Slow Sand Filtration - Demand Operated and Cleaned Using Backwash
Slow Sand Filtration - Demand Operated and Cleaned Using Backwash
Slow Sand Filtration - Demand Operated and Cleaned Using Backwash
A demand operated slow sand filter design that can be demand operated and allows cleaning
using a backwash process is described. The new design named the Manz Slow Sand FilterTM
(MSSF), meets or exceeds all of the design criteria specified by the AWWA for traditional slow
sand filtration (TSSF) and TSSF performance expectations. The ability to operate the filter as
required and ease of cleaning greatly expands slow sand filter applications.
The ability to operate the MSSF on a demand basis while retaining the treatment characteristics
of TSSF is made possible by recognizing that the biological layer on the surface of the media bed
(schmutzdeke and the active or biolayer) is aerobic. The MSSF is designed such that there is
always sufficient oxygen available to the biological layer even when there is no flow through the
filter thereby keeping it alive. The ability to backwash the MSSF without destroying the
biolayer is achieved by recognizing that the biological layer consists of the top most layer of
media particles which have each developed a biofilm and by designing the media bed such that
the particles that form the biolayer always remain on the surface of the media bed (after a
backwash has been completed). Filter media is never removed or replaced. The design of the
MSSF is more compact than that of the TSSF, less expensive to construct, simple and
inexpensive to operate and able to treat a wider range of water quality than the TSSF.
The MSSF technology is presently being used for pathogen removal, turbidity reduction, and
iron and manganese removal in both developed and developing country environments. Pre- and
post treatment greatly enhance the range of applications of the MSSF beyond that associated
with simple TSSF technology. Treatment systems using the MSSF technology can be very
effective for arsenic removal. Backwash volumes are less than one per cent of production
compared to greater than five per cent for alternative technologies. The treatment process allows
for complete recycling of the backwash water leaving only a very small amount of sludge
containing the solids. The MSSF technology can also be used to remove the smallest particulate
matter; that is, as a polishing filter, in circumstances where a biolayer may not be required for
The MSSF technology is modular and can treat water for small to very large communities.
Capacities of individual MSSF units range from hundreds to several hundred thousand liters per
hour. Treatment plants may incorporate many MSSF units to achieve capacities of several
million liters per hour.
Traditional or conventional designs for sand filtration remain satisfactory and effective water
treatment solutions in many large scale applications. However, the demands for their precise
operation to achieve required performance to meet increasingly stringent water treatment
regulations often result in excessive capital and operational financial burdens. Water treatment
facilities that are complex to operate, that generate excessive volumes of waste water or that
must use chemicals, which may be difficult to manage properly and further complicate waste
water disposal are not desirable. Complex water treatment facilities require more skilled plant
operators, which may not be available or affordable in many circumstances.
The development of the Manz Slow Sand Filter (MSSF) grew out of the apparent need to provide
an effective, physically simple, operationally simple and robust, low-cost water treatment
solution for use in small to medium scale water treatment plants in circumstances where capital
and operational resources are limited. The MSSF combines the water treatment capabilities of
the traditional slow sand filtration (TSSF) with the method and apparent convenience of filter
cleaning associated with rapid and pressure sand filters.
