moved to the available production when the new type starts. Continuing the
pool. This represents the lost time from the front of lightly example, the Panther A factory in NE Berlin, with a build
wounded soldiers and damaged equipment. limit of 11 will be upgraded to produce the Panther G, with
While the default setting is to show all pools, the a build limit of 10 in May 1944. Change of role for a factory
production screen can be toggled to display only the amount only happens after an aircraft or ground element reaches
in the active or transit pools. The example below shows some its final month of production (until then it keeps producing
of the tanks in the German transit pool in early August 1941. the older item).

33 5
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

28.5. PORT AND RAIL YARD Note that Soviet factory evacuation will occur as set out
in section 28.7.
Ports and Railyards are treated as factories in terms of 28.6.2. Factory Damage
capture, damage and repair, with the exception that ground In addition to capture damage, all factories can be damaged
combat in a hex does not cause any damage to a port. by the strategic bombing (bomb city) air mission (18.1.5).
Damage to railyards and ports will reduce their tonnage Damage is applied to an entire factory, not to individual
capacity and ports with five percent or more damage will factory points. The damage level of a factory is also the
only operate at one half of their normal capacity. probability that the factory will not produce on a given turn.
Ports and Railyards play only a peripheral part in the For example 100 damage means no production, while 25
production system, but are a critical part of the supply grid damage means 25 percent chance of no production and a
and serve as logistics hubs for naval and rail transportation. 75 percent chance of full production. For example a FW-190
Ports will automatically attempt to secure supplies to be aircraft factory with 12 factory points, or size 12, which had
kept at the city hex where the port is located. 40 damage would have a 60 percent chance of producing
12 aircraft and a 40 percent chance of producing 0 aircraft.
28.6. FACTORY CAPTURE, 28.6.3. Factory Repair
DAMAGE, AND REPAIR Factories will automatically repair themselves during the
Factories will be captured and damaged or destroyed logistics phase at a rate determined by the type of factory.
when the city hex that they are located in becomes Factories located in isolated hexes cannot be repaired.
enemy controlled. Factories can also be damaged by Note that Manpower is repaired like other factories to
strategic bombing. Damaged factories will be repaired reflect the disruption effects of general bombing on the
automatically, but the player can use priority repair to population. Not only is remaining population less effective
focus additional repair efforts on specific factories. Port at production, they also have to be put to work repairing
and Railyard factories (levels) in hexes with depots have an damage and taking care of the displaced population.
automatic priority repair function. Manpower repair represents the reduction of disruption
effects over time.
28.6.1. Captured Factories
Factories in captured town, city and urban hexes can be Repair Rate
Type of Factory
per Turn
damaged or destroyed. With the exception of manpower,
Oil, Resource 1%
port, railyard, resource, heavy industry, fuel, synthetic fuel
Heavy Industry, Synthetic Fuel, Fuel 2%
and oil factories, all other factories in captured hexes are
Armament, Vehicle, Manpower, Aircraft and
destroyed and permanently removed. Those not removed 3%
AFV/Combat Vehicle, Port, Railyard
will be damaged.
With the exception of manpower factories, factories that There is an adjustment to the repair percentage based
remain will receive a variable amount of damage (damage on the size (number of points) of the factory as follows:
will be added to the factories equal to 25+random(75) §§ If factory size is 1-3, multiply basic repair rate x3
percent (not to exceed 100 percent)). In addition, oil §§ If factory size is 4-6, multiply basic repair rate x2
factories are always set to 100 percent damage when
captured. 28.6.4. Priority Factory Repair
Captured oil and resource factories will commence The priority factory repair functions allows player to use
producing once damage has been repaired to be less than construction support units to focus repair efforts at the cost
50 percent, assuming the hex is linked to the applicable of admin points. Players may pay 1 AP and set a factory for
supply grid. No other captured factories will produce. priority repairs by accessing the city detail window (37.13)
Captured factories will produce at the rate of their actual from the general information and city/airfield box (6.2) and
nationality, except that captured Soviet oil and resources then selecting the damage level of the factory they desire
will build at only ½ the Soviet multiplier. to institute priority repair.


An asterisk indicates that priority repairs have been Basically those factories that were historically redeployed
instituted and selecting the damage again will terminate can be moved (and will usually do so automatically) and
priority repairs. those that were overrun cannot be relocated.
Setting a factory to priority repairs will result in HQ units These factories will evacuate in one of three ways:
automatically assigning construction support units to the §§ The Soviet player can manually evacuate them early;
hex during the logistics phase. This is the same process §§ They will relocate on the historical date; or.
as automatic rail line repair (21.6), and there is a limit to §§ They will relocate if the Axis capture their location.
the distance that the automated construction units will §§ If they are evacuated using the first or third manner
operate from the HQ unit that they are attached, based on they will take more damage and longer to come back
command range (21.11.4). into full operation.
A support unit may only work on one factory per turn §§ Factories being relocated take up rail capacity during
and no more than 25 percent of the damage to a factory the logistics phase.
can be repaired during the logistics phase. §§ Information about factory relocations can be found in
Additional repair units may be called to the hex. Also, the Factory Navigation panel (ctrl-n):
since regular repairs are conducted after priority repairs, This will produce a screen that shows all the factory
and they happen even when priority repairs have been changes planned, including dates for relocation, upgrade,
completed, once the damage level gets very low, continuing change of production and expansion:
priority repairs can be very inefficient, with only a small
amount repaired by priority repairs. Priority repairs may
never repair more than 20% of the damage of a factory in
a single turn.

28.6.5. Port and Railyard Factory

Priority Repair
Hexes with depots will automatically attempt to find
construction units to attempt priority repairs on ports and
railyards in the hex. This does not cost APs and it will not
have the factory item flagged with an asterisk (only player
directed priority repairs will flag the factory item in the city
detail window). This function is set at a lower priority than
any player directed priority repairs.
Both the HQ unit supplying the construction unit and
the location being repaired must be in supply.
Damaged ports and railyards at depots will only get
automatic priority repair from a construction support
unit if the item is damaged at over 30 percent, (if a port
and railyard, then if the combined damage is over 30%
then it will try to get help). Also, for repairs at depots, a
construction unit can split it’s time to help repair both the
port and the railyard, with the port getting the priority
between the two.


In WiTE2, the process of Soviet factory relocation in the
face of Axis gains in 1941 and 1942 is fully automated.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2

28.7.1. Manual Evacuation §§ In this case, the T-60 production in S Stalingrad is due
§§ To manually redeploy factories select the ‘factory to move to Kastnoarmeisk in 20 turns. Clicking on that
navigation panel (either the button at the top, or using entry brings up the dialogue shown and the ability to
cntrl-n, or right click on a hex, select map information > force the factory to move this turn.
§§ In this window, if you click on the “Move to…” text 28.7.2. Automatic Evacuation
(shown in yellow) you will be given the option to order This will happen either at the historical date when a factory
the immediate movement of the factory. was moved or if the Axis captures the location before this date.


Given the use of the various Theatre Boxes, in effect
WiTE2 reflects the totality of the war effort of both the
Soviet Union and Nazi Germany and their allies. As such
production is not allocated outside of the game but instead
is also used up by the demands of other theatres than the
main focus of the struggle between the two powers.
However, Germany will transfer planes, tanks and
armament points to their various allies. The latter will
happen if Germany has greater than 100,000 armament
points at the start of the production segment of the
logistics phase, any Axis allied nation with less than 1,000
armament points will be provided 1,000 armament points
from the German armament pool.


Focus: This section explains how the game can be won
using the scenario set victory conditions.

Key Points:
§§ Rules for winning a campaign game scenario
§§ Rules for winning a shorter scenario

There are two systems for determining victory in Gary

Grigsby’s War in the East 2, one for campaign scenarios, and
a second for all other scenarios, which cover short time
periods and usually a smaller area than the entire map.
Current Victory point (VP) totals for both campaign
and non-campaign scenarios are displayed in the
General Information and City/Airfield Box (6.2).


29.1. CAMPAIGN SCENARIO they originally captured (so their High Watermark exceeds
their current VP score):
Campaign scenarios start at different points during the
war, but all can last as long as August 1945.
For campaigns that start in June 1941 the system
basically encourages the Axis player to try and capture
more cities (either take them earlier, take cities that
historically were not occupied, or hold them for longer).
In turn, when the Soviet player regains the initiative, they
too gain bonus points for capturing cities in advance of the
historical schedule.
For campaigns that start later than June 1941, the VP
scores are initially set on the basis of the progress of the
historical war.

29.1.1. Key Concepts

The campaign victory system relies on two key concepts.
29.1.2. Detailed Rules
Initiative. Certain cities are marked as victory locations and each of
At any stage of the game, only one side has the initiative. these cities is given a base victory point value.
This side will gain VPs as below as they capture cities and Bonuses will be given for capturing cities based on
lose VPs if their opponent manages to retake a city. comparing to the historical capture date. A maximum
Initiative Switchover can happen to the Soviets between of 6 bonus points can be earned per city. If the city is
October 1 1942 and July 1 1943 whenever the German score captured on the historical turn, a bonus of 3 is scored. One
is 10% or more below the German High Water Mark score. If additional point is earned for each week earlier the town
this has not already happened then the initiative will switch is taken, and 1 is lost for each week late. So taking a city
on July 1 1943. Once initiative switches, it never switches back. 3 turns early would score 6 points, and 2 turns late would
Once the initiative changes, the VP score is recalculated score 1 point.
using the value of the cities held by the Soviet player at any Once scored, bonus points will never be lost, but the
stage, plus any bonuses for cities that were historically lost base points are lost when the city is lost. If a city is retaken,
but not in the current game. these base points are regained but the bonus points can
only be awarded once in the game. If historically a city
German High Water Mark (HWM) changed hands more than once (such as Kharkov) then
This is the highest score ever obtained by the Germans the first capture date (by that side) is the one used to
throughout the game. At the time that the initiative determine the bonus.
changes, the Axis HWM score is frozen, and the Soviets Cities that were never historically taken by the Germans
begin to score points (in the same way the Germans have will generate the maximum early capture bonus if captured
been scoring). by the Germans at any stage in the game. However, if such
The example below is from January 1942 during the a city is retaken by the Soviets there is no bonus for early
Soviet winter offensive and the Axis have lost some cities recapture simply the value of the city itself.
Soviet capture bonuses can be earned while the
Germans have initiative when the Soviets recapture a city.
Note that this rule uses the highest score the Germans When the initiative switchover occurs, Soviet cities (with
have achieved at any stage of the game, NOT the score historical capture dates) never taken by the Germans are
on the turn when the initiative changes. considered recaptured by the Soviets at the time of the
Initiative switchover for determining Soviet bonus points.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The effect of this rule is to encourage a Soviet player

to trigger an early switchover of initiative while the
German player gains from delaying this as long as

All points up to the change of initiative are scored by the

Germans. Any positive (either from events or the bonus for
retaking cities) scoring by the Soviets at this stage become
negative German points, and any negative Soviet points
become positive German points. Later in the war when
initiative changes, only the Soviets score points and any
Axis points are used to reduce the Soviet’s score.

29.1.3. Accessing Information

To access information on which cities are Victory Point
locations, their value and the historical capture turn, right
click on the map, select map information>victory locations
or press Shift+v.
You can also access this
information by toggling the
Victory location tab on the
top edge of the screen.
When this map mode is
in use, the relevant locations
will show the base victory
value for each location and
the bonus that would be
awarded if the city was captured this turn. In the example
above (from the German T1 of the 1941 campaign), Riga is
worth 10 VP and if it falls this turn will generate a bonus of +4.
The current VP score and which side has the initiative
can be seen on the Victory Screen as
This is, again, from the T1 Axis perspective. So the Axis
player starts with 370 VP from cities held at the start,
will win a sudden death victory if they have 700 VP on 1
October 1941 and face a sudden death defeat if their High
Water Mark is below 525 on 1 January 1942.
In addition the Victory screen has a list of all the cities
that generate a VP score and the historical turn on which
they changed hands (this is shown as ‘0’ if that city was
never captured by that side.
Note that many cities have a capture date for both sides
reflecting the ebb and flow of the actual war.
In addition to the main Victory Conditions screen, a
summary of the current situation can be found on the turn
summary screen (36.16).


29.1.4. Victory Conditions

WiTE2 can be won due to the sudden victory conditions,
the capture of Berlin, the in-game situation at the end of
1944 or by reaching the scenario end date.
Sudden death victories can come from:
§§ Axis Sudden Victory (Axis quarterly check value
achieved), this gives a Decisive Axis Victory.
§§ Soviet Sudden Victory (Soviet quarterly check value
achieved) gives a Decisive Soviet Victory (if it happens
before or on 31 December 1944) and a Major Soviet
Victory (if it happens after 31 December 1944 and on or
before 1 April 1945).
§§ Axis Sudden loss will occur if they did not have a High
Water Mark score of at least 525 by 1 January 1942
and 575 by October 1942 (note they do not need those
scores on those dates but to have achieved them at
some stage). Note this will not be applied if the Axis side
is controlled by the AI.
The fall of Berlin gives the following outcomes:
§§ If the Soviets take Berlin then this is a Decisive victory if
on or before 31 December 1944, a Major Soviet Victory
(if after 31 December 1944 but on or before 1 April
1945), a Marginal Soviet Victory (if after 1 April 1945 and
on or before 31 May 1945) or a Draw (if it falls after 31 VICTORY CONDITIONS
May 1945 but before the scenario end date). Victory conditions for most non-campaign scenarios are
§§ If the Western Allies take Berlin then this is a Decisive based on control of victory locations, usually specific town,
victory if on or before 31 December 1944, a Major Soviet city or urban hexes for each side, and cumulative losses in
Victory (if after 31 December 1944 but on or before 28 men, guns, AFVs and aircraft.
February 1945), a Marginal Soviet Victory (if after 28 Victory points for control of victory locations are
February 1945 and on or before 31 May 1945) or a Draw awarded each player-turn (twice per complete turn) and
(if it falls after 31 May 1945 but before the scenario end
If on 31 December 1944 the Soviets fail to have matched
the Axis high water mark score and the Western allies
control no German territory, this is an Axis Major Victory.
Finally if the game reaches the scenario end date
without triggering any other victory condition then the
result is an Axis Marginal Victory. The end dates vary with
the scenario:
§§ 1941 Campaign – 1 August 1945
§§ Stalingrad to Berlin Campaign – 1 July 1945
§§ Vistula to Berlin Campaign – 1 June 1945
The rules for the Sudden Victory conditions can be found
by accessing the Victory Point screen, as:

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

there is also a separate victory point award for controlling modifier, the Axis will not gain a victory point the Soviets
victory locations at the end of the scenario. have lost 5,000 men. Victory levels for non-campaign
Victory locations can be applicable to both sides or be scenarios are based on the ratio of the side with the most
specific to one side only. Victory point locations can be points to the side with the least points.
displayed by selecting the Toggle Victory Locations button Again from the same scenario this shows the VP scoring
in the map information menu tab. Red flags are Soviets VP for city occupation and combat losses.
locations, black flags are Axis VP locations, and black and This ratio is shown on the screen along with either
red flags are VP locations for both sides. an Axis or Soviets VP Advantage and the number (to one
In this case, this shows the victory locations in the Road decimal place) or “No significant VP advantage” if the ratio
to Minsk introductory scenario. is under 1.1.
Losses are based on the number of men, guns, AFV or Victory levels are as follows:
aircraft that must be destroyed for the opposing side to §§ Decisive Victory – ratio greater than or equal to 5.0
gain one victory point. This base number for losses can §§ Major Victory – ratio less than 5.0 but greater than or
be further modified for each side by a certain percentage. equal to 2.0
Note that only outright losses count for this not damaged §§ Minor Victory – ratio less than 2.0 but greater than or
elements. equal to 1.1
For example, the scenario may be set up so that each §§ Draw – ratio less than 1.1
player will “earn” 1 VP for each 1,000 men lost by the Note: Each side will start a non-campaign scenario with a
other player, but if the Soviets player has a twenty percent minimum VP point score of one.


The Appendices gather together further information on various information screens and the underlying rules that
how to play WiTE2. Some of this you may never need to regulate unit movement and combat.
check but in combination they will help orientate you to The appendices can be seen as being broken into the
the game, provide detailed information on how to read the following groups:

Focus Appendix Contents

Designed to give you an overview of how the game works, help you see the
Context Players Notes
differences to WiTE1 and WiTW and provide hints on gameplay options.
Developer’s Notes A short discussion on the development process behind WiTE2.
Evolution of Armour Background context on the evolution of a key part of both armies across the war.
Glossary of Terms and
Unit and Element types
Commander’s Report How to use and read this critical source of information
How to interpret the information presented in the various information and
Information tabs
administrative tabs at the top of the game screen.
How to read the various detailed screens including those on the unit tabs, those
Interface Windows that pop up when carrying out game actions and how to read screens such as
the after battle reports.
Most of the information in this section is designed to supplement the discussions
in the main manual. All the relevant calculations are carried out by the game for
Significant Tables
you but the information here may help you to plan operations or to interpret
what happens when you move units.
Miscellaneous Hot key list A list of the hot keys in the game
List of Events A list of the events that may occur during the game
A guide to some information that may be useful that can only accessed from the
Using the Editor
game editor.

30. Appendix A – PLAYER’S NOTES

The discussions below are designed to help players OOB. In addition the under-lying combat system has been
interpret the detailed rules elsewhere in the manual. In completely redesigned.
addition it might help orientate players with experience of This section works as a quick guide to the major
either/or WiTE1 or WiTW as to what is different. differences if you have played one (or both) of the previous
titles. The information is presented very briefly as the rest
30.1. DIFFERENCES FOR PLAYERS of the Player’s Notes set out the implications of the new
rules for both players with previous experience and those
OF WITE1 OR WITW new to the Gary Grigsby War in the … series of games.
If you have played War in the West, you will recognize
elements of the air war design and the logistics system. 30.1.1. Played WiTE1 but not WITW?
However, significant aspects of the game are totally The discussion in this section assumes knowledge of the
different. For players of WiTE1 key differences are the WiTE rules and the conventions that have emerged in
air and logistics system, the layout of the map and the playing that game.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Issue References Key Features

Note the difference between the rules that affect AGN and AGC and those that affect AGS. The
22 June 1941
11.2 D1 air base bonus does not apply later in the week so it is worth planning your air operations to
exploit this to the maximum.
An important tool to bring units up to the front relatively well rested. Only moving in hexes that
22.2.1 were friendly controlled (and that have no enemy interdiction) at the start of your turn brings
advantages of speed, lack of fatigue and retention of combat preparation points.
Administrative Unlike in WiTE1, you do not use these to transfer units between HQs or re-assign HQs. Equally
Points there is no practical limit to how many can be stored for later use.
Airborne Note that these need to be planned 2-3 turns in advance and the target specified. Note also all
22.5.3 and 23.9
Operations the functionality about how they are set up and executed is completely different.
Completely different. Airbases are on the map and have variable capacity. Air missions are
(mostly) ordered during the air planning phase and executed during the air phase. So there is
Air War Chapters 16-19
much more need for pre-planning of your air operations compared to WiTE1.
Note that ground support missions and air transport are resolved in the movement phase.
Air Operational These are the basic tool for managing your air force, in one sense they form a role similar to the
Groups air base counters in WiTE1.
Air Transport 18.1.9 and 22.5 The method for setting this up and executing missions is completely different.
Artillery The Soviet artillery brigades that can be built from early 1942 are all treated as off map SU not as
Brigades on map units.
Can be used to improve the performance of a number of Axis Army or Soviet Front HQs. Units
Assault HQs 21.11.2 attached (either directly or indirectly) gain in terms of the speed they regain CPP and the chance
to pass leadership checks but are penalised by being able to only create level 1 fortifications.
Note that if a unit is attacked, then its MP in the next turn may be reduced. Equally being attacked
22.1.3 and
Being Attacked can reduce the CPP in the unit (and being forced to retreat will remove all CPP).
In effect, spoiling attacks can be a very effective tool.
The time spent fighting in a hex will generate a combat delay for any unit that moves out of a hex
Combat Delay 22.2.7 where the battle took place. The delay is 1 MP per hasty attack and 3 MP for a normal attack. This
can be avoided in certain circumstances.
CPP primarily boost the notional CV of attacking units, making it more likely they will pass the 2-1
22.1.1, 22.2.2, threshold and thus win a battle. There are substantial secondary advantages to having a high CPP
23.2 and 25.8.3 and the rules for how to build up, retain and lose CPP are very important.
Indirectly CPP affect almost everything from movement to supply to actual combat.
Note if you attach units to a HQ of a different nationality this will cost additional command points,
21.11.3 in effect lowering the Command Capacity of the HQ. In turn this will apply all across the HQ chain
affecting corps, army and front/army group command capacity.
Chapter 35 The layout (and functionality) of this is substantially different to that in both WiTE1 and WiTW
Note that depots are crucial not just for storing supply but also for its receipt and transmission on
to combat formations. The capacity of the associated rail yard or port is very important as is the
Depots 25.7
ability to boost this by placing combat HQs and your rail repair HQs on depots.
Also keep a few depots in the rear along rail lines from the NSS to the front to ease re-supply.
First Winter The main impact on the Axis forces is in terms of attrition losses and more difficult movement of
Rules freight both by rail and road.
Game Interface Chapter 6 This has been fully reworked since WiTE1 was released.
These are not directly part of WiTE2. Instead the partisan war is conducted in the Soviet Union
13.4 Garrison Theatre Box and the need to maintain forces in other theatres reflected in the event
system and the various Theatre Boxes.
In WiTE2 these are substantial barriers to motorized units (including supply trucks) especially in
Heavy Woods 7.2.1
hexes with poor roads. Plan your operations with this in mind.
HQBU No longer in the game – but read the rules on Combat Preparation Points (23.2)
Air interdiction in a hex can both cause losses to any unit (including supply trucks) that move
Interdiction 22.2.3 through the hex and, at certain levels, increase the movement cost for leaving that hex. Also any
interdiction (anything over 0) will stop administrative movement in the hex.


This is very different relying on finite capacity rail lines (with this determined by both the available
Logistics Chapter 25 rolling stock and railyard capacity), Depot size, type and priority and HQ priority settings. Read the
players notes below for some idea of the main issues and how to manage logistics in WiTE2.
National This can be used for both ground and air units. Units in the National Reserve and set to REFIT will
Reserve be prioritised for the allocation of new equipment and/or replacements.
Chapter 24, Note these need to be planned 3-5 turns in advance against a specified target hex. These are only
Naval Invasions
especially 24.7 allowed in the Black Sea and by the Soviet player only.
Mild Winter The winter of 1943-44 was relatively mild and this will affect the weather. In particular the degree
Rules of freezing of major rivers and snow levels in hexes combined with the risk of short term thaws.
These do not appear on the map. Instead Axis security forces are allocated to the Soviet Union
Partisans 13.4 Garrison Theatre Box. Failure to control the partisan effort will see the loss of freight and possibly
on-map interdiction.
Rail Lines 22.4 and 25.4 Note that dual track rail can carry 250% more freight than a single track rail line.
Note that the range of Support Units that can be used for automatic rail repair is much more
Rail Repair 21.6.1
limited than it was in WiTE1.
While this no longer costs administrative points, units will face a penalty for any admin rolls
15.5.6 during the full turn that a unit has been reassigned to a different HQ (including reassigned
support units).
Note that if the final odds are overwhelming, a unit may retreat 2 or more hexes rather than just one.
Retreat Results 23.12
Equally units that are low on morale, experience or TOE may face catastrophic losses if forced to retreat.
Each hex is coded for the quality of the road network. Good roads mitigate the effect of poor
weather or particularly difficult terrain. For the most part the effect of roads is handled naturally
Roads 22.2 and 25.5
as you select movement paths but it is worth using the road overlay display (7.2.6) when planning
an offensive.
There are several new rules in this respect. First you cannot create Army HQs in WiTE2. Second
Soviet Army
27.2 many will be created by converting existing Corps or Reserve Army HQs. Third Soviet Guards
HQ Creation
Armies are converted according to a historical schedule.
Soviet Corps
Note that many of the at-start Soviet Corps HQ will not disband but instead convert to Army HQs.
HQ disbands 27.5.3
Since you cannot build Army HQs in WiTE2, it is essential not to disband the Corps.
and renames
Note the rules for this are different both as to the component parts and where a corps can be
Soviet Corps created.
Formation In particular, Soviet Tank Corps can only be formed within the National Reserve. Also note that
the Soviet player can form up to 2 Guards Rifle Corps in late 1941.
This is fully automated. Only those factories that were historically moved can move, they will
Soviet Factory evacuate at the historical date or earlier at a cost in productivity if the player decides to do
Evacuation this manually. If the Axis player captures a city with a factory that can be evacuated it will be
automatically moved (at a cost of more damage and delay in returning it to production).
Note that these are now off-map SU only and cannot be deployed on the map. When building
Soviet Tank
21.5 Soviet Tank Corps, the brigades must be first assigned to the Soviet National Reserve (or report
directly to the Stavka).
In WiTE2 there are many more SU available, especially as most brigades are treated as MRU (i.e.
Support Unit
21.5.1 can be an on-map CU or off-map SU). Note that Soviet Rifle Divisions can now be directly assigned
a SU.
The process of selecting all the units in a stack is different. Double clicking on the top unit or
pressing the spacebar and single clicking will select the entire stack, otherwise just the top unit
Stack Selection 6.7
will selected.
Repeated single left clicks will change the order that units are stacked in a hex.
These reflect either theatres where the Soviets and Axis powers are at war but where the combat
was at low intensity (Arctic, Finland and Norway), are the location of the Partisan War, regions
Theatre Boxes Chapter 13
where the Axis are at war with the Western Allies or where the Soviets need to keep substantial
This is much more variable due to the interaction of weather fronts with the concept of prevailing
Chapter 8 weather. Equally poor weather in the form of rain hampers military operations but is not the
overwhelming effect of rain/mud from WiTE1.

34 5
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

30.1.2. Played WiTW but not WiTE1?

In addition to the issues identified below, be aware of invade France, the number of divisions, and the effective
the scale of WiTE2. In WiTW, even after the Western Allies map area, is relatively small.

Issue References Key features

Air Directives Chapter 17 Note that practically there is no limit to the number that can be set for each air command.
While much of the air war will be familiar, the role of AOGs is important. In effect they are
Air Operational
16.3 the tools you use to manage your air forces and, together with Air HQ Commands, allow a
considerable degree of automation.
The method for setting this up and executing missions is completely different. This includes
Air Transport 18.1.9 and 22.5
how you order and carry out airborne assaults.
Can be used to improve the performance of a number of Axis Army or Soviet Front HQs.
Units attached (either directly or indirectly) gain in terms of the speed they regain CPP and
the chance to pass leadership checks but are penalised by being able to only create level 1
Assault HQs 21.11.2
Note the resulting command capacity bonus also applies to any HQ that is attached to the
Assault HQ.
CPP primarily boost the notional CV of attacking units, making it more likely they will pass
Combat Preparation 22.1.1, 22.2.2, the 2-1 threshold and thus win a battle. There are substantial secondary advantages to
Points 23.2 and 25.8.3 having a high CPP and the rules for how to build up, retain and lose CPP are very important.
Indirectly CPP affect almost everything from movement to supply to actual combat.
Note if you attach units to a HQ of a different nationality this will cost additional command
Command Points 21.11.3 points, in effect lowering the Command Capacity of the HQ. In turn this will apply all across
the HQ chain affecting corps, army and front/army group command capacity.
Commander’s The layout (and functionality) of this is substantially different to that in both WiTE1 and
Chapter 35
Report WiTW
In WiTE2 these are substantial barriers to motorized units (including supply trucks)
Heavy Woods 7.2.1
especially in hexes with poor roads. Plan your operations with this in mind.
This can be used for both ground and air units. Units in the National Reserve and set to
National Reserve 13,2
REFIT will be prioritised for the allocation of new equipment and/or replacements.
These do not appear on the map. Instead Axis security forces are allocated to the Soviet
Partisans 13.4 Union Garrison Theatre Box. Failure to control the partisan effort will see the loss of freight
and possibly on-map interdiction.
In WiTW units in a port were deemed to be automatically within the command range of
their HQ. This allowed the player to stack up to 3 combat units in the hex and retain full
Ports 20.6 control.
This does not apply in WiTE2 as the new City Fort unit type allows over-stacking in port
Rail Lines 22.4 and 25.4 Note that dual track rail can carry 250% more freight than a single track rail line.
Note that if the final odds are overwhelming, a unit may retreat 2 or more hexes rather
Retreat Results 23.12
than just one.
Each hex is coded for the quality of the road network. Good roads mitigate the effect
of poor weather or particularly difficult terrain. For the most part the effect of roads is
Roads 22.2 and 25.5
handled naturally as you select movement paths but it is worth using the road overlay
display (7.2.6) when planning an offensive.
These are more important than the East Front box in WiTW and reflect either theatres
where the Soviets and Axis powers are at war but where the combat was at low intensity
Theatre Boxes Chapter 13
(Arctic, Finland and Norway), are the location of the Partisan War, regions where the Axis
are at war with the Western Allies or where the Soviets need to keep substantial reserves.


30.1.3. Played both WiTW and WiTE1? However, note that the Administrative Movement
In this case, you are relatively well prepared to play WiTE2. bonus is cancelled if there is any enemy interdiction in the
Scan the issues in the sections above, and read the strategy hex – this includes interdiction with an actual value less
tips and key rules below. than 1.

30.2.3. Combat Preparation Points

30.2. KEY RULES CHANGES THAT Note that units gain more CPP per unused Strategic
AFFECT GAME PLAY Movement Point (SMP) when in a friendly hex rather than a
A number of rules that have a major influence on gameplay pending enemy hex (i.e. one you have captured this turn).
are now different. Since prep points also reduce fatigue, stopping in a
friendly hex has a big impact on unit status. Moving one
30.2.1. Factory Evacuation hex into an enemy hex can use lots of MPs and lots of
This is now largely automated with factories evacuating fatigue for that 1 hex, and then the prep points gained will
either at their historic date or when threatened. Evacuation be much lower for each MP remaining. Those prep points
cannot be stopped simply by placing a city in a zone of will reduce unit fatigue in the next logistics phase. So
control as was common in WiTE1. Equally a factory that stopping and resting units in a friendly hex is an important
was historically not evacuated cannot be moved. part of unit management in WiTE2.
There are three ways in which a factory can evacuate (in In effect, if a unit has not moved very far this turn, has
all cases the factory must have a scheduled evacuation turn few CPP and high fatigue then players are strongly advised
showing in the factory navigation menu in order to evacuate): to leave it in a friendly controlled hex unless there is a real
§§ Based on the evacuation schedule listed for the factory need to move it further.
in the factory navigation menu. The obvious impact of gaining combat preparation
§§ For any factory that has an evacuation listed, the player points is in terms of the offensive capacity of a unit.
may initiate an immediate evacuation. The factory will However, there are a number of secondary gains, including:
take additional delay and damage over the normal §§ units will reduce fatigue more quickly if they have a
evacuation delay/damage due to moving before the higher level of combat preparation.
evacuation date. §§ units at 100% combat preparation can acquire and
§§ For factories with an evacuation date, the computer store up to 150% of its supply needs.
will initiate an emergency evacuation when the city is §§ units with higher combat preparation will make better
captured. The factory will take additional delay/damage use of support unit allocation in combat (this affects
in addition to the damage caused by normal evacuation. both the attacker and the defender).
Note the interaction between retaining CPP and
30.2.2. Unit Movement Costs and Administrative Movement. Especially for the Germans in
Administrative Movement 1941, if you want your infantry to be capable of launching
Players should note that moving in hexes previously held an offensive when they catch up with the armoured
by the enemy is more costly and inflicts higher fatigue. spearheads then trying to minimise the loss of CPP in
Thus converting hexes to your control (or denying this) can movement is essential.
increase the speed of units following behind (such as the Remember that you lose all CPP if you are forced to
Axis FBD rail repair units) and reduce their fatigue. retreat and a proportion if attacked in force (even if you
Also units moving in friendly territory will be better win). Thus spoiling attacks, if you think your opponent is
placed to regain Preparation Points after they move. building up for an offensive, can be very effective.
The key is to make their final hex one that was friendly
controlled at the start of the turn and not in an enemy ZoC. 30.2.4. Roads
In addition, they will need to have some SMP remaining. In previous games in the series, roads are not directly
Learning how to balance the urge to move as far as modelled. In WiTW road quality was set at the national
possible against CPP retention and recovery is a key part level. In WiTE2, each hex on the map has its own default
of good gameplay. road quality and the few paved roads in the Soviet Union

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

are modelled. This can create corridors of faster movement 30.3. STRATEGY TIPS FOR BOTH
– especially in poor weather turns. PLAYERS
30.2.5. Poor Terrain 30.3.1. Logistics
Linked to the new rules on roads, note the higher Rail Capacity
movement costs for Mountain, Heavy Wood and Sand There are a number of aspects to the logistics system to
hexes compared to WiTE1 and WiTW. In particular take into account. First, and probably most important, the
motorized movement into these hexes, in regions with capacity for a given rail hex is limited. A single track line
poor quality roads, is difficult. can only easily support the transfer of a limited amount of
When advancing in such areas, remember that trucks, freight and units (this can be exceeded but at an escalating
and thus supply, pays motorized costs. cost in terms of rail capacity). In particular, transferring
units along a single hex line will quickly increase the cost
30.2.6. The Weather System of strategic movement and limit any subsequent freight
As noted in the rules, the Soviet player has two advantages movements.
in this regard. The weather in the following German turn This means that for both sides, some sectors will be hard
will be identical to the Soviet turn (so the weather in the to reinforce and will tend to be quiet due to the challenge
Soviet phase of T3 will be same as the weather in the of supplying active combat forces on such a sector.
German phase of T4). In addition, the Soviets will have In any planning of operations, always remember that
more accurate forecasts of weather in their next turn. single track rail lines have only 40% of the capacity of a
For play purposes, it is worth noting that while rain/mud dual rail line.
will slow movement and reduce combat power, it does not
lead to the complete cessation of all military activities as Port Capacity and supply transfer
tended to happen in WiTE1. Assuming you have enough shipping, and control the
Again, bear in mind that the better quality road seas via naval interdiction, sending supplies via ports can
networks mitigate many of the movement costs due to be very effective. There are two aspects to bear in mind.
poor weather. All ports can be set to either ‘send’ or ‘receive’ supplies.
Second supply will move from a lower priority sending port
30.2.7. City Fort Units to a higher priority receiving port.
The ability to create these – in effect to overstack in some As an example, if Danzig is set to send and at priority 1
city and urban hexes – has a major influence on defensive it will move supplies to Riga if that is set to receive and at
play. This will allow the major sieges (Odessa, Sevastopol least at priority 2.
and Leningrad) to take place and make large cities major
obstacles. On the other hand, some such locations can be Depot Placement
bypassed and surrounded. The placement of depots is an important part of game
It will also allow the German player to create the various play. Given that the western regions of the Soviet Union
fortresses that broke up the Soviet offensives from 1943 lacked the infrastructure of Western Europe both players
onwards. will have to rely on a number of small depots rather than a
few very large ones. To reflect this, the highest capacity of
30.2.8. Construction Units an Axis or Soviet depot is 60,000 tons (apart from National
Note that apart from the AI-controlled rail repair units, Supply Sources).
these do not appear on the map but instead will be Depots still need to be connected to operate but can be
attached to the relevant hex (airfield, depot or population created outside the friendly rail net. This allows a player to
center) and carry out their repair mission. They will be sent ensure that the needed railyard is fully functional before
back to their HQ once they have completed their task. the depot is actually in full use.
Note also that depots can be created on any hex with a
rail line – not just in named towns and cities.


In addition, remember that units within 3 hexes of a it for local airbases). If you set it to level 0, it will take no
depot do not use trucks to draw supply (if there is enough supply from the network.
supply in that depot – remember units will draw from more
distant supply sources if the nearest ones lack freight). 30.3.2. Reserve Theatre Boxes
The Reserve Theatre Boxes for both sides can be seen both
Depots, HQs and rail repair units as a generic training region and a place to rebuild units
The maximum capacity of a depot can be increased damaged in combat.
temporarily if there are HQs stacked in the hex with the You can use the various filters in the CR to determine
depot. Basically, if you can, always place your HQs on a which units will refit (if any). In general units will refit more
depot as this will improve the functioning of the depot and quickly in the National Reserve than on map but you need
reduce the resupply cost for any Support Units in the HQ. to balance this against the delay in moving to/from the
Having depots large enough to attract and retain a large map and that such transfers also cost you rail capacity.
number of attached trucks is important. This prevents
units from losing MPs due to having to use their own trucks 30.3.3. Unit Refit and Recovery
for resupply efforts. Units in contact with the enemy will not refit and will tend
When drawing supply down a long rail line from a National to weaken due to attrition.
Supply Source you will need a network of intermediate However, this can be partly mitigated through having a
depots. These can be left at a low priority but help with the high level of CPP.
storage and transmission of freight. To receive substantial reinforcements a unit needs to
Related to this, bear in mind the difference between be not only in ‘refit’ mode but its relation to the supply grid
using HQs and your rail repair counters to affect the supply is also very important. If a unit is to refit on the map, the
system: best location is on a depot, stacked with a HQ and in refit
§§ A HQ will increase the capacity of a depot, thus more mode. Assuming the depot itself can draw sufficient freight
supply can be stored or sent on to local combat this will speed the process.
formations. However, the depot will be assigned freight The alternative option is to move the unit back from the
using the normal routines and wider shortages may front line and to the off map reserve.
well mean that the full capacity is not used. Note that units in the reserve and set to refit will be
§§ A rail repair unit increases the importance of the depot the priority for available equipment. It is possible that
relative to others on the same network. Thus that depot these units may take up all that is available, leaving little
will allocated freight before the others and to some if anything for on map units. To manage this, ensure you
extent will claim supply that would have gone elsewhere are careful how many units in the reserve are set to refit
in the supply network. at any one time.

Depot Priority 30.3.4. Events

How you set your depot priorities is important. Basically a The event system relates to the Theatre Boxes and on-map
depot will only send freight to a depot with a higher priority issues. Thus one sequence of events models the gains of
level (there is a small exception in that intermediate lower the Western Allies first in North Africa, then Italy and then
priority depots will claim some freight if there are nearby in Western Europe and into western Germany. Others
airfields that are in active use). reflect the shifting intensity of the campaign in the Arctic
So for a port to export supply, it cannot be set to level 4. or the Allied strategic bombing campaign.
In general, since exporting ports are a priority in the supply Others affect the rules for the surrender of various Axis-
system you can safely set them to level 1 or 2 as they Allied nations.
should claim enough to be able to support the network of Equally some reflect the shifts in the Soviet war
importing ports. effort and the various ways in which the Red Army
If you do not want a port depot to import freight by sea, was restructured from late 1941 to 1943 and provide
set it to level 1 and leave it to ‘import’ freight. That way it bonus allocations of Administrative Points to ease the
may still take some supply from the rail system (if it needs restructuring process.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

30.3.5. The Map 30.4.2. Impact of Road Movement

This is very different to WiTE1. There are more hexes. Again there are times when being able to move as fast as
The new supply rules create bottlenecks – you can only possible in enemy terrain is critical. Note that if the hex
supply so many units at the end of a single track rail line … has poor roads, then German mobile divisions will pay 3
even if you have depots. MP per hex (if the hex was originally enemy controlled)
The new rail rules make it very hard to redeploy for clear terrain rather than the expected 2. It can be very
substantial number of units in a given turn … and if you useful to use the road display map mode when planning a
fill up the rail capacity on a given link with units very little move into enemy controlled terrain.
(if any) supply will pass to that sector in the next logistics
phase. 30.4.3. Brigade and Regiment
Stay out of heavy woods (if you can). movement costs
Use the road overlay when planning offensives. The Note that these unit types must pay at least 3 MP to enter
game system handles the process of calculating actual an enemy controlled hex (regardless of roads) but pay
movement costs etc. but this can help if you are thinking the normal movement cost to enter a pending hex. This
about where to attack as better roads ease supply costs. means that using broken down regiments to complete
an encirclement can be inefficient and it is often better
30.3.6. Victory Conditions first to move a complete division behind enemy lines and
Note that the Axis player gains victory points up to the then follow up with brigades or regiments to fill in the
point where the initiative is deemed to have changed encirclement.
hands (usually in late 1942 to early 1943). After this the
Soviet player gains and has to ensure they have a certain 30.4.4. Administrative Movement and
level by the start of 1945 or the game ends with an Axis hex ownership
marginal victory. Pay close attention to the dates for when The interaction of these two concepts is important.
certain cities changed hands and try to maximise (or Movement in hexes that were controlled by the player
minimise) the bonus for early capture. at the start of the turn is faster (assuming no interdiction
is present) and generates less fatigue than movement
30.4. TACTICAL TIPS FOR BOTH into pending (captured) hexes. This applies to both unit
movement and supply movement.
PLAYERS More importantly, if a unit ends its turn in a hex that
This section highlights a few rules that are important when was friendly controlled at the start of the turn it will regain
actually carrying out your operations. Some of these are more preparation points and shed more fatigue. Thus,
already identified in the ‘differences’ and ‘key rules’ but are quite often, stopping movement in a pre-controlled hex
repeated here for completeness. rather than a pending hex will mean that units are far
more combat ready when they finally come into contact.
30.4.1. Avoiding Combat Delay Especially for the Germans in 1941 this means it is
Combat delay can be a major problem, especially when you important to use the mobile units to capture territory that
are trying to convert a breakthrough into an encirclement. will flip to your full control the next turn. Thus the infantry
Setting aside the special T1 rules (11.2) the only way to marching in the wake of your spearheads will be much
avoid this penalty is if the final odds are 10:1 (or more) more useful when they finally arrive at the front.
and that there is no enemy unit (including the original
defender) still adjacent to the hex. 30.4.5. Combat Preparation Points
In effect if you want to achieve a clean breakthrough and Movement
you need to attack units either side of the key hex first This is closely related to the point above. Units with a high
and then hope that the defender retreats more than one number of CPP have a chance to pass a test that removes
hex – something that is more likely if you can attack in the negative impact of fatigue and of failed initiative and
overwhelming strength. administrative tests on their movement allowance. Thus


on balance a formation that moves up keeping its CPP If you are controlling the air force manually, consider
relatively intact will move faster over multiple turns. whether to move any Air Commands or AOGs. If you are
using the AI-assist, review your stances, priorities and
30.4.6. Motorisation which HQ they are ‘following’.
It is worthwhile deciding to motorize a few infantry units. Before starting your ground phase, it maybe worth
For the Germans something like a regiment or two per reviewing your Support Units (use the Commanders
Army Group in 1941 will provide considerable additional Report) and move any that have a low TOE % either back to
mobility. For the Soviets perhaps one rifle division for the the OKH or Stavka or the reserve to refit.
main Fronts once they return to the strategic offensive in At some stage in the ground phase, review your reserve
late 1942. and see if there are units you can move to the map, this
This is expensive in terms of trucks and admin points, may mean resetting the arrival hex one or more times as
but the additional mobility can make a substantial you do so.
difference. Towards the end of the ground phase, check that your
HQs are deployed within command range and that, if at all
30.4.7. Retreat Rules possible, they are stacked on depots.
The combat engine in WiTE2 has been completely rewritten At this stage, you may want to build any new depots and
compared to the earlier games but units that retreat can review the priority of your existing ones.
still suffer substantial losses. This will mostly happen to It is also worthwhile to use the Commander’s Report to
low morale and/or low experience or if the unit is forced check for units that have just arrived or that are loaded on
to retreat through multiple ZoC. In that case retreat losses trains. It can be easy to overlook these if your focus is on
can escalate rapidly. the front lines.
Equally if a unit is forced to retreat more than once in You can conduct air supply at any point in the ground
a turn, it is possible that its losses will increase as it loses phase, but generally it is best done towards the end.
This particularly affects the Soviets in 1941-2, Axis Allies
and German infantry units later in the war and allows the 30.6. THE AIR WAR
player to damage their opponent even if they do not create Players used to WiTW will recognize the basic principles
a pocket and force the units to surrender in a later turn. of the air war in WiTE2. However, it is worth noting that
In effect, the focus on creating pockets that was such an neither side can generate the sort of comprehensive
aspect of WiTE1 is less important, sustained pressure can airpower that the Western Allies can from 1944 onwards.
badly weaken your opponent. In particular, the Soviet Union east of the Dneipr, had
few major airbases in 1941. Since both sides tend to have
relatively short ranged fighters and tactical bombers, it is
30.5. GAME MANAGEMENT important to start building a network of airbases early in
This may give you some idea of how to manage a typical the game.
turn. A secondary advantage to an airbase network is that air
Since you start with the air phase it makes sense to start delivery of supplies is far more effective if the target hex
a turn by setting low morale, high fatigue or weakened contains an airbase.
units to rest (or even send back to the reserve – if you
are using the AI-assist this will be done automatically for 30.6.1. Some key missions
weakened units). Especially if you have had no experience with the WiTW
Every few turns, review what planes are in use. You might air rules it is useful to bear in mind how some missions
want to upgrade to newer models but also you may need operate and when they are appropriate. Note that not all
to downgrade to older types if you are running short. For these missions are available for all Air Operational Groups
the Soviets, after the first phase, use the obsolete I-series depending on their command assignments.
fighters as training aircraft in the national reserve and §§ Ground attack-interdiction and ground attack-unit. The
preserve your modern fighters for front line formations. first of these missions will tend to attack moving targets

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

(this can include units that move, attack, retreat, support First, AOGs will usually only move on the map when you
a battle from reserve status as well as the movement of redeploy the HQ they are set to ‘follow’. Note that moving
supply). It will not tend to inflict heavy losses when first the air command HQ makes no difference in this regard.
conducted. The second is designed to damage/disrupt Second, air doctrine is probably more important than
the enemy immediately (so is useful if you then plan to when playing with manual control. If you set your own air
attack that hex) but will generate much lower levels of directives, the values in the air doctrine are used to initially
actual interdiction. fill out the mission parameters but in practice can be over-
§§ For interdiction missions you are often better using written as you desire for that particular directive. The AI-
agile planes with many bombs or rockets. For unit attack assist uses the doctrines to create the air directive. So it is
missions, planes with larger bombs will often be more useful to review those settings as the game progresses. The
effective and level bombers are very valuable in this role. default values may be sufficient but you may find that either
§§ Ground support. Is actually flown in the ground phase your air losses are too high or missions not very effective
and only if the designated units are in combat. Note you and amending those variables might improve performance.
can link GS to any level of HQ from a Front/Army Group
to a single corps. The more precise you are, the more
control you have over where the air support is actually 30.7. PLAYING AGAINST THE AI
flown. Equally being prepared to reset the parameters These short notes summarise some aspects of how the
in your air doctrine screen can be useful to avoid excess WiTE2 AI behaves and the effect of changing difficulty
losses (17.4.3). settings (especially for morale).
Note that the rules for fighter auto-interception, especially How you choose these levels is your own choice. In early
in the context of GS missions are very different to both games, don’t give the AI too many advantages (you may
WiTE1 and WiTW (18.1.3 and 18.1.10). find 100-100 perfectly adequate) as you work out the game
In addition, do not over-use your reconnaissance assets. systems. Once you feel confident, it is probably best to set
Both sides have substantial numbers in the early game and the AI (for morale at least) at 110 and if it will be doing the
run short by the mid-game. Often low level reconnaissance, bulk of the attacking then at 120.
enough to detect if enemy units are present is all you need.
If not, then both sides may lack much intelligence of behind 30.7.1. AI Help Levels
the lines build-ups from 1943 onwards. The performance of the AI will improve due to how you
set the various levels. Morale is particularly important.
30.6.2. Air Operational Groups However, the effect for the AI is not just an improvement in
Air Operational Groups (AOGs) are the main tool relative importance it gains additional bonuses the higher
for managing your air force in WiTE2. They provide you set the help value.
considerable functionality and are the only way you can 110 enables the AI to use a different set of movement
redeploy your air units (either manually or using the AI- rules on the defensive. This is essential if it is to manage its
assist). defensive deployments so should be seen as a standard
Note that if you have ticked the AI-assist option, you choice once you have some understanding of the game.
cannot change this in a MP game. In that case, air directive The 120 value is particularly important in this regard. At
creation and unit redeployment will happen when you this level it will automatically pass all leader checks. This
press the F12 button to either initiate the air phase or end alone is a major gain beyond the notional gains of inflating
the game turn. specific values.
Otherwise you can mix using the AI-assist and a degree In addition, at 120, the AI will gain particular combat
of manual control as you wish. bonuses which will increase the number of disruptions it
generates during a combat.
30.6.3. AI Air Assistance
The detailed information in sections 17.1 and 17.2 provides 30.7.2. AI on the defensive
a good basis for understanding how this function works. In On the defensive the AI will ignore most movement
addition it is worth stressing two key points. restrictions in its own territory and prioritise forming a


stable line if the morale value is set to 110 or higher. It will As noted above, at 120 morale it gains some specific
try to move by the normal rules below this level. combat bonuses.
The main exception to
this is it will move using
standard movement 30.8. A SUMMARY OF THE
points if it needs to pass
a hex that is covered by
enemy ZoCs, such as: 30.8.1. The flow of supply
If the Axis turn ended The impact of freight and unit movement is shown by
with the situation above, an increasing SMP cost for each hex. For a dual rail this
those Soviet units will increase caps at +6 once 30,000 tons of freight have gone
be moved by the AI down that hex.
(assuming it has a morale
level of 110 or higher)
To stress, 30,000 (+) usage, does NOT stop any further
without regard to the movement rules.
movement, it just makes it expensive in terms of
However, if the turn ended as below, and the AI failed to
usage of SMPs.
broaden the gap by counter-attacks (which it mostly likely
will) then the partially encircled units will be forced to use
their normal MP. In that case the Soviet tank division will For units, you can see this reasonably clearly. A unit
probably escape but the security and rifle division will be grabs enough train stock to move (it matches its load
fully encircled in the next turn. factor), you get 200 SMP (some of this might be spent
In effect, if it cannot loading onto the trains), it can move till its expended this
create a ZoC free exit allocation. So it could move 200 hexes if there is no penalty
route from a partial (see 22.4.3 of the main manual on the details). It can move
encirclement, then it is 100 hexes if usage is already in the 5000-9999 turns (i.e.
unlikely to be able to each hex costs 2 SMP, this is for a dual rail) and only 28
escape, if it can manage hexes if every hex was at capacity.
this, then it is likely that The impact is clear enough, another unit sent down
most AI controlled units the same track will either move less far or arrive at its
will be able to fall back. destination with less SMP.
If it believes that the However, for freight the effect is a bit less clear. Not
relative ratio of forces is least as this is all conducted in the logistics phase and
even (or in its favour), it you see none of it actually being done. In theory every
will tend to form its line ton of freight has up to 200 SMP and moves as above, the
in contact with the player. If it believes it is outnumbered, obscure bit is where this SMP comes from and how does
it will tend to a line one or more hexes back as it seeks to congestion influence the outcomes.
fall back. Freight obtains SMPs from level 2 or higher rail yards -
in this context think of these as representing rolling stock.
30.7.3. AI on the offensive A given bit of freight will try to grab rail capacity from as
In general, on the offensive the AI operates by similar near as possible (up to 30 hexes away). For a player it is
movement rules to the player. It pays the cost of hexes it impractical to either estimate this or influence what goes
enters and uses up MP as it moves and attacks. on. You could in theory take a single hex on the map and
If in a scenario (or phase of the longer game), the AI is add up all the level #2 railyards in 30 hexes (along rails),
expected to be on the strategic offensive, it is suggested but the problem is (especially for the distant railyards) is
that it is given at least 110 morale. Depending on your that they are providing rolling stock to more than just your
expectations, you may find a higher level will produce a chosen hex.
more balanced game with the AI able to sustain an attack.

