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Benzerga 2015

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Optimized Bends and Corporate $${{1\times4}}$$ 1 × 4 and $${{ 1\times8}}$$

1 × 8 SIW Power Dividers Junctions Analysis for V-Band Applications Using a
Rigorous Finite Element Metho...


DOI: 10.1007/s13369-015-1823-6


4 44

3 authors:

Benzerga Fellah Mehadji Abri

University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara Abou Bakr Belkaid University of Tlemcen


Hadjira Badaoui
Abou Bakr Belkaid University of Tlemcen


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Arab J Sci Eng
DOI 10.1007/s13369-015-1823-6


Optimized Bends, Corporate 1 × 4 and 1 × 8 SIW Power Dividers

Junctions Analysis for V-Band Applications Using
a Rigorous Finite Element Method
Fellah Benzerga1 · Mehadji Abri1 · Hadjira Abri Badaoui2

Received: 24 November 2014 / Accepted: 10 August 2015

© King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 2015

Abstract In this paper, two classes of V-band substrate Keywords Substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) ·
integrated waveguide (SIW) bends operating in V-band fre- V-band · Bend analysis · Two dimensional finite element
quency in the range [58–63 GHz] for the 90◦ SIW bend with method (2D-FEM) · CST Microwave Studio
inductive via and in the range [57–68 GHz] for the circular
SIW bend and corporate 1 × 4 and 1 × 8 SIW power dividers
that provide equal power split with high isolation in all out- 1 Introduction
put ports operating in V-band [45–80 GHz] are presented and
studied. The advantages of the SIW technique are its low pro- In the recent years, there was a strong demand for waveguides
file, low cost, mass production, ease of fabrication and full operating at microwave and millimeter-wave frequency
integration with planar circuits. All the SIW bend topolo- bands such as filters, couplers, diplexers, antennas [1,2].
gies are optimized and designed to operate in the V-band These components must be characterized with high perfor-
frequency range. The bends and dividers are analyzed using mance, low cost and small size. However, being a three-
the two-dimensional finite element method (2D-FEM). The dimensional structure, it is not easy to be integrated with
analysis was performed in H-plane using a powerful full- planar circuit technology and is costly for complex circuits.
wave method based on the two-dimensional finite element Recently, a new planar substrate integrated waveguide tech-
method (2D-FEM) programmed under MATLAB environ- nology (SIW) was proposed [3–5]. It responds to these con-
ment. The return losses, transmission coefficients and the straints in the design of microwave components and allows
field’s distribution are exposed in this paper. To validate our integrating the rectangular waveguide in the microstrip sub-
results numerically, a comparison is made and the obtained strate. The concept of integrated rectangular waveguide
results are compared with those given by the CST Microwave substrate is based on electrical side walls synthesized by rows
Studio. It is observed that the simulation computation time of metalized vias. The substrate is sandwiched between two
is reduced with good accuracy since the discretization was metal plates placed on top and bottom to allow propagation of
done only in two dimensions. all modes TEn0 [4]. The SIW is applied to feed waveguide for
slot array antenna, a leakage wave antenna, etc. [6,7]. Appli-
cation at millimeter-wave frequency is especially expected
B Mehadji Abri [8].
[email protected]
Among the wide class of SIW components proposed
Fellah Benzerga in the literature, we find SIW power dividers which have
[email protected]
received particular attention, due to their many advantages
Hadjira Abri Badaoui in microwave and millimeter-wave applications.
[email protected]
The design of high-performance microwave SIW power
1 Department of Telecommunication, Faculty of Technology, dividers requires an accurate characterization of each com-
University of Tlemcen, Tlemcen, Algeria ponent, which can have a complex structure in terms of both
2 STIC Laboratory, Department of Telecommunication, Faculty geometry and material composition. Due to the advantages
of Technology, University of Tlemcen, Tlemcen, Algeria of this new technology, it is convenient to develop numeri-

Arab J Sci Eng

cal methods for the accurate and efficient simulation of such Γ0

components. To analyze this type of waveguides, accurate
numerical methods are needed. Several methods are avail-
able and proposed [9,10]. Now the finite element method
(FEM) has a fundamental role in the analysis of various prob-