Rapid rate granular media filters (rapid sand filter and pressure sand filter)
Both rapid sand water filters (exposed to the atmosphere) and pressure sand water filters (in a
pressure vessel) are typically used as polishing filters after addition of coagulants, flocculation
and clarification (sedimentation) processes. Filtration (particle capture) mechanisms operating
in rapid rate granular media filters do not include any biological or adsorption (typically)
processes. An early thorough review of rapid sand filtration may be found in Hazen (1907). A
very good contemporary review of rapid rate granular media filters may be found in Logsdon
Water treatment plants that treat surface water or groundwater under direct influence of surface
water and provide final polishing using rapid rate filters use the following process. Coagulants
are added to the raw water to allow the formation of coagulant flocs which will capture the very
small particles (including parasite cysts and oocysts) and some dissolved organic and inorganic
compounds. Sufficient coagulant must be added to produce flocs that are sufficiently large to be
efficiently removed in sedimentation basins or clarifiers where they settle out of the water or
may otherwise be removed using technologies such as dissolved air flotation (DAF). Other
chemicals may be added to enhance floc formation. The ‘clarified water’ is then sent to the rapid
sand or pressure sand filters for final polishing prior to disinfection and storage. To insure
Rapid sand filters are gravity operated sand filters. The required force to cause water to move
through the filter bed is provided by the head of the untreated water above the surface of the
media, often one meter or more. During operation a rapid sand filter resembles a swimming
pool. Rapid sand filters normally have multi-material media beds above a complex underdrain
system that also serves as the entry and distribution for very large volumes of treated water (and
air if air scour is used) in the backwash process when the filter is cleaned. After a backwash the
filter media is stratified with the smallest particles at the surface (assuming a filtration bed is
using a single density of media). Different densities of filter media will stratify with least dense
(anthracite) at the top and most dense (silica or garnet) on the bottom. Within each layer of
different density the smallest particles with the same density will be at the top of the layer.
Intermingling of media of different densities is common.
Pressure sand filters are wholly contained in a closed vessel specially designed to take the forces
resulting from operation under pressure that may be supplied by the raw water intake pump
itself. Pressure sand filters are very compact when compared to rapid sand filters. Similar to a
rapid sand filter a pressure filter may contain several layers of filtering media of different
material. Pressure filters normally use a very compact underdrain/backwash system. When they
are not filled with media, pressure sand filters are easily transported. The media is added once
the filters are located and necessary piping attached. Large capacity pressure filters may be
several meters in diameter. The underdrain system also serves as entry and distribution for very
large volumes of treated water and air similar to rapid sand filtration. After a backwash the
media is (intended to be) distributed in precisely the same manner as for rapid sand filtration.
Both pressure and rapid sand filters force the water through the filter. Particulate material is
captured in narrow ranges of the smallest particles in the filter bed, (multiple locations if a
variety of different density media is used), until there are no longer any locations within the
media for particulate capture. At this time the water, still containing the offending particulate
material, is forced completely through the filter and the filter may exhibit what is known as
‘break through’ phenomena. Breakthrough is detected by an increase in turbidity of the filtered
water (treated water is continuously monitored using in-line turbidity meters and alarms). Well
before breakthrough occurs rapid and pressure sand filters are cleaned using a very aggressive
backwash process. Air scour and surface sprays may be used to assist the cleaning process.
Waste water is disposed of while the backwash process is taking place frequently resulting in the
smallest media particles being lost. The backwash process is continued until the waste water
produced is considered sufficiently free of particulate matter. The filter is then operated with
produced water sent to waste until it exhibits a sufficiently low turbidity (less than 0.1 NTU to
ensure removal of cysts and oocysts) at which time it is diverted to treated water storage. The
filtered water is always disinfected (e.g. using ultraviolet disinfection and chlorine) prior to being
stored to kill or deactivate any parasites, bacteria or viruses that might still remain in the filtered
water. The volume of waste water produced by rapid sand and pressure sand filters during the
backwash process is quite large (up to 5% or more of total production). During a backwash the
media in the filter bed stratifies into layers with the finest and lightest material on the top. If the
backwash process or the pre-treatment used prior to filtration is not carefully performed the filter
media can be seriously damaged (formation of mud balls, short circuiting, flushing of fines, etc.).
Coagulants and other floc development or capture enhancement chemicals can present a waste
water disposal problem.
Traditional slow sand filters or slow sand filters are known for their ability to remove very small
inorganic and organic, living and dead particulate materials from water. Descriptions of slow
sand filtration technology can be found in Logsdon (2008), Hendricks, ed. (1991), Logsdon ed.