35 3
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

troop movements. However, you can significantly influence

This cannot be stressed too much. Only railyards of the effectiveness of your depots.
2 or more actually generate rail movement capacity. First a HQ on a depot (especially an Army Group or Front
Thus capturing, repairing and integrating these level one) will have a significant impact on the capacity of
locations into your rail system should be part of your that depot. Capacity influences both the ability to unload
early game planning. Especially for the Axis player in and send out freight as well as storage.
1941 and the Soviets once the Axis starts to fall back Second, leaving an unmoved FBD/NKPS unit on a rail
from 1943 onwards. yard depot will effectively distort the pattern of freight
delivery. That particular depot will be seen as more
So at a practical level, every ton of freight has a notional important than others (of equal importance) in the local
200 SMP, but after some time the local rolling stock is fully network and more freight will be allocated to that location
allocated (the equivalent of running out of load to move (at the expense of other local depots).
your combat units). As it moves it lays down usage on the In combination these two units will boost capacity
rail net and as this increases so does the cost - or in other (throughput and storage) and assigns rail cap to meeting
words a later ton of freight can’t move as far. In the end you that capacity.
run out of rail capacity to push freight down a given line.
If you are the Soviets and the front line is within 10 hexes
A good scenario to test these concepts is to take the
of Moscow, your depots will get the freight they need (up
Soviets in the Vistula-Berlin scenario. The need to
to their capacity) simply as Moscow has a huge railyard and
supply a large army, with many mobile formations,
you use up relatively little of your SMP stock - even if the
that can advance rapidly is a real challenge. The
local rails are congested. If you are trying to supply units on
identification of key depot locations is the key to
the Volkhov, you are probably reliant on one or two single
track lines that have no large rail yards to hand. Or in other
words, you will run out of SMP stock very easily.
When estimating rail line usage, remember that unit This will happen anywhere on the map but is more
moves happen before the logistics phase but their rail valuable in certain locations. Particularly, (a) it is more
usage is not cleared till the end of the logistics phase. So if effective multiplying the effect of a large railyard; and (b)
you have just sent several Corps down a single track rail line if the local rail capacity is limited, say at the end of a single
very little freight is going to squeeze along behind them. track rail line, you can boost capacity and priority all you
It is also worth remembering that not all usage is cleared like, very little is going to happen.
during the logistics phase. So if you have run a sector of On the other hand a high priority depot with a rail repair
your rail net at over capacity, it will have less capacity in unit and HQ(s) can be critical to bring supply to a given
the next turn. location. Locations such as Minsk for the Germans in the
early 1941 battles or any major rail yard for the Soviets
30.8.2. Depots after 1943 can make the difference between your key
Related to this, remember that depot capacity matters - offensive being supplied or your units too weak to sustain
even if more freight could be delivered it won’t if the depot an attack.
is already at its processing capacity.
This is also why you want a network of intermediate 30.8.4. HQ Priority
depots from NSS to the front line. These provide a resting Be careful about setting too many HQs with too high a
point for freight that lacks the SMP to complete its journey, priority level. This aspect works slightly different to depot
they also provide unloading capacity, so that freight can be priority (as that really is about supply of freight) as this is
stored here for the units to pick up. used to set the demand.
At worst, a high priority HQ (and its attached units) will
30.8.3. Influencing the system do its best to find the freight it needs to meet the set level
You cannot really influence the flow of supply except in of supply in the unit (25.8.1). If this freight is not available
how you set up your depot network and being careful over locally it will use more and more of the trucks in its combat


units to find that freight (25.5). In the end this lack of trucks for Novgorod, the line of the Luga and to cut the main
(even if they have actually delivered the freight needed) will Moscow-Leningrad dual track rail line.
badly hamper your combat values (23.8.3) and movement An early capture of Pskov is essential, when it falls it
points (22.1). In effect, you can have a unit that is less may be more effective to stop your FBD there to improve
effective than if it had received a lower allocation of fuel logistics rather than keep on repairing northwards. Estonia
and ammunition due to being set to a lower HQ priority. should fall easily and the ports will help your supply
Given the complexity of the supply system this is not situation.
easy to work out but basically if you are operating at the AGC will probably determine your overall strategy.
end of a single track rail system (or have a lot of mobile If you want to seriously threaten Moscow you cannot
formations in a particular sector) then you do run the risk weaken AGC in the early turns. Try constantly to look for
of units becoming less useful simply as they seek out the opportunities to outflank the Soviets and to push past
supply they need. Smolensk (which can be turned into a major fortress if you
The other reason to set HQ priority relatively low is that give the Soviets too much time).
this allows freight to build up in the local depots. If you then Placing a depot in Minsk and repairing its railyard is
set a higher priority just before an offensive your units will essential for the battles from Smolensk to Vitebsk and
at least have the benefits of a one-off supply allocation. Bryansk. Again, it is useful to hold one of your FBDs static
here rather than prioritise rapid rail repair.
The South is where it is easiest to attack because of the
30.9. AXIS STRATEGY open terrain. The VP locations will force a Soviet player to
This section and the discussion on Soviet options reflect fight west of the Dnepr or lose a lot of VP bonus scores.
ideas and views of various beta-testers of the game. The Gaining ports can really help your supply and be prepared
discussion is designed to bring all the various specific rules to divert forces to clear Odessa and Sevastopol. If the Soviet
and advice into some rough guidance on how the game player is prepared, they can turn both into substantial
fits together. fortresses which will tie up 11 Army for a number of turns.
You may also need to allocate extra air assets to isolate
30.9.1. Overall options and factors both ports.
to consider Think carefully about when you will pause your 1941
Before committing your units on the first turn you should offensive. The winter rules are more nuanced than in
have an overall strategy to guide your choices. Clearly the WiTE1 and you may need to attack after the autumn muds
deployment is historical and that may encourage you to to disrupt the Soviets and to gain the VP needed to avoid a
keep the original plan. Other options are to weaken AGC to sudden death defeat in January 1942 (29.1.4)
improve either (or both) of AGN and AGS with extra assets. Be careful as both Soviet cavalry and tank and
One key element to your planning is to study where the mechanized divisions can be very mobile (if weak). A poorly
VP locations are, which you think you can capture early secured flank risks them disrupting your supply lines.
and how this might alter your force allocation. Given how For 1942, you need to think about how to maximise your
the concept of the High Water Mark and Initiative Change victory points so as to optimise your ‘High Water Mark’. The
interact, you cannot be too cautious in your overall plans German army should recover from the winter battles and
for 1941. you should have a good rail and depot network close to the
Come the end of the 1941-42 winter you will need front. The historical focus on the south may be an attractive
to decide on the focus and goals of your 1942 summer option but this may also be a good chance to take Moscow
offensive. and the large VP cities behind it. In a reasonably balanced
At start, AGN will struggle to take Leningrad due to the game, it is likely that the second half of 1942 is your best
heavy woods and poor transport links. To have any chance chance of an automatic victory.
of this, you will need to maximise the local supply network At some stage the initiative will change. If they are
(to sustain your mobility) and allocate extra air support. If careful, the Soviets will build some very strong stacks
you decide that Leningrad is out of reach, then think about making almost any position hard to hold. On the other
your practical goals. At the least, you should be aiming hand, Bielorussia and the region around Novgorod are

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

excellent defensive terrain. The south is more open and It might be useful to add some formations from Pzr Grp
requires pre-building defensive lines. 3 to AGN, either for T1 to complete the encirclements or as
As 1943 progresses, your infantry will be more and more reinforcements to ensure an early attack towards Pskov.
a purely defensive force. At this stage, think carefully about AGC needs to generate a large pocket west of Minsk
how you use your Panzers. If they are on reserve reaction (which should fall easily on T1) and clear the rail lines
they may stop some Soviet attacks but you will find they running from Brest-Litovsk north and Kaunas eastwards.
have very low MP and combat values for your turn. In How far you can push beyond Minsk will depend on your
effect, there is a trade-off between immediate response to force allocation as you may want to release some Panzers
Soviet attacks and retaining a counter-attacking force. to either AGN or AGS.
As the war crosses back over the 1941 border you can A key issue for AGC is to secure the Brest Litovsk-
start to use the City Fort concept against your opponent. Minsk rail (at least the western end) so your FBD can use
At one level this can generate real strong points but you administrative movement on T2. Keep this out of Soviet
run the risk of encirclement. If the game runs into 1945, be control if you can when screening the pockets.
aware you will lose vital cities to the Western Allies. In the The other issue is whether you want to risk a single
end this will destroy your logistic network as you will have continuous pocket from the border to near Minsk or break
no functioning National Supply Sources. this up. A single pocket frees up more or your units and
may allow you to reach the Berezina but if it is broken
30.9.2. T1 you have a major problem. On balance it may be better
For the air war, the preset Air Directives are effective and to separate the Bialystok portion of the pocket from the
will destroy a substantial amount of the VVS at the forward section west of Minsk.
air bases. If you choose to amend these, remember that AGS. Be aware that the Soviets are better prepared here
air base bombing is of little value after D2. Ground Support so there are likely to be more reserve reactions and higher
can be useful as you are likely to face Soviet reserve movement costs. Seek to secure Lvov and the dual rail line
reactions but be prepared to turn it on and off as you make leading to it. Much of your motorized units are frozen on
your turn (it is unlikely to be needed when just attacking T1 so you have limited options. If you drive south, there
border fortification units). is a risk of releasing the Soviet Southern Front forces so it
If you want to amend the missions then your Bf-110s may be better to attack towards Rovno as historically and
and Stukas are very useful aimed at the nearest airbases, assess your options on T2.
the Ju-88s are useful for the next group and your long On the other hand, the Soviet forces in the south are
range bombers can hit bases along the Dnepr. more likely to start to collapse from T4 onwards as you
Remember that damaged Soviet planes will be apply sustained pressure. So early pockets are not as
destroyed if their air base is over-run so you should be important as they have become in WiTE1.
able to destroy more planes during the ground movement
phase. 30.9.3. The Air War
On the ground, you have three basic goals: pocket as Whether you use the AI-assist or manual control, be
much of the Soviet army; secure the rail lines and movement prepared to concentrate your air force. This will mean
corridors; and, push towards Pskov and Smolensk. You can ceding substantial regions of the front to the VVS as you
limit combat delays by ensuring the resulting battle ended lack both numbers and range to do anything but support
at 10:1 or better, in some circumstances it may be better to the key sectors.
attack with overwhelming force to achieve this rather than In the main, leave your longer ranged bombers as far
minimise your commitment. back as possible (so if using AI-assist, link the air commands
For AGN, the main goal is to secure the rail line to to real area HQs). Ensure your transport aircraft are
Daugavpils. Most players will clear the coastal ports in clustered around well supplied depots so there is freight
Latvia but you will need to decide whether to divert forces to bring forward.
to clear Riga or to prioritise reaching the Daugava to In terms of missions, you will find that Ground support
prepare your move towards Pskov. is the most effective use for Axis bombers. You can lose


a lot of aircraft doing GS so use it only for the important logistics network and you may need to be prepared to
attacks, in such cases, heavy GS makes quite a difference. send them away from the front to recover.
The Ground attack mission is probably of limited use in One consequence of this is that Panzer divisions
1941 but as the war progresses, interdiction missions are near the front will struggle to replace lost tanks. The
useful for disrupting Soviet offensives. replacement Panzer battalions offer one solution if they
Naval Interdiction can be very useful especially for your are left to refit in the National Reserve. While it may be
naval air units and any unit with Ju-88s (for their mine laying tempting to use these as normal Support Units, if they are
loadout). Naval interdiction is probably more effective than attached to a Panzer division they will merge and reinforce
port bombing so can help isolate Odessa and Sevastopol the host unit (26.1.6).
and disrupt supply movement across Lake Ladoga.
The short range reconnaissance units are very useful 30.9.5. Ground combat
for low intensity, wide area style missions. They will give There are several issues to bear in mind.
you some idea of the layout of the Soviet defences. Your First, the shown CV is an indication of combat
longer range reconnaissance units should be targeted at effectiveness but is not definitive. Particular issues include:
particular areas where you really need better detection §§ Any unit with morale below 50 will have an inflated
levels for making your plans. displayed CV in that it is correct but they will lose
Your allies have some useful planes but all suffer for low many elements during combat. Likewise Axis Panzer
replacements and relatively low morale. Ideally they should units will have a deflated display CV because of their
be either working with the main Luftwaffe formations (for high morale and tanks (the system makes very little
protection) or on a quiet sector. distinction between the type of tank actually in use, so
the formations that use Czech or French tanks may take
30.9.4. Supply heavy losses against Soviet T-34s and KV-1s).
It is worth restating that while you want to push your §§ Isolated units have their display CV halved, but in
rail head as far into the Soviet Union as you can, equally practice their CV only drops slowly. So the first turn of
leaving a FBD on a depot might generate more supply Isolation their actual CV will be higher than suggested,
in the short term. In this respect, Pskov can be critical while after a few turns or it will begin to drop.
for the moves towards Leningrad, Minsk for any fighting §§ Sometimes you can guess at an enemy CV better by
around Smolensk. There is a constant trade-off between looking at the unit type and the terrain/fortification
using them for rail repair and using them to enhance the level than by looking at the displayed value, so if you
effectiveness of your depots. In addition, there are 7 R.A.D. see a Soviet Infantry Division in open terrain with a CV
SUs that will repair rail lines. Put them with a low level of 5 or so it is likely to be incorrect.
HQ to manage where they do their repairs. These can be §§ CV is a rough measure, an obsolete BT-7 adds the same
particularly useful for AGN as they can connect the broken notional value as a T-34, so sometimes an enemy unit
links between rails you captured intact. may be stronger than you expect.
You will become very reliant on your trucks. These will Also numbers count, so a Brigade in Heavy Woods (even
be needed to maintain your supply lines and the mobility if well dug in) will often lose if attacked by several infantry
of your units. As such, think carefully about advancing divisions, even if the CVs suggest otherwise.
through high cost terrain with poor roads. You may make
gains, but there will be a long term cost to your trucks as 30.9.6. Playing the AI
they try to bring supply across such terrain. First you need to understand how the AI plays. Units that
Note also that many Soviet players will seek to deny are not pocketed or caught up in Zones of Control have
you the advantages of administrative movement (which unlimited movement (except on NORMAL setting – 100
also influences supply costs) by generating low levels of morale for the AI), so the AI will attempt to rebalance the
interdiction with their airforce. whole front line every turn. In 1941, as the Soviets it likes
Finally, while replacement manpower is moved as part to have two solid lines of units but will use just one if that
of freight, in practice it has lower priority. So weakened is all that the troops it has available. All of them will be on
units will not refit very effectively at the far end of your Reserve so you can expect lots of activations.

35 7
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Activations are a real problem. To counter this first ZOC these at Leningrad, other major ports and Moscow. Due to
everything within range on the front line before making the rules for their creation, you need to start planning such a
any attacks. Broken down motorized divisions are good commitment at least 2 turns before it will be needed (20.6.1).
for this. Other tactics you can use are attacking at huge During the first winter, you will struggle to mount a
odds (defenders will not activate if the odds are too bad) coherent offensive. It is usually better to regard this as a
or doing less critical attacks first to absorb some of the chance to regain some key terrain, weaken the Axis forces
activations. and create a number of Guards formations. Also most
The AI will not do many attacks up to T4 so use this German losses will be ‘damaged’ due to frostbite and
period to advance into contact with your Panzers every supply problems. Around 15% of these losses will have
turn (broken down units will do) so that the infantry can returned to the front line units by June 1942.
follow up quicker. Pockets can be sealed with weak units. The summer of 1942 will see a major Axis offensive and
Later the AI will start doing some attrition attacks and they will start close to your critical cities, with a much better
attempting to break pockets so your pockets need to be supply situation than they had in 1941. They will have to
stronger. AI attacks can be used to work in your favour, decide between the VP rich options in the south or Moscow
set some Pzr divisions on Reserve and a few heavy failed and/or Leningrad, so once they are committed you can
attacks can really weaken the Soviet front line at a critical try to match their build up. The rail net from Moscow to
position. But remember that MP used in reserve combat Stalingrad and the Caucasus is poor so you may struggle
will be taken from the next turn’s MP allowance so you to send significant reserves and to maintain an effective
need to decide how to balance this. flow of supplies.
At some stage, the initiative will change. Attacking in
the south has the advantage of relatively clear terrain and
30.10. SOVIET STRATEGY being able to take Romania out of the war. However, it is
Broadly, the first phase of 1941 is a matter of survival a long way to Berlin and the critical Axis National Supply
but you need to control their advance or you will lose a Sources, so you also need to attack in Bielorussia. This is
lot Victory Points and find the Axis close to Moscow and difficult terrain but in the main the Axis side will struggle
Leningrad with their army still intact. to replace their losses while you can often add fresh units.
You can expect to lose almost all of the border units Some of the advice in the German notes apply equally
north of the Pripyet in the early turns. On the other hand to the Soviets, especially after you regain the initiative in
South-Western Front should be able to manage a fighting late 1942. By 1944, it will be the Axis that is trying to cope
retreat back to Kiev. with the reduced combat value of low morale formations
In the main, as your army recovers, a defence in and using terrain to create barriers that you need to move
depth is more effective than one that relies on a single around.
strong line. Your main choice is where you allocate your
reinforcements, most will probably have to go to Moscow 30.10.1. Managing the Red Army - 1941
and Leningrad but do not completely neglect the south. You will lose most of your at-start units and for most of
In the north in particular use the terrain. The Axis will 1941, your rifle divisions will be weak (remember if they
struggle to advance far in heavy woods (even against have under 50 morale they may shatter or take very heavy
light resistance) and as they move closer to Moscow and losses) In particular, remember that low morale units can
Leningrad their supply situation will worsen (so they will lose a lot of their apparent CV during a battle making them
have less MP). There are a number of sectors where 2 rifle more vulnerable than they appear.
divisions well dug in using poor terrain will effectively block However, both the cavalry and the tank or mechanized
any Axis moves. The problem is you lack the resources to divisions have the advantage of high MP values. These
do this consistently and, in the end, any such line will be can be invaluable for raids into the Axis rear area and to
outflanked. disrupt their supply network.
In terms of defensive deployments, city forts allow the Remember that tank brigades are off-map support
stacking of many units, just be cautious that they are not units but can be effective either held at an army HQ or
then cut off by a wider Axis advance. You should create allocated to a combat unit. Rifle brigades are often at their


most useful directly assigned to combat units, they can be You will encounter a few issues as your TOE changes
used to create near impregnable defences in key hexes. from late 1942. In particular, the ‘Corps’ artillery SU
From December 1941 you can build two Guards Rifle completely changes its equipment and will be sent to the
Corps and a number of Cavalry Corps. You will also receive national reserve to refit as a result. To make this worse,
the first of a number of bonus administrative points to you will then find it hard to refit them due to a shortage of
help with this and a manpower boost. By the end of the heavy artillery (and this will last into 1944).
year you will have two NKPS formations that can help At the end of 1942, you will notice the build options shift
either with rail repair or the effectiveness of your depots. substantially. In particular, it is no longer possible to raise
In the main in 1941 don’t build new units. The game fresh rifle divisions or brigades, so make sure you have as
system will generate shells for many Support Units and many of these as you think you will need. You can still raise
you lack both manpower and equipment to fill out all the fresh infantry formations but in the form of Rifle Corps.
formations that are in your national reserve.
Generally it is better to send weak units back to the 30.10.3. Managing the Red Army -1943
reserve but you may need to keep some on the map to and onwards.
assist with setting up fall back fortification lines. The The TOE for the 1944 changes, especially the Corps will
combat engine is unforgiving for units that are low on TOE, provide you with very powerful units. A stack of Guards
morale or experience. Rifle Corps, with appropriate attached Support Units can
In some sectors (1941 along the Volkhov, 1942 in the break down all but the most powerful defensive line. The
Caucasus) you will really struggle to replace losses in your problem is they will steadily weaken as they advance and
combat formations. Be prepared to either cycle weakened gain fatigue and lose their CPP. Equally the 1944 armoured
units back to the National Reserve (so keep a reasonable TOEs finally provide your Tank Corps with a degree of
reserve of combat ready formations there) or to merge defensive resilience.
your rifle brigades into weakened rifle divisions. By mid- Operationally, there are a few aspects. First, well rested,
1942 you should have enough AP to do this and to replace a stack of Rifle Corps can break almost any front line. At best
the brigade in the reserve to train up again. aim to make your basic offensive tool a 3 hex wide gap in
the German lines so your mobile assets can exploit. Second,
30.10.2. Managing the Red Army - 1942 really until mid-1944, your Tank Corps are not very good
By mid-1942 you should have cleared the backlog of rifle defensively, adding motorized or mechanised brigades as
divisions needing to be refitted and other support units. SU will help, but your Cavalry Corps can often be better for
Early in 1942, build some motorized brigades as you will actually holding ground if you fear a counter-attack.
need these for your tank corps and they are very useful Finally, you need to use all the tools in the logistics
as attached Support Units to give a better infantry/ system, especially the deployment of the NKPS. Done well
tank balance to the Tank Corps TOE. Beyond this keep this can even supply your army in Hungary so that you
a close eye on your equipment pools as some units will retain reasonable levels of mobility.
take many turns to come up to strength. You will have a If you do this well, you can supply a large army in Poland
near permanent shortage of heavy artillery into 1944 so and Eastern Germany. Even so, be prepared to accept
be careful about creating units that need a lot of this, for regular pauses to rebuild your CPP and adjust your depot
the most part concentrate on artillery SU that will draw networks.
on the 76mm guns. Equally mortars are an acceptable As a general piece of advice, the two late war campaign
compromise as these become readily available. starts (Stalingrad-Berlin and Vistula-Berlin) are excellent to
When merging units to form Corps remember (unless explore this evolution of your offensive capacity. Having
you are playing with full Theatre Box control) that those some idea what works best once you have the initiative may
due to withdraw at any stage cannot be combined to improve your approach to rebuilding your army from mid-
make up Corps. On-map you are limited to just merging 1942. Furthermore, Vistula-Berlin is an excellent chance to
conventional Rifle Divisions, in the reserve you can merge explore how to build a logistics network that can sustain a
both militia and mountain divisions into Rifle Corps (these large mobile army backed by a substantial air force. Add to
will then be redesignated as conventional rifle divisions). this, both are intriguing games in their own right.

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Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

30.10.4. Managing the Red Army – using In terms of ground support, remember that simply
the National Reserve committing bombers will inflict some disruption beyond
The National Reserve is of more importance to the Soviet than that caused by actually hitting ground targets.
the Axis player. Partly as you will build far more formations Retraining a number of fighter-bomber formations as
but it is also a useful place to send weakened units (especially bombers can be effective as the rocket load out can help
from supply poor regions) to refit. A reserve of the equivalent with generating interdiction. Later on these can convert to
of one or two Combined Arms armies can be useful to allocate the very useful Yak-9T.
to a sector in the face of a sudden emergency. Be prepared to leave a lot of the VVS in the national
In terms of the reserve, remember that units on refit reserve and rotate formations. Bringing too much to the
will have an absolute priority for replacement equipment. map will worsen your supply situation. Also remember
So be careful not to starve your on map units and equally that low experience units in the reserve will fly training
not too spread your use of the refit status too widely. missions. Once these reach an acceptable level you can
Usually setting a few units of the key types to refit each scrap them (thus placing the pilots in the appropriate pool)
turn will see them recover their TOE in a turn or so and or bring them to the map.
thus be ready for deployment to the map. As you retreat in 1941 you will steadily run out of airbases.
Be aware that freshly raised units may quickly fill out Start the construction of level 1 airbases behind the Volkhov,
their TOE but will have low experience for a number of at Moscow and along the Don very early on. You may want
turns. Unless you have a pressing need, these are probably to manually assign construction units to speed this up.
best left in the reserve till they are ready. Expanding some to level 2 will help with the deployment of
your level bombers. If the chosen hex is close to an NSS, you
30.10.5. HQs will find the airbase completes quickly. Do not try to expand
From T6, the at-start rifle and mechanized corps HQs start level 2 airbases in a sector that has poor supply.
to either disband or convert to army level HQs. The cavalry One challenge with the VVS is the shifts in the air
corps HQs remain available till the end of 1941 and can be command system over the game.
useful for extending command ranges or simply improving Some of this is related to the regular shifts in Air Unit
the capacity of rear area depots. size from the at-start 60 to 20 and then the increase that
Remember you do not pay administrative points for happens in late 1942. The latter may bring in a lot of
changing the command structure of HQs so keep your inexperienced pilots unless you have carefully built up
armies and fronts logically ordered. Equally, if you are used a reserve of trained pilots. The best solution is then to
to WiTE1 be aware at the start a lot of Soviet HQs start transfer the affected formations to the National Reserve
with a very low TOE and it takes quite a while to come up so they can train.
to 100%. So your commanders will be less effective and its The other issue is that some AOGs will disband during
worth retaining the handful of pre-war mobilised HQs for the game. This happens substantively when the 1941 SADs
your best commanders and most critical sectors. are removed in early 1942. At that stage the attached air
In early 1942, you will gain a number of Reserve HQs. units will default to being under the direct command of the
Most of these will later on become normal Combined or relevant Air Command. If you are using the AI-assistance,
Tank Armies so do not disband them. Even if you assign no these will be automatically assigned to appropriate AOGs
units to them they can be very useful placed on depots to (but there are gaps, especially for ground attack formations).
increase the logistics capacity. If you controlling the air war manually you will need to find
the relevant air units (easiest done using the Commanders
30.10.6. Air war Report) and manually link them to new AOGs.
In 1941, the VVS cannot fight the Luftwaffe directly. Having By 1943, a combination of much better planes and
said this, you will need to contest their operations if only the weakening of the Luftwaffe, should see the initiative
to inflict attrition or to protect key sectors. More generally, in the air shift. If the Luftwaffe heavily concentrates on a
low level interdiction can be very effective as it can be sector you will still lose most battles but then you have
applied where the Luftwaffe is weak and it denies the Axis a free hand elsewhere. In the main, a mixture of ground
side administrative movement. support, reconnaissance and interdiction bombing are the


most useful missions. In addition, bombing railyards will As with the German player in 1941, be careful not to
hinder Axis logistics. It will probably not be until mid/late move too much of the air force too close to the front lines
1944 that you will overwhelm the Luftwaffe, up to then you if you are on the offensive. This might mean you rely more
have to accept an unfavourable loss ratio on key sections. on your level bombers and the few longer ranged fighters
It should be stressed, bringing in substantial GS in the (mostly lend-lease) till your depots catch up.
form of well escorted Il-2s is critical to your offensive power.
Such an attack can badly weaken even a strong German 30.10.7. The Axis AI
position before your infantry are committed to combat. The comments in 30.7, especially 30.7.3 apply here. Once
The other switch in early 1943 is that your air groups you feel comfortable with basic game play, the AI really
will mostly expand from around 20 to 32 planes each. This needs to be set at 110 for morale and preferably at 120 if it
might cause problems with your aircraft pools and it maybe is to sustain an offensive.
an idea to swap some less common plane types for those It will seek to make pockets but its main tool is the
that are more readily available. In addition, the demand ability to inflict heavy losses on weak units. So you can
for extra pilots will lower the average experience of many expect to see entire armies collapse in a particular turn in
formations (if they are left to normal replacements). Be the summer of 1941 and again in 1942.
prepared to swap such air groups back to the reserve to The AI will make a general decision in April 1942 to
train and regain their experience. attack in the south or towards Moscow.
Your reconnaissance planes need careful management. Once you regain the initiative, many of the comments
In 1941 these can seem to be limitless but you do not receive in section 30.9.6 apply in reverse. Remember that in its
many replacements so that initial stock needs to be carefully own terrain the AI can rebalance its front line each turn so
managed. To minimise losses, it is usually sufficient to know expect to find a breakthrough fairly quickly screened. It will
the rough layout of Axis forces behind the lines so a low also make a number of strategic withdrawals when it feels
intensity, 2 day a week, broad sweep should be sufficient. it is in danger of being cut off.

31. Appendix B – DEVELOPER NOTES

In tracing the lineage of War in the East 2, you have to go logistics made him want to have the computer track the
back to SSI’s June 1984 release of War in Russia. That was number of tons of supplies and troops moving down
the first time that Gary designed a game covering the entire rail lines. He felt this would be necessary to provide the
Great Patriotic War, as Russians came to call it. As a fan of realism needed to simulate the difficulties the Germans
SPI’s War in the East boardgame, circa 1974, I considered had supplying their armies in the Soviet Union. As initial
myself lucky to be able to work with Gary on War in work began on the map, Keith and Gary set to work writing
Russia. Two more Gary games would follow covering the the code that would track the movement of supplies.
war, Second Front (1990) and War in Russia (1993). All of Within a few months it became apparent that this was
these games had both players plot their moves and then not going to be possible without slowing the game down
resolved them simultaneously. to a crawl. At that point the project was shelved and we
Fast forward to 2000 when Gary, Keith Brors and I decided to move on to Uncommon Valor and War in the
formed 2by3 Games. At that time we wanted to shift gears Pacific. Games that didn’t deal with rail lines, but had their
and make a sequential turn based Eastern Front game, and own issues of massive scale.
do it on a grand scale with divisions and 10 mile hexes. Eventually the desire to work on an Eastern Front game
The enormous scale of the war cried out for a game of got the better of us and in 2008 a decision was made to
similar scope. We also wanted it to be enjoyable for players restart work on War in the East with some simplification
that just wanted to push pieces around. Gary’s interest in of freight movement down rails. It was a compromise,

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

but one we were willing to make. The 2010 release of by terrain and road quality, and eventually led us to add
WitE was successful and we immediately started work on administrative movement. Wanting to open up the game,
War in the West. An early decision was to switch to a tile and better produce the offensive tempo of the war, Gary
based map, and to create a map covering all of Europe and added the combat preparation system. Pavel, building on
North Africa. We knew eventually we wanted to continue Gary’s East Front box in WitW built out a complete system
the series beyond Western Europe, and by going to a tile of Theater Boxes for the “off-map” areas, as well as an
based system it would be much easier for us to continue event system for tracking and influencing these other
to improve the map with additional layers of data and areas. He also added the AOG system as a way to make
corrections to existing data. It was this early decision that the large Soviet air force more manageable for players to
made WitE2 possible. control.
It was with WitW that Gary’s idea of tracking freight It’s hard to believe that the first basic alpha test games
in tons was made a reality. Although covering a large of WitE2 were played in 2016. Over the past four years, in
area, it was smaller in scope than WitE and most of the addition to the new game systems created, an enormous
logistics issues were focused on getting freight onto the effort by many went into building an ever more authentic
continent via ports. Having researched the logistical issues and detailed database of the weapons, units and events of
of the Allied Armies in Western Europe, Gary designed a the war (and yes into trying to document all of this work).
system for depots and freight shipments. During that time While that effort was ongoing, Gary continuously tweaked
Pavel focused on improving the simplistic air system in and improved the AI’s ability to play the game, and keep
WitE, something essential to simulate the Allied strategic it challenging for players of all skill levels. In the past year
bombing campaign, ground interdiction, and importance the AI was extended to provide air and depot management
of air forces for sea control. assistance to players if desired.
With the release of WitW in late 2014, we felt it was Yes, this game is huge, but if you take it one small
time to bring these concepts to the Eastern Front. We scenario at a time, and use the AI’s help while learning
were also very happy to benefit from Pavel’s enhanced the game systems, one day you’ll find yourself playing
WitW weather system that was brought over and adapted the largest land campaign in history, and worrying about
to WitE2. Given the tiled map, we were better able to whether your depots are bringing in the freight needed for
display the weather, and we were also able to relatively victory. Whether you see this game as the culmination of
easily add double rails and road quality at the individual 6, 10, 20 or 37 years of development, all of us who have
hex level. This led to a more complex matrix of MP costs worked on this project hope you enjoy it.

32. Appendix C – THE EVOLUTION OF

The launching of Operation Barbarossa on June 22, 1941 would be developed, often to fit specialized roles, this
triggered an arms race between Germany and the Soviet triumvirate of firepower, protection, and mobility would
Union that would not only shape the course of armored characterize the most successful designs.
warfare in World War II but the post-war development The purpose of this article is to examine the various
of armored vehicles as well. By the end of the War the armored fighting vehicles that fought on the Eastern
outlines of what would define the modern main battle tank Front so players of WAR IN THE EAST II will have a better
were beginning to emerge from the maelstrom of armored understanding of not only the vehicles themselves but also
combat that emphasized a balance of firepower, protection, the role they played in armored vehicle development. For
and mobility. Although a wide variety of armored vehicles the sake of brevity and relevance to the theme of this article


only fully-tracked armored vehicles will be examined. been for the German introduction in 1940 of tungsten-
The various armored cars and armed halftracks used on cored ammunition known today as APCR (Armor Piercing
the Eastern Front, while important in their unique roles, Composite Rigid) and in the game by its U.S. Army World
had little influence in the broader armored conflict being War II designation of HVAP (High Velocity Armor Piercing).
waged. The armored fighting vehicles, hereafter AFVs, HVAP nearly doubled the armor penetration of the 20mm
in service or entering service in each year of the conflict KwK30 but not without limitations. Due to an HVAP round’s
will be examined in turn following the format of year, light weight relative to its mass and velocity, the round lost
adversary, and vehicle class accordingly. While the primary both accuracy and penetration faster than a convention
focus will be on German and Soviet AFVs, Axis allied and armor piercing (AP) round at longer ranges. In addition,
Western Allied Lend-Lease vehicles will also be covered. since Germany had no domestic source of tungsten, which
had other military and industrial uses, the allocation of
32.1. 1941 tungsten for anti-tank ammunition was limited. So while
HVAP ammo allowed the Panzer II to punch way above its
32.1.1. AXIS ARMOR weight, its availability couldn’t be counted upon. Another
Light Tanks drawback to using the Panzer II as a battle tank was its thin
Panzer Ib – Every nation that produced tanks in World armor. Experience in the Polish Campaign resulted in the
War II produced an equivalent to the machine gun-only Panzer IIc receiving 20mm of additional bolted on armor
Panzer I and they could all be generously described as a for the turret and hull front facings, while the Panzer IIf
disappointment. The reason for this disappointment was was built with a front turret and hull armor basis of 30mm.
twofold: first, these tanks were almost uniformly too thinly While HVAP ammo and extra armor helped, the continuing
armored for the role they were expected to play resulting decline in the utility of light tanks caused the Germans
in high losses; and second, these tanks had little or no anti- to de-emphasize the use of the Panzer II after 1941.
armor capability making them virtually useless against The majority of panzer divisions at the start of the 1942
enemy armor. Illustrative of how bad this situation was, summer campaign contained less than half the number of
in the Spanish Civil War Panzer Is had to be escorted into Panzer IIs as in 1941.
combat by towed anti-tank guns! Given these weaknesses, T-26E – This misleadingly named tank was actually a
that over 200 Panzer I were even still in service in 1941 Vickers 6 ton tank acquired by Finland in 1936 from Britain.
exposes the chronic shortage of first-line tanks confronting Know as the Vickers Type E in its original configuration with
the Germans as they embarked on a war against the largest a licensed Bofors 37mm gun, after the Winter War of 1939
tank army in the world. -1940 the tank was re-armed with a 45mm gun salvaged
L3/35 – The L3/35 was the Italian equivalent to the from captured Soviet T-26s and renamed T-26E. The T-26E
Panzer I, but with the L3/35’s twin machine guns mounted was employed in infantry close support and as a light
in the hull front rather than in the turret making it battle tank. Although outdated even by the standards of
somewhat less effective. The Hungarians built a licensed 1941, the T-26E served throughout the entire War.
version of the L3 called the Ansaldo re-armed with L6/40 – The Italian L6/40 benefited from experience
Hungarian machine guns. already gained in combat both before and during the early
R-1 – The R-1 was a Czech made CKD AH-IV purchased in part of World War II. The L6/40’s armor protection was on
1936 mounting one machine gun in the turret and another par with a Panzer IIf and its 20mm gun compared well to
in the hull. It was unfortunately even more lightly armored its German counterpart except for the lack of HVAP ammo.
than either the Panzer I or the L3. Although it entered production in 1941, the L6/40 didn’t
Panzer IIa, c, & f – The Panzer II was designed for officially replace the L3/35 in Italian Celere divisions until
reconnaissance and armed with the same 20mm KwK30 1942. All-in-all, the L6/40 was a decent light tank, one of
gun used by German armored cars, but due to the Italy’s better efforts.
shortage of battle tanks at the beginning of World War R-35 – The R-35 was an infantry tank acquired by Rumania
II it also functioned as a light battle tank in the early from France before World War II and supplemented with
campaigns. The Panzer II with its 20mm gun would have additional Polish R-35s that fled into Rumania before
been woefully inadequate in the battle tank role had it not Poland’s surrender. The vehicle is notable only for its

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

armor protection which was substantial for a pre-war light by the Germans as a medium tank out of sheer necessity.
tank. Slow and armed with a practically useless 37mm low Although it performed reasonably well in the previous
velocity gun, the R-35 was totally out of its element in the campaigns, by 1941 the Panzer 35(t) was feeling its age
Rumanian armored division and was mercifully retired as and was withdrawn from German service by the end of the
a battle tank when the division was re-organized in 1942. year. Rumania had purchased the LT vz.35 from the Czechs
Toldi I & II – These were essentially the same tank before World War II; known in Rumanian service as the R-2,
with only minor improvements in the later model. The it remained in front line service until 1944.
Toldis were based on a licensed Swedish design armed Panzer 38(t), & E – The Panzer 38(t) was another
with a Hungarian 20mm gun and with limited armor Czech designed tank under development when Germany
protection like an early Panzer II. They were suitable only occupied Czechoslovakia. Put into production at German
for reconnaissance. direction, the Panzer 38(t) sported an improved 37mm
Panzer 39H 735(f) – This tank was the former French gun comparable to the German 37mm KwK36 and was
H-39 light cavalry tank captured when France fell in 1940. mechanically one of the most reliable tanks in German
Like all French tanks, it had better than average armor for service in World War II allowing its chassis to be used
the time but disappointing mobility and firepower. The for a number of different vehicles discussed further on.
characteristic French one-man turret crippled the Panzer From November, 1940 on the Panzer 38(t)E, F, & G models
39H’s rate of fire, and the armor penetrating power of its (represented collectively by the Panzer 38(t)E in the game)
37mm gun was subpar for this caliber. The only Panzer were built with additional armor protection. The Panzer
39Hs to serve on the Eastern Front were with the 211th 38(t)E was also used by Slovakia (LT-38), Hungary (T-38E)
Panzer Battalion in Finland. and Rumania (T-38). Although by then long obsolete, the
various Panzer 38(t) models were still in service in 1944 in
Medium Tanks secondary roles.
Panzer IIIe, f, g, h, & j – The Panzer III was Germany’s premier LT-40 – The LT-40 was an export version of the LT-38
medium battle tank from the beginning of World War II until developed for Latvia before its annexation by the Soviet
mid-1942. Despite its success in the early campaigns, the Union and sold back to Slovakia. It was initially committed
Panzer III always seemed a bit behind the developmental to combat without its main gun armament. The LT-40 finally
curve. Nothing illustrated better the predicament of the received its 37mm gun at the end of 1941 and served as a
Panzer III than the fact that four different versions of the light battle tank until Slovakia’s withdrawal from the War
tank rolled into Russia in June, 1941. The first version, in 1944.
represented in the game by the Panzer IIIe, was still armed Panzer IVc, d, e, & f – The four different models of
with a 37mm KwK36 gun; the second version, represented Panzer IV in or just entering service in June of 1941 differed
by the Panzer IIIg, was armed with the 50mm KwK38 gun; substantially only in armor protection with each subsequent
the third version, represented by the Panzer IIIf (upgraded model being better armored than its predecessor. As a
from its original 37mm gun) and Panzer IIIh, had the 50mm medium close support tank the Panzer IV could, and did,
gun plus 25mm of additional bolted on armor to front hull support the motorized infantry but its primary mission
and turret facings; finally the fourth version, represented was to protect other tanks from enemy anti-tank guns and
by the Panzer IIIj, had the 50mm gun and 50mm of base other heavy weapons; the Panzer IV’s 75mm low velocity
frontal armor. While the upgradeability of the Panzer III gun provided a good balance between weight of shell
design was admirable, the fact that Germany lacked the and rate of fire when engaging these “soft” targets. When
capacity to bring all models up to the current standard forced to defend themselves, these early Panzer IVs could
before the start of Barbarossa was telling. Incredibly the destroy or at least disable enemy tanks with their AP round.
Panzer III could have been even better (see further on). As subsequent models will demonstrate, the Panzer IV was
Panzer 35(t) – The Panzer 35(t) was the 37mm arguably the most important German tank of World War II.
gunned Czech LT vz.35 confiscated by the Germans when Panzer B-2 740(f) – This tank was the former French
Czechoslovakia was occupied in 1939 and adapted for B-1bis heavy tank used as a medium tank by the Germans.
German use by the addition of another crewman to serve It was the most heavily armored tank in German service in
as loader. Technically a light tank, the Panzer 35(t) was used June, 1941 sporting both a 47mm high velocity gun in its


one-man turret and a 75mm howitzer in the hull. While the Assault Guns
47mm gun was decent by French standards, after the B-2’s Stug IIIb – When Germany was originally conceiving its
armor, the 75mm howitzer was probably the tank’s best panzer force in the early 1930s it planned on the majority
feature and the Germans were impressed enough with the of tanks being assigned to independent panzer battalions
B-1bis to press it into service as escort for its flame tank for the support of the infantry divisions and only three
variant (see below). panzer divisions being created. In the subsequent years
Panzer 35-S 739(f) – This tank was the former French leading up to World War II, the Germans went all in on
Somua S-35 medium cavalry tank widely regarded, creating panzer divisions at the expense of non-divisional
incorrectly, as the best medium tank in the world in the independent panzer units. This almost complete diversion
spring of 1940. While not the best, the Panzer 35-S was a of tanks to the formation of panzer divisions left the
good tank in 1940 that had become only a just adequate infantry without any dedicated armor support. To satisfy
tank by 1941 and that was in an army that was about to find this need Erich von Manstein had proposed a specialized
itself considerably behind the Eight Ball in tank development. armored vehicle for infantry support as far back as 1935.
Armed with the same 47mm gun as the B-2, again in a one- Despite the technical and operational criticisms raised by
man turret, the Panzer 35-S was employed alongside the the panzer experts like Heinz Guderian, the decision was
Panzer 39H in the independent 211th Panzer Battalion. made to divert a portion of Panzer III chassis production to
the creation of the Stug III assault gun. Like the Panzer IV
Flame Tanks close support tank, the Stug IIIb had a low velocity 75mm
Flammpanzer II – To assist in the reduction of fortified gun but fixed-mounted in the hull and enclosed in an
positions, the Germans modified a Panzer II by replacing its armored superstructure. As Guderian rightly pointed out,
gun turret with a small turret mounting a single machine the limited traverse of the fixed-mounted gun meant the
gun, and mounting flamethrowers on either side of the entire vehicle had to be pivoted to engage targets outside
hull front. Unfortunately, with only 30mm of armor the its arc of fire. In addition the Stug carried only a little better
Flammpanzer II was too thinly armored to function in such than half the rounds of a Panzer IV and possessed no
a close combat role and suffered heavy casualties. It was machine gun for close defense. Despite these drawbacks
withdrawn from service at the end of 1941. the Stug III was an immediate success and would go on
Flammpanzer B-2(f) – The Flammpanzer B-2(f) was to become the single most produced fully-tracked German
a French B-1bis modified by replacing its bow mounted AFV of the War.
75mm howitzer with a flamethrower. With up to 60mm of
frontal armor the B-2 was a much better choice for a flame Tank Destroyers
tank than the Panzer II, but its employment on the Eastern Panzerjaeger I – Already in the first campaigns of World
Front was short-lived due to the difficulty of maintaining War II anti-tank guns had proven invaluable to German
the tank outside of France. mobile operations, but traditional towed anti-tank guns
took precious time to unlimber and position and nearly as
Tauchpanzers much time to limber back up. The solution to this problem
Tauchpanzer IIIf, g & IVd – The tauchpanzers were not was to mount an anti-tank gun on a tank chassis in place
amphibious tanks but rather “submersible” tanks originally of the turret to provide speed of action and sorely needed
conceived for the proposed invasion of Britain (Operation cross-country mobility. In the case of the Panzerjaeger I, a
Sea Lion). Modified for river crossings, the tauchpanzers Czech 47mm anti-tank gun was mounted on the chassis of
were used for the assault crossing of the Bug River on June the now obsolete Panzer I to produce a tank destroyer that
22, 1941. Once across the river, the tauchpanzers operated could hit harder than any German tank of its time. While
as conventional medium tanks. Due to the amount of the Panzerjaeger I could throw a punch, it wasn’t very good
preparation and reconnaissance necessary to successfully at taking one. Its armor protection was meager to say the
employ the tauchpanzers, the submersible tank concept least with no overhead or rear protection whatsoever.
was not repeated by the Germans in any subsequent The Panzerjaeger I and the other “open-topped” tank
campaigns. In the game the Tauchpanzer functions the destroyers that would follow it had to rely on stealth and
same as its non-submersible counterpart. the greater reach of their guns for protection.

