Table of Contents Group Final Project
Table of Contents Group Final Project
Table of Contents Group Final Project
1. Project overview
1.1 Purpose, Scope and Objectives, and Business Case
1.1.1 Scope
1.1.2 Statement of Work (SOW)
1.1.3 Business Case
1.2 Project Deliverables
1.3 Project Organization
1.4 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
1.4.1 Task description documentation
1.4.2 Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS)
1.5 Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
1.6 Work Authorization
1.7 Project Charter
2. Risk Assessment
2.1 Risk Identification
2.2 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Qualitative)
2.3 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Quantitative)
2.4 Mitigation Strategies
3. Project schedule
3.1 Activity Duration Estimates
3.2 Gantt Chart
3.3 Activity Network
4. Project Budget
4.1 Project Resources
4.2 Other costs
4.3 Cost estimates
4.4 Time-phased budget
5. Communications management
7. Project close-out
7.1 Close cost accounts
7.2 Lessons Learned
1. Project Overview
This section is intended to provide a brief background description of the project, including motivation,
goals and objectives, success criteria by which it will be evaluated, major project deliverables, and
identified constraints. See Chapter for development of project scope.
2. Risk Assessment
This section requires evidence of project risk assessment. The section is divided into subsections on
identification of risks, analysis (assessment of risk probability and consequences), and mitigation strategies.
See Chapter for methods for risk management.
3. Project Schedule
This section addresses the duration estimates for all project activities, their activity networks, project
critical path, and estimated project duration. A copy of the approved project schedule, including both
activity network and Gantt chart, should be inserted in this section of the execution plan. See Chapters for
methods for project schedule development.
4. Project Budget
This section includes activity cost estimation and the project budget. All direct and indirect costs should be
included as well as the method used to develop fully loaded costs for all project resources. See Chapters for
examples of methods for cost estimation, fully loaded resource charges, time-phased budgeting, and
resource leveling.
5. Communications Management
This section identifies all critical communication channels for project stakeholders, frequency of
communications, types of information to be communicated, and project status tracking plan. Where
appropriate, include electronic media used for collaborative purposes (e.g., Google Docs, Facebook, etc.).
Also, in cases of geographically dispersed project teams, indicate methods for regular communication. See
discussion from Chapter on team communication methods.
7. Project Close-out
In this section, all necessary project close-out documentation and signoffs must be included. Work
completed or soon-to-complete must be identified, as well as configuration management changes, all sign-
off documentation, warranties, notices of completion, supplier contracts, and charges for or against
suppliers must be recorded and formally documented. Include copies of client sign-off, including
satisfaction of contracted terms and conditions. See Chapter of steps in project close-out.