(1991) and Huisman and Wood (1974). It is interesting to note that recommended design,
operation and cleaning has not changed significantly for more than 100 years, Turneaure and
Russell (1901) and Hazen (1907). Filtration mechanisms operating in TSSF's include all those
operating in rapid rate granular media filtration plus biological processes that contribute to their
effectiveness in removing pathogens. TSSF's are operated at a much lower surface loading rate
1/20 to 1/50 that of rapid rate filters and so require 20 to 50 times the surface area. TSSF's are
not recommended for treating water with turbidity exceeding 5 NTU, for removing iron and
manganese or when pre-treatment involving use of coagulants is required (such as for removal of
clay particles) because cleaning slow sand filters to recover filtration capacity is very labour
TSSF's have the ability to remove pathogens (helminths, parasites, bacteria and viruses) and non-
pathogenic organisms including algae from water. A very thorough review of all TSSF
processes and dynamics may be found in Campos, et al (1996a) and (1996b). The removal of
bacteria and viruses is the result of the formation of a biologically active layer in the upper few
centimetres of the media surface (active or biolayer) and the development of a layer of organic
material (living and dead) and other inorganic material on the surface of the media known as the
schmutzdeke. The development of the biolayer or the schmutzdeke requires from one or two
weeks to several months depending on the quality of the raw water including its temperature.
Intuitively, the lower the concentration of living organisms in the raw water and the lower the
water temperature the longer the biolayer will take to develop. Campos, et al (1996a) suggests
that the effective thickness of the biolayer can only be 2 cm in depth. A thicker schmutzdeke
usually forms if the filters are located outdoors with exposure to sunlight when there is
opportunity for substantial algae growth. The biolayer is in the top few centimetres of the media
(or deeper depending on a variety of factors that include size of media and surface loading rate)
where the particles develop a biofilm on their surface. Photographs of particles taken from the
top of a TSSF that illustrate the development of biofilms on the particles forming the biolayer
may be found in Joubert and Pillay (2008). Historically the development of the schmutzdeke
was considered essential for TSSF's to develop their ability to remove pathogens; however, it is
now understood that it is only necessary to develop the biolayer, though the presence of a
schmutzdeke is considered a positive contribution Hijnen et al (2004), Hijnen et al (2007) and
Heller and Ladeira (2006). Both the schmutzdeke and the biolayer are aerobic and depend on
continuous operation for provision of dissolved oxygen to stay alive.
Organisms captured within the filter do not leave the filter due to predation and disintegration or
some other mechanism within the biolayer, filter material or the schmutzdeke if it is present.
Studies using a pilot filter using fine ultra-clean sand without any biology demonstrated very
high removal of cryptosporidium oocysts - most near the media surface Harter et al (2000). It is
not unreasonable to conclude that were the oocysts filtered (removed) in the context of the
A survey of useful methods with which to remove Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts
from drinking water may be found in AERT (1994) where TSSF technology is recognized as
being very effective.
The productivity of a TSSF decreases as the pores at or near the surface of the media become
clogged. TSSF's do not exhibit ‘break through’ of inadequately treated raw water. Filtration
rates simply become unacceptably low. When the filtration rate is too low the filter is cleaned
by removing the top few centimetres of media (including the schmutzdeke if it has formed). The
bacteria and virus removal characteristics recover with development of the biolayer, a process
that might require several days to weeks to complete. It is assumed that removal of parasites is
directly correlated with the reestablishment of the biolayer though reduction of turbidity of
filtered water below 0.5 NTU is considered sufficient (a process known as filtering-to-waste).
As previously mentioned Heller and Ladeira (2006) could not demonstrate the correlation
between low turbidity and parasite removal. It may be that the correlation is accurate for
treatment systems using coagulation, flocculation, clarification and rapid rate granular media
filtration but not slow sand filtration. Because traditional slow sand filters are so difficult to
clean their use is not recommended for filtering water with turbidity greater than 10 NTU or
water containing oxidized iron and manganese (more than 0.3 and 0.05 mg/L respectively).