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Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Panzerjaeger 35R(f) – The Panzerjaeger 35R(f) was a T-40 M1941 – The T-40 M1941 amphibious tank
French R-35 modified into a tank destroyer in the same improved on the T-38 M1937 with better armor protection
manner as the Panzer I. Compared to the Panzerjaeger I, and a 12.7mm DShK heavy machine gun as well as a
Panzerjaeger 35R(f) benefited from a better armored hull 7.62mm DT coaxial machine gun. The 12.7mm machine
but, like all formerly French AFVs, it was mechanically ill- gun gave the T-40 M1941 as least a minimal anti-armor
suited to the rigors of the Eastern Front. capability. Although light enough to be airlifted and organic
to the airborne brigades, the T-40 M1941 was actually
Self-propelled Artillery never used in an airborne operation and was removed
sIG33 – Technically the sIG33 was a self-propelled from the airborne brigade’s TO&E in October, 1941. Most
150mm infantry gun mounted on a Panzer I chassis. It T-40s served in a conventional light reconnaissance tank
was undeniably the ugliest, most ungainly AFV in German role alongside the T-38 and later T-60 until being phased
service. The sIG33 was overweight and poorly protected out of service in 1942. Thanks to its 12.7mm machine
but its 150mm gun was highly effective in both direct and gun, the T-40 was the best machine gun tank used on the
indirect fire roles. With no true SPA in service in 1941, the Eastern Front but that’s not saying much.
sIG33 filled a need for mobile artillery in the few panzer T-50 M1941 – The T-50 M1941 was the best least known
divisions lucky enough to receive them. tank of World War II. Part of the new generation of Soviet
tanks and intended to replace the T-26 as the Red Army’s
32.1.2. SOVIET ARMOR light infantry support tank, the T-50 outclassed all other light
Light Tanks tanks on the Eastern Front and many medium tanks as well.
T-26 M1931 – The T-26 was based on the British Vickers The T-50 had superb armor protection for its class, better
6 ton tank, a design rejected by the British Army. The than average mobility and a three-man turret unheard of
M1931 design was unique in having two cylindrical turrets in a light tank, but was plagued by mechanical reliability
mounted side-by-side with a machine gun in each which issues with its engine as well as being too expensive and
didn’t make the T-26 M1931 much, if at all, better than its time consuming to build. Given the declining utility of light
foreign counterparts. What is perhaps most notable about tanks in the face of rapidly evolving anti-tank technology,
this tank is that any were still in service in 1941. building the T-50 was a luxury the Soviets couldn’t afford in
T-26 M1933 & M1937 – The T-26 M1933 was the first the midst of a war. Little is known of what became of the
Soviet tank to mount a 45mm gun. With this gun, a tank T-50 after 1941 but it likely was withdrawn from service
design the British had rejected became the best light tank due to its engine problems.
in the world at the time. The M1937 model was a bit faster T-60 M1941 – The T-60 M1941 design abandoned the
and carried more ammo. Designed to provide tank support amphibious capability of its T-40 predecessor in favor of
for Soviet infantry the massive re-organization of Soviet tank better armor and armament. Intended for reconnaissance,
forces in the wake of the German Blitzkrieg forced the T-26 the T-60 was completely out of its element when pressed
into the role of light battle tank, a role for which it had neither into service as a light battle tank due to the weak armor
the mobility nor proper crew training to perform; as a result penetration of its 20mm TNSh gun and still woefully
T-26s were slaughtered in staggering numbers. From being inadequate armor protection. When properly used,
the single most numerous tank in the Soviet inventory on the T-60 proved quite useful thanks to its good cross-
June 22, 1941, the T-26 virtually ceased to exist by mid-1942. country performance over soft ground. With around 6,000
T-38 M1937 – The numerous rivers, streams, lakes, and produced, the T-60 M1941 quickly became ubiquitous on
wetlands in the Soviet Union led the Red Army to develop the battlefield from late 1941 thru 1943.
amphibious tanks. The problem Soviet designers soon
discovered was that a tank light enough to float wasn’t BT Tanks
much of a tank. Thinly armored with only a single machine BT-2 – The BT tank series represents such a unique chapter
gun as armament, the T-38 M1937 amphibious tank was in tank development that it warrants separate consideration.
better than no armor at all in a cross river assault but In the early 1920s American automotive inventor, J. Walter
just barely. In the game, the T-38 M1937 is just another Christie began developing tanks for the U.S. Army. His efforts
machine gun-only tank and a rather poor one at that. culminated in the T3 “convertible” tank which could operate


on road wheels as well as tracks. Thanks to its innovative during the crucial early months of the War in the East they
suspension system the T3 exceeded 25 mph on tracks, a were the backbone of the Soviet armored force.
speed unheard of at the time. While acknowledging the T3’s
innovations, which in addition to its speed and convertibility Medium Tanks
included sloped armor, the U.S. Army rejected the design T-28 M1934, T-28 M1938, & T-28E – The Soviet tank
as too mechanically unreliable, too poorly armed, and too development plan of the early 1930s envisioned a three
weakly armored. The short of it was that the T3 just didn’t fit pronged approach to armored warfare; light infantry
with the Army’s tactical doctrine. By a 1920 Act of Congress, support tanks (T-26) for direct support of the rifle divisions,
American tank development was the exclusive purview of fast tanks (BT) for armored exploitation, and heavier
the infantry branch and the infantry saw tanks purely in armed tanks (T-28 & T-35) for breakthrough operations.
terms of infantry close support. The Army simply saw no The T-28 M1934 was armed with a 76.2mm low velocity gun
need for a fast tank and parted ways with Christie. Failing and coaxial machine gun in the main turret and another
to get the Army to accept the T3, Christie turned to foreign machine gun in the turret rear plus two more machine
buyers and found an eager one in the Soviet Union. Christie guns in small turrets on either side of the hull front. In a
licensed the T3 design to the Soviets and it became the basis tank battle, however, the T-28 M1934’s 76.2mm KT-28
of the BT fast tank series. The BT-2 M1931 machine gun-only gun left a lot to be desired. The KT-28 gun lacked both
version of the BT-2 featured two machine guns mounted accuracy and armor penetration. To solve this problem the
together in the turret similar to the Panzer I and another T-28 M1938 model replaced the KT-28 with the 76.2mm
machine gun mounted coaxially. The coaxial machine gun L-10 medium velocity gun. The L-10 gun had significantly
seems a bit redundant since the tank commander in the greater armor penetration than the KT-28 gun and better
one-man turret couldn’t easily fire it and the twin-mounted accuracy as well. While the gun upgrade made the T-28 the
machine guns at the same time. The BT-2 M1932 had a two- best armed tank of the pre-war period, the tank possessed
man turret and was armed with a very advanced for its time an Achilles’ heel, insufficient armor protection. In the 1939
37mm high velocity gun. The BT-2 M1931 was no worse off Winter War with Finland the Soviets discovered that the
in terms of armored protection than any other machine T-28’s armor (a maximum of 30mm) could be penetrated
gun tank in 1941, but the BT-2 M1932 was seriously under- by Finish 37mm anti-tank guns. In response the Soviets
armored for its battle tank role and even the M1932’s 37mm hurriedly up-armored the T-28 with up to 50mm of bolted-
gun was by then dated. on armor. This upgraded model, designated T-28E, fought
BT-5 M1934 – The BT-5 was the first version of BT tank in the second half of the Winter War. In a world in which
series to be armed with a 45mm gun and also featured the T-34 didn’t exist, the T-28E would have been regarded
a machine gun mounted in the turret rear in addition to as the best medium tank of the early war years; instead it
the standard coaxial machine gun. The BT-5 was no better gets barely mentioned, if mentioned at all, in the history
armored than its predecessor, a major weakness the BT books of World War II.
series was never able to really address. T-34 M1940 & T-34 M1941 – The T-34 was the first tank to
BT-7 M1937, BT-7M M1939 & BT-7A – The last versions achieve that long sought balance of firepower, protection,
of the BT tank series featured slightly better armor and mobility that would characterize successful tank
protection than previous models and the BT-7M received designs thereafter. From the moment the first tank rolled
an engine upgrade. The BT-7A was a close support version out of the factory in 1940 until at least mid-1942, the T-34
which replaced the 45mm anti-tank gun with a 76.2mm was the best tank in the world by almost every standard. The
low velocity gun. The BT tanks are sometimes dismissed second element in the Soviet tank modernization program,
as little more than part of the developmental process that the initial M1940 model was armed with the 76.2mm L-11
would lead to the T-34 but the BTs ranked among the best medium velocity gun but was soon followed by the M1941
tanks in the world in the 1930s. Second only to the T-26 in model sporting the significantly superior 76.2mm F-34
numbers on June 22, 1941, BT tanks were likewise virtually medium velocity gun. Although the maximum armor of the
wiped out in Barbarossa. The disappearance of BT and T-34 was a surprisingly modest 45mm, excellent sloping
T-26 tanks from the battlefield in 1942 relegated them to nearly doubled its effective strength. Most impressive of
a few paragraphs in the history of armored warfare, but all for a tank weighing nearly 30 tons was its road speed of

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

over 30 mph thanks to its Christie-type suspension and its This multi-turret gargantuan looked more like something
powerful diesel engine. Both models of the T-34 outclassed conceived by a 1930s science fiction writer than a practical
anything the Germans had in 1941 and triggered a tank tank. A crew of ten manned a 76.2mm K-28 gun and coaxial
development arms race between Germany and the Soviet machine gun in the main turret, two diagonally opposed
Union whose effects would reach far beyond the Eastern sub-turrets in front and rear corners of the hull with 45mm
Front. If it weren’t for its use of the less efficient two- guns and coaxial machine guns, and another two sub-
man turret and nagging mechanical reliability issues, the turrets with just machine guns on the opposite corners.
T-34 would have been the perfect tank. In the modern Another machine gun was mounted in the rear of the main
colloquial, it was a “game changer”. turret for good measure. All this firepower was for naught
Matilda II – The Axis invasion of the Soviet Union in a tank that was chronically unreliable and protected by
spawned an unlikely military co-operation between the a maximum of only 30mm of armor. Committed to battle
communist state and capitalist Britain. Despite Britain in Southern Poland in the opening days of Barbarossa
being hard pressed in North Africa, Winston Churchill most of T-35s either broke down or fell victim to the
realized that if Hitler should succeed in subduing the Luftwaffe before ever getting into action. The few T-35s
Soviet Union he might become unstoppable. Churchill was that reached the battlefield were quickly knocked out. The
therefore determined to do everything he could to help “land battleship” concept that had inspired the creation of
Stalin’s war effort. As part of that help, Britain sent Matilda the T-35 had its roots in the ponderous tanks of the First
and Valentine infantry tanks to the Soviet Union in the fall World War, but the concept had been overtaken by the
of 1941. The Matilda II had gained fame for its valiant but rapid advances in anti-tank weaponry in the 1930s. The
unsuccessful counterattack at Arras, France in May, 1940. T-35 reputedly made an encore appearance at the Battle
With up to 78mm of frontal armor and the excellent 40mm of Moscow before disappearing into history.
“2 pounder” gun, the Matilda II was a quite formidable tank KV-1 M1940 & KV-1 M1941 – The KV heavy tanks were
for 1940. The choice of the 2 pounder for the Matilda’s the third element of the new generation of Soviet tanks
armament was a curious one for an infantry tank given designed to replace the T-28 and T-35 in the breakthrough
the lack of a high explosive shell being issued for this tank role. At the time that the KV-1 M1940 went into
gun. Apparently the main role envisioned for the Matilda production the French Char B-1bis was regarded as the
was protecting the infantry from enemy tanks; for actual best heavy tank in the world. A quick comparison of the
infantry support it had only its coaxial machine gun to rely B-1bis and the KV-1 shows it was no contest as to which tank
on. Always plagued with mechanical reliability issues, the was the true best; the KV-1 M1940 was markedly superior
Matilda II was already outdated by Soviet standards in to the B-1bis with a better main gun, better armor, and
1941 but sheer necessity kept in service through 1943. better mobility. The KV-1 M1940 was armed with the same
Valentine III – Although no better armed and not 76.2mm L-11 gun used on the T-34 M1940 and boasted
as well armored as the Matilda II, the Valentine III was up to 80mm of frontal armor. Save the use of HVAP, the
nevertheless well liked by the Soviets for its outstanding KV-1 M1940 was practically impervious to any German
mechanical reliability. Despite being brand new in 1941, AFV mounted gun in 1941. Based on faulty intelligence
the Valentine III, like the Matilda II, was edging near reports that the Germans were introducing significantly
obsolescence with its 2 pounder gun. Unlike the Matilda, more powerful anti-tank guns than was actually the case,
the Valentine’s turret design could accommodate heavier the KV-1 M1941 was up armored with additional bolted
armament in the future. While nobody’s candidate for best on armor to a maximum of 135mm rendering the tank
tanks, the Valentine III and, to a somewhat lesser extent, all but impregnable to anything short of an 88mm anti-
the Matilda II helped plug a whole torn in the Soviet tank aircraft gun. The extra armor however slowed the KV-1
force by the German invasion until Soviet tank production M1941 down somewhat and further overloaded an already
could recover from relocation and get up to speed. stressed transmission. The KV-1 M1941 replaced the L-11
gun with the similar 76.2mm F-32 gun for mass production.
Heavy Tanks The KV-1 was as much a shock to the Germans as the
T-35 M1935 – If the T-50 was the best least known tank T-34, but a lower production rate made it less impactful in
of World War II, then the T-35 was the worst best known. comparison.


KV-2 M1940 – As demonstrated in the Winter War of divisions in preparation for the Russian campaign forced
1939 -1940 the 76mm tank guns of the T-28 series were the retention in service of many tanks that were second
inadequate in dealing with heavily fortified positions like rate, if not outright obsolete. Not only was German tank
those of the Finnish Mannerheim Line. The new KV-2 production in 1941 anemic compared to what would be
mounting a 152mm howitzer in a massive turret proved possible later in the War, but with the exception of the Tiger
an effective “bunker buster”. The KV-2 was certainly an tank, there were no new tank designs in development. The
imposing beast and its howitzer would definitely demolish presumption of victory before the fact was going to lead
any tank unfortunate enough to be hit by it; however this the Germans to the brink of disaster.
is where the superlatives end. KV-2 was slow and seriously A substantial reason the Germans avoided a
overloaded. The KV-2 lacked the maneuverability to worse calamity than what befell them in the Soviet
operate effectively with other tanks and its huge bulk made counteroffensive of December, 1941 was the parlous
it a prime target for anything the Germans could throw at state of Soviet tank forces at the beginning of what the
it. The KV-2 made its biggest splash in the opening days of Soviets would call the Great Patriotic War. As mentioned
Barbarossa shrugging off hits from German tank guns like previously, the Soviets had conceived a sound approach
an elephant swatting flies, but its defects outweighed its to tank development and armored warfare strategy.
combat value and it was withdrawn from service in 1942. This approach was thrown into disarray first by Stalin’s
murderous purge of the Soviet officer corps which killed
Tanks Destroyers not only the men behind the strategy but the strategy itself,
ZiS-30 – Extraordinary circumstances warrant extraordinary and then the massive re-organization of Soviet tank forces
measures and nothing demonstrates this better than the in the wake of the German blitzkrieg victories in Poland
hurried production of the ZiS-30. The vehicle consisted of a and France. Instead of tank units being based on the three
57mm anti-tank gun mounted on a T-20 armored artillery distinct roles embodied in the tank designs themselves, all
tractor. The 57mm ZiS-2 gun was an excellent weapon, the the various tanks were thrown together in the new tank
best anti-tank gun shy of an 88 in the field at that time. and mechanized divisions. These new divisions were an
The vehicle itself however was on the slow side and poorly unmitigated failure and would be gone by early 1942, but
armored. The ZiS-30 had a small production run of only 100 the new generation of tanks was an almost unanimous
vehicles. Committed to action at the time of the Battle of success. In overall design terms the T-34 and KV-1 were
Moscow, surviving ZiS-30s served well into 1942. Opinion at least a year ahead of German tank development. The
of the ZiS-30’s combat value was mixed enough for the Germans would find themselves playing catch up for some
Soviets not to bother producing another vehicle mounting time to come.
the 57mm gun (the SU-57 was the American T-48 armed
halftrack with an American 57mm gun).
32.2. 1942
Flame Tanks 32.2.1. AXIS ARMOR
OT-130/133 – The OT-130/133 was a T-26 which had its Light Tanks
45mm gun replaced with a flamethrower. The modification Toldi IIa – Although production of the Panzer II continued
was made without any increase in armor protection into 1942, the Germans scaled back its use to a single
consequently resulting in high losses. Within weeks of the company and would not build light tanks again until late
start of Barbarossa the OT-130/133 began being withdrawn 1943. By contrast, the Hungarians upgraded their Toldi
from service. II by adding more armor protection and 40mm gun. The
40mm gun made the Toldi competitive with the Soviet
32.1.3. SUMMARY OF 1941 T-70, but with only 80 produced its impact was minimal.
The over-weaning arrogance of Hitler and his high
command and their utter contempt for the capabilities Medium Tanks
of the Red Army is reflected in the lamentable state of Panzer IIIL – Originally Hitler had ordered that the Panzer
the German Panzerwaffen (armored force) on the eve of IIIj be armed with the more powerful 50mm KwK39 L/60
Barbarossa. The decision to double the number of panzer gun, the so called “long 50mm”. When he discovered

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

that his order had been ignored he became outraged out to be one of the best armored vehicle development
and demanded that the upgrade be made immediately. decisions the Germans made in the entire War. The
Swapping out the 50mm KwK38 for the 50mm KwK39 was Germans decided to upgrade the Panzer IVf right on the
easier said than done. Not only did production of the new production line to a battle tank by replacing its low velocity
gun have to be brought up to speed, but a new gun mount 75mm KwK37 gun with the high velocity 75mm KwK40
and modifications to the turret would also be required. As a L/43 gun. This gun could penetrate the frontal armor of
result, Panzer IIIjs with the long 50mm didn’t start reaching a T-34 at over a 1,000 yards which combined with better
the front until early 1942. To avoid confusion between the accuracy gave the Panzer IVf2 a slight edge in gunnery.
two models, the Panzer IIIj with the 50mm KwK39 gun was With better armor protection and better mobility, the T-34
subsequently renamed Panzer IIIL. Capable of penetrating was arguably the better tank but the Panzer IVf2 certainly
the frontal armor of the T-34 up to about 500 yards with narrowed the gap.
conventional AP, the 50mm KwK39 was undeniably an Panzer IVg – The initial production model of the
improvement over the 50mm KwK38 but only partially Panzer IVg was essentially identical to the Panzer IVf2
redressed the balance between the two tanks. The T-34’s (and represented by such in the game) but the late model
76.2mm F-34 gun could still penetrate the frontal armor of Panzer IVg featured increased armor protection which
the Panzer IIIL at over 1,000 yards. further evened the balance with the T-34.
Panzer IIIm – The Panzer IIIm was the final battle tank Turan I – The Turan I was based on a Czech design that
version of the Panzer III series. Aside from somewhat the Hungarians acquired after the German annexation
increased armor protection and deep wading capability, of Czechoslovakia. Although production began in 1941,
it was identical to the Panzer IIIL. From an initial force the Turan I did not enter service until the first Hungarian
of less than 100 Panzer IIIs at the time of the invasion of armored division was formed in the spring of 1942. Armed
Poland, by 1942 the Panzer III had grown into the mainstay with the same 40mm gun used on the Toldi IIa light tank,
of the German Panzerwaffen. Technically efficient and it was under-gunned by 1942 medium tank standards. On
reasonably reliable, the Panzer III had proven itself in battle the plus side the Turan I had decent armor protection and
after battle. While rarely the best tank on the battlefield, it above average mobility.
was always a good one.
Panzer IIIn – When the Germans decided to convert Heavy Tanks
the Panzer IV into a battle tank (see below) the need arose Tiger – Without a doubt the Tiger tank is the most famous
for another close support tank to replace it. The answer tank of World War II eclipsing even the fame of the T-34
was to modify the turret of the Panzer III to accept the and the American M4 Sherman. Although the Germans
75mm KwK37 low velocity gun. The new Panzer IIIn got had kicked around the concept of a heavy tank as far back
an added bonus in the introduction of High Explosive as 1937, it was in terms of an assault tank for breaking
Anti-tank (HEAT) ammunition. HEAT, known at the time through the Maginot Line. The idea for a heavy battle tank
as hollow charge or shaped charge ammunition, doesn’t arose in the aftermath of the French campaign of 1940
need to rely on muzzle velocity to penetrate armor; rather where the Germans discovered that the only weapon that
it is an explosive charge that explodes inward forming a could reliably deal with heavily armored British and French
jet of high velocity hot gas that burns through armor like tanks was the 88mm anti-aircraft gun used in an anti-
a super blowtorch. HEAT allows low velocity guns like the tank gun role. It logically followed that the best solution
75mm KwK37 to achieve significant armor penetration at to enemy heavy tanks was to mount an 88mm gun in the
any range the gun can score at hit. While never intended to turret of a tank. The problem was that a gun as large as
function as a battle tank, HEAT ammo did allow the Panzer an 88 required a very large turret which in turn required
IIIn to defend itself against enemy armor. a very large chassis to carry it. Since the enemy was likely
Panzer IVf2 – Even before the first Panzer IIIL reached to respond in kind, the new tank would also have to be
the Eastern Front, the Germans knew it wasn’t the answer heavily armored itself. The tank that emerged from these
to the T-34. A completely new battle tank was necessary, design requirements in the late summer of 1942 gained
but that tank would take many months to develop. In the a mythic reputation that exaggerated its strengths and
interim, a stopgap had to be found and that stopgap turned glossed over its weaknesses. The Tiger’s greatest strength


was its 88mm KwK36 gun. This gun allowed the Tiger StuIG33B – The Germans first attempt at making an
to outrange and out hit all of its enemies until at least assault gun mounting the proven 150mm infantry gun was
1944. While the Tiger’s armor was impressive by German a disappointment. The StuIG33B was slow and even with
standards, it was comparable to contemporary Soviet up to 80mm of frontal armor, a bit under-armored for its
heavy tanks. The Tiger’s greatest weakness was its subpar assault role. Only twenty-four StuIG33Bs were produced,
mechanical reliability. Many Tigers with little or no battle twelve of which were sent to Stalingrad and lost there
damage were lost to mechanical breakdowns. The Tiger’s along with rest of Sixth Army. The other twelve, intended
mechanical issues were aggravated by its sheer weight (56 for Stalingrad, arrived after Sixth Army was encircled
tons) which made the tank difficult to recover when it did and fought with German relief forces outside the pocket.
break down. Properly employed the Tiger was indeed a Lessons learned from the StuIG33B would be put to
fearsome tank but all too often its advantages of superior good use in the development of the far more successful
range and firepower were ignored in favor of the sheer Sturmpanzer IV.
muscle of its armor to smash through enemy defenses.
Such tactics could result in unnecessary losses which the Tank Destroyers
Germans were in no position to absorb, especially with Panzerjaeger II – The historically correct name for this
a tank as complex and time consuming to build as the vehicle was 7.62cm PaK auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen
Tiger. The Tiger’s fame is manifest but its actual combat II; that mouthful neither fits in the game name field nor is
effectiveness relative to its cost remains debatable. it terribly descriptive. Since the vehicle was a panzerjaeger
and build on the Panzer II chassis, it was christened
Flame Tanks Panzerjaeger II for purposes of War in the East II. As the T-34
L3/33 Flame Tank – Although the flame tank version of the and KV-1 became more prominent on the Eastern Front
L3 light tank pre-dated World War II, it did not arrive on the the effectiveness of the Panzerjaeger I with its 47mm gun
Eastern Front until the 1942 with the Italian Eighth Army. diminished accordingly. To address the issue the Germans
The vehicle was produced by simply replacing the L3’s converted some of the large number of excellent Soviet
machine guns with a flamethrower. Very effective against 76.2mm field guns captured in the great encirclement
poorly armed Africans in Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia, on the battles of 1941 to anti-tank guns and mounted a portion
Eastern Front in 1942 it would have been a death trap. of these on the chassis of Panzer IIs being phased out
of service. While only around 200 Panzerjaeger IIs were
Assault Guns produced, they were an immediate success and remained
Stug IIIf – At the same time that the Germans were in frontline service until early 1944.
upgrading to a high velocity gun on the Panzer IV, the same Marder II – Rather than a conversion from a tank,
upgrade was being made to the Stug III. The Stug IIIf was the Marder II was built original as part of the diversion
a Stug IIIb rearmed with the 75mm StuK40 L/43 gun, the of the Panzer II chassis from tank production to other
assault gun version of the Panzer IVf2’s 75mm KwK40 L/43 uses. The Marder II was the first tank destroyer to receive
gun. The Stug IIIf also added a machine gun mounted on the powerful 75mm PaK40 anti-tank gun. Reliable and
the commander’s cupola for defense against aircraft and effective, over 700 Marder IIs were built and they served
enemy infantry. The high velocity gun broadened the role on all fronts until the end of the War.
of the Stug III from infantry support to all-around armored Panzerjaeger 38(t) – The Panzer 38(t) tank with its
fighting vehicle capable of taking on the best enemy tanks. 37mm gun was already edging into obsolescence at the
Stug IIIf/8 – The Stug IIIf/8 soon followed on the heels of start of the Russian Campaign and was being phased
the Stug IIIf with better armor protection and an upgrade to out of production by the spring of 1942. As part of the
the 75mm StuK40 L/48 gun. Since the Stug III had originally continued utilization of the Panzer 38(t) chassis, the 76mm
been seen exclusively as an infantry support vehicle, it had PaK36 anti-tank gun (ex-Soviet field gun as above) was
not been produced in large numbers and the Germans mounted on the chassis to produce the Panzerjaeger 38(t)
struggled through 1942 to increase production. Only just tank destroyer.
over 600 Stug IIIfs and f/8s were produced before production Panzerjaeger 38(t)H – In November, 1942 the
switched over to the Stug IIIg at the end of the year. Panzerjaeger 38(t) was upgraded with the 75mm PaK40

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

and designated Panzerjaeger 38(t)H. All four models of their tank forces, and light tanks that could be built quickly
tank destroyer put into production in 1942 shared the and cheaply had to be part of the solution.
same strengths and weaknesses of the open-topped tank M3A1 Stuart – Communist Russia was just as anathema,
destroyer. They were all armed with a powerful, long- if not more so, to capitalist America as it was to Britain,
ranged anti-tank gun able to dispatch a T-34 at 1,000 yards but war makes strange bedfellows so the United States
or more but all were too weakly armored to function in followed Britain’s lead in providing aid to the Soviet Union.
much other than a purely defensive role. Under tremendous pressure to build up its own armored
Semovente L40 da 47 – Production of the Semovente forces, the United States didn’t have much to send in the
L40 actually began in 1941 but the first vehicles weren’t way of tanks, but it was producing sufficient quantities of
sent to the Eastern Front until early 1942. Built on an L6 the M3 light tank to divert a portion to the Soviet Union. The
light tank chassis the Semovente L40 was reasonably well British, who had officially designated the tank the Stuart,
armored for an open-topped tank destroyer, but its 47mm were so fond of the tank that their tank crews unofficially
gun was virtually useless against a T-34. The Semovente nicknamed it Honey as in “she’s a honey of a tank”; the
L40 had no business being on the Eastern Front, and for Soviets did not share that enthusiasm. While exceptionally
that matter neither did the poorly equipped Italian Army reliable, Soviet tank crews found the M3A1 design dated.
in general. They considered the tank under-gunned, under-armored,
and with inadequate cross country performance. Then
Self-propelled Artillery there was the fact that the Stuart required twice as
Nimrod – The Nimrod was produced by mounting a Bofors many men to crew but didn’t deliver twice the combat
40mm anti-aircraft gun on the chassis of the Hungarian effectiveness of the T-70. How much of this criticism was
Toldi tank. The Nimrod was a quite respectable self- postwar sour grapes versus actual sentiments of Soviet
propelled anti-aircraft gun, a good two years ahead of its tank crews is impossible to know, but the Soviets were
German equivalent. genuinely displeased enough to turn down U.S. offers of
the M3A1’s M5 replacement.
Light Tanks Medium Tanks
T-70 M1942 – It would be an understatement to call the T-34 M1942 – At the end of 1941 the Soviets faced two
T-60 a disappointment. The T-60 was deficient in just about realities: their tank losses in the battles with Axis forces had
every area, prompting a replacement as soon as possible. been staggering by any measure, and their T-34 medium
The replacement came in the form of the T-70 M1942. battle tank was superior to anything the Germans had.
The T-70 was in most respects an outstanding light tank. To rebuild their tank strength as quickly as possible, the
It was armed with the proven 45mm gun now enhanced Soviets made the crucial decision to exploit their current
with an HVAP round dubbed “arrowhead” by Soviet tank technological advantage by foregoing any improvements
crews due to its shape. When available, this HVAP round to the T-34 that could negatively impact production and
enabled the T-70 to engage German medium tanks at close introduced “efficiencies” to maximize T-34 production
range. Except for the now defunct T-50, the T-70 was also accepting the concurrent reduction in quality control. The
the best light tank on the Eastern Front. Aside from being a resultant T-34 M1942 was somewhat less reliable than
bit slow for a light tank, a major drawback of the T-70 was its predecessor but produced at a higher rate allowing
the continued use of a one-man turret. The one-man turret T-34 M1942 production to outstrip German medium tank
crippled the T-70’s rate of fire and that could be fatal in a production by 5-to-1 or better. The T-34 M1940 & M1941
tank duel. The T-70’s greatest drawback had nothing to do may have delivered the first shock to the Germans, but
with the design of the tank, but with how it was used. Like it was the T-34 M1942 which began to turn the tide of
its T-60 predecessor, the Soviets insisted on using the T-70 armored warfare on the Eastern Front.
to supplement the T-34 in the new Soviet tank brigades. M3 Lee – The Soviets may have disliked the M3A1 Stuart
Light tanks just couldn’t hold their own against medium light tank but they absolutely detested the American M3
tanks which is why the Germans were de-emphasizing use medium tank called the Lee by the British but to Soviet tankers
of the Panzer II. The Soviets desperately wanted to rebuild referred to it as “grave for seven brothers”. When production


of the M3 began in mid-1941 it was a better than average a combination mount of a 45mm gun and a flamethrower.
tank, but by early 1942 when it showed up on the Eastern The 45mm gun gave the KV-8 a modest anti-tank capability
Front its flaws were becoming more apparent. Compared to that was completely lacking in vehicles like the OT-130/133
the T-34, the M3 was slow with poorly sloped armor, a high or Flammpanzer II but was of questionable value in a
silhouette, and an inefficient armament arrangement. The tank so well armored. What exactly was going to take on
75mm M3 gun in the hull was on par with the 76.2mm F-34 this tank that the 45mm gun would have been effective
but had limited traverse to the right and none to the left. The against? With only a 137 produced, it appears the Soviets
75mm gun couldn’t fire at all when the tank was hull down were also skeptical of the KV-8.
limiting the tank’s firepower to the 37mm turret gun. Finally OT-34 – Far more numerous and successful than the
there was those “seven brothers”; despite nearly twice the KV-8, the OT-34 retained the T-34’s 76.2mm gun in favor
crew, the M3 didn’t deliver the combat effectiveness of a of mounting the flamethrower in the hull in place of the
single T-34. These drawbacks notwithstanding it must be bow machine gun. This armament configuration allowed
remembered that the M3 Lee was still equal or superior to the OT-34 to function as a flame tank while still being a full-
most Axis medium tanks in 1942. fledged battle tank. Nearly 1,200 OT-34s were produced,
an indication of just how successful the OT-34 was.
Heavy Tanks
KV-1s M1942 – As mentioned previously the KV-1 M941 32.2.3. SUMMARY OF 1942
had been heavily armored to counter a threat that didn’t In 1942 the Germans introduced three assault guns, four
exist in 1941 and barely existed in 1942. To reduce weight tank destroyers, and six tanks. In contrast the Soviets
and increase overall performance the new slimmed down introduced five tanks, two of which were simply armament
KV-1s was introduced in the late summer of 1942. The variants of existing tanks. At a glance one might look at
KV-1s was faster and more reliable than the KV-1 M1941 that difference and think that Germany was a hot bed of
but considerably less well armored, a trade off that was AFV development while the Soviet Union trailed behind.
questionable given improving Axis anti-tank capabilities. As shown above the truth of all that German innovation
One change that was unquestionably an improvement was was that Germany was scrambling to close the technology
the upgrade of the main armament from the 76.2mm F-32 gap with the Soviet Union which in contrast was content
gun to the superior 76.2mm ZiS-5 gun. Less than 1,200 of to sit on its development lead and produce T-34s as fast
the KV-1s were built before production was halted in favor as possible. Throughout 1942 the German Panzerwaffen
of better armed and armored heavy tanks. continued to be a mixed bag of old and new AFVs while the
Churchill IV – The third model of British infantry tank to Soviet tank force was rapidly discarding pre-war tanks and
be provided to the Soviets, the Churchill IV was comparable concentrating production on a handful of new designs. As
to the KV-1s in armor protection and boasted the new 6 the initiative shifted to the Soviets in the fall of 1942 and
Pounder gun just entering service in British tanks. Like the weight of all that Soviet production fell on Axis forces,
all British infantry tanks, the Churchill IV was slow and the wisdom of stressing quantity at the expense of quality
its 6 Pounder (57mm) had limited anti-personnel effect. improvement became more apparent.
Thankfully, unlike the Matilda and the Valentine, it had two
machine guns. With only 258 tanks received, the Churchill
IV would have been so rare on the Eastern Front as to be
32.3. 1943
a novelty. 32.3.1. AXIS ARMOR
Light Tanks
Flame Tanks Panzer IIL Lynx – Although the Germans had removed
KV-8 – The disappointing performance of the thinly the Panzer II from front line service by 1943, they still saw
armored OT-130/133 had not dulled Soviet interest in the need for a light tank for reconnaissance. The Lynx was
flame tanks. Quite to the contrary, the next effort was very different from the Panzer IIs that preceded it; the
about as far from the vulnerable OT-130/133 as one could Lynx was larger, heavier, but somewhat less well armored.
get. The KV-8 was a modification of the KV-1. A bit of an Thanks to its interleaved suspension system, the Lynx
odd duck, the KV-8 replaced the KV-1’s 76.2mm gun with could achieve a road speed of 37mph. After the initial 100

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Panzer IILs with the 20mm KwK38 gun were produced with a low velocity 75mm gun similar to the gun used on
the rest of the production run was to have been armed the Panzer IIIn. While the 75mm gun’s HEAT round had
with the 50mm KwK39, but then the decision was made to superior penetration to the AP round of the Turan I’s
cancel production. While a 50mm gun on the Lynx would 40mm gun, it came at a considerable loss in accuracy. The
have undoubtedly made the tank more combat effective, real value of the Turan II was in providing close support
the expense of building a new light tank at all in 1943 was with its 75mm high explosive rounds. Whether the Turan II
questionable and doubly so for Germany. represented an improvement over the Turan I is something
of a moot point considering how badly both tanks were
Medium Tanks outclassed by Soviet tanks in 1943.
Panzer IVh – Generally regarded as the definitive late
model Panzer IV, the Panzer IVh was armed with the 75mm Flame Tanks
KwK40 L/48 gun making it slightly better armed than the Flammpanzer III – The mixed success of flame tanks in
Panzer IVg. Along with the Panzer IVf2, Panzer IVg, and 1941 had not dulled German interest in such vehicles
later Panzer IVj, the Panzer IVh formed the backbone of and in preparation for the upcoming Kursk Offensive,
German panzer units from 1943 until the end of the War. 100 Flammpanzer IIIs were produced by removing the
Panther D – Although the Panther would earn the main gun and replacing it with a flamethrower. Somewhat
debatable post-war reputation as the best tank of better armored than the Panzer IIIm, the Flammpanzer III
World War II, the underdeveloped Panther D’s rush into was effective but its utility declined as the Germans were
service for Operation Citadel (Battle of Kursk) resulted pushed over to the defensive on all fronts.
in a reliability nightmare. Electrical and engine problems
plagued the Panther D throughout its service and the Assault Guns
Panther D’s performance in the Battle of Kursk can only Stug IIIg – When one thinks of German assault guns the
be described as underwhelming at best. Flaws aside, for a Stug IIIg naturally comes to mind. The Stug IIIg was the
tank that was designed and developed in just over a year, most prolific German fully-tracked AFV with over 9,000
the Panther was nevertheless an amazing engineering produced. Since its introduction the Stug III had gone
achievement. Its sloped armor gave the Panther better from useful to indispensable as Axis forces were pushed
frontal armor protection than a Tiger on a tank that on to the defensive and the infantry could not rely on the
weighed substantially less. While its own weight was still increasingly threadbare panzer divisions for support. So
considerable, the Panther could go faster and had better important was this vehicle that by late 1943 the Stug IIIg
cross country mobility than the Panzer IV. The Panther’s had been made organic to German infantry divisions. Along
most impressive feature was its 75mm KwK42 L/70 gun. with the Panzer IV, the Stug III deserves the distinction
This gun could penetrate the frontal armor of a T-34 at of being one of the most significant AFVs produced by
over 2,000 yards and was superior even to the Tiger’s 88. Germany in World War II.
Kursk was an inauspicious debut for a tank that would go StuH42 – With the introduction of the Stug IIIf, the
on to be legend Stug III’s role was shifting more and more to that of a
Panther A – The Panther A went a long way to tank destroyer. To provide an assault gun more oriented
correcting the flaws of the Panther D. The version depicted to close support, the Stug design was modified to mount
in the game is a blend of the early and late model vehicles. a 105mm howitzer. This weapon provided significantly
Aside from increased reliability, the most obvious change more high explosive firepower than a 75mm gun making
with the Panther A is the addition of the unpronounceable the StuH42 an immediate success. While not intended for
Nahverteidigungsgerat close defense system. Basically armored combat, the StuH42’s 105mm howitzer could also
a grenade launcher capable of firing either smoke or fire AP and HEAT ammo in self-defense. The 105mm HEAT
anti-personnel rounds, the Nahverteidigungsgerat was round in particular could defeat the armor of most Soviet
evidently useful enough to be included on almost all late- and Allied AFVs.
war German AFVs. Sturmpanzer IV – At the beginning of 1943 Adolf
Turan II – In an attempt to upgrade its combat Hitler was seriously considering stopping production of
effectiveness, the Hungarian Turan tank was re-armed the Panzer IV tank and relying exclusively on the yet-to-

3 74

enter production Panther tank. Heinz Guderian, the newly being put out of action by minor damage. A track blown off
appointed Inspector General of Armored Troops, managed by an anti-tank mine or damage to the gun or gun mantle
to talk Hitler down from that drastic action but couldn’t and the massive Ferdinand was defenseless. Following its
prevent the increasing diversion of Panzer IV production disappointing performance at Kursk, the Ferdinand was
to things other than tanks. One of the first products of that eventually withdrawn, overhauled with a bow machine gun
diversion was the Sturmpanzer IV that mounted a 150mm added, and rechristened the Elefant.
infantry gun in the Panzer IV hull. A major improvement Marder III – The Marder III was the last and most
over the unsuccessful StuIG33B, the Sturmpanzer IV was produced of the German open-topped tank destroyers,
well armored and as mobile as a Panzer IV. built on the proven Panzer 38(t) chassis. Unlike its
BT-42 – The Finns’ knack for getting the most out of predecessor, the Panzerjaeger 38(t), the Marder III’s chassis
captured equipment failed them somewhat with the had the engine moved to the middle and the fighting
adaptation of the BT-7 tank into an assault gun. An obsolete compartment moved to the rear allowing for a shorter, and
114mm howitzer was mounted in a makeshift turret on a therefore more concealable, profile. Given that the vehicle
BT-7 tank chassis to produce the BT-42. Not only was the was usually deployed in a defilade (hull down) position,
BT-42 seriously under-armored for the assault gun role, the Marder III had only the bare minimum of hull armor.
but when committed to combat it was discovered that Armed with the 75mm Pak40, it could destroy most enemy
its HEAT round was defective. Given its weak armor, the AFVs at 1,000 yards or more.
BT-42 would have been much more usefully employed TACAM T-60 – Noting the success of the various German
as self-propelled artillery taking advantage of the 114mm open-topped tank destroyers, the Rumanians followed suit
howitzer’s indirect fire range. in developing the TACAM T-60. Using the chassis a Soviet
Zrinyi II – The Hungarian Zrinyi II mounted a Hungarian T-60 light tank, the TACAM T-60 mounted a captured
manufactured 105mm howitzer in the hull of a Turan tank. 76.2mm F-22 field gun. It served in the tank destroyer
Better armed than the Turan II tank, the Zrinyi II was a very companies of the Rumanian tank regiments in 1944.
respectable effort but only 60 were ever built.
Self-propelled Artillery
Tank Destroyers Wespe – Early plans for the panzer division envisioned
Nashorn – The Nashorn (Rhino) was an open-topped tank the entire divisional artillery consisting of 105mm self-
destroyer mounting the newly developed 88mm PaK43 L/71 propelled guns; this never happened and it wasn’t until
gun on a Panzer IV chassis. The long range and accuracy of 1943 that the Germans got around to producing genuine
the 88mm Pak43 was the ideal weapon for a thinly armored self-propelled artillery. The Wespe (Wasp) was built by
tank destroyer like the Nashorn allowing it to obliterate mounting a 105mm howitzer on a Panzer II chassis. It
Soviet armor well beyond the range Soviet AFVs could was mobile and effective, but not produced in sufficient
effectively hit back. Perhaps because it lacked the pretense quantity to fully replace the towed 105mm howitzer in the
to being anything other than a tank destroyer, the Nashorn mobile divisions.
was a highly successful vehicle with over 600 produced. Hummel – The Hummel (Bumble-Bee) was another
Ferdinand – At the other extreme of the lightly utilization of the Panzer IV chassis mated this time with
protected Nashorn was the Ferdinand, one of the most the highly effective 150mm sFH18 howitzer. Given the
heavily armored vehicles to see combat in World War II. reach and throw weight of its howitzer, the Hummel was
The Ferdinand was the tank destroyer compliment to arguably the best self-propelled artillery piece of the War.
the never-built Porsche Tiger. It carried the same 88mm sIG33 Grille H & Grille K – The ungainly sIG33 had been
PaK43 as the Nashorn but enclosed in a fully armored successful enough for the Germans to keep working on the
superstructure up to 200mm thick. The thick armor allowed concept of a self-propelled heavy infantry gun. The next
the Ferdinand to close to a range that would have been attempt, based on a Panzer II chassis, was a developmental
suicidal for the Nashorn but it was still a tank destroyer, headache that produced only 12 vehicles all of which
not the assault vehicle the Germans tried to employ it as at were sent to North Africa in 1942 and subsequently lost
Kursk. Without any defensive armament and the limitation there. Far more successful was the use of the chassis of
of a fixed-mounted gun, the Ferdinand was vulnerable to the Panzer 38(t) to produce the sIG33 Grille. The H model

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used the original rear engine chassis with the 150mm gun and hard-hitting. The Valentine IX was still hobbled by poor
forward mounted. The K model used the modified mid- mobility and its turret crew was reduced to two men to
engine chassis with reduced armor protection and the gun accommodate the larger gun. On the balance the Valentine
mounted towards the rear of the vehicle. Both versions IX was an improvement over the Valentine III, but less of
served together from 1943 on providing dedicated fire one than would have been hoped.
support for panzer grenadier regiments.
Flakpanzer 38 – The Germans had been mounting Heavy Tanks
anti-aircraft guns on half-tracks since before 1939 but the KV-85 – The Soviets had struggled with the KV tank series
Flakpanzer 38 was the first fully-tracked Flakpanzer. Using since its introduction. The KV-1 M1940 and M1941 were
the mid-engine Panzer 38(t) chassis, the Flakpanzer 38 had slow, mechanically unreliable, overweight, and under-
a 20mm Flak38 gun with all-round traverse in a rear fighting gunned. In an attempt to address these issues, the KV-1s
compartment. The single 20mm gun was the Flakpanzer had lighter armor and a slightly better gun, but arrived on
38’s major drawback, particularly in late 1943 when aircraft the battlefield at a time when the Germans were improving
were becoming increasingly better protected. Despite its both their anti-tank capability and their armor protection.
weak firepower, the Flakpanzer 38 filled a need until the The result was a tank that was not significantly better
better armed Moebelwagen entered production in 1944. armored than a T-34, no better armed, and slower. Then
the Tiger tank showed up. The KV-1s was so overmatched
32.3.2. SOVIET ARMOR by the Tiger that the Soviets needed a solution and needed
Medium Tanks it fast. In the short term the answer was the KV-85. The
T-34 M1943 – The last and best of the 76mm gunned T-34s, KV-85 was basically an improved KV-1s with a new turret
the T-34 M1943 had improved armor and perhaps more mounting the 85mm D-5 gun. The 85mm was almost a
importantly, improved reliability over its predecessors. match for the Tiger’s 88 and could penetrate the Tiger’s
Its only drawbacks were the continued reliance on the frontal armor with conventional AP at over 500 yards. Less
increasingly outdated 76.2mm F-34 gun and the continued than 150 KV-85s were produced before production was
use of the two- man turret. Even though an HVAP round halted in favor of the new IS tank series.
for the F-34 was becoming available in 1943, it was still IS-1 M1943 – The first model in the new IS (Iosif Stalin)
scarce and, as mentioned previously, was limited in series, the IS-1 mounted the 85mm gun turret of the KV-85
effective range. These limitations notwithstanding it must on a better designed and armored chassis. Only a handful of
be remembered that the T-34 M1943 was better than any IS-1s were produced before production switched over to the
version of the Panzer III and able to go toe-to-toe with late significantly superior IS-2 reducing the quite capable IS-1 to
model Panzer IVs. little more than a footnote in IS tank development history.
M4A2 Sherman – The decision by the U.S. Army to only IS-2 M1943 – After years of painstaking development the
use gasoline powered Shermans made the diesel powered Soviets finally found their definitive heavy tank in the iconic
M4A2 available for lend-lease shipment. Despite being IS-2. Armed with the massive 122mm D-25 gun that could
one of the best 75mm gun versions of the Sherman, the penetrate the armor of all but the heaviest German AFVs, the
Soviets were not impressed with the M4A2. Its 75mm M3 IS-2 M1943 finally gave the Soviets a tank that could perform
gun was no improvement over the T-34’s F-34 gun and it the roles of both breakthrough tank and battle tank. The
had a tendency to catch fire due to poor positioning of IS-2 wasn’t without its flaws; only 28 of the large 122mm
its ammunition; also the narrower tracks of the Sherman rounds were carried and they were excruciatingly slow to
made it difficult to maneuver in mud and snow compared re-load. Given the Soviet practice of devoting a sizeable
to the wide-tracked T-34. What the Sherman did have portion of a tank’s ammunition to high explosive rounds,
that the T-34 didn’t was an efficient three-man turret and those 28 rounds didn’t give the IS-2 a lot of ammunition
excellent reliability. for tank fighting. Doctrinally speaking however, battle tank
Valentine IX – Although the Soviets admired the was a secondary role for the IS-2; its main purpose was to
Valentine III for its outstanding reliability, its 2 Pounder gun smash through enemy fixed defenses and it did that quite
was seen as a major drawback. The Valentine IX corrected well. Entering production at the end of 1943, the IS-2 M1943
this problem with a new 6 Pounder which was both accurate didn’t start reaching the front until early 1944.


