On My Honor, I Have Neither Solicited Nor Received Unauthorized Assistance On This Assignment
On My Honor, I Have Neither Solicited Nor Received Unauthorized Assistance On This Assignment
On My Honor, I Have Neither Solicited Nor Received Unauthorized Assistance On This Assignment
On my honor, I have neither solicited nor received unauthorized assistance on this assignment.
HW 2
a. Compare and contrast the mean and standard deviations of these five possible
investments. What are the noticeable differences?
The noticeable difference comes in the standard deviation (risk) of the investments. Maya
stock is clearly the riskiest investment on its own and as one would expect, it also has the highest
return. Another interesting point is that the S&P has a higher return than Harris, even with a
lower standard deviation.
b. When choosing between the three individual stock investments and ignoring
combinations of these investments, which would you suggest to our hypothetical investors?
The 28 year old would prefer the Maya stock because it has the greatest return and at this
point in life he or she is wanting to maximize return even at the risk of higher volatility. The
older investor would invest in Harris because it is by far the safest option, even if it will return
c. How does your answer change if you add the index as an allowable
5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00
Standard Deviation
a. Is there an intuitive explanation for the shape of the curve you
have generated?
b. How does the shape of the curve change as you alter the
correlation (which is bounded by −1 and 1, inclusive)?
The correlation between the stocks indicate how similarly they will
behave in the market. Highly correlated stocks will move together, while the
opposite is true for negatively correlated stocks. Stocks with little correlation
will not have a defined movement pattern in relation to each other. The
correlation between the equally weighted portfolio and the S&P, would show
how the portfolio would perform in various market (S&P) conditions.
Monthly Return
rate 2.5000 5.0000 7.5000 10.0000 12.5000 15.0000
Standard Deviation
For the younger 28 year-old investor, I would recommend choosing the furthest point on
the curve and investing at the lowest risk level given for the combination of the three with the
lowest return. For the older investor, I would recommend investing in a combination much less
risky and toward the left side of the frontier in which there is much lower risk.
b. Locate the S&P 500 index on this graph. Explain the location of
this index relative to the set of possible three-stock combinations.
The S&P is located at 4.34, 0.75. This option is giving higher return for
the given risk level than the three stock combinations. Therefore, it is a
better investment at that level of risk.
For the younger investor, I would suggest investing entirely in Maya because of its return
and risk profile and likely fits his or her risk tolerance and investment horizon. For the older
investor, I would stick with my earlier recommendation of a combination of the three stocks that
focuses on lower risk.
Step 5
a. Based on the betas, which firm is the most risky? Least risky?
How does your answer compare with the answer you provided based
on standard deviations? Which one is appropriate for our
hypothetical investors? Explain why.
Step 6
If CAPM is predictive, the realized returns would slowly grow toward the expectations.