Note that well operated TSSF's will remove all helminths and parasites, reduce turbidity below
0.5 and remove 95% or more bacteria and viruses. It is important to emphasize that with post
filtration disinfection all bacteria and viruses remaining in the filtered water are destroyed.
Chorine additions to treated water (or water that does not require treatment) are required
throughout North America to the extent that minimum residual chlorine concentrations are
detected at all points-of-use throughout the community being served.
The ability of a slow sand filter to form the biolayer is related to the low surface loading rate,
typically 0.1 to 0.4 m3/h/m2 in combination with use of clean small diameter filter media (d10
between 0.15 and 0.35 mm with uniformity coefficient of 3) and the low operating heads,
approximately 1 m. The use of sub-angular media (such as obtained from crushed rock) is
thought to improve pathogen removal. It is generally believed that the lower the d10 and the
uniformity coefficient the better the filter media will perform. It is also required that the media
meet American Water Works Associate standards for hardness and purity, AWWA – B -100, a
requirement typically achieved by using crushed and washed quartzite or similar materials. It is
important that the filter media not have particles made of soft shale or mud stones high in
oxidized metals. The AWWA Manual of Design for Slow Sand Filtration, Hendricks ed. (1991)
specifies a minimum depth of filter bed, not including the underdrain materials, of between 0.3 to
There are concerns regarding effect of temperature on the performance of TSSF's particularly
water that is near freezing. Raw water temperature will determine the water viscosity and the
colder the water the lower the infiltration rate all other factors being equal but this can be
compensated for by increasing available head for filtration. The principle concern is the effect
very cold temperatures have on biological processes which should be broken in to organism
capture and organism metabolic process. Despite well published experiences indicating failure
of TSSF's to remove parasites, Giardia cysts or Cryptosporidium oocysts, from near freezing
water it is generally agreed that properly designed and operated TSSF's are effective in removing
parasites even when the temperature of the raw water is near freezing Hendricks and Bellamy in
Logsdon ed. (1991).
The Manz Slow Sand Filter (MSSF) adheres to the same design criteria as recommended for
TSSF technology and exhibits the same treatment characteristics as TSSF technology. However,
the MSSF technology can be demand operated and cleaned using a unique backwash system.
The bed of filter media used in a MSSF consists of at least two layers of crushed quartzite (silica)
with effective sizes of 0.15mm and 0.35mm and uniformity coefficients less than 2. The exact
thickness of the two materials is a function of the objective surface loading rate and is
determined by pilot study. The use of crushed quartzite, rather than rounded particles of
quartzite, is preferred as it is reduces the magnitude of backwash flow rates required to fluidize
the filter layers at time of commissioning and in subsequent backwash operations. The depth of
the filtration layer is 0.5 m or as specified by appropriate regulatory agency. The commissioning
process fluidizes both filtering layers and insures that the finest particles (less than 0.15 mm) are
at the media surface to provide superior filtration.
The flow of filtered water is controlled using a ‘weir-type’ outlet system (outlet standpipe)
connected directly to the filter underdrain system. This concept is similar to that used with
traditional slow sand filters. The use of the outlet standpipe insures that the filter bed cannot be
dewatered. The maximum flow from the filter (often specified by regulatory authorities) is
established by the design of the media bed and the provision and adjustment of a production
control valve when the filter is commissioned. During normal operation the flow of water into
the filter and the maximum depth of water over the filter bed are established by mechanical float
valves attached to the raw water inlet pipes within the filter itself insuring that the flow of water
into the filter cannot exceed its production. The erosive power of the water from the raw water
inlet system is eliminated by passing the water from the mechanical float controlled valves into
diffuser basins located above the minimum depth of water in the filter. When the treated water
storage is full the flow of raw water to the MSSF is stopped and the depth of water in the filter is
allowed to drop to a minimum level that allows sufficient oxygen to diffuse to the biolayer to
keep it alive and healthy. The rate of filtered water flow, filter bed design and hydraulic head
loss across the filter bed ensure that the filter will meet water treatment expectations consistent
with that of slow sand filters performing the same treatment function.