Port 1
lems related to electromagnetism, from a simple structure as
a waveguide to complex circuits and antennas. FEM is one
of the most widely used CAD tools for microwave compo- Ω
nents. Advantages of this method of using an unstructured x
grid allow to come from its ability to accurately discretize y z εr, μr
complex geometries. In such cases, a numerical technique
such as the FEM is more versatile and easily adaptable to
changes in the structures of discontinuities.
The finite element method implemented in the MATLAB
 software is applied for analysis and design of SIW bends Port 2
operating in V-band applications. The implementation of (a)
the finite element methods is not easy because it requires
tedious and complex analytical formulation development Port P2
before going to the implementation.
Metallic via
In this paper, V-band SIW component bends in the range
Port Pn-1
[58–63 GHz] for the 90◦ SIW bend with inductive via and in

the range [57–68 GHz] for the circular SIW bend and 1 × 4 ... . Port Pn
and 1×8 SIW power dividers junction operating in the range
frequency [50–75 GHz] are proposed and analyzed using the
... .
2D-FEM. The obtained results are compared with those given PEC
by the CST Microwave Studio (MWS).
The work of this paper is organized as follows. The FEM
implementation of the waveguide problem using the weak y
Port P1 PEC
form of the Helmholtz equation is developed in Sect. 2. SIW
parameter calculation is given in Sect. 3. Simulation results x
are presented in Sect. 4. Finally, conclusions are drawn in (b)
Sect. 5.
Fig. 1 a Structure of the SIW bend junction in H-plane. b H-plane
SIW power divider structure
2 Finite Element Method Implementation
( )
Let us consider that the waveguide is fed with a dominant
fundamental TE10 mode from its ports as shown in Fig. 1a.
The FEM is applied in the region Ω and is surrounded by
a perfectly conducting wall Γ0 , and Γi , (i = 1, . . . n) is the
contours of the ports as shown in Fig. 1b. The bends and
dividers junction presented in H-plane can be analyzed using
the present procedure [11].
The set of mode TE10 that must be used to represent the
components of the electric E y and magnetic Hx field into
each waveguide section, when the ports j are present.

Fig. 2 Global weighting function Wi obtained by connecting first-
j jβ1j z j
x k e− jβm z
k k
E y (x) = δk j e1 e + Bmk em
(1) order weighting functions defined on adjacent elements and centered at
m=1 the same global node i
∂ Ey
jωμ0 Hx (x) = (2)
∂z Where k0 and Z 0 are the free-space propagation constant
  and characteristic impedance, respectively. β1 denotes the

With e1 (x) = 2 k0 Z 0 /abβ1 sin mπ
a x is the orthonormal propagation constant into the waveguide with dimensions a
modal function of the TE10 mode. and b.

Arab J Sci Eng

Fig. 3 Top view of a bend x Port 1

junction structure in H-plane y x
with wsiw = 2.4 mm, y
d = 0.25 mm, s = 0.5 mm, L = zz
6.3 mm. a Bend 90◦ with
inductive via m = 2.4 mm. b p.e.c
Mesh of the bend 90◦ , c circular
angle bend with r = 2.3 mm. d
Mesh of the circular angle bend

Port 2

(a) (b)

x Port 1
z p.e.c

Port 2
(c) (d)
0 0

-10 -10
-20 -20
S21 [dB]
S11 [dB]

-30 -30

-40 -40

CST -50


58 58.5 59 59.5 60 60.5 61 61.5 62 62.5 63

59 59.5 60 60.5 61 61.5 62 62.5 63
Frequency [GHz] Frequency [GHz]

(a) (b)
Fig. 4 a Return loss of the 90◦ SIW bend with inductive via. b The corresponding transmission coefficient

The scalar Helmholtz equation for the E y field is given At the metallic wall Γ0 of the SIW junction and the appropri-
by: ate continuity conditions for the electric and magnetic fields
at each port:
1 E y|Γ = E yk , k = 1 . . . N (5)
∇t ∇t E y + k02 εr E y = 0 (3)
μr k

H x|Γk = Hxk , k = 1... N (6)

The boundary conditions impose that:
Recalling (2), the Eq. (4) can be more conveniently expressed
E y = 0, k = 1. . .N (4) of the electric field at each port:

Arab J Sci Eng

0 0

-10 -10 CST

-20 -20
S11 [dB]

S21 [dB]
-30 -30

-40 -40

-50 -50
-60 -60

56 58 60 62 64 66 68 56 58 60 62 64 66 68
Frequency [GHz] Frequency [GHz]
(a) (b)
Fig. 5 a Return loss of the circular SIW bend. b The corresponding transmission coefficient


p dh
m S L2


Fig. 6 Electric field distribution in the bend 90◦ and circular angle
bend. a 63.5 GHz, b 64 GHz, c 63.5 GHz, d 64 GHz