Assault Guns provided greater high explosive punch. Thanks to superior

SU-122 – Impressed by the Stug III, the Soviets decided to gun optics, the Stug IIIg still had an advantage in accuracy
take a page from the German playbook and developed the but the SU-85 was a close second.
SU-122 by mounting a 122mm howitzer in hull of a T-34. SU-57 – Although armed halftracks are excluded from
Entering production at the end of 1942, the SU-122 was this analysis, the SU-57 warrants discussion because it is
very mobile, but a bit under-armored, and the 122mm classified as a light tank destroyer due to the organizational
M-30S howitzer lacked long range accuracy limiting its anti- mechanics of the game system. As already mentioned, the
tank capability. SU-57 was the American T-48 armed halftrack rejected
SU-152 – For all its flaws as a tank the KV-2’s 152mm by the U.S. Army and provided under Lend-Lease to the
howitzer provided impressive hitting power that was Soviets. Its 57mm M1 gun was the American version of the
sorely missed after the KV-2 was withdrawn from service. British 6 Pounder. The 57mm gun and the fact that the
To provide that much needed firepower a 152mm ML-20S Soviets didn’t have to build the vehicle were really the SU-
gun-howitzer was mounted in the hull of a KV tank. The 57’s only merits.
152mm ML-20S had superior accuracy and penetrating
power to the 152mm M-10 used on the KV-2 providing both 32.3.3. Summary of 1943
“bunker busting” and very credible anti-tank capability The ingenuity and improvisation that had characterized
for the SU-152. The only serious drawback of the vehicle Axis tank development efforts in 1942 carried over into
was its armor protection which was weak compared to its 1943 with AFVs like the Nashorn and the Hummel, but
German counterpart, the Sturmpanzer IV. also saw continued development of completely new AFVs
as in the Panther. With the introduction of the Panther
Tank Destroyers and the slow migration of the rest of their tank force
SU-76 – The classification of the SU-76 as a tank destroyer from the Panzer III, the Germans can be said to have
understates the actual wide-ranging role of this AFV. closed the technology gap with the Soviets and actually
Armed with the versatile 76.2mm ZiS-3 gun, the SU-76 pulled somewhat ahead. The Panzer IVh was at worst
could function as a self-propelled infantry gun and even an even match for the T-34 M1943 and the Panther
indirect fire artillery in addition to tank destroyer. Built on outclassed anything the Soviets had in the field. Although
a lengthened T-70 tank chassis, this initial version of the the Germans had gained the technological edge in 1943,
SU-76 had overhead armor protection for the gun crew. the Soviets hadn’t been sitting on their hands either. The
Unfortunately the vehicle proved mechanically unreliable KV-85, IS-1 M1943, SU-85, SU-122, and SU-152 were all
due to engine problems and production that started in important advancements in Soviet armor development
December, 1942 was terminated by September, 1943 with and the IS-2 M1943 portended even worse things to come
less than 800 vehicles produced. for the Axis in 1944. Finally there are the numbers. The
SU-76M – To solve the mechanical problems of the Soviets had been out-producing the Germans since before
original SU-76, the SU-76M received new, more powerful the start of the Russian Campaign and increasing numbers
engines; it also dispensed with the superfluous overhead of German AFVs had to be diverted to the Italian Front and
armor cover for the gun crew compartment which made the anti-invasion build up in the West from mid-1943 on.
the crew feel less cramped and improved visibility. The With each passing month the Soviet numerical advantage
reworked SU-76M was an immediate success, ultimately was increasing and improving German technology couldn’t
being produced in numbers only exceeded by the T-34. overcome that advantage.
SU-85 – The highly successful up-gunning of the Stug
III hadn’t gone unnoticed by the Soviets and they copied
the concept with the SU-85. The new 85mm D-5 gun was
32.4. 1944
mounted in the hull of a T-34 tank to produce a very 32.4.1. AXIS ARMOR
effective tank destroyer/assault gun. Compared to the Stug Light Tanks
IIIg, the SU-85 was about as well armored and considerably Aufklaerungspanzer 38 – Despite the cancellation of
more mobile. The 85mm D-5 was slightly superior to the the Panzer IIL program the Germans hadn’t completely
75mm StuK40 in armor penetration and the larger caliber given up on light tanks. In yet another adaption of the

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

versatile and reliable Panzer 38(t) chassis a handful of pre-war design inferior to the Panther’s 75mm. After only
reconnaissance tanks were produced by replacing the a little more than a year in service the Tiger was beginning
original tank turret with an armored car-style open- to encounter Soviet AFVs that matched or outclassed it. To
top 20mm gun turret. Although inferior to the Lynx, the maintain their edge the Germans needed something new
Aufklaerungspanzer 38 being a conversion of an existing and they found it in the King Tiger. Its thick, well-sloped
Panzer 38(t)E was extremely cheap to make, a factor to be armor was virtually impervious to frontal hits and the King
valued by the Germans in 1944. Tiger’s 88mm KwK43 L/71 gun could penetrate the armor
Vanatorul de care R-35 – In an effort to breathe new of almost all Soviet AFVs at 500 yards or greater. Even
life into the obsolete French R-35, the Rumanians rearmed though it was significantly heavier than the Tiger, the King
some of the tanks with Soviet 45mm guns off captured Tiger’s road speed was only a couple miles per hour less
BT-7s. What value in 1944 this upgrade could possibly be and it was actually a bit more reliable. On the negative side,
is a mystery. The 45mm gun was clearly superior to the King Tigers were expensive to build, expensive to operate,
pathetic 37mm gun originally on the R-35 but still virtually and too insufficient in numbers to be significant beyond
useless against the Soviet armor of 1944. Miraculously the tactical level.
some of these vehicles survived long enough to fight on
the Soviet side after Rumania changed allegiance. Assault Guns
Stug IV – Just entering production at the end of 1943, the
Medium Tanks Stug IV used the Panzer IV chassis to produce a vehicle
Panzer IVj – The final Panzer IV battle tank was superficially that was only slightly better armored and no better armed
identical to its predecessor. The changes to the Panzer than a Stug IIIg. It is more appropriately viewed as an
IVj were designed to make the tank cheaper to produce augmentation rather than a replacement for the Stug IIIg.
without detracting from its combat power. The principal
change was the electrical power traverse for the turret Tank Destroyers
was replaced with a manual hand traverse. Top armor was Jagdpanzer IV – The Jagdpanzer IV was the tank destroyer
increased and the Nahverteidigungsgerat added. After the equivalent of the Stug IV but with better armor protection.
Tiger and the Panther arrived on the scene the Panzer IV By 1944 the roles of German assault guns and tank
faded from the limelight, yet it was without a doubt the destroyers were becoming increasingly blurred with
most important tank produced by Germany in World War the distinction being more an organizational one than a
II. From the beginning of the War until the end the Panzer tactical one. Nothing illustrates that better than similarity
IV, in one form or the other, was continuously in action. between the Jagdpanzer IV and the Stug IV.
The Panzer IV’s long service life was a testament to the Jagdpanther – The best tank destroyer of World War
durability and versatility of its design. II, the Jagdpanther used the chassis of the Panther tank
Panther G – With the model G, the Panther finally to produce a vehicle that was very mobile, well armored,
reached maturity. The Panther’s reputation as the best tank and exceedingly well armed. The 88mm PaK43 was the
of World War II is based on the Panther G. The Panther G same weapon used on the Nashorn and Ferdinand/Elefant
was more reliable than its predecessors; all Gs were fitted pared with an excellent gun sight to give it devastating
with advanced gun sights; and side armor was slightly effectiveness.
improved. Like all Panthers, the Panther G had higher than Jagdpanzer 38 Hetzer – The Germans never seemed
average susceptibility to ammunition fires but otherwise to run out of ways to re-purpose the versatile Panzer 38
outclassed all other medium tanks to see combat in the chassis and the “Hetzer” was probably the most successful
War. adaptation. Engineers somehow managed to squeeze
the 75mm Pak39 gun into the small Panzer 38 hull, and
Heavy Tanks excellent sloping magnified its relatively thin frontal
King Tiger – Despite its fearsome reputation the case could armor. Cheap to make, effectively armed, and reliable, the
be made that the Tiger was outdated from the moment it Jagdpanzer 38 was the most economical of German tank
was introduced. Lack of sloping reduced the effectiveness destroyers/assault guns and built in numbers second only
of its armor and even the Tiger’s dreaded 88mm gun was a to the Stug IIIg.


Jagdtiger – At the other extreme of the tiny Hetzer Sturmmoerser – The only non-tank use of the Tiger
was the massive Jagdtiger. The heaviest and most heavily chassis, the Sturmmoerser mounted a 380mm rocket
armed tank destroyer to see combat in World War II, the launcher. Classified as an assault rocket mortar, only 18
Jagdtiger was a fortress on tracks but with less than a 100 Sturmmoersers were produced before the War ended. The
built by March, 1945 far too rare to have more than tactical Sturmmoerser was a highly questionable use of the Tiger
significance. There is no record of the Jagdtiger serving chassis.
on the Eastern Front proper, however four Jagdtigers
surrendered to Soviet forces in Austria in May, 1945. 32.4.2. SOVIET ARMOR
Jagdpanzer IV/70(V) – Historically this vehicle was known Medium Tanks
as the Panzer IV/70 but to avoid confusion with the Panzer T-34/85 M1944 – Ever since the introduction of the Panzer
IV tank it was renamed for War in the East II. In the game it IVf2 in the spring of 1942, the Soviets had been losing
represents both the V and A models. It was better armored technological ground to the Germans. By late 1943 the
than the Jagdpanzer IV and armed with the 75mm StuK42 argument that quantity would trump quality was sounding
version of the 75mm L/70 gun used on the Panther. Though increasingly hollow to the men who had to face German
not as formidable as the Jagdpanther, the Jagdpanzer armor and something needed to be done to redress the
IV/70(V) was considerably cheaper to produce resulting in a tank technology balance. The answer arrived in 1944 in the
vehicle that was both economical and highly effective. form of the T-34/85 M1944. The T-34/85 was armed with
TACAM R-2 – The TACAM R-2 was built on the chassis of the 85mm ZiS-S-53 gun, an equivalent to the 85mm D-5
the obsolescent R-2 light tank and armed with a captured gun used on the KV-85 & IS-1. The gun was mounted in
Soviet 76.2mm ZiS-3 gun. The TACAM R-2 saw no action on a new, larger three-man turret that finally addressed the
the Axis side but did serve with Rumanian forces fighting efficiency issues of the previous two-man turrets. Armor
with the Soviets after Rumania changed sides. protection was also improved and, most important of
all, a new, higher magnification gun sight was installed
Self-propelled Artillery improving the effective range of the 85mm gun. When
Moebelwagen – To provide greater firepower than casual students of World War II think of the T-34 it is most
the Flakpanzer 38, the Moebelwagen was produced by likely the T-34/85 they have in mind and not the ground
mounting a 37mm Flak43 gun on a Panzer IV chassis. breaking T-34 M1940. This is not surprising given that
The major drawback of the Moebelwagen was that the the T-34/85 served post-war with Soviet forces into the
armor shields which protected the gun crew had to be 1950s and long beyond that with client states. One-on-one
dropped to operate the gun. Despite this limitation over the T-34/85 was still not a match for the Panther but at
200 Moebelwagens were produced, a testament to their a production rate five times that of the Panther greater
effectiveness. quantity and improved quality allowed the T-34/85 to
Wirbelwind – The next version of a Flakpanzer on triumph.
the Panzer IV chassis mounted a quad 20mm Flak38 in M4A2(76)W Sherman – When the T-23 medium tank,
a rotating turret. The massive volume of fire of the quad replacement for the M4 Sherman, was cancelled in favor
20mm made the Wirbelwind very effective engaging of prioritizing development and production of the M26
unarmored or lightly armored ground targets but the heavy tank, the T-23’s 76mm gun turret was adapted
limited ceiling of the 20mm gun hampered its anti-aircraft for use on the Sherman; at the same time the designers
capability. Only a 100 Wirbelwinds were produced before also definitively addressed the problem of ammunition
production was cancelled. fires in the Sherman. The interior of the Sherman was re-
Ostwind – The Moebelwagen had proven effective but configured to move the ammunition lower in the hull, and
vulnerable. To correct this issue the Ostwind mounted the into bins made of quarter inch armor plate surrounded
same 37mm flak gun in a rotating turret on the Panzer IV in a jacket of water connected to a reservoir. These
chassis. While the single 37mm couldn’t put out the weight modifications were collectively known as “wet storage”.
of metal of the quad 20mm, it was longer ranged, more All Shermans built from 1944 on received the wet storage
accurate, and hit harder. Unfortunately for the Germans, modifications, including the M4A2(76)W provided to the
less than 50 Ostwinds were produced before the War ended. Soviets. Unlike previous American tanks, the M4A2(76)W

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

was well received by Soviet tank crews. Decently armed, SU-100 – The best Soviet tank destroyer of the War,
robust and reliable, the M4A2(76)W fell somewhere in the SU-100 was armed with the 100mm D-10S gun on a
between the T-34 M1943 and the T-34/85 in combat T-34/85 chassis. As an anti-tank gun, the 100mm D-10S
performance. The M4A2(76)W Sherman was a good, if not outperformed all other Soviet guns including the 125mm
exceptional, tank that was overshadowed on the Eastern D-25. In terms of armor penetration, the 100mm D-10S was
Front by the vastly more numerous T-34/85. superior to the German 75mm L/70 firing conventional AP
and packed a significant HE punch as well. The negative
Flame Tanks to this powerful and mobile vehicle was that it arrived
OT-34/85 – The success of the OT-34 made the OT-34/85 too late in the War (November, 1944) to make much of an
a natural follow-on. As in the OT-34, the bow machine impression.
gun of the T-34/85 was removed and replaced with a
flamethrower. Being somewhat better armored and 32.4.3. Summary of 1944
considerably better armed than the OT-34, the OT-34/85 For all practical purposes the technology battle between
was one of the best flame tanks produced in World War II. Germany and the Soviet Union reached its climax in
1944. The Germans had pretty much ironed the bugs out
Heavy Tanks of the Panther design and introduced a new heavy tank
IS-2 M1944 – The IS-2 had already made a reputation for that reclaimed their edge in that category. They had also
itself in the M1943 model when the improved M1944 model added a flurry of new assault guns/tank destroyers that
was introduced in mid-1944. The IS-2 M1944 featured ranged from the highly practical and economical Hetzer to
increased frontal armor and an upgraded gun sight similar the dubious and expensive Jagdtiger. The very diversity of
to the one used on the T-34/85. These improvements these designs was as much a bane to the Germans as it
increased the survivability and combat effectiveness of was a boon. To already frayed logistical and maintenance
an already very formidable tank. If the T-34 was the sickle systems, even more AFV models were added while the
cutting through the Wehrmacht, the IS-2 was the hammer only thing that went out of production was the Panzer IIL.
beating it down. By contrast, all of the Soviet AFVs entering service in 1944
were highly successful upgrades of existing models that
Assault Guns placed little additional strain on their support systems. The
ISU-152 – When the KV tank series went out of production T-34/85 narrowed the combat advantage of the Panther
the Soviets began building the ISU-152, essentially the same and completely outclassed the Panzer IV while the IS-2
vehicle as the SU-152 but using the IS tank chassis. The ISU- M1944 was far more useful and practical than the King
152 used the same 152mm gun as the SU-152 and added a Tiger. Both Soviet tanks were being produced at around
12.7mm DShk machine gun for air defense. Correcting the five times the rate of their German counterparts which
only serious flaw in the SU-152, ISU-152 was considerably more than compensated for any deficiencies in quality.
better armored although slower as well. Superior to the
StuH42 and the Sturmpanzer IV as an assault gun, the ISU-
152 was also a decent enough tank destroyer to earn the 32.5. Conclusion
nickname “Beast Killer”. Neither Germany nor the Soviet Union introduced a new
ISU-122 – Another vehicle that blurred the line between AFV to combat in 1945 before the War in Europe ended
assault gun and tank destroyer, the ISU-122 mounted the on May 8th. Although a number of prototypes, most
122mm D-25 gun in the hull of an IS-2 tank. Its virtue was infamously the 188 ton Maus (Mouse), were in various
that of all such vehicles, cheaper to build than its parent stages of development, none of these German AFVs
tank but packing almost equivalent firepower. reached series production. On the Soviet side, the T-44
entered production at the end of 1944 but was never
Tank Destroyers committed to combat. A heavily armored alternative to the
SU-85M – The SU-85M was the SU-85 now built on the T-34/85 with up to 120mm of frontal armor but the same
T-34/85 chassis which provided superior armor protection 85mm gun, production of the T-44 was given a low priority
and reliability at a slight cost in mobility. in favor of the T-34/85. In 1945 two prototypes of the T-44


armed with a 100mm D-10 gun were produced but this gun new heavy tank design in the IS series, but except for SU
configuration was never adopted for series production. versions of the various tanks that was it. Had the Germans
The War in Europe ended before the IS-3 could see any chosen to fight the War with just the tank designs in service
combat against the Germans. Because War in the East II in 1941 it is questionable whether the T-34/85 and IS-2
can extend beyond May, 1945 the IS-3 is included in the would have ever needed to exist. Soviet armored warfare
game. The IS-3 featured a re-designed hull and turret with strategy came to relying on out-building rather than out-
radical sloping that gave the vehicle effectively Jagdtiger- engineering the Germans. Only when the disparity in
like protection at two-thirds the weight. Significantly better quality became unacceptably great did the Soviets react.
armored than the IS-2 M1944 and equally well armed, the The struggle for armor supremacy on the Eastern
IS-3 foreshadowed the direction of Soviet armor design in Front also influenced tank design in the West leading
the post-war years. to the emergence of a new generation of American and
In June of 1941 the Germans were caught flatfooted British tanks. The M26 Pershing which went into action in
by a Soviet technological advantage that was neither February, 1945 and the Centurion I, which arrived at the
anticipated nor even conceivable. The next three years front too late to see combat, were both reactions to the
saw the Germans scrambling to close that technology Panther, Germany’s response to the T-34. By the end of
gap with a session of upgrades and new designs. While the War the design dynamics of firepower, protection and
these efforts were a qualified success they did not elicit mobility first established in the T-34 M1940 had forged
the immediate response from the Soviets one would have the beginnings of the modern main battle tank. While
expected. Almost unchanged from its introduction in 1940, the honor of the world’s first main battle tank deservedly
the 76.2mm gunned T-34 remained the Soviets principal goes to the post war T-54, one can see the seeds of that
medium battle tank until early 1944 when it was upgraded concept taking root in the T-34. The inescapable conclusion
with an 85mm gun. Essentially the Soviets fought the therefore is that while the Panther may or may not be the
entire War in the East without introducing into combat a best tank of World War II, the T-34 is unquestionably the
new medium tank design. They did belatedly introduce a most important tank in the history of armored warfare.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

33. Appendix D – GLOSSARY OF TERMS

Concept Description
A key game concept that affects the ability to build depots and airfields and many combat units. Can also be
Administrative Point
spent to hasten the repair of captured facilities such as ports, railyards and manpower points. Also used to
(Ch 9)
change commanders and to designate certain HQs as ‘assault HQs’.
Administrative A form of movement that costs less than normal movement and creates less fatigue for each hex entered.
Movement (22.2.1) Only possible in hexes that were friendly controlled, and have no enemy interdiction, at the start of the turn.
General orders given to an Air Force headquarters unit for a type of mission such as ground support or
Air Directive (Ch 17) strategic bombing. These can be created either by the player or the computer and, in turn, the computer
automatically creates the actual missions that are flown during the air execution phase.
The specific flight of a number of Air Groups to a specific target to conduct a specific mission. Many air
missions are generated as a result of the execution of an air directive, however, some air missions are
Air Mission (Ch 18)
conducted by the computer (such as interception) or manually set by the player (i.e. air transport missions in
the movement phase).
Air Operational
A collection of one of more air groups and used to allocate planes to air directives and rebase on the map.
Group (16.3)
Air Phase (5.3.2) The stage in the game turn where the computer carries out the bulk of the ordered air missions.
Various summary displays refer to AFV’s. For game purposes, the AFV designation generally is given to tanks,
tank destroyers, and self-propelled guns.
Armoured Fighting The following types are specifically designated as an AFV:
Vehicle (AFV) “Light Tank”, “Medium Tank”, “Heavy Tank”, “CS Tank”, “Flame Tank”, “Assault Gun”, “SP Artillery”, “DD Tank”,
“MSW Tank”, “Engineer Tank”, “SP Inf-Gun”, “Tank Destroyer”, “Hvy Tank Destroyer”, “Infantry Tank”, “Cavalry
Tank”, “Hvy Cavalry Tank”, “Hvy Assault Gun”, “Lt Tank Destroyer”, “HT – CS Howitzer”
Allows you to increase the command capacity of a given HQ for the expenditure of administrative points.
Assault HQ (21.11.2)
Note this does not change the underlying TOE of the HQ.
A unit that has been assigned to a headquarters unit, or in the case of support units, directly attached to an
eligible combat unit. Unit attachments define the chain of command of units from a High Command level
Attached Unit
headquarters unit through any intermediate headquarters units down to combat and support units by which
command and control (C2) is exercised through the headquarters unit’s leaders.
Damage and losses to men and equipment not directly caused by player initiated combat. Attrition occurs
during the phasing players logistics phase and when units are moved on the map.
The group of nations, led by Germany, that fought against the Soviet Union. The Axis side consists mostly of
Axis forces from Germany and Romania and also a large contribution from Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and
The hierarchal organization that determines the subordination of one unit to another to allow the flow of
orders and support. The chain of command starts with a High Command level headquarters unit and is
defined by the attachment of other headquarters, support, combat and Air Groups to form either a direct
Chain of Command
link or a series of linked headquarters units by which the leaders in command of the headquarters units
exert command and control. The Order of Battle displays the current chain of command for the phasing
player’s forces.
Combat Delay
The additional costs to leave a hex if there has been a battle there earlier in the turn.
Combat Unit (21.3) Any on-map non-HQ unit is treated as a Combat Unit (CU) apart from specialist rail repair formations.


Reflects the advantages that rested troops have over those who have been engaged in sustained combat.
Combat Preparation The attacker CV is inflated by 1% for every CPP for the purposes of determining the combat odds (and thus
Point (22.1, 23.2 and the chance to win a battle). In addition, units with 100 CPP have advantages in terms of the commitment of
25.8.3) support units and their ability to store additional supplies.
CPP also affects supply and Movement Point calculations.
Numerical value assigned to a ground unit that is used to determine the results of a battle and represents its
ability to take or hold territory, e.g. “boots on the ground.” The unit CV is equal to the sum of the individual
Combat Value (23.1) CV’s for each ground element in the combat or support unit. CV is not a fixed value; it is a calculated value
that can only provide players an idea of the combat ability of the unit. Combat values can be inflated by
Preparation Points.
The method by which forces are controlled to allow orders and information to flow up and down the chain
Command and
of command. In Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2, C2 is exercised by the leaders in the headquarters units that
Control (C2)
other units are attached to through the use of leader rating checks.
A numerical rating, expressed in command points, which delineates the number of combat units that can be
Command Capacity
attached to a headquarters unit without affecting its performance. If this normal capacity is exceeded, the
leader of the headquarters unit will suffer penalties when conducting leader checks.
A value assigned to each combat unit based on its size, e.g. regiment, division, corps. Headquarters units
Command Point
have a command capacity expressed in command points that determines the number of combat units that
can be attached without affecting the performance of that headquarters unit leader.
The process that determines which eligible support units and reserve mode combat units participate in a
battle. Reserve mode combat units and support units attached to headquarters units must pass a series of
Commitment (23.6)
checks to be committed to battle, while support units directly attached to combat units participating in a
battle are automatically committed.
A key part of the logistics system, depots are locations for the storage and transhipment of freight by rail and
ships to other depots, or by vehicles (trucks) or foot (animal drawn transport, organic vehicles) to units, to
Depot (25.7) include airbase units. There are four types of depots that can be set to five different priorities (0-4). Freight
stored at depots is converted to supply stocks or replacements (manpower and equipment) when it is
shipped from a depot to a unit.
A specific item of war fighting equipment that is either installed in an aircraft, AFV or combat vehicle for
operation by the crew, or that are used by the manpower in all other ground elements. Most devices are
weapons, to include bombs, rockets, rifles, machine guns, artillery, AA and AT guns, but devices also include
electronic warfare systems and aircraft drop tanks.
Detection Level
A measure of how much is known about the content of a hex and any units that might be in that hex.
Die (x) The computer simulates the roll of a die, with an equal chance to roll a number from one to x.
General term for war fighting material that includes aircraft, AFV, combat vehicles and their installed devices
as well as all other devices that are part of ground elements.
General term for the way in which WiTE2 simulates either the shifting of the war on other theatres or triggers
Events (13.5)
particular changes within the game. Can be set to occur on a fixed date or when certain conditions are met.
Generic term for all items that either produce manpower and materiel for production or supply or provide
Factories (28.2, 28.3 capacity for strategic movement. Factories are located in town, city and urban hexes and include manpower,
and 28.4) ports, railyards, resource production, fuel and oil production, armaments production, vehicle production,
heavy industry and individual aircraft, armoured fighting vehicle, and other combat vehicle production.
The total defence modifier to the combat value of defending units, which is a combined value that takes into
Defence Modifier
account both the terrain fortification level and any man made fortification level in the hex.
Standard unit all material is converted to for transport through the supply grid. Measured in tons, freight
is a capability that resides in depots starting with national supply sources and is essentially limited only by
Freight (25.3) the availability of rail, sea, and vehicle transport. Material is transported as freight through the rail network
or port to port both to and from factories and production pools and to depots for delivery by vehicles and
intrinsic transport to units where it is converted to supplies and replacements.
Individual squads, guns, AFV’s, or other combat vehicles such as halftracks and armoured cars and
Ground Element
associated manpower that are the building blocks of ground units. The type and number of ground elements
comprising a ground unit are specified in the Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE) for that unit.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The stage of the game turn where the player moves ground units, conducts attacks and some air missions
Ground Phase (5.4)
take place.
Devices that are individual ground weapons of 20mm size or greater, with the exception of most mortars.
Guns Usually any device that has the word ‘gun’ in its name, but howitzers, Heavy Mortars (160mm or greater) and
Multi-Barrel Rocket Weapons such as the Nebelwerfer are also designated as guns.
High Water Mark The highest number of VPs held by the German player in any turn before the initiative changed. Used to
(29.1) determine whether the game proceeds into 1945 or stops at the end of 1944 in a German victory.
Only one player has the initiative, and thus actively accumulates Victory Points at any one time. Depending
Initiative (29.1)
on Soviet progress after October 1942 this will switch sometime between the Autumn of 1942 and July 1943.
Multi-Role Unit
A unit that can switch from being an on-map combat unit to a support unit and vice versa.
Named Location
Can refer to any hex on the map that has a town (or larger) or one of a depot, airfield or port.
(6.4 and 6.8)
National Morale
A measure of the basic training and combat capacity of the various armies involved in the War.
(Ch 12)
National Reserve One of the Theatre Boxes in the game. Each side can allocate both ground and air units to the reserve to
(13.2) ease the process of refitting and training new units or those that have been damaged in combat.
A type 4 Depot that acts as an ultimate source of supply. The establishment of a rail network and connection
National Supply
to the supply grid requires the tracing of a contiguous path of rail line hexes, which can include over water
Source (25.7.1)
from port to port, to a national supply source. See 25.2.3 for a list of national supply sources.
Equivalent to TOE (OB). OB’s are Tables of Equipment (TOE) that list the notional number and specific type
Unit level Order of
(i.e. Panzer IIIm) of ground elements contained in a ground unit. OB is the term used in the game editor,
while TOE (OB) is used for in-game screens and windows.
Armed Forces level The OOB screen displays the command and control (C2) structure of each side’s forces, starting at the high
Order of Battle command level and tracing ground and air unit attachments down to the individual support and Air Group.
Used to describe hexes that have been captured during the turn and that will become friendly controlled at
Pending (7.3)
the next Logistics Phase.
Expressed in tons, this is a measure of a port’s transportation capacity. Each undamaged port level (number
Port Capacity
of port ‘factories’) generates 15000 tons of port capacity.
Can refer to Combat Preparation Ports (23.2) which are used when a unit can rest before engaging in combat
Preparation Points
or the time spent preparing for an airborne (22.5.3) landing or naval (24.6) invasion.
Railhead Any friendly controlled undamaged rail line hex connected to a rail network.
Rail Network A contiguous path of friendly controlled undamaged rail line hexes connected to a national supply source.
Expressed in tons, this is a measure of railroad transportation capacity. Each undamaged railyard level larger
Rail Capacity (25.4.1)
than size 1 (number of railyard ‘factories’) generates 5000 tons of railroad transportation capacity.
Random(x) The computer generates a random number from 0 to x-1
A numerical value based on the maximum number of construction support units attached to a railroad repair
Railroad Repair
HQ unit that delineates the maximum number of hexes a railroad repair unit can be from a railhead and still
Value (21.6,1)
repair damaged rail line hexes.
Railroad Repair Cost
The cost in movement points for a railroad repair HQ unit to repair a damaged railroad hex.
Reserve Aircraft An aircraft assigned to an Air Group that is categorized as ‘unready’ and will not participate in air missions.
(16.4.3) Reserve aircraft are not counted against the maximum number of aircraft allowed in a particular Air Group.
Select In interface terms, select means to left click with the mouse on a unit, button or link.
Soft Factors (6.5.11) The various factors that can be displayed on the top left corner of an on-map counter.
Principally the resources and combat units of the Soviet Union. Later in the war some units of non-Soviet
nationality formations become available but are treated as Soviet units for all practical purposes.
The type of supply used for food, maintenance and horse fodder. Ammunition, though a separate type of
Supplies (Ch 25) supply, is not produced separately, but is broken out from supplies based on unit need. Also referred to as
general supplies.
The overall term for consumable logistical items required by units to function effectively. There are three
types of supply; general supplies, ammunition, and fuel.


The physical infrastructure used to transport and store supply and production resources. The main part of
the supply grid consists of national supply sources connected by a rail network of undamaged rail line hexes
and includes stockpiles of supply in city and urban hexes as well as stockpiles in depots for the provision of
Supply Grid supply and replacements to units. Ports can also be connected to the supply grid, allowing tracing of supply
over water. Units must be able to trace to the supply grid to be in supply.
To be in supply, units need to trace to a national supply source hex or to a port that can connect to a port
(not through enemy controlled water hexes) that can trace to a national supply source.
Can be set for HQs, Depots and Airbases and determines the proportion of needed supply the unit will try to
Supply Priority (25.8)
obtain in the logistics phase.
Single purpose independent battalions, brigades and regiments of various types. With the exception of
construction battalions, which can be automatically detached to repair rail lines, support units will not appear
Support Unit (21.5)
on the map, but will be attached to headquarters and certain combat units and will be listed in the detail
window of the unit to which they are attached.
Support Squad
Ground elements that provide the administrative and logistical backbone required for a unit to operate
Ground Element
effectively. Note that, despite the similarity in name, support squads and support units are different entities.
A generic term for various off-map boxes. These include national reserves for both sides, inactive sectors,
Theatre Box (Ch 13) sectors where the Germans are fighting the Western Allies, sectors where the Soviets and Axis forces are in
direct opposition and the partisan war.
Lists the number and type of ground elements contained in a ground unit. TOE is used as a general term for
Tables of Equipment
all TOE’s in the game, whether they are notional or actual, generic or specific. The TOE window displays a
prescribed and actual unit TOE with generic types of ground elements (i.e. medium tank)
Table of Equipment that uses the OB from the game editor, displaying specific types of ground elements
TOE (OB) (21.2)
(such as a T34/85).
Unit Box Type Symbol inside the unit counter graphic displaying the type of unit, such as infantry, armour or artillery.
Generic vehicles, also referred to as trucks, are used by units, supply depots, and the production system to
Vehicle (25.5)
transport ground elements and freight. All vehicles are considered as 2.5 ton equivalents.
The group of nations and units, including the UK, Commonwealth, US, Free French, and Polish, that fought
Western Allies the Axis nations on the Western Front in WWII. In WiTE2 this aspect of the Second World War is conducted in
the various Theatre Boxes.


AA Anti-Aircraft CV Combat Value
AD Air Directive or Air Division DL Detection Level
AFV Armoured Fighting Vehicle EZOC Enemy Zone of Control
AIAV Amphibious Invasion Attrition Value FOW Fog of War
AOG Air Operational Group GA Ground Attack
AP Administrative Point GS Ground Support
APP Amphibious Preparation Points HHQ Higher HQ
C Clear (weather) HQ Headquarters Unit
CC Command Capacity HR Heavy Rain
CLV City Labour Value KIA Killed in Action
Co Cold (weather) mA Arctic Maritime
CP Command Point MD Military District
cP Polar Continental MP Movement Points
CPP Combat Preparation Point mP Polar Maritime
CR Commanders Report MRU Multi-Role Unit
cT Tropical Continental mT Tropical Maritime
CU Combat Unit NM National Morale

38 5
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

OKH  Oberkommando des Heeres SU Soviet Union

OOB Order of Battle TOE Table of Equipment
PBEM Play by Electronic Mail ZOC Zone of Control
PP Preparation Points Note that Stavka is not an abbreviation, it is a proper
R Rain word in Russian. Traditionally it referred to the ‘tent of the
RRC Rail Repair Capacity Supreme Commander’ in medieval Russian armies and
RRV Rail Repair Value was marked with flags to make it easier to find. The title
Sf Snowfall was then used by the Russian Imperial Armies after 1915
SMP Strategic Movement Point and re-established by the Soviet Union after the German
SU Support Unit invasion to designate the supreme command.


Below are listed the size, type and associated unit counter 34.2. UNIT TYPES AND SYMBOLS
symbols, national and elite unit colours, and ground
element type and combat values that can be found in the Symbol Unit Type Symbol Unit Type
Air Headquarters Fortified Zone

34.1. UNIT SIZES Air Landing Headquarters

Symbol Size Amphibious

I = Company
Anti-Aircraft Machinegun
II = Battalion
Anti-Tank Mechanized

III = Regiment
Armor Motorized Infantry

X = Brigade
Artillery, Mortar, Mountain Infantry

XX = Division Aviation (Air Base Parachute

Unit) (Airborne)

XXX = Corps
Cavalry Rocket

XXXX = Army Construction/


XXXXX = Army Group, Soviet Front, High Command Self-Propelled




Example Unit Type Example Unit Type

Grey = German Army Unit Pale Blue = Rumanian Unit

Light Blue/Grey = German Air Force Unit Blue = Finnish Unit

Black = Elite German SS Unit Light Brown = Soviet regular unit

Black/Grey = Non-Elite German SS Unit Red = Soviet Gds Unit

Dark Yellow = Italian Unit Light Brown = Soviet Polish Unit

Green = Hungarian Unit Light Brown = Soviet Czech Unit

Cream = Slovakian Unit

Note that in addition to nationality, unit counters have different colours to show their current command chain. These can be
modified by the player (37.2) as they wish.


All ground element types (except naval guns) have a minimum of 1 CV. Individual ground element Combat Value weighting

CV Weight CV Weight
Ground Element Type AFV Type Ground Element Type AFV Type
Factor Factor
Self-Propelled Artillery 3 Yes Heavy Tank 9 Yes
Heavy Self-Propelled Artillery 3 Yes Close Support Tank 9 Yes
Self-Propelled Infantry Gun 5 Yes Flame Tank 9 Yes
Half Track Close Support Cavalry Tank 9 Yes
5 Yes
Howitzer Close Support Cavalry Tank 8 Yes
Light Tank Destroyer 5 Yes Infantry Tank 9 Yes
Foreign Light Tank Destroyer 6 Yes Self-Propelled Flak 3 No
Tank Destroyer 5 Yes Self-Propelled AAMG 3 No
Heavy Tank Destroyer 5 Yes Half Track AT Gun 3 No
Assault Gun 5 Yes Half Track MG Section 5 No
Heavy Assault Gun 6 Yes Half Track Mortar 3 (some have 2) No
Self-Propelled AT gun 7 Yes Half Track Close Support
3 No
Amphibious Tank 3 Yes Howitzer
Recon Tank 7 Yes Half Track Recon 4 No
Light Tank 7 Yes Light Armoured Car 2 No
Foreign Light Tank 7 Yes Armoured Car 4 No
Medium Tank 9 Yes Foreign Armoured car 4 No
Foreign Medium Tank 9 Yes Heavy Armoured Car 4 No

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

CV Weight CV Weight
Ground Element Type AFV Type Ground Element Type AFV Type
Factor Factor
Close Support Armoured Car 3 No Light Mortar 1 No
Support Squad 1 No Mortar 1 No
Labour Squad 1 No Heavy Mortar 1 No
Machine Gun 1 No Light AT Gun 1 No
Flamethrower 2 No AT Gun 1 No
Security Squad 2 No Heavy AT Gun 1 No
Partisan Squad 2 No AA Machine Gun 1 No
Rifle Squad 3 No Light Flak 1 No
SMG Squad 3 No Medium Flak 1 No
Assault Squad 3 No Heavy Flak 1 No
Bicycle Squad 3 No Light Artillery 1 No
Ski Squad 3 No Artillery 1 No
Naval Squad 3 No Medium Field Gun 1 No
Cavalry Squad 3 No Heavy Artillery 1 No
Motorcycle Squad 3 No Super Heavy Artillery 1 No
Motorized Infantry Squad 3 No Naval Gun 0 No
Airborne Squad 3 No Rocket 1 No
Engineer Squad 3 No SP Rocket Launcher 1 No
Mechanized Engineer Squad 4 No Unarmoured SP Rocket
1 No
Mechanized Infantry Squad 4 No Launcher
Mechanized Recon 3 No Infantry Gun 1 No
Infantry-AT 1 No Heavy Infantry Gun 1 No


The Commander’s Report can be accessed from the info view selected by the player (i.e. the player won’t have to
screens menu tab toolbar (6.2), Hotkey- ‘c’ or by right start over every time they bring up the CR).
clicking on any map hex and selecting ‘information’.
It is a multi-tabbed list of information on units,
headquarters units, Air Groups and pilots, leaders, battles, The currently selected tab will be in white text. In the
equipment and battles that can be sorted and filtered in example below the ‘Battles’ tab has been chosen.
numerous ways. Various screens and windows have links
to, or are linked from, the commander’s report. In addition,
some unit settings can be changed for both individual units
and groups of units using this screen. REPORT
The report allows you to access 7 different screens: Each tab has a similar layout and this allows you to focus
on the level of detail you need, move from the CR to the
map to view units or to export the table to .csv format
When initially selected, the Commander’s Report (CR) (where you can open using a spreadsheet).
default view will be the unit tab main view. Subsequent The tab is divided into five sections. The example below
selection of the CR will bring up the screen with the last is taken from the ‘Unit’ tab.


§§ Summary Information This allows you to use the CR to carry out functions that
will affect all the displayed data in the main table. So, as
an example, you could set all the selected combat units to
§§ Functions refit using this option.
If you click on a function button a drop down list of all
the options becomes available as:
§§ Column Headers and filters Selecting one will affect all the currently
selected units (in this case). So at one
extreme you can order your entire army to
§§ Data adjust in a particular way or you can use the
filters so only a few (or perhaps just one) units are selected.

35.1.2. Column Headers and Filters

To access this you need to click on the arrow to the left and
then a full list of the available filters will be shown.
You can change the columns being displayed using the
§§ Footers show/hide function, note that this particular CR is set not
to show city details.
At the top is a series of criteria you can use to filter. You
can build up quite complex selection rules but you can only
work on one criteria at a time.
As an example, if you select size: You do this first by
Note that the game will remember your last design of a clicking on the symbol to the right of the name. That will
given tab and show this when you re-open the tab. then generate the ability to select one, some or all the sizes
The current set of filters are shown on the bottom left of units. The number after the title indicate how many of
hand side of the screen that particular type are in the display.
Here the CR has been If you just click on say ‘Size’, you will filter the CR on that
told to only show those criteria adding or removing some formation sizes as you
units that meet the criteria set in terms of Size (divisions wish (so you could just hide Companies or you could just
etc.) and Unit Status (refit, reserve etc.). show divisions or any combination of the two approaches).
These filters can be removed individually or by pressing
‘clear all’.
In addition, to ease loading if the number of rows
exceeds 1,000 the data will be split across multiple pages

Some options need a text string and in this case you will
need to enter sufficient text to either include or exclude
This is unlikely to have much practical impact as usually those units you are interested in.
you will use a combination of filters, sort and/or search to
find the sub-set of data you are interested in.

35.1.1. Functions

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

This will mean that only units reporting to a HQ with the Usually these show or hide units that don’t meet certain
text string III are shown on the data section. criteria. So if you only want to see the ‘Isolated’ units, then
Note that if you make a selection using one filter this selecting ‘Yes’ will hide all the non-isolated units.
is retained when you open a new filter option. So if, for
example, you filter to only show units in a particular morale 35.1.5. Export
range, these units will be the only ones shown if you select Almost all these screens can be exported as CSV files using
a new filter criteria. the ‘export’ button at the top of the screen. The files will be
placed in the dat\csv folder of your game setup.
35.1.3. Data
This is the main part of the CR tab. Once you have selected
your filters and column headers, all the relevant data 35.2. UNITS TAB
will be shown here. Each tab is laid out differently and is This is probably the most frequently used tab, capable
described in detail later in this appendix. of displaying all of the phasing player’s ground units
All the units shown will be affected by any actions such (headquarters, combat, and support) and consisting of
as to change their mode or supply priority. two views (main and supply detail views) as well as three
Usually clicking on the unit name will take you to that functions and offering a large range of display and filtering
unit or location on the map. options. The basic overview has been shown in 35.1.
Clicking on another entry will usually mean the CR now Left clicking on any unit name will take you to the unit
only shows the units that meet that criteria. Here, LVI on the map.
Motorized Corps was clicked and only the units that report If possible, the unit can be transferred either to another
to it are now shown. Theatre, the main Map or the Reserves (this will not be
shown if the unit is ineligible to be transferred).
Supply Details will show the detail of current and
received supply for that unit (in effect, the information that
can also be accessed using the other tabs at the top of the
CR screen).

35.2.1. Units Tab Main View

At the top of the screen is row showing the number of units
currently selected and then number of men, guns, AFV and
aircraft assigned to the selected units. These numbers will
change as units are filtered or sorted out of the view.

Note the summary information at the top has now

changed. It reflects that you have 15 units selected and
collectively these contain 81,137 men. The following information is provided. Note that not all
the columns may be visible at any time and all of them
35.1.4. Footer can be used to set filters if you want to focus on particular
The options here will allow to make further choices about aspects:
the information displayed and to select units that meet
particular criteria.


Column Title Contents

Units names are colour coded according to their function. The main differences are to use
Unit Name light green for off-map support units, orange for HQ units, yellow for on map combat units
and blue for air base and air HQ units.
Nat (Nationality) Lists the nationality of the unit.
Size Indicates the size of the unit and can be filtered to show just divisional units for example.
Provides information on the type of unit. HQ units are listed by specific type (i.e. Corps,
Army, Army Group, High Command, etc.).
OB Indicates the current TOE being used for the unit
HHQ (Higher Headquarters Unit) Name of HQ unit to which the unit is directly attached.
ThBox Shows if the unit is on the ‘Map’ or in one of the Theatre Boxes.
Distance to HQ is the difference between the command range of the HQ unit to which the
DtHQ (Distance to HQ in Hexes)
unit is attached and the distance in hexes from the HQ unit to the attached unit.
These 3 columns display the number of each item internal to that unit (attached units not
Men, Guns, AFV in Unit
AC (Aircraft in Airbases) The number of aircraft in Air Groups attached to the air base unit.
The current average value for the unit, this can be sorted or filtered to only show the units
Mrl (Morale), Average Experience (Exp) with morale in a particular range.
and Fatigue (Fat) Note that for experience and fatigue it is possible that some elements may have different
values to the unit average.
CV (Combat Value) The current combat value of the unit as displayed on the unit counter.
Prep The current level of Combat Preparation Points held by the unit
%TOE (Unit Table of Equipment (TOE)) The percentage of the unit’s TOE currently in the unit.
The maximum percentage of a unit’s TOE to which it can take replacements. Selecting the
TOEM (Maximum TOE Percentage
current percentage will bring up a dialog box allowing the player to set the TOEM% for that
unit. These values can also be altered using the Max TOE% function at the top of the screen
Status Shows if the unit is in refit, ready, reserve, unready, depleted or loaded (on trains or ships).
SPri If the unit is a HQ or airbase, this will show the current Supply Priority
MP The movement points left for the unit
WTurn When the unit is next due to be moved to a different Theatre.
WDest Which Theatre Box it will be moved to
The current status of units due to withdraw. This will change to ‘yes’ shortly before the
move and will affect the options available with that unit.
TtOB (Number of Turns until next The number will be 0 if the upgrade is commencing that turn. Selecting the number will
TOE(OB) Upgrade) bring up the TOE Upgrade window (37.10) for that unit.
Lists Axis and Soviets elite units and other special types of Axis units using the following
abbreviations: G= Soviets Guards, E=Axis Elite, SSE=SS Elite, SS=Non-elite SS, LW=Luftwaffe
Elt (Elite Status)
units. Selecting one of the abbreviations will select and list just those units with that
particular status.
These columns list the number of wins and losses that the unit, or its attached units if a HQ
Won and Lost
unit, has accrued. Note the lost screen is normally not visible due to space limitations.

In addition, the Units Tab in the CR has a number of

options both above and below the main screen. These
allow the player to select what is shown and/or carry out These allow the player to make changes to the relevant
actions on a number of units at any one time. status of all eligible units that are currently listed as
At the top of the screen are four Functions tabs: follows:

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Option Title Contents

Will transfer all the eligible units to the chosen destination (the drop down will bring up a list of the active Theatre
Boxes for that side).
Selecting brings up a dialog box that allows the player to change the supply priority of all listed HQ and air base
Supply Priority
units to a setting from 0 to 4 (25.8). Note that air base units set to zero priority will not be resupplied.
Selecting brings up a dialog box that allows the player to change the maximum TOE percentage setting of all
Max TOE% listed units. For all but fortified zone units and air base units that can have maximum TOE below 50 percent,
entering a number below 50 or above 100 will revert to 50 or 100.
Selecting brings up a dialog box that allows the player to change the status of displayed combat units to Refit or
Refit/Reserve Reserve (if eligible) status. Selecting ‘0’ will return the units to Ready or Unready status. The status of Static units
cannot be changed.

At the bottom of the Units Tab are three clusters of options and tabs as:

On the left hand side, the options allow the player to select which units are displayed according to various criteria:

Option Title Contents

Isolated Can be toggled between No or Yes (if both are selected all units are shown)
Static Can be toggled between No or Yes (if both are selected all units are shown)
Frozen Can be toggled between No or Yes (if both are selected all units are shown)
Arrived Can be toggled between No or Yes (if both are selected all units are shown)
Can be used to select units on the main Map, support units, multi-role units or units off the main Map.
On Map (combat units/HQs on the map)
Support (support units that are in units/cities on the map)
On Map Multi (Multi-use units that are on the map or in units/cities/city forts on the map)
In Fort (combat units/HQ in city forts)
Transfer (units that are in the process of transferring between map/TBs)
Off Map - All others, basically units that are in a TB
Can be toggled between No or Yes (if both are selected all units are shown)
Can Transfer If Yes is chosen, those units meet the rules to allow a transfer from one Theatre to another or between the Map
and a Theatre Box.