The outlet system is also connected to a filtered water supply that is not chlorinated and can be
used for filter backwashing. Once it is determined that filter production is unacceptably low,
(perhaps determined by the examination of sight-glasses permitting observation of water depth in
the filter and outlet head), filter production is isolated and backwash water is allowed into the
underdrain system. An air-vacuum control valve attached to the top of the outlet standpipe
ensures that the filter produces treated water with the outlet under atmospheric pressure and
backwashes under full backwash pump pressure.
The backwash of a MSSF is only intended to thoroughly break up the upper few centimetres of
media (where virtually all of the material is collected), de-gas the media and re-suspend captured
material. As mentioned only filtered water, that has not been chlorinated, is used for backwash.
The flow rate is equal to the minimum backwash flow recommended for start-up of the
backwash process used by rapid sand filters or pressure sand filters, approximately 1 L/s/m2 of
filter surface under less than 5 m of head. Backwash of a MSSF may fluidize and flush the entire
filtering layer as well but much less aggressively than that used by rapid and pressure sand
filters. Wastewater produced by an MSSF is typically less than 1% of filter production.
When the backwash flow is stopped, the fluidized layers in the MSSF collapse into layers
resembling the original filter bed (post commissioning). Remaining backwash water is
‘squeezed’ out and upward from the filter media and the media bed settles cleaned. No untreated
water can enter the media bed. The schmutzdeke will be lost during the backwash process. The
same fine particles that formed the top of the filter media when the filter was commissioned
remain at the top of the media bed after each backwash. These are the same particles that formed
biofilms and constitute the biolayer or active layer. The biolayer is in place after every
backwash - no matter how frequently the backwash is required. The implication is that filter
performance is not temporarily impaired by the backwash process. Removal of pathogens,
The wastewater produced during the backwash process is removed, after allowing the finest
media to settle (about 30 seconds), using perforated pipes located along and attached to the
interior walls of the filter. The holes in the pipe are slightly downward facing to avoid capturing
any of the fluidized media and are located approximately five centimetres above the surface of
the media (all of the water is not removed). The perforated pipes are attached to a siphon
spillway system that also acts as an emergency overflow system. The rate of flow through this
system is controlled by a dedicated waste water flow control valve (not greater than the capacity
to take the wastewater to disposal). A second, waste water operations valve is used to
alternatively prevent flow from the filter until backwash is completed and then opened to
facilitate the siphon evacuation process. The same valve is left open after backwash is
completed to provide emergency overflow protection.
Should the filter develop significant quantities of large, floating debris (not usually a problem if
the filters are covered) it may be necessary to locate troughs slightly above the normal backwash
which would allow surface skimming.
The backwash process used to clean the MSSF is expected to allow use of the same filter bed for
at least ten years. BSF treatment systems that are cleaned using a surface agitation, reverse flow
for degassing and a decant similar to the MSSF have been in operation for more than eight years.
Media is never lost and organic material resulting from sloughing of mature biofilms will be
removed during the backwash process. It is difficult to identify the circumstances where the
filter media used in an MSSF would need to be replaced.
It is advisable to divide the entire filtration plant into equal segments (at least two) that can be
cleaned independently using lower capacity distribution pumps or backwash water head tanks
and produce flow rates and volumes of wastewater that can be economically evacuated and
disposed of through existing sanitary sewers if necessary.
MSSF systems are scalable from a few hundred to several million litres per hour.
Table 1.0 compares the effectiveness, physical and operational characteristics and costs
associated with traditional slow sand filters (TSSF), rapid sand filters (RSF), pressure sand filters
(PSF) and the Manz Slow Sand FilterTM (MSSF).
1. The TSSF and MSSF technologies are very effective in removing pathogens.
2. All types of slow sand filters are very effective at removing inorganic or organic
particulate material with or without pre-treatment. The TSSF is limited because of the
significant effort required to clean it.