∂ E y ∂ E yk
= , k = 1... N (7)
∂n Γk ∂z

Following a weighted residual procedure, the final equations

to obtain the solution are:


1 d2
W ∇t . ∇t E y dΩ + k02 εr W E y dΩ = 0 (8)

W E y dΓ0 = 0 (9)
Γ0 Fig. 7 a Top view of an H-plane of 1 × 4 SIW corporate power divider

structure. The parameters are set as: w = 2.65 mm, d = 0.4 mm,
W E y dΓk = W E k y dΓk , k = 1 . . . N (10) p = 0.7 mm, m = 1.6 mm, S = 1.3 mm, dh = 0.2 mm. d1 = d2 =
Γk Γk 0.75 mm, L 1 = 15.9 mm, L 2 = 9.65 mm. b 1 × 4 SIW power divider

with mesh based on Delaunay refinement
∂ Ey ∂ Ek y
W dΓk = W dΓk , k = 1 . . . N (11)
Γk ∂n Γk ∂z

Arab J Sci Eng



S11 [dB]
-30 CST


45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Frequency [GHz]


0 0

-10 -10
Amplitude [dB]

Amplitude [dB]
-20 -20

-30 -30
-40 -40
-50 S21 CST -50
-60 -60
40 50 60 70 80 40 50 60 70 80
Frequency [GHz] Frequency [GHz]

0 0

-10 -10
Amplitude [dB]
Amplitude [dB]

-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40
-50 -50 S51 CST
-60 -60
40 50 60 70 80 40 50 60 70 80
Frequency [GHz] Frequency [GHz]
Fig. 8 Comparison between the finite element method and CST Microwave Studio for the 1 × 4 SIW corporate power divider presented in Fig. 7.
a Return loss results. b Transmission coefficient results

(e) (e)
Applying Green’s identity to (8) and introducing the bound- where Ē y j and α j (x, y) ( j = 1 . . . N (e) ) are the coef-
ary condition (11) lead to the weak form of the Helmholtz ficients and the set of nodal-shape functions, respectively.
equation: Wi as shown in Fig. 2 are the weighting functions equal to


(e) (e)
1 the shape functions, Wi = αi (i = 1 . . . N (e) ).
W ∇t . ∇t E y dΩ − k0
εr W E y dΩ (e)
Ω μ Ω Ri is the residue relative to the ith weighting function,

∂ E yk with:
− W k dΓk = 0 (12)
Γk ∂z

1 (e) (e)
The solution on each element (e) is required among the ∇t αi .∇t E y(e) dΩ − k02 r αi Ē y(e) dΩ
μr Δ(e) Δ(e)
approximating functions Ē y of the form:


Ē y(e) (x, y) =
Ē y(e)j α j (x, y) (e) ∂ E y
(13) − αi dΓk =0 (14)
(e) ∂z (k)
j=1 k=1 Γk

Arab J Sci Eng

Alternatively, in matrix form: L1

1 (e) (e)
S . Ē y − k02 εr T (e) . Ē y(e) p
μr dh

(e) (e) L2
= R (e)
+ Ck . [Bk ] − Hk (15)

where W

• S (e) and T (e) are the matrices of scalar nodal element. (a)

• Ē y is the vector of nodal unknown coefficients of ele- d1
ment (e).
• [Bk ] is a column vector, whose jth entry is the amplitude
of the transmitted
mode j at the port (k).
(e) (e)
• Ck and Hk come from the contour integrals at the
k = 1. . .N ports.