In the centre, the player can select or deselect unit types. If Select All is shown the all the units are displayed. This box will
be empty if any of the other boxes are deselected. In addition it can be used to tab between showing all and showing no
In the example on the right, Arm and Mech units have been removed:


On the right hand side are more selectable criteria that can be used to control which units
are displayed on the main screen. These effectively duplicate filters that can be selected from
the main part of the display.

Option Title Contents

Clicking on the numerical values allows you to limit the range of units displayed. For example, you might use
this to prevent low experience, low morale Soviet units being moved from the Reserve to the Map.

35.2.2. Unit Tab Supply Views

The supply view provides much of the same information found in the unit supply detail window (37.3). The filters and
some of the column headings are the same as for the Main tab.

Column Title Contents

Units names are colour coded according to their function. The main differences are to use light green for
Unit Name off-map support units, orange for HQ units, yellow for on map combat units and blue for air base and air
HQ units.
Nat (Nationality) Lists the nationality of the unit.
Size Indicates the size of the unit and can be filtered to show just divisional units for example.
Provides information on the type of unit. HQ units are listed by specific type (i.e. Corps, Army, Army
Group, High Command, etc.).
OB Indicates the current TOE being used for the unit
HHQ (Higher
Name of HQ unit to which the unit is directly attached.
Headquarters Unit)
Men, Guns, AFV in Unit These 3 columns display the number of each item internal to that unit (attached units not counted).
AC (Aircraft in Airbases) The number of aircraft in Air Groups attached to the air base unit.
Sup % The current % of supply in the unit
Sup The current number of supply in the unit
SupN The level of supply needed by the unit
SupR The amount of supply received in the last logistics phase
Fuel % The current % of fuel in the unit
Fuel The current number of fuel in the unit
FuelN The level of fuel needed by the unit
FuelR The amount of fuel received in the last logistics phase
Ammo% The current % of ammunition in the unit
Ammo The current number of ammunition in the unit
AmmoN The level of ammunition needed by the unit
AmmoR The amount of ammunition received in the last logistics phase
Veh% The current % of vehicles in the unit
Veh The current number of vehicles in the unit
VehN The level of vehicles needed by the unit
VehR The amount of vehicles received in the last logistics phase
Replacement manpower received in the last logistics phase. Note this can be negative if attrition losses
exceeded replacements.
SupCons Amount of supply consumed in the last logistics phase
AdminF The number of times the unit failed to receive supplies or freight
HQPen The net penalty value for failed rolls and other failures in the logistics system

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Using the Units Tab to carry out bulk actions

One important use of the Commanders Report is not
just to view or search for units but also to carry out actions Not that at the bottom of the screen are all the filters
on a group of units that meet any set criteria. we now have active:
This is very useful when you want to reset (or redeploy)
a substantial number of units at any one time.
This section provides examples of how to carry out Reset Maximum TOE
some bulk actions, it is not meant to be a complete list The CR is particularly useful when you wish to do bulk
but to provide ideas of how to use the CR to ease the changes to either every unit in the army or units of a
administrative aspects of managing your army. particular type. All this can be done unit by unit but the CR
is often more efficient.
Finding Units. In this case, let us set the maximum TOE of the Soviet
One simple use of the CR is to find either a particular unit artillery units selected above to 75%.
or group of similar units on the map. At the most basic, Select the Max TOE% function and this dialogue appears:
sorting on Unit Name will place the units in an alphabetical-
numeric order and simply scrolling down will find a given
unit. However, this is relatively inefficient and you can use
the various selection options (as above) to simplify the
If we know something about the unit that can help (e.g.
if it is isolated or has just arrived this turn) but assuming it
is a normal unit, the following steps will help to find a given
Soviet artillery formation.
There are various ways of doing this depending on what
is known. The most comprehensive approach is to set the
Formation Type to ‘Art’ only.

We can then use ‘size’ to only show regiments:

Enter 75 and click on the tick box.
The maximum TOE for all Soviet artillery
units is now at 75%.
Those units with a current TOE over
this limit will now shed excess elements
We can then use other columns in the next few turns (in one turn if in the
such as the OB list or HHQ to national reserve) and will not take on
refine the search. If we know any replacements till this adjustment is
the unit is an Army Gun Artillery complete.
Regiment, clicking on that OB type
will further limit the search: Selecting Low TOE Units
This produces a list of 20 units, This can be done for a variety of criteria
which can be readily viewed such as morale, experience, TOE and the
manually. basic steps are the same. This type of bulk


selection can be very useful for the Soviet player in the Divisions with morale over 45 and TOE of at least 90 to the
early turns when you might want to detect and return a map. This process is similar to the above and uses various
large number of units to the National Reserve so they can filters.
refit or simply remain as shell formations with no risk of This gives 4 units that can be moved.
their destruction as the Axis advance.
Here we want to identify just Support Units that are
under 50% TOE. Select Transfer>>Map and confirm.
The first step is to use the On-Map filter just to select
‘Support’, as:
Then use the
%TOE column
filter to select
those between Note that all those units
0 and 50%, as: will go the hex (or as close as
Clicking on possible) selected for units
the numerical to arrive form the Reserve. In
range will allow us to set a new minimum practice you might not want
and maximum range, such as: all the divisions at the same
In this case, for simplicity, we will location and in this case
move as many of these units to the might want to use additional criteria to break them up into
National Reserve as we can. Some will not be eligible due two or more batches (resetting the arrival hex each time).
to the rules in section 13.1.3. Remember that in this case, you will always return to
For convenience we will use the ‘Can Transfer’ filter to the same screen and filters each time you re-open the CR.
determine those that can be moved:
Click on the transfer command and select
‘Soviet Reserves’ and all the eligible units will
be transferred. TAB
The units are now set to This tab lists all the phasing player’s headquarters units
transfer (and can be seen in including rail repair units and amphibious HQs.
the reinforcement schedule This tab has much less information than the units tab
if you want to double check). but as with all screens you can choose which columns you
wish to have displayed.

Move units to/from the National Reserve

The ability to do bulk moves to/from the map and the
National Reserve (or other Theatre) is one way the CR can
save a lot of time. This is probably especially valuable for
the Soviet player.
Units can be moved between theatres either by 35.3.1. HQ Tab View
changing the HHQ on the units own counter or by using Directly underneath the HQs tab will show the total number
criteria to select a group of units and then moving them all. of HQ units currently selected. The following information is
The example above shows how to move units from the provided by column headers, all of which can be selected
map to the reserve. In this case we will move Soviet Rifle to sort their columns:

39 5
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Column Title Contents

Unit Name Selecting the HQ unit name will take you to the unit on the map.
Lists the nationality of the unit. Selecting a nationality will set the ‘Nation’ filter and list just those units of
Nat (Nationality)
that nationality.
Size Shows the level of the unit command
Type Unit type, which corresponds directly with the unit formation type unit display filters.
HHQ (Higher Name of HQ unit to which the HQ unit is directly attached. Selecting the name of the HQ unit selects and
Headquarters Unit) lists just the HQ units that are attached.
ThBox Which Theatre Box or the Map where the unit is located
This shows eligible Axis armies or Soviet Fronts set to assault mode. Any lower level HQs assigned to that
Aslt (Assault)
army or Front are described as ‘In Aslt’ Aslt will indicate that HQ can be moved to assault status
These four columns list the total number of each item in the HQ unit and all of its attached units. Selecting
Men, Guns, AFV,
one of the numbers brings up the applicable Formation Inventory Window, which breaks down each item
Aircraft in Unit
by number and type of ground element or aircraft (35.3.2).
Lists the leader in command of the HQ unit. Selecting the leader’s name brings up the Leader Detail
Window. Closing the detail window selects the HQ unit location and brings up the HQ unit detail window.
Lists the current support unit level for that HQ unit). Selecting the current number or Lck (Locked) brings
SupL (Support Level) up a dialog box that allows the player to reset the support level for that HQ unit between – 1 and 9, with –
1 changing the setting to Locked.
These two columns display the number of each type of unit attached to the HQ unit.
CU (Combat Units) and
Note that Support Unit numbers do not include construction type units.
SU (Support Units)
On map MRU units are not shown in either column, off map MRU are shown in the SU column.
This number is the difference between the number of command points of combat units attached to the
ComPt (Command
HQ unit and the HQ unit’s Command Capacity (CC) (21.11.3). A negative number indicates that the number
of command points of the units attached exceeds the HQ units CC.
Pri Shows the current supply priority for the HQ (if that is appropriate)
Frzn (Frozen) A non-zero number indicates that the HQ unit is frozen for that number of turns.

For this screen you have

two options to carry out
alterations to unit status. These function in the same way
as the options on the Unit screen:

35.3.2. Formation Inventory Window

These windows can be left clicking on the number of men,
guns, AFV or aircraft in the applicable column of the HQs
Each formation inventory window provides the following
information. Note that each category can be expanded to
provide more details:


35.3.3. Functions
The main view of the HQs tab has a functions section with
two selectable functions that allows the player to change
the status of all eligible units that are currently listed as
Support Level: Selecting brings up a dialog box that
allows the player to change the support level of all listed
HQ units to a setting from – 1 to 9, with – 1 resulting in a
Locked setting.
Supply Priority: Selecting brings up a dialog box that
allows the player to change the supply priority of all listed
HQ units to a setting from 0 to 4.

35.3.4. HQ Display Filters

Selecting ‘Clear all Filters’ will not only clear all current
filters, but also any active column header sorting.

Column Title Contents

Name Displays the name of the headquarters unit that has command and control of the listed forces.
Displays an icon followed by the number for each of the four categories. The selected category (i.e. AFV)
Men, Guns, AFV, Aircraft is in red text; the other three categories are in blue text and can be selected to change the formation
inventory to that category.
This column lists either the ground element (men, guns, AFV) type or aircraft type with expand and
collapse ([+]/[-]) capability by each type or for all at once.
Expanding a type (e.g. medium tank or fighter) will display a list of the specific ground elements or
Type of Ground Element/ aircraft models along with the applicable silhouette. Selecting a specific ground element will take the
Aircraft player back to the main units tab filtered to display just the units that are subordinated to the HQ
unit that contain that ground element. Selecting a specific aircraft model will take the player to the Air
Groups tab filtered to display just the Air Groups that that contain that aircraft model. Expanding or
collapsing the display will change the presentation in the other three columns.
This column is blank until a ground element or aircraft type is expanded. Then for each specific ground
NAT (Nationality)
element or aircraft model, their applicable nationality will be displayed.
This column displays the total number of ready ground elements or ready and reserve aircraft of each
READY type. If a type is expanded, a sub-total for each specific ground element or aircraft model will also be
This column displays the total number of damaged ground elements or aircraft of each type. If a type is
expanded, a sub-total for each specific ground element or aircraft model will also be displayed.
At the bottom of the window the total overall number, as well as the total number of ready (ready/
reserve for aircraft) and the total number of damaged ground elements or aircraft will be displayed.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Option Title Contents Function Consequences

Can be toggled between the various Will transfer all the selected units to the
nationalities that make up the player’s army Transfer National Reserve. You will need to confirm
Most of the HQ display filters are type filters, yes/no when you do this.
with on/off toggles that allow the player to Will add pilots to all the selected units. A
determine the type of HQ units to be listed. Add Pilots second pop-up will allow you to only add
HQ Type Filters They can be toggled individually or globally ‘trained pilots’.
using the ‘All’ or ‘None’ filters. Will disband all the selected units. You will
All air headquarter units, regardless of Disband
need to confirm yes/no when you do this.
actual type are filtered under ‘AirCom.’ Will change the rules used by the selected
Select All will show all HQs regardless of air units to determine how they will seek to
their theatre, otherwise these filters can be Replace replace lost pilots. A second box will appear
used to select one or more Theatre Boxes or with the options to set this as ‘normal’,
the main game map. ‘restricted, ‘priority’ or ‘trained pilots’.
Will change the air units between manual
Change Upgrade
or automatic upgrades
35.4. AIR GROUPS TAB Mission Setting
Will set the air units to carry out night and
day, night only, day only missions, or rest
This tab lists all the phasing player’s air units. As with all the for the next turns.
tabs, it can be used to carry out functions, sort on specific
variables and change the displayed columns. As in the other displays the filters work at two levels.
This is probably the most complex page in the You can select what you wish to filter on and then retain all,
Commanders Report but can be used as an important tool or some, of the units. Finally you can filter again in the data
to manage your airforce. display by clicking on say the aircraft type.
You can change the basic view of the form using the You can also set many columns to only show air units
options at the top of the screen: that meet specific criteria such as a certain % of ready
Filter options include:
Filter Consequences
Allows you to select some or all of your air groups
Function Consequences
Allows you to select some or all of your
Will display the data with the named air NAT
Air Groups nationalities
group(s) on the left hand side.
Allows you to select some or all of your air group
Will display the data with the named Air SIZE
AOG sizes
Operational Group(s) on the left hand side.
Allows you to select some or all of your aircraft
Will change the display to show the pilots AIRCRAFT
Pilots rather than air groups. This layout is described
in more detail below. Allows you to filter between those air groups set
LOADOUT to auto select their loadout and those you are
A list of all the historical pilots, their current
controlling manually.
Pilot List allocation and experience and whether they
have been killed or are still available. Allows you to select some or all of the types of
your aircraft such as FB or LB etc.
Shows if a fighter bomber air unit is trained as a
35.4.1. Air Groups fighter or bomber formation
As with most screens, this offers a number of functions AIR HQ Allows you to select some or all of your Air HQs
that are useful for managing your air units. Allows you to select some or all of your Air
Operational Groups
Allows you to select some or all of your airbases.
AIRBASE The filter will also indicate how many air groups
Remember that any selected function will be applied to are currently at that particular airbase.
all the displayed air units (unless otherwise prevented by Indicates if the air unit is due to transfer to the
the game rules). map or a different Theatre Box.


Filter Consequences The data along the base of the screen will show how
Allows you to select airbases using their map co- many items are selected using your current filters. As with
X, Y
other screens, you can also select a number of filters using
Allows you to select all the air groups in a
ThBox these options.
particular theatre.
Allows you to select some or all of your air groups
by their allocated air directive type
35.4.2. AOG Screen
Allows you to select your air groups that are This repeats many of the columns for the Air Group screen.
NAVAL However it starts with the left hand column showing either
categorised as naval only
Allows you to select your air groups in terms of the AOG or Air Command.
when they will fly a mission (divided between day Other new columns include:
MIS only, day and night and night only or rest). This
value can be changed for all selected air groups Filter Consequences
using the function ‘Mission Setting’. Will list all the planes currently in that AOG or Air
Allows you to select your air groups by their Command
allocated upgrade mode (auto or manual) The type of planes in that AOG or Air Command.
Allows you to select your air groups by their Some AOGs can only have particular plane
RPL Type
allocated replacement criteria types. If more than one type is present this is
Allows you to select your air groups by their shown as MIX.
experience level H AOG The Air Command a given AOG reports to
Allows you to select your air groups by their Air HQ The on map Air Command the AOG reports to
morale level The current command points used by that AOG
Allows you to select your air groups by their CP
FAT or Air Command
fatigue level
The maximum number of command points
Indicates if the air unit is treated as depleted. CPL
available for that AOG or Air Command
This information is used by the automatic air
Depl If using the AI air assistance this will determine
management routine to determine if the unit
Stance how the AOG/Air Command moves on the map
should be sent to the appropriate national reserve.
when the HQ they are following moves
Allows you to select your air groups by the
RDY If using the AI air assistance this will determine
number of ready planes they have available
FHQ which ground HQ the AOG/Air Command will
Allows you to select your air groups by the follow
number of planes set to reserve status
Will show the number of Naval operations that
Allows you to select your air groups by the Nav
DAM AOG/Air Command has
number of planes that are currently damaged
If using the AI air assistance this will determine
Allows you to select your air groups by the APri
how many air units are assigned
MAX maximum number of planes they can have
allocated Shows all the airbases used by air units under
Air base
that command
Allows you to select air groups that have missing
PLT Shows many Air Directives that Air Command/
pilots or no missing pilots AD
AOG is assigned to
Allows you to select air groups depending on how
KILL If using the AI air assistance this will determine
many kills have been allocated to them
Allows you to select air groups depending on how Mis the type of missions the component air units will
TRVL undertake
far they have travelled this turn
Shows the number of turns an air unit is frozen for
Del Again at the foot of the page are some filters that can be
(if appropriate)

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

35.4.4. Pilot List

This screen provides an overview of the performance (and
fate) of the historical named pilots in your air force.

35.4.3. Pilots 35.5. LEADERS TAB

This screen provides an overview of the number of pilots This tab lists all the phasing player’s leaders that can be
by nationality. assigned (command) headquarters units. It consists of only
one view, with no functions section.
Column Content
NATION Shows the nationality of each group of pilots Column Title Contents
TOTAL The total number of pilots for that nationality Leader’s name in last name, first name
Name format. Selecting a leader’s name will bring
The number of pilots who are ready to be
READY up the Leader Detail window
allocated to planes
Nat (Nationality) Leader’s nation
WOUNDED The number of pilots who are currently wounded
The leader’s current rank. Selecting a
CAPTURED The number of pilots who have been captured
Rank leader’s rank will bring up a filtered list of
KIA The number of pilots who have been killed in action just those leaders with that rank.
FREE The number of pilots who can be allocated to planes If the leader is currently in command of a
The number of pilots who could be allocated to headquarters unit, the HQ unit’s name will
planes be listed. Otherwise this column will have a
The number of trained pilots added to the pool hyphen (-).
each turn These seven columns display the current
Miss to The difference between your number of pilots leader ratings (15.3) in the order of
Ready and number of ready planes Leader Ratings Political (Pol), Morale (Mrl), Initiative (Ini),
Miss to The difference between your number of pilots Administration (Admin), Mechanized (Mech),
Max and total number of planes Infantry (Inf), and Air.


Displays any restrictions regarding the type
of headquarters units that the leader can be
(Restrictions) assigned. Restrictions are Ground Only (GO), Air This tab lists all the battles that have taken place during
Only (AO), Ground and Air (-) and SS Only (SS). both the phasing player’s current turn and the proceeding
MaxC Displays the maximum level of headquarters non-phasing player’s turn. The default listing is in the exact
(Maximum unit a leader can command. Maximum
order they were conducted.
Command Command levels are Corps/Army (C/A), Army
Level) Group (AG), and High Command (HC). There is a Ground view and an Air view, the difference
DisC (Dismissal Displays the cost in administrative points to being in the type of losses displayed.
Cost) dismiss the leader. Underneath the Battles tab you can see the total
Displays the current number of victories number of battles currently selected. This number will
Vic (Victories)
(wins) that the leader has earned. change as battles are filtered or sorted out of the view.
Displays the current number of defeats This tab does not have a functions section and there are no
Def (Defeats)
(losses) that the leader has earned. specific display filters, only the ‘Clear All Filters’ link, which
Displays whether a leader is active (alive) will clear any active column header sorting.
or dead. Active leaders are marked with
Fate: a hyphen (-). Dead leaders are marked as
either killed in action (KIA) or executed (EXC)
35.6.1. Ground View
upon dismissal. As usual there are a few filter tabs below the main display.

In addition, the Leaders tab has a number of display filters:

Column Title Contents

Lists the hex location where the battle took place in X, Y coordinates. Selecting the location will bring up
the map area with the battle hex selected and the combat resolution report for that battle displayed.
Near Displays the name of the closest town, city, urban hex or other named location to the battle
Displays the side, Axis (Ax) or Soviets (SU) that initiated the attack. If a hyphen (-) is displayed, this
Attk (Attacker)
indicates an isolated unit that surrendered during the previous logistics phase.
Result Displays the result of the attack or air mission
Displays whether ground attacks were deliberate or hasty (23.4). Air missions will be marked with a
hyphen (-).
These two headers each have three column headers underneath them that display the composition of
Attacker and Defender the forces involved on each side. The three columns in the ground view list the number of men, guns,
and armored fighting vehicles (AFV) present in the battle
These two headers each have three column headers underneath them that display the losses for each
Attacker and Defender
side. The three columns in the ground view list the number of men, guns, and armored fighting vehicles
(AFV) lost.
If the battle ended as a surrender or shattered result, these columns will show how many of the
defenders escaped (and were returned to the relevant production pools).

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

35.6.2. Air View The Depot view displays depots by location and type
and provides supply priority, freight and vehicle status.
Column Title Contents
This tab does not have a functions section.
Lists the hex location where the battle took
place in X, Y coordinates. Selecting the All of the views have the following column headers:
Hex location will bring up the map area with
the battle hex selected and the combat Column Title Contents
resolution report for that battle displayed. Displays the name of the closest town,
Displays the name of the closest town, city, city, urban hex or other named location.
Near urban hex or other named location to the Nationality of the town, city or urban hex.
battle Control of a hex by the opposing side
Displays the side, Axis (Ax) or Soviets (SU) does not change nationality. Selecting a
Nat (Nationality)
that initiated the air mission. If a hyphen particular nationality within this column
Attk (Attacker) (-) is displayed, this indicates an isolated will bring up a filtered list of just the town,
unit that surrendered during the previous city or urban hexes of that nation.
logistics phase. Lists the current hex location of the town,
Displays the result of the attack or air city or urban hex in X, Y coordinates. Off-
Result map locations are marked with an asterisk
(*). Selecting a location will bring up the
Displays whether ground attacks were Hex
applicable city detail window and for
Type deliberate or hasty (23.4). Air missions will
on-map locations will select the hex. For
be marked with a hyphen (-).
off-map locations, the previously selected
These two headers each have three on-map hex will remain selected.
column headers underneath them that
Displays the permanent population of the
Attacker and display the composition of the forces Pop (Population)
town, city or urban hex.
Defender involved on each side. The three columns
list the number of fighters, bombers and
other (utility) planes involved in the battle
All the tabs can be filtered according to the nationality
These two headers each have three
column headers underneath them that of the hex.
Attacker and display the losses for each side. The
Defender Losses three columns list the number of fighters,
bombers and other (utility) planes lost in
the battle


This tab lists all of the town, city, urban hexes and other 35.7.1. Locations Tab: Storage View
named locations controlled by the phasing player, both on The storage view consists of the following additional
and off map. Underneath the Locations tab will display the column headers:
total number of locations currently selected. This number
will change as locations are filtered or sorted out of the Column Title Contents
views. There are three views available in the Locations tab. AB Size Size of the airbase at the location (if any)
The Storage view The number of support units assigned to
(default) displays that location
supply, resources These eight columns display the amount in
tons of supplies (Sup), fuel (Fuel), resources
and oil stored at the location compared to the requirement
(Res), and oil (Oil) currently stored in the
for those items as well as the number of air base units and Current Storage
hex as well as the required amount of
anti-aircraft support units. and Storage
supplies (SupR), fuel (FuelR), resources
The Industry view displays the number of factory points (ResR), and oil (OilR) needed by the town,
of each general type of factory and any damage to those city or urban hexes, which is based on the
number and type of factories located there.


35.7.2. Locations Tab: Industry View Column Title Contents

Under each column are shown the number of factory Lists the type of depot as National Src
points for each type of resource at that location. (National Supply Source) (Type 4), Export
Port (Port Supply Source) (Type 3), Import
For aircraft and AFV/Combat vehicle factories, the Depot
Port (Type 2), or Railyard (Type 1). A dash (-)
number of factory points is the sum of all those types of indicates that no depot currently exists in
factories since it is possible for a given location to produce that town, city or urban hex.
more than one type of vehicle or aircraft. Current supply priority of the depot.
If a factory type has suffered damage, the percentage Selecting the number allows the player to set
will be displayed in parentheses next to the number of that depot’s supply priority from 0-4 if the
factory points of that type of factory. depot is located on map. Selecting the check
box or the ‘Enter’ key without inputting a
Column Title Contents number will change the supply priority to 0.
The sum of the AFV factories at the The amount of freight in tons currently
AFV Freight
location stored at that location
The sum of the aircraft factories at the Vehicles assigned to the depot that are still
location Unused Vehicles available for the transport of freight in the
Man The current population of the location turn.

The number of Heavy Industry factories at Vehicles assigned to the depot that have
HI Used Vehicles been used to transport freight this turn and
the location
are no longer available.
The number of Oil producing factories at
Oil The number of units drawing supply from
the location UnitSup
that depot in the last turn
The number of Fuel processing factories
at the location

The number of Synthetic Fuel factories at
the location 35.8. EQUIPMENT TAB
The number of Resource production This tab is a reference database that provides information
factories at the location on all equipment and devices included in the game for both
The number of Vehicle factories at the sides. There are three views; ground elements (default),
location aircraft, and weapons (devices). Depending on the view
The number of Armament factories at the selected, underneath the Equipment tab will display the
location total number of ground elements, aircraft, or weapons
Rail The number of Rail yards at the location (devices) currently selected. This number will change as
The number of Port capacity at the equipment is filtered or sorted out of the views. For the
location ground element and aircraft views, the player can compare
two different ground elements or aircraft by using the
35.7.3. Location Tab: Depot View ground element or aircraft ‘Compare’ windows.
The depot view consists of five additional column headers At the bottom of the page are a set of filters that can be used
that display the following information: to restrict the display to certain types of elements or weapons

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

35.8.1. Equipment Tab: Ground Elements 35.8.2. Equipment Tab: Aircraft View
This view has the following column headers:

Column Title Contents

Lists the name of each ground element.
Selecting a ground element will bring up
Ground Element
the ground element compare selection
Lists the nationality of each ground
Nat (Nationality)
element. This view has the following column headers:
Lists the broad type for that element,
the game may use this information Column Title Contents
Class when assigning an alternative element if Lists the name of each aircraft model.
something is missing from the TOE and Aircraft Selecting an aircraft will bring up the
not available in the replacement pools. aircraft compare selection window.
Lists the specific type for the ground Nat (Nationality) Lists the nationality of each aircraft.
element. Type Lists the functional type for the aircraft.
Lists the month and year that the ground Lists the broad type for that element,
SDate (Start Date) element equipment went or will go into the game may use this information
production. when assigning an alternative element if
Lists the month and year that the ground Air Profile something is missing from the TOE and not
EDate (End Date) element equipment stopped or will stop available in the replacement pools. This is
production. also used when determining what planes
Displays whether the ground element will can be assigned to some particular AOGs.
be upgraded by listing the identification SDate (Start Lists the month and year that the aircraft
number (ID) of the upgrade ground Date) went or will go into production.
element from the game editor ground Lists the month and year that the aircraft
EDate (End Date)
element editor section (game editor .pdf). stopped or will stop production.
If a ground element does not have an Displays whether the aircraft will be
Upg (Upgrade)
upgrade, this column will be marked by upgraded by listing the identification
a hyphen (-). Selecting the upgrade ID number (ID) of the upgrade aircraft from
number will bring up the ground element the game editor ground element editor
compare window with the ground section (game editor .pdf). If a aircraft
element compared to the upgrade ground Upg (Upgrade)
does not have an upgrade, this column
element. will be marked by a hyphen (-). Selecting
These six columns provide the number the upgrade ID number will bring up the
of men (Men), the tactical speed (Spd), aircraft compare window with the aircraft
Ground Element
size, fuel usage (Fuel), ammunition usage compared to the upgrade model.
(Ammo), and reliability rating (Rel) for the These columns provide the number of
ground element. aircrew, including the pilot, in the aircraft,
These two columns provide the cost the maximum speed (SpdM), cruising
in supplies to build the equipment in speed (SpdC), climb rate, maximum
Production Characteristics
the ground element and the maximum altitude (Alt), maximum load, endurance
number of the equipment that can be (Endr), range, ammunition load and fuel
built (BldLim) at a single location. load.
The armour rating of an AFV/Combat These two columns provide the cost in
Armour vehicle expressed in terms of front (FArm), Production supplies to build the aircraft and the
side (SArm), and top (TArm) armour. Information maximum number of the aircraft that can
Lists the load cost for rail, naval and air be built (BldLim) at a single location.
Load transport (if applicable) of the ground Armour Lists the armour rating for the aircraft.
element. Rel (Reliability) Lists the reliability rating for the aircraft.


35.8.3. Equipment Tab: Weapons (Devices) 35.8.4. Compare Window

The compare window allows the player to look at the
Column Title Contents
information contained in the applicable equipment view
Lists the name of the weapon (device).
Selecting an entry in this column will take of two different ground elements or two different aircraft.
Weapon This window can be accessed either through the name or
you to the Ground or Aircraft tab and show
which make use of that weapon the upgrade column. This function cannot be accessed
Lists the type of weapon/device (e.g. heavy from the ‘Weapons’ Tab.
gun, general purpose (GP) bomb, radar If using the name column, the compare window brings
Type detector, drop tank, etc.). Selecting a particular
up the selected ground element or aircraft on one side
type within this column will bring up a filtered
list of just that type of weapon (device). and a list of all other ground elements or aircraft on the
These columns provide information on the other side. Selecting a ground element or aircraft will bring
weapon (device) load cost, effect (Eff), range it up to complete the compare window. For the ground
(Rng), accuracy (Acc), range ceiling for AA guns element view, there is a ‘Same Class’ check box that lists
Weapon (Ceil), rate of fire (RoF), blast radius (Blast), just the ground elements listed under the type header.
(Device) anti-air target (AAir) efficiency, anti-soft (ASoft)
Un-checking the box will allow the player to select from all
Characteristics target efficiency, anti-armor (AArm) target
efficiency, target penetration (Pen) efficiency, ground elements currently selected.
High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) efficiency, and If the upgrade column is used to access the compare
High-Velocity Armor-Piercing (HVAP) efficiency. window, it will automatically bring up the upgrade

40 5
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

ground element or aircraft model on the other side of the Section Contents
compare window. Name Name, type silhouette, country flag and picture.
Each side of the compare window has four sections as Contains the same information as in that view
seen in the screenshot above: of the equipment tab for the currently selected
weapon (device).
It is worth bearing in mind that the weapon statistics on
Ground element or aircraft detail section
this tab may be different to those in the main Commander’s containing the same information as in that view
Report. In this case, those underlying values are modified Weapon
of the equipment tab for that ground element or
by the platform (element) they are mounted on and if this aircraft. The one exception is the upgrade field,
was inefficient they will be lower. Thus the Soviet 152mm which will list the name of the upgrade rather than
the ID number. In addition, selecting the upgrade
gun has lower values when mounted on a KV-2 compared
name will bring up that ground element or aircraft
to an ISU-152. as the other side of the compare window.
Shows all the weapon systems the ground element
or aircraft could use in the same format as the
List of ground element or air group detail window. The
Weapons currently selected weapon (device) will be in orange
(Devices) text and its details will be shown as described
above. Selecting the name of a weapon (device) will
change the detail section to display its details.


This appendix provides detailed information on the
various screens accessible at the top of the playing area 36.1. ORDER OF BATTLE
when in either ‘Info Screens’ Mode or the Administration This screen can be accessed from the info screens menu
Mode (6.2). tab toolbar or Hotkey- ‘o’ or by right clicking on any hex and
All these screens can be accessed from the tabs at selecting ‘Info Screens’. In this example, the ‘Theater Boxes’
the top of the game map (when the Info Screen Mode is section has been expanded (the arrow points down) and
selected), via hotkeys or by using the map (right click on any the total split across the 4 active boxes.
hex, >> Info Screens and then select the desired screen) The screen can be divided into two main sub-sections:
While most of these access
pop up screens that in turn allow
further action a couple amend
the view of units on the map
to convey information about
the state of your command
or supply infrastructure. In
this respect the Theatre Box
screens are best seen as a
hybrid between part of the map
and an information screen.


36.1.1. Left Hand Display

At the top of this screen, all HQs that are set to assault
status (21.11.2) are listed.
Below that, when first opened the display will show
the supreme HQ(s) (21.11.1)for that side (multiple if this
is for the Axis player), air base information, the number of Selecting a ground unit name will close the OOB screen
men and equipment in transit between Theatres and the and take the player to the applicable unit’s detail window.
numbers in the off map Theatre Boxes. Closing the detail window will take the player back to the
For each category the number of infantry, guns and afvs map area and the hex that the unit is located in will be
in that command or location are displayed. selected unless it is an off-map support, in which case closing
This display can be collapsed or expanded by pressing the support unit detail window will take the player to its HQ
the arrow keys on the left hand side. unit. Air Groups do not have a link to their detail window.
If the [>] button next to the command is clicked the At the bottom of the screen are check boxes that allow
screen will show all the commands that directly report. In the player to filter six different types of units in and out
turn this can be opened to show more and more detail or of the OOB display. The unit types are support, combat,
filtered using the tabs at the bottom of the screen. construction support, air group, air base, and amphibious
HQ. Default setting is all units included in the OOB.

36.1.2. Right Hand Display

The right side of the OOB screen provides a graphic display
of the status of Axis (Germany, Axis Allies) and Soviet army
and air forces by showing the number of men, guns, AFV
and aircraft in the format xxx (xxx), where the first number
is the total number and the second number in parentheses
is the number that are ready (undamaged).

The display for Air HQ units will be slightly different.

This shows the types of planes in that command.
If this is opened to show more detail then it will show
the attached Air Operational Groups and the model and
number of ready aircraft.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Forces are divided between those present on the

main map, those in the national reserve and the total (in
all theatres). In the example below, the Germans have
approximately 1.9 million men in other theatres. For the
Soviets, the left hand information shows they have 2.3
million in other theatres and their relative allocation split
between the Reserve and the other locations.


This screen can be accessed from the info screens menu
tab toolbar, Hotkey- ‘l’ or by right clicking on any map hex
and selecting ‘Info Screens’.
Title Contents
The losses screen provides the phasing player with
Shows the nationality of the lost Ground
a summary of each side’s current casualties (damaged Nationality
and destroyed) and permanent losses in terms of men, Gives the exact type of Ground Element
Ground Element
guns, tanks and planes. A per turn listing of destroyed including the make of tank or vehicle if this
or disbanded units is also provided. There are a total of is appropriate.
three screens (ground losses, air losses, and destroyed and This is split into three columns: Last action;
Current turn; and, total.
disbanded units) that can be accessed as part of the Show
Permanent The battle losses will show the results from
Losses Screen. Losses the most recent battle. In the example
shown the Germans have just lost some
36.2.1. Ground Losses artillery and vehicles in a battle.
This screen will be displayed by default when the losses
screen is first accessed in a given playing session. The right side of the screen lists losses in numbers of
The screen is split into two sides. The left hand side individual men, guns and AFV’s for each side displayed as
provides details on losses by ground element and the right follows:
hand side provides an overall summary of losses so far.
As discussed in section 23.10.2 this is divided into three
columns. Last Action refers to the last battle actually fought
in that turn and will be reset to 0 when a new attack is
launched. In between these actions, losses may accumulate
if elements are destroyed due to enemy interdiction or as
a result of displacement moves as the phasing player’s
combat units move adjacent to zero strength enemy units
(and HQs).
The left side of the screen lists permanent losses
by individual type of Ground element displayed in the
following columns:


Losses for the Axis side are at the top and for the Soviets Using the example above, choosing the Axis Ground
lower down the screen. Phase filter, as:

Title Contents
This is derived either from the last battle or
losses that occur in movement. Losses shown
Last Action here use the assumption that all manpower and
equipment in a destroyed element will be killed or Will alter the display to show losses this turn, as:
permanently destroyed.
This estimates losses based on the number of
Current elements destroyed or that lose a portion of their
Turn and strength back to the pool. Since this takes account
Total of manpower being returned to the pool it is a
more accurate tally than the recent battle column.

Manpower losses are then broken down into four

categories of Killed, Captured, Wounded and Disabled.
Some scenarios may start with manpower allocated to
the Disabled pool to reflect earlier fighting and these men
may return to their units over time.
Wounded and Disabled manpower can recover and
return to the active pools or be moved to the killed pool
over time (23.10.2). Thus even if there is no on-map action Note the current turn figures are now below those
the ‘Disabled’ total will vary as some are deemed ready to shown for the only battle undertaken (Last Action). This
return to their combat units and others are now dead. is due to a better calculation of the relationship between
At the bottom of the screen are a number of filters that will destroyed elements and actual losses.
affect what is shown in the current turn column in particular:
36.2.2. Air Losses
The left side of the screen is identical to the layout of the
Ground Losses screen. The top of the right hand side uses
the same categories but differentiates between losses in

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

terms of Pilots KIA and then planes broken down in the Under each turn are the following columns:
categories of: Fighter; Fighter Bomber; Tactical Bomber; §§ Turn number
Level Bomber; Recon; and, Transport. §§ Nationality
Below this is a table that shows the reason for the §§ Name of unit
losses including Air Combat; Flak; Lost on the Ground; and, §§ Unit type
Operational. §§ Disband, where disbanded units are indicated by an ‘X’
Again, if desired, this can be filtered by phase. in that column.
The right side of the screen lists the running totals of
36.2.3. Destroyed and Disbanded Units destroyed units for each side by type. Friendly disbanded
This screen provides a by turn list of each unit destroyed or units are included in the total, but are not broken out as
disbanded for the phasing player. Disbanded enemy units such. The three totals presented are previous turn, current
will not be displayed or reflected in the totals. turn, and overall game totals. Enemy disbanded units are
The left side not included in this screen.
of the screen lists
each turn with the
number of friendly
units destroyed and
disbanded, (this will
include any merged
units) as well as the
number enemy units
destroyed that turn.
Select the arrow keys
to expand or fold
each turn.


36.3.1. Left Hand Side
On the left hand side of this screen, the player can see
current production and reserves of manpower, productive
capacity and the elements that make up their air and
ground units.
The filters at the bottom of the right hand side can be
used to alter the presentation of information. If ‘all pools’


is set to active, the headings will change. This view is Left clicking on one of the ‘special’ rows will take you to
particularly useful as it gives a view of the manpower and a display of all the available production centres.
equipment readily available as opposed to being in ‘transit’
between the production and replacement systems.
If, for example,
the ‘all pools’ filter
is selected it will
first only show the resources that are in the active pools
(i.e. could be assigned to elements this turn) and then
those in the transit pools (often manpower recovering
from wounds or equipment being repaired). This will be
shown by altering the Pool column title:

Closing this tab will return you to the main Production

The screen is divided into four sections: The Air section is divided into two parts. At the top are
§§ Manpower shown the actual named air planes currently (or previously
§§ Special – you can vary this view using the Production Filter) in
§§ Air production. Beneath this list is a list of the airframes that
§§ Ground are actually produced. These are converted to named
Manpower shows the number of centres that produce aircraft during the production process (28.4).
manpower each turn, how many of these are damaged (if Now obsolete production is marked with a # and
none this will show as -), how many men are in the pool production that has not yet started with **.
and how many have been ‘built’ since the game start. Left clicking on an airplane model or ground element will
Special shows the output of all factories other than take you to a tab that indicates how the automatic system
those that produce air or ground elements. will upgrade it and a summary of the main characteristics.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

:need implies no production unless there is demand (and

it is also possible that production will not meet demand)
The ground section is laid out in a similar manner but ar:xx indicates per turn production of that element.
some equipment is produced in specialist factories and For both air and ground, changing the production filter
others using the generic resources available. alters the view. If this is set to ‘On’ (as above) then only
In this case, the code ch:xx indicates that production elements currently in production will be shown. If this is set
occurs at specific locations. ar:xx indicates that production ‘Off’ then elements no longer being produced (marked by a
uses generic resources but there are two variants of this. #) or that have yet to enter production (**) are also shown.


The units column shows how many units (in all theatres) At the top is an indicator of how factories in particular
use that element and the number in brackets [-4] indicates national regions contribute. If you click on one of these, the
the shortfall between available elements and the number information on the left will be amended to only show the
needed to fill out the TOE of all those units. data relevant to that nation or region. So, in the example
Clicking on the units number (if more than 0) brings up below, selecting Finland will just show the resources
the relevant Commander’s Report tab showing all the units available to Finnish elements.
using that element, as: Below this is summary
information on available
manpower centres, the
stores and active pool for
the main resources.
Supply, Fuel, Ammo
and Trucks in units are
shown, the numbers
in parenthesis are the
amount needed to ensure
that every unit has 100%
of its requirements.
Also shown is information on the distribution of trucks
outside the combat units and the available naval assets.

36.3.2. Right Hand Side

In addition to the filters at the base altering the view,

two will take you to a new display

If the Ground Element Map is chosen, you will be taken

to a new screen.
This will provide detailed information about any gaps
between the TOE of your units and allocated resources.
It will show how many are missing, how many are being
refitted, how many are available in the active and transit
pools, how many have been built.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

If you click on the [+] option, you will be shown more details such as the types of medium tanks in use. As:

Clicking the [+] button again will bring up a list of the units using
that equipment (this is divided into units set to refit mode and
those not), as:
Clicking on a unit from that list will take you to unit tab for that
unit and the appropriate map location or theatre box.
If you close the Ground Element Map screen you will be returned
to the production screen.
Production charts will take you to a summary of production,
needs, usage and stored for the main parts of the logistics system.
Each resource has four graphs. These show were that resource
is needed, how the available stock is used, where it is produced and
where it is stored.


So supply is needed to produce ammunition, supply

units and for factory maintenance. It is currently used in
the production of armaments, unit and factory upkeep. It
is all produced by Heavy Industry. The bulk of the current
stock is held in the general pools but some is stored in
cities or has been converted to ammunition or supply and
kept by combat units.
Again if you close this, you will be returned to production

36.4. METRICS SCREEN Most screens have some tabs at the bottom that allow
As with many of these screens, the Metrics screen uses a you to alter the display (whether just to see the Axis or
number of conventions that are common across most. On Soviet values or both) and whether to include the actual
the left hand side is a list values on the graph, just to show the last 10 turns or the
of all the possible displays, variation in the values between turns.
this can be expanded or
condensed by pressing on 36.4.1. Victory Points
the > button. This screen includes four
The main screen options:
will show the currently The Initiative player is a
chosen chart (by default it simple screen that records
will open with the Victory the turn on which the initiative
Points screen, as: changed. The Axis High Water

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Mark screen shows how this increased up to the turn when 36.4.3. Losses
the initiative changed (and it was then frozen for the rest The losses screen has a similar
of the game) and the Sudden Victory Points shows the layout of 8 screens repeated
sudden death value that applied at each turn. across 4 sub-sections.
The displayed information is
36.4.2. Order of Battle similar for each possible screen
This is divided into four main but the main one will show all
sections each with four different losses regardless of the actual
screens. phase and the other options show
The basic screens will show the losses in a particular phase.
all the men, guns, AFV and In this case the top image
aircraft possessed by each shows all losses in the last 10
side. The sub-sections just turns and the lower image those
reduce this to show the on- that occurred in the various
map, in theatre box or in transit logistics phases. Note that since
between theatre numbers. each game turn has two of these,
Each screen has a similar the data is shown in four lines.
layout as seen below. As an aside, the negative values
In this case it shows total for the Axis in their logistics phase
manpower for the Soviets and reflects that more men were
Axis sided over the last 10 turns deemed to have recovered from
of the game. The sub-sections their wounds (and were returned
allow you to track this by those to the active pools and combat
on map, in the theatres or in units) than were wounded in
transit between theatres. those phases.


Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

36.4.4. Production The Soviet list is:

This is divided into 10 separate
screens, each with similar
layouts. Some of the screens
show the current stocks and
others the current demand.
So the example below
shows the supply levels Each gives access to the
required by both sides over same set of metrics:
the last 10 turns. Some of these options
give the raw numbers of
36.4.5. Theatre Boxes men, planes and so on,
This display will be different for the Axis or the Soviet others show whether you
player as they have different Theatre Boxes (you can only meet the basic requirements
view those you own). and others track those
The Axis list is: requirements.
So below are the Axis
air commitment to North
Africa, the % against the
required garrison and the
value required to meet that


Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

These values effectively track the information available Finally if the unit is outlined in orange it is more than 5
on the Theatre Box screens. hexes from its immediate HQ and thus gains no command


A number of map displays are available that provide extra
information about units, their status and links. This section
overviews some of these and how to read the relevant
In particular, these views can be accessed from the
various information tabs.

36.5.1. Command Efficiency

This view provides a quick overview of your command
structure. Units that are in command range of their
immediate HQ and report to the level of HQ that is
expected (so an Army for the Soviets and Corps for the
Axis) are shown in green. If in turn that HQ is in range of its
next HQ in the chain this becomes a dark green.
In the example above, the Soviet units on the left of the
screen are in full command, those to the right have gaps in
their full command chain.
If the unit is shown in yellow it is within 5 hexes of its
immediate HQ but this is not at the level expected so there
is a malus on leadership tests (15.5.3). In the example, the
Soviet units in yellow are reporting directly to a Front HQ.

4 20

These values also take into account if the HQ is

overloaded (adversely affecting any leader rolls – 15.5.3)
and the range to a higher level HQ.

36.5.2. Command Quality


36.6.1. Main Screen

This also provides a quick overview of your command

structure but is a little bit more complicated than the
efficiency view.
Each HQ is given a notional value based on the quality
of the commander (and different values are used for
motorized and infantry units so units in the same army
may be shown differently). This value is calculated for all
the HQs in the chain.
In turn units are shaded green, yellow, orange or red
depending on the resulting values (and the values are
affected by the range modifiers in 15.5.4).

36.5.3. Supply Priority The weather screen can be accessed from the info screens
This screen is relatively straightforward . Units outlined in menu tab toolbar, Hotkey- ‘w’ or by right clicking on any
bright green report to a HQ at supply priority 4, dark green hex and selecting ‘Info Screens’.
at 3, yellow for 1 or 2 and red if the command is set at 0. The default view is to show the current weather
The outline can drop one level if the units have conditions for the entire map area, both playable and non-
problems in terms of command quality or efficiency as this playable.
will adversely affect the amount of supply and ammunition Across the top of the screen are options to ‘Show
they will receive in the logistics phase due to failed Dominating Weather Table’, the current turn (given as a
administrative leadership tests. date), and the next turn (again shown in date format).

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The options on the right hand side allow the player to 36.6.3. Dominating Weather Table
use the map to show one of the ground or air weather, the The Dominating Weather Table provides information on
climate zones or the road network. Whichever is chosen the normal weather to be expected in each weather zone
will provide a key to interpret the colour codes used on the according to the time of the year.
main display. The chart uses the following letter and colour codes:
In every case, the main display will show any weather §§ Clear: C (Yellow)
fronts currently on the map. These will show whether the §§ Rain: R (Grey)
front is High or Low pressure and its area of origin (8.1). §§ Heavy Rain: Hr (Olive)
The forecast is not accurate for either side but due to §§ Cold: Co (Light Blue)
their own knowledge, and information provided by the §§ Snowfall: Sf (Blue)
Western Allies, the information made available to the §§ Blizzard: Bz (Dark Blue)
Soviet player will be more reliable (8.2). As set out in the weather section, the dominating weather
is affecting by any prevailing fronts to generate the actual
36.6.2. Road Screen weather that affects a given hex (8.1.1). It is modified by
If this option is chosen the display will change to reflect the any fronts that affect a given region but otherwise this is
road network on the map. This provides a quick overview the most likely weather pattern in a given climate zone for
of where the better roads are in the Soviet Union. a particular month.



This screen can be accessed from the info screens menu Here, for example, the display could be set just to show
tab toolbar, Hotkey- ‘i’ or by right clicking on any hex and turns 100-101.
selecting ‘Info Screens’. At the bottom are a number of filters that can also be
The screen consists of three parts, ground units, air applied to limit the information shown:
groups and AOG reinforcements and withdrawals. The
initial screen displays the ground reinforcements and
The basics of using this screen are similar to that of the
Commanders Report.
The columns shown can be altered to remove those you 36.7.1. Units Screen
are not interested in. This screen shows the name, relevant turn, type and
The display can be sorted to only show particular unit strength of each unit (note the same unit can appear
types (say Infantry) or many times in the full screen). The type of move being
for a particular group undertaken. This will be one of:
of turns.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Arrived – for units that have arrived at their destination Rem – the unit will be removed from the game.
this turn. From/To indicate the Theatres or Map that are involved
Clicking on a unit name will bring up a simplified version in the move (if relevant). Hex indicates the arrival hex (if on
of the usual unit tab. map). If you click on the map hex, you will be taken to that
location on the map.