The MSSF technology eliminates many of the disadvantages of TSSF while providing for
operation on a demand basis with cleaning using a backwash process. These features suggest
several non-traditional applications for water treatment using slow sand filtration including;
treatment of surface water supplies with high suspended solids loads such as those occurring
seasonally or after rainfall events, administration of a variety of pre- and post-treatments to
remove colloidal clay or natural organic matter (to reduce colour, odour and disinfection by-
products); filter water from waste water treatment plants that have been treated to secondary
standards for disposal or to a quality suitable for reuse in industry or irrigation; and, to treat
water produced in greenhouse applications and food processing applications to a recyclable
The ability to backwash a slow sand filter opens the way to exploit the effectiveness of TSSF to
remove very small particulate matter. Several significant water treatment plants located in the
Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan are using a variation of the MSSF, known as the Manz
Polishing Sand Filter or MPSF, to remove iron, manganese, iron bacteria and hydrogen sulphide
from groundwater (arsenic removal is practical and uncomplicated). There are many other
applications for the MPSF technology, not bound by most regulatory agencies, but simply by
Both the MSSF and MPSF technologies may be inexpensively evaluated using bench scale and
pilot scale studies.
AERT 1994. The Removal and Inactivation of Giardia and Cryptosporidium by the Alberta
Environment Research Trust published by the Western Canada water and Wastewater
Association, Calgary, Alberta.
Campos, Luiza C., Smith, Stephen R. and Graham, Nigel J. D. 2006a. Deterministic-Based
Model of Slow Sand Filtration. I: Model Development, Journal of Environmental Engineering of
the American Society for Civil Engineering, August, pp 872-886.
Campos, Luiza C., Smith, Stephen R. and Graham, Nigel J. D. 2006b. Deterministic-Based
Model of Slow Sand Filtration. II: Model Application , Journal of Environmental Engineering of
the American Society for Civil Engineering, August, pp 872-886.
Harter, Thomas, Wagner, Sonja and Atwill, Edward E. 2000. Colloid Transport and Filtration of
Cryptosporidium parvum in Sandy Soils and Aquifer Sediments, Environ. Sci. Technol: 2000,
34, pp 62 - 70.
Hazen, Allen, 1907. The Filtration of Public Water-Supplies published by John Wiley & Sons,
New York, New York, 321 pages.
Heller, Leo and Ladeira Alves de Brito, Ludmilla 2006. The retention of Cryptosporidium sp.
oocysts at varying depths in slow sand filters: A pilot study, Journal of Water Supply: Research
and Technology - AQUA, 55.3, pp 193 - 206.
Hendricks, David ed. 1991. Manual of Design for Slow Sand Filtration, AWWA Research
Foundation and American Water Works Association, published by the AWWA, Denver, CO.,
247 pages.
Hijnen, W. A. M., Schijven, J. F., Bonne, P., Visser, A., and Medema, G. J. 2004. Elimination
of viruses, bacteria and protozoan oocysts by slow sand filtration, Water Science and
Technology, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp 147-154.
Hijnen, Wim A. M., Dullemont, Yolanda J., Schijven, Jack F., Hanzens-Brouwer, Anke J.,
Rosielle, Martine and Medema, Gertjan 2007. Removal and fate of Cryptosporidium parvum,
Clostridium perfringens and small-sized centric diatoms (Stephanodiscus hantzschii) in slow
sand filters, Water Research 41 (2007) pp 2151-2162.
Huisiman, L and Wood, W. E. 1974. Slow Sand Filtration, published by the World Health
Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 120 pages.
Joubert, E. D. and Pillay, B. 2008. Visualisation of the microbial colonisation of a slow sand
filter using an environmental scanning electron microscope published in Electronic Journal of
Biotechnology ISSN: 0717-3458 Vol.11 No.2, Issue of April 15, 2008. (This paper is available
on line at
DOI: 10.2225/vol11-issue2-fulltext-12 RESEARCH ARTICLE)
Logsdon, Gary S. 1991. Slow Sand Filtration, a report prepared by the Task Committee on Slow
Sand Filtration of the Water Supply Committee of the Environmental Engineering Division of
Logsdon, Gary S. 2008. Water Filtration Practices published by the American Water Works
Association, Denver, CO, 295 pages.