3 SIW Parameters Calculation

The parameters of the SIW can be determined according to Fig. 9 a Top view of an H-plane of 1 × 8 SIW corporate power divider
the cutoff frequency f c obtained from the empirical formula structure. The parameters are set as: w = 2.65 mm, d = 0.4 mm,
[3,12] once the geometrical dimensions are known; the rela- p = 0.7 mm, m = 1.6 mm, S = 1.3 mm, dh = 0.2 mm, d1 = d2 =
0.75 mm, L 1 = 30.65 mm and L 2 = 13.55 mm. b 1 × 8 SIW power
tion is given as follows: divider with mesh based on Delaunay refinement
c d2
fc = √ w− (16)
2 εr 0.95s are constructed in a substrate with dielectric constant εr .
The SIW waveguide bends are designed using an Arlon Cu
where c is the speed of light in vacuum, εr the relative dielec- 233LX lossy substrate with dielectric constant εr = 2.2, a
tric permittivity of the substrate, d the diameter of the metal loss tangent of about 0.0013, a height h = 0.508 mm and
pins, w the width spacing, and s the via between vias center. 0.05 mm conductor thickness. The width of the bend is wsiw ,
The accuracy of this formula is valid for the cylinder diameter is d, the cylinder spacing is s, the radius
of the bend curvature is r , and the total length is L; the width
λ0 between the inductive via and the right 90◦ is m. In this study,
s< √ (17)
2 εr we have analyzed these structures with finite element method
s < 4d (18) (FEM) and compared results with the CST Microwave Stu-
dio (MWS). It should be noted that the formulas given by
where λ0 is the wavelength in free space. Eqs. (16), (17) and (18) are commonly used to obtain initial
values wsiw , optimized later by CST.
A two-dimensional finite element method (2D-FEM) is
4 Simulation Results presented to simulate the SIW bends and determine reflec-
tion and transmission coefficients of SIW junction. Figures 4
4.1 Bends Junctions Results and 5 demonstrate a comparison between the finite element
method and the CST Microwave Studio (MWS) for V-band
The SIW structure is designed to support TE10 mode in the frequency in the range [58–63 GHz] for the 90◦ SIW bend
operating frequency band. This structure is analyzed using with inductive via and in the range [57–68 GHz] for the cir-
2D-FEM implemented in MATLAB, and the simulation cular SIW bend.
results are compared by the CST Microwave Studio (MWS). From Fig. 4a, b and beyond range frequency [58–63 GHz]
Figure 3 depicts the top view of an H-plane SIW bend and the for the V-band, it can be observed that a very promising per-
corresponding mesh generated by the finite element method formance is obtained from the provided results. There is a
with right angle and SIW bend 90◦ with inductive via, which good agreement between the results obtained using the two-

Arab J Sci Eng


S11 [dB]

-30 FEM

45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Frequency [GHz]

0 0
Amplitude [dB]

Amplitude [dB]
-20 -20
-40 S21 CST -40 S61 FEM

40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Frequecy [GHz] Frquency [GHz]

0 0
Amplitude [dB]

-20 Amplitude [dB] -20


-40 S31 CST S71 CST

-40 S71 FEM
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Frequency [GHz] 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Frequency [GHz]
0 0
Amlitude [dB]
Amplitude [dB]

-20 -20
-40 S41 CST -40 S81 CST

40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Frquency [GHz] Frequency [GHz]
0 0
Amplitude [dB]

Ampitude [dB]

-20 -20
-40 S51 CST S91 CST

40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Frequency [dB] Frequency [GHz]

Fig. 10 Comparison between the finite element method and CST Microwave Studio for the 1 × 8 SIW corporate power divider presented in Fig. 9.
a Return loss results. b Transmission coefficients results

dimensional finite element methods and those given by the 58.4 and 64.5 GHz with CST and FEM, respectively. The two
CST Microwave Studio (MWS). Note from Fig. 4b repre- graphs are less than −20 dB at the resonance frequencies.
senting the transmission reflection that the two graphs are In this section is of more practical importance, and it also
almost identical. Some differences are observed in the return shows some numerical issues that should be always care-
loss performance as shown in Fig. 4a. However, the shifts are fully considered when applying the FEM. Let us in Fig. 6a–d
small and occur in the return loss level. A resonance peaks are present the electric field distribution of the TE10 mode in the
found at 59.8 and 61.3 GHz with CST and 60 and 61.4 GHz bend 90◦ and circular angle bend for, respectively, 63.5 and
with FEM with levels less than −38 dB. From Fig. 5, we can 64 GHz generated by the finite element method and simulate
see in the range [57–68 GHz] that two peaks are located at the wave propagation inside the bends.

Arab J Sci Eng

The propagation mode is not affected by the accident

posed by the corners, allowing the wave to follow the direc-
tion of bends. The distribution shape of the electric field for,
respectively, 63.5 and 64 GHz for the 90◦ SIW bend with
inductive post and the circular SIW bend as shown in Fig. 6
demonstrates clearly the guided phenomenon of the funda- z z
mental mode in the bends and the field reaches the end of x y x y
f=53 GHz f=55 GHz
the bends. We note that the simulations were achieved using
an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 520 @ 2.40 GHz (4 CPUs),
with 4 Go of RAM memory on the same computer, without
simulation parallelization and hardware acceleration.