36.7.2. Air Groups

The information for air units is similar.
Most freshly arriving air units will be assigned to the
national reserve but some will be placed on the map. If you
use the automatic AI management of the air war (17.1.1)
these units will be assigned automatically to your Air
Operational Groups. If you control this manually, you will
Reinforcement – a freshly raised unit being added to have to assign the air units yourself (17.3.1).
either the map or a Theatre Box. As with the units screen, a set of filters are available at
In transit – units that are currently in transit between the bottom of the screen:
locations. Note that units ordered from the National reserve
to the Map will be shown with this designation, such as:

36.7.3. AOG
You need AOGs to manage the air war (whether this uses
the AI-assist or is done manually). This screen shows
the creation, transfer or disbands of AOGs as the war
Transfer – an existing unit being moved from a Theatre progresses.
Box to the Map, between Theatre Boxes or from the Map When ‘on map’ AOGs may not always be in use but
to a Theatre Box. are available to have air groups assigned either by the AI
Disband – the unit will be disbanded (and the component routine or manually.
parts placed back in the pools).

4 24

Below this is a single line that shows the situation for all
36.8. COMMANDERS REPORT on map commands.
See Appendix 35 for details

36.9. LOGISTICS PHASE REPORT The next part shows the freight allocation to depots,
SCREEN how much is used (local production) how much is shipped
to units and how many trucks were used.
36.9.1. Freight
This section reports on the allocation of supplies, freight
and manpower to on map HQs of army level or above.
The top section is divided into three, showing allocation
direct to high command (21.11.1) HQs, direct to Army
Group/Front HQs and then to Armies. Note that for the
High Command and the Army Group HQs this only covers
units (on map and support units) that directly report to Again a single line then summarises all this information.
that HQ. The Army information covers all subordinate
commands (Corps) as well as direct allocation to the HQ.
In each case the information shows supply needed,
supply received, supply lost in transit, Freight received,
replacement manpower received and freight lost in transit. Below this is information about truck usage, losses and
how many were captured.

The next section gives an overview of the allocation of

shipping assets between the various sea zones.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Beneath this is a summary table of the performance in

Finally it shows how much production was diverted to combat of the various aircraft.
civilian usage.

36.9.2. Theatre Box

This shows the interaction between types of friendly

and enemy planes, and how many enemy planes were
destroyed or damaged.
Under the enemy section the view is partly reversed
to show what enemy assets inflicted losses on friendly

This summarises the training activities in the reserve and

other theatre boxes and then ground and air losses by

36.9.3. Air Execution

This will be generated after the air execution phase has
been completed and shows the data that was available
during the resolution.
Information is presented for each night and then day as
to the auto-naval patrols that took place, each individual
air mission, how many planes were repaired and if new
pilots have been assigned to air units.

4 26

planes. Note this includes the effect of enemy flak on your

air units.
The final summary table will show how much fuel and
ammunition was used and how many sorties were flown.

36.9.6. Surrender
This will show units that
surrendered in the last
turn and any depots
captured from the enemy.

36.9.7. Arrival
This screen will indicate
any units disbanded in the
36.9.4. Replacement logistics phase:
This section mostly Lists all the units and
covers allocation HQs that have either
of equipment and arrived on the map or in a
manpower to air bases Theatre box this turn or have been unfrozen.
as the support needs
change. In addition,
it summarises how
many damaged AFVs
have been sent back
to the production pool
For the Axis player
it will also show 36.9.8. Leader
exports to the Axis Lists changes to the leaders hip ratings of commanders and
Allied nations. any dismissals or deaths in the enemy turn and automatic

36.9.9. Upgrade
36.9.5. Rename Lists any units or HQs that have taken on a new TOE, any
Lists any units that have changed their name this turn. air units that have been renamed and changes or upgrades
to elements and airframes from the production pool.

For the Soviet player this will also show how many
Guards formations have been created:

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The final information covers how many trucks were

repaired and returned to the logistics pool.

36.9.11. Withdraw
This lists unit disbands and withdrawals such as:
36.9.10. Supply
At the top this lists redeployment of trucks between depots
and how many trucks were lost to unit movement.
36.9.12. Production
For the Soviet player this sections starts by showing lend
lease deliveries:

It then lists how many generic elements were built

The next section lists all the transfer of freight between
industrial centres and how many rail points were available
before this phase.

It then shows how many factories are isolated, lack the

The next section shows shipment of resources, first resources for full production or have no production due to
between cities and then to the active pool and then from a lack of inputs.
the pool to cities as the production phase is run.

The final section is a table that shows how much of

each item was produced and consumed, can be produced
from active or damaged factories, losses due to low or no
resources or how much is isolated from the supply grid.

At the end it will summarise how many rail points are

still available and then break down the transfers into each

4 28


This screen is discussed in section 37.16 as part of the
overall review of the screens used to manage the air war


This screen is discussed in section 37.16 as part of the
overall review of the screens used to manage the air war
36.9.13. Loss by Type (37.16.8).
This shows losses since the start of the game divided into
combat, retreat, attrition, surrender or other causes.
The Theatre Boxes can be accessed by using CNTRL+T,
using the tab at the top of the screen or by right clicking on
any map hex and selecting ‘map information’ >> Theatre
In addition, information on the units within the Theatre
Boxes can be accessed using the Commanders Report (35).
In practice, if the player wishes to redeploy units (to the
map or to another theatre), change unit settings or TOE
then it is often more efficient to use the CR.
If you select the Theatre Box, by default you will be
36.9.14. Version taken to the National Reserve.
Shows the current game version. The display of each Theatre Box will vary according to
the zoom level you are using.
In this case, the map is fully zoomed out and the
information displayed for each theatre is minimal.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

If the map is fully zoomed in, this display will alter to: 36.12.1. Status Screen
At the top is the Theatre name and, on the right, the current
air and ground combat intensity (13.3.1).
Below this is information on how well the Theatre meets
the various requirements and other key information:

Content Notes
Shows the combined CV (and in brackets the
Ground target) and the %. In the case of the example
above, the Germans exceed this minimum.

At this level, the status summary screen is shown.


If this is expanded, information is provided on how that §§ Airborne Units

total is made up, as: §§ Artillery Units
§§ Anti-Tank Units
An estimate of the combat power of the day §§ Anti-Air Units
Air Day fighters, bombers and patrol aircraft assigned
§§ Mtn Infantry Units
to that theatre
§§ Engineer Units
An estimate of the combat power of the night
Air Night fighters, bombers and patrol aircraft assigned §§ SP Gun Units
to that theatre §§ Construction Units
Combat The number of division equivalents in the §§ Rocket Units
Divisions Theatre. §§ Machine Gun Units
The amount of freight allocated to the Hovering over any unit will produce a pop up box giving
Freight Theatre in the last turn (in brackets the
the Units Name, its TOE % and its morale.
amount needed)
Left clicking on any unit will change the view to the unit
Trucks (Used) The number of trucks allocated to the Theatre
Gnd Element The number of ground elements sent to the
Received Theatre in the last logistics phase
Aircraft The number of aircraft sent to the Theatre in
Received the last logistics phase

36.12.2. Ground
This information display will vary according to the level of
detail (zoom) chosen, in the image above this is as large as
possible. In that case unit titles, type, and strength can all
be seen.
Regardless of zoom level, the units are divided up into
the following categories:
§§ HQ Units
§§ Armor Units
§§ Mechanized Units
§§ Motorized Units
§§ Infantry Units

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Right clicking on the unit will usually produce a pop The information includes:
up box that provides additional information and allows §§ Name;
the unit to be transferred to the Map or another theatre. §§ Men/guns/afv
Note this option will only be available outside the National §§ Morale/TOE
reserve if you have chosen the Enhanced control option §§ Whether it is set for Refit (on) or not (off)
(13.3.4). §§ The option to transfer the unit to the map or another
Theatre and the number of turns this will take.
Units headed with red a border are locked in that Theatre
and cannot be transferred for a number of turns. In this
case, the option to transfer has been disabled from the
pop-up box.
In the reserve, the option to transfer a unit to the map
will be shown (regardless of your choice in terms of Theatre 36.12.3. Air
Box management): As with the ground screen, the information display will
depend on the map zoom. The example below is taken at
zoom level 3:
Planes are divided into Fighter; Fighter Bomber; Tactical
Bomber; Level Bomber; Recon; Transport and Patrol.
Mousing over any entry, will bring up a display showing
the unit name and the number of ready, damaged and
reserve planes in the group as well as the current morale.
Play Note: Transferring units is often far easier done Left clicking on the unit will bring up the standard air
using the tools available in the CR. group window
Right clicking on the unit will show the unit name, plane
type, number of ready and
total planes and current
morale. Below this will be
the option to transfer the
unit to another theatre.


Note that air units can only be transferred to the game Victory Points, showing the current score for holding
map using the routines in sections 17.1 (where the AI will cities and any extra VP awarded for early capture or events.
do this for you) or 17.3.2 (if you are doing this manually). The Axis High Watermark, this is the highest Axis VP
achieved in the game.
36.13. VICTORY SCREEN Initiative Player. Indicates which player has the initiative
and when this will be checked.
36.13.1. Campaign Games Sudden Victory Levels. The VP level needed on a given
From the top of the screen it is possible to access the Victory quarterly turn to trigger a sudden victory.
Points section of the metrics screens, again this can also be Sudden Loss Levels, the HWM needed to avoid an
opened from a hot key or right clicking on any map hex. automatic Axis defeat.
For campaign game the Victory Screen is divided into On the right hand side can be found:
five sub-sections.
On the left hand side can be found:

This lists all the cities that count for Victory Points. The
information includes their basic value, the turn they were
first captured by the Axis side (if relevant, otherwise this
is shown as 0) and the turn they were first captured (or
retaken) by the Soviets (again this is shown as 0 if the city
was historically never captured by the Soviets).
The bonus if the city changes hands this turn is also

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

36.13.2. Non-Campaign Games This provides a list of background information on combat

formations and other equipment in the game.
If you click on an entry a text box will appear that will
give further information. External links will take you to
further information outside the game engine.

36.15. EVENTS

This shows how VP are calculated from cities and combat

losses, the current score and the current ratio between the
two sides.
This screen lists all the events that have so far occurred.
It can be useful if you want to double check what has
36.14. WITEPEDIA occurred after closing the pop-up that appears each turn.


36.16. TURN SUMMARY This screen gives you access to other screens
(reinforcements and victory) as well as providing a quick
summary of the action over the last complete turn.
At the top is a summary of all that turn’s reinforcements
(ground and air), clicking on the symbol will take you to the
reinforcement screen (36.7).
In particular, friendly losses are on map losses are for
the prior 6 phases, so from the start of the last turn friendly
air phase through the end of the current turn logistics
OB changes are shown broken into 3 categories for the
friendly player, change in strength on the map, change
in strength in the TBs, and change in strength of units
currently in-transfer. The enemy change in strength is the
total of all three categories. These values are all 0 on turn
1 for both sides.
The unit trucks are a snapshot of the position when the
turn opens (so once you take any action they are likely not
to match the other in-turn information. These show how
trucks are in the units (the figure in brackets is how many
are needed), in the depots, pool and undergoing repairs.
Tons of freight, tons of replacements, and number of
men received during the logistics phase are snapshots from
the logistics report. The difference in the fuel stores+pool
is from the metrics screen turn differential.
Note this will appear automatically when you open a turn Combat Unit Alerts provides information on the friendly
(even if you have started making your moves and saved on-map combat units.
part of the way through). In addition, as usual, you can For the section Combat Unit Alerts, if you click on
access if from the tabs, or via a hot key. You can disable ‘Supply Alerts’ or ‘Strength Alerts’ the relevant units will be
this functionality using the user preference scheme (36.17). highlighted on the map.

43 5
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The final section shows the current victory situation and 36.17.1. User Preferences
will be different if currently playing a scenario or campaign Screen Mode: Select the appropriate box next to the
game (36.13). In small scenarios, no projected victory result graphic for windowed or full screen mode. The left choice
will be given on turn 1. is windowed mode and the right choice is full screen mode.
In the example above, the Axis side retains the initiative, Default is windowed mode. The player will have to exit the
have a HWM of 649 and currently 590 VP. The next sudden program after making a change for the change to take effect.
victory test requires them to have 750. Note that if windowed mode is selected for computer
Clicking on the box to the left will take you to the main screens set at 768 or 800 pixels, some information may
victory screen. be lost on some screens. For those screen resolutions it’s
suggested to play in Full Screen mode.
36.17. USER PREFERENCES Graphic Quality: Select the appropriate box for low or
high graphic quality. The down (left choice) arrow is the low
SCREEN setting, while the up (right choice) arrow is the high setting.
This can be accessed by selecting the ‘Administration’ tab The game must be exited and reloaded for the change to
or shift-p. take effect.
The screen allows the player to choose how to set up Note that a low setting is recommended for older
the game or to modify the game display. computers or those with low memory or older graphics


cards. If map scrolling and combat or move animations combat. As the level is increased from 2 to 7, the amount of
look sluggish, try the low setting. The default graphic information reported will increase, with level 7 describing
quality is the high setting. each shot fired by the units in combat.
Scroll Speed: Sets the time it takes to scroll across the The default setting is 1.
map. Select the left arrow to decrease the time and the Combat Resolution Message Delay: This delay sets
right arrow to increase the time or select directly inside the the amount of delay in seconds before the next combat
box with the current number and enter the desired time. resolution text message appears in the Combat Resolution
Scroll speed can be set from 1 to 30 in .5 increments (if window. By selecting the left (decrease) or right (increase)
directly entered it can be set in .01 increments). The default arrows, or by selecting directly inside the box with the
scroll speed is 4.00. current number and entering the desired time, the value
Message Delay: This sets the amount of time (in can be set from 0 to 30 seconds in .5 increments (if directly
seconds) a standard pop-up text message will display on entered it can be set in .01 increments).
the game screen, to include reserve unit commitment The default setting is 1.00 seconds
messages. By selecting the left (decrease) or right (increase) Combat Resolution Close Delay: This delay sets the
arrows or by selecting directly inside the box with the amount of time in seconds that the combat resolution
current number and entering the desired time, the value report window will remain displayed after the battle is
can be set from 0 to 30 seconds in .5 increments (if directly resolved and the last message is displayed. By selecting
entered it can be set in .01 increments), with a 0 resulting on the left (decrease) or right (increase) arrows, or by
in no messages being displayed. The default setting is 2.00 selecting directly inside the box with the current number
seconds. and entering the desired time, the value can be set from 0
Hex Pop-up Delay: Sets the amount of delay in seconds to 30 seconds in .5 increments (if directly entered it can be
before the hex pop-up triggered by the mouse cursor will set in .01 increments).
appear. The hex pop-up describes the hex on the map the The default setting is 5.00 seconds.
mouse cursor is currently over. Air Execution Phase Detail: Determines the amount
Setting this value to 0 will prevent the hex pop-up from of information provided during the air execution phase.
appearing. The default setting is .33 seconds. Values available are None, Low, Medium, and High.
Mouseover Delay: Sets the amount of delay in seconds The default is Low.
before a pop-up triggered by the mouse cursor will appear, Auto-Save Game: When enabled by selecting the check
with the exception of the hex pop-up, which has a separate box to the right of the “Auto-Save Game” text, the current
delay setting (see above). By selecting the left (decrease) or game will be automatically saved at the end of each player
right (increase) arrows, or by selecting directly inside the turn. The default setting for Auto-Save game is off.
box with the current number and entering the desired time, Starting Zoom Level: Sets the default map zoom level
the value can be set from 0 to 30 seconds in .5 increments that will be used whenever a new scenario or save game is
(if directly entered it can be set in .01 increments). The loaded. Select inside the box to the right of “Starting Zoom
default setting is .33 seconds. Level” to toggle between the five zoom levels, Max-Out
Combat Resolution Message Level: This determines (level 5), Out (level 4), Medium (level 3), In (level 2), Max-In
the amount of information given about a battle in the (level 1).
Combat Resolution window that appears at the top of The default setting is level 2 (In).
the screen during combat resolution. By selecting the Show Move Animation: When enabled by selecting the
left (decrease) or right (increase) arrows, or by selecting check box to the right of the “Show Move Animation” text,
directly inside the box with the current number and friendly units will be shown moving from hex to hex on
entering the desired number, the value can be set from 0 the map, accompanied by their respective sound effect if
to 7 in increments of 1. that preference is enabled. If not enabled, units will move
A level of 0 will keep this window from appearing at all. directly to their destination.
Level 1 will provide only a minimum level of information The default setting has show move animation enabled.
messages, resolving the battle as quickly as possible. Level Animation Speed: This sets the amount of delay
1 will also prevent the window from appearing for any air in seconds between each hex moved for a unit using

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

move animation. By selecting the left (decrease) or right reset for both the user and map preferences section of the
(increase) arrows, or by selecting directly inside the box preferences screen.
with the current number and entering the desired time,
the value can be set from 0 to 30 seconds in .5 increments 36.17.2. Map Preferences
(if directly entered it can be set in .01 increments). These settings can be used to customize aspects of the
The default setting is .33 seconds. map area. Many of these settings can be changed at any
Music Volume: Sets the volume for music by selecting time during the player turn, but some require the player to
the left (decrease) or right (increase) arrows, or by selecting exit the game and reload prior to the change taking place.
directly inside the box with the current number and If the appropriate box has a check mark displayed, that
entering the desired time. The value can be set from 0 to 10 feature is enabled; if blank, that feature is disabled.
in increments of 1, with a value of 0 resulting in no music. Show Jump Map: Select the check box to the right of
The default setting is 10. the “Show Jump Map” to display a small jump map in the
Sound Effects Volume: Sets the volume for sound bottom left corner of the screen that shows the entire map
effects by selecting the left (decrease) or right (increase) area. Units will be displayed as dots, with black for Axis and
arrows, or by selecting directly inside the box with the Red for Allied units. If Fog of War is enabled, units with a
current number and entering the desired time, The value zero detection level will not be shown (10.2). When using
can be set from 0 to 10 in increments of 1, with a value of a scenario that uses only a portion of the map area, a blue
0 resulting in no sound effects and no mouse click noise box will display around the playable area.
(see below). The default setting has show jump map enabled.
The default setting is 10. Show Ground Element/Aircraft Icons: Select the check
Mouse Click Volume: Set the volume for mouse clicks box to the right of the “Show Ground Element/Aircraft
by selecting the left (decrease) or right (increase) arrows, Icons” text to display a pop-up window at the bottom of
or by selecting directly inside the box with the current the screen when the mouse cursor is placed over hexes
number and entering the desired time. The value can with units in the map area. Icons will appear in this pop-
be set from 0 to 10 in increments of 1, with a value of 0 up representing the ground elements and aircraft located
resulting in no mouse clicks. If sound effects volume is set in the hex, to include support units attached to cities, HQ
to 0, then mouse click volume is overridden and no mouse units, and combat units in the hex, along with the number
clicks will be heard. of each ground element/aircraft that is in the hex.
The default setting is 10. Setting the hex pop-up delay (see above) to 0 will also
Auto Show Turn Summary: If selected the turn disable the ground element/aircraft icons.
summary screen (36.16) will appear by default when you Show Army/Front Colours: Select the check box to the
move onto a new turn. right of the “Show Army/Front Colours” text, to enable each
Reset to Default: Select the button to the right of the Axis Army or Soviet Front to be represented by a distinct
“Reset to Default” text to return all user preferences to colour. This colour will fill in the unit type box of all units that
their default settings. Note that there is a separate default are part of the Army instead of the standard white fill colour.


The default setting has show Army/Front colours Show River/Rail Info: Select the check box to the right
enabled. of the “Show River/Rail Info,” to enable additional hex pop-
Show Move Path: Select the check box to the right of up information (6.8). When enabled, the hex pop-up text
the “Show Move Paths” text, to display compass symbols will include information about any adjacent river hexsides,
on the map indicating the path of hexes the currently impassable lake hexsides, rail lines that enter the hex,
selected unit(s) will move through to reach the hex where points for victory objectives in non-campaign scenarios,
the mouse cursor is presently located. Each hex on the and unit numbers of any units in the hex.
path will contain a compass symbol with the anticipated The default setting has “Show River/Rail Info” enabled.
movement points remaining for the unit if it were to move
to the hex. 36.17.3. Reset to Default:
The default setting has show move paths enabled. Select the check box to the right of the “Reset to Default”
If a unit is moved when the map is at zoom level 5 text to return all map preferences to their default settings.
(Max-Out) then the movement path will not be displayed. Note that there is a separate default reset for both the user
Movement compass symbols will be blue for Axis and and map preferences section of the preferences screen.
brown for Soviet units.
Show Allowed Movement: Select the check box to
the right of the “Show Allowed Movement” text, to display 36.18. GAME OPTIONS SCREEN
those hexes that the currently selected unit(s) may move to This can be accessed by selecting the ‘Administration’ tab
by shading the hexes the unit(s) cannot move into as well or shift-g.
as shading hexes that can be moved into with an additional This screen is used to set up a game and select the
movement cost. relative level of difficulty. In a game against the computer,
The default setting has show allowed movement these values can be varied at any time but in a PBEM game
enabled. (2.6.2) they are fixed once set up.
Counters Drop Shadow: Will modify how the counters Computer Controlled: On/Off for each player; on is AI
appear on the map. control, off is human control. By default this will mirror the
Non-NATO Unit Symbols: Will replace the usual NATO choices you made on the main loading screen.
style unit symbols (34.2) with a pictorial clue as to the unit Fog of War (FOW): On/Off for each player. If checked
type. on, human players are limited by FOW rules (10.1).
Unit Values Display Type: This sets whether numerals Movement Fog of War: Only displays when FOW is
or short name will be displayed on the unit counters enabled and can only be used in conjunction with FOW.
reflecting the name, combat strength and/or movement The values are On/Off for each player. Using Movement
points of the unit (6.5). This can be set to Numeral or Name FOW will limit what you can see when selecting possible
by selecting the box to the right of the “Unit Values Display unit moves (10.1.2)
Type” text. Lock HQ Support: On/Off for each player, when on
The default setting is Numeral. player’s HQ’s have their HQ Support Level Locked at start.
Unit Counter Info: This sets the specific information The default setting is lock HQ support on.
displayed on the unit counters regarding a unit’s combat Automate AI Air Assist: if this is selected then you will
strength and movement points. lose the ability to manually set air directives or redeploy
This preference works together with the Unit Values your airforce (17.1). In a MP game, this setting applies
Display Type preference so ‘NAME’ is selected, then only to both sides and cannot be changed once the game is
the short name of the top unit in the stack will be displayed, started.
no matter what the unit counter info setting. Enhanced Player TB Control: Allows the players to
This preference can be set to CV-Movement Points or move units in and out of the Theatre Boxes subject to the
Attack CV-Defensive CV. rules in section 13.3.4
Hex Pop-up Location: The default setting results in General Difficulty Level: Cycles through Easy, Normal,
the hex pop-up appearing on the map where the cursor is Challenging, Hard, and Impossible play levels (2.6.1).
currently located.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

By default this will mirror the choice you made on Fort Build Level: Impacts the speed at which
the main loading screen but you can change any of the fortification levels are built (20.2).
numbers here – and produce what is called a customized Logistics Level: Impacts the formulas that determine
difficulty level. If you change any of the numbers the the amount of supply and replacements a unit receives
general difficulty level will be described as ‘CUSTOM’. based on its supply trace, to include through ports, the
This can be helpful as you may find you want to alter the amount of attrition a unit suffers due to movement, the
default settings to fit to your own level of expertise in the amount of fatigue added or removed from a unit during a
game or give the AI some additional help if it is playing the turn, and the amount of fuel expended by generic vehicles.
side on the offensive. This level also affects the ability of leaders to conduct
The notes below simply give you an idea what changing successful admin checks.
these values does, many of these items are discussed in Transport Level: Impacts the amount of rail capacity a
detail later in the manual. player receives each turn.
Morale Level: This is probably the most important Admin Level: Provides a straight percentage modifier
factor in WiTE2. Raising this above 100 will impact on for the number of administrative points that a player
combat performance, unit morale and even the cost of receives at the start of a scenario as well as any allocated
movement into enemy territory. In effect, the basic morale during the game (9.1). It also impacts the aviation support
of each unit (12.1) is multiplied by the value you set here. In level when repairing damaged planes.
turn this will alter how the AI operates (30.7)


Reset to Default: Selecting this button will return all

Game Options to their default settings.
Again note, if you are playing the computer you can
change any of these values at any time. You can access them
either from the loading screen or when playing the game.


applicable arrow at the top of the display. Selecting the
folder icon with an up arrow will take the player back to
the list of folders. Selecting a save game title will bring up
a description on the right side of the screen that includes
the title of the scenario being played, the current turn
of that scenario and whether the players are human or
computer. A progress bar will display the status of saving
the game file.
There are initially four buttons at the bottom left side of
the screen as follows:
Save a New Game: Prompts
the player to type in a name to
create a new save game.
Save over Current Marked Game: Overwrites the save
This can be accessed from the ‘Administration’ tab or shift-s. game that is currently selected and highlighted in green.
The left side of the screen displays the list of folders Delete this Saved Game: Deletes the save game that is
for already saved games with any games saved without currently selected and highlighted in green.
creating a folder listed underneath. Create New Folder: Prompts the player to type in a
Selecting a folder will display a list of already saved name to create a new folder. This will not be displayed if
games and the date and time when that game was saved. an existing folder is selected.
The save game screen defaults to sorting the save list by Once you open a folder, the options are the first three
date from most recent to oldest. only.
The list of saves or folders can be sorted either If you have selected the PBEM option then only folders
alphabetically by title or by date through selection of the and saves using that format will be shown.


Some of these screens can be accessed from tabs at the
top of the screen but most will only be available when
you wish to carry out a specific action or look at certain REPORT
information. This window displays the results of ground battles and
Also certain action links will only display if that particular air missions and will normally automatically display at the
unit is eligible to conduct that action. Examples include top of the screen during the execution of ground combat
units that do not meet the criteria to disband, merge or go and all air missions except Air Group transfers unless the
into static mode. combat resolution message level has been set to zero. If it

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

is set to nil, then the display is disabled for all combat and killed or destroyed (23.10), for this screen these numbers
air missions, while setting it to level one will disable the are derived on the assumption that all elements recorded
display during air recon missions. as ‘destroyed’ are permanently lost (23.10.2). These values
When you change this display a pop up like this will are then repeated for the Soviets on the right hand side.
briefly appear: If the defender won the battle then the report will
Combat resolution reports for include a halt range to show the last range where elements
battles and air missions that have fired at each other.
occurred during the current or previous turn can also be A rough indicator of the number of combat engineer
accessed using the Battle Locator toolbar mode (F11) and and infantry elements involved in the attack is shown if
selecting the battle marker in the desired hex. sufficient were present to affect the combat by suppressing
the defender’s fortifications (20.4.3). Note this was the case
37.1.1. Combat Resolution Window: Basic in the second image above.
Information Axis forces, whether attacking or defending, are listed
The basic combat resolution window is divided into three on the left and Soviets forces are listed on the right.
sections. If the fort level is reduced during the battle, the post-
At the top is information about how many battles took battle display will show any reduction in fort level due to
place in that hex (in the example above, this is 2), the game the battle in the format Fort: x->y, where x is the initial
turn, date, ground and air conditions, actual hex details fort level and y is the reduced fort level. If, as below, the
and terrain (clear). defender is forced to retreat then all the fortification value
In the example above, 2 battles took place in that hex, will be removed regardless of the damage done during the
one in the Soviet phase, one in the Axis turn, as: actual fighting (20.4.3)
Below this is a split screen. On the left are the Axis In the third section, the left side of the window lists
details showing at start and final cv (23.8.2, 23.8.3 and the Axis and the right side of the window lists the Soviets
23.8.7), the numbers of men, guns, tanks and planes in units, aircraft, and anti-aircraft guns that participated in
action. Below these numbers is an estimate of the number the battle.


Combat units and support units are displayed with their The percent damage done to an airfield during a
initial combat value in parentheses. bombing attack is show as two numbers, first the level
Units are grouped by HQ unit, with the commanding of damage before the bombing and then the amount of
HQ unit marked with an asterisk and any command battle damage done by the bombing (as in 9+35 the airfield was
CV modifier percentage listed in parentheses next to the already at 9% and took 35% damage from the attack).
HQ unit (23.8.6) if more than one HQ is involved. Reserve
combat units successfully committed to the battle will be
annotated with an ‘R’ next to their name (23.7).
A hasty attack (23.4.1) is annotated by an ‘(H)’ in the
In the case of a ground attack air mission against an air
base unit, defending fighter interceptors will be listed at
the top of the window. As in the example below, such an The results of the battle are listed in the central part
attack may cause losses even if no defenders are shown. with the final ratio of attacker to defender and the result of
These losses will be to support staff and guns present at the battle (23.11).
the air base or to planes destroyed on the ground.
If air units are present, then escorts will shown as x(x). 37.1.2. Combat Resolution Window:
The numbers in brackets are the number of escorts that General Info
could not reach the target hex but supported the mission If the ‘Show Details’ option is selected then a further five
for some of the distance. screens can be accessed providing more information
Note that if aircraft carried out an earlier ground attack about the combat resolution.
mission (18.1.4) on the hex they will be shown in the By default the screen will extend as shown above.
combat display even if no ground support (18.1.3) took Again, in all cases, Axis information is on the left hand side
place during the ground phase. and Soviet on the right.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

This screen is divided into three parts. The displays on The central screen shows the consequences of the combat
the left and right hand sides show: for both sides.
§§ The total number of units involved in the battle (divided
into combat and support units);
§§ The number of Ground HQ involved in the battle;
§§ The number of Ground Elements that took part in the
battle and their status (ready, damaged or disrupted)
when the battle started;

In effect this means any already damaged elements

have already been taken account of in calculating the
pre-combat CV for both sides.

§§ For the active player, the average morale, experience

and fatigue of the Ground Elements taking part in the
§§ The number of air missions and type (recon or bomb,
escort, sweep, CAP) flown during the battle.


The columns are shown first for Ground Elements and The Columns are:
then in terms of Men. §§ Total number of those elements involved in the battle
Losses are split between Destroyed, Damaged and (i.e. this will add to the ready elements on the General
Disrupted. Info screen).
The cause of the losses are divided between those §§ The name of the ground element.
caused by enemy Ground Elements, Air attack, during the §§ The nationality of the ground element.
retreat (losing side only). §§ Whether the ground element was destroyed, damaged
Selecting the ‘DESTROYED ‘DAMAGED’ option will display or disrupted and, if so, whether this was due to enemy
in parentheses the number of damaged ground elements ground elements, air attack or during the retreat.
and associated men that were subsequently destroyed as Selecting the ‘DESTROYED ‘DAMAGED’ option will display
a result of the battle. in parentheses the number of damaged ground elements
In this case, 33 German elements were destroyed by that were subsequently destroyed as a result of the
Soviet ground action, producing the estimate that 264 men battle.
were killed (the combat tab works on the basis of simply Also at the bottom of the tab it is possible to choose to
assuming all the men in a destroyed element were killed). display only infantry, artillery or armour ground elements.
The Soviets had a total of 50 elements destroyed (11 as Selecting ‘SHOW ALL’ will show all the elements present
they retreated). in the battle even if they took no hits or hit nothing.

37.1.3. Ground Losses

This tab provides detailed loss data for the actual ground
elements for each side that participated in the battle. 37.1.4. Ground Combat
On this tab, Axis losses are always shown first followed This tab provides detailed information on the performance
by Soviet losses. of the various ground elements during the battle.

44 5
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

In addition to columns describing the Ground Elements

(as on the losses tab),their combat performance is shown In general the information on this screen, and the
in three respects. related Ground Losses tab, are probably only of
The number of fires per element (FPE) and the number interest if you want to understand why a particular
of hits per element (HPE) for that type and number of outcome occurred. Typically this may be when an
ready ground elements. expected victory becomes a defeat or if there were
Hits are broken down high explosive (HE) and armor unexpectedly heavy losses.
piercing (AP) hits with the range (RNG) for those types of
The total number (TOT) of hits in each category is further 37.1.5. Air Losses:
broken down into results of destroyed (DES), damaged Provides data on aircraft losses for each side that
(DAM), and disrupted (DIS) enemy ground elements. participated in the battle. The columns include the aircraft
At the bottom there are filters for infantry, artillery and model, and the number and types of losses. The four loss
AFV type ground elements. type columns are air to air combat (A2A), anti-aircraft losses
(FLAK), operational losses (OPS), and losses of aircraft on
the ground (GND).
If the ‘Weapon Stats’ filter, if checked, will list the
individual devices (weapons) that the ground element
is equipped with and the number of hits that those
devices inflicted will be listed under the TOT column.
This will provide considerable detail about how the
various weapon systems in the battle actually performed
(remember that many Ground Elements will have more
than one weapon).


In this case, one German bomber was lost to operational effectiveness of the flight during air combat and attacks
losses and 43 Soviet bombers were destroyed on the on ground targets.
ground. §§ KILL: The number of enemy aircraft destroyed by the
aircraft flight.
37.1.6. Air Combat: §§ LOSS: The number of friendly aircraft in the aircraft
Information will be under this tab if Air to Air combat flight that were destroyed during the mission from all
took place (note this can happen in connection to any air causes (See Air Losses above).
mission or if both sides commit Ground Support). §§ DAM: The number of damage points inflicted on
Provides data on the aircraft for each side that the aircraft in the flight. Aircraft damage points are
participated in the battle as follows: measured against the aircraft durability rating to
§§ NUMxAIRCRAFT: The number model name of the determine if the aircraft is destroyed or just damaged.
aircraft in the flight resolving the air mission. §§ DAMD: The number of damage points the aircraft flight
§§ GROUP: The parent Air Group of the aircraft flight. inflicted on the enemy aircraft flight.
§§ MISSION: The mission the flight of aircraft conducted The ‘SHOW LOADOUTS’ filter at the bottom screen will list
(RECON, BOMB, ESCORT, SWEEP, and PATROL). any load outs carried by each flight of aircraft if the box is
§§ SKILL: The average experience rating of the pilots in the checked.
aircraft flight.
§§ ALT: The mission altitude for the aircraft flight.
§§ DIS: The percentage of disruption to the aircraft flight,
which results in a coordination penalty that reduces the

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

37.1.7. Battle Locator (F11) When units surrender during the logistics
When utilizing the battle locater (F11), the combat phase, a surrender flag battle site icon will
resolution window will display the number of battles that display when the battle locater (F11) is enabled.
have taken place in the selected hex (i.e. 1 of 2) and provide This will allow the player to obtain information on units
a link to access each battle in turn. The combats will be that surrendered during the previous turn.
listed by type rather than order of occurrence, with ground
battles first, followed by air missions. 37.1.8. Combat Resolution Message Section
The middle of the combat resolution displays text
messages describing the battle. The amount of detail
provided is determined by the combat resolution message
level setting from 0 to 7.
Air mission and combat messages can include aircraft
damaged or destroyed in air to air combat, anti-aircraft or
crash-landing, Air Groups breaking off, number of aircraft
bombing a target, damaged or destroyed enemy aircraft
on the ground, disrupted, damaged, or destroyed enemy
ground elements, and mission completion messages (i.e.
“JU-88D takes recon photos.”).
Ground combat messages can include ground element
fire at an enemy ground element at a specific range, result
When battle site (F11) mode is selected, the text ‘SHOW of any hit from specific devices that disrupts, damages
BATTLES:’ with a ‘FILTER’ link underneath will appear to the or destroys an enemy ground element, and reduction of
right of the menu tabs. Clicking on the link brings up a list of fortification levels in a defending hex.
filters for various types of ground and air combats. These The combat resolution message section also includes
filters are saved off. The player can also repeatedly select a pause and an exit button. Selecting the exit button will
the F11 mode to shift between showing all battle sites, close the combat resolution window and take the player
ground only or air only. When this is done, it automatically back to the map area with that battle ended. Selecting the
turns on all of the appropriate filters (i.e. all battles, all pause button will freeze the combat resolution window
ground battles only or all air battles only). at the current place in the battle. The combat resolution
Also when in battle locater window cannot be “restarted” from that point and the exit
(F11) mode, moving the mouse button should be used to close the window.
cursor over a hex marked as a
battle site will display a pop-up
with the following information: 37.2. HQ UNIT DETAIL WINDOW
If multiple battles occurred This window can be accessed by selecting the unit name in the
in that hex, the pop-up will only unit bar or right clicking in a blank area of the unit box in the
display the summary results for unit bar. It can also be accessed by selecting the headquarters
the first one. unit hex location in the commander’s report. This window
Forces Attacking and Forces displays detailed information on the selected headquarters
Defending displayed in number unit, such as the assigned leader, number of ground elements
of men, guns, AFV, as well as fighter, bomber (includes fighter and their status, attached units, Table of Organization and
bombers assigned as bombers), and utility aircraft Equipment (TOE), Headquarters and logistics information.
Losses for each side displayed in number of men, guns,
AFV, as well as fighter, bomber (includes fighter bombers 37.2.1. Main Tab
assigned as bombers), and utility aircraft The top of the screen displays the following information:
Result of combat or air mission. In some cases, there will
just be a description rather than a result, such as ‘Air Combat.’


Item Details
HQ Name Lists the designation of the HQ unit
If the unit has an entry in the WITEPEDIA a ‘W’ will be shown next to the unit name. Clicking
Wiki Link on this will take you to the relevant entry. Closing that will return you to the unit detail
Assigned leader with rollover showing leader ratings and number of victories and defeats as
well as link to leader detail window (37.7).
Note that Amphibious HQ and Rail Repair HQ units do not have leaders, but in this case,
below the unit name are icons and the number of men in and attached to the Amphibious or
Rail Repair HQ unit.
Wins/Losses How many wins and losses have been credited to units under this HQ

The left side of the screen displays the following information.

Item Details
Unit Counter A graphic of the unit counter in combat value – movement mode
This will show ‘SET ASSAULT’ if the HQ is not in assault mode (21.11.2) and will show ‘ASSAULT’ if it is already set
Assault Indicator
to that mode.
Unit Insignia The historical unit insignia is displayed next to the unit counter for most HQ units.
An overall description of the unit’s current actual TOE represented by two numbers, with the first number being
the percentage of actual TOE compared to notional TOE of only ready ground elements and the second number
being the percentage of all (ready and damaged) ground elements. Unlike combat and support units, HQ units
TOE includes the TOE of support squads. The TOE detail window (37.10) can be accessed here.
Number that indicates the maximum percentage of replacements the ground elements of the unit can take. The
maximum TOE can be set by the player in a range between 50 and 100 percent by selecting the link.
Shows the command the unit reports to. Selecting the name of the HHQ will allow units to be reassigned to a
different headquarters by accessing the Pick New HQ window (21.11.10).
Morale The HQ unit’s current morale rating. The value in brackets is the current National Morale for that unit (12.1).
Nationality Lists the nation of the unit
For supplies, fuel and ammo, the amounts are listed by type of supply on hand compared to need.
For support squad ground elements, the first number signifies the total support available to the unit as of the
previous supply phase compared to the support squad ground elements need.
Total support includes support squad ground elements directly attached to the HQ unit as listed on the right
side of the screen as well as any support squad ground elements automatically sent from any headquarters
Unit Logistics
units up the chain of command.
Excess support squad ground elements in HHQ units are parcelled out to attached HQ units in range based on
the need of the units. On the first player turn of each game, since the logistics phase is skipped, the HQ units will
not show benefits from HHQ unit support squad ground elements in range.
After the first player turn, these values in the unit detail window will include support squad ground elements
from HHQ units that were parcelled out during the logistics phase of the turn.
Transportation Displays the transportation cost for the combat unit for strategic rail, naval transport, and amphibious transport
Cost movement as well as air transport if applicable.
The number of vehicles actually internal to the combat unit compared to the required number of vehicles. Units
on the map can suffer a movement penalty if they do not have the required number of vehicles.
Displays whether the headquarters unit is motorized or non-motorized. There are 3 types of non-motorized
Motorized/Non- 0 – no vehicles
Motorized 1 – vehicles for supplies only
2 – vehicles for supplies and all non-infantry, non-infantry-weapon elements
These values are shown in the unit detail screen next to the word non-motorized in parentheses
Supply Status Displays the supply status of the unit, In Supply or Isolated.
Withdraw If the unit will withdraw at some stage, this is indicated here both with the turn number(s) and destination.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The right side of the screen has 3-6 links and two tabs units, the number of Hiwi elements is shown in parentheses
as follows: next to the ground element type. For example, the entry
Support (Hiwi 2) indicates that 2 of the support squads in
the unit are Hiwi squads (21.2.4).
Support Level: Indicates the number of each type of
support unit that the computer will attempt to automatically
assign to the headquarters. Next to this are links to
increase (++) or decrease (--) the current support level.
Selecting the number will toggle support level to LOCK and
turn off the automatic movement of support units to and
from the headquarters. Note that automatic assignment
will not function for that particular headquarters unit if any
Set Color: Allows you to change the colour scheme for higher headquarters unit in that HQ unit’s chain, including
the HQ and any attached units. the High Command, is set to LOCKED.
Supply Details: Links to the supply detail window for
that unit (37.12). Support Information
Supply Priority: Link to set the supply priority for the §§ Total Support: The total support provided to all the
HQ unit and attached units. This is not applicable for units under this HQ unit during the logistics phase.
Amphibious and Rail Repair HQ units. §§ Organic Support: The total ready support squads
Show Subordinates (CR): Takes the player to the Unit List ground elements in all the units under this HQ unit
section of the Commander’s Report and lists the headquarters during the logistics phase.
and all attached combat and support units (35.2.1). §§ Total Support Need: The total support needs of all the
Relocate Unit: Allows the player to relocate a units under the HQ during the logistics phase.
headquarters unit to a friendly town, city or urban hex in
supply (21.11.9). The headquarters unit and any attached 37.2.3. Assigned Tab
support units will suffer retreat attrition. This may be done Displays a link with the
multiple times in a turn. name of the unit’s HHQ.
Disband Unit: Displays if headquarters unit meets the For ground HQ units,
requirements to disband. Allows the player to disband the to include amphibious HQ
unit and send its elements back to the respective production units, below this will be
pools. Not applicable for Air and High Command HQ units. a list of all units that are
attached to the HQ unit
37.2.2. Elements Tab with the name linked to the applicable unit detail window.
The units are broken out by type (HQ, Armor, Parachute,
Artillery, etc,) with the total number of each in parentheses
and support units designated by a dash in front of their
name. An asterisk next to the unit means that it was
attached this turn and cannot change attachments until
next turn.

Displays a list of each type of ground element making up

the unit, with information on experience (EXP), number of WINDOW
ready (RDY) and damaged (DAM) elements and the current This window can be accessed by selecting the unit name
fatigue (FAT) of that type of ground element. in the unit bar or right clicking in a blank area of the unit
The ground element name has a link to that particular box in the unit bar. It can also be accessed by selecting the
ground element detail window (37.6). For some German combat unit hex location in the commander’s report.


37.3.1. Main Tab The left side of the

This window displays detailed information on the selected screen displays the following
combat unit, such as the number of ground elements and information.
their status, Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE),
Headquarters and logistics information. There is also a link
to the unit supply detail window.

The top of the screen provides the name of the combat

unit. Below the unit name are icons and the number of
men, guns, and AFV in the combat unit and the numbers of
wins and losses for the unit so far.
If the unit has an entry in the WITEPEDIA a ‘W’ will be
shown next to the unit name. Clicking on this will take you
to the relevant entry. Closing that will return you to the unit
detail window.

Item Details
A graphic of the unit counter in combat value – movement mode and its current status (ready, reserve, refit,
Unit Counter
static, unready, routed or depleted)
If the unit has an entry in the WITEPEDIA a ‘W’ will be shown next to the unit name. Clicking on this will take you
Wiki Link
to the relevant entry. Closing that will return you to the unit detail window.
Unit Insignia The historical unit insignia is displayed next to the unit counter for most combat units.
Unit Status This can be ready, refit, reserve, unready, depleted or static
Fatigue Fatigue level for the unit
Preparation How many CPP the unit currently has.
The unit’s attack and defence CV will be displayed with two decimal point precision separated by a slash, for
Unit CV
example, 10.38/121.61.
An overall description of the unit’s current actual TOE represented by two numbers, with the first number being
the percentage of actual TOE compared to notional TOE of only ready ground combat elements and the second
number being the percentage of all (ready and damaged) ground combat elements.
The TOE percentages shown on the unit detail window do not include the support elements.
TOE For example if the unit has 15 percent of its TOE combat elements ready, and another 5 percent of them
damaged, TOE 15/20 will be displayed, even though the unit may have 80 percent of its support elements and
thus a much higher percentage of the unit’s total elements. It is this TOE percentage of ready non-support
elements that is used to determine whether a unit is ready, unready or depleted. The TOE detail window (37.10)
can be accessed here.
Number that indicates the maximum percentage of replacements the ground elements of the unit can take. The
maximum TOE can be set by the player in a range between 50 and 100 percent by selecting the link.
Lists the Headquarters unit that the combat unit is attached (HHQ) as well as the operational headquarters
(OHQ) that the HHQ is attached.
HQ Units Selecting the name of the HHQ will allow units to be reassigned to a different headquarters by accessing the Pick
New HQ window.
If a unit cannot be transferred to a new HHQ then this is shown as white text and -*.
Morale The combat unit’s current morale rating and the appropriate national morale value (in brackets)
Nationality Lists the nation of the unit.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

For supplies, fuel and ammo, the amounts are listed by type of supply on hand compared to need.
For support squad ground elements, the first number signifies the total support available to the unit as of the
previous supply phase compared to the support squad ground elements need.
Total support includes support squad ground elements directly attached to the HQ unit as listed on the right
side of the screen as well as any support squad ground elements automatically sent from any headquarters
Unit Logistics
units up the chain of command.
Excess support squad ground elements in HHQ units are parcelled out to attached HQ units in range based on
the need of the units. On the first player turn of each game, since the logistics phase is skipped, the HQ units will
not show benefits from HHQ unit support squad ground elements in range.
After the first player turn, these values in the unit detail window will include support squad ground elements
from HHQ units that were parcelled out during the logistics phase of the turn.
Construction Displays the current construction value that the combat unit would use for increasing the fortification level in its
Value hex.
Displays the transportation cost for the combat unit for strategic rail, naval transport, and amphibious transport
movement as well as air transport if applicable. For units that can be air transported, a second number after a
slash mark will display the air transportation cost of the unit.
The number of vehicles actually internal to the combat unit compared to the required number of vehicles. Units
on the map can suffer a movement and combat penalties if they do not have the required number of vehicles
(22.1 and 23.8.3).
Motorized/Non-Motorized: Displays whether the unit is motorized or non-motorized. There are 3 types of non-
Vehicles/Need motorized combat units:
0 – no vehicles
1 – vehicles for supplies only
2 – vehicles for supplies and all non-infantry, non-infantry-weapon elements
These values are shown in the unit detail screen next to the word non-motorized in parentheses
Supply Status Displays the supply status of the unit, In Supply or Isolated (25.9).
Withdraw If the unit will withdraw at some stage, this is indicated here both with the turn number(s) and destination.