Palmateer, G., Manz, D., Jurkovic, A., McInnis, R., Unger, S., Kwan, K. K. and Dutka, B. J.
1999. Toxicant and Parasite Challenge of Manz Intermittent Slow Sand Filter, Environmental
Toxicology, 14: 217 - 225.
Sobsey, Mark D., Stauber, Christine E., Casanova, Lisa M., Brown, M. and Elliott, Mark A.
2008. Point of Use Household Drinking Water Filtration: A Practical Effective Solution for
Providing Sustained Access to Safe Drinking Water in the Developing World in the Journal of
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42, pp 4261 - 4267.
Turneaure, F. E. and Russell, H. L. 1901. Public Water Supplies published by John Wiley &
Sons, New York, New York, 746 pages.
Traditional Slow Sand Rapid Sand Filter Pressure Sand Filter Manz Slow Sand Filter
Characteristic Filter (PSF) (MSSF)
Effectiveness in
Pathogens Very effective Possible Possible Very effective
Parasites Very effective Not effective Not effective Very effective
Bacteria Very effective Not effective Not effective Very effective
Particulates Very effective and practical Effective as part of conventional Effective as part of conventional Very effective and practical at all
Silt at low turbidity. treatment systems. (These include treatment systems. (These include turbidities. Pre-treatment may be
Clay use of coagulants and clarification use of coagulants and clarification useful.
Organic prior to filtration.) prior to filtration.)
Oxidized Effective but not usually Not sufficiently effective or Not sufficiently effective or Very effective and practical.
Iron practical. normally used. normally used.
Arsenic Not used because pre- Not sufficiently effective or Not sufficiently effective or Very effective and practical with
treatment impractical normally used normally used required pre-treatment
Fluoride Not used because pre- Not sufficiently effective or Not sufficiently effective or Very effective and practical with
treatment impractical normally used normally used required pre-treatment
Dissolved organics Not used because pre- Very effective and practical with Very effective and practical with Very effective and practical with
treatment impractical required pre-treatment required pre-treatment required pre-treatment
Opportunity for Not possible. Normal. Used to indicate need to Normal. Used to indicate need to Not possible.
Breakthrough clean. clean.
Structural Issues
Relative surface area. Very large. Small. Very Small. Large.
Relative height. Deep. Very deep. Shallow. Shallow.
Piping requirements. Minimal. Extensive. Extensive. Minimal.
Engineering and Minimal. Complex. Minimal. Minimal.
Construction complexity.
Relative Production Community scale. Community scale. (Impractical at Small community. (Impractical at Household to community scale.
Capacity Practical small scales.) large scales.)
Relative Operating
and Cleaning Cost
Manpower – skill level Low High. High. Low.
required to successfully
operate filter in long term.
Manpower. Low but can be significant if Low. Low. Very low.
water has high concentration
of suspended solids. (Not
convenient to clean.)
Method of cleaning. Manual scraping. Vigorous backwash usually Vigorous backwash usually Limited backwash intended to clean
automatically initiated with automatically initiated with filter surface layer that may be
filtration to waste. filtration to waste. automatically or manually initiated.
Filter to waste Not required (suspended Required to flush filter media and Required to flush filter media and Not required (suspended solids and
requirements. solids and parasites removed until properly conditioned. until properly conditioned. parasites removed without formation
without formation of of biolayer)
Chemicals in wastewater. Nil, as pre-treatment is not Present because pre-treatment Typically present because pre- Nil, if pre-treatment is not used. Pre-
practical. using coagulants is required to treatment using coagulants is treatment is often not necessary for
achieve system performance. required to achieve system adequate filter performance.
Wastewater generation. Almost nil. Very high. Very high. Very low.
Energy (pumps, etc.) Very low. High. Very high. Low.
Overall cost of Low. High. High. Low.