4.2 Dividers Junctions Results z z

x y x y
f=62 GHz f=65 GHz
Let us present in this section the simulation results of an H-
plane discontinuity 1 × 4 and 1 × 8 SIW corporate power Fig. 11 1 × 4 SIW corporate power divider electric field distribution
dividers operating in V-band applications in the range fre- simulated at the following frequencies: f = 53 GHz, f = 55 GHz,
quency [45–80 GHz]. The suggested SIW structures are f = 62 GHz, and f = 65 GHz
designed to support TE10 fundamental mode in the oper-
ating frequency range. The proposed SIW power dividers
are designed on Arlon Cu 217LX low losses with dielectric with the calculated cutoff frequency of 45 GHz of the theo-
substrate of εr = 2.2 and tan δ = 0.0009. The substrate retical calculations.
thickness is equal to 0.508 mm. Let us present in Fig. 7a the Let us present in Fig. 9a the optimized 1×8 SIW corporate
optimized 1 × 4 SIW corporate power dividers. A good qual- power dividers. The 1×8 SIW power divider with mesh based
ity mesh avoids elements with very small internal angles as on Delaunay refinement is displayed in Fig. 9b.
shown in Fig. 7b. The mesh generation process requires defin- The return loss and transmission coefficients of 1 × 8 SIW
ing the geometrical domain through a set of nonoverlapping corporate power divider simulated using the FEM and CST
quadrilateral blocks. The blocks are subsequently subdivided Microwave Studio are presented in Fig. 10a, b.
by the MATLAB software into triangular- or tetrahedral- It is observed that the finite element method presents a
type elements. Note that the tetrahedral mesh is generated smooth of the CST Microwave Studio results. In addition,
based on Delaunay refinement. Mesh generation algorithms the 1 × 8 power divider presents excellent results since the
based on Delaunay refinement are effective both in theory two results are almost identical. All the resonant frequencies
and in practice. Delaunay refinement algorithms operate by obtained by the CST Microwave Studio software are given
maintaining a Delaunay or constrained Delaunay triangula- by the finite element method.
tion, which is refined by inserting carefully placed vertices Another phenomenon is also important, and it is the field
until the mesh meets constraints on triangle quality and size distribution. The problems of the waveguide require solving
[13]. an eigenvalue problem to determine the electromagnetic field
The return losses and transmission coefficients of 1 × 4 distribution along the waveguide in the plane transverse to
SIW power divider simulated using the FEM and CST the direction of propagation. Let us present the electric field
Microwave Studio are presented in Fig. 8a, b. distribution simulated at different frequencies 53, 55, 62 and
Let us notice from Fig. 8a, b representing a comparison 65 GHz for, respectively, 1 × 4 and 1 × 8 SIW corporate
between 2D-FEM and CST Microwave Studio of, respec- power dividers in Figs. 11 and 12.
tively, the input return loss and the transmission coefficient The solutions of the electromagnetic fields are generated
of the 1 × 4 SIW power divider that an excellent agreement by the FEM program under MATLAB. Let us analyze the
between the two graphs is achieved. The 2D-FEM gives the electric field distribution inside the corporate SIW power
same resonant frequencies provided by the CST Software, dividers. We notice that there is a propagated electric field
and a small shift is observed. We notice from Fig. 8b that both inside our SIW divider structure because of the existence
powers on outputs are equal since the difference of ampli- metal pins rows on both sides and that the electric field
tudes between outputs accesses are very close to zero in the reaches the out ports due to the optimized geometries.
range frequency [47–80 GHz]. We note that from the range It was observed that FEM running time is half of the CST
frequency [40–47 GHz] that no transmission is possible and one. The CST simulation is 3D one; in contrary, it is 2D
the simulation results provided by the 2D-FEM agree well simulation with finite element method. It means that the dis-

Arab J Sci Eng

Fig. 12 1 × 8 SIW corporate

power divider electric field
distribution simulated at the
following frequencies:
f = 53 GHz, f = 55 GHz,
f = 62 GHz, and f = 65 GHz
z z
f=53 GHz x y f=55 GHz x y

z z
x y x y
f=62 GHz f=65 GHz

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