The top of the unit screen will show between one and The tabs are elements, and assigned.
six possible links and then allow the player to access one
of two detailed tabs. 37.3.2. Elements Tab
Displays a list of each type of ground element making up
the unit, with information on experience (EXP), number of
ready (RDY) and damaged (DAM) elements and the current
fatigue (FAT) of that type of ground element.
The ground element name has a link to that particular
The options/links are: ground element detail window (37,6). For some German

Item Details
Supply Details This will always be displayed and provides a link to the supply detail window for that unit (37.12)
Transfer Used to assign the unit to another Theatre, including the National Reserve if it is eligible.
Displays if multi-role combat units in the hex meet the requirements of section and allows the combat unit to be
Convert converted to support unit mode. If the multi-role combat unit does not meet the requirements to convert, it will be
designated with the plain white text Multi-Role.
Displays if combat units in the hex meet the requirements of section and allows two units of the same type to be
Merge Unit
Displays if combat unit is eligible to be motorized. Selecting this link will triple the movement points of the unit for
Motorize Unit
the turn, but at cost in vehicles drawn from the motor pool (first number) and admin points (second number)
Displays if combat unit is eligible to be disbanded. Allows the player to disband the unit and send its ground
Disband Unit
elements back to the respective production pools.



This window can be accessed from the attached support
section of the combat unit, headquarters unit or city detail
window by selecting the desired attached support unit.
It can also be accessed by selecting the support unit hex
location in the commander’s report. The window displays
detailed information on the selected support unit, to
include number of ground elements and their status, Table
of Organization and Equipment (TOE), Headquarters and
logistics information. There is also a link to the unit supply
detail window.
units, the number of Hiwi elements is shown in parentheses
next to the ground element type. For example, the entry 37.4.1. Main Tab
Support (Hiwi 2) indicates that 2 of the support squads in
the unit are Hiwi squads (21.2.4).
If the unit is eligible to have directly assigned Support
Units (21.5) either those already attached, or the option to Most of the information is the same as for a Combat Unit
assign new SU is shown at the bottom of the screen. but there are some important
37.3.3. Assigned Tab The top of the screen
Displays a link with the name provides the name of the
of the combat unit’s HHQ. combat unit. Below the unit
If the combat unit is name are icons and the
eligible to attach support number of men, guns, and
units and has not attached the maximum allowed, ‘ASSIGN AFV in the combat unit.
SUPPORT UNITS’ will link to the Pick Support Unit window. If the unit has an entry in
The link will be greyed out if the maximum allowed support the WITEPEDIA a ‘W’ will be
unit attachments have been made. shown next to the unit name.
Below this will be a list Clicking on this will take you
of any support units that to the relevant entry. Closing
are attached to the combat that will return you to the unit
unit with the name linked to detail window
the applicable support unit The left side of the screen
detail window. Selection of displays the following
the [X] to the right of listed support unit will return that information.
support unit to the headquarters to which the combat unit
is attached. An asterisk next to the support unit means that
it was attached this turn and cannot change attachments
until next turn.

45 3
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Item Details
A graphic of the unit counter in combat value – movement mode and its current status (note this will always be
Unit Counter
REFIT unless the unit is located in the National Reserve)
If the unit has an entry in the WITEPEDIA a ‘W’ will be shown next to the unit name. Clicking on this will take you
Wiki Link
to the relevant entry. Closing that will return you to the unit detail window.
Unit Insignia The historical unit insignia is displayed next to the unit counter for most combat units.
Fatigue Fatigue level for the unit
Preparation How many CPP the unit currently has.
The unit’s attack and defence CV will be displayed with two decimal point precision separated by a slash, for
Unit CV
example, 0.05/0.33.
An overall description of the unit’s current actual TOE represented by two numbers, with the first number being
the percentage of actual TOE compared to notional TOE of only ready ground combat elements and the second
number being the percentage of all (ready and damaged) ground combat elements.
The TOE percentages shown on the unit detail window do not include the support elements.
TOE For example if the unit has 15 percent of its TOE combat elements ready, and another 5 percent of them
damaged, TOE 15/20 will be displayed, even though the unit may have 80 percent of its support elements and
thus a much higher percentage of the unit’s total elements. It is this TOE percentage of ready non-support
elements that is used to determine whether a unit is ready, unready or depleted. The TOE detail window can be
accessed here.
Number that indicates the maximum percentage of replacements the ground elements of the unit can take. The
maximum TOE can be set by the player in a range between 50 and 100 percent by selecting the link.
Lists the unit that the support unit is attached (HHQ) as well as the operational headquarters (OHQ) that the HHQ
is attached. Note this can be either a combat unit or a HQ.
HQ Units Selecting the name of the HHQ will allow units to be reassigned to a different headquarters by accessing the Pick
New HQ window.
If a unit cannot be transferred to a new HHQ then this is shown as white text and -*.
Morale The support unit’s current morale rating and in brackets the appropriate National Morale.
Nationality Lists the nation of the unit.
For supplies, fuel and ammo, the amounts are listed by type of supply on hand compared to need.
For support squad ground elements, the first number signifies the total support available to the unit as of the
Unit Logistics previous supply phase compared to the support squad ground elements needed.
Requirements Total support includes support squad ground elements directly attached to the combat unit as listed on the right
side of the screen as well as any support squad ground elements automatically sent from headquarters units in
the chain of command.
Construction Displays the current construction value that the support unit would use for increasing the fortification level in its
Value hex.
Displays the transportation cost for the support unit for strategic rail, naval transport, and amphibious transport
movement as well as air transport if applicable. For units that can be air transported, a second number after a
slash mark will display the air transportation cost of the unit.
The number of vehicles actually internal to the support unit compared to the required number of vehicles.
Motorized/Non-Motorized: Displays whether the unit is motorized or non-motorized. There are 3 types of non-
motorized combat units:
Vehicles/Need 0 – no vehicles
1 – vehicles for supplies only
2 – vehicles for supplies and all non-infantry, non-infantry-weapon elements
These values are shown in the unit detail screen next to the word non-motorized in parentheses
Supply Status Displays the supply status of the unit,.
Withdraw If the unit will withdraw at some stage, this is indicated here both with the turn number(s) and destination.

The top of the unit screen will show possible links to either allow particular actions or provide more
detailed information.


The options/links are:

Item Details
Supply Details This will always be displayed and provides a link to the supply detail window for that unit
Transfer Unit Allows the Support unit to be transferred to another Theatre if eligible
Displays if multi-role combat units in the hex meet the requirements of section support unit to be converted to
combat unit mode.
Displays if combat unit is eligible to be disbanded. Allows the player to disband the unit and send its ground
Disband Unit
elements back to the respective production pools.

37.4.2. Elements Tab

Displays a list of each type of ground element making up

the unit, with information on experience (EXP), number of
ready (RDY) and damaged (DAM) elements and the current
fatigue (FAT) of that type of ground element.
The ground element name has a link to that particular
ground element detail window (37.6). For some German
units, the number of Hiwi elements is shown in parentheses
next to the ground element type. For example, the entry
Support (Hiwi 2) indicates that 2 of the support squads in
the unit are Hiwi squads (21.2.4).
If the unit is eligible to have directly assigned Support
Units (21.5) either those already attached, or the option to
assign new SU is shown at the bottom of the screen.

37.4.3. Assigned Tab Clicking on the BUILD text confirms the decision to build
Support units cannot have other units assigned to them. it. Clicking on the 1x opens a dialogue to allow between 1
and 10 of that unit type to be ordered.


This screen allows players to create new formations (both
combat and support units). Freshly raised units will be
placed in the National Reserve. On the left hand side is a list of all the units that can
At the top is the chosen unit (if any), its unit type, be built, their cost, the number already built and the limit.
manpower, guns and tanks (if it is at 100% TOE) and the Note all these variables will alter as the game progresses.
Administrative Point cost to build it. Clicking on any type will alter the displays at the top and
on the right.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

At the bottom is a list of all the existing units of that

type. If they are in another theatre (or the reserve) this is
indicated next to their name.

At the top on the right is the detail of the last unit Clicking on a unit will take you to the detailed unit tab
ordered. Since this was a Tank Corps it uses existing for that unit.
brigades if it can, or creates new brigades if any were
missing. Here it has used 2 existing tank brigades and
raised a fresh motorized brigade.
Clicking on any WINDOW
of these entries This window can be accessed from all unit and city detail
will take you to windows and provides detailed information on ground
the unit tab. elements as follows:
The middle section shows the TOE of the proposed
formation and the numbers of elements in the ground
pools at the moment. Note this will also include ground
elements that can be substituted for the desired element
when constructing the unit TOE.


Item Details The data for the weapon system shown on this screen
Top Section may be different to that in the Commander’s Report
Name Ground element name and unit type graphic (35.8.3). This is due to modifying the values of that particular
Nation Nationality
weapon for the specific platform it is mounted on.
Type Unit type
Upgrade to The upgrade path for this element (if there is one)
Men Number of men in the ground element
Relative ability of the ground element to 37.7. LEADER DETAIL WINDOW
manoeuvre. Used in combat computations. This window is accessed
Relative size of the ground element. Used in by selecting the leader’s
combat computations.
name in the applicable
Used to determine rail, naval and air transport
Load Cost headquarters unit detail
Used to determine fuel usage for supply window or from the
Fuel Use
purposes. Commander’s Report.
Used to determine ammo usage for supply It provides information
Ammo Use
on a leader’s ratings,
Used to determine if an AFV/Combat vehicle
Reliability becomes damaged due to mechanical problems number of victories
(21.2.8). and defeats, command
Amount of supplies required to produce the restrictions and the
Build Cost
item. admin cost to replace
Number of ground elements of this type the leader (9.2).
Pool (Nation
currently in the applicable active production
Abbreviation) The Leader Detail
Relative amount of armour possessed by the window provides a
Front, Side,
ground element. This is one factor in determining picture of the leader and displays their rank, first and last
Top Armour
the effectiveness of enemy fire during combat. name, HQ unit assigned, leader ratings, number of victories
Year when the ground element entered or enters and defeats, command restrictions (None, Ground only, Air
First Year
only, SS only), maximum command allowed (Corps/Army,
Month when the ground element entered or
First Month Army Group, High Command), and dismissal cost in admin
enters production.
Year when production of the ground element points, which links to Pick New Leader window (37.9).
Last Year
ended or will end.
Last Month
Month when production of the ground element
ended or will end. 37.8. PICK SUPPORT UNIT AND
Graphic Picture of the ground element.
Device information
Number and nomenclature of the devices that The Pick Support Unit Type window is accessed by selecting
are fitted by default to this element. the ASSIGN SUPPORT UNITS link in the Assigned Tab of the
Amount of ammunition carried internally by that unit detail window of headquarters units and combat units
device. eligible to attach support units.
Modifier to a device’s base rate of fire (ROF)
and accuracy (ACC). ROF (Rate of Fire) and ACC
(Accuracy) are modifiers. ROF is a negative modifier
that is applied to vehicle mounted devices to reflect
the restrictions of operating the device inside the
vehicle. ACC is a positive modifier that increases
the accuracy of the device to reflect both a more
stable firing platform and superior optics.
RGE Max Range at which it can be used
For town, city and urban hexes that can attach anti-
Summary of the combat effectiveness against aircraft support units, the window is accessed from the
manpower. city detail window ASSIGN/FORM link. This window allows
Summary of the combat effectiveness against the player to view and manually transfer available support
armour units.

45 7
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

In addition, both HQs and Combat Units can only attach

Support Units from a HQ within a certain range.

Play Note: SU can be allocated over a longer range than

they can be selected. Thus it might be more efficient to
open the HQ that currently contains the desired SU(s)
and allocate them using the rules in (21.5.2).

The window for HQ and combat units list the name of 37.9. PICK NEW LEADER WINDOW
eligible support units sorted by type (Armor, Anti-Tank, This window is accessed from the leader detail window
Anti-aircraft, Artillery, Engineer, Construction, etc.) the dismissal cost link (37.7) and allows the player to dismiss
support unit’s current ready TOE percentage, and the the current leader of a headquarters unit and select a new
name of the HHQ that it is currently attached. leader.
If the screen is open for a combat unit then only the The window lists all leaders eligible to take command of
types of SU that can be directly attached to an SU are the selected headquarters units. For each eligible leader,
shown. the window displays the admin cost to make the change,
leadership ratings, number of victories and defeats, and, if
applicable, the headquarters unit that the leader currently

For cities, the Assign AA Unit window lists the name

of eligible AA units, the AA unit’s current ready TOE
percentage, and the name and range in hexes of the
currently attached HHQ or city.

The current leader’s leadership ratings and number of

victories and defeats is listed at the top of the window for
comparison purposes. The sequence of letters corresponds
For either window, selecting the name of the support to the following ratings:
unit will transfer its attachment to the selected HQ unit, P – Political, M – Morale, I – Initiative, A – Admin, M –
combat unit or city. Mech, I – Infantry, A – Air, V – Victories, D – Defeats.
For combat units eligible to attach support units, the Selecting a leader will place him in command of the
Pick Support Unit Type window will automatically close headquarters unit and dismiss the current leader, who will
once the maximum number of support units has been be returned to the leader pool as an unassigned leader. If
attached. the new leader requires a promotion to assume command
Unready support units will not be included in the list of of the headquarters unit, there will be a ‘P’ next to the
available units. admin cost (9.2).


37.10. UNIT TABLE OF EQUIPMENT For units that will upgrade to a different TOE, there is
a “Show next TOE (OB) upgrade” link at the bottom right
(T0E) WINDOW hand side of the window. Selecting that link will take the
player to the “TOE Upgrade Window” (37.11).

The TOE window can be accessed from the unit detail

window of all ground units. The left side of the window When viewing the TOE of a unit that has been broken
displays the name of the notional unit type (e.g. 43 Guards down, the left side of the window will display one third of
Rifle Corps) and details the generic type (i.e. “medium tank” the parent unit rather than the entire parent unit.
ground element)and number of ground elements required
for that type of unit to be manned and equipped at 100
percent, to include the total number of men in a fully
manned unit.
The right side of the window displays the name of the
actual unit (e.g. 9th Guards Rifle Corps), and details the actual
number of ground elements by generic type in the unit.
An additional column compares the actual number of
each ground element to the TOE number as a percentage.
If the ‘Show Ground Element Mapping’ option is
selected, then more information will be displayed. This
will include the actual elements used in the TOE and any
substitutions (such as a different model of medium tank to
that set by the ideal TOE).


This window is accessed from the TOE window (37.10) and
uses a series of links to display all future TOE upgrades for
that particular type of unit. The left side of the screen will
show the current TOE (OB) for that unit, which includes the
actual type (i.e. Panzer IVf) as well as number of ground
elements and total number of men in the unit.

45 9
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The top part of the screen first lists the supply priority
for the unit (25.8) and then provides current supply and
vehicle status by listing the amount and percentage in
brackets of supplies, fuel, ammo, vehicles and support (if
applicable) that are in the unit as compared to the amount
required (need) to reach 100 percent of required supply
and vehicles.
For vehicles this will also show how many were used in
the logistics phase and if any were lost to attrition.

37.12.2. Turn Supply Detail

This section lists each depot that sent freight to the unit
The right side of the screen will show the next TOE (OB) with the following information:
upgrade as well as the month and year the upgrade will §§ Location of Depot: Usually name of port or city hex
commence. Links at the bottom right of the window can where the depot is located.
be selected to cycle back and forth through all future TOE §§ Range: The range in hexes to the depot.
upgrades in chronological order (Next TOE (OB) and Prev §§ MP: The number of movement points to the depot.
TOE (OB)), or switch to the TOE window. §§ FrRec: The freight received in one ton increments.
§§ FrLost: Freight lost in transit to the unit
§§ VehRec: The number of vehicles received from the
37.12. UNIT SUPPLY DETAIL WINDOW depot. These are vehicles that were delivering freight
This window which is accessible from the unit detail screen that were then retained by the unit.
or the Commander’s Report screen by selecting the unit A unit may receive goods from up to 5 depots.
name provides current info on the supplies/fuel/ammo/
vehicles in the unit at the moment (in tons), and the current Remember if you use the ‘8’ key to map the supply
calculated “need” for each of these items. network only the largest source is shown (in this case
In the lower half of the screen, it lists information about it would be Polotsk).
what the unit got during the previous logistics phase and
where it got it from. The unit supply detail window has
three sections as follows: 37.12.3. Received Detail
37.12.1. Current Status


This section provides details on the conversion of the freight events that occurred during the supply and replacement
received into supply, ammunition, fuel and replacements, segment of the logistics phase that impacted the ability of
the amount of supplies consumed, and information and the unit to be replenished.

Item Details
Supplies, Fuel,
The amount of each item received (in tons) along with the percentage of need this represents.
Vehicles from The number of vehicles received from the motor pool (after being converted from freight) along with the
Pool percentage of need this represents.
The net number of men received as replacements and the freight tonnage that was converted to replacements.
This number can be negative if more men are returned to the pool than are received in replacements.
Supplies The amount of supplies consumed.
consumed Note that consumption occurs prior to supplies being received, so the unit uses the supplies it had from the prior turn.
This is the number of admin rolls the unit failed during its attempts to get freight from the depot. Next to this
Admin failures in brackets is any penalty that is being applied to various leader checks due to HQ command range or HQ unit
command capacity impacting the HQ units in the unit’s chain of command (15.5).
The first time a unit does not receive freight due to one of these reasons, a number is placed next to the item.
The number is the supply sub-segment in which the lack of the item first occurred. For example, if in a sub-
No freight, segment where the unit must have less than 30 percent of the needed item, the unit does not get anything
No trucks, because there was a lack of freight at available depots, then a 30 will be displayed next to ‘no freight’.
No fuel, No The no trucks message can also be received if the unit was trying to requisition vehicles but there were no trucks
supply, No available in the pool to go to the unit.
manpower Note there is a chance that the no trucks message may be misleadingly given when vehicles are not required for
a delivery as this process only checks to see if there are vehicles in the pool and not whether they were needed at
the point of a failure to deliver.


This window can be accessed from the General Information
and City box at the top of the screen or by right clicking
in a hex. The window normally displays the following

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Item Details
Name Name of town, city or urban hex.
Nation Nationality of town, city or urban hex
Player Name of Player that currently controls the hex; Axis or Soviets
Population in points, with each point equal to 50,000 people. This number does not change during a game, even if
some of the manpower centers are destroyed.
For non-city hexes containing an air base unit, the term ‘Airfield’ will be displayed.
For non-city hexes containing just a depot, the term ‘Depot’ will be displayed
Storage Amount of Supply, Fuel, Oil and Resources currently stored in the town, city or urban hex
List of factory types in the town, city or urban hex in three columns as follows:
NUM – Number of that type of factory in the hex (factory points)
DAM – Percentage of damage currently sustained by that type of factory
DEL- Delay till the factory enters production
Link displayed if a depot is in the hex to allow the player to change the depot supply priority. Number in
Priority (x)
parentheses is the current depot supply priority.
Disband Link displayed if a depot is in the hex to allow the player to disband the depot. This option will not be shown if the
Depot city is also a NSS (as in the example above)
Link displayed if there is no depot is in the hex to allow the player to create a depot at the cost of 1 admin point.
Create Depot
This option will not be shown if the city is also a NSS (as in the example above)
ASSIGN/ Links to the Assign Unit window (37.8), which allows manual attachment of anti-aircraft or construction support
FORM units to that town, city or urban hex or a hex with an existing air base unit.
UNITS Lists air base units and anti-aircraft support units attached to that town, city or urban hex or a hex with an existing
ATTACHED air base unit.
If no air base unit exists in the town, city or urban hex, a ‘BUILD AIR BASE’ link will display allowing a player to
Build or commence construction of a size 1 air base unit.
Expand Air If there is an existing air base unit in the hex, an ‘EXPAND AIR BASE(x)’ link (number in parentheses being the current
Base Unit size of the air base unit) will display allowing the player to expand the air base unit to the next size. If the existing air
base unit is already at the maximum size three, a plain white text will display ‘AIR BASE (3).’


This can be reached
by right clicking on
the map, select map
information and then
selecting ‘Factory Filters can also be used to show factories by various
information’, from criteria:
the tabs at the top of
the screen or using
the hotkeys.
Factory types can be
filtered to show any, For each factory the information shown is size, damage,
all or just one of: delay (if greater than 0 the factory will not be available
§ Ground Chassis § Airframe for that number of turns), location and how much was
§ Heavy Industry § Armaments produced in the last turn.
§ Vehicles § Resources Below this are any changes in size in future terms and
§ Oil § Fuel (in this case) the aircraft that will use this specific airframe.
§ Manpower § Port If the factory is due to be relocated, this is shown below
§ Railyard indicating where it will move to and when. Note this data


§§ Find What Section: Allows the player to select from four

types of things to search for, which are a hex, a city
(town, city, urban hex or air base unit location), a unit
(on-map or off-map support units), or an Air Group.
§§ Search Results and “Go to” Section: Displays the result
of the search. A “Go to” button takes the player to the
appropriate detail window of the city, unit or Air Group
or to the specific hex location entered. If the search
term entered resulted in more than one city, unit or Air
Group, the “Find Next” button will display, allowing the
player to cycle through all the possible choices.
maybe advanced if the Axis player makes faster than
historical gains or the Soviet player wishes to relocate the
factory manually (28.7). 37.16. AIR WAR MANAGEMENT
37.16.1. Air plane detail window
This window can be accessed when comparing planes to
possible upgrades and from the Commanders Report:
On the left hand side of the screen will be the attributes
of the current selected weapon system (35.8.3), on the
right is information about the chosen plane.



This window can be accessed by using the Hotkey- (h). It

consists of four parts as follows:
§§ Find Hex/City/Unit/Air group: Variable header that
changes based on selection made in the “Find what”
§§ Search Term Input Box: Interactive input box used to
enter a hex coordinate to find a specific hex or a search
string to locate a town, city, urban hex, ground unit, or
Air Group. The search is not case sensitive. Left clicking
in that section will bring up the appropriate input box.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Item Details how effective that item is.

Name Plane name and graphic This value may differ from the
Nation underlying information shown
Type in the Commander’s Report
Month and year when the plane becomes as it will be modified by the
Start Date
available characteristics of the plane.
Month and year when the plane ceases See sections 19.2 and 19.4 of
End Date
the manual for how to interpret
The plane type this model will usually upgrade
Upgrade this data.
Basically reliability is better
the lower the shown value
and reflects the difficult in
Max Speed The maximum speed the plane can attain
maintaining the plane and its
Cruise Speed The normal speed for the plane
vulnerability to operational
Climb How fast the plane can climb
The maximum height the plane can fly at –
losses. Endurance reflects how
Max Alt note this is often significantly above its optimal long the plane can operate just
performance level using its current fuel and built
Max Load How much the plane can transport in armament (so this will vary according to the chosen load
Endurance out). Here the higher the number, the better the plane’s
The normal range for the unit, note it can performance. Durability mainly reflects vulnerability in A2A
transfer to a new base over longer distances combat as it indicates how much damage can be absorbed
The lower the number here, the more reliable (again a larger number is better) before it is destroyed.
is the plane (18.3.10)
The information on the air unit can also be accessed
Sortie Ammo
by clicking on the air unit name (usually from an air base
Sortie Fuel
display). This will contain similar information to that above
Build Cost
in the central box.
How many frames are converted each turn
Build Limit
(assuming full production)

Beneath this will be listed the weapons and equipment

carried by the plane. At that top this will show the
standard equipment and then any optional load outs that
can be selected (note these may alter the performance
characteristics above.

When a weapon, or piece of equipment, is selected The extra information is relevant to the Air Group
the information on the left of the screen will alter to show window discussed below.


How to interpret this is discussed in section 37.16.3 37.16.3. Air Group Detail Window

37.16.2. Air Base Unit Detail Window

At the top will be shown the unit name, current planes (in
On the left hand side this will show the current TOE, this case the Ju-87B-R), the air profile it matches (16.3.2
morale and supply status for the air base. In addition it will and 16.4.6) and an image (this is the same as will appear in
indicate current size, usage (including any spare capacity) the hex pop-up as discussed in section 6.4.3).
and damage. On the left hand side this will indicate the unit type, air
On the right hand side can be accessed more detail HQ, current AOG (this can be changed manually if the AI
about the current supply status and the supply priority of air assist option is not being used) and information about
the airbase can be changed. the air unit.
Of the three tabs, Elements will show all the ground Clicking on the AOG will take you to the window to allow
elements currently at the base it to swap to a new air command or AOG.
Assigned will show the air units at the base: This screen Experience, morale and fatigue are the average value
can also be used to bring new air units or AOG from the for all the pilots in the unit.
reserve (17.3.1) tab if the AI air assist option (17.1) is not Aircraft are divided into those ready to undertake
being used. missions, those that are damaged and those that are
currently placed into reserve.
The number of aircraft of this type in the production
pools and the number of suitable trained pilots who could
be allocated.
The number of kills attributed to this unit and how far
(as a %) it has travelled this turn.
Whether it can only be assigned to naval missions (if so
this will be yes) and, since this is a FB formation, whether it
is trained as a fighter or bomber. Clicking on FIGHTER will
send the unit off to retrain as a bomber formation (and it
Air units can be assigned from the Reserve using this will return in 8 weeks).
screen. Clicking on an air group will open the air unit tab On the right hand side is the current AD for this Air Group,
(37.16.3). its mission setting, how it will take on replacement pilots

46 5
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

and whether plane upgrades are handled automatically or 37.16.4. Air Operation Group Detail Window
manually. This is not a tab in the conventional sense but a combination
The unit can be sent to the national reserve or disbanded. of information that can be seen on the right hand of the
If ‘Aircraft’ is selected, the statistics for the current screen and on the AOG label if you click on it. The latter will
aircraft are shown and the load out can be changed here vary according to the chosen zoom level.
if desired.

On the right hand side is the unit ‘counter’ display (note

Pilots will show all the pilots currently in the unit. This there is no on map equivalent). This shows the unit name,
can be used to assign fresh pilots if desired. the number of ready and total planes (here 119 and 135), and
information used if the AI assist routines are in use (17.1).
Below this is a listing of the individual air units, plane
type and their airbase. Next to the airbase will be an
indicator if the base is overloaded (in this case the green
base symbol will be circled in red).
On the label some of this information is repeated. When
zoomed in the label will show the number of fighters,
bombers and utility aircraft, and the other information
above. In addition, the bar and % on the right hand side will
show how many planes are
ready for operations out of
all those in the relevant air
group units.
Planes will show The icons will change as follows:
the status of all the
planes in the unit Stance Icon
and whether they are Flexible
ready, currently being
repaired or placed in
reserve (usually due to
a lack of pilots).



For when to fly: In addition the AOG/Air Command label can be used to
access other screens or to carry out particular actions.
Timing Icon Left clicking will open a map mode that shows the
Rest location of all the air groups on the map, airbases in use by
the components of that command are shown in blue, as:
Day and Night

Night Only

Day Only

Mixed (this will be shown for an Air Command

where different AOGs have different flying orders)

Naval air missions and Ground HQ assignment.

Assignment Icon

Follow set HQ

Some Naval Air missions

No HQ set

If you click on the unit display, you will open this tab:

Right clicking will bring up a menu of options that alter

the information on the map (to show the range of the
component air groups), order air base resupply, bring
new air groups (or AOG depending on the command level)
from the reserve, change the command responsibility of
the AOG/Air Command or to alter the rules set for the AI-

This repeats some of the information on the counter

such as asset level, assignment and stance. At the top is a
visual indication of the types and numbers of planes within
that AOG.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

37.16.5. Manually assigning air units To bring a new AOG to the map,
from the National Reserve this can be initiated as above or
This can be done to either move air units to an air base by right clicking on any existing air
or to bring new AOGs from the reserve (with attached air command label.
groups). To transfer AOGs, this screen can
To transfer air groups, this screen can be accessed be accessed (right click on a hex with
(right click on a hex with an airbase or from the airbase an airbase or from the airbase tab):
tab) or by right clicking on any AOG or Air Command label. To do this first chose an AOG
Information on this screen allows you to reset the from the shown list
indicated AOG (by default this will be shown as the air Which will bring up the screen
command nearest the chosen air base). It is also possible below.
Remember that AOGs are
restricted in the type of air groups
they can contain (in this case only
ground attack formations). The
screen will suggest a suitable air
command (this can be changed),
airbases it has free and a suggested
list of air groups. These can be
changed by cancelling the tick and
replacing with a different air group.
Once you have the desired list, click on TRANSFER.

to indicate the air units should go to nearby airbases (if the

target would be overloaded).
All the columns are sortable and can be used to create
rules so as to limit the air units shown (so just FB or just
planes of a particular type). More options are at the foot
of the screen.
Click on the chosen unit(s) as:

And then TRANSFER to complete the redeployment.


37.16.6. Manually creating or amending pressing F2 for ground support will mean the potential
Air Directives Screen new mission is a Ground support mission).
This will show the target hex, the radius for the mission,
the target HQ if it is a ground support mission and whether
air groups have been assigned or will be auto-assigned
during the turn 17.4.2).
The next box shows the directive details including target
priorities, staging base and the days it will be flown (17.4.1).
If you want to assign air groups individually you have
the choice of using the AOG or the Air group (you cannot
mix this but you can tell a given AOG to split its assets
between missions).
If you want to use the Air group option you can do this
from the normal display (just select air groups rather than
AOG) or by selecting Hide AOG at the bottom of the screen
and all the eligible air groups will be shown. In either case,
click on ++ to assign the groups you wish to use:
All ‘assigned’ AOGs are shown under the assigned section
and available air groups that can be added are below.
It is possible to split an assigned AOG across multiple
AD by modifying the participation percentage (17.4.2).
If the AD is set to auto for AOG allocation, then all the
available AOGs that could contribute are shown but the
‘assigned’ box is empty apart from indicating the potential
maximum number of mission and escort planes.
At the bottom, the various tabs can be used to filter out
ineligible planes or to provide more information as to why
certain air units are not available.
You can close this window by clicking on the air
command (in this case Luftflotte 2) and you will be returned
to the main map.
Note that as in section 17.4.3 you can adjust the
area covered or the target hex of an AD using on-map
functionality. In addition you can use this approach to alter
the staging base for the mission.
The process for manually creating or amending an air
directive is set out in 17.4. 37.16.7. Air Execution Phase Window
This screen will appear on the right hand side of the When the air execution phase starts a small message box
map window during the air planning phase when one of will appear in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
the F2-F7 tabs are selected and an air command is chosen. This will show the statistics so far this turn such as the
At the top will be the air command name and the losses so far.
number of planes split into fighters, bombers and utility
planes. If wanted the air doctrine tab (37.16.9) can be
accessed from here.
Beneath this is a list of the current air directives for that
command and the maximum number that can be set. The
option to create a new AD that fits the selected type (e.g.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

The air directive that is currently being carried on the At the top of screen is information on the number of
screen. Air Directives carried out, sorties flown and losses for the
respective sides.
If you open this tab in the air planning phase, the top
row will be slightly different and will allow you to delete all
your existing AD with one click (see bottom screenshot on
opposite page):
Beneath that is the AHQ, its leader, their key traits (air
and admin are the most important in the context of the air
Detailed information about the current air directive. war) and how many AD could be set.
Each Air HQ is listed with all its air directives (so here,
Luftflotte 2 carried out two ground attack directives). The
[x] on the left can be used to remove that AD, the next turn
the tick can be removed so that the AD is retained but not
operate till re-instated.
Beneath the air directive type is the target base (the
centre of the AD), S Base used, how wide the AD is (so in
At the same time the map will display the current air this case the various recon missions were ordered to cover
mission: a radius of 10 hexes) and how many eligible hexes were
in that area (recon missions will not fly over friendly held
The information then shows the altitude for the mission,
whether it took place at day or night, the intensity of the
mission and whether AOGs were allocated by the player or
The amount of detail and speed can be set by the player using the Auto-allocation routines (17.4.4) and the weather
(6.2.4). conditions over the AD target.
Most of this information can be later read using the end The number of actual raids are shown as [+]x indicating
of turn logistics phase log (36.9). how many different missions were flown and the number of
sorties shows the total number of air group commitments.
Losses for both sides are shown and separated between
those planes flying the mission (reconnaissance or
bombers usually) and their escorts.
Exec detail shows if the mission will be displayed on the
map as it is carried out. NONE may mean that no mission
of that type will be shown, ALL means that all missions of
that will be shown. To see combat report windows appear
during this phase, you must have a detail setting above
None (and the actual AD not set to None), and a combat
Equally all the battle sites can be accessed using the F11 resolution message level of at least 2. The execution detail
option and reviewed on the map. level will impact the number of messages that come up
during the resolution phase.
37.16.8. Air Directive Summary The number for the raids can be expanded as seen in
This will appear at the end of the air execution phase and the screenshot overleaf:
can also be accessed from the tabs in the second row (see This now shows the target of each ground attack
top screenshot on opposite page). mission, the number of fighters, bombers and other


Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

plane types that took part and losses. For the Soviet side, 37.16.9. Air Doctrine
no planes actually flew and the shown losses are planes The Air Doctrine screen can be accessed from the map
destroyed on the ground. The final column will show (right click>>info screens) from the tabs at the top of
damage to ground targets or physical infrastructure. Here the screen or from setting an Air Directive. In that case,
it shows how much the airbase was damaged in each raid the Air Doctrine screen will only show that particular Air
but if it was an interdiction mission then it would show Command but the information and options are the same.
that, if it was a ground attack mission it would show any The screen has seven tabs and the first six are similar.
elements that were destroyed. They basically allow you to set the default settings that
Clicking on the TYPE will take you to the detailed battle will be used when creating Air Directives. If you are using
tab with the map centred on that mission, such as: the AI-assist then these values will be used for the actual


missions, if you are doing so manually you can alter any of more missions may occur but you run the risk of having too
these variables for that particular mission (17.4). few planes. Over 100% will probably mean less missions
On the left hand side is a list of all the Air Commands but you will see more planes actually committed each time.
in your OOB and beneath each is the number of fighters, For the other missions, the display is slightly different,
bombers and other aircraft in that command. The values in such as in the screenshot below:
pink are the current number of AD and the number of this Here in addition you set whether the mission will take
particular type. So Luftflotte 1 has 4 AD of which one is a place by day or night, whether escorts will be committed
ground support mission. even if they cannot cover all the target area (or even reach
Since ground support is automatically generated during the target area), whether the mission will follow the flight
the ground phase you have less control and can only set path until they reach the last waypoint, and then fly from
the altitude, the minimum weather conditions, the Pct to that waypoint to the specific target hex for the mission.
fly, Mission percentage and escort percentage (17.4.1). When set to No, the mission will fly directly from the
These three variables are particularly important. Pct Fly staging base to the specific target for the mission.
sets the minimum number of ready planes an air group Finally you can set the days on which the mission will
unit needs before it will commit to a mission. Raising this take place.
above 20% will mean that less planes might be available The pilots tab shows the average experience of pilots
but equally will protect air units that have taken heavy in that command with that type of role. In brackets are
losses on an earlier mission. the number of pilots who would undertake training (i.e.
Mis Pct and Esc Pct will affect how many planes the AI have experience of 50 or less) if the formation was in the
will send on a mission. If this is set at 100% it will pick the national reserve and the total number of pilots in that
number it thinks it needs and if these are lacking then that category.
mission will not take place. If this is set under 100% then

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

On any of these screens clicking on the air command

will take you to the table that just shows the doctrine for
that command, such as:
This is also the screen that is accessed from the Air
Directives tab. Clicking on the Air HQ name again will
return you to the main screen.
Note this screen allows you to set targets for bomb city
and ground attack style directives if you wish and their
relative priority.

37.16.10. Air Transport

This screen can only be accessed during the ground
movement phase using the F9 button (18.1.9).
Once the F9 option is selected, the window opposite will
The screen can be adjusted to enable air transport of
freight, of units or airborne operations.
For freight, at first the screen will show all the eligible
staging bases (where sufficient freight is stored – 18.1.9 and

4 74

22.5.1). Below this is a list of all the eligible air groups than
can be used for transportation including both specialist
transport aircraft and level bombers.
The map display will change to show locations with
sufficient freight in blue and possible target airbases in
green (see figure on the top right).
You can target a non-airbase hex but the mission will be
far less efficient in that case.
By default to use this function, simply left click on the
target hex (in this case Bratislava) and the screen will
adjust to:

47 5
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

You can amend the staging base by selecting from the

list or right clicking on a suitable on map location. You
can add more aircraft if you desire. Air groups below the
option to ‘Select/Deselect ALL Air Groups’ are out of range.
You can tab between MULTIPLE MISSIONS as shown
and SINGLE MISSION as you wish. Once you have set up
the air freight transport mission click on LAUNCH.
The Unit transfer option is similar except that you need
to select an airbase with an eligible formation, such as:

Once you select a destination, sufficient transport assets,

if they exist, will be assigned as seen in the screenshot
opposite. Select LAUNCH and the unit(s) will be moved to
the new airfield.
The Airborne option is used both to carry out missions
and to set the target for an airborne formation (22.5.3). To
set a target, simply left click on a desired target hex, as:


If an airborne formation is eligible to be dropped then 37.16.11. Redeploying Air Groups

the option LAUNCH AIRDROP will be shown. This is not a screen as such but how the map adjusts to
show the options and process for manually redeploying Air
groups, AOGs or complete Air Commands.
When moving AOGs or Air Commands there are two
options to designate the target area and airbases.
If the Air Command is selected, then, press down the
shift key and that AOG/Air Command will redeploy to the
valid airbases in the same pattern as they occupy at their
current locations:
If the Ctrl key is depressed then the target area can be
resized (so just a single airbase) or a different shape to
capture the desired target area.
Once a target area is selected, the chosen set of airbases
will be shown (see screenshot overleaf).
This display will vary according to the zoom level chosen
but in any case if the target air base lacks a key asset the
red bar will appear to the right of the name. If any or all
of fuel, ammunition, supply and support squads are fully
present then no indicator will be shown. If one of these is
lacking it will be shown in red, a serious shortage in orange
and less than 75% in yellow.
Clicking on any named airbase will indicate which air
group(s) are due to deploy there.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

it will show the airbases it is currently using. Left click on

one of these and the relevant air groups will be displayed:
If you want to move groups (as in this case), then select
the airbase and that portion of the AOG will be redeployed.

Doing this will enable the transfer of all the air groups from
that AOG at that particular airbase.
So in this case, all three air groups at Sudovaya Vishnya
will be redeployed but the rest of the AOG will remain on
its current base(s).

If the transfer is set to ‘Planned’ then some may be

executed immediately and other moves will happen in
the logistics phase when suitable assets can be allocated
(if possible). Any immediate shortages will be shown by
hovering the mouse over the blue airbase label as:

If you only want to move one, then click on one as:

In this case, the
162 GIAP will be
redeployed (note
the Air group label is
outlined in gold) and
If the intention is to only deploy one or more air groups the other two will
(but not the entire AOG), then click on the AOG label and remain in place.



Action Admin Point Cost Remarks
Disband a Unit (note this cost also applies if two units are merged) 1 (Axis), 0 (Soviet) 21.10
Merge a Unit 1 21.10
Manually Create Supply Depot 1 25.72
Priority Repair 1 28.6.4
Varies according to the number of trucks
Reactivate Static Unit 21.8
the unit would need to be fully mobile
Varies according to the number of trucks
Temporary Motorization 22.2.5
Change leader of a HQ unit Varies 15.6.2
4 (Axis player all game);
Create Fortified Zone Unit 20.5
2 (Soviet player)
Transfer AA Battalion from City to High Command HQ 3 16.8
Transfer AA Regiment from City to High Command HQ 10 16.8
Transfer Marine or Naval Battalion from City to High Command HQ 3 16.8
Transfer Marine or Naval Brigade from City to High Command HQ 10 16.8
Transfer any flak unit from a city to a city 1 16.8
Transfer Marine or Naval AA to a non-port location 2 16.8
Transfer LW or PVO AA Battalion from City to High Command HQ 15 16.8
Transfer LW or PVO AA Regiment or Brigade from City to High Command
50 16.8
Transfer eligible Construction unit from a HQ unit to a city 1 21.6
20 (1941 Rifle Corps)
Build a Corps (Soviet player only) 10 (1941 Cavalry Corps) 27.5
5 (1942-45 any type)
Varies according to the game turn and
unit type.
Build a new Combat or Support Unit (Soviet player only) Some units will initially cost 27.2
Administrative Points but then will
become free.
Create a City Fort 10 20.6
10 (Axis Army)
Place a Command on Assault Status 21.11.2
20 (Soviet Front)


The national morale of the main factions varies over time This can be checked in game by referring to the game
and between ground, air and naval units. editor and looking under the Nat/Weather tab (41).

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

38.2.1. Soviet Union 38.2.6. Hungary

Date From Ground Air Naval Date From Ground Air Naval
1 June 1941 50 55 45 1 June 1941 45 55 30
1 September 1941 45 50 40 1 January 1943 50 55 30
1 January 1942 45 45 40 1 January 1944 50 50 30
1 July 1942 50 45 45 1 January 1945 50 45 30
1 April 1943 50 50 45
1 September 1943 55 50 50 38.2.7. Slovakia
1 January 1944 55 55 50
Date From Ground Air Naval
1 April 1944 60 55 55
1 June 1941 60 65 30
1 September 1944 60 60 55
1 January 1943 55 65 30
1 July 1943 55 60 30
38.2.2. Germany 1 January 1944 55 55 30
Date From Ground Air Naval 1 July 1944 55 50 30
1 June 1941 75 75 80 1 January 1945 55 45 30
1 September 1942 70 75 80
1 January 1943 65 70 75 38.2.8. Bulgaria
1 July 1943 65 70 65
Date From Ground Air Naval
1 January 1944 60 70 60
1 June 1941 45 50 45
1 October 1944 60 65 55
1 January 1944 40 45 40
1 January 1945 55 65 50
1 January 1945 40 45 45
1 July 1945 45 50 45
38.2.3. Finland
Date From Ground Air Naval
1 June 1941 70 80 70 38.3. HQ UNIT PRIORITY AND
1 July 1944
1 January 1945
HQ Supply Priority Percent of Need
38.2.4. Italy 4 < 90% (1)
Date From Ground Air Naval 3 < 90%
1 June 1941 40 50 40 2 <70%
1 January 1942 40 50 35 1 <50%
1 January 1944 40 70 35 0 <30% (2)
1 July 1944 40 65 35
(1) This can be up to 110% if the unit did not move in the prior
turn and is not adjacent to an enemy controlled hex.
38.2.5. Rumania (2) Air Base Units will not receive any supply or replacements if
set to supply priority 0.
Date From Ground Air Naval
1 June 1941 45 50 45
1 October 1943
1 July1944
1 January 1945 45 45 30 38.4.1. Basic Terrain Guide
The images below show typical examples of the various
terrain in the game. Note that there are (deliberately)
variations between the style chosen so as to break up the
game map.


Note that some of the images below show that type of Roads (Average, Good),
terrain when the map art varies substantially as the ground Road Map option not
conditions change. selected
Note also that changing the map view options will both
Rough (clear/mud/snow)
alter what is shown and sometimes the symbols used. Also
the on-map symbol for woods and heavy woods will vary
across the seasons regardless of the actual weather. Swamp (clear/mud/snow)

Airbase (empty/with Town/City/Urban/Heavy

planes) Urban

Airbase (small, medium,


Water hexes: Ocean/Sea/

Capital City

Clear (clear/light mud/

heavy mud/light snow/
heavy snow) 38.4.2. Terrain Defensive Modifiers
Ferry Hex
Terrain Type Remarks
Heavy Woods (clear/light
mud/heavy mud/light Clear +0
snow/heavy snow) Bocage +2 Dense (1)
Light Woods (clear/light Desert +0
mud/heavy mud/light Sand +0
snow/heavy snow)
Tundra +0
Impassable Hex side City +2
+3 if Isolated Hex
Light Urban +12
Major River (clear/part Double Dense (2)
frozen/fully frozen) +4 if Isolated Hex
Heavy Urban +16
Double Dense (2)
Mountain Light Woods +1
Heavy Woods +2 Dense (1)
Rough +3 Dense (1)
National Border
Mountain +3 Double Dense (2)(3)
Swamp +2 Dense (1)
Port Impassable N/A

Rail (Single, Dual track) (1) In dense terrain, the CV of infantry type ground elements
is doubled and the CV of AFV and combat vehicle type ground
River (clear/part frozen/ elements are halved.
fully frozen) (2) In double dense terrain the CV of infantry type ground
elements is quadrupled (x4) and the CV of AFV and combat
Roads (Average, Good), vehicle type ground elements is quartered (x1/4).
Road Map option (3) Mountain and type 0 non-motorized combat units are more
selected effective during battles that take place in a mountain hex.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

38.5.1. Moisture Levels and Impact
Type Moisture (Water) Impact on any Snow Moisture Effects
Clear Water level decreases by 2-7 each turn Converts snow to water Clear = water 1 and Snow 1
Changes from – 1 to +2 each turn / If water
Rain is >3 than 1 is subtracted / If water is >7 then Converts snow to water light mud= water 2-5
an additional – 1 / Water level can’t be over 5
Increases 2-4 per turn
Good Roads 1-2
Heavy rain Converts snow to water heavy mud= water 6 to 9
Average Roads 2-3
Poor roads 2-4
Snow level in hex changes – 1 to +2 each turn Increases snow levels by between
Cold light snow = snow 2 to 3
/ can’t be over 6 -1 and 2 per turn up to level 6
Increases snow level by between 1
Snowfall Increases 1-3 each turn / can’t be over 7 snow= snow 4 to 7
and 3 per turn up to level 7
Increases snow level by between 2
Blizzard Increases 2-4 each turn heavy snow = snow 8 to 9
and 4 per turn up to level 9

38.5.2. Impact on Air Operations

Air Weather Condition Remarks Category
Clear Excellent
Rain Light Rains/Summer Rains, Additional cloud cover Fair
Heavy Rain More overcast and sustained rain Very Poor
Cold Light Snow, Clear sky much of the time Good
Snowfall More regular Snowfall with more Cloud Cover. Poor
Blizzards Snow storms and very low temperature. Very Poor

38.5.3. Weather and Fortification Decay

Ground Weather and Added Decay
Fortification Level Clear Light Mud/Light Snow/Snow Heavy Mud/Heavy Snow
0 20% 40% 80%
1 12% 14% 48%
2 4% 8% 16%

38.5.4. Weather effects on attacking CV

Weather in Attacking Units Hex Good Roads Average Roads Poor Roads
Light Mud .90 .80 .75
Heavy Mud .50 .25 .125
Light Snow 1.00 1.00 1.00
Snow (1) .90 .80 .75
Heavy Snow (1) .90 .80 .75

(1) Ski units will have their combat value (CV) doubled in snow hexes and tripled in heavy snow hexes and are not affected by the
above weather CV modifiers for snow and heavy snow.



38.6.1. Optimum Rank per HQ Type
HQ unit type Soviet Optimum Rank German Optimum Rank
Corps (Type 4) GENM GENL
Army (Type 3) GENL/GENM GEN
Army Group (Type 2) GENA/GENP/MAR GENO
High Command (Type 1) GENA/MAR FM

38.6.2. Command Range and Command Modifiers

Unit Command Range (in Hexes) Command Modifier (21.11.4)
High Command
90 Divide Range by 4
(Type 1)
Army Group (Type 2) 45 Divide Range by 3
Army (Type 3) 15 Divide Range by 2
Corps (Type 4) 5 Divide Range by 1
Range is treated as 0 if the actual
Air (Any Type) 90
distance is less than 91 hexes.

38.6.3. Basic Command Capacity Rules

6/41- 4/42- 4/43- 4/44-
3/42 3/43 3/44 9/45
Corps (type 4) 9 CP 9 CP 10 CP 11 CP
Axis Army (type 3) 27 CP 27 CP 30 CP 33 CP
Axis Army Group (type 2) 108 CP 108 CP 120 CP 132 CP
Soviet Front (type 2) 72 CP 81 CP 90 CP 99 CP
Soviet MD (type 2) 36 CP 36 CP 36 CP 36 CP

The notional command capacity some HQs can be increased by designating them as ‘Assault HQs’ (21.11.2).
This can only be done for Axis Army or Soviet Front HQs and the number of such commands will vary by side across the
game. Once an army or front is designated as ‘assault’ all attached HQs and their combat units will be affected.
Note that while this will increase the command points available, there are disadvantages, especially if the formation is
on the defensive where its ability to create entrenchments is limited.

38.6.4. Soviet Army Command Capacity Rules

Type 6/41 – 8/41 9/41 – 3/42 4/42 – 9/45
Tank Armies N/A N/A 11 CP
Guards Tank Armies N/A N/A 12 CP
Combined Arms Armies 21 CP 21 CP 18 CP
Shock and Guards Armies N/A 21 CP 21 CP

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


38.7.1. Basic Tactical Movement Costs
Situation Motorized MP Non Motorized MP
Leave enemy ZOC +1 +1
Morale>80, +1;
Morale>80, +1;
Morale 51-80, +2
Enter enemy hex (good or average roads) Morale 51-80, +2
Morale <51, +3
Morale <51, +3
subtract one from cost for cavalry units)
Enter enemy hex (poor roads) Minimum cost of 3 Minimum cost of 3
In addition to the rules above (and other In addition to the rules above (and other
Enter enemy hex if the unit is a brigade terrain and weather costs) these units terrain and weather costs) these units
or regiment must pay at least 3 MP per any type of must pay at least 3 MP per any type of
enemy controlled hex enemy controlled hex
+4 + same cost as for entering an enemy +4 + same cost as for entering an enemy
Enter enemy ZOC (only if already in hex (This is in addition to the entering hex (This is in addition to the entering
enemy ZOC, i.e. ZOC to ZOC) (1) enemy hex charge that may also apply if enemy hex charge that may also apply if
entering a enemy hex) entering a enemy hex)
Temporary and Soviet Motorized Infantry
+1 in addition to normal costs N/A
Units entering enemy hex
Administrative movement bonus: poor
-1 -1
quality road hex (2)
Administrative movement bonus: average
-2 -2
quality road hex (2)
Administrative movement bonus: good
-3 -3
quality road hex (2)
Combat Delay MP Cost +3 per Delay Point +1 per Delay Point
Hasty Attack +3 +2
Deliberate Attack +16 +6 (3)
Attack across an unfrozen minor river (in
+2/3 of EZOC MP Cost (4) +2/3 of EZOC MP Cost (4)
addition to applicable attack cost)
Attack across an unfrozen major river(in
+2/3 of EZOC MP Cost (4) +2/3 of EZOC MP Cost (4)
addition to applicable attack cost)

(1) Example: A ZOC to ZOC move by a Morale 83 unit moving to clear terrain is 7 if not entering an enemy hex (1 for clear + 1 for
leaving a ZOC + 5 for moving ZOC to ZOC ) If the unit was a cavalry unit it would be 6.
(2) The cost of entering a hex can never be reduced below 1 due to this modifier. Note this does not apply in a hex with any
(3) Non-motorized type 2 units pay only 5 MPs for a deliberate attack (i.e. those that have vehicles for supplies and all non-infantry,
non-infantry weapon elements).
(4) The extra MP cost of attacking across a river is equal to 2/3 of the MP cost (truncated) for moving across a river (based on ice
levels) into an EZOC. For example, a motorized unit pays 17 extra points when attacking over a major river when the ice level is 7,
26x2/3 = 17.


38.7.2. Air Interdiction and Tactical Motorized MP

Non Motorized MP
Terrain (Road Conditions:
Movement Costs Type Good/Average/
(Road Conditions:
Air Interdiction Motorized Non Motorized
per hex MP MP Heavy
4/6/8 2/2/3
1 NA (1) NA (1)
Mountain [1] 8/16/40 4/6/10
2 +1 NA
Rough 4/5/6 2/2/2
3 +1 NA
Sand 8/8/10 4/4/6
4 +1 NA
Swamp 4/6/8 2/2/3
5 +2 NA
6 +2 +1 [1] Note that Mountain units pay 3 MP per Mountain hex
7 +2 +1 regardless of the quality of the road network.
8 +3 (2) +1
9 +3 (2) +1 38.7.5. Weather and Tactical
(1) Note that any interdiction >0 and <1 will still stop
Movement Costs
administrative movement in that hex. Motorized MP
(2) There is a +2 MP cap on the movement penalty per hex caused Non Motorized MP
Weather (Road Conditions:
by air interdiction for motorized units moving in clear terrain. (Road Conditions:
Type Good/Average/
38.7.3. Terrain and Tactical Light Mud +1/+1/+1 +1/+1/+1
Movement Costs Heavy Mud +2/+4/+6 +1/+2/+3
Light Snow 0/+1/+1 0/+1/+1
Motorized Non Motorized
Terrain Type Snow +1/+2/+2 +1/+1/+1
Heavy Snow +2/+3/+3 +2/+3/+3
Clear 1 1
City/Light Urban/Heavy
1 1 38.7.6. River Hexsides and Tactical
Woods 2 1 Movement Costs
Heavy Woods See 38.7.4 See 38.7.4
Level of ice and Non
Rough See 38.7.4 See 38.7.4 Motorized
existence of Enemy Zones Motorized
Desert 2 2 of Control (EZOC) (1) MP
Sand See 38.7.4 See 38.7.4 Minor River Ice lvl 0-4 (No EZOC) +2 +1
Tundra 3 2 Minor River Ice lvl 0-4 (EZOC) +6 +2
Swamp See 38.7.4 See 38.7.4 Minor River Ice Lvl 5-10 (No
+0 +0
Mountain See 38.7.4 See 38.7.4 EZOC) (Frozen)
Lake Hex Impassable Impassable Minor River Ice Lvl 5-10 (EZOC)
+1 +0
Full water hexes Impassable Impassable
Major River Ice lvl 0-4 (No EZOC) +4 +2
Ferry (1) 12 6
Major River Ice lvl 0-4 (EZOC) +18 +5
(1) Special Ferry Rules – Ferry Movement is allowed between Major River Ice Lvl 6 (No EZOC) +5 +3
two friendly hexes or from a friendly hex to an empty enemy Major River Ice Lvl 6 (EZOC) +20 +6
controlled hex. In this case the MP cost of the ferry is 12 for
Major River Ice Lvl 7 (No EZOC) +8 +5
motorized and 6 for non-motorized units.
Major River Ice Lvl 7 (EZOC) +26 +11
Units may enter a ferry hex to attack an adjacent enemy land
hex. Units that fail an attack from a ferry hex will retreat back to Major River Ice Lvl 8-10 (No
+1 +0
a land hex. EZOC) (Frozen)
Major River Ice Lvl 8-10 (EZOC)
38.7.4. Road Movement Costs for +4 +1
Poor Terrain Impassable River/Lake hex
Impassable Impassable
For some terrain types, the underlying road network except when except when
side (2)
determines the basic movement costs. frozen (3) frozen (3)

48 5
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

(1) Major and Minor Rivers as well as impassable River/Lake 38.7.7. Rail Movement Strategic
hexsides have much less effect on movement and no effect on
combat when they are frozen. These hexsides are frozen when Movement Penalties
the ice level is 5 or greater for minor river hexsides and when
Colour Usage SMP Penalty
the ice level is 8 or greater for Major River and impassable
hexsides. There is never any ice in full water hexes (small lakes, Bright green None No SMP penalty
large lakes, Baltic, Black Sea, etc.) and they will never be frozen Dark Green 1 – 4999 tons No SMP penalty
(2) Supply may be traced through hex side when frozen (Ice level Yellow 5000 – 9999 tons No SMP penalty
8-10). Yellow 10000 – 14999 tons +1 SMP penalty
(3) Impassable hexes can be crossed if both sides are friendly
Orange 15000 – 19999 tons +1 SMP penalty
controlled, paying the same cost as if crossing a major river
hexside when that is frozen at levels 8-10. In addition, these Orange 20000 – 24999 tons +2 SMP penalty
hexes can be traversed if fully frozen (again paying the cost as if Orange 25000 – 29999 tons +2 SMP penalty
it was a major river). Red 30000+ tons +3 SMP penalty


Soft Factor Summary Color Code
Symbol Soft Factor Bright Green Dark Green Yellow Orange Red

Morale >85% 71-85% 56-70% 41-55% <41%

Experience >85% 71-85% 56-70% 41-55% <41%

Supplies >85% 71-85% 56-70% 41-55% <41%

Fuel >85% 71-85% 56-70% 41-55% <41%

Ammo >85% 71-85% 56-70% 41-55% <41%

Number of Support Units attached to a Combat Unit 0 Not used 1 2 3

Number of Support Units attached to a HQ Unit 0 1-6 7-12 13-18 19+

Supply Priority 4 3 2 1 0

Combat Preparation 100% 75-99% 50-74% 25-49% <25%

Fatigue <25% 25-49% 50-74% 75-99% 100%


39. Appendix J: HOTKEY LIST

The hot keys can ease the process of moving between
screens and carrying out some actions. They all duplicate
other methods such as right clicking on the map or
accessing the various tabs at the top of the screen. The
keys are organised into four broad sections, as:

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

40. Appendix K: LIST OF EVENTS

The events in WiTE2 are designed to reflect the progress of player(s) failing to meet, or exceeding, the relevant Theatre
the war in the various Theatre Boxes (TB) or major shifts in Box garrison requirements. Also random events may push
the capacity of either side. back or advance a particular schedule of events.
Note this list shows the events and their effects in the To access this data, you will need to open the Game
context of the 1941 Campaign. Campaign games started Editor and select ‘GAME EVENT EDITOR’ from the main
at a later date may have a slightly different sequence page.
depending on the historical development of the wider war.
Although many of these have a notionally fixed date, in
game they may happen earlier or later depending on the 40.1. FINNISH CAMPAIGN

Event Likely Start Date Main Effects

Axis Finnish TB combat intensity set to very low for Ground and medium for Air.
Continuation War 26 June 1941 Soviet Northern Front TB ground combat intensity to set to very low and medium
for Air.
Axis Finnish TB ground combat intensity set to Medium, Soviet Northern Front
Finnish Offensive 10 July 1941
TB ground combat intensity set to high.
Axis capture Salmi 20 July 1941 Ladoga Karelia conquered by the Axis
Axis reach Svir River 1 October 1941 Olonets Karelia conquered by the Axis
Karelian Isthmus region captured by the Axis, Axis Finnish TB ground combat
intensity set to very low. Soviet Northern Front TB ground combat intensity set
Finnish Offensive Ends 1 November 1941 to low.
At this stage penalties and benefits can accrue if the forces in the respective
theatre boxes are too low or too high.


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects

If the Axis player holds both Leningrad and Terijoki between these turns there
May happen between
is a 5% chance each turn that a one-off transfer of the 1 Finnish Corps (with
Axis Capture Leningrad 1 December 1941 and
3 Finnish Infantry divisions) will occur. Once they arrive they are treated as
1 March 1942
German units.
These two events will occur if the forces committed to Finland are below or
Finland Holds Strong;
above key thresholds. If either occur they will delay or advance the likely date of
Finland Wavers
the following events.
It’s Not Over 1 June 1942 Finland ground requirements increase to 240, Air to 13. Will
Triggered if Kingisepp, Luga and Novgorod are Soviet controlled. Soviets must
An Opportunity Arises At least 1 June 1943 have at least 110% of their ground requirement in the Northern Front Theatre
Axis Finnish TB ground combat intensity set to high, Soviet Northern Front TB
Soviet Northern ground combat intensity set to very high.
At least 8 June 1943
Offensive Conditions are Soviet control of Kingisepp, Luga and Novgorod and have 110% of
the Ground Defense score needed for the Northern Theatre Box.
It’s only a Matter of Time 27 January 1944 Finland ground requirements increase to 300
Soviets Retake Occupied Olonets Karelia, Ladoga Karelia and Karelian Isthmus all transferred from Axis
1 October 1944
Regions Finnish TB to Soviet Northern Front TB
Can only happen if the Soviets also control Leningrad. Ends combat operations in
Finland Surrenders 1 October 1944 the Axis Finnish and Soviet Northern Front TBs.
Triggers the game event ‘Norway on the Frontline’.

Note see also the Norwegian Events.


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects
Retreat from Cyrenaica 16 December 1941 Cyrenaica TB set to WA Control
Axis Retreat to El Agheila 16 December 1941 Ground and Air combat intensity in Axis North Africa TB set to very low
Axis 1942
26 May 1942 Ground and Air combat intensity in Axis North Africa TB set to low
All in For Cairo 2 August 1942 North Africa ground requirement increases to 61
North Africa Ground Requirement increases to 90, Italy Naval Requirement
Tunisia must be Held Follows from above
increases to 15
Allies take Northwest
15 November 1942 Allies capture Atlantic Coast, Atlas, Western and Eastern Algeria
Tripoli Falls 23 January 1943 Tripolitania falls to the Allies
Taking the Mareth Line 28 March 1943 South Tunisia falls to the Allies
Axis North Africa TB set as inactive
Axis in NA Surrender 15 May 1943 Triggers game events ‘what’s next?’ and makes the Italian Campaign events
Western Europe Ground Requirement set to 500, Italy Ground Requirement
Whats Next increases to 175, Italy Air requirement increases to 55, Balkans Ground
Requirement increases to 130, Air to 9.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects
Allies Invade Sicily 10 July 1943 Air intensity in the Axis Italy TB set to medium and ground to low
Allies Capture Sicily 17 August 1943 Sicily set to WA Control
Italian surrender, triggers the Campaign for France events and the ‘Shrinking
Italy Surrenders 9 September 1943
The Shrinking Axis Follows from above Italy Air Requirements reduced to 20, Naval to 5
Allies Land in Italy 9 September 1943 Air and Ground intensity in the Axis Italy TB set to medium
Italian Calabria Region
9 September 1943 Calabria set to WA Control
Allies capture Sardinia 14 September 1943 Sardinia set to WA Control
Allies Capture Corsica 4 October 1943 Corsica set to WA Control
Southern Italian Regions
8 October 1943 Puglia, Basilicata and Campania set to WA Control
Molise Region Falls 13 October 1943 Molise set to WA Control
Allies Land at Anzio 22 January 1944 Air and Ground intensity in the Axis Italy TB set to high
Abruzzo Region Falls 24 May 1944 Abruzzo set to WA Control
Rome Liberated 4 June 1944 Lazio set to WA Control
Umbria/Marche Region
23 July 1944 Umbria and Marche set to WA Control
Tuscany Region Falls 5 August 1944 Tuscany set to WA Control
Gothic Line 29 August 1944 Air and Ground intensity in the Axis Italy TB set to medium
Advance into Northern
1 April 1945 Air and Ground intensity in the Axis Italy TB set to high
Italian Campaign
2 May 1945 Sets Italian TB as inactive, triggers game event ‘Austria on the front line’
Austria on the Front Line Western Europe Ground Requirement increases to 400

Note see also the events related to the WA advance into Germany.


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects
Dieppe Raid 19 August 1942 Western Europe Ground Requirement increases to 425
The Atlantic Wall 1 January 1944 Western Europe Ground Requirement increases to 530
Air and Ground combat intensity in the Axis Western Europe TB set to very high.
D-Day 6 June 1944
Italy Ground requirement drops to 170 and air to 5 for the Axis side.
WA Isolate Channel
30 June 1944 Channel Islands set to WA Control
Lower Normandy Falls 9 August 1944 Lower Normandy set to WA Control
Centre Region Falls 16 August 1944 Centre Region set to WA Control
Loire Region Falls 20 August 1944 Loire set to WA Control
Paris Liberated 25 August 1944 Ile de France set to WA Control
Ground combat intensity in the Axis Western Europe TB set to high.
Disaster in the West 25 August 1944 Approximately 20% of the Axis forces in the Western Europe TB will surrender,
ground requirement set to 510.
SE French Coast Falls 28 August 1944 Provence and Languedoc set to WA Control
Upper Normandy Falls 1 September 1944 Upper Normandy set to WA Control


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects

Allies Capture SE France 3 September 1944 Rhone-Alpes, Auvergne and Limousin set to WA Control
Allies Capture SW France 4 September 1944 Poitou, Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrenees and Andorra set to WA Control
Burgundy Region Falls 14 September 1944 Burgundy and Franche-Comte set to WA Control
NE France Falls 15 September 1944 Picardy, Champagne, Lorraine, Alsace and Luxembourg set to WA Control
Allies Capture Belgium 17 September 1944 Pays de Calais, Wallonia and Flanders set to WA Control
Allies Capture Brittany 19 September 1944 Brittany set to WA Control
South Netherlands Falls 25 September 1944 South Netherlands set to WA Control
Axis Ardennes Offensive 16 December 1944 Ground combat intensity in the Western Europe TB set to very high
Failure in the Ardennes 30 December 1944 Ground combat intensity in the Western Europe TB set to high
Crossing the Rhine 8 February 1945 Air and Ground combat intensity in the Western Europe TB set to very high

See also Allied invasion of Germany events.


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects
RAF Raids 1941 1 July 1941 Will cause limited damage to some German manpower factories
RAF Raids 1942 1 January 1942 Will cause limited damage to some German manpower factories
Allied Bombing Western Europe Air Defence requirement set to 85, Night Air Defence
1 July 1942
Increases requirement set to 58
Air Offensive in WE 17 August 1942 Air combat intensity in the Western Europe TB set to medium
RAF Raids 1943 1 January 1943 Will cause some damage to some German manpower factories
RAF Long Range Raids
1 January 1943 Will cause some damage to some German manpower factories
8AF Raids early 1943 1 January 1943 Will cause some damage to German Railyards and HI factories
Escorts arrive over Western Europe Air Defence requirement set to 140, Night Air Defence
1 July 1943
Germany requirement set to 65
8AF Raids late 1943 1 July 1943 Will cause increasing damage to German Railyards, aircraft and HI factories
9AF Raids 1943 1 July 1943 Will cause some damage to the Fuel and Oil production in Romania
Western Europe Air Defence requirement set to 170, Night Air Defence
Battle of Berlin 1 December 1943
requirement set to 70
15AF Raids late 1943 1 November 1943 Will damage Axis railyards in Northern Italy
RAF Raids 1944 1 January 1944 Will cause some damage to some German manpower factories
RAF Long Range Raids
1 January 1944 Will cause some damage to some German manpower factories
8AF Raids early 1944 1 January 1944 Will cause damage to German Railyards and Airframe factories
15AF Raids early 1944 1 January 1944 Will damage Axis railyards and Fuel production
Air Offensive Intensifies 1 April 1944 Air combat intensity in the Western Europe TB set to high.
P-51s in Action 1 June 1944 Western Europe Air Defence requirement set to 230
8AF Raids late 1944 1 June 1944 Will cause damage to German Railyards and Synthetic Fuel factories
15AF Raids late 1944 1 July 1944 Will damage Axis railyards, Fuel and Synthetic Fuel production
Final Effort 1 December 1944 Western Europe Air Defence requirement set to 270
RAF Raids 1945 1 January 1945 Will cause damage to German manpower factories and Railyards
RAF Long Range Raids
1 January 1945 Will cause damage to German manpower factories
8AF Raids 1945 1 January 1945 Will cause damage to German Railyards
15AF Raids 1945 1 January 1945 Will cause damage to German Railyards

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects
Pfalz Region Falls 13 March 1945 Pfalz map region set to WA control
Hesse Region Falls 4 April 1945 Hesse map region set to WA control
Westphalia Region Falls 4 April 1945 Westphalia map region set to WA control
Baden Region Falls 11 April 1945 Baden map region set to WA control
Thuringia Region Falls 11 April 1945 Thuringia map region set to WA control
Gelderland Region Falls 18 April 1945 Gelderland map region set to WA control
Friesland Region Falls 18 April 1945 Friesland map region set to WA control
Hannover Region Falls 18 April 1945 Hannover map region set to WA control
Rheinland Region Falls 18 April 1945 Rheinland map region set to WA control
Wuerttemberg Region
23 April 1945 Wuerttemberg map region set to WA control
Emilia-Romagna Region
23 April 1945 Emilia-Romagna set to WA control
Piedmont Region Falls 27 April 1945 Piedmont set to WA control
Bavaria Region Falls 28 April 1945 Bavaria map region set to WA control
Veneto Region Falls 28 April 1945 Veneto set to WA control
Tyrol Region Falls 2 May 1945 Tyrol map region set to WA control
Liguria Region Falls 2 May 1945 Liguria set to WA control
Lombardy Region Falls 2 May 1945 Lombardy set to WA control
Alto-Adige Region Falls 2 May 1945 Alto-Adige set to WA control
Friule Region Falls 2 May 1945 Friule set to WA control
Istria Region Falls 2 May 1945 Istria set to WA control
Salzburg Region Falls 4 May 1945 Salzburg map region set to WA control
Upper Austria Falls 5 May 1945 Upper Austria map region set to WA control
Schleswig-Holstein Falls 6 May 1945 Schleswig-Holstein map region set to WA control
Allies Capture Holland 7 May 1945 Holland set to WA control
Weser-Ems Falls 7 May 1945 Weser-Ems map region set to WA control
Western Allies takes A hypothetical event that will trigger and end the game by forcing the surrender
1 June 1945
Berlin of any remaining Axis powers.


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects
The Soft Underbelly 1 August 1942 Balkan Ground Requirement increases to 125, Air to 6
Axis Facilities Sabotaged 26 September 1942 Air and Ground combat intensity in the Axis Balkans TB set to very low
Yugoslav Royalists Air combat intensity in the Axis Balkans TB set to very low, ground combat
13 October 1943
Advance intensity to low
Bulgaria surrenders to
Variable Bulgaria set to Soviet control if the Soviets occupy Bucharest
Serbia under Soviet If the Soviets control Szeged and Timisoara, map region Serbia will be made
31 August 1944
Control playable.
Albania under SU
Variable Once this is triggered, Albania will come under Soviet control within 37 days.
Macedonia under SU
Variable Once this is triggered, Macedonia will come under Soviet control within 37 days.


Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina removed from the Balkan TB and made playable on the
Liberated map
Montenegro Liberated Variable Once this is triggered, Montenegro will come under Soviet control within 37 days.
Air combat intensity in the Axis Balkans TB set to low.
Soviet Offensive on
Variable Triggered by Soviet control of one of Turnu Severin, Calafat, Teregova, Lugoj,
Timosoara, Szeged or Pecs
Mainland Greece Peloponnese, Greek Islands, Attica, Thessaly, Epirus, Thessalonika, Macedonia
15 October 1944
Liberated and Thrace set to WA Control
Belgrade Liberated 20 October 1944 Air and Ground combat intensity in the Axis Balkans TB set to low

Related to these events are the surrender rules for Slovakia and Romania. See section 14.3 of the main rules for these.


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects
Norwegian Resistance
20 November 1941 Ground combat intensity in the Axis Norway TB set to very low
Ground combat intensity in the Axis Norway TB set to very low
Allies Raid Norway 27 February 1943
Ground Requirement increases to 80, Naval decreases to 13
Soviets advance into On or After 18 Ground and Air combat intensity in the Axis Norway TB set to low. Ground and
Norway October 1944 Air combat intensity in the Soviet Northern Front TB set to low
Once the above event
Norway on the Frontline Norway air requirement increases to 9


The Partisan war is handled within the Theatre Box but some of the events will place increasing levels of interdiction on
the map.

Event Likely Start Date Main Effects

Soviet Partisans in
27 July 1941 Ground combat intensity in the Axis Soviet Union Garrison TB set to intensity 1
Consolidating Control 10 August 1941 Soviet Union Garrison Ground Requirement increases to 55
Partisan attacks (intensity 1 or 2) in many USSR regions, intensity of ground
Soviet Partisans 10 August 1941
combat in the Axis Soviet Union Garrison set to very low.
Western Europe Ground Requirement decreases to 280, Soviet Union Garrison
Winter is here 15 December 1941
requirement increases to 85
Smolensk Partisans 1 January 1942 Partisan attacks (intensity 2) in the Smolensk Region
Partisan Movement
30 May 1942 Ground combat intensity in the Axis Soviet Union Garrison TB set to low
under Stavka
Orel Partisans 1 October 1942 Partisan attacks (intensity 1) in the Orel Region
Security Forces
20 October 1942 Soviet Union Ground Requirement increases to 130
Partisan Movement
28 February 1943 Ground combat intensity in the Axis Soviet Union Garrison TB set to low
Central Area Partisans 1 August 1943 Partisan attacks (intensity 1) in the Orel, Kursk and Smolensk Regions
Belorussia Heats Up 10 August 1943 Partisan attacks (intensity 1) in Belorussia
Final Push 1 January 1944 Partisan attacks (intensity 3) in Belorussia
Soviet Partisan
If the Soviets own Kaunas, Brest-Litovsk and Lvov, the partisan war ends.
Movement Ends

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects
Italy Ground Requirement increases to 70, Air to 32, North Africa Ground
Requirement increases to 58, Air to 25, Naval to 6, Norway Ground Requirement
US Enters the War 11 December 1941
increases to 75, Air to 6, Naval to 20; Finland Ground Requirement increases to 195;
Western Europe air requirement to 70, night air to 37


The game includes a number of historical events that simply provide information about the wider war. These have no
direct impact on gameplay.


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects
Soviets release reserves 25 November 1941 500,000 men added to the Soviet manpower pool
Cav Corps and Ski Bn’s 15 December 1941 Soviets gain 200 AP (note this will be modified by any relevant game settings).
Soviet Air Force Many air divisions including the SAD formations will be disbanded over the
10 January 1942
Reorganises coming months. From April fresh formations will become available.
Tank Corps 15 April 1942 Soviets gain 250 AP (note this will be modified by any relevant game settings).
Additional reserves
1 May 1942 200,000 men added to the Soviet manpower pool
Rifle Corps 15 June 1942 Soviets gain 300 AP (note this will be modified by any relevant game settings).
Mechanized Corps 15 September 1942 Soviets gain 250 AP (note this will be modified by any relevant game settings).
Additional reserves
15 September 1942 450,000 men added to the Soviet manpower pool
Artillery Divisions 15 October 1942 Soviets gain 200 AP (note this will be modified by any relevant game settings).
Soviets Continue
15 June 1943 Soviets gain 300 AP (note this will be modified by any relevant game settings).
After 1 January 1943
2ND Polish Army Formed if the Soviet player 26 Turns later the units of the 2 Polish Army will be available
controls Bialystok


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects
Sorge Spy Ring 21 September 1941 Far East Ground Requirement reduced to 130, Air to 12
Iran is Secure 23 November 1941 Transcaucasus Ground Requirement reduced to 42, Air to 4
Far East Ground Requirement increased to 150, Air to 19, Northern Front Ground
Crisis Averted 1 April 1942
Requirement increased to 110, Air to 15, Transcaucasus Air to 6
Secondary Fronts Far East Ground Requirement increased to 155, Air to 40, Northern Front Air to
28 February 1943
Strengthened 30, Transcaucasus Air Requirement increased to 11
Preparing for the Next
2 January 1944 Far East Ground Requirement increased to 160, Air to 75



These events will occur if the necessary force requirements in various Theatre Boxes are either lacking or exceeded.

Event Main Effects

Garrison Shortage in the Transcaucasus Soviets lose 1 VP and 1 AP
Excess Garrison in the Transcaucasus Soviets gain 1 VP and 1 AP
Garrison Shortage in the Far East Soviets lose 1 VP and 1 AP
Excess Garrison in the Far East Soviets gain 1 VP and 1 AP
Northern Front Faltering Finnish Offensive events moved forward
Northern Front defending well Finnish Offensive events are moved back
Shortage of forces in the Northern Front Soviets lose 1 VP and 1 AP
Excess forces in the Northern Front Soviets gain 1 VP and 1 AP
Northern Front held up Soviet offensive events against Finland are set back
Northern Front Pushes West Soviet offensive events against Finland are moved forward


Event Likely Start Date Main Effects
More Men for the Ground Forces 13 January 1943 Adds 16 to the manpower production multiplier for Germany
Temp Mobilisation Measures End 1 July 1943 German manpower production multiplier reduced by 16
200,000 men added to the German manpower pool, German manpower
Germany fully mobilises 25 August 1944
multiplier increased by 4, German ground National Morale reduced by 5


These events will occur if the necessary force requirements in various Theatre Boxes are either lacking or exceeded.
The extent that a later event chain is amended will depend on both a random element and the nature of the event. So
if the Axis suffers a ground setback in North Africa this will have more of an impact than one in the Air campaign.

Event Main Effects

Axis Grnd Setback in N Africa N African Campaign events are moved forward; Italian Campaign events are moved forward
Axis Grnd Success in N Africa N African Campaign events are moved back; Italian Campaign events are moved back
Axis Air Setback in N Africa N African Campaign events are moved forward; Italian Campaign events are moved forward
Axis Air Success in N Africa N African Campaign events are moved back; Italian Campaign events are moved back
Axis Naval Setback in N Africa N African Campaign events are moved forward; Italian Campaign events are moved forward
Axis Naval Success in N Africa N African Campaign events are moved back; Italian Campaign events are moved back
Axis Setback in the Balkans Axis lose 1 VP and 1 AP
Axis Success in the Balkans Axis gain 1 VP and 1 AP
Garrison Shortage in Italy Axis lose 1 VP and 1 AP
Excess Garrison in Italy Axis gain 1 VP and 1 AP
Italian Campaign advances Italian Campaign Events moved forward
Italian Campaign delayed Italian Campaign Events moved back
Garrison Shortage in WE Axis lose 1 VP and 1 AP
Excess Garrison in WE Axis gain 1 VP and 1 AP
Campaign for France advances French/Benelux Campaign Events moved forward
Campaign for France delayed French/Benelux Campaign Events moved back

49 5
Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Weak Finnish Forces Delayed Finnish Offensive Events moved forward

Strong Finns advance Finnish Offensive Events moved back
Shortage of Forces in Finland Axis lose 1 VP and 1 AP
Excess Forces in Finland Axis gain 1 VP and 1 AP
Finland Holds Strong Soviet Offensive against Finland Events are pushed back
Finland wavers Soviet Offensive against Finland Events are moved forward
Shortage of Forces in Norway Axis lose 1 VP and 1 AP
Excess Forces in Norway Axis gain 1 VP and 1 AP


This section does not describe how to use the editor to If you click on the close game option, you will be taken
create or modify a scenario but how to find information to the main data pages.
that is available within the editor and sometimes not from This is divided into a number of tabs, as:
the main game.
Usually you will open the In this case it will open with the Scenario summary
editor from the main loading page, every item in yellow can be modified.
screen. For the purposes of this discussion, all the tabs from
After this select a scenario, if units to device are ignored. You can use them to create
all you want to do is to explore new items or to modify any existing ones.
the information available then The aircraft tab does contain one table that can be
it is probably best to select the useful and is not available within the game.
1941 campaign files. This shows how that particular plane performs at
You will be presented with different altitudes and its optimal performance altitude.
the game map. You can use this The Nat/Weather
to place and redeploy existing tab again gives access
units and any extra units you to information that is
create using the editor. not available elsewhere
in the game (although
the information is in
this manual).
National Morale
shows how ground,
air and naval morale
varies across the game


You can select the nation using the ‘pick nation’ list on
the right hand side.
Production multipliers show the variables used to
determine actual production by year and nationality.

Edit Weather Effects gives access to the basic weather table

(also available within the game), the movement costs due to
adverse weather and the type of winter rules that apply.

Other tabs here show the river crossing costs.

These files will be placed in the \dat\csv folder of your

game set up.

How weather fronts are formed and affect the basic

weather table.
Movement costs include the basic movement table
Clicking on ‘edit nations’ returns you to the other screen.
The final tab ‘csv’ allows you to export the information Close will return you to the opening editor screen.
in the various tabs to a csv file. This may make it easier Close again will take you to the normal game loading
to modify or analyse the information. This tab can also be screen.
used to import a csv file to replace the data.

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Gary Grigsby, Pavel Zagzin, Joel Billings, Jim Wirth, Keith CEO, MATRIX GAMES LLC
Brors, Dominik Derwinski Erik Rutins
Gary Grigsby, Pavel Zagzin David Sharrock
Keith Brors Bart Schouten, Neil McKenna
Trey Marshall, Randy Seger, John Young, Miquel Ramirez Josh Fan
Gary Grigsby, Trey Marshall, Jim Wirth, Dennis Schulz, Dan Zsibrita, Anny Sims
Brad Hunter, Jim Barbin,, Keith Butterley, Bob Pendleton, BRAND MANAGER
Chris Munson, John Tomlinson, Joel Billings, Pavel Zagzin Alberto Casulini, Francesco Mantovani, Roberta Migliori
Marc von Martial, John Young, Axel Heicke, Lieven Bruno Bontempo
Cappelle, Jeremy Simmons
CARTOGRAPHER Paolo Paglianti
Jason Petho
Roger Cook, John Young, Joel Billings, Jim Wirth, Chris
Pat Ward
Xhoel Mucko, Miquel Ramirez
Koen Bekkema
Matrix Myriam Bell
Erik Rutins Matthew Ravenwood
Marc von Martial Sam O’Neill, Joseph Stephenson
Iain McNeil Dean Walker
JD McNeil Richard Baker
Philip Veale Paulo Costa, Joseph Miller


WEB DEVELOPMENT s2tanker, DrewBlack, gingerbread, DicedT, Sardaukar,

Valery Vidershpan, Andrea Nicola, Fernando Turi rmonical, gwgardner, Searry, RedLancer, AWGreif, elmo3,
ADB_Iceman, Telemecus, MButtsworth, Redmarkus5,
Special thanks to Nigel Askey for his exceptional LiquidSky, Darojax, bwheatley, deep42, vossiewulf, jaw,
research work on the ‘Operation Barbarossa - the Zombly, morganbj, dgrimes, NotOneStepBack, PyleDriver,
Complete Organizational and Statistical Analysis, and rlp2, chaos45, abulbulian, Lictuel, Captain B, coolts,
Military Simulation’ series of books. AlanAugust, Montbrun, miv792, Malevors, cristianwj,
SPECIAL THANKS to our community of alpha and cfulbright, TitaniumTrout, timmyab, KenchiSulla,
beta testers wolfengange, HMSWarspite, warshipbuilder, Update,
MoldyJacket, daft, Seminole, IslandInland, Starstruck,
Tyronec, rjs28023, loki100, cmunson, carlkay58, xhoel,
Zebtucker12, Malevolence, SparkleyTits, wallas, Mobeer,
zakblood, BletchleyGeek, M60A3TTS, malyhin1517,
con. SpleenMcQueen, gregb41352, shuaiqigezi, Apollo11,
Baelfiin, 56ajax, Great_Ajax, GloriousRuse, Zovs,
CTKnudsen, CrazyBear, decourcy2, CowboyRonin,
Denniss, joelmar, HardLuckYetAgain, Q-Ball, Stonne,
verdugo94, Blond_Knight, typhoon, Brusilov, Don60420,
Commanderski, Omat, 821Bobo, shermanny, goranw,
Ivanov, bott.2, ceremony, sprior, Kilo59
thedoctorking, EwaldvonKleist, Iam5not8, redrum68,

43. Index
A Manually assign Air Groups 204 On-map display 116
Administrative Points 18, 146 Manually assign either Air Groups or Soviet Guards status 180
Expenditure 147 using AOGs 206 Air Transport 264
Gain - logistics phase 146 On map display 123, 219 Effect of air delivered freight on
Gain - Scripted Events 146 Reconnaissance 213 isolation status 314
Gain - Theatre Boxes 146 Strategic Bombing 212 Movement of Freight 264
AFV Targets 210 Movement of Units 266
Definition (Element) 382 Air Groups 180 Paratroop drops 266
Reliability 240 Air Profile and Upgrade Restrictions Paratroop drops - combat 282
Airbases 33, 187 186 Paratroop drops - eligible units 282
Building or expansion 189 Automatic Upgrades 186 Supply missions using the AI-Assist
Capacity 190 Axis titles 184 197
Importance of supply during Changes to size (Axis) 183 Air War
construction 189 Changes to size (Soviets) 184 AI Assist
On-map information 115, 188 Changing aircraft models 185 Advance Stance 197
Poor weather and level 1 airbases Depleted 185 Axis Naval Operations 196
190 Different Loadouts 216 Flexible Stance 197
Speed of Construction 189 Fighter Bombers (roles) 180 Hold Stance 197
Supply Priority 313 How to disband 185 Retreat Stance 197
Aircraft Loadouts 216 Soviet naval operations 196
Cannot upgrade if too close to an Profile and allowed planes 182 AI Assist and Naval Operations 198
enemy hex 186 Soviet titles 184 AI Assist and Transport Missions 197
Manual upgrades 186 Status 180 AI Assist Automatic transfer to
Reliability Rating 219 Upgrading 62 Reserve 197
Air Directives 29, 32, 202 Air Headquarters 178 AI Assist Redeploy Air Groups 198
Air Superiority 213, 222 Air Operational Groups 19, 178 AI Assist – Setting Up 195
Ground Attack 211 Axis Allies 180 AI Assist Stances 196, 198
Ground Support 210 Limits to air group types 179 Air Doctrines and AI Assist 195
How they interact 215 Manual Redeployment 201 Air to Air Combat 222
Manual Creation 202 Maximum Size 201 Air to Ground Missions 222

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

Anti-Aircraft Fire 223 Effect on supply receipt and storage HQs and Maximum Capacity 312
Automated AI Assist 194 313 Import Port 55, 310
Day and Night missions 218 How to gain 271 Limited creation rules in pending
Fighter interception 215 Impact on the calculation of MP 256, hexes 310
Manual transfer of Air Groups from 272 National Supply Source 55, 310
the Reserve 199 Loss due to movement 258, 271 On-map display information 113, 130
Attrition 50 Loss if attacked 271 Priority and Distribution 57
Effect on Air Units 218 Loss when attacking 271 Priority and freight receipt 305
Effect on paratroop drops 282 Combat Results 283 Rail Yard 22, 310
If a unit is forced to retreat or displace Casualties 284 Setting Priority 55
289 Casualties - Visual Displays 408 Storage Capacity 56
Axis Allies Damage 284 ‘Super’ Depots 312
Movement Restrictions 166 Destruction 284 Detection Level 149
Surrender rules 167 Disruption 284 Impact of different levels 151
Theatre Box constraints 164 Effect if a unit routs 287
Effect if a unit surrenders 287 E
B Effect if the defender retreats 285 Elite Units
Building Units 62 Effect on Damaged Units 284 German 62
Effect on unit morale 284 Proportion of Soviet Guards Units in
C the game 325, 427
Effects if a unit shatters 286
City Forts 43, 232 Soviet Guards 62, 325
Multi-hex retreats 286
Effects 232 Soviet Guards Armies 325
Winning and Losing 285
How to create 232 Events 68, 165, 488
Combat Units 19, 241
Stacking Rules 232 Axis Manpower bonuses 495
Breaking down 242
Civilian Economy 308, 428 Soviet AP gains 494
Build-Up and Merging 241
Combat 47, 277 Experience
Display 118
Amphibious Landings 297 Air Groups and Pilots 158, 218
Merging 241
Combat Sequence of Play 272 Ground elements 157
Modes 43
Command Penalties (multiple HQs)
Modes (visual display) 118
280 F
Re-assign to new HQ 254
Commitment of Defensive Artillery Factories
Reserve Mode 261
275 Capture 336
Static Mode 248
Deliberate Attacks 261, 273 Damage 336
Types 241
Display of results 51, 442 Damage and production rates 336
Combat Values 18, 49, 270
Effect of crossing a river 281 Expansion 336
Effect of Isolation 288
Effect of Paratroop drops 282 On map locations 127
Effect of low supply 314
Fire Penalty 278 Repair speeds 336
Initial Calculation 278
Fortification Values 274 Soviet evacuation 337
Modification during Combat 281
General Rules 277 Upgrades 336
Modifications before combat 270, 278
Hasty Attacks 261, 273 Using priority repair 337
Zero CV units 271
Hasty Attacks - Reconnaissance in Viewing on-map locations 114
Commander’s Report 19, 43, 72, 131,
Force 273 Fog of War
250, 388
Impact of weather on the Display of rail repair and rail damage
commitment of elements 280 D 151
Multi-hex attack 48, 49 Depots 23, 54, 308 Effect when set off 148
Order an Attack 47 Automation of creation 311 Setting Movement FOW Off 148
Possible outcomes 51 Capturing 311 Visual implications 114
Relevant Factors 50 Creation 311 Fortifications
Reserve Mode 275 Disbanding 311 Contribution of Civilian Labour 228
Resupply during 300 Effect if isolated from a NSS 288 Decay 229
Size and Reserve Commitment 276 Effect of Rail Repair Units on Effect on Combat 230
Terrain Effects 274 importance 57, 312 Levels 226
Combat Preparation Points 19, 50, 271 Export Port 55, 307, 310 Need for Supply when building 227
Effect for attacking units 272 How to Build 55 Supply Costs 227
Effect on Fatigue Reduction 272 How to influence freight allocation 57 Unit Construction Values 226, 227


Fortified Units 231 Air base resupply 399 Terrain 485

Creation 231 Ammunition 303 Multi-Role Units 19, 243
Frozen Units 248 Effect of supply priority on allocation
299 N
G National Morale
Ground Elements 235 Effects if Axis lose an NSS 303
Freight 303 Adjusting unit morale to national
Replacements 316 morale 156
Support Squads 236 Fuel 304
General Supplies 303 Air Groups and Pilots 218
H Horse drawn transports 307 Impact of changing this variable 156
Headquarters 250 Maximum range to a depot 303 Modifications for elite units 155
Assault HQs (number at any time) 252 Tables 480
Maximum Unit supply range 299
Assault Status 67, 252 Value for newly built units 155
Moving Freight by Road 305
Command Bonuses 253 Naval War
National Supply Sources 302
Command Capacity 27, 252 Air Patrols 214
On-map displays 59, 129
Command Efficiency 420 Amphibious HQs 251, 295
On-map information - ‘8’ key 131
Command Points 27, 253 Amphibious invasions 294
Ports and the Supply Grid 302
Command Quality 421 Amphibious naval transport 294
Supply Grid 300
Command Range 41 Inland Ports 291
Supply Phase 299
Conversion and Name Changes 253 Interdiction 293
Conversion to Guards Status 325 M Naval Transport 292
High Command (Type 1) units 251 Manpower Port capacity and damage 291
Improve Depot Capacity 311 Loss due to starvation 333 Preparation for Amphibious Landings
On map display 119 Movement 296
Relocation 254 Administrative Movement 47 Shipping Pool 307
Supply Priority 312 Calculation of MP 46, 236 Transport of units 292
Support Squads 253 Cost to Detrain 262 Transport of Freight 293
Visual links to Combat Units 42, 118 Effect of Motorization 258 Transport Ships 290
Hex Control 138 Forced Displacement Moves 262, 287
Enemy controlled 138
Impact of Combat Preparation Points
Obsolete Equipment 329
Ferry Hexes 139 on the calculation of MP 256
Isolated 138 122 Impact of enemy attacks on available P
Pending control and Administrative MP 257 Pilots 190
Movement 258 Impact of Fatigue on MP 256 Assigning to air groups 191
Hiwis 237 Impact of Fuel or Supplies on MP 256 Effect of transferring air group to the
Impact of missing trucks 257 National Reserve 192
Interdiction 47 Experience (skill) of new pilots 192
In Supply 313
Maximum MP 256 Specialisms 192
Isolation 314
Minimum MP 257 Training 192
Depots 311
Soviet HQ and motorized units, Ports
L variable maximum 256 Capacity 308
Leaders 64 Strategic 47, 262 Importing and Exporting Freight 307
Chance to pass a check 171 Strategic - cost to entrain 262 Production 325
Change in Ratings 170 Strategic Movement Points 262 Airframes and Vehicle Chassis 334
Changing 65 Strategic - Rail 262 Armaments 331
Command Range Modifier 173 Tactical 46, 258 Build Limit 329
Deaths, arrivals and promotions (list) Movement Costs 47, 484 Generic Production 329
427 Additional MP cost for moving German transfer to Allies 338
Effect 65 brigades 260 Manpower 333
Effect of the chain of command 172 Combat Delay 260 Manpower loss due to poor supply or
Effect on the air war 217 Interdiction 258, 485 isolation 333
Effect on the determination of CV 280 Morale and Zones of Control 258 Oil and Fuel 332
Impact during the supply phase 300 Reduction of costs due to Production Screen 411
Maximum Command Level 169 Administrative Movement 258 Resources 330
Ratings 64,170 Strategic 486 Supplies 330
Logistics Tactical 484 Vehicles 332

Gary Grigsby’s War in the east 2

R Stacking Rules 254 U

Railways Supply Unit Morale
Effect during the supply phase 301 Combat Units 58 Adjustments 156
Freight movement 304 Unit status (on map display) 421 Units
How to repair 57 Support Units 19, 243 Conversion to new unit types (Soviets)
Manual Rail Repair 268 Allocation Range 41 323
Moving Rail Repair HQs 268 Anti-Aircraft Units 192 Creating Rifle Divisions with Rifle
On-map usage display 130 Assign to HQs 244 Brigades 324
Rail Repair HQs 251 Attach to Cities 245 Depleted 250
Railyard Capacity and Freight Attach to Combat Units 243 Disbanding 250
Movement 304 Automatic Re-assignment 43, 246 Merging 250
Repairs 268 Commitment to Combat 49, 274 Rebuilding Destroyed Units 321
Usage and SMP Penalties 262 Construction Units 247 Soviet Production rules 321
Usage of auto-repair SUs 248 Detaching from Rail Repair HQs 248 Types (non-motorized) 235
Reinforcements 60, 319 Manual Re-assignment 33, 247 Unready 250
Reinforcement and Withdrawal Theatre Boxes 246 Unready - limits on attacking 281
Screen 423 Usage of Rail Repair units 248
Setting the Reserve TB Arrival Hex V
T Victory 68, 338
Table of Equipment 239 Victory Conditions
Soviet build screen and options 322,
Adjusting to Changes 241 Campaign - City Bonus Points 341
Ground element swaps 240 Campaign - City Capture 341
Replacements 60, 315
Upgrades 240 Campaign Scenarios 70
Advantage of Refit Mode 299
Terrain 135 Campaign - Sudden death 341
Aircraft 317
Features 136 Display 340
Effect of weather on receipt of
Impassable 136
replacement AFVs 316 Fall of Berlin 341
Roads 137
German Panzer Battalions 317 German High Water Mark (HWM) 71,
Types 135
Pilots 317 339
Theatre Boxes 67, 159
Refit Mode (National Reserve) 319
Air Requirements 178
Refit Mode (on map) 318 Initiative 70, 339
Air unit transfer to/from the National
Transit Pools 315 Non-Campaign Scenarios 68, 342
Reserve 162
S Air War 221 W
Soft Factors 42 Combat Intensity 162 Weather 63
On counter display 121 Display screens 430 Climate Zones 140
Soviet Allied Forces 168 Enhanced Player Control 164 Dominating Weather Table 423
Soviet Corps Ground unit transfer to/from the Ice-Levels 144
Creation rules and criteria 324 National Reserve 161 Impact on Air Missions 218
December 1941 Rifle Corps 324 How to access 160 Impact on Air Operations 143
Formation 61, 324 National Reserve 68 Impact on Ground Operations 143
Special Rules On-map Displays 132 Impact on supply costs 303
22 June 1941 52 Partisan war 165 Moisture Level (hex) 142
Axis attrition (First Winter) 145 Priority replacements in the National Weather fronts 141
Axis Freight Penalty 305 Reserve 319 Weather Screen 421
Axis MP bonus (T1) 152 Unit management 163 Withdrawal date
Axis supply costs (up to March 1942) Trucks Cannot merge to form a new unit 323
144 Allocating trucks to newly arrived Cannot set to static mode 249
Capturing Rail Hexes in the Baltic units 320 Constraints on unit actions 164
Region 155 Allocation to Depots 311 Withdrawals 323
First Winter 64, 144 Attrition 306 Using Enhanced Theatre Box Control
Lake Ladoga and Sea of Azov 144 Motor Pool 305 164, 323
Limits to Soviet air resupply (T1-T3) Number repaired in logistics phase
154 428 Z
Mild Winter (1943-44) 145 Use of in-unit trucks in the supply Zones of Control 139
Soviet Reserve Reactions (T1) 153 phase 306

50 2

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